[FairfieldLife] Reincarnation of Elvis???

2006-03-05 Thread cardemaister


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Repost: raaja-yoga?

2006-03-05 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, t3rinity [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_reply@ wrote:
  I think raaja-yoga might (also?) mean that it's
  meant primarily for /raaja-s/!
 Is there also a rani-yoga?

An also-rani-yoga for second-rate yoginnis?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Why does T/M cost so much to join? A little help?

2006-03-05 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, hgiammarco HEYPHILA@ wrote:
  Why does T/M cost so much to join? A little help?
 MMY decided to target the elite since they are the most 
 influential members of society and most likely to be able 
 to donate large sums of money if they are so inclined.

And as a result of this focus, the number of people
learning TM has plunged to near-zero worldwide, 
indicating that what Maharishi seems to be most
interested in is money, and *not* in helping people 
by teaching them a valuable technique of meditation.

An interesting test case seems to be about to take
place in the Florida courts, in which the organization
that claims it wants to spread TM to as many people as
possible is suing a TM teacher who is teaching TM for 
the price he's always taught it.

He has not only refused to raise his prices because the 
TM organization demands that he do so, he has refused
to pay that organization several thousand dollars to
be recertified at teaching something he was fully
certified to teach years ago. It should be interesting 
to see how the TM organization defends its position in 

The fascinating exchange in that case, in my opinion, is 
going to be when the fellow's lawyer asks the official, 
recertified teachers, under oath, how many people have 
been instructed in TM *in the entire world* in the last 
year at the official price, and that number turns out 
to be less than the number of people that the teacher 
they are suing has taught in one small town in Florida 
during the same period. 

The bottom line is that TM is just a brand name for a
made-up technique of meditation that is (in my opinion
as a former TM teacher) no better than any other tech-
nique of meditation, less effective than many, and more
likely to produce negative side effects than most. Shop
around...you'll find that there are people out there who
still care more about helping people by teaching them a
useful technique of meditation for free or at a reason-
able price than they care about making money. But you 
won't find them in the TM movement.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Reincarnation of Elvis???

2006-03-05 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


Not possible. Everyone who's seen Bubba Ho-Tep
knows that Elvis is alive and well, living in
an old folks' home in Texas, and fighting evil
mummies there along with JFK, who lives in the
same rest home. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The population on Earth today is nearly four times the number in 1900

2006-03-05 Thread Jason Spock

   There is Massive amount of Abortion of Female fetuses in China and India. This has caused an imbalance in the gender ratio in China and india. This is one of the reasons, experts state that Brothels will continue to flourish in big cities in China and india. By the way Sir Archer, I don't think I am getting all the posts. Is something wrong with Yahoo.??  shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Date: Sun, 26 Feb
 2006 06:21:05 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The population on Earth today is nearly four times the number in 1900   If we want to slow down the rate, maybe foufou macoute's homosexual agenda IS the answer...  --- bbrigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: "A report issued by the Bureau in March 2004 noted that world population hit the 6 billion mark in June 1999. "This figure is over 3.5 times the size of the Earth's population at the beginning of the 20th century and roughly double its size in 1960," the study explained.   Even more striking is that the
 time required for the global  population to grow from 5 billion to 6 billion — just a dozen years — was shorter than the interval between any of the previous billions.  On average, 4.4 people are born every second."   more at link: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11545564/  ** "However,when the people become predominately sinful, Yama the god of death sometimes engages himself in meditation for some years, druing which the population increases and explodes. The gods, frightened by this population explosion, resort to various devices to reduce it. All this has happened again and again countless times."  http://tinyurl.com/6xndt , p.397
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Sanskrit

2006-03-05 Thread Jason Spock

 TheFacts areslightly different. Over 90% of the indian population were illiterate back then. All the VedaShalas, the traditional Vedic Schools were open only to Brahmins and other elite classes. This is because the Brahmin would never sit with a Shudra and teach him the language. Sanskrit was not in the day-to-day use in India by the bulk of the indian population who had other mother-tongues. The British
 introduction of English into indian schools served as a Uniting force to all indians who has about 35 spoken languages and could easily communicate with each other with English. Even Mahatma Gandhi used English to communicate with other freedom-fighters all over india. This is exactly why, Sri. Aurobindo stated, "Nature tried everything she could to unite the whold of India, but couldn't, So Nature finally resorted to foreign invasions to unite the whole of India".bbrigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2006 01:31:09 -Subject:
 [FairfieldLife] Sanskrit  http://www.centralchronicle.com/20060303/0303302.htm Sanskrit and Macaulayan education"Literally meaning "refined and sanctified", and priding itself as cultured, Sanskrit is acclaimed as the best, sweetest and divine language (bhashasu mukhya madhura divya geervaan bharati). Sanskrit is the divine language revealed through the sages (Sanskritam naam daivi vaak anavyakhyata maharshibhihi). But though excepting Tirukkural which is in Tamil, almost all Hindu scriptures like Vedas, Upanishads, Ramayana and Mahabharata are written in Sanskrit, Sanskrit has been driven out of Indian schools and colleges by Macaulay's
 education introduced in India in 1835. Macaulayan education downgraded Indian languages including Sanskrit and replaced them with English. This education was introduced to de-Hinduize Hindus as is evident in Macaulay's following letter dated October 12, 1836 to his evangelist father, "Our English schools are flourishing wonderfully; we find it difficult to provide instruction to all. The effect of this education on Hindus is prodigious. No Hindu who has received an English education ever remains sincerely attached to his religion. It is my firm belief that if our plans of education are followed up, there will not be a single idolater among the respected classes 30 years hence. And this will be effected without our efforts to proselytize; I heartily rejoice in the prospect."De-Hinduized by Macaulayan education, and brain washed by Macaulayanmedia, most of Hindu intellectuals, MBAs, business persons, doctors, lawyers, chartered accountants, engineers,
 teachers and the rest are self-alienated and do not know Sanskrit, and do not know much about Hindu religion or heritage, or about Vedas, Upanishads, Ramayana, Mahabharata or Tirukkural. India was expected to discard Macaulayism after the British left in 1947. On September 10, 1949, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar even sponsored an amendment making Sanskrit as the official language of India. But the said amendment was defeated in the Constituent Assembly. However, Sanskrit was included in the Eighth Schedule of Indian Constitution. But shockingly, Macaulay's missionary-oriented colonial education and neglect of Sanskrit is still gripping Independent India. After banishing Sanskrit from Indian schools and colleges, Macaulayists call Sanskrit 'the dead language'.  
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Sanskrit

2006-03-05 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jason Spock [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 The Facts are slightly different.  Over 90% of the indian 
 population were illiterate back then.  All the VedaShalas, 
 the traditional Vedic Schools were open only to Brahmins 
 and other elite classes.

I'm not terribly interested in Jason's latest India-
bash, but since he's brought up the category of 
Strange and interesting facts about literacy, what 
country on the planet, in 1990, had the *highest* 
percentage of literacy among its population on the 
planet? Hint: the same country, today, has one of 
the lowest percentages of literacy.

You guessed it...Iraq. From the most literate nation
on the planet under Saddam Hussein pre-GWI to one of 
the least literate, under US rule, post-GWII. 
Fascinating, eh?

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[FairfieldLife] Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread tmforlife108
Regarding the dirt that one supporter of Mike Scozzari requested, I know  that 
item is not 
central to Mike's defense. Mike told me he just wants everybody to be able to 
teach TM 
openly without fear and threats from the so called trademark holder.  If 
someone gets a 
masters in education, pays for their education themselves, the university has 
no right to 
try and take the degree back 30 years later!

But to the post from someone (below) who wrote that there would not be 
precedent, I 
think you are way off.

Don't be naive - winning this will be winning it for everybody and we can end 
this for 

I'm guessing this was written by  an attny,  possibly with the TMO as he must 
realize it will 
set precedent.  He is just trying to sidestep that issue, which for supporters 
that are TM 
teachers would be the most important issue.  If they win, the TMO could serve 
the papers 
on other independent teachers using the TM trademark - and THEY WILL- precedent 
power!   What independent teacher would risk it if the TMO wins the case in 

The trademark holder in this case has a long history of misusing that 
trademark.  Do we 
need to go over this again?  A judge knows that threats against the trademark 
not acted 
on by the TMO do not amount to defending the trademark.  If you know someone is 
misusing the trademark and has done so for years, threatening them with phone 
calls is 
not defending the trademark, it's harassment.  The courts will have this 
information as it 
unravels.  If TM is going to continue to be available I agree - it will be 
thanks to the 
independents. They just need to see the importance of this case in Florida and 
help with 
the defense. 

Who can honestly say that the TMO is headed in the right direction? 

Daniel Jeffers

One friend who has a spiritual take wrote this
The Bastards are abusing us, the legitimate teachers of M's knowledge, As they 
have for 
the Past 25 Years.  This is nothing new.  Their deliberate intention is to 
crush us and take 
away our livelihood  our sacred mission to help people in need.  They use 
they use divide  conquer.  They brainwash our friends  turn them against us.  
attempt to isolate us from our friends.  They are demons playing the 
destructive role that 
demons always play.  Everyone on the planet has to battle against demons of 
kinds, whether in the form of family members or bosses or government 
criminals, terrorists, etc. etc.  Can you imagine the karma associated with 
attempting to stop people from becoming enlightened, and to stop people from 
their suffering alleviated?

From: a_non_moose_ff
Subject: Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Someone sent me the following:
 This is serious.
 He needs a legal defense fund.  

Does he have a case to argue? He is using a trademarked name against
the wishes of the trademark holder. And depending what agreements he
signed at his TTC or beyond, he may be violating a contract.

 And he needs all the 'dirt' on the movement
 that we can discover.  And people willing to be witnesses, etc.

Why would dirt on the TMO be relevant in trial to determine if Mike
is breaking trademark law? If the TMO broke other laws, they would
need to be tried for that. Is the poster suggesting sexie-sadie
files or ru dissatisfaction with fund raising will make a jury go oh
dear, then their trademark is no good.?

 If he loses this, then there will be legal precedent 
Where is there precedent? Is an appeals court hearing the case already
-- interpreting new unsettled issues in trademerk and contract law?

 and they will go after
 EVERYONE that is teaching 

And why does the TMO winning the scozarri case make them more likely
to do that? And why does losing it make them less likely?

and that will be the end of it.  No more TM
 technique.  Because the independents are the only one really 

How many are teaching in the US -- using TMO trademarks? Just a
handful I would imagine. Its all ready pretty much over. 

Though teaching Beatles meditation or TransX Meditation by word of
mouth should not be a problem.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Why does T/M cost so much to join? A little help?

2006-03-05 Thread wayback71

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, hgiammarco HEYPHILA@ wrote:
   Why does T/M cost so much to join? A little help?

 sparaig wrote: 
  MMY decided to target the elite since they are the most 
  influential members of society and most likely to be able 
  to donate large sums of money if they are so inclined.

 Turquoise B wrote:
 And as a result of this focus, the number of people
 learning TM has plunged to near-zero worldwide, 
 indicating that what Maharishi seems to be most
 interested in is money, and *not* in helping people 
 by teaching them a valuable technique of meditation.

Actually, altho MMY may be very interested in money, he would be making more by 
allowing teachers of TM to teach the technique for much less than thte current 
$2500 fee 
in the USA.  Instruction would pickup world-wide and the TMO would have more 
income.  I 
suspect he is making enough from selling real estate and from the donations 
that people 
make to become raja's - costs a fortune (a million dollars per person) and is 
simple and 
not time consuming to have a raja course.  I know that MMY has been told by 
teachers and higher ups in the TMO, over the last few years, that more people 
would learn 
TM if the price were reduced, and that the TMO would make more money if the 
price were 
reduced.  MMY is adament that the price stay high, unyeilding about this. l  I 
have heard 
some teachers still involved say that they think MMY does  not really want many 
people to 
learn TM anymore, that is no longer his goal.  Or only the rich.  Why?  Who 

 An interesting test case seems to be about to take
 place in the Florida courts, in which the organization
 that claims it wants to spread TM to as many people as
 possible is suing a TM teacher who is teaching TM for 
 the price he's always taught it.
 He has not only refused to raise his prices because the 
 TM organization demands that he do so, he has refused
 to pay that organization several thousand dollars to
 be recertified at teaching something he was fully
 certified to teach years ago. It should be interesting 
 to see how the TM organization defends its position in 
 The fascinating exchange in that case, in my opinion, is 
 going to be when the fellow's lawyer asks the official, 
 recertified teachers, under oath, how many people have 
 been instructed in TM *in the entire world* in the last 
 year at the official price, and that number turns out 
 to be less than the number of people that the teacher 
 they are suing has taught in one small town in Florida 
 during the same period. 

Not really - there are people learning in big cities like LA, chicago and 
Manhattan.  Not 
many, but a few every few months.  And David Lynch's education foundation which 
for young students to learn TM has resulted in at least a few hundred 
initiations  so far 
(most are underpriveleged students who are in bad situations, which is why 
their schools 
agree to allow TM in the first place).  There are also a few students learning 
at each 
campus after he speaks there.
 The bottom line is that TM is just a brand name for a
 made-up technique of meditation that is (in my opinion
 as a former TM teacher) no better than any other tech-
 nique of meditation, less effective than many, and more
 likely to produce negative side effects than most. Shop
 around...you'll find that there are people out there who
 still care more about helping people by teaching them a
 useful technique of meditation for free or at a reason-
 able price than they care about making money. But you 
 won't find them in the TM movement.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Repost: raaja-yoga?

2006-03-05 Thread a_non_moose_ff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, t3rinity no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_reply@ wrote:
   I think raaja-yoga might (also?) mean that it's
   meant primarily for /raaja-s/!
  Is there also a rani-yoga?
 An also-rani-yoga for second-rate yoginnis? 

Then there is rant-yoga. Several high adepts are in this group.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread TurquoiseB
With all due respect, I think you're fighting a bad case
of self-importance with a bad case of self-importance.  :-)

It's a *good* thing that this case goes to court. It will
expose the curious behavior of the TM movement to the
world at large, and that world will then make its deter-
mination. If the Florida courts decide as most courts in
the US these days do -- in favor of the corporation 
instead of the buying public -- that will mean that the 
use of the trademark will be upheld. But what does that 
*really* mean for the teachers who still want to teach, 
outside the TM organization?

My guess is that it'll mean an opportunity for increased
initiations. I know that if I were in the position of 
teaching and was successfully sued by the TMO, what I 
would do at that point is simply change the name of the
technique I was teaching and then put the results of the 
lawsuit on right on the posters as a *selling point*, 
not a negative. Something along the lines of:

 Free introductory lecture on BubbaMed,
 the $100 meditation technique that was 
 recently sued by the Transcendental 
 Meditation organization because they
 felt it was was competing with the
 $2500 meditation technique they sell.
 Come and listen for yourself, and make
 an informed decision.

:-)  :-)  :-)

Basically, I still have enough residual trust in the
courts of America to hope that the TMO will *lose*
this case, and big-time. (*Especially* if Jim's lawyers
are smart enough to show the judges photos of the Rajas
in their robes and crowns.) But if they don't, the 
decision will reflect badly on the TMO, not on the
teachers who continue to teach BubbaMed or whatever
they choose to call what they teach. 

