Re: [Freevo-users] The future of Freevo(.org)

2014-01-21 Thread Andreas Dick
hei Dishi and all remainig freevo users
I as well learned Python while hacking freevo, and I use still 1.9.2b since I 
wrote some plugins for my favorite remote and for my 2 line LCD and for my 
audio and for gaming, and and and... and this is the reason why I am waiting 
for my next media center experiments with whatever... and I am afrait that I 
will miss the great flexibility of Freevo!
have a nice time

Am Montag, 20. Januar 2014, 19.38:23 schrieb Dirk Meyer:
 I have no idea how many people still read this list, how many people
 still use Freevo 1.x, and how many people use 2.0 from git (I guess that
 is only me).
 I failed to get a release of Freevo 2 out. I changed too much, a
 complete rewrite and some parts are also written three or four times. My
 fault, I know -- an error made years ago and when noticed, it was too
 late to change it. And since I started a new job four years ago my time
 working on Freevo got smaller and smaller every month. Jason also is
 completely busy with his job.
 I still say Freevo 2 is ready to use, but I will not release it. I'm not
 sure it works with the latest clutter or gstreamer, I only know it works
 for me. It lacks many important features such as DVD playback (I have a
 BluRay Player) and TV recording. I do not need it and I don't have time
 to code it.
 Besides that, XBMC has a much bigger community, UPnP is enough for many
 people (even I use NAS + BubbleUPnP + TV sometimes) and new development
 such as Chromecast will reduce Freevo's usefulness even further.
 I will continue to use Freevo 2, I may even write an Android client for
 it (after learning Python with Freevo which was useful for getting my
 current job, hacking Android is a good next step), but I see no real
 future for Freevo without a live community and more people hacking code.
 If someone contributes something, I will add it. If someone needs help
 to get Freevo 2 running, I will provide it.
 Since we also lack someone maintaining the server we host and I do not
 want to pay for something we don't need, I will shut it down at the end
 of February. This means the SVN and the Wiki will be gone. If someone
 wants a backup of the Wiki please tell me. The code is already on github
 and will remain there. The mailing list on SF will continue and so will
 the mail server hosting and all mail addresses will continue
 to be valid.
 Maybe after some time someone resurrects Freevo. I would love to pass
 the maintainership over to someone just as I took it over from Krister
 years ago. Maybe someone takes the kaa-stuff and writes something new
 and better. I'm happy to assist and I think the same is true for Jason.
 Maybe I will release something someday based on the current code.
 It was a great time, I learned a lot and it was much fun.
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 Freevo-users mailing list

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Re: [Freevo-users] Really too slow to show photo

2011-10-30 Thread Andreas Dick
Am Sonntag, 30. Oktober 2011, um 22.34:06 schrieb Leandro Noferini:
 Ciao a tutti,
 I am using freevo 1.9.2.b2 on a debian stable.
 It works quite well but for a problem viewing photos: it is really slow
 and after showing two or three photos freevo xserver crashes always.
 Photos are simple familiar photgraphs on on a local directory (the
 other media come from nfs exported directories) but opening a directory
 with something like 700 photos freevo takes many minutes (but I created
 the cache with freevo cache) and after showing two or less photos
 freevo dies.
 The log shows, waiting for the listing of the directory, many lines like
 2011-10-30 21:50:40,396 INFO SEGMENT: 0xffe2, len=96
sounds like a disk failure? try another disk, e.g. the same 700 on a memory 

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Freevo-users mailing list

Re: [Freevo-users] How should Freevo 2.0 look like?

2011-09-27 Thread Andreas Dick
 You wouldn't need detailed knowledge of Freevo's code. Just enough
 python to parse and write the config file, maybe split it into 
 smaller configs each focusing on one area for e.g. TV config, audio,
 games etc. I'm sure the other developers would have some pointers on 
 best to approach this.

 please do not mix machine writable and user editable config files... I 
 - a keyword in the today local config file when a parameter is 
 changable by the web server, maybe a selection list or a numeric 
 - a new config file that is only readable/writable by the web server 
 and usually not edited by the user
 - only if a parameter is marked as controlled by webserver, it is 
 loaded from that file, then


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Freevo-users mailing list

Re: [Freevo-users] The future of Freevo 2.0

2011-07-19 Thread Andreas Dick
Hei Dischi
great to hear that freevo 2 is back on the road! For me, the main plus of 
freevo 1.x is the simple plugin API... and the powerfull configuration options.

Is there allready a plan, how the plugins can be used/reused in freevo 2? is 
there a new API or just copy and past of the old ones?


Am Sonntag, 17. Juli 2011, um 11.47:46 schrieb Dirk Meyer:
 Hi everyone,
 please read this if you are a Freebo user, even if you are no developer
 at all. I have been thinking about the future of Freevo 2.0 and need all
 your help to get it going somehow.
 I tried XBMC some days ago and while it looks very nice, it forces me to
 organize my media collection in a way I don't want to and has some
 usability issues (IMHO). Therefore, I still need Freevo. :)
 The main problem with Freevo 2.0 is my and Jason's lack of time the last
 year. Development was not only slow, it wasn't existant. I now have one
 Freevo-hacking day in my calender each week which may be dropped if the
 weather is too good but it is there and I plan to use it. There are some
 minor issues I will fix no matter what happens. But I do not have the
 time to finish Freevo 2.0 to make it look and feel like I want. If you
 want to help in any way, please answer to this mail and we can discuss
 it. If you need help to start (like kaa.base help), feel free to ask.
 Jason and I can both answer your questions. Jason: I assign your name to
 some smaller stuff here, I hope it is OK. ;)
 Freevo Core:
 1. kaa.base is done and has all the cool stuff I want. If there is a
 bug, Jason and I will take care of it. But it shouldn't be much.
 2. kaa.metadata is also done. Maybe add or change a parser, but that is
 not important right now. Patches are always welcome.
 3. kaa.imlib2 is also working as it should and it does not play a big
 role in the Freevo 2.0 core.
 4. The Freevo core directory is also mostly done. There are some minor
 bugs in the playlist stuff but it should be easy to fix. The menu reload
 also has some problems I need to investigate.
 To summarize: the core is mostly done and the remaining points are on my
 TODO list and I will fix them. Now the bigger problems: GUI. The
 clutter-based GUI can do nice stuff but needs some more work.
 5. kaa.candy has the basics, but may need some nice effects like
 mirror-effect, better animations, etc. It has everything we need to make
 Freevo 2.0 work but it could be nicer. If you know C (Python not needed)
 and want to play with clutter or if you now Python and want to dive into
 kaa.candy, drop me a note. You only need to know kaa.base and clutter as
 6. XBMC looks s cool. The big background images, the animations.
 Nice! We do have the code in Freevo 2.0 to do the same (even support to
 grab TV show or movie specific wallpapers and images). I need help from
 a designer to make look Freevo even better. Can someone make a fake
 screenshot how Freevo should look like? Can someone provide nice
 wallpapers (CC licence)? This is one of the things I can not do myself.
 The GUI stuff needs help from you. C programmers, Python programmers and
 artists. Or if you cannot help with that, tell us what you want to have.
 Let's dive into the media plugins:
 7. kaa.beacon is mostly done. I have some minor things on my list I will
 do the next weeks. The big problem is a better network support. Jason:
 we talked about distributed beacon servers. Do you still plan to do
 this? Do you still have time for it?
 8. kaa.popcorn (or video player) needs clutter support to write on a
 texture. This would enable us to draw on top of the video and put it on
 the background. Again: help needed here. we could either put the mplayer
 output on a texture or use gstreamer. Jason played with the first option
 but the code is not finished yet. Jason: do you think you can finish it?
 Others: do you want to help here? You need to understand kaa.base and
 kaa.popcorn (which you could change to your needs). Besides that,
 mplayer and/or gstreamer. The mplayer integration would also require C
 and clutter knowledge. The gstreamer integration needs pygstreamer. And
 we need to figure out how to integrate it with kaa.candy and the Freevo
 core. That would be my task.
 9. The image viewer could look nicer. If you want to help on this
 smaller part of Freevo, feel free to tell me.
 10. I have no time to work on TV support. I need help on working on the
 TV server, the TV devices (e.g. dvbstreamer), the EPG, etc. This is one
 of the major tasks I want to assign a new maintainer.
 And something different:
 11. There is not webserver for Freevo 2.0. Anyone willing to take over
 this part? You have complete control what you want to do. I guess you
 have to know your HTML/CSS/JS-fu.
 12. Android / iPhone support? Not needed but nice to have
 13. Port plugins from Freevo 1.9 to 2.0
 And last but not least:
 14. It has been 2 or 3 years since I last asked for donations and I am

Re: [Freevo-users] DVD autostart

2011-06-03 Thread Andreas Dick
Am Montag, 28. März 2011, um 14.34:41 schrieb Adam Charrett:
 On Sun, 20 Mar 2011, Andreas Dick wrote:
  dear list again
  I have the problem that if I resume my freevo-1.9.2b2 PC after a suspend,
  (using /etc/acpi/ as shutdown command) the inserted DVD is playd
  automatically after ca 8sec... and this is not what I want.
  On the other hand, if I start freevo on an allready running PC, the DVD
  do not start automatically...
  The logfiles says the following (Debug on):
  2011-03-20 16:49:51,328 (568): Main loop starting...
  Freevo 1.9.2b2 ready
 Do you shutdown and restart freevo before/after the suspend, as this
 appears to suggest that freevo has just started?
  2011-03-20 16:49:51,329 DEBUGCreating thread notifier and signal
  wakeup pipes (purge=False)
  2011-03-20 16:49:54,443 (595): drive_status
  changed 3 -
 Looks like this is caused by the drivers reporting no disc and then ~3
 seconds later (spin up time?) as detecting a disc.
  now, is it possible to deactivate ths behaviour? or is it a bug, I will
  try then to hack freevo for a fix.
 If you can try to fix it that would be very useful :-)
Hei Adam
I was not yet able to find a module or something that makes the difference 
between boot and resume... but it must be something like that.

I was even not able to find the code position in that makes the 
diference between drive_status 0-4 change (after boot with dvd inserted) and 
0-3 + 3-4 changes (after resume with same dvd)... I suppose a timing 

Thus I wrote a patch witch is remembering, if the tray was allready open or 
not (like on boot/resume), autoplay works only if positive. Now it is working 

The hack could be done at different code positions, please feel free to 
improve,  if you even are willing to accept :-)

--- freevo-1.9.2b2.orig/src/plugins/	2009-08-11 17:18:29.0 +0200
+++ freevo-1.9.2b2/src/plugins/	2011-06-03 14:22:48.0 +0200
@@ -312,6 +312,7 @@
 self.cis   = CDS_NO_INFO
 self.cds   = CDS_NO_INFO
 self.cds_changed = False
+self.cds_startup = True
 self.tray_open = False
 self.drive_status = self.get_drive_status()
@@ -472,7 +473,12 @@
 def get_drive_status_changed(self):
  has the drive status changed 
-return self.cds_changed
+if self.cds == CDS_TRAY_OPEN:
+self.cds_startup = False
+if self.cds_startup:
+return False
+return self.cds_changed
 def open_tray(self):
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[Freevo-users] XINE_BOOKMARK

2011-03-20 Thread Andreas Dick
hei list
since XINE_BOOKMARK works well for my video files, it does seem not to work 
with DVDs... is it meant to work as well with DVD's? or not?

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Freevo-users mailing list

[Freevo-users] DVD autostart

2011-03-20 Thread Andreas Dick
dear list again
I have the problem that if I resume my freevo-1.9.2b2 PC after a suspend, 
(using /etc/acpi/ as shutdown command) the inserted DVD is playd 
automatically after ca 8sec... and this is not what I want.
On the other hand, if I start freevo on an allready running PC, the DVD do not 
start automatically...

The logfiles says the following (Debug on):
2011-03-20 16:49:51,328 (568): Main loop starting...
Freevo 1.9.2b2 ready
2011-03-20 16:49:51,329 DEBUGCreating thread notifier and signal wakeup 
pipes (purge=False)
2011-03-20 16:49:54,443 (595): drive_status changed 3 -
2011-03-20 16:49:54,447 DEBUGTrying audio/cd
2011-03-20 16:49:54,674 DEBUGTrying video/dvd
2011-03-20 16:49:59,415 (713): playing video in drive 
2011-03-20 16:49:59,415 (880): posting IDENTIFY_MEDIA 
event 'CDS_DISC_OK'
2011-03-20 16:49:59,478 (477): Skin.clear(osd_update=True)
2011-03-20 16:49:59,479 (636): clearscreen(color=0)
2011-03-20 16:49:59,484 (104): rc.add_app: Setting app 
video.plugins.xine.Xine instance at 0xa5ca48c (context dvd)
2011-03-20 16:49:59,497 (298): 
ChildApp2.__init__(app=['--prio=-20', '/usr/bin/xine', '--auto-play=fq', '--
hide-gui', '--borderless', '--geometry', '800x600+0+0', '--no-splash', '--
stdctl', '-V', 'xv', '-A', 'alsa', '--network', '--no-lirc', --
post='pp:quality=10;expand', u'dvd:///dev/scd0/'], debugname=None, 
doeslogging=0, stop_osd=2)
2011-03-20 16:49:59,542 (135): Running (list) 
u/usr/bin/xine --auto-play=fq --hide-gui --borderless --geometry 800x600+0+0 
--no-splash --stdctl -V xv -A alsa --network --no-lirc --
post='pp:quality=10;expand' dvd:///dev/scd0/ with pid 1791 priority -20

now, is it possible to deactivate ths behaviour? or is it a bug, I will try 
then to hack freevo for a fix.


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Freevo-users mailing list

[Freevo-users] PLAYLIST_PREV

2011-03-19 Thread Andreas Dick
 dear freevo list
 I am wondering about the behaviour of the PLAYLIST_PREV event while 
 playing DVD (or even a video file).
 For now (freevo 1.9.2b2 - player=xine) just nothing happens if there is 
 only one chapter... but I would expect at least that the actual chapter 
 would restart.

 E.g I have a DVD with 3 promotion films bevore the DVD menu is shown... 
 and I can not go back one promotion film with PREV, but I can skip the 
 actlual with NEXT as expected...
 Is there maybe an option I have not seen?

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Re: [Freevo-users] freevo remote volume does not work

2011-03-06 Thread Andreas Dick
 On Sat, 05 Mar 2011 21:51:42 +, Adam Charrett wrote:
 On Sat, 2011-03-05 at 17:13 +0100, Andreas Dick wrote:
 I have the same problem as Dana.
 In my case the mixer plugin is not able to start, since /dev/mixer 
 do not
 exist on my raw Ubuntu 10.10 / Freevo 1.9.0 setup (oss-compat is not
 installed, I hope it is not necessary in 2011?).
 And the alsamixer/alsamixer2 plugins do not work as well:
 failed to load plugin alsamixer
 start 'freevo plugins -l' to get a list of plugins
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /usr/share/pyshared/freevo/, line 571, in 
 p = eval(object)()
   File /usr/share/pyshared/freevo/plugins/, line 77, 
 in __init__
 self.main_mixer = alsaaudio.Mixer(config.ALSA_MIXER_NAME, 0,
 AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ALSA_MIXER_NAME'
 defining ALSA_MIXER_NAME in the config do not help at all, thus I 
 supposet that
 the plugins are corrupt...?

 what is now the best way? the way with oss (really???) or fixing the 
 what are others using?
 This should be resolved in 1.9.2, just out of interest what did you 

 Well, then I will try out 1.9.2... is it already in the beta, or just 
 in today svn?

 I tried to set 'Master', since this is set as default in the plugin 
 code and this matches well with my setup. But then I gave up since 
 another error raised (the same as in alsamixer 2).

 But my other question is, do you and others use alsamixer or the oss 
 wraper? I think the alsamixer plugins are far away of ideal, I wrote 
 once an alsamixer3 just for my needs (for 1.8.1) but this was not 
 generally coded for others. My question now: is there a need to publish 
 an improved alsamixer plugin or not (e.g. everybody is happy with oss 
 wraper or today alsamixer?)


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Freevo-users mailing list

Re: [Freevo-users] freevo remote volume does not work

2011-03-06 Thread Andreas Dick
 On Sun, 06 Mar 2011 09:41:59 +, Adam Charrett wrote:
 On Sun, 2011-03-06 at 09:59 +0100, Andreas Dick wrote:
 On Sat, 05 Mar 2011 21:51:42 +, Adam Charrett wrote:
  On Sat, 2011-03-05 at 17:13 +0100, Andreas Dick wrote:
  Well, then I will try out 1.9.2... is it already in the beta, or 
  in today svn?
 I believe the change was in the first beta, I'm going to try and get
 a second beta out today.

  I tried to set 'Master', since this is set as default in the plugin
  code and this matches well with my setup. But then I gave up since
  another error raised (the same as in alsamixer 2).

