Re: [Drakelist] C-Line RTTY

2012-01-05 Thread Don Cunningham
I'm afraid to advise on RTTY anymore since I learned I am the village idiot on 
RTTY.  Only ran in since 1968, so I'm still learning, but FSK is better, even 
if I'm wrong again!!  
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] FS: R-4B and a T-4XB

2012-01-05 Thread Don Cunningham
Normal AM carrier can only be had with a true, plate modulated rig.  The 
Drakes don't have enough iron or a heavy enough modulator to do much more than 
controlled carrier.  I've seen mods, but.  I sure wouldn't do it to 
my Drakes.
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] C-Line RTTY

2012-01-05 Thread Don Cunningham
How could anyone possibly tell the difference between FSK and the SSB/AFSK 

Well, let's start with being off frequency all the time because the default on 
MMTTY and other programs is that #$* crap they call ATC I think.  Whenever 
anyone answers me so far off I have to use RIT, that's what they are doing.  
Then, there are the SEVERELY overdriven audio circuits making the audio tones 
splatter about 4 kc wide.  Should I continue??  You WILL see it all on any 
contest weekend.

Rant off, and back to my hole.
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] FS: R-4B and a T-4XB

2012-01-05 Thread Don Cunningham
Oh, good grief.  I'm outa here.  You all have a nice year and CU some other 

Opinions are worth about what you pay for them.
Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] C-Line RTTY

2012-01-04 Thread Don Cunningham

On RTTY, peaks are the same as average.  It is continuous duty.  I wouldn't 
run the T4XC much over 50W, with tubes as expensive as they are today if it 
were me.  You have to make your own choice, but there is a BIG difference in 
the duty cycles of SSB and sound card RTTY.  For sure I wouldn't run much 
over 75W, and then with a LOT of fan moving hot air out!!  I know, Garey, 
you ran T4XB's full out for years, HI HI.  6JB6's were 2 buck apiece at the 
TV shop too!

Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Yet another AC-4 rebuild (almost) completed

2012-01-02 Thread Don Cunningham
Good job, Mark!!  Thanks for documenting that one for all of us.  It does 
look great, and is definitely a good alternative for those that want the 
original look.  Please do document your relay addition.  I have one of 
those on a Collins 516F2 that I bought with an S1 Line, and it does help the 
switch greatly.

Tom has always done a great job on all the kits he has put together for 
me.  He will be honest and tell you that the AC4R kit is cheaper, that's 
just the way Tom is, but he does make a VERY good product as I have said 

 He will make right problems too.  I found out that there are two different 
can caps for the R-388 Collins, one being nearly 1 longer than the other. 
A quick email to Tom that I must have gotten the wrong one, and I got the 
right one from him right away.  First rate in my book and I own NO stock in 
Tom's company, hi.


Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Creeping plate current

2012-01-02 Thread Don Cunningham
That would be my first guess, John.  Have you rebuilt the AC4??  If not, 
it's Heathkit Shop time, hi.  I don't think I'd do the bias cap and leave 
the other time bombs in there myself.

Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] L4B Oddity

2012-01-02 Thread Don Cunningham
On the first question, I have heard of the solder melting out of the pins on 
the filaments of both the 3-500Z and the 3-400's.  If that has happened to 
your tube, you might be able to just re-solder it and be okay.  Some have 
said to silver solder it, but it seems to me that silver solder requires an 
awful lot of heat and I would be careful doing that.

Second question:  I wouldn't think that was a good idea, but then I'm no 
expert, so hope Evan is out there, hi.

Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] R4C Sherwood mods

2012-01-02 Thread Don Cunningham

I think you will find that in any group.  One group will ONLY stay stock, 
even going so far as to gut and re-stuff paper caps with new poly caps, 
remelting beeswax back in the ends!  The other group to the other side will 
make it a whole new radio (look at the reworked TR7 on WB4HFN's site for 
an example of that!!  The braid mod you mentioned was a Drake factory fix to 
a problem found.  There are many such things Drake put out to fix known 
engineering oversights.  They remained in business for MANY years past the 
sales of the first rigs, and found need to do that for most of the line. 
That's just not the same thing as the full Monte Sherwood job.

 What most of us said to the original question was that it was up to how he 
intended to use the rig and what he expected to get out of it when he was 
finished with it.  If using it from now on, do what you want.  If fixing 
it to use and sell in a few months, you won't get close to your investment 
back.  Most threads get hijacked and twisted, that's one of the problems 
with lists.

In the end, each man (or woman's) gear is theirs, and they should do what 
they wish with it.  If you ask, you should be ready to get ALL views, not 
just the ones you wanted to get, hi.

73, and enjoy those Drakes, or Frankendrakes, both,

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Slightly Off-Topic: W9TO KEYER

2012-01-02 Thread Don Cunningham

The HA-1 manual is on for the downloading in pdf unless the 
original article has more info.  Shame to mess up your vintage handbook if 
the schematic is all he needs.

Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] L4B Oddity

2012-01-02 Thread Don Cunningham
Thanks for that clarification, Garey.  I had never heard of silver-bearing 
solder.  I've told you that I never was in electronics professionally, and 
only had the minimal USN training for radio ops, not the Electronics Techs 
that did get the full, good stuff, hi.

The silver solder I was referring to I used as a young lad in an 
electrician's shop and had something to do with an appliance I had to 
repair.  Now, this was 1963 or 64, so forgive my loss of memory on what it 
was, hi.  I remembered using a small torch on a small gas bottle of some 
sort and it got REALLY hot, much more than I would use on a tube pin.  Your 
explanation tells me now that I was at least partially correct.

That said, would you recommend silver-bearing solder in the 3-400/3-500's if 
we run across this problem in our amps??  I use 63/37 here nearly all the 
time, only use the 60/40 outside on the antenna wires in a larger size and 
was afraid the 63/37 would melt too easily.

