Re: [expert] Installation problem DB2 7.1 on Mandrake 7.1

2000-08-25 Thread David Talbot

On Fri, 25 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been trying to install IBM DB2 V7.1 on a pretty much clean installation
> of Mandrake 7.1, and hitting a few problems.
> Initially, the install (db2setup) failed because it couldn't find db2. I
> manually added the /usr/IBMdb2/V7.1/bin directory to the path, then re-ran
> the installer. The log file is at
> The latest thing I've tried is:
> 1) Installing the rpms using db2_install
> 2) Manually creating users for the db2, db2fenc and db2admin instances
> 3) Following the instructions in the "Quick Beginnings for Linux" guide to
> set-up the instances
> When I do this manually I get the same result as in the log file :-( :
> SQL10007N Message "-1390" could not be retrieved. Reason code: "2".
> According to the IBM docs, this indicates a problem with file permissions,
> so I tried chown'ing the contents of the ~db2/sqllib directory to db2.db2.
> This fixed the above error, but now I get a much more obscure one. When I
> try to start the the instance (or the administration server) the "db2star2"
> program hangs (have to kill -9).
> IBM don't seem too forthcoming with their assistance, anyone here got any
> ideas?
> J-P Smith

I've installed DB2 7.1 on several Red Hats and several Mandrakes. Issues remain
fairly consistant. Create your database then go to ...../v7.1/bin and run
db2icreat to create a new instance. It seems that the creation of a default
instance always seems to fail in the installer.

-David Talbot

So long as the government has the power to invade our lives, rummage through 
our records, and take what it wants from our income, we will have only as 
much freedom and take-home pay as the politicians condescend to let us have.

-Harry Browne Libertarian Canidate for President (

Re: [expert] cgi-bin problems / file not found running perl/cgi script (repost)

2000-08-23 Thread David Talbot

On Wed, 23 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> [Apologies in advance if this appears twice but since this post didn't
> appear overnight I thought I'd try again]
> I'm trying to execute a simple perl script. Have tried several.
> Web Server complains about "Internal Server" error
> and in the apache error_log it's an error 2: File or directory not found.
> (but the script is in the cgi-bin directory)
> httpd.conf has the /cgi-bin/ set to /home/httpd/cgi-bin/
> directory is owned by root with permissions at 755, as it was left per
> mandrate install process.
> perl script owned by root with chmod at 755
> I've tried it on several machines (all Mandrake or RedHat flavored) with
> same results.
> Have tried it with username other than root. have tried with perms at 777,
> all to no avail.
> A standard shell (bash) script works ok.
> Location of perl is as per first line in perl script.
> Have tried no extension, .pl and .cgi extensions.
> What did I overlook?
> Thanks in advance for any hints/suggestions.
> Heinz
> ***
> * Heinz Wittenbecher,  Byte Designs Ltd.Voice: (604) 534-0722 *
> * [EMAIL PROTECTED]Langley, BC CANADA Fax: (604) 534-2601 *
> * *

Check the first line of your perl script.

Make sure it's

Let me know if that was it.
-David Talbot

So long as the government has the power to invade our lives, rummage through 
our records, and take what it wants from our income, we will have only as 
much freedom and take-home pay as the politicians condescend to let us have.

-Harry Browne Libertarian Canidate for President (

Re: Re [expert] To the Powers That Be.

2000-08-22 Thread David Talbot

On Mon, 21 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> Allen Bolderoff wrote:
> > I say moderate. this way only one person needs to put up with the
> > crap.
> Yea, let's get a mandrake kiss ass corporate employee to censor out
> stuff so you won't find out how crappy this 7.1 release really is.
> That way the stock price will dictate what you can and can't post to the
> list.
> Good move. So I was pissed when I wrote my little rant, have you ever
> thrown your keyboard and mouse across the room? Yes, I have a bad
> attitude towards lame geeky user interfaces, but that's just me.
> I think they need to hear loud and clear that when they put out releases
> or call things "stable" that arn't, they will cause people great
> frustration, including damage to anything close by :)
> I don't want to cause this list to be censored, please don't even
> consider it. Just take the responsibility of setting your filtering on
> your mailer, or even better, write a nasty message to your mailer
> developer and ask why they don't have a way to simply "right click" on a
> message and say "block this thread of messages" so you don't have to
> miss out on all my messages, sometimes I help people (really I do).
> This reminds me of when people ask the government to be mommy and censor
> the net for them. (there goes that nasty attitude again, I better shut
> up)

Yes 7.1 has a lot of problems. I've handled around 30-40 installations + 10-12
from when it was in cooker. The problem is your ranting choice of fourm. This
is an expert list. It's supposed to only contain messages asking for answers to
technical questions or answers to those questions--and on an expert level.

Rants like this are best in Slashdot, usenet or other such forms. I say censor
flamebait postings. This list has reached a point where one person comes in and
flames vi or KDE or whatever, or asks such an incrediably dumb question that
the list balloons up to 150 messages all on a foolish religious topic.
Uncensored forums are for slashdot, and the like. They
have thier place and are important for the computing ecosystem, but being
verbally abusive to people whom are offering their help for free is a waste of
*expert* time. Posts like this are like going to a programmer's convention and
yelling at the top of your lungs the benefits of growing crops organically
instead of chemically. They simply don't belong.

so how bout it mandrake, will you PLEASE start filtering out total flamebait
posts that have no relevance to the list?

-David Talbot

So long as the government has the power to invade our lives, rummage through 
our records, and take what it wants from our income, we will have only as 
much freedom and take-home pay as the politicians condescend to let us have.

-Harry Browne Libertarian Canidate for President (

Re: [expert] JDK 4 Mandrake?

2000-08-22 Thread David Talbot

On Mon, 21 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have Mandrake 7 installed. I could not find the Java rpms. So do they exist
> for Mandrake? If not, where to get them from and what do I need in order to run
> Java Apps. e.g. Java ICQ?
> Thanx in advance
> Andreas

By far the best jdk/jre available for linux is IBM's at:

Available in RPM.

-David Talbot

So long as the government has the power to invade our lives, rummage through 
our records, and take what it wants from our income, we will have only as 
much freedom and take-home pay as the politicians condescend to let us have.

-Harry Browne Libertarian Canidate for President (

Re: [expert] will sendmail ?

2000-08-21 Thread David Talbot

On Sat, 19 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> will sendmail work as a pop3 server or do we have to install some other pop3
> deamon ?
> also
> does anyone knows any mailing list of sendmail i can subscribe to i cant
> seem to find it on, .?

You need a pop3 daemon, my favorite is gnu-pop3d from Super easy
setup, incrediable performance.

-David Talbot

So long as the government has the power to invade our lives, rummage through 
our records, and take what it wants from our income, we will have only as 
much freedom and take-home pay as the politicians condescend to let us have.

-Harry Browne Libertarian Canidate for President (

Re: [expert] Linux Laptop

2000-08-21 Thread David Talbot

I've had problems with e-linux in the past. Specifically thier openpro's. When
I buy a machine that says it comes with linux preinstalled, I don't take that
to mean that the Video card is unsupported by the distrobution (RH 6.1 at the
time). The card in these things (Bought 2 of them) was an intel i810 and was
not working. I spent *DAYS* getting the SOBs working... but wait there's
more they come with a default root password. I bought both machines at the
same time and apparently they had DIFFERENT root passwords. they both came with
the standard insert, your root password is, "Default". Apparently someone
screwed up the second one.

The one saving grace of my experience with E-Linux is they have great phone
reps. They were very apologitic and worked out a nice arrangement with me. I
talked to their products manager and he admitted fault in the particualr
openpro's I got and promised for better linux hardware compatibility checking
in the future. (i810 is supported now).

I'd buy from them again.

-David Talbot

So long as the government has the power to invade our lives, rummage through 
our records, and take what it wants from our income, we will have only as 
much freedom and take-home pay as the politicians condescend to let us have.

