RE: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-26 Thread wendy
Hey Hideyo,

Well, so far, since Stretch had the course of Baytril,
she has been fine.  No problems at all, thank God!,
and I have been watching her closely.  I actually feel
a little silly now because I feel I overreacted to
Stretch's symptoms.  They were scary though.  I guess
once a person has been through a kitty dying from one
of the FeLV induced illnesses, life is never the same.

Hideyo, you are so kind to offer to help financially
with Stretch.  Thank you.  As far as I can tell
though, she is fine, and will not need any further
treatment, although I will be taking her and her
sister Winnie to be tested for FeLV/FIP in the next
couple of months.  Will keep you posted on them.

You're really a sweetheart!

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Re: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-26 Thread Lernermichelle

Wendy, I am exactly the same way. Thank God you did NOT take Stretch 
for further testing, as I probably would have given my own paranoias-- besides 
the money, it would have put her through a lot of unnecessary stress while she 
was already sick. I don't think you are silly at all for having worried, 
but I amso glad that you waited to see what the Baytril did before doing 
anything else.


In a message dated 1/26/2006 2:21:52 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  actually feela little silly now because I feel I overreacted 
  toStretch's symptoms. They were scary though. I guessonce 
  a person has been through a kitty dying from oneof the FeLV induced 
  illnesses, life is never the same.

RE: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-26 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
I completely understand - I think most of us are that way,, every time
when I saw a baby kitten throwing up, I thought oh my gosh,, s/he has a
feline distemper, and every time, my young kitty get a real high fever,
oh my gosh, s/he has FIP.. a good thing, I am not a vet ---I know you
will never forget the end of the path of our loved one, don't we - I so
still clearly remember, how Garfunkle, and George died.. and I did not
even get to say good bye to Suzi when she passed.. we all know how
fragile life can be and we are very fearful.. but I read this somewhere
and I am going to repeat because it helps me to remember..

Fear is something that seems real and full of context.. but once you
walk through it, you realize that it was just an illusion...

I think that our babies are so stronger and sometimes, much stronger
than we are or we give a credit for.. and I am so fortunate to be
surrounded by such a solider --- I love coming home and see every each
one of the face -- they bring me so much peace at the end of the day..

Please keep me posted with Stretch -- and please tell him that I am and
we are all proud of him..  Again, if there is anything I can do to help,
please don't hesitate to tell me.. 

Love and hugs,


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of wendy
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 12:22 PM
Subject: RE: Need your help with Stretch

Hey Hideyo,

Well, so far, since Stretch had the course of Baytril,
she has been fine.  No problems at all, thank God!,
and I have been watching her closely.  I actually feel
a little silly now because I feel I overreacted to
Stretch's symptoms.  They were scary though.  I guess
once a person has been through a kitty dying from one
of the FeLV induced illnesses, life is never the same.

Hideyo, you are so kind to offer to help financially
with Stretch.  Thank you.  As far as I can tell
though, she is fine, and will not need any further
treatment, although I will be taking her and her
sister Winnie to be tested for FeLV/FIP in the next
couple of months.  Will keep you posted on them.

You're really a sweetheart!

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

RE: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-25 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Hi, Wendy, I am sorry 
that you and Stretch are having a difficult time right now, I sincerely hope 
that you and Strech are going to find a way to get through this.. again, don't 
focus on the worst situation just yet, as Michelle said, it might not be 
lymphoma --- 

Please find out what it 
is and how much it will cost for the treatment, Wendy, I don't have that much 
money, but I am also in the process of re-financing my mortgage so that I can 
get some cash out to take care of attorney's fee for my court case and pay some 
of the medical expense for my babies.. and I am going to see if I can help you 
pay some of the expense that you may need for Strech immediately.. I can also 
get a tax return pretty quickly here and see if I can dig money that way...if 
there's a hope to make him better, I would like to help..

Love and hugs to you and 


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 9:49 
PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: Need your 
help with Stretch

I know. When Simon needed to go into the hospital, they would not 
admit him without me paying half the estimate, and there was not enough room on 
our credit card for it. Luckily my mom was able and willing to give me her 
credit card number for it. It was very scary feeling, though, until 
she did. I wanted to shoot the damn receptionist in the head, me standing 
there with my sick baby and her saying if I did not have a credit card to put it 
on they would not even see him. What about someone who had no relative 
with a working credit card they were willing to lend?

If it is lymphoma, I am not sure there is anything that can make him go 6 
months without chemo. But the vet who told me about the steroid combo I am 
always recommending (1/2 cc dexamethasone and 1/2 depomedrol, given periodically 
when they go downhill) said that she had some cats with lymphoma go 6 months on 
these shots alone, with good quality of life. If nothing else seems to 
help, you might want to try this. Did the dex shot help at all? If it did, 
you might want to try the combo shot. It is not expensive, though you will 
probably need to go to the vet to get it.The shots can be given sub-q, but 
most vets will not give clients the shots to take home.

But it might not be lymphoma.


In a message dated 1/3/2006 10:58:15 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
Hi Michelle,Thank you for the info. I am 
  going to give anotherday or two to see how things go before taking 
  Stretchback to the doc. Frankly, we are tapped out on 
  money. We are not wealthy by any stretch of the 
  imagination,and after spending hundreds of dollars trying to 
  saveCricket, and with Christmas just passed, we are a 
  bitbroke. I had to put the $85 visit to the vetyesterday 
  on a credit card that didn't have $85dollars on it. I will do 
  all I can for Stretch, butif it's cancer, I am not going to draw it 
  out. Wejust can't afford the treatments. I feel 
  sofrustrated right now. I don't want Stretch to 
  gothrough this. I don't want my nephew to go 
  throughlosing his cat; he's been through so much as it is. And 
  my attitude isn't it's normal hopeful self afterlosing Cricket. 
  I feel it's too soon after Cricket; Idon't think I can go through this 
  again. I am prayingfor a miracle right now. If Stretch can 
  just pullthrough this, and give us a little time, we will 
  bebetter able to afford treatments in six months. Ihope 
  that some of you understand being in this place. How do you guys 
  afford expensive treatments when youjust don't have the 

RE: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-06 Thread catatonya
Wendy,I had a cat that was just plain hornery. He had to be sedated at the vet's a lot of times because he would growl, bite, etc... (and no, he wasn't feral, he was just mean! lol) Anyway, I could handle him much better at home than they could at the office.When I gave him sub-q he would try to walk around, squirm, etc... wouldn't get mad, just wouldn't be still and I didn't want to set him off. I would sit with a little can of treats and give him treats when I gave him fluids. That made him want to stay with me.Just an idea that might help.t"MacKenzie, Kerry N." [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Wendy, I'm barely keeping up with posts but see you're looking at giving fluids---believe me, if I can do it anyone can! I'm as clumsy and squeamish as they come! A housecall vet showed me last year without me asking otherwise I know I would never have asked/learned. I get the impression that any vet or tech worth their salt should be happy to demonstrate. (They know it's a tremendous waste of $$$ to have a vet/tech do it when you can do it yourself. Better to save the $$$ for everything else.)Like anything new, have someone experienced like eg a vet or tech or shelter volunteer show you how it's done. It really is very simple. It's not like a vein has to be found--the needles just goes under the skin--you just grasp the
 skin on either the left or right side of the cat, and pull it up into a "tent" shape---the demonstrator will show you where--insertthe needle, then unlock the water flow, and watch the numbers on the bag until the prescribed amount has been administered. I do it with my foster, Pookie, every 2 days, and it takes about 2 mins. It's actually quite a bonding experience, I feel. The experts say a dehydrated cat always feels immediately better. (I give Pookie a Feline Greenie treat immediately after, so that makes him feel good too. It also makes me feel good that I can do this for Pookie as I think maybe not all the shelter's foster parents have yet learned to give subQs.)Someone else on this list said recently they felt mortifiedby the early-day mistakes they made--not sure if
 this was in reference to subQs or something else. But that sure rang a bell with me. I either was not told at all, or it wasn't stressed, by the housecall vet that a NEW needle had to be used every time (for sharpness--just one use blunts the needle; and sterility reasons---when you withdraw a needle it hastissue on it. Someone else will put me right if I haven't quite explained this properly.) This is second nature to medical people but not necessarily to laypeople!! So I recall now with some anguish my sessions with poor Caramel, who being feral, was already stressed out by my having to catch him and pin him down (with help of friend) to give him fluids. I probably hydrated him 5 times and I don't believe I changed the needle once. This only dawned on me recently when I was being briefed by the shelter re Pookie.I felt and still feel terrible about poor Caramel. It took me a little while to get to a point with Pookie where I was only using one needle per session--sometimes I'd prick my own finger before even getting to him, which meant a change of needle was required. Or, he would move suddenly and the needle would slip out, again requiring a new needle. Something else I'll mention---the first time I had to change a bag, I was totally baffled afterdoing it because I couldn't see the fluid line in the bag, so there was no way to tell how much was being administered. The simple solution was to detach and reattach the "tubing" from the fluidbag--doing that introduced air, and that allowed the fluid line to become visible. But I'm
 no scientistsomeone had to tell me that. And by the time I found out what to do, I'd wasted half the bag in an effort to "find the fluid line"!Also, if everthe fluid seems not to be flowing I give the little oblong fluid reservoir a squeeze and that seems to solve that prob.What else? Well, it's a bit of a fiddle at the beginning endowed as we are with only 2 hands, but 3 areas to control---cat, needle and bag. But practice makes, if not entirely perfect, less imperfect!Good luck! It's def easier than learning to ride a bike! And a great skill for a cat mom/dad to have! Kerry PS One more thing---I hear from my shelter counsellor contact that fluids are much cheaper online. Needles too. I think I was ripped off by the housecall vet. I paid $41 for delivery of one bag.-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
 catatonyaSent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 9:21 AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: Need your help with Stretch  Hey Wendy,Your vet will show you how to do it and tell you how much to give and how often. One bag holds 1000 mL and typically you give 100-200 mL throughout the day so a a bag will last a while.It IS hard when you first start, bu

