Re: [Goanet] another old goan restaurant in Dhobi Talao

2006-08-20 Thread Joe Lobo
Seeing  the various  reminiscences on GoaNet about  eating places in Dhobi 
Talao.I am curious whether the  "Tosa " restaurant that i ate at 
frequently in   my  college days of the  60`s , is  still in existence.  They 
sure had some  good goan rice-curry dishes on their menu !

  Can  anybody out  there let  me know ?
Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] A Magazine that is Goan - Everything’s Goan about it!

2006-09-15 Thread Joe Lobo
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Sausages In A Rosary

2007-01-01 Thread Joe Lobo

  In  November 2005, I spent three weeks with an old college friend of mine 
in Bastora.
 Of  course ,he has long been a resident of that village and 
,.being retired has a lot of time for leisure. He introduced me to 
his regular watering hole in Mapusa a tiny but delightful place 
called  Mapusa Cabin on one of the side by a genial gent 
called Peter  DeSouza.  We went there pretty regularly and I noted that  a 
lot of the clientele were regulars who dropped in after a hard day`s 
workin the manner of the Coronation Street  patrons.but, 
I never once saw any gent bring his ladyfolk there.

- Original Message - 
From: "Mervyn Lobo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Sunday, December 31, 2006 8:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Sausages In A Rosary

Saibal Das
Sausages In A Rosary

The Mapusa market has the best Goan spices and spirits
Special Issue: Food Towns Special
You don't just get Goa's famous feni and port wine
here; you get the best home-distilled cashew and
coconut feni and home-made currant, ginger and
beetroot wine. You don't just get the best cashewnuts
cheaper here than anywhere else in Goa; you get them
in 10-kg tins at incredible wholesale rates. Here

being Mapusa, home every Friday to Goa's biggest
fresh produce bazaar.

What's missing here is what is the er, coolest spot to
wash away the dust of the market. Yes, I am talking
about cold beers. Once upon a time, at least for E.
Africans, it used to be Casa Bela, then Bertsy's.

Bwana Shenzi, which is the spot you now use?

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Re: [Goanet] the burgeoning Indian economy.

2007-01-06 Thread Joe Lobo
  I often read articles, especially from the  Indian media ,telling  us  how  
the middle class  and the economy are growing. While they sound encouraging 
very little is said of the plight of the poor who are also growing in numbers.
  This article below illustrates my point.
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Re: [Goanet] Iron ore-laden ship sinks off Goa's coast

2007-01-28 Thread Joe Lobo 

This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Dear  Mr.C Fernandes,
  While  you  may  be  tempted  to  emulate  the  British  tabloids  in
hyperbole...maybe  influenced  by  the  volume  of  Brit   tourists
who  inflict  themselves   on  Goai  have  to gently  remonstrate
with  you  about  your  message  headlineie " Iron ore-laden
ship  sinks off Goa`s  coast "  !!   I  almost  thought  this  was  another
"  River  Princess"  -like  incident ,  which  will take  the  Goa
Government  another  20  years  to   solve.
  There is  a difference  between  a  ship  and  a  barge.  Considering
the  road  manners  I`ve   observed on  vehicular  traffic  on Goa`s  road
it  seems  that  this  attitude  has  crept  to  the  sea-borne
traffic  andthis  was  an  accident  waiting  to  happen .
 May  be  your  Coast  Guard  ,  if  they can  manage  to  instill
some  sense  of  water-
 traffic  sense.that  is  if  they  have  the time   for  such
mundane  matters.,will  help   the  situation .

- Original Message -
From: "C Fernandes"

Iron ore-laden ship sinks off Goa's coast

Saturday, January 27, 2007  16:16 IST

PANAJI: A barge carrying 2,000 tonnes of iron ore sank
off Panaji after being hit by another barge in the
afternoon, the port authorities said.

Re: [Goanet] French apple brandy, Calvados, arrives in India via Goa

2007-01-28 Thread Joe Lobo 

This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

  Hey Mervyn !
 if  you  are  still in Goa..hope  you  are  having  a  good  time
enjoying  the  warmth  of  family  and  the  weather  there .  I  felt
especially happy  here to  know   after seeing  your  3  pictures  that  you
have   actually  managed  to  physically  meet  with  Eduardo  Faleiro  and
pick his  mind  a  bit.  However with  his  answer of  "what exactly  is  it
you  want..and  maybe  i  can  arrange   something "`s
exactly  the  old   fashioned  Congress  way  of  "  you  scratch  my  back
and  I`ll  scratch  yours "
 From   my  old  schooldays in India  in the   50`s  the  way  of  thinking
has  not  changed  muchit seems  to  be   entrenched authority
to  dispense  favours  ...just  as  the  old  Brish raj  did !
still endures  with our  ministers and  the  present  gov.  almost
60  years  after  independence.  I  still feel  that  in Tanzania  leaders
J.Kikwete  are  more aware  of  the  problems  of  the  poor  than  CM Rane
who  can  encourage  his  son  to  book  reservations  of  land  that
they  would  have  been  able  to  sell  at  massive  profits to  their
family  once  the  the  Regonal   plan  2011 went  through.which
fortunately  the  more  educated   and  far seeing  Goans  have   been  able
to  see  through !  But  in Goa  i  guess we  are  stuck  with  having  the
communalist  BJP (( and  their  rabid Hindu  Sangh allies)  or  the  corrupt
Congress who  are  presently in  power !
 ciao !

Re: [Goanet] Clean chit to Navy !!

2007-01-31 Thread Joe Lobo

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

To Goa with Love - Three unique Valentine Day packages from EXPRESSIONS
  Say "I Love You!" in style this year
   For details, photos and pricing check out:

  Mr. Thomas,
  I`m  not  a military  man  ,  nor  do  i claim  any  such  background  for 
any  relatives.  However  the  way  things  go on  all over  and  both 
sides of  the  subcontinent...your  comments   would  sound  to  some 
hawks , in  the region  , a  suggestion to  buy  some  more  old  submarines 
(  like  the  last  canadian  govt.  that  bought  one  from  the UK)  and 
some  similar  MIGs  that  while  were  of  use   but  still seemed  to 
create  more  problems  in the  training  process.
  Basic  infrastructureclean  water,  better  sewage/  sanitation, 
better drainage  for  the  roads  during  the  monsoons  appear  to  me 
more  necessary  in  Goa.  You  and  i  might  like  them to  expand  their 
facilities in  about  the   coastal  fishermen  in 
that  part  of  Karnataka ?
  Note  how  the  deforesting  in  areas  shared  by the  3  states  has 
affected  the amount  of  water-catchment in the  area.

- Original Message - 
From: "Philip Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 1:23 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Clean chit to Navy !!

> * G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
> To Goa with Love - Three unique Valentine Day packages from EXPRESSIONS
>  Say "I Love You!" in style this year
>   For details, photos and pricing check out:
> Will wonders never cease? The Navy has got a clean chit from Ajai Shukla
> writing in Business Standard in "Collision Course on Land".
> O&autono=273156&chkFlg=
>  or
> navy bases. Landing in Pune, Bangalore, **Goa**, Srinagar or Chandigarh,
> fliers seldom realise they are at a military base, even if they notice IAF
> fighters parked at a distanceBut now, with 14 scheduled airlines
> jostling for business, there is increasing friction between the IAF's
> military requirements and the AAI's need to provide infrastructure to a
> gaggle of airlines, all clamouring for more operating time and better
> civilian facilities. Newer and bigger airliners make newer and bigger
> demands on military airfields. Instead of the 6000-foot runway at many IAF
> bases, today's wide-bodied aircraft need 7,500 feet. And aprons (parking
> areas in front of terminal buildings) that accommodated two
> earlier-generation aircraft, must now be expanded to cater to three or 
> four
> larger modern aircraft. As far as the IAF is concerned, these requirements
> are secondary to its own priorities of security and training AAI
> officials insist that growth in civil aviation is being stunted by the 
> IAF's
> reluctance to make space for civil operations. They cite examples like
> Pune,...Civil Aviation Secretary Ajay Prasad ...**points to the 
> cooperation
> in Goa, a navy-owned airport**, where the AAI gave the navy land in Kochi
> and Porbandar in exchange for land to expand operations in Goa.  **"The 
> navy
> has been very accommodating," **he says. "They have allowed 24-hour
> (civilian) operations, and they are dovetailing their training 
> requirements
> with civilian requirements." ...Since the AAI is a self-financing
> institution, the only option for raising such sums is through
> Public-Private-Partnership (PPP), where a private contractor is allowed to
> build and run hotels, restaurants and other revenue-generating mechanisms,
> to recover his cost of construction. Here the proposal ran into the stone
> wall of security: the MoD refused to allow PPP contractors anywhere near 
> the
> high-security base.  Such problems are not insoluble; **once more, the 
> navy
> has shown the way forward.** The Rs 200 crore project to convert the naval
> airfield at Vishakapatnam into an international airport had a three-way
> sharing arrangement: the Navy provided Rs 130 crore, AAI chipped in with 
> Rs
> 30 crore, and the Andhra Pradesh government contributed the balance and 
> the
> land. With no private partners, security was a non-issue.>
> My reactions:
> 1) How come here in Goa the transfer of land from the Navy to AAI at 
> Dabolim
> is still p

[Goanet] Goa and the Democratic Experiment

2007-02-25 Thread Joe Lobo 

This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

  If you would like to sponsor Goanet's operations contact:

  Herman Carneiro - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Reading  your had-it -been scenario and wishful end for
Goa.i look  back  at  India`s acquistivenness ( note  how  easily
they incorporated  the  sovereign nation of Sikkimwho now  are
are  a part of India )and  the  close  ties  of  some  of  our  own
goan  hindus  with  kith and  kin  in  Maharashtra ( why  was  there  so
much  support  from  many of our  own  goans  within  Goa when  the  "
zalaas pahijee " folk  want  to  include  Goa in that state
?)..i`m  afraid  your  further observations in  this
piece show  that  goa  would  never  survive as  a seperate " Monaco-like "
entity surrounded  by rapacious  India.

Re: [Goanet] The much maligned "Gulfie"/response to Cecil

2007-03-03 Thread Joe Lobo

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

  Well done Elisabeth !
  While  Cecil has  established his reputation as a  man of mirth and humor 
on Goanet.. denying any misdeed ,.you`ve  pulled up the 
evidence from  yore as you`ve described the   archiving of GoaNet  does  not 
lie !
  While average folk like  us  tend  to make intemperate  remarks  in a 
moment of  weakness... some more erudite  persons happen  to 
mention this in  a column... frankly , i  wonder  if 
you`ll  ever get  an  acknowledgement  or  or  an apology from  him !

- Original Message - 
From: "Carvalho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 11:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] The much maligned "Gulfie"/response to Cecil

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

--- Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If you think misquoting me on GoaNet is a good way
> to 'share a good
> laugh' please think twice next time. You are not
> only endangering my
> livelihood you are also putting a shadow on my
> relationships with
> friends and relatives.

Dear Cecil,
Luckily for me, this is the cyber-age and everything
is recorded somewhere in the annals of history. Also
luckily for me, I have a razor sharp memory and I'm
not in the habit of pulling things out of thin air.

In your December article, Decks the Halls with Sticks
and Folli, this is what you wrote:


Godfrey Gonsalves, passed the decorated Sequeira and
Almeida residences and stopped at Bar Manuel nearby
for a drink, and to
find out why the whole area was lit up well in advance
of Christmas.
Godfrey queried the barman Edwin D'Souza who decided
to pull the Moidekar's
leg and told him that it was a sign of good education.
The well educated
always put out their decorations early, like in the

Now our Moidekar Godfrey was quite wealthy, having
worked in the Gulf for a
good thirty years and having built his regulation RCC
bungalow bang on the
road in Moira. But Godfrey always carried a chip on
his shoulder because of
his lack of education. He had just managed to scrape
through his SSC exam
and then studied AC & Refrigeration at a private ITI
before finally getting
a lucky break in Bahrain. Godfrey wanted to show that
he was as educated as
the others so he promptly went home and told his sons
and daughters-in-law
to put out the Christmas décor.

Poor Godfrey Gonsalves, the hapless soul who just
managed to scrape through his SSC exam. Obviously, all
that wealth he acquired in the Gulf, didn't earn him
any respect back in Goa, constantly having to carry
his back of chips and having to prove himself with
Christmas decorations.

No need to come back with an apology or a threat, One
you're unacquainted with and the other comes too
easily to you. By the way, I don't crave as much
attention as you give me credit for. You see, unlike
you my ego is resilient, not boundless.


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Re: [Goanet] Navy demands land .....

2006-12-28 Thread Joe Lobo

Mr. Thomas,
 When a supposedly " liberating" armed force takes hold of a  civilian 
airport  and  controls it  for 45 years.  all  semblance  of 
India  pretending  to  be a  democracy  seem  to be  a sham.
 Have  you  folk  in Goa  ever  pointed  that  out  to the  PM of  India 
or  the  President of  a   supposed  democratic  republic  .. 
or  have  you  all accepted  a Naval  dictatorship  as  a fait  accompli ?


- Original Message - 
From: "Philip Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2006 6:28 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Navy demands land .


would hand over asmall stretch of land in goa to the Airport authority for
expansion of the Dabolim Airport,but in return the AAI should hand over a
plot to the navy at Porbandar in Gujarat.>[Joegoauk]
All this was supposedly settled six months ago! This not only included
regularisation  of 15 acres transferred some time back but also the 9 

agreed to more recently bringing the total acreage to nearly 35. The
exchange involved land in places as far away as Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
When  the deal was first announced the local media made it sound as if 

had to be provided in Goa in exchange for the Dabolim expansion. That may
not be the case. Why is the new report appearing? Some delaying tactics by
the Navy? The civil enclave is splitting at the seams with the traffic. In 
few years there will be bigger airports at Bombay, Hyderabad, and 

and a second Bombay airport at Navi Mumbai. Dabolim will continue to limp
along with the Navy choking its growth and development. It is estimated 

the need is for 100 acres for the Dabolim civil enclave. It will take for
ever to get that at the present snail's pace. It's funny that the Navy 

to be unaware of the expression "war footing"! Cheers.

Re: [Goanet] St. Paul's, Belgaum

2007-12-01 Thread Joe Lobo

Goanet mourns the passing of Jorge de Abreu Noronha in Portugal - Nov 27/07


If  you  contact  Rene Barreto  (an ex-Paulite)  who is now  resident in 
London, UK and  who will probably  be in Goa ( maybe  Vasco  or  Margao) 
this  January.he  should  be  able  to  help  you in  your  endeavours.
  Btw i have  a couple of  cousins named  Albert  and  Francis D`Souza 
resident  around  Bandra & Andheri West  who passed  out  from St.Pauls  in 
`49.  If  you  contact me  privately  (  [EMAIL PROTECTED])  i  could  put 
you in  contact  with  them.
  Regards ,
Joe Lobo

 PS Vivian D`souza of Soccorrois also an ex-paulite ( [EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
could be of  help to  you  too.

- Original Message - 
From: "Fausto Dias" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2007 1:21 AM
Subject: [Goanet] St. Paul's, Belgaum

> ---
> ---
> Goanet mourns the passing of Jorge de Abreu Noronha in Portugal - Nov 
> 27/07
> ---
> Dear Rene
> If I recall correctly you had send a message from Anthony Dennis re St.
> Pauls. I retained his mail ID but deleted your message. The ID does not
> appear to be correct. My interest in the matter is that I have some old 
> St.
> Paul photographs and wanted to know if Anthony/Dennis wants them. Will you
> do the needful.
> Regards……..Fausto
> No virus found in this outgoing message.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database: 269.16.10/1160 - Release Date: 
> 11/29/2007
> 8:32 PM

Re: [Goanet] Can doctors on forum comment on cough syrups?

2007-12-09 Thread Joe Lobo

 i  am not a doctor  nor involved in any way with the medical or nursing 
professionso speaking strictly as a layperson i am of the 
opinion that cough syrups given to child , in   dosages ,   as prescribed 
by the pharm. company that makes it/ or as advised by a doc. sure make for 
relief of the child.After all they generally have dextrometorphan which i`m 
told deals with thespot that causes the cough which i guess is the body`s 
way of expelling the "phlegm"or mucous stuff caused by the virus / bacteium 
that has  attached itself to the tissues concerned. The fact that  the 
sorbitol ( a sugar) and other excipients  involved may  tempt the  child to 
ask for  more of  the  sweet stuff can be controlled by the adult  involved.

- Original Message - 
From: "Carvalho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2007 1:32 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Can doctors on forum comment on cough syrups?

Recently in the US, over-the-counter cough syrups have
been discontinued, for being (a) at times detrimental
(b) actually quite useless in curing colds.

When my daughter was sick in Goa with the common cold,
albeit one that had turned a bit nasty with green
substances oozing from the nose, the doctor had no
qualms about prescribing two different cough syrups
for her, one to treat her cold and the other he said
was "anti-bacterial".

Should parents in Goa be cautious about cough syrups
for very young children or are they perfectly safe?


Never miss a thing.  Make Yahoo your home page.

Re: [Goanet] the creeping culture of corruption in Goa.

2008-09-06 Thread Joe Lobo
  When  I read  about reports on GoaNet about the  average  amount,  in  
rupees,  that Lamanis who operate illegaly  on  the   tourist   coastal  belt  
in  North  Goa  (   Calangute, Candolim and  Baga  )  have  to  pay  the  
police  ,  and  the   absence  of  any  tourist  police  (  obviously  once  
they  have   been  paid  off )  I   cease  to  wonderhow  much  we  Goans  
have  imbibed  the  Indian  "standard  operatingprocedure "of  hafta  
to  to  the  police  station , and  carry  on  as  usual.  If  Goans  have  any 
 memory  when  the  NDTV  station  conducted   an interview on  Baga  beach 
with the locals and  Scarlett  Kealing`s  mother, after  her  killing, an  
English  woman   tourist asserted  that  that  she  regularly  saw the  police  
on  the  beachside extract  money from  the  illegal  traders,  the  goan  
police  officer  at  that TV  interview seem  unpreturbed by  the  accusation.  
I  guess that our  goan  police  officers beleive  that like  the  rest  of  
India  it  is  "  hafta  ghe  "  and   business as  usual !
  You  can  bet  if  I  could   cc this  message  to  the IG  of  Goa State 
police  I  would  never  get   a  response .

Re: [Goanet] the pyramid structure in religous societies.

2008-09-20 Thread Joe Lobo
 While many may argue  that  the  Roman Catholic  clergy is  a pyramid 
-like   stucture  with the  Pope at  the  top, descending  downwards   through 
the  Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops...and  thence to  the Parish  
priests...and  priests... at  least  this religion attests  to  the  
equality  of  men& women  before  God (  the  laiety) regardless of of  their 
class in  real  life.
I  have  yet to  hear   a  similar decleration  of   any  any  Hindu  
leader ( Sankarachaya ...or  similar leader)..I   suspect  that  this   is  
due  to  the  pyramidical  structure among  the  Hindu followers  that  
observes a strict  caste  system that  relegates  many  tribals  and  lower  
classes  to the   least desired jobs ( read  scavengers of  human  and  and  
animal  waste )  and  hence  a way  to bar  them  from  the  temples that  the  
higher  castes attend.  I`m  sure  that  if  we  asked  the  VHP/ RSS  about  
this  the  would  be  a  silence as   equality  is  not  what  Hinduism  is  
about  ?

Re: [Goanet] A Jesuit Education

2008-01-27 Thread Joe Lobo

So, what's it in the Catholic institutions that disallows them from

creating more liberal and forward-looking people, specially in a place
like Goa? (It might work differently in other parts of India, as my
friend Rahul Shrivastava was arguing the other day.)