The public is not stupid -- when presented with an
organization that sues its own for no other reason than 
TO MAKE MORE MONEY, they'll know where to go if they 
want to learn a technique of meditation that is still 
priced to appeal to someone who isn't rich.

Let the elitists appeal to the elitists they want to
recruit into their cult. If you feel the call to teach,
you can find a way to do so.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tmforlife108 

 Regarding the dirt that one supporter of Mike Scozzari requested, 
I know  that item is not 
 central to Mike's defense. Mike told me he just wants everybody to 
be able to teach TM 
 openly without fear and threats from the so called trademark 
holder.  If someone gets a 
 masters in education, pays for their education themselves, the 
university has no right to 
 try and take the degree back 30 years later!
 But to the post from someone (below) who wrote that there would 
not be precedent, I 
 think you are way off.
 Don't be naive - winning this will be winning it for everybody and 
we can end this for 
 I'm guessing this was written by  an attny,  possibly with the TMO 
as he must realize it will 
 set precedent.  He is just trying to sidestep that issue, which 
for supporters that are TM 
 teachers would be the most important issue.  If they win, the TMO 
could serve the papers 
 on other independent teachers using the TM trademark - and THEY 
WILL- precedent has 
 power!   What independent teacher would risk it if the TMO wins 
the case in Florida?
 The trademark holder in this case has a long history of misusing 
that trademark.  Do we 
 need to go over this again?  A judge knows that threats against 
the trademark not acted 
 on by the TMO do not amount to defending the trademark.  If you 
know someone is 
 misusing the trademark and has done so for years, threatening them 
with phone calls is 
 not defending the trademark, it's harassment.  The courts will 
have this information as it 
 unravels.  If TM is going to continue to be available I agree - it 
will be thanks to the 
 independents. They just need to see the importance of this case in 
Florida and help with 
 the defense. 
 Who can honestly say that the TMO is headed in the right 
 Daniel Jeffers
 One friend who has a spiritual take wrote this
 The Bastards are abusing us, the legitimate teachers of M's 
knowledge, As they have for 
 the Past 25 Years.  This is nothing new.  Their deliberate 
intention is to crush us and take 
 away our livelihood  our sacred mission to help people in need.  
They use intimidation, 
 they use divide  conquer.  They brainwash our friends  turn them 
against us.  They 
 attempt to isolate us from our friends.  They are demons playing 
the destructive role that 
 demons always play.  Everyone on the planet has to battle against 
demons of various 
 kinds, whether in the form of family members or bosses or 
government authorities, 
 criminals, terrorists, etc. etc.  Can you imagine the karma 
associated with actively 
 attempting to stop people from becoming enlightened, and to stop 
people from having 
 their suffering alleviated?
 From: a_non_moose_ff
 Subject: Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

[FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread wayback71
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tmforlife108 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Regarding the dirt that one supporter of Mike Scozzari requested, I know  
 that item is 
 central to Mike's defense. Mike told me he just wants everybody to be able to 
 teach TM 
 openly without fear and threats from the so called trademark holder.  If 
 someone gets a 
 masters in education, pays for their education themselves, the university has 
 no right to 
 try and take the degree back 30 years later!
 But to the post from someone (below) who wrote that there would not be 
 precedent, I 
 think you are way off.
 Don't be naive - winning this will be winning it for everybody and we can end 
 this for 
 I'm guessing this was written by  an attny,  possibly with the TMO as he must 
 realize it 
 set precedent.  He is just trying to sidestep that issue, which for 
 supporters that are TM 
 teachers would be the most important issue.  If they win, the TMO could serve 
 on other independent teachers using the TM trademark - and THEY WILL- 
 precedent has 
 power!   What independent teacher would risk it if the TMO wins the case in 
 The trademark holder in this case has a long history of misusing that 
 trademark.  Do we 
 need to go over this again?  A judge knows that threats against the trademark 
 not acted 
 on by the TMO do not amount to defending the trademark.  If you know someone 
 misusing the trademark and has done so for years, threatening them with phone 
 calls is 
 not defending the trademark, it's harassment.  The courts will have this 
 information as it 
 unravels.  If TM is going to continue to be available I agree - it will be 
 thanks to the 
 independents. They just need to see the importance of this case in Florida 
 and help with 
 the defense. 
 Who can honestly say that the TMO is headed in the right direction? 
 Daniel Jeffers
 One friend who has a spiritual take wrote this
 The Bastards are abusing us, the legitimate teachers of M's knowledge, As 
 they have for 
 the Past 25 Years.  This is nothing new.  Their deliberate intention is to 
 crush us and 
 away our livelihood  our sacred mission to help people in need.  They use 
 they use divide  conquer.  They brainwash our friends  turn them against 
 us.  They 
 attempt to isolate us from our friends.  They are demons playing the 
 destructive role 
 demons always play.  Everyone on the planet has to battle against demons of 
 kinds, whether in the form of family members or bosses or government 
 criminals, terrorists, etc. etc.  Can you imagine the karma associated with 
 attempting to stop people from becoming enlightened, and to stop people from 
 their suffering alleviated?

The truth is that it is not they or some distant and unnamed bastards who 
are doing 
this - keeping the price of officially sanctioned TM high.  It is Maharishi 
himself.  He 
himself decided the price, despite the attempts of many people around him to 
explain the 
consequences.  He has been adament and unyeilding. He is also well aware of the 
of how many learn each month and how much income it does or does not 
true believers feel he has some unstated  higher purpose for this decision to 
keep the 
price so high.  The lawyers who will be acting on behalf of the TMO and 
Maharishi are 
doing just that - at least some of them are devoted to him and his decisions - 
and if MMY 
wants to stop people from teaching TM for less than his standard price, these 
lawyers will 
feel it is their mission to do exactly as Maharishi wants.  IMO, I don't think 
that means that 
MMY would necessarily be personally angry with the teachers who teach outside 
of the 
official TMO.  Who knows, he might applaud them!  Maybe he is playing a cosmic 
here and watching everyone dance about.  Really strange situation and a 
fascinating battle.
It will be really interesting to see the TMO and MMY's response to this 
situation should 
they lose the lawsuit! And also interesting to see what teachers around the 
world do and if 
TM instruction actually picks up.

Also, Tm is not the only technique that can take a person in the directionof 
So if a person really wants to learn to meditate, there are other valid methods 
on this 
planet, some for free.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Doin' the Advaita Shuffle

2006-03-05 Thread jyouells2000
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter
   --- jim_flanegin jflanegi@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter

 --- jim_flanegin jflanegi@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter
  drpetersutphen@ wrote:
   The bondage to a spiritual path, while
   one of the deepest attachments there is.
   all sadhanas must eventually destroy
themselves in
   Realization. God help the person who
  decades on
   a spiritual path with no liberation
   get are mood-making fanatics who are more
   the conceptual dogma of Realization than
   Realization. They confound the concept
   --Mushi Mu, Third Zen Patriarch (from his
   What is My True Dog Nature, Bantam Book,
  Being conceptually Realized is like
  going to work and 
  conceptually getting paid.
 You conceptually owe me twenty bucks. I'm
Hey, no fair, I *definitely* conceptually paid
that twenty, with 
another conceptual ten in interest...
  well...delusionally, *you* owe *me* twenty
  bucks...no, make that 
  twenty thousand...francs...on Mars...c'mon, pay up!
 10,000,000 Swiss Francs transferred to your account as
 we speak!
  I believe if you're going to have the proper conceptual vastu you
must transfer 10,000,000 Raams ... ;-)


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread a_non_moose_ff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tmforlife108

 If they win, the TMO could serve the papers 
 on other independent teachers using the TM trademark - and THEY WILL- 

Nothing prevents the TMO from serving papers to all indepenents now?
There is no need for precident. 

 precedent has 

Precident generally has to do with rulings by a court of judges --
such as the Appeals Court and the Supreme Court where disputes over
the interpetation of law are ruled upon. Jury trials generally don't
set precidents. If the case is appealed, and a new interpretation of
trademark law is made, that would set precident.

What independent teacher would risk it if the TMO wins the case in
 The trademark holder in this case has a long history of misusing
that trademark.  Do we 
 need to go over this again?  

I guess so. What are these specific violations of trademark law?

A judge knows that threats against the trademark not acted 
 on by the TMO do not amount to defending the trademark.  If you know
someone is 
 misusing the trademark and has done so for years, threatening them
with phone calls is 
 not defending the trademark, it's harassment.  

How was Mike threatened -- other than to be asked to stop violating
the trademark -- under threat of legal action.

 From: a_non_moose_ff
 Subject: Re: Mike Scozarri being sued
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer fairfieldlife@
  Someone sent me the following:

  This is serious.

  He needs a legal defense fund.  
 Does he have a case to argue? He is using a trademarked name against
 the wishes of the trademark holder. And depending what agreements he
 signed at his TTC or beyond, he may be violating a contract.
  And he needs all the 'dirt' on the movement
  that we can discover.  And people willing to be witnesses, etc.
 Why would dirt on the TMO be relevant in trial to determine if Mike
 is breaking trademark law? If the TMO broke other laws, they would
 need to be tried for that. Is the poster suggesting sexie-sadie
 files or ru dissatisfaction with fund raising will make a jury go oh
 dear, then their trademark is no good.?
  If he loses this, then there will be legal precedent 
 Where is there precedent? Is an appeals court hearing the case already
 -- interpreting new unsettled issues in trademerk and contract law?
  and they will go after
  EVERYONE that is teaching 
 And why does the TMO winning the scozarri case make them more likely
 to do that? And why does losing it make them less likely?
 and that will be the end of it.  No more TM
  technique.  Because the independents are the only one really 
 How many are teaching in the US -- using TMO trademarks? Just a
 handful I would imagine. Its all ready pretty much over. 
 Though teaching Beatles meditation or TransX Meditation by word of
 mouth should not be a problem.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread a_non_moose_ff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 With all due respect, I think you're fighting a bad case
 of self-importance with a bad case of self-importance.  :-)
 It's a *good* thing that this case goes to court. It will
 expose the curious behavior of the TM movement to the
 world at large, and that world will then make its deter-
 mination. If the Florida courts decide as most courts in
 the US these days do -- in favor of the corporation 
 instead of the buying public -- that will mean that the 
 use of the trademark will be upheld. But what does that 
 *really* mean for the teachers who still want to teach, 
 outside the TM organization?
 My guess is that it'll mean an opportunity for increased
 initiations. I know that if I were in the position of 
 teaching and was successfully sued by the TMO, what I 
 would do at that point is simply change the name of the
 technique I was teaching and then put the results of the 
 lawsuit on right on the posters as a *selling point*, 
 not a negative. Something along the lines of:
  Free introductory lecture on BubbaMed,
  the $100 meditation technique that was 
  recently sued by the Transcendental 
  Meditation organization because they
  felt it was was competing with the
  $2500 meditation technique they sell.
  Come and listen for yourself, and make
  an informed decision.
 :-)  :-)  :-)
 Basically, I still have enough residual trust in the
 courts of America to hope that the TMO will *lose*
 this case, and big-time. (*Especially* if Jim's lawyers
 are smart enough to show the judges photos of the Rajas
 in their robes and crowns.) 

Has mike waived his right to a jury trial? 

What part of trademak law would that violate? Is there a stealth
statue in there that all trademarks  will becom null and void if the
holders have any rajas with robes and crowns?

 The public is not stupid -- when presented with an
 organization that sues its own for no other reason than 
um, why do most other trademark cases go to court, if not for
financial reasons.? And how does stopping independents make the TMO
more money? Those people learing from an indie for $200 are now going
to go shucks, guess we need to bite the bullet and cough up $2500.?

If you go out as anindie, I suggest the following name and slogan: 
BubbleHeadMed -- makes your mind really clear. Just like me

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Why does T/M cost so much to join? A little help?

2006-03-05 Thread Patrick Gillam
--- hgiammarco wrote:

 Why does T/M cost so much to join? A little help?

Maharishi sets the prices, and in his eyes, it's worth it.

Maharishi promises great things from the regular practice 
of TM. As someone noted in an intro lecture I once gave, 
If TM does half the things you say it will, it's worth twice 
the money. In Maharishi's world, TM does *all* the things 
he says it will, and is hence a bargain at the price.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, a_non_moose_ff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  Basically, I still have enough residual trust in the
  courts of America to hope that the TMO will *lose*
  this case, and big-time. (*Especially* if Jim's lawyers
  are smart enough to show the judges photos of the Rajas
  in their robes and crowns.) 
 Has mike waived his right to a jury trial? 

It may not be up to him. States sometimes have the
right to have certain cases handled by a judge or
panel of judges.

 What part of trademak law would that violate? Is there a stealth
 statue in there that all trademarks  will becom null and void 
 if the holders have any rajas with robes and crowns?

No, but if it is handled by a judge -- *or* a jury --
they will take one look at Mike Scozzari and look
at the photos of the people running around in robes
and gold Burger King crowns and make a decision as
to which side in the dispute seems sane and which
does not.  The legal decision sometimes reflects
how the judge or jury feels about the relative 
sanity of both sides.  :-)

  The public is not stupid -- when presented with an
  organization that sues its own for no other reason than 
 um, why do most other trademark cases go to court, if not for
 financial reasons.? And how does stopping independents make the TMO
 more money? Those people learing from an indie for $200 are now 
 going to go shucks, guess we need to bite the bullet and cough 
 up $2500.?

You are easily intimidated. I presume you have never 
bought a generic medication because you actually 
*enjoy* paying more. :-)

Then again, given your TB rant below, it is actually
possible that you *do* enjoy paying more.  :-)  :-)  :-)

 If you go out as anindie, I suggest the following name and slogan: 
 BubbleHeadMed -- makes your mind really clear. Just like me

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Why does T/M cost so much to join? A little help?

2006-03-05 Thread jyouells2000
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig sparaig@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, hgiammarco HEYPHILA@ wrote:
   Why does T/M cost so much to join? A little help?
  MMY decided to target the elite since they are the most 
  influential members of society and most likely to be able 
  to donate large sums of money if they are so inclined.
 And as a result of this focus, the number of people
 learning TM has plunged to near-zero worldwide, 
 indicating that what Maharishi seems to be most
 interested in is money, and *not* in helping people 
 by teaching them a valuable technique of meditation.
 An interesting test case seems to be about to take
 place in the Florida courts, in which the organization
 that claims it wants to spread TM to as many people as
 possible is suing a TM teacher who is teaching TM for 
 the price he's always taught it.
 He has not only refused to raise his prices because the 
 TM organization demands that he do so, he has refused
 to pay that organization several thousand dollars to
 be recertified at teaching something he was fully
 certified to teach years ago. It should be interesting 
 to see how the TM organization defends its position in 
 The fascinating exchange in that case, in my opinion, is 
 going to be when the fellow's lawyer asks the official, 
 recertified teachers, under oath, how many people have 
 been instructed in TM *in the entire world* in the last 
 year at the official price, and that number turns out 
 to be less than the number of people that the teacher 
 they are suing has taught in one small town in Florida 
 during the same period. 
 The bottom line is that TM is just a brand name for a
 made-up technique of meditation that is (in my opinion
 as a former TM teacher) no better than any other tech-
 nique of meditation, less effective than many, and more
 likely to produce negative side effects than most. Shop
 around...you'll find that there are people out there who
 still care more about helping people by teaching them a
 useful technique of meditation for free or at a reason-
 able price than they care about making money. But you 
 won't find them in the TM movement.

