Re: [gentoo-user] Practical Backup Solution

2006-01-12 Thread Matthias Bethke
Hi Lord,
on Wednesday, 2006-01-11 at 18:25:32, you wrote:
 (it's an Iomega ditto QIC-80 parallel port floppy-protocol tape drive).  I 
 also bought a very low quality DVD+RW drive (MagicSpin non-MMC, non-Ricoh - 

Beh. A faster solution with similar security to either one would be a
tar -cf/dev/null /
If you're concerned mainly about FS errors, accidental deletes and such,
I'd also suggest a second harddrive. It's relatively cheap, very fast,
random-access and pretty secure. If on top of that you want protection
against things like overvoltage, lightning etc. that might fry your
whole system, you need some removable media like MO or tape. I used a
DAT streamer for quite a while. DAT doesn't have the best tapes either,
they wear out pretty quickly, but both tapes and drives are cheap
nowadays and more than adequate for your amount of data. MO has a good
reputation too but I don't have any experience with it. It seems a bit
out of fashion today so you may be able to get a good deal on a drive.

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Re: [gentoo-user] V7.0 partial success

2006-01-12 Thread Matthias Bethke
Hi Richard,
on Wednesday, 2006-01-11 at 18:22:37, you wrote:
 I think it is important to note that these names were not invented by
 the Gentoo devs working the ebuildsthey are straight from the project's distribution [1].

Ah, OK, thanks for clarifying that! After reading their glossary I still
don't really understand their nomenclature, but if that's how they want
the packages to be named it's certainly a good idea to adhere to that

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[gentoo-user] V7.0 partial success

2006-01-11 Thread Matthias Bethke
I used xorg-x11-6.8.99 on my laptop so far because its i915 chipset
wasn't properly supported in 6.8.2. Now the last update, -r4, broke the
support again (or so I read on some forum when I investigated why X
wouldn't start any more), so I decided to give 7.0 a try. The usual
great Gentoo HOWTOs helped me a lot
( and apart from a few
moanings due to packages missing in package.keywords, things went fine.
But then the keyboard and mouse drivers were missing. esearch told me:

*  x11-drivers/xf86-input-mouse
  Latest version available: 1.0.0
  Latest version installed: [ Not Installed ]
  Size of downloaded files: 214 kB
  Description: X.Org driver for mouse input devices
  License: X11

*  x11-drivers/xf86-input-keyboard
  Latest version available: 1.0.0
  Latest version installed: [ Not Installed ]
  Size of downloaded files: 191 kB
  Description: X.Org driver for keyboard input devices
  License: X11

Installing them fixed almost all remaining problems. But the package name 
puzzles me. Are these originally XF86 modules that just decided to be 
compatible with, or is the name a copy-n paste error? Should I file a Bugzilla 

The remaining problems concern DRM which isn't really essential (I get a
libGL error: open DRM failed (Operation not permitted)) and some fonts
that don't seem to be included any more and that I guess I just have to
reinstall. So far the modularized X looks promising, I'll do a
revdep-rebuild and some more testing tonight. Does anybody have an idea
about the DRM issue?


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Re: [gentoo-user] V7.0 partial success

2006-01-11 Thread Matthias Bethke
Hi Andrew,
on Wednesday, 2006-01-11 at 16:27:41, you wrote:
try adding
 'Section DRI
  mode 0660
  Group video
 to your xorg.conf

Oh, that rings a bell, I think I did that to another config a long time
ago...thanks, I'll try tomorrow @work!

 and no those are not the orginal packages, Xorg decided to move to a more
 flexable develepment model(imho) that splits alot of the parts up, if you
 look the driver for the i915 card will be x11-drivers/XF86-video-i810, it
 was done this way so things could be updated faster. instead of 6 months for
 a new driver it might be a week

Yup, I figured that was the motivation---but and XFree86 are still
different projects with different code and all, so I was surprised that
the name starts in xf86- and the description says Wouldn't
xf86-something indicate a part of the XFree86 project?

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Re: [gentoo-user] The Grand Remerge

2006-01-10 Thread Matthias Bethke
Hi Rumen,
on Saturday, 2006-01-07 at 06:31:56, you wrote:
 Have you changed any USE-flags in /etc/make.conf?
 Add the 'v' option to see USE-flags too.
 Sometimes this could happen with slotted packages when there's an upgrade
 for some minor slot-number version (requires =...), but only for package or 

Hm, none that I knew of; my last change to make.conf is from last year.
Anyway, the problem seems to have gone away after about two remerges for
each package...

