Re: compare dates in the template language

2006-08-02 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Thu, 2006-08-03 at 04:21 +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there any way to compare two dates in the Django template language?

There is not comparison (beyond equals / not equals) in the template
language at all. Even "ifchanged" is just an equality comparison spread
over a wide area. This is one of those "blurry dividing line" problems:
where do we stop putting the entire programming language in the
template. You just stepped on the line. :-)

> For example, I'd like to if the date variable due_date is before or
> after the current date. The timesince and timeuntil filters work, but
> they seem to require that I know ahead of time the order of the dates
> I'm comparing.

The normal approach is to add a property or a method, say past_due(), to
your object that returns a boolean based on whether the due_date is in
the past or not. Then

{% if object.past_due %}

will work intuitively.


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Re: put some initial data in the db

2006-08-02 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Thu, 2006-08-03 at 14:30 +1000, Alan Green wrote:
> On 8/3/06, Gennan Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > is there any way to put some initial data in the db by using "syncdb"
> > option? Or I need to cook my own??
> Hi Gen,
> You can put code into the file

Wow! A feature I did not know we had. That's the way to do it. :-)


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Re: Should I Just Reinstall?

2006-08-02 Thread Dan Shafer
Malcolm,Thanks for the great, detailed response. I really appreciate it.After reading your note and looking over other stuff I found rummaging about the user list, I decided I had really started down a sort of false-start path. So I did start over with the official version install from the Django site. And I decided to do the official Django tutorial before trying the one at DeveloperWorks. That is going pretty smoothly so far. At least now when I get an error, I can genrally figure out what I've done wrong. I'm using the interactive shell now and things are going much better. (The DevWorks tutorial never mentions this and I think that's part of the problem I was having.)
In any case, I've now finished Part 1 of the tutorial successfully and am launching into Part 2. So far it's making sense but I'm reserving judgment; I got a lot farther than this with Rails before I hit a wall I never did recover from. In this case, I feel a little more confident because I at least know enough Python to read source and detect things that are wrong, which clearly wasn't the case with Ruby.
Thanks again. Great help.Dan Shafer

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Re: put some initial data in the db

2006-08-02 Thread Alan Green

On 8/3/06, Gennan Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> is there any way to put some initial data in the db by using "syncdb"
> option? Or I need to cook my own??

Hi Gen,

You can put code into the file


> Gen
>  >

Alan Green

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compare dates in the template language

2006-08-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Is there any way to compare two dates in the Django template language?

For example, I'd like to if the date variable due_date is before or
after the current date. The timesince and timeuntil filters work, but
they seem to require that I know ahead of time the order of the dates
I'm comparing.


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Re: Should I Just Reinstall?

2006-08-02 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Wed, 2006-08-02 at 20:11 -0700, Dan Shafer wrote:
> Thanks for the note, Malcolm. I remain stymied.
> On 8/2/06, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> If you want to work with an interactive prompt, the easiest
> way is to be 
> inside your project directory (jobs/ in your case, I guess)
> and run
> "./ shell". This will set up DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE
> and append
> the current directory to the Python path for you.
> I did this. I tried it in the /jobs directory and in its parent
> directory /djproject. No luck in either case. In neither case to I get
> an error message, so I assume it runs, but I still get an error
> indicating there is no module called jobs.models.

In one of your directories (is it djproject?) you will have the script that " startproject ..." created. That
is your "project" directory, for the sake of clear communication.
Underneath that you will typically have directories that contain
applications (any maybe other directories for other purposes, but they
are not relevant here).

So, in you project directory, you run " shell", get a Python
prompt and then "from jobs.models import Job" does not work? Is that
what you are saying?

Check that your jobs directory has an file, since that could
cause the error you are seeing if it is missing. Can you run "import
jobs" without an error? If not, then "import jobs.models" is doomed to
failure, so find the simplest case that fails and fix that first.

Can you run "from jobs import models"?

Inside the interactive shell (" shell"), what is the value of
sys.path? It should contain your project directory.

Is jobs.models a file in your case (jobs/ or a directory
containing other files (jobs/models/

What I'm really probing for here is confirmation that you have followed
that tutorial (at [1]) precisely and not started improvising as you go
along. :-)


A couple of other things...

I'm a little bit concerned that your original mail said you set up the
project under django/bin/. I'm hoping you didn't mean inside the source
directory. It would be more logical to have it somewhere well away from
the source (say, your home directory) so that if you update the source
you don't damage any project development you have done.

Note quite sure what problems you were having with the PYTHONPATH, etc.
Basically, the test of whether things are working is, again, at the
interactive prompt somewhere well away from the site-packages/
directory, does "import django" work. If so, you're set. If not, you
have to tweak things until that works. I'm not sure how install
locations on a Mac work or if the egg generated by Django makes sense
(since I don't use eggs), so others on the list will have to help you
with that portion. But it would be helpful if you could at least test
the "import django" bit (and examine what "sys.path" tells you if
"import django" fails).

> BTW, you said, "If you want to work with an interactive prompt." I'm
> actually not as comfortable with the interactive prompt as I'd like to
> be but as far as I can tell from reading both of the tutorials I'm
> trying to figure out, I don't have a choice. At least none is
> mentioned. All the Python learning i've done has been basically in
> IDLE. 

IDLE is essentially just an interactive prompt wrapped in a window. It's
the same thing, just the standard prompt appears in a terminal. So don't
worry about that too much. You don't get some of the fancier features
like typing into a file and then running that directly with the standard
shell, but hopefully that isn't too hard to work around for simple
tutorial purposes.

Are there some particular difficulties you are having?


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Flatpages problem

2006-08-02 Thread Edmund

Newbie question here... I installed Flatpages as per the docs. Then, I
created a flatpage via the admin interface, and also checked that the
SITE_IDs shown matched that in my

But, I get a 404. On tracing through the 404, I see that it is being
raised in ~/django_src/django/shortcuts/ as a result of a
klass.DoesNotExist exception in the get_object_or_404 method.

What does this mean? What have I not done?

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Re: Should I Just Reinstall?

2006-08-02 Thread Dan Shafer
Thanks for the note, Malcolm. I remain stymied.On 8/2/06, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:If you want to work with an interactive prompt, the easiest way is to be
inside your project directory (jobs/ in your case, I guess) and run"./ shell". This will set up DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE and appendthe current directory to the Python path for you.
I did this. I tried it in the /jobs directory and in its parent directory /djproject. No luck in either case. In neither case to I get an error message, so I assume it runs, but I still get an error indicating there is no module called 
jobs.models.BTW, you said, "If you want to work with an interactive prompt." I'm actually not as comfortable with the interactive prompt as I'd like to be but as far as I can tell from reading both of the tutorials I'm trying to figure out, I don't have a choice. At least none is mentioned. All the Python learning i've done has been basically in IDLE.
Sorry to be so dense here. I'm sure this is pre-newbie stuff and I'm just annoying people, but I feel really, really lost in this Django sea.
You could set the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable yourself(it should point to the Python-importable path to your file)if you like. That was the old way you had to do it in Django; it got
tedious very quickly so it was wrapped in a option.Regards,Malcolm>> I searched the mailing list archives and other sites and although it> appears that this is not an uncommon problem, the method of fixing it
> is sufficiently obtuse to me (as one who is somewhat uncomfortable> still with the *nix command line, though at least not terrified of> it!) that I can't quite dope out how to fix it.>>
> I'm loath to move the DJango directory because I've seen that in the> past cause SVN problems that were quite painful. At the same time,> this process of dealing with directories and permissions (somehow
> superuser got involved and now I can't even edit files without> multiple steps involving permission) has been getting in the way of my> learning Django, which after all is my objective.>> So my question is would I be better off: (a) starting with the
> official version rather than SVNing the dev version; and (b) just> blowing away the Django stuff on my system before I have too much of> it and restart, putting Django in a more accessible directory on which
> I have proper permissions? Or am I just missing some little thing that> someone could tell me how to fix easily and I'd be back in the> clover?>> Thanks for helping someone whose problem is probably not completely
> Django-specific.> --> ~~> Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author>
>>> >-- ~~Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Authorhttp://www.shafermedia.comGet my book, "Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought"

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Re: method as default field option

2006-08-02 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Wed, 2006-08-02 at 18:41 -0700, bernie2004 wrote:
> i would really like to know if there is a way around getting
> the same values when adding new entries through the admin
> when using defaults like those:
> models.CharField( default=random.randint(1,1000) )
> or
> models.CharField( default=time.time() )
> or in other words:
> is there any way to insert by default a unique value into a field from
> the model-side?

The reason you are getting the same values all the time is because the
random.randint(1,1000) and time.time() calls are being evaluated when
the CharFiueld instance is created, which is at your model *class*
creation time (i.e. import time, essentially). Not when you create a
model instance.

What you want is to pass in a callable for the default value (not the
result of calling the callable, which is what you are doing now). See for an

Another way to do this would be to create the value as part of your
save() method, if it was dependent on other things. But for a simple
thing like time.time, just using a callable default will do.

Realise that for your random.randint case, you will need to create a
function that returns a new value in the range when it is called. You
could use

lambda: random.randint(1, 1000)

and it should work.


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Re: Weird slowdown with dev server behind nat

2006-08-02 Thread DavidA

Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> Um, Dave? The original poster was using the development server. Apache
> doesn't get a seat at the table here. :-)

Er ... in my best Emily Litella impression: "Never mind"

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method as default field option

2006-08-02 Thread bernie2004

i would really like to know if there is a way around getting
the same values when adding new entries through the admin
when using defaults like those:

models.CharField( default=random.randint(1,1000) )
models.CharField( default=time.time() )

or in other words:
is there any way to insert by default a unique value into a field from
the model-side?


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Re: runserver throws error message

2006-08-02 Thread neuruss

Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> So the error is saying it can't find in your project's
> directory. Is it there?

Yes, it is

> Can you, inside the project directory, start a Python prompt and
> successfully run "import settings"?

 Yes, I can.

> Is there anything you've forgotten to tell us? You really did just do
> " startproject site", then "cd site", edit a couple of
> lines inside and then " runserver"?

No, I didn't edit any line.
The tutorial doesn't say anything about editing lines (at least not at
this stage...) :

What am I supposed to do?

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Re: Is AJAX Alone Reason to Use TG?`

2006-08-02 Thread James Bennett

On 8/2/06, gabor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> django does not force you to use the django-templating-system (you can
> use myghty/zope-tal/whatever instead), but it clearly recommends the
> django-templating-system, and that's the system which is the most
> tested/streamlined/documented/developed.

I'm not convinced that the analogy holds; to me, officially endorsing
a particular JS toolkit would be like re-wiring the template system to
favor a particular version of HTML. Just as the choice of HTML or
XHTML and which version to use is best left to a case-by-case basis,
the choice of which JS toolkit to use is best left to a case-by-case

> as David H. Hanssen wrote :
> "Flexibility is overrated. Constraints are liberating"

Ehh... all due respect to DHH and the Rails folks, just quoting them
doesn't make a sound argument in my book; there needs to be something
more to back up the point the quote is trying to make.

Consider an auto mechanic; in his toolbox, he'll have screwdrivers,
ratchets and wrenches with adaptable/interchangeable bits for handling
different sizes of screws, bolts and other fasteners. Now imagine a
tool manufacturer coming by the garage one day; he says to the
mechanic, "you should throw away all your other tools and buy our new
Wonder-Tool 3000! It only comes in one size and only handles one type
of fastener, but think how liberating that constraint will be!"

The mechanic would think this guy was insane.

And, to make a better analogy, a web developer is like an auto
mechanic; we may be called upon to build all sorts of different
sites/applications, and different tools might be the right choices for
different jobs. Having a toolbox which intentionally gives you a "one
size fits all, don't take on projects that this can't handle"
mentality leaves you hobbled and unable to work as effectively.

> the same way i would like to see a "recommended" javascript library.

