[e-gold-list] Loyal Bank

2002-12-13 Thread Destiny Worldwide Net
To the customer who was interested in a transfer to Loyal Bank in exchange
for egold:

We deal with Loyal Bank, but do not as of this moment warehouse a lot of
money there.  This will change in the future so that we can fulfill requests

Depending on the size of your request, we may be willing to even give you a
small premium for the egold, which would probably defray the wire transfer
charges.  Please let me know today, because if we don't hear from you, we
wil have to order some additional egold via wire transfer.  Thanks,


P.S.  We are a private market maker and have been in business since 1997.
We do not generally advertise to the public, and service mainly our existing
clientele, but you are welcome to use our services.  Please answer offlist,
as we get the digest version, so any answers to the list will be delayed.

 Get the privacy and offshore services you need from 
 Destiny Worldwide!  Visit our websites often for ---
 the latest seminars and resources! --
 http://www.destiny-worldwide.net  -
  The famous psychologist William James
once said, “The deepest principle in human
nature is the craving to be appreciated.”
-- Destiny Worldwide Associates appreciates each and every member!

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Use e-gold's Secure Randomized Keyboard (SRK) when accessing your e-gold account(s) 
via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Most outrageous fraud attempt yet!

2002-11-29 Thread Destiny Worldwide Net
Today I received the most outrageous fraud message yet.  These guys must be
getting really desperate!



It has come to our attention that you may be the recipient of
potentially fraudulent funds. We have initiated an investigation
into this event. In the meantime, we have placed a
pending reversal on the funds in question until the
investigation is complete. This pending reversal will
show as a deduction in your available balance. In
the meantime, you are free to continue transacting using
your E-Gold account.

To check the transaction in question please go to:

and log in into your e-gold account.

Transaction Date: Oct 14, 2002 07:39:34
Transaction Amount: $680.00
Payor's E-Gold:

E-Gold Support Team.

 Thank you for using e-gold!

This automatic email sent to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Do not reply to this email.

 Get the privacy and offshore services you need from 
 Destiny Worldwide!  Visit our websites often for ---
 the latest seminars and resources! --
 http://www.destiny-worldwide.net  -
  The famous psychologist William James
once said, “The deepest principle in human
nature is the craving to be appreciated.”
-- Destiny Worldwide Associates appreciates each and every member!

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] liberty dollar

2002-05-28 Thread Destiny Worldwide Net


Subject: Re: the liberty dollar
From: Steven T. Cramer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 27 May 2002 13:22:36 -0600
X-Message-Number: 15

The Liberty Dollar is an interesting concept.  Why don't they accept
digital currencies especially e-gold for there goods?



We are working on an interface to do just that.  NORFED is also coming out
shortly with a smartcard backed by their NORFED dollars [IE GOLD AND

This is an incrediby complex deal, but I hope to have the kinks worked out
shortly.  The kickoff for the new system will be around July 1st, and will
include a lot more goodies.  Stay tuned.


 Get the privacy and offshore services you need from 
 Destiny Worldwide!  Visit our websites often for ---
 the latest seminars and resources! --
 http://www.destiny-worldwide.net  -
Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the
argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.
-- William Pitt, November 18, 1783

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Moneygram and Western Union

2002-02-18 Thread Destiny Worldwide Net

We can do out exchanges through WU and Moneygram.  Moneygram is cheaper for
you, but we can do WU too.  See our offshorearnings site for details.  Our
prices are very reasonable, especially if you register an account with us.


 Get the privacy and offshore services you need from 
 Destiny Worldwide!  Visit our websites often for ---
 the latest seminars and resources! --
 http://www.destiny-worldwide.net  -
Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the
argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.
-- William Pitt, November 18, 1783

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Use e-gold's Secure Randomized Keyboard (SRK) when accessing your e-gold account(s) 
via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Argentina

2002-02-01 Thread Destiny Worldwide Net

I am sure that things are very bad there right now, and it illustrates the
problems of fiat currency.  For your information, we are located here in
Costa Rica, and my associate is a Tico, so he speaks perfect Spanish of

Your problem is simillar to that experienced in S. Africa, where people
cannot send money out of the country except with government permission, of

Yet, despite this, there is at least one egold MM who operates in S. Africa.
How do they do it?

Well, there is only one way, besides smuggling, that one can get money in
and out of a closed country like that.  Here is how it would work.  You have
customers in Argentina who want to buy egold, so you have to sell it in the
local, controlled currency.  Also, I am sure that there would be some people
who would want to exchange egold for local currency for buying things,
although I am sure they would do so sparingly at this time.

Also, if you were such a MM, you would need to acquire customers outside
yoru own country, and you could use the gold generaated from those customers
when they do a redeem to fund the egold orders from Argentina.  IN order to
make this work right, there would have to be a balance on both sides of the
equation, so to speak.  However, since this is a national emergency, the
accounts would probably not balance, but it gives you a line of reasoning to
follow.  Perhaps someone with more experience in this can refine this idea
for you.

I assume that bank wires, etc. cannot be gotten out of there either?

It is a real problem when the fiat currency collapses along with the economy
and banking system.  The only way out of it is to learn from the experience
and diversify outside the system when that is finally permitted again.

Are people allowed to buy and sell gold and silver there?  If so, another
approach to use as a start would be to start something like Norfed, which
issues a paper currency represented by gold in a vault.  It is just like
egold, except it is real world rather than digital.

Anyway, these are just some ideas to start you thinking.  What has to happen
is that people and business have to start using a sound currency regardless
of what the government says or does.  If you can't buy and store gold or
silver, you could issue something like the HOURS currency issued in New
England in the US.  I believe they have a website you could check out.

It sounds to me that the people are ripe for a change, and if you are the
first one there to do it, then you stand to make a lot of money.  I hope at
least some of this has been of help.


 Get the privacy and offshore services you need from 
 Destiny Worldwide!  Visit our websites often for ---
 the latest seminars and resources! --
 http://www.destiny-worldwide.net  -
Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the
argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.
-- William Pitt, November 18, 1783

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Use e-gold's Secure Randomized Keyboard (SRK) when accessing your e-gold account(s) 
via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Is this a scam?

2001-08-29 Thread Destiny Worldwide Net

It looks to me like someone is doing a very bad scam on Yahoo.  There is an
egold club hosted on Yahoo that makes the following statement:

Hi, I'm Douglas Jackson Founder of E-GOLD.COM this is my E-GOLD Club you
enter here and instantly DOUBLE your E-GOLD. ONLY FOR TODAY Follow the Link

When you follow the link, it looks like it takes you to the egold front page
through some kind of proxy.  I'm not a techi, but it looks like this is a
clever way to get your account number and password, and maybe there are some
other bad things it does that some of the technically inclined here can
figure out.  If you want to check it out, here is the url for this club:


I think egold had better look into this, and if its a fake, and I'm sure it
is, get Yahoo to take this down right now.


 Get the privacy and offshore services you need from 
 Destiny Worldwide!  Visit our websites often for ---
 the latest seminars and resources! --
 http://www.destiny-worldwide.net  -
 ...it does not require a majority to prevail,
 but rather an irate, tireless minority
  keen on setting brush fires in people's minds...
-- Samuel Adams


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Did you know that e-gold Ltd. stores more gold on behalf of customers
than many countries? See http://www.gold.org/Gra/Gra1.htm and the
e-gold Examiner at http://www.e-gold.com/examiner.html for details.

[e-gold-list] HYIP scams?

2001-08-01 Thread Destiny Worldwide Net

I will agree that 90%+ of HYIP'S are outright scams and ponzi schemes.
However, to be fair, I need to point out a couple of things:

There is a private and very large HYIP here in Costa Rica that has been
paying 3% a month for over 20 years with no sign of stopping, despite some
recent persecution of this program by the local newspaper and someone trying
to extort them, and numerous and continuous [and UNWANTED] investigations by
numerous agencies of the US government over many years.

For information on why HYIP's MUST become private programs rather than
public, read the article at http://www.destiny-worldwide.net/hyip.htm

There is a definite and vested interest in various governments not wanting
you to find a workable program.  You can use your imagination as to why, but
some of the reasons are most of these are offshore, private, tax free,
untracable, etc.

So, governments attempt to shut down programs that are legitimate and that
get too large [it is amazing the orchastrated, concerted campaign against
the company here, but the company has prevailed simply because too many
people in power in the government here have money in it].

Another tactic is that the governments allow the scams to go on many times
unmolested, at least for some time.  What this means is that people get
burned by the scams [remember over 90+% of these programs ARE scams, and you
only have a very small chance to get into one that is not a scam.  thus the
majority of the people draw the erroneous conclusion that ALL of them are
scams, which is what Big Brother wants you to think.  I have been burned by
several of these scams myself, but that was ONLY when I did not follow
commmon sense or the advice of some of those who know more than myself.  Or
it was when I got greedy and was not careful.  HYIP's are a minefield that
is not safe for the average person to fool around with.  I would say that
ANYTIME you receive spam from some great program, or even have a friend
who is telling you their personal story about how great so and so program

I got burned once or twice by not following the above advice.

