[FairfieldLife] Re: Description of mantra?? : D

2008-02-17 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_reply@ 
  Hebrews 4:12
  12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than 
  twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul 
  spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the 
  thoughts and intents of the heart.
 More on the 'word'
 John 1: 1-5
 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the 
 was God.
 The same was in the beginning with God.
 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made
 that was made.
 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended 
it not.

Peshitta Aramaic/English Interlinear New Testament,
The Preaching of Yukhanan [John]:

In the beginning was the Miltha and that Miltha was with
God and God was that Miltha.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Description of mantra?? : D

2008-02-17 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_reply@ 
   Hebrews 4:12
   12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper 
   twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul 
   spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of 
   thoughts and intents of the heart.
  More on the 'word'
  John 1: 1-5
  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and 
  was God.
  The same was in the beginning with God.
  All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing 
  that was made.
  In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
  And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended 
 it not.
 Peshitta Aramaic/English Interlinear New Testament,
 The Preaching of Yukhanan [John]:
 In the beginning was the Miltha and that Miltha was with
 God and God was that Miltha.


To properly understand some of the phrases used in the Peshitta 
Targum, including some of the parables spoken by Messiah, one must 
understand the cultural setting that surrounds these first century 
writings of the collected Scriptures, which was a Jewish world 
eventually filtering into the world of the Greeks, Persians and 
various oriental lands. 

Evidence leans toward the fact that the Greek (and eventually Latin) 
manuscripts were translated from the original Aramaic Peshitta and 
other Hebrew manuscripts. Sometimes the later Greek translators did 
not understand the Aramaic phrases and catch words, so they had to 
make up phrases to make it sound the way they understood it and 
unfortunately these Greek and Latin translations lost much of the 
original meaning. 

Remember the passage talking about people taking up serpents? That 
was a phrase back then that meant Believers would deal with their 
enemiesit had nothing to do with snake handling. 

What about the passage talking about cutting off one's hand or 
removing one's eye? These passages have plagued Greek translators 
who did not understand the phrases Yeshua used. That was a phrase 
back then that simply meant, Stop what you are doing. In other 
words, If you are stealing, then stop it already!, and so on. 
Yeshua never commanded that His followers mutilate themselves. 

There are so many other examples that have crept into the later 
editions of the Greek simply because the translators did not 
understand the cultural setting of Jews in Israel. Unfortunately 
these same misunderstandings have crept into the modern translations 
of today. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: My Dinner With Doctor Mahapatra

2008-02-17 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sandiego108 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity 
 ruthsimplicity@ wrote:
   So what I want to know, did MMY fill this out: 
   and go on an appropriately kapha pacifying diet?
  Dunno. I doubt it. M. had a long hstory as a sweet addict (Swiss 
 chocolates, sweet rasayanas, honey, etc.). And of course, sweet 
 increase kapha-dosha.
 who was the sweet addict, Vaj?

Sweet poison.
- Maharishi about Ravi Shankar

[FairfieldLife] Re: Selfless Service --- and Breaking the Link Between Fruit and Action

2008-02-17 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sandiego108 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 why are you so interested and caught up in Maharishi's ego? its all 
 ego, ego, ego, to you. the central core of what he was and what he 
 did you always relate in terms of what he must have thought about 
 himself and what others thought about him. 

That is all we have to measure him by. Everything
else is a claim or a subjective seeing. Same with you.
 i see him essentially as a fungus or a hummingbird or a galaxy. 
 playing his part in the universe just like anyone else. 

That's true, but meaningless if what you want to discern
is whether he was a benevolent fungus or a benign fungus
or one that causes infirmity in other sentient beings.

Face it, dude...one is going to be measured as a result
of one's *actions* -- one's thoughts and how one expres-
ses them in words and how one treats the people around
them, NOT by any of their claims of enlightenment.

That's exactly why many of us don't believe your claims
of enlightenment. To you, its existence is self-evident,
and you don't seem to understand why people don't buy it.
But to us, you are Just Another Ego, acting *just* as
petty and *just* as much from anger and a need to protect
that ego as anyone else we've ever seen. So, in my opinion,
was Maharishi. So while it's true you are no different
than any other fungus on the planet, you're just another
fungus on the planet.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Chopra Letter

2008-02-17 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thing is, Chopra decided that he had better judgement than 
 MMY and could do more. Which is certainly his choice, but 
 raises an interesting question: if he really thought that 
 MMY was enlightened, as he now claims, why would he assume 
 his judgemnt was better than MMY's? At the least, it would 
 have made more sense for him to stick around, and work 
 *within*the enlightened man's organization then to leave 
 the only person on Earth he was certain was enlightened 
 (to quote one of his articles about MMY).

Lawson, with all due respect (belief is belief 
and thus there is not much we can say about some-
one else's belief except that it exists), what
you are saying here is based on YOUR beliefs 
about enlightenment, beliefs that were carefully
cultivated by Maharishi and by the TM movement.

YOU believe that because a person is enlightened
they have better judgement than the non-enlightened.
I don't. I believe that the Sixth Dalai Lama was
enlightened, but his judgement got him murdered
by his own monks, in collusion with the Chinese.

YOU seem to believe that the only thing a person
CAN rationally do if he believes that a person is
enlightened is stick by him, work within his
organization forever. THAT is what you are angry
about, but Chopra *obviously* didn't believe that.

What's WRONG with him not believing that? YOU seem
to feel that Maharishi is enlightened and YOU don't
act like you're claiming Chopra should have acted.
Don't you detect a little cognitive dissonance here?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Pundits Fleeced

2008-02-17 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000

  Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  When they were met in Chicago just prior to boarding the plane
  they were ordered to surrender the money, apparently by someone 
  representing the Varma family. The pundits were not pleased but they 
  felt they had no choice.
 I'm just thinking that the India TMO may not have appropiated 
 quite as many funds as we have suspected.

I'm thinking that the big push to embezzle
as much cash from the greater TMO is on in
full swing, to be accomplished before the
bozos left in charge figure out how much
*has* been embezelled.

I honestly suspect that the Rajas are going
to find out soon that they are in charge of
a supposedly 2.5 billion dollar organization
in which no one can find the money. It's all
mysteriously disappeared.

In other words, I wouldn't be surprised to
see the TMO in bankruptcy proceedings within
a few short years, as the full extent of the
embezellment is revealed.

[FairfieldLife] Re: I Think We Need To Know

2008-02-17 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 LOL. There are plenty of fully enlightened folks in 
 the TM from the cooks to da King (I assume) but the TMO 
 definition of full enlightenment is merely that one have 
 a sufficiently stress free nervous system that one never 
 loses Self, even during intense activity or sleep.
 Not a big deal: as MMY says, merely normal.
 Does King Tony float at will? seems to be what you are 
 asking. It seems obvious that MMY wasn't a perfected 
 floater since he died of old age, so why would you expect 
 King Tony to be?

Lawson, just as a point, not everyone *believes*
the TMO definition of enlightenment.

The first part above makss sense to me as an over-
simplified baseline for enlightenment. But the
floating thing? I don't believe that for an instant,
and neither do 99% of the enlightenment traditions
on the planet. 

Why do you?

Oh yeah, I forgot...Maharishisez.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Past life experience and how it relates to practice in this life

2008-02-17 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ispiritkin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks for posting this, Turq.  
 After reading another thread about MMY's zany behavior, it occurred 
 to me that maybe Mahesh himself anticipated that a householder would 
 spend only a very small slice of his enlightenment path with the TMO 
 (additional time with tm itself, but not with TMO).  By pushing 
 people constantly, he had to know he would push them out of the TMO 
 envelope, and onto something else. 

There is a case to be made for this. My reason
for not believing it completely is how Maharishi
tended to *treat* the people he'd pushed out of
the nest. If he had continued to refer to them
with respect, that would indicate one thing; to
refer to them in derogatory terms, as he often
did, seems to indicate another.

 May I ask who was this smorgasbord-style teacher you had?

He was a controversial spiritual teacher by the
name of Rama (Frederick Lenz). The Wikipedia 
page on him gives an overview of both positive
and negative. I try not to talk about him here
because people get a little hinky when I do.
Pretty much anything I had to say about the
dude I said in the book I wrote about him. It's
on the Web, at http://www.ramalila.net/RoadTripMind

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  Therefore we had all developed different predi-
  lections, spiritually. He presented lots of differ-
  ent paths and options to us because he didn't think
  that there was such a thing as One size fits all.
  Instead he seemed to figure that if he threw out
  enough breadcrumbs, sooner or later each of us would
  find the breadcrumbs that tasted best *to us*, and
  would follow them down the path that was best *for
  us*. I think he was onto something.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Selfless Service --- and Breaking the Link Between Fruit and Action

2008-02-17 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  Don't forget Jennifer's comment, that Maharishi often derided 
  the Westerners as gullible fools for believing all the things 
  he told them.
 That's oneof the women who reports that MMY slept with her 
 dozens of times?
 Well... LOL. A trustworthy soul, for certain.

Lawson, you've been doing well, but it's time
to up the dosage of your OCD medication again.
This is beneath even you.

YOU don't want to believe what she says, so SHE 
is untrustworthy?

Man, seriously...just LOOK at what you're doing
here. You're going out of your way to systematically
demonize people who don't believe about Maharishi
the things you believe about him. It's not a matter
of a simple difference of opinion, where they just
have a different view on the subject than you do.
Instead, you seem compelled to suggest -- and strongly
-- that the people who hold these different views
are deficient in character and somehow untrustworthy.

OCD, schmoeCD. What is WRONG with you that someone
else is not entitled to believe what they want about
Maharishi or about Deepak Chopra? What is WRONG with
you that your first reaction when they believe some-
thing that you do not is to suggest that they are
not only wrong, but broken or untrustworthy in
some way?

I *understand* that you believe what you believe.
I have no problem with that. But it's just a belief,
man. SO is what these other people believe. NONE of
you has any handle on truth as far as I can tell.
I don't believe that floating has anything whatsoever
to do with enlightenment, but at the same time I don't
feel compelled to suggest that because *you* believe 
the definition of enlightenment is floating that 
there is something wrong with you, or that you are 

You seem to feel the need to imply that about these
people you're demonizing lately. Why do you think 
that is? Where do you think you *learned* this

BTW, the other day you suggested that people here
didn't cut Judy a break because she was a woman
and that they have...uh...unresolved anger against
women. I'm suggesting that there may be more than 
a little projection going on in that statement. Look 
what you just did to a woman you have never met who 
has done nothing more than report her experiences. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Chopra Letter

2008-02-17 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000

  sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
  Thing is, Chopra decided that he had better judgement than MMY and 
  could do more.  Which is certainly his choice, but raises an 
  interesting question: if he really thought that  MMY was enlightened, 
  as he now claims, why would he assume his judgemnt was better 
  than MMY's? At the least, it would have made more sense for him to 
  stick around, and  work *within*the enlightened man's organization 
  then to leave the only person on Earth he was certain was enlightened 
  (to quote one of his articles about MMY).
 Lawson, the thing is, at some point you realize you have given your 
 all.  You have been given assignments, and you have fulfilled them.  
 Sometimes beyond expectations.  And then something happens which 
 doesn't make sense, and you realize that it may be time to leave. 
 At least that is my story.

Mine, too. But I think the thing to remember, Lurk,
is that some people can never forgive someone for
not going the distance and sticking with Maharishi
*no matter what*.

They have this fantasy idea of what being a student
of an enlightened teacher IS. That student just DOES
WHAT HE IS TOLD, period. There is NO situation 
in which the student is justified in NOT doing 
what the teacher has told him to do. That is essen-
tially the position that Lawson is taking with regard
to Deepak Chopra -- if he believed that Maharishi was
enlightened, he should have done what Maharishi said.

The most fascinating thing about this number to me is 
that most of the people who run it NEVER WALKED 
THEIR OWN TALK. *Lawson* has never done what he 
is harranguing Chopra for not doing. 

This kind of this is the way a disciple of an enlight-
ened being 'should' act stuff might be palatable
coming from one of the Rajas who HAS walked his talk
for decades. But coming from someone who NEVER did 
any of the things he's suggesting a disciple should?

[FairfieldLife] Cute How Much Creative Intelligence Did TM Give You? Word Quiz

2008-02-17 Thread TurquoiseB
This one's fun. There is a simple answer that most
people get, but another answer that few people get
(including myself). The answer is a few page scrolls 
down, but give it a try first.

What do these words have in common?


Have you already given up? Give it another try . .

Answer: No, it is not that each of the words contains
two sets of double letters.

That's true, but also in each of the words listed, if 
you take the first letter, place it at the end of the 
word and then spell the word backwards, it is the same 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Selfless Service --- and Breaking the Link Between Fruit and Action

2008-02-17 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, geezerfreak [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity
ruthsimplicity@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander
  mailander111@ wrote:
   Ruth, we're all trained one way or another.  It is impossible for
  any living thing not to be trained from birth on (and maybe
  And all training looks more or less normal from the inside. 
It only
  gets scary when we see training radically different from our own. 
  Liberation means a perceived spiritual independence from training. 
  The training is still there, but you don't identify with it.  From
  that point of view, all training looks bizarre--even, and, maybe
  especially, the training most of us consider to be the normal state
  for most folks at any given time in any given culture.
  We are all a product of our genes and our experiences and some might
  say, our karma. We all look at the world through those glasses.
  I have yet to meet a person that I would consider liberated from this
  My reference to scary isn't a reference to different experiences or
  backgrounds. Scary is when people lose their capacity for independent
  thought and do anything that their master tells them to do, no
  how inappropriate because it simply cannot be wrong. I am not saying
  that occurred with MMY, but there are signs . . . .
  Thank god MMY was not the type to ask people to drink the kool-aid.
 Funny that you brought this up Ruth. One of the reasons I originally
bailed on MMY and 
 TMO was because it had occurred to me that I was rationalizing every
kind of behavior for 
 him. If he put someone though some kind of mental torment, it was to
burn that person's 
 karmanot that he was pissed off and being ornery. If he lost his
temper (and boy could 
 he EVER!) it was all part of some cosmic play, certainly not that he
was just in a bad mood.
 As I thought about it I realized that if he had ordered someone
killed, for instance (not 
 saying that he did mind you) that I would have also excused this,
since heywe're all in 
 this for the long hall anyway and he was simply moving that person
ahead on the long 
 corridor of time.
 I needed to get off of that bus.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no
matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and
your own common sense.

~~  Buddha 

[FairfieldLife] The two sets of rules for assessing truth (was Re: My Dinner With Mahapatra)

2008-02-17 Thread TurquoiseB
H. T'would seem that there are a few...uh...
discrepancies between Dr. Mahapatra's view of
things when he's broke and has been abandoned
by Maharishi and the TMO (this earlier account)
and his recent letter now that he's got a cushy
job with the Enlightened Sentencing Project.

What we'll see now is that the same people who 
pointed out the possible discrepancies and 
inconsistencies in Chopra's account and used 
them as a way to either imply or state outright 
that the writer is lying and untrustworthy will 
now do the same for Dr. Mahapatra, based on his 
two conflicting views of the same events.

Yeah, right.

Or, it could be that nitpicking to find possible
discrepancies and using them to try to demonize 
the writer is something that one does only for 
*critics* of Maharishi and the TM movement. Those 
who are now supporters of Maharishi and the TM 
movement get a free ride when their stories are 

But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the same folks who have
been Googling up a firestorm and trying to find any
way they possibly can to suggest that the discrep-
ancies and inconsistencies they see in Chopra's 
stories are a bad thing, and using these inconsis-
tencies to demonize him and portray him as a liar 
will now do exactly the same thing for Mahapatra, 
and in exactly the same volume of posts.

Yeah, right. 

Those who point out that the fence is falling apart 
and shaky and that it was never much of a fence in 
the first place get get the full-on Google-bomb-em-
back-to-the-stone-age treatment and get demonized. 
Those who attempt to slap a fresh coat of whitewash 
on the fence get a free ride.

Note also -- if it happens -- that not a WORD will 
be said by the Chopra demonizers about several other
interesting points in Dr. Mahapatra's earlier account 
-- the bilking of dying patients' families, the 
depiction of Maharishi as a megalomaniac, his paranoia 
about the CIA and about poisoning, the undue influence 
his family had on him, and the way that Maharishi 
followed through on his promises. If they don't get
mentioned, I guess that means that these sorts of 
things are not candidates for analysis and discussion
in the pursuit of truth.

