Re: [expert] Re: Switching from user A to user B without rebooting?

2000-09-16 Thread Ellick Chan

On Fri, 15 Sep 2000, Benjamin Sher wrote:

 Dear Mage and friends:
 You are RIGHT! I knew about the "exit" option but I used only to get
 back from "root" to "user". I didn't know that you could type "exit" as
 USER and that that would bring up the login prompt. I tried it and it
 works just as you suggested. What a relief!

Yet even faster if you type CTRL-D, the EOF character. You can examine the
keybindings for your terminal by typing 'stty -a'. EOF, or the end of file
character is a standard way of quickly exiting terminals, and programs
like bc, python, perl...
 All my thanks to everyone who answered my question. You've all been


Ellick Chan
Sep 15

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Re: [expert] reiserfs info needed

2000-09-16 Thread Ellick Chan

On Fri, 15 Sep 2000, Vincent Danen wrote:

 Just out of curiousity, what's the file size limit with ext2?  I think
 it's 2GB but I need to know for sure.  Does anyone know?

Ext2 is a 32-bit file sys, which can address up to 2^31 kb, or 2gb, as
well as reiserfs. A quick way to find out the file size limit is to type
'dd if=/dev/null of=testfile', then 'ls -l testfile'. This only works 
if you have more or equal than the file size limit in free space.
 Also, is there a limit to file sizes under ReiserFS?  Or, rather, a
 logical file size limit?  I know with XFS it's 9 million TB and the
 filesystem itself can be a maximum of 18 million TB.  Does anyone know
 what these limits are for reiserfs?
 Reason I ask is I'm writing an article on reiserfs and want to make
 sure I accurate information here.  Thanks!


Ellick Chan
Sep 15

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Re: [expert] Console equivalent of VNC?

2000-09-16 Thread Ellick Chan

On Fri, 15 Sep 2000, Asheesh Laroia wrote:

 Hello everyone.
 I wanted to know if there was a way I could access a tty device (say,
 tty6, where I run PINE) from an xterm.  Just as I can access different Xs
 through VNC, is there an equivalent?  I've tried screen, but I have no
 idea how to use it.

Either it's screen, or a text based window-manager, which you can find on
freshmeat. BTW, screen is a text-based, full-screen window-manager.

When you first start screen, it comes up with one terminal. To create a
new one, you hit CTRL-a _SPACE_ c, to quit that window, type 'exit', or
hit CTRL-d. To switch windows, either hit CTRL-a _SPACE_, or CTRL-a
CTRL-a. To get help, hit CTRL-a ?. To detach from screen (like vnc to run 
stuff in the background) hit CTRL-a d.

Here are the keybindings
CTRL-a Action key
all stuff below is after you hit the action key:

CTRL-d exit window/screen
a -switch windows
c -create new window
? -get help
d -detach screen
_SPACE_ - switch windows

 Thanks in advance.  I eagerly await a response.
 -- Asheesh Laroia.


Ellick Chan
Sep 15

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Re: [expert] Remote Administration Confusion

2000-09-16 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sat, 16 Sep 2000, Eric Mings wrote:

You probably seek VNC, from, once you get it
installed, run a 'vncserver' command on the server, and at your admin box, 
type vncviewer ip of server:1. That should get you an X-session with twm
running. Edit the vncserver script to change the default window-manager to
something else, such as kde or gnome. Stay away from NFS, it is IP-based
authentication, and not difficult to spoof at all.

 I recently posted the my problem below to the newbie list. However, I 
 think it may be more likely I'll find an answer on this list. I 
 wouldn't consider myself a newbie, though I am not an expert either. 
 Probably in the vast waste land in between where I know just enough 
 to be dangerous ;-)
 I have been trying to get a handle on how to remotely administer a 
 linuxbox I would like to have colocated at my ISP. I have read howtos 
 and minihowtos until my head is spinning. God what I wouldn't give 
 for a simple Timbuktu like approach to this problem in linux. So far 
 I have gotten ssh2 setup on both machines (which are current on my 
 LAN and I'll call "local" and "remote"). I can use ssh to login from 
 local to remote as root, which I would think is the first step. 
 However, now the confusion begins. Ideally I would like to display a 
 kde desktop on my local machine that reflects the remote machine. I 
 have heard numerous times about people supposably doing this such 
 that it works just like sitting in front of the remote machine (apart 
 from bandwith delay in response). Both my machines are running 
 mandrake 7. I will be using a cable modem to connect from the local 
 to the remote machine at the isp. Could someone please tell me the 
 concrete simple steps to get this working?
 I also gather that it might be useful (and much faster) to use NFS to 
 mount the remote machine disk on my local machine, but I also get the 
 impression that security in that approach is a big concern.  Thoughts 
 on this approach would also be appreciated!
 And yes, I already know about webmin as a partial solution, but it 
 doesn't get close to what I would need to be able to do to make this 
 practical for me.
 Thanks much for any advice!


Ellick Chan
Sep 16

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Re: [expert] Screen Dump

2000-09-12 Thread Ellick Chan

On Tue, 12 Sep 2000, Leopold Palomo wrote:

 Hi, I don't know if you want to do a snapshot of a x windows. But, if you
 want to do it, there's an aplication, ksnapshow, that works great.

How about the various incarnations of xwd, the x window dump, the standard
util in X.
 Will some kind soul explain how to use screen dump?
  I need to dump various screens and then send them as attatchments and I'm
  at a complete loss.
  There doesn't seem to be a man or info entry for screen dump, where can I
  get information?
  Thanks all,
  Ken Thompson  WA7SYR Licensed Radio Amateur since 1971
  Electrocom Computer Services Payette, Idaho 83661
  1-888-642-7101 Local Calls 642-7101
  Sales - Services - Repair
  Web: http://www,
  Registered Linux User #183936

  Keep in touch with
  Subscribe the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" mailing list.
 Leopold Palomo Avellaneda
 Linux User 152692


Ellick Chan
Sep 12

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Re: [expert] Check ports

2000-09-09 Thread Ellick Chan

On Fri, 8 Sep 2000, faisal wrote:

Either Portscan yourself,, or,
or run lsof to see running sockets/files, or netstat yourself as root.

 How can i check which ports on my computer are open
 i will be sitting on my server ?


Ellick Chan
Sep 8

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Re: [expert] Maximum file size

2000-09-07 Thread Ellick Chan

On Wed, 6 Sep 2000, iain wrote:

 Is there a maximum file size with a samba share. When I back up a Win 2000
 server to a samba box it halts at just over 2 Gig.
 Any suggestions ??

32-bit OS's typically have a 2 gb file size limit(2^31 why is it missing 
1 bit?), ext2 has that as well as Reiserfs currently. 


Ellick Chan
Sep 6

Re: [expert] Making 1 ethernet port respond to 2 ip addesses !

2000-09-07 Thread Ellick Chan

On Thu, 7 Sep 2000, peterc wrote:

Ip aliasing, there is a how-to on, but basically you can
substitute the device eth0:0 in your ifconfig commands, or linuxconf
commands to bind multiple ips to one card.

   I have a problem where I am restricted from using more than 1 ethernet port
 on my firewall for incoming traffic from the internet the trouble is that I
 need to
 be able to execept traffic from two seperate ip addresses on that port can
 think of any way that this can be achieved?
   Peter Church


Ellick Chan
Sep 7

Re: [expert] terminal

2000-09-04 Thread Ellick Chan

On Mon, 4 Sep 2000, Tom Massey wrote:

Perhaps if you were able to start a painstakingly slow pppd over that
serial link, you could use the remote-x facilities. Maybe something low
bandwidth like VNC, lbx, or perhaps ssh-x-forwarding.

 Just thinking about this some more, I don't think that you'll be able to
 run X on a PC running terminal emulation and connecting over a serial
 port (I think this is what you want to do). Connecting a text only
 terminal on a serial port is pretty easy to do, you just have to add a
 line to /etc/inittab to run a getty on the serial port, then hook up the
 pc with a null modem cable, run some terminal emulation software and
 make sure the settings in your terminal emulation software match those
 set up in the getty on the Linux box you're connecting to. Problem is -
 I can't think of any terminal emulation software that would be able to
 understand X codes. I know that there are terminals that can do this -
 after all X was designed to run on a central machine and display on many
 terminals (it actually works much better/faster this way then the way
 it's currently often used on Linux boxen with a single user at a time -
 as an aside to anybody who doesn't think X runs very well on their
 machine: it wasn't designed to be run the way it often is on a Linux
 box). Sorry if I'm rambling a bit here... My point is that when you hook
 up a PC to your Linux box on the serial port, and run terminal emulation
 software on it, then all you've got on the PC running emulation is the
 capabilities of the terminal it's emulating. Generally this doesn't
 include the ability to run X. eg If you've got it running VT100
 emulation (pretty much the most popular), then all the PC will
 understand is VT100 codes, which don't include X. If you've got
 reasonable hardware (say 486 and above) you'd be better off installing
 Linux on it properly, and sticking a NIC in.


Ellick Chan
Sep 4

[expert] ps restrictions

2000-09-03 Thread Ellick Chan

Is there a way to make ps only show your processes when you type "ps
aux"? I think I had it going before, but forgot what I did. I think this
is useful as it disallows normal users to spy on each other by not letting
them see each other's running processes. If possible, it would be best to
change this as a system-wide policy, so that no one can override it,
except root, of course. What files need to be changed? I've tried turning
Mandrake security to level 5, paranoid, and that still doesn't enforce it.


Ellick Chan

Re: [expert] ISP OS

2000-09-03 Thread Ellick Chan

Use nmap on them, a portscanner, or queso. Both can be found on

 Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2000 20:39:37 -0700
 From: faisal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [expert] ISP OS
 is there any way of telling what type of OS/webserver/emailserver  an isp
 uses ?
 my ISP often have problems so i was wondering 


Ellick Chan
Sep 2

Re: [expert] ps restrictions

2000-09-03 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sun, 3 Sep 2000, Stephen F. Bosch wrote:

Never mind, I figured out my own problem. There is a kernel patch which is
applied to the Mandrake-secure kernel which implements this at the kernel
level. It also stops most stuff like buffer/stack overflows and a couple
other neat things. The patch is from openwall, I
recommend that you guys reading the list upgrade your kernel to this if
your system is multiuser. It becomes sort of irritating that any user on
the system is able to see anyone else's processes.

 Ellick Chan wrote:
  Is there a way to make ps only show your processes when you type "ps
  aux"? I think I had it going before, but forgot what I did. I think this
  is useful as it disallows normal users to spy on each other by not letting
  them see each other's running processes. If possible, it would be best to
  change this as a system-wide policy, so that no one can override it,
  except root, of course. What files need to be changed? I've tried turning
  Mandrake security to level 5, paranoid, and that still doesn't enforce it.
 Have you tried writing a shell script called "ps" and put it in your
 path? You could try setting it SUID root and have it in directory that
 appears early in your path (before the path where the real ps is located
 -- the alternative is to rename the original ps, but that could cause
 trouble with other applications that rely on ps to function properly).
 Put "ps -fu $LOGNAME" in the script and make ps only executable by root.
 Or you could use an alias, but I think aliases are a little too easy to


Ellick Chan
Sep 3

Re: [expert] disk copy

2000-09-03 Thread Ellick Chan

dd if=/dev/fd0 of=mydisk.img
then, swap the disk with a new one, and
dd if=mydisk.img of=/dev/fd0

 To all:
 Is there a way in linux to copy a disk.  Like in Dos you could go to
 the comman line and type --- diskcopy a: a:  And this would copy the
 contents of drive a:/ temporarily onto your hardrive then prompt you
 to insert your destination disk in drive a:, then it will copy the
 previous contents of your drive a onto the disk you just inserted.  I
 know that there has to be a way, just seems that I am too stupid to
 figure it out at the moment.  All help would be greatly appreciated.


Ellick Chan
Sep 3

Re: [expert] VNC 1280x1024

2000-09-02 Thread Ellick Chan

On Fri, 1 Sep 2000, Sridhar G wrote:

 My LM system video is configured at 1024x768. I am currently using VNC
 client on my Win 2000 monitor using a resolution of 1280x1024. I'd like to
 use the VNC client at the same resolution of 1280x1024. Is there any
 parameter to start the VNC Server at this res.

Yes, edit /usr/bin/vncserver, the following line:
$geometry = "1024x768";
$geometry = "1280x1024";



Ellick Chan
Sep 1

Re: [expert] xterm segfaults, konsole can't load

2000-09-02 Thread Ellick Chan

On Fri, 1 Sep 2000, Stephen Boulet wrote:

 Anyone have any idea what's wrong with this?

I had this happen before, when I was trying to have XFree 4.01 and XFree
3.3.6 simultaneously installed. Something about the X-libraries being
messed up caused it. I just rpm -e everything related to X, Xlibs,
Xserver... and re-installed it. Including xterm, I think. That fixed my

 eterm and gnome terminal both work, but not these two.
 I'm running XFree 4.0.1 with a geforce2 card.
 [stephen@mozart stephen]$ konsole
 QFont::load: Internal error
 [stephen@mozart stephen]$ xterm
 Segmentation fault
 -- Stephen


Ellick Chan
Sep 1

Re: [expert] HardDrake always locks my machine

2000-09-01 Thread Ellick Chan

 Keith Kelly wrote:
  I'm having a problem with Mandrake 7.1's HardDrake configurator.
  When I launch the tool, it asks me to either detect or skip ISA device
  detection.  If I choose "detect", the tool begins the ISA detection and then
  locks my machine cold--only way out is a hard reboot.  If I choose "skip",
  the tool begins PCI detection and then locks my machine cold--only way out
  is a hard reboot.
 Send the properties of your ISA card to Alexandre Dussart (I
 think) :
How about remove all un-needed cards, install, then put them back in (in
the same order, so windos won't re-detect them). That should be ok, if
it's one of your cards messing it up.

Ellick Chan
Aug 31

[expert] Connection between lpd, named, portmap

2000-08-28 Thread Ellick Chan

I have a friend who runs a Linux system who for some reason, unknown to
either of us, either turned the execute flag off on lpd, named, and
portmap, automatically, or was broken into. Can anyone see a possible
connection whether it was perhaps done by a daemon, or if an attacker had
broken in, and changed the logs?

I'm as baffled as he is in this, but it would be more re-assuring if
someone could make a connection as to why these three would have the exec
flag removed.