-Harry Browne Libertarian Canidate for President (

On Sat, 19 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> Try vivisting I know they sell TnikPads, but they have a lot
> of experience setting up laptops with Linux. Typically, they use SuSE, but
> they may be able to help you, or get you on the right track.
> Also, SuSE seems to have a good development department when it comes to
> hardware support. If you have trouble find servers to support your hardware,
> a good place to look is may have to create symbolic links to tell
> your distro where to look for the files the SuSE rpms install, but there a
> lot more available through them in a more timely fashion.
> --Greg
> > Aaarg...  I just bought (and will be returning) an IBM ThinkPad 1210 as
> > to get X running on it is just a serious pain in the arse.  =(  I had
> > it working once, installed OSS to get the sound card working, and now X
> > refuses to work.
> >
> > In light of this, I am looking for recomendations of a good laptop that
> > will work with Linux with a minimum of effort (hopefully) or has been
> > known to run Linux with minimal tweaking.
> >
> > Does anyone know of such a beastie?  Preferrably under $2000 if
> > possible.  It needs to have a CD-ROM, be about 500Mhz with a minimum of
> > 32MB RAM and a 4GB or higher HDD.  Doesn't need to have ethernet or
> > modem built in, but sound would be nice (preferably something that
> > doesn't require OSS...)
> >
> > Is this even feasible?  I don't have the bucks to shell out for
> > anything more expensive, but I'd really like to get a laptop so I can
> > haul it around to demo Linux with, and this ThinkPad I'm returning
> > later today just doesn't cut it.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > --
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED], OpenPGP key available on
> > // Danen Consulting,
> > // MandrakeSoft, Inc.
> > 1024D/FE6F2AFD   88D8 0D23 8D4B 3407 5BD7  66F9 2043 D0E5 FE6F 2AFD
> >
> > Current Linux uptime: 3 hours 58 minutes.
> >
> __
> message envoye depuis
> emails (pop)-sites persos (espace illimite)-agenda-favoris (bookmarks)-forums 
> Ecoutez ce message par tel ! : 08 92 68 92 15 (france uniquement)

RE: [expert] Stupid server question #3

2000-08-18 Thread David Talbot

The reason he's talking about is if your DSL is plugged into your hub then your
hub to your linux box that has it's nic aliased as eth0 and eth0:0 to pretend
as though it were 2 nics you can from the outside come on on the DSL with your
IP spoofed as 192.168.0.* (or try another thing or two such as 10.200.* ect
ect) and you would have access as though you were on the local network. This
isn't too much of a problem until someone spoofs your local network, then uses
the port forwarding on your firewall to hack into a government computer or
participate on a DOS attack. Then the feds come to your front door and sieze
your equipment even though you're guilty of nothing but keeping an insecure
network. As long as your firewall faces both directions (IE only allow certain
access in and out even if they're on the local network.

In single NIC configurations you have to treat your local network as though it
were as hostile as the internet as a whole. Use your linux box as an
anuthentication domain as a prerequsite to sharing the internet connection.

You can do it, and you can make it *farily* secure, but it is definately less
secure than 2 nics.

On Fri, 18 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> Hold on.  Civilme posted a message a few months ago stating that a single
> NIC with a single hub is dangerous.  He said something to the effect of "a
> hacker could create a VPN on his side that effectively exposes your entire
> private network."  Unfortunately, Civilme is no longer on the list.  Check
> the archives.  You want at least 2 NICs with 2 HUBS(or a direct link from
> NIC to DSL modem).  
> I would assume further isolation of the email and web server would further
> protect the network.  If the email or web server is hacked, the ipchains on
> the Linux router would effectively only all port 25 and 110 to leave the
> mail server.  This assumes that you have stripped your router down to the
> point that it is virtually impossible to hack (nothing but ssh logins).
> Matthew Zaleski
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Joseph S. Gardner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Friday, August 18, 2000 8:33 AM
> > Subject: Re: [expert] Stupid server question #3
> > 
> > 
> > Greg Stewart wrote:
> > > 
> > > > Why not plug B and C into the hub also?  I don't see the 
> > advantage to
> > > > plugging them directly to the firewall...  Consider this:
> > > >
> > > > internet -> dsl modem -> comp a -> hub -> all other computers
> > > >
> > > > You still have comp a (your firewall) between the 
> > internet and all of
> > > > your machines...  hooking up b and c to a is just costing 
> > you more work
> > > > with getting 4 nics setup instead of 2 (all you really need).
> > > 
> > > Also, depending on the age/maturity of the firewall (old 
> > machine, or brand
> > > new?) you may be consuming a bit more system overhead than you
> > > need--powering and driving two extra NICs.
> > > 
> > > Besides, it's easier, and involes less typing, configuring 
> > your firewall to
> > > masquerade only one NIC, rather than three. You would, 
> > then, also need to
> > > plan for three subnets, and port-forward accordingly. A little more
> > > confusing than having only one subnet and one internal NIC.
> > > 
> > > --Greg
> > > 
> > > > On Wed Aug 16, 2000 at 11:22:14AM -0400, Joseph S. Gardner wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > SOHO server setup scenerio "Firewall from hell"
> > > > >
> > > > > The object being to keep it simple but keep it secure
> > > > >
> > > > > Assuming five computers
> > > > >   comp A = firewall w/ X NIC's
> > > > >   comp B = mail server
> > > > >   comp C = web server
> > > > >   comp D = workstation D
> > > > >   comp E = workstation E
> > > > >
> > > > > also assuming I have dsl modem and one hub
> > > > >
> > > > > internet connection plugged into DSL modem.
> > > > > DSL modem plugged into comp A (firewall)
> > > > > Comp A, D & E plugged into hub
> > > > > Comp B & C plugged into comp A
> > > > >
> > > > > this would mean comp A would require 4 NIC's (DSL, comp 
> > B, comp C and
> > > > > hub)
> > 
> > Theres definitly something I never thought of, I guess I 
> > never realized
> > that you could effectively protect th

Re: [expert] Help!!! Gnome & KERNEL 2.4 Problem!!!

2000-08-17 Thread David Talbot

The problem is the User account you're logged in as was done prior to running
go-gnome, and Mandrake had a copy of gnome (modified from the helix version)
preinstalled on 7.1. go-gnome and helix updates are of course better (and
fresher) than the copy of helixgnome that came with MDK7.1.

When you ran the update, it killed a few of the bizzare settings Mandrake had
in their version, but unfortunately your .gnome and related user level
configuration files are now pointing to icons that no longer exist.

TIP: Create a new user account and everything will look great.
Additional TIP: Don't remove your user account then add another one of the same
name. You'll run into a permissions nightmare with setuid mismatching with
files in your /tmp directory that won't be pretty.

-David Talbot

So long as the government has the power to invade our lives, rummage through 
our records, and take what it wants from our income, we will have only as 
much freedom and take-home pay as the politicians condescend to let us have.

-Harry Browne Libertarian Canidate for President (

On Thu, 17 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> > TriOptimum wrote:
> > 
> > In two languages Italian and English (poor)
> > Here are the problems:
> > 1)The gnome desktop icons are all messed up.. for esample i see the
> > drakeconf icon like a piston and the navigator icon like a sheet of paper
> > with the name desktop on it. I think that maybe this is related to the
> > fact
> > i have made a raiserfs only partition..maybe
> No, its nothign to do with reiserFS.. I installed GNOME 1.2 from HelixCode
> and now even I get the type of icons you are talking about. I don't know
> the real reason for this.
> -sarang
> > 2)I have installed the new kernel 2.4.0test6 with the resierfs patch and
> > after the compiling and reboot i have the following FAILURES in the boot
> > sequence..3 services fails..and they are USb Kheader and Netfs..and i
> > dunno
> > why.. and the big problem is i get another error that is exactly that
> > Mounting local filesystem Modprobe: Modprobe: can't locate module devpts
> > mount: fs type devpts not supported by kernel.. i dunno what that is and
> > how
> > to solve (remove) this error.
> > 3)Someone knows how to create a log file to look at the messages created
> > during the boot sequence?
> > 4)If i use the enlightment with the Gnome..i get the following error.. it
> > can't save the desktop icons position
> > 5)During the boot up linux says that my g400 needs to load the agpgart
> > prior
> > to my mga module.. but the problem is that i don't have modules..i
> > compiled
> > everything to the how can i say the kernel to load "that"
> > before
> > "those"???
> > Sorry for that many question..thnks to everyone that can help me and bye!
> > 
> > Allora riassumendo per chi fosse in ascolto in questo torrido ferragosto:
> > 1) La gnome mi appare con tutte le icone Sputtanate (o sbagliate che dir
> > si
> > voglia) e non riesco a risolvere il problema che nella mia ignoranza su
> > questo sistema operativo (linux) penso sia collegato alla mia partizone
> > ResierFs..
> > 2) Dopo aver istallato il nuovo Kernel 2.4.0test6 con relativa patch per
> > il
> > ResierFs.. ho i seguenti errori durante il boot: 3 sono startup Services
> > e
> > ho risolto escudendone il caricamento ma vorrei ugualmente capire perchè
> > Falliscono?!? Sono USB NetFs e Kheader... L'altro fonte del problema è
> > ancora ignota ma sono riuscito a scrivere il testo esatto dell'errore
> > riportato, che è il seguente.. Mounting local filesystem Modprobe:
> > Modprobe:
> > can't locate module devpts mount: fs type devpts not supported by
> > kernel..
> > I miei dubbi sono i seguenti che è sto DEVPTS? Premetto anche che io
> > durante
> > il config del kernel ho abilitato solo i FS dos, msdos, vfat, iso9660 ,
> > joliet, ext2 e resierFs. Chi mi sa aiutare?
> > 3)Qualcuno mi sa dire come fare per loggare tutto ciò che leggo durante
> > il
> > boot in un file per una più comoda e calma consultazione post-boot???
> > 4)Altro Preblema: Oltre alle icone Sputtanate.. la Gnome quando uso come
> > windows manager ENLIGHTMENT.. non mi salva la posizione delle icone su
> > schermo... ovvero io le metto come volgio .. poi salvo la sessione ed
> > esco e
> > quando rientro.. le icone sono di nuovo auto arrangiate come pare a

