Re: how to get more logging from GEOM?

2009-10-11 Thread Jo Rhett

On Jul 15, 2008, at 8:35 AM, Oliver Fromme wrote:

I had exactly the same problems on a machine a few months
ago.  It had also been running for about two years, then
started freezing when there was high CPU + disk activity.

It turned out that the power supply went weak (either the
power supply itself or the voltage regulators on the main-
board).  Replacing PS + mainboard solved the problem.

I have removed these drives and installed them in another machine and  
had exactly the same symptoms.  I built a new machine fresh with 7.2  
(in case it was due to the upgrade process) and installed these ports  
and experienced the exact same problem.

That's why I am here.  Physical or localized issues have already been  
ruled out.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: Can I get a committer to mark this bug as blocking 6.4-RELEASE ?

2008-12-01 Thread Jo Rhett

On Nov 26, 2008, at 1:12 PM, Ken Smith wrote:

Unfortunately no.  As John indicated in the earlier thread BIOS
issues tend to be extremely hard to diagnose and so far it seems
like its specific to this one motherboard.

Given this problem does cause issues with installs I'd be willing
to provide ISOs built at the point we've done the Errata Notice that
fixes the problem.  But its too nebulous an issue to hold up the
release itself for.

It does *not* cause an issue with installs.  Installs work fine.  It  
prevents booting an installed operating system.  This appears to  
affect *ALL* of the Intel multi-cpu motherboards, including 3  
generations of Rackable systems.

The only reason it is nebulous is because absolutely nobody bothered  
to investigate the issue.  I've been asking for what information would  
help.  I've offered to setup serial consoles, or even ship systems, to  
anyone who would work on this problem.

This is very big problem that will affect thousands of freebsd servers.

Ken, the complete lack of action taken by FreeBSD to even CONSIDER  
investigating a significant bug reported during the testing process is  
shocking.  And it truly puts a lie to those who continue to claim that  
we should be more active in the testing process.  Every time I have  
done this, I'd found significant issues that affect a significant  
portion of the user base and COMPLETELY prevent deployment of a given  
release, and absolutely nothing has been done to even investigate the  
reports, nevermind address them.

Congradulations.  Good Job.  If you aren't going to accept bug  
reports, why exactly do you release testing candidates at all?

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: usb keyboard dying at loader prompt

2008-12-01 Thread Jo Rhett
Just FYI we are seeing the exact same problem with PS/2 keyboards and  
the 6.4 loader, so this may not be a USB-only issue.

The complete lack of response to serious bug reports about 6.4-REL is  
fairly shocking.

On Nov 28, 2008, at 5:24 AM, Andriy Gapon wrote:

I did more testing and it seems that our loader does have something to
do with the problem.

If I boot to memtest86 the keyboard keeps working.
If I pause boot menu, wait for many minutes, the keyboard still works.
If I escape to loader prompt, this when the keyboard stops working  

a few seconds.

Not sure how to explain this.
I think I've seen some changes to reduce memory usage of loader, I  

try them to see if that would make any difference for my situation.

Andriy Gapon
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Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: Can I get a committer to mark this bug as blocking 6.4-RELEASE ?

2008-12-01 Thread Jo Rhett
 for testing 6.4 (I went a bought a whole stack of systems  
*JUST FOR THIS*) and filed PRs and followed up, and couldn't get much  
more than it sounds like this kind of response ... seriously, would  
you invest a lot of time testing a very unstable release under those  
conditions?  I mean jesus, 6.4 is supposed to be truly stable and yet  
you're willing to ship it not working with dozens of nearly identical  
reports of the same symptoms for both 6.4 and 7.1?

Think seriously about what happened here, and how exactly I'm supposed  
to convince any executive of the logic of trying to test 7.1, when  
we're stuck on 6.3 until/if 6.5, which will be screwed for support?  I  
mean seriously?

The problem BTW is *EXACTLY* why I proposed the revisions to the  
support policy I did.  Now you're stuck supporting 6.4 for 2 years,  
and you won't want to release 6.5 because you'll end up supporting  
three 6.x releases at the same time.  Which would suck.  Which is  
exactly what my proposed change to the policy would have fixed.

FreeBSD has usually been a solid product on the more stable releases.   
It's really unfortunate that the release management is so willing to  
ignore the evidence which leads to major releases with serious flaws,  
and on top of that seems to take delight in marking the known flawed  
releases as the long support releases. Brilliance.  Just plain  
brilliant, top to bottom.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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confirming bugs is bad behavior, etc.

2008-12-01 Thread Jo Rhett

On Dec 1, 2008, at 11:59 AM, George V. Neville-Neil wrote:

I have mostly stayed away from these threads because they've often
devolved into unproductive finger pointing.

Please leave the hyperbole out of your posts, or at least attempt to
cut it back.  People on these lists are working quite hard to solve
problems for the whole of the FreeBSD community and your posts, such
as this one, are not helping us to move forward.

My posts have always been directed at solving very real, operational  
problems with using FreeBSD on server platforms, which is exactly the  
stated goal for freebsd.  I have always offered not only problems, but  
resources to help test or evaluate the issues, and serious  
considerations for ways to improve the process.

Yes, you're right.  Threads I start about real problems always devolve  
into unproductive finger pointing.  That would be the freebsd  
developers attacking the reporter for identifying a real, operational  
problem.  Take a look at the posts of the FreeBSD developers, and view  
for yourself the unprofessional attacks and personal insults hurled by  
them at people who are simply trying to get real problems resolved.

And yet, instead of asking your developers to stop violating the  
posted rules of the mailing list, you are asking a bug reporter who  
simply informed another bug reporter that their problem was both  
widespread and not limited to USB devices to stop posting to the  
list.  Because god knows that yes we saw it too and it's widely  
reported is bad behavior.  Much worse that personal attacks which are  
strictly against the list rules.

Yes, I'm sure that the personal attacks really do help drive freebsd  
development forward.  Much more so than me bringing resources and  
actually testing things does.

Now that Core has clearly spoken their mind on this issue, by refusing  
to ask freebsd developers to avoid violating the list charter and then  
publicly calling out someone for just saying yeah, it's a widely  
reported problem ... leaves any doubt that positive change is going  
to happen here.

Your request is accepted.  I'm unsubscribing now.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: Can I get a committer to mark this bug as blocking 6.4-RELEASE ?

2008-12-01 Thread Jo Rhett

On Dec 1, 2008, at 12:25 PM, Xin LI wrote:

What I proposed is, to *narrow down* the problem so we can diagnose
further, since nobody has idea at the moment about how the problem  

we do need to have further information, or, to get the whole 6.3-6.4
diff reviewed, which is (in my opinion) not an optimal use of
developers' time.

I got your request at the beginning of a vacation period where I was  
out of town.  I had explicitly requested that 6.4 be blocked for this  
issue.  I didn't think that just my problem would be enough to hold  
it up, but I apparently never even considered that -REL would happen  
without even responding to my request.

Since nobody had responded to my request, and several posts had gone  
out about more testing for 7.1 (which had the same loader and the same  
problems) I assumed that 6.4 was similarly delayed.  Had anyone said  
you needed this information pronto I would have canceled my  
Thanksgiving plans and spent the day in the lab testing this for you.

For that matter, I had already pulled a diff of 6.3 to 6.4 and was  
working my way through it trying to find the relevant parts.  If you  
would have identified the relevant portions, I would have happily  
tried backing out some of the changes on a per-component basis to  
figure it out.

In short, tell me what you wanted/needed, and I would have done it ASAP.

It's apparently irrelevant now.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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no priority on the console?

2008-11-24 Thread Jo Rhett
As per my previous message, I've spent about 3 months trying to debug  
a problem that was causing all disk I/O to go very slowly.

One of the things which made this nearly impossible to diagnose was  
the absolute lack of priority given to the console.  Logging in on the  
console would take 12-15 minutes.  Hitting enter on the console would  
usually take between 3 and 5 minutes.

This doesn't seem right to me.  Can someone explain why the console  
isn't given a very high priority?  Why not?  What other mechanism does  
the sysadmin have for debugging, at a time when SSH logins either  
fail, or take up to an hour to complete?

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smartd long self-test causes drives to hang

2008-11-24 Thread Jo Rhett
I've spent about 3 months tracing down what was causing my personal  
colo box to start getting sluggish right around dawn every Saturday  
morning.  It took so long because some mornings I simply couldn't pull  
my head out of my tail enough to do proper debugging.

The cause was *really slow* filesystem response time.  No cron jobs in  
that period.  No specific process ran any slower than another,  
although I eventually learned that ones which did no file i/o were  
fine.  And finally I realized that just ls -la was very slow (~1  
minute) even after I had killed off every disk-using process in the  
system.  SMTP and HTTP in particular were basically fubar.

No data loss, just *real slow*.  Nothing other than a soft reboot ever  
solved the problem.Even leaving it running only minimal processes  
for 24 hours didn't bring it back to normal.

Finally I was browsing through Jeremy Chadwick's list of known ATA  
problems and spotted his comments about smartd self-tests causing  
problems.  Sure enough, my long self test was scheduled for 5am on  
Saturday mornings.  Rechecking the observed slow-down periods  
confirmed that the problem never became visible before 5am.   
(sometimes it took up to 45 minutes before things slowed down enough  
to set off monitoring alarms)

So, long story short, if you're having weirdness in system time  
response - check the smartd configuration, and try disabling the self  
tests.  The short self test I was running daily didn't appear to  
affect anything, but the long test was just bringing the system to  
just shuddering and limping at best.

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Can I get a committer to mark this bug as blocking 6.4-RELEASE ?

2008-11-24 Thread Jo Rhett

This is now filed as PR 129149

Given the nature of this bug, can I persuade someone to mark this as  
blocking 6.4-RELEASE ?

On Nov 5, 2008, at 3:41 PM, Jo Rhett wrote:

On Oct 27, 2008, at 8:51 AM, John Baldwin wrote:

On Friday 24 October 2008 02:48:13 pm Jo Rhett wrote:
So I booted up by CD and used Fixit mode to switch the system to  

via serial (keyboard detached), but this gathered me even less.

/boot.config: -Dh
Consoles: internal video/keyboard  serial port
BIOS drive A: is disk0
BIOS drive C: is disk1
BIOS drive D: is disk2
BIOS 639kB/4062144kB available memory

FreeBSD/i386 bootstrap loader, Revision 1.1

Plugging back in the monitor after lockup showed only a single char

This confirms it is hanging in one of the two BIOS routines to  
output a
character.  One thing you can do would be to boot up and do the  

dd if=/dev/mem bs=0x400 count=1 of=idt.out
dd if=/dev/mem bs=64k iseek=15 count=1 of=bios.out

Then place those files some place I can fetch them.

Both files are at

FYI, this is notable -- the keyboard does not respond at the boot  
prompt.  I mean the menu where you can escape to the loader prompt,  
with the fat freebsd ascii art.  No keyboard presses are observed  
here.  This is also true for the boot menu on the 6.4 installation  
CD too.

No problems with 6.2 or 6.3

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: smartd long self-test causes drives to hang

2008-11-24 Thread Jo Rhett
On re-reading the message I realized that my message was in danger of  
being content-free.

gmirror whole-disk mirror of seagate 300gb drives

$ atacontrol list
ATA channel 0:
Master:  ad0 ST3300622A/3.AAH ATA/ATAPI revision 7
Slave:   ad1 ST3300622A/3.AAH ATA/ATAPI revision 7

$ gmirror list
Geom name: gm0
Components: 2
Balance: round-robin
Slice: 4096
Flags: NONE
GenID: 0
SyncID: 1
ID: 575427344
1. Name: mirror/gm0
   Mediasize: 300069051904 (279G)
   Sectorsize: 512
   Mode: r5w5e6
1. Name: ad0
   Mediasize: 300069052416 (279G)
   Sectorsize: 512
   Mode: r1w1e1
   State: ACTIVE
   Priority: 0
   Flags: DIRTY
   GenID: 0
   SyncID: 1
   ID: 3917165570
2. Name: ad1
   Mediasize: 300069052416 (279G)
   Sectorsize: 512
   Mode: r1w1e1
   State: ACTIVE
   Priority: 0
   Flags: DIRTY
   GenID: 0
   SyncID: 1
   ID: 3874187635

On Nov 24, 2008, at 12:48 PM, Jo Rhett wrote:
I've spent about 3 months tracing down what was causing my personal  
colo box to start getting sluggish right around dawn every  
Saturday morning.  It took so long because some mornings I simply  
couldn't pull my head out of my tail enough to do proper debugging.

The cause was *really slow* filesystem response time.  No cron jobs  
in that period.  No specific process ran any slower than another,  
although I eventually learned that ones which did no file i/o were  
fine.  And finally I realized that just ls -la was very slow (~1  
minute) even after I had killed off every disk-using process in the  
system.  SMTP and HTTP in particular were basically fubar.

No data loss, just *real slow*.  Nothing other than a soft reboot  
ever solved the problem.Even leaving it running only minimal  
processes for 24 hours didn't bring it back to normal.

Finally I was browsing through Jeremy Chadwick's list of known ATA  
problems and spotted his comments about smartd self-tests causing  
problems.  Sure enough, my long self test was scheduled for 5am on  
Saturday mornings.  Rechecking the observed slow-down periods  
confirmed that the problem never became visible before 5am.   
(sometimes it took up to 45 minutes before things slowed down enough  
to set off monitoring alarms)

So, long story short, if you're having weirdness in system time  
response - check the smartd configuration, and try disabling the  
self tests.  The short self test I was running daily didn't appear  
to affect anything, but the long test was just bringing the system  
to just shuddering and limping at best.

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Re: Can I get a committer to mark this bug as blocking 6.4-RELEASE ?

2008-11-24 Thread Jo Rhett
So boot from CD, go to LIVE filesystem, mount my root and copy only / 

Are there any other modules I should copy, or settings I should change?

On Nov 24, 2008, at 1:51 PM, Xin LI wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Jo Rhett wrote:

This is now filed as PR 129149

Given the nature of this bug, can I persuade someone to mark this as
blocking 6.4-RELEASE ?

My wild guess is that this is somehow related to SMP handling since  
installation process would install a SMP kernel, but the default CD- 
kernel is UP for 6.x.  Could you please try if you have the same  

with UP kernel?  (Copy from LiveCD or something)

On Nov 5, 2008, at 3:41 PM, Jo Rhett wrote:

On Oct 27, 2008, at 8:51 AM, John Baldwin wrote:

On Friday 24 October 2008 02:48:13 pm Jo Rhett wrote:
So I booted up by CD and used Fixit mode to switch the system to  

via serial (keyboard detached), but this gathered me even less.

/boot.config: -Dh
Consoles: internal video/keyboard  serial port
BIOS drive A: is disk0
BIOS drive C: is disk1
BIOS drive D: is disk2
BIOS 639kB/4062144kB available memory

FreeBSD/i386 bootstrap loader, Revision 1.1

Plugging back in the monitor after lockup showed only a single  


This confirms it is hanging in one of the two BIOS routines to  
output a

character.  One thing you can do would be to boot up and do the

dd if=/dev/mem bs=0x400 count=1 of=idt.out
dd if=/dev/mem bs=64k iseek=15 count=1 of=bios.out

Then place those files some place I can fetch them.

Both files are at

FYI, this is notable -- the keyboard does not respond at the boot
prompt.  I mean the menu where you can escape to the loader prompt,
with the fat freebsd ascii art.  No keyboard presses are observed
here.  This is also true for the boot menu on the 6.4 installation  


No problems with 6.2 or 6.3

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source
and other randomness

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Want one of the affected systems for your lab? (Was: 6.4 RC1 locks up solid on first reboot)

2008-11-20 Thread Jo Rhett
John, I can ship you one of these machines for your own testing if you  
like.  Or send me a public key and I can give you SSH access to the  
console serial port, whichever would be easiest for you to get what  
you need.

Let me know how I can help.

On Nov 5, 2008, at 3:41 PM, Jo Rhett wrote:

On Oct 27, 2008, at 8:51 AM, John Baldwin wrote:

On Friday 24 October 2008 02:48:13 pm Jo Rhett wrote:
So I booted up by CD and used Fixit mode to switch the system to  

via serial (keyboard detached), but this gathered me even less.