Ellick Chan

Re: [expert] Copying data to another HD

2000-08-28 Thread Ellick Chan

On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, Bob Puff@NLE wrote:

 Next question:
 I have a Linux system I want to replicate a couple of times.  There is about 350 
megs worth of data on a 1 gig HD, and I want to copy the data to some 500 meg hard 
drives.  None of the disk cloning software wants to let me do this, as my destination 
is smaller than my source.   Since I only have 350 megs total (a little in /boot, 64 
megs of /swap, and 300 megs of /), I know this should be possible.
 I hooked up my 500 meg drive on the unused secondary IDE port, and used the cfdisk 
program to set up the partitions.  Somehow, I managed to mount it (probably the wrong 
way), and copied all data to it.  When I tried booting it, LILO was messed, so I 
booted from Floppy.  It failed in a kernel panic - can't mount root.
 What is the easiest way to copy the data from a linux hd to another hd, when the 
destination is a different size than the original?  I can also see needing to do the 
reverse: upgrading to a larger HD on another system.  Is this a painful process?

Boot off a floppy distro, or a CD based distro such demolinux, Then, use cp, mc, or anything you wish to copy to the
new drive, and remember to re-run lilo on it.


Ellick Chan
Aug 28

Re: [expert] Can it be done?

2000-08-27 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sun, 27 Aug 2000, rharvey wrote:

 My boss wants to be able to ssh into the linux box (newest version of
 linuxmandrake.)(we have ssh running)
 When you connect he does not want a prompt he wants the company's ordering
 program to run. ( the user will get a login and access to the menu driven
 program) the program is on the unix box.
 this is done internally (behind the firewall) thru telnet with tiny term
 using the proper emulation that supports function buttons. When you telnet
 to the unix box ip address you get the login menu to the ordering program.
 How do I get ssh on the linux box to open this program on the unix box like
 the telnet on the unix box?

Set up the ssh-keygen to make a passphrase authentication file. It is
called id_dsa, and, respectively. Read the manpage how to set
it up right. Then, make sure you leave the passphrase blank so it won't
ask, then type "ssh host command". For example, "ssh myserver
menuprog" will start your menu program.
 If you can figure out what I said and know how to help me Please let me
 Thank you


Ellick Chan
Aug 27

Re: [expert] laptop hangs while online

2000-08-27 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sun, 27 Aug 2000, Scott Rainaldo wrote:

   0: 292030  XT-PIC  timer
   1:  17307  XT-PIC  keyboard
   2:  0  XT-PIC  cascade
   3: 140718  XT-PIC  3c589_cs, serial
   5:  1  XT-PIC  soundblaster
   8:  1  XT-PIC  rtc
  12:  11074  XT-PIC  PS/2 Mouse
  13:  1  XT-PIC  fpu
  14:  10334  XT-PIC  ide0
 NMI:  0

Seems like the serial (com2) is sharing the interrupt with your netcard.
 You need to edit /etc/pcmcia/config.opts to exclude irq3 by typing
"exclue irq 3" in the file. These cards don't play
too well with interrupt sharing. The reason the name of the driver
is different is because a lot of times manufacturers use
the same or similar chipsets in their cards to avoid design costs.
Similarly, the driver writers will glob a driver for similar chipsets
under a single name. 
 It seems that this is not an interrupt problem.  Maybe this is an X
 problem, because it usually seems to lock up when I am doing GUI
 things such as scrolling, opening a menu, or switching browser
 windows.  In fact it locked for the first time when I was not online.  
 I am running XFree86 3.3.6.  Do you think that 4.0.1 would fix the
 problem?  I have been reluctant to try it up to this point as I heard
 it is buggy.  Also, does anyone know why /proc/interrupts reports a
 3c589_cs when I have a 3CXEM556 modem/lan card?  Please forgive my
 ignorance as this is the first laptop I have owned and I am not
 familiar with how PCMCIA works.
  Begin Included Message 
 Sent: Sun, 27 Aug 2000 15:32:59 -0700
 Subject: Re: [expert] laptop hangs while online
 I had a problem like that when I first tried running Linux on my LapTop.  It
 turned out to be a conflict of IRQ's and memory addresses.  Especially with my
 sound card. run "cat  /proc/interrupts" to see what IRQ's you are using and also
 try "cat  /proc/ioports" to see if you have conflicts with memory addresses.
 Good Luck
 On Sat, 26 Aug 2000, you wrote:
  My Gateway Solo laptop consistently hangs while online.  This has happened with 
both Netscape and kfm under KDE.  Once the machine hangs it will not respond to any 
key or the mouse and I have to hit the power button.  I believe it has to do with 
either the PCMCIA driver, or X.  Does anyone have any idea about this?  Thanks in 
  Scott Rainaldo
  Here are my laptop specs:
Gateway Solo
Pentium 133Mhz
3Com 3CXEM556 LAN+modem PCMCIA card
  Here is my software:
Linux Mandrake 7.1
Netscape 4.73
PCMCIA 3.1.14
XFree86 3.3.6 
kdebase 1.1.2-61mdk
kdenetwork 1.1.2-17mdk
ppp 2.3.11-7mdk
  What are you into?
  Win gear, movies, gadgets, and games from
  Check 'em out -
  Absolutely NO purchase required.


Ellick Chan
Aug 27

Re: [expert] NFS Help

2000-08-27 Thread Ellick Chan

On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, Monty Malik wrote:

 Hi all,
 I suddenly lost the ability to mount my nfs shares on my workstation.
 Everything has been working fine for about a month then boom, I start
 getting errors after my most recent reboot.  
 The following is the error
 I get:  mount: RPC: program not registered
1. Make sure the nfs server is running on the remote box
2. Make sure you can ping each box from the other.
3. Make sure portmap is running.
4. make sure your /etc/exports is set up right, maybe use linuxconf to
5. Check your fstab. 
6. Read the NFS HOW-TO on

 I'm absolutely stumped on what happened (had been working for months)
 and how to fix it.
 any help would be greatly appericated.


Ellick Chan
Aug 28

Re: [expert] laptop hangs while online

2000-08-26 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sat, 26 Aug 2000, Scott Rainaldo wrote:

 My Gateway Solo laptop consistently hangs while online.  This has happened with both 
Netscape and kfm under KDE.  Once the machine hangs it will not respond to any key or 
the mouse and I have to hit the power button.  I believe it has to do with either the 
PCMCIA driver, or X.  Does anyone have any idea about this?  Thanks in advance.
 Scott Rainaldo
 Here are my laptop specs:
   Gateway Solo
   Pentium 133Mhz
   3Com 3CXEM556 LAN+modem PCMCIA card
I have a similar 3C card, but lan-only, and it does the same once in a
while. It seems to flood the system logs saying PCI bus error.
There was nothing I could do about it. But perhaps check your pcmcia
settings, and allocate a non-shared irq to perhaps make this happen less.
 Here is my software:
   Linux Mandrake 7.1
   Netscape 4.73
   PCMCIA 3.1.14
   XFree86 3.3.6 
   kdebase 1.1.2-61mdk
   kdenetwork 1.1.2-17mdk
   ppp 2.3.11-7mdk
 What are you into?
 Win gear, movies, gadgets, and games from
 Check 'em out -
 Absolutely NO purchase required.


Ellick Chan
Aug 26

Re: [expert] Anyone have a Motif license?

2000-08-25 Thread Ellick Chan

uOn Fri, 25 Aug 2000, Asheesh Laroia wrote:

 I was wondering if anyone on this list had a license for Motif.  I wanted
 to compile the "nsplugins" module in KDE 1.93; specifically, this is the
 module that implements Netscape Plugin compatibility.  However, this
 module depends on having an installed Motif, which would require a Motif
I believe lesstif, is source compatible with Motif, so it
should compile the same. I compiled ddd with lesstif, "data display
debugger", which requires Motif. Good Luck!

 Thanks so much in advance.
 Asheesh Laroia.


Ellick Chan
Aug 25

Re: [expert] Fw: Startx - (was Configuring X in LM 7.1)

2000-08-23 Thread Ellick Chan

On Wed, 23 Aug 2000, Dennis Robertson wrote:

In your home dir, try to "echo kde  .xinitrc"

 As a further followup I have now got to the stage where I can startx but
 only in Twm.  If I try to boot normally I still get the cannot execute
 /etc/X11/prefdm message.  So, can anyone help me to get KDE started from
 here, please?  TIA.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Dennis Robertson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2000 0:17 AM
 Subject: Startx - (was Configuring X in LM 7.1)
 | Hello List,
 | Following my earlier post and advice from Ellick Chan I have been
 | tinkering with XFree86 4.0.1 some more.  I used XFree86 -configure and
 | got a file /root/ which would run X on test at color
 | 8 and 800x600 res.  I then ran xf86config and made a file
 | /root/XF86Config to run a test screen at my desired color depth 16 and
 | 1024x768 res.  Both with a functioning mouse pointer (X pointer),
 | is a major breakthrough.
 | Problem is I can't startx from the console;  I get: bash:
 | /usr/bin/startx: no such file or directory.  Which is true so I did:
 | ln -s /usr/bin/startx /usr/X11R6/bin/startx and got: file already
 | exists.  So I copied startx to /usr/bin and got the same lack of
 | response.
 | If I reboot to runlevel 5 I get:
 | Linux Mandrake release 7.1 (Helium)
 | Kernel 2.2.16-9mdk on an i585 / tty1
 | INIT: cannot execute "/etc/X11/prefdm"
 | (Repeated ten times)
 | INIT: Id "x" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes
 | I feel I am this close, having got the right screen with a mouse.  How
 | do I get the system to actually start x and KDE on boot and from the
 | console?  Hope you can help! TIA.


Ellick Chan
Aug 23

Re: [expert] Fw: Startx - (was Configuring X in LM 7.1)

2000-08-23 Thread Ellick Chan

On Wed, 23 Aug 2000, Stephen Bosch wrote:

  In your home dir, try to "echo kde  .xinitrc"
 Won't this overwrite .xinitrc?
 Don't you want
 echo kde  .xinitrc?

But what if .xinitrc reads "gnome",
then "echo kde  .xinitrc" will put kde
at the bottom of the file so gnome starts, then
kde too?

It may read:

Ellick Chan
Aug 23

Re: [expert] telnet/ssh problems

2000-08-21 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sun, 20 Aug 2000, Peter M Aarestad wrote:

Add a couple more v's to the command to read "ssh -vv localhost."

The current stuff here doesn't tell enough, it just says the exchange_id

 Ellick Chan wrote:
  Try enabling the verbose modes on the sshd and ssh itself, I believe the
  flag was -v, then analyze those logs. They can tell you a lot.
 [pma@paarestad pma]$ ssh -v localhost
 SSH Version OpenSSH_2.1.1, protocol versions 1.5/2.0.
 Compiled with SSL (0x0090581f).
 debug: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config
 debug: Applying options for *
 debug: Seeding random number generator
 debug: ssh_connect: getuid 501 geteuid 0 anon 0
 debug: Connecting to localhost.localdomain [] port 22.
 debug: Seeding random number generator
 debug: Allocated local port 886.
 debug: Connection established.
 ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
 debug: Calling cleanup 0x805bfe0(0x0)
 [pma@paarestad pma]$
 Is there anything here that would indicate what's going wrong?...
 peter aarestad :-)
 peace, love, happiness, Christ, music, etc...
 "The world really doesn't need more busy people, maybe not even more
 intelligent people. It needs 'deep people'..."
   -Don Postema


Ellick Chan
Aug 20

Re: [expert] $30 and 2 hours later, NO C++ includes !! (mdk 7.1)

2000-08-20 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sat, 19 Aug 2000, Bill Hudspeth wrote:

 In any case, I have been testing one of the BSD distributions and it 
 installs without a glitch, while MDK7.1 choked, gagged and did a 'kernel
 panic'. I concur with your estimate and I'm going to go get a refund

Just curious, which BSD, Openbsd, FreeBSD, NetBSD? I haven't tried any 
of those for fear that it won't support all the proprietary hardware on my
Sony laptop as well as Mandrake does.
 Best to you,
 Bill Hudspeth, PhD
 Mallard wrote:
  Thanks for wasting the two hours I had today to do some programming!
  I was compiling just fine in 7.0 after figuring out how to install
  everything I needed. now I do a clean install of 7.1 "developer" and
  everything else is installed to compile C++ except the libsrcc++ or
  whatever you call it.
  Make can't find fstream.h a basic every day file it should have if you
  install "developer" I would think.
  So I go to your BUGGY drakRPM and click on the install for the RPM and
  it asks for cdrom2. Like I know what that is. I put in the "sources" 
  CD, Figuring that is #2 because there were only two CD's in 7.1 I got 
  for $30.
  It spins the CD and sits there looking like a typical BUGGY windows
  program, not telling me it didn't find "cdrom2" or maybe the file 
  wasn't there, who knows.
  to bring up a dialog box and print into it? No, instead let's let the
  user guess what's happening.
  Besides that, what lame program dissapears while it's "updating RPM
  base" ? I have never seen anything like that before, makes you think it
  crashed. Who is teaching these kids to program now days?
  Then I do another lame thing, go into file manager rootmntcdrom so I
  can see my cdrom (no mandrake couldn't have made little easy to find
  links for them, too busy playing doom or something to spend 2 minutes
  making things easier for the 1000's of users that will get your dist) -
  then I find the file is on the main CD, but no it's not the file, it's
  some other c++ goodie I have no clue what is for, so I don't think it's
  here at all. WHY NOT? Is there a more $$ version with this ONE FILE in
  OK, so I go to the main site and do a search, try it, try to find it.
  What the hell was it called? I don't remember, should have writen it
  down. But geeks always write this stuff down, that's the point, we want
  you to not have a life like we do, suffer like us, that's what Linux is
  all about, "I wasted my life figuring this out, so I will now make
  others do it too!" - is that the motto here?
  So I decide to get smart ass, I am gonna get it from 7.0 and screw you
  too! So I find it on 7.0, no thanks to the BROKEN search feature in
  drakeRPM, looking for fstream.h, and the way you have to tell it to go
  look on the cdrom, what type of user interface is that called?
  I find it and try to use kpackage to install it. It does, but in
  usr/include/c++-2/  that's the secret directory. So now it should make
  just fine, RIGHT?
  No, because make or gcc or whatever is configured to look in another
  newer directory that mandrake made up FOR SOME REASON (HINT HINT???)
  called c++-3 even though it's the same files. So like the smart ass I 
  am I make a directory called that and put the files in there.
  AH HA! make finds the files and compiles, but wait! MORE ERRORS? on a
  program that compiled just fine before? YES!! ios() has errors! it
  didn't before, so now what???
  Well my 2 hours are up, I wasted my life like you wanted. THANK YOU!
  You guys owe me a new updated 7.1 CD set when you get your act 
  I am calling your customer service line and returning this crap back to
  you. BAD JOB on this one!
  Now I have to waste more time re-installing 7.0 so I can do a simple
  make. WHAT A JOKE!
  I gave you $30 instead of updating 7.0 because I thought I would
  contribute to the effort, I was wrong.