Re: [expert] Filesystem with errors (now with sockets)

2000-08-16 Thread David Talbot

On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> I have a persistant problem: every now and then (not always) when I   
> restart my machine, fsck reports: "/dev/hda7 contains a file system
> with errors, check forced" (hda7 is my root-partition). It then finds
> about 10 problematic files saying "Setting filetype for entry XXX in
> YYY to 6". 
> Now I have figured out that not only are these "files" the same every
> time but: THEY ARE ALL SOCKETS! Can anyone explain why this causes a
> (as it seems false) problem for fsck, and what I can do to explore
> this further?
> I use a Dell laptop with a IBM-KDLA-23240 hard-disk, and my Linux
> partition is about 1.9G.
> Jesper

Can you post the names of the files its complaining about?

-David Talbot

So long as the government has the power to invade our lives, rummage through 
our records, and take what it wants from our income, we will have only as 
much freedom and take-home pay as the politicians condescend to let us have.

-Harry Browne Libertarian Canidate for President (

Re: [expert] Vi/Vim - The editor from HELL! How do I set the default editor so I can TRASH IT?

2000-08-16 Thread David Talbot

On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> Oh, and another thing:
> This *is* an expert list. Experts usually know how to use a basic editor
> and how to change the default editor when they need to.
> -Stephen-

Excellent point.

Can't this thread just die? I think the only thing that could have been more
flamebaitish is a, "Why don't you stupid linux users just use windows". This is
stupid folks! Can we keep the topic in the same time zone as linux help and
troubleshooting on *EXPERT* level topics?

This is the 3rd religious war in the last 2 weeks to exceed the actual number
of *REAL* messages posted to the list.

-David Talbot

So long as the government has the power to invade our lives, rummage through 
our records, and take what it wants from our income, we will have only as 
much freedom and take-home pay as the politicians condescend to let us have.

-Harry Browne Libertarian Canidate for President (

Re: [expert] Technical writing about Linux and OpenSource

2000-08-08 Thread David Talbot

On Tue, 08 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> Anyone here interested?  My editor at CrossNodes
> ( is looking for a few new writers on
> (specifically) Linux and (generally) OpenSource.  Obviously this
> means you have to know how to write good... =)
> If anyone is interested, please send me a note directly.  It's nice
> extra money, and they're not looking for full-time or anything like
> that (although it could lead into that if you wanted, I think).
> My apologies for sending this to the list, but I thought I'd mention
> it to you folks first.  Again, please reply to me directly and not
> to the list.
> Thanks.
> -- 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], OpenPGP key available on
> // Danen Consulting,
> // MandrakeSoft, Inc.
> 1024D/FE6F2AFD   88D8 0D23 8D4B 3407 5BD7  66F9 2043 D0E5 FE6F 2AFD
> Current Linux uptime: 4 days 23 hours 31 minutes.

What kind of content are you in need of?

-David Talbot

So long as the government has the power to invade our lives, rummage through 
our records, and take what it wants from our income, we will have only as 
much freedom and take-home pay as the politicians condescend to let us have.

-Harry Browne Libertarian Canidate for President (

Re: [expert] 7.1 and ide-probe during install

2000-08-08 Thread David Talbot

On Tue, 08 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> During the 7.1 install, the ide-probe always locks up my system - BE6 w/
> hpt366 onboard 450 P3, 9.1 quantum fireball udma66 -  I thought it might
> be the bios, but after I upgraded that to the latest ( id QP ) it still
> locks up.  Are there any command line arguments I could send to
> disable/restrict what it scans for??
> Thanks, 
> Tim Wojtaszek

Due to Mandrake use of pentium optimizations (instead of i386 like most other
distros and windows) and Quantum's failure to comply with the pentium spec
(still distributing drive that don't mesh with pentium optimized timings),
Quantum drives don't play well with Mandrake. Download the i486 optimized
mandrake and it should work. (Or get another drive if possible).

-David Talbot

So long as the government has the power to invade our lives, rummage through 
our records, and take what it wants from our income, we will have only as 
much freedom and take-home pay as the politicians condescend to let us have.

-Harry Browne Libertarian Canidate for President (

Re: [expert] corrupted files

2000-08-07 Thread David Talbot

On Mon, 07 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> * David Talbot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [000807 20:16]:
> > 
> > If your partition is larger than 8 GB (And you're using GRUB) that could be your
> > problem.
> > 
> > -- 
> > -David Talbot
> No, my partition is only about 1.9 GB. But I am using GRUB. Can that
> be a problem in itself, or should I look elsewhere?
> Jesper

I've heard of disk problems arising from grub on older BIOSes with partitions
over 8 GB, but not on a partition that small.. I'm going to have to pass this
question to someone else at this point.

-David Talbot

So long as the government has the power to invade our lives, rummage through 
our records, and take what it wants from our income, we will have only as 
much freedom and take-home pay as the politicians condescend to let us have.

-Harry Browne Libertarian Canidate for President (

Re: [expert] corrupted files

2000-08-07 Thread David Talbot

On Mon, 07 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> Hello everyone!
> I installed Mandrake 7.1 about a month ago (previously using Redhat
> 6.2) on my Dell laptop. During the install, I repartitioned part of
> the hard drive (IBM-DKLA-23240), merging two previously separate Linux
> partitions.  
> Now the problem is this: every now and then (not always) when I
> restart my machine, fsck reports: "/dev/hda7 contains a file system
> with errors, check forced" (hda7 is my root-partition). It then finds
> about 10 problematic files saying "Setting filetype for entry XXX in
> YYY to 6". These files are the same every time.
> I first disabled supermount, thinking this might the problem, but no
> change ocurred. I then ran fsck manually. Badblocks reported no
> problems, and fsck seemed to find some problems, repairing them. But
> the problem remains. What really confuses me is that fsck only reports
> these problems once in a while.
> So, I ask you, how do I proceed? What might be the problem?
> Jesper

If your partition is larger than 8 GB (And you're using GRUB) that could be your

-David Talbot

So long as the government has the power to invade our lives, rummage through 
our records, and take what it wants from our income, we will have only as 
much freedom and take-home pay as the politicians condescend to let us have.

-Harry Browne Libertarian Canidate for President (

Re: [expert] Helix-update in 7.1

2000-08-04 Thread David Talbot

Helix update does not run on it's own, only when you double click on the little
icon. even then it lets you choose what packages you want to upgrade. (And
categorizes them in categories like "Security Fixes", "Stability Fixes", and
"New Features").

I'm a huge fan of the helix updater, I've never seen a web updater on *ANY*
platform work as reliably or easily.

-David Talbot

So long as the government has the power to invade our lives, rummage through 
our records, and take what it wants from our income, we will have only as 
much freedom and take-home pay as the politicians condescend to let us have.

-Harry Browne Libertarian Canidate for President (

On Fri, 04 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> On Thu, 15 Jun 2000, Allen Bolderoff wrote:
> > 
> > > Don't see a point why the Helixupdate should be included in
> > > distribution. 
> > 
> > maybe not everyone has a T1 to the net?
> > 
> > some people (in australia for example) pay for every MB they receive, *and* 
> > have to download over 33.6K modems.
> > 
> > That in itself is a good enough reason to include it.
> > 
> Sounds like more of a reason not to include it to me, what happens if
> someone screws up the time on the server, "Oh look it downloaded 20megs
> last night all by its self. But why does it say it's already installed?"
> This however is not the reason it was not included. 
> First off the mdk RPM's are not exact copies of the helix rpms (yet.),
> there are still a few things to work out with helixcode before you can
> ever expect them tobe also. Things like version control, optimization, and
> all that sort of fun stuff.
> Bottom line is it would/could download things not approved by Mandrakesoft
> QA... 
> -- 
> MandrakeSoft
> --Axalon

[expert] Login Freezes on Boot

2000-08-04 Thread David Talbot

Ok, when this machine boots up, if I try to login it takes forever (like 10
minutes) and generally rejects the password on the first attempt. On the second
attempt it takes 5 minutes or so and accepts it and all future login attempts
happen as one would expect.