I am not going to bore all of you with further details here.  If you want to
learn more, you can find more information at our website [which is NOT
dedicated to this]:


Especially note the article there on economic correctness, as that pretty
well sums up the game that is going on to keep you in the dark about how the
financial world really operates.  There is enough information on this one
page to start anyone down the right path, but the answers are not quick or


P.S.  If you want to look at the whole site, which has a wealth of
information of all kinds, you need to enter from the front page so that you
get the frameset with all the buttons.  The buttons in the upper frame will
not reproduce from the links above, and so you will miss out on a lot of
material.  The main address is in my sig file below.

 Get the privacy and offshore services you need from 
 Destiny Worldwide!  Visit our websites often for ---
 the latest seminars and resources! --
 http://www.destiny-worldwide.net  -
 ...it does not require a majority to prevail,
 but rather an irate, tireless minority
  keen on setting brush fires in people's minds...
-- Samuel Adams


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Did you know that the new e-gold Secure Random Keypad can
help you to protect your passphrase from both keystroke  mouse-
click sniffing trojan viruses? You can find out more about computer
security at: http://www.cert.org/tech_tips/home_networks.html 

[e-gold-list] REDEMPTION SPECIAL -- 1% premium + free wire or check

2001-07-17 Thread Destiny Worldwide

Offshorearnings finds that it has a need for some egold, and as a
consequence, if you redeem egold through us, we will give you a 1% premium
on the transfer plus we will pick up the tab for wire transfers or cashier's
checks mailed out on your behalf [either to yourself or a third party].
This is only for amounts over $500.00.  For lesser amounts we will have to
charge our cost to send the wire or the check.  You may also receive your
money via Moneygram or Western Union, but we will have to pass on the
charges for these methods as the fees are high for these methods.  We also
have a maximum amount that we need at this time, so first come, first

If you are interested, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and we
will give you further instructions.  Please tell us in your email how much
you wish to redeem and what method you wish to receive your money.  Thank



 Get the privacy and offshore services you need from 
 Destiny Worldwide!  Visit our websites often for ---
 the latest seminars and resources! --
 http://www.destiny-worldwide.net  -

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[e-gold-list] Reply on Latvia

2001-06-28 Thread Destiny Worldwide Net


Subject: Re: Reply to Ian Green about Paritate
From: Glencannon Group Ltd. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2001 19:54:53 -0700 (PDT)
X-Message-Number: 38

Indeed everything you say is true.  It really quite odd that the other banks
in Latvia allowed this to happen?  Don't they understand that the fall of
Paritate, in such crude and unsophisticated manner, will only reflect ill on
those more functional banks?  I think everyone in that area needs to learn a
few things about managing marketing issues and particularly crisis

I am sure there are some banks who do.  I doubt that Latvia's largest bank
cares much, as they have a substantial and growing customer base of their
own.  Of the other banks, Saules was recently bought out by Rietumu, meaning
that those two banks probably could not particiapte in a buy out at this
time.  But from what I have experienced, Paritate was not run very well.  we
tried to open an account there for about 4-5 months a couple of years ago
and had nothing but problems, lucky for us!  We got nothing but the run
around and lost a little bit of money.  But at least we didn't loose as much
as if we would have had an active account.

There is a bank here in Costa Rica that bills itself as an offshore expert
bank, but when you get below the surface, it is a slock operation just like
Paritate.  IN fact, I have joked sometimes that this bank in Costa Rica and
Paritate must have a management exchange program because they are both
terrible to deal with.  But this particular bank in Costa Rica also has a
negative net worth, if what I saw them doing last year is any indication.  I
already talked about this a year ago, so I will not bore all of you with the
details, but they have a rapidly expanding customer base, but WHERE is the
money going, because they would on a rotating basis subtract money from
people's accounts and then put it back in before the statement cutoff and
there was no indication on the statement to show where thousands of dollars
[out of several accounts, mind you] had gone for a couple of weeks.  Yet, as
the managers of the fund, we knew that customer complaints about non working
debit cards was not an isolated incident, but business as usual for these
folks.  Also, when we went to withdrawa the final monies from the fund on
the way out the door, they stalled on issuing the check for several hours,
with the first thing they said being that they could not find the money in
the account, and after about an hour and a tirade from me, they all of a
sudden discovered it, it was all just an oversight, you see
Bottom line, when someone wanted cold, hard cash from this bank it took the
bank a while to find it..

This is fractional reserve banking at its worst!  My suspicion is that
someone at the top is either massively incompetent beyond belief [more
likely than in most countries] or a crook or both.  Needless to say, we are
very happy to have gotten away from them unscathed last year and to have
established new relationships with competent banks with good customer
service.  Bad customer service is a sign of worse trouble than the customer
can imagine.  This is also what worries us about egold so much, but that is
a topic for another day.




Thank you all the same for the information.

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[e-gold-list] Reply to Ian Green about Paritate

2001-06-27 Thread Destiny Worldwide Net

Ian Green wrote:


Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2001 18:18:55 +1000
X-Message-Number: 1

You're kidding me! Someone just speculated on this list on the damage that
could be done if the mechanism of an I love you or Anna Kournikova
virus, were used to propagate a claim that a particular bank is bankrupt,
and people should immediately withdraw their money! (The main mechanism is
the use of email and an instruction to spread the word, or sometimes
automated forwarding.) Now only hours later someone does it!

Rumours like this have brought down many a stronger financial institution
(because of partial reserve backing). Please, Destiny Worldwide, provide
verifiable primary evidence, and do not ask people to spread the word on
imperfect and incomplete information.

Let's get a couple of things straight, Ian:

1.  I subscribe to the digest version, so I had no idea that someone had
speculated on this subject before I mentioned it.

2. Our agents are prominent attorneys in Latvia and they provide us with
accurate information on issues such as this.  We would not send information
of this nature if we were not certian it was reliable.

3.  We do not provide information on our contacts to anyone except
customers.  If someone does not wish to take our word for something, that is
their own problem.

4.  This announcement was made as a public service, and I do not appreciate
having rude comments made for doing such a service.  I was treated this way
on another mailing list sometime ago, and so I quit helping, and some people
lost some money because I knew something about what was under discussion,
but since my comments were not welcome on that group, I kept it to myself
and they lost money.

5.  We are not desperate to promote ourselves or our products and services.
We have all the business that we need, although we do welcome new customers.
We therefore do not engage in high pressure promotion tactics or spam or any
other such terrible practices.  We are in the process of becoming even more
private than we are already, as offshore businesses are under attack
everywhere, and the more private the business is, the better it is for both
the business and the customer.

I don't have an account with this bank, but I still would not like a run
like this to bring down this or any other bank that provides good services
to small, not necessarily rich, individual international clients, that most
banks refuse to provide.

You certainly cannot blame their bankruptcy on us, as it had already
happened when we were informed, or was within hours of happening.  I think
when the email warning was sent to us, they might have still been open, but
they apparantly closed hours later.  Paritate provided one of the worst
levels of customer service, and has given a bad reputation to other banks in
Latvia.  We use two other banks there, and the service is much superior to
Paritate's, so the real sad thing is what they have doen to the offshore
banking business and Latvia.  I hope the rest of this list does not view our
desire to help, or, when the next bit of information comes across my desk
that could be of help I will just let it slide.




Ian Green

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2001-06-25 Thread Destiny Worldwide Net

I  realize that this is not directly egold related, but as many people on
this list are freedom lovers and might have an account at Paritate Bank,
please read this immediately and spread the word!

We have been informed by our contacts in Latvia that Paritate Bank is
bankrupt and about to loose their license.  If you know anyone who has an
account there, it would be wise to inform them at once so that they can take
their money out.


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[e-gold-list] Ountlandish international fees

2001-06-12 Thread Destiny Worldwide Net

Subject: Re: E-Gold-UK exchange?
From: Yahoo! GeoCities [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2001 06:01:31 +0100
X-Message-Number: 12

Yes, exhorbitant banking charges are a big problem, especially for us here
in GB. Whenever I receive a dollar commission cheque I find that most of it
is swallowed up by transaction fees. Now, after opening PayPal and e-gold
accounts I find that it's a devil of a job funding them. Dealers do not seem
to want to accept GB personal cheques or credit cards - the most convenient
payment methods. They seem to want cash-over-the-counter (rather difficult
considering the mileage between USA and GB), wire transfers - what we call
cable transfers - but at a price, western union, banker's cheques, or other
outlandish vehicles which are relatively alien or expensive concepts over
here, at least for the small investor.

