[e-gold-list] Re: [e-gold-tech] spend using confirm.asp

2000-12-30 Thread Jay W.

sidd, a bit of a guess, but check to
see if the form submit you're doing is
a GET instead of a POST...if so try
jay w.

Sidd wrote:
 Hi All,
 When I use the confirm.asp URL and fill in the optional "memo" field,
 I find that all white space is removed. Thus "Thanks for dinner"
 submitted in the form field returns "Thanksfordinner" when I view the
 payment history on the e-gold site. Has anyone else noticed this? Can
 this be fixed?

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[e-gold-list] If you own the password and login....

2000-12-30 Thread Jeff Fitzmyers

Business opportunity and major design challenge:

Philadelphia Inquirer: Locked out.
Active Web users have to manage about 15 passwords for daily use,
according to
Forrester Research Inc., an Internet research firm. By some estimates,
half of
all service calls to Web businesses are from people asking some version
of the
question, What's my user name and password?


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[e-gold-list] Re: Indentity Theft vs. Anonymous services

2000-12-30 Thread Jeff Fitzmyers

 General reputation trackers/sellers are going to have a hard time
 coming up with a method that works for most needs.

"Any week now" there will be a general one available. Most will be
willing to participate at least a little. The bad news is you need a
funded e-gold account (although I just got an idea to minimize this :),
the good news is an exchange provider (or anyone) can have a field on
their website that says:

To help us serve you faster and cheaper, enter your reputation service
Or send your reputation to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have designed a flexible and open format so that anyone can send and
receive a digitally signed reputation (to some degree or another - its
version 1).

Not perfect of course, but one can convieniently get a good feel about a
person in a short time AND (maybe) have a public way to say the
individual was a bum while alerting others to this.

Will generating this reputation be a lot of work? No. It is a byproduct
of a normal activity we all do.

ps. I really respect the way SR has handled the recent questions. I am
sure if we had the option of privacy friendly services we all would use
them. Instead we need to do a lot of research or create them along with
the business we are creating too.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Indentity Theft vs. Anonymous services

2000-12-30 Thread James M. Ray

At 6:06 AM -0800 12/30/00, Jeff Fitzmyers wrote:
 General reputation trackers/sellers are going to have a hard time
 coming up with a method that works for most needs.

"Any week now" there will be a general one available. Most will be
willing to participate at least a little. The bad news is you need a
funded e-gold account (although I just got an idea to minimize this :),
the good news is an exchange provider (or anyone) can have a field on
their website that says:

Disclaimer: I'm somewhat-peripherally involved in Jeff's project,
and I'm a big fan of it also. I'm speaking (as usual) only for myself 

Will generating this reputation be a lot of work? No. It is a byproduct
of a normal activity we all do.

Actually, one business (MetalSavings) appears to have operated by
the owner's individual opinion of (among other things) postings to
this list. Once, long ago, on the basis of my writings, a very interesting
person snailed me a few thousand dollars worth of really cool stuff.* I
think that I'd trust a number of list members with gold, some of whom
I've never seen/met. I suspect others feel the same way.

ps. I really respect the way SR has handled the recent questions. I am
sure if we had the option of privacy friendly services we all would use
them. Instead we need to do a lot of research or create them along with
the business we are creating too.

I think/hope that a variety of services may spring up. Some may be
cheaper, for example, in exchange for giving up your SSN or letting
others email you once in a while. I personally don't like the use of
SSNs for identification, either, but in spite of the law itself, they are
used primarily for that, and a service that's large and available and
using them now is likely to be less expensive than a new, possibly-
ideal-for-privacy-fans, service. 

Sellers of privacy on the 'net have, in the past, seen disappointing
results (see ZKS) compared to expectations, and therefore buyers
of privacy should probably remember the TANSTAAFL principle.

* What was shipped to me were Comsec 3DES (now Starium.com)
telephone encryption devices. I've been testing it out, and they work
ok (but not perfectly). Needless to say, someday soon I hope these
neat little devices will be available for e-gold from someone. IMNSHO
widespread usage of these devices could solve a lot of  the privacy
problems mentioned by others recently here.

I'm still not sure on the price for these, but they won't be $99 like I'd
hoped, for the near term. I plan to buy the device I'm testing, if they
let me.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Indentity Theft vs. Anonymous services

2000-12-30 Thread Craig Haynie

 He had just been scammed by five individuals utilizing
 PayPal.  So much for trusting those you do not know

If the light was turned-on, you'd probably find that those 5 individuals
sending payments through PayPal are, in fact, the same person.


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[e-gold-list] Re: Indentity Theft vs. Anonymous services

2000-12-30 Thread Jeff Fitzmyers

  "Any week now" there will be a general one available. Most will be
  willing to participate at least a little. The bad news is you need a
  funded e-gold account (although I just got an idea to minimize this :),

 I have no problem with spending metal. For this to work in the long
 run, a profit has to be made. I'm not worried about getting my
 money's worth.

I meant as in lowering barriers for initial use. It's no fun to go to a
site and have to do a bunch of stuff before you can participate. I am
thinking of giving a small local loan of ~ 50-100 mg so people can
participate immediately. (If this is confusing, just wait a week :)

BTW, exchange providers can easily generate a reputation too.
Participation  should be very low cost and hopefully really fun too.

 I don't believe it can to be perfect in the beginning. It's
 probably impossible. It can be refined/improved/changed as
 feedback comes in. Great going, Jeff.

Thanks! I am so excited to get this project out the door. Although very
interesting to design, it has been quite a challenge.

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[e-gold-list] Re: SR Identity

2000-12-30 Thread Jeff Fitzmyers

I think what we are all getting at is that no one cares who you are if
you pay, provide a service, or ship product on time. If you break a
'contract' we want a way to get you to honor the contract, or refund us,
or failing that lower your reputation to warn your customers (maybe a
little retribution too).

Then we need an arbitration mechanism so if someone is unjustly accused
they can clear their name.

The bounds of transactions have grown past historical limits of nations
and so we can make the limits bigger - get a world government :( or
replace historical limits with something that is flexible enough to
allow sometimes severe cultural differences to get along well enough.


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[e-gold-list] Re: SR Identity

2000-12-30 Thread CCS

 I think what we are all getting at is that no one cares who you are if
 you pay, provide a service, or ship product on time. If you break a
 'contract' we want a way to get you to honor the contract, or refund us,
 or failing that lower your reputation to warn your customers (maybe a
 little retribution too).
 Then we need an arbitration mechanism so if someone is unjustly accused
 they can clear their name.
 The bounds of transactions have grown past historical limits of nations
 and so we can make the limits bigger - get a world government :( or
 replace historical limits with something that is flexible enough to
 allow sometimes severe cultural differences to get along well enough.

Well said and good thinking.  This is a productive direction.


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[e-gold-list] The offer still stands (sincerely!)

