[Goanet] There isn’t enough water to interlink rivers across India: IIT study...Ht Mumb 8th Aug

2016-08-29 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


There isn’t enough water to interlink rivers across India 
The government’s ambitious plan to interlink India’s rivers for better 
distribution of water across the country may need to be tweaked to factor in 
the ...

The government’s ambitious plan to interlink India’s rivers for better 
distribution of water across the country may need to be tweaked to factor in 
the effects of climate change.

An analysis of weather data for 103 years (1901 to 2004) by researchers from 
the Indian Institutes of Technology in Mumbai and Chennai shows that rainfall 
has decreased over the years, reducing water stocks even in river basins that 
have a surplus. The data was collected from 1,384 weather stations of the India 
Meteorological Department.

The eight-member team from the Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay (IITB) and 
the Indian Institute of Technology-Madras (IITM) found a significant decrease 
in rainfall – more than 10 per cent each in the major surplus basins of the 
Mahanadi, the Godavari, the Brahmani, the Mahi, the Meghna and the multiple 
small rivers in the Western Ghats and those flowing east. Only the Brahmaputra 
river basin showed no decrease in rainfall.

“One of the plans of interlinking of rivers is supplying water from a surplus 
basin to a deficient one,” said Professor Subimal Ghosh, civil engineering 
department, IITB. “But if the surplus basin itself shows a declining trend of 
water availability, they will find it difficult to both meet their own demands 
and also supply the quantum of water committed to the deficit river basins. The 
project may not be sustainable.”

The team has called for a detailed climate change impact assessment for 
individual river basins that is essential for India’s water management. “One of 
the important aspects (for the variability) could be perturbations in cloud and 
precipitation formation processes due to changes in extrinsic and intrinsic 
properties of atmospheric aerosols,” said Professor Sachin S Gunthe, civil 
engineering department, IITM, adding that detailed studies were needed.

Atmospheric aerosols are fine suspended particles with size range of 50 nm 
(nanometers) to 500 nm that act as a seed for the formation of cloud and 

“This is not an opposition to interlinking rivers. Linking rivers will have an 
ecological impact when building a chain of reservoirs, canals and dams. The 
project therefore should be re-analysed and re-evaluated taking into account 
changes in weather patterns,” said Gunthe. “Such a decrease in surplus river 
basin contradicts the traditional notion that climate change is causing wet 
areas to become wetter and dry areas to become drier over Indian region.”

The analysis found that Indus and Ganga rivers are deficit basins given the 
huge water demand for agriculture, industrial and domestic sectors that are met 
by ground water rather than rainfall.

“Climate model projections are available, and hence projects must be designed 
estimating the availability of water for the next 30 to 40 years. Else, it will 
be a failure,” said Ghosh.

[Goanet] SHOULD BIG BROTHER ALWAYS BE WATCHING EVERYWHERE? - Act to make Maharashtra a `police state' draws ire...MM Aug 24th

2016-08-29 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

state' draws ire
Makarand Gadgil TWEETS @makarandmirror1

Rights activists and opposition parties denounce the draft Protection of 
Interna Security Act, claim the `draconian' law will restrict the people's 
right to protest
The draft of a new internal security law which the ruling dispensation claims 
will brace the state against insur gency and violence of any kind has rattled 
activists and opposition parties in the state, who claim that it will tighten 
the noose on the people's right to protest, while restricting their movement.

The BJP-ruled government released the draft Maharashtra Protection of Internal 
Security Act (MPISA) on its website on Saturday, giving three weeks to the 
people to give suggestions and raise objections to it.

The proposed Act purportedly aims to neutralise threat from terror ism, 
insurgency, and communal and caste violence by ceding unprecedented power to 
the police, activists say, even as opposition parties cry foul over the 
“draconian“ and “undemocratic“ law.

The draft proposes to carve special security zones, or SSZs, where movement of 
arms, explosives and inflow of unaccounted funds will be prohibited. The ambit 
of these SSZs will cover dams, defence establishments, government facilities 
and buildings, nuclear reactors and transportation systems, all of which have 
been identified as `critical infrastructure sectors'.

If cleared, it will be the first such law at state-level, which that intends to 
reinforce internal security by giving more power to the police department.

Under the Act, any device or substance that can lead to explosions or threaten 
public safety and order can be proscribed altogether from the special security 
zone, or regulated.Rights bodies fear that this clause gives a licence to the 
cops to basically ban anything they want more or less anywhere.

The law also makes it mandatory for all private institutes to carry out CCTV 
surveillance and fortify their premises with police presence. The footage from 
the security cameras should be stored for up to 30 days, the draft lays down. 
It is feared that this will allow for replicating the ruthless checks and 
dilatory frisking people are subject to at air ports and malls everywhere: from 
government offices to pri vate institutions, malls, industries, railway 
stations, bus depots, dams and water pipelines.

What has irked the opposition and activists the most is the requirement of 
prior police permission for any assembly of more than 100 persons in SSZs. 
Worse, violators will face up to three years in jail.

Ulka Mahajan, convener of the National Movement for People's Alliance (NAPAM), 
questioned the need to enact a new law when the state has a whole arsenal of 
internal security laws at its disposal. “We suspect this is nothing but an 
attempt to put curbs on public protests and movements against unjust projects 
thrust upon them in the name of infrastructure and security,“ she said.

She pointed out the irony that the law is being brought in by a party, the 
ruling BJP, which claimed to be at the vanguard of protests against the 
Emergency in the 1970s.

The Opposition panned the Act as undemocratic and oppressive.“The powers 
proposed for the police to arrest anyone on mere suspicion, and the provisions 
of curbing people's agitation go patently against the democratic ethos of this 
country,“ Congress legislator and party spokesman Sanjay Dutt said. “They plan 
to crush dissent, which is growing every day due to the inept and corrupt 
functioning of this government.“

To help enforce the Act, a new internal security committee chaired by the home 
minister by virtue of his office will be set up. Its other members will include 
the minister of state (home), the chief secretary, the director general of 
police, and the state intelligence department's chief.


TOI Aug 29th
PUBLIC EYE PRAFULLA MARPAKWAR - CM in a fix after fiasco over Maha security bill

A week after a huge embarrassment over Bhagwan Sahai episode, for BJP's first 
Chief Mini ster Devendra Fadnavis, it was yet another major embarrassment over 
the proposed Maharashtra Protection of Internal Security Act. In less than a 
fortnight, Fadnavis had to withdraw the draft notification of the controversial 
legislation from the official website of the state government.The home 
department led by Fadnavis put up the draft notification on the website and 
quietly withdrew it after there was loud protest all over. It appears that high 
ran king bureaucrats in the general administration and home department failed 
to assess the situation and 

[Goanet] Ahead of Mother Teresa’s Canonization, tracing her journey in Kolkata...HT Mumb 28th Aug 2016

2016-08-29 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Ahead of Mother Teresa’s Canonization, tracing her journey in 
Ahead of Mother Teresa’s upcoming canonisation on September 4, HT revisits a 
few places that were privileged to be associated with her.

  *   Poulomi Banerjee, Hindustan Times |
  *   Updated: Aug 28, 2016 10:50 IST

The kindergarten school at Nirmala Shishu Bhawan , a Missionaries of Charity 
home for children in Kolkata (Samir Jana/HT PHOTO)

In Kolkata, Mother Teresa has left her touch beyond the walls of the Mother 
House and the centres she started across the city to nurse the “poorest of the 
poor”. Her legacy survives not just in the Sisters who took up her vow of 
serving the needy and the slum-dwellers, but in odd lanes and bylanes, where 
one suddenly finds a board proudly proclaiming its association with Mother. It 
was a long and often arduous journey for her, from the time she left the 
confines of the Loreto Convent till the time she took up residence at Mother 

Ahead of her upcoming canonisation on September 4, when the Vatican will 
declare her to be what her fondest followers have always revered her as - a 
saint - HT revisits a few places that were privileged to be associated with her.

The classroom at Loreto St Mary’s school in Entally where Mother Teresa taught 
between 1937 to 1948. In 1944 she had also been appointed headmistress of the 
school (Samir Jana/HT PHOTO)

>From 1937 to 1948, Mother Teresa taught at Loreto St Mary’s school in Entally. 
>She was appointed headmistress of the school in 1944. A teacher of geography, 
>she was so fluent in Bengali, that she taught with ease in the school that 
>used Bengali as its medium of instruction.The school has preserved the chair 
>and desk used by Mother Teresa while a teacher there, and a classroom where 
>she taught, along with hand-written registers where she had made records about 
>the performance of the students.

In 1935, Mother Teresa was in-charge of St Teresa’s school on AJC Bose Road, 
close to where she would later open Mother House. In 1948, after she left 
Loreto, she started her first dispensary in the adjacent building of St Teresa 
of Avila Church. She would also have her mid-day meals there and would pray at 
the Church. She was last at the Church on April 27, 1997, months before she 
died on September 5 the same year.

St Teresa’s school, adjacent to St Teresa’s church in Kolkata. Mother Teresa 
taught here while she was with Loreto Convent and it was here that she started 
her first dispensary after leaving Loreto. (Samir Jana/HT PHOTO)

After leaving Loreto Convent in 1948, Mother Teresa lived for two months at the 
home for the elderly run by the Little Sisters of the Poor. It was here that 
she got some basic training in caring for the sick, the elderly and the poor. 
She would walk from here to the slums everyday

>From here, Mother Teresa moved to 14 Creek Lane. The owner of the house, Mr 
>Michael Gomes, allowed Mother Teresa to live and work from one floor of the 
>house. She was joined here by the first batch of 12 sisters with whom she 
>started the Missionaries of Charity.

Read:?Mother Teresa’s Mission survives Beyond Her 

She lived here till she moved to Mother House in the 1950s. Mother House, in 
Kolkata’s AJC Bose Road remained Mother’s residence till her death in 1997.

The house in Creek Lane where Mother Teresa lived before moving to Mother House 
(Samir Jana/HT PHOTO)
Mother Teresa’s room at Mother 

[Goanet] Mumbai: Who has the time or space for wi-fi at railway station?/ CAN WE REALLY AFFORD SUCH FRIVOLITIES?.. HT Mumb Aug 28th

2016-08-29 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

  *   28 Aug 2016
  *   Mumbai

Wi-fi is a necessity today, but I would have thought comfort was more vital 
than connectivity.


We need basics such as comfortable benches and cleaner washrooms at our railway 
stations. Spaces along the tracks could be beautified and slums removed in such 
a way that they do not return.

Stations should have lifts and better connectivity with arterial roads, perhaps 
through foot and road overbridges.

Food stalls should be cleaner, their rates standardised and their offerings 
improved. Change-dispensing machines could be installed too.

Stations could be beautified to reflect the culture and heritage of India.

What we need first is a more pleasant journey.

— Karuna Chandwani


When you’re on a Mumbai train in rush hour, the last thing on your mind is 

Travel in Mumbai is hectic and chaotic. So while we do admittedly need 
technology, it is much more important to focus on comfort right now.

Who would even think of using wi-fi on a train in rush hour, given how 
super-loaded our trains are?

Instead, platforms and railway stations should be given a facelift first. This 
would add a bit of cheer to the life of the tired commuter. Platforms could 
have warm lighting and decorative plants to make them feel a little more 

Touchscreen kiosks for tourist could make travel more interactive and less 
confusing. Some care could be taken to keep the tracks clean and clear out the 
slums adjoining almost all our railway stations.

Walls could have bright murals to bring a bit of happiness to the train 
commuter, and interiors of the coaches could be painted with scenes from Indian 
culture and heritage.

More water coolers and perhaps a reading room could be set up. Soothing music 
could be added in the background, to soothe the harried mind.

Travel in Mumbai is never easy and small changes could go a long way towards 
minimising stress. Authorities could perhaps tie up with private companies to 
bring about these improvements.

— Savita Sakhrani


I have been travelling on Mumbai’s local trains since 1968 and I am happy to 
see it offer wi-fi facilities.

However, what we really need is crowd management and accident control. At 
present people are falling to their deaths from overcrowded trains. The 
railways must increase frequency in peak hours. More services should also be 
launched from stations like Kurla, Thane, Dombivli and Kalyan on the Central 
line, Belapur, Mankhurd, Kurla and Wadala on the Harbour line, and Dadar, 
Bandra, Andheri and Borivli on the Western line. The long awaited Bombardier 
rakes should be put to work as early as possible to increase speed as well.

— R Ramakrishnan


The government’s wi-fi initiative is welcome. Given the times we live in, the 
move seems an appropriate step towards modernisation.

But there are more urgent issues that need to be addressed for the safety and 
security of travellers. For starters, the gap between trains and platforms 
should be fixed. It is putting commuters’ lives at risk.

Millions of commuters travel in subhuman conditions daily. In order to 
accommodate more passengers, the number of local trains should be increased and 
they should have 15 coaches.

The fans inside trains often do not work. The railways should make sure such 
lapses in maintenance do not occur.

The toilets are pathetic. Authorities should focus on cleanliness and better 
maintenance by those hired to keep them clean. Such steps would actually make 
travelling by train a better experience.

— Neelam


Providing wi-fi, escalators, overhead bridges, subways and other facilities to 
railway commuters is welcome. But what we really need is improved road 
transport between the Mumbai mainland and the outer western suburbs such as 
Vasai and Virar.

When the trains stop for even an hour or two, you can tell just how dire this 
need is. It is not a good idea to be solely dependent on one transport system. 
Better public road transport along this route would also reduce the 
overcrowding on trains because, let’s face it, the railways reached their 
saturation point long ago.

Instead, our government is planning a bullet train between Mumbai and Ahmedabad 
at a cost of Rs 90,000 crore!!! Think what we could do within our city at just 
a fraction of that cost.

— Shridhar Devadiga

  *   28 Aug 2016
  *   Mumbai
  *   Abdulla Mansoor Das


Though it’s a good idea to offer wi-fi at stations, is it really the most 
urgent requirement of the Mumbai commuter?


[Goanet] Mother’s first miracle: Monica Besra on how she was cured..HT Mumb 28th Aug 2016

2016-08-29 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Mother’s first miracle: Monica Besra on how she was 
Miracle woman Monica Besra talks of being cured by Mother Teresa.

  *   Poulomi Banerjee, Hindustan Times |
  *   Updated: Aug 28, 2016 10:32 IST

A file photo of Monica Besra at her village in West Bengal (Kallol Majumder/HT 

“About 15 to 17 years back I developed a tumour in my abdomen. I visited many 
doctors, underwent a long medication process, but nothing helped. We went to 
doctors at the nearby government hospital, but the treatment was so expensive 
that we had to mortgage our land,” says Monica Besra (in photo right), now 50, 
speaking to HT over the telephone from her village in West Bengal’s South 
Dinajpur district.

In 1998, Monica claimed she had been cured after praying to Mother Teresa, thus 
paving the way for Mother’s Beatification. Monica says her sister took her to 
the recently-opened Missionaries of Charity centre near their village when 
everything else failed . “I was so ill I couldn’t eat anything. I would 
immediately throw up. The Sisters of Missionaries of Charity even took me to a 
doctor in Siliguri, but he said I might not regain consciousness if operated 
upon,” remembers the mother of five.

Read: A saint who was more of a 

Finally on September 4, a day before Mother Teresa’s first death anniversary, 
the Sisters said they were going to Church to pray, recalls Monica. “I was too 
ill to move, but two Sisters supported me there. There was a photograph of 
Mother Teresa there. When I entered the Church a blinding light emanated from 
Mother’s photo and enveloped me. I didn’t know what was happening. I was too 
ill to sit for long and was soon brought back to my bed,” says Monica, adding, 
“That night one of the Sisters brought a medallion of Mother Teresa and tied it 
on my abdomen after saying a prayer to Mother to help me. I had been praying to 
Mother for a long time. I used to have trouble sleeping because of the pain, 
but that night I fell asleep. At about 1am I woke up to go the washroom and saw 
that my stomach was flat and the tumour was gone. There was no pain. I was able 
to go to the bathroom without help. I was so surprised I woke up the woman in 
the next bed and told her what had happened. In the morning I told the 
Sisters,” says Monica. After that, Monica says, the Sisters took her to a 
doctor to get her checked and he confirmed that the tumour was cured.

Read: My tumour vanished with her divine 

“I immediately felt that it was Mother who had cured me,” she says. At the time 
of Monica’s claim and the beatification, a doctor who had been treating Monica 
claimed she had been cured because of the medicines. Kolkata-based Prabir 
Ghosh, president of the Science and Rationalist Association of India, also 
challenges the miracle claims and the Canonization. “If people want to rever 
Mother Teresa for her social work, I have no problem. But these miracles are 
unreasonable. I challenge the Pope to cure every poor person in India who 
cannot afford medical care, by praying to Mother,” he says.

Read: Mother Teresa’s mission survives beyond her 

Read:?Ahead of Mother Teresa’s Canonization, tracing her journey in 

[Goanet] Mother Teresa’s mission survives beyond her life...HT Mumb 28th Aug 2016

2016-08-29 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Mother Teresa’s mission survives beyond her 
Missionaries of Charity may miss Mother’s charismatic presence, but her Sisters 
carry on the work she began

  *   Poulomi Banerjee, Hindustan Times |
  *   Updated: Aug 28, 2016 10:50 IST

Women inmates at the Missionaries of Charity run Nirmal Hriday, a home for the 
sick and the destitute in Kolkata’s Kalighat area. (Samir Jana/HT PHOTO)

It’s about 1pm on a muggy August afternoon in Kolkata, as a young girl from 
Japan knocks hesitantly at the door of 54A AJC Bose Road in the city’s central 
quarters. Popularly known as Mother House, the building that was Mother 
Teresa’s residence from the 1950s till her death in 1997, and where she was 
buried after her death, attracts many visitors daily from across the world – 
pilgrims as well as volunteers, like the young girl from Japan, keen to work 
with the Mission. It is also the global headquarters of the Missionaries of 
Charity (MC), started by Mother Teresa in 1950. The Vatican is set to Canonise 
Mother on September 4, but for those whose lives she touched, and changed for 
the better, the selfless nun was always a saint.

“Many press people used to ask her and me, what will happen to Missionaries of 
Charity after her. And she used to say it will grow further and that the same 
work and care will carry on,” recalls Missionaries of Charity spokesperson and 
Mother Teresa’s long-time associate, Sunita Kumar. “Missionaries of Charity has 
grown tremendously (since her death) and at an enormous speed. I think she 
(Mother Teresa) is working from up there,” she says

From 605 homes in 120-125 countries when Mother Teresa died, the Missionaries 
of Charity today has 745 homes in 135-140 countries. There are 200 novices 
currently attached to the MC and over 6,000 sisters. Then there are the 
chapters of MC Brothers and Fathers, says Kumar. “After Mother passed away, 
people from across the world who had been donating to MC came to Calcutta and 
assured Sister Nirmala (the superior after Mother Teresa) that they were still 
with the cause,” says Kumar.

Read: A saint who was also a 

The Early Years

It was in 1946 that Mother Teresa, at that time a nun with the Loreto 
congregation, experienced what she later described as “the call within the 
call” to leave the convent and live and work among the poor and the destitute. 
In 1948 she left Loreto and in 1950 received permission from the Vatican to 
start the congregation that would become Missionaries of Charity. “In those 
early days when she was founding small communities, the Jesuit Fathers were a 
great help to her. She had her own spiritual fathers among the Jesuit fathers 
of St Xavier’s,” informs Father Felix Raj, principal, St Xavier’s College 
Kolkata. Years before it was a visit of a Jesuit priest from Calcutta to her 
school in Europe that had inspired a young Gonxha Agnes Bojaxhiu to take the 
veil and choose to come to India when she grew up. In 1966 a Jesuit priest, 
Father Andrew, joined the fledgling congregation of the Missionaries of Charity 
Brothers, started by Mother Teresa in 1963, and took over the guidance of the 

The relationship with the Jesuits and especially the St Xavier’s family has 
continued even after Mother’s death, says Father Felix Raj. The same is true of 
Mother’s and the Missionaries’ relationship with Loreto. “We were 
complementary. When she would bring children from the streets, Entally Convnt 
was open for them and many of the boarders were from Mother Teresa’s,” says 
Sister Bernadette and Sister Eithne, of Loreto Convent. Another Loreto sister 
adds, “Even today MC sisters bring children to our schools”.

In Mother’s Footsteps

Almost everything is as Mother left it. At Nirmal Hriday in Kolkata’s Kalighat 
area, the first MC centre opened by Mother Teresa, sisters and volunteers work 
in tandem on a Sunday morning. Devotional music plays in the background. One 
volunteer gives the male inmates a shave, another distributes tea and biscuits. 
The number of volunteers has tripled in the years since Mother’s death, says 

[Goanet] Mother Teresa's canonisation portends more conversions: VHP

2016-08-29 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

Mother Teresa's canonisation portends more conversions: VHP | UCAN 
The nun founded the Missionaries of Charity, a Catholic religious congregation 
that works for "the poorest of the poor."

Mother Teresa's canonisation portends more conversions: VHP
The nun founded the Missionaries of Charity, a Catholic religious congregation 
that works for "the poorest of the poor."
Posted on August 28, 2016, 11:07 PM

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New Delhi:

Mother Teresa's canonisation portends more conversions to Christianity, an 
issue that Prime Minister Narendra Modi should have considered before deciding 
to send a delegation to the Vatican, the VHP said on Sunday.

"The canonisation of Mother Teresa is an alarm bell that now there would be 
more conversions in India and more funds (for conversions) would be routed to 
India," Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) International Joint General Secretary 
Surendra Jain said here.

He said granting of sainthood to a person based on miracles attributed to them 
was not "practical" in today's times.

"Do you expect miracles to happen in this age," he wondered.

Jain warned that with more conversions, there would be more unrest in the 

He said Modi should have considered the issue before deciding to send an 
official Indian delegation to the canonisation ceremony at the Vatican.

"The issue of Mother Teresa's services vis-a-vis religious conversions is not 
new. We have been raising it for years. I think the Prime Minister should have 
thought over it before he decided to send an official delegation to the 
Vatican," Jain said.

An official Indian delegation led by External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj is 
scheduled to attend Mother Teresa's canonisation ceremony at the Vatican on 
September 4.

On Sunday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his 'Mann Ki Baat' radio address 
paid tributes to the late Catholic nun for her services to the poor of India, 
saying that Indians should be proud that Mother Teresa is being officially 
declared a saint.

The nun founded the Missionaries of Charity, a Roman Catholic religious 
congregation that runs hospices in India. She died in 1997.


[Goanet] Mumbai: Salt pan lands could become construction sites this Friday ...MM 29 Aug pg 8

2016-08-29 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

Salt pan lands could become construction sites this Friday
Makarand Gadgil & Yogesh Naik mirrorfeedback TWEETS @MumbaiMirror

Despite protests, govt to announce construction of affordable homes on salt 
pans, no-development zones
The state government is scheduled to announce the much-awaited affordable 
housing policy on September 2 (Friday). Despite the uproar, the government is 
likely to go ahead with the policy that seeks construction on salt pans and 
no-development zones, and the announcement could be made by Chief Minister 
Devendra Fadnavis and Shiv Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray at a function in Housing 
Minister Prakash Mehta's constituency, Ghatkopar.

Ironically, the Sena had slammed construction on salt pans and no-development 
zones a few months ago citing a threat to envi ronment.

The Development Control Regulations (DCR) of the draft Development Plan (DP) 
2034 proposed taking up 260 hectares of salt pan land for constructing 
affordable housing. The draft proposed using plots from no-development zones, 
tourism development areas, salt pan lands, and the Mumbai Port Trust (MbPT) to 
be used for creation of one million affordable homes in the the next 20 years.

Activists and environment experts had slammed the proposal saying salt pan land 
act as buffer for the city during the monsoon, even as builders pointed to lack 
of space and said such a move was the only solution if the poor were to get a 
roof over their head in Mumbai.

Sources in the Housing Ministry said the idea was to open up 2,177 hectares of 
salt pan land and 2,360 hectares of the no-development zones. Although the 
policy does not envisage using up all the land, it is learnt that 33 per cent 
of the land will be used for affordable housing and the rest of it will be 
equally divided for open spaces and creation of public amenities including 
playgrounds, hospitals, and parks.

While the salt pan land is equally divided between the state and the centre, 
the government has already begun talks with the Centre for releasing its share 
for the project. Of the available salt pan land, 700 hectares comes under the 
coastal regulatory zone (CRZ) and 460 hectares is encroached land.

The `pro-builder' policy also recommends giving floor space index (FSI) of up 
to four for construction firms although the firms are required to share half 
the housing stock. The government will later buy these apartments for the 
construction cost.

The policy also has provisions for the redevelopment of the Bombay Development 
Directorate (BDD) and Bombay Improvement Trust (BIT) chawls and also the 
redevelopment of old buildings protected under the Rent Control Act, by making 
it attractive to builders with the promise of higher FSI.

"The recommendations are much needed in today's situation.We hope the policy 
addresses all concerns," said Dharmesh Jain, President of Maharashtra Chamber 
of Housing Industry.


Even as the government plans to play up `affordable housing', activ ists feel 
the enactment of the policy will mean an ecological disaster for Mumbai.

"Most salt pan lands fall in CRZ-I category and within the inter-tidal zone. 
The opening of salt pan land will put unbearable pressure on the already 
crumbling infrastructure of the city," said Executive Trustee of Conservation 
Act Trust, Debi Goenka, who added that the carrying capacity of the city had 

Housing rights activist also expressed concerns over the policy which reduced 
the bargaining power of government agencies.

"The policy reduces the role of government agencies like MHADA (Maharashtra 
Housing and Area Development Authority)," said Simpreet Singh, a housing rights 



[Goanet] A saint who was more of a mother: Remembering Blessed Teresa ... HT Mumbai Aug 28th 2016

2016-08-29 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


A saint who was more of a mother: Remembering Blessed 
The Vatican is set to Canonise Mother Teresa on September 4. But for many, the 
lady who dedicated her life to caring for the destitute had always been a saint

  *   Poulomi Banerjee, Hindustan Times |
  *   Updated: Aug 28, 2016 10:49 IST

Mother Teresa (1910 - 1997), seen in her hospital around the time she was 
awarded the Templeton Prize for Progress. The founder of the Missionaries of 
Charity will be canonised at the Vatican on September 4. (Mark Edwards/Keystone 
Features/Getty Images)

A transparent, white plastic box, placed on Mother Teresa’s tomb at Mother 
House in Kolkata is nearly filled to the brim with little pieces of paper. As 
the time for the Friday Mass draws near, more visitors start scribbling 
hurriedly on the slips of blank paper kept near the box and dropping them 
inside. “Those coming to Mother House write their intentions (or wishes) on 
paper and put them inside this box for Mother’s blessings. During the special 
mass on Fridays, the day Mother passed away, we ask the priest to bless all the 
intentions and pray for them,” explains one of the nuns.

The founder of the Missionaries of Charity will be canonised at the Vatican on 
September 4. But the nun who stepped out of Loreto in 1948, and made it her 
life’s mission to work for the “poorest of the poor” around the world has for 
years been revered as a ‘saint’ by the people whose lives she touched. Sister 
Bernadette, 78, of Loreto Calcutta remembers a chance meeting with Mother 
Teresa at the Kolkata airport years ago. “People at the airport kept coming to 
her and asking for her blessing. She had a paper and she would write God bless 
you and sign her name on it. She said, ‘you see this, I am putting them in 
God’s hands’,” remembers the nun.

The Simple Joys of Life

Those who knew her well, lived and worked with her, remember the person behind 
the public face. “She had a great sense of humour. She would always be joking 
and when she found something funny, she would place both hands on her hips and 
bend double with laughter,” remembers former chief election commissioner of 
India and Mother Teresa’s biographer Navin B Chawla.

A nun of the Loreto order, 82-year-old Sister Eithne, recalls that same spirit 
in one of her meetings with Mother Teresa. “I remember meeting her here in this 
house (Loreto House, Kolkata). She came to meet the community, her old friends. 
What I remember about that meeting is that there was great laughter and fun,” 
she says.

At Kolkata’s Missionaries of Charity, nuns pray with Mother Teresa’s statue 
behind them. (Samir Jana/Hindustan Times)

While her avowed mission remained to care for the destitute, everyone around 
her felt enriched by her love. “She always had time for everybody,” says Father 
Dominic Gomes, vicar-general of the archdiocese of Calcutta. “After I was 
ordained, I was asked by the Church to go for my higher studies to Rome. I 
needed a passport. I made so many rounds of different offices and nothing was 
working out,” he remembers. “One day I was at Mother House and Mother noticed 
that I looked very sad, and she asked me what was the matter. I told her I had 
been trying to get my passport made for the past three months without any 
success. She immediately said give all your documents to me. To my surprise, 
the next day I had my passport.”

Sisters of the Missionaries of Charity remember how their superior cared for 
them the same way that a mother would. Sister Tarcisia, who joined St Teresa’s 
primary school in Kolkata as a six-year-old when Mother Teresa was the 
in-charge, talks of her “motherly” affection. “She knew that my health was not 
strong, so whenever there was some heavy work to be done, moving a table for 
instance, she would push me out of the way.” This from a woman who her 
biographer recalls as being habitually unmindful of her own health. “ She often 
chose to ignore the advice of Dr Bardhan, her long-standing cardiologist in 
Calcutta,” remembers Chawla. “Mother Teresa 

[Goanet] Mumbai: Over a week to go for Ganeshotsav, but pandals already choking roads

2016-08-28 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha <bcsabha.kal...@gmail.com>


Aug 28 2016 : The Times of India (Mumbai)
Over a week to go for Ganeshotsav, but pandals already choking roads
Richa Pinto


More Approvals Likely This Year: BMC Officials
This Ganeshotsav , expect over 1,000 pandals to mess up your road travel. Last 
year, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) had granted permissions to 
around 1,169 Ganpati pandals on roads and footpaths while in 2014, around 1,188 
pandals got a nod during the festival. This year, BMC officials are expecting 
arise in the number of permissions to be granted. Ganeshotsav will begin on 
September 5.

