Re: [gentoo-user] Gnome startup configuration

2004-03-03 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Wed, 03 Mar 2004 03:42:48 -0800, Wazow muttered:
 I have one additional questions: what is your window manager of choice 
 for gnome? I find it pretty annoying that metacity does not allow me to 
 strip window decorations (or I do not know how).

Sawfish is cool this way; I was easily able to create a theme with 2-pixel
yellow borders (only). Probably possible for Metacity too, but I don't know
how, and it'd get tricky to use.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] xmms playlist editor ?

2004-03-03 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Wed, 03 Mar 2004 03:40:22 -0800, Jean Jordaan muttered:
...I miss cute things like fadeout that WinAmp has these days...

There are some plugins for XMMS that'll let you do that sort of thing.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Why don't I have /dev/dsp?

2004-02-26 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Wed, 25 Feb 2004 17:58:57 -0800, Spider muttered:
 begin  quote
 On Wed, 25 Feb 2004 00:39:23 -0800
 Collin Starkweather [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I don't think this will be quite so easy as my last post.  I recently
  installed Gentoo on my Dell Inspiron 4150 and can't seem to get any
  sound.  esd seems to be running as expected but nothing comes out the
  The culprit seems to be
freak linux # ls -L -l /dev/dsp*
ls: /dev/dsp*: No such file or directory
  but I don't know what to do about it.
  The contents of /proc/pci and lsmod are included below in case that's
  helpful.  I used genkernel to configure and build the kernel and,
  according to my untrained eye, appropriate modules seem to be loaded. 

 Well, you need to modprobe :
  snd_mixer_oss , snd_pcm_oss , and you should be ready to go.

If you've installed ALSA, esd should be able to run without OSS (/dev/dsp)
support. Check in alsamixer to see that your main output isn't muted.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] OT: Win NT 2k

2004-02-13 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Thu, 12 Feb 2004 17:20:28 -0800, senectus muttered:
 It's a hoax.. and not a very good one I believe..

It looks pretty real to me. It's hard to make up ~700MB of fake source
code, and I'll be doing some spot-checking (on Reversi, perhaps) to see if
some behaviours match.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Opera invocation very slow with KDE 3.2

2004-02-13 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Fri, 13 Feb 2004 08:35:22 -0800, Paul Oldham muttered:
 I have Opera set to be my default browser in Evolution, so when I click
 a hyperlink in an email it open it a running instance of Opera.
 Since I've gone to KDE3.2 there's now a pause of about 10 seconds
 between clicking the link and Opera starting to move. I've now
 eliminated Evolution from the equation: if I type opera url from a
 shell there's a ten second pause, just like there is in Evolution,
 before it says opera: Activated running instance of Opera and a
 running instance of Opera bursts into life and opens the URL.
 I've also tried this with Firebird and opens the URL instantly so it's
 not KDE3.2 per se. It seems to be down to some interaction between Opera
 and KDE3.2 as it wasn't an issue with KDE3.1.
 Has anyone else seen this? And do you have a cure?

Try stracing the program to see if it's waiting for something obvious.
Emerge strace if you don't have it already.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] WM that can handle dual-head

2004-02-11 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Wed, 11 Feb 2004 06:04:40 -0800, Andrew Gaffney muttered:
 I have a dual-head setup. The main display is running at 1024x768 and the 
 secondary is 800x600. I'm not using the Xinerama extension, so I 
 effectively have 2 separate X sessions running. I'm currently using fluxbox 
 as my window manager. I want to try something new. I tried Openbox, but it 
 doesn't initialize anything on my second display. What window managers are 
 recommended that will handle my setup properly?

If you have two separate X sessions running, you'll have to run two
separate window managers - one for each display.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] How can I open my port 80?

2004-02-11 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Wed, 11 Feb 2004 15:04:37 -0800, LoneStar muttered:
 Nickolay Savchenko wrote:
 I've just installed mini_httpd web-server on my home computer, and it
 works, but there is a problem. It doesn't listen either to the 80 or to
 the 8080 port. (Remote portscanner shows stealth status). I've flushed
 all my firewall rules, stopped unneeded network services, tried to
 change  webserver (tried boa and apache), but my port 80 still isn't 
 Thanks in advance.
 check that these lines are not commented out ...
 www 80/tcp  http# WorldWideWeb HTTP
 www 80/udp  # HyperText Transfer 

That wouldn't disable the service.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Fetch Restriction

2004-02-09 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Mon, 09 Feb 2004 16:43:45 -0800, Anthony Hoppe muttered:
 Is it possible to turn off fetch restriction on some or all files?  If
 yes, how?  
 I'm sure there is a logical reason for fetch restrictionwhat is it? 

Legal nonsense. For example, I'm pretty sure the fetch restriction on the
JDK docs is because Sun wants you to agree to their TOS and license before
you use the files.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] xmms and gtk warnings

2004-02-07 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Fri, 06 Feb 2004 17:57:28 -0800, Mike muttered:
 What is causing these warnings when I start xmms:
 Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate loadable module in module_path:,

You've probably got a theme selected (in $HOME/.gtkrc) that doesn't exist
or isn't installed. Try deleting your gtkrc and see if things start

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Problems after install

2004-02-07 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Sat, 07 Feb 2004 01:00:48 -0800, Jean Magnan de Bornier muttered:
 Le 02/07/04 riki [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit notamment:
  Oh, I've got a followup question.
  If I'm logged in as a regular user, I open up a terminal, su to root,
  then try to launch emacs. I get the following error:
  Xlib: connection to :0.0 refused by server
  Xlib: No protocol specified.
 as regular user type xhost + before trying to open emacs as root, or
 open emacs in the terminal with emacs -nw


That'll open up your machine to anyone who tries to connect to it - a
SERIOUS security issue. Use sudo to run X programs as root.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] grep rotated-log ?

2004-02-03 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Tue, 03 Feb 2004 08:08:14 -0800, raptor muttered:
 is there a easy way to grep rotated logs... when they are gziped...
 I mean a quick way.. i.e. ready console tool..


Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Possibly copy protected CDs?

2004-02-03 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Tue, 03 Feb 2004 14:39:18 -0800, Mark Knecht muttered:
I'm just using
 mkisofs -o EXILE_DISK_1.iso /mnt/cdrom
 which seems simple and straight forward, but maybe it's not good enough?

How about just unmounting the disk and trying:
dd if=/dev/cdrom of=EXILE_DISK_1.iso
perhaps? That'll give you an exact (and burnable) copy of the disk.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] office (or at least excel)

2004-01-30 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Fri, 30 Jan 2004 10:20:00 -0800, Meka[ni] muttered:
   Is there some kind of office that is not so huge like Open Office? I actually 
 need Excel,
 but if there is an office that is small enough (source not above 20mb) I would like 
 test it. Please anyone. I need it for some test on the university. Thanx. :o)

If all your need is a spreadsheet, try gnumeric.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] vcron

2004-01-29 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Thu, 29 Jan 2004 09:53:20 -0800, Ted Ozolins muttered:
 In setting up a new system on gentoo I get no masked or unmasked vcron. 
 I take it that it is now vixie-cron?


Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Error emerging cyrus-sasl

2004-01-28 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Tue, 27 Jan 2004 18:49:51 -0800, Thomas T. Veldhouse muttered:
 If you are going to post PGP signed messages, will you please post your 
 public key ... otherwise it is just a waste of all of our bandwidth.

Thanks... and by that we mean post to a public keyserver, like

Though there are some reasons for *not* posting a PGP key publicly -- there
may be some methods by which one could take a public key and turn it back
into a private key that can be used for signing messages. Nobody's managed
to do it yet, but that doesn't mean it's impossible.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] OT: HOw much power does a computer consume?

2004-01-27 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Mon, 27 Jan 2003 07:57:58 -0800, S. Krishnan muttered:
 Sent: Monday, January 26, 2004 5:28 PM

Check your clock?

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] hotplug problems - hheellpp!!

2004-01-26 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Mon, 26 Jan 2004 14:05:48 -0800, Mark Knecht muttered:
However, and this is the bigger problem, when attempting to shut down the
 machine I get the following sort of message: (typed here from notes)
 Stopping USB and PCI hot plugging...
 usb.c: deregistering driver hiddev...
 usb.c: deregistering driver hid...
 devfs_put(c3e427c0): poisoned pointer
 Forcing Oops
 kernel BUG at base.c: 914

Talk to the good folks on LKML; this looks like a kernel bug.