2000-12-30 Thread Eric Gaither, Gaithman's E-Gold Exchange


   Actually, thank you for your reply.  I hope I did not appear "harsh" or
"conceited"  as I do appreciate your offering suggestions.  Sometimes I

reply a "little to quickly" and my replies are often mistaken for criticisms
or insult.  To the contrary, I just enjoy engaging in a good debate!

You are sooo right about things not working in their current state.  I
personally have been hit for close to $18 K in bad checks (not counting the
ones I never even bothered to deposit) this MONTH alone.  These were from
people in the US, all the details panned out (banks verified funds
available, addresses, so on) but they turned out to be counterfeits of
legitimates.  My point being for every method we come up with to verify a
payment or endorser, scammers then sidestep and move on.

 It is currently impossible to know all of our endorsers.  We must rely
on "fresh blood" coming into the system to grow the Gold Economy.  If you
think about it, I believe there are currently less than 100,000 funded
active e-gold accounts.  That is a drop in the bucket compared to the global
economy with fiat currency, yes?  Now, the trick is to convert the rest of
"old economy" (fiat users) into converting into the Gold Economy (bullion
users).  To do so, we must accept their currency (checks, money orders,
credit cards, etc.) to issue them gold currency.  Since no one has a method
to verify these masses in a  *cost effective* manner, we have to engage in a
huge amount of trust/risk.  Identification verification scares off a certain
amount of scammers.  Therefore, less risk.  Less risk then equals improved
efficiency in converting to the Gold Economy.  Improved efficiency then
means a faster growing Gold Economy with a better *trust model* as the Gold
Economy payments are non-reputable.You then do not need to know your
endorser as there payments are ALWAYS good or they cannot pay.   We must
find a way to build that trust at the start instead of waiting until the
end.  Does that make sense?  And yes, your right, it does not appear anyone
is working on solving that at the moment.  I personally am too busy with the
currency conversion.  Therefore, I rely on ID verification (again, mostly
just to scare off the undesirables) until something else comes along.

 Let me say that I appreciate your sarcasm and the "put up or shut up"
 offer.  And it is likely deserved; especially from the point of view of
 someone "in the trenches".

 Again, I did not mean to be so blunt, but yes, I am in the trenches and
my enemies (hackers, thieves, counterfeiters, etc.) are a massive force to
fight in such a battle.  It is not unlike WW II.  The Allies tried to rely
on the "gentleman's war" tactics:  bullets, tanks, bombs, grenades and sheer
numbers.  Axis powers used mustard gas, ethnogenocide, starvation.  We
Market Makers (I like to think) try to uphold certain principals and values
while still engaging in this war.  Our opposing forces just meet those
tactics with something more brutal at every turn.  It seems something of an
"atom bomb" type influence will be needed to rid us of these types
(scammers, thieves, counterfeiters) once and for all.

  Problem with that? Symbolically the atom bomb was the opening of the
Cold War.  See where I am going with this? Technology that is so powerful
usually becomes destructive by the sheer nature of the fear it then instills
in the side without the technology which then races to create something of
equal or more strength.  If we create a method to verify all endorsers *cost
effectively* and quickly, that means we can id someone, anyone, anywhere,
rather quickly.  Imagine the fear such technology would spread.  Look at all
the postings on this list ALONE from people who fear giving out their SS #.
Such technology would ultimately lead someone to create opposing technology
for those who DO NOT want to be able to be identified so easily.

 I guess what is needed is the best of both worlds.  A method to verify
someone is "trustworthy" when making payment without needing to know *who
they are* in a sense.  The e-gold system does that partially.  A payment can
only be made if it is backed by the appropriate gold stores.  However,
e-gold is now rampant with thieves, counterfeiters, and hackers who have
obtained their gold stores illegally.  The trust is then gone. Sure the
payment is "good" at the moment, but it ultimately cost someone (Market
Makers, GSR, fellow e-gold users) a great deal because the gold was stolen
from them.  Back to square one, yes?

Please consider my offer in your spare time.  I am always looking for a
better, faster, cheaper way to work.  If you have some thoughts, please
share.  If they work, I will share the returns with you.  Together we can
make this a better system I am confident of that.

Have a great New Years, Craig, and I wish you health and fortune in the
very near future!

With Great Respect,


- Original Message -
From: Craig 

[e-gold-list] Re: The offer still stands (sincerely!)

2000-12-30 Thread Dale Pond

"Eric Gaither, Gaithman's E-Gold Exchange" wrote:

 You are sooo right about things not working in their current state.  I
 personally have been hit for close to $18 K in bad checks (not counting the
 ones I never even bothered to deposit) this MONTH alone.  These were from
 people in the US, all the details panned out (banks verified funds
 available, addresses, so on) but they turned out to be counterfeits of

  Now, the trick is to convert the rest of
 "old economy" (fiat users) into converting into the Gold Economy (bullion
 users).  To do so, we must accept their currency (checks, money orders,
 credit cards, etc.) to issue them gold currency.

 If we create a method to verify all endorsers *cost
 effectively* and quickly, that means we can id someone, anyone, anywhere,
 rather quickly.  Imagine the fear such technology would spread.  Look at all
 the postings on this list ALONE from people who fear giving out their SS #.
 Such technology would ultimately lead someone to create opposing technology
 for those who DO NOT want to be able to be identified so easily.

  I guess what is needed is the best of both worlds.  A method to verify
 someone is "trustworthy" when making payment without needing to know *who
 they are* in a sense.

I am always looking for a
 better, faster, cheaper way to work.  If you have some thoughts, please
 share.  If they work, I will share the returns with you.

Hi Eric,

This discussion is very positive bringing out a lot of hithertofore unknown
details at least to me. Seems the market makers, by accepting checks and credit
cards, are open to fraud and scammers by the very nature of checks and credit
cards. Why accept them at all? I admit this allows for quicker growth of the
number of gold accounts and convenience for customers but such a practice opens
up to "low life" types.

Why not accept only bank wire and Western Union transfers? These are all paid
for before remitting so we are back to an asset based and verified currency.
This one tactic would eliminate a broad array of risk. I can transfer funds from
my bank to any other bank with a single phone call. That's not too inconvenient
for me to do. I realize some would like to eliminate banks and the FED
involvement as soon as possible. I agree. But until there is a viable and global
alternative we must use what we have at hand. In fact the sales from my internet
online catalog are wired directly to my bank from another bank. Optionally I
could have these wired directly to an e-gold based debit card account if such a
thing were properly available and affordable.

Dale Pond
Delta Spectrum Research
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics
Sacred Science - Sacred Life
SVP Discussion Forum:

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[e-gold-list] RE: Standard Reserve

2000-12-30 Thread B Ray

Could not agree with you more.
Does anyone think that some sort of escrow sytem similar to ebay might help solve some 
of the problem with the dishonest buyers and sellers on the egold system?
Boyd Pate 

--Original Message--
To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: December 30, 2000 4:40:14 PM GMT
Subject: [e-gold-list] Standard Reserve

Anyone else sick to death of Standard Reserve's posts here?