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[gentoo-user] The Grand Remerge

2006-01-06 Thread Matthias Bethke
It started on Wednesday: after syncing, I had about 150 ebuilds marked
as remerge. I thought, WTH, let portage have its way and remerge
everything while I sleep. So I did---and today it's the same! 151
ebuilds and all of them for remerging the same version. Here's some of

[ebuild   R   ] x11-terms/gnome-terminal-2.10.0
[ebuild   R   ] xfce-extra/xfce4-wavelan-0.4.1-r1
[ebuild   R   ] media-gfx/gtkam-0.1.12-r1
[ebuild   R   ] app-emulation/wine-20050725-r1
[ebuild   R   ] xfce-extra/xfce4-xmms-controller-1.4.3-r1
[ebuild   R   ] xfce-extra/xfce4-panelmenu-0.3.1
[ebuild   R   ] app-text/gpdf-2.10.0-r2
[ebuild   R   ] xfce-extra/xfce4-datetime-0.3.1-r1
[ebuild   R   ] gnome-base/gdm-
[nomerge  ] net-analyzer/nessus-2.2.6
[nomerge  ]  net-analyzer/nessus-plugins-2.2.6
[ebuild   R   ]   net-analyzer/nessus-core-2.2.6
[ebuild   R   ] media-gfx/eog-2.10.2
[ebuild   R   ] app-arch/file-roller-2.10.4
[ebuild   R   ] xfce-base/xfce4-extras-4.2.2
[ebuild   R   ]  xfce-extra/xfce4-windowlist-0.1.0-r1
[ebuild   R   ]  xfce-extra/xfce4-taskbar-0.2.2-r1
[ebuild   R   ]  xfce-extra/xfce4-battery-0.2.0-r1
[ebuild   R   ]  xfce-extra/xfce4-netload-0.3.2
[ebuild   R   ]  xfce-extra/xfce4-showdesktop-0.4.0-r1
[ebuild   R   ]  xfce-extra/xfce4-minicmd-0.3.0-r1
[ebuild   R   ]  xfce-extra/xfce4-systemload-0.3.6
[ebuild   R   ]  xfce-extra/xfce4-notes-0.10.0-r1
[ebuild   R   ]  xfce-extra/xfce4-artwork-0.0.4-r1
[ebuild   R   ] media-video/mplayer-1.0_pre7-r1

That's my private laptop doing these funny things. The one desktop and
eone server I run with Gentoo at work don't do anything like this.
My date is set correctly and it doesn't look like I had anything in
/usr/portage with wrong dates either, that's the only reason I could
think of so far.

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Re: [gentoo-user] The Grand Remerge

2006-01-06 Thread Matthias Bethke
Hi Tom,
on Saturday, 2006-01-07 at 01:07:18, you wrote:
 Could you please paste the command line you used to generate this list?

emerge -DNuta world
right after emerge --sync


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Re: [gentoo-user] Accurate way of Detecting # of times a file is opened

2006-01-03 Thread Matthias Bethke
Hi Ow,
on Tuesday, 2006-01-03 at 15:37:55, you wrote:
 I have a few files which I would like to share to some housemates, but I
 don't want these files to be opened by everyone at the same time. (limit
 stress on my PC etc)
 So, what I would like to do is some sort of library checkout mechanism.
 I'm hoping to be able to write a script that will check how many
 instances of the file is already in use.

Depends on what protocol you want these files shared over. I don't think
there's any way short of hacking the source to implement this with NFS
of Samba. If you use HTTP, it should be fairly easy to write a little
CGI script that keeps a counter of downloaders for each file in some
kind of lock-file.
However, I doubt you need this anyway. Due to the way Linux's buffer
cache works it's actually likely to cause less stress on your HD when
everybody is reading the same file than when the same number of readers
each read a different file. Of course it may make sense to limit the
total number of readers with something like Samba's max connections.

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Re: [gentoo-user] OT: Setting up an IMAP server to serve mail fetched from pop mailboxes.

2005-12-31 Thread Matthias Bethke
Hi Anthony,
on Wednesday, 2005-12-28 at 10:38:12, you wrote:
 1) I currently have a few pop email accounts with my ISP and others
 (eg gmail), and wish to retain these accounts, as I use them for
 different purposes and people already have these addresses.

As Alexander has pointed out, fetchmail is fine for that. That is, it
has a bad reputation  with respect to code quality but I haven't checked
as it hasn't ever given me any trouble. Maybe there are alternatives,
but loads of people use it.

 3) I want to be able to access the same mail and mail folders from all
 machines, and the state of those mailboxes be mirrored on all the
 other machines.

Yup, an IMAP server seems to be the tool of choice here. At work I use
dovecot which works well together with postfix. It's a bit of work to
set up but it has sufficient documentation for that. I don't know of
anything easier, in fact I haven't tried much else except for some Cyrus
thing that came wit SuSE and that I didn't like.

 4) I want to filter junk mail using SpamAssassin.