What kernel are you using? If you aren't using vanilla 2.4.24 or 2.6.1, try
either of the two and see if the problems persist.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Kernel compiling error

2004-01-22 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Wed, 21 Jan 2004 22:45:43 -0800, LoneStar muttered:
 Judging by your prompt ( $ ), you're trying to make your kernel as 
 your normal user. Try it as root and see if there's a difference.

It shouldn't make a difference. Kernel builds really *should* be done as a
user, but Gentoo's silly system (/usr/src/linux*) doesn't allow you to do
that properly.

It sounds like the real problem here is that the curses libraries aren't
installed (properly?).

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Unicode fonts missing?

2004-01-20 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Mon, 19 Jan 2004 14:46:55 -0800, Aaron Walker muttered:
 Andrej Kacian wrote:
 Hi, what do I need installed in order for gucharmap to display exotic
 characters properly instead of displaying their code in a rectangle?
 I assume there will be separate package for each unicode character class
 (latin-a, latin-b, hebrew, ...).

Sorry about the broken replies... lost the original message thread. But:

There will *always* be some characters that gucharmap can't display, for
the simple reason that not all 2**16 (or is it 2**32?) Unicode characters
aren't defined yet, and, even so, you're unlikely to have the fonts for,
say, ancient Borzoovian runic glyphs. The only reason you should be
concerned about getting the code-in-rectangle is if that appears as part of
a document you want to read.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] CFLAGS

2004-01-20 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Tue, 20 Jan 2004 12:00:15 -0800, Brendan Sullivan muttered:
 I can't help you find that info...but i do know (at least in laymans
 terms) what the basic differences of -O2 and -O3 are.
 The -O2 option when compiling, puts references to header files in the
 locations where they are called.
 The -O3 option, actually pulls the sections out of the header files, and
 inserts them into the executable code. 

Wrong, that's nonsense. Header files don't contain executable code.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] CFLAGS

2004-01-20 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Tue, 20 Jan 2004 13:26:26 -0800, Brendan Sullivan muttered:
 k, maybe not header files, i'm not a programmer so i dont really know my
 terminology...but it's something to do w/ the code being inline, and
 having to jump out to get other information.

Better explanation:

-O3 (as opposed to -O2) enables some expensive optimizations which can
sometimes make the code run faster, but almost always make the code much
larger. In most cases, however, the increased size of the program makes it
run slower, as it will no longer fit in the instruction cache as well, and
will also take longer to load from disk.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] vga=ext

2004-01-20 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Tue, 20 Jan 2004 07:55:57 -0800, larryB muttered:
 I have successfully installed gentoo.  In my grub.conf file, I included 
 the line, 
 kernel (hd0,0)/kernel-2.4.24-2004-01-10 root=/dev/sda5 vga=ext.
 This line successfully changes the startup kernel screen from 25 lines 
 per screen to 50 lines per screen, which is as intended.  However, 
 sometime before the login prompt (probably when init begins), the 
 consol returns to 25 lines per screen.  I am migrating to gentoo from 
 Linux From Scratch (LFS) distribution, where I used the same 
 technique, but with LFS, there was no shift back to 25 lines.
 I often operate as root from the agetty login consoles.  50 lines per 
 screen is more user friendly than 25.  I have looked diligently for the 
 location in startup scripts where this change is made, but have not 
 been able to find any video altering commands.  How can I have 50 lines 
 on my login agetty consoles?

There's a startup rc-script that messes with fonts. Can't remember exactly
what it's called, but rc-update remove scriptname will set you right.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] joystick

2004-01-15 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Thu, 15 Jan 2004 14:10:29 -0800, Redeeman muttered:
 hi, i am going to buy a new joystick soon, and i dont know which, i want
 it to be supported well in linux :)
 it only needs to work on linux 2.6

Any standard USB joystick should work (there's a standard for these things,
called HID).

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] not working?

2004-01-14 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Tue, 13 Jan 2004 05:14:12 -0800, Jose Gonzalez Gomez muttered:
Is there any known problem with the rsync gentoo servers?


Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] appletalk iptables

2004-01-14 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Wed, 14 Jan 2004 11:07:35 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] muttered:
 I'm going to install netatalk but i have a question babout using a ip
 firewall with it.
 If i'm wrigth Appletalk has nothing to do with the TCP/IP protocol or
 even the OSI model, but it is compleetly different, so i can not use a
 iptables firewal to protect those machines ?

Wrong on all counts.

First of all: by default, netatalk uses AFP over TCP/IP, not the old-style
Appletalk protocol.

Second: Even so, old-style Appletalk was just another IP protocol (on a
level with TCP/IP). Firewalls can deal with it, though it isn't really
necessary, as Appletalk shouldn't be used across a WAN.

Third: check your spelling.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Help! ACCEPT() returns an Invalid argument error after an emerge?

2004-01-12 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Mon, 12 Jan 2004 10:21:27 -0800, Hareesh Nagarajan muttered:
 On Mon, 2004-01-12 at 19:01, Erik S. Johansen wrote:
  On Monday 12 January 2004 15:07, Hareesh Nagarajan wrote:
   if( (newClientFD=accept(serverFD, (struct sockaddr*)
 addrLength))  0 )
  Do you set addrLength before this call?
 I did not, but now I do!  Whew!
 Any idea why it works on some systems/configurations and fails on

Differing address lengths on different machines?

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] DMA not working (2.4.22 and 2.6.1)

2004-01-12 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Mon, 12 Jan 2004 15:33:46 -0800, Richard Revis muttered:
 Kernel options are (2.4.22):
snipped IDE options
 From the performance I am getting it definitely isn't enabled. Options on
 the 2.6.1 kernel are set in a similar way.

Try enabling some of the chipset options.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] distcc on linux and mac

2004-01-10 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Fri, 09 Jan 2004 18:49:45 -0800, Lotas T Smartman muttered:
 right. i asked this in the forums
 and i just wanted to find out something. apple released some patches and
 code for GCC to make it customized for the mac. if i download and
 install this, is there a chance it will work? also, is there a chance i
 could kill GCC Standard for my PC? the reason is because my mac is
 seriously underpowered. there is a few things i need to compile on it
 and distcc makes sence. it would use the power of my dual athlon, a
 duron 700 and a soon to be added to the network 1.33Gz Athlon too. 
 Any tips would be handy. there is more on the distcc site here
 I supose the major question though is will it kill my system? can i
 still use the old compiler?

If I remember correctly, distcc requires that all systems be the same
architecture and have all the same include files available. Unless you want
to try to port Apple's GCC patches (for Frameworks and the like) to Linux,
I'm afraid you're out of luck.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Alsa and kernel-2.6.x

2004-01-09 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Fri, 09 Jan 2004 14:31:37 -0800, Jernej Zidar muttered:
 I think the system tried to load a module that was builtin the kernel
 already. Did you built the snd_intel8x0 as module or did you incorporate it
 in the kernel directly?
 - Original Message - 
 From: Roberto Griso [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 8:45 PM
 Subject: [gentoo-user] Alsa and kernel-2.6.x
  I've found this problem with alsa and kernel-2.6.x when i try to restart
  tha alsa services :
  * WARNING:  you are stopping a boot service.
   * Unloading ALSA...
   * Storing ALSA Mixer Levels
   * Unloading
  modules  [ ok ]
   * Loading ALSA drivers...
   * Loading: snd-mixer-oss
   * Loading: snd-pcm-oss
   * Loading: snd-seq-oss
   * Loading: snd_intel8x0
  FATAL: Module snd_intel8x0 already in kernel.
   * Loading: snd-seq-oss
  FATAL: Module snd_seq_oss already in kernel.
   * Running card-dependent scripts
   * Restoring Mixer
  Levels [ ok ]
  Anyone knows what do you means?

What's probably happening is that stopping ALSA doesn't unload the drivers,
so the ALSA service complains when you try to load the module a second

Harmless, then. You can probably ignore this.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Sorry - Switch from a 2.4.20-gentoo-r5 kernel to 2.6 ?

2004-01-05 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Tue, 06 Jan 2004 04:47:03 -0800, Daz-Manu muttered:
 Hi folks,
 I use Linux for 6 monthes now, and I've never switched from one kernel to
 another .
 Kernel 2.6 is out now and I'd like to use it instead of my 2.4.20-gentoo-r5 .
 I tryed to use it as soon as the first 2.6 was out (unstable) but it
 needed lot of configuration and I gave up . ( I could boot up but no GUI,
 FB, ...)
 1/ Is it possible to export my 2.4.20-gentoo-r5 config to a 2.6 config ?
 (I agree , the options are differents but at least main options .)