I agree with your POV on the interesting legal exchange above. I would
be interested in hearing more about your point of view in the last
paragraph. Especially this part:

 The bottom line is that TM is just a brand name for a
 made-up technique of meditation that is (in my opinion
 as a former TM teacher) no better than any other tech-
 nique of meditation, less effective than many, and more
 likely to produce negative side effects than most.

particularly what you have encountered that is better, and produces
less potential negative effects. 


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, a_non_moose_ff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  Basically, I still have enough residual trust in the
  courts of America to hope that the TMO will *lose*
  this case, and big-time. (*Especially* if Jim's lawyers
  are smart enough to show the judges photos of the Rajas
  in their robes and crowns.) 
 Has mike waived his right to a jury trial? 

It may not be up to him. Many states reserve the
right to try non-criminal civil cases before a
single judge or a panel of judges.

 What part of trademak law would that violate? Is there a stealth
 statue in there that all trademarks  will becom null and void 
 if the holders have any rajas with robes and crowns?

The issue I have in mind is one of relative sanity,
not trademark rights. Try to imagine the scenario:

You are in a Florida courtroom, in front of someone
who is most likely a conservative Republican judge
(and possibly a jury composed of equally conservative
Americans, many of them terrified of cults). Mike's
attorney is questioning the certified teachers who
have filed this suit on the stand:

Mike's Attorney: So this is a photo of the most recent
gathering of the people who run the TM organization
in Vlodrop, Switzerland. Can you tell us who these
people are who are wearing the long flowing robes
and crowns?

True Believer: Well, they're the Rajas, of course.
They are the people whom Maharishi has trusted to
run his movement at this time.

MA: And what did these people have to do to qualify
to become Rajas?

TB: Well, they each had to pay a million dollars each.
That gives them the right to be Rajas, to wear these
elegant robes and crowns, and to run things.

MA: And this new policy of recertification that 
we've heard of -- in which previously-trained TM teachers
are required to pay the TM organization several thous-
and dollars, quit their jobs, and teach full time or
not teach at all -- this policy was created by Maharishi
and these Rajas.

TB: That's correct.

MA: And you are one of the people who paid several 
thousand dollars to be recertified and teach TM
full time, and were promised a monthly salary for life
if you did this?

TB: Yes, that's correct.

MA: And during this recertification course, did you
learn any new skills or teaching methods, anything that
you had not learned when you were *first* certified as
a TM teacher?

TB: No, I did not. 

MA: And, just as a matter of interest to the court, how 
many salary checks have you received from Maharishi and 
the Rajas since you became recertified and learned
nothing that you hadn't already learned years ago?

TB: Well, I got one the first month, but none since

MA: And how many people have you taught TM to here in
Broward County since becoming one of these recertified
TM teachers?

TB: Well, none, actually.

MA: And how many people has the defendant taught in that
same period?

TB: Several dozen, I would imagine. 

...and so on...

The issue IMO is that the TM organization has so completely
lost touch with reality that it thinks people on a jury or
conservative judges behind a bench are going look favorably
on this kind of behavior, behavior which in their minds
marks them clearly as cultists, being taken advantage of
by an organization that is ripping them off.

It *could* go the other way, but I suspect that in the
political climate that is America right now, it won't...

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Why does T/M cost so much to join? A little help?

2006-03-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The fascinating exchange in that case, in my opinion, is 
 going to be when the fellow's lawyer asks the official, 
 recertified teachers, under oath, how many people have 
 been instructed in TM *in the entire world* in the last 
 year at the official price, and that number turns out 
 to be less than the number of people that the teacher 
 they are suing has taught in one small town in Florida 
 during the same period.

Unless that isn't what it turns out to be.

As I understand it, the official price in India
is much less (and perhaps in some poorer countries
as well).  Anybody have any idea how many initiations
are taking place in other than wealthy Western

 An interesting test case seems to be about to take
 place in the Florida courts, in which the organization
 that claims it wants to spread TM to as many people as
 possible is suing a TM teacher who is teaching TM for
 the price he's always taught it.

Is the TMO still making that claim?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread Ingegerd
Hey Turquioise - what a great idea!
I do it in another way. Saying in my Advertisements that I teach 
techniques in Stress Release and that I have been a Teacher in 
Transcendental Meditation since 1975. No one can stop me from 
telling a big part of my life. But in Norway it is easier, because 
The TMO has been denied to trademark Transcendental Meditation and I 
have bought a domene with transcendentalmeditation. But if Mike 
lose, it is a lot of ways to tell people what you are teaching. You 
gave me some creative ideas here.

  Free introductory lecture on BubbaMed,
  the $100 meditation technique that was 
  recently sued by the Transcendental 
  Meditation organization because they
  felt it was was competing with the
  $2500 meditation technique they sell.
  Come and listen for yourself, and make
  an informed decision.
 :-)  :-)  :-)
 Basically, I still have enough residual trust in the
 courts of America to hope that the TMO will *lose*
 this case, and big-time. (*Especially* if Jim's lawyers
 are smart enough to show the judges photos of the Rajas
 in their robes and crowns.) But if they don't, the 
 decision will reflect badly on the TMO, not on the
 teachers who continue to teach BubbaMed or whatever
 they choose to call what they teach. 
 The public is not stupid -- when presented with an
 organization that sues its own for no other reason than 
 TO MAKE MORE MONEY, they'll know where to go if they 
 want to learn a technique of meditation that is still 
 priced to appeal to someone who isn't rich.
 Let the elitists appeal to the elitists they want to
 recruit into their cult. If you feel the call to teach,
 you can find a way to do so.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tmforlife108 
 tmforlife108@ wrote:
  Regarding the dirt that one supporter of Mike Scozzari 
 I know  that item is not 
  central to Mike's defense. Mike told me he just wants everybody 
 be able to teach TM 
  openly without fear and threats from the so called trademark 
 holder.  If someone gets a 
  masters in education, pays for their education themselves, the 
 university has no right to 
  try and take the degree back 30 years later!
  But to the post from someone (below) who wrote that there would 
 not be precedent, I 
  think you are way off.
  Don't be naive - winning this will be winning it for everybody 
 we can end this for 
  I'm guessing this was written by  an attny,  possibly with the 
 as he must realize it will 
  set precedent.  He is just trying to sidestep that issue, which 
 for supporters that are TM 
  teachers would be the most important issue.  If they win, the 
 could serve the papers 
  on other independent teachers using the TM trademark - and THEY 
 WILL- precedent has 
  power!   What independent teacher would risk it if the TMO wins 
 the case in Florida?
  The trademark holder in this case has a long history of misusing 
 that trademark.  Do we 
  need to go over this again?  A judge knows that threats against 
 the trademark not acted 
  on by the TMO do not amount to defending the trademark.  If you 
 know someone is 
  misusing the trademark and has done so for years, threatening 
 with phone calls is 
  not defending the trademark, it's harassment.  The courts will 
 have this information as it 
  unravels.  If TM is going to continue to be available I agree - 
 will be thanks to the 
  independents. They just need to see the importance of this case 
 Florida and help with 
  the defense. 
  Who can honestly say that the TMO is headed in the right 
  Daniel Jeffers
  One friend who has a spiritual take wrote this
  The Bastards are abusing us, the legitimate teachers of M's 
 knowledge, As they have for 
  the Past 25 Years.  This is nothing new.  Their deliberate 
 intention is to crush us and take 
  away our livelihood  our sacred mission to help people in 
 They use intimidation, 
  they use divide  conquer.  They brainwash our friends  turn 
 against us.  They 
  attempt to isolate us from our friends.  They are demons playing 
 the destructive role that 
  demons always play.  Everyone on the planet has to battle 
 demons of various 
  kinds, whether in the form of family members or bosses or 
 government authorities, 
  criminals, terrorists, etc. etc.  Can you imagine the karma 
 associated with actively 
  attempting to stop people from becoming enlightened, and to stop 
 people from having 
  their suffering alleviated?
  From: a_non_moose_ff
  Subject: Re: Mike Scozarri being sued
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer 
   Someone sent me the following:
   This is serious.
   He needs a legal defense fund.  
  Does he have a case to argue? He is using a trademarked name 
  the wishes of the trademark holder. And depending what 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread Sal Sunshine
That's it in a nutshell.  There was an agreement that a TM teacher was one for life and could teach TM, no conditions attached.  What people should really consider doing is *everyone* who can start teaching again, and letting the TMO know.  They can't go after everybody.


On Mar 5, 2006, at 7:22 AM, tmforlife108 wrote:

 If someone gets a 
 masters in education, pays for their education themselves, the university has no right to 
 try and take the degree back 30 years later!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread a_non_moose_ff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, a_non_moose_ff no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
   Basically, I still have enough residual trust in the
   courts of America to hope that the TMO will *lose*
   this case, and big-time. (*Especially* if Jim's lawyers
   are smart enough to show the judges photos of the Rajas
   in their robes and crowns.) 
  Has mike waived his right to a jury trial? 
 It may not be up to him. Many states reserve the
 right to try non-criminal civil cases before a
 single judge or a panel of judges.

Just curious. What states are those? Is Florida?among them. If so does
the exclusion of civil case jury trials apply to trademark cases? 

In civil cases in state court, the right to a jury trial is governed
by the state's constitution and statutes. The Supreme Court has
repeatedly held that the Seventh Amendment right to a jury trial
applies only to federal courts, not to state courts. As a practical
matter, though, most states make jury trials widely available for many
kinds of civil cases above the level of small claims court.

  What part of trademak law would that violate? Is there a stealth
  statute in there that all trademarks  will becom null and void 
  if the holders have any rajas with robes and crowns?
 The issue I have in mind is one of relative sanity,
 not trademark rights. 

Oh, is Mike filing a counter-suit using Florida's sanity Laws to sue
the TMO?

Try to imagine the scenario:
 You are in a Florida courtroom, in front of someone
 who is most likely a conservative Republican judge

Why is that? Do you have breakdown of judge political leanings in
Florida. As I remember, the state is a swing state -- about 50/50
split dem rep. Wasn't there an election there decided by only 300 votes? 

 (and possibly a jury composed of equally conservative
 Americans, many of them terrified of cults). 

Possibly. And possibly martians. But what is the actual likelihood in
a purple state -- red and blue? 

And is your point that democrats like cults? And all conservative
republicans hate them? Sorry I didn't see that polls. btw, is Tim
LeHaye and all a cult? 

 attorney is questioning the certified teachers who
 have filed this suit on the stand:
 Mike's Attorney: So this is a photo of the most recent
 gathering of the people who run the TM organization
 in Vlodrop, Switzerland. Can you tell us who these
 people are who are wearing the long flowing robes
 and crowns?

Plantiff Attoney: Objection your honor. Irrelevant to trademark law.
Judge: Sustained.

 True Believer: Well, they're the Rajas, of course.
 They are the people whom Maharishi has trusted to
 run his movement at this time.
 MA: And what did these people have to do to qualify
 to become Rajas?

Plantiff Attoney: Objection your honor. Irrelevant to trademark law.
Judge: Sustained.

 TB: Well, they each had to pay a million dollars each.
 That gives them the right to be Rajas, to wear these
 elegant robes and crowns, and to run things.
 MA: And this new policy of recertification that 
 we've heard of -- in which previously-trained TM teachers
 are required to pay the TM organization several thous-
 and dollars, quit their jobs, and teach full time or
 not teach at all -- this policy was created by Maharishi
 and these Rajas.

Plantiff Attoney: Objection your honor. Irrelevant to trademark law.
Judge: Sustained.

 TB: That's correct.
 MA: And you are one of the people who paid several 
 thousand dollars to be recertified and teach TM
 full time, and were promised a monthly salary for life
 if you did this?

Plantiff Attoney: Objection your honor. Irrelevant to trademark law.
Judge: Sustained.

 TB: Yes, that's correct.
 MA: And during this recertification course, did you
 learn any new skills or teaching methods, anything that
 you had not learned when you were *first* certified as
 a TM teacher?

Plantiff Attoney: Objection your honor. Irrelevant to trademark law.
Judge: Sustained.

 TB: No, I did not. 
 MA: And, just as a matter of interest to the court, how 
 many salary checks have you received from Maharishi and 
 the Rajas since you became recertified and learned
 nothing that you hadn't already learned years ago?

Plantiff Attoney: Objection your honor. Irrelevant to trademark law.
Judge: Sustained.

 TB: Well, I got one the first month, but none since
 MA: And how many people have you taught TM to here in
 Broward County since becoming one of these recertified
 TM teachers?

Plantiff Attoney: Objection your honor. Irrelevant to trademark law.
Judge: Sustained.

 TB: Well, none, actually.
 MA: And how many people has the defendant taught in that
 same period?

Plantiff Attoney: Objection your honor. Irrelevant to trademark law.
Judge: Sustained.

 TB: Several dozen, I would imagine. 
 ...and so on...

 The issue IMO 
[in Turqie 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread a_non_moose_ff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 That's it in a nutshell.  There was an agreement that a TM teacher was 
 one for life and could teach TM, no conditions attached.  What people 
 should really consider doing is *everyone* who can start teaching 
 again, and letting the TMO know.  They can't go after everybody.

Around the US and world we hear many distinct cries of: 
I am Scozarri-Sparticus.  I am Scozarri-Sparticus.I am
Scozarri-Sparticus.  I am Scozarri-Sparticus.
I am Scozarri-Sparticus.  I am Scozarri-Sparticus. I am
Scozarri-Sparticus.  I am Scozarri-Sparticus.I am
Scozarri-Sparticus.  I am Scozarri-Sparticus.

 On Mar 5, 2006, at 7:22 AM, tmforlife108 wrote:
   If someone gets a
   masters in education, pays for their education themselves, the 
  university has no right to
   try and take the degree back 30 years later!

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread Sal Sunshine
See A Civil Action last night? (Great movie) Supposedly less than 2 percent of lawsuits actually end up going to trial.


On Mar 5, 2006, at 8:43 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

 > Has mike waived his right to a jury trial? 

 It may not be up to him. States sometimes have the
 right to have certain cases handled by a judge or
 panel of judges.

[FairfieldLife] FFL only in the US

2006-03-05 Thread anonyff
Hey Rick,

Did you know FFL is only visible from the US yahoo site?  Anyone
searching yahoo groups in Britain, Australia, France etc for
Fairfield Life or Transcendental Meditation won't find this
group. I don't know if you can change this, or if you want to...


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread a_non_moose_ff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 That's it in a nutshell.  There was an agreement that a TM teacher was 
 one for life 

I don't remember that agreement? When did the TMO and I enter into
that contract?

I do rememer a contract where I agreed to teach according to the
dictates of the organizations. And it was implied or stated that if I
didn't, I could not teach.

 and could teach TM, no conditions attached.  

No conditions?  When was this? 1962? By 1970 there were conditions up
the wazoo as I recall.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL only in the US

2006-03-05 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonyff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey Rick,
 Did you know FFL is only visible from the US yahoo site?  Anyone
 searching yahoo groups in Britain, Australia, France etc for
 Fairfield Life or Transcendental Meditation won't find this
 group. I don't know if you can change this, or if you want to...

