RE: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Twelve Tribes of Israel

2013-12-02 Thread salyavin808
Atlantis is a myth. The only mention of it is in a STORY by Plato. Perhaps it 
refers to a volcano in the Aegean that destroyed the island of Thera 
(Santorini) which affected the entire area. Folk memories would keep a story 

 The mythical elements of a vast civilisation were added later, possibly as a 
warning to us that we are slaves to nature no matter how important we think we 
are.. The new age idea that they were some sort of superior seed civilisation 
was added much later. The UFO/alien myth was added after people invented UFOs 
and aliens. What a creative and fascinating species we are!



---In,  wrote:

 John, I wonder what really happened in Atlantis. They were so evolved but then 
they turned to the dark side. I've heard that's why they were destroyed.

 On Monday, December 2, 2013 11:37 AM, "jr_esq@..."  wrote:

 You might find the ideas of Michael Cremo, who supports the antiquity of the 
vedic civilization, interesting.  In short, he is stating that humans today are 
a product of a devolution from highly evolved  humans in the past.


 So, IMO Atlantis and its people can be considered as part of this vedic 
civilization.  They were supposedly highly developed in consciousness and 

---In,  wrote:

 Richard, John or anyone, where does Atlantis fit into this scenario of 
Sumerians? It seems they were an advanced race with highly developed 
technologies. I've not read much about all this but find it fascinating. I also 
wonder how the ancient Vedic civilization fits in with all this.

 On Monday, December 2, 2013 8:54 AM, Richard J. Williams  
 The idea that human beings are a slave race, forced to work inside a human 
body, owned and operated by an alien or extraterrestrial society, is not a new 
one. The Book of Genesis, based on ideas contained in the Sumerian religion, 
describes an advanced society, which flourished around 3500 B.C. 
 Aliens posing as the Gods for a custodial race?
 Like other ancient societies, the Sumerians left records stating that 
human-like creatures of extraterrestrial origin had ruled early human society 
as Earth's first monarchs. Those alien people were often thought of as "gods."
 Some people believe that a Supreme Being is behind the vicious Machiavellian 
intentions described in the Bible. However, the idea that a "Custodial" race 
posing as a Supreme Being seems to provide a true breakthrough by pointing to a 
brutal technological society, not a Supreme Being, as the more likely source of 
such warlike machinations.
 On 12/2/2013 2:22 AM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... wrote:
   Santos Bonacci believes that these tribes refer to the twelve signs of the 
zodiac. So, the tribes refer to all human beings who are or were born on earth 
during the 12 months of the year.
 If there are ETs or other human beings in the universe, IMO these entities can 
be classified according to various sectors of the skies that belong to each 
zodiac sign.  Specifically, if there are ETs in the star group of Pleiades, 
they would belong to the sign of Taurus since the star group is located in this 






[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: Personhood for Chimps

2013-12-02 Thread salyavin808
 "What about those spiritual types, such as realised Zen Buddhists who claim 
they have no self." 

 Exactly who is it doing the claiming?

  "Having the human species reduced to the level of chimphood sounds like a 
move in the right direction, considering how we behave." 

 We don't behave much differently from chimps really, the difference is in 
intelligence potential, developed culture, sophisticated technology and 
abstract language. No animal has shown a remotely similar level of either.


---In,  wrote:

 What about those spiritual types, such as realised Zen Buddhists who claim 
they have no self. Are they persons? Exactly what is a person? Exxon, legally, 
is a person. So is Monsanto. Having the human species reduced to the level of 
chimphood sounds like a move in the right direction, considering how we behave.

 ---In,  wrote:

 Before you give rights to chimps you should work out if they are capable of 
understanding what is being offered. Anthropomorphism isn't any way to go about 
helping wildlife. 

 Chimps aren't people, they are chimps and they can't fit into our world in the 
same way we couldn't fit into theirs. They aren't as "like us" as a lot of 
people think. We should only extend personhood to people as they are capable of 
learning a language and communicating their needs themselves, with obvious 

 ---In,  wrote:

 We're getting there.

[FairfieldLife] RE: checklist for Hindu & Buddhist programs

2013-12-02 Thread awoelflebater

---In,  wrote:

 Re "On occasion, he would levitate into the air.":

 Anyone bother to take a photograph? 

 Another corker, good one Seraphita.

 ---In,  wrote:

  rightfor some.  The official RC party line would be that all Eucharists 
are equal in their supposed Transubstantiation component; but practically 
speaking, devotees of Padre Pio crowded into his Church on Mass Days to even 
get a glimpse of him raising the Host in the air and going into a state of 
ecstasy.  On occasion, he would levitate into the air.
 Offhand, I'd say there's a great variation in the Shakti level of "official" 
TM teachers especially in their performance of the puja.  Of course, those who 
performed thousands of initiations like Jerry, Jessamine Verrill, etc; would 
radiate more Shakti than others.  Charlie was particularly powerful.

 ---In,  wrote:

 FWIW, the Eucharist can be a deeply spiritual experience for devout 
Christians, especially Catholics, not so much of the "emotionally enthusiastic" 
sort but more private and internal. 

 ---In,  wrote:

 (basic rationale can also be applied to Christianity but without much 
success). ...
 I made a quick inventory of what elements make programs successful, restricted 
to Traditions derived or evolved from (what Westerners call): Hinduism, and 
Buddhism; also inclusive of Indian subcontinent Traditions in which there is no 
expressed allegiance to any other lineage; but which obviously are related to 
typically "religious" groups.  
 Examples: MMY and the various TM programs: (basically technique oriented with 
ritualistic overtones derived from a "Holy Tradition"; so we include and 
examine this in the light of the checklist I came up with.:

 1. Devotion - to a Guru or Deity
 2. Shakti ( Shakti present ? (You'll have to use your Shakti meter on 
this one!)
 3. Rituals
 4. An ancient language capable of acting as a "carrier" for the Shakti, such 
as Skt, Sino-Japanese, Hebrew, etc...
 5. Mantras: repeated silently, outloud, or as japa
 5b. also includes the mechanism of repeating the mantra such as degree of 
"hard" concentration, etc.
 6. Breathing techniques with activation of the chakras
 7. Group programs available? (may include you-tube presentations)
 8. Regular practices leading to goals
 9. an "elevated" Guru preferably without moral blemish.
 10. Yagyas designed to mitigate bad karma.
 Now we can select some groups, then evaluate them in light of the checklist.
 I note - on mantras, MMY's programs are deficient in japa, whereas SSRS 
recommends the repetition of the Gayatri Mantra.  The TMO doesn't object to the 
devotional element, which is up to the individual. On the downside, the TMO may 
likewise miss out on the opportunity to strongly support one devotional icon as 
opposed to others.  On the latter basis coupled with #9, Christianity has 
basically taken over 1/3 of the world without having strong contributions in 
some of the other places.
 In regard to Christianity, I'd say that on the whole, it's woefully indequate, 
particularly in the Shakti category. However, there's plenty of emotional 
enthusiasm in some of the Christian sections, particularly among the 
Evangelicals.  However, an abundance of emotional enthusiasm is no substitute 
for the Shaki that allows for "transcendence".
 In my experience, the most intense Shakti site is the Ramakrishna Temple in 
Hollywood, CA.
 The evil sects can also be evaluated using the checklist, with probable 
failure in the moral development of the leader.  However, even with minor moral 
deficiencies, some Traditions can be quite successful,.up to a point!..



[FairfieldLife] RE: Why FFL isn't more interesting, in one graphic

2013-12-02 Thread awoelflebater

---In,  wrote:

 Let me rephrase that: almost everyone on the planet except you knows that the 
TM mantras are the names of the Hindu gods. Wink.

 You're still making me laugh. Of COURSE most of the world doesn't know this 
nor do they care. It doesn't make a jot of difference either. Wink,wink.
 "For our practice, we select only the suitable mantras of personal Gods. Such 
mantras fetch to us the grace of personal Gods and make us happier in every 
walk of life." - MMY,  Beacon Light of the Himalayas
 'Beacon Light of the Himalayas'
 by Maharishi Mahes Yogi
 SRM Publications, 1953
 "...the TM mantras are *not* the names of the Hindu gods. The Hindu gods have 
perfectly good names of their own." - Judy Stein
 Subject: Re: do you ever repeat your mantra when you are asleep and dreaming?
 Author: Judy Stein
 Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
 Date: Sat, Dec 17 2005 9:56 am
 On 12/2/2013 6:21 PM, emilymaenot@... mailto:emilymaenot@... wrote:
 Richard, I am not qualified to answer your response and it means nothing to my 
experience of Judy, if you must know.  I'm a TM outsider, remember?  I *can 
assure you* that the statement "Almost everyone on the planet knows the TM 
mantras are the names of the Hindu gods" is not true.  Smile. 

[FairfieldLife] RE: JR, Got Snowshoes?

2013-12-02 Thread awoelflebater

---In,  wrote:

 John, what do you think about a possible jyotish cause of the 2 speed related 
tragedies recently? The train derailment and the fiery crash of Paul Walker.

 It doesn't get any better than this.

 On Sunday, December 1, 2013 7:16 PM, "jr_esq@..."  wrote:
   Share and Bhairitu,

 I checked the Yahoo forecast for San Francisco, CA.  They predicted good 
weather for the entire week.  So, there's no need for snow here.  So, at worst, 
there would probably be a thin coat of frost in the garden early in the 
morning.  No sweat.

 By the way, I like bok choy as a vegetable.  It's easy to cook and can fit 
with any main dishes.  I have some in the fridge right now.  But tonight I 
might go to Tommy's Joynt to have their lamb shank dinner entree.  It's the 
best lamb dish I've ever tasted-- for those who have not tried it and are 
thinking of visiting San Francisco in the near future. 

---In,  wrote:

 Oy, last night at Steal A Gift party I ate a lot of shrimp. Gout just around 
the corner. Tonight my Dad and step Mom took me to a restaurant right across 
the water from the Naval Academy. Lights on the water are so beautiful. Anyway, 
I ordered salmon with mashed cauliflower and baby bok choy. And then we shared 
a banana orange bread pudding. Yum! But I may have to do a light fast when I 
return to the land of the Domers (-:

 On Sunday, December 1, 2013 6:13 PM, Bhairitu  wrote:
 I've never eaten at PF Chang's as it was always crowded located in Broadway 
Square in shi-shi Walnut Creek.  One nearby Chinese restaurant named the "Zen 
Restaurant" gives you lightly stir fried vegetables on every combination plate. 
 Rotating foods is a good idea I made a shrimp chow mien yesterday for my main 
meal.  Too much turkey! :-D 
 On 12/01/2013 02:22 PM, Share Long wrote:
   If I eat one more bite of chicken, I think I'm gonna sprout feathers! Mom 
and I went to PF Chang today and she got lettuce wrapped chicken.  Yum, but I'm 
yearning for my quinoa (-:
 On Sunday, December 1, 2013 3:13 PM, Bhairitu  
mailto:noozguru@... wrote:
   According to the Weather Channel it's supposed to rain in the Bay Area 
 on Tuesday. AND temps are supposed to be in the high 20s overnight (at 
 least around here). That could lead to snow and funny thing is the 
 other night I had a dream about driving in SF in the snow (like Seattle 
 gets). That would be a real mess. Fortunately the Weather Channel's 
 forecasts aren't alway that good.
 Much of the US is getting record low temperatures due to the flow of 
 arctic air. Even in the Bay Area we are getting some low over night 
 temps which means that we are getting 4 seasons in one day because it 
 can warm up by late morning. In fact I wore shorts and a t-shirt to the 
 waterfront park and skipped putting on a jacket.
 In spite of warming up the parking on the street downtown was fairly 
 empty as was the farmer's market. Maybe buying food was the last thing 
 on folks mind after the Thursday gorge.







RE: RE: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Twelve Tribes of Israel

2013-12-02 Thread awoelflebater

---In,  wrote:

 Yes, Share, that's what happened. Whoever told you that knew exactly how it 
all fell out.
 Share pondered:

 > John, I wonder what really happened in Atlantis. They were so evolved but 
 > then they turned 
 > to the dark side. I've heard that's why they were destroyed.






RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Twelve Tribes of Israel

2013-12-02 Thread wgm4u

---In,  wrote:

 Cynical? Moi? What makes you think I'm cynical? 

 ---In,  wrote:

 Come on Judy, don't be so cynical. You used to be more courteous, what 
happened? Generally, I like you, you like to engage, I like that! :-)
 (BTW, you might like this too, Mr. Hall was the best informed on Atlantis, bar 
none! He basis his observations on his own research)

 ---In,  wrote:

 Yes, Share, that's what happened. Whoever told you that knew exactly how it 
all fell out.
 Share pondered:

 > John, I wonder what really happened in Atlantis. They were so evolved but 
 > then they turned 
 > to the dark side. I've heard that's why they were destroyed.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Why FFL isn't more interesting, in one graphic

2013-12-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
Let me rephrase that: almost everyone on the planet except you knows 
that the TM mantras are the names of the Hindu gods. Wink.

"For our practice, we select only the suitable mantras of personal Gods. 
Such mantras fetch to us the grace of personal Gods and make us happier 
in every walk of life." - MMY,  Beacon Light of the Himalayas

'Beacon Light of the Himalayas'
by Maharishi Mahes Yogi
SRM Publications, 1953

"...the TM mantras are *not* the names of the Hindu gods. The Hindu gods 
have perfectly good names of their own." - Judy Stein

Subject: Re: do you ever repeat your mantra when you are asleep and 

Author: Judy Stein
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: Sat, Dec 17 2005 9:56 am

On 12/2/2013 6:21 PM, wrote:
Richard, I am not qualified to answer your response and it means 
nothing to my experience of Judy, if you must know.  I'm a TM 
outsider, remember?  I *can assure you* that the statement "Almost 
everyone on the planet knows the TM mantras are the names of the Hindu 
gods" is not true.  Smile. 

[FairfieldLife] Male and female brains

2013-12-02 Thread s3raphita
From The Independent: A pioneering study has shown for the first time that the 
brains of men and women are wired up differently which could explain some of 
the stereotypical differences in male and female behaviour, scientists have 
said.  Researchers found that many of the connections in a typical male brain 
run between the front and the back of the same side of the brain, whereas in 
women the connections are more likely to run from side to side between the left 
and right hemispheres of the brain.


[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Groups in Meditation Evidently is a Solution.

2013-12-02 Thread dhamiltony2k5
It says, “..policy makers are urged to apply this approach on a large scale for 
the benefit of society.” Damn right. It is certainly time for substantial 
changes in public health policy that are scientifically valid and to implement 
the proven, prevention-oriented, forward-looking solutions to our critical 
national and global problems; it is time to introduce quiet time for group 
meditation in all our public schools and workplaces.

 For scholars who are looking in on Fairfield Life, there is a FFL post that 
includes part of the written INTRODUCTION to the Collected Papers Volume I. 
That text as an introduction essay and the PREFACE written by Maharishi Mahesh 
Yogi published in the Collected Papers are possibly some of the most important 
writings of the 20th Century to review, along with the weight of the collected 
papers. Our hardened and skeptical neganauts here on FFL would never admit this 
fact but it is true and rich in perspective now by history.
 -Buck in the Dome 

 ---In,  wrote:

  See Intro and Preface to the Collected Papers Volume I 

 ---In,  wrote:

  It should be quite fairly said in summation that one of the historically more 
pivotal and important books published in the 20th Century was, Scientific 
Research on the Transcendental Meditation Program Collected Papers Volume I 
(1976). The “Collected Papers” though not as well known as the Auto-biography 
of a Yogi (1946) or Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung (1966) though none 
the less, the Collected Papers (1976) was similarly transforming in scope.

 ---In,  wrote:

 “Given the strength of these results, their consistency with the positive 
results of previous research, the grave human and financial costs of violent 
crime, and the lack of other effective and scientific methods to reduce crime, 
policy makers are urged to apply this approach on a large scale for the benefit 
of society.” 
 Effects of Group Practice of the Transcendental Meditation Program on 
Preventing Violent Crime in Washington, DC: Results of the National 
Demonstration Project, June-July 1993 
Published in Scientific Research on the Transcendental Meditation Program 
Collected Papers Volume I (1976) 
 ---In,  wrote:

 Well you see, according to the science, having numbers of people meditating 
together does evidently matter. Numbers and proximity. That makes a lot of 
sense in my experience too. 

 Like, just look at the science on meditation now. Folks here should sober up 
really quick. Farmers are practical scientists and as an Iowa farmer I must 
make decisions all the time everyday based on the science of nature. By science 
it seems it is certainly time for a Compulsory National Service Campaign 
towards creating a compulsory peace between us and nature, by everyone taking 
the quiet time for meditating. Every day twice a day. 
 I feel people who would reject this are anti-social in the least.

 ---In,  wrote:

 Frankly, I can't see why people would live here in Fairfield, Iowa and not go 
to the Domes to meditate. That, not making the time in life to meditate in the 
Dome with the group, is just an incredibly lost opportunity in a lifetime.

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: checklist for Hindu & Buddhist programs

2013-12-02 Thread s3raphita
Re "On occasion, he would levitate into the air.":

 Anyone bother to take a photograph? 

---In,  wrote:

  rightfor some.  The official RC party line would be that all Eucharists 
are equal in their supposed Transubstantiation component; but practically 
speaking, devotees of Padre Pio crowded into his Church on Mass Days to even 
get a glimpse of him raising the Host in the air and going into a state of 
ecstasy.  On occasion, he would levitate into the air.
 Offhand, I'd say there's a great variation in the Shakti level of "official" 
TM teachers especially in their performance of the puja.  Of course, those who 
performed thousands of initiations like Jerry, Jessamine Verrill, etc; would 
radiate more Shakti than others.  Charlie was particularly powerful.

 ---In,  wrote:

 FWIW, the Eucharist can be a deeply spiritual experience for devout 
Christians, especially Catholics, not so much of the "emotionally enthusiastic" 
sort but more private and internal. 

 ---In,  wrote:

 (basic rationale can also be applied to Christianity but without much 
success). ...
 I made a quick inventory of what elements make programs successful, restricted 
to Traditions derived or evolved from (what Westerners call): Hinduism, and 
Buddhism; also inclusive of Indian subcontinent Traditions in which there is no 
expressed allegiance to any other lineage; but which obviously are related to 
typically "religious" groups.  
 Examples: MMY and the various TM programs: (basically technique oriented with 
ritualistic overtones derived from a "Holy Tradition"; so we include and 
examine this in the light of the checklist I came up with.:

 1. Devotion - to a Guru or Deity
 2. Shakti ( Shakti present ? (You'll have to use your Shakti meter on 
this one!)
 3. Rituals
 4. An ancient language capable of acting as a "carrier" for the Shakti, such 
as Skt, Sino-Japanese, Hebrew, etc...
 5. Mantras: repeated silently, outloud, or as japa
 5b. also includes the mechanism of repeating the mantra such as degree of 
"hard" concentration, etc.
 6. Breathing techniques with activation of the chakras
 7. Group programs available? (may include you-tube presentations)
 8. Regular practices leading to goals
 9. an "elevated" Guru preferably without moral blemish.
 10. Yagyas designed to mitigate bad karma.
 Now we can select some groups, then evaluate them in light of the checklist.
 I note - on mantras, MMY's programs are deficient in japa, whereas SSRS 
recommends the repetition of the Gayatri Mantra.  The TMO doesn't object to the 
devotional element, which is up to the individual. On the downside, the TMO may 
likewise miss out on the opportunity to strongly support one devotional icon as 
opposed to others.  On the latter basis coupled with #9, Christianity has 
basically taken over 1/3 of the world without having strong contributions in 
some of the other places.
 In regard to Christianity, I'd say that on the whole, it's woefully indequate, 
particularly in the Shakti category. However, there's plenty of emotional 
enthusiasm in some of the Christian sections, particularly among the 
Evangelicals.  However, an abundance of emotional enthusiasm is no substitute 
for the Shaki that allows for "transcendence".
 In my experience, the most intense Shakti site is the Ramakrishna Temple in 
Hollywood, CA.
 The evil sects can also be evaluated using the checklist, with probable 
failure in the moral development of the leader.  However, even with minor moral 
deficiencies, some Traditions can be quite successful,.up to a point!..


[FairfieldLife] RE: Chinese give birth in the United States t o secure benefits: ‘Birth-tourism’ is born

2013-12-02 Thread s3raphita
Re "Don't worry. We'll just find some stupid psycho-nation to nuke.":

 You're spoilt for choice. Can I suggest China? Its claims to territory in the 
South China Sea are brinkmanship of the worst type. 

 If there were to be a war between the States and China can the US abrogate its 
debt to China or are US bonds - like dollar bills - valid everywhere?

---In,  wrote:

 Don't worry. We'll just find some stupid psycho-nation to nuke. 


 After everyone condemns us and we are threatened with expulsion from the UN, 
we'll have a chance to repudiate everything, including our unmanageable debt. 
We'll vacate the UN spy-haven and send all the thieving ambassadors to Geneva. 
We can then bring all of our troops home from Europe and plant a 1/2 mile deep 
mine field on the Southern Border. 


 The Euro-plead-ons will have to defend themselves from the Russians and the 
new Muslim Khalifate. We'll park a fleet 20 miles off of the coast of Israel 
and dare the Muslims to attack it. If they do then Mecca will become a smooth 
radioactive roller-skating ring. After our penetrating nuclear warheads dive 
200 ft into the substrate of the Saudi sands, the oil fields will glow in the 
night without external lights. It'll make a pretty sight from the space 


 Life will soon return to some type of normalcy and FFL will have more to 
discuss than what was for dinner. 


 ---In,  wrote:

 Does China have a similar entitlement? If so, maybe American and European 
women should give birth in China. The Chinese are cash rich and the US and a 
good slice of Europe (including the UK and Mediterranean countries) are 
technically broke. 

 When I say "technically" I don't mean something a tiresome pedant would insist 
on. I mean we really and truly are bankrupt. It's in everyone's interests to 
carry on pretending for now that this isn't the case (there isn't an 
alternative plan) but the debts really are astronomical and one day some child 
is going to blurt out that the Emperor is wearing nothing at all and the West 
is facing Armageddon.

 ---In,  wrote:

 It would also be interesting to see what percentage of home buyers in the US 
are from China.  The house I sold back in September was bought by a couple from 
China.  After all they've got the money.  American's don't.  So it goes.
 On 12/01/2013 04:47 AM, emptybill@... mailto:emptybill@... wrote:



RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Re: Hackers

2013-12-02 Thread awoelflebater

---In,  wrote:

 You may not be getting it, Ann. Every time you post a reply to Barry, he wins. 
Every time Judy posts a reply to Barry, he wins. You're getting set up as a 
patsy and you're getting sucked down a rabbit hole. 
 Judy knows this and so does Barry - it's their game. Neither one is going to 
stop until one or the other is dead and it looks like Barry will out live Judy. 
Barry wins because he REALLY doesn't care - Judy loses because she does care. 
It's that simple.
 It's not your fault - you seem like a pretty nice person; too nice in fact to 
be responding to Barry. Anyway, hope you are having fun - I know I am. Go 

 Thank you for your concern but I am not the loser when it comes to Barry. 
Barry can't actually touch me on any level anymore. He exists in his own 
universe and it does not intersect with mine other than we are both carbon 
based and need to eat. 