Again, it seems to be because there are different rules
for assessing the words of a current TM supporter than 
there are for assessing the words of a TM critic. I seem
to remember that the rules for the latter have been 
characterized in the past here on FFL as being founded 
in a quest for honesty and a desire to determine the 

Yeah, right.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, geezerfreak [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  My Dinner With Doctor Mahapatra,
  He says he was M's personal physician from about 87 to 91. His English
 was a bit hard to understand so I'll do my best to relay some of the
 interesting things he said.
 After 91, (I'm not sure of exact dates) M had him as one of the people
 in charge of a group of 6000 boys (M calls them pundits...). At some
 point M's family told M that they didn't like what was going on with
 the big group (I don't have any details) and M dismantled the whole
 thing sending all the boys home to all the families consternation.
 Maha Patra was in the dog house after that, which sounded like about
 95 or 96. He said it was very uncomfortable dealing with all the boys
 families during that time.
 Patra said in 87 he was called to M's side in Noida, India and M was
 rolling on the ground, screaming with the pain. He had pancreitis
 (sorry for spelling). Patra put him on a pain killer and a sedative. M
 eventually went to England for 6 months or so for treatment for this.
 M is diabetic and his family has a history of diabetes. I wonder if
 his high sugar intake had anything to do with it? When in England
 everything was kept very secret. When some reporters heard he was at a
 particular hotel, they would rapidly disappear to another location.
 During that time M had his heart attack. I didn't get much of the
 details. M didn't have heart surgery but he did have angeoplasty at a
 hospital in Holland. M used western drugs and western hospitals while
 promoting Ayurveda as the be all and end all. M has good days and bad
 days and has variety of health problems. He stays out of view on the
 bad days.
 Patra says M is a megamaniac after world power, (we're all surprised).
 He says the only ones M trusts are his family members, who he gives
 untold millions to. M thinks all Americans are CIA and is really
 paranoid. M asked him if he could test the blood of M's relatives to
 see if someone was trying to poison them. He says M's family members
 are not all good people or ethical people and that they have undue
 influence on M's decisions. He had not heard any stories of M with
 Patra said he spoke with Deepak, his friend, who told him that all the
 problems started one time when Deepak had to leave M and M wanted him
 to not go. Deepak told M that he had speaking engagements for
 thousands of people 

[FairfieldLife] Re: UK to license smokers (and that's the least of what they're doing)

2008-02-17 Thread hugheshugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_reply@ 
 I don't know what it's like for those of you who
 live in the UK, but from the point of view of we
 other EU residents, your country must be going 
 through some weird shit lately, possibly weirder 
 even than under Blair.
 You're now officially the most surveilled society
 on the planet. Each of you are filmed on the average 
 of 80 times a day, on closed circuit cameras that
 have all been networked (even if they're private, 
 on ATMs and the like) so that the government can 
 use them watch everybody. 
 And, as attested to by friends who tried to travel
 there recently from Spain, you're cracking down
 on tourists who overstay their EU tourist visas.
 A couple of friends who were a few days over the
 limit of their three-month visa flew into Britain
 for a few days' visit last week, prior to their
 return to the US. The officials at the airport 
 looked at their passports and dragged them out of 
 line, took all of their possessions away from them, 
 and wouldn't let them call anyone. They put them 
 in a locked detention cell with no beds in it 
 overnight where they had to sleep on the floor
 with 20 other detainees stopped for similar 
 tourist visa violations, and then put them on 
 the next plane back to where they had come from 
 in the morning. 
 This was a married couple who were obviously well
 off. They were just passing through, and had 
 unintentionally gone over the limit on their
 tourist visas because they had been having fun 
 touring Europe, moving from country to country. 
 Each time they did they got new stamps on their 
 passports, and thought that that was sufficient
 to renew their three-month tourist visas. Trouble 
 was they never traveled outside EU countries, and 
 the new crackdown says that tourists have to leave 
 the EU *completely* after three months.
 Everyone treated this way had black marks stamped 
 on their passport records such that they will prob-
 ably have trouble traveling anywhere in the world
 from now on, because they have been officially
 deported from a country. As far as I know, even
 though the overstaying the tourist visas thing
 IS a larger EU concern, no other country in the
 EU is reacting like this and getting all gestapo
 on people's asses.
 So tell me, those of you who live there...what the
 FUCK is going on? 

I don't know what's going on but it scares the hell out of me. The 
story above about your friends disturbs me a lot, we never hear about 
things like that in the press here, I hate to think our country 
treats people like that.  It's very paranoid, but the tabloids have 
been whipping people into a xenophobic frenzy recently and the 
government uses them as a barometer for the national mood, I hate to 
think it's gone this far though. I can see the far-right doing well 
in the next elections.

As for the erosion of civil liberties, the legislation has crept in 
since 9/11 bit by bit our hard won liberty has been eroded, I don't 
know why people don't care about this maybe it's the slow drip-drip 
that that people I talk to assume that the government has our best 
interests at heart, I've never been that trusting. The police are 
never slow to abuse their power, anti terrorist legislation can be 
used to arrest people for just about anything.

I used to be a regular demo attendee always trying to change the 
world or at least the government. I can't do it anymore cos it's 
illegal, yep someone got arrested and held without charge for 4 days 
just for reading out the names of war-dead in Iraq in public. And I 
don't think the kids are too bothered, probably got enough worries 
paying off their students debts and looking forward to those 
mortgages to care.

And the CCTV thing, that really winds me up, everywhere you go there 
are cameras, even when I'm walking the dog in the morning they're 
following me, what are they expecting me to do? strap explosives to 
her and blow up the police station? It's madness, they even watch me 
when I'm doing chin-ups on the swings in the park, I give them a 
volley of rude hand signals for that, quite surprised I haven't been 
arrested actually. As they monitor all e-mails too I'll probably get 
my door kicked in by the spooks tonight, if you never hear from me 
again I'm rotting in a cell somewhere.

They have plans for roadside cameras to log every car that drives 
past, face recognition software so they can automatically track 
whoever they want wherever they want. The Stasi would have loved 
technology like that. I think that could be the problem, a lot of 
this only happens because the technology has been invented and 
someone in the government thinks it will save time and money to use 
cameras rather than actual policemen and then it gets used to monitor 
just for the sheer 

[FairfieldLife] Re: UK to license smokers (and that's the least of what they're doing)

2008-02-17 Thread hugheshugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 On Feb 16, 2008, at 5:29 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:
  Everyone treated this way had black marks stamped
  on their passport records such that they will prob-
  ably have trouble traveling anywhere in the world
  from now on, because they have been officially
  deported from a country. As far as I know, even
  though the overstaying the tourist visas thing
  IS a larger EU concern, no other country in the
  EU is reacting like this and getting all gestapo
  on people's asses.
  So tell me, those of you who live there...what the
  FUCK is going on?
  Are you aware that this is the new policy and that
  mass deportations now seem to be the order of the
  day? My friends said that the scene at the airport
  and in the detention cell was like something out
  of the film Children Of Men, and that they will
  never under any circumstances set foot in the UK
 It's all because the TMO pulled out of England, Barry, and took 
 their support of nature with them.  Things there will never be 
 and sane again, you know, like it is here in America. :)

I know TMers who actually think like that Sal. When that poor 
Brazillian guy was mistaken for a terrorist and shot dead on a train 
in London it was just after MMY closed the movement and a lot of TM 
folk made the link

[FairfieldLife] Re: More on Deepak/Mahapatra

2008-02-17 Thread BillyG.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From someone on Huffington Post
 This letter by Dr. Mahapatra that the TM movement is circulating is most
 peculiar. I heard full accounts of this episode in Maharishi's life
over a
 decade ago. Because of the extraordinary circumstances, I paid close
 attention to details.
 One of the themes of that time was extreme secrecy, not only between
 Maharishi and the outside world, but even between Maharishi's various
 caregivers and family members. Maharishi was listed under a false
name , and
 payments were in cash. Kirti and family weren't allowed into the room.
 Deepak reported to them daily. This was per Maharishi's instructions. 
 The only constant companion to Maharishi throughout the time was Deepak.
 Mahapatra was there for much of the time, but not all. His primary
 was to buy groceries. 
 Deepak did speak with Mahapatra regarding many medical details as
the BUN
 and creatinine levels, so it's odd that he would deny the kidney
failure, or
 quibble about the timing. The whole rationale for moving Maharishi to
 England was for dialysis. 
 Other events such as carrying Maharishi into the hospital and the blood
 transfusion, Mahapatra presumably did not know happened. From my
 perspective, as a health professional, if I carried a saint with no
 signs through London traffic into a hospital, I'd remember that.
 long discussions prior to giving my blood for transfusion to an anemic
 patient, is an event I wouldn't forget.
 What really surprised me is that Mahapatra brought up the issue of
 The money was offered to Deepak's father who was still an occasional
 Maharishi asked one of his close assistants to give the elder Dr.
Chopra a
 couple of sealed suitcases of US and European currency. 
 Deepak's father saw it as an under the table payoff and refused it
out of
 principle. The money incident deeply insulted Deepak's mother
causing her to
 cry for days. I have heard other unsavory financial details that
 account charitably ommitted. 
 Regarding the helicopter ride to Vlodrop, who knows? Regardless, I would
 trust the account of the person who was there with Maharishi the
whole time.

 .htmlReply | HYPERLINK

 .html#comment_11483686Parent | posted 03:36 pm on 02/16/2008 
 From Deepak:
 A word to my rebutter: I feel that the probity of my account speaks for
 itself. I have not embellished any details of my past with
Maharishi. Once
 he regained consciousness after his health crisis in London, he
 whatever version of events he wanted the world and the TM movement
to hear.
 For the past seventeen years the main version was outright denial.
 The person who has tried to refute my account at Huffington was
 present on the scene, but even that was intermittent. He wasn't
privy to the
 critical events I recount. Perhaps he wants to imagine a nicer
reality for
 the sake of the departed. The truth will be more healing. Maharishi
was as
 enigmatic as anyone can possibly be, and it serves no good purpose
to weave
 more mystery around him when the facts are clear to those who witnessed

And out pops the word *enigma-tic* once again, isn't that fascinating,
that word is used so ofter to describe MMY. Eberwein also used it, as
well as myself

[FairfieldLife] Re: UK to license smokers (and that's the least of what they're doing)

2008-02-17 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, hugheshugo

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_reply@ 
  I don't know what it's like for those of you who
  live in the UK, but from the point of view of we
  other EU residents, your country must be going 
  through some weird shit lately, possibly weirder 
  even than under Blair.
  You're now officially the most surveilled society
  on the planet. Each of you are filmed on the average 
  of 80 times a day, on closed circuit cameras that
  have all been networked (even if they're private, 
  on ATMs and the like) so that the government can 
  use them watch everybody. 
  And, as attested to by friends who tried to travel
  there recently from Spain, you're cracking down
  on tourists who overstay their EU tourist visas.
  A couple of friends who were a few days over the
  limit of their three-month visa flew into Britain
  for a few days' visit last week, prior to their
  return to the US. The officials at the airport 
  looked at their passports and dragged them out of 
  line, took all of their possessions away from them, 
  and wouldn't let them call anyone. They put them 
  in a locked detention cell with no beds in it 
  overnight where they had to sleep on the floor
  with 20 other detainees stopped for similar 
  tourist visa violations, and then put them on 
  the next plane back to where they had come from 
  in the morning. 
  This was a married couple who were obviously well
  off. They were just passing through, and had 
  unintentionally gone over the limit on their
  tourist visas because they had been having fun 
  touring Europe, moving from country to country. 
  Each time they did they got new stamps on their 
  passports, and thought that that was sufficient
  to renew their three-month tourist visas. Trouble 
  was they never traveled outside EU countries, and 
  the new crackdown says that tourists have to leave 
  the EU *completely* after three months.
  Everyone treated this way had black marks stamped 
  on their passport records such that they will prob-
  ably have trouble traveling anywhere in the world
  from now on, because they have been officially
  deported from a country. As far as I know, even
  though the overstaying the tourist visas thing
  IS a larger EU concern, no other country in the
  EU is reacting like this and getting all gestapo
  on people's asses.
  So tell me, those of you who live there...what the
  FUCK is going on? 
 I don't know what's going on but it scares the hell out 
 of me. The story above about your friends disturbs me a 
 lot, we never hear about things like that in the press 

The reason my friends were told that they were 
taking their mobile phones away is that they
didn't want anyone taking photos and selling
them to the press. No shit.

 I hate to think our country 
 treats people like that.  It's very paranoid, but the tabloids have 
 been whipping people into a xenophobic frenzy recently and the 
 government uses them as a barometer for the national mood, I hate to 
 think it's gone this far though. I can see the far-right doing well 
 in the next elections.

Remember the night I volunteered to gather up
the Maharishi photos and put them into a Word
file for people because I was up anyway? This
is what I was up for. They finally, after six
hours of being held incommunicado, put a phone
in the detention cell so that people could call
someone. It was dial-out only so that no one
could call them, and the detainees could only
call landlines, collect.

I was the only person my friends could get ahold
of. The wife was as hysterical as I have ever
heard anyone be in my life, in tears, barely
able to control herself. She had been treated
like the worst sort of criminal for six hours
for wanting to visit London.

 As for the erosion of civil liberties, the legislation has crept in 
 since 9/11 bit by bit our hard won liberty has been eroded, I don't 
 know why people don't care about this maybe it's the slow drip-drip 
 that that people I talk to assume that the government has our best 
 interests at heart, I've never been that trusting. The police are 
 never slow to abuse their power, anti terrorist legislation can be 
 used to arrest people for just about anything.

This is what I've heard about the UK as well. I've
been pretty vocal about why I no longer live in the
US; it's sad to me to see another country that was
*founded* on liberty and the rights of individuals
following its lead.

 I used to be a regular demo attendee always trying to change the 
 world or at least the government. I can't do it anymore cos it's 
 illegal, yep someone got arrested and held without charge for 4 days 
 just for reading out the names of war-dead in Iraq in public. And I 
 don't think the kids are too 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Selfless Service --- and Breaking the Link Between Fruit and Action

2008-02-17 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ispiritkin ispiritkin@ wrote:
  Creating that kind of experience for a student is quite an 
  accomplishment for a sage, no?
 And what does that say about Nader, Morris, Hagelin et. al?

To me it says [and has for years] that Transcendental Meditation is a
do-it-yourself proposition and you can't look to Maharishi or to the
TMO for what you're looking for within yourself. Neti, neti - not
this, not this.

Some seem to have bought into this and this instead.

[FairfieldLife] The two sets of rules for assessing truth (was Re: My Dinner With Mahapatra)

2008-02-17 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 H. T'would seem that there are a few...uh...
 discrepancies between Dr. Mahapatra's view of
 things when he's broke and has been abandoned
 by Maharishi and the TMO (this earlier account)
 and his recent letter 

Which discrepancies would these be? Please list
them for us.

now that he's got a cushy
 job with the Enlightened Sentencing Project.

Which project has been in serious conflict with the
TMO, such that it must provide a disclaimer that it
is not associated with the TMO. From its Web site:

The Enlightened Sentencing Project is a 501 (c) 3
organization and is not affiliated with the national
Transcendental Meditation organization.

So what would be the difference between Dr. Mahapatra's
attitude toward MMY in 2005 and now?

 What we'll see now is that the same people who 
 pointed out the possible discrepancies and 
 inconsistencies in Chopra's account and used 
 them as a way to either imply or state outright 
 that the writer is lying and untrustworthy will 
 now do the same for Dr. Mahapatra, based on his 
 two conflicting views of the same events.

Again, please, what are the conflicts? Have you
actually compared the two?

 Yeah, right.
 Or, it could be that nitpicking to find possible
 discrepancies and using them to try to demonize 
 the writer is something that one does only for 
 *critics* of Maharishi and the TM movement. Those 
 who are now supporters of Maharishi and the TM 
 movement get a free ride when their stories are 

belly laugh

Dr. Mahapatra is *not* now a supporter of MMY and
the TMO. You've got your panties in such a twist
that anyone dare challenge Chopra that you can't
even get the elementary facts straight.

 Those who point out that the fence is falling apart 
 and shaky and that it was never much of a fence in 
 the first place get get the full-on Google-bomb-em-
 back-to-the-stone-age treatment and get demonized. 
 Those who attempt to slap a fresh coat of whitewash 
 on the fence get a free ride.

What in Dr. Mahapatra's latest account can *possibly*
be characterized as whitewashing MMY?

 Note also -- if it happens -- that not a WORD will 
 be said by the Chopra demonizers about several other
 interesting points in Dr. Mahapatra's earlier account 
 -- the bilking of dying patients' families, the 
 depiction of Maharishi as a megalomaniac, his paranoia 
 about the CIA and about poisoning, the undue influence 
 his family had on him, and the way that Maharishi 
 followed through on his promises. If they don't get
 mentioned, I guess that means that these sorts of 
 things are not candidates for analysis and discussion
 in the pursuit of truth.

No, they're candidates for a *different* discussion.