 I am glad  to see that your colleagues of  yester-years from St. Xaviers 
H.S. did manage to  hold a reunion
celebrating their years of  education together. Indeed, I did some of my 
primary schooling at the same school. Whilst i admit the  discipline in 
those days was stern, I am  thankful for it  as it  turned most  of  us 
there, into  God-fearing   and  law-  abiding  adults that we  are  today.
 I also  attended  the  Jesuit-run college  St. Xaviers  next door in later 
years and  have to dispute FN`s stance that ours was  one  such institution 
that " disallowed them from  creating more liberal and foward thinking 
people "
 At St . Xaviers College  in those  days we had priests like  Fr. Macia 
teaching  us  ethics  who urged  us  to  to  question
the stances of the Church that  we  saw  as  unjust. Those  were the  days 
when the  R.C.  Church acquiesced in the  status -quo of  the  dominance of 
the  rich land-lords in South America riding   rough -shod over the  poor 
landless peasants in South America. I now  realise  that  was  the 
beginning of  the   " liberation theology " that caused  so much  concern in 
the  Church at  that time.
 The  thrust  to  social  justice,  though enounced  in the   encyclical " 
Rerum Novarum" of  1891,  had  fallen by  the  wayside.
 I sometimes  wonder  if  Fidel Castro  was  a student of  the  Jesuits at 
some  time .

- Original Message - 
From: "Roland Francis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2008 10:59 AM
Subject: [Goanet] A Jesuit Education


Your friend Rahul Shrivastava was right!

My Class of '65 at St Xaxiers Bombay held it's second reunion at the
Ritz this month. The first was in 1987. Here is an article by Rajiv
Desai in the DNA news mazagine.

To see who Rajiv Desai is, please see

Here is what Rajiv writes to me when I tell him I wish to post a link
to his article on Goanet:

hi roland,

thanks. i finally managed to join.

two things might be of interest:

one, my wife estelle (pereira) and i were married in the toronto suburb of
burlington. we lived in chicago thro 1988. our two daughters were born
there. theolder one works at comma, the consulting firm i set up in 2005.
the younger one lives in new york city.

two, we are part time residents of goa in that we own a house in
apicturesque little village called uccasaim, near mapsa. i've written a 

on goa and you will find the columns at just type rajiv
desai in the search panel. you may find some of them on goanet as well.

warm regards,



On Jan 26, 2008 1:58 PM, Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया

So, what's it in the Catholic institutions that disallows them from
creating more liberal and forward-looking people, specially in a place
like Goa? (It might work differently in other parts of India, as my
friend Rahul Shrivastava was arguing the other day.)

Re: [Goanet] the buying of senior jobs in the Goa Police Force.

2008-03-10 Thread Joe Lobo
  I notice the rather  casual mention of persons having  to buy their jobs at 
senior levels in Goa. I just wondered if  this  was   a 
 " standard  operating  procedure" ?  Is  it  done  with  the  collusion  of  
the  Home  Minister  or  the  I.G.  of  Police  in  the  State ?

Re: [Goanet] India`s failure to qualify for Olympic field hockey

2008-03-10 Thread Joe Lobo
Reading the Times of India about the exit of India,  I was  taken  
aback by  the opinions expressed by many folk who the  newspaper democratically 
allows to voice their  views on the subject. There seems  to be  , besides the  
breast-beating,finger-pointing and the usual demands for resignation of persons 
in the management level, a complete denial to to realise that the Indian style  
field-hockey is passe`.
The game has  evolved  and though the Dyan Chand style may be  great  "eye 
candy" it  just  does not score  goals  or  points. Indian players  just cannot 
 match up to the  physical conditioning or strategic play that the  European or 
Australian players have achieved.
 Though  they may have been  "top  guns" in the   30`s 0r 50`s they are  
struggling at regional tournaments now.
 After all you can`t stay at the  top forever.

Re: [Goanet] In the lighter vein: Rape of Goa at Grace Church hall

2008-08-02 Thread Joe Lobo

Dear Tony Martin,
I seem to notice that many  goans  who write  in  to GoaNet do not  seem to 
realise  that   " loose "  and  " lose"  are  two English  words that have 
entirely different  meanings  and  cannot  be  used interchangeably.
 Hence we have  statements like :  " with  the  high rates of  migrants 
arriving in Goa  we  shall  loose our identity"   from correspondents who 
write  perfectly grammatical  English otherwise.

- Original Message - 
From: "Anthony M Barreto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, August 01, 2008 1:48 PM
Subject: [Goanet] In the lighter vein: Rape of Goa at Grace Church hall

Goanet is read by thousands of readers. It is very irritating to read 
messages written in horrible English, particularly, by someone like Mr. 
Barad who is supposed to be an author of several books and a doctor.

Check this:
--on account of which I organized Rape of Goa at Grace Church hall in Margao 

--one of the NGO.

--On the day both were peaceful and calm and literary busy educating Goans

--Goa is getting wiped out from the Scenic beauty.

--I am more then convinced that GBA did not leave to the expectation

--instead of saving Goa, the members saved themselves!

--I had also written article in Goan local news media lauding on this issue.

--will push Goa to finish.

Tony Martin   English Teacher, Freelance Writer and Author
Dubai, UAE Cell: 050-1460524 

Re: [Goanet] the drug scene in Goa and Scarlett Kealing

2008-03-22 Thread Joe Lobo
  2008 International Goan Convention
Toronto, Canada

 Early Bird Discount Registration closes March 31, 2008

From: "Joe Lobo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 9:34 PM
Subject: Re: the drug scene in Goa and Scarlett Kealing

> Ms. Birkmeyer,
>  You`ve  certainly done a   service to many overseas goans  who are
> oblivious of  the  sea-side troubles  that  they  generally steer  clear
> of, ( being  family  folk  who  are  spending  more  time  socializing
> with  old family ties) when they  occasionally   visit  Goa.
> While  NDTV is  quite  comprehensive  in  exposing a lot  of  the  seamier
> side  of  the  tourist  trade.(note  the  Russians  and  the
> Israeli crowd  who with the  patronage  of the  Goa  tourism  officials
> and the  panchayats concerned have  found  a niche  to peddle  their
> services  and  ,maybe   illegal  narcotics to visiting  western
> tourists.they  will have  no  inhibitions  in  involving  many  of
> our  own  greedy  local  goanswho  would  like to have  a slice of
> the  action).
>  I  would  remind  you, though,   to  take  into  account  the  words  of
> the  mother  of  the  victim, Fiona,  a  few  days  ago  when  she  said
> that  she`s  not  quite  sure that  the  goan  police  have got  the
> right  guys  for  all the  events  that  transpired  that  night / early
> morning   at/   around  the  Lui  shack.   Is  there  still  a cover-up
> sheilding  more  politically  well- connected  men/ agents ?
>   Did  you  notice  that  the  doctor   who  did  the  first  autopsy
> seemed  to  have  conveniently missed  obvious  repeated
>  obvious physical  trauma in  the  genital  area ?
>  Did  you  notice  that  the  local  police  officer (  who  has  been
> suspended)  was  quick  to  offer  advice  to  the  mother  to  ship  the
> body  home  to England  for  burial ?
>  A few  other  things seem  to  not  exactly  add  up...but
> as  a villager in   Saligao once  mentioned  to me.  alot  of  local
> events  which  invove  north  indians be  they  the  Mallyas, other
> rich  folk  from  Delhi and  the UK.seem  like  " wheels  within
> wheels  "  of  the   medieval arrangements  of   the  1700`s.
>  But  that`s  Goa  for  you.. despite  the  temporary
> early  closing of  bars   & party  shacks announced  by  the  Home
> Minister todaythe  criminal  element  will just  shift the  scene
> to   venues  more  amenable  to  them.

Re: [Goanet] The Mechanics of Feni Pricing

2008-04-06 Thread Joe Lobo

  How  true  that  doctor  who  advised  you to desist  from  feni  was ! 
Have  you noticed  the  emaciated  look on  many older  goan  gents  who 
are  regular imbibers   of  our  precious  feni ?...  and  this 
does not  come  from  being  underfed.  Rather  in  the  parlance of 
distillers  i  suspect  the  presence  of traces  of  " fusel  oils"  ( an 
old  term  for  higher  Alcohols .other  than  the   C2 H5 OH  ( 
ethyl alcohol )... so maybe C3..C4 alcohols tainted 
with  the metals of  the  distilling  vesselor  the  earthen  ware  pots 
where  the  intial  " mash "  from  the  cashews and  other impurities  that 
may  have  entered  at  the  primary  stage ,or  during  the 
fermentation.or  in  the  distillation.
 A  few  years  ago  some  gent , on  this  very  GoaNet  forum , who  had 
been  associated  with  the  distilling  industry  in  Goa  for  a  long 
time  was   very  frank  in   revealing  to  us  how  he  was  surprised  to 
attend  the  sale/ auction  of  straight  grain  alcohol (C2H5 OH) which 
pharma. and cosmetic  folk  use in their  preparations  and... 
reps.  from  reputable  distillers  bidding  to  buy  their  share of  this 
government -controlled  product.
 It  was  explained  to him  that  the  supply  of  cashew  apple  fruits 
was  just  not  enough  to  cope  with  the  demand  for  the  cajel 
consumption. hence  the  supply  of  cashew  juice  was 
later  fortified  in  the  finishing  stages with  straight  grain  alcohol 
. The  level  of  govt.  competence  in  mantaining  the  purity  of  grain 
alcohol  could  be  suspect  from  state  to  state   (the  chance 
adulteration  is  always  there in  any  state )
Similarly,  when  i  first  got  to Toronto  iwas  amused  by  some 
TO - born - italian  boys  who  would  mix  grape  juice   with  the   40 
per cent  grain  alcohol  which  could  be  bought  at  LCBO  stores  and 
passing  it  off as  wine that had   that had been  prepared  by  genuine 
fermentation at  home !
 Which  of  goan  distillers  would  be  honest  enough  to   admit  to 
similar  volume  tricks if  they  include it  in  their  processors?   I 
`d  like  to  have  an  assurance  from  the  chemists and   management of 
the  prime distillers in  Goa  Madame   Rosa  or 
similar  cos.
- Original Message - 
From: "Roland Francis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Goanet" 
Sent: Sunday, April 06, 2008 10:10 AM
Subject: [Goanet] The Mechanics of Feni Pricing

Frederick has written the following article in the Herald:

Now what I can't understand is this:
Why is the producer complaining that he has to sell his cashew feni
kolso (is that 6, 12 or 18 bottles?) at Rs 550 and at that price it is
not remunerative for him?

Why can't he sell it at say Rs 2000 and thus make it worthwhile?

Feni used to be my favorite drink whenever I regularly went to Goa on
R&R when I worked in the Gulf - until I saw a Carmona doctor, old and
experienced (I forget his name) who told me in no uncertain terms to
stop drinking feni. His exact words were "there is no such thing as
pure feni in Goa today, no matter who tells you how he personally
knows the distiller and where he got it from". Words of wisdom which I
took seriously enough to follow.

Now my question is:
Personally, I would be willing to pay as much for a bottle of 100%
pure feni as I would for a bottle of scotch, say Canadian Dollars 40
or its rupee  equivalent 1600. Undoubtedly there are several overseas
Goans, feni lovers like me who would be willing to pay a like amount.
Now tell me at that price would a Goa distiller find it worthwhile to
make his liquor?

So could FN or anyone else explain what this brouhaha is all about?
(Rajan Parrikar's fave word "brouhaha" - ha ha.)


Roland Francis

Re: [Goanet] Foreigners buying a house in Goa

2008-05-18 Thread Joe Lobo

 5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
  Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

   16-18, May 2008

  What  about  Goans with  foreign  nationalities and  foreign passports 
? ...they  are  still goans  at heart !
I thought , a couple of  years ,  ago the  Centre in Delhi was  mooting 
the  idea  of  a card called  Person of Indian Origin (PIO) 
which would give them  similar rights to the OCI you mention.  Many  foreign 
nations  allow  one  to have  dual nationalities.

- Original Message - 
From: "Mario Goveia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Saturday, May 17, 2008 12:41 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Foreigners buying a house in Goa

 5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
  Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

   16-18, May 2008

Date: Sat, 17 May 2008 07:44:13 +0530
From: Ana Maria de souza-Goswami

What about Goans who have foreign nationalities?  They
are also buying flats/houses in Goa.  There are
foreigners who are given one year visa at a time and
have bought flats.

Mario suggests:

Those Goans who have foreign nationalities should
apply for the Overseas Citizen of India
[OCI]classification which would give them the same
financial rights in India as Non Resident Indians, as
well as limitless stays in India.

No more applying for visas, no more restrictions on
how long you can stay in India.

The only rights an OCI is denied is voting in Indian
elections and owning farmland in India.

Re: [Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (9SEP07)

2007-09-09 Thread Joe Lobo

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

 For R&R; modern/clean amenities; serene, healthy and wholesome location

Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

  It always puzzles me to  see Indians bemoan the  fact that  they  were 
champions at field hockeymaybe  back  in the   `40`s  or   50`s.  Fifty 
years  have  elapsed  since  then  and  the  game  has  moved  on.  The 
fine  arts  of  solo  dribbling  are  now  passe`and  now  folk 
like  the  Germans, the Dutch  and  of  course  the  Australians  have 
turned  the  game  to one  of  fitness, power hitting  and  superb  physical 
fitness  that  have  the   small-made  Indians  far  behind.
  I  saw  this  coming  in  the  60`s  when , as  a student   at  St 
Xaviers  College  in  Bombay  ,watching   a visiting  Kenyan  side (  Alu 
Mendonca, Hilary Fernandes , Surjeet Singh Singh  Jr.,Saude George,  Silu 
Fernandes .c.h.))who  were  coached  by  a German  coach   thrash  an 
Indian  side  at  the  BPHA  grounds ( next  door  to Churchgate  station 
in  those  days..and  this  was   side composed  of   Goan  and 
Sikh  players  some  of  who  obviously  learnt their  their  early  hockey 
in  schools in  India  before  they  moved  to , and  settled  in 
Kenya. the  power  hockey  that  that  their  european  coaches 
were  stressing   saw  the   finesse-laden  Indian  sides sadly  wanting. 
On  that  same  tour  they  wnt  on  to  beat  higly  rated   sides  in 
Northern  India  that  the  press  there  obviously  buried  in   inner 
pages  out  of  embarrasment   to   admit  the  sadly declining  tenor  of 
Indian  hockey.

- Original Message - 
From: "alexyz fernandes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Goanet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 12:00 PM
Subject: [Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (9SEP07)

> * G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
> For R&R; modern/clean amenities; serene, healthy and wholesome location
>Visit for details/booking/confirmation.
> Hockey was once our National Game and we were International Champs .and 
> now.
> To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit:
> Site sponsored by
> ---
> ---
> ECAP 2007 - Computer Society of India - Goa Chapter inaugurates its 15th
>Exhibition of Computers & Allied Products at Hotel Mandovi, Panaji
> at 9:30am on Sep 8, 2007 at the hands of Mr. M. N. Rao - Advisor & 
> Director
>  (IT) Department of Computer Science - Government of Goa.
>   All are cordially Invited
> ---


 ECAP 2007 - Computer Society of India - Goa Chapter inaugurates its 15th
Exhibition of Computers & Allied Products at Hotel Mandovi, Panaji
at 9:30am on Sep 8, 2007 at the hands of Mr. M. N. Rao - Advisor & Director
  (IT) Department of Computer Science - Government of Goa.

   All are cordially Invited

Re: [Goanet] Another Old Topic revisited

2007-09-10 Thread Joe Lobo 

 TRI Continental Film Festival - Dona Paula, Goa, Sep 28 - Oct 2, 2007

  Online Media Partner:

  May  I  ask  about  the  word in brackets at the end  of  your  reply to 
S.  says   (  gone )...  does  that  mean   gone  to 
the  devilor  the  Carribean Sea ( spearfishing )  or   just  plain 
"  gone   with  the wind  "  ??

- Original Message - 
From: "Mervyn Lobo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 7:29 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Another Old Topic revisited

> * G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
> For R&R; modern/clean amenities; serene, healthy and wholesome location
>Visit for details/booking/confirmation.
> Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> It should be clear from the above that Galileo was
>> indicted because of his advocacy of the heliocentric
>> view and his rejection of the stationary earth
>> thesis, both of which were contrary to "Holy
>> Scriptures".
> Santosh,
> I think the real problem is that the Vatican believed
> then, and now, that the earth was the centre of the
> Universe.
> That belief was proven more than 4,000 years ago by
> the ancient Egyptians. Here is the proof:
> The universe has no shape.
> The universe has no size.
> As such, any point in it can be its center.
> Mervyn of the center left (gone).
>  Get news delivered with the All new Yahoo! Mail.  Enjoy RSS feeds 
> right on your Mail page. Start today at 
> ---
> ---
> ECAP 2007 - Computer Society of India - Goa Chapter inaugurates its 15th
>Exhibition of Computers & Allied Products at Hotel Mandovi, Panaji
> at 9:30am on Sep 8, 2007 at the hands of Mr. M. N. Rao - Advisor & 
> Director
>  (IT) Department of Computer Science - Government of Goa.
>   All are cordially Invited
> ---


2007-09-11 Thread Joe Lobo 

 TRI Continental Film Festival - Dona Paula, Goa, Sep 28 - Oct 2, 2007

  Online Media Partner:

 Hi  Selma,
 The mention of  mother`s milk.reminded  me  of  a recent poster on 
Goanet proudly claiming that  he  was  suckled by his  mother  until  age  5 
!!. i  was  amazed  that  this could  could  be  true...after  all , 
if  most nations set closing  times  on  alcohol-serving  bars , infants 
who  are  growing  up  can with  the  connivance  of  their  mothers  keep 
these milk  bars  going  for  years... and  24/ 7  too !!
  Any  way  ,while   most small nations  look  to  the  USA  to  be  a 
policeman in   small conflicts  there  are  other  " national  interests " 
that  the  USA  claims   when  going  into situations  ,whether  they  be 
thereining   in  of  thriving  drug  " exports "  of  drug-lords in 
Colombia, the  elimination  of  of  a  democratically elected   PM of Chile 
( Salvador  Allende  ), the  support  of  a dictator like Mobutu ( 
Zaire )  that  uranium imports  would  not  be  interrupted  while 
hemilked  his  own  national  treasury of  billions that  he  salted 
away  in discrete  banks in  Europe.
  If  you  do  get  a  chance  to  watch Michael  Moore`s  old  documentary/ 
film called  "  Farenheit 911 "it  might  give  you  a hint  of  the 
shady  dealings   between   people of   stature  in  the   US  including  VP 
Chenney  and  the  Bush  family  itself  with  the  Saudi  royal  family 
this  is  nothing  but  a  continuation of  the  military-industrial 
complex to  exploit  a war for  the  the  enrichment of   corporations  that 
prominent US  politicians  have  financial  interests in for  their 
profits.  If   most  of  your  media  in  the  USA  are  controlled  by 
such  /  or  colluding  corporations  would  they   be   eager  to   discuss 
these  issues ?
  Capitalism isa system  which  unfortunately ,attracts average  people 
like  you  and  me to  invest in  ventures promising  us  returns  -on - 
investment if   we  don`t  rock  the  boat  by  asking   awkward  questions 
like   humane  treatment  / fair  wages in  off-shore / south  of  the 
border cheap laborand  I`m  not  claiming  that  a lot  of  canadian 
investors  do  not  go  with  this  system   so  that  they   make  their 
money investing  in  such  business ventures .