/boot.config: -Dh
Consoles: internal video/keyboard  serial port
BIOS drive A: is disk0
BIOS drive C: is disk1
BIOS drive D: is disk2
BIOS 639kB/4062144kB available memory

FreeBSD/i386 bootstrap loader, Revision 1.1

Plugging back in the monitor after lockup showed only a single char

This confirms it is hanging in one of the two BIOS routines to  
output a
character.  One thing you can do would be to boot up and do the  

dd if=/dev/mem bs=0x400 count=1 of=idt.out
dd if=/dev/mem bs=64k iseek=15 count=1 of=bios.out

Then place those files some place I can fetch them.

Both files are at

FYI, this is notable -- the keyboard does not respond at the boot  
prompt.  I mean the menu where you can escape to the loader prompt,  
with the fat freebsd ascii art.  No keyboard presses are observed  
here.  This is also true for the boot menu on the 6.4 installation  
CD too.

No problems with 6.2 or 6.3

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: 3Ware 9000 series hangs under load

2008-11-17 Thread Jo Rhett

Jo Rhett wrote:

The driver logs all useful stuff, and the SEC logfile surfer does a
good job of notifying you quickly.   I can send you an SEC
configuration for that if you want.

On Nov 16, 2008, at 10:06 PM, Oliver Lehmann wrote:

Hm - what is SEC?

Simple Event Correlator

Best damn logsurger evar! *giggle*

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: Possible regression in ifconfig under7.0 - removes valid default route

2008-11-17 Thread Jo Rhett
This is a bug in my mind, but it's not a regression.  FreeBSD has done  
this for at least 10 years now.  If you are changing the IP of an  
interface, you *must* do a semicolon chained command to a route add  
default.  It's been true for as long as I can remember.

On Nov 17, 2008, at 11:11 AM, Steven Hartland wrote:

I believe there may be a regression in the behaviour of ifconfig or
possibly just something I've never experienced before.

Basically when changing the IP of one of our machines, it suddenly
became inaccessible. After some investigation it turned out the  

was inaccessible from anything other than the local VLAN and continued
diagnostics determined that the process of changing the IP had also
removed the default route.

This was clearly unexpected behaviour as the new IP was on the same
VLAN as the old IP and hence no routing table updates should be

I don't have any older machines to test this on but I believe we have
done this procedure in the past without any such issues so wanted to
raise it here to see if anyone else has had experience with it.

Even if this isn't a regression it may well be something worth fixing
as its quite unexpected behaviour which could render a machine totally


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Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: 3Ware 9000 series hangs under load

2008-11-16 Thread Jo Rhett

Philip Murray wrote:

Anyway, I stopped running 3dmd (or 3dm2 I think it's called now) to
monitor it, and the crashes went away. It's had hundreds of days
uptime since.

We have never used 3dm2, and the 9500 units have been rock solid for us.

I've never been game enough to try newer versions of 3dm, but a
cronjob of tw_cli allows me to monitor it now without the lockups.
Might not be your problem, but it's worth a shot if all else fails.

The driver logs all useful stuff, and the SEC logfile surfer does a  
good job of notifying you quickly.   I can send you an SEC  
configuration for that if you want.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: 3Ware 9000 series hangs under load

2008-11-16 Thread Jo Rhett

On Nov 12, 2008, at 12:37 PM, Philip Murray wrote:
I just installed sysutils/tw_cli from ports, and it sets up some  
'periodic' scripts for you. To be precise it puts 407.status-3ware- 
raid in /usr/local/etc/periodic/daily

Don't use that.   It's a very old version of the code.  Use the binary  
version of tw_cli that matches the firmware on your controller.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: FreeBSD 6.4-RC2 available...

2008-11-05 Thread Jo Rhett

On Nov 3, 2008, at 8:57 AM, Ken Smith wrote:
The second Release Candidate for FreeBSD 6.4 is now available.   
6.4-RC2 should be the last of the public test builds for the FreeBSD  

release cycle.  Unless a big show-stopper is found from this round of
testing we should begin the 6.4-RELEASE builds in about a week and a
half.  We encourage you to test out 6.4-RC2 and report any problems by
submitting PRs or via email to the freebsd-stable list.

I would love to, but it's still not available on the download area.   
Er, i386 isn't anyway.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: 6.4 RC1 locks up solid on first reboot

2008-11-05 Thread Jo Rhett

On Oct 27, 2008, at 8:51 AM, John Baldwin wrote:

On Friday 24 October 2008 02:48:13 pm Jo Rhett wrote:

So I booted up by CD and used Fixit mode to switch the system to boot
via serial (keyboard detached), but this gathered me even less.

/boot.config: -Dh
Consoles: internal video/keyboard  serial port
BIOS drive A: is disk0
BIOS drive C: is disk1
BIOS drive D: is disk2
BIOS 639kB/4062144kB available memory

FreeBSD/i386 bootstrap loader, Revision 1.1

Plugging back in the monitor after lockup showed only a single char

This confirms it is hanging in one of the two BIOS routines to  
output a
character.  One thing you can do would be to boot up and do the  

dd if=/dev/mem bs=0x400 count=1 of=idt.out
dd if=/dev/mem bs=64k iseek=15 count=1 of=bios.out

Then place those files some place I can fetch them.

Both files are at

FYI, this is notable -- the keyboard does not respond at the boot  
prompt.  I mean the menu where you can escape to the loader prompt,  
with the fat freebsd ascii art.  No keyboard presses are observed  
here.  This is also true for the boot menu on the 6.4 installation CD  

No problems with 6.2 or 6.3

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: FreeBSD 6.4-RC2 available...

2008-11-05 Thread Jo Rhett

On Nov 5, 2008, at 3:29 PM, Jo Rhett wrote:

On Nov 3, 2008, at 8:57 AM, Ken Smith wrote:
The second Release Candidate for FreeBSD 6.4 is now available.   
6.4-RC2 should be the last of the public test builds for the  
FreeBSD 6.4

release cycle.  Unless a big show-stopper is found from this round of
testing we should begin the 6.4-RELEASE builds in about a week and a
half.  We encourage you to test out 6.4-RC2 and report any problems  

submitting PRs or via email to the freebsd-stable list.

I would love to, but it's still not available on the download area.   
Er, i386 isn't anyway.

Ignore this.  Apparently Camino caches the results of FTP  
directories.  You have to explicitly hit reload to get the directory  
again, even if the results are days or weeks old.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: 6.4 RC1 locks up solid on first reboot

2008-10-24 Thread Jo Rhett

On Oct 23, 2008, at 1:08 PM, John Baldwin wrote:

Has anyone filed a PR on this problem, or contacted John Baldwin?

Yes, but debugging these hangs is very non-trivial.  It likely  
disassembling the BIOS and trying to see where it can get stuck in a  

John, is there anything I can do to provide you with more useful  
information about this problem?

The board is a Tyan S2720
2 2.66G Intel Processors
4 Gigabytes of RAM
2 36G ST336607LC Cheetah drives

While playing around randomly I found something interesting.  If the  
keyboard is attached while booting, you get the problem I reported  

Loading /boot/defaults/loader.con

But if you boot without a keyboard it gets beyond that point and then

pci0: ACPI PCI bus on pci0b

Fatal trap 12; page fault while in kernel mode
cpuid = 0; apic id = 00

...a bunch of other stuff.  I can't capture this because I can't type  
fast enough.  Also noteworthy, I can't hit 6 to set console to  
comconsole so that I could cut/paste this.  It really seems like there  
are major problems around the keyboard.  (and no such problems with 6.3)

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: 6.4 RC1 locks up solid on first reboot

2008-10-24 Thread Jo Rhett
So I booted up by CD and used Fixit mode to switch the system to boot  
via serial (keyboard detached), but this gathered me even less.

/boot.config: -Dh
Consoles: internal video/keyboard  serial port
BIOS drive A: is disk0
BIOS drive C: is disk1
BIOS drive D: is disk2
BIOS 639kB/4062144kB available memory

FreeBSD/i386 bootstrap loader, Revision 1.1

Plugging back in the monitor after lockup showed only a single char  


On Oct 24, 2008, at 11:41 AM, Jo Rhett wrote:

On Oct 23, 2008, at 1:08 PM, John Baldwin wrote:

Has anyone filed a PR on this problem, or contacted John Baldwin?

Yes, but debugging these hangs is very non-trivial.  It likely  
disassembling the BIOS and trying to see where it can get stuck in  
a loop.

John, is there anything I can do to provide you with more useful  
information about this problem?

The board is a Tyan S2720
2 2.66G Intel Processors
4 Gigabytes of RAM
2 36G ST336607LC Cheetah drives

While playing around randomly I found something interesting.  If the  
keyboard is attached while booting, you get the problem I reported  

Loading /boot/defaults/loader.con

But if you boot without a keyboard it gets beyond that point and then

pci0: ACPI PCI bus on pci0b

Fatal trap 12; page fault while in kernel mode
cpuid = 0; apic id = 00

...a bunch of other stuff.  I can't capture this because I can't  
type fast enough.  Also noteworthy, I can't hit 6 to set console  
to comconsole so that I could cut/paste this.  It really seems like  
there are major problems around the keyboard.  (and no such problems  
with 6.3)

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: 6.4 RC1 locks up solid on first reboot

2008-10-24 Thread Jo Rhett

John, is this perhaps the problem seen with 7.0, discussed here?

On Oct 24, 2008, at 11:41 AM, Jo Rhett wrote:

On Oct 23, 2008, at 1:08 PM, John Baldwin wrote:

Has anyone filed a PR on this problem, or contacted John Baldwin?

Yes, but debugging these hangs is very non-trivial.  It likely  
disassembling the BIOS and trying to see where it can get stuck in  
a loop.

John, is there anything I can do to provide you with more useful  
information about this problem?

The board is a Tyan S2720
2 2.66G Intel Processors
4 Gigabytes of RAM
2 36G ST336607LC Cheetah drives

While playing around randomly I found something interesting.  If the  
keyboard is attached while booting, you get the problem I reported  

Loading /boot/defaults/loader.con

But if you boot without a keyboard it gets beyond that point and then

pci0: ACPI PCI bus on pci0b

Fatal trap 12; page fault while in kernel mode
cpuid = 0; apic id = 00

...a bunch of other stuff.  I can't capture this because I can't  
type fast enough.  Also noteworthy, I can't hit 6 to set console  
to comconsole so that I could cut/paste this.  It really seems like  
there are major problems around the keyboard.  (and no such problems  
with 6.3)

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: 6.4 RC1 locks up solid on first reboot

2008-10-24 Thread Jo Rhett

On Oct 22, 2008, at 9:27 PM, Milan Obuch wrote:
I did not investigate on this issue too much, but there is an  
workaround -
copy older /boot/loader over newer one. In my case, I am rebuilding  
world often, and now /boot/loader seems to not build correctly for  
me. Older

one is ~ 250 kB, rebuilt will be ~ 185 kB, and freezes.

6.4's boot loader is 221k
6.3's boot loader is 217k

Copying 6.3 boot loader to the 6.4 solved the keyboard lockup problem,  
but it still panics during the boot.  At last now I get the entire  
panic to the serial console so I can cut/paste.

cpu2: ACPI CPU on acpi0
cpu3: ACPI CPU on acpi0
pcib0: ACPI Host-PCI bridge port 0xcf8-0xcff on acpi0
pci0: ACPI PCI bus on pcib0

Fatal trap 12: page fault while in kernel mode
cpuid = 0; apic id = 00
fault virtual address   = 0x0
fault code  = supervisor read, page not present
instruction pointer = 0x20:0xc06d01cd
stack pointer   = 0x28:0xc1020ad8
frame pointer   = 0x28:0xc1020ae4
code segment= base 0x0, limit 0xf, type 0x1b
= DPL 0, pres 1, def32 1, gran 1
processor eflags= interrupt enabled, resume, IOPL = 0
current process = 0 (swapper)
trap number = 12
panic: page fault
cpuid = 0
Uptime: 1s
Automatic reboot in 15 seconds - press a key on the console to abort

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: 6.4 RC1 locks up solid on first reboot

2008-10-24 Thread Jo Rhett

On Oct 24, 2008, at 6:21 PM, Jeremy Chadwick wrote:

|  [ 2008-10-24 21:13 +0200 ]

On Oct 22, 2008, at 9:27 PM, Milan Obuch wrote:

I did not investigate on this issue too much, but there is an
workaround -
copy older /boot/loader over newer one. In my case, I am rebuilding
world often, and now /boot/loader seems to not build correctly for
me. Older
one is ~ 250 kB, rebuilt will be ~ 185 kB, and freezes.

6.4's boot loader is 221k
6.3's boot loader is 217k

Copying 6.3 boot loader to the 6.4 solved the keyboard lockup  

but it still panics during the boot.  At last now I get the entire
panic to the serial console so I can cut/paste.

There are known problems with some BIOSes and USB Legacy support.
Said BIOS option allows a USB keyboard and mouse to be emulated as  
for operating systems which lack a USB stack, such as MS-DOS -- and  

importantly, bootloaders!  The FreeBSD bootloader only understands
AT/PS2 keyboards, which is why that BIOS option is needed.

Not related to Aragon's problem with a USB keyboard, but in my case  
the keyboard is USB and there are no USB devices at all plugged in.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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6.4 RC1 locks up solid on first reboot

2008-10-22 Thread Jo Rhett
I haven't had time to investigate, but after installing 6.4RC1 on a  
machine I've been using with 6.3 for a few months, it installs  
painlessly but on the first and subsequent reboots you see

BTX Loader 1.00 blah blah blah
Loading /boot/defaults/loader.con

At this point you have a hard refreeze -- no keyboard control, however  
I can reboot it from the Phantom card.

System: Rackable C2004, dual Intel 2.66 processors, 4gb RAM, disk  
drive on built in SCSI port

Absolutely nothing special, boots and runs 6.2 and 6.3 without a flaw.

I'll have more time to investigate on Friday.  Anything specific that  
would be more or less useful to debug in particular?

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: proposed change to support policy for FreeBSD Releases

2008-10-11 Thread Jo Rhett

Hi, Colin.   Any news/thoughts on where we are with this?

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: proposed change to support policy for FreeBSD Releases

2008-10-01 Thread Jo Rhett

On Sep 25, 2008, at 9:32 AM, Lowell Gilbert wrote:

I'm not clear on how this helps.  We don't know if there will be a
need to produce a 6.5 release, so there's no way to judge whether 6.4
should be designated final or not.  The only logical answer is to do
so, which leaves a substantial chance that there will end up being
more than one final release on the 6.x line.  That's not a
particularly desirable situation.

In fact, it's worse, because if 6.5 happens, it will probably be
because there were problems with 6.4 serious enough that we'd rather
people move to 6.5 anyway (at least for critical systems).

You are exactly right.  I am proposing that we stop trying to guess  
whether or not it is a final release.

A release will be supported until the next release + N months (N is  
currently being debated I guess) or 24 months if there is no followup  

This effectively solves both of the problems you've very accurately  
named above.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: proposed change to support policy for FreeBSD Releases

2008-09-25 Thread Jo Rhett

On Tue, 2008-09-23 at 13:37 -0700, Jo Rhett wrote:

Releases which are published from a -STABLE branch will be
supported by the Security Officer for a minimum of 12 months after  

A release which is not the final minor release of a branch will
be additionally supported by a minimum of 6 months past the release
date of the succeeding version.  For example X.1 will be supported  

12 months or until 6 months past the release date of X.2, whichever
comes later.

The final minor release on a given branch will be supported by
the Security Officer for a minimum of 24 months after the release.

On Sep 25, 2008, at 7:53 AM, Tom Evans wrote:
Isn't this a non-pragmatic way of looking at this? Currently, as  
long as

there are no serious issues with 6.4, 6.4 will be supported for 24
months from release.  This is abundantly clear from both prior history
and what secteam say.

No, it's not.  The secteam has repeatedly said that they don't know  
yet, and can't know yet, whether or not to support 6.4 for 12 or 24  
months.   This is the problem I am trying to solve.  Guessing at this  
requires foresight, psychic abilities that nobody has.  I believe it's  
a lot more pragmatic to simply say we will support it for 24 months  
*unless* a major problem forces another release and stop trying to be  

To my mind, this entire discussion is bikeshed painting
that ends up with semantic arguing about what a 'final' release is.

It's not semantics.  It's a very serious issue with overlapping  
support periods that cause businesses to stay back on older releases,  
which means they contribute no resources to testing new releases.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: Upcoming Releases Schedule...

2008-09-23 Thread Jo Rhett

On Sep 23, 2008, at 12:45 AM, Ian Smith wrote:
I mean seriously, if you were to say We will support 6.4 for 24  
*unless* we find it necessary to release 6.5 then I'd be totally  
happy.  But

that's not what is being said.

