[FairfieldLife] when India was ruled by UK

2011-10-31 Thread anatol_zinc

"Gandhi Speaks the TRUTH" 6mins video… from YT comment ~ "The
similarities between the times when India was  ruled by the British and
the state of the world today are strikingly  similar. The Britishers
would have loved to impose the surveillance  society and tyrannical laws
that exists today, particularly in the US  and UK.

Everyday the media does its best to convince us that a little loss of 
Freedom and Liberty here and there is alright for National Security 
purposes. Terrorism seems to be the Mantra for those in power to control
the actions and thoughts of the populace. The majority is disarmed 
through fear and propaganda about Wars, Pandemics and Economic crises 
that leads to them living in an environment of insecurity and 
hopelessness. Meanwhile, the Government is busy privatizing the gains to
a few and socializing the losses to many, and expanding it's Empire 
overseas with Illegal wars. And, if it senses opposition building in the
public, it makes use of false flag attacks to confuse them and justify 
it's actions.
Gandhi may be dead, but his message still remains as relevant as it  was
more than 50 years ago, and it would serve us well to listen and  ponder
what he had to say when the people of India were being oppressed  by the
tyrannical British Empire. Because, eventually, History might  just
Repeat itself."

[FairfieldLife] “Revealed – the capitalist network that runs the world”

2011-10-31 Thread anatol_zinc
article in NewScientist ~ Physics & Math

"Revealed – the capitalist network that runs the world"

AS PROTESTS against financial power sweep the world this week,  science
may have confirmed the protesters' worst fears. An analysis of  the
relationships between 43,000 transnational corporations has  identified
a relatively small group of companies, mainly banks, with 
disproportionate power over the global economy……


[FairfieldLife] Paramahansa Yogananda and Khechari Mudra

2011-02-24 Thread anatol_zinc


[FairfieldLife] Shanti( Peace ) Mantra

2011-02-24 Thread anatol_zinc

Shanti( Peace ) Mantra


and many other beautiful chant videos
enjoy !

[FairfieldLife] quite an amazing swami Ramakrishnananda + Creative Works of Sharon Janis

2011-02-24 Thread anatol_zinc
quite an amazing swami Ramakrishnananda 
"when you reach peak goal of Hinduism, you are no longer a

quite   an amazing swami, born in Chile, pursued spirituality from young
age   after a transcendental experience...
studied Christianity, Judaism,   Islam, and Buddhism, as well as western
lived/traveled   in India, Middle East, Europe, USA, South America, ...
his   investigation lead him to visit pastors, rabbis, priests, roshis,
gurus,   devotees, mystics, shamans,
guides and masters of different lines,   paths and spiritual beliefs.
It was only after an extensive period of   study of the
Sanātana-dharma in all its different aspects,
that he   adopted Hinduism as his own religion.

eventually found his Guru... and enlightenment... and his Guru allowed
him to study with several other masters...

in   2003 his Master asked him to open an ashram in USA... guess
where...  96  Avenue B, New York, NY 10009   (888) 474-1218, about 1.5
blocks from   where i used to live in Manhattan 1950.

here's one of his satsangs on ganesha the remover of obstacles

here's his powerful chanting the trayambaka mantra

Spiritual Masters of Hinduism

Amma talks to sannyasis


This is a treasure. Thank you.

How are you? Keep up the good work. I deeply appreciate the blessings.

I did Vipassana for 3 days with Goenka Ji. At one point there was a real
inner message.

The question was -what is the purpose of human life? And the answer  we
have known all along now expressed as reality was -'to give love and  to
receive love'. That's it. All else is really noise, and all else must 
flow from this
Bringing Light to the World through Creative Works of Sharon Janis
"Spirituality for Dummies"

scroll down & read more excerpts
scroll down & watch video

this website is a great spiritual resource,
including chanting and devotional singing in Sanskrit & English
has some Christian songs including Lord's Prayer, Hallelujah, Amazing

i like the chanting of Bhagavad Gita in English
and Guru Gita in sanskrit... etc

website of free multimedia spiritual resources

Bringing Light to the World through Creative Works of Sharon Janis   

[FairfieldLife] Awakening going mainstream ?

2010-07-03 Thread anatol_zinc
Awakening going mainstream ?  Michael Hall,
PhD, Clinical Psychologist was  interviewed by Rev. Dr. Arthur Suggs,
WBNG TV, Binghamton, NY  December  2006; 2 short videos :



Michael is so very down to earth and clear that  he can talk to a
reverend very effectively. We could say bridging  spirituality, religion
and the common sense awakening that is happening  worldwide to all kinds
of people without using the language of  spirituality and religion.

Also  there are 6 long videos @ http://nevernothere.com/michael-hall
 from a Silent Retreat in June
2010; all very powerful.

Michael is joined by teacher Bart, a Vietnam  Vet, who started his quest
after experience during combat; http://selfinquiry.org/

And Martgot, http://www.thegreatestlieeverbelieved.com/

All three very effective teachers. Enjoy all 6  videos, hours of
awakening, if you want.

peaceful spacious loving awareness, anatol  [0]  [0]  [0]   

[FairfieldLife] Ramana Maharshi => Robert Adams => Stuart Schwartz

2010-06-26 Thread anatol_zinc

Ramana Maharshi => Robert Adams => Stuart Schwartz

Look into No-thing ~ Ramana Maharshi


Satsang with Stuart~ the current that knows the way ~ everyone's POV
is the right one


Stuart was a student of Robert Adams who was a student of Ramana

Robert Adams That Gap is who you really are


"Silence of the Heart" ~  A Radical Enlightening Path to
Spiritual Awakening and Enlightenment!

"Always remember deep in your heart that all is well and everything is
unfolding as it should.  There are no mistakes anywhere, at any time. 
What appears to be wrong is simply your own false imagination.  That's
all.  You are the Self, that perfect immutable Self.  Nothing else
exists.  Nothing else ever existed.  Nothing else will ever exist. 
There is only one Self and you are That.  Rejoice!"  ~Robert Adams 
(Silence of the Heart Vol 1)

Robert Adams was an American Self-realized master and direct disciple of
Ramana Maharshi  .  Robert
had a powerful awakening experience at 14 years old while taking a math
test in the Bronx, NYC that transformed his life.  He had a vast
experience of illumination, an awakening to realizing that he IS the
God-Self.  Later he was drawn to India's holy mountain of Arunachala,
where he met Ramana in person and remained for the last 3 years of
Ramana's life.

[Robert first spent some time with  Joel S. Goldsmith, of Infinite Way,
who sent him to Yogananda;  after six months with, Yogananda sent Robert
to India to be with Ramana Maharshi]

Through Robert's life, he continuously received the deepest and most
radical understanding of our existence.  He was a living embodiment of
an awakened being.  His message is radical, provocative and can be
easily misunderstood if you are new to your spiritual path and haven't
experienced much meditation.

[FairfieldLife] Current Amma Videos in LA +

2010-06-25 Thread anatol_zinc
Enjoy !

Amma - The 'hugging saint'

Amma in Los Angeles

Hugging saint Amma encourages the compassion of being veg

Amma the Hugging Saint from India! Waiting for her Embrace in Los Angeles... 
California flavor ~ new hippies etc

The Guru Of You TV SHOW ~ Juice Feast +  Green Smoothie

Prayer for Living Waters 

[FairfieldLife] Laughing Buddha

2010-06-25 Thread anatol_zinc


[FairfieldLife] Truth Life Churchill

2010-06-23 Thread anatol_zinc

"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick
themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened." ~ Sir
Winston Churchill

Paraphrase ~

"in life we often stumble upon truth,

but most pick themselves up, brush it off,

and rush to our next appointment,

to defend our POV as if our life dependent on it"

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alien Civilizations => "I Am, therefore I think"

2010-06-22 Thread anatol_zinc

Hi John,

Descartes  actually got it in reverse, it should be or is :

"I Am,  therefore I think"

I Am = Consciousness = Universal Intelligence =  One Life

which supports your above point better, i feel

the  evolutionary theories are OK as far as matter is concerned, up to a
they are never perfect and much of it should really be  referred to as
hypothesis not theories

but, they do NOT  adequately explain the what is or how or where from  
of  life, intelligence, consciousness and awareness

the  problem is easily solved if one hypothesizes
that life-intelligence-awareness  is the source
NOT the byproduct of matter

the hypothesis  that consciousness is a byproduct of the electrical
activity in the  brain,
is to me, being stuck in the Newtonian billiard ball physics;  there are
many physicists who propose otherwise

at least one  should be able to see, from physics and/or spiritual
experiences, that  matter is nothing but light-energy playfully wrapping
itself up in a  bundle which we call particles => molecules => solid

and  how the world of forms appears to us is simply an optical illusion 
created by light [mostly coming from the sun]  bouncing off this and 
that, received by our senses, processed in the brain and interpreted by
the  mind of thoughts-ego-intellect

the mind of thoughts-ego-intellect  are not explainable by science
and neither is LOVE, but this is  another post later

here's an easy & fun book to read,
every other page  is a funny but wise cartoon
"The Game of God" by Hancock &  Brugger

should be able to get it at Amazon for $3 or so
enjoy !

om  namah sivaya, anatol
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "anatol_zinc" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John" jr_esq@ wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Hugo" fintlewoodlewix@ wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu 
> > > > >
> > > > > John wrote:
> > > > > > Awesome to think about.  But where are they?
> > > > > >
> > > > > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h76JFOuCpXI&NR=1
> > > > >
> > > > > What happened here on Earth is probably a meme that like a
> fractal
> > > > > repeats itself throughout the universe.  We're just part of
> > > > > physics.  So civilizations could have developed far ahead of
> as long
> > > > > as they got past overpopulation and oil spills.
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > > Please, see my replies to Edge and Hugo regarding this thread.
> Also, it is not likely that the life in the universe evolved and just
> multiplied itself mechanically to follow the rules of physics.  It is
> more likely that the universe is a participatory or synergistic
> To recoin the phrase, the universe is consciousness.  It can be found
> us and we in it.
> > >
> > >
> > > "More" likely? How could you possibly know?
> > >
> >
> > Because to borrow a phrase from Descartes, "I think.  Therefore, I
> am."  In MMY speak, we as well as the universe/nature operate in the
> following triune synergy: we are the knower; we are the process of
> knowing; and, we are the known.
> >
> Hi John,
> Descartes actually got it in reverse, it should be or is :
> "I Am, therefore I think"
> I Am = Consciousness = Universal Intelligence = One Life
> which supports your above point better, i feel
> the evolutionary theories are OK as far as matter is concerned, up to
> point;
> they are never perfect and much of it should really be referred to as
> hypothesis not theories
> but, they do NOT adequately explain the what is or how or where from 
> life, intelligence, consciousness and awareness
> the problem is easily solved if one hypothesizes
> that life-intelligence-awareness is the source
> NOT the byproduct of matter
> the hypothesis that consciousness is a byproduct of the electrical
> activity in the brain,
> is to me, being stuck in the Newtonian billiard ball physics; there
> many physicists who propose otherwise
> at least one should be able to see, from physics and/or spiritual
> experiences, that matter is nothing but light-energy playfully
> itself up in a bundle which we call particles => molecules => solid
> matter
> and how the world of forms appears to us is simply an optical illusion
> created by light [mostly coming from the sun]  bouncing off this and
> that, received by our senses, processed in the brain and interpreted
> the mind of thoughts-ego-intellect
> the mind of  thoughts-ego-intellect are not explainable by science
> and neither is LOVE, but this is another post later
> here's an easy & fun book to read,
> every other page is a funny but wise cartoon
> "The Game of God" by Hancock & Brugger
> should be able to get it at Amazon for $3 or so
> enjoy !
> om namah sivaya, anatol

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alien Civilizations could be One Million Years Ahead of Earth

2010-06-22 Thread anatol_zinc

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Hugo" fintlewoodlewix@ wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > John wrote:
> > > > > Awesome to think about.  But where are they?
> > > > >
> > > > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h76JFOuCpXI&NR=1
> > > >
> > > > What happened here on Earth is probably a meme that like a
> > > > repeats itself throughout the universe.  We're just part of the
> > > > physics.  So civilizations could have developed far ahead of us
as long
> > > > as they got past overpopulation and oil spills.
> > > >
> > >
> > > Please, see my replies to Edge and Hugo regarding this thread. 
Also, it is not likely that the life in the universe evolved and just
multiplied itself mechanically to follow the rules of physics.  It is
more likely that the universe is a participatory or synergistic entity. 
To recoin the phrase, the universe is consciousness.  It can be found in
us and we in it.
> >
> >
> > "More" likely? How could you possibly know?
> >
> Because to borrow a phrase from Descartes, "I think.  Therefore, I
am."  In MMY speak, we as well as the universe/nature operate in the
following triune synergy: we are the knower; we are the process of
knowing; and, we are the known.

Hi John,

Descartes actually got it in reverse, it should be or is :

"I Am, therefore I think"

I Am = Consciousness = Universal Intelligence = One Life

which supports your above point better, i feel

the evolutionary theories are OK as far as matter is concerned, up to a
they are never perfect and much of it should really be referred to as
hypothesis not theories

but, they do NOT adequately explain the what is or how or where from  of
life, intelligence, consciousness and awareness

the problem is easily solved if one hypothesizes
that life-intelligence-awareness is the source
NOT the byproduct of matter

the hypothesis that consciousness is a byproduct of the electrical
activity in the brain,
is to me, being stuck in the Newtonian billiard ball physics; there are
many physicists who propose otherwise

at least one should be able to see, from physics and/or spiritual
experiences, that matter is nothing but light-energy playfully wrapping
itself up in a bundle which we call particles => molecules => solid

and how the world of forms appears to us is simply an optical illusion
created by light [mostly coming from the sun]  bouncing off this and
that, received by our senses, processed in the brain and interpreted by
the mind of thoughts-ego-intellect

the mind of  thoughts-ego-intellect are not explainable by science
and neither is LOVE, but this is another post later

here's an easy & fun book to read,
every other page is a funny but wise cartoon
"The Game of God" by Hancock & Brugger

should be able to get it at Amazon for $3 or so
enjoy !

om namah sivaya, anatol

[FairfieldLife] Foods That Kill

2010-06-21 Thread anatol_zinc

Foods That Kill - Part 1 of 6


after five minutes of video see your cheeseburger in your blood stream

Rick, you may want Jim to see this.

