Re: Bailey Update

2006-01-17 Thread wendy
Hey Belinda,

I'm sending out prayers today for Bailey.  I hope he
sails through the procedures and whatever is done
helps him.  It's so frustrating to watch our kitties
not eat, so the feeding tube will hopefully solve
that.  I'm praying for strength for you also during
this tough time.


--- catatonya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   Prayers continued for you and little Bailey.

 Belinda Sauro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi All,
 Bailey is going to have a bone marrow asperate to
 find out what is 
 causing his anemia on Tuesday, since he will have to
 be put under 
 anesthesia for this I am going to have a feeding
 tube put in too. He is 
 really starting to fight the syringe feedings.
 Please send prayers that 
 he is strong enough to come through this, and that
 whatever is causing 
 the anemia is something treatable. Thanks everyone
 Happiness is being owned by cats ...
 Be-Mi-Kitties ...
 Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens
 FeLV Candle Light Service (affordable hosting  web design)
 BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

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Re: CLS: Ducky

2006-01-17 Thread wendy

I am just now getting caught up on the posts.  I am
sorry to hear about your little Ducky.  It sounds as
if she went quietly which is a blessing in disguise. 
I hope that you are doing ok.  


--- Rachel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Please add Ducky to the CLS.
   I found her last night when I arrived home from
 work.  It seems that she passed away peacefully in
 her sleep while I was at work sometime yesterday.  I
 almost mistook her for just sleeping in her bed.
   There was no indication of any problems.  She had
 seemed to be doing just fine.  
   I guess this is the crummy part of leukemia
 positive kittens, huh?

 Folk will know how large your soul is by the way
 you treat a dog  C. Doran
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Re: Lucy

2006-01-17 Thread Lernermichelle

Lucy has not been diagnosed with ibd, but it is what I suspect (and hope, 
alternative being lymphoma, but the soft stool issue started almost 3 months 
ago, which isa long time ago for lymphoma).

Anyway, she held down a little cooked turkey for an hour this morning so I 
gave her more, that was 1/2 hour ago and so far so good, knock on wood. She 
thinks I am insane for giving her such small amounts. After meowing at me by her 
bowl and giving up, she went over and tried to manually open the cat food 

She lost about a pound in two days, which scares me, but at least she is 
hungry, knock on wood.


In a message dated 1/16/2006 10:05:56 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  I'm sorry. I confused the two. Does Lucy have ibd 
  that you know of or just the bladder problems?
  My ibd cat who threw up (the others had diarrhea) just did it every once 
  in a while. I never could really attribute it to anything out of the 
  ordinary. He had kidney disease and was on science diet for that. 
  This was YEARS ago when that was all there was. It might happen once 
  every month or go as long as 2 or 3 months that it would not happen. 
  When it did happen I had to give him reglan, and that would stop it. 
  Usually one dose would do it. And yes, once he started he would continue 
  to vomit at least every 30 minutes without eating in between, so I knew it 
  wasn't from his food.
  I don't know if the kidney disease played into that or not. He died 
  of kidney failure when he was over 10 years old. At that time he had to 
  take pepcid, reglan, and other things (fluids, etc...) to try to keep him from 
  being sick. But when he was very young (3-5) we found out he had ibd and 
  kidney disease and one kidney that was just very small/malformed. I 
  almost lost him then, but once diagnosed he came back and lived another 8 
  years or so with just the bouts of vomiting here and there.

Re: Sweet Angel Sam/Add to CLS

2006-01-17 Thread wendy

My condolences to you on your loss...I hope you are
doing ok right now.  I hope that the memories of your
baby's last 24 hours begin to fade quickly, because
they are so hard to deal with.  And I hope all the
beautiful memories that Sam gave you while he was with
you are what you see when you think of him.


--- Del H. Daniels [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My sweet boy passed away early this morning while I
 talked to him and held his hand.  His last 24+ hours
 was bad, I didn't expect him to last as long as he
 did.  His first clot was mid-November with back end
 paralysis but he regained some limb function. He
 threw another saddle clot Sunday night but rallied,
 then Wednesday night threw another and it was
 downhill from there.  He was not going to survive
 when he continued to throw these clots frequently
 while on the meds and his heart was inconsistent. 
 Ten minutes before he died Lightning Bug, his
 sister, lay in front of his crate for five minutes
 his head was right next to hers, like they were
 sharing unspoken thoughts before he moved on.  He
 and Effie used to look at each other in admiration
 through the screen door, now they are finally
 playing together.
 It's hard losing two in a week.  

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Re: Bailey Update

2006-01-17 Thread Belinda Sauro

  Bailey and I thank you Wendy   :)

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: Here's the Poem I wrote after losing Tidge for those who wanted to see it.

2006-01-17 Thread jenmeyer
Thank you Michelle!  What a wonderful've certainly got a
gift!  I tried to tell myself that I wouldn't cry before reading
it...but by the time I got to the end, my lap was full of kleenex! 
Thank you,'ve expressed so well what I feel in my heart!


But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed... --Antoine de

If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys. --Chief Dan

- Original Message -
Date: Sunday, January 15, 2006 1:12 pm
Subject: Here's the Poem I wrote after losing Tidge for those who
wanted to   see it.

 Poem for Little  Tidge
 We found  each other wandering - I gave you shelter from the storm
 The  misfortunes life had dealt you left you frightened and  withdrawn
 Our lives combined, our love grew strong, and you knew  that you 
 were saved
 From past neglect and heartache when love was all you  ever craved
 Now I’m left in turmoil, trying hard to  comprehend
 The reasons why god took away my very special  friend
 I know you had to leave me and that was meant to  be
 And I hope that in the place you are, from pain you will  stay free
 I look around each day for you in hope that you’ll  appear
 It hurts so much to face the truth that you’re no  longer here
 Your unexpected passing left me broken and  destroyed
 When your cruel unfair departure left an overwhelming  void
 Not a day goes by when I don’t pray to keep you safe from  harm
 Then I pray your spirit finds me to help me calm my inner  storm
 My late departed friend, I don’t think I’ll ever  understand
 Why you, still young and innocent, were taken from this  land
 I know that you would not desire me harbour such  dismay
 So forgive my times of weakness but you are in my heart  to stay
 My life must now continue much in the way it did  before
 Though without you here beside me, for a while I will  feel poor
 Despite these dismal feelings I can recall how rich I’ve  been
 Because the day I found you wandering was when my heart  began to beam
 Please know how much I love you, and I’m glad our paths  did cross
 The short time that we shared will never be a  loss
 And friend I ask please wait for me for one day I’ll  return
 To comfort and protect thee - but for now our hearts must  yearn
 Heaven and earth may hinder until my time is  done
 But with togetherness our future, our souls are destined  to be one
 Michelle  Lomax (April 2005)
 It's  amazing how creativity comes out with emotion but writing the 
 whilst  painful was also cathartic. I guess much of the poem 
 applies to all of us  
 at some point.
 Hope  you enjoy it xx Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel  Angel  Bramble

Re: Tiggie passed away yesterday

2006-01-17 Thread wendy

I am sorry to hear about Tiggie.  I hope that you and
your family are feeling peaceful about Tiggie's
passing.  It sounds like the timing was right, at
least for Malcolm.  That's so generous and selfless of
you to allow Ashley to take Malcolm, especially the
same day you lost Tiggie.  Tiggie must have been
smiling down on you for that.  


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Re: Lucy

2006-01-17 Thread Lernermichelle

Thanks, Nina. I just got this email this morning. I did fast her 
overnight, and she was HUNGRY this morning. I fed her three small meals of 
cooked turkey in its broth, an hour apart, and so far so good, knock on wood (I 
went downstairs to check for vomit again in the middle of that sentence, to be 
sure I was not speaking too soon!). 

Thanks for all your support. If I had not learned about IBD from you, 
and had all your support, I think I would have freaked out much more initially 
about this and assumed it had to be lymphoma. I still worry it is, but her 
digestive problems have gone on for over 2 months at this point, and they say 
that is the average total prognosis for a cat with lymphoma who does not get 
chemo. So I am guessing, and hoping, that it is IBD. 


In a message dated 1/16/2006 10:52:32 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
Michelle,I just wrote you off-list about Lucy. I said alot of 
  the same things Tonya did. As far as the broth... if you have some raw 
  turkey, or chicken, toss it in a small sauce pan with some filtered water and 
  boil it until you make a weak broth for her. That will be better than a 
  canned broth with lots of salt and flavorings anyway, (more bland). It's 
  just my opinion, but I think 10 hours of fasting is plenty of time to see if 
  she can handle a teaspoon, or tablespoon of broth, or baby food. Going 
  too long in between meals and eating on an empty stomach ALWAYS makes Gypsy 
  vomit! When I would resort to Reglan with Gyps, I'd only have to give 
  her one dose before I saw results with the next meal. She was so bad off 
  at the time that you could actually see her stomach 


2006-01-17 Thread wendy

How is Buster doing?


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OT: Dreams

2006-01-17 Thread wendy
Hi guys,

I wanted to ask everyone's opinions/thoughts on
dreaming about kitties you have lost.  I know it's OT,
but I have a hard enough time keeping up with the
posts here, so joining the OT list is not an option
for me time-wise.  

Since Cricket has passed, I have continued to look for
signs from him letting me know he's ok.  The best I
have gotten is a dismembered cricket that my other two
kitties left by my bed a day or so after he passed,
which was weird because I haven't seen any other
crickets anywhere, inside or out this year.

A couple of nights ago, I dreamed I was walking around
everywhere calling for Cricket.  I couldn't find him
anywhere and kept finding myself in all these
different places.  Rolling hillsides, snow-covered
forests, places I didn't recognize.  The dream was so
real.  And all I did was call for Cricket the whole
time, like I used to when he would sneak out of the
backyard when I wasn't paying attention so he could
explore the neighborhood.  Crick, Crickeee, over
and over and over.  I started panicking in my dream,
and of course when I woke up, I got upset because I
knew the reason I couldn't find him in my dream was
that he was dead.  It really disturbed me. 

Apparently, I still need closure.  I still have guilt
over Cricket's passing, even though I know the facts. 
I am disappointed that I haven't seen or heard
something that lets me know he's ok and that he isn't
mad at me.  Do you guys have any idea what that dream
meant, and also, what's a good way for me to get
closure as I think about it a lot?

Thanks for any advice or thoughts you have,

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Re: OT: Dreams

2006-01-17 Thread Kat
Dear Wendy,

Have you considered talking with an animal communicator?

You WILL eventually talk with Cricket yourself, but for
now, you are still too emotionally upset/still blaming
yourself/feeling guilty/etc, and that can interfere with
your own communication.

(Sort of like when couples try SO hard to have a baby but
they can't - and when they finally decide to adopt - and
there by relax about the whole thing - they get pregnant.)

Getting some inital closure with an animal communicator may
just be the ticket for you.

Kat (Mew Jersey)
On Tue, 17 Jan 2006, wendy wrote:

 Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 08:26:08 -0800 (PST)
 From: wendy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: OT: Dreams

 Hi guys,

 I wanted to ask everyone's opinions/thoughts on
 dreaming about kitties you have lost.  I know it's OT,
 but I have a hard enough time keeping up with the
 posts here, so joining the OT list is not an option
 for me time-wise.

 Since Cricket has passed, I have continued to look for
 signs from him letting me know he's ok.  The best I
 have gotten is a dismembered cricket that my other two
 kitties left by my bed a day or so after he passed,
 which was weird because I haven't seen any other
 crickets anywhere, inside or out this year.

 A couple of nights ago, I dreamed I was walking around
 everywhere calling for Cricket.  I couldn't find him
 anywhere and kept finding myself in all these
 different places.  Rolling hillsides, snow-covered
 forests, places I didn't recognize.  The dream was so
 real.  And all I did was call for Cricket the whole
 time, like I used to when he would sneak out of the
 backyard when I wasn't paying attention so he could
 explore the neighborhood.  Crick, Crickeee, over
 and over and over.  I started panicking in my dream,
 and of course when I woke up, I got upset because I
 knew the reason I couldn't find him in my dream was
 that he was dead.  It really disturbed me.

 Apparently, I still need closure.  I still have guilt
 over Cricket's passing, even though I know the facts.
 I am disappointed that I haven't seen or heard
 something that lets me know he's ok and that he isn't
 mad at me.  Do you guys have any idea what that dream
 meant, and also, what's a good way for me to get
 closure as I think about it a lot?

 Thanks for any advice or thoughts you have,

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Re: Buster

2006-01-17 Thread Sherry DeHaan
Wendy,he is hanging in there,he ate some food last night and as soon as he sees me with the Temptations treats he follows me for them.Thanks for asking,keep him in your prayers.  sherrywendy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Sherry,How is Buster doing?:)Wendy__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around   
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Re: OT: Dreams

2006-01-17 Thread Belinda Sauro
  I would say the crickets are a sure sign that he is letting you know 
he is OK.  The other cats can sense him where as you can't and are 
trying to let you know he is with you still, what better way to let you 
know!!  You certainly can't deny a cricket for Cricket:)

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: Here's the Poem I wrote after losing Tidge for those who wantedto see it.

2006-01-17 Thread Elizabeth Paz

Dear Michelle what a wonderful poem to your sweet little Tridge.  It touches 
all of our hearts.


Subject: Re: Here's the Poem I wrote after losing Tidge for those who 
wantedto see it.

Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 09:21:58 -0600

Thank you Michelle!  What a wonderful've certainly got a
gift!  I tried to tell myself that I wouldn't cry before reading
it...but by the time I got to the end, my lap was full of kleenex!
Thank you,'ve expressed so well what I feel in my heart!


But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed... --Antoine de

If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys. --Chief Dan

- Original Message -
Date: Sunday, January 15, 2006 1:12 pm
Subject: Here's the Poem I wrote after losing Tidge for those who
wanted to   see it.

 Poem for Little  Tidge

 We found  each other wandering - I gave you shelter from the storm
 The  misfortunes life had dealt you left you frightened and  withdrawn
 Our lives combined, our love grew strong, and you knew  that you
 were saved
 From past neglect and heartache when love was all you  ever craved

 Now I’m left in turmoil, trying hard to  comprehend
 The reasons why god took away my very special  friend
 I know you had to leave me and that was meant to  be
 And I hope that in the place you are, from pain you will  stay free
 I look around each day for you in hope that you’ll  appear
 It hurts so much to face the truth that you’re no  longer here

 Your unexpected passing left me broken and  destroyed
 When your cruel unfair departure left an overwhelming  void
 Not a day goes by when I don’t pray to keep you safe from  harm
 Then I pray your spirit finds me to help me calm my inner  storm
 My late departed friend, I don’t think I’ll ever  understand
 Why you, still young and innocent, were taken from this  land

 I know that you would not desire me harbour such  dismay
 So forgive my times of weakness but you are in my heart  to stay
 My life must now continue much in the way it did  before
 Though without you here beside me, for a while I will  feel poor
 Despite these dismal feelings I can recall how rich I’ve  been
 Because the day I found you wandering was when my heart  began to beam

 Please know how much I love you, and I’m glad our paths  did cross
 The short time that we shared will never be a  loss
 And friend I ask please wait for me for one day I’ll  return
 To comfort and protect thee - but for now our hearts must  yearn
 Heaven and earth may hinder until my time is  done
 But with togetherness our future, our souls are destined  to be one

 Michelle  Lomax (April 2005)

 It's  amazing how creativity comes out with emotion but writing the
 whilst  painful was also cathartic. I guess much of the poem
 applies to all of us
 at some point.
 Hope  you enjoy it xx Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel  Angel  Bramble

RE: Lucy

2006-01-17 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Michelle, I hope she continues to get
better  I am thinking that if she lost 2 lb in two days  its
probably because she lost water in her body from vomiting  may be you
can give her fluid to compensate the fluid she lost??

Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006
7:58 AM
Subject: Re: Lucy

Lucy has not been diagnosed with ibd, but
it is what I suspect (and hope, alternative being lymphoma, but the soft stool
issue started almost 3 months ago, which isa long time ago for lymphoma).

Anyway, she held down a little cooked
turkey for an hour this morning so I gave her more, that was 1/2 hour ago and
so far so good, knock on wood. She thinks I am insane for giving her such small
amounts. After meowing at me by her bowl and giving up, she went over and tried
to manually open the cat food cabinet!

She lost about a pound in two days, which
scares me, but at least she is hungry, knock on wood.



In a message dated 1/16/2006 10:05:56
P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I'm sorry. I confused the
two. Does Lucy have ibd that you know of or just the bladder

My ibd cat who threw up (the others had
diarrhea) just did it every once in a while. I never could really
attribute it to anything out of the ordinary. He had kidney disease and
was on science diet for that. This was YEARS ago when that was all there
was. It might happen once every month or go as long as 2 or 3 months that
it would not happen. When it did happen I had to give him reglan, and
that would stop it. Usually one dose would do it. And yes, once he
started he would continue to vomit at least every 30 minutes without eating in
between, so I knew it wasn't from his food.

I don't know if the kidney disease played
into that or not. He died of kidney failure when he was over 10 years
old. At that time he had to take pepcid, reglan, and other things
(fluids, etc...) to try to keep him from being sick. But when he was very
young (3-5) we found out he had ibd and kidney disease and one kidney that was
just very small/malformed. I almost lost him then, but once diagnosed he
came back and lived another 8 years or so with just the bouts of vomiting here
and there.


Re: OT: Dreams

2006-01-17 Thread wendy
Well, that's what I thought, especially since I have
seen NO other Cricket's anywhere, which is odd for
that time of year.  The darn thing was right by my
bed.  I would have taken it as a sign, except the
thing was missing a leg or so, so I thought surely
this isn't a sign.  If it was, it's a bit morbid.  But
Cricket was quirky; maybe that's his personality
coming through.  If I could just have a nice dream
where I get to pet him and love on him, I would be

--- Belinda Sauro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I would say the crickets are a sure sign that he
 is letting you know 
 he is OK.  The other cats can sense him where as you
 can't and are 
 trying to let you know he is with you still, what
 better way to let you 
 know!!  You certainly can't deny a cricket for
 Happiness is being owned by cats ...
 Be-Mi-Kitties ...
 Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens
 FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)
 BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

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Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: OT: Dreams

2006-01-17 Thread wendy
Hey Kat,

I really haven't considered using an AC, partly
because of financial reasons, partly because if I
didn't know the person, I would be extremely skeptical
about their truthfulness.  The baby example was a
great explanation of what you were trying to say about
my own guilt getting in the way of communicating or
being open to a sign.  There's probably a lot of truth
to that.


--- Kat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear Wendy,
 Have you considered talking with an animal
 You WILL eventually talk with Cricket yourself,
 but for
 now, you are still too emotionally upset/still
 yourself/feeling guilty/etc, and that can interfere
 your own communication.
 (Sort of like when couples try SO hard to have a
 baby but
 they can't - and when they finally decide to adopt -
 there by relax about the whole thing - they get
 Getting some inital closure with an animal
 communicator may
 just be the ticket for you.
 Kat (Mew Jersey)
 On Tue, 17 Jan 2006, wendy wrote:
  Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 08:26:08 -0800 (PST)
  From: wendy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: OT: Dreams
  Hi guys,
  I wanted to ask everyone's opinions/thoughts on
  dreaming about kitties you have lost.  I know it's
  but I have a hard enough time keeping up with the
  posts here, so joining the OT list is not an
  for me time-wise.
  Since Cricket has passed, I have continued to look
  signs from him letting me know he's ok.  The best
  have gotten is a dismembered cricket that my other
  kitties left by my bed a day or so after he
  which was weird because I haven't seen any other
  crickets anywhere, inside or out this year.
  A couple of nights ago, I dreamed I was walking
  everywhere calling for Cricket.  I couldn't find
  anywhere and kept finding myself in all these
  different places.  Rolling hillsides, snow-covered
  forests, places I didn't recognize.  The dream was
  real.  And all I did was call for Cricket the
  time, like I used to when he would sneak out of
  backyard when I wasn't paying attention so he
  explore the neighborhood.  Crick, Crickeee,
  and over and over.  I started panicking in my
  and of course when I woke up, I got upset because
  knew the reason I couldn't find him in my dream
  that he was dead.  It really disturbed me.
  Apparently, I still need closure.  I still have
  over Cricket's passing, even though I know the
  I am disappointed that I haven't seen or heard
  something that lets me know he's ok and that he
  mad at me.  Do you guys have any idea what that
  meant, and also, what's a good way for me to get
  closure as I think about it a lot?
  Thanks for any advice or thoughts you have,
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
 protection around

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RE: Lucy

2006-01-17 Thread wendy

Prayers and hugs for both Lucy and you...


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Re: Lucy

2006-01-17 Thread Nina

Hideyo and Michelle,
I think the fluid idea is a good thought for Lucy, but I'm also
thinking she's had enough stress the past couple of days. Unless she
seems dehydrated, or she doesn't have a problem with receiving subq
fluids, I'd leave her the heck alone. Keep feeding her tiny amounts of
food, as long as you don't feel the need to fast her again, she'll put
her weight back on. (It was 1 pound in 2 days, scary, but it could
also have to do with fluctuations in the scale, or the times of day you
weighed her). I wouldn't be as calm about this if I didn't go through
the same sort of thing with Gypsy occasionally. I still panic when she
relapses, (even with as little as one liquid stool, or one bout of
vomiting), but I've found if I keep my head, (and I've also found that
the homeopathic Phos helps), she works her way back out of it. 

I don't mean to sound condescending Michelle, but I'm really proud of
you for keeping your cool through this, (relatively speaking :) 
Blessings to you both,

Hideyo Yamamoto wrote:


  Michelle, I
hope she continues to get
better  I am thinking that if she lost 2 lb in two days  its
probably because she lost water in her body from vomiting  may be you
can give her fluid to compensate the fluid she lost??
  Sent: Tuesday, January
17, 2006
7:58 AM
  Subject: Re: Lucy
  Lucy has
not been diagnosed with ibd, but
it is what I suspect (and hope, alternative being lymphoma, but the
soft stool
issue started almost 3 months ago, which isa long time ago for
  Anyway, she
held down a little cooked
turkey for an hour this morning so I gave her more, that was 1/2 hour
ago and
so far so good, knock on wood. She thinks I am insane for giving her
such small
amounts. After meowing at me by her bowl and giving up, she went over
and tried
to manually open the cat food cabinet!
  She lost
about a pound in two days, which
scares me, but at least she is hungry, knock on wood.

Re: OT: Dreams

2006-01-17 Thread Tad Burnett

Hi Wendy
 I want to tell you what works for me...
It may not work for you...That will have to be your call...
Get another FeLV+ kitty !!!
They say getting another pet to replace a lost one doesn't work
and probably won't if you are planning on it but at least 3 times
in my life I have really wondered if the new cat isn't my old one
come back...
 Anyway all the FeLV+ cats that I have all seem to have something
in common...They all are the greatest cats...Maybe they realize that
I am saving their lives by giving them a home...If you enter into it
knowing it mat be only for a short time and knowing that you gave
them love at the end when often they have been lost and living a
rough life...
  Most people don't realize how many are PTS without a word being
said just because they test pos...It makes me cry to think how close
the last cat who is such a wonderful guy, came to PTS...Pam at the
shelter had tried for some time to save him and on his last day
somebody told her to try this list and then that day I was reading
way behind and late at night...But it was one of those times that it
was meant to be
  You can leave your name at a local shelters or rescue groups
or rescue lists on the internet...There are way too many to pick from...


wendy wrote:

Hi guys,

I wanted to ask everyone's opinions/thoughts on
dreaming about kitties you have lost.  I know it's OT,
but I have a hard enough time keeping up with the
posts here, so joining the OT list is not an option
for me time-wise.  

Since Cricket has passed, I have continued to look for
signs from him letting me know he's ok.  The best I
have gotten is a dismembered cricket that my other two
kitties left by my bed a day or so after he passed,
which was weird because I haven't seen any other
crickets anywhere, inside or out this year.

A couple of nights ago, I dreamed I was walking around
everywhere calling for Cricket.  I couldn't find him
anywhere and kept finding myself in all these
different places.  Rolling hillsides, snow-covered
forests, places I didn't recognize.  The dream was so
real.  And all I did was call for Cricket the whole
time, like I used to when he would sneak out of the
backyard when I wasn't paying attention so he could
explore the neighborhood.  Crick, Crickeee, over
and over and over.  I started panicking in my dream,
and of course when I woke up, I got upset because I
knew the reason I couldn't find him in my dream was
that he was dead.  It really disturbed me. 

Apparently, I still need closure.  I still have guilt
over Cricket's passing, even though I know the facts. 
I am disappointed that I haven't seen or heard

something that lets me know he's ok and that he isn't
mad at me.  Do you guys have any idea what that dream
meant, and also, what's a good way for me to get
closure as I think about it a lot?

Thanks for any advice or thoughts you have,

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Re: OT: Dreams - using ACs

2006-01-17 Thread Nina

Hi Wendy,
I have a couple of suggestions for when/if you speak with an AC. Not
every AC can communicate with those that have crossed over. Make sure
whoever you find is comfortable with that. Only give them the
essentials. Don't feed them any information that they could expand
on. It's actually better for them too. I can't imagine how they keep
the voices of those they are communicating with separate from the their
own inner thoughts as it is! I think that's why it's so difficult for
people who do AC to connect with their own animals, or people psychics
for that matter. First they would naturally be more emotional about
their own loved ones, and second they know so much about them, it's
hard to validate the information as coming from a different source. If
while you're talking to them, nothing is coming through that convinces
you they are actually communicating with Cricket, ask them to tell you
something specific that only you and Cricket would know. They won't be
insulted if you ask for specific validation, not if they're legit.

Let me tell you a little story about what happened with a recent
reading for my dog Vladimir... A couple of weeks ago, I was in another
room when I heard my dog Vladimir scream out in pain. I went rushing
to him and he was in obvious distress. Every time he turned his head,
even slightly, he'd scream again. Nothing seemed to be broken, and he
didn't scream when I touched him, but he was in trouble. I knew if I
rushed him to the ER, they would poke, prod, manipulate his tender
neck, take xrays and probably send me home with a huge bill telling me
to watch him closely. There's nothing that anyone can do for soft
tissue damage and I didn't want to put Vlad through a painful and
stressful exam, if I could help it. I called the AC I use and happily
she had time to do a reading. I didn't tell her anything except that
Vladimir was in pain. No specifics about what happened, no specifics
about what I thought might be going on. I did that on purpose. I knew
that I wouldn't feel comfortable accepting her assessment of the
situation if I wasn't sure she was actually connecting with him. As
far as she was concerned the "pain" could have been a belly ache, or a
leg, or whatever. I was delighted when she honed right in on his
neck! She told me that she didn't see/feel any bone damage, maybe a
small chip. She thought it was a stretched, or torn ligament, or
muscle. She even told me how she thought the accident happened. By
the end of the conversation, she was convinced that it would get better
on its own. I started Vlad on a homeopathic called Traumed, (I had
already given him 1/2 of an Ascriptin for pain), kept him quiet and
away from the rest of the dogs for the next couple of days and except
for squeals of pain when he turned his head the wrong way he seemed to
be getting better. Within 10 days he was back to his normal, active
self. I'm so grateful to have spared the two of us that trip to the
vet! I have more stories of personal experience that have proved the
benefits of AC. I am more than convinced that this is for real. The
main thing is to find someone that you can trust to be accurate and to
not give away information that will cause you to question the
validation of the answers.

Let us know your experience if you decide to try an AC,

wendy wrote:

  Hey Kat,

I really haven't considered using an AC, partly
because of financial reasons, partly because if I
didn't know the person, I would be extremely skeptical
about their truthfulness.  The baby example was a
great explanation of what you were trying to say about
my own guilt getting in the way of communicating or
being open to a sign.  There's probably a lot of truth
to that.


--- Kat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Wendy,

Have you considered talking with an animal

You WILL eventually "talk" with Cricket yourself,
but for
now, you are still too emotionally upset/still
yourself/feeling guilty/etc, and that can interfere
your own communication.

(Sort of like when couples try SO hard to have a
baby but
they can't - and when they finally decide to adopt -
there by relax about the whole thing - they get

Getting some inital closure with an animal
communicator may
just be the ticket for you.

Kat (Mew Jersey)
On Tue, 17 Jan 2006, wendy wrote:

  Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 08:26:08 -0800 (PST)
Subject: OT: Dreams

Hi guys,

I wanted to ask everyone's opinions/thoughts on
dreaming about kitties you have lost.  I know it's


  but I have a hard enough time keeping up with the
posts here, so joining the OT list is not an


  for me time-wise.

Since Cricket has passed, I have continued to look


  signs from him letting me know he's ok.  The best


Re: OT: Dreams

2006-01-17 Thread wendy
Hey Tad,

Thanks for the advice.  Maybe in the future that will
be an option.  I know I am not ready right now to take
in another kitty.  We have three inside (my two
original ones + one of my dad's) and 7 outside/garage.
 My husband would have a fit if I brought another one
home right now.  Plus, I am not sure it would be fair
to new kitty if I don't have the financial means to
care for their FeLV symptoms, you know?  But Cricket
was my only FeLV and he was so dear to me, so you are
right about them being special kitties.  I knew there
was always something different about him even from
when he was little.  

I will keep this in mind for the future.  Kitties are
always coming in and out of my life, it seems, whether
I want them to or not.  lol.  Thanks for sharing your


--- Tad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Wendy
   I want to tell you what works for me...
 It may not work for you...That will have to be your
 Get another FeLV+ kitty !!!
 They say getting another pet to replace a lost one
 doesn't work
 and probably won't if you are planning on it but at
 least 3 times
 in my life I have really wondered if the new cat
 isn't my old one
 come back...
   Anyway all the FeLV+ cats that I have all seem to
 have something
 in common...They all are the greatest cats...Maybe
 they realize that
 I am saving their lives by giving them a home...If
 you enter into it
 knowing it mat be only for a short time and knowing
 that you gave
 them love at the end when often they have been lost
 and living a
 rough life...
Most people don't realize how many are PTS
 without a word being
 said just because they test pos...It makes me cry to
 think how close
 the last cat who is such a wonderful guy, came to
 PTS...Pam at the
 shelter had tried for some time to save him and on
 his last day
 somebody told her to try this list and then that day
 I was reading
 way behind and late at night...But it was one of
 those times that it
 was meant to be
You can leave your name at a local shelters or
 rescue groups
 or rescue lists on the internet...There are way too
 many to pick from...
 wendy wrote:
 Hi guys,
 I wanted to ask everyone's opinions/thoughts on
 dreaming about kitties you have lost.  I know it's
 but I have a hard enough time keeping up with the
 posts here, so joining the OT list is not an option
 for me time-wise.  
 Since Cricket has passed, I have continued to look
 signs from him letting me know he's ok.  The best I
 have gotten is a dismembered cricket that my other
 kitties left by my bed a day or so after he passed,
 which was weird because I haven't seen any other
 crickets anywhere, inside or out this year.
 A couple of nights ago, I dreamed I was walking
 everywhere calling for Cricket.  I couldn't find
 anywhere and kept finding myself in all these
 different places.  Rolling hillsides, snow-covered
 forests, places I didn't recognize.  The dream was
 real.  And all I did was call for Cricket the whole
 time, like I used to when he would sneak out of the
 backyard when I wasn't paying attention so he could
 explore the neighborhood.  Crick, Crickeee,
 and over and over.  I started panicking in my
 and of course when I woke up, I got upset because I
 knew the reason I couldn't find him in my dream was
 that he was dead.  It really disturbed me. 
 Apparently, I still need closure.  I still have
 over Cricket's passing, even though I know the
 I am disappointed that I haven't seen or heard
 something that lets me know he's ok and that he
 mad at me.  Do you guys have any idea what that
 meant, and also, what's a good way for me to get
 closure as I think about it a lot?
 Thanks for any advice or thoughts you have,
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 protection around 

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Re: Bailey Update

2006-01-17 Thread Nina
Me too Belinda, your stomach must be tied up in knots.  When are his 
procedures being done?  We're all thinking about you guys.  Let us know 
as soon as you are able.


wendy wrote:

Hey Belinda,

I'm sending out prayers today for Bailey.  I hope he
sails through the procedures and whatever is done
helps him.  It's so frustrating to watch our kitties
not eat, so the feeding tube will hopefully solve
that.  I'm praying for strength for you also during
this tough time.