 I do not believe that anyone can "lose" in an interaction with another person. 
Whatever they bring to the table is not altered by engaging in a discussion or 
in an argument. You are who you are when you enter into a conversation and you 
are who you are when you leave. Winning and losing are already givens and have 
nothing to do with any activity. The winners and the losers are not determined 
by anything external, it's about what they having goin' on inside.
 On 12/2/2013 1:05 PM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:
 Just like what you did when I first started posting to FFL. You had had a few 
beers and got mean and nasty. It was just about enough to drive me away. You 
are easily as guilty of this as anyone and I believe this explains your 
longevity here Barry. You are an unwelcoming bastard to just about everyone who 
decides to begin posting here, not to mention those who have been here for 
years. One whiff of your style of 'welcome wagon' and any normal person leaves 
pretty quickly. 

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: checklist for Hindu & Buddhist programs

2013-12-02 Thread yifuxero
 rightfor some.  The official RC party line would be that all Eucharists 
are equal in their supposed Transubstantiation component; but practically 
speaking, devotees of Padre Pio crowded into his Church on Mass Days to even 
get a glimpse of him raising the Host in the air and going into a state of 
ecstasy.  On occasion, he would levitate into the air.
 Offhand, I'd say there's a great variation in the Shakti level of "official" 
TM teachers especially in their performance of the puja.  Of course, those who 
performed thousands of initiations like Jerry, Jessamine Verrill, etc; would 
radiate more Shakti than others.  Charlie was particularly powerful.

---In,  wrote:

 FWIW, the Eucharist can be a deeply spiritual experience for devout 
Christians, especially Catholics, not so much of the "emotionally enthusiastic" 
sort but more private and internal. 

 ---In,  wrote:

 (basic rationale can also be applied to Christianity but without much 
success). ...
 I made a quick inventory of what elements make programs successful, restricted 
to Traditions derived or evolved from (what Westerners call): Hinduism, and 
Buddhism; also inclusive of Indian subcontinent Traditions in which there is no 
expressed allegiance to any other lineage; but which obviously are related to 
typically "religious" groups.  
 Examples: MMY and the various TM programs: (basically technique oriented with 
ritualistic overtones derived from a "Holy Tradition"; so we include and 
examine this in the light of the checklist I came up with.:

 1. Devotion - to a Guru or Deity
 2. Shakti ( Shakti present ? (You'll have to use your Shakti meter on 
this one!)
 3. Rituals
 4. An ancient language capable of acting as a "carrier" for the Shakti, such 
as Skt, Sino-Japanese, Hebrew, etc...
 5. Mantras: repeated silently, outloud, or as japa
 5b. also includes the mechanism of repeating the mantra such as degree of 
"hard" concentration, etc.
 6. Breathing techniques with activation of the chakras
 7. Group programs available? (may include you-tube presentations)
 8. Regular practices leading to goals
 9. an "elevated" Guru preferably without moral blemish.
 10. Yagyas designed to mitigate bad karma.
 Now we can select some groups, then evaluate them in light of the checklist.
 I note - on mantras, MMY's programs are deficient in japa, whereas SSRS 
recommends the repetition of the Gayatri Mantra.  The TMO doesn't object to the 
devotional element, which is up to the individual. On the downside, the TMO may 
likewise miss out on the opportunity to strongly support one devotional icon as 
opposed to others.  On the latter basis coupled with #9, Christianity has 
basically taken over 1/3 of the world without having strong contributions in 
some of the other places.
 In regard to Christianity, I'd say that on the whole, it's woefully indequate, 
particularly in the Shakti category. However, there's plenty of emotional 
enthusiasm in some of the Christian sections, particularly among the 
Evangelicals.  However, an abundance of emotional enthusiasm is no substitute 
for the Shaki that allows for "transcendence".
 In my experience, the most intense Shakti site is the Ramakrishna Temple in 
Hollywood, CA.
 The evil sects can also be evaluated using the checklist, with probable 
failure in the moral development of the leader.  However, even with minor moral 
deficiencies, some Traditions can be quite successful,.up to a point!..


[FairfieldLife] RE: Chinese give birth in the United States t o secure benefits: ‘Birth-tourism’ is born

2013-12-02 Thread emptybill
Don't worry. We'll just find some stupid psycho-nation to nuke. 


 After everyone condemns us and we are threatened with expulsion from the UN, 
we'll have a chance to repudiate everything, including our unmanageable debt. 
We'll vacate the UN spy-haven and send all the thieving ambassadors to Geneva. 
We can then bring all of our troops home from Europe and plant a 1/2 mile deep 
mine field on the Southern Border. 


 The Euro-plead-ons will have to defend themselves from the Russians and the 
new Muslim Khalifate. We'll park a fleet 20 miles off of the coast of Israel 
and dare the Muslims to attack it. If they do then Mecca will become a smooth 
radioactive roller-skating ring. After our penetrating nuclear warheads dive 
200 ft into the substrate of the Saudi sands, the oil fields will glow in the 
night without external lights. It'll make a pretty sight from the space 


 Life will soon return to some type of normalcy and FFL will have more to 
discuss than what was for dinner. 


---In,  wrote:

 Does China have a similar entitlement? If so, maybe American and European 
women should give birth in China. The Chinese are cash rich and the US and a 
good slice of Europe (including the UK and Mediterranean countries) are 
technically broke. 

 When I say "technically" I don't mean something a tiresome pedant would insist 
on. I mean we really and truly are bankrupt. It's in everyone's interests to 
carry on pretending for now that this isn't the case (there isn't an 
alternative plan) but the debts really are astronomical and one day some child 
is going to blurt out that the Emperor is wearing nothing at all and the West 
is facing Armageddon.

 ---In,  wrote:

 It would also be interesting to see what percentage of home buyers in the US 
are from China.  The house I sold back in September was bought by a couple from 
China.  After all they've got the money.  American's don't.  So it goes.
 On 12/01/2013 04:47 AM, emptybill@... mailto:emptybill@... wrote:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Why FFL isn't more interesting, in one graphic

2013-12-02 Thread Richard J. Williams

Deny everythng; blame others; be cynical.

On 12/2/2013 8:32 PM, wrote:

*This is all trolling, stuff Richard made up. If anyone here takes 
Richard seriously enough to want a detailed refutation, let me know.*

---In,  wrote:

Even without going into whether or not the TM mantras are the names of 
the Hindu gods, why on earth would Judy then call me a liar and then 
deny that she posted this statement:

"...the TM mantras are *not* the names of the Hindu gods. The Hindu 
gods have perfectly good names of their own."

Subject: Re: do you ever repeat your mantra when you are asleep and 

Author: Judy Stein
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: Sat, Dec 17 2005 9:56 am

I mean, it's one thing to post a fib about your guru and some nonsense 
gibberish, but why does she have to set herself up as a hypocrite as 
well and then post this:

"Richard is lying. I never said anything about "the technique," 
whatever it is, or was. Nor did I say the bijas weren't "nicknames" of 
the deities (whatever "nicknames" means in this context)."

From: authfriend
Subject: OMG: madhuauudana & definition of dhaaraNaa
Forum: Yahoo! FairfiedLife
Date: November 25, 2013 2:04 PM

On 12/2/2013 6:21 PM, emilymaenot@...  wrote:

Richard, I am not qualified to answer your response and it means 
nothing to my experience of Judy, if you must know.  I'm a TM 
outsider, remember?  I *can assure you* that the statement "Almost 
everyone on the planet knows the TM mantras are the names of the 
Hindu gods" is not true.  Smile.


Except maybe where the TM mantras came from - too much time invested 
to be that honest, I guess. Why she would call me a liar for 
revealing that information is a real puzzle. Almost everyone on the 
planet knows the TM mantras are the names of the Hindu gods - MMY 
himself even said so in "Beacon Light of the Himalayas".

So, why do you think Judy fibbed about that?

Subject: Re: do you ever repeat your mantra when you are asleep and 

Author: Judy Stein
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: Sat, Dec 17 2005 9:56 am

"...the TM mantras are *not* the names of the Hindu gods. The Hindu 
gods have perfectly good names of their own."

On 12/2/2013 5:53 PM, emilymaenot@...  wrote:

I am a huge fan of Judy's and I like her very much.  I enjoy reading 
all of her posts and I like what she contributes.  I see someone who 
is fair-minded, honest, authentic, courageous, rational - who has a 
sense of humor, who can discuss almost anything intelligently, and 
who stands on principle.  God bless Judy.

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Jesuit Trained Pope Trashes Capitalism in Call for Worldwide Socialism

2013-12-02 Thread s3raphita 

---In,  wrote:

 Re "Socialist programs such as bailing out the big banks":

 Bailing out failing businesses isn't capitalism red in tooth and claw!

 It was the Labour government in the UK that bailed out the banks over here.

 Here's the thing: when facing bankruptcy, the head of Lehmann's in the US went 
to the state to ask for a bailout and was thunderstruck when his request was 
denied. But in cut-throat capitalism you don't bail out failing businesses. Why 
did he expect to be bailed out?  Because what we have now in the West is crony 
capitalism and corporatism where the politicians and finance leaders have 
cozied up to each other. 


 ---In,  wrote:

 Socialist programs such as bailing out the big banks or wars of empire to 
protect "American (corporate) interests?" Wanna buy a bridge, Mike?
 I don't know if the fascist Margaret Thatcher said that but the rich found it 
to be true especially after they had robbed most of the middle class of their 
 I'll agree that Congress is drunk on spending just to get re-elected. Career 
politicians are obsolete and need to be deprecated.
 BTW, the Internet seems to be wanky today due to "Cyber Monday". Even 
returning a disc at Redbox was a bit slow. One of my email accounts doesn't 
seem to be getting the message to put the read messages in trash while the 
email account I use for here is late in delivery and putting the FFL emails in 
the trash bin even though they hadn't been downloaded!
 --- In, 
Mike Dixon  wrote:
 > That 17 trillion national debt comes mainly from socialistic programs, not 
 > capitalism. Was it Margaret Thatcher that said "The problem with socialism 
 > is, sooner or later, you run out of other peoples money to spend". American 
 > politicians have over- spent the wealth capitalism has produced in order to 
 > get re-elected.
 > On Sunday, December 1, 2013 7:33 PM, "s3raphita@..."  wrote:
 > Â  
 > Re"American capitalism has created more wealth than any other economic 
 > system and with that wealth has lifted more people out of poverty than any 
 > other system.":
 > That is undeniably true. The problem is that you (Yanks) now have debt equal 
 > to $17 trillion. There is no way you can pay that debt off; there is no way 
 > you can deliberately introduce controlled inflation to devalue the sum. You 
 > are at the mercy of the international financial system. 
 > Income inequality in both the US and UK is now at levels not seen since the 
 > early decades of the 20th century. The real villain is globalisation. 
 > Companies can run rings around national governments as they have branches in 
 > many countries and can avoid tax in all places except the one country that 
 > offers them the lowest rates. It's a nightmare and these multinationals are 
 > effectively outside any democratic control. Â  
 > ---In, 
 >  wrote:
 > That is "revisionist history", Mike.  The original founding fathers had a 
 > bad taste in their mouth from capitalism in the form of the British East 
 > India Company.  The founding fathers believed in a "commons."  You 
 > maintain the commons with government.  That's what government is for. It's 
 > for the things we all share.  And if we don't want homeless living in our 
 > commons then were need to do things to keep people from becoming homeless.  
 > A lot of today's homeless are not there because they don't want to work but 
 > because there is no work or means of income for them.
 > I have a revision of that Luke 19 thang you referenced.  The third
 > guy didn't spend the money his boss gave him because  the other
 > two guys invested in derivatives and were about to lose all that
 > profit.  He would still have money. :-D 
 > On 12/01/2013 05:53 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:
 > > 
 > Â  
 > >Yet *trickle down*Â  capitalism has been the story of America since it's 
 > >inception. American capitalism has created more wealth than any other 
 > >economic system and with that wealth has lifted more people out of poverty 
 > >than any other system and come to the aid of those in dire straights to 
 > >lift them up as well. Would the middle -east, China or India be in the 
 > >economic situation they are in today had it not been for Americans spending 
 > >their wealth, investing in and buying their goods and services ?  
 > >Capitalism creates wealth, socialism just divides it up.  You can't be 
 > >charitable if you have nothing to give. The Pope may be compassionate, but 
 > >he's down right ignorant. 
 > >
 > >
 > >

[FairfieldLife] This is how we do it in SC

2013-12-02 Thread Michael Jackson
Argument over dinnerware leads to stabbing

December 1, 2013 

 Richland County, SC — A man has been charged in connection with a stabbing 

Edward William Bright, 47, was charged with assault and battery second degree 
in connection with the incident, Richland County Sheriff’s Department spokesman 
Sgt. Curtis Wilson said.

Just after 6 p.m. in the 300 block of Lakeridge Parkway, deputies found two men 
who had allegedly argued over dinnerware to use for a meal when one of the men 
stabbed the other with a steak knife, Wilson said.

The man who was stabbed several times in the upper body was taken to the 
hospital with non-life-threatening injuries, Wilson said.

No other details were available early Sunday night.

Read more here:

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Twelve Tribes of Israel

2013-12-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
Yes, I think John Esq. is correct - human civilization may be much 
older, but you have to understand that *recorded history* in India 
begins with the historical Buddha, circa 563 BC - everything before that 
is considered to be pre-historical.

From what I've read, the first written inscriptions in India date from 
the time of Ashoka, circa 200 BC, and the erection of the Ashoka Pillar 
at Sarnath. Campbell was probably referring to the *oral history* in the 
words contained in the Rig Veda, circa 1200-1500 BC.

Certainly there is epigraphic evidence before 1500 BC in the form of 
monuments, but the remains of edifice architecture in India is dated 
around 200 BC at the Lomas Rishi cave in Malabar, except for some 
megalithic structure that were apparently erected before that.

The starting point for South Asian pre-history is the neolithic, 
megalith builders of Dravidian (Mediteranean), Souteast Asian, and 
Malayan cultures, among many of the cultures that existed in the Indus 
Valley Civilization around 2400 B.C.

On 12/2/2013 5:55 PM, wgm4u wrote:

I think he mentioned 'recorded' history; at any rate, if you trace 
back the genesis of man you'd have to go back before Atlantis and 
Lemuria, and even before that.

Swami Yogananda has said that the human being was a special creation 
by God; the only creature having all 7 power centers (chakras), 
thereby the only one having the ability to 'fully' reflect 
consciousness (God).

The consciousness of the highest evolved animals were given the 
opportunity to take on these special bodies, hence consciousness has 
evolved from as far back as the mineral, plant, animal and finally man.

As it is sometimes said, "from clod, to God".

---In,  wrote:


Ancient civilization could be older than the dates you mentioned. 
 Some current researchers, like John Anthony West and Robert Bauval, 
are thinking that the Sphinx in Egypt may have been constructed around 
30,000 BC.  Here's a video about the Pyramid Code:

---In,  wrote:

Thanks for the link!

According to Joseph Campbell, recorded history begins with the Rig
Veda around 1200 B.C. Within the Rig Veda is contained perhaps the
first human prophecy, the sayings of the first human progenitor
called Manu. Apparently, the Aryans who invaded and destroyed
India in 1500 B.C. came from the Middle East; not for nothing is
the land they came from called Iran (Campbell 262). It is an
interesting fact that all the Vedic Gods are armed to the teeth,
including Vishnu himself.

Campbell describes the work of James Darmiester, the translator of
the "Zend Avesta", and notes that Zoroaster was one of the
earliest prophets to preach an apocalypse within monotheism.
Eschatological teachings were widely disseminated in Persia around
750 B.C. by this famous Persian prophet. Zoroaster's cosmology was
based on the concept of a struggle between good and evil (Campbell
269)). Alexander he Great of Macedonia destroyed the Persian
Empire, fulfilling the prophecy of Zoroaster. Go figure.

Campbell, Joseph. "The Masks of God." London: Hammondsworth: 1986

On 12/2/2013 11:36 AM, jr_esq@...  wrote:

You might find the ideas of Michael Cremo, who supports the
antiquity of the vedic civilization, interesting.  In short, he
is stating that humans today are a product of a devolution from
highly evolved  humans in the past.

So, IMO Atlantis and its people can be considered as part of this
vedic civilization.  They were supposedly highly developed in
consciousness and technology.


Richard, John or anyone, where does Atlantis fit into this
scenario of Sumerians? It seems they were an advanced race with
highly developed technologies. I've not read much about all this
but find it fascinating. I also wonder how the ancient Vedic
civilization fits in with all this.

On Monday, December 2, 2013 8:54 AM, Richard J. Williams
The idea that human beings are a slave race, forced to work
inside a human body, owned and operated by an alien or
extraterrestrial society, is not a new one. The Book of Genesis,
based on ideas contained in the Sumerian religion, describes an
advanced society, which flourished around 3500 B.C.

Aliens posing as the Gods for a custodial race?

Like other ancient societies, the Sumerians left records stating
that human-like creatures of extraterrestrial origin had ruled
early human society as Earth's first monarchs. Those alien people
were often thought of as "gods."

Some people believe that a Sup

[FairfieldLife] RE: checklist for Hindu & Buddhist programs

2013-12-02 Thread authfriend
FWIW, the Eucharist can be a deeply spiritual experience for devout Christians, 
especially Catholics, not so much of the "emotionally enthusiastic" sort but 
more private and internal. 

---In,  wrote:

 (basic rationale can also be applied to Christianity but without much 
success). ...
 I made a quick inventory of what elements make programs successful, restricted 
to Traditions derived or evolved from (what Westerners call): Hinduism, and 
Buddhism; also inclusive of Indian subcontinent Traditions in which there is no 
expressed allegiance to any other lineage; but which obviously are related to 
typically "religious" groups.  
 Examples: MMY and the various TM programs: (basically technique oriented with 
ritualistic overtones derived from a "Holy Tradition"; so we include and 
examine this in the light of the checklist I came up with.:

 1. Devotion - to a Guru or Deity
 2. Shakti ( Shakti present ? (You'll have to use your Shakti meter on 
this one!)
 3. Rituals
 4. An ancient language capable of acting as a "carrier" for the Shakti, such 
as Skt, Sino-Japanese, Hebrew, etc...
 5. Mantras: repeated silently, outloud, or as japa
 5b. also includes the mechanism of repeating the mantra such as degree of 
"hard" concentration, etc.
 6. Breathing techniques with activation of the chakras
 7. Group programs available? (may include you-tube presentations)
 8. Regular practices leading to goals
 9. an "elevated" Guru preferably without moral blemish.
 10. Yagyas designed to mitigate bad karma.
 Now we can select some groups, then evaluate them in light of the checklist.
 I note - on mantras, MMY's programs are deficient in japa, whereas SSRS 
recommends the repetition of the Gayatri Mantra.  The TMO doesn't object to the 
devotional element, which is up to the individual. On the downside, the TMO may 
likewise miss out on the opportunity to strongly support one devotional icon as 
opposed to others.  On the latter basis coupled with #9, Christianity has 
basically taken over 1/3 of the world without having strong contributions in 
some of the other places.
 In regard to Christianity, I'd say that on the whole, it's woefully indequate, 
particularly in the Shakti category. However, there's plenty of emotional 
enthusiasm in some of the Christian sections, particularly among the 
Evangelicals.  However, an abundance of emotional enthusiasm is no substitute 
for the Shaki that allows for "transcendence".
 In my experience, the most intense Shakti site is the Ramakrishna Temple in 
Hollywood, CA.
 The evil sects can also be evaluated using the checklist, with probable 
failure in the moral development of the leader.  However, even with minor moral 
deficiencies, some Traditions can be quite successful,.up to a point!..


[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Groups in Meditation Evidently is a Solution.

2013-12-02 Thread dhamiltony2k5
For scholars who are looking in on Fairfield Life, there is a FFL post that 
includes part of the written INTRODUCTION to the Collected Papers Volume I. 
That text as an introduction essay and the PREFACE written by Maharishi Mahesh 
Yogi published in the Collected Papers are possibly some of the most important 
writings of the 20th Century to review, along with the weight of the collected 
papers. Our hardened and skeptical neganauts here on FFL would never admit this 
fact but it is true and rich in perspective now by history.
 -Buck in the Dome 

---In,  wrote:

  See Intro and Preface to the Collected Papers Volume I 

 ---In,  wrote:

  It should be quite fairly said in summation that one of the historically more 
pivotal and important books published in the 20th Century was, Scientific 
Research on the Transcendental Meditation Program Collected Papers Volume I 
(1976). The “Collected Papers” though not as well known as the Auto-biography 
of a Yogi (1946) or Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung (1966) though none 
the less, the Collected Papers (1976) was similarly transforming in scope.

 ---In,  wrote:

 “Given the strength of these results, their consistency with the positive 
results of previous research, the grave human and financial costs of violent 
crime, and the lack of other effective and scientific methods to reduce crime, 
policy makers are urged to apply this approach on a large scale for the benefit 
of society.” 
 Effects of Group Practice of the Transcendental Meditation Program on 
Preventing Violent Crime in Washington, DC: Results of the National 
Demonstration Project, June-July 1993 
Published in Scientific Research on the Transcendental Meditation Program 
Collected Papers Volume I (1976) 
 ---In,  wrote:

 Well you see, according to the science, having numbers of people meditating 
together does evidently matter. Numbers and proximity. That makes a lot of 
sense in my experience too. 

 Like, just look at the science on meditation now. Folks here should sober up 
really quick. Farmers are practical scientists and as an Iowa farmer I must 
make decisions all the time everyday based on the science of nature. By science 
it seems it is certainly time for a Compulsory National Service Campaign 
towards creating a compulsory peace between us and nature, by everyone taking 
the quiet time for meditating. Every day twice a day. 
 I feel people who would reject this are anti-social in the least.

 ---In,  wrote:

 Frankly, I can't see why people would live here in Fairfield, Iowa and not go 
to the Domes to meditate. That, not making the time in life to meditate in the 
Dome with the group, is just an incredibly lost opportunity in a lifetime.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Jesuit Trained Pope Trashes Capitalism in Call for Worldwide Socialism

2013-12-02 Thread s3raphita
Re "Socialist programs such as bailing out the big banks":

 Bailing out failing businesses isn't capitalism red in tooth and claw!

 It was the Labour government in the UK that bailed out the banks over here.

 Here's the thing: when facing bankruptcy, the head of Lehmann's in the US went 
to the state to ask for a bailout and was thunderstruck when his request was 
denied. But in cut-throat capitalism you don't bail out failing businesses. Why 
did he expect to be bailed out?  Because what we have now in the West is crony 
capitalism and corporatism where the politicians and finance leaders have 
cozied up to each other. 