73,and thanks as always,
Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] L-4B

2012-01-01 Thread Don Cunningham
I am a novice at the L4B, but many of the old T4XB's I got at hamfests in the 
80's and repaired had been re-tuned for 11 meters instead of 10M.  You might 
check the input tuning and see if that occurred to yours!!  Just a thought.
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] L-4B

2012-01-01 Thread Don Cunningham
Good thought, Dino.  I didn't think of that one!!!  Happy New Year to you and 
the wife as well.  Good to see you in print.
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] problem with deoxit

2011-12-25 Thread Don Cunningham
Thanks so much for those links.  I had been looking for a source of similar 
brushes, and the D-100L small bottle so I could meet the minimum sales, and MCM 
seems to have all the things I have been looking for.  I bought from them for 
years when I was in the school business, not sure why I don't think of them 
more often for my private purchases.
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] A Great Source for Real HC-6/U Crystals

2011-12-19 Thread Don Cunningham
I'm really not understanding your posts I have seen on several venues today.  
There's not really a coorelation between the HC-6/U crystal and the FT-243, 
unless my old memory is worse than I think.  Aren't those two separate types of 
crystals, different spacing, different pin size, etc???

As far as HC-6/U's go, you can buy them from International Crystal, in Oklahoma 
City for around $20 per crystal and know that they meet or exceed the original 
specs that Drake, Collins, etc used when these rigs were new.  Why go to all 
the trouble of ordering overseas??

Now, if Vincent makes FT-243 type crystals, or HC-6/U types with FT-243 sized 
pins, then I DO understand and would be interested.  I miss being able to buy 
C-W crystals since they went out of business.
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] 5 watt levels

2011-12-17 Thread Don Cunningham

I would think that the only reliable way to accomplish QRP with the Drake 
rigs (assuming the 4 line tube rigs mostly) would be to build up a good 
transmitting attenuator pad and use up the wattage in that pad.  Many 
examples can be found in old Johnson literature designed to let their many 
transmitters feed the kilowatt desk amp they built.  I'm planning to do 
that to feed some of my transmitters into my Alpha amp which needs a low 
drive level.  You do need to watch for overshoot upon initial keying, I am 
told in some literature.

Otherwise, the old dummy load (light bulb if you want to see your keying) on 
the end of a coax tee, then use the small sampling used normally to see 
the signal on an oscilloscope, might be just enough power to suit your 
needs.  Either way wastes the power, but could heat and briefly light your 
shack, hi hi.  (Tongue firmly in cheek).

Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Drake AC-3/AC-4 power supply rebuild kits

2011-12-03 Thread Don Cunningham

You are right.  Tom would never violate safety for sales.  He would just 
turn you down.  I completely understand your wanting to keep it original, 
I would just caution folks to do this for themselves and enjoy the rigs 
whichever way chosen.

If we are doing this for an investment in funds, I think we are fooling 
ourselves.  The nice range of old, nice Model T's and A's that had fortunes 
spent on them, and are rusting away in barns now because of a lack of 
interest in them might be a lesson.  I think the interest in tube gear may 
well be resting with those of us now interested, is all I was saying.

Keeping original or making a good working user should be up to the 
individual, and either way accepted by the rest.  I will admit to having 
both, hi.

Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Drake AC-3/AC-4 power supply rebuild kits

2011-12-02 Thread Don Cunningham
Tom's kits are first rate,AND he is an honest gentleman.  I asked about a 
kit for my AC4, after seeing Jeff's article in Electric Radio magazine, and 
he told me how much more than the Heathkit shop offering it would have to 
be.  I have had such good luck with Mike's kits for the AC4 that I haven't 
changed over, but I may do just one in the future to see if I can tell any 
difference.  I sincerely doubt it, other than the looks.  You'll probably 
need to save the paper sleeves off a couple if you want to be truly 
original looking.

Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Overload

2011-11-01 Thread Don Cunningham

These old Drake rigs are communications rig, not general coverage SW rigs. 
Drake did make models that are, but not your R4A.  There are circuits to 
deliberately block these strong AM stations so that they do not interfere 
on 160m (1.8 to 2.0) or their images on 80m even.  Without defeating the 
input filtering, you are just stuck with what the Drake designers had to 
fight, AM interference from strong broadcasters on the lower ham bands. 
Neil, I mean this in a positive way, so don't take it any other way, but you 
ask an awful lot of questions and it would be helpful if we know if you are 
a ham or not, and some about yourself so we have an idea of your level of 
radio knowledge.  That way we don't give dumb answers and can tailor 
questions better to that level.  I am an old, retired educator and always 
did a better job knowing what my students knew.


Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] AC-3 vs AC-4

2011-10-29 Thread Don Cunningham

If I remember correctly, the finals in the TR3 are 12JB6's, not 6JB6's so 
not compatible with the T4(any).  My memory isn't what it used to be, but 
that's what comes through the fog.  There's also no cover over the top of 
the power supply.  If you use the Heathkit Shop's board, download his 
special instructions for putting it in the AC3.

Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] A dumb ? maybe TR-7 case color

2011-10-28 Thread Don Cunningham

They all look black to me, Curt.  But then, I confuse socks too, hi.

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] T4XB Question

2011-10-25 Thread Don Cunningham
Your question has already been answered before I got home, BUT I will say two 
things that the others didn't.  Tom, at Hayseed Hamfest, AND his family go out 
of their way to be sure that you get exactly what you need, at a reasonable 
price and do it all in a friendly manner and QUICKLY!!  I have bought MANY kits 
from Tom, and always get the same, fast, friendly service.  I highly recommend 
him and have NO ties other than I consider him a friend for all his help to me.

Secondly, I wouldn't begin to work on ANY of my Drakes without Garey's CD for 
that unit.  It takes away the guesswork of the wrong schematic and shows you 
enough to put things back as they belong, not the way someone else wanted them 
to be.  Garey's CD is like a Sam's photofact, but even handier because the 
photos are in color and closeups are given that show individual boards and 
parts as needed.

There, now you know more than you wanted to know, but Garey isn't going to blow 
his own horn, nor is Tom, so I tooted away for the both of them!!!  

Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] Soldering Gear for Can Caps

2011-10-25 Thread Don Cunningham
I like the Weller D550 gun.  It has 200W for low, 260 for high, and if you 
keep a good tip in it, and the setscrews freshly tightened, it works well 
and gets a lot of heat in where you need it.  I tape the wires around the 
area away from it though, hi.  The trigger is counter intuitive too, if you 
read the paper that comes with it (which I never had before).  First click 
is high, all the way back is low.  Seems backwards to me but you can get 
used to it.  Solders PL connectors well too, but you need to be quick at the 

Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Hayseedcaps site

2011-10-25 Thread Don Cunningham
Looks to me like he is still updating.  He needed to, as MOST of his kits 
weren't even listed, hi.  I've been chiding him for a while, so maybe it has 
had its effect and he will show more of what he has.  Give him a day or so, 
or just email him at and tell him what you want and 
he will respond even this late.

Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] On...or off?

2011-09-09 Thread Don Cunningham
I am trying a thermistor from Mouser on my 516F2 power supply for the KWM2A 
at the suggestion of a friend.  I don't notice the thump on the 
transformer anymore, so it may just be enough of a delay to help protect 
switches, transformers, etc.  Sure initially looks like cheap insurance!! 
I'll post something again after I've really tested this longer term.  I will 
try one on an AC4 also.

Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] On...or off?

2011-09-09 Thread Don Cunningham
That's about what I did here, Jim.  I used the GE CL40 (5a unit) and it 
works well.  It does get warm, but not hot and does do the job.  Mouser's 
part number is 527-CL40 and they aren't expensive new.  Postage will get you 
if you don't need other devices, however!!  I usually need other things, so 
that's not a problem here, hi.

Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Yet Another TR7 Question

2011-09-08 Thread Don Cunningham
So true on the computer power strips.  Okay, I will still look at my parts 
rig to make sure that switch is good on it.  I haven't had much luck with 
repairing those, but may try again.  It can't get much worse, hi.  As I told 
Curt off list, my service manual isn't lost, it's just in a safe place where 
I can't lose it, HI.

Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] R4B PTO indicator...

2011-09-07 Thread Don Cunningham
Thanks, Paul, I wanted to say it was that easy, but as I said, I haven't 
been there so wasn't sure.  It wasn't worth tearing the case off mine to 
see, hi.

Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] Yet Another TR7 Question

2011-09-07 Thread Don Cunningham

Help an old man's brain remember something from the past.  If the AC fan on 
my TR7 runs after I shut off the RCVR GAIN switch, does that tell me that 
the DC portion of the switch is working, but the other side, the AC side 
is not??  I seem to remember that the TR7 has separate sections on that 
switch, and thought I'd ask before I pull the panel down, OR I'll just turn 
it off and on with the power strip and be happy, hi.  I do have a parts rig 
with perhaps a good switch in it.

Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] What would you do?

2011-09-05 Thread Don Cunningham
This one of those questions where you will probably end up split 50/50 and just 
have to make the decision yourself BUT you asked, so I'll take it on.  You have 
to first decide what your goal is, do you want a pristine collectable that 
may or may not be worth squat later, OR do you want to operate with a nice 
sounding, well working old tube rig???  Answer that and you'll know which way 
to go.  If eye candy is critical, by all means sell it well represented to 
someone that wants one that works and cares less about appearance.

I can say this, as I had to decide the very same thing myself and the working 
rig won out.  I've just spent a VERY pleasurable Labor Day afternoon working 
guys on 20m with my resurected TR4C that is okay, but NOT a shelf queen and NOT 
a prime example of a TR4C.  It DOES work very well, output is nice, and 
everyone LOVES the audio on transmit.  What more can I ask for???  I must admit 
that the 4 element quad at 73' out back doesn't hurt a bit, hi hi.

At the same time, when I set out to find my C Line this time, I demanded the 
highest serial numbers and wanted pristine examples, so I have both and enjoy 
both.  I have a shack FULL of Drakes, Collins, Heathkits, Johnson, etc, but I 
prefer some of the ugliest units for rag chewing, hi.  

Whatever you choose, just enjoy them, Steve.  Operate often and use the one 
that sounds the best.
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] R4B

2011-08-22 Thread Don Cunningham
Garey has likely already sent you the schematics you need, and he won't tell 
you about this, BUT I will!!!  Garey sells a CD set for the B Line that will 
knock your socks off (shows you how old I am, huh??)!!!  It has photographs, 
labels parts locations and ALL kinds of data you need to keep that B line 
running well.  Check it out on his site, .   I have each of his 
CD for the Drakes I have and find them the best tool I have.

 There, now you know the secret, and the author is on hand to help with 
problems, what a bonus that is!!
73, and enjoy the B Line, I know you will,
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Cooling fan

2011-08-22 Thread Don Cunningham
It's a VERY good idea to run fans on the tops of our tube Drakes.  Tubes are 
getting higher and higher and harder to find.  A slow moving fan, sucking air 
out of the cabinet will lower the temperature to cool to the touch, in my 
experience!!  I put rubber feet on the fans or a piece of insulating foam 
around the rim, and let them run.  Good 220v ones will run slowly on 110v, and 
provide plenty of cooling.
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Unsubscribe to emails

2011-08-19 Thread Don Cunningham
You have to do this one yourself.  Info is given at the bottom of each email.  
The unsubscribe must be done from the same email address that started the 
process.  It behooves us all to remember that when we change email addresses 
(don't ask how I know this so well!!!).
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] (no subject)

2011-08-19 Thread Don Cunningham
Oops, you are sure right, Bud!!  Man, am I wrong twice in the same evening  
New high for me.  (or low)??  I think the rules are the same though, just 
follow the Drakelist link.
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] MN2700 pushbuttons....

2011-08-18 Thread Don Cunningham

Some of the cheap Bic pens have a top that the upper 1/2 or 3/4 of which is 
a reasonable facsimile of the switch levers which seem to be unobtainium, as 
far as I could find, even several years ago!!  The ones I find are black 
ink, and are really close if you can saw that upper piece off and epoxy it 
to the lever.  Maybe someone else will have another suggestion, but that 
will work.

Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] MN2700 pushbuttons....

2011-08-18 Thread Don Cunningham

I should stress, use a LITTLE expxy on those lids or they are permanent, hi. 
Someone years ago went the trouble of somehow filling those hollow pen caps 
with a resin of some sorts and inserted shafts in the uncured resin and had 
a nice fit when they cured up.

Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] L4-B on AM

2011-08-15 Thread Don Cunningham
Thanks Tim and others for the excellent descriptions.  That was what my old 
mind and reading and re-reading the manuals told me would work.  I have a nice 
Johnson Viking II that I will use for plate modulated AMing, and don't plan to 
amplify what it can do,  I also know to modify the DX-60 to control the output 
betterand modify for PTT before using it with the L4B.  I have the information 
to do that right after I change the electrolytics that look original, hi.
Thanks again to all,
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] New Toys!

2011-08-15 Thread Don Cunningham
No, the panel builder quit.  I guess he either felt he had made what people 
wanted or just had a day job and got tired of it.  That burnout is what gets 
most of them, unfortunately.  If it's a nice R4B, put a hole plug in it 
temporarily and keep an eye out for a unit that's parted out.
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] L4-B on AM

2011-08-14 Thread Don Cunningham
I too would be interested in the L4B's performance/use on AM.  I may use the 
DX-60 or T4XC as the driver, but same question, hi.
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] HC6/U

2011-08-09 Thread Don Cunningham
I think you have asked this before, Neil.  From August 6 this year, and 
quoted from Garey's answer to you:

Quick answer:  Yes and No.

Yes, the same crystals will work in both, but are (or should really be) 

The R-4 BAND oscillator is a tube, and the crystals are probably (or should 
be) parallel resonant,

cut for a 32 pF parallel load.

The R-4A BAND oscillator is a bipolar transistor and the crystals are (or 
should be) series

resonant, series resistance less than 30 ohms.

ALL T-4X(any) are bipolar transistor, series resonant.

Now, that said, either will 'work' in either, but will resonate at a 'few' 
kHz different frequency,
proportional to crystal frequency.  I believe some of the band-to-band 
variations seem in some
receivers is the result of swapping crystals from unit to unit.  The 
original specification was +/-
0.003% of marked frequency, (+/- 210 Hz @ 7 MHz,) with modern International 
Crystal Mfr crystals
typically much closer than that.  A SET of new crystals from ICM will 
typically be within a few tens

of Hz from band to band.

Once again, more than anyone wanted to know, but .   I can't help 
myself!  :-)

73, Garey - K4OAH
Glen Allen, VA

Drake 2-B, 2-C/2-NT, 4-A, 4-B, C-Line
and TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs

Neil M Califano wrote:

Quick question: Do the R4 and the R4A take the same crystals?

Drakelist mailing list

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Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Tom Hammond, N0SS, silent key

2011-08-06 Thread Don Cunningham

That is indeed sad news.  Tom was one of those special guys that knew just 
how to help a guy who asked.  He will indeed be missed.

73, Tom,
Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] RV-75 For Sale

2011-07-30 Thread Don Cunningham
Is anyone interested in buying a Drake RV-75 for your TR7??  If you are also 
running the Drake R7 with your station and are interested in the RV75, 
please let me know as I might have another item of interest to you, hi.  No 
fire sale, so don't expect it to be cheaper than I gave, but I don't want a 
fortune either.

Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] SW Crystals Suggestions for the R-4B?

2011-07-26 Thread Don Cunningham
I notice that no one has really answered your question.  For my listening 
enjoyment, I like the ranges 5.5 to 6.0, 6.0 to 6.5, 9.0 to 9.5, 9.5 to 10, 
11.5 to 12, 15.0 to 15.5 and 17.5 to 18.  If that's to many crystals, the 
grouping around 9 to 12 megs in the evening brings the most international 
broadcast in.  The 6 meg ones are becoming largely shortwave evangelists, 
both living and dead, hi.  Hope that helps!!  Old time shortwave listeners on 
Drake gear have found a crystal frequency that gives like 5.7 or 5.8 to 500 kc 
up from that and solved having to have two crystals in the 6 meg range.  If I 
run across mine in a drawer, I'll let you know what they did.
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] modify subscription / email address

2011-07-21 Thread Don Cunningham
Look at the bottom of any Drakelist message and find the link for and go there.  You must be on the computer and email 
address that you subscribed on.  At the very bottom of the page is the option 
to unsubscribe or edit options.  Go there and you can make changes to your 
account.  You MUST have your password (sent to you once a month, first of the 
month) to do all this.  Good luck!!
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] About to buy FS-4, but...

2011-07-18 Thread Don Cunningham
Think about it Neil, that subs in the Drake crystal formula for all 500 kc 
ranges of frequencies from 0.0 to 29.1 megs.  What more do you need??

Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] R-4A PTO, Round 1

2011-07-05 Thread Don Cunningham

Shh, Jim, don't tell the Feds or they will outlaw it  :-)

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] R4A headphone

2011-06-24 Thread Don Cunningham
I just HAVE to ask this one, Neil after looking at your posts.  Do you read 
schematics??  Since the headphones jack shuts off the speaker and both 
outputs are both tied to the same transformer and are effected by the volume 
control, it would certainly appear to be amplified.  If you don't have a 
schematic, you need one, Neil.

Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] First Rigs - If you could do it all over again, what would your first station be?

2011-06-20 Thread Don Cunningham
Well, I guess I better chime in with some verbage on this too.  I wanted to 
get my license about 1957, but couldn't find any of the crotchety old hams 
in the town I grew up that would help!!!  I didn't manage to get the theory 
and code training until the Navy decided I needed it, so I got my Novice 
ticket in 1972 with the help of my elmer, K6OAC.  Vince gave me a DX-35 and 
R-390 for my first rig.  I managed to fry the tranny in the DX-35, replaced 
that with a TV transformer and used it until I upgraded to a DX-40.  Had a 
few 40m crystals, and a LOT of 15m ones, so I mostly worked 15m.

