Re: a rather big, new django site:

2007-07-30 Thread Julio Nobrega

  Damn, 3 weeks ago I was talking to a friend about an idea for a
website which is just like Splice. The focus was a little bit more
towards musicians, letting them upload tracks and setting prices for
its usage, but anyway, the sound mixer you coded is fantastic, and I
bet it was damn difficult, which is the whole reason why I really
never went ahead with the idea. I guess that's why who's envy now it
is me ;)

  Nice work, Bram!

On 7/28/07, Bram - Smartelectronix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ( summary: upload sounds, load them into a flash audio sequencer with
> effects and synthesizers + standard community features)
> thanks a lot to all the people who have helped me getting this thing up
> and running! :-)
> cheerio,
>   - bram
> >

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Re: removal of Django

2007-07-20 Thread Julio Nobrega


  You probably went to a website and saw a 404 error message saying
that Django could not find the page. The thing is that what you're
seeing is the message sent by Django installed on the server, not on
your computer. There's no Django installed on your PC.

> Hi all.Django auto loaded onto my computer from( I believe) a Harry
> Potter web site.I want to remove it,as it is messing up one of the web
> sites that I frequent.The site shows a 404 error.As I am a newby to
> computer with NO codeing experience,I am at a loss as to removing
> it.Hope that this is posted in the correct place.Thanks for any help
> that you can give.
> Leo
> >

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Re: Can Google index Django's pages?

2007-07-13 Thread Julio Nobrega

  hi Felix,

  Yes, Google will index your website even if you use Django. The only
stuff that stop Google are the robots.txt, meta tags, and a direct
request. Don't worry, if you can access your website using a browser,
there's at least one link to it somewhere, and you didn't do any of
the three things I mentioned to stop Google, search engines will find

On 7/13/07, felixhummel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> Before I decide to dive into Django, could you please tell me if
> Google can crawl pages created by Django natively?
> I am running an Apache with mod_python. Does this matter?
> Thanks in advance!
> Felix
> >

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Re: Did someone write an anti-spam module in django?

2007-06-14 Thread Julio Nobrega

  I was getting around 5 spams daily on my website when it had 1.5k
impressions daily. I've implemented a very simple anti-spam solution
which has eliminated every spam, while I've tripled my traffic.

  It's called "negative captcha", and it's very easy to implement. One
day some spammers will learn how to defeat it but for now, it's doing
the job :)

On 6/14/07, kernel1983 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My weblog has got lots of spam.
> I'll try to deal with them.
> Any one has done this job?
> Would you mind share your code?
> >

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Re: Where did you put your homepage view?

2007-05-23 Thread Julio Nobrega

  On project_name/ ?

  Or do you mean the html template? I usually put on the template root
dir, except for my largest project which has a sub-dir named after the
website, where I store site related stuff like TOS, privacy policy...

On 5/23/07, David Larlet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm juste curious, where did you put your homepage view when you've
> got a project with a lot of apps? Is there a best practice here?
> Thanks,
> David
> >

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Re: migrating 400 images

2007-05-04 Thread Julio Nobrega

  Just "mv" or "rename" the files and UPDATE the database with the new
path. 10 seconds max.

On 5/4/07, Milan Andric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm migrating a tutorials site to Django and have created a file model
> that is associated with tutorial pages, etc.  Now I need to go through
> and migrate all the old content.  Rather than upload 400 images I was
> hoping to write a script to call the method appropriately
> and just copy the images into the new location.
> Any thoughts on how to approach this?  Do you think this will likely
> take more time than just doing it by hand?
> Thanks,
> Milan
> >

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Re: How to do this in Django?

2007-04-30 Thread Julio Nobrega

  You can specify what frame should a page be loaded by putting its
name on the "target" link attribute. What you'll have on your left
frame are links to the right one.

  Most browsers won't reload the page when an anchor is clicked for a
page already being displayed. So the browser will understand that you
want to see content on the right frame, and "jump" to the link.

  If you need help doing frames and named html anchors, I am sure this
material can be found on any search engine. Just try "html left right
frames" and "html named anchor", but you'll hardly get satisfactory
answers on this list since it's out of its scope.

On 4/30/07, Pythoni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Julio,Thank you for your reply.
> But can you provide some more details, please?
> How can be a focus set in frames with anchors?
> Thanks for reply.
> L.
> On Apr 30, 8:45 pm, "Julio Nobrega" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >   I don't know how Google Groups implemented, but wouldn't two frames
> > with anchors work? You don't "need" Django for this, it's just HTML.
> >
> > On 4/30/07, Pythoni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > >  Is it possible to use in Django views two "windows" related together?
> > > I mean something similar to Google groups .
> > > If you choose Tree view, in Google groups, you have one "window'" of
> > > authors and the other  with their replies.
> > > Now that you click on any author his reply will move to the top of the
> > > screen.
> > > It works like focus() in Javascript.
> >
> > --
> > Julio Nobrega -
> >

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Re: How to do this in Django?

2007-04-30 Thread Julio Nobrega

  I don't know how Google Groups implemented, but wouldn't two frames
with anchors work? You don't "need" Django for this, it's just HTML.

On 4/30/07, Pythoni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Is it possible to use in Django views two "windows" related together?
> I mean something similar to Google groups .
> If you choose Tree view, in Google groups, you have one "window'" of
> authors and the other  with their replies.
> Now that you click on any author his reply will move to the top of the
> screen.
> It works like focus() in Javascript.

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Re: check if a list contains a single item in a template

2007-04-20 Thread Julio Nobrega

{% if list|length_is:"1" %}
  Only one!
{% endif %}

  There's also:

{% ifequal list|length "2" %}
  Two here!
{% endifequal %}

On 4/20/07, drackett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there an easy way in djangos tempaltes to do any sort of counting?
> I want to check if a list of objects only has a single object, and if
> so display something. I could also see this being helpful for any
> number of things using differnt count values. Is this possible?
> >

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Re: multiple urls for the same view?

2007-04-19 Thread Julio Nobrega

  You could use different directories (Django projects) under multiple
VirtualServers (different domain names / ports), each one for a
particular developer.

> I'm trying to setup three development directories for different
> programmers, for us each to be able to checkout our project to from
> svn on the same development machine...

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Re: Giving easy access to designers

2007-04-17 Thread Julio Nobrega

  If you think is the best solution but people would be
unconfortable with the command line, you could make a few Python
scripts to stay on their desktops so they would only need to double
click them for something to happen.

  I don't know what requirements you have exactly and what's your
network setup (even why designers need access to , but
imagine a folder on the designer desktop named "Projects". When
opened, a few icons saying "Start Project X Server" or "any
action as a simple name". The script ssh's to the server and run The folder could be a shortcut to a Samba shared folder,
where you're the one creating the scripts, so you still have control
over what they do, but everyone has access.

> Hello,
> Our web team recently decided to switch over to Django for new
> projects since it's cleaner than PHP and easier to go from a small
> site to a full-featured site.
> I have a problem however, I'm not sure how to set up an environment
> for the web designers.  When we used PHP, it was pretty easy and
> simple: the projects were hosted on a machine with Samba, so all they
> had to do was go to W:\Project, edit the files they needed to work on,
> and load that project in their browser.
> With Django, it's more complicated.  I thought of a few scenarios, but
> none as simple as PHP.
> 1. Share the directory in which I keep my Django projects with Samba
> and give them access.  The downsides are that they could be editing
> the same files as me at the same time (which is the reason we decided
> to implement Subversion) and that if I am not running the development
> server for a particular project, they need me to start it up.
> 2. Teach them how to use *nix and  This would work best,
> however, this would not fly well with them.
> 3. Set up an Apache server for development (as indicated in the
> mod_python documentation).  This has the disadvantages that I would
> need to manually set up a VirtualHost in apache2.conf for each project
> everytime one is added and also that they would need to maintain a
> hosts file on their workstations (we don't have an internal DNS
> server.)
> Are there other possibilities that I haven't thought of?
> Vincent.
> >

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Re: django comparison

2007-04-16 Thread Julio Nobrega

  Hi Harris,

  Django is a framework where you can build a CMS, it doesn't come
with this behaviour after installed. You're going to have to make a
"Model" for "Article", code the functions to retrieve them, build each
display page (the html), etc...