---In,  wrote:

 Socialist programs such as bailing out the big banks or wars of empire to 
protect "American (corporate) interests?" Wanna buy a bridge, Mike?
 I don't know if the fascist Margaret Thatcher said that but the rich found it 
to be true especially after they had robbed most of the middle class of their 
 I'll agree that Congress is drunk on spending just to get re-elected. Career 
politicians are obsolete and need to be deprecated.
 BTW, the Internet seems to be wanky today due to "Cyber Monday". Even 
returning a disc at Redbox was a bit slow. One of my email accounts doesn't 
seem to be getting the message to put the read messages in trash while the 
email account I use for here is late in delivery and putting the FFL emails in 
the trash bin even though they hadn't been downloaded!
 --- In, 
Mike Dixon  wrote:
 > That 17 trillion national debt comes mainly from socialistic programs, not 
 > capitalism. Was it Margaret Thatcher that said "The problem with socialism 
 > is, sooner or later, you run out of other peoples money to spend". American 
 > politicians have over- spent the wealth capitalism has produced in order to 
 > get re-elected.
 > On Sunday, December 1, 2013 7:33 PM, "s3raphita@..."  wrote:
 > Â  
 > Re"American capitalism has created more wealth than any other economic 
 > system and with that wealth has lifted more people out of poverty than any 
 > other system.":
 > That is undeniably true. The problem is that you (Yanks) now have debt equal 
 > to $17 trillion. There is no way you can pay that debt off; there is no way 
 > you can deliberately introduce controlled inflation to devalue the sum. You 
 > are at the mercy of the international financial system. 
 > Income inequality in both the US and UK is now at levels not seen since the 
 > early decades of the 20th century. The real villain is globalisation. 
 > Companies can run rings around national governments as they have branches in 
 > many countries and can avoid tax in all places except the one country that 
 > offers them the lowest rates. It's a nightmare and these multinationals are 
 > effectively outside any democratic control. Â  
 > ---In, 
 >  wrote:
 > That is "revisionist history", Mike.  The original founding fathers had a 
 > bad taste in their mouth from capitalism in the form of the British East 
 > India Company.  The founding fathers believed in a "commons."  You 
 > maintain the commons with government.  That's what government is for. It's 
 > for the things we all share.  And if we don't want homeless living in our 
 > commons then were need to do things to keep people from becoming homeless.  
 > A lot of today's homeless are not there because they don't want to work but 
 > because there is no work or means of income for them.
 > I have a revision of that Luke 19 thang you referenced.  The third
 > guy didn't spend the money his boss gave him because  the other
 > two guys invested in derivatives and were about to lose all that
 > profit.  He would still have money. :-D 
 > On 12/01/2013 05:53 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:
 > > 
 > Â  
 > >Yet *trickle down*Â  capitalism has been the story of America since it's 
 > >inception. American capitalism has created more wealth than any other 
 > >economic system and with that wealth has lifted more people out of poverty 
 > >than any other system and come to the aid of those in dire straights to 
 > >lift them up as well. Would the middle -east, China or India be in the 
 > >economic situation they are in today had it not been for Americans spending 
 > >their wealth, investing in and buying their goods and services ?  
 > >Capitalism creates wealth, socialism just divides it up.  You can't be 
 > >charitable if you have nothing to give. The Pope may be compassionate, but 
 > >he's down right ignorant. 
 > >
 > >
 > >

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] Why FFL isn't more interesting, in one graphic

2013-12-02 Thread authfriend
This is all trolling, stuff Richard made up. If anyone here takes Richard 
seriously enough to want a detailed refutation, let me know.

---In,  wrote:

 Even without going into whether or not the TM mantras are the names of the 
Hindu gods, why on earth would Judy then call me a liar and then deny that she 
posted this statement: 
 "...the TM mantras are *not* the names of the Hindu gods. The Hindu gods have 
perfectly good names of their own."
 Subject: Re: do you ever repeat your mantra when you are asleep and dreaming?
 Author: Judy Stein
 Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
 Date: Sat, Dec 17 2005 9:56 am
 I mean, it's one thing to post a fib about your guru and some nonsense 
gibberish, but why does she have to set herself up as a hypocrite as well and 
then post this:
 "Richard is lying. I never said anything about "the technique," whatever it 
is, or was. Nor did I say the bijas weren't "nicknames" of the deities 
(whatever "nicknames" means in this context)."
 From: authfriend
 Subject: OMG: madhuauudana & definition of dhaaraNaa
 Forum: Yahoo! FairfiedLife
 Date: November 25, 2013 2:04 PM
 On 12/2/2013 6:21 PM, emilymaenot@... mailto:emilymaenot@... wrote:
   Richard, I am not qualified to answer your response and it means nothing to 
my experience of Judy, if you must know.  I'm a TM outsider, remember?  I *can 
assure you* that the statement "Almost everyone on the planet knows the TM 
mantras are the names of the Hindu gods" is not true.  Smile.  
 mailto:punditster@... wrote:
 Except maybe where the TM mantras came from - too much time invested to be 
that honest, I guess. Why she would call me a liar for revealing that 
information is a real puzzle. Almost everyone on the planet knows the TM 
mantras are the names of the Hindu gods - MMY himself even said so in "Beacon 
Light of the Himalayas". 
 So, why do you think Judy fibbed about that?
 Subject: Re: do you ever repeat your mantra when you are asleep and dreaming?
 Author: Judy Stein
 Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
 Date: Sat, Dec 17 2005 9:56 am
 "...the TM mantras are *not* the names of the Hindu gods. The Hindu gods have 
perfectly good names of their own."
 On 12/2/2013 5:53 PM, emilymaenot@... mailto:emilymaenot@... wrote:
   I am a huge fan of Judy's and I like her very much.  I enjoy reading all of 
her posts and I like what she contributes.  I see someone who is fair-minded, 
honest, authentic, courageous, rational - who has a sense of humor, who can 
discuss almost anything intelligently, and who stands on principle.  God bless 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Why FFL isn't more interesting, in one graphic

2013-12-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
Even without going into whether or not the TM mantras are the names of 
the Hindu gods, why on earth would Judy then call me a liar and then 
deny that she posted this statement:

"...the TM mantras are *not* the names of the Hindu gods. The Hindu gods 
have perfectly good names of their own."

Subject: Re: do you ever repeat your mantra when you are asleep and 

Author: Judy Stein
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: Sat, Dec 17 2005 9:56 am

I mean, it's one thing to post a fib about your guru and some nonsense 
gibberish, but why does she have to set herself up as a hypocrite as 
well and then post this:

"Richard is lying. I never said anything about "the technique," whatever 
it is, or was. Nor did I say the bijas weren't "nicknames" of the 
deities (whatever "nicknames" means in this context)."

From: authfriend
Subject: OMG: madhuauudana & definition of dhaaraNaa
Forum: Yahoo! FairfiedLife
Date: November 25, 2013 2:04 PM

On 12/2/2013 6:21 PM, wrote:

Richard, I am not qualified to answer your response and it means 
nothing to my experience of Judy, if you must know.  I'm a TM 
outsider, remember?  I *can assure you* that the statement "Almost 
everyone on the planet knows the TM mantras are the names of the Hindu 
gods" is not true.  Smile.

---In,  wrote:

Except maybe where the TM mantras came from - too much time invested 
to be that honest, I guess. Why she would call me a liar for revealing 
that information is a real puzzle. Almost everyone on the planet knows 
the TM mantras are the names of the Hindu gods - MMY himself even said 
so in "Beacon Light of the Himalayas".

So, why do you think Judy fibbed about that?

Subject: Re: do you ever repeat your mantra when you are asleep and 

Author: Judy Stein
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: Sat, Dec 17 2005 9:56 am

"...the TM mantras are *not* the names of the Hindu gods. The Hindu 
gods have perfectly good names of their own."

On 12/2/2013 5:53 PM, emilymaenot@...  wrote:

I am a huge fan of Judy's and I like her very much.  I enjoy reading 
all of her posts and I like what she contributes.  I see someone who 
is fair-minded, honest, authentic, courageous, rational - who has a 
sense of humor, who can discuss almost anything intelligently, and 
who stands on principle.  God bless Judy.

RE: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Twelve Tribes of Israel

2013-12-02 Thread jr_esq

 From the vedic perspective, the demise of Atlantis may have been due to the 
devolution of the its people due to the Yuga cycle.  The cycle is estimated to 
be 24,000 years.  From what I've read Atlantis may be older than this period.  
So, its civilization may have existed a few cyscles before our age.

 Here is an explanation of Sri Yukteshwar's yuga cycle:


 From this explanation, we are supposedly now in the ascending cycle of the 
Dwapara cycle or the Copper Age.

---In,  wrote:

 John, I wonder what really happened in Atlantis. They were so evolved but then 
they turned to the dark side. I've heard that's why they were destroyed.

 On Monday, December 2, 2013 11:37 AM, "jr_esq@..."  wrote:

 You might find the ideas of Michael Cremo, who supports the antiquity of the 
vedic civilization, interesting.  In short, he is stating that humans today are 
a product of a devolution from highly evolved  humans in the past.


 So, IMO Atlantis and its people can be considered as part of this vedic 
civilization.  They were supposedly highly developed in consciousness and 

---In,  wrote:

 Richard, John or anyone, where does Atlantis fit into this scenario of 
Sumerians? It seems they were an advanced race with highly developed 
technologies. I've not read much about all this but find it fascinating. I also 
wonder how the ancient Vedic civilization fits in with all this.

 On Monday, December 2, 2013 8:54 AM, Richard J. Williams  
 The idea that human beings are a slave race, forced to work inside a human 
body, owned and operated by an alien or extraterrestrial society, is not a new 
one. The Book of Genesis, based on ideas contained in the Sumerian religion, 
describes an advanced society, which flourished around 3500 B.C. 
 Aliens posing as the Gods for a custodial race?
 Like other ancient societies, the Sumerians left records stating that 
human-like creatures of extraterrestrial origin had ruled early human society 
as Earth's first monarchs. Those alien people were often thought of as "gods."
 Some people believe that a Supreme Being is behind the vicious Machiavellian 
intentions described in the Bible. However, the idea that a "Custodial" race 
posing as a Supreme Being seems to provide a true breakthrough by pointing to a 
brutal technological society, not a Supreme Being, as the more likely source of 
such warlike machinations.
 On 12/2/2013 2:22 AM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... wrote:
   Santos Bonacci believes that these tribes refer to the twelve signs of the 
zodiac. So, the tribes refer to all human beings who are or were born on earth 
during the 12 months of the year.
 If there are ETs or other human beings in the universe, IMO these entities can 
be classified according to various sectors of the skies that belong to each 
zodiac sign.  Specifically, if there are ETs in the star group of Pleiades, 
they would belong to the sign of Taurus since the star group is located in this 






[FairfieldLife] checklist for Hindu & Buddhist programs

2013-12-02 Thread yifuxero
(basic rationale can also be applied to Christianity but without much success). 
 I made a quick inventory of what elements make programs successful, restricted 
to Traditions derived or evolved from (what Westerners call): Hinduism, and 
Buddhism; also inclusive of Indian subcontinent Traditions in which there is no 
expressed allegiance to any other lineage; but which obviously are related to 
typically "religious" groups.  
 Examples: MMY and the various TM programs: (basically technique oriented with 
ritualistic overtones derived from a "Holy Tradition"; so we include and 
examine this in the light of the checklist I came up with.:

 1. Devotion - to a Guru or Deity
 2. Shakti ( Shakti present ? (You'll have to use your Shakti meter on 
this one!)
 3. Rituals
 4. An ancient language capable of acting as a "carrier" for the Shakti, such 
as Skt, Sino-Japanese, Hebrew, etc...
 5. Mantras: repeated silently, outloud, or as japa
 5b. also includes the mechanism of repeating the mantra such as degree of 
"hard" concentration, etc.
 6. Breathing techniques with activation of the chakras
 7. Group programs available? (may include you-tube presentations)
 8. Regular practices leading to goals
 9. an "elevated" Guru preferably without moral blemish.
 10. Yagyas designed to mitigate bad karma.
 Now we can select some groups, then evaluate them in light of the checklist.
 I note - on mantras, MMY's programs are deficient in japa, whereas SSRS 
recommends the repetition of the Gayatri Mantra.  The TMO doesn't object to the 
devotional element, which is up to the individual. On the downside, the TMO may 
likewise miss out on the opportunity to strongly support one devotional icon as 
opposed to others.  On the latter basis coupled with #9, Christianity has 
basically taken over 1/3 of the world without having strong contributions in 
some of the other places.
 In regard to Christianity, I'd say that on the whole, it's woefully indequate, 
particularly in the Shakti category. However, there's plenty of emotional 
enthusiasm in some of the Christian sections, particularly among the 
Evangelicals.  However, an abundance of emotional enthusiasm is no substitute 
for the Shaki that allows for "transcendence".
 In my experience, the most intense Shakti site is the Ramakrishna Temple in 
Hollywood, CA.
 The evil sects can also be evaluated using the checklist, with probable 
failure in the moral development of the leader.  However, even with minor moral 
deficiencies, some Traditions can be quite successful,.up to a point!..


RE: RE: RE: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Twelve Tribes of Israel

2013-12-02 Thread authfriend
Cynical? Moi? What makes you think I'm cynical? 

---In,  wrote:

 Come on Judy, don't be so cynical. You used to be more courteous, what 
happened? Generally, I like you, you like to engage, I like that! :-)
 (BTW, you might like this too, Mr. Hall was the best informed on Atlantis, bar 
none! He basis his observations on his own research)

 ---In,  wrote:

 Yes, Share, that's what happened. Whoever told you that knew exactly how it 
all fell out.
 Share pondered:

 > John, I wonder what really happened in Atlantis. They were so evolved but 
 > then they turned 
 > to the dark side. I've heard that's why they were destroyed.



[FairfieldLife] Lesbian gone bad!

2013-12-02 Thread wgm4u

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jesuit Trained Pope Trashes Capitalism in Call for Worldwide Socialism

2013-12-02 Thread Mike Dixon
Snoozguru, you must have been snoozing in your history class. The founding 
fathers were not put-off on capitalism. They loved it! Their economic system 
was capitalism based on Laissez-Faire(government hands off business).  They 
wanted no government regulation of business other than to prevent fraud and 
theft,They didn't like the East India Co. because it was owned or controlled by 
King George.

On Monday, December 2, 2013 4:02 PM, Richard J. Williams  
Apparently Redbox, like almost all ATMs, work using an old fashioned 
dial-up connections - you can hear the dialing if you listen real close. 
There's no way it could be a high-speed Wi-Fi connection on an ATM, 
otherwise any two-bit hacker could tap into the cash box and get rich, 
fast. Correct me if I'm wrong about this.

On 12/2/2013 4:40 PM, bhairitu wrote:
> Even returning a disc at Redbox was a bit slow.


[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: The Twelve Tribes of Israel

2013-12-02 Thread wgm4u
 Yes, I would have to think there are many 'earths' in this universe, as 
amazing as that may seem.

---In,  wrote:


 As indicated in jyotish, the seven chakras are shown in the Kalapurusha or 
Cosmic Man in the birth horoscope.  As such, it indicates that any sentient 
beings that are equivalent to human beings would have the seven chakras that 
are indicative of the various levels of consciousness.

 In some of the narratives in the Srimad Bhagavatam, it is mentioned that there 
were human beings from prior ages who have existed in different worlds other 
than Earth.  As such, we can assume that there are presently other human beings 
who exist elsewhere in the Milky Way or other galaxies.

 Given the present scientific knowledge, it would appear that this vedic idea 
may be correct.


 ---In,  wrote:

 I think he mentioned 'recorded' history; at any rate, if you trace back the 
genesis of man you'd have to go back before Atlantis and Lemuria, and even 
before that. 
 Swami Yogananda has said that the human being was a special creation by God; 
the only creature having all 7 power centers (chakras), thereby the only one 
having the ability to 'fully' reflect consciousness (God).
 The consciousness of the highest evolved animals were given the opportunity to 
take on these special bodies, hence consciousness has evolved from as far back 
as the mineral, plant, animal and finally man.
 As it is sometimes said, "from clod, to God".

 ---In,  wrote:


 Ancient civilization could be older than the dates you mentioned.  Some 
current researchers, like John Anthony West and Robert Bauval, are thinking 
that the Sphinx in Egypt may have been constructed around 30,000 BC.  Here's a 
video about the Pyramid Code:




 ---In,  wrote:

 Thanks for the link!
 According to Joseph Campbell, recorded history begins with the Rig Veda around 
1200 B.C. Within the Rig Veda is contained perhaps the first human prophecy, 
the sayings of the first human progenitor called Manu. Apparently, the Aryans 
who invaded and destroyed India in 1500 B.C. came from the Middle East; not for 
nothing is the land they came from called Iran (Campbell 262). It is an 
interesting fact that all the Vedic Gods are armed to the teeth, including 
Vishnu himself. 
 Campbell describes the work of James Darmiester, the translator of the "Zend 
Avesta", and notes that Zoroaster was one of the earliest prophets to preach an 
apocalypse within monotheism. Eschatological teachings were widely disseminated 
in Persia around 750 B.C. by this famous Persian prophet. Zoroaster's cosmology 
was based on the concept of a struggle between good and evil (Campbell 269)). 
Alexander he Great of Macedonia destroyed the Persian Empire, fulfilling the 
prophecy of Zoroaster. Go figure.
 Campbell, Joseph. "The Masks of God." London: Hammondsworth: 1986
 On 12/2/2013 11:36 AM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... wrote:
   You might find the ideas of Michael Cremo, who supports the antiquity of the 
vedic civilization, interesting.  In short, he is stating that humans today are 
a product of a devolution from highly evolved  humans in the past.
 So, IMO Atlantis and its people can be considered as part of this vedic 
civilization.  They were supposedly highly developed in consciousness and 
 mailto:sharelong60@... wrote:
 Richard, John or anyone, where does Atlantis fit into this scenario of 
Sumerians? It seems they were an advanced race with highly developed 
technologies. I've not read much about all this but find it fascinating. I also 
wonder how the ancient Vedic civilization fits in with all this.
 On Monday, December 2, 2013 8:54 AM, Richard J. Williams  
mailto:punditster@... wrote:
 The idea that human beings are a slave race, forced to work inside a human 
body, owned and operated by an alien or extraterrestrial society, is not a new 
one. The Book of Genesis, based on ideas contained in the Sumerian religion, 
describes an advanced society, which flourished around 3500 B.C. 
 Aliens posing as the Gods for a custodial race?
 Like other ancient societies, the Sumerians left records stating that 
human-like creatures of extraterrestrial origin had ruled early human society 
as Earth's first monarchs. Those alien people were often thought of as "gods."
 Some people believe that a Supreme Being is behind the vicious Machiavellian 
intentions described in the Bible. However, the idea that a "Custodial" race 
posing as a Supreme Being seems to provide a true breakthrough by pointing to a

[FairfieldLife] RE: The Twelve Tribes of Israel

2013-12-02 Thread jr_esq

 As indicated in jyotish, the seven chakras are shown in the Kalapurusha or 
Cosmic Man in the birth horoscope.  As such, it indicates that any sentient 
beings that are equivalent to human beings would have the seven chakras that 
are indicative of the various levels of consciousness.

 In some of the narratives in the Srimad Bhagavatam, it is mentioned that there 
were human beings from prior ages who have existed in different worlds other 
than Earth.  As such, we can assume that there are presently other human beings 
who exist elsewhere in the Milky Way or other galaxies.

 Given the present scientific knowledge, it would appear that this vedic idea 
may be correct.


---In,  wrote:

 I think he mentioned 'recorded' history; at any rate, if you trace back the 
genesis of man you'd have to go back before Atlantis and Lemuria, and even 
before that. 
 Swami Yogananda has said that the human being was a special creation by God; 
the only creature having all 7 power centers (chakras), thereby the only one 
having the ability to 'fully' reflect consciousness (God).
 The consciousness of the highest evolved animals were given the opportunity to 
take on these special bodies, hence consciousness has evolved from as far back 
as the mineral, plant, animal and finally man.
 As it is sometimes said, "from clod, to God".

 ---In,  wrote:


 Ancient civilization could be older than the dates you mentioned.  Some 
current researchers, like John Anthony West and Robert Bauval, are thinking 
that the Sphinx in Egypt may have been constructed around 30,000 BC.  Here's a 
video about the Pyramid Code:




 ---In,  wrote:

 Thanks for the link!
 According to Joseph Campbell, recorded history begins with the Rig Veda around 
1200 B.C. Within the Rig Veda is contained perhaps the first human prophecy, 
the sayings of the first human progenitor called Manu. Apparently, the Aryans 
who invaded and destroyed India in 1500 B.C. came from the Middle East; not for 
nothing is the land they came from called Iran (Campbell 262). It is an 
interesting fact that all the Vedic Gods are armed to the teeth, including 
Vishnu himself. 
 Campbell describes the work of James Darmiester, the translator of the "Zend 
Avesta", and notes that Zoroaster was one of the earliest prophets to preach an 
apocalypse within monotheism. Eschatological teachings were widely disseminated 
in Persia around 750 B.C. by this famous Persian prophet. Zoroaster's cosmology 
was based on the concept of a struggle between good and evil (Campbell 269)). 
Alexander he Great of Macedonia destroyed the Persian Empire, fulfilling the 
prophecy of Zoroaster. Go figure.
 Campbell, Joseph. "The Masks of God." London: Hammondsworth: 1986
 On 12/2/2013 11:36 AM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... wrote:
   You might find the ideas of Michael Cremo, who supports the antiquity of the 
vedic civilization, interesting.  In short, he is stating that humans today are 
a product of a devolution from highly evolved  humans in the past.
 So, IMO Atlantis and its people can be considered as part of this vedic 
civilization.  They were supposedly highly developed in consciousness and 
 mailto:sharelong60@... wrote:
 Richard, John or anyone, where does Atlantis fit into this scenario of 
Sumerians? It seems they were an advanced race with highly developed 
technologies. I've not read much about all this but find it fascinating. I also 
wonder how the ancient Vedic civilization fits in with all this.
 On Monday, December 2, 2013 8:54 AM, Richard J. Williams  
mailto:punditster@... wrote:
 The idea that human beings are a slave race, forced to work inside a human 
body, owned and operated by an alien or extraterrestrial society, is not a new 
one. The Book of Genesis, based on ideas contained in the Sumerian religion, 
describes an advanced society, which flourished around 3500 B.C. 
 Aliens posing as the Gods for a custodial race?
 Like other ancient societies, the Sumerians left records stating that 
human-like creatures of extraterrestrial origin had ruled early human society 
as Earth's first monarchs. Those alien people were often thought of as "gods."
 Some people believe that a Supreme Being is behind the vicious Machiavellian 
intentions described in the Bible. However, the idea that a "Custodial" race 
posing as a Supreme Being seems to provide a true breakthrough by pointing to a 
brutal technological society, not a Supreme Being, as the more likely source of 
such warlike machinations.
 On 12/2/2013 2:22 AM, jr_esq@... mailto:

RE: RE: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Twelve Tribes of Israel

2013-12-02 Thread wgm4u
Come on Judy, don't be so cynical. You used to be more courteous, what 
happened? Generally, I like you, you like to engage, I like that! :-)
 (BTW, you might like this too, Mr. Hall was the best informed on Atlantis, bar 
none! He basis his observations on his own research)

---In,  wrote:

 Yes, Share, that's what happened. Whoever told you that knew exactly how it 
all fell out.
 Share pondered:

 > John, I wonder what really happened in Atlantis. They were so evolved but 
 > then they turned 
 > to the dark side. I've heard that's why they were destroyed.



RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] Why FFL isn't more interesting, in one graphic

2013-12-02 Thread authfriend
Thank you, Emily. Love U2.

 Emily wrote:

 I am a huge fan of Judy's and I like her very much.  I enjoy reading all of 
her posts and I like what she contributes.  I see someone who is fair-minded, 
honest, authentic, courageous, rational - who has a sense of humor, who can 
discuss almost anything intelligently, and who stands on principle.  God bless 

RE: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Twelve Tribes of Israel

2013-12-02 Thread authfriend
Yes, Share, that's what happened. Whoever told you that knew exactly how it all 
fell out.
 Share pondered:

 > John, I wonder what really happened in Atlantis. They were so evolved but 
 > then they turned 
 > to the dark side. I've heard that's why they were destroyed.

Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] JR, Got Snowshoes?