This is only partly true. FFL is clearly visible from
these sites, but the Yahoo Groups *search engine* does
not seem to find strings in the group's description.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread a_non_moose_ff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 See A Civil Action last night? (Great movie) Supposedly less than 2 
 percent of lawsuits actually end up going to trial.

Just curious. Are you bringing that up because you think that supports
Turq's assertion? 
 On Mar 5, 2006, at 8:43 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
Has mike waived his right to a jury trial?
   It may not be up to him. States sometimes have the
   right to have certain cases handled by a judge or
   panel of judges.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Sanskrit

2006-03-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jason Spock jedi_spock@ 
  The Facts are slightly different.  Over 90% of the indian 
  population were illiterate back then.  All the VedaShalas, 
  the traditional Vedic Schools were open only to Brahmins 
  and other elite classes.
 I'm not terribly interested in Jason's latest India-
 bash, but since he's brought up the category of 
 Strange and interesting facts about literacy, what 
 country on the planet, in 1990, had the *highest* 
 percentage of literacy among its population on the 
 planet? Hint: the same country, today, has one of 
 the lowest percentages of literacy.
 You guessed it...Iraq. From the most literate nation
 on the planet under Saddam Hussein pre-GWI

Nitpick: Not nearly the most literate, actually.
There are dozens of countries with literacy
percentages in the high 90s; Iraq's had become
quite high due to Saddam's compulsory literacy
program, but it never got much above 90 percent.
Most literate *Arab* country, perhaps.

 to one of 
 the least literate, under US rule, post-GWII.
 Fascinating, eh?

Especially given that writing may have been
invented in Iraq.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The population on Earth today is nearly four times the number in 1900

2006-03-05 Thread Rick Archer
Title: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The population on Earth today is nearly four times the number in 1900

on 3/5/06 6:08 AM, Jason Spock at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 There is Massive amount of Abortion of Female fetuses in China and India.

 This has caused an imbalance in the gender ratio in China and india. This is one of the reasons, experts state that Brothels will continue to flourish in big cities in China and india.

 By the way Sir Archer, I don't think I am getting all the posts. Is something wrong with Yahoo.??
Not that I know of. Is anyone else having this problem?

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Maharishi university of management
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread Sal Sunshine
Something like that.  Maybe someone will make a movie of all this insanity in a few years.


On Mar 5, 2006, at 9:48 AM, a_non_moose_ff wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 > That's it in a nutshell.  There was an agreement that a TM teacher was 
 > one for life and could teach TM, no conditions attached.  What people 
 > should really consider doing is *everyone* who can start teaching 
 > again, and letting the TMO know.  They can't go after everybody.
 > Sal

 Around the US and world we hear many distinct cries of: 
 I am Scozarri-Sparticus.  I am Scozarri-Sparticus.I am
 Scozarri-Sparticus.  I am Scozarri-Sparticus.
 I am Scozarri-Sparticus.  I am Scozarri-Sparticus. I am
 Scozarri-Sparticus.  I am Scozarri-Sparticus.I am
 Scozarri-Sparticus.  I am Scozarri-Sparticus.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread Sal Sunshine
What assertion is that?  I just brought it up as an interesting little fact, nothing more.


On Mar 5, 2006, at 9:56 AM, a_non_moose_ff wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 > See A Civil Action last night? (Great movie) Supposedly less than 2 
 > percent of lawsuits actually end up going to trial.
 > Sal

 Just curious. Are you bringing that up because you think that supports
 Turq's assertion? 
 > On Mar 5, 2006, at 8:43 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
 > >  > Has mike waived his right to a jury trial?
 > >
 > >  It may not be up to him. States sometimes have the
 > >  right to have certain cases handled by a judge or
 > >  panel of judges.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sanskrit

2006-03-05 Thread a_non_moose_ff
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  I'm not terribly interested in Jason's latest India-
  bash, but since he's brought up the category of 
  Strange and interesting facts about literacy, what 
  country on the planet, in 1990, had the *highest* 
  percentage of literacy among its population on the 
  planet? Hint: the same country, today, has one of 
  the lowest percentages of literacy.
  You guessed it...Iraq. From the most literate nation
  on the planet under Saddam Hussein pre-GWI

Just curious. So the literacy rate went from the high 90s to maybe low
40's or 50's in 15 or so years? Normal death rates  are less than 1% a
year in literate countries -- so if ALL formal and informal
education stopped immediately (a hard assertion to swallow), one might
reasonably estimate the literacy rate fell to low 80's. 

So, what happened to all those other 30-40% reading and writin'
Iraquis? Did the US invaders shoot them all? Or did they hook the
readers up to a giant brain vacuum and suck the literacy skills right
out of them? Has Art Bell or the National Inquirer got their hands on
this scoop yet?


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why does T/M cost so much to join? A little help?

2006-03-05 Thread Sal Sunshine
Yeah, but it's so much more fun to create Rajas.  I mean, don't you have fantasies of dressing up in a robe and crown and going out in public? :)


On Mar 5, 2006, at 7:37 AM, wayback71 wrote:

 suspect he is making enough from selling real estate and from the donations that people 
 make to become raja's - costs a fortune (a million dollars per person) and is simple and
 not time consuming to have a raja course.  I know that MMY has been told by many 
 teachers and higher ups in the TMO, over the last few years, that more people would learn 
 TM if the price were reduced, and that the TMO would make more money if the price were 

Re: [FairfieldLife] FFL only in the US

2006-03-05 Thread Rick Archer
on 3/5/06 9:51 AM, anonyff at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey Rick,
 Did you know FFL is only visible from the US yahoo site?  Anyone
 searching yahoo groups in Britain, Australia, France etc for
 Fairfield Life or Transcendental Meditation won't find this
 group. I don't know if you can change this, or if you want to...

Is this a recent development? If not, how did all you out-of-US folks find
us? We have people signing up from India and places like that all the time.
Or at least we did. I would like to fix this if we can.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL only in the US

2006-03-05 Thread anonyff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 on 3/5/06 9:51 AM, anonyff at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hey Rick,
  Did you know FFL is only visible from the US yahoo site?  Anyone
  searching yahoo groups in Britain, Australia, France etc for
  Fairfield Life or Transcendental Meditation won't find this
  group. I don't know if you can change this, or if you want to...
 Is this a recent development? If not, how did all you out-of-US
folks find
 us? We have people signing up from India and places like that all
the time.
 Or at least we did. I would like to fix this if we can.

I don't know if it's always been like that, but I found FFL in 2002
via yahoo.com, but couldn't find it via yahoo.co.uk.  After I signed
up I forgot about it, until now.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL only in the US

2006-03-05 Thread Premanand Paul Mason
In the UK, if one searches groups at yahoo.co.uk, only 4 groups are 
displayed when searching 'Transcendental Meditation':-
Transcendental-Meditation-Siddhas - 21 members
Independent-Transcendental-Meditation - 13 members
i_TM - 5 members
Anutadaka - 5 members
Typing 'Fairfield Life' gives the following response:
Sorry, no matches were found for 'fairfield life'.

Whereas, if instead one searches from here using yahoo.com, 30 groups 
are listed including FFL.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 on 3/5/06 9:51 AM, anonyff at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hey Rick,
  Did you know FFL is only visible from the US yahoo site?  Anyone
  searching yahoo groups in Britain, Australia, France etc for
  Fairfield Life or Transcendental Meditation won't find this
  group. I don't know if you can change this, or if you want to...
 Is this a recent development? If not, how did all you out-of-US 
folks find
 us? We have people signing up from India and places like that all 
the time.
 Or at least we did. I would like to fix this if we can.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Sanskrit

2006-03-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, a_non_moose_ff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
   I'm not terribly interested in Jason's latest India-
   bash, but since he's brought up the category of 
   Strange and interesting facts about literacy, what 
   country on the planet, in 1990, had the *highest* 
   percentage of literacy among its population on the 
   planet? Hint: the same country, today, has one of 
   the lowest percentages of literacy.
   You guessed it...Iraq. From the most literate nation
   on the planet under Saddam Hussein pre-GWI
 Just curious. So the literacy rate went from the high 90s to maybe
 low 40's or 50's in 15 or so years? Normal death rates  are less 
 than 1% a year in literate countries -- so if ALL formal and 
 informal education stopped immediately (a hard assertion to 
 swallow), one might reasonably estimate the literacy rate fell to 
 low 80's. 
 So, what happened to all those other 30-40% reading and writin'
 Iraquis? Did the US invaders shoot them all? Or did they hook the
 readers up to a giant brain vacuum and suck the literacy skills 
 right out of them? Has Art Bell or the National Inquirer got their 
 hands on this scoop yet?

I'm not sure exactly how a literacy rate is arrived at
on a practical basis, especially in a country as
unsettled as Iraq is now, but UNESCO and other official
figures do show a significant drop.

If the high figures came from Saddam's government, it's
possible they were exaggerated.

However, almost 50 percent of Iraq's population is under
15 years old.  That means half its people were educated
under the sanctions regime, which really did cripple its
educational system (among others).  Plus which, there
has been a huge exodus from Iraq of educated families
in recent years.

Barry likes to, er, simplify things to make his 
putdowns, and he's never been too careful about his
facts, but the basic point, that Iraq has lost ground
with regard to literacy after having made considerable
progress under Saddam, is valid.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL only in the US

2006-03-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Premanand Paul Mason 

 In the UK, if one searches groups at yahoo.co.uk, only 4 groups are 
 displayed when searching 'Transcendental Meditation':-
 Transcendental-Meditation-Siddhas - 21 members
 Independent-Transcendental-Meditation - 13 members
 i_TM - 5 members
 Anutadaka - 5 members
 Typing 'Fairfield Life' gives the following response:
 Sorry, no matches were found for 'fairfield life'.

Did you try FairfieldLife (no space)?

 Whereas, if instead one searches from here using yahoo.com, 30
 groups are listed including FFL.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer fairfieldlife@ 
  on 3/5/06 9:51 AM, anonyff at anonyff@ wrote:
   Hey Rick,
   Did you know FFL is only visible from the US yahoo site?  Anyone
   searching yahoo groups in Britain, Australia, France etc for
   Fairfield Life or Transcendental Meditation won't find this
   group. I don't know if you can change this, or if you want to...
  Is this a recent development? If not, how did all you out-of-US 
 folks find
  us? We have people signing up from India and places like that all 
 the time.
  Or at least we did. I would like to fix this if we can.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL only in the US

2006-03-05 Thread Rick Archer
on 3/5/06 11:01 AM, Premanand Paul Mason at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In the UK, if one searches groups at yahoo.co.uk, only 4 groups are
 displayed when searching 'Transcendental Meditation':-
 Transcendental-Meditation-Siddhas - 21 members
 Independent-Transcendental-Meditation - 13 members
 i_TM - 5 members
 Anutadaka - 5 members
 Typing 'Fairfield Life' gives the following response:
 Sorry, no matches were found for 'fairfield life'.
 Whereas, if instead one searches from here using yahoo.com, 30 groups
 are listed including FFL.

So maybe that's how so many non-US people find us. They know they'll get a
limited selection unless they use groups.yahoo.com

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Why does T/M cost so much to join? A little help?

2006-03-05 Thread wayback71
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yeah, but it's so much more fun to create Rajas.  I mean, don't you 
 have fantasies of dressing up in a robe and crown and going out in 
 public? :)

Actually,I did have those fantasies..when I was about 4 years old. 
 On Mar 5, 2006, at 7:37 AM, wayback71 wrote:
   suspect he is making enough from selling real estate and from the 
  donations that people
   make to become raja's - costs a fortune (a million dollars per 
  person) and is simple and
   not time consuming to have a raja course.  I know that MMY has been 
  told by many
   teachers and higher ups in the TMO, over the last few years, that 
  more people would learn
   TM if the price were reduced, and that the TMO would make more money 
  if the price were

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Sanskrit

2006-03-05 Thread a_non_moose_ff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, a_non_moose_ff no_reply@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 

I'm not terribly interested in Jason's latest India-
bash, but since he's brought up the category of 
Strange and interesting facts about literacy, what 
country on the planet, in 1990, had the *highest* 
percentage of literacy among its population on the 
planet? Hint: the same country, today, has one of 
the lowest percentages of literacy.

You guessed it...Iraq. From the most literate nation
on the planet under Saddam Hussein pre-GWI
  Just curious. So the literacy rate went from the high 90s to maybe
  low 40's or 50's in 15 or so years? Normal death rates  are less 
  than 1% a year in literate countries -- so if ALL formal and 
  informal education stopped immediately (a hard assertion to 
  swallow), one might reasonably estimate the literacy rate fell to 
  low 80's. 
  So, what happened to all those other 30-40% reading and writin'
  Iraquis? Did the US invaders shoot them all? Or did they hook the
  readers up to a giant brain vacuum and suck the literacy skills 
  right out of them? Has Art Bell or the National Inquirer got their 
  hands on this scoop yet?
 I'm not sure exactly how a literacy rate is arrived at
 on a practical basis, especially in a country as
 unsettled as Iraq is now, but UNESCO and other official
 figures do show a significant drop.
 If the high figures came from Saddam's government, it's
 possible they were exaggerated.
 However, almost 50 percent of Iraq's population is under
 15 years old.  That means half its people were educated
 under the sanctions regime, which really did cripple its
 educational system (among others).  Plus which, there
 has been a huge exodus from Iraq of educated families
 in recent years.

Good points. I was assuming post high school literacy rates -- which
is how Ihave seen them reported before, and a fairly stable population. 

Literacy rates, aged 15-24, both sexes, per cent (UNESCO) 

IraqLiteracy rates, aged 15-24, women,
per cent (UNESCO)   24.9

IraqLiteracy rates, aged 15-24, men, per cent (UNESCO)  56.4

But in 1990, for 15-24 year olds, the literacy rate was quite low.
Hardly the highest in the world.


15 years and above
1990 1998%ch
Total   62.975.512.6

Actually the literacy rate was pretty low in 1990 for 15 yr olds and
above, but did increase 12% after the first gulf war,and sanctons,
through 1998. Still, 75% is modest compared to Europe, Americas etc.
So where Barry got that Iraq was #1 in 1990 is um baffling. And
assuming the rate through to the second gulf war was equal or greater
than the 1998 level, its hard to believe it fell 30-40% in 2-3 years
-- even given the factors you cite.

It appears Barry is, as often is the case, full of merde.

 Barry likes to, er, simplify things to make his 
 putdowns, and he's never been too careful about his

Yes, why stick with pesky facts and logic when you can make fantastic,
fabulous and clever sounding witicisms!

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread Nelson
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, a_non_moose_ff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, a_non_moose_ff no_reply@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
Basically, I still have enough residual trust in the
courts of America to hope that the TMO will *lose*
this case, and big-time. (*Especially* if Jim's lawyers
are smart enough to show the judges photos of the Rajas
in their robes and crowns.) 
   Has mike waived his right to a jury trial? 
  It may not be up to him. Many states reserve the
  right to try non-criminal civil cases before a
  single judge or a panel of judges.
 Just curious. What states are those? Is Florida?among them. If so does
 the exclusion of civil case jury trials apply to trademark cases? 
 In civil cases in state court, the right to a jury trial is governed
 by the state's constitution and statutes. The Supreme Court has
 repeatedly held that the Seventh Amendment right to a jury trial
 applies only to federal courts, not to state courts. As a practical
 matter, though, most states make jury trials widely available for many
 kinds of civil cases above the level of small claims court.
+++ If the case is in a Florida court, the outcome would likely be
unpredictable due to the many possible influences there.
Recall the vote counting situation some years back when the
president was appointed.
Last year, a court there handed down a decision that sentenced a
person to death by starvation and dehydration.
And, if the LR Hubbard people get involved, it will go their way
as they run part of Florida.
With all the various agendas there, it should be interesting. N.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why does T/M cost so much to join? A little help?