Re: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-05 Thread catatonya
Hey Wendy,Your vet will show you how to do it and tell you how much to give and how often. One bag holds 1000 mL and typically you give 100-200 mL throughout the day so a a bag will last a while.It IS hard when you first start, but you build up your confidence as you go. Be prepared to stick yourself a few times too!twendy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Thanks Tonya. I think I will go that route if I don'tsee an improvement in eating/drinking very soon. It'sa little scary though. I've never stuck a needle intoanother living being, unless you count gettingsplinters out, so I am a bit nervous about tryingthis. Do you give the cat the whole bag? And whereand how do you stick the needle?Thanks,Wendy---
 catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: Wendy,  The fluid is already in the bags you buy. You don't fill them yourselves. I don't know what all is in them. I suppose electrolytes, fluids, maybe potassium? If you've got a decent vet a bag of fluid and the set up for sub q should be less than $10.  t  t  wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: Hey Michelle,  I can't imagine how you felt with them telling you to pay up front while you're holding your sick cat! That just sounds bad! I just started working a second job, so as soon as we get any money at all, then I will probably take Stretch in for the tests and if affordable, to get X-rays, and the fluid drained. Do X-rays show cancer tumors and/or fluid? Also, how often do you give the dex/depo shot (if it is lymphoma)?
 I could not really tell if the dex shot helped much. Stretch isn't breathing as heavily as she was, but her breathing is still somewhat labored.  Also, where do you get the bags and needles to do sub-Q fluids? Is there anything else I need to do sub-Q? Do you just use water?  Thanks, Wendy__  Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about.  Just $16.99/mo. or less. __ Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

RE: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-05 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

I'm barely keeping up with posts but see you're looking at giving 
fluids---believe me, if I can do it anyone can! I'm as clumsy and 
squeamish as they come! A housecall vet showed me last year without me asking 
otherwise I know I would never have asked/learned. I get the impression that any 
vet or tech worth their salt should be happy to demonstrate. (They know it's a 
tremendous waste of $$$ to have a vet/tech do it when you can do it yourself. 
Better to save the $$$ for everything else.)

anything new, have someone experienced like eg a vet or tech or shelter 
volunteer show you how it's done. It really is very simple. It's not like a vein 
has to be found--the needles just goes under the skin--you just grasp the skin 
on either the left or right side of the cat, and pull it up into a "tent" 
shape---the demonstrator will show you where--insertthe needle, then 
unlock the water flow, and watch the numbers on the bag until the prescribed 
amount has been administered. I do it with my foster, Pookie, every 2 days, and 
it takes about 2 mins. It's actually quite a bonding experience, I feel. The 
experts say a dehydrated cat always feels immediately better. (I give Pookie a 
Feline Greenie treat immediately after, so that makes him feel good too. It also 
makes me feel good that I can do this for Pookie as I think maybe not all the 
shelter's foster parents have yet learned to give subQs.)

Someone else on this list said recently they felt mortifiedby the 
early-day mistakes they made--not sure if this was in reference to subQs or 
something else. But that sure rang a bell with me. I either was not told at all, 
or it wasn't stressed, by the housecall vet that a NEW needle had to be used 
every time (for sharpness--just one use blunts the needle; and sterility 
reasons---when you withdraw a needle it hastissue on it. Someone else will 
put me right if I haven't quite explained this properly.) This is second 
nature to medical people but not necessarily to laypeople!! So I recall now with 
some anguish my sessions with poor Caramel, who being feral, was already 
stressed out by my having to catch him and pin him down (with help of friend) to 
give him fluids. I probably hydrated him 5 times and I don't believe I changed 
the needle once. This only dawned on me recently when I was being briefed by the 
shelter re Pookie.I felt and still feel terrible about poor Caramel. 

took me a little while to get to a point with Pookie where I was only using one 
needle per session--sometimes I'd prick my own finger before even getting to 
him, which meant a change of needle was required. Or, he would move suddenly and 
the needle would slip out, again requiring a new needle. 

Something else I'll mention---the first time I had to change a bag, I was 
totally baffled afterdoing it because I couldn't see the fluid line in the 
bag, so there was no way to tell how much was being administered. The simple 
solution was to detach and reattach the "tubing" from the fluidbag--doing 
that introduced air, and that allowed the fluid line to become visible. But I'm 
no scientistsomeone had to tell me that. And by the time I found out what to 
do, I'd wasted half the bag in an effort to "find the fluid 

if everthe fluid seems not to be flowing I give the little oblong fluid 
reservoir a squeeze and that seems to solve that prob.

What else? Well, it's a bit of a fiddle at the 
beginning endowed as we are with only 2 hands, but 3 areas to control---cat, 
needle and bag. But practice makes, if not entirely perfect, less 

Good luck! It's def easier than learning to ride a 
bike! And a great skill for a cat mom/dad to have! Kerry PS One more thing---I 
hear from my shelter counsellor contact that fluids are much cheaper online. 
Needles too. I think I was ripped off by the housecall vet. I paid $41 for 
delivery of one bag.

-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of catatonyaSent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 9:21 
AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: Need your 
help with Stretch
Hey Wendy,

Your vet will show you how to do it and tell you how much to give and how 
often. One bag holds 1000 mL and typically you give 100-200 mL throughout 
the day so a a bag will last a while.

It IS hard when you first start, but you build up your confidence as you 
go. Be prepared to stick yourself a few times too!

twendy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Tonya. I think I will go that route if I don'tsee an improvement in 
  eating/drinking very soon. It'sa little scary though. I've never stuck a 
  needle intoanother living being, unless you count gettingsplinters 
  out, so I am a bit nervous about tryingthis. Do you give the cat the whole 
  bag? And whereand how do you stick the 
  needle?Thanks,Wendy--- catatonya 
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: Wendy,  The fluid is 
  already in t

Re: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-05 Thread PEC2851

In a message dated 1/5/06 11:09:04 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
Needles too. I think I was ripped off by the 
  housecall vet. I paid $41 for delivery of one 

Definitely~ The clinic could buy SEVERAL cases of fluids with all that 

RE: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-05 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

I already planned never to use her again, 
and unless I get desperate, that's confirmed it. Thanks Pattie!
-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 
10:16 AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: Need 
your help with Stretch

In a message dated 1/5/06 11:09:04 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
Needles too. I 
  think I was ripped off by the housecall vet. I paid $41 for delivery of one 

Definitely~ The clinic could buy SEVERAL cases of fluids with all that 
=00IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP to be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other than Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP) of that transaction or matter, and (ii) such taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances from an independent tax advisorThis email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. 

Re: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-05 Thread Belinda Sauro
Another nice trick to be able to hang the fluid bag up high is to 
take a regular old wire clothes hanger and take the bottom part in the 
middle and stretch it completely out until the hanger looks like a long 
tube shape with the hang part at the top.  The fold the tube part in 
half.  You can hang the bag on the folded part and adjust the top 
hanging part by turning it where you need it to be albe to see the 
numbers on the bag.  I then hang it on the ramp walk way across the 
kitchen counters we put up for the kitties and it is high enough that 
the fluids come out fairly quickly and it only takes a minute or maybe a 
little less to give Bailey his 100cc's.  I can put up a picture if it 
would help to understand what I'm talking about.

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-05 Thread Belinda Sauro
 Way too much for fluids, but she probably charged you her regular 
housecall fee plus the price of the fluids.  I pay $10.00 a bag with 
about 10 needles (still high), you can buy them online for about $3 
something a bag and I think the line is an extra dollar or two.

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

RE: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-05 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Yes, I heard it was about $3 online!!
(The vet had her tech deliver to my workplace--not such a great
distance. So still a rip-off!)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Belinda Sauro
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 10:33 AM
Subject: Re: Need your help with Stretch

  Way too much for fluids, but she probably charged you her regular 
housecall fee plus the price of the fluids.  I pay $10.00 a bag with 
about 10 needles (still high), you can buy them online for about $3 
something a bag and I think the line is an extra dollar or two.

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)


IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was 
neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe  Maw LLP to 
be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax 
penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers 
to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or 
other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the 
advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other 
than Mayer, Brown, Rowe  Maw LLP) of that transaction or matter, and (ii) such 
taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances 
from an independent tax advisor


This email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of 
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RE: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-05 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.

I hang it on the clothes hook on the back of the bedroom door. But your
idea might be better as mine is a double hook and depending on which
hook I hang it on (the bag slot isn't wide enough to fit over the double
hook) the fluid level reading is different. Hanging it over the single
hook probably makes the bag a bit uneven.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Belinda Sauro
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 10:31 AM
Subject: Re: Need your help with Stretch

 Another nice trick to be able to hang the fluid bag up high is to 
take a regular old wire clothes hanger and take the bottom part in the 
middle and stretch it completely out until the hanger looks like a long 
tube shape with the hang part at the top.  The fold the tube part in 
half.  You can hang the bag on the folded part and adjust the top 
hanging part by turning it where you need it to be albe to see the 
numbers on the bag.  I then hang it on the ramp walk way across the 
kitchen counters we put up for the kitties and it is high enough that 
the fluids come out fairly quickly and it only takes a minute or maybe a

little less to give Bailey his 100cc's.  I can put up a picture if it 
would help to understand what I'm talking about.

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)


IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was 
neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe  Maw LLP to 
be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax 
penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers 
to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or 
other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the 
advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other 
than Mayer, Brown, Rowe  Maw LLP) of that transaction or matter, and (ii) such 
taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances 
from an independent tax advisor


This email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of 
the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this 
email in error please notify the system manager. If you are not the named 
addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. 