Ellick Chan
Aug 19

Re: [expert] $30 and 2 hours later, NO C++ includes !! (mdk 7.1)

2000-08-20 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sun, 20 Aug 2000, Tony McGee wrote:

  you to not have a life like we do, suffer like us, that's what Linux is
  all about, "I wasted my life figuring this out, so I will now make
  others do it too!" - is that the motto here?
 If you need to remember something complex it's always pays to write it down.
 Again, don't blame Mandrake if you have a failing memory.

I agree with Tony that it's not Mandrake's fault for a failing
memory. But... It's funny how he managed to remember this experience in
such detail to tell us about it, and didn't have the mental capacity 
for a simple line of code :)


Ellick Chan
Aug 20

Re: [expert] Configuring X in LM 7.1

2000-08-20 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sun, 20 Aug 2000, Dennis Robertson wrote:

 Hello List,
 Some time ago I wrote about problems I had configuring XFree86 4.0 with
 LM7.1 and the SiS6326 chip.  I pointed out that xf86config was broken in
 LM7.1.  Anyway, I lost the lot and ended up back with LM7.0 and the
 version of XF4.0 I got from  All was well.

XFree 4.0 with 7.1 was broken with the neomagic chipset used on most
laptops. It said the driver for the chip was "vga" which should have read
 Then I saw that XFree86 had released 4.0.1 and, being an optimist (or is
 that masochist?), decided to try to upgrade to LM7.1 and import XF86
 4.0.1 from  I had backed up my X11 and X11R6 directories
 and had a backup of the XF86 4.0 installation files.
XFree 4.0.1 seems to work the same for me as 4.0.

 The upgrade finished and I tried to use the existing X configuration
 which I had told upgrade to leave alone.  No mouse!  Using various
 approaches I can get the hatched screen with the big white square and it
 hangs there or I can get to the login screen with the ][ shaped cursor
 which will not move.  Or I get the unknown(to me) window manager with
 three xterms but no mouse.  I tried to recover by copying back my backup
 XF4.0 but when I try to startx it says no such file or directory, even
 though it is there.
Hit alt-shift-numlock to enable keypad-mouse mode. You can move around by
fiddling with the arrow keys on the keyboard. I believe 0 is click, and so
is 5. Also, check your mouse settings. I haven't played with XFree 4.0.x
in a while, as my Wacom Graphire tablet lacks support there. You'd be
better off checking with someone else.

 I tried to reinstall XF4.0 from my backup which I had used successfully
 before and it says there is a syntax error in line 118 of the install
 script even though that line is identical to the same line in 4.0.1,
 which works.  I can't find XF4.0 at any XFree86 site because they now
 have only 3.3.x or 4.0.1.  XFdrake returns no such file or directory or
 command not found even though it is there.

You may want to check some mirrors, maybe they have a copy somewhere.

 I have tried the Option "sw_cursor" and "noaccel" as well as both two
 button Microsoft and Intellimouse(which I use).   Basically I have no
 mouse which leads me to think mouse support and/or SiS6326 support are
 broken in LM7.1 and/or XF86 4.0.1.

Mouse support should be ok, check the mouse device, is it pointing to
/dev/mouse, or /dev/psaux, or /dev/ttyS0, or something of the sort.
You may want to play with gpm to find out which port the mouse is really
 I think LM7.1 is out to get me, or am I just paranoid?  I shudder at
 reinstalling 7.0 and losing the lot again (mutt, qmail, gnupg etc).  Can
 anyone suggest a way out, please?  Can anyone send me for
 the XFree version of XF4.0?  Perhaps I can try an expert upgrade to see
 whether I can find a workable XF86 that way?  Has anyone got LM7.1 to
 work with the SiS6326 chip and XF 4.0.1 and will you share the priceless
 howto?  Any help will be gratefully received.  Thanks and regards.

I don't think LM is out to get you. Their distro is 10x easier to install
than Suse or Debian, and 5x as easy as Redhat. The only problem is that
sometimes the GUI config makes some radical assumptions.

If you want to restore the old XFree 3.3.6, then just type in 'rpm -e' on
all the stuff that has XFree86-4.0 on it, and then 'rpm -i' all the 3.3.6
stuff back in. It worked for me to get rid of XFree 4.0.1, without
damaging my X config. The trick is to back up your config files in /etc
before doing anything. 

Good luck!


Ellick Chan
Aug 20

Re: [expert] 32MB Mdk 7.1 systems?

2000-08-20 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sun, 20 Aug 2000, Asheesh Laroia wrote:

 Hello everyone!
 I have a friend who I'm trying to introduce to Linux.  I installed
 Linux-Mandrake 7.1 on his system, and everything worked.  However, it is
 extremely slow at networking, and swaps all the time.  His machine is
 connected to a Road Runner cable modem, so the internet access should be
 extremely fast, but it's not.  Netscape gets ~2K/second, and is "slower
 than Windows."  He also has Win95 installed in /dev/hda1.

Seems to me the Window Manager is sucking up a lto of mem, and so is the
X-server. Here are some tips:
1. If the X-server is on 24 bits, lower it to 15 or 16 bit color depth,
   that saves a lot of mem.

2. Turn off stuff that uses sound, that uses mem too

3. Choose a lightweight WM such as TWM, Afterstep, Blackbox, or XFCE.

4. Turn off the screensaver

5. Use stuff like links, or links, instead of Netscape. Use a lighter
   browser, maybe even some gui browsers support html 1.0.

6. If you do use Netscape, lower the memory cache, in the preferences.

7. Do a top, and see what is taking up the mem, and see if you can disable
 Please help.
 Asheesh Laroia.


Ellick Chan
Aug 20

Re: [expert] Prove my point .

2000-08-20 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sun, 20 Aug 2000, faisal wrote:

 Hello there

Here are some points:

1. Remote admin, and true multi-user logins. Can more than 1 user use the
   same machine?

2. Hackability, can you change the behavior of the OS?

3. Security,, see which one has more flaws

4. Servers, Samba, Novell Emulator, Appletalk.

5. The ability not to CRASH.

6. Daily updates via CVS :)

7. Active participation in development of OS.

8. A billion other things :)

 Well i am totally surrounded with Microsoft worshipers @ my job everyone
 just do NT here .
 But i want to prove them wrong with linux is there any way to compete both ?
 Money is not an issue cause when you live in pakistan heaven for pirated CDs
 i want to prove my point here .


Ellick Chan
Aug 20

Re: [expert] $30 and 2 hours later, NO C++ includes !! (mdk 7.1)

2000-08-20 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sun, 20 Aug 2000, Mark Weaver wrote:

 3) used 'kpackage' instead of the program you used because 'kpackage' is
 what is used to INSTALL RPM's with.

I disagree, rpm is the right tool for the job. It's the one that works
without X :)


Ellick Chan
Aug 20

Re: [expert] editors

2000-08-20 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sun, 20 Aug 2000, faisal wrote:

 Is it wise to work in only one text editor all the time  become expert in
 it ?

I would say to find an editor for every type of task. Vi for editing
config files. Perhaps an X-based program for writing programs such as
Xemacs. And for everything else such as wordprocessing, try Wordperfect or

I can make do on all occassions with vi, but sometimes it's helpful when
your editor does spellchecking interactively when typing.



Ellick Chan
Aug 20

Re: Re Re [expert] Vi/Vim - The editor from HELL! How do Isetthedefault editor soI can TRASH IT?

2000-08-20 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sun, 20 Aug 2000, Stew Benedict wrote:

 Maybe this list should be moderated.  I signed on to pick up some tips and
 contribute when I could.  I get about 80% troll/trash and about 20% useful
 interaction.  For an "expert" list, this is pretty sad.  Time to tune up
 my procmail filter.

I disagree on that. Moderation is simply censorship. While I do agree that
some of the messages are pointless, censorship in my eyes is just plain
wrong. I think if anyone wants censorship, turn on their mail filters
themselves. As for me, I enjoy reading some of the garbage that goes thru,
especially the VI fiasco. It's simply entertaining.

 Stew Benedict


Ellick Chan
Aug 20

Re: [expert] To the Powers That Be.

2000-08-20 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sun, 20 Aug 2000, Jason Pierce wrote:

 One idea to fix the Mallard problem is by digitally moderating messages
 from certain individuals that tend to be a problem.  Messages from these
 users could be automaticly scanned for certain words, then discarded, with
 held for manual moderation, or sent to the list depending on what the scan
 found.  Another solution is starting a new list.  This list could be for

I do believe that sometimes rants and flamewars can be annoying, but I
don't see how moderation would help. It will imposed censorship on the
list which most of us probably don't like, as we are interested in
freedoms. And also, how fast is it to sign up for another acct on a free
e-mail? That takes a matter of minutes, where tracking down the cause of
the flames may take days of messages to find out. 

The point is that anonymity makes it almost impossible for us to block
such users. I say the best form of dealing with this is that each user
just hit the delete key on their e-mail reader. This leaves the list free
for those who want to flame and argue, but also allows those who have
meaningful discussions to carry on. 


Ellick Chan
Aug 20

Re: [expert] Connection Speeds

2000-08-20 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sun, 20 Aug 2000, Ivan wrote:

 Hello all,

The only way I can see anyone getting  2.8 k/s on a 28.8 dialup is purely
due to data compression. I know that some modems do data compression on
the connection, and perhaps you downloaded stuff like text files which
compress a lot. And maybe recently you started downloading already
compressed binaries which won't compress any further. That is just one
possible reason, but the most likely one I can think of.
 When I first installed Mdk 7.1 on the rustbucket, I got an amazing 6-7 Kb/sec
 connection to the net.  This is great considering that I have a 28.8 dialup. 
 Well after a week of bliss I found that I am now constrained to the (now)
 highly unsatisfactory 2-3 Kb/sec.  What could be the reason for the higher
 speeds for the short time?  What can I do to restore it.  I still get "spikes"
 of 6-7 and one time I had a spike of 72 (?!?!) so I would think if it can
 sustain 7 kb/sec for five or ten seconds, I should be able to do that all the
 I also noted that from 7.0 to 7.1 mdk,  the checksumming speeds went way up and
 the bogo mips went from 52.84 to 128.84.  Although they have remained and the
 connection has went downhill since.
 Thanks for the help and the time.


Ellick Chan
Aug 20

Re: [expert] Problems w/mouse and KB.

2000-08-20 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sun, 20 Aug 2000, James Little wrote:

 Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2000 14:35:45 -0500
 From: James Little [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [expert] Problems w/mouse and KB.
 Microsoft Intellimouse/Internet Keyboard combo(I know)
 I guess that's everything important.  Here's what happens.  Using 7.1.  When I log 
out of the WM and it takes you to that log-on screen, it seems to lock the machine 
up.  I say it seems, cause that's not it.  What really happens is the mouse and KB 
stop working.  I can log-in remotely or run a remote X session, and everything works 
fine.  Even if I kill the first X session, I can't get them to come back up.  It 
isn't something that happens all the time, but it is periodical.  What can it be?
If the Keyboard/Mouse lock up randomly, try to pull the connectors in and
back out. It may be loose. Also, it may be the sign of a failing keyboard,
try a different keyboard and/or mouse.


Ellick Chan
Aug 20

Re: [expert] Linux Laptop

2000-08-19 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sat, 19 Aug 2000, Vincent Danen wrote:

 Does anyone know of such a beastie?  Preferrably under $2000 if
 possible.  It needs to have a CD-ROM, be about 500Mhz with a minimum of
 32MB RAM and a 4GB or higher HDD.  Doesn't need to have ethernet or
 modem built in, but sound would be nice (preferably something that
 doesn't require OSS...)
I happen to have got in my hands a Compaq Notebook 100. It has a CD, fd,
and the stuff like that, including sound. Check Compaq's site for
details. XFree works without much screwing, the screen is only 800x600,
tho. The machine pretty much works pretty ok without too much hacking

Another of my friends has a Compusa Amerinote, and that has similar
specs. He said it was very easy to get working. I'd probably say from what
I heard, the Amerinote may be better. Remember to check the linux for
laptops homepage,



Ellick Chan
Aug 19

Re: [expert] $30 and 2 hours later, NO C++ includes !! (mdk 7.1)

2000-08-19 Thread Ellick Chan
eaders for your
running kernel. You can find this out by typing 'uname -a'.

 Well my 2 hours are up, I wasted my life like you wanted. THANK YOU!

I'm sorry for all your problems, and I can understand that some things
need work, but please try to respect the preferences of the experts on
this group.

I also have to thank you for getting me more involved in vi. It wass your
discussion that led me to read the entire manual for it. Before that, I
only knew some basic editing, but now I know a lot more.
 You guys owe me a new updated 7.1 CD set when you get your act together.
 I am calling your customer service line and returning this crap back to
 you. BAD JOB on this one!
Some stuff overall needs reworking in 7.1. I think Mandrake was a bit
hasty in turning out this release. The X config is broken for some cards.

 Now I have to waste more time re-installing 7.0 so I can do a simple
 make. WHAT A JOKE!
Please, just ask for some help, and nicely too. I'm sure most of the 
people on this list have some experience porgramming, and can help.

 I gave you $30 instead of updating 7.0 because I thought I would
 contribute to the effort, I was wrong.
7.1 has it's share of oddities, so I'm not totally disagreeing on your
viewpoint. For example, the way to boot a CD off the PCMCIA cdrom on my
Sony Superslim notebook was working in 7.0 as "linux ide1=0x180,0x386" It
was working in every other kernel, and distro, but 7.1 broke that
compatibility, forcing me to install thru the HD method.


Ellick Chan
Aug 19

Re: [expert] reiser fs ? (was: Unexplained crashes)

2000-08-18 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sat, 19 Aug 2000, Tony McGee wrote:

 Can anyone give me the 10c guide to what the reiserfs provides that ext2
 doesn't? I've heard the term journalling thrown about but have no idea what
 that means. I always hate when the bandwagon is a mile down the road before
 I've even noticed it. :)

Rather than waste everyone's time with a long description, one of the main
ReiserFS sites,, has a very good description as
well as a lot of documentation for the product.



Ellick Chan
Aug 19

Re: [expert] webmin safe ?

2000-08-18 Thread Ellick Chan

On Fri, 18 Aug 2000, faisal wrote:

 Is web considered to be safe under a secure environment ?
 Like we have doubts about using linuxconf .

Apply the SSL patches to be sure, from 


Ellick Chan
Aug 18

Re: [expert] helix gnome and terminal

2000-08-17 Thread Ellick Chan

On Thu, 17 Aug 2000, Patrick Erler wrote:

 hallo MANDRAKE!

Not to mean any offense, but is 'hello' spelled differently for a good
 oh no!
 i just installed helix gnome to test nautilus - and now my terminal is
 completely screwed up. in mc, instead of lines i have Ds and 3s and
 what can i do to correct this?