- Original Message - 
From: "Carvalho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 12:32 AM

> TRI Continental Film Festival - Dona Paula, Goa, Sep 28 - Oct 2, 2007
>  Online Media Partner:
> --- Sanny Vaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Herald article:
>> United States of America
>> claim to be the champions of human rights, and cry
>> hoarse when human rights are
>> violated in any corner of the world. but our recent
>> experience on a cruise ship
>> owned by an American company shocked us!
> I am sick and fed-up of the US being blamed for
> everything from a nuclear holocaust to our Goans not
> being fed on mother's milk. Is there anything we can
> hold ourselves responsible for?
> Ships plying international waters take advantage of
> loopholes that exist in US labour laws peraining to
> international waters and yes, the world is unfair but
> let's not forget that because of these ships thousands
> of young Goan men earn in lakhs. These men are
> semi-skilled and would at best earn between
> Rs2000-5000, were they employed in Goa itself.
> Stop blaming the US for everything and let us as Goans
> take some responsibility; such as not providing them
> with the type of education that would render then as
> anything other than waiters, not providing them with
> job opportunities back in Goa itself, supply agents
> not negotiating favourably but rather undercutting the
> competition as much as possible.
> The only thing that I learnt from the article was that
> our boys "were anchored by their faith". Nice to know
> they were clutching their rosaries while they sailed
> the seven seas, docked at exotic ports, banked their
> lakhs, built their bungalows, bought their 

Re: [Goanet] Gay bashing

2007-09-18 Thread Joe Lobo 

 TRI Continental Film Festival - Dona Paula, Goa, Sep 28 - Oct 2, 2007

   For public viewing
Registration at The International Centre Goa Ph: +91 (832) 2452805 to 10

  Online Media Partner:

  While  many in North America  and  western countries inflenced by the 
"Live  and  let -Live " philosophy  or maybe just plain charity tolerate 
same -sex  marriage or  gay couples..those of the orthodox leaning be 
they Muslim,   strict bible-belt  right wing folk wherever they are, Iran, 
the Carribbean, Pakistan abhor the  idea of homosexuality as something 
unnatural.  How  do   some of  our  goan christians reconcile  an attitude 
of permissiveness towards same sex couples with the traditional teaching of 
the christian faith  that   sleeping  with some- one  of the same  sex  is 
an " abomination "?
  Would  any of the  clergy in  Goa be  willing  to  volunteer an opinion on 
this  or  would  they  side-step this  issue  as  they  do the  "caste 
debate "?

- Original Message - 
From: "Vivian A. DSouza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2007 12:16 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Gay bashing

> TRI Continental Film Festival - Dona Paula, Goa, Sep 28 - Oct 2, 2007
>   For public viewing
> Registration at The International Centre Goa Ph: +91 (832) 2452805 to 10
>  Online Media Partner:
> I am sorry to see this forum reach such a depth, with the bashing of 
> people because of their sexual orientation on the supposed grounds of 
> morality Indeed I am saddened to see
>  homophobia rear its ugly head here.
>  To those who believe in God, we all believe that we are God's creatures. 
> People are born with sexual orientations, though the majority may be 
> heterosexual. God has made all of us, whether heterosexual or homosexual. 
> So what if people are different.  What is the big deal  ?   I suspect that 
> Gay bashers, probably harbor uncertainties about their own sexuality
>  When we adopt such extreme positiions we are no different from the 
> Taliban or the Nazis.
>  So lets get off our high horses and learn to live and accept each other 
> for what  and who they are.. their achievements, their decency etc.
> -
> Tonight's top picks. What will you watch tonight? Preview the hottest 
> shows on Yahoo! TV.
> -- next part --
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> URL: 

Re: [Goanet] hetem

2009-10-29 Thread Joe Lobo

Silviano  ,
 What is  a  "  Hetem " ??

armstrong augusto vaz wrote:

Hello Joe
if you are in Salcete and if you are going to velim specifically Carxetta
on the left hand side as you enter Carxetta from margao side i saw a Hetem
tied up
to a chain, in front of a house with no compound wall.
i did not carry my camera along with me, that was in mid Sept
but some locals whom i visited told me that the Hetem menace have been
pestering them for some two years.
Some villagers told me that they were earlier found inthe hillocks of Baradi
and Velim
but now have found a new home in Carxetta.
animal actvisits would cry foul over the caging and tying up of the Hetem
but you feel the plight of the women folk from Carxetta Velim
who have been traumatized by the Hetem encounters.


Re: [Goanet] the Israeli eviction of Arabs from their age-old homes in East Jerusalem

2009-08-02 Thread Joe Lobo

* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Sangath,, is looking to build a centre for services, training 
and research and seeks to buy approx 1500 to 2000 sq mtrs land betweeen Mapusa 
and Bambolim and surrounding rural areas. Please contact: 
or or ph+91-9881499458

 For   those of  our  Goans  who   do not  care  about happenings  
beyond  their  villages..they  may  be  reminded  that  the  
Israelis  who have ,like the Russians , with  the  help  of  Goan 
politicians  have  established a toehold in land  holdings ,   in   Goa.
 Strange   as  it  may  sound..there  may  come  a  day  when  
they  will  ,  with  the   help of  our  corrupt  goan  politicians  be  
evicting  goans  from  their  ancestral  agricultural  land.
 One  must   remember  that  the  Israeli  State  was  born  with  
massive  theft of  land  from Arab  Palestenians   (  ...why  else  
would  refugee  camps   suddenly  have  been  born  with  the  birth  
of  the  new  jewish  State  ?).and  the  theft  continues  till  
today  with  the  assent  of  the  E.U.  and  the  USA.

Re: [Goanet] WALL COLLAPSES: 3 killed, 4 injured in Bicholim Industrial estate

2009-02-18 Thread Joe Lobo

 I do not  know if  you saw one of the pictures in the  Goa Herald of  
today, 18th February of   a couple  of  firemen and  another  helper 
moving one of  the  injured. It  struck  me  that  the  Goa fire-brigade 
men or  their  medics  have  never  heard  of  a spine board to move the 
injury  victim. If  that  man  sustained internal  injuriesthey  
would  damage  him  still further  with   the  way they  were  holding 
him. It  seems  that  Goa  still lingers  in the third  world 
...primitive in handling injured  folk.

samir umarye wrote:

Re: [Goanet] Freida Pinto pics

2009-02-21 Thread Joe Lobo

This Freida  Pinnto  is  not  goan  she  is  
Mangalorean   So  why  are  we   we  goans  expected  to  
to  getso  excited  about  her  why  don`t  
you  post  this  on  " the  mangalorean  net  " or  whatever   they 
have  for  informational purposes !


Roland Francis wrote:

7 good pics from News of the World - UK

Roland Francis
+1 (416) 453.3371


Re: [Goanet] the Education Minister

2010-06-12 Thread Joe Lobo
  Can  any of our readers  enlighten me as to whether it was finally 
established that our Education Minister, Babush Monseratte cleared the SSC  
exams or only managed to pass the Standard 7 class at St. Theresa`s School in 
Mumbai ?

Re: [Goanet] Remembering the Air India tragedy

2010-06-23 Thread Joe Lobo

 Hi  Eugene,
   I noted  that in a recent letter of yours to GoaNet , you posed a 
critical view of how the monies earned by the  director/ producer  in 
Torontotiatrs   appeared  to escape  rewarding the  actors  who spent 
long  hours going to practices and seemed  to imply 
that the  director/ producer  team  wasmaking  a large amount off the 
work  of the players.
 I noticed that Jr. Menezes in his  rather  long discourse   explained that 
it  cost a lot of money to film and produce some  of the scenes that were 
projected  onto  the screens as  part of the " special effects "  as 
backdrops to some scenes.
 I  just  wondered  if  that explanation satisfied youor  you 
felt it  was  a  weak excuse ?

        Joe Lobo

- Original Message - 
From: "Eugene Correia" 

Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 9:51 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Remembering a Goan victim

Today, June 23, is the 25th anniversary of the Air India Flight 182 crash 
over Ireland, allegedly by Sikh extremists in Canada.
There was one Goan from Canada who perished on the flight. He was Anthony 
Among the more than 100 victims, there is one R. D'Souza and, I think, his 
first name is Ronald. But he was possibly from the US who came to Toronto 
to take the connecting flight to India. Not sure if he was Goan.
Just last week a five-volume inquiry report was released. The report 
blamed Canadian secret service agency and the Royal Mounted Canadian 
The report said it was a Canadian tragedy and, hence, the PM issued an 
apology to the victims' families. Today he will take part in the 
commemoration ceremony in downtown Toronto that will include putting up a 
new memorial. The old one has damaged by culprints.


Re: [Goanet] Making mango jam

2010-07-17 Thread Joe lOBO
  Could  somebody on the  forum  let me  have  a  recipe for  making Mango Jam 
from   mango pulp. Thank  you !

Re: [Goanet] Expenses of Eduardo Faleiro

2010-07-18 Thread Joe lOBO

Regarding  your  comments on  Mr.  Eduardo Faleiro,   I think  you are 
being  naive  if  you  expect any  concrete  action on his  part  as  NRI 
Commisioner to help  overseas goans..our  goan politicians   (  like 
their  counterparts  from  the  Congress party  under  the  petticoat  of 
Sonia Gandhi  in  Delhi  )  are  very  good   in  pontificating and 
prevaricariting  while  they  enjoy  the  high-flying life  as  tabulated 
by  Lionel  Messias  for  as  long  as  they  can  extract  money  from 
their  mining cohorts to overlook the  illegal activities of  these 
concerns.  All these  bs  can do  is  sell  their  mothers  and  goa 
to  highest  bidders  from North India.

- Original Message - 
From: "Mervyn Lobo" 

To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Sunday, July 18, 2010 8:38 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Expenses of Eduardo Faleiro

Frederick Noronha wrote:
On 18 July 2010 10:24, Mervyn Lobo  wrote:

The second issue, that of the current incumbent, is one that is really
Every person I talk too tells me that Faleiro is arrogant. I got the same
impression too when I met him.

Hi Mervyn, Are you sure this doesn't have something to do with the
his-friends-are-not-my-friends logic that sometimes (often?) strikes
the discourse in Goa? FN

Fortunately, Faleiro is of as much interest to me as the Foreign
Minister of Tanzania will be to you.

I first heard of Faleiro on Goanet.
Someone posted that he organized an "International Goans Convention" in Goa.
At this convention, he threw out of the convention hall some of the 

who had come from overseas. He then went on to arrest a local delegate.

I found that interesting.

The second time I heard of Faleiro was when the NRI office made a blunder
in the description of awards being handed out. I wrote to the NRI office

out the blunder. Someone from the NRI office wrote back, using Falriro's 

address, insisting that they could not be wrong.

I have few, if any, friends who have heard of, let alone who are interested 


The only time his name comes up is when I am with people who are a 
older than me and who still have links to Goa. They return from visits to 


horrible experiences in dealing with issues such as legal documents, 


These people claim that neither Faleiro nor the NRI office are of any help.

Mervyn Lobo

Re: [Goanet] Enchanting Goanet

2010-07-20 Thread Joe lOBO

 Honestly,  with everybody  texting  one another over the air 
waves.even  the  regular  " Wren  & Martin " type grammer that those old 
goan  anglophiles tried  to instill into us in our  young  days in Goa  are 
going out  of the  window  with the  bath wateri sometimes  wonder 
when the * mark has  replaced  the  ""   marks  to  report 
previously  written comments.

- Original Message - 
From: "Antonio Menezes" 

To: "goanet" 
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 4:25 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Enchanting Goanet

Great work , Indians.  We are all so proud of YOU.You Portuguese 
No, American reject.Yes, Goa scamraj.*Is Portuguese = anti-Indian 

*No, Portuguese is not anti-Indian. He is American-Indian.  Didn't know

Re: [Goanet] Does Goa need a mani pulite?

2010-07-23 Thread Joe lOBO
   In  answer  to  your   question..." Does Goa need a mani 
pulite ? "..i  can  assure  you  that  all the  MLAs from the  CM  to  the  
most recently elected one  would  vote  against it  or  do  all in  their  
power to  abort  most  of  them  have  corrupt  dealings  whether  
it  is  with  illegal  mining,  suspicous land dealings  with the  Mumbai or 
Delhi based  land  developers or   dealings  with  the  drug mafia- police 
nexus ?  Why  do   you  think  so many  of  them  are  so insistent  that t the 
party in  power  give a " ticket " to  their  children  to  continue this  
golden goose milking  of  Goa ?
- Original Message - 
From: "Cecil Pinto" 
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2010 12:17 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Does Goa need a mani pulite?

> Mani pulite (Italian for clean hands) was a nationwide Italian
> judicial investigation into political corruption held in the 1990s.
> Mani pulite led to the demise of the so-called First Republic,
> resulting in the disappearance of many parties. Some politicians and
> industry leaders committed suicide after their crimes were exposed.
> The corruption system that was uncovered by these investigations was
> usually referred to as Tangentopoli, or "bribeville".
> Read more at:
> ==
> * * *
> IS YOURS one of the stories of Goans on board the S.S.
> Dwarka, or at the Strait of Hormuz, Basra or Bahrain, Dubai,
> Swindon, Mombasa, Poona or Rangoon? Selma Carvalho's new book
> *Into the Diaspora Wilderness* docks at many other ports. Get
> your copy from Broadways, Panjim [9822488564] Rs 295. P&p
> extra.
* * *

IS YOURS one of the stories of Goans on board the S.S.
Dwarka, or at the Strait of Hormuz, Basra or Bahrain, Dubai,
Swindon, Mombasa, Poona or Rangoon? Selma Carvalho's new book
*Into the Diaspora Wilderness* docks at many other ports. Get
your copy from Broadways, Panjim [9822488564] Rs 295. P&p

[Goanet] Russian visitors being given carte-blanche visas at Dabolim ?

2010-07-26 Thread Joe lOBO
Noting a previous letter today about  foreign  nationals overstaying their 
visitors` visas in  sees another article in todays TOI about 
 Goa  immigration authorities being complicit in the issuance of visas to 
Russian tourists arriving without any background checks or verification.
* * *

IS YOURS one of the stories of Goans on board the S.S.
Dwarka, or at the Strait of Hormuz, Basra or Bahrain, Dubai,
Swindon, Mombasa, Poona or Rangoon? Selma Carvalho's new book
*Into the Diaspora Wilderness* docks at many other ports. Get
your copy from Broadways, Panjim [9822488564] Rs 295. P&p

Re: [Goanet] Russian visitors being given carte-blanche visas at Dabolim ?

2010-07-26 Thread Joe lOBO
   Imho, other nationalities do  not get bossy once they get into Goa. The 
Israeli and the Russians are known to corral properties be they 
restauarants or beach areas  where they will bar  admittance to local 
goans. While  you  personally may  think  that is  an  acceptable way for a 
foreigner on a  work permit  or  visitors visa to  act,  obviously it has 
come to the  attention of the  Indian media   who take  exception to  it .

- Original Message - 
From: "Frederick Noronha" 

To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2010 5:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Russian visitors being given carte-blanche visas at 
Dabolim ?

 Joe lOBO wrote:
Noting a previous letter today about  foreign  nationals overstaying 
their visitors` visas in

> sees another article in todays TOI about  Goa
> immigration authorities being complicit in
> the issuance of visas to Russian tourists arriving
> without any background checks or verification.

Any idea why the Russians are specially targeted by the media? Are they 
the much-derided "ghantis" of the international tourism trade?

See the manner in which a Russian (and, to some extent, Israeli too) case 
is handled as compared to those of other tourists! FN

* * *

UK STOCKS EXHAUSTED! After a community-supported launch at
Croydon, Selma Carvalho's *Into the Diaspora Wilderness* is
available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564]
Price (in Goa only) Rs 295. Ask a friend to pick up a copy.
Details of the book

* * * 

* * *

UK STOCKS EXHAUSTED! After a community-supported launch at
Croydon, Selma Carvalho's *Into the Diaspora Wilderness* is
available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564]
Price (in Goa only) Rs 295. Ask a friend to pick up a copy.
Details of the book

* * *

Re: [Goanet] What evidence ?

2009-05-18 Thread Joe Lobo

Gabriel  and  Samir,
 I  happened  to  be  watching  last  night  on  the  Overseas Service  
of  BBC- TV an   enlightening  segment on  Iraq  where  a BBC   TV  
correspondent  was  getting  the  views  of  average  middle  class  
educated  Iraquis on the  state   of  their  nation ,about  8  years  
after  the  much  revered  USA  president  Mr.  G.W. Bush  decided  
that  he  must  have  regime   change  then and  introduced  the   old   
concept  of  "  democracy ".  Speaking  to   a  female  university 
lecturer who  said ...  " Mr.  Bush may  have  had  great  zeal in  
bringing  us  his  western -style  democracy..but  he  brought  
us  more  pain  andsuffering.  Under  Mr  Saddam  , our  former  
president  who  we  knew  was  a  military  dictator..the  poor  
people  had  had  enough  to  eat  andlow  level  of  medical  
care.  Now  under  the  patronage  and  occupation of  the  
all-powerful  USA  we  have  hungry  poor and  the  introduction  of  
corruption  among   our  own  Iraqui  officials in  the  Homeand  
Defence  ministries  who   charge  the  common  people  enormous  bribe  
money  to  effect  a  simple transaction  that  was  speedily done  and  
bribe-free in Saddam`s  regime.  If a  young  man  wants  to  join  the  
army  or  the  police,  forexample , he  has  to  be  prepared  to  
pay  an  entry  bribe  to  concerned officials of  the   equivalent of   
$ 500 (US)."
 Now , one  may  ask  me  what  the  above  has  to  do  
with  Goa ?
 Visiting  Goa  in  November 2005  , I  was  assured   by old  
residents  around  Mapusa  and  Candolim  that  if  a  suitably 
qualified   University  graduate  wanted  to  join  the  Goa  State  
Police  service  in  the  officer  cadre  he  hadbe  prepared  to  
pay  a  bribe  to  the  relevant  recruiting  officers  of   the  
minimum  of  2  lakh  rupees. Naturally,  on  appointment  to  a 
suitable  post  he   worked  towards  recouping  his  "  entry   fee"  
by  extorting  from  citizens  or  the  constables  under  him.
 Would  any  police  officer at   high  position  in  Goadeny  
this  happens  ?  The  I-G  of  Goa  State  police  will  , of  course  
,  feign  ignorance  of  the   situation  or  any  complicity  in  such  
dealings  .but  one  wonders  on  hearingof such  standard  
operating  procedures  how  endemic  the   corruption  that  has  crept  
in  from India  since   1961 has  become  in  
Goa.  whether  it  is  under  the  patronage  
of  the  Congress govt.who  kow-tow  the  Party  High  command 
in  Delhior  the  more innovative  goans in  Goawho find  a  
quick  way  to  make  a buck.

Samir Kelekar wrote:

Gabriel writes:


How many cases of deaths have not been closed as ‘suicidal’ or ‘accidental’ >in 
the annals of Goa’s police records?

Given what is happening today in Goa with Mahanand confessing to 9 murders,
indeed every case of accident and/or suicide in all Goan police stations
in the last 20 years has to be thoroughly looked at again. Who knows --- they 
could all be
murders and the lazy Goan police just shut the cases down saying it is
an accident or suicide.




Re: [Goanet] Is it not better to be slave!

2009-05-19 Thread Joe Lobo

  Dear  Mr. Barve,
 Sameer  Kelekar seemed  to  miss the  point  that  I  was  
making...that  in  about  48  years  of  joining  the  Indian  
Union  many of  our  state  civil servants, minor  bureaucrats,  
mamlatdars, panchayat officials   and  some  politicians seem  to  have  
learnt  well  from  our  Delhi  masters  the  practice  of  extorting  
bribes  with  a  standard  operating  attitude of   "  Bribe  me  
handsomely or  I  shall   stymie your  efforts  to  access services  to  
which  you  are  entitled and  frustrate  your getting anywhere  whether 
it  is a  driving  licence, attestation of  a  birth certificate  or 
other  documents leading  to  establishing  your  title to  ancestral/ 
family  property. "
W.r.t.  to  Sammeer`s  comment that democracy  is  not  meant  for  
the  faint  of  heart  I  detcect  a laissez-faire  attitude of  
accepting  bribery  and  corruption  as  the  cost  of  democracy.  Why  
is  it  that in  western  countries  applicants  for  services  like  
driving  licences  do  not  have  to  grease  a   gov. clerk`s  palm to  
proceed  with  an  application  and  it  should  be  considered  
acceptable  in  Goa ?


If you want it easy, it is better to be a slave. Sameer Kelekar

Are we inclined to be slave? or Is it better to be slave with no expectations 
except MOKSHA!

