[FairfieldLife] Re: Sustainability of TM

2011-09-18 Thread John
TM is based on the creative function of the unified field, the vast ocean of 
nothingness.  Physicists are now discovering that the universe is made up 
mostly of dark energy and dark matter.  Both account for 96 percent of the 
total constituent of the universe.

The predominance of dark energy shows that the vacuum of the universe is highly 
unstable and is fueling the the expansion and acceleration of the universe.  In 
Maharishi-speak, this confirms the infinite creativity and dynamism of the 
unified field.

By attuning to this unified field, one gains the power of the dark energy that 
science has discovered, which can be experienced in the human physiology as 

So, MMY's ideas are very much in keeping with recent scientific discoveries.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 As doctrine of faith and belief in Maharishi
 the practicing of the technique.  
 A TM-movement that tests for faith on the one hand, 
 or just facilitates its practitioners on the other.
 Will the movement be sustaining, 
 what would promote its sustainability?
 Are the numbers sustainable as it is?
 What should the TM-Rajas do?

[FairfieldLife] Another pair of sandals for sale (was Re: Merudanda/Sandals)

2011-09-18 Thread Ravi Yogi
Me too, welcome back Mark and hope this goes well.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@...

 I'm with you.  Mark, I hope it goes well for you.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
  Ditto! I hope they sell way past the reserve.
  I hope it brings him all that he wishes for!
  Maybe some zillionaire from India will purchase them?
  I hope all goes well.
  This is fun, I am excited for someone to benefit from anything! : )
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@
   I don't know anything beyond what Mark has shared publicly. I was
 commenting on how we really don't know anything about the potential
 buyers of Mark's sandals, or what he will settle for. I hope he makes
 bundle. Why not?
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@
Of course there's a lot of people like that,
Jim~~but so far I've seen no evidence that
anyone even close to that league is the least
bit interested. Have you? That's at least one
thing I meant about dangerous delusions. It
seems Mark's entire life in the near future is
being based upon these selling for a significant
amount. So far the only offers I know of are
lurk's and yours. Or have I missed something?
2011, at 1:16 PM, whynotnow7 wrote:
 There's a lot of people in the world to whom $70K means
 - its like spending $100 to you or me. As to the intentions of the
 potential buyer, who knows? Maybe they just like famous shoes. :-)

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine
 salsunshine@ wrote:

 On Sep 16, 2011, at 5:06 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

 I'm hoping that Ted can put my set of flip-flops
 up for auction at the same time that he puts up
 Maharishi's sandals, so that I might get some
 spillover traffic from wealthy foot and fraud
 fetishists. Thanks to you and obbajeeba for
 suggesting the idea.

 I wonder whatever happened to the idea of,
 if you need $$, getting a job. I think
 Mark is living in a dream-world, perhaps
 even dangerously so, if he thinks these
 decades-old relics are going to become
 his salvation.


[FairfieldLife] Moss...er..Mosaid: NoWin or YesWin?

2011-09-18 Thread cardemaister


[FairfieldLife] Re: Blackout: CNN, Fox, and MSNBC Ignore 50,000 US Day Of Rage Protesters

2011-09-18 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WilliamG wgm4u@... wrote:

 Looked more like 50 poor losers in Wisconsin egged on by their Union 

Goons ? Why not rats like Gadhaffi used to call his opponents.

[FairfieldLife] Re: US protesters rally to occupy Wall Street

2011-09-18 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 They were planning to return after dinner but I guess that fizzled out.  
 The cops chased them out of the district.  However there will be more 
 demonstrations tomorrow.  The live stream had problems but it got better 
 through the afternoon.

At least this www.livestream.com has some balls !


[FairfieldLife] Re: Recent video by Peter Wallace

2011-09-18 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, RoryGoff rorygoff@... wrote:

 * * * We also have a Crop Circle Cafe in town that Peter has probably
heard of, if not visited, by now :-)

108 (!) W Burlington Ave.

No photos when googled. Must be plenty of cameras in Fairfield, no ?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Recent video by Peter Wallace

2011-09-18 Thread turquoiseb
Curtis, I've not commented on this video because I haven't
seen it. It just didn't interest me when I first saw the
link to it, and it still doesn't. So what I'm responding
to below is not anything about Peter Wallace himself or
anything he said or even about TM in particular. You
touched on an interesting 'tude that I've seen across
the entire spiritual smorgasbord, and made some points
that I think are worth reinforcing.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 But my Goddamn unconscious tyrant sent me a memo.  One that 
 I can't refuse, despite the price I pay in euphoria deflation 
 over such a string of wonderful tales of encounters with 
 special, wonderful people.
 So here it is.  Too many perfect coincidences in a row with 
 the same message as the subtext.  And the message is that 
 this person, Peter, is the most wonderfully, specially, 
 coincidentally acknowledged person by each and every special 
 person in his stories without exception.  None of them were 
 met the way I met Maharishi, each one has a story, worthy 
 of standing alone in its magical perfection.  Why did he 
 have to put them all together?  Could he have included even 
 one story that sounded like mine?  One story that didn't 
 have the blessed perfection of a perfectly told story?   
 Could he have shown a bit of literary discipline in what 
 he was serving us?
 OK.  If this is how it all really went down, then he is the 
 single most magically blessed person I have ever heard about, 
 with the ultimate I hung out with Maharishi before he became 
 Donald Trump tales. 
 But if you spoke with Maharishi for 6 months and the most 
 interesting thing you have to share is how special you were 
 in how you were acknowledged by him...no details worthy of 
 a person sitting day after day with the guy who was supposed 
 to have figured it all out, the guy who had the answers about 
 the reality of life, the best you can serve up to us is a cool 
 coincidence story about how you knew better than anyone else 
 the Maharishi was gunna show up...that is the most important 
 words out of your mouth...a story not about his insights into 
 reality but how special you were in how you met him...
 and all of this served up in a non-affect monotone serving up 
 exactly zero of the qualities that might encourage me to see 
 how reasonable it is that this is the guy who may be the 
 luckiest guy in the world.  

As I said above, I haven't seen the video, but based on
your description above, I've met the guy and heard his
rap before, many times. True, it may not have been Peter
Wallace himself, but I've seen this mindset before, in 
many other guys and gals. I call it self importance.

And you just nailed it. First, the storytelling is just
too polished and bard-like, as if they've not only told
this story to others for years, they've told it to 
*themselves* for years, over and over, to remind them-
selves how special they really were, to have been able
to hang out so close to an even more special person.

Second, it's the consistent pasting together of coinci-
dences or meaningless, unrelated events interpreted as 
both meaningful and related. Nothing in these stories 
can ever be mundane or random or coincidence; it all
seems to have to be dripping with cosmic importance
and the pre-ordained wonderfulnessitude of it all.

Third, it's the It all comes down to me aspect of the
storytelling that's the tell. Not just in the context of
former followers of spiritual teachers telling stories 
about them, but also in the vast canon of spiritual liter-
ature itself. There were chroniclers of spiritual teachers
who managed to tell the story without painting themselves
into every scene. And then there were the vast majority,
who couldn't. There was almost always a me element in
the storytelling, presented as if the me in question --
the narrator of the story, after all -- was just as 
important and just as special as the spiritual luminary 
being spoken of or written about.

It's been so many years since I was tempted to measure my 
own self worth by my proximity to a special person that 
I forget about this whole 'tude, and how prevalent a 
mindset it is in many spiritual communities. Your descrip-
tion reminded me. In a way, I'm thinking that telling these 
stories over and over to rapt audiences, possibly embroid-
ering them a little bit more with each telling to make 
them better stories, is remarkably like the way Joseph
Campbell assumed myths were written. The self important
myth-creators are just making sure to write themselves
into the myths as prominent characters, that's all.  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sustainability of TM

2011-09-18 Thread Buck

All the communes under consideration have as their bond of union some form of 
religious belief.  It is asserted by some writers who theorize about communism 
that a commune can not exist long without some fanatical religious thought as 
its cementing force; while others assert with equal positiveness that it is 
possible to maintain a commune in which the members shall have diverse and 
diverging beliefs in religious matters.  It seems to me that both these 
theories are wrong; but that it is true that a commune to exist harmoniously, 
must be composed of persons who are of one mind upon some question which to 
them shall appear so important as to take the place of a religion, if it is not 
essentially religious; though it need not be fanatically held.   -Nordhoff 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@... wrote:

 TM is based on the creative function of the unified field, the vast ocean of 
 nothingness.  Physicists are now discovering that the universe is made up 
 mostly of dark energy and dark matter.  Both account for 96 percent of the 
 total constituent of the universe.
 The predominance of dark energy shows that the vacuum of the universe is 
 highly unstable and is fueling the the expansion and acceleration of the 
 universe.  In Maharishi-speak, this confirms the infinite creativity and 
 dynamism of the unified field.
 By attuning to this unified field, one gains the power of the dark energy 
 that science has discovered, which can be experienced in the human physiology 
 as bliss.
 So, MMY's ideas are very much in keeping with recent scientific discoveries.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
  As doctrine of faith and belief in Maharishi
  the practicing of the technique.  
  A TM-movement that tests for faith on the one hand, 
  or just facilitates its practitioners on the other.
  Will the movement be sustaining, 
  what would promote its sustainability?
  Are the numbers sustainable as it is?
  What should the TM-Rajas do?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sustainability of TM

2011-09-18 Thread Buck

 All the communes under consideration have as their bond of union some form 
 of religious belief.  It is asserted by some writers who theorize about 
 communism that a commune can not exist long without some fanatical religious 
 thought as its cementing force; while others assert with equal positiveness 
 that it is possible to maintain a commune in which the members shall have 
 diverse and diverging beliefs in religious matters.  It seems to me that both 
 these theories are wrong; but that it is true that a commune to exist 
 harmoniously, must be composed of persons who are of one mind upon some 
 question which to them shall appear so important as to take the place of a 
 religion, if it is not essentially religious; though it need not be 
 fanatically held.   -Nordhoff (1875)  

Moreover- and this is another important consideration- I am satisfied that 
during its accumulation the Commun(-al)ists enjoyed a greater amount of 
comfort, and vastly greater security against want and demoralization, than were 
attained by their neighbors or the surrounding population, with better schools 
and opportunities of training for their children, and far less exposure for the 
women, and the aged and infirm.  -Nordhoff (1875)
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  TM is based on the creative function of the unified field, the vast ocean 
  of nothingness.  Physicists are now discovering that the universe is made 
  up mostly of dark energy and dark matter.  Both account for 96 percent of 
  the total constituent of the universe.
  The predominance of dark energy shows that the vacuum of the universe is 
  highly unstable and is fueling the the expansion and acceleration of the 
  universe.  In Maharishi-speak, this confirms the infinite creativity and 
  dynamism of the unified field.
  By attuning to this unified field, one gains the power of the dark energy 
  that science has discovered, which can be experienced in the human 
  physiology as bliss.
  So, MMY's ideas are very much in keeping with recent scientific discoveries.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
   As doctrine of faith and belief in Maharishi
   the practicing of the technique.  
   A TM-movement that tests for faith on the one hand, 
   or just facilitates its practitioners on the other.
   Will the movement be sustaining, 
   what would promote its sustainability?
   Are the numbers sustainable as it is?
   What should the TM-Rajas do?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sustainability of TM

2011-09-18 Thread Buck

  All the communes under consideration have as their bond of union some form 
  of religious belief.  It is asserted by some writers who theorize about 
  communism that a commune can not exist long without some fanatical 
  religious thought as its cementing force; while others assert with equal 
  positiveness that it is possible to maintain a commune in which the members 
  shall have diverse and diverging beliefs in religious matters.  It seems to 
  me that both these theories are wrong; but that it is true that a commune 
  to exist harmoniously, must be composed of persons who are of one mind upon 
  some question which to them shall appear so important as to take the place 
  of a religion, if it is not essentially religious; though it need not be 
  fanatically held.   -Nordhoff (1875)  
 Moreover- and this is another important consideration- I am satisfied that 
 during its accumulation the Commun(-al)ists enjoyed a greater amount of 
 comfort, and vastly greater security against want and demoralization, than 
 were attained by their neighbors or the surrounding population, with better 
 schools and opportunities of training for their children, and far less 
 exposure for the women, and the aged and infirm.  -Nordhoff (1875)

It will be seen that the oldest of these communes have existed for eighty 
years; the youngest cited here for review has been founded twenty-two years.  
Of all, only two societies remain under their guidance of their founders; ...  
The common assertion that a commune must break up on the death of its founder 
would thus appear to be erroneous.  -Nordhoff (1875) 

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
   TM is based on the creative function of the unified field, the vast ocean 
   of nothingness.  Physicists are now discovering that the universe is made 
   up mostly of dark energy and dark matter.  Both account for 96 percent of 
   the total constituent of the universe.
   The predominance of dark energy shows that the vacuum of the universe is 
   highly unstable and is fueling the the expansion and acceleration of the 
   universe.  In Maharishi-speak, this confirms the infinite creativity and 
   dynamism of the unified field.
   By attuning to this unified field, one gains the power of the dark energy 
   that science has discovered, which can be experienced in the human 
   physiology as bliss.
   So, MMY's ideas are very much in keeping with recent scientific 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
As doctrine of faith and belief in Maharishi
the practicing of the technique.  

A TM-movement that tests for faith on the one hand, 
or just facilitates its practitioners on the other.

Will the movement be sustaining, 

what would promote its sustainability?

Are the numbers sustainable as it is?

What should the TM-Rajas do?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Sustainability of TM

2011-09-18 Thread Buck
These seventy-two communes make but little noise in the world; they live quiet 
and peaceful lives, and do not like to admit strangers to their privacy.  
-Nordhoff (1875) 
   All the communes under consideration have as their bond of union some 
   form of religious belief.  It is asserted by some writers who theorize 
   about communism that a commune can not exist long without some fanatical 
   religious thought as its cementing force; while others assert with equal 
   positiveness that it is possible to maintain a commune in which the 
   members shall have diverse and diverging beliefs in religious matters.  
   It seems to me that both these theories are wrong; but that it is true 
   that a commune to exist harmoniously, must be composed of persons who are 
   of one mind upon some question which to them shall appear so important as 
   to take the place of a religion, if it is not essentially religious; 
   though it need not be fanatically held.   -Nordhoff (1875)  
  Moreover- and this is another important consideration- I am satisfied that 
  during its accumulation the Commun(-al)ists enjoyed a greater amount of 
  comfort, and vastly greater security against want and demoralization, than 
  were attained by their neighbors or the surrounding population, with better 
  schools and opportunities of training for their children, and far less 
  exposure for the women, and the aged and infirm.  -Nordhoff (1875)
 It will be seen that the oldest of these communes have existed for eighty 
 years; the youngest cited here for review has been founded twenty-two years.  
 Of all, only two societies remain under their guidance of their founders; ... 
  The common assertion that a commune must break up on the death of its 
 founder would thus appear to be erroneous.  -Nordhoff (1875) 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
TM is based on the creative function of the unified field, the vast 
ocean of nothingness.  Physicists are now discovering that the universe 
is made up mostly of dark energy and dark matter.  Both account for 96 
percent of the total constituent of the universe.

The predominance of dark energy shows that the vacuum of the universe 
is highly unstable and is fueling the the expansion and acceleration of 
the universe.  In Maharishi-speak, this confirms the infinite 
creativity and dynamism of the unified field.

By attuning to this unified field, one gains the power of the dark 
energy that science has discovered, which can be experienced in the 
human physiology as bliss.

So, MMY's ideas are very much in keeping with recent scientific 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:

 As doctrine of faith and belief in Maharishi
 the practicing of the technique.  
 A TM-movement that tests for faith on the one hand, 
 or just facilitates its practitioners on the other.
 Will the movement be sustaining, 
 what would promote its sustainability?
 Are the numbers sustainable as it is?
 What should the TM-Rajas do?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Recent video by Peter Wallace

2011-09-18 Thread richardwillytexwilliams
 I've not commented on this video because I haven't
 seen it.