Citizens, however, are furious as they claim that pandals have already started 
blocking roads despite many of them not having received BMC permissions yet.

Robin Viegas, member of Vidyanagari Parisar ALM in Kalina, said, "The main 
Kalina-Kurla road is in a mess. There is no place for pedestrians to walk as a 
pandal has occupied most of the road. I pity the BEST drivers who have to 
navigate their buses through this crammed road. I have been avoiding taking 

Meanwhile, Loy Dias, vicechairman of Voice of Kalina ALM, said that it's the 
same story year after year despite strict orders from the high court. "In 
Vakola, a Ganpati pandal extends up to almost a kilometre. Poles have been 
erected to light up this pandal and in the bargain, potholes have been created 
on roads. Once the celebrations end, most of the organizers do no bother to 
repair the roads," said Dias.

In the central suburbs in Matunga and King's Circle, residents say pandals have 
occupied more than half the road, along with the footpath.

Sion-based activist G R Vora said, "While there is still more than a week for 
the festival to begin, roads have already been blocked by organizers. They have 
already erected tin sheds for pandals. Motorists have hardly any space to move, 
lea ding to excessive honking in the area. This only adds to chaos on a stretch 
that already witnesses traffic jams during peak hours," said Vora.

Activist Charles D'sa said at several pandals had already been erected, but on 
inquiring, it was found that they did not have permissions. " Also, pandals 
leave just one lane for vehicles to pass," said D'sa.

The BMC has started granting permissions to pandals. Though additional 
municipal commissioner Sanjay Deshmukh said the number of permissions granted 
for Ganpati pandals would be more or less same as last year, some officials 
said the figure is likely to rise.

"Only those who have been traditionally getting permissions and new ones who 
would not cause obstruction to traffic or pedestrians would be granted 
permissions this year. Permissions are being granted ward wise," said Deshmukh.

The BMC has said the penalty on mandals that create potholes will continue to 
remain Rs 2,000 this year as well.


[Goanet] Acts of Mun. Comm. which holds Mumbai citizens to ransom.

2016-08-27 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Charles D'Sa >

From: G R Vora >
To: BMC Mun Comm >
Cc: Act_Kamlakar_Shenoy 
>, Email Petiton 
Group >

Shri Ajoy Mehta,
Municipal Commisioner,
BMC Head Office, Room No. 46,  Old Bldg., 1st Floor,
Mahapalika Marg,  Mumbai – 41.

Dear Mr Ajoy Mehta,

At the outset I wish to state that my submissions below are with due respect 
and all humility, with no intention to cause hurt and injury to any individual 
and /or institution, but only in the interest of public at large. In the event, 
if my submissions are incorrect, I shall be obliged if your office can educate 
me by furnishing relevant documents in support. Without prejudice to my rights 
and contentions I submit as under.

Subject :--

Your following improper conduct, brought to your notice by activist – Mr 
Kamlakar Shenoy (Cell No. 9870987359, E-mail :  
shenoykr2...@yahoo.co.in), which holds the 
Mumbai citizens to ransom :--

a.Turning a blind eye to illegal construction, (in almost whole of Mumbai)

b.   Turning a blind eye to sub standard roads which endangers life and limbs 
of citizens. (almost whole of Mumbai).

c.Awarding roads and bridges contract to tainted contractors even after 
having knowledge of sub standard work carried out by tainted contractors. ( 
Hon. High Court cancels a contract too).

d.   Inaction against encroachment on roads and footpath by erecting shops 
making the roads and footpaths impassable and endangering life and limbs of the 
citizens. (e.g JJ hospital to Akbar Peerbhoy college, Crowford market to Bhendi 
bazar, Bhendibazar to Char null, Y.M. road and many others in Mumbai)

e.Deficiency of service, permitting illegal occupation of premises without 
valid occupation certificate.

f. Permitting illegal construction in Dongri, Pydhonie,  Bhendi bazaar 
(Mumbai 44, 48, 49 ) and no remedial action against such illegal 
constructions and BMC officers.

g.Aiding the illegal buildings constructed on the plots reserved for public 
amenities. e.g Plot no. 746, Stanley Fernandes Wadi, Near Catering College , 
Prabhadevi, Mumbai-25. (Copy attached no. 1)

h.   Shielding the Ex Municipal Commissioner and officers of BMC who illegally

i. Reduced the Play Ground space from 2006 to 1283 Sq.mtrs without 
authority at Dasturwadi, Dadar E.

ii.   Issued occupation certificate without Play Ground and Recreation ground 
as per sanctioned plan

iii. Issued occupation certificate when the construction carried out in not in 
accordance with sanction Plan. (Copy attached no. 2)

i. Spending of tax money to pay lawyers / Sr. Counsels’ fees and shield the 
BMC officers against whom FIRs are registered for committing offences which 
have no connection with discharge of official duty.

j. Many other illegal acts brought to your notice by activist – Mr Kamlakar 

Reference : --

a.Your statement in Mumbai Mirror dt. 8.8.16 that BMC will not allow 
housing industry to be held to ransom. Avoiding meeting citizens and denying to 
provide the visitors book disclosing how many ordinary citizens are given 

b.   Meeting tainted developers by making them sit in VIP lounge on 4.7.2016.

c.Denying the request to get the queries raised by whole of Building 
Proposal Dept, (City) from Sr. Counsel  and UD Department.

Please wake up Mr Ajoy Mehta :--

In the larger interest of citizens you need to justify your following acts done 
as Municipal Commissioner of Mumbai  :--

1.   Your statement to Mumbai Mirror newspaper : “BMC will not allow housing 
industry to be held to ransom.” However, you have :--

a.…. not denied nor gave any clarifications on the issues raised by me and 
building proposal department about the illegal opinion given by legal department

b.   ….. not clarified illegal sanction of building without compliance of 
section 39  and 92 of MRTP act, which deprives the citizens of basic amenities 
such as Municipal theatre.

2.   Please give your clarification as to why you have held the ordinary 
citizens to ransom on the issues raised herein above. What action have you 
taken to remove the above illegalities which hold a ordinary citizen to ransom.

3.   I say that you should also clarify whether your office works for rich and 
powerful society or for common man at large. If so why have you not provided 
list of visitors you have met since you took as MC.

4.   You shall clarify whether you Mr. Ajoy Mehta can hold to ransom all the 
citizens of Mumbai who pay you salary and extra ordinary perks by 

[Goanet] URGENT PRESS STATEMENT:CHRI and PRW question the need for new proposed security legislation- 'Maharashtra Protection of Internal Security Act, 2016'

2016-08-27 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Dolphy D'souza >

Dear All,

The Government of Maharashtra has drafted an Maharashtra Protection of Internal 
Security Act 2016. Some very problematic provisions. They say they are going to 
put this in the public domain for comments and feedback - we must hold them to 
a proper process. The Bill is on the Maharashtra Government , Home Department's 
website.. The Bill is attached for your ready reference.

Also find enclosed the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative [CHRI ] and Police 
Reforms Watch press note released to the media.

If such a law comes into force will lead to the emergence of a police state 
within a democratic set-up. We must protest and object to such an Act soon.

Do forward it to you network too. Do send us your comments and any suggested 
action plan to campaign against this.

Please note my new number.

Dolphy A. D'souza
Cell: 9833884227
Email: policereformswa...@gmail.com
W: www.policereformswatch.org

- Original Message -
From: Police Reforms Watch
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2016 6:45 PM
Subject: : URGENT PRESS STATEMENT:CHRI and PRW question the need for new 
proposed security legislation- Maharashtra Protectionof Internal Security Act, 

CHRI and PRW question the need for new proposed security legislation
Press Statement, 26 August 2016

The Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) and Police Reforms Watch 
seriously question both the necessity and the justification for another new 
internal security law as proposed by the Maharashtra government’s Protection of 
Internal Security Bill 2016. We are particularly concerned with the wide scope 
of the Bill.  Created purportedly to deal with multiple security challenges, 
the State once again bestows more and more sweeping powers on the executive and 
the police, all without the requisite accountability.

The omnibus Bill tries to deal with challenges of “terrorism, insurgency, 
communalism, caste violence, etc” all in one legislation and does not 
differentiate between the nature of the threats from each. Specific laws are 
already in place to deal with many of these matters. In order to bring every 
kind of threat under one law, the Bill relies on dangerously vague catch-all 
definitions, which are totally insufficient to further justify criminalisation 
or prohibition. It is equally alarming that the Bill gives the state government 
and police sweeping discretionary powers in the absence of sufficient checks or 
accountability for abuse of power.

Maja Daruwala, the Director of CHRI, states, “This Bill is ill-considered both 
in its intent and content. Every citizen should be alarmed at the sweep of laws 
like this which are designed for abuse. The greatest security the state can 
provide all of us is to make sure we have an honest efficient and law upholding 
police and a court system geared to give us speedy and fair justice. Certainly 
more and more laws only go to muddying the waters and reducing people’s power 
to face up to oppression”.
The Bill has been released into the public domain ahead of the next Assembly 
session. This provides an opportunity for an exhaustive debate to discuss the 
necessity of any new law as well as the state of policing and security in 

For more information, contact:
Mr. Dolphy D’Souza, Convenor Police Reforms Watch
Cell: 09833884227
Email: policereformswa...@gmail.com
105-B, Evergreen Apts, Mith Chowky, Marve Road, Malad West, Mumbai 400 064
The Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) is an independent, 
non-partisan, international NGO working for the practical realisation of human 
rights in the countries of the Commonwealth.
Police Reforms Watch is a coalition of concerned citizens and civil society 
groups who have been working to catalyse the demand for Better Policing in 
Mumbai/ Maharashtra
--  Visit Network for Improved Policing 
in South Asia (NIPSA): http://www.nipsa.in/

Visit Facebook Page on Police Reforms: https://www.facebook.com/FixPolicingNow

More info on our website: 

[Goanet] Mumbai: BMC makes a farce of DP, may junk all 9,616 citizen’s inputs ...HT 27 Aug pg 5

2016-08-27 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

  *   27 Aug 2016
  *   Mumbai
  *   Tanushree Venkatraman 

BMC makes a farce of DP, may junk all 9,616 citizen’s inputs

Committee to study objections exists only on paper as Sena delays appointing 

MUMBAI: Your objections on the city’s Development Plan (DP) 2034 are likely to 
go unheard by your elected corporators. While Shiv Sena, the party that heads 
the civic body, has delayed the formation of the planning committee that has to 
hear the objections, civic officials say time is running out.

According to Section 28 of the Mumbai Regional Town Planning (MRTP) Act, 1966, 
the planning committee has to submit a report “within two months from the date 
of its appointment”. Though the state formed the committee on August 12, the 
BMC is yet to appoint officials to it.

According to the Act, the committee must comprise three standing committee 
members and four experts appointed by the state government. It is to hear the 
9,616 objections filed in by citizens between May and July, 2016. It will then 
submit a report to the general body which will, in turn, submit it to the state 
government in another two months.

The committee has already lost two weeks since August 12.

A senior civic official, who did not wish to be named, said, “The time period 
is two months, immaterial of the committee’s functioning.. The time period is 
essential because the city cannot lose any more time on the DP. There is too 
much confusion in the real estate market.”

With no sanctioned DP for the city in more than two years now, the BMC is 
following the chief minister’s order of considering both, DP 1991 and 2034 and 
applying the rules. “Work is getting delayed,” the official said.

On Tuesday, the Sena indefinitely postponed the committee’s formation, stating 
that all group leaders from various political parties should be a part of it — 
a demand that will require an amendment in the MRTP Act. Trushna Vishwasrao, 
leader of the house and Sena corporator said that the municipal commissioner 
needs to “shed more light” on the committee’s role before its formation.

Asif Zakaria, a Congress corporator who opposed the Sena’s demand in the house 
said the Sena-BJP’s infighting is making the city suffer.


The city's blueprint for its infrastructure development for the next 20 years 
has been long pending. Following a public outcry over the draft Development 
Plan (DP) 2034 released in February 2015, chief minister Devendra Fadnavis 
ordered its revision. The plan has already been delayed by two years.

 FILE PHOTOThe BMC fears that the delay in forming the committee may result in 
the citizens’ observations going unheard.

BMC sought two extensions following which the revised draft was published on 
May 27, 2016. BMC released the blueprint in four different phases to receive 
observations from citizens that have been included in the revised draft.

Citizens were given 60 days from the date of publishing to send in their 
suggestions and objections. 9,616 objections were submitted by July 29, 2016, 
the last date. BMC has faced opposition from political parties such as Shiv 
Sena and NGOs on its plans to open up no-development zones and salt-pan lands 
for affordable housing in the city. According to the MRTP Act, BMC has to 
submit it to the state government within six months from the date of its 
publication. “If they (the Sena and BJP) wanted an amendment in the Act, it 
could have been done during the monsoon session. Why wait all this while? These 
are delaying tactics by both parties because of the upcoming civic elections.” 
ASIF ZAKARIA, a Congress corporator on the delay in the DP committee formation

[Goanet] Pre-matric scholarships approved but students yet to get them...IE 23 Aug pg 5

2016-08-24 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Pre-matric scholarships approved, but many minority students yet to get 
In 2014-15, 1.81 lakh of the 7.17 lakh eligible students could not benefit from 
the school-level scholarship, a part of the Centre's 15-point programme for 

In 2014-15, 1.81 lakh of the 7.17 lakh eligible students could not benefit from 
the school-level scholarship, a part of the Centre's 15-point programme for 

SCHOOL STUDENTS from religious minorities are entitled to scholarships from the 
Ministry of Minority Affairs (MOMA) but not all of them are getting it. 
According to a government response to a Right to Information (RTI) query, 
thousands of students have not received the pre-matric scholarships since 2009. 
Of the 5,66,000 school students in the state whose scholarships had been 
approved for 2015-16, more than 58,000 (10%) have not received the fund.

In 2014-15, 1.81 lakh of the 7.17 lakh eligible students could not benefit from 
the school-level scholarship, a part of the Centre's 15-point programme for 
minorities. In 2013-14, at least 61 per cent students did not get the benefits. 
According to the scheme, introduced to encourage more children from minority 
communities to attend schools, students whose parents' annual income is less 
than Rs1 lakh are eligible for a maintenance allowance of Rs 1,000, admission 
fee of Rs 500, tuition fees of Rs 350, every month in a year. Only those with 
valid income certificates are approved. The amount is deposited to a zero 
balance bank account through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) once a year.

However, activists said the implementation of the scheme in Maharashtra had not 
been proper. Zahid Shaikh, head of the Scholarship Cell at Students Islamic 
Organisation of India (Maharashtra South), said, "Not many students are aware 
of the scholarships." He said parents could directly upload their bank account 
details to the National Scholarship Portal or the schools could update the bank 
details. "However, some schools assign the work to internet cafes which do not 
fill in the details properly."

Following an RTI by activist Razaullah Khan, the Bombay High Court had in 2013 
taken up a suo motu writ petition to address these issues but the court's 
decisions were not been implemented, said Khan. The court had directed the 
government to deposit the scholarship amount before July 31- within a month of 
the new academic year. "The court's decision is yet to be implemented. Last 
year's applicants are yet to receive their scholarships, two months after the 
schools opened this year and the government is still accepting fresh 
applications," said Khan.

Director of Minority and Adult Education Department Nandan Nangare said the 
applicants had provided incorrect bank details and hence the scholarship money 
had not been disbursed. "In cases where the bank account number and the Indian 
Financial System Code (IFSC) provided by applicants were incorrect, the 
scholarship amount has not been disbursed," said Nangare. According to Nangare, 
sometimes the zero bank accounts lie unused for too long and are closed by 

The High Court had, in 2013, directed banks to allow students to open accounts 
with zero balance. However, Khan said opening the account was not always easy 
as only a few branches of Bank of Maharashtra allowed it. "Not many banks allow 
parents to open accounts at zero balance," said Khan, school principal from 
Latur and district secretary of Movement for Peace and Justice.

[Goanet] Goa: HC calls for Bismarque death probe papers

2016-08-24 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


HC calls for Bismarque death probe 
PANJIM: The High Court of Bombay in Goa, which is hearing the petition filed by 
the relatives of late Fr Bismarque Dias, has asked Crime Branch to submit its 
investigation papers to the court and has scheduled the next hearing on August 

PANJIM: The High Court of Bombay in Goa, which is hearing the petition filed by 
the relatives of late Fr Bismarque Dias, has asked Crime Branch to submit its 
investigation papers to the court and has scheduled the next hearing on August 

24 Aug, 2016, 06:58AM IST

A-   A+

Team Herald

PANJIM: The High Court of Bombay in Goa, which is hearing the petition filed by 
the relatives of late Fr Bismarque Dias, has asked Crime Branch to submit its 
investigation papers to the court and has scheduled the next hearing on August 

Bismarque died on November 7 last year and the case was investigated by Crime 
Branch. Following the Crime Branch report that Bismarque's death was unnatural 
and due to drowning, the Tiswadi Sub Divisional Magistrate had closed the case.

However, Bismarque's relatives and friends petitioned the court demanding a 
thorough probe in the matter.

On Thursday the counsel for Bismarque's relatives argued that Crime Branch did 
not investigate the case from a murder angle. Submitting that Crime Branch did 
not interrogate prime suspects, the counsel demanded that the case be 
transferred to a central agency and pleaded that an FIR be filed against 
unknown accused and that the case be investigated.

However, Crime Branch told the court that they have thoroughly investigated the 
case and opposed its transfer to a central agency. Crime Branch concluded its 
inquiry based on forensic reports, the State counsel submitted to court.

[Goanet] Smartphones free up brain space but ruin memory: UK study

2016-08-18 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

Smartphones free up brain space but ruin memory: UK study - Times of 
Ease of accessing online contents through smartphones, tablets and laptops can 
free up brain space, but it makes harder to remember details when unaided, 
affecting our ability to recall information, British researchers said today.

LONDON: Ease of 
tablets and 
laptops can free 
up brain space, but it makes harder to remember details when unaided, affecting 
our ability to recall information, British researchers said today.

Growing options of 
 such as smartphones, tablets and laptops can free-up mental resources by 
outsourcing unnecessary tasks to the gadgets.

However, their scientific evidence also found the ease of access to 
 searches is making it harder for humans to remember information without the 
help of a computer.

"Remembering your shopping list or an appointment is not the most effective use 
of your cognitive resources and if you can be reminded of that task it frees-up 
more space which can be used for a number of things," said Sam 
Gilbert, a research 
fellow in cognitive neuroscience at University College 
London and 
one of the authors of the review published in 'Trends in Cognitive Sciences'.

This so-called "cognitive offloading" or the use of tools to reduce the demand 
on our brains should strengthen our memories but other studies the experts 
considered showed 
 are affecting our ability to remember details.

Latest Comment

Research into sat-navs showed drivers who used Global Positioning 
 remembered less about their journeys and struggled to complete the routes 
again when unaided.


Smartphone makers, you are launching too many models feel customers
Another study into the use of digital 
 showed those who took pictures in museums could not recall as many details 
about exhibits as those who did not.

"There is a clear need to better understand how offloading demands onto various 
technologies impact on our organic abilities both in the short - and 
long-term," the review added.


2016-08-18 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Infant Jesus Church Parish 
From: felix rebello >


Space constraint is forcing 
churches in Mumbai to opt 
for green solutions for disposing of the dead. In the last six months, the St 
Blaise Church, Amboli, has had at least 15 shroud burials (body wrapped in 
cloth and lowered into the grave). The coffin was not used by families 
voluntarily. Father Franklin Mathias, parish priest, said space constraint, the 
environmental benefits and economics of a 
burial without a coffin 
prompted them to encourage shroud burial.

For further reading visit 
-www.infantjesusjogeshwari.in and read 
latest E-newsletter  GEM - 7/8 - GREEN BURIALS IN MUMBAI  (or see the 

The other interesting educative and informative articles in his issue include; 
SLOW DOWN, GET AN 'EAR'FUL AT THIS GARDEN; Young kids learn to 'WASh4life' to 
ensure healthy sanitation; We Pledge; AOL event 'completely destroyed' Yamuna 
floodplains, NGT told; 350 crores spent on Swachh Bharat Mission 
advertisements, RTI reveals; 'Air pollution can affect child's brain 
development'; Practicing yoga changed my temperament; 11 year old trainer; I 
love my old Bible, says Pope Francis and so on.

For various resource materials like GEM E-Newsletters & PowerPoint 
Presentations on various environmental issues, Monthly Bible Quest, Bible Study 
for the simple, group games, Eco Quiz etc visit infant Jesus, Jogeshwari church 
website www.infantjesusjogeshwari.in.

Forwarding this mail to your contacts is your small contribution for 

Fr Felix Rebello

[Goanet] Indian Christians upset over cross use in TV advert - Advertisement depicts Christianity as a negative foreign influence upon the country.

2016-08-16 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Christians upset over cross use in TV advert | UCAN 
Advertisement depicts Christianity as a negative foreign influence upon the 

Advertisement depicts Christianity as a negative foreign influence upon the 

Posted on August 15, 2016, 5:20 PM

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A group of Christians in the Indian city of Bhopal are upset over the use of 
the cross in a television advertisement that paints Christianity as a negative 
foreign influence upon the country.

"It is shocking that the cross, which is the symbol of Jesus, is shown in the 
advertisement," said Jerry Paul, from Sarva Isai Mahasabha, a Christian 
organization reported The Huffington Post.

Sarva Isai Mahasabha has written to the man behind the advert - Yoga 
guru-turned-businessman Baba Ramdev - about their concerns over the 
"objectionable and absolutely unwarranted" use of the cross to promote 
Patanjali Ayurveda's food and personal care products.

In the advert, that "celebrates" Indian Independence Day, several "harmful 
foreign products" are represented by symbols of the cross.

"Christianity has been in India for more than a thousand years and it was not 
brought here by imperialists or any foreign government, so creating such false 
impressions is wrong," Paul added.


Watch the advert below:


Related Reports

  *   Christians plan mass movement to protest persecution in 
  *   Indian girl allegedly raped, then murdered for being 
  *   Attacked Christians jailed in central 

[Goanet] Papua New Guinea: Greed vs sanity - Next steps to stop the deep sea mine

2016-08-15 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Avaaz.org >

Dear friends,

A Canadian mining company has a license for an insane idea that could become a 
planetary disaster: the world's first deep sea mine.

We all know how toxic mines can devastate land-based ecosystems -- imagine 
corporations unleashed to dig up the ocean floor for minerals, far from any 
scrutiny. It's the last thing our dying oceans need!

The good news is the company is having trouble raising funds. Let's drop an 
ocean of condemnation on this project, scare any further investors away, and 
make sure this horrific new threat to our environment dies quickly. Click to 
sign the petition, which will be publicised and sent to every potential 


Of course, the site chosen for the mine is right next to one of the world's 
ocean treasures, a rich ecosystem off the coast of Papua New Guinea that has 
everything from teeming coral reefs to sperm whales. It's a sign of what's to 
come if we don't stop this monstrous emerging industry.

The mining company has never operated at this scale, and is already in 
financial trouble. The project is risky. If we make it even more hazardous by 
showing the significant economic uncertainties, we might actually stop the 
mine, and make sure the industry gets a cautionary tale about messing with our 

Across the planet, we're in a battle to maintain a sane balance between humans 
and the natural world, a balance that is necessary for sustainable development, 
and that scientists tell us is necessary for our own survival, as well as 
countless other species. It's greed vs sanity -- let's make sure the right one 


Scientists who study ecosystems talk about how remarkably interdependent they 
are. We humans are enormously dependent for our survival on small creatures 
like plankton, or larger ones like sea urchins. We often think of humans as a 
virus, predatory on our ecosystem. But Avaaz is a movement for people who seek 
to be protectors and stewards of our natural world, to eventually live in 
harmony with it.

>From that perspective, this campaign is part of our role in our ecosystem, as 
>guardians protecting and serving the wondrous planet that is our home. We on 
>the Avaaz team are so grateful to play this role with all of us in this 
>magical movement.

With hope,

Ricken, Nell, Christoph, Lisa, Luis, Risalat and the rest of the Avaaz team


Deep Sea Mining: An Invisible Land Grab (National Geographic)

Nautilus Minerals continues to consider alternative financing (Reuters)

The Ocean Could Be the New Gold Rush (National Geographic)

Tiny sea creatures are saving us from hell on earth. So why are we endangering 
them? (Grist)

Avaaz is a 44-million-person global campaign network that works to ensure that 
the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. 
("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in 
every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 
continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest 
campaigns here, or follow us 
on Facebook or 

You became a member of the Avaaz movement and started receiving these emails 
when you signed "Papua New Guinea: Stop the deep sea mine" on 2016-08-15 
20:58:10 using the email address

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[Goanet] Gujarat: How Una made Narendra Modi’s PR unravel

2016-08-15 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


How Una made Narendra Modi’s PR 
All those foreign trips can’t make up for the bad publicity Una has given the 
Prime Minister

How Una made Narendra Modi’s PR unravel
All those foreign trips can’t make up for the bad publicity Una has given the 
Prime Minister

Posted by

 Ravi Shinde
 | Aug 15, 2016 in Criticles | 


Image credit: Facebook/ Truth of Gujarat.

Ever since he started his bid for the Prime Ministership, Narendra Modi has 
worked hard to build his image. Wiping off the stigma of 2002 communal riots in 
Gujarat was a daunting task. Transformation from being seen as a divisive 
personality to the harbinger of progress needed immense effort. There was the 
additional embarrassment of Modi having been denied an American visa in 2005. 
In 2009, public relation giant APCO Worldwide was hired to promote ‘Vibrant 
Gujarat’. APCO promoted Gujarat as much as it promoted Modi. Aided by some 
surrogate media and businessmen, within years, Gujarat and Modi became 
synonymous with development. The fact that Gujarat is abysmally low on the 
human developmental 
 and the raging caste discrimination in the state were swept under the carpet. 
The grand finale of Modi’s transformation came in May 2014, when the people of 
India elected him with full majority.

As Prime Minister, Modi has left no stone unturned to enhance his image in 
India and the West. Calling for a 10-year 
 on communal riots and caste-based violence, he asked the youth to follow him. 
Although he rarely commented or exercised authority when cases of social 
discrimination came into the spotlight — like Dalit scholar Rohith Vemula’s 
suicide or allegations of rising fundamentalism in many parts of India — Modi 
made frequent trips across the world where he held excellent public events. In 
United States of America, for example, Modi’s Madison Square spectacle in New 
York and SAP Center appearance in California (September 2015) received good 
local media coverage. Modi’s mission seemed to have been accomplished with even 
President Barack Obama calling him “Dear Friend Narendra”.

And then Una happened.

Four half-naked Dalits getting beaten up in broad daylight, tied like slaves, 
right in front of Una police station in Gujarat — the incident took place on 
July 11, 2016. The video and images went viral, and sent shockwaves across 
India. Dalits refused to perform their ‘traditional’ roles of disposing animal 
carcasses, citing the threats posed to them by gau rakshaks. The mass pledge to 
not lift cow 
 has been termed as revolutionary. Sociologists and human rights activists have 
hailed this as a historic revolution.

Meanwhile, angry Dalits in the state intensified their protests while the Prime 
Minister — true to his style of not talking about social issues — maintained a 
silence on this ghastly incident in his home state. The spark of the Una 
protest reached every nook and corner of Gujarat. So much so that, the protests 
caught international media attention and criticism.

In its August 3 editorial, headlined “Modi and India’s 
 The New York Times wrote,

A protest in the Indian state of Gujarat’s largest city, Ahmedabad, on Sunday 
by thousands of Dalits — members of India’s lowest castes — has brought to a 
head the contradiction between Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s promise of 
economic opportunity for all and a politics of division driven by right-wing 
Hindu ideology. … The cow, sacred to Hindus, has become a lightning rod for the 
Hindu right under Mr. Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party government. Mr. Modi 
himself has exploited the cow slaughter issue at rallies.

The editorial ended with pretty strong words for the PM, cautioning that the 
turmoil in the state could hamper his party if “Mr Modi does not break his 
shameful silence of cow vigilantes.”

Three days after the NYT editorial castigating him, Modi finally broke his 

[Goanet] McDonald's pressured to serve up global antibiotics ban

2016-08-13 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


McDonald's pressured to serve up global antibiotics ban - BBC 
A new online campaign is putting pressure on fast food giant McDonald's to 
impose a global ban on products from animals treated with antibiotics.

A new online campaign is putting pressure on fast food giant McDonald's to 
impose a global ban on products from animals treated with antibiotics.

Scientists warn that treating livestock with antibiotics is leading to a rise 
in drug-resistant superbugs.

The charity ShareAction has called on consumers to 
email McDonald's chief 
Steve Easterbrook.

Last week, the fast food chain stopped using poultry treated with antibiotics - 
but only in its US restaurants.

ShareAction has called on McDonald's - which operates in more than 100 
countries - to stop using chicken, beef, pork and dairy products that have been 
given antibiotics in all of its 30,000 stores globally.