  The comparision can't really be made, since when you install Joomla
you get a very focused (even counting the plug-ins) solution. You
would have to build a CMS using what Django offers. Now, that's good
and bad :) You'll have complete control of the software, doing things
your way, adding features that you want.

  If Joomla covers your needs as a CMS, go for it, unless you want
things differently, and that's where Djando would fit it.

  I am sure someone has already built CMSs using Django, so a search
on the list archives and Google might be fruitful if you want a
starting point.

On 4/16/07, M Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi folks,
> I have a client wishing to go with Django as a content management 
> solution
> (safe web hosting) and would like to implement the server with MySql.
> I am new to Django, but am familiar with python.  I am also familiar 
> with
> joomla (formerly mambo), and I would like someone to provide a comparison /
> contrast between Django and joomla please, no hype, just the facts.  I am
> interested in the strengths and weaknesses of each.
> Thanks folks,
> Ps   Please feel free to send directly to my email to cut down on list
> traffic.   tnx
> --
> Kind regards,
> M Harris <><
> >

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Re: Super long response times/load times: Looking for some guidance on alleviating the issue

2007-04-15 Thread Julio Nobrega

On 4/15/07, Roboto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You'll notice a SOLID 5-10 sec "wait" before the page loads, which
> makes me believe that the server is doing something in the background

  Hi Roboto,

  I didn't had to wait for the page to load. It was fast. Perhaps it's
an intermittent issue (probably peak server loads) or it just happen
with logged in users?

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Re: Django scaling and Database replication

2007-04-09 Thread Julio Nobrega

  Hummm... looks like I own you an apology, Merric. I was wrong about
how to access the replicated data on the slave hosts. I was either
thinking about clusters or I was flat out wrong.

  But what James said, and kemuri, approachs my mistake. I hope it helps you :)

On 4/9/07, Merric Mercer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The official documentation on MySQL 5.1  "Using Replication for
> ScaleOut" is explicit and states that it is the application (Django)
> that needs to send the writes to the Master and the Reads to the
> Slaves.Unless I'm wrong this would rule out using replication with
> Django.
> The quote from the MySQL document is below.  According to quote changing
> Django to handle replication should be relatively trivial (but beyond my
> skill set at present),  - does anybody know whether any work has been
> done on this?
> MerMer

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Re: Django scaling and Database replication

2007-04-09 Thread Julio Nobrega

  Yes, there's a way, but it's not in Django that you do this, but on
the database. You don't need to configured Django (or any application
accessing the database) to "talk" to slave hosts. It's the job of the
database server software to abstract this step for you.

  You're going to setup slaves to a master host, and in most cases,
the former will be used for SELECT and the latter to I/U/D.

  What happens is something like this: Master M and slaves S1 and S2
are configured. Application asks M for row id 15. M sends query to S1.
S1 answers to M who answers to application. Application asks for row
id 20. M sends to the next slave, S2, and so on. As new queries keep
coming, so M keeps rotating between its slaves.

On 4/8/07, Merric Mercer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The django book's chapter on deployment mentions  the use of Database
> replication as a means to scale using MySQL.
> My understanding with Database replication is it uses  a MASTER DB and a
> number of SLAVES.
> The master updates the slaves, asynchronously.  This means that the
> slaves are used for reading data only and only the master is used for
> writing data.
> As the number of reads typically exceed the number of writes replication
> is supposed to work well.
> However, I can't figure out how Django handles it.  I can't see anything
> in the documentation or the settings that would allow writes to be
> handled by a different host to the reads.
> Is there a way to do this?
> MerMer
> >

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Re: Preventing Multiple Logins

2007-03-16 Thread Julio Nobrega

  I did it using PHP. It can be circumvented but it's not something
the average user would do. Everytime an user logins, the session id is
stored on a table, with the time and the user id. On every request by
every logged in user,  I put every previous session ids from the user
id on an array, remove the last element (which is the current session
id), reverse the array (to increase the chance of finding the current
session id faster), and check if the current session id is in there.

  Here's part of the code, I hope you can translate it to
Python/Django. It costs one query on every page request, but since I
charge people based on the number of users they create, I can't let
them logon with the same username :)

$sql = "SELECT session_id FROM access WHERE user_id = '$user_id' ORDER BY time";
$session_id_list = // queries and stuff to make the above SQL data in an array;

$last_session_id = array_pop($session_id_list);

$session_id_list_reverse = array_reverse($session_id_list);
foreach ($session_id_list_reverse as $key => $_session_id) {
if ($last_session_id == $_session_id) {
if (in_array(session_id(), $session_id_list)) {

  You can clean the 'access' table every once in a while to keep it
small (I do it weekly).

  So, what happens is that I am checking if any session id, other than
the last one from an user on my access table, is his current one. If
it is, he's logged out, but the user who came later keeps logged in.

  It can happen that users will have to logon twice, but it never
happened to any of my users, I just know it's something possible but I
never bothered to fix it, because it only happens if they return to
the login page without clicking on the logout button or closing the
browser, and really my users don't have many reasons to return to this
particular login page, which is just a form. Worst case, they only
have to type their username and password twice.

On 3/16/07, cwurld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> In order for users to use my Django site they must login. I am using
> the standard auth app. I set the session to expire when the browser is
> closed or when the user clicks a log out button.
> I would like to find a way to prevent users from simultaniously
> logging in from different computers but using the same username and
> password.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Chuck
> >

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Re: video uploads (like you tube)

2007-01-24 Thread Julio Nobrega

  Uploading a video is easy, just use the correct Field from Django.
The real work is converting the video to .flv (Flash Video). I've
never seen a Python module for this job but I bet there's one.

  I've never uploaded a video to YouTube neither... but I know Flash
video players use .flv.

On 1/24/07, carlwenrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there a quick and easy way for users to upload videos the way they
> do it on you tube? Is there an example django site that has this
> capability?
> >

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Re: Charset hell

2007-01-18 Thread Julio Nobrega

 I had a bunch of unicode errors using the template tag trans while
using Python 2.3. Upgrading to 2.4 solved all my problems.

 What version of Python are you using?

On 1/17/07, guzru <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm using django 0.95 and xgettext 0.14.6 on fedora core 6.

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Re: Can a view open a page in a new browser window?

2007-01-11 Thread Julio Nobrega

  No. What you can do is open a "normal" webpage and use
at body tag onLoad().

On 1/11/07, Bob T. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have a situation on the Django site where a view needs to either
> return a normal page, or it might need to open a new browser window to
> display the response (a report). I know for the normal case I can just
> return an HttpResponse, but is there anything that can cause the
> response to be displayed in a new browser window? I'd like to get the
> same affect that using "target=" would have with a link.
> Thanks much,
> Bob
> >

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Re: Django Projects and Subversion

2007-01-10 Thread Julio Nobrega

  What if someone commits something that brakes the live website?

  My recommendation is to checkout into the live folders the
version/tag/branch you want. Or checkout somewhere, test the app, and
then copy the files. Just don't run the website from a codebase where
developers are commiting.