Maybe it messe up your terminal, try typing 'reset'.

 and what should i do to use the gnome login manager from a remote

assuming you already have a running X-server, and gdm is running on the
remote machine, 'X :1 -query (remote address).
 PGP fingerprint: DAC6 2FDA 1ED7 AD55  BD1F 5142 3D5F 72BF


Ellick Chan
Aug 17

Re: [expert] make command

2000-08-17 Thread Ellick Chan

On Thu, 17 Aug 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I can't find the 'make' command on Mandrake 7.0
 Any help appreciated

Make sure you have make installed in the first place by typing 'rpm -q

Otherwise, get your cd, and install it. 


Ellick Chan
Aug 17

Re: [expert] Kernel FAILURES!!

2000-08-17 Thread Ellick Chan

On Thu, 17 Aug 2000, TriOptimum wrote:

 2)I have installed the new kernel 2.4.0test6 with the resierfs patch and
 after the compiling and reboot i have the following FAILURES in the boot
 sequence..3 services fails..and they are USb 

USB looks for modules.conf instead of conf.modules now, I found that out
the hard way after doing a 2.4.0test6 install too :)

Most likely the source for the current running kernel is not in

 and Netfs..and i dunno

Perhaps you forgot to compile support for that?

 why.. and the big problem is i get another error that is exactly that:
 Mounting local filesystem Modprobe: Modprobe: can't locate module devpts

If devfs is enabled, you don't need devpts anymore, as devfs takes care of

 mount: fs type devpts not supported by kernel.. i dunno what that is and how
 to solve (remove) this error. Maybe linux is trying to install the support for that 
 file system.. but i don't have it on my partitions.. i have compiled the kernel with 
 vfat , dos, msdos, joliet, iso9660, ext2 and resierFs.. that is all that i nedd.. no 
 no less.. Can someone explain me this??? tnks!

Hope this helps, as I'm struggling with a similar problem, except on a
firewire-enabled Sony laptop. That means I need PCMCIA, USb (tablet and
keyboard), ReiserFS, ieee1394, and devfs.



Ellick Chan
Aug 17

Re: [expert] Boot Logger???

2000-08-17 Thread Ellick Chan

On Thu, 17 Aug 2000, TriOptimum wrote:

 3)Someone knows how to create a log file to look at the messages created
 during the boot sequence? or if it is just being created by default where it 
Look at /var/log/messages, or type in dmesg to get an incomplete log.


Ellick Chan
Aug 17

Re: Re Re [expert] Vi/Vim - The editor from HELL! How do I setthedefault editor so I can TRASH IT?

2000-08-16 Thread Ellick Chan

On Tue, 15 Aug 2000, Mallard wrote:

Can you please at least have some respect for the choices of others. The
comments on this thread are all turning into flames. Asking Mandrake to
change the default editor is one thing, but that doesn't have to involve
flaming vi.

 WOW, that convinces me, let's see...
 I want to copy this word so yw, but wait, I have to tell it what word,
 so Mj on over there near it and then yw and then
 Mklljjjll on over to where I want it and drop it in (I hope) p then
 I want to do some insert, let's see is it i or a, or was it I or A, I
 forgot since yesterday, well let me try it... WHOOPS! I lost what I was
 doing, pressed dd in error and deleted the whole line. no problem, I am
 a geek and want to sit here all night because it's like making love to
 my keyboard, gives me a good feeling to press these keys till my fingers
 are numb.


Ellick Chan
Aug 15

Re: [expert] Enable wheel mouse in 7.1?

2000-08-16 Thread Ellick Chan

On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, Joe Chen wrote:

Depending on your mouse type, you can just type in imwheel, and it works
most of the time. Elsewise, do a man on imwheel if you have problems.

 Can anyone there tell me how to enable the wheel mouse in 7.1?  I just
 installed a GPL version of Madrake 7.1 and still can not figure out how to
 make the wheel mouse work.
 -- Joe


Ellick Chan
Aug 16

Re: Re [expert] Vi/Vim - The editor from HELL! How do I setthedefaulteditor so I can TRASH IT?

2000-08-16 Thread Ellick Chan

On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, Mallard wrote:

 I want to get some work done, not go backwards. Are you still living in
 1978 or do you use a GUI?
If using a GUI is all there is, then perhaps I would like better to live
in 1978, where the user interface is at least somewhat stable...

I can still function 90% without a GUI, except for viewing images and
video. Even that can be done in ascii art :)


Ellick Chan
Aug 16

Re: [expert] Modprobe cant find existent modules

2000-08-16 Thread Ellick Chan

On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, Klar Brian D Contr MSG/SWS wrote:

 Why does modprobe always tell me that it can't find file, and when I go
 to the directory I typed in for the script, the file is there.
 I run a 7.1 box, and just reinstalled this morning since I was having some
 strange eth0 problems 
 Also how do I configure sound from console ?

Try a 'depmod -a' as root. Either use sounddrake, or the alsa drivers from Alsa supports more cards, and is overall better than
the OSS/Free drivers.

 P.S. The modules I am trying to modprobe ate ones needed for my tv/radio card,
 bttv, msp3400, for examples. Even if I try to modprobe from term window, same error.
 Insmod works great though !
 Brian D. Klar - CVE
 937-973-3125 (Pager)


Ellick Chan
Aug 16

Re: [expert] server question

2000-08-16 Thread Ellick Chan

On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, Joseph S. Gardner wrote:

 Is it practical / advisable to set up a single machine to act as
 a firewall/email/web server or am I looking for MAJOR trouble.

Traditionally, a firewall should have nothing but ssh running on it. If
the e-mail/web services are compromised, the firewall can also be

It is OK to run them all on the same box if you believe your web/e-mail
server software to have no flaws in them that allow root access or
anything like that. But many times that is not true, and it is possible
for an attacker to break in through sendmail or something, and turn off
the proctection of the firewall, compromising the entire network. I
appreciate your concern for this. I recommend buying a Linksys
( Broadband router anyhow, and remap the ports thru that.
You can use that as a firewall, and then map the smtp (25) port and the
http (80) port to the proper server machine. That way, at most, you
compromise only 1 machine.
 I'm trying to run a SOHO with limited resources/computers but
 still need all the goodies.


Ellick Chan
Aug 16

Re: Re [expert] Vi/Vim - The editor from HELL! How do I setthedefaulteditor soI can TRASH IT?

2000-08-16 Thread Ellick Chan

On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, Mallard wrote:

Oh my, Mallard:

Your're really getting emotional with this vi thing. I'd like to say
your're suggestion would help some, but make others get stuck with pico
that they don't even use. I myself used to use pico some, but found it too
featureless for programming. I'll let the Mandrake developers decide on
the fate of the default editor...

 So put a big RED sticker on the disk with "WARNING: You may need to go 
 buy a book to learn how to use the overboard, overdesigned, lots of
 features editor on this disk called "vi". It uses strange key sequences
 since the programmer lived on another planet when he wrote it. We could
 have put a simple editor like pico on this disk, but why bother? We are
 geeks and know all this stuff so you should too. It's too bad if you
 don't like it, but we like all this old stuff we started with when we
 were in high school and can't let go of it."
 That sounds like a clearly defined plan. Just like pressing ESC to get
 into another mode so you can exit.
 This whole thread shows how the geeks won't let go of this stuff and
 thus Linux won't make it against winDOS or Mac. I can see Bill G.
 laughing all the way to the bank.
 People shouldn't need to know ANYTHING about computers to use one, or
 read all sorts of documentation to get something done on one. The next
 generation of OS that makes it will the one that is programmed to
 interface with a human without a learning curve. Geeks will hate it.


Ellick Chan
Aug 16

Re: [expert] Unexplained crashes

2000-08-16 Thread Ellick Chan

On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, Stout, Wayne wrote:

I have had a couple older machines, 200mhz that I didn't touch in a
while, and the Mandrake gui installer would fail at apparently random
points, and when running,the thing would also die randomly. I found that
pulling the RAM, and re-inserting it didn't help, so I was desparate,
pulled all the cards, then pulled the CPU itself. That seemed to fix
it. Apparently, the CPU must have been loose, and maybe when the thing
got hot, it lost the connection or something. So, I must recommend pulling
everything apart and putting it back together. Linux doesn't usually die
from things other than bad mem or a screwy CPU.

 Ok, I'm a wee bit confused here. My Linux box has started hanging and
 rebooting for no apparent reason. ( I know there's a reason, and I'm pretty
 sure it's my fault. :) )
 Here's the scenario. I've been running Mandrake 7.1 on my desktop for a few
 week, everything was going along nicely. I installed it on my laptop and
 gave ReiserFS a shot. Worked like a dream. So, I decided to re-install and
 use Reiser instead of ext2 on my desktop.
 After doing this, everything seemed ok for about half an hour or so, then in
 the middle of an Xboing game, the computer rebooted automagically. Struck me
 as odd, but the box came up just fine. (I really like how a ReiserFS box
 comes back after a crash, btw) Logged back in and started another game of
 Xboing. (I can't help it, I like this game) Just like before, the box
 rebooted. My first thought was that the game was somehow causing the system
 to reboot. (I know, I've spent too much time providing support for MS
 products) So, when the box comes back up, I don't start a game, I just let
 it sit while I do something else in the room. Yep, it rebooted again.
 As a test, I powered the computer off, and left it off for the rest of the
 evening. The next day, I boot back into Linux, start X and dial up to my
 ISP. We tool along for a while, longer than 30 minutes, then the box hangs
 completely. No alt-fkeys here, it took a hard boot to come back. I try again
 a couple more times, not dialing in, but having various programs going, and
 get another hang and another reboot.
 Now I'm thinking I have some flaky hardware combination that doesn't like
 Reiser, so I do another complete re-install and put everything back to ext2.
 Unfortunately, the problem still exists. Doesn't seem to be tied to any
 particular program, nor does it have a definate time before it flakes, it
 will hang or reboot seemingly at will.
 Hadware specifics:
 Cyrix 6x86 PR200
 64 meg ram (72 pin SIMMS)
 13 gig Maxtor hard drive: 2 Windows partitions (total approx 6 gig), /,
 /usr/local, and /home (approx 2 gig each)+ 250 swap linux partitions
 Trident 9685(?) PCI video card
 X 3.3.6 running SVGA server
 Running default MDK kernel
 The only thing I haven't tried is resetting my BIOS settings. I had tried to
 add an old 512 meg hard drive (only under Windows) to move some large files
 home from work. The drive never would work, and I removed it from the pc.
 I'm not at the computer, so I can't give you the log files right at the
 moment, but I can get them pretty easily.
 Anyone have any ideas? I've even used Tom's rtbt floppy to delete the linux
 partitions completely, then try inistalling again.
 Thanks in advance for any help.


Ellick Chan
Aug 16

Re: [expert] server question

2000-08-16 Thread Ellick Chan

On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, Deryk Barker wrote:

 For those of us without the time to spend and who can afford it,
 Linksys (I'm pretty sure) make a CABLE/DSL/Firewall/10-100 Ethernet
 switch all in one box which retails for $299 Cdn (so presumably around
 $200 US).
 I haven't got around to this yet but the reviews sound good. It will
 be a DHCP client for your ISP and either a DHCP server for you local
 net or you can use static IPs locally. You can configure IIRC
 something like 8-10 ports to pass through the firewall, but this (also
 IIRC) requires you to use static IPs internally.
 Configured via your web browser.
 OK it's wimping out in one sense and doubtless one could assemble a
 linux box to do the same cheaper, but factor in your time to set it up

Not really, I use it because the ipchains code was being freaky with some
2.2.x kernels, and resetting /proc/sys/net/ip_v4/ip_forward to 0
apparently for no reason, and randomly. Also, it helps when the power goes
out, and your DSL/cable is plugged in a small UPS and your Linksys router
is on the same. In experience it runs for more than 5 hours on a 300VA


Ellick Chan
Aug 16

Re: [expert] RPM database won't rebuild!

2000-08-16 Thread Ellick Chan

On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, Benjamin Sher wrote:

Apparently, when I do a 'rpm -qf `which realplay`', it says that it is not
owned by any package. Must be Real's fault for making broken rpms that
don't report the files they own properly.

 Dear friends
 I would appreciate your help with my rpm database problem:
 I was been unable to get my RealPlayer to play Radio Free Europe from
 its usual URL using Netscape. There is nothing wrong with RealPlayer
 itself. It plays other stations and even Radio Free Europe using a
 different URL.
 However, due to the original problem, I decided to uninstall RealPlayer
 and then reinstall it. But something went wrong with my attempt to
 rebuild my rpm database.
 I first did a 
 Then I rebooted
 Then rpm --rebuilddb as you can see below. Unfortunately, I have failed.
 [sher@adsl-77-232-22 sher]$ su
 [root@adsl-77-232-22 sher]# rpm --rebuilddb
 [root@adsl-77-232-22 sher]# rpm -e realplay
 error: package realplay is not installed
 [root@adsl-77-232-22 sher]# rpm -q realplay
 package realplay is not installed
 [root@adsl-77-232-22 sher]# whereis realplay
 realplay: /usr/X11R6/bin/realplay /usr/bin/X11/realplay
 [root@adsl-77-232-22 sher]#  
 Can you suggest what I might have done wrong, please? How can I rebuild
 my RPM database? Do they get rebuilt automatically eventually?
 Thanks so very much.


Ellick Chan
Aug 16

Re: [expert] Vi/Vim - The editor from HELL! How do I set the defaulteditor so I can TRASH IT?

2000-08-15 Thread Ellick Chan

On Mon, 14 Aug 2000, Sheldon wrote:
 I do EVERYTHING in vi, including programming, etc.
 It's fast, reliable, works over telnet, etc.

In respect for those who are stuck working on a slow as crap link to a box
which you can see your typing 30 seconds after you hit the key, vi is very
useful to get to the line number of choice, or go to the bottom of a large
file. I had this happen multiple times, as the DSL link to the office
machine gets saturated with ftp traffic, ssh is real slow. The only way I
could cope with that is using vi's repeat functions. Imagine how slow an
imprecise it is to hit the arrow key a whole bunch of times to move to the
right end of a line, instead of hitting '$'. The same goes with any
control over editing on a slow line. Not to mention how incredibly
powerful vi is. The design of vi allows it to cope with the slowest, most
backward terminals in the world, where everything is done wrong, or the
machine has only 1 slow link to any network at all.

 You are most surely asking for flames if you are posting
 that kind of stuff here. Alot of us, incl. me are
 unix/linux sysadmins. When you are doing remote
 administration of 2000+ machines you don't want to
 log and and do export DISPLAY=xxx:0; your_favorite_editor
 and wait for X to load it over the network, then bother
 with the god damn mouse to edit one friggin line in a
 config fire. NOT to mention file-open-annoying dialog
 box crap. Talk about what is crap! geesh.


Ellick Chan
Aug 14

Re: [expert] Vi/Vim - The editor from HELL! How do I set the default editor so I can TRASH IT?