You are supposed to view the video BEFORE you post 
your comments. LoL!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Recent video by Peter Wallace

2011-09-18 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

 The self important myth-creators are just making 
 sure to write themselves into the myths as prominent
 characters, that's all. :-)

LoL! :-)

for Rama and for those who, by encouraging me to 
write, also became my teachers.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sustainability of TM

2011-09-18 Thread Buck
All the communes under consideration have as their bond of union some 
form of religious belief.  It is asserted by some writers who theorize 
about communism that a commune can not exist long without some 
fanatical religious thought as its cementing force; while others assert 
with equal positiveness that it is possible to maintain a commune in 
which the members shall have diverse and diverging beliefs in religious 
matters.  It seems to me that both these theories are wrong; but that 
it is true that a commune to exist harmoniously, must be composed of 
persons who are of one mind upon some question which to them shall 
appear so important as to take the place of a religion, if it is not 
essentially religious; though it need not be fanatically held.   
-Nordhoff (1875)  

That paragraph is particularly useful criticism. The communal 'Reason to be'.

 These seventy-two communes make but little noise in the world; they live 
 quiet and peaceful lives, and do not like to admit strangers to their 
 privacy.  -Nordhoff (1875) 

All the communes under consideration have as their bond of union some 
form of religious belief.  It is asserted by some writers who theorize 
about communism that a commune can not exist long without some 
fanatical religious thought as its cementing force; while others assert 
with equal positiveness that it is possible to maintain a commune in 
which the members shall have diverse and diverging beliefs in religious 
matters.  It seems to me that both these theories are wrong; but that 
it is true that a commune to exist harmoniously, must be composed of 
persons who are of one mind upon some question which to them shall 
appear so important as to take the place of a religion, if it is not 
essentially religious; though it need not be fanatically held.   
-Nordhoff (1875)  
   Moreover- and this is another important consideration- I am satisfied 
   that during its accumulation the Commun(-al)ists enjoyed a greater amount 
   of comfort, and vastly greater security against want and demoralization, 
   than were attained by their neighbors or the surrounding population, with 
   better schools and opportunities of training for their children, and far 
   less exposure for the women, and the aged and infirm.  -Nordhoff (1875)
  It will be seen that the oldest of these communes have existed for eighty 
  years; the youngest cited here for review has been founded twenty-two 
  years.  Of all, only two societies remain under their guidance of their 
  founders; ...  The common assertion that a commune must break up on the 
  death of its founder would thus appear to be erroneous.  -Nordhoff (1875) 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:

 TM is based on the creative function of the unified field, the vast 
 ocean of nothingness.  Physicists are now discovering that the 
 universe is made up mostly of dark energy and dark matter.  Both 
 account for 96 percent of the total constituent of the universe.
 The predominance of dark energy shows that the vacuum of the universe 
 is highly unstable and is fueling the the expansion and acceleration 
 of the universe.  In Maharishi-speak, this confirms the infinite 
 creativity and dynamism of the unified field.
 By attuning to this unified field, one gains the power of the dark 
 energy that science has discovered, which can be experienced in the 
 human physiology as bliss.
 So, MMY's ideas are very much in keeping with recent scientific 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
  As doctrine of faith and belief in Maharishi
  the practicing of the technique.  
  A TM-movement that tests for faith on the one hand, 
  or just facilitates its practitioners on the other.
  Will the movement be sustaining, 
  what would promote its sustainability?
  Are the numbers sustainable as it is?
  What should the TM-Rajas do?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Recent video by Peter Wallace

2011-09-18 Thread merudanda
no! (scroll down please)

Wondrous to wander through mists!
Parted are bush and stone:
None to the other exists,
Each stands alone.

Many my friends came calling
then, when I lived in the light;
Now that the fogs are falling,
None is in sight.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, RoryGoff rorygoff@ wrote:
  * * * We also have a Crop Circle Cafe in town that Peter has
 heard of, if not visited, by now :-)

 108 (!) W Burlington Ave.
 Crop Circle Cafe  Gallery Llc
2279 Rolling Meadows Road, Fairfield, IA 52556-8555

since you want to visit this love-able town of mystery...
Marlene Martin, M.A., Co-Founder of Crop Circle Café  Gallery in
Fairfield and her daughter discovered crop circles in 2003 and believes
Crop circles  and UFOs are pointing the way toward the coming Golden
Age, and the human metamorphosis that's already underway for the
entire human race.  Humanity as a whole is undergoing an extraordinary
evolutionary leap, both in terms of consciousness and physiology.  This
unique transformational process is the divine plan for the next
adventure of humanity, as we graduate from a world sunk in duality and
limitation, to an abundant world for all that celebrates our unity at
the core of our diversity.
Heaven on earth.  spiritual and material technology.  beyond what you
can imagine, and coming your way soon.   For more information and if
you want to visit her, contact marl...@cropcirclecafe.org
Friday, September 18, 2009 she presented aerial photography of stunning
formations, research photos, anomalous on-site evidence, and the famous
crop circle documentary Crop Circles: Crossovers from Another
at the Iowa City Public Library, 123 S. Linn St Peter Wallace could have

A warning- some of the effects described could be chemical reactions-
although it seems to happen too quickly.

Now.--sorry this old snake that flies with feathers of colors(? ) have
to fly  fly away fly away toward another dimension

[FairfieldLife] Another pair of sandals for sale (was Re: Merudanda/Sandals)

2011-09-18 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mark Landau m@... wrote:

 Perhaps we all do things differently (though similarly). I did most of
mine in the years after I left, '76-'78. Then pretty much stopped till I
decided to sell the sandals feeling I had done most of it. Perhaps now
there's just a little more to do, triggered by everything that's come up
here and since. Also, he was a much larger part of my life than most.

  Does anyone's death expunge them from the hearts and lives of others?
Or is this irony directed at others or a humorous riff going over my
head or all of the above.

I think there should a Shakesperian type of Maharishi play.  I don't
know if it would be a comedy or a tragedy, but I think these lines would
have a place in it.  Perhaps it can be Mark sitting on rock
outcroppinng, and these are first lines of his soliliqy.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sustainability of TM

2011-09-18 Thread Buck

Within the TM community evidently there are progressive (secular) Hagelin-ites 
who would like to see people meditating (doing TM) for good reasons as a common 
bond on the one hand, and then the reactionary conservative Bevanistas or 
Maharishi-saids on the other hand who fight (often ruthlessly) for their 
doctrine of faith and belief in Maharishi.  

The long-term numbers parsed seem to show the Bevan-nistas to be winning out, 
with progressive TM in a rear-guard decline.  (late 2011)   

 All the communes under consideration have as their bond of union 
 some form of religious belief.  It is asserted by some writers who 
 theorize about communism that a commune can not exist long without 
 some fanatical religious thought as its cementing force; while others 
 assert with equal positiveness that it is possible to maintain a 
 commune in which the members shall have diverse and diverging beliefs 
 in religious matters.  It seems to me that both these theories are 
 wrong; but that it is true that a commune to exist harmoniously, must 
 be composed of persons who are of one mind upon some question which 
 to them shall appear so important as to take the place of a religion, 
 if it is not essentially religious; though it need not be fanatically 
 held.   -Nordhoff (1875)  

 That paragraph is particularly useful criticism. The communal 'Reason to be'.
  These seventy-two communes make but little noise in the world; they live 
  quiet and peaceful lives, and do not like to admit strangers to their 
  privacy.  -Nordhoff (1875) 

 All the communes under consideration have as their bond of union 
 some form of religious belief.  It is asserted by some writers who 
 theorize about communism that a commune can not exist long without 
 some fanatical religious thought as its cementing force; while others 
 assert with equal positiveness that it is possible to maintain a 
 commune in which the members shall have diverse and diverging beliefs 
 in religious matters.  It seems to me that both these theories are 
 wrong; but that it is true that a commune to exist harmoniously, must 
 be composed of persons who are of one mind upon some question which 
 to them shall appear so important as to take the place of a religion, 
 if it is not essentially religious; though it need not be fanatically 
 held.   -Nordhoff (1875)  

Moreover- and this is another important consideration- I am satisfied 
that during its accumulation the Commun(-al)ists enjoyed a greater 
amount of comfort, and vastly greater security against want and 
demoralization, than were attained by their neighbors or the 
surrounding population, with better schools and opportunities of 
training for their children, and far less exposure for the women, and 
the aged and infirm.  -Nordhoff (1875)
   It will be seen that the oldest of these communes have existed for 
   eighty years; the youngest cited here for review has been founded 
   twenty-two years.  Of all, only two societies remain under their guidance 
   of their founders; ...  The common assertion that a commune must break up 
   on the death of its founder would thus appear to be erroneous.  
   -Nordhoff (1875) 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  TM is based on the creative function of the unified field, the vast 
  ocean of nothingness.  Physicists are now discovering that the 
  universe is made up mostly of dark energy and dark matter.  Both 
  account for 96 percent of the total constituent of the universe.
  The predominance of dark energy shows that the vacuum of the 
  universe is highly unstable and is fueling the the expansion and 
  acceleration of the universe.  In Maharishi-speak, this confirms 
  the infinite creativity and dynamism of the unified field.
  By attuning to this unified field, one gains the power of the dark 
  energy that science has discovered, which can be experienced in the 
  human physiology as bliss.
  So, MMY's ideas are very much in keeping with recent scientific 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
   As doctrine of faith and belief in Maharishi
   the practicing of the technique.  
   A TM-movement that tests for faith on the one hand, 
   or just facilitates its practitioners on the other.
   Will the movement be sustaining, 
   what would promote its sustainability?
   Are the numbers sustainable as it is?
   What should the TM-Rajas do?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Recent video by Peter Wallace

2011-09-18 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@... wrote:
 By the way, just for the record: I ain't no homo or anything. Got

On the other hand, there ain't solid evidence that you're a breeder 

[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-18 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:

 Like many progressives you're progressive till someone
 offends your sense of what is acceptable.  YOU SEEM TO FORGET,
democracy is NOT about protecting the people we
 agree with, it about protecting the people many of us don't agree
with. Turn a
 liberal over and give them a good shake and out pops a born again neo
 every time.

Nicely put.  I am not sure if I agree totally, but a nicely put phrase.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Recent video by Peter Wallace

2011-09-18 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@... wrote:

 No, this guy is solid in his mystical integrity—even as I challenge anyone to 
 point out a single example where this is true in the case of any other one of 
 Maharishi's living initiators.
 Still, everything you say in response to the video can be seen to be true—but 
 not at the purely intuitive level of my experience. I think my response to 
 Peter Russell and your response to Peter Russell are both valid.

Absolutely.  I can dig both perspectives.  I spend so much time with my nose 
stuck in books about out cognitive gaps and shaping in the retelling of 
stories is a big one.  His stories have been shaped with conscious or 
unconscious enthusiasm over many retellings.

But I can certainly remember when tales like his would be inputted directly 
without the speedbumps of skepticism and would serve as more proof that I was 
living on the cusp of something magical. Like I said, just the Maharishi story 
alone might have made it through unscathed, it was just the cumulative effect 
that sent me over.

And I don't mean it as some indictment of the guy personally.  Overcoming a 
stroke is miracle enough and whatever gets him through the night and all.

But I think you may be a bit hard on the many initiator old timers who are 
still just as sincere and every bit as guileless as you imagined him to be.  I 
believe there are a whole bunch of them.  I went to a sidha gathering about 15 
years of no contact and most people have grown up with the ambiguity of their 
spiritual interests and an organization that is kind of a buzzkill.  As the 
token spawn of Satan I was cornered repeatedly by people with unasked for 
confessions of their lack of towing the party line while still keeping their 
pure connection with the part of Maharishi they always loved.  I could see the 
conflicts and how their maturity resolved them in the way we humans balance 
ambiguity. A little denial, a little nudge, nudge, wink, wink, and some clear 
duct tape to hold it all together. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@... wrote:

 I get this, Curtis—and I love it. But I will say that Peter Wallace did 
 convince me that all these supernatural coincidences did in fact happen to 
 him around these Big Eastern Boys (and Girls). I watched for the slightest 
 affectation or guile in his story-telling; but in fact it all came out so 
 naturally that I knew he was telling the truth—More than this: at this time 
 (mid to late sixties) the universe did in fact cooperate with Maharishi—and 
 get behind his whole project. That Nature Support thing: did Maharishi just 
 make that up? No, I felt it (Mother is at Home = variant, and even more 
 convincing) to be real. And it *was* very real.
 But then it gradually attenuated—'Nature withdrew 'her' support from 
 Maharishi, and now, if one feels the state of grace of the TMO, one is forced 
 to conclude: There has been an actual reversal of fortune—because the grace 
 is gone. You could go to an Introductory Lecture in the late seventies and 
 feel the metaphysical buzz. Yeah, the invisible powers in the universe seemed 
 to like TM and Maharishi. But then something happened and now the buzz has 
 all gone. The love has gone. The magic has gone.
 BUT there is Peter Wallace, somehow holding inside himself the more halcyon 
 days of TM and MMY: the reality of what it all *was* is still inside of him. 
 This to me is a kind of miracle. I doubt you would find this reality living 
 inside one other initiator in the world. Why, how, does Peter Wallace become 
 the repository of these more glorious days? I suppose—just a guess 
 here—because we need to remember once what TM and Maharishi were. There was 
 nothing like  subjective estimation of the phenomenon.
 But I detected no attempt by Peter Wallace to make himself special. He *was* 
 special, for the reasons I have given: someone has to keep the whole history 
 of TM and Maharishi and the Movement inside of them—so it can be seen 
 longitudinally, and not just in its decline.
 Consider this thought experiment, Curtis, if you will: Take you at the zenith 
 of your enthusiasm for TM, Maharishi, and the Teaching: If you fell into a 
 coma between that moment (when you were most devoted and keen) and now, and 
 you suddenly woke up and listened to Peter Wallace, what would be your 
 experience? More significantly, if you woke up now and tried to get a bead on 
 where things have gone, how would you go about adjusting to the change 
 between just before your coma and now, September 2011?—and of course you 
 would be informed that Maharishi had died.
 The thing (you might not get this) about you, Curtis, is that miraculously it 
 seems (I have referred to this before) you have regained an almost perfect 
 normalcy—as if you truly were able to expunge the whole reality (whatever you 
 decided you did want to hang around inside of you) of TM and 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Recent video by Peter Wallace

2011-09-18 Thread RoryGoff
* * *  Evidently the proprietor has recently moved into 402 North B, the large 
building by the tracks which used to be a health-food store in the 1980's. I 
haven't been there yet, but her old cafe had a lot of great photographs of 
crop-circles on the walls -- you would love it, Nablusoss. I believe (please 
correct me if I am wrong, Alex) the proprietor is the ex-wife of Raja Tom 
Stanley, evoking a twist on David Bowie's famous song: 

Ground Control to Raja Tom

This is Raja Tom to Ground Control
I'm stepping through the door
And I'm floating in a most peculiar way
And the stars look very different today...

Here am I floating on my own can
Far above the Moon
Planet Earth is blue
And there's nothing I can do... 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, RoryGoff rorygoff@ wrote:
  * * * We also have a Crop Circle Cafe in town that Peter has probably
 heard of, if not visited, by now :-)
 108 (!) W Burlington Ave.
 No photos when googled. Must be plenty of cameras in Fairfield, no ?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Recent video by Peter Wallace

2011-09-18 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 Curtis, I've not commented on this video because I haven't
 seen it.

I find it very likely that you have heard many guys holding court like this.  
One too many probably!  I enjoyed reading your take on what I wrote. 