[FairfieldLife] Eating can kill you !

2010-06-21 Thread anatol_zinc

Eating can kill you !

And it does, but not before it makes you suffer from all sort of
diseases from eating the wrong foods.

"More die in the United States of too much food than of too
little" —John Kenneth  Galbraith


personally not familiar with this specific plant based diet referred to
in the video;

however, I have been a vegan for 39 years and for the last 9 years have
enjoyed the benefits of a plant based diet "Eat to Live" by Dr
Joel Fuhrman MD www.drfuhrman.com    who has
helped thousands reverse obesity, overweight, heart, diabetes,
allergies, arthritis, and many others, and helps to prevent cancer;
here's one of his patients with type-1 diabetes :

enjoy !

[FairfieldLife] Mother Earth Oil Spill Invocation

2010-06-21 Thread anatol_zinc

Mother Earth Oil Spill Invocation

Why not try prayer? Everything else is not working !


Invocation For Mother Earth by Anrita Melchizedek
www.pleiadianlight.net. Music by Mike Hammer/Yahoel
www.michaelhammer.com Creative production by Adele Selina.

Invocation. I call upon the Company of Heaven,
Nature Intelligence and Mother Earth,
The Dolphins and Whales, and all Sea Beings of the Light,
To assist in calming the oceans of the this world,

To assist in stopping the "bleeding of Grandmother Earth",
To assist all the sea creatures who have experienced distress,
And to stabilize the Ocean beds of the Earth plane,
Primarily in the Gulf of Mexico.

I connect through the Unity Grid of Light,
The crystalline grid of Light within and around this earth plane,
To all the Light workers and Beings of Light along this grid.
I assist through the Flame of unconditional Love,
In creating a vortex of Light within and around this area.
I bring through the Pink Flame of Love,
The Violet Transmuting Flame of Forgiveness and transformation,
And the White Light of the Christed One.

I am the Heartbeat of this Earth,
One with Mother Earth,
One with all Life.
I trust and surrender to all that Is,
Knowing the difference that I make as part of this Collective of Light.

I Am Wisdom
I Am Light
And I Am Love.
I Am the magnificence of Creation through Service in Love,
Bringing about changes to this Earth plane,
For all Life to live in harmony, peace, abundance, Love and through the
Grace of Mother/Father God.

[FairfieldLife] Beautiful Powerful Prayers for Living Waters

2010-06-21 Thread anatol_zinc

Beautiful Powerful Prayers for Living Waters


Namaste. . . Please join and pray for healing our living waters.

1) Deva Premal - Om Asatoma,
2) White Eagle Medicine Woman - Global Prayer for Living Waters,
3) Jeff Wolpert - Skimming the Waves,
4) Cristine Mag Strasser - Om Shanti, Lokah Samasta,
5) Hoʻoponopono healing and cleansing prayer
6) Quotes by Amma, Amritanandamayi,

Hoʻoponopono (ho-o-pono-pono) is an ancient Hawaiian practice of
reconciliation and forgiveness.

om namah sivaya !

[FairfieldLife] Rachel Maddow on BP stuff

2010-06-19 Thread anatol_zinc

Rachel Maddow on BP stuff

[FairfieldLife] Re: God is objective and scientific ! => hey Hugo, you quit too soon

2010-06-16 Thread anatol_zinc
hey Hugo, you quit too soon and missed the good part; you keep asking
for proof of one spiritual principle; here i  give you one and ask you
to become a real scientist in your own life not in your head believing

When I was a physicist, 39 years ago, I would wonder how can people
understand anything about life and the universe without having the
understating that is available to scientists in terms of math, formulas,
principles, logic. But, when at age 31, my first huge personal problem
arose, plunging me into deep depression, my physics was useless. I went
to the university psychologist and wondered if I had studied the wrong
science? But just for a short time, because it was only of little help.

But what really helped, were these miraculous things:

1)Very long walks and watching my thoughts unravel, all the good the
bad and the ugly with some insights

2)Reading J. Krishnamurti's "Think on These Things" which not only
transformed my deep depression into  "joy without a reason" sort of like
"the peace that passeth all understanding" ; there definitely was some
shift in my perception of life and world, a lot more really then physics

3)Starting TM, immediately I had excess to a more peaceful  mind

4)Spending one month with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi; the feeling was
"don't know if what he says is valid; but, definitely know that I am
experiencing something new which I can only call "love" not personal,
hard to define, like some presence that is just there, not thoughts in
the head, a very subtle feeling  but more real then the gross field of

5)Several months later experience of awareness resting in the heart
without thoughts; just peace and love; the love was so intense had to be
God's Love as in "God is Love." This definitely was experiential proof 
of the spiritual principle "God is Love" as real as any physics
experiment, actually a lot more real

So that is how I went from studying the science of physics to not only
studying but also living the science of spirituality, the only science
that includes all the other sciences. So, from this perspective, I can
appreciate all the other fields of knowledge, from material science to
art, music, poetry or whatever as each being valid but not superior to
another; no competition; nothing wins unless all win; if only one wins,
sure disaster as in oil spill

The ultimate quest, whether spiritual, philosophical or scientific, is
"Who the heck Am I?"

Thanks for listening.

Om Namah Sivaya,


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Hugo" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "anatol_zinc" anatol_zinc@
> >
> >
> >   God is objective and scientific
> >
> > according to theoretical  physicist Dr Amit Goswami, PhD :
> >
> >   "It's objective and it's scientific. You can call it God if you
> > want, but you don't have to. Quantum consciousness will do.
> > Nonlocality, tangled hierarchy, and discontinuity: these signatures
> > quantum consciousness have been independently verified by leading
> > researchers worldwide. This experimental data and its conclusions
> > us that it is the mistaken materialist view that is at the center of
> > most of our worlds problems today. To address these problems, we now
> > have a science of spirituality that is fully verifiable and
> > objective."
> Funny thing is the world he describes was discovered scient-
> ifically via theory and experimentation, it bears no relation
> to any of the ancient texts I ever read. Which is the point
> I've been making, received wisdom doesn't actually teach us
> anything meaningful about the objective (or even subjective)
> world you need careful experiments to do that.
> Just changing the name of a poorly understood level of nature
> to "god" doesn't prove that the ancients were right about
> anything *unless* they both predicted the parameters we are
> now discovering *and* can show that this level of nature actually
> has any of the traditionally associated features of a supreme
> being.
> Until then I think what they are doing is ascribing the term
> "god" to something they don't fully understand as a way of
> hopefully explaining it. Which historically has been god's
> job, it's just now, thanks to scientific enquiry, his job doesn't
> include much at all beyond controlling the trajetory of a few
> sub-atomic particles and making it all look random.
> > From : http://www.amitgoswami.org/ <http://www.amitgoswami.org/>
> And I recognise this guy from "what the bleep do we know?" Not
> what I'd cal

[FairfieldLife] Lord Shiva Destroyer of Ignorance

2010-06-15 Thread anatol_zinc

In vedic science the trinity of

1) brahma the creator

2) vishnu the maintainer

3) shiva the destroyer

correspond to the three mathematical operators in quantum field theory:
1) creation operator

2) maintenance operator

3) annihilation operator

See reference which however does not mention the maintenance operator
for some reason, which I have seen in my former life as a physicist:


anyways, in vedic science these impulses of nature are personalized and
put to music making them a lot more accessible to the common man without
a PhD in physics;  and a lot more fun; enjoy

Om Namah Shivaya (DHUN) (Must Listen) ( New Part )


Om Hrim Namah Sivaya,


[FairfieldLife] prayer for Gulf Waters from water scientist

2010-06-15 Thread anatol_zinc

from: http://www.masaru-emoto.net/english/dr.emotos_message_2.html

Dr. Masaru Emoto, the scientist from Japan who has done extensive 
research about
the characteristics of water and how, among other things, water 
responds to emotions, has proposed a prayer for the Gulf situation 
ending with
the Hawaiian Ho'oponopono prayer at the end :)

"I send the energy of love and gratitude to the water and all the living
creatures in the Gulf of Mexico and its surroundings. To the whales, 
pelicans, fish, shellfish, plankton's, corals, algae and all living
creatures.I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you."

We are not powerless. We are powerful. Our united energy, speaking this 
daily...multiple times dailycan literally shift the balance of 
that is happening.

We don't have to know how..we just have to recognize that the power 
of love
is greater than any power active in the Universe today.

Now let's give energy of love and gratitude to all the living creatures 
Mexico Gulf by praying like this.

To whales, dolphins, pelicans, fishes, shellfishes, planktons, corals, 
algae and
all creatures ion Gulf of Mexico.

I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.

[FairfieldLife] God is objective and scientific !

2010-06-15 Thread anatol_zinc

  God is objective and scientific

according to theoretical  physicist Dr Amit Goswami, PhD :

  "It's objective and it's scientific. You can call it God if you
want, but you don't have to. Quantum consciousness will do.
Nonlocality, tangled hierarchy, and discontinuity: these signatures of
quantum consciousness have been independently verified by leading
researchers worldwide. This experimental data and its conclusions inform
us that it is the mistaken materialist view that is at the center of
most of our worlds problems today. To address these problems, we now
have a science of spirituality that is fully verifiable and

>From : http://www.amitgoswami.org/ 

Let me clarify that I don't know if I subscribe to Goswami POV 100%
in details, because I have not studied him thoroughly & because it is my
POV that each of us( 7billion) has a unique POV just as no two
snowflakes are alike; of course there are similarities and groups of
agreement will form etc…

now for my( anatol's ) perspective:

As in religion, so in science there is not one body of knowledge out
there with the idealistic imaginative concepts that the devotees of
science have about it. As in religion, these devotees have not really
delved into it much but rather cling to their idealistic imaginative
concepts about science, or religion. And so we have the current new
religion called science.

But, again as in religion, science cannot exist without the scientists,
the new priests of the new religion. So, above I have given a link to
one of the interesting scientists, perhaps a mystic just as there are
mystics in the fields of religion and spirituality who share the real
eternal universal principles both by word and experience.

When I was a physicist, 39 years ago, I would wonder how can people
understand anything about life and the universe without having the
understating that is available to scientists in terms of math, formulas,
principles, logic. But, when at age 31, my first huge personal problem
arose, plunging me into deep depression, my physics was useless. I went
to the university psychologist and wondered if I had studied the wrong
science? But just for a short time, because it was only of little help.

But what really helped, were these miraculous things:

1)Very long walks and watching my thoughts unravel, all the good the
bad and the ugly with some insights

2)Reading J. Krishnamurti's "Think on These Things"
which not only transformed my deep depression into  "joy without a
reason" sort of like "the peace that passeth all
understanding" ; there definitely was some shift in my perception of
life and world, a lot more really then physics did

3)Starting TM, immediately I had excess to a more peaceful  mind

4)Spending one month with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi; the feeling was
"don't know if what he says is valid; but, definitely know that
I am experiencing something new which I can only call "love" not
personal, hard to define, like some presence that is just there, not
thoughts in the head, a very subtle feeling  but more real then the
gross field of perceptions

5)Several months later experience of awareness resting in the heart
without thoughts; just peace and love; the love was so intense had to be
God's Love as in "God is Love." This definitely was
experiential proof  of the spiritual principle "God is Love" as
real as any physics experiment, actually a lot more real

So that is how I went from studying the science of physics to not only
studying but also living the science of spirituality, the only science
that includes all the other sciences. So, from this perspective, I can
appreciate all the other fields of knowledge, from material science to
art, music, poetry or whatever as each being valid but not superior to
another; no competition; nothings wins unless all win; if only one wins,
sure disaster as in oil spill

The ultimate quest, whether spiritual, philosophical or scientific, is
"Who the heck Am I?"

Thanks for listening.

Om Namah Sivaya,


[FairfieldLife] Re: Science will win what ?

2010-06-14 Thread anatol_zinc

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Hugo"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "anatol_zinc"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > Science will win what ?
> Science will win the race to explain what the universe is and
> where it came from.
> >>>>

dear hugo, the ancient Vedic Sages( real scientists in my POV ) have already 
done that and since then, there have always been and currently are some 
self-realized mystics, yogis, saints and sages to confirm and pass on the 
eternal universal principles of life and source and their oneness. 

at this period of time, there seems to be an upsurge of folks, even many 
ordinary walking amongst us, that are awakening to these eternal universal 
principles and sharing their self-realization experiences on Rick's batgap.com, 
Richard Miller's nevernothere.com, conscious.tv, mooji.com, 
satsangwithstuart.com, many teachers on youtube, and many other websites, 
Adyashanti, Eckhart Tolle, sufi mystic Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, 

oh, great saints like amma.org, karunamayi.org, shreemaa.org, others

why not start and do your own research like the ancients did and arrive at your 
own conclusions instead of arguing who is right or wrong and relying on 
external knowledge which is constantly changing

 ask yourself "who am I?" and listen sincerely
clue: the real answer is non-verbal, it's called self-realization

om namah sivaya,

[FairfieldLife] Intro to Supreme Science

2010-06-13 Thread anatol_zinc
Intro to Supreme Science

Leonard Jacobson used to be a judge 
and so truth expresses through him with clarity and simplicity

The two dimensions of ego 

True Awakening, Part 2

"Hi Evuliennka, The sudden awakening that you experienced is a blessing and a 
gift. But it can also make living in the world difficult at times. That is why 
I teach a two step path of awakening. The first step is Presence. To be present 
is simple and immediate. At the deepest level, it is the fully awakened state, 
which reveals Oneness and Is-ness. The second step is Mastery of your mind and 
ego! This is a process which occurs over time.
It involves bringing consciousness to all the ways you are involuntarily pulled 
out of Presence. It includes the resistance of the ego, judgment of yourself 
and others, repressed emotions, and losing yourself in others. Mastery of the 
mind and ego enables you to become fundamentally established in Presence. It 
enables you to play easily in the world of time without getting lost there. It 
is a process of integration and it is essential in true awakening. Blessings, 
Leonard Jacobson" 

The ego's surrender 

The Healing Power of Presence 

Liberating Jesus, DVD trailer of Leonard Jacobson's provocative one man play


[FairfieldLife] Re: Science will win what ?

