Re: Re: [Elecraft] Question - for Educational Purposes

2008-07-25 Thread David Woolley (E.L)

Alan Bloom wrote:
2) The IIR filters have slightly steeper skirts, but ring more. The FIR 
filters ring less but are not quite as sharp.

I believe the IIR filters ring more BECAUSE they have steeper skirts. 
As I explained in a previous message, FIR and IIR filters have similar

ringing characteristics if the bandwidth and shape factors are the same.

FIR filters cannot ring in the full sense of the word.  What they can do 
is to generate a finite pulse of a particular frequency, but that pulse 
is never longer than the filter length.  Long filter lengths result in a 
delay in the signal, which can become unacceptable in itself, so systems 
are not designed with extremely long filters.

Some basic examples of (non-ringing - or rather ringing at 0Hz) filters 
are the rolling and exponential average.  The rolling average is the 
average of the last n values and is an FIR filter.  The exponential 
average adds x% of the input to (100-x%) of the previous output and is 
an IIR.

(The simple rolling average is special in that you can use an IIR type 
algorithm to compute it, although the result is still only finite 
impulse response.  That formulation of rolling average requires 2 
additions per sample, whereas the FIR style one requires n.)

David Woolley
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Re: [Elecraft] [OT] Hilberling PT-8000 cancelled.

2008-07-25 Thread David Woolley (E.L)

Simon Brown (HB9DRV) wrote:
div class=moz-text-flowed style=font-family: 

Thank goodness for Wayne  Eric!

Translation by Adam VA7OJ/AB4OJ

The manufacture of the PT-8000 product line has been discontinued.

Due to the constant obstacles which we must overcome in ensuring 
compliance with EU-wide governmental regulations imposed on 
manufacturers, we were

Unless the intent was only to sell on the Swiss market, the effect of 
EEC regulations ought to be less than without the EEC.  The point of the 
EEC regulations is that you only have to comply once, even if having to 
meet the concerns of all the members means that the regulations are a 
bit more difficult.  Without the regulations, you woudl still have 
needed to meet all the requirements, if you wanted to sell throughout 
Europe, but would have had to submit to an approval process in every 
country.  The approval requirements might even be incompatible.

Moreover, the big problem for EU amateurs is that the requirements are 
actually compromised, to meet manufacturer objections, and not well 
enforced, with the result that there is a lot of legal consumer 
equipment that causes severe RFI and also a lot of illegal equipment. 
(I believe the same happens at the US federal level, at least with 
respect to compromising EMC requirements).

required to make constant design changes to this top-quality 
transceiver. The very high design goals which we had set for the PT-8000 
could be fulfilled in a few prototype units. However, guaranteeing this 
high standard without limitations in a series production program with 
many vendors runs into difficulties which cannot be overcome at a cost 
level which is still acceptable.

That's a different problem.  The design wasn't reproducible and could 
not be rescued by production engineering.

David Woolley
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Re: [Elecraft] [OT] Hilberling PT-8000 cancelled.

2008-07-25 Thread Jon K Hellan


Sounds like they didn't piece off the right bureaucrats. It must take
some serious bakshish to get a new product through that multi-country
regulatory maze.

Well, products don't need certification at all in the EU/EEA, actually. They do 
need a declaration of compliance.

The Norwegian PTT tests selected products for compliance. In about 60% of the 
cases, the product is found not to comply, and is withdrawn from the market. If 
this is done promptly, there are no further consequences. I wonder how randomly 
they select products to test :-)

I do not believe the requirements are more onerous in Europe than in the U.S.

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[Elecraft] Dummy's Guide to Noise Reduction

2008-07-25 Thread Stewart Rolfe

To all NR 'confusees',

Since getting my K3 #145 I've seen the discussion about Noise Reduction 
go round the block 2 or 3 times and I have to wonder if folk bother 
reading the FAQ which I've copied below...

How does the Noise Reduction work?

NR depends on correlation of the present input with previous input. The 
system does not actually provide Noise Reduction; it provides Signal 
Selection. In other words, its default is to pass nothing at all. It has 
to believe there is a signal present, and then it builds a filter, or 
set of filters, around the spectral components of the signal it thinks 
is there.
Random noise has no correlation, voice has moderate but not perfect 
(unless you whistle a pure tone) and CW has excellent correlation.  As a 
result, noise is heavily suppressed (no filter is built to pass it), 
voice is partially suppressed (hence it needs some additional gain to 
compensate for this effect so the same AF level will produce about the 
same audio level with a moderate S/N speech signal) and CW is hardly 
suppressed at all (hence it does not need any gain boost).
NR is not recommended in Data Mode.  Data is already getting a matched 
filter in the demodulator. You might lose a few symbols as the NR 
settles around the signal, and it might suppress a very weak signal that 
you could otherwise copy.

NR in the end is intended for modes you listen to.

Seems clear to me; I'm no expert (DSP 'dummy') but it tells me for one 
thing that adaptive dsp filtering is going to work better with cw than 
phone. There is more on it in 'Operating Tips' and somewhere Lyle gave a 
good explanation of the different settings available but I can't find it 
now - anyone know whether it's lurking somewhere on the web site?

Have fun (I am.!)

73, Stewart Rolfe, GW0ETF (K3 #145)
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Re: [Elecraft] [OT] Hilberling PT-8000 cancelled.

2008-07-25 Thread Simon Brown (HB9DRV)
This PT-8000 must have cost Hilberling a few million euro at least. Three 
stands at the big Friedrichshafen show (I am sure they were there in 2006), 
development and salaries and... I am sure Hilberling's company can afford 
this, it has a very high reputation and he holds some very fine patents.

I was always skeptical as the price was so very high - 11,990 euro for a 
100W single RX radio (no panoramic display) is a lot, even if it does come 
with a nice microphone. I see all docs have been pulled from the website, 
fortunately I made copies which I will keep.

For those who never saw the beast look at specifically 
images 0513 to 0520.

Real engineers deliver products, the rest end up working in McDonalds.

Simon Brown, HB9DRV

From: David Woolley (E.L) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

That's a different problem.  The design wasn't reproducible and could not 
be rescued by production engineering.

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 :: slightly reduced TX power output noticed

2008-07-25 Thread Steef PA2A
When I make keydown at the 120 Watt level on 20 meters, the message HI CUR 
appears after about 10 seconds and the power goes to 106 watts. I did not 
see that before.

73 's Steef PA2A
k3 #1184

- Original Message - 
From: Steve Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Friday, July 25, 2008 5:51 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] K3 :: slightly reduced TX power output noticed


I noticed CW output power on 40M was off by a small amount, 7-10%.  (Was 
set to 100W.)

Meters are Bird 43 and LP-100.  2 kW dummy load has mondo return loss (26 

So, I went to see what the 40 meter HP TX gain setting was, and it seems 
like it was topped out.

K3 didn't quite make the same power it did before, maybe 8% low.  Odd, so, 
I cranked the TXG setting to 60, which is max.

Still didn't quite make 50W.  Then I noticed that the gain setting 
reverted back to 58 without my input.  Huh?

Turned the TX ALC back on, then checked TX out on 40M at 50W ... and got 
50 watts.  Cool.  But ~7 watts low at 100W setting.

HP TX gain setting, for comparison, on 20M is 24.  It's like it has no 
headroom on 40M.  My K2 was hottest on 40, IIRC.

Checked power on 20M at 50W, right on the money.  At 100W, 7-10% low, and 
much the same on other bands.

Internal voltmeter shows 13.6V on RX and 12.9V on TX @ 100W setting, 
drawing 17.7A for 94W out on 7050.

50W out setting yields 50.4W RF at 13.15A @ 13.1V.

Power source is an Astron RS-35M across three 105A-h AGM batteries, and 
nothing smaller than 10AWG in between.

West Mountain Radio crimper tool assembled PowerPoles, the shack standard 
here for years.

Probably have 100s of them.  I don't think this is an I^2R problem.

All 3 RF wattmeters agree at 50W.

FWIW I just upgraded to the new firmware this evening.

Since 92 watts equals 100 in my book and because at 50W the set makes 50W, 
this isn't too much of a concern.  However, I thought I'd bring it up in 
case the observation is indicative of something else that actually does 

Steve KZ1X/4
K3 #1209

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Re: [Elecraft] [OT] Hilberling PT-8000 cancelled.

2008-07-25 Thread G3MLO

  I also think that when you take a long hard look at the market for such 
  a high price transceiver, given the mixed reception given to other
  high end offerings, reality kicked in, also I guess the success of the K3
along with
  Rob Sherwood's measurements would make any competitor think twice.
  Elecraft have really produced a truly great radio at a great price and the
  thing is it continues to evolve.
  Peter G3MLO

Simon Brown (HB9DRV) wrote:
 Thank goodness for Wayne  Eric!
 Translation by Adam VA7OJ/AB4OJ
 The manufacture of the PT-8000 product line has been discontinued.
 Simon Brown, HB9DRV 
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[Elecraft] K3 arrival in Netherlands - travel time 34 hrs 14 mins

2008-07-25 Thread Arie Kleingeld PA3A
K3 arrived today.