Not really - there've been too many changes for oldconfig to work.

 2/ What is the difference between 2.4.20-gentoo-r5 and 2.6 (or others)
 from ? 2.4.20-gentoo-r5 is a 2.4.20 patched ?
 If yes , where can I read differences ?

Read the ebuild. It loads a bunch of patches, mostly from files/ in the
ebuild directoryr but some from ...portage/distfiles

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-user] Simplifying USB keychain permissions

2004-01-04 Thread Andrew Farmer
I recently got USB working on my box, and found that permissions on USB
keychain devices is still a mess, especially on multi-user machines. (Mine
isn't, but...) Most devices are handled by /etc/console.perms, which
basically just grants console devices to the user at the console, but (at
the time of writing) it didn't handle keychain devices. console.perms also
didn't seem to handle hotplugging, so I'v eput together these system
patches to rectify these problems.

Obviously, you'll have to run this all as root. The code's simple enough
that you can probably verify its safety yourself. If you have any problems
with it (or notice any possible ones), please tell me.

Without further ado...

HOWTO handle permissions on keychain disks

First create the flash permission tool and its helper files...

cat  EOF  /usr/local/bin/flash-perms 
[ -d $1 ]  exit
[ ! -e /root/flashtag ]  exit
chown `stat -c%U /root/flashtag` $1
touch /root/flashtag

Then add the device to /etc/security/console.perms:

cat  EOF  /etc/security/console.perms
flashdisk=/dev/sd* /root/flashtag
console  0600 flashdisk  0600 root

And to devfsd:

cat  /etc/devfs.d/flash-support
REGISTER ^sd*   EXECUTE /usr/local/bin/flash-perms $devpath

NOTE that you'll have to change this last script if you have any other SCSI
disks: exclude them from the regexp or create special cases in flash-perms.

Finally, let's add some fstab entries. Again, remove any that don't apply to
your system. If you expect more than four flash disks, create more entries in
the same pattern as these.

cat  EOF  /etc/fstab
/dev/sda/mnt/flash-avfatnoauto,owner0 0
/dev/sda1   /mnt/flash-a1   vfatnoauto,owner0 0
/dev/sda2   /mnt/flash-a2   vfatnoauto,owner0 0
/dev/sda3   /mnt/flash-a3   vfatnoauto,owner0 0
/dev/sda4   /mnt/flash-a4   vfatnoauto,owner0 0
/dev/sdb/mnt/flash-bvfatnoauto,owner0 0
/dev/sdb1   /mnt/flash-b1   vfatnoauto,owner0 0
/dev/sdb2   /mnt/flash-b2   vfatnoauto,owner0 0
/dev/sdb3   /mnt/flash-b3   vfatnoauto,owner0 0
/dev/sdb4   /mnt/flash-b4   vfatnoauto,owner0 0
/dev/sdc/mnt/flash-cvfatnoauto,owner0 0
/dev/sdc1   /mnt/flash-c1   vfatnoauto,owner0 0
/dev/sdc2   /mnt/flash-c2   vfatnoauto,owner0 0
/dev/sdc3   /mnt/flash-c3   vfatnoauto,owner0 0
/dev/sdc4   /mnt/flash-c4   vfatnoauto,owner0 0
/dev/sdd/mnt/flash-dvfatnoauto,owner0 0
/dev/sdd1   /mnt/flash-d1   vfatnoauto,owner0 0
/dev/sdd2   /mnt/flash-d2   vfatnoauto,owner0 0
/dev/sdd3   /mnt/flash-d3   vfatnoauto,owner0 0
/dev/sdd4   /mnt/flash-d4   vfatnoauto,owner0 0
pushd mnt
mkdir flash-a flash-a1 flash-a2 flash-a3 flash-a4
mkdir flash-b flash-b1 flash-b2 flash-b3 flash-b4
mkdir flash-c flash-c1 flash-c2 flash-c3 flash-c4
mkdir flash-d flash-d1 flash-d2 flash-d3 flash-d4

And there you have it. Flash disks will be given to the console user on login
or insertion, and revert to being owned by root at logout. You can also mount
flash disks (as vfat - feel free to add to or modify the list of filesystems)
without being root - ideal for a multiuser system.

These instructions were written with Gentoo Linux in mind, though they would
probably work just as well on any other system that uses devfs(d) and PAM.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] worm games

2004-01-01 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Thu, 01 Jan 2004 04:03:24 -0800, William Kenworthy muttered:
 Nah, totally different animal.  This one has worms that shoot each other
 (from guns to nuclear bombs!).  Sorta arcade style - something like the
 atomic tanks game on steroids!


Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Availabillity of gentoo - off topic question

2003-12-19 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Fri, 19 Dec 2003 08:12:12 -0800, Michael Balamuth muttered:
 Hello List,
 I've been following this exchange with some interest since this gentoo-user
 list is one of the most polite and helpful I've ever encountered.  You all
 have finally mentioned something I've never heard of.  Could someone please
 explain what a 1337 is and how it relates to language?? Sorry to be so
 uninformed, but I'm eager to learn.

1337 is a term used for the stereotypical 1337 [EMAIL PROTECTED], or script-kiddie.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] PORTAGE_TMPDIR

2003-12-16 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Tue, 16 Dec 2003 15:46:51 -0800, Yrjö Hatakka muttered:
 Viestissä Maanantai 15. Joulukuuta 2003 01:24, Oliver Lange kirjoitti:
  you may well delete /var/tmp/portage/* as long as you're not currently
  emerging some software. For example:
  rm -R /var/tmp/portage/*
 Don't do this! 
 do :
 cd /var/tmp/portage/
 rm -R *
 or disaster awaits

What's the difference?

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] PORTAGE_TMPDIR

2003-12-16 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Tue, 16 Dec 2003 15:33:41 -0800, Patrick Börjesson muttered:
 None, but if not careful you might delete more than you intended. For
 example if you accidently hit a space between portage and the last
 slash. If you first see to it that your in the correct directory you
 have at least some more security...

Ah, fair enough. I wasn't considering operator error... silly me.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Kate with accented chars

2003-12-13 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Sat, 13 Dec 2003 09:28:00 -0800, Ciortea Cristian muttered:
 Isn't there a way to load them on the fly ? I would have to restart KDE 3-4 
 times to get it right ...

There sure is.

xmodmap inputfile

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Mp3 effects

2003-12-13 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Sat, 13 Dec 2003 07:56:58 -0800, Oliver Lange muttered:
 I'm searching for a similar tool. Something that is able to display the
 waveform and allowing to hear and cut a file graphically. Should be no
 problem to specify fine cutting positions, because MP3 chunks are only
 a few 1/100 seconds long.

Try mpcut. It isn't in portage, but it's easy to compile by hand. Allows
for just this sort of cutting.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Gaim problem docked, gnome 2.4

2003-12-10 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Wed, 10 Dec 2003 08:18:27 -0800, Christoph Schäfer muttered:
 Hi all,
 I'm trying to use gaims (0.71) systray icon  - if I click on the x, the 
 window hides and I stay online. If I get a message, it pops up. But 
 there is no icon in the systray of gnome 2.4 anywhere :( Any suggestions?
 I have to activate the plugin eacht time I start gaim. Otherways gaim 
 will not hide but close on clicking on x, though the systra option is 

You have to add a specific applet to the GNOME panel to give the systray
icon somewhere to dock to. It's part of the standard applets package, and
is called something like system tray applet.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] no profile directory

2003-12-09 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Tue, 09 Dec 2003 09:06:55 -0800, john gennard muttered:
 Following the install write-up (ignoring a net connection),
 I get to the point where after copying portage-20030911.tar.bz2
 to /mnt/gentoo/usr/portage and chrooting and then running
 'env-update', 'source /etc/profile' (don't yet understand that!)
 and 'export CONFIG_PROTECT=-* /etc/make.conf', the command
 'emerge -up system' still fails with the message no profile
 directory .. system mode unavailable.