2013-12-02 Thread Share Long
John, what do you think about a possible jyotish cause of the 2 speed related 
tragedies recently? The train derailment and the fiery crash of Paul Walker.

On Sunday, December 1, 2013 7:16 PM, ""  
Share and Bhairitu,

I checked the Yahoo forecast for San Francisco, CA.  They predicted good 
weather for the entire week.  So, there's no need for snow here.  So, at worst, 
there would probably be a thin coat of frost in the garden early in the 
morning.  No sweat.

By the way, I like bok choy as a vegetable.  It's easy to cook and can fit with 
any main dishes.  I have some in the fridge right now.  But tonight I might go 
to Tommy's Joynt to have their lamb shank dinner entree.  It's the best lamb 
dish I've ever tasted-- for those who have not tried it and are thinking of 
visiting San Francisco in the near future. 

---In,  wrote:

Oy, last night at Steal A Gift party I ate a lot of shrimp. Gout just around 
the corner. Tonight my Dad and step Mom took me to a restaurant right across 
the water from the Naval Academy. Lights on the water are so beautiful. Anyway, 
I ordered salmon with mashed cauliflower and baby bok choy. And then we shared 
a banana orange bread pudding. Yum! But I may have to do a light fast when I 
return to the land of the Domers (-:

On Sunday, December 1, 2013 6:13 PM, Bhairitu  wrote:
I've never eaten at PF Chang's as it was always crowded located in Broadway 
Square in shi-shi Walnut Creek.  One nearby Chinese restaurant named the "Zen 
Restaurant" gives you lightly stir fried vegetables on every combination plate. 
 Rotating foods is a good idea I made a shrimp chow mien yesterday for my main 
meal.  Too much turkey! :-D 

On 12/01/2013 02:22 PM, Share Long wrote:
>If I eat one more bite of chicken, I think I'm gonna sprout feathers! Mom and 
>I went to PF Chang today and she got lettuce wrapped chicken.  Yum, but I'm 
>yearning for my quinoa (-:
>On Sunday, December 1, 2013 3:13 PM, Bhairitu  wrote:
>According to the Weather Channel it's supposed to rain in the Bay Area 
>on Tuesday. AND temps are supposed to
  be in the high 20s overnight (at 
>least around here). That could lead to
  snow and funny thing is the 
>other night I had a dream about
  driving in SF in the snow (like
>gets). That would be a real mess.
  Fortunately the Weather Channel's 
>forecasts aren't alway that good.
>Much of the US is getting record low
  temperatures due to the flow of 
>arctic air. Even in the Bay Area we
  are getting some low over night 
>temps which means that we are getting
  4 seasons in one day because it 
>can warm up by late morning. In fact I
  wore shorts and a t-shirt to the 
>waterfront park and skipped putting on
  a jacket.
>In spite of warming up the parking on
  the street downtown was fairly 
>empty as was the farmer's market.
  Maybe buying food was the last thing 
>on folks mind after the Thursday

RE: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Twelve Tribes of Israel

2013-12-02 Thread wgm4u
Share, you might like this, though watch out, it's over an hour long, but worth 
the effort.
 Manly Hall is probably the best read and most knowledgeable of esoteric 
writings and myth. He travelled the World over seeking all the great libraries 
and books of the World. He has his own collectors Library, truly a unique 
 (In case you didn't already know)
---In,  wrote:

 John, I wonder what really happened in Atlantis. They were so evolved but then 
they turned to the dark side. I've heard that's why they were destroyed.

 On Monday, December 2, 2013 11:37 AM, "jr_esq@..."  wrote:

 You might find the ideas of Michael Cremo, who supports the antiquity of the 
vedic civilization, interesting.  In short, he is stating that humans today are 
a product of a devolution from highly evolved  humans in the past.


 So, IMO Atlantis and its people can be considered as part of this vedic 
civilization.  They were supposedly highly developed in consciousness and 

---In,  wrote:

 Richard, John or anyone, where does Atlantis fit into this scenario of 
Sumerians? It seems they were an advanced race with highly developed 
technologies. I've not read much about all this but find it fascinating. I also 
wonder how the ancient Vedic civilization fits in with all this.

 On Monday, December 2, 2013 8:54 AM, Richard J. Williams  
 The idea that human beings are a slave race, forced to work inside a human 
body, owned and operated by an alien or extraterrestrial society, is not a new 
one. The Book of Genesis, based on ideas contained in the Sumerian religion, 
describes an advanced society, which flourished around 3500 B.C. 
 Aliens posing as the Gods for a custodial race?
 Like other ancient societies, the Sumerians left records stating that 
human-like creatures of extraterrestrial origin had ruled early human society 
as Earth's first monarchs. Those alien people were often thought of as "gods."
 Some people believe that a Supreme Being is behind the vicious Machiavellian 
intentions described in the Bible. However, the idea that a "Custodial" race 
posing as a Supreme Being seems to provide a true breakthrough by pointing to a 
brutal technological society, not a Supreme Being, as the more likely source of 
such warlike machinations.
 On 12/2/2013 2:22 AM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... wrote:
   Santos Bonacci believes that these tribes refer to the twelve signs of the 
zodiac. So, the tribes refer to all human beings who are or were born on earth 
during the 12 months of the year.
 If there are ETs or other human beings in the universe, IMO these entities can 
be classified according to various sectors of the skies that belong to each 
zodiac sign.  Specifically, if there are ETs in the star group of Pleiades, 
they would belong to the sign of Taurus since the star group is located in this 






[FairfieldLife] Post Count Tue 03-Dec-13 00:15:03 UTC

2013-12-02 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 11/30/13 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 12/07/13 00:00:00
405 messages as of (UTC) 12/03/13 00:13:51

 68 authfriend
 58 Richard J. Williams 
 35 emilymaenot
 27 awoelflebater
 22 s3raphita
 20 TurquoiseB 
 20 Share Long 
 20 Bhairitu 
 18 feste37 
 18 emptybill
 18 dhamiltony2k5
 16 jr_esq
 13 Richard Williams 
  9 salyavin808 
  8 doctordumbass
  5 steve.sundur
  5 sharelong60
  5 cardemaister
  5 anartaxius
  4 wgm4u 
  4 Toby Walker 
  3 Mike Dixon 
  1 dmevans365
  1 bhairitu 
  1 Rick Archer 
  1 FairfieldLife
Posters: 26
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: 

Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Twelve Tribes of Israel

2013-12-02 Thread Share Long
John, I wonder what really happened in Atlantis. They were so evolved but then 
they turned to the dark side. I've heard that's why they were destroyed.

On Monday, December 2, 2013 11:37 AM, ""  

You might find the ideas of Michael Cremo, who supports the antiquity of the 
vedic civilization, interesting.  In short, he is stating that humans today are 
a product of a devolution from highly evolved  humans in the past.

So, IMO Atlantis and its people can be considered as part of this vedic 
civilization.  They were supposedly highly developed in consciousness and 

---In,  wrote:

Richard, John or anyone, where does Atlantis fit into this scenario of 
Sumerians? It seems they were an advanced race with highly developed 
technologies. I've not read much about all this but find it fascinating. I also 
wonder how the ancient Vedic civilization fits in with all this.

On Monday, December 2, 2013 8:54 AM, Richard J. Williams  wrote:
The idea that human beings are a slave race, forced to work inside a human 
body, owned and operated by an alien or extraterrestrial society, is not a new 
one. The Book of Genesis, based on ideas contained in the Sumerian religion, 
describes an advanced society, which flourished around 3500 B.C. 

Aliens posing as the Gods for a custodial race?

Like other ancient societies, the Sumerians left records stating
  that human-like creatures of extraterrestrial origin had ruled
  early human society as Earth's first monarchs. Those alien people
  were often thought of as "gods."

Some people believe that a Supreme Being is behind the vicious
  Machiavellian intentions described in the Bible. However, the idea
  that a "Custodial" race posing as a Supreme Being seems to provide
  a true breakthrough by pointing to a brutal technological society,
  not a Supreme Being, as the more likely source of such warlike

On 12/2/2013 2:22 AM, jr_esq@... wrote:
>Santos Bonacci believes that these tribes refer to the twelve signs of the 
>zodiac. So, the tribes refer to all human beings who are or were born on earth 
>during the 12 months of the year.
>If there are ETs or other human beings in the universe, IMO these entities can 
>be classified according to various sectors of the skies that belong to each 
>zodiac sign.  Specifically, if there are ETs in the star group of Pleiades, 
>they would belong to the sign of Taurus since the star group is located in 
>this constellation.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jesuit Trained Pope Trashes Capitalism in Call for Worldwide Socialism

2013-12-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
Apparently Redbox, like almost all ATMs, work using an old fashioned 
dial-up connections - you can hear the dialing if you listen real close. 
There's no way it could be a high-speed Wi-Fi connection on an ATM, 
otherwise any two-bit hacker could tap into the cash box and get rich, 
fast. Correct me if I'm wrong about this.

On 12/2/2013 4:40 PM, bhairitu wrote:
> Even returning a disc at Redbox was a bit slow.

RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Twelve Tribes of Israel

2013-12-02 Thread wgm4u
I think he mentioned 'recorded' history; at any rate, if you trace back the 
genesis of man you'd have to go back before Atlantis and Lemuria, and even 
before that. 
 Swami Yogananda has said that the human being was a special creation by God; 
the only creature having all 7 power centers (chakras), thereby the only one 
having the ability to 'fully' reflect consciousness (God).
 The consciousness of the highest evolved animals were given the opportunity to 
take on these special bodies, hence consciousness has evolved from as far back 
as the mineral, plant, animal and finally man.
 As it is sometimes said, "from clod, to God".

---In,  wrote:


 Ancient civilization could be older than the dates you mentioned.  Some 
current researchers, like John Anthony West and Robert Bauval, are thinking 
that the Sphinx in Egypt may have been constructed around 30,000 BC.  Here's a 
video about the Pyramid Code:




 ---In,  wrote:

 Thanks for the link!
 According to Joseph Campbell, recorded history begins with the Rig Veda around 
1200 B.C. Within the Rig Veda is contained perhaps the first human prophecy, 
the sayings of the first human progenitor called Manu. Apparently, the Aryans 
who invaded and destroyed India in 1500 B.C. came from the Middle East; not for 
nothing is the land they came from called Iran (Campbell 262). It is an 
interesting fact that all the Vedic Gods are armed to the teeth, including 
Vishnu himself. 
 Campbell describes the work of James Darmiester, the translator of the "Zend 
Avesta", and notes that Zoroaster was one of the earliest prophets to preach an 
apocalypse within monotheism. Eschatological teachings were widely disseminated 
in Persia around 750 B.C. by this famous Persian prophet. Zoroaster's cosmology 
was based on the concept of a struggle between good and evil (Campbell 269)). 
Alexander he Great of Macedonia destroyed the Persian Empire, fulfilling the 
prophecy of Zoroaster. Go figure.
 Campbell, Joseph. "The Masks of God." London: Hammondsworth: 1986
 On 12/2/2013 11:36 AM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... wrote:
   You might find the ideas of Michael Cremo, who supports the antiquity of the 
vedic civilization, interesting.  In short, he is stating that humans today are 
a product of a devolution from highly evolved  humans in the past.
 So, IMO Atlantis and its people can be considered as part of this vedic 
civilization.  They were supposedly highly developed in consciousness and 
 mailto:sharelong60@... wrote:
 Richard, John or anyone, where does Atlantis fit into this scenario of 
Sumerians? It seems they were an advanced race with highly developed 
technologies. I've not read much about all this but find it fascinating. I also 
wonder how the ancient Vedic civilization fits in with all this.
 On Monday, December 2, 2013 8:54 AM, Richard J. Williams  
mailto:punditster@... wrote:
 The idea that human beings are a slave race, forced to work inside a human 
body, owned and operated by an alien or extraterrestrial society, is not a new 
one. The Book of Genesis, based on ideas contained in the Sumerian religion, 
describes an advanced society, which flourished around 3500 B.C. 
 Aliens posing as the Gods for a custodial race?
 Like other ancient societies, the Sumerians left records stating that 
human-like creatures of extraterrestrial origin had ruled early human society 
as Earth's first monarchs. Those alien people were often thought of as "gods."
 Some people believe that a Supreme Being is behind the vicious Machiavellian 
intentions described in the Bible. However, the idea that a "Custodial" race 
posing as a Supreme Being seems to provide a true breakthrough by pointing to a 
brutal technological society, not a Supreme Being, as the more likely source of 
such warlike machinations.
 On 12/2/2013 2:22 AM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... wrote:
   Santos Bonacci believes that these tribes refer to the twelve signs of the 
zodiac. So, the tribes refer to all human beings who are or were born on earth 
during the 12 months of the year.
 If there are ETs or other human beings in the universe, IMO these entities can 
be classified according to various sectors of the skies that belong to each 
zodiac sign.  Specifically, if there are ETs in the star group of Pleiades, 
they would belong to the sign of Taurus since the star group is located in this 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Mind?

2013-12-02 Thread Share Long
And I think chitta is actually "storehouse of impressions."

On Monday, December 2, 2013 5:48 PM, wgm4u  wrote:
In the Bhagavad Gita appendix he calls it, like you said 'manas', ahamkara 
being the 'ego' I suppose. 

---In,  wrote:

I'd like to learn what was Maharishi's definition of mind (citta, manas), if 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Mind?

2013-12-02 Thread wgm4u
In the Bhagavad Gita appendix he calls it, like you said 'manas', ahamkara 
being the 'ego' I suppose. 

---In,  wrote:

 I'd like to learn what was Maharishi's definition of mind (citta, manas), if 

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Twelve Tribes of Israel

2013-12-02 Thread jr_esq

 Ancient civilization could be older than the dates you mentioned.  Some 
current researchers, like John Anthony West and Robert Bauval, are thinking 
that the Sphinx in Egypt may have been constructed around 30,000 BC.  Here's a 
video about the Pyramid Code:




---In,  wrote:

 Thanks for the link!
 According to Joseph Campbell, recorded history begins with the Rig Veda around 
1200 B.C. Within the Rig Veda is contained perhaps the first human prophecy, 
the sayings of the first human progenitor called Manu. Apparently, the Aryans 
who invaded and destroyed India in 1500 B.C. came from the Middle East; not for 
nothing is the land they came from called Iran (Campbell 262). It is an 
interesting fact that all the Vedic Gods are armed to the teeth, including 
Vishnu himself. 
 Campbell describes the work of James Darmiester, the translator of the "Zend 
Avesta", and notes that Zoroaster was one of the earliest prophets to preach an 
apocalypse within monotheism. Eschatological teachings were widely disseminated 
in Persia around 750 B.C. by this famous Persian prophet. Zoroaster's cosmology 
was based on the concept of a struggle between good and evil (Campbell 269)). 
Alexander he Great of Macedonia destroyed the Persian Empire, fulfilling the 
prophecy of Zoroaster. Go figure.
 Campbell, Joseph. "The Masks of God." London: Hammondsworth: 1986
 On 12/2/2013 11:36 AM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... wrote:
   You might find the ideas of Michael Cremo, who supports the antiquity of the 
vedic civilization, interesting.  In short, he is stating that humans today are 
a product of a devolution from highly evolved  humans in the past.
 So, IMO Atlantis and its people can be considered as part of this vedic 
civilization.  They were supposedly highly developed in consciousness and 
 mailto:sharelong60@... wrote:
 Richard, John or anyone, where does Atlantis fit into this scenario of 
Sumerians? It seems they were an advanced race with highly developed 
technologies. I've not read much about all this but find it fascinating. I also 
wonder how the ancient Vedic civilization fits in with all this.
 On Monday, December 2, 2013 8:54 AM, Richard J. Williams  
mailto:punditster@... wrote:
 The idea that human beings are a slave race, forced to work inside a human 
body, owned and operated by an alien or extraterrestrial society, is not a new 
one. The Book of Genesis, based on ideas contained in the Sumerian religion, 
describes an advanced society, which flourished around 3500 B.C. 
 Aliens posing as the Gods for a custodial race?
 Like other ancient societies, the Sumerians left records stating that 
human-like creatures of extraterrestrial origin had ruled early human society 
as Earth's first monarchs. Those alien people were often thought of as "gods."
 Some people believe that a Supreme Being is behind the vicious Machiavellian 
intentions described in the Bible. However, the idea that a "Custodial" race 
posing as a Supreme Being seems to provide a true breakthrough by pointing to a 
brutal technological society, not a Supreme Being, as the more likely source of 
such warlike machinations.
 On 12/2/2013 2:22 AM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... wrote:
   Santos Bonacci believes that these tribes refer to the twelve signs of the 
zodiac. So, the tribes refer to all human beings who are or were born on earth 
during the 12 months of the year.
 If there are ETs or other human beings in the universe, IMO these entities can 
be classified according to various sectors of the skies that belong to each 
zodiac sign.  Specifically, if there are ETs in the star group of Pleiades, 
they would belong to the sign of Taurus since the star group is located in this 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Re: Hackers

2013-12-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
You may not be getting it, Ann. Every time you post a reply to Barry, he 
wins. Every time Judy posts a reply to Barry, he wins. You're getting 
set up as a patsy and you're getting sucked down a rabbit hole.

Judy knows this and so does Barry - it's their game. Neither one is 
going to stop until one or the other is dead and it looks like Barry 
will out live Judy. Barry wins because he REALLY doesn't care - Judy 
loses because she does care. It's that simple.

It's not your fault - you seem like a pretty nice person; too nice in 
fact to be responding to Barry. Anyway, hope you are having fun - I know 
I am. Go figure.

On 12/2/2013 1:05 PM, wrote:
Just like what you did when I first started posting to FFL. You had 
had a few beers and got mean and nasty. It was just about enough to 
drive me away. You are easily as guilty of this as anyone and I 
believe this explains your longevity here Barry. You are an 
unwelcoming bastard to just about everyone who decides to begin 
posting here, not to mention those who have been here for years. One 
whiff of your style of 'welcome wagon'and any normal person leaves 
pretty quickly.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Jesuit Trained Pope Trashes Capitalism in Call for Worldwide Socialism

2013-12-02 Thread bhairitu
Socialist programs such as bailing out the big banks or wars of empire to 
protect "American (corporate) interests?"  Wanna buy a bridge, Mike?

I don't know if the fascist Margaret Thatcher said that but the rich found it 
to be true especially after they had robbed most of the middle class of their 

I'll agree that Congress is drunk on spending just to get re-elected. Career 
politicians are obsolete and need to be deprecated.

BTW, the Internet seems to be wanky today due to "Cyber Monday".  Even 
returning a disc at Redbox was a bit slow.  One of my email accounts doesn't 
seem to be getting the message to put the read messages in trash while the 
email account I use for here is late in delivery and putting the FFL emails in 
the trash bin even though they hadn't been downloaded!

--- In, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> That 17 trillion national debt comes mainly from socialistic programs, not 
> capitalism. Was it Margaret Thatcher that said "The problem with socialism 
> is, sooner or later, you run out of other peoples money to spend". American 
> politicians have over- spent the wealth capitalism has produced in order to 
> get re-elected.
> On Sunday, December 1, 2013 7:33 PM, "s3raphita@..."  wrote:
> Re"American capitalism has created more wealth than any other economic 
> system and with that wealth has lifted more people out of poverty than any 
> other system.":
> That is undeniably true. The problem is that you (Yanks) now have debt equal 
> to $17 trillion. There is no way you can pay that debt off; there is no way 
> you can deliberately introduce controlled inflation to devalue the sum. You 
> are at the mercy of the international financial system. 
> Income inequality in both the US and UK is now at levels not seen since the 
> early decades of the 20th century. The real villain is globalisation. 
> Companies can run rings around national governments as they have branches in 
> many countries and can avoid tax in all places except the one country that 
> offers them the lowest rates. It's a nightmare and these multinationals are 
> effectively outside any democratic control.   
> ---In,  wrote:
> That is "revisionist history", Mike.  The original founding fathers had a 
> bad taste in their mouth from capitalism in the form of the British East 
> India Company.  The founding fathers believed in a "commons."  You maintain 
> the commons with government.  That's what government is for. It's for the 
> things we all share.  And if we don't want homeless living in our commons 
> then were need to do things to keep people from becoming homeless.  A lot of 
> today's homeless are not there because they don't want to work but because 
> there is no work or means of income for them.
> I have a revision of that Luke 19 thang you referenced.  The third
>   guy didn't spend the money his boss gave him because  the other
>   two guys invested in derivatives and were about to lose all that
>   profit.  He would still have money. :-D 
> On 12/01/2013 05:53 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:
> > 
> >Yet *trickle down*  capitalism has been the story of America since it's 
> >inception. American capitalism has created more wealth than any other 
> >economic system and with that wealth has lifted more people out of poverty 
> >than any other system and come to the aid of those in dire straights to lift 
> >them up as well. Would the middle -east, China or India be in the economic 
> >situation they are in today had it not been for Americans spending their 
> >wealth, investing in and buying their goods and services ?  Capitalism 
> >creates wealth, socialism just divides it up.  You can't be charitable if 
> >you have nothing to give. The Pope may be compassionate, but he's down right 
> >ignorant. 
> >
> >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Mind?

2013-12-02 Thread cardemaister
I'd like to learn what was Maharishi's definition of mind (citta, manas), if 

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: This is actually pretty cool

2013-12-02 Thread awoelflebater

---In,  wrote:

 Cute critters! I bet they're having fun...

I actually don't know if they are. It looks really dangerous to me and I would 
wonder how many skeletons are lying at the bottom of the dam under water. 
Animals do what they have to do in order to eat and if there was an easier way 
I'll bet they wouldn't be out on the cliff face of the dam like that.

 On Monday, December 2, 2013 1:49 PM, "awoelflebater@..."  
   Wow, I think some kind soul should put out a mineral lick for these guys, it 
would be so much easier... 


---In,  wrote:

 This is a photo of a stone dam in a national park in the north of Italy. But 
there is something odd in the photo. Do you see it?

How about now?

See the article to find out for sure what they are:




[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Personhood for Chimps

2013-12-02 Thread anartaxius
What about those spiritual types, such as realised Zen Buddhists who claim they 
have no self. Are they persons? Exactly what is a person? Exxon, legally, is a 
person. So is Monsanto. Having the human species reduced to the level of 
chimphood sounds like a move in the right direction, considering how we behave.

---In,  wrote:

 Before you give rights to chimps you should work out if they are capable of 
understanding what is being offered. Anthropomorphism isn't any way to go about 
helping wildlife. 

 Chimps aren't people, they are chimps and they can't fit into our world in the 
same way we couldn't fit into theirs. They aren't as "like us" as a lot of 
people think. We should only extend personhood to people as they are capable of 
learning a language and communicating their needs themselves, with obvious 

 ---In,  wrote:

 We're getting there.

RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] Why FFL isn't more interesting, in one graphic

2013-12-02 Thread anartaxius
Considering how the poles of opinion on FFL are so divergent, it would inspire 
more trust if 1) there was a truth serum that could actually work, and 2) we 
all took it. By excluding yourself and some others, suspicion will not be 
alleviated. Now to take care the the most divergent pole, all we need is 
Barry's input on whether he would take it. If he would, that would leave your 
proposal out in the cold. At any rate in this hypothetical scenario, the result 
of all of us taking such a fix for our malfeasance might have a result totally 
unexpected. Perhaps we would have Heaven on Earth, or perhaps alternately, we 
would hunt each other down to the death.