2010-06-12 Thread anatol_zinc
Technology uses and misuses Science.
Science, technology, government, business and society are all
intertwined and not so
separate and abstract. Government and business grants have a lot to do
what scientists research that might be favorable to war technology for
Because the misuse is so heavy on the scale,
was another of the several factors why i left my physics career 39 years
and pursued the science of spirituality instead.

om namah sivaya,
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jason  wrote:
> Â
> Â Â Â Â Â  There is a difference between Science and
> Technology.  the Technology is based on duality.Â
> Science is pure abstract knowledge.
> >>>

[FairfieldLife] Science will win what ?

2010-06-12 Thread anatol_zinc

Science will win what ?

Quote from some previous post: "science will win because it

What an absurd and meaningless thing to say. Doesn't everything
work? Everything that happens works, but not necessarily for good.

Mindless entertainment works to keep people mindless; does that mean it

Let's see how science works:

Nuclear bombs work,  gas chambers, thousands of dangerous chemicals,
nuclear plants work very well at producing dangerous radiation waste,
suicidal processed foods, can dig oil wells so deep cannot control them,
go to the moon (what the heck for),  produce weapons for war, transplant
organs for a few at a staggering cost while billions go hungry,….

Obviously, I'm leaving out some of the good stuff, to make this
point because it does appear that survival of human race is at risk.

Like Einstein said the mind is a terrible master, but can be a
wonderful/good servant. Good servant to what? From my own experience and
observation of world, the mind( thinking itself the master and believing
only in material science or only in dogmatic religion) is the creator of
all the problems; whereas the heart is the seat of all the solutions
being the source of intuition which Einstein talked so favorably about.

Here are some Einstein quotes:

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is
limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces
the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and

  "Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you

"Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile."  [sounds
like Amma]

"The only real valuable thing is intuition."

"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well

And an article by Einstein on Religion and Science @


I do not agree with Einstein completely, because I have confidence that
the greatest scientists were and are the ancient sages and the current
sages. But, at least this article shows that Einstein did not think of
"Science VS Religion" but saw the necessity of  both, each at
its best, should  complement each other for beneficial progress and
survival of the human race.

I do see edg's point about using famous people's quotes as
somewhat a selective and questionable process and will contemplate on
that …

Om Shanti,


[FairfieldLife] Re: Einstein was a man of faith !

2010-06-12 Thread anatol_zinc

OK, Hugo,

You are entitled to your POV, just like the rest of us. If it makes you
happy, more power to you. If not, maybe go outside your fixed POV and
explore a little; that's what real scientist do;  get a hug from
Amma or whatever.

Let me repeat myself from a previous post with a few additions [] :

>From my observation, people define "God" in a limited way and
say I don't believe in such a "God."  Well good for them!
[but basically they are arguing with their own definitions]  How about
we define "God" as the unbounded infinite
awareness/consciousness/supreme-intelligence in which all phenomena
appears, persists temporarily short or long, and disappears? Hmm. May
take a little honest persistent investigation, real science free from
the limitations of fear [and fixed definitions of science, fixed
definitions of religion, fixed definitions of spirituality]

Added comment: or we can let go of all definitions, and start observing
with our own awareness, our own existence, and see where that leads us;
observe and notice without preconceptions not only the forms and noise
but also that which is formless and noiseless.

Maharishi encouraged physicists in the 70's and 80's that it
should be possible to fulfill Einstein's dream of formulating
Unified Field theories. And they did come up with what are called string
theories, if I remember correctly. And it's interesting that the
attributes of the Unified Field string theories basically was/is the
same as the attributes of the God of the mystics or even that of the
core essence of religions if you know where to look ~ a field of seeming
unmanifest nothingness with attributes of
omnipresence-omniscience-omnipotence in which and from which all
manifest creation arises.

Or as many current teachers say,  "by giving up all definitions, all
preconceptions, self-realize the awareness which may seem initially as
total emptiness/nothingness and then observe that it contains
everything."  In other words, don't juts rely on science and
scientist external to yourself, become a real scientist yourself and
experience truth rather that try to define it, which of course you can
always do later for the fun of communicating.

Observe, record, reason, take a break, allow thoughts to stop, allow
intuition, have confidence in your own intuition, observe without
thoughts, repeat, have fun, be happy, get a hug once a year; this is my

peaceful spacious loving awareness,


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Hugo" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "anatol_zinc" anatol_zinc@
> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Hugo" 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "anatol_zinc" anatol_zinc@
> > wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Einstein's theory of General Relativity  predicted that light
> > bend bypassing a massive planet like the Sun. That was the only
> > experiment for his untested theory at the time since there were no
> > lasers, etc.
> > > >
> > > > Einstein was asked what if the experiment proves his theory
> > He said that would mean the experiment was not done properly.
> > > >
> > > > Amen !
> > >
> > > HUGO:
> > > Wrong about the faith part I'm afraid. That was a measure simply
> > > of how confident he was about his theory of gravity and light.
> > > ..
> > > >>>
> >
> > OK Hugo, so you see a big difference between the word faith and the
> > confidence.
> Not really, but you were implying Einstein was religious
> about science when he wasn't at all. I guess the difference
> between faith in god and confidence in his theory is that
> his theory was always testable when the existence of a god
> of any sort appears not to be.
> One can therefore have confidence in one's theories but
> one can only have faith in god.
> > Well I'm no psychic,
> I don't believe anyone is. And I am confident about that :-)
> > So let me guess, you might say "I have confidence in myself and
> > no-faith in God." Well what if, myself = God and confidence = faith?
> > You can see how absurd the above assertion is.
> I would say I have occasional confidence in myself and no
> faith that there is a god. Couldn't see the point really,
> god is a bit of a failed hypothesis as far as I'm concerned,
> I've read all the holy books and god seems like a part of
> cultures that are so distant it's hard to say what god
> actually was 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Einstein was a man of faith !

2010-06-11 Thread anatol_zinc

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Hugo" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "anatol_zinc" anatol_zinc@
> >
> >
> > Einstein's theory of General Relativity  predicted that light would
bend bypassing a massive planet like the Sun. That was the only feasible
experiment for his untested theory at the time since there were no
lasers, etc.
> >
> > Einstein was asked what if the experiment proves his theory wrong?
He said that would mean the experiment was not done properly.
> >
> > Amen !
> Wrong about the faith part I'm afraid. That was a measure simply
> of how confident he was about his theory of gravity and light.
> ..
> >>>

OK Hugo, so you see a big difference between the word faith and the word
confidence. Well I'm no psychic, but let me try to guess what's
on your mind: you associate faith with religion and confidence with
reason; correct me if I'm wrong.

For me no such distinctions exist. Faith and confidence are synonyms;
check your dictionary; their meaning does not, or at least in my POV
should not, depend on who or what you have confidence and faith in.

Furthermore, it is my confidence that each of us( 7billion ) is entitled
to our unique POV which may have similarities but are different just
like no two snowflakes are alike.

On the other hand, there are what I call universal principles of life,
which apply equally to everyone and everything ~ religion, science,
spirituality, commonsense daily life, all sorts of life-work-styles…
all are subject to the same universal principles of life.

In my 2cents POV, you can have faith/confidence in a theory, in
yourself, in God whatever your conception is, faith in no-God, no-faith
in God, in your opinion, in math, science, war, peace, your cell phone,
your friends, etc

So let me guess, you might say "I have confidence in myself and
no-faith in God." Well what if, myself = God and confidence = faith?
You can see how absurd the above assertion is.

It's like the atheist said "I did not believe in God, until I
found out I am God"

Of course you are aware that a dictionary will have several shades of
meaning of any one wordbut a word is always defined in terms of
other words…and so, we end up with synonyms…I won't bother
you with detailed dictionary definitions, but just give you a summary of
synonyms from looking up the three words confidence, faith, belief :


Or, faith, confidence, belief, trust are all basically same thing
meaning a strong conviction or a strong opinion.

One may have to contemplate this a little to realize that what some
people die for… faith, confidence, belief, trust, conviction… 
may really be just ones stubborn OPINION, a POV !

Like Stuart says "everyone's POV is right… from their


  enjoy stuart's video, anatol

[FairfieldLife] The Most IMPORTANT Video You'll Ever See (part 1 of 8)

2010-06-10 Thread anatol_zinc
please be patient, part 2 of 8 gets more and more interesting

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-QA2rkpBSY part 1 of 8

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pb3JI8F9LQQ part 2 of 8


[FairfieldLife] Einstein was a man of faith !

2010-06-10 Thread anatol_zinc

Einstein's theory of General Relativity  predicted that light would bend 
bypassing a massive planet like the Sun. That was the only feasible experiment 
for his untested theory at the time since there were no lasers, etc.

Einstein was asked what if the experiment proves his theory wrong? He said that 
would mean the experiment was not done properly.

Amen !

[FairfieldLife] William Samuel an Awakened Soldier

2010-06-08 Thread anatol_zinc

amazing,  [0] William Samuel [0]  was decades ahead of his time talking
about "awakening" in  the same terminology that is spreading
throughout  the world by  currently living "advaita" teachers

enjoy, anatol  

[FairfieldLife] Amma sings beautiful bhajan

2010-06-08 Thread anatol_zinc

Amma untan bhajan - sing along


[FairfieldLife] Amma in the news + tour schedule

2010-06-08 Thread anatol_zinc

Currently Amma is on tour in America and will end in Canada July 22;
schedule http://amma.org/tours/amma-tours/n_america.html

Amma on Good Morning America ~

Amma in Chicago ~ 

Amma on Nightline http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmwTat4dd94

Amma on CNN ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7zxg8IMqnM

Amma in NY ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeqitNFuP1A&feature=related

Amma on ABC 20/20 ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkznW59_-Rc

Amma on Fox news ~ [amazing, even Fox got it right for once]


[FairfieldLife] LOVE is the only solution, the only true religion !

2010-06-05 Thread anatol_zinc
LOVE is the only solution, the only true religion !

Amma replies that Her religion is Love when asked what her religion  is.
Also, it seems to me that Love is what Christ, Buddha, Krishna and  many
saints lived and taught; they did not directly create Christianity, 
Buddhism, Hinduism, etc, the followers did.

However, what we see in the world is selfishness leading to what…it 
seems the whole world is bent on a suicide mission with thousands of 
harmful chemicals, processed foods, wars, mindless technological 
ambitions, careless use of Mother Earth's resources, "health
care" for  profit, hypocrisy, everything for profit…

The following is my attempt at understanding Love from my own 
experiences, from Amma and others in view of what is happening in the 
world. Bear in mind that this is merely my POV at this time and I 
believe that each one of us( 7 billion ) has a unique POV sort of like 
no two snowflakes are alike; on the other hand, there is commonality in 
what is called the universal eternal spiritual principles which I want 
to focus on here:

it is said that "there is nothing but  God and that God is Love"
and that LOVE is what we really are

LOVE is our essential nature, our real identity

if this is not our experience, at least some glimpses here and there,
there must be something blocking that

it is the mind that either can be used as a tool to search for TRUTH 
which is

or, the mind can be misused to veil and block LOVE
This happens when the intellect has decided that it is capable of 
knowing TRUTH without LOVE
which is not possible because LOVE is TRUTH

it seems to me: LOVE is the highest truth; not facts, not science

no matter how clever, no matter how scientific,
no matter how clear and true intellectual knowledge seems to be,
no matter what the "facts" seem to be,
without LOVE, FEAR will be present
FEAR veils LOVE and blocks LOVE from flowing

without a firm resting in the heart, it is simply the nature of 
mind-intellect-ego, as a continuous stream of thoughts in the head, to 
create more and more knowledge, perhaps with the best of intellectual 
intentions,  until complexity, confusion, and all sort of frustrating 
problems arise; then the intellect is engaged in trying to solve the 
problems which it helped to create in the first place; meanwhile many 
catch 22 situations arise and intellectual/scientific solutions are 
never enough; as is obvious from world events, all this seems to be 
heading in the direction of self-destruction …

you are indeed fortunate if your mind gets exhausted, takes a break, 
leaves the head, and rests in the peacefulness of your heart where there
are no thoughts; then perhaps it will dawn on you that "Love" is
the  only solution for all the problems that the mind has created

Amma says "A one word solution to all  the problems the world is
facing today is Compassion [Love ]."