  But my other question is, do you and others use alsamixer or the 
  wraper? I think the alsamixer plugins are far away of ideal, I 
  once an alsamixer3 just for my needs (for 1.8.1) but this was not
  generally coded for others. My question now: is there a need to 
  an improved alsamixer plugin or not (e.g. everybody is happy with 
  wraper or today alsamixer?)

 By default (and if the python alsa bindings are installed) the alsa
 mixer is used now. If the python alsa bindings are not installed 
 will revert to trying the oss mixer plugin.
 wow, then I will try to get it working like that... I have to check if 
 the alsa bindings are ready, for now I get a /dev/mixer not found in the 
 log... and this sounds like oss for me.
 I will come back to that soon



 What You Don't Know About Data Connectivity CAN Hurt You
 This paper provides an overview of data connectivity, details
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 Freevo-users mailing list

What You Don't Know About Data Connectivity CAN Hurt You
This paper provides an overview of data connectivity, details
its effect on application quality, and explores various alternative
Freevo-users mailing list

Re: [Freevo-users] freevo remote volume does not work

2011-03-06 Thread Andreas Dick
 By default (and if the python alsa bindings are installed) the alsa
 mixer is used now. If the python alsa bindings are not installed freevo
 will revert to trying the oss mixer plugin.
So, the alsa binidngs are well installed due to a dependecie.
I did not update to 1.9.2 yet, using just 1.9.0 of Maverick repo:
- using the mixer plugin (thus doing noting and using the default) I 
configured as followed:
AUDIO_DEVICE   = '/dev/snd/hwC0D0'
AUDIO_INPUT_DEVICE = '/dev/snd/hwC0D0'
MIXER_MAJOR_CTRL   = 'Master' 
MIXER_DEVICE  = '/dev/snd/controlC0'

I get an error messages like:
2011-03-06 21:49:53,237 WARNING (175): Cannot set mixer 
/dev/snd/controlC0 volume: [Errno 25] Unpassender IOCTL (I
/O-Control) für das Gerät
2011-03-06 21:49:53,237 WARNING (175): Cannot set mixer 
/dev/snd/controlC0 volume: [Errno 25] Unpassender IOCTL (I/O-Control) für 
das Gerät

did I understand something wrong now? or what default alsa mixer meant you 

thanks for help

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This paper provides an overview of data connectivity, details
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Freevo-users mailing list

Re: [Freevo-users] freevo remote volume does not work

2011-03-05 Thread Andreas Dick
I have the same problem as Dana.

In my case the mixer plugin is not able to start, since /dev/mixer do not 
exist on my raw Ubuntu 10.10 / Freevo 1.9.0 setup (oss-compat is not 
installed, I hope it is not necessary in 2011?).
And the alsamixer/alsamixer2 plugins do not work as well:
failed to load plugin alsamixer
start 'freevo plugins -l' to get a list of plugins
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/share/pyshared/freevo/, line 571, in __load_plugin__
p = eval(object)()
  File /usr/share/pyshared/freevo/plugins/, line 77, in __init__
self.main_mixer = alsaaudio.Mixer(config.ALSA_MIXER_NAME, 0, 
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ALSA_MIXER_NAME'
defining ALSA_MIXER_NAME in the config do not help at all, thus I supposet that 
the plugins are corrupt...?

what is now the best way? the way with oss (really???) or fixing the plugins? 
what are others using?

Am Montag, 11. Oktober 2010, um 16.46:18 schrieb Evan Hisey:
 On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 9:19 AM, Evan Hisey wrote:
  You really should not need an outside package for sound control in
  freevo.  Are you sure you are using mplayer and not Xine when in
  freevo? I remember there having been an issue with wound control when
  watching TV and using Xine. Can you control the sound in Mplayer by
  remote when just running mplayer?
 Um, right, forgot you already said you could. Is freevo getting the
 volume up down commands correct. Can you adjust the volume when you
 are on the main menu?
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 Freevo-users mailing list

What You Don't Know About Data Connectivity CAN Hurt You
This paper provides an overview of data connectivity, details
its effect on application quality, and explores various alternative
Freevo-users mailing list

Re: [Freevo-users] issues

2009-09-19 Thread Andreas Dick
as I understand, xine is seperated in a backend xine-lib (actual is, 
latest is from March 2009) and a lot of frontends like xine-ui  
(stable is 0.99.5),
but xine-ui is only one of them, others are gxine, kaffeine, xine-plugin (for 
mozilla),... (and even freevo?)
bindings as pyxine, Video::Xine (perl) or libxine-java use directly the 
xine-lib and not xine-ui!

so, I think the important stuff is in the xine-lib... or is freevo depending 
on xine-ui?


Am Samstag, 19. September 2009 17.19:55 schrieb Evan Hisey:
  I agree. It's is also confusing when Freevo talks about a 0.99.22 release
  that is not the current SVN release, which is 0.99.6 ..
  I am guessing 0.99.6 is the latest stable release and 0.99.22 is an 
  development release? I don't know where to even get that one. However, 
  0.99.6 I am getting pause and seek working fine for TV as well as 
  now  cool.
 Latest stable for Xine is still 99.5. The 99.6 has not yet been released.
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Come build with us! The BlackBerryreg; Developer Conference in SF, CA
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developing skills, take BlackBerry mobile applications to market and stay 
ahead of the curve. Join us from November 9#45;12, 2009. Register now#33;
Freevo-users mailing list

Re: [Freevo-users] can't get pvr150/ivtv to work

2009-09-13 Thread Andreas Dick
Am Sonntag, 13. September 2009 18.40:18 schrieb Stephan Mueller:
 i'm trying to get my new pvr150 card to work with freevo. On a low level
 i got i working using ivtv-tune and then cat /dev/video0  file.mpg
 gives me a nice playable video file.
 But with freevo I just get an excpetion (see at the end of this mail).
 Can anybody give me a hint, what i am doing wrong? I am using freevo
 1.8.1 here as it is in debian lenny and playing video files works with
 Some parts of my config that may be interesting:
input_type='Tuner 1',
group_type = 'ivtv',
record_group = None,
desc='PVR-150 Video Group')
 'input' : 0,
 'resolution': '720x576',
 'aspect': 1,
 'audio_bitmask' : 233,
 'bframes'   : 3,
 'bitrate_mode'  : 1,
 'bitrate'   : 800,
 'bitrate_peak'  : 960,
 'dnr_mode'  : 3,
 'dnr_spatial'   : 0,
 'dnr_temporal'  : 0,
 'dnr_type'  : 0,
 'framerate' : 0,
 'framespergop'  : 12,
 'gop_closure'   : 1,
 'pulldown'  : 0,
 'stream_type'   : 10,
 ('', 'arte', '23', '', 0),
 ('', 'kabel1', 'SE15', '', 0),
 ('', 'pro7', 'SE20', '', 0)
just to be sure: do you have HANNELS or CHANNELS  ?

 Thanks for any help,
 2009-09-13 20:27:26,777 (83): 
getVideoGroup(chan='', isplayer=True)
 2009-09-13 20:27:26,819 (329): 
XineIvtv.Play(mode='tv', channel='SE15', channel_change=0)
 2009-09-13 20:27:26,820 (879): XineControl.Start()
 2009-09-13 20:27:26,821 (773): 
XineApp.__init__(app=/usr/bin/xine --auto-play=fq --hide-gui --borderless 
1280x1024+0+0 --no-splash --no-lirc --pos
 t='pp:quality=10;expand' -V None -A None --stdctl 
 2009-09-13 20:27:26,821 (310): 
ChildApp2.__init__(app=/usr/bin/xine --auto-play=fq --hide-gui --borderless 
1280x1024+0+0 --no-splash --no-lirc --post=
 'pp:quality=10;expand' -V None -A None --stdctl 
pvr:///mnt/small/timeshift/xine-buf-!/local/saved/!20, debugname=None, 
doeslogging=0, stop_osd=2)
 2009-09-13 20:27:26,835 (149): Running 
(str) /usr/bin/xine --auto-play=fq --hide-gui --borderless --geometry 
1280x1024+0+0 --no-splash --no-lirc --post='pp:quali
 ty=10;expand' -V None -A None --stdctl 
pvr:///mnt/small/timeshift/xine-buf-!/local/saved/!20 in shell with pid 3773 
priority 0
 2009-09-13 20:27:26,837 (405): logging stdout child 
to /home/freevo/log/xine-stdout-0.log
 2009-09-13 20:27:26,850 (405): logging stderr child 
to /home/freevo/log/xine-stderr-0.log
 2009-09-13 20:27:27,449 (623): TunerControl: 
Explicit channel selection by index = 'SE15'
 2009-09-13 20:27:27,449 (564): TunerControl: 
Channel stack = []
 2009-09-13 20:27:27,450 (658): TunerControl: 
Channel: 'SE15'
 2009-09-13 20:27:27,450 (83): 
getVideoGroup(chan='SE15', isplayer=True)
 2009-09-13 20:27:27,450 (660): TunerControl: Group: 
type='ivtv', desc='PVR-150 Video Group'
 2009-09-13 20:27:27,451 (661): TunerControl: Input: 
type='tuner 1', num=0
 2009-09-13 20:27:27,451 INFO (675): TunerControl: Set 
VideoGroup: ivtv: /dev/video0 0:'tuner 1' 'PAL'
 2009-09-13 20:27:27,529 (261): Video opened 
for '/dev/video0'
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/freevo/, line 297, in 
   File /usr/share/pyshared/freevo/, line 764, in eventhandler
 if not isinstance(menu, Menu) and menu.eventhandler(event):
   File /usr/share/pyshared/freevo/util/, line 68, in origfunc
 func(*args, **kwargs)
   File /usr/share/pyshared/freevo/tv/, line 234, in eventhandler
   File /usr/share/pyshared/freevo/tv/, line 172, in play
 self.parent.player('tv', self.prog.channel_id)
   File /usr/share/pyshared/freevo/tv/, line 82, in start_tv
 p.Play(mode, tuner_id)
   File /usr/share/pyshared/freevo/tv/plugins/, line 343, in 
 self.tuner.SetChannelByName(channel, True)
   File /usr/share/pyshared/freevo/tv/plugins/, line 616, in 
 self.SetChannelByIndex(channel_index + 1)

Re: [Freevo-users] lcd

2009-07-01 Thread Andreas Dick
hei John
I hope you find out how to change the lcd2 plugin for your needs. if you dig 
the code, you will find how the display size is coded.

the clock and status informations are placed on the right end of the top line, 
probably you will have to change this position (+2).

in the code you will find as well, how to controll the lcd with python 
commands... its allways helpfull to test the features of the lcd in the 
python shell...

I wrote the plugin just for my needs, but maybe it is possible to merge your 
version with mine...?

unfortuneately I have freevo not startet at the moment, but I will check the 
code the next time I get time for it.


Am Mittwoch, 1. Juli 2009 19.51:45 schrieb Duncan Webb:
 John Percival wrote:
  I have a Fujitsu-Siemens Scaleo E which has, I think, a Futaba dm140 VFD.
  When I try to acitvate the lcd plugin, it complains that it cannot find a 
screen for a 2x18 display (5x8 matrix).
  Activating the lcd2 (2x16) plugin works a lot better but with one slight 
irritation. The last character of the first line is incomplete: the 
right-most one or two columns of the matrix are missing but appear at the 
start of the second line.
  Is there any way of defining a 2x18 screen ?
 Hopefully the code is clear enough for you to workout how to add to it
 to create a 2x18 display.

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Re: [Freevo-users] CDROM mount/eject issues

2009-06-30 Thread Andreas Dick
Hei Bernie
I have the same problem since a long time, and I had a conversation in the
Freevo bug tracker with Duncan once:

the problem seems to be in my kernel (2.6.24, ioctl for some sata devs). I
patched it as described here: but I am not sure
if this works with newer kernels and what the state is.

in my bug report above you find how to easy check the ioctl problem with
the python shell.

here I presented my workaround and what problems I still have (f.e. Freevo
do not feel if you open/close the tray by hand, then it trys to
reopen/reclose it if you press the EYECT butten):

please let me know your experiances, thanks

 Hi all,

 Currently I had the CDROM drive mounted by /etc/fstab and was finding I
 having problems with Freevo
 not being able to eject the disk because it did not know the current mount
 state of the drive.

 So, I removed the auto mounting in /etc/fstab and manually entered the
 device and mount-point in
 but I am getting the following error when trying to access the drive or
 eject the CD ..
 ( device = /dev/scd0 and mountpoint =/media/cdrom0)

 line 542, in mount
 util.mount(self.mountdir, force=True)
 line 385, in mount
 from util.misc import print_upper_execution_stack
 ImportError: cannot import name print_upper_execution_stack

 WARNING: opening '/dev/scd0' failed: [Errno 5] Input/output error
 WARNING: opening '/dev/scd0' failed: [Errno 5] Input/output error
 WARNING: opening '/dev/scd0' failed: [Errno 5] Input/output error

 Is there a permission thing of group thing going on? What should I change?

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Re: [Freevo-users] Favourites

2009-01-04 Thread Andreas Dick
just as suggestion for a test envoirement: I prefere two partititions on the 
system harddisk, one with the stable and the other with the test system... 
and if the test system get stable, it changes.
and you have the same hardware situation on both systems

Am Sonntag, 4. Januar 2009 05.22:20 schrieb Elizabeth Dodd:
 Going from 1.7.3 to 1.8.3
 on a separate box (to ensure its all working before changeover)
 can i convert /var/lib/freevo/record_schedule.xml 
 into /var/lib/freevo/favorites.pickle ??
 Even manual - it would save a bit of trouble long term
 `My doctor says that I have a malformed public-duty gland 
 and a natural deficiency in moral fibre, and that I am 
 therefore excused from saving Universes.' 
 - Ford's last-ditch attempt to get out of helping Slartibartfast. 
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[Freevo-users] Freevo Article in LinuxUser

2008-12-17 Thread Andreas Dick
hei all
a good article about Freevo and open source MediaCenters can be found in
the actual LinuxUser 01/2009 (this is german paper magazine).
The authors compares Elisa, Freevo and Geexbox with (the leader) MythTV.
They point the complex, but very flexible configuration of Freevo as an
advantage compared to the competitors...

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Re: [Freevo-users] About Freevo Hacking

2008-10-21 Thread Andreas Dick
 So I should help you :)

 - how will the configuration be?

 kaa.config: Developers write config schema in xml files. These xml files
 will be converted to .py files during install. This python code can read
 _and_ write ini style config files. The user only sees that ini style
 file and you can also write a small app for configuration so the user
 does not need to open an editor. Jason started such an editor but it
 does not support all the features.

 - how will the plugin structure be?

 Similar but different at some levels. You do not have a DaemonPlugin,
 only a generic one and some special types for generating items for the
 menu (ItemPlugin as in 1.8) and for the idlebar (IdlebarPlugin as in
 1.8). All plugins can use kaa.notifier's Timer and Sockets to do stuff
 in the background and send events if they think it is needed.

 - the event handling, polling?

 Events similar. IIRC Freevo 1.8 uses the kaa.notifier event code. You
 can post() and event and parts of Freevo register to that event and
 react on it. No polling!

 - what could the interface be between core and modules (like kaa)?

 Depends on the kaa module. Kaa defines some generic code Freevo uses. So
 there is no mplayer or xine video plugin in Freevo, Freevo uses
 kaa.popcorn to play the video. And kaa.popcorn chooses the player that
 should be used. That is the main difference between Freevo 1.x and 2.0:
 the logic is split into several modules. If you want to add a new video
 player, you do not have to understand one line of code from Freevo, just
 kaa.popcorn (and kaa.base which is used by kaa.popcorn). Similar is
 kaa.epg. A new source is added in kaa.epg and Freevo doesn't care. For
 code like the gui, kaa.mevas (trunk) or kaa.candy (experimental branch)
 provide the basic functions and Freevo uses it (and adds some more
 Freevo specific widgets).

 - and so on.

 Feel free to ask more and check out the code.
thanks four your answers, Dischi!
I will check it out and take a overview of the state. The architecture
seems to be allready in your (and others) head... is there allready
something like a chart of the software structure? Else I would be happy to
start with it.
What do you think is not implemented for a final switch to freevo 2 yet?


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Re: [Freevo-users] About Freevo Hacking

2008-10-21 Thread Andreas Dick
Am Dienstag, 21. Oktober 2008 20.28:53 schrieb Dirk Meyer:
 Andreas Dick wrote:
  I will check it out and take a overview of the state. The architecture
  seems to be allready in your (and others) head... is there allready
  something like a chart of the software structure?

 A chart is (as always) missing. Most of it is not only in my head, it is
 also in the code.
wow. I checked it out and scanned trough the sources... yes, I am just 
the next time I try to understand more of the structure. I think I should be 
able to follow the thread, if not, I let you now.
and then I should try to run it... for now I have not all deps installed.