RE: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-05 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

I am attaching the websites which may help
you with different tips of giving fluid  they are very helpful site.

On Behalf Of catatonya
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006
8:21 AM
Subject: Re: Need your help with

Hey Wendy,

Your vet will show you how to do it and tell you how much to give and
how often. One bag holds 1000 mL and typically you give 100-200 mL
throughout the day so a a bag will last a while.

It IS hard when you first start, but you build up your confidence as
you go. Be prepared to stick yourself a few times too!



Thanks Tonya. I think I
will go that route if I don't
see an improvement in eating/drinking very soon. It's
a little scary though. I've never stuck a needle into
another living being, unless you count getting
splinters out, so I am a bit nervous about trying
this. Do you give the cat the whole bag? And where
and how do you stick the needle?


--- catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

 The fluid is already in the bags you buy. You
 don't fill them yourselves. I don't know what all
 is in them. I suppose electrolytes, fluids, maybe
 potassium? If you've got a decent vet a bag of
 fluid and the set up for sub q should be less than
 wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
 Hey Michelle,
 I can't imagine how you felt with them telling you
 pay up front while you're holding your sick cat!
 just sounds bad! I just started working a second
 so as soon as we get any money at all, then I will
 probably take Stretch in for the tests and if
 affordable, to get X-rays, and the fluid drained. Do
 X-rays show cancer tumors and/or fluid? Also, how
 often do you give the dex/depo shot (if it is
 lymphoma)? I could not really tell if the dex shot
 helped much. Stretch isn't breathing as heavily as
 she was, but her breathing is still somewhat
 Also, where do you get the bags and needles to do
 sub-Q fluids? Is there anything else I need to do
 sub-Q? Do you just use water?
 Yahoo! DSL  Something to write home about. 
 Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Yahoo! DSL  Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

RE: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-05 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Also, this is a site where you can buy all
the fluid supplies at much much cheaper prices than you will get from your vet.

Behalf Of Hideyo Yamamoto
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006
12:51 PM
Subject: RE: Need your help with

I am attaching the websites which may help
you with different tips of giving fluid  they are very helpful site.

Behalf Of catatonya
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006
8:21 AM
Subject: Re: Need your help with

Hey Wendy,

Your vet will show you how to do it and tell you how much to give and
how often. One bag holds 1000 mL and typically you give 100-200 mL
throughout the day so a a bag will last a while.

It IS hard when you first start, but you build up your confidence as
you go. Be prepared to stick yourself a few times too!



Thanks Tonya. I think I
will go that route if I don't
see an improvement in eating/drinking very soon. It's
a little scary though. I've never stuck a needle into
another living being, unless you count getting
splinters out, so I am a bit nervous about trying
this. Do you give the cat the whole bag? And where
and how do you stick the needle?


--- catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

 The fluid is already in the bags you buy. You
 don't fill them yourselves. I don't know what all
 is in them. I suppose electrolytes, fluids, maybe
 potassium? If you've got a decent vet a bag of
 fluid and the set up for sub q should be less than
 wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
 Hey Michelle,
 I can't imagine how you felt with them telling you
 pay up front while you're holding your sick cat!
 just sounds bad! I just started working a second
 so as soon as we get any money at all, then I will
 probably take Stretch in for the tests and if
 affordable, to get X-rays, and the fluid drained. Do
 X-rays show cancer tumors and/or fluid? Also, how
 often do you give the dex/depo shot (if it is
 lymphoma)? I could not really tell if the dex shot
 helped much. Stretch isn't breathing as heavily as
 she was, but her breathing is still somewhat
 Also, where do you get the bags and needles to do
 sub-Q fluids? Is there anything else I need to do
 sub-Q? Do you just use water?
 Yahoo! DSL  Something to write home about. 
 Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Yahoo! DSL  Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

RE: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-05 Thread wendy
Great info. Hideyo; thanks for the sites!  I
especially like the pictures.

--- Hideyo Yamamoto

 I am attaching the websites which may help you with
 different tips of
 giving fluid - they are very helpful site.
 Behalf Of catatonya
 Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 8:21 AM
 Subject: Re: Need your help with Stretch
 Hey Wendy,
 Your vet will show you how to do it and tell you how
 much to give and
 how often.  One bag holds 1000 mL and typically you
 give 100-200 mL
 throughout the day so a a bag will last a while.
 It IS hard when you first start, but you build up
 your confidence as you
 go.  Be prepared to stick yourself a few times too!
 wendy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Thanks Tonya. I think I will go that route if I
   see an improvement in eating/drinking very soon.
   a little scary though. I've never stuck a needle
   another living being, unless you count getting
   splinters out, so I am a bit nervous about trying
   this. Do you give the cat the whole bag? And where
   and how do you stick the needle?
   --- catatonya wrote:

The fluid is already in the bags you buy. You
don't fill them yourselves. I don't know what all
is in them. I suppose electrolytes, fluids, maybe
potassium? If you've got a decent vet a bag of
fluid and the set up for sub q should be less



wendy wrote:
Hey Michelle,

I can't imagine how you felt with them telling
pay up front while you're holding your sick cat!
just sounds bad! I just started working a second
so as soon as we get any money at all, then I
probably take Stretch in for the tests and if
affordable, to get X-rays, and the fluid drained.
X-rays show cancer tumors and/or fluid? Also, how
often do you give the dex/depo shot (if it is
lymphoma)? I could not really tell if the dex
helped much. Stretch isn't breathing as heavily
she was, but her breathing is still somewhat
Also, where do you get the bags and needles to do
sub-Q fluids? Is there anything else I need to do
sub-Q? Do you just use water?


Yahoo! DSL - Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

   Yahoo! DSL - Something to write home about. 
   Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

RE: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-05 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
You are welcome - I was introduced them by CRF support group on line -
they have so many people on the list who knows EVERYTHING about giving
fluid and it's amazing and I learned so much from them, too!  Good luck!
And let me know if there is anything I can do to help!

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of wendy
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 2:01 PM
Subject: RE: Need your help with Stretch

Great info. Hideyo; thanks for the sites!  I
especially like the pictures.

--- Hideyo Yamamoto

 I am attaching the websites which may help you with
 different tips of
 giving fluid - they are very helpful site.
 Behalf Of catatonya
 Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 8:21 AM
 Subject: Re: Need your help with Stretch
 Hey Wendy,
 Your vet will show you how to do it and tell you how
 much to give and
 how often.  One bag holds 1000 mL and typically you
 give 100-200 mL
 throughout the day so a a bag will last a while.
 It IS hard when you first start, but you build up
 your confidence as you
 go.  Be prepared to stick yourself a few times too!
 wendy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Thanks Tonya. I think I will go that route if I
   see an improvement in eating/drinking very soon.
   a little scary though. I've never stuck a needle
   another living being, unless you count getting
   splinters out, so I am a bit nervous about trying
   this. Do you give the cat the whole bag? And where
   and how do you stick the needle?
   --- catatonya wrote:

The fluid is already in the bags you buy. You
don't fill them yourselves. I don't know what all
is in them. I suppose electrolytes, fluids, maybe
potassium? If you've got a decent vet a bag of
fluid and the set up for sub q should be less



wendy wrote:
Hey Michelle,

I can't imagine how you felt with them telling
pay up front while you're holding your sick cat!
just sounds bad! I just started working a second
so as soon as we get any money at all, then I
probably take Stretch in for the tests and if
affordable, to get X-rays, and the fluid drained.
X-rays show cancer tumors and/or fluid? Also, how
often do you give the dex/depo shot (if it is
lymphoma)? I could not really tell if the dex
helped much. Stretch isn't breathing as heavily
she was, but her breathing is still somewhat
Also, where do you get the bags and needles to do
sub-Q fluids? Is there anything else I need to do
sub-Q? Do you just use water?


Yahoo! DSL - Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

   Yahoo! DSL - Something to write home about. 
   Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Yahoo! DSL - Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Re: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-04 Thread wendy
Hey Nina,

I think it's a combination of both the vet being
mainly a routine care vet and that he knows how much
we spent on Cricket, because when I took Stretch in, I
didn't even say anything about money, and he told me
that what he was doing that day would be the most help
he could give Stretch while being the most cost
effective for me.  You are right though, he isn't as
good as some vets that I have visited in my life.  He
is very close to home though, open to suggestions for
alternative treatments, ie. the Immuno Regulin, which
he'd never used before, and a good guy, which is why I
still visit him.

This morning, Stretch was outside with her sister
instead of being in the garage lying down, so she must
be feeling better.  I am force feeding her A/D, so
maybe that is helping.  I am scared for her though. 
From what I have read about FIP, if it is FIP symptoms
kicking in, then no matter what we do, she doesn't
have a lot of time.

Thank you for the encouragement; I could really use it
right now.

Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Re: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-04 Thread wendy
Hey Michelle,

I can't imagine how you felt with them telling you to
pay up front while you're holding your sick cat!  That
just sounds bad!  I just started working a second job,
so as soon as we get any money at all, then I will
probably take Stretch in for the tests and if
affordable, to get X-rays, and the fluid drained.  Do
X-rays show cancer tumors and/or fluid?  Also, how
often do you give the dex/depo shot (if it is
lymphoma)?  I could not really tell if the dex shot
helped much.  Stretch isn't breathing as heavily as
she was, but her breathing is still somewhat labored. 
Also, where do you get the bags and needles to do
sub-Q fluids?  Is there anything else I need to do
sub-Q?  Do you just use water?


Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Re: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-04 Thread wendy
Thank you Patti.  Your prayers and hugs are greatly

Wendy et. all

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My thoughts and prayers are with you and Stretch.
 I am so sorry that you and your nephew are faced
 with this.
 And, I understand about the financial situation...
 Years ago, I never had to worry.  I cashed out my
 entire 401K plan  when my 
 first Rottie was diagnosed with AIHA.
 I've been fortunate to have worked at vets and have
 connections with the  
 But, now I am retired and living on SSDI, and I
 understand all too  well.
 I too am praying for a miracle for dear Stretch...

Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Re: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-04 Thread wendy
Thank you Tonya for the kind words and for identifying
with me.  It makes me feel like less of a Scrooge,
which I do kind of feel like.  Although I do know you
can't pull money out of a hat, right?

Thanks again,

--- catatonya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   I am so sorry to hear about Stretch.  Most of the
 time I have heard people discuss these kinds of
 symptoms it has not been good news.  You do what you
 can, and that's all you can do.  It is hard to
 accept, but most of us have been where you are. 
 Sometimes you spend thousands and are able to buy
 some more time, sometimes you spend thousands and
 can't.  And the problem is you can never 'know' for
 sure if treatments are going to help or not. 
 Especially if you're talking about lymphoma. 

   I have been in situations that I truly felt I was
 putting my cat through too much to try to save him
 when it was beyond hope, and had them turn around. 
 One of my cats my vet insisted was at death's door
 lived for many years after his illness.  Others who
 had a good prognosis I have lost.  You just never
 know.  You just have to do the best you can, and
 it's very hard not knowing what to do and it's hard
 to feel like money is governing your decisions.  But
 money is a part of it.  There's no way around that.

I am so sorry you are going through all of this. 
 I will keep you, your nephew and Stretch in my
 thoughts and prayers.

 wendy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi Michelle,
 Thank you for the info. I am going to give another
 day or two to see how things go before taking
 back to the doc. Frankly, we are tapped out on
 We are not wealthy by any stretch of the
 and after spending hundreds of dollars trying to
 Cricket, and with Christmas just passed, we are a
 broke. I had to put the $85 visit to the vet
 yesterday on a credit card that didn't have $85
 dollars on it. I will do all I can for Stretch, but
 if it's cancer, I am not going to draw it out. We
 just can't afford the treatments. I feel so
 frustrated right now. I don't want Stretch to go
 through this. I don't want my nephew to go through
 losing his cat; he's been through so much as it is. 
 And my attitude isn't it's normal hopeful self after
 losing Cricket. I feel it's too soon after Cricket;
 don't think I can go through this again. I am
 for a miracle right now. If Stretch can just pull
 through this, and give us a little time, we will be
 better able to afford treatments in six months. I
 hope that some of you understand being in this
 How do you guys afford expensive treatments when you
 just don't have the money?
 Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
 Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Re: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-04 Thread jenmeyer
Hi Wendy!

I'm trying to catch up on posts (I read everything I can...just haven't
had much time to post!)...I just wanted to drop you a quick note and let
you know that I hear ya about the financial situation!!  I've already
broken down and used those damn checks that credit card companies send
you (they've obviously become savvy to the fact that I've cut up a few
cards after paying them off!  :) ) to help pay for Ewok's chemo
treatments...but I agree very much with Michelle...steroids are an
inexpensive way to help shrink the tumor (one dex shot that lasted about
a week for Ewok was $17).

Stretch, you and your nephew will certainly be in my thoughts!  I know
how it feels to lose two babies so close together (as many on this list
do)...We had to say goodbye to two of Ewok's brothers within a week of
each other (one to mediastinal lymphoma and one to anemia) a few years
ago.  I'm sure Stretch knows that you are doing everything you can (it's
all any of us truly know what to do when it comes to this damn virus). 
Perhaps sit quietly with Stretch for awhile and ask him what he wishes
to do...I know how frustrated you probably absolutely sucks
that we have to make these kinds of decisions based on money (our
Sleepypants--Ewok's brother--hasn't been feeling well these past few
days...he's been throwing up his food with *alot* of hair...fortunately,
he's been able to keep his food down for the past 24 I'm
hoping he's just passing a hair clog...but with abdominal cancer in
the back of my mind, I had to think ahead and wonder what I would do if
we found out that he did have cancer...and the thought was grim...we
just can't possibly afford to treat two cats with cancer...I guess I
just have to keep the faith that everything will work out as it should
and that I can avoid therapy, if at all possible... :)  ).

Anyhoo, this has turned into my own rant!  :)  My long way of letting
you know I'm there with ya!  Take care and keep us posted!


But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed... --Antoine de

If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys. --Chief Dan

- Original Message -
Date: Tuesday, January 3, 2006 10:49 pm
Subject: Re: Need your help with Stretch

 I know.  When Simon needed to go into the hospital, they would not 
 admit him 
 without me paying half the estimate, and there was not enough room 
 on our 
 credit card for it.  Luckily my mom was able and willing to give me 
 her credit 
 card number for it.  It was  very scary feeling, though, until she 
 did.  I wanted 
 to shoot the damn receptionist in the head, me standing there with 
 my sick 
 baby and her saying if I did not have a credit card to put it on 
 they would not 
 even see him.  What about someone who had no relative with a 
 working credit 
 card they were willing to lend?
 If it is lymphoma, I am not sure there is anything that can make 
 him go 6 
 months without chemo.  But the vet who told me about the steroid 
 combo I am 
 always recommending (1/2 cc dexamethasone and 1/2 depomedrol, given 
 when they go downhill) said that she had some cats with lymphoma go 
 6 months on 
 these shots alone, with good quality of life.  If nothing else 
 seems to help, 
 you might want to try this.  Did the dex shot help at all? If it 
 did, you 
 might want to try the combo shot. It is not expensive, though you 
 will probably 
 need to go to the vet to get it. The shots can be given sub-q, but 
 most vets 
 will not give clients the shots to take home.
 But it might not be lymphoma.
 In a message dated 1/3/2006 10:58:15 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
 Hi Michelle,
 Thank you for the info.  I am going to give another
 day or two to see how things go before taking Stretch
 back to the doc.  Frankly, we are tapped out on money.
  We are not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination,
 and after spending hundreds of dollars trying to save
 Cricket, and with Christmas just passed, we are a bit
 broke.  I had to put the $85 visit to the vet
 yesterday on a credit card that didn't have $85
 dollars on it.  I will do all I can for Stretch, but
 if it's cancer, I am not going to draw it out.  We
 just can't afford the treatments.  I feel so
 frustrated right now.  I don't want Stretch to go
 through this.  I don't want my nephew to go through
 losing his cat; he's been through so much as it is. 
 And my attitude isn't it's normal hopeful self after
 losing Cricket.  I feel it's too soon after Cricket; I
 don't think I can go through this again.  I am praying

Re: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-04 Thread Belinda Sauro
 Prayers for Stretch to pull out of this also, it's good that you are 
able to get food into her.  This is the most difficult thing with 
bailey, he hates syringing, and I really suck at it.  We keep plugging 
along thoug.

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-04 Thread catatonya
Wendy,The fluid is already in the bags you buy. You don't fill them yourselves. I don't know what all is in them. I suppose electrolytes, fluids, maybe potassium? If you've got a decent vet a bag of fluid and the set up for sub q should be less than $10.ttwendy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hey Michelle,I can't imagine how you felt with them telling you topay up front while you're holding your sick cat! Thatjust sounds bad! I just started working a second job,so as soon as we get any money at all, then I willprobably take Stretch in for the tests and ifaffordable, to get X-rays, and the fluid drained. DoX-rays show cancer tumors and/or fluid? Also, howoften do you give the dex/depo shot (if it
 islymphoma)? I could not really tell if the dex shothelped much. Stretch isn't breathing as heavily asshe was, but her breathing is still somewhat labored. Also, where do you get the bags and needles to dosub-Q fluids? Is there anything else I need to dosub-Q? Do you just use water?Thanks,Wendy__ Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Re: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-04 Thread wendy
Thanks Tonya.  I think I will go that route if I don't
see an improvement in eating/drinking very soon.  It's
a little scary though.  I've never stuck a needle into
another living being, unless you count getting
splinters out, so I am a bit nervous about trying
this.  Do you give the cat the whole bag?  And where
and how do you stick the needle?


--- catatonya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   The fluid is already in the bags you buy.  You
 don't fill them yourselves.  I don't know what all
 is in them.  I suppose electrolytes, fluids, maybe
 potassium?  If you've got a decent vet a bag of
 fluid and the set up for sub q should be less than


 wendy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hey Michelle,
 I can't imagine how you felt with them telling you
 pay up front while you're holding your sick cat!
 just sounds bad! I just started working a second
 so as soon as we get any money at all, then I will
 probably take Stretch in for the tests and if
 affordable, to get X-rays, and the fluid drained. Do
 X-rays show cancer tumors and/or fluid? Also, how
 often do you give the dex/depo shot (if it is
 lymphoma)? I could not really tell if the dex shot
 helped much. Stretch isn't breathing as heavily as
 she was, but her breathing is still somewhat
 Also, where do you get the bags and needles to do
 sub-Q fluids? Is there anything else I need to do
 sub-Q? Do you just use water?
 Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
 Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Re: Need your help with Stretch-fluids

2006-01-04 Thread Gloria Lane
It's really easy, and no you definitely don't use the whole bag.   
There are some web sites that show pictures of how to do it, I'll  
have to look them up.  Most people use a tube set with a needle on  
the end from the bag to the kitty, and watch how the fluids go down.   
In particular, a sick kitty doesn't mind.

I use a 60cc syringe, that I load up and then stick.  i also have a  
flexible tube that goes from the syringe to the needle and kitty.   
But think that flexible tube is hard to find.  Vets charge different  
amounts for fluids too.  My regular vet charges $20.  We've found  
other vets here who charge $5 (yeaa!).  I use Lactacted Ringers.   
Gotta watch and make sure you have the right fluids that your vet  
wants you to use, also.

I'm sure you'll get good advice from others on the list too.