Took UPS express 34 hrs  14 mins from Aptos,CA  to  Barendrecht,NL.
(NL = Netherlands, Europe)

Arie PA3A

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Re: [Elecraft] Dummy's Guide to Noise Reduction

2008-07-25 Thread G3MLO

  The message is spend time just listening to the band and get a feel of the
  many aids available to achieve the very best performance that will suit 
  you style of operating, it took me 6 months to master my Orion and I think
  with the continued development of the K3 we need to take note of all the 
  release notes as Stewart had pointed out, Thanks Stewart 73 Peter G3MLO

GW0ETF wrote:
 To all NR 'confusees',
 Since getting my K3 #145 I've seen the discussion about Noise Reduction 
 go round the block 2 or 3 times and I have to wonder if folk bother 
 reading the FAQ which I've copied below...
 How does the Noise Reduction work?
 NR depends on correlation of the present input with previous input. The 
 system does not actually provide Noise Reduction; it provides Signal 
 Selection. In other words, its default is to pass nothing at all. It has 
 to believe there is a signal present, and then it builds a filter, or 
 set of filters, around the spectral components of the signal it thinks 
 is there.
 Random noise has no correlation, voice has moderate but not perfect 
 (unless you whistle a pure tone) and CW has excellent correlation.  As a 
 result, noise is heavily suppressed (no filter is built to pass it), 
 voice is partially suppressed (hence it needs some additional gain to 
 compensate for this effect so the same AF level will produce about the 
 same audio level with a moderate S/N speech signal) and CW is hardly 
 suppressed at all (hence it does not need any gain boost).
 NR is not recommended in Data Mode.  Data is already getting a matched 
 filter in the demodulator. You might lose a few symbols as the NR 
 settles around the signal, and it might suppress a very weak signal that 
 you could otherwise copy.
 NR in the end is intended for modes you listen to.
 Seems clear to me; I'm no expert (DSP 'dummy') but it tells me for one 
 thing that adaptive dsp filtering is going to work better with cw than 
 phone. There is more on it in 'Operating Tips' and somewhere Lyle gave a 
 good explanation of the different settings available but I can't find it 
 now - anyone know whether it's lurking somewhere on the web site?
 Have fun (I am.!)
 73, Stewart Rolfe, GW0ETF (K3 #145)
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[Elecraft] ON4UN has a K3?

2008-07-25 Thread Craig
I happened to tune across John ON4UN  on 40 meters working a JA  this 
morning(his evening). John was soliciting opinions  from the JA on the audio 
quality of a  K3.(he sounded great) It will be interesting to hear what John 
thinks of his? K3. 

Can anyone confirm that John owns one, or maybe was he   just testing someone 
else's K3? An  evaluation from this highly respected  author should make for 
some interesting reading.


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Re: [Elecraft] ON4UN has a K3?

2008-07-25 Thread David Pratt

In a recent message, Craig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote ...

I happened to tune across John ON4UN  on 40 meters working a JA


Can anyone confirm that John owns one,

If he does have a K3 he has not yet got round to entering his details on 
the Elecraft Owners' Database at

Although the Database says that it is for the K2/K1, other Elecraft 
gear, including the K3, is also listed there.

David G4DMP
Leeds, England, UK

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[Elecraft] a thought for more easier K2 building

2008-07-25 Thread Johnny Siu
Hello Group,

While I built more than 10 K2 in the past, K3 and XV144 etc, I could not resist 
the attraction of kit building.  Then I have recently started to build a K2 
again (may be my 15th one).

For the K2 builders, perhaps, you will remember that all the resistors are 
packed in an order according to the build sequence.  I would wonder whether 
this arrangement can be applied to the capacitors as well.

I spent quite some time to sort the capacitors.  Some of them are quite small 
and difficult to read the value.  Therefore, if the capacitors can be packed in 
similar arrangement as the resistors, it would be wonderful for a habital 
builder like myself.


Johnny Siu VR2XMC

p.s. I shall go the Tokyo Ham Fair this year again.  Shall I meet an Elecrafter 
in Tokyo?

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Re: [Elecraft] ON4UN has a K3?

2008-07-25 Thread Val

I happened to tune across John ON4UN  on 40 meters working a JA  this 
morning(his evening). John was soliciting opinions  from the JA on the 
audio quality of a  K3.(he sounded great) It will be interesting to hear 
what John thinks of his? K3.

Can anyone confirm that John owns one, or maybe was he   just testing 
someone else's K3? An  evaluation from this highly respected  author 
should make for some interesting reading.


There was a message from M0EDX on another ham forum yesterday.  ON4UN has 
told him in a QSO, that he likes K3 he is using, and going to keep it as a 
main rig.

73 Val LZ1VB 

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Re: [Elecraft] ON4UN has a K3?

2008-07-25 Thread AD6XY

David Pratt-2 wrote:
 If he does have a K3 he has not yet got round to entering his details on 
 the Elecraft Owners' Database at

Probably because like me, also a K3 owner (580) he can't be bothered to
create yet another account to fill in or look at the information.

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[Elecraft] K3 Shipping Status for parts

2008-07-25 Thread AD6XY

Does anyone know what the shipping status is for K3 parts? For example XV
Module, Broadcast RX board, PA module, ATU, Filters etc?

This info is not shown on the shipping status page.
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Shipping Status for parts

2008-07-25 Thread David Ferrington, M0XDF

It's generally all in stock
73 de M0XDF, K3 #174
If all is not lost, where is it?

On 25 Jul 2008, at 13:50, AD6XY wrote:

Does anyone know what the shipping status is for K3 parts? For  
example XV

Module, Broadcast RX board, PA module, ATU, Filters etc?

This info is not shown on the shipping status page.

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[Elecraft] Daily Digest Truncated

2008-07-25 Thread WS6X
I have noted that my Elecraft daily digests are being truncated more

frequently lately.  I don't know if this is an issue with my

server or some Outlook setting.  Anyone else have this problem?  I really

don't want a continuous stream of individual messages.  Please reply offline

as your reply via may be truncated and I may never see it.






This may not be much consolation, since I, too am using Comcast, but it
happens to me MOST of the time. My digests seldom make it past message 30.
It must be a Comcast server issue because I get this truncation whether
using an email client or retrieving mail direct from the server. If you
figure it out, let me know. :-)


Jim, WS6X 

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[Elecraft] K3 and RTTY

2008-07-25 Thread Ron Spencer
 I've tried using the dual PB capability of the K3 on RTTY but can never
seem to get a RTTY signal through it to be able to decode (I am using
MMTTY). No problem without using the DPB filters. So if someone has the time
might you walk me through the settings you use for the K3 and RTTY? Roofing
filter, offsets (if any) and such?



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[Elecraft] K2 VFO Linearization fails

2008-07-25 Thread rrkrr
K2 #3766, a kit I bought a few years ago and let sit on the shelf for a 
while - I'm finally threatening to finish it.

All has gone well up to the VFO Linearization step in Alignment where 
the CAL PLL menu item is supposed to be run.  I've followed the 
instructions to the letter, but when I go through the menu, select CAL 
PLL and hold the EDIT key to start the linearization sequence 
nothing.  A 12099 kHz frequency is displayed, but does not change.  
There are no ds displayed to indicate stored data points.  Nothing 

MCM firmware is 2.03.  IOC firmware is 1.07

I would appreciate any suggestions.

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[Elecraft] Power Supply for K3 for Contest DXpeditions

2008-07-25 Thread José Nunes CT1BOH
Now that I have two K3's on my desktop, waiting for next CQWW Contest, I was
wondering if someone could advice on the Power Supply  that is RELIABLE
enough to take the heavy duty 48 hours SO2R non stop contesting CW and at
the same time PORTABLE enough to take on the airplane to Madeira (CT3NT).

Thanks in advance for any insight.
José Nunes
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 and RTTY

2008-07-25 Thread Lyle Johnson

 I've tried using the dual PB capability of the K3 on RTTY but can never
seem to get a RTTY signal through it to be able to decode (I am using
MMTTY). No problem without using the DPB filters. So if someone has the time
might you walk me through the settings you use for the K3 and RTTY? Roofing
filter, offsets (if any) and such?

I use the AFSK or FSK submodes of DATA.  PITCH is set to the same as the 
PC program (I have tested with DM780, MultiPSK and MMTTY) or external 
decoder (I have tested with KAM Plus, PK-232 and PTCIIex.  I expect a 
DXP-38 to arrive today so I can test with it as well).

Note the dual tone filter is set for 170 Hz shift.  Copying the W1AW 
RTTY bulletin works fine (170 Hz shift, 45.45 bps), but copying the 
AMTOR-B bulletins does not work well (200Hz shift 100 bps).

Use the CWT function on the K3 for tuning in AFSK or FSK modes for 
equal deflection of the two bars in the display.  The internal decoder, 
if enabled, will scroll text.  It is using the dual tone filter, even if 
you have not selected it.

Be sure the PC program or external decoder is set for the same tone 
polarity as the K3.  The PTCIIex, for example, expects USB so you have 
to issue TONES 3 to reverse the tones when using it in AFSK or FSK modes 
on the K3.


Lyle KK7P

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Re: [Elecraft] OT: Re: Tom N0SS ?? ??

2008-07-25 Thread David Ferrington, M0XDF

That is great news Tom, very pleased to hear that.
Take it easy.
Battered stomarch - sounds a bit like haggis!
You continue to be in my thoughts.
73 de M0XDF, K3 #174
Always remember, half the people in the world are above average  

On 23 Jul 2008, at 15:26, Tom Hammond wrote:

MY recovery is going VERY WELL... and ahead of schedule, according  
to my surgeon.

But is IS getting batter

MY recovery is going VERY WELL... and ahead of schedule, according to  
my surgeon.