Even Einstein said that the rational  mind is a terrible master, but
can be very useful as a servant [of Love].  The mind is very powerful,
it creates the world as I understand it, it  is Maya and needs to be
used with the greatest of create in service to  Love

here, we are talking about Unconditioned Love which we call God
and about Unconditioned Truth which we also call God

or we can call it "peaceful spacious loving awareness"

we are not talking about emotionalism,
although positive emotions do have their own proper functionality,

God's Love is Presence and Energy
or as Robert Adams said "the current that knows the way"
Amma says God will take care of us when ego is surrendered
also Jesus and all mahatmas say that there is a universal force of  Love
that will sustain us and function through us to the extent we allow  it
by getting our egos out of the way

in order for the heart to open so that real unconditioned love may be 
it may be necessary to  do some selfless-service, take care of a 
relative or friend, help a  homeless person, feel the suffering of the 
world, pray, meditate on the heart center, read some or many spiritual 
books, contemplate spiritual aphorisms, go for a walk and gaze at the 
sky, gaze at the stars, go within, rest in the peacefulness of the 
heart, and do some self-inquiry  such as ~ What is love? What is truth? 
What is God? What am I? What is permanent? What is temporary? Who am I? 
Who is Amma?

To jumpstart your spiritual quest or to enhance it significantly, 
getting a hug from Amma can be a very pleasant unimagined surprise. Amma
is currently touring America and will end in Canada  on July 22nd

Here is a short video by our friend Stuart explaining Love beautifully 
in English

"let everyone be right… because they are…what can you do?...
everyone's POV  is the right one……underneath it all, is only
Love…the  Love, it cures all…t

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alkaline waterall

2010-05-23 Thread anatol_zinc
hi gullible,

try my friend Don Allen, bowt...@yahoo.com, 
doesn't always check his email, can call him 856-745-6084,
long time TMer; he has two very good brands, better than Jupiter, and much much 
cheaper than {Kangen which is a big ripp off}

my wife and i drank Kangen water for free from a friend for about two months; 
it's good but not a cure all; so don't be too gullible;

another thing you may want to check out is what Dr Gabriel Cousens MD says that 
ionized water( with alkalinity too high normally recommended ) is good 
temporarily therapeutically but not for long term continuous use; if i remember 
correctly, he was objecting to the high level of alkalinity not the ionization; 
not sure i see his point exactly

good luck,

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, gullible fool  wrote:
> I know there have been posts here before about the purported benefits of 
> Kangen water. Someone I know was raving about it last Sunday and gave me a 
> taste, and when I got home I went searching online and am now considering 
> buying a Jupiter Athena or Jupiter Delphi water ionizer. Anyone have any 
> experience with alkaline water?  
> "Love will swallow you, eat you up completely, until there is no `you,' only 
> love." 
> - Amma 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Conversation with Mr. Chivukula

2010-05-22 Thread anatol_zinc

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
>>On Behalf Of Joe
>> Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2010 7:03 PM
>> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> >Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Conversation with Mr. Chivukula
> >
>> Yep, you wonder just how much of the whole story is bullshit and what
> >Could it be some kind of over-the-top weird devotional to Amma?
> >A very poor advertisement if so.
> Rick:
> Hardly one she would appreciate. Many of his posts, including in the
> chat, proclaim his independence from her and his new status as guru in
> own right.
> >>>

in an earlier post authfriend make this observation:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:

> Something to bear in mind is that certain kinds of
> psychosis can generate "mystical" experiences on their
> own. Ravi's plight may or may not have anything
> directly to do with Amma's "shakti." If he's bipolar,
> as some of us suspect, this would likely have happened
> anyway.
> I could be very wrong, but I doubt he's just "fragile."
> I'd be willing to bet he's been struggling with it for
> years and has refused to get treatment. Manic episodes
> are usually temporary, and the person can appear quite
> normal in between. But if they're not treated, the
> episodes tend to get progressively worse.
>  >>>
Authfriend  makes some excellent points above and most likely more or
less correct concerning  Ravi's situation.
And it would be good if someone in a position to do so could help him
get treatment.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Conversation with Mr. Chivukula

2010-05-22 Thread anatol_zinc
i got a nice email from him just now;
seems like Amma is Blessing him and Guiding him back to health;
lets keep praying hoping intending, whatever your way is,
that that is the case


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> On Behalf Of wayback71
> Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2010 4:30 PM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Conversation with Mr. Chivukula
>  But if Ravi is plain old seriously manic, and then gets good
treatment and
> maintains it, then all this guru stuff will seem wild to him, too. In
> if he gets well, he will understand why he felt that way but also
> that it was totally unreal and part of the illness. He will hope that
> can forget or forgive his wildness and wish that he had not broadcast
> instability so far and wide. He won't be insisting on being a guru
> and he won't feel like one, either, dull as that may be. Let's hope he
> good treatment .
> That's what I was thinking. But it turns out Ravi isn't in a hospital
> Missouri. He's still in Massachusetts and was BSing everyone about the
> hospital.

[FairfieldLife] high spiritual energy videos

2010-05-22 Thread anatol_zinc

besides Amma and Her Swamis bhajans, these are some of my favorites;

whatever one thinks of Haidakhan Babji( 1970-1984 ),

His devotees produced some of the highest purest spiritual vibes;

enjoy  [;;)]


Krishna Das( one of the best devotional singers; an American)
sings Hanuman Chalisa; pics of Haidakhan Babji
enjoy and feel the energy vibes ~ heal the soul ~

Babaji's High Priest ~ "purest man on earth"

Muniraji Maharaj ~ "most peaceful man on earth"

Anandamayi Ma was very popular and powerful Divine Mother( 1896-1982)
sings "Jaya Jaya Ma" & includes her aphorisms

Babaji's aphorisms on unity of all


[FairfieldLife] Praying fo Ravi !

2010-05-22 Thread anatol_zinc

interesting approach to praying for others

or for any undesirable situation

Ho'oponopono ~ wisdom from land of Aloha

I am sorry, Please forgive me, I Thank you and I Love You !

How to practice Ho'oponopono

my comment on following video: I'm not sure how much is possible
with this, but the hypotheses are worthwhile to consider and practice,
if you want, it's simple enough. The spiritual principles are
consistent with other universal teachings, especially something called
Divine Apology[ Pratikraman ] by Indian Jain teacher Dada Bhagawan, and
obviously, Christ's teaching on forgiveness and Love.
Ho'oponopono Explained how Dr Hew Len was able to cure criminally insane
patients at Hawaii State Hospital by working on himself :

some sites with articles and brief extracts below:
( concerning these sites, I follow the guideline "take what is
useful and leave the rest" )

" When we are willing to take 100% responsibility and let go, what
is right and perfect unfolds."


When Dr. Hew Len was asked how exactly did he manage to heal violent
patients without actually seeing each of them in person, his answer was:
"I did not heal them. I healed part of myself that created
them". To me that was the most fundamental revelation to date. That
phrase alone explains the most important presumption of
Ho'oponopono: You are 100% responsible for everything. Everything
and everywhere! And it means, not only your personal failures and your
personal successes, but also if someone somewhere did something and you
became aware of that – you are 100% responsible for that also.

However, Ho'oponopono is not your free ticket to guilt trip. Being
100% responsible is not the same as feeling infinitely guilty for the
world's miseries. It's a profound reminder of your creative
powers and a gentle welcome to return back to your inner nature. ….
This is achieved by a constant cleaning process. …by letting go of
subconscious [processed] programs that run your life without your
conscious participation. Ho'oponopono consists of simply repeating
the following phrase many times throughout the day:

I Love You, Please forgive me, I am sorry, Thank you !

No need to feel anything special, imagine anything, or otherwise to
complicate this process; you "just say it" as Dr. Hew Len says.


The wonder of the updated Ho'oponopono process is that you get to meet
yourself anew each moment, and you get to appreciate more and
more with each application of the process the renewing miracle of LOVE.
Interesting hypotheses to contemplate on :
1. The physical universe is an actualization of my thoughts.
2. If my thoughts are cancerous, they create a cancerous physical
3. If my thoughts are perfect, they create a physical reality
brimming with LOVE.
4. I am 100% responsible for having created my physical universe the way
it is.
5. I am 100% responsible for correcting the cancerous thoughts that
create a diseased reality.
6. There is no such thing as out there. Everything exists within me as
thoughts in my mind.

also, on this site happens to be a story of Lester Levenson

posting this link for the inspirational value of the story,
NOT promoting either the Abundance Course nor the Release Technique,
both of which I know little about; thanks for understanding.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's in the hospital

2010-05-22 Thread anatol_zinc
Rick, i had a friend who turned himself in at a psychiatric hospital and they 
do take away your cell phone etc

i tried to call the hospital, but they are on message mode for the weekend

so ??? best to pray for him if anyone is so inclined

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com] On 
> Behalf Of authfriend
> Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2010 12:29 PM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's in the hospital
> Thank goodness.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com  
> , "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >
> > From: Ravi Chivukula [mailto:chivukula.r...@] 
> > Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2010 9:53 AM
> > Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Raviguru at the Gas Pump
> > 
> > I checked in myself at Psychiatric Service‎- 1706 East Elm Street, 
> > Jefferson City, MO‎ - (573) 751-8017‎.
> > 
> > Since I know exactly what my problem is I can help the doctors treat me 
> > better.
> > 
> > Pray for me.
> > 
> > Love - Ravi.
> But they haven't taken his computer away. He's still sending out lots of 
> weird emails.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bloomberg speculates that Times Square car bombing because of health care bill

2010-05-05 Thread anatol_zinc
sorry, here's the correct links( first two):


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "anatol_zinc"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> >
> >. I think people on vegetarian diets will lose muscle, thus slow their 
> >metabolisms down, making it harder to lose unwanted pounds.
> > 
> > >>>>
> please watch :
> hthttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yG-1otuCgF4
> tp://www.emilyboller.com/transformation.htm 
> Joel Fuhrman MD: Curing with the vegan diet 
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XIMotCQ1MY 
> Dr. Fuhrman Cures Diabetes - But Drug Companies Object 
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46_GInjBeQU 
> Russell Simmons on his vegan diet, Obama and yoga 
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ag5wDXEsX8
> Reverse Type Two Diabetes With a Vegan Diet
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3Bu6MJZbW0
> be veg, go green, save the planet

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bloomberg speculates that Times Square car bombing because of health care bill

2010-05-05 Thread anatol_zinc
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
>. I think people on vegetarian diets will lose muscle, thus slow their 
>metabolisms down, making it harder to lose unwanted pounds.


please watch :


Joel Fuhrman MD: Curing with the vegan diet 

Dr. Fuhrman Cures Diabetes - But Drug Companies Object 
Russell Simmons on his vegan diet, Obama and yoga 

Reverse Type Two Diabetes With a Vegan Diet

be veg, go green, save the planet

[FairfieldLife] Re: The BBC: Saint who has lived without food, water for 70 yrs

2010-05-02 Thread anatol_zinc
don't know if this guy is genuine
but believe it is possible

in Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda writes about two lady saints 
who did not take food for decades
one was a Catholic nun whom I assume was investigated and watched by the church

but most of all I believe Yogananda

and more recently, Mooji   of www.mooji.org
said that he knows personally a whole family,
except for the youngest one,  in South Brazil
who are breatherians

science cannot prove that something like this is not possible,
therefore, anyone who wishes to relive that it is possible
is basically saying this is my hypothesis
and it remains to be proven one way or the other 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> The BBC's 2-minute video-report on an Indian saint who has lived with no
> food, no water, for over 70 years:
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/8652837.stm

[FairfieldLife] Four Spiritual Healing events 3 free + 1 donation

2010-04-22 Thread anatol_zinc

Four Spiritual Healing events 3 free + 1 donation

Something is in the air! Right now !

For Amma devotees, please note I'm not posting these to distract you
from Amma; but perhaps you can be inspired to have more faith in Amma,
in yourSelf and God when you see how many are being inspired by the
One-Spirit-Self which we all are; thanks for understanding and happy
healing !

If we had enough faith in Amma, or ourSelf, or God we would not need
anything else; Amma says we should see God in everyone, in everything as
She sees God in all of us.

1)FREE ~ Braco the silent healer visits Los Angeles for 3 days
of Gazing sessions, April 23-25  http://www.braco.net/?p=348

2)FREE Distant Healing Session April 25th  read and start the
healing process  now with your intention ; please note; you do not have
to join anything, subscribe to anything or pay anything for this; for
info and instructions  http://qigongenergyhealing.blogspot.com/

3)DONATION ~ Vedic Society in India; You can donate( as much or
as little you can afford)  online and complete a form where you may
specify any particular purpose or need so that this may be incorporated
into the intention of the Yagya for relief of your problem or condition.
http://vedicsociety.org/donate/  ;

Some info: Number of pundits performing: 18 pundits plus 22 helpers

Duration: 5 days

Vedas chanted: Sama, Rig, Yajur and Atharva (all 4 Vedas)

Date: 24th April - 29th April 2010

4)FREE ~ Dr Parameswaran MD  from India

Amma Bless All,


[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama Will Triumph -- So Will America

2010-04-21 Thread anatol_zinc
excellent ! thanks rick !

i sent it to everyone on my list changing the subject to:

"America Will Triumph"

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> Obama  Will Triumph -- So Will America
> By  Frank Schaeffer
> .
> But here's the good news: President Obama is succeeding without the
help of his "supporters" on the left and despite his  hate-filled
Republican  detractors on the right!
> The  Future Looks  Good
> After Obama has served two full  terms (and he will),  after his 
wisdom in moving  deliberately and cautiously with great subtlety on all
fronts -- with a uncanny and calculating eye to achieving success (and
he will), after the economy is booming and new  industries  are
burgeoning (and they will), after the  naysayers are proved  wrong: let
the record show that not  all Americans panicked and jumped ship at  the
first sign of a storm.
> Just because we didn't  get everything we wanted in the health care
bill,  and his first year in office...not all of us are giving up! Some
of us are staying the course. And we will be proved right.
> PS. if you agree that Obama is shaping up to be a  great president, 
please pass this on and hang in there!
> Pass it on anyway to ensure  that his "report card"  gets the
attention it  deserves.