Andthree cheers for Destiny Worldwide's philosophy!

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Play for fun or for Real, Win Gold

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[e-gold-list] Re: Indentity Theft vs. Anonymous services

2000-12-30 Thread George Matyjewicz

At 11:21 AM 12/30/2000 -0600, Eric Gaither, Gaithman's E-Gold Exchange wrote:

. I really respect the way SR has handled the recent questions. I am
  sure if we had the option of privacy friendly services we all would use
  them. Instead we need to do a lot of research or create them along with
  the business we are creating too.

 I could not agree more!  Does anyone from E-gold or GSR ever post on
these *e-gold* discussion lists?

Maybe they are afraid of getting beaten up eh? ;-)

Actually, while many have slammed Standard Reserve, I personally 
want to thank everyone for their opinions.  It is the only way we 
will improve.  One of our staff was taken aback with one of the 
comments, and thought we should  discuss the issue privately.  I 
disagree wholeheartedly.  Your comments, both pro and con are 
invaluable to us.  Right now we are investigating using other 
means to track identities rather than SS#.  As I stated before, I 
am a list junkie, and really understand the value.

Thanks again

George Matyjewicz,  Chief Executive Officer
Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
Acct# 120018  Tel: 770-300-3070 Ext 2818
World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web

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[e-gold-list] Re: The offer still stands (sincerely!)

2000-12-30 Thread B Ray

--Original Message--
To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: December 30, 2000 8:07:58 PM GMT
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: 
Hi Eric,

This discussion is very positive bringing out a lot of hithertofore unknown
details at least to me. Seems the market makers, by accepting checks and credit
cards, are open to fraud and scammers by the very nature of checks and credit
cards. Why accept them at all? I admit this allows for quicker growth of the
number of gold accounts and convenience for customers but such a practice opens
up to "low life" types.

Why not accept only bank wire and Western Union transfers? These are all paid for 
before remitting so we are back to an asset based and verified currency.

Excellent idea

This one tactic would eliminate a broad array of risk.  I realize some would like to 
eliminate banks and the FED
involvement as soon as possible. I agree. 

The ones who don't want to involve banks, just use the WU option
Boyd Pate
Play for fun or for Real, Win Gold

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[e-gold-list] Re: The offer still stands (sincerely!)

2000-12-30 Thread B Ray

--Original Message--
To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: December 30, 2000 8:07:58 PM GMT
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: 
Hi Eric,

This discussion is very positive bringing out a lot of hithertofore unknown
details at least to me. Seems the market makers, by accepting checks and credit
cards, are open to fraud and scammers by the very nature of checks and credit
cards. Why accept them at all? I admit this allows for quicker growth of the
number of gold accounts and convenience for customers but such a practice opens
up to "low life" types.

Why not accept only bank wire and Western Union transfers? These are all paid for 
before remitting so we are back to an asset based and verified currency.

Excellent idea

This one tactic would eliminate a broad array of risk.  I realize some would like to 
eliminate banks and the FED
involvement as soon as possible. I agree. 

The ones who don't want to involve banks, just use the WU option
Boyd Pate
Play for fun or for Real, Win Gold

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[e-gold-list] Re: The offer still stands (sincerely!)

2000-12-30 Thread Eric Gaither, Gaithman's E-Gold Exchange


   Yes, you are correct about this (more than you probably know!):

Seems the market makers, by accepting checks and credit
 cards, are open to fraud and scammers by the very nature of checks and
 cards. Why accept them at all? I admit this allows for quicker growth of
 number of gold accounts and convenience for customers but such a practice
 up to "low life" types.

 However, as the "portal" from the *Old Economy*  to the Gold Economy,
Market Makers have to accept the traditional methods of payment to operate.
(Some refer to us as a "currency conversion service") Believe it or not,
MANY people out there still do not maintain a regular checking or savings
account due to their financial status or educational back ground.  Some
simply still fear banks and financial institutions as a result of the
American Depression when banks collapsed along with their investors monies.

 Why not accept only bank wire and Western Union transfers?

 We are always streamlining our payment options.  Did you know that
money orders and postal orders can be counterfeited?  Checks can be reversed
up to 30 days (in some cases) later?  Credit cards can be "charged back"
months down the road?  Bank wires ca be reversed for up to 24 hours? Even
cold hard cash can be counterfeited. (And W/U is SOOO expensive it is not
cost effective, not to mention they do not like people using it for e-gold
transactions!)  So, as we know it, there is no *safe* payment method for the
Old Economy payments yet.  Again, that is the brilliance of e-gold.  But,
converting to e-gold safely is the hard part.

Optionally I
 could have these wired directly to an e-gold based debit card account if
such a
 thing were properly available and affordable.

We are all waiting with baited breath for this to be reality. If you
catch wind of it happening, please let me know!

Have a great new year's celebration!


- Original Message -
To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Saturday, December 30, 2000 2:07 PM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: The offer still stands (sincerely!)

 "Eric Gaither, Gaithman's E-Gold Exchange" wrote:

  You are sooo right about things not working in their current state.
  personally have been hit for close to $18 K in bad checks (not counting
  ones I never even bothered to deposit) this MONTH alone.  These were
  people in the US, all the details panned out (banks verified funds
  available, addresses, so on) but they turned out to be counterfeits of
   Now, the trick is to convert the rest of
  "old economy" (fiat users) into converting into the Gold Economy
  users).  To do so, we must accept their currency (checks, money orders,
  credit cards, etc.) to issue them gold currency.

  If we create a method to verify all endorsers *cost
  effectively* and quickly, that means we can id someone, anyone,
  rather quickly.  Imagine the fear such technology would spread.  Look at
  the postings on this list ALONE from people who fear giving out their SS
  Such technology would ultimately lead someone to create opposing
  for those who DO NOT want to be able to be identified so easily.
   I guess what is needed is the best of both worlds.  A method to
  someone is "trustworthy" when making payment without needing to know
  they are* in a sense.

 I am always looking for a
  better, faster, cheaper way to work.  If you have some thoughts, please
  share.  If they work, I will share the returns with you.

 Hi Eric,

 This discussion is very positive bringing out a lot of hithertofore
 details at least to me. Seems the market makers, by accepting checks and
 cards, are open to fraud and scammers by the very nature of checks and
 cards. Why accept them at all? I admit this allows for quicker growth of
 number of gold accounts and convenience for customers but such a practice
 up to "low life" types.