---In,  wrote:

 An effective Truth Serum for you and a few others here should handle it 
nicely, thank you.
Share cracked:

 > Richard, maybe Rita could find a nice supplement for what ails Ms. Stein (-: 


[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Personhood for Chimps

2013-12-02 Thread authfriend
Tell ya what, Salyavin, read the article and get back to us, OK?
Salyavin wrote:

 Before you give rights to chimps you should work out if they are capable of 
understanding what is being offered. Anthropomorphism isn't any way to go about 
helping wildlife. 

 Chimps aren't people, they are chimps and they can't fit into our world in the 
same way we couldn't fit into theirs. They aren't as "like us" as a lot of 
people think. We should only extend personhood to people as they are capable of 
learning a language and communicating their needs themselves, with obvious 

 ---In,  wrote:

 We're getting there.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Personhood for Chimps

2013-12-02 Thread salyavin808
Before you give rights to chimps you should work out if they are capable of 
understanding what is being offered. Anthropomorphism isn't any way to go about 
helping wildlife. 

 Chimps aren't people, they are chimps and they can't fit into our world in the 
same way we couldn't fit into theirs. They aren't as "like us" as a lot of 
people think. We should only extend personhood to people as they are capable of 
learning a language and communicating their needs themselves, with obvious 

---In,  wrote:

 We're getting there.

[FairfieldLife] Personhood for Chimps

2013-12-02 Thread authfriend

 We're getting there.

RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] Why FFL isn't more interesting, in one graphic

2013-12-02 Thread authfriend
An effective Truth Serum for you and a few others here should handle it nicely, 
thank you.
Share cracked:

 > Richard, maybe Rita could find a nice supplement for what ails Ms. Stein (-: 


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: This is actually pretty cool

2013-12-02 Thread Share Long
Cute critters! I bet they're having fun...

On Monday, December 2, 2013 1:49 PM, "" 
Wow, I think some kind soul should put out a mineral lick for these guys, it 
would be so much easier... 

---In,  wrote:

This is a photo of a stone dam in a national park in the north of Italy. But 
there is something odd in the photo. Do you see it?

How about now?

See the article to find out for sure what they are:

[FairfieldLife] RE: Jesuit Trained Pope Trashes Capitalism in Call for Worldwide Socialism

2013-12-02 Thread s3raphita
Re "That 17 trillion national debt comes mainly from socialistic programs, not 
capitalism. American politicians have over-spent the wealth capitalism has 
produced in order to get re-elected.":

 That's all true. (It's the same in UK.) But what's also true is that the 
old-school opponents who wanted either socialism or conservatism never 
anticipated today's world where multinational corporations rule the roost. In 
the past both those on the left and those on the right assumed governments held 
the whip hand.

---In,  wrote:

 That 17 trillion national debt comes mainly from socialistic programs, not 
capitalism. Was it Margaret Thatcher that said "The problem with socialism is, 
sooner or later, you run out of other peoples money to spend". American 
politicians have over- spent the wealth capitalism has produced in order to get 
 On Sunday, December 1, 2013 7:33 PM, "s3raphita@..."  wrote:
   Re "American capitalism has created more wealth than any other economic 
system and with that wealth has lifted more people out of poverty than any 
other system.":

 That is undeniably true. The problem is that you (Yanks) now have debt equal 
to $17 trillion. There is no way you can pay that debt off; there is no way you 
can deliberately introduce controlled inflation to devalue the sum. You are at 
the mercy of the international financial system. 

 Income inequality in both the US and UK is now at levels not seen since the 
early decades of the 20th century. The real villain is globalisation. Companies 
can run rings around national governments as they have branches in many 
countries and can avoid tax in all places except the one country that offers 
them the lowest rates. It's a nightmare and these multinationals are 
effectively outside any democratic control.  

---In,  wrote:

 That is "revisionist history", Mike.  The original founding fathers had a bad 
taste in their mouth from capitalism in the form of the British East India 
Company.  The founding fathers believed in a "commons."  You maintain the 
commons with government.  That's what government is for. It's for the things we 
all share.  And if we don't want homeless living in our commons then were need 
to do things to keep people from becoming homeless.  A lot of today's homeless 
are not there because they don't want to work but because there is no work or 
means of income for them.
 I have a revision of that Luke 19 thang you referenced.  The third guy didn't 
spend the money his boss gave him because  the other two guys invested in 
derivatives and were about to lose all that profit.  He would still have money. 
 On 12/01/2013 05:53 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:
   Yet *trickle down*  capitalism has been the story of America since it's 
inception. American capitalism has created more wealth than any other economic 
system and with that wealth has lifted more people out of poverty than any 
other system and come to the aid of those in dire straights to lift them up as 
well. Would the middle -east, China or India be in the economic situation they 
are in today had it not been for Americans spending their wealth, investing in 
and buying their goods and services ?  Capitalism creates wealth, socialism 
just divides it up.  You can't be charitable if you have nothing to give. The 
Pope may be compassionate, but he's down right ignorant.





RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Twelve Tribes of Israel

2013-12-02 Thread salyavin808
" Maybe so, but that doesn't answer the question of how and why the ancients 
built Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England or how workers constructed Machu Picchu 
in Cusco, Peru."

 How and why? How=they dragged stones from elsewhere. Not difficult to work 
out, at stonehenge they know where they all came from, some from as far as 
south Wales!

 Why? Good question, many theories exist from an ancient meeting place for 
healing rituals to site for human sacrifice at solstices. The difference 
between actual archaeology and the Sitchin/von Daniken crowd is that theories 
are put forward based on evidence that is discovered, as we learn more about 
our ancestors we can come up with better ideas about how they saw the world and 
what they were trying to achieve. Trouble is they lived so long ago we can only 
make educated guesses, certainty is right out of the equation.

 Which isn't the case with the ancient astronaut theorists, the list of 
intellectual errors and sloppy science that this lot indulge in drives proper 
archaeologists crazy, especially as their books outsell credible research by a 
thousand to one! What accounts for this? Why do people have a need to believe 
that we came from some ancient super-race? It's a much more interesting mystery 
that anything von Daniken came up with...

"It seems like we've had a lot of help from someone, at some time in the past 
in order to drill straight through solid granite without a metal tool. And, 
why? That's a very large public works project!" 

 That's just it, nothing I've seen (and I have visited a great many ancient 
sites) makes me think that the builders had some sort of supernormal help. In 
fact I think it's an insult our forefathers to think they must have had UFOs 
levitating stones to the top of the pyramids or whatever. This was all done by 
cunning, brute force and devotion. Give them some credit. Remember it's YOU 
that needs to believe in a golden age we've descended from.

 I think psychologists call it the "legend of the fall" and it stems from our 
natural sense of dislocation from nature that arises from birth and the 
awareness that we've lost our mother. Everyone gets it, we all think life was 
better once and seek ways to regain what we instinctively feel we've lost. It's 
just life guys.

"We all came from somewhere; almost everything on the planet came from outer 
space. So, it's not a stretch to think there are other entities much more 
advanced than ourselves out there that could come here in the future and came 
here in the past. There's no logical reason I can think of that would indicate 
that we are alone in the universe. "

 Well maybe not, but that isn't any sort of logical proof that we've been 
visited. I think you need proof that some people did something that actually 
couldn't have been done with what they had available. Or, even better, a buried 
spaceship or something. All von Daniken had was his woeful misinterpretations 
of ancient carvings. For some reason he thought that because something looked 
like what we would call spaceship now it must have been a spaceship then. It's 
his own ignorance about what people can achieve with simple tools that led him 
to think they must have aliens "we couldn't do this now" is a common refrain 
from this crowd. Probably not, we'd just do it differently.

 If the ancients had built something that still seems like advanced technology 
to us, then we'd know they had some help but everything they did was in phase 
one building materials. Rocks and stuff they could melt out of them. No 
plastics or synthetic compounds. Just stuff you find on the ground, are you 
suggesting ancient astronauts flew here on logs? Where is their legacy other 
than things we don't seem able to give credit to our earlier selves for?

[FairfieldLife] RE: This is actually pretty cool

2013-12-02 Thread awoelflebater
Wow, I think some kind soul should put out a mineral lick for these guys, it 
would be so much easier... 


---In,  wrote:

 This is a photo of a stone dam in a national park in the north of Italy. But 
there is something odd in the photo. Do you see it?

How about now?

See the article to find out for sure what they are:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Puns Can Be Fun

2013-12-02 Thread Richard Williams
A thief broke into the local police station and stole all the toilets
and urinals, leaving no clues.  A spokesperson was quoted as
saying, "We have absolutely nothing to go on."

On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 12:08 PM, Richard Williams wrote:

>  Back in the 1800's the Tate's Watch Company of Massachusetts wanted to
>  produce other products, and since they already made the cases for watches,
>  they used them to produce compasses.
> The new compasses were so bad that  people often ended up in Canada or
> Mexico rather than California .
> This, of  course, is the origin of the expression,"He who has a Tate's is
> lost!"
> On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 8:22 AM, Richard Williams wrote:
>> A marine biologist developed a race of genetically engineered dolphins
>> that could live forever if they were fed a steady diet of  seagulls.
>> One day, his supply of the birds ran out so he had to go out and trap
>> some more. On the way back, he spied two lions asleep on the road.
>> Afraid to wake them, he gingerly stepped over them. Immediately, he was
>> arrested and charged with transporting gulls across sedate lions for
>> immortal porpoises.
>> On Sun, Dec 1, 2013 at 6:38 PM, Richard J. Williams > > wrote:
>>> King Ozymandias of Assyria was running low on cash after years of war
>>>  with the Hittites.  His last great possession was the Star of the
>>> Euphrates,
>>>  the most valuable diamond in the ancient world.  Desperate, he went to
>>>  Croesus, the pawnbroker, to ask for a loan.
>>>  Croesus said, "I'll give you 100,000 dinars for it".
>>>  "But I paid a million dinars for it," the King protested. "Don't you
>>> know
>>>  who I am?  I am the king!"
>>> Croesus replied, "When you wish to pawn a  Star, makes no difference
>>> who you are."
>>> On 12/1/2013 3:46 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
 Evidence has been found that William Tell and his family were avid
 bowlers.  Unfortunately, all the Swiss league records were destroyed in
 fire.  And, so we'll never know for whom the Tells bowled.


Re: [FairfieldLife] The Twelve Tribes of Israel

2013-12-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
Maybe so, but that doesn't answer the question of how and why the 
ancients built Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England or how workers 
constructed Machu Picchu in Cusco, Peru.

It seems like we've had a lot of help from someone, at some time in the 
past in order to drill straight through solid granite without a metal 
tool. And, why? That's a very large public works project!

We all came from somewhere; almost everything on the planet came from 
outer space. So, it's not a stretch to think there are other entities 
much more advanced than ourselves out there that could come here in the 
future and came here in the past. There's no logical reason I can think 
of that would indicate that we are alone in the universe.

Anyone can disbelieve the scriptures written by humans, but you can't 
deny the existence of rocks made of space minerals.

I've never seen a UFO myself, but I'm convinced that there are spiritual 
beings out there that we can't see right now - it would be very 
earth-centric to think that we are alone in space with billions and 
billions of stars and galaxies out there.

So many questions, so few answers.

On 12/2/2013 12:40 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

FWIW? Not much, but highly entertaining. I used to like Erich von 
Daniken but then I learned critical thinking and the importance of 
checking sources.

---In,  wrote:


FWIW, here's a brief summary of Sitchin's ideas regarding the Annunakis:

---In,  wrote:

Oops, my mistake. THIS is the least likely news story of the decade.

"This sounds like Zachariah Sitchin's idea of the Annunakis, who
supposedly performed genetic engineering on prehistoric human
ancestors to make them look like them.  So, in short, the human
beings today look like the Annunakis, who were the gods that came
from the skies"

---In,  wrote:


This sounds like Zachariah Sitchin's idea of the Annunakis,
who supposedly performed genetic engineering on prehistoric
human ancestors to make them look like them.  So, in short,
the human beings today look like the Annunakis, who were the
gods that came from the skies.

---In,  wrote:

The idea that human beings are a slave race, forced to
work inside a human body, owned and operated by an alien
or extraterrestrial society, is not a new one. The Book of
Genesis, based on ideas contained in the Sumerian
religion, describes an advanced society, which flourished
around 3500 B.C.

Aliens posing as the Gods for a custodial race?

Like other ancient societies, the Sumerians left records
stating that human-like creatures of extraterrestrial
origin had ruled early human society as Earth's first
monarchs. Those alien people were often thought of as "gods."

Some people believe that a Supreme Being is behind the
vicious Machiavellian intentions described in the Bible.
However, the idea that a "Custodial" race posing as a
Supreme Being seems to provide a true breakthrough by
pointing to a brutal technological society, not a Supreme
Being, as the more likely source of such warlike machinations.

On 12/2/2013 2:22 AM, jr_esq@... 

Santos Bonacci believes that these tribes refer to the
twelve signs of the zodiac. So, the tribes refer to all
human beings who are or were born on earth during the 12
months of the year.

If there are ETs or other human beings in the universe,
IMO these entities can be classified according to various
sectors of the skies that belong to each zodiac sign.
 Specifically, if there are ETs in the star group of
Pleiades, they would belong to the sign of Taurus since
the star group is located in this constellation.

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Re: Hackers

2013-12-02 Thread authfriend
He's been doing this ever since I first ran into him in 1995. 
 Barry wrote:
> It's a form of cyberterrorism.

Ann wrote:
 Just like what you did when I first started posting to FFL. You had had a few 
beers and got mean and nasty. It was just about enough to drive me away. You 
are easily as guilty of this as anyone and I believe this explains your 
longevity here Barry. You are an unwelcoming bastard to just about everyone who 
decides to begin posting here, not to mention those who have been here for 
years. One whiff of your style of 'welcome wagon' and any normal person leaves 
pretty quickly.

[FairfieldLife] This is actually pretty cool

2013-12-02 Thread TurquoiseB
This is a photo of a stone dam in a national park in the north of Italy.
But there is something odd in the photo. Do you see it?


How about now?


See the article to find out for sure what they are:\

[FairfieldLife] Gulliver's Travels To Mount Fuji

2013-12-02 Thread TurquoiseB
And you Americans think *your* government throws money away on
ridiculous boondoggles? Wait'll you see what the Japanese spent money

There are just SO many WTFs in this article.  :-)

But y'know...the up side of this is that Vedaland is no longer the
lamest dumbfuck idea ever.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Re: Hackers

2013-12-02 Thread awoelflebater

---In,  wrote:

 --- In, 
 > Yep, Denial-of-service-attacks.
 Another form of Denial-of-service is to pick the people one doesn't like
 on an Internet forum and harass them with literally hundreds or
 thousands of posts for many years until they no longer feel it is worth
 posting on the forum. Because every time them do, the stalkers will
 start their harassment campaign again.
 Many of these victims finally decide that it really isn't worth it to
 participate any more because the constant harassment from their stalkers
 prevents them from contributing anything of value, so they leave.
 The stalkers consider this a "win." More sane people consider it a loss
 for the forum, because the people chased away by the stalkers were often
 the best and brightest posters.
 Others not directly targeted by the stalkers also consider it a loss,
 because the stalkers tend to then take over the forum and use it to post
 nothing but their own petty grievances and vendettas, drowning out the
 interesting discussions other posters originally signed up for. Many of
 these "secondary victims" also end up leaving the forum.
 The ones who stay generally avoid interacting with the stalkers, because
 they've seen what will happen to *them* if they say something that lands
 them on the stalkers' Enemies List. In the end, the only people who
 interact with the stalkers are the occasional well-meaning person trying
 to get them to lighten up and return to sanity (dangerous, because
 that's guaranteed to land them on the Enemies List themselves), or the
 toadies and groupies who suck up to the primary stalkers, kiss their
 asses, and try to emulate and perpetuate their sick behavior.
 It's a form of cyberterrorism.

Just like what you did when I first started posting to FFL. You had had a few 
beers and got mean and nasty. It was just about enough to drive me away. You 
are easily as guilty of this as anyone and I believe this explains your 
longevity here Barry. You are an unwelcoming bastard to just about everyone who 
decides to begin posting here, not to mention those who have been here for 
years. One whiff of your style of 'welcome wagon' and any normal person leaves 
pretty quickly.

[FairfieldLife] Joseph Goldstein: New Interview on Buddha at the Gas Pump - 11/27/2013

2013-12-02 Thread Rick Archer

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Buddha at the Gas Pump

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published 11/27/2013

207. Joseph Goldstein 


Nov 26, 2013 09:54 am | Rick

Joseph Goldstein is a cofounder of the Insight Meditation Society (where he is 
one of the resident guiding teachers) and the Barre Center for Buddhist 
studies, both in Barre, Massachusetts.  He is the author of Mindfulness: A 
Practical Guide to … Continue reading  


The post 207. Joseph Goldstein 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: 100 Great Rock Artists

2013-12-02 Thread Richard Williams

[image: Inline image 1]

"It shot into the Top 20 album charts in the U.S. The follow-up album, Down
to Earth (1974), was another concept album with a circus theme; it also
sold well, breaking into the Top 40 album charts and included Nektar's only
song to chart on the Billboard singles charts..."

Roye Albrighton - guitars and vocals
Allan "Taff" Freeman - keyboards
Derek "Mo" Moore - bass
Ron Howden - drums
Mick Brockett - lights

Nektar Live:

Remember The Future Full Album:

My favorite - An amazing live performance recording:

Sunday Night at the London Roundhouse, 1974

Other albums:

Journey to the Centre of the Eye
Down To Earth
A Tab In The Ocean
Sounds Like This
Magic Is a Child

On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 8:35 AM, Richard Williams wrote:

> Johnny Winter
> [image: Inline image 1]
> Johnny Winter - Live at Massey Hall, Toronto 1983
> In 1988, Winter was inducted into the Blues Foundation Hall of Fame. In
> 2003, he was ranked 63rd in Rolling Stone magazine's list of the "100
> Greatest Guitarists of All Time."
> "Out of all the hopped-up Caucasians who turbocharged the blues in the
> late Sixties, Texas albino Johnny Winter was both the whitest and the
> fastest." Apparently Jimi Hendrix sought him out as a sideman. Johnny
> Winter and his brother Edgar were born and raised in Beaumont, Texas. In
> 2007 and 2010, Winter performed at Eric Clapton’s Crossroads Guitar
> Festival.
> Read more:
> On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 4:07 PM, Richard Williams wrote:
>> ZZTop
>> [image: Inline image 1]
>> ZZ Top - Got Me Under Pressure (Live In Texas):
>> ZZ Top - Billy Gibbons, Dusty Hill, and Frank Beard (the one without a
>> beard). ZZ Top is considered to be one of the greatest rock bands of all
>> time. Some of the songs are so powerful they were once recommended by Rama.
>> Several of the members are very fond of MMY - one became a TM Teacher.
>> "ZZ Top was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2004. As a
>> group, ZZ Top possesses 11 gold records and 7 platinum (13 multi-platinum)
>> records; their 1983 album, Eliminator, remains the group's most
>> commercially successful record, selling over 10 million units."
>> Music Suggested by Rama:
>> "Sleeping Bag" from Afterburner
>> ZZ Top, 1987
>> ZZ Top: Live From Texas'
>> DVD, June 24, 2008
>> Color, Dolby, DTS Surround Sound, DVD-Video, Live, NTSC
>> 122 minutes
>> Read more:
>> 'Roadhouse Blues: Stevie Ray Vaughan and Texas R&B'
>> by Hugh Gregory
>> Backbeat Books, 2003
>> Amazon reviews:
>> "I was there and they were fantastic!!" - J. Field
>> "The show is filmed very well, very clear and sharp. The sound is amazing
>> and the set list is so full of hits even a classic rock station can't keep
>> up." - Christopher
>> "Forget AC/DC - ZZ Top is the greatest rock band ever and they prove it
>> once again on this awesome DVD!" - P. Myers
>> On Sun, Nov 17, 2013 at 8:29 AM, Richard Williams 
>> wrote:
>>> Back when people could actually sing and play music for real:
>>> [image: Inline image 1]
>>> Bob Seeger & The Silver Bullet Band:
>>> Night Moves Live-Bob Seger:
>>> Early Detroit Band:
>>> Marshall Crenshaw
>>> Marshall Crenshaw 2010 Detroit All Star Revue:

RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Twelve Tribes of Israel

2013-12-02 Thread salyavin808
FWIW? Not much, but highly entertaining. I used to like Erich von Daniken but 
then I learned critical thinking and the importance of checking sources. 

---In,  wrote:


 FWIW, here's a brief summary of Sitchin's ideas regarding the Annunakis: 



 ---In,  wrote:

 Oops, my mistake. THIS is the least likely news story of the decade. 

 "This sounds like Zachariah Sitchin's idea of the Annunakis, who supposedly 
performed genetic engineering on prehistoric human ancestors to make them look 
like them.  So, in short, the human beings today look like the Annunakis, who 
were the gods that came from the skies"


 ---In,  wrote:


 This sounds like Zachariah Sitchin's idea of the Annunakis, who supposedly 
performed genetic engineering on prehistoric human ancestors to make them look 
like them.  So, in short, the human beings today look like the Annunakis, who 
were the gods that came from the skies.


 ---In,  wrote:

 The idea that human beings are a slave race, forced to work inside a human 
body, owned and operated by an alien or extraterrestrial society, is not a new 
one. The Book of Genesis, based on ideas contained in the Sumerian religion, 
describes an advanced society, which flourished around 3500 B.C. 
 Aliens posing as the Gods for a custodial race?
 Like other ancient societies, the Sumerians left records stating that 
human-like creatures of extraterrestrial origin had ruled early human society 
as Earth's first monarchs. Those alien people were often thought of as "gods."
 Some people believe that a Supreme Being is behind the vicious Machiavellian 
intentions described in the Bible. However, the idea that a "Custodial" race 
posing as a Supreme Being seems to provide a true breakthrough by pointing to a 
brutal technological society, not a Supreme Being, as the more likely source of 
such warlike machinations.
 On 12/2/2013 2:22 AM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... wrote:
   Santos Bonacci believes that these tribes refer to the twelve signs of the 
zodiac. So, the tribes refer to all human beings who are or were born on earth 
during the 12 months of the year.
 If there are ETs or other human beings in the universe, IMO these entities can 
be classified according to various sectors of the skies that belong to each 
zodiac sign.  Specifically, if there are ETs in the star group of Pleiades, 
they would belong to the sign of Taurus since the star group is located in this 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Jesuit Trained Pope Trashes Capitalism in Call for Worldwide Socialism

2013-12-02 Thread Mike Dixon
That 17 trillion national debt comes mainly from socialistic programs, not 
capitalism. Was it Margaret Thatcher that said "The problem with socialism is, 
sooner or later, you run out of other peoples money to spend". American 
politicians have over- spent the wealth capitalism has produced in order to get 

On Sunday, December 1, 2013 7:33 PM, "" 
Re"American capitalism has created more wealth than any other economic system 
and with that wealth has lifted more people out of poverty than any other 

That is undeniably true. The problem is that you (Yanks) now have debt equal to 
$17 trillion. There is no way you can pay that debt off; there is no way you 
can deliberately introduce controlled inflation to devalue the sum. You are at 
the mercy of the international financial system. 

Income inequality in both the US and UK is now at levels not seen since the 
early decades of the 20th century. The real villain is globalisation. Companies 
can run rings around national governments as they have branches in many 
countries and can avoid tax in all places except the one country that offers 
them the lowest rates. It's a nightmare and these multinationals are 
effectively outside any democratic control.   