Shrikant Vinayak Barve

  Cricket on your mind? Visit the ultimate cricket website. Enter


Re: [Goanet] Digambar Kamat and inaugurations!

2009-06-07 Thread Joe Lobo
   Who  knows  what  he  charges  "  under  the  table  " for  these   
appearance?  As  most   goans  knowmost  of  our  cabinet  
ministers  are  as   corrupt  as  theirDelhi  brethren !

Naguesh Bhatcar wrote:

I read The Navhind Times and Herald online, daily. I also visit the Goacom 

Not a single day goes by when I don't see either Digambar Kamat's picture or a report 

that he was at this inauguration or that. I just don't understand as to when and how he 

governs Goa! I guess that he is so firmly in the saddle that he has Goa on 
cruise control!

Perhaps only thing that counts are the blessings of Sonia Gandhi.


Is Goa that easy to govern?


I think he has to also add a portfolio 'Minister for Inaugurations and Rewards' 
to his list.


Naguesh Bhatcar


[Goanet] Search for a million dollar mattress

2009-06-11 Thread Joe Lobo

 I`ve  heard of  some  of  the  older  folk  in  Goa  in  days  gone  
by , hide  their  savings  in  old  ceramic pickle jars,  clay pots

  etc.but  this   story  from Israel  takes  the  cake :---

Re: [Goanet] Comment about Bom Jesus Basilica among 7 wonders of Portuguese origin

2009-06-13 Thread Joe Lobo

 As  a  goan  who has  spent  more  time  outside  Goa,  I personally 
feel that   this historical quest of  yours is  an attempt to stir up 
events  that happened a good  400  years  ago  or 
so. which  will engender communal  discord 
between the

Hindu  and  Christian communities.

Sapna Shahani wrote:

As a non-Goan who's lived here on and off for 20 years, I'm very curious
about Goa's history with the Inquisition.
How is it that the gory history of Goa's past remains virtually unknown by
outsiders or tourists? The Basilica of Bom Jesus is a beautiful building but
I find it odd that visitors don't know what cruelties once took place in the
vicinity of the Basilica.

Would love to hear the thoughts of people on this list...



[Goanet] Millionaire in beggars' home

2010-08-01 Thread Joe lOBO

Millionaire in beggars' home
By: Vinod Kumar Menon   Date:  2010-07-31   Place: Mumbai

Constable assumes 62-year-old Colaba resident limping across street is a 
vagabond; dumps him at beggars' home in Chembur

He had stepped out of home to go to the bank. Instead, he landed in a 
home for beggars, thanks to the unnecessary and extra concern shown by a 

Colaba resident Robert D'souza (62), who is visually challenged, was 
picked up by a police constable in the first week of this month and, 
much against D'souza's wishes, taken to the Beggars' Home in Chembur.

The beggars' home is, as its name suggests, a charitable home that takes 
cares of mendicants.

"That morning, I was passing by Cusrow Baug in Colaba, to go Central 
Bank's Fort branch. I am blind and also have a wound," said D'souza.

"With a walking stick for support, I was requesting passers-by to help 
me to the bus stop when a sturdy hand grabbed me by the arm and dragged 
into a waiting vehicle."

D'souza said no questions were asked and before he knew it he was taken 
to the home for beggars. "How right is it on the part of the police to 
do such a thing?" he asks staring into nothingness.

This is the second such case of a man who is not a beggar but is being 
forced to live in a beggars' home. MiD DAY reported a similar case in 
its edition dated July 29 ('We "beg" to differ').

D'souza, a bachelor, has since been moved out of the home for beggars 
and has now been shifted to a home for dying destitute persons at Tagore 
Nagar in Vikhroli.

Food for rot

"Life at the beggars' home was a nightmare. We were treated worse than 
prisoners and the food served was not meant for human beings," D'souza 
told MiD DAY.

"We were served half-cooked rice, a watery dal and boiled brinjal for 
lunch and dinner."

This was in sharp contrast to the daily diet regimen that this former 
employee of a multinational firm was used to in the comforts of his home.

"My daily diet comprised a chocolate-flavoured milk drink, sweet corn 
soup and bread."

D'souza is annoyed at the constable who mistook him for a beggar and 
took him to the charity home.

If mum were alive...

Life was always a bed of roses for D'souza till his mother, Mariya, 
passed away 17 years ago.

"She used to let out part of their 1,200-sq-ft apartment to paying 
guests, some of who included foreigners," said D'souza who lost his 
father when he was very young. He has no siblings.

After his mother's death, life was never the same. "I had developed 
cataract in both eyes.

During the surgery, I developed complications to the retina, which 
caused complete loss of vision," said D'souza. "Soon after losing my 
vision, I also lost my job."

No home, no money

As if the cruel blow that fate dealt him were not enough, there was more 
in store. D'souza said he was cheated of his home by people who took 
advantage of his blindness.

"I wanted to dispose of my property in 1993. I was offered Rs 14 lakh 
for the apartment but I thought I could get more," recalled D'souza.

I was introduced to one Kulbhushan Malik who agreed to pay Rs 20 lakh 
besides free treatment at a hospital in Chennai to help restore my vision."

D'souza said that Malik made him sign some documents, only to learn 
later that he had been taken for a ride. "Not only did I lose the house, 
the money was not paid either."

"I should have struck the first deal and taken Rs 14 lakh, but greed got 
the better of me," D'souza said, a tinge of regret in his voice.

After lodging a police complaint against Malik, D'souza said the 
fraudster was arrested. The legal matter is, however, pending in court.

Besides, a locker which his mother operated at Bank of India's Fountain 
branch still lies untouched.

"My mother had kept gold ornaments, some foreign currency and rent 
receipts in the locker," he recalled. "Surely, the valuables might run 
into a few lakhs of rupees."

Fear stalks

Safely ensconced at the Home for Dying Destitutes at Vikhroli, D'souza 
is scared to venture out alone on the streets.

"I do not want to be hauled by another policeman and taken to the 
beggars' home again. I'm a free human being and want to be like that," 
he said.

The Other Side

Beggars' Home
"FROM D'souza's speech and demeanour, I figured he is not a beggar. So, 
I contacted the destitute home myself," said Superintendent of Beggars' 
Home Gautam Arwel.

About the quality of food served at the home, he said, "We cook from 
what the government supplies to us and cannot do anything about it."

The police
"I have no clue about this particular incident. I will have to enquire 
before making any comment," said Assistant Commissioner of Police 
(Colaba division) Iqbal Shaikh.

About the criteria they look for when they pick up a 'beggar', Shaikh 
said, "We take action only against those who are spotted begging, in 
keeping with the Bombay Prevention of Begging Act 1959.

Home for dying destitute
"D'souza seems t

Re: [Goanet] Talking photos: Curious to know about this buildinghistory

2010-09-04 Thread Joe lOBO
  The  " Erlich " Pinto you mentioned of the IAF who scouted out the Dabolim 
airport is  actually Mervyn Pinto ,originally of Poona. i beleive he  rose to 
become  a Squadron Leader in the IAF.

- Original Message - 
From: "Gabriel de Figueiredo" 
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Friday, September 03, 2010 10:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Talking photos: Curious to know about this buildinghistory

It was the "quartel" during the Portuguese times, and entrance to it (as were 
other Portuguese instalations) was open to any Goan, contrary to what it is 
now. I remember having lost a cap in between the quartel and and the Instituto 
Vasco de Gama (as IMB was knwon then) whilst returning back from a soccer game 
when I was a five year old... ah! memories! 

There was little if any "secrecy" in most places in those days. I read 
that Erlich Pinto was actually able to go to on the tarmac at Dabolim without 
being challenged, when he was on a spying trip to Goa a couple of months before 
he actually bombed the place. There was trust in the fellow human being, 
something that has long been lost.

- Original Message 
> From: JoeGoaUk 
> To:
> Sent: Sat, 4 September, 2010 11:40:58 AM
> Subject: [Goanet] Talking photos: Curious to know about this building history
> Curious to know about this building history
> If it was build during pre-liberation era, just wondering 
> what was here before Army took it over?


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello (416) 803-7264

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Eisenhower's Farewell Address Jan 17, 1961 Pt I-2 (Towards a Goodness of Time)

2010-10-08 Thread Joe lOBO

 In  my  opinion President Eisenhower  was  just   the   same  of  one  of 
your  signatories  to  the   Declaration of  Independence ie : General 
George  Washington.he  beleived  that  all men  were  equal  ,except 
Black people,   It  took Abraham Lincoln to declare the immorality of 
 What  did Gen. Eisenhower  do  in  his   eight  years  of  presidency  for 
black  men  who  had  fought  and  died for  the USA in the  2nd  WW.?
 It  appears , as  far  he  was  concerned,  they  were  just  fit  to  sit 
at  the  back of  the  buses.   He  did  squat about the  inequality  of 
racial  segregation.  it  took a president like John F. Kennedy  to declare 
that  segregation  and  denying the  blacks  equal opprtunity  was immoral 
and  had  to be  done  away  with.
- Original Message - 
From: "Venantius J Pinto" 

To: "Goanet Mail list" 
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 10:27 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Eisenhower's Farewell Address Jan 17, 1961 Pt I-2 (Towards 
a Goodness of Time)

Worth a listen, Eisenhower's Farewell Address Jan 17, 1961 Pt 1-2 (IN
REVERSE order)

Eisenhower's Farewell Address Jan 17, 1961 Pt 2

Eisenhower's Farewell Address Jan 17, 1961 Pt 1

venantius j pinto

Re: [Goanet] GBA meeting at Azad Maidan (A report with clip & pics)

2010-10-16 Thread Joe lOBO

- Original Message - 
From: "JoeGoaUk" 

Sent: Friday, October 15, 2010 8:06 AM
Subject: [Goanet] GBA meeting at Azad Maidan (A report with clip & pics)

GBA meeting at Azad Maidan (A report with clip & pics)


Where is everybody?
For god sake it was not something meant for a particular religion
Nor it was meant for a particular community or tribe or caste
It was for Goa or Goans as a whole.

Why should we go?
It’s not our Job, we don’t understand it any way.

What’s in there for us?
Meaning – Cash incentives, Free transport, snacks/drinks etc

(Some southern Political rallies etc, leaders offer Rs.15,000 to whoever
organises a bus full of people (say 25-30). Out of which he will
have to pay Rs.100 per head and the bus charges say
Rs.2000-3000). Snacks and water bottles borned by the politicians.
(Looks like we even accept cash to stay out)

Who else will be there?
Meaning Celebrities like Hema Sardesai, Remo Fernandes,
Oscar Rebello, Prince Jacob, Nana Patekar etc

(if nothing for us then..)

Ami paunaim
(We are not free)

Some may say 'Will let you know'
Meaning - after consulting their political leaders to whom they support

When the horse is thirsty, one can only take the horse to the pond
and not the pond to the horse

Ami nidentle kedna utt’ttole gai?
(When will we wake up?)

At first, on seeing the situation at around 4.30pm,
we even thought the meeting might have been cancelled
as the CM is out of Goa etc

The police force outnumbered those who actually present.
Police were on all side of the Azad Maidan.
Infact, two of the 4 gates were seen closed, guarded by police
There were 5 police buses, one of Lady Police only.

Where is everybody?
If you take away 50 odd media/press persons,
the remainder would be less than 150 that’s around 5.30pm

Imagine, what would be the resultant figure if we also
take away Moira, Tivim, Nuvem, Ambelim etc delegation /group

Amongst others, we also saw Fr. Erimito Rebelo,
Prajal Sakhardande, Florian Lobo etc

In this clip you will also see 2-3 speakers in the later half

For pics sent earlier, you may refer this link

for Goa & NRI related info...

For Goan Video Clips

In Goa, Dial 1 0 8
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

Re: [Goanet] A lot of fraud revealed in H2-B visa entry from India to the U.S.A.

2010-11-02 Thread Joe lOBO

 From the  Times of India news  service on 2nd November 2010 :..

_/ tambdimati: the Goa review is a community blog of original
_/ art, writing, music, news and commentary from and about the
_/ smallest state in the subcontinent. check out the newest
_/ member of the Goanet family daily at

[Goanet] re : a portrai t of M.K. Gandhi by Mishal Hussein of the BBC done recently.

2010-11-03 Thread Joe lOBO
 I`m  sure  quite  a  few  of  the  oldies (  ie:  those over  sixty 
years  of  age ) on this  forum   peruse the  BBC  website  for  soccer 
or  other  news  items  we  can  trust  for  veracity ... or 
listen to  the  overseas  radio short wave  serviceor watch  the 
overseas  TV news and other programs  beamed to North America  and the 
Carribbean area.very  much  like  our  parents  used  to  do  in 
the  " bad "  old  days  of  brit.  colonialism in the  30`s , 40`s 
or  even the  50`s and  60`s as the  local language  broadcasts ( 
such as  Radio Tanzania) began to  dominate  the  airwaves  with  a 
nationalistic  patriotism  that  was  so evident  in East  Africa.
   By  chance , yesterday in Toronto ,I  happened  on  a  mini 
documentary  done  by the  vivacious  Mishal Hussein of  the  overseas 
service of the BBC ,..   physically  following the  footsteps  of 
Mahatma (  great soul) Gandhi from  his  early  days  in  South  Africa, 
then on to graduation  as  a  lawyer in  England  ,  his  return to 
India, his ever - so-  strong  desire  to  rid the  subcontinent  of 
foreign colonial  peaceful means  and moral 
persuasion  rather than the  use  of  violence. Despite being  a  man of 
immense  popularity with the Indian masses  at  that  time he turned 
down  any  promise  of  political  office in the  future ...(  which 
Indian  with  ambition  would  do that  these days...except in  the 
hope  of   becoming  an Ambani, Birla or  Mallya  type millionaire ?) . 
She  met  with  folk  in their  eighties in  age  who  workedwith 
Mohandas Gandhi in the   pre-independence era and his  establishment  of 
  an  "ashram" (refuge ) in Sabarmati, Gujerat where  he  got  ordinary 
 folk to work ina  simple  manner rather  than  be  sucked  into  the 
materialistic manipualtions  of  the  Brits  to  tighten  their  hold 
on  developing economy. Remember  that  the  Sir Winston Churchill  who 
 we  so  regularly  laud  for  his  war-time  pugnacity in  standing 
up to  the  German  Third  Reich with  ambitons  to  dominate the 
planet , was  also someone who  called  M.K Gandhi a naked  fakir and a 
sexual  deviant  who  had  no place  in  the  Brit  scheme of  plans 
for  their  " jewel in the  Crown"  of  the  Empire.
 I  just  was  sorry  that  I  did  not  have  a  spare video-cassette 
handy  to  immediately   tape this excellently done  show which lasted 
for  about  an  hour. If  anybody  knows  of  a forthcoming re- 
broadcast  of this  program.please  do  let me  know.
 We  Tanzanians  should  be  happy  that  the   father  of  our 
nation of Tanganyika  , Julius  Nyerere, chose  the  gandhian principle 
 of   non-violence in the pursuit of  freedom.and  the 
despising of  tribalism  stating  that  all  peoples  of  all colours 
were  equal regardless of  their  tribe or  ehnic  originensuing 
peace and the  establishment of democracy  eventually after  a long 
period  of  one-party  rule .

_/ tambdimati: the Goa review is a community blog of original
_/ art, writing, music, news and commentary from and about the
_/ smallest state in the subcontinent. check out the newest
_/ member of the Goanet family daily at

Re: [Goanet] Goa Caju Feni

2010-11-12 Thread Joe lOBO

 Like   many  goans  and other sons of the  soil who love   their organic 
brews and the distillates thereof you  show a true affection for the  urak 
and the resultant fenis.  One  must be aware that more than a little of 
this  "nectar of the coconut and cashew  apple  fruits " too often , 
especially with the 90 to 95  proof  strength  and  the  anacardic  acid 
associated with the  cashew mash used can  prove deletious to your  gut 
linings..ask the  older  doctors  around  your Socorro/Porvorim 
areas for   their views.  Besides  sometimes the metallic  piping used  in 
distilling  ( other than the bamboo you spoke  of ) may have  traces of 
heavy metals (Cd, Bi,..etc). I  personally do not  mind an  occasional 
tipple.. but  woul advise against  large  qties.  daily.
- Original Message - 
From: "Vivian A. DSouza" 

Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2010 8:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa Caju Feni

Very nice article about the preparation of Goa Caju Feni.
I am surrounded by neighbors who distill Caju Feni at home. The equipment 

to distill Urak and Feni in my village is called "Baati" spelt phonetically.
Instead of the juice being put
in a barrel I saw a large clay pot with a bamboo pipe sealed around the top. 

fire is stoked under this clay pot to give out steam which travels along the
bamboo pipe. The bamboo
pipe leads almost horizontally to a clay "kolso" which is sealed at the 

With a small
"tambleo" cold water is poured constantly over the clay kolso to cool the 
travelling down the bamboo pipe so it turns into the liquid Urak or Feni. 

whole process looks
primitive, but the end product is heavenly. I was given a real "cotti" of 

first distillate, which
was slightly warm. I must say I was in 7th heaven.
Here's cheers to Goa's Feni !!!

_/ tambdimati: the Goa review is a community blog of original
_/ art, writing, music, news and commentary from and about the
_/ smallest state in the subcontinent. check out the newest
_/ member of the Goanet family daily at

_/ tambdimati: the Goa review is a community blog of original
_/ art, writing, music, news and commentary from and about the
_/ smallest state in the subcontinent. check out the newest
_/ member of the Goanet family daily at

[Goanet] re : a competition of political styles in Goa.

2010-11-12 Thread Joe lOBO

  I happened to watch, on  an  obscure  TV channel, a  program  on the 
challenge   in Brazil.. of  the  opposing styles  of  capitalism ( where  
powerful corporations from North America & Europe and other western powers) 
found  a  way to live  with  a  socialistic  way of thinking  that  would  
benefit the poor  and  disadvantaged that  survived  a minimal existence in the 
 favelas of  rich cities  and the  rural areas of  Brazil  ...being 
 constantly reminded that the nation ,though called  an awakening  giant ,has  
to live  to the  dictates of  the  I.M.F  and the  World. One  realises  that 
the   desire  for  more  profit in the West & Europe  clashed  with the need 
for  survival and  improvement  in developing  countries . 
There  maybe  a  parallel with  the  State  of  Goa ( one of the  smallest 
states  in the  Indian  republic ) and  the  richer  more populous  and  
industrial states  that  abound around, and to the north and  south of  it. 
While rich  industrial corporations  with  the  help  of  the  Centre  may  
make  a killing on  real  estate developments  and  mining ventures  they  will 
reap the  rewards  to  invest back in  their   home  states..not  
giving  a  thought  to  how badly damaged they   leave the  state of  Goa 
environmentalythe  the  NCP   government  in Delhi  will cling  to  power  
closing  their  eyes  to  all  degredation they  cause to other  states (  does 
 " Madam Sonia  give  a   damn  if tribals  starve  ,  if   lands  grabbed  
from  them  if  it  benifits  the  rich  industrial families  who  are  
Congress supporters ?  )
  Does , for  that  matter,  our  CM   care  as  long  as   his  party , 
supposedly  secular, triumphs at the  next elections.?so that  various  
NCP  supporting groups   like  the  mine-owner families and the rich supporters 
 are  still there  to  carry on the  pillaging  of  the land, even if  it  
causes pollution of  the  water-table  .
  When  we  goans  awake  to   find  that the  state  is  no  longer a  tourist  will be  too  roll back  history and  stop the  
 powerful from leeting  us  sink into  decay.
  Whle  I do not  advocate the saffron supporting BJP party.i think  we 
 need to  introspect before it`s too late !

_/ tambdimati: the Goa review is a community blog of original
_/ art, writing, music, news and commentary from and about the
_/ smallest state in the subcontinent. check out the newest
_/ member of the Goanet family daily at

Re: [Goanet] percentage of rural folk with access to clean piped water ?