 Why not accept only bank wire and Western Union transfers? These are all
 for before remitting so we are back to an asset based and verified
 This one tactic would eliminate a broad array of risk. I can transfer
funds from
 my bank to any other bank with a single phone call. That's not too
 for me to do. I realize some would like to eliminate banks and the FED
 involvement as soon as possible. I agree. But until there is a viable and
 alternative we must use what we have at hand. In fact the sales from my
 online catalog are wired directly to my bank from another bank. Optionally
 could have these wired directly to an e-gold based debit card account if
such a
 thing were properly available and affordable.

 Dale Pond
 Delta Spectrum Research
 Sympathetic Vibratory Physics
 Sacred Science - Sacred Life
 SVP Discussion Forum:

[e-gold-list] Re: The offer still stands (sincerely!)

2000-12-30 Thread CCS

Thank you for your comments.

 I hope I did not appear "harsh" or "conceited"  as I do 
 appreciate your offering suggestions.  

No, I wasn't bothered a bit.  

 Sometimes I reply a "little to quickly" and my replies are 
 often mistaken for criticisms or insult.  

Same here.  I was worried about the same thing.
 You are sooo right about things not working in their 
 current state.  I personally have been hit for close 
 to $18 K in bad checks (not counting the ones I never 
 even bothered to deposit) this MONTH alone.  


 These were from people in the US, all the details panned 
 out (banks verified funds available, addresses, so on) but 
 they turned out to be counterfeits of legitimates.

So much for the effectiveness of the statist approach.

 My point being for every method we come up with to verify a
 payment or endorser, scammers then sidestep and move on.

I can't even imagine what what they must be doing!  But clearly
you are not determining what you really need to know.  You are 
trying to determine something else and use it as a proxy for what
you really need.  Determined and resourceful people will probably
always be able to exploit the fact that there is a difference
between the proxy and the reality.
 It is currently impossible to know all of our endorsers.

Don't dismiss the idea so fast!  You don't need to know them all
personally.  I'm sure that you have heard the old saw that you can
make contact with anyone in the world thru 3 or 4 intermediary
acquanitances.  The point is that it only takes a few levels
of endorsement to connect you with anyone on earth.  That sounds
practical to me.  Another poster on the board has suggested he
has something imminent in this regard.  Perhaps he will solve
your problem.  For a more specifc proposal of my own see the end 
for a more concretes.

 We must rely on "fresh blood" coming into the system to grow 
 the Gold Economy.

I don't think that is true either.  What it needs is not a continual
flow of new entrants but for present e-gold users to engage in
genuine productive activity and trade using gold.  Then the gold
economy will be self-sustaining even if small and will have a
sound basis on which to base healthy growth.

 If you think about it, I believe there are currently less than 
 100,000 funded active e-gold accounts.

Closer to 50,000.

 That is a drop in the bucket compared to the global economy with 
 fiat currency, yes?  Now, the trick is to convert the rest of
 "old economy" (fiat users) into converting into the Gold 
 Economy (bullion users).  

It is not so simple or direct.  There has to be genuine productive 
activity first.  I think you have things a bit backward.

 To do so, we must accept their currency (checks, money orders,
 credit cards, etc.) to issue them gold currency.  Since no one 
 has a method to verify these masses in a  *cost effective* 
 manner, we have to engage in a huge amount of trust/risk.

I think you are too eager and that is making you a ripe 
target.  And as long as they can rip you off for $18K a month
and you keep doing it you will keep attracting the crooks!
I understand and sympathize with all your points about using ID
verification as a makeshift, however.
 If we create a method to verify all endorsers *cost effectively* and 
 quickly, that means we can id someone, anyone, anywhere,
 rather quickly.  Imagine the fear such technology would spread.  

You are still thinking like a statist.  And, yes, it is scary!
 I guess what is needed is the best of both worlds.  A method to 
 verify someone is "trustworthy" when making payment without 
 needing to know *who they are* in a sense.


 However, e-gold is now rampant with thieves, counterfeiters, and 
 hackers who have obtained their gold stores illegally.  The trust 
 is then gone. Sure the payment is "good" at the moment, but it 
 ultimately cost someone (Market Makers, GSR, fellow e-gold 
 users) a great deal because the gold was stolen from them.  

That is one of my great concerns and a problem that needs as solution
if the gold economy is ever to amount to anything or freedom is to
become practical again.
Thinking about the problem the following occured to me.  Zimmerman
build into PGP an idea for a "web of trust" which he clearly set
great store on.  It always seemed like a good idea to me but I have
never personally found a real need for it in key management.  However,
as a result of Zimmerman's original design there is an existing global   
infrastructure of key-servers that supports it.  It implements a
hierarchical "web of trust" based on proximity of trusted endorsers.

Suppose you ask your most trusted customers to generate and send a
public key to the key-servers.  You can sign and endorse their 
keys.  And other people, including your trusted customers, can
sign and endorse the keys of people they know and trust.  Then you 
can adopt as a criterion for doing business with someone that they

[e-gold-list] Re: SR Identity

2000-12-30 Thread CCS

   E-Gold needs to identify account owners too. I don't know if they 
   plan to do this, but I would like to see some sort of 'low balance 
   limit' on accounts whose owners cannot be identified with certainty.
  That would be the END of e-gold.

Because the value of e-gold derives from its utility as a means
that enables individuals to trade freely in defiance of the 
state.  It would cease to be useful for this purpose if submission
to the state, which is what identification amounts to, is required 
as a condition of using the system.  


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[e-gold-list] Re: e-gold / SR ??

2000-12-30 Thread Jim Stewart

I'm OK with "DEBT instruments" denominated in Gold as long as its clear they
are NOT money.  IMO, it was the fraudulent issue of more gold certificates
than gold, which started the corruption of modern currencies.

Instead of convicting the fraudsters, governments licensed them, so banks
have been pretending to lend from reserves, when they are actually creating
'fiduciary media' for centuries, and sharing some of them with governments.
'Fractional reserves' is the fancy name used to disguise this scam.

If SR does this without a licence, we can expect governments to get
indignant and worse!  So what is it to be for SR?  Will it maintain or
confuse the distinction between certificates and 'fiduciary media'?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Elwyn
Sent: Friday, December 29, 2000 4:09 PM
To: e-gold Discussion
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: e-gold / SR ??


 So the question is:

 Is there a possibility that in the future Standard Reserve currency
 will at least in part be backed by DEBT instruments or investments
 other than e-gold?

YES. But always instruments denominated in Gold.

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[e-gold-list] Re: The offer still stands (sincerely!)

2000-12-30 Thread Dale Pond

"Eric Gaither, Gaithman's E-Gold Exchange" wrote:

  Why not accept only bank wire and Western Union transfers?

  We are always streamlining our payment options.  Did you know that
 money orders and postal orders can be counterfeited?

I've heard of this. Characteristic of "creatable" paper-type money.

 Checks can be reversed up to 30 days (in some cases) later?

Did not know checks can be reversed.