Re: OT: Dreams

2006-01-17 Thread tamara stickler
Wendy,I agree that I think you need to relax a bit before you will be able to visit with Cricket. Often times, the animal may need to attend to something or someone else before being able to visit with you again. I had a very old poodle, KC, that I collected from the city streets, that had cancer -had her operated on once but it came back. The day I took her back to the vet for the results, I told her before I left the house that I promised to bring her home, (I don't believe she was ready to "go" yet). The vet saidcancer had come back, and I had allowed my mother and the vet to talk me into putting her down right then and there...even though she was having a good day. I broke my word to her, betrayed herand felt horribly guilty (even to this day). I was sure she was mad at me, felt as I did that I had betrayed her. When I tried to visit
 with her in my dreams...much like you, I was walking the streets (seemingly very real) of a city not the one I found her in , but a city all the samecleaner tho somehow, but I couldn't find her. Finally after months of walking that same street, I saw her...but her coat was dancing with a million small motes of colored light, and she was trotting parallel with mebut it was as if she didnt' see me, she was on a mission. And she faded away. About two years later, I saw her briefly in a dream sitting on an older lady's lap...happy. See, KC never belonged to me. I picked her up, nearly starved, off the street, and although she was a wonderful dog for the two years I had her...whenever she woke up, she looked so happy, until she looked around and saw us. I know she loved me, and she had moments of happiness, and was grateful, but there was someone out there that she had been seperated from that she loved first, someone she had wantedto
 find before she could bother herself with me. Your Cricket is a cat afterallhe will come to you in his own good time. :-) In the meantime, accept what his housemates are trying to tell you...he is ok, he still exists...and they will bring him back to you when the time is right. Next time you dream you are walking in those fields calling his name. Stop walking. Sit down. and Give a cat a chance to be a cattell him you are going to wait right there for him to come to you. And busy yourself in memories (good ones) of him...(He isn't your pet anymore, he's his own little self, as he always was..but more so now...besidesI bet he didn't always come when you called him in lifewhy expect him to in the next...he IS aCAT afterall! ;-) He'llcome to you when HE'S ready.Important: Try in your dream...not to "remember that he's dead". HE
 isn't dead...his body is. That thought seems to be blocking you from "seeing" him. "He's dead", so of course you won't find him, "he's dead" so of course he won't come. His body is dead...that's all...only his body. Everything that WAS Cricket still exists, its just different is all. (A last explanation could be simply this: Cricket had nothing left to he didn't hang around, you and his housemates gave him everything he needed to move on from the first. If that's the case happy about that - for him- and let him go. The love always remains, but sometimes, the spirits have to move on ahead.)God Bless  be at Peace.  T   On Tue, 17 Jan 2006, wendy wrote:   Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 08:26:08 -0800
 (PST)  From: wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Reply-To:  To:  Subject: OT: Dreams   Hi guys,   I wanted to ask everyone's opinions/thoughts on  dreaming about kitties you have lost. I know it's OT,  but I have a hard enough time keeping up with the  posts here, so joining the OT list is not an option  for me time-wise.   Since Cricket has passed, I have continued to look for  signs from him letting me know he's ok. The best I  have gotten is a dismembered cricket that my other two  kitties left by my bed a day or so after he passed,  which was weird because I haven't seen any other  crickets anywhere, inside or out this year.   A couple
 of nights ago, I dreamed I was walking around  everywhere calling for Cricket. I couldn't find him  anywhere and kept finding myself in all these  different places. Rolling hillsides, snow-covered  forests, places I didn't recognize. The dream was so  real. And all I did was call for Cricket the whole  time, like I used to when he would sneak out of the  backyard when I wasn't paying attention so he could  explore the neighborhood. "Crick, Crickeee," over  and over and over. I started panicking in my dream,  and of course when I woke up, I got upset because I  knew the reason I couldn't find him in my dream was  that he was dead. It really disturbed me.   Apparently, I still need closure. I still have guilt  over
 Cricket's passing, even though I know the facts.  I am disappointed that I haven't seen or heard  something that lets me know he's ok and that he isn't  mad at me. Do you 

Re: OT: Dreams - using ACs

2006-01-17 Thread wendy
Hey Nina,

Thanks for the info.  I am such a logical person that
I am having a hard time accepting the validity of an
AC (although I also had a hard time accepting my own
faith in my younger years because of that logic).  But
when people have stories of their own, that gives more
proof for me to be able to believe.  I saw an AC here
in Dallas when I did a search on the Internet for
them.  Maybe I will contact her in the next few weeks.


--- Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Wendy,
 I have a couple of suggestions for when/if you speak
 with an AC.  Not 
 every AC can communicate with those that have
 crossed over.  Make sure 
 whoever you find is comfortable with that.  Only
 give them the 
 essentials.  Don't feed them any information that
 they could expand on.  
 It's actually better for them too.  I can't imagine
 how they keep the 
 voices of those they are communicating with separate
 from the their own 
 inner thoughts as it is!  I think that's why it's so
 difficult for 
 people who do AC to connect with their own animals,
 or people psychics 
 for that matter.  First they would naturally be more
 emotional about 
 their own loved ones, and second they know so much
 about them, it's hard 
 to validate the information as coming from a
 different source.  If while 
 you're talking to them, nothing is coming through
 that convinces you 
 they are actually communicating with Cricket, ask
 them to tell you 
 something specific that only you and Cricket would
 know.  They won't be 
 insulted if you ask for specific validation, not if
 they're legit.
 Let me tell you a little story about what happened
 with a recent reading 
 for my dog Vladimir...  A couple of weeks ago, I was
 in another room 
 when I heard my dog Vladimir scream out in pain.  I
 went rushing to him 
 and he was in obvious distress.  Every time he
 turned his head, even 
 slightly, he'd scream again.  Nothing seemed to be
 broken, and he didn't 
 scream when I touched him, but he was in trouble.  I
 knew if I rushed 
 him to the ER, they would poke, prod, manipulate his
 tender neck, take 
 xrays and probably send me home with a huge bill
 telling me to watch him 
 closely.  There's nothing that anyone can do for
 soft tissue damage and 
 I didn't want to put Vlad through a painful and
 stressful exam, if I 
 could help it.  I called the AC I use and happily
 she had time to do a 
 reading.  I didn't tell her anything except that
 Vladimir was in pain.  
 No specifics about what happened, no specifics about
 what I thought 
 might be going on.  I did that on purpose.  I knew
 that I wouldn't feel 
 comfortable accepting her assessment of the
 situation if I wasn't sure 
 she was actually connecting with him.  As far as she
 was concerned the 
 pain could have been a belly ache, or a leg, or
 whatever.  I was 
 delighted when she honed right in on his neck!  She
 told me that she 
 didn't see/feel any bone damage, maybe a small chip.
  She thought it was 
 a stretched, or torn ligament, or muscle.  She even
 told me how she 
 thought the accident happened.  By the end of the
 conversation, she was 
 convinced that it would get better on its own.  I
 started Vlad on a 
 homeopathic called Traumed, (I had already given him
 1/2 of an Ascriptin 
 for pain), kept him quiet and away from the rest of
 the dogs for the 
 next couple of days and except for squeals of pain
 when he turned his 
 head the wrong way he seemed to be getting better. 
 Within 10 days he 
 was back to his normal, active self.  I'm so
 grateful to have spared the 
 two of us that trip to the vet!  I have more stories
 of personal 
 experience that have proved the benefits of AC.  I
 am more than 
 convinced that this is for real.  The main thing is
 to find someone that 
 you can trust to be accurate and to not give away
 information that will 
 cause you to question the validation of the answers.
 Let us know your experience if you decide to try an
 wendy wrote:
 Hey Kat,
 I really haven't considered using an AC, partly
 because of financial reasons, partly because if I
 didn't know the person, I would be extremely
 about their truthfulness.  The baby example was a
 great explanation of what you were trying to say
 my own guilt getting in the way of communicating or
 being open to a sign.  There's probably a lot of
 to that.
 --- Kat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear Wendy,
 Have you considered talking with an animal
 You WILL eventually talk with Cricket yourself,
 but for
 now, you are still too emotionally upset/still
 yourself/feeling guilty/etc, and that can
 your own communication.
 (Sort of like when couples try SO hard to have a
 baby but
 they can't - and when they finally decide to adopt
 there by relax about the whole thing - they get
 Getting some inital closure with an animal
 communicator may
 just be the 

Re: OT: Dreams

2006-01-17 Thread wendy

I am laughing through my tears right now reading your
post.  You are so right, Cricket never came to me when
I called when he was outside because he knew that most
times it was time to go inside.  He always wanted to
be outside all the time.  I laughed when I read that. 
His own good time might be a while from now!  

The story about KC really moved me.  And it's
wonderful that you are so understanding about KC and
her former owner, especially since it probably hurt
you.  You are very perceptive too; a lot of people
would have missed the signs in that dream, including
me.  I know how you feel though.  I do feel terribly
guilty.  I told him that it would be ok before he got
the gas and it wasn't.  Nevermind that he was very bad
off and was going to be pts anyway that evening had I
not decided to try to save him one last time. 
Nevermind that I did everything I possibly could have
for him the whole time he was in my care.  And
nevermind that I loved him dearly.  I didn't get to
talk to him before he left, we were in such a hurry
(on the vets schedule) after I got off work.  I so
regret not taking five extra minutes to just love on
him and realize that this might be the last time we'd
speak.  I just never allowed myself to think that and
I'm so sorry now I didn't.  I didn't really get to say

Thank you for sharing with me Tamara.  I feel better. 
Several people have given me a lot to think about, and
maybe this guilt thing will eventually subside and
allow me to communicate with Cricket again.

God bless you too,

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Re: Lucy

2006-01-17 Thread Lernermichelle

She lost 1 lb, not 2. She does not feel dehydrated, and I am giving 
her a lot of broth now with her little turkey meals.


In a message dated 1/17/2006 12:58:12 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
Michelle, I hope she 
  continues to get better – I am thinking that if she lost 2 lb in two days – 
  it’s probably because she lost water in her body from vomiting – may be you 
  can give her fluid to compensate the fluid she 

Re: Tabbs my Siamese in Spain

2006-01-17 Thread catsculptress

Hi Brenda, how did your results go ??, I 
hope they were for the better, regarding tabs a little improvement , but 
my vet has not taken much notice of my hints at your suggestion even though I 
have taken a lot of print outs of information, but he prombly can not read 
English, so I may try a German vet who has been 
For second opinion. 

I think I have done some thing wrong when I 
signed up, as all the email from other from other feline people are coming 
though to me , is this correct or should they be coming though the web 

take care and good luck 


Re: Dreams

2006-01-17 Thread Marylyn
First, quieten yourself.  You are trying to force the issue.  Cricket will 
visit when it is time.  You want it so badly you are closing yourself up 
instead of being open.

Second, when you have quietened yourself, sit and talk aloud to Cricket. 
Ask him to visit you in your dreams.  He will.  He has been trying but you 
are not letting him in.

I am not fussing at you and I understand exactly what you are going thru. 
Please take this kindly.  It is meant that way.

If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who
will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
- Original Message - 

Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 10:26 AM
Subject: OT: Dreams

Hi guys,

I wanted to ask everyone's opinions/thoughts on
dreaming about kitties you have lost.  I know it's OT,
but I have a hard enough time keeping up with the
posts here, so joining the OT list is not an option
for me time-wise.

Since Cricket has passed, I have continued to look for
signs from him letting me know he's ok.  The best I
have gotten is a dismembered cricket that my other two
kitties left by my bed a day or so after he passed,
which was weird because I haven't seen any other
crickets anywhere, inside or out this year.

A couple of nights ago, I dreamed I was walking around
everywhere calling for Cricket.  I couldn't find him
anywhere and kept finding myself in all these
different places.  Rolling hillsides, snow-covered
forests, places I didn't recognize.  The dream was so
real.  And all I did was call for Cricket the whole
time, like I used to when he would sneak out of the
backyard when I wasn't paying attention so he could
explore the neighborhood.  Crick, Crickeee, over
and over and over.  I started panicking in my dream,
and of course when I woke up, I got upset because I
knew the reason I couldn't find him in my dream was
that he was dead.  It really disturbed me.

Apparently, I still need closure.  I still have guilt
over Cricket's passing, even though I know the facts.
I am disappointed that I haven't seen or heard
something that lets me know he's ok and that he isn't
mad at me.  Do you guys have any idea what that dream
meant, and also, what's a good way for me to get
closure as I think about it a lot?

Thanks for any advice or thoughts you have,

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RE: Lucy

2006-01-17 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Michelle  I thought my English is a bit
off but now I am off understanding numbers  1 lb sounds much better than 2
lb --- I am sorry..

Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006
12:54 PM
Subject: Re: Lucy

She lost 1 lb, not 2. She does not
feel dehydrated, and I am giving her a lot of broth now with her little turkey



In a message dated 1/17/2006 12:58:12
P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Michelle, I hope she continues to get
better  I am thinking that if she lost 2 lb in two days  its probably
because she lost water in her body from vomiting  may be you can give her
fluid to compensate the fluid she lost??

Bad news about Starman - OT (long)

2006-01-17 Thread Nina

Hello everyone,
I'm so sad and I'm reaching out to you guys for comfort and ideas about 
what to do for my new charge, Starman. I know I've mentioned him to some 
of you already, (we were calling him Manix, because he has a nub of a tail).

The first time I saw him was a couple of months ago, eating at the feral 
dishes in my front yard.  He's a big 'ol intact Tom, (we weighed him at 
the vet's last Friday and he's 16.8 pounds!). I have a fenced in habitat 
along the back side of my house.  I used to keep the door open and food 
in there for anyone that wanted it.  One day, about a month ago, Star 
wandered in there and I simply shut the door.  It was the easiest 
capture I've ever experienced with a feral cat.  I could tell he had 
had some association with humans because he was so vocal, but he was 
definitely hostile toward me and my animals.  He spent most of the first 
two weeks hiding under the house.

I didn't feel comfortable bringing him in immediately for neutering 
because he had URI symptoms.  I made an appointment with a very 
expensive vet that is incredible with handling feral cats.  I had to 
wait for an appointment, and in the meantime, I did my best to show Star 
not all humans are to be feared.  I took it slow and used all my love 
and knowledge to gain his trust.  He's come such a long way!  He now 
rubs against me and allows me to clean his eyes with cotton balls and 
saline solution, (his eyes are better, but they're still runny with 
clear rusty brown tears and the occasional yellow/green goo in the 
corners).  His lungs still sound congested, but I haven't heard him 
cough, or sneeze in a few days.  He's spry and active, he comes running 
to greet me when he hears me approaching the habitat now.