I'm feeling quite well, still a bit sore in a few spots, and working  
on getting
my energy back, but that's more tied to my diet and the fact that I  
must eat
six (6) times a day right now, in order to pack in enough calories to  
maintain weight and energy... my gut's still a bit 'unhappy' at some  
of the
insults it received back on  July 1st... heheheh!  But is IS getting  
batter and

things are 'processing' more normally every day.
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[Elecraft] Truncated Daily Digests

2008-07-25 Thread James Denneny
WAYNE - I have received several replies indicating I am not alone in
receiving truncated Daily Digests.  Comcast pleads innocence.  Would it be
possible to put a size limit on Digests?  In my case, some digests get
through - many do not.  Last digest was 227kb. Perhaps they could be
released in 50 - 60 kb bunches.  Thanks





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[Elecraft] Power Supply for K3 for Contest DXpeditions

2008-07-25 Thread Franki ON5ZO

I was wondering if someone could advice on the Power Supply
that is RELIABLE enough to take the heavy duty 48 hours SO2R
José Nunes

José, I bought this one in DL for 70 Euro to go with my K3:

Not too heavy and I don't hear any switching products on the K3.
Do you plan to power both K3's with one PSU? Or each rig a dedicated PSU?

73 de Franki ON5ZO / OQ5M 

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[Elecraft] Northern Lights explained

2008-07-25 Thread Jim Wiley

I thought all you Elecrafters out there would find this interesting:

   Mystery of northern lights revealed

SATELLITES: Magnetic explosions in space trigger the dancing displays.

The Associated Press

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. -- Scientists have exposed some of the mystery 
behind the northern lights.

On Thursday, NASA released findings that indicate magnetic explosions 
about one-third of the way to the moon cause the northern lights, or 
aurora Borealis, to burst in spectacular shapes and colors, and dance 
across the sky.

The findings should help scientists better understand the more powerful 
but less common geomagnetic storms that can knock out satellites, harm 
astronauts in orbit and disrupt power and communications on Earth, 
scientists said.

A fleet of five small satellites, called Themis, observed the beginning 
of a geomagnetic storm in February, while ground observatories in Canada 
and Alaska recorded the brightening of the northern lights. The southern 
lights -- aurora Australis -- also brightened and darted across the sky 
at the same time.

These auroral flare-ups occur every two or three days, on average.

A team led by University of California, Los Angeles, scientist Vassilis 
Angelopoulos confirmed that the observed storm about 80,000 miles from 
Earth was triggered by a phenomenon known as magnetic reconnection. 
Every so often, the Earth's magnetic field lines are stretched like 
rubber bands by solar energy, snap, are thrown back to Earth and 
reconnect, in effect creating a short circuit.

It's this stored-up energy that powers the northern and southern lights 
or, in other words, causes them to dance, according to Angelopoulos.

An opposing theory has these geomagnetic events occurring much closer to 
Earth, about one-sixth of the way to the moon. More Themis observations 
are needed to resolve the debate, said David Sibeck, NASA's project 

Finally, we have the right instruments in the right place at the right 
time, and it's allowed scientists to be able to make the necessary 
observations to settle this heated debate once and for all, said Nicola 
Fox, a Johns Hopkins University scientist who was not involved in the study.

At present, about 20 of these geomagnetic storms are being analyzed. 
Scientists hope to eventually learn, via this project, more about the 
bigger solar storms that occur about 10 times a year and can lead to far 
more expansive and prolonged northern and southern lights.

The five Themis spacecraft -- a NASA acronym standing for Time History 
of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms -- were launched 
aboard a single rocket last year.

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Re: [Elecraft] Power Supply for K3 for Contest DXpeditions

2008-07-25 Thread WILLIS COOKE
Jose, I have a Jetstream JTPS28M Switching Power
Supply that I have been using for over 18 months with
two transceivers, including several 48 hour contests. 
It weighs 4 pounds, is compact, has two meters.  I
bought it from RL Electronics for $99.95.  I am not a
DX station and probably do not contest as hard as some
DX stations, but it has held up nicely for me.  My
TS-850 and FT-900 draw about 3.5 amps on receive which
I am sure is more than your two K3s.  Key down on one
transceiver is about 21 amps which it handles nicely. 
It will not handle transmit on both transceivers at
one time.

Cookie, K5EWJ

--- José Nunes CT1BOH [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Now that I have two K3's on my desktop, waiting for
 next CQWW Contest, I was
 wondering if someone could advice on the Power
 Supply  that is RELIABLE
 enough to take the heavy duty 48 hours SO2R non stop
 contesting CW and at
 the same time PORTABLE enough to take on the
 airplane to Madeira (CT3NT).
 Thanks in advance for any insight.
 José Nunes
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Willis 'Cookie' Cooke 
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Re: [Elecraft] K2 VFO Linearization fails

2008-07-25 Thread Don Wilhelm


Have you first checked the PLL range?  With the probe in TP3 (you may 
have to remove the KDSP2 or KAFT2), and menu in CAL FCTR - what is the 
frequency when you tap the BAND+ button?  What frequency when you tap 
the BAND- button?

If you have a good PLL range, then the frequency should decrement during 
CAL PLL.  You say it does not, and I believe that, but start with the 
PLL range frequencies and then we can hone in on the problem spot.


rrkrr wrote:
K2 #3766, a kit I bought a few years ago and let sit on the shelf for 
a while - I'm finally threatening to finish it.

All has gone well up to the VFO Linearization step in Alignment 
where the CAL PLL menu item is supposed to be run.  I've followed the 
instructions to the letter, but when I go through the menu, select CAL 
PLL and hold the EDIT key to start the linearization sequence 
nothing.  A 12099 kHz frequency is displayed, but does not change.  
There are no ds displayed to indicate stored data points.  Nothing 

MCM firmware is 2.03.  IOC firmware is 1.07

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 and RTTY

2008-07-25 Thread Lyle Johnson
...The PTCIIex, for example, expects USB so you have 
to issue TONES 3 

Oops, TONES 4.  But in any event, consult the documentation of the 
device you are using.


Lyle KK7P

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[Elecraft] Elecraft Antennas in trees

2008-07-25 Thread Martin Evans
Sorry for the off topic query but a few years ago I saw on this reflector a
link to a site which showed a design for a system of two poles and cords
which was used to drop a weight over a tree bow and get further up the tree
by stages.

I cannot use a projectile since there is a house immediately behind.

Anybody spotted this design?

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[Elecraft] K3 died while attempting firmware download

2008-07-25 Thread Gary Nichols
Help please.I killed w8uvz's K3 while trying to download current firmware.
The computer attempted to download three times and then became
non-responsive.  I could not power down the K3 so I turned off the power
supply.  When re-applying power the TX light is blinking and only MCU LD
appears on the screen without backlighting.  How do I get back to a working
radio from here?  Thanks, de gary, kd9sv

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 died while attempting firmware download

2008-07-25 Thread Stewart Baker
I have had this on a number of occasions :-
*** DON'T PANIC ***

The Bad News is that something got screwed up on the recent
firmware download.

The Good News is that no harm was done, and your K3 is sitting
there ready to try again.

My advice would be to restart your computer, check your COM ports
and wiring, particularly if you are using a USB to serial

Restart the configuration utility, and check that you have the
correct port selected.

Just tick the MCU, and the always load data tables boxes, and try
to download again.

With a following wind you should be back in business.

Stewart G3RXQ

On Fri, 25 Jul 2008 12:58:27 -0400, Gary Nichols wrote:
 Help please.I killed w8uvz's K3 while trying to download current
 The computer attempted to download three times and then became
 non-responsive.  I could not power down the K3 so I turned off
the power
 supply.  When re-applying power the TX light is blinking and
only MCU LD
 appears on the screen without backlighting.  How do I get back
to a working
 radio from here?  Thanks, de gary, kd9sv

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 died while attempting firmware download

2008-07-25 Thread Chad WE9V
The radio is in a state where it's waiting for you to load software.
Either try the same version, or back up a version or two and put that
in.  Make sure that your serial cable is plugged in properly before

Chad WE9V

On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 11:58 AM, Gary Nichols [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Help please.I killed w8uvz's K3 while trying to download current firmware.
 The computer attempted to download three times and then became
 non-responsive.  I could not power down the K3 so I turned off the power
 supply.  When re-applying power the TX light is blinking and only MCU LD
 appears on the screen without backlighting.  How do I get back to a working
 radio from here?  Thanks, de gary, kd9sv

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[Elecraft] [K3] Adjust TX and RX Equalizer

2008-07-25 Thread David Wilburn
Do any of the rig control tools adjust the menu / equalizer settings? 
 I have had a difficult time making adjustments in the small window 
available in the menu screen.  Any suggestions are appreciated.

David Wilburn

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RE: [Elecraft] Elecraft Antennas in trees

2008-07-25 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
-Original Message-
Sorry for the off topic query but a few years ago I saw on this
reflector a
link to a site which showed a design for a system of two poles and cords
which was used to drop a weight over a tree bow and get further up the
by stages.

I cannot use a projectile since there is a house immediately behind.

Anybody spotted this design?


Don't know that technique Martin, but I have seen one or more party-type
Mylar helium balloon - the kind sold in grocery stores, etc. - used
successfully. It requires two people, sufficient room and quiet air. Two
light threads are attached to the balloon(s). One thread is held by each
person. The balloon is allowed to float up until it is well clear of the
top of the tree, then one person walks around the tree to the opposite
side, keeping the thread clear of branches, until in the desired
position. Then one person pulls the thread in while the other lets
thread out until the balloon is back at the ground level and the thread
is draped over the tree. 

Now a string, then a cord, and finally a rope is attached and pulled
over the tree.

It's important that no power lines be where a runaway balloon and thread
can reach them. 