No idea really...I'd suggest to just install it and have a look into the
README(s). Many people use it with all kinds of MTAs---I haven't.


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Re: [gentoo-user] [OT] Filename modification with suffix

2005-12-31 Thread Matthias Bethke
Hi David,
on Thursday, 2005-12-29 at 13:53:17, you wrote:
  $(ls *.jpg)

Well, it's bad in two ways, and even the example on the above webpage is
wrong. For one thing, ls is useless here. For another, it will break
on spaces in filenames, unlike shell globbing:
| $ touch foo bar.jpg
| $ for f in *.jpg; do echo $f; done
| foo bar.jpg
| $ for f in `ls *.jpg`; do echo $f; done
| foo
| bar.jpg
| $ for f in `ls *.jpg`; do echo $f; done
| foo
| bar.jpg
The bottommost try shows that the comment newbies will often forget the
quotes, too is wrong -- it won't work either way. If you have to use
a program that outputs a filename per line like ls, use a read loop:
| $ ls *.jpg | while read f; do echo $f; done
| foo bar.jpg
The quotes are useless for echo here, but for other commands you'll
usually need them to keep the command form taking filenames with sapaces
as separate arguments.


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[gentoo-user] Stable versions vanished!?

2005-12-26 Thread Matthias Bethke
After finishing my latest sync, portage moaned about problems with my
world file. emaint found out it was due to some package updates that
deleted the versions I have installed and left only unstable ones.
In particular, it was dev-tex/latex-beamer and its dependencies, pgf and
xcolor. Nice to see somebody has gotten around to updating the ebuilds,
but if there's a stable version, wouldn't it make sense to leave at
least one around so people can decide if they want to use the unstable?
net-im/skype has the same problem. It's asking for a new dbus which I'll
just try out---hope it doesn't break too many things. I suppose they
don't offer the old version for download any more and the new one
doesn't work with the stable dbus?

regards and a belated Merry $APPROPRIATE_HOLIDAY to all!
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Re: [gentoo-user] Incorrect information from /proc/cpuinfo

2005-12-23 Thread Matthias Bethke
Hi Devon,
on Monday, 2005-12-19 at 23:13:52, you wrote:
 I'm going to reboot again and experiment a bit to see if I can nail down
 what triggers the abberation.

Just an idea, haven't followed the thread: could it have to do with the
new timer frequency setting under Processor Type and Features?

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Re: [gentoo-user] Generic 2 monitor/2 keyboard question

2005-12-23 Thread Matthias Bethke
Hi Mark,
on Tuesday, 2005-12-20 at 07:40:42, you wrote:
  [thin client]
 I'm sure that's possible. I could even use her current Win ME box in
 some sort of dual boot config I suppose. However the reason I didn't
 start with that idea is that I am not there to hand hold her. If she's
 running Gnome how do I ensure that everything is saved on the main
 machine and not the thin client. I fear that this whole path, while
 certainly possible, might cause me too much work. Please remember this
 is a 75 year old lady who has never used Linux. ;-)

I got a Linux box for my mum as well after her Mac died, so I know it's
near impossible to teach some people about folder structures :)
Hoewever, on a thin client that wouldn't be a problem as the only thing
the client does is to provide a view to the host. All application
would be running on your machine so they wouldn't even know their
display is being routed to somewhere else where another file system may
be present.
I haven't done it except with a dedicated X-Terminal but it should be
the same procedure for Gentoo as for any other Linux.


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Re: [gentoo-user] what's a good very small http server?

2005-12-12 Thread Matthias Bethke
Hi michael,
on Sunday, 2005-12-11 at 23:44:22, you wrote:
 Any suggestions welcome. If you want to tell me why you like it or don't
 like it even better.

www-servers/fnord is probably the smallest that doesn't do ugly things
like tux's processing HTTP at kernel level. I haven't used it but from
the included benchmarks (and looking at the code...) it seems damn fast.
There's not ebuild for the latest version but that should be easy to


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Re: [gentoo-user] [OT] Best video player

2005-11-24 Thread Matthias Bethke
Hi Hemmann,,
on Wednesday, 2005-11-16 at 16:14:18, you wrote:
 but xine does it right without the need of editing the conf, so in my humble 
 opinion, xine is better - I am lazy ;)

Depends on your keyboard. On a US keyboard, {}/[] are just fine, of
course on a German one it will be as unintuitive as the otherwise very
practical '?'/'/' default for searching in programs like vi, more/less
or mutt.

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[gentoo-user] 80211/IPW2200 vs. Kernel 2.6.14

2005-11-18 Thread Matthias Bethke
I just noticed the new Gentoo kernel 2.6.14-r2 includes support for both
the generic 802.11 stack and the Intel IPW2200 driver. I've been using
the separate ebuilds for these two so far, now I was wondering if
there's still any advantage to that. Any opinions?