Medical experts warn that the routine use of antibiotics to promote growth and 
prevent - rather than treat - illness in farm animals contributes to the rise 
of drug-resistant "superbug" infections. They are said to kill at least 23,000 
Americans a year and represent a significant threat to global public health.

Scientists have warned the world is on the cusp of the "post-antibiotic 
era" after discovering in China in 
November 2015 bacteria resistant to the antibiotic colistin - the medication 
used when all others have failed.

It appeared to develop in farm animals before also being detected in hospital 

[Chicken farm]Image copyrightAFPImage captionAntibiotics are widely used to 
prevent rather than treat illnesses

Fast food restaurants have become a focal point for change in the food industry 
by forcing suppliers to change their practices.

According to ShareAction, more than 70% of all antibiotics used in the US are 
given to livestock.

'Supersize their ambition'

In the UK, that figure stands at more than 50% according to the group.

"We hope this action will encourage McDonald's to supersize their ambition," 
said ShareAction chief executive Catherine Howarth.

McDonald's told the Reuters news agency that it was too early to set a timeline 
for phasing out the use of all meat and milk products from animals treated with 

The company cited varying practices and regulations around the world as one of 
the difficulties, but added that it "continues to regularly review this issue".

[McDonald's sign]Image copyrightGETTY IMAGES

Rival fast food groups are also under pressure to take action.

On Thursday KFC was the target of a petition from consumer 
groups that called on the chicken 
chain to stop using poultry products treated with antibiotics.

KFC has already said it will limit the use of human antibiotics in its chicken 
by next year.

However, critics claim the policy still allows for routine use of antibiotics 
by its chicken suppliers.

US burger chain Wendy's plans to stop using chickens raised with antibiotics by 
2017 and also plans to set similar goals for pork and beef.

Antibiotics - what you need to know

  *   Some infections are becoming almost impossible to treat because of the 
excessive use of antibiotics.
  *   More than half of the antibiotics used around the world are used in 
animals, often to make them grow more quickly.
  *   Scientists warned the world was on the cusp of the "post-antibiotic 
era" after discovering in China in 
November 2015 bacteria resistant to the antibiotic colistin - the medication 
used when all others have failed.
  *   It appeared to develop in farm animals before also being detected in 
hospital patients.
  *   In some cases, antibiotics are used in agriculture to treat infections - 
but most are used prophylactically in healthy animals to prevent infection or, 
controversially, as a way of boosting weight gain.
  *   Using antibiotics as growth promoters was banned in the EU in 2006.
  *   Such uses are more common in intensive farming conditions.
  *   Antibiotics are most useful in cramped dirty conditions where infections 
are easier to spread, so more spacious and hygienic living conditions are one 
way to reduce the need for antibiotics.
  *   There are also calls for 
greater investment in research for vaccines and for tests that can diagnose 
specific infections and a call for countries to agree on a 

[Goanet] Mumbai: Gentle Reminder: 'Police & You' session, 17th August 5 to 7pm. Arrest, Detention, Police Interrogation & your rights. Sr Advocate Satish Maneshinde and Ramesh Mahale (retd SrPI)

2016-08-13 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Police Reforms Watch 

Dear Friend,

Please attend this empowering session as per details in the announcement and 
how to register which is a must.

warm regards,

Dolphy A. D'souza

Cell: 9833884227
Email: policereformswa...@gmail.com
W: www.policereformswatch.org

- Original Message -
From: Shilpa - Moneylife Foundation
To: personnelpeo...@gmail.com
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2016 9:30 AM
Subject: Gentle Reminder: 'Police & You' session, 17th August 5 to 7pm. Arrest, 
Detention, Police Interrogation & your rights. Sr Advocate Satish Maneshinde 
and Ramesh Mahale (retd SrPI)

Open this email on your web 
browser | Forward this 
email to a friend

Dear Sir / Ma'am,

The Police & You

Arrest and Detention, Police Interrogation and Questioning

Here is an opportunity to know what are cognizable and non-cognizable offences, 
your rights and redress in case of unlawful arrest, when can you be arrested 
without a warrant, your right to legal advice, rights of the accused and 
witness during questioning.

Join now for this important learning session.

Wednesday, 17th August, 5pm to 7pm

[http://moneylife.in/events/mlfpolicereform/images/satish.png]Adv Satish 
Maneshinde, one of the top notch lawyers practising in criminal matters, would 
explain rights of citizens, including redress in case of unlawful arrest and 
legal advice, what are the rights of accused and witnesses.

[http://moneylife.in/events/mlfpolicereform/images/ramesh_mahale.png]Mr Ramesh 
Padmanabh Mahale, who was the chief investigating officer in the 26/11 Mumbai 
Terror Attack case, would guide on how police arrest or detain someone, how the 
interrogation takes place and what questions are asked by police.


 for details of the remaining 8 sessions

Venue: Eknath Thakur Hall, Saraswat Bank Head Quarters, Appasaheb Marathe Marg, 
Prabhadevi, Mumbai 400 025 (landmark, just after Ravindra Natya Mandir, turning 
right on one-way at Sayani Road junction).

We request those of you who have registered for all 12 sessions, to make sure 
that your registration is marked by our Team at Moneylife so that you can get a 
completion certificate.

If you have still not registered, please RSVP with Shilpa at 022-49205000 or 
email foundat...@moneylife.in or Call/SMS/ 
WhatsApp on +91-7045156415 (Please give your Name. email ID & Contact number)

To register for other sessions on the following Wednesdays please click here:  


Moneylife Foundation Team
Tel: 022- 49205000 | Email: 


[Goanet] "JAI BHIM!" by Cedric Prakash (in COMPANION - August 2016)

2016-08-13 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Fr. Cedric Prakash sj 

Dear All,


Attached is my article "JAI BHIM!" in the latest issue of COMPANION(August 
2016) .

Would be happy to have your comments on it


warm wishes


(Kindly note: I will be in India till August 27th 2016.
 If needed I can be contacted on (+91 9824034536)
Fr. Cedric Prakash sj
Advocacy & Communications
Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) MENA Region
Rue de L'Universitie Saint-Joseph
Achrafieh 11002150 BEIRUT  LEBANON
Mobile:+961- 70-843-995
 to 58(ext-1703)
Skype:cprakashsj Twitter:@CedricPrakash and @jrs_mena
Like us on https://www.facebook.com/JRSMiddleEast

[Goanet] 500 Cows Starve To Death In Rajasthan Shelter, Their Hooves Stuck In Muck

2016-08-06 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


 More than 500 cows have died in the last two weeks, say volunteers, at a 
shelter near Jaipur in Rajasthan, their neglected stalls turning into death 

The Rajasthan government on Saturday ordered a high-level inquiry and suspended 
two senior officials for dereliction of duty.

Since more than 250 contractual workers at the Hingonia cow shelter went on 
strike last month to demand that they be paid, no one has cleaned the stalls 
where the animals are kept or fed them, and many have starved to death, their 
hooves stuck in slush caused by heavy rain and cow dung.

There is no official count of the number of cows that have died, but volunteers 
who have arrived to help clean the sheds say they have taken out 90 carcasses 
in the last two days and there are many more dead cows. The shelter houses 
about 8,000 cows. Government vet Dr Devendra Kumar Yadav confirmed that most of 
the cows have died from starvation not disease.

"The main reason is that workers here have not been paid since May and with no 
labour how do you expect me to sort out the problem?" said Bhagwat Singh Dewal, 
chairman of the shelter, which has an yearly budget of 20 crore.


After contractual workers at Hingonia shelter went on strike, no one is left to 
take care of cows

The salaries were held up because of a dispute between the Jaipur Municipal 
Corporation and the firm through which the workers are hired to clean the cow 
sheds and feed the animals.

As local media reported the deaths, the Rajasthan High Court has sought a 
report from the government, which has swung into action moving in heavy 
machines to clear the muck.

The Congress has attacked the ruling BJP in the state. "Where are the 
'gau-rakshaks' (cow protectors) now?" said Rameshwar Dudi, leader of the 
opposition in the Rajasthan assembly.

"This is government apathy and neglect," he alleged, after a tour of the 

[Goanet] SECULAR CITIZEN -And this is Christian Persecution in India

2016-08-06 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Don Aguiar >

Good Morning,

Below is an article in the latest issue of the SECULAR CITIZEN that will be on 
the stands this – 8th August 2016.

Do comment / respond on the article – And this is Christian Persecution in India

Happy Reading
Don Aguiar

And this is Christian Persecution in India   Don Aguiar

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists 
in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the 
unreasonable man." — George Bernard Shaw

How very true…… likewise the present political party with their communal 
ideology that has formed the government in power is indeed trying to adopt the 
country according to their communal ideology ………..   Therefore all progress of 
the country will depend on their communal ideology…….. In pushing for a Hindu 

First they (the present government in power) steadily increased radical 
Hinduism, which was already present under the previous government, and started 
persecution and discrimination against the Christians

While intolerance has presently risen to a great extent, and Christians are 
constantly attacked, the central government has refused to speak out against 
the atrocities – thus further encouraging the radical Hindus to step up their 
actions. The level of impunity has gone up markedly during the pendency of the 
present government for those who push for a completely Hindu India.  The 
Secularists, free thinking and minorities and likeminded people feel 
uncomfortable by the violence. But haven't these things been happening in 
India? And this is Christian Persecution in India.

Then they denied Christians from constructing places of worship - Christian 
churches and prayer halls - and prevented them from using common burial grounds.

Churches around India were bombed and church graves were desecrated and 
ransacked - churches were burnt or destroyed, and damaged.  The secularists, 
free thinking and minorities and likeminded people feel uncomfortable when such 
violence is directed against such a good peace loving community. But haven't 
these things been happening in India? And this is Christian Persecution in 

Then they started attacks on churches during Sunday prayers and beat up 
pastors, priest and religious and vandalized the church.

The pastors, priest and religious have legal freedom to preach and to 
proselytize. The Secularists, free thinking and minorities and likeminded 
people feel sympathy for their lot. They are barely represented population wise 
and are now being despised and humiliated because of the religion they follow 
and profess.  The Secularists, free thinking and minorities and likeminded 
people feel uncomfortable when people who are peace loving and have contributed 
immensely to building India are attacked for the religion they profess. But, 
haven't these things been happening in India? And this is Christian Persecution 
in India.

Then they denied Rations to Christian believers, chased them out of their homes 
and lands and started fake encounters making fake cases and arbitrary arrests 
against them.

It seemed the communal forces are adamant and hell-bent on not allowing the 
freedom to practice and profess the religion of one’s choice as guaranteed by 
our Constitution and makes Christians out to be and treats them as 

Their passport and Aadhar Card and driving license and electricity bill and 
ration card are insufficient proof of their Indianness. It is a slogan that all 
of them must repeat, loudly and in public, to demonstrate that they are Indian 
- Their food, language, clothes, faces, bodies, all the inheritance of 
millennia that the world identifies as Indian is also incidental. It is sad 
that justice and the constitution which should be the hallmark of democracy 
which gives one the freedom to practice and profess one’s own religion are not 
being followed and is being suppressed. But haven't such things been happening 
in India? And this is Christian Persecution in India.

Then they started violence against conversion to Christianity and started a 
campaign aimed at claiming back Hindus who became Christians – ‘Ghar Vapasi’.

The nationalists in India together with the communal forces do not judge 
Christians for their achievements and contribution in building India but for 
their worship of their God. Christian worship and spreading their Word of God 
are likened to conversion. But then, which Indian government is free from this 
attitude.  Such things are happening in India and this is Christian Persecution 
in India.

The communal forces attached to the ruling party (the government) are creating 
an atmosphere of fear among Christians by attacking them and their places they 
reside in. They accuse Christians of wanting to convert [people]. This becomes 
an expression 

[Goanet] Mumbai(Kalina): How to avoid being cheated by landlord / developer during re-development of buildings.

2016-08-05 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Dear friends,

This is to inform you that our next monthly "Petition Group" meeting would be 
held as usual on 1st Sunday of this month (i.e. on 7th Aug.  2016). The details 
of the meeting are :--

1.  Speaker  :-  Mr Krishnaraj Rao (Housing expert)

2.  Topic :How to avoid being cheated by landlord / developer during 
re-development of buildings.

3.  Day, Date and Time :  Sunday, 7th Aug. 2016,  10:30 am - 1 pm.

4. Venue :   Lions Medical Centre, Red Rose Apt., Mutton Galli, Santacruz East, 
Mumbai 98. (A little ahead of Kalina University while coming from Santacruz 
Rly. Stn).

5.  Host :  Voice of Kalina (led by Mr Clarence Pinto and his team members).

10:30 am - 11 am -  Tea and snacks.

11 am to 12:30 pm -  Talk by Mr Krishnaraj Rao.

(There is likelihood of a criminal Lawyer being present amongst us, so we would 
be able to get the benefit of his expertise too between 12:30 pm - 1 pm)

Since the seats are limited, kindly RSVP your attendance to Mr Clarence Pinto 
on clarenc...@gmail.com or on Cell: 09869649138.

(All are invited.  Kindly inform others too whom you think may be interested.)


G R Vora

For all the members of "Petition Group".

Cell:  09869195785

[Goanet] Goa Buzz - News from Target Goa dot in

2016-08-05 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Bevinda Collaco >

Goa Buzz

Gear up for vegetable shortage as Karnataka farmers block roads, destroy 
property over Mhadei Tribunal interim 
July 29, 2016

Plant vegetables should be the mantra of the government. Use all vacant land 
for growing food, they should be saying….Read Full 

Casino issue is a game, parties blame each other, media reports it and all are 
bought by casino 

The level that the MLAs will sink to is unbelievable. The opposition staged a 
walkout from the Assembly session yesterday after… Read Full 

Interesting tidbits from the ongoing Monsoon Session at the Goa State 
July 28, 2016

Remember how Cumbharjua MLA Pandurang Madkaikar raised our hopes needlessly, 
saying the villagers would burn the casino boat in their… Read Full 

Mhadei Tribunal rules in favour of Goa in interim order, tells Karnataka to 
July 27, 2016

The Mhadei Water Tribunal today rejected Karnataka’s demand to divert 7.56 TMC 
of water from the Mhadei basin to the… Read Full 

If the next Assembly elections hinge on MOI, Bandodkar will be laughing in the 
July 26, 2016

The BJP has its knickers in a twist over the MGP suddenly plonking itself 
squarely on the side of the… Read Full 

Calangute villagers want entire coastal belt to be turned into settlement 
July 25, 2016

If you were thinking that the villagers of Goa are fighting to preserve the 
coastline and hills, here’s a fact…. Read Full 

Aires and Rohan Khaunte say Vigilance Dept clean chit for beach cleaning scam 
is a charade  

July 23, 2016

Both Adv. Aires Rodrigues and Porvorim MLA Rohan Khaunte, are alleging that the 
Vigilance Department giving a clean chit to… Read Full 

Goa Govt scurries to act on NGT notice, assures Ribandar citizens that the 
casino boat will be shifted immediately

The National Green Tribunal today reportedly issued notice to Goa Government 
over the Casino Deltin Caravela being illegally anchored at… Read Full 

As Herald Publications unleashes its ire on Mayabhushan for his expose of them, 
he writes to Goa Union of 

Dear friends in the GUJ executive committee You may have been aware of the 
developments surrounding the #JackpotJournalism story, which… Read Full 

Change your minds Shrinivas Dempo and Raj Salgaoncar, do not sell FC Goa to the 

[Goanet] Caste or racial discrimination ? - Walter Fernandes

2016-08-05 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: naveen fernandes >

Caste or racial discrimination? (2 August 2016, The Sentinel)

Walter Fernandes

The same day in late May witnessed two important events. The Indian Space 
Research Organisation successfully tested a retrievable satellite and the Rajya 
Sabha MP Tarun Tejpal was assaulted for accompanying some dalits who wanted 
entry into a temple. On the following day newspapers had first page headlines 
on the satellite. Very few papers reported the attack on dalits and most of 
them relegated the news item to a three-inch column in an inner page. That 
symbolises the contradictions in our society. On the one hand we boast about 
the country’s achievements in space and in other areas and even claim that we 
had aeroplanes and inter-continental flying machines 5,000 years ago. On the 
other hand we refuse to treat a big section of our people as human beings. The 
glory of the country is judged by GDP not by human growth.

That caste attitude extends also to colour, as seen in the killing a Congolese 
national by some hoodlums in Delhi a few days before the above incidents. There 
were many such incidents elsewhere for example in Goa and an auto driver 
spitting on a Tanzanian young man and stripping of an African girl in 
Bangalore. But we refuse to call it racism. General V. K. Singh is reported to 
have dismissed them as minor incidents blown out of proportion by the media. In 
the past he had reportedly said after an attack on dalits that the government 
cannot act every time someone throws a stone at a dog. The foreign minister 
expressed sorrow about the killing of an African but did not call it a racist 
attack. She is reported have added that India cannot be racist. Some other 
leaders regretted the incidents because they bring a bad name to India not 
because they violate the human rights of Africans.

All of it hides a deep racist feeling and colour and caste consciousness in our 
society. One has only to see the marriage advertisements in the newspapers. The 
demand is invariably for a “fair convent educated girl”. Caste is mentioned at 
times but in most cases it is hidden in neutral terminology. Colour is never 
far from our minds. Most of our literature and digital media present evil as 
black and good as white. Day in and day out commercials advertise facial and 
body products to give us a fair skin. But we keep proclaiming that we are not 
racist or race conscious. When Africans were attacked in Goa the Chief Minister 
of the State is reported to have claimed that it was the result of their bad 
behaviour. When challenged he defended himself by saying that he was only 
“giving expression to the general feeling in his State” about their behaviour. 
That statement is not far from what some fundamentalists in cities and even the 
police in Delhi say about women from the Northeast attracting the attention of 
men through their dress and “non–Indian” behaviour. The victim is the culprit. 
It implies that the attacks will not stop till the victims change their 
behaviour or colour or both.

When the evil cannot be hidden, denial mode is the norm. It takes forms such as 
the claim that the caste system was introduced by the colonial regime, that 
missionaries brought witch hunting with them, that sati is the result of Muslim 
rule and that no such evil existed in ancient India. Such talk takes other 
forms too. When, for example, an Indian (normally from a dominant caste) is 
attacked in a western country, the media react violently against the “attack on 
an Indian”. When a dalit is attacked in India, it becomes a “minor incident.” A 
rape in a city becomes a national issue. But hundreds of dalit girls raped all 
over the country become only statistics if reported at all. Some like Cynthia 
Stephen even report that, in a few villages in Tamil Nadu most dalit girls are 
raped by dominant caste landlords but such cases are not reported, nor are 
other cases of rape or stripping in Rajasthan, Haryana and elsewhere.

The situation of dalits is expressed not merely in atrocities but also in daily 
life, income being one of them. While in India as a whole around a third of the 
population lives below the poverty line, even according official statistics 
their proportion among dalits is more than 60 percent. Only around 60 percent 
of dalits are able to enter class one but 80 percent of those who enter drop 
out before class 4 and become child labourers. Around 70 percent of child 
labourers in the country are dalits and tribals. There are reservations for 
them at school and in government and public sector jobs but only an elite among 
them can avail of them since the rest cannot afford the type of education that 
the jobs require. As a result, many reserved posts remain unfilled but persons 
from the dominant castes use the fact of reservations to make propaganda that 
dalits and tribals deprive 

[Goanet] Mumbai: Requesting Referrals for PTL (Power to Lead) Batch 011- Last Few Seats Left

2016-08-05 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Dr. Ruth D'Souza 

Dear friends,

Warm Greetings from Power to Lead and Ruth!

I am sure that you are doing well  and making a difference in your sphere of 

Having evolved over the years, Power to Lead now has a new Design and Format. 
The ensuing Batch 011(Beginning August 26th 2016) will be focused completely on 
Leadership Skills and the Programme has been condensed into a crisper format. 
Registrations are in their final stages for Batch 011. Do recommend the 
Programme to your friends, family, colleagues or any potential candidate. For 
details on the programme, please click this link: 

You can also forward this email.

Interested candidates may contact: 86522 52935 or drop an email at 

Looking forward to your recommendation and wishing you all the very best in 
your endeavors.

Keep in touch!

Ctrl+ Click to view the Brochure

Warm regards,

Dr. Ruth D'Souza

Programme Director

Power to Lead - Sampoorna Empowerment Foundation

3A, Central Plaza, 166, C.S.T. Road, Kalina, Santacruz (E), Mumbai :- 400 098, 
Maharashtra, India.

Tel: +91 22 2666 6611 / 44

Email: ruth.dso...@powertolead.net

Website: http://powertolead.net

[Goanet] Mumbai (Bandra W): Thivim villsge, Goa - get together - Please forward to all

2016-08-05 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: janerodrigues 

: Dear Clients, Family and friends of Thivimkars village,Goa  -

Kindly attend in large numbers in order to make this programme a huge success.

Kindly forward to all on wtsapp and post on Facebook and all social media.

I will personally deliver to you, the donation pass and/or collect your ad form 
and cheque -  at any train station between Churchgate and Vasai Road station,

Regards and best wishes

Jane Rodrigues Hearing Aid Centre
Wtsapp - +917506319095

The Tivimnenses Union , Mumbai

Invites all Thivimkars ,Priests and Nuns to -

Celebrate the feast of St. Christopher,
our Patron saint of Thivim. Village , Goa


Date - Sunday, 21St August, 2016

Thanksgiving Mass  @ 10am @ St. Peters Church, hill road, Bandra west, Mumbai - 
400 050

Followed by blessing of vehicles.

Get-to-gether @ Bosco Hall, St.Andrews Church,Hill Road,Bandra West,Mumbai-400 
050 - from 11am onwards .

11.15am - snacks and coffee

Lunch - 2pm -   Veg. Biryani, Chicken curry, Sorpotel,Bread, salad and icecream

Donation passes - Thivimkars and their spouse, Married Daughters and their 
spouse and kids - Rs 150/- per head.

Kids of Thivimkars below 12 years - rs 75/- per child


Donation pass - Relatives of Thivimkars from other villages of goa and their 
kids -  Rs. 250/- per person.

Enjoy dancing and listening to English and konkani music

Spot prizes
And lotsa
Enjoy the  magic in your life.

Please note - Rights of admission reserved

Kindly contact - for donation passes to -

Ezmeralda D'Mello -
Secretary -
Wtsapp - +919920979818


Tony Sequeira
Wtsapp - +919819187588

Education awards will be given to all students of Thivim village residing in 
Mumbai,  who have passed with 60% marks - in March 2016 the following exams -

Xth - All Boards
XIIth - Arts,Commerce and Science
Graduation - Arts, Commerce,Science and others

Kindly handover self attested, xerox copy of yr results to Ezme immediately.

Those with highest marks will be given the Education award.

Please advertise your products and souvenirs or greet fellow Thivimkars through 
your ads in the Souvenir which will be given on that day to all Thivimkars.

You can hand over your cheque/cash with ad matter to Ezme before  18 August, 
2016. Receipt will be given to you on the spot.

Your products and services and names and contact details as advertised by you 
in our Souvenir

will also be displayed on wtsapp,Facebook and other social media which will 
reach millions of people worldwide and give you lots of publicity and new 

Thivimkars - Please attend in large numbers in order to make this programme a 
huge success.

Best wishes

Ezmeralda D'Mello  Tony Sequeira
Secretary. President

Sent from RediffmailNG on Android

[Goanet] "We Must Treat Our Waste Ourselves, rather than asking someone to do that" - Mahatma Gandhi

2016-08-05 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Paathshala School Mantra: We Must Treat Our Waste Ourselves - Swachh 
Season 2 of NDTV-Dettol Banega Swachh India continued scouting the country to 
find the 'Swachh Warriors' or those who have selflessly dedicate their time and 
efforts in making the country a cleaner and better place to live. One such 
group of people comes from the country southern part - Tamil Nadu has seen a 
massive ...

(view the video of the school children harvesting the compost made from their 
waste, by clicking on the above link)

Season 2 of NDTV-Dettol Banega Swachh India continued scouting the country to 
find the 'Swachh Warriors' or those who have selflessly dedicate their time and 
efforts in making the country a cleaner and better place to live.
One such group of people comes from the country southern part - Tamil Nadu has 
seen a massive transformation in its waste management responsibilities making 
the state stand among the cleanest in the country.

Read: Kerala All Set To Become Country's Second Open Defecation Free (ODF) 

These 'Swachh Warriors' are the students and the management of 'Paathshala,' a 
school just outside the city of Chennai. The highlight of this place is that 
they provide the school with dry composting toilets.

Dry composting toilets work on a model which uses minimum water as instead of 
flushing the human excreta, the person covers it with saw dust. After six 
months, this entire waste is collected and used as compost for their gardening 

[banega swachh india 1]

Read: Amitabh Bachchan To Be The Face Of City Compost 

By using this Gandhian philosophy which says 'we must treat our waste ourselves 
rather than asking someone to do that,' the people of this Paathshala have 
enabled their locality with a sustainable form of waste management.
"System of the dry composting toilets makes us completely responsible for the 
waste we generate in aN ecologically sane and hygienic manner. There are no 
septic tanks and very less usage of water and all that is required are a few 
lifestyle tweaks," says a student of Paathshala.

Through this model, one eliminates the abundant wastage of water which modern 
toilets are responsible for.
The flush in the toilets amounts to the usage of nearly 10-20 thousand liters 
of water, per person-per year. Using the Paathsahal School's model, one can 
additionally converse water while at the same time help the environment.

[swachh india]

By harvesting the compost from their own toilets, these Swachh Warriors are 
also inspiring the students of neighboring school to pick up the same model and 
eventually inculcate an entire generation of youngsters with a way to connect 
with earth and contribute to the larger lifecycle.

If you know a person who has done a lot to make India clean and healthy then 
nominate that person now forBanega Swachh India's Swachh 

[Goanet] Scholarship schemes for students belonging to Minority Community for 2016-17.

2016-08-05 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Scholarships Schemes belongs to Minority Community has been announced for 

Pre - Matric
I to Vth std - scholarship Rs.1000 p.a
VI to Xth std - scholarship Rs.5000 p.a
Income Limit- Rs.1 Lak
Last Date - 31st August.

Post Matric
11 & 12th std - scholarship Rs.9000 p.a
Under Graduate - scholarship Rs.6000 p.a
Income Limit - Rs.2lak
Last Date - 31st August.

Merit Cum Means
Professional & Technical courses - scholarship Rs.25000 p.a
Income Limit - 2.5lak
Last Date - 31st October.

It is mandatory for all students to apply online on
e-Scholarships : Minority Welfare Scholarships 
scholarships are earmarked for girl students. *Students should have secured not 
less ...


After submitting applications  online, take print out of application & submit 
it in the Institutions/College.

Documents to be attached.
? Aadhar Card
? Photo with signature
? Last year Mark list
? Residential Proof
? Self Declaration of Income Proof.
? Self declaration of Religious Certificate.
? Bank Passbook xerox with IFSC Number.

[Goanet] Mumbai: BMC admits to mistakes in revised DP ...TOI 27 Jul pg 9

2016-07-27 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

BMC admits to mistakes in revised DP
Richa Pinto


Says It Will Rectify Plan On Its Own
Just a few days before the deadline for citizens to send suggestionsobjections 
to the revised draft Development Plan (DP) 2034, the BMC on Tuesday admitted 
there were numerous errors -pointing at errors, citizens and activists have 
been demanding extended extension of the deadline to study the DP further 

However, the civic body has termed them `drafting errors' and decided to 
correct them and present the draft DP directly the planning committee to be 
formed to hear suggestions and objections.

An official from BMC's DP department said, "At some places, buffer zones have 
not been marked along nullahs and rivers. Also there's spillover in the marking 
of different zones like industrial zones at some places [zones shown larger or 
smaller]. They are all being corrected now. The other errors include 
inaccuracies in the width of roads and and their names being missed out. We 
have suo motu decided to make these corrections and present them before the 
planning committee." The planning committee would consist of four urban 
planning experts and three standing committee members.

The BMC will also present before the committee a list of drafting errors in the 
plan it is finding.

DP department officials said they were cartographic issues and they are yet to 
know the exact number of errors.

Activist Shyama Kulkarni of AGNI Trustee said it's too late in the day for the 
civic body to undertake such a corrections. "Are they trying to hoodwink 
citizens by correcting the errors and calling them drafting errors? On one hand 
they are not giving extension for citizens to send suggestions objections, but 
on the other they themselves are correcting errors," said Kulkarni.

Advocate Godfrey Pimenta of the NGO Watchdog Foundation said, "If the BMC 
itself is correcting the plan then it should give Mumbaikars more time to give 
suggestions/ objections."


[Goanet] A take on Zakir Naik

2016-07-26 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Sunny Fernandes 


Appreciate all those sending me feedback messages via email. You can even post 
your feedback on the blog site



‘Zika’ Naik

Cannot understand the hoolaboola around a religious ‘virus’ speaker, Zakir 
Naik. If someone instigates with preaching their interpretation of a religion, 
and someone allegedly gets instigated to violence, never knew that there were 
laws in India that could convict such a person propagating it. On a lighter 
vein never knew that there was law in India. As we have a Salman Khan who can 
mow down people driving in a drunken stupor and prove he was not on the wheel. 
Maybe his endorsement for a washing soap named ‘wheel’ could have washed away 
all evidence. The law is still trying to persecute him as it is not yet proven 
that he was driving the car, for that matter it has not even been proved that 
someone was driving the car.