I believe that's exactly what has been said.  rwatson@ and simon@ have
both made it exceedingly clear, to me anyway, that if 6.4 is to be the
last release on the 6.x branch - as appears to be likely but cannot be
stated definitely at this time, for reasons clearly given and  

- then it will indeed be supported for 24 months.

It doesn't seem reasonable to expect 24 months stated support for  
6.4 if
it turns out not to be the last release - that would then apply to  

Have you read any of the existing thread?

Right now 6.4 will go out of support 3 months before 6.3.  Which might  
or might not change at some point in the future.

Isn't this obviously a fairly major problem for any business or even  
any person to want to spend any time to test/evaluate/etc 6.4?

What I proposed in my message (which you completely ignored) was an  
incremental support policy that builds on each release, instead of  
actually promoting the idea of skipping releases.  This may not be a  
good idea -- it was just a toss out there, but it makes a lot more  
sense than the existing policy.  Could you at least respond to the  
issues raised here?

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: Upcoming Releases Schedule...

2008-09-23 Thread Jo Rhett

On Sep 23, 2008, at 12:45 AM, Ian Smith wrote:
It also doesn't seem reasonable to expect that decision to be rushed  
advance of the necessary evaluation of the success or otherwise of  

6.4 and 7.1 releases - especially when we're talking about these being
only a month or so away anyway.

Let me try to say this one other way.  If you want businesses or  
anyone really who doesn't have unlimited time and energy to help  
evaluate, test, etc this release prior to it coming out, shouldn't you  
make it worth their while?  Supporting 6.3 for longer than 6.4 doesn't  
make it worth anyone's time or attention to evaluate 6.4.   Which  
means that it becomes significantly more likely that 6.4 will ship  
with a major problem that could or should have been caught in pre- 
release testing.

The current policy of not deciding until after the fact for support  
periods could in fact be implemented with a reasonable policy that  
doesn't require a psychic to determine the likely failure or not of a  
release.  I've proposed one.  I'm sure that there are better ways to  
say it, but I'd really appreciate it if you guys would take the  
problem seriously.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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proposed change to support policy for FreeBSD Releases

2008-09-23 Thread Jo Rhett
Some quite lively offline discussion has come to conclusion with the  
following suggestions to change the support policy.  Obviously, this  
is what we feel would be a good idea, but it's obviously open to  
discussion and there's nobody demanding anything here.  It just seems  

Old text:
Each branch is supported by the Security Officer for a limited time  
only, and is designated as one of `Early adopter', `Normal', or  
`Extended'. The designation is used as a guideline for determining  
the lifetime of the branch as follows.

Early adopter
Releases which are published from the -CURRENT branch will be  
supported by the Security Officer for a minimum of 6 months after  
the release.

Releases which are published from a -STABLE branch will be  
supported by the Security Officer for a minimum of 12 months after  
the release.

Selected releases will be supported by the Security Officer for  
a minimum of 24 months after the release.

Proposed (starting point for discussion for) new text:

Each branch is supported by the Security Officer for a limited time  
only, and is designated as one of `Early adopter', `Normal', or  
'Final'. The designation is used as a guideline for determining the  
lifetime of the branch as follows.

Early adopter
Releases which are published from the -CURRENT branch will be  
supported by the Security Officer for a minimum of 6 months after the  

Releases which are published from a -STABLE branch will be  
supported by the Security Officer for a minimum of 12 months after the  
A release which is not the final minor release of a branch will  
be additionally supported by a minimum of 6 months past the release  
date of the succeeding version.  For example X.1 will be supported for  
12 months or until 6 months past the release date of X.2, whichever  
comes later.

The final minor release on a given branch will be supported by  
the Security Officer for a minimum of 24 months after the release.


1. This avoids the need for the well-documented chicken-and-egg  
problem of trying to guess which release is the final release.

2. This is a consistent policy in line with many other vendor policies.

3. This rewards forward movement in the branch.

And finally, as I've done the match carefully,

4.  It would appear to *reduce* rather than enlarge the support  
requirements for the security team.  Unless a minor release comes out  
less than 6 months after a previous release, only two versions would  
ever be supported at the same time.  In recent history 3 minor  
releases in the same branch have been supported more often than not.

Example under current policy:

6.5 comes out in July of 2009.   For July - October the security team  
will need to support 3 releases: 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5.   From November  
2009 through January 2010 the security team will need to support 6.3  
and 6.5, but not 6.4.

Revised under the existing policy:

Support for 6.3 expires in April of 2009.  (more than 12 months past  
release and 6 months after the release of 6.4).  Support for 6.4  
expires in January of 2010.  Support for 6.5 would expire in July of  
2011 or 6 months after the release of 6.6.

^NOTE: this example is probably unfeasible since 6.3 already has a  
published support period ended in January 2010, but this will prevent  
a similar occurrence happening in future releases.

Note2: This new policy would not change the support period for 6.4 if  
it is the final release, but it does completely resolve the need to  
guess whether or not it will be the final release.

The notable change that I believe will encourage business  
participation in the testing/evaluation process is that 6.4 is  
guaranteed to be supported either 24 months, or at least 6 months past  
the release date of 6.5.   (recent history suggests this would be  
15-19 months).  This encourages businesses to test and evaluate 6.4  
NOW, rather than waiting until a decision about the support policy is  

Repeat from the top: nobody is demanding anything.  I think this  
policy would make a lot more sense, and would promote forward  
movement.  Feel free to correct me if we overlooked anything.  Thanks.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: Upcoming Releases Schedule...

2008-09-23 Thread Jo Rhett
John, we're already committed to upgrade to 6.3 (since it will  
currently be supported longer than 6.4).  6.2 support isn't part of  
this conversation, it has entirely revolved around support periods for  
upcoming releases.

On Sep 23, 2008, at 1:10 PM, John Baldwin wrote:
Jo, so it seems to me that you could just start by maintaining your  
own set of
extended support patches for the FreeBSD releases you care about.  I  
think you have to be a committer or secteam@ member to do this.  It  
does mean
that you might not be able to fix a bug in, say, 6.2 at the same  
exact time

the advisory goes out at first, but you could take the patch from the
advisory and apply it to your local 6.2 tree and then update your  
patch (would probably want to use some sort of source code control  
for this
where you basically branch from FreeBSD X.Y where X.Y is a vendor  
branch of
sorts).  That would let you build the street cred, as it were, to  
be able

to get the patches directly into FreeBSD more easily.

To start with it is probably going to be a bit slow as far as  
getting things
committed directly to FreeBSD proper as it means finding a committer  
who has

the time to test and review your patch and then commit it.  However,
the Unofficial FreeBSD 6.2 Patchset can be updated more quickly  
since it is
something that would be under your control.  Also, doing this will  
give you
insight into exactly what is required to support a release after it  
is EOL'd

in a much more direct fashion than an e-mail thread.

John Baldwin

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: proposed change to support policy for FreeBSD Releases

2008-09-23 Thread Jo Rhett

On Sep 23, 2008, at 4:45 PM, Colin Percival wrote:

jonathan michaels wrote:

On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 01:37:03PM -0700, Jo Rhett wrote:
Some quite lively offline discussion has come to conclusion with  
the  following suggestions to change the support policy.   
Obviously, this  is what we feel would be a good idea, but it's  
obviously open to  discussion and there's nobody demanding  
anything here.  It just seems  better.

Thanks for the suggestions, but it might have helped to avoid  
if you had contacted the FreeBSD security team privately before  

your ideas here...

I'm sorry, I'm confused.  This spawned from an ongoing conversation on  
this list.  Rather than have the dialog spin around, I figured it  
would be better to post a specific example of what I thought.

No it hasn't.  The FreeBSD Security team hasn't agreed to anything  

Yes, absolutely to that.  As posted this is my own idea, adjusted some  
based on input from various others, none of whom are on the freebsd  
security team.  I'd love to hear what the freebsd security team thinks.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: Upcoming Releases Schedule...

2008-09-22 Thread Jo Rhett
 you're going to do  
this is put our employee on your security response team, I think  
you'd see a lot of raised eyebrows there as well.

That's the point.  I've never said anything like that.  And a software  
company would totally understand the question as originally phrased.  
What resource limitations prevent you from supporting this product  
for a longer period?   Any company would fairly promptly come back  
with an answer.

FWIW, there are at least 3 companies whose software product is  
supported on FreeBSD, or with Apache, or various other things because  
of my integration work for them.  We approached them and said We  
would like you to support XYZ. What do you need to do this?  The  
software company chatted with us about it, and everyone decided it was  
easier to have me do the integration work for them as opposed to  
paying them more.  (other companies we paid for them to do the work,  

This is how things work.  You ask a question, somebody answers the  
question and you sit and chat about solutions that meet everyone's  
needs.  This situation with FreeBSD has been downright shocking  
because I've never before in my life been attacked for saying We need  
this. How can I help?

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: Upcoming Releases Schedule...

2008-09-22 Thread Jo Rhett

On Sep 20, 2008, at 12:04 PM, Gary Palmer wrote:

Actually Robert, to be fair to Jo, I suspect it is more proper to say
$COMPANY wants extended support lifetimes.  What can I, or $COMPANY,
do to help make that happen?.  I think its been misinterpreted as
Jo saying Let me do the work.  He has offered to see if his company
will let him help on company time, but I do not believe the constraint
is quite as you phrased it above.  The goal is the same, but throw it
open to a wider contraint set - what resources does the project need
to make it happen?  Money?  Test labs?  Server hosting?  Twinkies?

Exactly.   Thank you for phrasing it so very well.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: Upcoming Releases Schedule...

2008-09-22 Thread Jo Rhett

On Sep 20, 2008, at 1:56 PM, Simon L. Nielsen wrote:

2 years for each supported branch would be excellent, although I'm
open to alternatives.  Right now 6.4 will EoL before 6.3 will :-(

Eh, where did you get that information?  AFAIK the EoL date of 6.4 has
not yet been decided (and I should know though of course I could have

I asked specifically on this list.  First I was told it hadn't been  
decided.  My response was to point out that this makes it very hard  
for a company to decide to commit resources to test it, if there may  
never be a reasonable chance for deployment.  Then I was told it was 1  
year, or perhaps just 6 months if it was ruled to be an unstable  
version.  Either answer is less than 6.3's support period.

If, when we get closer to the actual release, still is the plan for
6.4 to be the last RELENG_6 release I'm almost certain 6.4 will be a
Extended Support release.

That would be excellent.  As soon as you know if this will be true,  
I'll be able to convince $EMPLOYER to allow me to spend time testing  
this release.  If its not an extended support release, then it will  
expire before 6.3 (which is already tested) and thus $EMPLOYER gains  
no value in the effort.

FWIW, this is why I'm in favor of consistent support periods.  When  
you align the business benefit with the community benefit, you can get  
the business to help improve the community product.

(remainder snipped to a different subject line)

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Release team resources

2008-09-22 Thread Jo Rhett
Thank you for answering the resources problem in detail, I appreciate  

For what secteam support of the base system costs, it's mainly time
for the members of the security team which is the cost.  The more
branches, the more time is required.  This is not a linear cost and
has multiple parts to it:


There is also a cost in hardware for supported branches though this is
less of an issue.


The more releases are supported, the more disk-space is also needed
for freebsd-update mirrors.  Again, far from an unsolvable problem by
any means, but also a factor

This is what I suspected, but having the detail backing it up helps  

Has there been done any work on metrics for the support needs?   
Obviously these are a bit of hand waving because the number and type  
of security problems are hard to predict, but it does help to provide  
a useful model for understanding costs

In specific, is it known how many man-hours would be necessary to  
extend support for a recent release?

NOTE that I am not trying to extend the support for 4.x or 5.x or even  
6.x once 8 has shipped.  I think that 2 full releases is perfectly  
reasonable.  I'm just asking about the recent releases.

While I'm not going more into the general discussion of how long to
support branches, I will note that as rwatson has said - adding more
people to secteam is not as simple as it sounds (though we are in the
process of expanding right now).

I assumed not.  I was curious to what extent outside people could help  
support the process, while leaving commits to the internal people.   
For example, for everything except the jail vulnerability in the last  
4 years the security problems were related to third party utilities,  
and were widely published in security mailing lists.  Someone without  
a commit bit could certainly build the patch, test the patch on  
relevant versions, etc.

Likewise, if a patch was created for the latest version, an outside  
person could test the patch on a desired-to-support build, confirm  
that it works and/or change the patch as necessary for the older build  
(like when third party utility versions were different between major  

Is the overhead of supporting these not-committers such that it is  
not useful for the secteam as a whole?

(obviously the longer term goal would be to determine which of the  
outside testers would be useful for promoting within the group)

Newer patches also wouldn't make it to freebsd-update
as that is managed by secteam.

For my needs/desires I'd rather focus on something that would get  
pushed to freebsd-update.

We have had one case where a committer was interested in supporting an
older release and back-ported patches from security advisories for a
while.  The patches for the older releases were then reviewed in each
case by the security team before commit, but that only lasted for a
while and was a couple of years ago AFAIR.  In theory this could
happen again if the Security Officer at the time is OK with it - I
haven't talked with Colin about this in a while, so I can't recall is
position.  There would still need to be committer which is the
interface to secteam and do the commits.  Most issues (though of
course not all) which gets advisories are not public at the time of
the advisory, so a fix to older branches would be likely be delayed
some compared to initial disclosure.

As noted above, very few of the security releases were based on  
information not available to the general public (who read security- 
related mailing lists, anyway)

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
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Re: Upcoming Releases Schedule...

2008-09-22 Thread Jo Rhett

On Sep 21, 2008, at 1:57 AM, Robert Watson wrote:
This is precisely what we already do -- we guarantee we will support  
the last release on a branch for 24 months after the release.  The  
point of concern being discussed is that we can't tell you for sure  
which minor release will be the last release at the time that  
release goes out the door, because the extent to which we keep  
releasing on old branches depends in large part on how the new  
branch looks.

I think you are using last release in a different way.  the last  
release is always the most release release.  Right now 6.3 will have  
support for longer than 6.4 will, which is the nature of the problem I  
raised.  If you always supported the most recent release for 24 months  
then we wouldn't have any problem.

I mean seriously, if you were to say We will support 6.4 for 24  
months *unless* we find it necessary to release 6.5 then I'd be  
totally happy.  But that's not what is being said.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
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Re: Upcoming Releases Schedule...

2008-09-22 Thread Jo Rhett

On Sep 22, 2008, at 12:41 PM, Robert Watson wrote:
Lack of human resources, to use a vile term, is currently the  
limiting factor. What happens when that is cleared is another  
question, but in the end there aren't a whole lot of paths to  
greater efficiency here:

This is an inherently manual process because security patches touch  
a variety of parts of the system and each has different  
implications, the tendency for vulnerabilities to come in classes,  

Great, thanks.  Do we have any idea how much additional human  
resources would be necessary to extend the support period?

because there was significant divergence and maintaining three  
active development branches at once (5.x, 6.x, and 7.x) was a  
serious stretch.

I've never suggested maintaining 3 different release versions, and I  
wouldn't suggest trying.  When Sun, Microsoft, et al decide that they  
don't have the resources to support 3 major revisions, it's a pretty  
good reason to think that FreeBSD can't either ;-)

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
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Re: Release team resources

2008-09-22 Thread Jo Rhett

On Sep 22, 2008, at 1:08 PM, Robert Watson wrote:

I'm not sure I agree with this analysis

Counting on my fingers, that's 7 FreeBSD-specific, 4 that lie in  
code we basically maintain, and 8 that are in externally maintained  
software.  Seems like a pretty even split.

Acknowledged, sorry I was working from memory and forgot that the  
things we had to patch for already went through a does it affect us  
filter :-(  You're right.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
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Re: Upcoming Releases Schedule...

2008-09-22 Thread Jo Rhett

On Sep 22, 2008, at 1:32 PM, Robert Watson wrote:
Long answer: we're under-manned for our current commitments, and  
have seen longer advisory cycles than we would like.  My guess is  
that we could eat the first 25% of a person just catching up on  
current obligations so as to reduce latency on advisories, handle  
back-analysis of reports that don't appear to be vulnerabilities but  
we'd like to be sure, etc.

Another hand-wave: 50%-75% of a person would allow us to move into  
extending our obligations as well as put more resources into  
proactive work.  You don't have to be on the security team to work  
on security work (and many people who do aren't), but certainly one  
obligation that comes with being on the team is to try to  
proactively address vulnerability classes and improve infrastructure  
for issuing advisories, providing updates, etc.