 It just didn't interest me when I first saw the
 link to it, and it still doesn't. So what I'm responding
 to below is not anything about Peter Wallace himself or
 anything he said or even about TM in particular. You
 touched on an interesting 'tude that I've seen across
 the entire spiritual smorgasbord, and made some points
 that I think are worth reinforcing.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  But my Goddamn unconscious tyrant sent me a memo.  One that 
  I can't refuse, despite the price I pay in euphoria deflation 
  over such a string of wonderful tales of encounters with 
  special, wonderful people.
  So here it is.  Too many perfect coincidences in a row with 
  the same message as the subtext.  And the message is that 
  this person, Peter, is the most wonderfully, specially, 
  coincidentally acknowledged person by each and every special 
  person in his stories without exception.  None of them were 
  met the way I met Maharishi, each one has a story, worthy 
  of standing alone in its magical perfection.  Why did he 
  have to put them all together?  Could he have included even 
  one story that sounded like mine?  One story that didn't 
  have the blessed perfection of a perfectly told story?   
  Could he have shown a bit of literary discipline in what 
  he was serving us?
  OK.  If this is how it all really went down, then he is the 
  single most magically blessed person I have ever heard about, 
  with the ultimate I hung out with Maharishi before he became 
  Donald Trump tales. 
  But if you spoke with Maharishi for 6 months and the most 
  interesting thing you have to share is how special you were 
  in how you were acknowledged by him...no details worthy of 
  a person sitting day after day with the guy who was supposed 
  to have figured it all out, the guy who had the answers about 
  the reality of life, the best you can serve up to us is a cool 
  coincidence story about how you knew better than anyone else 
  the Maharishi was gunna show up...that is the most important 
  words out of your mouth...a story not about his insights into 
  reality but how special you were in how you met him...
  and all of this served up in a non-affect monotone serving up 
  exactly zero of the qualities that might encourage me to see 
  how reasonable it is that this is the guy who may be the 
  luckiest guy in the world.  
 As I said above, I haven't seen the video, but based on
 your description above, I've met the guy and heard his
 rap before, many times. True, it may not have been Peter
 Wallace himself, but I've seen this mindset before, in 
 many other guys and gals. I call it self importance.
 And you just nailed it. First, the storytelling is just
 too polished and bard-like, as if they've not only told
 this story to others for years, they've told it to 
 *themselves* for years, over and over, to remind them-
 selves how special they really were, to have been able
 to hang out so close to an even more special person.
 Second, it's the consistent pasting together of coinci-
 dences or meaningless, unrelated events interpreted as 
 both meaningful and related. Nothing in these stories 
 can ever be mundane or random or coincidence; it all
 seems to have to be dripping with cosmic importance
 and the pre-ordained wonderfulnessitude of it all.
 Third, it's the It all comes down to me aspect of the
 storytelling that's the tell. Not just in the context of
 former followers of spiritual teachers telling stories 
 about them, but also in the vast canon of spiritual liter-
 ature itself. There were chroniclers of spiritual teachers
 who managed to tell the story without painting themselves
 into every scene. And then there were the vast majority,
 who couldn't. There was almost always a me element in
 the storytelling, presented as if the me in question --
 the narrator of the story, after all -- was just as 
 important and just as special as the spiritual luminary 
 being spoken of or written about.
 It's been so many years since I was tempted to measure my 
 own self worth by my proximity to a special person that 
 I forget about this whole 'tude, and how prevalent a 
 mindset it is in many spiritual communities. Your descrip-
 tion reminded me. In a way, I'm thinking that telling these 
 stories over and over to rapt audiences, possibly embroid-
 ering them a little bit more with each telling to make 
 them better stories, is remarkably like the way Joseph
 Campbell assumed myths were written. The self important
 myth-creators are just making sure to write themselves
 into the myths as prominent characters, that's all.  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Recent video by Peter Wallace

2011-09-18 Thread RoryGoff
Many thanks, merudanda! I was not familiar with this lovely poem by Herman 
Hesse -- beautiful even in translation. And thank you too for the additional 
information on the CCC below -- though I believe she has moved yet again, as 
mentioned, to 402 North B.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda no_reply@... wrote:

 no! (scroll down please)
 Wondrous to wander through mists!
 Parted are bush and stone:
 None to the other exists,
 Each stands alone.
 Many my friends came calling
 then, when I lived in the light;
 Now that the fogs are falling,
 None is in sight.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, RoryGoff rorygoff@ wrote:
   * * * We also have a Crop Circle Cafe in town that Peter has
  heard of, if not visited, by now :-)
  108 (!) W Burlington Ave.
  Crop Circle Cafe  Gallery Llc
 2279 Rolling Meadows Road, Fairfield, IA 52556-8555
 since you want to visit this love-able town of mystery...
 Marlene Martin, M.A., Co-Founder of Crop Circle Café  Gallery in
 Fairfield and her daughter discovered crop circles in 2003 and believes
 Crop circles  and UFOs are pointing the way toward the coming Golden
 Age, and the human metamorphosis that's already underway for the
 entire human race.  Humanity as a whole is undergoing an extraordinary
 evolutionary leap, both in terms of consciousness and physiology.  This
 unique transformational process is the divine plan for the next
 adventure of humanity, as we graduate from a world sunk in duality and
 limitation, to an abundant world for all that celebrates our unity at
 the core of our diversity.
 Heaven on earth.  spiritual and material technology.  beyond what you
 can imagine, and coming your way soon.   For more information and if
 you want to visit her, contact marlene@...
 Friday, September 18, 2009 she presented aerial photography of stunning
 formations, research photos, anomalous on-site evidence, and the famous
 crop circle documentary Crop Circles: Crossovers from Another
 at the Iowa City Public Library, 123 S. Linn St Peter Wallace could have
 A warning- some of the effects described could be chemical reactions-
 although it seems to happen too quickly.
 Now.--sorry this old snake that flies with feathers of colors(? ) have
 to fly  fly away fly away toward another dimension

[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@... wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
  Like many progressives you're progressive till someone
  offends your sense of what is acceptable.  YOU SEEM TO FORGET,
  democracy is NOT about protecting the people we agree with, it 
  about protecting the people many of us don't agree with. Turn a
  liberal over and give them a good shake and out pops a born
  again neo con---almost every time.
 Nicely put.  I am not sure if I agree totally, but a nicely put 

It's a lot easier to put phrases nicely when one isn't
concerned about whether they actually apply in context.
(The you in the quote refers to moi.)

[FairfieldLife] #5# New life With Jesus!

2011-09-18 Thread Paulo Barbosa
Think About this: new life with Jesus!

Jesus answered and said unto him,  Verily,  verily,  I  say
unto thee, Except a man be born again,  he  cannot  see  the
kingdom of God (John 3:3).

new life... really new... now with Jesus in  the  heart!  Do
you want?

Paulo Barbosa

[FairfieldLife] Re: Recent video by Peter Wallace

2011-09-18 Thread obbajeeba

For Entertainment Purposes Only, 
and of course fictionbut...Can't help myself. LOL

 Peter Russell, as mentioned in below thread and numerous others on the 
subject of re: Recent video of Peter Wallace.  heh. 
Why does the subliminal name use keep coming up of Peter Wallace as Peter 
I am curious. LOL.

Sal's mention (good one. : ))  of Peter Colonel Sanders Wallace, I mean, I 
forgot the exact phrase on the other thread of same subject and that was one 
funny correlation.
Maybe someone needs to investigate the time line of Colonel Sanders, what was 
he doing, way back when... h  Could it be possible, Peter,not Russell, 
but Wallace and possibly, Sanders is? lol.
Could it be possible the reason the Russell name keeps coming up is a Russell 
Brand in the news associated with TM? 
Or is Russell a common word to place after Peter's name?   haha

Now that I have wasted this much time writing a silly reply on this thread and 
bored any readers thereof, how about  a mistake of saying, Russell Harrison? 
 I meant, opps, sorry, Russell Brand.. LMAO! 
The above article mentions Russell Brand going to the Hari Krishna 
Bhakivendenta Center, http://www.krishnatemple.com/home/?page_id=9
Do Hari Krishna's have, Milk men? 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJZM3X4dpzofeature=fvwrel   or 
Striking eyes are usually inherited?  LOL.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@... wrote:

 I get this, Curtis—and I love it. But I will say that Peter Wallace did 
 convince me that all these supernatural coincidences did in fact happen to 
 him around these Big Eastern Boys (and Girls). I watched for the slightest 
 affectation or guile in his story-telling; but in fact it all came out so 
 naturally that I knew he was telling the truth—More than this: at this time 
 (mid to late sixties) the universe did in fact cooperate with Maharishi—and 
 get behind his whole project. That Nature Support thing: did Maharishi just 
 make that up? No, I felt it (Mother is at Home = variant, and even more 
 convincing) to be real. And it *was* very real.
 But then it gradually attenuated—'Nature withdrew 'her' support from 
 Maharishi, and now, if one feels the state of grace of the TMO, one is forced 
 to conclude: There has been an actual reversal of fortune—because the grace 
 is gone. You could go to an Introductory Lecture in the late seventies and 
 feel the metaphysical buzz. Yeah, the invisible powers in the universe seemed 
 to like TM and Maharishi. But then something happened and now the buzz has 
 all gone. The love has gone. The magic has gone.
 BUT there is Peter Wallace, somehow holding inside himself the more halcyon 
 days of TM and MMY: the reality of what it all *was* is still inside of him. 
 This to me is a kind of miracle. I doubt you would find this reality living 
 inside one other initiator in the world. Why, how, does Peter Wallace become 
 the repository of these more glorious days? I suppose—just a guess 
 here—because we need to remember once what TM and Maharishi were. There was 
 nothing like  subjective estimation of the phenomenon.
 But I detected no attempt by Peter Wallace to make himself special. He *was* 
 special, for the reasons I have given: someone has to keep the whole history 
 of TM and Maharishi and the Movement inside of them—so it can be seen 
 longitudinally, and not just in its decline.
 Consider this thought experiment, Curtis, if you will: Take you at the zenith 
 of your enthusiasm for TM, Maharishi, and the Teaching: If you fell into a 
 coma between that moment (when you were most devoted and keen) and now, and 
 you suddenly woke up and listened to Peter Wallace, what would be your 
 experience? More significantly, if you woke up now and tried to get a bead on 
 where things have gone, how would you go about adjusting to the change 
 between just before your coma and now, September 2011?—and of course you 
 would be informed that Maharishi had died.
 The thing (you might not get this) about you, Curtis, is that miraculously it 
 seems (I have referred to this before) you have regained an almost perfect 
 normalcy—as if you truly were able to expunge the whole reality (whatever you 
 decided you did want to hang around inside of you) of TM and Maharishi (and 
 your commitment to the Teaching as an initiator and chairperson of a large TM 
 center). I have, I am sure, exerted more force and effort and time to this 
 very same process—and still I sense I have wounds and susceptibilities and 
 weaknesses that appear singularly absent from yourself.
 For me, Peter Russell, then, is an authentic living archive of the whole 
 trajectory of the Movement—No, not quite: he has been rendered immune from 
 the disillusionment that has set in with everyone else (although there are 

[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-18 Thread RoryGoff

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
   Like many progressives you're progressive till someone
   offends your sense of what is acceptable.  YOU SEEM TO FORGET,
   democracy is NOT about protecting the people we agree with, it 
   about protecting the people many of us don't agree with. Turn a
   liberal over and give them a good shake and out pops a born
   again neo con---almost every time.
  Nicely put.  I am not sure if I agree totally, but a nicely put 
 It's a lot easier to put phrases nicely when one isn't
 concerned about whether they actually apply in context.
 (The you in the quote refers to moi.)

* * Bob, I have enjoyed your humor and presence here on FFL as much (I dare 
say) as anyone, but I have to admit I really don't comprehend your POV here. 
Judy is certainly censorious on occasion -- you'll get no argument from me 
there, or from Judy, evidently -- and unarguably is gleefully corrective, but 
she is clearly no censor. Au contraire, to me she appears to be one of the most 
-- if not outright the most -- scrupulously fair contributors to this fair 
field: gifted with a crystal-clear intellect, a passion for the truth, and an 
openness to Life's Mystery -- a near-perfect trifecta, in my book.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Recent video by Peter Wallace

2011-09-18 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, RoryGoff rorygoff@... wrote:
 I believe (please correct me if I am wrong, Alex) the proprietor
 is the ex-wife of Raja Tom Stanley

You are not wrong... not this time, anyway.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Recent video by Peter Wallace

2011-09-18 Thread RoryGoff
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, RoryGoff rorygoff@ wrote:
  I believe (please correct me if I am wrong, Alex) the proprietor
  is the ex-wife of Raja Tom Stanley

--- Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... wrote:
 You are not wrong... not this time, anyway.

* * * Oh, thank God! And thank you too, Alex, if you somehow were *not* 
included in the first expression. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Recent video by Peter Wallace

2011-09-18 Thread merudanda

  I was not familiar with this lovely poem by Herman Hesse --
then I have to write how Roy(ri)al impressive it is you recognise it.No

Truly, only the sages
fathom a darkness to fall,
that, as silent as cages,
separates all.

Strange it is, walking through mists!
Life has to solitude grown:
None to the other exists:
Each stands alone.

Interpretation of the poem and why nabulossos always remind me of
Hesse Nebelgedicht:Seltsam imNebel zu wandern..has been posted
somwhere here at FFL already
but it's 2 o'clock in the morning and the fog... you know

[FairfieldLife] Re: Recent video by Peter Wallace

2011-09-18 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda no_reply@... wrote:

 ...but it's 2 o'clock in the morning and the fog... you know

I have to ask, merudanda, where...if you're not being
inaccessible...is it almost 2 o'clock in the morning? 
My world time zone map suggests Japan or Korea. 

[FairfieldLife] Experiences of existential crisis

2011-09-18 Thread jpgillam
Serious, offbeat question: I once went through three months when I realized the 
essential pointlessness of life. I saw clearly that life had no meaning 
whatsoever, and that nothing anybody did made any difference. I recently had 
occasion to ask a few classrooms of high school juniors how many of them had 
had the experience, and about a third raised their hands. How about you: Have 
you had a spell when you realized all is vanity and grasping for wind?

In my case and that of a loved one who underwent the same thing when she was in 
middle school, we emerged from the flatness when we got tired of feeling 
nothing and wanted to start being happy again. We decided to be happy. That 
decision seemed to be the point of the passage.

Note that I'm not talking about clinical depression, nor am I talking about 
loneliness. This is an existential crisis I'm talking about.

When did you go through it, how long did it last, and what did you do to climb 
out of it? Did anything seem to precipitate it?

I had my experience of this flatness in the late 1980s, but I've been thinking 
about it lately, and would be curious for your experiences.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Recent video by Peter Wallace

2011-09-18 Thread Bhairitu
Just looking at the posts on FFL I see it is the same ol' same ol' IOW 
people stuck in the past with little interest in the present or future.  
I downloaded the video and got a little sick of the naive descriptions 
and TM buzzwords.  Many of the saints probably have about the same 
level of experience of some of the members here.  After all we're mainly 
a bunch of old farts who have been practicing some form of sadhana for 
years (TM or otherwise) and saints are about the same thing.  But ya 
know some folks still believe in Superman.

On 09/18/2011 05:15 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
 Curtis, I've not commented on this video because I haven't
 seen it. It just didn't interest me when I first saw the
 link to it, and it still doesn't. So what I'm responding
 to below is not anything about Peter Wallace himself or
 anything he said or even about TM in particular. You
 touched on an interesting 'tude that I've seen across
 the entire spiritual smorgasbord, and made some points
 that I think are worth reinforcing.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 curtisdeltabluescurtisdeltablues@...  wrote:
 But my Goddamn unconscious tyrant sent me a memo.  One that
 I can't refuse, despite the price I pay in euphoria deflation
 over such a string of wonderful tales of encounters with
 special, wonderful people.

 So here it is.  Too many perfect coincidences in a row with
 the same message as the subtext.  And the message is that
 this person, Peter, is the most wonderfully, specially,
 coincidentally acknowledged person by each and every special
 person in his stories without exception.  None of them were
 met the way I met Maharishi, each one has a story, worthy
 of standing alone in its magical perfection.  Why did he
 have to put them all together?  Could he have included even
 one story that sounded like mine?  One story that didn't
 have the blessed perfection of a perfectly told story?
 Could he have shown a bit of literary discipline in what
 he was serving us?

 OK.  If this is how it all really went down, then he is the
 single most magically blessed person I have ever heard about,
 with the ultimate I hung out with Maharishi before he became
 Donald Trump tales.

 But if you spoke with Maharishi for 6 months and the most
 interesting thing you have to share is how special you were
 in how you were acknowledged by him...no details worthy of
 a person sitting day after day with the guy who was supposed
 to have figured it all out, the guy who had the answers about
 the reality of life, the best you can serve up to us is a cool
 coincidence story about how you knew better than anyone else
 the Maharishi was gunna show up...that is the most important
 words out of your mouth...a story not about his insights into
 reality but how special you were in how you met him...

 and all of this served up in a non-affect monotone serving up
 exactly zero of the qualities that might encourage me to see
 how reasonable it is that this is the guy who may be the
 luckiest guy in the world.
 As I said above, I haven't seen the video, but based on
 your description above, I've met the guy and heard his
 rap before, many times. True, it may not have been Peter
 Wallace himself, but I've seen this mindset before, in
 many other guys and gals. I call it self importance.

 And you just nailed it. First, the storytelling is just
 too polished and bard-like, as if they've not only told
 this story to others for years, they've told it to
 *themselves* for years, over and over, to remind them-
 selves how special they really were, to have been able
 to hang out so close to an even more special person.