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Re: [gentoo-user] Replacing Suse on my server.

2005-10-31 Thread Matthias Bethke
Hi Anthony,
on Sunday, 2005-10-30 at 16:06:47, you wrote:
 The main reason for my interest in Gentoo was to replace Suse on my
 server, since it looked promising in the control I have over the
 My question is this: I want to replace Suse on the server with the
 minimal amount of server downtime (I won't have time to do a complete
 installation in one sitting - the Gentoo install I expect to take a
 number of weeks to set up before it will have the necessary software
 installed to replace Suse).

I'm just in the process of doing the same thing. As quite a few thing
will usually need tweaking when configfiles move and things don't quite
work the way you're used to, I set up a separate machine to install the
whole thing. Configured the kernel for the server hardware already,
installed all I need, and currently it's being tested. When it's done,
I'll copy the whole HD over, change a few /etc entries and do stuff like
activating the DHCP server that I can't do on the test machine yet, and
it should be up and running. If you can afford to set another machine
aside for a while, that will probably minimize your downtime.

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Re: [gentoo-user] [ot] PDF or PS format for daily use?

2005-10-29 Thread Matthias Bethke
Hi Daniel,
on Monday, 2005-10-24 at 11:33:47, you wrote:
 Take a look at this... PDF is the proprietary modification of ps,
 added some tags and some compression (that can easily be repeated with
 lots of advantages in any compressor). And, well, read for yourself.

This is obviously a few years old; the guy still has a point about
ergonomics but I don't have any problems with PDF files on Linux today.
The huge advantage PDF has over PS that it's searchable and accomodates
bitmap graphics with decent compression. Put a 300dpi A5-size JPEG into
a TeX document and run it through pdfTeX---and then convert it to PS...
For something that prints nicely and is still accessible, there is just
no usable alternative.


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Re: [gentoo-user] low-level formatting a harddrive

2005-10-21 Thread Matthias Bethke
Hi maxim,
on Wednesday, 2005-10-19 at 09:44:58, you wrote:
 it started a little flakey but soon progressed to all
 out dandruff!

Lowlevelling seems the way to go indeed, if there's anything that can be
done. Just back up the drive with
dd if=/dev/hdX conv=noerror bs=4096 | gzip  /some/where/bak.gz
lowlevel format it, and dump the whole image back. I guess that's the
best cance you have to save as much as possible, from what you said it
should be pretty much verything, mabe except for the MBR and some
Windoze stuff.


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Re: [gentoo-user] Suggestions on partitioning HD

2005-10-14 Thread Matthias Bethke
Hi Dave,
on Thursday, 2005-10-13 at 13:50:53, you wrote:
 The root partition is your key to accessing your box.  You basically want to 
 have only static files on the root partition, not files that are in a general 
 state of flux.

ACK. This will also keep fragmentation down and thus performance up.
For Gentoo, it may be a good idea to put portage stuff on a separate
partition because it uses tens of thousands of small files that provoke
fragmentation. On my laptop I have one partition with two directories
usr-portage and var-cache-edb that are symlinked to the respective
places in the root FS.


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Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] LDAP authentification and management

2005-09-15 Thread Matthias Bethke
Uh...why was the management in the subject line? Because I forgot yet
another question:
What dou you guys use for LDAP data management?
I've tried quite a few tools now. app-admin/diradm seems the only usable
one so far. net-nds/directoryadministrator segfaults on startup;
net-nds/gq works until you actually create a connection to the server,
then segfaults; net-nds/luma hangs while receiving data. net-nds/led I
haven't tried yet...

I prefer encrypted and signed messages.   KeyID: 90CF8389
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Re: [gentoo-user] Printing a bunch of images files, 2 images per page

2005-09-15 Thread Matthias Bethke
Hi romildo,
on Thursday, 2005-09-15 at 09:47:53, you wrote:

 I have a bunch of ppm image files that I want to print,
 putting 2 images per page. How can I do that, please?

If you know LaTeX, you could try writing a shellscript that prints a
LaTeX document that includes two images per page, run this through TeX
and print the resulting postscript. Or there might be something in the
netpbm package...untested:
( for f in $*; do anytopnm $f; done ) | pnmtops -setpage=a4 | \
  psnup -n 2 | lp


I prefer encrypted and signed messages.   KeyID: 90CF8389
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Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Printing a bunch of images files, 2 images per page

2005-09-15 Thread Matthias Bethke
Hi gentoo-user,
on Friday, 2005-09-16 at 02:54:33, you wrote:
 Or there might be something in the  netpbm package...