All hand-waving, understand.  Depends a lot on the person, the  
season (reports don't arrive at a constant rate), etc.

Thanks for the detail, and I think we all understand the necessary  
vagueness.  Is a person 40 hours a week?  So if I could commit 10  
hours a week, I'm 1/4 of a person in this context?
(assuming there was enough trust/etc that I could even do the work --  
just for discussion)

Tricky balance -- if you cut a major release every 18-24 months, you  
have a 24-month support cycle on the final point release on each  
branch, and you continue to release minor releases after the .0 of  
the next branch in order to allow .0's to settle for a bit before  
forcing migration forward, it's hard not to end up in the many- 
branch support game.

That's true.  I've never been a huge fan of release often in  
production systems ;-)

That being said, I was working on Debian when they went through the  
Woody/Sarge era, and frankly I think that distinct production/ 
development tracks work even less well so it's not like I have useful  
advice here ;-)

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
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Re: Upcoming Releases Schedule...

2008-09-22 Thread Jo Rhett

On Sep 22, 2008, at 1:54 PM, Robert Watson wrote:
This is precisely what we already do -- we guarantee we will  
support the last release on a branch for 24 months after the  
release.  The point of concern being discussed is that we can't  
tell you for sure which minor release will be the last release at  
the time that release goes out the door, because the extent to  
which we keep releasing on old branches depends in large part on  
how the new branch looks.

I think you are using last release in a different way.  the last  
release is always the most recent release.  Right now 6.3 will  
have support for longer than 6.4 will, which is the nature of the  
problem I raised.  If you always supported the most recent release  
for 24 months then we wouldn't have any problem.

My calendar disagrees with you on this point -- 18 months from  
September, 2008, is after 24 months from January, 2008.  And I think  
it's much more likely the release will go out in October.

As I understand it, 6.3 will EoL in January of 2010.  6.4 will EoL in  
October of 2009.  This is the head-scratcher that leaves me so very  
confused, and unable to figure out how to explain this to a  

If it worked as you said -- the latest release is guaranteed 24  
months but any previous release support ends at some point after the  
next release is out, then it's easy to explain to management.  Doing  
this upgrade gives you a minimum of 24 months of support

I mean seriously, if you were to say We will support 6.4 for 24  
months *unless* we find it necessary to release 6.5 then I'd be  
totally happy. But that's not what is being said.

I think we pretty much are saying that: whatever the final release  
is will be supported for 24 months.  6.4 will likely be it on 6.x,  
but we're not 100% committed to that being the final decision  
because we want to see 7.1 shake out well.

Again, how do you explain that?  And how do you explain a 3 month  
window where 6.3 is supported longer than 6.4?

(not trying to be accusative or demanding, it's just a fairly odd  

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
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Re: Upcoming Releases Schedule...

2008-09-22 Thread Jo Rhett

On Sep 22, 2008, at 2:56 PM, Doug Barton wrote:

I'd also like to point out that there is another chicken-egg problem
that has been glossed over in this thread. You have said many times  

it's hard for a company to devote resources to testing a given release
candidate without knowing in advance how long that release will be
supported. Several people (including Robert, who is part of the  
team) have said that we can't make a firm conclusion on how long a  

release will be supported until we have a pretty good idea how
successful a given release will be, which requires people actually
testing and using it. Do you see the problem?

Yes, I do.  And I'm confused as to why the release cycle is structured  
to keep this problem going.  This is your own chicken and egg, and  
it's a fairly easy one to solve.  Nobody else is creating the chicken  
and egg for FreeBSD, it's being created by the existing policy.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
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Re: Upcoming Releases Schedule...

2008-09-22 Thread Jo Rhett

On Sep 22, 2008, at 3:46 PM, Robert Watson wrote:
The key point here holds, however: I think we should not ever be in  
the position of telling people that support lifetime on a release  
has been reduced.

I agree.  However, there are other ways of doing this than to create  
overlapping windows of support.

(totally whistling in the wind for a moment)

This isn't an absolute number, but what about something like this?   
(it should probably be rewritten)

-REL will be supported for a minimum of 12 months.  It will be  
extended if

  * if no other release of the major version is planned, it will be  
extended 12 additional months. (24 total)

  * if another release is planned, it will be supported for 3 months  
past the date of the next release.

This isn't actually all that much different from the actuality of your  
existing practice, but it provides a reasonable guideline that a  
business can understand.  It's also always incrementally forward, and  
doesn't reward a business for staying behind on a previous release -  
like your existing policy is doing right now.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
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Re: Upcoming Releases Schedule...

2008-09-19 Thread Jo Rhett
First, I'd like to thank you for taking the time to respond to this  
seriously.  I hope you'll read my reply in the very serious, and not  
accusative tone it is meant.  (I am a little tired and fried at the  
moment, I may not use the best phrasing.  I hope I do.)

On Sep 19, 2008, at 4:20 AM, Robert Watson wrote:
This is the same answer I gave Lowell, but let me expand on it  
slightly.  Our community grants rights (read also: responsibilities)  
on the basis of credibility in the community.  Here's a possible plan:

work for supported branches.  This in turn may convince them that  
they should invest their time in mentoring you for a FreeBSD commit  
bit, and potentially join the security or release engineering teams  
once you've established that you are a member of the developer team  
who works well with others, does good technical work, and who is in  
it for the long haul.

Look, I understand what you're saying here.  And I don't discredit or  
disagree that it shouldn't be handled this way.  But what you have  
addressed is a stepwise integration policy of a developer, and does  
not address how to get a business to commit those resources.

Why?  Because you are asking for the business to commit the resources  
without a goal.  No, I'm not saying that FreeBSD has to guarantee  
anything.  We both know that guarantees on open source projects aren't  
worth much.

What I'm saying is that your scoped outline has no goal.  Nothing to  
even reach for.  Except maybe perhaps a commit bit for me.  If I had  
wanted a commit bit, I'm sure I would have one by now.  I'm not  
particularly worried about that.  I don't even really care to have one  
(though I would if that was necessary).

But that's the highest goal of your outlined scope.  A commit bit.

What's missing?

A. A goal
B. An assessment of the requirements to reach that goal

To get a business to commit resources to a project there must be an  
actual goal.  And to reach that actual goal there must be both (a) a  
plan to get there, (b) a reasoned assessment of the effort involved,  
etc etc and (z) the effort taking place to reach that goal.  Obviously  
(z) matters and perhaps you can say it matters most. But no sane  
business tries to do (z) without a clear idea of what (a)(b)(...) is.

If you've seen the appropriate Southpark episode: Step 3: Profit!   
Dude, what's step 2?

(1) It doesn't give the immediate gratification of seeing the  
official support
   status extended for releases.  However, as you say, you're  
already doing

   the work.

I'm honestly confused by this statement, because I can't imagine  
anything about the proposed work being immediate no matter how it  
was approached.

and that have they confidence of the security team that will be able  
to work with appropriate discretion in protecting the confidential  
and often critical security information we receive.

Unless the security problem is reported internally within FreeBSD  
alone (very few problems are) I usually have the security details long  
before you release patches.  I don't see this as much of a hindrance  
if any.

Don't take this as a personal slight -- none of this says you aren't  
able to work with others, that you don't have the technical skills,  
that you don't have the time, aren't willing to make the commitment,  
or that you lack adequate discretion.  Rather, it's saying that the  
way we evaluate people for participation in the project is that they  
have a track record of these things in the community.  In a largely  
online and volunteer community, that's the way it works.

There's *nothing* wrong with what you have said.  What you have said  
makes perfect sense from an integration perspective.  But I don't  
think it addresses the issues at hand -- businesses need to have  
explicit goals and at least a haphazard guess at the requirements to  
reach those goals before they'll commit resources.

I don't see these problems as being in conflict.

In fact, I would personally suggest that most of the resources you  
need to improve your releases don't need commit bits.  I personally  
have no objection at all to running all patches through another set  
(or two, or three) of eyeballs.  It's a damn good practice ;-)  It's  
unlikely to slow me down one bit.

^^^ you may know more about the resource limitations and why commit  
bits are necessary to relieve your resource strain.  In that  
situation, please educate me.  Or everyone.  In particular, I'll be  
happy to buy you coffee/beer/poison of choice at your leisure if that  
would make this easier.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: Upcoming Releases Schedule...

2008-09-19 Thread Jo Rhett

On Sep 19, 2008, at 7:07 PM, Aragon Gouveia wrote:

To get a business to commit resources to a project there must be an
actual goal.

[1] The FreeBSD project would have to commit resources too.  Its  

Of course.  This is what the requirements analysis is ;-)

For (a), (b), and (z), this is where you come in.  Define the goal.   
Make a
plan to get there.  Assess the effort involved.  Convince your  
employer that
(a), (b) and (z) is worth it to him/her and that the result of (z)  
convince the FreeBSD project to commit the resources needed to  
integrate it.
If they're happy, start working on (z) and bring it to the FreeBSD  

when you think it's ready.

Of course.  If this was something that could be done without working  
with the freebsd developers, do you think I would put up with this  
kind of abuse?  I'd much rather have something I could just go and  
do ;-)

The issue is that nobody is willing to answer the question: what  
resources are too limited to provide longer support?   How can we help?

This the elephant that everyone ignores.  To develop a plan, you need  
to know the limitations.  Once those are spelled out, you sit down and  
try to determine what resources are necessary to achieve a certain  
goal.  Then you find those resources, etc etc...

 Without input from the current release team extending the support  
schedule is not possible.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: Upcoming Releases Schedule...

2008-09-19 Thread Jo Rhett

On Sep 19, 2008, at 8:57 PM, David N wrote:

How long are you expecting support for a RELENG to last, 1, 2, 3
years? 5 years? (comparison, Ubuntu LTS is 3 years, security updates)

2 years for each supported branch would be excellent, although I'm  
open to alternatives.  Right now 6.4 will EoL before 6.3 will :-(

Are you after support for a RELENG_X or RELENG_X_Y?
What are you expecting from the support? Security only? Drivers?  

The answer of similar people in this situation might vary.  For our  
needs, security only is fine.  Obviously I'd be willing to assist with  
an effort that tried to provide more support.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
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Re: Upcoming Releases Schedule...

2008-09-19 Thread Jo Rhett

On Sep 19, 2008, at 9:41 PM, Gary Palmer wrote:

On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 07:38:32PM -0700, Jo Rhett wrote:

Without input from the current release team extending the support
schedule is not possible.

Inquiry - is release team the constraint?

I don't know.  I asked why not, and was told the release team said  
this was all they could do with the resources they have.  No further  
information has been provided.

Or to put it another way, what to you is support in terms of
FreeBSD releases. As far as I am aware, if you stick on a  

then the most you get is security fixes.  No new features,
no new drivers, no bugfixes.  So if I am interpreting things
correctly, you are asking for security fixes to be ported to
RELEASE tagged branches for longer?

That is what I and my $EMPLOYER want yes, although as I said I am  
willing to support other efforts.  (ie I am unlikely to be the  
difference between make or break on this effort, so if more support  
was something that got other businesses involved enough to achieve  
that change, then)

So is release team the contrained resource in your problem?
I am not denying that *any* part of the FreeBSD team is not
resource constrained, but I'm wondering if you're examining
the correct area.

That's a good question I don't have the answer to.  Nobody has  
actually defined the problem to me beyond the statement above.  This  
is why it's difficult to determine how to best proceed.  Until the  
real problems are laid on the table (so to speak) I haven't the  
foggiest idea where/how/when to help, nor whether or not my or anyone  
else's assistance would be useful.  (one assumes it would)

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
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Re: Upcoming Releases Schedule...

2008-09-18 Thread Jo Rhett

On Sep 18, 2008, at 5:46 AM, Wilko Bulte wrote:

You seem to be *demanding* quite a lot lately.

I have demanded nothing.  I have made a suggestion or two -- presented  
the background which pretty much everyone agrees with, made some  
suggestions about how to improve it.

My last post was expressing amusement about watching every developer  
dance around the topic, skipping over the relevant part -- how do we  
improve things?

We could improve things.   We could get more resources.  Why not  
consider the topic?

That's not demanding.  Check your dictionary.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: Upcoming Releases Schedule...

2008-09-18 Thread Jo Rhett

On Sep 18, 2008, at 6:32 AM, Wilko Bulte wrote:
Indeed, there is no easy solution.  Extending support lifetime takes  

resources of course.

And my e-mails have always discussed ways to get more resources.   
Recently we even had a group of people trying to arrange for more  
explicit corporate support for testing and release process.  For some  
reason unclear to me, not a single developer has stepped up and said  
Great.  Here's how we could use you...   The entire concept of  
getting *more resources* is the elephant in the room that everyone  
seems intent to avoid considering.

Maybe, just maybe, there is some reason why FreeBSD doesn't want more  
people helping.  Or ... something.  I haven't the vaguest clue.  If  
there is some reason why getting paid people to work on testing and  
release cycle is a bad idea, would someone please stand up and explain?

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
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Re: Upcoming Releases Schedule...

2008-09-18 Thread Jo Rhett

On Sep 18, 2008, at 8:21 AM, Freddie Cash wrote:
Maybe I'm missing something here, but it seems like Jo just wants to  

for the sake of arguing.

You are missing a lot.   You're not reading even half of what I am  

re: ignored.  I don't ignore anything.  If something is answered  
clearly I tend to address topics which aren't resolved.  But the  
section you quoted is your worst example -- If you look at my reply,  
you'll notice that not only did I not ignore it, I replied to that  
section with concerns about fluctuating schedules that this document  

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
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Re: Upcoming Releases Schedule...

2008-09-18 Thread Jo Rhett

First, thanks for taking the question seriously ;-)

On Sep 18, 2008, at 8:47 AM, Dylan Cochran wrote:

problem can't be solved just by extending time with the hope that the
resources will be allocated (no offense to your character, but that

No offense taken.  I would never suggest we do anything based on  
hope.  In my company's specific case, we'd want to work out the  
details of exactly how much time we'd commit and what our goal was in  
committing that time.  (besides the obvious giving back to the  
community part which we do anyway)

Most of the people that I know personally who are interested in this  
topic are in similar situations.  They would want to discuss the  
necessary resources to achieve a specific goal, and make specific  
commitments on the amount of time they could give.  I seriously don't  
know anyone who wanders into any situation saying oh, maybe if I help  
out the tooth fairy will visit me! ;-)

That said, I know little about the multi-architecture problems you  
present here so I can't offer much other commentary, other than:

problem is best solved not by arguing how to work around the symptoms,
but to analyze and solve the parent problems that may not be so

I suspect this above statement applies to every problem the release  
and testing teams have.  What is necessary to get consensus to even  
discuss the issues involved?

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: Upcoming Releases Schedule...

2008-09-18 Thread Jo Rhett

On Sep 18, 2008, at 12:01 PM, Robert Watson wrote:
So far, this conversation has largely consisted of you telling us  
that you don't like what we're doing and demanding that we change.

I'm not sure what is going on in your life to make you so defensive  
that someone saying I have resources, I can help.  Here's the problem  
I'd like to address makes you think they are demanding.  Nobody is  
demanding anything (that I have seen in this conversation).

Take a deep breath, stop taking this personal - which I assume you are  
when you talk about demanding and let's talk about this.  Most of  
the rest of your post is valid.

Let's consider three more productive avenues by which you can offer  
assistance with the problem of how to increase branch support  

(1) Become a contributor to the community by developing and  
   patches against unsupported branches, especially against older  
   such as 4.x and 5.x where the branches are open for commits but  

   fallen out of support status.  I can't promise the results will

We have no 4.x or 5.x systems nor do we have any interest in  
maintaining those.  So perhaps a good idea, but not something I can  
help with.

I *did* offer to work on maintenance for 6.2, but was told it would be  
rejected by the developers.  Would I extend effort to do exactly what  
I am talking about -- extending the support lifetime for very recent  
releases?  Absolutely.  If its in a form useful for the community as a  

If I have to do this on my own (what we are doing internally now) then  
the FreeBSD community leverages nothing from the effort, and we're not  
changing the resources limitations at all.

(2) Become a contributor to the community by identifying members of  
   existing developer team for whom additional funding would enable  
them to
   spend more time working on and supporting FreeBSD and providing  
   funding.  Consider approaching the FreeBSD Foundation formally to  

   matching grant funding for the project.