OK, I recommend that you use whichever JS library best suits your purposes :)

"May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house."
  -- George Carlin

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Re: put some initial data in the db

2006-08-02 Thread Gennan Chen
Thanks! Joe and Russ. I plan to do it this way. I am pretty new to django. So, i really don't want to mess it too much, such as create my own manger etc... Gen On Aug 2, 2006, at 4:45 PM, Joseph Heck wrote:You might just consider using the model objects, or even the default manipulators, to create your base objects. That's exactly what we did, and have both "" and "" as a part of our build & testing process. At the start, we just have the model imports and away we go. It's not build in to the framework, but it's not hard to use either.-joeOn 8/2/06, Gennan Chen < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   Thanks for help. I did feel this hook is kind of strange since the whole idea of using model/DB API is to avoid writing SQL script. Since initial info I need to put in is some system info (such as host name, ip address...), which are not fixed, I intend to write another py file to do that instead of generating SQL dynamically. However, can I override class's __init__ function? Or I need to create a customized Manager for that??  Gen On Aug 2, 2006, at 3:38 PM, Malcolm Tredinnick wrote: On Wed, 2006-08-02 at 14:52 -0700, Gennan Chen wrote: Hi! is there any way to put some initial data in the db by using "syncdb"option? Or I need to cook my own??,Malcolm

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Japanese translation of docs are now up to 0.95

2006-08-02 Thread Yasushi Masuda

Dear Django users,

I'm happy to announce that I just have finished updating Japanese
translation of all django docs come with django distribution, for
release 0.95 (SVN revision 3491).

Translated docs are published on my site: .
You may also access translation status for individual doc at wiki page: .


Yasushi Masuda

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Re: drag & drop for admin-interface

2006-08-02 Thread arthur debert

Hi Patrick.

I've been planing to implement this, but haven't found the time to. I
know code speaks louder than words... but I've done some thought over
this and would like to share my opinions.

> 1. right now, you can drag & drop table rows within the change-list.
> NOT every action is stored immediately (to the database) - instead you
> ´re having two buttons (SAVE/CANCEL) at the bottom of the page. after
> you´re finished with dragging stuff around you may click SAVE - then,
> the page reloads ...
> question: would you prefer instant saving?
live saving would be nice, but it opens up a few problems. I think
having a 'batch' save will avoid many headaches.
> 2. the table-column which is affected is currently named "position" -
> any other suggestions?
hm.. I am -1 on this one.
Ideally you would be able to specify in your model if you want it to be
draggable and with which field.

let's say you've got these models
class SlideShow(Model):
title = CharField(maxlength=60)

class Slide(Model):
slideshow = ForeignKey(SlideShow)
image = ImageField(upload_to='some_dir')
order = IntegerField()

class Admin:
draggable_by = 'order'

It would probably be cleaner  to set this in the Admin inner class.
It would make it easer to integrate legacy dbs and also avoid name
Also this would make it explicit, which is good.

> 3. within the change-list, you´re probably having filters and other
> stuff which is not necessary for DnD-action. would you prefer a
> button "REORDER" at the top of the page (e.g. within the object-
> tools) which links to another page specifically designed for DnD-
> stuff. if so, any ideas on how to get that button for certain tables
> (because not every table needs reordering)? e.g. with extending class
> admin?
I'm not in favor of having another page for this. Too cumbersome. Maybe
if the model specifies it allows dragging you could on top (or bottom)
of the change-list table have a text that says "Drag rows to reorder".
Once you have a successful drop you could hide that text(with js) and
change it to your buttons "SAVE ORDER" "REVERT ORDERING"(or something
like that).
> 4. do you prefer dragging the whole table-row or do you prefer having
> a button for dragging (e.g. within the last column on the right hand
> side)?
I am +1 on the whole row.
> any other suggestions/feedback?

> ### after the first drag, you are not able to click the link for the
> detail-page anymore. I´m not sure if this is a bug or if it´s
> intended. either way, also not good. having that in mind, it´d
> probably be better to have a different page for reordering (see above).
How are you handling events? Maybe if you use event bubbling you can
check if the click came from the details link and suppress dragging in
that case?

Thanks for getting this rolling...

cheers arthur

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Re: drag & drop for admin-interface

2006-08-02 Thread David Robinson

patrickk wrote:
> see

>> On Wed, 2006-08-02 at 19:50 +0200, patrickk wrote:
>>> I´m just doing some dojo DnD-stuff for the django admin-interface.
>>> ...
>>> question: would you prefer instant saving?

The thing that I wasn't clear about was whether you were asking about 
our preferences rhetorically, as in what do we think people in general 
might prefer, or if you were planning to fix something for us and wanted 
to make sure your solution was the best fit. My own expectation is that 
we'll just add dnd (or whatever other ajax-y extras) ourselves when it 
will be helpful - there are enough idiosyncracies in each case that a 
custom solution seems to make the most sense.

I can't speak for adding drag-and-drop functionality to the built-in 
admin interface since we haven't tried that yet, but you can read about 
our no-frills instance of a Dojo drag-and-drop list at  That example is for an administrative 
page that we ended up building ourselves rather than tweaking the 
built-in admin pages.


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Re: Protecting files

2006-08-02 Thread Derek Hoy

Sorry, this doesn't help with your problem with Apache, but Lighttpd has this:


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Re: runserver throws error message

2006-08-02 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Wed, 2006-08-02 at 23:30 +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm just following the Django tutorial, and I'm having trouble before
> even getting started...
> I created a new project, switched to the project's directory and typed
> " runserver". This is the error I got:

So the error is saying it can't find in your project's
directory. Is it there?

Can you, inside the project directory, start a Python prompt and
successfully run "import settings"?

Is there anything you've forgotten to tell us? You really did just do
" startproject site", then "cd site", edit a couple of
lines inside and then " runserver"?

Basically, this shouldn't be happening, so there is something simple
going on here. Bear with us whilst we ask the seemingly obvious
questions and it should be solvable. :-)


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Re: put some initial data in the db

2006-08-02 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Wed, 2006-08-02 at 16:17 -0700, Gennan Chen wrote:
> Thanks for help. I did feel this hook is kind of strange since the
> whole idea of using model/DB API is to avoid writing SQL script. 
> Since initial info I need to put in is some system info (such as host
> name, ip address...), which are not fixed, I intend to write another
> py file to do that instead of generating SQL dynamically. However, can
> I override class's __init__ function? Or I need to create a customized
> Manager for that?? 

Ah, now I understand what you're asking. You're right: you don't need to
do that via custom SQL. You could just create model instances containing
the correct information and then save them to the database. Basically,
you would need to write your own little version of so that it
ran the syncdb code and then ran your python script (or you could do it
via a shell script if you don't mind mixing languages a little bit).

The initial SQL is great for setting up the database-layer. But if you
do need to do some computation or other Python work, then you might as
well, as you suggest, use the Python interface to do this.


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Re: put some initial data in the db

2006-08-02 Thread Russell Keith-Magee
On 8/3/06, Gennan Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks for help. I did feel this hook is kind of strange since the whole idea of using model/DB API is to avoid writing SQL script. The other good reason to avoid this is that SQL inserts are somewhat DB specific. My reading is that the original intent of the SQL insert feature is to allow table-level modification (
e.g., manually changing column restrictions), rather than data insertion. 

Since initial info I need to put in is some system info (such as host name, ip address...), which are not fixed, I intend to write another py file to do that instead of generating SQL dynamically. However, can I override class's __init__ function? Or I need to create a customized Manager for that?? 
This is an area I hope to do some work on RSN. An ability to populate the database is required for testing purposes, but the ideas I'm playing with wouldn't be testing specific - there would be an option to set up a script that is executed at time of syncdb.
In the meantime, a .sql file is the only option that will be automatically added at syncdb. However, this doesn't mean you can't write a simple '' script that containsa1 = Author(name='Fred') logic, and run that script manually when you need to populate the database.Yours,Russ Magee %-)

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Re: put some initial data in the db

2006-08-02 Thread Don Arbow

On Aug 2, 2006, at 4:17 PM, Gennan Chen wrote:
> Thanks for help. I did feel this hook is kind of strange since the
> whole idea of using model/DB API is to avoid writing SQL script.

Umm, nope:


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Re: drag & drop for admin-interface

2006-08-02 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

Hey Patrick,

On Thu, 2006-08-03 at 01:26 +0200, patrickk wrote:
> see

I managed to work out that you were implementing some sort of sortable
table. :-) Unfortunately, that doesn't fill in enough details to help me
answer the questions you were asking. Some questions I have:

- How were you intending this to be used in the admin? For a specific
type of field? Or everywhere there is a table, or...? This isn't just an
"ask the obvious" question: I have one case where I've had to make an
orderable model (a list of images showing changes over time) and I
didn't use the admin interface for that. Your addition would be useful
in that sort of case, but is that all you're thinking of?

- It sounds like you want another database column to store the ordering,
but that is surely a property of the model (the model instances need to
be orderable), so it should be a specific field in the model that the
user has defined, shouldn't it? Why is the column name an admin
property, rather than part of a normal model field?

- If I accidently drop a row in the wrong place, or decide that the
shuffling was just plain wrong, is there some way to "go back" to an
earlier state? With normal form submission delineated changes, there are
specific checkpoints that make up a change and we can usually go back to
at least the last change. With "immediate apply", what are the
possibilities for undoing mistakes?

Without seeing the implementation, I would also think about:

- Does wrapping every tr in a tbody element make things really bad for
screen readers or other linearisation needs?

- Links suddenly stopping working, as you mentioned in your post, could
be a bit of an annoyance (again, I'm not sure of the intended use case,
so hard to tell for sure).

It will probably be easier to give concrete feedback after you post a
code patch. Certainly sounds interesting (the image reordering case is
one where this might be useful).

Best wishes,

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Re: Is AJAX Alone Reason to Use TG?`

2006-08-02 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Thu, 2006-08-03 at 01:25 +0200, patrickk wrote:
> the django-user (in this case) IS the one who´s writing the code, of  
> course.

I understand that a person can be both a user and a developer, but that
has nothing to do with what I wrote. My point was (and still is) that
how the admin interface is implemented has nothing to do with how my app
is implemented. When I am developing my app, I am not developing the
admin interface, so how it works is mostly irrelevant.


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-~--~~~~--~~--~--~--- runserver throws error message

2006-08-02 Thread neuruss

Hi everyone,

I'm just following the Django tutorial, and I'm having trouble before
even getting started...

I created a new project, switched to the project's directory and typed
" runserver". This is the error I got:

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrador\Escritorio\site>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Documents and
Settings\Administrador\Escritorio\site\", line
 11, in ?
"c:\python24\lib\site-packages\Django-0.95-py2.4.egg\django\core\manageme", line 1319, in execute_manager
execute_from_command_line(action_mapping, argv)
"c:\python24\lib\site-packages\Django-0.95-py2.4.egg\django\core\manageme", line 1237, in execute_from_command_line
from django.utils import translation
tion\", line 3, in ?
if settings.USE_I18N:
.py", line 27, in __getattr__
.py", line 54, in _import_settings
self._target = Settings(settings_module)
.py", line 82, in __init__
raise EnvironmentError, "Could not import settings '%s' (Is it on
Does it have syntax errors?): %s" % (self.SETTINGS_MODULE, e)
EnvironmentError: Could not import settings 'site.settings' (Is it on
Does it have syntax errors?): No module named settings

Any hint?

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Re: put some initial data in the db

2006-08-02 Thread Joseph Heck
You might just consider using the model objects, or even the default manipulators, to create your base objects. That's exactly what we did, and have both "" and "" as a part of our build & testing process. At the start, we just have the model imports and away we go.
It's not build in to the framework, but it's not hard to use either.-joeOn 8/2/06, Gennan Chen <

Thanks for help. I did feel this hook is kind of strange since the whole idea of using model/DB API is to avoid writing SQL script. Since initial info I need to put in is some system info (such as host name, ip address...), which are not fixed, I intend to write another py file to do that instead of generating SQL dynamically. However, can I override class's __init__ function? Or I need to create a customized Manager for that?? 
Gen On Aug 2, 2006, at 3:38 PM, Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
On Wed, 2006-08-02 at 14:52 -0700, Gennan Chen wrote: Hi!
is there any way to put some initial data in the db by using "syncdb"option? Or I need to cook my own??,Malcolm

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group.  To post to this group, send email to  To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  For more options, visit this group at  -~--~~~~--~~--~--~--- runserver throws error message

2006-08-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi everyone,

I'm just following the Django tutorial, and I'm having trouble before
even getting started...

I created a new project, switched to the project's directory and typed
" runserver". This is the error I got:

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrador\Escritorio\site>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Documents and
Settings\Administrador\Escritorio\site\", line
 11, in ?
"c:\python24\lib\site-packages\Django-0.95-py2.4.egg\django\core\manageme", line 1319, in execute_manager
execute_from_command_line(action_mapping, argv)
"c:\python24\lib\site-packages\Django-0.95-py2.4.egg\django\core\manageme", line 1237, in execute_from_command_line
from django.utils import translation
tion\", line 3, in ?
if settings.USE_I18N:
.py", line 27, in __getattr__
.py", line 54, in _import_settings
self._target = Settings(settings_module)
.py", line 82, in __init__
raise EnvironmentError, "Could not import settings '%s' (Is it on
Does it have syntax errors?): %s" % (self.SETTINGS_MODULE, e)
EnvironmentError: Could not import settings 'site.settings' (Is it on
Does it have syntax errors?): No module named settings

Any hint?