The poor little angel wants so desperately to be with me all the time.
He's discovered what it's like to be loved and he can't get enough
attention. My bedroom window is contained within the habitat and there
are climbing shelves that lead up to it.  Star cries pitifully 
throughout the night and early morning hours, I don't think it's because

he wants to escape, he never trys to bolt the gate when I open it.  He
just wants me to come out and keep him company.  He's begun climbing the
shelving and scratching at my bedroom window.  The other night when I
opened it to pet and comfort him, he tried to bull his way past me into
the bedroom.  This was with a couple of dogs and cats on the bed beneath
the window at the time!  It broke my heart, but I couldn't let him in.
I still didn't know what was wrong with him and I can't jeopardize the
rest of my cats.

So far, he hasn't done as well with making friends with my other cats, 
(poor little man doesn't seem to ever have had a buddy, not human, not 
cat).  He doesn't hiss, or strike at them through the fence, (my cats do 
plenty of hissing at him), but he's still charging the fence when he 
sees one of them looking in.

Last Friday we were finally able to get in to see the East/West vet 
that's so good with ferals.  Oh, I was so proud of Star!  He was scared 
to death with the experience, poor baby peed in his carrier.  But he 
went completely limp and while covered head to toe in a towel, allowed 
the vet to draw his blood!  I'm telling you there were tears in my eyes 
at the level of trust he's gotten to!  After we brought him home he was 
even more affectionate with me.

Yesterday I got the results of his tests from the vet.  He tested 
positive for FIV.  I'm devastated.  There go all my hopes of acclimating 
him to my household.  I can't take the chance that he won't bite someone 
and spread his FIV and I can't release him for the same reason.  I'm so 
sad.  I don't know what to do for him.  He's so lonely in the habitat, I 
can't keep him in there too much longer.  Since he's still symptomatic, 
I'm not even sure I should schedule his surgery for neuter.

I'm going to take pictures and get his info out in the hopes that 
there's someone out there willing to give him a chance at the forever 
home he truly deserves.  I'm doing my best to remain optimistic about 
his future, but I'm so darn disappointed.  My mother and sister have 
both told me that I should pts for his own good.  I know there are 
plenty of people that believe the same thing, I'm just not one of them.

I appreciate you taking the time to read Star's story.  Any ideas, 
thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  I get so tired 
facing battle after battle. Nothing's ever easy.  But maybe I'm just 
feeling discouraged right now.  Maybe things will seem brighter soon.

Love to you guys,

Re: Bad news about Starman - OT (long)

2006-01-17 Thread Lernermichelle

Nina, you should definitely post on the 2 yahoo FIV lists. I found a 
home for Charlie, from the shelter, that way (though we had to drive him to VA 
from MA!)


Re: OT: Dreams

2006-01-17 Thread Marylyn

Or leave your name with local vets.

If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who
will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
- Original Message - 
From: Tad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 12:21 PM
Subject: Re: OT: Dreams

Hi Wendy
 I want to tell you what works for me...
It may not work for you...That will have to be your call...
Get another FeLV+ kitty !!!
They say getting another pet to replace a lost one doesn't work
and probably won't if you are planning on it but at least 3 times
in my life I have really wondered if the new cat isn't my old one
come back...
 Anyway all the FeLV+ cats that I have all seem to have something
in common...They all are the greatest cats...Maybe they realize that
I am saving their lives by giving them a home...If you enter into it
knowing it mat be only for a short time and knowing that you gave
them love at the end when often they have been lost and living a
rough life...
  Most people don't realize how many are PTS without a word being
said just because they test pos...It makes me cry to think how close
the last cat who is such a wonderful guy, came to PTS...Pam at the
shelter had tried for some time to save him and on his last day
somebody told her to try this list and then that day I was reading
way behind and late at night...But it was one of those times that it
was meant to be
  You can leave your name at a local shelters or rescue groups
or rescue lists on the internet...There are way too many to pick from...


wendy wrote:

Hi guys,

I wanted to ask everyone's opinions/thoughts on
dreaming about kitties you have lost.  I know it's OT,
but I have a hard enough time keeping up with the
posts here, so joining the OT list is not an option
for me time-wise.
Since Cricket has passed, I have continued to look for
signs from him letting me know he's ok.  The best I
have gotten is a dismembered cricket that my other two
kitties left by my bed a day or so after he passed,
which was weird because I haven't seen any other
crickets anywhere, inside or out this year.

A couple of nights ago, I dreamed I was walking around
everywhere calling for Cricket.  I couldn't find him
anywhere and kept finding myself in all these
different places.  Rolling hillsides, snow-covered
forests, places I didn't recognize.  The dream was so
real.  And all I did was call for Cricket the whole
time, like I used to when he would sneak out of the
backyard when I wasn't paying attention so he could
explore the neighborhood.  Crick, Crickeee, over
and over and over.  I started panicking in my dream,
and of course when I woke up, I got upset because I
knew the reason I couldn't find him in my dream was
that he was dead.  It really disturbed me.
Apparently, I still need closure.  I still have guilt
over Cricket's passing, even though I know the facts. I am disappointed 
that I haven't seen or heard

something that lets me know he's ok and that he isn't
mad at me.  Do you guys have any idea what that dream
meant, and also, what's a good way for me to get
closure as I think about it a lot?

Thanks for any advice or thoughts you have,

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Re: Bad news about Starman - OT (long)

2006-01-17 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

where are you and starman located at?

see our 
available orphans at: 

Re: OT: Dreams

2006-01-17 Thread tamara stickler
Wendy,As I'm reading your letter exposing all the guilt and regret that you feel...I can just picture your Cricket, with his paws stretched out in front of him in that regal way they have, a smug small smile on his face as if to say, "My human...she always overthinks everything!" Trust that he understands it ALL now. Afterall, he's smarter than we humanshe's a CAT.  ;-)wendy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Tamara,I am laughing through my tears right now reading yourpost. You are so right, Cricket never came to me whenI called when he was outside because he knew that mosttimes it was time to go inside. He always wanted tobe outside all the time. I laughed when I read that. His own good time might be a
 while from now! The story about KC really moved me. And it'swonderful that you are so understanding about KC andher former owner, especially since it probably hurtyou. You are very perceptive too; a lot of peoplewould have missed the signs in that dream, includingme. I know how you feel though. I do feel terriblyguilty. I told him that it would be ok before he gotthe gas and it wasn't. Nevermind that he was very badoff and was going to be pts anyway that evening had Inot decided to try to save him one last time. Nevermind that I did everything I possibly could havefor him the whole time he was in my care. Andnevermind that I loved him dearly. I didn't get to"talk" to him before he left, we were in such a hurry(on the vets schedule) after I got off work. I soregret not taking five extra minutes to just love onhim and realize that this might be the last time we'dspeak. I just never allowed myself to think that
 andI'm so sorry now I didn't. I didn't really get to saygood-bye.Thank you for sharing with me Tamara. I feel better. Several people have given me a lot to think about, andmaybe this guilt thing will eventually subside andallow me to communicate with Cricket again.God bless you too,:)Wendy__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around   
		Yahoo! Photos 
Got holiday prints? See all the ways to get quality prints in your hands ASAP.

Re: Bad news about Starman - OT (long)

2006-01-17 Thread Nina

Thanks Michelle. I'll look up the FIV lists. It's encouraging to hear
that you found someone a home that way. I'd be willing to do whatever
I had to to transport him to the right home. I thought I'd try the
feral cat group you posted about before too. I want to get pictures of
him before I start looking. He's really a handsome fellow. Long
haired brown tabby with white on his chest and belly, and oh those
jowls! When I first met him I thought his markings made him look like
he was scowling. When he started to trust me, I realized that it
wasn't his markings at all. He actually had been scowling at me! Now
he's got the sweetest kitten _expression_ on his face when he looks at
me. He just melts my heart.

I did get your earlier email about segregating him in a portion of the
house. We're not really set up well for that here. Since I'm always
taking in fosters and/or doing TNR, I have to keep those spaces open
for the ones that come passing through. I have been thinking about it
though. It's really hard for me to imagine someone being happy with
that sort of long term confinement. 



  Nina, you should definitely post on the 2 yahoo FIV lists. I
found a home for Charlie, from the shelter, that way (though we had to
drive him to VA from MA!)

Re: Bad news about Starman - OT (long)

2006-01-17 Thread Nina

I'm in Oxnard CA. It's north of Los Angeles and south of Santa Barbara.


  where are you and starman located at?
  see our available orphans at:
Karen 817-453-4888

RE: Lucy

2006-01-17 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Nina and Michelle  you are probably
right --- she should be able to put the weight back on her own  you know
me  I try to do too much of unnecessary things sometimes,,, I have to
cool it sometimes

Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006
11:09 AM
Subject: Re: Lucy

Hideyo and Michelle,
I think the fluid idea is a good thought for Lucy, but I'm also thinking she's
had enough stress the past couple of days. Unless she seems dehydrated,
or she doesn't have a problem with receiving subq fluids, I'd leave her the
heck alone. Keep feeding her tiny amounts of food, as long as you don't
feel the need to fast her again, she'll put her weight back on. (It was 1
pound in 2 days, scary, but it could also have to do with fluctuations in the
scale, or the times of day you weighed her). I wouldn't be as calm about
this if I didn't go through the same sort of thing with Gypsy occasionally.
I still panic when she relapses, (even with as little as one liquid stool, or
one bout of vomiting), but I've found if I keep my head, (and I've also found
that the homeopathic Phos helps), she works her way back out of it. 

I don't mean to sound condescending Michelle, but I'm really proud of you for
keeping your cool through this, (relatively speaking :) 
Blessings to you both,

Hideyo Yamamoto wrote:

I hope she continues to get better  I am thinking that if she lost 2 lb
in two days  its probably because she lost water in her body from
vomiting  may be you can give her fluid to compensate the fluid she

Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006
7:58 AM
Subject: Re: Lucy

Lucy has not been diagnosed with ibd, but it is what
I suspect (and hope, alternative being lymphoma, but the soft stool issue
started almost 3 months ago, which isa long time ago for lymphoma).

Anyway, she held down a little cooked turkey for an
hour this morning so I gave her more, that was 1/2 hour ago and so far so good,
knock on wood. She thinks I am insane for giving her such small amounts. After
meowing at me by her bowl and giving up, she went over and tried to manually
open the cat food cabinet!

She lost about a pound in two days, which scares me,
but at least she is hungry, knock on wood.



Re: Lucy

2006-01-17 Thread Lernermichelle

I do that too. My sheep's acupuncture vet told me yesterday that 
sometimes the hardest thing to do is nothing, but sometimes it is the right 
thing and that I have problems doing that.

In a message dated 1/17/2006 4:33:05 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
Nina and Michelle – 
  you are probably right --- she should be able to put the weight back on her 
  own – you know me – I try to do too much of unnecessary things sometimes,,, I 
  have to cool it sometimes…

Re: Bailey Update

2006-01-17 Thread Belinda Sauro

Hi All,
  Bailey's number is down to 15% now (he's been on the epogen for 5 
shots and last blood work was 6 day's ago so I'm really worried), so I 
did go ahead with the aspirate, it will take 3 to 5 days for an answer.  
In the meantime now I can give him the pet tinic, prednisolone, doxy, 
clindimycine, and pain medication he needs through his tube without him 
being so stressed about it.

He is really PO'd and hissing.  I will give him a 2 to 3 hours to settle 
down before I feed him a very small watered down meal and later tonight 
I will give him his meds in another small watered down meal.  I hope he 
is as OK with the tube feedings as Buddie was.  I'll let you know ...

Sure am hoping and praying that whatever it is is something we can treat 


Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: Bad news about Starman - OT (long)

2006-01-17 Thread wendy

I definitely hear defeat in your voice, so before you
make any decisions about Starman, you might want to
give yourself some time to recoup.  Your outlook on
this whole situation will affect the decisions you
make, so time is going to be your ally in this

You have a perfectly functional habitat (is it really
small; is that why you can't keep him there?) and it
sounds as if you are the object of Starman's
affections, which are both positive points.  Even
though you might not be able to give into his demands
to be let into the house, take comfort in knowing that
he will adjust over time to the situation.  If he
learns he cannot come in, he will eventually accept it
and adjust.  I smiled and laughed as I read about
Starman.  It's so rewarding to gain a cat's trust! 
Especially a feral one!  

Remember that FeLV is not an automatic death sentence,
and neither is FIV.  Just give him some time.  You
don't have to make a decision today, and as he really
needs to be neutered (which might calm him enough to
where you could introduce a friend eventually (another
FIV) if you are really worried about him being

Keep your chin up and just sit tight.  Keep us posted
on Starman's progress.


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Re: Bad news about Starman - OT (long)

2006-01-17 Thread Lernermichelle

I know. I hate that Quincy is confined that way in my house. But I do not 
know what else to do. I do not want to mix my positives and him, but even 
if I did he can not be around other cats. The reason I have him is that my 
friend rescued him but he bit a hole through one of her cat's tail the first 
time he saw her. He screams like someone is trying to kill him if he even 
sees a cat out a window. Given this behavior, it would be dangerous to all 
involved to mix him with my positives. In my house in MA, we had a good 
set-up because we had a finished garage that the positives lived in, separate 
from the house. It had furniture, flooring, electricity, heat, a loft, 
skylights, and a cat door to a yard with cat fence-in. Here we do not have 
anything like that, so they are all in the house with us. Which in many ways I 
like better because I always get to be with my positives instead of having to go 
to them, but I see Quincy less and he is less happy. Have not come up with 
a better solution though, except maybe the door at the top of the stairs 

In a message dated 1/17/2006 4:09:21 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
I did 
  get your earlier email about segregating him in a portion of the house. 
  We're not really set up well for that here. Since I'm always taking in 
  fosters and/or doing TNR, I have to keep those spaces open for the ones that 
  come passing through. I have been thinking about it though. It's 
  really hard for me to imagine someone being happy with that sort of long term 

Re: Bailey Update

2006-01-17 Thread Lernermichelle

I am hoping too. Bailey has been such an inspiration to all of 
us. I have found dexamethasone to be helpful with anemia where it is 
caused by lymphoma-- in combo with chemo.Kerry had luck with it with 
Bandy too, incombo with all that other stuff.


In a message dated 1/17/2006 4:52:47 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
   Hi All, Bailey's number is down to 15% now (he's 
  been on the epogen for 5 shots and last blood work was 6 day's ago so I'm 
  really worried), so I did go ahead with the aspirate, it will take 3 to 5 
  days for an answer. In the meantime now I can give him the pet 
  tinic, prednisolone, doxy, clindimycine, and pain medication he needs 
  through his tube without him being so stressed about it.He is 
  really PO'd and hissing. I will give him a 2 to 3 hours to settle 
  down before I feed him a very small watered down meal and later tonight 
  I will give him his meds in another small watered down meal. I hope 
  he is as OK with the tube feedings as Buddie was. I'll let you know 
  ...Sure am hoping and praying that whatever it is is something we can 
  treat  beat!!

Re: Bailey Update

2006-01-17 Thread wendy

I am glad that Bailey came through the procedures and
is angry!  That's probably a good thing.  He's still
got some spirit!  Please keep us posted on him!


--- Belinda Sauro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi All,
Bailey's number is down to 15% now (he's been on
 the epogen for 5 
 shots and last blood work was 6 day's ago so I'm
 really worried), so I 
 did go ahead with the aspirate, it will take 3 to 5
 days for an answer.  
 In the meantime now I can give him the pet tinic,
 prednisolone, doxy, 
 clindimycine, and pain medication he needs through
 his tube without him 
 being so stressed about it.
 He is really PO'd and hissing.  I will give him a 2
 to 3 hours to settle 
 down before I feed him a very small watered down
 meal and later tonight 
 I will give him his meds in another small watered
 down meal.  I hope he 
 is as OK with the tube feedings as Buddie was.  I'll
 let you know ...
 Sure am hoping and praying that whatever it is is
 something we can treat 
 Happiness is being owned by cats ...
 Be-Mi-Kitties ...
 Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens
 FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)
 BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Dreams

2006-01-17 Thread wendy
Thank you Marylyn for the sage advice.  I did not take
offense at all; rather, I'm happy that you took time
to help.  I have been sounding whiny about this whole
thing, so quieting myself might be for the best for
both of us.  Thank you for your kindness Marylyn.