Other (potnentially related) bugginess in the boot process is it generally
freezes on starting up linuxconf then kicks in after about 5 minutes.

Any ideas?/Requests for conf files ect?

-David Talbot

So long as the government has the power to invade our lives, rummage through 
our records, and take what it wants from our income, we will have only as 
much freedom and take-home pay as the politicians condescend to let us have.

-Harry Browne Libertarian Canidate for President (

Re: [expert] Netscape 474 and CPU

2000-08-03 Thread David Talbot

On Thu, 03 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> Has anyone noticed how netscape 474 gradually consumes cpu usage to 100
> percent over 12 to 18 hours?
> simon

You'll find the same problem in 4.73 too... Netscape on Linux has/does have a
number of bugs that make it *REAL* bad to leave running. If you view a web page
that has an applet on it, it will turn into a runaway process. You'll seel climb in memory usage up to a 100 megs, your processor usage become
irradic and a number of other things. From time to time, close all your
netscape windows and kill and i386-glibc-linux (if it's memory
consumption is up pretty high)

-David Talbot

So long as the government has the power to invade our lives, rummage through 
our records, and take what it wants from our income, we will have only as 
much freedom and take-home pay as the politicians condescend to let us have.

-Harry Browne Libertarian Canidate for President (

Re: [expert] Shutting down httpd FAILED ... can't reboot !!

2000-08-02 Thread David Talbot

Take a look in /var/log/httpd/error_log

There will probably be something enlightening in that file.

-David Talbot

So long as the government has the power to invade our lives, rummage through 
our records, and take what it wants from our income, we will have only as 
much freedom and take-home pay as the politicians condescend to let us have.

-Harry Browne Libertarian Canidate for President (

On Mon, 31 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> I sent this out last night, but got no reply. Can anyone help? Is
> anyone there? Hello?
> Shutting down httpd:FAILED
> For the second time now, when shutting down Mandrake 7.0 I saw that
> message. When I try to restart, it all seems to go as expected, right
> up until you would expect the login/password box to appear; it doesn't.
> Instead, the num lock light on my keyboard flashes on and off and the
> monitor (screen blank) sounds as though it is switching on and off in
> sync.
> All I have done is install Mandrake 7.0, PHP3 from the RPM included on
> the disk, MySQL 3.22.32 (server and client RPMs downloaded). I did all
> this only yesterday (for the second time) and today it all seams to
> have died. It only lasted about 2 weeks last time. Even my Windows'98
> which runs on the same hard disk lasts longer!!!
> Please, if anyone can help I'd be extremely grateful - I need the Linux
> operating system with Apache, PHP and MySQL (with JDBC drivers
> installed) for a major project with deadline in just 5 weeks!
> I run a standalone pc with 475MHz AMD K6-II processor, 64MB SDRAM, 13GB
> hard disk (8GB for Windows, 5GB for Linux). Don't know name of
> motherboard (SoundBlaster 64v sound and 8MB ATI graphics on
> motherboard).
> Many thanks,
> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: [expert] mounting windows drives

2000-08-02 Thread David Talbot

Have you checked the permissions on the device?

-David Talbot

So long as the government has the power to invade our lives, rummage through 
our records, and take what it wants from our income, we will have only as 
much freedom and take-home pay as the politicians condescend to let us have.

-Harry Browne Libertarian Canidate for President (

On Sun, 30 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> How do I set up /etc/fstab so that I can write to my windows drives when
> I'm a regular user?
> I have no trouble writing as root, but I can't as a regular user.
> Thanks,
> Lorne
> --
> Lorne Schachter
> (732) 819-0460, (732)819-0460 (FAX)

Content-Type: text/x-vcard; name="lorne.vcf"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: Card for lorne schachter

Re: [expert] JDK and JRE

2000-08-02 Thread David Talbot

On Sun, 30 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> Over the past few weeks I've noticed some folks were looking for JDK and
> JRE for their machines. I've got them both on my server and if you would
> like I can send you a link by which you can freely download them. JDK is
> version 1.1.8 as is JRE. They're compressed as .tar.gz files and will
> decompress easily using Tar, or Archiver, or yes...even dare I say
> it...Winzip. 
> I got a hold of these files a week or so ago and was greatly bothered by
> the trouble I had to go to to decompress and open the archives. I can well
> imagine and remember how it would be for someone totally new to Linux to
> have to deal with something as alien as a file. They're a general
> pain in the arse for someone who knows what they're doing if you don't
> happen to have bzip2 just lying around waiting for something to do.
> Anyway, send me an email and let me know if you want the URL to download
> the files.
> -- 
> Mark
>   ** Registered Linux user # 182496 **

I've been **EXTREMELY** Happy with the IBM JDK 1.3. Nothing is faster or causes
less "collateral damage" to your system. Right now I have my development
webserver running in the background (Apache-JServ-GnuJSP) and I don't get
"Bouncing random CPU usage" wildly gyrating memory consumption or anything of
the like.

You can get it at:

The RedHat RPMs they have worked fine on my Mandrake 7.1 machine.
-David Talbot

So long as the government has the power to invade our lives, rummage through 
our records, and take what it wants from our income, we will have only as 
much freedom and take-home pay as the politicians condescend to let us have.

-Harry Browne Libertarian Canidate for President (

Re: [expert] How to use JDK 1.2.2 with StarOffice52

2000-08-02 Thread David Talbot

On Wed, 02 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> Charles A Edwards wrote:
> > 
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Ken Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >  >
> > > Assuming you have JDK 1.2.2 or JRE 1.2.2 installed try this.
> > > Go to your install directory (/home/anyuser/so52), locate the "javarc"
> > file and
> > > look for the "exclude" entry. Remove the 1.2.2b at he end of the line.
> > > Run setup again and SO will find your java environment.
> > > I found this trick on the SO support forum from SUN and it's working for
> > me.
> > > I have SO 5.2 final release and JDK 1.2.2 installed.
> > >
> > >
> > 
> > Thanks Ken
> >  I had both JDK and JRE  installed but had no luck getting the SO setup to
> > use either. Your edit did the trick.
> > 
> > For any who might have a problems finding the file, the full path is
> > /home//office52/user/config
> > 
> >Charles
> I think I'm missing something here.  I've just installed both jre and
> jdk, but I haven't been able to get Star Office to find them; I keep
> getting the message 'no java runtime found' and even when I try to point
> to it, it still won't get it.  Any advise?
> Thanks, Mike

You may need to create a symlink from java (1.2 style java runtime) to jre (1.1
style runtime). I ran into the same problem with DB2 looking for jre instead of
java. You may also need to modify your ".java_wrapper" to make sure that it
treats the executable "jre" the same as it would "java".

ln -s /opt/IBMJava2-13/jre/java /opt/IBMJava2-13/jre/jre
cd /opt/IBMJava2-13/jre
vi .java_wrapper

Find all the instances of "java" and see if it needs modifying, the file is
only 50 or 100 lines or so.

-David Talbot

So long as the government has the power to invade our lives, rummage through 
our records, and take what it wants from our income, we will have only as 
much freedom and take-home pay as the politicians condescend to let us have.

-Harry Browne Libertarian Canidate for President (

Re: [expert] X not starting for non-root user

2000-08-02 Thread David Talbot

IDo the following as root:

rm -f /var/gdm/*

This will wack your server's MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE.

Now go to your user's home directory and type:
xauth -ib


Now startx as user.

This solves the problem for one boot. After that you have to do it again. I
haven't found a "long term" proper solution yet.

Let me know if you solve the long term problem.