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"Django users" group.
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Re: Is AJAX Alone Reason to Use TG?`

2006-08-02 Thread patrickk

the django-user (in this case) IS the one who´s writing the code, of  

Am 03.08.2006 um 00:52 schrieb Malcolm Tredinnick:

> On Wed, 2006-08-02 at 21:45 +0200, patrickk wrote:
> [...]
>> 3. Unless I´m very much mistaken, there´s already some development
>> going on - in order to provide AJAX (Dojo) for the Admin-Interface.
>> Since most of the django-users (I guess) will use the Admin-
>> Interface, they probably won´t switch to another js-toolkit for their
>> site ... well, at least I won´t.
> That argument doesn't really fly too far with me, because you are
> talking about two different contexts.
> If I am doing something with "AJAX" (man, I hate the word -- it's so
> completely non-specific what I am actually doing), I am going to be
> writing code, using a Javascript library (maybe), working on HTML.
> If I'm using the Admin interface, I'm a *user*. I'm not developing the
> Admin interface (in this scenario), so how it works can be  
> sufficiently
> advanced as to appear like magic to me. I don't insist that every web
> page I view uses the same Javascript toolkit, because it honestly  
> makes
> no difference to the user experience. Even within the set of "things
> built on Django" that restriction doesn't really add a lot.
> Malcolm
> >

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Re: drag & drop for admin-interface

2006-08-02 Thread patrickk


Am 03.08.2006 um 00:46 schrieb Malcolm Tredinnick:

> Hi Patrick,
> On Wed, 2006-08-02 at 19:50 +0200, patrickk wrote:
>> I´m just doing some dojo DnD-stuff for the django admin-interface.
>> so far, everything works fine ... I just have a couple of questions
>> concerning your preferences before I submit my code.
>> 1. right now, you can drag & drop table rows within the change-list.
>> NOT every action is stored immediately (to the database) - instead  
>> you
>> ´re having two buttons (SAVE/CANCEL) at the bottom of the page. after
>> you´re finished with dragging stuff around you may click SAVE - then,
>> the page reloads ...
>> question: would you prefer instant saving?
> It's not clear what you are actually implementing, so hard to say. In
> user interface design (not completely the same, but we can draw some
> parallels), "instant apply" is good wherever possible (but there are
> cases where it's a very bad idea), but you should always have a cancel
> or reset possibility as well.
> If you have instant saving and I realise I've made a mistake (e.g. my
> finger slipped off the mouse and I dropped in the wrong spot), how  
> do I
> recover from the error?
>> 2. the table-column which is affected is currently named "position" -
>> any other suggestions?
> Anything requiring adding an extra column to a table is generally
> frowned upon (for a start, it doesn't work well with legacy  
> tables). Or
> is this some opt-in feature? In any case, unless you are in complete
> control of the table, you should provide a way to customise the column
> name in case it clashes.
> Again, a slight lack of specifics make it hard to answer your  
> questions.
> Regards,
> Malcolm
> >

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Re: put some initial data in the db

2006-08-02 Thread Gennan Chen
 Thanks for help. I did feel this hook is kind of strange since the whole idea of using model/DB API is to avoid writing SQL script. Since initial info I need to put in is some system info (such as host name, ip address...), which are not fixed, I intend to write another py file to do that instead of generating SQL dynamically. However, can I override class's __init__ function? Or I need to create a customized Manager for that?? Gen On Aug 2, 2006, at 3:38 PM, Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:On Wed, 2006-08-02 at 14:52 -0700, Gennan Chen wrote: Hi!is there any way to put some initial data in the db by using "syncdb"option? Or I need to cook my own??,Malcolm  

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group.  To post to this group, send email to  To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  For more options, visit this group at  -~--~~~~--~~--~--~---

Re: Weird slowdown with dev server behind nat

2006-08-02 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Wed, 2006-08-02 at 14:01 +, DavidA wrote:
> Akatemik wrote:
> > > In my experience, when you encounter non-obvious but fairly consistant 
> > > slow
> > > downs in net traffic, the first thing to check is DNS.
> > >
> > > In this case, I'd make sure that each of the DNS cache servers that the 
> > > client
> > > consults to resolve the address of your server can perform both a forward 
> > > and
> > > reverse lookup of your server's name an IP.
> > >
> > > Conversely, make sure the server isn't being slowed down by failed 
> > > attempts at
> > > reverse lookups on the client.
> >
> > You are correct, if I add the client machine to /etc/hosts on django
> > server, everything is smooth. However I find quite odd that the server
> > does a separate reverse dns checks for every GET it gets even in the
> > same connection...
> Turn this off in your Apache httpd.conf with:
> HostnameLookups off
> It was defaulted to on in older versions of Apache to make the logs
> more readable but impacts performance (as you well know).

Um, Dave? The original poster was using the development server. Apache
doesn't get a seat at the table here. :-)


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Re: Should I Just Reinstall?

2006-08-02 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Wed, 2006-08-02 at 14:24 -0700, Dan Shafer wrote:
> I'm now starting to build one or two tutorial projects in Django in my
> final phase evaluation of it and TurboGears. In preparation, I checked
> out of SVN the current trunk and ran through the setup/install
> process. I'm on OS X 10.4.7, by the way, and trying to run this
> locally with MySQL as the db.
> When I installed Django, it ended up in a deeply buried directory on
> my system, but I guess it's the one where Python packages tend to go
> (/Library/Python/2.3/site-packages/Django- 0.95-y2.3.egg/django). I
> have created a project in django/bin called djproject (following one
> tutorial at IBM's DeveloperWorks) and have struggled through the setup
> and initialization stuff. I have successfully set up my new database
> and have reached the point where I'm supposed to run syncdb. Along the
> way, I've had to do a lot of futzing with command-line parameters
> because (it appears at least) the Django install didn't properly set
> up the PYTHONPATH environment variable for me. Still, I've managed to
> get this far. 
> Now when I type at a Python prompt:
> from jobs.models import Job
> from within the /djproject/jobs directory, I get a "No module named
> jobs.models" error. So I move up to the parent directory (see above
> about fiddling with directory locations) and I try the same command
> and this generates a Python error: 
> EnvironmentError: Environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is
> undefined.

If you want to work with an interactive prompt, the easiest way is to be
inside your project directory (jobs/ in your case, I guess) and run
"./ shell". This will set up DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE and append
the current directory to the Python path for you.

You could set the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable yourself
(it should point to the Python-importable path to your file)
if you like. That was the old way you had to do it in Django; it got
tedious very quickly so it was wrapped in a option.


> I searched the mailing list archives and other sites and although it
> appears that this is not an uncommon problem, the method of fixing it
> is sufficiently obtuse to me (as one who is somewhat uncomfortable
> still with the *nix command line, though at least not terrified of
> it!) that I can't quite dope out how to fix it. 
> I'm loath to move the DJango directory because I've seen that in the
> past cause SVN problems that were quite painful. At the same time,
> this process of dealing with directories and permissions (somehow
> superuser got involved and now I can't even edit files without
> multiple steps involving permission) has been getting in the way of my
> learning Django, which after all is my objective. 
> So my question is would I be better off: (a) starting with the
> official version rather than SVNing the dev version; and (b) just
> blowing away the Django stuff on my system before I have too much of
> it and restart, putting Django in a more accessible directory on which
> I have proper permissions? Or am I just missing some little thing that
> someone could tell me how to fix easily and I'd be back in the
> clover? 
> Thanks for helping someone whose problem is probably not completely
> Django-specific.
> -- 
> ~~
> Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
> > 

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Re: Is AJAX Alone Reason to Use TG?`

2006-08-02 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Wed, 2006-08-02 at 21:45 +0200, patrickk wrote:
> 3. Unless I´m very much mistaken, there´s already some development  
> going on - in order to provide AJAX (Dojo) for the Admin-Interface.  
> Since most of the django-users (I guess) will use the Admin- 
> Interface, they probably won´t switch to another js-toolkit for their  
> site ... well, at least I won´t.

That argument doesn't really fly too far with me, because you are
talking about two different contexts.

If I am doing something with "AJAX" (man, I hate the word -- it's so
completely non-specific what I am actually doing), I am going to be
writing code, using a Javascript library (maybe), working on HTML.

If I'm using the Admin interface, I'm a *user*. I'm not developing the
Admin interface (in this scenario), so how it works can be sufficiently
advanced as to appear like magic to me. I don't insist that every web
page I view uses the same Javascript toolkit, because it honestly makes
no difference to the user experience. Even within the set of "things
built on Django" that restriction doesn't really add a lot.


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Re: drag & drop for admin-interface

2006-08-02 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

Hi Patrick,

On Wed, 2006-08-02 at 19:50 +0200, patrickk wrote:
> I´m just doing some dojo DnD-stuff for the django admin-interface.
> so far, everything works fine ... I just have a couple of questions  
> concerning your preferences before I submit my code.
> 1. right now, you can drag & drop table rows within the change-list.  
> NOT every action is stored immediately (to the database) - instead you 
> ´re having two buttons (SAVE/CANCEL) at the bottom of the page. after  
> you´re finished with dragging stuff around you may click SAVE - then,  
> the page reloads ...
> question: would you prefer instant saving?

It's not clear what you are actually implementing, so hard to say. In
user interface design (not completely the same, but we can draw some
parallels), "instant apply" is good wherever possible (but there are
cases where it's a very bad idea), but you should always have a cancel
or reset possibility as well.

If you have instant saving and I realise I've made a mistake (e.g. my
finger slipped off the mouse and I dropped in the wrong spot), how do I
recover from the error?

> 2. the table-column which is affected is currently named "position" -  
> any other suggestions?

Anything requiring adding an extra column to a table is generally
frowned upon (for a start, it doesn't work well with legacy tables). Or
is this some opt-in feature? In any case, unless you are in complete
control of the table, you should provide a way to customise the column
name in case it clashes.

Again, a slight lack of specifics make it hard to answer your questions.


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Re: put some initial data in the db

2006-08-02 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Wed, 2006-08-02 at 14:52 -0700, Gennan Chen wrote:
> Hi!
> is there any way to put some initial data in the db by using "syncdb"
> option? Or I need to cook my own??



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Re: put some initial data in the db

2006-08-02 Thread Sean

You could try this:


Gennan Chen wrote:
> Hi!
> is there any way to put some initial data in the db by using "syncdb"
> option? Or I need to cook my own??
> Gen
> >

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Re: Is AJAX Alone Reason to Use TG?`

2006-08-02 Thread gabor

James Bennett wrote:
> On 8/2/06, patrickk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> 3. Unless I´m very much mistaken, there´s already some development
>> going on - in order to provide AJAX (Dojo) for the Admin-Interface.
>> Since most of the django-users (I guess) will use the Admin-
>> Interface, they probably won´t switch to another js-toolkit for their
>> site ... well, at least I won´t.
> That's actually something that really worries me; Dojo is very nice,
> but it's *not* the best toolkit for any given job you throw at it, and
> I'd hate to see someone refuse to try a better solution for their
> project simply because "I only use what the Django admin app uses".
> Django should be about making it easier for developers to do their
> jobs, not about telling developers how to do their jobs.

hmmm.. why don't consider ajax the same way as let's say the templating 

django does not force you to use the django-templating-system (you can 
use myghty/zope-tal/whatever instead), but it clearly recommends the 
django-templating-system, and that's the system which is the most 

and i think this is very important.

as David H. Hanssen wrote :
"Flexibility is overrated. Constraints are liberating"

(yes, yes, not the brightest idea to quote a RoR developer here :-))

basically it's a good thing, that if i want to create a webapp with 
django, there is a RECOMMENDED configuration with a RECOMMENDED urlconf, 
a RECOMMENDED templating system and a RECOMMENDED orm. which i will 
surely use, and only plug in something else if the default/recommended 
components are not enough.

the same way i would like to see a "recommended" javascript library.


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Re: What is the proper way to apply a patch to the release version

2006-08-02 Thread SmileyChris

I've found it easy enough to use TortoiseSVN to create patches.

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put some initial data in the db

2006-08-02 Thread Gennan Chen
Hi!is there any way to put some initial data in the db by using "syncdb" option? Or I need to cook my own?? Gen 
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group.  To post to this group, send email to  To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  For more options, visit this group at  -~--~~~~--~~--~--~---

Should I Just Reinstall?