--- Marylyn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 First, quieten yourself.  You are trying to force
 the issue.  Cricket will 
 visit when it is time.  You want it so badly you are
 closing yourself up 
 instead of being open.
 Second, when you have quietened yourself, sit and
 talk aloud to Cricket. 
 Ask him to visit you in your dreams.  He will.  He
 has been trying but you 
 are not letting him in.
 I am not fussing at you and I understand exactly
 what you are going thru. 
 Please take this kindly.  It is meant that way.
 you have men who will 
 exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter of 
 compassion and pity, you will have men who
 will deal likewise with 
 their fellow man.
 - Original Message - 
 From: wendy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 10:26 AM
 Subject: OT: Dreams
  Hi guys,
  I wanted to ask everyone's opinions/thoughts on
  dreaming about kitties you have lost.  I know it's
  but I have a hard enough time keeping up with the
  posts here, so joining the OT list is not an
  for me time-wise.
  Since Cricket has passed, I have continued to look
  signs from him letting me know he's ok.  The best
  have gotten is a dismembered cricket that my other
  kitties left by my bed a day or so after he
  which was weird because I haven't seen any other
  crickets anywhere, inside or out this year.
  A couple of nights ago, I dreamed I was walking
  everywhere calling for Cricket.  I couldn't find
  anywhere and kept finding myself in all these
  different places.  Rolling hillsides, snow-covered
  forests, places I didn't recognize.  The dream was
  real.  And all I did was call for Cricket the
  time, like I used to when he would sneak out of
  backyard when I wasn't paying attention so he
  explore the neighborhood.  Crick, Crickeee,
  and over and over.  I started panicking in my
  and of course when I woke up, I got upset because
  knew the reason I couldn't find him in my dream
  that he was dead.  It really disturbed me.
  Apparently, I still need closure.  I still have
  over Cricket's passing, even though I know the
  I am disappointed that I haven't seen or heard
  something that lets me know he's ok and that he
  mad at me.  Do you guys have any idea what that
  meant, and also, what's a good way for me to get
  closure as I think about it a lot?
  Thanks for any advice or thoughts you have,
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
 protection around

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 


2006-01-17 Thread Lomaxturtle

Glad you liked the poem and sorry for making you cry but I guess when 
something comes deep from the heart then it is inevitable that others 
experiencing the same will cry - I still do.
It's nice to be able to share it here because general public would think it 
was over the top for losing a cat but as we all feel here they are so so 
precious to us and it is soul destroying when they do cross to the bridge.

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy  Angel Bramble

Re: Bad news about Starman - OT (long)

2006-01-17 Thread Kat

Get some Collidal Silver to put in his water to help him get over his URI.
I usually use 20 ppm strength, and just add a dropperful to the water dish
each time I change the water.  Once he is not sounding so congested, have
him neutered.  Being that he is an older Tom, it may take 6 weeks for all
the hormones to get out of his body, but this should help - the others are
probably reacting to his entact-ness.

Can you keep your bedroom (temporarily) closed off for a week so that when
you open the window to let Star in (after surgery and the 6 week waiting
period), he can move around the room and get used to being inside?  Then
when he wants out, you can let the others in to start getting used to him
being inside too.  (Sort of like swapping bedding around to get everyone
used to each others smells first.)

Then, get some feliway spray (comfort zone plug-ins) and some cooking
vanilla.  Dab the cooking vanilla on EVERYONE (dogs included) both on the
back of their necks and at the base of their tails - this will help
everyone smell the same.  The vanilla is non-toxic and can be re-applied
whenever you feel like you need it again.

All the while (starting now), talk to everyone and tell them what you are
doing, why you are doing it, and ask them for their help and co-operation
in this matter.  And listen for anything that comes up - they will need to
be reassured and know that they are not being left out of the process.

Then, GO FOR IT!!  You can do it! They will help.  (And so will we, but
you already knew that.)
Kat (Mew Jersey)

Re: Dreams

2006-01-17 Thread Marylyn

You are not whiny.  You are in pain.  The same pain we have all suffered.

If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who
will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
- Original Message - 

Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 4:01 PM
Subject: Re: Dreams

Thank you Marylyn for the sage advice.  I did not take
offense at all; rather, I'm happy that you took time
to help.  I have been sounding whiny about this whole
thing, so quieting myself might be for the best for
both of us.  Thank you for your kindness Marylyn.


--- Marylyn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

First, quieten yourself.  You are trying to force
the issue.  Cricket will
visit when it is time.  You want it so badly you are
closing yourself up
instead of being open.

Second, when you have quietened yourself, sit and
talk aloud to Cricket.
Ask him to visit you in your dreams.  He will.  He
has been trying but you
are not letting him in.

I am not fussing at you and I understand exactly
what you are going thru.
Please take this kindly.  It is meant that way.

you have men who will
exclude any of God's creatures

from the shelter of
compassion and pity, you will have men who

will deal likewise with
their fellow man.

- Original Message - 

Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 10:26 AM
Subject: OT: Dreams

 Hi guys,

 I wanted to ask everyone's opinions/thoughts on
 dreaming about kitties you have lost.  I know it's
 but I have a hard enough time keeping up with the
 posts here, so joining the OT list is not an
 for me time-wise.

 Since Cricket has passed, I have continued to look
 signs from him letting me know he's ok.  The best
 have gotten is a dismembered cricket that my other
 kitties left by my bed a day or so after he
 which was weird because I haven't seen any other
 crickets anywhere, inside or out this year.

 A couple of nights ago, I dreamed I was walking
 everywhere calling for Cricket.  I couldn't find
 anywhere and kept finding myself in all these
 different places.  Rolling hillsides, snow-covered
 forests, places I didn't recognize.  The dream was
 real.  And all I did was call for Cricket the
 time, like I used to when he would sneak out of
 backyard when I wasn't paying attention so he
 explore the neighborhood.  Crick, Crickeee,
 and over and over.  I started panicking in my
 and of course when I woke up, I got upset because
 knew the reason I couldn't find him in my dream
 that he was dead.  It really disturbed me.

 Apparently, I still need closure.  I still have
 over Cricket's passing, even though I know the
 I am disappointed that I haven't seen or heard
 something that lets me know he's ok and that he
 mad at me.  Do you guys have any idea what that
 meant, and also, what's a good way for me to get
 closure as I think about it a lot?

 Thanks for any advice or thoughts you have,

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
protection around

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

Re: Bailey Update

2006-01-17 Thread Lernermichelle

Belinda, just as a pep talk-- Simon's HCT went down to 13 from lymphoma and 
then back up to 32 with steroids and chemo. He died two months later from 
anemia, but that final anemia came on suddenly and the oncologist said it was an 
auto-immune response to the cancer (or maybe the chemo). But it is 
possible for HCT's to come up from even lower than 15.

In a message dated 1/17/2006 4:57:05 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  I am hoping too. Bailey has been such an inspiration to all of 
  us. I have found dexamethasone to be helpful with anemia where it is 
  caused by lymphoma-- in combo with chemo.Kerry had luck with it 
  with Bandy too, incombo with all that other stuff.

Re: OT: Dreams

2006-01-17 Thread Sherry DeHaan
Wendy I feel the same as you do.I am still waiting for a sign that she forgives me and knows that I love her so much.It is very hard for me still and it has been 2 months since she left me and I still have really bad days where I cry my heart out.I keep asking her if she sent Rafferty to me,he is such a sweetie,he helps me on my low days.I know we will heal toa point where we canthink of them and not cry.I have had a few weird experiences since she passed,my boyfriend and I both have. I was eating popcorn and watching ER one night and it felt like she jumped on the couch next to me.I just smiled and said hi Maizee.I wasn't even thinking about her at that moment.Maybe if we don't look too hard for a sign,they will let us know then.  Sherrywendy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi guys,I wanted to ask everyone's
 opinions/thoughts ondreaming about kitties you have lost. I know it's OT,but I have a hard enough time keeping up with theposts here, so joining the OT list is not an optionfor me time-wise. Since Cricket has passed, I have continued to look forsigns from him letting me know he's ok. The best Ihave gotten is a dismembered cricket that my other twokitties left by my bed a day or so after he passed,which was weird because I haven't seen any othercrickets anywhere, inside or out this year.A couple of nights ago, I dreamed I was walking aroundeverywhere calling for Cricket. I couldn't find himanywhere and kept finding myself in all thesedifferent places. Rolling hillsides, snow-coveredforests, places I didn't recognize. The dream was soreal. And all I did was call for Cricket the wholetime, like I used to when he would sneak out of thebackyard when I wasn't paying attention so he couldexplore the
 neighborhood. "Crick, Crickeee," overand over and over. I started panicking in my dream,and of course when I woke up, I got upset because Iknew the reason I couldn't find him in my dream wasthat he was dead. It really disturbed me. Apparently, I still need closure. I still have guiltover Cricket's passing, even though I know the facts. I am disappointed that I haven't seen or heardsomething that lets me know he's ok and that he isn'tmad at me. Do you guys have any idea what that dreammeant, and also, what's a good way for me to getclosure as I think about it a lot?Thanks for any advice or thoughts you have,:)Wendy__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around   
		Yahoo! Photos – Showcase holiday pictures in hardcover 
Photo Books. You design it and we’ll bind it!

Re: Bad news about Starman - OT (long)

2006-01-17 Thread sandra
My feline family sadly has been reduced from 6 to 4, due too OUR RED BOY 
rocky developing FELV back in the summer. He was our first  stray to turn up 
on our door step, AND WAS WITH US FOR 4 YEARS, Chang was the last to be 
welcomed to our Villa, where upon he was only with us for 18 months, which 
was very sad, as he was so pleased to have found a home, and we where very 
upset to have him put to sleep due to kidney failure, and cat aids. on top 
of having taken 6 months to win him round to believing that we where his 
friends, it was very hard to not be in a position to treat him due to the 
fact that one trick of catching him with a visit to the vets and I would 
never get near him again for  a month of Sundays. We had him neuter, and he 
would not let me get near him for over 4 months , Even though I did win him 
round again in the end. Now I also have our tabbs who tested FELV , he was 
someone's pet at some time and is having all the help that I can give him, 
even though I wonder if my Spanish vet is as on the ball as he would have be 
believe,But his heart is in the right place and I think he is very good,

I could cry for you with regard to your stray boy, it is so sad than now he 
knows love that he wants you all the time, my Chang was like that,  I wish 
you all the luck in the world in finding him a good home , or where you can 
find a way round keeping him happy with the time that you can give him,

I do know that people have cats that are felv positive, and keep them in a 
separate cat house out side away from there house cats, but you are always 
unhappy that they can not be with you,

unless you could get him a friend who felv as well ,that he may get on with 
once he is neutered.

good luck

take care Sandra


Re: OT: Dreams

2006-01-17 Thread Marylyn

Again, by looking so hard you are closing yourself 
off. Please. As hard as it is, trust them to come to you when 
it is time. They love you for all you have done for them. They love 
you most for loving them, sometimes loving them enough to help them leave this 
world. When you feel that they are there with you, they are. Trust 
yourself and trust them. 

If you have men who will exclude any of God's 
from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who 
will deal likewise with their fellow 
St. Francis

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 4:58 
  Subject: Re: OT: Dreams
  Wendy I feel the same as you do.I am still waiting for a sign that she 
  forgives me and knows that I love her so much.It is very hard for me still and 
  it has been 2 months since she left me and I still have really bad days where 
  I cry my heart out.I keep asking her if she sent Rafferty to me,he is such a 
  sweetie,he helps me on my low days.I know we will heal toa point where 
  we canthink of them and not cry.I have had a few weird experiences since 
  she passed,my boyfriend and I both have. I was eating popcorn and watching ER 
  one night and it felt like she jumped on the couch next to me.I just smiled 
  and said hi Maizee.I wasn't even thinking about her at that moment.Maybe if we 
  don't look too hard for a sign,they will let us know then.
  Sherrywendy [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
guys,I wanted to ask everyone's opinions/thoughts ondreaming 
about kitties you have lost. I know it's OT,but I have a hard enough 
time keeping up with theposts here, so joining the OT list is not an 
optionfor me time-wise. Since Cricket has passed, I have 
continued to look forsigns from him letting me know he's ok. The best 
Ihave gotten is a dismembered cricket that my other twokitties left 
by my bed a day or so after he passed,which was weird because I haven't 
seen any othercrickets anywhere, inside or out this year.A 
couple of nights ago, I dreamed I was walking aroundeverywhere calling 
for Cricket. I couldn't find himanywhere and kept finding myself in all 
thesedifferent places. Rolling hillsides, snow-coveredforests, 
places I didn't recognize. The dream was soreal. And all I did was call 
for Cricket the wholetime, like I used to when he would sneak out of 
thebackyard when I wasn't paying attention so he couldexplore the 
neighborhood. "Crick, Crickeee," overand over and over. I started 
panicking in my dream,and of course when I woke up, I got upset because 
Iknew the reason I couldn't find him in my dream wasthat he was 
dead. It really disturbed me. Apparently, I still need closure. I 
still have guiltover Cricket's passing, even though I know the facts. 
I am disappointed that I haven't seen or heardsomething that lets me 
know he's ok and that he isn'tmad at me. Do you guys have any idea what 
that dreammeant, and also, what's a good way for me to getclosure as 
I think about it a lot?Thanks for any advice or thoughts you 
You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection 
  Yahoo! Photos – Showcase holiday pictures in hardcoverPhoto 
  Books. You design it and we’ll bind it!

Re: Tabbs my Siamese in Spain

2006-01-17 Thread Kat
Hi Sandra,

There are 2 ways to reply to an email on this list
1) reply only to the sender
2) reply to the list (using the Reply-To address)
Most of us just send to the list, so that is why you are receiving
everything - you did not sign up wrong.

Kat (Mew Jersey)

On Tue, 17 Jan 2006, catsculptress wrote:

 Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 21:19:39 +0100
 From: catsculptress [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Tabbs my Siamese in Spain

 Hi Brenda, how did your results go ??, I hope  they were for the better, 
 regarding tabs a little improvement , but my vet has not taken much notice of 
 my hints at your suggestion even though I have taken a lot of print outs of 
 information, but he prombly  can not read English, so I may try a German vet 
 who has been record.
 For second opinion.

 I think I have done some thing wrong when I signed up, as all the email from 
 other from other feline people are coming though to me , is this correct or 
 should they be coming though the web site.

 take care and good luck Sandra


Starman and Cricket

2006-01-17 Thread Lomaxturtle

Positive thoughts going out to Starman - I will say a prayer.

Waiting for Cricket to visit
I agree when you are waiting and trying to see (in this case Cricket) you 
close yourself off because the spirit cannot access your soul as it is too 
occupied (well that's my theory).
When Tidge passed I tried desperately to talk to her and see her but it 
never happened. When Bramble was sick and I was in a dilema of if it was the 
right time to put to sleep I prayed for a sign to help me make the right choice. 
That night Tidge appeared in my dream with a voice sayingdon't give up. 
Along with the chat I had with Bramble I believe Tidge appeared and 
wasguiding me - I got 2 months with Bramble after that. When Bramble 
passed as you may recall - again I looked for him and never saw him and then the 
one time that my mind was completely empty because I had just half woken up and 
was sat in the bathroom I saw him appear. My mind was empty and open at this 
point in time and I believe that spiritsmore commonlyappear when you 
are in this state. Talk to him and tell him you'd love to see him and to come 
home when he wants as you would like to know he's ok. Once you have done that 
then try your best not to search for him too much. Still say prayers 
andtalk to yourangels but let your mind be free. I don't think he'll 
appear whilst you are desperately searching - he may be afraid it would be too 
upsetting for you, also he may sense the anxiety and desperation and as we know 
our kitties would do anything to avoid anxiety and desperation.