 Again, it seems to be because there are different rules
 for assessing the words of a current TM supporter than 
 there are for assessing the words of a TM critic. I seem
 to remember that the rules for the latter have been 
 characterized in the past here on FFL as being founded 
 in a quest for honesty and a desire to determine the 
 Yeah, right.

How well do you believe you conform to those rules,

I'm sure you will immediately rise to the occasion
and document your charges that there are 
discrepancies between Dr. Mahapatra's accounts,
as well as documenting your assertion that Dr. Mahaptra
has again become a supporter of MMY and the TMO via his
employment with the Enlightened Sentencing Project.

Yeah, right.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Description of mantra?? : D

2008-02-17 Thread curtisdeltablues
Mine neither.  I find ancient texts interesting from a historical
point of view.  Aside from that they have little relevance in a world.
The ancients did not know about basic things we take for granted 
effecting on our ethical viewpoint.  Concepts like  human equality,
human rights, and individual freedom.  These do not work in the
paternalistic tribal world that brought us the five books of Moses.

Well said!  The lack of this POV is causing such suffering in the
world IMO. (Wow two abbreviations in one sentence, I am practically
texting!  I feel s young.)  I thought this was my favorite part of
what you wrote until I found this little gem:

I am making the point that the rules imposed by the OT are so
diverse and arcane that we are forced to select what is for our core
belief and what to throw out.  We have to make our own moral
distinction.  In other words, it sells itself as The Law of Moses
but in the end it is your existential point of view that interprets
the text.  Its the Law of Fred.

Tell it brother!  And on a Sunday morning no less.  The way super
religious people dodge this obvious reality in their attempt at
asserting a moral high ground makes me crazy.  (What...oh...OK...I am
being asked to change that to crazier.  Damn lawyers!) 

When the Christian right decides that they will follow God's law and
stone adulterers instead of getting stoned WITH adulterers (my
personal preference) they can claim to use that old book as a moral
guide.  Till then it's best use is in the middle of my bookshelf with
the center of the pages cut out for a secret stash.  (If I leave it
out the adulterers steal some.)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Stu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, boyboy_8 no_reply@ wrote:
  Life is too short to cherry pick quotes from OT?  Huh?  It depends on
  what interests you have.
 You came to this group with a kvetch about TM based on arbitrary
 pronouncements made in the OT.  It seems that if you are going to accept
 one core belief than you should be bound to follow all the core
 beliefs.  Otherwise you are making your own moral distinctions on which
 of g-d's laws are moral and which are not.
 On the other hand, if you understand the OT to be the work of men, then
 you should understand it has shortcomings.  After a few thousand years
 it has morphed through rewrites and additions.  When written it
 certainly was subject to the social conditions of the people who wrote
 it.  People who lived in fear of very difficult survival conditions. 
 This colored their accounts.
   My central core belief system is not Gita or
  Upanishads or any other Vedic/Hindu/Indian opus.  It's the OT; so, I
  refer to it over and over again.
 Mine neither.  I find ancient texts interesting from a historical point
 of view.  Aside from that they have little relevance in a world. The
 ancients did not know about basic things we take for granted  effecting
 on our ethical viewpoint.  Concepts like  human equality, human rights,
 and individual freedom.  These do not work in the paternalistic tribal
 world that brought us the five books of Moses.
  Lot did offer up his daughter, your memory is correct.  The angels
  that Abraham had come visit him were now in Sodom/Gomorrah and were
  outside Lot's door when a group of locals wanted to get to know
  them.  Lot was horrified (the Rabbinic commentary says that they
  wanted to have their way with these strangers - sexually, if you can
  believe this!) and so Lot just brings them into this house and slams
  the door shut.  The locals won't go away, so Lot offers his daughter
  to them if they'd just leave the strangers alone. I do not understand
  a word of this part of Genesis.  So, I do not know what to say.
  It is true that the OT has many references to slavery between Hebrews.
   Why it was allowed is hotly debated.  Working out your karma?
  Honestly, its a deep subject and I'm not sure this is the venue.
 Its only one example I point out.  There are others.  I am making the
 point that the rules imposed by the OT are so diverse and arcane that we
 are forced to select what is for our core belief and what to throw
 out.  We have to make our own moral distinction.  In other words, it
 sells itself as The Law of Moses but in the end it is your existential
 point of view that interprets the text.  Its the Law of Fred.  I am
 saying drop the pretense that it anything but the Law of Fred.
  If the OT tells us how to live morally and we are to take it all in as
  a whole, then do you accept that in the Biblical days a Hebrew might
  end up as a slave to another Hebrew?  It's a tough one
 Fred, my lansman, its not so tough.  You know in your modern heart of
 heart that slavery is really really a bad thing.  You know that since
 the 17th century enlightenment we have risen above old testament fixed
 dogma.  Human Rights and equality have their place in ethics based not
 on g-d's 

[FairfieldLife] Re: My Dinner With Doctor Mahapatra

2008-02-17 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity
ruthsimplicity@ wrote:
  So what I want to know, did MMY fill this out: 
  and go on an appropriately kapha pacifying diet?
 Dunno. I doubt it. M. had a long hstory as a sweet addict (Swiss
chocolates, sweet rasayanas, honey, etc.). And of course, sweet tastes
increase kapha-dosha.

I was joking, probably in bad taste. :)

[FairfieldLife] Maharishi's perspective [was Re: making the rounds: another view of Deepak]

2008-02-17 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jyouells2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sandiego108 sandiego108@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom azgrey@ wrote:
Did you go thru with the recertification process Rick? From 
  little I know it sounds
   insulting to ask people to do that who have initiated 
thousands. Was
  it done as akin to a
   loyalty test?
  like everything else Maharishi did, the recertification was to 
  people out of their consensual and complacent realities. He sure
  wasn't here to be anyone's buddy and pal. He didn't give a shit 
if you
  hated his guts, or were dismayed by his actions, or thought him 
  or unlawful or immoral or of a flawed character. He only wanted 
to do
  one thing and that was to rejuvenate enlightenment within the 
  populace, and if people didn't like the way he went about it, 
  fucking-hoo. no apologies, no problem.
 What bullshit 
 Tough love spirituality? Right.

I've said this before, to the huge audience of about 23 people here: 
To be a disciple of Maharishi is not for the fainthearted.

[FairfieldLife] Re: I Think We Need To Know

2008-02-17 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
  LOL. There are plenty of fully enlightened folks in 
  the TM from the cooks to da King (I assume) but the TMO 
  definition of full enlightenment is merely that one have 
  a sufficiently stress free nervous system that one never 
  loses Self, even during intense activity or sleep.
  Not a big deal: as MMY says, merely normal.
  Does King Tony float at will? seems to be what you are 
  asking. It seems obvious that MMY wasn't a perfected 
  floater since he died of old age, so why would you expect 
  King Tony to be?
 Lawson, just as a point, not everyone *believes*
 the TMO definition of enlightenment.
 The first part above makss sense to me as an over-
 simplified baseline for enlightenment. But the
 floating thing? I don't believe that for an instant,
 and neither do 99% of the enlightenment traditions
 on the planet. 
 Why do you?
 Oh yeah, I forgot...Maharishisez.

Huh, I've been under the impression that most enlightenment traditions DO 
accept MMY's 
premise, save that they think that it isn't necessary to actually demonstrate 
the ability to 
float to show that one is enlightened. Of course, the TM stance doesn't say its 
that one demonstrate floating, only that if one practices the Yoga Sutra for 
Yogic FLying 
and does NOT float, then one isn't fully enlightened.

Or are you talking about the aging thing? A fully enlightened personhave 
mortality (if it be possible), according to TM theory, but aging, per se, 
wouldn't be a 
contra-indication of full enlightenment.

Its not that far off from other theories of enlightenment either, as far as I 
am aware.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Whatever did become of Jerry Jarvis?

2008-02-17 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, boyboy_8 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 boy, I have not thought of him in a long time. All I heard was all many 
 times removed so it's probably all garbagecan someone tell me what 
 happened to him?

Someone identified as Jerry Jarvis, started meditation in 1961, appears on 
the History 
Channel documentary about MMY that came out recently. You can find it on 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Description of mantra?? : D

2008-02-17 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 When the Christian right decides that they will follow God's law
 and stone adulterers instead of getting stoned WITH adulterers
 (my personal preference) they can claim to use that old book as
 a moral guide.

FWIW, Christians are not bound by Jewish Law. They
may draw moral lessons from the Hebrew Scriptures
but are not obligated to follow any of its
commandments but the Big 10.

[FairfieldLife] Re: I Think We Need To Know

2008-02-17 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
   LOL. There are plenty of fully enlightened folks in 
   the TM from the cooks to da King (I assume) but the TMO 
   definition of full enlightenment is merely that one have 
   a sufficiently stress free nervous system that one never 
   loses Self, even during intense activity or sleep.
   Not a big deal: as MMY says, merely normal.
   Does King Tony float at will? seems to be what you are 
   asking. It seems obvious that MMY wasn't a perfected 
   floater since he died of old age, so why would you expect 
   King Tony to be?
  Lawson, just as a point, not everyone *believes*
  the TMO definition of enlightenment.
  The first part above makss sense to me as an over-
  simplified baseline for enlightenment. But the
  floating thing? I don't believe that for an instant,
  and neither do 99% of the enlightenment traditions
  on the planet. 
  Why do you?
  Oh yeah, I forgot...Maharishisez.
 Huh, I've been under the impression that most enlightenment 
 traditions DO accept MMY's premise, save that they think that 
 it isn't necessary to actually demonstrate the ability to 
 float to show that one is enlightened. Of course, the TM 
 stance doesn't say its necessary that one demonstrate 
 floating, only that if one practices the Yoga Sutra for 
 Yogic FLying and does NOT float, then one isn't fully 
 Or are you talking about the aging thing? A fully enlightened 
 person have transcended mortality (if it be possible), 
 according to TM theory, but aging, per se, wouldn't be a 
 contra-indication of full enlightenment.

I'm talking about levitation. 

 Its not that far off from other theories of enlightenment 
 either, as far as I am aware.

I would suggest then that you are not aware of
very much. I know of NO spiritual tradition on
the planet with the exception of Maharishi's TMO
that believes that the indicator of full enlight-
enment is the ability to float (levitate). I know
of many who would, in fact, disagree with this

Please find me a quote that says otherwise. If
you can't, I suggest that your impression came
about because you just accepted what Maharishi
said was the definition of full enlightenment 
BECAUSE HE SAID IT, and that you never looked 
into any other traditions' definitions of 
enlightenment, because you never had to. You
already HAD the definition, and it was true
because Maharishisez.

[FairfieldLife] Re: More on Deepak/Mahapatra

2008-02-17 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From Deepak:
 A word to my rebutter: I feel that the probity of my account
 speaks for itself.

Boy, I don't know what this could possibly mean.
How can it speak for itself if the facts it
states are in dispute?

Why didn't he use the word truth or accuracy?

I looked up probity in my dictionary:

 : adherence to the highest principles and ideals  : UPRIGHTNESS
synonyms see HONESTY

Maybe he chose probity for a reason.

 I have not embellished any details of my past with Maharishi.
 Once he regained consciousness after his health crisis in
 London, he controlled whatever version of events he wanted
 the world and the TM movement to hear. For the past seventeen
 years the main version was outright denial.
 The person who has tried to refute my account at Huffington
 was marginally present on the scene, but even that was 
 intermittent. He wasn't privy to the critical events I recount.
 Perhaps he wants to imagine a nicer reality for the sake of the

This is peculiar as well. How was Dr. Mahapatra's
account a nicer reality for the sake of the

For sure, Chopra's account, real or imagined, is
a nicer reality than Dr. Mahapatra's, but for
the sake of Chopra.

It's also of interest that what Dr. Mahapatra
asserted in his letter, and his account as reported
by anonymousff on FFL in 2005, are fully consistent.
In 2005, he was not attempting to rebut Chopra; and
that account is highly critical of MMY.

We do know for a fact that 1991 cannot be the correct
date for MMY's illness if, as Chopra claims, it
coincided with the publication of Perfect Health.

We also know Chopra himself, in public accounts, has
given a wide range of dates for MMY's illness, from
late '80s to 1991 to 1996, and that only late '80s
is not contradicted by facts on the record. Dr.
Mahapatra gave the date of 1987 in anonymousff's report
of his meeting with him.

We also know for a fact that Chopra's claim that MMY
was out of touch with the movement for an entire year
cannot be true, if, as at_man_and_brahman has asserted,
he was always present for both the Guru Purnima and
January 12 celebrations.

So while Chopra's account may speak for itself in
terms of some higher probity not dependent on
factual accuracy, the truth of its details remains
to be confirmed against a set of competing details
(some of them supplied by Chopra himself in other

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Past life experience and how it relates to practice in this life

2008-02-17 Thread Kirk

 May I ask who was this smorgasbord-style teacher you had?

-The other 'white meat' Rama.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Selfless Service --- and Breaking the Link Between Fruit and Action

2008-02-17 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 BTW, the other day you suggested that people here
 didn't cut Judy a break because she was a woman
 and that they have...uh...unresolved anger against
 women. I'm suggesting that there may be more than 
 a little projection going on in that statement. Look 
 what you just did to a woman you have never met who 
 has done nothing more than report her experiences.

That you presume to have reported her experiences

Certain aspects of MMY's womanizing have never quite made sense to me. That 
mean they didn't happen, just that htey don't make sense.

Specifically, the time of life that MMY would have *started* having sex with 
women, and 
what he was doing with the rest of his time while he was doing them also.


[FairfieldLife] Enlightened TM'ers

2008-02-17 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sandiego108 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Hello again Jim :-)
How many have attained enlightenement, at least CC, with TM according 
to your information ? 

[FairfieldLife] Realizing Brahma

2008-02-17 Thread Samuel Gravina
I started reading your fine discussion list after Maharishi died.   
I've never been one for gossip and now that I'm learning all these new  
details I realize that I'm still not into it.  Not because it isn't  
interesting but because it takes so much time to sort through.

I've noticed a thread that goes something like, Why would an  
enlightened guy do X?  followed by some implication like, he wasn't  
enlightened or enlightened guys work in mysterious ways.

After about 15 years of meditating and philosophical musing I came to  
the conclusion that there is no truth.  That it's just something we  
make up and desire.  It serves a very useful purpose but in our  
exaggerated generalization of everything we make it into something real.

The next 15 years didn't change my mind any.  I consider this  
realization of the fakeness of life to be Brahma.  I am that, thou  
art that and all this is that.  It's all fake.  That's Brahma.

So as to Maharishi's enlightenment.  Just as soon as he realized how  
fake he was he was enlightened.  It seems like a pretty easy thing to  

So what does and enlightened guy do?  Anything he wants.


[FairfieldLife] Re: attention sandiego

2008-02-17 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sandiego108 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 the insults are to the individual ego, that it ever thinks it knows 
 what is going on within its treasured context of segregated, albeit 
 artificial, existence. this keeps getting broken down by tearing 
 down and destroying the ego's world view until it cannot resist any 
 longer and surrenders, dies, disappears, and in so doing transforms 
 into cosmic ego. 
 there is no PTSD or PTED to experience once this process is complete 
 because there is no longer a localized self to apply it to, no if a 
 equals b and b equals c then a equals c. does not compute. no one 
 home in the conventional sense.

I would like to explore this a bit more with you.  Several people here
have implied that you previously were on this forum using a different
identity, Jim Flanagan.  I don't care if you use different identities.
 But apparently Jim Flanagan claimed he was enlightened.  Do you make
that claim?  Tell me a bit about what enlightenment means to you. 

From what I have read from you, it appears that good and evil is not
part of your concept of enlightenment, that when enlightened you are
nature and nature has no good or evil.  (I am referring to your
tsunami analogy).

[FairfieldLife] Re: Selfless Service --- and Breaking the Link Between Fruit and Action

2008-02-17 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no
 matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and
 your own common sense.
 ~~  Buddha

Thank you for the lovely and on point quote.

[FairfieldLife] Re: I Think We Need To Know

2008-02-17 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  I know of NO spiritual tradition on
  the planet with the exception of Maharishi's TMO
  that believes that the indicator of full enlight-
  enment is the ability to float (levitate). I know
  of many who would, in fact, disagree with this
  Please find me a quote that says otherwise. If
  you can't, I suggest that your impression came
  about because you just accepted what Maharishi
  said was the definition of full enlightenment 
  BECAUSE HE SAID IT, and that you never looked 
  into any other traditions' definitions of 
  enlightenment, because you never had to. You
  already HAD the definition, and it was true
  because Maharishisez.
 If I may briefly interrupt this discussion, I have a 
 question. Did MMY clearly say that if you could not 
 float you were not enlightened? Is there a written 
 source for that?

I don't have a source, Ruth, but it has been
quoted here often with no refutations from
the TM faithful. The criterion may have been 
for full enlightenment, as Lawson has been
using it. I dunno.