2010-11-16 Thread Joe lOBO

How  does the rural population in Tanzania or Goa  fare as ,in relation to the 
folk described in this afternoon newspaper article, as regards the access to 
clean tap water ?

_/ tambdimati: the Goa review is a community blog of original
_/ art, writing, music, news and commentary from and about the
_/ smallest state in the subcontinent. check out the newest
_/ member of the Goanet family daily at

Re: [Goanet] Winemaking, anyone?

2010-11-23 Thread Joe lOBO

 Hi  Selma,
 Speaking  of  " halal " meat.just as the  jewish people of  yore 
spoke of  " kosher "  products it  was  originally to  do  with   "  healthy 
"  meat.  Note  that  the  jews abhored the use of  swine  flesh as they 
regarded  the pig as a dirty animal that would   consume any  garbage. 
Included in the  " kosher" list it  was  taboo to  eat  any anything  that 
was  a  " bottom -feeder " of the  oceans and lakes ,as they felt  the 
filth accumulated  there  went  crustaceans  like  lobster and 
and  shrimp  as  they were  suspect of  ingesting  dirt  to  the  taboo 
 When  cows  died in the  field and people passed this  off as   good  meat 
, the  fact  that the  blood  coagulated  and  would not flow  freely when 
the  cow  was  slaughtered by cutting  the  jugular  arteryit  was  a 
sign of  suspect death of the  cow  from  other  causes ( diseases)
 One  of  the factories  we  were  taken  to  in  our  last   year  of 
school  was  a  meat-packing  plant called  Tanganyika  Packers on the 
outskirts. of  Dar-es-Salaam ( Tanzania )..which  produced  the  famous  " 
corned beef "  that  was exported to many  mid  -East countries like   the 
U.A.E. states, Bahrain etc.  When  we  saw  how  the  cattle  coming  down a 
ramp  were  electrically  shocked into a state  of  stupor  before their 
throats  were  cut and  the  blood  allowed to  flow,.we , like  you , 
questioned  the apparent  cruelty  of  allowing  the  blood  to  flowit 
was  explained  to  us  that  muslim practice  of  slaughter  required  this 
to  verify that the  cow  was  healthyto  declare the  meat  thereof  as 
" halal" or  " kosher " to be  acceptable  in the  muslim  states to  where 
it  waw  exported.
  Of  course  now  in  western  countries  we  have  vet.  officers  who 
check the  healthy state of  the  animal  prior  to  slaughter

- Original Message - 
From: "Carvalho" 

Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 2:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Winemaking, anyone?

JC wrote:
I do not support FN's sudden interest in producing alcohol in Goa -
unless, like with the Irish Poteen or Potcheen, he intends to use all
the Goa newspapers to aid in the fermentation process. I'd
specifically recommend the use of the rag also known as the Heraldo

Response: Incase you didn't notice, mine was just a humourous response.

But for the record, I think drinking urine, be it cow's or your own (a la
Moraji) is injurious to health. There is a reason why it is released by the
body. It's because the body deems it unnecessary. And I am seriously opposed 

"halal" meat. And yes, I will never buy it. I wouldn't take it even if it is
given away free. It is one thing to kill an animal for consumption, it is 
another thing to let it suffer while it dies. There is a difference. If I 

control my urges, I would have become a vegetarian a lot time ago. I tried
several times but failed. That doesn't mean, I should continue supporting a
practice that is clearly inhumane. We are not living in the 14th century, we
are living in the 21st century. This concept that something associated with
religion has to be condoned, is facile at best.

Lastly, what I do support is FN's or anyone else's interest in wine making. 
not? We don't live in a nanny state or police state or even a state that 
to be morally policed. We are all capable of making up our own minds whether 

want a drink or not. A drink that doesn't have urine in it (hopefully).

By the way FN's interest in wine-making is not sudden. Last year he did a 
video on it. Maybe my memory is just better. I remember everything that 

- not just last year.


Re: [Goanet] the celebration of the feast of Saint Francis Xavier by the G.O.A of Toronto

2010-12-01 Thread Joe lOBO
  Dear  folk of  our  GoaNet, 
Last Sunday ( the  28th of November ) after many years 
of  absence ( about  11 to be  exact) I attended the celebration of the  SFX 
feast   done by  our local  G.O. A. (Goan Overseas  Association ) of  Toronto , 
Canada  and  I  was  pleasantly surprised  by  the  careful  organisation  by 
the  three ladies  who  organised  every detail very lovingly and carefully  .  
From the  numerous  volunteers including  the choir  who sang  old and  loved  
konkani  hymns  during the Mass, including  Fr. Cecil Noronha ,the  celebrant,  
who  in his  usual  humourous  style  exhorted  us  to be  faithful  to  our
 catholic faith despite  the usual  north american temptations  of  a consumer 
economy, and in these  days of  being  politically  correct which requires  to 
set  aside our   moral beliefs to be  more  accomodating  to the  present  
culture,  and  the  various other  goan  folk  who  gave  of  their time  and  
efforts  to make  this  event  a success, I take my hat off to them !
  I  say  kudos  to  the  Toronto  G.O. A   who  thru ` the  many unsung  folk 
who  take  the  trouble to  keep  our  devotion to  "  amche  Goencho  Saibe " 
, Saint  Francis  Xavier  alive.

  May  our  efforts  to  help in the  canonisation   of  Padre Agnel DeSouza  
and  the  Blessed Jose Vaz  be   looked  at  favourably by the  Vatican  and  
the Lord in Heaven.

         Joe Lobo

[Goanet] Azim Premji donates $ 2 billion to educational foundation..

2010-12-07 Thread Joe lOBO

Re: [Goanet] A subject close to the "poverty in India " discussion.

2010-12-29 Thread Joe lOBO

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

 Here is  an article from the  Hindu newspaper that provides food for  thought 
on the  poverty in India discussion :-

Re: [Goanet] do you wonder why the indian population keeps growing?

2010-12-29 Thread Joe lOBO

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,


Re: [Goanet] an article by Fr. De Souza in the National Post ( Canada):-- Christians may need to start fighting back.

2011-01-07 Thread Joe lOBO

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326),
Vardaan (9527463684) SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse
Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim (2417288)

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,


Re: [Goanet] Goa politician booked in Russian rape case

2010-02-20 Thread Joe Lobo

   ***   Follow Goanet on Twitter   ***

 Recently a correspondent on this  forum  observed, on noticing a 
politician in UP being booked by the  CBI of  having wealth  far 
disproportionate to his income,  how  many  of  of  our  goan politicians 
are  equally from, appearances of the  cars  they  drive  and  the  grand 
villas  they  have  built  after  entry into political life.  just  as 
guilty.. ...have   escaped  any such  enquiries  just  goes  to  show 
the  nexus   of  the  Ant-corruption  Bureau (if  they operate)and the 
politicians themselves  !! Just  observe  how  long  ( 2 months ) it   took 
the  Goa  Police  to  finally  charge  a   wanna-be- politician with  was  reported  in the  press that  his  accuser  was 
pressured  to  drop any  complaint  as  he  was  a  " powerful "  man  who 
could  cause  her  a  lot  of  pain !!  One  wonders  what  our  other  goan 
politicians  must be  getting  away  with ?
- Original Message - 
From: "Mauricio Pereira" 

Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2010 8:00 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Goa politician booked in Russian rape case

   ***   Follow Goanet on Twitter   ***

Goa politician booked in Russian rape case
IANS, Feb 16, 2010, 07.21pm IST

PANAJI: The crime branch on Tuesday formally charged Goa politician John 
Fernandes with raping and assaulting a 25-year-old Russian woman in 
December last year, police said.

Deputy inspector general of police Ravindra Singh Yadav said the 
chargesheet was filed on Tuesday before a local judicial magistrate, but 
would be admitted to the sessions court Feb 23.

FOrty-year-old Fernandes has been charged under sections 354 (assault or 
criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty), 509 (word, 
gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman), 376 (punishment 
for rape) and 201 (causing disappearance of evidence of offence) of the 
Indian Penal Code (IPC), Yadav said.

John Fernandes is presently in judicial custody. The alleged rape of the 
25-year-old Russian woman on Dec 2 by Fernandes at Colva, a popular resort 
village in south Goa 35 km from here, had hit national spotlight, with the 
girl alleging that the police not only harassed her by not allowing her to 
register the complaint but they also ensured that the accused avoided 

Echoes of the Russian's rape were even heard in parliament when Goa's lone 
Rajya Sabha MP Shantaram Naik (Congress) blamed the foreign national for 
hanging out with strangers till late in the night.

Even chief minister Digambar Kamat and public works department minister 
Churchill Alemao had publicly blamed the victim for hanging out in the 
public areas till late in night after the complaint was filed.

Fernandes had contested the last assembly polls on a regional party ticket 
and came close to toppling Goa tourism minister Mickky Pachecho in the 
contest for the Benaulim seat.

The Russian consulate had to intervene and serve a stern rejoinder to the 
state government to investigate the rape case in earnest. Goa attracts 
nearly two million tourists annually - almost twice its population - and 
4.5 lakh of the tourists are foreign nationals.

Re: [Goanet] 9 killed in fire at Bangalore's Carlton Towers (WHERE ARE THE FIRE ALARMS, SPRINKLERS AND FIRE-EXTINGUISHING EQUIPMENT?)

2010-02-25 Thread Joe Lobo

   ***   Follow Goanet on Twitter   ***

 In  these  summer  months preceeding the  monsoons.most folk on 
the west  coast  including Mumbai  are lucky to get  2 hours of water in 
their systems to recharge their containers what  chance is  there 
for  water to be in the   fire hydrant  system. Supposedly  even  the  fire 
services vehicle that  turned up at the  Carlton  towers in Bangalore  with 
a 20 foot  ladder  ( to  service  a  9 storey  building ? ) had  no water 
with  it.
 If  you  expect  world  class systems  from  any  Indian  city  you  must 
be  kidding  yourself.
While  India  tells  us  of  their  "shining" example of  economics , their 
standards in most people  conveniences  just  does  not exist.

- Original Message - 
From: "Ruby Goes" 

Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2010 5:27 PM
Subject: [Goanet] 9 killed in fire at Bangalore's Carlton 

   ***   Follow Goanet on Twitter   ***

No Safety Standards then?


Re: [Goanet] Loot of Goan Artefacts

2010-03-18 Thread Joe Lobo

 Dear Mr. Fernandes,
   If  you  have any idea about India after the `47  partition into West, 
East Pakistan  and  the  republic of India  which  came into being in  `48 
??  will  find  that  various  states in the  Indian Union 
have been  " borrowing " resources.(  it  human  or  material) 
from  one  another  in  a  give  and  take  way  of  operating  a nation.
 Do  not various  western  nations  now  have  ancient  historical 
artifacts like the  " grecian marbles "  carted away  from their  colonial 
possessions during  their times in those ward-countries ?

- Original Message - 
From: "Victor Rangel-Ribeiro" 

To: " estb. 1994!Goa's premiere mailing list" 
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2010 3:01 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Loot of Goan Artefacts

Dear Ignatius,
Which Governor's palace in Altinho?

--- On Wed, 3/17/10, ignatius fernandes  

From: ignatius fernandes 
Subject: [Goanet] Loot of Goan Artefacts
To: "" 
Date: Wednesday, March 17, 2010, 4:09 PM

Is there anyone who has made any inventory of the
of the loss of Goan artefacts looted by the Delhi
appointed Governors of Goa which graced the Governors
palace in Altinho.
Will my query stir up a hornets nest?
Ignatius Fernandes.

Send us your Hotmail stories and be featured in our newsletter

Re: [Goanet] FW: Nobel prize win 'humbles' Obama.

2010-03-22 Thread Joe Lobo


 While  you  and , perhaps  many  like  you  in   their  charitable  way of 
thinking,  will laud  this  first  step to  bringing medical  assurance to 
the  poorer  and " caught -in -the present economic times" 
folk...a lot  of  the  fat-cat medical   insurance companies who 
have  spent perhaps  thousands of dollars on their  lobbyists to  stymie Mr. 
Obama`s efforts, will find  a way  to  get  around  the eventual growing of 
this   scheme of things in the  future.
 The spirit of free enterprise and growth of  corporate control  of  vital 
systems from  defence to  energy  makes   richer USA  folk  nervous of  any 
project that  has  odour of  a  socialistic  approach  that  may lead to 
the  rich having  to  indirectly support  the  poor...  and 
there is  still  a  lot  of  that in America.
I could  be   horribly  wrong in  my  thinking  and  I hope  some 
other netters  will  offer  their  opinions on the subject.

- Original Message - 
From: "Oscar Lobo" 

Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 2:07 AM
Subject: [Goanet] FW: Nobel prize win 'humbles' Obama.

During the last quarter of 2009 I posted my views on the Noble Peace Award
for President Obama and what

encouragement does to bring out the best in people.

Well, we have all heard today the great achievement i.e. America's Health
Bill which was brought about by

President Barrack Obama!

Great news to the 32 odd million people in America who were without Health
Insurance and kudos to President Obama

and his administration.

Oscar C. Lobo


--- On Mon, 12/10/09, Oscar Lobo  wrote:

From: Oscar Lobo 
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Nobel prize win 'humbles' Obama.
To: "Goanet" 
Date: Monday, 12 October, 2009, 7:09 AM

Noble Peace Award for President Obama.

People are divided on the decision taken by the Norwegian Noble Prize
(NNPC) to award President Obama with a Noble Prize.

While it may seem to be premature for some people many of us may have
overlooked the
fact that he is the first Black American President in the history of
America.  This
in itself is an achievement as he has risen up from the down trodden
community and
he has commenced some good initiatives for the people of America. Instead 

spanner in his good works it is better to put an Award to make him do some
work being at the helm of his career.

Encouragement brings out the best in people. Criticism brings out the 

many of us fall in each category!

We Goans need to learn from all this.  How many of our genuine Goans have
contributed and continuing a great job in keeping our Goan culture and
alive? We know a few Goans in Goa, Middle East, Canada, Spain etc; and 

encouragement have we given to our Goans other than cheap shooting of
e-mails and
washing dirty linen in public?  Do we know that Goanet is also read by
non-Goans in
India and elsewhere as there is no restriction to be a member of Goanet.

Recently a south Indian said to me - Do you know Mr. Lobo why Goans are 

progressing? I was curious and asked him why to which he replied "Because
community is suffering from Tall Poppy syndrome (Aum shanoh in Konkani) 


Let us therefore wake up to these observations by non-Goans and if 

apologise to our fellow Goenkars if you believe we have hurt people 

of ego
or perhaps miss judgement.

The most important commandment from Jesus was "Love one another as I have
loved you"
This is precisely what is missing in us Goans and quicker we start loving
community the quicker we will stand to gain.

Zeal without knowledge is like fire without light.

Oscar C. Lobo

Re: [Goanet] wanted a female to share a 2-bedroom apt. with a single female in East York (Toronto )

2010-03-30 Thread Joe Lobo
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa

Re: [Goanet] the crazy issue of the Indian visa for tourists

2015-04-22 Thread Joe Lobo

  extracted from  an Indian  journalist :-

Re: [Goanet] On DGP Arya

2011-12-31 Thread joe lobo

    Annual Goanetters Meet 

Annual Goanetters Meet - January 3, 2012 - 12:30 - 2pm

   Tourist Hostel, near the Old Secretariat, Panaji (Panjim)

Planning to attend? Send an email to with contact details


 Dear   Sandeep,
   Your extract from  Nirmala `s  column." State Gov. suffers from 
a  strange  malaise".while obliquely imputing to Aires Rodrigues 
the  fault of  over-doing his  criticism of   events  in Goa.. 
including  the use  of  Mr. Kantak  as  a  legal aide   to  the State , 
brings  out  in  the  open the  strange  goings-on   in  Goa,  even  from 
the  time of  the  previous  state  gov. under  the  chief -ministership of 
Bab, Manohar  Parrikar.

 As  a  goan  resident  abroad , who  follows events  in  Goa  via  the 
media  and  from   reports of   goans  who  go  for  extended  periods  back 
to  their  ancestral villages  one  sees  a  lot  of  "  smoke "  from 
obviously  "underlying   garbage  burning "  !!
  Why  does  the  present  CM  who  admits  responsibility  for  the 
mining  dept.  portfolio  for  the  last  10/ 11  yearsseem to 
ignore  the  illegalities  to   let  small operators  mine  illegaly and 
some of  the  larger  mining  families  get  away  with enviromental 
degradation of   smaller village  agriculture/ water  table  concerns
 concerns.  To  me  this  seems  to  point  to some  similarities  with 
the  CM  of  Karnataka,  Mr. Yedurappa  who  has  been  indicted  recently 
for  massive  wrong-doings  .

- Original Message - 
From: "Sandeep Heble" 

Sent: Friday, December 30, 2011 6:31 AM
Subject: [Goanet] On DGP Arya

    Annual Goanetters Meet 

Annual Goanetters Meet - January 3, 2012 - 12:30 - 2pm

   Tourist Hostel, near the Old Secretariat, Panaji (Panjim)

Planning to attend? Send an email to with contact 


Nirmala Fernandes writes on DGP Arya in her column 'State Government
suffers from a strange malaise' which has appeared in today's Gomantak
Times( Dec 29 Edition).

Extract from the column as below:

He(Aires Rodrigues) made a big hoohaa about DGP Arya's visit to
Gokarna. Without permission as he calls it. When DGP Arya says he took
the vehicle with oral permission I believe him and I have every reason
to do so. I was a young girl of 24 years when DGP Arya first came to
Goa as the ASP. My father worked for the Goa Police and I remember Dad
narrating to us the things that Arya was doing. I quote my father "ASP
Arya is an upright and sincere cop; he will go a long way". Sure, he
has come and gone a long way even before his tenure was over because
he made the Govt very very uncomfortable. And Goa's self appointed
lawyer helped to make a mountain out of a molehill.

In the write up he gave in a local newspaper some days back justifying
DGP Arya's transfer, he makes a case why Arya had to go. Not a word
about the good work he had started and would have finished had he been
here for his full term.

The Govt needs to understand this. The people of Goa are watching you,
and every action you take is being noted; for Goa and against Goa and
this transfer was definitely against the interests of Goa and Goans.

  Protect Goa's natural beauty

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  Protect Goa's natural beauty

   Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

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Re: [Goanet] Bwana Karani/Sir Richard Turnbull

2012-01-11 Thread joe lobo

 Hi  Vivian,
   A  few  years  ago I  made  enquiries   directed to the  author of  " 
Bwana Karani "  himself .. I was  quite  chuffed  to actually  get a 
personal  reply  by  e-mail.  He  explained  at  that  time  t he  few 
copies printed had  sold  out  and  since  he  had  volunteered a share of 
the income to a  Charity in  nothern Kenya  I  could send  him  a  small 
cheque to cover the  cost of the  book  &  postage  and  he  would  mail  it 
to  me from a  small  number of  books  he  had  kept  for  his  own 
purposes .I  never  got  around to  doing  that  and  from the  various 
discussions  surrounding the  book  on  GoaNet..  i  concluded  that 
his  experinces  as  a Clerk  in   the  colonial  government  service were 
very similar to  folk who  had  served   the  Brits.  My  dad  was a 
government  servant too  but  never  distinguished himself  as  the   author 
has  done. If  you  go  thru`  the  archives of  GoaNet  correspondence  or 
contact  someone  in  London  who  knows  of the  gent...  you 
might  be  able  to  contact  him like I  did.
- Original Message - 
From: "Vivian A. DSouza" 

Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2012 8:55 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Bwana Karani/Sir Richard Turnbull

As a former, albeit short term member of the Colonial Civil Service in what 
was then called
Tanganyika, I enjoyed Roland's account of the book titled "Bwana Karani" 
translated as
"Mister Clerk" in English. Now I am trying to get a copy of the book, so I 
can read it in its entirety. One thing I remember about the Colonial Civil 
Service is that instead of
"Yours faithfully" or "Yours Truly", all correspondence including from the 
Governor himself
ended with the words "I am sir, your obedient servant" followed by the 
signature. Quaint and reinforces the notion that Civil servants are servants 
of the public, unlike these days in Goa.