You may consider opening up one of our online savings accounts.  We accept
egold, osgold, and goldmoney, and you can also withdraw clear funds in your
savings account into one of these other systems, or even have us send US
checks or money orders on your behalf.

Finally, as long as checks are made payable to DW Global, SA, we can process
them for you here and place them into your savings account from where you
can do with it as you will.  If the checks are made out to your company or
to yourself, within 10 days we will have a way for you to process them at a
very low fee, as we are opening a new US based account for this purpose in
about 10 days.  email us if you need specific instructions.  [We will NOT be
posting these instructions to the website, as this is a special arrangement
we have made available only to our customers].

By the way, for cleared non-passthrough funds in your savings, the fee for
transfers from savings into egold is a small 3.5%, one of the lowest fees I
know of.  We do not consider ourselves to be a MM, but we do this as a
service for our customers.  Rates to the other gold currencies are
reasonable too.

Find out more at http://www.offshorearnings.com



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[e-gold-list] No numbered accounts

2001-04-23 Thread Destiny Worldwide

Recently, jpm wrote:

Re: Which is best e-gold fundable debit card?From: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2001 12:57:06 
+1000X-Message-Number: 16The BVI seems to be an OK-ish place to get 
some financial privacy.Generally, the whole offshore! 
privacy! thing is a bit of a farce.Most people get what they know 
from old spy movies.There's no such thing as a numbered! bank! 
account!, and hasn't been for thirty years.

This is ABSOULTELY NOT TRUE! We have a bank that issues 
numbered CIRRUS debit cards. You could give the name of Mickey Mouse as 
the shipping address, too, it doesn't matter, they will send the card to 
whatever address and name is given. All we do is pay them the money and 
the card is shipped by a 3rd party so that the bank doesn't even know where they 
are going. When it comes renewal time, the bank contacts the client 
through us since they have no way of finding them.

It is true that most jurisdictions have made this impossible, 
but there is still one place where you can get this ultimate anonymous 
tool. Details are on our website. We have lots of satisfied 
customers as well.

company that largely DEALS with Americans is essentially an American 
company. It takes the Secret Service 10 minutes to subpeona a Nevada 
corporation and 20 minutes to Subpeona a BVI, Anguilla, Seychelles, Niui, 
etc corporation. Big 

We are offshore and the SS has no right to subpeana us here. It is 
true that many so called offshore service providers operate from 
within the US behind their IBC veil, but we are not one of them. We are 
located offshore, and we have no offices or assets in the US. 

!!!Our Offshore 
Website has been totally redesigned, and we now have web based banking, 
opening of accounts,deposits, and withdrawals! Go to: http://www.offshorearnings.com+))
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[e-gold-list] Fw: No numbered accounts

2001-04-23 Thread Destiny Worldwide

Our Offshore Website has been totally redesigned, and
we now have web based banking, opening of accounts,
deposits, and withdrawals! Go to: http://www.offshorearnings.com
-Original Message-
From: Destiny Worldwide [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Julian Morrison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, April 23, 2001 5:07 PM
Subject: Re: [e-gold-list] No numbered accounts

Our Offshore Website has been totally redesigned, and
we now have web based banking, opening of accounts,
deposits, and withdrawals! Go to: http://www.offshorearnings.com
-Original Message-
From: Julian Morrison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Destiny Worldwide [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, April 23, 2001 5:10 PM
Subject: Re: [e-gold-list] No numbered accounts

 This is ABSOULTELY NOT TRUE!  We have a bank that issues numbered
 CIRRUS debit cards.  You could give the name of Mickey Mouse as the
 shipping address, too, it doesn't matter, they will send the card to
 whatever address and name is given.  All we do is pay them the money
 and the card is shipped by a 3rd party so that the bank doesn't even
 know where they are going.  When it comes renewal time, the bank
 contacts the client through us since they have no way of finding them.

Looks to me like you're reselling www.sparbucks.com or
www.credit-debit-cards.lv - for a substantial markup.

I will not comment on where the cards come from, as it is proprietary
information and I will not get into a guessing match with anyone.  However,
you get what you pay for.  I have heard of several people having problems
with sparbucks.  Also, the passthrough fees for sparbucks is a lot more
ours, so over the long run we are cheaper.


Google is my friend. Not yours though, it seems.

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[e-gold-list] (Fwd) URGENT! Tax Day Deadline!

2001-04-15 Thread Destiny Worldwide Net

If the LP took egold for ther donations, I think they would get money 
faster.  To everyon on the egold list:  email the LP and ask them 
why they don't take the Libertarian egold currencies.


--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date:  Fri, 13 Apr 2001 21:42:50 -0400 (EDT)
Subject:   URGENT! Tax Day Deadline!
From:  Libertarian Party Announcements [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Dear friend:

In less than 72 hours, we will run out of money for our Internet
banner ad project.

If I don't send a check for $5,000 to our Internet ad agency on
Monday, April 16th, our hard-hitting IRS/Armed Robbery ads
will start to VANISH from the Internet.

It couldn't happen at a worse time!

April 16th is Tax Day.

* It's the beginning of the week when Americans are most angry
about their high taxes.

* It's the week when Americans are most receptive to our
Libertarian message.

* It's the week when Americans are most likely to visit our
site -- and discover that we're the ONE party that will end
the income tax and abolish the hated IRS.

But unless we raise $5,000 by Monday at noon, our banner
ads will start to vanish. This opportunity will be lost.

If that happens, pro-tax Republican and Democrats will be
able to breathe easy. IRS bureaucrats will be able to gloat
about their job security. And the income tax will be safe.

Your contribution RIGHT NOW can keep our banner ads up
and running.

Your contribution RIGHT NOW can keep our banner ad
experiment alive.

We've already learned a lot from the campaign's first week:

* We learned that one particular banner ad can DOUBLE our
response rate on the Libertarian-friendly WorldNetDaily.com

* We've learned that people who respond to our Drug War
banner ad are TWICE as likely to immediately join the
Libertarian Party.

We need to start applying these lessons -- so we can boost
our response rates even more.

And there'll NEVER be a better time to do it than April 16th,
and the rest of Tax Week.

It's up to you:

Do we keep running our banner ads during this one unique,
valuable week when people are MOST receptive?

Or do our banner ads VANISH from the Internet?

Your contribution of $100 will keep the ads alive.

If you don't have $100, then $50 would help. Even $25.

But we need it right now.

On Monday morning, we'll see how much money has been
contributed. If we've reached $5,000, I write the check
at noon -- and keep the banner ads alive.

Here's what you can do: Visit...


There's a place there to make an immediate credit card donation.

If you haven't seen the banner ads yet, you can do so there. I
think you'll love them.

Or, you can print out the form at the end of this message, and mail
it to us it with a check.

But if you do, please send me an email message so I know it's
coming (and we can count it towards the $5,000). My email address

Remember, there will NEVER be a better time for our banner ads to
be effective and than April 16th and the rest of Tax Week!

Thank you,

Steve Dasbach
National Director

PS: Please, don't count on someone else making a contribution to
keep the banner ads experiment going.

That "someone else" may not come through.

If you want this project  to succeed, YOU must step forward.
That's what responsibility is all about.

Just visit http://www.lp.org/action/banners/vote0052.html
right now! Make your best contribution.

If you can do that, we'll keep our banner ads running through
Tax Week.

But please act fast -- we have less than 72 hours!

HERE'S THE CONTRIBUTION FORM: Please print out the form
below on your computer printer, fill it in, and enclose it
with your check.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


[ ] 5000 [ ] $1000 [ ] $500 [ ] $250 [ ] $100 [ ] $50 [ ] $25
[ ] Other $


Contributions to political committees are not tax-deductible.

Please make your check payable to "Libertarian Party" or
provide the following information for credit card payment:

  [ ] Mastercard [ ] Visa [ ] Discover [ ] American Express

  Card number Expires




  City_ State Zip





Government Mandated Notices:

The Federal Election Commission requires political committees to report
the name, mailing address, and occupation and name of employer for each
individual whose contributions aggregate in excess 

[e-gold-list] Elwyn Jenkens

2001-03-26 Thread Destiny Worldwide

Dr. Jenkens,

Please excuse us using this public forum to contact you, but we sent you an
urgent email on a private matter to your email address last week and have
not received an answer.  Please reply to this address offlist so that we can
discuss this matter, as we are sure it is of some importance to you.

Our Offshore Website has been totally redesigned, and
we now have web based banking, opening of accounts,
deposits, and withdrawals! Go to: http://www.offshorearnings.com

You are currently subscribed to e-gold-list as: archive@jab.org
To unsubscribe send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[e-gold-list] OSGOLD

2001-03-22 Thread Destiny Worldwide

I am a little sceptical of OSGOLD myself, mainly 
because of how I was introduced to it.