I do know that not only do I not agree with
it, back in the early days of his teaching,
*Maharishi* didn't agree with it. At Squaw
Valley in 1968 he gave several talks in which 
he said emphatically that the siddhis and the 
ability to perform them had nothing whatsoever 
to do with enlightenment. At that time he
actively pooh-poohed interest in the siddhis.
It was the original context of his capture
the fort metaphor, as I remember. 

Obviously, this former teaching went by the
wayside when he found a way to sell the siddhis.

[FairfieldLife] Re: I Think We Need To Know

2008-02-17 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I know of NO spiritual tradition on
 the planet with the exception of Maharishi's TMO
 that believes that the indicator of full enlight-
 enment is the ability to float (levitate). I know
 of many who would, in fact, disagree with this
 Please find me a quote that says otherwise. If
 you can't, I suggest that your impression came
 about because you just accepted what Maharishi
 said was the definition of full enlightenment 
 BECAUSE HE SAID IT, and that you never looked 
 into any other traditions' definitions of 
 enlightenment, because you never had to. You
 already HAD the definition, and it was true
 because Maharishisez.

If I may briefly interrupt this discussion, I have a question. Did MMY
clearly say that if you could not float you were not enlightened? 
Is there a written source for that?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Chopra Letter

2008-02-17 Thread Sal Sunshine

Lawson, the thing is, at some point you realize you have given your
all.  You have been given assignments, and you have fulfilled them.
Sometimes beyond expectations.  And then something happens which
doesn't make sense, and you realize that it may be time to leave.
At least that is my story.

OK, Lurk, now I'm curious--what was it that happened that caused you  
to leave?  The story, please. :)


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: UK to license smokers (and that's the least of what they're doing)

2008-02-17 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Feb 17, 2008, at 7:56 AM, hugheshugo wrote:

They have plans for roadside cameras to log every car that drives
past, face recognition software so they can automatically track
whoever they want wherever they want. The Stasi would have loved
technology like that. I think that could be the problem, a lot of
this only happens because the technology has been invented and
someone in the government thinks it will save time and money to use
cameras rather than actual policemen and then it gets used to monitor
just for the sheer control-freakness of it.

What *is* the purpose of all this, hugo?  It seems that if there is  
so much info out there, it becomes almost useless because how can  
anyone sift through so much?  I don't understand what it's supposed  
to accomplish.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Description of mantra?? : D

2008-02-17 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  When the Christian right decides that they will follow God's law
  and stone adulterers instead of getting stoned WITH adulterers
  (my personal preference) they can claim to use that old book as
  a moral guide.
 FWIW, Christians are not bound by Jewish Law. They
 may draw moral lessons from the Hebrew Scriptures
 but are not obligated to follow any of its
 commandments but the Big 10.

I just got a note from my penis:

NOW ya tell me!.

The big ten may not prescribe stoning but I think adultery in one of
the death sentence commandments isn't it?  No seriously, I REALLY need
to know!

[FairfieldLife] Re: UK to license smokers (and that's the least of what they're doing)

2008-02-17 Thread Duveyoung
This whole surveillance thing has pretty much happened in the last ten
years.  But in the last year, I have just gotten sick about it and had
to divert my mind to something else.  It has become a symbol that
triggers many of my paranoias -- the interment camps being built all
around America, for instance.

Right now, I'm having trouble even thinking about flying anywhere,
because just the other day they found a SPECK of marijuana on some
guy's heel and he's jailed for something that he could have picked up
while walking into the airport, and now they're making it clear that
if you bring a laptop they can make you show them every file on it
which means they can grab your cell phone too and take down a list of
all the folks you talk to.

To me it smacks of the Illuminati creating such Big Brother Is
Looking fears that they keep everyone at home and afraid to talk to
anyone about anything.  As I've said here several times: who in
today's world would use certain terrorist buzz-words in emails or
online postings without some trepidation that the government listeners
would pick up on it and suddenly there's a knock on the door and your
whole house is ransacked for terrorist-clues?

It is simply and obviously a stifling of free speech and of the right
to assemble and of the right to privacy.  Well, one thing's certain,
the masses are asses and if they ever get fed up with this deal, then
I expect that all the public cameras will be vandalized by those types
who are presently content to write their names with spray paint on
subway cars.  The populous can only take so much, ya know?

But when does that happen?  I'm thinking we have a lot more tamping
down of the masses before any sort of backlash happens.  If only
BushCo had re-instituted the draft -- that would have gotten the youth
up in arms about being forced to be killers of babies for oil.  But
nope, the powers have figured that slow but steady erosion of rights
will do the trick to keep the crowds from forming.

Which brings me to Obama and the huge crowds he's gathering.  No other
threat to GlobalBiz can match the fires he's seemingly setting in the
group consciousness, and every time I catch one of his commercials,
all I see is a very very dangerous man with tons of raw power to
change things overnight.  GlobalBiz is doing the slow erosion thingie,
and here's this hippy getting everyone believing that they have RIGHTS
again, and that Obama is like Christ Returned At Last to right the
wrongs of all our leaders since First Bush.

The thing about group consciousness is that when a mob gets a
notion, it is then out of the hands of the person who put the notion
into the crowd.  Obama might be inspiring folks to think they'll get
such big fast changes that when he takes office he will simply be
unable to fulfill their expectations and he'll look like a foot
dragging, glad handing, back stabbing, colluder with GlobalBiz.

But who am I kidding?  It won't go that far.  Obama's too powerful
right now, and I truly fear for his life.  What's another
assassination to GlobalBiz?  Some headlines, some conspiracy theories,
and the usual work of disinformation, lost film, pooh-poohings and
there you have it: dead guy, crowds dispersed, and no one on trial
except some boob they set up to pull the trigger.

A Parallax View for sure. Where's Warren Beatty when you need him? 
Oh, wait, he died at the end of that film.


  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, hugheshugo

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_reply@ 
  I don't know what it's like for those of you who
  live in the UK, but from the point of view of we
  other EU residents, your country must be going 
  through some weird shit lately, possibly weirder 
  even than under Blair.
  You're now officially the most surveilled society
  on the planet. Each of you are filmed on the average 
  of 80 times a day, on closed circuit cameras that
  have all been networked (even if they're private, 
  on ATMs and the like) so that the government can 
  use them watch everybody. 
  And, as attested to by friends who tried to travel
  there recently from Spain, you're cracking down
  on tourists who overstay their EU tourist visas.
  A couple of friends who were a few days over the
  limit of their three-month visa flew into Britain
  for a few days' visit last week, prior to their
  return to the US. The officials at the airport 
  looked at their passports and dragged them out of 
  line, took all of their possessions away from them, 
  and wouldn't let them call anyone. They put them 
  in a locked detention cell with no beds in it 
  overnight where they had to sleep on the floor
  with 20 other detainees stopped for similar 
  tourist visa violations, and then put them on 
  the next plane back to where they had come from 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Realizing Brahma

2008-02-17 Thread mrfishey2001
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Samuel Gravina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I started reading your fine discussion list after Maharishi died.   
 I've never been one for gossip and now that I'm learning all these new  
 details I realize that I'm still not into it.  Not because it isn't  
 interesting but because it takes so much time to sort through.
 I've noticed a thread that goes something like, Why would an  
 enlightened guy do X?  followed by some implication like, he wasn't  
 enlightened or enlightened guys work in mysterious ways.
 After about 15 years of meditating and philosophical musing I came to  
 the conclusion that there is no truth.  That it's just something we  
 make up and desire.  It serves a very useful purpose but in our  
 exaggerated generalization of everything we make it into something real.
 The next 15 years didn't change my mind any.  I consider this  
 realization of the fakeness of life to be Brahma.  I am that, thou  
 art that and all this is that.  It's all fake.  That's Brahma.
 So as to Maharishi's enlightenment.  Just as soon as he realized how  
 fake he was he was enlightened.  It seems like a pretty easy thing to  
 So what does and enlightened guy do?  Anything he wants.


That's very nice Samuel. Now, do your parents know your on the computer?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Realizing Brahma

2008-02-17 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity

  When I am on my deathbed I want to look back
 and say that I lived a good life.

Well, if you die in bed sick and all, it probably means it wasn't over
the top a good life. Better to take a bullet skiing, reveling in new
knowledge, laughing with friends. Or fighting with someone on FLL --
defending the knowledge. Of course, being send out into the ocean on
a piece of ice -- with no food has some appeal. Actually I want to go
when I am floating. Or perhaps on a weekend getaway with Maria
Sharapova. The latter probably more a test of true enlightenment, and
support nature. At least a sign of a great life.

[FairfieldLife] Re: attention sandiego

2008-02-17 Thread sandiego108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sandiego108 sandiego108@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity 
  ruthsimplicity@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sandiego108 

the insults are to the individual ego, that it ever thinks 
what is going on within its treasured context of segregated, 
artificial, existence. this keeps getting broken down by 
down and destroying the ego's world view until it cannot 
longer and surrenders, dies, disappears, and in so doing 
into cosmic ego. 

there is no PTSD or PTED to experience once this process is 
because there is no longer a localized self to apply it to, 
  if a 
equals b and b equals c then a equals c. does not compute. 
home in the conventional sense.
   I would like to explore this a bit more with you.  Several 
   have implied that you previously were on this forum using a 
   identity, Jim Flanagan.  I don't care if you use different 
But apparently Jim Flanagan claimed he was enlightened.  Do 
   that claim?  Tell me a bit about what enlightenment means to 
   From what I have read from you, it appears that good and evil 
   part of your concept of enlightenment, 
  i have no concepts of enlightenment. within the experience of 
  enlightenment, there are no concepts. most thinking and concepts 
  exist only for the ego's pleasure. action in enlightenment is 
  action-- direct experience, not much about concepts, 
  all of that ego dressing.
  that when enlightened you are
   nature and nature has no good or evil.  (I am referring to your
   tsunami analogy).
  its an integrated life-- no more i end here they end there, so 
  many boundaries-- all flow, and flow doesn't make moral 
  at the level of morality. so morality is transcended. 
  of course once in the enlightened state there are discoveries to 
  made about the cosmic ego. in other words who's cosmos is it? 
  depending on the experience, the values of the enlightened will 
  mirror the values and the personality of the owner of the 
  very tough to put into words and be understood clearly-- because 
  ego is not trying anymore to build boundaries in order to ensure 
  existence, change is constant and experience is constant, and 
  truth is known as an unmistakable dynamic energy, it is not 
  anymore as a set of static ideas and concepts. the point is to 
  enlightenment first.
 I understand the difficulty of putting this in words.  I want to 
 back a step.  Are you enlightened?
 I am not setting up a personal attack.  I am trying to figure out 
 enlightenment is to different people.

please send me the question at my screenname @ yahoo dot com. thanks.

[FairfieldLife] Re: attention sandiego

2008-02-17 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sandiego108 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity 
 ruthsimplicity@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sandiego108 sandiego108@
   the insults are to the individual ego, that it ever thinks it 
   what is going on within its treasured context of segregated, 
   artificial, existence. this keeps getting broken down by tearing 
   down and destroying the ego's world view until it cannot resist 
   longer and surrenders, dies, disappears, and in so doing 
   into cosmic ego. 
   there is no PTSD or PTED to experience once this process is 
   because there is no longer a localized self to apply it to, no 
 if a 
   equals b and b equals c then a equals c. does not compute. no 
   home in the conventional sense.
  I would like to explore this a bit more with you.  Several people 
  have implied that you previously were on this forum using a 
  identity, Jim Flanagan.  I don't care if you use different 
   But apparently Jim Flanagan claimed he was enlightened.  Do you 
  that claim?  Tell me a bit about what enlightenment means to you. 
  From what I have read from you, it appears that good and evil is 
  part of your concept of enlightenment, 
 i have no concepts of enlightenment. within the experience of 
 enlightenment, there are no concepts. most thinking and concepts 
 exist only for the ego's pleasure. action in enlightenment is just 
 action-- direct experience, not much about concepts, justification, 
 all of that ego dressing.
 that when enlightened you are
  nature and nature has no good or evil.  (I am referring to your
  tsunami analogy).
 its an integrated life-- no more i end here they end there, so not 
 many boundaries-- all flow, and flow doesn't make moral distinctions 
 at the level of morality. so morality is transcended. 
 of course once in the enlightened state there are discoveries to be 
 made about the cosmic ego. in other words who's cosmos is it? and 
 depending on the experience, the values of the enlightened will 
 mirror the values and the personality of the owner of the cosmos. 
 very tough to put into words and be understood clearly-- because the 
 ego is not trying anymore to build boundaries in order to ensure its 
 existence, change is constant and experience is constant, and though 
 truth is known as an unmistakable dynamic energy, it is not known 
 anymore as a set of static ideas and concepts. the point is to gain 
 enlightenment first.

I understand the difficulty of putting this in words.  I want to step
back a step.  Are you enlightened?

I am not setting up a personal attack.  I am trying to figure out what
enlightenment is to different people.

[FairfieldLife] Re: UK to license smokers (and that's the least of what they're doing)

2008-02-17 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This whole surveillance thing has pretty much happened in the last ten
 years.  But in the last year, I have just gotten sick about it and had
 to divert my mind to something else.  It has become a symbol that
 triggers many of my paranoias -- the interment camps being built all
 around America, for instance.
 Right now, I'm having trouble even thinking about flying anywhere,
 because just the other day they found a SPECK of marijuana on some
 guy's heel and he's jailed for something that he could have picked up
 while walking into the airport, 

Man, I hope they never pry open Curtis' boot heel.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Realizing Brahma

2008-02-17 Thread ruthsimplicity

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Samuel Gravina [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I've noticed a thread that goes something like, Why would an
 enlightened guy do X?  followed by some implication like, he wasn't
 enlightened or enlightened guys work in mysterious ways.

What a great summary!

 After about 15 years of meditating and philosophical musing I came to
 the conclusion that there is no truth.  That it's just something we
 make up and desire.  It serves a very useful purpose but in our
 exaggerated generalization of everything we make it into something

 The next 15 years didn't change my mind any.  I consider this
 realization of the fakeness of life to be Brahma.  I am that, thou
 art that and all this is that.  It's all fake.  That's Brahma.

 So as to Maharishi's enlightenment.  Just as soon as he realized how
 fake he was he was enlightened.  It seems like a pretty easy thing to

 So what does and enlightened guy do?  Anything he wants.


I am coming to the opposite conclusion.  This is all effing real.  What
we do has consequences and we should not limit our focus to self
realization or enlightenment, but to doing good.  I must live like this
is the only life I have.  When I am on my deathbed I want to look back
and say that I lived a good life.

[FairfieldLife] Re: I Think We Need To Know

2008-02-17 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity
 ruthsimplicity@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
   I know of NO spiritual tradition on
   the planet with the exception of Maharishi's TMO
   that believes that the indicator of full enlight-
   enment is the ability to float (levitate). I know
   of many who would, in fact, disagree with this
   Please find me a quote that says otherwise. If
   you can't, I suggest that your impression came
   about because you just accepted what Maharishi
   said was the definition of full enlightenment 
   BECAUSE HE SAID IT, and that you never looked 
   into any other traditions' definitions of 
   enlightenment, because you never had to. You
   already HAD the definition, and it was true
   because Maharishisez.
  If I may briefly interrupt this discussion, I have a 
  question. Did MMY clearly say that if you could not 
  float you were not enlightened? Is there a written 
  source for that?
 I don't have a source, Ruth, but it has been
 quoted here often with no refutations from
 the TM faithful.

*Cited*, not quoted. There are some quotes from
MMY to this effect in some of the early articles
on the TM-Sidhis program in the MIU journal Modern
Science and Vedic Science, but the articles haven't
been reproduced on the Web that I know of. I have
copies, but unfortunately they're in deep storage.

 The criterion may have been 
 for full enlightenment, as Lawson has been
 using it. I dunno.

Yes, Unity Consciousness. That's my understanding
as well.

 I do know that not only do I not agree with
 it, back in the early days of his teaching,
 *Maharishi* didn't agree with it. At Squaw
 Valley in 1968 he gave several talks in which 
 he said emphatically that the siddhis and the 
 ability to perform them had nothing whatsoever 
 to do with enlightenment. At that time he
 actively pooh-poohed interest in the siddhis.
 It was the original context of his capture
 the fort metaphor, as I remember.

Heh. The point of the capture the fort metaphor was
that you weren't to get distracted from the fort
(enlightenment) by all the treasures (siddhis) to be
found in the surrounding territory, because once you
had captured the fort, you automatically owned all the
treasures in the surrounding territory as well.

In other words: once you're enlightened, you'll have
all the siddhis--exactly the opposite of what Barry
is suggesting.