 Second, it's the consistent pasting together of coinci-
 dences or meaningless, unrelated events interpreted as
 both meaningful and related. Nothing in these stories
 can ever be mundane or random or coincidence; it all
 seems to have to be dripping with cosmic importance
 and the pre-ordained wonderfulnessitude of it all.

 Third, it's the It all comes down to me aspect of the
 storytelling that's the tell. Not just in the context of
 former followers of spiritual teachers telling stories
 about them, but also in the vast canon of spiritual liter-
 ature itself. There were chroniclers of spiritual teachers
 who managed to tell the story without painting themselves
 into every scene. And then there were the vast majority,
 who couldn't. There was almost always a me element in
 the storytelling, presented as if the me in question --
 the narrator of the story, after all -- was just as
 important and just as special as the spiritual luminary
 being spoken of or written about.

 It's been so many years since I was tempted to measure my
 own self worth by my proximity to a special person that
 I forget about this whole 'tude, and how prevalent a
 mindset it is in many spiritual communities. Your descrip-
 tion reminded me. In a way, I'm thinking that telling these
 stories over and over to rapt audiences, possibly embroid-
 ering them a 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Recent video by Peter Wallace

2011-09-18 Thread Mark Landau
Dear Merudanda,
Could you give me a yea or nay on this, either here or at m...@sky5.com?
I may need to depart FFL again soon. Many thanks, m
Merudanda, they (the auction house) request two letters of authentication. 
You are the only person I have yet found with a direct experience of the 
incident. If you would be so kind as to write one, I would be deeply grateful. 
Simply say that you were there in the room with he and me when the new sandals 
arrived, my role and confirm that when he tried them on he asked us if they 
were too big, or felt slippery, or whatever you remember. Of course, if you 
would be willing to say anything about who you are, why you were there and that 
you're sure these sandals are authentic, that would be wonderful. But whatever, 
if anything, you would agree to write would be greatly appreciated.

On Sep 18, 2011, at 10:41 AM, merudanda wrote:

  I was not familiar with this lovely poem by Herman Hesse -- 
 then I have to write how Roy(ri)al impressive it is you recognise it.No 
 Truly, only the sages
 fathom a darkness to fall,
 that, as silent as cages,
 separates all.
 Strange it is, walking through mists!
 Life has to solitude grown:
 None to the other exists:
 Each stands alone. 
 Interpretation of the poem and why nabulossos always remind me of Hesse 
 Nebelgedicht:Seltsam imNebel zu wandern..has been posted somwhere here at 
 FFL already
 but it's 2 o'clock in the morning and the fog... you know

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Recent video by Peter Wallace

2011-09-18 Thread Mark Landau
Thank you for your explanation and thoughts on irony, especially because I 
often am flat-footed in the post-modern world.
As I said, it was complex.  Something was evoked that went far beyond irony.  
And it was meant to draw one in.  Let's leave it at that for now and give it a 
little more time.  If you wish, I'll explain further down the line.
So, if we rate it, we couldn't rate it simply along the lines of irony.
It really was, I would say, more weighted on the side of what it evoked than it 
was on the side of irony.
And you won't need to wait for it (this kind of irony from me), because I 
don't think I'll come out with the likes of it again, unless it's somehow 
called for.
Regarding M and the sandals, I agree that he was an exceptional personality, 
though I'm not so sure he was the most such since Christ, perhaps I would say 
one of the most to make a significant imprint on world consciousness for some 
time.  I think of him, sometimes, as a rather small man standing on the 
shoulders of giants, but those giants were always more obscure world 
consciousness-wise.  But I don't think the world will exalt him much more than 
he is now, though I may be dead wrong in this.  I see him being relegated to 
near footnote status, somewhere, perhaps, along the continuum near William 
Randolph Hearst or some such person, at least in terms of history's eyes.
And I think everyone here knows that I consider the sandals priceless, or at 
least worth 1, 2 or 3 million.  5 million seems like a lot to me, but hey, let 
someone put a higher price tag on them than me.  But, as things stand, I came 
up with the absolute lowest I would accept at this point in my life given my 
circumstances and have decided to go with it now.
And re the LW thing, please, don't let me crimp your style.  Always follow your 
own muse/guidance.  The way to heal a polarity is not to jump back from one end 
and try to get to the other, but to incorporate the whole thing and (forgive 
me) transcend it to find the ascension point.  That, I would say, includes all 
continuum/polarities, including the Eastern/Western one.
Love always, though, no, in this case, not the sexual kind,

On Sep 17, 2011, at 7:25 PM, maskedzebra wrote:

 Well I choose to rate it. Because even I (who am a keen student of irony) 
 wondered for a while there. But must stop here: I don't want to become the 
 object of irony in my appreciation of how you nearly drew me in by 
 yours—first time, I think, I have seen it. I mostly resort to irony when the 
 point is too obvious to make non-ironically. For me, irony is the most real 
 thing left in the world—almost. Has the most potency. Religion can't touch 
 it. As in, when Letterman in his monologue says:I registered my son for 
 Scientology camp. {And just lets the universe itself set up the feedback.]
 There inside the Ed Sullivan theatre the acoustical potential for irony is 
 the highest—because of how much of a master of this mode Letterman is. I 
 don't think I have ever seen him without, at the very least, the immediate 
 contingency of irony. Without (unless somehow you are always in a state of 
 grace) irony at your disposal, you are pretty much flat-footed in the 
 post-modern world.
 There. Getting pedantic about irony. But you see, I almost got fooled here 
 when you brought it out, Mark. I'll be waiting for it next time.
 The more inwardly sincere you are, the more you have to have irony at the 
 ready. Like a sort of 21st century update on Christ's: You must be as 
 innocent as a dove, as wise as a serpent.
 About those sandals: my own intuition is that sooner or later Maharishi, no 
 matter what, will be viewed as an extraordinary character in history—just not 
 the glorious saviour we thought he was. I consider those sandals potentially 
 worth much more than $70 000. But this is purely in the abstract world of my 
 imagination as I contemplate Maharishi's eventual reputation. Objectively, 
 then, I think them an authentic relic. Priceless.
 After all, for what it's worth I think Maharishi the strongest and most 
 exceptional personality since Christ.
 Whoops! LW setting in here. Gotta make a fast exit.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mark Landau m@... wrote:
  Let's not rate. Let's call it a complex experiment that didn't quite gel. I 
  did have some fun with it, though.
  On Sep 17, 2011, at 5:26 PM, maskedzebra wrote:
   Did you just out-irony me or something, Mark? Seems so.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mark Landau m@... wrote:
Wow, are you kidding? So much for loyalty. You're gonna let Sal dictate 
our interaction and laud her to the skies? What kind of man are you? 
Canadian? Let's undo everything that happened between us right now. 
Ready, set, go back to your pre-Mark condition.
And where did sexuality come from in all this? Perhaps that was Sal's 
intended innuendo, but it sure wasn't based in reality. Or are you 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Another pair of sandals for sale (was Re: Merudanda/Sandals)

2011-09-18 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Sep 17, 2011, at 8:16 PM, seventhray1 wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@... wrote:
  On Sep 16, 2011, at 5:03 PM, whynotnow7 wrote:
   I don't know anything beyond what Mark has shared publicly. I was 
   commenting on how we really don't know anything about the potential 
   buyers of Mark's sandals, or what he will settle for. I hope he makes a 
   bundle. Why not?
  So you hope someone's going to get swindled?
 Sal, this things is really a bee in your bonnet.  Would you care to subject 
 your purchases to scrutiny and judgement?  You're riding this one pretty 
 hard. Must be triggering something in you.  

lurk, Mark has been posting here now for
how many months?  And has gotten how many
suggestions for what he can do to get the 
ball rolling? (many of them very good
ones). And each and every time has
some (usually very dumb) excuse for why he
can't do the relatively simple things involved.
Now he's supposedly trying to get them into
some auction house, but…surprise!  There's still
roadblocks in the way.  Not of his making, of 
course.  They need some letters,  
which he's finding it difficult to obtain.  That
will be the next excuse offered for this particular
plan's going bust.  Basically he seems, as Barry
might put it, addicted to attention.  My guess 
is he has no real intention to look into selling
as long as he can continue running this number

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Another pair of sandals for sale (was Re: Merudanda/Sandals)

2011-09-18 Thread Mark Landau
So, Sal,
It looks like we're getting closer.
Can you nail precisely what it is about me that really gets you the most?
Because nothing you've said so far is really getting it.

On Sep 18, 2011, at 11:12 AM, Sal Sunshine wrote:

 On Sep 17, 2011, at 8:16 PM, seventhray1 wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@... wrote:
 On Sep 16, 2011, at 5:03 PM, whynotnow7 wrote:
 I don't know anything beyond what Mark has shared publicly. I was 
 commenting on how we really don't know anything about the potential buyers 
 of Mark's sandals, or what he will settle for. I hope he makes a bundle. 
 Why not?
 So you hope someone's going to get swindled?
 Sal, this things is really a bee in your bonnet.  Would you care to subject 
 your purchases to scrutiny and judgement?  You're riding this one pretty 
 hard. Must be triggering something in you.  
 lurk, Mark has been posting here now for
 how many months?  And has gotten how many
 suggestions for what he can do to get the 
 ball rolling? (many of them very good
 ones). And each and every time has
 some (usually very dumb) excuse for why he
 can't do the relatively simple things involved.
 Now he's supposedly trying to get them into
 some auction house, but…surprise!  There's still
 roadblocks in the way.  Not of his making, of 
 course.  They need some letters,  
 which he's finding it difficult to obtain.  That
 will be the next excuse offered for this particular
 plan's going bust.  Basically he seems, as Barry
 might put it, addicted to attention.  My guess 
 is he has no real intention to look into selling
 as long as he can continue running this number
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Another pair of sandals for sale (was Re: Merudanda/Sandals)

2011-09-18 Thread Mark Landau
Thank you, Ravi

On Sep 18, 2011, at 2:02 AM, Ravi Yogi wrote:

 Me too, welcome back Mark and hope this goes well.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@... wrote:
  I'm with you. Mark, I hope it goes well for you.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
   Ditto! I hope they sell way past the reserve.
   I hope it brings him all that he wishes for!
   Maybe some zillionaire from India will purchase them?
   I hope all goes well.
   This is fun, I am excited for someone to benefit from anything! : )
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@ wrote:
I don't know anything beyond what Mark has shared publicly. I was
  commenting on how we really don't know anything about the potential
  buyers of Mark's sandals, or what he will settle for. I hope he makes a
  bundle. Why not?
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@

 Of course there's a lot of people like that,
 Jim~~but so far I've seen no evidence that
 anyone even close to that league is the least
 bit interested. Have you? That's at least one
 thing I meant about dangerous delusions. It
 seems Mark's entire life in the near future is
 being based upon these selling for a significant
 amount. So far the only offers I know of are
 lurk's and yours. Or have I missed something?

 2011, at 1:16 PM, whynotnow7 wrote:

  There's a lot of people in the world to whom $70K means nothing
  - its like spending $100 to you or me. As to the intentions of the
  potential buyer, who knows? Maybe they just like famous shoes. :-)
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine
  salsunshine@ wrote:
  On Sep 16, 2011, at 5:06 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
  I'm hoping that Ted can put my set of flip-flops
  up for auction at the same time that he puts up
  Maharishi's sandals, so that I might get some
  spillover traffic from wealthy foot and fraud
  fetishists. Thanks to you and obbajeeba for
  suggesting the idea.
  I wonder whatever happened to the idea of,
  if you need $$, getting a job. I think
  Mark is living in a dream-world, perhaps
  even dangerously so, if he thinks these
  decades-old relics are going to become
  his salvation.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Another pair of sandals for sale (was Re: Merudanda/Sandals)

2011-09-18 Thread Mark Landau
Maybe I should write it.  Tragi-comedy for sure...

On Sep 18, 2011, at 8:16 AM, seventhray1 wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mark Landau m@... wrote:
  Perhaps we all do things differently (though similarly). I did most of mine 
  in the years after I left, '76-'78. Then pretty much stopped till I decided 
  to sell the sandals feeling I had done most of it. Perhaps now there's just 
  a little more to do, triggered by everything that's come up here and since. 
  Also, he was a much larger part of my life than most.
  Does anyone's death expunge them from the hearts and lives of others? Or is 
 this irony directed at others or a humorous riff going over my head or all of 
 the above. 
 I think there should a Shakesperian type of Maharishi play.  I don't know if 
 it would be a comedy or a tragedy, but I think these lines would have a place 
 in it.  Perhaps it can be Mark sitting on rock outcroppinng, and these are 
 first lines of his soliliqy.  

[FairfieldLife] John Hagelin lecture Tonight

2011-09-18 Thread Buck
Sunday nite
8pm, Dalby Hall 
on MUM campus.

Super Black Holes
and Enlightenment

Supposedly open to everyone.

[FairfieldLife] Re: why MMY not use kleem beeja mantra? (kleem or Kleeng ?)

2011-09-18 Thread Marcio
Empty and all 

I think krim mantra is mantra for kali / kali beej mantra however MMY not use 
Krim he gave to the teachers of TM Kirim

MMY I think it would give the mantra kleem ', would be KILEEM' or 'KILIM or 

KLIM is also beej mantra for Kali, the power of magnetic attraction of the 
energy of Kali,

KRIM is the aspect of electric energy of kali

but there are other beej mantra in Hinduism, such as:

In this Mantra, Ha is Siva and au is Sadasiva. Lord Siva is worshipped with 
this mantra.

Here Da means Durga. U means to protect. This is the Mantra of Durga Mata.

In this Mantra, Ha is Siva. U is Bhairava.

This is the Ganesha-Bija. Ga means Ganesha.

This is a Mantra of Ganesha. Ga means Ganesha. That Which means it pervades. Au 
means luster or brilliance.

This is the Bija of Narasimha. Ksha is Narasimha. Ra is Brahma. Au means with 
teeth pointing upwards.

Vyaam is the Bija of Vyasa-Mantra

why MMY did not give other beej mantras for his teachers ?

MMY certainly have some direction in choosing your beej mantras for TM, or not?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:

 Kleem/Kleeng is the bija mantra of kama devataa or desire.
 In the West that deity was known as Eros or Cupid.
 The mantra is used for intensifying attraction and desire.
 That is probably why it was not installed in the mantra
 sets given by MMY to TM teachers. However, it is also the
 bija mantra for Krishna, although without the proper
 initiation you might not get much by using it. On the other
 hand, you might get too much by using it ... experiences that
 you do not want to have in any way at all.
 If you insist on using it, the best way is to shelter the seed syllable
 by using this form of it ... klim krishâya namah.
 User beware!
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:
   Does anybody know the reason for not using the MMY beeja mantra 
 kleem? which the most powerful  kleem or Kleeng ?
   tahnk you Marcelo

[FairfieldLife] Re: Recent video by Peter Wallace

2011-09-18 Thread whynotnow7
David Bowie - there's an avatar for you. Good thing the Monkees came along, or 
he'd still be Davey Jones.:-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, RoryGoff rorygoff@... wrote:

 * * *  Evidently the proprietor has recently moved into 402 North B, the 
 large building by the tracks which used to be a health-food store in the 
 1980's. I haven't been there yet, but her old cafe had a lot of great 
 photographs of crop-circles on the walls -- you would love it, Nablusoss. I 
 believe (please correct me if I am wrong, Alex) the proprietor is the ex-wife 
 of Raja Tom Stanley, evoking a twist on David Bowie's famous song: 
 Ground Control to Raja Tom
 This is Raja Tom to Ground Control
 I'm stepping through the door
 And I'm floating in a most peculiar way
 And the stars look very different today...
 Here am I floating on my own can
 Far above the Moon
 Planet Earth is blue
 And there's nothing I can do... 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, RoryGoff rorygoff@ wrote:
   * * * We also have a Crop Circle Cafe in town that Peter has probably
  heard of, if not visited, by now :-)
  108 (!) W Burlington Ave.
  No photos when googled. Must be plenty of cameras in Fairfield, no ?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Experiences of existential crisis

2011-09-18 Thread whynotnow7
Life continues to be infinitely pointless for me, except the difference now is 
that everything is accepted, so that whatever direction I steer my life in this 
pointlessness I end up in a good place. Previously, my feeling of pointlessness 
was accompanied by a feeling of disconnectedness. Now the pointlessness 
remains, though with everything and everyone being connected and accepted, it 
no longer matters. Having no point, no ultimate truth no longer matters, 
becomes irrelevant. :-P

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jpgillam jpgillam@... wrote:

 Serious, offbeat question: I once went through three months when I realized 
 the essential pointlessness of life. I saw clearly that life had no meaning 
 whatsoever, and that nothing anybody did made any difference. I recently had 
 occasion to ask a few classrooms of high school juniors how many of them had 
 had the experience, and about a third raised their hands. How about you: Have 
 you had a spell when you realized all is vanity and grasping for wind?
 In my case and that of a loved one who underwent the same thing when she was 
 in middle school, we emerged from the flatness when we got tired of feeling 
 nothing and wanted to start being happy again. We decided to be happy. That 
 decision seemed to be the point of the passage.
 Note that I'm not talking about clinical depression, nor am I talking about 
 loneliness. This is an existential crisis I'm talking about.
 When did you go through it, how long did it last, and what did you do to 
 climb out of it? Did anything seem to precipitate it?
 I had my experience of this flatness in the late 1980s, but I've been 
 thinking about it lately, and would be curious for your experiences.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Recent video by Peter Wallace

2011-09-18 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda no_reply@... wrote:

 no! (scroll down please)
 Wondrous to wander through mists!
 Parted are bush and stone:
 None to the other exists,
 Each stands alone.
 Many my friends came calling
 then, when I lived in the light;
 Now that the fogs are falling,
 None is in sight.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, RoryGoff rorygoff@ wrote:
   * * * We also have a Crop Circle Cafe in town that Peter has
  heard of, if not visited, by now :-)
  108 (!) W Burlington Ave.
  Crop Circle Cafe  Gallery Llc
 2279 Rolling Meadows Road, Fairfield, IA 52556-8555
 since you want to visit this love-able town of mystery...
 Marlene Martin, M.A., Co-Founder of Crop Circle Café  Gallery in
 Fairfield and her daughter discovered crop circles in 2003 and believes
 Crop circles  and UFOs are pointing the way toward the coming Golden
 Age, and the human metamorphosis that's already underway for the
 entire human race.  Humanity as a whole is undergoing an extraordinary
 evolutionary leap, both in terms of consciousness and physiology.  This
 unique transformational process is the divine plan for the next
 adventure of humanity, as we graduate from a world sunk in duality and
 limitation, to an abundant world for all that celebrates our unity at
 the core of our diversity.