On 1/10/07, Aidas Bendoraitis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have an SVN-specific question which doesn't really fit into Django
> groups. Anyway, maybe somebody of you will have enough experience and
> competence to answer it.
> We are going to set our Django projects under
> version control on a dedicated server. We will also publicly run
> several Django websites on the same server. So what is a better
> practice -- to use the code under source
> control for the public websites directly, or to have copies (tags) of
> the subversioned code for the public websites?
> How is this managed with and
> Regards,
> Aidas Bendoraitis aka Archatas
> >

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Re: Handling bad URLs

2007-01-05 Thread Julio Nobrega

 Use get_object_or_404() or make a try/raise block with raise Http404.


I'm not sure why this throws a 500 error rather than a 404, but I'm
hoping somebody can help.

On my site, each forum has a slug...

but if someone types in it gives a 500 error.
Traceback says "DoesNotExist: Forum matching query does not exist."
which makes sense.

Relevant url is:
(r'^(?P[-\w]+)/$', 'views.topic_list'),

I'm trying to figure out how to capture a non forum_slug and either
route them to the right place if possible, or at least give them a 404.

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Re: HTTP_REFERER isn't set using Explorer

2007-01-04 Thread Julio Nobrega

On 1/4/07, Benedict Verheyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


This is what goes wrong in explorer: the HTTP_REFERER isn't set.
With Firefox, the HTTP_REFERER is set.

Any idea how i can solve this?

 I had this problem with a client that was running Norton and
somewhere in the program preferences there's an option to disable the
browser referer. This is not exactly the name of the option, you'll
have to search for it. Maybe there's some application blocking,
specially if there's one installed that has privacy settings.

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Re: What if slug is already used?

2006-12-20 Thread Julio Nobrega

 Slugs columns are indexed only. You need to add unique = True if you
want them to be, well... unique.

 The thing with slugs is that they're usually needed with another url
fragment that makes them unique, either by design (with
unique_together) or just probability (appending the date: /mm/dd).

 So, yeah, if you don't have dates to work with or don't want them in
the URL, still wants to use a SlugField, either add uniqueness to it
or something else to separate the data. ID columns are fine if you can
live with numbers in your url.

 In the end, depends what's your site content and how do you want
your urls to look.

On 12/20/06, Rob Hudson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have an object that has a title.  I'd like to use the title to
pre-populate a slug field for use in URLs so I can have descriptive

Instead of: /myobject/(?P\d+)/
I want: /myobject/(?P[-\w]+)/

I'm concerned if the user types in a title that's already taken.  Slug
fields get a db_index=True by default.  Does that mean it must be
unique in the database or simply that it will index this column.  I'm
thinking (and hoping) the latter.

But how do you look up by a field that could result in multiple rows in
the case that the user types a title that results in a duplicate slug?

Do you set the url to be something like this?



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Re: Opera & caching

2006-11-29 Thread Julio Nobrega

  Opera's cache is very agressive. I use Opera for almost all of my
internet browsing and I've never met a form that isn't shown again
(with its field's content intact!) when "backing", either pressing the
arrow or using mouse gestures, even when caching is completely
disabled (in preferences, "always" check for images and documents).

  I like to think that's a feature... :p

On 11/29/06, Michal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have problems with Opera browser and caching.
> I have URL /prihlaseni/.
> If user isn't logged, I give him html form for login.
> If user is already logged, I give him only text message, that inform him
> about this state, together with link to logout.
> So, one URL, but two different content (depends on users login).
> Everything work just fine in my browser (Firefox).
> I try the same in Opera browser, and there is problem. If user done
> successfull login, then click on some other URL, and then go back to
> /prihlaseni/ page, he see login form (but he should see only text). If I
> make reload (CTRL+R), content is updated to correct content (text).
> I suppose, that this is occasioned by Opera and his caching, but maybe
> this could be solved by some extra HTTP information send by Django (etag?).
> I don't use Django framework.
> Do you have some advice?
> Thank you
> Regards
> Michal
> >

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/admin/ works with www, not without, on just one domain

2006-11-19 Thread Julio Nobrega


  I have two domains running Django. In one, I can access:

  But on the other one: gives me an error
and works fine.

  Here are their VirtualHost. Each reside on different files named
after its domain inside the /etc/apache2/sites-available/ diretory,
symlinked to /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/. Ubuntu Dapper is the

  They look identical, all I changed is the domain name. Everything
works fine, except the admin from the server without the www.


DocumentRoot /var/www/

CustomLog /var/log/apache2/ combined
ErrorLog  /var/log/apache2/

SetHandler python-program
PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE babaia.settings
PythonDebug Off
PythonPath "['/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django_091'] + sys.path"
PythonInterpreter babaia

  SetHandler None

  SetHandler None


DocumentRoot /var/www/

CustomLog /var/log/apache2/ combined
ErrorLog  /var/log/apache2/

SetHandler python-program
PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE miniurl.settings
PythonDebug Off
PythonPath "['/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django_091'] + sys.path"
PythonInterpreter miniurl

  SetHandler None

  SetHandler None

  Any idea of what's wrong?

  Many thanks,

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Re: Automatically adding http:// to a URLField

2006-11-15 Thread Julio Nobrega

  Override the save method on your model to check if the "http://;
string is not in the self.field_name, and if it's not, add it.

> Hey,
> Am trying to use a URLField in my app, but if the user doesn't stick
> http:// on the front of it, it fails vaildation. Is there a way to
> automatically add one if one isn't present - rather than it just
> failing validation?
> Many Thanks,
> Oliver
> >

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Re: How does the forloop really work?

2006-11-14 Thread Julio Nobrega

Ugly, but I guess it works:

{% for article in list %}
  {% if forloop.first %}
  {% else %}
{% ifequal forloop.counter 2 %}
{% else %}
{% ifequal forloop.counter 3 %}
{% else %}
  Rest goes here
{% endifequal %}
{% endifequal %}
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

On 11/14/06, Keith Mallory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to get a list of articles displayed in different parts of a web
> page. The latest article in specific , the next 2 in another  and
> rest of it somewhere down inside the same page.
> I am not able to figure out how? My guess is forloop, but how?
> Thanks
> Keith
>  >

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Re: A modest plea

2006-10-22 Thread Julio Nobrega

  Does Trac allows to disable the priority field? At least make it
only available to certain users?

  Because I don't think this will never stop. Every place I've worked
where we allow our costumers to tell the priority of a request, this
happens. In fact, if we used a scaled priority, say, 0-10, there were
people emailing us with "priority 11" requests, followed by "priority
critical: out-of-scale" and "should be done yesterday already".

  What's the benefit of having a priority field? To priorize dev's
work? If they review this data, aren't they the only ones with enough
knowledge to assert its value? And the low priority requests which are
in fact high priority because the submitter didn't saw other parts of
the system affected by the bug?

  Sorry if that sound like a rant, I've had related bad work experiences :p

On 10/22/06, James Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, every bug is important. Yes, I understand that something you need
> that isn't working right is critical to you. But...

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Re: Migrating from ASP.NET to Django?

2006-10-20 Thread Julio Nobrega

  Sure there is hope.

  I haven't found any website that couldn't be made with Django. After
all, it's about HTTP communication. There are even two websites that
deal with price comparison in the wiki
( and

  But I believe none can answer your question besides yourself. Are
you sure you can code in Python this C# specific code that you have?
Does your database serves others apps which you'll have to modify? And
what's a small website or a large one? I've seen Django powering
social networks with more than one million members, but what's the
load? Does it use cache? Does the DBA knows what she do?

  If you're confident you can do whatever you do in Django, I say go for it.

On 10/20/06, Carlos Yoder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello folks,
> I have this idea in my head going for a lng time now. Since I
> already deployed my first Django app and everybody's happy (especially
> me), I'm getting excited about migrating my main project to Django.
> First of all, it's a not a small site, so planning is of the absolute
> essence (we do price comparisons for a big catalogue of products).
> Has anybody tried to tackle this yet? At all? It's the whole deal:
> MSSQL database (I know, I know), IIS6+, C#, a lot of very specific
> code, etc.
> Is there hope, doctor?
> --
> Carlos Yoder
> >

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Re: How to override the admin save method?