Uh...silly me! I overlooked the part where you said they're PPM already.
So just skip the anytopnm :)


I prefer encrypted and signed messages.   KeyID: 90CF8389
Fingerprint: 8E 1F 10 81 A4 66 29 46  B9 8A B9 E2 09 9F 3B 91

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-user] LDAP authentification and management

2005-09-14 Thread Matthias Bethke
I'm still trying to set up OpenLDAP here. For some reason, SASL doesn't
work, but from the error message I guess it has to do with a missing
entry in the LDAP database itself:

Sep 14 15:42:34 clue slapd[24202]: slapd starting
Sep 14 15:42:40 clue slapd[13526]: conn=0 fd=13 ACCEPT from 
Sep 14 15:42:40 clue slapd[4930]: conn=0 op=0 SRCH base= scope=0 deref=0 
Sep 14 15:42:40 clue slapd[4930]: conn=0 op=0 SRCH attr=supportedSASLMechanisms
Sep 14 15:42:40 clue slapd[4930]: conn=0 op=0 SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0 
nentries=1 text=
Sep 14 15:42:40 clue ldapadd: GSSAPI Error: Miscellaneous failure (No 
credentials cache found)
Sep 14 15:42:40 clue slapd[13526]: conn=0 fd=13 closed

I *can* use ldapi{search,add} with the -x parameter though, so I suppose
if I add sasl off to /etc/ldap.conf (which I did for now), I should be
fine as I'll be using SSL with mutual authentication anyway.

Migrating the old server's data seems to have worked after I found that
you cannot just copy another machine's passwd file and migrate that
as the migrationtools will get the password hash from getpwuid(3) which
will fail if the account isn't on your machine. Maybe this should be
added to the guide -- a careful look would have told me, as there is no
mention of the shadow file, but who looks carefully when following a
guide? :)

So, pam_ldap and nss_ldap are in place and PAM seems to be OK. I still
cannot log in due to some nsswitch problem apparently:

[snipped a lot of output---I guess slapd -s0 will shut that up once it
Sep 14 16:58:34 clue slapd[15571]: conn=3 op=1 SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0 
nentries=1 text=
Sep 14 16:58:34 clue slapd[26321]: conn=3 fd=15 closed
Sep 14 16:58:34 clue sshd[5422]: Accepted keyboard-interactive/pam for msbethke 
from ::: port 51711 ssh2
Sep 14 16:58:34 clue slapd[26321]: conn=2 fd=13 closed
Sep 14 16:58:34 clue sshd[8048]: nss_ldap: could not search LDAP server - Can't 
contact LDAP server
Sep 14 16:58:34 clue sshd[8048]: nss_ldap: could not search LDAP server - Can't 
contact LDAP server
Sep 14 16:58:34 clue sshd[8048]: nss_ldap: could not search LDAP server - Can't 
contact LDAP server
Sep 14 16:58:34 clue sshd(pam_unix)[8048]: session opened for user msbethke by 
Sep 14 16:58:34 clue sshd[8048]: nss_ldap: could not search LDAP server - Can't 
contact LDAP server
Sep 14 16:58:34 clue sshd[8048]: nss_ldap: could not search LDAP server - Can't 
contact LDAP server
Sep 14 16:58:34 clue sshd[8048]: nss_ldap: could not search LDAP server - Can't 
contact LDAP server
Sep 14 16:58:34 clue sshd[8048]: nss_ldap: could not search LDAP server - Can't 
contact LDAP server
Sep 14 16:58:34 clue sshd[8048]: fatal: PAM: pam_open_session(): Cannot 
make/remove an entry for the specified session

Hm. Shouldn't nss_ldap use the URI specified in /etc/ldap.conf to talk
to the server? I'm at a loss here.

Oh, and BTW: is there a way to allow high-ASCII characters in LDIF
files? We happen to have a few users with umlauts in their names and
not being able to retain them would be even more backwards than NIS...


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[gentoo-user] Eclipse vs. Unifont

2005-09-12 Thread Matthias Bethke
Does anyone have an idea what the Eclipse ebuild doesn't like about

huxley ~ # emerge -DNupt dev-util/eclipse-sdk

These are the packages that I would merge, in reverse order:

Calculating dependencies ...done!
[blocks B ] media-fonts/unifont (is blocking dev-util/eclipse-sdk-3.0.1-r2)
[ebuild  N] dev-util/eclipse-sdk-3.0.1-r2

The RDEPEND line in the ebuild is not commented, and at work I installed
Eclipse on the server and it runs just fine on my Gentoo box that's
virtually identical (including unifont) to this laptop's setup...


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Re: [gentoo-user] Copying between hard drives potential newbie question

2005-09-07 Thread Matthias Bethke
Hi waltdnes,
on Tuesday, 2005-09-06 at 21:08:20, you wrote:
  Most UPSs below about US$400 are junk.  You'd be served just as well
  with a decent surge suppressor power strip.  Don't waste your money
  on a UPS.
   Not if all you want is to give your home system 5 minutes to shut down
 in a power failure, or to handle the occasional 30-second outage, of
 which my area seems to have more than its fair share.