2006-03-05 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 3/5/06 11:08:32 A.M. Central Standard Time, 
--- In 
  FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  wrote: Yeah, but it's so much more fun to create Rajas. 
  I mean, don't you  have fantasies of dressing up in a robe and crown 
  and going out in  public? :)  
  SalActually,I did have those fantasies..when I was about 4 years 

Hehehehe, Is it true that recerts have to bow before the 
Rajas? What if you refused to bow before them? I think I might be more 
inclined to bend over and moon them myself.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread a_non_moose_ff
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, a_non_moose_ff no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, a_non_moose_ff no_reply@ 

Has mike waived his right to a jury trial? 
   It may not be up to him. Many states reserve the
   right to try non-criminal civil cases before a
   single judge or a panel of judges.
  Just curious. What states are those? Is Florida?among them. If so
does the exclusion of civil case jury trials apply to trademark cases? 
  In civil cases in state court, the right to a jury trial is
governed  by the state's constitution and statutes. The Supreme Court
has  repeatedly held that the Seventh Amendment right to a jury trial
applies only to federal courts, not to state courts. As a practical
 matter, though, most states make jury trials widely available for
many  kinds of civil cases above the level of small claims court.

Do we even know if the case is being pursued under federal or state
trademark law? I would assume the TMO is using the federal law so i)
they can argue essentially the same case in any state, and ii) if 
appealled they might gain some useful precidents that can be used
across the nation.

If the case is is federal courts, then the Seventh Amendment right to
a jury trial applies without question. In contrast to a Florida court,
where  the right to a jury trial probably applies -- though, most
states make jury trials widely available for many  kinds of civil cases

Under the Lanham Act, a seller applies to register a trademark with
the Patent and Trademark Office (http://www.uspto.gov/). The mark can
already be in use or be one that will be used in the future. See §
1051 (http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/15/1115.html) of the Act. The
Office's regulations pertaining to trademarks are found in Parts 1 - 7
of Title 37 of the Code of Federal Regulations. If the trademark is
initially,  approved by an examiner, it is published in the Official
Gazette of the Trademark Office to notify other parties of the pending
approval so that it may be opposed. See §§ 1062 - 1063 of the Act.
(http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/15/1062.html) An appeals process is
available for rejected applications. See §§ 1070 - 1071 of the Act.

Under state common law, trademarks are protected as part of the law of
unfair competition. Registration is not required. See Unfair
Competition. States' statutory provisions on trademarks differ but
most have adopted a version of the Model Trademark Bill (MTB)
(http://www.inta.org/policy/mstb.html) or the Uniform Deceptive Trade
Practices Act (UDTPA)
(http://www.law.cornell.edu/uniform/vol7.html#dectr). The MTB provides
for registration of trademarks while the UDTPA does not. 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why does T/M cost so much to join? A little help?

2006-03-05 Thread Rick Archer
Title: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why does T/M cost so much to join? A little help?

on 3/5/06 11:55 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hehehehe, Is it true that recerts have to bow before the Rajas? What if you refused to bow before them? I think I might be more inclined to bend over and moon them myself.

Wouldnt be surprised. Ive seen photos of people Namaste-ing Tony Nader, and there was a slight bow in their stance.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Why does T/M cost so much to join? A little help?

2006-03-05 Thread a_non_moose_ff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In a message dated 3/5/06 11:08:32 A.M. Central Standard Time,  
 --- In  FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@ 
  Yeah, but it's so much more fun to create Rajas.   I mean, don't you 
  have fantasies of dressing up in a robe and crown  and going out in 
  public? :)
 Actually,I did have those fantasies..when I was about 4 years  old. 
 Hehehehe, Is it true that recerts have to bow before the  Rajas?
What if you 
 refused to bow before them? I think  I might be more  inclined to
bend over 
 and moon them myself.

Best not to do so in front of the Brokeback Rajas. (At least have a
good basti before hand)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL only in the US

2006-03-05 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 on 3/5/06 11:01 AM, Premanand Paul Mason at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  In the UK, if one searches groups at yahoo.co.uk, only 4 groups 
  displayed when searching 'Transcendental Meditation':-
  Transcendental-Meditation-Siddhas - 21 members
  Independent-Transcendental-Meditation - 13 members
  i_TM - 5 members
  Anutadaka - 5 members
  Typing 'Fairfield Life' gives the following response:
  Sorry, no matches were found for 'fairfield life'.
  Whereas, if instead one searches from here using yahoo.com, 30 
  are listed including FFL.
 So maybe that's how so many non-US people find us. They know 
they'll get a
 limited selection unless they use groups.yahoo.com

Hmm... strange, because:


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL only in the US

2006-03-05 Thread Rick Archer
on 3/5/06 12:03 PM, cardemaister at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So maybe that's how so many non-US people find us. They know
 they'll get a
 limited selection unless they use groups.yahoo.com
 Hmm... strange, because:

But that's a search in Yahoo itself, not the Russian equivalent of
groups.yahoo.com. Or does each country which has a customized Yahoo have a
customized Yahoo Groups home page?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL only in the US

2006-03-05 Thread Premanand Paul Mason
The Russian page is very useful, however try the following link and 
see if you can find an active group related the topic:-

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 on 3/5/06 12:03 PM, cardemaister at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  So maybe that's how so many non-US people find us. They know
  they'll get a
  limited selection unless they use groups.yahoo.com
  Hmm... strange, because:
 But that's a search in Yahoo itself, not the Russian equivalent of
 groups.yahoo.com. Or does each country which has a customized Yahoo 
have a
 customized Yahoo Groups home page?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Why does T/M cost so much to join? A little help?

2006-03-05 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Yeah, but it's so much more fun to create Rajas.  I mean, don't 
 have fantasies of dressing up in a robe and crown and going out in 
 public? :)


 On Mar 5, 2006, at 7:37 AM, wayback71 wrote:
   suspect he is making enough from selling real estate and from 
  donations that people
   make to become raja's - costs a fortune (a million dollars per 
  person) and is simple and
   not time consuming to have a raja course.  I know that MMY has 
  told by many
   teachers and higher ups in the TMO, over the last few years, 
  more people would learn
   TM if the price were reduced, and that the TMO would make more 
  if the price were

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[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL only in the US

2006-03-05 Thread a_non_moose_ff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 on 3/5/06 12:03 PM, cardemaister at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  So maybe that's how so many non-US people find us. They know
  they'll get a
  limited selection unless they use groups.yahoo.com
  Hmm... strange, because:
 But that's a search in Yahoo itself, not the Russian equivalent of
 groups.yahoo.com. Or does each country which has a customized Yahoo
have a
 customized Yahoo Groups home page?

You may want to look for yourself.


And fairfieldlife nor fairfield life brings no results when
searching under UK groups.

Yahoo! Groups UK
Search Results
Sorry, no matches were found for 'fairfieldlife'.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Why does T/M cost so much to join? A little help?

2006-03-05 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig sparaig@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, hgiammarco HEYPHILA@ 
   Why does T/M cost so much to join? A little help?
  MMY decided to target the elite since they are the most 
  influential members of society and most likely to be able 
  to donate large sums of money if they are so inclined.
 And as a result of this focus, the number of people
 learning TM has plunged to near-zero worldwide, 
 indicating that what Maharishi seems to be most
 interested in is money, and *not* in helping people 
 by teaching them a valuable technique of meditation.
 An interesting test case seems to be about to take
 place in the Florida courts, in which the organization
 that claims it wants to spread TM to as many people as
 possible is suing a TM teacher who is teaching TM for 
 the price he's always taught it.
 He has not only refused to raise his prices because the 
 TM organization demands that he do so, he has refused
 to pay that organization several thousand dollars to
 be recertified at teaching something he was fully
 certified to teach years ago. It should be interesting 
 to see how the TM organization defends its position in 
 The fascinating exchange in that case, in my opinion, is 
 going to be when the fellow's lawyer asks the official, 
 recertified teachers, under oath, how many people have 
 been instructed in TM *in the entire world* in the last 
 year at the official price, and that number turns out 
 to be less than the number of people that the teacher 
 they are suing has taught in one small town in Florida 
 during the same period. 
 The bottom line is that TM is just a brand name for a
 made-up technique of meditation that is (in my opinion
 as a former TM teacher) no better than any other tech-
 nique of meditation, less effective than many, and more
 likely to produce negative side effects than most. Shop
 around...you'll find that there are people out there who
 still care more about helping people by teaching them a
 useful technique of meditation for free or at a reason-
 able price than they care about making money. But you 
 won't find them in the TM movement.

Although I disagree with you on virtually everything you say in the 
last paragraph, I do agree with you that the bottom line as far as 
the court case goes is the issue of brand name.

An organisation -- for-profit or not for-profit -- must be secure in 
knowing that their product or service -- no matter how bad that 
product or service is or has become or how cheap or expensive it is 
or has become -- can be distinguished by consumers in the 
marketplace from other products or service offered.  That's what the 
case is all about; nothing more, nothing less.

What I will find of interest in the case is to what DEGREE the 
defendent will be allowed to use TM, Transcendental 
Meditation, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, as taught by Maharishi Mahesh 
Yogi in his advertising and literature.

If I were one of those independent teachers, I would formulate my 
advertising as follows:


TM: $2,500


...and then, at the bottom of the ad, put in MMY's own words:

Maharishi: What I have taught, because it has
it's eternal authenticity in
the vedic literature and you should know that,
how many? 30 - 40 thousand
teachers of TM I have trained and many of them
have gone on their own and
they may not call it Maharishi's TM but they are
teaching it in some
different name here and there. So there's a lot
of these, artificial things
are going on, doesn't matter, as long as the man
is getting something useful
to make his life better, we are satisfied.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tmforlife108 

 Regarding the dirt that one supporter of Mike Scozzari requested, 
I know  that item is not 
 central to Mike's defense. Mike told me he just wants everybody to 
be able to teach TM 
 openly without fear and threats from the so called trademark 
holder.  If someone gets a 
 masters in education, pays for their education themselves, the 
university has no right to 
 try and take the degree back 30 years later!

...but the trademark holder has the right to protect his trademark.

Consumers in the marketplace must be able to distinguish between 
products in the marketplace...even if the products offered by 
different sellers are virtually identical.

Sugar sold by Domino Sugar is 100% the same as sugar sold by ABC 
Sugar...but ABC sugar isn't allowed to label their boxes Domino 

If that's all that this case is about, then Scozarri has lost before 
it starts.

But I don't think that's all there is to it because I don't think 
that Scozarri would have been stupid enough to have claimed to be 
representing the TMO and MMY and selling the TM technique as a TM 
teacher within the TMO (I can't say one way or the other with 
certainty because I don't know enough of the facts).  I would guess 
that the issue is or will be to what extent Scozarri will be able to 
invoke his credentials as a TM teacher as taught by MMY, to what 
extent he can claim his product is similar to TM and how much of the 
trademarks he can use/incorporate into his advertising and product 

 But to the post from someone (below) who wrote that there would 
not be precedent, I 
 think you are way off.
 Don't be naive - winning this will be winning it for everybody and 
we can end this for 
 I'm guessing this was written by  an attny,  possibly with the TMO 
as he must realize it will 
 set precedent.  He is just trying to sidestep that issue, which 
for supporters that are TM 
 teachers would be the most important issue.  If they win, the TMO 
could serve the papers 
 on other independent teachers using the TM trademark - and THEY 
WILL- precedent has 
 power!   What independent teacher would risk it if the TMO wins 
the case in Florida?
 The trademark holder in this case has a long history of misusing 
that trademark.  Do we 
 need to go over this again?  A judge knows that threats against 
the trademark not acted 
 on by the TMO do not amount to defending the trademark.  If you 
know someone is 
 misusing the trademark and has done so for years, threatening them 
with phone calls is 
 not defending the trademark, it's harassment.  The courts will 
have this information as it 
 unravels.  If TM is going to continue to be available I agree - it 
will be thanks to the 
 independents. They just need to see the importance of this case in 
Florida and help with 
 the defense. 
 Who can honestly say that the TMO is headed in the right 
 Daniel Jeffers
 One friend who has a spiritual take wrote this
 The Bastards are abusing us, the legitimate teachers of M's 
knowledge, As they have for 
 the Past 25 Years.  This is nothing new.  Their deliberate 
intention is to crush us and take 
 away our livelihood  our sacred mission to help people in need.  
They use intimidation, 
 they use divide  conquer.  They brainwash our friends  turn them 
against us.  They 
 attempt to isolate us from our friends.  They are demons playing 
the destructive role that 
 demons always play.  Everyone on the planet has to battle against 
demons of various 
 kinds, whether in the form of family members or bosses or 
government authorities, 
 criminals, terrorists, etc. etc.  Can you imagine the karma 
associated with actively 
 attempting to stop people from becoming enlightened, and to stop 
people from having 
 their suffering alleviated?
 From: a_non_moose_ff
 Subject: Re: Mike Scozarri being sued
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer fairfieldlife@
  Someone sent me the following:

  This is serious.

  He needs a legal defense fund.  
 Does he have a case to argue? He is using a trademarked name 
 the wishes of the trademark holder. And depending what agreements 
 signed at his TTC or beyond, he may be violating a contract.
  And he needs all the 'dirt' on the movement
  that we can discover.  And people willing to be witnesses, etc.
 Why would dirt on the TMO be relevant in trial to determine if 
 is breaking trademark law? If the TMO broke other laws, they would
 need to be tried for that. Is the poster suggesting sexie-sadie
 files or ru dissatisfaction with fund raising will make a jury 
go oh
 dear, then their trademark is no good.?
  If he loses this, then there will be legal precedent 
 Where is there precedent? Is an appeals court hearing the case 
 -- interpreting new unsettled issues in trademerk and contract law?
  and they will go after

[FairfieldLife] Re: Doin' the Advaita Shuffle

2006-03-05 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 You conceptually owe me twenty bucks. I'm
Hey, no fair, I *definitely* conceptually paid
that twenty, with 
another conceptual ten in interest...
  well...delusionally, *you* owe *me* twenty
  bucks...no, make that 
  twenty thousand...francs...on Mars...c'mon, pay up!
 10,000,000 Swiss Francs transferred to your account as
 we speak!

Awesome! I'm imagining feeling richer already!

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

If the Florida courts decide as most courts in
 the US these days do -- in favor of the corporation 
 instead of the buying public -- that will mean that the 
 use of the trademark will be upheld. 


How curious for you to say that, Barry.  I would think that the 
buying public is more protected by the upholding of trademark law.

When you go into the marketplace and buy your favourite product or 
service, are you not secure in the knowledge that the price and 
quality of the product or service is maintained because you are 
buying what you assume to be the same product or service as you have 
in the past?  If everyone can label the softdrink that they 
sell Coke then how do you get the Real Thing?