2006-08-02 Thread Dan Shafer
I'm now starting to build one or two tutorial projects in Django in my final phase evaluation of it and TurboGears. In preparation, I checked out of SVN the current trunk and ran through the setup/install process. I'm on OS X 
10.4.7, by the way, and trying to run this locally with MySQL as the db.When I installed Django, it ended up in a deeply buried directory on my system, but I guess it's the one where Python packages tend to go (/Library/Python/2.3/site-packages/Django-
0.95-y2.3.egg/django). I have created a project in django/bin called djproject (following one tutorial at IBM's DeveloperWorks) and have struggled through the setup and initialization stuff. I have successfully set up my new database and have reached the point where I'm supposed to run syncdb. Along the way, I've had to do a lot of futzing with command-line parameters because (it appears at least) the Django install didn't properly set up the PYTHONPATH environment variable for me. Still, I've managed to get this far.
Now when I type at a Python prompt:from jobs.models import Jobfrom within the /djproject/jobs directory, I get a "No module named jobs.models" error. So I move up to the parent directory (see above about fiddling with directory locations) and I try the same command and this generates a Python error:
EnvironmentError: Environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is undefined.I searched the mailing list archives and other sites and although it appears that this is not an uncommon problem, the method of fixing it is sufficiently obtuse to me (as one who is somewhat uncomfortable still with the *nix command line, though at least not terrified of it!) that I can't quite dope out how to fix it.
I'm loath to move the DJango directory because I've seen that in the past cause SVN problems that were quite painful. At the same time, this process of dealing with directories and permissions (somehow superuser got involved and now I can't even edit files without multiple steps involving permission) has been getting in the way of my learning Django, which after all is my objective.
So my question is would I be better off: (a) starting with the official version rather than SVNing the dev version; and (b) just blowing away the Django stuff on my system before I have too much of it and restart, putting Django in a more accessible directory on which I have proper permissions? Or am I just missing some little thing that someone could tell me how to fix easily and I'd be back in the clover?
Thanks for helping someone whose problem is probably not completely Django-specific.-- ~~Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group.  To post to this group, send email to  To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  For more options, visit this group at  -~--~~~~--~~--~--~---

Re: Is AJAX Alone Reason to Use TG?`

2006-08-02 Thread Alan Green

On 8/3/06, Dan Shafer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  The second major factor in my design is the need for AJAX componentry and
> in that regard, at least, it *seems* TG has a strong upper hand, though it
> could clearly be implemented with some effort in Django. Can anyone address
> the degree of difficulty or level of effort involved in incorporating, say,
> the YUI library, for example, into Django in a sufficiently seamless way
> that I could Ajax-ify the components in my designs without jumping through
> too many hoops? Or have I perhaps just missed something valuable in my
> exploration of Django that suggests this isn't even a problem?

With just a few week's Django experience, I'm finding it
straight-forward to integrate Dojo into my application. Django gives
you all the tools you need to get the right bit of Javascript onto the
page at the right time and its simplejson module makes short work of
servicing AJAX requests.

The only hoop I've had to jump through with AJAX is relearning the DOM
- I have dabbled in DHTML previously, but the functionality I'm now
implementing requires more than dabbling.

Alan Green

On 8/3/06, Dan Shafer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've spent the last few days looking intently at both Django and TG. I
> haven't yet built anything useful in either, but i've poked at them enough
> that I think I'm beginning to see through the fog, however dimly.
>  My plan for the next six months is to create 4-6 substantial Web
> applications which will all be variations on a single theme. IOW, I
> anticipate lots of code and component reuse. On this point, it at least
> *seems* to me I'd be better served by Django than by TG, though I've asked
> on that list for some reactions.
>  The second major factor in my design is the need for AJAX componentry and
> in that regard, at least, it *seems* TG has a strong upper hand, though it
> could clearly be implemented with some effort in Django. Can anyone address
> the degree of difficulty or level of effort involved in incorporating, say,
> the YUI library, for example, into Django in a sufficiently seamless way
> that I could Ajax-ify the components in my designs without jumping through
> too many hoops? Or have I perhaps just missed something valuable in my
> exploration of Django that suggests this isn't even a problem?
> --
> ~~
> Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
> l
>  >

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Re: Is AJAX Alone Reason to Use TG?`

2006-08-02 Thread James Bennett

On 8/2/06, patrickk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1. It´s about certainty (which is not so important if you´re certain
> about your js-toolkit; I´ve been playing around with different
> toolkits for about half a year - and I´m still not sure which ones
> better for me ...)

With all due respect, this sounds more like a process problem; figure
out what you need from the JS toolkit you're going to use, and go with
the one which most closely fits those requirements. For me, depending
on the project, that tends to bounce between YUI and Dojo.

> 2. Most important: It´s about sharing code, adopting solutions and
> making development faster.

I'm somewhat suspicious of this, because I think that the JS toolkits
have already genericized "AJAX UI" about as far as it can be
genericized; UI components tend to be reusable and "shareable" only at
a fairly high level (e.g., "select box that autocompletes based on a
list of data", "calendar table which allows date selection", etc.),
and that ground's been covered pretty thoroughly at this point by the

What would be far, far more useful and important would be building up
a repository of AJAX "design patterns" which include examples from
whatever toolkit the author was using, but are more about a high-level
view of different types of interaction and explain how the server side
of things needs to work to support them.

> 3. Unless I´m very much mistaken, there´s already some development
> going on - in order to provide AJAX (Dojo) for the Admin-Interface.
> Since most of the django-users (I guess) will use the Admin-
> Interface, they probably won´t switch to another js-toolkit for their
> site ... well, at least I won´t.

That's actually something that really worries me; Dojo is very nice,
but it's *not* the best toolkit for any given job you throw at it, and
I'd hate to see someone refuse to try a better solution for their
project simply because "I only use what the Django admin app uses".
Django should be about making it easier for developers to do their
jobs, not about telling developers how to do their jobs.

"May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house."
  -- George Carlin

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Re: Is AJAX Alone Reason to Use TG?`

2006-08-02 Thread patrickk

agreement and contradiction ...

> * Write your view, and if it needs to respond to XMLHttpRequests, have
> it serialize the response to XML or JSON. The tools in
> django.core.serializers make this extremely easy -- simplejson is
> bundled, so you can dump pretty much any Python data structure to
> JSON, and we provide serializers for converting Django model instances
> to JSON and/or XML.
> * Pick a JS toolkit (Dojo and YUI are my favorites) and write the
> front-end code to interact with your view(s).
> Really. That's all there is to it.

Agree. It´s really easy to do AJAX with Django (and ... I´m not a  
programmer at all).

> I've taken a lot of flak for this, but I have always maintained, and
> always will maintain, that this is just about all Django -- the
> framework -- should be doing. The only other thing I'd like to see,
> and we've already thrown around drafts of how it would work, is a "web
> services"-style API which would generically expose access to Django
> models for any sort of remote call, be it XMLHttpRequest or whatever.

I´d love to see that ...

> I've gone on at length in my blog about hte reasoning behind this, but
> it really comes down to just a few things:
> 1) There are plenty of really, really good JavaScript toolkits being
> given away for free right now, and I don't think Django should favor
> one or be opinionated about which one you should use; we should just
> make it as easy as possible for *any* of them to talk to a
> Django-powered backend.

Not so sure about this one. There are other good frameworks, but we  
choose Django to work with.
So what´s the advantage to favor a js-toolit?
1. It´s about certainty (which is not so important if you´re certain  
about your js-toolkit; I´ve been playing around with different  
toolkits for about half a year - and I´m still not sure which ones  
better for me ...)
2. Most important: It´s about sharing code, adopting solutions and  
making development faster.
3. Unless I´m very much mistaken, there´s already some development  
going on - in order to provide AJAX (Dojo) for the Admin-Interface.  
Since most of the django-users (I guess) will use the Admin- 
Interface, they probably won´t switch to another js-toolkit for their  
site ... well, at least I won´t.

> 2) Tools that try to "helpfully" generate JavaScript calls for you are
> brittle and may not save as much time as you think.
> 3) All too often, they're used not for their actual benefits, but
> because someone doesn't want to learn and/or write JavaScript. My
> personal opinion is that certain types of laziness are good to have in
> a developer (because they result in better, reusable, modular code),
> but that this is not one of them.

Again - I agree with 2) and 3)


> -- 
> "May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house."
>   -- George Carlin
> >

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Re: Using form manipulator for data in multiple models

2006-08-02 Thread Chris Long

Not sure if this is of any help

Create a manipulator with the form fields, doesn't matter if they are
for two different models just make sure to remember the name. If you
want to prepopulate the fields, you might have to fill in the data
dictionary before creating the formwrapper and passing the dictionary
to the formwrapper.

You will have to override the save method in the manipulator and pull
the data from the data dictionary and create the separate objects the
same as normal.

It's probably not the greatest way of doing things, but I'm not sure if
there are any generic methods to do similiar


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Re: Protecting files

2006-08-02 Thread Bill de hÓra

Todd O'Bryan wrote:
> Part of my webapp will include a place for users to upload files that  
> they can save on the server. I teach high school, and this is mostly  
> designed as a way for students to quickly upload files so that they  
> can transfer them from home to school and vice versa.
> What I don't understand is how, if the files are saved in the local  
> filesystem and served by Apache, how do I control access to the files  
> so that only users who should be able to access them can? In other  
> words, Bobby uploads a file which I save to the server's filesystem.  
> Bobby should then be able to get access to the file, and since I give  
> a link to the URL, sure enough, he can. But what's to stop Susie from  
> figuring out the URL and requesting the same file?
> Am I just missing something basic here?

Groups. If Bobby and Suzie can't see each others files, give them a 
group each. Make it so each group is bound to a folder; configure apache 
as follows:

using DjangoPermissionName to allocate/fake a group. Don't use an apache 
.group file or you'll have to manage perms in 2 places.


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Re: VMWare image for running/developing Django

2006-08-02 Thread Matthijs

Personally I use a custom uniform server
( which is basically a
zip-file that you unpack on your Win32 windows system, and you're ready
to django.
This way you get apache2/mysql/phpmyadmin/etc. and django running in no

To me that seems easier than running VMware. but I guess VMware is
platform independent?

If more people are interested in a uniform server zip, I just need a
place to host it.

Kind regards,

Joseph Heck wrote:
> I was fiddling with a VMWare image for running and developing Django with
> the intention of posted the results up for anyone to use, and I got myself
> tied all in knots. So let me ask the community: what would be the most
> useful:
> 1) a light VMWare image (couple hundred Mb) that was completely command-line
> and had the basic components (Django, Python, sqlite3) set up so that anyone
> could quick run a dev instance
> or
> 2) a fuller linux image (600Mb+) that had a GUI and perhaps some development
> tools (SPE, Vim, Emacs, etc) in addition to the basic components.
> or something yet further afield?
> -joe
> --=_Part_77279_14995814.1154450440176
> Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
> X-Google-AttachSize: 640
> I was fiddling with a VMWare image for running and developing Django with the 
> intention of posted the results up for anyone to use, and I got myself tied 
> all in knots. So let me ask the community: what would be the most useful:
> 1) a light VMWare image (couple hundred Mb) that was completely 
> command-line and had the basic components (Django, Python, sqlite3) set up so 
> that anyone could quick run a dev instanceor2) a fuller linux 
> image (600Mb+) that had a GUI and perhaps some development tools (SPE, Vim, 
> Emacs, etc) in addition to the basic components.
> or something yet further afield? -joe
> --=_Part_77279_14995814.1154450440176--

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Re: Is AJAX Alone Reason to Use TG?`

2006-08-02 Thread Jeremy Jones

Frommy experience with TG and Django, which the TG side may be a bit
dated, the only upper hand that TG may have is that 1) TG includes
MochiKit and 2) in TG, you just change a decorator to get a jsonified
object from a controller rather than HTML.  As others have chimed in,
including MochiKit is simple.  And you can create your own decorators
to do repetitive stuff like pass your dictionary to render_to_response
and if you do, you could just switch out the decorator to do a
jsonified dict rather than HTMLhrmmmI might have to try

- jmj

On Wed, 2 Aug 2006 11:22:26 -0700
"Dan Shafer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've spent the last few days looking intently at both Django and TG. I
> haven't yet built anything useful in either, but i've poked at them
> enough that I think I'm beginning to see through the fog, however
> dimly.
> My plan for the next six months is to create 4-6 substantial Web
> applications which will all be variations on a single theme. IOW, I
> anticipate lots of code and component reuse. On this point, it at
> least *seems* to me I'd be better served by Django than by TG, though
> I've asked on that list for some reactions.
> The second major factor in my design is the need for AJAX componentry
> and in that regard, at least, it *seems* TG has a strong upper hand,
> though it could clearly be implemented with some effort in Django.
> Can anyone address the degree of difficulty or level of effort
> involved in incorporating, say, the YUI library, for example, into
> Django in a sufficiently seamless way that I could Ajax-ify the
> components in my designs without jumping through too many hoops? Or
> have I perhaps just missed something valuable in my exploration of
> Django that suggests this isn't even a problem?