[FairfieldLife] Somayagya for Global Healing 24th April - 29th April 2010

2010-04-20 Thread anatol_zinc

  [0]  [0] 
[0]  [0] 
 Somayagya  for Global Healing April 2010

DearestWorld Family,

We are happy to invite you  and announce our  Maha Soma   Yagya
which will take place from  April 24th-29th 2010   just  10km  
north of Pondicherry
  in South India.

Soma Yagyas  are rare and ancient performances that take   place
over a number of days with the intention for   bringing  more light
upon earth. In the Vedic era   it was the duty of kings  to perform
them so there would be   health, enlightenment and God 
consciousness in every heart and every   home.

What is yagya?

Yagyas are ancient Vedic practices that were performedto bring
coherence and harmony to the world though mantra,   fire  and the
release of medicinal and aromatic substances as smokealong with
special Vedic prayers.  In all ancient   cultures fire was used to
invoke  communication with the   creative intelligence of nature.


What are  Soma yagyas?

Soma is the lunar and nourishing  component of nature, it   gives us
vitality, health, wisdom and stability in our human   physiology.  
Somayagyas are performed to increase the   quality and quantity of 
Soma for the entire society. A   specific plant is brought from the 
Himalayas which has a   high quantity of Soma in its makeup. This 
Soma  plant   is put into the Yagya fire with specific combinations 
to   produce a unique harmonizing effect. Vaidya Rama Mishra has 
written a   beautiful article explaining theeffects and workings
of Soma

Why is it necessary to  perform?


Just as one should provide right food to the body for   good health
and advancement of  consciousness, by performing   Somayagyas we
provide food on a  quantum level to the   underlying intelligences
in nature. When  these prime forces   are balance, the world we live
in becomes more  harmonious   and conducive to individual evolution.


Scientific basis of Yagya

We havecompiled references to modern medical studies
  showing the  effects of Yagya on the
environment, on   individuals and on  specific diseases. In Charaka
Samhita,   the most ancient texts of  Ayurvedic wisdom, Yagyas are
prescribed for karmic diseases when medicines fail to bring   
results, Yagya is used to heal. Charaka also mentions Yagya   as a 
rejuvenative that brings increased longevity and   immunity when 

Preserving Living  Traditions


The ancient tradition of Somayagyas is a living tradition   that  is
passed from father to son in special families. There   are just a
handful of families  still versed in this and we   believe this is a
treasure of heritage  for the world and all   should be done to
preserve this tradition  so it may continue   unendingly.


If you would like to volunteer please reply to this mail   and  let
us know what you would like to do. You may also   volunteer
virtually by offering some  online service that   might be required.


  [0]   [0]

You can  donate  online
and complete a form where you may specify any particular   purpose
or need so that this may be  incorporated into the   intention of
the Yagya for relief of your  problem or   condition. If you prefer
to donate on the telephone oroffline please  contact   
  or reply to this mail

Travel and Accommodation  Information


We havecomprehensive travel information online
  for those   wishing to  come from anywhere
in India or abroad. We also   have a page on accommodation

[FairfieldLife] MORE on BRACO

2010-04-19 Thread anatol_zinc

Patty, a web forum friend,  sees Braco   April 17  in  Honolulu, Hawaii
and posts:
Aloha Anatol, My son and I went this morning... words can't describe the
experience that is still unfolding, from a lotus to showering rose
petals. Mahalo, love patty

Also next day, Patty posts : …The gazing stays with you as it
continues  awakening a place of inner peace. …

my comment: read someplace that in USA, you can see Braco more than once
per day, if you wait in line again, it's first come first serve; in
Europe, due to large crowds, it's restricted to once per day;  also can
take photos of other with you on small poster board to hold up during

The meetings with Braco are free or there is a small charge to cover the
cost for the room and for the organisation of the event. Braco himself
makes a living from selling his books and DVD's, which are available at
the events.

Some background on Braco:

Croatian Super Healer Braco unexplainably heals with his gaze alone. He
does not ever speak during a healing session nor address individuals
about their problems and concerns. No requirement of religious or
spiritual belief is encouraged or needed. Braco simply stands on a
platform in front of his audience and silently looks ahead with a gentle
gaze. All present are instructed beforehand to stand and to look at his
eyes and to think of their illnesses and problems. During the
five-minute healing session [ I think it's about half hour session
in LA], many immediately feel an intensity of energy and bodily
sensations; others shed tears or have profound experiences of joy.
Sometimes the dramatic happens for those with apparent maladies, but
more often people walk away and throughout that day begin to
`know' the answers to their problems or to feel better about
their illnesses. Those with illness are always encouraged to check and
confirm progress with their physician, which has led to innumerable
stories of confirmed healing miracles.

Braco's gift of healing emerged spontaneously in 1995 after his
return from South Africa, where he was with his friend and mentor Ivica
Prokic, who  happened to  drown in a rouge wave at a beach. Ivica was
renowned for his bio-energetic healing ability and had a special gift
that enabled him to tell people's futures by looking into a small

Uniquely, Braco's first act of healing was to simply touch the
picture of a very ill boy whose mother came to him after having a dream
that Braco would make her son well. Braco reluctantly tapped the photo
at her insistence of his healing gift and the boy quickly recovered.
Ivica recognized Braco was his successor, and now his prophecy was
fulfilled. Many began to come with photographs of loved ones who were
ill or in some difficulty, eventually even photos of pets were brought
and the numbers of people grew as more and more miraculous healings took
place. In time, Braco came to work as long as 36-hours straight, seeing
all who came one-by-one.

In 2002, inspired by his intuition and with two thousand visitors
waiting to see him, Braco stepped in front of his first group of people
using only his silent gaze to heal. Instead of lessening the effect of
the healing power, the groups intensified the results, and this is how
the work continues to this day. Groups of 50 to 1000 people gather for a
healing session and Braco now does twenty sessions a day working 10-12
hours each day at locations across Europe. He is booked with appearances
four years in advance. Many in the scientific community and media have
been distrustful, explaining originally that Braco only hypnotized the
people, but when he stopped talking completely during healing sessions
this explanation could no longer apply and much more was proved to be at
work. To support their healing transformation, many people find that
watching a video of Braco or reading a book about him strengthens the
healing effect over time. Even more astonishing, there have been reports
of spontaneous healings by those who have only watched a video of Braco
to connect with his healing energy.

Croatia and the surrounding countries of Eastern Europe possess deep
spiritual roots and many great healers, prophets and seers have emerged
from this region. A special lineage of healers is said to exist here and
so I asked fellow countryman, Parapsychologist Drago Plecko, if Braco
was a descendant of this ancient line. Drago Plecko himself spent more
than a decade with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the father of Transcendental
Meditation, as well as studying both Eastern and Western spiritual
traditions for 30 years. He offered that the ancient lineage is not
something one is born into, it is chosen by the healer himself and it is
in his choosing that he (or she) becomes transformed and inextricably
interconnected to this extraordinary line. Microbiologist Dr. Bruce
Lipton, author of The Biology of Belief, confirms this possibility with
his research which concludes that anyone can alter even DNA itsel

[FairfieldLife] Re: pictures of Braco & with Maharishi at end

2010-04-14 Thread anatol_zinc

many pictures of Braco

there are several language options on main English website

only Macedonia has the pictures:

see Maharishi Swami Dev Murti at end with Braco

( I can read the language a little)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "anatol_zinc" 
> Braco in Hawaii + CA
> April 13 - 16,
> Big Island of Hawaii, USA.
> April 17 - 20,
> Honolulu, Hawaii
> April 23 - 25,
> Los Angeles, California
> http://www.braco-info.com/braco/cont...tdoesbracogive
> Dr. Harald Wiesendanger points this all up in one sentence when he
>   that amongst those over 1000 healers which he searched and analyzed,
> Braco and his results are outstanding and unique.
> >>>>

[FairfieldLife] Braco in Hawaii + CA +

2010-04-13 Thread anatol_zinc

Braco in Hawaii + CA

April 13 - 16,
Big Island of Hawaii, USA.

April 17 - 20,
Honolulu, Hawaii

April 23 - 25,
Los Angeles, California


Dr. Harald Wiesendanger points this all up in one sentence when he says,
  that amongst those over 1000 healers which he searched and analyzed,
Braco and his results are outstanding and unique.

[FairfieldLife] Why does Amma Hug ?

2010-04-11 Thread anatol_zinc
Why does Amma Hug ?

Spoken words are `truth' only by agreement 
Fleeting as any thought which comes and goes
Unless hanged onto
Desperately hypocritically
And worshiped as the absolute 

Simply put the mind is a big lie
Propped up by groups as the highest teaching
At the highest prices

Still some insist that facts 
Which are merely records of observations by faulty minds
Somehow are the truth

Facts are not truth
But can serve as pointers 
With practical significance  
Obvious only to an opened heart
Flowing with compassion

The facts of science, art, religion, spirituality, of all knowledge are all on 
an even footing
None is higher or better than another
In relative pointing to the absolute

Minds without heart make up their own facts
Proclaimed superior to all others 
Oblivious to the created misery
And eventual self-destruction

There is not one factual world observed
Each mind is thinking a world of its own making
Each different as no two snowflakes are exactly the same

Is there a universal omnipresent mind that comprehends 
The sum total of 7billion worlds, of 7billion minds, of 7billion beliefs ?

Perhaps if mind is put aside, the unspoken is the only truth
And its only true expression is love and compassion
Embracing all, annihilating all, including itself

Perhaps that's why Amma hugs
To annihilate the ego of knowledge
The good, the bad, and the ugly

[FairfieldLife] Dr Shankar formerly MD researcher

2010-04-09 Thread anatol_zinc
sharp intellect, interesting expressions pointing to what is; we saw him
a few times several years ago when he came to NJ

@ http://nevernothere.com/ three interview  videos

example of some of his expressions:
Life is light; life happens at a speed of light
Mind is sound; thoughts are expressed as speech at the speed of sound
Mind is a delay in life; mind can never catch up with life
Fear is of the mind, never of life

lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu
om santi santi santihi

[FairfieldLife] Raw Acorn tapes

2010-04-07 Thread anatol_zinc


[FairfieldLife] right wing violence

2010-04-07 Thread anatol_zinc


[FairfieldLife] Conservative Coburn tells truth about Fox

2010-04-07 Thread anatol_zinc

Conservative Coburn tells truth about Fox that they lie

also, says Nancy is a nice person etc


[FairfieldLife] using ordinary words instead of esoteric

2010-04-04 Thread anatol_zinc

Sorry that I was not clear enough.

So, let me try to clarify

that I am not offering a substitute for Samadhi,

your Silence instead of Samadhi is fine !

I was actually trying to show agreement with the sentiment

for using more simple ordinary words

in place of the more esoteric words( Sanskrit, spiritual,
scientific… )

as pointers to our deeper nature

Nor was I trying to be poetic

In my view, Love, Silence, Space and Awareness  are ordinarily words

which every ordinary person experiences to one degree or another in
ordinary life,

besides thoughts and perceptions.

So what I am offering is some simple ordinary words in place of the
esoteric words:

Sat-Chid-Anandaor   even the translation   

Instead of Sat( existence  ) => space

Instead of Chid( consciousness ) => awareness

Instead of  Ananda( bliss ) => love

And I just added the word silence because

These four words are now commonly used in advaita talks

  as pointers to our natural state, who we really are

and also these are the most common words used to describe actual

For example it seems to me that: Stuart Schwartz prefers silence,
because he is very good at taking people into silence; Mooji prefers the
word awareness; Jim Dreaver likes spacious awareness; etc; I like all
four because they do point to my own actual experiences to one degree or
another; for instance, years ago my heart opened and one of the insights
was that Pure Love permeates all space similarly like gravity permeates
all space

so I could have used the ordinary words Space-Awareness-Love

instead of the more esoteric/scientific Existence-Consciousness-Bliss

However, perhaps I did use a little poetic license adding Silence and
using adjectives


Silence, space and awareness are all formless; therefore nondual;

I do not agree that space need imply duality; actually in physics
"space-time" should perhaps be "distance-time" because
these terms refer to measurable parameters; here, I am using the
spiritual meaning of space as in expanded awareness, perhaps experienced
while looking up at the sky.

Love when meant pure love, omnipresent & sufficient unto itself, is also

In any case, since Awareness is nondual, its adjectives 
Silent-Spacious-Loving  are merely intended as pointers, which
"connect" our ordinary experiences with our natural state as

which heretofore has been described in esoteric words,

implying an extraordinary state reserved only for a few an unattainable
for most.

But now, even non-meditators and non-seekers are awakening to some
degree or another, and some seem open to these simple pointers instead
of the more esoteric/scientific ones.

  So, instead of using pointers

( which however work beautifully for some or  served others well in the
past )

  Thou Art That, or I Am That I Am,  or your  true nature  is 

all I need to say to those interested is

you are spacious-loving-silent-awareness

that is who you really are

that is your true state

that is your natural state both very ordinary and very extraordinary

again let me remind us that these words are only pointers,

and there are many others like Presence, Now, Beingness, Emptiness,
Fullness, Permanent, Impermanent, unchanging, ever-changing, absolute,
relative, right here, right now, etc, etc

and their true value is in their effectiveness which various from person
to person; perhaps, it's the intention behind the words that needs to be
discerned by the listener even for ordinary communication to be

"the Toa that can be named is not it" ~ Lao Tzu, one of many

"the intellect like scissors separates and creates confusion; the
heart like thread and needle unites and un-creates confusion" ~
paraphrased Amma

"everything I tell you is a lie, in the sense that words are not
it" ~ paraphrased Adyashanti

"words are like alarm clocks; you may awaken or roll over and go
back to dreaming creation" ~ just came to me

[FairfieldLife] Re: Self Supporting Ontological Identities - was Deepak Chopra failed etc

2010-04-03 Thread anatol_zinc

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000"
> ... I have tried to adopt a more Quaker approach to my everyday
> languaage, and try to stick to basic terms, even if my
> vocabulary might have a fancier, more "impressive" word.
> I like that idea of silence vs. samadhi.  ...
> Bottom line: I think the experiences I've mentioned could be
> better described without the sciencey terms.
> >>>

how about:

instead of sat-chid-ananda
or even its translation existence-consciousness-bliss

who can deny that at least a little bit,
they have awareness of some love, some silence, some spaciousness

[FairfieldLife] One of most translated & popular books on planet earth ?