Like the lousy Hindi thriller mystery movies, in the end the villain is caught, 
but here after ten years the self-proclaimed villain, Salman Khan’s driver, 
suddenly awakes from some brain disorder it seems, to realize he was driving 
the car. So what took him ten years to realize this? Could he have got 
‘reverted’ to Islam by Zakir Naik’s speeches, where after doing the act of 
violence he should declare himself, or else he will not enter heaven and get 
his share of virgins. Even Salam Khan has claimed that he is a virgin, and this 
could be again Zakir Naik’s influence on him to claim his share of virgins in 
heaven. So all heroines who are wondering if he is impotent, they need to 
understand he could be trying to be ‘Being Muslim’, as directed by Zakir Naik.

So if instigation to violence, which is terrorism if a Muslim does it, then 
Maharashtrians who are instigated to violence towards people who are from other 
states, will their leaders too must be tried like Zakir Naik, or is the law for 
hate speech only for Zakir Naik? We had Amitabh Bachchan who instigated people 
to revenge after the assassination of our Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi, 
resulting in people from the Sikh community getting slaughtered. We have had a 
leader who said Muslims should go to Pakistan and Christians to go to Rome, and 
no one has had an issue with such provocation. Some act of terrorism is done in 
some other country and the terrorist allege that they were influenced by Zakir 
Naik. Suddenly all the machinery of India gets into full gear, especially the 
press wants to judge him. No one wants to bell the cat of politicians who spew 
venom on basis of caste and creed during election time. Act of terrorism in 
Bombay which rocked the world was concluded by a (late) politician stating that 
such small incidents do happen in big cities. Next would be some maniacs 
killing people and claim they got influenced by Hindi movies, will the 
‘Intelligence Agencies’ then go about investigating Cine artists, the producers 
and directors?  Then maybe then censor board would be held accountable, who 
anyways tries to censor movies as if there are governed by some moral laws. 
Maybe going forward they would allege Zakir Naik as the reason for many cuts in 
the movies that show violence, terrorism and murder. Like now when a cigarette 
is lit in a scene of a movie, there pops a statutory warning that ‘Cigarette 
smoking is injurious to health’. So with Zakir Naik as an excuse for violence, 
bombing scenes would carry a message that ‘Bombing and killing are not 
instigated by Zakir Naik’.

Politicians promise the moon during elections and citizens of Bombay get moon 
craters on the roads during monsoons. So people who die on such roads, will the 
politicians who promised ‘Acche Din’ (Good Days) be tried? Politicians along 
with hate speech also indulge in fake speech and we had one of the ministers in 
the present government before coming to power, claimed that every Indian’s bank 
account would be deposited with 1.5 million rupees, when they come in power. 
Since no one has got this 1.5 million and someone indulges in violence would 
the joker who promised this, be tried? On the contrary the government is still 
trying hard, to have Indians in rural India to build toilet to deposit their 
excreta in the toilet. Promises of Black Money being brought to India. We are 
still struggling to get Dawood to India, and got Vijay Mallaya to get out of 
India and now Zakir Naik who claims he is rarely in India.

Digvijay Singh has even conferred the title ‘Messenger of Peace’ to Zakir Naik. 
In the process Digvijay got the message of polygamy and 

[Goanet] 4 Reasons Why Pune Scores in Waste Management

2016-07-24 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

4 Reasons Why Pune Scores in Waste 
Moneylife is an online resource for news and opinions on personal finance, 
banking, finance and industry sectors from India.

4 Reasons Why Pune Scores in Waste Management
Sucheta Dalal
18 July 2016 To bookmark you need to sign in 


All of India’s metropolises are grappling with problems of pollution, poor air 
quality, no sewage treatment and inadequate solid waste disposal. We ignore the 
issues until they suddenly erupt in the form of frequent fires at overused 
dumping grounds (Mumbai), lakes frothing with toxic foam that hit the streets 
or mass death of fish (Bengaluru), cities being flooded (Chennai) or having to 
resort to extreme traffic restraints (Delhi). Most of this is a result of 
economic prosperity and soaring land values which have led to indiscriminate 
infrastructure building by openly flouting rules or even no serious 
rule-making. Growing prosperity also means a sharp spike in waste generation by 
individual families.

The entire gamut of these issues is high on the agenda of prime minister 
Narendra Modi’s in various forms—the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, the Clean Ganga 
project, or the drive to build toilets or plan to build smart cities with 
well-planned infrastructure. The task is humungous and needs change at the 
local level where multiple political equations and entrenched corruption comes 
into play. But some cities have managed to beat the problem, while the bigger 
ones struggle. Let’s consider just one example.

[http://www.moneylife.in/site/userimage/image/1468825907_DF-272-1.jpg]While it 
may not rank among India’s cleanest cities as yet, Pune, which is now a part of 
the PM’s Smart Cities initiative, has made big strides in improving its solid 
waste management problems, in recent years. The success of the ‘Pune model’ of 
solid waste management (SWM) is often discussed by Mumbai activists and 
concerned citizens. On 9th July, a dozen-odd activists, engineers, journalists 
and concerned citizens visited Pune (a self-paid, independent trip) to figure 
out why it is doing better than Mumbai. The visit included an overview of Pune 
Municipal Corporation’s (PMC’s) activities and a visit to Noble Exchange 
Environment Solutions Pvt Ltd (NEX) which converts bulk food waste into 
bio-fuel that will soon power Pune’s public transport buses, in a shining 
example of converting waste to wealth.

What we found is an effort to reduce the waste going to landfills and 
greenhouse gas emission that needs to be expanded and amplified in cities 
across the country, with some fine-tuning for local characteristics. What has 
triggered the push for better SWM is also important; but is not the subject of 
this column.

Here are four things that seem to be working in Pune where the integrated SWM 
effort has ensured high (50%-55%) segregation at source in a city that 
generates 1600-1700mtd (metric tonnes a day) of waste every day.

  1.  Right Man for the Job: Committed and dynamic individuals drive change. In 
Pune, joint municipal commissioner, Suresh Jagtap is the driving force and 
seems totally committed to the 4Rs (reduction, reuse, recycle and recover) of 
sustainable development. Concerned Punekars acknowledge that there is genuine 
‘stakeholder engagement’ and accountability that extends from rag-pickers’ 
collectives, to NGOs, citizens’ groups, educational institution and elected 
corporators. This is through increased transparency and a third-party audit by 
three educational institutions who produce a well publicised colour-coded 
monthly scorecard on how each corporator’s constituency has fared on the SWM 

  2.  Multiple Solutions: PMC has combined an integrated approach with a 
decentralised waste management strategy that encourages NGOs and private sector 
participation. It has 25 decentralised bio-methane plants which produce 600kw 
of electricity and compost; the 300tpd NEX plant that converts food waste to 
bio-CNG, 300TPB (total plumbum) vermi-compost and compost projects (Ajinkya 
Biofert and Disha), and the Rochem Separation Systems which processes mixed 
waste to produce 300tpd producing RDF (refuse derived fuel). It also has 13 
smaller composting plants. 

[Goanet] Mumbai (Kalina): A report on 'God's Amazing Grace', Sunday school for children with special needs

2016-07-22 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Priya D'Souza >

Dear friends,

Attached below is a letter for the parishes of our  deanery about God's Amazing 
Grace Sunday school for children with special needs held in our parish Our Lady 
of Egypt, Kalina

Thanks n Regards,

Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will 
strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right 
hand.(Isaiah 41:10)

[Goanet] Mumbai (Azad Maidan): BCS protests BMC development plan ....ADC. July 19, 2016 pg 9

2016-07-19 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

BCS protests BMC development plan
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
By Steffy Thevar. Photograph By Azad Shrivastav

Several activists and members of the Bombay Catholic Sabha (BCS) and the Bombay 
East Indian Association (BEIA) gathered at the Azad Maidan on Monday to protest 
against the Revised Draft Development Plan (RDDP) 2034, which has wrongly 
marked several religious institutions, landmarks, places, schools, etc. Fearing 
that this would lead to a lot of mischief and even demolition of the heritage 
structures in the city, the group also met Vivek More, Deputy Chief Engineer of 
the Development Plan, and submitted their list of demands.

The group complained that the Koliwadas and Gaothans in the city are left out 
of the plan. It also demands that they, a) scrap the tourism zone in 
Manori-Gorai-Uttan (MGU) Region, b) save the homes, occupation and Environment 
in MGU region, c) mark all churches in RDDP, avoid land acquisition of school 
playgrounds and cemeteries and avoid reservations on church lands.

Speaking to ADC, BCS president Gordon D'Souza said, "Many of these structures 
are more than a 100 years old. When we met More, he simply ignored the issue by 
saying the BMC does not have time to mark these spots." Although some of them 
are marked, many have been left behind, he added.

Deputy Chief Engineer Vivek More, Development Plan department, said that this 
proposal is yet under public supervision. "The revenue department will take the 
final call for demarcation of Koliwadas in the city and for this, a committee 
has also been formed. As far as religious structures are concerned, the local 
body is following a 1991 plan as a policy and so no new religious structures 
can be added. It is for the government to decide whether to change it or not." 
he added.

The group has also sent a letter to the Municipal Commissioner, Ajoy Mehta, 
asking for the fulfillment of their demands.

[Goanet] Mumbai: The POLICE and YOU: A 12 week programme for 2 hours every Wednesday starting 20th July. REGISTER NOW for full programme & Certificate

2016-07-01 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Police Reforms Watch 

Dear Friend,


 The Police and You :  Moneylife Foundation initiative with Police Reforms 
Watch and Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, [CHRI].

Unique opportunity to empower yourself: Spread the word among friends and 

Thank you.

warm regards,
Dolphy A. D'souza
Cell: 9833884227
Email: policereformswa...@gmail.com
W: www.policereformswatch.org

- Original Message -
From: Shilpa - Moneylife Foundation
To: personnelpeo...@gmail.com
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2016 4:31 PM
Subject: The POLICE and YOU: A 12 week programme for 2 hours every Wednesday 
starting 20th July. REGISTER NOW for full programme & Certificate

Open this email in your web browser | Forward this email to a friend

12-week programme: One lecture every week
starting 20th July to 1st October

Wednesday 5 pm to 7 pm
with Police Reforms Watch
& Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative

The Police and You: Everything that you need to know about protecting yourself, 
your rights, the Indian Penal Code, cyber crime and economic offences
Participation Certificate on completing full 12 weeks. Registrations open for 
full course
(You can also register and attend individual sessions).


Civil Defence: Role of citizens in
disaster management, flood & cyclone

Mr SB Bagat, Ms DD Gharat, and Mr BS Pagdhare from the Directorate of Civil 
Defence, Maharashtra Police.



Disaster Management : Fire Safety

Mr AM Aware, and Mr MK Mhatre from the Directorate of Civil Defence, 
Maharashtra Police.
Understanding the risk associated with different kinds of fires, including 
chemical fires and explosions.



Civil Defence: First Aid & CPR

Mr VS Bidwe, Mr SV Desai, and Mr MV Jadhav from the Directorate of Civil 
Defence, Maharashtra Police.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation as well as some basic knowledge and techniques 
that help save lives in emergency situations.



Police and You: Know your rights
What is an FIR, what happens at the police station: virtual experience

Mr Dolphy DSouza of Police Reforms Watch and other speakers will demonstrate a 
high-tech virtual police station that walks you through the processes at a 
police station using the CHRI’s cutting edge training tool



Police & You: Know your rights
What are arrest and detention, police interrogation and questioning

Mr Dolphy DSouza of Police Reforms Watch and other speakers tell you about 
cognizable and non-cognizable offences, rights and redress in case of unlawful 
arrest. Also, when you can be arrested without a warrant, your right to legal 
advice, rights of the accused and witness during questioning etc.



Police & You: Know your rights
What men & women need to know about sexual harassment laws , Section 498A etc

Mr Dolphy DSouza of Police Reforms Watch and other speakers will tell you how 
to register a police complaint, explain processes involved in dealing with 
children, medical examination, the special juvenile unit etc.



Cyber Crime & You: Rights & Protection

The incidence of cyber crime is on the increase because of increased use of 
technology and its careless application. Officers of the police cyber crime 
cell will tell us about how to guard against it and what steps to take if you 
are a victim.



Economic Offences : When can you approach EOW to lodge a complaint, Ponzi, 
money circulation, Protection of Depositors Act

These are offences with the maximum number of victims today. The Economic 

[Goanet] Mumbai: Gloria, you should’ve waited. You’ve passed!

2016-07-01 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Gloria, you should’ve waited. You’ve passed!

[http://epaper.dnaindia.com/images/author.gif] Kranti Vibhute 


Mumbai: Had Gloria Menezes waited for 10 more days, her parents would not have 
lost their only child. The Secondary School Certificate (SSC) student from Holy 
Cross School, Kurla, ended her life on June 20, unable to withstand the 
humiliation she had to suffer.

On June 6, when SSC results were posted online, Gloria was happy: she had 
secured first class with 61.8% marks. But the results showed that she had 
failed in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) paper.

Gloria was convinced that it would be a mistake. She told her mother she was 
confident of passing the exam and applied for the photocopies of her answer 
sheets to the Mumbai Division Board.

In the meantime, WhatsApp messages in the area blamed Gloria for ‘bringing 
disrepute’ to her school, which lost out on securing 100% victory.

On Thursday, when her parents got the photocopies, they found that Gloria had 
cleared the ICT exams, scoring 25 marks out of 50.

According to Gloria’s parents, the WhatsApp message started spreading on the 
day the SSC results were declared. Gloria applied for the photocopies of her 
answer sheets on June 8. She did not hear from the Board till June 20, the day 
she committed suicide.

Gretta, mother of Gloria, said: “We went to the Board to get the photocopies of 
her ICT answer sheets today (Thursday). We were shocked to see that she had 
passed the exam as the school told us that she secured 9 marks out of 10 in her 
practical exam. Don’t know whom to blame. We have lost our child due to this 
silly mistake..”

Duttatray Jagtap, Chairman, Mumbai Division Board, said: “We will need to check 
whether she actually got passing marks in ICT or whether it was the school at 
fault for not sending her practical exam marks. We cannot comment anything 
right now.”

According to Gloria’s father George, “When we asked the Board, officials said 
that the school might not have sent the practical marks to the Board. The board 
officials asked us to bring it in writing from the school that they had 
submitted the practical examination marks to them. Now, we want the police to 

Paramjit Singh Dahiya, DCP-Zone V, had this to say. “I am not familiar with the 
case. But if the parents want the police to investigate, we will surely help 
them. They can record their statements.”

“Who spread the message against my daughter,” asks George. Even if the police 
find the culprits, it will be too late for George and Gretta. What they have 
lost is their only daughter.

The ICT exam

ICT is a graded subject with 50 marks. Of this, written exam accounts for 40 
marks and practicals 10 marks. If a student gets grade ‘D’, he/she is declared 
failed, no matter how good the scores are in other subjects. As many as 9,720 
students from Mumbai had failed to clear this exam this year despite scoring 
well in other subjects.

Published Date:  Jul 01, 2016

[Goanet] Job opening - Project Associate- Mumbai

2016-07-01 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Police Reforms Watch 

Dear Friend,

Project Associate- Mumbai.

Details of the opening are given below. Please recommend and forward it to your 

Please apply directly as mentioned in the vacancy announcement.

Thank you.

warm regards,
Dolphy A. D'souza
Cell: 9833884227
Email: policereformswa...@gmail.com
W: www.policereformswatch.org

The Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) is an independent, 
non-partisan, non-government organisation working for the practical realisation 
of human rights across the Commonwealth. CHRI is based in New Delhi, India, and 
has offices in London, UK and Accra, Ghana. Further information can be accessed 
at CHRI's website 

CHRI's Police Reforms Programme is currently looking for a Project Associate 
based in Mumbaifor a project to improve police responsiveness to women 
complainants in Delhi and Mumbai. The position is a fine opportunity for 
youngprofessionalswith energy and drive committed to human rights and access to 
justice to work on a challenging project that aims to bring changes on the 
ground at the police station level.

The Project Associate will work in close consultation with the Mumbai Project 
Lead and project team to plan and implement project activities in Mumbai. The 
ideal candidate will have good working knowledge of Indian criminal law and 
procedure, will have some previous experience of working with women victims of 
crime and the police at the police station level. The candidate will be a good 
researcher, networker, advocate and team player. The candidate will write well 
and be conversant with process documentation.

Essential Qualifications:

Candidates should have 5-8 years professional work experience, with strong 
academic qualifications in law, social sciences, human rights, or other 
security or criminal justice related fields. Candidates must possess good 
research, writing and editing and oral communications skills in English. 
Knowledge of Indian criminal law and procedure is essential, as is experience 
in working with police at the police station level.Candidates must be adaptable 
and able to work effectively in a challenging environment. Competence in 
written and spoken English is essential, and fluency in Marathi is desirable.

Remuneration will be commensurate with knowledge and experience levels and will 
be in the range of Rs. 45,000 -55,000 per month.

Please apply with:
* 1 page Cover Letter explaining why you think you are suitable for the 
* Résumé, of no more than 3 pages
* One writing sample indicative of your research, analysis and writing 
skills (no more than 4 pages)
* Contact details of two references, who can vouch for your 
professional competence

Applications should be sent only by email to CHRI at 
v...@humanrightsinitiative.org by 10 
July 2016. Applicants are requested to mention in the subject line: Project 
Lead, Police Reforms. Please ensure that you send all essential documents 
mentioned above. Candidates selected for the job will be required to produce 
original certificates for verification of their claim regards educational 

[Goanet] Pope at Jubilee Audience: Mercy Without Works Is Dead...

2016-07-01 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: ZENIT >

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Pope at Jubilee Audience: Mercy Without Works Is 

Posted by Deborah Castellano Lubov on 30 June, 2016

[Pope at Jubilee Audience © PHOTO.VA - OSSERVATORE ROMANO]

“Today the Lord invites us to make a serious examination of conscience.”

This morning, the Pope said this when he held his eighth “Jubilee Audience.” 
The jubilee audiences are open to the public and are generally scheduled one 
Saturday a month during the Year of Mercy, but last weekend Pope Francis was on 
his 14th Apostolic Visit abroad to the nation of Armenia, July 24-26.

The Holy Father reflected during his address on works of mercy, drawing 
inspiration from today’s reading from the Gospel of Matthew 25:31.

“In fact, it is good never to forget that mercy is not an abstract word, but a 
style of life. It is one thing to speak of mercy and another to live mercy. 
Paraphrasing the words of Saint James the Apostle, (cf. 2:14-17), we can say: 
mercy without works is dead in itself. It is in fact thus!”

What renders mercy alive, he explained, is its constant dynamism in going to 
meet the needs and necessities of others.  “Mercy has eyes to see, ears to 
listen, hands to resolve,” he said.


The Pope lamented that so often, so many are unaware of the suffering and needs 
of others, or remain completely indifferent.

“Sometimes we pass before dramatic situations of poverty and it seems that they 
do not touch us; everything continues as if there were nothing, in an 
indifference that in the end renders us hypocrites and, without realizing it, 
it results in a form of spiritual lethargy, which renders our mind insensitive 
and our life sterile.”

Roll up Sleeves

“One who has experienced the Father’s mercy in his own life cannot remain 
insensitive in face of the needs of brothers,” Francis said, noting Jesus’ 
teachings do not allow for escapes, but call for helping those who hunger and 
thirst, the naked, the stranger, the sick and those in prison (cf. Mt25:35-36),

“They oblige one to rollup one’s sleeves to alleviate suffering,” Francis said

“Because of the changes of our globalized world, some material and spiritual 
poverties have multiplied,” he continued, “hence let us make room for the 
imagination of charity to identify new operative ways. Thus the way of mercy 
will become ever more concrete. Requested of us, therefore, is to remain 
vigilant as watchmen, so that it will not happen that, in face of the poverties 
produced by the culture of wellbeing, the eyes of Christians are weakened and 
become incapable of looking at the essential.”

Pilgrim in Fraternity, Peace

Before concluding, Pope Francis recalled his recent visit to Armenia, “the 
first nation to have embraced Christianity,” whose people, he noted, “in the 
course of its long history, have witnessed the Christian faith with martyrdom.”

Francis then thanked the President of Armenia and the Catholicos Karekin II, 
the Partriarch, the Catholic bishops and the Armenian people for welcoming him 
as a pilgrim in fraternity and peace.

He also reminded those gathered that he has accepted to visit Georgia and 
Azerbaijan, Sept. 28-30, for a twofold reason: on one hand to appreciate the 
ancient Christian roots present in those lands – always in a spirit of dialogue 
with the other religions and cultures – and, on the other, to encourage hopes 
and paths of peace.

“History teaches us that the path of peace requires great tenacity and 
continuous steps, beginning with small ones and, little by little, making them 
grow, one going to encounter the other. In fact because of this my wish is that 
each and all may make their contribution to reconciliation,” he said.

On ZENIT’s Web page:

Full English translation to be made available shortly


Posted by ZENIT Staff on 30 June, 2016

[Pope at Jubilee Audience]

[Goanet] Bombay Municipal Corporation Wants Implementation Of Odd-Even' Scheme In Mumbai

2016-07-01 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Bombay Municipal Corporation Wants Implementation Of Odd-Even' Scheme In 
Other suggestions in the report include restrictions on registration of new 
private vehicles, car pooling and introduction of low emission norms.

MUMBAI:  Perhaps taking a cue from Delhi, the civic body of Mumbai wants 
implementation of 'odd-even' road-rationing scheme in the financial capital too.

A report prepared by the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation on Comprehensive 
Mobility Plan (CMP) has suggested the 'odd-even' formula be implemented in the 
metropolis to keep pollution in check and curb vehicular traffic.

The report, prepared by BMC's Road Department, will be presented to civic chief 
Ajoy Mehta, who will then forward it to Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis for 
his consideration.

"One of the suggestions included in the report is to implement odd-even formula 
in Mumbai to curb rising air pollution and vehicular traffic. It is up to the 
Government to decide whether to implement the suggestion or not," Additional 
Municipal Commissioner Pallavi Darade told PTI.

Other suggestions in the report include restrictions on registration of new 
private vehicles, car pooling and introduction of low emission norms.

The Bombay High Court, in January, issued notices to the State Government and 
BMC and had sought response to a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) seeking 
introduction of the odd-even scheme for private cars in Mumbai on lines of the 
pattern adopted in Delhi.

Under the scheme in the national capital, cars with odd and even-numbered 
license plates ply on alternate days.

Mr Fadnavis had earlier said there was no need for the scheme in Mumbai.

"The BMC had constituted an agency to seek recommendations from various 
stakeholders like MMRDA, traffic police, for the mobility plan. We have 
received them and now are in the process of forwarding them to the Government," 
Sanjay Darade, Chief Engineer, Road Department, said.

The report suggests undertaking road safety initiatives to curb road accidents 
and increased enforcement of laws for cases of drink driving.

Among other recommendations, the report said roads in the metropolis should be 
strengthened and widened, exclusive bus lanes be built, railway networks be 
expanded and footpaths should be improved.

(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a 
syndicated feed.)

[Goanet] Where is achche din, kids ask PM Modi - As many as 100 students, mostly from Shree Bhairavnath Vidya Mandir, cross the Indrayani river to reach their school in Varale village located in Maval

2016-06-28 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Where is achche din, kids ask PM Modi | The Indian 
Where is achche din, kids ask PM Modi As many as 100 students, mostly from 
Shree Bhairavnath Vidya Mandir, cross the Indrayani river to reach their school 

THEIR village, Varale, may be tucked away in a remote corner of the Pune 
district, but they are well aware of the fact that Prime Minister Narendra 
Modi "who promises 
acche din" is arriving in Pune on Saturday. "I regularly watch news on 
television. I have often heard Modiji repeating his favourite line: acche din 
anewale hain...," says Tejas Bhosale, a class 10 student.

Like Tejas, his classmates and others students of Class 8 and Class 9 are 
seeking a "small favour" from the Prime Minister. "Can the PM help build a 
bridge across Indrayani river so that we don't have to risk our lives 
everyday," they say. "If the Prime Minister orders," says Kajal Manjare, a 
Class 9 student "we are sure the bridge will happen overnight and our commute 
will be safer." Her schoolmates-Nikita Manjare, Rutuja Jagtap, Priya 
Londhe-corroborate her view and wish the Prime Minister makes a short journey 
to their village to see how difficult their life is.

As many as 100 students, mostly from Shree Bhairavnath Vidya Mandir, cross the 
Indrayani river to reach their school in Varale village located in Maval taluka 
of Pune district on a dilapidated wooden boat. The students live in Nanoli 
village, which has schooling only up to Class 7. They have no option but to 
cross the river as otherwise, it would take them nearly an hour by foot to 
reach the school located across the river.

The boat is run with the help of a metallic wire slung across the river and 
tied to poles at both ends. The boat is pulled with the help of a nylon rope 
which is strapped to the metallic wire. "Twice during heavy rain last year, the 
nylon rope snapped. We were all scared... some of us started crying," recalls 
Adinath Londhe, a class 8 student. All the boys knew how to swim but the girls 

The boat is navigated by a villager, and if he is not available, his wife does 
the job. If both of them are not available, the students themselves risk their 
lives and pull the boat in the way they desire. The boat takes less than 10 
minutes to cross provided there is no drift due to strong winds, which is 
common in the region.

At times, it takes more time for them to cross the river if the nylon rope 
snaps. During monsoon, when the river is swollen - which is generally the case 
in July - villagers stand on both sides of the river, watching kids cross the 
river. Villagers says the local MLA, MP, district collector or divisional 
commissionerate are unperturbed.

Anusaya Borade (60), a villager, said, "Since 1972, I have watched villagers 
and children risk their lives every day crossing the river."

Suresh Marathe, a local ZP member, said,"Two decades ago, there was a plan to 
build the bridge. The officials and local MLA had even broken a coconut to 
signal the start of the bridge work. But till date, nothing has been done." 
Marathe said the boat, which has outlived its utility, was provided by the Pune 
Zilla Parishad. "It is in a bad shape...no official boatman has been provided. 
An untrained village couple looks after the crossing of the boat. They get 
grains from villagers for their services. Varale sarpanch Santosh Marathe 
said,"The state government should take the initiative and build the bridge 
across the river."

[Goanet] Madgaon Nizamuddin Rajdhani runs without driver for 15 km

2016-06-28 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Nizamuddin Rajdhani runs without driver for 15 
Passengers on the Madgaon-Nizamuddin Rajdhani had a providential escape on 
Monday, as the train engine developed a snag and was reported to have run 
"driver-less" on a downward slope for about 15 kilometers.

Passengers on the Madgaon-Nizamuddin Rajdhani had a providential escape on 
Monday, as the train engine developed a snag and was reported to have run 
"driver-less" on a downward slope for about 15 kilometers.

A staffer of the Hindustan Times - travelling on the train - reported that the 
train engine developed a fault and stopped inside a long tunnel around 5.50 pm 
near the Ratnagiri station. Even as the technicians were attempting to fix the 
problem, the train started moving. According to unconfirmed reports, the driver 
of the train was in the Guard's cabin at that time and was able to jump up on 
the engine after the train slowed down near an upward incline.

Even as senior officials confirmed that the train did run "driver-less" for 
some time, Konkan Railway Chairman and Managing Director Sanjay Gupta asserted 
that such reports were wrong. He, however, confirmed to the "loco failure" , 
saying that the "train did roll for some time". A high level inquiry has been 
ordered", Gupta said.

Apparently, the engine's vacuum brake had become de-activated, resulting the 
progress of the train on a downward slope. When the train slowed down at an 
upward incline, the driver applied the brakes and stopped the train. Finally, 
another engine arrived and dragged the train to Chiplun - the next station.

No casualty or loss of life has been reported.

[Goanet] Stop bashing Muslims, and start focusing on positive Hindutva

2016-06-28 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Jun 12 2016 : The Times of India (Mumbai)
AAKARVANI - Stop bashing Muslims, and start focusing on positive Hindutva

In 2014, half of India's voters picked neither Congress nor BJP. We (I was 
among them) should be reconciled to the idea that Hindutva will be around for a 
length of time. We must get used to it in Delhi.But we must see also if we can 
shape it and influence it from the outside.

This is required for one reason: Hindutva is essentially negative. It offers 
nothing constructive to Hindus, who are 80% of Indians. Let me explain what I 
mean. The three classic Hindutva thrusts, the issues which built the party over 
the decades, do not concern Hindus but address others. The issues are Ayodhya 
(Muslims must not keep their mosque), Uniform Civil Code (Muslims must not keep 
their personal law) and Article 370 (Muslims must not keep their constitutional 

What will Hindus like me get out of these demands? Nothing I can think of. 
Those who properly study it realize that Hindu rashtra can only be brought 
about by the mistreatment of others.

Hindutva is like status anxiety in reverse. It is anxious about lowering the 
lot of others. When its gaze is turned inwards it has nothing to say .

This separates Hindutva from, say, Islamism.The modern Islamist movement comes 
out of the writing of a man from Maharashtra called Maududi. He is the author 
of the idea of the Islamic state and most of its features spring from his 

Many readers will know that Pakistan discriminates against its minorities 
constitutionally. No Christian can become Pakistan's president and no Hindu can 
become its prime minister, by law. In the 1970s, Zulfikar Bhutto's second 
amendment apostatised a sect of Muslims who today cannot even call their mosque 
a mosque (the press refers to them as `place of worship').

There were other things that the Islamists thought would change society, such 
as prohibition for Muslims (Pakistani Christians and Hindus can drink). In the 
1980s under Zia, Pakistan introduced what is called haddhudood punishment 
(lashes for those who drank, amputation at the wrist for theft, stoning for 
adultery etc). These laws are in existence but not implemented in Pakistan. 
This is because the state wants to be Islamist but is essentially modern and 
recoils from executing such punishment. Every so often, there is talk that 
Pakistan should abolish interest because it is essentially un-lslamic. This may 
mean that the banking system will collapse overnight but it will bring 
blessings (barkat).