Oh yes, it depends very much on the grid in your area.
I lived in the Philippines for a while where brownouts are a very common
thing---usually, you get a UPS free there when you buy a computer.
It's really no fun without one, and for what they have to do the cheap
lil things work very well. Their lead accus don't usually last more than
a year, but then you just get a new one for $5 or so and you're set for
another year. In Germany OTOH, hardly anybody has one, and people still
get uptimes of over a year.

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[gentoo-user] groff vs. Japanese

2005-09-05 Thread Matthias Bethke
I think there's a bug in one of the updates these days: if you have
Japanese activated in /etc/make.conf:LINGUAS, emerge wants to install a
new set of Japanese man pages, which however is blocked by groff-1.19. It's
not a big problem here as I just wanted CJK support for this machine at
a linguistics department, but just to let you know... 
groff-1.19 is in stable, so something that doesn't work with it
shouldn't go into stable, should it? app-i18n/man-pages-ja requires

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Re: [gentoo-user] Slightly OT: favorite window manager/desktop environ?

2005-09-02 Thread Matthias Bethke
Hi Matt,
on Wednesday, 2005-08-31 at 17:28:21, you wrote:
 Anyway, I was just hoping to start a pub-style conversation on
 what people like/disklike in a window manager.

It's been XFCE here for a while. When I ran NetBSD years ago, nothing
but fvwm would run at decent speed (not that there had been much
choice), so I used this for a while. Then it was Linux/KDE for a while
on a 486, which was quite a pain. When I discovered Gnome, I liked the
clean look of GTK and its speed. Version 2 annoyed me because everything
got fatter and had less features than the 1.x version, but I stuck with
it out of inertia, it was well configured and all...
XFCE is for me what Gnome used to be: slim and fast, a clean look and
just as many knobs to tweak as I need but no more.
Now, WMII looks interesting as well. Unlikely I'm going to switch but
I'll have a look at it.


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Re: [gentoo-user] Personal firewall for Linux?

2005-08-31 Thread Matthias Bethke
Hi Matt,
on Monday, 2005-08-29 at 14:54:46, you wrote:
 I'm not trying to do anything complicated like protect a LAN or include 
 a DMZ or run an ftp server or anything like that.  I'm just looking for 
 a quick and easy way to add another layer of protection to my desktop by 
 closing all unused ports. 

Well, if they are unused, they are closed, no need to worry about them.
The only thing you'd need some packet filter (a firewall is something
different, although the term sounds so good that the marketroids have
established it even for simpler things than iptables) for is if you want
*restrictions* on some ports, like to open your web server to the LAN
but not the internet.
On Windows, the situation is a little different as you don't have a lot
of control about what program opens what ports if you don't know your
system inside-out. And many programs love to connect to their masters
and tell them all kinds of stuff about your system, so you'd usually
want to block these on an application level.
If you just want something that pops up once in a while and gives scary
messages, there's the ususal Perl one-liner :)

perl -e 'use Tk;while(1){sleep(rand(290)+10);new

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Re: [gentoo-user] [OT] Finding other machines on the network

2005-08-31 Thread Matthias Bethke
Hi Nick,
on Wednesday, 2005-08-31 at 20:30:14, you wrote:
 arp will rely on the box having actually done something within arp's
 cache period.

What's more, ARP resolves IP addresses to MAC addresses and the IP
address is what the OP wanted to find out in the first place.
I'd try in this order:
1. Broadcast ping
2. for n in `seq 1 254`; do ping /dev/null -c1 -W1 192.168.0.$n; \
[ $? == 0 ]  echo $n is up; done
3. nmap

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Re: [gentoo-user] How can I format correctly a FAT floppy?

2005-08-30 Thread Matthias Bethke
Hi Michael,
on Monday, 2005-08-29 at 16:51:54, you wrote:
 Using fdisk to check the partition table of a FAT floppy gave me this output:

That's because fdisk tries to interpret the data it finds as a partition
table, but actually there is none. Floppies aren't supposed to be
partitioned, although for the sake of doing it you could under Linux.
Just use mtools as the others have suggested, or simply mkfs.msdos

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Re: [gentoo-user] rsync mirroring

2005-08-19 Thread Matthias Bethke
Hi Jonathan,
on Thursday, 2005-08-18 at 16:42:56, you wrote:
 I've been syncing a few machines via /usr/portage without a problem. At 
 least with that method you only need to perform one sync on the main 
 machine and then let the others sync off it.

That's what I was thinking...OK, I'll just try it that way. Thanx!