Nice. Did Marlene see an american Crop Circle ?

 Heaven on earth.  spiritual and material technology.  beyond what you
 can imagine, and coming your way soon.   For more information and if
 you want to visit her, contact marlene@...
 Friday, September 18, 2009 she presented aerial photography of stunning
 formations, research photos, anomalous on-site evidence, and the famous
 crop circle documentary Crop Circles: Crossovers from Another
 at the Iowa City Public Library, 123 S. Linn St Peter Wallace could have
 A warning- some of the effects described could be chemical reactions-
 although it seems to happen too quickly.
 Now.--sorry this old snake that flies with feathers of colors(? ) have
 to fly  fly away fly away toward another dimension

[FairfieldLife] Re: #5# New life With Jesus!

2011-09-18 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Paulo Barbosa tprobert@... wrote:

 Think About this: new life with Jesus!
 Jesus answered and said unto him,  Verily,  verily,  I  say
 unto thee, 

Except a man be born again,  

and again, and again, and again ! :-)

he  cannot  see  the
 kingdom of God (John 3:3).

That's right. Even before man became a human being he was born a million times.

That's a lot of birth's my friend !

 new life... really new... now with Jesus in  the  heart!  Do
 you want?
 Paulo Barbosa

[FairfieldLife] Re: Experiences of existential crisis

2011-09-18 Thread jpgillam
Fascinating. Thanks!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@... wrote:

 Life continues to be infinitely pointless for me, except the difference now 
 is that everything is accepted, so that whatever direction I steer my life in 
 this pointlessness I end up in a good place. Previously, my feeling of 
 pointlessness was accompanied by a feeling of disconnectedness. Now the 
 pointlessness remains, though with everything and everyone being connected 
 and accepted, it no longer matters. Having no point, no ultimate truth no 
 longer matters, becomes irrelevant. :-P
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jpgillam jpgillam@ wrote:
  Serious, offbeat question: I once went through three months when I realized 
  the essential pointlessness of life. I saw clearly that life had no meaning 
  whatsoever, and that nothing anybody did made any difference. I recently 
  had occasion to ask a few classrooms of high school juniors how many of 
  them had had the experience, and about a third raised their hands. How 
  about you: Have you had a spell when you realized all is vanity and 
  grasping for wind?
  In my case and that of a loved one who underwent the same thing when she 
  was in middle school, we emerged from the flatness when we got tired of 
  feeling nothing and wanted to start being happy again. We decided to be 
  happy. That decision seemed to be the point of the passage.
  Note that I'm not talking about clinical depression, nor am I talking about 
  loneliness. This is an existential crisis I'm talking about.
  When did you go through it, how long did it last, and what did you do to 
  climb out of it? Did anything seem to precipitate it?
  I had my experience of this flatness in the late 1980s, but I've been 
  thinking about it lately, and would be curious for your experiences.

[FairfieldLife] You can live in light

2011-09-18 Thread nablusoss1008



[FairfieldLife] Re: Recent video by Peter Wallace

2011-09-18 Thread nablusoss1008

Thanks merudanda, not the worst characterization I've received on FFL

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda no_reply@... wrote:

 I was not familiar with this lovely poem by Herman Hesse --
 then I have to write how Roy(ri)al impressive it is you recognise

 Truly, only the sages
 fathom a darkness to fall,
 that, as silent as cages,
 separates all.

 Strange it is, walking through mists!
 Life has to solitude grown:
 None to the other exists:
 Each stands alone.

 Interpretation of the poem and why nabulossos always remind me of
 Hesse Nebelgedicht:Seltsam imNebel zu wandern..has been posted
 somwhere here at FFL already
 but it's 2 o'clock in the morning and the fog... you know

[FairfieldLife] Meat Glue

2011-09-18 Thread oye34vay

[FairfieldLife] Mystery surrounds auction buyer of NC Spiritual Center

2011-09-18 Thread Rick Archer

SCA Auction Picture Gallery: 

Former spiritual center sold for $10.5 million at auction
By: Monte Mitchell
Published: September 15, 2011
BOONE -- The 381-acre former west campus of the Spiritual Center of America 
sold in a back-and-forth auction battle Wednesday for $10.5 million, more than 
four times the reserve price of $2.48 million.
Marvin Salt, publisher and editor of the Cambridge Christian Press, in 
Cleveland, was the agent representing the buyer, whom he identified as Ohio 
International Alliance Missions Trust.
The trust is affiliated with One In Christ Church and Norwalk Bible College.
It's now owned by a trust that has a church on the title, and our college will 
be here within the year, Salt said as he hurried off to sign documents with 
Chartwell Auctions, the Cleveland-based auction company that conducted the sale.
But there's still a bit of mystery as to who the winning bidder is.
The websites for both Cambridge Christian Press — 
www.cambridgechristianpress.com http://www.cambridgechristianpress.com/  — 
and Ohio International Alliance Mission Trust — www.ohiam.info 
http://www.ohiam.info/  — are incomplete and apparently still being 
developed. A voicemail left at the offices of Ohio International Alliance 
Missions Trust was not returned Wednesday. Norwalk Bible College has a Facebook 
page with six likes and no apparent website.
The bidder spells his name as Marvin Salt on his business cards, but websites 
list a Dr. Marvin Sault as executive director of Ohio International Alliance 
Mission Trust. No one answered calls to the number on his business card.
Salt came out of a downtown Boone bank Wednesday afternoon with a thick stack 
of documents and answered a few questions as he got into his SUV.
The One in Christ Church is a mainstream Christian denomination, he said, like 
Methodists or the Salvation Army.
The Ohio International Alliance Mission Trust's core are born-again Christians 
who are veterans, he said. He said the websites were experiencing technical 
Salt said a colleague overheard auction-goers say that they would come in and 
buy the property when Salt's bid fails. But he said his group has more than 
enough money to complete the $10.5 million purchase.
Salt said the Boone Area Chamber of Commerce would be issuing a news release 
late Wednesday afternoon after the auction, but later said the chamber wasn't 
prepared to do that and would issue one in the coming weeks.
The Spiritual Center of America complex was finished in 1998 at a cost of more 
than $40 million as a center for transcendental meditation, the Heavenly 
Mountain Transcendental Meditation complex. The complex has 17 apartment 
buildings, a large, temple-like congregational hall and a cafeteria with 
floor-to-ceiling windows that offer long-range mountain views.
What a glorious property, what a glorious opportunity, said Jason Dolph, vice 
president with Chartwell's Charlotte office, as he addressed the crowd of about 
50 people as the auction was preparing to start beneath a tent set up down the 
hill from the congregational hall.
Some of the most beautiful mountain views in North Carolina, maybe beyond, 
Dolph said. We expect we'll have a great bargain here today.
Bidders had to have a cashier's check or wire confirmation of $105,000.
Chartwell's auctioneer Gordon Greene started the bidding at $3 million. It rose 
quickly from there with a number of bidders raising hands.
But as the bidding climbed above $7 million, the auction became a 
back-and-forth contest between Salt, who was bidder 1694 on the front row, and 
another man, bidder 1695, near the back.
They went back and forth with more than a dozen bids before Greene gaveled the 
property sold at $9.2 million, apparently not noticing that Salt had his hand 
People called out No! and pointed at Salt. A woman said, His hand was up the 
whole time.
The bidding resumed, with the two bidders going back and forth.
I have not touched my reserve yet, I can say that, Salt said, at $10.1 
Bill Nice, a Chartwell principal working as an auction helper stationed near 
the back of the tent, urged bidder 1695 to keep going.
Get it for $10(0,000), Nice said. It's so close.
Bidder 1695 raised his hand again, topping out at $10.2 million, then shaking 
his head no as they asked for more. He declined to give his name after the 
auction but said he was with a group from Charlotte.
The winning bidder also had to pay a buyer's premium of 7.5 percent, or 
The sale must close by Oct. 26, according to the terms of the auction.
mmitch...@wsjournal.com (336) 667-5691



Re: [FairfieldLife] Mystery surrounds auction buyer of NC Spiritual Center

2011-09-18 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Sep 18, 2011, at 2:52 PM, Rick Archer wrote:

 Former spiritual center sold for $10.5 million at auction
 By: Monte Mitchell
 Published: September 15, 2011
 BOONE -- The 381-acre former west campus of the Spiritual Center of America 
 sold in a back-and-forth auction battle Wednesday for $10.5 million, more 
 than four times the reserve price of $2.48 million.
 Marvin Salt, publisher and editor of the Cambridge Christian Press, in 
 Cleveland, was the agent representing the buyer, whom he identified as Ohio 
 International Alliance Missions Trust.

Rick, is MD still slated to come to whatever
is left over here?  If so, should make for
some interesting neighborly chats. :)


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Recent video by Peter Wallace

2011-09-18 Thread Vaj

On Sep 18, 2011, at 12:53 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

 Just looking at the posts on FFL I see it is the same ol' same ol' IOW 
 people stuck in the past with little interest in the present or future. 
 I downloaded the video and got a little sick of the naive descriptions 
 and TM buzzwords. Many of the saints probably have about the same 
 level of experience of some of the members here. After all we're mainly 
 a bunch of old farts who have been practicing some form of sadhana for 
 years (TM or otherwise) and saints are about the same thing. But ya 
 know some folks still believe in Superman.

I know, I feel the same way. 

And I have to say Anandamayi Ma, while praised by many, seemed to have way too 
many rather apparent signs of mental illness. That anyone could consider MMY a 
SAINT or of any major importance after all the revelations on him that have 
come to light in the last decade or two needs to have their head examined. It's 
great he helped popularize meditation, but beyond that, he's just another Hindu 
Donald Trump…with less morals.

The most poignant part of his whole soliloquy was the fact all the dandi 
sanyasis were outraged that Mahesh was teaching meditation. They knew.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: US protesters rally to occupy Wall Street

2011-09-18 Thread Bhairitu
On 09/18/2011 03:45 AM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@...  wrote:
 They were planning to return after dinner but I guess that fizzled out.
 The cops chased them out of the district.  However there will be more
 demonstrations tomorrow.  The live stream had problems but it got better
 through the afternoon.

 At least this www.livestream.com has some balls !


And millionaires are whining today about Obama's plan to tax the rich 
more.  Such a whiny bunch of greedos.


Doesn't Paul Ryan look like Alfred E Newman from MAD magazine?  A true 

Here's a video of some of the protest yesterday.  Note the smarmy Wall 
Street elite on the balcony at the end of the video:


Today's Doonesbury:

It's becoming High Noon in the USA.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Recent video by Peter Wallace

2011-09-18 Thread Bhairitu
On 09/18/2011 01:21 PM, Vaj wrote:
 On Sep 18, 2011, at 12:53 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

 Just looking at the posts on FFL I see it is the same ol' same ol' IOW
 people stuck in the past with little interest in the present or future.
 I downloaded the video and got a little sick of the naive descriptions
 and TM buzzwords. Many of the saints probably have about the same
 level of experience of some of the members here. After all we're mainly
 a bunch of old farts who have been practicing some form of sadhana for
 years (TM or otherwise) and saints are about the same thing. But ya
 know some folks still believe in Superman.

 I know, I feel the same way.

 And I have to say Anandamayi Ma, while praised by many, seemed to have way 
 too many rather apparent signs of mental illness. That anyone could consider 
 MMY a SAINT or of any major importance after all the revelations on him that 
 have come to light in the last decade or two needs to have their head 
 examined. It's great he helped popularize meditation, but beyond that, he's 
 just another Hindu Donald Trump…with less morals.

 The most poignant part of his whole soliloquy was the fact all the dandi 
 sanyasis were outraged that Mahesh was teaching meditation. They knew.

I will say that Anandamayi Ma, if indeed who MMY brought with him to our 
TTC, glowed like a light bulb.  It is a face I'll never forget. Some 
folks insist she never left India so maybe MMY smuggled her out or she 
traveled at the speed of thought to Europe.  The woman he brought with 
him looks like Ma's pictures.  My tantra teacher also visited her and 
said she was a very kind and humble soul.   Folks on the TTC called her 
Maharishi's girlfriend. ;-)

Baghavan Das once said that he thought it was easier to do sadhana in 
the US than in India.

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[FairfieldLife] Another pair of sandals for sale (was Re: Merudanda/Sandals)

2011-09-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mark Landau m@... wrote:

 So, Sal,
 It looks like we're getting closer.
 Can you nail precisely what it is about me that really
 gets you the most? Because nothing you've said so far
 is really getting it.

Obviously she feels no need to explain herself to you,
or even to address you directly.

I think I had it right the other day. Her animosity
toward you is based on resentment that someone is
getting what she perceives to be something for

Some part of her subconscious mind recognizes that
resentment as irrational, so she has to come up with
ways to portray you as a Bad Person in order to
justify it.

To do that, she has to make up her own reality. It
doesn't correspond with the reality of your presence
here,(*) but at least it makes some sense on its own

It isn't as if she'd never done this before here; she
has, many times. It appears to be the way she deals
with life, as that manifests itself on FFL, at any

*Just as a concrete example, she asks: Mark has been
posting here now for how many months? Answer: One
single month. Then a month's absence, and now another
four days.