There are other small things (PIA flights always begin with an Arabic prayer) 
and medium-sized things, like forcible confiscation of a part of bank fixed 
deposits at Eid towards zakat (many Pakistani Sunnis claim to be Shias to avoid 
paying this). Anyway, my point is that whether one is fasci nated by , 
attracted to or repelled by such things, it is an observable fact that for the 
most part Islamism addresses Muslims and tries to reform their behaviour. What 
about Hindutva? Not so, as we have seen.It consists entirely of whining about 

The things that get the BJP excited even today , now that it is in power, still 
concern Muslims, which explains the focus on peripheral things like beef and 
nationalism. Is that because Hindus are a perfect society? Of course not.

In drawing up a list of things Hindutva should instead be doing one hardly 
knows where to begin. It could take up the rest of this page. What about 
inequality? Ensuring affirmative action or reservations for Dalits and 
Adivasis, who are 25% of India's population and totally marginalized, in the 
corporate sector would do wonders for Hindu society. So also the promotion of 
intercaste marriage, especially between Dalit and savarna, and especially 
through personal exam ple. Hindutva heroes like the Chitpavan Brahmin Savarkar 
wrote warmly about inter-caste weddings. But one notices that they ultimately 
arranged their own children's marriages with other Chitpavan Brahmins.

Then there are things which will boost all of us economically . Getting Hindus, 
particularly the mercantile classes, to pay their income tax in full. Getting 
the upper classes to begin a Hindu tradition of philanthropy (currently 
missing) that will spread the wealth. Such things are to me substantial and 
meaningful Hindu issues and requiring the attention of the state.

What is needed is to push for a positive agenda for Hindutva. It is our 
misfortune that we are going to have to suffer it for a length of time. But 
that doesn't mean that we allow it to continue unopposed in its negative-only 

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[Goanet] Veg prawns? Air India's Shanghai flight mix-up

2016-06-27 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Jun 25 2016 : Mirror (Mumbai)
Veg prawns? Air India's Shanghai flight mix-up
Aditya Anand

As 30 passengers on an Air India flight from Shanghai to Mumbai on June 18 
peeled back the tin foil of their in-flight meal, they were probably looking 
for ward to the vegetarian meal they'd been promised. After all, they were 
returning from a country whose cuisine is unfriendly to non-meat eaters. 
Getting served prawns in their Shabnam Kofta Curry ­ well, that was just not 

Air India is now looking into imposing a penalty on the Chinese caterer who had 
served prawns to flyers opting for a vegetarian meal ­ perhaps unwittingly even 
breaking their religious strictures. "It went unnoticed during loading till two 
passengers pointed it out to the crew. All the 32 Hindu vegetarian meal food 
packets in the food section had a green dot on them," a crew member said.

After learning of the matter, an onboard announcement was made and the meals 
were swiftly whisked away. "Passengers were agitat ed and we had to apologise 
to them. It was a very unfortunate situation," the crew member said.The thirty 
passengers were then served dal, parathas and fruit that was brought in from 
business class, that seats 18 passengers.

After flight AI-349, which operates from the Chinese financial hub to Mumbai 
via a oneand-a-half-hour stopover at Delhi, landed, the cabin crew registered a 
complaint with the airline management, which then ordered an investigation. Air 
India chairman and managing director Ashwani Lohani confirmed the incident and 
blamed the caterer for having erred while packing the meals.


[Goanet] How did the Goa govt have the audacity to pass the land regularization ordinance?

2016-06-27 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


How did the Goa govt have the audacity to pass the land regularization 

From: Roger D'Souza >

How did the Goa govt have the audacity to pass the land regularization 

26 Jun, 2016, 06:59AM IST

A-   A+
Each day, with consistent regularity there are crores of rupees converted from 
black to white. But when the Goa government, following BJP-ruled Maharahstra, 
in one stroke, without any debate in the Assembly, decided to regularize all 
irregular structures, including illegal expansion of commercial structures and 
on institutional land, it converted rule of law to lawlessness.

And if you haven’t noticed, not a single MLA worth his vote bank has dared to 
oppose this because this legislation is a direct bribe by a government voted to 
power by Goans to protect their land, to migrants in slums, and those who have 
violated laws to build structures. It’s a bribe given for votes. And this will 
guarantee return on investment, Goa be damned.

This government has absolutely no right to, in one stroke, bring about an 
illegal, anti-people, anti-Goa legislation which overrides the Town and Country 
Planning Act, The Municipalities Act, The Panchayati Raj Act and the CCP Act.

However, the government has done even worse. And it is shocking how it had the 
audacity to do this. The ordinance even overrides “any other law, judgment, 
order and direction of any court”. Have the people of Goa even begun to 
understand what this means if the ordinance is read exactly as the way it has 
been drafted. It states, “Notwithstanding anything contained”...and specifies 
what this dangerous ordinance can do. The list of institutions which have been 
guillotined includes the entire judiciary, by the words, “notwithstanding 
anything contained in the direction of any court”. Thus for instance, if the 
Supreme Court of India has granted a demolition order on any structure in a 
private, commercial or institutional land in Goa, this ordinance will have the 
power to set aside the Supreme Court order.

The ramifications of this are alarming and blatantly unconstitutional. A court 
order is arrived at after hearing both sides and applying existing provisions 
of law. This cannot be overturned on the basis of a political whim or the need 
to whitewash an illegal construction with a paint of fraudulent legality. If 
this is allowed to pass, then state governments will rampantly issue such 
ordinances which are in conflict with established law and practices. The ruling 
BJP in the Center may be a quiet bystander as it looks to usurp control over 
the only institution in this country which can keep its executive in check, the 
judiciary. Which is why it is moving ahead to bring about legislation which 
will make so called “public interest projects”, immune to judicial 
intervention. This will allow project proponents to cause absolute mayhem to 
the lands it takes over and on lands where they are allowed to run riot.

While those opposing this argument will say that if the land is private, the 
owner is the lord of that land. If that was so, there wouldn’t have been laws 
regulating the use of private land. Checks and balances like FSI, CRZ laws and 
Goa Coastal Zone Management Authority Laws would have been non-existent.

But current BJP governments do not waste man hours with minor issues like the 
Constitution or existing laws. Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis 
declared, in March, that all illegal and unauthorized residential buildings 
constructed till December 31, 2015, would be regularised. Two lakh unauthorised 
buildings across Mumbai, Thane, Kalyan, Navi 

[Goanet] Mumbaikars take the `cycle2work' challenge

2016-06-27 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Jun 25 2016 : Mirror (Mumbai)
Mumbaikars take the `cycle2work' challenge
Alka Dhupkar

Rains fail to dampen spirits of cyclists who reached their offices from areas 
in and around the city including Thane, Borivali, Kandivali, Mulund; 
participants vow to take up the routine every last Friday of the month
For Mumbai Port Trust employee Darshan Kalarickal (43), Friday morning was 
different. He did not have to take the usual autorickshaw from his house in 
Char Bungalows, Andheri, to the railway station nor did he have to jostle for 
space in the overcrowded local train He even reached his office near the 
Government Post Office at Fort, earlier than usual. What drastic and costly 
lifestyle change did he make?
He just rode a bicycle to work.

"I have heard people complaining about how bigger vehicles curse cyclists all 
the time but I came across none of that. In fact, people were curious than 
annoyed, and some even showed me thumbs-ups along the route," said Darshan.

One of the participants of the `cycle2work' campaign launched by the Smart 
Commute Foundation (SCF), founded by Firoza Suresh, Darshan is now a changed 
man. He plans to be a regular participant of the campaign, agreeing to ride the 
56 kilometre (two-way) stretch every last Friday of the month.

"To ask people to ride cycles to work everyday is a difficult proposition 
especially with most offices not having proper shower facilities for them to 
freshen up. We are in talks with the BMC Commissioner who has sought a report 
on the necessary infrastructural policy changes required," said Firoza.

Darshan is among many who participated from Thane, Borivali, Kandivali, Mulund 
and other areas in and around Mumbai. Some even marked their attendance on the 
`Smart Commute' app ­ an Android app developed by Chetan Temker, another active 
cycler, for this purpose.

Even the morning rains in different parts of the city delayed their starts, it 
failed to dampen their spirits. The participants took care to ensure their 
bicycle's visibility to other vehicles on the road by employing a variety of 
measures including installing front and backlights, reflectors under the seat 
and sticking glow-in-the-dark stickers on the tyre rims.

Meanwhile in Ghatkopar, a group in association with the BMC, has been renting 
out cycles on a trial basis for a daily rent of Rs five. According to Kisan 
Gopale, who founded the Cycle Parivhan Seva in Bhatwadi, Ghatkopar, the service 
has received a good response.


[Goanet] Goa: NGOs are asking BJP the same questions it asked Congress

2016-06-27 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Herald: NGOs are asking BJP the same questions it asked 
That gesture of theirs was much more than symbolism. It reflected genuine 
belief (with clear political overtones) that the Regional Plan would be the 
BJP’s handle ...

From: Roger D'Souza >

NGOs are asking BJP the same questions it asked Congress

21 Jun, 2016, Herald Editorial

One of the most riveting images of Manohar Parrikar the opposition politician 
in the closing years of the last decade, was standing like an absolute commoner 
right at the rear of the massive rally of the Goa Bachao Abhiyan, against the 
flawed Regional Plan 2011, a rally which indeed sparked off a revolution. Mr 
Parrikar stood there, completely at ease, in the company of his long time 
friend Francis D'Souza. None of them took to the stage - they wouldn’t have 
been invited anyway, but felt very welcome to simply show solidarity. Herald’s 
camera person clicked that priceless picture of Manohar and Francis looking at 
the taluka plans, while the rally had started.

That gesture of theirs was much more than symbolism. It reflected genuine 
belief (with clear political overtones) that the Regional Plan would be the 
BJP’s handle to get back power in 2012. Mr Parrikar not  just rode piggy back 
on the people’s  anger against an anti-people Regional Plan which made 
provisions to hand over large chunks of Goa’s land for mega projects, he danced 
on it. Similarly when an agitation by the tribals of Balli in South Goa, to 
demand rights for tribals, went out of control leading to a riot where two 
tribal boys lost their lives, Manohar Parrikar openly backed civil society and  
activists who demanded justice for tribals. In fact after one of his frequent 
tours to Balli, he drove straight to the Herald office, to give a first hand 
account of his “spot” visit, along with pictures. The third image of Parrikar 
the activist, which remains etched stronger than others is his agitation 
demanding the removal of casinos from the Mandovi. Calling casinos literally as 
“dens of vice”, Parrikar demanded that unless they were all shifted out the 
Mandovi overnight, he would storm them the next day.

The long and the short of this is simply this. The BJP is opposition and 
Manohar Parrikar as Opposition leader, saw activists as partners in progress 
against their cumulative fight against the government. When the Village groups 
of Goa led agitation against the Digambar Kamat government reached the 
secretariat, leading to a massive scuffle with the police and the arrest of 
activists, it was Mr Parrikar who went to the police station to speak to them 
and get them released.
Which is why the present and consistent narrative of the now Defence Minister 
against NGOs and civil society as advocates of non development and perpetrators 
of economic doom, is fake and hollow. Civil society and NGOs are suddenly 
inconvenient because they are asking the BJP government in power the same 
uncomfortable truths it asked the Congress. Therefore the questions haven’t 
changed, those facing them has. Therefore Mr Parrikar needs to know that civic 
society hasn’t changed. It is he who has crossed the fence because of which the 
“other-isation” of NGOs and civic society has happened.

Mr Parrikar, has never been allergic to NGOs. In fact one of the first calls he 
made after being sworn in as Chief Minister was to Claude Alvares of Goa 
Foundation, where he requested Alvares to help him out in nailing mining 
companies and identifying those which were operating illegally. Therefore, Mr 
Parrikar’s decision to speak out against NGOs  every week, is surely a part of 
an orchestrated exercise to weaken NGOs because they are the ones who are Goa’s 
greatest foot soldiers. While they were friends when he was in opposition, NGOs 
have now turned into watch dogs and whistle blowers against his BJP government. 
The twain shall never meet. NGO and civil society are the biggest opposition 
and they can cause much more damage than opposition MLAs.

[Goanet] Bhopal (MP): Police target Don Bosco school over tourist's death

2016-06-27 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

Police target Don Bosco school over tourist's death | UCAN 
Judith Winslow, 77, died of age-related illness and there was no illegality 
about her staying there, says rector.

Judith Winslow, 77, died of age-related illness and there was no illegality 
about her staying there, says rector.
Posted on June 27, 2016, 8:15 AM

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The death of a 77-year-old U.S. citizen in central Indian Madhya Pradesh state 
has prompted the police to initiate an investigation into her stay in a 
Catholic school after right-wing Hindu activists alleged she was in the country 

Church leaders in Madhya Pradesh said Judith Jean Winslow died because of an 
age-related illness and there was no illegality related to her staying at the 
Don Bosco Academy in Alirajpur, a tribal-dominated town in the state.

The police investigation follows a complaint from a leader of the ruling 
Bharatiya Janata Party, considered the political arm of Hindu groups that works 
to make India a Hindu-only nation.

"The allegations are totally biased, illegal and motivated to target 
Christians," said Salesian Father Stanny Fereira, rector of Don Bosco House in 

He said the women has been a frequent visitor to Alirajpur and during her 
visits she stayed at Don Bosco House.

Police Superintendent Alirajpur Kumar Saurabh told 
ucanews.com he ordered an investigation "into her stay and 
other activities following allegations that she stayed there without informing 
the police, as required by law.


[Goanet] 'Government should reach out to Goans post Brexit'

2016-06-27 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

'Government should reach out to Goans post Brexit' | UCAN 
Goa was one of the oldest colonies of Portugal and was liberated by the Indian 
army from colonial yoke in 1961.

Goa was one of the oldest colonies of Portugal and was liberated by the Indian 
army from colonial yoke in 1961.
Posted on June 27, 2016, 8:00 AM

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Political parties in Goa cutting across party lines have demanded that the 
government should start a dialogue with Goans living in Britain on Portuguese 
passports to allay their fears post Brexit -- Britain's exit from the European 

The Congress has demanded that the Union Ministry for External Affairs should 
reach out to Goans living in Britain on Portuguese passports and assure them of 
support from their native country.

"I think the External Affairs Ministry should immediately take up the issue 
with United Kingdom (UK) which is also interested in having an economic bond 
with India. The ministry must respond and reach out to the Goans in Britain and 
reassure them," state Congress president Luizinho Faleiro said on Saturday.

Several thousand Goans, who obtained Portuguese nationality via a unique 
Lusofonian citizenship clause, are among the three million British Europeans 
residing in the UK, who face an uncertain future after Britain chose to quit 
the Union.

Goa was one of the oldest colonies of Portugal and was liberated by the Indian 
army from colonial yoke in 1961. After the liberation, all Goan natives were 
granted Indian citizenship by the Union Home ministry via a common notification.

However, the departing Portuguese, preferred not to snip the umbilical cord 
with its colonials by allowing those living in Goa during the Portuguese regime 
to register their birth in Portugal and avail of citizenship and Portuguese 
travel identity documents.

The privilege was later extended to two more generations of Goans.

Over the years several thousand Goans opted for Portuguese citizenship which 
opened the doors for them to other countries in the European Union, especially 

"This decision (Brexit) can create problem for them. The Goans abroad have been 
contributing to the Indian economy and Goan economy by sending remittances back 
home. Brexit can lead to unemployment and force them to return to Goa," Faleiro 

The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) in Goa also said that the Brexit vote would not only 
cause doubt and confusion in the minds of Goans living in Britain, but also in 
the minds of thousands of other Goans who were in the process of obtaining 
Portuguese citizenship.

"The government should be sympathetic towards them and there should be a 
counselling facility available for those who are applying for Portuguese 
passports," AAP's spokesperson Rupesh Shinkre said.

Chief Minister Laxmikant Parsekar has repeatedly said in the past that he felt 
"extremely sad" when he saw many Goans queuing up outside the Portuguese 
consulate in Panaji, processing their papers for obtaining Portuguese passports.

Environment and Forest Minister Rajendra Arlekar however has maintained that 
there was not much the Goa government could do currently given the fact that 
those affected were largely those who gave up Indian citizenship.

"It is a problem for Britain. It is for them to take a decision. As of today 
Goa government has no role to play," Arlekar said.


[Goanet] Former Cop Alex Fialho: THE MAN WHO NABBED RAMAN RAGHAV

2016-06-27 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Jun 26 2016 : Mirror (Mumbai)
Yogesh Naik and Kunal Guha

Former cop Alex Fialho recounts how he captured Mumbai's most dreaded serial 
killer, who brutally slayed 42 Mumbaikars
Anurag Kashyap's recent release may not be based on him, but it borrows the 
name of Mumbai's notori ous serial killer Raman Raghav. Dubbed `The Ripper', 
Raghav left a trail of horrific murders along the Central and Western suburbs 
that had an entire city on the verge of a nervous breakdown in the 1960s. When 
Mirror reached out to the man responsible for capturing the dreaded criminal in 
1968, retired cop Alex Fialho's first response was, “Unfortunately, he died 
before me.“

The 86-year-old Fialho, then a PSI with the Mumbai Police, distinctly remembers 
the chaos wrecked by the man who admitted to have murdered 42 people over a 
period of six years. Raghav's killings terrorised Mumbaikars to such an extent 
that most streets in the Western suburbs were deserted after dark and night 
shows at cinema halls ran to empty screens.“Even the local trains were 
practically empty beyond Andheri till the end of the Western line, since most 
of the murders were committed in the Western suburbs in `6768,“ he says, adding 
that Raghav had been active for a couple of years in the Central suburbs of 
Mulund and Ghatkopar prior to this.

Mumbai's police commissioner at the time, a soft spoken Jewish gentleman called 
Emmanuel Sumitra Modak, was the one to bear the brunt for these heinous crimes 
as he was regularly questioned by politicians and the press on his strategy to 
capture this monster on the loose. “He (Modak) would settle down for breakfast 
each morning in his chambers, and then receive a call from some police station 
or the other, with the same message, `Sir, murder',“ says Fialho, who joined 
the force in 1948, and was deputed to the Crime Branch for seven years before 
being transferred.

When an eye witness reported that the suspected murderer was committing the 
brutal assaults in the garb of a sadhu complete with a beard, every sadhu or 
bearded man in the city was looked upon suspicion; some of the genuine sadhus 
even went underground to avoid the wrath of an enraged and terrified public. “A 
thousand cops were assigned on a daily basis to scope the Western suburbs every 
evening for suspicious characters and those who matched the description based 
on the details on record,“ he says, adding, “We would be out the entire night 
with only one restriction: no smoking, as it could alert him that he's being 
watched by someone who could haul him up. If you wanted to have a drink, you 
could, but no smoking.“

The Deputy Commissioner at the time, Sami Iyer (yesteryear pop diva Usha 
Uthup's father), Fialho remembers, was like a godfather to the force, as most 
could consult him. “He would say that before the ink dries on the pad, there's 
another murder. So, we need to get this guy early and stop him.“

Commissioner Modak's directive to his team was to reach out to all informants 
and turn over the unique features of the murders to find a clue that could help 
pin him. “But to get informants to divulge any information, you had to pay 
them. Sometimes, we had to pay from our own pocket because the government 
doesn't give you anything. I am sorry to say, but the position of the police 
was very bad then. We had to rely on raw information and follow up on every 
tipoff,“ says Fialho, who was a PSI for 20 years before being promoted.

But the most fateful day in Fialho's life was in the September of 1968. Posted 
at the Dongri police station at the time, he was on his way to work one 
morning, at 8 am, when he saw a man who fitted Raghav's description approach 
him. Having done a detailed study and having carried his photograph in his 
pocket for years, Fialho couldn't be more cer tain. “But I didn't want to 
intercept him right away unless I was absolutely certain. Also, I wanted to see 
his reaction to me being in uniform. He crossed me and gave me a sarcastic look 
and walked past me.“

Noticing the suspect's calm demeanour Fialho's conviction was dampened. “I 
fished out his photograph from my pocket and in a flash I could tell his eyes 
were the same.“

The anxious PSI quickly turned around and followed his suspect, hoping to nab 
him before he crossed the Bhindi Bazaar junction to cross over to Sardar 
Vallabhbhai Patel Road, where he could easily blend into the crowd. Luckily, 
his suspect hadn't made it far. “I went up to him and tapped him on the back 
and said, `Mere saath aa jaao, thoda kaam hain'. He willingly obliged.“ 
Noticing his wet umbrella, even though it wasn't raining, Fialho was puzzled. 
His detained suspect explained that he was coming from Chincholi, Malad, where 
it was raining. “And that is when my doubts were 

[Goanet] Happy Feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Help: It was a Jesuit Francesco Blosi who got the Redemptorists interested in the history of the icon now lost in their new property purchased

2016-06-27 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Fr. Cedric Prakash sj 

The Redemptorists were extremely interested in the history of their new 
property on Via Merulana.
February, 7th, 1863, the famous Jesuit preacher, Father Francesco Blosi, 
preached on the lost icon  of Mary that "had been in the Church of St. Matthew. 
Was known as The Virgin of St. Matthew, or more correctly as The Virgin of 

Our Lady of Perpetual Help

The History of the Icon

[http://www.cssr.com/english/whoarewe/images/1aaolphicon.jpg]Many names have 
been given to me. I have been called the "Virgin of the Passion". "the Golden 
Madonna", "the Mother of the Redemptorist Missionaries", "the Mother of 
Catholic homes".

The name of my own choosing is "Mother of Perpetual Help". It is also the name 
by which Pope Pius IX requested the Redemptorist Missionaries to make me known.

My story is of how Heaven hallows human happenings for purposes divine. It is a 
history that appears complicated and adventurous, but seen 'from above" it is a 
simple, straight line drawn through human history.

It is the story of an unknown artist, a repentant thief, a curious little girl, 
an abandoned church, an old religious and a Pope.

And above all, it is the story of my presence in the apostolic life of the 
Missionaries of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer.

The Merchant Who Stole "Our Lady"

[http://www.cssr.com/english/whoarewe/images/1aaolphhistory1.jpg] There is a 
tradition from the 16th century that tells us about a merchant from the isle of 
Crete who stole a miraculous picture from one of its churches. He hid it among 
his wares and set out westward. It was only through Divine Providence that he 
survived a wild tempest and landed on solid ground. After about a year, he 
arrived in Rome with his stolen picture.

It was there that he became mortally ill and looked for a friend to care for 
him. At his hour of death, he revealed his secret of the picture and begged his 
friend to return it to a church. His friend promised to fulfill this wish, but 
because his wife did not want to relinquish such a beautiful treasure, the 
friend also died without fulfilling the promise.

At last, the Blessed Virgin appeared to the six year old daughter of this Roman 
family and told her to tell her mother and grandmother that the picture of Holy 
Mary of Perpetual Help should be placed in the Church of St. Matthew the 
Apostle, located between the basilicas of St. Mary Major and St. John Lateran.

The tradition relates how, after many doubts and difficulties, "the mother 
obeyed and after consulting with the clergy in charge of the church, the 
picture of the Virgin was placed in St. Matthew's, on the 27th of March, 1499". 
There it would be venerated during the next 300 years. Thus began the second 
stage of the history of the icon, and devotion to Our Mother of Perpetual Help 
began to spread throughout the city of Rome.

Three Centuries in the Church of St. Matthew

St. Matthew's Church was not grand but it possessed an enormous treasure that 
attracted the faithful: the icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help. From 1739 to 
1798, the church and adjacent monastery were under the care of the Irish 
Augustinians who had been unjustly exiled from their country and used the 
monastery as a formation center for their Roman Province. The young students 
found an asylum of peace in the presence of the Virgin of Perpetual Help while 
they prepared themselves for priesthood, the apostolate and martyrdom.

In 1798, war raged in Rome and the monastery and church were almost totally 
destroyed. Several Augustinians remained there for a few more years but 
eventually they, too, had to leave. Some returned to Ireland, others to new 
foundations in America, while the majority moved to a nearby monastery. This 
last group brought with them the picture of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Thus 
began the third stage of her history, the "Hidden Years".

In 1819, the Irish Augustinians moved to the Church of St. Mary in Posterula, 
near the "Umberto I" bridge that crosses the Tiber River. With them went the 
"Virgin of St. Matthew's". But as "Our Lady of Grace" was already venerated in 
this church, the newly arrived picture was placed in a private chapel in the 
monastery where it remained, all but forgotten, but for Brother Augustine 
Orsetti, one of the original young friars from St. Matthew's.

The Old Religious and the Young Altar Boy

The years passed and it seemed that the picture that had been saved from the 
war that destroyed St. Matthew's Church, was about to be lost in oblivion.

A young altar boy named Michael Marchi often visited the Church of Sancta Maria 
in Posterula and became friends with Brother Augustine. Much later, as Father 
Michael, he would write:

"This good brother used to tell me with a 

[Goanet] Woman killed for her ovule. Catholic doctor: Surogacy is about business, not about life

2016-06-27 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

Woman killed for her ovule. Catholic doctor: Surogacy is about business, not 

[Woman killed for her ovule. Catholic doctor: Surogacy is about business, not 

Mumbai, June 24, 2016: "Surrogacy has never been in favor of life. It's just a 
business", Dr. Pascoal Carvalho, a Catholic doctor and member of the Pontifical 
Academy for Life, comments to AsiaNews on the murder of a young Indian mother, 
kidnapped and killed to be able to sell the child and traffic her ova. ...


Woman killed for her ovule. Catholic doctor: Surogacy is about business, not 
about life

June 24, 2016

 June 24, 2016: "Surrogacy has never been in favor of life. It's just a 
business", Dr. Pascoal Carvalho, a Catholic doctor and member of the Pontifical 
Academy for Life, comments to AsiaNews on the murder of a young Indian mother, 
kidnapped and killed to be able to sell the child and traffic her ova. A side 
effect of the booming surrogacy industry, in which India is a world leader, the 
doctor says: "It is a market with a turnover of billions of dollars, largely 
unregulated and lacking in ethics, full of greed and full of potential dangers".

The story of Madhumati Thakur, 22, came to light this week and has turned the 
spotlight on trafficking in ovules in Maharashtra. Police in Hadapsar (near the 
city of Pune) arrested four women and one other person guilty of the murder of 
the young mother, and attempted sale of her baby.

The mastermind of the racket was Nikita Sanjay Kangne, who approached poor 
women in the slums of Wanowrie and Hadapsar and convinced her to donate her 
eggs with the promise of huge sums. The same happened with Madhumati, but she 
seems to have rebelled and this is why she was killed.

Kangne confessed that she donated her eggs for artificial insemination and was 
a surrogate mother. The murderer had found work at a fertility center in 
Vimannagar specializing in in vitro fertilization, which "provided" donors eggs 
on commission. The clinic paid 15 thousand rupees for every woman [198 euro]; 
of these, 10 thousand were for the donor and 5 thousand for commission.

The police are trying to figure out if the racket has involved other women, and 
the odds are very high since the group was active for seven months. Dr. 
Carvalho, who is also a member of the Diocesan Committee for human life, says: 
"life is never valued in surrogacy although through deceptive marketing 
strategies portray this 'business' other than commodification of a life . A 
child is not viewed as a gift but as an item to be procured".

He adds: "The tens of thousands of embryo's that are destroyed and the dangers 
to the commissioned parent, and this uncovering of the murder of the 'woman' in 
Pune, all reveal the bitter truth of surrogacy- the defeat of the inherent 
value of human life".

The expert concludes: "While surrogacy, seems, like an attractive alternative 
as a poor surrogate mother gets very much needed money and an infertile couple 
gets their long-desired biologically related baby; due to lack of proper 
legislation, both surrogate mothers and intended parents are somehow exploited 
and the profit is earned by middlemen and commercial agencies".

In India the assisted fertilization sector generates about 5 billion dollars 
[4.4 billion euro] each year and the country has more than 500 clinics. 
Surrogacy services "produces" 6 thousand children a year, for a profit of one 
billion dollars. Couples, especially foreign, prefer Indian children because 
the cost of a surrogate pregnancy is much lower: between 18 and 30 thousand 
dollars (one third of the price in the US), of which about 8 thousand belong to 
the woman who is carrying the embryos donated by couples.

[Goanet] Disarmed by Rajan - By Julio Rebeiro

2016-06-24 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Disarmed by 

Surviving officers of the 1953 batch of the Indian Police Service consider 
Raghuram Rajan as one of their own. When he was appointed governor of the 
Reserve Bank, we were overjoyed. When he appeared on television to explain his 
decisions, we listened intently. When his integrity was questioned by the 
BJP MP Subramanian Swamy, we were aghast. 
When he decided to quit, sensing the mood of the government, we were one with 
him. We were proud of the sober and dignified manner in which he handled such a 
delicate, though murky, situation.

Raghuram Rajan is the son of our batchmate Govind Rajan, who was the “topper” 
in our batch of 37 officers. The IAS officer who stood first in their ’53 batch 
was way behind him and also behind another batchmate of ours, Anand Kumar 
Verma, in the rankings of the IPS, that year. These two batchmates of ours 
appeared for the competitive exams at the age of 20, a year short of the 
permissible age limit for entry to the IAS. In those days, you were not 
permitted to reappear and compete for the IAS once you joined the Police 
Service, a rule that has been modified now.