I was doing a little gambling in a stupid game called Cash 
Over Time that supposedly pays a handsome return over 7 days, and naturally, 
after a few deposits to my acocunt, they ahve fallen over a week behind in 

As they stopped paying, they mentioned that they were creating 
a new system called Osgold. They made it appear that the sponsors of the 
game were the founders of Osgold. Then they promised to catch up their 
payments into my new Osgold account, which they still have not.

Besides, I don't see any way to get the gold out of Osgold 
once it is in there. They do mention that soon you will 
be able to transfer gold from Osgold back to egold, but of course I can't try 
that yet as they stil have not paid what they have owed.

IN any event, I think that maybe these people are behind both 
things, and that the gamers have set this up as a way to pay the 
people playing the games without actually paying them anything. I saw a 
simillar scam a year or so ago with Big International, but that is another 

Fortunately, I was only playing around and lost only a few 
dollars, but I would be very careful about trusting these people with anything 
at this time.

!!!Our Offshore 
Website has been totally redesigned, and we now have web based banking, 
opening of accounts,deposits, and withdrawals! Go to: http://www.offshorearnings.com+))
You are currently subscribed to e-gold-list as: archive@jab.org
To unsubscribe send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[e-gold-list] Re: OSGOLD

2001-03-22 Thread Destiny Worldwide

After I sent my message I had a discussion with 
someone in person who told me the same thing, that COT was not the owner, but 
that it was someone else named David. However, he did tell me that this 
David was involved in something called ebiz and I seem to recall a discussion of 
it here. 

Anyway, he seemed pretty positive about Osgold, so once the 
market makers come aboard we may give it a try. And yes, I like cusotmer 
service too.

!!!Our Offshore 
Website has been totally redesigned, and we now have web based banking, 
opening of accounts,deposits, and withdrawals! Go to: http://www.offshorearnings.com+))

-Original Message-From: 
shupperd1 [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: 
Destiny Worldwide [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: 
Thursday, March 22, 2001 2:19 PMSubject: Re: [e-gold-list] 
Well I can tell you that Cashovertime is NOT 
the owners , nor do they have anything to do with the making of 
OSGold. They did switch to OSGold because of the simplicity of making 
multiple payments. Osgold does not owe you anything, so do not say 
they do.

As far as getting osgold converted to egold, 
there are already a few market makers that are doing that. I am 
one. This is the future of online payment systems, They are not trying 
to take E-gold down, but they would like to see e-gold have better customer 

OSGold, Standard Reserve, GoldMoney , and 
E-gold are just the begining of what will probably be a saturated 

I would rather have my money in a safe offshore 
haven, and have complete access to it. I also prefer Customer 
Service!! Give OSGold a try, soon it will be used by many more 
than you imagine.

James Shupperd

Money to Gold, and Gold to Money, 
Pays Referral Comissions Directly to Your eGold account.the FASTEST 
funding on the net. www.fastgold.net 

Stay informed about all the latest egold investments, games, and scams. 
BE INFORMED!!!http://www.e-told.com/?157585 

for all of your internet shopping needs visit my mallwww.multiplexmall.com/js1460

God Bless You and Yours,James Shupperd

Contact me anytimeICQ # 99212386 Aol Instant Messenger: 
James Shupperd 

- Original Message - 
Destiny Worldwide 
To: e-gold Discussion 
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 9:51 
Subject: [e-gold-list] OSGOLD

I am a little sceptical of OSGOLD 
myself, mainly because of how I was introduced to it.

I was doing a little gambling in a stupid game called 
Cash Over Time that supposedly pays a handsome return over 7 days, and 
naturally, after a few deposits to my acocunt, they ahve fallen over a 
week behind in payments...

As they stopped paying, they mentioned that they were 
creating a new system called Osgold. They made it appear that the 
sponsors of the game were the founders of Osgold. Then they 
promised to catch up their payments into my new Osgold account, which 
they still have not.

Besides, I don't see any way to get the gold out of 
Osgold once it is in there. They do mention that 
soon you will be able to transfer gold from Osgold 
back to egold, but of course I can't try that yet as they stil have not 
paid what they have owed.

IN any event, I think that maybe these people are 
behind both things, and that the gamers have set this up as a way to 
pay the people playing the games without actually paying 
them anything. I saw a simillar scam a year or so ago with Big 
International, but that is another story.

Fortunately, I was only playing around and lost only a 
few dollars, but I would be very careful about trusting these people 
with anything at this time.

Offshore Website has been totally redesigned, and we now have web 
based banking, opening of accounts,deposits, and withdrawals! Go to: 
are currently subscribed to e-gold-list as: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To 
unsubscribe send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

You are currently subscribed to e-gold-list as: archive@jab.org
To unsubscribe send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[e-gold-list] Re: OSGOLD

2001-03-22 Thread Destiny Worldwide

I hope you are right too, but the party I spoke 
to at lunch seemed to think it was the same David as was behind ebiz. 
Anyway, if Cash Over Time does finally deposit the money they owe me into that 
account, I will use that to play around with the system and test it out. 

!!!Our Offshore 
Website has been totally redesigned, and we now have web based banking, 
opening of accounts,deposits, and withdrawals! Go to: http://www.offshorearnings.com+))

-Original Message-From: 
Destiny Worldwide [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 
e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: 
e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: 
Thursday, March 22, 2001 3:09 PMSubject: Re: [e-gold-list] 
Well John, I do hope that it is not the same 
David that was involved with ebiz as many people lost tons of 

I do think that OS Gold has a good chance and I 
have also referred about 400 people.

Lets do give it a chance,

==Try the e-Lottery for 
only .5 gram and you could win up to 1,000 grams of goldhttp://www.puregoldlottery.com

- Original Message - 
Destiny Worldwide 
To: e-gold Discussion 
Cc: e-gold Discussion 
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 4:10 
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: 

After I sent my message I had a 
discussion with someone in person who told me the same thing, that COT 
was not the owner, but that it was someone else named David. 
However, he did tell me that this David was involved in something called 
ebiz and I seem to recall a discussion of it here. 

Anyway, he seemed pretty positive about Osgold, so 
once the market makers come aboard we may give it a try. And yes, 
I like cusotmer service too.

Offshore Website has been totally redesigned, and we now have web 
based banking, opening of accounts,deposits, and withdrawals! Go to: 

Message-From: shupperd1 [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: 
Destiny Worldwide [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: 
Thursday, March 22, 2001 2:19 PMSubject: Re: 
[e-gold-list] OSGOLD
Well I can tell you that Cashovertime 
is NOT the owners , nor do they have anything to do with the making 
of OSGold. They did switch to OSGold because of the simplicity 
of making multiple payments. Osgold does not owe you anything, 
so do not say they do.

As far as getting osgold converted to 
egold, there are already a few market makers that are doing 
that. I am one. This is the future of online payment 
systems, They are not trying to take E-gold down, but they would 
like to see e-gold have better customer service.

OSGold, Standard Reserve, GoldMoney , 
and E-gold are just the begining of what will probably be a 
saturated industry.

I would rather have my money in a safe 
offshore haven, and have complete access to it. I also prefer 
Customer Service!! Give OSGold a try, soon it will be 
used by many more than you imagine.

James Shupperd

Money to Gold, and Gold to 
Money, Pays Referral Comissions Directly to Your eGold 
account.the FASTEST funding on the net. www.fastgold.net 

Stay informed about all the latest egold investments, games, 
and scams. BE INFORMED!!!http://www.e-told.com/?157585 

for all of your internet shopping needs visit my mallwww.multiplexmall.com/js1460

God Bless You and Yours,James Shupperd

Contact me anytimeICQ # 99212386 Aol Instant 
Messenger: James Shupperd 

- Original Message - 

Destiny Worldwide 
To: e-gold Discussion 
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 
2001 9:51 AM
Subject: [e-gold-list] 

I am a little sceptical of 
OSGOLD myself, mainly because of how I was introduced to 

I was doing a little gambling in a stupid game 
called Cash Over Time

[e-gold-list] Fw: be careful using paypal.com (fwd)

2001-02-08 Thread Destiny Worldwide

I thought I had lost these messages, but there was a lot of discussion some
time ago about Paypal problems, and some MM's have been burned by them, as
have we.  Also, George had expressed interest in this.

While this was deleted from my computer by accident, I found this on one of

hte other computers in the office here, so enjoy the Paypal horror stories,
and don't use them.

Our Offshore Website has been totally redesigned, and
we now have web based banking, opening of accounts,
deposits, and withdrawals! Go to: http://www.offshorearnings.com
-Original Message-
From: Offshorearnings.com [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 12:57 PM
Subject: Fw: be careful using paypal.com (fwd)

Take a look at the ATM offshore cards, (no I.D.
required) and get cash out of any cirrus ATMs,
go to www.offshorearnings.com and check it out
for your self.