2000-08-15 Thread Ellick Chan

On Mon, 14 Aug 2000, Mallard wrote:

  Why did Mandrake pick the most geekyist editor for a setup that is
  suposto be easy for users?

It's the unix tradition :)

  Anyone else seen this joke of a program?
Yes, and I use it almost daily

  With Vim all you have to do is spend a half hour trying to get it give
  you help, then scroll all the way to the bottom of a super long
  whoopy-do list of usless keyboard commands that you will forget a day
  after you use them. Please get rid of it!

It's a bit strange at first, but when you use it a lot, it is very
logically designed.

  thinking? Do they live on this planet? Why does Mandrake support this?
  Trash it!
Can't, vi should be a minimal part of every Linux distro, it is standard
on any Unix system.

  I don't know who thinks this is some great thing, WOW! It has zillions
  of features! It's not 1982 anymore, we have word processors that have a
  better human interface than terminals did, get a life geeks! (directed
  at the guys who wrote and keep updating "vi" and "vim")
It's the only editor that behaves right on weird terminals such as the
crappy Micro$oft telnet.

  Why not make the default editor a nice simple one, like maybe pico,
  where the commands are shown. I can't see anyone using a command line
  editor for much else than a few simple changes, there are better simple
  editors in KDE and such. Damn that really pissed me off, and on top of
  that you guys changed from "vi" (same stupid geeky crap) to "vim" (worse
  geeky crap) in 7.1 did someone request this? I want to know who!
That may be ok for beginners, but a hard core sys admin wants vi.

  Sorry for the bandwith waste, had to get this off my chest. Anyone else
  feel like I do about this?
This post is asking for a flame when put on expert groups, but I see the
purpose of an easier editor for beginners. However, Mandrake has a large
audience to satisfy, including hard core UNIX people. Vi has established
itself as the standard editor, and it is not easily going to be displaced.


Ellick Chan
Aug 14

Re: [expert] SMB install of 7.0

2000-08-14 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sun, 13 Aug 2000, Jason Pierce wrote:

 Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 18:54:03 -0500
 From: Jason Pierce [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [expert] SMB install of 7.0
 Hash: SHA1
 Hello list,  I have been playing around with linux for a few months now,
 and now I am in a bit of a bind.  I need to install Mandrake 7.0 on a
 laptop, from a 98 box using SMB to connect.  Is there a custom install disk
 (unsupported? suchas the paride img for RH) that can do a SMB install?  If
 not, is there any way to do an NTFS install from a Win98 Box?  I have
 TomsRtBt, but have seen no ntfs export options on it.

Laptops lend themselves to trouble on the network install, as I have a
Sony VAIO PCG-N505VX, which has only 1 pcmcia slot, no cd, and a USB
floppy. I suppose if you can install an FTP server on the 98 box, that
would work better. I know FTP install works, as I've done it many times on
other laptops.


Ellick Chan
Aug 13

Re: [expert] Vi/Vim - The editor from HELL! How do I set the defaulteditor so I can TRASH IT?

2000-08-14 Thread Ellick Chan

On Mon, 14 Aug 2000, Mallard wrote:

 Why did Mandrake pick the most geekyist editor for a setup that is
 suposto be easy for users?

It's the unix tradition :)

 Anyone else seen this joke of a program?

Yes, and I use it almost daily
 With Vim all you have to do is spend a half hour trying to get it give
 you help, then scroll all the way to the bottom of a super long
 whoopy-do list of usless keyboard commands that you will forget a day
 after you use them. Please get rid of it!

It's a bit strange at first, but when you use it a lot, it is very
logically designed.
 thinking? Do they live on this planet? Why does Mandrake support this?
 Trash it!

Can't, vi should be a minimal part of every Linux distro, it is standard
on any Unix system.
 I don't know who thinks this is some great thing, WOW! It has zillions
 of features! It's not 1982 anymore, we have word processors that have a
 better human interface than terminals did, get a life geeks! (directed
 at the guys who wrote and keep updating "vi" and "vim")

It's the only editor that behaves right on weird terminals such as the
crappy Micro$oft telnet.
 Why not make the default editor a nice simple one, like maybe pico,
 where the commands are shown. I can't see anyone using a command line
 editor for much else than a few simple changes, there are better simple
 editors in KDE and such. Damn that really pissed me off, and on top of
 that you guys changed from "vi" (same stupid geeky crap) to "vim" (worse
 geeky crap) in 7.1 did someone request this? I want to know who!
That may be ok for beginners, but a hard core sys admin wants vi.

 Sorry for the bandwith waste, had to get this off my chest. Anyone else
 feel like I do about this?
This post is asking for a flame when put on expert groups, but I see the
purpose of an easier editor for beginners. However, Mandrake has a large
audience to satisfy, including hard core UNIX people. Vi has established
itself as the standard editor, and it is not easily going to be displaced.


Ellick Chan
Aug 14

Re: [expert] Download managers !

2000-08-10 Thread Ellick Chan

 faisal wrote:
  Do we have any Download managers like gozilla , getright ... on linux to
  download large files ?
 No way! that stuff is "spyware" and poison to an operating system. In
 linux we use gFTP, IglooFTP-PRO, ncFTP, so and so forth. gFTP supports
 resume and append, and most FTP server do also so that makes gFTP a
 viable option.

Wget anyone? It runs on just about any machine without X, and does a good
job at this, without sucking your CPU dry.


Ellick Chan
Aug 10

RE: [expert] Download managers !

2000-08-10 Thread Ellick Chan

On Thu, 10 Aug 2000, Carver, Paul, NLSOP wrote:

 Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 09:32:01 -0400
 From: "Carver, Paul, NLSOP" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: [expert] Download managers !
 What is a Download manager? I wasn't aware that downloading files was
 complex. FTP is pretty much a universal standard and there are plenty of
 Linux/Unix clients. Can you be more specific about what special features a
 Download manager provides?

A download manager is usually implemented as a cheap any easy form of
"spy-ware" on Mac and Win platforms. they claim to be free, and bloat up
your operating system. I've had my suspicions that they probably track
your web-viewing habits, and such, as they tightly integrate with your

What a download manager is supposed to do is support the FTP/HTTP resume
functionalities. Generally, this is done to let users of lesser operating
systems avoid re-downloading a large file after a connection is
broken. They make it in a way to feel idiot-proof.

Wget, a perfectly free program for *nix does essentially the same thing,
but does not require X or a GUI. It also has no ads, banners, and the
such, as well as consuming a tiny fraction of the memory and CPU that
download managers for Win/Mac require.


Ellick Chan
Aug 10

Re: [expert] ICQ for Linux

2000-08-10 Thread Ellick Chan
odule does not affect the functionality of the window manager
 It never has, here. Once or twice - after 50h continuous stress, compiling
 jobs and so on for the machine, an app woke up a hidden bug in the X server
 and I had to relogon. That has happened with other WMs as well, though.

In my experience, I have the YMF744b chip, which the commercial OSS driver
had incompatibilities with kde. Perhaps some of my anger vented from that,
as every time I touched anything APM related in KDE, it resulted in a hard
crash. As well as the mean interactions I had with commercial OSS drivers
and anything KDE related. The funny thing is that other window managers
like Gnome and XFCE had no such limitation. It still makes me wonder what
KDE was doing to hang the machine every time. I don't have that problem
anymore, because I use ALSA now.

So far, XFCE has run flawlessly, minus a couple random crashes I get from
playing with experimental USB drivers being connected/disconnected.

  In my experience, it is best to go with something light, like XFCE, which
  is purely made to handle window management, yet allows for some higher
 XFCE is nice, but it's not a full desktop and doesn't want to be. For a
 laptop it's a good choice, also because it uses relatively little screen
 real estate for the window borders. (KDE does as well, though...)

Good that we agree on at least that, I don't have much of a use of desktop
icons either, as on some machines that are real slow, I can watch them
draw the icons one-by-one, like Windows 95 on a 486.

  level functions like icons and drag-and-drop. TWM was just too annoying
  having to place the windows, ...
 Then configure it correctly.

Can TWM autoplace windows? I never knew that you could do the menuing on
TWM, enlighten me a bit on this, and I may just switch back to good old
TWM again :)
  Afterstep rocked, but XFCE is the best balance. Besides, that, being on a
  laptop, I need a window manager that doesn't access the HD every 5
  seconds, like KDE or Gnome, so that my hard drive shut off will have a
  chance to work properly and save some battery.
 Don't blame your problems on the wrong apps. It's Linux itself, thinking
 "oh, low load, let's flush some HD buffers and maybe clean up some shared
 memory segments and page space". Nothing KDE or Gnome does has anything to
 do with this, although with all the gizmos that these environments offer,
 you tend to have more applications loaded and therefore more memory is
 used, making Linux clean up more frequently - perhaps. I don't know.

KDE seems to do some weird things once in a while. I already changed the
flush settings and stuff a long time ago. It seems like from actual
testing that KDE and GNOME do in fact make the hd access more for
me. Whatever it be, the applets, low memory, or even the screensaver,
something in the background once in a while causes the hd to power on for
no apparently good reason.

I noticed that linux does flush buffers, and run cron jobs, but those are
minimized on my machine. Just that the full-blown desktop enviroment is
nice for newbies, but really serves no real purpose for me, as the console
suffices 90% of the time. Of course, occasionally having a couple GUI
stuff is cool, but on a laptop that dislikes Linux as it is, I don't think
I want to risk too many more suspend hangs by doing strange things.

For example, I noticed that some applets really hate suspend, and not
everything behaves too well with it. I just like to keep a set up as
generic as possible, while offering some functionality.

  Then again, this is tailored for specifically my purpose, so some of you
  out there may prefer something else for your set ups, but I stick to the
  one that causes the least crashing, most responsiveness, and most of all,
  gives me the best battery life :)
 That, of course, is a sound reason. If it really makes a difference.

Do you guys have any other suggestions of a better window manager,
terminal, etc? It must be good at the following:

1. Use minimal CPU/mem
2. Use minimal disk space
3. Run decently on something like a 386
4. Semi-intelligently place windows (unlike twm)
5. Be very tolerant to misbehaving apps (unlike the gnome hang)
6. Be friendly to a small display
7. Have neat features

Elsewise, I think XFCE is my best choice for this machine.



Ellick Chan
Aug 10

Re: [expert] Download managers !

2000-08-10 Thread Ellick Chan

On Thu, 10 Aug 2000, Craig Woods wrote:

 Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 20:52:55 -0500
 From: Craig Woods [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [expert] Download managers !
 Good info, Ellick, and quite timely as well. Maybe others on the list have seen
 today's news. Netscape (AOL) has been sued for the very acitivity you enunciate
 in your msg. The court rulled in  _our_  direction. They found Net_shit to be
 in violation of the law by engaging in the practice of "spying" while
 performing as a "download manager". Hey, power to the people, right on!

Thanks Craig, as I said, I prefer the open source, terminal friendly
approach to this. I use ssh and screen extensively across 3 or 4 computers
daily, including a laptop. The thing is that a download manager for my
laptop is impractical, as it loses the net connection every time I keep
moving it, so it is much easier to use wget on my cable modem box :)

Also, I'm sick of those lying windows apps that claim to accelerate your
browsing, and "remember" your passwords, as I've had suspicions on those
too. Too bad that these apps had good ideas, but were just too closed
source, making spying more difficult to detect for the average user.

These were among my list of grievances for abandoning windows :)

Ellick Chan
Aug 10

Re: [expert] The worlds SLOWEST linux boxen

2000-08-09 Thread Ellick Chan

On Mon, 7 Aug 2000, Nightwriter wrote:

 Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2000 15:19:00 -0700
 From: Nightwriter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [expert] The worlds SLOWEST linux boxen
Will do later tonight.  In the office now box is at home.  Just to let 
 you know I've run through dmesg etc and all seems good. Just takes 
 forever to do anything.  One point worth noting on this box.  I've also 
 tried to put some games on this before (Sim City 3000, MS Golf) and they 
 run equally slow.  I'm wondering if the problem isn't that with the 
 Celeron, Inhell (spelling intentional ) removed the L1 cache and shrank the 
 L2 cache.  (also this is a PC book boxen)
   I'm wrestling here with a linux for windows install of 7.1 on a 
   400mhz cpu with 32 megs ram 65 megs swap i810 video card.  currently it

I think others have already got the solution, the loopback fs has never
been really fast on a dos partition. It ran equally slow each time I did
that too. It just didn't occur to me at the time I wrote the message that
it was the cause. But it never hurts to look at what the system is telling
you anyhow, it can help tune the performance.

Good luck!

Re: [expert] Modems For PCI Slots?

2000-08-09 Thread Ellick Chan

On Wed, 9 Aug 2000, Sevatio Octavio wrote:

 Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2000 18:51:51 GMT
 From: Sevatio Octavio [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [expert] Modems For PCI Slots?
 I'm finding out that some of the higher-end motherboards are doing away 
 with ISA slots.  Thus this question:  Are there any Linux-compatible 
 modems that run in PCI slots?

Most of these are winmodems, check for a
listing. Otherwise, there are some know USB modems to work, check the HW
list at



Ellick Chan
Aug 9

Re: [expert] ICQ for Linux

2000-08-09 Thread Ellick Chan

On Wed, 9 Aug 2000, Austin L. Denyer (SysAdmin.) as root wrote:

 I gotta ask - what is it about KDE that you don't like?  I'm kinda torn
 between KDE and Gnome at the moment - both have features that I like...

I didn't originate this kde hating thread, but in my opinion, KDE sucks up
too many resources, and KFM crashes on quite a bit of stuff, rendering
your entire window manager unusable. It's too tied in with the window
manager (the file/web browser). Same goes for Gnome, I used to like both
because of features, but I'm on a laptop, and when the internet connection
is lost, a program like gweather(weather monitor) and mail checker keep
gnome from working properly, the whole window manager is hung up waiting
for a timeout on the server connection. In my opinion, window managers
should be separate from their components like dockable modules and
filemanagers/browsers. It's a lot cleaner when one of them crashes, the
other keeps going.

Also, KDE and Gnome are nice for what the do when they *work* properly,
but sometimes something like a messed up web page, a lost internet
connection, or a small bug screws up one of the modules/kfm, the entire
system goes to wreck, just like that other piece of junk. I can tolerate
bugs in kde/gnome, as long as something killing the browser, or an
individual module does not affect the functionality of the window manager

In my experience, it is best to go with something light, like XFCE, which
is purely made to handle window management, yet allows for some higher
level functions like icons and drag-and-drop. TWM was just too annoying
having to place the windows, FVWM95 was ok, but just felt too win95ish, 
Afterstep rocked, but XFCE is the best balance. Besides, that, being on a
laptop, I need a window manager that doesn't access the HD every 5
seconds, like KDE or Gnome, so that my hard drive shut off will have a
chance to work properly and save some battery.