Hope he appears soon but you probably need to give him space to appear 

Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel,  Angel Bramble

Re: Bad news about Starman - OT (long)

2006-01-17 Thread Nina

Thanks for the suggestions regarding Starman.  I do have some CS 
somewhere in the house, I'll have to look for it.  I got it a while ago 
and chickened out in trying it.  I'm already adding RR and BioPlasma to 
his water, should I put all three in there, or just the CS?

When I met Star I judged him to be about 4 or 5 years old.  The vet 
thought he might be more like 2.  I was a bit skeptical, and she said, 
it's been a very hard 2 years for him.  The kittenish look on his face 
now, sure does make him seem younger!

What a great idea about the vanilla!  Thanks for the tip.  I bet that 
would help for return home trips from the vet.  You know, when the best 
of friends hiss at each other because they smell like the vet's office.

I can't keep the bedroom closed off, it's the personal territory of 
Timmy, the last of the kittens from my felv litter.  I did just have a 
talk with Tim and asked him if he'd be so kind as to vacate the bedroom 
for a few minutes so Starman could come in for a little while.  He 
jumped off the bed and, even though he didn't seem esp happy about it, 
he complied.  I opened the window and Star came in the bedroom for the 
very first time.  He checked the joint out, sniff, sniff, sniffing 
everything.  There are some powerful doggy/kitty smells in there!  He 
wandered over to our GSD, Zevon's bed and threw himself down, rubbing 
and rolling in ecstasy.  You'd have thought someone had sprinkled catnip 
all over the bed!  So cute!  He hopped on the bed when I asked him to 
and spent about 5 minutes watching himself and me cuddle in the mirror.  
Such a fella!  After about 10 minutes I asked if he were ready to go 
back outside and he hopped back out.

As far as talking to my guys...  I do it all the time.  They get pretty 
fed up with me always bringing in someone in need, but they love me, so 
they indulge me.  I have started telling Star that he needs to change 
his attitude toward my cats.  He had a pretty good conversation with 
my littlest guy Pistol Pete through the fencing of the habitat.  I also 
asked him if it would be okay to let one of my smaller dogs into the 
habitat with him.  He seemed okay with the idea, so I let Zelda (JR 
Terrier x), in to investigate.  Star watched with very little interest 
from one of the higher shelves.  All this has me feeling a little more 
optimistic.  I'm still going to look for a more appropriate forever home 
for him.  Try as I might, my numbers keep on climbing!

I'm so glad to have you guys to turn to when I get discouraged,

Kat wrote:


Get some Collidal Silver to put in his water to help him get over his URI.
I usually use 20 ppm strength, and just add a dropperful to the water dish
each time I change the water.  Once he is not sounding so congested, have
him neutered.  Being that he is an older Tom, it may take 6 weeks for all
the hormones to get out of his body, but this should help - the others are
probably reacting to his entact-ness.

Can you keep your bedroom (temporarily) closed off for a week so that when
you open the window to let Star in (after surgery and the 6 week waiting
period), he can move around the room and get used to being inside?  Then
when he wants out, you can let the others in to start getting used to him
being inside too.  (Sort of like swapping bedding around to get everyone
used to each others smells first.)

Then, get some feliway spray (comfort zone plug-ins) and some cooking
vanilla.  Dab the cooking vanilla on EVERYONE (dogs included) both on the
back of their necks and at the base of their tails - this will help
everyone smell the same.  The vanilla is non-toxic and can be re-applied
whenever you feel like you need it again.

All the while (starting now), talk to everyone and tell them what you are
doing, why you are doing it, and ask them for their help and co-operation
in this matter.  And listen for anything that comes up - they will need to
be reassured and know that they are not being left out of the process.

Then, GO FOR IT!!  You can do it! They will help.  (And so will we, but
you already knew that.)
Kat (Mew Jersey)


Re: Bad news about Starman - OT (long)

2006-01-17 Thread Nina
Thanks Sandra for sharing the stories about your fur friends and the 
encouraging words for me and Star.  I'm already feeling a bit better 
about the whole thing.  Star is not felv pos, he's FIV, you know the 
cat HIV.  You sound like our kind of people.  It's always nice to meet 
others that share the love, concern and the necessary patience to 
befriend the forgotten angels in the world.

Blessings and prayers for you and for Tabbs good health,

sandra wrote:

My feline family sadly has been reduced from 6 to 4, due too OUR RED 
BOY rocky developing FELV back in the summer. He was our first  stray 
to turn up on our door step, AND WAS WITH US FOR 4 YEARS, Chang was 
the last to be welcomed to our Villa, where upon he was only with us 
for 18 months, which was very sad, as he was so pleased to have found 
a home, and we where very upset to have him put to sleep due to kidney 
failure, and cat aids. on top of having taken 6 months to win him 
round to believing that we where his friends, it was very hard to not 
be in a position to treat him due to the fact that one trick of 
catching him with a visit to the vets and I would never get near him 
again for  a month of Sundays. We had him neuter, and he would not let 
me get near him for over 4 months , Even though I did win him round 
again in the end. Now I also have our tabbs who tested FELV , he was 
someone's pet at some time and is having all the help that I can give 
him, even though I wonder if my Spanish vet is as on the ball as he 
would have be believe,But his heart is in the right place and I think 
he is very good,

I could cry for you with regard to your stray boy, it is so sad than 
now he knows love that he wants you all the time, my Chang was like 
that,  I wish you all the luck in the world in finding him a good home 
, or where you can find a way round keeping him happy with the time 
that you can give him,

I do know that people have cats that are felv positive, and keep them 
in a separate cat house out side away from there house cats, but you 
are always unhappy that they can not be with you,

unless you could get him a friend who felv as well ,that he may get on 
with once he is neutered.

good luck

take care Sandra


Re: Bad news about Starman - OT (long)

2006-01-17 Thread Marylyn

Add Rescue Remedy to your medicine kit for upset critters (and people).

If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who
will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
- Original Message - 

Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 5:39 PM
Subject: Re: Bad news about Starman - OT (long)

Thanks for the suggestions regarding Starman.  I do have some CS somewhere 
in the house, I'll have to look for it.  I got it a while ago and 
chickened out in trying it.  I'm already adding RR and BioPlasma to his 
water, should I put all three in there, or just the CS?

When I met Star I judged him to be about 4 or 5 years old.  The vet 
thought he might be more like 2.  I was a bit skeptical, and she said, 
it's been a very hard 2 years for him.  The kittenish look on his face 
now, sure does make him seem younger!

What a great idea about the vanilla!  Thanks for the tip.  I bet that 
would help for return home trips from the vet.  You know, when the best of 
friends hiss at each other because they smell like the vet's office.

I can't keep the bedroom closed off, it's the personal territory of Timmy, 
the last of the kittens from my felv litter.  I did just have a talk with 
Tim and asked him if he'd be so kind as to vacate the bedroom for a few 
minutes so Starman could come in for a little while.  He jumped off the 
bed and, even though he didn't seem esp happy about it, he complied.  I 
opened the window and Star came in the bedroom for the very first time. 
He checked the joint out, sniff, sniff, sniffing everything.  There are 
some powerful doggy/kitty smells in there!  He wandered over to our GSD, 
Zevon's bed and threw himself down, rubbing and rolling in ecstasy.  You'd 
have thought someone had sprinkled catnip all over the bed!  So cute!  He 
hopped on the bed when I asked him to and spent about 5 minutes watching 
himself and me cuddle in the mirror.  Such a fella!  After about 10 
minutes I asked if he were ready to go back outside and he hopped back 

As far as talking to my guys...  I do it all the time.  They get pretty 
fed up with me always bringing in someone in need, but they love me, so 
they indulge me.  I have started telling Star that he needs to change his 
attitude toward my cats.  He had a pretty good conversation with my 
littlest guy Pistol Pete through the fencing of the habitat.  I also asked 
him if it would be okay to let one of my smaller dogs into the habitat 
with him.  He seemed okay with the idea, so I let Zelda (JR Terrier x), in 
to investigate.  Star watched with very little interest from one of the 
higher shelves.  All this has me feeling a little more optimistic.  I'm 
still going to look for a more appropriate forever home for him.  Try as I 
might, my numbers keep on climbing!

I'm so glad to have you guys to turn to when I get discouraged,

Kat wrote:


Get some Collidal Silver to put in his water to help him get over his URI.
I usually use 20 ppm strength, and just add a dropperful to the water dish
each time I change the water.  Once he is not sounding so congested, have
him neutered.  Being that he is an older Tom, it may take 6 weeks for all
the hormones to get out of his body, but this should help - the others are
probably reacting to his entact-ness.

Can you keep your bedroom (temporarily) closed off for a week so that when
you open the window to let Star in (after surgery and the 6 week waiting
period), he can move around the room and get used to being inside?  Then
when he wants out, you can let the others in to start getting used to him
being inside too.  (Sort of like swapping bedding around to get everyone
used to each others smells first.)

Then, get some feliway spray (comfort zone plug-ins) and some cooking
vanilla.  Dab the cooking vanilla on EVERYONE (dogs included) both on the
back of their necks and at the base of their tails - this will help
everyone smell the same.  The vanilla is non-toxic and can be re-applied
whenever you feel like you need it again.

All the while (starting now), talk to everyone and tell them what you are
doing, why you are doing it, and ask them for their help and co-operation
in this matter.  And listen for anything that comes up - they will need to
be reassured and know that they are not being left out of the process.

Then, GO FOR IT!!  You can do it! They will help.  (And so will we, but
you already knew that.)
Kat (Mew Jersey)

Re: Here's the Poem I wrote after losing Tidge for those who wantedto see it.

2006-01-17 Thread catatonya
I agree. It's a beautiful poem. Sure to bring out the tissues!tElizabeth Paz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Dear Michelle what a wonderful poem to your sweet little Tridge. It touches all of our hearts.Liz.From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: Here's the Poem I wrote after losing Tidge for those who wantedto see it.Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 09:21:58 -0600Thank you Michelle! What a wonderful've certainly got agift! I tried to tell myself that I wouldn't cry before readingit...but by the time I got to the end, my lap was full of kleenex!Thank you,'ve expressed so well what I feel in my
 heart!Jen"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will beunique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; Youbecome responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine deSaint-Exupéry"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will knoweach other. If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and whatyou do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief DanGeorge- Original Message -From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Sunday, January 15, 2006 1:12 pmSubject: Here's the Poem I wrote after losing Tidge for those whowanted to see it.  Poem for Little Tidge   We found each other wandering - I gave you shelter from the storm  The misfortunes life
 had dealt you left you frightened and withdrawn  Our lives combined, our love grew strong, and you knew that you  were saved  From past neglect and heartache when love was all you ever craved   Now I’m left in turmoil, trying hard to comprehend  The reasons why god took away my very special friend  I know you had to leave me and that was meant to be  And I hope that in the place you are, from pain you will stay free  I look around each day for you in hope that you’ll appear  It hurts so much to face the truth that you’re no longer here   Your unexpected passing left me broken and destroyed  When your cruel unfair departure left an overwhelming void  Not a day goes by when I don’t pray to keep you safe from harm  Then I pray your spirit finds me to help me calm my inner storm  My late
 departed friend, I don’t think I’ll ever understand  Why you, still young and innocent, were taken from this land   I know that you would not desire me harbour such dismay  So forgive my times of weakness but you are in my heart to stay  My life must now continue much in the way it did before  Though without you here beside me, for a while I will feel poor  Despite these dismal feelings I can recall how rich I’ve been  Because the day I found you wandering was when my heart began to beam   Please know how much I love you, and I’m glad our paths did cross  The short time that we shared will never be a loss  And friend I ask please wait for me for one day I’ll return  To comfort and protect thee - but for now our hearts must yearn  Heaven and earth may hinder until my time is done  But with togetherness our
 future, our souls are destined to be oneMichelle Lomax (April 2005)   It's amazing how creativity comes out with emotion but writing the  poem  whilst painful was also cathartic. I guess much of the poem  applies to all of us  at some point.  Hope you enjoy it xx Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel  Angel Bramble 

RE: Lucy

2006-01-17 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Michelle, you were right,,, we are very
much alike J

Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006
2:38 PM
Subject: Re: Lucy

I do that too. My sheep's
acupuncture vet told me yesterday that sometimes the hardest thing to do is
nothing, but sometimes it is the right thing and that I have problems doing


In a message dated 1/17/2006 4:33:05 P.M.
Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Nina and Michelle  you are probably right
--- she should be able to put the weight back on her own  you know me  I try
to do too much of unnecessary things sometimes,,, I have to cool it sometimes

Re: Bad news about Starman - OT (long)

2006-01-17 Thread catatonya
Nina,As soon as you said 'big intact male' I KNEW he was going to be fiv positive. Since you asked for opinions I'm going to give you mine. I hope you don't take offense.We had a stray cat living around our lake house that we visit on weekends only. He looked horrible. His ears were all bloody and bent down. He was grungy. He would walk around and cry when we were there, but would never let us catch him. His eyes were crusty and he drooled constantly. He was in really, really bad shape. The first weekend I saw him I found out he had been hanging around and people were trying to run him off. You can imagine how well that went over with me.So I spent all weekend trying to catch him, but didn't have a carrier, trap, anything with me. At that time I was not into rescue. I had 3 cats at home. (My first 3 I'd ever
 had.) He was HUGE, and I was afraid of him. Well I couldn't catch him and everyone was saying someone should shoot him and put him out of his misery. I told my grandfather if he did such a thing I would NEVER speak to him again, and he believed me. We had a huge argument about how I had too many cats. (3- lol)I had to work during the week, but the next week I went back with a carrier, tuna, and sardines. I didn't even know there was such a thing as a 'cat trap'! After hours and hours I tricked him into the carrier sometime Friday night. He went beserk, foaming at the mouth, his ears all bloody, sneezing, etc The next morning I found a local vet and took the cat in squawling to have him put to sleep.Well, the vet said the cat was fine and there was no reason to put him to sleep! He had scratched his ears raw due to earmites. He had buckshot in his ears that the
 doctor removed. grrr! He had an upper resp. infection and some bad teeth.I didn't know what to do. I couldn't take this sick cat that I was scared to death of home! The vet said "Why don't you just take him home and let him be an outdoor cat? So I thought that was a better choice than pts so I said yes. He kept him until the next weekend for me and neutered him etcDuring that week I put up a fence for a few thousand dollars so dogs wouldn't bother my 'new outdoor cat'. I brought him home the next week. The vet said he was fine, but I was still afraid of him. I decided to keep him in a cage until his antibiotics were finished. His ears were so gross I didn't even want to touch him. Everyone who saw him had a fit asking why I brought this horrible looking bloody cat home.After a few more days I decided to just let
 him out on my screened porch because I was afraid if I put him outside right away he would run away. This cat would come up to me and try to head butt me with his bloody head. He would follow me around like a dog. He weighed nearly 20 pounds, looked like a mongrel, and I was STILL afraid of him. I kept waiting for him to cry to go outside or bolt toward the door when I opened it, but that never happened. Over the days of course I petted him some, but was still afraid.Finally I let him in the house with everyone else. The first night he snuggled right up with me on the bed. He was the biggest loverboy I've ever known. Soon his ears healed, but they were always scarred. He looked like a scottish fold with lots of scars. I had named him Brutus because he was such a big Brute. Anyone who's been on the list for years like me has heard me talk about my Brutus. He was THE most loving cat I've ever
 had. EVERYONE fell in love with him. Every time I had company they wanted to take him home. He was almost like a person. When I would talk about who would take my cats if something happened to me everyone always said they'd take Brutus! He was s cool.He is the one that I wrote about that would eat so much he would throw up most of the time. I guess he had been starved for so long. I had to feed him small amounts at a time or NEVER let the dishes go empty or he would overeat and get sick.It's too late to make such a long story short, but after about 7 years I noticed he was losing weight. By that time I had TONS of cats (20 or more at a time) that I was fostering and was neck deep in humane society work. I blamed myself that I didn't notice his weight loss sooner. He had fatty liver disease. When I first took him in to find out what was going
 on with him they ran a snap test and did other blood work. Guess what? Brutus tested fiv positive! When I had found him they didn't even have fiv tests it was so long ago. Anyway, we did a feeding tube, etc... but I lost my sweet Brutus. But it was totally unrelated to the fiv. Looking back, he always did have problems with ear infections. We always thought it was because of the scarring inside his ears, but the vet said the fiv could have had a part in that. He had to have some teeth removed. Again the vet said the fiv might have been a part in that. But except for the fatty liver (and we don't know what put him off his food. We think a 

Re: Bad news about Starman - OT (long)

2006-01-17 Thread catatonya
Michelle,I have often wondered about Charlie and couldn't remember what had happened. You had been through so much I was afraid to ask. Wasn't he the coolest? FIV cats (males anyway) are. Our felv cats are special of course, but I've never met an fiv cat that wasn't just a laid back lover. Maybe it's because they were intact males and got lots of 'activity'. lol. I don't know. But they are certainly loving. I'm glad Charlie got a good home!  t[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Nina, you should definitely post on the 2 yahoo FIV lists. I found a home for Charlie, from the shelter, that way (though we had to drive him to VA from MA!) 