I worked all states except Mississippi on the 15m Novice band, and got my 
Rag Chewer's Certificate there as well, hi.  That R-390 was EXCELLENT for 
weak signals, but imagine cruising the 15m novice band every time you 
called CQ with that monster!!  I bought a small Mosley 3 element beam, put 
that up about 35' on a homemade breakover mast, and with it came a Swan 350. 
I used the DX-40 and the receiver from the Swan for the last few months of 
my Novice career.  My wife has ALWAYS been supportive of my hobby, and as a 
reward for passing my General class license, she let me order the SB-401/303 
pair with the SB-600 and the EV-638 mic that Heathkit sold.  I got it 
together, and with only a couple of wiring errors, I used that set over 10 
years.  That's when I started buying Drake 4 line twins that had been 
CB'ed and usually tweaked with the golden screwdriver, and turned up for 
pennies at hamfests.  I got them going again, fixing bad or missing solder 
joints, re-aligning for the ham bands, and sold them to buy more, hi.

Since then I have had more rigs than I like to count, ending up with a shack 
full.  So like most of you here, I have Drake-itus.  I have a full TR7 
line except the L7, 2 B Lines, 2 C Lines, one L4B, 2B/2BQ and the S line and 
KWM2A Collins with 30L1, Heaths like I built (that need rebuilding one day) 
and the SB-104A line designed by our late friend on here Mr. Elliot.  So you 
see, with the modern gear I have, I am covered up and enjoying every 
minute of it.  Great hobby, and you meet the nicest folks on here and the 

My new thing is trying AM.  I am driving this weekend to purchase a nice 
Viking II for a trasmitter and have several good receivers to choose from 
for the AM station.  One is a 75A2 (needs refurbing) that belonged to Jack 
Guest, designer/owner of the Hornet antennas of our youth.  I knew him here 
in his hometown, Duncan, OK and wanted one of his rigs.

73 all,
Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Ten-Tec and Drake Compared

2011-06-19 Thread Don Cunningham
That's really not a fair comparison, Drake having parts as opposed to Ten Tec.  
Drake went out of the ham business MANY years ago but carried parts until 
recent memory for many of their rigs  and serviced them far beyond what other 
US manufacturers of ham gear did.  On the other hand, Ten Tec advertises as 
still being in the ham business.
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Ten-Tec and Drake Compared

2011-06-18 Thread Don Cunningham
Well, I am one of the few I guess that was put off Ten Tec radios BY the 
so called fabulous Ten Tec service department.  That must have been an old, 
retired by now service dept.  I had nothing but grief with Paul Clinton, 
service manager, in specific and usually had to get sales to get any parts I 
needed.  His cure was ALWAYS send it in and he treated me like an idiot that 
didn't know how to turn a knob.  NEVER found that with Drake in all my years 
with them.  Bill Frost was a comsumate gentleman, even with my very dumb 
questions at times.  I had an Omni V, Omni 6+, Omni VII and Orion II and had 
the same poor service performance with all of them.  The first two were 
bought with problems known and did need service, the last two were new 
radios that I tried and I met the same problem when I wanted anything.  Now 
I feel better.  I couldn't let the great Ten Tec service myth continue 
with this present service manager.


Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Collins and Drake Compared

2011-06-15 Thread Don Cunningham

Paul said This may seem  like a trolling exercise to some,

And in light of most of your posts, yes, it does, hi.  I have several 
Drakes and several Collins rigs.  I love different things about each and 
plan to keep ALL as long as I can enjoy and maintain them.  I think you 
should have both, AND some Heathkits, some Swans   oops, maybe I'm going too 
far there, :^))

Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Drake

2011-06-11 Thread Don Cunningham
It would be a help if you would give us a name and call if you have one so we 
can get to know you a little.  Also, it would help if we knew which Drake gear 
in specific that interests you.  There is a WIDE range of Drakes, so it helps 
to narrow down some.  There is a WEALTH of knowledge on this reflector that is 
readily shared, but help us some with specifics.
73 and welcome to the group,
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Drake 2B

2011-06-05 Thread Don Cunningham
Man, you are quick, Dino.  I was typing the very same thing as I saw your 
message.  You just can't beat Garey's CD's for answering Drake questions!!!  
Also, Joe, for intermittents, I would suggest checking the bandswitch on the 
2B.  DeOxit on the contacts, or at the very least work the bandswitch several 
times to clean the grime off the contacts.  They play a big role in the 
workings of the set.  A drop in each tube socket hole is a good idea as well.
73 and good luck with your find,
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Inproved audio amp for R-4C

2011-06-05 Thread Don Cunningham and the link for R4C kits is on the home page.

Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] Duplicates

2011-06-05 Thread Don Cunningham
It must be your mail program or something.  I'm not getting duplicates.
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] 2-C PS Cap replacement

2011-05-24 Thread Don Cunningham
I would HIGHLY recommend the Hayseed kits, and have done the under chassis 
trick in the past as well.  The kits are clean, and looks original.  I have had 
excellent luck with them, and you have revived the gear for another 30 to 50 
years in the process!  Tom's kits look and work as advertised, no problems here 
with SEVERAL kits and a good price to boot!
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] How much is an AC-4 power supply really worth? Somethoughts.

2011-05-15 Thread Don Cunningham
The worth of an AC-4 power supply is in the eye of the buyer.  The serial 
number of an AC4 is irrelevant anymore.  There is NO good, working AC4 at 
this stage unless it is rebuilt with one of Mike's boards (or possibly with 
Hayseed Hamfest's new caps).  All we are really buying at this stage is the 
transformer, case, bias pot and looks of the pieces.  ALL the caps are 
suspect and time bombs waiting to destroy unobtainium parts in the rigs. 
Sure, if we had to buy a transformer of this type, it would be VERY high 
indeed, but there are tens of thousands of these supplies somewhere.  If I'm 
wrong, I have a pile of gold over in the corner awaiting rebuilds, hi. 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] T4XC Problem

2011-04-18 Thread Don Cunningham
Have you rebuilt the AC4??  Sounds like the infamous bias cap failure to me.
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] TR-7A Shutting Down At High Power

2011-04-13 Thread Don Cunningham
From my limited experience, that is indeed the problem, the PS-7 is current 
limiting due to a need to adjust it.  I think that instructions for adjustment 
are in the PS-7 manual.  One friend's rig had a bad pass transistor and 
exhibited this same symptom, however.  I would still try the adjustment first.
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Hayseed Caps