I think what you've forgotten to do is unpack the portage image. After
copying portage-.tar.bz2 to /mnt/gentoo/usr/portage, cd to that
directory and tar xvjf portage portage-.tar.bz2 to unpack it.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Kernels 2.4.20 don't work with reiserfs

2003-12-08 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Mon, 08 Dec 2003 10:58:55 -0800, Wes Gray muttered:
 On Wed, Dec 03, 2003 at 11:37:13AM -0800, Wes Gray wrote:
  I ran into this problem a while back upgrading from 2.4.20 to 21 or 22
  where when it booted up the new kernel it would fail mounting my /
  partition which is running reiserfs.  I posted, and while no solution
  was found, others mentioned the same problem.  I just tried 2.4.23
  and it also does not work.  Since there is an exploit now I have to
  figure out a way to upgrade, so I am still seeking solutions if anyone
  has heard of any.  Maybe the 2.6 kernel fixes the problem?
 I have finally fixed my problem.  My root fstab entry had nothing in
 the field which usually has noatime in it.  Putting noatime in fixed it.
 Possibly without something in the field I had my subsequent fields off by
 1, and 2.4.21 became pickier than previous kernels have been.  Either that,
 or 2.4.21 doesn't like logging atimes.  Thanks to everyone for their helpful

If you don't want anything in the flag field, put in defaults as a

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] A problem with MozillaFirebird

2003-12-08 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Mon, 08 Dec 2003 12:51:54 -0800, Scharf Yuval muttered:
 I installed MozillaFirebird and it works fine with English websites.
 But, when I go to a Hebrew website instead of Hebrew letters I get those
 funny squares each includes 4 characters.
 How do I tell the browser to use Hebrew fonts?
 What is that funny font that Firbird is using?

This'll happen when you don't have any font installed for the characters
the web page is using. You'll have to install a Hebrew font to get Hebrew
characters -- apparently you don't have any installed (or Firebird isn't
using them properly).

Also check the font preferences.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Stuck on dialup

2003-12-08 Thread Andrew Farmer
Here's a set of scripts I use to automatically sync/fetch/emerge all
packages over a modem. Works great (for me at least).

Note that you'll need gentoolkit installed. Intended usage is to run
prepare-updates (as root) with an optional argument (which gets passed to
sleep) to update your system. The scripts *should* fail gracefully if
something is wrong (blocking packages, failed downloads, broken
dependencies, etc). You'll also need zsh, though it'd probably work under
bash with a few changes.

Without further ado:

[ $# -gt 0 ]  { echo Sleeping for $1...; sleep $1 }
echo -n Loading package list...
PACKAGES=`qpkg -I -nc`
echo  done!
emerge sync  exec /usr/local/bin/do-updates

echo -n Loading package list...
PKGS=`qpkg -I -nc`
echo  done!
echo -n Finding dependencies...
EMERGEOUT=`echo $PKGS|xargs emerge -up --columns`
if echo $EMERGEOUT|grep '\[blocks'; then
echo Blockage: $EMERGEOUT
if echo $EMERGEOUT|grep masked or unmasked; then
UPGRADES=`echo $EMERGEOUT|gawk 'BEGIN{FS=[][]}/^\[/{print $3}'`
echo  done!
if [ x$UPGRADES = x ]; then
echo Nothing to upgrade\!
echo Going to fetch:
echo Type Control-C to abort, Enter to continue
read x
echo $UPGRADES|xargs emerge -uf
echo Fetch complete.
echo Type Control-C to stop, Enter to perform upgrades.
read x
echo $UPGRADES|xargs emerge

echo -n Loading package list...
PACKAGES=`qpkg -I -nc`
echo  done!
echo $PACKAGES|xargs emerge -up --columns

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] About emerge sync...

2003-12-07 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Sun, 07 Dec 2003 17:14:11 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] muttered:
 It takes so much time to sync the tree here...
 because i have a slow (modem) connection.
 can i use portage-2003xxyy.tar.bz2 files downloaded in another place?

Yes, but it'll always take longer to download a portage snapshot than it
would to sync the tree. I would know - I'm on a modem myself.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] No hyphenation patterns were loaded (latex)

2003-12-03 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Wed, 03 Dec 2003 12:56:04 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] muttered:
 I have begun a document like this:
 \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}  % char encoding
 I get this error message:
 Package babel Warning: No hyphenation patterns were loaded for
 (babel)the language `Swedish'
 (babel)I will use the patterns loaded for \language=0 instead.

No, that's correct -- the problem's just that there aren't any hyphenation
dictionaries available on your machine for Swedish. Install some, or live
with the warning (which won't keep the document from building, by the way)

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Kernel Support for 48bit lba Addressing

2003-12-02 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Tue, 02 Dec 2003 13:44:09 -0800, Yogesh Sharma muttered:
 Mike Wojcikiewicz wrote:
 Not sure if this helps, but I have a 180gig WD drive mounted on /home 
 with no
 special patching or anything (ext2, vanilla 2.4.22)..
 Just 2 more qn ?
 Is it a single parition or multiple parition ?
 Are you able to access 180 gb completely ?

I'm not the person in question, but I've got a 120 GB drive with one
partition 100GB. I've been able to use this drive since I got it, which
was back around 2.4.19 or so.

48-bit addressing's been in Linux for a while now, though I wouldn't know
since when. It's not a special feature, though.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Need help: libfwbuilder-1.0.2

2003-12-01 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Mon, 01 Dec 2003 10:11:26 -0800, Al Raq muttered:
 Hi all,
 I could not install libfwbuilder-1.0.2.
 Please if you can help.
 Here is the error message:
 /usr/sbin/ line 33: --disable-shared: command not found

Looks like a bug in the ebuild. File it:

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] reiser, fsck

2003-12-01 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Mon, 01 Dec 2003 15:20:27 -0800, Jonathan Stickel muttered:
 In switching from Red Hat to Gentoo, I have started using reiserfs 
 rather than ext3 for my Linux partitions.  For ext3 partitions, I know 
 how to make fsck run on boot (shutdown -F, or set the mount count with 
 tune2fs).  Is there something analogous for reiser?  I think reiserfsck 
 may be running every boot, but I'm not sure because it happens so fast; 
 is this typical?

Yes, reiserfs doesn't really need a full-blown fsck every boot.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] apache2 worker|perchild ebuild

2003-11-25 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Tue, 25 Nov 2003 03:04:40 -0800, Erwin Lang muttered:
 hi all!
 is there an ebuild available for compiling apache with the worker or perchild 
 module or must i change the ebuild by myself?

AFAIK you can set this in /etc/httpd/httpd.conf.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Debugging OpenGL program returns error

2003-11-24 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Mon, 24 Nov 2003 15:15:52 -0800, Paulo Jorge de Oliveira Cantante de Matos muttered:
 Hi all,
 I'm reading the OpenGL Programming Guide, latest edition. I've been able
 to check that after compiling OpenGL code and running it with GDB 6.0,
 an error will arise. In particular, select any OpenGL program from the
 book. Try the following:
 (gdb) run
 Starting program: /home/pmatos/ist/mvt/labs/openglbk-edit/wrap
 [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
 [New Thread 16384 (LWP 5583)]
 Program received signal SIGFPE, Arithmetic exception.
 [Switching to Thread 16384 (LWP 5583)]
 0x406567ff in _mesa_test_os_sse_exception_support ()
from /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri/

Do any OpenGL programs run? This looks like you've added SSE support on an
architecture that doesn't support it. Try recompiling X11 with USE=-sse and
see if that fixes it.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] gnome: empty bottom panel

2003-11-21 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Fri, 21 Nov 2003 11:41:53 -0800, Oliver Lange muttered:
 Hello everybody,
 My gnome bottom edge panel crashed, now after rebooting
 i got an empty panel with no 'show desktop' button,
 no window list and no workspace switcher.
 In a nutshell: the panel is absolutely empty.
 How can i fix this ?

Right-click on the panel to add items.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] iptables

2003-11-21 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Fri, 21 Nov 2003 15:29:45 -0800, Redeeman muttered:
 hi, i am seeking and application for easy building iptables scripts, its
 not anything advanced, it just gotta block some ports from public, and
 route some ports to another machine on my LAN, anyone can suggest an

rc.firewall - at IIRC.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Network problem

2003-11-20 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Thu, 20 Nov 2003 14:28:57 -0800, Simon Cahuk muttered:
 my /etc/conf.d/net: iface_eth0= broadcast netmask
 iface_ippp0= broadcast netmask
 I can't ping my other machines before I connect to the internet. After 
 connecting ping works ok. 

As it stands, your PPP interface is set as an IP on the local network. This
is wrong (unless your ISP gives you a 192.168.0.x address, in which case
you'll need to choose another prefix).