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Using form manipulator for data in multiple models

2006-08-02 Thread Mikeal Rogers


In nearly every POST i get the data needs to be broken up and either  
modify or create more than one model.

I was hoping to still be able to use the model manipulators for this  
but all the documentation seems to be very single form/post == single  
model manipulation.

I'm wondering if there is some more generic methods in the  
manipulator or other facilities to break up values over post, etc.


PS. A manipulator doc like the model doc would be really handy,  
outlining all the methods and uses. At the very least docstrings on  
the methods in the manipulator could help considerably :)

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Re: Is AJAX Alone Reason to Use TG?`

2006-08-02 Thread James Bennett

On 8/2/06, Dan Shafer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  The second major factor in my design is the need for AJAX componentry and
> in that regard, at least, it *seems* TG has a strong upper hand, though it
> could clearly be implemented with some effort in Django. Can anyone address
> the degree of difficulty or level of effort involved in incorporating, say,
> the YUI library, for example, into Django in a sufficiently seamless way
> that I could Ajax-ify the components in my designs without jumping through
> too many hoops? Or have I perhaps just missed something valuable in my
> exploration of Django that suggests this isn't even a problem?

Apologies if this feels like it's directed at you, but I see the myth
of "Django can't do AJAX" a lot, and I think we have to dispel it.

Doing AJAX with Django is stupid easy. I'm a bit busy at the moment,
but I've published a simple working example (using YUI) and I'm in the
process of writing up all the aspects of how it works. The gist of it
is this:

* Write your view, and if it needs to respond to XMLHttpRequests, have
it serialize the response to XML or JSON. The tools in
django.core.serializers make this extremely easy -- simplejson is
bundled, so you can dump pretty much any Python data structure to
JSON, and we provide serializers for converting Django model instances
to JSON and/or XML.
* Pick a JS toolkit (Dojo and YUI are my favorites) and write the
front-end code to interact with your view(s).

Really. That's all there is to it.

I've taken a lot of flak for this, but I have always maintained, and
always will maintain, that this is just about all Django -- the
framework -- should be doing. The only other thing I'd like to see,
and we've already thrown around drafts of how it would work, is a "web
services"-style API which would generically expose access to Django
models for any sort of remote call, be it XMLHttpRequest or whatever.

I've gone on at length in my blog about hte reasoning behind this, but
it really comes down to just a few things:

1) There are plenty of really, really good JavaScript toolkits being
given away for free right now, and I don't think Django should favor
one or be opinionated about which one you should use; we should just
make it as easy as possible for *any* of them to talk to a
Django-powered backend.

2) Tools that try to "helpfully" generate JavaScript calls for you are
brittle and may not save as much time as you think.

3) All too often, they're used not for their actual benefits, but
because someone doesn't want to learn and/or write JavaScript. My
personal opinion is that certain types of laziness are good to have in
a developer (because they result in better, reusable, modular code),
but that this is not one of them.

"May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house."
  -- George Carlin

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Re: Is AJAX Alone Reason to Use TG?`

2006-08-02 Thread James Bennett

On 8/2/06, Jay Parlar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You'll have to wait for the second part to see the complete
> implementation, but he makes it look pretty easy so far.

Or just read the code in the example page :)

It's taking a bit longer than I'd anticipated to write up the full
exegesis, but that's because I'm trying to make it as accessible as
possible to people who've never done asynchronous/event-driven
programming before and need to introduce some of the concepts

"May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house."
  -- George Carlin

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Re: Is AJAX Alone Reason to Use TG?`

2006-08-02 Thread Adrian Holovaty

On 8/2/06, Dan Shafer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  The second major factor in my design is the need for AJAX componentry and
> in that regard, at least, it *seems* TG has a strong upper hand, though it
> could clearly be implemented with some effort in Django. Can anyone address
> the degree of difficulty or level of effort involved in incorporating, say,
> the YUI library, for example, into Django in a sufficiently seamless way
> that I could Ajax-ify the components in my designs without jumping through
> too many hoops? Or have I perhaps just missed something valuable in my
> exploration of Django that suggests this isn't even a problem?

The latter: This isn't even a problem. As Elver Loho has written on
this mailing list: "What stops you from using Mochikit and JSON with
Django? It's like saying that you can't order ice-cream at McDonald's,
because it's not part of the Happy Meal you're eating."

Simply put, you can use any JavaScript library you want with Django.


Adrian Holovaty |

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Re: Is AJAX Alone Reason to Use TG?`

2006-08-02 Thread Jay Parlar

On 8/2/06, Dan Shafer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  My plan for the next six months is to create 4-6 substantial Web
> applications which will all be variations on a single theme. IOW, I
> anticipate lots of code and component reuse. On this point, it at least
> *seems* to me I'd be better served by Django than by TG, though I've asked
> on that list for some reactions.

Can't speak on TG, but Django is definitely great at this.

>  The second major factor in my design is the need for AJAX componentry and
> in that regard, at least, it *seems* TG has a strong upper hand, though it
> could clearly be implemented with some effort in Django. Can anyone address
> the degree of difficulty or level of effort involved in incorporating, say,
> the YUI library, for example, into Django in a sufficiently seamless way
> that I could Ajax-ify the components in my designs without jumping through
> too many hoops? Or have I perhaps just missed something valuable in my
> exploration of Django that suggests this isn't even a problem?

You may want to take a look at James Bennett's most recent blog

He shows the steps you have to take, and even better for you, he uses YUI.

You'll have to wait for the second part to see the complete
implementation, but he makes it look pretty easy so far.

Jay P.

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Re: Is AJAX Alone Reason to Use TG?`

2006-08-02 Thread Chris Long

It's not very hard to integrate AJAX into Django, it is a bit more
manual then TG (from what I've read). But with the AJAX frameworks out
there, writing the javascript is far from hard.

James has a blog article on AJAX and Django:

As well, the wiki has some AJAX snippets and examples.


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Is AJAX Alone Reason to Use TG?`

2006-08-02 Thread Dan Shafer
I've spent the last few days looking intently at both Django and TG. I
haven't yet built anything useful in either, but i've poked at them
enough that I think I'm beginning to see through the fog, however dimly.

My plan for the next six months is to create 4-6 substantial Web
applications which will all be variations on a single theme. IOW, I
anticipate lots of code and component reuse. On this point, it at least *seems* to me I'd be better served by Django than by TG, though I've asked on that list for some reactions.
The second major factor in my design is the need for AJAX componentry
and in that regard, at least, it *seems* TG has a strong upper hand,
though it could clearly be implemented with some effort in Django. Can anyone address the degree of difficulty or level of effort involved in incorporating, say, the YUI library, for example, into Django in a sufficiently seamless way that I could Ajax-ify the components in my designs without jumping through too many hoops? Or have I perhaps just missed something valuable in my exploration of Django that suggests this isn't even a problem?
-- ~~Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Authorhttp://www.shafermedia.coml

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drag & drop for admin-interface

2006-08-02 Thread patrickk

I´m just doing some dojo DnD-stuff for the django admin-interface.
so far, everything works fine ... I just have a couple of questions  
concerning your preferences before I submit my code.

1. right now, you can drag & drop table rows within the change-list.  
NOT every action is stored immediately (to the database) - instead you 
´re having two buttons (SAVE/CANCEL) at the bottom of the page. after  
you´re finished with dragging stuff around you may click SAVE - then,  
the page reloads ...
question: would you prefer instant saving?

2. the table-column which is affected is currently named "position" -  
any other suggestions?

3. within the change-list, you´re probably having filters and other  
stuff which is not necessary for DnD-action. would you prefer a  
button "REORDER" at the top of the page (e.g. within the object- 
tools) which links to another page specifically designed for DnD- 
stuff. if so, any ideas on how to get that button for certain tables  
(because not every table needs reordering)? e.g. with extending class  

4. do you prefer dragging the whole table-row or do you prefer having  
a button for dragging (e.g. within the last column on the right hand  

any other suggestions/feedback?

some notes:
### I had to put every tr within a tbody, which is not very nice ...  
but dojo DnD requires that.
### after the first drag, you are not able to click the link for the  
detail-page anymore. I´m not sure if this is a bug or if it´s  
intended. either way, also not good. having that in mind, it´d  
probably be better to have a seperate page for reordering (see above).

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Two entries in a Manipulator.

2006-08-02 Thread Gabriel Puliatti

Hey, I'm trying to upload a file. However, I have two fields, one
which is the file and the other one which is called togroups. However,
reading the forms documentation I did not find a way to add two items,
just one.

The relevant code is here.

And this is the error that is print()ed.
{'togroup': ['This field is required.']}

Wagner's music is better than it sounds. -- Mark Twain

Gabriel Puliatti

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Re: runserver tracebacks on each HTTP-call

2006-08-02 Thread dummy


I have to correct me a little.

I can now tell you that the errors occure only on the admin pages, when the 
cursor moves very fast over the action icons 'edit' and 'add'. The symbols 
sometimes didn't display in the mouse-over state.

And they appear if I go click-by-click to list of users lists and edit of a 


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Re: runserver tracebacks on each HTTP-call

2006-08-02 Thread dummy


thanks for some hints. I can now tell you that the errors occure only on the 
admin pages, when the cursor moves very fast over the action icons 'edit' and 
'add'. The symbols sometimes didn't display in the mouse-over state.

The application/admin does work. Maybe the error is in the handling of 
mouse-over image loading ?


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Re: best way to include subdirectory as part of templates/ views?

2006-08-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This might be wrong, but from my work on Django and reading the docs.

If you have a URL conf file like:
urlpatterns = patterns('',
(r'^articles/2003/$', 'news.views.special_case_2003'),

It should work when you have the url or if you

In views and templates, the only way I know of doing them relative is
to use a lot of "../". Probably can create a context processor to have
a variable that would contani the root of the django application, if
you want to go that route.


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Re: Distribute Django program to run on a local computer

2006-08-02 Thread Rob Hudson

I've made a little more progress this morning...

I created a run script to start up Django without needed to edit directly.  With this run script I can add other features
later.  Here's the gist of it.  (Quotes is my test app I created)

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys, os

from Quotes.manage import *
# We can also pass in host:port info to start server on.
# Possibly add checks to see if port is open already and increment
# to next one for the case of >1 app running simultaneously.
execute_manager(settings, ['','runserver'])

# NOTE: execute_manager takes over script control.  If we want to
# fire up a browser window we need to do that in another thread.
# Now that server is running, open web browser?
#import webbrowser

Some other notes: My directory structure is:
(all of the source of Django)
Quotes/ (my app)

My file is simply this:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from distutils.core import setup
import py2app


Running this command to build py2app and include a few modules that it
told me it was missing:

python py2app

Executing the resulting "" from the dist directory gives me the
following error:

Validating models...
Unhandled exception in thread started by 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "django/core/management.pyc", line 1039, in inner_run
  File "django/core/management.pyc", line 1003, in validate
  File "django/core/management.pyc", line 815, in get_validation_errors
  File "django/db/__init__.pyc", line 18, in ?
OSError: [Errno 20] Not a directory:

It looks like it started fine (the validating models...), but then got
caught up in the database stuff.  I'll take a deeper look but that's
about all the time I can spend on this today.

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Re: Full Text Search w/ MySQL

2006-08-02 Thread Adam Endicott

Nice work John, good stuff.

Do any of the core devs see this as a candidate for inclusion in

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Re: 'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'user'

2006-08-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Does your template context processor contain:


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best way to include subdirectory as part of templates/ views?

2006-08-02 Thread Chris Kelly

Hey all,

long time lurker, first time poster. I want to say thanks for this
great framework, I am really loving developing with/ getting the hang
of it.

I am in the process of building my first major django app, and I have
run into an issue that I think I can chalk up to unfamiliarity with the

I may in the future want to distribute my app via an installer/ project
install setup page, and allow people to specify a subdirectory of their
web site to install said app into, e.g:

Or, they may want to just install it in the root of Either
way, I want to enable my templates/ views to be able to handle this
subdirectory without modifying the templates/ views for every case.

What is the best way to set and retrieve some sort of variable/ setting
such that I can properly include any subdirectory the django app is
installed in, so all of my paths are correct in my template and in my
views where I specify urls?