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[gentoo-user] rsync mirroring

2005-08-18 Thread Matthias Bethke
I just set up a local rsync mirror using app-admin/gentoo-rsync-mirror.
Now I'm just wondering if it's necessary to do it like suggested and put
a separate portage tree under /opt? I mean, apart from syncing to the
official Gentoo mirrors it's read-only anyway, so pointing my rsync
daemon to /usr/portage should be fine, shouldn't it?

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[gentoo-user] Embedded Gentoo problems

2005-08-18 Thread Matthias Bethke
To reactivate this old 486 laptop that's been sitting in my basement, I
set out to install it with a tiny Gentoo system and use it as a DSL
router. The HD is 1.3 GB, so a full glibc-based system wouldn't be much
of a problem, but I wanted to experiment with embedded stuff anyway,
Well, I've never sone a Stage1 install. Upon my first try with Gentoo I
ran into some problem and thought WTH, I'll just go with Stage3. But
now, following the HOWTO at, I
have to do it.
All is fine up to the bootstrapping. I have a P4 Gentoo machine, trying
to compile for i486. My short make.conf:

CFLAGS=-Os -march=i486 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer
FEATURES=-sandbox buildpkg
USE=bitmap-fonts minimal truetype-fonts

Trying to boostrap gcc fails with a segfault:

gengtype-yacc.c: In function `yydestruct':
gengtype-yacc.c:725: warning: traditional C rejects ISO C style function 
stage1/xgcc -Bstage1/ -B/usr/i486-gentoo-linux-uclibc/bin/ -DEFAULT_PIE_SSP 
 -W -Wall -Wwrite-strings -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes 
-Wtraditional -pedantic -Wno-long-long   -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DGENERATOR_FILE  -o 
gengtype \ gengtype.o gengtype-lex.o gengtype-yacc.o ../libiberty/libiberty.a
/usr/i486-gentoo-linux-uclibc/bin/ld: warning: creating a DT_TEXTREL in object.
make[2]: *** [s-gtype] Segmentation fault
make[2]: Leaving directory 
make[1]: *** [stage2_build] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory 
make: *** [bootstrap-lean] Error 2

I found that if I hack the Makefile to link all of those helper programs
in gcc- statically, they won't segfault
and even produce something that will compile. But then I get another
segfault when the resulting xgcc binary is run for the first time, so
there is probably a systematic problem.
Any ideas on what might be going wrong would be highly appreciated.


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Re: [gentoo-user] [OT] Recovering vim/mutt email I was writing

2005-06-17 Thread Matthias Bethke
Hi Grant,
on Friday, 2005-06-17 at 09:07:48, you wrote:
 I was writing an email using vim in mutt and I accidentally hit
 ctrl+alt+backspace which exited X.  Is there any way to recover that

Vim saves backups in *.sw?-files. Mutt's tempfiles are named
/tmp/mutt-$HOSTNAME..., with ... being some numbers. So you should be
able to recover the mail by looking for /tmp/mutt-*.sw? and then
starting vim with the *original* filename (i.e. w/o the .sw?-Suffix).
Then it will tell you it found a backup and ask if you want to recover.


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Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo deployment scripts?

2005-06-06 Thread Matthias Bethke
Hi Neil,
on Monday, 2005-06-06 at 09:08:53, you wrote:
  Have you looked at buildpkg Matthias?  I've used it before on similar
  machines.  Seems to work ok.  Granted, you can't just `emerge -upD
  world` on the copies, but you may get away with minimal effort.
 You can if you use a shared PKGDIR and add -k to the emerge options.

No, I hadn't lookt at this yet, but it seems easy enough, thanks! So it
seems I could have one master where I change the configuration and
build binary packages along the way, and all the other machines would
just run emerge -uDk in a cron job...sounds easy enough. Then I could
also get /usr/portage over NFS and wouldn't even have to emerge --sync
on the workstations any more, right? Hm...the only remaining problem I
can think of right now (I'm sure others will pop up once I try it ;)) is
configfile management. A nightly removal of all the ._cfg* files plus
some scheme to keep the configs in sync with an SVN server should do it.


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[gentoo-user] Gentoo deployment scripts?

2005-06-03 Thread Matthias Bethke
There's some SuSE-based workstations around me here I have to take care
of. I guess they won't have to bear SuSE for much longer though.
The alternatives I can imagine now are Debian and Gentoo. Personally I'd
prefer Gentoo, but I don't feel like reinventing the weel by writing my
own deployment scripts. There are not many different hardware setups, so
I could do an initial install by installing one machine of each and then
cloning its HD---the main problem is getting updates done without having
to waste megawatthours on unneccessary compilation. I've seen people
mentioning such setups here, so I guess somebody has developed the stuff
I'd need already? I'd be thankful for any hint or pointer...


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Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo deployment scripts?