-Original Message-
Date: Monday, November 27, 2000 9:52 AM
Subject: be careful using paypal.com (fwd)

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 12:01:21 +1300
Subject: be careful using paypal.com
From: "Jeremy" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

got this from another mailing list:

PAYPAL latest
PayPal is in deep doo doo for freezing people's accounts claiming they are
using the accounts in pyramid schemes (when the $5 PayPal gives you as a
referral makes THEM a pyramid by the very definition state's currently
They are trying to play judge and jury and it is putting PayPal out to

Sent: Friday, November 17, 2000 7:19 AM
Dear friends and Internet Marketers,
We are now calling for a WORLDWIDE BOYCOTT of Paypal due to the fact that
they have now frozen thousands of their customers accounts, including
and refuse to return our money. We are also in the process of starting a
Class-Action Suit against them for their criminal actions. If you are
you know has had their account frozen, please join us in this case by
contacting Gregory Lock, CEO iNetStar, Inc at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 (iNetStar, Inc.) . 406-782-6526.
Please pass this on to everyone on your lists. Thanks.
After complaining to Paypal about freezing InetStar's Paypal account due
their judgement that it is an illegal pyramid scheme,  they wrote me the
following email to inform me that they have frozen my account. InetStar
no more of an illegal pyramid scheme than  are Amway, Shaklee, Mary Kay,
other legitimate MLM companies. They are doing an injustice to all of us
are involved in network marketing online. If you are doing this type of
online and have a Paypal account, I suggest you close it immediately
they find out and freeze yours. Here is the email I received from them:

Subj:   Restricted PayPal Account
Date:  11/14/00 12:10:18 PM Pacific Standard Time

Dear Carl,
You have been reported (multiple times) to PayPal for using your PayPal
account for involvement, and recruitment of others, in a "pyramid" type
scheme. This activity is illegal and defrauds other PayPal users. Using
PayPal account for activity that is illegal and improper is against our
Terms of Use, which you agreed to when you opened your PayPal account.
PayPal will not allow its services to be used in this manner. Your PayPal
account has been frozen. If you feel that we are in error, please contact

Please refer to US Postal and Lottery Laws, Title 18, Section 1302 and
1341,  or title 18, Section 3005 in the US code, also in the code of
Regulations, Volume 16, Section 255 and 436.
Pseudo Multi Level Marketing:


PayPal Account Review Department

Date:  11/14/00 3:17:39 PM Pacific Standard Time
From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (iNetStar, Inc.)

PayPal is now freezing everyone's accounts who complains.
If you complain about what they have done to your iNetStar money, they
accuse you of participating in a pyramid scheme and steal any money you
with them.  I, as an American, wish to take this time to apologize to the
rest of the world, for the ugliness, anti-freedom, and anti-American
being used
by PayPal. This loathesome beast is everything American business should

 Below is the form 

[e-gold-list] New egold resources

2001-01-30 Thread Destiny Worldwide

Hello all,

We are in the process of some major revisions to our websites, 
and some of these revisions will include resources of interest to people who use 
egold. Two new pages are already up, with more planned as soon as we can 
get the updates completed.

The first update is to the Offshore Earnings site [the url is 
in my sig file below]. We have added two pages that will be of interest to 

1. An offshore strategies page meant to stimulate your 
thoughts on the possibilities of doing business offshore and in privacy using 
your egold account and resources that we can provide. This page will 
answer many of your questions, including how to hook up your egold account for 
ecommerce, how to transfer money form your egold account offshore, and 
more. I think that many people will find this new page very 

2. The other page is a Market Maker listing. Let 
me state form the outset that this is NOT an all inclusive list, but links to 
the exhaustive directories are provided. What this list does is give you a 
key to certain market makers that provide some specialized service with an 
offshore or global slant, aimed especailly at those people who want to move 
assets offshore or conduct business offshore.

IN this connection, we have listed the two market makers that 
are truly international, and have also listed some that accept international 
credit cards, Western Union, EZCmoney, etc. We have also included an 
offshore market maker, and have included Gaithman's egold exchange because we 
have personal experience with them and their service has always been 

The fact that a MM is not included does not necessarily mean 
we think badly of them, only that we don't have experience with them or might 
have received in one or two cases some negative information. But this list 
is NOT an endorsement of anyone either, it is just a suggested list of those we 
feel our clients and the egold world will find useful. 

Also, this list is an ongoing work and will be updated form 
time to time.

Our next major project is the long overdue total overhaul of 
Destiny Central on a different domain. The new revised Destiny Central 
will have an online/egold scam alert page that will allow people to place URL's 
of scamsters on the page direclty. We hope to couple this with a message 
board. These resources will be open to the public, but we have not yet 
decided whether anyone will be able to post, or only Destiny members. 

Other exciting things are coming along as well, including the 
revision of our Office Complex area, which has suffered a couple of years of 
benign neglect. We hope to revive the Office Complex with an egold and 
Offshroearnings slant. YOu could think of it as an egold and offshore 
cyber shopping mall plus office complex for professional practice and other 
things. I won't give out the url now because of the terrible shape the 
complex is in right now after the neglect, but as soon as it is remodeled, I 
will let you all know. I don't know of any other place on the net where 
egold related business will be enoucraged to set up shop! And you will be 
able to join the Office Complex for free if you become a member of our 
organization [and the yearly dues will be very inexpensive as 

Until the next update,

!!!Our Offshore 
Website has been totally redesigned, and we now have web based banking, 
opening of accounts,deposits, and withdrawals! Go to: http://www.offshorearnings.com+))
You are currently subscribed to e-gold-list as: archive@jab.org
To unsubscribe send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[e-gold-list] Offshore trusts

2001-01-04 Thread Destiny Worldwide

We do offshore trusts, IBC's, etc. The 
offshore trust has been attacked lately by many tax authorities, so it may not 
be as good as it used to be. 

If you are dealing with a large amount of money, an offshore 
foundation might do better, or a hybrid trust and IBC model. If it is a 
small amount of money, our foundation grant program, otherwise known as our 
offshore savings and investment accounts, might be the thing. You can send us 
information about who you want your heris to be, and the grant accounts will 
pass to them immediately upon your death or other conditions you set 
forth. This whole thing is an administrative function within our own 
foundation, and you do not technically own the property OR have an offshore bank 
account or investment account in your name, so you can truthfully say on your 
tax returns that you do not have a foreign bank account or investment 
account. For further details, look a thte language of the grant on 
our website, accessibel by a link from the bottom of the account 
application. Let me know if you have further questions.

!!!Our Offshore 
Website has been totally redesigned, and we now have web based banking, 
opening of accounts,deposits, and withdrawals! Go to: http://www.offshorearnings.com+))
You are currently subscribed to e-gold-list as: archive@jab.org
To unsubscribe send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[e-gold-list] Interesting Respons to My Rant

2000-12-31 Thread Destiny Worldwide Net

The responses via private email to my rant against SR and BB have all 
been positive, except for one.

I have been around long enough to not believe in coincidences 
anymore.  Within HOURS of my rant, I received an email from BB [I 
will not disclose the agency at this point, does it matter?].  Is 
this just a coincidence, or was this a result of a spy at SR who was 
outraged at what I said?  Or is there a government stooge on this 
list [probably]?

How interesting.  this almost VERIFIES what Dale Pond said about 
spies at SR.  Maybe even their principals don't know, or maybe this 
is their defense against freedom loving competition.  

So, was this nasty note from BB a coincidence, or a result of my 
posting here?  You can make up your own mind.

Well, I have this message for the imbicilic government stooge and 
lacky who sent me an email:  WE ARE NOT INTIMIDATED BY YOU. 
Get a life, bother someone in your jurisdiction who cares what 
you think!

I will use my freedom of speech to say whatever I please regardless 
of what you or other jerks like you think!

The financial resource you've been waiting for!  
Internet based OFFSHORE BANKING that gives you high 
rates of interest [up to 15%/yr.] and the flexibility to pay 
bills through the net and send and receive money through 
the net. Debit cards also available!  Much more!
 Find details at http://www.offshorearnings.com

You are currently subscribed to e-gold-list as: archive@jab.org
To unsubscribe send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[e-gold-list] Comments on egold sale

2000-12-29 Thread Destiny Worldwide

WE have noted the comments about our egold sale 
and want to add our 2 cents worth.

1. WE did some checking on our customer and do not 
believe that they are involved in anything illegal.

2. we do not believe in the current know your customer rules 
and support the old fashioned values of financial privacy. this means that 
our client's financial affairs are NONE OF OUR BUSINESS, unless it becomes 
obvious that they are invovled in fraud or something dishonest, in which case 
their accounts will be closed immediately.