Change iface_ippp0 to use some nonsensical address ( by default.
It'll get changed once you connect.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] gnome session changes...

2003-11-19 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Wed, 19 Nov 2003 11:18:09 -0800, Andrei Ivanov muttered:
 I'm having some trouble convincing gnome not to save changes to the 
 By default, gnome saves the changes, so if I logout of gnome with some 
 programs running, when I logon the next time it starts them again.
 So I closed all the applications and logged out, and then I logged in 
 again (no applications were started automatically... good).
 I disabled Applications- Desktop preferences- Advanced- Session 
 Options:  Automatically save changes to session and logged out.
 But when I logged in, the Sessions configuration dialog appeared, and, 
 after it, Nautilus also started and this happens now every time... :(
 What can I do ?

One way to fix this would be to log out, log in on a VT, and delete
.gnome2/session -- this'll clear anything you have saved for the session.

 Btw: why can't I use the `win` key on my keyboard as a shortcut ? (it 
 seems gnome doesn't see the key press)

You may have to mess with xmodmap.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Bug in Gnome 2.4 -- crash after launchers added to panel???

2003-11-19 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Wed, 19 Nov 2003 16:37:06 -0800, Greg Yasko muttered:
 Hi Gentooers. After adding launchers to the panel in Gnome 2.4, Gnome 
 got crashy. Then after removing the launchers and rebooting, Gnome was 
 back to normal.
 Is this bug in bugzilla? I used all of the search terms I could think of 
 all + gnome, panel, launcher and nothing turned up.

Sounds like a GNOME problem. Check with the folks at to see if
this is a known issue.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] proxy

2003-11-18 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Tue, 18 Nov 2003 04:37:48 -0800, Redeeman muttered:
 i am need of a a proxy server, because my brother is on the lan, and he
 wants to make daemons, and i have all the ports :D
 i dont know anything about it, and i dont have much time, so i am in
 need of a secure and easy proxy server, i have heard about squid, not
 much, and i see that almost any programs support socks proxy (i dont
 know what it is).
 can anyone recommend a small easy and secure proxy that is socks
 compatible and that supports accounts made, without making system
 accoutnts for any user (like with proftpd)?

Well, I'm not sure exactly how squid would help you (it's just a web proxy:
all it'll do is mirror HTTP requests), and a SOCKS proxy is just a similar
thing for generalized *outgoing* connections.

What you probably want to look into is port forwarding with iptables or
ssh -- this'll make a port on the gateway machine forward connections to
another machine behind the firewall.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Mouse wheel problems

2003-11-17 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Mon, 17 Nov 2003 12:15:21 -0800, Joel Konkle-Parker muttered:
 I have a Logitech Cordless Navigator Duo set (keyboard  mouse on one 
 USB), which includes a wheel mouse. When I try using the wheel though, 
 nothing happens. I've tried it in several different apps, too, and nothing.
 Here's my XF86Config:
 Section InputDevice
   Identifier  Logitech Wireless Mouse
   Driver  mouse
   Option  Protocol  Auto

Option  Protocol  ImPS/2

It's probably auto-detecting as PS/2 (which doesn't support a wheel AFAIK).

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-user] sawfish-1.3r3 patch failure

2003-11-17 Thread Andrew Farmer
Dunno what's going on here...

* sawfish-1.3-state-below.patch *


PATCH COMMAND:  patch -g0 -p0  

patching file sawfish-1.3/lisp/sawfish/wm/state/wm-spec.jl
Hunk #1 FAILED at 125.
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file 

PATCH COMMAND:  patch -g0 -p1  

can't find file to patch at input line 3
Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?
The text leading up to this was:
|--- /var/tmp/portage/sawfish-1.3-r2/work/sawfish-1.3/lisp/sawfish/wm/state/wm-spec.jl 
 2003-11-16 16:13:33.0 +0100
|+++ sawfish-1.3/lisp/sawfish/wm/state/wm-spec.jl   2003-03-16 21:56:48.0 
No file to patch.  Skipping patch.
1 out of 1 hunk ignored

PATCH COMMAND:  patch -g0 -p2  

can't find file to patch at input line 3
Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?
The text leading up to this was:
|--- /var/tmp/portage/sawfish-1.3-r2/work/sawfish-1.3/lisp/sawfish/wm/state/wm-spec.jl 
 2003-11-16 16:13:33.0 +0100
|+++ sawfish-1.3/lisp/sawfish/wm/state/wm-spec.jl   2003-03-16 21:56:48.0 
No file to patch.  Skipping patch.
1 out of 1 hunk ignored

PATCH COMMAND:  patch -g0 -p3  

can't find file to patch at input line 3
Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?
The text leading up to this was:
|--- /var/tmp/portage/sawfish-1.3-r2/work/sawfish-1.3/lisp/sawfish/wm/state/wm-spec.jl 
 2003-11-16 16:13:33.0 +0100
|+++ sawfish-1.3/lisp/sawfish/wm/state/wm-spec.jl   2003-03-16 21:56:48.0 
No file to patch.  Skipping patch.
1 out of 1 hunk ignored

PATCH COMMAND:  patch -g0 -p4  

can't find file to patch at input line 3
Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?
The text leading up to this was:
|--- /var/tmp/portage/sawfish-1.3-r2/work/sawfish-1.3/lisp/sawfish/wm/state/wm-spec.jl 
 2003-11-16 16:13:33.0 +0100
|+++ sawfish-1.3/lisp/sawfish/wm/state/wm-spec.jl   2003-03-16 21:56:48.0 
No file to patch.  Skipping patch.
1 out of 1 hunk ignored

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Time Adjustment

2003-11-17 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Mon, 17 Nov 2003 17:21:49 -0800, Mike Roberts muttered:
 Simple question, I think.  Using Gnome2 i can not adjust my time.  I
 right click on the time displayed in the panel, menu pops up, click on
 'adjust date  time...', and I get the following message:
 Failed to locate a program for configuring the date and time.
 Perhaps none is installed?

I don't know what the GNOME2 date/time issue is, but you can adjust the
time from the command line using a command like:

date 111720102003.29

where the number is of the form


(M = month, D = day, h = hour, m = minute, s = second, C = century,
 Y = year)

man date for details. Note that this command must be run as root.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Speaking of fish

2003-11-17 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Mon, 17 Nov 2003 19:13:21 -0800, Ernie Schroder muttered:
 Lately there has been a bit of discussion of the fish protocol, 
 which seems to be an ssh file browser plugin. Has anyone gotten it 
 working with MozillaFirebird? I have used it with konqueror on one 
 box but the other uses Windowmaker and thus has no konqueror.

AFAIK it's a KDE thing. Won't work with Mozilla derivatives.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] strange boot message Xargs: environment is too large for exec

2003-11-16 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Sun, 16 Nov 2003 02:02:12 -0800, Andreas Schmitzer muttered:
 recently i installed gentoo 1.4 for ahtlon-xp. while booting the message 
 appears :
  cleaning /var/lock, /var/run, 
 Xargs: environment ist too large for exec

It's 100% harmless. But I think it's fixed by a recent-ish update to

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] anyone have success with daap (itunes sharing)?

2003-11-11 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Tue, 11 Nov 2003 00:24:18 -0800, Alan muttered:
 I'm trying to get daap going to share the mp3s and oggs on my fileserver
 via itunes sharing, with little success.
 I'm following the directions at
 I have the files downloaded, but whenever I try to compile
 libhttpd-persistant I get tons of g++ errors, and I'm not sure why :( 
 make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/libhttpd-1.3-persistent-e/src'
 gcc  -I../src -g -I../ -I/usr/local/include  -D_OS_UNIX -c protocol.c
 In file included from protocol.c:41:
 select.h:29:20: iostream: No such file or directory

This looks like it's a c++ file (it's trying to use c++ headers) but you're
trying to compile it with gcc, not g++.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Mounting an ISO image problems