 Credit cards can be "charged back" months down the road?

This is known and an awful capability especially if dealing in large valued
items sold at a distance. Credit cards and the system that supports them are
scary. In fact all systems of credit should be banned from the face of the earth
as public enemy #1:

Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 16:26:09 -0600
From: Dan Meador [EMAIL PROTECTED]

One of my list subscribers forwarded the URL for Federal Reserve tabulation of
American debt from 1959 through October 2000. Check it out at

In January 1959, the nation had what I presume to be a cumulative private debt
of $643.7 billion. By January 2000, the cumulative debt was $17,454.7 billion,
with the October 2000 figure clocking in at $18,115.0 billion, or a 10-month
increase of $660.3 billion. In other words, in the first 10 months of Y2k,
American debt increased in excess of the nation's cumulative private debt
through the first 170 years following implementation of the Constitution.

Even at the nominal rate of 5%, the interest payment on existing debt as of
October would be $905 billion in the next year. That figures in the neighborhood
of 15% of GDP if we have a good year. If the economy heads south, as increasing
numbers believe it will, the liquidation grist mill will take over. It isn't a
comforting prospect.

On a per-capita basis, the cumulative debt is about $72,460. If you don't have
your fair share, you're obviously doing something wrong.

Dan Meador

 Bank wires ca be reversed for up to 24 hours?

Didn't know this one either. Treacherous ground you fellows are walking on

 Even cold hard cash can be counterfeited.

Yep. Try counterfeiting gold.

 (And W/U is SOOO expensive it is not
 cost effective, not to mention they do not like people using it for e-gold

I've had some strange experiences with WU. I think they were created and operate
SOLELY to remove cash from circulation. You can put cash into WU as cash but you
get back a check they refuse to cash - gotta run it back through the system.
Personally I am very hesitant to support WU.

 Optionally I
  could have these wired directly to an e-gold based debit card account if
 such a thing were properly available and affordable.

 We are all waiting with baited breath for this to be reality. If you
 catch wind of it happening, please let me know!

You and everyone else.

Dale Pond
Delta Spectrum Research
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics
Sacred Science - Sacred Life
SVP Discussion Forum:

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[e-gold-list] Re: SR Identity

2000-12-30 Thread Craig Haynie

E-Gold needs to identify account owners too. I don't know if they
plan to do this, but I would like to see some sort of 'low balance
limit' on accounts whose owners cannot be identified with certainty.
   That would be the END of e-gold.

 Because the value of e-gold derives from its utility as a means
 that enables individuals to trade freely in defiance of the
 state.  It would cease to be useful for this purpose if submission
 to the state, which is what identification amounts to, is required
 as a condition of using the system.


Gad! I don't see it that way at all. The purpose of e-gold is to create an
international internet currency, NOT to defy the state. There are so many
good things that can be done with a digital, gold-backed, currency that
there should be no NEED or DESIRE to defy the state.

I am somewhat appalled by your comments. Don't take that personally. I am
just quite surprised that you want to trade in 'defiance' of the state. If
e-gold becomes a token for that sort of activity, I believe that the 'state'
will shut them down.


Craig Haynie

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[e-gold-list] Re: The offer still stands (sincerely!)

2000-12-30 Thread Craig Haynie

 Hmmm,,  some more bad news,,, to a certain extent,, even Gold can be
 counterfeited,, could you tell the difference between a gold plated bar
 a solid gold bar with just a cursory visual inspection?

 Tis all a slippery slope if one's not careful.

It is difficult, though, to counterfeit gold and maintain the precise weight
of a gold coin or a gold bar. Additionally, a coin would have to be minted.

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[e-gold-list] Re: e-gold

2000-12-30 Thread Edwin Woudt

markab23 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am getting a HTTP1 Server busy with the e-gold site .
 Also the e-biz sites have been shut down I notice.
 I wonder if they are related?

What's e-biz?

Another one of those ponzi scams? If so, then in no way will e-gold be 
related to it.


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[e-gold-list] Re: e-gold

2000-12-30 Thread Sidd

Eric Wrote:

Did you ever see the
public apology Reid Jackson posted on the e-biz site?


Eric, that public apology was addressed to the e-gold list, and was
merely COPIED by the operators of e-biz to their site. The apology did
not in ANY way refer to e-biz at all, it was a GENERAL APOLOGY to ALL
e-gold users...

Amazing how easy it is to lead people astray...



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[e-gold-list] Re: SR Identity

2000-12-30 Thread Goldfinger Coin and Bullion Inc.

Fact is, any method of payment to an MM (besides cash in hand) leaves
a trail back to the payer. Even an "anonymous" reputation system that
allowed me to accept a CC or cheque from someone without knowing his
identity, would result in the banking transactions revealing his
identity to me, so there would be really no point in using the
"anonymous" system in the first place!

Thus, unless the buyer was using cash to pay me, it would be pointless
to use an "anonymous" reputation system, and if he was using cash to
pay me... I wouldn't need to know his reputation anyway!




Gold has always been a bearer instrument, and should stay that way -- what
this whole discussion boils down to is this:

I really do not care who you are (and have no desire to find out),, so long
as you pay for the gold with Cash -- either FRN's or Bank Wire.

It's real simple -- If you want to retain anonymity -- then do not request
to settle with anything else but Cash, period.  Then the exchange provider
doesn't have to worry about tracking you down if the payment goes bad,,
because the payment will not go bad.

Frankly,, lets call a spade a spade,, the only reason we require any kind of
ID or verification is simply incase your payment goes wrong -- then we have
some means of finding you and extracting the payment for the bullion you
received (on your word that your payment was good).

Now,, once we have established a business relationship and completed some
trades without problems,, then we have some mutual trust built up between us
and we both may feel comfortable with alternative means of settlement.


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[e-gold-list] Re: SR Identity

2000-12-30 Thread Dale Pond

Sidd wrote:

 BUT, anyone who has a credit card or cheque account is already deeply
 ensconced in the "system" and is obviously not TOO concerned about
 privacy anyway.

Not so (in my case anyway). I went around and around with my bank about the SS#
illegal requirement. The bank is bound by their contract with the FED system to
acquire the SS# or they are fined as per their private contract. Eventually I
relented because I needed to conduct business - kind of a survival cop-out to my
own principles about preserving my own business as my own business and doing
business with those who break the law on purpose and FORCE others to go along.
What I am interested in is helping to develop a viable and legal ALTERNATIVE to
the crooked pirate scheme of the FED et al. This is NOT in defiance of the
system but is a reach for freedom and privacy (to be left alone and in peace) -
things not respected or valued by the system.

 I would hazard a guess that the VAST majority of
 e-gold users would enjoy the convenience of being able to fund their
 e-gold account using a CC...

Yes, I agree. The convenience part is great. It's the other parts that stink.