 Obviously, this former teaching went by the
 wayside when he found a way to sell the siddhis.

Or, when he realized that practice of the siddhis
sutras was actually designed by Patanjali as a
program for achieving enlightenment, and that
performing siddhis was just a byproduct, a
consequence and benchmark of one's progress toward
enlightenment (specifically Unity Consciousness).

Whther he had this in mind all along and simply
didn't want people to expect or experiment with
siddhis until he had all the details of sutra
practice and the rationale for it worked out, or
whether the purpose of Patanjali's program was
something he discovered later on, who can say?

At any rate, at first MMY was voicing the
conventional understanding, that Patanjali had
warned *against* practicing the siddhis sutras
because the siddhis were just a distraction. It's
entirely possible MMY believed that at first.

But as with so many other elements of the
enlightenment tradition, he came to believe that
the conventional understanding of Patanjali was
in error: Patanjali was warning against practicing
the siddhis sutras *for the sake of achieving
siddhis*, as opposed to for the sake of achieving
Unity Consciousness.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Realizing Brahma

2008-02-17 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Samuel Gravina sgravina@
  After about 15 years of meditating and philosophical musing 
  I came to the conclusion that there is no truth. That it's 
  just something we make up and desire. It serves a very useful 
  purpose but in our exaggerated generalization of everything 
  we make it into something real.
  The next 15 years didn't change my mind any. I consider this
  realization of the fakeness of life to be Brahma. I am that, 
  thou art that and all this is that. It's all fake. That's 
  So as to Maharishi's enlightenment. Just as soon as he realized 
  how fake he was he was enlightened. It seems like a pretty easy 
  thing to obtain.
  So what does and enlightened guy do?  Anything he wants.
 I am coming to the opposite conclusion. This is all effing real. 

Exactly. The notion that the relative world isn't
real is a misinterpretation IMO. Of course it's
real; it's just not ALL that's real. 

 What we do has consequences and we should not limit our focus 
 to self realization or enlightenment, but to doing good.  

Exactly again. Although I may agree with Samuel
theoretically that there is no truth, and I may
even agree theoretically that there is no such
thing as an absolute good, still there is
doing good. The criteria for doing good are
first Do no harm, or at the very least *try*
to do no harm, and second, try to do things
that have the instantaneous karmic effect of
elevating your own state of attention. IMO
*that* is one of the only indicators we have 
that we are doing good.

What I couldn't agree with less is his sugges-
tion that the enlightened can do anything they
want and actually be enlightened. In my book
the enlightened still produce karma, and thus
still can create negative karma and suffer the
results of it if they perform negative actions.

Being able to do anything they want is lazy
philosophy, and the top of a very slippery slide
into Hell. Tibetan lore is full of stories of
enlightened folks who believed that they could
do anything they wanted, and wound up losing 
their enlightenment as a result. One of my favorite 
visual aids for explaining the karma of anything
I want is to present the Before and After photos 
of someone in the world of  who believed thoroughly
that he could do anything he wanted. His exact
quote on the subject was Do what thou wilt shall 
be the whole of the Law.

Aleister Crowley at the beginning of living a life 
based on this philosophy:




Aleister Crowley at the end of a life based on this 




THAT is what believing that you can do whatever you
want gets you, karmically.

 I must live like this is the only life I have. When I am 
 on my deathbed I want to look back and say that I lived 
 a good life.

When I'm on mine, I want to still be looking forward. :-)

But at the same time, I want to be able to look forward
without having to look back in regret. Living as if the
effects of my actions on others are more important than
the benefits of those actions for myself is one way of
trying to make sure that I *don't* look back in regret.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Description of mantra?? : D

2008-02-17 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  When the Christian right decides that they will follow God's law
  and stone adulterers instead of getting stoned WITH adulterers
  (my personal preference) they can claim to use that old book as
  a moral guide.
 FWIW, Christians are not bound by Jewish Law. They
 may draw moral lessons from the Hebrew Scriptures
 but are not obligated to follow any of its
 commandments but the Big 10.

Yeah. Authoritarian fundamentalist Christianity tends to adopt some of
the dogmatic and contemporarily popular harsh Mosaic laws and fails to
recognize the distinct [subtle and gross] break with them that
Christianity introduced. 

FWIW - This is some of what Paul said in making that distinction:

2 Corinthians 3:13-16

13 We are not like Moses, who would put a veil over his face to keep
the Israelites from gazing at it while the radiance was fading away. 

14 But their minds were made dull, for to this day the same veil
remains when the old covenant is read. It has not been removed,
because only in Christ is it taken away. 

15 Even to this day when Moses is read, a veil covers their hearts. 

16 But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.

Romans 7:6

6 But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we
were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the
oldness of the letter.

Hebrews 7:18-19

18 For there is verily a disannulling [voiding completely] of the
commandment going before for the weakness and unprofitableness thereof.

19 For the law made nothing perfect, but the bringing in of a better
hope did; by the which we draw nigh unto God.

[words added in parentheses -jrm]

[FairfieldLife] Re: Realizing Brahma

2008-02-17 Thread sandiego108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Samuel Gravina sgravina@
  I've noticed a thread that goes something like, Why would an
  enlightened guy do X?  followed by some implication like, he 
  enlightened or enlightened guys work in mysterious ways.
 What a great summary!
  After about 15 years of meditating and philosophical musing I 
came to
  the conclusion that there is no truth.  That it's just something 
  make up and desire.  It serves a very useful purpose but in our
  exaggerated generalization of everything we make it into 
  The next 15 years didn't change my mind any.  I consider this
  realization of the fakeness of life to be Brahma.  I am that, 
  art that and all this is that.  It's all fake.  That's Brahma.
  So as to Maharishi's enlightenment.  Just as soon as he realized 
  fake he was he was enlightened.  It seems like a pretty easy 
thing to
  So what does and enlightened guy do?  Anything he wants.
 I am coming to the opposite conclusion.  This is all effing real.  
 we do has consequences and we should not limit our focus to self
 realization or enlightenment, but to doing good.  I must live like 
 is the only life I have.  When I am on my deathbed I want to look 
 and say that I lived a good life.
...we should not limit our focus to self realization or 
enlightenment, but to doing good. 

so in other words, rather than finding out who we are and what our 
purpose in this life may be, we should remain not knowing who we 
are, and even what this life is all about, and shrouded within our 
illusion, do good, whatever that may mean. are you sure that this 
approach will guarantee tranquility and satisfaction on your 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: UK to license smokers (and that's the least of what they're doing)

2008-02-17 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Feb 17, 2008, at 7:59 AM, hugheshugo wrote:

I know TMers who actually think like that Sal. When that poor
Brazillian guy was mistaken for a terrorist and shot dead on a train
in London it was just after MMY closed the movement and a lot of TM
folk made the link

I believe it, unfortunately. (I mean I believe they made the link,  
not that there actually was one.)  The ME in reverse I guess, in  
their minds at least.


[FairfieldLife] Re: attention sandiego

2008-02-17 Thread sandiego108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sandiego108 sandiego108@
  the insults are to the individual ego, that it ever thinks it 
  what is going on within its treasured context of segregated, 
  artificial, existence. this keeps getting broken down by tearing 
  down and destroying the ego's world view until it cannot resist 
  longer and surrenders, dies, disappears, and in so doing 
  into cosmic ego. 
  there is no PTSD or PTED to experience once this process is 
  because there is no longer a localized self to apply it to, no 
if a 
  equals b and b equals c then a equals c. does not compute. no 
  home in the conventional sense.
 I would like to explore this a bit more with you.  Several people 
 have implied that you previously were on this forum using a 
 identity, Jim Flanagan.  I don't care if you use different 
  But apparently Jim Flanagan claimed he was enlightened.  Do you 
 that claim?  Tell me a bit about what enlightenment means to you. 
 From what I have read from you, it appears that good and evil is 
 part of your concept of enlightenment, 

i have no concepts of enlightenment. within the experience of 
enlightenment, there are no concepts. most thinking and concepts 
exist only for the ego's pleasure. action in enlightenment is just 
action-- direct experience, not much about concepts, justification, 
all of that ego dressing.

that when enlightened you are
 nature and nature has no good or evil.  (I am referring to your
 tsunami analogy).

its an integrated life-- no more i end here they end there, so not 
many boundaries-- all flow, and flow doesn't make moral distinctions 
at the level of morality. so morality is transcended. 

of course once in the enlightened state there are discoveries to be 
made about the cosmic ego. in other words who's cosmos is it? and 
depending on the experience, the values of the enlightened will 
mirror the values and the personality of the owner of the cosmos. 
very tough to put into words and be understood clearly-- because the 
ego is not trying anymore to build boundaries in order to ensure its 
existence, change is constant and experience is constant, and though 
truth is known as an unmistakable dynamic energy, it is not known 
anymore as a set of static ideas and concepts. the point is to gain 
enlightenment first.

[FairfieldLife] Re: I Think We Need To Know

2008-02-17 Thread hermandan0
 you've read Jed McKenna and you won't turn to yourself? please kick 
 yourself in the ass for me. thanks.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sandiego108 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sticheau sticheau@ 

snip 'Cause, to use Jed's idea, if it isn't abiding, 
  isn't sh*t.  So, to those deep in the nether regions and in the 
  I ask: Is Tony Nader enlightened?  It's a most simple question, Y 
  N.  Why do I ask?  Because we're all looking for someone to turn to
  now.  We've already demonstrated to one degree or another that we
  won't turn to ourselves, so if not our own self, then who?
  I should've skipped the onions tonight, I guess.
 you've read Jed McKenna and you won't turn to yourself? please kick 
 yourself in the ass for me. thanks.

[FairfieldLife] Re: I Think We Need To Know

2008-02-17 Thread sandiego108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity
 ruthsimplicity@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
   I know of NO spiritual tradition on
   the planet with the exception of Maharishi's TMO
   that believes that the indicator of full enlight-
   enment is the ability to float (levitate). I know
   of many who would, in fact, disagree with this
   Please find me a quote that says otherwise. If
   you can't, I suggest that your impression came
   about because you just accepted what Maharishi
   said was the definition of full enlightenment 
   BECAUSE HE SAID IT, and that you never looked 
   into any other traditions' definitions of 
   enlightenment, because you never had to. You
   already HAD the definition, and it was true
   because Maharishisez.
  If I may briefly interrupt this discussion, I have a 
  question. Did MMY clearly say that if you could not 
  float you were not enlightened? Is there a written 
  source for that?
 I don't have a source, Ruth, but it has been
 quoted here often with no refutations from
 the TM faithful. The criterion may have been 
 for full enlightenment, as Lawson has been
 using it. I dunno.
 I do know that not only do I not agree with
 it, back in the early days of his teaching,
 *Maharishi* didn't agree with it. At Squaw
 Valley in 1968 he gave several talks in which 
 he said emphatically that the siddhis and the 
 ability to perform them had nothing whatsoever 
 to do with enlightenment. At that time he
 actively pooh-poohed interest in the siddhis.
 It was the original context of his capture
 the fort metaphor, as I remember. 
 Obviously, this former teaching went by the
 wayside when he found a way to sell the siddhis.

i know this is a tragically un-hip perspective around here, but if i 
may offer a more charitable explanation for Maharishi bringing out 
the siddhis:

i think he recognized that meditators had enough experience by the 
time the siddhis were introduced in the late 70's so that meditators 
would not get lost in the sometimes flashy experiences, and still 
keeping their intention on capturing the fort, could use the siddhis 
as a tool to further their ultimate goal. His perspective on the 
sidhis never changed afaik. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Selfless Service --- and Breaking the Link Between Fruit and Action

2008-02-17 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no
  matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and
  your own common sense.
  ~~  Buddha
 Thank you for the lovely and on point quote.

Yeah, it gets to the bottom line for me.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Realizing Brahma

2008-02-17 Thread sandiego108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sandiego108 sandiego108@
  so in other words, rather than finding out who we are and what 
  purpose in this life may be, we should remain not knowing who we 
  are, and even what this life is all about, and shrouded within 
  illusion, do good, whatever that may mean. are you sure that 
  approach will guarantee tranquility and satisfaction on your 
   Those aren't my words.  I am finding out who I am.  I am 
 in my skin.  I am fulfilling my purpose in life and feel rewarded 
 my chosen careers.  I volunteer with organizations I believe in.  I
 lobby for causes that are important to me.  This is not illusion, 
 is real life and real life has value.  
 Part of real life is exploring the spiritual and I am doing that as
 well. part of exploring the spiritual is living a life consistent 
 my values. Not just sitting  twice a day doing the program. 
 Love and marriage, love and marriage
 Go together like a horse and carriage
 This I tell you brother
 You cant have one without the other.

thanks for clarifying that, so the straw man here is just sitting 
twice a day doing the program. i agree that that doesn't work for 
me either. gotta dip the cloth and hang it in the sun and all that.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Chopra Letter

2008-02-17 Thread lurkernomore20002000
 Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

OK, Lurk, now I'm curious--what was it that happened that caused 
 to leave?  The story, please. :)

Nothing earth shattering.  I had some pretty good successes teaching 
in the midwest.  Teaching many people, setting up events, 
celebrations, residence facilities, CIC Courses, Washington 
Campaign, MIU student thrown it.

I was in Livingston Manor, being interviewed to go to Zambia.  My 
interviewer was Reid Martin, (who I really liked, and felt was 
pretty down to earth).  We had just heard a lecture from M about 
certain experiences we as meditators and teachers might have.  
Experiences had something to do with feeling in tune with the ebb 
and flow of world events.  I related to Reid that I have/had 
experiences along these lines.  Because of this I must have been put 
in the unstable category, and was not allowed to go to Zambia.

Right at that moment something in me just changed, and all I could 
think about was leaving.  No malice, no anger.  Something said.  
Move On.  And that's pretty much what I did. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Realizing Brahma

2008-02-17 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 THAT is what believing that you can do whatever you
 want gets you, karmically.

You mean, that you get older?

[FairfieldLife] Re: making the rounds: another view of Deepak

2008-02-17 Thread shempmcgurk
I missed out completely on this whole project, Tom.

Was this a technique provided/sold under the auspices of the TMO?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My own experience was somewhat different probably due to not 
getting the 3 in 1 deal 
 mentioned in an earlier post. I received/purchased the bliss 
aka psycho-physiological 
 technique  during a summer assembly in DC. After opening and 
placing on a table a small 
 pocket sized two sided picture frame containing pictures of both 
Guru Dev and MMY, the 
 technique was imparted. No mantra instruction was involved, hence 
no puja.  I remember 
 having the feeling that the warmth present was about on the level 
of visiting the DMV. Much 
 later, having read that the gross was $35K and that Dr. Chopra 
probably received next to 
 none of the dough, I thought I knew why. I was quite satisfied with 
the technique and 
 enjoyed its effects quite readily. The price of $700 versus the $55 
of my initial TM 
 instruction years before was not really a big issue for me 
especially compared to the $3K 
 spent  a year earlier for the CIC.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@ 
  One thing comes to mind in this regard: someone mentioned on this 
  forum in another posting that in Deepak's method of meditation 
  he imparts the mantra without doing a puja.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Description of mantra?? : D

2008-02-17 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   When the Christian right decides that they will follow God's law
   and stone adulterers instead of getting stoned WITH adulterers
   (my personal preference) they can claim to use that old book as
   a moral guide.
  FWIW, Christians are not bound by Jewish Law. They
  may draw moral lessons from the Hebrew Scriptures
  but are not obligated to follow any of its
  commandments but the Big 10.
 Yeah. Authoritarian fundamentalist Christianity tends to adopt
 some of the dogmatic and contemporarily popular harsh Mosaic 
laws and fails to recognize the distinct [subtle and gross] break
 with them that Christianity introduced. 
 FWIW - This is some of what Paul said in making that distinction:

Too bad it's so anti-Semitic.

 2 Corinthians 3:13-16
 13 We are not like Moses, who would put a veil over his face to
 keep the Israelites from gazing at it while the radiance was
 fading away. 
 14 But their minds were made dull, for to this day the same veil
 remains when the old covenant is read. It has not been removed,
 because only in Christ is it taken away. 
 15 Even to this day when Moses is read, a veil covers their
 16 But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.
 Romans 7:6
 6 But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein
 we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not
 in the oldness of the letter.
 Hebrews 7:18-19
 18 For there is verily a disannulling [voiding completely] of
 the commandment going before for the weakness and
 unprofitableness thereof.
 19 For the law made nothing perfect, but the bringing in of a
 better hope did; by the which we draw nigh unto God.
 [words added in parentheses -jrm]

[FairfieldLife] What ever has happened to Read Martin my friend as well?