  What do you think is not implemented for a final switch to freevo 2 yet?

 There are only two major show stoppers for 2.0pre1:

 1. The GUI needs a rewrite. I started with that in the candy branch but
there are three major things:

- There is a bug in the underlying GUI engine clutter in version 0.8
  I'm trying to fix with the clutter authors
- Video playback does not work in the new gui code. It requires a
  clutter based rewrite from Jason
- The gui needs more love in form of xml theme files and images

 2. The TV code was rewritten. The result is the new tvserver module in
freevo trunk.

- It only supports DVB right now, analog and ivtv support is missing.
- The code in the trunk can only schedule recordings, watching TV is
  not possible. I do not plan to change that because the gui is
  deprecated anyway.
- The code with the new clutter based GUI has no TV support at all. I
  need to write the widgets for that. Live-TV will depend on the
  video playback working.
- Channel mapping from DVB names to XMLTV names only works on
  guesses. You can not fix it yourself in the config file.

 And as always: the doc is far away from perfect. :)

 Help welcome


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Re: [Freevo-users] from 1.6.3 to 1.8.2

2008-10-20 Thread Andreas Dick
just a general hint: I had similar utf8-problems when I used samba... now
I use NFS and the filenames are the same as on the fileserver...

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[Freevo-users] About Freevo Hacking

2008-10-20 Thread Andreas Dick
Hei list,

I am really interested in contributing in freevo hacking, (wrote some plugins 
allready) but one big problem is, that I do not really know the plans of the 
head hackers yet!

When I wrote plugins for 1.x I found a lot places in the code that should be 
redesigned or even cleaned from cross dependencies and other software design 
problems... but thinking about freevo 2 I hope for a wonderfull 
(software-)world where everything is fine and where hacking is easy and self 

Thus I am not longer interested in hacking for freevo 1.x as long as I think 
that my code will not be needed in freevo 2 anymore... Shouldn't we go 
straight to freevo 2 and forget all the detail problems of 1.x?

In fact: I am interested in coding for freevo 2 but I do not see the big plan 
behind it yet...:
- how will the configuration be?
- how will the plugin structure be?
- the event handling, polling?
- what could the interface be between core and modules (like kaa)?
- and so on.

I think a discussion like that could bring freevo ahead, and bring freevo 
hackers together. I propose that today the most freevo users are hackers as 
well, and it should be possible to organise them...


This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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Re: [Freevo-users] LCD display and Freevo

2008-10-18 Thread Andreas Dick
Am Samstag, 18. Oktober 2008 22.12:06 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Le Fri, 17 Oct 2008 22:48:28 +0200,

 Markus Wittenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

 i build a home case : ( sorry french board but just look photos )
hei wow. nice case!

I have a GMC Noblesse AVC-S 1

this is with a iMon display (2x16) as well as a wheel and buttons... it is 
conntected to an internal USB plug and it was suported out of the box (kernel 
2.6.24). wheel and buttons are used as second remote with lirc, the lcd with 

since I wrote my own freevo plugin (lcd2, the old lcd is not usefull for 2x16) 
I am able to navigate and to controll the whole mediacenter just with 
wheel/buttons/lcd (and remote)

I use a beamer for videos/pictures and my mediacenter is used in 90% for 
listening music/radio and then I do not like to start the beamer :-)

good luck 

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
Build the coolest Linux based applications with Moblin SDK  win great prizes
Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the world
Freevo-users mailing list

Re: [Freevo-users] lirc : irw say nothing .

2008-09-06 Thread Andreas Dick
Am Freitag, 5. September 2008 15.38:01 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Le Fri, 5 Sep 2008 11:16:17 +0200 (CEST),
 Andreas Dick [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :


  changing the mode will chang pulses with spaces

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] patrick]# killall lircd
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] patrick]# rmmod lirc_serial
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] patrick]# modprobe lirc_serial sense=0
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] patrick]# mode2 -d /dev/lirc/0
 pulse 2215268
 space 8526
 pulse 4138
 space 609
 pulse 1500
 space 611
 pulse 1502
 space 608
 pulse 447
 space 608
 pulse 448
 space 610
 pulse 1499
 space 610
 pulse 447
 space 607
 pulse 1503
 space 609
 pulse 1503
 space 608
 pulse 445
 space 611
 pulse 446
 space 608
 pulse 1504
 space 607
 pulse 1502
 space 609
 pulse 446
 space 611
 pulse 445
 space 609
 pulse 447
 space 610
 pulse 444
 space 610
 pulse 21351
 space 630
 pulse 1486
 space 630
 pulse 1483
 space 604
 pulse 446
 space 608
 pulse 447
 space 609
 pulse 1502
 space 609
 pulse 446
 space 609
 pulse 1503
 space 608
 pulse 1502
 space 608
 pulse 446
 space 609
 pulse 447
 space 609
 pulse 1502
 space 610
 pulse 1501
 space 611
 pulse 444
 space 608
 pulse 448
 space 609
 pulse 445
 space 611
 pulse 446
 space 633
 pulse 21702
 space 608
 pulse 1501
 space 609
 pulse 1503
 space 608
 pulse 445
 space 610
 pulse 447
 space 608
 pulse 1502
 space 609
 pulse 447
 space 608
 pulse 1503
 space 609
 pulse 1501
 space 611
 pulse 444
 space 633
 pulse 423
 space 609
 pulse 1502
 space 609
 pulse 1501
 space 611
 pulse 444
 space 610
 pulse 447
 space 607
 pulse 448
 space 609
 pulse 446
 space 609
 pulse 21733
 space 602
 pulse 1499
 space 610
 pulse 1503
 space 608
 pulse 446
 space 609
 pulse 446
 space 610
 pulse 1502
 space 608
 pulse 447
 space 608
 pulse 1503
 space 608
 pulse 1502
 space 610
 pulse 446
 space 607
 pulse 448
 space 609
 pulse 1501
 space 610
 pulse 1501
 space 609
 pulse 446
 space 610
 pulse 446
 space 609
 pulse 447
 space 608
 pulse 446
 space 610
 pulse 21732
 space 602
 pulse 1501
 space 610
 pulse 1502
 space 608
 pulse 446
 space 608
 pulse 448
 space 609
 pulse 1502
 space 608
 pulse 447
 space 608
 pulse 1503
 space 608
 pulse 1502
 space 610
 pulse 446
 space 608
 pulse 447
 space 609
 pulse 1502
 space 608
 pulse 1502
 space 610
 pulse 445
 space 608
 pulse 448
 space 609
 pulse 446
 space 611
 pulse 446
 space 607
hei. if you compare the numbers here, they seems matching the ones in a normal 
RC5 config file:
   one   610  1500
   zero  610   444

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] patrick]# dmesg | grep lirc
 lirc_dev: IR Remote Control driver registered, major 61
 lirc_serial: auto-detected active low receiver
 lirc_dev: lirc_register_plugin: sample_rate: 0
 lirc_serial: Manually using active high receiver
 lirc_dev: lirc_register_plugin: sample_rate: 0
 lirc_serial: ignoring spike: 1 0 48baaea5 48baaea5 1600f 15feb
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] patrick]#

 # Please make this file available to others
 # by sending it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 # this config file was automatically generated
 # using lirc-0.8.3-CVS(default) on Sun Aug 31 12:13:11 2008
 # contributed by
 # brand:   /home/patrick/lircd.conf
 # model no. of remote control:
 # devices being controlled by this remote:

 begin remote

   name  JVC RM-V720U
   aeps  100

   header   8525  4139
   one   610  1500
   zero  610   444
   pre_data_bits   8
   pre_data   0xCB
   gap  46603
   min_repeat  6
   toggle_bit_mask 0x0

   begin codes
   slowgauche   0xA0
   play 0x30
   retour   0xE0
   avance   0x60
   stop 0xC0
   start/stop   0x9A
   end codes

 end remote

 it's appear ok no ?
 not sure i understand good .
is this lircd.conf working? start lircd and usw irw to check.
else try to build your own now with irrecord as described allready. this 
should find now a valid pattern

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Freevo-users mailing list

Re: [Freevo-users] lirc : irw say nothing .

2008-09-06 Thread Andreas Dick
 i think now i understand all :) ( tnx agn )

 i build yesterday a new lircd.conf with irrecord
 ( not in lirc website, i can send leather )
 irw is good, and display the information .
 is this momment i just not understand in lircrc
 the fonction to go up / go down in the freevo menu :(

 and for the mod :
 rmmod lirc_serial
 modprobe lirc_serial sense=0
 do you know the file in mandriva i must change
 when isn t good in start up .
 modules.conf ?
I use a debian system and created the new file: /etc/modprobe.d/lirc
it contains just one line:
- /etc/modprobe.d/lirc-
options lirc_serial sense=0
this should do it in mandriva too. you can test it with
$ rmmod lirc_serial
$ modprobe lirc_serial
check the dmesg output. if it works like that, it will work after reboot as 


This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
Build the coolest Linux based applications with Moblin SDK  win great prizes
Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the world
Freevo-users mailing list

Re: [Freevo-users] lirc : irw say nothing .

2008-09-05 Thread Andreas Dick
 Press RETURN now to start recording.
 Found const length: 106415
 Please keep on pressing buttons like described above.
 RC-5 remote control found.
 No header found.
 No lead pulse found.
 No repeat code found.
 Signals are biphase encoded.
 Signal length is 26
 Now enter the names for the buttons.

 Please enter the name for the next button (press ENTER to finish
 recording) suivant

 Now hold down button suivant.
 Something went wrong. Please try again. (9 retries left)
 Something went wrong. Please try again. (8 retries left)
 Something went wrong. Please try again. (7 retries left)
 Something went wrong. Please try again. (6 retries left)
 Something went wrong. Please try again. (5 retries left)
 Something went wrong. Please try again. (4 retries left)
 Something went wrong. Please try again. (3 retries left)
 Something went wrong. Please try again. (2 retries left)
 Something went wrong. Please try again. (1 retries left)
 Something went wrong.
 Try using the -f option.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] patrick]#

 begin remote

   name  /home/patrick/lircd.conf
   bits   26
   aeps  100

   one   503   383
   zero  503   383
   gap  106415
   toggle_bit_mask 0x0

   begin codes
   end codes

 end remote

 it's use rc5 ? it's a IR standart i know .
yes. this looks like ok.

I go back now to your posted mode2 output:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] patrick]# mode2 -d /dev/lirc/0
space 16777215
pulse 280
space 2851
pulse 279
space 9994
pulse 281
space 2848
pulse 281
space 9992
pulse 284
space 2847
pulse 282
space 9992
pulse 281
space 2848
pulse 280
space 6423
pulse 279
space 6423
pulse 281
space 2847

this numbers have to correspond with the numbers in your lircd.conf
one thing could be that lirc is using a wrong driver situation, active
low/high instaed of active high/low.
$ modinfo lirc_serial for how to set the module options
normally, changing the mode will chang pulses with spaces

its because i think the puls lenght is very low. later (at home) I can
compare it with the on of my remote (RC5 as well)


 envoye depuis le monde libre ...
 par un Pc sous Mandriva 2008 Spring !

 This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's
 Build the coolest Linux based applications with Moblin SDK  win great
 Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the
 Freevo-users mailing list

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
Build the coolest Linux based applications with Moblin SDK  win great prizes
Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the world
Freevo-users mailing list

Re: [Freevo-users] lirc : irw say nothing .

2008-09-04 Thread Andreas Dick
 Le Tue, 02 Sep 2008 10:04:37 +0200,
 Andrea Magatti [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

 irw listen events on /dev/lirc, so you need a symbolic link
 /dev/lircd/0 called /dev/lirc, or

 i forget to create the symbolic links ! :(
 but lircd file exist : ( lircd socket . canal de communication  )

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] patrick]# ln -s /dev/lirc/0 /dev/lircd
 ln: creating symbolic link `/dev/lircd': Le fichier existe.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] patrick]#

 i'm wrong ?
you do not need this symlink, because your device is ok:
lirc acts in 3 stages:
1) the kernel driver creates /dev/lirc/0 (usualy /dev/lirc or /dev/lirc0)
2) the lircd daemon which reads from /dev/lirc/0 and compares the input
with the keys defined in lircd.conf
-irrecord acts as well in this stage (therfore has it allmost the same
arguments as lircd)
lircd create a socket /dev/lircd and infroms clients in the next stage
about keys.
3) irw, lircrcd and also freevo are reading the lircrc file and connect to
the /dev/lircd socket and do something when a button is pressed...

if you understand this scematic, you understand lirc.

your next will be to use irrecord. for now i point to the help here

tell me if you have problems. the docu is not the best and maybe you have
to climb even higher... :-)


 envoye depuis le monde libre ...
 par un Pc sous Mandriva 2008 Spring !

 This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's
 Build the coolest Linux based applications with Moblin SDK  win great
 Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the
 Freevo-users mailing list

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
Build the coolest Linux based applications with Moblin SDK  win great prizes
Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the world
Freevo-users mailing list

Re: [Freevo-users] lirc : irw say nothing .

2008-09-03 Thread Andreas Dick
 i can :

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] patrick]# lircd -d /dev/lirc/0
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] patrick]# irw -d /dev/lirc/0
 irw: invalid option -- d
 unrecognized option: -d
 Try `irw 0.8.3-CVS --help' for more information.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] patrick]#

 curious no ?
N, not at all, not if you have read my last post!
- irw do not have a -d option... it just read the soket created trough
lircd at /dev/lircd

and lircd only runs if the config file is valid. and you get no error from
lircd because it is a daemon! unless you use the nodaemon option:

$ lircd -n -d /dev/lirc/0 /path/to/lircd.conf
if you get errors, you have to fix them first!

I suppose you do not have a valid lircd.conf... can you please post it?


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Re: [Freevo-users] lirc : irw say nothing .

2008-09-03 Thread Andreas Dick
Am Mittwoch, 3. September 2008 19.17:39 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Le Wed, 3 Sep 2008 15:04:20 +0200 (CEST),

 Andreas Dick [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
  N, not at all, not if you have read my last post!

 sorry :(  I didn't understand something ...
no problem. I know, understanding lirc is a mess for beginners. once it was 
the same for me... :-)

 - irw do not have a -d option... it just read the soket created

  trough lircd at /dev/lircd
  and lircd only runs if the config file is valid. and you get no error
  from lircd because it is a daemon! unless you use the nodaemon option:
  $ lircd -n -d /dev/lirc/0 /path/to/lircd.conf
  if you get errors, you have to fix them first!

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] patrick]# lircd -n -d /dev/lirc/0 /etc/lircd.conf
 lircd-0.8.3-CVS[7805]: lircd(userspace) ready
ok. your lircd seems to be up and running

  I suppose you do not have a valid lircd.conf... can you please post

 my lircd.conf :
hmmm. I had no success with the RAW method. have you this lircd.conf made with 
irrecord or got it from somewhere?
I propose you to try to create a normal lircd.conf with irrecord... this can 
become a mess as well... I was successful when I tried to train just one 
button first. If you have then the parameters for this you can start with 
this valid config for the others. 

 i have this in etc/  do i have one in /home/patrick/.freevo ?
It do not depend where it is, I believe default is /etc/lircd.conf 
or /etc/lirc/lircd.conf (distro dependend)
but for tests you can use a test.conf somewhere in your home and pass it as 
argument to lircd and irrecord

 thank all for patience .
wellcome in the club of linux hackers... everyday standing in front of another 
even bigger wall, but never giving up to climb :-)


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Re: [Freevo-users] lirc : irw say nothing .

2008-09-03 Thread Andreas Dick
Am Mittwoch, 3. September 2008 23.10:06 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Le Wed, 3 Sep 2008 21:44:51 +0200,

  in 3nd terminal : ( another active )
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] patrick]# /etc/init.d/lircd start
  Lancement du service pour télécommande infrarouge (lircd) :
  [ÉCHEC ] [EMAIL PROTECTED] patrick]#
   translation = ( Launching the service for remote infrared
  [FAILURE ]  )

 lirc running :)
 if i try ...
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] patrick]# /etc/init.d/lircd restart
 Arrêt de l'émulation de la souris par télécommande infrarouge (l[ÉCHEC ]
 Arrêt du service pour télécommande infrarouge (lircd) : [  OK  ]
 Lancement du service pour télécommande infrarouge (lircd) : [  OK  ]
 Lancement de l'émulation de la souris par télécommande
 infraroug[  OK  ]d) : [EMAIL PROTECTED] patrick]#

this just means you have now a valid lircd up and running (it finds the device 
and the lircd.conf)
but how is it with irw ? - can you configure buttons and receive them?

next would be to configure your lircrc file with the freevo events...


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Re: [Freevo-users] lirc : irw say nothing .