2006-10-14 Thread Julio Nobrega

  Override the "save" method.

  I use nesh's ImageWithThumbnailField() which does this file rename
on save, you might want to check its source code for tips.

On 10/14/06, iain duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I got some previous advice on overriding how the admin does delete which
> was pretty straightforward as it does just uses a url. The Save button
> doesn't seem to work that way.
> I would like to save a file name not as it is given, but in an altered
> format based on another field, so before the file gets uploaded I need
> to save it's name. Any tips on how to approach that?
> Thanks
> Iain
> >

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Re: Birthday

2006-10-12 Thread Julio Nobrega

  You could use an SmallInteger field and store MMDD... or use a date
field and default they Year value to some number, like 2000...

On 10/12/06, Guillermo Fernandez Castellanos
> Hi,
> I am trying to keep a birthday field in the database. But i am only
> interested in the day and month. Is there a way of using a DateField
> but only with day and month fields? Or should I use another solution?
> Thanks,
> G
> >

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Re: Extending a template - error

2006-10-12 Thread Julio Nobrega

  I think templates to be inherited must be on the base template
dir... I remember reading this somewhere but can't find references
online. Can you test please?

On 10/12/06, MerMer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've now moved the parent template into the same directory as the child
> template but I'm still getting the same error.

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Re: I'm so confused...

2006-09-25 Thread Julio Nobrega

  Ok Steven :)

  First of all, Django is not a "command line language". Django is a
framework, a collection of practices and codes and data and functions
that facilitate web development.

  Python is the programming language. It's what we use to open files,
loop, add numbers, etc...

  It's a *very* good idea to learn some Python, the basics, before using Django.

  What you see in the tutorials and the examples related to "command
line", or things that look like you can type on a command prompt, it
is because Python has a "shell", an interpreter for your commands. You
got one when you installed Python on Windows XP. At this place, you
can type Python commands, for example, to "import modules". A module
is a collection of code, data, functions and classes to organize your

  See the relation between modules and frameworks? Basically, Django
is a series of Python modules oriented for certain things (web dev).
There's a bunch of different Python modules, some came with your
Python installation, to manipulate files, urls, or math, and a lot you
can download from the net, to use graphics, DirectX, audio files,
etc... anything a programming language can do.

  To develop with Django, the minimal thing you need is just Python
installed. Search Google for the "python sqlite module" (a collection
of code to manipulate sqlite databases), and install that. Then,
follow Django's tutorial very closely, and search the net for more
Django + Windows XP tips. And use Django's development web server!

  There's a reason why you pay thousands for people like me to do this
stuff, buahahhhah! :) just kidding. It's not hard, but you need to be
committed, and learn 2 programming languages, Javascript and Python,
plus HTML.

> Ok,
> I decided that I don't want to spend $1,000s on other people coding my
> databases etc so I thought Django looked pretty good. I read some of
> the code and it seems pretty intuitive (with a lot of hard work!)
> Now my problem is understanding just what the hell is being said in all
> these setup tutorials.
> Am I right that Django is a command line based language?
> This might seem a bit silly to you all but I like environments such as
> dreamweaver with GUIs and options.
> I have a XAMPP based web server on my WinXP system which is nicely
> configured to serve sites via Virtual Hosts. It took me a good few
> hours to configure that!
> I followed several howtos on setting up django but with no success.
> Python Paths? WTF?
> I've been here for hours downloading python 2.4, apache2triad and other
> stuff to try and get it to work.
> Anyway I'd appreciate know exactly the steps needed with some decent
> examples on how to set a development server with Django in mind. It
> looks great and I want to develop for it!
> Perhaps someone can create a series of videos showing a WinXP setup of
> Django?
> Thank you all for your help and patience!
> >

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Re: Using a webservice as the datasource

2006-08-31 Thread Julio Nobrega

On 8/31/06, Iwan Memruk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Has anyone got any experience of doing that with Django? How
> would you estimate the effort necessary for adapting Django to use
> webservices as the data source? What would be your approach?

  I am using Django with the Yahoo API. There's even a python module
to make web searches and other Yahoo stuff (*verrry* easy to use).

  What I did is create a model replicating every field from the
returned data, then my view requests something and I it,
making it available on the admin interface. Something like (this is
for Yahoo news search):

from import NewsSearch
srch = NewsSearch('yahoo_app_id', query = 'something', results = 50,
language = 'en')

for news in srch.parse_results():
publish_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(news.PublishDate))
thumbnail = news.Thumbnail
if thumbnail is not None:
thumbnail = thumbnail['Url'].encode('utf-8')

obj = News.objects.get(slug = slugify(news.Title)[0:50].encode('utf-8'))
except News.DoesNotExist:
obj = News(slug = slugify(news.Title)[0:50].encode('utf-8'))
obj.title = news.Title[0:125].encode('utf-8')
obj.summary = news.Summary.encode('utf-8')
obj.click_url = news.ClickUrl.encode('utf-8')
obj.news_source = news.NewsSource.encode('utf-8')
obj.news_source_url = news.NewsSourceUrl.encode('utf-8')
obj.language = news.Language.encode('utf-8')
obj.publish_date = publish_date.__str__()
obj.thumbnail = thumbnail

  Then I grab some news from the DB:

news_list = News.objects.all().order_by('?')[0:3]

  The encode('utf-8') was necessary because Mysql was complaining
about the data, don't know if it'll happen with your DB/server

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Re: Custom tags and template inheritance

2006-08-22 Thread Julio Nobrega

  I opened a ticket for a similar problem. It's a feature ;)

On 8/22/06, Enrico <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> - or the docs should say that "load" tags doesn't get inherited.

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Re: How to log ALL queries

2006-08-11 Thread Julio Nobrega

On 8/11/06, Hancock, David (DHANCOCK) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  To get to the next step with the Oracle patch, I'd really like to learn
> what to change to force ALL queries to be logged.

  I think I read a message on this group about a middleware that does
this (the guy was selling it cheap, if I remember correctly).

  Another solution (I think) is to hack
\django\db\backends\mysql\, class MysqlDebugWrapper, method
execute(), to write stuff to a file.

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Re: Google-like API keys

2006-08-10 Thread Julio Nobrega

On 8/10/06, hernan43 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If I wanted to make a Django app that utilized a custom authenticator
> and my own "API key" what would be the best way to generate unique API
> keys for my app.

  Anything random and unique will do it. You just need to
differentiate between requests. md5 of a username + randomstring is

  I also like how Yahoo handles it. They limit by IP addresses inside
a time-frame, not per API key. So if someone gets someone else's key
not much harm is done.

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Re: Anybody set up Django using Dreamhost?

2006-08-03 Thread Julio Nobrega

> I'm working my way through the tutorial on Dreamhost's wiki
> ( and came upon a problem,
> namely the command not found prompt.

  Did you run "source ~/.bash_profile"? If yes, try to run "python etc". Hope it works :)

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Re: Distribute Django program to run on a local computer

2006-08-01 Thread Julio Nobrega

  I was going to recommend a Live CD too, but let me get back a little
to the first thread email and perhaps say something really stupid:

On 7/31/06, Rob Hudson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As part of the grant review
> process, the reviewers must remain anonymous and therefore, we cannot
> simply send a URL to our prototype

  Can't you use SSL, and tell the reviewers to use an anonymizer proxy?

  This is so much easier than hacking a Knoppix CD (been there, done that...)

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Re: Design question (models? apps? field_type?)

2006-08-01 Thread Julio Nobrega

  Ok. Take it easy with me because I think I understand your problem,
but the app goals seem amazing so I am going to try and help.