-David Talbot

On Thu, 27 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> Re-posting after waiting a week...
> I am still getting an authentication failed trying to 'startx'
> as a regular user. I forget the proper way to fix this.  I
> tried to remove .Xauthority and .Xdefaults but only root
> can use X-windows.  I also tried to re-install all the
> X-windows RPMs with "rpm -Uvh --force X*".
> I get the following...
> xinit: Connection refused (error 111): Unable to connect to X server.
> xinit: No such process (error 3): Server error
> I have checked for permissions in /etc/X11/, /usr/bin/X11/,
> and /usr/X11R6/ and it had 755 (xload was 711). I even tried using a
> new user who has never used X before, but same error occurs.
> I need to be able to run MandrakeUpdate. is there a non-X version of this ?
> Any ideas on what's wrong and how can I fix this ?
> Thanks... Dan.
-David Talbot

So long as the government has the power to invade our lives, rummage through 
our records, and take what it wants from our income, we will have only as 
much freedom and take-home pay as the politicians condescend to let us have.

-Harry Browne Libertarian Canidate for President (

RE: [expert] Mandrake's Arrogance

2000-07-21 Thread David Talbot

Besides these are just presets. You can disable Mandrake Security, install on
"Come on in crackers!" and edit /etc/securetty and get in as root. All this is
is a preset. By default a system should be configured to be pretty secure. Only
an idiot would run thier day to day system usage as root. Yes, I generally have
a few consoles opened su'd to root, and yes, I have a kdesu -c gmc Icon on my
desktop for my root file mangement needs, but I only execute programs as root
when I absolutely must because I know doing otherwise can cause incrediable
damage to my system and/or open up serious security risks.

You can reverse any default setting for Mandrake, but I think a big part of the
reason we all like mandrake is the "slickness" and ease of use of the
installation/admin tools. RedHat's nice, but mandrake has that extra polish.

Recovering RedHat user,
-David Talbot

On Fri, 21 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> Go John!
> I agree 100% with you!!
> -Original Message-
> From: John Aldrich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, July 21, 2000 1:29 PM
> Subject: Re: [expert] Mandrake's Arrogance
> On Fri, 21 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Civileme" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Friday, July 21, 2000 1:34 AM
> > Subject: [expert] RIGHT CLICK--NEW -> Folder
> > 
> > 
> > >
> > > Are you folks who are complaining running as _root_?
> > >
> > > This is something not to be done, for many reasons, including the fact
> > that you
> > > get kicked from most IRC servers.
> > >
> > 
> > I find it arrogant that Mandrake would deliberatly cripple the
> functionality
> > of programs in order to prohibit certain behavior that they have decided
> is
> > inappropriate. This kind of "I know better than you" unwelcomed
> > paternalistic coercion is awfully Microsoft-ish. Is this the direction
> > Mandrake is heading? Yuck!
> > 
> Ok. So Mandrake "cripples" some stuff as root to discourage you from
> running as "root." They have also done so in the security levels, and
> I don' t hear anyone bitching about MS-like behavior with regards to
> functionality of some programs under the "high" and "paranoid"
> security levels.
> As is pointed out, there is good reason NOT to run as "root." Pretty
> much every distro out there will prevent you from telnetting into the
> box as "root" for security reasons (at least Mandrake and RedHat
> will. I *think* most other distros do as well!)
> I think it's a Bad Idea (tm) to cry "microsoft" anytime a linux
> distribution "cripples" something for security reasons. I don't hear
> anyone bitching about not being able to install RPMs as a user, yet
> that's *definitely* an "I know better than you" situation of a
> program being crippled.
> My $0.02: Shut up and stop running as "root" unless you're actively
> configuring stuff which requires "root" permissions. If you just want
> to be able to install an RPM or something, open a console window, su
> to root and run the rpm installer.
> Stop trying to defeat the security that's inherent in linux and run
> as a "user!"
>   John
-David Talbot
Those who would trade freedom for security deserve neither. -B. Franklin


2000-07-18 Thread David Talbot

I've noticed taking up most of my CPU usage on gtop and wanted to
know what it is/why it's taking up so much CPU ect.

Can anyone enlighten me?

-David Talbot
Those who would trade freedom for security deserve neither. -B. Franklin

Re: [expert] i810 on Mandrake 7.0

2000-07-13 Thread David Talbot

I've had the best luck choosing i810 as i740 and running it like that. (Using
the Drak X configuration tool)

Yes, i810 is supported.

-David Talbot

On Mon, 10 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> Hi.
> A few questions about i810 with MDK 7.0
> 1) Is i810 supported by default in MDK 7.0?
> 2) If not,how to make it work ?
> 3)I got MDK 7.1 CD, which XFree (3.3.6) or 4.0 do i need to upgrade to,to 
> make the i810 works in my MDK 7.0 ? (I don't want to upgrade my machine to 
> 7.1)
> Thanks
> -lz
> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
-David Talbot
Those who would trade freedom for security deserve neither. -B. Franklin

Re: [expert] Deleted /tmp now X won't start

2000-07-12 Thread David Talbot

On Fri, 07 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> > don't delete while running X server but you safely delete them before
> > running X (and it's what we do in the initscripts).
> What should the permissions be inside /root/tmp for X stuff ?
> Mine looks like this...
> [root: ~/tmp]# ll -d .
> drwx--2 root root 2048 Jul  6 11:31 ./
> [root: ~/tmp]# ll *f
> -rwx--1 root root   28 Jun 17 16:33 DrakConfdrakboot4HYHxf*
> -rwx--1 root root   33 Jun 20 00:46 DrakConfdrakfontiYbkff*
> -rwx--1 root root   28 Jun 27 15:50 DrakConfharddrakehQtGjf*
> -rwx--1 root root   24 Jun 14 21:21 DrakConflinuxconfgnHUMf*
> -rwx--1 root root   33 Jun 17 16:29 DrakConfrpmdrake269juf*
> Thanks... Dan.

For /tmp on a system you don't care if it's too insecure, chmod 777 * -R
-David Talbot
Those who would trade freedom for security deserve neither. -B. Franklin

Re: [expert] adding themes w/sawfish and helixgnome

2000-07-07 Thread David Talbot

I personally am estatic that gnome dumped enlightenment. It seemed like it was
always competing with gnome (IE another screen panner, desktop background, ect
ect) From the first time I used "The Windowmanager Formerly Known as Sawmill" I
was in love. The themes are just as cool as enlightenment's, it's alot faster
and it doesn't invade non-windowmanager functionality (Such as those panners

-David Talbot

On Fri, 07 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> Armand wrote:
> > 
> > "Alan N." wrote:
> > >
> > > Has anyone had any problems adding new themes to sawfish after
> > > installing helixgnome?
> > [snip]
> > >
> > > Alan
> > 
> > Is sawfish the default wm for helixgnome?  I don't even know!  I've
> > tried to use the Solaris-CDE theme from the gtk theme package
> > unsuccessfully.  Help!
> > 
> > Armand
> > 
> Seems to be.. I think there are a lotta politics going on behind the
> scenes between
> Sawfish( sawmill ) and the enlightenment  camp..
> -- 
> -
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) Running RedHat Linux 6.2 and/or 
> BeOS 5.0.  No Windows involved
> -
-David Talbot
Those who would trade freedom for security deserve neither. -B. Franklin

Re: [expert] Remote Access of Root

2000-07-06 Thread David Talbot

You can telnet in as root if you really want to, all you have to do is (as root
of course)

vi /etc/securetty
At the end of the file append:

What this file does is say what ttys are allowed to login as root. Doing the
above essentially allows all. Not suggested for a production system, but quite
useful otherwise.

-David Talbot

On Wed, 05 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> You cannot telnet in as root.  Telnet in as a regular user the su to root.
> Even better USE SSH.  SSH encrypts the connection and allows root log in!
> - Original Message -
> > I have Mandrake 7.1 up and running and for maintenance purposes I want to
> > log on remotely as root for telnet and ftp from another system.
> >
> > Right now this seems to be defeated by the system. Can I change this?
> >

Re: [expert] DISPLAY variable Java?

2000-07-05 Thread David Talbot

What was said about what user is running jserv got me to thinking, was it
getting the enviroment variable at all? So I started looking through different
jserv files and set the following variable in


TA DA!!! it works!

Thanks to all who posted suggestions!