2008-09-02 Thread Andreas Dick
 irw listen events on /dev/lirc, so you need a symbolic link
 /dev/lircd/0 called /dev/lirc, or
 you could use:

  irw -d /dev/lirc/0
irw do not listen to /dev/lirc, it uses a allready running lircd daemon.
(and a symlink is not possible because /dev/lirc is a directory!)

next you should have a propper lircd.conf file, maybe you find one for
your remote in your distro or even at

else you have to train your remote (I think this is allways better)
$ irrecord -d /dev/lirc/0 lircd.conf
this sould generate you a valid lircd.conf file (sometimes its then called

then try to start the lircd daemon in nodaemon mode:
$ lircd -n -d /dev/lirc/0 lircd.conf
you see now the output of lircd

try to run now irw in annother terminal
$ irw

then you can copy your valid lircd.conf to /etc/ or to /etc/lirc, and try
to start the daemon in the distros way:
$ /etc/init.d/lircd start (or similar)

if this works, your remot is up at every reboot.

its a long way, but it is hard to install a general setup such that every
remote out there would work plug n play :-)



 Alberto Hernando wrote:
 El Martes, 2 de Septiembre de 2008 01:42, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] patrick]# ircat --config=/etc/freevo/lircrc freevo
 freevo: could not connect to socket
 freevo: Connection refused
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] patrick]#


 In this case, it is normal, because you killed lircd.
 Well, the hardware seems to be ok. I don't know why irw doesn't work...


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Re: [Freevo-users] lirc : irw say nothing .

2008-09-01 Thread Andreas Dick
 lircd and lircmd running on my mandriva but irw say nothing when i
 press some key . i look at a lot of website on the net, but i don't
 found or understand ^^ why it don't work . if you can help .
have you any output in `dmesg` that can be related to your remote?
do you have any /dev/lirc* devices?
it could be that your kernel uses /dev/lirc0 and lircd would use /dev/lirc...

more details could be helpfull!


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Re: [Freevo-users] lirc : irw say nothing .

2008-09-01 Thread Andreas Dick
Am Montag, 1. September 2008 22.20:26 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ ls -l /dev/lirc*
 srw-rw-rw- 1 root root  0 2008-08-27 22:46 /dev/lircd=
 prw-r--r-- 1 root root  0 2008-08-27 22:46 /dev/lircm|
 total 0
 crw-rw 1 root root 61, 0 2008-08-27 22:46 0

good, your kernel module is loaded right.
strange, but do you have a file /dev/lirc/0 ?
$ ls -l /dev/lirc/0
then this is new for me (but this is dirstro-dependend)...
just try now
$ cat /dev/lirc/0
if you see some strange characters while pressing buttons, your on the way!
try then
$ mode2 -d /dev/lirc/0
if this gives you numbers as output while pressing buttons, your still on the 
way :-)
then you have to use /dev/lirc/0 allways you have to set a lirc device name, 
e.g. in /etc/lirc/lircd.conf

waiting your answers

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Re: [Freevo-users] freevo no sound in kde

2008-08-26 Thread Andreas Dick
 Le Tue, 26 Aug 2008 17:43:56 +1000,
 Elizabeth Dodd [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

 Is this all sound in freevo or just sound related to tv?
 sound related to tv has specific answers


 i try some mp3, and i have the same problem .
have you the same problem not using freevo? e.g.: 'mplayer any.mp3'
have you checked the mixer? e.g. alsamixer?
have you checked the driver? e.g. dmesg or 'cat /proc/asound/devices'


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Re: [Freevo-users] LCDd continues error messages

2008-07-26 Thread Andreas Dick
Am Donnerstag, 24. Juli 2008 14.39:19 schrieb Faser:
 Hi Andreas,

 thanks for pointing to lcd2, not only you forced me to finally move from
 1.7 to 1.8 but also with lcd2 the errors are gone and I have finally a
 clock on my LCD.
cool to hear.
the clock is only one improvement, others are:
- volume/mute info
- shows xine video time infos if the xine_info plugin is activated
- easier to navigate than lcd (I think so)



 Faser wrote:
  Hi Andreas,
  yes, using lcd. Will give lcd2 a shoot.
  Andreas Dick wrote:
  LCDd version is 0.4.5
  The LCD is the build in VFD in the Antec Fusion. I think it is 16x2!
  The video is a AVI/DIVX5
  But it also happens e.g. when playing Webradio
  which plugin are you using? lcd or lcd2?
  PS: lcd2 is optimized for my 16x2 LCD, maybe it could be usefull for you
  too: because lcd gives very poor infos on a 16x2...
  Duncan Webb wrote:
  Faser wrote:
  Hi All,
  as soon as a Movie or a Stream is running I get the following errors
  in my message log:
  Jul 19 12:03:59 server LCDd: error: huh? Could not parse command
  Jul 19 12:04:03 server LCDd: error: huh? Could not parse command
  Jul 19 12:04:07 server LCDd: error: huh? Could not parse command
  Jul 19 12:04:11 server LCDd: error: huh? Could not parse command
  Any idea why it happens and how to get rid of this messages?
  Difficult to say with so little information.
  What version of LCDd are you running?
  What is the format of your LCD?
  What is the title (possibly not important) of the video?
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Re: [Freevo-users] LCDd continues error messages

2008-07-22 Thread Andreas Dick
 LCDd version is 0.4.5
 The LCD is the build in VFD in the Antec Fusion. I think it is 16x2!
 The video is a AVI/DIVX5
 But it also happens e.g. when playing Webradio
which plugin are you using? lcd or lcd2?
PS: lcd2 is optimized for my 16x2 LCD, maybe it could be usefull for you
too: because lcd gives very poor infos on a 16x2...



 Duncan Webb wrote:
 Faser wrote:

 Hi All,

 as soon as a Movie or a Stream is running I get the following errors in
 my message log:

 Jul 19 12:03:59 server LCDd: error: huh? Could not parse command
 Jul 19 12:04:03 server LCDd: error: huh? Could not parse command
 Jul 19 12:04:07 server LCDd: error: huh? Could not parse command
 Jul 19 12:04:11 server LCDd: error: huh? Could not parse command

 Any idea why it happens and how to get rid of this messages?

 Difficult to say with so little information.

 What version of LCDd are you running?

 What is the format of your LCD?

 What is the title (possibly not important) of the video?


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Re: [Freevo-users] Freevo 1.8 - why does it need to poll anyway?

2008-07-05 Thread Andreas Dick
Am Samstag, 5. Juli 2008 00.51:06 schrieb Omry Yadan:
 What exactly is freevo doing that requires constant polling?

 why does it need to do it while playing a video?
e.g. because I like to have the LCD updated with the elapsed/total time.
but you are right, this poll must not be with full resolution, 0.1sec would be 

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Re: [Freevo-users] Freevo 1.8 - why does it need to poll anyway?

2008-07-05 Thread Andreas Dick
Am Samstag, 5. Juli 2008 16.09:06 schrieb Omry Yadan:
 this hardly sounds cpu intensive. (and can also be activated on demand :
 most users does not need this functionality).
when I wrote the plugin, I had to set the poll time for this plugin (0.1 or 
0.2 sec)... I suppose that freevo is polling only with that freq if no other 
plugin needs a faster poll...
so if yo do not activate lcd/lcd2, no polling in the case of video is 
needed... but maybe a more flexible/transparent set in the plugin could be 
usefull... this is also a question of the architecture, and this should be 
improved in 2.0 (?)

 anything else?

 Andreas Dick wrote:
  Am Samstag, 5. Juli 2008 11.14:49 schrieb Omry Yadan:
  you mean that Freevo draws straight on the mplayer/xine surface?
  NO. I have a 2x16 char LCD on the front of my freevo multimedia box
  standing in the living room (Noblesse AVC-S1), and I wrote plugin
  that I am able to navigate the whole freevo without TV/beamer on (because
  in 90% my freevo box is used as radio, thus the autostart plugin just
  starts radio after 10sec without action)
  Andreas Dick wrote:
  Am Samstag, 5. Juli 2008 00.51:06 schrieb Omry Yadan:
  What exactly is freevo doing that requires constant polling?
  why does it need to do it while playing a video?
  e.g. because I like to have the LCD updated with the elapsed/total
  time. but you are right, this poll must not be with full resolution,
  0.1sec would be enough...
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Re: [Freevo-users] Freevo volume control question

2008-06-26 Thread Andreas Dick
Am Mittwoch, 25. Juni 2008 20.36:32 schrieb Benedikt Bär:
 Hey Duncan,

 Huge thanks for replying.

 The thing is I use irexec, but freevo does not monitor the volume
 change. For example, irexec sets the volume via amixer -or similar- but
 Freevo does not know about that. I'm, using 1.7.3.

 So, when I exit my game, Freevo still shows the same volume, but the
 actual volume is quite different, and when I then hit the volume button
 (which is then again controlled by Freevo), it sets the volume according
 to the value before starting the game.

 What I'm searching for is either:
 1) That Freevo detects the change in alsamixer2, and adjusts itself (of
 course, this should be configurable), but I think this is not
 implemented yet
why do you not use the normal way to control volume with a lircrc like
prog   = freevo
button = vol-
config = VOL-
prog   = freevo
button = vol+
config = VOL+
and with a lirc configuration like
LIRCRC = '/etc/lirc/lircrc.freevo'

like this freevo will get the volume change and if you configure alsamixerX it 
even will control it...

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Re: [Freevo-users] UI idea

2008-06-19 Thread Andreas Dick
Hei Dischi
what is the actual state of 2.0 ?

I wrote/patched allready some plugins for 1.x, and my impression is that to 
start with coding is very easy in the beginning (after understanding the 
plugin methods like eventhandler/draw/poll) but becomes very hard if you try 
to use informations from other parts of the software... what I mean is, I  
miss an easy architecture design, data flows and so on.
how is this in 2.0?

what kind of help do you need?
is there a point of start somewhere?

well, my time is limited in the moment but could become better after sommer...


Am Donnerstag, 19. Juni 2008 13.19:51 schrieb Dirk Meyer:
 Meneer Jansen wrote:
  On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 11:41 PM, John Molohan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Just came across the piclens plugin It gives a great
  example of what the freevo image/youtube/movie interface could be like.

 Well, maybe. I did not try it (does not work with Linux) but you have
 to laod all the images and video to do this effect. But I already have
 the mix of image viewer and image listing in my design.

  Looks very nice and bling-bling indeed. :) However, I fear that this
  sort of interface would *require* openGL (i.e. proprietary Nvidia or
  Ati/AMD driver). Which would also mean a complete rewrite of Freevo I

 It is and Freevo 2.0 (if it will see the light some day) IS a complete
 rewrite. I'm working on using clutter as gui backend which supports GL
 for some effects.

  And last but not least: my TV-out (via the utility 'nvtv') does not
  work well in combination w/ the proprietary Nvidia driver. Therefore
  I, for one, like the fact that Freevo is 'bling-bling less' (without
  GL that is).

 I agree. Using clutter you can always fall back to software GL. But
 that is slow. So yes, most animation MUST be optional. But a special
 plugin doing stuff like piclens could require GL and you just can not
 use it. But you should still be able to browse your images with other
 plugins not using GL.

 What I wonder: is someone interessent in helping me designing such new
 interfaces for 2.0? I would liek some ideas including suggestions HOW
 it could work.

  I don't know how TV out is w/ newer Nvidia cards and the proprietary
  driver compared to my GeForce2MX (Ati, I think, will never have proper
  *overscanned* tvout for Linux), maybe switching from PC-monitor to
  TV-out works fine, but until that day I prefer a GL-less interface for
  my Mediacenter. :)

 In the future you don't need TV-out, VGA/DVI/HDMI works just fine :)
 But like I wrote above, animations are optional.


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Re: [Freevo-users] pictures on an foto CD, only thumbs

2008-06-06 Thread Andreas Dick
Am Dienstag, 27. Mai 2008 22.47:35 schrieb Duncan Webb:
 Andreas Dick wrote:
  hei all
  I tried an old foto-CD (from a foto lab). I can navigate to the pictures
  and see the thumbs, but if I try to show it, it shows me that the picture
  do not exist...
  freevo is 1.8.0, interesting log snippets are:
  2008-05-25 21:39:45,682 INFO No Type found by Extension. Trying all
  2008-05-25 21:39:45,757 INFO Invalid header
  2008-05-25 21:39:45,811 INFO trying mpeg-pes scan
  2008-05-25 21:39:45,840 INFO No Type found by Extension. Trying all
  2008-05-25 21:39:45,880 INFO Invalid header
  2008-05-25 21:39:45,881 INFO trying mpeg-pes scan
  2008-05-25 21:39:56,119 INFO No Type found by Extension. Trying all
  2008-05-25 21:39:56,120 INFO Invalid header
  2008-05-25 21:39:56,121 INFO trying mpeg-pes scan
  2008-05-25 21:40:00,493 INFO SEGMENT: 0xffe0, len=16
  2008-05-25 21:40:00,673 INFO SEGMENT: 0xffe0, len=16
  2008-05-25 21:40:00,761 INFO SEGMENT: 0xffe0, len=16
  2008-05-25 21:40:00,852 INFO SEGMENT: 0xffe0, len=16
  2008-05-25 21:40:00,940 INFO SEGMENT: 0xffe0, len=16
  2008-05-25 21:40:01,037 INFO SEGMENT: 0xffe0, len=16
  2008-05-25 21:40:01,117 INFO SEGMENT: 0xffe0, len=16
  2008-05-25 21:40:06,621 WARNING (648): Bitmap
  file /usr/share/freevo/images/drom/pictures/001325/small/0002-51.jpg
  doesn't exist!
  2008-05-25 21:40:06,634 WARNING (648): Bitmap
  file /usr/share/freevo/images/drom/pictures/001325/small/0002-52.jpg
  doesn't exist!
  why is it looking in /usr/share/freevo/images/ ???
  and why not in /usr/share/freevo/images/cdrom/ (do not exist anyway)

 This may be a problem with kaa.metadata not identifying the image
 correctly. Will you try:

 mminfo /usr/share/freevo/images/drom/pictures/001325/small/0002-52.jpg
this is path is very strange!  /usr/share/freevo/images/drom do not exist at 

 The path does look wrong if this is a cdrom. If this is a CDROM what are
 the settings for the ROM_DRIVES.
ROM_DRIVES = [ ('/media/cdrom', '/dev/cdrom', 'CD/DVD') ]

but now I found that the cdrom gets unmounted just before showing the picture 
in fullsize... showing the error that the picture does not exist! with the 
BACK button it is possible to navigate the CD after waiting the normal freevo 
mounting process...

I use 1.8.0 and I think some other people have the same problem, where could I 
start to solve it?



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[Freevo-users] pictures on an foto CD, only thumbs

2008-05-25 Thread Andreas Dick
hei all
I tried an old foto-CD (from a foto lab). I can navigate to the pictures and 
see the thumbs, but if I try to show it, it shows me that the picture do not 
freevo is 1.8.0, interesting log snippets are:
2008-05-25 21:39:45,682 INFO No Type found by Extension. Trying all
2008-05-25 21:39:45,757 INFO Invalid header
2008-05-25 21:39:45,811 INFO trying mpeg-pes scan
2008-05-25 21:39:45,840 INFO No Type found by Extension. Trying all
2008-05-25 21:39:45,880 INFO Invalid header
2008-05-25 21:39:45,881 INFO trying mpeg-pes scan
2008-05-25 21:39:56,119 INFO No Type found by Extension. Trying all
2008-05-25 21:39:56,120 INFO Invalid header
2008-05-25 21:39:56,121 INFO trying mpeg-pes scan
2008-05-25 21:40:00,493 INFO SEGMENT: 0xffe0, len=16
2008-05-25 21:40:00,673 INFO SEGMENT: 0xffe0, len=16
2008-05-25 21:40:00,761 INFO SEGMENT: 0xffe0, len=16
2008-05-25 21:40:00,852 INFO SEGMENT: 0xffe0, len=16
2008-05-25 21:40:00,940 INFO SEGMENT: 0xffe0, len=16
2008-05-25 21:40:01,037 INFO SEGMENT: 0xffe0, len=16
2008-05-25 21:40:01,117 INFO SEGMENT: 0xffe0, len=16
2008-05-25 21:40:06,621 WARNING (648): Bitmap 
file /usr/share/freevo/images/drom/pictures/001325/small/0002-51.jpg 
doesn't exist!
2008-05-25 21:40:06,634 WARNING (648): Bitmap 
file /usr/share/freevo/images/drom/pictures/001325/small/0002-52.jpg 
doesn't exist!

why is it looking in /usr/share/freevo/images/ ???
and why not in /usr/share/freevo/images/cdrom/ (do not exist anyway)


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Re: [Freevo-users] autostart plugin

2008-05-18 Thread Andreas Dick
Am Samstag, 17. Mai 2008 11.43:07 schrieb John Molohan:
  Duncan Webb wrote:
 Andreas Dick wrote:

 hei freevoers
 I wrote a plugin that allows to define an event list that will be called
 after the first few seconds of inactivity... I use it to start the radio as
 default action, but only if in the first 5 seconds appears no other action

 the config looks like this:


 what do you mean? would this be possible in another way, or could this
 plugin be of interest like that?