2010-04-03 Thread anatol_zinc
Is "Tao Te Ching" by Lao Tzu

>From www.thetao.info 

In ancient China about 2500 years ago, the keeper of the Imperial
Library, Lao Tzu, was famous for his wisdom. Perceiving the growing
corruption of the government, he left for the countryside. On his way,
the guard at the city gates asked Lao Tzu to write out the essence of
his understanding to benefit future generations. Lao Tzu wrote the Tao
Te Ching, left, and was never heard of again.

The Tao Te Ching (also called "The Tao", "The Dao" or the "Dao De
Jing"), by Lao Tzu, is one of the most influential books in history. It
is the source of famous Chinese sayings such as
"Those who know do not speak, those who speak, do not know"
"Even a 1,000 mile journey starts with a single step".

Chapter 1
The Tao that can be trodden is not the enduring and unchanging Tao.
The name that can be named is not the enduring and unchanging name.
(Conceived of as) having no name, it is the Originator of heaven and
(conceived of as) having a name, it is the Mother of all things.
Always without desire we must be found, If its deep mystery we would
But if desire always within us be, Its outer fringe is all that we shall
Under these two aspects, it is really the same;
but as development takes place, it receives the different names.
Together we call them the Mystery. Where the Mystery is the deepest is
the gate of all that is subtle and wonderful.

Here's one I've been reading that includes the complete works of
Lao Tzu: "Tao Teh Ching" & "Hua Hu Ching" translated by
Taoist Master Ni Hua Ching

The Tao Teh Ching is one of the most frequently translated and most
cherished works in the world. This ancient Chinese classic, written
around 500 B.C, presents the core of Taoist philosophy and provides a
bridge to the subtle truth as well as a practical guideline for natural
and harmonious living.

It is generally believed that Lao Tzu left behind only a single work,
the Tao Teh Ching. Few people are aware that some of his later teachings
were recorded (also around 500 B.C) in a book entitled the Hua Hu Ching.
During a time of political turmoil in the 14th century, all copies of
this work were banned and ordered to be burned. Consequently, few, if
any, complete and accurate copies exist today. Fortunately, the complete
teachings of the Hua Hu Ching have been preserved through the oral
transmission of generation after generation of Taoist Masters to their
disciples. Master Ni, heir to that orally transmitted wisdom, has
translated the Hua Hu Ching and also the Tao Teh Ching. Both works are
now available in one volume, The Complete Works of Lao Tzu.

Master Ni, Hua-Ching is fully acknowledged and empowered as a true
Master of Tao. He is heir to the wisdom transmitted through an unbroken
succession of seventy four generations of Taoist Masters from 216 B.C.
As a young boy, he was educated by his family and then studied more than
thirty one years in the high mountains of China becoming fully achieved
in all aspects of Taoist science, metaphysics and arts. His teachings
carry the essence of all ancient achievement.

Here's the first chapter:

Tao, the path of subtle truth, cannot be conveyed with words.
That which can be conveyed with words is merely a relative conception.

Although names have been applied to it, the subtle truth is

One may designate Nothingness as the origin of the universe,
And Beingness as the mother of the myriad things.

>From the perspective of Nothingness, one may perceive the gentle
operation of the universe.
>From the perspective of Beingness, one may distinguish individual
Although differently named, Nothingness and Beingness are one
indivisible whole.
The truth is so subtle.
As the ultimate subtlety, it is the Gate of All Wonders.

There are many other translations, some are available online for free to
read or download as pdf files @
  and there are several other
links with free downloads

another free eBook @ http://www.beatrice.com/TAO.pdf

or buy @ http://www.beatrice.com/wordpress/tao-te-ching

If you can talk about it, it ain't Tao.
If it has a name, it's just another thing.
Tao doesn't have a name.
Names are for ordinary things.

Stop wanting stuff; it keeps you from seeing what's real.
When you want stuff, all you see are things.

Those two sentences mean the same thing.
Figure them out, and you've got it made.

[FairfieldLife] Deepak Chopra failed to prove existence of God to atheists

2010-04-01 Thread anatol_zinc
Deepak Chopra failed to prove existence of God to atheists 

I watched two videos of Deepak dialoging with atheists. 

In one case, the atheist was obviously aggressively angry from the start and 
Deepak kept his cool. But all Deepak did was condescend by displaying his 
brilliant mind of concepts from physics, medicine, spirituality which sound 
impressive but…

In the second case, it was Deepak himself who got angry and the atheist kept 
his cool neither being impressed by Deepak's tirade of brilliance, nor getting 
angry. In this case the atheist won my standard of spirituality by maintaining 
a more peaceful environment.

I was not too surprised, as I saw a few times in the distant past, brilliant 
physicists with huge egos from Princeton U tear into each other with 
unnecessary ruthlessness at research seminars.

Also, to me, it seems, that Deepak, like many others with TM backgrounds are 
stuck in a time-warp and refusing to move on…perhaps to  try something new that 
might work better relative to different situations… to advaita dialog for 
instance… or something new and novel… after all, doesn't Deepak know that all 
concepts are relative and not absolute…and if you want to influence the masses, 
simple talking points are best… just watch politics

So, just exploring here a bit;  would it not be more impressive if Deepak could 
dialogue as follows:

ATHEIST:Can you prove to me the existence of God?

AWAKENED:   Sure! Do you know that you exist right here right now?

ATHEIST:Well, I think I exist, here is my body etc.

AWAKENED:   Forget about thinking, forget about body, just relax. My question 
is, do you know without thinking about it that you exist right here and right 

ATHEIST:[after some silence in presence of the awakened one] 
OK, I exist right here right now.

AWAKENED:   Obviously, it would be foolish to deny your own existence.

ATHEIST:OK, so what about God?

AWAKENED:   Existence itself is God. It is on the substratum of existence 
itself that everything else exists. Existence itself is your own direct 
experience in the here and now. To deny it would be like saying "I have no 
tongue"  with the tongue.

ATHEIST:[dumfounded, speechless, mind stopped for a while]

AWAKENED:   Actually, the title of our debate should have been "What Is God?" 
rather than "What is the Future of God" which obviously refers to our 
conceptions of God rather than direct experience. Our conceptions, scientific, 
spiritual, political, economical etc will continue to change this way and that 
way, but without direct experience they are meaningless, just fodder for 
endless debates.

AWAKENED:   So, now we can sit here silently; or go home, and don't forget to 
take existence with you.

thanks for listening, anatol

[FairfieldLife] where MMY went wrong

2010-03-25 Thread anatol_zinc

siddhis + ego = riddhis

just a guess

[FairfieldLife] Swami Beyondananda

2010-02-07 Thread anatol_zinc

Swami Beyondananda: The Cosmic Comic, Part 2


Swami Beyondananda The Upwising Begins


[FairfieldLife] Buddha Boy Speech

2010-02-07 Thread anatol_zinc

[FairfieldLife] Re: Tibet temperature 'highest since records began'

2010-02-07 Thread anatol_zinc

[FairfieldLife] Re: Liberalism/Socialism at variance with Natural Law.

2010-01-23 Thread anatol_zinc

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "anatol_zinc" anatol_zinc@
> >
> >
> > Say a billionare gives one million, that's 0.1%
> >
> > Say, average person who makes $50,000 gives $500, that's 1.0%
> >>>
> Well to be fair, you can't mix net worth and annual income. You gotta
use one or the other.

ok !  let's use net worth then:

the billionaire' s net worth is say a billion;
one million donation is 0.1%

average person who makes $50,000, his net worth is probably zip, no
house, and in debt; even a $1 donation is infinite %

thanks tartbrain,
I think your comment just made my POV stronger

what do you think?
BTW, thanks for the laughs in your other posts !

love & light,

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Science Behind 2012 - Interview with Gregg Braden

2010-01-23 Thread anatol_zinc
important points summarized below :

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
>   The archaeological records show that when past
> civilizations reach the point in their cycle where we are in right now, they
> made a mistake that we don't want to repeat today.
> Q: What was that mistake?
> Gregg Braden: When the world began to change, civilizations of the past
> didn't understand the change. They began to fight one another for the
> resources. In that violent competition for what was left when the world was
> changing, everyone lost. Nobody won. The civilizations collapsed. For
> .. 
> We are at a point right now where we must choose to work together for this
> brief period of time to bring ourselves through this time of change. If we
> make the mistakes of the past and everyone loses. 
> In other words, you can learn how to have a positive impact on how we
> come through this time in history. This project is all about our
> relationship to the Earth through heart-based living.
> Q: What is heart-based living?
> Gregg Braden:... What they found is that when we create heart-based
> feelings of gratitude, appreciation, care-literally, using the muscle of the
> heart to create these feelings-what we're actually doing is generating a
> magnetic field inside our bodies that is part of the magnetic field of the
> Earth that undergoes the change.. You don't have to change your 
> meditations, your
> prayers, or any practice. It's a way of being in our hearts as we go
> throughout the day that's very easy to learn.
>  The fear about 2012 is stressing a
> lot of people but we have the ability to regulate the magnetic field by
> regulating the way that we work together through our hearts. The key is:
> we've got to work together to do it.
> >>>

[FairfieldLife] Re: Liberalism/Socialism at variance with Natural Law.

2010-01-23 Thread anatol_zinc

Say a billionare gives one million, that's 0.1%

Say, average person who makes $50,000 gives $500, that's 1.0%

I have a friend who is a Mormon, he has to give 10%.

Then there is the case of a homeless person who does odd jobs and uses
most of the money to help other homeless; he may be giving 80%.

Peace Pilgrim, worked only 2 days per week to support herself living in
one room;  otherwise,  she gave herself totally to serving the poor; she
attained God-Self-Realization in only 15 years.

So, who gives more?

I think that if one travels all over the world, one will find that the
poorer people are a lot more generous and hospitable on a one to one

If one looks at the world from a main perspective of money, then one
sees money as god. But, we are supposed to see in everyone the God of
love and compassion and oneness.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" do.rflex@ wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine 
> > >
> > > On Jan 21, 2010, at 6:14 PM, ShempMcGurk wrote:
> > >
> > > > According to George Will, conservatives give
> > > > significantly more to charity than do liberals:
> > >
> > > According to George Will, the earth is flat and humans
> > > coexisted with the dinosaurs.
> > >
> > > Got any other good ones, Shemp?
> > >
> > > Sal
> >
> > LOL...
> LOL indeed. George Will may *be* a dinosaur, but
> he's smarter than Stupid Sal and the do.rk, her
> partner in stupidity.
> Of course Will doesn't believe the earth is flat
> or that humans coexisted with dinosaurs.
> And he's absolutely correct about conservatives
> giving more to charity than liberals. That's well
> documented and widely known (except, obviously,
> by Stupid Sal and the do.rk).

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alan Grayson (D-FL) weighs in on Supreme Court ruling

2010-01-23 Thread anatol_zinc
material wealth does not ensure survival of civilization

sanatana dharma of vedic culture[and other world mistics] survived
muslim and british domination
the universal principles of sanatana dharma
have survived for thousands of years
and have been offered as a last chance for human race to redeem itself

in MMY case, his offer of TM was good but not good enough
it should have been offered for free for everyone without selfishness
Everything else that MMY offered after TM was flawed with selfishness
and the TM org turned over to selfish millionaires

Amma's offer of compassion and unselfishness is a much better example
and the only hope

I repeat, material wealth does not ensure survival of civilization,
the goal of each nation should not be
to get as wealthy as they can get away with,
but, to become as civil as possible
only civility can ensure survival of civilization

that's my 2cents,

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "ShempMcGurk" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "anatol_zinc" anatol_zinc@
> [snip]
> >
> > Grayson is on the right track;
> > what this country needs are real statesmen
> > what this country needs are mahatmas like:
> > Gandhi, MLKing, Peace Pilgrim
> > to speak truth from the heart
> > no matter what the consequences
> > and move people in the direction
> > of compassion away from selfishness
> [snip]
> The last thing this country needs is a Mahatma Gandhi.
> India has only recently gotten free of the horrible economic shackles
his policies have been strangling India with.  I refer to his silly
"made in India" policies, particularly those surrounding the textile
> In the past 10-15 years India consciously abandoned those principles
and opened themselves up to globalization and they have finally begun to
thrive in a big way.
> The community organiser reminds me of Gandhi.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alan Grayson (D-FL) weighs in on Supreme Court ruling

2010-01-23 Thread anatol_zinc

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> "Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned
> an invisible government owing no allegiance and
> acknowledging no responsibility to the people.
> To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the
> unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics
> is the first task of the statesmanship of the day."
> -Theodore Roosevelt, April 19, 1906
> .
> "What conservatism seems to mean to them, when you get down to it, is
> simply offering comfort to the comfortable and afflicting the
> afflicted," Grayson said.
> http://rawstory.com/2010/01/grayson/
> >>>

Grayson is on the right track;
what this country needs are real statesmen
what this country needs are mahatmas like:
Gandhi, MLKing, Peace Pilgrim
to speak truth from the heart
no matter what the consequences
and move people in the direction
of compassion away from selfishness

the way it looks right now, however,
is that selfishness will destroy America
will destroy the world
perhaps, the human race will become extinct

i still believe Obama is a good man and best America has to offer for
the job
but if the collective consciousness of the people is for selfishness
there is little he can really do
it has to be a collective effort of real sharing and caring

Amma ~ "the most serious problem facing the world today is the pollution
of the human mind and the increase in selfishness and cruelty. This is
the root of all the others problems facing the world today. Everything
in the world is changing—with one exception: our negative mental
state! Our personality is a reflection of our mind. The ability of human
beings to rise up to a situation and act is slowly disappearing. In the
name of stability and competition, mankind is allowing their lives to be
led by hatred, revenge and stubbornness."