As to Tony Barros's question, yes, this was the same Sir Richard Turnbull 
who rose through the ranks of the Colonial Civil Service in East Africa from 
District Commissioner to
Provincial Commisioner to Governor and eventually Governor General of newly 
Tanganyika. It wa he who in his capacity as Governor, cut the ribbon and 
inaugurated the
new Goan Institute in Dar es Salaam, Tanganyika in December 1959. It was 
through the petition of his former Goan secretary, that Sir Richard Turnbull 
approved the issuance of
a work permit for me to re-enter Tanganyika in 1959, a gesture that I can 
never forget.
Having worked with Goans for a long time he had a very high regard for 
Goans, who were
the backbone of the Civil Service and Banking throughout East Africa in the 
colonial era.

Now let me search for the book "Bwana Karani".


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  Protect Goa's natural beauty

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Re: [Goanet] Floriano's experience in dealing with the Goa ElectionCommission

2012-01-18 Thread joe lobo

I  had  a chuckle  reading  your  response  to  Floriano`s 
comments...  it  probably  isStandard  Operating 
Procedure   all  over   India  government  offices 
but  the  Indian  psyche  has  been  firmly formed, that  one   once  is  is 
the  authority  he /  she  can   treat  the  applicant  as   S** Tand 
prevaricate  forever. Only  the  measures  that  Indira Gandhi  adopted 
during  her  much  maligned  " Emergency  "  where  onecould  complain 
to  an  independent   Ombudsman-like  person that  would expedite procedures 
and  punish  the  offending  (un)civil  governmentservant ,  would 
serve to  help.
  As  a  matter  of  interest  how  many  of  the  promises  made  by  your 
local  Goan  politicians  are  actually  kept  after  they  are  elected 
unless heavily  bribed  ?

- Original Message - 
From: "Vivian A. DSouza" 

Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 9:49 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Floriano's experience in dealing with the Goa 

I had a hearty laugh at Floriano's vivid description of his interaction with 
the staff at the Goa Election Commission. This appears to be par for the 
course at all government offices in India. Unless one is aggresive, you 
cannot get anything done. The "Concerned officer"
is always away from his desk, in a meeting, "out of station" (which station 
I dont know), the required document cannot be located or the ultimate - 
Write an application letter. The response if ever will come long after the 
Elections ! And all this happens after you stand there for several minutes, 
trying to get the attention of the clerk, by coughing, clearing your throat, 
jangling your keys etc. while the clerk studiously avoids looking at you. 
Eventually after several minutes engrossed in his top priority work of 
shuffling papers, he may deign to look up at you and ask arrogantly - what 
do you want ?. "Ye mere Bharat he".
I have had similar experiences at some private companies where you would 
expect to get better service because they are dependant on the customer. 
That is another story for another day.


  Protect Goa's natural beauty

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  Protect Goa's natural beauty

   Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

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Re: [Goanet] Why can't India be like Britain?

2012-01-21 Thread joe lobo

Looking  at  your  message  conveying Selma`s  thoughts from  the  bottom
up..unfortunately the petition to support  " Goa`s  first tiger
Reserve"  caught  my eye. If  one  recounts the incidents in   recent years
of leopards  wandering  away from the  forests into villages and  attacking
villagers, we might  be  happy to protect the   wild  animals ( the  tourism
ministry will be glad to  entice foreigners and  out -of -state locals to
view them) but  are the locals going to be supportive of this step ?
Being  part of a larger unit gives one  access to more
resources...  with the  attendant problem of  sharing in the
population pressures ( the  hordes of  out-of  state  job seekers coming to
Goa ).  Possibly   prior to December 1961, the  then  Foreign Minister
Krishna Menon  must  have intimated to the UN body that there  were
seperatists  advocating a free  " Monaco -like " state before the  Indian
Union took it  over.
 Sometimes  i  think  old Chairman  Mao`s  adage  that  "  all  power
grows  out  of the  barrel of  a  gun "  worked  for India.
- Original Message - 
From: "eric pinto" 

To: "Carvalho" ; "Goa's premiere mailing list,
estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 7:36 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Why can't India be like Britain?

Selma joins the Woices in the Vilderness !! eric.

With Scotland preparing for a referendum which will decide if it will
separate from the UK and form an independent nation, I have to ask myself,
as an Indian citizen, why can't India behave in such a civilized manner? Why
must Kashmiris and the North East suffer decades of bloodshed and violence?
Why can't we understand that these regions have expressed a desire to be
independent of India and that we must concede to their collective
aspirations. Why can't Goa be given Special Status? Why must our idea of a
nation be based on medieval thought process that equate it with territorial
occupation and nationalist jingoism. Why can't we be pave the way, be the
torchbearers of how humanity must move forward? Whatever happened to India,
who once produced statesmen of the calibre of Nehru?


Protect Goa's natural beauty

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  Protect Goa's natural beauty

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  Protect Goa's natural beauty

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Re: [Goanet] "Goan Engleesh"

2012-03-21 Thread joe lobo
To remember  the  early Goan immigrants  to Zanzibar in the very early 
1900`s I  need  go no further than than the husband of  of  my 
god-mother. a  gent who later  ran a bar  ( Victory Bar )in that island. 
It  is  reported that  he , excitedly watching  a soccer game, wanting to 
encourage his  team  shouted   repeatedly  ..."  KICK  LOUD ".to the 
forwards in his favourites. his   literal  transalation of  the 
Konkani   " forsan  mar "...that  the  name " Kick Loud Fernandes "  was 
then attributed to  him  only  to  distinguish him  from the  other 
Fernandes`s  in Zanzibar. In  my  memory the only  way they  spoke of 
the  family was  "  the  kickloud  Fernandes family "so as  to  identify 

- Original Message - 
From: "Mervyn & Elsie Maciel" 

Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 1:41 PM
Subject: [Goanet] "Goan Engleesh"

Just as Frederick's ear was "attracted to their innovative use of 

my shrinking memory took me back to my holidays in my ancestral village
of Saloi(Salvador-do-Mundo). When playing in a friendly football match
on an open field, an oft heard expression was:

   "shoot men" ( meaning, 'pass the ball')

Wish I could think of a few more, but there must be many 

on goanet who could come up with better gems.

Mervyn Maciel

  Protect Goa's natural beauty

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  Protect Goa's natural beauty

   Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

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Re: [Goanet] How`s this for a bribe in defence force circles ??

2012-03-27 Thread joe lobo
If  you  remember  the "  Bofors   "  heavy  gun  scandal  that  was  swept 
 under  the  carpet   since  it  implicated  then PM, Rajiv 
Gandhi.  here`s  another  recent  one  for  you  

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

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Re: [Goanet] St Francis Xavier

2013-12-03 Thread Joe Lobo
  Hello  Francis,
  I  just  wondered  if  you  were the  same Francis  who  was the Warden  at  
CISH  in  North  London.  I  briefly  spent   some  time  as  a student   
around  November `73  to  May  `74  there  while  I did my  industrial practice 
required  by  my course.
  Boas  Festas  toyou  too !
 Joe Lobo
- Original Message - 
From: "delima francis" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2013 11:13 AM
Subject: [Goanet] St Francis Xavier

> Boas Festas to all Goanetters today on the Feast of Goa's Patron Saint, St
> Francis Xavier.
> Francis de Lima

Re: [Goanet] a blog from goan writer Venita Coelho

2013-12-05 Thread Joe Lobo
This  appeared on  the  NDTV  website :

Re: [Goanet] DR UG Barad

2013-12-05 Thread Joe Lobo

 Dr. U.G.Barad is  more like the  horse  that  has  bolted,  like  Bapu 
Asaram`s  son  on  being  exposed.
- Original Message - 
From: "Jim Fernandes" 

To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2013 5:27 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] DR UG Barad

Is this true, Senhor Barad? We want to hear back directly from the horses 

Jim F
New York.

- Original Message -
From: Garner Thomson 
To: "" 
Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2013 11:24 AM
Subject: [Goanet] DR UG Barad

I would very much appreciate comments on the fact that a book, Get Anyone
Do Anything, published this year under the authorship of Dr UG Barad, is 

fact, a book written by David Lieberman, a best-selling American author,
and published in 2000. Aside from the title which has the word "to"
missing, the two books are word-for-word identical. The most cursory check
on Amazon will bear this out.

I must say, as a writer and a frequent visitor to Goa, I have been 
dubious about Dr Barad's prolific output, that he appears to have 

knowledge of social psychology, sociology and a number of other
disparate fields, and that his writing style in emails and web postings
bear little resemblance to the various books he has published on the
psychology of influence ...

Re: [Goanet] Experience at Jet Airways

2013-12-22 Thread Joe Lobo

If  what  you  say is  are  making  the  C.B.P.A.  sound 
like  a  Canadian  Gestapo.i  ask you  which  sane-minded goan  is 
anxious  to  import  anything  unhygenic / disease causing product to this 
fair  country.  Thank  you  for  your  advance  warning  anyway.
- Original Message - 
From: "roland.francis" 

To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Friday, December 20, 2013 10:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Experience at Jet Airways

Canada Border Protection Agency are very strict about bringing in ANY 
animal or plant products (no exceptions) into Canada in any form including 
cured, cooked, vacuum packed or even canned.

If you answer 'yes' to the disembarking card question, they will 
confiscate it. If you declare as not caring any if these, their sniffer 
dogs will suss it out and besides confiscating, they will fine or can even 
deny entry to tourists.

Gone are the days of bringing any foodstuff in from Goa and it's all for 
the better considering the poor state of product and hygiene there.

Some Asians (including Indians) however persist in trying. For them 
there's a black mark with mandatory (rather than random) inspection of 
their baggage every time they enter for the next 6 years.


Sent from Samsung Mobile

 Original message 
From: "Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão" 
Date: 20-12-2013  5:24 AM  (GMT-05:00)
Subject: [Goanet]  Experience at Jet Airways

Jim, a year
or so back, Jet Airways had banned cured meats in the check-in baggage. So
Goans who carried sausages were offloaded of their sausages. 

Re: [Goanet] Saligao - The land of Garbage, Stink, Poison and Disease

2013-12-28 Thread Joe Lobo

 It  is  very  facile  to  ask  a  rhetorical to  ask   a  q.  like  u 
have  done...but  you  may  realize  that  the  previous 
Congress-like  state  goverment  had  a mind set  that  favoured  Tourism 
(  including  hotel owners  who  were  never   questioned  by  state 
authorities  as  to  how  they   disposed  their   garbage..i  call it 
the Nelson Eye  attitude.  they  under  Digamber  Kamat  even 
bent  over  backaward  to  to  resort  to retro-active  legislation  to 
make  OK  an  illegal  hotel  extensionwhilst   other house  structurees 
within  the  CRZ  area  were  torn down  by  the   CRZ- relevant 
authoritywas  the  family who  did  this  extension  one  of  the 
prominent rich  families  of  Goa ?).
 We  hoped  that  the  present BJP-led  gov.  in  our  state  would be 
better.  At  least  the  Shah Commision  with  the  cooperation  of  the 
Supreme  Court  put  the  illegal  mining  cowboys  out  of  commission.
 Every   state  gov.  in  Goa has  their  pet projects  that   may  be 
influenced  by those  very  influential families  with deep  pockets  that 
distribute   small  goodies  at election  timeto  sway  doubting   folk 
into  their  fold.  U`ll   say  that  this  happens  all  around  the 
planet.but  can  we  Goans  tolerate  the  folk  from  North  India 
and  other  metropolii  controlling  not  only  us  .but   possibly 
using  the  police  authorities  to  silence  any  local  niz-goenkars  who 
protest  the spoiling  of  the  environment !  (  level  of  the  volume  of 
music atvenues  that  cater  to  out  of  state  temporary  visitors )
 Why  don`t  these  rich  out - of - state  Indians  go  to  places  in 
Kerala  or  Karnataka  where  the  authorities  cannot  be  bought  to 
their  compliance ?


- Original Message - 
From: "roland.francis" 

To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Friday, December 27, 2013 10:36 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Saligao - The land of Garbage, Stink, Poison and 

What were the people of Saligao, Pilerne, Calangute and Candolim doing 
during the past 25 years while the Saligao Plateau was being used as an 
illegal garbage dump?


Sent from Samsung Mobile

 Original message 
From: Desmond da Costa 
Date: 27-12-2013  4:32 AM  (GMT-05:00)
To: Saligao Net 
Subject: [Goanet] Saligao - The land of Garbage, Stink, Poison and Disease

My fellow Goans and Saligaonkars, As a net result Goa still attracts more 
to settle here than those that leave.

This is set to change especially for the beautiful villages of Saligao, 
Calangute, Candolim and Pilerne, with the Governments going ahead to set 
up a Garbage Treatement Plant (GTP) on the Saligao Plateau. The illegal 
Garbage Dump on the Saligao Plateau which has been in use for the last 25 
years has poisoned the water of the wells and water bodies in the 
surrounding villages; stinks to the heavens and has made life miserable to 
people living in the proximity of the Garbage Dump plus caused diseases in 
humans and animals brought on by illegal burning of garbage containing 
plastics and toxic wastes.

Desmond da Costa.

Re: [Goanet] A news item from the german " Der Speigel " news agency.

2013-12-31 Thread Joe Lobo

  i happened on a news item on  CNN  this  morning  where this  german  news  
agency  has highlighted  an  american related  electronic spying  and  data  
collection  agency  base  in  San Antonio,Texas acting as  an  adjunct to  the  
main  National Security Agency (NSA) .
   It has  been  infiltrating the  computers of ordinary  folk  be  
they  housewives  or everyday  folk  who browse the  newsby  sending  a 
 spurious  message,  while  pretending to  be   a  branch  of  Microsoft 
Windows  or  related similar  systemsyou  will  remember  the  
embarrasment  of  the  american  NSA  wnen the  renegade   contractor  Ed. 
Snowdden   revealed  the  extent  of  NSA  snooping  on  local  folk.  To  
avoid  retribution  he is  now  sheltering  in   Russia.
  By  placing  a  bug-virus  in the  warning  message  they  can  take  control 
 of  your  computer ( including  your  address book )  for   ends  of  their  
own !
   If  we  thought  that the colonialist  nations  controlled their  
domains  in  the  first  half  of the  20th  century  economically,  and  
stifling  any thoughts  of  independence..this  is  a new  form  of  
control  by   " Big Brother ".reaching  into  your  very  home  and  

Re: [Goanet] an article in goa news paper !

2014-01-04 Thread Joe Lobo
   In  essencean  average goa-watcher  would  wonder  if  theChief  
minister  or  the police  official  concerned  would  care.after  all  did  
not  the  previousHome  Minister   Naik  of  theprevious  gov.  not 
 use  the  police  harass  anybody  who  pointed  out  that  his  own  son  was 
   a  drug  dealer  under  police protection ?  How  surewould  we  be  
that  this  same  system of  " hafta"  from the  very  top  is  not  protecting 
the  prostitution racket  right  from  the  IG `s office  ?

Re: [Goanet] Remembering a luminary

2014-01-18 Thread Joe Lobo

 Comment :--
   Was  not  this  the  gent , who  while Foreign Minister  of 
India..?.ignored the  Chinese  Threat  on the NEFA  border,  with  his 
protestations of  "  Hindi- Chinee  bhai, bhai "  whilst  they  slaughtered 
hundreds  of  WW-1  Lee  Enfield ancient  rifle toting  indian  soldiers as 
they  pushed  southwards   across the  McMahon  line   which  was  a hazy 
undermarcated border left  as  a Brit  legacy .
- Original Message - 
From: "Luis Vas" 

To: "goanet" 
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2014 5:07 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Remembering a luminary

Remembering a luminary


‘Krishna Menon: A Forgotten Luminary,’ a documentary on V.K. Krishna
Menon, was premiered in Kozhikode. Fittingly so, for Krishna Menon,
the former statesman and diplomat extraordinaire, remains one of the
greatest sons of Kozhikode.

“The film’s international premiere was in London,” says director R.
Sarath. The documentary focusses more on Menon’s life in London, which
played a significant part in shaping his personality and enduring
relationship with Jawaharlal Nehru. Lesser known facts like his role
in co-founding Penguin Books and being the founding editor of its
non-fiction series have also been featured.

The 25-minute documentary, produced by Film London and Shelly Suman
Productions, contains some rare clippings, including that of Krishna
Menon’s famous speech at the United Nations (U.N.) in 1957 (the
eight-hour speech on Kashmir still remains the longest ever speech at
the U.N.). It includes stills of Krishna Menon with great minds like
Albert Einstein, Robert Frost and Aldous Huxley. Krishna Menon’s
relatives and Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer reminisce about the statesman.

Sarath says he was always fascinated by Krishna Menon. “History is one
of my favourite subjects and I feel Krishna Menon is a historical
figure who has not got his due even in Kerala. He is revered a lot
more in London, I found out. People associated with him and
organisations like the BBC were extremely helpful. “While doing
research for the film in the United Kingdom (U.K.), I found out how
much goodwill Krishna Menon enjoyed there. A U.S.-based doctor
Frederic Mosseri, when he came to know that I was making a film on
Krishna Menon, gifted me the Rolls Royce car that Krishna Menon had
used during his days as the High Commissioner in London. The doctor’s
father had bought the car from Krishna Menon; that car, in fact, was
presented to Krishna Menon by Nehru, who was the Prime Minister then,”
says Sarath.

Sarath points out that he also got a lot of help from people like A.
Jayathilak, District Collector, Kozhikode, who has collected a huge
amount of material on Krishna Menon.
Sarath plans to screen the film in more centres. “This documentary is
actually a prelude to a feature film in English on the life of Krishna
Menon, titled ‘Krishna.’ The film has a huge star cast,” he adds.

Watch the documentary on youtube below

Re: [Goanet] Remembering a luminary

2014-01-19 Thread Joe Lobo

 I  apologise for  my  error   calling  Krishna Menon the  foreign 
minister.  Perhaps  he  was  the  Defence Ministerwhich  would  make 
his  neglect of  preparedness  unforgivable ?
- Original Message - 
From: "J. Colaco < jc>" 

To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Saturday, January 18, 2014 3:30 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Remembering a luminary

On 18 January 2014 11:10, Joe Lobo  wrote:

  Was  not  this  the  gent , who  while Foreign Minister  of
India..?.ignored the  Chinese  Threat  on the NEFA  border,  with  his
protestations of  "  Hindi- Chinee  bhai, bhai "  whilst  they 
hundreds  of  WW-1  Lee  Enfield ancient  rifle toting  indian  soldiers 

they  pushed  southwards   across the  McMahon  line   which  was  a hazy
undermarcated border left  as  a Brit  legacy "


1: Krishna Menon was NEVER the Foreign Minister of India

2: What caught my attention in that article is that this ostensible
Leftist, while a High Commissioner to the UK, rode around in a Rolls Royce
presented to him by Nehru.


[Goanet] Fw: re : Possibly you could help locate relatives of a couple of ex-students of St. Joseph`s/ Forodhani Sec. School.

2014-01-19 Thread Joe Lobo

- Original Message - 

Subject: re : Possibly you could help locate relatives of a couple of 
ex-students of St. Joseph`s/ Forodhani Sec. School.
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 14:49:42 -0500

  A  former  student of  mine is  seeking  information  about the  whereabouts 
of   relatives of 2 deceased classmates  of  the  Class of1971.

1. Feliciana  Candida Fernandes who passed  away  on  28 
November 1996.
 2.Francis Fernandes
   By  1968 St. Joseph`s Sec. School  ( Dar ) had been  re-named  Forodhani 
Sec. School and the   abovementioned  were students
  If  you  have  any  information  about  relatives of the   2  could  help  by contacting Anita Dias  

   Thank  you!

Re: [Goanet] the Arun Tejpal case slowly drags on !