We have funded projects, we continue to fund projects.  Most of our  
funding right now is aimed at people who don't have the time to work  
on it, money or no.But again, funding does not improve the  
resources problem in most cases.   Many $EMPLOYERs find it easier to  
have an employee allocate 10-20% of their work to a project than to  
get cash allocations for the same.

(3) Become a contributor to the community by working with an  
existing or new
   company that provides support for FreeBSD commercially, and  

Nobody who does FreeBSD support on a paid basis can generally solve  
the kind of problems we find.  I have tried these kind of things in  
the past with both FreeBSD and Linux, and in every case I was  
significantly better at finding/fixing/patching bugs than anyone on  
the team.  The ones I could not address (usually device driver issues)  
the support team could do nothing more than forward a bug report to  
the developer.  And in general, they were less good at including  
relevant details and debug output than I was.  In short, it's a non-op.

   official EoL date for the project.  Companies like FreeBSD Mall  
   strong relationships with the project, and in the past have  
   significantly to efforts such as release engineering.  It's not  
hard to
   imagine a company along those lines using something along th  
elines of a

Robert, here we go again.  You have given several options, not a  
single one of which will provide more resources to the release team.   
The only thing you've successfully done is given me three different  
ways to eff off and leave you alone.  Apparently, more resources is  
not in your interest.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: Upcoming Releases Schedule...

2008-09-18 Thread Jo Rhett

On Thu, 18 Sep 2008, Jo Rhett wrote:
And my e-mails have always discussed ways to get more resources.   
Recently we even had a group of people trying to arrange for more  
explicit corporate support for testing and release process.  For  
some reason unclear to me, not a single developer has stepped up  
and said Great.  Here's how we could use you...  The entire  
concept of getting *more resources* is the elephant in the room  
that everyone seems intent to avoid considering.

On Sep 18, 2008, at 12:22 PM, Robert Watson wrote:

No, we're just waiting for you to go ahead and do it.

Um, how?  I suspect you're being sarcastic, but I'll take this at  
straight value.  I have repeatedly said I could commit X resources,  
and I know others who are likewise willing to make a proposal for the  
same with their employer, if our efforts could help improve Y problem.

Not a single person, *not one*, has ever taken the proposal seriously  
enough to sit down and discuss with me what kind of resources are  
necessary to solve this problem.  Seriously, go back and read every  
reply to me on this or the other thread.   Every one says We aren't  
going to do it.

No, we'd love it if more people were paid to work on things like  
this, but there are two practical problems: (1) finding people, and  
(2) paying them.

At the moment I will only speak for myself, so let's start there.   I  
write code.  I do integration and testing for a living.  I currently  
maintain a number of ports, including cfengine -- which I personally  
added the PKGMGR code to for FreeBSD support.  My employer is paying  
my salary, and is willing to dedicate some of my time to the FreeBSD  
project as a whole.  (already does in fact, on the table is to  
increase that amount)

(1) you've found me and (2) I'm already being paid.

There are others in the same situation.

All of us are busy people -- we have jobs, we have houses with  
mortgages, etc, and those of us who are already spending a lot of  
time on FreeBSD are probably pretty maxed out without adding more to  
our plates.  You seem to have a lot of energy to burn sending e-mail  
about how to improve the world, and I think what the rest of us  
would like to see is that energy get turned to the more practical  
part of the problem.

As would I.  If we could focus on how to improve the situation which  
has been very well described, we'd be doing something.  I don't think  
you have any idea how frustrating it has been -- I'm here.  I'm ready  
to help.  We need to determine how to do this... and nobody will even  
discuss the problems with me.

(if this was a port or a single component then I'd just go run away  
and do it myself.  But the release process is obviously much more  
complex and I couldn't possibly replicate it or extend it in any  
fashion from the outside)

If you are literally standing there with money that you can't figure  
out how to spend, contact the FreeBSD Foundation Board with a  
specific proposal regarding the amount of money and what you're  
trying to accomplish.  Perhaps we can help you identify people who  
would take the money, companies that might want to be involved, help  
provide some matching funding, etc.  However, it needs to be at  
least a strawman concrete proposal, because waving hands only gets  
you so far.  And it has to be something worth taking time away from  
all the other things busy people get up to in life, such as  
optimizing network stacks, fixing file system bugs, supporting  
releases, etc, or the endeavour has hurt rather than helped.

From our experience, there is a lot more money than there is people's  
time to address the problem.  (as you note above and in the final  
sentence here)  I'm trying to offer something -- more people, already  
paid, to provide more assistance.  But since this involves the release  
process, we'd have to be integrated into the effort to be useful.

FYI: this message is the first I've seen that is going somewhere  
good.  I hope you'll take what I am saying seriously.  I'm going to  
stop replying to many of the other subthreads because they aren't  
going anywhere good, and I'm probably replying too often anyway.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: Upcoming Releases Schedule...

2008-09-18 Thread Jo Rhett

On Sep 18, 2008, at 12:25 PM, Mike Tancsa wrote:
I am not familiar with your company nor any developers that work for  
you. Perhaps you could elaborate on how you have contributed to  
FreeBSD ?

This domain is my vanity domain, actually.  Well not vanity but the  
domain I use on the rare occasions when I do paid work for other  
companies.  (used to be a lot more, is significantly less now)

And no developers work for me.  When I sold out my contract got an  
explicit no head count ;-)  I likey ;-)

In my $EMPLOYER the main proposal would be to dedicate more of my  
time.   The others contribute at random, but I don't see that changing  
much due to their existing commitments.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: Upcoming Releases Schedule...

2008-09-18 Thread Jo Rhett

On Sep 18, 2008, at 12:46 PM, Mike Tancsa wrote:
I am sorry, I meant, what have you contributed currently or in the  
past to FreeBSD ? i.e. what code, or money or physical resources  
(hardware) or time testing code ?

I do a lot of testing and patches regarding components we use.  Search  
the PRs.  I maintain several ports.   I built freebsd package  
management into cfengine, and greatly extended the package management  
functionality above and beyond to support every operation freebsd can  
take on a package.   We host numerous freebsd developers in our  
facility for nearly nothing.  We pay for development of features that  
we need but don't have the appropriate skills to fix ourselves.  We  
sponsor freebsd promotional activity, like the MeetBSD conference  
coming up this November.

In short, we support FreeBSD in every way that I am aware of there is  
to support it.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: Upcoming Releases Schedule...

2008-09-18 Thread Jo Rhett

On Sep 18, 2008, at 1:20 PM, Lowell Gilbert wrote:

I've kind of lost the drift, but it sounds to me as though Jo Rhett is
tentatively offering to take on extended support for 6.2, but not
earlier versions.  Aside from programming skills, what would Jo need
to bring to the table in order to provide that back to the project?
Is that a reasonable statement of what's on discussion here?

[Sorry for putting words into people's mouths, but I need a more
concrete discussion in order to be sure I know what anybody actually

Thank you.  If you don't mind I'd prefer to widen the scope a touch  
because 6.2 will eventually go away, and frankly it is probably better  
to look forward than to resurrect an unsupported version.  So I would  
probably state:

Jo's $EMPLOYER has significant interest in longer support for -REL  
versions.  Enough to fund my time supporting the mainstream project.   
What would Jo (or anyone else in a similar situation) need to bring to  
the table in order to provide back to the project?

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: Upcoming Releases Schedule...

2008-09-18 Thread Jo Rhett

On Sep 18, 2008, at 2:03 PM, Mike Tancsa wrote:
I had a search and I see some PRs you have submitted, but I guess  
you commit under a different email address ?

I don't commit.  I submit and others commit.  This hasn't really been  
a handicap ;-)

Thats most excellent!  I think people would take your suggestions  
with greater gravity if you reminded them with a few URLs to point  
out the various commit messages that say, sponsored by  
netconsonance etc. Or perhaps a few of these numerous developers  
could speak up on your behalf?

Again, netconsonance is Jo and a few random others that contract via  
the company to avoid having to create their own company.   The We in  
most of my discussions is my $EMPLOYER.And you can see their logos  
and name listed in numerous places.

 We pay for development of features that
we need but don't have the appropriate skills to fix ourselves.

That then went back into FreeBSD  ? Can you give examples ? I  
ask all this as you really, really want things to change, and you  
say you have \

I'm sorry, but I have neither the time nor the interest in trying to  
provide a FreeBSD resume to someone.  This is a tangent, and never in  
my experience has a tangent moved the original discussion forward.

Are you in a position to make changes?  What role in this do you  
have?  What value is there answering these questions?

(which have been answered many times if you google for them)

I'd rather just drop this tangent.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: Upcoming Releases Schedule...

2008-09-18 Thread Jo Rhett
I agree with pretty much everything you've said here, with the obvious  
exception that I don't know what's involved in the release management  
process to do as you've said.

Also for my own self, rather than resurrect 6.2 I'd personally rather  
focus on what we could do to extend the support period for 6.4.  And  
other releases going forward.

In particular, I'd like to highlight what you said here because you've  
said very clearly what I've been trying (apparently not so well) to  
say for some time now:

In this way, the companies which are already paying their people to
apply security fixes to old releases can donate the work which is
already being done back to the project.  Hopefully they will end up
sharing the load so that they reap the benefits of work done by other
companies which are paying people to do the same things.


On Sep 18, 2008, at 3:02 PM, Scott Lambert wrote:
I don't have a dog in this fight.  I'm just writing this message  
it looks to me like there is a lot of talking past one another going  
between people who are basically in violent agreement with one  

I am hoping that wording things differently will lead to understanding
on both sides.  I may have completely misinterpreted both sides.   

languages are too ambiguous.

Here is the boiled down gist of my interpretation of a possible way to
go forward with this; bad pseudo code:

RESOURCES='Jo and the others he seems to know of who back port fixes  
  their production versions of unsupported versions of  

For i in RELENG_X_Y (where X_Y is not a currently supported  
version of FreeBSD); do

 grant maintenance commit access for $i to ${RESOURCES}

Now for the code documentation:

Maybe one of the ${RESOURCES} could build some web application whereby
people could sign up to be a community extended support resource for
RELENG_X_Y until $date_in_the_future.  Perhaps a letter of commitment
from ${RESOURCE}s ${EMPLOYER} would be required before accepting the
candidate for work on RELENG_X_Y.

Then the existing developers or core team could approve their
application/access and provide a mentor if they aren't currently
commiters.  (This is some extra work for the existing people.  But
hopefully the rewards would be worth the minimal? effort.)

Eventually, the mentor pool could be wholly from ${RESOURCES}.  Much
of the approval of new candidates would be from the same pool.  The
whole thing might have to be conditional on ${RESOURCES} bringing the
necessary tinderbox type hardware to do basic QA on their extended
support branches.  With enough ${RESOURCES} signed up, they might be
able to get hardware from ${DONORS} other than themselves.

The ${RESOURCES} people could gang up on which RELENG_X_Ys they want  

support.  They can support them for as long as they have people on the
team who are interested in supporting them.  Presumably, these people
would be working for companies which have made a commitment to use
RELENG_X_Y for N years.

In this way, the companies which are already paying their people to
apply security fixes to old releases can donate the work which is
already being done back to the project.  Hopefully they will end up
sharing the load so that they reap the benefits of work done by other
companies which are paying people to do the same things.

So long as the requirements for a back port to the ${RESOURCES}
supported branches are the same as to an officially supported branch,
there shouldn't be much chance of harm.  Perhaps they are only allowed
to back port fixes which have been approved for a supported  

Eventually, if enough ${RESOURCES} sign up, they might be able to
release X.Y.z distribution media.  If they only provide the media for
CD/DVD purchase, the revenue might help to provide for QA tinderboxes
for the ${RESOURCES} supported work.

We might even end up with more people who are familiar with the  

process and volunteer to work on RELENG_X_Y from initial release all
the way through normal end of support and into the community extended
support period.

I think that would provide, as much as is possible, for the don't  

extra work for the existing developers requirement as well as giving
these resources a way to put up or shut up.  I could be wrong.

Scott LambertKC5MLE   Unix  


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Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: Upcoming Releases Schedule...

2008-09-17 Thread Jo Rhett

On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 04:30:26PM +1000, Andrew Snow wrote:
I think FreeBSD is getting in a difficult position now because  
so much cool new stuff being shoe-horned in, but without the  

volume of contributors to back it up with testing and bug fixes.

On Sep 15, 2008, at 11:56 PM, Mark Linimon wrote:

We're interested in suggestions about how to get more people involved
with testing and bug fixes.

There's certainly no lack of demand for the features -- all the way  

running on inexpensive wireless routers all the way up to 'enterprise-
grade' distributed storage solutions.  (These are real examples from
various mailing lists.)

So, in your opinion, what's the way to reconcile all these demands
(features + stability + long-term support of release branches) with
a group that is 95%-plus volunteer effort?

As I have said to you directly in personal e-mail, the maintenance  
schedule is creating a chicken and egg problem.  If companies weren't  
forced to run internal distribution and release management on their  
own, they could allocate more resources (ie volunteers -- PAID ones!)  
to testing and release management of the main distribution.

To speak personally from my own experience: our business can not  
afford to pay me to help develop a release effort with an unknown  
maintenance period (6.4-REL).  Since we need to have a clear  
maintenance window for any installed/upgraded host, we are forced to  
provide that support internally.

If we had known (and longer than 12 month) maintenance periods for a  
given release, then I could avoid maintaining this infrastructure  
internally and would have somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 hours a  
month I could dedicate to testing and bug fixes of FreeBSD as a whole.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: Upcoming Releases Schedule...

2008-09-17 Thread Jo Rhett

On Sep 16, 2008, at 12:38 AM, Matthew Seaman wrote:
On 'long term support of release branches' -- a volunteer project is  
going to struggle to provide this without some form of income to  
support the
necessary hardware and personnel resources needed.  Or in other  
words, if
FreeBSD users want the same sort of support structure as they can  
get from a
commercial vendor, it's going to take a commercial vendor to supply  

FreeBSD Corporation anyone?

I disagree.  The entire advantage of open source is the advantage  
provided by shared interest in a working product.  Each party can put  
in a little and the product is improved for everyone.

If we remove the factors that hamstring companies from providing more  
resources to assist, then you can get more resources working on the  
problem - to everyone's benefit.

I'm not kidding when I say that nearly everyone I know who uses  
FreeBSD in their company spends a lot of time managing their internal  
distribution.  (And every reply to this topic on this mailing list has  
echoed the exact same statement.)

None of the ones I know personally have any interest in doing this,  
and would be happier focusing their effort on the mainstream release.   
A bunch of us made proposals to our $EMPLOYERs to make this happen,  
but there was no apparent interest from the release team so the effort  
was abandoned.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: Upcoming Releases Schedule...

2008-09-17 Thread Jo Rhett

On Mon, 15 Sep 2008, Jo Rhett wrote:
Robert, I'd like to point out to you that when I complained about  
6.2's accelerated EoL, I was soundly boxed around the ears and told  
that I should have been paying attention to the projected EoL date  
when we decided to roll out 6.2 across the business.

Now you are saying that expected EoL will be determined at some  
random point in the future based on gut feelings about how well a  
completely different branch is doing.

How can I reconcile these disparate points of view?  How does one  
focus on testing and upgrade cycle for an appropriately supported  
release when the decision for the support cycle is completely up  
in the air?

On Sep 16, 2008, at 12:47 PM, Robert Watson wrote:
The FreeBSD Project, as with any other company or organization,  
responds to events as they occur.  We try to plan ahead, and when  
things go better or worse than expected, we sometimes change the  
plans.  As far as I know we've never *shortened* the expected  
support timeline for any branch or release, but we have on occasion  
lenthened them when we feel it's important to do so.  I'm not sure  
what other answer is possible.

No other answer.  But nobody has yet provided what the EoL period is  
going to be.  I have no problems with a period being extended ;-)  But  
the business needs to know the minimum EoL for a given release to  
determine if upgrading to that release is viable.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: Upcoming Releases Schedule...

2008-09-17 Thread Jo Rhett

On Sep 17, 2008, at 4:33 PM, Robert Watson wrote:
An important factor is whether or not we consider the release a  
highly maintainable release, and while we have intuitions at the  
time of release, that's something we can only learn in the first  
couple of months after it's in production.  I don't know of any COTS  
software house that really does it any differently

I understand what you mean, but the statement is blatantly false as  
stated.  Anyone selling software to the US Government *must* specify  
(or meet, depending) a minimum support period, and must also specify a  
cost the agency can pay to extend the support period.