Re: Lucy

2006-01-17 Thread catatonya
For what it's worth I agree. I would gradually increase the food and decrease the broth. Very gradually, but you don't want her to fill up so much on broth that she's not hungry for food either. Sounds like you done good! Lucky Lucy to have such a good mom!  tNina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hideyo and Michelle,I think the fluid idea is a good thought for Lucy, but I'm also thinking she's had enough stress the past couple of days. Unless she seems dehydrated, or she doesn't have a problem with receiving subq fluids, I'd leave her the heck alone. Keep feeding her tiny amounts of food, as long as you don't feel the need to fast her again, she'll put her weight back on. (It was 1 pound in 2 days, scary, but it could also have to do with fluctuations in the scale, or the times of day you
 weighed her). I wouldn't be as calm about this if I didn't go through the same sort of thing with Gypsy occasionally. I still panic when she relapses, (even with as little as one liquid stool, or one bout of vomiting), but I've found if I keep my head, (and I've also found that the homeopathic Phos helps), she works her way back out of it. I don't mean to sound condescending Michelle, but I'm really proud of you for keeping your cool through this, (relatively speaking :) Blessings to you both,NinaHideyo Yamamoto wrote:Michelle, I hope she continues to get better – I am thinking that if she
 lost 2 lb in two days – it’s probably because she lost water in her body from vomiting – may be you can give her fluid to compensate the fluid she lost??From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 7:58 AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: LucyLucy has not been diagnosed with ibd, but it is what
 I suspect (and hope, alternative being lymphoma, but the soft stool issue started almost 3 months ago, which isa long time ago for lymphoma).Anyway, she held down a little cooked turkey for an hour this morning so I gave her more, that was 1/2 hour ago and so far so good, knock on wood. She thinks I am insane for giving her such small amounts. After meowing at me by her bowl and giving up, she went over and tried to manually open the cat food cabinet!She lost about a pound in two days, which scares me, but at least she is hungry, knock on wood.Thanks.Michelle

Re: Lucy

2006-01-17 Thread Lernermichelle

Thanks, Tonya. That's exactly what I've done today, and so far so 
good. She finally seems full and did not want the last bowl of turkey and 
broth I offered her. She gained some of the weight back already. knock on 


In a message dated 1/17/2006 6:42:27 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  It's late, and you've probably got plenty of advice by now. If you 
  haven't though, my advice would be to continue feeding her small amounts every 
  hour. Increase the amount little by little and see if she keeps it down 
  that way. If she's trying to open the food herself she's got a good 
  appetite. That is the most important thing!!!

Re: Bailey Update

2006-01-17 Thread catatonya
Belinda,I hope the vet finds something definitive to help your sweet Bailey too. I hope he adjusts to the feeding tube and stops that hissing. It's so hard when you hate to stress them out, but you have to take care of themtBelinda Sauro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi All,Bailey's number is down to 15% now (he's been on the epogen for 5 shots and last blood work was 6 day's ago so I'm really worried), so I did go ahead with the aspirate, it will take 3 to 5 days for an answer. In the meantime now I can give him the pet tinic, prednisolone, doxy, clindimycine, and pain medication he needs through his tube without him being so stressed about it.He is really PO'd and hissing. I will give him a 2 to 3 hours to settle down before I
 feed him a very small watered down meal and later tonight I will give him his meds in another small watered down meal. I hope he is as OK with the tube feedings as Buddie was. I'll let you know ...Sure am hoping and praying that whatever it is is something we can treat  beat!!-- -- BelindaHappiness is being owned by cats ...Be-Mi-Kitties ...http://www.bemikitties.comPost Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittenshttp://adopt.bemikitties.comFeLV Candle Light Service (affordable hosting  web design) Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: Bad news about Starman - OT (long)

2006-01-17 Thread catatonya
Kat knows more about cs than I do, but I recall when I was on the holisticat list there were varying opinions about it. Some even said it was dangerous. I don't remember enough about it to say much besides I remember choosing not to use it even though I know a lot of people do.Also, if you can put some coq10 or lysine in his wet food or water i think it would help. Vitamin C might help too if you're dealing with a URI. If you've got a 'good' vet that helps you out in these kinds of situations I would go ahead and take him in. That way they can go ahead and treat the uri and neuter as soon as they feel he's ready. The sooner the better on the neuter, because as Kat said, the other animals are going to react to his tomcat smell..tonyaKat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Nina,Get some Collidal Silver to put in his water to help him get over his URI.I usually use 20 ppm strength, and just add a dropperful to the water disheach time I change the water. Once he is not sounding so congested, havehim neutered. Being that he is an older Tom, it may take 6 weeks for allthe hormones to get out of his body, but this should help - the others areprobably reacting to his "entact-ness".Can you keep your bedroom (temporarily) closed off for a week so that whenyou open the window to let Star in (after surgery and the 6 week waitingperiod), he can move around the room and get used to being inside? Thenwhen he wants out, you can let the others in to start getting used to himbeing inside too. (Sort of like swapping bedding around to get everyoneused to each others smells first.)Then, get some feliway spray (comfort zone plug-ins) and some
 cookingvanilla. Dab the cooking vanilla on EVERYONE (dogs included) both on theback of their necks and at the base of their tails - this will helpeveryone smell the same. The vanilla is non-toxic and can be re-appliedwhenever you feel like you need it again.All the while (starting now), talk to everyone and tell them what you aredoing, why you are doing it, and ask them for their help and co-operationin this matter. And listen for anything that comes up - they will need tobe reassured and know that they are not being "left out" of the process.Then, GO FOR IT!! You can do it! They will help. (And so will we, butyou already knew that.)Kat (Mew Jersey)

Re: Bad news about Starman - OT (long)

2006-01-17 Thread Sherry DeHaan
Tonya I agree with you about FIV+ cats being just the biggest sweetest critters.The sanctuary I volunteer at has about 50 fiv+.I have one I am fostering and I am bringing another beautiful guy home this Thursday.They are just the sweetest.  sherrycatatonya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Nina,As soon as you said 'big intact male' I KNEW he was going to be fiv positive. Since you asked for opinions I'm going to give you mine. I hope you don't take offense.We had a stray cat living around our lake house that we visit on weekends only. He looked horrible. His ears were all bloody and bent down. He was grungy. He would walk around and cry when we were there, but would never let us catch him. His eyes were crusty and he drooled
 constantly. He was in really, really bad shape. The first weekend I saw him I found out he had been hanging around and people were trying to run him off. You can imagine how well that went over with me.So I spent all weekend trying to catch him, but didn't have a carrier, trap, anything with me. At that time I was not into rescue. I had 3 cats at home. (My first 3 I'd ever had.) He was HUGE, and I was afraid of him. Well I couldn't catch him and everyone was saying someone should shoot him and put him out of his misery. I told my grandfather if he did such a thing I would NEVER speak to him again, and he believed me. We had a huge argument about how I had too many cats. (3- lol)I had to work during the week, but the next week I went back with a carrier, tuna, and sardines. I didn't even know there was such a thing as a 'cat trap'! After hours and hours I
 tricked him into the carrier sometime Friday night. He went beserk, foaming at the mouth, his ears all bloody, sneezing, etc The next morning I found a local vet and took the cat in squawling to have him put to sleep.Well, the vet said the cat was fine and there was no reason to put him to sleep! He had scratched his ears raw due to earmites. He had buckshot in his ears that the doctor removed. grrr! He had an upper resp. infection and some bad teeth.I didn't know what to do. I couldn't take this sick cat that I was scared to death of home! The vet said "Why don't you just take him home and let him be an outdoor cat? So I thought that was a better choice than pts so I said yes. He kept him until the next weekend for me and neutered him etcDuring that week I put up a fence for a few thousand dollars so dogs wouldn't bother
 my 'new outdoor cat'. I brought him home the next week. The vet said he was fine, but I was still afraid of him. I decided to keep him in a cage until his antibiotics were finished. His ears were so gross I didn't even want to touch him. Everyone who saw him had a fit asking why I brought this horrible looking bloody cat home.After a few more days I decided to just let him out on my screened porch because I was afraid if I put him outside right away he would run away. This cat would come up to me and try to head butt me with his bloody head. He would follow me around like a dog. He weighed nearly 20 pounds, looked like a mongrel, and I was STILL afraid of him. I kept waiting for him to cry to go outside or bolt toward the door when I opened it, but that never happened. Over the days of course I petted him some, but was still afraid.Finally I let him in the house with
 everyone else. The first night he snuggled right up with me on the bed. He was the biggest loverboy I've ever known. Soon his ears healed, but they were always scarred. He looked like a scottish fold with lots of scars. I had named him Brutus because he was such a big Brute. Anyone who's been on the list for years like me has heard me talk about my Brutus. He was THE most loving cat I've ever had. EVERYONE fell in love with him. Every time I had company they wanted to take him home. He was almost like a person. When I would talk about who would take my cats if something happened to me everyone always said they'd take Brutus! He was s cool.He is the one that I wrote about that would eat so much he would throw up most of the time. I guess he had been starved for so long. I had to feed him small amounts at a time or NEVER let the dishes go empty or he would overeat and
 get sick.It's too late to make such a long story short, but after about 7 years I noticed he was losing weight. By that time I had TONS of cats (20 or more at a time) that I was fostering and was neck deep in humane society work. I blamed myself that I didn't notice his weight loss sooner. He had fatty liver disease. When I first took him in to find out what was going on with him they ran a snap test and did other blood work. Guess what? Brutus tested fiv positive! When I had found him they didn't even have fiv tests it was so long ago. Anyway, we did a feeding tube, etc... but I lost my sweet Brutus. But it was totally unrelated to the fiv. Looking back, he always did have problems with ear infections. We always thought 

Re: Bad news about Starman - OT (long)

2006-01-17 Thread Nina

Hey gang,
Thanks for all the encouragement about Starman.  I have heard everything 
you're saying about FIV kitties before.  I'm just so paranoid about 
subjecting any of my guys to the remotest possibility of danger.  You 
guys know how darn protective I am.  I would be hesitant to introduce 
any cat that didn't listen to me and was showing hostile tendencies 
toward my brood.  They were here first and my mad house is stressful 
enough as it is!  Of course I intend to have Starman neutered, no one 
leaves my house intact if I can help it!  We'll see if he settles down 
enough for me to trust him around my other sweethearts.  About 10 
minutes ago I was petting Star on the shelf outside my bedroom window, 
(within the habitat).  I guess I got to familiar, I'm not sure what set 
him off, but he bit me a good one.  Broke the skin and it's leaving a 
bruise.  I hissed at him to show my displeasure and then scratched my 
head wondering what I did to bring that on.  Maybe I just got him 
over-excited and had let my guard down enough to not be observant enough 
to notice.  Little dickens, correction, big dickens!  This doesn't 
change my attitude about him in the slightest, I'm just reminded to not 
take his taming for granted yet.  Please send calming thoughts to my 
big galoot.

With a throbbing arm,

P.S. to Tonya,
No, I didn't post about Star on the AC list.  I answered someone else's 
post about a feral she was trying to help.  I wanted her to know that 
not everyone agrees that ferals should be left to fend for themselves 
because 'it's God's way'.  The last I heard from that lady, she had the 
kitten in her bathroom and was doing her best to become friends with him.


catatonya wrote:

And Nina,
Is this the guy you posted about on AC?  I was given the same website 
about not 'interfering' with ferals because they have their own 
purpose.  It's interesting.  But if Starman is throwing himself at 
your window and crying for you I think it's because he is meant to be 
with YOU.
I know we ALL have to turn away cats every day.  I get the emails 
every day of who found what.  What cats are being euthanized that day 
in metro shelters, etc. I'm no AC.  But when one 'finds me' I feel 
that he/she found me for a reason and they are staying.
Please at least give him a try if you possibly can.  Brutus had huge 
jowls too.  The vet called them 'shields'.  He said Brutus had the 
biggest ones he'd ever seen and he couldn't believe he would fit in 
the cat carrier because of his size. lol.  When he meowed it sounded 
like a growl more than a meow.  The jowls go down after they get 
neutered by the way.
Anyway, again, I don't know your situation.  And I'm ashamed to say 
when I first brought Brutus home I wouldn't hardly pet him because I 
was afraid of him and his head was so gross.  But looking back now, I 
can't even imagine not having had him in my life.  I would gladly give 
anything to have him back even though we're overcrowded here.
And I truly don't think you'd need to do any long term confinement.  
I'd put him in a separate room until everyone's used to that.  Then 
I'd cage him where everyone else is just in case someone tries to 
fight.  But I don't think he will after a little time.
Big males like that have LOTS of testosterone and it takes a while to 
get it out of their system.  Once it's gone I don't think you'll have 
any problems.
If you DO keep him, watch out for the urine.  Just ask Brenda! lol.  
The first time Brutus used a litterbox, and he did use it 
correctly.. it smelled up the entire house!  And he was out on 
the screened porch.  I had to change the box every time he went until 
the smell got better.  The same thing happened when I fostered Lovey 
for Brenda.  But these big, bad, bubba cats?  It's STRONG!  Get him to 
drink as much as possible and flush, flush, flush it out of his system!
No pressure here. lol.