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RE: [Elecraft] K3 died while attempting firmware download

2008-07-25 Thread Dick Dievendorff
I do this regularly as part of testing the K3 Utility.

Just reload the firmware using the K3 Utility.

Use a computer with a real RS-232 serial port if one is available.

73 de Dick, K6KR

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gary Nichols
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2008 9:58 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] K3 died while attempting firmware download

Help please.I killed w8uvz's K3 while trying to download current firmware.
The computer attempted to download three times and then became
non-responsive.  I could not power down the K3 so I turned off the power
supply.  When re-applying power the TX light is blinking and only MCU LD
appears on the screen without backlighting.  How do I get back to a working
radio from here?  Thanks, de gary, kd9sv

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Re: [Elecraft] ON4UN has a K3?

2008-07-25 Thread Bill W4ZV

Val-12 LZ1VB wrote:
 There was a message from M0EDX on another ham forum yesterday.  ON4UN has 
 told him in a QSO, that he likes K3 he is using, and going to keep it as a 
 main rig.

That other forum is in Russian, but here's a Google translation (2 pages

It's the same debate others have had...some prefer pretty (e.g. Christmas
lights) over performance; some prefer form over function.  Interesting to

73,  Bill 
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Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft Antennas in trees

2008-07-25 Thread n4lq

All you need is a dog, a cat and a rifle.

Steve Ellington
- Original Message - 
From: Martin Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Friday, July 25, 2008 12:46 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] Elecraft Antennas in trees

Sorry for the off topic query but a few years ago I saw on this reflector 

link to a site which showed a design for a system of two poles and cords
which was used to drop a weight over a tree bow and get further up the 

by stages.

I cannot use a projectile since there is a house immediately behind.

Anybody spotted this design?

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Re: [Elecraft] ON4UN has a K3?

2008-07-25 Thread S Sacco
Man, this dude sums up my feelings EXACTLY!

[quote...sort of...given the google translator thing]
Maybe going banal, but I vsetaki speak: the K3 nekazisty design, it
looks like something krivovato.

Looks like something krivovato:  I'm going to take a wild guess
here, but I'm betting that krivovato means a radio that really
should be larger, with buttons for each of the bands - none of that
up and down stuff for bands or modes.

Steve NN4X

On 7/25/08, Bill W4ZV [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Val-12 LZ1VB wrote:
  There was a message from M0EDX on another ham forum yesterday.  ON4UN has
  told him in a QSO, that he likes K3 he is using, and going to keep it as a
  main rig.

 That other forum is in Russian, but here's a Google translation (2 pages

 It's the same debate others have had...some prefer pretty (e.g. Christmas
 lights) over performance; some prefer form over function.  Interesting to

 73,  Bill
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Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft Antennas in trees

2008-07-25 Thread Geoffrey Mackenzie-Kennedy

Hi Martin,

By any chance are you thinking about the method I use? We discussed it a few
years ago, please contact me off-List if you think that it might be. I have
since 'refined' the hardware used to get up 100ft plus pine trees in roughly
25ft stages, which also allows accurate positioning of a line.


Martin Evans wrote on Friday, July 25, 2008 5:46 PM

Sorry for the off topic query but a few years ago I saw on this reflector 

link to a site which showed a design for a system of two poles and cords
which was used to drop a weight over a tree bow and get further up the 

by stages.

I cannot use a projectile since there is a house immediately behind.

Anybody spotted this design?


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[Elecraft] K3 not responding

2008-07-25 Thread Gary Nichols
Thanks to all who answered.tried the suggestions on page 42 and still having
problems.  I am getting the msg

K3 did not respond to firmware load request.  I had disconnected power and
re-applied power and pressed power on which caused the TX led to blink and
MCU LD is on the screen but still cannot download gary

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Re: [Elecraft] [K3] TCXO3 Method 3 REF CAL when might it be implemented

2008-07-25 Thread Greg

Here's some good new Roger.

It is already working at 1ppm.  So if that's your goal, you were there when 
you installed the TCXO-3.  The method 3 calibration is for the FW to enhance 
the result to .5ppm.  It's high on Wayne's list but I cannot say when it 
will be done.


- Original Message - 
From: Roger Marrotte [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2008 10:32 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] [K3] TCXO3 Method 3 REF CAL when might it be implemented

Many of us have the TCXO3 and I for one, and I assume many others, would
like to have some idea when the Method 3 (1 ppm TCXO Option) will be
implemented.  I'll settle for something like soon, in a few months, by the
end of the year or when we get around to it.  Some statement on the 

would be appreciated.

Thanks, a very satisfied K3 owner,

Roger, W1EM
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RE: [Elecraft] ON4UN has a K3?

2008-07-25 Thread Brett Howard
And silly me I prefer the smaller rig with the fewer buttons.  Not to
mention that you can use the memories to get separate band buttons using the
keypad if needed.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of S Sacco
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2008 11:05 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] ON4UN has a K3?

Man, this dude sums up my feelings EXACTLY!

[quote...sort of...given the google translator thing]
Maybe going banal, but I vsetaki speak: the K3 nekazisty design, it
looks like something krivovato.

Looks like something krivovato:  I'm going to take a wild guess
here, but I'm betting that krivovato means a radio that really
should be larger, with buttons for each of the bands - none of that
up and down stuff for bands or modes.

Steve NN4X

On 7/25/08, Bill W4ZV [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Val-12 LZ1VB wrote:
  There was a message from M0EDX on another ham forum yesterday.  ON4UN
  told him in a QSO, that he likes K3 he is using, and going to keep it as
  main rig.

 That other forum is in Russian, but here's a Google translation (2 pages

 It's the same debate others have had...some prefer pretty (e.g. Christmas
 lights) over performance; some prefer form over function.  Interesting to

 73,  Bill
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[Elecraft] K3 back to life again

2008-07-25 Thread Gary Nichols
Thanks to all who responded to my plea for help.  It seems the problem was
the brand new 15 ft DB9 serial cable I had bought just for this purpose so I
didn't need to move the radio close to the computer to upgrade.  I put
together a 6ft 25pin cable with adapters to get to 9 pin male/female and
connected that mess to the radio and was then able to successfully load
firmware to bring the radio back to life.  With the 15ft new cable it would
stall out midway through the loading and freeze up the program.  Thanks
again to all and I will go and buy a new shorter gary

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Re: [Elecraft] ON4UN has a K3?

2008-07-25 Thread S Sacco
To each their own, eh Brett?

Regarding the memories - I don't want to have to remember what memory
# tracks with what band.  I want to push the 40 or 7 button to go
to that band.

It wasn't a big enough deal for me to prevent me from ordering my 2nd
K3, which is in transit.  I voted with my $$$.

Actually, as I've gotten LP-PAN up and running, and having my first
experiences with rig control software, I'm very curioius as to whether
I'll prefer using that UI.

If nothing else, I can click on a 40 button and go right there.   :-)


On 7/25/08, Brett Howard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 And silly me I prefer the smaller rig with the fewer buttons.  Not to
 mention that you can use the memories to get separate band buttons using the
 keypad if needed.

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Re: [Elecraft] ON4UN has a K3?

2008-07-25 Thread Bill W4ZV

S Sacco wrote:
 Regarding the memories - I don't want to have to remember what memory
 # tracks with what band.  I want to push the 40 or 7 button to go
 to that band.

If you follow KR2Q's memory programming suggestion below, you only need one
more press to do what you described:

MV and 7 = 40 meters

73,  Bill

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RE: [Elecraft] ON4UN has a K3?

2008-07-25 Thread Brett Howard
Glad to hear you ordered a second!!!

I wonder if you used one of the newer label makers and printed up labels on
a clear background how annoying they would look stuck over the buttons...

Or you can always make it relatively easy to remember by using something

2 - 20 Meters
3 - 30 Meters
7 - 40 Meters
4 - 75/80 Meters
1 - 160 Meters

Those are the somewhat easy ones to kinda fit in...  Beyond that you have to
either start getting creative or go for the labels.  Or like you said... You
can just do it in software...

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of S Sacco
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2008 12:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] ON4UN has a K3?

To each their own, eh Brett?

Regarding the memories - I don't want to have to remember what memory
# tracks with what band.  I want to push the 40 or 7 button to go
to that band.

It wasn't a big enough deal for me to prevent me from ordering my 2nd
K3, which is in transit.  I voted with my $$$.

Actually, as I've gotten LP-PAN up and running, and having my first
experiences with rig control software, I'm very curioius as to whether
I'll prefer using that UI.

If nothing else, I can click on a 40 button and go right there.   :-)


On 7/25/08, Brett Howard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 And silly me I prefer the smaller rig with the fewer buttons.  Not to
 mention that you can use the memories to get separate band buttons using
 keypad if needed.

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Re: [Elecraft] ON4UN has a K3?

2008-07-25 Thread Bill W4ZV

Bill W4ZV wrote:
 S Sacco wrote:
 Regarding the memories - I don't want to have to remember what memory
 # tracks with what band.  I want to push the 40 or 7 button to go
 to that band.
 If you follow KR2Q's memory programming suggestion below, you only need
 one more press to do what you described:
 MV and 7 = 40 meters

Make that MV and 4 = 40 meters for what Doug could do
it in MHz instead of meters also.

73,  Bill

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Re: [Elecraft] ON4UN has a K3?

2008-07-25 Thread Val

Steve, you missed :)

Krivovato actually means crooked
But the computer translation isn't much closer at all :)


Looks like something krivovato:  I'm going to take a wild guess
here, but I'm betting that krivovato means a radio that really
should be larger, with buttons for each of the bands - none of that
up and down stuff for bands or modes.