Not relevant to FreeBSD -- just qualifying the statement as it  
stands.  For the obvious comparison, Solaris versions have well- 
published release and support periods, usually upwards of 8 years.   
Obviously they have more resources to do this, I'm just pointing out  
that the statement you made is incorrect as stated.

and I'm not sure you could do it differently -- no one plans to ship  
a lemon, but once in a while you discover that things don't go as  

I am amazed at the preposterously large elephant in the room that none  
of you are willing to address.  Watching each of you dance around it  
would be terribly funny if it didn't affect my job so badly.  (and if  
I wasn't going to have to bail on FreeBSD and go to some crap form of  
Linux because the FreeBSD developers appear to be unwilling to  
consider the idea of getting more help)

Your limitation is resources, right?  You've calculated what you can  
support based on the resources you have, right?

We are talking about ways to increase the resources available to  
you... right? So the math on which the conclusions are reached then  

So lets figure out... what do the basis numbers need to be to change  
the support period?

Obviously this is a bit of hand waving.  These numbers are unlikely to  
be empirical.  But try.  Examine the concept of having increased  
resources.  What do you need.  How do you need it, to make a real  

Please stop avoiding even considering what people are offering to you.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: Upcoming Releases Schedule...

2008-09-15 Thread Jo Rhett

On Sep 5, 2008, at 1:19 PM, Ben Kaduk wrote:

   Releases which are published from a -STABLE branch will be
supported by the Security Officer for a minimum of 12 months after the
   Selected releases will be supported by the Security Officer for a
minimum of 24 months after the release.

I don't remember seeing any speculation about 6.4 being an extended
release, so, EoL is 12 months after release, whenever that actually

Okay, so 6.3 will EoL at roughly the same time as 6.4.  Why should  
anyone spend any effort on 6.4?

That's the difference between a long-term-support branch and a  
regular branch;
many OSes do that.  If you want to run the same machines for a long  
time and
not have to do a huge battery of tests (at the expense of getting  
new features

and better performance in the interim), you use long-term branches.
The regular branches that get released later, will then become  

at the same time as the (older) long-term branch.

Yes, it's poor when a long-term branch goes EoL before there's  
another one
ready to take its place, but if the new one isn't ready, then you  
just use

whichever regular release is current and then snag a long-term release
when it becomes available.  Yes, it's more work, but that's life.

Is it just me, or does this make no sense at all?

This does make it clear to me why the release team can't find the  
resources to do longer support.  Who can convince their company to put  
resources into the mainstream release effort, when this kind of cycle  
basically forces every company to run their own internal release  

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: Upcoming Releases Schedule...

2008-09-15 Thread Jo Rhett

On Sep 6, 2008, at 4:06 AM, Robert Watson wrote:
Unfortunately, it's a little hard to tell at time-of-release whether  
a particular release will become extended life or not.  This is  
because extended support status is dependent on the success of the  
release ...
from earlier branch adopters.  How long we keep release 6.x releases  
will depend entirely on how successful 7.x is; I think there's a  
reasonable expectation that 6.4 or 6.5 will be the last 6.x release,  
in which case we would want to grant it extended support status.   
But what happens depends a lot on how successful 7.1 is.  My hopes  
are high, but there's nothing like real-world deployment to shed  
light on things :-).

Robert, I'd like to point out to you that when I complained about  
6.2's accelerated EoL, I was soundly boxed around the ears and told  
that I should have been paying attention to the projected EoL date  
when we decided to roll out 6.2 across the business.

I was also told that I should have been more active in the release  
cycle process for 6.3, etc.

Now you are saying that expected EoL will be determined at some random  
point in the future based on gut feelings about how well a completely  
different branch is doing.

How can I reconcile these disparate points of view?  How does one  
focus on testing and upgrade cycle for an appropriately supported  
release when the decision for the support cycle is completely up in  
the air?

How does one talk to management about getting resources assigned to  
help with the freebsd release testing process, when one cannot make  
any valid predictions for that release will even be supported long  
enough to justify the effort involved in upgrading?

What you are saying is completely reasonable from a developers point  
of view.  But those of us who use freebsd in an environment which  
requires extensive testing and long-term planning for support have  
trouble with this.  In short, I can't imagine how I could possibly  
make any business case to get support for helping the freebsd dev/rel  
process at all.  Why?  Because frankly we're going to be forced to run  
our own internal release management process instead.

I guess this is not surprising, as this appears to be what every other  
business using significant amounts of freebsd in production are doing  
today.  My point to you is that if this wasn't being forced upon every  
company that uses FreeBSD, those companies could commit more resources  
to help the core (main branch, whatever - not Core) freebsd  

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: Upcoming Releases Schedule...

2008-09-04 Thread Jo Rhett

Where can one find the expected EoL for these releases?

On Wed, Sep 03, 2008 at 09:24:04PM -0700, Nathan Way wrote:
To quote from the above web site: (snip)

On Sep 4, 2008, at 6:36 AM, Wesley Shields wrote:

These are the existing releases.  I believe Jo was looking for EoL for
7.1 and 6.4 once they are released.

Yes, thank you.

The answer to that is not clear -
nor do I know if it should be clear yet.  I don't know when the type  

support decision is made, but I suspect it's not this early in the

The release date for 6.4 is ~30 days away, isn't it?

Also given that we've previously seen overlaps such that a newer  
version is only supported to the same EoL as the older version, that  
would pretty much dictate that spending resources on testing 6.4-REL  
and/or upgrading would be futile.

To go back to the original statements made at the time: you should  
consider the lifetime of the release before you invest resources in  
it.   That means we need to know the lifetime to determine how much  
resources to apply to testing it, yes?

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: Upcoming Releases Schedule...

2008-09-03 Thread Jo Rhett
Where can one find the expected EoL for these releases?  I've poked  
around the website and can't find any notes mentioning this, although  
several people have been making posts suggesting that people should  
review the EoL schedule when planning their upgrades.

On Aug 22, 2008, at 5:51 AM, Ken Smith wrote:
We're about to start the release cycle for FreeBSD-7.1 and  

The proposed schedule for the major events of the cycle is:

Freeze  August 29
BETASeptember 1
Branch  September 6
6.4-RC1 September 8
7.1-RC1 September 15
6.4-RC2 September 22
7.1-RC2 September 29
6.4-REL October 6
7.1-REL October 13

I haven't posted the schedule on the Web site yet, I'll try to get  

done over the weekend.

On Monday I'll switch RELENG_7 and RELENG_6 over to say they are
7.1-PRERELEASE and 6.4-PRERELEASE respectively as a heads-up that  

will likely be higher-than-normal developer activity MFC-ing stuff
before code freeze starts.  Odds get higher that if you do updates  
RELENG_7/RELENG_6 branches during this period you *might* wind up  
with a

tree that isn't quite right because you happened to catch it part way
through a developer doing a multi-step commit.

We had been procrastinating on saying definitively whether we thought
6.4-REL would be the last of the RELENG_6 releases to see how well
things went with 7.X (if 7.0-REL was a total disaster we'd have
considered doing a 6.5-REL).  It seems that 7.0-REL went well and
RELENG_7 in general seems to be in good shape so we now expect 6.4-REL
to be the last of the RELENG_6 releases.


   Ken Smith
- From there to here, from here to  |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 there, funny things are everywhere.   |
 - Theodore Geisel |

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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chipset causing locks.

2008-07-21 Thread Jo Rhett
Thanks for the note.  No, just a coincidence.   The chipset is a VIA  
ProSavageDDR KM266.

But thanks for bringing that up ;-)

FWIW, as others have speculated enabling more logging from GEOM  
produced nothing.  It does appear to be a hardware failure of some sort.

On Jul 18, 2008, at 11:29 PM, Peter Wemm wrote:
On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 2:42 PM, Jo Rhett [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 12:59:33AM -0700, Jo Rhett wrote:

Every time it is rebuilding ad0.   Every single boot in the last  


On Jul 11, 2008, at 9:49 AM, Clifton Royston wrote:

That just means that it halted without a proper shutdown.  If it
crashes, the mirror isn't stopped properly, so it's marked dirty,  
so it

must rebuild it.  It is the precise analogy of finding all the file
systems dirty on boot and fscking them, following a crash.

Thanks for the clarification.  Dang, I hoped I was on to something.

This is really off on a tangent, but I thought I'd mention it on the
off-chance that it fit your problem.

Recently there have been grumblings about heat problems with certain
nvidia chipsets on consumer boards.  Apparently, there is some process
issue, if you believe trade rags like etc.  Apparently
there is some issue with heat damage over time.  Consumer motherboards
with passive cooled (no fan) heat pipes etc seem to be particularly
vulnerable.  I use the word apparently because it is far from a
verified fact.

However, I've got two motherboards, one running freebsd, one running
windows, with nvidia chipsets.  Both used to be fine with onboard IDE
activity.  Both now use raid controllers so the IDE interfaces have
been idle for a good year or so.

Something came up and I had to use the IDE interfaces for a lot of
data transfer.  Suddenly, both machines are flakey.  The windows
machine blue screens under load.  My freebsd box just turns off
(motherboard appears to power off, but the power supply is on still).
The same happens when I use a linux boot disk, so I know its not
FreeBSD's fault.

The common factor seems to be that the motherboards are now about a
year and a half old.  They both have the same nvidia south bridge that was trashing.   Both used to work fine, now have
problems with IDE.  and now I recalled the article and started

Do you, by any wildly remote chance, have an nvidia based motherboard?

I believe the fault I'm seeing is the system asserting a fatal error
by doing a HT ECC flood to halt everything.


All of this is for nothing if we don't go to the stars - JMS/B5
If Java had true garbage collection, most programs would delete
themselves upon execution. -- Robert Sewell

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: how to get more logging from GEOM?

2008-07-16 Thread Jo Rhett

On Jul 11, 2008, at 4:48 AM, Ronald Klop wrote:
You can try going into the kernel debugger to see where it is  
hanging. Debugging via a serial cable is also very easy.
I don't know the details, but there is a lot of info in the Freebsd  
handbook. Put this in google 'freebsd handbook kernel debug'.

Thanks for the reply.  I'm familiar with these options, but as the  
system is currently running GENERIC and trying to compile a kernel  
would guarantee to cause the problem to occur...  I could probably  
keep hacking at it until I finally get everything compiled, but...

Ugh.  I guess this option doesn't appeal very much.  Are there any  
other options available?

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: how to get more logging from GEOM?

2008-07-16 Thread Jo Rhett

On Jul 11, 2008, at 8:58 AM, Roland Smith wrote:

After about 2 weeks of watching it carefully I've learned almost
nothing.  It's not a disk failure (AFAIK) it's not cpu overheat (now
running healthd without complaints) it's not based on any given
network traffic...  however it does appear to accompany heavy cpu/ 
activity.  It usually dies when indexing my websites at night (but  

always) and it sometimes dies when compiling programs.   Just heavy
disk isn't enough to do the job, as backups proceed without
problems.   Heavy cpu by itself isn't enough to do it either.  But if
I start compiling things and keep going a while, it will eventually

Is there anything else I should be looking at?

Power supply or motherboard would be my first guess.

If the system went offline, I agree.  But it's clearly a kernel  
deadlock, since the system remains pingable, answers TCP connections,  
etc etcc but doesn't respond.  No TCP negotiation, no response on  
the console, etc.   It's higher level activity which isn't working...

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: how to get more logging from GEOM?

2008-07-16 Thread Jo Rhett

On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 12:59:33AM -0700, Jo Rhett wrote:

Every time it is rebuilding ad0.   Every single boot in the last two

On Jul 11, 2008, at 9:49 AM, Clifton Royston wrote:

 That just means that it halted without a proper shutdown.  If it
crashes, the mirror isn't stopped properly, so it's marked dirty, so  

must rebuild it.  It is the precise analogy of finding all the file
systems dirty on boot and fscking them, following a crash.

Thanks for the clarification.  Dang, I hoped I was on to something.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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how to get more logging from GEOM?

2008-07-11 Thread Jo Rhett
About 10 days ago one of my personal machines started hanging at  
random.  This is the first bit of instability I've ever experienced on  
this machine (2+ years running)

FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE-p11 FreeBSD 6.2- 
RELEASE-p11 #0: Wed Feb 13 06:44:57 UTC 2008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  i386

After about 2 weeks of watching it carefully I've learned almost  
nothing.  It's not a disk failure (AFAIK) it's not cpu overheat (now  
running healthd without complaints) it's not based on any given  
network traffic...  however it does appear to accompany heavy cpu/disk  
activity.  It usually dies when indexing my websites at night (but not  
always) and it sometimes dies when compiling programs.   Just heavy  
disk isn't enough to do the job, as backups proceed without  
problems.   Heavy cpu by itself isn't enough to do it either.  But if  
I start compiling things and keep going a while, it will eventually  

My best guess is that geom is having a problem and locking up.   
There's no log entry before failure to back this idea up, but I think  
this because during boot I see the following:

ad0: 286168MB Seagate ST3300622A 3.AAH at ata0-master UDMA100
GEOM_MIRROR: Device gm0 created (id=575427344).
GEOM_MIRROR: Device gm0: provider ad0 detected.
ad1: 286168MB Seagate ST3300622A 3.AAH at ata0-slave UDMA100
GEOM_MIRROR: Device gm0: provider ad1 detected.
GEOM_MIRROR: Device gm0: provider ad1 activated.
GEOM_MIRROR: Device gm0: provider mirror/gm0 launched.
GEOM_MIRROR: Device gm0: rebuilding provider ad0.

Every time it is rebuilding ad0.   Every single boot in the last two  

Is this any way to get more logging from geom, to confirm or deny this  

Is there anything else I should be looking at?

FWIW, this never happened before the p11 patch to 6.2.   I don't know  
if that is related or not.

Obviously, I can't upgrade to 6.3 if heavy cpu/disk activity kills the  

No, I don't have any other insights.  I'm not prone to posting duh  
help me please! posts, so I'm quite a bit frustrated by this one.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: no serial console for ttyd0 HP Blade

2008-07-02 Thread Jo Rhett
I'll bet you that sio is deciding that com1 or not, it's sio1 (not  
sio0) which can be fixed with the changes I mention below.

On Jul 1, 2008, at 11:38 PM, Ulf Zimmermann wrote:

I take that back, on blades the virtual serial is on COM1.

On Tue, Jul 01, 2008 at 11:36:51PM -0700, Ulf Zimmermann wrote:
Also remember that the blades have 2 serial ports, one can be  
accessed via
a dongle in the front of the blade and I believe that is what usual  
would be
called COM1 by default. The virtual serial via ilo takes up the  
COM2 by
default. This is at least the default on DL series servers and I  

checked into using the virtual serial on the Blades we have.

On Tue, Jul 01, 2008 at 09:42:16PM -0700, Jo Rhett wrote:

This rhymes with sio deciding that your TTY is something other than
ttyd0.  We had this same problem on Rackable -- even though the  
tty was setup 0x3f8 irq 4 it was being assigned to sio1.   You can  

this by 'grep sio /var/log/messages'

The only fix for this is to edit /boot/device.hints and reassign the
flags to the sio1 interface, like so:

On Jul 1, 2008, at 8:23 AM, Marian Hettwer wrote:
I installed a recent (as of today) RELENG_7 on one of our HP  

Unluckily my serial output stops right when a getty at ttyd0 should
in. So I'm blind for the rest of the startup.
Very unfortunate.
The boot menu, as the bootup itself is printed out on serial  

da0: COMPAQ RAID 0  VOLUME OK Fixed Direct Access SCSI-5 device
da0: 135.168MB/s transfers
da0: 139947MB (286611840 512 byte sectors: 255H 32S/T 35124C)
Trying to mount root from ufs:/dev/da0s1a
bce0: link state changed to DOWN
bce0: link state changed to UP
bce1: link state changed to UP

Which is, what I think, the point when init should take over and
spawn a
serial console on ttyd0, according to my /etc/ttys:
# grep ttyd0 /etc/ttys
ttyd0   /usr/libexec/getty std.9600 vt100   on secure

# cat /boot/loader.conf
console=vidconsole,comconsole   # A comma separated list of
boot_multicons=-D   # -D: Use multiple consoles
boot_serial=-h  # -h: Use serial console

# uname -a
FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE #0: Tue
Jul  1
14:59:43 CEST 2008 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/ 


The blade itself is a HP BL465c G5

Any ideas? I don't have this blade for a long time, so I'm a bit  
in a

In fact, right now I'm testing this setup against a Debian 4.0 with
Linux under MySQL load, and up until now the machine looks good.
If I wind up with a fully working, nearly as fast and stable as our
boxes installation, I'd might be able to convince the boys at  

give FreeBSD a try.
And in a 600 server setup, I'd be thrilled to do so :-)
So lets get started with this serial console issue... which is
indeed a
pain :(


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Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source
and other randomness

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Regards, Ulf.