3. WE strongly agree that someone is innocent until 
proven guilty.

It is obvious that BB has brainwashed most of society into 
accepting its bullshit. Unlike Standard REserve, we don't want to know who 
our customers are. This crap started a few years ago,a nd unless people 
start putting their foot down and say YOU MAY NOT INVADE MY PRIVACY, we 
will soon not have any privacy left. 

If you want to receive articles every week on these issues, we 
invite you to subscribe to our newsletter Offshore Destiny. OUr vision of 
the future is really a return to the past, where there was trust between banker 
and customers, and privacy in financial matters. Eventaully, even 
mainstream so called businesses will catch on to this concept, and when enough 
people tell the government NO, there will be nothing they can do but comply with 
our wishes. Use encrypted email. Get yoruself out of the onshore 
banking system, and live free. Don't sell yourself back into 

To subscribe to this ezine, send your subscriptionrequest 

As a final comment, I will not sit silently any longer and let 
ourselves be insulted with little insinuations and digs. ONe party on this 
list who was promoting his product recently said that he doesn't offer totally 
anonymous debit cards because he doesnt' believe in them and is skeptical 
about them. He then insinuated that the only people who would use 
this were criminals. What a bunch of horseshit! Since when is 
someone who simply doesn't want the government's or anyone else's nose in their 
busuiness automatically a criminal? How far have we fallen from the values 
of personal privacy to even allow ourselves to entertain such ludicrous and 
imbicilic notions? I guess it's the work of the government run youth 
propaganda camps, otherwise known as the public schools that have implanted such 
drivel into our minds. 

I am dedicated to fighting for privacy and freedom in anyway 
that I can and in giving people the tools to give the finger to BB should they 
choose. We have those tools now, and we will explain to people exaclty how 
to use them to their full advantage on a new page on our website coming 

Folks, whether you are aware of it or not, we are in a WAR -- 
THE WAR AGAINST BB! In order to win this war, we must do something EACH 
AND EVERY DAY to enhance not only our own freedom, but to widen the circle of 
freedom wider and to educate people about this problem. Government is 
never the solution to a problem, IT ALWAYS IS THE PROBLEM!

Who starts all the wars for personal gain and spills 
innocent blood worldwide for petty reasons of greed, ego, and vanity? Who 
murders millions upon millions of people? Who tries to control your live 
every way they can? Who wants to put a microscope up your ass and a 
microchip in your hand to monitor [literally] every move you make? This is 
the future, folks, unless we put a stop to it now!

Putting your money and other assets beyond the reach of BB is 
one of the biggest strikes for freedom you can make. My suggestion to 
everyone is that they get rid of all tangible assets in the power of BB, and 
then transfer the liquid assets that result down some rat hole so deep that BB 
will never find it. If enough of us do this, and if enough of us 
stop aiding and abetting the thief who steals in the name of taxes [ALL 
TAXATION IS THEFT, AND IMMORAL], BB will run out of gas and simply wither 

The government's so called war on drugs is really 
a WAR ON YOU AND YOUR FREEDOM! wAke up to this today, and declare a 
private war of your own -- A WAR ON BB! Do it today, for your sake, and 
the sake of your children, because if you don't take a stand RIGHT HERE 
AND RIGHT NOW, there may be no tomorrow, unless you are willing to DIE for your 
freedom. Right now you don't have to die, you just have to vote with your 
money and your feet. Tomorrow may be a different story.

Sorry for this rant, but I am fed up with the snide remarks 
that have been directed towards us and our stand for privacy.

So, should you give SR your SSN or other government issued 
piece of crap? NO WAY!

!!!Our Offshore 
Website has been totally redesigned, and we now have web based banking, 
opening of accounts,deposits, and withdrawals! Go to: http://www.offshorearnings.com+))
You are currently subscribed to e-gold-list 

[e-gold-list] Warning About Fatboss Casino

2000-12-21 Thread Destiny Worldwide

This is just a warning about another shysterous 
operation using egold. 

A while ago, I transferred a small amount of egold into the 
Fatboss Casino to have a little fun. 

ONe thing quickly became apparant: their software is 
either defective or intentionally set to cheat the player. I was winning, 
but it refused to credit my winnings to my account. 

Disgusted, I emailed their support, and I got back a message 
telling me to do what I had done already, to no avail. I emailed again, to 
which I received no response until I threatened to spread the word far and wide 
about their defective software. Their reply was to simply repeat the 
previous message.

Totally disgusted, I tried to get my money back, but it was 
only at this point that I was informed that there are NO REFUNDS OF MONEY YOU 


I suggest you stay away form this operation. The least 
they can do is to refund peoplle's money. I don't play around with casinos 
muc, but when I do, I expect to be able to cash out every dime that is in my 
account. When this is not the case, the casino needs ot put a BIG BOLD 
WARNING ON THEIR WEBSITE. They don't, of course, because they realize that 
they will dirve away all potential customers.

I told Fatboss that I was going to spread the word far and 
wide about their dishonest operation. They can consider this message the 
first installment on that threat.

Egold does not need scam operators like this. If you are 
going to run a casino or other business using egold, you should at least be fair 
with yoru customers. Many people in the egold community are honest 
comapnies, forwhich I am grateful. But these con artists give everyone in 
egold a black eye.

I enocurage members of this list to forward the truth about 
this casino to any of your friends who like to play games ont he internet for 

And as a final note, I beleive that an egold BBB would be a 
great idea, as was discussed earlier.

Anyone know of an HONEST casino accepting egold?

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[e-gold-list] large transfer

2000-12-13 Thread Destiny Worldwide

We have a client you would like ot sell 100K 
worth of egold. IN the past, we woudl have just done an outexchange from 
Omnipay, but we will not do that anymore. If anyone wants part or all of 
this let us know, and how you can pay. Thanks,

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opening of accounts,deposits, and withdrawals! Go to: http://www.offshorearnings.com+))
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[e-gold-list] update on wires

2000-12-12 Thread Destiny Worldwide

OUr bank reports that the missing $20.00 was 
subtracted by Omnipay's bank. Perhaps this is a new policy, but Omnipay 
should say something aobut this, otherwaise all in exchanges will cme up $20.00 

The second thinkg I learned today is that apparantly the bank 
OMnipay is using has recently changed the way they handle wire transfers. 
The result has been that the bank has misplaced upwards of 300+ wires. 
OMnipay's wires are in this batch. Apparantly the feds are 
investigating the problem at the bank, it is so serious, and there is, according 
to my source, a lot of lawsuits resulting form the bank's screw up.

I dont' know why Omnipay just can't inform people of its 
problems and tell people what they can do to help resolve them, rather than 
waiting for cusotmers to become so frustrated they have to threaten to sue to 
get attention. This is the last wire I will send to Omnipay for a long, 
long time and my agent applicaiton is on indefinite hold. They really need 
to communicate better with customers. I was also informed that they are 
financially sound.

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Website has been totally redesigned, and we now have web based banking, 
opening of accounts,deposits, and withdrawals! Go to: http://www.offshorearnings.com+))
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[e-gold-list] Paypal Nightmare

2000-12-10 Thread Destiny Worldwide

We are having our own Paypal nightmare, and we have stopped accepting Paypal
effective last week.

There is a class action lawsuit against Paypal that those of you burned byt
he service may consider.  I have the info. somewhere on my computer if
anyone is interested.

ONe thing you can do is to tell your customers to process a chargeback
against Paypal, explaining that the merchant's acocunt has been fraudulently
frozen and that he cannot get access to the money so he can't deliver the
merchandise orderd.  ONce the sustomer has the funds back on his CC, you can
just have him either send the money another way, or sign up for another
Paypal like service.

I told these scum that I was going to have my cusotmers do this, but they
still have not responded even to that message.  I just hope my custmers have
been successful witht the chargebacks.  I think they were because I have not
had any cmplaints.

I did not know that Paypal could actually overdraw your bank accunt rhoguh a
reversal thoug.  However, we have Paypal trumped, I hope, int hat we are
offshroe and have transferred ALL of the money offshore from the desitnation
bank account, leaving the desitnation bank acocunt with basically a zero

we now will not use that bank account for anything else for at least six

I cannot imagine what gives Paypal the legal right to siphon money out of an
acocunt into overdraft.  It seems to me that a few good lawsuits whould pt
the brakes on it.

If you want ot give Paypal or Monipay a wake up call, sign up for Prepaid
Legal services and then you can have them contacted with a lawyer right in
their own back yard, and if you have to sue you get a disocunt on legal
fees.  I had that service for over five years while I was in the states and
NOBODY was able to take advantage of me for long, becuase I sicced the
lawyer on the bastard right away.

You might hate lawyers, but when someone is trying to defraud you, that is a
good choice.

By the way, 2700.00 is within the small claims court limits in California,
which is where I beleive Paypal is located.  You shoudl sue them for the
principle, court costs, and punitive damages.  If enough people do this
Paypal will either die or be forced to change their unethical behavior.