Right now I am thinking this would be best accomplished by a
templatetag/ filter. Am I on the right track here?

Thanks in advance, and apologies if this is spelled out in black and
white in the docs (slow morning ;))


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'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'user'

2006-08-02 Thread Tyson Tate

I've been running the latest SVN of Django on my production server  
under Apache and FCGI. Occasionally, I've been getting error e-mails  
like so:

Traceback (most recent call last):

   File "/home/ohgoditb/django_src/django/core/handlers/",  
line 74, in get_response
 response = callback(request, *callback_args, **callback_kwargs)

   File "/home/ohgoditb/django_src/django/views/generic/",  
line 10, in direct_to_template
 return render_to_response(template, {'params' : kwargs},  

   File "/home/ohgoditb/django_src/django/template/", line  
97, in __init__

   File "/opt/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/core/", line 17, in auth

AttributeError: 'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'user'

In the variable dump  I've  
noticed the following line:

'HTTP_USER_AGENT': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT  
5.1; Badass scanned your page!)',

Does anyone have any ideas what, exactly, that is and how I can  
prevent it from sending me error e-mails? (Of course, I'd love to  
just block anyone with a "MSIE" in their user-agent string, but I  
guess that's not going to actually solve my problem :) Also, Looking  
at some old tickets, it looks like people had issues with this using  
user authentication on their site and fixed it by having  
"'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware'," in their  
MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES setting, but that isn't working for me.


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Re: Weird slowdown with dev server behind nat

2006-08-02 Thread DavidA

Akatemik wrote:
> > In my experience, when you encounter non-obvious but fairly consistant slow
> > downs in net traffic, the first thing to check is DNS.
> >
> > In this case, I'd make sure that each of the DNS cache servers that the 
> > client
> > consults to resolve the address of your server can perform both a forward 
> > and
> > reverse lookup of your server's name an IP.
> >
> > Conversely, make sure the server isn't being slowed down by failed attempts 
> > at
> > reverse lookups on the client.
> You are correct, if I add the client machine to /etc/hosts on django
> server, everything is smooth. However I find quite odd that the server
> does a separate reverse dns checks for every GET it gets even in the
> same connection...

Turn this off in your Apache httpd.conf with:

HostnameLookups off

It was defaulted to on in older versions of Apache to make the logs
more readable but impacts performance (as you well know).


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Re: Protecting files

2006-08-02 Thread Adrian Holovaty

On 8/2/06, Max Sinelnikov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No, you couldn't. Bobby can upload to this directory, Sussie can upload to
> this directory, so Sussie can pass Django authorization with her own
> login/password and can download all files. The right way is to serve files
> in a directory which is not Apache-accessile as offered by Nebojsa Dordevic.

Ah, you're right -- the Django Apache authentication thing wouldn't
work for this case at face value. Still, you could use that auth
handler as the foundation for a custom handler, which would check
permissions on a per-file basis.


Adrian Holovaty |

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[White-paper] Full Text Search w/ MySQL

2006-08-02 Thread John Sutherland

Hi all,

I just wanted to let you know about a white-paper written by one of
the guys in my office.

"Extending Django's database API to include full-text search"

We spent a little bit of time coming up with some generic search code
that we could use on our most recent work and thought the
community would benefit from our work.

Enjoy, and keep your eyes peeled for more of the same in coming months.

Cheers, John


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Re: What is the proper way to apply a patch to the release version

2006-08-02 Thread Jay Parlar

SVN doesn't (I believe) offer the ability to apply outside patches.
Instead, you'll have to do what we do in the Unix world, use the
"patch" program.

You can find a Windows version of it here:

This program takes the patch file and applies it to your Django
install. Note that since this is Python, you don't need to "compile
the changes".

Jay P.

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Re: Project when using multiple sites

2006-08-02 Thread Jay Parlar

On 8/2/06, Ian Holsman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 4 steps.
> 1. copy the to
> 2. add a site_id via the admin tool
> 3.  configure, changing the cookie name, SITE_ID, and
> SECRET_KEY as above
> 4. clone your httpd.conf with so that it uses on your host.

Perfect. These steps (and the SESSION_COOKIE_NAME) are exactly what
I've been looking for. Thanks Ian.

Jay P.

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Re: Weird slowdown with dev server behind nat

2006-08-02 Thread Akatemik

> In my experience, when you encounter non-obvious but fairly consistant slow
> downs in net traffic, the first thing to check is DNS.
> In this case, I'd make sure that each of the DNS cache servers that the client
> consults to resolve the address of your server can perform both a forward and
> reverse lookup of your server's name an IP.
> Conversely, make sure the server isn't being slowed down by failed attempts at
> reverse lookups on the client.

You are correct, if I add the client machine to /etc/hosts on django
server, everything is smooth. However I find quite odd that the server
does a separate reverse dns checks for every GET it gets even in the
same connection...

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Re: Django source editing offtopic

2006-08-02 Thread Kenneth Gonsalves

On 02-Aug-06, at 4:14 AM, toth anna wrote:

> Sorry for boring the list with a slightly offtopic question.
> I saw that many of you are using a Mac. (i used it perhaps
> twice in my life)
> Last week i needed to edit several python files on a MiniMac
> (without net, b), and i used "built-in" editor of
> macosx. Not was so comfortable.
> What are you using for editing sources?




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Re: Myghty Templates in Django - ver. 1

2006-08-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks :)
Wikified here:

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Re: Linking to admin interface

2006-08-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Re: Using a session variable in templates

2006-08-02 Thread Phil Powell

That sounds like just the thing I need - to hook into every request
and inject into the context dictionary.  Will give it a try.  Thanks

> Context processors might work:
> Chris
> >

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Re: Linking to admin interface

2006-08-02 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Wed, 2006-08-02 at 02:53 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I would like to make a link to the admin for certain objects on the
> public page, so that someone who has the acces rights, can click the
> link, log in, and fix whatever he wants fixed. Is there an easy way to
> do this, like a get_admin_url() or something?

The edit page for an item will be /admin///
(replacing the relevant bits in <..>). That is assuming your top-level sends /admin/ to the admin interface, of course.

Given an object, you can construct the relevant URL using:

id =
model_name = object.__class__.__name__.lower()
app_name = object._meta.app_label


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Linking to admin interface

2006-08-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I would like to make a link to the admin for certain objects on the
public page, so that someone who has the acces rights, can click the
link, log in, and fix whatever he wants fixed. Is there an easy way to
do this, like a get_admin_url() or something?

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Re: Protecting files

2006-08-02 Thread Max Sinelnikov
No, you couldn't. Bobby can upload to this directory, Sussie can upload to this directory, so Sussie can pass Django authorization with her own login/password and can download all files. The right way is to serve files in a directory which is not Apache-accessile as offered by Nebojsa Dordevic.
2006/8/1, Adrian Holovaty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
On 8/1/06, Todd O'Bryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> What I don't understand is how, if the files are saved in the local> filesystem and served by Apache, how do I control access to the files
> so that only users who should be able to access them can? In other> words, Bobby uploads a file which I save to the server's filesystem.> Bobby should then be able to get access to the file, and since I give
> a link to the URL, sure enough, he can. But what's to stop Susie from> figuring out the URL and requesting the same file?You could use Apache to serve the files while authenticating againstDjango's user database. Check out the docs here:

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Re: Having trouble with views

2006-08-02 Thread Tomas Jacobsen

Yes! That worked. Woho!! Thank you Malcolm and Martin!

The next step is getting the detail view of each project to work. Do I
need to write a new view for that, or can I use django generic view?

My urls looks like this now: = list all my projects = list all projects inside the
given category

Now I want a url like this:

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2006-08-02 Thread nesh

reported to abuse.

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Re: VMWare image for running/developing Django

2006-08-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please post a link when you get the image online, I would love to give
it a spin.


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2006-08-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Real Estates

At Real Estate, assisting you discover your home is just the starting.
>From financing to linking with utilities to remodeling and beyond, we
can facilitate.  Real Estate Real Estate is a full-service real estate
company with a recognized reputation for helping clients in all stages
of business development. More than a decade of experience, representing
buyers and sellers, tenants as well as owners.  Apart from operations,
we offer consulting, marketing and research, leasing, and strategic
planning services. We have worked on all type of land properties like
commercial, residential, agricultural, industrial, Grazing, Equestrian,
Farm, Woods, Beach, Riverside and buildings like office, , Godown,
Independent house, Flats, Apartment, Bungalow, Factory, Shop, Row
House, Villa, Penthouse, sheds and much more. Our basic services are:

Appraisal - Professional valuation services i.e., Assisting buyers and
sellers in transactions
Property management - Managing a property for its owner(s)
Development - Improving land for use by adding or replacing buildings
Real estate marketing - Managing the sales side of the property
Relocation services - Relocating people or business to different


Appraisals - Residential or Commercial
Counseling and Consulting
Expert Witness Testimony
Litigation Preparation
Feasibility Studies
Market Analysis
Market Rent & Trend Studies
Tax Assessment Review
Advice or Zoning Testimony
Appraisal Process
Comparative Market Analysis - an estimate of the home's value compared
with others
Facilitating a Purchase - guiding a buyer through the process.
Facilitating a Sale - guiding a seller through the selling process.
FSBO document preparation - preparing necessary paperwork for "Sale By
Owner" sellers.
Full Residential Appraisal
Home Selling Kits - guides to how to market and sell a property.
Hourly Consulting for a fee, based on the client's needs.
MLS Marketing Service - entering the property in the MLS system for a
flat fee or percentage.

For example

Home Buying Whether you're merely thinking of purchasing a new home
or else ready to make your move, we're now to make your home buying
development a great one. We handle all types of properties from
vacation homes to extraordinary properties. And we can assist you
finance and secure your home.

Home Selling If you're selling your home, it means your tenure
experience has previously begun. If you used us to buy your home,
we're glad to share this part of the trip with you. If not, welcome
to the beginning of something brand new. From basic tips for selling
your home to accepting an offer and beyond, we can guide you through
the process of selling your home, and even make it fun.

Our appraisal process is an orderly and concise method of reaching an
estimate of value that includes

Definition of the problem,
Preliminary survey and appraisal plan,
Data collection and analysis,
Application of the three approaches to value
Market Data Approach
Cost Approach
Income Approach
Reconciliations of value indications
Final estimate of defined value

Property Management

We manage and rent all kinds of commercial & residential properties
from single-family homes to multiple units such as: duplexes,
townhouses to apartments and condominiums.  Our company has a complete
staff from movers, cleaners, landscapers to repair and handymen, right
up to master tradesmen. Our clients benefit from considerable
repair/expense savings as a result. Our phones are answered 24 hours a
day for all emergencies. A complete monthly statement is made
documenting all expenses and income.

Rentals - We are associated with various major local
companies/industries for relocations and term/contract employees. We
also promote using all local newspapers, Internet and our website. Our
widespread database is updated regularly. We also offer third party
and/or one time rental service.
Rental Renovations & Repairs - We are competent of handling all
repairs, maintenance and emergencies as required due to our complete
staff. We can also do upgrades and home renovations too!
Landlord Paralegal Services - We have a complete paralegal department.
We have accessible to us an individual who is undoubtedly in the top 5%
providing paralegal services to (landlords only). All paralegal
services are handled in office in a timely cost efficient manner;
therefore no expensive lawyers or wasted time on improperly prepared We
also do considerable work for non-management and third party
collections including property seizure, garnishment and small claims
court actions.
Leasing If you wish to supervise your rental property yourself, our
Leasing Services Department can register your property for rent and
screen applicants. During our screening process, we validate
employment, rental history, credit history, and court history. You are
then ready to make an informed business decision and place the right
tenant in your property.


2006-08-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Real Estates

At Real Estate, assisting you discover your home is just the starting.
>From financing to linking with utilities to remodeling and beyond, we
can facilitate.  Real Estate Real Estate is a full-service real estate
company with a recognized reputation for helping clients in all stages
of business development. More than a decade of experience, representing
buyers and sellers, tenants as well as owners.  Apart from operations,
we offer consulting, marketing and research, leasing, and strategic
planning services. We have worked on all type of land properties like
commercial, residential, agricultural, industrial, Grazing, Equestrian,
Farm, Woods, Beach, Riverside and buildings like office, , Godown,
Independent house, Flats, Apartment, Bungalow, Factory, Shop, Row
House, Villa, Penthouse, sheds and much more. Our basic services are:

Appraisal - Professional valuation services i.e., Assisting buyers and
sellers in transactions
Property management - Managing a property for its owner(s)
Development - Improving land for use by adding or replacing buildings
Real estate marketing - Managing the sales side of the property
Relocation services - Relocating people or business to different


Appraisals - Residential or Commercial
Counseling and Consulting
Expert Witness Testimony
Litigation Preparation
Feasibility Studies
Market Analysis
Market Rent & Trend Studies
Tax Assessment Review
Advice or Zoning Testimony
Appraisal Process
Comparative Market Analysis - an estimate of the home's value compared
with others
Facilitating a Purchase - guiding a buyer through the process.
Facilitating a Sale - guiding a seller through the selling process.
FSBO document preparation - preparing necessary paperwork for "Sale By
Owner" sellers.
Full Residential Appraisal
Home Selling Kits - guides to how to market and sell a property.
Hourly Consulting for a fee, based on the client's needs.
MLS Marketing Service - entering the property in the MLS system for a
flat fee or percentage.