  First of all, I think you'll be asked to show both import and export
to the same users (which are carriers and forwarders now, right?). So
there's no sense in splitting them: Today, one delivers the goods and
another one brings it, but someday a company can do both things. So I
would merge Carrier and Forwarder, because they are really an "user",
they just need to see different types of Offers depending on their
interest. Let's call this model "Company" for now.

  An Offer is either an import or an export,  so I would go with 2)
Use one app "Offers" and put import/export models there, but with a
ForeignKey to an Offer.

  Something like:

class Offer(models.Model):
products = models.ManyToManyField(Product)
type = models.CharField(choices = (('import', 'Import'),
('export', 'Export'))
seaport = models.ForeignKey(Seaport)
target = models.ForeignKey(Y) # from your Seaport to Y example

class Import(models.Model):
company = models.ForeignKey(Company)
offer = models.OneToOneField(Offer)
# additional fields like Price, Time, Completed, etc...

class Export(models.Model):
company = models.ForeignKey(Company)
offer = models.OneToOneField(Offer)
# additional fields like Price, Time, Completed, etc...

  So here's what you're able to do (I hope I got it right):

  An user logs in. You pull the Offers based on the type field. He
selects one, and you record it (pseudo: =
request.user, offer = offer_selected)).

  In fact, Import and Export seems like they can be abstracted even
more (maybe, I don't know your requirements). You can make a class
named "Delivery" which has a ForeignKey to Company and Offer
(unique_together'ed), and a Transaction class, which has a
OneToOneField with Delivery but it stores the additional data.

On 8/1/06, Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am designing a new truck transport database data service.
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Re: Displaying auto "id" field in Admin

2006-07-27 Thread Julio Nobrega

  Add "id" to your list_display on your model's Admin class, like this:

class Admin:
list_display = ('id', 'some_field', 'other_field')

  On change pages, no idea how it's done

On 7/27/06, CL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Does anyone know of an easy way to have the auto generated id field
> displayed in the Admin feature?
> Thanks,
> CL

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Re: Django and Professional Widgets

2006-07-27 Thread Julio Nobrega

  I have a Django site with Dojo, but.. it's not very "integrated". I
just call the necessary .js files on my base template and use the
functions. There's no talk to Python code and vice-versa, or

On 7/27/06, jose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am going to create a site where I need very sofisticated widgets for
> data presentation.
> I wonder if anyone have tried to integrate Django with some professional
> javascript tools like ActiveWidgets,
> r.a.d controls, dojo, rico, etc.

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Re: hiding fields in admin

2006-07-26 Thread Julio Nobrega

  You can override the save() method and generate the slug yourself.
There's also a templatetag that 'slugfies' a string. I think you can
either use it to output the var or import the function on your save().

On 7/26/06, Tamara D. Snyder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> In my "Event" model I have a slug field that is automatically
> generated from another field.  I would like to hide the slug field
> from admin users, but still allow it to be automatically generated.
> I know I can hide it by using the "fields" parameter in the admin
> class of my model.  But if I do this then the slug field is not
> automatically generated when I create a new event.  Is there a way to
> hide the slug field, but still have it be filled in when I create a
> new event?
> Thanks!
> Tamara

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Re: Best idea?

2006-07-22 Thread Julio Nobrega

  Depends on who are the "other visitors" :) And there's more than one
way to do it.

  If you mean something like: it is either public or private, a
BooleanField() on class Photo should do it.

  If you mean something like: The owner chooses the users that will
have access to the photo, you can do a ManyToManyField() on Photo:

class Photo(model.Model):
owner = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name = 'owner')
users = models.ManyToManyField(User, verbose_name = 'Give access
to', related_name = 'access_to')

  But if you want more granularity on "access", for example, giving
access for someone to see the Photo, and others to see and edit, and
others to edit and send to email:

permissions = (
('see', 'See'),
('edit', 'Edit'),
('email', 'Email'),

# owner is assumed to come from Photo
class PhotoPermission(models.Model):
photo = models.ForeignKey(Photo)
access_to = models.ForeignKey(User)
permission = models.CharField('Type of permission', maxlength = 5,
choices = permissions)

  And there's always Django custom permissions, if it fits your needs:

On 7/22/06, PythonistL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am creating an application in Django where users can insert photos
> and I would like each owner of the photo(s) to be able to grant/revoke
> access to this photo(s) to other visitors.
> What could be the best idea how to do that?
> Thank you for replies

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Django 0.91 and SVN (magic removal) on Dreamhost

2006-07-20 Thread Julio Nobrega

  Hi all!

  After some time I've managed to be able to run Django 0.91 and and
the SVN version together on Dreamhost. I had a few projects done in
0.91 and I couldn't simply "svn update" the django_src directory.

  I don't know if this is useful to anyone else (perhaps to people on
similar situation other hosts) but here's what you need to do :) I've
followed Dreamhost's wiki instruction to install Django so the
directory names are from there.

- Create a directory for 0.91:

mkdir $HOME/django_091/

- Copy django_src to django_091 (or grab a 0.91 copy and put there):

cp -r django_src/* django_091

- Edit .bash_profile to accept the two Django dirs (don't know if it's
really needed but I did it :p)

export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/django_src/django/bin:$HOME/django_091/django/bin

- Edit all the django.fcgi files you have, replacing:

sys.path += ['/home/inerte/django_src']


sys.path += ['/home/inerte/django_091']

- Go to each project and make a link do django_091/django, so module
imports are done on the correct directory:

ln -s $HOME/django_091/django $HOME/django_projects/your_project_name/django

- Remove two __init__.pyc files otherwise /admin/ will complain that
someone messed with "magic numbers" (a django security thing, I

rm django_src/django/contrib/admin/urls/__init__.pyc
rm django_src/django/contrib/admin/models/__init__.pyc

- Update django_src to the newest SVN

cd django_src
svn update

- Restart some stuff:

pkill;pkill python

  And that's it :) Old projects living with 0.91, new ones living with
SVN. As you convert your old stuff to the new Django syntax, remove
the links made previously so Django imports from django_src:

rm django_projects/your_project_name/django

  With hope that this will be useful to someone,

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Re: implementing a user login

2006-07-20 Thread Julio Nobrega


  Did you read ?

On 7/20/06, Josh Trutwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was browsing through the docs and tutorials but I'm not sure what
> is the best place to look for how to implement the login portion.
> I imagine this would require some use of sessions.

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comments in Feeds

2006-07-16 Thread Julio Nobrega

  /utils/ has code to add the 'comments' field to
feeds but it seems contrib.syndication.views.feed doesn't deal with it
if I use it on my child Feed class.

  Am I doing something wrong? Is this intended? The docs don't mention

  I would like to use it, if it's possible :)

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Re: Perspective on building a community blog in a short timeframe

2006-07-14 Thread Julio Nobrega

  This might sound a little harsh, but if you need to ask if you can
do it in Django, then you shouldn't do it.

  Not because it is not entirely possible... but because you're not
confortable with the framework and its quirks and your productivity on
it, yet. Since this is your Real Job, that will (probably) have your
boss angry at you if it's not delivered on time...

  Also, the requirements that you gave us are too much broad: No
multi-user weblog app with media files is only that. There will
probably be comments (threaded?, how to deal spam?), image galleries,
you will need HTML formatting while editing the posts, tags (?),
categories, social-networking features (?), user registration,
RSS/Atom, technoratti ping, templates per-user, plugins (?), send
article via email, stuff like that.

  A full-wordpress clone in three weeks... I don't think it's a
realistic goal. Unless you want something simpler. Talk to your boss
and get *every* requirement for the project. If you don't need the
fancy stuff (which I doubt, but I don't work there :p), try Django,
otherwise, hack WP.