Best of luck,


On Jan 4, 2006, at 11:54 AM, wendy wrote:

Thanks Tonya.  I think I will go that route if I don't
see an improvement in eating/drinking very soon.  It's
a little scary though.  I've never stuck a needle into
another living being, unless you count getting
splinters out, so I am a bit nervous about trying
this.  Do you give the cat the whole bag?  And where
and how do you stick the needle?


--- catatonya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  The fluid is already in the bags you buy.  You
don't fill them yourselves.  I don't know what all
is in them.  I suppose electrolytes, fluids, maybe
potassium?  If you've got a decent vet a bag of
fluid and the set up for sub q should be less than



wendy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hey Michelle,

I can't imagine how you felt with them telling you
pay up front while you're holding your sick cat!
just sounds bad! I just started working a second
so as soon as we get any money at all, then I will
probably take Stretch in for the tests and if
affordable, to get X-rays, and the fluid drained. Do
X-rays show cancer tumors and/or fluid? Also, how
often do you give the dex/depo shot (if it is
lymphoma)? I could not really tell if the dex shot
helped much. Stretch isn't breathing as heavily as
she was, but her breathing is still somewhat
Also, where do you get the bags and needles to do
sub-Q fluids? Is there anything else I need to do
sub-Q? Do you just use water?


Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about.
Just $16.99/mo. or less.

Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about.
Just $16.99/mo. or less.

Re: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-04 Thread PEC2851

Have a vet tech demonstrate..
It sounds rather frightening, but in fact it isn't bad.
You pull up a "flap" of skin  put the needle in the "tent". The 
amount of fluids administered depends on weight of cat, and how often it is 
done, Ix Day or 2X day.
Fluids can be lactated ringers, which is basically sterile saline with 
electrolytes. Then there's Nacl, some with dextrose Vet will advise.
Often, lactated ringers is used for re-hydration.
Also, the cost should be very minimal. (A bag of fluids is usually 1000 
Good Luck,

Re: Need your help with Stretch-fluids

2006-01-04 Thread PEC2851

In a message dated 1/4/06 1:02:29 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  regular vet charges $20. We've found other vets here who 
  charge $5 (yeaa!).

Yes, that's because vets purchase aCASE of lactated ringers for under 
It's a damn shame some vets have to "mark up" such necessary 

Re: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-04 Thread Belinda Sauro

  Bailey is currently getting fluids it is fairly easy.  It seems to 
make it less uncomfortable for the cat if you heat it to room 
temperature.  I usually take my bag and lay it in the sink in fairly 
warm water for about 10 or so minutes.  You can feel the water after you 
give the bag a few minutes to cool off, it should be tepid.  I pinch the 
skin right behind Bailey shoulder blades, by pinch I mean pull it up 
kind of like when you are checking for dehydration, and put the needle 
in about half way.  Bailey just lays there and purrs.  You will feel a 
bulge build up in the area, that is the fluid going in.  Bailey was 
initially getting 150cc's (the bag is divided into 10 sections of 
100cc's each)  he now gets anywhere from 50 to 100cc's depending on how 
well he seems to be feeling.  He will usually eat a bit afterwards.

There is a white wheel thing, not sure waht it is called but when you 
roll it up to the bigger end the fluids are stopped, once you have your 
needle in roll it down towards the smaller end and the fluids will start 
to flow, then just roll it back up when you have put in the amount you 
decide to give.  I hope that isn't too confusing.

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-04 Thread Lernermichelle

Hi. X-rays canoften show tumors, though not always. 
Ultrasound can when x-rays can't, but is way more expensive. The dex/depo 
shot is given as needed. Depending on how early in the cancer you start, 
they can sometimes go a month in-between shots at first. It gets less and and 
less time in-between shots as they progress, and in the end is every few days, 
at least with the dex. Dex is out of the system within 24 hours, so she 
probably does not have any dex in her now, but may still be benefitting if she 
has a tumor and it shrank the tumor some.


In a message dated 1/4/2006 11:00:47 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  Michelle,I can't imagine how you felt with them telling you topay 
  up front while you're holding your sick cat! Thatjust sounds 
  bad! I just started working a second job,so as soon as we get any 
  money at all, then I willprobably take Stretch in for the tests and 
  ifaffordable, to get X-rays, and the fluid drained. DoX-rays 
  show cancer tumors and/or fluid? Also, howoften do you give the 
  dex/depo shot (if it islymphoma)? I could not really tell if the dex 
  shothelped much. Stretch isn't breathing as heavily asshe was, 
  but her breathing is still somewhat labored. Also, where do you get the 
  bags and needles to dosub-Q fluids? Is there anything else I need to 
  dosub-Q? Do you just use 

RE: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-04 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Dear Wendy 
I am sorry you are having to go through this pain, and so soon after
losing your darling Cricket. Try to remind yourself Stretch knows that
he is loved by you, that you have nothing but his welfare and best
interests at heart, and that you will do whatever is within your means
and power to help him and minimize his suffering. That's what I've
always forced myself to remember when I've been in a similar situation
(which sadly most of us on the list have been). 
How do you guys afford expensive treatments when you
just don't have the money?
We can only do what we can do, and it's a sad fact of life that the cost
of the treatment is often what determines the next step. Over the last
couple of years I've racked up my credit cards, used one of those credit
card checks you get in the mail, and then last summer Flavia's
treatment, and the subsequent euthanization and individual cremation
costs for Flavia and Snowball, forced me to take a chunk of money from
my paltry retirement fund. I can still hear the unspoken thoughts of
the broker when I explained it was for vet fees...this woman is a total
nut/loser. I told only one friend, and he was clearly shocked -- told me
not to do anything stupid. I know I can't do it again, anyway, tho,
because I won't be in a position to help any cat if I wind up destitute
in my old age (which is not that far away!).
Only you guys understand. 
And we surely understand the anguish you feel, Wendy, in not having a
limitless budget for treatment. I would think most us are in much the
same boat; and beating ourselves up because of it. That's what's so
wonderful about this group--we realize we're not alone; everyone faces
the same problems and heartache at one time or another. And everyone
does whatever they can to help one another cope and do the best for
their furbabies.
Sending zillions of positive, healing vibes, Wendy, for sweet Stretch's
love and hugs to you both

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of wendy
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 9:31 PM
Subject: Re: Need your help with Stretch

Hi Michelle,

Thank you for the info.  I am going to give another
day or two to see how things go before taking Stretch
back to the doc.  Frankly, we are tapped out on money.
 We are not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination,
and after spending hundreds of dollars trying to save
Cricket, and with Christmas just passed, we are a bit
broke.  I had to put the $85 visit to the vet
yesterday on a credit card that didn't have $85
dollars on it.  I will do all I can for Stretch, but
if it's cancer, I am not going to draw it out.  We
just can't afford the treatments.  I feel so
frustrated right now.  I don't want Stretch to go
through this.  I don't want my nephew to go through
losing his cat; he's been through so much as it is. 
And my attitude isn't it's normal hopeful self after
losing Cricket.  I feel it's too soon after Cricket; I
don't think I can go through this again.  I am praying
for a miracle right now.  If Stretch can just pull
through this, and give us a little time, we will be
better able to afford treatments in six months.  I
hope that some of you understand being in this place. 
How do you guys afford expensive treatments when you
just don't have the money?


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IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was 
neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe  Maw LLP to 
be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax 
penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers 
to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or 
other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the 
advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other 
than Mayer, Brown, Rowe  Maw LLP) of that transaction or matter, and (ii) such 
taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances 
from an independent tax advisor


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the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this 
email in error please notify the system manager. If you are not the named 
addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. 

Re: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-04 Thread Gloria Lane
I just noticed your reference to the expensive treatments.  I really  
think that sometimes the home treatments, not so expensive, are as  
useful and effective as the expensive ones.  Learning to do fluids,  
for example,  is so helpful.


On Jan 4, 2006, at 12:28 PM, MacKenzie, Kerry N. wrote:


How do you guys afford expensive treatments when you

just don't have the money?
We can only do what we can do, and it's a sad fact of life that the  

of the treatment is often what determines the next step. Over the last
couple of years I've racked up my credit cards, used one of those  

card checks you get in the mail, and then last summer Flavia's
treatment, and the subsequent euthanization and individual cremation
costs for Flavia and Snowball, forced me to take a chunk of money from
my paltry retirement fund. I can still hear the unspoken thoughts of
the broker when I explained it was for vet fees...this woman is a  
nut/loser. I told only one friend, and he was clearly shocked --  
told me

not to do anything stupid. I know I can't do it again, anyway, tho,
because I won't be in a position to help any cat if I wind up  

in my old age (which is not that far away!).
Only you guys understand.
And we surely understand the anguish you feel, Wendy, in not having a
limitless budget for treatment. I would think most us are in much the
same boat; and beating ourselves up because of it. That's what's so
wonderful about this group--we realize we're not alone; everyone faces
the same problems and heartache at one time or another. And everyone
does whatever they can to help one another cope and do the best for
their furbabies.
Sending zillions of positive, healing vibes, Wendy, for sweet  

love and hugs to you both

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of wendy
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 9:31 PM
Subject: Re: Need your help with Stretch

Hi Michelle,

Thank you for the info.  I am going to give another
day or two to see how things go before taking Stretch
back to the doc.  Frankly, we are tapped out on money.
 We are not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination,
and after spending hundreds of dollars trying to save
Cricket, and with Christmas just passed, we are a bit
broke.  I had to put the $85 visit to the vet
yesterday on a credit card that didn't have $85
dollars on it.  I will do all I can for Stretch, but
if it's cancer, I am not going to draw it out.  We
just can't afford the treatments.  I feel so
frustrated right now.  I don't want Stretch to go
through this.  I don't want my nephew to go through
losing his cat; he's been through so much as it is.
And my attitude isn't it's normal hopeful self after
losing Cricket.  I feel it's too soon after Cricket; I
don't think I can go through this again.  I am praying
for a miracle right now.  If Stretch can just pull
through this, and give us a little time, we will be
better able to afford treatments in six months.  I
hope that some of you understand being in this place.
How do you guys afford expensive treatments when you
just don't have the money?