 IIRC there was a discussion about this a while ago and it would be a
 useful addition.


  This would be great. The autoshutdown plugin has a default wake up time in
 it. If coupled with this then you have an alarm clock feature with freevo
 :) Maybe it would be good to add a submenu entry to the shutdown command
 that would set the default (or specified) wake up time and set an autostart
 flag that would be read to go straight into playing the radio etc. That way
 it could be used without always defaulting to turning on after the


The plugin ist yet very simply (see the atachement), but its open to pack more 
functionality in it...

I will add it at sourceforge as well

Description: application/python
Index: freevo/
--- freevo/	(Revision 10720)
+++ freevo/	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -111,7 +111,29 @@
 # SYS_SHUTDOWN_CMD = sudo shutdown -h now
 # SYS_RESTART_CMD = sudo shutdown -r now
 # ==
+# ==
+# The autostart plugin allows you to define an action that will be
+# called when the user do not interact in the first few seconds.
+# With this it is possible to define a default action e.g. starting
+# radio if there is no activity else.
+# uncomment this to activate the autostart plugin:
+# plugin.activate('autostart')
+# the timeout in seconds, after this time the events are called
+# freevo events in a list of strings
+# ==
 # ==
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Freevo-users mailing list

Re: [Freevo-users] radio plugin with station images?

2008-05-16 Thread Andreas Dick
 Hi Andreas
 That was easy to change and it works now. Thanks for your support.
 The only problem is that the volume is very very low playing radio this
 way. Any idea?
Yes. (what card do you have? you have ecactly the same problems than with my 
ivtv based card!) I do not know why, but the volume is ca. 8 times lower than 
the normal sound.

I fixed it useing the attached /etc/asound.conf and the following:
RADIO_CMD = '/usr/bin/ivtv-radio -d /dev/radio0 -i /dev/video24 -c aplay -f 
dat -D ukwradio  %s'

I do not know if this is the propper way. In my case I think the problem is in 
the ivtv driver...


 Thans and regards
 Andreas Dick schrieb:
 '$ mplayer radio://106.55' gives no sound :-(
 then you have the same situation as I have.

 The configuration with radio.fxd similar to the webradio.fxd looks
 But when I start to play a radio station freevo says:
 'Cannot play with RadioPlayer - no station'

 This is an extract from the radio.fxd:
 ?xml version=1.0 ?
  container title=Alternative
  audio title=Couleur3

 Extract from
 RADIO_CMD = '/usr/bin/ivtv-radio -d /dev/radio0 -i /dev/video24'
  ('Couleur 3', '106.55')

 As you can see I tried some different configurations - without success.
 I'm not using the lates svn version but freevo 1.8.0 from the official
 This is the reason: My patch is very new and not in 1.8.0 ... try to use
 svn or wait to the next release. Or if you want to apply the patch to
 1.8.0, here you find the patch and some discussion about the
 (the patch adds only one code line, you could apply it easily by hand)



 Andreas Dick schrieb:
 Am Mittwoch, 14. Mai 2008 21.28:19 schrieb Markus Wittenberg:

 It's easy to show radio station images for webradio, because it can
 configured within the 'webradio.fxd'.

 But is it also possible to have radio station images for the
 plugin? Usually I just can configure the station name and the

  ('Couleur 3', '106.55')

 Can I also configure a station image somehow?
 The easiest could be to use the webradio.fxd file as well for the
 instead of the radio plugin. try to use:
 but this works only if the command line
 $ mplayer radio://106.55
 works in your setup. if not, you could try to use the newest svn, then
 you can
 in your fxd file. You have also to activate the radioplayer plugin
 radio plugin) and also you have to configure RADIO_CMD

 good luck

 Thanks and regards

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 Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
 Freevo-users mailing list

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 This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
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 This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
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 Freevo-users mailing list

 This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
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Re: [Freevo-users] radio plugin with station images?

2008-05-16 Thread Andreas Dick
Am Freitag, 16. Mai 2008 17.29:32 schrieb Duncan Webb:
 Andreas Dick wrote:
  Hi Andreas
  That was easy to change and it works now. Thanks for your support.
  The only problem is that the volume is very very low playing radio this
  way. Any idea?
  Yes. (what card do you have? you have exactly the same problems than with
  my ivtv based card!) I do not know why, but the volume is ca. 8 times
  lower than the normal sound.
  I fixed it useing the attached /etc/asound.conf and the following:
  RADIO_CMD = '/usr/bin/ivtv-radio -d /dev/radio0 -i /dev/video24 -c aplay
  -f dat -D ukwradio  %s'
  I do not know if this is the proper way. In my case I think the problem
  is in the ivtv driver...

 It seems a reasonable way...

 I'm not sure if it is the driver or the hardware. I've got five
 Hauppauge ivtv cards and the sound levels and picture quality varies a
 *lot*, two are really bad both in picture quality and sound levels. The
 picture quality should be as good as when the coax cable is directly to
 a TV. If it isn't take it back and complain.
I am interested what cards you have tested?
do you now if the Win$ drivers show the same quality?

 To prove this I swapped a bad card for a good one in the same PCI slot,
 same driver and the difference was immediately apparent.


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 Freevo-users mailing list

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft 
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
Freevo-users mailing list

[Freevo-users] autostart plugin

2008-05-16 Thread Andreas Dick
hei freevoers
I wrote a plugin that allows to define an event list that will be called after 
the first few seconds of inactivity... I use it to start the radio as default 
action, but only if in the first 5 seconds appears no other action (event).

the config looks like this:


what do you mean? would this be possible in another way, or could this plugin 
be of interest like that?


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Freevo-users mailing list

Re: [Freevo-users] radio plugin with station images?

2008-05-15 Thread Andreas Dick
 '$ mplayer radio://106.55' gives no sound :-(
then you have the same situation as I have.

 The configuration with radio.fxd similar to the webradio.fxd looks good.
 But when I start to play a radio station freevo says:
 'Cannot play with RadioPlayer - no station'

 This is an extract from the radio.fxd:
 ?xml version=1.0 ?
  container title=Alternative
  audio title=Couleur3
  cover-imgradiologos/Couleur 3.png/cover-img

 Extract from
 RADIO_CMD = '/usr/bin/ivtv-radio -d /dev/radio0 -i /dev/video24'
  ('Couleur 3', '106.55')

 As you can see I tried some different configurations - without success.
 I'm not using the lates svn version but freevo 1.8.0 from the official
This is the reason: My patch is very new and not in 1.8.0 ... try to use
svn or wait to the next release. Or if you want to apply the patch to
1.8.0, here you find the patch and some discussion about the problematic:
(the patch adds only one code line, you could apply it easily by hand)



 Andreas Dick schrieb:
 Am Mittwoch, 14. Mai 2008 21.28:19 schrieb Markus Wittenberg:

 It's easy to show radio station images for webradio, because it can be
 configured within the 'webradio.fxd'.

 But is it also possible to have radio station images for the
 plugin? Usually I just can configure the station name and the frequency

  ('Couleur 3', '106.55')

 Can I also configure a station image somehow?
 The easiest could be to use the webradio.fxd file as well for the radio
 instead of the radio plugin. try to use:
 but this works only if the command line
 $ mplayer radio://106.55
 works in your setup. if not, you could try to use the newest svn, then
 you can
 in your fxd file. You have also to activate the radioplayer plugin (not
 radio plugin) and also you have to configure RADIO_CMD

 good luck

 Thanks and regards

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 Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
 Freevo-users mailing list

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 This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
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Freevo-users mailing list

Re: [Freevo-users] radio plugin with station images?

2008-05-14 Thread Andreas Dick
Am Mittwoch, 14. Mai 2008 21.28:19 schrieb Markus Wittenberg:

 It's easy to show radio station images for webradio, because it can be
 configured within the 'webradio.fxd'.

 But is it also possible to have radio station images for the
 plugin? Usually I just can configure the station name and the frequency

  ('Couleur 3', '106.55')

 Can I also configure a station image somehow?
The easiest could be to use the webradio.fxd file as well for the radio 
instead of the radio plugin. try to use:
but this works only if the command line
$ mplayer radio://106.55
works in your setup. if not, you could try to use the newest svn, then you can 
in your fxd file. You have also to activate the radioplayer plugin (not the 
radio plugin) and also you have to configure RADIO_CMD

good luck

 Thanks and regards

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 Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
 Freevo-users mailing list

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Re: [Freevo-users] image viewer screensaver crash

2008-04-28 Thread Andreas Dick
Am Montag, 28. April 2008 18.54:51 schrieb Jonathan Isom:
 Just updated svn and now I get this when the imageviewer screensaver
 comes on.


 Warning: cache is older than 7 days
 Running 'freevo cache' is recommended.

 WARNING: No alternate found in the alias list!
 WARNING: Falling back to default font, this may look very ugly
 can't locate plugin weather
 start 'freevo plugins -l' to get a list of plugins
 Freevo 1.8.1 r10645 ready
 Cannot match files in /mount/dvd: [Errno 2] No such file or
 directory: '/mount/dvd'
 CRITICAL: Crash!: Playlist instance has no attribute 'play_items'
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /usr/lib64/python2.5/site-packages/freevo/, line 498,
 in module
   File /usr/lib64/python2.5/site-packages/kaa/notifier/, line
 149, in run
   File /usr/lib64/python2.5/site-packages/kaa/notifier/, line
 111, in loop
 line 186, in step
 if not timer[ CALLBACK ]():
   File /usr/lib64/python2.5/site-packages/kaa/notifier/,
 line 176, in __call__
 return super(Timer, self).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
   File /usr/lib64/python2.5/site-packages/kaa/notifier/,
 line 97, in __call__
 ret = super(NotifierCallback, self).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
   File /usr/lib64/python2.5/site-packages/kaa/notifier/,
 line 168, in __call__
 result = cb(*cb_args, **cb_kwargs)
   File /usr/lib64/python2.5/site-packages/freevo/, line 660, in poll
   File /usr/lib64/python2.5/site-packages/freevo/image/,
 line 348, in signalhandler
   File /usr/lib64/python2.5/site-packages/freevo/image/,
 line 462, in eventhandler
 return self.fileitem.eventhandler(event)
   File /usr/lib64/python2.5/site-packages/freevo/, line 415,
 in eventhandler
 return self.parent.eventhandler(event, menuw)
   File /usr/lib64/python2.5/site-packages/freevo/, line
 482, in eventhandler, arg='next')
   File /usr/lib64/python2.5/site-packages/freevo/, line
 415, in play
   File /usr/lib64/python2.5/site-packages/freevo/image/,
 line 125, in view
 viewer.get_singleton().view(self, rotation=self['rotation'])
   File /usr/lib64/python2.5/site-packages/freevo/image/,
 line 308, in view
 index = item.parent.play_items.index(item)+1
 AttributeError: Playlist instance has no attribute 'play_items'

I think this is due to my patch about the IMAGEVIEWER_AUTOPLAY feature... I 
will try to reproduce and to fix it in the next days!
thanks for the report.

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Re: [Freevo-users] F-keys and mplayer

2008-04-16 Thread Andreas Dick
using the remote as keyboard can be good if it fits, but is very
unflexible if not... on the other hand you would have full control over
the key mapping using lirc (


 I was configuring freevo to fit some mediacenter-pc i bought. It came
 with a remote controle which sends keycodes.

 Unfortunately some of the keys are mapped to f1-f12, which is no problem
 in freevo itself, but when mplayer is running all keypresses on these
 keys are ignored. Is there any way to change this?

 Other keys are e.g. the arrow-keys on the numblock, for which
 pygame.locals doesnt have support. Any chance getting this to run wthout
 hacking pygame?

 Thank you in advance

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[Freevo-users] new LCD plugin

2008-03-09 Thread Andreas Dick
hei freevoers
I was not really satisfied with the old lcd plugin on my 2x16 iMON LCD... my 
need is to be able to use freevo without any screen (at least the music), 
just with the LCD!.

Since it was to complicated for me to improve the old plugin, I wrote a new 
one: it is called (could be changed if needed)

It is written and tested for freevo- but it should work with other 
versions too. It should work with different LCDs if they work together with 
the old plugin but I can not test it here :-)
since I do not use TV, this is not supported yet, and since xine video shows 
not a lot of infos, it is supported bad as well, and the localisation is not 
well done yet.

here is a list of features:
- the header field (topline-left) shows where you are in the menu: Freevo, 
Music, Images, Videos, Radio, MP3, CD-ROM, DVD/SVCD, ... (but it is not the 
title of the parent as in, it is a constructed, 8 character limited, 
- the info field (topline-right) shows infos like OSD would do: clock, 
volume, 'Play', 'pause', but also menu-position, and it shows if the meaning 
of the iMON button/wheel is changed (VOLUME, MENU,...)
- the menu line(s) help to navigate through the menu tree. I have only one, 
but with the menu position/size in the info field it is much more easier to 
- the last or the second last line is used to show the player title
- the last line is used to show the player info (elapsed time / total time) 
and in the image viewer the number of the actual image / total images

to show infos like volume and image-viewer infos, I had to apply event senders 
in some other plugins like,,, 
In image/ I also applied a patch to change the duration time in the 
slideshow with the REW/FFWD buttons... and I added a new configure option  
IMAGEVIEWER_PLAY_AT_START that controlls if the image player should start 
automatically or only if PLAY is pressed.
Maybe this changes are not well integrated in freevo yet (undifined events, 
localisation, configuration, ...) - help is recommended

hei freevo hackers, what have I to do with this? should I add a bug report?

# diff freevo- freevo-
 rc.post_event(Event('MIXER_VOLUME_INFO', arg='%s' % self.getVolume()))
 rc.post_event(Event('MIXER_VOLUME_INFO', arg='%s' % self.getVolume()))
 rc.post_event(Event('MIXER_VOLUME_INFO', arg='%s' % self.getVolume()))
# diff freevo- freevo-
 self.slideshow   = True
 self.slideshow   = config.IMAGEVIEWER_PLAY_AT_START
 self.duration	 = config.IMAGEVIEWER_DURATION
 if self.fileitem.duration and self.slideshow and not self.signal_registered:
 rc.register(self.signalhandler, False, self.fileitem.duration*100)
 if self.duration and self.slideshow and not self.signal_registered:
 rc.register(self.signalhandler, False, self.duration*100)
 # stop slideshow at the end if configured
 index = item.parent.play_items.index(item)+1
 length = len(item.parent.play_items)
 if (index == length): self.slideshow = config.IMAGEVIEWER_PLAY_AT_START
 # send information event to LCD2
 rc.post_event(Event('IMAGE_VIEW_INFO', arg=(index, length,
 if event == PAUSE or event == PLAY:
 # SELECT also should act as PLAY/PAUSE (- could be done with event rerouting!?)
 if event == PAUSE or event == PLAY or (event == BUTTON and event.arg == 'SELECT'):
 rc.post_event(Event('IMAGE_PAUSE_INFO', arg=''))
 rc.post_event(Event(OSD_MESSAGE, arg=_('play')))
 rc.post_event(Event(OSD_MESSAGE, arg=_('play')+(' %ss'%self.duration)))
 rc.post_event(Event('IMAGE_PLAY_INFO', arg='%s' % self.duration))
 self.slideshow = config.IMAGEVIEWER_PLAY_AT_START
 # change slideshow duration and send event to OSD and LCD2
 elif (event == BUTTON) and (event.arg == 'REW'):
 if self.duration  7: self.duration -= 2
 elif self.duration  1: self.duration -= 1
 rc.post_event(Event(OSD_MESSAGE, arg=Timer %ss % self.duration)) # not yet internationalised
 rc.post_event(Event('IMAGE_PLAY_INFO', arg='%s' % self.duration))
 return True
 elif (event == BUTTON) and (event.arg == 'FFWD'):
 if self.duration  6: self.duration += 1
 elif self.duration  11: self.duration += 2
 rc.post_event(Event(OSD_MESSAGE, arg=Timer %ss % self.duration)) # not yet internationalised
 rc.post_event(Event('IMAGE_PLAY_INFO', arg='%s' % 

Re: [Freevo-users] new LCD plugin

2008-03-09 Thread Andreas Dick
Am Sonntag, 9. März 2008 16:21 schrieb John Molohan:
 Andreas Dick wrote:
  hei freevoers
  I was not really satisfied with the old lcd plugin on my 2x16 iMON LCD...
  my need is to be able to use freevo without any screen (at least the
  music), just with the LCD!.
  Since it was to complicated for me to improve the old plugin, I wrote a
  new one: it is called (could be changed if needed)
  It is written and tested for freevo- but it should work with other
  versions too. It should work with different LCDs if they work together
  with the old plugin but I can not test it here :-)
  since I do not use TV, this is not supported yet, and since xine video
  shows not a lot of infos, it is supported bad as well, and the
  localisation is not well done yet.
  here is a list of features:
  - the header field (topline-left) shows where you are in the menu:
  Freevo, Music, Images, Videos, Radio, MP3, CD-ROM, DVD/SVCD, ... (but it
  is not the title of the parent as in, it is a constructed, 8
  character limited, string)
  - the info field (topline-right) shows infos like OSD would do: clock,
  volume, 'Play', 'pause', but also menu-position, and it shows if the
  meaning of the iMON button/wheel is changed (VOLUME, MENU,...)
  - the menu line(s) help to navigate through the menu tree. I have only
  one, but with the menu position/size in the info field it is much more
  easier to navigate.
  - the last or the second last line is used to show the player title
  - the last line is used to show the player info (elapsed time / total
  time) and in the image viewer the number of the actual image / total
  to show infos like volume and image-viewer infos, I had to apply event
  senders in some other plugins like,,,
  In image/ I also applied a patch to change the duration time in
  the slideshow with the REW/FFWD buttons... and I added a new configure
  option IMAGEVIEWER_PLAY_AT_START that controlls if the image player
  should start automatically or only if PLAY is pressed.
  Maybe this changes are not well integrated in freevo yet (undifined
  events, localisation, configuration, ...) - help is recommended
  hei freevo hackers, what have I to do with this? should I add a bug

 As it's for rel-1 a feature request is what you want
ok. I uploaded it there.