 On Sep 18, 2011, at 11:12 AM, Sal Sunshine wrote:
  On Sep 17, 2011, at 8:16 PM, seventhray1 wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@ wrote:
  On Sep 16, 2011, at 5:03 PM, whynotnow7 wrote:
  I don't know anything beyond what Mark has shared publicly. I was 
  commenting on how we really don't know anything about the potential 
  buyers of Mark's sandals, or what he will settle for. I hope he makes a 
  bundle. Why not?
  So you hope someone's going to get swindled?
  Sal, this things is really a bee in your bonnet.  Would you care to 
  subject your purchases to scrutiny and judgement?  You're riding this one 
  pretty hard. Must be triggering something in you.  
  lurk, Mark has been posting here now for
  how many months?  And has gotten how many
  suggestions for what he can do to get the 
  ball rolling? (many of them very good
  ones). And each and every time has
  some (usually very dumb) excuse for why he
  can't do the relatively simple things involved.
  Now he's supposedly trying to get them into
  some auction house, but…surprise!  There's still
  roadblocks in the way.  Not of his making, of 
  course.  They need some letters,  
  which he's finding it difficult to obtain.  That
  will be the next excuse offered for this particular
  plan's going bust.  Basically he seems, as Barry
  might put it, addicted to attention.  My guess 
  is he has no real intention to look into selling
  as long as he can continue running this number

[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, RoryGoff rorygoff@... wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
Like many progressives you're progressive till someone
offends your sense of what is acceptable.  YOU SEEM TO 
FORGET, democracy is NOT about protecting the people we
agree with, it about protecting the people many of us
don't agree with. Turn a liberal over and give them a
good shake and out pops a born again neo con---almost
every time.
   Nicely put.  I am not sure if I agree totally, but a
   nicely put phrase.
  It's a lot easier to put phrases nicely when one isn't
  concerned about whether they actually apply in context.
  (The you in the quote refers to moi.)
 * * Bob, I have enjoyed your humor and presence here on FFL
 as much (I dare say) as anyone, but I have to admit I really
 don't comprehend your POV here. Judy is certainly censorious
 on occasion -- you'll get no argument from me there, or from
 Judy, evidently -- and unarguably is gleefully corrective,
 but she is clearly no censor. Au contraire, to me she appears
 to be one of the most -- if not outright the most -- 
 scrupulously fair contributors to this fair field: gifted
 with a crystal-clear intellect, a passion for the truth, and
 an openness to Life's Mystery -- a near-perfect trifecta, in
 my book.

blush Thanks, Rory.

I find this whole attack by Bob quite baffling. It's so
absurd and pointless, it's hard to even guess at the
motivation behind it--unless it's just for the fun of
baffling me.

[FairfieldLife] Another pair of sandals for sale (was Re: Merudanda/Sandals)

2011-09-18 Thread whynotnow7
I have found myself sometimes making up a story to fit a mood. Hey, another 
type of mood making! And just when we thought it was safe to get back in the 
water... :-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mark Landau m@... wrote:
  So, Sal,
  It looks like we're getting closer.
  Can you nail precisely what it is about me that really
  gets you the most? Because nothing you've said so far
  is really getting it.
 Obviously she feels no need to explain herself to you,
 or even to address you directly.
 I think I had it right the other day. Her animosity
 toward you is based on resentment that someone is
 getting what she perceives to be something for
 Some part of her subconscious mind recognizes that
 resentment as irrational, so she has to come up with
 ways to portray you as a Bad Person in order to
 justify it.
 To do that, she has to make up her own reality. It
 doesn't correspond with the reality of your presence
 here,(*) but at least it makes some sense on its own
 It isn't as if she'd never done this before here; she
 has, many times. It appears to be the way she deals
 with life, as that manifests itself on FFL, at any
 *Just as a concrete example, she asks: Mark has been
 posting here now for how many months? Answer: One
 single month. Then a month's absence, and now another
 four days.
  On Sep 18, 2011, at 11:12 AM, Sal Sunshine wrote:
   On Sep 17, 2011, at 8:16 PM, seventhray1 wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@ wrote:
   On Sep 16, 2011, at 5:03 PM, whynotnow7 wrote:
   I don't know anything beyond what Mark has shared publicly. I was 
   commenting on how we really don't know anything about the potential 
   buyers of Mark's sandals, or what he will settle for. I hope he makes 
   a bundle. Why not?
   So you hope someone's going to get swindled?
   Sal, this things is really a bee in your bonnet.  Would you care to 
   subject your purchases to scrutiny and judgement?  You're riding this 
   one pretty hard. Must be triggering something in you.  
   lurk, Mark has been posting here now for
   how many months?  And has gotten how many
   suggestions for what he can do to get the 
   ball rolling? (many of them very good
   ones). And each and every time has
   some (usually very dumb) excuse for why he
   can't do the relatively simple things involved.
   Now he's supposedly trying to get them into
   some auction house, but…surprise!  There's still
   roadblocks in the way.  Not of his making, of 
   course.  They need some letters,  
   which he's finding it difficult to obtain.  That
   will be the next excuse offered for this particular
   plan's going bust.  Basically he seems, as Barry
   might put it, addicted to attention.  My guess 
   is he has no real intention to look into selling
   as long as he can continue running this number

Re: [FairfieldLife] Another pair of sandals for sale (was Re: Merudanda/Sandals)

2011-09-18 Thread Mark Landau
Yes, this definitely goes beyond rationality.  I haven't been counting, but 
almost nothing she has said in this regard has been remotely rational.  If we 
looked at your suggestion from the rational standpoint, I don't think it's 
stretching it to say that 4 years of total service at no pay (I leave out the 
courses) + around 100K spent for it could honestly be traded for what I might 
get for the sandals now.  I, at least, wouldn't call that nothing.
But rationality aside, I think this isn't quite it, either.
I think it's more something like this:
She perceives me as an absolute total wimp and she can't bear it--something 
along those lines.
That's what I was asking her to nail, whatever it really may be.
She does mention craving attention, and there is some truth to that.  I've been 
quite isolated for quite a long time now and some interaction/attention is kind 
of nice.  Also, my nearly decimated but still thrashing ego probably gets a 
little juice from even having the sandals, and the false recognition that might 
bring, an additional part that could help drive her up the wall and cause her 
to want to attack them.
But I'm pretty positive that really isn't it for her, either.
I guess I can reveal now that I was hoping my little ironic piece would somehow 
miraculously reach her in one way or another, but, as previously surmised, I 
was over-reaching there, too.
I guess we'll just have to leave her with it.
Bless you, Sal,

On Sep 18, 2011, at 3:09 PM, authfriend wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mark Landau m@... wrote:
  So, Sal,
  It looks like we're getting closer.
  Can you nail precisely what it is about me that really
  gets you the most? Because nothing you've said so far
  is really getting it.
 Obviously she feels no need to explain herself to you,
 or even to address you directly.
 I think I had it right the other day. Her animosity
 toward you is based on resentment that someone is
 getting what she perceives to be something for
 Some part of her subconscious mind recognizes that
 resentment as irrational, so she has to come up with
 ways to portray you as a Bad Person in order to
 justify it.
 To do that, she has to make up her own reality. It
 doesn't correspond with the reality of your presence
 here,(*) but at least it makes some sense on its own
 It isn't as if she'd never done this before here; she
 has, many times. It appears to be the way she deals
 with life, as that manifests itself on FFL, at any
 *Just as a concrete example, she asks: Mark has been
 posting here now for how many months? Answer: One
 single month. Then a month's absence, and now another
 four days.
  On Sep 18, 2011, at 11:12 AM, Sal Sunshine wrote:
   On Sep 17, 2011, at 8:16 PM, seventhray1 wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@ wrote:
   On Sep 16, 2011, at 5:03 PM, whynotnow7 wrote:
   I don't know anything beyond what Mark has shared publicly. I was 
   commenting on how we really don't know anything about the potential 
   buyers of Mark's sandals, or what he will settle for. I hope he makes 
   a bundle. Why not?
   So you hope someone's going to get swindled?
   Sal, this things is really a bee in your bonnet. Would you care to 
   subject your purchases to scrutiny and judgement? You're riding this one 
   pretty hard. Must be triggering something in you. 
   lurk, Mark has been posting here now for
   how many months? And has gotten how many
   suggestions for what he can do to get the 
   ball rolling? (many of them very good
   ones). And each and every time has
   some (usually very dumb) excuse for why he
   can't do the relatively simple things involved.
   Now he's supposedly trying to get them into
   some auction house, but…surprise! There's still
   roadblocks in the way. Not of his making, of 
   course. They need some letters, 
   which he's finding it difficult to obtain. That
   will be the next excuse offered for this particular
   plan's going bust. Basically he seems, as Barry
   might put it, addicted to attention. My guess 
   is he has no real intention to look into selling
   as long as he can continue running this number

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Recent video by Peter Wallace

2011-09-18 Thread Vaj

On Sep 18, 2011, at 4:43 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

 I will say that Anandamayi Ma, if indeed who MMY brought with him to our 
 TTC, glowed like a light bulb.  It is a face I'll never forget. Some 
 folks insist she never left India so maybe MMY smuggled her out or she 
 traveled at the speed of thought to Europe.  The woman he brought with 
 him looks like Ma's pictures.  My tantra teacher also visited her and 
 said she was a very kind and humble soul.   Folks on the TTC called her 
 Maharishi's girlfriend. ;-)

Oh yes, I remember you telling that story before. Well many people respected 
her, your observation just adds to that long list. However it still does not 
subtract from the fact other sages have often reacted negatively towards 
Mahesh. The movement take was often oh, they're just jealous, but I think 
it's too widespread to be written off so easily.

 Baghavan Das once said that he thought it was easier to do sadhana in 
 the US than in India.

It's always great to have a support system present for what you're doing, 
whatever it is. Americans in general aren't that supportive of Pagan religions.

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[FairfieldLife] David Wants to Fly

2011-09-18 Thread Vaj

Movies : Documentary : DVD Rip : English
Documentary about Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and the TM movement, focusing on 
Fairfield, IA and the religious nature of the group. Film has not been released 
to the public but did well at film festivals.


To meet master film director David Lynch in person and talk to him about 
filmmaking! A dream come true for young David Sieveking, who first finds 
himself sitting face-to-face with his idol in spring 2006. 

The meeting takes place on the periphery of a workshop in the USA where Lynch 
is giving a talk on the sources of creativity. Paramount among them is 
transcendental meditation (TM), a technique the cult filmmaker has reputedly 
practiced daily for over thirty years. But he had never before spoken about it 
in public. Could TM be the mystery behind Lynch’s dark, inscrutable films?

Although the location of the workshop – the Maharishi University of 
Enlightenment in Iowa – does strike David, the young filmmaker from Berlin, as 
somewhat strange, it is also mysterious and fascinating. Maharishi? Wasn’t that 
the legendary 1960s guru – guiding light of the hippie movement, savior of the 
western world and personal spiritual tutor of the Beatles? An entirely new 
chapter in the life of David Sieveking has begun. Fairfield, Iowa is a new 
world where everything seems possible – even flying, without the aid of any 

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of Transcendental Meditation, promised 
creativity, health, professional success, world peace and no less than “heaven 
on earth”. David Sieveking decides to take the personal advice of the great 
David Lynch and begins to practice TM himself. Even master film directors start 
as novices, after all. And the best thing about it: TM is easy to do. Not 
cheap, but easy!

Funded by donations Maharishi and his followers built up an unparalleled global 
enterprise with the global headquarters in the Netherlands; a world peace 
center in India; a clandestine “TM world government” in the Swiss Alps; over 20 
“Invincible Universities” have been founded and there are obscure gated camps 
dedicated to “yogic flying”. For the second time, David Sieveking discovers a 
whole new world. 

The more research the young filmmaker does, the more discrepancies surface. 
Suddenly TM apostates start contacting him, former high-ups in the organization 
who claime to have been ruined by the Maharishi – financially as well as 
psychologically. Should he believe them? Is TM just a cynical money machine 
after all, as critics maintain, or a guru sect gone haywire?

Throughout the odyssee that follows David Sieveking never loses the sly sense 
of humor that gives this surprising film its strength, elegance and ambiguous 
Peers: 17 seeders, 0 leechers, 17 total

[FairfieldLife] Re: #5# New life With Jesus!

2011-09-18 Thread Buck
Ex-IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn tells French TV his liaison with a New York 
hotel maid had been a moral failing that had deprived him of the chance to 
run for president.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Paulo Barbosa tprobert@... wrote:

 Think About this: new life with Jesus!
 Jesus answered and said unto him,  Verily,  verily,  I  say
 unto thee, Except a man be born again,  he  cannot  see  the
 kingdom of God (John 3:3).
 new life... really new... now with Jesus in  the  heart!  Do
 you want?
 Paulo Barbosa

[FairfieldLife] Re: #5# New life With Jesus!

2011-09-18 Thread Buck

 Ex-IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn tells French TV his liaison with a New 
 York hotel maid had been a moral failing that had deprived him of the 
 chance to run for president.

What happened was more than an inappropriate relationship. It was an error, 
he said, adding that he regretted it infinitely.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Paulo Barbosa tprobert@ wrote:
  Think About this: new life with Jesus!
  Jesus answered and said unto him,  Verily,  verily,  I  say
  unto thee, Except a man be born again,  he  cannot  see  the
  kingdom of God (John 3:3).
  new life... really new... now with Jesus in  the  heart!  Do
  you want?
  Paulo Barbosa

[FairfieldLife] Re: #5# New life With Jesus!

2011-09-18 Thread Buck

  Ex-IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn tells French TV his liaison with a New 
  York hotel maid had been a moral failing that had deprived him of the 
  chance to run for president.
 What happened was more than an inappropriate relationship. It was an error, 
 he said, adding that he regretted it infinitely.

I think it was a moral failing and I am not proud of it, 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Paulo Barbosa tprobert@ wrote:
   Think About this: new life with Jesus!
   Jesus answered and said unto him,  Verily,  verily,  I  say
   unto thee, Except a man be born again,  he  cannot  see  the
   kingdom of God (John 3:3).
   new life... really new... now with Jesus in  the  heart!  Do
   you want?
   Paulo Barbosa

[FairfieldLife] Re: #5# New life With Jesus!

2011-09-18 Thread Buck
   Ex-IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn tells French TV his liaison with a 
   New York hotel maid had been a moral failing that had deprived him of 
   the chance to run for president.
  What happened was more than an inappropriate relationship. It was an 
  error, he said, adding that he regretted it infinitely.
 I think it was a moral failing and I am not proud of it, 

Mr Strauss-Kahn said what he did was not only inappropriate, but more than 
that, it was a fault … with regard to my wife, my friends, but also the French 
who placed their hopes in me for change.

   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Paulo Barbosa tprobert@ wrote:
Think About this: new life with Jesus!

Jesus answered and said unto him,  Verily,  verily,  I  say
unto thee, Except a man be born again,  he  cannot  see  the
kingdom of God (John 3:3).

new life... really new... now with Jesus in  the  heart!  Do
you want?

Paulo Barbosa

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2011-09-18 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Sep 17 00:00:00 2011
End Date (UTC): Sat Sep 24 00:00:00 2011
217 messages as of (UTC) Mon Sep 19 00:11:37 2011

30 Mark Landau m...@sky5.com
24 RoryGoff roryg...@hotmail.com
20 whynotnow7 whynotn...@yahoo.com
19 Yifu yifux...@yahoo.com
14 nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
14 authfriend jst...@panix.com
12 maskedzebra no_re...@yahoogroups.com
12 Buck dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
11 curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com
 8 Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
 6 seventhray1 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net
 6 merudanda no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 6 Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@lisco.com
 5 Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net
 4 turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 4 obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 4 Bob Price bobpri...@yahoo.com
 2 richardwillytexwilliams willy...@yahoo.com
 2 jpgillam jpgil...@yahoo.com
 2 Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
 1 shukra69 shukr...@yahoo.ca
 1 pranamoocher no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 oye34vay msilver1...@yahoo.com
 1 cardemaister no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 WilliamG wg...@yahoo.com
 1 Tom Pall thomas.p...@gmail.com
 1 Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
 1 Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net
 1 Paulo Barbosa tprob...@terra.com.br
 1 Marcio tmer1...@gmail.com
 1 John jr_...@yahoo.com
 1 do.rflex do.rf...@yahoo.com

Posters: 32
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: #5# New life With Jesus!

2011-09-18 Thread Buck

Ex-IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn tells French TV his liaison with a 
New York hotel maid had been a moral failing that had deprived him of 
the chance to run for president.
   What happened was more than an inappropriate relationship. It was an 
   error, he said, adding that he regretted it infinitely.
  I think it was a moral failing and I am not proud of it, 
 Mr Strauss-Kahn said what he did was not only inappropriate, but more than 
 that, it was a fault … with regard to my wife, my friends, but also the 
 French who placed their hopes in me for change.