2011-03-27 Thread Don Cunningham
I couldn't get my 100/140 gun to do much more than move the solder around a bit 
on the chassis.  I had the same trouble on my outside antenna wires, so I 
treated myself to a new 200/260 Weller, and it WILL do the job, hi.  Others 
recommend the huge irons, but I went the bigger gun route as I didn't think the 
huge iron would easily handle the antenna wiring.  It sure makes a lot better 
connections on my wire antennas, and gets PL-259's hot enough quickly to solder 
the shields.  The only advice I might offer using the smaller Weller might be 
to break the old can off the tabs, making a little less heat sink???  I'm not 
sure how that would work, but might be worth a try.  Good luck!!
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Hayseed Caps

2011-03-27 Thread Don Cunningham
I'll try my Weller WTCPN station on more after that remark, Dino!!  However, I 
did try it on those can tabs in desperation, and even with an 800 degree tip, 
NADA, hi.  Just too much good, copper heat sink.
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] TR7 refurb

2011-03-23 Thread Don Cunningham
I hope someone will chime in on the paint, but Mike March, K4QU,makes the 
plastic end caps FAR cheaper than I have seen them on Ebay.  He has three 
sizes, as I remember, to cover the TR7, accessories and the L7 amps.  Email him 
at .  No connection other than a VERY satisfied customer.  
Google March Magnetic Paddles and see some of his handywork!!
Don, WB5HAKI ___
Drakelist mailing list


2011-03-16 Thread Don Cunningham
I must have been on the tail end of the novice VFO ban.  I was licensed in 
the early summer (May, I think) of 1972, and STILL had that requirement. 
I'm not sure when it was actually lifted.  Fun times, sending CQ on 15m and 
hunting the entire novice segment for a reply, HI.  I only had a handful of 
crystals, and 99% were only good on 15m.  Still my favorite band to this day 
though, and starting to open some.

Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Drakelist Digest, Vol 33, Issue 12

2011-03-09 Thread Don Cunningham
It's a matter of personal preference, and you'll get as many yeas as nays.  I 
subscribe to the old school, If it ain't broke, don't fix it!.  I suspect 
some of this comes from VHF/UHF usage of coaxes, and they DO make a tremendous 
difference there, but under 30 megs, loss is minimal in good quality coax.  
When we could get Belden Coax at a decent price, most thought RG-213 was better 
than regular RG-8, but likely there was little different.  You will have some 
more loss with RG-8X, but with low power, you shouldn't notice enough 
difference to warrant a change.  Only my opinion, no more factual than any 
else, hi.
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] New (to me) B Line...

2011-03-09 Thread Don Cunningham

Welcome to the Drakelist!!  Sounds like you have the Drake 4 Line fever, for 
sure.  You will find a lot of knowledge both here and on the Yahoo list as 

I have the dial plate you are looking for, but I have put out at least once 
a hope that someone would take this NOS one I have and start making 
replacements that we can buy!!  If no response on that, give me an idea what 
it's worth (or an interesting trade) and I'll get it to you.  I bought a box 
full of spares a while back just to help out when someone needs 
replacement parts.  I would still rather have someone take on making them, 
and this mint one would be great as a pattern.

Don, WB4HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] T-4XB / Heathkit SB-200 connection cable needed.

2011-03-06 Thread Don Cunningham
Since I don't see a dozen replies to your problem, let me take a stab at it.  
You hook from your AC4 power supply (the 2 pin funny looking jack) to the RCA 
on your SB-200 to key it.  ALC on the AC4 is already an RCA.  I would change 
the 2 pin jack to an RCA myself as the 2 pin plug, if you can find it will cost 
you more than John Kriner's kit for sale in his Ebay store (John is tr7dude) 
for about $15.  You can fabricate your own plate if you are a handy man to put 
the RCA in the hold the 2 pin plug vacated.  Then you can keep the original 
plug for the anal buyer later that has to have it all original.  The thing to 
watch is to be sure you put the hot wire on the 2 pin plug to the center of 
the RCA.  The other side of the 2 pin will go to ground, which is taken care of 
by the RCA ground side.  Worst case if you get that backwards is your SB-200 
will be keyed until you unplug it.  Don't ask HOW I know that, HI.
Hope that helps,
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] T-4XB / Heathkit SB-200 connection cable needed.

2011-03-06 Thread Don Cunningham
Poor proofreading.  Fourth line down, hold should read hole.  Darned 63 year 
old fingers, hi.
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] AC-4R kit

2011-02-25 Thread Don Cunningham
I too found your instructions to be adequate for me, an old retired school 
administrator, to rebuild one AC4 very easily.  I plan to incorporate the same 
kit in all my AC4's as I can afford it.  I found it to be a high quality board, 
good components, and with adequate pre-planning (pictures, tracing wiring to be 
sure it matched your colors and noting differences on the instructions) I had 
NO glitches at all.

I do some blueprint checking and technical writing for a local oilfield 
manufacturer and find that engineers (and designers) are sometimes too close to 
the project to see all the ways that something can be communicated.  That's why 
they keep calling me back, to sort out what needs to be included (after 
customer feedback) in future issuances of materials.  I simply make 
suggestions, as I am NOT the designer of the gear, but we find a middle ground 
that the customer can understand (often in other parts of the world, not the 

Guys, we have far too few vendors willing to supply us with our needs to keep 
the old rigs running.  Mike at  the Heathkit Shop, Tom at Hayseed Hamfest, Jeff 
at Harbach and many others have ALWAYS been courteous and helpful to me.  I DO 
try to warn new hams of the hazards that are faced in the old gear with higher 
voltages to consider.  I usually do it off list, as I have lost very good 
friends to stupid accidents that could have been prevented.  Many new hams have 
NOT had our experiences since childhood with this stuff.

Thanks again Mike, Tom, Jeff and others for making quality upgrades available 
for our old gear.  
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] AC-4

2011-02-24 Thread Don Cunningham
I too endorse highly the AC4R kit from Heathkit Shop, but would caution you as 
he will in the literature with the kit to be SURE that you are comfortable with 
working with the high voltage found in the kit.  If so, it's the best!!!
Don, WB5HAK ___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Slug Tuning Club

2011-02-21 Thread Don Cunningham
That video is now on DVD, so much handier, and is done by Hi-Res.  Also 
available from Electric Radio's store and is the same price.  They do a LOT 
of Collins and receiver videos.

Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] R-4 serials

2011-02-06 Thread Don Cunningham
Speaking of Donnie, does ANYONE know what happened to him in relation to 
Drakes and Drake parts??  I really miss his participation in the reflector, 
and he was just starting to build a nice group of accessories that are 
needed.  I do see him posting occasionally on and other places, but 
nothing Drake related.

Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] DSP Filters

2011-02-05 Thread Don Cunningham
When you say that, is your usage mostly CW/Digital or SSB??  I am just curious, 
as most of the time I hear this, they really mean on CW.  If that's not the 
case, I'm interested in trying that as I LOVE the mellow sound of my R4(X)'s 
but they sometimes need just a little more help, if you know what I mean.
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Question regarding TR4

2011-01-20 Thread Don Cunningham
You will likely find that the schematic you have in your manual probably 
doesn't match the rig you have.  Also, the manuals changed slowly, if at all, 
during the life, only the schematics changed.  Garey will have all the 
schematics in the CD.  One question though, why would you want to re-tube a 
whole transceiver??  More than likely most of those in the rig are good tubes, 
and it seems a waste to change them, plus, who can tell that your new ones 
are any better than the originals???  They have to be NOS or old unless they 
are Russian or Chinese.  Also, the rig was aligned with those tubes and will 
require a COMPLETE alignment after re-tubing.  I just think it is easier to use 
your new tubes as test replacements to see if they fix a particular problem.  
My .02 worth, probably not worth that much.
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Upgrade/Maintenance On All Email Accounts.

2011-01-20 Thread Don Cunningham
Yeah, change the headers when you send them to Garey and maybe the spam 
filters won't catch them, HI HI.

Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Upgrade/Maintenance On All Email Accounts.

2011-01-19 Thread Don Cunningham
I got a WHOLE string of them.  I guess Drakelist has gotten hit.  Has to happen 
occasionally, I guess.
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] R-4B 80 meters not working all the time

2011-01-12 Thread Don Cunningham
I thought I saw an email recently saying that Peterson Crystal, the original 
makers of the Drake crystals was still in business.  I don't have contact 
info.  Then, there is always our good old International Crystal right close 
to me in Oklahoma City!!!  Finest crystals I know of (maybe a little pricey, 
but GOOD).

Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] Test of New Computer Install

2011-01-12 Thread Don Cunningham

Hope it worked this time!!  Getting old and forgetful stinks!

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Six Meter Options

2010-12-31 Thread Don Cunningham
Drake made the TR-6.  They are a bit hard to find, therefore very expensive.  
They do, however, seem to work quite well and are good receivers.  Heathkit 
made one, but the number is escaping, but it's like an SB-110.  That also seems 
to be a good rig.  Both will be old in the tooth and need some TLC.
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Test

2010-12-31 Thread Don Cunningham
You posted here, Bob.  Maybe it's your subject line offending a spam filter??
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Need tube num,ber for R-4B

2010-12-27 Thread Don Cunningham
The audio output tube is the 6EH5.  If you are really working on a R4B, 
you really need at the minimum the manual, which should be downloadable on 
the internet.  Really should have Garey's CD with all the manuals and parts 
locators for the things you WILL run across during the fix.  It pays for 
itself very quickly.  Google and see what I mean!!  No connection, 
other than a friend of Garey's and very satisfied owner of most of his CD's!

Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] Fun QSO

2010-12-23 Thread Don Cunningham
I just got a very nice, early Christmas present today.  Curt, KU8L, and I 
had a very nice, LONG QSO on 20m RTTY this afternoon.  Curt was on his TR7, 
I was ashamedly on my Brand Y rig, but will try to correct that before 
next time, hi.

Point is, this stuff works well, just dust off some of your old Drake gear 
and join us some time.  I hang around on 14.085.500 a lot of the time, and 
the band seems dead.  I'll chase the drifty PTO, no problem, and have a good 
antenna so it will hear your wire in the trees.

Thanks again, Curt.  I'm VERY glad you answered my CQ and we had the chance 
to get to know each other better.

Vy 73 and Merry Christmas to all,
Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] AC4 heat Fan Summary

2010-12-16 Thread Don Cunningham
I still vote for the suck it out feature, top mounted or rear mounted.  You 
do NOT want to blow that hot air across the finals and directly to the PTO.  It 
already drifts enough, and the gentle cooling by pulling air out will lower the 
inside temperature drastically AND allow the PTO to stabilize sooner.  Try 
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] AC4 heat Fan Summary

2010-12-16 Thread Don Cunningham
By the way, I am NOT a thermal god, but just an old fashioned, near 40 year 
user of Drake products.
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] TR7 issue

2010-12-13 Thread Don Cunningham
I just started to reply that we might consider changing the reply to reply 
to, then realized what list I'm on.  We've been there, done that one and it 
ain't gonna happen here, so I withdraw my statement, hi.

We, as list users, are just gonna have to be careful on this list.  Garey is 
right, archives won't work if the answers aren't on the reflector!

Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Drake Meter Question

2010-12-11 Thread Don Cunningham
Are you looking for the meter face, by any chance??  If so, look at as he has some for sale.  If you need something else, be specific 
and I may have it.  I bought some of that kind of stuff a few years back from 
someone that offered and I'll take a look for you.
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Red dial scale pegs

2010-12-08 Thread Don Cunningham
Testor's has a nice, bright red in their model paint series.  You can get it 
either brush type in a small bottle or a small spray can.  Either way should 
last a LONG time and paint lots of these knobs, hi.
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] I broke a knob...

2010-12-04 Thread Don Cunningham
What rig, Don???
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] Subject Line Usage

2010-11-15 Thread Don Cunningham
I sent this info to Don Jones, and didn't realize that I had hit only 

Can we please change the header to the subject line of the original message 
when answering from the digest version of this list??  When we don't, the 
archives become meaningless, as you can search all day for T4XC problems and 
never see the questions and answers that Don Jones gets for his T4XC.  Don's 
is not the only one I have seen recently, but his is the freshest, hi.  The 
old memory didn't pick up on the others.  I understand wanting to get the 
digest version, but please think about the record we are building for future 
Drake users.

Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] More on R-4C of C Line, AM Filter

2010-11-05 Thread Don Cunningham
You must have missed one email.  Howard is a blind op and has the printed 
material, it just doesn't do him much good.  I wish he were closer so I could 
help, but we do the best we can on email, hi.
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] R-4C Use as a receiver by itself

2010-10-28 Thread Don Cunningham

I would suggest a shorted RCA plug in the mute jack on the back so all 
positions of the FUNCTION switch will work giving you the NB and CAL 
positions you might need.  No other connections that I can think of are 
needed at all.

Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] 4 B Line Dial

2010-10-26 Thread Don Cunningham
In the purchase of a nice R4B/T4XB set recently I got a mint, unused dial 
for the 4 B Line Drakes.  Was there someone looking for an unblemished one 
as a pattern to reproduce them??  If so, I would send this one only asking 
that it be returned and that I get one of the reproductions for my parts bin 
so I could replace mine in the future.  Am I remembering right, or just 
wishful thinking, hi.

Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] T-4X fan mod

2010-10-25 Thread Don Cunningham
Suck the hot air out, Paul, don't force it into the PTO and other areas to make 
drift even worse.  The rig was designed for convection to take the hot air out. 
 It will run MUCH cooler pulling the hot air out and as you said, not get so 
dirty inside.
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] T-4X fan mod

2010-10-25 Thread Don Cunningham
My personal preference is to put one fan over the T4X (T4XB, XC, etc) AND one 
over the R4 (whichever variation).  Both tend to run hot, and the transformer 
on the R4 will get VERY hot without the assist.  I put foam all around the 
bottom, forming a good seal and making it pull all its air out of the cabinet.  
The foam also eliminates vibration noise from the fans.  If you can find them, 
220v fans run on 110v will provide plenty of cooling and be VERY quiet.  If you 
want to power them from the rig, as the articles you referenced, that is fine 
too, but I am starting to use power strips to turn my vintage rigs on and off, 
saving the built in fragile switches, making AC fans just as easy to use.
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] bad conditions ? - wasting my time

2010-10-16 Thread Don Cunningham
Same problem here on 40m last night anyway.  I was trying to get some audio 
checks on several mics and just gave up and used the best one I have (a NIB 
EV-664, ugly Army green, but new, hi) and no one complained that could hear me. 
 Same buzzing sound here, and VERY loud, usually way over S9, wiping out all 
but the very strong signals.  My 100w just wasn't cutting it, hi.  Hope it 
clears soon.  I was afraid we, China, or Russia were testing new over the 
horizon radars!!.
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Proper Use of DeOxit

2010-10-16 Thread Don Cunningham
Well, Walker, since I don't see anyone jumping in here to answer you, let me 
take a stab at it.  First, DeOxit should be used sparingly, like a drop at a 
time, and NEVER sprayed on a bandswitch, or like switch with phenolic 

I use a toothpick (or insulin syringe if I can find them) to put a drop 
right where I want it on the contact, then work the switch several times to 
work it in.  I put a drop in each hole of a tube socket and work the tube 
gently to get it distributed.  I would advise being careful of using it 
around front panels, plastic pieces etc without testing a small area.  I 
don't think it is caustic or harmful, but these cosmetic parts are not 
easily found if damaged.

I don't see too much lubricant, if any, in DeOxit, so don't think it is good 
long term for use in potentiometers.  Caig has other products for that (like 
Faderlube or something like that).

Maybe that will give you a start, then others can chime in with better 
details, hi.

Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] bias adjustment

2010-10-07 Thread Don Cunningham
The question I have is what is a simple way to check to see that our meters are 
not way out in left field setting this bias after all these years??  I 
remember seeing this years ago, but is there a safe place we can open and put 
our DVM's in line and read that .7 mills and adjust as needed??  I am sure 
those resistors have moved just like others in our rigs, and I know it pays to 
get it right if we want these tubes to last.  I think the resistors that are 
selected to match are noted on the schematic, but not sure about that.
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] bias adjustment

2010-10-07 Thread Don Cunningham
Just one more question, Al, since you have been at this a long time and I 
value your opinions.I religiously change the cathode resistors, as 
that is one resistor I often find VERY high in value, so if the cathode 
resistors are 15 ohms, as designed, do you think this is something to worry 
about much??

Thanks for the input,
Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] Misty Hollow RB7501 DDS VFO

2010-10-03 Thread Don Cunningham

One more try with this group before posting on QTH, etc.

I have an excellent RB7501 DDS VFO I will pass on for what I gave, $650 
shipped.  This VFO is rock stable, allows the TR7 to transceive with the R7 
or runs either rig alone.  Full documentation,  including full sized 
schematic sheets, Y type cable for both rigs and wall wart.  I got no 
original box, but will pack to arrive alive.

 This is the going price for the RV-75 VFO without the capability of 
transceiving with the R7, so don't let this one slip by if you have always 
wanted to have a rock stable TR7 and/or full transcieive with your R7.  I am 
selling because I FINALLY, after all these years, scored on a production 
model 1544 adapter for my 7 line, so I will put that in a case and use my 
RV-75 in my Drake 7 Line Twins, hi.

Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] RB7501 listed

2010-10-03 Thread Don Cunningham
I meant to say in my earlier ad that I would accept some Drake trades in 
partial trade for the VFO.  I want a REALLY clean T4XB/R4B pair.  Don't need 
the power supply or MS4 particularly, but clean copper (near perfect) 
preferred.  Some other things might tempt me too, so try, worst I can say is 
No, thanks, hi.

Don, WB5HAK 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Receiver Comparison Question

2010-10-01 Thread Don Cunningham
Well said, Jim  Add my vote for the R4B since it contains all that nice 
filtering for free!  Beautiful audio too, once fixed.  One will likely need 
some TLC to get it going unless it's a daily user.
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

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