Another plus is that once you get a reputation for not putting up with BS,
you are not taken for a ride as often, or the ride ends soon and with an

Our Offshore Website has been totally redesigned, and
we now have web based banking, opening of accounts,
deposits, and withdrawals! Go to: http://www.offshorearnings.com

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[e-gold-list] Fw: GoldMoney in the UK Press

2000-12-04 Thread Destiny Worldwide

Well, now there is a real alternative to egold coming online, and high time
too.  Let's hope they pay attention to customer needs.  It seems like
Omnipay has forgotten customer service, and if they continue to abuse
customers like they have us and a few others on this list, they are doomed.

Our Offshore Website has been totally redesigned, and
we now have web based banking, opening of accounts,
deposits, and withdrawals! Go to: http://www.offshorearnings.com
-Original Message-
From: Geoffrey Turk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, December 04, 2000 12:27 PM
Subject: GoldMoney in the UK Press

FYI...GoldMoney.com gets mentioned in the Telegraph.


Gold becomes a cyber currency
By Edward Simpkins

THE oldest medium of exchange moves online this month with the launch of
GoldMoney.com, an internet currency provider that will allow users to pay
for products anywhere.

GoldMoney, based in the Isle of Man, says it has developed an e-commerce
payment system that enables global buyers and sellers to make and accept
instantaneous payments in weights of gold called GoldGrams. A GoldGram
represents a gram of gold held in vaults with the system working on the
principle that users transfer gold from buyer to seller without it leaving
the vault.

The current price of a GoldGram can be checked on the web site in various
currencies. The gold price has been falling, but the company points out
while a GoldGram would have fallen in value against the yen, it would have
risen in value against the euro over the past year.

The system, aimed at corporations and cross-border traders, is designed to
eliminate payment risk as there is no possibility of default on payment and
it uses high strength encryption software, downloaded by account holders.
Payments are processed in real time with funds transferred instantly. It
also offers low transaction fees of about $1 per transaction, much less
bank fees for wiring currency.

GoldMoney is backed by Hyde Park Holdings, a New York investment group,
which put in $600,000 earlier this year and is set to invest a similar

James Turk, founder of GoldMoney, said: "We are taking the world's oldest
money, gold, and using a 21st century technology to enable its circulation
as a currency in global commerce." He aims to make it the common currency
global commerce.

The World Gold Council, based in London, will this week publish a report on
using gold for payments over the internet. It points out that digital money
will eventually become widely used and could be issued by private
institutions rather than governments and central banks.

Richard Rahn, author of the report, says: "Like the US dollar, gold is
recognised worldwide as a store of value. This makes digital gold a
candidate as an international medium of exchange. The pre-existing demand
for gold assets gives gold an important head start over all competitors
except major national currencies."

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2000-12-01 Thread Destiny Worldwide

Well, now Omnipay is playing the same game with 
our incoming wire transfer [as well as an outgoing one earlier this month] as 
they have played with others on this list.

The thing to do in situaitons like this is to let them no that 
we will not put up with their BS anymore. We were dealing with a bank here 
that was playing simillar games, and we listened to their lame excuses and put 
up with their non repsonses for about six months before pulling the plug. 
that situation taught us not to tolerate this type of bullshit at 

So, we are sending Omnipay a certified letter, return receipt 
requested, giving them five days to rectify this problem before legal action is 
taken. This is the first step in suing someone, and we are doing this 
reluctanctly. We have been with egold for a long time, and have used their 
service successfully for quite some tiem, but they have to learn that they 
cannot conduct themselves in this way and get away with it. 

This can probably be resolved in small claims court, and they 
will have to pay all of our expenses related to the lawsuit even if this goes to 
regular court. It coud easily cost them much more than the amount in 
dispute. We also invite others on this list who have had simillar problems 
to contact us immediately, as we will also discuss with our lawyers the 
possibility of turning this into a class action lawsuit. 

Egold/Omnipay must learn that there are consequences for this 
bullshit, and the thousands of newsrealeases will will send to major media 
outlets aroudn the world should flood their switchboard and email box with 
requests from the media and others. we will release these newsreleases on 
the sixth day after they have recieved the letter. If they refuse to sign 
for the letter, that will also trigger these actions without any further notice 
to them. 

I don't care if I have to spend thousands or hundreds of 
thousands to go after them for this small amount, it is the principle that 
matters most to me. I would hope that those respnsible at Omnipay woud 
rectify this situaiton immediately, and make all of this nastiness 

There is no reason on this earth to put up with this abuse, 
and we won't. below find attached our letter of demand:

December 1, 2000
Mr. James M. Ray
G  SR/ Omnipay
175 E. Nasa Blvd., Suite 300
Melbourne, FL 32901
Dear Mr. Ray:
It pains me greatly to write this letter, however, it appears that the only 
way to make you people pay attention is to hit you over the head with a baseball 
bat, so that is what we are doing.
On Nov. 22, 2000, we sent you a wire transfer for $1,000.00 to our egold 
account #101851. Our confirmation of the wire transfer from our bank is 
attached. As you see, the wire instructions included our account number and 
batch number. Wires we send from this bank generally take at the most about two 
days, but we waited a week to see if you had received it before we attempted to 
contact you via email.
I am a subscriber to the egold discussion list, and I have heard of you 
giving people the run around for two or three months by simply refusing to 
answer their inquires, answer the phone, or faxes. This is your notice that we 
have no intention of playing these games with you, but intend to take immediate 
legal action. This shoddy level of customer service is certainly no way to run a 
business, and it makes me wonder about your solvency. 
If you hold outgoing wires for a couple of weeks, which happened to us in the 
beginning of November, and hold all incoming wires for an extra long period of 
time, we are aware that you can cover a lot of financial insolvency. We are not 
sure if this is the problem, or just plain incompetence, and, frankly, we no 
longer care.
This serves as our official demand that you either credit our egold account 
immediately or refund our money. If you do not communicate with us and take 
one of these actions within five days of your receipt of this formal notice, 
your next communication form us will be from our attorney, informing you that 
legal proceedings are pending. We may even have the attorney take a survey to 
see if others want to form a class action lawsuit against you for unjustly 
holding their incoming and outgoing wire transfers, thereby defrauding your 
clients of hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars. 
We suggest that you rectify this matter immediately to prevent the above 
actions, as well as all of the negative publicity that will arise from this, as 
we will send news releases to media outlets around the world concerning this 
endemic problem with your system.


M. John Allen, President

!!!Our Offshore 
Website has been totally redesigned, and we now have web based banking, 
opening of accounts,deposits, and withdrawals! Go to: 

[e-gold-list] Re: Problems with Glencannon's debit card offer you might not noitice

2000-11-15 Thread Destiny Worldwide

Our Offshore Website has been totally redesigned, and
we now have web based banking, opening of accounts,
deposits, and withdrawals! Go to: http://www.offshorearnings.com
-Original Message-
From: Glencannon Group Ltd. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Destiny Worldwide [EMAIL PROTECTED]; e-gold Discussion
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2000 2:21 PM
Subject: Re: [e-gold-list] Problems with Glencannon's debit card offer you
might not noitice

I generally don't like to talk bad about people, but this fellow is full of
shit.  I never spoke ill of whoever "Destiny Worldwide" is and I have no
particular problems with their system as I HAVE NO INFORMATION ABOUT IT.
Now a little less than a month I asked if people would be interested in
this, and I would put it together.  This is waht I have done.  I don't
appreciate the tone of this message, but I will let people judge for
themselves.  I do not claim that this is ANONYMOUS, and I do not claim it
a high security vehicle.  If that is what you want and need, contact me and
I'll give you some advice.  I do not advise the use of ANONYMOUS accounts
most of these are run by crooks who either run off with the funds inthe

Excuse me,  this is issued by the largest bank in thier jurisdiction.  If
you can start calling people names, then so can I.  I think, though, if
people will compare your pitiful little website with ours they will see a
big difference.  We have spent money and time to develop ours, along with a
functional database, etc.  Yours 

accounts, or get caught because they are breaking the laws in the
jurisdiction in which they operate.  But the fact is that this asshole has
chosen to promote his product, which may be very fine, by attacking mine
with false and misleading comments.  I will address these pissant comments

I will answer your points below.  I have not attacked anything, just pointed
out the facts.  Sorry if this hurts your sales.  And since our card is
issued by the LARGEST BANK in their jurisdiction, what's the problem?  YOU

On Wed, 15 Nov 2000 11:05:41 -0600, Destiny Worldwide wrote:

  I don't want to rain on anyone's parade, but since Glencannon pointed
  what he thought was a problem with our system, let me pount out a couple
  with his.