On 7/14/06, Joe Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi y'all,
> This week my boss sprang a new project on me: Build a community blog
> app (multiple blogs and multiple users, also with photo- and video-type
> content integrated and indexed). In three weeks.
> The original idea was to hack the Multi-User Wordpress to make this
> work. I've done my time with PHP (5 years), so I figure I could hack
> it.
> However, I'd much rather do it in Django. I've been messing around with
> Django for about a month now, and it's real pretty. I'm no expert
> though.
> Thought I would ask you all what your thoughts were on this -- hacking
> an established application to get it to do what I want vs. building an
> app from scratch, on a restricted timeline.
> Thanks,
> Joe
> >

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Re: Using an application more than once in a project

2006-07-07 Thread Julio Nobrega

  Sure. All Django/Python cares about is where the folder (module) is.

  Here's what I do sometimes: Create an app on my /home/ dir and
symlink it inside the projects. So I am just re-using the same
codebase on different projects, and getting the benefit of its

On 7/7/06, Ahmad Alhashemi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it possible to use the same application more than once in the same
> project?
> For example, if I download a ready made weblog application, can I use
> it in one place as a general purpose weblog and in another place as a
> seperate development weblog?
> TIA.
> --Ahmad
> >

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Re: Django t-shirts: your ideas wanted!

2006-06-27 Thread Julio Nobrega

  You asked :)

  The green one from the flickr photo with this one liner in the back:

  ['hotclub' for name in frameworks if name is 'django']

  Or this on the back:

  MVU (Just a play with the words. Controller is You, heh, heh? :p Okay...)

  Django: From Web 2.0 to Web Quintette

  Snakes on an OSCON

  Django: All the jazz and less typing too! (Okay, bad taste...)

  Django | Python: We indented jazz (some people say jazz' magic is
the space between the notes, a definition that I love)

On 6/27/06, Jacob Kaplan-Moss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Howdy folks --
> I'm about to print up some Django shirts to take to OSCON next month
> -- got any ideas?
> We gotta move pretty fast (we're going to try to get an order in to
> the printer this week) so if you've got any hot ideas (or designs,
> for that matter) send 'em to me!
> I'll mail anyone who gives an idea or a design one of the final
> shirts, but otherwise please don't ask about "ordering" or otherwise
> "getting" one.  If there are any left after OSCON I'll make an
> announcement then, but this are intended for OSCON promotions.
> For your reference, here's the one we did for PyCon: http://
>  We'll reprint that one if we
> don't get any better ideas.
> Let 'em rip!
> Jacob
> >

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Re: multiple templates on a single page

2006-06-21 Thread Julio Nobrega

{% include 'file.html' %} ?

On 6/21/06, hubritic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I haven't seen this addressed in the documentation ... Say I want to
> have a poll on how self-indulgent my blog post is. What I see in the
> tutorial shows how to make use a poll template and how to use a blog
> template, but I don't see how to use them both on the same page.

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Re: Slow initial startup on Django project

2006-04-22 Thread Julio Nobrega

  I had *many* problems with Django on Dreamhost the first two weeks
that my systems ran there. Suddenly there are no more... I don't know
what they did, what I did, or anything else.

  There's a page on the Dreamhost panel for you to vote on new
features that they should add. Maybe +1 on an "official" Django
support (like they have for RoR) would help.

On 4/21/06, Clint Ecker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Any ideas about what causes this "slow startup" phenomena? Is it just
> inherent to fcgi or is there something wrong with how I'm doing business.
> Thanks in advance!

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Re: Overthinking

2006-03-27 Thread Julio Nobrega

  I like the URLs at the model. Think in terms of URI (Uniform
Resource Identifiers). The .get_absolute_url() tells how the model can
be found. It's part of the "rules that give access" to data.

On 3/27/06, Glenn Tenney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Models are, in part, an abstraction of the data... the
> scheme... etc.  Models should have nothing to do with the URL for an
> object!

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Re: Overthinking

2006-03-27 Thread Julio Nobrega

  What about mod_rewrite? And (afaik) can serve two different
paths to the same view.

On 3/27/06, Doug Van Horn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When drawing a link to that view in HTML from another app I would 'hard
> code' that URL as, say, 'href="/foo/bar/99"'.

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Re: Highlighting Search Results

2006-03-27 Thread Julio Nobrega

  I am doing it with template filters. There's a "highlight" function
that I use like this:

{{ var|highlight:keyword }}

  Where "keyword" is the search term. The function adds a
 around the word.

On 3/27/06, bradford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A question came up in #django and I was wondering what the best
> solution may be: how to highlight search results.
> Here are some possibilities:
> 1.  Add  in around the returned results
> for the searched words in the view.
> 2.  Template filter
> 3.  Template tags
> Please expand on any ideas.
> Thanks

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Re: FileField permissions

2006-03-25 Thread Julio Nobrega

  What kind of file? What I do (in PHP, but the principle is the same)
is to pass the filename linked to a page:


  And on download.php I get the file ID based on its name, check if
the user has permissions to access it, and then send some headers to
serve it for download or view (if it's an image).

  The files are uploaded to a directory not served by the web-server,
and download.php fopen() it, fread() it and the headers take care of
the rest.

On 3/25/06, sam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want to use FileField to upload files but I don't want the file URIs
> directly visible to the user. Rather, I want to service the access to
> the uploaded files via "views", so that I can exercise file access
> permission (I implemented access permission myself, without using
> django admin's). I think what this boils down to is to map a logical
> URL such as myapp/ to a view that checks permission first
> then retrieves the file from MEDIA_ROOT/. But how to do
> that? Appreciate help!

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Re: Form field

2006-03-25 Thread Julio Nobrega

  Some uses of disabled inputs are good. For example one with a
default value and a checkbox next to it that when clicked allows you
to edit the input content.

  Or a game where you must complete some task before a certain
time-limit is reached and the input becomes uneditable. Or a html
tutorial that shows what disabled="true" does. And perhaps even why
you shouldn't use :)

On 3/25/06, Don Arbow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The purpose of an input field is to accept input, if you want to
> display uneditable text, you can just display it without using an
> input field. To get any more advanced, you might be able to do
> something with Javascript or CSS, but I would think that would be
> confusing to a user who sees an input field that doesn't act like
> other input fields.
> Don
> On Mar 25, 2006, at 7:08 AM, PythonistL wrote:
> >
> > Is it possible to have a field in a form that a user can not  edit?
> >

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Re: FileField not uploading

2006-03-21 Thread Julio Nobrega

  The first slash on file = meta.FileField (upload_to
="/myapps/uploads") is probably putting the file on drive C's root.
Check if you have this directory:


  It bite me already :)

  Anyway this is what I have:

MEDIA_URL = '/web/'

And on my model:

file = meta.FileField (upload_to ="files")

  So files are uploaded to here:


  When I use the development server, I have this on my

urlpatterns += patterns('',
(r'^web/(?P.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve',

And when I use Apache I have this on httpd.conf:

SetHandler None

On 3/21/06, layik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am using:
> Windows xp
> Django 0.91
> Django's own development server.

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Re: Error after python runserver

2006-03-21 Thread Julio Nobrega

  Is your project directory on your Python path? The easiest thing for
me is to ln it to site-packages.

On 3/21/06, Francisco Reyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ImportError at /
> No module named opensourceadmin.urls
> Request Method: GET
> Request URL:
> Exception Type: ImportError
> Exception Value:No module named opensourceadmin.urls
> Exception Location:
> /usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/core/ in
> _get_urlconf_module, line 87
> In the I see a line:
> ROOT_URLCONF = 'opensourceadmin.urls'
> Was I supposed to rename, copy or edit

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Re: django pastebin

2006-03-20 Thread Julio Nobrega

On 3/20/06, Kenneth Gonsalves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi,
> dunno if it is possible, but could the default language in django
> pastebin be set to python instead of php?
> --

  I get Python already selected when I access

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Re: Joining foreign keys backwards?