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IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax  
matters was neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer,  
Brown, Rowe  Maw LLP to be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer  
for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed under  
U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers to any such tax advice  
in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or other  
entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i)  
the advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a  
person other than Mayer, Brown, Rowe  Maw LLP) of that transaction  
or matter, and (ii) such taxpayer should seek advice based on the  
taxpayers particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor


This email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely  
for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed.  
If you have received this email in error please notify the system  
manager. If you are not the named addressee you should not  
disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail.

RE: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-04 Thread wendy

It does make me feel so much better to know that many
here have stressed over the financial aspect of caring
for their furbabies.  It doesn't seem fair to have to
choose.  I guess this just fuels the fire more for me
to get out of debt.  My husband and I just started
doing Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover (it's a
book), and hopefully will be debt free except for our
house by the end of this year.  I highly recommend his
plan, btw, especially for those of you who are like
me, broke.  lol.  I guess we'll just have to sit tight
until then.  I didn't even tell my husband that we
spent $85 at the vet when he asked (not part of the
plan, btw, lol).  I said $50, which he freaked out on
anyway.  I can't blame him.  He doesn't feel the same
about the kitties as I do.  Thanks for the kind words
and encouragement Kerry.  We'll do the best we can for
Stretch, and I guess that's all we can do.  I'll keep
you posted.


Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Re: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-04 Thread wendy
Thank you to everyone who is helping me learn about
sub-Q fluids.  All the information is invaluable.  I
shudder to think that I would have had to learn about
the procedure from a book!

--- Gloria Lane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I just noticed your reference to the expensive
 treatments.  I really  
 think that sometimes the home treatments, not so
 expensive, are as  
 useful and effective as the expensive ones. 
 Learning to do fluids,  
 for example,  is so helpful.
 On Jan 4, 2006, at 12:28 PM, MacKenzie, Kerry N.
  How do you guys afford expensive treatments when
  just don't have the money?
  We can only do what we can do, and it's a sad fact
 of life that the  
  of the treatment is often what determines the next
 step. Over the last
  couple of years I've racked up my credit cards,
 used one of those  
  card checks you get in the mail, and then last
 summer Flavia's
  treatment, and the subsequent euthanization and
 individual cremation
  costs for Flavia and Snowball, forced me to take a
 chunk of money from
  my paltry retirement fund. I can still hear the
 unspoken thoughts of
  the broker when I explained it was for vet
 fees...this woman is a  
  nut/loser. I told only one friend, and he was
 clearly shocked --  
  told me
  not to do anything stupid. I know I can't do it
 again, anyway, tho,
  because I won't be in a position to help any cat
 if I wind up  
  in my old age (which is not that far away!).
  Only you guys understand.
  And we surely understand the anguish you feel,
 Wendy, in not having a
  limitless budget for treatment. I would think most
 us are in much the
  same boat; and beating ourselves up because of it.
 That's what's so
  wonderful about this group--we realize we're not
 alone; everyone faces
  the same problems and heartache at one time or
 another. And everyone
  does whatever they can to help one another cope
 and do the best for
  their furbabies.
  Sending zillions of positive, healing vibes,
 Wendy, for sweet  
  love and hugs to you both
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of wendy
  Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 9:31 PM
  Subject: Re: Need your help with Stretch
  Hi Michelle,
  Thank you for the info.  I am going to give
  day or two to see how things go before taking
  back to the doc.  Frankly, we are tapped out on
   We are not wealthy by any stretch of the
  and after spending hundreds of dollars trying to
  Cricket, and with Christmas just passed, we are a
  broke.  I had to put the $85 visit to the vet
  yesterday on a credit card that didn't have $85
  dollars on it.  I will do all I can for Stretch,
  if it's cancer, I am not going to draw it out.  We
  just can't afford the treatments.  I feel so
  frustrated right now.  I don't want Stretch to go
  through this.  I don't want my nephew to go
  losing his cat; he's been through so much as it
  And my attitude isn't it's normal hopeful self
  losing Cricket.  I feel it's too soon after
 Cricket; I
  don't think I can go through this again.  I am
  for a miracle right now.  If Stretch can just pull
  through this, and give us a little time, we will
  better able to afford treatments in six months.  I
  hope that some of you understand being in this
  How do you guys afford expensive treatments when
  just don't have the money?
  Yahoo! DSL - Something to write home about.
  Just $16.99/mo. or less.
  IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed
 above as to tax  
  matters was neither written nor intended by the
 sender or Mayer,  
  Brown, Rowe  Maw LLP to be used and cannot be
 used by any taxpayer  
  for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may
 be imposed under  
  U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers to any
 such tax advice  
  in promoting, marketing or recommending a
 partnership or other  
  entity, investment plan or arrangement to any
 taxpayer, then (i)  
  the advice was written to support the promotion or
 marketing (by a  
  person other than Mayer, Brown, Rowe  Maw LLP) of
 that transaction  
  or matter, and (ii) such taxpayer should seek
 advice based on the  
  taxpayers particular circumstances from an
 independent tax advisor
  This email and any files transmitted with it are
 intended solely  
  for the use of the individual or entity to whom
 they are addressed.  
  If you have received this email in error please
 notify the system  
  manager. If you are not the named addressee you
 should not  
  disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail.

Yahoo! DSL

Re: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-04 Thread Marylyn
Kitty's x-rays showed the cancer.  They maybe less expensive than some of 
the tests.  Level with your vet re money.  He knows you are a caring person.
- Original Message - 

Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 10:00 AM
Subject: Re: Need your help with Stretch

Hey Michelle,

I can't imagine how you felt with them telling you to
pay up front while you're holding your sick cat!  That
just sounds bad!  I just started working a second job,
so as soon as we get any money at all, then I will
probably take Stretch in for the tests and if
affordable, to get X-rays, and the fluid drained.  Do
X-rays show cancer tumors and/or fluid?  Also, how
often do you give the dex/depo shot (if it is
lymphoma)?  I could not really tell if the dex shot
helped much.  Stretch isn't breathing as heavily as
she was, but her breathing is still somewhat labored.
Also, where do you get the bags and needles to do
sub-Q fluids?  Is there anything else I need to do
sub-Q?  Do you just use water?


Yahoo! DSL - Something to write home about.
Just $16.99/mo. or less.

Re: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-04 Thread Marylyn
It is very easy to do the sub q's but get your vet to show you.  And they do 
not appear to feel a thing (honest).
- Original Message - 

Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 11:54 AM
Subject: Re: Need your help with Stretch

Thanks Tonya.  I think I will go that route if I don't
see an improvement in eating/drinking very soon.  It's
a little scary though.  I've never stuck a needle into
another living being, unless you count getting
splinters out, so I am a bit nervous about trying
this.  Do you give the cat the whole bag?  And where
and how do you stick the needle?


--- catatonya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  The fluid is already in the bags you buy.  You
don't fill them yourselves.  I don't know what all
is in them.  I suppose electrolytes, fluids, maybe
potassium?  If you've got a decent vet a bag of
fluid and the set up for sub q should be less than



wendy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hey Michelle,

I can't imagine how you felt with them telling you
pay up front while you're holding your sick cat!
just sounds bad! I just started working a second
so as soon as we get any money at all, then I will
probably take Stretch in for the tests and if
affordable, to get X-rays, and the fluid drained. Do
X-rays show cancer tumors and/or fluid? Also, how
often do you give the dex/depo shot (if it is
lymphoma)? I could not really tell if the dex shot
helped much. Stretch isn't breathing as heavily as
she was, but her breathing is still somewhat
Also, where do you get the bags and needles to do
sub-Q fluids? Is there anything else I need to do
sub-Q? Do you just use water?


Yahoo! DSL - Something to write home about.
Just $16.99/mo. or less.

Yahoo! DSL - Something to write home about.
Just $16.99/mo. or less.

Re: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-04 Thread may c webb
I will keep Stretch in my prayers. Yes, keep me posted.


Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-03 Thread wendy
Hi guys,

I don't know if you remember me saying that my nephew,
who turned 11 in Nov., came to live with us in May,
and we took in his three kitties that his mom just
left at their house when they moved out.  Well, one of
his kitties, Stretch, started breathing funny
yesterday evening.  You could put your ear to her
stomach and hear almost like a loud heartbeat off and
on; like something squishy moving around in her
stomach.  We also noticed that Stretch has lost some
weight and hasn't been standing so strong as we are
used to seeing her.  She's not big, but has always
seemed kind of muscular.  I guess these kinds of
changes that are slow and gradual you don't notice
right away, and we finally put it all together
yesterday on the way to the vet.  Luckily, the vet was
still there and said that either Stretch has fluid in
her chest or some other part of her body, or the lymph
node in her stomach (?) has enlarged and is putting
pressure on her heart/lungs.  (I might not be
remembering all this exactly).  He said she might have
pneumonia or it could be symptoms of FIP or FeLV.  I
don't think it's FeLV as I have never heard anyone
talk about these symptoms, but I read up on FIP in my
cat books last night and one of the symptoms is fluid
in the body.  The vet gave her a dex shot and put her
on Baytril and said to wait and see if she responds to
the medicine in a couple of days.  He also said we
will want to test her in a couple of days for
FIP/FeLV.  Stretch and her sister, Winnie, were found
by my sister at Trader's Village in Dallas on a trash
can lid at like 3/4 weeks, maybe younger, and my
sister bottle fed them until they were old enough to
eat.  (That's why it was so hard for me to believe
that she just left them in the house; she has always
loved animals).  So considering where and how they
were found, it's possible they could have been exposed
or born with FIP or FeLV.  