Raghuram’s father was earmarked for the Intelligence Bureau, the police unit 
that appropriates the cream. He retired as chairman of the Joint Intelligence 
Committee, a job that has now been subsumed into the office of the National 
Security Advisor (NSA). IPS officers like M.K. Narayanan, two years our junior, 
and the present NSA, Ajit Doval, a decade or more behind, have done the service 
proud. I am mentioning this because the public perception is that police 
officers, even at the top of the hierarchy, have been chosen for their brawn. 
It is a common misconception, one that I, for one, have become accustomed to 

I will not criticise the government for replacing Raghuram. He obviously did 
not suit their political philosophy, notwithstanding the fact that he is an 
universally-acclaimed economist with impeccable credentials. I am also not 
going to dwell on his achievements of stabilising the rupee and addressing the 
problem of inflation by methods that may not have exactly fitted into the 
present government’s philosophy.

What I do wish to emphasise though is that he was the first governor of the 
Reserve Bank to come out openly to explain his decisions to the general public 
in disarming and frank expositions on television. People want their 
representatives and officials at the highest levels to be open and truthful 
about what they do or do not do. They want to be informed because this is the 
age of information. Keeping reasons for decisions close to one’s chest may suit 
those who love power (since information is power), but an empowered populace 
desires otherwise. Hence, I salute Rajan for his willingness to speak out 
openly, sensibly and truthfully. His credibility was extremely high and that is 
what matters ultimately.

When the government decided to appoint a search committee, headed by the 
cabinet secretary, to list candidates for deputy governor, I sensed that a 
message was being sent to Rajan that he was no longer wanted. The governor of 
the RBI used to make these choices himself or with the help of his immediate 
colleagues. The government’s intent was clear. It wanted to show him who was 
boss. On the other hand, in the case of the SEBI chief, an extension was given 
after scrapping the prescribed search committee. The distinction being made in 
the case of Rajan would not be acceptable to any person of his stature and 
standing. It would hurt his self-respect. I am glad he took the decision he did 
and, in fact, I anticipated it.

Rajan was accused by Subramanian Swamy of being “anti-national”. Since most 
people I know do not believe most of Swamy’s utterances, Rajan should be 
advised to pay no heed to such risible slander. What hurts me, though, is that 
Swamy, who I have never met, is married to the niece of another very dear 
friend of mine of yesteryears, Sardar Dastur Hormazdiyar, who was high priest 
of the Parsis in Pune when I headed that city’s police for a year in 1964. Homi 
was very proud of this nephew by marriage because, as he confided, Swamy 
possessed a brilliant mind and expected to become the prime minister of India 
some day! His niece, herself the daughter of an ICS officer, met Swamy in the 
US when they were students at Harvard. Their civil marriage was solemnised by a 

[Goanet] Mexican ambassador finds a novel way to help reduce Delhi pollution

2016-06-24 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Mexican ambassador finds a novel way to help reduce Delhi pollution

Leading by example | Melba Pria uses an auto-rickshaw as her official vehicle 
to commute in and around national capital * Says she may be Mexican but needs 
to think as a resident of Delhi

[http://epaper.dnaindia.com/images/author.gif] Iftikhar Gilani 


New Delhi: Life of a diplomat is usually associated with style, opulence, and 
luxury. Even head of missions of poorest countries are seen commuting no less 
than in Mercedes, BMWs, and other lavish brands on Delhi streets. But the 
Mexican ambassador to India, Melba Pria, has her own style. She uses 
autorickshaw for transportation. It is an unusual sight on a Delhi road, to see 
a beautiful white and floral painted autorickshaw, complete with a diplomatic 
“blue” number plate and a Mexican flag to boot.

Mexico, 15th largest economy of the world with $10,307.28 GDP per capita 
against $1,498.87 GDP per capita of India has learned lessons to avoid 
pollution, but also to keep pace with manufacturing. The ambassador dumped her 
lavish Mercedes and choose to commute in autorickshaw, to contribute to clean 
Delhi air. “I share the same air and water as millions of Delhiites. While I am 
still Mexican, today, here and now, I must think as a resident of Delhi.”

She recalls that in 1992, Mexico City had just eight good air quality days. But 
with the national efforts, last year there were 214 good air quality days, 
against Delhi, which counted just 16 such days. “This is a reality and we need 
to contribute our bit to increase air quality,” she said.

“We got panicked, when we traces of lead were detected in the blood of children 
in 1992. Same year, in a survey conducted by ministry of education found that 
most of the children described colour of sky as grey and brown. This was an 
awakening call,” said the ambassador.

Enumerating steps her country took to bring down pollution levels, Pria said 
the first step was to coordinate actions between the national and regional 
governments. “We took heavy industries, oil refineries out from the city, fixed 
air quality standards,” she said, adding that the country also had a car 
restriction programme, but that was a little component of overall steps. It was 
made mandatory for car manufacturers to sell cars fitted with converters. 
“Strict standards set for industries did make them to adhere to norms. 
Initially for adopting to pollution free technologies, government did help them 
with subsidies,” she added.

On Delhi’s APP government’s 15-day odd-even scheme, she said it would not make 
difference, unless accompanied by other steps as well. Road in India are not 
finished properly. The edges continue to gather dust, which is main pollutant 
in the city.

But, her commuting in autorickshaw has its own travails also. In April, her 
vehicle wasn’t allowed to enter premises of the India Habitat Centre, the 
cultural hub of Delhi, where she was invited to deliver a lecture and 
ironically on transportation. Same is situation when she has to visit a 
five-star hotel. When her office applied for a CD number to the protocol 
division of ministry of external affairs (MEA), there were number of queries. 
Officials in South Block wanted to be doubly sure, if she really wanted to 
commute in an auotrickshaw. Finally, though surprised, they granted permission. 
While the ambassador says she has received a lot of positive response from 
Delhiites, her driver is stumped at times, who was used to driving luxurious 
vehicles. People sometime approach him to board the three- wheeler. “After long 
arguments, they realise it is not an ordinary rickshaw, but not before 
threatening to go to police etc,” said the driver Rajinder Kumar.

“When the ambassador first told me that I had to drive an auto-rickshaw, I was 
extremely nervous,” he said. He has now driven this auto-rickshaw to 
Rashtrapati Bhavan, South Block, and even to Delhi outskirts Gurgaon.

The auto was designed by Mexican artist Senkoe, who participated in the Delhi 
Street Art Festival this February.

Published Date:  Jun 24, 2016

[Goanet] No party is above board - Rajdeep Sardesai

2016-06-24 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


History repeats itself, first as tragedy then as farce, but in Indian politics, 
the farce plays out so frequently that the tragic element is obscured. Four 
recent instances highlight just how the disease of immoral politics is now a 
contagion that has spread across the political class. No party is immune to its 

Let’s start with the BJP, now the country’s premier national party. Just look 
at the manner in which the party has sought to derive political capital from 
the alleged “exodus” of Hindu families from Kairana in western Uttar Pradesh. 
Its local MP first claims that Hindu villagers are being targeted by “Muslim 
gangs” and provides a list of families who have left their homes out of fear in 
the last year. When it transpires that the list contains names of people who 
have left for reasons like jobs, health and education several years ago, when a 
number of those named are still found in their homes or, in some instances, are 
dead, the MP backtracks to say the problem is one of law and order and should 
not be seen in communal terms.

This doesn’t stop the BJP leadership though, including party president Amit 
Shah, from suggesting that Hindus are under siege in the region. The BJP sends 
a fact-finding team to the area even as the party’s hyperactive social media 
cell targets the mainstream media as “anti-Hindu” for not highlighting the 
issue more aggressively. Now, it is true that in the aftermath of the 2013 
Muzaffarnagar riots there has been a worrying communal polarisation on the 
ground in western UP.

And yet, when Muslim families were forced into refugee camps, no BJP 
fact-finding team focussed on their plight. But with elections in UP just 
months away, it seems that the party has decided to play the “Hindu card” once 
again. What other rational explanation can there be for the issue to assume a 
dangerous communal dimension only in the last fortnight? Sadly, the prime 
minister, despite his “sabka saath sabka vikas” sloganeering, has chosen to 
stay conspicuously silent once again.

Switch now to the Congress, which claims to be the flag-bearer of secular 
politics in India. Just ahead of a crucial election in Punjab, the party 
decides to appoint Kamal Nath as its general secretary in charge of the state. 
Sikh groups protest, claiming that Nath is scorched by the ashes of the 1984 
riots. Rattled by the backlash, an embarrassed Congress is forced to get Nath 
to rather ignominiously withdraw from the post. Even by the party’s recent 
history of self-goals, surely this is one which they could have avoided. Nath 
is an astute political strategist who could be sent to several other states, 
why only Punjab?

The Congress and Nath have argued that no 1984 riots commission of inquiry has 
indicted him and there is no formal case against him in any court. True, but 
what about the court of public perception? In the minds of many Sikhs, Nath’s 
role on the streets of Delhi along with several other Congress leaders has 
never been fully explained or investigated. There has never been a sense of 
urgency or commitment shown to ensure justice for the victims. The problem is 
that the Congress’ vision of secularism has often taken the minorities for 
granted: Its failure to fully come to terms with the party’s role in the 1984 
riots in particular remains a permanent blot.

Let’s now turn to AAP which burst onto the political scene with its 
anti-corruption agenda and a promise of being a “party with a difference”. 
Twenty-one of its legislators now stand in danger of being disqualified under 
the office of profit rule after being appointed parliamentary secretaries. AAP 
claims it is being victimised and that other state and central governments have 
got away with retrospective legislation to insulate their members from office 
of profit provisions. But surely a party that stands on the pulpit of lofty 
idealism doesn’t want to be judged by the standards that other parties have 
set. Moreover, even if there are no financial benefits gained from being a 
parliamentary secretary (AAP has quite bizarrely described them as ‘interns’) 
should it be done in such flagrant violation of the Constitution only to 
provide members with a taste of power?

Finally, there is the shame of the Rajya Sabha elections where it is 
increasingly apparent that nominations to the house of elders have been reduced 
to a cash and carry exercise for some. How else does one explain the sting 
operation in Karnataka where JD(S) MLAs are nonchalantly asking for `5 crore 
for a vote? Or the open cross-voting in many other states? A similar sting 
operation during a poll in Jharkhand a few years ago had exposed the rot on 
camera and the poll was countermanded. Yet, it appears that there is no fear of 
the law among our law-makers.

Indeed, such is the 

[Goanet] Note for endorsements in support of HDRC ( Human Development & Resource Centre)

2016-06-24 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Fr. Cedric Prakash sj 
To: Mujahid Nafees >

Kindly endorse the attached statement which is self-explanatory
Your endorsement needs to be sent ONLY to
  Mujahid Nafees >
by tomorrow (June 24th)

Do forward to/share with others too


Fr. Cedric Prakash sj
Advocacy & Communications
Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) MENA Region
Rue de L'Universitie Saint-Joseph
Achrafieh 11002150 BEIRUT  LEBANON
Mobile:+961- 70-843-995
 to 58(ext-1703)
Skype:cprakashsj Twitter:@CedricPrakash and @jrs_mena
Like us on https://www.facebook.com/JRSMiddleEast

-- Forwarded message --
From: Mujahid Nafees 
Date: 23 June 2016 at 10:01
Subject: Note for endorsements in support of HDRC

Dear All,

Greetings of the Day!!

As you know a controversy has come up against Human Development and Resource 
Centre (HDRC) in the name of an Advertisement for the post of Safai karmi. In 
this advertisement, preferences are given to Unreserved category. This ad is on 
6th April 2016.
Suddenly two days before Goons of fundamentalist forces came HDRC campus and 
broken window mirrors and flower pots. Some people file a complaint against Mr 
Prasad Chako Director HDRC under IPC 153 A, inciting communal and caste unrest.
We all know the role of HDRC and Mr Prasad Chako to protect Human rights in 
Gujarat. So this act is clear to threaten organization.
A note for endorsements from civil society and activists in support of HDRC and 
to withdraw charges against Prasad Chako and register FIR against goons.

Please find attached note, photograph shows broken windows and HDRC 

Please send your endorsements till tomorrow.


Mujahid Nafees
Mo. +91 9328416230

The education of all children, from the moment that they can get along without 
a mother's care, shall be in state institutions at state expense.

[Goanet] Happy Fest of St John the Baptist: John's brief ministry was thus terminated by a monstrous crime great sadness among them who had hearkened to him.Jesus n his disciples, retired "to a desert

2016-06-24 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Fr. Cedric Prakash sj 


St. John the Baptist
 are given the story of the ministry of John the Baptist, called the Precursor 
or Forerunner of the Lord, with some variation of detail, in the three synoptic 
Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, as well as in the Book of John. Luke tells 
us of the birth of John the Baptist in a town of Judaea, about six months 
before the birth of the Saviour. The attendant circumstances, which we have 
already recounted under the headings of and , his parents, suggest the 
miraculous and wonderful. The New Testament tells us nothing of John's early 
years, but we know that his pious, virtuous parents must have reared the boy 
with care, conscious always of the important work to which he was appointed, 
and imbuing him with a sense of his destiny.

When John began final preparations for his mission, he was probably in his 
thirty-second year. He withdrew into the harsh, rocky desert beyond the Jordan 
to fast and pray, as was the ancient custom of holy men. We are told that he 
kept himself alive by eating locusts and wild honey and wore a rough garment of 
camel's hair, tied with a leathern girdle. When he came back to start preaching 
in the villages of Judaea, he was haggard and uncouth, but his eyes burned with 
zeal and his voice carried deep conviction. The Jews were accustomed to 
preachers and prophets who gave no thought to outward appearances, and they 
accepted John at once; the times were troubled, and the people yearned for 
reassurance and comfort. So transcendant was the power emanating from the holy 
man that after hearing him many believed he was indeed the long-awaited 
Messiah. John quickly put them right, saying he had come only to prepare the 
way, and that he was not worthy to unloose the Master's sandals. Although his 
preaching and baptizing continued for some months during the Saviour's own 
ministry, John always made plain that he was merely the Forerunner. His 
humility remained incorruptible even when his fame spread to Jerusalem and 
members of the higher priesthood came to make inquiries and to hear him. 
"Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand,"-this was John's oft-repeated 
theme. For the evils of the times his remedy was individual purification. 
"Every tree," he said, "that is not bringing forth good fruit is to be cut down 
and thrown into the fire." The reformation of each person's life must be 
complete—the wheat must be separated from the chaff and the chaff burned "with 
unquenchable fire."

The rite of baptism, a symbolic act signifying sincere repentance as well as a 
desire to be spiritually cleansed in order to receive the Christ, was so 
strongly emphasized by John that people began to call him "the baptizer." The 
Scriptures tell us of the day when Jesus joined the group of those who wished 
to receive baptism at John's hands. John knew Jesus for the Messiah they had so 
long expected, and at first excused himself as unworthy. Then, in obedience to 
Jesus, he acquiesced and baptized Him. Although sinless, Jesus chose to be 
baptized in order to identify Himself with the human lot. And when He arose 
from the waters of the Jordan, where the rite was performed, "the heavens 
opened and the Spirit as a dove descended. And there came a voice from the 
heavens, Thou art my beloved Son, in Thee I am well pleased" (Mark i, 11).

John's life now rushes on towards its tragic end. In the fifteenth year of the 
reign of the Roman emperor, Tiberias Caesar, Herod Antipas was the provincial 
governor or tetrarch of a subdivision of Palestine which included Galilee and 
Peraea, a district lying east of the Jordan. In the course of John's preaching, 
he had denounced in unmeasured terms the immorality of Herod's petty court, and 
had even boldly upbraided Herod to his face for his defiance of old Jewish law, 
especially in having taken to himself the wife of his half-brother, Philip. 
This woman, the dissolute Herodias, was also Herod's niece. Herod feared and 
reverenced John, knowing him to be a holy man, and he followed his advice in 
many matters; but he could not endure having his private life castigated. 
Herodias stimulated his anger by lies and artifices. His resentment at length 
got the better of his judgment and he had John cast into the fortress of 
Machaerus, near the Dead Sea. When Jesus heard of this, and knew that some of 
His disciples had gone to see John, He spoke thus of him: "What went you to 
see? A prophet? Yea, I say to you, and more than a prophet. This is he of whom 
it is written: Behold I send my angel before thy face, who shall prepare thy 
way before thee. For I say to you, amongst those that are born of women there 
is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist" (Matthew 

[Goanet] Public Statement(s) by Sabrang Trust on MHA Cancellation of FCRA

2016-06-18 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Fr. Cedric Prakash sj 

-- Forwarded message --
From: Teesta Setalvad >
Date: 17 June 2016 at 11:27
Subject: Public Statement(s) by Sabrang Trust on MHA Cancellation of FCRA
To: Teesta Setalvad >

Dear All,
Yesterday, finally the MHA issued a notice cancelling the FCRA of Sabrang 
Trust. Sabrang Trust's primary activities have involved working in the area of 
secular education, advocacy and documentation while Citizens for Justice and 
Peace (CJP) have been working on the issue deliverance of justice to the 
Survivors of Mass Crimes, especially Gujarat 2002. Both need continued and 
sustained citizen's support.
The statements attached below give detailed explanations on every foul 
allegation made by the MHA. What is implicit is that the MHA has itself 
embellished its own conclusions from the time it made its first Observations 
(last June 2015) after inspection, the Suspension Notice (September 2015) and 
now in the Final Cancellation Notice.
What shows a very clear nexus is the fact that it is when the Gujarat Police 
--in February 2015--failed to get custody of us and the Supreme Court stayed 
our arrest (Feb 12, 19, 2015) that the Gujarat Police Home Department wrote 
specifically to the MHA alleging so called violations by Sabrang Trust. This 
letter of the Gujarat Police dated March 10-, 2015 is also attached here. Hence 
what began under Modi in Gujarat (January 2014 when the FIR was first lodged 
against Tanvir Jafri, Firoz Pathan, Salim Sandhi, Javed Anand and myself) has, 
two years later become the ground for vindictive action against us (Javed 
Anand, Teesta Setalvad) under the Home Ministry of the Modi Regime in Delhi. 
This is critical to understand.
This deliberate attempt to embellish observations between the time the MHA Team 
first came and the final notice is given is nothing short of a sinister 
villification and defamatory campaign. Please do get back to us for any further 
details if you need. We have consistently been extremely transparent about any 
Finally, both CJP and Sabrang need all the support at this stage. We appeal to 
one and all in this regard

Yours in Camarederie

Teesta  Javed


1. March 10, 2015 Letter of Gujarat Government to MHA
2. Sabrang Trust Statement dated June 16, 2016 (YESTERDAY)
3. Sabrang Trust Statement dated May 10, 2016
4. Sabrang Trust Statement dated October 7, 2015
5. Sabrang Trust Response to FCRA Suspension Order DETAILED dated October 5, 

Teesta Setalvad
'Nirant', Juhu Tara Road,
Juhu, Mumbai - 400 049



[Goanet] Sabrang Trust's FCRA cancellation, support for Lawyers Collective

2016-06-18 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Fr. Cedric Prakash sj 

Fr. Cedric Prakash sj
Advocacy & Communications
Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) MENA Region
Rue de L'Universitie Saint-Joseph
Achrafieh 11002150 BEIRUT  LEBANON
Mobile:+961- 70-843-995
 to 58(ext-1703)
Skype:cprakashsj Twitter:@CedricPrakash and @jrs_mena
Like us on https://www.facebook.com/JRSMiddleEast

-- Forwarded message --
From: CSO Support Cell >
Date: 17 June 2016 at 06:50
Subject: Sabrang Trust's FCRA cancellation, support for Lawyers Collective

Dear Friends,

This is just to update you that in yet another vindictive action, the Ministry 
of Home Affairs has cancelled the FCRA registration of Sabrang Trust as part of 
the (continuing) campaign against Teesta and Javed (Sabrang's Press Statement 
attached). This follows the actions against Lawyers Collective in the recent 

In the meantime, there are growing protests against the actions of the MHA in 
the LC case. I am attaching the following documents that have come in this past 

1. Statement demanding repeal of FCRA by UN Special Rapporteurs on human rights 
defenders, on freedom of opinion and on freedom of assembly.

2. Human Rights Defenders Alert's appeal seeking intervention on UN Special 

3. Protest letter by International Federation of Health and Human Rights 

4. Statement by HIV + groups and others

5. Statements by Amnesty International in India, USA and Netherlands

(On behalf of the CSO Support Cell)

Support Cell for CSOs
Room no. 101, Indian Social Institute
10, Institutional Area, Lodi Road,
New Delhi - 110003
Tel: 011-49534000 (Ext. 140/141)

[Goanet] Mumbai: Immediate openings. Please recommend and forward.

2016-06-17 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Personnel People 

Dear Friend,

Please recommend your friends and pass the message around. Thank you.

We have the following vacancies:

1.Accounts Asst: Current Location: Western Suburbs : Later on Vasai
Edu. Qualification :  B.com
Experience :  2 years with sound knowledge of Tally ERP
CTC:  Rs.2.25 app. per Annum (depends 
on Experience & knowledge)

Candidates should be able to make the Sales,Purchase,Cash,Payment receipts 
entries in Tally Independent.

2.  Export Documentation: Western Suburbs : Later on Vasai in a few months.
Edu. Qualification   : B.com or B.A.
Experience :  2 years in Export documentation
CTC:  Rs.2.25 app. per Annum (depends 
on Experience & knowledge)

Candidate with some export documentation experience preferred. Freshers who 
want to make a career in Export Documentation can also apply.

3. Event Co-ordinator:  Location: Dadar/ Parel

Our Client runs a Foundation and the candidate must be good in written and 
spoken English. Besides those who have worked in NGO's or Events would have an 
added advantage,
Even Freshers can apply . They should be passionate and enthusiastic to carry 
out the responsibilities with a smile. Salary attractive for the right 

4.  Executive - Customer Service : Location: Western Suburbs

Our client is a leading pharma company. Candidate must be a Graduate and  have 
1-2 years of working experience. Good communication skills.

CTC: Rs 2- 3 lakhs

Interested candidates are requested to email us their resume : 

warm regards,
Dolphy Dsouza - 9833884227
43, Kalina, Santacruz East,
Mumbai 400 029.
Email: personnelpeo...@gmail.com

[Goanet] Mother Teresa's sainthood, Nobel Prize flawed: author

2016-06-17 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

Mother Teresa's sainthood, Nobel Prize flawed: author | UCAN 
Aroup Chatterjee questions the miracle attributed to the saintly nun.

Aroup Chatterjee questions the miracle attributed to the saintly nun.
Posted on June 16, 2016, 8:10 AM

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New Delhi:

Mother Teresa's planned sainthood is in an "uncharted" place as the miracle 
attributed to her was denied by the so-called cured person, says Britain-based 
author Aroup Chatterjee, whose work on the Albanian-born nun questions the very 
basis of her work in the City of Joy, for which she received the Nobel Peace 

"Mother's sainthood is in an uncharted place as a retraction or denial of a 
'miracle' by the 'cured' has never before happened in the history of the 
Catholic Church," Calcutta-born Chatterjee, who describes himself as a 
"militant atheist", writes in an updated version of "Mother Teresa - The Untold 
Story" that was released in the eastern metropolis earlier this week.

The reference is to Monica Besra, a tribal living in a remote village about 500 
km from Calcutta (as the author consistently referes to the city rather than 
the renamed Kolkata). It was claimed that on September 6, 1998, a day after the 
first anniversary of Mother Teresa's death, she had been cured of a massive 
tumour after two nuns tied on her body an aluminium medal that had been in 
contact with the Mother's dead body, and prayed all night.

Soon after Mother Teresa's beatification on October 19, 2003, Besra challenged 
the miracle and said she was cured by medicine.

After the retraction, Chatterjee, a London-based physician writes, he sent 
messages to the postulator of Mother Teresa's cause, Fr. Brian Kolodiejchuk, 
"asking how the Vatican would deal with this conundrum. I suggested that they 
should start afresh with a new 'miracle'."

But, says the author, "despite the unprecedented rejection of the miracle by 
the 'cured' and by every other quarter, including doctors and the government, 
the Vatican gave two fingers to Indian opinion and secretly proceeded with 

In December 2015, the Vatican announced that Mother Teresa was well on her way 
to becoming a saint in September 2016 as a second 'miracle' was proven -- a 
Brazilian man had been cured of brain tumour/abscess when his wife is said to 
have prayed to her.

"As I had expected, this time they chose a different hemisphere and a different 
continent. Also, the identity of the cured will be kept a secret till the last 
moment, though the 'cure' happened in 2008. The Vatican does not want to repeat 
the mistakes it made with Besra," Chaterjee writes.

He also says that the selection process for the Nobel Peace Prize is “deeply 
flawed” and being opaque and beyond criticism has made it even more susceptible 
to influences, .

“Although the Peace Prize has had some worthy recipients, especially the 
institutional ones...I believe the award is deeply flawed. Being opaque and 
beyond criticism has made it even more susceptible to influences. I am not 
convinced that it has an effective fact-checking machinery either, as its 
methods are somewhat quaint,” Chatterjee says.

He notes in this context that Mother Teresa's year of birth is one the few 
things in her life “that is not shrouded in mythology, but the Nobel Committee 
has got that wrong”.

“In one of their main official handouts, given to institutions about various 
peace laureates, it is given as 1914 when it should be 1910,” Chatterjee writes.

“The Peace Committee is now on an over-correction drive and is desparately 
seeking out non-white and non-Christian recipients. The sentiment is 
well-meaning, but flawed. Some worthy people have got the prize (such as Malala 
Yousafzai and Shirin Ebadi) but mostly recipients have been non-worthy, such as 
Wangari Maathai and Ellen Johnson Sirleaf,” he writes.

So, how did the book, first published in 2003, 

[Goanet] Religious get tips on ways to observe Year of Mercy

2016-06-17 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

Religious get tips on ways to observe Year of Mercy | UCAN 
The more creative nuns, priests, brothers become, the more good gets done, says 
Conference of Religious India official.

The more creative nuns, priests, brothers become, the more good gets done, says 
Conference of Religious India official.
Posted on June 16, 2016, 8:20 AM

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Religious in India have been given 40 suggestions on how they can observe the 
Year of Mercy. In this 2013 file photo, nuns, priests and brothers in New Delhi 
appeal for the rights of women and children. (ucanews.com 
photo by Bijay Kumar Minj)
New Delhi:

The Conference of Religious India has suggested a range of ways that clergy can 
observe Pope Francis' Year of Mercy, which ends this November.

"We are already in June; half the year is over. It may be also a good time to 
check what we are doing - personally and as communities, provinces and 
religious orders," said Salesian Father Joe Mannath, national secretary of 
Conference of Religious India in a note sent to members.

The conference has a total of 334 congregations and 822 major superiors 
representing more than 115,000 Catholic brothers, priests and nuns in India. 
Most of the schools, hospitals, social service centers and other institutions 
of the Catholic Church are managed by this group.

Father Mannath circulated a specially prepared four-page brochure of 40 actions 
that they can choose from.

"Year of Mercy is something real, not simply a matter of saying a prayer and 
having a conference," said the note along with the brochure.

The action plan has five focus areas such as actions for personal and community 
reconciliation, spiritual and corporal works of mercy and besides actions to 
become a caring and responsible church.

It lists actions such as asking pardon while stressing concrete actions to end 
divisions in the community and dioceses. Caste, ethnicity, language and regions 
are often used to divide people in the church and religious congregations in 
India, it said.

The plan's list also includes keeping celebrations simple, organ donation 
pledges and being active in the fight against drug abuse and human trafficking.

Father Mannath said since most of the religious "are busy, a simple set of 
action plans like this list" might help them plan their activities in their 
religious congregations.

The list is just a set of suggestions but he said: "The more creative we 
become, more good gets done."

The Salesian priest said some 1,600 nuns from one religious congregation have 
already donated blood.

"We can all learn from each other the best practices among us. That is more 
useful than complaining about what is not done," he said.

Pope Francis has declared a Jubilee Year of Mercy starting Dec. 8, last year to 
Nov. 20 this year. Through it the pope has exhorted Catholics to observe the 
year with works of mercy to experience God's forgiveness and unconditional love.