Steve NN4X

On 7/25/08, Bill W4ZV [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Val-12 LZ1VB wrote:

 There was a message from M0EDX on another ham forum yesterday.  ON4UN 
 told him in a QSO, that he likes K3 he is using, and going to keep it 
 as a

 main rig.

That other forum is in Russian, but here's a Google translation (2 


It's the same debate others have had...some prefer pretty (e.g. 
lights) over performance; some prefer form over function.  Interesting 


73,  Bill
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Re: [Elecraft] ON4UN has a K3? - Who cares!

2008-07-25 Thread Lee Buller

How silly this thread has gotten to while the Subject line does not match.  
Come on people.

Now thenON4UN is a nice guy, great ham, etcbut I don't care if he has 
one or not.  

Gee, I wonder if KR7WEX has a TS2000?

Lets drop this ... 

Lee - K0WA

In our day and age it seems that Common Sense is in short supply.  If you don't 
have any Common Sense - get some Common Sense and use it.  If you can't find 
any Common Sense, ask for help from somebody who has some Common Sense.  Is 
Common Sense divine?
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Re: [Elecraft] K3: S meter calibration

2008-07-25 Thread N0QO


I am not sure what your signal source is for your calibration and I have not
researched this topoc on this reflector so it may be covered in detail by
others.  I will convey what I have found about S meter calibration.

SMTR SC and SMTR OF affect each other so if you change on you have
affeced the other.  There are several combinations that will yeild S9.  If
you have a signal generator and or a power meter you will see the

I tried the calibration with the Elecraft generator and found it to be
accurate at S9 and S3 as advertised.  When I checked the K3 S meter with my
signal generator at values other than S9 and S3 I found the meter to be off

Through trail and error using my 8640B sig gen I found that if I played with
different values of SC and OF that I could bet the S meter do display very
accurately from S1 to S9+30 and everything in between.

If you have access to a good signal generator and spend some time you can
make the S meter very accurate.  If you only have the Elecraft generator you
will be accurate at S3 and S9 but beyond that you wont know.

I hope this helps,
Ken, N0QO


Graham Kimbell (G3TCT) wrote:
 I get very optimistic readings on my S meter above S9.  I calibrated the S
 meter on 7MHz as per instructions and everything seemed ok with SMTR OF
 =26. According to my calculation 50uV is -73dBm. I increased the input and
 got the following readings:-
 -53dBm (should be S9+20) reads 9+30 on 6m and 9+35 on 40m
 -43dBm (sh be S9+30) reads 9+45 on 6m and 9+55 on 40m
 -37dBm (sh be S9+36) reads S9+60 on 6m and would be more on 40m if the
 meter went further.
 Anyone else notice this?
 Should I change the value of SMTR SC and if so, to what?
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Re: [Elecraft] Power Supply for K3 for Contest DXpeditions

2008-07-25 Thread a.yoshida


It looks very nice. How about FAN ?  Is it always running ?

aki ja1nlx

- Original Message - 

Sent: Saturday, July 26, 2008 12:14 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] Power Supply for K3 for Contest DXpeditions

I was wondering if someone could advice on the Power Supply
that is RELIABLE enough to take the heavy duty 48 hours SO2R
José Nunes

José, I bought this one in DL for 70 Euro to go with my K3:

Not too heavy and I don't hear any switching products on the K3.
Do you plan to power both K3's with one PSU? Or each rig a dedicated PSU?

73 de Franki ON5ZO / OQ5M
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RE: [Elecraft] Elecraft Antennas in trees

2008-07-25 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
Whatziz this off line stuff Geoff? I'm sure a number of us are
interested. I know I am. 

Don't be afraid of the self-appointed list cops. There's only one
moderator and he's heartily endorsed such digressions within reason.
Experience shows that if it's something an Elecraft rig owner might be
interested in to enjoy building, modifying or operating his rig, it's
something that belongs here.


-Original Message-

Hi Martin,

By any chance are you thinking about the method I use? We discussed it a
years ago, please contact me off-List if you think that it might be. I
since 'refined' the hardware used to get up 100ft plus pine trees in
25ft stages, which also allows accurate positioning of a line.


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Re: [Elecraft] ON4UN has a K3? - Who cares!

2008-07-25 Thread Augie Hansen

Lee Buller wrote:

Now thenON4UN is a nice guy, great ham, etcbut I don't care if he has 
one or not.

I paid attention when John replaced his FT1000D transceivers with 
Ten-Tec Orions. He claimed that the improvement in receiver performance 
was reason enough to make a change in spite of some rough edges on the 

If he chooses to switch to Elecraft K3s at some point, I want to know 
about it, and about his reasons for doing so.  I'd also want to know his 
reasoning if he chooses not to make the switch (most likely small size, 
lack of direct band selection, too many multi-function controls).

73, Gus Hansen

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Re: [Elecraft] [OT] Hilberling PT-8000 cancelled.

2008-07-25 Thread Alan Bloom
On Fri, 2008-07-25 at 00:34, Jon K Hellan wrote:

 I do not believe the requirements are more onerous in Europe than in the U.S.

I believe that's more-or-less true for radiated and conducted
EMISSIONS.  However, I believe Europe also has SUSCEPTABILITY
requirements which the FCC does not.  That is a good thing for radio
amateurs, or anyone who operates a transmitter.


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[Elecraft] K3 Firmware Stability - wrong description

2008-07-25 Thread Jim Miller
We are not really talking about stability here.  Generally, we are talking
about variations is existing functions between versions that some weren't
expecting.  If there was a setting that got bumped accidentally during an
upgrade, well, that's the way it is sometimes.  Not a big deal and it gets
fixed right away.  The end result is more functionality in a radio that
continues to grow even after you buy it.  And if your idea of an additional
or varied function is feasible, it may even be implemented.  Try that with
one of the other manufacturers.  It would get posted in the break room as a

Think about this.  You buy ANY other radio and you get what you bought,
period.  Like it or not.   (Flex 5000 maybe??, but you have a better radio
here).  It MAY get a bug fix or two but it certainly will not get any
enhancements and YOU certainly won't have any input.

The concept of bringing the kit radio to the market, allowing you to
configure it in the manner you like, and even upgrade it with other options
later is what one could only hope for until now.


Owner wannabe,
Awaiting my k3,

- Original Message - 
From: Geoffrey Downs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2008 5:02 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K3 Firmware Stability

 Personally I like the frequent firmware releases too. It's good to have it
 developing and improving with new features etc. The whole firmware process
 strikes me as honest, open and customer-friendly and miles ahead of what
 would get with some other manufacturers!

 73 to all


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RE: [Elecraft] ON4UN has a K3?

2008-07-25 Thread John W2XS

I like:

1 = 10m
2 = 20m
3 = 30m
4 = 40m
5 = 15m
6 = 60m
7 = 17m
8 = 80m
0 = 160m

I use band down or band down to go to 6m or 12m.


John W2XS

Brett wrote: Or you can always make it relatively easy to remember by using

2 - 20 Meters
3 - 30 Meters
7 - 40 Meters
4 - 75/80 Meters
1 - 160 Meters

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Re: Re: [Elecraft] Question - for Educational Purposes

2008-07-25 Thread Alan Bloom
On Fri, 2008-07-25 at 00:09, David Woolley (E.L) wrote:

 FIR filters cannot ring in the full sense of the word.  What they can do 
 is to generate a finite pulse of a particular frequency, but that pulse 
 is never longer than the filter length.  Long filter lengths result in a 
 delay in the signal, which can become unacceptable in itself, so systems 
 are not designed with extremely long filters.

For signals received by the human ear, the filter length would have to
be really long to be objectionable.  For a symmetrical impulse response,
the delay is 1/2 the filter length.  For example, assuming a 10 kHz
sample rate and a 1000-tap filter, the delay is only 1/20 second. 

To get a decent shape factor, the filter length in seconds needs to be
at least a few times 1/bandwidth.  Say 10/BW or so, resulting in 5/BW
delay.  So even with a 50 Hz bandwidth, the delay only needs to be on
the order of 1/10 second.  I don't think you'd ever notice that in
normal on-the-air operation.


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[Elecraft] Reminder: Countdown is on for ARS' Flight of the Bumblebees on Sunday

2008-07-25 Thread Chris Kantarjiev

Sunday, almost 200 “bee” QRP field operators will be out on the trail during the
Adventure Radio Society’s annual four-hour Flight of the Bumblebees.

Held yearly on the last Sunday of July, 2008’s is July 27. For complete details,
visit the ARS Web site at:

Click on Flight of the Bumblebees on the right hand side of the home page.

This is a four hour event, running from 10:00 PDT / 11:00 MDT / 12:00 CDT / 1:00
EDT to 2:00 PDT / 3:00 MDT / 4:00 CDT / 5:00 EDT. Thus, the hours of operation
accommodate all four time zones. No matter where you live, there is time for the
Bumblebees to travel to their sites, set up their stations, operate the contest,
and travel back to their cars.

Both home-based and portable operations are encouraged. Participants who want to
operate in the Bumblebee category apply to Adventure Radio Society for Bumblebee
status. ARS assigns each Bumblebee a Bee number. Bumblebees agree to walk, bike,
boat or some other self-powered means to get to their sites. The distance
traveled to the site is at the Bumblebee's discretion.

Bumblebees add /BB to their calls.

There is no limit on the number of Bumblebees. You may apply for, and receive, a
Bee number at any time, up to two days before the contest.

We look forward to seeing you in the 2008 Flight of the Bumblebees.