2008-02-17 Thread WLeed3

Any one have a Tel # or email address or info on or about his present location? 
Thanks in advance

-Original Message-
From: lurkernomore20002000 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sun, 17 Feb 2008 11:38 am
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Chopra Letter

 Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

OK, Lurk, now I'm curious--what was it that happened that caused 
 to leave?  The story, please. :)

Nothing earth shattering.  I had some pretty good successes teaching 
in the midwest.  Teaching many people, setting up events, 
celebrations, residence facilities, CIC Courses, Washington 
Campaign, MIU student thrown it.

I was in Livingston Manor, being interviewed to go to Zambia.  My 
interviewer was Reid Martin, (who I really liked, and felt was 
pretty down to earth).  We had just heard a lecture from M about 
certain experiences we as meditators and teachers might have.  
Experiences had something to do with feeling in tune with the ebb 
and flow of world events.  I related to Reid that I have/had 
experiences along these lines.  Because of this I must have been put 
in the unstable category, and was not allowed to go to Zambia.

Right at that moment something in me just changed, and all I could 
think about was leaving.  No malice, no anger.  Something said.  
Move On.  And that's pretty much what I did. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: I Think We Need To Know

2008-02-17 Thread Vaj
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  I know of NO spiritual tradition on
  the planet with the exception of Maharishi's TMO
  that believes that the indicator of full enlight-
  enment is the ability to float (levitate). I know
  of many who would, in fact, disagree with this
  Please find me a quote that says otherwise. If
  you can't, I suggest that your impression came
  about because you just accepted what Maharishi
  said was the definition of full enlightenment 
  BECAUSE HE SAID IT, and that you never looked 
  into any other traditions' definitions of 
  enlightenment, because you never had to. You
  already HAD the definition, and it was true
  because Maharishisez.
 If I may briefly interrupt this discussion, I have a question. Did MMY
 clearly say that if you could not float you were not enlightened? 
 Is there a written source for that?

In MMYS teaching the states of enlightenment correspond to the experiential 
POV of three different texts. Cosmic Consciousness is the style of E for the 
Yoga Sutras.

The YS would claim that one should have clear experiences of all the siddhis 
metioned therein.

 In the early TMO, Tat Whale Baba was the yogi who exemplified tis type of 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Chopra Letter

2008-02-17 Thread boyboy_8
Thank you for your notes.  NO, I have yet to read the other posts you
refer to. I suppose I should.  I do hope it is not a case of he said,
no he didn't, yes he did, you were not there, he lied, etc.  That
would just turn my stomach and I'd just lose interest in this
discussion very quickly.  AS I said, this Chopra letter, flaws or what
 have you, has left a pain.  You are correct though, perhaps I just
have to live with the puzzles and accept them for what they are,
rather than try to sift and winnow.  I could do that for the rest of
my life and not really know for sure.  Seeking clarity is what I
desire but there are limits to what I can know.  

All the best



[FairfieldLife] Re: The Chopra Letter

2008-02-17 Thread boyboy_8
Thank you for sharing that.  All I was saying, I think, was that I am
aware of how lost I feel (from time to time).  The Chopra letter for
some reason just knocked the wind right out of my gut.  Perhaps there
are still some ideas left in me, beliefs, that I had harbored that
need to be examined and maybe let go.  



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000

 boyboy_8 no_reply@ wrote:
 Just want to know the truth.  
 FWIW Fred, I think many of us start with this simple desire.  At at 
 some point, assuming you don't capitulate to someone else's story, we 
 realize it's not as easy a quest as we figured.  I, and many others 
 could go on and on about this.  One sort of funny example from my 
 experience.  You read accounts, seemingly credible, of people who say 
 they have accessed the akashic records.  And the accounts they come 
 back with can differ markedly from one another.  
 In the final analysis, as one seeker put it, Life is not so much a 
 mystery to be solved, as a riddle to be lived

[FairfieldLife] Re: Realizing Brahma

2008-02-17 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity
 ruthsimplicity@ wrote:
   When I am on my deathbed I want to look back
  and say that I lived a good life.
 Well, if you die in bed sick and all, it probably means it wasn't over
 the top a good life. Better to take a bullet skiing, reveling in new
 knowledge, laughing with friends. Or fighting with someone on FLL --
 defending the knowledge. Of course, being send out into the ocean on
 a piece of ice -- with no food has some appeal. Actually I want to go
 when I am floating. Or perhaps on a weekend getaway with Maria
 Sharapova. The latter probably more a test of true enlightenment, and
 support nature. At least a sign of a great life.

Hey, I want to die when I am 100 years old in midst of an orgasm from
doing it with Johny Depp's grandson!  But old and in bed works.  And
yes, revealing in new knowledge, laughing with friends, is part of the
good life. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Realizing Brahma

2008-02-17 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sandiego108 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 thanks for clarifying that, so the straw man here is just sitting 
 twice a day doing the program. i agree that that doesn't work for 
 me either. gotta dip the cloth and hang it in the sun and all that.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Realizing Brahma

2008-02-17 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sandiego108 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 so in other words, rather than finding out who we are and what our 
 purpose in this life may be, we should remain not knowing who we 
 are, and even what this life is all about, and shrouded within our 
 illusion, do good, whatever that may mean. are you sure that this 
 approach will guarantee tranquility and satisfaction on your 

  Those aren't my words.  I am finding out who I am.  I am comfortable
in my skin.  I am fulfilling my purpose in life and feel rewarded in
my chosen careers.  I volunteer with organizations I believe in.  I
lobby for causes that are important to me.  This is not illusion, this
is real life and real life has value.  
Part of real life is exploring the spiritual and I am doing that as
well. part of exploring the spiritual is living a life consistent with
my values. Not just sitting  twice a day doing the program. 

Love and marriage, love and marriage
Go together like a horse and carriage
This I tell you brother
You cant have one without the other.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Chopra Letter

2008-02-17 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Feb 17, 2008, at 10:38 AM, lurkernomore20002000 wrote:

OK, Lurk, now I'm curious--what was it that happened that caused

to leave?  The story, please. :)

Nothing earth shattering.  I had some pretty good successes teaching
in the midwest.  Teaching many people, setting up events,
celebrations, residence facilities, CIC Courses, Washington
Campaign, MIU student thrown it.

I was in Livingston Manor, being interviewed to go to Zambia.  My
interviewer was Reid Martin, (who I really liked, and felt was
pretty down to earth).  We had just heard a lecture from M about
certain experiences we as meditators and teachers might have.
Experiences had something to do with feeling in tune with the ebb
and flow of world events.  I related to Reid that I have/had
experiences along these lines.  Because of this I must have been put
in the unstable category, and was not allowed to go to Zambia.

Right at that moment something in me just changed, and all I could
think about was leaving.  No malice, no anger.  Something said.
Move On.  And that's pretty much what I did.

Great story--thanks, Lurk.  And it says volumes about the way they  
operate.  I left pretty much before they had the chance to discover  
that about me. :)


[FairfieldLife] Re: UK to license smokers (and that's the least of what they're doing)

2008-02-17 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This whole surveillance thing has pretty much happened in the
 last ten years.

Six, really, for the scary stuff. It's been a
consequence of 9/11 (or 9/11 was the excuse, at
any rate).

 Right now, I'm having trouble even thinking about flying
 anywhere, because just the other day they found a SPECK
 of marijuana on some guy's heel and he's jailed for
 something that he could have picked up while walking into
 the airport

Were you planning on visiting or changing planes
in the United Arab Emirates? Because that's where
this happened--in Dubai, not in the U.S.:


[FairfieldLife] Re: OK---My vote is that Sandiego108 is NOT Jim: (was I Think We Need To Know)

2008-02-17 Thread Vaj
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, hermandan0 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  you've read Jed McKenna and you won't turn to yourself? please kick 
  yourself in the ass for me. thanks.
 This post clinches it for me. I've never been convinced that
 sandiego108 is Jim, but now I'm almost convinced of the opposite.
 --His syntax strikes me as fundamentally different from Jim's. My
 guess is that it's hard to change your writing style and stick with it
 consistently over time. It would be great if Judy the editor could
 give some insight here. To me they just write differently.
 --sandiego108 has a wicked sense of humor. Jim would often have to
 tell people he was laughing at things, lest his comments be taken
 otherwise. 108's humor can be biting, and caustic in a no-holds-barred
 kind of way.
 --He doesn't talk about himself, his own enlightenment or his
 devotion to Guru Dev, experiences of Guru Dev, Brahman, etc. My guess
 is that Jim would have something to say about MMY's death in that
 context. 108 seems not to have that bhakti component to his posts. At
 least, I don't see it. He seems more detached than Jim.
 --Jim doesn't read books; sandiego108 appears to.
 --The content of his posts seems to me quite different from Jim's,
 more radically relentless in a
 unity/non-dual/i-don't-know-wtf-to-call-it kind of way. He pokes and
 prods and tweaks peoples' perspectives and beliefs without minding the
 --He has never once, in all the time people have accused him of being
 Jim, and a poser, risen to the bait. He has neither confirmed nor
 denied. Nor has he made any reference to anything Jim said or did. Who
 knows, maybe it is the poster formerly known as Jim who has totally
 awakened and Jim no longer exists; but I think it is not Jim.
 --Oh yeah--did I mention that he is wickedly funny?
 So, that's my speculation FWIW, which isn't much. I'd be interested in
 Judy's take on the syntax thing, or anyone else's on anything.
 Some of us are paying attention even if we are only lurking--and we
 don't work for MUM.
 Of course, I could be totally wrong and it is Jim, in which case I'll
 just have a little laugh at myself, give him a high five and bow to
 the greater insight of those who believe it is.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sandiego108 sandiego108@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sticheau sticheau@ 
 snip 'Cause, to use Jed's idea, if it isn't abiding, 
   isn't sh*t.  So, to those deep in the nether regions and in the 
   I ask: Is Tony Nader enlightened?  It's a most simple question, Y 
   N.  Why do I ask?  Because we're all looking for someone to turn to
   now.  We've already demonstrated to one degree or another that we
   won't turn to ourselves, so if not our own self, then who?
   I should've skipped the onions tonight, I guess.
  you've read Jed McKenna and you won't turn to yourself? please kick 
  yourself in the ass for me. thanks.
  The reason I pointed out that Sandi = Jim when he first came on here and 
began tallking was because at the same time, offlist, J. emaile me.

The wording and phrasing was identical to Sandi's--athough it was clear to me 
the minute he'd opened his mouth.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: I Think We Need To Know

2008-02-17 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In MMYS teaching the states of enlightenment correspond
 to the experiential POV of three different texts. Cosmic 
 Consciousness is the style of E for the Yoga Sutras.

Quote, please.

What *I* was taught when I learned the TM-Sidhis
was that the siddhis sutras are a program for
achieving Unity Consciousness.

[FairfieldLife] OK---My vote is that Sandiego108 is NOT Jim: (was I Think We Need To Know)

2008-02-17 Thread hermandan0
 you've read Jed McKenna and you won't turn to yourself? please kick 
 yourself in the ass for me. thanks.

This post clinches it for me. I've never been convinced that
sandiego108 is Jim, but now I'm almost convinced of the opposite.

--His syntax strikes me as fundamentally different from Jim's. My
guess is that it's hard to change your writing style and stick with it
consistently over time. It would be great if Judy the editor could
give some insight here. To me they just write differently.

--sandiego108 has a wicked sense of humor. Jim would often have to
tell people he was laughing at things, lest his comments be taken
otherwise. 108's humor can be biting, and caustic in a no-holds-barred
kind of way.

--He doesn't talk about himself, his own enlightenment or his
devotion to Guru Dev, experiences of Guru Dev, Brahman, etc. My guess
is that Jim would have something to say about MMY's death in that
context. 108 seems not to have that bhakti component to his posts. At
least, I don't see it. He seems more detached than Jim.

--Jim doesn't read books; sandiego108 appears to.

--The content of his posts seems to me quite different from Jim's,
more radically relentless in a
unity/non-dual/i-don't-know-wtf-to-call-it kind of way. He pokes and
prods and tweaks peoples' perspectives and beliefs without minding the

--He has never once, in all the time people have accused him of being
Jim, and a poser, risen to the bait. He has neither confirmed nor
denied. Nor has he made any reference to anything Jim said or did. Who
knows, maybe it is the poster formerly known as Jim who has totally
awakened and Jim no longer exists; but I think it is not Jim.

--Oh yeah--did I mention that he is wickedly funny?

So, that's my speculation FWIW, which isn't much. I'd be interested in
Judy's take on the syntax thing, or anyone else's on anything.

Some of us are paying attention even if we are only lurking--and we
don't work for MUM.

Of course, I could be totally wrong and it is Jim, in which case I'll
just have a little laugh at myself, give him a high five and bow to
the greater insight of those who believe it is.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sandiego108 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sticheau sticheau@ 

snip 'Cause, to use Jed's idea, if it isn't abiding, 
  isn't sh*t.  So, to those deep in the nether regions and in the 
  I ask: Is Tony Nader enlightened?  It's a most simple question, Y 
  N.  Why do I ask?  Because we're all looking for someone to turn to
  now.  We've already demonstrated to one degree or another that we
  won't turn to ourselves, so if not our own self, then who?
  I should've skipped the onions tonight, I guess.
 you've read Jed McKenna and you won't turn to yourself? please kick 
 yourself in the ass for me. thanks.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Realizing Brahma

2008-02-17 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Samuel Gravina sgravina@
  I've noticed a thread that goes something like, Why would an
  enlightened guy do X?  followed by some implication like, he wasn't
  enlightened or enlightened guys work in mysterious ways.
 What a great summary!
  After about 15 years of meditating and philosophical musing I came to
  the conclusion that there is no truth.  That it's just something we
  make up and desire.  It serves a very useful purpose but in our
  exaggerated generalization of everything we make it into something
  The next 15 years didn't change my mind any.  I consider this
  realization of the fakeness of life to be Brahma.  I am that, thou
  art that and all this is that.  It's all fake.  That's Brahma.
  So as to Maharishi's enlightenment.  Just as soon as he realized how
  fake he was he was enlightened.  It seems like a pretty easy thing to
  So what does and enlightened guy do?  Anything he wants.
 I am coming to the opposite conclusion.  This is all effing real.  What
 we do has consequences and we should not limit our focus to self
 realization or enlightenment, but to doing good.  I must live like this
 is the only life I have.  When I am on my deathbed I want to look back
 and say that I lived a good life.

Me too. For me, God is in the picture.

[FairfieldLife] Maharishi's perspective [was Re: making the rounds: another view of Deepak]

2008-02-17 Thread sandiego108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jyouells2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sandiego108 sandiego108@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom azgrey@ wrote:
Did you go thru with the recertification process Rick? From 
  little I know it sounds
   insulting to ask people to do that who have initiated 
thousands. Was
  it done as akin to a
   loyalty test?
  like everything else Maharishi did, the recertification was to 
  people out of their consensual and complacent realities. He sure
  wasn't here to be anyone's buddy and pal. He didn't give a shit 
if you
  hated his guts, or were dismayed by his actions, or thought him 
  or unlawful or immoral or of a flawed character. He only wanted 
to do
  one thing and that was to rejuvenate enlightenment within the 
  populace, and if people didn't like the way he went about it, 
  fucking-hoo. no apologies, no problem.
 What bullshit 
 Tough love spirituality? Right.

downright offensive, huh?

[FairfieldLife] was: UK to license. now: keep Billary off the ticket

2008-02-17 Thread mainstream20016
For his own protection, Obama's choice for VP should exclude an 
running mate The Dem nomination is yet to be one, yet the trend is 
clearly toward 
Obama.  The Dem party was planning on nominating Hillary until Obama won the 
and minds of so many. Hillary's baseline national negative rating of 47%  is 
too risky to 
overlook.  Obama will likely be the nominee.   