2014-01-21 Thread Joe Lobo


2014-01-21 Thread Joe Lobo

 There  has  to  be  some  quasi-legal agency that interprets these  rules ( 
that  to me   seem inconsistent )it`s   no  use  asking  any  senior  
police  officers  as  they  will  most  probably  fob  you  off  with  some  
red-tape.  If  you  could  contact   the  lawyer  Aires  Rodrigues  who  often  
writes in to  this  forum  regarding  legal  matters  he  might  give  you  a  
"pro-bono " solution to  your  problems.
- Original Message - 
From: "celes fernandes" 
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 9:41 AM

As required by Goa Police, for filling up all the details of the migrants in 
the Form and 
when the form was submitted by the Tenant to the Police Outpost. It is noticed 
some charges about Rs.500.00 are levied by the Police for verification 
of the form for migrants. I was under the impression that this service is free. 
Also if it 
relates to a couple, then one form for the husband along with all the details 
and other form for 
the wife alongwith 5 photographs and I.D. proof each are required to be 
submitted. Is this procedure 
right or wrong as they belong to the same family. Also it is difficult to 
understand why the 
Police charges money from the Tenant. Is it a new system started that sometimes 
Rs.200 and above are charged. Some are not charged while some tenants are 
charged. Earlier no one is charging any money from the tenant as of late it is 
mandatory by the Director General of Police that all owners who keep tenants 
have to submit the form.


Re: [Goanet] The west

2014-01-25 Thread joe lobo

Dear  Dr.Falcao,
  I do not claim to have  personally witnessed the movement of 
scientists just before or  after World War 2, but  from  accounts  of 
reliable people...scientists like Werner 
von Braun and others like  him  were given admission  and  encouragement 
towards the USA.  Was  he  jewish  or german ?  Many  jewish people 
pre-1920`s  were german  subjects under the Kaiser.
 What  Hitler and the Nazi  party  did after they took over control of the 
countryis  still being reported by surivors
 Similarly many  educated intellectuals  chose to move to  the the  still 
evolving   Soviet Union which  inherited the East Germany ( part of the 
divided  Germany after WW2 )
   Even today many  developing nations  depend on  foreign  technical 

- Original Message - 
From: "Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão" 

Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2014 1:37 PM
Subject: [Goanet] The west

Ana Maria Fernandes amferns_naik at on Sat Jan
25 08:36:49 PST 2014 wrote:

USA first got hold of most of the jews and took them to the
states. Jews were intellegent people and mastermind in technology. Some of 

jews became top people in the government adminstration. Because of these
intelligent jews USA became one of the greatest nation in the world. Then 

tried to siffon the great indian scientist. The rest you find out.


Nowhere have I read of the US getting hold of Jews and
taking them to the US. May I know from which country are “Jews”? And if US
really got hold and taken Jews to the US, that, is abduction! But yes, I 
heard that they have debarred one Jew from being mentioned in US schools, 

is Jesus Christ.

From what I have  heard,

the “great Indian scientist” only wore chiffon !? Maybe mistaken identity?

I will find out.

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão. 


2014-01-29 Thread Joe Lobo

- Original Message - 
From: albertdesouza1929 . 
To: undisclosed-recipients: 
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 9:23 AM

On Tuesday, January 28, 2014 12:31 AM, Luis Vas  wrote:

*"My client was gunned down by her husband in my presence
after a court proceeding. I truly believe that God had spared my life and
so I became purpose driven to make a difference in the lives of the victims
and their children."*

Bernadette D'Souza, originally hailing from Vhoddlem Bhatt, Quepem, Goa, has
created waves in the American as well as the Indian
being elected for the New Orleans' first Family Court judgeship in the
first week of February. Fondly known as "Busha" to her relatives in Quepem,
Bernadette D'Souza won the elections when two of her rivals, Kris Kiefer
and Janet Ahern dropped out of the race. In her victory statement D'Souza
says, "I thank all the members of our community, who have entrusted me with
this historic opportunity to shape the role of this new Family Court in our
judicial system, including my worthy opponents, Attorneys Janet Ahern and
Kris Kiefer, who have allowed me to begin the important work of this court
immediately by withdrawing from this race. I want everyone to know how
seriously I take that responsibility. I pledge to make you proud of my
service as your first Family Court Judge."
Recipient of numerous awards and honours, D'Souza is a graduate of the
Bombay University and Tulane University Law School in New Orleans. She
moved to the U.S. in 1978 and joins the ranks of Keith Vaz, Bobby Jindal,
Sunita Williams etc. who have made it big in the West.
In a very personal and frank chat Bernadette D'Souza talks about her
ambitions, childhood, Bombay and Quepem - her home during her childhood

*Tell us about your childhood in Quepem, Goa and also about your father
Tony Gomes, who was a renowned musician of yesteryears.*
I was born in Goa to loving parents Anthony (Tony) and Esmeralda Gomes. I
have fond memories of my childhood in Quepem. Every summer holidays in May,
we would visit with our grandparents, Joao and Anamaria Gomes. We had a fun
time visiting with relatives. My parents often entertained friends and
relatives in our home. The feast days were special. There was so much
excitement around the house. To raise funds for a worthy cause, my father
arranged for a New Year's Eve dance in the Quepem Municipal Garden. I
remember going to see him perform. It was well-attended and the people of
Quepem appreciated his kindness. It was such a proud moment for me as his
daughter. My father never hesitated to give a helping hand to those in
My father was a well renowned musician in Bollywood. My early childhood was
spent in Mumbai because of my father's employment. He was the primary
influence in my life and was my role model. He would take me to the film
recording studios, where I watched him play his guitar. Many of my
leadership traits were taken from the examples of my father. He was the
first Indian musician to introduce the electric guitar in Hindi movies. I
remember being introduced to the music directors and other musicians that
he worked with, and was in awe of his greatness. His untimely death left a
sudden void in my life and compelled me to carry on his message of striving
to achieve my full potential. His outstanding legacy will always be a part
of my life.

*As a Catholic girl from Goa, how was it like for you growing up in
Bombay? *
We lived in an area that was predominantly Goan Catholics. I attended a
nearby Catholic school in my early years. As the oldest child of 8
children, my father wanted me to have a good education and sent me to a
convent boarding school in Siolim, Goa. My father always emphasized on how
important an education was and had great expectations of me. I thrived
while there and was the head girl of my class. I came back to Bombay to
attend college and graduated from the University of Bombay with a degree in
Psychology (with Honors).

*With husband Dr. Terence D'Souza*

*You moved to the U.S. in 1978. Was it primarily because of academic
reasons or were there any other reasons?*
I came to the United States in 1978, as a young bride having married my
husband, Dr. Terence D'Souza of Cuncolim, Goa. He came to the US to do a
medical residency in Neurology. I chose to stay home and raise our 3
wonderful children, Lloyd, Vanessa and Christine. When our youngest entered
kindergarten, I decided to go back to school and was admitted to Tulane
University Law School in New Orleans. I graduate

Re: [Goanet] St. Francis Xavier

2014-02-04 Thread Joe Lobo
  Well said, Roland.too  many  of  us spend  a lot of time in  
supplication to the  saints  with special  prayers/ novenas  and  seem to lose
  sight  of the Holy Trinity !
- Original Message - 
From: "roland.francis" 
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2014 12:01 PM
Subject: [Goanet] St. Francis Xavier

> Personally, in the manner of Protestantism, I don't beleive in honoring 
> saints. Of the little time we allot to God, it is best not to dissipate any 
> with lesser beings.
> if one must spend precious prayers on saints, then it must be to respect the 
> memory of what they have done rather ask them for spiritual and temporal 
> favors. Why ask the nobles in a royal court when the king allows you to ask 
> him directly? 
> The worst of all this is to worship the dead body of a long gone saint 
> however realtively well preserved. The problem with this is what has recently 
> happened. Someone claimed that the body of Francis Xavier is actually that of 
> a revered Buddhist.
> Not being in a position to verify whether the body is that of the Spaniard 
> priest or of a Ceylonese Buddhist, wouldn't the spirit of the saint be a 
> surer bet to pray to if I was so disposed, rather than his questionable body.
> Ah, the ways of organized religion. 
> Roland.
> Sent from Samsung Mobile

Re: [Goanet] MORAJI DESAI WAS DRINKING URINE? That was his secret.

2014-02-09 Thread Joe Lobo

 I too  had been interested  whether  the  application  of  urine to 
shrubs, young saplings , etc;  was of  beneficial effect 
because the properties of  different  urines  would  vary . Inquiring  with 
my  friends i   got  feed  back that ranged  from  its being  good,  too 
strong/ alkalinity-wise, or of no great value.
 One of my  friends  who lived in Chembur,Mumbai  ascribed the good 
harvest  of  his  bimli  trees to the regular feeds of the urine.
- Original Message - 
From: "Stephen Dias" 
To: ; "Goanet" ; "Goa's premiere 
mailing list, estb. 1994!" 

Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2014 8:10 AM
Subject: [Goanet] MORAJI DESAI WAS DRINKING URINE? That was his secret.

Dear Menezes

Note: This is in connection with the news  published on Goanet.


I agree with you that Urine does lots of miracles but very few people
make use of it. There was one great politician in early years was
drinking his own  urine and he could probably survive for more than 90
years. What this gentlemen say is that his granny was carrying urine
in their fields and growing some plants from her urine therapy. I
totally agree because I myself do even now for one plant only at the
age of 65 years on research purpose, and my plant is growing well an
giving lots of fruits ,  much better than of my neighbor who has  same
kind of tree and grown at the same time. Her tree does not give
anything and has no life, since they do not feed this tree with
urine. One thing for certain that many ailments projected by this
author / gentleman may not be correct.

Stephen Dias,Goa

Re: [Goanet] Religious Persecution in India: Are you sure?

2014-02-16 Thread Joe Lobo
 Re : Basilio  Monteiro`s comment." Of course, a few Catholic  priests 
and nuns get killed, and that is painfully  sad; ".this comment  of 
his  smacks of  tacit  acceptance of  coercion to the  point of  murder in 
harassing and  persecution of  Christians  in  India  !  How  many  Hindu 
holy men are  similarly  killed ?
Santosh Helekar  seems  to  gloss over the  fact  that  a Hindu 
organisation  , ie  the  RSS ( Rashtriya Sevak Sangh )  set up in   India`s 
pre-independence  days  has  morphed  to a  covert  attacker of non-Hindu 
activities. While the Goa BJP  government has not shown any  communal 
tendencies...  we  have  to  dread  a federal BJP  government in 
Delhi  under PM Narendra Modi  with its   " hindutva " philosophy  that will 
allow the   RSS  free  rein to  preach  their  message  of  hatred  towards 
all   non-Hindu  Indians  be  they  goans  or  tribals or  dalits  who 
refuse  to  bow to the  high  caste  Hindu strict  ideology.
- Original Message - 
From: "Santosh Helekar" 

To: "estb. 1994! Goa's premiere mailing list" 
Sent: Saturday, February 15, 2014 2:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Religious Persecution in India: Are you sure?

Basilio Monteiro wrote:

I would like to offer a few random (not exhaustive) thoughts for 
consideration about the complex issue of >"religious persecution" in India. 
It is a sensitive and provocative issue. Of course, a few Catholic >priests 
and nuns get killed, and that is painfully sad; the murder of a priest or a 
nun in the hands of a >non-catholic is not necessarily an act of 

Basilio has presented a reasonable case on the issue of religious 
persecution in India. It should throw some light on why the claims of some 
Indian and foreign religious organizations/activists about widespread 
religious persecution in India against Christians in particular, are by and 
large exaggerations and distortions, although incidents of violent crimes or 
harassment involving religious fervor and discrimination do occur and have 
occurred from time to time throughout history.

To provide a global perspective on this issue, I give below the list of 
countries in which there is actual persecution according to an international 
Christian organization that monitors persecution of Christians around the 

North Korea
Saudia Arabia

Please see

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom which makes lists of 
"countries with particular concern" about religious freedom based on 
complaints made by political and religious activists around the world has 
provided the following list of such countries in its latest report:

North Korea
Saudi Arabia

Please see:



Re: [Goanet] Mumbai Goan restaurants

2013-05-10 Thread joe lobo

  If one checks  the video clips of  Kunal  Vijayakar ( the 
foodie)  on Youtubeyou get a small segment where he checks out the 
old restaurants  of Mumbai...including City Kitchen
started by Sacru  in the 50`s..and  now managed  by  his daughter 
Edna who  briefly mentioned  her dad..and the fact that he  used  to 
travel around tplaying old  for India. Did  he  not play  for for the 
Lusitanians   in Bombay of the old days .along  with  Venicio 
Carvalho ?

Re: [Goanet] Coconut

2013-06-01 Thread joe lobo

 Hey  Mervyn,
 Your  description  of  Barbados  sounds  like  a  mixture  of  old 
Zanzibar, Goa  and  question  :--is  it 
an  expensive  tourist  trap  like  any  of  the  other  Carribean  islands 
or  is  it  affordable to  a middle  class  person  like  myself?   For  one 
thing  it  is  closer  than  the  rather  long  20  hour air   journey to 
Goa and  the  irritation  of  a  visa  visit  to  the  Indian  consulate in 
TO  !!
- Original Message - 
From: "Mervyn Lobo" 

To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 10:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Coconut

Bosco D wrote:

Josenotwithstanding this thread leading you and our buddies Mervyn &
Rico to be flown by Captain Tobias Wilcox on Coconut Airways flight 372 to
Bridgetown, Barbados [1], your below comment reminded me of a quote
attributed to Steve Jobs aka the Gamechanger:

"A lot of times, people don't know what they want until you show it to 


1) If there is a place in the Caribbean that is almost like Goa, it has got 
to be Barbados.

a) For starters, its flag has Poseidon's Trident on it.

b) Its fish market - Oistens - has almost the same variety of seafood as the 
Panjim fish market. More importantly, there are women there who buy the 
catch as soon as the fishing boats come in, deep fry the same and serve it 
with a sauce made of bonnet peppers, lime, garlic and coriander with a side 
order of fried breadfruit. The result is close to heaven.

c) Believe it or not, the sea around the island is infested with flying 
fish. The way you go fishing in Barbados is by renting a dory. When you get 
to the fishing grounds, the captain instructs you to stand up in the dory 
carrying a large cardboard panel. Sooner or later you will see a 16 inch 
flying fish get out of the water i.e. 150 yards away and fly straight 
towards you. All you have to do is make sure the flying fish hits your 
cardboard and falls into the boat. The only fish more tasty than a flying 
fish is Kingfish and Bangares.

d) The state of the art cricket stadium there is named after Gary Sobers.

e) Almost forgot, the rum, well, if I mention that, the nation will be 
overwhelmed with tourists and probably lose its charm.

As for 2)
Well my favourite Apple joke is about the actress Gwyneth Paltrow. She named 
her first child Apple. A comedian then remarked that if she had a second 
child, she would have a pair.


Re: [Goanet] Unrest Eternally !

2013-06-01 Thread joe lobo

   I   have  often seemed  puzzled  in  my  mind  as 
to  how  cremation  of  an  entire  body  with  the  solid  wooden  casket 
only  amounts  to   a  small  canister (urn)  of  ashes.  I  phoned  a 
couple  of funeral  parlours in  my  area  who  directed me  to  the 
crematorium operators to  answer  my  queries.   Their  answers seem  to 
dodge my question.  as  to  whether  the  body  was  removed  and 
the casket   resold (  recycled) ?.maybe  you  could  illuminate  me

- Original Message - 
From: "Venantius J Pinto" 

Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 1:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Unrest Eternally !

Hi Mervyn,
Now you make very good points. Interesting story on TStrange. Language is
very interesting in where a thought points us to. I read this joke
recently: A duck goes into a bar and asks for a drink. The bartender says:
Can it put it on your bill.

The tidal pool anecdote is really interesting, and STRANGE. The funky bit
to my mind (and perhaps yours too) is the relationship of the two to each
other, conflated with the tidal pool, undertow and all. Lord this is a
riot. Good one.

Good idea of the brass band. My brother got a brass band for my Dads
funeral. The sad part was that they all looked horribly sad. I did a book
on Dads funeral. And imagine that my parents had a ten piece band at their
wedding. Anyway, if I was at the funeral then for sure I would have yelled
at the people to snap out of it.

Thanks for the clarification about Niagara. I am also very please that you
did not misconstrue my exhortation to damn your ashes.

Thank you.
venantius j pinto

Date: Tue, 28 May 2013 16:51:22 -0700 (PDT)

From: Mervyn Lobo 
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"

Subject: Re: [Goanet] Unrest Eternally !

Mervyn wrote:
Till this very day, if you are Catholic and you conk off in Toronto and
nobody comes to claim your body, Catholic Charities will bury you for 
- with all the last rites. I am not sure if the cremation approval 
when they started running out of space at paupers graveyards in Europe, 

that is my guess. Catholic Charities here have a whole set of lawyers and
they will even bury family members together when requested.?

This leads me to the story of a lawyer named Thomas Strange who was
shopping for a tombstone. After he had made his selection, the 
asked him what inscription he would like on it.?"Here lies Thomas 

an honest man and a lawyer," responded our lawyer.?"Sorry, but I can't do
that," replied the stone-cutter. "In this province, it's against the law 

bury two people in the same grave, and the authorities would be confused.
However, I could put 'Here lies an honest lawyer.'"?

"But that won't let people know who it is" protested the lawyer.?
"Sure they will," replied the stone-cutter. "Everyone who reads it will
think, 'That's Strange!'"


The request that conformed into my idea of strange, however, was when I
attended a ceremony where the ashes of someone and his mother-in-law were
dropped into the same tidal pool.?

As for cremation, during the process the water component of the body gets
vaporized. This condenses and can later fall as rain on someone who is
riding his motor-bike home. In my mind, the only better farewell scenario
is to have a brass band, with happy musicians, swinging you slowly down 

streets of New Orleans. This, I agree, is the height of pretentiousness.

Niagara Falls is far more cheaper for my last dispatch. I am
also?assured?that some of the participants will next go to one of the
casino's there?to enjoy those living moments.?

PS. Gabe, rest assured that it is perfectly legal to scatter ashes into
the Niagara Falls.?


2013-06-03 Thread joe lobo
It`s  obvious   your  beloved  Chief Minister  does  not  give  a  damn 
about  this  issue  but  has  time  to entertain  the   wishes  of  the 
Casino  promotersand  the  other  north indian  land 
- Original Message - 
From: "Nelson Lopes" 

To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Monday, June 03, 2013 3:34 AM
Subject: [Goanet] NO LAND FOR IIT IN GOA?

It is a pity that the premier institution IIT sanctioned for Goa has till
date , no permanent address. it is utilising make shift arrangement at
Farmagudi engineering college complex. The stablishment of this Institute
of repute will give advantage of 50% seats to Goan students on merit among
themselves. This is no mean assurance It is an open secret, how tough and
difficult the competition is at all India level to qualify for such a 

Are we going to throw away this beneficial privilege ?In the past
reservations of 25 seats to Goans in National Institutes and Regional
colleges have been stopped, The C.M who recently entertained the idea and
the proposal for French Educational expansion must give prority to what is
already guaranted. Govt has acquired acres of land, displacing people and
traditional occupations. It appears there is land for every thing except
IIT to take a foothold . In Goa Mr Parikar who himself is the
EducationMinister and an alumini of IIT, will appreciate the difficult
level in securing an admission at such institutes.
Politics must not be allowed to sabotage the proposal and IIT be allowed 

be moved out of Goa for want of land. Those scholars who are unable to get
merit scholarships of Goa Govt, and admission on merit at all India level,
can reasonably hope to be admitted on 50% reserved quota for Goans
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim 

Re: [Goanet] Need contact

2013-06-28 Thread Joe Lobo

  Try the  e-mail  address  :--

Bernardo de Sousa
E-mail Address(es):

  Best  wishes !
  Joe Lobo ( )

- Original Message - 
From: "Kranti Farias" 
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 4:34 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Need contact

Dear Editor,

Can you help me to get I touch with Mr. Bernado Elvino de souza?