  1.  His website states that he is in Belize, yet he gives an address in
  Texas to mail the applications.  Obviusly, then, the address in Belize
  maildrop.  What this means is that when you send yoru documents to him,
  are sotred onshore, where BB can seize them anytime they want.  Your
  identity is not safe!

The mail drop is in Houston, and documents are forwarded to me wherever I
may be, Belize, the Dominican Republic, or sometimes Houston.  But no

Oh, so if there is a problem, don't bother looking for you because you are
on the lam -- er.. on the go all the time.  It's is obvious that this is
a one man show.  We, on the other hand, are an established company with
offices, employees, etc...

there is a possibility of interception.  I never claimed this was some kind
of safe way to do "money launderying."  If that is what you need you might

Who said anything about money laundering?  That is a viscius ad homanim
argument and a logical fallacy.  People can send orders to a place where we
really are.  Anyway, there is no proof that this is a maildrop, just your
word.  And no one knows if you are really the globetrotter you claim, or
just some guy working in his basement in Houston.

want to go elsewhere.  What I am providing is a convenient way of giving a
service.  Take it or leave it.

Yeah, real conventient.  And THEIR CARD IS IN YOUR COMPANY NAME!  How
convenient for you!

  2.  Same for the bank.  If the bank they are ever using rolls over and
  you out, then you are screwed.  The only way to prevent this is if the
  does not know who you are.

This is utter Bullshit, but would go for any bank out there.  This bank in
particular is a very safe and sound bank in a very safe and sound
jurisdiction.  I have been doing business with it and others in this
jurisdiction, and it will no more "rat you out" than the rat who wrote this

that's what people thought with Guardian Trust, too, but if the bank doens't
know who you are, then they CAN'T RAT ON YOU, CAN THEY?  Even if the
jurisdiction changes it's laws under OECD  or FATF preassure.  So, you have
this guy's assurances versus the FACTS!

  3.  What are his fees for the transfers from egold to the card?  He does
  disclose this, but our fees are clearly stated on our website.  If you
  just transferring from egold to the card, then you will look in the
  passthrough category of our fee shcedule, plus add the wire transfer

[e-gold-list] Re: Problems with Glencannon's debit card offer you might not noitice

2000-11-15 Thread Destiny Worldwide

I heartily agree.  I refraim form this type of thing most of the time, but
when attacked and called an ashole, it is hard to resist.  I have found most
of the people I deal with introduced to me frm egold to be great people to
work with.  That's why I was surprised by the vritriol in the other guy's
post.  I promise to stop this.

Our Offshore Website has been totally redesigned, and
we now have web based banking, opening of accounts,
deposits, and withdrawals! Go to: http://www.offshorearnings.com
-Original Message-
From: Michael Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Destiny Worldwide [EMAIL PROTECTED]; e-gold Discussion
Cc: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2000 5:09 PM
Subject: Re: [e-gold-list] Re: Problems with Glencannon's debit card offer
you might not noitice

Both of you.

I do not think this is an appropriate discussion board for a personal bun

None of this will enamour customers to your cause.

You don't have to prove yourself right by proving someone else wrong.

I suggest you kiss and make up

Your customers are watching you

Kind regards,

Michael Moore
Sign up with e-gold today and get grams of e-gold here.

- Original Message -
From: "Destiny Worldwide" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "e-gold Discussion" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: "e-gold Discussion" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2000 9:37 AM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: Problems with Glencannon's debit card offer you
might not noitice

 Our Offshore Website has been totally redesigned, and
 we now have web based banking, opening of accounts,
 deposits, and withdrawals! Go to: http://www.offshorearnings.com

 -Original Message-
 From: Glencannon Group Ltd. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Destiny Worldwide [EMAIL PROTECTED]; e-gold Discussion
 Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2000 2:21 PM
 Subject: Re: [e-gold-list] Problems with Glencannon's debit card offer
 might not noitice

 I generally don't like to talk bad about people, but this fellow is full
 shit.  I never spoke ill of whoever "Destiny Worldwide" is and I have no
 particular problems with their system as I HAVE NO INFORMATION ABOUT IT.
 Now a little less than a month I asked if people would be interested in
 this, and I would put it together.  This is waht I have done.  I don't
 appreciate the tone of this message, but I will let people judge for
 themselves.  I do not claim that this is ANONYMOUS, and I do not claim
 a high security vehicle.  If that is what you want and need, contact me
 I'll give you some advice.  I do not advise the use of ANONYMOUS
 most of these are run by crooks who either run off with the funds inthe

 Excuse me,  this is issued by the largest bank in thier jurisdiction.  If
 you can start calling people names, then so can I.  I think, though, if
 people will compare your pitiful little website with ours they will see a
 big difference.  We have spent money and time to develop ours, along with
 functional database, etc.  Yours 

 accounts, or get caught because they are breaking the laws in the
 jurisdiction in which they operate.  But the fact is that this asshole
 chosen to promote his product, which may be very fine, by attacking mine
 with false and misleading comments.  I will address these pissant

 I will answer your points below.  I have not attacked anything, just
 out the facts.  Sorry if this hurts your sales.  And since our card is
 issued by the LARGEST BANK in their jurisdiction, what's the problem?

 On Wed, 15 Nov 2000 11:05:41 -0600, Destiny Worldwide wrote:
   I don't want to rain on anyone's parade, but since Glencannon pointed
   what he thought was a problem with our system, let me pount out a
   with his.
   1.  His website states that he is in Belize, yet he gives an address
   Texas to mail the applications.  Obviusly, then, the address in
   maildrop.  What this means is that when you send yoru documents to
   are sotred onshore, where BB can seize them anytime they want.  Your
   identity is not safe!
 The mail drop is in Houston, and documents are forwarded to me wherever
 may be, Belize, the Dominican Republic, or sometimes Houston.  But no

 Oh, so if there is a problem, don't bother looking for you because you
 on the lam -- er.. on the go all the time.  It's is obvious that this
 a one man show.  We, on the other hand, 

[e-gold-list] egold and debit cards

2000-11-02 Thread Destiny Worldwide

Our Offshore Website has been totally redesigned, and
we now have web based banking, opening of accounts,
deposits, and withdrawals! Go to: http://www.offshorearnings.com
-Original Message-

WE have already been offering totally anonymous debit cards which you can
fund through us using egold if you choose.  OUrs costs alittle more but
these are totally nubmered acocunts.  YOu can also fund these cards yourself
thorugh wire transfer, but by passing the funds through us or thorugh a
withdrawal form our offshore online savings acocunts, you can move the money
in total secrecy.

You can make deposits and withdrawals to and from your online savings using
egold, and is the cheapest and fastest way to make deposits and withdrawals
from your account.

chuch us out at:



From: e-gold Discussion digest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Gold Based Debit Card
From: David Hillary [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 09:34:02 +1100
X-Message-Number: 1

Certianally, let me know about this service.

I don't quite understand what exactly it is tho: is it cash debit cards
from a single cash bank account, and you then, as a service, fund each
transaction by a spend from the card holders e-gold account into your or
the company e-gold account, then at the end of each day/week whatever,
fund the total cash debits from a single exchange of e-gold for cash?

If its the latter I am keen to know more about it!

David Hillary

"Glencannon Group Ltd." wrote:

 I have been thinking of setting up an E-Gold based Debit Card Service.
 is you would be able to fund your debit with deposits into a companies
 e-gold account, who would then turn around and fund debit card with cash.
 The reason I am thinking of doing this is that is would be cheaper for me
 do one wire for the equivalent of 10 or more transfers, than it would be
 you to do one wire transfer to an account.  Everyone could do this on
 own, but it would also involve a huge loss of confidentiality and a great
 loss.  I have a bank that will issue virtually unlimited debit cards off
 my basic commercial acount.  These cards are considered "employee"
 and are easy to set up.

 If there is any interest, please let me know so that I can explore

 Glencannon Group Ltd.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (for a more secure email)
 fax: 419-710-4339

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[e-gold-list] Paypal

2000-10-24 Thread Destiny Worldwide

Well, shortly after I said we had never had a problem with Paypal, we did!
Someone tried to defraud us by giving Paypal a bad credit card number.
Fortunately, the spend into egold was not completed because of one of our
security measures, which I will not share with the group for obvious reasons
in case the con artist is lurking on this list.

Because of this close call, and the fact that it takes Paypal around two
weeks to catch on to these crooks, EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY IF YOU TRANSFER
WILL BE A 16 DAY HOLD ON THE FUNDS SO DEPOSITED.  If the source of funds is
money in your Paypal account or a bank transfer, we will accept it on our
old terms.  It is fortunate that Paypal now tells the source of funds or
this would have to apply to all transactions.

Our Offshore Website has been totally redesigned, and
we now have web based banking, opening of accounts,
deposits, and withdrawals! Go to: http://www.offshorearnings.com

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