Ulf Zimmermann, 1525 Pacific Ave., Alameda, CA-94501, #: 510-865-0204
You can find my resume at:

Regards, Ulf.

Ulf Zimmermann, 1525 Pacific Ave., Alameda, CA-94501, #: 510-865-0204
You can find my resume at:

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: no serial console for ttyd0 HP Blade

2008-07-02 Thread Jo Rhett

On Jul 2, 2008, at 1:04 AM, Marian Hettwer wrote:
puuuh, well, with your suggested change, I do get a login prompt now  

ttyd1 it says), but I don't see any bootup messages anymore.
It seems that the sio0 is irq 4 while booting and becomes irq3 later.
That's odd.
If I remember correctly, one was able to configure the mapping of  

ports in the BIOS (in regards to those HP blades). Perhaps that helps.
I'll give it a shot and if I found a way to have boot messages and the
login getty, I'll drop a [solved] mail to this list.

So the boot loader uses 0x3f8 irq 4 no matter what it's mapped to.
Second stage does something similar, but
After you've loaded the kernel it does mappings to sio0 and sio1 and  
these may be different.
This is why you have to screw with device.hints so that all three  
stages are using the same device.

Jul  1 15:13:57 db46-202 kernel: sio0: Standard PC COM port port  
0x2f8-0x2ff irq 3 flags 0x10 on acpi0

It's pretty clear from your grep command that sio0 is 0x2f8 irq 3, but  
the boot loader always uses 0x3f8 irq 4.  You have to change these  
until the device which has 0x3f8 irq 4 has the flags 0x10 option,  
which is what makes it the console.

NOTE: I think this whole parade sucks, and the kernel should believe  
device.hints ... but there is no apparent interest in solving this  
problem (even when a bounty is offered), and I don't do enough device  
driver development these days for it to be worth my time.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: no serial console for ttyd0 HP Blade

2008-07-01 Thread Jo Rhett
This rhymes with sio deciding that your TTY is something other than  
ttyd0.  We had this same problem on Rackable -- even though the proper  
tty was setup 0x3f8 irq 4 it was being assigned to sio1.   You can see  
this by 'grep sio /var/log/messages'

The only fix for this is to edit /boot/device.hints and reassign the  
flags to the sio1 interface, like so:

On Jul 1, 2008, at 8:23 AM, Marian Hettwer wrote:

I installed a recent (as of today) RELENG_7 on one of our HP Blades.
Unluckily my serial output stops right when a getty at ttyd0 should  

in. So I'm blind for the rest of the startup.
Very unfortunate.
The boot menu, as the bootup itself is printed out on serial console  

da0: COMPAQ RAID 0  VOLUME OK Fixed Direct Access SCSI-5 device
da0: 135.168MB/s transfers
da0: 139947MB (286611840 512 byte sectors: 255H 32S/T 35124C)
Trying to mount root from ufs:/dev/da0s1a
bce0: link state changed to DOWN
bce0: link state changed to UP
bce1: link state changed to UP

Which is, what I think, the point when init should take over and  
spawn a

serial console on ttyd0, according to my /etc/ttys:
# grep ttyd0 /etc/ttys
ttyd0   /usr/libexec/getty std.9600 vt100   on secure

# cat /boot/loader.conf
console=vidconsole,comconsole		# A comma separated list of  

boot_multicons=-D   # -D: Use multiple consoles
boot_serial=-h  # -h: Use serial console

# uname -a
FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE #0: Tue  
Jul  1
14:59:43 CEST 2008 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/ 


The blade itself is a HP BL465c G5

Any ideas? I don't have this blade for a long time, so I'm a bit in a
In fact, right now I'm testing this setup against a Debian 4.0 with  
Linux under MySQL load, and up until now the machine looks good.
If I wind up with a fully working, nearly as fast and stable as our  
boxes installation, I'd might be able to convince the boys at work  

give FreeBSD a try.
And in a 600 server setup, I'd be thrilled to do so :-)
So lets get started with this serial console issue... which is  
indeed a

pain :(


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Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: tracking -stable in the enterprise

2008-06-30 Thread Jo Rhett

On Jun 25, 2008, at 3:46 AM, Peter Wemm wrote:

No.  Why on earth would we do that?  if we wanted to cause ourselves
that much pain for no good reason, we'd go get a pencil and stab
ourselves in the eye.

We don't upgrade machines that have been deployed unless there is a
good reason to.

This makes sense.  But for personal curiosity sake, what if Yahoo  
needed to stick with supported FreeBSD releases?  How would you deal  
with updating that many machines every 12 months?

Would that be possible in your business?

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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tracking -stable in the enterprise

2008-06-25 Thread Jo Rhett

On Jun 23, 2008, at 7:51 AM, John Baldwin wrote:

FWIW, Yahoo! tracks -stable branches, not point releases.

I'm curious about this (and stealing the dead thread).

How does one track -stable in an enterprise environment?  I assume  
that what you mean is we pick points in -stable that we believe are  
stable enough and create a snapshot from this point that we test and  
roll out to production ...?  Am I wrong?

I mean, I guess Yahoo has enough resources to literally run every  
commit to -stable through a full test cycle and push it out to every  
machine, but my mind boggles to imagine the manpower cost of doing  
so.  (and to justify the manpower cost versus the gain from doing so...)

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: tracking -stable in the enterprise

2008-06-25 Thread Jo Rhett

On Jun 25, 2008, at 3:46 AM, Peter Wemm wrote:

Correct.  We roll our own build snapshots periodically, but we also
keep a pretty careful eye on what's going on in the -stable branches.

Okay, that makes sense to me ;-)

I mean, I guess Yahoo has enough resources to literally run every  
commit to
-stable through a full test cycle and push it out to every machine,  
but my

No.  Why on earth would we do that?  if we wanted to cause ourselves
that much pain for no good reason, we'd go get a pencil and stab
ourselves in the eye.

Yes, we are definitely on the same page.   Thanks for the  
clarification ;-)

We don't upgrade machines that have been deployed unless there is a
good reason to.

Do you deploy machines for longer than 1 year?  How do you deal with  
security patches in the longer term?

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: Closing the Jo Rhett argument

2008-06-09 Thread Jo Rhett

On Jun 9, 2008, at 4:25 PM, Joe Kelsey wrote:
Jo Rhett has clearly stated (in offline reply) that they do not  
participate in the -BETA and-RC cycles leading up to -RELEASE, so  
they therefore do not have any issues with -RELEASE and EoL to raise.
Actually, they still have the same complaints to raise about EoL,  
but since they refuse to participate in the -RELEASE process, they  
do not have valid points to raise.

I ask that everyone please stop communicating with the persona known  
on this list as Jo Rhett unless and until they participate in the - 
BETA, -RC, and -RELEASE process.  You cannot raise any sort of valid

I'd really like to ignore this post because it would appear Joe Kelsey  
is insane (not kidding, read below).  But just in case someone  
believes this, I have quoted here my entire reply to Joe Kelsey (only  
one reply). You'll notice that there is no mention of the release  
cycles.  It wasn't part of the topic at all.

Um, no.  My post was not titled I can't upgrade to 6.3 for a  
reason.  The problem is the very limited EoL times set for the  

And I'm not talking about reading the CVS logs and assuming  
anything.  I have a customer using the exact same hardware we are  
using who is the reporter of some serious problems with 6.3.   They  
were forced to stop rollout of 6.3 because of them.  Their untouched  
6.2 machines continue to run fine.  This is why I said guaranteed  
to fail.

The main problem is the constant release churn.  There *were* a lot  
of people willing to invest time/money/machines to provide longer  
EoL for releases.  I was asking for information to determine what  
resources were necessary and how to best apply them.  (this detail  
is necessary because we were going to put together a proposal to  
take to our respective $EMPLOYERs and get financial support behind  

I suspect your heart is in the right place, but your actual post is  
of the nature of

1. Take the stated information and resolve it to something else
2. Make the stated person sound like an idiot for your own  
interpretation of it

3. repeat again and again for a few more paragraphs.

Perhaps you should just once assume that the poster is competent,  
knows exactly what they saying, and means what they say?  I didn't  
say guaranteed to fail because I had a bad dream about it.  I said  
it because I have a 6.3 system in the test lab showing the exact  
same failure.  Why was I not showing the output in this thread?   

Seriously, next time you find yourself thinking that someone else is  
an idiot, take a step back and try, just try to put yourself in  
their shoes.  Try and imagine that this person is competent, and is  
being honest about what they say.  And before you ask, I did do this  
when I wrote this message.   I suspect your heart is in the right  
place.  I usually believe this in other people, it makes my world a  
happier place to be.

The first time mention of BETA and RC cycles came up was in his reply  
to me, which was full of personal insults and attacks like the  
following, so I discarded it without reply:

I see no reason to assume competence on your part since you have  
demonstrated no competence.

I don't need to assume anything about you.  You have demonstrated  
your idiocy to everyone on the list.  Please keep your insane rants  
to yourself in the future.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: challenge: end of life for 6.2 is premature with buggy 6.3

2008-06-07 Thread Jo Rhett

On Jun 5, 2008, at 1:39 AM, Peter Jeremy wrote:
On 2008-Jun-04 22:22:33 -0700, Jo Rhett [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
And please stop with the loaded language.  I'm not asking anyone to  
for me.  I am suggesting that it is perhaps too early to EoL 6.2  

6.3 isn't ready yet.

So you have stated.  When asked to provide evidence to backup that
statement, you have refused.  Since you are the one claiming that
6.3 isn't ready yet, the onus is on you to put up or shut up.

Sorry, Peter to have annoyed you, but this kind of language is useless  
for accomplishing anything other than pissing me off.  I'm not going  
to go there.

And I never refused anything, simply indicated that I didn't have  
time at that moment.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: challenge: end of life for 6.2 is premature with buggy 6.3

2008-06-07 Thread Jo Rhett

On Jun 5, 2008, at 2:45 AM, Steven Hartland wrote:

You are still fail to take to the time to even tell people what these
bugs are, no ones a mind reader!

People are trying to help you here but all I'm hearing is a child like
It doesn't work fix it, with no willingness to even explain what it
is or provide resources to test if someone found the time to  

your issues.
Given this I don't see how you can expect these so called issues to
ever get fixed.

I think you are misunderstanding the point at hand.  I'm not trying to  
address specific issues.  (I'd be happy to in another thread next  
week).  This thread was created to address the overall well-documented  
list of bugs in 6.3, which is the *only* supported stable version of  
the operating system.  (7.0 is even less stable)

The most stable (by numbers of bugs and numbers of reported problems)  
is 6.2.

I see no valid reasoning that can be backed up by numbers as to why  
6.2 should be EoL.  That's the point I'm addressing.  The specific  
bugs that affect us are not necessarily relevant to the overall  
stability.  And anyone can do the same searches on the bug list to  
confirm these numbers for themselves.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: challenge: end of life for 6.2 is premature with buggy 6.3

2008-06-07 Thread Jo Rhett

On Jun 5, 2008, at 4:34 AM, Adrian Chadd wrote:

If its of major concern for you, then allocate some man hours, grab
the /usr/src/sys diffs between RELENG_6_2_0_RELEASE  and

The others on the list have stated over and over again that they
haven't seen any issues and would like to know precisely what they

While I appreciate their concern for the specifics, I think those  
should be addressed in another thread.  This thread was meant to  
question the overall stability issues that pretty much anyone can view  
for themselves in the freebsd-questions/hardware/scsi mailing lists  
and queries in the open bug reports.

If stability is your main concern then you could throw some resources
at fixing 6.3 or throw some resources at backporting security fixes to

I will apparently be backporting the security fixes myself until 6.4  

I'm sure noone has an agenda to squish the FreeBSD version you're
using for any reason other than there aren't enough people
volunteering / being paid to work on back-porting security fixes.

This is perhaps the real topic that needs to be addressed.  Can we get  
some more details on the issues involved here?

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: CLARITY re: challenge: end of life for 6.2 is premature with buggy 6.3

2008-06-07 Thread Jo Rhett

(Top posted because I didn't want to snip what you said)

Bruce, all of what you said below is well known.  I understand and  
don't have any problem with this.  You seem to be trying to address  
something I wasn't asking about -- certifications, etc and such.  Not  
a concern.

The question I raised is simply: given the number of bugs opened and  
fixed since 6.3-RELEASE shipped, why is 6.3 the only supported  
version?  Why does it make sense for FreeBSD to stop supporting a  
stable version and force people to choose between two different  
unstable versions?  Is this really the right thing to do?

On Jun 5, 2008, at 5:03 AM, Bruce M. Simpson wrote:
  It is worth remembering that FreeBSD is an open source project,  
and it's maintained on a best-effort basis -- it is offered for free  
and without any warranty. Like any other open source project, risk  
management and change management becomes a two-way street, because  
that's the trade-off struck with the open source model.

  The risks, as well as the benefits, have to be factored in  
carefully to your company's technology strategy, as I'm sure you're  

  I'm very surprised that the 6.3 train has been a big issue for  
you, although speaking from the development side of the fence, there  
are a lot of moving targets, and vendor support of the OS does play  
a part.
  It is difficult to offer any more specific advice without knowing  
in more detail exactly what's causing such problems for you,  
although I see you've offered general pointers, the folk directly  
involved need to be pointed at direct information.
  The FreeBSD Project just doesn't have the resources to do  
compatibility testing on the scale of e.g. Windows Hardware Quality  
Labs, as I'm sure you are also aware.

  I take on board what you say about your organisation holding back  
on an upgrade because there are PRs filed for the hardware you use,  
and having worked in an investment banking environment, I understand  
this level of conservatism is warranted.

  However, I point out again: it's the open source model, and where  
hardware compatibility is concerned, it really is a case of suck it  
and see.
  Always has been, no different anywhere else. Open source requires  
user participation. Microsoft run the WHQL because their status as a  
going concern depends on it.

  I'm pleased to hear about your offer of hardware resources for  
developers. However, this is only part of the problem.
  To my mind, you need to find the right people, with the right  
skills, to deal with the issues, and quite often, those guys are  
already in demand, and thus their time can attract a high value.  
Open source succeeds because money is not the only motivation.

  The alternative is DIY, and that is the point.

  If you need firm guarantees about support, consider contracting  
with someone to do that. Many companies using FreeBSD already  
outsource this kind of support requirement to 3rd parties. There are  
also FreeBSD hardware vendors who support FreeBSD as a platform.

If you want someone to take responsibility, make 'em an offer.


Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: CLARITY re: challenge: end of life for 6.2 is premature with buggy 6.3

2008-06-07 Thread Jo Rhett

On Jun 5, 2008, at 5:51 AM, Jeremy Chadwick wrote:
If the exact regression between 6.2 and 6.3 can be tracked down,  

If it's in a specific driver, CVS commit logs or cvsweb will come in
handy.  Otherwise, if it's some larger piece of code (ohai i revamped
the intrupt handlar!), chances of finding it are slimmer.  I'm a bit
disappointed that Jo hasn't explicitly mentioned what's broken in 6.3
that's affecting him, because that might help everyone.  Heck, I'll  
add it to my Commonly reported issue wiki page.  PRs would be good,  

I'll gladly take past mailing list discussions.

I will start a new thread with the specific issues that concern my  
environment upon my return.  I'd like to keep the specific issues  
separate from the overall policy question, because they are very  
different in my mind.

Jo's opinion is reasonable, but the bottom line is that the FreeBSD
Project folks will always win the argument once the it's best-effort
trump card is played; the convo has to end once it's on the table.

Yes, but it often gets played too often too fast.  It's worth having a  
discussion of the policy goals.  I'm not saying that this isn't the  
very best that FreeBSD can do -- maybe it is.  I just couldn't find  
any documentation of why dropping 6.2 makes a lot of sense, so I was  
hoping to get a clear answer for that.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: challenge: end of life for 6.2 is premature with buggy 6.3

2008-06-07 Thread Jo Rhett

On Jun 5, 2008, at 6:09 AM, Dag-Erling Smørgrav wrote:

If you have issues with 6.3, your time would be better spent reporting
them (by which I mean describe them in detail) than waving your  
hands in

the air and yelling at people.