For example

Home Buying Whether you're merely thinking of purchasing a new home
or else ready to make your move, we're now to make your home buying
development a great one. We handle all types of properties from
vacation homes to extraordinary properties. And we can assist you
finance and secure your home.

Home Selling If you're selling your home, it means your tenure
experience has previously begun. If you used us to buy your home,
we're glad to share this part of the trip with you. If not, welcome
to the beginning of something brand new. From basic tips for selling
your home to accepting an offer and beyond, we can guide you through
the process of selling your home, and even make it fun.

Our appraisal process is an orderly and concise method of reaching an
estimate of value that includes

Definition of the problem,
Preliminary survey and appraisal plan,
Data collection and analysis,
Application of the three approaches to value
Market Data Approach
Cost Approach
Income Approach
Reconciliations of value indications
Final estimate of defined value

Property Management

We manage and rent all kinds of commercial & residential properties
from single-family homes to multiple units such as: duplexes,
townhouses to apartments and condominiums.  Our company has a complete
staff from movers, cleaners, landscapers to repair and handymen, right
up to master tradesmen. Our clients benefit from considerable
repair/expense savings as a result. Our phones are answered 24 hours a
day for all emergencies. A complete monthly statement is made
documenting all expenses and income.

Rentals - We are associated with various major local
companies/industries for relocations and term/contract employees. We
also promote using all local newspapers, Internet and our website. Our
widespread database is updated regularly. We also offer third party
and/or one time rental service.
Rental Renovations & Repairs - We are competent of handling all
repairs, maintenance and emergencies as required due to our complete
staff. We can also do upgrades and home renovations too!
Landlord Paralegal Services - We have a complete paralegal department.
We have accessible to us an individual who is undoubtedly in the top 5%
providing paralegal services to (landlords only). All paralegal
services are handled in office in a timely cost efficient manner;
therefore no expensive lawyers or wasted time on improperly prepared We
also do considerable work for non-management and third party
collections including property seizure, garnishment and small claims
court actions.
Leasing If you wish to supervise your rental property yourself, our
Leasing Services Department can register your property for rent and
screen applicants. During our screening process, we validate
employment, rental history, credit history, and court history. You are
then ready to make an informed business decision and place the right
tenant in your property.

Re: Uploading?

2006-08-02 Thread Jeremy Dunck

If this isn't true:
#   if request.POST:
then errors is not assigned.

On 8/2/06, Gabriel Puliatti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey, I've been trying to do an uploading page, where users can upload a
> file, outside of the admin panel, of course.
> I follow, but I end
> up getting
> "local variable 'errors' referenced before assignment"
> All the code is here: if needed.
> Thanks.
> >

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2006-08-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BPO BAY BPO Services

BPO Bay BPO Service is the momentous strategic business annex and
investment to date. BPO Bay universal association base consists of
nearly 300 clients, including 21 Fortune 500 organizations and
prospective outsourcing industries like IT / I.S / Insurance/ Financial
Services / Retail.  BPO Bay BPO Services offers a wider range of
Voice/Web base Contact and Front Office Services that extent
Collections, Sales & Marketing, Technical Help Desk and Customer Care.
Well trained Associates under experienced supervision and tough quality
standards deliver services that constantly meet customer expectations
and Process SLA's.

·   Accounting and Bookkeeping services BPO Bay is providing support
for a wide array of banking and financial services products and
services. We deliver multiple processes from multiple locations and act
as a node in our clients' global processing centers. Our strong
adherence federal and state rules and stringent compliance to processes
and systems have brought best in class quality performance across the
client enterprises.
o   Accounting Data Entry
o   Accounts Payable
o   Invoicing & Accounts Receivable
o   Fixed Assets and GL Accounting
o   Payroll Processing
o   Bank & Account Reconciliation
o   Month End Closing
o   Year End Accounting
o   Prepare and analyze monthly Financial Statements
o   Analyze variance
o   Prepare cash flow projections
o   Tax Returns for individuals & businesses
o   Financial Management
o   Liaison with Banks and FIs
o   Budgetary Control
o   Inventory Control
o   Accounts Receivable Control
o   Costing
o   MIS
o   Prepare budgets
o   Analyze alternative business decisions
o   Manage cash
o   Legal

An in-depth knowledge of diverse industrial sectors, laws, policies,
rules and regulations enables BPO Bay to offer end-to-end legal
services to its clients. We work around the agenda of increasing the
benefits of its depth, diversity and delivery capability, ensuring
flexibility to client needs, and thereby bringing out the most creative
solutions in every business and domain of the client.

·   Strategic Business Expansion & FDI Advise
·   Commercial & Transactional Documentation
·   Corporate Documentation
·   Banking & Financial Documentation & Advisory Services
·   Intellectual Internet Research
·   Real Estate Acquisition & Disposal Documentation
·   Due Diligence & Liaison
·   Ancillary Information
·   Prepaid Legal
·   Intellectual Property
·   Paralegal Degree
·   Court Reporters
·   Legal Coding
·   Legal Research
·   Legal Transcription
·   Legal Billing
·   Digital Asset Management
·   Creating, categorizing, managing, storing and retrieving images,
graphics, multi-media files, and other textual and non-textual
·   Outsourcing and Facilities Management
·   Companies most commonly outsource
·   Application Development
·   Consulting and Re-engineering
·   Data Centers
·   Training
·   Maintenance
·   Software
·   Software outsourcing and contract programming
·   Development of Internet/Intranet applications
·   Development of Client-Server applications
·   Web Design & Development (HTML, Java, JavaScript, VB, ASP, CGI and
Dot Net techniques)
·   Software testing and service
·   Computer security solutions (PGP, encrypted mail, secured
·   System Implementation Services
·   Install accounting software
·   Set up chart of accounts
·   Train users in invoicing, collecting and paying
·   Design custom reports
·   Computer Assurance Services
·   Business Systems Advisory Services
·   Controls Engineering and Controls Reviews
·   Security Improvement Services
·   Business Continuity Planning
·   Information Systems Audit
·   Facility management
·   Application software development
·   Application Systems Delivery
·   Lotus Notes Implementation
·   CD-ROM and Multimedia Development
·   Internet Services
·   Information Systems (IS) Audit Services
·   Providing 'IS Audit Department' set up assistance
·   Audit Command Language (ACL)
·   Information Systems (IS) Audit Training
·   Corporate Training
·   Lotus Notes implementation
·   Internet Services
·   Strategic Internet Planning
·   Internet Services Development
·   Web Based Programming
·   Web Site Design
·   Internet Security
·   Business Continuity Planning (BCP)
·   Business Requirements Analysis
·   Detailed Requirements Definition
·   Alternative Analysis
·   Business Continuity Plan preparation
·   Plan Implementation, Testing and Maintenance
·   Security Improvement Services
·   Risk Assessment
·   Assessment of Current Conditions
·   Security Improvements
·   Audit and 


2006-08-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

KPO Base Healthcare Services

We at KPO Base provide thought leadership to our healthcare clients by
closely watching the developments and challenges met by the healthcare
industry continuously. Our incorporated analyses offer industry,
competitive, customer and technology modernism along with strategic,
planned and operational suggestions to help increase the bottom line
from business strategy, service delivery, marketing and sales efforts.
Our solutions enable healthcare organizations to accelerate cash
collections, increase revenue, reduce bad debt expense, convert fixed
costs to variable costs, and ultimately enhance patient satisfaction.
In addition, outsourcing allows healthcare providers to reduce costs
and improve quality. Our healthcare solutions are:

·   I.T. Solutions KPO Base's ample collection of health care solutions
o   Payer service like health plan solutions, digital healthcare portals,
and Medicaid solutions
o   Provider services like supply chain management, revenue cycle
management, and departmental systems consulting
o   Solutions targeted to business confronts specific such as SSN
Remediation and HIPAA Compliance i.e., further classified as:
o   Blueprinting - resolve scope, thorough evaluation, and suggested
o   Plan - fulfillment action plan development, resource needs
o   Build - change management process, design, test planning
o   Optimize - complete test for defects, 100% compliance and

·   BPO Solutions KPO Base offers healthcare providers a wide range
o   Medical Billing- Demographic and charge service, cash posting
services, accounts receivable, full practice services, electronic and
paper claims submission, resubmission and correction of rejected
claims, full range of reports reduces payroll costs, boosts revenue,
ensures administrative process quality, and enhances physician and
patients' satisfaction.
o   Medical Coding - CPT and HCPCS coding Process, Medicare
Reimbursement, Preparing Medicare Claims, Medicare Compliance, Denial
Management, Electronic claims submission, CMS-1500, HIPAA-mandated
Coding Systems, ICD-9, Modifiers, Level I and Level II codes enables
fewer denials, and enhanced revenue
o   Medical Transcription - Delivery includes History and Physical Chart
notes, Operative and procedure notes, Consultation Reports, Discharge
Summary, Rehabilitation notes, Cardiac catheterization reports, EEG
reports, ECG reports, Radiography reports, Progress report, Psychiatric
evaluation, Radiology reports, Emergency Notes through secured and
confidential, latest dictation technology, well-qualified and
experienced transcribers, and high-end software technologies
o   Medical Claims Processing - Mailroom services, implementation
services, clearinghouse integration services, quality assurance testing
o   Teleradiology and Diagnostic Radiology Services from JCAHO
Accredited, Centralized Facilities such as
o   Pacspost email services like primary & secondary reporting
o   Managed clinical network and managed distributed team services
o   Data communications security

Contact Us

NameKPO Base

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2006-08-02 Thread Gabriel Puliatti

Hey, I've been trying to do an uploading page, where users can upload a
file, outside of the admin panel, of course.

I follow, but I end
up getting

"local variable 'errors' referenced before assignment"

All the code is here: if needed.


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2006-08-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Accounting & Financial Services

Finance-Outsourcing provides clients with a total Financial and
Accounting Outsourcing Solutions.  Having access to timely and accurate
financial and accounting information is crucial for organizations to
maintain a competitive edge in the market.

·   Account Management BPO for Corporate
o   General Accounting
o   Use Standard (Peach Tree, Quick Books, Tally etc.) or Client
preferred Software
o   Gather Data Remotely from Multi-site Operations
o   Bookkeeping - Accounting of transactions upto General Ledger
o   Prepare Financial Statements
o   Reconciliation - Cash / Bank, Vendor / Customer, Inter-diversion
o   Produce Customized Management / Accounting Reports
o   Assist Clients in Decision Making
o   Accounts Receivable
o   Customer, order creation.
o   Invoicing
o   AR MIS
o   Order reconcilation
o   Sales Commission Report
o   Bank and Inter-Company reconciliation
o   Accounts Payables
o   Vendor master creation
o   Data entry of bills / documents
o   Withholding Tax processing
o   Payment processing
o   Monthly AP MIS
o   Expense Analysis - Vendor wise
o   Tax Returns
o   Access scans via web browser
o   Organize documents in a web server
o   Prepare returns using Standard (Turbo Tax etc.) or Client preferred
o   Uploaded processed data to client
o   Reconciliations
o   Billing Services
o   Transactions Processing
o   Royalty Claims Processing
o   Accident Claims Processing
o   Check Processing
o   Credit/Debit Card Processing
o   Insurance Claims Processing
o   Miscellaneous Repetitive Transactions
o   Consolidating stock broker statements
o   Analysis of financial statements for investment bankers etc

·   BPO for Financial Institutions
o   Auto Loan Processing
o   Credit processing
o   Pre-disbursal activities
o   Post disbursal activities
o   Personal Loan Processing
o   Credit analysis / approval
o   Documentation
o   Office and personal verification
o   Disbursal of loans
o   Real Estate Loans Processing
o   Credit appraisal
o   Customer verifications and interview
o   Collections Processing
o   Coordination with Collection /Repossession agencies
o   Depositing post dated checks
o   Follow up and MIS on status of collections
o   Sending legal notices to defaulters etc
o   Income Tax / Form 16 / Bank Statement Verification