[Goanet] TARGET GOA is now targetgoa.in

2016-06-16 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Bevinda Collaco >

Hello all,

Targetgoa.com has been changed to targetgoa.in. A more 
efficient, easier to handle website. Hope you like it. The best part of all is  
you can comment directly on the article to write your comments. Keep it clean 

Goa Buzz

Got consumer complaints? Then this consumer rights & responsibilities awareness 
forthnight is for 
June 15, 2016

GOACAN will organise a Consumer Rights & Responsibilities Awareness Fortnight 
from 17th June as part of its ongoing Consumer Literacy Campaign… Read Full 

First time MLA Michael learns to rock the casino boat in Mission Second Time 
June 14, 2016

First time MLA Michael Lobo is making plans to become a second-time MLA. He is 
standing up and shouting at… Read Full 

GRE condemns Gadkari, BJP at state & centre for destroying Goa’s traditional 
occupations & 
June 13, 2016

Goenchea Ramponkaranchea Ekvott along with 13 traditional fishermen association 
Presidents  and others had some harsh words for the State and… Read Full 

Nice little drama going on in the BJP-MGP coalition with Lobo demanding ouster 
of five 
June 11, 2016

Apparently there’s mutiny in the ranks. We think it has all the hallmarks of a 
weak drama, though. BJP MLAS… Read Full 

Parrikar-Parsekar duo in Santa Claus mood, give 5 acres of Mopa land to 
June 10, 2016

According to a PTI report, Defence Minister Parrikar wrote to his stand-in 
Chief Minster Parsekar to make sure to allot…Read Full 

Heavy rain causes Vedanta dumps slurry to flood village – this is not news; 
this is history repeating 
June 9, 2016

After the heavy rains hammering down on Goa over the last two days, the 
restarting of mines has brought its own…Read Full 

BRICS 2-day October summit in Goa = improved facilities at Dabolim 

Hallelujah! The Centre is going to provide money to do a bit of refurbishing 
and giving an international edge to… Read Full 

Rajendra Arlekar says he wants the people to work with the govt to protect the 
June 8, 2016

Who says Rajendra Arlekar cannot be a barrel of laughs? He was making a speech 
on World Environment Day, one…Read Full 

Goa govt to table two separate bills to win the next elections & turn Goa into 
a giant 
June 7, 2016

Sometimes our MLAs are too clever for Goa’s good.  They have been desperate to 
get their hands on comunidade lands which take… Read Full 

[Goanet] Mumbai (Vakola): Public meeting tomorrow at "Marigold Hall" on “ Proposed Mumbai development Plan 2034 and its implications on Realty”

2016-06-15 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Alok Tholiya >


Marigold Hall, Tholiya Bhavan, 10th Road, Next to Regency Hotel,

Near Vakola Highway Signal, Santacruz East, Mumbai – 400 055 Tel. 
9324225699 / athol...@gmail.com 



Topic : Public meeting at above "Marigold Hall" on “ Proposed Mumbai 
development Plan 2034 and its implications on Realty”


You are aware that we are all concerned about proposed development plan 2034 
and how it affects Mumbaikar. Hence this meeting.

Speaker: Senior Architect Shri Arun Joglekar

Venue: above hall

Tea and Biscuits :  4.30 pm to 5.00 PM

Meeting: 5.00 to 6.30 pm

Day and Date: Friday, 17th June 2016

All are cordially Invited.

Note: This is totally non political group.And all citizens can take benefit 
irrespective of any party affiliation.

Sincerely yours

Alok Tholiya

Hariram Chowdhury

Kamlesh Bhathena

Paresh Vora

Vakola ALM

Anil Verma

Benefits to VNSS members:

  *DISCOUNTS AT CHEMIST SHOPS  * We have patients bed , wheelchair, 
walkers, tripod etc for patients.

[Goanet] Historic Goa church to reopen this week

2016-06-09 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

Historic Goa church to reopen this week | UCAN 
The church boasts of exquisite altars, pulpit, miraculous crucifix and art 

The church boasts of exquisite altars, pulpit, miraculous crucifix and art 
Posted on June 6, 2016, 6:37 PM

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The 450-year-old Church of Santa Monica, a part of the convent of Santa Monica, 
Asia's first and largest convent situated in Old Goa, and a state protected 
monument, has been restored and will reopen in this week.

Archbishop Filipe Neri Ferr?o of Goa and Daman will open the doors of the 
church to the public on June 10, Friday evening. The audience will be apprised 
of the restoration work carried out.

The Museum of Christian Art, Goa, with financial assistance from the 
directorate of archives and archaeology carried out the restoration work. The 
state government had proposed a grant of Rs 1.3 crore in two phases.

The restoration work on the building involved removal of the cement plaster 
from the walls, internally and externally, and replacing it with mud and lime 
plaster, rebuilding of the entire roof and removal of the damaged red cement 
flooring to reveal the original stone flooring.

The removal of the damaged wooden pulpit revealed the original beautiful carved 
stone pulpit and the graffiti work surrounding it. Extensive work was carried 
out on the altars as the wood had decayed either due to ingress of moisture or 
termite attack. Statues and paintings were also salvaged and original graffiti 
was discovered under layers of lime wash, which have been restored.

The technical assistance of conservation architect Ketak Nachinolkar and two 
internationally recognized art restorers, the late Miguel Mateus and Jose 
Pestana of Portugal, was sought. The experts carried out in-depth study of the 
state of the church building, its altars, pulpit, statues and paintings and the 
extent of deterioration.

The church that boasts of exquisite altars, pulpit, miraculous crucifix, 
statues, paintings and art objects was in desperate need of repair and 

It will now be open to worshippers for veneration at the Miraculous Cross also 
known as the Weeping Cross and other visitors who would like to appreciate the 
artistic and architectural beauty of the church. It will also be a venue for 
sacred music concerts and art exhibitions organized by the Museum of Christian 

Source: Times of 

[Goanet] RBI Chief Raghuram Rajan To NDTV On Term 2 And Subramanian Swamy's Many Attacks

2016-06-09 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


RBI Chief Raghuram Rajan To NDTV On Term 2 And Subramanian Swamy's Many 
In an exclusive interview to NDTV, Raghuram Rajan, whose possible reappointment 
as head of the RBI is driving international headlines, said that he "welcomes 
genuine criticism of our policy but will not address ad hominem attacks" or 
allegations against him as individual rather than the policies and position he 

n an exclusive interview, RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan rebuts Subramanian 
Swamy's attacks and discusses possible reappointment


  1.  Welcome genuine criticism, will not address ad hominem attacks, he says
  2.  My work shows love for country:Mr Rajan on claims he's 'not fully Indian'
  3.  BJP MP Subramanian Swamy wrote to PM seeking Mr Rajan's dismissal

 In an exclusive interview to NDTV, Raghuram Rajan, whose possible 
reappointment as head of the RBI is driving international headlines, said that 
he "welcomes genuine criticism of our policy but will not address ad hominem 
attacks" or allegations against him as individual rather than the policies and 
position he holds. He also said that "I won't comment on a second term. But 
you've seen my speeches. My ultimate home is in the realm of ideas."

Mr Rajan's three-year tenure as RBI Governor ends in September. "Rexit", a play 
on Britain's EU 
 has been coined about whether Mr Rajan will remain in office, reflecting the 
esteem in which he is held at home and abroad.

Not, however, by Subramanian Swamy, the BJP parliamentarian who has written two 
letters to Prime Minister Narendra 
 urging that Mr Rajan be refused a second term because of his "willful" moves 
to "wreck the Indian economy" and because he is "mentally not fully Indian."

"Certain allegations are so fundamentally wrong and baseless that to address 
them is to give them legitimacy they don't deserve," Mr Rajan told NDTV. On his 
"Indian-ness" being questioned in part because he holds a green card, he said, 
"Indian-ness, love for your country is complicated. For every person there is a 
different way that you show respect for your country...my mother-in-law will 
say karmayogi is the way to go - do your work."

A compact group of critics - which reportedly include some officials in the 
Finance Ministry - have faulted Mr Rajan for refusing to drop interest rates to 
stimulate growth in his quest to control inflation. But the RBI chief said 
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley and he share a strong working relationship. "It 
may shock you (but) never has there been a serious disagreement between Mr Arun 
Jaitley and 
 he said.

The PM is reportedly inclined to keep Mr Rajan at the helm of the RBI, though 
in a recent interview to the Wall Street 
 he only said that the decision is not due till September.

Yesterday, Mr Rajan left rates unchanged, as was widely expected, after the 
latest policy review. "A lot of people these days are writing my obituary in 
the papers. It gives me time to reflect on what remains to be done," he said.

Last week, the markets were briefly 
 when a regional newspaper in Kolkata reported that Mr Rajan has informed the 
PM that he doesn't want a two-year extension and would prefer to return to the 
University of Chicago.

Praise for him has lately been centred on his big push for state-run banks to 
complete a cleanup of massive debts and force defaulters to pay up.

Mr Rajan has impeccable credentials as the former chief economist at the 
International Monetary Fund and one of the few who predicted the 2007-08 global 
financial crisis.

He also generates reams of articles on being "a rock star" economist, "putting 
the sex back in Sensex", "making the internet swoon" and has been depicted in a 
cartoon as the James Bond of India's financial world. "Your kids keep you 


2016-06-02 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Fr. Cedric Prakash sj 


The long-awaited verdict on the Gulberg Society massacres is finally out today!
Thirty-six of the accused have been acquitted and twenty-four have been 
convicted; of the latter, only eleven have been charged with murder and the 
remaining thirteen for lesser offences. The quantum of punishment for those 
convicted is expected to be pronounced on June 6th.

The Gulberg Society massacres was one of the most gruesome acts of the Gujarat 
Genocide of 2002 in which sixty-nine innocent persons (including former 
MP-Ahsan Jafri), were brutally killed, burnt alive on February 28th 2002.

The verdict needs to be respected: at least 24 people have been convicted. 
There is some justice which has been done, but the fact is that is not enough!

For Zakhia Jafri and her family, Rupa and Dara Mody, Sairaben and Salimbhai and 
the many other victim-survivors, who have lost a loved one, their kith and 
kin-there is naturally a feeling of dissatisfaction. These heroic persons, have 
demonstrated sheer grit and determination - for more than fourteen years now, 
in their struggle for truth and justice. They have had to brave all 
hostilities, attempts at co-option and even betrayals- but they have stood 
resolute in their stand- as witnesses of what actually happened. For them, when 
key BJP functionaries and a Police Official (who has also destroyed evidence) 
are let off, there is the expected feeling of unbelief and disappointment;like 
many others, they wonder how could ONLY eleven persons be responsible for the 
murder of 69? Why have the big ones been allowed to go scot-free?

Whilst the judgement needs to be studied -media reports inform there no 
'conspiracy' has been found! This will certainly not go unchallenged, when it 
is an established fact that around 20,000 people had attacked Gulberg Society 
-on that fateful day. The mob was led, knew where to go, and some were 
completely armed for this heinous crime. As Teesta Setalvad says "the option of 
appeal is still open".

In the meantime, victim-survivors, human rights defenders and many others will 
continue their relentless pursuit of Truth and Justice- till the biggest 
perpetrators of the Gujarat Genocide are brought to book. Still a long way to 

Fr. Cedric Prakash sj
Human Rights Activist   2nd 
June 2016

Fr. Cedric Prakash sj
Advocacy & Communications
Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) MENA Region
Rue de L'Universitie Saint-Joseph
Achrafieh 11002150 BEIRUT  LEBANON
Mobile:+961- 70-843-995
 to 58(ext-1703)
Skype:cprakashsj Twitter:@CedricPrakash and @jrs_mena
Like us on https://www.facebook.com/JRSMiddleEast

[Goanet] Closed Bengaluru church: Parishioners on hunger strike

2016-06-02 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

Closed Bengaluru church: Parishioners on hunger strike | UCAN 
The parishioners had held Sunday Mass in front of the closed church two weeks 

Closed Bengaluru church: Parishioners on hunger strike
The parishioners had held Sunday Mass in front of the closed church two weeks 
Posted on June 2, 2016, 1:18 AM




An indefinite hunger strike by parishioners of Vishwanatha Nagenahalli over the 
now shut St. Paul the Hermit Church entered the fourth day today.

Of the thirteen parishioners, who started off the hunger strike on Sunday, six 
- all women - have been hospitalised and two more are being treated at the 
church compound itself. Others are continuing the hunger strike.

The church was closed down by Archbishop Bernard Moras by an order on April 21, 
2016, over the dispute about the bust of the recently deceased Fr. Chasara 
established by the parishioners in the church compound. He had cited the Code 
of Canon Law that stated that no statue of any person, who is not duly 
beatified or canonised, can be installed.

The parishioners had held Sunday mass in front of the closed church two weeks 
ago. The stalemate continues with neither the Archbishop nor the parishioners 
budging over the issue of the bust.

Though Fr. Chasara, a Kannada priest though was charge sheeted for his alleged 
role in the conspiracy in the 2013 murder of Rector K.J. Thomas, the High Court 
has stayed the charge sheet. Fr. Chasara was the one who rebuilt the St. Paul 
the Hermit Church in 1992 and the parishioners have an emotional connect with 
the deceased priest.

A visibly weak Mr. Lurduswamy told The Hindu that they will not discontinue the 
fast till the Archbishop opens the church again. "I still remember Fr Chasara 
coming to our house everyday and encouraging me and other kids of my generation 
to study in the early 1990s. But for him, we would have never studied," he 
recounted, adding that it was their right to pay their respects to Fr. Chasara 
after his death and the Archbishop couldn't deny them that.

Anthony Swamy, another parishioner, charged that the Archbishop was behaving in 
a feudal manner, pointing out the statues of other priests, who are neither 
beatified or canonised, had been installed in various churches across the city.

Those protesting are also agitated that neither the Archbishop nor any 
representative from the Archdiocese of Bangalore has visited them and tried to 
end the stalemate.

Meanwhile, human rights advocate B.T. Venkatesh is all set to file a writ 
petition in the High Court on behalf of the parishioners on the grounds that 
the Archbishop had effectively denied Freedom to Religion, a fundamental right 
in the Indian Constitution, by closing down the church.

Source: The 


[Goanet] Mumbai Paulines tie up with Australian university

2016-06-02 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

Mumbai Paulines tie up with Australian university | UCAN 
Students can also opt to do one or both semesters of the final year in 

Students can also opt to do one or both semesters of the final year in 
Posted on June 2, 2016, 12:14 AM

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The Society of St. Paul priests who run a media institute in Mumbai have tied 
up with Deakin University in Australia aiming to offer internationally 
acclaimed post graduation courses in India at affordable fees.

The St Paul's Institute of Communication Education (SPICE) in collaboration 
with the Australian university plans to have campuses in Mumbai and Bengaluru 
to offer two-year Master of Communication program.

The course is designed specifically for those who aim for careers in 
journalism, public relation, corporate communications and advertising, said a 
release from SPICE. Students can also opt to do one or both semesters of the 
final year in Australia, where Deakin has four campuses.

They plan to start the course mid-July this year. The course combines nuances 
of the communications industry in India with best practices in communications 
education from Australia, the release said.

Deakin University has been ranked among the top 150 universities in the world 
for communication both by Times Higher Education and 2016 QS subject rankings.

SPICE, which already runs communication courses, is known for its post-graduate 
programs in journalism and advertising.

[Goanet] West Bengal: Christians want justice for elderly nun's rape

2016-06-01 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

Christians want justice for elderly nun's rape | UCAN 
Motive disputed as police claim the rape and attack on convent was part of a 

Christians want justice for elderly nun's rape
Motive disputed as police claim the rape and attack on convent was part of a 
Posted on May 31, 2016, 4:56 PM

Indian nuns take part in a march protesting the rape of an elderly nun, 
organised on March 18, 2015 by an interreligious forum called State Forum of 
Minorities Organisation in Kolkata. (ucanews.com photo)

More than a year after an elderly nun was raped, a court in eastern Indian 
Kolkata city has began hearing May 31 the case that state police insist was not 
one pertaining to anti-Christian violence.

"We want prayers from all of you" so that justice be done to the victim, said 
Sister Vincent Thomas, superior of Convent of Jesus and Mary School in West 
Bengal's Nadia district, where the attack took place. The school is run by the 
Religious of Jesus and Mary nuns.

A gang of at least five men broke into the convent and school in Ranaghat, some 
80 kilometers northeast of state capital Kolkata and left the place hours after 
on March 14, 2015.

Police said the gang looted cash and some other valuables from the school, 
apart from ransacking a convent chapel and raping the 71-year-old nun, the then 
sister superior of the convent.

The sexual assault on the nun was condemned across India and occurred during a 
time when Christians have been reporting attacks by Hindu fundamentalists from 
various parts of the country.

Within weeks of the incident, West Bengal police arrested a gang of six people. 
Media quoted police saying that one of the six men had confessed to having 
raped the nun.

"The assault on our sister superior that way left us all traumatized. We are 
eagerly waiting for the verdict in the case and we hope it will come through 
soon," said Sister Thomas adding that lawyers have told her court has scheduled 
three days to hear the case this week.

While police insist the attack was part of a robbery, West Bengal's Christian 
leaders suspect that right-wing Hindu activists had engineered the attack on 
the convent.

However, police insist that a group who believed there was a large sum of money 
stored in the school. "That's why they targeted the convent where the school 
was located," a police statement said.

"Somehow, in a frenzy, an aggressive younger member of the gang ended up 
committing the rape...We are sure, all the culprits will be convicted in the 
court of law very soon," the statement said.

Herod Mullick, president of Bangiya Christiya Pariseba, a Kolkata-based body of 
Christian organizations, said that the case of rape and desecration of the 
chapel inside the convent did not appear to be the handiwork of regular robbers.

"I cannot figure out why a gang of regular robbers broke into a chapel and 
desecrated holy items when they knew that they could get nothing valuable from 
there," Mullick said.

"It's also mysterious why one of them targeted the 71-year-old nun," he said.



[Goanet] Meetings of Apna Mumbai Abhiyaan on 3rd & 4th June, 2016 - Human chain protest on Sat 4th @ 4:30pm

2016-06-01 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Bandra West Residents Association 

A Human Chain protest on Juhu Beach on Saturday June 4, 2016 at  4.30 p.m.

Dear AMA Members,

Welcome to the Apna Mumbai Abhiyan (AMA)! We have written the letter pasted 
below to the 35 organisations across Mumbai that have joined up. Do ask someone 
from your organisation to attend on Friday and send your confirmation with 
e-mail ID and cell number.

We will be forming a huge human chain in Juhu at 4.30pm on Saturday, June 4, a 
day before World Environment Day. We will be assembling near the Mahatma Gandhi 
statue at the gap opposite Palm Grove Hotel.

Please inform as many people as possible, even those who aren’t members of the 
AMA, but concerned citizens, to join the human chain.

AMA constituents are welcome to carry their own banners, bearing the AMA logo 
[attached] and their own, but the content is restricted to one of four initial 
demands AMA is making:

1)  Halt to Coast Road

2)  Metro 2 to go underground

3)  No Metro 3 depot in Aarey Colony &

4)  Objections to some DP proposals

Kindly inform all citizens to come out in big numbers on Saturday. We also look 
forward to meeting you an evening earlier on Friday June 3 at Jamnabai School 
in Juhu [see msg below] and more so at Juhu on Saturday evening.

Abhiyaan Constituents Meeting on Friday June 3, 2016  at 6.00 p.m, Juhu

Dear AMA Constituents

Let us congratulate each other for growing exponentially in a short time. 
Today, we are 35 organisations strong and growing. In this short period we have 
held two press conferences that have been well published. Two more press 
conferences have been planned in the following weeks.

We have resolved to challenge the state government's decision to build a coast 
road, making Metro-2 elevated and building a Metro yard/depot in Aarey for line 

We are also concerned about the forthcoming Development Plan, particularly 
about issues pertaining to the use of salt pan lands and NDZs for construction, 
and matters relating to affordable housing, etc. As you may be aware, the new 
DP is likely to be released for public suggestions and objections in a day or 

We have therefore decided to hold the first meeting of all the supporting 
organisations, as listed below, on Friday, June 3 at 6pm at Jamnabai Narsee 
School, Juhu scheme.

Let us get together to discuss these issues and decide our future course of 
action, including the filing of our suggestions and objections to the new DP.

This meeting is very important, therefore let us all meet and strengthen our 
collective forces.

Please confirm your attendance.

We all look forward to meeting each other!

 Human Chain protest on Juhu Beach on Saturday June 4, 2016 at  4.30 p.m.

Welcome to the Apna Mumbai Abhiyan (AMA)!

We will be forming a huge human chain in Juhu at 4.30pm on Saturday, June 4, a 
day before World Environment Day. We will be assembling near the Mahatma Gandhi 
statue at the gap opposite Palm Grove Hotel.

Please inform as many people as possible, even those who aren’t members of the 
AMA, but concerned citizens, to join the human chain.

AMA constituents are welcome to carry their own banners, bearing the AMA logo 
and their own, but the content is restricted to one of four initial demands AMA 
is making:

1)Halt to Coast Road

2)Metro 2 to go underground

3)No Metro 3 depot in Aarey Colony &

4)Objections to some DP proposals


Coalition of NGOs and Residents’ Associations across Mumbai
 Press Conference





Stalin Dayanand
Priya Mishra
Manish Gadia

Date   : Thursday, June 2, 2016
Time  : 4.00 p.m
Location: Press Club, Azad Maidan

Supporting Organisations (35):
? Bandra West Residents Association (BWRA) ? Bandra Bandstand Residents
Trust (BBRT) ?  Khar  Bandra Santacruz Foundation (KBS Foundation) ? Action  
for Good Governance & Networking in India (AGNI) ?  Save Open Spaces (SOS)   ?  
Gulmohur Area Societies Welfare Group ?  Juhu Citizens Welfare Group (JCWG) ?  
Oshiware Lokhandwala Citizens Association  (OLCA) ? Green Acres Lokhandwala 
?New Link Road Residents Forum ?  NAGAR ?  Nepean Sea Road Citizens Forum ? 
Save Aarey ? Aarey Conservation Group ?  Nivara Hakk   ?  Mumbai Waterfronts 
Centre ? Altamount  Road Area Citizens Committee ( ARACC)  ? Forum for 
Improving Quality of Life in Mumbai/Suburbs ? Mumbai Environmental Social 
Network?  JVPD Association ?  Cuffe Parade Residents 

[Goanet] Mumbai (Bandra) BJP President Finances Convent Re-structuring .... Asianews May 30

2016-05-31 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Mumbai BJP President Finances Convent Re-structuring

May 30, 2016

 May 30, 2016: The Sister Disciples of the Divine Master (PDDM) of Bandra, 
Mumbai, yesterday inaugurated the new asphalt resurfacing project on their 
Prarthanalaya convent. The project is being financed with the private funds of 
Ashish Shelar, a local member of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP, the Hindu 
nationalist party). Speaking to AsiaNews the politician says: "As a 
representative elected by the people, it is my responsibility to do the best 
for the community, neighborhood and society. Prarthanalaya is a sacred place of 
prayer, where every person is welcomed. The sisters are at the service of 
society and are building new communities through their prayers, and various 
forms of social activities. I am happy to offer my help. "

The initiative responds to the need for modernization of the structure and was 
immediately supported by the Hindu leaders, contacted by the sisters. 
Prarthanalaya (house of prayer) is a complex that houses the convent of the 
congregation and a chapel, which is open for Eucharistic adoration for all the 
faithful, including those of non-Christian religions.

The opening ceremony of the project of asphalting of the entire complex began 
with a short prayer and the blessing by Fr. Michael Pinto. Following this 
Sister Amita Mascarenhes, superior of the convent, and Sister Vimla, split a 
coconut, in a typical Indian ritual with which augurs"good luck".

In addition to the nuns, the Deputy Mayor of Mumbai Alka Kerkar, many friends 
and benefactors were present. Ashish Shelar also dug the first hole to start 
off the construction process.

After the ceremony, Fr. Pinto blessed the grotto dedicated to Mary Queen of the 
Apostles. Ashish Shelar also entered the cave to pay homage to the Virgin. 
Before he crossed the threshold, he took off his shoes as a sign of respect, 
then laid wreaths around the statue and bowed his head in an act of veneration.

- asianews


[Goanet] Redevelopment Alert! How Builders make Bakras of Flat-owners

2016-05-27 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: G R Vora >


Dear all,
As per your request I am forwarding the article by housing activist - Mr 
Krishnaraj Rao, on how builders cheat flat owners while redeveloping their 

Please read the trailing mail.


G R Vora
Cell:  09869195785

From: Krishnaraj Rao >

Mumbai, 25th May, 2016: While we are sitting in the comfort of our homes, an 
unfolding tragedy is transforming proud flat-owners into paupers and destitutes 
who will die in tiny rented homes, senior citizens homes or in the houses of 
their children, and the memories of the flats that they once owned will be 
cremated with them. In the name of redevelopment, millions of flat owners are 
being led like sheep to the slaughter – not only humble salaried workers, 
unthinking housewives, aged pensioners, over-dependent widows, but also 
doctors, lawyers, CAs, MBAs, MNC executives, bureaucrats, businessmen, 
tech-savvy housewives and career-women. Cooperative housing societies are full 
of financial illiteracy, ignorance of ground realities, overconfidence and 
gullibility. The redevelopment mantra of cooperative housing societies is: "jo 
sabka hoga, woh hamara hoga, bharosa rakho" i.e. "What happens to others will 
happen to us, so have faith."

A few thousand builders with names like "Shah Group of Builders", Kamala Group, 
etc, exploit these millions of bakras to build up their fortunes. In the 
building industry, "group" does not mean a company and its subsidiaries, it 
just just means a motley bunch of builders temporarily collaborating to hunt 
down a society of flat-owners like a pack of hungry wolves surrounding a flock 

>From the point-of-view of a builder, redevelopment is like hunting or trapping 
>sheep. Every builder actually thinks in terms of taking over or "acquiring" a 
>society and its assets. (Indeed, there are estate agents who specialize in 
>"society-acquisition" i.e. bundling up the society-members in agreements, and 
>transferring it to the highest-bidding builder.)

Please remember, redevelopment is basically a cooperative housing society 
(owner and possesser of the land and building) giving a civil contract to 
demolish their old building and reconstruct a new one while utilizing extra FSI 
and TDR. Since housing societies can't afford to pay the contractor, they give 
him permission to construct extra flats and sell them to make a profit.

Yes, these contractors need to draw up architectural plans and get dozens of 
permissions and clearances from the civic authorities, and also mobilize 
multi-crores of project finance. Because of the lengthy, weighty and complex 
nature of this relationship, societies enter into lengthy contracts called 
Letter Of Intent (LOI), Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU), Development 
Agreement, Alternative Accommodation Agreement (also known as Individual 
Agreement or Tripartite Agreement), "Irrevocable Consent", Power Of Attorney 
(POA) etc.


These contract documents are typically drafted by lawyers paid by the 
contractor/builder. By the wordings of the various documents, the nature of the 
actual contract (i.e. the contract of a property-owner with a civil contractor) 
is distorted. What emerges from the clever wordings is a different sort of 
contract, wherein the civil contractor appears like an equal party with the 
society, and not a mere contractor. The wordings make the builder seem like a 
purchaser or owner of the premises, to whom the society hands over all control. 
Words and clauses are included to endow the "builder" with all sorts of rights 
and entitlements over the property, stripping the housing society and the 
flat-owners of all their legal rights, including the right to revoke the 
contract if the builder fails to perform his contractual obligations. 
Unfortunately, almost all the society members sign on these papers without 
reading and understanding the implications; and the few who protest are also 
eventually forced to sign by the sheepish majority.

After this paperwork is stamped and registered, the flat-owners come to believe 
that the builder is now the whole-and-sole owner and possessor of their 
property. So, society members and office-bearers start thinking of their 
redevelopment contractor as a "dhani", "mai-baap", benefactor and an absolute 
owner and possessor of the plot and building. People lose all sense of control 
over the society and its property, which is actually their collective property.

Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer start behaving like the builder is an 
all-knowing, all-powerful god who can do no wrong. Anybody who criticizes or 
questions the builder's competence or intention is treated as a public enemy; 
the entire society gangs up and socially boycotts them.

Flat-owners are 

[Goanet] Assam Salesians pray for alumnus chief minister

2016-05-27 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

Assam Salesians pray for alumnus chief minister | UCAN 
Salesian Provincial Father V M Thomas said it was historic moment for the state 
and the Salesian family.

Salesian Provincial Father V M Thomas said it was historic moment for the state 
and the Salesian family.
Posted on May 26, 2016, 7:39 AM

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The Salesians in Assam prayed for their former student and Assam's new Chief 
Minister Sarbananda Sonowal, on the eve of his oath taking as the 14th Chief 
Minister of Assam heading the BJP-AGP-BPF coalition government.

After the prayers, Guwahati Salesian Provincial Fr. V M Thomas said, "This is a 
historic moment for the state and the Salesian family when one of our own 
illustrious alumni is taking the reins of the state".

"Don Bosco is the reason we are here," he told the members of the Salesian 
Family which has more than 30 constituent bodies all over the world.

Fr. Thomas also added that three Sonowal brothers had studied at Don Bosco 
School, Dibrugarh and that the school had waived the fees for one of the 
brothers and educated him free.

Fr. Thomas recalled Sonowal addressing some 60 leaders of the province during 
their provincial chapter on February 20 last where he spoke about the moral 
values he had learnt at school.

"I have become what I am because of the education I received at Don Bosco," the 
provincial quoted him as saying in the meeting.

Fr. Thomas said he has confidence that Sonowal will build "a civilisation of 
love, peace and justice ushering in a new era of hope and development for the 
aspiring youth."

Salesian Sister Grace, superior of St Mary's Guwahati, recalled that Sonowal as 
the MP of Dibrugarh frequently helped their Little Flower School in Dibrugarh, 
the release said.

The prayer meet at the Salesian Provincial House was attended by some 80 
Salesian priests and brothers, sisters, alumni office bearers and Salesian 

Source: Business 

[Goanet] Mumbai: Vacancies

2016-05-17 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Personnel People 

Dear Friend,

Please recommend your friends and pass the message around. Thank you.

We have the following vacancies:

1.Accounts Asst: Current Location: Goregaon : Later on Vasai
Edu. Qualification :  B.com
Experience :  2 years with sound knowledge of Tally ERP
CTC:  Rs.2.25 app. per Annum (depends 
on Experience & knowledge)

Candidates should be ready to shift to Vasai , when the  Company shifting to 
Vasai within 4 months.

Candidates should be able to make the Sales,Purchase,Cash,Payment receipts 
entries in Tally Independent.

2. Export Asst : For the above mentioned company.

Candidate with some export documentation experience preferred. Freshers who 
want to make a career in Export Documentation can also apply.