Must you resort to nonsense and hyperbole?

I'd said nearly a dozen times that the issues I have aren't  
specifics.  I am questioning the overall policy for EoL here. Even if  
it was known to work properly on my hardware the overwhelming amount  
of bugs in 6.3 indicates an unstable release.  The diffs between 6.3  
and 6-STABLE are greater than the diffs between 6.2 and 6.3 last time  
I checked.

I can't understand the logic in having only a single supported version  
of the OS, especially one which so many known/reported/fixed-post- 
release bugs.

And please don't respond if you can't avoid resorting to hyperbole  
like what I quoted above.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
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Re: challenge: end of life for 6.2 is premature with buggy 6.3

2008-06-07 Thread Jo Rhett

Hi, John.  Thanks for your update and I'll keep your experience in mind.

As stated in previous messages, I'll open new threads in the  
appropriate lists about any specific driver issues (with details) that  
I am concerned about.  This thread was intended to deal with the  
overall policy issue for dropping 6.2 in just barely more than a year..

On Jun 5, 2008, at 7:23 AM, John Baldwin wrote:

On Wednesday 04 June 2008 01:20:56 pm Jo Rhett wrote:

Okay, I totally understand that FreeBSD wants people to upgrade from
6.2 to 6.3.  But given that 6.3 is still experiencing bugs with  
that are working fine and stable in 6.2, this is a pretty hard case  


This is also a fairly significant investment in terms of time and
money for any business to handle this ugprade.  It totally understand
obsoleting 5.x now that 7.x is out.  But 6.2 is barely a year old...

FWIW, at Y! 6.3 is more stable than 6.2 (I had a list of about 10  
patches for
known deadlocks and kernel panics that were errata candidates for  
6.2 that
never made it into RELENG_6_2 but all of them are in 6.3).  We also  
have many
machines with bge(4) and from our perspective 6.3 has less issues  
with bge0

devices than 6.2.

Given the real world experience I have, your claims of instability w/ 
o even
testing 6.3 border on silly.  Also, when it comes to bge(4), you  
need to be
_very_ specific about what chipsets you are using and comparing  
those with
the chipsets in the bug reports you read.  The bge(4) driver in  

covers a vast range of different hardware variations and is a bit of a
hodge-podge itself.  If there is a problem with a 5705 card then it  
may be

specific to just 5705 parts and not affect 575x, etc. parts.

Again, with 3ware, there are two different drivers (twe(4) vs  
twa(4)) and
again, you need to be more specific with which driver you are using  
and which

model controllers you have.

John Baldwin

Jo Rhett
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please stop being nasty to people.

2008-06-07 Thread Jo Rhett

On Jun 5, 2008, at 8:01 AM, Kris Kennaway wrote:
Uh yeah, this has been in place for *years*.  Have you actually  
read the

support announcements?  They are public ;)

Yes, and this is the FreeBSD definition of long term support.   
Don't like it?  Do something about it.

Kris, is this kind of repeated nastiness necessary?

Most everyone who has posted on this thread cares deeply about FreeBSD  
and does what they can to support it.  What do you hope to gain by  
being nasty to them?

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: challenge: end of life for 6.2 is premature with buggy 6.3

2008-06-07 Thread Jo Rhett

On Jun 5, 2008, at 8:39 AM, Kris Kennaway wrote:
There has been nothing of value offered in this thread, and it's  
only served to piss off a number of developers who already put huge  
amounts of volunteer time into supporting FreeBSD, and who take  
pride in the quality of their work.

I'm honestly sorry to hear that.  I tried very hard with the very  
limited time I had available to me to phrase it clearly as a policy/ 
support issue and not to put the blame on any developer.  There are  
number of issues in projects I support that are waiting on time from  
me too, so I can hardly point any fingers in that direction.  We *all*  
have less time to work on this stuff than we might want.

Asking the volunteers to
a) fix unspecified problems that the submitter will not name in  
detail but which are OMG SHOWSTOPPER YOU MUST FIX

In rereading my quotes I may have not been clear on something.  The  
vast majority of these bugs have already been fixed. (not in a state  
that needs help identifying was what I said trying to cover both that  
and known bugs without a fix yet)

However, the fixes are not available in a -RELEASE version of the  
operating system.  This is why EoLing 6.2 and forcing people to  
upgrade to a release with lots of known issues is a problem.

Obviously you have to choose between developer time/effort to create a  
release candidate and the effort required to backdate security patches  
to 6.2.  I don't know the reasons (which is why I created this thread)  
but my guess was the latter was easier than the former...

b) donate even more unpaid time to supporting branches because it  
seems like a good compromise (!)

shows a complete failure of understanding and frankly beggars belief.

Although the insults aren't helpful, I agree with you.  I created this  
thread because I have a failure of understanding.  I'd appreciate  
some enlightenment of the real costs involved (and how we could help  
if possible).  That's why I created this thread.

Such people are not acting as supporters of the project, however  
well-intentioned they may believe themselves to be.

You seem quite willing to make enemies.  I'm not your enemy, and we'd  
both probably get a lot more work done if you stopped treating me like  

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: challenge: end of life for 6.2 is premature with buggy 6.3

2008-06-07 Thread Jo Rhett

On Jun 5, 2008, at 8:39 AM, Adrian Chadd wrote:

The OP stated argh argh sky is falling with 6.3! but hasn't yet
listed PRs which indicate this to be happening.
He's offered hardware in a week or two - which is great! - but what
irks the developers is the large amount of noise and absolutely no
useful information. Anyone can say its broken!..

Adrian, your other comments are smart and valid.  Why is this kind of  
hyperbole necessary?

I never said anything tragic or emergency or anything like that.  I  
questioned the practicality of having a single supported release with  
significant known bugs in it.

It will take pretty much all the time I spend supporting FreeBSD os  
and applications away to focus entirely on backporting security  
patches back to 6.2.   I know of several other organizations facing  
the same problem.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: challenge: end of life for 6.2 is premature with buggy 6.3

2008-06-07 Thread Jo Rhett

On Jun 5, 2008, at 8:39 AM, Adrian Chadd wrote:

So yes, the way to contribute is to get involved. If you think there's
a real desire to take FreeBSD-6.2 (as an example) and continue
supporting security patches and critical bugfixes, versus the
larger-scale changes which seem to have gone on in /usr/src/sys then
just get together a group, generate some patches and submit them.

Splinter groups, in my experience, tend to create duplicate work loads  
and make things harder, not easier.  They seem to be useful only when  
there is a deadlock in the core team, and so far FreeBSD has avoided  

I would rather focus my efforts on something that produces more  
effective results.

This is the reasoning behind my question: why drop 6.2 and 6.1 at the  
same time?  What is the real cost of supporting 6.2 until a new stable  
version ships?

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: challenge: end of life for 6.2 is premature with buggy 6.3

2008-06-07 Thread Jo Rhett

On Jun 5, 2008, at 8:53 AM, Patrick M. Hausen wrote:

So he should at least be able to name the relevant PRs.
Or name at least one. Then nobody would complain.

I'm sure somebody would complain ;-)  but yeah, valid.  Unfortunately  
I was on my 3rd day of less than 3 hours sleep and had to leave in  
less than 9 hours from my post, with 12 hours of work to do before  
then.  I really honestly didn't have the time.

I wanted to hold the post until I returned, but last time I did that I  
got dozens of accusations of sitting on it and speaking sooner, etc etc.

I was hoping in my wishes-were-horses brain that someone would provide  
some insight into the issues that made obsoleting 6.2 a good idea, so  
that on my return I could determine how best to focus my efforts.

But stating it's all well documented without providing evidence
doesn't help. I for one was not able to find any open PRs that
deal specifically with 3ware hardware and 6.3, but not 6.[0-2].


Agreed, but he should name the PRs he's referring to.
You know, my crystal ball is at the shop for a check, and
it seems like everybody else's is, too.

Because focusing on the specifics never helps with policy issues.   
Every time I raise a policy issue and someone asks for specific bugs  
relevant, I answer them and the overall policy issue degrades into the  
merits of the specific problem, and usually into insults from people  
who don't understand why I don't replace X piece of hardware.  The  
overall policy question gets lost.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: challenge: end of life for 6.2 is premature with buggy 6.3

2008-06-07 Thread Jo Rhett

On Jun 5, 2008, at 8:58 AM, Chris Marlatt wrote:
I can certainly relate to a potentially standoff'ish approach that's  
been seen recently. It's easy to take people's criticism as  
completely negative regardless what is said. To be honest though -  
people are using FreeBSD because it's a good project to say the  
least. A few negative comments doesn't mean they think the whole  
project is trash. Excluding the fact that we're all human and have  
emotions / ego, you have to agree that such a hostile approach isn't  
really the best thing.

Thank you.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: challenge: end of life for 6.2 is premature with buggy 6.3

2008-06-07 Thread Jo Rhett

On Jun 5, 2008, at 9:34 AM, Ken Smith wrote:
As for re-defining extended support to mean 4 or 5 years instead of  

two it's not clear us doing that (except for anomolies like 4.11) is
really in your best interests.  :-)

2 years would be perfectly fine in my mind.  I'd love to see 2 years  
of support for 6.2-RELEASE.

6.2 was (and *is* AFAIK) the most stable release of FreeBSD since 4.11  
and it came out the door with less than 12 months of support intended.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: challenge: end of life for 6.2 is premature with buggy 6.3

2008-06-07 Thread Jo Rhett

On Jun 5, 2008, at 10:27 AM, Doug Barton wrote:

I'm pretty sure the only person that's going to matter to is you.


This isn't the '80's, and we aren't in grade school. See above on
taking no for an answer.

Doug, is this really necessary?  Is this kind of response going to help?

Chris, please accept my apology for having created this thread as it  
seems to have become nothing more than an opportunity for people talk  
nastily to others.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: challenge: end of life for 6.2 is premature with buggy 6.3

2008-06-07 Thread Jo Rhett

On Jun 5, 2008, at 10:27 AM, Doug Barton wrote:

It's quite possible what was proposed is an awful idea and if it is
so be it. But it would appear as though it wasn't even considered.

On the contrary. This, and lots of other ideas have been given very  
careful consideration and have been rejected due to lack of  
resources. There, feel better?

Seriously folks, it's not as if we don't _want_ to be able to  
provide better, longer, faster, $whatever support. We're just trying  
to be realistic about what we can reasonably do with what we have  

Doug, would you possibly (without attacking me?) give some insight  
into the issues here?  This is what I was asking: what prevents  
supporting 6.2 ?  Where could I best apply some of my time to improve  
the situation?

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: challenge: end of life for 6.2 is premature with buggy 6.3

2008-06-07 Thread Jo Rhett

On Jun 5, 2008, at 10:31 AM, Steven Hartland wrote:
I have no sympathy for anyone who's going to moan about a previous  

being desupported that isn't willing to put the effort in to make the
issues they are seeing get fixed.

How do you know I haven't?  Point of fact, I have.   This thread was  
not about the specific bug fixes not yet available in a -RELEASE.

This thread was to question the reasoning behind obsoleting 6.2 so  
very quickly.  It's a policy issue, not a single bug report.  It has  
more to do with the X results column in a PR search than any single  
one of the entries.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: challenge: end of life for 6.2 is premature with buggy 6.3

2008-06-07 Thread Jo Rhett

On Jun 5, 2008, at 10:38 AM, Doug Barton wrote:
When you do come back, your first message should contain a list of  
PRs that you're concerned about, and confirmation (per jhb's  
message) that you have the _exact_ hardware that is referred to in  
them. If you can't provide that, don't bother.

That's a very separate issue.  I was asking about the policy  
reasoning.  Fixing all of the bugs affecting my environment won't help  
me until they are -RELEASE, which is going to a take a lot of  
resources.  A lot more than supporting 6.2, right?  If not, please  
educate me.

And please stop being nasty.  I'd said much the same thing over the  
last 5 days, but I haven't once uttered a word about you not reading  
what has already been said repeatedly.  Nor does that topic interest  
me.  I am curious about the policy issue involved here.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: challenge: end of life for 6.2 is premature with buggy 6.3

2008-06-07 Thread Jo Rhett
Mark, I'm confused by this message.  You direct your message to me,  
but quote Kris and Chris and then using those comments attack me.  I  
think you may have my own comments confused.

Finally, I haven't asked for anything you are attacking me for here.   
You are apparently restating what you think I said into things and  
attacking me for those ... or something.  I'm entirely confused by  
this message, sorry :-(

On Jun 5, 2008, at 11:18 AM, Mark Linimon wrote:

On Thu, Jun 05, 2008 at 05:39:36PM +0200, Kris Kennaway wrote:

You seem awful hostile - do you really think that's the best way to
represent the project you're involved with?

When confronted with what you are doing is wrong, but I am not going
to tell you what it is because if you cared you'd already know (my
summary of your past postings in this thread)?  Possibly not 'best'  


The option provided seems like a fairly good compromise to both
interests. Pick 6.3 (or anything the release team wishes) to support
for a longer period of time.

If you want FreeBSD to be supported the same as a commercial product,
and you be able to dictate the terms, then it's not going to happen
completely via volunteer effort.  At some point some money is going to
have to change hands.  Either you pay someone at your company to do
support, or you hire someone external.

Then you get to dictate what is supported and for how long.   

all you can do is to suggest.  A consensus statement signed off on
by one person is the former -- not the latter.

Now to add my own frustration to the list ...

I next note that _after_ you said you had no more time to continue
with this thread for now (and thus could not yet give us pointers to
specific failures and any corresponding PR numbers), you are still
replying to email.  Since you still seem to have some time, let me
help you do a little research here.

Checking the PRs that you have submitted that are still current, none
of the src-related ones are from anything newer than 6.0R:

There are some resources to help you find already-submitted PRs to
reference if it will help.  (The latter 2 are new, and are attempts
by the bugbusting team to flag 'well-known problem' and 'PR indicates

Now I'll admit the following is a less-obvious query of the  
database, but
it's my attempt to show regressions that we have already flagged in  

So these 4 links should give you some quick ways to generate some PR
numbers for us.

Finally, here are some statistics about PR count:

 relall kern
 6.0210  91
 6.1217  81
 6.2396 102
 6.3167  56
 7.0563 140

To me, this doesn't look like an overwhelming case for 6.3 being worse
off than 6.2.  Yes, I'm sure there are regressions: there are in any


Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
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console access

2008-06-07 Thread Jo Rhett

On Jun 5, 2008, at 11:35 AM, Paul Schmehl wrote:
It's not quite that simple.  To do that, I have to block out time to  
drive 45 miles during my supposed off hours and do the upgrade  
there.  Because, if it breaks networking and I'm at home, the server  
will be down for at least an hour until I can drive to the hosting  
company, get access to the server and restore the old kernel.

Paul, you should arrange with your colocation provider to get an out  
of band serial connection to the system, and configure the console to  
go to the serial port.  We provide that for free at $EMPLOYER and most  
other places I know of do it for free or nominal charge.

Obviously an operation like ours has lights-out access to everything,  
but we have a dozen or so freebsd developers as customers, and they  
routinely rebuild their machines entirely without ever visiting the  
facility.  GNN in particular lives in Japan these days so a colo visit  
would take him a day or two...

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: challenge: end of life for 6.2 is premature with buggy 6.3

2008-06-07 Thread Jo Rhett

On Jun 5, 2008, at 3:02 PM, Peter Jeremy wrote:

I agree that he has made those statements - and those statements may
even be true.  When asked to provide details of the bugs or references
to those problems, he has refused.  Random, unsubstantiated claims are
hardly evidence of anything.

I didn't refuse, I said it wasn't relevant.  I also offered to provide  
the list and hardware and time resources for testing if any developer  
needed it after June 11 (ie when it was physically possible to do so)  
for anyone who wanted to chase the individual issues.  But the  
individual issues aren't the problem.  No single problem would usually  
warrant that kind of attention.  It's the overall amount of issues  
that concerns me.

To summarise, so far the OP has made a series of unsubstantianted
claims about vaguely defined problems on vaguely defined hardware.
When asked for more details, he has refused.  Exactly what do you
expect the FreeBSD developers to do?

Perhaps answer the question which was asked, instead of trying to drag  
the conversation down into specific bug reports?  No single specific  
bug report is relevant to the overall topic.  Fixing a single bug  
won't improve the situation.

Anyway, I've said this a dozen times now so I won't be repeating it.   
You are welcome to continue ignoring it.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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