·   For H.R. Administration
o   Payroll Administration
o   Processing of Payroll on US Pay Day quick on software or Client
preferred Software
o   Updating of employee data based on ID Code, Tax Declaration, social
security number, allocation, disbursement declaration, updating changes
in location, declaration etc
o   Generation of Reports and MIS
o   Retirement Fund / Provident Fund/ Superannuation Fund / Gratuity
Trust Management and Administration
o   Working on customized web enabled ERP Software for processing Retire
Benefits with online querying and data retrieval capabilities by client
o   Processing of withdrawals, settlements
o   Making investments
o   Preparing cash flows
o   Ensuring statutory compliances

·   Legal and Financial Consulting
o   Entry Strategy for setting up Business in India
o   For setting up liaison / branch office / wholly ownedsubsidiary
in India
o   Assistance in obtaining statutory approvals
o   Identification of joint venture partners
o   Advise on Greenfield projects vs take-over of existing operations
o   Advice on Exchange Control, Corporate Laws and other Business Laws
o   Corporate Advisory Services
o   Designing corporate structures for new projects and expansions
o   Advising on restructuring such as spin-offs, de-subsidiarisation and
o   Compliance with US GAAP
o   Consultancy on harmonising Indian GAAP accounting with US GAAP
o   Reconciliation of Indian GAAP with US GAAP
·   Finance
o   Strategic Financial Management
o   Business Valuations
o   Due Diligence Reviews
o   Financial Projections and Modeling
o   Temporary Controllership Assistance
o   Management Assurance Services
o   MIS and System Review
o   Designing and installing system for budgetary control, fund
management and costing.
o   Information Technology Services
o   Identification of IT needs for each functional area
o   Advice on application software solutions
o   Tax Consulting and Compliance
o   Tax planning and compliance and representation corporate and personal
o   International Taxation
o   Tax and legal due diligence reviews
o   Expatriate Taxation


·   FINANCE-OUTSOURCING Head Office and Back Offices are well
furnished, equipped with all modern 


2006-08-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thuriam Software Services

>From solution design and offshore software development to outsourcing
application support and improvement, Thuriam's offers a compelling
alternative to minimize software development costs, and improve the
quality of your software solutions and compress software development
time. We have been using state-of-the-art Quality Assurance
methodologies and practices in all its projects, focusing to deliver
error-free software services. We delivere our services to verticals
including Healthcare, Financial Services and Banking,
Telecommunication, Retail, Security, Construction, Transportation etc.
Few of our services for preview

·   Application development Our Team of programmers can develop and
design personalized software for any particular business functions. We
can manage from DESKTOP or NETWORK programming for large organization
database: ORACLE, SYBASE, INTERBASE, INFORMIX, MS-SQL and in kind of
CLIENT/SERVER or program type DISTRIBUTED, that includes any
multi-platform of any new technology.
·   Database design & development tasks include Website Design /
Website Marketing/Graphic Design / Presentations / Multimedia/ Writing
/ Editing / Translation/ Programming / Software / Database Development/
GIS and Spatial Analysis/ GIS Cartography, Conversion, & CAD/ Remote
Sensing & Image Processing / Land Surveying & Mapping/ E911-Integrated
Mapping/ Photogrammetry & Aerial Photography, Packaged software
development and sales in the areas of CAD, CAM, GIS, Graphics, DTP,
Vision and Expert Systems, Turnkey software development, Engineering
consultancy with computerized analysis and MIS tools, Services in the
areas of CAD, Cartographic Databases, MIS and Multimedia,
Cross-platform conversions/porting of applications and software
·   Security We have offered software solutions for complex problems
such as implementation of constraint solver, parametric sketcher,
Solver for Finite element analysis of beams with variable loading,
modules for optimization, software for data encryption for software
security. We have productively implemented many projects relating
visualization based on geometry data. We have delivered Surface,
Volumetric data viewers for Geometric, manufacturing and medical
domain. We utilize skills in the following domains Computational
Geometry, Algorithm Design, Object oriented methodology, Software
Engineering, Manufacturing technology and Industrial production
·   Software Packages like Escrow Software, Macintosh Accounting
Software, Punch Design Software, Chiropractic Software, Medical
Appointment Scheduling Software, Contract Management Software, Lease
Accounting Software, Small Business Accounting Software, Business
Intelligence Software, Medical Billing Software, Recruiting Software,
Business Accounting Software, Marketing Automation Software, Small
Business Payroll Software, Help Desk Software, Facility Scheduling
Software, Small Business Bookkeeping Software, Billing Software,
Accounting Software, Business Scheduling Software, Field Service
Software, Network Management Software
·   Other services include ERP, Web Development, Customized Enterprise
Solutions, Wireless/Mobile Application Development, Science Intensive
Development, Software Project Recovery, Database Development and
Migration, Linux/Unix Development, Embedded Software Development,
Porting and Migration, Legacy Systems, Re-engineering, Enterprise
Application Integration,  Quality Engineering, Microsoft .NET
Development, Java Card Applications, Database solutions Java / J2EE
Development, Smart Card Solutions, Handhelds & PDAs, Embedded system
design and programming,  Networking, Scripts & Utilities, System
administration, Technical support, Wireless,  Game, VOIP, Game
programming, Database administration, Custom programming

Thuriam monitors the overall direction for the project, including
determining which features the solution will and will not include, and
a general schedule for delivery.  Then our team prepares the functional
specifications, works the design process through, and work plans, cost
estimates and schedules for the various deliverables.  Testing
highlights usage and operation under realistic environmental
conditions. The team aims on resolving and triaging (prioritizing) bugs
and preparing the solution for release. Our testers develop the Test
Plan, test cases and scripts, the system and verify whether it
functions as per the specification.  We support our customers with all
required activities and procedures to establish productive
customer-contractor communication environment.

·   Project kick-off visits
·   Normal visits to customer
·   Onsite & offsite work
·   Regular project status reports, feedback
·   Regular telephone conferences (conference calls)




2006-08-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

KPO Base KPO Services

Knowledge Process Outsourcing ( KPO ) Services from DataGrep cover the
entire segments ranging from data entry to research & development
Pharma.  Few of our services here for preview:

·   Legal services   Reviewing transactional & litigation documents;
drafting contracts; research memoranda & due diligence reports;
prosecuting patents; negotiations, Contracts, Incorporation, Patent,
copyright and trademarks, Tax law, Employment law
·   Engineering R 3D modeling; conversion: 2D to 3D; finite analysis;
computational fluid dynamics analysis; technical specifications for
tenders; value engineering
·   Market research & analytics Secondary & primary research;
conversion of findings to knowledge; writing & editing; formatting
client reports
·   Writing & content development Editorial; content delivery;
digitization of content; data enrichment & warehousing; pre-press work;
proofreading; template designing; text composition, Writing & Editing &
Translation  Copy writing, Creative writing editing & Proofreading,
Technical writing, Translation, Web content writing & editing, White
paper & Reports, Proposal and grant writing & editing,
Article/News/Press release writing & editing, Resume writing & editing,
Report writing & editing, Screen/script writing & editing, Speech
writing & editing, Book writing & editing, Newsletter, Interpreting
services, Language training
·   Pharma R Research & development; drug discovery; clinical
·   Healthcare services Diagnostic; genetic profiling; oncology tests;
HIV & allergy
·   Education & training K-12; private tutors; curriculum design;
pedagogy; content development, Course delivery, Computer skills
training, Corporate training, Call center training, E-learning, Online
education, Sales training, Technical training, Professional
development, Foreign language, Management training, Safety training,
Programming languages
·   Animation & Design 3D graphics, 3D & 2D animations, Banners,
Brochures, Business cards & letterheads, Corporate identity package,
Company logos. Illustration, Page & Book layout, Product design, Image
processing, Flash presentations, Ad design, Billboard & poster display,
CD-ROM, Industrial design, Video presentations, Powerpoint
presentations, Audio, Flash Games, Web Ecommerce Website, Usability &
Interface design, Search engine optimization(SEO), Web programming,
Website marketing, Web graphics, Web hosting
·   IT ERP & CRM Implementation SAP - PeopleSoft, Oracle, J.D
Edwards, Siebel Software & Programming & Database & Technology
Application development - Database design & development, Handhelds &
PDAs, Embedded system design and programming, Networking, Scripts &
Utilities, Security, System administration, Technical support,
Wireless, Game, VOIP, Software development, Game programming, Database
administration, Custom programming
·   Financial & Accounting Accounting & Bookkeeping, Budgeting &
Forecasting, Venture funding, Raising equity capital, Financial
analysis, Billing & Collections, Competitive analysis, Cost analysis &
Reduction, Mergers & Acquisitions, Tax planning, Expense Processing,
Payroll Processing, Account Payable, Account Receivable, Financial
Reporting, Auditing
·   Human Resources Outsourcing Background screening, Payroll services,
Time/attendance monitoring, HR software, HR consulting, HR outsourcing,
Claims management, HR management, Performance management
·   Others Survey Programming, Open-ended Coding, Data Cleaning, Data
Processing & Analysis, Database Creation, Focus Group/ Depth Interview
Transcription (Qualitative Research), Full Report Writing/ Presentation


NameKPO Base

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Re: Django source editing offtopic

2006-08-02 Thread Nebojša Đorđević

On 2 Aug 2006, at 00:44, toth anna wrote:

Sorry for boring the list with a slightly offtopic question.
I saw that many of you are using a Mac. (i used it perhaps
twice in my life)
Last week i needed to edit several python files on a MiniMac
(without net, b), and i used "built-in" editor of
macosx. Not was so comfortable.
What are you using for editing sources?

For ground-up projects I use Eclipse + PyDev + Subeclipse = great IDE  
(at least on my 2xG5, I hear that is rather sluggish on the slower  

For the one file work Aqua Emacs preferably or vim or JEdit.

Nebojša Đorđević - nesh
Studio Quattro - Niš - Serbia |
Registered Linux User 282159 []

What is the sound of one backpack EMP weapon discharging? -- Joe  

"Clickety-click" -- Charles Cazabon

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Re: Project when using multiple sites

2006-08-02 Thread Ian Holsman
Hi Jay.I have a similar issue.I have stuff in, which is open source, and another set of apps which build on top of it which run on multiple hosts. ( & for example)the way I set it up is:project/	common/		app1/			templates		app2/			templates	apps/		app3/			templatesthese contain the standard way I think most people will use my code. the templates are in each app deal with the views the app does.I then have 3 other template directories.	common_templates/	app_X_specific_templates/	site_NN/common ones are usually stuff which I don't need to change that often (or ever) like the the Terms of Service ( ) or privacy policy ( )app specific templates are where I put boilerplates.. like a standard frontdoor for a given project-type. for example the "chat" series of sites are all based on the same front door, but otherapps I'm writing would have a completely different front door.also in the "app" templates I put over-rides of  the common functionality. for example.. I have a non-OSS rating app where users can 'vote' on a given post (1-5) which I intend to use on top of the OSS forum I would put those templates in the app_X_specific_templates directory.and obviously not all the sites are identical (they have different hostnames and possibly different things enabled for that site) .. they go in the site_NN directory.I usually have a group of 'shared' URL roots.. 	url_app_X.pyand of course i have a set of N settings files which are hostname specific.	setting_hostname.pyso far this structure has worked for the 6-7 sites I run, and 3-4 projects I am using.looking at it now, it all looks pretty complex.. but in reality most of the templates live in their corresponding 'app' directory with only one or two exceptions in various places.regardsIan.On 31/07/2006, at 10:51 PM, Jay Parlar wrote:I've recently been looking at the docs, trying to grok the Sites framework.What is the recommended way of laying out the filesystem when doingmultiple sites? Let's say I have two sites, "foo" and "bar", with and you put all the files for both sites into one Django project, orwould you give each its own project?When I say "both sites into one Django project", I mean something like this:myproject/    foo/        app1/        app2/        templates/    bar/        app3/        app4/        templates/Then the vhost configurations for each site can point to theindividual settings files, the sites can potentially shareapplications, and they can easily share models.I suppose the same could be done by having each site in its ownproject (after all, these are just Python packages and modules), butit seems like I wouldn't want shared models crossing project domainslike that. That's just a purely conceptual idea though.And that's the other thing, models. Say I have a model "Baz", that isused by app1 in "foo", and by app3 in "bar". Where would I define it?I would guess I can arbitrarily choose to define it in eitherfoo.models or bar.models. Or would it make any sense to define itsomewhere else entirely, so it's not directly coupled to only one app?Thanks,Jay P.

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