Look for a trial balloon from the Clintons that argues that Hillary could 
actually win the 
nomination, but that she is willing to serve as VP, and 'for the good of the 
party' , she will 
now abandon the fight for the top spot, and keep everything smooth in Denver 
summer at the convention.  Obama would be wise to defer making that deal now, 
should risk a messy convention fight with Hillary for the top spot.  Obama's 
life can't 
afford such an overly ambitious VP on the ticket.  My kids are high on Obama.  
I was high 
on JFK.  I don't want my kids to experience what I did when JFK was killed.  
It's regrettable 
that the Clintons' incredible political talent is accompanied by such brash LBJ 
- like 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This whole surveillance thing has pretty much happened in the last ten
 years.  But in the last year, I have just gotten sick about it and had
 to divert my mind to something else.  It has become a symbol that
 triggers many of my paranoias -- the interment camps being built all
 around America, for instance.
 Right now, I'm having trouble even thinking about flying anywhere,
 because just the other day they found a SPECK of marijuana on some
 guy's heel and he's jailed for something that he could have picked up
 while walking into the airport, and now they're making it clear that
 if you bring a laptop they can make you show them every file on it
 which means they can grab your cell phone too and take down a list of
 all the folks you talk to.
 To me it smacks of the Illuminati creating such Big Brother Is
 Looking fears that they keep everyone at home and afraid to talk to
 anyone about anything.  As I've said here several times: who in
 today's world would use certain terrorist buzz-words in emails or
 online postings without some trepidation that the government listeners
 would pick up on it and suddenly there's a knock on the door and your
 whole house is ransacked for terrorist-clues?
 It is simply and obviously a stifling of free speech and of the right
 to assemble and of the right to privacy.  Well, one thing's certain,
 the masses are asses and if they ever get fed up with this deal, then
 I expect that all the public cameras will be vandalized by those types
 who are presently content to write their names with spray paint on
 subway cars.  The populous can only take so much, ya know?
 But when does that happen?  I'm thinking we have a lot more tamping
 down of the masses before any sort of backlash happens.  If only
 BushCo had re-instituted the draft -- that would have gotten the youth
 up in arms about being forced to be killers of babies for oil.  But
 nope, the powers have figured that slow but steady erosion of rights
 will do the trick to keep the crowds from forming.
 Which brings me to Obama and the huge crowds he's gathering.  No other
 threat to GlobalBiz can match the fires he's seemingly setting in the
 group consciousness, and every time I catch one of his commercials,
 all I see is a very very dangerous man with tons of raw power to
 change things overnight.  GlobalBiz is doing the slow erosion thingie,
 and here's this hippy getting everyone believing that they have RIGHTS
 again, and that Obama is like Christ Returned At Last to right the
 wrongs of all our leaders since First Bush.
 The thing about group consciousness is that when a mob gets a
 notion, it is then out of the hands of the person who put the notion
 into the crowd.  Obama might be inspiring folks to think they'll get
 such big fast changes that when he takes office he will simply be
 unable to fulfill their expectations and he'll look like a foot
 dragging, glad handing, back stabbing, colluder with GlobalBiz.
 But who am I kidding?  It won't go that far.  Obama's too powerful
 right now, and I truly fear for his life.  What's another
 assassination to GlobalBiz?  Some headlines, some conspiracy theories,
 and the usual work of disinformation, lost film, pooh-poohings and
 there you have it: dead guy, crowds dispersed, and no one on trial
 except some boob they set up to pull the trigger.
 A Parallax View for sure. Where's Warren Beatty when you need him? 
 Oh, wait, he died at the end of that film.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, hugheshugo
 richardhughes103@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_reply@ 

[FairfieldLife] Re: UK to license smokers (and that's the least of what they're doing)

2008-02-17 Thread Duveyoung
There's many software packages out there that can pose as being
artificially intelligent.  All photos on the Web can be mined for
content by such filtering agents.  All text can be examined to create
lists of best bets on who's a terrorist.  Vocabulary, syntax,
spelling errors, time of posting, etc. all can get the list fairly
short -- short enough to send out agents on fishing trips.

I suspect they are able to parse telephone calls almost as well, but
that would be a much harder coding accomplishment.

Satellites can read license plate numbers.  

Whenever one is required to type in the letters you see in the
graphic to prevent automatic software agents from signing up to get
posting privileges for their spam, we see that these letters have to
be ever more cleverly garbled so that machines can't read the graphics
and submit a valid data-setso that shows how sophisticated
graphic-reading-software already isand probably the government has
much better software than the spammers are using.

There's even software that can look at the blinking LED lights on your
computer as the computer is sending and determine the text of the

In less than 20 years there will be nanomachines that wirelessly
communicate with each other and central brains.  The cameras
everywhere will be gone from sight and yet a thousand times more

Don't forget the new xray machines that shows a person as naked on
the monitor -- hidden guns etc. pop right out.  Scan ten thousand to
catch one terrorist is a formula that GlobalBiz can live with.

These days, I'm not even bothering to imagine a future past
2012things seem to be building up steam too fast, and something's
got to blow.

PS -- Here's a previous post of mine that gives two examples of Big
Brother bothering me -- and the saving grace of the scenario in that
human intuition is an unexpected dynamic.

Re: hate America?

Two stories:

At an airport, they pulled me aside. Don't know why.

They search everything, feeling linings for lumps, checking my body
for metal, patting me down, and then targeting my brief case and
wiping it with a special cloth that would show if I had even a hint of
banned chemicals to make on-board explosives with. The cloths showed
positively that my brief case had something wrongobongo.

So they called in their superior, cuz, well, I'm a very nice guy with
gray hair with a woman whose luggage showed no signs of residues and
I'm laughing aloud cuz I know I'm clean as clean can be. So, you
know, I'm not fitting the terrorist profile.

They're wiping repeatedly. Maybe 10 wiping-events, and the
machine-reader called each one of them positive for banned

Finally the supervisor makes a call, and whomever he talks to doesn't
know what to do either. Finally, they just call it, and tell me I'm
okay to fly. Sometimes a deodorant or shaving cream will have an
ingredient that triggers these machines, he said.

But everyone knew, it was their intuition overriding their testing
devices. If I had had a beard or accent or turban, I'd probably still
be being strip searched.


You don't? Okay, next story:

I get audited by the IRS, and they pull me into their office and go
over my receipts -- one by one by one. I'm living in the upper
bedroom of the center and using the rest of the house for business,
but the tax guy says that if the center isn't open 24/7 then the house
is for my personal use only during non-business hours and my
deductions should be discounted downwards.

I tell them, well, if that's the case, then this and that and this and
that will have to be re-figured to make all the math come out correctly.

The tax guy says, Well, how about you just pay $300 more in


Laws, schmaws, authorities are human and make up their own minds right
there on the spot. Some days, ya just gotta love the lowest rung on
bureacracy's ladder; some other days, not so much, eh?

The laws are about spiritual intent -- not the letter of the law, but
almost any intent can be projected into almost any law, and beware the
minions who are dealing out the taro cards when they decide your fate.

Hey, Boss, pick a card so I can process this passenger.

Oops, sorry, Buddy, but the only kind of boarding you're going to get
is waterboarding.


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Feb 17, 2008, at 7:56 AM, hugheshugo wrote:
  They have plans for roadside cameras to log every car that drives
  past, face recognition software so they can automatically track
  whoever they want wherever they want. The Stasi would have loved
  technology like that. I think that could be the problem, a lot of
  this only happens because the technology has been invented and
  someone in the government thinks it will save time and money to use
  cameras rather than actual policemen and then it gets used to monitor
  just for the sheer control-freakness of it.
 What *is* the purpose of all this, 

[FairfieldLife] Re: OK---My vote is that Sandiego108 is NOT Jim: (was I Think We Need To Know)

2008-02-17 Thread curtisdeltablues
 its always all about ego for you Curtis. ego ego ego-- I am he is 
 they are we think. you need to smoke a lot more dope before i'll 
 take you seriously.

Yes the nastiness of Jim in all his glory.  I am a professional
singer.  I don't smoke anything.  But nice try.

Your understanding of the term ego is so wrapped up in your personal
philosophical redefinitions that it is not a term that conveys any
meaning to me when you use it.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sandiego108 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  He seems more detached than Jim.
  Exactly.  It is a new protected persona of Jim's.  It may be to 
  his personal name out of this forum, which has a certain wisdom to 
   Or it may be because without showing as much of himself 
 personally he
  thinks he can deliver his POV and receive less challenge. Or he 
  have become more depersonalized and dissociated.  
  But the same anti-intellectual position is promoted.  The 
 same moves
  made in argument, (peppered with personal digs), and most 
  of all, the same assumptive position as knower of absolute 
  Never appealing to quotes from Maharishi's doctrine but speaking 
  his own authority while winging the details philosophically.  Using
  the word ego as a pejorative is another tell.
  It is Jim without the personal details that made him more likable 
  human to me. Now we just get pronouncements from the void.  It 
  me out at first, now I accept the little game. The question of 
  this is a contrived persona bolstered by a conscious change of 
 some of
  his writing style, or a personality shift is kinda interesting. It
  reminds me of those guys who change their name one day and ask you 
  call them by their new name.  Slightly squirrelly IMO.
 its always all about ego for you Curtis. ego ego ego-- I am he is 
 they are we think. you need to smoke a lot more dope before i'll 
 take you seriously.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The upside of not being a Recert

2008-02-17 Thread Peter
The below was always a choice one had regardless of
anything. If we are enslaved, its because we enslave
ourselves. Practical ramifications? Of course! But
thats the price of freedom. One doesn't become free by
asking permission from one's master/Master. Maharishi
enslaved many people, with their permission of course.
Why he did this, I don't have a clue! All I know is
that he gave a transcendent smile to those who removed
their shackles while condemning them on the surface.

--- shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 1) I don't have to wear a tie to TM functions
 2) Jeans are back in.
 3) I can behave any fucking way I want to at TM
 functions...and be as 
 politically incorrect as I want to be.
 4) Let Kinky Kingy Tony, Bevan, Rajarski Hagelin, or
 any of the Knights 
 Rajah Templar Global Village of Administation
 Poobahs try sending out 
 the word for TM teachers to do this or that...hey,
 I'm not 
 one of your recertified running dog lackies to do
 5) Freedom of speech, freedom of association,
 freedom of thought...
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RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Think We Need To Know

2008-02-17 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2008 9:47 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Think We Need To Know



 If I may briefly interrupt this discussion, I have a 
 question. Did MMY clearly say that if you could not 
 float you were not enlightened? Is there a written 
 source for that?

I don't have a source, Ruth, but it has been
quoted here often with no refutations from
the TM faithful. The criterion may have been 
for full enlightenment, as Lawson has been
using it. I dunno.

I’m pretty sure he did. It was certainly part of the standard talk given by
TM teachers introducing the sidhis. The sidhis were presented as having a
two-fold purpose: to develop consciousness, and as a test of one’s level of
consciousness, to prevent self-deception. i.e., if you couldn’t perform
them, you weren’t enlightened.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: OK---My vote is that Sandiego108 is NOT Jim: (was I Think We Need To Know)

2008-02-17 Thread sandiego108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

  its always all about ego for you Curtis. ego ego ego-- I am he is 
  they are we think. you need to smoke a lot more dope before i'll 
  take you seriously.
 Yes the nastiness of Jim in all his glory.  I am a professional
 singer.  I don't smoke anything.  But nice try.
 Your understanding of the term ego is so wrapped up in your 
 philosophical redefinitions that it is not a term that conveys any
 meaning to me when you use it.
my comments to you were prescriptive, not perjorative.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The upside of not being a Recert

2008-02-17 Thread Duveyoung
Yay Shemp!  Yay Shemp!

I love such proclamations -- even when, as in this case, it is a guppy
 finning its nose at the priviledged snooty goldfish in a very very
small pond. 

Are we not all wanting to stand up and shout like this to the larger

Nice modeling Shemp!  But, don't try this in front of Big Brother.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 1) I don't have to wear a tie to TM functions anymore!
 2) Jeans are back in.
 3) I can behave any fucking way I want to at TM functions...and be as 
 politically incorrect as I want to be.
 4) Let Kinky Kingy Tony, Bevan, Rajarski Hagelin, or any of the Knights 
 Rajah Templar Global Village of Administation Poobahs try sending out 
 the word for TM teachers to do this or that...hey, I'm not 
 one of your recertified running dog lackies to do it.
 5) Freedom of speech, freedom of association, freedom of thought...

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: making the rounds: another view of Deepak

2008-02-17 Thread Peter
I got my Bliss technique for free. I drove my
girlfriend to his offices in Massachusetts so she
could get her technique. I sat to wait (it was
hours)and did my program. Apparently I was right next
to the room were he was giving the Bliss technique and
I heard the same technique being given out many times.
No big deal. I tried it a few times, but I had a long
Age of Enlightenment Technique, the siddhis, so I
wasn't going to add another technique.
--- shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I missed out completely on this whole project, Tom.
 Was this a technique provided/sold under the
 auspices of the TMO?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom
  My own experience was somewhat different probably
 due to not 
 getting the 3 in 1 deal 
  mentioned in an earlier post. I received/purchased
 the bliss 
 aka psycho-physiological 
  technique  during a summer assembly in DC. After
 opening and 
 placing on a table a small 
  pocket sized two sided picture frame containing
 pictures of both 
 Guru Dev and MMY, the 
  technique was imparted. No mantra instruction was
 involved, hence 
 no puja.  I remember 
  having the feeling that the warmth present was
 about on the level 
 of visiting the DMV. Much 
  later, having read that the gross was $35K and
 that Dr. Chopra 
 probably received next to 
  none of the dough, I thought I knew why. I was
 quite satisfied with 
 the technique and 
  enjoyed its effects quite readily. The price of
 $700 versus the $55 
 of my initial TM 
  instruction years before was not really a big
 issue for me 
 especially compared to the $3K 
  spent  a year earlier for the CIC.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@ 
   One thing comes to mind in this regard: someone
 mentioned on this 
   forum in another posting that in Deepak's method
 of meditation 
   he imparts the mantra without doing a puja.
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[FairfieldLife] Re: OK---My vote is that Sandiego108 is NOT Jim: (was I Think We Need To Know)

2008-02-17 Thread hermandan0
As I said, I could be wrong and it would only make me laugh. To me
there's a different quality in the posts, as demonstrated in the other
thread and his discussion with Ruth. If it is Jim, there's been some
change in him and how he expresses things,IMO. I don't get a sense of
trying to prove anything that I sometimes got with Jim. Sure he can be
a bit of the wall sometimes, but normal does not seem to be a
qualifying criterion for entry into FFL.

If it is Jim, kudos all around.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, hermandan0 no_reply@ wrote:

  So, that's my speculation FWIW, which isn't much. I'd be interested in
  Judy's take on the syntax thing, or anyone else's on anything.
  Some of us are paying attention even if we are only lurking--and we
  don't work for MUM.
  Of course, I could be totally wrong and it is Jim, in which case I'll
  just have a little laugh at myself, give him a high five and bow to
  the greater insight of those who believe it is.

   The reason I pointed out that Sandi = Jim when he first came on
here and began tallking was because at the same time, offlist, J.
emaile me.
 The wording and phrasing was identical to Sandi's--athough it was
clear to me the minute he'd opened his mouth.

[FairfieldLife] Re: OK---My vote is that Sandiego108 is NOT Jim: (was I Think We Need To Know)

2008-02-17 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, hermandan0 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  you've read Jed McKenna and you won't turn to yourself?
  please kick yourself in the ass for me. thanks.
 This post clinches it for me. I've never been convinced that
 sandiego108 is Jim, but now I'm almost convinced of the
 --His syntax strikes me as fundamentally different from Jim's.
 My guess is that it's hard to change your writing style and
 stick with it consistently over time. It would be great if Judy
 the editor could give some insight here. To me they just write

It's not that hard if you keep your mind on what
you're doing. More below...

 --sandiego108 has a wicked sense of humor. Jim would often have
 to tell people he was laughing at things, lest his comments be
 taken otherwise. 108's humor can be biting, and caustic in a no-
 holds-barred kind of way.
 --He doesn't talk about himself, his own enlightenment or his
 devotion to Guru Dev, experiences of Guru Dev, Brahman, etc. My
 guess is that Jim would have something to say about MMY's death
 in that context. 108 seems not to have that bhakti component to
 his posts. At least, I don't see it. He seems more detached than 
 --Jim doesn't read books; sandiego108 appears to.
 --The content of his posts seems to me quite different from
 Jim's, more radically relentless in a  unity/non-dual/i-don't-
 know-wtf-to-call-it kind of way. He pokes and prods and tweaks
 peoples' perspectives and beliefs without minding the
 --He has never once, in all the time people have accused him of
 being Jim, and a poser, risen to the bait. He has neither
 confirmed nor denied. Nor has he made any reference to anything
 Jim said or did. Who knows, maybe it is the poster formerly
 known as Jim who has totally awakened and Jim no longer exists;
 but I think it is not Jim.
 --Oh yeah--did I mention that he is wickedly funny?
 So, that's my speculation FWIW, which isn't much. I'd be
 interested in Judy's take on the syntax thing, or anyone
 else's on anything.

I honestly haven't been paying any attention to
differences in syntax. Nothing has *called itself*
to my attention, certainly. I'd have to take some
time to compare the two closely to have an expert
opinion, and frankly, I'm not that interested!

Your comments about content seem right on. But I'd
suggest that if sandiego108 and Jim are the same
person, the differences in content may be a function
of his trying a different approach to what he's been
working at getting across. I really don't see any
differences in the perspective itself.