Thank you,

Dr. Mrs. Kranti Farias
(Historian )


2013-06-28 Thread Joe Lobo
   Hi  John  Eric !
Did  you  forget  to   attach  the picture  of  the  cattle you  say  were  
strolling  across  NH-17..How  does  the  traffic  on  a  HIGHWAY avoid 
these  dumb  beasts  that  their  owners allow  to  ramble   especially in  
sections  that  have no  lighting  at  nights ?
  Are  your  ministers  only coddling  the  mine  -owning   families  and  
developers  with  mega  projects  on  their  minds regardless  of  the  lack of 
 electricity  and garbage  collection/disposal  while  they  obviously  line  
their  pockets  and  turn  Goa  into  a  slum  like  Dharavi (in Mumbaai )  ?? 
- Original Message - 
From: "john eric" 
To: "Goanet Lists" 
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2013 7:39 AM
Subject: [Goanet] CATTLE ON THE ROADS

We were assured that arrangements were made for getting cattle off the roads. 
Now how many times have we heard that before! Don't they feel ashamed that 
government is helpless and cannot keep their promises? Here are cattle 
(attached picture) boldly on the highway NH-17, strolling/eating up the flower 
beds and young saplings just opposite HDFC Bank/Durga motors Porvorim.


2014-07-26 Thread Joe Lobo
When  a politician  speaks  , . you have  to  understand  that  he 
speaks  "  out   both  sides of his mouth "he  hopes to  deceive 
everybody  so  that  he  is  voted in  the  next  time...most 
politicians  are  more  interestd  in  their own survival in power than the 
interests  of  their  constituents.
- Original Message - 
From: "Stephen Dias" 
To: "Goanet" ; "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 

Sent: Friday, July 25, 2014 6:37 PM

Statement made by Dy Chief Minister Francisco d"Sousa and Minister of PWD
Sudin Dhavalikar on Hindutava  in the floor of assembly was irrelevant and
offensive for the minorities group in India especially in Goa. The 

Minister even said that we are all Hindus and that he himself  is Hindu
Christian. How come he has decided to keep the names for his children as
Christian names and why he has baptized them. Moreover he married a
Catholic women. When we are born as Hindus there was no need to baptize.
Once a person is baptized then he/she becomes catholic.  He is still free
to change his Christian name into Hindu name. Nobody has any objection but
he remains Christian.

Stephen Dias

Re: [Goanet] A request for Rachead Masala

2014-08-07 Thread Joe Lobo
  Dear  Readers,
  Can  anyone  give me a  recipe for  Rachead Masala. I looked for it in the 
Cuisine section  of the website  but  could not find any recipe for 
this masala.  Thanks !
  Joe Lobo 

Re: [Goanet] This is for ex Africanders

2014-08-29 Thread Joe Lobo

 Maybe, you  could  e-mail  Mervyn  Lobo  who  sometimes  posts   small 
messages, opinions,  reminiscences etc; to  dip into  his  sources/old 
albums to contribute a few more old  pictures from Tanzania and Zanzibar 
to  this  Facebook  site  that you  speak  would  make 
the " sprinkling "  grow to a reasonable and  representative  amount.
   John  Nazareth  ( originally  of  Entebbe, Uganda )  now  resident in TO 
might  chip in  with  some  old  memories from the  Uganda  days.

- Original Message - 
From: "Gabe Menezes" 
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" ; 

Sent: Friday, August 29, 2014 2:52 AM
Subject: [Goanet] This is for ex Africanders

On Face book there is a page "Nostalgic East Africa" lots of old pics
mostly from Kenya but there are a sprinkling from Tanzania and Ugdanda.


Gabe Menezes. 

Re: [Goanet] Negligence of Power Dept:LETS DO THIS FOR GOA: SORT OUTTHE POWER DEPT.

2011-05-19 Thread Joe lOBO

I commend  you for being  ready  to reach into his pocket  and  fund and be 
ready assist the  criminal prosecution of those responsible !  How ever 
would the police in Goa be  ready to accept  a  F.I.R. ? Is   the  Power 
Dept. part of  the  PWD ? If  so, the PWD minister  Shri  Churchill Alemao 
should be doing  something about  the incident.
- Original Message - 
From: "Gerald Fernandes" 

Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 9:37 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Negligence of Power Dept:LETS DO THIS FOR GOA: SORT OUTTHE 

We are deeply touched by the loss of Arjun. I woud be personally willing to 
aid, assist and coordinate the criminal prosecution of the Chief Electrical 
Engineer, the concerned Electrical Staff ( whatever their designations). 
This MUST STOP. We have earlier lost friends and their kids in Morjim. This 
f .g cavalier attidude must be made to change Lets do this for Goa and 
people resident in Goa.

In deep sorrow,
Gerald Fernandes 

Re: [Goanet] "Nach go Nola "?

2011-05-20 Thread Joe lOBO

Hi  Mr. Colaco,
  Strangely  similar  to   Roland  Francis`  account  many  months 
ago.."  Mezak  Mure " which  I think  happened somewhere in  north 
Goa  (  was  it  Bastora  or  thereabouts  ?  ) when  as  youngsters  my 
brother  and  I were  boarders  with  our  aunt  Emilia in Bombay of   of 
the  50`s , we  were in the months of April- May introduced  to  the  joys 
of  rural  Goa.  Aunt Emilia, keen to  introduce  us  to traditions informed 
us  that  she  had  to  have us  registered  as"zonekars" of  the 
village  of Pilerne where  our  dad had originated. To  see the  tomes of 
old  sombre looking rgisters  which  the  " escrivao" perused as he 
questioned aunt about us, was  a small education in itself. I don`t 
remember  the  details but  Aunt Emilia`s  eyes  had that  gleam of  success 
that  these  2  young  "afrikars" were now  joining the rest their forebears 
in  the  tomes.
 The escrivao   , she  later  told  us ,  had informed  her that  about 5 
generations ago our  branch of g-grandfather`s family had  moved  from 
Nachinola to  Pilerne. I  wonder  if  it  had  any connection to Nola 
dancing for some  agent !!
- Original Message - 
From: "J. Colaco < jc>" 
To: ; "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 

Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2011 8:20 AM

Domnic Fernandes wrote: ‘Similarly, here I recall a small village in
Goa – Nachinola. As per the ancestors, there was a woman who was an
expert dancer in the village. One day, a foreigner arrived to name the
village. When he saw Nola dancing, he named the village ‘NACHINOLA’ -
NACH-GO-NOLA (dance-oh-Nola.) Many are not aware of this tiny village,
Nachinola. You must visit it and witness the spot where Nola danced,
which we believe is still there.’


Dear Dominic,

My Dad told me of the 'origin' of that name when he realised that I
was going to be an in-law of Nachinola. Interesting that Marshall and
I have some common paths (St Vincent's Poona & Nachinola). Yes, I too
heard about that tragic story.

Having said that, folklore also has the village south of Navelim
(Dramapur) as originating from Dhor, Mar ani Pur (Catch, beat up and

BTW: I always wondered why it was that the folks from the
formerly-picturesque village of Assolna were said to be a constipated


Re: [Goanet] Book Review

2011-06-14 Thread Joe lOBO
Indeed , this book review comes as an  eye opener to many of  us goans who 
have  been resident overseas  sometimes through a  succesion of  three 
generations. Many of  us  who are  great, or greater grandchildren of the 
diaspora and  have  lost touch with the original  India  (which was in many 
cases  was  a collection of  kingdoms united later by outside   invaders 
like the Moghuls or even the forces of Alexander of Macedonia} now 
look  on India, Pakistan and Nepal as  single entities until recently viewed 
as " third  world " states. We overlook the  fact  that systemic 
discrimination due to ancient   tribal,caste and  social class biases still 
exist  today in  and  around the subcontin ent.
The  fact  that  a large  Maoist type  conflict between the poorer tribals 
and villagers and the  existing  government stems from  struggle  between 
capitalistic economies and the peasants who are being dispossesed of their 
traditional agricultural lands.
I  shall definitely make  an  effort to  get  hold of the book  thru` my 
contacts in Goa.
- Original Message - 
From: "dale luis menezes" 

Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2011 1:39 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Book Review


Kindly publish my book review which appeared on GT today.


India is a diverse country of varied heritage where Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs 
and Christians live in peace and harmony; this is an oft heard refrain. 
But did it ever occur to us that in this country there are other 
identities that are not Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and Christians? Tribal 
groups, low castes and host of other subalterns do not fit the broad 
categorization mentioned above. They are so isolated from us socially and 
politically that one never has any idea about their existence and their 
miserable plight. Crushed by grinding poverty and the caste system, their 
voice barely reaches our cities – big and small – where all the power is 

The Branded: Uchalya is the eye-opening autobiography of Laxman Gaikwad, 
translated from the original Marathi by P A Kolharkar. Gaikwad belongs to 
the community of Uchalya/Pathruts, a tribe notified by the British Raj as 
criminal under the Criminal Tribes’ Act, first passed in 1871 (but now 
denotified). They generally engage in odd jobs that are seasonally 
available. Due to crushing poverty and the stigma of belonging to a 
‘criminal’ community, the tribesmen of Laxman Gaikwad has no choice but to 
resort to stealing or theft. Gaikwad tells the story of his early life 
along with the people and the significant others who surrounded and shaped 
him. Gaikwad prefers his book to be read from a sociological perspective 
rather than a literary one.

Gaikwad’s community involved themselves in pick-pocketing because the 
caste-ridden hierarchy had rejected this group and consigned them to live 
as animals. Every novitiate ‘thief’ is initiated into the art of stealing. 
Since a gang member should not reveal his accomplices to the police, a 
novice is deliberately subjected to severe beatings that make them ‘immune’ 
to police torture. Gaikwad gives a terrifying picture of such an 
initiation. The Bharat blade used to cut the pockets is always worshipped 
like a deity before a thieving expedition because it provided them their 

Gaikwad gives a crude and at times graphic description of the pitiable 
condition that he and his extended family had to endure, the difficulties 
his family faced to get proper meals and how they were beaten, harassed 
and hounded and their women molested (generally on false pretense) by the 
police. Such a description in coarse and crude language of the atrocities 
caused by the system in which these groups are forced to live would not go 
down well with people who are used to the luxury of shiny cars and 
air-conditioned buildings or who are just born in an upper caste family.

The Pathruts never usually school their wards. So when Gaikwad finds 
himself in a school because his father believes strongly in education, 
they both have to face adverse reaction from the family and their 
community. One thing that struck me about Gaikwad’s schooling experience 
is that the ‘ideal’ is far removed from (his) ‘reality’. Consider this, 
“When I used to open the text-book for Marathi, on the first page, I used 
to see: ‘India is my country…proud of its rich and varied heritage.’ I 
used to wonder why if all this were true, we were beaten with false 
allegation of theft…I often wonder why if Bharat is our country, we are 
discriminated against, why our race is branded and treated as a thieves’ 

While in school, Gaikwad is attracted to bhajans and kirtans and excels in 
performing them. Participating in these religious functions, the effects 
of Sanskritization start affecting his mind. “I began to say that eating 
crabs, fish, pigs every day was a sin. I began to observe Fridays and 
Saturdays i

Re: [Goanet] Was Floriano Vaz a denationalised Goan.....

2011-06-14 Thread Joe lOBO

 Like police all over  the  planet  who  while  preserving  law and 
order  and  their  political  masters , the Goa Police  probably  had  no 
qualms  defending the  Gujerat SRP  in  their  execution of   the  the 
victim . That`s  the  way  the   services  operate.  Kill one  or  a few 
and  you`ll scare the  rest  who  might  protest.  Did  you  not  read 
reports  of the  G-20 crowd  control ? where police  in  Toronto  " 
kettled "  innocent  people  on their  way  to / from work and in  one 
case  beat  a  person  who  photographed  them  beating peaceful  protestors 
on  the  lawns of  Queen`s  Park  which  I  guess   had  suddenly  turned 
into   hallowed  ground .
- Original Message - 
From: "Eugene Correia" 

Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2011 5:51 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Was Floriano Vaz a denationalised Goan.

I went though my files and found this in the Pulse (December 1987),
published by the Goan Overseas Association, and which I edited at that
I am giving below the sidebar to the story, When Goa Went Wild, I
wrote from reading various newspapers and providing my own opinion. I
have scanned the pages and I have corrected some spelling mistakes. If
there are any more, please excuse me.
In the meantime I am still awaiting reply to my queries from Miquel
and Soter. Yes Miquel I was living in "wonderland" then and still now,
but I assume you are living in hinterland (or perhaps in some
botanical garden) or possibly digging up the reports relating to
Floriano's death in your specialized way as a botanist.
I repeat what Miquel wrotes, "Then why bother to comment on Florian
Vaz you do not remember?? Perhaps, Goa became a STATE because he was
KILLED. His life would have been
inconsequential as a Gawddi boy in Gogol." How come you do not
REMEMBER some of the things that I mention in the story below?
As a concluding para, Miquel says, "Eugene-bab, "Those who do not
remember their history are condemned to see it repeat" these words
have written and read before." Miquel bab, even from a long distance I
keep track of Goa's history, both past and present.
As for Soter, he may be too busy attacking some NGOs. It is indeed
"sad" that these two worthies cannot find stories that would put the
Floriano case in proper perspective. It is also "sad" thaf
both these activists went missing in action.



With no ready access to news in Goa, how far the magisterial
enquiry into the Floriano Vaz case has progressed is hard to know. But
the discrepanices in official reports issued immediately after
Floriano's death showed that the unarmed and helpless youth was shot
dead from point-blank range.
 According to investigative~ reports, Floriono Vaz died after
he was hit by a bullet fired from the rifle of head constable Rajaram
Pawar of the Gujarat Security Reserve Police (SRP), who were rushed to
Goa to control the agitation that was launched a day prior to the
incident on December 20.
 Police versions of the incident said that on that fateful
day, Sudin Bhagvanta Naique, a member of a business family of Margao,
could not pass as the road, a few kilometers outside Margao, was
blocked. He and his ox-employee Floriano engaged in a verbal duel. A
neighbour, Jose Francisco Gomes, heard a single gun shot. He ran to
the spot where three houses, all belonging to the Vaz family, are
situated. He saw Floriano lying on the ground with blood oozing out of
his stomach. H. noticed the veh-icle belonging to Sudin Naique parked
not too far away, beside a SRP van.
 The police first said that Flori-ano and three others had
assailed sub-inspector Narayan Yetale, belonging to Goa Police. The
police report said that the three persons attempted to take the
inspector's revolver. The SRP constable fired, hitting Vaz.
 Immediately after, th. police corrected this version by
issuing another report. In the second version the police noted that a
violent mob of 400- to 500-strong attacked the policemen who fired and
a bullet hit Florlano.
Later enquires revealed that Floriano was shot by a 303 rifle and that
he died from a wound "fatal in the ordinary course of nature."
 However the police, instead of conducting a full inquiry
into the incident, charged the deceased and the mob with several
counts, ranging from putting up rood blocks to snatching a policeman's
 The  police report said that the body had "no external
injur-ies", but later added another line that said "the body was
turned and excepting the ban-daged port (bullet wound) no ether
injuries were seen." Investigations later revealed that the body had
about 15 marks which, according to hospital sources, were from a
police lathi (stick). The post-morton report noted that a couple of
marks proved that the victim tried to protect himself from the
 According to independing findings, Sudin Naique returned
with two police officers in

Re: [Goanet] There cannot be another Goan Revolution

2011-06-20 Thread Joe lOBO

 What SOTER  has  failed  to mention  about  the  1961 annexation of  Goa 
by the  Indian  army is  that  it  came  about  as  the  then  PM 
Jawaharlal  Nehru embarrased by  his  inability  to  persuade   vast 
sections  of  Goans  in  Goa ( notably  the  Catholics who  aquiesced  to 
the  idea of  Portuguese  citizenship as  equal  citizens  who  were 
represented in  Lisbon by goan  representatives in  a  federal  parliament 
as being  from  an  overseas  province  rather  than  a subjugated  colony ) 
to  engage in  bloody  revolution. Goans resident  in  India , loyal  to 
India  were  urging  the   " freeing  "  of  goa  from  what they saw as 
domination by   an European Portugal with  goan middle class of beauracrats 
acting in consort with them.I remember the editor of  the  Goan Tribune in 
Bombay  then , (  was  he  a  Soares ?? ) even  exhorting the brave  ones 
in Bombay  to  join  the  satyagrahis in their  forceful forays  into Goa .
 Santosh , you  cannot deny  that  after  India , ignoring the U.N.   " 
liberated " Goa and used  a Military   governor  to  rule by Presidential 
decree for  over  a year. That is  the  style  of  a  military  occupier 
keeping  down a  conquered  people.  The  fact  most senior  positions  in 
goa  were  advertised   first  in  Delhi  and  other  states  so  that 
competent  goans  in Goa  then  could  be  bypassed for for  out-of- state 
Indians  has  been  swept  under the  carpet in the  media.   Follwing  that 
our hindu  goans  including  that  Shri Bandodkar  agitated   for 
Goa to  be   merged  into  Maharashtra  so  as  to  share  the 
spoils  of  conquest  with  his   marathi  kith  and  kin   with scant 
regard  for the  different identity  that  Goa  had  by  virtue of its 
450 -year history.  Remember  the  "  Zalas  Pahije ! " cries  that wer 
raised  in the  then Bombay regarding  Goa  being  swallowed by  them ?

- Original Message - 
From: "Santosh Helekar" 

To: " estb. 1994!Goa's premiere mailing list" 
Sent: Saturday, June 18, 2011 12:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] There cannot be another Goan Revolution

It appears that in the following various Indian communities such as Rajputs, 
Lingayats, other Hindus and Muslims are being portrayed negatively. Ramani, 
a Goan name is also dragged into the mix. Among the communities that are 
quite predictably left out are non-Indians such as Russians.



--- On Sat, 6/18/11, SOTER  wrote:

It was in 1946 that Ram Manohar
Lohia raised the banner of revolt at Margao against the
Portuguese Government. All that the revolution could acheive
fifteen years later was a forced intrusion by the Indian
Army into Goa which in international fora was considered as
an annexation. The reason was obvious. The band of marathi
socialists deputed from across the borders could not win the
hearts and minds of the Goan people. As this fact became
clear, the possibility of the Portuguese Government granting
autonomy to Goa became a cause for nervousness for an
ambitious and greedy Maharashtra. Panic set into its ranks
leading to an armed take over of Goa. It is for this reason
that the so called freedom fighters still do not feel
liberated from the Portuguese and find every excuse to
disturb the peace of this State.

Sixty five years later there cannot be another political
revolution with a Gupta as the Goan Opinion maker, a Pandit
as the Goan historian, a Vagela as Goa's activist, a Sharma
as the Goan educationist, a Ramani as the embassador of Goan
culture, a Gauda as the Sarpanch, some Khan as the
Goan industrialist, a Bajpai as the custodian of Goan
properties, Gundurao as your Goan banker, a Sonak as the
Goan legal advisor and the rest on the migrant wagon
refusing to accept Konkani as their mother tongue. This is
the irony. The fruits of a revolution started 65 years ago
can be seen in a Baba and a Togadia dictating the medium of
instruction for Goans and a Montek Singh Ahluwalia charting
the course of Goan economy. A Malia heightens the spirits
and an Advani defines Tourism. The chain does not end here.
Every damn decision on the life and livelihood of Goa has to
be activated by a Sonia or a Gadkari sitting in Delhi. It is
an era where in the lion sits with the lamb, the socialists
and communists embrace the communalists at Azad maidan. All
thatis possible are micro revolutions to wipe out the traces
of the true Goan people.

The connotation of the word revolution in liberated Goa has
also been redefined in the context of globalisation and
liberalisation. To be a modern day revolutionary for Goa one
needs to qualify as a boot licker, pimp, broker, fraudster,
yesman, conman for the ruling class/castes and their
supporting class of industrialists. These results and titles
conferred upon Goans gets published in Goa's news journals
manned by agents from beyond the borders. The only other
title that comes cheap if one does not qualify for the above
is the title of 'Nax

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