Then again, this is tailored for specifically my purpose, so some of you
out there may prefer something else for your set ups, but I stick to the
one that causes the least crashing, most responsiveness, and most of all,
gives me the best battery life :)


Ellick Chan
Aug 9

Re: [expert] Dynamic IP and DNS

2000-08-06 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sat, 5 Aug 2000, Andy Judge wrote:

 Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2000 21:50:57 -
 From: Andy Judge [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [expert] Dynamic IP and DNS
 Does anyone know what services are good for dynamic DNS?  I would like to
 use a Domain Name of my own.  What services are known to be good for this.
 I have looked at  What others provide this service so I can use
 my own domain instead of dynip, dyndns, etc., but suppose you wanted a free name like,
you would have to register with NSI, who is responsible for the top level
domains. would be possible, because the records are
controlled by, you may want to read up some about domain names in
general to understand this better.

 Also, what types of problems are typically experienced with this type of

Most only update the DNS record once a day, about 6:00 in the morning for
mine. Also, DNS takes time to propagate. So if you change a record, some
third world country may not get your new address for days. This rarely
happens, though.



Ellick Chan
Aug 5

Re: [expert] The worlds SLOWEST linux boxen

2000-08-06 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sat, 5 Aug 2000, Nightwriter wrote:

 Date: Sat, 05 Aug 2000 19:06:32 -0700
 From: Nightwriter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [expert] The worlds SLOWEST linux boxen
 I'm wrestling here with a linux for windows install of 7.1 on a Celeron 
 400mhz cpu with 32 megs ram 65 megs swap i810 video card.  currently it 
 takes 23 minutes 26 seconds from power on till kde is ready to 
 go.  Netscape start it today and it'll be ready tomorrow.  Windows 
 however snaps on the same box.  (only 50megs swap)  Any ideas?

Can you send us the output of your dmesg, run "dmesg  dmesg.log" as root,
then post it on the list, plus show us the output of the
"top" command. This should help determine whether it is a hardware cause
or software. Also send the output of "ps ax" to let us know any daemons

-- Regards,

Ellick Chan
Aug 5

Re: [expert] Ooooops! I think I killed it!

2000-08-06 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sun, 6 Aug 2000, Mark Weaver wrote:

 I'm afraid I've got something extremely stupid to confess. I was monkeying
 around this evening resizing some partitions. I made the Windows partition
 smaller, which freed up about 3.5GB, which I turned around and turned into a
 part of Linux's file system as /home. Well, it's a little late in the day
 and it slips my mind to that if I don't format the partition it won't work,
 and if I do then...well...I'm not sure what I was thinking. At any rate, now
 when I attempt to boot my Linux system I get kernel panic. The message I get
 is that it can't mount (root) fs.
 What should I do?

Sounds like a job for a good old disk editor, go to to find
a low-level disk editor and see what junk is left of the drive. I would
recommend trying partition magic to try to recover the partitions, but if
you mkfs'd the drive, then a disk editor may be of use to find the
remains. Depending on what was done, one of these may be a good choice.

-- Regards,

Ellick Chan
Aug 6

RE: [expert] Ooooops! I think I killed it!

2000-08-06 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sun, 6 Aug 2000, Mark Weaver wrote:

 Date: Sun, 6 Aug 2000 00:33:59 -0400
 From: Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: [expert] Ops! I think I killed it!
 Which one of those HOWTO's specifically talks about mounting the linux FS
 from windows? I didn't see anything like that there.

Too lazy to find the link, search for a prog called
explroe2fs, or get the free Beos from, it can also read ext2.

 If Alf were a Network Admin would he still eat Cats?
 -Original Message-
 From: Gavin Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2000 11:56 PM
 Subject: Re: [expert] Ops! I think I killed it!
 on 8/6/00 12:34 AM, Mark Weaver  wrote:
  I'm afraid I've got something extremely stupid to confess. I was monkeying
  around this evening resizing some partitions. I made the Windows partition
  smaller, which freed up about 3.5GB, which I turned around and turned into
  part of Linux's file system as /home. Well, it's a little late in the day
  and it slips my mind to that if I don't format the partition it won't
  and if I do then...well...I'm not sure what I was thinking. At any rate,
  when I attempt to boot my Linux system I get kernel panic. The message I
  is that it can't mount (root) fs.
  Am I correct in assuming that I've toasted my file system, or is there
  something I can do to correct this HUMUNGOUSly STUPID error in judgement.
  This ranks right up there with one of the DUMBEST things I've EVER done. I
  didn't have any "can't do without" data there yet, but everyone's mail and
  stuff is there. O, just for the record this is a home machine. Still, I'm
  feeling REAL dumb so if you want to flame me...well, I guess I've got it
  coming. This was a real dumb move and I should have known better than to
  something like this. I DO know better...I just don't know what came over
  What should I do?
 you may be able to fix it I think. you moved the partions around so when it
 tried to find the place on the disk where / is supposed to be it's not there
 any more - you have to  tell it where it moved to. can you boot with a
 rescue floppy? if you don't have one there are ways to make them in windows.
 it may be as simple as booting with a resuce floppy and running lilo.
 you may have to edit lilo.conf and put in a line that tells it about the
 physical details of the drive - cyllendars, blocks, whatever.
 I'm not sure about the details of doing this but maybe that will give you
 some place to start.
 if you can't get that to work you may be able to mount your linux partitions
 in windows and get your data out before you reinstall.
 there will be specific instructions for this stuff in the how to's on line
 good luck


Ellick Chan
Aug 6

Re: [expert] hangs on mounts

2000-08-06 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sun, 6 Aug 2000, lorne schachter wrote:

 Date: Sun, 06 Aug 2000 01:30:34 -0400
 From: lorne schachter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [expert] hangs on mounts
 When I try to mount or unmount my windows partitions, the mount
 operations hang.  System keeps running except for the mount or
 unmount processes.  Needs a reboot to clear.  Any ideas?
Do your logs show anything? "tail /var/log/messages"

 Lorne Schachter
 (732) 819-0460, (732)819-0460 (FAX)


Ellick Chan
Aug 6

Re: [expert] usb zip drive

2000-08-05 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sat, 5 Aug 2000, Mike  Tracy Holt wrote:

 do I make sure that insmod is done at boot time?  Both usbcore and
 usb-uhci were already loaded, it only needed usb-storage to load; is
 there a problem with it not knowing that this module needs loading? 
 Where do I tell it to load at boot time?

Try editing /etc/sysconfig/usb to read:



Ellick Chan
Aug 5

Re: [expert] double click script

2000-08-05 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sat, 5 Aug 2000, faisal wrote:

 Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2000 19:23:12 -0700
 From: faisal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [expert] double click script
 dose any one know how to make a script that runs on double clicking ?

Are you asking to do this in the console, or a window manager, and if so,
which one?

Ellick Chan
Aug 5

Re: [expert] Vmware???

2000-08-05 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sat, 5 Aug 2000, faisal wrote:

 Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2000 19:35:37 -0700
 From: faisal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [expert] Vmware???
 what is Vmware 
 Can anyone shed some light on it ?

To make it brief, please read the docs at


Ellick Chan
Aug 5

Re: [expert] Netscape 474 and CPU

2000-08-03 Thread Ellick Chan

On Thu, 3 Aug 2000, simon wrote:

 Has anyone noticed how netscape 474 gradually consumes cpu usage to 100
 percent over 12 to 18 hours?
Netscape does that occassionally, I personally use "Links" and "Lynx" more
often, as they crash less. You can "limit" the amount of CPU/mem Netscape
takes when starting it from bash by typing "ulimit -t 3 -v 24000" which
limits the maximum amount of CPU to be 100% for any app for 3 seconds, and
the maximum memory usage to be about 24mb. If these resources are
exceeded, bash kills the offending process. Be careful as this applies to
all children forked by the current shell, i.e. start netscape from the
same shell that you applied ulimit to. Any other apps which you start
from that shell will incur the same limit to be applied, whether or
not you intend it to be. This is enforced on a per-session
basis, which means if you have 2 x-terms open, unless one is the parent
process of the other, that the ulimit settings for each session are



Ellick Chan
Aug 3

Re: [expert] current url request listing

2000-07-27 Thread Ellick Chan

On Thu, 27 Jul 2000, Daniel Bodanske wrote:

 Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 10:37:42 +0700
 From: Daniel Bodanske [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [expert] current url request listing
 I'm using a Linux box as server on an internet cafe network to access the
 internet and cache locally.  Can anyone recmmend a program to  monitor the
 current url requests from the clients.  This is something my boss wants to
 see, and being stupid, I've got no answer for him.

I use a program called dsniff from, it has a sub-proggie
labeled webspy, or urlsnarf. Run urlsnarf under a script session, and you
got instant logging. If you run webspy with netscape, you can see what the
users are surfing!
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.


Ellick Chan
Jul 27

Re: [expert] Running an X app from remote host

2000-07-26 Thread Ellick Chan

On 25 Jul 2000, stephen boulet wrote:

 Date: 25 Jul 2000 22:14:35 -0700
 From: stephen boulet [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [expert] Running an X app from remote host
 I'm trying to run an X app from a remote box locally.
 Here are my steps:
 1) xhost +remote-host-ip
 2) telnet to remote-host-ip
 3) export DISPLAY = local-host-ip

try it in this form:
 3) export DISPLAY = local-host-ip:displaynum

or this:
 3) export DISPLAY = local-host-ip:0

Also, try to switch to using xauth instead, extract your x-server cookie,
copy it over, and add it to the machine the app is running on.

Another way is to use ssh x-forwarding, you can use the ssh from, or openssh, but X-forwarding is broken on Openssh in LM7.1,
you must manually do "xauth merge /tmp/ssh-/cookies" where  is
some random garbage.

 Then, when I try running kmail: kmail: cannot connect to X server local-host-ip
 What might I be doing wrong?
 -- Stephen


Ellick Chan
Jul 25

Re: [expert] OT: harddrive flashback

2000-07-26 Thread Ellick Chan

On Wed, 26 Jul 2000, Darryl Gibson wrote:

 Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2000 01:16:33 -0400
 From: Darryl Gibson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [expert] OT: harddrive flashback
 Mark Weaver wrote:
  Ok...I'm still a little foggy on this console stuff. I'm only half
  there. So, if my desktop freezes as it has once or twice since I've
  started working with Linux,(about 14 months), and CTL-ALT-BACKSPACE
  doesn't take me out of X, then will CTL-ALT-Fx (x = 1-6) get me there
  without having to do a hardboot and risk filesystem damage?
 I try CTL+ALT-Fx first, to see if I can get to a promp, run top, and
 kill the offending process first, if that doesn't work, I CTL+ALT-F7 to
 get back into Xwindow, and then try CTL+ALT-BACKSPACE. If that doesn't

You should trying hitting alt-sysrq-k first, then if that doesn't work,
try alt-sysrq-s, then alt-sysrq-b.

alt-sysrq-k kills all running processes except init

alt-sysrq-s syncs the hd, and alt-sysrq-b reboots

elsewise, the the reset switch may work better.

 I cross my fingers and close my eyes, and aim my finger between
 the OFF switch, and the RESET switch. I've had to do that once in
 twelve+ months of using Linux.
  No matter how long I use Linux not a day goes by that I don't learn
  something new.
 Yes, I could spend the rest of my life playing with this system, but I
 need to find someone willing to pay me to do it!
 Sig file not loaded due to loose nuts behind the controls.


Ellick Chan
Jul 26

Re: [expert] I'll be back

2000-07-25 Thread Ellick Chan

On Tue, 25 Jul 2000, Civileme wrote:

 Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 01:19:27 -0800
 From: Civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [expert] I'll be back
 A political appointee has decided that he can't use kmail and must have
 outlook.  Today he showed his power by dismissing me and four other employees
 to scrape together enough money to convert to Microsoft.

Ouch, that really sucks, don't you hate clueless people in power? Maybe
you can set up your own mailserver with a free dns entry from,
running sendmail or postfix.

 I'll be moving from place to place for a while, and I won't have a steady
 address. So take care folks.  I'll catch  when I can.


Ellick Chan
Jul 25

Re: [expert] laptop frozen.. urgent!

2000-07-24 Thread Ellick Chan

On Mon, 24 Jul 2000, Sarang Lakare wrote:

 Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2000 01:56:50 -0400
 From: Sarang Lakare [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [expert] laptop frozen.. urgent!
 Hi guys,
 I installed LM7.1 on a laptop and it was ran fine for a day.. when i was
 shutting down today, it gave KERNEL PANIC on supermount.. and then did fsck
 on the next boot (the laptop has a DVD player and had a data CD inside when
 this happened).. this is the 2nmd time I am getting problems with
 supermount.. why is it in the distribution if its not good and stable???
 anyway, here is what is more important.. The laptop is frozen right now and
 I can't even turn the power off!!! its in KDE and this is the worst thing i
 ahve seen.. I keep the power switch pressed and nothign happens.. this
 happened all of a sudden.. any quick ideas will be appreciated.

Never seen this happen before, but what kind of laptop do you have? I
would pull both the power and battery. Hopefully, that should reset



Ellick Chan
Jul 24

Re: [expert] Asf files

2000-07-24 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sun, 23 Jul 2000, Civileme wrote:

 Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2000 22:11:01 -0800
 From: Civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [expert] Asf files
 On Sun, 23 Jul 2000, you wrote:
  Anyone know where I can find something
  in linux to play those dangbusted asf files?
 Not no but "hell, No!"
 Microshaft PATENTED the *.asf format ignoring the preexisting mpeg formats on
 which it is based.  If there is ever a way to read the (decidedly second rate
 quality) Active Stream Format files, it will have to be written by Microsoft. 
 Anyone writing a program to decode the *.asf files, without written permission
 of Microsoft, is an infringer.
 Anyway, likely the patent is crap.  But the US Patent Office is the #1
 Embarassment of the Digital Age, handing out software patents with very little
 research (same staff, and ten times the workload) and letting the courts decide
 which is valid.  Anyone have a spare $200 million (US) to go to court on this
 patent with Microsoft and PROVE it is invalid?
 And if you see words in this message I do not normally type, I think you can
 see that I am furious because I am helpless before these bozos.

That's exactly correct, the patent office is the legal way to get a
monopoly on anything. I'm still sorta pissed off that no other
manufacturer can make any x-jack look-alike product for lap-tops. That
sort of set the industry back many years, because almost every card you
buy nowadays has a stupid annoying dongle. That harmed innovation in that
sense, since 3com was so slow in making the X-jack for networks, and it
costs too darn much! I could go on ranting about how patents are flawed,
but that would be too pointless.