One thing that *does* seem similar is the Zen-like
drive-by mockery, as opposed to longer explanations.
As I vaguely recall, Jim's use of this tactic 
increased toward the end of his tenure here, as if 
he'd begun to give up on more straightforward
presentations. sandiego108 isn't doing much *else*
than the mockery, his response to Ruth being one of
the few exceptions, perhaps because she was polite
and nonconfrontational, just asking for information.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Think We Need To Know

2008-02-17 Thread Peter

--- Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
 Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2008 9:47 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Think We Need To Know

  If I may briefly interrupt this discussion, I have
  question. Did MMY clearly say that if you could
  float you were not enlightened? Is there a
  source for that?
 I don't have a source, Ruth, but it has been
 quoted here often with no refutations from
 the TM faithful. The criterion may have been 
 for full enlightenment, as Lawson has been
 using it. I dunno.
 I’m pretty sure he did. It was certainly part of the
 standard talk given by
 TM teachers introducing the sidhis. The sidhis were
 presented as having a
 two-fold purpose: to develop consciousness, and as a
 test of one’s level of
 consciousness, to prevent self-deception. i.e., if
 you couldn’t perform
 them, you weren’t enlightened.

Realization of Self and relative ability are two
entirely different things. It like thinking that
you'll  spontaneously understand Chinese once you
become enlightened.

 No virus found in this outgoing message.
 Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
 Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.20.7/1283 -
 Release Date: 2/16/2008
 2:16 PM


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know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: I Think We Need To Know

2008-02-17 Thread sandiego108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

   achieving Unity Consciousness.
 aka UC, Ubiquitous Consciousness. Consciousness Everywhere.
 Its also highly scable. 
 With massive underlying network connectivity capabilities. 
 Linked by massive pipes.
 With a super RAID system built on akashic technology.
 And a quad core massive fast Ram based graphics engine.
 And an awesome motherboard (who is always at home.)
 And high speed wireless connectivity everywhere.

post optical networking technology :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: OK---My vote is that Sandiego108 is NOT Jim: (was I Think We Need To Know)

2008-02-17 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues

  He seems more detached than Jim.
 Exactly. It is a new protected persona of Jim's. It may be 
 to keep his personal name out of this forum, which has a 
 certain wisdom to it. Or it may be because without showing 
 as much of himself personally he thinks he can deliver his 
 POV and receive less challenge. Or he could have become 
 more depersonalized and dissociated.  

I would have said, Because it seemed like a 
good idea to him at the time. We might have
had our differences, but I don't see Jim as
planning ahead enough to be devious, so that's
right out. I don't see him planning ahead more 
than It seems like a good idea at the moment. 

Not that that's a bad thing. :-)

 But the same anti-intellectual position is promoted.  

Now that description I can go for. It's like
the Ronald Reagan approach to enlightenment. 

 The same moves made in argument, (peppered with personal 
 digs), and most importantly of all, the same assumptive 
 position as knower of absolute reality.

That's the tipoff, the thing that can't hide
behind any screen name.

 Never appealing to quotes from Maharishi's doctrine but 
 speaking from his own authority while winging the details 
 philosophically. Using the word ego as a pejorative is 
 another tell.


 It is Jim without the personal details that made him more 
 likable and human to me. 

Bingo. And with the creepy thing added in.

I suspect that the It seems like a good idea
in the moment idea was a kind of Castanedan
exercise in erasing one's personal history.
Start over, try to do things differently, 
that sorta thing.

Not that that's a bad thing. :-)

But to erase personal history effectively, you
have to erase the self. If there is enough of
the same old self in the new self that people
instantly recognize it, then chances are there
was self to start with.

Just my opinion...

[FairfieldLife] Re: OK---My vote is that Sandiego108 is NOT Jim: (was I Think We Need To Know)

2008-02-17 Thread sandiego108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

 He seems more detached than Jim.
 Exactly.  It is a new protected persona of Jim's.  It may be to 
 his personal name out of this forum, which has a certain wisdom to 
  Or it may be because without showing as much of himself 
personally he
 thinks he can deliver his POV and receive less challenge. Or he 
 have become more depersonalized and dissociated.  
 But the same anti-intellectual position is promoted.  The 
same moves
 made in argument, (peppered with personal digs), and most 
 of all, the same assumptive position as knower of absolute 
 Never appealing to quotes from Maharishi's doctrine but speaking 
 his own authority while winging the details philosophically.  Using
 the word ego as a pejorative is another tell.
 It is Jim without the personal details that made him more likable 
 human to me. Now we just get pronouncements from the void.  It 
 me out at first, now I accept the little game. The question of 
 this is a contrived persona bolstered by a conscious change of 
some of
 his writing style, or a personality shift is kinda interesting. It
 reminds me of those guys who change their name one day and ask you 
 call them by their new name.  Slightly squirrelly IMO.
its always all about ego for you Curtis. ego ego ego-- I am he is 
they are we think. you need to smoke a lot more dope before i'll 
take you seriously.

[FairfieldLife] Re: I Think We Need To Know

2008-02-17 Thread sandiego108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
  In MMYS teaching the states of enlightenment correspond
  to the experiential POV of three different texts. Cosmic 
  Consciousness is the style of E for the Yoga Sutras.
 Quote, please.
 What *I* was taught when I learned the TM-Sidhis
 was that the siddhis sutras are a program for
 achieving Unity Consciousness.

yes they are. aside from the symptoms of the sutras, the other thing 
that results from the practice is that the nervous system is rapidly 
blown free of garbage so that should we want, UC can be lived in this 
life time. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Realizing Brahma

2008-02-17 Thread Peter

--- ruthsimplicity [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sandiego108
  so in other words, rather than finding out who we
 are and what our 
  purpose in this life may be, we should remain not
 knowing who we 
  are, and even what this life is all about, and
 shrouded within our 
  illusion, do good, whatever that may mean. are
 you sure that this 
  approach will guarantee tranquility and
 satisfaction on your 
   Those aren't my words.  I am finding out who I am.
  I am comfortable
 in my skin.  I am fulfilling my purpose in life and
 feel rewarded in
 my chosen careers.  I volunteer with organizations I
 believe in.  I
 lobby for causes that are important to me.  This is
 not illusion, this
 is real life and real life has value.  
 Part of real life is exploring the spiritual and I
 am doing that as
 well. part of exploring the spiritual is living a
 life consistent with
 my values. Not just sitting  twice a day doing the
 Love and marriage, love and marriage
 Go together like a horse and carriage
 This I tell you brother
 You cant have one without the other.

Oh Ruth, you are so very lost! You should join Mother
Divine and enjoy the bubbling bliss of Atma, the
unified field of all the laws of nature. ;-)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: I Think We Need To Know

2008-02-17 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Realization of Self and relative ability are two
 entirely different things. It like thinking that
 you'll  spontaneously understand Chinese once you
 become enlightened.

I spontaneously came to understand Chinese. Didn't you?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Description of mantra?? : D

2008-02-17 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
When the Christian right decides that they will follow God's law
and stone adulterers instead of getting stoned WITH adulterers
(my personal preference) they can claim to use that old book as
a moral guide.
   FWIW, Christians are not bound by Jewish Law. They
   may draw moral lessons from the Hebrew Scriptures
   but are not obligated to follow any of its
   commandments but the Big 10.
  Yeah. Authoritarian fundamentalist Christianity tends to adopt
  some of the dogmatic and contemporarily popular harsh Mosaic 
 laws and fails to recognize the distinct [subtle and gross] break
  with them that Christianity introduced. 
  FWIW - This is some of what Paul said in making that distinction:
 Too bad it's so anti-Semitic.

Paul is controversial for other reasons as well. 

  2 Corinthians 3:13-16
  13 We are not like Moses, who would put a veil over his face to
  keep the Israelites from gazing at it while the radiance was
  fading away. 
  14 But their minds were made dull, for to this day the same veil
  remains when the old covenant is read. It has not been removed,
  because only in Christ is it taken away. 
  15 Even to this day when Moses is read, a veil covers their
  16 But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.
  Romans 7:6
  6 But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein
  we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not
  in the oldness of the letter.
  Hebrews 7:18-19
  18 For there is verily a disannulling [voiding completely] of
  the commandment going before for the weakness and
  unprofitableness thereof.
  19 For the law made nothing perfect, but the bringing in of a
  better hope did; by the which we draw nigh unto God.
  [words added in parentheses -jrm]

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Pundits Fleeced

2008-02-17 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2008 4:35 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Pundits Fleeced



 Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  When they were met in Chicago just prior to boarding the plane
  they were ordered to surrender the money, apparently by someone 
  representing the Varma family. The pundits were not pleased but they 
  felt they had no choice.
 I'm just thinking that the India TMO may not have appropiated 
 quite as many funds as we have suspected.

For decades the Indian TMO has treated MUM as a cash cow, nearly bleeding it
to death on numerous occasions. The university is up to its eyeballs in debt
due to the constant financial drain from “International.” This incident with
the pundits is the second blatant “inside job” I’m aware of. The first was
when Eberhard Doberstein drove late one night from New Delhi to Noida
carrying a large amount of cash to pay the salaries of the employees of the
movement printing press he was managing there. En route, he was pulled over
by armed, masked thugs who took the cash and let him go. Obviously someone
on the inside knew that his particular car was carrying cash, and organized
the heist.

In this more recent pundit incident, the MUM/Vedic City authorities must
have notified the folks in India that the pundits would be given some
spending money. Someone in the chain of command, either the guy at the
airport or the folks he was representing, decided that $5000 would be a nice
little chunk of pocket change and decided to take it, thumbing their nose at
the folks in FF who had contributed it.

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.20.7/1283 - Release Date: 2/16/2008
2:16 PM

[FairfieldLife] Re: UK to license smokers (and that's the least of what they're doing)

2008-02-17 Thread Duveyoung
Yeah, Judy, I knew the speck guy was detained in an Arab country not
America, but geeze, I was reading Playboy magazine in the 60's and
there were always a ton of stories about persons jailed for three
seeds, so I thought that a speck guy is a speck guy -- just a
principle being seen.

Do you think that such a thing couldn't happen in America?

Over 800,000 persons were arrested this year alone for marijuana


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
  This whole surveillance thing has pretty much happened in the
  last ten years.
 Six, really, for the scary stuff. It's been a
 consequence of 9/11 (or 9/11 was the excuse, at
 any rate).
  Right now, I'm having trouble even thinking about flying
  anywhere, because just the other day they found a SPECK
  of marijuana on some guy's heel and he's jailed for
  something that he could have picked up while walking into
  the airport
 Were you planning on visiting or changing planes
 in the United Arab Emirates? Because that's where
 this happened--in Dubai, not in the U.S.:

[FairfieldLife] The upside of not being a Recert

2008-02-17 Thread shempmcgurk
1) I don't have to wear a tie to TM functions anymore!

2) Jeans are back in.

3) I can behave any fucking way I want to at TM functions...and be as 
politically incorrect as I want to be.

4) Let Kinky Kingy Tony, Bevan, Rajarski Hagelin, or any of the Knights 
Rajah Templar Global Village of Administation Poobahs try sending out 
the word for TM teachers to do this or that...hey, I'm not 
one of your recertified running dog lackies to do it.

5) Freedom of speech, freedom of association, freedom of thought...

[FairfieldLife] Re: OK---My vote is that Sandiego108 is NOT Jim: (was I Think We Need To Know)

2008-02-17 Thread curtisdeltablues
He seems more detached than Jim.

Exactly.  It is a new protected persona of Jim's.  It may be to keep
his personal name out of this forum, which has a certain wisdom to it.
 Or it may be because without showing as much of himself personally he
thinks he can deliver his POV and receive less challenge. Or he could
have become more depersonalized and dissociated.  

But the same anti-intellectual position is promoted.  The same moves
made in argument, (peppered with personal digs), and most importantly
of all, the same assumptive position as knower of absolute reality.
Never appealing to quotes from Maharishi's doctrine but speaking from
his own authority while winging the details philosophically.  Using
the word ego as a pejorative is another tell.

It is Jim without the personal details that made him more likable and
human to me. Now we just get pronouncements from the void.  It creeped
me out at first, now I accept the little game. The question of whether
this is a contrived persona bolstered by a conscious change of some of
his writing style, or a personality shift is kinda interesting. It
reminds me of those guys who change their name one day and ask you to
call them by their new name.  Slightly squirrelly IMO.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, hermandan0 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  you've read Jed McKenna and you won't turn to yourself? please kick 
  yourself in the ass for me. thanks.
 This post clinches it for me. I've never been convinced that
 sandiego108 is Jim, but now I'm almost convinced of the opposite.
 --His syntax strikes me as fundamentally different from Jim's. My
 guess is that it's hard to change your writing style and stick with it
 consistently over time. It would be great if Judy the editor could
 give some insight here. To me they just write differently.
 --sandiego108 has a wicked sense of humor. Jim would often have to
 tell people he was laughing at things, lest his comments be taken
 otherwise. 108's humor can be biting, and caustic in a no-holds-barred
 kind of way.
 --He doesn't talk about himself, his own enlightenment or his
 devotion to Guru Dev, experiences of Guru Dev, Brahman, etc. My guess
 is that Jim would have something to say about MMY's death in that
 context. 108 seems not to have that bhakti component to his posts. At
 least, I don't see it. He seems more detached than Jim.
 --Jim doesn't read books; sandiego108 appears to.
 --The content of his posts seems to me quite different from Jim's,
 more radically relentless in a
 unity/non-dual/i-don't-know-wtf-to-call-it kind of way. He pokes and
 prods and tweaks peoples' perspectives and beliefs without minding the
 --He has never once, in all the time people have accused him of being
 Jim, and a poser, risen to the bait. He has neither confirmed nor
 denied. Nor has he made any reference to anything Jim said or did. Who
 knows, maybe it is the poster formerly known as Jim who has totally
 awakened and Jim no longer exists; but I think it is not Jim.
 --Oh yeah--did I mention that he is wickedly funny?
 So, that's my speculation FWIW, which isn't much. I'd be interested in
 Judy's take on the syntax thing, or anyone else's on anything.
 Some of us are paying attention even if we are only lurking--and we
 don't work for MUM.
 Of course, I could be totally wrong and it is Jim, in which case I'll
 just have a little laugh at myself, give him a high five and bow to
 the greater insight of those who believe it is.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sandiego108 sandiego108@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sticheau sticheau@ 
 snip 'Cause, to use Jed's idea, if it isn't abiding, 
   isn't sh*t.  So, to those deep in the nether regions and in the 
   I ask: Is Tony Nader enlightened?  It's a most simple question, Y 
   N.  Why do I ask?  Because we're all looking for someone to turn to
   now.  We've already demonstrated to one degree or another that we
   won't turn to ourselves, so if not our own self, then who?
   I should've skipped the onions tonight, I guess.
  you've read Jed McKenna and you won't turn to yourself? please kick 
  yourself in the ass for me. thanks.

[FairfieldLife] Re: OK---My vote is that Sandiego108 is NOT Jim: (was I Think We Need To Know)

2008-02-17 Thread sandiego108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sandiego108 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   its always all about ego for you Curtis. ego ego ego-- I am he 
   they are we think. you need to smoke a lot more dope before 
   take you seriously.
  Yes the nastiness of Jim in all his glory.  I am a professional
  singer.  I don't smoke anything.  But nice try.
  Your understanding of the term ego is so wrapped up in your 
  philosophical redefinitions that it is not a term that conveys 
  meaning to me when you use it.
 my comments to you were prescriptive, not perjorative.

...pejorative...(too many r's...

[FairfieldLife] Re: I Think We Need To Know

2008-02-17 Thread new . morning

  achieving Unity Consciousness.

aka UC, Ubiquitous Consciousness. Consciousness Everywhere.

Its also highly scable. 

With massive underlying network connectivity capabilities. 

Linked by massive pipes.

With a super RAID system built on akashic technology.

And a quad core massive fast Ram based graphics engine.

And an awesome motherboard (who is always at home.)

And high speed wireless connectivity everywhere.

[FairfieldLife] FW: My Dinner With Doctor Mahapatra

2008-02-17 Thread Rick Archer
From a friend:


Dear Rick:

We sent the email below to Dr Mahapatra and he asked that you kindly do not
circulate this email or put it on your blog/s. 

With best wishes,

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.20.7/1283 - Release Date: 2/16/2008
2:16 PM

[FairfieldLife] Re: I Think We Need To Know

2008-02-17 Thread sandiego108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutphen@ wrote:
  Realization of Self and relative ability are two
  entirely different things. It like thinking that
  you'll  spontaneously understand Chinese once you
  become enlightened.
 I spontaneously came to understand Chinese. Didn't you?

Kung Hei Fat Choy!

[FairfieldLife] Re: FW: My Dinner With Doctor Mahapatra

2008-02-17 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From a friend:
 Dear Rick:
 We sent the email below to Dr Mahapatra and he asked that
 you kindly do not circulate this email or put it on your

There wasn't any email below in your post, Rick.
What is he referring to that we aren't supposed to

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