2006-03-18 Thread Julio Nobrega

On 3/18/06, Ned Batchelder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Or something like that, I'm backtranslating from my real app.  Is there
> a cleaner way?

  I think you can do this... Not very clean, but I just had lunch and
I am feeling sleepy.

poll_list = []
choice_list = choices.get_list(choice__exact = "overeasy",
select_related = True)
for choice in choice_list:

The select_related = True argument will JOIN polls and choices
avoiding a new database hit on every .get_poll()

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Re: Advice on developing with django for a team of 10+

2006-03-17 Thread Julio Nobrega

On 3/17/06, Jeremy Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Actually, if you do ``svn export
> it'll strip out all the .svn cruft for you.

  I didn't know that Jeremy, tnx!

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Re: Advice on developing with django for a team of 10+

2006-03-16 Thread Julio Nobrega

  Hey tone,

  Eric provided a good explanation of what's like working with svn. I
would like to comment a little on point number 3.

  Having everything on svn helps us on deployment too. Most software
management tips will tell you to compile your code daily. Because it
gives the development team a clear goal and discourages them to commit
bugged code.

  Here's what happens where I work: QA approves the 'build' (a svn
revision), and a Python script that I made checkout this code, removes
the .svn directories, encode it using Ioncube (it's PHP, remember :p)
and uploads the file to the production server. It takes a minute from
svn revision approved to real world server, and that's good.

On 3/16/06, tonemcd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Eric! ;)
> 3. that's a new one on us ;) (although Julios' comment on using pylint
> is very interesting)

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Re: Advice on developing with django for a team of 10+

2006-03-16 Thread Julio Nobrega

  Option number three is the most common, and what we use here at work
(even though it's PHP, the principle is the same). With one
difference, the source code for each individual lies on the server.
Here where I work, each user has a /home/ sub-directory on a server
with Apache, PHP, Mysql and Subversion. The /home/ directories are
shared using Samba.

  I used to use Linux, and now I use Windows, but the principle is the
same. My "home" on the server appears on My Network Locations, I just
open files there and edit them.

  Apache is setup to rewrite calls to
http://ser.ver.ip/home/my_name/my_project/ to filesystem's
/home/my_name/my_project/. So, when I edit a file on my /home/, I
don't break anyone else's copy and I can see the changes by loading
"/my_" URLs.

  From time to time, we commit things to a SVN repository. This is
*crucial*. You mentioned that you don't have much experience with
version control software, so it's a good chance to learn it :)

  Because with SVN, all I have to do is "svn update" (or use Tortoise,
it's very good!) and get the changes done by anyone else. If you have,
your QA team or testers can checkout a copy to test the latest

 With Python and Django, nothing much changes from this process. You
still can have Apache rewriting to shared directories. And maybe
pylint running daily on the code...

On 3/16/06, tonemcd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 3. People run their own local django installations, and commit changes
> to a development server for testing before those changes are sent to
> the deployment server. This means each individual user machine has to
> have access to the databases and keeps a copy of the source on their
> machine. It also means a lot of django trunk duplication on each
> machine (I guess we could do an 'svn up' where the target is our own
> django installation on the server - nice thought!). We have very little
> experience of using svn etc however.

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Re: How to find out id of the first record?

2006-03-08 Thread Julio Nobrega

  Something like this perhaps...

first_record = models.get_list(order_by = ['id'], limit = 1)[0]

  Maybe even .get_object() if it works with limit 1.

On 3/8/06, Andy Shaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As the ID field is auto-incremented, the earliest ('first') record will
> be the one with the lowest ID. In python, you can determine this by
> pulling all records from the database and finding the one with the
> lowest ID, or you can write a custom SQL query to do the same thing. I
> don't know if Django currently has a built-in feature to let you do
> this, though it is possible that the database will return the records in
> creation order anyway (someone correct me here).
> -Andy

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Re: Attn. Dreamhost users

2006-03-07 Thread Julio Nobrega

What I use sometimes on Dreamhost is this:

pkill python;pkill

"pkill python" refreshes the process', so I can hit reload on the
browser and see the changed code. While "pkill" make the
"Mysql server has gone away" problems disappear.

Dreamhost hasn't been good to me. I will be switching hosts soon...
can't have such unreliable apps live.

On 3/7/06, PythonistL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Eugine,
> I also use Dreamhost( and it works great) but have a problem how to
> kill the correct process.
> When I try "killall python" or "killall python2.4" I receive "no
> process killed".
> Why?
> When I use ps ax to see the process number, I can see a lot of
> /usr/bin/python django.fcgi and I do not know what is the right process
> to be killed.Any idea?
> Thank you for help
> Regards,
> L.

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Re: MySQL + FastCGI + Dreamhost = Trouble with foreign key in admin

2006-03-02 Thread Julio Nobrega

  Can you paste the query here? I think the problem is an unsupported
feature by Mysql... Do you have another Mysql install to test?

On 3/2/06, Colleen Owens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I forgot to say this is with current Django trunk.
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: Colleen Owens
> Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2006 03:34:08 -
> Subject: MySQL + FastCGI + Dreamhost = Trouble with foreign key in
> admin
> To: "Django users" <>
> I'm getting an error when I try to modify a foreign key edited inline
> in the admin interface using MySQL + FastCGI on a Dreamhost account. I
> get the same type of error when I try to modify a Poll object (with
> inline Choices) from the tutorial, so I know it's not my model that's
> the problem.
> I've tried this with sqlite3 running on my local machine and I have no
> problem with editing these models. I see from the chat logs that
> someone else was having this problem a week or two ago, but he didn't
> seem to figure it out (he switched to postgres and said that everything
> worked fine). Unfortunately mysql is the easiest option on Dreamhost.
> OperationalError at /admin/polls/polls/add/
> (1093, "You can't specify target table 'polls_choices' for update in
> FROM clause")
> Request Method: POST
> Request URL:http:///admin/polls/polls/add/
> Exception Type: OperationalError
> Exception Value:(1093, "You can't specify target table
> 'polls_choices' for update in FROM clause")
> Exception Location:
> /home/coowwa/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/
> in defaulterrorhandler, line 32

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Re: admin-logout + opera8.52?

2006-02-21 Thread Julio Nobrega

  When I click "logout" I get a blank screen but I am logged out,
because if I try to access an admin url the login form appears. Opera
8.5, Windows XP.

On 2/21/06, gabor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi,
> is there anyone using opera8?
> because for me it seems that i am unable to log out using opera8.* from
> the admin interface.
> so before i start digging deeper...does anyone else has this problem?
> thanks,
> gabor

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Re: Templating Pitfalls?

2006-02-15 Thread Julio Nobrega

  With "child page should not have to get those events" you mean not
passing the events list as a variable to render_to_response() on each

  Well, I am using template tags. These are
objects/functions/variables available globally on your templates. It's
actually what I use to generate items for a navigation menu, which is
data pulled from a database and displayed on every page:

{% load templatetag_file %}
{% function_from_templatetag %}
{% for item in return_from_function_above %}
{{ item }}
{% endfor %}

  The template tag can also return HTML code, something you might want
to consider giving the requirement (a calendar).

> I was wondering, in response to more complex templating setups. If as a
> user, you wanted to subclass a parent template, but the parent template
> needs to dynamically generate content given a data source. An example
> could be a calendar of events that you want displayed on every page.
> The child page should not have to get those events and pass it to the
> renderer. Is there some convention that Django follows, and if not,
> what seems to be the most practical way for people who have dealt with
> this?