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Re: [Freevo-users] Freevo using alsa

2008-03-08 Thread Andreas Dick
hei Benedikt
I had similar soundcard problems:
1) alsamixer showed me no Master and no Surround/Center/LFE controls as I 
expected (I had just a PCM and a Front control) for my card... - the 
solution was then that for my 5.1 soundcard (NVidia hda) I have to use the 
following module option in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa :
options snd-hda-intel model=3stack-6ch-dig
with this '6ch' option I find all expected channels in alsamixer, including a 
correct Master control.
2) I failed with the freevo alsamixer plugin too, but I works now great with 
the alsamixer2 plugin:

#   (ctrl, card, default vol, min vol, max vol)
('Master', 'hw:NVidia', 90, 0, 100),
maybe you find a similar solution?

Am Samstag, 8. März 2008 22:58 schrieb Benedikt Bär:
 Hi Duncan,

 The Freevo box is directly connected to a 5.1 speaker system. When I
 open alsamixer on the terminal, I can control the global volume of the
 whole system with the PCM channel.

 However, when I'm on the main menu of Freevo, I can control the volume
 using the remote Vol+ and Vol- buttons. When I press one of these, the
 Freevo OSD will show that it's changing the volume, but no alsa line
 gets modified.

 I'm thinking that maybe the volume control is not using ALSA at all. Do
 I have to install some command line tool for this to work?

 Here's the output of the -i command:

 Name: alsamixer
 Type: DaemonPlugin
 File: /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/freevo/plugins/

 Mixer for ALSA, requires pyalsaaudio module from

 Plugin configuration variables:
 ALSA_CARDID: Alsa Card id
 Default: hw:0

 ALSA_LINE_CARDID: Alsa Line Card id
 Default: hw:0

 ALSA_MIXER_NAME: Alsa Mixer Name
 Default: Master

 Default: PCM

 ALSA_LINEMIXER_NAME: Alsa Line Mixer Name
 Default: Line

 ALSA_MICMIXER_NAME: Alsa Mic Mixer Name
 Default: Mic

 The plugin is loaded with the following settings:
 type=default, level=10, args=None


 This message is digitally signed by a PGP
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 On Sat, 2008-03-08 at 22:43 +0100, Duncan Webb wrote:
  Benedikt Bär wrote:
   Hi all,
   I'm currently setting up my Freevo media center, version 1.7.3. I have
   everything working, except one thing:
   I have a lirc remote control, when I press Vol+ or Vol-, Freevo
   correctly displays the volume change. Same with the mute button.
   However, the actual system volume is never actually changed.
   I'm using alsa, and have activated the alsamixer plug-in. I have also
   set PCM (which is the correct channel, according to alsamixer)
   in /etc/freevo/local_conf_py (MAJOR_AUDIO_CTRL).
   This happens in the menu, as well as with mplayer, etc...
  I've not used this plug-in yet but have you checked that you have set up
  the ALSA_MIXER variables in you Use:
  freevo plugins -i alsamixer
  I assume that freevo has speakers connected to the Freevo box and that
  you have *not* connected Freevo to a AV receiver.

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Re: [Freevo-users] Issue with DVD-playback

2008-03-05 Thread Andreas Dick
  When trying to play the DVD in the dvd-rom, it starts. Then it hangs a
  bit, I get some bits of audio and some white boxes on the screen.
  Anyone else with this issue?
I had a similar problem and the reason was the wrong region-code of the
DVD drive. The drive was set to an empty code, this means normaly that it
should play every DVD, but some DVDs check this and I had to set the
region-code of the drive to code 2 (Europe).
The region code can normaly only be changed 5 times, I used a tool called
regioncode (or similar, on Ubuntu/Debian try: aptitude search region )


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Re: [Freevo-users] no elapsed time on LCD with xine

2008-03-02 Thread Andreas Dick
Am Sonntag, 2. März 2008 13:37 schrieb Duncan Webb:
 Andreas Dick wrote:
  hei all
  is this normal in freevo, that when playing video with xine, the
  elapsed time on the lcd just stays at 0:00? Is that a setting in the conf
  or something? I do not know, if it was different in other versions...

 The elapsed time is parsed from the output of the program, xine-ui does
 not write anything so there is no time to be read. So I guess that it is
 normal and has always worked this way.
then it is ok. maybe I will find out a way.
and I am thinking about rewriting the lcd plugin, because my 2x16 lcd shows 
not all infos I would like to have...

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[Freevo-users] no elapsed time on LCD with xine

2008-03-01 Thread Andreas Dick
hei all
is this normal in freevo, that when playing video with xine, the 
elapsed time on the lcd just stays at 0:00? Is that a setting in the conf or 
something? I do not know, if it was different in other versions...

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[Freevo-users] xine as audio player?

2008-02-28 Thread Andreas Dick
hei freevo list
even if I use
it seems that mplayer is used as audio player (ps -ef)

on the other hand, xine is used propperly as video player...
any suggestions?


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[Freevo-users] CD-ROM problems

2008-02-28 Thread Andreas Dick
hei all
Is out there someone having a similar WARNING/ERROR message when using the
EJECT button on the remote/keyboard? (even the DVD tray is opening well)

WARNING (440): opening '/dev/hdd' failed: [Errno 5]
Input/output error

After investigating some time and replacing the hardware/type, we found
that the message is comming from the kernel/driver ... but then, other
people should observe this too

thanks for hints

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Re: [Freevo-users] mixing tuner radio and internet radio

2008-02-06 Thread Andreas Dick
Am Mittwoch, 6. Februar 2008 14:34 schrieb Duncan Webb:
 Andreas Dick said the following, on 06/02/2008 14:25:
  hei list
  I am able to use tuned radio as well as internett radio in Freevo 1.7.5.
  - is it possible to mix the two types in one menue tree?

 You want the radio plugged into the fxd file? Then not possible.
yes. maybe this could be for the wishlist?
maybe I see a possibility by stream the tuned radio and use it in the 
webradio.fxd as url. I will tell more if I have a solution.

  I like very the possibility of the fxd file of the internett radio
  plugin, but can I, however, insert the tuned radio plugin too?

 Yes you can have internet radio and the radio plug-in running together.
of course this is possible, but then I have to use two menue trees for radio 
instead of one...



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[Freevo-users] suspend/resume of a freevo box

2008-01-27 Thread Andreas Dick
hei all
maybe others are interested as well in how to suspend/resume a standalone 
freevo box. after some hours of investigations, I found a more or less proper 
solution... here are my experiences:

- my box is an new installed gutsy/amd64 and I use the acpi-support 
script /etc/acpi/ which works well if the X server is running (if 
not, the console stay black and X will no longer start after resume and I 
have not yet found why)

- what I need: I will be able to suspend the box by pressing the power button 
and also with the freevo shutdown mechanism.

1) the easyest would probably be to run /etc/acpi/ in the background 
and just to continue after resume:
- one problem for me is that the lirc_imon kernel module is not yet able to 
survive (on the other hand, lirc_serial is!).
- another problem is that if I press the power button in the moment freevo is 
streaming something frm a NFS mounted share or even internet radio, the 
resume is not properly done (whyever).

2) another solution would be to stop freevo+lirc, then run /etc/acpi/ 
and then restart lirc+freevo after resume.
- the first problem on my system is, that suspend/resume do not work if the X 
server is not running (X no more starts, whyever).
- another problem is, that stopping freevo out of freevo kills also all 
children of it, thus the killing script is killed as well and nobody can 
continue... (ok, I probably found a solution for that: forking a script with 
the atd mechanism, the new script is then a child of the atd and no longer of 
the freevo process)

3) my proposed (and tested) solution is, to start freevo out of .xinitrc such 
that if freevo (and not X) is ended, the while loop restarts freevo after 
suspend/resume while X is still running...

starting freevo at bootup with startx:
 /etc/rc.local *
su -l -c startx 2 /dev/null
exit 0
startx runs .xinitrc as child of the X server:
 /root/.xinitrc *
xset s noblank
xset s off
xset -dpms
 /etc/freevo/freevo.xinit **

while ! ( rm $sigexit 2 /dev/null ); do
  # sudpend/resume if asked
  if ( rm $sigsleep 2 /dev/null ); then
echo  - ...sleeping...
echo  + ...awaking...

  # start lirc and setup alsa
  /etc/lirc/lirc.start (could also be done with /etc/init.d/lirc start)
  /etc/alsa/alsa.setup (assure default alsamixer settings)

  # start freevo
  echo  + Starting freevo
  ( /usr/bin/freevo  /dev/null ) 2 /dev/null
  touch $sigsleep

  # stop lirc (could also be done with /etc/init.d/lirc stop)

  # stop lirc


echo  - Exiting freevo xinit loop
exit 0;
at the end of this script, X will exit as well

pressing the power button will just kill freevo:
 /etc/acpi/ **
# If all else failed, just initiate a plain shutdown.
#/sbin/shutdown -h now Power button pressed
kill `cat /var/run/`

in freevos nothing special is needed, just an normal freevo end:

that's all. maybe someone is interested in it? is there another (better) 
solution (working) out there? I am very interested!
or is this just not a need?
or would it be interesting to add it to a wiki somewhere?


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Re: [Freevo-users] [OT] FretsOnFire, alsa, snd-hda-intel

2008-01-10 Thread Andreas Dick
what I know is, that a normal sound card can handle only one speed rate at the 
same time (I tried once to capture at 8kHz and wondered that playing sound 
with all the other tools is so SLOW :-).

thus you have to recode the first steam to the rate of the second one in 
software before mixing them together!

here you find the 
following .asoundrc example for recoding a stream by software:

pcm_slave.sl2 {
pcm ens1371
rate 44100
pcm.rate_convert {
type rate
slave sl2

I know, it is not easy to play with .asoundrc because it is hard to test it... 
I useed a well known mp3 file with mplayer... then it shows some debug 
messages if you make a syntax errors and you see informations about speed and 

hope this helps

Am Donnerstag, 10. Januar 2008 13:23 schrieb Christian Lyra:
 Hi there,

 This is off-topic, but there´s a chance that someone here knows. I
 just found how funny and addictive is the Frets On Fire (FOF) game.
 Configure freevo to launch it was easy, but I found a annoying problem
 (not freevo related). FOF works by mixing two ogg audio streams, one
 with the guitar part of the song, and another with the other
 instruments.The problem is that the game expects to use a sample rate
 of 44.1khz and my sound card just cant do hardware mixing at 44.1khz,
 only at 48khz. The specs from shuttle says that the sound card is a
 Realtek ALC888DD (snd-hda-intel module on my kernel). The
 card can play 44.1khz streams just fine, but cant mix  two or more, so
 when playing the game I cant only hear half of the song.

 Alsa was suposed to use dmix when hardware mixing is not there. But it
 didnt work either. I tried to write a asoundrc file to explicit tell
 alsa to use dmix, overriding pcm.!default and pointing it to a
 swmixer, but without success. Even if the file looks ok, and I can
 use the config with alsaplayer -d swmixer song the game just cant
 mix the two streams. Strangely enough if I set the game to use a
 sample rate of 22050hz it works, but at the cost of some sound
 quality. Changing the sample rate to 48khz in the game also works, but
 in this case the music play faster, with higher pitch, and gets out of
 sync with the video.

 Does anyone has any idea of how to fix it? perhaps there´s a magic
 asoundrc? or a SDL option as the game is made in python/sdl ?

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Re: [Freevo-users] suspend to RAM in freevo

2008-01-04 Thread Andreas Dick
hei Michael
thanks for response. I have not yet the solution, I tried the following:
- I understand well the functions of the suspend.d/ and resume.d/ scripts and 
tried it, thanks for the link to the post
- my problem is to STOP freevo (In the post, freevo is NOT stopped, and I do 
not understand how he can restart it after resume) because if I STOP freevo, 
it kills the STOPPING script (what ever it is) as well! This looks like the 
child-process tries to kill his parrent and die as well... (or not?)

- but I will try to do it exactly how it was in the post and how you pointed 
it in your response...
- it would very help, if someone that was successful could post his 

on the other hand: is it not possible to reinitialise lirc and lcdproc inside 
freevo??? - this would be the proper solution for me, because it would be 
much more faster...


Am Freitag, 4. Januar 2008 03:07 schrieb Michael Brown:

 Disclaimer: I'm not using sleep on my system (yet), but this is how I
 understand it...

 -Original Message-
 From:  Andreas Dick

 the proposed solution use

 SHUTDOWN_SYS_CMD = /etc/acpi/
 the drawback is, that freevo is still running at sleep, and can not be
 started  at resume... (right?)

 As I understand it, this script then calls scripts residing in
 /etc/acpi/suspend.d in order to properly suspend the system.  The post I
 pointed you towards indicated the fellow who had done this had created a
 script which he stuck in /etc/acpi/suspend.d which stopped freevo, lcdproc,
 and lirc.

 He also created another script which
 he stuck in /etc/acpi/resume.d which started lirc, lcdproc, and finally
 freevo as the system resumed properly.

 On my Ubuntu system, the scripts in those directories begin with a number,
 allowing the admin to fine-tune suspend/resume orders.  You could simply
 create bash scripts and stick them in those directories to deal with the
 services you need to stop/start.  Create a script which simply executes
 /etc/init.d/[service] {stop/start} as needed, and stick it in
 acpi/suspend.d or acpi/resume.d.

 I tried then to use as a bash script like

   freevo stop
   freevo -fs --

 You'll just need to use the /etc/acpi/ as the Shutdown command. 
 Services are best handled in the suspend. and resume.d directories.  If you
 need to force freevo to start with -fs, then create a script like this

 /path/to/freevo -fs

 Save it in /etc/acpi/resume.d as and make it executable.

 problem is lirc_imon which do not work after

 resume. (on the other hand, lirc_serial and lcdproc works fine)
 if I want have lirc_imon running too, I have to restart lirc and LCDd...
 but then can freevo no longer use lirc and LCDd... right?

 Just make sure the resume scripts for lirc and lcdproc are numbered lower
 than Freevo, like and

 and that should let them start up in the right order before freevo.

 - Is it maybe possible to reinitialise lirc and LCDd from inside of
 freevo? (after running

 No need to.  Just create the proper suspend and resume scripts.  Think of
 the suspend.d and resume.d directories as being similar to the run levels
 that a normal Unix system uses for startup  shutdown.  Just re-read that

 and hopefully it's a bit clearer now.

 thanks for any help


 No worries!  Hope that helps!

 (Typed on my Treo, so forgive if it's a bit terse)

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Re: [Freevo-users] suspend to RAM in freevo

2008-01-03 Thread Andreas Dick
Am Donnerstag, 3. Januar 2008 07:00 schrieb nikosapi:
 On January 2, 2008 16:30:44 Andreas Dick wrote:
  hei all
  I would like to accelerate the shutdown and bootup time of my freevo box.
  one way would be to 'suspend to RAM' (S3) in the case of Shutdown in
  freevo. I tried:
  SHUTDOWN_SYS_CMD = /etc/acpi/
  this works fine, but after resuming there is no freevo anymore...
  of course I could ask the sleep script to start freevo after resume, but
  is there not a better way? which do not really shutdown freevo?
  thanks for hints

 Have a look at
thanks, but it is not what I need!
I need more a shutdown entry with are you sure? that do not realy ends 
freevo, but just start a command... then the power button works as well.
- I try to hack it like that.