Re: Bad news about Starman - OT (long)

2006-01-17 Thread catatonya
And Nina,Is this the guy you posted about on AC? I was given the same website about not 'interfering' with ferals because they have their own purpose. It's interesting. But if Starman is throwing himself at your window and crying for you I think it's because he is meant to be with YOU.I know we ALL have to turn away cats every day. I get the emails every day of who found what. What cats are being euthanized that day in metro shelters, etc. I'm no AC. But when one 'finds me' I feel that he/she found me for a reason and they are staying.Please at least give him a try if you possibly can. Brutus had huge jowls too. The vet called them 'shields'. He said Brutus had the biggest ones he'd ever seen and he couldn't believe he would fit in the cat carrier because of his size. lol. When he meowed it sounded like a growl more than
 a meow. The jowls go down after they get neutered by the way.Anyway, again, I don't know your situation. And I'm ashamed to say when I first brought Brutus home I wouldn't hardly pet him because I was afraid of him and his head was so gross. But looking back now, I can't even imagine not having had him in my life. I would gladly give anything to have him back even though we're overcrowded here.And I truly don't think you'd need to do any long term confinement. I'd put him in a separate room until everyone's used to that. Then I'd cage him where everyone else is just in case someone tries to fight. But I don't think he will after a little time.Big males like that have LOTS of testosterone and it takes a while to get it out of their system. Once it's gone I don't think you'll have any problems.If you DO keep
 him, watch out for the urine. Just ask Brenda! lol. The first time Brutus used a litterbox, and he did use it correctly.. it smelled up the entire house! And he was out on the screened porch. I had to change the box every time he went until the smell got better. The same thing happened when I fostered Lovey for Brenda. But these big, bad, bubba cats? It's STRONG! Get him to drink as much as possible and flush, flush, flush it out of his system!No pressure here. lol.tonyaNina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Thanks Michelle. I'll look up the FIV lists. It's encouraging to hear that you found someone a home that way. I'd be willing to do whatever I had to to transport him to the right home. I thought I'd try the
 feral cat group you posted about before too. I want to get pictures of him before I start looking. He's really a handsome fellow. Long haired brown tabby with white on his chest and belly, and oh those jowls! When I first met him I thought his markings made him look like he was scowling. When he started to trust me, I realized that it wasn't his markings at all. He actually had been scowling at me! Now he's got the sweetest kitten _expression_ on his face when he looks at me. He just melts my heart.I did get your earlier email about segregating him in a portion of the house. We're not really set up well for that here. Since I'm always taking in fosters and/or doing TNR, I have to keep those spaces open for the ones that come passing through. I have been thinking about it though. It's really hard for me to imagine someone being happy with that sort of long term confinement. Nina[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Nina, you should definitely post on the 2 yahoo FIV lists. I found a home for Charlie, from the shelter, that way (though we had to drive him to VA from MA!)Michelle

Re: Bailey Update

2006-01-17 Thread Nina

I'm so happy to hear Bailey made it through his anesthesia.  I was so 
worried about him.  I know he's not out of danger by any means, but at 
least now he has a chance to keep some weight on while you figure out 
more ways to help him.  I don't blame him one little bit for being 
upset!  Prayers that he does well with his tube feeding and you get the 
answers you need.


Belinda Sauro wrote:

Hi All,
  Bailey's number is down to 15% now (he's been on the epogen for 5 
shots and last blood work was 6 day's ago so I'm really worried), so I 
did go ahead with the aspirate, it will take 3 to 5 days for an 
answer.  In the meantime now I can give him the pet tinic, 
prednisolone, doxy, clindimycine, and pain medication he needs through 
his tube without him being so stressed about it.

He is really PO'd and hissing.  I will give him a 2 to 3 hours to 
settle down before I feed him a very small watered down meal and later 
tonight I will give him his meds in another small watered down meal.  
I hope he is as OK with the tube feedings as Buddie was.  I'll let you 
know ...

Sure am hoping and praying that whatever it is is something we can 
treat  beat!!

Re: Bad news about Starman - OT (long)

2006-01-17 Thread TenHouseCats
definite GLOW for your big galoot!

Re: Bad news about Starman - OT (long)

2006-01-17 Thread janine paton
I always thought those big FIV cats are just the
sweetest -  just never heard anyone come out and say

Lucky person who gets found by one of those cats - my
big, scary looking guy was the best cat I've ever
lived with.  My husband went from calling him a
monster - this was fear I think for the other cats,
and his bloody mouth - to crying like a baby when the
cat passed.  

My vet at that time had 4 FIV's and 4 negs for years
living together and she tested them every year, since
she could do that on her own, and nothing ever

Congratulations and give him a big head butt for me -
I really miss that!


--- catatonya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   As soon as you said 'big intact male' I KNEW he
 was going to be fiv positive.  Since you asked for
 opinions I'm going to give you mine.  I hope you
 don't take offense.

   We had a stray cat living around our lake house
 that we visit on weekends only.  He looked horrible.
  His ears were all bloody and bent down.  He was
 grungy.  He would walk around and cry when we were
 there, but would never let us catch him.  His eyes
 were crusty and he drooled constantly.  He was in
 really, really bad shape.  The first weekend I saw
 him I found out he had been hanging around and
 people were trying to run him off.  You can imagine
 how well that went over with me.

   So I spent all weekend trying to catch him, but
 didn't have a carrier, trap, anything with me.  At
 that time I was not into rescue. I had 3 cats at
 home.  (My first 3 I'd ever had.)  He was HUGE, and
 I was afraid of him.  Well I couldn't catch him and
 everyone was saying someone should shoot him and put
 him out of his misery.  I told my grandfather if he
 did such a thing I would NEVER speak to him again,
 and he believed me.  We had a huge argument about
 how I had too many cats. (3- lol)

   I had to work during the week, but the next week I
 went back with a carrier, tuna, and sardines.  I
 didn't even know there was such a thing as a 'cat
 trap'!  After hours and hours I tricked him into the
 carrier sometime Friday night.  He went beserk,
 foaming at the mouth, his ears all bloody, sneezing,
 etc The next morning I found a local vet and
 took the cat in squawling to have him put to sleep.

   Well, the vet said the cat was fine and there was
 no reason to put him to sleep!  He had scratched his
 ears raw due to earmites.  He had buckshot in his
 ears that the doctor removed. grrr!  He
 had an upper resp. infection and some bad teeth.

   I didn't know what to do.  I couldn't take this
 sick cat that I was scared to death of home!  The
 vet said Why don't you just take him home and let
 him be an outdoor cat?  So I thought that was a
 better choice than pts so I said yes.  He kept him
 until the next weekend for me and neutered him

   During that week I put up a fence for a few
 thousand dollars so dogs wouldn't bother my 'new
 outdoor cat'.  I brought him home the next week. 
 The vet said he was fine, but I was still afraid of
 him.  I decided to keep him in a cage until his
 antibiotics were finished.  His ears were so gross I
 didn't even want to touch him.  Everyone who saw him
 had a fit asking why I brought this horrible looking
 bloody cat home.

   After a few more days I decided to just let him
 out on my screened porch because I was afraid if I
 put him outside right away he would run away.  This
 cat would come up to me and try to head butt me with
 his bloody head. He would follow me around like a
 dog.  He weighed nearly 20 pounds, looked like a
 mongrel, and I was STILL afraid of him.  I kept
 waiting for him to cry to go outside or bolt toward
 the door when I opened it, but that never happened. 
 Over the days of course I petted him some, but was
 still afraid.

   Finally I let him in the house with everyone else.
  The first night he snuggled right up with me on the
 bed.  He was the biggest loverboy I've ever known. 
 Soon his ears healed, but they were always scarred.
 He looked like a scottish fold with lots of scars. 
 I had named him Brutus because he was such a big
 Brute.  Anyone who's been on the list for years like
 me has heard me talk about my Brutus.  He was THE
 most loving cat I've ever had.  EVERYONE fell in
 love with him.  Every time I had company they wanted
 to take him home.  He was almost like a person. 
 When I would talk about who would take my cats if
 something happened to me everyone always said they'd
 take Brutus!  He was s cool.

   He is the one that I wrote about that would eat so
 much he would throw up most of the time.  I guess he
 had been starved for so long.  I had to feed him
 small amounts at a time or NEVER let the dishes go
 empty or he would overeat and get sick.

   It's too late to make such a long story short, but
 after about 7 years I noticed he was losing weight. 
 By that time I had TONS of cats (20 or more at a
 time) that 

Re: Bad news about Starman - OT (long)

2006-01-17 Thread catatonya
Hey Nina,The last feral I brought in. Calico, female, Mama Kitty, not positive anything Anyway, if I pet her too much, and sometimes when I pick her up she will bite me. She loves to snuggle and have me pet her, BUT sometimes she just kind of freaks out. I have to remember she's not totally a lapcat yet.tI hope you know to run that hand under warm water until it stops bleeding. Yes. That's usually a long time if it's a deep puncture. But do it. If it's already dry, I would soak it well. Soak it at least 30 minutes or so till your fingers get wrinkled from too much soaking. Then soak it in peroxide for a good 10 minutes and then dry it and put some neosporin on it.Don't laugh. It worked for me. And I had a BAD bite. My hand swelled up twice its normal size almost immediately after
 the bite. If you run it under water until it stops bleeding you flush out the bacteria. I didn't know that at the time or could have saved myself a lot of pain. Just put a bowl of water by your computer and S-o-a-k!

Re: Bailey Update

2006-01-17 Thread Belinda Sauro

  Thank you I am still hoping and praying for a good outcome.  Bailey 
is resting a bit uncomfortably, I just gave him some pain meds and about 
15 cc's of food with his pet tinic in it, he kept it down.  I am going 
to give him the rest of his meds and more food at 8 or 8:30, I have to 
give the doxy 2 hours after any iron (pet tinic).  The vet just called 
to check on him and said I could forgo the fluids tonight since he has 
been through so much, we'll start those up again tomorrow.

I found a great website to look up drug interactions, I read somewhere 
when I was researching that doxy shouldn't be given with or close to 
iron supplements and hubby uses this site to check all the meds he 
takes.  It is here if anyone wants to check it out, I've bookmarked it 
for future reference.  Well better go check my happy (not so much now) 
cat (Bailey's nick name).

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: OT: Dreams

2006-01-17 Thread PEC2851

In a message dated 1/17/06 1:43:34 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  arealways coming in and out of my life, it seems, whetherI want them 
  to or not. lol.

I KNOW the feeling! LOL!

My Ethan's been gone almost four years now.
And, along comes Timothy! ( A healthy look-alike, in TOO many ways, 
it's spooky! LOL!)
Just sharing with you...

Re: OT: Dreams

2006-01-17 Thread PEC2851

In a message dated 1/18/06 12:15:04 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  Ethan's been gone almost four years now.

Forgive me, it's almost three
Seems like forever though.

Re: OT: Dreams

2006-01-17 Thread PEC2851

In a message dated 1/17/06 4:00:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
but at 
  least 3 times in my life I have really wondered if the new cat isn't 
  my old one come back...

Funny you should say that.
I've talked to Nina about one of the kittens (Timothy) from the feral mom, 
Charity, that was dumped here this summer.
Charity, being feral, has been spayed, vx'd, tested and released. 
Thomas, the grey kitten was adopted a couple of months ago. :)
Timothy is STILL with me. I have found him to be the most charming, 
loveable boy.
When I take him to adoption events, he acts disinterested, bored, if you 
will. I even had a man comment at one event that the reason he acts that 
way is because he's found his mom - ME!!
I must admit, he has completely endeared himself to me. I found 
myself calling him, "My little man", which was my special name for my Felv boy, 
Ethan, who I lost a few years ago.
Timothy is a "spitting" image of Ethan, solid black, compact body, heavenly 
amber eyes that GLOW!!
His mannerisms are the same as Ethan also.
I commented to Nina that at times I swore Timothy was the reincarnation of 
Ethan. And, Nina didn't scoff, or laugh. In fact, she did say that 
it was quite possible that it very well may be, especially if Ethan and I had 
any unfinished business.
And, of course, we do. Ethan became sick suddenly, over a 
weekend. He had NEVER been symptomatic, or sick a day in his short life 
(18 months).
However, when we got to vet Monday, and x-ray revealed a large mass in his 
chest, basically blocking flow to his heart, I knew I had to let him 
No warning, no time for good-byes.
I know my decision was the ONLY one that I had...any other choice would 
have just prolonged his suffering on earth. So, I let him go.
Timothy HAS found his home, and it IS with me.
Maybe he IS Ethan, come back to me in a "healthy" body this time, so we can 
experience all the joys that I did not have the good fortune to share with my 
As time passes, the "hurt" of losing our babies lessens some, but we NEVER 
forget their presence in our lives.
And, now I like to believe, that when you least expect it, they WILL make 
their presence known, in one way or another.

Wendy touching base here

2006-01-17 Thread veggiepugs
Hi everyone...
It's been a while since I've had time to read through FeLVtalk posts and 
actually sit down and chat with all of you 
since I introduced myself and Brooklyn to you all a few months ago, but things 
have calmed down a bit and I wanted 
to touch base and say hello and that I haven't forgotton about all the 
wonderful pieces of advice, encouragement and 
support you gave me when Brooklyn first came into my life.

Before I go ahead with what's been going on here, I wanted to say Wendy I am so 
sorry to hear about Cricket and the 
difficult time you have had with his passing. I can understand how you feel. 
Have you ever visited the rainbow bridge 
website? There are a lot of poems and also forums and literature for people who 
are mourning the loss of their animal 
friends. Maybe that will help you a little bit. I am not sure why you think 
Cricket would be angry at you as I did not 
read the beginning of the story, but if you loved him even half as much as 
comes through in your email, I am SURE 
that a lifetime of things you did for him and the love you gave him was more 
than enough to overcome anything you 
could have done to cause him to be angry with you. Animals are very forgiving. 
They have a capacity to forgive more 
than any human being I have ever known. My gosh, when I was medicating Brooklyn 
he HATED me so much, but 
would forgive me so shortly after and still loves me even after that whole 
traumatic period and he trusts me too. I 
wish you all the best in your journey towards healing and obtaining closure 
with Cricket and his passing. I'm here if 
you need someone to talk to as I'm sure everyone else is too.

Brooklyn has become known around our home as Wowie. I just started calling 
him this because when he meows he 
actually sounds like he is saying WOW and it kind of stuck. Brooklyn is still 
his formal name, but round here we call 
him Wowie. lol. He responds very well to it. As some of you may know, he is my 
first experience with a cat ever. I 
never knew a thing about cats or their personality, but heard so many people 
say they didn't like cats. I'd heard they 
were stand offish and unpredictable, but hey there are people who are like that 
too, so I guess it's all about 
personality. Well, as for Wowie, I can say, he has NO problem expressing his 
affection, playfulness and love towards 
me and my dogs. He is the mushiest cat I can imagine. He is so full of purrs, 
just when he is near me, I don't even 
have to touch him. Apparently, he does believe that my life revolves around him 
(ok maybe it does but he doesnt 
have to KNOW because when I get up, he thinks I get up for the 
purpose of feeding him, when I get home 
from work he thinks I'm coming home because he needs food. The second I come 
into view, he runs to the kitchen 
counter and waits and meows for me to feed him. As if to say I'm here soon as you're

He hasn't shown any signs of illness or anything that would lead me to believe 
he had any illness or condition at all. 
He has been robust and healthy and boy oh boy is he playful and cute. I've 
heard people say that cats are 
unresponsive..uh uh not this one! He comes 90% of the time when I call 
him...better than the dogs! AND he answers 
me to let me know he's on his way. Wowie!!! and I make kissing noises...then 
I hear his bell jingling and just as he 
enters the room i hear Wowww and he hops on the bed next to me, walks over 
nuzzles me, marks me, rolls on me, 
kneads me, walks all over me and even licks me. What does that mean when a cat 
licks you? Purring is nonstop when 
he does this. He's a big purrer. lol. and he purrs loud!

Anyhow I'm sorry for my rambling and my banter about all this, I'm still a new 
cat person and am learning about him 
every day. I read some books on cat behavior to try and learn but he surprises 
me every day with something new. I 
love him so much. His appetite is TREMENDOUS. I am absolutely in love with this 
 cat 100%. Remember when I 
wasn't sure whether he would stay or not? How could I even question it! lol.

Anyhow, thats the update on Brooklyn/Wowie. I hope I didn't put you all to 
sleep with my novel. Hope all is very well 
with everyone. Oh and Michelle...thanks for dropping me a line!

Rebecca  Brooklyn Wowie