Oh, didn't something very like this happen in the TM-movement?  I think there 
was a book written about throwing it *all* away for some love of sex.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Paulo Barbosa tprobert@ wrote:

 Think About this: new life with Jesus!
 Jesus answered and said unto him,  Verily,  verily,  I  say
 unto thee, Except a man be born again,  he  cannot  see  the
 kingdom of God (John 3:3).
 new life... really new... now with Jesus in  the  heart!  Do
 you want?
 Paulo Barbosa


[FairfieldLife] Another pair of sandals for sale (was Re: Merudanda/Sandals)

2011-09-18 Thread obbajeeba
Shoes, (in your case, Sandals)have been part of some beautiful stories in our 
time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooM-RGUTe2E  and 

: )

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mark Landau m@... wrote:

 Yes, this definitely goes beyond rationality.  I haven't been counting, but 
 almost nothing she has said in this regard has been remotely rational.  If we 
 looked at your suggestion from the rational standpoint, I don't think it's 
 stretching it to say that 4 years of total service at no pay (I leave out the 
 courses) + around 100K spent for it could honestly be traded for what I might 
 get for the sandals now.  I, at least, wouldn't call that nothing.
 But rationality aside, I think this isn't quite it, either.
 I think it's more something like this:
 She perceives me as an absolute total wimp and she can't bear it--something 
 along those lines.
 That's what I was asking her to nail, whatever it really may be.
 She does mention craving attention, and there is some truth to that.  I've 
 been quite isolated for quite a long time now and some interaction/attention 
 is kind of nice.  Also, my nearly decimated but still thrashing ego probably 
 gets a little juice from even having the sandals, and the false recognition 
 that might bring, an additional part that could help drive her up the wall 
 and cause her to want to attack them.
 But I'm pretty positive that really isn't it for her, either.
 I guess I can reveal now that I was hoping my little ironic piece would 
 somehow miraculously reach her in one way or another, but, as previously 
 surmised, I was over-reaching there, too.
 I guess we'll just have to leave her with it.
 Bless you, Sal,
 On Sep 18, 2011, at 3:09 PM, authfriend wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mark Landau m@... wrote:
   So, Sal,
   It looks like we're getting closer.
   Can you nail precisely what it is about me that really
   gets you the most? Because nothing you've said so far
   is really getting it.
  Obviously she feels no need to explain herself to you,
  or even to address you directly.
  I think I had it right the other day. Her animosity
  toward you is based on resentment that someone is
  getting what she perceives to be something for
  Some part of her subconscious mind recognizes that
  resentment as irrational, so she has to come up with
  ways to portray you as a Bad Person in order to
  justify it.
  To do that, she has to make up her own reality. It
  doesn't correspond with the reality of your presence
  here,(*) but at least it makes some sense on its own
  It isn't as if she'd never done this before here; she
  has, many times. It appears to be the way she deals
  with life, as that manifests itself on FFL, at any
  *Just as a concrete example, she asks: Mark has been
  posting here now for how many months? Answer: One
  single month. Then a month's absence, and now another
  four days.
   On Sep 18, 2011, at 11:12 AM, Sal Sunshine wrote:
On Sep 17, 2011, at 8:16 PM, seventhray1 wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@ 

On Sep 16, 2011, at 5:03 PM, whynotnow7 wrote:

I don't know anything beyond what Mark has shared publicly. I was 
commenting on how we really don't know anything about the potential 
buyers of Mark's sandals, or what he will settle for. I hope he 
makes a bundle. Why not?

So you hope someone's going to get swindled?

Sal, this things is really a bee in your bonnet. Would you care to 
subject your purchases to scrutiny and judgement? You're riding this 
one pretty hard. Must be triggering something in you. 

lurk, Mark has been posting here now for
how many months? And has gotten how many
suggestions for what he can do to get the 
ball rolling? (many of them very good
ones). And each and every time has
some (usually very dumb) excuse for why he
can't do the relatively simple things involved.
Now he's supposedly trying to get them into
some auction house, but…surprise! There's still
roadblocks in the way. Not of his making, of 
course. They need some letters, 
which he's finding it difficult to obtain. That
will be the next excuse offered for this particular
plan's going bust. Basically he seems, as Barry
might put it, addicted to attention. My guess 
is he has no real intention to look into selling
as long as he can continue running this number

[FairfieldLife] Re: Recent video by Peter Wallace

2011-09-18 Thread whynotnow7

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Sep 18, 2011, at 4:43 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
  I will say that Anandamayi Ma, if indeed who MMY brought with him to our 
  TTC, glowed like a light bulb.  It is a face I'll never forget. Some 
  folks insist she never left India so maybe MMY smuggled her out or she 
  traveled at the speed of thought to Europe.  The woman he brought with 
  him looks like Ma's pictures.  My tantra teacher also visited her and 
  said she was a very kind and humble soul.   Folks on the TTC called her 
  Maharishi's girlfriend. ;-)
 Oh yes, I remember you telling that story before. Well many people respected 
 her, your observation just adds to that long list. However it still does not 
 subtract from the fact other sages have often reacted negatively towards 
 Mahesh. The movement take was often oh, they're just jealous, but I think 
 it's too widespread to be written off so easily.

Yep yawn you hit the nail on the head, Vaj. Maharishi is a great big evil 
stinkin', yawn demon out for our very souls - Now, can we get some sleep 
around here?!
  Baghavan Das once said that he thought it was easier to do sadhana in 
  the US than in India.
 It's always great to have a support system present for what you're doing, 
 whatever it is. Americans in general aren't that supportive of Pagan 

[FairfieldLife] Another pair of sandals for sale (was Re: Merudanda/Sandals)

2011-09-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mark Landau m@... wrote:

 Yes, this definitely goes beyond rationality.  I haven't been
 counting, but almost nothing she has said in this regard has
 been remotely rational.  If we looked at your suggestion from
 the rational standpoint, I don't think it's stretching it to
 say that 4 years of total service at no pay (I leave out the 
 courses) + around 100K spent for it could honestly be traded
 for what I might get for the sandals now.  I, at least,
 wouldn't call that nothing.

Well, of course not. But that's what I'm saying, she knows,
subconsciously at least, that it isn't rational, so she has
to invent a more rational basis for her animosity.

 But rationality aside, I think this isn't quite it, either.
 I think it's more something like this:
 She perceives me as an absolute total wimp and she can't
 bear it--something along those lines.

That wouldn't be a very good justification for the anger
in her posts. The most you'd expect would be contempt,
and that really has a different flavor.

 That's what I was asking her to nail, whatever it really may be.

 She does mention craving attention, and there is some truth
 to that.

Look, none of us would be posting here--or anywhere else,
for that matter--if we weren't looking for some attention.
We wouldn't seek social contact at all, electronically or
live, if we weren't.

Some people are aggressive and flamboyant about seeking
attention, but sheesh, that doesn't apply to you at all.
Ironically, the people here who complain most loudly
about attention seeking by others are the most flamboyant
attention seekers themselves (naming no names). Sal's
just picked up the canard from one of them without
considering whether it makes any sense.

 I've been quite isolated for quite a long time now and some
 interaction/attention is kind of nice.  Also, my nearly
 decimated but still thrashing ego probably gets a little
 juice from even having the sandals, and the false recognition
 that might bring,

I'm not sure why it's false or why you shouldn't enjoy
getting a little juice out of having the sandals.

 an additional part that could help drive
 her up the wall and cause her to want to attack them.

One might also say she's seeking false recognition by
putting down what others are recognizing you for.

You really don't have a thing to beat yourself up about
with regard to your behavior here, so stop!

 But I'm pretty positive that really isn't it for her, either.
 I guess I can reveal now that I was hoping my little ironic piece 
 would somehow miraculously reach her in one way or another, but,
 as previously surmised, I was over-reaching there, too.

Sal doesn't do irony...

 I guess we'll just have to leave her with it.
 Bless you, Sal,
 On Sep 18, 2011, at 3:09 PM, authfriend wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mark Landau m@... wrote:
   So, Sal,
   It looks like we're getting closer.
   Can you nail precisely what it is about me that really
   gets you the most? Because nothing you've said so far
   is really getting it.
  Obviously she feels no need to explain herself to you,
  or even to address you directly.
  I think I had it right the other day. Her animosity
  toward you is based on resentment that someone is
  getting what she perceives to be something for
  Some part of her subconscious mind recognizes that
  resentment as irrational, so she has to come up with
  ways to portray you as a Bad Person in order to
  justify it.
  To do that, she has to make up her own reality. It
  doesn't correspond with the reality of your presence
  here,(*) but at least it makes some sense on its own
  It isn't as if she'd never done this before here; she
  has, many times. It appears to be the way she deals
  with life, as that manifests itself on FFL, at any
  *Just as a concrete example, she asks: Mark has been
  posting here now for how many months? Answer: One
  single month. Then a month's absence, and now another
  four days.
   On Sep 18, 2011, at 11:12 AM, Sal Sunshine wrote:
On Sep 17, 2011, at 8:16 PM, seventhray1 wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@ 

On Sep 16, 2011, at 5:03 PM, whynotnow7 wrote:

I don't know anything beyond what Mark has shared publicly. I was 
commenting on how we really don't know anything about the potential 
buyers of Mark's sandals, or what he will settle for. I hope he 
makes a bundle. Why not?

So you hope someone's going to get swindled?

Sal, this things is really a bee in your bonnet. Would you care to 
subject your purchases to scrutiny and judgement? You're riding this 
one pretty hard. Must be triggering something in you. 

lurk, Mark has been posting here now for
how many months? And has gotten how many
suggestions for what he can do to get the 
ball rolling? (many of 

[FairfieldLife] Another pair of sandals for sale (was Re: Merudanda/Sandals)

2011-09-18 Thread whynotnow7
Does anyone know if this guy is selling *his* shoes?


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mark Landau m@... wrote:

 Yes, this definitely goes beyond rationality.  I haven't been counting, but 
 almost nothing she has said in this regard has been remotely rational.  If we 
 looked at your suggestion from the rational standpoint, I don't think it's 
 stretching it to say that 4 years of total service at no pay (I leave out the 
 courses) + around 100K spent for it could honestly be traded for what I might 
 get for the sandals now.  I, at least, wouldn't call that nothing.
 But rationality aside, I think this isn't quite it, either.
 I think it's more something like this:
 She perceives me as an absolute total wimp and she can't bear it--something 
 along those lines.
 That's what I was asking her to nail, whatever it really may be.
 She does mention craving attention, and there is some truth to that.  I've 
 been quite isolated for quite a long time now and some interaction/attention 
 is kind of nice.  Also, my nearly decimated but still thrashing ego probably 
 gets a little juice from even having the sandals, and the false recognition 
 that might bring, an additional part that could help drive her up the wall 
 and cause her to want to attack them.
 But I'm pretty positive that really isn't it for her, either.
 I guess I can reveal now that I was hoping my little ironic piece would 
 somehow miraculously reach her in one way or another, but, as previously 
 surmised, I was over-reaching there, too.
 I guess we'll just have to leave her with it.
 Bless you, Sal,
 On Sep 18, 2011, at 3:09 PM, authfriend wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mark Landau m@... wrote:
   So, Sal,
   It looks like we're getting closer.
   Can you nail precisely what it is about me that really
   gets you the most? Because nothing you've said so far
   is really getting it.
  Obviously she feels no need to explain herself to you,
  or even to address you directly.
  I think I had it right the other day. Her animosity
  toward you is based on resentment that someone is
  getting what she perceives to be something for
  Some part of her subconscious mind recognizes that
  resentment as irrational, so she has to come up with
  ways to portray you as a Bad Person in order to
  justify it.
  To do that, she has to make up her own reality. It
  doesn't correspond with the reality of your presence
  here,(*) but at least it makes some sense on its own
  It isn't as if she'd never done this before here; she
  has, many times. It appears to be the way she deals
  with life, as that manifests itself on FFL, at any
  *Just as a concrete example, she asks: Mark has been
  posting here now for how many months? Answer: One
  single month. Then a month's absence, and now another
  four days.
   On Sep 18, 2011, at 11:12 AM, Sal Sunshine wrote:
On Sep 17, 2011, at 8:16 PM, seventhray1 wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@ 

On Sep 16, 2011, at 5:03 PM, whynotnow7 wrote:

I don't know anything beyond what Mark has shared publicly. I was 
commenting on how we really don't know anything about the potential 
buyers of Mark's sandals, or what he will settle for. I hope he 
makes a bundle. Why not?

So you hope someone's going to get swindled?

Sal, this things is really a bee in your bonnet. Would you care to 
subject your purchases to scrutiny and judgement? You're riding this 
one pretty hard. Must be triggering something in you. 

lurk, Mark has been posting here now for
how many months? And has gotten how many
suggestions for what he can do to get the 
ball rolling? (many of them very good
ones). And each and every time has
some (usually very dumb) excuse for why he
can't do the relatively simple things involved.
Now he's supposedly trying to get them into
some auction house, but…surprise! There's still
roadblocks in the way. Not of his making, of 
course. They need some letters, 
which he's finding it difficult to obtain. That
will be the next excuse offered for this particular
plan's going bust. Basically he seems, as Barry
might put it, addicted to attention. My guess 
is he has no real intention to look into selling
as long as he can continue running this number

[FairfieldLife] Another pair of sandals for sale (was Re: Merudanda/Sandals)

2011-09-18 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@... wrote:

 Shoes, (in your case, Sandals)have been part of some beautiful
 stories in our time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooM-RGUTe2E 
 and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DscAVHLPL10
And, of course...


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Recent video by Peter Wallace

2011-09-18 Thread Bhairitu
On 09/18/2011 04:24 PM, Vaj wrote:
 On Sep 18, 2011, at 4:43 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

 Baghavan Das once said that he thought it was easier to do sadhana in
 the US than in India.

 It's always great to have a support system present for what you're doing, 
 whatever it is. Americans in general aren't that supportive of Pagan 

Yoga ain't a religion.  And I think the lot of us could give a rats ass 
what the general public thinks.  I think Baghavan Das (the kid yogi from 
Be Here Now) was thinking about supporting ones self with an 
occupation (in his case he sold luxury cars in Marin for a while) rather 
than begging in India.  And he also was politically aware enough to get 
himself a quit India notice. :-D

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[FairfieldLife] Another pair of sandals for sale (was Re: Merudanda/Sandals)

2011-09-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@... wrote:

 Does anyone know if this guy is selling *his* shoes?

Ohh, that was *so* satisfying.

From Wikipedia:

A Saudi businessman offered US$10 million to buy the shoes thrown by 
al-Zaidi.[96] There were also calls from throughout the Middle East to place 
the shoes in an Iraqi museum.[4][97]On December 18, 2008 [over a year after 
he threw them], Iraqi and American security agents looking for explosives 
examined and then destroyed the shoes.[5]

At his trial, al-Zaidi said:

While [Bush] was talking I was looking at all his achievements in my mind. 
More than a million killed, the destruction and humiliation of mosques, 
violations against Iraqi women, attacking Iraqis every day and every hour. A 
whole people are saddened because of his policy, and he was talking with a 
smile on his face - and he was joking with the prime minister and saying he was 
going to have dinner with him after the press conference. Believe me, I didn't 
see anything around me except Bush. I was blind to anything else. I felt the 
blood of the innocent people bleeding from beneath his feet and he was smiling 
in that way. And then he was going to have a dinner, after he destroyed one 
million martyrs, after he destroyed the country. So I reacted to this feeling 
by throwing my shoes. I couldn't stop the reaction inside me. It was 

He was sentenced to three years in prison but was released
after nine months. He still has physical problems from
having been tortured by Iraqi police after he was arrested.
He now works for a Lebanese TV channel.

In September 2009, London-based artist Pawel Waniewski created `Proud Shoes' 
in tribute to Muntazer al-Zaidi's `shoe flying' incident. Waniewski's tribute 
to Mr al-Zaidi's was a 21kg bronze piece of art depicting the thrown shoes, 
completely gilded in 24 carat gold.

The incident has inspired many imitators and introduced a
new word to the language, the verb to shoe.

...On the Late Show with David Letterman, the 'Great Moments in Presidential 
Speeches' segment included flying shoes aimed at other presidents (via 
digitally-altered stock footage).


Re: [FairfieldLife] Another pair of sandals for sale (was Re: Merudanda/Sandals)

2011-09-18 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Sep 18, 2011, at 7:33 PM, whynotnow7 wrote:

 Does anyone know if this guy is selling *his* shoes?

LOL…now those are what I would call relics,
of another era.  Thank goodness.


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[FairfieldLife] Another pair of sandals for sale (was Re: Merudanda/Sandals)

2011-09-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:
 The incident has inspired many imitators and introduced a
 new word to the language, the verb to shoe.

Actually it isn't new; we already have such a verb 
referring to a blacksmith putting horseshoes on a
horse. But it's now also used to refer to throwing
shoes at Important People as a sign of digust.
Wikipedia has a separate article on this:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Recent video by Peter Wallace

2011-09-18 Thread wgm4u

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 On 09/18/2011 04:24 PM, Vaj wrote:
  On Sep 18, 2011, at 4:43 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
  Baghavan Das once said that he thought it was easier to do sadhana in
  the US than in India.
  It's always great to have a support system present for what you're doing, 
  whatever it is. Americans in general aren't that supportive of Pagan 
 Yoga ain't a religion.  