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Re: [Freevo-users] suspend to RAM in freevo

2008-01-03 Thread Andreas Dick
the proposed solution use 
SHUTDOWN_SYS_CMD = /etc/acpi/
the drawback is, that freevo is still running at sleep, and can not be started 
at resume... (right?)
I tried then to use as a bash script like
freevo stop
freevo -fs
the problem here is, that freevo stop also kills all children of it, thus 
also the script it self
- Is it maybe possible to start the script as fork such that 'freevo stop' do 
not kill it as well?

as another solution I tried is to hack the shutdown plugin with something like
---src/plugins/, from line 61 (freevo 1.7.5)

works fine for freevo... the only problem is lirc_imon which do not work after 
resume. (on the other hand, lirc_serial and lcdproc works fine)
if I want have lirc_imon running too, I have to restart lirc and LCDd...
but then can freevo no longer use lirc and LCDd... right?
- Is it maybe possible to reinitialise lirc and LCDd from inside of freevo? 
(after running

thanks for any help

Am Donnerstag, 3. Januar 2008 16:53 schrieb Michael Brown:
 Andreas Dick andudi at writes:
is there not a better way? which do not really shutdown freevo?


 Try this post:

 Hope that helps!


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Re: [Freevo-users] EXIF image rotation in Photoviewer

2008-01-02 Thread Andreas Dick
 ps: It's there a package archive for Ubuntu that contains the current
 Freevo release?
no, I did not find an Ubuntu package as well. but Installing a new version is 
install latest dep package (1.7.3), download new one, untar, `python 


 Dirk Meyer schreef:
  Erik Happaerts wrote:
  Only the pictures that need to be rotated are rotated wrongly (so only
  the portrait once).
  The pictures contain the correct EXIF info. The problem lies within
  the full screen display mode of Freevo. This mode uses the EXIF data
  in the wrong way and rotates in the opposite direction
  Can you send me such a picture in a private mail please? Maybe it is a
  bug in kaa.metadata.
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Re: [Freevo-users] ubs storage and sysfs

2008-01-02 Thread Andreas Dick
 There would be quite a bit to change to get /sys/bus/usb working.
of course! no problem!

 Is there a problem adding:
 usbfs  /proc/bus/usb usbfsdevgid=14,devmode=0660 0 0
 to /etc/fstab?
wonderful!!! thanks


  Am Mittwoch, 26. Dezember 2007 16:17 schrieb Andreas Dick:
  hei all
  I installed freevo 1.7.5 at a new gutsy box... and the usb storage
  plugin faialsa-utils/ia64/downloadls saying that /proc/bus/usb/ is
  empty! on the other hand I find a lot stuff in /sys/bus/usb/
  - is it possible to use the usb plugin with sysfs instead of /proc ?
  - is it easy to say the kernel that it should support now
  /proc/bus/usb/ as well?
  thaks for help

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Re: [Freevo-users] EXIF image rotation in Photoviewer

2007-12-30 Thread Andreas Dick
is this for ALL images or only for portrait ones?
I had once a similar problem when I rotated the images while not rotating the 
EXIF information too (e.g. jpegtran)
- the solution was then to edit also the EXIF data or even to use a rotate 
program that can handle EXIF datas too (e.g. exiftran)

Am Sonntag, 30. Dezember 2007 10:57 schrieb Erik Happaerts:
 The cache rebuild didn't resolve the problem

 True: turns the thumbnail upside down
 False: Leaves the thumbnail unchanged

 However the true bug lies in the rotation of the full screen image.

 I posted a bug on the tracker.

 Duncan Webb schreef:
  Erik Happaerts wrote:
  IMAGEVIEWER_REVERSED_IMAGES = True only influences the way the
  thumbnail images are rotated. Using this setting the thumbnails are
  rotated in the wrong direction (or are flipped over after rotation, this
  results in the same effect). So this way the thumbnails end up upside
  IMAGEVIEWER_REVERSED_IMAGES = True seems to change nothing about the
  full screen display of the images. In full screen the images are still
  upside down.
  So in effect IMAGEVIEWER_REVERSED_IMAGES = True synchronizes the
  thumbnails and the full screen versions of the images. But both are
  wrong side up now.
  You may need to run freevo cache --rebuild to update the images. Would
  you try this with IMAGEVIEWER_REVERSED_IMAGES=True and False and if this
  does not change the image rotation, the would you raise a bug report and
  add a picture with low resolution so that I can check it.
  Duncan Webb schreef:
  Erik Happaerts wrote:
  I'm running Freevo 1.7.3 on Ubuntu Gutsy. I'm experiencing a strange
  error displaying pictures using the photo viewer in Freevo.
  All my images contain valid EXIF orientation data (produced by a Canon
  EOS SLR). In thumbnail view all images are rotated correctly by
  Freevo. In full screen view however the images are rotated in the
  wrong direction. This results in all the pictures appearing to be
  upside down.
  e.g.: a Top - Left picture needs to be rotated 90 degrees clockwise to
  be right side up. The full screen mode however rotates the pictures 90
  degrees counter-clockwise.
  Is this a known bug? How can I resolve the problem? (physical rotation
  is not an option.)
  Have you tried to set, in
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Re: [Freevo-users] radio over DMA

2007-12-29 Thread Andreas Dick
 If you have to reroute the sound at the cli, then you will have to
 reroute the sound for freevo to use it also. This probably why most
 sites recommend the cable, less trouble. However you might try the the
  RADIO_DEVICE = setting if you have not already or making a wrapper
RADIO_DEVICE ist set to /dev/radio0, but this is only for setting the channel, 
not for audio

 script for the RADIO_CMD that calls the sox rerouting before calling
 the the radio channel. After looking at the command you using, I am
 not so your that you are using DMA routing so much as using a software
 version of the patch cable. Take a look at the bttv tvcard btaudio
 driver help in the wiki for an example of a DMA routing setup. That
 get you started on the right path.
yes, I am using DMA , the driver is saa7134_alsa and it creates /dev/dsp1. On 
the other hand, with the cable, the line input of the soundcard would be 

yes, I wrote such a RADIO_CMD wraper script and it works well.
my question is only, if this is the normal way to use DMA audio?
- If yes, I could publish my script for others (ok, it is very short)
- if no, what is normaly done? I could imagine a more proper solution with a 
alsa rerouting directive in .asoundrc (I will try this next)



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[Freevo-users] radio over DMA

2007-12-28 Thread Andreas Dick
hei all
I just installed a PCTV 310i card and tried to use the radio (tv not yet).
on the net some tipps says to install a spezial cable.. this do not work for 
me... on the other hand is there a alsa driver to route the signal over DMA 
to /dev/dsp1 and this works well. I use now rerouting with sox:
$ sox -q -c2 -sw -tossdsp -r32000 /dev/dsp1 -tossdsp /dev/dsp

My question now: is this the normal way to do it? or should it work without 
this? even if I set
AUDIO_DEVICE   = '/dev/dsp'
AUDIO_INPUT_DEVICE = '/dev/dsp1'
I have no radio sound without the sox trick (other sound like mp3 and CD is 
working well!)

for me it is no problem at the moment, i wrote a bash script for starting and 
stopping the radio, but its just strange for me that I have to do that.

thanks for tipps

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[Freevo-users] ubs storage and sysfs

2007-12-26 Thread Andreas Dick
hei all
I installed freevo 1.7.5 at a new gutsy box... and the usb storage plugin 
fails saying that /proc/bus/usb/ is empty!
on the other hand I find a lot stuff in /sys/bus/usb/
- is it possible to use the usb plugin with sysfs instead of /proc ?
- is it easy to say the kernel that it should support now /proc/bus/usb/ as 

thaks for help

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Re: [Freevo-users] [ANNOUNCE] Release 1.7.5 and 1.8.0rc1

2007-12-23 Thread Andreas Dick
is there a 1.7.5 deb package allready available? I normaly install freevo from site, but this is still on 1.7.3...
it is not problem for me to install from tarbal, but what is the easiest 
way..? I will try:
- setup new gutsy box
- install 1.7.3 from with aptitude (for the reqirements)
- download 1.7.5 as tarbal and install it

my Questions:
- what have I to look for if I install them parallel?
- exist new additional requirements for 1.7.5?

any suggestions?
thanks and gruäss

Am Samstag, 22. Dezember 2007 19:05 schrieb Duncan Webb:
 Hoi Zäme,

 As promised the Freevo-1.7.5 and Freevo-1.8.0rc1 releases have been and
 can be downloaded from sourceforge

 Freevo-1.7.5 has been released about seven weeks after 1.7.4 this
 release has new still more new features, please see the change log for
 full details And as usual there are
 many people to thank for their efforts fixing and improving freevo, This
 time there seem to be even more people who have contributed for the
 first time including Sylvain Fabre for the new French movie plug-ins and
 Thorsten Pferdekaemper for the new gphoto plug-in. Even those one-liner
 fixes are greatly appreciated, Matthias Reichl for the audioitem fix,
 Michel Lespinasse for the evdev not working on 64bit machines, Andreas
 Dick for hiding hidden directories, Hans Meine for merging the
 mplayervbr into audio.mplayer.

 Freevo-1.8.0rc1 has been released with the kaa.notifier and kaa.rpc code
 from Freevo-2. This is a major change and so deserves a version bump,
 and a release candidate. When all the Twisted client calls in the
 recordserver has been ported to kaa.rpc then this will become release
 1.8.0. I would like give a special thank you to John Molohan for all his
 work on the slimbox webserver library, his testing and updating the
 Freevo website to it new look and feel.

 For Freevo-1.8.0 series You will need an up-to-date kaa release, I
 personally use the kaa subversion revision which is quite stable.

 Merry Christmas and a Happy Freevoing New Year,

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Re: [Freevo-users] bug in

2007-12-20 Thread Andreas Dick
could this not be a source of confuse? if a missing file is not an error, but 
a feature? what about if I write the file name wrong, will I find out the 
problem anymore?
I would prefere a None or an empty filename...

Am Donnerstag, 20. Dezember 2007 21:03 schrieb Jonathan Isom:
 On Dec 20, 2007 1:52 PM, Duncan Webb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Evan Hisey wrote:
 I had an idea about how to handle the generic game option. My python
   is not good enough to yet to handle the changes but I will outline the
   idea for you.
With line 73 uncommented the following works
('NINTENDO', '/mnt/anime/NES',
('GENERIC','/usr/bin/tuxnes','-1/dev/input/j0 -2/dev/input/j1
-u -rsdl','',[ 'NES','nes']))
   But the following does not.
('Kasteroids', '/etc/freevo/games/',
('GENERIC', '/usr/bin/kasteroids', '', '', ['kas']))
   The problem is that the current passes the game selection
   to the play command and to do this requires a game file. I think a
   better solution would look to work like this:
('Kasteroids', '',('GENERIC', '/usr/bin/kasteroids', '', '',
   None)) ]
   This way when is called it checks the the Suffix to see
   if it is needed or not. If the suffix is None then run the cmd+args
   instead of getting a file list. If I understand the call to correct, it's default action is to call and run
   a search to create a menu list of games to run.  If instead it
   checked for a suffix it will know if it should just run the cmd+args
   or do a listing. I have started looking at the code and it seems like
   it needs to be added to the games/ but I am not sure it may
   need to be added to or
   P.S I am going to have make better dev setup for this one :(
  The solution may be very simple, if the size of the file is bigger than
  0 bytes then append the file.
  Index: src/games/
  --- src/games/ 10218)
  +++ src/games/ copy)
  @@ -60,9 +60,7 @@ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0]
   # find image for this file
  -# find image for this file
  -shot = imgpath + '/' + \
  -   os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0] + .png
  +shot = imgpath + '/' +
  os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0] + .png
   if os.path.isfile(shot):
   self.image = shot
   elif os.path.isfile(os.path.splitext(file)[0] + .png):
  @@ -70,7 +68,8 @@
   command = ['--prio=%s' % config.GAMES_NICE, cmd]
  +if os.path.getsize(file)  0:
   self.command = command

 or if the file exists would work as well

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Re: [Freevo-users] cachin of hidden files

2007-12-11 Thread Andreas Dick
hi freevo list
a month ago I promised to send a patch to solve my problem: 'freevo cache' 
descends down to 'hidden' dirs and I see not the reason since freevo itself 
do not show them...
btw, I use hidden dirs for storing my original/raw fotos from my camera and in 
the normal dir a oriented/downsized copy.

so here I have a solution for 1.7.3 and also for 1.7.4:

$diff freevo-1.7.4/src/util/
not os.path.basename(dirname)[0] == .:
not os.path.basename(dirname) in 
('.xvpics', '.thumbnails', '.svn'):

in the original code only some hidden dirs are excluded, but I prefere a 
solution where no hidden dirs are cached at all...
- what do you think about this?

thanks and gruäss

Am Montag, 12. November 2007 19:40 schrieb John Molohan:
 Andreas Dick wrote:
  if you ask me, this sounds as an ugly workaround... I can not understand
  that an unshowed image/music/(viedo?) directory should be cached...
  is this behavour a bug or maybe a hidden feature?
  if the first is true, I will help to fix it... let me know, thanks

 Hi Andreas,

 It sounds like a bug to me. Patches are welcome of course, otherwise
 could you submit a bug report?


  I had a similar issue a while back where Freevo would scan folders that
  has .htaccess enable.  During this time I also found that if Freevo did
  not have permissions to the Folder it would crash when scanning.  Both
  of these items are fixed and you could use either methods to keep Freevo
  out of that directory.
  Andreas Dick wrote:
  maybe for the wishlist, maybe a bug?
  I do not like that 'freevo cache' scans also hidden directories (with a
  heading dot) as also the image viewer do not show them.
  I can not understand why hidden dirs should be scanned if they are not
  showed... (so I think this is a bug..?)
  why I like to use hidden dirs in the images and music dirs? I store
  e.g. my
  original fotos in the /foto_xy/.orig/ folder (read only) and use only a
  resized/optimized copy in the /fotos_xy/ folder for showing. thus
  scannin the
  original fotos make no sense here and needs a lot of cache time/space
  other meanings?
  should I try find a fix/patch for it?
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[Freevo-users] cachin of hidden files

2007-11-11 Thread Andreas Dick
maybe for the wishlist, maybe a bug?
I do not like that 'freevo cache' scans also hidden directories (with a 
heading dot) as also the image viewer do not show them.
I can not understand why hidden dirs should be scanned if they are not 
showed... (so I think this is a bug..?)

why I like to use hidden dirs in the images and music dirs? I store e.g. my 
original fotos in the /foto_xy/.orig/ folder (read only) and use only a 
resized/optimized copy in the /fotos_xy/ folder for showing. thus scannin the 
original fotos make no sense here and needs a lot of cache time/space for 

other meanings?
should I try find a fix/patch for it?


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[Freevo-users] rotating images

2007-11-10 Thread Andreas Dick
hei list
I would like to exchange the meaning of the right and left buttons for 
rotating images...
in my setup, the right button rotates the image in CCW, I would expect CW...
(how do others feel?)

is there an easy way to change this in

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Re: [Freevo-users] rotating images

2007-11-10 Thread Andreas Dick
thanks! works fine!
maybe this is configurable sometimes...

Am Samstag 10 November 2007 20:42:36 schrieb Pirlouwi:
 I think you can easily change the rotation behavior by swaping two events
 in the file
 You can find this file as a part of Freevo in my system it is in
 /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/freevo/ directory.

 You must modify lines 443 and 444 in the IMAGE_EVENTS array.
 'LEFT'  : Event(IMAGE_ROTATE, arg='left'),
 'RIGHT' : Event(IMAGE_ROTATE, arg='right'),
 has to become:
 'LEFT'  : Event(IMAGE_ROTATE, arg='right'),
 'RIGHT' : Event(IMAGE_ROTATE, arg='left'),

 Just try this and tell me if it works.
 Beware that this change will be overwritten next time you upgrade Freevo.

 On Nov 10, 2007 7:07 PM, Andreas Dick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  hei list
  I would like to exchange the meaning of the right and left buttons
  for rotating images...
  in my setup, the right button rotates the image in CCW, I would expect
  (how do others feel?)
  is there an easy way to change this in
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[Freevo-users] autoplay at image show

2007-11-10 Thread Andreas Dick
hei list
another point for the configure wishlist:
I do not like that the slideshow starts automatically if I click on a 
thumbnail... I would like that the state is paused first and that I have to 
start the show with play if I like (or even to navigate with keys)

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Re: [Freevo-users] autoplay at image show

2007-11-10 Thread Andreas Dick
sometimes I like to have the slide show, I prefere IMAGEVIEWER_DURATION=3, but 
I like to start the show actively (by pressing play). If the show would be 
paused at entrance, I could choose if I like to navigate with keys or even to 
make a slide show... 

and could it be a feature to have the possibility to change the duration time 
during the show? eg. with the FFWD/REW keys ... 