If I can get into YOUR field of endeavor (consulting, I think it 
is?) and am free to advertise my wares as Consulting by Barry 
Wright, can I not unfairly cash in on the goodwill that you, Barry 
Wright, have built up over the years through your own hard work?  
Shouldn't YOUR satisfied customers have the right to continue to 
receive true Barry-Wright-created product instead of inferior 
product from someone else using the Barry Wright moniker?

Trademarks protect both buyer and seller.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Repost: raaja-yoga?

2006-03-05 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, a_non_moose_ff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig sparaig@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, t3rinity no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_reply@ 

I think raaja-yoga might (also?) mean that it's
meant primarily for /raaja-s/!
   Is there also a rani-yoga?
  An also-rani-yoga for second-rate yoginnis? 
 Then there is rant-yoga. Several high adepts are in this group.

Especially You!

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 That's it in a nutshell.  There was an agreement that a TM teacher 
 one for life and could teach TM, no conditions attached.

With the exception of maybe the first 40 or 50 TM teachers taught in 
the early '60s, I've never, EVER heard of a TM teacher that was told 
when MMY made him a teacher that he could teach TM no conditions 

When exactly did this happen?

  What people 
 should really consider doing is *everyone* who can start teaching 
 again, and letting the TMO know.  They can't go after everybody.
 On Mar 5, 2006, at 7:22 AM, tmforlife108 wrote:
   If someone gets a
   masters in education, pays for their education themselves, the 
  university has no right to
   try and take the degree back 30 years later!

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ingegerd 

 Hey Turquioise - what a great idea!
 I do it in another way. Saying in my Advertisements that I teach 
 techniques in Stress Release and that I have been a Teacher in 
 Transcendental Meditation since 1975. No one can stop me from 
 telling a big part of my life. But in Norway it is easier, because 
 The TMO has been denied to trademark Transcendental Meditation and 
 have bought a domene with transcendentalmeditation. But if Mike 
 lose, it is a lot of ways to tell people what you are teaching. 
 gave me some creative ideas here.

Was that a typo Indegerd?

What is domene with transcendentalmeditation?

What is domene?

   Free introductory lecture on BubbaMed,
   the $100 meditation technique that was 
   recently sued by the Transcendental 
   Meditation organization because they
   felt it was was competing with the
   $2500 meditation technique they sell.
   Come and listen for yourself, and make
   an informed decision.
  :-)  :-)  :-)
  Basically, I still have enough residual trust in the
  courts of America to hope that the TMO will *lose*
  this case, and big-time. (*Especially* if Jim's lawyers
  are smart enough to show the judges photos of the Rajas
  in their robes and crowns.) But if they don't, the 
  decision will reflect badly on the TMO, not on the
  teachers who continue to teach BubbaMed or whatever
  they choose to call what they teach. 
  The public is not stupid -- when presented with an
  organization that sues its own for no other reason than 
  TO MAKE MORE MONEY, they'll know where to go if they 
  want to learn a technique of meditation that is still 
  priced to appeal to someone who isn't rich.
  Let the elitists appeal to the elitists they want to
  recruit into their cult. If you feel the call to teach,
  you can find a way to do so.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tmforlife108 
  tmforlife108@ wrote:
   Regarding the dirt that one supporter of Mike Scozzari 
  I know  that item is not 
   central to Mike's defense. Mike told me he just wants 
  be able to teach TM 
   openly without fear and threats from the so called trademark 
  holder.  If someone gets a 
   masters in education, pays for their education themselves, the 
  university has no right to 
   try and take the degree back 30 years later!
   But to the post from someone (below) who wrote that there 
  not be precedent, I 
   think you are way off.
   Don't be naive - winning this will be winning it for everybody 
  we can end this for 
   I'm guessing this was written by  an attny,  possibly with the 
  as he must realize it will 
   set precedent.  He is just trying to sidestep that issue, 
  for supporters that are TM 
   teachers would be the most important issue.  If they win, the 
  could serve the papers 
   on other independent teachers using the TM trademark - and 
  WILL- precedent has 
   power!   What independent teacher would risk it if the TMO 
  the case in Florida?
   The trademark holder in this case has a long history of 
  that trademark.  Do we 
   need to go over this again?  A judge knows that threats 
  the trademark not acted 
   on by the TMO do not amount to defending the trademark.  If 
  know someone is 
   misusing the trademark and has done so for years, threatening 
  with phone calls is 
   not defending the trademark, it's harassment.  The courts will 
  have this information as it 
   unravels.  If TM is going to continue to be available I agree -
  will be thanks to the 
   independents. They just need to see the importance of this 
  Florida and help with 
   the defense. 
   Who can honestly say that the TMO is headed in the right 
   Daniel Jeffers
   One friend who has a spiritual take wrote this
   The Bastards are abusing us, the legitimate teachers of M's 
  knowledge, As they have for 
   the Past 25 Years.  This is nothing new.  Their deliberate 
  intention is to crush us and take 
   away our livelihood  our sacred mission to help people in 
  They use intimidation, 
   they use divide  conquer.  They brainwash our friends  turn 
  against us.  They 
   attempt to isolate us from our friends.  They are demons 
  the destructive role that 
   demons always play.  Everyone on the planet has to battle 
  demons of various 
   kinds, whether in the form of family members or bosses or 
  government authorities, 
   criminals, terrorists, etc. etc.  Can you imagine the karma 
  associated with actively 
   attempting to stop people from becoming enlightened, and to 
  people from having 
   their suffering alleviated?
   From: a_non_moose_ff
   Subject: Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why does T/M cost so much to join? A little help?

2006-03-05 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

snip The bottom line is that TM is just a brand name for a
 made-up technique of meditation that is (in my opinion
 as a former TM teacher) no better than any other tech-
 nique of meditation, less effective than many, and more
 likely to produce negative side effects than most. 

I must respectfully disagree with you there. I personally tried a 
few different technicques before learning TM, which is the only one 
which enabled me to unequivocally transcend, easily and on a regular 

As to the side effects, I think you'd find that for any technique 
where transcendence is as regular as with TM. The theory espoused 
about the practice, that it unwinds stresses in the body, rings true 
for me during the time I've done the technique. 

For some I would guess, those stresses are deep enough that they 
don't release very easily. Probably a pretty common event for anyone 
doing spiritual practice for enough years.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Nelson 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, a_non_moose_ff no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, a_non_moose_ff 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 

 Basically, I still have enough residual trust in the
 courts of America to hope that the TMO will *lose*
 this case, and big-time. (*Especially* if Jim's lawyers
 are smart enough to show the judges photos of the Rajas
 in their robes and crowns.) 

Has mike waived his right to a jury trial? 
   It may not be up to him. Many states reserve the
   right to try non-criminal civil cases before a
   single judge or a panel of judges.
  Just curious. What states are those? Is Florida?among them. If 
so does
  the exclusion of civil case jury trials apply to trademark 
  In civil cases in state court, the right to a jury trial is 
  by the state's constitution and statutes. The Supreme Court has
  repeatedly held that the Seventh Amendment right to a jury trial
  applies only to federal courts, not to state courts. As a 
  matter, though, most states make jury trials widely available 
for many
  kinds of civil cases above the level of small claims court.
 +++ If the case is in a Florida court, the outcome would likely be
 unpredictable due to the many possible influences there.
 Recall the vote counting situation some years back when the
 president was appointed.
 Last year, a court there handed down a decision that sentenced 
 person to death by starvation and dehydration.
 And, if the LR Hubbard people get involved, it will go their 
 as they run part of Florida.

Now, this last comment really sparked my interest.

Pray tell, what's that all about?

 With all the various agendas there, it should be interesting. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, a_non_moose_ff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, a_non_moose_ff no_reply@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, a_non_moose_ff 
 Has mike waived his right to a jury trial? 

It may not be up to him. Many states reserve the
right to try non-criminal civil cases before a
single judge or a panel of judges.
   Just curious. What states are those? Is Florida?among them. If 
 does the exclusion of civil case jury trials apply to trademark 
   In civil cases in state court, the right to a jury trial is
 governed  by the state's constitution and statutes. The Supreme 
 has  repeatedly held that the Seventh Amendment right to a jury 
 applies only to federal courts, not to state courts. As a practical
  matter, though, most states make jury trials widely available for
 many  kinds of civil cases above the level of small claims court.
 Do we even know if the case is being pursued under federal or state
 trademark law?

Trademarks are under federal jurisdiction.

 I would assume the TMO is using the federal law so i)
 they can argue essentially the same case in any state, and ii) if 
 appealled they might gain some useful precidents that can be used
 across the nation.
 If the case is is federal courts, then the Seventh Amendment right 
 a jury trial applies without question. In contrast to a Florida 
 where  the right to a jury trial probably applies -- though, most
 states make jury trials widely available for many  kinds of civil 
 Under the Lanham Act, a seller applies to register a trademark with
 the Patent and Trademark Office (http://www.uspto.gov/). The mark 
 already be in use or be one that will be used in the future. See §
 1051 (http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/15/1115.html) of the Act. 
 Office's regulations pertaining to trademarks are found in Parts 
1 - 7
 of Title 37 of the Code of Federal Regulations. If the trademark is
 initially,  approved by an examiner, it is published in the 
 Gazette of the Trademark Office to notify other parties of the 
 approval so that it may be opposed. See §§ 1062 - 1063 of the Act.
 (http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/15/1062.html) An appeals 
process is
 available for rejected applications. See §§ 1070 - 1071 of the Act.
 Under state common law, trademarks are protected as part of the 
law of
 unfair competition. Registration is not required. See Unfair
 Competition. States' statutory provisions on trademarks differ but
 most have adopted a version of the Model Trademark Bill (MTB)
 (http://www.inta.org/policy/mstb.html) or the Uniform Deceptive 
 Practices Act (UDTPA)
 (http://www.law.cornell.edu/uniform/vol7.html#dectr). The MTB 
 for registration of trademarks while the UDTPA does not.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread Sal Sunshine
What conditions were attached?


On Mar 5, 2006, at 12:49 PM, shempmcgurk wrote:

 With the exception of maybe the first 40 or 50 TM teachers taught in 
 the early '60s, I've never, EVER heard of a TM teacher that was told 
 when MMY made him a teacher that he could teach TM no conditions 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 What conditions were attached?

For one, teaching under the auspices of the particular TMO name that 
is cited in the written contract that most teachers that were ever 
made teachers by MMY signed, and to not deviate from those 

Are you a teacher of TM?  If so, when you were made a teacher, do 
you not remember signing a document?

I do...

 On Mar 5, 2006, at 12:49 PM, shempmcgurk wrote:
   With the exception of maybe the first 40 or 50 TM teachers 
taught in
   the early '60s, I've never, EVER heard of a TM teacher that was 
   when MMY made him a teacher that he could teach TM no 

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[FairfieldLife] Take a break from all the TM talk and let's ponder some really important news...

2006-03-05 Thread shempmcgurk
His brother admits Jacko's 'thing for young children' 

LOS ANGELES - Jermaine Jackson feared his kid brother Michael might 
be guilty of child molestation, but backed him at trial because he 
thought the pop star would commit suicide in prison, according to a 
bombshell book proposal obtained by the Daily News.
In a tell-all outline shopped to publishers just weeks after 
Michael's arrest in November 2003, Jermaine described the Pop King 
as a sometimes out-of-control drug and booze abuser with a 
calculating mean streak and a thing for young children.

The eight-page proposal for Legacy: Surviving the Best and the 
Worst, lists Michael Jackson's preferred substances as Vicodin, 
Demerol, codeine, Percocet, cocaine, Jack Daniels and wine.

Does he really know what he does with these kids? Jermaine 

I don't want to tell you my brother's innocent. I am not certain 
that he is, Jermaine said in the tome-teaser drafted by author 
Stacy Brown, who co-authored Michael Jackson: The Man Behind the 
Mask with the singer's former publicist, Bob Jones.

But Jermaine's still-unpublished tale is the ultimate insider look 
at the troubled star.

He admits that the family has protected Jacko's image and says that 
Jackson also cheats, lies and even changed the color of his skin.

Even the pop star's behavior with his own nephews has left his 
family shaken, according to Jermaine. He recounts the family 
coming together after the death of brother Tito's ex-wife in the mid 
1990s and finding Michael sitting on a bed with Tito's young sons 
and holding them in a disturbing manner.

Jermaine also dished about the singer's bizarre behavior shortly 
before he surrendered to authorities to face charges in November 

Holed up in a Las Vegas hotel room, Michael calmly watched 
a Pinocchio DVD with his three children in his lap, but he later 
flew into a rage, trashing the room and breaking every glass, lamp 
and dish in it.

The protective big brother vowed to help Michael beat the rap 
because Michael couldn't survive one day in prison ... He'd commit 

Other bombshell teasers in Jermaine's outline include:

That during the Jackson 5 days, Michael's brothers feared he was 
gay. The brothers met lots of women while touring and all eventually 
fell in love. But Michael, well, he wasn't interested. We used to 
quietly say that we couldn't have a gay brother.

Michael hates Jews because he thinks Hollywood moguls Steven 
Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg and David Geffen stole the idea for 
Dreamworks studio, including the boy-on-the moon logo, from him.
But the Jews are the powerful ones and they have done a lot to put 
my brother in his place ... just another n-.

That a devious and calculating Michael squashed his brothers' solo 
musical careers.
But the family stood behind Michael despite pain, doubts and 
misgivings, unwilling to give up on our little brother. 

Originally published on March 5, 2006 

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[FairfieldLife] Year of Good Darshan

2006-03-05 Thread Mike Hutchinson
I haven't posted for awhile... I saw Amma for the first time last 
Sept '05 in San Ramon, CA.   It was interesting.  Sitting in the hall 
where she held bhajans, satsang and hugs.  With closed eyes I felt 
waves of something  spiritual-energy, constantly emanating form her 
without break.  I got 2 hugs, the absolute seemed to be right there 
in meditations for a few days afterwards.  I only went for the one 
day, she comes back in June, I plan to attend all available days next 
time.  By the way,  Rick – is she coming to usa in Apr?


On Shiva Ratri night Feb 26 a few days ago I saw Swami Nithyananda in 
Arcadia (next to Los Angeles)  perform a puja for the occaision.  He 
explained that on Shiva Ratri night (of the new moon) that 
a clairivoyant (quaint choice of words) energy bathes the earth 
that whatever you experience at this time makes a deep impression on 
the psyche, hence it is profitable to be engaged in a spiritual 
program at this time.  His biography is interesting.  He grew up 
around Ramana Maharshi's Arunchala hill.  Here's a link:


I got on the reservation list for Mother Meera's USA tour for August, 
so I'll look forward to having her darshan.


And then Karunamayi is coming in April.  


So if all goes well I can have the darshan of 4 saints this year…

Holy company is compared to placing a smoldering log next to a 
fiercely burning log, the one ignites the other

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread Ingegerd
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ingegerd 
 marwincornyarmand@ wrote:
  Hey Turquioise - what a great idea!
  I do it in another way. Saying in my Advertisements that I teach 
  techniques in Stress Release and that I have been a Teacher in 
  Transcendental Meditation since 1975. No one can stop me from 
  telling a big part of my life. But in Norway it is easier, 
  The TMO has been denied to trademark Transcendental Meditation 
  have bought a domene with transcendentalmeditation. But if Mike 
  lose, it is a lot of ways to tell people what you are teaching. 
  gave me some creative ideas here.
 Was that a typo Indegerd?
 What is domene with transcendentalmeditation?
 What is domene?