Julio Nobrega -

Re: recursive template calls

2006-02-09 Thread Julio Nobrega

  You don't *need* recursion on templates for threaded messages like
your example app, that's exactly the point :)

On 2/8/06, Shannon -jj Behrens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sorry, guys, I'm confused.  I *did* search before posting, but wasn't
> able to find a full answer.  I saw someone doing the bulletin board
> example, but I never found out how to recursively call a template.
> Must I use the non Django {% recurse %} custom tag?
> Thanks,
> -jj
> On 2/8/06, Max Battcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Jamie Scheinblum wrote:
> > > that's funny.  they answered how to do the tree thing, but the wiki
> > > basically says no recursion... I should look into the % recurse %
> > > keyword tho.
> >
> > The {% recurse %} is a custom tag from the Custard work at Greenpeace,
> > not a Django-contributed tag.  It is Open Source under the LGPL.
> >
> > --
> > --Max Battcher--
> >
> >

Julio Nobrega -

Re: Tree View

2006-02-04 Thread Julio Nobrega

  's are possible, it's in fact what I use on my (to-be) site:

  {% for node in node_tree %}
{{ node.body }}
  {% endfor %}

Screenshot of (a more styleshed) output here:

On 2/4/06, Max Battcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> akaihola wrote:
> > See these cookbook recipes for ideas:
> >
> I was using this already.
> >
> Thanks.  That's a start.  I was hoping for something a bit wiser and
> more generic, though...  something to produce nice semantic XHTML
> (s).  I'll ponder on this subject a bit more later.
> --
> --Max Battcher--

Julio Nobrega -

Modified Preorder Tree Traversal on the Wiki

2006-02-01 Thread Julio Nobrega

  I added an article at the Wiki about Modified Preorder Tree
Traversal, a way to store parent/children relationship.

  I don't know how good my english is (I am from Brazil, and speak
portuguese), and I extracted the code from an app I am doing. Could
someone "proof-read" it please, and if any errors are found, please
let me know?

  Many thanks,

Julio Nobrega -

Re: Question About Multi Column Keys

2006-01-31 Thread Julio Nobrega

  Something like this for your models:

class User(meta.Model):
name = meta.CharField()

class Website(meta.Model):
url = meta.CharField()

class Tag(meta.Model):
name = meta.CharField()

class Tagged(meta.Model):
user = meta.ForeignKey(User)
site = meta.ForeignKey(Site)
tag = meta.ForeignKey(Tag)

  And that's it... now some magic:

- All tag names for

tagged_list = taggeds.get_list(site__url__exact = '')

for tag in tagged_list:

- All tags for user 'inerte' on

tagged_list = taggeds.get_list(site__url__exact =
'', user__name__exact = 'inerte')

- All users that tagged with 'search':

tagged_list = taggeds.get_list(site__url__exact =
'', tag__name__exact = 'search')

  You get the idea :)

  The 'id' column is implicit here: It exists, but we didn't had to
specify. A "Website" object will have the "id" and "url" parameters,
and it doesn't matter much what you will use for __exact, as long as
they are unique, I guess...

  What's a highly normalized database and why did you get the
impression that isn't Django focus? If you pass the 'selected_related
= True' parameter to get_list() you will see some really complicated
queries being built to aggregate all the possible data, avoiding many
re-queries (which I probably should have done on the first get_list()

  Btw, you should really stop thinking about the database design
before writing your models with Django. Code how your data is
structured, its relationships, let Django figure out how to select
them, and only fix if it brakes.

On 1/31/06, kggroups <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I could also foresee situations where I would use a key on 3-tuples,
> etc.  How well is django equipped to handle relationships like this?

Julio Nobrega -

Re: possible to validate a subset of a model's fields?

2006-01-30 Thread Julio Nobrega

  You could pickle (as in, serialize) the data and save on the
database. Then just unpickle when you need to view it.

On 1/30/06, Oliver Rutherfurd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks for the suggestion, but saving to the db after every page is a
> requirement of the app.  If someone fills out a page and comes back a
> week, or even a year later, everything they previously entered should
> be in the db.

Julio Nobrega -

Re: utf-8 characters in database fileds(names)

2006-01-28 Thread Julio Nobrega

  Maybe, MySQL has a default character set, which your databases and
table are created with.You can change with this command:


On 1/28/06, cayco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I did not.
> I used only: mysqladmin create dbname
> Could that be the problem?

Julio Nobrega -

Re: urls question

2006-01-18 Thread Julio Nobrega

On 1/18/06, Huy Do <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sorry for the non django related question. I figured it out already.
> For anyone whos interested in cleaning up your generic views code, just
> use, (note the star)
> urlpatterns = patterns('',
> )
> regards,
> Huy
> Huy Do wrote:
> >
> > Should it be possible for me to do the following in my
> >
> > from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
> > from myproject.myapp.models import MyModel
> >
> > def generic_crud(model):
> >return generic_list(model), generic_create(model),
> > generic_update(model),
> >
> > def generic_list(model):
> >info_dict = { 'model': model, }
> >return (r'^%s/$' % model.__name__.lower(),
> > 'django.views.generic.list_detail.object_list', info_dict)
> > #return (r'^%s/$' % model.__name__.lower(),
> > 'django.views.generic.list_detail.object_list', info_dict)
> >
> > def generic_create(model):
> >info_dict = { 'model': model, }
> >return (r'^%s/$' % model.__name__.lower(),
> > 'django.views.generic.create_update.create_object', info_dict)
> > #return (r'^%s/$' % model.__name__.lower(),
> > 'django.views.generic.create_update.create_object', info_dict)
> >
> > def generic_update(model):
> >info_dict = { 'model': model, }
> >return (r'^%s/(?P\d+)/$' % model.__name__.lower(),
> > 'django.views.generic.create_update.update_object', info_dict)
> > #return (r'^%s/$' % model.__name__.lower(),
> > 'django.views.generic.create_update.create_object', info_dict)
> >   urlpatterns = patterns('',
> >generic_crud(MyModel)
> > )
> >
> > I get a
> >
> > Exception Type: TypeError
> > Exception Value: dict objects are unhashable
> > Exception Location: c:\usr_local\python24\lib\ in _compile,
> > line 215
> >
> >
> >
> > However,
> >
> > if I did
> > urlpatterns = patterns('',
> >generic_list(MyModel), generic_create(MyModel),
> > generic_update(MyModel),
> > )
> >
> > it works. Any ideas  ?
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> >
> > Huy

Re: Preserving data through db updates/changes

2006-01-18 Thread Julio Nobrega

  Just dump the data into a file and reload it after re-creating the
tables. At most, you will have to edit a few SQL fields/values to
comply with the new column/table names.

  Doing it automated is *really* hard and I don't think it will be
better (or more accurate) than just re-inserting the data via some db

On 1/18/06, Luke Skibinski Holt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How probable would it be to implement a means of updating a database
> schema when only minor changes occur?
> 'minor' has to be defined, but the removal of columns or entire models
> could also be considered depending on their impact to the rest of the
> app/project. With no regard for the actual data, models with no
> relations could easily be dropped or have fields added/removed without
> a sqlreset and then a clumsy find/replace on the data dump to reinsert
> it back.
> I'm just looking for a quick way to update my models in the development
> stage while keeping test data. Django is great for prototyping, and
> despite my best laid plans (and usecases), things change and grow as I
> discover new ways of doing them (as they rightfully should in a
> prototype).
> Are there any such plans in the works?
> Luke Skibinski Holt

Re: making slug field unique

2006-01-16 Thread Julio Nobrega

  Afaik Django enforces uniqueness at the application level, but you
could always add it to the database:


  I don't think it's a bad idea at all, it all depends ;)

On 1/16/06, Bryan Murdock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think I want my model's SlugField to be unique (let me know if this
> is a Bad Idea for any reason).  So I edit my model and change
> slug=meta.SlugField() to slug=meta.SlugField(unique=True).  Do I need
> to do anything to update the database now?
> Thanks,
> Bryan