Dale Pond
Delta Spectrum Research
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics
Sacred Science - Sacred Life
SVP Discussion Forum:

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[e-gold-list] Re: e-gold

2000-12-30 Thread Eric Gaither, Gaithman's E-Gold Exchange


I agree with you on the fact it was copied and pasted.  I did not mean
to imply it was written specifically for E-biz ventures.  Reid, I am sorry
if that was misconstrued.

What I meant was the  volume of spends being done to E-biz on a nightly
basis caused many a technical problem for e-gold and its servers.  The fact
that e-biz was shut down (again!) and that e-gold is down today leads me to
believe there may have been a connection between the two as far as an
accounting or data round up by a governmental agency.( I am probably wrong,
but can anyone tell us the facts?)

I hope I am wrong.   So, to prove my sincerity on that, I offer the same
challenge I offer ALL THE TIME:

   Attention Reid Jackson:  PLEASE post a notice on the E-gold website at
ALL times when the system is down (or expected to be down) with an
explanation.  This will prevent speculation, rumor spreading, and general
distrust from spreading like wildfire in these situations.

  Or, did I miss the public posting e-gold would be down today?  Or, did I
miss the current explanation posted somewhere as to why it is down?  I have
been rather busy today, so perhaps I overlooked that.  The small red "Recent
Outages" link on the front page still does not "do the trick".  Can I prove
that statement?  Can I back up my challenge for this thought?  You bet!

e-biz is shut down and the e-gold site is down.  I wonder if the two are

Sounds like someone does not know.  If HE doesn't know, and poses these
kinds of questions on the discussion lists. I can only imagine the rumors
that are spreading NOW!

By the way,  Destiny Worldwide and those tired of Elwyn Jenkin's
postings, although you are sick of SR's postings on this list at least they
have the courtesy to keep the general public informed. (hint, hint)  This is
why I feel it is such a disappointment that outside of Jim Ray, GSR and
E-gold are strangely silent on discussion lists that are for the sole
purpose of promoting e-gold and its uses!  Would this not be a great place
for Reid Jackson (or anyone at GSR) to say:

   Attention e-gold users!  We are experiencing a technical difficulty.  Do
not be alarmed.  The Market Makers are not hording your funds.  We expect to
be operational again in.

Just some food for thought.


- Original Message -
To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, December 30, 2000 5:44 PM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: e-gold

 Eric Wrote:

 Did you ever see the
 public apology Reid Jackson posted on the e-biz site?


 Eric, that public apology was addressed to the e-gold list, and was
 merely COPIED by the operators of e-biz to their site. The apology did
 not in ANY way refer to e-biz at all, it was a GENERAL APOLOGY to ALL
 e-gold users...

 Amazing how easy it is to lead people astray...



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[e-gold-list] Re: SR Identity

2000-12-30 Thread Eric Gaither, Gaithman's E-Gold Exchange


Frankly,, lets call a spade a spade,, the only reason we require any kind
of  ID or verification is simply incase your payment goes wrong -- then we
have some means of finding you and extracting the payment for the bullion
 received (on your word that your payment was good).

   You may not hear this, but I am giving you a standing ovation as this is
precisely what I have been blabbering (but not quite so eloquently
parlaying) about.  I do not care WHO someone IS, or WHERE they are FROM, all
I want to know is WHERE can I find the person if they try to scam my
company.  People who do not accept fiat monies for conversion to gold do not
seem to understand this.

(By the way, can I borrow that spade to pay a visit to a few mutual
*friends* we both know in a quaint little California town???  I promise to
wash it off when I am finished with it!) ;0)

If people were honest about the payments that they sent, I would not
care if they sent it to me from California's State Penitentiary because it
would be a GOOD payment.  The ONLY reason we need to id people is because of
the rampant fraud going on out there.

I will stop clapping now!


- Original Message -
From: Goldfinger Coin and Bullion Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, December 30, 2000 5:45 PM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: SR  Identity

 Fact is, any method of payment to an MM (besides cash in hand) leaves
 a trail back to the payer. Even an "anonymous" reputation system that
 allowed me to accept a CC or cheque from someone without knowing his
 identity, would result in the banking transactions revealing his
 identity to me, so there would be really no point in using the
 "anonymous" system in the first place!
 Thus, unless the buyer was using cash to pay me, it would be pointless
 to use an "anonymous" reputation system, and if he was using cash to
 pay me... I wouldn't need to know his reputation anyway!


 Gold has always been a bearer instrument, and should stay that way -- what
 this whole discussion boils down to is this:

 I really do not care who you are (and have no desire to find out),, so
 as you pay for the gold with Cash -- either FRN's or Bank Wire.

 It's real simple -- If you want to retain anonymity -- then do not request
 to settle with anything else but Cash, period.  Then the exchange provider
 doesn't have to worry about tracking you down if the payment goes bad,,
 because the payment will not go bad.

 Now,, once we have established a business relationship and completed some
 trades without problems,, then we have some mutual trust built up between
 and we both may feel comfortable with alternative means of settlement.


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[e-gold-list] Re: e-gold

2000-12-30 Thread Edwin Woudt

"Eric Gaither, Gaithman's E-Gold Exchange" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Another one of those ponzi scams? If so, then in no way will e-gold be
 related to it.

 How trusting you must be in this inter-related world. Yes, there is a
 good chance the two are not related, however, due to the volume of money
 e-biz had in e-gold, my thoughts steer to the relation. Did you ever see
 the public apology Reid Jackson posted on the e-biz site?

Like I said, I have no clue at all about what e-biz is. So I haven't seen 
their website. Do you or anyone else have a copy of this public apology? 
(BTW: is Reid still an e-gold/gsr employee?)

Oh, and uhm... I indeed trust e-gold and GSR not to be actively involved 
in any ponzi scam.


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[e-gold-list] Re: e-gold

2000-12-30 Thread Reid Jackson

Eric Gaither said on Saturday, December 30, 2000 7:34 PM:

 How trusting you must be in this inter-related world. Yes, there is a
 good chance the two are not related, however, due to the volume of money
 e-biz had in e-gold, my thoughts steer to the relation. Did you
 ever see the
 public apology Reid Jackson posted on the e-biz site?

Actually, perhaps *you* are excessively trusting.  I've never posted
anything, let alone an apology, to the e-biz site.

I *did* post to this list on November 28, 2000 regarding recent e-gold web
site performance problems.  A similar document was published on the e-gold
website and linked to from the e-gold homepage.