Am Samstag 10 November 2007 21:30:31 schrieb Duncan Webb:
 Andreas Dick wrote:
  hei list
  another point for the configure wishlist:
  I do not like that the slideshow starts automatically if I click on a
  thumbnail... I would like that the state is paused first and that I have
  to start the show with play if I like (or even to navigate with keys)

 Do you mean images, rather than slide-shows?

 If you do then you can try setting IMAGEVIEWER_DURATION=0 in Actually this is the default so if it has not been
 changed then the images should be paused.

 Slide-shows are controlled from the fxd files, so a duration of 0 pauses
 the slide show until a key is pressed.


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Re: [Freevo-users] IR on Shuttle SG33G5M

2007-11-03 Thread Andreas Dick
 well... does anyone recomend a good and inexpensive usb ir receiver?

since you have allready a remote, you could make a homebrew receiver for your 
serial or mic input... as described at

I had a similar problem with my USB soundcard (Audigy2NX)... I was realy not 
happy with it, but it has a handy remote. I made a serial port receiver and 
this works very well now... and I waste the soundcard :-)


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Re: [Freevo-users] IR on Shuttle SG33G5M

2007-11-01 Thread Andreas Dick
what about `cat /proc/bus/input/devices` ?
if your remote is used as input device you could try to find out more with the 
tools of input-utils (this is the name of the ubuntu/debian package)

Am Donnerstag, 1. November 2007 11:55 schrieb Christian Lyra:
   You need to search the lirc mceusb2 driver source for the vendor and
   product on your ir driver. Some where added in the last months for
   I`m using lirc 0.83pre1 as the stable one doesnt compile against
   kernel 2.6.23. I tried to play with the lirc_mceusb2 source to add my
   device, but I get a strange error... look:
   freevo:~# lsusb -v  (full output attached)
 idVendor   0x051c Shuttle, Inc.
 idProduct  0x0005
 iManufacturer   4 Shuttle Inc
 iProduct   28 VFD Module
  Are you sure that this is the ir usb device, this is the LCD display.
  What about Bus 006 Device 002: ID 04cf:0022 Myson Century, Inc.

 The Myson device is my usb keyboard. as I understand the Shuttle is a
 kind of 2-in-1 device, it has the dislplay and the ir receiver. dmesg
 shows this:

 input: Shuttle Inc VFD Module as /class/input/input5
 input: USB HID v1.11 Keyboard [Shuttle Inc VFD Module] on
 usb-:00:1d.2-2 drivers/hid/usbhid/hid-core.c: couldn't find an input
 interrupt endpoint input: Shuttle Inc VFD Module as /class/input/input6
 input: USB HID v1.11 Device [Shuttle Inc VFD Module] on usb-:00:1d.2-2

 see? it grabs two two inputs.

 yesterday I tried the lirc+devinput but without success.

  You can try adding these and removing the shuttle2. IIRC someone, on the
  lirc list, had a similar problem with their shuttle remote and resolved
  it this way.
   so I changed lirc_mceusb2 and added:
   #define VENDOR_SHUTTLE2 0x051c
/* Shuttle eHome Infrared Transceiver */
   freevo:~# modprobe lirc_mceusb2 debug=1
   lirc_dev: IR Remote Control driver registered, major 61
   lirc_mceusb2: Philips eHome USB IR Transciever and Microsoft MCE 2005
   Remote Control driver for LIRC $Revision: 1.36 $
   lirc_mceusb2: Daniel Melander [EMAIL PROTECTED], Martin Blatter
   lirc_mceusb2: debug mode enabled
   lirc_mceusb2: usb probe called
   usb 6-2: reset low speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 3
   lirc_mceusb2: inbound and/or endpoint not found
   usbcore: registered new interface driver lirc_mceusb2
   Since I had a guess about usbhid, I tried to unload usbhid, and load
   lircmceusb2, and the result is something like a  lirc_mceusb2: found
   inbound .. followed by a nice oops.
mode2 cant find the /dev/lirc device. I tried to mknod the device
and mode2 still dont find it.
while booting I'm seeing this on dmesg:
input: Shuttle Inc VFD Module as /class/input/input6
input: USB HID v1.11 Keyboard [Shuttle Inc VFD Module] on
drivers/hid/usbhid/hid-core.c: couldn't find an input interrupt
input: Shuttle Inc VFD Module as /class/input/input7
input: USB HID v1.11 Device [Shuttle Inc VFD Module] on
   You can also use the dev/input driver for lirc, there is a page on the
   wiki about this.
   I used dev/input before for a bttv card. I did a minimal test here
   trying to cat /dev/input/evenX  file, and pressing keys on remote,
   but only got a empty file. I will try the proper lirc dev/input thing.
   But since the hid-core is complaining about the endpoint i dont have
   much hope.

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Re: [Freevo-users] Eject crashes freevo

2007-09-16 Thread Andreas Dick
hei Art S R
with you tipp i fixed the problem with a similar try-exept loop around the 
ioctl() function call
but it only solvest the crash behaviour... after using the CDROM button, 
freevo thinks to close instead of opening...
gruzz Andreas

Am Samstag, 15. September 2007 01:16 schrieb Art S R:
 Andreas Dick wrote:
  I installed a Feisty on my AMD64 and set up freevo 1.7.3 on it. if I now
  use the eject button on the CD drive or if I use the eject button on the
  remote, freevo crashes with a message and with the attaced log file...
  any suggestions?

 I get the same crash condition on my Freevo 1.7.3 installation (was fine
 in 1.6.x);  however, in my situation, the crash occurs when I use the
 period key on my keyboard.  Using the eject button on the CD drive works
 fine.  Also, the problem only occurs if I hit the period key to eject
 the tray when there's no media in the drive or if I hit the period key
 to close the tray and there's no media.

 Digging around in, I noticed that the logic used for
 open differs from that used for close.  So, I modified the dir ==
 'open' section along the lines of dir == 'close' as follows:

  if os.uname()[0] == 'FreeBSD':
  s = ioctl(fd, CDIOCEJECT, 0)
  s = ioctl(fd, CDROMEJECT)
  self.tray_open = 1

  if os.uname()[0] == 'FreeBSD':
  s = ioctl(fd, CDIOCEJECT, 0)
  s = ioctl(fd, CDROMEJECT)
  self.tray_open = 1
  except Exception, e:
  _debug_('Cannot open %s: %s' % (self.devicename,

 e), config.DWARNING)

 I'm not a programmer, so I don't know if the above is the right way to
 fix the problem or not, but Freevo no longer crashes when I use the
 period key to open/close the CD drive and there's no media in the tray;
 instead, a warning message is written to the log.

 Hope that helps.

 Art S R

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[Freevo-users] crash if no dvdcss

2007-07-19 Thread Andreas Dick
hi Freevo Users
is it possible that freevo hangs, when a Video/DVD is inserted and libdvdcss2 
is not installed? after installation the DVD is no problem, but I miss a hint 
of freevo when it can not decode the DVD... 

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[Freevo-users] for the wishlist: not caching hidden folders

2007-06-30 Thread Andreas Dick
hei freevo users
I like that files in hidden folder (starting with a dot) are not shown in 
freevo. Thus I move the original images to a '/images/.orig/' subfolder and 
use only a resized copy in '/images/' ... unfortuenatly the caching command 
also scans the hidden folders and this takes a lot of time (for nothing?)... 
I think it would not be a big change to suppress this?
thanks a lot

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[Freevo-users] button mapping in games

2007-06-02 Thread Andreas Dick
hei all
I dont know if this is the right place for this question, but I try:

I would like to remap mouse and gamepad buttons and axis to regular keys.

I use freevo 1.7.2 on a fresh feisty setup, and the 12 mouse buttons and the 
gamepad (Logitech Dual Action) are supported well with the evdev and js 

Also am I able to map the mouse buttons with xbindkeys/xvkbd and the gamepad 
buttons and axis with joy2key... this works fine to navigate in freevo, and 
in some games, but it do not work in games where gamepad and mouse are 
configured inside... 

is there no general possibility to remap a button such that no app is able to 
ignore it? maybe I have to hack and to compile the kernel such that even X do 
not know about the remap?

I like this feature in Win$ where I always use the same button mapping...

thanks for hints

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Re: [Freevo-users] Crash of Freevo 1.7.1 on a fresh Feisty

2007-05-24 Thread Andreas Dick
yes, it is!

 There's a patch for pygame-1.7 here and also in svn contrib/patches:
yes, works fine now!
thanks a lot!

 You will need to apply the patch to the pygame sources and build them.
 Afterwards it will work fine.


  thanks for any help!
  the most important logs: (DEBUG=1)
  Traceback (most recent call last):
File /var/lib/python-support/python2.5/freevo/, line 429, in
File /usr/share/python-support/python-freevo/freevo/, line
  309, in init
  callback(int((float(current) / len(__all_plugins__)) * 100))
File /var/lib/python-support/python2.5/freevo/, line 233, in
  skin.draw('splashscreen', None)
  /usr/share/python-support/python-freevo/freevo/skins/main/, line
  526, in draw
  a.draw(settings, object, menu, style, type, self.force_redraw)
  /usr/share/python-support/python-freevo/freevo/skins/main/, line
  185, in draw
  /usr/share/python-support/python-freevo/freevo/skins/main/, line
  575, in __draw_background__
  image = pygamesurface_imlib2_scale(image, (bg.width,bg.height))
 , line 55, in pygamesurface_imlib2_scale
  return pygame.image.frombuffer(buf, newsize, 'RGBA')
  ValueError: Buffer length does not equal format and resolution size
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Re: [Freevo-users] mplayer and svd's

2007-01-23 Thread Andreas Dick
 I believe PAL should be 768x576, so 480x576 is indeed a strange resolution
 for video
the PAL standard only defines the number of lines: 576 (NTSC: 480)
due to the old analog CRT TV monitors, the number of horizontal pixels only 
depends on the quality and the technology, the TV just scales the signal to 
the equivalent number of pixels for some technologies (non-square pixels): 
PAL TV: ~350
VHS: ~240
S-VHS: ~400
SVCD: ~480
DVD: ~720
see also:

I propose to scale the signal to any 4:3 resolution 

 2007/1/22, Duncan Webb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Cornelius Koelbel wrote:
   found some of the old self-burned super video CDs and put them into my
   freevo box, which is running with directfb (matrox) and freevo 1.6.0.
   But when watching the films i get the problem, that the video is not
   fullscreen - since it is the PAL resoultion of 480x576 points. Any idea
   how to zoom these to fullscreen?
  IIRC this is a strange size for a svcd, not 4x3. The only thing that may
  help is some of the mplayer -vf scaling commands and of course -f.
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Re: [Freevo-users] Unicode musings

2007-01-03 Thread Andreas Dick
hei all
I had a lot unicode problems until I found that the locale was not set when I 
start freevo automaticaly at bootup.
freevo 1.6.0 showed the characters ok, but reading fdx files (playlists) 
produced strange errors.


Am Mittwoch, 3. Januar 2007 09:00 schrieb harri:
 python install --force has been working well for me.


 On Tuesday 02 January 2007 20:01, Pascal Schirrmann wrote:
  Duncan Webb a écrit :
   Pascal Schirrmann wrote:
   Duncan Webb a écrit :
   did you remove the build directories, sources get copied there and then
   to /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/(freevo|kaa)?
  Maybe not every time, so today I did that :
  python clean
  python build (is it useful ?)
  python install
   Which version of BeautifulSoup are you using?
  I think you find the trouble ! I used BeautifulSoup version 2.1.1 (a rpm
  for this one was available for Mandriva).
  Now I've just installed BeautifulSoup 3.0.3 from the web site, and IMDB
  is working fine !
  Thanks alot (and a lot of fun in your new job.)

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Re: [Freevo-users] Unicode musings

2007-01-03 Thread Andreas Dick
Am Mittwoch, 3. Januar 2007 20:42 schrieb Duncan Webb:
 Andreas Dick wrote:
  hei all
  I had a lot unicode problems until I found that the locale was not set
  when I start freevo automaticaly at bootup.
  freevo 1.6.0 showed the characters ok, but reading fdx files (playlists)
  produced strange errors.

 I suggest you try 1.6.2, IIRC unicode problems were fixed in 1.6.1, and
 audio problems in 1.6.2
I solved the problem starting freevo like
# export LANG=de_CH.UTF-8
# /usr/bin/freevo -fs start 

for now I am happy and I am waiting to a stable state of 1.7.x or even 2.x


  Am Mittwoch, 3. Januar 2007 09:00 schrieb harri:
  python install --force has been working well for me.
  On Tuesday 02 January 2007 20:01, Pascal Schirrmann wrote:
  Duncan Webb a écrit :
  Pascal Schirrmann wrote:
  Duncan Webb a écrit :
  did you remove the build directories, sources get copied there and
  then to /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/(freevo|kaa)?
  Maybe not every time, so today I did that :
  python clean
  python build (is it useful ?)
  python install
  Which version of BeautifulSoup are you using?
  I think you find the trouble ! I used BeautifulSoup version 2.1.1 (a
  rpm for this one was available for Mandriva).
  Now I've just installed BeautifulSoup 3.0.3 from the web site, and IMDB
  is working fine !
  Thanks alot (and a lot of fun in your new job.)

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[Freevo-users] lirc and usb soundcards

2006-11-13 Thread Andreas Dick
I have a usb soundcard (audigy 2 nx) and I tried out the remote control with 
lirc. yes, with a new linux (kubuntu 6.10) it works out of the box!

but when I unfortuenately pressed the power button, the soundcard shuts down 
and lircd do not release the device /dev/lircd, thus also alsa hangs and even 
repowering the soundcard do not help!

I wrote then a small python script using dbus, its my first deamon, shuting 
down lircd if a signal on the dbus arrives... so I can repower the soundcard, 
restart lircd and also alsa is automaticly available again!

maybe there would be a better solution, more easy to configure? on the other 
hand am I able now to use the power button as normal event button, and I am 
very happy!

import gobject
import dbus
import dbus.glib
import os

def device_removed_callback(udi):
  if udi \ 
== '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_41e_3020_noserial_if0_oss_pcm_0_0':
print '\7' # beep

def device_added_callback(udi):
  if udi \ 
== '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_41e_3020_noserial_usbraw':
print '\7' # beep

bus = dbus.SystemBus()
hal_manager_obj = \
bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.Hal', '/org/freedesktop/Hal/Manager')
hal_manager = dbus.Interface(hal_manager_obj, 'org.freedesktop.Hal.Manager')

hal_manager.connect_to_signal('DeviceAdded', device_added_callback)
hal_manager.connect_to_signal('DeviceRemoved', device_removed_callback)

mainloop = gobject.MainLoop()
 end of code 

replace the dbus string (like /usb_device_41e_3020_noserial_if0_oss_pcm_0_0) 
with a one you observed while watching the dbus with lshal --monitor

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[Freevo-users] how to deal with spezial input devices?

2006-08-20 Thread Andreas Dick
hi freevo friends
Im using freevo and I have a  USB Logitech UltraX Remote Control which works 
only partial under Linux: some keys are normal keyboard keys, some I can 
remap in X with xmodmap, and some do not work at all.

I just installed kubuntu dapper and the xorg 7.0 togheter with evdev seems to 
be able to handle all the remote keys over the /dev/input/event* device 
files. (also it supports all my spezial multimedia keys of keyboard and 
mouse, and also my gamepad is supportet!)

to check this, I used evtest (found in the dvb-utils package) and evrouter 
(found here )

now my question: what is the normal way to say freevo (or even X, or fb) 
what action to execute in the case of a pressed remote key? I could imagine 
evrouter, xmodmap, ... ?
is it better to do the action on a base level as e.g. amixer to control 
volume or to route it trough X to freevo tp do it? 
also have I the problem that xine takes the control of the keyboard when 
showing a film... is it possible to change this? or is mplayer better in this 

thank you for your experience

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Re: [Freevo-users] freevo next?

2006-07-03 Thread Andreas Dick
Am Montag, 3. Juli 2006 11:08 schrieb Dirk Meyer:
 I played with kaa.canvas integration some weeks ago and found some
 speed problems in the design of the code. Jason will clean this up and
 after that I will transform the gui code to kaa.canvas. Right now I'm
 working again at kaa.beacon, but it takes some time. I could check in
 my working copy every day so you see some changes, but I don't see the
 point in that. And we need a working kaa.player before I integrate
 kaa.beacon (or the player stuff won't work as it shuld be).

 So you see I'm busy working on 2.0 but it takes time. We need more
 developers to speed things up, there are many things on our roadmap
 for 2.0 pre1, the major three are listed above.

 Right now I expect Freevo 2.0 to be out in October or November
 (depending if I'm on vacation in October or September). But I said
 something like this before, it is hard to guess.

so. a good reason to wait to Freevo 2.0 ... and I will do that !!!
I now found your very busy devel mailing list, its just the homepage News that 
are not up to date ... but you are right, it is not that fun to install every 
week a new version... just in the moment I stay on the stable branche and use 
good night

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