My questions are these: 1) Has anyone here ever heard
of these symptoms? 2) Does anyone have any advice for

Thanks guys.  My nephew and I really appreciate your
time and suggestions.

Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Re: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-03 Thread wendy
Also, Stretch did not have a fever, surprisingly, and
has not been eating or drinking that we can tell.

Yahoo! for Good - Make a difference this year.

Re: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-03 Thread w8357
Hi Wendy,
My approx 8mth old boy, maurice recently had to be put down he had
similar symptoms.
He developed fluid in  outside of his lungs. He was approx. 2mths when
we found him on a track while kids were at track practice.
He was tested around july  found to have FELV +. He had done well until
about 3wks ago, started throwing up  breathing like retractions in his
I took him to another vet for 2nd opinion since the 1st one told me he
had fluid in lungs when he felt was from the FELV and could not do
anything else for him.
He had been sleeping a lot last 3wks and not his usually self. The 2nd
opinion vet in mesquite texas told me she felt he had thymus ca which was
causing the fluid in his lungs. She could put his under to drawn off the
fluid  could not guarantee that he would wake up. Afterward if he made
it he would need chemo.
I did not want to put him thru all of that so decided to let them put him

hope infor helps and hope your kitty gets better.


On Tue, 3 Jan 2006 08:04:50 -0800 (PST) wendy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi guys,
 I don't know if you remember me saying that my nephew,
 who turned 11 in Nov., came to live with us in May,
 and we took in his three kitties that his mom just
 left at their house when they moved out.  Well, one of
 his kitties, Stretch, started breathing funny
 yesterday evening.  You could put your ear to her
 stomach and hear almost like a loud heartbeat off and
 on; like something squishy moving around in her
 stomach.  We also noticed that Stretch has lost some
 weight and hasn't been standing so strong as we are
 used to seeing her.  She's not big, but has always
 seemed kind of muscular.  I guess these kinds of
 changes that are slow and gradual you don't notice
 right away, and we finally put it all together
 yesterday on the way to the vet.  Luckily, the vet was
 still there and said that either Stretch has fluid in
 her chest or some other part of her body, or the lymph
 node in her stomach (?) has enlarged and is putting
 pressure on her heart/lungs.  (I might not be
 remembering all this exactly).  He said she might have
 pneumonia or it could be symptoms of FIP or FeLV.  I
 don't think it's FeLV as I have never heard anyone
 talk about these symptoms, but I read up on FIP in my
 cat books last night and one of the symptoms is fluid
 in the body.  The vet gave her a dex shot and put her
 on Baytril and said to wait and see if she responds to
 the medicine in a couple of days.  He also said we
 will want to test her in a couple of days for
 FIP/FeLV.  Stretch and her sister, Winnie, were found
 by my sister at Trader's Village in Dallas on a trash
 can lid at like 3/4 weeks, maybe younger, and my
 sister bottle fed them until they were old enough to
 eat.  (That's why it was so hard for me to believe
 that she just left them in the house; she has always
 loved animals).  So considering where and how they
 were found, it's possible they could have been exposed
 or born with FIP or FeLV.  
 My questions are these: 1) Has anyone here ever heard
 of these symptoms? 2) Does anyone have any advice for
 Thanks guys.  My nephew and I really appreciate your
 time and suggestions.
 Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
 Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Re: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-03 Thread Lernermichelle

It's not that it is a symptom of FeLV, but it can be a symptom of 
mediastinal lymphoma (lymphoma that starts in the lymph node in the chest), to 
which FeLV+ cats are prone (but other cats get it as well). The thing I do 
not like about what the vet did is that if it is mediastinal lymphoma, that 
tends to respond very well to chemotherapy, especially if the cat is not FeLV+ 
(some cats go into complete remission for years), but giving strong steroids 
before chemo is not recommended because it can reduce the effectiveness of 

I would take him to an internist at a clinic or hospital ASAP to get an 
actual diagnosis, which can be done by ultrasound and sometimes biopsy.


Re: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-03 Thread wendy

Thank you for the information.  I am sorry that
Maurice had to be put down.  Stretch is not looking
too well.  We force fed her tonight and she did great
with that, but her breathing is still somewhat
labored.  I will keep you posted.


P.S.  You must not be too far from me; Mesquite is
just up the road.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Wendy,
 My approx 8mth old boy, maurice recently had to be
 put down he had
 similar symptoms.
 He developed fluid in  outside of his lungs. He was
 approx. 2mths when
 we found him on a track while kids were at track
 He was tested around july  found to have FELV +. He
 had done well until
 about 3wks ago, started throwing up  breathing like
 retractions in his
 I took him to another vet for 2nd opinion since the
 1st one told me he
 had fluid in lungs when he felt was from the FELV
 and could not do
 anything else for him.
 He had been sleeping a lot last 3wks and not his
 usually self. The 2nd
 opinion vet in mesquite texas told me she felt he
 had thymus ca which was
 causing the fluid in his lungs. She could put his
 under to drawn off the
 fluid  could not guarantee that he would wake up.
 Afterward if he made
 it he would need chemo.
 I did not want to put him thru all of that so
 decided to let them put him
 hope infor helps and hope your kitty gets better.
 On Tue, 3 Jan 2006 08:04:50 -0800 (PST) wendy
  Hi guys,
  I don't know if you remember me saying that my
  who turned 11 in Nov., came to live with us in
  and we took in his three kitties that his mom just
  left at their house when they moved out.  Well,
 one of
  his kitties, Stretch, started breathing funny
  yesterday evening.  You could put your ear to her
  stomach and hear almost like a loud heartbeat off
  on; like something squishy moving around in her
  stomach.  We also noticed that Stretch has lost
  weight and hasn't been standing so strong as we
  used to seeing her.  She's not big, but has always
  seemed kind of muscular.  I guess these kinds of
  changes that are slow and gradual you don't notice
  right away, and we finally put it all together
  yesterday on the way to the vet.  Luckily, the vet
  still there and said that either Stretch has fluid
  her chest or some other part of her body, or the
  node in her stomach (?) has enlarged and is
  pressure on her heart/lungs.  (I might not be
  remembering all this exactly).  He said she might
  pneumonia or it could be symptoms of FIP or FeLV. 
  don't think it's FeLV as I have never heard anyone
  talk about these symptoms, but I read up on FIP in
  cat books last night and one of the symptoms is
  in the body.  The vet gave her a dex shot and put
  on Baytril and said to wait and see if she
 responds to
  the medicine in a couple of days.  He also said we
  will want to test her in a couple of days for
  FIP/FeLV.  Stretch and her sister, Winnie, were
  by my sister at Trader's Village in Dallas on a
  can lid at like 3/4 weeks, maybe younger, and my
  sister bottle fed them until they were old enough
  eat.  (That's why it was so hard for me to believe
  that she just left them in the house; she has
  loved animals).  So considering where and how they
  were found, it's possible they could have been
  or born with FIP or FeLV.  
  My questions are these: 1) Has anyone here ever
  of these symptoms? 2) Does anyone have any advice
  Thanks guys.  My nephew and I really appreciate
  time and suggestions.
  Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
  Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Re: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-03 Thread wendy
Hi Michelle,

Thank you for the info.  I am going to give another
day or two to see how things go before taking Stretch
back to the doc.  Frankly, we are tapped out on money.
 We are not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination,
and after spending hundreds of dollars trying to save
Cricket, and with Christmas just passed, we are a bit
broke.  I had to put the $85 visit to the vet
yesterday on a credit card that didn't have $85
dollars on it.  I will do all I can for Stretch, but
if it's cancer, I am not going to draw it out.  We
just can't afford the treatments.  I feel so
frustrated right now.  I don't want Stretch to go
through this.  I don't want my nephew to go through
losing his cat; he's been through so much as it is. 
And my attitude isn't it's normal hopeful self after
losing Cricket.  I feel it's too soon after Cricket; I
don't think I can go through this again.  I am praying
for a miracle right now.  If Stretch can just pull
through this, and give us a little time, we will be
better able to afford treatments in six months.  I
hope that some of you understand being in this place. 
How do you guys afford expensive treatments when you
just don't have the money?


Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Re: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-03 Thread Nina

I'm sorry to hear about Stretch losing weight and her breathing 
difficulties. Did your vet take any xrays? Did I understand you to say 
he thinks it's either fluid on her chest, OR an enlarged lymph node? I'm 
no vet, but they seem like two very different things to me. I guess the 
dex shot was to help with possible inflammation and he threw Baytril at 
it in case an antibiotic might help. I don't mean to disparage your vet, 
and maybe he's working this way for financial reasons, but he's not much 
of a diagnostician from what you describe. How can you treat her 
condition, when you don't know what it is? I think Michelle is right, 
you should ask for a referral to an internist and find out what's going 
on. I certainly pray it's not FIP, I have no personal experience with 
FIP, but from what I have heard, it scares the hell out of me. If her 
breathing doesn't improve dramatically, and very soon, you might need to 
get her to a vet that can drain the fluid, (if that's what it is) asap. 
I would be afraid of alarming you with all this, but I'm sure you're 
already very alarmed. I'm praying that Stretch responds to the steroid 
shot and/or the antibiotics and has a complete turn around.