2003-11-10 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Mon, 10 Nov 2003 06:16:18 -0800, Norbert Kamenicky muttered:
 gabor wrote:
 Andrew Farmer wrote:
 On Sun, 09 Nov 2003 06:29:35 -0800, Norbert Kamenicky muttered:
 - snip -
 Well, the problem is that you can only mount an image as a user if the
 image and mountpoint are specified in the fstab. I still don't know 
 mount (or the kernel or something) can't start allowing mounts of a 
 readable by a user over a directory the user owns...
 :-)  :-)   :-)   ... security reason !
 If you like to allow your users to mount just anything,
 (doesn't matter in which dir)
 it's the same, like give them root password ...
 never heard about Trojan horse ?   :-)
 it's typical question of people who use windblowz
 (where security issues were made by diletants, if at all),
 but know nothing about unix security ...
 hmmm.. could you give an example?
 let's imagine that i allow all the wheel users to mount loopback-files 
 (iso images).
 how could that be a security risk?
 at first  just read again, the question and  what I wrote ...
 to prevent misunderstanding.
 ready ? so, go on !
 User is running commands under it's (effective) id. Correct ?
 Password is stored in /etc/shadow,
 (which has not rw permissions for users ... try  cat  /etc/shadow).
 Now, I have  a question  to you:
 How is it possible, users can change their password ?
 The right answer is:
 Due to set uid/gid  mechanism.
 ( run   ls  -l   /bin/passwd)

man mount

See information for the user flag. Specifically, nosuid.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] File transfer with SSH

2003-11-10 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Mon, 10 Nov 2003 08:19:40 -0800, Stephen Liu muttered:
 H Mike, MAL, Alberto and others
 scp remote:file localfile # user will be the user being used
 scp is part of openssh.
 # epm -q  scp/sftp
 could not find them on Gentoo box
 # emerge search sftp
 # emerge search scp
 Which of them are the right application to download and install

None of them. scp and sftp are part of the openssh package, which you
probably already have installed.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] libssl: error

2003-11-10 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Mon, 10 Nov 2003 17:22:25 -0800, Gëzim Hoxha muttered:
 I was trying to update my gnome with
 ACCEPT_KEYWORDS=~x86 emerge -u gnome
 but after merging some packages it said (a whole bunch
 of times):
 /usr/bin/wget: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No
 such file or directory 
 Then at the end it said:
 !!! Could not download openssl-0.9.61.tar.gz.

Re-emerge wget. The SSL update causes all sorts of havoc with packages.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Mounting an ISO image problems

2003-11-10 Thread Andrew Farmer
Okay, let's try that again.

On Mon, 10 Nov 2003 06:16:18 -0800, Norbert Kamenicky muttered:
 User is running commands under it's (effective) id. Correct ?
 Password is stored in /etc/shadow,
 (which has not rw permissions for users ... try  cat  /etc/shadow).
 Now, I have  a question  to you:
 How is it possible, users can change their password ?
 The right answer is:
 Due to set uid/gid  mechanism.
 ( run   ls  -l   /bin/passwd)

Right, /bin/passwd *is* suid and can write to the passwd file.

 So, is it a problem on your linux (where you are root)
 to copy some program (e.g. /bin/cat, but the best your own
 statically linked prog to new directory,
 and set uid  flag on it?  No ! (man chmod, if yes)

Yes, it is. Setting the suid flag on a file makes it run as the owner of
the file, which will not be root unless root created the file and set the
suid flag.

Linux doesn't allow the giving away of files (user chowning files to
another user), but even so, a user writing to or changing flags on a suid
file not owned by them will clear the suid flag.

 Now just make an iso image  with Rock Ridge extension
 from that directory and copy (man scp)  it to the system
 you like to crack ...
 If you can mount just anything (without restrictions,
 which are setable in /etc/fstab),  mount it and ride
 your Trojan horse like this:
path_to_your_mount_dir/cat   /etc/shadow

The 'user' flag to mount will clear the suid file on a mounted file system.
And it'd obviously be a Bad Idea to allow users to mount disks as root!
However, most systems have fstab entries for the floppy and CD drives which
use the user flag to mount. If physical disks are OK, then what's wrong
with disk images?

 Is it clear now ? If not, try it ...
 but on your own risk, I am not responsible for any damage!

It doesn't work, for reasons I've outlined above. Unless you've somehow
managed to get root to set some flags for you, in which case the system is
as good as compromised anyway.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Mounting an ISO image problems

2003-11-10 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Mon, 10 Nov 2003 17:46:51 -0800, Spider muttered:
 if you however allow me to mount 
 /tmp/my.iso /mnt/loop iso9660 loop,user 0 0 
 and then allow me to mount that, and I can replace my.iso, its enough to
 have software access to my.iso to be able to crack your machine, and do
 it quite well.

How'd that work? I don't see how being able to mount an arbitrary ISO would
translate into a security risk, unless: a security-related program reads
from /mnt/loop, in which case the use of a disk image doesn't directly
cause problems -- it's the fact that the program uses an untrustable file
as a data source.

A buggy filesystem could also possibly cause errors, but only if there
exist serious kernel errors that don't detect corrupt file systems.

 as for user disabling suid that isn't the case, you can have both
 user and suid on the same mountpoint.  

Yes, but user implicitly sets nosuid, and that's how it _should_ be used.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Mounting an ISO image problems

2003-11-09 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Sun, 09 Nov 2003 06:29:35 -0800, Norbert Kamenicky muttered:
 - snip -
 Well, the problem is that you can only mount an image as a user if the
 image and mountpoint are specified in the fstab. I still don't know why
 mount (or the kernel or something) can't start allowing mounts of a file
 readable by a user over a directory the user owns...
 :-)  :-)   :-)   ... security reason !
 If you like to allow your users to mount just anything,
 (doesn't matter in which dir)
 it's the same, like give them root password ...
 never heard about Trojan horse ?   :-)
 it's typical question of people who use windblowz
 (where security issues were made by diletants, if at all),
 but know nothing about unix security ...

Not a security problem if you require that user loopback mounts be mounted
user (like the fstab option). Darwin runs user mounts this way with no
resulting security issues.

And I haven't used Windows seriously in the last five or six years.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Add new user with a specif password in script

2003-11-09 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Sun, 09 Nov 2003 10:41:30 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] muttered:
 What command(s) should I use in order to
 add a new user to my system (from a bash
 script) and specify a default (not null)
 password for this user?
 I see that the command useradd does have
 the -p passwd option, but the passwd
 should be encrypted, as returned by crypt(3).
 Then how can I obtain the encrypted password?
 Any clues?

Two possible solutions:

1.  don't set a password with useradd; just run passwd after adding the
2.  set the password for one user, read the crypted password out of
/etc/shadow (as root), then use that as input to useradd -p
3.  python script below (call it anything _except_ crypt)

import crypt, getpass
hash = crypt.crypt(getpass.default_getpass(), xy) #  salt
print Hash:, hash

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Mounting an ISO image problems

2003-11-07 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Fri, 07 Nov 2003 15:38:01 -0800, Norbert Kamenicky muttered:
 Stephen Boulet wrote:
 What do I have to change to get this working?
 $ mount -t iso9660 -o ro,loop=/dev/loop0 bootcd.iso mnt/
 mount: only root can do that
 I have seen the advices you received, and have another solution:
 just add a line to /etc/fstab  and  put user option to options column
 The complete line can look like this:
 path_to/bootcd.iso  /mnt   iso9660  noauto,user,loop  0  0
 and any user can mount it, there is no need to be root  :-)

Well, the problem is that you can only mount an image as a user if the
image and mountpoint are specified in the fstab. I still don't know why
mount (or the kernel or something) can't start allowing mounts of a file
readable by a user over a directory the user owns...

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] copy/paste using mouse keyboard

2003-11-07 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Fri, 07 Nov 2003 18:19:11 -0800, Ernie Schroder muttered:
 On Friday 07 November 2003 08:05 pm, Mark Knecht wrote:
  On Fri, 2003-11-07 at 17:56, Ernie Schroder wrote:
   This works for me.
   # ChordMiddle is an option for some 3-button Logitech mice
   Option ChordMiddle
  OK, tried it, but no change. Thanks though
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
 If the mouse had a scroll wheel on the middle button, you might try 
 changing the protocol to IMPS/2. I'm not certain how ChordMiddle 
 would work on PS/2 but I would suppose that if you have 3 button 
 emulation set, pressing both buttons at once would paste. HTH

I think the option you want is Emulate3Buttons. ChordMiddle is a Logitech
extension -- not what you want.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Word wrap non-html

2003-11-06 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Thu, 06 Nov 2003 07:32:52 -0800, Hall Stevenson muttered:
 ...I used to use Mutt and it did. Two config file options dealt with 
 html-formatted messages and non-wrapped lines:
 text/html; lynx -dump %s ; copiousoutput
 set smart_wrap
Hmm... where do you put the text/html line? Stuffing it into .muttrc
doesn't work for me...