Ellick Chan
Jul 23

Re: [expert] new reiser question

2000-07-24 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sun, 23 Jul 2000, Gavin Clark wrote:

 Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2000 23:22:01 -0700
 From: Gavin Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [expert] new reiser question
 on 7/23/00 11:00 PM, Vincent Danen  wrote:
  On Sun, Jul 23, 2000 at 09:43:26PM -0500, Vic wrote:
  Just wondering,
  how does everyone who is trying out the reiser fs like it?
  Any pros cons?
 does anyone see it replacing EXT2 as the default anytime soon?

If you are a frequent reader of kernel traffic,, Alan Cox
supposedly doesn't want Reiserfs in the kernel till at least 2.5, Reiser
himself claims there are a bunch of FUD reasons Alan is making up, and
there is a sort of flame war going on. Let's just say that Reiser and Cox
don't want to get along too well. I personally believe we need Reiserfs to
get a real edge against others, and it is annoying to apply the kernel
patch each time hoping it works... I would much rather have built-in


Ellick Chan
Jul 23

Re: [expert] Asf files

2000-07-24 Thread Ellick Chan

On Mon, 24 Jul 2000, Vic wrote:

 Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2000 01:56:15 -0500
 Subject: Re: [expert] Asf files
 Same here Civil, same here I HATE that.
 Damn Microsoft, damn them to hell,
 I hope the govt does split them up and they
 fall like a shot down plane in WWII
 and crash and burn even harder.

I hate to admit but they are not entirely to blame for this. First off,
you don't find a cheap and easy to use MPEG/MPEG2 encoder for free very
often, most of this software works on pre-recorded files, and costs a lot
of money. The crappy windows media garbage is free and can record
real-time, requiring less disk space than an mpeg solution. The other
thing is that hardware MPEG boards are not cheap, and the file size is
rather large compared to these streaming formats.

Now comes the argument of Real Networks, their products are annoying as
hell, sure the encoder and player are free, but they require so much
registration it is really a pain to get, as well as the crippled options,
and making it nearly impossible to find for anyone. Their products annoy
the crap outta you, they make erally bad nag-ware, not to mention having a
lack of stability at times. Also, their format is bug-prone, as an
incomplete download results in a movie that is *barely playable* as well.

Now, Apple's quicktime is also real bad, as between Apple and Microsoft,
almost all the Codecs are exclusively licensed by them. Apple's player is
purely annoying as it asks whether or not you want to upgrade every time
you use it. Not to mention that not too many hardware quicktime solutions
exist for the PC.

I know that Micro$oft is big and bad, but they seem to have the only
viable solution for streaming when it comes to price and features on the
WIN/MAC platforms. I really wish they would port the media player over to
Linux, but then again who knows what kind of things it will screw up, or
how intentionally slow and bloated it will be?

I hope there is still a chance to reclaim the market with a more open
 On Mon, 24 Jul 2000, you wrote:
  On Sun, 23 Jul 2000, you wrote:
   Anyone know where I can find something
   in linux to play those dangbusted asf files?
  Not no but "hell, No!"
  Microshaft PATENTED the *.asf format ignoring the preexisting mpeg formats on
  which it is based.  If there is ever a way to read the (decidedly second rate
  quality) Active Stream Format files, it will have to be written by Microsoft. 
  Anyone writing a program to decode the *.asf files, without written permission
  of Microsoft, is an infringer.
  Anyway, likely the patent is crap.  But the US Patent Office is the #1
  Embarassment of the Digital Age, handing out software patents with very little
  research (same staff, and ten times the workload) and letting the courts decide
  which is valid.  Anyone have a spare $200 million (US) to go to court on this
  patent with Microsoft and PROVE it is invalid?
  And if you see words in this message I do not normally type, I think you can
  see that I am furious because I am helpless before these bozos.


Ellick Chan
Jul 24

Re: [expert] MKNOD

2000-07-24 Thread Ellick Chan

On Mon, 24 Jul 2000, Don wrote:

 Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2000 06:57:07 -0700
 Subject: [expert] MKNOD
 In mknod how would one create a device that is linked to another device?
 I would like to make video to link to video0.  I have already found the video0
 and have tried: 
 mknod c video 81  0   
 but I don't see the way for linking this to video0.  By the way I am tring to
 get kwintv to work, and when I run the kwintv file it tells there is no such 
 device as /dev/video.
 this is the error Iam getting:
 Fatal: v4lx: Error opening v4lx device /dev/video: No such device in ::v4lxif
 Thanks for helping

I think you need a symlink, "ln -s video video0".


Ellick Chan
Jul 24

Re: [expert] segmentation fault doing a text install

2000-07-24 Thread Ellick Chan

On Mon, 24 Jul 2000, Mike Rambo wrote:

 Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2000 10:36:51 -0400
 From: Mike Rambo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Mandrake Linux [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [expert] segmentation fault doing a text install
 We have an existing server (Compaq Proliant 2500) that we want to move
 from RedHat 6.2 to Mandrake 7.1.  It has been running RedHat 6.2 since
 last spring when it was first installed but we've never done any
 optimizing for the Pentium class cpu.  I had decided it would be easier
 to just put a distro on the machine that had everything already compiled
 for a Pentium cpu than manually recompiling the existing OS - especially
 since it hadn't been used for hardly anything to this point and there
 was thus no user data involved.
 The problem I've got is that we haven't found any distro yet that can
 identify the oddball video that this server has built in (thus no
 graphical install) and Mandrake is no different.  Text mode install
 fails with a 'segmentation faults - seems like memory is missing as
 install crashes' every time it's ran.  The system detects and loads the
 driver for an ncr53c8xx scsi card correctly and then asks whether there
 are any other scsi cards in the machine.  When I answer 'no' it
 immediately displays the segmentation fault message and wants to

I've seen this happen on my K6-200, I have tried changing ram between 6
different SIMMS, nothing I do seems to make a difference, the GUI mode
fails at certain random points, almost as if it is heat related. I
reseated all the chips and cards to make sure nothing is loose, but that
doesn't help much. I'm thinking of loading the HD on another mchine, and
moving it over, hopefully it won't be weirdly crashing anytime soon.
 Anyone have any idea what I can do.  I've tried to do a text install on
 a couple of other occasions (with different systems) and have never been
 able to get it to work  but this is the first time I've never found a
 way around the problem.  Thus far I'm simply unable to put Mandrake on
 this machine.  I can't locate any updates that would appear to address
 this problem.  Any ideas?


Ellick Chan
Jul 24

Re: [expert] new reiser question

2000-07-24 Thread Ellick Chan

On Mon, 24 Jul 2000, Sarang Lakare wrote:

 Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2000 11:57:37 -0400
 From: Sarang Lakare [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [expert] new reiser question
  there is a sort of flame war going on. Let's just say that Reiser and Cox
  don't want to get along too well. I personally believe we need Reiserfs to
  get a real edge against others, and it is annoying to apply the kernel
  patch each time hoping it works... I would much rather have built-in
 somethign is better than nothing dosn't work in this world.. if you have
 ReiserFS, it better work... else I don't see any point in including it in
 the kernel.. some distributions like LM itself gives the user the option to
 install ReiserFS in beta.. so thats fine i guess!

Well, that is not always the case, as often stuff like developmental USB
drivers and such got their way into the kernel, but marked possibly
dangerous. I just think that if others can get their way into the kernel
with bugs still in them, why shouldn't Reiser? I mean I know tons of
hardware drivers that don't completely work, and some are buggy, Reiserfs
so far has worked without a single bug in my entire test usage. I believe
they should offer the functionality, but warn users enough about possible

 its ok to test it on home machines.. including it in the kernel means
 mission critical users would want to try out too.. keeping it out of the
 default kernel will stop those users from using it.. and that i think is
 good. its always good to have the best things in and beta things left out
 or marked "beta" clearly.
  Ellick Chan
  Jul 23


Ellick Chan
Jul 24

Re: [expert] Pentium 200Mhz/MMX and Mandrake - Resource Efficient?

2000-07-23 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sun, 23 Jul 2000, Sevatio Octavio wrote:

 Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2000 07:38:51 GMT
 From: Sevatio Octavio [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [expert] Pentium 200Mhz/MMX and Mandrake - Resource
 That gets to my next question... While shopping, I ran across a lot of 
 boxes with motherboards that have onboard sound  video.  What's your 
 take on those?  Do they tend to require funky device drivers that Linux 
 may not have?

So far, I haven't found too many things to be incompatible. Most of them
probably come with an SiS video/audio or the VIAgra style chipset. It used
to be an issue for me about 8 months ago, but since then, drivers have
either been made for them, or you can pay $20 for OSS, For the most part, XFree86 works, although some of the
drivers may have certain artifacts when using memcopy stuff, like moving
windows, it may produce some garbage. One of my older SiS motherboards had
snow on the screen when X was started, but that was because the
motherboard tried to share mem between the VGA and slow system mem. But
since then, RAM has improved in speed, and this no longer is much of an
issue on the newer built-ins I have tried. In the worst case, most of
these motherboards come with a jumper to disable the onboard
Video/Audio. Just in case you have problems, make sure you buy a
motherboard that can disable those. If you do end up disabling, you can
get some more compatible pci cards, like a voodoo3 and perhaps a
soundblaster. I recommend a Yamaha XG card, but that will cost you about
$30 of OSS drivers. 

  Original Message 
 On 7/22/00, 10:34:17 PM, Anton Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 
 regarding Re: [expert] Pentium 200Mhz/MMX and Mandrake - Resource 
  Submitted 23-Jul-00 by John J. LeMay Jr.:
   Doesn't there come a point when using a machine as old as an XT clone
   actually costs more to run (heat/electric) than grabbing something like 
   BookPC machines (around $500 ready to roll) and tossing the "classic" 
   the antique rack?
   I'm not blasting anyone for still using old equipment, I would never do
   that. I'm just curious as to the trade off. I would assume their has been
   significant advances in power efficiency and in the physics involved in
   keeping machines cool in the past 10 years or so and that these features 
   make purchasing a new machine more cost effective than running an old 
   Just curious!
  Yes, it probably does cost more to run it than say one of the
  everything on one board machines.  I actually did it originally as an
  exercise in adapting old equipment into terminals.
  Bottom line is that I can get an XT with a monitor for around $50-100
  while a real terminal will cost me at least twice that :/.  Around
  here, I am more accountable for initial investment than cost of
( )   *Anton Graham
  /(   )X
   (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
  Penguin Powered!


Ellick Chan
Jul 23

Re: [expert] Pentium 200Mhz/MMX and Mandrake - Resource Efficient?

2000-07-23 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sun, 23 Jul 2000, Anton Graham wrote:

 Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2000 11:48:13 -0700
 From: Anton Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [expert] Pentium 200Mhz/MMX and Mandrake - Resource
 Submitted 23-Jul-00 by Ellick Chan:
  I recommend a Yamaha XG card, but that will cost you about $30 of OSS
 No longer :)!  I run my Yamaha YMF-724F (DS-XG) with ALSA drivers.
 Believe it or not, the sound quality is actually better than what I
 got with the commercial drivers from OSS.  You need the latest ALSA
 (0.58) for this support.

Your're correct, but I never got that to work on my Sony VAIO N505VX
laptop which has the YMF744b chip.
 There is also now support in the kernel (OSS-Free) for the SBPro
 "legacy mode" of the card, but it is poorly documented and I have been
 unable to make that work.

Somehow after the Win2k bios upgrade (which I thought would make it more
compatible) the SB emulation somehow got broken...


Ellick Chan
Jul 23

Re: [expert] netscape 474

2000-07-23 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sun, 23 Jul 2000, Pj wrote:

 Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2000 17:23:08 -0500
 Subject: Re: [expert] netscape 474
 Considering this browser's sad history the past 3 years I do not know why
 anyone would expect anything better. Personally, I still like version 3.04
 best. I run it with Java disabled; use its old emailer and scripting turned
 off. Since I rarely accept attachments, I've effectively eliminated most of
 the virus attacks. 
 Actually I'd be delighted to buy a real Linux browser that wasn't bloated
 and that offered mail. Does anyone know how well the STAR OFFICE browser
 and emailer work in Linux? It worked okay in Winbloz.  

I found a quick cheap way to avoid Netscape, try using lynx, or "links",
an improved lynx. If you do the file associations in links, you can even
view the jpegs and gifs on web pages.

 At 05:42 PM 7/23/00 -0400, you wrote:
 I wouldn't become too hopeful cause the beta release of Netscape 6 is
 doing the same thing. In SPADES. It's worse there than in the .7x series
 of Netscape 4.
   ** Registered Linux user # 182496 **
 On Fri, 21 Jul 2000, dallard wrote:
   I installed netscape 4.74 on my mandrake 7.0 machine yesterday. It
  seems to have the same problems that  4.70 had (my previous version).
  Netscape crashes on certain java pages and sometimes takes up al l the cpu.
  same as before. Oh well mabe next patch. :0)
  Hope that helps
 Dany Allard
  Mark Weaver wrote:
   Did they fix the java problem in 4.74, or does it still runaway with the
   CPU now and then like 4.73 does?
 ** Registered Linux user # 182496 **
   On Wed, 19 Jul 2000, victor gvirtsman wrote:
found it today at


Ellick Chan
Jul 23

Re: [expert] Laplink

2000-07-23 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sun, 23 Jul 2000, Darryl Gibson wrote:

 Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2000 18:55:15 -0400
 From: Darryl Gibson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [expert] Laplink
 Sevatio Octavio wrote:
  I didn't catch your original question.  Are you wondering about remote
  controlling another pc?  Or is this a laplink specific question?
 I want to transfer files between two linux boxes, using a laplink cable.
 I was hoping there would be program such as laplink or Xtree gold to
 help me set it up. I should do some further research into Midnight
 Commander, it has a file transfer command, I just need to find the docs.
 on how to set it up.
  Have you checked out VNC?  It's free at .  All you need is a browser to
  control another pc.
 Thanks, that's a cool website. Unfortunately, VNC uses tcp/ip, and I
 don't have any spare serial ports. They mention it
 could be modified for rs-232, but that is way over my head.

I think you are referring to PLIP, similar to SLIP, which is Parallel line
interface protocol. You can make a virtual 2-machine network using PLIP,
check out the HOW-TO on


Ellick Chan
Jul 23

Re: [expert] Laplink

2000-07-23 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sun, 23 Jul 2000, Darryl Gibson wrote:

 Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2000 19:36:11 -0400
 From: Darryl Gibson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [expert] Laplink
 Anton Graham wrote:
  What about tcp/ip over a PLIP connection?  Check out the Laptop and
  Net HOWTO's (I haven't doen this myself)
 That's something I hadn't thought of. I was hoping for a canned solution
 though, not something that will take me another month to configure. Oh
 well, this is linux, sometimes you have to roll your own. OTOH, maybe
 I'll find some ready to run scripts?

Maybe you want to run another getty on a parallel port like a serial line,
and use sz rz commands to send and recieve. I did that last in the 1.xx
kernels, I think.