The version posted to e-gold-list can be located via its web interface:


Also available in this public archive:


Somebody apparently posted the text of this document to the e-biz site,
judging by the unsolicted e-mail I've received from e-biz customers.  If
this somebody also modified these words or attempted to make it appear that
I posted to the e-biz site, that would not speak well for their character.
If somebody knows whether or not this is the case, I suppose I'd be mildly

 - Reid -

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[e-gold-list] Re: SR Identity

2000-12-30 Thread Sidd

Dale wrote:
Not so (in my case anyway). I went around and around with my bank
about the SS#
illegal requirement. The bank is bound by their contract with the FED
system to
acquire the SS# or they are fined as per their private contract.
Eventually I
relented because I needed to conduct business - kind of a survival
cop-out to my
own principles about preserving my own business as my own business and
business with those who break the law on purpose and FORCE others to
go along.

Ok, no problem there, you ARE concerned about your privacy, BUT (by
your own admission), you were "persuaded" by force of circumstance to
comply to the invasive ID requirements. That is precisely my point,
few people would probably even go to the lengths you did, and to
operate in the existing system, one MUST (to a certain extent) toe the

What I am interested in is helping to develop a viable and legal
the crooked pirate scheme of the FED et al. This is NOT in defiance
of the
system but is a reach for freedom and privacy (to be left alone and
in peace) -
things not respected or valued by the system.

The viable and legal alternative is already there; it's called e-gold!
No need for ID or reputation to know a payment is good etc So, all
we do is we have one life that operates WITHIN the (FED etc.) system
as far as is necessary to do business with the uninitiated, and we
have another life that operates OUTSIDE in the "free" world as far as
is practical as the "free" world gets stronger, our involvement
shifts more and more out of the "system" its not really that

Have a great new year!



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[e-gold-list] Re: e-gold

2000-12-30 Thread markab23

When I asked if e-biz and e-gold were related  I was referring to the down 
time and closure of e-biz.  It occurred to me masses of e-biz 'participants' 
would be trying to asccess their egold accounts at the same time.  As there 
are about 30 thousand of them (i have been told)  I imagine that would cause 
any well run site to falter momentarily.

I did not wish to infer there was any commercial connection between the two.

My understand is that e-gold holds itself aloof  from any transactional 
business through the accounts.

Mr Jackson is correct.  I read his apology and no where does it mention any 
account holder or business or venture.  simply addressed to the  e-gold 
account holders as a whole.
= Original Message From [EMAIL PROTECTED] =
Eric Gaither said on Saturday, December 30, 2000 7:34 PM:

 How trusting you must be in this inter-related world. Yes, there is a
 good chance the two are not related, however, due to the volume of money
 e-biz had in e-gold, my thoughts steer to the relation. Did you
 ever see the
 public apology Reid Jackson posted on the e-biz site?

Actually, perhaps *you* are excessively trusting.  I've never posted
anything, let alone an apology, to the e-biz site.

I *did* post to this list on November 28, 2000 regarding recent e-gold web
site performance problems.  A similar document was published on the e-gold
website and linked to from the e-gold homepage.

The version posted to e-gold-list can be located via its web interface:


Also available in this public archive:


Somebody apparently posted the text of this document to the e-biz site,
judging by the unsolicted e-mail I've received from e-biz customers.  If
this somebody also modified these words or attempted to make it appear that
I posted to the e-biz site, that would not speak well for their character.
If somebody knows whether or not this is the case, I suppose I'd be mildly

 - Reid -

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[e-gold-list] Re: e-gold

2000-12-30 Thread Eric Gaither, Gaithman's E-Gold Exchange


   Your alive!  Oh, I am so happy to know your reading these discussion
lists!  Now, can you please answer the $65 K dollar question of the day:

What is the reason the e-gold website is down and how soon are you
projecting it to be back up?

My phone has been ringing off the hook (as it always does) when the
e-gold website goes down.  People ALWAYS think that we *independent* Market
Makers are in control of the e-gold website.  I spend hours explaining that
is not the case.  E-gold and GSR are separate companies and THEY control
the e-gold website.

 Actually, perhaps *you* are excessively trusting.  I've never posted
 anything, let alone an apology, to the e-biz site.

By the way, interestingly enough, your public apology WAS pasted on the
e-biz website for quite sometime.  Seeing that e-biz was handling such
volume of e-gold, it did appear you wrote that for them.  Sounds like you
did not.  Did you ever ask them to remove it  from their site?  Or, do you
ever review sites?  I imagine your a busy guy so maybe not.  But, with a
title like yours, I would be judicious in my letting people post my words on
a public site.  Based on the number of page views your apology got from the
e-biz site, many a person (myself included initially) thought YOU did do
just that.

 Perhaps *you*  could share the truth and enlighten us, yes?  What is up
with the e-gold website down time?  Any expectations for it going back up

Thanks, Reid!


- Original Message -
From: Reid Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, December 30, 2000 6:35 PM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: e-gold

 Eric Gaither said on Saturday, December 30, 2000 7:34 PM:

  How trusting you must be in this inter-related world. Yes, there is
  good chance the two are not related, however, due to the volume of money
  e-biz had in e-gold, my thoughts steer to the relation. Did you
  ever see the
  public apology Reid Jackson posted on the e-biz site?

 Actually, perhaps *you* are excessively trusting.  I've never posted
 anything, let alone an apology, to the e-biz site.

 I *did* post to this list on November 28, 2000 regarding recent e-gold web
 site performance problems.  A similar document was published on the e-gold
 website and linked to from the e-gold homepage.

 The version posted to e-gold-list can be located via its web interface:


 Also available in this public archive:


 Somebody apparently posted the text of this document to the e-biz site,
 judging by the unsolicted e-mail I've received from e-biz customers.  If
 this somebody also modified these words or attempted to make it appear
 I posted to the e-biz site, that would not speak well for their character.
 If somebody knows whether or not this is the case, I suppose I'd be mildly

  - Reid -

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[e-gold-list] Re: SR Identity

2000-12-30 Thread Sidd

Boyd wrote:
It can also work in the reverse, I want to sell, the MM deposits cash
to my acct, I spend the egold to his.
It does take a leaf of faith the first time this is done, or maybe
even the first 2 or 3 times ...

Not for much longer... watch this space...


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[e-gold-list] Re: SR Identity

2000-12-30 Thread jpm

At 8:48 PM -0500 12/30/00, B Ray wrote:

I musyt say that's a good, SIMPLE, sensible looking xchange provider

(I have absolutely no idea who's running it, if it's a crooked one, 
or whatever!  :) )

Thank god for simple, clear instructions.

Whoever is running it, buy yourself a domain name for $20, for god's sake!

You can pay for a domain name w/ gold at domains.jhcloos.com

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[e-gold-list] Re: SR Identity

2000-12-30 Thread B Ray

--Original Message--
To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: December 31, 2000 1:59:06 AM GMT
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: SR  Identity

At 8:48 PM -0500 12/30/00, B Ray wrote:

I musyt say that's a good, SIMPLE, sensible looking xchange provider

(I have absolutely no idea who's running it, if it's a crooked one, 
or whatever!  :) )

All I can tell you is that the 2 transaction I did with James Shupperd were clean, 
quick, and with no BS and completed within half an hour at most.  I believe there have 
been others who have dealt with him who post the fact that they were very pleased also.
B Pate
Play for fun or for Real, Win Gold

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[e-gold-list] Free Visa Card?