You and your family are in my thoughts,

wendy wrote:

Hi guys,

I don't know if you remember me saying that my nephew,
who turned 11 in Nov., came to live with us in May,
and we took in his three kitties that his mom just
left at their house when they moved out.  Well, one of
his kitties, Stretch, started breathing funny
yesterday evening.  You could put your ear to her
stomach and hear almost like a loud heartbeat off and
on; like something squishy moving around in her
stomach.  We also noticed that Stretch has lost some
weight and hasn't been standing so strong as we are
used to seeing her.  She's not big, but has always
seemed kind of muscular.  I guess these kinds of
changes that are slow and gradual you don't notice
right away, and we finally put it all together
yesterday on the way to the vet.  Luckily, the vet was
still there and said that either Stretch has fluid in
her chest or some other part of her body, or the lymph
node in her stomach (?) has enlarged and is putting
pressure on her heart/lungs.  (I might not be
remembering all this exactly).  He said she might have
pneumonia or it could be symptoms of FIP or FeLV.  I
don't think it's FeLV as I have never heard anyone
talk about these symptoms, but I read up on FIP in my
cat books last night and one of the symptoms is fluid
in the body.  The vet gave her a dex shot and put her
on Baytril and said to wait and see if she responds to
the medicine in a couple of days.  He also said we
will want to test her in a couple of days for
FIP/FeLV.  Stretch and her sister, Winnie, were found
by my sister at Trader's Village in Dallas on a trash
can lid at like 3/4 weeks, maybe younger, and my
sister bottle fed them until they were old enough to
eat.  (That's why it was so hard for me to believe
that she just left them in the house; she has always
loved animals).  So considering where and how they
were found, it's possible they could have been exposed
or born with FIP or FeLV.  

My questions are these: 1) Has anyone here ever heard
of these symptoms? 2) Does anyone have any advice for

Thanks guys.  My nephew and I really appreciate your
time and suggestions.

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Re: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-03 Thread Marylyn
Ask Stretch what she wants.  I have not followed this line but I have a 
beautiful cat, Kitty,  who has cancer.  We determined that for sure in Feb. 
and she made it plain to me that she did not want the treatments offered.  I 
asked some animal communicator friends I meet with regularly to talk to her 
and ask her what she wanted.  She was very plain spoken about what she 
wanted and did not want.  I have made every effort to honor her wishes (they 
are the same I would have in her position).  A month ago I had the 
misopportunity to have her x rayed and the cancer has spread.  In Feb. we 
were (we thought) looking at a very few good months.  Kitty is still doing 
wonderfully.  I am enjoying every minute I have with her.  This is to say 
that all the treatments we sometimes inflict in the name of love and 
kindness and whatever may not be what the lovely being wants.  Ask yourself 
what you would want.  My very wish vet put it in terms of would you want to 
be miserable for 6 months to live a total of 7 months.or would 
you rather take the month or two you have and feel good  I hope your 
little one has much more time.  Kitty obviously does.  Perhaps the goals 
should be to determine what she wants (she really should have something to 
say about this) and  to provide her with a comfortable, loving life---no 
matter how long or short it is.

Please know that I could and would have afforded any treatment Kitty needed 
and wanted and my vet knows this.  Sometimes true love means choosing not to 
do something or choosing not to do what convention says demonstrates love.

- Original Message - 

Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 9:30 PM
Subject: Re: Need your help with Stretch

Hi Michelle,

Thank you for the info.  I am going to give another
day or two to see how things go before taking Stretch
back to the doc.  Frankly, we are tapped out on money.
We are not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination,
and after spending hundreds of dollars trying to save
Cricket, and with Christmas just passed, we are a bit
broke.  I had to put the $85 visit to the vet
yesterday on a credit card that didn't have $85
dollars on it.  I will do all I can for Stretch, but
if it's cancer, I am not going to draw it out.  We
just can't afford the treatments.  I feel so
frustrated right now.  I don't want Stretch to go
through this.  I don't want my nephew to go through
losing his cat; he's been through so much as it is.
And my attitude isn't it's normal hopeful self after
losing Cricket.  I feel it's too soon after Cricket; I
don't think I can go through this again.  I am praying
for a miracle right now.  If Stretch can just pull
through this, and give us a little time, we will be
better able to afford treatments in six months.  I
hope that some of you understand being in this place.
How do you guys afford expensive treatments when you
just don't have the money?


Yahoo! DSL - Something to write home about.
Just $16.99/mo. or less.

Re: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-03 Thread Nina
I wrote my reply to you before I got this one. I understand all to well 
the hardship of money concerns and vet care. I hate it when money is a 
factor, but sometimes it is. Having the fluid drained, (if that's what's 
going on), will make Stretch more comfortable and it's possible that it 
won't accumulate again. I'm very sorry sweetie. I know what you mean 
about not thinking you can take any more pain. You've got such a big 
heart, you can handle this, I'm just sorry you have to. Keep a close eye 
on Stretch, do the best you can for him under the circumstances. 
Remember, sometimes even with all the money in the world, we can't help 
them recover. Sometimes the best thing for all concerned is to love 
them, cherish the moments we have and help them transition before they 
suffer too much.

Praying for a miracle too,

wendy wrote:

Hi Michelle,

Thank you for the info.  I am going to give another
day or two to see how things go before taking Stretch
back to the doc.  Frankly, we are tapped out on money.
We are not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination,
and after spending hundreds of dollars trying to save
Cricket, and with Christmas just passed, we are a bit
broke.  I had to put the $85 visit to the vet
yesterday on a credit card that didn't have $85
dollars on it.  I will do all I can for Stretch, but
if it's cancer, I am not going to draw it out.  We
just can't afford the treatments.  I feel so
frustrated right now.  I don't want Stretch to go
through this.  I don't want my nephew to go through
losing his cat; he's been through so much as it is. 
And my attitude isn't it's normal hopeful self after

losing Cricket.  I feel it's too soon after Cricket; I
don't think I can go through this again.  I am praying
for a miracle right now.  If Stretch can just pull
through this, and give us a little time, we will be
better able to afford treatments in six months.  I
hope that some of you understand being in this place. 
How do you guys afford expensive treatments when you

just don't have the money?


Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 


Re: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-03 Thread Lernermichelle

I know. When Simon needed to go into the hospital, they would not admit him without me paying half the estimate, and there was not enough room on our credit card for it. Luckily my mom was able and willing to give me her credit card number for it. It was very scary feeling, though, until she did. I wanted to shoot the damn receptionist in the head, me standing there with my sick baby and her saying if I did not have a credit card to put it on they would not even see him. What about someone who had no relative with a working credit card they were willing to lend?

If it is lymphoma, I am not sure there is anything that can make him go 6 months without chemo. But the vet who told me about the steroid combo I am always recommending (1/2 cc dexamethasone and 1/2 depomedrol, given periodically when they go downhill) said that she had some cats with lymphoma go 6 months on these shots alone, with good quality of life. If nothing else seems to help, you might want to try this. Did the dex shot help at all? If it did, you might want to try the combo shot. It is not expensive, though you will probably need to go to the vet to get it.The shots can be given sub-q, but most vets will not give clients the shots to take home.

But it might not be lymphoma.


In a message dated 1/3/2006 10:58:15 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Hi Michelle,Thank you for the info. I am going to give anotherday or two to see how things go before taking Stretchback to the doc. Frankly, we are tapped out on money. We are not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination,and after spending hundreds of dollars trying to saveCricket, and with Christmas just passed, we are a bitbroke. I had to put the $85 visit to the vetyesterday on a credit card that didn't have $85dollars on it. I will do all I can for Stretch, butif it's cancer, I am not going to draw it out. Wejust can't afford the treatments. I feel sofrustrated right now. I don't want Stretch to gothrough this. I don't want my nephew to go throughlosing his cat; he's been through so much as it is. And my attitude isn't it's normal hopeful self afterlosing Cricket. I feel it's too soon after Cricket; Idon't think I can go through this again. I am prayingfor a miracle right now. If Stretch can just pullthrough this, and give us a little time, we will bebetter able to afford treatments in six months. Ihope that some of you understand being in this place. How do you guys afford expensive treatments when youjust don't have the money?Thanks,Wendy

Re: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-03 Thread PEC2851

My thoughts and prayers are with you and Stretch.
I am so sorry that you and your nephew are faced with this.
And, I understand about the financial situation...
Years ago, I never had to worry. I "cashed out" my entire 401K plan 
when my first Rottie was diagnosed with AIHA.
I've been fortunate to have worked at vets and have connections with the 
But, now I am "retired" and living on SSDI, and I understand all too 
I too am praying for a miracle for dear Stretch...

Re: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-03 Thread catatonya
Wendy,I am so sorry to hear about Stretch. Most of the time I have heard people discuss these kinds of symptoms it has not been good news. You do what you can, and that's all you can do. It is hard to accept, but most of ushave been where you are. Sometimes youspend thousands and are able to buy some more time, sometimes you spend thousands and can't. And the problem is you can never 'know' for sure if treatments are going to help or not. Especially if you're talking about lymphoma.I have been in situations that I truly felt I was putting my cat through too much to try to save him when it was beyond hope, and had them turn around. One of my cats my vetinsisted was at death's door lived for many years after his illness. Otherswho had a good prognosis I have lost. You just never know.You just have to do the best you can,
 and it's very hard not knowing what to do and it's hard to feel like money isgoverning your decisions. But money is a part of it. There's no way around that.I am so sorry you are going through all of this. I will keep you, your nephew and Stretch in my thoughts and prayers.tonyawendy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi Michelle,Thank you for the info. I am going to give anotherday or two to see how things go before taking Stretchback to the doc. Frankly, we are tapped out on money.We are not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination,and after spending hundreds of dollars trying to saveCricket, and with Christmas just passed, we are a bitbroke. I had to put the $85 visit to the vetyesterday on a credit card that didn't have
 $85dollars on it. I will do all I can for Stretch, butif it's cancer, I am not going to draw it out. Wejust can't afford the treatments. I feel sofrustrated right now. I don't want Stretch to gothrough this. I don't want my nephew to go throughlosing his cat; he's been through so much as it is. And my attitude isn't it's normal hopeful self afterlosing Cricket. I feel it's too soon after Cricket; Idon't think I can go through this again. I am prayingfor a miracle right now. If Stretch can just pullthrough this, and give us a little time, we will bebetter able to afford treatments in six months. Ihope that some of you understand being in this place. How do you guys afford expensive treatments when youjust don't have the money?Thanks,Wendy__ Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. Just $16.99/mo. or less.