How about a Religious Science? or a Science of Religion? The word Religion 
covers a broad range of institutions, formal and informal. 

The word (from Latin) itself merely means that which binds one back to God or 
ones source according to MMY (SOBAL), surely TM would fit that description.

I think it would be more appropriate to call TM a Religious Science or if you 
wish to sterilize it, the Science of Creative Intelligence which is just 
another name for God.

[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-18 Thread seventhray1

Let me be more concise.  I particularly liked this phrase, and I think
it is often true.

  Turn a
   liberal over and give them a good shake and out pops a born
   again neo con---almost every time.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Recent video by Peter Wallace

2011-09-18 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:
But ya
 know some folks still believe in Superman.

Well, I believe in Superwoman, and right now she's sitting in the next
room.  I see her sitting her favorite chair.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Recent video by Peter Wallace

2011-09-18 Thread Vaj

On Sep 18, 2011, at 8:53 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

 Yoga ain't a religion. 

No, it's more like a way to remodel your own nervous system.

Makes me feel sorry for those still trapped in a nervous system of others 
making. It's your nervous system!

[FairfieldLife] Another pair of sandals for sale (was Re: Merudanda/Sandals)

2011-09-18 Thread obbajeeba

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
  Shoes, (in your case, Sandals)have been part of some beautiful
  stories in our time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooM-RGUTe2E 
  and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DscAVHLPL10
 And, of course...

and  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0ASaYAA7oo

[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@... wrote:
 Let me be more concise.  I particularly liked this phrase, and I
 think it is often true.
Turn a liberal over and give them a good shake and out
pops a born again neo con---almost every time.

Yeah? What do you think it means to turn a liberal
over and give them a good shake? Be specific. Give
an example.

And what do you think a neocon is?

I'm sorry, but it's meaningless, just a bunch of 
phrases that sound good strung together but don't
actually refer to anything real (even if he weren't
using them to describe me specifically).

There's an old saw about how a conservative is a
liberal who's been mugged, implying that the liberal
becomes a racist after having been mugged (the
assumption being that the mugger was black).

I suspect Bob was trying to echo this saying while
giving it a different context, but while there was
a grain of unpleasant truth to the original, what
Bob ended up with was too vague to mean anything.
I don't think he even knows what a neocon is, and
I'll bet you don't either. Nor did Barry when he
claimed the neoconservatives were waging a war
against science.

From Wikipedia:

Neoconservatism in the United States is a branch of American conservatism that 
is most known for its advocacy of using American economic and military power to 
topple American enemies and promote liberal democracy in other countries. The 
movement emerged during the early 1970s among Democrats who disagreed with the 
party's growing opposition to the Vietnam War and had become skeptical of the 
Great Society's welfare programs. Although neoconservatives generally endorse 
free-market economics, they often believe cultural and moral issues to be more 
significant, and so have tended to be less thoroughgoing in opposition to 
government intervention in society than more traditionally conservative and 
libertarian members of the Republican Party.[1][2] Most neoconservatives 
support the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.


The trend of liberals becoming neocons is long past
because the situations that inspired their change in
viewpoint are long past. Neocons today--the second
generation--are mostly from the GOP to start with.

I suspect Bob remembered reading something about the
liberals in the '70s who became neocons and figured
it must apply today as well, but he was thinking of
today's conservatives, not neocons. Remember how he 
led up to this:

Like many progressives you're progressive till someone
offends your sense of what is acceptable. YOU SEEM TO
FORGET, democracy is NOT about protecting the people we
agree with, it about protecting the people many of us
don't agree with.

This has nothing at all to do with neoconservatism.
And it's all in the context of my purported censorship,
an idiotic notion to begin with.

The whole paragraph is just blather. I think he'd
temporarily run out of things to say and was just
marking time, keeping his fingers going, by typing words
until something more pointed occurred to him.

[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-18 Thread seventhray1

I'll tell you exactly what I mean.  And that is people are prone to be
hypocrites.  And that a liberal could easily be inclined to impose his
agenda, by any means necessary * as much as anyone else.

* Quote attributed to Malcolm X  (if I am not mistaken)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@
  Let me be more concise. I particularly liked this phrase, and I
  think it is often true.
 Turn a liberal over and give them a good shake and out
 pops a born again neo con---almost every time.

 Yeah? What do you think it means to turn a liberal
 over and give them a good shake? Be specific. Give
 an example.

 And what do you think a neocon is?

 I'm sorry, but it's meaningless, just a bunch of
 phrases that sound good strung together but don't
 actually refer to anything real (even if he weren't
 using them to describe me specifically).

 There's an old saw about how a conservative is a
 liberal who's been mugged, implying that the liberal
 becomes a racist after having been mugged (the
 assumption being that the mugger was black).

 I suspect Bob was trying to echo this saying while
 giving it a different context, but while there was
 a grain of unpleasant truth to the original, what
 Bob ended up with was too vague to mean anything.
 I don't think he even knows what a neocon is, and
 I'll bet you don't either. Nor did Barry when he
 claimed the neoconservatives were waging a war
 against science.

 From Wikipedia:

 Neoconservatism in the United States is a branch of American
conservatism that is most known for its advocacy of using American
economic and military power to topple American enemies and promote
liberal democracy in other countries. The movement emerged during the
early 1970s among Democrats who disagreed with the party's growing
opposition to the Vietnam War and had become skeptical of the Great
Society's welfare programs. Although neoconservatives generally endorse
free-market economics, they often believe cultural and moral issues to
be more significant, and so have tended to be less thoroughgoing in
opposition to government intervention in society than more traditionally
conservative and libertarian members of the Republican Party.[1][2] Most
neoconservatives support the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.


 The trend of liberals becoming neocons is long past
 because the situations that inspired their change in
 viewpoint are long past. Neocons today--the second
 generation--are mostly from the GOP to start with.

 I suspect Bob remembered reading something about the
 liberals in the '70s who became neocons and figured
 it must apply today as well, but he was thinking of
 today's conservatives, not neocons. Remember how he
 led up to this:

 Like many progressives you're progressive till someone
 offends your sense of what is acceptable. YOU SEEM TO
 FORGET, democracy is NOT about protecting the people we
 agree with, it about protecting the people many of us
 don't agree with.

 This has nothing at all to do with neoconservatism.
 And it's all in the context of my purported censorship,
 an idiotic notion to begin with.

 The whole paragraph is just blather. I think he'd
 temporarily run out of things to say and was just
 marking time, keeping his fingers going, by typing words
 until something more pointed occurred to him.

[FairfieldLife] Re: #5# New life With Jesus!

2011-09-18 Thread Buck


 Ex-IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn tells French TV his liaison with 
 a New York hotel maid had been a moral failing that had deprived 
 him of the chance to run for president.

What happened was more than an inappropriate relationship. It was an 
error, he said, adding that he regretted it infinitely.
   I think it was a moral failing and I am not proud of it, 
  Mr Strauss-Kahn said what he did was not only inappropriate, but more than 
  that, it was a fault … with regard to my wife, my friends, but also the 
  French who placed their hopes in me for change.
 Oh, didn't something very like this happen in the TM-movement?  I think there 
 was a book written about throwing it *all* away for some love of sex.

A New Testament: 
Has anyone who 'was there' written a testament yet that Maharishi's sins with 
the women were just trial of moral temptations, that he surmounted?He seems 
to have thrown it all away, could Bevan as a close disciple tell us that 
Maharishi was reconciled about this in the end?  What was he thinking?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Paulo Barbosa tprobert@ 
  Think About this: new life with Jesus!
  Jesus answered and said unto him,  Verily,  verily,  I  say
  unto thee, Except a man be born again,  he  cannot  see  the
  kingdom of God (John 3:3).
  new life... really new... now with Jesus in  the  heart!  Do
  you want?
  Paulo Barbosa


[FairfieldLife] Re: #5# New life With Jesus!

2011-09-18 Thread Buck


  Ex-IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn tells French TV his liaison 
  with a New York hotel maid had been a moral failing that had 
  deprived him of the chance to run for president.
 What happened was more than an inappropriate relationship. It was an 
 error, he said, adding that he regretted it infinitely.

I think it was a moral failing and I am not proud of it, 

   Mr Strauss-Kahn said what he did was not only inappropriate, but more 
   than that, it was a fault … with regard to my wife, my friends, but also 
   the French who placed their hopes in me for change.
  Oh, didn't something very like this happen in the TM-movement?  I think 
  there was a book written about throwing it *all* away for some love of sex.
 A New Testament: 
 Has anyone who 'was there' written a testament yet that Maharishi's sins with 
 the women were just trial of moral temptations, that he surmounted?He 
 seems to have thrown it all away, could Bevan as a close disciple tell us 
 that Maharishi was reconciled about this in the end?  What was he thinking?

In the end, was he sorry at all for the double-crossing of followers about the 
women or was that always just business for him.  He was fond of commanding 
others, mind your own business.  Did he talk about forgiveness with his 
people in the end?  Or was it just about invincibility towers and trusts up to 
the end?  Any new testament?  

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Paulo Barbosa tprobert@ 
   Think About this: new life with Jesus!
   Jesus answered and said unto him,  Verily,  verily,  I  say
   unto thee, Except a man be born again,  he  cannot  see  the
   kingdom of God (John 3:3).
   new life... really new... now with Jesus in  the  heart!  Do
   you want?
   Paulo Barbosa


[FairfieldLife] Re: Recent video by Peter Wallace

2011-09-18 Thread maskedzebra

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@ wrote:
MZ: No, this guy is solid in his mystical integrity—even as I challenge anyone 
to point out a single example where this is true in the case of any other one 
of Maharishi's living initiators.
Still, everything you say in response to the video can be seen to be true—but 
not at the purely intuitive level of my experience. I think my response to 
Peter Wallace and your response to Peter Wallace are both valid.
CDB: Absolutely.  I can dig both perspectives.  I spend so much time with my 
nose stuck in books about out cognitive gaps and shaping in the retelling of 
stories is a big one.  His stories have been shaped with conscious or 
unconscious enthusiasm over many retellings.
But I can certainly remember when tales like his would be inputted directly 
without the speedbumps of skepticism and would serve as more proof that I was 
living on the cusp of something magical. Like I said, just the Maharishi story 
alone might have made it through unscathed, it was just the cumulative effect 
that sent me over.

RESPONSE: No matter what the past is, I attempt to interpret my experience in 
the present without reference to any antecedents. My predilection here was to 
see (and feel) the evidence of someone who is trying to make TM and MMY be what 
TM and MMY used to be (in those best of times—Peter Wallace beat me to it: 
meeting Maharishi in 1963, that's pretty early, and it must have been so 
good)—but no longer can be. But despite my extreme skepticism regarding the 
capacity of *any* old initiator to produce in his performance any of the old 
grace of the Movement—no matter how long they had been around Maharishi—I was, 
in that first viewing of the video of Peter Wallace, completely won over. Not a 
false note there, in my opinion, although I think it more than an opinion. The 
guy's in touch with the highest reality of what TM and Maharishi were when the 
whole thing peaked—this is utterly astonishing to me. Besides, I got to 
vicariously re-experience what was beautiful and sublime about my TM and MMY 
past—despite my disavowal of the validity of all those past TM and MMY 

It proved to me that I had no alternative back then (for me, early and mid 
seventies) but to go for Maharishi and the TM experience. *And nothing since 
has come close to the beauty and power and magic of that era in my life*. TM 
was It. Maharishi was It. Watching Peter Wallace, I realize I didn't have a 
chance. So the wisdom and maturity of my present perspective, acquired from 
realizing how naive and susceptible I was then—and how problematic TM really 
is, and how complex and even corrupt Maharishi really was—did not get in the 
way of receiving the truth of Peter Wallace's experience. He is still living 
out the truth of what I have renounced—*and it is working for him*. He is in 
the spiritual space which validates TM and Maharishi, and there is no 
possibility of taking him out of this state of consciousness. And I even think 
this is right for him. He embodies a reality which although I reject the truth 
of its metaphysics (that isn't the way life really is, that isn't the way 
reality is), I can intuit that, for him, this is his destiny. And he is meant 
to take this experience and truth into even his death.

No, I reject his experience; yet I know what he is experiencing is beautiful 
and true and real (for him). There is no contradiction being lived out here. 
The same cannot be said for Bevan Morris or John Hagelin or even Tony Nader: 
those guys aren't chosen to uphold the grace of TM and Maharishi—even though 
they believe they are so chosen. Why not chosen? *Because they can't do it.* 
They are fighting life and life is fighting them. And they suffer because of 
this. Those three guys should pass through a crisis of belief so they can 
become healthy normal real human beings once again. They are just apparatchiks 

No, Peter Wallace is doing what I estimated no one else (left in the Movement) 
can do. He is himself a living holy relic of TM and Maharishi. He experiences 
no doubt, no dissonance, no pretence. It is all very real, because *he has 
become it*.

 CDB: And I don't mean it as some indictment of the guy personally.  Overcoming 
a stroke is miracle enough and whatever gets him through the night and all.

RESPONSE: I don't think of it at all as whatever gets him through the night 
and all. Stroke or no stroke, Peter Wallace, is living out the truth of his 
experience. And not through any kind of compensation—else I would have felt the 
connection between his spiritual orientation and that trauma and brokenness he 
has passed through because of his stroke. 

CDB: But I think you may be a bit hard on the many initiator old timers who are 
still just as sincere and every bit as guileless as you imagined him to be.  I 
believe there are 

[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-18 Thread authfriend
I see. And you believe, despite what I told you, that
Bob's sentence expresses this very well.

I'm afraid my respect for your intellect just went down
a bunch of notches.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@... wrote:
 I'll tell you exactly what I mean.  And that is people are
 prone to be hypocrites.  And that a liberal could easily be 
 inclined to impose his agenda, by any means necessary *
 as much as anyone else.
 * Quote attributed to Malcolm X  (if I am not mistaken)
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@
   Let me be more concise. I particularly liked this phrase, and I
   think it is often true.
  Turn a liberal over and give them a good shake and out
  pops a born again neo con---almost every time.
  Yeah? What do you think it means to turn a liberal
  over and give them a good shake? Be specific. Give
  an example.
  And what do you think a neocon is?
  I'm sorry, but it's meaningless, just a bunch of
  phrases that sound good strung together but don't
  actually refer to anything real (even if he weren't
  using them to describe me specifically).
  There's an old saw about how a conservative is a
  liberal who's been mugged, implying that the liberal
  becomes a racist after having been mugged (the
  assumption being that the mugger was black).
  I suspect Bob was trying to echo this saying while
  giving it a different context, but while there was
  a grain of unpleasant truth to the original, what
  Bob ended up with was too vague to mean anything.
  I don't think he even knows what a neocon is, and
  I'll bet you don't either. Nor did Barry when he
  claimed the neoconservatives were waging a war
  against science.
  From Wikipedia:
  Neoconservatism in the United States is a branch of American
 conservatism that is most known for its advocacy of using American
 economic and military power to topple American enemies and promote
 liberal democracy in other countries. The movement emerged during the
 early 1970s among Democrats who disagreed with the party's growing
 opposition to the Vietnam War and had become skeptical of the Great
 Society's welfare programs. Although neoconservatives generally endorse
 free-market economics, they often believe cultural and moral issues to
 be more significant, and so have tended to be less thoroughgoing in
 opposition to government intervention in society than more traditionally
 conservative and libertarian members of the Republican Party.[1][2] Most
 neoconservatives support the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
  The trend of liberals becoming neocons is long past
  because the situations that inspired their change in
  viewpoint are long past. Neocons today--the second
  generation--are mostly from the GOP to start with.
  I suspect Bob remembered reading something about the
  liberals in the '70s who became neocons and figured
  it must apply today as well, but he was thinking of
  today's conservatives, not neocons. Remember how he
  led up to this:
  Like many progressives you're progressive till someone
  offends your sense of what is acceptable. YOU SEEM TO
  FORGET, democracy is NOT about protecting the people we
  agree with, it about protecting the people many of us
  don't agree with.
  This has nothing at all to do with neoconservatism.
  And it's all in the context of my purported censorship,
  an idiotic notion to begin with.
  The whole paragraph is just blather. I think he'd
  temporarily run out of things to say and was just
  marking time, keeping his fingers going, by typing words
  until something more pointed occurred to him.