2000-12-30 Thread Michael Moore

Hi there,

Would you believe it, I have found a Free 
VISA CARD. Take a quick look at www.visarebates.com . They're giving 
away free Visa cards with free flight miles on any airline and 
paying people a ton of money to refer their contacts. And this isn't very hard! 
This thing is spreading like wildfire, and they're passing out millions of 
dollars for referring something that's free. what can I say! Take look and 
see if you want to get in on the action. If you sign up for one of these free 
Visa cards, be sure to enter my Referral 

One of my customers has just gotten 66 referrals in 
three hours. He is beside himself with joy. I don't normally look at 
MLM's but this is quite impressive!
They're also giving away free Visa cards with free 
flight miles on any airline and paying MLM commissions to refer other 
Cardholders. They pay out on a huge 10-level plan - $10 for the first 
level and $2 on the next nine - nobody buys a thing. The money comes from the 
bank because of the value of cardholders. This thing is spreading like wildfire. 
i suggest you check it out. If you sign up for one of these Visa cards, 
please be sure to enter my Referral ID: goldtoday 

Remember, ITS FREE!
When you apply for your card, enter my Referral ID:  

Thanksfor your timeand have a great new Year 
Kind regards,

Michael Moore[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.gold-today.comSign up with 
e-gold today and get grams of e-gold here.https://www.e-gold.com/newacct/newaccount.asp?cid=129542
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[e-gold-list] Accounts/Privacy/Fraud

2000-12-30 Thread Michael Moore

This whole 
issue of annonymous accounts/fraud/privacy can be resolved quitesimply 
it seems to me.Firstly the accounts.e-gold, or SR or 
Goldmoney and who ever is the new gold supplierthat willbe 
openingin the new year simply sets up three types of 
accounts.xx is the standard account which is currently set up 
by e-gold. Anyonecan open this account and it is 
relatively annonymous.xxM would be a merchant or business 
account. To open this accountFull ID would need to be 
supplied. Anyone dealing with this account wouldbe aware that full ID 
has been provided and know that the person istrackable and bona fide. Alpha 
designations can be applied simply at the endof the account number and would 
form part of the account number. The nameof the Account would also be 
fixed at the time the account is opened. Mfor merchant B 
for business C for charity S for 'those special investmentschemes' and so 
forth. If there is no alpha designation at the end of theaccount 
number you might think twice before spending to that account. 
Theresponsibility lies with the spender. It also reinforces the non 
repudiablepolicy e-gold has.xxP of course would be an 
accredited service provider or Market Maker.(Of course I am not an 
accredited Market Maker as far as e-gold is concernedso I might be hoisting 
my own pertard with this one)Those people who wish to remain annonymous 
can do so. Those with alegitimate business to run can do 
so and those who wish to run somethingdubious can also do so. It 
is then the responsibility of the personspending the gold. No 
more crying victim.This also answers the question of privacy. 
Those who wish to remainannonymous can do so. The one disadvantage is 
that they cannot run abusiness and remain annonymous at the same time. 
Secondly, what about the fraudsters who pass bad 
cheques, the scamstersand such choice items as paypal etc? Well 
paypal firstly. Simply do notpromote it, do not use it, do not 
accept it if you consider it is notreliable. I will not use 
Paypal as is another avenue for criminals touse and really costs more that 
it saves in time and aquiring customers. andit does not replace doing the 
work to verify a customers veracity. anyway.Now, having been the recipient 
of some particularly nasty cheques I canspeak with some authority and 
the first step is simply do not acceptcheques, do not accept credit 
cards (after all we are trying to get awayfrom that type of 
transaction so why encourage it?). "Oh...but I will losebusiness!.." I hear 
you say. Ask any money maker how much business theyhave lost by not 
accepting credit cards... you will find it is very little.in fact you would 
be hard put to find an MM who DOES accept credit cards ona consistent 
ongoing basis.The same goes for cheques. I do not accept overseas 
cheques any more(particularly US cheques) but this has not affected my 
business at all. People will adapt and this is what we are striving 
for as well as make a fewbob doing it. If all the MMs said "No 
more Cheques. Cash, Bank Wires andWestern Union Money orders Only 
". Are your customers going to go somewhereelse? I think not! 
But of course there will the that MM who will say "Heyover here...I 
will take your cheques...give them to me.." and all thefraudsters will 
say, "Hey look, an opening.. let's use it quick!", and thatMM willget 
clobbered and will then decide it IS more prudent to go with 
theflow.Additionally instead of saying "oh...we need some perfect 
software to doour job for us." . let us simply set some policy which 
we will agree to andenforce with regard to payments and I can assure you the 
customers will cometo the party. The next step is of 
courseverify. Do you have a verification process inplace? If 
not do you want to buy one? I can sell you one. It is a sheetof 
paper with 10 steps written on it. (I bet graham has one too). i 
cansell it to you for 100USD, or you can sit down and write one 
yourself ifyou have not already and save the 100USD (damn!)The 
last step is to locate a system easy for clients to use that replacesthe 
cheque/credit card system and that is reliable and secure and has 
nochargeback threat or can freeze. In Australian there 
is such a 
a systemand it is called Technocash. This will be the system that will 
replace allothers for the most part. I'm sure a similar system is 
obtainable in the USand other countries (if not technocash soon will 
be). Or you can deviseone.As an aside, almost ALL 
my business is referrals and word of mouth. Afterthe cheque 
senario my business came to a virtual stop. But over time ithas 
started to build up again and with no advertising (apart of 
theoccasional announcement on the discussion board) is building up very 
nicelyby word of mouth and referrals and all my clients and stable, 
known to meand I have no problem accepting cheques or any other form of 
payment fromthem. These types of clients are the best you can 
get, they are loyal andreliable. I will 

[e-gold-list] More Questions

2000-12-30 Thread peelpee

a) must all of Michael Moore's posts always be accompanied by sheaves of
blockquotes and equally as abundandant quanities of irritating
hieroglyphic html code?

b) Re: rip-offs what do people expect when they deal with inherently
dishonest systems such as credit cards and bank debt instruments?

c) are some people really making an attempt to keep records of every
miniscule transaction they make with e-gold, or any other monetary
system, in order to surrender some part of their assets to greedy and
unscrupulous government agencies? 

d) am I the only one in the world to never to have had a credit card and
to have had eschewed traditional banking for very nearly the last 20

e) are a majority of people in the world really as stupid as they
continue to appear to be?

f) ...if I have offended, may I offer my recent consumption of two
gigantic and delicious Manhattans as an expedient excuse for my

..Oh, and by the way, Happy New Year!

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