2005-06-03 Thread Matthias Bethke
Hi Antonino,
on Friday, 2005-06-03 at 20:55:43, you wrote:
 So you're actually trying to reuse even the compilation work performed on
 the 'first' (let's call it 'master') machine and avoid compiling on all
 the others when you do an emerge --update world for instance?

That was my idea, or rather that's how I understood someone whose name I
forgot seems to have done it. Makes sense IMHO.

 If there were such a script that could copy the binaries and the new
 files to all the other machines I would probably not trust it! :)

Why? The total size of the shell/Python/whatever-scripts a simple
emerge foo triggers is probably over a meg, and it usually runs just
fine. Thinking about it, some simple parsing of emerge's output should
do something useful already:

emerge $package |
sed -n '/^ Merging $package/,/^ \* / {s/^[^ ] //; p}' |
while read f; do scp $f $somewhere ; done

I wouldn't mind adding another 500 bytes of Perl there :)

 I'd try to automate as much as possible the update process, possibly
 by keeping sincronized the configuration files of all the machines (but
 this is to be done on a per-file basis!!) and/or triggering an emerge foo
 on the other machines as soon as you do an emerge foo on the master.
 I must admit that I see this process difficult to understand and to
 debug in case of errors or misbehaviours

Yup. It's unlikely something should fail as long as all machines keep an
identical configuration, but glitches can still happen. So I'd have to
look through all the compilation :-S We'll see.


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Re: [gentoo-user] fallback dns servers

2005-05-19 Thread Matthias Bethke
Hi A.,
on Thursday, 2005-05-19 at 13:59:38, you wrote:
  I know I can use quickswitch for that but I want something really
  automatic, [...]
  ifconfig_eth0=( dhcp )
 # esearch quickswitch

Yeah, I guess he knew that ;-)
I'm just wondering: where can I find info like the above? Reading the init
scripts it's fairly obvious but also fairly tedious if I have to do this for
every release. I'm quite sure it's not in any of the online manuals nor in the
conf.d inline documentation...any Changelogs or something?

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Re: [gentoo-user] Re: DSL modem + Web Server + Home Box

2005-05-15 Thread Matthias Bethke
Hi Gabriel,
on Saturday, 2005-05-14 at 23:07:25, you wrote:
 I'm assuming you are using as your subnet mask.  If this is
 the case, I don't know how to make it work -- but it's unnecessarily
 difficult.  Try to set up this:
 [   ?.?.?.?   ]
 [  DSL MODEM  ]
 [ ]
 [  ]
 [ ]
 [  HOME BOX   ]

Right, tat would make more sense. However, with a PPPoE link it's not even
necessary to use two NICs, For quite a while I had my system set up with one
central SOHO switch feeding my server, my laptop, my wife's computer and the DSL
modem. The other NIC in the server was exclusively for WLAN. Due to the PPPoE
you have a virtual P2P link between the server and the modem that cannot
interfere with the rest of your network. A packet from the net that is meant
for, say, my laptop goes into the modem, out to the switch, from there, still
PPPoE encapsulated, into the server (via eth0) which strips it of the PPPoE
headers and passes it to pppd. Then it will appear on the virtual ppp0
interface, get routed as a regular ethernet packet back to eth0, out to the
switch and to the laptop. On a 100Mbps ethernet the internet traffic going twice
over the same cable isn't even noticeable.


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Re: [gentoo-user] Postfix problem w/o network

2005-05-13 Thread Matthias Bethke
Hi Neil,
on Thursday, 2005-05-12 at 22:18:23, you wrote:
 I'm running ~amd64 and ~ppc. I don't know if it's in the older
 baselayout, but there are a lot of differences between testing and stable

My RC_NET_STRICT_CHECKING had been set to no already, and I don't have support
for the other values yes. Gonna try the baselayout ~x86 before, this 
really impossible unless you edited your initscripts?

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[gentoo-user] Postfix problem w/o network

2005-05-12 Thread Matthias Bethke
I have a feeling I'm missing something very obvious here, but I'm still
at a loss:

I have my laptop's ethernet set to use DHCP. Obviously, on the road this
will fail. But then the net service that postfix (and a bunch of other
stuff like sshd) depends on is not there. Of course I could edit the
init.d file, but there must be a cleaner solution, right? After all,
everybody on dialup-only systems has to have this problem.
I also haven't figured out *how* the net dependency is provided. The
postfix iniscript explicitely contains provide mta, but very few
scripts use this provide keyword, especially not net.* 
On my previous SuSE system, if I went someplace networked with the
machine running already, I used to say ifup-dhcp eth0, and I could mail
and ssh into the laptop without any further ado. I suppose I could do the
same with Gentoo's runlevels which I haven't explored yet, but it still
doesn't solve the problem that I can't have postfix running and queueing
messages I send while offline so they can be delivered once I plug in


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