Maybe Mother Kali is here to asses the situation and make a decision?
Maharishi once said, probably in the 60's, (paraphrased from memory)
"the engineers come to asses and see if it's worthwhile to repair; or
uproot and start anew."

in any case, it never hurts to pray/chant
May all beings everywhere be peaceful and happy !
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu ! Om Santi Santi Santihi !

[FairfieldLife] Freedom of Speech Destroyed

2010-01-22 Thread anatol_zinc


[FairfieldLife] "Save Our Democracy"

2010-01-22 Thread anatol_zinc

This morning, five Supreme Court Justices stabbed at the heart of
democracy, our electoral system.

They overturned over 100 years of statute and precedent, and declared
that corporations can spend all the money that they want to buy
elections. In fact, these fiv

e men in robes declared, they have a constitutional right to do so.

Now, we have to fight.

That’s why I just signed Rep. Alan Grayson's petition to support
his "Save Our Democracy" legislative package, because we cannot have a
government that is bought and paid for by huge multinational
corporations. We need a government of the people, by the people, and for
the people.

Join me and click here to sign the petition
 . Thank you!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Liberalism/Socialism at variance with Natural Law.

2010-01-21 Thread anatol_zinc

The golden rule is not merely a guideline recommending how people should
live their lives due to the consequences of one's actions, but
it's also an infallible cosmic law which does not need man's
efforts to enforce it. The golden rule applies to everyone, liberals,
conservatives, sinners and saints.

Liberalism and conservatism, on the other hand, are labels that express
attitudes and each has its own pros and cons.

Example of pros: Liberalism stands for generosity while conservatism
stands for frugality. On the surface, these look like opposites. But,
according to intentions they can actually be complementary.

By being frugal, not spending on unnecessary things for oneself, one can
save and be more generous in helping the poor. And by all means commit
yourself totally to helping the poor by teaching them to fish, etc. But
don't be a hypocrite and refuse to give a fish right away when
needed because you're waiting to teach.

There is really no need for two political parties to polarize what they
stand for, if there is honesty, humility and unselfish will to serve the

And , it is plain silly to polarize and try to live by one and not the
other because it's actually impossible to do so. This explains why
there is so much hypocrisy in politics, religion, business, etc, because
of polarizing principles which are actually needed to complement each
other. What seems to be responsible for polarizing: ignorance, fear, and
giving in to hate.

Example of cons: Conservatives say `they want small government.'
But this is only to make it their government not at all small.
Obviously, selfishness, hypocrisy and power are the motives here and not
at all honesty, humility and unselfish will to serve the people.

Free market capitalism: free for whom ? billionaire monopolies or for
the little guys? Let's drop the silly label capitalism, and be for
free markets for everyone except the monopolies, because monopolies
impose slavery on everyone else. The anti-trust laws are simply the
golden rule manifesting to curb the selfishness and arrogance of the

According to the golden rule, by helping the poor you are ensuring that
you will not be poor in your next life. On the other hand, by helping
yourself only, you are ensuring that you will be poor in your next life

The problem is that most do not understand or believe that the golden
rule is an infallible cosmic law and therefore feel that through
cleverness they can get away with being selfish.

Having said all this, currently, there are those who are hell bent on
adharmic ways and those who are trying their best to go with dharmic

Remember to pray: "forgive them father for they know not what they
do, and love your enemies, which of course is impossible unless you have
awakened to your true nature as pure love at least a little"

that's why we are into spirituality !

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG"  wrote:
> Liberalism, Marxism, Socialism are all at variance with Natural Law
which proclaims, "As a Man Soweth, that also shall he Reap", which is a
doctrine based on MERIT.
> Liberalism has nothing to do with merit!! Capitalism does, which is
the *freedom* to reap the honest benefits of that which one has sown!
Marxism and Socialism merely adopt an ideological point of view, that
all should be equal in outcome as in,  "from each according to their
ability, to each according to their need", which is idealism grounded in
fantasy, (at least for now).
> Basically, liberals merely attempt to play GOD! by determining
> The era of RamRaj can only come from the embodiment of natural law in
the hearts and minds of every individual, (for the forest to be green,
every tree must be green).
> Imposing forms of government upon a group of people in ignorance is
laudable but does not fulfill the idea esposued therein but is certainly
a good start, (fake it till you make it).  Remember the legend of
Camelot?  That's the closest thing to RamRaj I can think of where a
monarchy was ideal.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ammachi: A Western Renunciate’s Experiences Behind the Scenes

2010-01-18 Thread anatol_zinc
this is all psycho-talk !

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "one.li...@..."  wrote:
> Ammachi: A Western Renunciate's Experiences behind the Scenes 
> I feel so relieved to finally be free from this 7 year long damaging 
> dependency
> with Mata Amritanandamayi and her organization. Although the depths of my 
> devotion were seemingly bottomless, and I would have done anything to gain 
> her favor, somehow I have managed to extract myself from this bona fide cult 
> masquerading as a charitable
> organization. I am relieved to know that others too are waking up from the 
> intricate web of
> subterfuge. I struggled for the last two years trying to imagine life without 
> the guru, and I
> know how hard it is to undo the neural connections linking Amma to every 
> aspect of
> thought. I understand why for some it will be extremely difficult or 
> downright impossible
> to break the bonds of this mind controlling sect. The truth about the Hugging 
> Saint and the ancient manipulative techniques she employs, along with the 
> scandals her devotees have
> orchestrated will sober up the more astute among us. But the hordes of
> unsuspecting, innocent, guileless infants having divorced their real parents 
> and lives, in
> order to clutch full-time to their Amma dolls, with mantras for pacifiers, 
> while jockeying for
> Amma's mere glance, I feel really sorry for. Nothing can help them because 
> the elaborate
> programming won't allow any thoughts contrary to that of Amma being god. Even 
> rational
> people will have a hard time accepting that what they gave all their time, 
> resources and
> heart to was merely a charismatic bamboozling village girl. Even those who 
> have left (and
> there are many) are still subtly afraid of retribution from Amma psychically 
> or more
> tangibly from her army of ardent devotees.
> In Amritapuri, India, I was not quite in the innermost circle but had 
> revealing
> contact for years with those closest to Amma and by all measure would be 
> considered an
> insider. Being very outgoing myself I made friends with all who didn't hate 
> me because of
> my frequent close proximity to Amma and her personal handmaidens. I got in 
> with
> all the high ups to glean insight into Amma's mystical world. I wasn't shy in 
> my
> conquests and thereby gained access which others could not. I rode on the 
> waves of bliss as I
> got to do special tasks for Ammachi and before Ammachi. I reveled in being 
> needed and called
> while everyone else chopped vegetables. I reverently breathed, meditated and 
> did
> continuous awareness exercises which amplified my bliss to unprecedented 
> heights. Amma
> seemed to like it. Unfortunately, most if not many people skimp on the 
> practices and
> spend their time doing selfless service, moping around in "devotional" 
> yearning, or
> gossiping and stuffing their faces at the western canteen. I took a more 
> maniacal approach
> toward everything from diet to speech to every moment of my day being 
> accounted for. 
> It was very revealing and not by any means the only time in my life I 
> experienced
> altered states of consciousness. (I do take the stand that it can all be 
> explained
> scientifically even Amma's psychic abilities. We laypersons just get 
> flabbergasted when someone has somewhat refined their mental energy and 
> mistake them for god.) It all went
> well, the visions of various deities, loud music spontaneously in ears, the 
> exalted
> emotional states. Eventually reality seeped back in and my life became a 
> struggle to earn enough
> money to go to India and get my fix year after year. Each time a little more 
> magic
> evaporated, yet I still decided to become a renunciate (a full time resident 
> who gives their life
> to the ashram) It only costs $16,000 if interested. But I noticed people were 
> growing
> more unhealthy, the air quality seemed to get exponentially worse, the water 
> filters
> seemed to be rusting and my duties became more clear. The honeymoon was over. 
> One
> angelic young girl actually died of a tumor that spread throughout her whole 
> body. She
> was 18 and spent almost her entire life there. I personally believe she died 
> because
> of lack of nutrition and the toxins in the air and water surrounding the 
> ashram. Of course
> Amma in her omniscience suggested tuberculosis and sent
> her to AIMS (one of Amma's hospitals) only to be misdiagnosed and screwed 
> around for
> the last year of her life. Finally when they found the tumor it was too late. 
> This
> compounded with the sheer insanity of virtually all the residents, the 
> inability to get healthy
> nourishment, Amma's rehearsed daily routine, everyone's angry pent up 
> explosive sexual energy,
> and the now complete impossibility to find any solitude or even quiet 
> anywhere at any
> time within the ashram, had me at my wits end. I started to question where 
> this conforming, 
> contentious, fearful, repressed new person

[FairfieldLife] "I Choose Love"

2009-12-31 Thread anatol_zinc

it is said that "there is nothing but God and that God is Love"
and that LOVE is what we really are
LOVE is our true nature

if this is not our experience, at least some glimpses here and there,
there must be something blocking that

it is the mind that either can be used as a tool to search for TRUTH
which is

or, the mind can be used to block LOVE
when the mind's intellect has decided that it is capable of knowing
without LOVE

this is not possible because only LOVE is TRUTH

without LOVE, the intellect,
no matter how clever, no matter how scientific,
will create FEAR which is the opposite of LOVE

here, we are talking about Real Love( God's Love ) and about Real Truth
is "absolute spacious loving awareness"

in order to understand above, it may be necessary to either go within
experience deep silence and/or read and contemplate the following books:

Amma's "Awaken Children" Vol 7

Don Miguel Ruiz's "Mastery of Love" and "The Four Agreements"

Jim Dreaver's "End Your Story, Begin Your Life"

These books explain what the nature of mind is, how mind is conditioned,
personality is created and identified with falsely, and thus veiling our
identity as LOVE

So, listen to this beautiful song "I Choose Love" seemingly
appropriate as a  resolution for 2010 (from  9 to 15 mins into video);
then a great interview with Jim Dreaver about his teaching "you are
not your story"


or  "I Choose Love"  @

May all beings everywhere be truthful, loving, happy and healthy !
Amma Bless All,

[FairfieldLife] Re: Can Obama Face the 'Unspeakable'?

2009-12-14 Thread anatol_zinc

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> .
>  "As someone who has researched the Kennedy assassination for over 17
> years, and who has read many books on the case, I can finally say,
> for the first time, this is the single best book ever written on
> why Kennedy was killed, who did it, and why it still matters."
> ~ Lisa Pease

hi rflex,

assuming you read the book, can you briefly summarize the answers to:
"why Kennedy was killed, who did it, and why it still matters." ???


[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi predicts the effect of a group of 7000 meditation experts

2009-10-22 Thread anatol_zinc
my pov is similar to Turq's

if TM groups were truly 100% responsible for peace,
we would have had it by now
since there have been so many groups
MIU and supposedly in India too 

perhaps the groups did contribute a little
to the overall prayers of millions
(not just select 7000)
and their good unselfish sacrificing actions

perhaps what happened is that
MMY could more or less predict the future
(he did show that to some extent)
and he implemented his group programs
to seem as if they were the major cause

the real scientific test would be
to implement a group now that MMY is gone 
in some troubled area and see what happens

i don't see TM leaders rushing to help
anywhere in the troubled spots around the world
and prove the point

Afghanistan is the perfect opportunity to do that

overall i feel TM and the groups were useful
in a troubled world and did contribute partially

but we need to pay heed to Amma's advice
"one way for all is dangerous"
always has been always will be i suppose

and that prayer together with unselfish actions
and self-sacrifice for the good of others
always has been always will be a force for good

amen !