Russ Carpenter, AA7QU,
Chris Kantarjiev, K6DBG,
Richard Fisher, KI6SN
The Adventure Radio Society

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Re: [Elecraft] Northern Lights explained

2008-07-25 Thread NZ0T

Damn, I thought it was caused by magic.

Jim Wiley-2 wrote:
 I thought all you Elecrafters out there would find this interesting:
 Mystery of northern lights revealed
 SATELLITES: Magnetic explosions in space trigger the dancing displays.
 The Associated Press
 CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. -- Scientists have exposed some of the mystery 
 behind the northern lights.
 On Thursday, NASA released findings that indicate magnetic explosions 
 about one-third of the way to the moon cause the northern lights, or 
 aurora Borealis, to burst in spectacular shapes and colors, and dance 
 across the sky.
 The findings should help scientists better understand the more powerful 
 but less common geomagnetic storms that can knock out satellites, harm 
 astronauts in orbit and disrupt power and communications on Earth, 
 scientists said.
 A fleet of five small satellites, called Themis, observed the beginning 
 of a geomagnetic storm in February, while ground observatories in Canada 
 and Alaska recorded the brightening of the northern lights. The southern 
 lights -- aurora Australis -- also brightened and darted across the sky 
 at the same time.
 These auroral flare-ups occur every two or three days, on average.
 A team led by University of California, Los Angeles, scientist Vassilis 
 Angelopoulos confirmed that the observed storm about 80,000 miles from 
 Earth was triggered by a phenomenon known as magnetic reconnection. 
 Every so often, the Earth's magnetic field lines are stretched like 
 rubber bands by solar energy, snap, are thrown back to Earth and 
 reconnect, in effect creating a short circuit.
 It's this stored-up energy that powers the northern and southern lights 
 or, in other words, causes them to dance, according to Angelopoulos.
 An opposing theory has these geomagnetic events occurring much closer to 
 Earth, about one-sixth of the way to the moon. More Themis observations 
 are needed to resolve the debate, said David Sibeck, NASA's project 
 Finally, we have the right instruments in the right place at the right 
 time, and it's allowed scientists to be able to make the necessary 
 observations to settle this heated debate once and for all, said Nicola 
 Fox, a Johns Hopkins University scientist who was not involved in the
 At present, about 20 of these geomagnetic storms are being analyzed. 
 Scientists hope to eventually learn, via this project, more about the 
 bigger solar storms that occur about 10 times a year and can lead to far 
 more expansive and prolonged northern and southern lights.
 The five Themis spacecraft -- a NASA acronym standing for Time History 
 of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms -- were launched 
 aboard a single rocket last year.
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Re: [Elecraft] ON4UN has a K3?

2008-07-25 Thread Don Wilhelm


No matter what 'system' a particular person uses, he will get used to it.
I have mine set:

1 = 80m 2 = 40m 3 = 30m   --- the low bands
4 = 20m 5 = 15m 6 = 10m   --- the high bands'
7 = 17m 8 = 12m 9 = 6m --- the WARC bands (almost)
 0 = 160m   ---  TOP BAND 

60 meters is seldom used here, so it is select 80 meters and then tap 
the BAND up button.

I can easily remember the order without having to remember what number 
is associated with it.  YMMV, everyone's mind works differently.
I wonder how ON4UN would want to set his?  Maybe he is happy with the 
BAND buttons.


John W2XS wrote:

I like:

1 = 10m
2 = 20m
3 = 30m
4 = 40m
5 = 15m
6 = 60m
7 = 17m
8 = 80m
0 = 160m

I use band down or band down to go to 6m or 12m.


John W2XS

Brett wrote: Or you can always make it relatively easy to remember by using

2 - 20 Meters
3 - 30 Meters
7 - 40 Meters
4 - 75/80 Meters
1 - 160 Meters


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Re: [Elecraft] K3: S meter calibration

2008-07-25 Thread Bill W5WVO
- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2008 2:42 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K3: S meter calibration

 Through trial and error using my 8640B sig gen, I found 
 that if I played with different values of SC and OF that 
 I could get the S meter to display very accurately from 
 S1 to S9+30 and everything in between.

And those values would be... ?  Inquiring minds want to know. :-)

Bill W5WVO

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[Elecraft] K3: One more time - keypad/bandswitch

2008-07-25 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL
Don has it right.  It doesn't matter how you set it up, as long as it
is logical to you.

My long time partner in crime and contest buddy Steve says he wants
40 and 20 etc.  That''s okay, but probably won't happen in the
near future.

But I have to tell you, that when I had a rig with that type of set-up
(meaning band buttons, such as the Kenwood TS940), I never actually
looked at the label once I knew where they were.  It was simply a
physical location within a grid of buttons.  I can still remember what
was where but I'll be damned if I can tell what the buttons actually
read (band vs freq in MHz).

So yeahDon has it right (again)...and I bet Steve has it right
too...that he'll end up just using the UI on the computer.

de Doug KR2Q
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Re: [Elecraft] ON4UN has a K3?

2008-07-25 Thread drewko1
Yes, Don, I agree completely. Forget about the labels entirely and
just learn them by key position. However, I went with a vertical
scheme vs your horizontal one...

The first keypad column (1,4,7) is 160, 80,  40. Second column is 20
to 6 (6m stands apart way down there on the zero key); third column is
the warc bands. 

I figure if I can keep track of forty-some keys on a keyboard without
looking then I can memorize the positions of ten band buttons on the
k3. Now my band locations just seem right! No label reading; no
mental translation... the buttons ARE the bands!

So, if the power goes out I can navigate the bands without even
needing to see the buttons. (Admittedly, there isn't much point to
navigating the band buttons when there is no power to the K3...)


On Fri, 25 Jul 2008 19:03:25 -0400, Don W3FPR wrote:


No matter what 'system' a particular person uses, he will get used to it.
I have mine set:

1 = 80m 2 = 40m 3 = 30m   --- the low bands
4 = 20m 5 = 15m 6 = 10m   --- the high bands'
7 = 17m 8 = 12m 9 = 6m --- the WARC bands (almost)
  0 = 160m   ---  TOP BAND 

60 meters is seldom used here, so it is select 80 meters and then tap 
the BAND up button.

I can easily remember the order without having to remember what number 
is associated with it.  YMMV, everyone's mind works differently.
I wonder how ON4UN would want to set his?  Maybe he is happy with the 
BAND buttons.


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Re: [Elecraft] [OT] Hilberling PT-8000 cancelled.

2008-07-25 Thread Brendan Minish
On Fri, 2008-07-25 at 13:29 -0700, Alan Bloom wrote:
 However, I believe Europe also has SUSCEPTABILITY
 requirements which the FCC does not.  That is a good thing for radio
 amateurs, or anyone who operates a transmitter.

In Europe we do have ingress limits for consumer equipment and indeed
they are set high enough to be useful to protect the transmitting
amateur from many of the issues surrounding badly engineered consumer

Our CE rules also set emissions limits for consumer devices but unlike
FCC part b the liability for any remaining issues to radio users EVEN
where a device is fully CE compliant remains with the manufacturer or
importer, not with the consumer that owns the device.

CE compliance does not assume compliance with the EMC directive (article
4a is the relevant section for us)

 the electromagnetic disturbance it generates does not exceed a level
allowing radio and telecommunications equipment and other apparatus to
operate as intended

no minimum limit is set for this condition to presumed to be met.

This is actually great deal of protection for amateurs since even a
fully CE complaint device that is causing interference to a radio user's
normal operation must be resolved by the manufacturer or importer, not
the hapless consumer that bought the device without knowledge that it
was going to cause an issue for the 'radio ham next door'

the EMC directive is available to read here

EI6IZ (EMC representative for the IRTS)

Don‘t complain. Nobody will understand. Or care. And certainly don‘t try
to fix the situation yourself. It‘s dangerous. Leave it to a highly
untrained, unqualified, expendable professional.

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[Elecraft] [OT] Hilberling PT-8000 canceled - let me get this straight

2008-07-25 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL
So EU has all these rigid standards...are those only applicable for
products manufactured in the EU?  How can all these other ham radio
manufacturers meet the specs but a well respected German
manufacturer, already in the business, can not?

Methinks there is more afoot than meets the eye.

Doug KR2Q
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Re: [Elecraft] K3: S meter calibration

2008-07-25 Thread N0QO


My values are as follows but I am not sure how applicable they will be to
another radio.

I did the calibration with SMTR MD in the ABS setting so that the preamp in
or out would not have an affect.  I found that for the best accuracy it was
necessary to do the calibration whichever SMTR MD mode you planned to
operate (ABS or nor).


Ken, N0QO

Bill W5WVO wrote:
 - Original Message - 
 Sent: Friday, July 25, 2008 2:42 PM
 Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K3: S meter calibration
 Through trial and error using my 8640B sig gen, I found 
 that if I played with different values of SC and OF that 
 I could get the S meter to display very accurately from 
 S1 to S9+30 and everything in between.
 And those values would be... ?  Inquiring minds want to know. :-)
 Bill W5WVO
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Re: [Elecraft] [OT] Hilberling PT-8000 canceled - let me get this straight

2008-07-25 Thread Don Wilhelm
The announcement did *not* say that they did not meet standards, nor did 
they say that the standards were too high - they did say that they did 
not expect to meet the standards  in production units at a cost they 
considered reasonable (whether those are EU compliance standards or 
internal company quality standards, it makes no difference). 
However, guaranteeing this high standard without limitations in a 
series production program with many vendors runs into difficulties which 
cannot be overcome at a cost level which is still acceptable.