---In,  wrote:

That is "revisionist history", Mike.  The original founding fathers had a bad 
taste in their mouth from capitalism in the form of the British East India 
Company.  The founding fathers believed in a "commons."  You maintain the 
commons with government.  That's what government is for. It's for the things we 
all share.  And if we don't want homeless living in our commons then were need 
to do things to keep people from becoming homeless.  A lot of today's homeless 
are not there because they don't want to work but because there is no work or 
means of income for them.

I have a revision of that Luke 19 thang you referenced.  The third
  guy didn't spend the money his boss gave him because  the other
  two guys invested in derivatives and were about to lose all that
  profit.  He would still have money. :-D 

On 12/01/2013 05:53 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:
>Yet *trickle down*  capitalism has been the story of America since it's 
>inception. American capitalism has created more wealth than any other economic 
>system and with that wealth has lifted more people out of poverty than any 
>other system and come to the aid of those in dire straights to lift them up as 
>well. Would the middle -east, China or India be in the economic situation they 
>are in today had it not been for Americans spending their wealth, investing in 
>and buying their goods and services ?  Capitalism creates wealth, socialism 
>just divides it up.  You can't be charitable if you have nothing to give. The 
>Pope may be compassionate, but he's down right ignorant. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hackers

2013-12-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
Hacker Reading List:

'Ghost in the Wires'
by Kevin Mitnick
Back Bay Books, 2011

'We Are Anonymous: Inside the Hacker World of LulzSec, Anonymous, and 
the Global Cyber Insurgency'
by Parmy Olson
Little, Brown and Company (June 5, 2012)

'Tubes: A Journey to the Center of the Internet'
by Andrew Blum,
HarperCollins, 2012

'Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution'
by Steven Levy
O'Reilly Media; 1 edition (May 19, 2010)

'Crypto: How the Code Rebels Beat the Government--Saving Privacy in the 
Digital Age'
by Steven Levy
Viking, 2001

'Crypto Anarchy, Cyberstates, and Pirate Utopias'
by Peter Ludlow
Bradford Book, 2001

'Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace'
by Lawrence Lessig
Basic Books (July 13, 2000)

The Art of Exploitation, 2nd Edition
by Jon Erickson
No Starch Press, 2008

'How to Disappear: Erase Your Digital Footprint, Leave False Trails, and 
Vanish without a Trace'
by Frank M. Ahearn
Lyons Press, 2010

'Kingpin: How One Hacker Took Over the Billion-Dollar Cybercrime 
by Kevin Poulsen
Crown, 2011

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Re: Hackers

2013-12-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
The key word here is "all", which is a lie. I DID NOT make ALL this 
stuff up - you told a big fib. We do not take kindly to liars in this 
chat room. Everyone takes me seriously, otherwise they would put me on 
their do not read black list.

The truth is, you're just obsessed with my every word. Get over it and 
get back to work.

Your post has all the earmarks of someone working at a computer in a 
home office somewhere and waiting for the "ding" to go off indicating 
another email from this discussion group. Correct me if I am wrong about 
this. Go figure.

On 12/2/2013 12:03 PM, wrote:

*This is all trolling, stuff Richard made up. If anyone here takes 
Richard seriously enough to want a detailed refutation, let me know. *


---In,  wrote:

And, why don't you shut up about Barry and just leave him alone! Pick 
on someone on your own level, like Ravi or Robin. Everyone knows Barry 
is asleep over there, and everyone knows you're up early posting from 
your day job. You're acting like a junkyard dog these days. Go figure.

On 12/2/2013 10:56 AM, authfriend@...  wrote:

Barry wrote:

> The ones who stay generally avoid interacting with the stalkers, because

> they've seen what will happen to *them* if they say something that 

> them on the stalkers' Enemies List.

*But I'm still here, Barry, despite the hundreds of thousands of 
posts you've*
*made harassing me since we first encountered each other in 1995 on 
*I'm obviously /already/ on your "Enemies List" and have been, again, 

*1995 on alt.m.t. I know you wish I'd give up and leave, but that isn't*
*happening, sorry.*

> It's a form of cyberterrorism.

*Yes, I think "cyberterrorist" describes you perfectly.*

[FairfieldLife] Re: Puns Can Be Fun

2013-12-02 Thread Richard Williams
 Back in the 1800's the Tate's Watch Company of Massachusetts wanted to
 produce other products, and since they already made the cases for watches,
 they used them to produce compasses.

The new compasses were so bad that  people often ended up in Canada or
Mexico rather than California .

This, of  course, is the origin of the expression,"He who has a Tate's is

On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 8:22 AM, Richard Williams wrote:

> A marine biologist developed a race of genetically engineered dolphins
> that could live forever if they were fed a steady diet of  seagulls.
> One day, his supply of the birds ran out so he had to go out and trap
> some more. On the way back, he spied two lions asleep on the road.
> Afraid to wake them, he gingerly stepped over them. Immediately, he was
> arrested and charged with transporting gulls across sedate lions for
> immortal porpoises.
> On Sun, Dec 1, 2013 at 6:38 PM, Richard J. Williams 
> wrote:
>> King Ozymandias of Assyria was running low on cash after years of war
>>  with the Hittites.  His last great possession was the Star of the
>> Euphrates,
>>  the most valuable diamond in the ancient world.  Desperate, he went to
>>  Croesus, the pawnbroker, to ask for a loan.
>>  Croesus said, "I'll give you 100,000 dinars for it".
>>  "But I paid a million dinars for it," the King protested. "Don't you know
>>  who I am?  I am the king!"
>> Croesus replied, "When you wish to pawn a  Star, makes no difference
>> who you are."
>> On 12/1/2013 3:46 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
>>> Evidence has been found that William Tell and his family were avid
>>> bowlers.  Unfortunately, all the Swiss league records were destroyed in a
>>> fire.  And, so we'll never know for whom the Tells bowled.

RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Twelve Tribes of Israel

2013-12-02 Thread jr_esq

 FWIW, here's a brief summary of Sitchin's ideas regarding the Annunakis: 



---In,  wrote:

 Oops, my mistake. THIS is the least likely news story of the decade. 

 "This sounds like Zachariah Sitchin's idea of the Annunakis, who supposedly 
performed genetic engineering on prehistoric human ancestors to make them look 
like them.  So, in short, the human beings today look like the Annunakis, who 
were the gods that came from the skies"


 ---In,  wrote:


 This sounds like Zachariah Sitchin's idea of the Annunakis, who supposedly 
performed genetic engineering on prehistoric human ancestors to make them look 
like them.  So, in short, the human beings today look like the Annunakis, who 
were the gods that came from the skies.


 ---In,  wrote:

 The idea that human beings are a slave race, forced to work inside a human 
body, owned and operated by an alien or extraterrestrial society, is not a new 
one. The Book of Genesis, based on ideas contained in the Sumerian religion, 
describes an advanced society, which flourished around 3500 B.C. 
 Aliens posing as the Gods for a custodial race?
 Like other ancient societies, the Sumerians left records stating that 
human-like creatures of extraterrestrial origin had ruled early human society 
as Earth's first monarchs. Those alien people were often thought of as "gods."
 Some people believe that a Supreme Being is behind the vicious Machiavellian 
intentions described in the Bible. However, the idea that a "Custodial" race 
posing as a Supreme Being seems to provide a true breakthrough by pointing to a 
brutal technological society, not a Supreme Being, as the more likely source of 
such warlike machinations.
 On 12/2/2013 2:22 AM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... wrote:
   Santos Bonacci believes that these tribes refer to the twelve signs of the 
zodiac. So, the tribes refer to all human beings who are or were born on earth 
during the 12 months of the year.
 If there are ETs or other human beings in the universe, IMO these entities can 
be classified according to various sectors of the skies that belong to each 
zodiac sign.  Specifically, if there are ETs in the star group of Pleiades, 
they would belong to the sign of Taurus since the star group is located in this 

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Twelve Tribes of Israel

2013-12-02 Thread Richard J. Williams

Thanks for the link!

According to Joseph Campbell, recorded history begins with the Rig Veda 
around 1200 B.C. Within the Rig Veda is contained perhaps the first 
human prophecy, the sayings of the first human progenitor called Manu. 
Apparently, the Aryans who invaded and destroyed India in 1500 B.C. came 
from the Middle East; not for nothing is the land they came from called 
Iran (Campbell 262). It is an interesting fact that all the Vedic Gods 
are armed to the teeth, including Vishnu himself.

Campbell describes the work of James Darmiester, the translator of the 
"Zend Avesta", and notes that Zoroaster was one of the earliest prophets 
to preach an apocalypse within monotheism. Eschatological teachings were 
widely disseminated in Persia around 750 B.C. by this famous Persian 
prophet. Zoroaster's cosmology was based on the concept of a struggle 
between good and evil (Campbell 269)). Alexander he Great of Macedonia 
destroyed the Persian Empire, fulfilling the prophecy of Zoroaster. Go 

Campbell, Joseph. "The Masks of God." London: Hammondsworth: 1986

On 12/2/2013 11:36 AM, wrote:

You might find the ideas of Michael Cremo, who supports the antiquity 
of the vedic civilization, interesting.  In short, he is stating that 
humans today are a product of a devolution from highly evolved  humans 
in the past.

So, IMO Atlantis and its people can be considered as part of this 
vedic civilization.  They were supposedly highly developed in 
consciousness and technology.

---In,  wrote:

Richard, John or anyone, where does Atlantis fit into this scenario of 
Sumerians? It seems they were an advanced race with highly developed 
technologies. I've not read much about all this but find it 
fascinating. I also wonder how the ancient Vedic civilization fits in 
with all this.

On Monday, December 2, 2013 8:54 AM, Richard J. Williams 
The idea that human beings are a slave race, forced to work inside a 
human body, owned and operated by an alien or extraterrestrial 
society, is not a new one. The Book of Genesis, based on ideas 
contained in the Sumerian religion, describes an advanced society, 
which flourished around 3500 B.C.

Aliens posing as the Gods for a custodial race?

Like other ancient societies, the Sumerians left records stating that 
human-like creatures of extraterrestrial origin had ruled early human 
society as Earth's first monarchs. Those alien people were often 
thought of as "gods."

Some people believe that a Supreme Being is behind the vicious 
Machiavellian intentions described in the Bible. However, the idea 
that a "Custodial" race posing as a Supreme Being seems to provide a 
true breakthrough by pointing to a brutal technological society, not a 
Supreme Being, as the more likely source of such warlike machinations.

On 12/2/2013 2:22 AM, jr_esq@...  wrote:

Santos Bonacci believes that these tribes refer to the twelve signs 
of the zodiac. So, the tribes refer to all human beings who are or 
were born on earth during the 12 months of the year.

If there are ETs or other human beings in the universe, IMO these 
entities can be classified according to various sectors of the skies 
that belong to each zodiac sign.  Specifically, if there are ETs in 
the star group of Pleiades, they would belong to the sign of Taurus 
since the star group is located in this constellation.

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Re: Hackers

2013-12-02 Thread authfriend
This is all trolling, stuff Richard made up. If anyone here takes Richard 
seriously enough to want a detailed refutation, let me know. 

---In,  wrote:

 And, why don't you shut up about Barry and just leave him alone! Pick on 
someone on your own level, like Ravi or Robin. Everyone knows Barry is asleep 
over there, and everyone knows you're up early posting from your day job. 
You're acting like a junkyard dog these days. Go figure.
 On 12/2/2013 10:56 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
   Barry wrote:
 > The ones who stay generally avoid interacting with the stalkers, because
 > they've seen what will happen to *them* if they say something that lands
 > them on the stalkers' Enemies List.
 But I'm still here, Barry, despite the hundreds of thousands of posts you've
 made harassing me since we first encountered each other in 1995 on alt.m.t.
 I'm obviously already on your "Enemies List" and have been, again, since
 1995 on alt.m.t. I know you wish I'd give up and leave, but that isn't
 happening, sorry.
 > It's a form of cyberterrorism.
 Yes, I think "cyberterrorist" describes you perfectly.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Re: Hackers

2013-12-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
And, why don't you shut up about Barry and just leave him alone! Pick on 
someone on your own level, like Ravi or Robin. Everyone knows Barry is 
asleep over there, and everyone knows you're up early posting from your 
day job. You're acting like a junkyard dog these days. Go figure.

On 12/2/2013 10:56 AM, wrote:

Barry wrote:

> The ones who stay generally avoid interacting with the stalkers, because

> they've seen what will happen to *them* if they say something that lands
> them on the stalkers' Enemies List.

*But I'm still here, Barry, despite the hundreds of thousands of posts 
*made harassing me since we first encountered each other in 1995 on 
*I'm obviously /already/ on your "Enemies List" and have been, again, 

*1995 on alt.m.t. I know you wish I'd give up and leave, but that isn't*
*happening, sorry.*

> It's a form of cyberterrorism.

*Yes, I think "cyberterrorist" describes you perfectly.*

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Twelve Tribes of Israel

2013-12-02 Thread Richard J. Williams

And, the chariots of the Gods?

As it happens, the only evidence which establishes any kind of antiquity 
for the Aryan gods, as a matter of certainty and not mere supposition, 
is epigraphic (ancient inscriptions).

It has however been found not in India but in Asia Minor. The reference 
is in a tablet in Hittite cuneiform and written in the Akkadian 
language, discovered at Boghazkoy. The document is an adjunct to a 
treaty between the Hittite king Suppiluliuma and his son-in-law, the 
Mitannian king Kurtiwaza, and it contains a long list of the gods of the 
peoples who were parties to it.

The date of the tablet must be some year within the reign of 
Suppiluliuma, which was from 1370 B.C. to 1335 B.C. According to Hittite 
cuneiform written in the Akkadian language.

The gods are invoked to witness the conclusion of the treaty and 
guarantee its observance. The gods of the Mitannians are named in these 
forms: Mi-it-ra, U-ru-ua-na, In-da-ra, and Na-sa-at-ti-ia-an-na. It is 
evident that these names correspond to Mitra, Varuna, Indra, and 
Nasatuau of the Vedic pantheon.

The following curse is pronounced against the Mitannians: "If you, 
Kurtiwaza, the prince, and the sons of the Hurri country do not fulfill 
the words of the treaty, may the gods, the lords of earth, blot you out, 
you and the Hurri men together with your country, your wives, and all 
that you have." This suggests that these gods were deities of local 

There is also a close linguistic affinity between the Mitannians and the 
Indo-Aryans in respect to cuneiform, which contains the so-called Horse 
Treatise by a Mitannian named Kikkuli. This was also found at Boghazkoy.


by Nirad Chaudhuri
Oxford University Press, 1979
pg 42.


1. For the original document see Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazkoy 
(1916-68). Translation by A. Goetze is in Ancient Near Texts relating to 
the Old Testamant, edited by J.B. Pritchard. Third Edition (1969), p.205.

2. For the Horse Treatise see Hippologica Hethitica by Annelies 
Kammenhuber (1961).

On 12/2/2013 10:36 AM, wrote:

This sounds like Zachariah Sitchin's idea of the Annunakis, who 
supposedly performed genetic engineering on prehistoric human 
ancestors to make them look like them.  So, in short, the human beings 
today look like the Annunakis, who were the gods that came from the skies.

---In,  wrote:

The idea that human beings are a slave race, forced to work inside a 
human body, owned and operated by an alien or extraterrestrial 
society, is not a new one. The Book of Genesis, based on ideas 
contained in the Sumerian religion, describes an advanced society, 
which flourished around 3500 B.C.

Aliens posing as the Gods for a custodial race?

Like other ancient societies, the Sumerians left records stating that 
human-like creatures of extraterrestrial origin had ruled early human 
society as Earth's first monarchs. Those alien people were often 
thought of as "gods."

Some people believe that a Supreme Being is behind the vicious 
Machiavellian intentions described in the Bible. However, the idea 
that a "Custodial" race posing as a Supreme Being seems to provide a 
true breakthrough by pointing to a brutal technological society, not a 
Supreme Being, as the more likely source of such warlike machinations.

On 12/2/2013 2:22 AM, jr_esq@...  wrote:

Santos Bonacci believes that these tribes refer to the twelve signs 
of the zodiac. So, the tribes refer to all human beings who are or 
were born on earth during the 12 months of the year.

If there are ETs or other human beings in the universe, IMO these 
entities can be classified according to various sectors of the skies 
that belong to each zodiac sign.  Specifically, if there are ETs in 
the star group of Pleiades, they would belong to the sign of Taurus 
since the star group is located in this constellation.

RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Twelve Tribes of Israel

2013-12-02 Thread jr_esq

 Scientists have been discussing the possibility that the universe is the 
ultimate computer, as shown in this video:


 But, ultimately, the underlying concept that they're trying to say is that 
consciousness (the computer) is the basis of the universe IMO. 

---In,  wrote:

 And it's all true, Share. Every last bit of it. I read a book about it. And I 
saw The Matrix too.
Share enthused:

 > Richard, John or anyone, where does Atlantis fit into this scenario of 
 > Sumerians? It seems 
 > they were an advanced race with highly developed technologies. I've not read 
 > much about 
 > all is but find it fascinating. I also wonder how the ancient Vedic 
 > civilization fits in with all 
 > this.

 On Monday, December 2, 2013 8:54 AM, Richard J. Williams  
 The idea that human beings are a slave race, forced to work inside a human 
body, owned and operated by an alien or extraterrestrial society, is not a new 
one. The Book of Genesis, based on ideas contained in the Sumerian religion, 
describes an advanced society, which flourished around 3500 B.C. 
 Aliens posing as the Gods for a custodial race?
 Like other ancient societies, the Sumerians left records stating that 
human-like creatures of extraterrestrial origin had ruled early human society 
as Earth's first monarchs. Those alien people were often thought of as "gods."
 Some people believe that a Supreme Being is behind the vicious Machiavellian 
intentions described in the Bible. However, the idea that a "Custodial" race 
posing as a Supreme Being seems to provide a true breakthrough by pointing to a 
brutal technological society, not a Supreme Being, as the more likely source of 
such warlike machinations.
 On 12/2/2013 2:22 AM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... wrote:
   Santos Bonacci believes that these tribes refer to the twelve signs of the 
zodiac. So, the tribes refer to all human beings who are or were born on earth 
during the 12 months of the year.
 If there are ETs or other human beings in the universe, IMO these entities can 
be classified according to various sectors of the skies that belong to each 
zodiac sign.  Specifically, if there are ETs in the star group of Pleiades, 
they would belong to the sign of Taurus since the star group is located in this 



RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Twelve Tribes of Israel

2013-12-02 Thread salyavin808
Oops, my mistake. THIS is the least likely news story of the decade. 

 "This sounds like Zachariah Sitchin's idea of the Annunakis, who supposedly 
performed genetic engineering on prehistoric human ancestors to make them look 
like them.  So, in short, the human beings today look like the Annunakis, who 
were the gods that came from the skies"


---In,  wrote:


 This sounds like Zachariah Sitchin's idea of the Annunakis, who supposedly 
performed genetic engineering on prehistoric human ancestors to make them look 
like them.  So, in short, the human beings today look like the Annunakis, who 
were the gods that came from the skies.


 ---In,  wrote:

 The idea that human beings are a slave race, forced to work inside a human 
body, owned and operated by an alien or extraterrestrial society, is not a new 
one. The Book of Genesis, based on ideas contained in the Sumerian religion, 
describes an advanced society, which flourished around 3500 B.C. 
 Aliens posing as the Gods for a custodial race?
 Like other ancient societies, the Sumerians left records stating that 
human-like creatures of extraterrestrial origin had ruled early human society 
as Earth's first monarchs. Those alien people were often thought of as "gods."
 Some people believe that a Supreme Being is behind the vicious Machiavellian 
intentions described in the Bible. However, the idea that a "Custodial" race 
posing as a Supreme Being seems to provide a true breakthrough by pointing to a 
brutal technological society, not a Supreme Being, as the more likely source of 
such warlike machinations.
 On 12/2/2013 2:22 AM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... wrote:
   Santos Bonacci believes that these tribes refer to the twelve signs of the 
zodiac. So, the tribes refer to all human beings who are or were born on earth 
during the 12 months of the year.
 If there are ETs or other human beings in the universe, IMO these entities can 
be classified according to various sectors of the skies that belong to each 
zodiac sign.  Specifically, if there are ETs in the star group of Pleiades, 
they would belong to the sign of Taurus since the star group is located in this 

[FairfieldLife] Naked They Pray

2013-12-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
This is the report that I promised yesterday. In keeping with the 
general tone of this discussion forum, I'd like to start a new thread 
centered on "The Sex Lives of Godmen".

WARNING* This post contains material of a prurient interest. Do NOT 
read if you are sensitive to depravity of a sexual nature. This is 
serious reading; not meant for conservative meditators on the spiritual 

Note: The term 'godmen' here refers not only to cult leaders like Osho, 
but to all yogis, maulvis, bauls, fakirs, gurus, swamis, pastors and 
priests who make mystical claims and hold devotees in awe in order to 
cop a feel, or worse.

Tantra Yoga is all a matter of positioning and placement (no pun 
intended). There's no better way to get in shape for sex than doing yoga 
postures in a hot and sweaty yoga gym downtown with a bunch of good 
lookin' men and women all around you. But, some of the deceitful antics 
of these charlatans should be exposed (again, no pun intended).

So, let's review some of the sex rumors of the Godmen:

There was the Zen Master Rama, who had multiple affairs and then offed 
himself wearing a dog collar. There was the so-called Marshy, who 
reportedly murdered his master so he could get his ring, and then slept 
with his own clerks on a deer-skin rug in front of a painting of his 
guru, SBS. And, there's the Donald at Ananda. Some people probably 
remember the case of Richard Baker, who left two pair of shoes outside 
the door at the Zen Mountain Center. Go figure.

And, who can forget the drunkard Chogyam Trungpa and his Regent, the 
Osel Tendzin?

The Indian Swami Muktananda wore dark glasses and it is alleged molested 
young girls while wearing an orange bed-sheet and a wool cap. Swami 
Satchitananda favored Marlboros and and young girls and then gave the 
invocation at Woodstock. Then, there was the Swami Rama convicted of 
rape, who claimed to be a Shankaracharya from India. An ashram won more 
than $2.5 million after its longtime guru, Kripalu confessed to having 
coitus with sixteen students and leaders. Then there's Gail and that 
Amma book. And, what's up with that John Friend guy?

Not to mention that Swami out in Hays County that was convicted of 
twenty counts of indecency with a child! This is just outrageous!

Works cited:

'The Sex Lives of Godmen'

'Yoga and Sex Scandals: No Surprise Here'

'Shoes Outside the Door'

Read a full report:

"The following report is a preliminary social analysis of the so-called 
'rasavada', a minor deviant Vaishnava sect, and is based on years of 
field studies in the holy land of Braj, India, including personal 
extended ritual participation and gleanings of insider information 
concerning the cult proclivities and other unspecified baula-kama 
practices, and through observation in which various and sundry phrases 
were overheard at camp-meets."