I do not know in English  - domain maybe? It means that I bought a 
place in Internet: www.transcendentalmeditation.no. 
I also Trademark the former name of the TMO in Norway, MIKI Norge, 
when I started to be threaten by the TMO. All the books edited from 
the TMO, is referring to MIKI Norge.
Free introductory lecture on BubbaMed,
the $100 meditation technique that was 
recently sued by the Transcendental 
Meditation organization because they
felt it was was competing with the
$2500 meditation technique they sell.
Come and listen for yourself, and make
an informed decision.
   :-)  :-)  :-)
   Basically, I still have enough residual trust in the
   courts of America to hope that the TMO will *lose*
   this case, and big-time. (*Especially* if Jim's lawyers
   are smart enough to show the judges photos of the Rajas
   in their robes and crowns.) But if they don't, the 
   decision will reflect badly on the TMO, not on the
   teachers who continue to teach BubbaMed or whatever
   they choose to call what they teach. 
   The public is not stupid -- when presented with an
   organization that sues its own for no other reason than 
   TO MAKE MORE MONEY, they'll know where to go if they 
   want to learn a technique of meditation that is still 
   priced to appeal to someone who isn't rich.
   Let the elitists appeal to the elitists they want to
   recruit into their cult. If you feel the call to teach,
   you can find a way to do so.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tmforlife108 
   tmforlife108@ wrote:
Regarding the dirt that one supporter of Mike Scozzari 
   I know  that item is not 
central to Mike's defense. Mike told me he just wants 
   be able to teach TM 
openly without fear and threats from the so called trademark 
   holder.  If someone gets a 
masters in education, pays for their education themselves, 
   university has no right to 
try and take the degree back 30 years later!

But to the post from someone (below) who wrote that there 
   not be precedent, I 
think you are way off.

Don't be naive - winning this will be winning it for 
   we can end this for 

I'm guessing this was written by  an attny,  possibly with 
   as he must realize it will 
set precedent.  He is just trying to sidestep that issue, 
   for supporters that are TM 
teachers would be the most important issue.  If they win, 
   could serve the papers 
on other independent teachers using the TM trademark - and 
   WILL- precedent has 
power!   What independent teacher would risk it if the TMO 
   the case in Florida?

The trademark holder in this case has a long history of 
   that trademark.  Do we 
need to go over this again?  A judge knows that threats 
   the trademark not acted 
on by the TMO do not amount to defending the trademark.  If 
   know someone is 
misusing the trademark and has done so for years, 
   with phone calls is 
not defending the trademark, it's harassment.  The courts 
   have this information as it 
unravels.  If TM is going to continue to be available I 
agree -
   will be thanks to the 
independents. They just need to see the importance of this 
   Florida and help with 
the defense. 

Who can honestly say that the TMO is headed in the right 

Daniel Jeffers

One friend who has a spiritual take wrote this
The Bastards are abusing us, the legitimate teachers of M's 
   knowledge, As they have for 
the Past 25 Years.  This is nothing new.  Their deliberate 
   intention is to crush us and take 
away our livelihood  our sacred mission to help people in 
   They use intimidation, 
they use divide  conquer.  They brainwash our friends  
   against us.  They 
attempt to isolate us from our 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread Nelson
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Nelson 
 nelsonriddle2001@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, a_non_moose_ff no_reply@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, a_non_moose_ff 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
  Basically, I still have enough residual trust in the
  courts of America to hope that the TMO will *lose*
  this case, and big-time. (*Especially* if Jim's lawyers
  are smart enough to show the judges photos of the Rajas
  in their robes and crowns.) 
 Has mike waived his right to a jury trial? 

It may not be up to him. Many states reserve the
right to try non-criminal civil cases before a
single judge or a panel of judges.
   Just curious. What states are those? Is Florida?among them. If 
 so does
   the exclusion of civil case jury trials apply to trademark 
   In civil cases in state court, the right to a jury trial is 
   by the state's constitution and statutes. The Supreme Court has
   repeatedly held that the Seventh Amendment right to a jury trial
   applies only to federal courts, not to state courts. As a 
   matter, though, most states make jury trials widely available 
 for many
   kinds of civil cases above the level of small claims court.
  +++ If the case is in a Florida court, the outcome would likely be
  unpredictable due to the many possible influences there.
  Recall the vote counting situation some years back when the
  president was appointed.
  Last year, a court there handed down a decision that sentenced 
  person to death by starvation and dehydration.
  And, if the LR Hubbard people get involved, it will go their 
  as they run part of Florida.
 Now, this last comment really sparked my interest.
 Pray tell, what's that all about?
+++ Major scientology center there- responsible for a lot of bizarre
stuff.  N.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL only in the US

2006-03-05 Thread Rick Archer
on 3/5/06 12:14 PM, Premanand Paul Mason at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The Russian page is very useful, however try the following link and
 see if you can find an active group related the topic:-

Can't. I see no setting which would enable FFL to show up in
country-specific Yahoo groups. Alex or Gullible Fool to the rescue?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread Ingegerd
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 What conditions were attached?
 On Mar 5, 2006, at 12:49 PM, shempmcgurk wrote:
   With the exception of maybe the first 40 or 50 TM teachers 
taught in
   the early '60s, I've never, EVER heard of a TM teacher that was 
   when MMY made him a teacher that he could teach TM no 

I got some written rules in my hand when I became a TM-Teacher, how 
to behave and one of the rules where - that we should not turn 
people away if they did not have the money. We should teach 
everybody who wanted to learn TM even if they could not pay.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Take a break from all the TM talk and let's ponder some really important news...

2006-03-05 Thread Sal Sunshine
Gallo or Mogen David? Knowing that might explain everything...


On Mar 5, 2006, at 1:10 PM, shempmcgurk wrote:

 The eight-page proposal for Legacy: Surviving the Best and the 
 Worst, lists Michael Jackson's preferred substances as Vicodin, 
 Demerol, codeine, Percocet, cocaine, Jack Daniels and wine.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why does T/M cost so much to join? A little help?

2006-03-05 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wayback71 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@ 
  Yeah, but it's so much more fun to create Rajas.  I mean, 
  don't you have fantasies of dressing up in a robe and 
  crown and going out in public? :)
 Actually,I did have those fantasies..when I was about 4 
 years old. 

Cost less, at age four, didn't it. 

Inflation, and all that...  :-)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Sanskrit

2006-03-05 Thread TurquoiseB
 Actually the literacy rate was pretty low in 1990 for 15 yr 
 olds and above, but did increase 12% after the first gulf 
 war,and sanctons, through 1998. Still, 75% is modest 
 compared to Europe, Americas etc. So where Barry got that 
 Iraq was #1 in 1990 is um baffling. 

A lecturer from the U.N. offices in Paris. Although 
she could have been full of merde, for all I know. 
I met her in a bar, and because I was more interested
in measuring her personal statistics than in questioning 
her social statistics, I accepted her story at face value. 
It is repeated here with the same face. :-)

 It appears Barry is, as often is the case, full of merde.

Ah, yet another Castanedan 'agreement' from the universe
to the olde spiritual adage, The world is as you are.

:-)  :-)  :-)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Why does T/M cost so much to join? A little help?

2006-03-05 Thread TurquoiseB
  Hehehehe, Is it true that recerts have to bow before the 
  Rajas? What if you refused to bow before them? I think  
  I might be more inclined to bend over and moon them myself.
 Wouldn¹t be surprised. I¹ve seen photos of people ³Namaste-ing² 
 Tony Nader, and there was a slight bow in their stance.

Now Vaj...you know how you tend to negatively color
anything related to the TM movement. It's possible
that what you interpreted as a bow was just them
moving out of the way of Bevan's stomach as it

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[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL only in the US

2006-03-05 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 But that's a search in Yahoo itself, not the Russian equivalent 
 of groups.yahoo.com. Or does each country which has a customized 
 Yahoo have a customized Yahoo Groups home page?

That may be the answer, Rick. It seems clear that
the Yahoo search engine in these various countries
does not have access to the same search database 
that the US Yahoo search engine has. There may be
a simple way to construct a home page for FFL on 
each of the country-specific sites that would 
correct this.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread Nelson
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ingegerd

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk 
 shempmcgurk@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ingegerd 
  marwincornyarmand@ wrote:
   Hey Turquioise - what a great idea!
   I do it in another way. Saying in my Advertisements that I teach 
   techniques in Stress Release and that I have been a Teacher in 
   Transcendental Meditation since 1975. No one can stop me from 
   telling a big part of my life. But in Norway it is easier, 
   The TMO has been denied to trademark Transcendental Meditation 
   have bought a domene with transcendentalmeditation. But if Mike 
   lose, it is a lot of ways to tell people what you are teaching. 
   gave me some creative ideas here.
  Was that a typo Indegerd?
  What is domene with transcendentalmeditation?
  What is domene?
 I do not know in English  - domain maybe? It means that I bought a 
 place in Internet: www.transcendentalmeditation.no. 
 I also Trademark the former name of the TMO in Norway, MIKI Norge, 
 when I started to be threaten by the TMO. All the books edited from 
 the TMO, is referring to MIKI Norge.
 +++ If I could do as well with a second language,I would be quite
   You should be proud of yourself as even growing up with English, I
would say it must be one of the more difficult ones to learn.  N.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Year of Good Darshan

2006-03-05 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Hutchinson 

 I haven't posted for awhile... I saw Amma for the first time last 
 Sept '05 in San Ramon, CA.   It was interesting.  Sitting in the 
 where she held bhajans, satsang and hugs.  With closed eyes I felt 
 waves of something  spiritual-energy, constantly emanating form 
 without break.  I got 2 hugs, the absolute seemed to be right 
 in meditations for a few days afterwards.  I only went for the one 
 day, she comes back in June, I plan to attend all available days 
 time.  By the way,  Rick – is she coming to usa in Apr?
 On Shiva Ratri night Feb 26 a few days ago I saw Swami Nithyananda 
 Arcadia (next to Los Angeles)  perform a puja for the occaision.  
 explained that on Shiva Ratri night (of the new moon) that 
 a clairivoyant (quaint choice of words) energy bathes the earth 
 that whatever you experience at this time makes a deep impression 
 the psyche, hence it is profitable to be engaged in a spiritual 
 program at this time.  His biography is interesting.  He grew up 
 around Ramana Maharshi's Arunchala hill.  Here's a link:
 I got on the reservation list for Mother Meera's USA tour for 
 so I'll look forward to having her darshan.
 And then Karunamayi is coming in April.  
 So if all goes well I can have the darshan of 4 saints this year…
 Holy company is compared to placing a smoldering log next to a 
 fiercely burning log, the one ignites the other

so why does the ignited one go back to smoldering?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL only in the US

2006-03-05 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 on 3/5/06 12:14 PM, Premanand Paul Mason at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The Russian page is very useful, however try the following link and
  see if you can find an active group related the topic:-

Is the home(?)page useless, then:


 Can't. I see no setting which would enable FFL to show up in
 country-specific Yahoo groups. Alex or Gullible Fool to the rescue?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 If I can get into YOUR field of endeavor (consulting, I think it 
 is?) and am free to advertise my wares as Consulting by Barry 
 Wright, can I not unfairly cash in on the goodwill that you, 
 Barry Wright, have built up over the years through your own 
 hard work?  

I give you my full permission to try.  :-)

The perceived value is in the nature of the product
and whether it pays off for the paying client, not
in the name.

I'm suggesting that in the TMO-certified vs TMO-non-
certified debate, the bottom line is exactly the same.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Why does T/M cost so much to join? A little help?

2006-03-05 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
 snip The bottom line is that TM is just a brand name for a
  made-up technique of meditation that is (in my opinion
  as a former TM teacher) no better than any other tech-
  nique of meditation, less effective than many, and more
  likely to produce negative side effects than most. 
 I must respectfully disagree with you there. I personally 
 tried a few different technicques before learning TM, 
 which is the only one which enabled me to unequivocally 
 transcend, easily and on a regular basis.

I have absolutely no problem with you making that
statement, and it being completely true. I had a
different experience. My statement is based on
my experience.

 As to the side effects, I think you'd find that for any 
 technique where transcendence is as regular as with TM. 

I disagree. I have personally experienced types of
meditation in which FOR ME, transcendence was FAR
more regular than TM ever produced, and which pro-
duced no undesirable side effects at all, in me or
in my many friends who were also practicing them.

 The theory espoused about the practice, that it unwinds 
 stresses in the body, rings true for me during the time 
 I've done the technique. 

It doesn't for me, but it's fine to disagree on this.

 For some I would guess, those stresses are deep enough 
 that they don't release very easily. Probably a pretty 
 common event for anyone doing spiritual practice for 
 enough years.

But *not* common in some traditions, traditions that
employ techniques of meditation that really *do* go
back centuries, as opposed to (sorry to say it, but
it's right there in the forward to TM movement publi-
cations) made up by Maharishi and presented as a 
revival of ancient knowledge.

I'm really not playing better/best here. TM is 
*remarkably* easy to learn and in my opinion effec-
tive in many cases. It's just that I really *have*
experienced other forms of meditation that I found
more effective personally and -- looking at the
spectrum of people practicing them in my presence --
more free of undesirable side effects. If I had to
guess (and a guess is all it is), I would suspect
that these techniques had had more field testing 
over the centuries. 

If the TM movement was still interested in actually
teaching TM, at a reasonable cost, I'd say Good for
them. But I would *not* be able to say, based on
my own experience, either that it was the most 
effective style of meditation I had ever experienced,
or the most problem-free.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ingegerd 

 I got some written rules in my hand when I became a TM-Teacher,
 how to behave and one of the rules where - that we should not
 turn people away if they did not have the money. We should teach 
 everybody who wanted to learn TM even if they could not pay.

Clearly off the program.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Take a break from all the TM talk and let's ponder some really important news...

2006-03-05 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Gallo or Mogen David? Knowing that might explain everything...

Actually, for anyone who, in one's youth, was familiar
with the effects of various chemicals, his choice of
poisons really *does* explain everything. This is a
man in considerable pain -- psychic, emotional, and
physical. How sad.

 On Mar 5, 2006, at 1:10 PM, shempmcgurk wrote:
  The eight-page proposal for Legacy: Surviving the Best and the
  Worst, lists Michael Jackson's preferred substances as Vicodin,
  Demerol, codeine, Percocet, cocaine, Jack Daniels and wine.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL only in the US

2006-03-05 Thread Premanand Paul Mason
Personally, I don't use the uk home page much, though its good for 
checking UK news sometimes. Otherwise the .com is more useful, more 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer fairfieldlife@ 
  on 3/5/06 12:14 PM, Premanand Paul Mason at premanandpaul@ wrote:
   The Russian page is very useful, however try the following link 
   see if you can find an active group related the topic:-
 Is the home(?)page useless, then:
  Can't. I see no setting which would enable FFL to show up in
  country-specific Yahoo groups. Alex or Gullible Fool to the 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL only in the US

2006-03-05 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 on 3/5/06 12:14 PM, Premanand Paul Mason at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The Russian page is very useful, however try the following link and
  see if you can find an active group related the topic:-
 Can't. I see no setting which would enable FFL to show up in
 country-specific Yahoo groups. Alex or Gullible Fool to the rescue?