Ellick Chan
Jul 23

Re: [expert] Pentium 200Mhz/MMX and Mandrake - Resource Efficient?

2000-07-23 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sun, 23 Jul 2000, Anton Graham wrote:

 Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2000 17:38:22 -0700
 From: Anton Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [expert] Pentium 200Mhz/MMX and Mandrake - Resource
 Submitted 23-Jul-00 by Ellick Chan:
  On Sun, 23 Jul 2000, Anton Graham wrote:
  Your're correct, but I never got that to work on my Sony VAIO N505VX
  laptop which has the YMF744b chip.

 The most frequent cause of people believing that ALSA doesn't work for
 them is the fact that it mutes all audio channels by default and you
 need to use a mixer capable of unmuting them (I recommend alsamixer,
 simply because I'm used to it.  You only need to do this once,

Maybe, but I ws playing with cooker at the time, and enough things were
broken as-is. Also, the Yamaha support was just recently added, so things
were still a bit buggy.

 There were some problems with the Yamaha support in 0.5.8 that were 
 subsequntly fixed in the a and b releases (I use the 'a' release
 here).  If you are interested, I can send you a copy of the relevent
 portion of /etc/modules.conf so you can compare it against what you
 did originally.

Yes please, I would like to see it.
 One other important consideration when compiling ALSA is to ensure
 that you build it with OSS compatibility, because there are just too
 many apps that expect that you have OSS.

Should I just use the Mandrake RPM for alsa, or compile it myself. The RPM
would require me to change a kernel. Changing a kernel is not too bad, but 
my laptop is really painful to get working perfectly. I'm sorta hesitant
to change things, as they tend to break reiserfs here, but I can try to
compile the latest alsa stuff.



Ellick Chan
Jul 23

Re: [expert] Laplink

2000-07-23 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sun, 23 Jul 2000, Darryl Gibson wrote:

 Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2000 21:33:30 -0400
 From: Darryl Gibson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [expert] Laplink
 John Aldrich wrote:
  Have you considered putting a lan card in each and using
  ssh/sftp or even just plain old ftp to copy the files over?
  What about setting up nfs and using NFS to copy 'em over
  the network?
 Yes I have, in fact that is next on my to-do list. Let me bring this
 list up to speed, as to why I want to transfer files.
 When I set up this file system, the hard drive was in a 486/33, with
 8megs of ram. Now its in a 586/100 with 64 megs of ram. I want to
 increase my swap partition from 32megs to at least 64megs. I have loads
 of free disk space, but I can't free it up. Unless there is a way to
 unmount the hard drive I'm using, while I'm using it!? 

I recommend that you try to boot off a cd-rom based distro such as
demolinux,, then use that to change your root-fs, or use
a one-floppy distro to do the same.

If you just wanted to add swap, all you have to do is:

dd if=/dev/zero of=swap bs=1024 count=32k
mkswap swap
swapon swap
edit fstab to add swap config

 I have considered using Partition Magic on the drive, but
that raises  other issues such as:
 1. My PM disk is on loan to a friend, and he has taken a unplanned
 holiday out of town.
I learned never to lend without serious consideration, as Shakespeare said
something like this:

"Never a borrower or lender be, as that oft raises problems"

 2. When I installed Linux on this drive, I forget where I installed
 Lilo. From what I've read on the Newbie list, if Lilo is on the MBR, I
 can kiss it good bye by running PM. Can I tell where Lilo is by looking
 in fstab?

Lilo most commonly resides on the MBR, it is not a file, but rather a
special area of the hard drive. To reinstall lilo, all you have to do is
type in "lilo" as root.

 3. I should back up my files before messing around with the hard drive

I normally don't but it is a wise idea to.
 4. The backup method I'm used to, isn't supported in Linux, unless
 parallel port tape drives have recently been supported?

A lot of scsi tape drives are supported, and if your HD is not too big,
you can back up on floppy disks, or zip/jaz disks.
  You *can* set up something similar to laplink using a
  terminal adapter util such as minicom and setting up on
  linux box to "answer" the phone however, from what I
  recall, you'll find a 10-megabit network a LOT faster!
 That is an option, spare modems are readily available. And I need to
 look into Elick's suggestions also.
 So many options, so many decisions, isn't Linux wonderful? 
 Darryl Gibson
 Linux Neophyte (tm)
 RLU # 182668
 This computer is 100% Microsoft FREE


Ellick Chan
Jul 23

Re: [expert] reiser question

2000-07-23 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sun, 23 Jul 2000, Vic wrote:

 Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2000 21:43:26 -0500
 Subject: [expert] reiser question
 Just wondering,
 how does everyone who is trying out the reiser fs like it?
 Any pros cons?

Check the faq on

It overall is faster, saves space, and prevents annoying long fsck's after
a crash. However, there are only a limited amount of kernel patches, and
some of them are known to cause compat problems with other patches such as
win4lin and stuff. It makes it real hard to stay on a development kernel,
as sometimes it fails to mount rootfs. It really is more for servers and
the like that don't need kernel upgrades or reboots. 


Ellick Chan
Jul 23

Re: [expert] ALSA Yamaha XG

2000-07-23 Thread Ellick Chan

On Mon, 24 Jul 2000, Sevatio Octavio wrote:

 Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2000 04:33:47 GMT
 From: Sevatio Octavio [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [expert] ALSA  Yamaha XG
 Some of you mentioned that you were able to get ALSA to work for Yamaha 
 XG cards.  And you said that ALSA sounded better than OSS.  I'm currently 
 using the OSS driver.  Could you tell me if ALSA gives you bass  treble 
 controls or is it a hardware issue?

Before I forget, one more question. Have any of you played with Alsa on a
laptop. I am also using the OSS drivers for my YMF744b on a Sony VAIO
N505VX, similar to the N505VE, except it is a PII. The OSS drivers require
resetting on resume, do the alsa drivers have that same issue?



Ellick Chan
Jul 24

Re: [expert] ALSA Yamaha XG

2000-07-23 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sun, 23 Jul 2000, Anton Graham wrote:

 Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2000 22:03:54 -0700
 From: Anton Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [expert] ALSA  Yamaha XG
 Submitted 24-Jul-00 by Sevatio Octavio:
  Some of you mentioned that you were able to get ALSA to work for Yamaha 
  XG cards.  And you said that ALSA sounded better than OSS.  I'm currently 
  using the OSS driver.  Could you tell me if ALSA gives you bass  treble 
  controls or is it a hardware issue?
 AFAIK, no soundcard has _driver_ controlled bass/treble under any OS.
 What you may have seen in the past is a kind of preprocessing software
 that performs the same function.  

Are you sure, that not even possibly the extremely high-end soundcards
from Yamaha do such processing? I know that they have an XG chip on them,
that handles the midi rendering, but maybe it does the bass and stuff
too. There is a setting for Bass on on SonySetup under windows. I haven't
tested to see if the settings affected Linux yet, but knowing Yamaha
chips, they may have enough logic on them to do that job. Then again, you
can correct me if you know more about the chip. I'd really like to find
out what level of ability the chip has on it's own.

 There are bass boosting plugins and equalizers for popular MP3
 players, which are basically the same idea, they perform a calculation
 of the digital data to produce the same effects that real bass boost
 circuitry or equalizers would.
 None of the MP3 players I have used actually have specific bass/treble
 controls either, because fiddling with the equalizer [wc]ould give more
 fine-tuned results.


Ellick Chan
Jul 23

Re: [expert] AMD Chips and Mandrake

2000-07-22 Thread Ellick Chan

On Sat, 22 Jul 2000, Sevatio Octavio wrote:

 Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 10:27:53 GMT
 From: Sevatio Octavio [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [expert] AMD Chips and Mandrake
 Are there any problems with using AMD chips for running Linux?

Not as far as I've seen, I have a K6-2, K6, and an Athlon. They seem to
work as equally well as the Intel counterparts in everything I've tried so



Ellick Chan
Jul 22

Re: [expert] Version 7.1 HUGE install problem

2000-07-21 Thread Ellick Chan

On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Sarang Lakare wrote:

 Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2000 17:24:53 -0400
 From: Sarang Lakare [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [expert] Version 7.1 HUGE install problem
 this is really rediculous.. I hate mandrake for 7.1.. I had fallen in love
 with Mandrake with their 7.0 release.. and 7.1 is really crappy when it
 comes to installation.. there are things that don't work and machines that
 run perfectly with 7.0 but don't install/run 7.1.. and there is that crappy
 upgrade to 7.1 which takes a whole day to upgrade!
 wake up mandrake b4 u loose u're loyal followers... don't give out a beta

You guys are right, Mandrake 7.1 required much more expert tweaking than
7.0 to work, but I love reiserfs too much. My Sony laptop (Neomagic chip) 
had the X-server set up correctly with 7.0, but bombed on 7.1; I had to
manually fix the config file. Also, my Voodoo 3 3500 tv in my desktop
bombed, and I had to fix that too. I am also not too happy that they did
not include the libstdc++-devel when you check development, most students
are out to learn c++ in classes, making it difficult to convert other
college students to Mandrake, if it cannot compile their programs without
some tweaking. The last complaint is that the installer is buggy as crap,
it messes up on tons of things, sometimes just randomly quitting when
selecting RPMS, etc. And the old trick to install off a bootable cd for
Sony laptops "linux ide1=0x180,0x386" also seems to be broken now.

I hope they fix these eventually, but I'm happy enough to know what I'm
doing to stay on the cutting edge... :)


Ellick Chan
Jul 20

Re: [expert] OpenSSH won't accept connections?

2000-07-21 Thread Ellick Chan

On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Steven Boothe wrote:

 Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2000 16:32:24 -0700
 From: Steven Boothe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [expert] OpenSSH won't accept connections?
 On Thu, 13 Jul 2000, you wrote:
  On Thu, 13 Jul 2000, Steven Boothe wrote:
   Hello everyone. I am having a bit of trouble getting openssh to accept
   connections. Can anyone help by either direct comment or either pointing
   me where to look for additional information? So far I have installed sshd
   on other RedHat machines without issues. But since I have began using
   LM7.1 I - have been running into this error message:
   "ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host"
   Things I have done so far include:
- checked /etc/inetd.conf for appropriate uncommented entries for sshd
- checked /etc/hosts.deny to ensure proper clearance for my hosts
- checked /etc/ssh/sshd_config for appropiate entry in the
   "ListenAddress" - field.
  This exact problem bit me big time a while back.  If hosts.allow or
  hosts.deny exists, add to hosts.allow:
  sshd : ALL
  You need this even of you are not running sshd from inetd.
 First, thank you to all who read and replied. I was doing quite well due to 
 this last great tip. However, as soon as I changed the "ListenAddress" value 
 to work for a different internal network, everything went back to broken 
 This is very strange.
 Now I can't even seem to reverse the issue. When I now attempt to connect I 
 get a "Secure connection to network addr refused"???
 I have checked:
  - /etc/hosts.allow ALL:ALL
  - /etc/hosts.deny#ALL:ALL
  - /etc/ssh/sshd_config ListenAddress: network addr
 Is there anything I am missing?
 I haven't setup ipchains with any rules either... I just can't figure what 
 the problem could be? (I've never had any of this trouble with Redhat 6.2, 
 though admittedly because Redhat comes out of box much less secure... )

Sorry for writing so low, but did you try ssh -v to get verbosity on, that
is how I debugged mine to work...


Ellick Chan
Jul 20

Re: [expert] OpenSSH won't accept connections?

2000-07-21 Thread Ellick Chan

On Fri, 21 Jul 2000, Steven Boothe wrote:

 Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2000 15:00:24 -0700
 From: Steven Boothe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [expert] OpenSSH won't accept connections?
 On Fri, 21 Jul 2000, you wrote:
  but in your case, when I ssh to the IP your logs show, it seems to wait
  for a long time.
 That's probably because that IP address is behind a firewall...

Nope, I can ssh outta here fine to at least 2 machines not behind

  I gotta run out for dinner soon, could you run an nmap on your system?
 Wow, running nmap was an awsome idea (thanks)! Just look at this output:

your're welcome

 Starting nmap V. 2.30BETA17 by [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( )
 Interesting ports on  (
 Port   State   Service
 25/tcp opensmtp
 TCP Sequence Prediction: Class=random positive increments
  Difficulty=1562052 (Good luck!)
 Remote operating system guess: Linux 2.1.122 - 2.2.14

Maybe sshd isn't running, check by running "ps ax"

 Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0 seconds
 What do you make of that? Nothing's open on port 22??? Yet I have the 
 "ListenAdress" variable set to "", and now I've even set 
 hosts.allow to ALL:ALL, and hosts.deny to null. Not to mention that 
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/sshd status == running... 
 This is really odd...?

Either sshd is not running, or due to some error. Try to look at the sshd
logs, maybe in /var/log/messages. Also, if you can, stop sshd, then run it
on a terminal windows/console. This allows you to interactively see any
errors present, run "sshd -d" to enable debugging to get the logging of
what is happening as the client tries to connect to the daemon. This
should help quite a bit. If none of these seem to work, change your
mandrake security level using msec, "msec 0" I think. But do remember to
change it back later. Another problem I had before was that firewalling
was turned on in linuxconf, and that disabled all outside services, it
essentially locked me out of remote usage of my machine. That may be also
a possible cause. Good luck!


Ellick Chan
Jul 21

Re: [expert] OpenSSH won't accept connections?

2000-07-21 Thread Ellick Chan

On Fri, 21 Jul 2000, Steven Boothe wrote:

 Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2000 15:00:24 -0700
 From: Steven Boothe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [expert] OpenSSH won't accept connections?
 On Fri, 21 Jul 2000, you wrote:
  but in your case, when I ssh to the IP your logs show, it seems to wait
  for a long time.
 That's probably because that IP address is behind a firewall...
  I gotta run out for dinner soon, could you run an nmap on your system?
 Wow, running nmap was an awsome idea (thanks)! Just look at this output:
 Starting nmap V. 2.30BETA17 by [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( )
 Interesting ports on  (
 Port   State   Service
 25/tcp opensmtp
 TCP Sequence Prediction: Class=random positive increments
  Difficulty=1562052 (Good luck!)
 Remote operating system guess: Linux 2.1.122 - 2.2.14
 Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0 seconds
 What do you make of that? Nothing's open on port 22??? Yet I have the 
 "ListenAdress" variable set to "", and now I've even set 
 hosts.allow to ALL:ALL, and hosts.deny to null. Not to mention that 
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/sshd status == running... 

ListenAddress means only guys with an ip that matches
64.196.197.x can get in. I'm sure you would want (everyone) for
that line. That is how I have mine set up, seems to work on any machine.

Also, try to "ssh localhost" on that box.

Sorry, missed the part about sshd running last time.
 This is really odd...?


Ellick Chan
Jul 21

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