'Rasavada: A Full Report'

'Prakashanand Saraswati'

Read more:

The Legends of Drukpa Kunley:

Other titles of interest:

'Sky Dancer: The Secret Life And Songs Of Lady Yeshe Tsogyel'
by Keith Dowman
Snow Lion, 1984

'Dakini's Warm Breath: The Feminine Principle in Tibetan Buddhism'
by Judith Simmer-Brown
Shambhala, 2002

'The Tantric Body: The Secret Tradition of Hindu Religion
by Gavin D. Flood
Tauris, 2005

'Holy Madness: The Shock Tactics and Radical Teachings of Crazy-Wise 
Adepts, Holy Fools and Rascal Gurus'

by Georg Feuerstein
Penguin Books, 1992

'Obscure Religious Cults'
by S. Das Gupta
Firma KLM, 1976

'Naked They Pray'
by Pearce Gervis
Duell, 1957

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Twelve Tribes of Israel

2013-12-02 Thread jr_esq

 You might find the ideas of Michael Cremo, who supports the antiquity of the 
vedic civilization, interesting.  In short, he is stating that humans today are 
a product of a devolution from highly evolved  humans in the past.


 So, IMO Atlantis and its people can be considered as part of this vedic 
civilization.  They were supposedly highly developed in consciousness and 

---In,  wrote:

 Richard, John or anyone, where does Atlantis fit into this scenario of 
Sumerians? It seems they were an advanced race with highly developed 
technologies. I've not read much about all this but find it fascinating. I also 
wonder how the ancient Vedic civilization fits in with all this.

 On Monday, December 2, 2013 8:54 AM, Richard J. Williams  
 The idea that human beings are a slave race, forced to work inside a human 
body, owned and operated by an alien or extraterrestrial society, is not a new 
one. The Book of Genesis, based on ideas contained in the Sumerian religion, 
describes an advanced society, which flourished around 3500 B.C. 
 Aliens posing as the Gods for a custodial race?
 Like other ancient societies, the Sumerians left records stating that 
human-like creatures of extraterrestrial origin had ruled early human society 
as Earth's first monarchs. Those alien people were often thought of as "gods."
 Some people believe that a Supreme Being is behind the vicious Machiavellian 
intentions described in the Bible. However, the idea that a "Custodial" race 
posing as a Supreme Being seems to provide a true breakthrough by pointing to a 
brutal technological society, not a Supreme Being, as the more likely source of 
such warlike machinations.
 On 12/2/2013 2:22 AM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... wrote:
   Santos Bonacci believes that these tribes refer to the twelve signs of the 
zodiac. So, the tribes refer to all human beings who are or were born on earth 
during the 12 months of the year.
 If there are ETs or other human beings in the universe, IMO these entities can 
be classified according to various sectors of the skies that belong to each 
zodiac sign.  Specifically, if there are ETs in the star group of Pleiades, 
they would belong to the sign of Taurus since the star group is located in this 



Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Why FFL isn't more interesting, in one graphic

2013-12-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
Now this is funny. Why in the world would anyone want a job and have a 
family when they could be posting to Yahoo FFL all day and night? LoL!

You don't want to use your real name because you have children and a 
job, so you need to maintain your privacy. And, the other gal apparently 
has no offspring, and uses her professional name in her sig and as her 
handle, so she can what, drum up more business? Go figure.

On 12/1/2013 9:54 PM, wrote:

Re "People that post here anonymously are not real people.":

Real enough. They pay taxes; have their hearts broken; suffer; 
rejoice; feel guilty; have children . . .

As I've said before, who wants to post on-line using their real name 
when anyone (including their enemies) can then Google their name and 
see what they've been up to; what views they hold; what their 
interests are; what upsets them, etc. On-line anonymity means you 
remain free to disclose to others exactly how much or how little you 
want them to know about you.

Of course, we're living in an age in which people are happy to go on 
TV and reveal to the world their most intimate personal and sexual 
secrets, but count me out thanks!

---In,  wrote:

Good point, Ann. People that post here anonymously are not real 
people, in the sense that they have any real attributes - it could be 
and probably is, just all made up avatars or personas. In that they 
have an advantage over the informants who use their real names. Lot's 
of people have hidden agendas. Often it's just a result of 
frustration. Most people want to be heard, to have a voice, any kind 
of voice, so they can be remembered for at least saying something - 
being famous for at least one second.

Anonymous respondents are usually, but not always, people that 
shouldn't even be posting on the internet in the first place. I 
suspect that many of the secret informants are posting on company time 
using company computers, or they are up to some other nefarious 
activities and don't want to be caught. Others who don't want to use 
their real name may be just trying to hide what they post from their 
significant other. Go figure.

Hoaxers can also post and say just about anything without taking 
taking any personal responsibility for what they say. There's very 
little accountability in some chat rooms and there's not much 
moderation. That's why so many threads here go down the drain so 
quickly - human excrement always flows downstream to a lower level.

That's what happened over on Usenet at  
- the real honest respondents can't defend themselves very well when 
attacked by someone they don't even know from Adam. And, in the end, 
no one really cares what happens on a news group anyway - it's all 
transient. But, there are a few who take pride in anything they do and 
that's where it gets interesting for the serious writers; they learn 
from others no matter what the media.

So, it's really just a game of sorts for people that like to write 
using plain text. Some people just feel better when they have someone 
to talk to. I mean, if the chat-room yakkers had anything better to 
do, they would be doing it, right?

Personal attacks kind of go with the territory. It's fun to make fun 
of people sometimes - but often some respondents take things much too 
seriously and get really personal and hold grudges. People that want 
to post honestly always run the risk of getting slandered and slimmed 
to no end. But, if it's too hot for some people, then should just get 
out of the kitchen!

In my case, I've been building up a data base of 10,000 notes that 
will form my book about spiritual paths (no it won't have anything in 
it about Judy and Barry). LoL!

Read more:

On 12/1/2013 8:04 PM, awoelflebater@... 

If people don't even want to give their real names here how do you 
expect them to want to spill the beans on their own personal deity?!

[FairfieldLife] RE: Re: Hackers

2013-12-02 Thread authfriend
Barry wrote:
 > The ones who stay generally avoid interacting with the stalkers, because

 > they've seen what will happen to *them* if they say something that lands
> them on the stalkers' Enemies List.

 But I'm still here, Barry, despite the hundreds of thousands of posts you've
 made harassing me since we first encountered each other in 1995 on alt.m.t.
 I'm obviously already on your "Enemies List" and have been, again, since
 1995 on alt.m.t. I know you wish I'd give up and leave, but that isn't
 happening, sorry.

 > It's a form of cyberterrorism.

 Yes, I think "cyberterrorist" describes you perfectly.

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: Re: Re: RE: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] Why FFL isn't more interesting, in one graphic

2013-12-02 Thread authfriend
Share tries her hardest to create confusion:

 > Emily, thanks for making it simple for me. Since I'm with my family I don't 
 > have as much time as usual to 
 > read and respond on FFL. Yes, I think Judy used qualifiers in the example 
 > she gave.

 No, I gave no "example," Share. Rather, I quoted a post of mine that you had 
said false things about, for the purpose of showing that they were false. And 
there is no "I think" about whether I used qualifiers in that post. I did use 
qualifiers in that post (not "example"), contrary to your claims in your post 
on Sunday about that post of mine.

 Emily quoted my post quoting your Sunday post, and the post of mine your 
Sunday post was about, below if you need to refresh your memory, but it 
couldn't have been clearer.

 > What I mainly remember is how she initially responded and how she continues 
 > to write to and about me. All 
 > that outweighs that example she posted.

 No, no, Share. You are obfuscating.

 The post of mine I quoted from September 9, 2012, was the one you were 
referring to in your own post on Sunday. That post of yours from Sunday said 
things that were not true about that post of mine.

 The post of mine that you referred to and said false things about was my 
initial response to your own post of September 9, 2012, about your kerfuffle 
with Robin.

 You claimed in your post Sunday that my September 9, 2012, post was the first 
time I had "run [my] game" on you. It isn't true that that was the first time 
we clashed, but I'm not going into that for now.

 The issue of concern to me is the false things you said about that post on 
Sunday, and your refusal to take responsibility for doing so, including your 
attempt to obfuscate the whole business in your post that I'm responding to 
now. The notion that there was some "example" post is a deliberate obfuscation; 
so is your apparent claim that there was some "initial" post different from the 
one you said false things about. We are talking about one single post of mine, 
not three or more.

 > I don't think we are ever going to agree about all this.

 There is no issue of "agreement," only of facts as reflected in the FFL 
archives. You said things that were not true about a post of mine; I proved 
they were not true. It isn't a matter of anybody's opinion. Each of us created 
the respective posts in question by typing the words we wanted to say in them 
with our own fingers on our own keyboards.

 > In that light, I think it's more beneficial for everyone to simply move on 
 > to more interesting topics and let all 
 > that go.

 Here's how we do that, Share: You admit that you said things that were 
false--factually false--about that post of mine of September 9. (It would be 
nice if you'd also apologize for saying those false things, but I don't believe 
you're capable of it.) Once you've taken responsibility for your own words, we 
can let all that go.

 > I also recognize that Judy doesn't intend to do this and I'll deal with that 
 > as best as I can from day to day.


 There's no need for you to deal with it from day to day. You only have to deal 
with it once, as I just outlined. Whatever may go on from day to day will be a 
function of your not having dealt with it.




 False and derogatory things said about other people in "chat rooms" are just 
as false, and just as morally and ethically reprehensible, as false and 
derogatory things said about other people anywhere else. We don't get excused 
from the responsibility to speak the truth just because we're in a chat room.

 ---In,  wrote:

 Well, I couldn't figure out my question either.  Let me rephrase:  "Share, do 
you agree that Judy *did* include qualifiers, including the one you 
specifically mention (sounds like) in the section of said post below that I 
have copied to this one?" 

 Share, this is a yes/no question. I won't take it any further, I promise.  I'm 
paying attention to the feedback I'm getting on how I have been unfairly 
critiquing you, and even worse, I am doing this as a non-TM'er!  

 It is true. I am, in fact, the only person posting here currently who has no 
affiliation with TM, past or present.  I am checking the akashic records to 
make sure that "past" really means "past."  I will consult with a fortune 
teller to determine whether this may be part of my future.  In the meantime, I 
am filling out an application for "resident alien" status and I will get my 
jyotish astrological chart read to glean the most fortuitous time to submit it. 
 Why would I go to all this trouble?  Well, there is a reason.  I think God may 
have something to do with it, but I will do a little prayer and meditation on 
the whole affair before I get back to Bhairitu and Emptybill on their very 
astute questions; I have been here for between 2-3 years now.  I *have* been 
thinking about it, but I'm not that impressed with my mi

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Twelve Tribes of Israel

2013-12-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
Well, it looks like our resident editor is not quite ready to post 
anything except more prattle today. Go figure.

Apparently speech recognition not quite ready for prime time either. So, 
I dictated a reply using Dragon Naturally Speaking with not a single key 
touch, and this makes more sense than what Judy has posted all weekend. 

"Fertile crash ant Uruk Sumer a remarkably innovative despot resume area 
is constructed, elaborate irrigation systems, the racket monumental 
temple zignots to their gods and devise the first law codes to protect 
property and lost her social order.  By wheel and rite and they do we 
all in the fourth millennium B.C. they facilitated travel, trade, and 
economic prosperity. Number the sums sixty divide our circle three sixty 
a brickbat stair link earth to inhab sky anon."

On 12/2/2013 9:43 AM, wrote:

And it's all true, Share. Every last bit of it. I read a book about 
it. And I saw The Matrix too.

Share enthused:

> Richard, John or anyone, where does Atlantis fit into this scenario 
of Sumerians? It seems
> they were an advanced race with highly developed technologies. I've not 
read much about
> allis but find it fascinating. I also wonder how the ancient Vedic 
civilization fits in with all

> this.

On Monday, December 2, 2013 8:54 AM, Richard J. Williams 
The idea that human beings are a slave race, forced to work inside a 
human body, owned and operated by an alien or extraterrestrial 
society, is not a new one. The Book of Genesis, based on ideas 
contained in the Sumerian religion, describes an advanced society, 
which flourished around 3500 B.C.

Aliens posing as the Gods for a custodial race?

Like other ancient societies, the Sumerians left records stating that 
human-like creatures of extraterrestrial origin had ruled early human 
society as Earth's first monarchs. Those alien people were often 
thought of as "gods."

Some people believe that a Supreme Being is behind the vicious 
Machiavellian intentions described in the Bible. However, the idea 
that a "Custodial" race posing as a Supreme Being seems to provide a 
true breakthrough by pointing to a brutal technological society, not a 
Supreme Being, as the more likely source of such warlike machinations.

On 12/2/2013 2:22 AM, jr_esq@...  wrote:

Santos Bonacci believes that these tribes refer to the twelve signs 
of the zodiac. So, the tribes refer to all human beings who are or 
were born on earth during the 12 months of the year.

If there are ETs or other human beings in the universe, IMO these 
entities can be classified according to various sectors of the skies 
that belong to each zodiac sign.  Specifically, if there are ETs in 
the star group of Pleiades, they would belong to the sign of Taurus 
since the star group is located in this constellation.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: Hackers

2013-12-02 Thread Richard J. Williams

Do you have a comment to make about Hackers?

On 12/2/2013 9:26 AM, wrote:

Yes, the liars were really out in force over the weekend, along with 
their defenders. (That's who you were referring to, right?)

Buck wrote:

Yep, Denial-of-service-attacks. DoSa. Yea that is effectively what we 
have for so long had with all the unkindness that some in evident 
method have used to quench and flood out much of any substantial 
discussion on FFL. We've been long suffering with that here. It is 
like as soon as the water settles out to drink they come and flood 
poison over it again in unkind method. Like look at the last week 
again, these pernicious writers were repeatedly given the chance to 
come in from their unkind ways and they are right back at flooding the 
springs with their poison. I hope Rick returns from his travels and 
does something to save the spring that is FFL.

-Buck, on the lone prairie

---In,  wrote:

Richard J writes,

One of the favorite tactics of internet pranksters and hackers is to
'raid' a forum or site, essentially overwhelm it with negative
in large numbers, just for kicks - lulz.
It seems to me that most of these hacker exploits wouldn't be a
if moderators were a bit more diligent in their moderating and

strcpy () is your enemy, strncpy () is your friend. Go figure.

---In,  wrote:

One of the favorite tactics of internet pranksters and hackers
is to
'raid' a forum or site, essentially overwhelm it with negative
in large numbers, just for kicks - lulz.

According to what I've read on 4chan /b/, the "Anonymous
Group" will
conduct a major DDoS, even bigger than the attack on the
Church of
Scientology, which was called "Project Chanology". Thank God
are allowed unlimited posts per week on Yahoo! FFL, or else
we'd be
hacked and shut down by the pirates and the hackers - we've
got to
defend ourselves or it's chaos.

It seems to me that most of these hacker exploits wouldn't be
a problem
if moderators were a bit more diligent in their moderating and
strcpy () is your enemy, strncpy () is your friend. Go figure.

This is another one of those books that needs to be on a
reading list for all IT Security bachelors degrees. Yes, I've
got the
book and the degree, and that's probably the main reason I'm
still alive
and posting.

"Kevin Mitnick was the most elusive computer break-in artist
in history.
He accessed computers and networks at all the world's biggest
- and no matter how fast the authorities were, Mitnick was
sprinting through phone switches, computer systems, and
cellular networks.

As the FBI's net finally began to tighten, Mitnick went on the
engaging in an increasingly sophisticated game of hide and
seek that
escalated through false identities, a host of cities, and
plenty of
close shaves, to an ultimate showdown with the Feds, who would
stop at
nothing to bring him down.

"Ghost in the Wires" is a thrilling true story of intrigue,
and unbelievable escapes - and a portrait of a visionary who
forced the
authorities to rethink the way they pursued him and forced
companies to
rethink the way they protect their their most sensitive
With an introduction by Steve Wozniak.

'Ghost in the Wires'
by Kevin Mitnick
Back Bay Books, 2011

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Twelve Tribes of Israel

2013-12-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
We may have to leave it up to Empty or BillyG to explain Atlantis. But, 
I do know a little about the Levant. The question is, did the Hindus 
help write the Bible?

The entire Levant is probably Vedic influenced. A long time ago the 
Sanskrit speaking Aryans came out of the Caucasus and into Persia on 
their way to India. Their ideology may have given rise to Zoroaster and 
Mani. According to the Bible, Abraham came out of UR and went to Mari to 
marry Sarah (apparently he also had a cook named Hagar) and then they 
went to the Levant with some camels. Not for nothing did they call him 
'Abrahm' and her, 'Sarai" (Brahma and Saraswati).

But, in fact, there is probably no historical 'Abraham' or 'Sarah' who 
came from Ur or Mari, or a Hagar for that matter; it's just a myth, a 
story, to illustrate a political point. There are many myths surrounding 
the person of 'Abraham'.

Read more:

"False testament: archaeology refutes the Bible's claim to history"
by Daniel Lazare
Harper's Magazine , March 2002

Titles of interest:

"Unearthing the Bible"
by Israel Finklestein and Neil Asher Siberman
The Free Press, 2001

"The Mythic Past"
by Thomas L. Thompson
Basic Books, 2001

On 12/2/2013 9:19 AM, Share Long wrote:
Richard, John or anyone, where does Atlantis fit into this scenario of 
Sumerians? It seems they were an advanced race with highly developed 
technologies. I've not read much about all this but find it 
fascinating. I also wonder how the ancient Vedic civilization fits in 
with all this.

On Monday, December 2, 2013 8:54 AM, Richard J. Williams 
The idea that human beings are a slave race, forced to work inside a 
human body, owned and operated by an alien or extraterrestrial 
society, is not a new one. The Book of Genesis, based on ideas 
contained in the Sumerian religion, describes an advanced society, 
which flourished around 3500 B.C.

Aliens posing as the Gods for a custodial race?

Like other ancient societies, the Sumerians left records stating that 
human-like creatures of extraterrestrial origin had ruled early human 
society as Earth's first monarchs. Those alien people were often 
thought of as "gods."

Some people believe that a Supreme Being is behind the vicious 
Machiavellian intentions described in the Bible. However, the idea 
that a "Custodial" race posing as a Supreme Being seems to provide a 
true breakthrough by pointing to a brutal technological society, not a 
Supreme Being, as the more likely source of such warlike machinations.

On 12/2/2013 2:22 AM,  wrote:
Santos Bonacci believes that these tribes refer to the twelve signs 
of the zodiac. So, the tribes refer to all human beings who are or 
were born on earth during the 12 months of the year.

If there are ETs or other human beings in the universe, IMO these 
entities can be classified according to various sectors of the skies 
that belong to each zodiac sign.  Specifically, if there are ETs in 
the star group of Pleiades, they would belong to the sign of Taurus 
since the star group is located in this constellation.

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Twelve Tribes of Israel

2013-12-02 Thread jr_esq

 This sounds like Zachariah Sitchin's idea of the Annunakis, who supposedly 
performed genetic engineering on prehistoric human ancestors to make them look 
like them.  So, in short, the human beings today look like the Annunakis, who 
were the gods that came from the skies.


---In,  wrote:

 The idea that human beings are a slave race, forced to work inside a human 
body, owned and operated by an alien or extraterrestrial society, is not a new 
one. The Book of Genesis, based on ideas contained in the Sumerian religion, 
describes an advanced society, which flourished around 3500 B.C. 
 Aliens posing as the Gods for a custodial race?
 Like other ancient societies, the Sumerians left records stating that 
human-like creatures of extraterrestrial origin had ruled early human society 
as Earth's first monarchs. Those alien people were often thought of as "gods."
 Some people believe that a Supreme Being is behind the vicious Machiavellian 
intentions described in the Bible. However, the idea that a "Custodial" race 
posing as a Supreme Being seems to provide a true breakthrough by pointing to a 
brutal technological society, not a Supreme Being, as the more likely source of 
such warlike machinations.
 On 12/2/2013 2:22 AM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... wrote:
   Santos Bonacci believes that these tribes refer to the twelve signs of the 
zodiac. So, the tribes refer to all human beings who are or were born on earth 
during the 12 months of the year.
 If there are ETs or other human beings in the universe, IMO these entities can 
be classified according to various sectors of the skies that belong to each 
zodiac sign.  Specifically, if there are ETs in the star group of Pleiades, 
they would belong to the sign of Taurus since the star group is located in this 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Black Hats and White Hats

2013-12-02 Thread Richard Williams
The programmer is God and Hackers are the prophets of Information

So, if you are a hacker, it would be evil to not share your data and your
code with the rest of the world, to save mankind from ignorance - a moral
imperative for the hacker. The hacker's world view is libertarian- they
believe that powerful individuals are taking over the Internet and
controlling our thoughts through the media, violating our privacy. All the
while posting reams of information about themselves. Go figure.

"Because he knows the power of the technology he has mastered, he knows how
distressingly fragile the barrier is between freedom and censorship—it’s a
simple matter of who writes the code. Underlying it all was the hacker
belief that the world could be perfected if enough of us tapped society’s
vast reserves of knowledge and put it to proper use."

Read more:

'So Open It Hurts'
What the Internet did to Aaron Swartz
New Republic:

On Sun, Dec 1, 2013 at 8:36 PM, Richard Williams wrote:

> Reuters - A computer hacker was sentenced on Monday to three years and
> five months in prison for stealing the personal data of about 120,000 Apple
> Inc iPad users, including big-city mayors, a TV network news anchor and a
> Hollywood movie mogul...
> 'U.S. computer hacker gets three-and-a-half years for stealing iPad user
> data'
> On Sat, Nov 2, 2013 at 12:42 PM, Richard Williams wrote:
>> "On Thursday, the 21-year old San Antonio native will enter La Tuna
>> Federal Correction Institute in Anthony, TX to begin a one-year and one day
>> sentence for breaching Sony Pictures Entertainment in May 2011 as a member
>> of Anonymous offshoot, LulzSec."
>> 'The $600,000 Joyride'
>> San Antonio Current:
>> On Sat, Oct 19, 2013 at 9:24 AM, Richard Williams 
>> wrote:
>>> Let's see, on the one hand we have the personal privacy advocates, like
>>> Edward Snowden and Wikileak's Julian Assange, and the Electronic Frontier
>>> Foundation.
>>> And, on the other hand we have social networking sites like Mark
>>> Zuckerberg's Facebook and micro blogging sites like Evan Williams's
>>> Twitter.
>>> And, in the middle we've got the FBI, IRS, CIA, NSA, ATF and the HS.
>>> And, you got your black hats and your white hats; you got your hackers
>>> and pirates; and you've got your worms and trojan horses. There's a PC on
>>> every desk, all running Microsoft Windows software.
>>> So, now Obama wants you to log on to a government site and enter all
>>> your personal data. Go figure.
>>> "It also represents a dangerous normalization of ‘governing in the
>>> dark,’ where decisions with enormous public impact occur without any public
>>> input."
>>> 'Snowden Says He Took No Secret Files to Russia'
>>> New York Times:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hackers

2013-12-02 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In,  wrote:
> Yep, Denial-of-service-attacks.

Another form of Denial-of-service is to pick the people one doesn't like
on an Internet forum and harass them with literally hundreds or
thousands of posts for many years until they no longer feel it is worth
posting on the forum. Because every time them do, the stalkers will
start their harassment campaign again.

Many of these victims finally decide that it really isn't worth it to
participate any more because the constant harassment from their stalkers
prevents them from contributing anything of value, so they leave.

The stalkers consider this a "win." More sane people consider it a loss
for the forum, because the people chased away by the stalkers were often
the best and brightest posters.

Others not directly targeted by the stalkers also consider it a loss,
because the stalkers tend to then take over the forum and use it to post
nothing but their own petty grievances and vendettas, drowning out the
interesting discussions other posters originally signed up for. Many of
these "secondary victims" also end up leaving the forum.