Amma Bless All,

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> > > > This clip is a good reminder for everyone on the ideal of 
> > > > TM.  Given the violence in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and 
> > > > Palestine, the TMO should work in these countries to increase 
> > > > the meditators and yogic flyers to promote peace in these 
> > > > areas.  We are all sick of seeing wars, violence and 
> > > > ethnic/sectarian differences played out on TV and the news.
> > > >
> > > > Why can't a peaceful transformation occur in these Muslim 
> > > > countries just as it happened in the collapse of the USSR, 
> > > > East Germany, Poland and other European countries.
> > 
> > Would take lot more of softening up before they culturally 
> > could transcend and transform.  Yes they pray 5x's a day but 
> > is a good example of how prayer is not necessarily transcendental 
> > or spiritual.  Need to work more at softening the field.  More 
> > meditation everywhere around them.  Find universalist Muslimists 
> > inside the muslim world who are open to receive the message of 
> > transcendent nature within.  Is a damned & dark part of the world 
> > causing a lot of trouble for everyone else. Is such ignorance in 
> > a modern spiritual world.  Will take more light on the problem 
> > all around them.
> Personally, I suspect that the "damned and dark
> place of the world" is more likely to be inhabited 
> by the people who cling to elitist fantasies that 
> they are somehow responsible for events that just 
> happened over the natural course of time than it 
> is anyone else.
> If you ran into Muslims who said that they *personally*
> were responsible for causing the collapse of the USSR,
> East Germany, Poland, and other countries, through
> the power of their daily prayers, you'd probably con-
> sider them nutjobs, or at the very least "legends in
> their own minds," right?
> Well, that's what many of us think of TMers who claim
> with a straight face that *they* brought all of these
> things about by bouncing on their butts.
> "More light on the problem" is not IMO likely to come
> from those lost in the darkness of ego, elitism, and 
> hubris.
> My favorite songwriter Bruce Cockburn once stated his
> aspirations as follows:
> "To be one more voice in the human choir
> rising like smoke from the mystical fire of the heart..."
> Not the most important voice, not the voice that "causes"
> things to happen...just one more voice. There is humility
> in this credo. There is none in your recurring posts about
> the supposed importance of "meditators." Whether these
> posts are put-ons or serious, I for one am tiring of them.
> I have meditated regularly for over forty years. I have
> taught meditation and been surrounded by thousands of 
> fellow meditators. In that time I have seen no evidence
> that "meditators" are any more special, spiritual, or
> important to the world and its future than anyone else
> on this planet. 
> And given a choice between increasing the numbers of TM
> meditators -- who on the whole believe that they need do
> nothing whatsoever to monitor or control their behavior
> and their emotions, only meditate -- and people who work
> on a daily basis *outside of meditation* to make their 
> actions more in harmony with their ideals of ethics and
> ethical behavior, I'd go for the latter any day.

[FairfieldLife] “I Support the Public Option”

2009-10-15 Thread anatol_zinc

"I Support the Public Option"


[FairfieldLife] Insurance Does Not Work for Health Care !

2009-10-09 Thread anatol_zinc

my response on another forum:

Phil, I agree with your point that "involvement of private insurance
companies doesn't add ANYTHING to our health care financing system."
Here's my 2cents about insurance. Insurance works fine only if a
small percentage of participants actually need to use it, like for
automobile accidents and home disasters. It doesn't work for health
care because everyone needs health care, at least the basics. It seems
that nations that have universal health care and universal education,
have realized that insurance cannot work for something that everyone
needs and that they need to set aside the appropriate funds for this
which everyone has to contribute in a universal way. I think, it's
called common sense and compassionate sharing and caring for each other.

Another point being missed is that neither insurance nor medical care is
the primary cause of good health. I mentioned PREVENTION as an essential
element of any successful health care system both for finances and for
good health. Q came up how prevention standards would be regulated.

My reply: Prevention has to be an educational type of thing, not
mandatory standards.

Although many( like Dr Fuhrman, Dr Ornish, the China Study, others ) are
contributing to this education, it doesn't seem enough yet. However,
there is the disputed "hundredth monkey effect" which offers
hope if you want to believe in it. "The hundredth-monkey effect is a
supposed phenomenon in which a learned behavior spreads instantaneously
from one group of monkeys to all related monkeys once a critical number
is reached…" from

So, if enough of us plug away and gently persuade some of our friends,
maybe the threshold will be reached soon. Some believe "the
hundredth-monkey effect" is similar to a threshold, like reaching
the boiling point of water, during which a distinct phase transition

One way this could happen is: some billionaire like Oprah opens a
nationwide chain of GREEN Restaurants featuring Dr Fuhrman's
"Eat To Live" diet or something in that direction.

I also believe that enough of us praying for the health of everyone on
planet earth will help.

Thanks for listening,

[FairfieldLife] Re: Norway enjoys the world's highest quality of life => insurance does not work

2009-10-08 Thread anatol_zinc
here is my 2 cents why Norway is doing it right
it's because insurance does not work for health

insurance works fine for autos and homes because only a small %  of all autos 
and homes have accidents or burn
insurance could work for health if most people were healthy
but take health stats in America:
80% overweight, 30% obese, 50% heart, 30% cancer, diabetes, allergies, 
arthritis, mental,and many other diseases
insurance does not work for health care,
because most( not just some) of the people need it
and, of course, neither insurance nor medical care 
is what really keeps people healthy
so while people are fighting over how to fix health care system,
no one is asking the right question:
"how to promote/improve/create health among all Americans?"

example how insurance supposed to work:
take 100 people pool their fair share of $
which is kept for unexpected accidents, etc
this works as long as only say 10 or 20 of the 100 people
have unexpected accidents
when the number withdrawing $ from the pool increases,
the system doesn't work anymore

if a nation wants basic health care and education for all its citizens, then 
the money has to be set aside for that by everyone
even then the system can fail if the citizens do not follow healthy lifestyles( 
prevention, exercise, spirituality, compassion, sharing and caring instead of 
greed )

to paraphrase Amma:
 "greed is the cause of all the problems in the world"
and "love, compassion, selfless-service" is the only real solution

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "WillyTex"  wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > > Apparently the tax rate in Norway goes all
> > > > the way up to 28% in payroll deductions in
> > > > order to pay for 'free' health care.
> > > >
> > > > How would you like $1000 a month deducted
> > > > from your monthly paycheck?
> > > >
> > off_world_beings wrote:
> > > No, you prefer to just pay a thousand dollars
> > > a month to an insurance company instead. Lol !
> > >
> > No, I'm on a group plan that costs me only a
> > few dollars a month and a $20 co-pay. >>
> Lol, when the shit hits the fan, it won't pay for you. The insuarance
> company won't be seen for miles around, dumbass.
>  > you don't have any health insurance or a health
> > care plan. >>
> Where did you get that dumbass idea from?
> OffWorld

[FairfieldLife] Alan Grayson's Apology

2009-10-07 Thread anatol_zinc

this guy is good and has common sense wisdom and courage


[FairfieldLife] New Hero for Truth about Healthcare

2009-10-07 Thread anatol_zinc
thanks Rishi,  (my reply to a friend)
i already saw one of his other videos etc and already send him my letter
to Obama;
but the video you sent is even better, excellent, just what America

you should email him and encourage him to continue speaking truths


here's my letter to him :

Good for you Alan ! This is exactly what I and many have been praying
for, someone with courage to speak the truth. It amazes me how most
politicians and the media try to treat lies and truth on an equal
footing. That's nonsense, that's not being objective, that's
being delusional, that's living in a brutal world of fear,
ignorance, darkness.

My hope is that other Democrats and especially President Obama follow
suit and eventually most Americans will also become brave and be able to
distinguish between truth/love/compassion and lies/fear/selfishness.

Fear is the opposite of Love.

Word of Caution: If the President signs a bill without a strong Public
Option, that will be disaster for the nation, for the democrats and for

Perhaps now, is the time to strike and speak the whole truth: that the
only way to fix our sick health care system is to get the Greedy
Insurance Co out of the ball game completely, at least as far as
providing Basic Care for Everyone. Obviously, they are not interested in
that at all. Let's go for a universal "Medicare for All" to
provide basic care for every American. Then let private insurance
companies cater to the wealthy, and stay away from exploiting the poor.

Here is my letter to President Obama:

Dear President Obama,

I strongly believe that it is better, much better, to stand for truth
rather than compromise with untruths. Here is my $.02 POV on truth about
America's health care or lack of it.

While I strongly support your efforts to improve our Health Care, I am
deeply concerned that:

1) the opposition is all based on greed, lies, and fears financially
promoted by the insurance companies.

2) too many Senators( especially Max Baucaus  ) and Representatives are
representing the special interests and their own greed instead of the

How to make a Real Health Care system work:

1) my own POV is that the only reasonable honest workable approach is to
have "Medicare for All" with improved regulations to make it financially
sound and with a very strong PREVENTION PROGRAM included. PREVENTION is
the key that would make everyone healthier which in turn would make the
MEDICARE FOR ALL a real HEALTH CARE approach instead of simply "disease

2) I strongly oppose mandatory insurance and point out that we are the
only industrial nation in the world that lacks the compassion and good
common sense to have a universal health care system that provides better
health at lower costs. Their key is healthier citizens,  while Americans
are 80% overweight, 30% obese, 50% heart disease, 30% cancer, diabetes,
allergies, arthritis, etc etc, all of which can be greatly reduced with
appropriate dietary changes based on science like the worldwide research
@ www.thechinastudy.com

3) Only healthier happier citizens can transform a sick health care
system into a real health creation system.

Thanks for listening and God Guide America to selflessness, better
health, happiness, and real prosperity!

[FairfieldLife] my letter to newspapers and gov

2009-10-03 Thread anatol_zinc

While I strongly support President Obama's efforts to improve our Health
Care, I am deeply concerned that:

1) the opposition is all based on greed, lies, and fears financially
promoted by the insurance companies.

2) too many Senators( especially Max Baucaus  ) and Representatives are
representing the special interests and their own greed instead of the

How to make a Real Health Care system work:

1) my own POV is that the only reasonable honest workable approach is to
have "Medicare for All" with improved regulations to make it financially
sound and with a very strong PREVENTION PROGRAM included. PREVENTION is
the key that would make everyone healthier which in turn would make the
MEDICARE FOR ALL a real HEALTH CARE approach instead of simply "disease

2) I strongly oppose mandatory insurance and point out that we are the
only industrial nation in the world that lacks the compassion and good
common sense to have a universal health care system that provides better
health at lower costs. Their key is healthier citizens,  while Americans
are 80% overweight, 30% obese, 50% heart disease, 30% cancer, diabetes,
allergies, arthritis, etc etc, all of which can be greatly reduced with
appropriate dietary changes based on science like the worldwide research
@ www.thechinastudy.com 

5) Only healthier happier citizens can transform a sick health care
system into a real health creation system.

Thanks for listening and God Guide America to selflessness, better
health, happiness, and real prosperity!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi speaks on Karma (1962)

2009-09-26 Thread anatol_zinc
excellent talk by Maharishi given in 1962, but here is my comment 2009:
it is hard to follow Maharishi's advice( last few paragraphs ) during
these extremely difficult times ;
and it seems it was hard for Maharishi to follow his own advice;

this was given in 1962, so for a few decades, he did really well

focusing only on positivity, it seemed to me,

but then he started to call President  Bush a rakshasa( a demon ); so
these are truly difficult times for everyone

but the advice Maharishi gave is still excellent

and wise to try ones best

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> From an audio  (No 8) recorded in Hochgurgel in 1962
> (Thanks to Jörg Schenk)
> Maharishi speaks about  Karma
> Some selected points:
> Maharishi: Who is the doer (of the Karma)?  The doer is the ego,
> mind. Although the senses perform the action, but the senses are not
> doer. The doer is the thinker within. So the thinker, as long as it is
> associated with the body, it is associated with the body. But the doer
> that thinker, that subtle body, that  Jiva.  If he casts away this
> goes to the other body, he will be caught by that action in the other
> Body doesn't matter. What matters is the doer and what he has done
> As I was saying, the vibrations (of the Karma) return from the wall,
> the sun, from millions of miles. There are galaxies in the world from
> the light takes millions of years to reach the earth. When the
> reach so far and strike against that and then will be rebound and come
> millions of years have passed already. So the effect of the Karma done
> is not received all at once. It keeps on being received from time to
> for (?) all eternity.
> The effect in the vicinity of the doer is maximum, but the effect is
> throughout the universe, whatever little effect at far distances, but
it is
> created and all this effect has to come back
> Every second that we are producing some Karma, we are storing the
fruit of
> that Karma to be born for millions of years
> Thoughts are the seed of Karma, very powerful seed. The seed in its
> status is very potent. If you have thoughts of injuring a man, you
> injured the whole creation, already injured in the subtle state
> Future after death depends on what a man has done throughout life. But
> next goal, where he will be born, mainly depends on the desire at the
> of death, the desire at the time of death
> Question:  Is there a difference of a bad Karma done intentionally or
> unintentionally?
> Maharishi:  Intentionally, because his attention was there, then the
> will be more intensive. But the effect will be on the same line
> Question: If I have a bad son and have to beat him, is this bad Karma?
> Maharishi:   It is the Karma of the son that brings him beating and it
> the Karma of the father that makes him sorry
> If I do some sin and in this room there is no one, I think nobody has
> it. But it has been exposed to the whole universe. Everyone in the
> knows it. And somehow that will be delivered to us back by all the
> in the universe, knowing or unknowing.
> You can't stop the evolution. If you commit sin in the room, then you
> creating sinful vibrations. And sinful vibrations means, wherever they
> they damage the evolution of that thing.
> Someone speaks ill of the other and plans damaging him, very
> plan, nothing on the surface, damaging the entire creation by his
> Because the agency of thought is just vibration. That is why
> forbid us speaking ill of others, or damaging someone or doing harm,
> apparently we seem to be harming him but eventually we have to be
harmed by
> our own doing of the harm to someone else.
> To save the doer the teaching is Don't do any bad thing to anyone.
> commit sin, go for virtue, help thy neighbour, so that thy maybe
> In India we have the proverb that if someone speaks ill of the other
> partakes  his sin
> If you call someone a fool, then the vibrations of foolery have been
> in the whole creation and that foolery will return back to you, from
> sides.
> Because man has that highly evolved nervous system. This great
> responsibility is on to man and not to animals. The responsibility of
> and bad deeds, sin and virtue, this is for man and not for animals.
> man is in that position to understand how the Karma acts, how his
> influences the whole creation and then he is influenced back by the
> Try to do all good that you can, all your energy in doing good, but
> put your energy in criticizing the bad of someone. It is a waste of
> Because, now when you are meditating, you are bringing that stable
state of
> bliss consciousness in  your mind. That is sublimenting the state of
> mind. At

[FairfieldLife] Re: How to talk to complete idiots => village idiot

2009-09-25 Thread anatol_zinc
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >
> > http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2009/09/25/notes092509.DTL
> >
> Excellent article.
> >>>

excellent interviews with Frank Schaeffer author of "Crazy for God"