The engineers produced a product that was not reproducible within 
budget.  Such is the fate of many 'sandbox' projects within a large 
company, budget is always an important parameter in any engineering 
task.  During my working years, I have seen many projects canned because 
they could not come in on budget (I worked on one of those too) - no 
sense for the company to lose money on every piece of equipment they 
sell, that does not keep the stockholders happy.



Methinks there is more afoot than meets the eye.


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[Elecraft] Band Button gripe - was ON4UN has a K3?

2008-07-25 Thread Don Rasmussen
It still sticks in my craw that I have 5 single press
buttons on the front panel that I'll never use. 

Elecraft - please make these available for use as
single press BAND buttons. 

M1  M2  M3  M4  REC
80  40  20  15  10

That way we get into the ballpark with a single press
and can band up or band down from there. Seriously,
this should be a no-brainer! 


[Elecraft] ON4UN has a K3?
drewko1 at drewko1 at 
Fri Jul 25 20:25:38 EDT 2008 

Previous message: [Elecraft] ON4UN has a K3? 
Next message: [Elecraft] ON4UN has a K3? 

Yes, Don, I agree completely. Forget about the labels
entirely and
just learn them by key position. However, I went with
a vertical
scheme vs your horizontal one...

The first keypad column (1,4,7) is 160, 80,  40.
Second column is 20
to 6 (6m stands apart way down there on the zero key);
third column is
the warc bands. 

I figure if I can keep track of forty-some keys on a
keyboard without
looking then I can memorize the positions of ten band
buttons on the
k3. Now my band locations just seem right! No
label reading; no
mental translation... the buttons ARE the bands!

So, if the power goes out I can navigate the bands
without even
needing to see the buttons. (Admittedly, there isn't
much point to
navigating the band buttons when there is no power to
the K3...)


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Re: [Elecraft] Band Button gripe - was ON4UN has a K3?

2008-07-25 Thread drewko1
Don, here's another idea... 

Right now, the RIT knob has the option of being used as a coarse VFO
tuner when RIT and XIT are off. Perhaps people would like the option
of using it as a band switch instead?  (I am pretty happy with the
numeric keypad system myself.)


On Fri, 25 Jul 2008 18:38:26 -0700 (PDT),  Don Rasmussen  wrote:

It still sticks in my craw that I have 5 single press
buttons on the front panel that I'll never use. 

Elecraft - please make these available for use as
single press BAND buttons. 

M1  M2  M3  M4  REC
80  40  20  15  10

That way we get into the ballpark with a single press
and can band up or band down from there. Seriously,
this should be a no-brainer! 


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[Elecraft] Band Button gripe - was ON4UN has a K3?

2008-07-25 Thread Don Rasmussen
Drew - as I see it (past owner of OMNI VI+ and
IC756Pro) there is simply no substitute for single
button press band changes. It's a big deal. YMMV. 

[Elecraft] Band Button gripe - was ON4UN has a K3?
drewko1 at drewko1 at 
Fri Jul 25 21:54:09 EDT 2008 

Don, here's another idea... 

Right now, the RIT knob has the option of being used
as a coarse VFO
tuner when RIT and XIT are off. Perhaps people would
like the option
of using it as a band switch instead?  (I am pretty
happy with the
numeric keypad system myself.)


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[Elecraft] RAdio Covers by Rose Kopp

2008-07-25 Thread Roy Morris
I ordered covers for my K2 and K3 from Rose Kopp, N7HWK.  They arrived 
yesterday, and they are beautiful.  I had mine made with the black material and 
gold Elecraft embroidery.   Her workmanship is really good, and I highly 
recommend her covers.  Roy Morris  W4WFB
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Re: [Elecraft] Band Button gripe - was ON4UN has a K3?

2008-07-25 Thread Nick-WA5BDU

And take away my CW memory buttons?  That's madness!

I've got more band changing methods than I can keep track of already.

73-  Nick, WA5BDU

Don Rasmussen wrote:

It still sticks in my craw that I have 5 single press
buttons on the front panel that I'll never use. 

Elecraft - please make these available for use as
single press BAND buttons. 

M1  M2  M3  M4  REC
80  40  20  15  10

That way we get into the ballpark with a single press
and can band up or band down from there. Seriously,
this should be a no-brainer! 



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Re: [Elecraft] Truncated Daily Digests

2008-07-25 Thread AJSOENKE
I have many e-mail accounts and use a variety of e-mail softwares. One of  
the features of many of them sets the maximum size of e-mails that it will  
receive. Eudora is one that has that feature. Check your  e-mail software 
or preferences/options for setting size of e-mails  it'll receive.  Maybe 
that will help.
73 de Al WA6VNN
In a message dated 7/25/2008 7:40:30 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
WAYNE - I have received several replies  indicating I am not alone in
receiving truncated Daily Digests.  Comcast  pleads innocence.  Would it be
possible to put a size limit on  Digests?  In my case, some digests get
through - many do not.  Last  digest was 227kb. Perhaps they could be
released in 50 - 60 kb bunches.   Thanks



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[Elecraft] Band Button gripe - was ON4UN has a K3?

2008-07-25 Thread Don Rasmussen
 And take away my CW memory buttons?  That's

No Nick - You keep your CW memory buttons - no madness
there. Simply add one setup option for those of us
that own external keyers (CMOS4 in my case) that if it
is changed from the default will allow the single
touch keys to be band switchers rather than keyer
memories - see? 

A setup called maybe M1-M4 when set to default and
those keys are for DVK or memory keyer just as you
enjoy it now.

Set to BAND and those uf us that want it get access
to the VFO's. 

I'd go one stpe further and say that the M1-M4 could
be mapped to 80m 40m 20m and 10m and a single press of
the REC button would display briefly WARC on the
display and then M1-M4 would be 60m 30m 17m and 12m.

But I really don't think it's about panel space, it's
about how the designers want us to use the K3...

[Elecraft] Band Button gripe - was ON4UN has a K3?
Nick-WA5BDU nick-wa5bdu at 
Fri Jul 25 22:12:19 EDT 2008 

Previous message: [Elecraft] Band Button gripe - was
ON4UN has a K3? 
Next message: [Elecraft] Band Button gripe - was ON4UN
has a K3? 

And take away my CW memory buttons?  That's madness!

I've got more band changing methods than I can keep
track of already.

73-  Nick, WA5BDU

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Re: [Elecraft] [OT] Hilberling PT-8000 cancelled.

2008-07-25 Thread Brett Howard
Its also quite nice that CE requires you to pass some ESD requirements
as well...

On Sat, 2008-07-26 at 01:45 +0100, Brendan Minish wrote:
 On Fri, 2008-07-25 at 13:29 -0700, Alan Bloom wrote:
  However, I believe Europe also has SUSCEPTABILITY
  requirements which the FCC does not.  That is a good thing for radio
  amateurs, or anyone who operates a transmitter.
 In Europe we do have ingress limits for consumer equipment and indeed
 they are set high enough to be useful to protect the transmitting
 amateur from many of the issues surrounding badly engineered consumer
 Our CE rules also set emissions limits for consumer devices but unlike
 FCC part b the liability for any remaining issues to radio users EVEN
 where a device is fully CE compliant remains with the manufacturer or
 importer, not with the consumer that owns the device.
 CE compliance does not assume compliance with the EMC directive (article
 4a is the relevant section for us)
  the electromagnetic disturbance it generates does not exceed a level
 allowing radio and telecommunications equipment and other apparatus to
 operate as intended
 no minimum limit is set for this condition to presumed to be met.
 This is actually great deal of protection for amateurs since even a
 fully CE complaint device that is causing interference to a radio user's
 normal operation must be resolved by the manufacturer or importer, not
 the hapless consumer that bought the device without knowledge that it
 was going to cause an issue for the 'radio ham next door'
 the EMC directive is available to read here
 EI6IZ (EMC representative for the IRTS)

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Re: [Elecraft] [OT] Hilberling PT-8000 canceled - let me get this straight

2008-07-25 Thread Brett Howard
There are times that a design engineer has to slightly degrade the
performance of a product in order to meet these requirements.
Especially since in order to meet the requirements over manufacturing
you actually have to beat them with good margin.  Engineering is ALWAYS
a tradeoff.

On Fri, 2008-07-25 at 21:03 -0400, DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL wrote:
 So EU has all these rigid standards...are those only applicable for
 products manufactured in the EU?  How can all these other ham radio
 manufacturers meet the specs but a well respected German
 manufacturer, already in the business, can not?
 Methinks there is more afoot than meets the eye.
 Doug KR2Q
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[Elecraft] Band Button gripe - was ON4UN has a K3?

2008-07-25 Thread Don Rasmussen
Just what is the big deal about pushing a single
button instead of pushing two buttons in sequence to
get to the band and mode you want? 

Hey Doug - You hit the nail on the head, contestors
have the optimal solution with the stock K3. But
modest stations, what I'll call condo class or
dipole class (like my own) require a scan of the
available bands to see which -one- you can use on a
given day. There is a fair amount of back and forth in
determining which band to call home for a couple

With single touch band changes, you press one button
(example 20m), twirl the main tuning knob, take a
reading, okay now hit the next band up (15m), twirl,
okay how about 10m? Nope, MUF not there, back to 15m.
Your finger remembers single press bands, even between
weekends (many of us work). 

Now imagine sitting down on Saturday morning after
operation a week ago - okay, hmmm, which button oh
yeah - M-V, okay now which band is button 20m? Hmmm
think it's 1. Two button press and you are there. 