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] LiveCD for HPPA?

2003-11-05 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Wed, 05 Nov 2003 06:28:01 -0800, Brian Downey muttered:
 Hey folks...
 I have the once, maybe twice in a lifetime chance to try and install Linux
 (Gentoo, of course!) on an HP 9000/V2600.
 For those not aware of what a V-class is... think 32gb of RAM, 16 CPU
 PA-RISC powerhouse that's the size of a freezer.  After Linux is on it,
 it's running [EMAIL PROTECTED] for a few days :)
 The ESIEE site claims that the V-class is unsupported/untested, but I'm
 gonna try anyway.  Question is... anyone know where I can download the
 HPPA Live CD?  I've dug through a few mirrors and only found x86 and

There probably isn't one. My advice would be to look for *any* kind of
Linux distribution for the HP9000 and see if you can boot from that.
After you've got some sort of Linux running, *then* you can try to make it

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Using new kernel versions

2003-11-03 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Sun, 02 Nov 2003 16:02:50 -0800, Jordan Elver muttered:
snip, in regard to 2.6.x
 Do I need to re-emerge ati-drivers? I thought it would use the same
 modules as 
 th other kernel as listed in /etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6?

Yes -- 2.6 uses a different module format than 2.4. I don't know if the
ebuild can make new-format modules yet, though. Try it and see if it works?

(And aren't most of the ATI drivers available in the kernel anyway?)

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] iptables

2003-11-02 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Sun, 02 Nov 2003 12:32:31 -0800, Brian Doob muttered:
   I'm trying to get IPTables to work under Gentoo (to connect my Linux
   PDA (with USB ethernet) to the net).  This is what happens when I try
   to use IPTables:

 # CONFIG_FILTER is not set

There's your answer...

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] iptables

2003-11-02 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Sun, 02 Nov 2003 15:27:09 -0800, Brian Doob muttered:
   Changing that didn't seem to fix my problem.

Hmm. Try re-emerging iptables?

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Backups?

2003-11-02 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Sun, 02 Nov 2003 17:05:16 -0800, Rick [Kitty5] muttered:
 What do people do / recommend for backing up?

I rsync my $HOME to a secondary hard disk.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Backups?

2003-11-02 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Sun, 02 Nov 2003 17:24:35 -0800, MadMax muttered:
 Can you share the script/crontab etc you use to accomplish this?

The script follows. Note that I'm just synchronizing some directories from
my $HOME -- stuff left sitting in there won't get synchronized (though one
could probably fix this pretty easily).

(The crontab line is:
30 5 * * * $HOME/bin/sync-stuff
so it'll run every day at 05:30)


# location to back up to

# list of directories to back up
BACKUP='bin MozillaFirebird doc evolution cdev' 

cd $HOME
# Back up dotfiles
echo Backing up dotfiles
rsync -a --delete .* $LOC

# Back up other important stuff (except MP3s)
for x in `echo $BACKUP`
echo Backing up $x
rsync -a --delete --delete-excluded --exclude /doc/mp3** $x $LOC

echo Backup/sync process complete

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] kernel bug on shutdown (umount segfault)

2003-11-01 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Sat, 01 Nov 2003 18:10:37 -0800, Eamon Caddigan muttered:
 kernel BUG at inode.c:1105!
 invalid operand: 
  /sbin/rc: line 141:  7079 Segmentation fault  umount -a -r -n -t 
 nodevfs,noproc,nosysfs,notmpfs /dev/null
 I suppose that means that umount is segfaulting. I've STFW'ed, and only
 found a similar error on the kernel mailing list, and one reply claimed
 that it was fixed in 2.4.20-pre11. Apparently not -- I'm using

Actually, it means that the *kernel* is segfaulting at unmount. Yikes. Try
a 2.4.22+ kernel and see if it persists?

(OT: How the heck does the shell manage to spit out a segmentation-fault
message after a kernel panic?)

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] More disk performance data

2003-10-30 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 12:48:09 -0800, Matt Garman muttered:
 I haven't studied the results too closely yet.  I just thought I'd post
 them and maybe generate some interesting discussion.  My first
 impression is that ext3 (apparently) eats up the processor, at least
 compared to FFS (which I think is non-journaling).

Unless FFS has changed significantly since I last heard of it, it's
non-journalling. FFS was created well before journaling became a

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] SSH over vpn gives problem

2003-10-29 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Tue, 28 Oct 2003 23:38:36 -0800, Anupam Kapoor muttered:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Farmer) writes:
  On Tue, 28 Oct 2003 12:53:27 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] muttered:
  From the computer you are connecting from run xhost +
  server_your_connecting_to as whatever user started X. 
  No, no, NO!!!
  Host-based authentication is *bad*.
  Use ssh -X to do X11 forwarding over SSH. Encryption is *good*.
 and -C for compression, which is even better !!!

Compression is only a Good Thing when you're running over a slow
connection -- if you're running over a fast connection, it'll just slow you

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] gaim

2003-10-29 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Wed, 29 Oct 2003 00:58:37 -0800, Selentek 24331-03 muttered:
 Is it possible to have a blink buddy icon when message arrive.
 I don't want to get pop-up window with message to reply.

I think there's a plugin to do this in gaim 0.6 and later. Unfortunately,
it also mutes the message-arrival sound until you open the window...

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] squid

2003-10-29 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Wed, 29 Oct 2003 13:06:48 -0800, Jeffrey Smelser muttered:
 Your always going to get a speed boost as far as the web sites you
 frequent a lot.. These images will be saved in squid and you won't need
 to download them again..

Actually, with a slow last-hop, you'd want to run squid behind the dial-up
gateway. Squid caches the files, but you'd still be reloading them every
time you revisited the site with this configuration.

 It just all depends.. It depends on the pages you go to and how much
 squid can cache of it.. I use it more for a logging perspective and
 anything going through port 80 must go through squid. 
  I just figured out how to use Webmin to change this. The reason I setup
  Squid is because I'm dialing-in to a server that's running on a partial
  T1. Right now, I have the server NAT'ing my connections out to the
  internet. I'm hoping to get a bit of a speed boost by using a proxy on
  the server instead. Am I wrong here?

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Gnome/Mozilla install problem

2003-10-28 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Mon, 27 Oct 2003 23:09:39 -0800, Spider muttered:
 As you see in the message, you need to run :
 export USE=gtk2
 emerge mozilla 

Uh, no. That'll emerge all the following packages with gtk2 as well, which
could cause havoc with packages that don't have gtk2 100% ready yet. You'd
want to do something more like

USE=gtk2 emerge mozilla


Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Prelink question

2003-10-28 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Tue, 28 Oct 2003 02:14:51 -0800, Rodney Arne Karlsen muttered:
 From what I have read, prelinking speeds up the start up of 
 aplications. Does prelinking speed up the rest of the app after startup?

No. Prelinking just speeds up the initial launch.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] emerge system prob

2003-10-28 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Tue, 28 Oct 2003 03:28:30 -0800, James Ferguson muttered:
 checking whether the C compiler (gcc -mcpu=athlon -03 -pipe -yet_exec ) works
 configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create 


I don't think that's a valid flag.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] SSH over vpn gives problem

2003-10-28 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Tue, 28 Oct 2003 12:53:27 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] muttered:
 From the computer you are connecting from run xhost +
 server_your_connecting_to as whatever user started X. 

No, no, NO!!!

Host-based authentication is *bad*.

Use ssh -X to do X11 forwarding over SSH. Encryption is *good*.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Need libgd with gif support

2003-10-24 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Fri, 24 Oct 2003 03:15:08 -0700, Denny Schierz muttered:
 I need libgd with the gif support. I emerged giflib, but it doesn't
 work, so emerged libungif, nothing changed. How can i complie libgd with
 gif support?

Do make sure to emerge libgd again. Also note that you will probably need
+gif or some such in your USE flags.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Security bugs in Gentoo ?

2003-10-24 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Fri, 24 Oct 2003 14:36:28 -0700, SMS WebMaster muttered:
 I have Gentoo 1.4 (updated) in my laptop and I executed the commands :
 /usr/bin/find / -type f \( -perm -2 -o -perm -20 \)-exec ls -lg {} 
 \; 2/dev/null writable.txt 
 /usr/bin/find / -type d \( -perm -2 -o -perm -20 \)   -exec ls -ldg {} 
 \; 2/dev/null writable.txt 
 /usr/bin/find / -type f \( -perm -004000 -o -perm -002000 \)   -exec ls 
 -lg {} \; 2/dev/null suidfiles.txt
You shouldn't be checking for -perm -20. This specifies group-writable
files, which are safe.