-David Talbot

On Thu, 29 Jun 2000, you wrote:
> I'd look at permissions for the 'user' that the servlet engine is running under.
> If you SU to that user, can you open an xterm?
> Normally I would expect the display variable to be :0.0.
> What happens if you write a wrapper to invoke the GIF creation function in the
> servlet and run it outside the servlet engine?
> Jere
> David Talbot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 06/29/2000 07:39 AM
> Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> cc:(bcc: Jere McDevitt/SSC/THD)
> Subject:  Re: [expert] DISPLAY variable Java?
> Actually The X Server is indeed running with a Gnome session Any ideas?
> -David Talbot
> On Thu, 29 Jun 2000, you wrote:
> > I ran into a similar problem once.
> >
> > The problem you are running into is that the Image classes in the Java package
> > make use of the java.awt.Toolkit.  For that class to work correctly, it has to
> > connect to a graphics system (i.e. X ).   Since Windows 'always' has a
> graphics
> > engine running, it would work fine under Win/WinNT.
> >
> > If your server isn't running X, then you may not be able to use the Java
> > graphics code to generate the dynamic image.  You may want to look at some
> other
> > utility that will do the same.
> >
> > If your server is running X, then you need to check the .Xauthority for the
> user
> > the webserver is running under.  It could be a permissions problem.
> >
> > Jere
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > David Talbot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 06/28/2000 03:08 PM
> >
> >
> > Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > cc:(bcc: Jere McDevitt/SSC/THD)
> > Subject:  [expert] DISPLAY variable Java?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > I have a webserver (LM7.0, Apache 1.3.12, JServ 1.1.1, GNUJSP 1.0, Sun JDK
> > 1.2.2) that gets the following error on ant attempt to generate a dynamic
> > image... works on Windoz 9x(Apache 1.3.12, Jserv1.1.1 GNUJSP1.0 and Sun
> > JDK1.2.2) and SCO Unix (Netscape Enterprise, Skunkware JDK1.2.2).
> >
> > I know it has to have something to do with the display variable, but I've
> > tried setting it to:
> > DISPLAY=192.ect.ect.ect:0
> > DNS Name:
> > DISPLAY=spock:0
> > Simple:
> > DISPLAY=:0
> >
> > What should I set the display variable to so that a Java servlet can get to
> it?
> >
> > -David Talbot
> >
> > [28/06/2000 15:11:40:266 CDT] java.lang.InternalError: Can't connect to X11
> > wind
> > ow server using 'spock:0' as the value of the DISPLAY variable.
> >
> > at
> > org.apache.jserv.JServConnection.processRequest(,
> >  Compiled Code)
> >
> > at,
> > Compiled C
> > ode)
> >
> > at, Compiled Code)
> >
> > [28/06/2000 15:11:55:687 CDT] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
> > sun/awt/X11Graphic
> > sEnvironment
> >
> > at
> > org.apache.jserv.JServConnection.processRequest(,
> >  Compiled Code)
> >
> > at,
> > Compiled C
> > ode)
> >
> > at, Compiled Code)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > .
> --
> -David Talbot
> Those who would choose security over freedom deserve neither. -B. Franklin
-David Talbot
Those who would trade freedom for security deserve neither. -B. Franklin

[expert] PATH variable?

2000-06-29 Thread David Talbot

I think I posted this one awhile back, but never got a solution:

I install Mandrake 7.1 using medium security and it refuses to take alterations
made to the PATH variable in /etc/profile. The line of the file that normally
contains the PATH variable in /etc/profile is commented out  and says "Handled
by Mandrake Security".

How do I get rid of this "Feature" or at least make it so that I can set the
PATH variable?

It is being exported.

-David Talbot

Re: [expert] DISPLAY variable Java?

2000-06-29 Thread David Talbot

Actually The X Server is indeed running with a Gnome session Any ideas?

-David Talbot

On Thu, 29 Jun 2000, you wrote:
> I ran into a similar problem once.
> The problem you are running into is that the Image classes in the Java package
> make use of the java.awt.Toolkit.  For that class to work correctly, it has to
> connect to a graphics system (i.e. X ).   Since Windows 'always' has a graphics
> engine running, it would work fine under Win/WinNT.
> If your server isn't running X, then you may not be able to use the Java
> graphics code to generate the dynamic image.  You may want to look at some other
> utility that will do the same.
> If your server is running X, then you need to check the .Xauthority for the user
> the webserver is running under.  It could be a permissions problem.
> Jere
> David Talbot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 06/28/2000 03:08 PM
> Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> cc:(bcc: Jere McDevitt/SSC/THD)
> Subject:  [expert] DISPLAY variable Java?
> I have a webserver (LM7.0, Apache 1.3.12, JServ 1.1.1, GNUJSP 1.0, Sun JDK
> 1.2.2) that gets the following error on ant attempt to generate a dynamic
> image... works on Windoz 9x(Apache 1.3.12, Jserv1.1.1 GNUJSP1.0 and Sun
> JDK1.2.2) and SCO Unix (Netscape Enterprise, Skunkware JDK1.2.2).
> I know it has to have something to do with the display variable, but I've
> tried setting it to:
> DISPLAY=192.ect.ect.ect:0
> DNS Name:
> DISPLAY=spock:0
> Simple:
> What should I set the display variable to so that a Java servlet can get to it?
> -David Talbot
> [28/06/2000 15:11:40:266 CDT] java.lang.InternalError: Can't connect to X11
> wind
> ow server using 'spock:0' as the value of the DISPLAY variable.
> at
> org.apache.jserv.JServConnection.processRequest(,
>  Compiled Code)
> at,
> Compiled C
> ode)
> at, Compiled Code)
> [28/06/2000 15:11:55:687 CDT] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
> sun/awt/X11Graphic
> sEnvironment
> at
> org.apache.jserv.JServConnection.processRequest(,
>  Compiled Code)
> at,
> Compiled C
> ode)
> at, Compiled Code)
> .
-David Talbot

Those who would choose security over freedom deserve neither. -B. Franklin

[expert] DISPLAY variable Java?

2000-06-28 Thread David Talbot

I have a webserver (LM7.0, Apache 1.3.12, JServ 1.1.1, GNUJSP 1.0, Sun JDK
1.2.2) that gets the following error on ant attempt to generate a dynamic
image... works on Windoz 9x(Apache 1.3.12, Jserv1.1.1 GNUJSP1.0 and Sun
JDK1.2.2) and SCO Unix (Netscape Enterprise, Skunkware JDK1.2.2).

I know it has to have something to do with the display variable, but I've
tried setting it to:
DNS Name:

What should I set the display variable to so that a Java servlet can get to it?

-David Talbot

[28/06/2000 15:11:40:266 CDT] java.lang.InternalError: Can't connect to X11
ow server using 'spock:0' as the value of the DISPLAY variable.

 Compiled Code)

Compiled C

at, Compiled Code)

[28/06/2000 15:11:55:687 CDT] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:

 Compiled Code)

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Re: [expert] OT - Open Source EJB

2000-06-27 Thread David Talbot

The highest performance (and GPL'd) is EJBBoss, the URL slips my mind at
the moment. It's current weaknesses are no support for clustering (coming).

-David Talbot

At 09:31 AM 6/27/00 +0400, you wrote:
>I've used Jonas from bullsoft, it was OK. I also know of OpenEJB, and maybe
>even another, called BossEJB or something like that.
>Here you have the URL:
> Also sprach Sridhar G :
>> Some time back I had a look at a message regarding Open Source EJB
>> Development for Linux. If anybody know the url or team please let me know.
>> Cheers
>> Sridhar
>Guillaume Rousse
>Iremia - Université de la Réunion
>Sleep doesn't exists. Just lack of cafeine.

Re: [expert] missing SSH ?

2000-06-23 Thread David Talbot

Yeah, but Mandrakesoft is located in France... france is far worse than the
US when it comes to digital policy and free speech. Every time I read about
a new french law governing computers or the internet I just shake my head.
And I thought the US politicians didn't "get it"...

BTW you can download the crypto stuff if you choose Expert Mode.

-David Talbot

At 02:28 PM 6/22/00 -0400, you wrote:
>On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, you wrote:
>> Didn't the rules on exporting crypto change recently? Enough that now,
>> unless you're one of the so-called "Terrorist countries" you're allowed to
>> d/l crypto software from US sites.
>Yep. But, I'm not sure it's been made "official" yet, or maybe the
>change hasn't taken effect yet. Typically this stuff takes several
>months before it goes into effect.
>   John

Re: [expert] Auto Install of 7.1 Skips Network

2000-06-21 Thread David Talbot

I did an automated install recently that skiped over the NIC install
portion. I think it's the nature of the beast. I installed 2 others on
identical hardware using Expert and Custom respectively and each
autoinstalled the NIC. Automated must be designed to skip over this fairly
important step:

eepro100 was the NIC

-david talbot

At 09:26 PM 6/21/00 +0400, you wrote:
>Just a silly question about this card (i got the same) : why is the 3c59x
>module used, where the kernel has also a 3c90x module, that seems
>to be most adpated ? 
>Also sprach mer, 21 jun 2000 :
>> Is it normal for the auto-install of 7.1 to skip the installation of my 
>> adapter and the configuration of TCP/IP? This seems a bit odd. The nic is a
>> 3c59x compatible 3c905B-TX. A quick reconfig with DrakConf had everything 
>up and
>> running in no time.
>> John LeMay Jr.
>> Senior Enterprise Consultant
>> Mandrake Linux 7.0 (2.2.14)  /  Polarbar Mailer 1.16c
>> JDK 1.1.8 IBM build l118-2515
>Guillaume Rousse
>Iremia - Université de la Réunion
>Sleep doesn't exists. Just lack of cafeine.