The ones who stay generally avoid interacting with the stalkers, because
they've seen what will happen to *them* if they say something that lands
them on the stalkers' Enemies List. In the end, the only people who
interact with the stalkers are the occasional well-meaning person trying
to get them to lighten up and return to sanity (dangerous, because
that's guaranteed to land them on the Enemies List themselves), or the
toadies and groupies who suck up to the primary stalkers, kiss their
asses, and try to emulate and perpetuate their sick behavior.

It's a form of cyberterrorism.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Tips for Nerds

2013-12-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
The three most popular passwords are god, sex, and password. But, not 
particularly in that order. Admins love to use god as their password - 
it gives them a sense of power. Go figure.

On 12/1/2013 10:05 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
> P.S. Always, always ALWAYS be 100% suspicious of any input supplied 
> from another user- check for illegal characters. Instead of if 
> (functionThatReturnsTrue), try if (functionThatReturnsTrue = True).

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Hackers

2013-12-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
Well, I am still alive today, but after this post, I might be hacked, in 
jail, or out on a limb somewhere west of Laramie .

On 12/2/2013 8:56 AM, wrote:

Richard J writes,

One of the favorite tactics of internet pranksters and hackers is to
'raid' a forum or site, essentially overwhelm it with negative rantings
in large numbers, just for kicks - lulz.
It seems to me that most of these hacker exploits wouldn't be a problem
if moderators were a bit more diligent in their moderating and security:

strcpy () is your enemy, strncpy () is your friend. Go figure.

---In,  wrote:

One of the favorite tactics of internet pranksters and hackers is to
'raid' a forum or site, essentially overwhelm it with negative rantings
in large numbers, just for kicks - lulz.

According to what I've read on 4chan /b/, the "Anonymous Group" will
conduct a major DDoS, even bigger than the attack on the Church of
Scientology, which was called "Project Chanology". Thank God respondents
are allowed unlimited posts per week on Yahoo! FFL, or else we'd be
hacked and shut down by the pirates and the hackers - we've got to
defend ourselves or it's chaos.

It seems to me that most of these hacker exploits wouldn't be a problem
if moderators were a bit more diligent in their moderating and security:
strcpy () is your enemy, strncpy () is your friend. Go figure.

This is another one of those books that needs to be on a mandatory
reading list for all IT Security bachelors degrees. Yes, I've got the
book and the degree, and that's probably the main reason I'm still alive
and posting.

"Kevin Mitnick was the most elusive computer break-in artist in history.
He accessed computers and networks at all the world's biggest companies
- and no matter how fast the authorities were, Mitnick was faster,
sprinting through phone switches, computer systems, and cellular networks.

As the FBI's net finally began to tighten, Mitnick went on the run,
engaging in an increasingly sophisticated game of hide and seek that
escalated through false identities, a host of cities, and plenty of
close shaves, to an ultimate showdown with the Feds, who would stop at
nothing to bring him down.

"Ghost in the Wires" is a thrilling true story of intrigue, suspense,
and unbelievable escapes - and a portrait of a visionary who forced the
authorities to rethink the way they pursued him and forced companies to
rethink the way they protect their their most sensitive information."
With an introduction by Steve Wozniak.

'Ghost in the Wires'
by Kevin Mitnick
Back Bay Books, 2011

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: Re: Re: RE: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] Why FFL isn't more interesting, in one graphic

2013-12-02 Thread awoelflebater

---In,  wrote:

 Emily, thanks for making it simple for me. Since I'm with my family I don't 
have as much time as usual to read and respond on FFL. Yes, I think Judy used 
qualifiers in the example she gave. 


 What I mainly remember is how she initially responded and how she continues to 
write to and about me. All that outweighs that example she posted.

 I don't think we are ever going to agree about all this. In that light, I 
think it's more beneficial for everyone to simply move on to more interesting 
topics and let all that go. I also recognize that Judy doesn't intend to do 
this and I'll deal with that as best as I can from day to day.  




Good point. On that note, I am currently enjoying a bowl of Cheerios and 
granola with pear and apple cut up on top. I had some Earl Grey tea earlier 
which I thoroughly enjoy in the mornings. I will probably try and stop in at 
Alexander's to grab a chai tea latte before I have to rush to work after riding.
 I hope your visit with your family is a pleasant one, Share.

 ---In,  wrote:

 Well, I couldn't figure out my question either.  Let me rephrase:  "Share, do 
you agree that Judy *did* include qualifiers, including the one you 
specifically mention (sounds like) in the section of said post below that I 
have copied to this one?" 

 Share, this is a yes/no question. I won't take it any further, I promise.  I'm 
paying attention to the feedback I'm getting on how I have been unfairly 
critiquing you, and even worse, I am doing this as a non-TM'er!  

 It is true. I am, in fact, the only person posting here currently who has no 
affiliation with TM, past or present.  I am checking the akashic records to 
make sure that "past" really means "past."  I will consult with a fortune 
teller to determine whether this may be part of my future.  In the meantime, I 
am filling out an application for "resident alien" status and I will get my 
jyotish astrological chart read to glean the most fortuitous time to submit it. 
 Why would I go to all this trouble?  Well, there is a reason.  I think God may 
have something to do with it, but I will do a little prayer and meditation on 
the whole affair before I get back to Bhairitu and Emptybill on their very 
astute questions; I have been here for between 2-3 years now.  I *have* been 
thinking about it, but I'm not that impressed with my mind, honestly. The 
answer will come and it must be more than "I have a right to be here."  


 Judy presented:   

 But this is what I want to discuss with you today, since you didn't respond to 
what I told you yesterday. You wrote:

 > She said that I did such and such in my post to RWC. She
 > did not qualify with in my opinion or it sounds like or
 > even I think.

 In fact, I said:

 "After all the lovely conversations you'd had with
 him, covering a wide range of themes, that you had
 decided you were going to "suspend communications"
 altogether because of a single remark sure sounded
 like you had felt seriously insulted."


 "Because this post sure doesn't sound to me as
 though you want to do anything but beat up on Robin,
 even after he's taken the blame on himself for *your*
 misunderstanding and apologized at length."

 Then you wrote:

 > Of course she didn't ask me if I was doing such and such. She just 
 > declared that I did such and such as if she could see inside my 
 > head and know, without error, what I had been thinking and feeling.

 In fact, I said:

 "And now you seem to feel even more seriously
 insulted that he's left you a public apology."


 "I couldn't figure out either what your problem
 was with what he had said."


 "For the life of me, I can't see why you're being so

 Now, let's see if you can bring yourself to acknowledge that what you claimed 
yesterday about my September 9 post was not true. (Let's just look at what you 
said about it yesterday, and not try to avoid that issue by shifting attention 
to the merits of the arguments back then, OK?)

---In,  wrote:

 Emily, if you'll forgive me, I can't figure out what this question means; I 
wouldn't blame Share if she couldn't either: 

 Emily wrote:
 > Here is a second question for you:  "How to you remember the posts that Judy 
 > wrote differently than she 
 > wrote them?"  No, this is not a setup.  I am genuinely curious and will take 
 > what you say at face value.



RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: Re: Re: RE: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] Why FFL isn't more interesting, in one graphic

2013-12-02 Thread sharelong60
Emily, thanks for making it simple for me. Since I'm with my family I don't 
have as much time as usual to read and respond on FFL. Yes, I think Judy used 
qualifiers in the example she gave. 


 What I mainly remember is how she initially responded and how she continues to 
write to and about me. All that outweighs that example she posted.

 I don't think we are ever going to agree about all this. In that light, I 
think it's more beneficial for everyone to simply move on to more interesting 
topics and let all that go. I also recognize that Judy doesn't intend to do 
this and I'll deal with that as best as I can from day to day.  




---In,  wrote:

 Well, I couldn't figure out my question either.  Let me rephrase:  "Share, do 
you agree that Judy *did* include qualifiers, including the one you 
specifically mention (sounds like) in the section of said post below that I 
have copied to this one?" 

 Share, this is a yes/no question. I won't take it any further, I promise.  I'm 
paying attention to the feedback I'm getting on how I have been unfairly 
critiquing you, and even worse, I am doing this as a non-TM'er!  

 It is true. I am, in fact, the only person posting here currently who has no 
affiliation with TM, past or present.  I am checking the akashic records to 
make sure that "past" really means "past."  I will consult with a fortune 
teller to determine whether this may be part of my future.  In the meantime, I 
am filling out an application for "resident alien" status and I will get my 
jyotish astrological chart read to glean the most fortuitous time to submit it. 
 Why would I go to all this trouble?  Well, there is a reason.  I think God may 
have something to do with it, but I will do a little prayer and meditation on 
the whole affair before I get back to Bhairitu and Emptybill on their very 
astute questions; I have been here for between 2-3 years now.  I *have* been 
thinking about it, but I'm not that impressed with my mind, honestly. The 
answer will come and it must be more than "I have a right to be here."  


 Judy presented:   

 But this is what I want to discuss with you today, since you didn't respond to 
what I told you yesterday. You wrote:

 > She said that I did such and such in my post to RWC. She
 > did not qualify with in my opinion or it sounds like or
 > even I think.

 In fact, I said:

 "After all the lovely conversations you'd had with
 him, covering a wide range of themes, that you had
 decided you were going to "suspend communications"
 altogether because of a single remark sure sounded
 like you had felt seriously insulted."


 "Because this post sure doesn't sound to me as
 though you want to do anything but beat up on Robin,
 even after he's taken the blame on himself for *your*
 misunderstanding and apologized at length."

 Then you wrote:

 > Of course she didn't ask me if I was doing such and such. She just 
 > declared that I did such and such as if she could see inside my 
 > head and know, without error, what I had been thinking and feeling.

 In fact, I said:

 "And now you seem to feel even more seriously
 insulted that he's left you a public apology."


 "I couldn't figure out either what your problem
 was with what he had said."


 "For the life of me, I can't see why you're being so

 Now, let's see if you can bring yourself to acknowledge that what you claimed 
yesterday about my September 9 post was not true. (Let's just look at what you 
said about it yesterday, and not try to avoid that issue by shifting attention 
to the merits of the arguments back then, OK?)

---In,  wrote:

 Emily, if you'll forgive me, I can't figure out what this question means; I 
wouldn't blame Share if she couldn't either: 

 Emily wrote:
 > Here is a second question for you:  "How to you remember the posts that Judy 
 > wrote differently than she 
 > wrote them?"  No, this is not a setup.  I am genuinely curious and will take 
 > what you say at face value.



RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Twelve Tribes of Israel

2013-12-02 Thread authfriend
And it's all true, Share. Every last bit of it. I read a book about it. And I 
saw The Matrix too.
Share enthused:

 > Richard, John or anyone, where does Atlantis fit into this scenario of 
 > Sumerians? It seems 
 > they were an advanced race with highly developed technologies. I've not read 
 > much about 
 > all is but find it fascinating. I also wonder how the ancient Vedic 
 > civilization fits in with all 
 > this.

 On Monday, December 2, 2013 8:54 AM, Richard J. Williams  
 The idea that human beings are a slave race, forced to work inside a human 
body, owned and operated by an alien or extraterrestrial society, is not a new 
one. The Book of Genesis, based on ideas contained in the Sumerian religion, 
describes an advanced society, which flourished around 3500 B.C. 
 Aliens posing as the Gods for a custodial race?
 Like other ancient societies, the Sumerians left records stating that 
human-like creatures of extraterrestrial origin had ruled early human society 
as Earth's first monarchs. Those alien people were often thought of as "gods."
 Some people believe that a Supreme Being is behind the vicious Machiavellian 
intentions described in the Bible. However, the idea that a "Custodial" race 
posing as a Supreme Being seems to provide a true breakthrough by pointing to a 
brutal technological society, not a Supreme Being, as the more likely source of 
such warlike machinations.
 On 12/2/2013 2:22 AM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... wrote:
   Santos Bonacci believes that these tribes refer to the twelve signs of the 
zodiac. So, the tribes refer to all human beings who are or were born on earth 
during the 12 months of the year.
 If there are ETs or other human beings in the universe, IMO these entities can 
be classified according to various sectors of the skies that belong to each 
zodiac sign.  Specifically, if there are ETs in the star group of Pleiades, 
they would belong to the sign of Taurus since the star group is located in this 



[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: Hackers

2013-12-02 Thread authfriend
Yes, the liars were really out in force over the weekend, along with their 
defenders. (That's who you were referring to, right?)

 Buck wrote:

 Yep, Denial-of-service-attacks. DoSa. Yea that is effectively what we have for 
so long had with all the unkindness that some in evident method have used to 
quench and flood out much of any substantial discussion on FFL. We've been long 
suffering with that here. It is like as soon as the water settles out to drink 
they come and flood poison over it again in unkind method. Like look at the 
last week again, these pernicious writers were repeatedly given the chance to 
come in from their unkind ways and they are right back at flooding the springs 
with their poison. I hope Rick returns from his travels and does something to 
save the spring that is FFL.
 -Buck, on the lone prairie  

 ---In,  wrote:

 Richard J writes,
 One of the favorite tactics of internet pranksters and hackers is to 
'raid' a forum or site, essentially overwhelm it with negative rantings 
in large numbers, just for kicks - lulz.
It seems to me that most of these hacker exploits wouldn't be a problem 
if moderators were a bit more diligent in their moderating and security: 

 strcpy () is your enemy, strncpy () is your friend. Go figure. 

 ---In,  wrote:

 One of the favorite tactics of internet pranksters and hackers is to 
 'raid' a forum or site, essentially overwhelm it with negative rantings 
 in large numbers, just for kicks - lulz.
 According to what I've read on 4chan /b/, the "Anonymous Group" will 
 conduct a major DDoS, even bigger than the attack on the Church of 
 Scientology, which was called "Project Chanology". Thank God respondents 
 are allowed unlimited posts per week on Yahoo! FFL, or else we'd be 
 hacked and shut down by the pirates and the hackers - we've got to 
 defend ourselves or it's chaos.
 It seems to me that most of these hacker exploits wouldn't be a problem 
 if moderators were a bit more diligent in their moderating and security: 
 strcpy () is your enemy, strncpy () is your friend. Go figure.
 This is another one of those books that needs to be on a mandatory 
 reading list for all IT Security bachelors degrees. Yes, I've got the 
 book and the degree, and that's probably the main reason I'm still alive 
 and posting.
 "Kevin Mitnick was the most elusive computer break-in artist in history. 
 He accessed computers and networks at all the world's biggest companies 
 - and no matter how fast the authorities were, Mitnick was faster, 
 sprinting through phone switches, computer systems, and cellular networks.
 As the FBI's net finally began to tighten, Mitnick went on the run, 
 engaging in an increasingly sophisticated game of hide and seek that 
 escalated through false identities, a host of cities, and plenty of 
 close shaves, to an ultimate showdown with the Feds, who would stop at 
 nothing to bring him down.
 "Ghost in the Wires" is a thrilling true story of intrigue, suspense, 
 and unbelievable escapes - and a portrait of a visionary who forced the 
 authorities to rethink the way they pursued him and forced companies to 
 rethink the way they protect their their most sensitive information." 
 With an introduction by Steve Wozniak.
 'Ghost in the Wires'
 by Kevin Mitnick
 Back Bay Books, 2011

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Twelve Tribes of Israel

2013-12-02 Thread Share Long
Richard, John or anyone, where does Atlantis fit into this scenario of 
Sumerians? It seems they were an advanced race with highly developed 
technologies. I've not read much about all this but find it fascinating. I also 
wonder how the ancient Vedic civilization fits in with all this.

On Monday, December 2, 2013 8:54 AM, Richard J. Williams  
The idea that human beings are a slave race, forced to work inside a human 
body, owned and operated by an alien or extraterrestrial society, is not a new 
one. The Book of Genesis, based on ideas contained in the Sumerian religion, 
describes an advanced society, which flourished around 3500 B.C. 

Aliens posing as the Gods for a custodial race?

Like other ancient societies, the Sumerians left records stating
  that human-like creatures of extraterrestrial origin had ruled
  early human society as Earth's first monarchs. Those alien people
  were often thought of as "gods."

Some people believe that a Supreme Being is behind the vicious
  Machiavellian intentions described in the Bible. However, the idea
  that a "Custodial" race posing as a Supreme Being seems to provide
  a true breakthrough by pointing to a brutal technological society,
  not a Supreme Being, as the more likely source of such warlike

On 12/2/2013 2:22 AM, wrote:

>Santos Bonacci believes that these tribes refer to the twelve signs of the 
>zodiac. So, the tribes refer to all human beings who are or were born on earth 
>during the 12 months of the year.
>If there are ETs or other human beings in the universe, IMO these entities can 
>be classified according to various sectors of the skies that belong to each 
>zodiac sign.  Specifically, if there are ETs in the star group of Pleiades, 
>they would belong to the sign of Taurus since the star group is located in 
>this constellation.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Twelve Tribes of Israel

2013-12-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
The idea that human beings are a slave race, forced to work inside a 
human body, owned and operated by an alien or extraterrestrial society, 
is not a new one. The Book of Genesis, based on ideas contained in the 
Sumerian religion, describes an advanced society, which flourished 
around 3500 B.C.

Aliens posing as the Gods for a custodial race?

Like other ancient societies, the Sumerians left records stating that 
human-like creatures of extraterrestrial origin had ruled early human 
society as Earth's first monarchs. Those alien people were often thought 
of as "gods."

Some people believe that a Supreme Being is behind the vicious 
Machiavellian intentions described in the Bible. However, the idea that 
a "Custodial" race posing as a Supreme Being seems to provide a true 
breakthrough by pointing to a brutal technological society, not a 
Supreme Being, as the more likely source of such warlike machinations.

On 12/2/2013 2:22 AM, wrote:

Santos Bonacci believes that these tribes refer to the twelve signs of 
the zodiac. So, the tribes refer to all human beings who are or were 
born on earth during the 12 months of the year.

If there are ETs or other human beings in the universe, IMO these 
entities can be classified according to various sectors of the skies 
that belong to each zodiac sign.  Specifically, if there are ETs in 
the star group of Pleiades, they would belong to the sign of Taurus 
since the star group is located in this constellation.

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Hackers

2013-12-02 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Yep, Denial-of-service-attacks. DoSa. Yea that is effectively what we have for 
so long had with all the unkindness that some in evident method have used to 
quench and flood out much of any substantial discussion on FFL. We've been long 
suffering with that here. It is like as soon as the water settles out to drink 
they come and flood poison over it again in unkind method. Like look at the 
last week again, these pernicious writers were repeatedly given the chance to 
come in from their unkind ways and they are right back at flooding the springs 
with their poison. I hope Rick returns from his travels and does something to 
save the spring that is FFL.
 -Buck, on the lone prairie  

---In,  wrote:

 Richard J writes,
 One of the favorite tactics of internet pranksters and hackers is to 
'raid' a forum or site, essentially overwhelm it with negative rantings 
in large numbers, just for kicks - lulz.
It seems to me that most of these hacker exploits wouldn't be a problem 
if moderators were a bit more diligent in their moderating and security: 

 strcpy () is your enemy, strncpy () is your friend. Go figure. 

 ---In,  wrote:

 One of the favorite tactics of internet pranksters and hackers is to 
 'raid' a forum or site, essentially overwhelm it with negative rantings 
 in large numbers, just for kicks - lulz.
 According to what I've read on 4chan /b/, the "Anonymous Group" will 
 conduct a major DDoS, even bigger than the attack on the Church of 
 Scientology, which was called "Project Chanology". Thank God respondents 
 are allowed unlimited posts per week on Yahoo! FFL, or else we'd be 
 hacked and shut down by the pirates and the hackers - we've got to 
 defend ourselves or it's chaos.
 It seems to me that most of these hacker exploits wouldn't be a problem 
 if moderators were a bit more diligent in their moderating and security: 
 strcpy () is your enemy, strncpy () is your friend. Go figure.
 This is another one of those books that needs to be on a mandatory 
 reading list for all IT Security bachelors degrees. Yes, I've got the 
 book and the degree, and that's probably the main reason I'm still alive 
 and posting.
 "Kevin Mitnick was the most elusive computer break-in artist in history. 
 He accessed computers and networks at all the world's biggest companies 
 - and no matter how fast the authorities were, Mitnick was faster, 
 sprinting through phone switches, computer systems, and cellular networks.
 As the FBI's net finally began to tighten, Mitnick went on the run, 
 engaging in an increasingly sophisticated game of hide and seek that 
 escalated through false identities, a host of cities, and plenty of 
 close shaves, to an ultimate showdown with the Feds, who would stop at 
 nothing to bring him down.
 "Ghost in the Wires" is a thrilling true story of intrigue, suspense, 
 and unbelievable escapes - and a portrait of a visionary who forced the 
 authorities to rethink the way they pursued him and forced companies to 
 rethink the way they protect their their most sensitive information." 
 With an introduction by Steve Wozniak.
 'Ghost in the Wires'
 by Kevin Mitnick
 Back Bay Books, 2011

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: For Emily and Empty

2013-12-02 Thread authfriend
Ah, poor Sam. Beautiful man, beautiful voice. I'd forgotten all about him. 

---In,  wrote: 

 ---In,  wrote:

[FairfieldLife] RE: Hackers

2013-12-02 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Richard J writes,
 One of the favorite tactics of internet pranksters and hackers is to 
'raid' a forum or site, essentially overwhelm it with negative rantings 
in large numbers, just for kicks - lulz.
It seems to me that most of these hacker exploits wouldn't be a problem 
if moderators were a bit more diligent in their moderating and security: 

 strcpy () is your enemy, strncpy () is your friend. Go figure. 

---In,  wrote:

 One of the favorite tactics of internet pranksters and hackers is to 
 'raid' a forum or site, essentially overwhelm it with negative rantings 
 in large numbers, just for kicks - lulz.
 According to what I've read on 4chan /b/, the "Anonymous Group" will 
 conduct a major DDoS, even bigger than the attack on the Church of 
 Scientology, which was called "Project Chanology". Thank God respondents 
 are allowed unlimited posts per week on Yahoo! FFL, or else we'd be 
 hacked and shut down by the pirates and the hackers - we've got to 
 defend ourselves or it's chaos.
 It seems to me that most of these hacker exploits wouldn't be a problem 
 if moderators were a bit more diligent in their moderating and security: 
 strcpy () is your enemy, strncpy () is your friend. Go figure.
 This is another one of those books that needs to be on a mandatory 
 reading list for all IT Security bachelors degrees. Yes, I've got the 
 book and the degree, and that's probably the main reason I'm still alive 
 and posting.
 "Kevin Mitnick was the most elusive computer break-in artist in history. 
 He accessed computers and networks at all the world's biggest companies 
 - and no matter how fast the authorities were, Mitnick was faster, 
 sprinting through phone switches, computer systems, and cellular networks.
 As the FBI's net finally began to tighten, Mitnick went on the run, 
 engaging in an increasingly sophisticated game of hide and seek that 
 escalated through false identities, a host of cities, and plenty of 
 close shaves, to an ultimate showdown with the Feds, who would stop at 
 nothing to bring him down.
 "Ghost in the Wires" is a thrilling true story of intrigue, suspense, 
 and unbelievable escapes - and a portrait of a visionary who forced the 
 authorities to rethink the way they pursued him and forced companies to 
 rethink the way they protect their their most sensitive information." 
 With an introduction by Steve Wozniak.
 'Ghost in the Wires'
 by Kevin Mitnick
 Back Bay Books, 2011

[FairfieldLife] RE: Least likely news story of the decade...

2013-12-02 Thread awoelflebater

---In,  wrote:


 It appears this woman takes after her father.









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