As far as I can tell, there's nothing we can do about that. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL only in the US

2006-03-05 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Premanand Paul Mason 

 Personally, I don't use the uk home page much, though its good for 
 checking UK news sometimes. Otherwise the .com is more useful,
 more global.

T'would seem so, with the revelation that it doesn't
distribute its Groups search engine database to all
its local sites. It's an easily-correctable oversight
that Google would've thought of early.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ingegerd 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk 
 shempmcgurk@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ingegerd 
  marwincornyarmand@ wrote:
   Hey Turquioise - what a great idea!
   I do it in another way. Saying in my Advertisements that I 
   techniques in Stress Release and that I have been a Teacher in 
   Transcendental Meditation since 1975. No one can stop me from 
   telling a big part of my life. But in Norway it is easier, 
   The TMO has been denied to trademark Transcendental Meditation 
   have bought a domene with transcendentalmeditation. But if 
   lose, it is a lot of ways to tell people what you are 
   gave me some creative ideas here.
  Was that a typo Indegerd?
  What is domene with transcendentalmeditation?
  What is domene?
 I do not know in English  - domain maybe? It means that I bought 
 place in Internet: www.transcendentalmeditation.no. 
 I also Trademark the former name of the TMO in Norway, MIKI Norge, 
 when I started to be threaten by the TMO. All the books edited 
 the TMO, is referring to MIKI Norge.

Thanks...yes, it appears to be domain and trademarks.

 Free introductory lecture on BubbaMed,
 the $100 meditation technique that was 
 recently sued by the Transcendental 
 Meditation organization because they
 felt it was was competing with the
 $2500 meditation technique they sell.
 Come and listen for yourself, and make
 an informed decision.

:-)  :-)  :-)

Basically, I still have enough residual trust in the
courts of America to hope that the TMO will *lose*
this case, and big-time. (*Especially* if Jim's lawyers
are smart enough to show the judges photos of the Rajas
in their robes and crowns.) But if they don't, the 
decision will reflect badly on the TMO, not on the
teachers who continue to teach BubbaMed or whatever
they choose to call what they teach. 

The public is not stupid -- when presented with an
organization that sues its own for no other reason than 
TO MAKE MORE MONEY, they'll know where to go if they 
want to learn a technique of meditation that is still 
priced to appeal to someone who isn't rich.

Let the elitists appeal to the elitists they want to
recruit into their cult. If you feel the call to teach,
you can find a way to do so.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tmforlife108 
tmforlife108@ wrote:

 Regarding the dirt that one supporter of Mike Scozzari 
I know  that item is not 
 central to Mike's defense. Mike told me he just wants 
be able to teach TM 
 openly without fear and threats from the so called 
holder.  If someone gets a 
 masters in education, pays for their education themselves, 
university has no right to 
 try and take the degree back 30 years later!
 But to the post from someone (below) who wrote that there 
not be precedent, I 
 think you are way off.
 Don't be naive - winning this will be winning it for 
we can end this for 
 I'm guessing this was written by  an attny,  possibly with 
as he must realize it will 
 set precedent.  He is just trying to sidestep that issue, 
for supporters that are TM 
 teachers would be the most important issue.  If they win, 
could serve the papers 
 on other independent teachers using the TM trademark - and 
WILL- precedent has 
 power!   What independent teacher would risk it if the TMO 
the case in Florida?
 The trademark holder in this case has a long history of 
that trademark.  Do we 
 need to go over this again?  A judge knows that threats 
the trademark not acted 
 on by the TMO do not amount to defending the trademark.  
know someone is 
 misusing the trademark and has done so for years, 
with phone calls is 
 not defending the trademark, it's harassment.  The courts 
have this information as it 
 unravels.  If TM is going to continue to be available I 
 agree -
will be thanks to the 
 independents. They just need to see the importance of this 
Florida and help with 
 the defense. 
 Who can honestly say that the TMO is headed in the right 
 Daniel Jeffers
 One friend who has a spiritual take wrote this
 The Bastards are abusing us, the legitimate teachers of 
knowledge, As they have for 
 the Past 25 Years.  This is nothing 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread Sal Sunshine
That's a myth.  They are all about equal difficulty as far as learning goes, or else kids born in the languages that are supposed to be easier  would start speaking at earlier ages, which of course they don't.  (Of course, the elitist response to that would be that they just have dumber kids in those countries.)  


On Mar 5, 2006, at 1:55 PM, Nelson wrote:

  You should be proud of yourself as even growing up with English, I
 would say it must be one of the more difficult ones to learn.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread Ingegerd
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Nelson 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ingegerd
 marwincornyarmand@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk 
  shempmcgurk@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ingegerd 
   marwincornyarmand@ wrote:
Hey Turquioise - what a great idea!
I do it in another way. Saying in my Advertisements that I 
techniques in Stress Release and that I have been a Teacher 
Transcendental Meditation since 1975. No one can stop me 
telling a big part of my life. But in Norway it is easier, 
The TMO has been denied to trademark Transcendental 
have bought a domene with transcendentalmeditation. But if 
lose, it is a lot of ways to tell people what you are 
gave me some creative ideas here.
   Was that a typo Indegerd?
   What is domene with transcendentalmeditation?
   What is domene?
  I do not know in English  - domain maybe? It means that I 
bought a 
  place in Internet: www.transcendentalmeditation.no. 
  I also Trademark the former name of the TMO in Norway, MIKI 
  when I started to be threaten by the TMO. All the books edited 
  the TMO, is referring to MIKI Norge.
  +++ If I could do as well with a second language,I would be quite
You should be proud of yourself as even growing up with 
English, I
 would say it must be one of the more difficult ones to learn.  N.

Thank You. I am still learning - it helps a lot to follow in FFL.

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[FairfieldLife] Power of Thought

2006-03-05 Thread tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis
from James Brahas book Living Reality about Sailor Bobs visit to the
US pages 291 and 292. Bob was a Nisargadatta guy who was a former
merchant marine. When he joined AA there were many bobs so he became
sailor bob. You can find him at www.nonduality.com

Bob: What you are doing now is what everone does. You are looking for
the answer in the mind. You are trying to work everything out. But
look at it another eway. You are seeing right now? Does your eye say,
I see? You are hearing now. DOes your ear say, I hear?

Rita: No

Bob: You are tranlating the seeing with a thought I see and you
tranlate the hearing with a thought I hear. Now ask yourself: Does
the thought  I See actually do the seeing?

Rita: No

BoB: Is the thought I am aware the awareness?

Rita: No

Bob: Is the thought I Choose the choicemaker?

Rita: No

Bob: What I am pointing out is that the thought has no power. When you
are trying to work out what to do and what not to do, realize  that
choices will be made and activities will happen. You are being lived,
and it's been that way since you were a child. Allow thoughts to do
what they're supposed to do--just translate. The mind can be used

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Why does T/M cost so much to join? A little help?

2006-03-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 on 3/5/06 11:55 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hehehehe, Is it true that recerts have to bow before the Rajas? 
  What if you refused to bow before them? I think  I might be more 
  inclined to bend over and moon them myself.
 Wouldn¹t be surprised. I¹ve seen photos of people ³Namaste-ing² Tony
 Nader, and there was a slight bow in their stance.

That's pretty standard with Namaste, isn't it?
And Namaste is about as egalitarian a salutation
as there is.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 That's a myth.  They are all about equal difficulty as 
 far as learning goes, or else kids born in the languages 
 that are supposed to be easier would start speaking at 
 earlier ages, which of course they don't.  (Of course, 
 the elitist response to that would be that they just have 
 dumber kids in those countries.)

I don't think it's a matter of dumb and dumber; some
languages really are harder for a non-native speaker
to learn because they are less internally consistent
in terms of grammar and syntax and usage. According
to many people I've met who, late in life, became
multilingual in many languages, English was one of
the toughest to master.

 On Mar 5, 2006, at 1:55 PM, Nelson wrote:
    You should be proud of yourself as even growing up with 
English, I
   would say it must be one of the more difficult ones to learn.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread Sal Sunshine
And I've heard the same about a dozen other languages too, including French, Spanish, German, etc.  

Ethnocentricity, Barry.  Because *we* speak it, it msut be the hardest to learn.  (Psst--lots of others pretty much feel the same way.)

It helps when learning a language, if you grew up in one or already learned one that was similar. Then the others in that group most likely would be easier.  


On Mar 5, 2006, at 2:38 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:

 I don't think it's a matter of dumb and dumber; some
 languages really are harder for a non-native speaker
 to learn because they are less internally consistent
 in terms of grammar and syntax and usage. According
 to many people I've met who, late in life, became
 multilingual in many languages, English was one of
 the toughest to master.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk 
   If I can get into YOUR field of endeavor (consulting, I think 
   is?) and am free to advertise my wares as Consulting by Barry 
   Wright, can I not unfairly cash in on the goodwill that you, 
   Barry Wright, have built up over the years through your own 
   hard work?  
  I give you my full permission to try.  :-)
  The perceived value is in the nature of the product
  and whether it pays off for the paying client, not
  in the name.
  I'm suggesting that in the TMO-certified vs TMO-non-
  certified debate, the bottom line is exactly the same.
 I may feel about it that way and YOU may feel about it that 
 way but the TMO may not and they have every right to demand 
 that their product be differentiated in the marketplace.

That *is* what the expected reaction of a merchant
would be. 
 And, by the way, I've just registered 
 www.consultingbybarrywright.com . Thanks.

Cool. That and a buck fifty will get you a cuppa
java at Starbucks.  :-)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 And I've heard the same about a dozen other languages too, 
 including French, Spanish, German, etc.
 Ethnocentricity, Barry.  Because *we* speak it, it msut be 
 the hardest to learn.  (Psst--lots of others pretty much 
 feel the same way.)

Hey, I'm still struggling with French, and French is
*much* more internally consistent (and thus easier
to learn) than is English. English is all over the 
map; at least French *mainly* makes sense. Except
for the gender of nouns thang, that is. 

 It helps when learning a language, if you grew up in 
 one or already learned one that was similar. Then the 
 others in that group most likely would be easier.

Good luck learning Basque. It doesn't *have* a 
group.  :-)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread a_non_moose_ff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, a_non_moose_ff no_reply@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, a_non_moose_ff no_reply@ 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, a_non_moose_ff 
  Has mike waived his right to a jury trial? 
 It may not be up to him. Many states reserve the
 right to try non-criminal civil cases before a
 single judge or a panel of judges.

Just curious. What states are those? Is Florida?among them. If 
  does the exclusion of civil case jury trials apply to trademark 

In civil cases in state court, the right to a jury trial is
  governed  by the state's constitution and statutes. The Supreme 
  has  repeatedly held that the Seventh Amendment right to a jury 
  applies only to federal courts, not to state courts. As a practical
   matter, though, most states make jury trials widely available for
  many  kinds of civil cases above the level of small claims court.
  Do we even know if the case is being pursued under federal or state
  trademark law?
 Trademarks are under federal jurisdiction.

No, read the link below -- thats why I looked it up and posted it.
There are federal and thre are state statues.

Under state common law, trademarks are protected as part of the 
 law of unfair competition. ... States' statutory provisions on
trademarks differ but most have adopted a version of the Model
Trademark Bill (MTB) 

  I would assume the TMO is using the federal law so i)
  they can argue essentially the same case in any state, and ii) if 
  appealled they might gain some useful precidents that can be used
  across the nation.
  If the case is is federal courts, then the Seventh Amendment right 
  a jury trial applies without question. In contrast to a Florida 
  where  the right to a jury trial probably applies -- though, most
  states make jury trials widely available for many  kinds of civil 
  Under the Lanham Act, a seller applies to register a trademark with
  the Patent and Trademark Office (http://www.uspto.gov/). The mark 
  already be in use or be one that will be used in the future. See §
  1051 (http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/15/1115.html) of the Act. 
  Office's regulations pertaining to trademarks are found in Parts 
 1 - 7
  of Title 37 of the Code of Federal Regulations. If the trademark is
  initially,  approved by an examiner, it is published in the 
  Gazette of the Trademark Office to notify other parties of the 
  approval so that it may be opposed. See §§ 1062 - 1063 of the Act.
  (http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/15/1062.html) An appeals 
 process is
  available for rejected applications. See §§ 1070 - 1071 of the Act.
  Under state common law, trademarks are protected as part of the 
 law of
  unfair competition. Registration is not required. See Unfair
  Competition. States' statutory provisions on trademarks differ but
  most have adopted a version of the Model Trademark Bill (MTB)
  (http://www.inta.org/policy/mstb.html) or the Uniform Deceptive 
  Practices Act (UDTPA)
  (http://www.law.cornell.edu/uniform/vol7.html#dectr). The MTB 
  for registration of trademarks while the UDTPA does not.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread Nelson
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 That's a myth.  They are all about equal difficulty as far as learning 
 goes, or else kids born in the languages that are supposed to be easier 
   would start speaking at earlier ages, which of course they don't.
 course, the elitist response to that would be that they just have 
 dumber kids in those countries.)
 On Mar 5, 2006, at 1:55 PM, Nelson wrote:
You should be proud of yourself as even growing up with English, I
   would say it must be one of the more difficult ones to learn.

 Wouldn't learning a second language as an adult be more difficult
with already having one to trip over?
 I never noticed English being difficult but I would think that
looking at it from the outside, it would be a challenge.
 I would not like to have to learn Russian or Chineese for
example.  N.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Year of Good Darshan

2006-03-05 Thread Rick Archer
on 3/5/06 1:13 PM, Mike Hutchinson at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I haven't posted for awhile... I saw Amma for the first time last
 Sept '05 in San Ramon, CA.   It was interesting.  Sitting in the hall
 where she held bhajans, satsang and hugs.  With closed eyes I felt
 waves of something  spiritual-energy, constantly emanating form her
 without break.  I got 2 hugs, the absolute seemed to be right there
 in meditations for a few days afterwards.  I only went for the one
 day, she comes back in June, I plan to attend all available days next
 time.  By the way,  Rick – is she coming to usa in Apr?

No, she won't be here until June. I don't know exact dates, except for
Fairfield (July 8-9), but the tour schedule is as follows: Seattle, San
Ramon, Los Angeles, Santa Fe, Dallas, Chicago, Fairfield, New York,
Washington, Boston, Toronto

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, a_non_moose_ff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 No, read the link below -- thats why I looked it up and posted it.
 There are federal and thre are state statues.
  Under state common law, trademarks are protected as part of the 
  law of unfair competition. ... States' statutory provisions on
  trademarks differ but most have adopted a version of the Model
  Trademark Bill (MTB) 

That may actually be a reason why the TMO has decided
to go ahead with this case in the state of Florida.
I'm no lawyer, but it's possible that Florida has a
stronger history of finding for the trademark holder
than other states do. That would make it a sound
choice of venue for a TM lawyer.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Mike Scozarri being sued

2006-03-05 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Wouldn't learning a second language as an adult be more 
 with already having one to trip over?
  I never noticed English being difficult but I would think that
 looking at it from the outside, it would be a challenge.
  I would not like to have to learn Russian or Chineese for
 example.  N.

Based on my experience, Russian is probably a far
easier language to learn than English. Talk about
consistent...once you've learned the alphabet 
(which is just Greek with a few extra letters)
and the basic verb endings and inflected noun
endings, it's pretty much a snap.  Or was. It
was a long time ago that I studied Russian.

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