Re: [expert] Apache + CGI = Error?

2000-06-20 Thread David Talbot

Your problem probaby is that you haven't set your HTTP header:

print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";

Needs to be the first line of any web perl script.

Let me know if that solves it.

-David Talbot

At 01:14 AM 6/20/00 -0400, you wrote:
>Wow.  Thanks so much.
>I know I can't imagine Microsoft saying, "Oh, ASP isn't working on your
>IIS?  Well, I wrote IIS, so send me your error log and we'll see what we 
>can do."
>Wow.  Thanks.
>But anyway, you said that the /perl directory isn't really CGI.  So, I
>reinstituted my /cgi-bin directory.  If you want the httpd.conf file, just
>In the error log, when I try to POST to
>, it says, "Premature end of
>script headers."
>If you need/want that script as well, just ask.
>Again, thanks so much for your reply!
>Asheesh Laroia.
>On Sat, 17 Jun 2000, Jean-Michel
>Dault wrote:
>> On Sat, 17 Jun 2000, Asheesh Laroia wrote:
>> > Serving static HTTP content works great.  However, perl scripts were
>> > always a huge problem.  Since I didn't modify anything before trying
>> > I was wondering what steps some of you have taken to allow a Mandrake Air
>> > server to dish out dynamic (perl-based) content.
>> Your server looks okay. Have a look at
>> This is the default test script, all seems okay. However, the scripts
>> installed in the /perl directory are made to run perl as a cgi and not
>> mod_perl. mod_perl is very strict on what it runs.
>> Your churns an internal error, I would need your error_log
>> to diagnose it.
>> You can mail me personnaly at [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you would like
>> me to check it out. You can trust me, my name is in 
>> ;-)
>> Jean-Michel Dault
>> Corporate Developer
>> MandrakeSoft (Montreal)

[expert] Installing DB2 7.1 For Linux on Mandrake 7.1

2000-06-19 Thread David Talbot

(A a story of a confluence of version numbers)

After running db2 for linux 6.1 for awhile on RedHat 6.1 happily, I decided
to upgrade to DB2 7.1 I figured while I'm at it, I might as well do a fresh
install of Mandrake 7.1 to finally get this buggey i810 graphics board on
the machine to work while I'm at it.

Installation of 7.1 was bumpy to say the least, after it freezing several
times, black screening, ect I finally got the bugger to install (i810 video
wasn't all I hoped it would be.) Oh well, it's a server so I won't be too
picky on the graphics board not working right.

I downloaded the trail personal edition from IBM's web site
( db2 6.1 on rh 6.1 install went easy (After2
fixpacks and following a faq on problems installing on redhat).

This time I'm getting an interesting error attempting to install db27.1 on
M7.1 when running db2setup as root:

Internal Error: DBI1502E An error was encountered when opening or reading
from file /tmp/.db2inst.swap.

Any Ideas?

-David Talbot

[expert] SSL Verisign Certificates

2000-06-16 Thread David Talbot

I'm trying to install a verisign certificate on apache 1.3.9, mod_ssl,
openssl, jserv

I have the certificate from verisign, but the only instructions on
installation given are for RedHat and it doesn't seem to be working.

I have the cert.cer and I need openssl to generate the pem file... help!

-david talbot

[expert] Installing Apache Verisign Certificates

2000-06-16 Thread David Talbot

(Smacking myself on the head)

This was a renewal certificate. I installed the origional last year and
this one was an update. So while I was running in circles attempting to
generate a new private key, it wanted the same private key we used last
year for this year's certificate.

Sig I've installed 20-30 certs in my day and I feel like a retard for
missing this.

Solved my own problem.

-David Talbot

Re: [expert] Wooow

2000-06-16 Thread David Talbot

Actually a 2 button with the wheel configured to be the third, but what I
was saying is there are some things like web pages that do the whole damn
thing in images. Graphics of text don't exaclty cut and paste into vi.

(Ever seen a 10,000 word essay as a giant gif, I have....)

-David Talbot

At 09:02 AM 6/16/00 +0930, you wrote:
>> when you click on the menubar (Very helpful for trying to type in
>> something you see on a web page as an image or something equally
>> un-cut-and-paste. 
>? un cut and paste? - are you using a 2 button mouse? try outlining what you 
>want to copy, then go to the receiving window (where you want to paste) and 
>click the middle button of a 3 button mouse, or click both left and right 
>buttons of 2 button mouse. The following was cut n pasted from netscrape:
>from slashdot
>and (my personal favorite) support for
>   encrypting your swap space. Theo and the gang
>   have also expanded the ports and packages
>   collections considerably, so get 'em while
>   they're hot!" (More.) 
>Allen Bolderoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>LNC -  Linux, help and commentary
>CTPC - Caffeine - get it here:
>GPG fingerprint = CBB0 8626 702C 3D01 B5AD  A54A DC2C 93B7 3E4B 6472

Re: [expert] HP Pavilion 6470Z

2000-06-15 Thread David Talbot

Was that on 7.0? 7.1 is supposed to support i810 (theoretically). Did sound
get detected and setup automatically?

Thank you for sharing your experiences,
-David Talbot

At 01:37 PM 6/15/00 -0700, you wrote:
>Same experience here with a HP 6540C, nomo Riptide!
>I've tripled the RAM, and tripled the HD space.
>The only thing I had to work at was getting the
>Intel 810 video to work. Intel has the drivers you
>need (agpart.o module). Be sure to download the
>instructions with the module/server/driver type
>Alex V Flinsch wrote:
>> On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, you wrote:
>> > I'm looking at potentially installing linux on an HP Pavilion 6470Z and I
>> > wanted to know how well Mandrake 7.0 or 7.1 load the hardware. Anyone have
>> > any install experience with one of these?
>> Don't know about the 6470Z model, but I had it installed on my 4450. Did not
>> get sound/modem to work (Rockwell RipTide combo card -- winmodem crapola)
>> Everything else worked OK though.
>> --
>> Alex
>> (Go easy on me, I'm a COBOL programmer in real life)

RE: [expert] Wooow

2000-06-15 Thread David Talbot

I love gnome/sawmill's themeability/customizability and the helixcode
improvements make all the the seperate parts of gnome look like they belong
together. I was a kde user until I heard the annoucement on slashdot awhile
back and saw a few screenshots to encourage me to go-gnome. I've got the
Aqua GTK theme with the Bluesteel theme on Sawmill, the windows focus only
when you click on the menubar (Very helpful for trying to type in something
you see on a web page as an image or something equally un-cut-and-paste.

I agree, KDE is very much striving to be a windows clone while gnome seems
to be taking some things from windows, some from mac, some from
WindowMaker, then rolling in some of thier own. I think the single coolest
part in gnome, at least for me, is that it's the most customizable.

(I hope this doesn't start a religious war)

-David Talbot

At 10:48 AM 6/14/00 -0400, you wrote:
>I, too, was impressed, but I find that MDK is too childish... what I mean
>is, the GUI is all bubbly and too much like Windows.  I suppose I'm just
>used to Redhat and Slackware where the GUI is how I want it to be and I can
>do what I want - easily.
>Once again, just my opinion.
>-Original Message-
>From: Thompsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 7:29 AM
>Subject: [expert] Wooow
>Hi all
>I have just installed MDK 7.1 and i most say that
>i have never seen better..Ww
>Now i can skip my damn Windows 98
>And be a real LINUX MAN:)
>Thats was all from me

Re: [expert] HP Pavilion 6470Z

2000-06-15 Thread David Talbot

Well... maybe I'll tepidly toss in a second hard drive and see if I can't
get the sound card to work (mp3 addict, must have sound card on all
machines I work on). With all the audio controls and marketing BS buttons
(Yahoo button ect) I don't expect everything to work in linux, just hoping
for Video, audio, network, and network printers.

I'll take the dive tomorrow probably and post the results.

BTW where does the integrated sound card show up? in /proc as a pci device?