 -rw-rw-r--1 games   0 Oct 12 23:05 

Normal. Games need to be SUID (dangerous!) or have these files set
world-writable to save scores properly.

 -rw-rw1 mysql1064 Sep 18 07:12 

Looks fine to me. It isn't world-writable, so it's safe.

 -rw-rw-r--1 utmp  2436096 Oct 19 06:14 /var/log/wtmp
...more group-writable files in /var/log -- this one MUST be set
group-writable to get it to be updated properly...

 -rw-rw-r--1 portage   276 Feb 13  2003 
...portage group-writable files are OK, I would think...

 -rw-rw-r--1 root 4909 Aug 19 16:41 
...and more group-writable files. All safe.

 Should I report this bug to Gentoo bugzilla ??

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Nautilus sound preview

2003-10-22 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 16:43:33 -0700, genttin muttered:
 I think I am getting closer to the core now...
 I have searched through other forums and found others facing the
 same problem suggested to disable the system sound to gain back
 the sound preview function.
 I tried and it really works but...
 It reveals to me that nautilus sound preview is trying to output
 sound through oss ( in my system ) but /dev/dsp is being occupied
 by system sound which is using esd.
 Therefore, my question now is how can I alter nautilus to output
 through esd, i.e. add esdsink support in gstreamer ( I have merged
 esound but only get osssink in gstreamer ) or the other way round
 force system sound to output through oss?

esddsp nautilus

(though getting this to work with sessions may require that you write some
 wrapper scripts)

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] vi errors as root

2003-10-22 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 16:51:55 -0700, zzd muttered:
 Hash: SHA1
 When I run vi as root I get the output below. I do not get these errors when 
 using sudo or as a normal user. Any ideas why this started happening?
 E575: viminfo: Illegal starting char in line: b0VIM 6.2

Looks like you've somehow managed to get a corrupted /root/.viminfo --
delete it and the problems will probably go away.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] OT: power pc simulator and mac on linux

2003-10-21 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 07:11:54 -0700, Lotas Smartman muttered:
 right. i have a question about something. im always looking to try get a 
 powerpc emulator, but never found one. now, there is a powerpc simulator. 
 not 100% sure the difference of a simulator and a emulator, but anyway. 
 the simulator will run linux power pc apps under linux on an i386. my 
 question is has anyone played with this yet? could it run mac on linux 
 fast enough to run mac os under it? it would be pretty sweet to play with, 
 and a fairly normal(ish) machine now would, or at least i think they 
 could, run it fast enough. i hope. any one tried this?

As far as I know, there are currently no functional PowerPC [sim|em]ulators
that run under x86 machines. There's MOL (Mac-On-Linux), but that only runs
under PPC machines.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] mozilla firebird extensions

2003-10-20 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 10:36:52 -0700, Andrew Kirilenko muttered:
 I'm wondering is it possible to install any extensions for firebird
 0.6.1. The first thing I have tried is installing extension simply
 clicking xpi link in the browser. And it told me that I don't have
 permissions to do this. I have tried to do this via root (it's really
 not good) and it installed it correctly and I even can access it, but
 only while running firebird as root. More, after some experiments I have
 totally broked firebird (luckely, I have backuped

Copy /opt/firebird (or wherever MozillaFirebird installs to) to your home
directory. Run it from there.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] iTunes on linux?

2003-10-20 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 14:03:14 -0700, Lotas T Smartman muttered:
 has anyone tired to get iTunes running on Linux yet? will wine or winex 
 run it? any one tried yet? i have fallen in love with iTunes in just 
 over 3 days and now im moving to linux tomorrow. i would like to bring 
 my new toy with me.

I haven't tried it myself (as I've got a real Mac to run iTunes on), but
I've read that the install crashes under Wine.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Alsa with TS2 and AAO and es1371

2003-10-20 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 15:17:13 -0700, Alex Nelson muttered:
 Has anyone had any luck with running multiple applications accessing the
 sound card under ALSA with an es1371 card? I am trying to get TeamSpeak
 2 and Americas Army to run at the same time. I run TeamSpeak and then
 AAO and AAO complains that it can't open /dev/sound/dsp. Anyone out
 there solved this without two sound cards?

I'm not using Alsa, but I have in the past. You'll have to use some sort of
real sound mixer program to get multiple programs to multiplex the card.
Try using esd (ulch!) with esddsp. (esddsp program1; esddsp program2)

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Stop Session Saving

2003-10-20 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 17:41:05 -0700, Matt Neimeyer muttered:
 How do I stop the session manager in Gnome 2.4 from remembering
 I want each session to start with nothing open no matter what I was
 doing last time. I've tried save-session enabled with nothing open
 followed by un-selecting save-session in the hopes of the last saved
 session having nothing... I've tried other mixtures of enabled and
 disabled session saving and nothing seems to work.

Log out of GNOME2, log in to a console, and edit your $HOME/.gnome2/session
to remove all programs you don't want to open at startup. Retain numbering
starting at 0, and change the num_clients setting at the end.

Log back into GNOME2 and open the Sessions control panel. Remove the
setting to save settings at logout. This ought to fix things for you.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] xmms and gnome?

2003-10-17 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Fri, 17 Oct 2003 12:02:16 -0700, Abilio Carvalho muttered:
 Why do I make emerge -p xmms and see a lot of Gnome 1 libraries? Even
 ~x86 doesn't help. I'm forced to USE=-gnome to be able to install it...
 Are there plans for a Gnome-2 based xmms ebuild?

As far as I know, XMMS doesn't yet support GTK+2/GNOME2.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] updating portage broke portage

2003-10-14 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Mon, 13 Oct 2003 20:31:21 -0700, Lewis Powell muttered:
 I just installed the new portage update, and the result is this output
 from any portage command:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ultraman $ emerge -p world
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /usr/bin/emerge, line 10, in ?
   File /usr/lib/portage/bin/, line 7, in ?
 from output import *
 ImportError: No module named output
 The only thing I can think of that might be a problem is that I upgraded
 to python 2.3, and then I remember running some program that updated
 portage to use python 2.3.  Is is possible that I need to rerun that
 program, and if so, what is it?

This is probably the problem. Portage does *not* work with Python 2.3 yet,
and AFAIK, any patches to make it work are unofficial. I guess the new
Portage probably broke the patch -- I'd suggest you roll back to Python 2.2
and wait for an official release.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] possible to routing ssh connection to a different shell?

2003-10-14 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Tue, 14 Oct 2003 00:47:25 -0700, Andrew Gaffney muttered:
 Look for a line similar to this in your /etc/passwd that has the user's 
 Change the last part (/bin/bash) to the full path of your program. Be sure 
 to add the full path of your program to /etc/shells also.

You do know about ssh -t host command?

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: Re[2]: [gentoo-user] possible to routing ssh connection to a different shell?

2003-10-14 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Tue, 14 Oct 2003 08:25:33 -0700, Christian Schäfer muttered:
 hi Andrew,
  You do know about ssh -t host command?
 no, I don't think so. tell me. ;-)

Try 'ssh -t host /bin/sh'. It'll give you a login shell (with /bin/sh) even
if your $SHELL is set to something like /bin/false.

In short, there's really no way (that I know of, at least) to keep a user
from getting a login shell as long as they have an account.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] glibc won't install locales, and make check fails

2003-10-11 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Fri, 10 Oct 2003 18:48:21 -0700, spiff.devotion muttered:
 I've been having a problem with glibc not installing any locales for a
 longer period of time now. It all started when glibc was upgraded from
 2.3.1-r4 to 2.3.2-r1. I've tried emerging glibc a few times to no avail.
 Last time I emerged I noticed that iconvconfig dies on execution
 (whatever relevance this might have.) The last few lines of an strace
 shows this:
 gettimeofday({1065835459, 393102}, NULL) = 0
 getpid()= 3741
 open(/usr/lib/gconv/gconv-modules.cache.S2AjmY, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL,
 0600) = 3
 brk(0)  = 0x8081000
 brk(0x8084000)  = 0x8084000
 brk(0)  = 0x8084000
 brk(0x8085000)  = 0x8085000
 +++ killed by SIGKILL +++

Looks like you're getting bitten by the OOM killer: your system's probably
running out of memory if processes are dying at brk(). Make sure you have
virtual memory turned on.

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

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