Repeat 3 times as in example. 

Summary - one button is enough for even a finger to
remember for a week. Multiple keypresses, in addition
to requiring extra time to accomplish, require the
user boot the brain before the action gets

Hard to put into words Doug, but if you were there it
would be plain as day!

c u 



 Hi Don,
 I am genuinely curious.  Just what is the big deal
 about pushing a
 single button instead of pushing two buttons in
 sequence to get to the
 band and mode you want?  I just don't see how it can
 matter...and I'm
 a contester, so speed is important to me.  You
 really have me baffled
 so I please fill me in.
 de Doug KR2Q

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Re: [Elecraft] Band Button gripe - was ON4UN has a K3?

2008-07-25 Thread Brett Howard
Or you can just use an up/down and get done the working up the bands and
scanning with the dial...

Hell our forefathers had to tune up for quite some time to change bands.
Now we've reached the point where using and up/down button set is too
slow for us.  Then god forbid we actually have to engage our brain and
remember what band we have saved where.  If its so hard put a band plan
on the wall and just write a number next to each one in order.  Then you
can walk through them that way.  But oh my gosh we have to press two
buttons to get to each band  If you're a condo/dipole class why not
sit back and enjoy it.  Maybe cut your QSO shorter by 3 seconds so you
can get in those extra button presses for band changes.  

Maybe you can head to a fast food place and have them make you a meal
that you can eat in the car without having to ever stop or get out.
That should save you enough time for a few extra button presses to
change bands.  

Personally I like the portability that a smaller/lighter rig affords me.
Thankfully the K1, KX1, K2, and K3 pretty much all fit into that
category.  I don't think I'm alone in this though  There has to be a
reason why the IC706 is the best selling rig in the hobby and it has
band up/dn buttons.  Not that I own one though... 

On Fri, 2008-07-25 at 20:24 -0700, Don Rasmussen wrote:
 Just what is the big deal about pushing a single
 button instead of pushing two buttons in sequence to
 get to the band and mode you want? 
 Hey Doug - You hit the nail on the head, contestors
 have the optimal solution with the stock K3. But
 modest stations, what I'll call condo class or
 dipole class (like my own) require a scan of the
 available bands to see which -one- you can use on a
 given day. There is a fair amount of back and forth in
 determining which band to call home for a couple
 With single touch band changes, you press one button
 (example 20m), twirl the main tuning knob, take a
 reading, okay now hit the next band up (15m), twirl,
 okay how about 10m? Nope, MUF not there, back to 15m.
 Your finger remembers single press bands, even between
 weekends (many of us work). 
 Now imagine sitting down on Saturday morning after
 operation a week ago - okay, hmmm, which button oh
 yeah - M-V, okay now which band is button 20m? Hmmm
 think it's 1. Two button press and you are there. 
 Repeat 3 times as in example. 
 Summary - one button is enough for even a finger to
 remember for a week. Multiple keypresses, in addition
 to requiring extra time to accomplish, require the
 user boot the brain before the action gets
 Hard to put into words Doug, but if you were there it
 would be plain as day!
 c u 
  Hi Don,
  I am genuinely curious.  Just what is the big deal
  about pushing a
  single button instead of pushing two buttons in
  sequence to get to the
  band and mode you want?  I just don't see how it can
  matter...and I'm
  a contester, so speed is important to me.  You
  really have me baffled
  so I please fill me in.
  de Doug KR2Q
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Re: [Elecraft] Band Button gripe

2008-07-25 Thread Lee Buller


Why not make an additional set of control buttons and use the secret 
connector on the bottom right side of the K3.  Just a small panel that would 
fit under the K3 and would give you numerous programmable buttons.  Then, you 
could set up the button on the little add on panel.

Or, for quick band changes in a contestI use N1MM logger and just change 
bands and modes through software.

Or, a stand alone PIC processor on the RS232 port that does the same thing as 
software in a computer.  There are a lot of people who like to market add-ons 
to the Elecraft products that just work great.  Fingerdimple, LP-PAN, etc...

Lee - K0WA

In our day and age it seems that Common Sense is in short supply.  If you don't 
have any Common Sense - get some Common Sense and use it.  If you can't find 
any Common Sense, ask for help from somebody who has some Common Sense.  Is 
Common Sense divine?
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Re: [Elecraft] ON4UN has a K3?

2008-07-25 Thread Brett Howard
The only reason I mention the labels is because it seems lately if you
ask someone to press two buttons to get something done or to actually
learn/remember something they look at you like you stole their favorite
blanket.  I love the whole press for one option and hold for another to
get rid of having to press a F key and even more love the way that
Elecraft laid out the panel so that often a press activates/inactivates
a feature and a hold configures it.  Can't get much simpler/cleaner than

On Fri, 2008-07-25 at 20:25 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes, Don, I agree completely. Forget about the labels entirely and
 just learn them by key position. However, I went with a vertical
 scheme vs your horizontal one...
 The first keypad column (1,4,7) is 160, 80,  40. Second column is 20
 to 6 (6m stands apart way down there on the zero key); third column is
 the warc bands. 
 I figure if I can keep track of forty-some keys on a keyboard without
 looking then I can memorize the positions of ten band buttons on the
 k3. Now my band locations just seem right! No label reading; no
 mental translation... the buttons ARE the bands!
 So, if the power goes out I can navigate the bands without even
 needing to see the buttons. (Admittedly, there isn't much point to
 navigating the band buttons when there is no power to the K3...)
 On Fri, 25 Jul 2008 19:03:25 -0400, Don W3FPR wrote:
 No matter what 'system' a particular person uses, he will get used to it.
 I have mine set:
 1 = 80m 2 = 40m 3 = 30m   --- the low bands
 4 = 20m 5 = 15m 6 = 10m   --- the high bands'
 7 = 17m 8 = 12m 9 = 6m --- the WARC bands (almost)
   0 = 160m   ---  TOP BAND 
 60 meters is seldom used here, so it is select 80 meters and then tap 
 the BAND up button.
 I can easily remember the order without having to remember what number 
 is associated with it.  YMMV, everyone's mind works differently.
 I wonder how ON4UN would want to set his?  Maybe he is happy with the 
 BAND buttons.
 Don W3FPR
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Re: [Elecraft] ON4UN has a K3? - Who cares!

2008-07-25 Thread Brett Howard
Why not sit down in front of the options that you're interested in and
form an opinion of your own rather than go by someone else?  Each
persons operating style is different and if you don't operate the same
way this guy does perhaps a rig that he just offloaded is the perfect
companion to the way you like to do things.  Maybe you can even buy it
off him for a good price! :)  

On Fri, 2008-07-25 at 15:23 -0600, Augie Hansen wrote:
 Lee Buller wrote:
  Now thenON4UN is a nice guy, great ham, etcbut I don't care if he 
  has one or not.

 I paid attention when John replaced his FT1000D transceivers with 
 Ten-Tec Orions. He claimed that the improvement in receiver performance 
 was reason enough to make a change in spite of some rough edges on the 
 If he chooses to switch to Elecraft K3s at some point, I want to know 
 about it, and about his reasons for doing so.  I'd also want to know his 
 reasoning if he chooses not to make the switch (most likely small size, 
 lack of direct band selection, too many multi-function controls).
 73, Gus Hansen
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Re: [Elecraft] Band Button gripe

2008-07-25 Thread Brett Howard
These ideas make much more sense than trying to remap front panel
buttons.  I think the field testers did a great job of defining how the
ergonomics are to flow.  


On Fri, 2008-07-25 at 20:43 -0700, Lee Buller wrote:
 Why not make an additional set of control buttons and use the secret 
 connector on the bottom right side of the K3.  Just a small panel that would 
 fit under the K3 and would give you numerous programmable buttons.  Then, you 
 could set up the button on the little add on panel.
 Or, for quick band changes in a contestI use N1MM logger and just change 
 bands and modes through software.
 Or, a stand alone PIC processor on the RS232 port that does the same thing as 
 software in a computer.  There are a lot of people who like to market 
 add-ons to the Elecraft products that just work great.  Fingerdimple, LP-PAN, 
 Lee - K0WA
 In our day and age it seems that Common Sense is in short supply.  If you 
 don't have any Common Sense - get some Common Sense and use it.  If you can't 
 find any Common Sense, ask for help from somebody who has some Common Sense.  
 Is Common Sense divine?
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Re: Re: [Elecraft] Question - for Educational Purposes

2008-07-25 Thread Brett Howard
Most people deal with WAY more than that on their cell phones every day.

On Fri, 2008-07-25 at 14:36 -0700, Alan Bloom wrote:
 On Fri, 2008-07-25 at 00:09, David Woolley (E.L) wrote:
  FIR filters cannot ring in the full sense of the word.  What they can do 
  is to generate a finite pulse of a particular frequency, but that pulse 
  is never longer than the filter length.  Long filter lengths result in a 
  delay in the signal, which can become unacceptable in itself, so systems 
  are not designed with extremely long filters.
 For signals received by the human ear, the filter length would have to
 be really long to be objectionable.  For a symmetrical impulse response,
 the delay is 1/2 the filter length.  For example, assuming a 10 kHz
 sample rate and a 1000-tap filter, the delay is only 1/20 second. 
 To get a decent shape factor, the filter length in seconds needs to be
 at least a few times 1/bandwidth.  Say 10/BW or so, resulting in 5/BW
 delay.  So even with a 50 Hz bandwidth, the delay only needs to be on
 the order of 1/10 second.  I don't think you'd ever notice that in
 normal on-the-air operation.
 Al N1AL
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