-David Talbot

At 11:00 PM 6/14/00 -0400, you wrote:
>On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, you wrote:
>> Does a driver exist for the sound card? (The modem I could care less about
>AFAIK No driver exists, it works as a soundblaster clone under windows, so
>might help. The 4450, is mostly a windows machine, I have a small 1.2G
drive in
>it that I use for playing wit other distros, I have tried Mdk 6.0, 6.1 &
7.0 on
>it, along with Storm, Debian,  and SuSE, all with fairly similar results.
>(Go easy on me, I'm a COBOL programmer in real life)

Re: [expert] Helix-update in 7.1

2000-06-14 Thread David Talbot

Should be under system or show up as a soda can on one of your applet
panels... but then again I've installed helix gnome on about 6-7 different
machines and it seems like the default layout is different on each one
(some have the soda can launcher, some dont, some default in with the
narrow top Programs bar some don't)

sorry, I don't know the command line for helix update...

-David Talbot

At 10:36 AM 6/13/00 -0700, you wrote:
>Hello all! A couple of questions about Gnome in Mandrake 7.1. I know
>the Helix Gnome improvements have been included, but I don't see the
>helix-update program. 
>Anyone know where this program is in Mandrake 7.1? Also, are there any
>other automated solutions to grab updated packages and install them.
>Do You Yahoo!?
>Yahoo! Photos -- now, 100 FREE prints!

Re: [expert] HP Pavilion 6470Z

2000-06-14 Thread David Talbot

Does a driver exist for the sound card? (The modem I could care less about
as long as I've got ethernet) And was your experience on 7.0 or 7.1?

-David Talbot

At 04:24 PM 6/14/00 -0400, you wrote:
>On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, you wrote:
>> I'm looking at potentially installing linux on an HP Pavilion 6470Z and I
>> wanted to know how well Mandrake 7.0 or 7.1 load the hardware. Anyone have
>> any install experience with one of these?
>Don't know about the 6470Z model, but I had it installed on my 4450. Did not
>get sound/modem to work (Rockwell RipTide combo card -- winmodem crapola)
>Everything else worked OK though.
>(Go easy on me, I'm a COBOL programmer in real life)

[expert] HP Pavilion 6470Z

2000-06-14 Thread David Talbot

I'm looking at potentially installing linux on an HP Pavilion 6470Z and I
wanted to know how well Mandrake 7.0 or 7.1 load the hardware. Anyone have
any install experience with one of these?

-David Talbot 

[expert] Java Connecting to X-Server Problem

2000-06-12 Thread David Talbot

I have a web server that does dynamic image generation (testing on win32
working good), but when I load it in linux (SUN JDK1.2.2) I get:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/awt/X11GraphicsEnvironment
 Compiled Code)
Compiled Co
at, Compiled Code)
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/awt/X11GraphicsEnvironment
 Compiled Code)
Compiled Co
at, Compiled Code)
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/awt/X11GraphicsEnvironment
 Compiled Code)

Any help would be appreciated.
-David Talbot

Re: [expert] stupid IPMASQ question

2000-06-08 Thread David Talbot

Do you have a DNS server configured in machine #2?

-David Talbot

At 10:27 AM 6/8/00 -0400, you wrote:
>Civileme wrote:
>> Box # 1 gateway device is eth1
>> Box # 2 gateway is
>> on box 1
>> in /etc/rc.local at the end of the file
>> ipchains -P forward DENY
>> ipchains -A forward -i eth1 -j MASQ
>> echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
>> Then either do the horrid reboot or type those commands in a
>> terminal as root on box 1
>> Now go surf on netscape from box 2 in relative safety.
>> You can get firewall scripts that lock down box 1 from several
>> sources--others on the list know where they are, but this will
>> get you started.
>> Civileme
>Box #1 gateway is eth0   (set by DSL ISP)
>Box #1 NIC to tub is eth1 (
>Box #2 NIC to hub is eth1 (
>Box #2 gateway is (box #1's eth1)
>Well I tried this last night and nut'in honey, hmmm.  From box #2 I tried 
>my webpage (hosted elsewhere) and ping returned with a YPBIND error 
>something about
>domain not bound.  Ah well back to the drawing board.
>Joseph S. Gardner
>Handi Krafts
>Linux is like a wigwam...
>No windows, no gates.
>Apache inside
>Registered linux user #1696600
>ICQ #63389227

Re: [expert] GNU/Linux -- leader or follower?

2000-06-07 Thread David Talbot

You do make a good point. Mozilla is really creating a problem with thier
standards compliance. Yes I agree that Mozilla is a kick ass browser, but
at the same time they haven't even implemented the LAYER tag or made any
attempt at XBrowser 4.0 compatibility. Alot of pages out there are filled with
if(document.all || document.layers)
{ //DHTML }
else { get a new browser }

Now, I'm not advocating web designers use proprietary extentions in thier
design, but at the same time for Mozilla to truly have any value as being a
full size "Caddalic" browser ((Big and covers all features) vs a "VW
Beetle" (Small, Sexy)) It needs to implement the standards hell of LAYER
tags and document.innerHTML ect ect.

Good example, I dual boot (spending 90% of my time in Linux) my primary
home machine. Sometimes (I do web apps/database integration ect) I need to
work with a client who uses some ActiveX control like Crystal reports...
damn no compatibility. Maybe Mozilla could pour a little WINE in...

I guess part of my complaint in many OS projects dwell too much on
standards compliance at the expense of creating a usable product. If you
wait for something the be a "Standard" you will always be a follower.

As for UI design and so on. Microsoft had a good idea with the task bar,
the start menu is a little klunky, I despise the 98/2k icons that appear
next to the start button. I despise the 200 programs that all demand a tiny
icon in the "memory resident" tray. What would be a good new thing for the
2D OS enviroment? What could be a leader? Easel's foray looks like a leader
product. Evolution? A me too that even looks like outlook. For all the
rhetoric that Helix has been tossing about on it, it's outlook.

There are two basic strategies in place at the biggest computer companies.
Embrace, Extend, Extinguish(Microsoft), Kill them With compatibility(IBM),
Lead and help others be compatiable (ICQ). What is linux right now? The 4th
option. Incompatible but more stable and "done right". I needs to probably
adopt the second and third.

-David Talbot

At 12:36 PM 6/7/00 -0500, you wrote:
>Dear friends:
>I am exhilirated by Linux and at the same time concerned about its
>I have been using Linux for about a year and a half (first Red Hat and
>for the past year Linux-Mandrake, now upgrading to 7.1, and I just love
>it. For a year I ran Linux and nothing but Linux. Recently, due to the
>continuing encroachment of Windows Media Player, I have had no choice
>but to install Win98 as a dual Linux-Windows system. Why? Almost
>overnight stations everywhere were switching to WMP. For me this is not
>a question of entertainment alone but of professional needs. As a
>Russian translator, I suddenly discovered that most Russian television
>stations now broadcast their domestic programs in Russian using WMP? The
>same goes for many other languages.
>And the same goes for many other areas that Microsoft is relentlessly
>pursuing even as the judge is about to hand his verdict later this
>The following two articles made a very deep impression on me. I am NOT a
>programmer, but the writing is or seems to be on the wall. What
>precisely? Not that Linux is dying. On the contrary, it is exploding all
>over and conquering new territory every day, from the new IBM S/390
>mainframe computers down to embedded systems. I enjoy reading LinuxToday
>( just to read the daily headlines that are a
>rollcoll, a cavalcade of Linux's fantastic successes. Recently, I
>discovered that GeoVRML will bring 3D for the first time to Linux.
>The authors of the two articles below express deep concern about a key
>tendency in Linux, namely, that of FOLLOWING technological innovations
>on the Windows and Mac platforms (I don't mean Microsoft's "innovation"
>but that of Windows developers and third party software companies
>developing applications for Windows and the Mac) rather than LEADING
>The first article deals with a potentially astonishing development for
>computers in general and a devastating blow to Open Source, namely, the
>Star Wars talkie computer strategy, i.e. a possible Voice Recognition
>OS, developed by Microsoft or Apple. The author bemoans the nearly total
>neglect of this and other critical technologies by the Open Source
>Community. He claims that such a talkie technology would have to be an
>OS technology, and he opines that this may well be Microsoft's secret
>plan, i.e. to keep stalling until the technology is fully developed
>(shades of their first attempts at a browser, at Windows Media Player
>and at a PocketPC). If Microsoft succeeds, the author believes that it
>will continue its monopoly power for at least another generation.