2. Project Co-ordinator:  Location: Dadar/ Parel

Our Client runs a Foundation and the candidate must be good in written and 
spoken English. Besides those who have worked in NGO's or Events would have an 
added advantage,
Even Freshers can apply . They should be passionate and enthusiastic to carry 
out the responsibilities with a smile. Salary attractive for the right 

 Interested candidates are requested to email us their resume : 

warm regards,
Dolphy Dsouza - 9833884227
43, Kalina, Santacruz East,
Mumbai 400 029.
Email: personnelpeo...@gmail.com

[Goanet] Ultimate goal is to be an IAS officer –UPSC rank holder Mishal D’Costa

2016-05-15 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

Ultimate goal is to be an IAS officer –UPSC rank holder Mishal 
Ultimate goal is to be an IAS officer –UPSC rank holder Mishal D’Costa

Ultimate goal is to be an IAS officer –UPSC rank holder Mishal D’Costa

Pics: Joshwa D'souza

Johnas Sequiera/ Joshwa D'souza

Daijiworld Media Network-Mangaluru

Mangaluru, May 11:  Hard work and determination to succeed certainly pays rich 
dividend and Mishal Queeni D’ Costa who secured 387th rank in the UPSC civil 
service examination 2015 is a perfect example of this. This chirpy girl who 
hails from Neerude of Niddodi Village in Mangalore Taluk did not allow an 
occasional self doubt and momentary loss of focus to come in the way of her 
intense preparation to crack the elite UPSC civil service examinations. Though 
she is happy to come out with flying colour she has set her goal post higher 
and want to give another try so that she can get into the IAS. “From the 
beginning my goal has been to get into the IAS cadre and because of my low 
ranking this time I am not selected for IAS or IPS. Though every service is 
good I would definitely give another try so as to improve my ranking and get 
into my favourite cadre”, she said in a interview to Daijiworld.

Mishal is the second among the three children of Lazarus and Nancy D Costa of 
Neerude. Her elder sister is a computer science engineer and works in 
Banglaore. Younger brother is a Mechanical Engineer and is also employed in 
Bengaluru. For many reasons Mishal’s achievement are noteworthy for myriad 
reasons. She comes from an agricultural family she studied in Kannada medium 
till 7th standard in her village. She completed her high school from Little 
Flower School Kinnigoli in English medium and PU from Alva’s College Moodbidri. 
Unlike those who dream or put foundation for IAS in high school or soon after 
SSLC she decided to take a plunge only after she completed her engineering 
graduating as an Information Science Officer from R V College of Engineering, 





A topper in class from her primary school days Mishal says it was her father 
who first sowed the seed of getting into the IAS. Her father Lazurus D Costa 
had graduated from Chennai and was working in Mumbai before domestic 
compulsions brought him back to Neerude. During his stay in Chennai Lazarus had 
the opportunity to watch IAS officials from close quarters and was highly 
impressed by the work and their contribution to the society. “It was my father 
who told me about the IAS and even suggested that I should give it a try. He 
used to show me those articles that highlighted the good work done by some of 
the civil servants and slowly I was motivated to give a try”, Mishal explains 
when asked what motivated her to try her hand in civil service despite 
completing engineering.

For civil service optional topics Mishal opted for Kannada literature and she 
says “my primary education in Kannada medium was a great help. Also I was 
greatly interested in Kannada literature”. She further adds “It wasn’t easy to 
get into the depth of the subjects which were totally new to me. For the main 
exams there are 9 subjects and since I did not have these subjects everything 
was new and I had to start from the scratch”. She had appeared for the prelims 
twice earlier but without success mainly because her preparation was not 
foolproof. .

Mishal began her preparation for Civil Service in 2012 when she went to Delhi 
and joined a coaching institute there. After 1 ½ years of coaching she began to 
prepared intensely on her own occasionally shuffling between Delhi, Bengaluru 
and Neerude. Apart from appearing for civil service examinations Mishal was 
simultaneously appearing for KAS and other examinations also. She worked hard 
for 10 hours a day as part of her preparation for the 2015 exams. On clearing 
the first hurdle of passing the preliminary, Mishal was determined to cross the 
other major hurdle of clearing the main and also get through the final round – 
personal interview. .And she did pass the main and got through the interview in 
her very first attempt.

When asked whether she called it quits any time in between, Mishal says that 
there were a few instances where she momentarily lost focus because of the 
uncertainty factor. “During the course of the 3 years of preparation I must 
admit I was a bit disconcerted a few times thinking what would happen in case I 
fail to make it. Credit goes to my. Parents as they were more positive than me 
and they gave me moral support and encouragement I needed to 

[Goanet] Susegad Goenkar

2016-05-15 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

'Susegad Goenkar'

Whenever I introduce myself as a Goan, the words muttered or whispered by those 
around me are, "Wow! cheap alcohol, feni, urrak, happy go lucky people, pubs & 
discos, drugs, ..." .& many more such things. I feel disgusted at such times. 
Is this what Goa is all about ? What about our hospitality, welcoming spirit, 
the kindness that overflows from our large hearts ? We cannot allow a few 
negative factors to overshadow our immensity of good things. I have seen what 
Goa was like when I was little. ...it was picturesque & blissful. It is good 
even now but not as mesmerising as it was then.

Goa is beautiful ! No doubt about that. Some people would even say that it is 
like the Garden of Eden. This may not be literally true, we have no way to 
prove it. Thousands to tourists flock to our beautiful Goa everyday.Is it only 
because of all those unsavoury things happening there ? Is it because Goa is an 
exceptional place, endowed with silver sand beaches, lush green fields ,rolling 
hills, tall standing churches, sacred temples, & above all kind large hearted 
native Goans, who will invariably give you a glimpse of exquisite hospitality.

However Goa is not the way it used to be. Hills have turned into plateaus or 
hollow valleys. The places where fields once existed are now occupied by huge 
buildings. The churches & temples seem to be loosing their peaceful ambience, 
reverence & serenity thanks to the increase in decibel levels. With innumerable 
shaks & rampant drug dealing the silver sands of our beaches seem to be turning 
brown & grey. The people are still large hearted, but are taken advantage of, 
bullied & robbed, as a result they seem to be loosing trust in people. Goa was 
known for the tall, singing coconut trees but now it is known as the land where 
coconuts grow on grass ! Dosen't it sound to you like a contradiction when it 
is said by some that the coconut tree is not a tree, but grass ? There is an 
attempt to strike it off the list of category of trees, so it does not fall 
under 'Save a Tree Campaign'.

Goa was & hopefully still is , a place where Hindus, Muslims, Christians & 
others lived in peace & harmony. Whether one was a Hindu, Muslim or Christian, 
one took pride in visiting & appreciating Christmas cribs, Ganesh idols, & the 
customs & practices of one another. I never believed that religion divides. 
Different religions add variety & richness to our lives.

People call us 'Susegad Goeankar' & many of us seem to enjoy the label, but 
"Sesegad' has the connotation of the stereotype of one who is slow, careless, 
lazy & happy go lucky. 'Susegad' for me would mean relaxed, peaceful, 
contented, & optimistic, a term referring to people who tackle problems & life 
challenges as & when they arise. So dear friend the next time somebody calls 
you 'Susegad Goenkar' you will know how to receive it & interpret it.

"Live in Goa & Love Goa !!"

--Infancio Pires sdb.

[Goanet] Different 'Narendra Modi' Got Degree In 1978, Alleges AAP, Citing Documents

2016-05-07 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


AAP claims new documents prove PM Modi's Delhi University degree is 'fake'


  1.  Rajasthan's Narendra Mahavir Modi graduated from DU in 1978: AAP
  2.  This proves PM Modi lied about graduating from DU, alleges AAP
  3.  Allegations are too silly to respond to, retorts ruling BJP

 The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) claims it has new documents to prove that Prime 
Minister Narendra Modi lied about graduating from the Delhi University and that 
a degree published by newspapers recently is "fake". The ruling BJP has said 
that the allegations are "too silly to respond to."

Yesterday, Arvind Kejriwal wrote to the Delhi University urging it to put up 
details of PM Modi's degree on its website for the public and make sure that 
the degree documents were "safe".

His party AAP alleges that such documents don't actually exist, that no 
"Narendra Damodar Modi" passed out of the university in 1978 as the PM had 
professed in his 2014 poll papers.

"His degree is fake, he never took an exam," said AAP's Ashutosh today.


The degree certificate published in some newspapers is 'fake', alleges AAP

AAP says it has tracked down the degree certificate of a "Narendra Mahavir 
Modi" who graduated that year.

"Narendra Mahavir Modi", says AAP, is from Alwar in Rajasthan. PM Modi, 
however, is from Vadnagar in Gujarat, the party says, citing his school 


AAP says one 'Narendra Mahavir Modi' graduated from Delhi University in 1978

When NDTV contacted PM Modi's namesake, he confirmed that he was in the Delhi 
University between 1975 and 1978 and added that Union Minister Arun Jaitley was 
his senior in college. "It is a lovely coincidence that I am also called 
Narendra Modi...it is a matter of pride for me," he said.

The Prime Minister's Office has not responded to AAP's attacks.

"I don't want to give it too much importance but it is inappropriate for a 
Chief Minister to make such allegations," said Union Minister Ravi Shankar 

In his declaration while contesting the 2014 national election, Mr Modi had 
said that he has a bachelor's degree from the Delhi University in 1978 and an 
MA degree from the Gujarat University in 1983. It tied in with a 15-year-old TV 
interview in which he said that he quit school when he left home at 17 and 
pursued his degrees much later at the insistence of his mentors in RSS or 
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh.

Treating Arvind Kejriwal's demand for details of the prime minister's education 
as an RTI inquiry, the Central Information Commission last week directed the 
Delhi University and Gujarat University to provide details. The Gujarat 
University has said Mr Modi did complete his masters and scored 62.3 per cent 
as an external student. The Delhi University has not given any details till now.

[Goanet] Is coconut a tree or not, plea in Goa HC

2016-05-03 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Roger D'Souza >
Date: 3 May 2016 at 06:49
Subject: Is coconut a tree or not, plea in Goa HC
To: chief secretary goa >, "governor.goa" 
>, Rajendra Arlekar 
>, "cm.goa" 
>, Laxmikant Parsekar 

All Goans are proud of heritage activist Prajal Sakhardande, chairperson of the 
Goa For Giving Trust, Armando Gonsalves, and Mumbai-based trust Vanashakti for 
standing up against the draconian and anti-environmental stand of the Goa 
Government and the pliant rubber stamp Governor Mridula Sinha in choosing to 
destroy our beloved coconut trees and our very Goan identity.
 If the Goa Government is full of "bonddem" and crooked rogues then perhaps the 
Governor forgets she is in Goa and not in Bihar???
Does the Goa Government and these rogues Mridula Sinha, Parsekar and Arlekar 
want Goa to look like this???


Is coconut a tree or not, plea in Goa HC (Times of India)
IANS | May 2, 2016,

Panaji, May 2 (IANS) A month after the Goa government de-recognised the coconut 
palm as a tree, the battle over the official nomenclature of the tropical tree, 
often synonymous with Goa's picturesque landscapes, will now be fought in court.

The Panaji bench of the Bombay High Court on Monday issued notice to the state 
chief secretary seeking response over a petition challenging the decision of 
the Goa government in March to de-recognise the coconut palm as a tree under 
the Goa, Daman and Diu Preservation of Trees Act, 1984.

The petition has been filed by heritage activist Prajal Sakhardande, 
chairperson of the Goa For Giving Trust, Armando Gonsalves, and Mumbai-based 
trust Vanashakti.

"The government through the chief secretary has been asked to file a response 
by June 13, when the next hearing has been scheduled," Sakhardande told 
reporters on Monday.

The controversial amendment to the Trees Act, which de-recognised coconut palm 
as a tree, was passed by the assembly in January. It was formally accorded 
assent by Governor Mridula Sinha in March.

The opposition parties and environmentalists have slammed the Bharatiya Janata 
Party (BJP)-led coalition government for passing the bill which, they say, will 
facilitate "mass massacre of coconut trees in the state".

Chief Minister Laxmikant Parsekar has said the law was amended to allow coconut 
farmers to cull old and non-productive trees without being caught in red-tape.

Coconut tree law: Activists challenge Parsekar govt’s Tree Act in High Court
The petition which was filed before the bench in Goa recently has sought to 
stop the state government from proceeding on the Act which no longer accords 
'tree' status to the coconut tree.

Panaji | Published:May 3, 2016 11:09 am
[coconut-goa-759] The petition which was filed before the bench in Goa recently 
has sought to stop the state government from proceeding on the Act which no 
longer accords ‘tree’ status to the coconut tree.

State-based heritage activist and two other NGOs have filed a writ petition in 
the Bombay High Court challenging Laxmikant Parsekar-led government’s recent 
move to amend the Act re-classifying the coconut tree as palm.

The petition which was filed before the bench in Goa recently has sought to 
stop the state government from proceeding on the Act which no longer accords 
‘tree’ status to the coconut tree.

Heritage activist Prajal Sakhardande, NGOs–Goa For Giving and Mumbai based 
Vanashakti– has termed the amendment to the Goa Preservation of Trees Act, 1984 
as “illegal”.

The petition seeks to restrain the respondents from proceeding on the basis 
that coconut trees are not ‘trees’ under the Goa Preservation of Trees Act, 

The petitioners have said the amendment expressly removes the extended 
protection given to the ‘coconut tree’ under the Act.

The consequence is that coconut trees that do not conform to the width/height 
requirements can now be felled indiscriminately without applying for permission 
from the tree authority.

“It modifies the definition of ‘tree’ protected under the Act to exclude trees 
that have a trunk/body less than 10 centimetres in diameter at a height of one 
meter from ground level. It 

[Goanet] IPB is the new Regional Plan for Goa - Debate for Herald and HCN

2016-05-03 Thread Robin Viegas

From: b sabha 

From: Roger D'Souza >


[Goanet] They Put A Camera Inside This School Cafeteria In Japan. What It Captured? My Jaw Dropped!

2016-04-30 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


They Put A Camera Inside This School Cafeteria In Japan 
Can you imagine something like this in our public schools?

(Watch the video - how little children learn about segregation of garbage ; 
they don't feel dirty in handling their own garbage ; They open wash & dry 
their tetra packs & other containers so that maximum garbage goes for recycling)

Japan may be just an ocean away but when you compare their culture to ours it 
seems as if we live on different planets. A while ago we shared how the 
Japanese use their bathrooms and 
today we're showing you what their school lunch looks like.

Here all the attention was focused on improving the quality of food, but in 
Japan, lunch is more than just eating, it's an opportunity to learn proper 
manners before, during and after a meal, hygiene and even how to grow your own 
food. Can you imagine something like this in our public schools?

School Lunch in Japan - It's Not Just About Eating!


[Goanet] Full marks for the Uttarakhand HC By Cleofata Almeida Coutinho

2016-04-22 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Roger D'Souza >



[Goanet] In pictures: Queen Elizabeth II at 90 in 90 images

2016-04-20 Thread Robin Viegas

[Goanet] Grievance Redressal Forum of the Archdiocese of Bombay

2016-04-16 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Anand Castelino >

Attached Official


[Goanet] Mumbaiites, "don’t save water; save the forests and rivers instead"

2016-04-14 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

Mumbaiites, "don’t save water; save the forests and rivers instead"
14 Apr 2016MumbaiSTALIN DAYANAND
Now that the IPL has managed to weather the symbolic challenge to it using the 
water crisis, it’s time for a reality check. Nothing makes my blood curdle more 
than hearing the slogan ‘save water’. In a land of rivers, with 400 perennial 
rivers, we talk of saving water. Compare it with a slogan from OPEC “Save Oil”. 
India gets its name from the Indus river. Abundant water was the only reason 
why India was invaded and why civilisations thrived. Today, when we talk of the 
empty slogan save water, it is a reflection of how we lap up every slogan from 
the west without questioning if it is applicable to our land.
Development is industrialisation and concretisation. Both need water. The 
question is whether to industrialise at the cost of drinking water or to 
provide drinking water for life to survive? The answer is not hard to decide. 
Not just industry, but excessive farming is also the reason. Farmers continue 
to endure decades of abuse and neglect thanks to the greed of politicians. The 
race between politicians to be at a par or above the other has led to this 
drought. In rain shadow regions, and in areas with less rainfall, farmers grow 
sugarcane to toe the line laid by politicians, who ensure it is the only crop 
that has a stable sale price. All other crops have been relegated to second 
place. An annual export of 2.43 million tonnes of sugar worth more than $1.1 
billion has forced the sacrifice of drinking water. Farmers of other crops have 
been forced to expand farmlands into nearby forests to produce more so that 
they can survive the pit bottom prices that befall them when the crop is ready. 
Take a look at Google Earth Satellite imagery and one can see the 
ever-expanding kilometres of farm land. We are a surplus producer of food. We 
farm excessively so that the farmer may survive.
Government policies never focussed on protecting water sources, wetlands and 
water bodies. A case in point is the Ulhas River. This perennial river is the 
last resource of fresh water for the MMR.
Thanks to the development undertaken by corporations from Kalyan to Karjat, the 
river is dying. Lakhs of humans from Kalyan, Ambernath and Thane were supplied 
water from Shahad, which was contaminated with sewage disposal undertaken by 
the Ulhas Nagar Municipal Corporation and townships all the way up to the 
source in Karjat. The polluters were fined heavily and action was initiated by 
the National Green Tribunal (NGT). Sadly, the polluters got a stay order 
against the NGT order from the Bombay high court by citing lack of funds, among 
other reasons, to avoid payment of fines to restore the river.
Delayed decisions of the judiciary will continue to haunt mankind and prolong 
the present misery. Removal of the River Regulation Zone (RRZ) policy was 
another nail in the coffin for our rivers. It allowed industries to be set up 
anywhere near the river instead of the 500m-2km distance prescribed earlier. 
The ease of doing business is now equal to the ease of polluting the rivers and 
in turn defines growth.
Among the last remaining regions with a reasonably good amount of pure water is 
Konkan in Maharashtra.
The government has decided to protect this region in a unique way — by allowing 
rubber plantations to replace primary forests and by proposing a chemical zone 
in the Konkan. Don’t save water, save your forests and rivers. No forests, no 
water —plain and simple. For IPL its business as usual. It is time to go back 
to our daily routine of ignorance and indifference. Close the tap while 
brushing and pat yourself on the back.
Stalin Dayanand is a conservationist at Vanashakti, a Mumbai-based NGO The 
views expressed are personal


2016-04-13 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


‘Money disappearing’ from BMC’s citizen help centres 
Money paid by Mumbaikars for various municipal services such as registration of 
birth has been disappearing from citizen facilitation centres in the western 
suburbs ...

Money paid by Mumbaikars for various municipal services such as registration of 
birth has been disappearing from citizen facilitation centres in the western 
suburbs, opposition members in the BMC have alleged.

An audit of the centres' records has revealed that the cash collected at the 
centres is not entirely deposited in the bank, claimed Sandeep Deshpande, MNS 
group leader in the BMC. The shortfall over the years may be running into 

"There are many skeletons in the civic accounts department's closet. In K-East 
Ward, for instance, there is a shortfall of nearly Rs 2 lakh for the period 
February 28-March 15. I am sure there are similar discrepancies in the accounts 
of other wards. Only an inquiry will reveal where the money is going," he said.

Mirror is in possession of documents that reflect the accounting discrepancy. 
"It is mandatory for the BMC to present monthly audit reports before the 
standing committee, but the procedure is not being followed," Deshpande said.

Additional municipal commissioner Sanjay Mukherjee rejected the accusation that 
money was being siphoned off from citizen facilitation centres. "There was a 
mismatch of around Rs 12 to 15 lakh [overall]. But it does not mean that the 
public money that was to be deposited in municipal account has been siphoned 
off. We have asked the accounts department to review the records and the 
picture will be clearer during reconciliation of accounts," Mukherjee said.

Deshpande claimed discrepancies in the BMC's books had also come to light in 
2007 and 2011.

[Goanet] Pope Francis and The Joy of Love

2016-04-09 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Global Catholic Climate Movement 

The Pope's New Apostolic Exhortation on the Family
View this email in your 


Dear Friends,

Today the Vatican published Pope Francis' eagerly-awaited Apostolic Exhortation 
on the family. In this eagerly awaited document, entitled 'Amoris Laetitia', or 
The Joy of 
 he affirms the Church's teaching that stable families are the building blocks 
of a healthy society and a place where children learn to love, respect and 
interact with others.

In the document Pope Francis also discusses the role of the family in caring 
for creation. "In the family too, we can rethink our habits of consumption and 
join in caring for the environment as our common home. 'The family is the 
principal agent of an integral ecology, because it is the primary social 
subject which contains within it the two fundamental principles of human 
civilization on earth: the principle of communion and the principle of 
fruitfulness" (Amoris Laetitia, 277).

This reiterates his ideas from last year's encyclical on ecology, Laudato Si', 
where he states, "In the family we first learn how to show love and respect for 
life" (Laudato Si', 213).  During this Year of Mercy in which we celebrate the 
one-year anniversary of Laudato Si', we remember the Lord's mercy on us and 
joyfully renew our vow to protect creation and the principles of communion and 


GCCM is happy to be able to bring knowledge and conversation of this important 
document to all our members. We hope and pray for continued health of both the 
Catholic family and Pope Francis.

God bless,






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[Goanet] Remembering the martyrdom of Fr Frans Van der Lugt :APRIL 7th - Fr Cedric Prakash sj

2016-04-09 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Fr. Cedric Prakash sj 

- Fr Cedric Prakash sj

The city of Homs in western Syria, is the third largest city of the country 
after Aleppo in the north and the capital Damascus about 170 kms. to its south. 
Its population consisting of Arabs, Sunni Muslims, Alawites and Christians- 
reflected the religious diversity of Syria. The city has a number of historic 
mosques and churches and is not far from the Krak des Chevaliers castle, a 
world heritage site.

Today Homs is a devastated city: bombed, battered and bruised by five years of 
a bloody civil war. Thousands have fled their homes to Damascus and even 
abroad. Many from here have died. For those who stay on in the midst of ruins, 
skeletal bombed-out buildings in a ghost-town, there is a feeling of 
hopelessness, of not knowing what to do and where to go. The children smile-but 
they seized with a fear which is palpable: those five years and below only know 
war. The youth talk aimlessly-searching for ways and means to escape from a 
world of hopelessness. The adults are still tongue-tied for any meaningful 
conversation. Many of them just want to wake up from what they hope –is just a 
bad dream. Sadly, enough, the tragedy which has gripped their lives is real!

However, there is a sudden   change in the moods of the adults and youth when 
they talk of one man: Fr. Frans van der Lugt. Their eyes light up, a sense of 
nostalgia envelops them, as they latch on to the person and message of this 
great human; because he still lives on in their hearts and minds, some of them 
do feel that there will be a new dawn!

Who was this ‘Abouna Frans’ as he was fondly referred to? Fr Frans van der 
Lugt, was a Dutch Jesuit priest who devoted his life to the people of Syria; 
when civil war erupted there in 2011 he chose to remain in the country, 
suffering the shortages and terrors of the conflict alongside both Muslims and 
Christians. He was born on April 10 1938 in The Hague, Netherlands- the son of 
a banker. He joined the Jesuits in 1959 and seven years later went to the 
Middle East. With the exception of a short break to complete his doctorate in 
Psychology, he spent the rest of his life from 1976 in Syria. In Homs he 
founded the Al-Ard institute, where handicapped children of all religions and 
ethnic groups found a home –of warmth and acceptance.

His twilight years however were shattered with the civil war. As the fighting 
intensified, Fr Frans moved to the Jesuit residence in Boustan –Diwan (the 
inner city). From there he shared the suffering of the inhabitants, refusing to 
leave, even as that part of the city continued to be bombed from all sides. His 
centre before long became a home for those who had nowhere to go: Muslims and 
Christians; women and men; old and young. It was a haven for them and Fr Frans 
was their refuge. His message to all was one of hope: of mercy and 
reconciliation, of justice and of peace! Listening to those who knew him, those 
who experienced his warmth, his love, his courage to give “all-of-himself” to 
those in need- would easily touch a heartless person.

Because there were several rebels in the old city- that part was under siege. 
There were no food supplies coming in nor were people being allowed in or out. 
Though a relatively ‘normal’ life continued just streets away, in the 
government-held zones, starvation was claiming lives in the rebel enclave. Fr 
Frans existed on olives and broth fortified with weeds picked off the streets. 
“The faces of people you see in the street are weak and yellow,” he told a 
journalist “Their bodies are weakened and have lost their strength.” With his 
training in psychology, he documented the spread of mental illness among those 
who found themselves besieged: “I try to help them not by analysing their 
problems, as the problems are obvious and there is no solution for them here. I 
listen to them and give as much food as I can.”

Frans was a healer – he touched the broken spirits of a battered people; he did 
not care for himself, if someone was physically sick, he did all he could (with 
the little he had) to make them well again. His forte   however, was to soothe 
the mental and the spiritual suffering they were going through. They sought his 
guidance and his direction- when they overwhelmed by the brutality around them.

Very ironically he was gunned down on World Health Day, April 7th 2014, by 
those who felt that this healer had no right to live to heal the brokenness of 
Homs and Syria. It was just three days before what would 

[Goanet] Mumbai: Mount Mary Basilica Door of Mercy closed

2016-04-09 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Mumbai: Mount Mary Basilica Door of Mercy 
Protests trigger closure; Bishop Agnelo says no yielding to pressure

Protests trigger closure; Bishop Agnelo says no yielding to pressure

There was high drama amidst the divine at Bandra’s Mount Mary’s Basilica 
yesterday morning. The faithful who had come to walk through the ‘Door of 
Mercy’ were forced to return without obtaining a plenary indulgence (remission 
before God of the temporal punishment due to sins).

[Many Catholics from across the city who came to the Basilica had to face the 
closed Door of Mercy. Pic/Nimesh Dave]
Many Catholics from across the city who came to the Basilica had to face the 
closed Door of Mercy. Pic/Nimesh Dave

The ‘Door of Mercy’ was shut because a group of protestors had congregated near 
the Door. The protestors, three amongst them who claim to be on a ‘fast unto 
death’ are on the warpath claiming corruption and mismanagement by church 

Wilma D’souza Shirke and her family, parishioners of Good Shepherd Church, Four 
Bungalows, Andheri, who had arrived to Mount Mary to walk through the Door were 
shocked. Wilma said, “We were taken aback at the closure.”

Like Shirke, Tomazinho Pinero who had come along with his family was 
disappointed. “My children had a school holiday, so we came to walk through the 
Door. The other Door of Mercy is at Holy Name Cathedral in Colaba. We live at 
Malad, so that is a real distance. We were only able to pray in the Church. I 
hope God shows us mercy, we wanted to walk through the Door.”

When we visited the spot, we saw that the Bandra Church’s Door of Mercy had a 
notice saying that it is temporarily closed. A group of 15 people were sitting 
by the door of the Church. Amongst these were Rupesh Gomes, George Miranda and 
Darryl D’souza who are fasting, against what they claim is corruption by the 
church. The Association of Concerned Catholics (AOCC) and Catholic Residents 
Organization for Social Service (CROSS) are leading this fast, which began on 

Joseph Sodders from AOCC said, “There is corruption at Mount Mary’s. Nobody 
knows what happens to the jewellery and saris that are donated to the Church. 
The priest, Monseigneur Nereus Rodrigues is 90 plus, as per Cannon law he 
should have retired at 75.”

Gomes and Miranda say they have only been drinking water and have shunned food. 
D’souza who works at a call centre, fasts from sunrise to sunset but does eat 
post sunset. “We sit here, sleep here and pray. People are blaming us for the 
closure. We want people to come and receive God’s mercy. This is not for 
publicity, we are fighting for a just cause,” said a weak Gomes who was put on 
drip on Tuesday, April 5.

Vincent Nazareth, who is supporting the fast said, “This was not spontaneous 
but a planned protest. The fast goes on till we get a clean church. Anna Hazare 
fasted for so many days, this agitation has just started.”

Fr. Aniceto Pereira, vice-rector of Mount Mary’s Basilica said, “We have not 
received any official information of the fast details. The Door of Mercy is 
closed since they were sitting there and inconveniencing people. I am unsure 
when it will reopen.”

Bishop Agnelo Gracias, Auxilury Bishop, Archdiocese of Bombay said, “It is a 
shame that the fast is on in a shrine. They should have had it at the Bishop’s 
House. We are ready to dialogue with them. The fast is not the best way to get 
their demands met. The Archbishop was willing to meet them on Thursday evening, 
but they did not come. We will not yield to pressure in any way.”

With the issue deadlocked, the Colaba Door may be the only Door of Mercy in the 
city open right now, for those who seek remission.

About the Door of Mercy
>> The Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy is a Roman Catholic period of prayer held 
>> from the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (December 8), 2015 to the Feast 
>> of Christ the King (November 20), 2016.

>> The holy doors of the major basilicas across the world were opened, and 
>> special ‘Doors of Mercy’ were opened at cathedrals and other major churches.

>> The Archdiocese of Bombay opened its second Door of Mercy at Mount Mary’s on 
>> December 20, 2015 as Archbishop of Bombay, Cardinal Oswald Gracias presided 
>> over the ceremony of the opening of the Door of Mercy.

>> On December 13, Auxiliary Bishop John Rodrigues of Bombay opened the Door of 
>> Mercy at Holy Name Cathedral in Colaba.

From: Gordon Jacobs 
Subject: State of affairs at The Archdiocese of Bombay


I have been receiving calls from a lot of 

[Goanet] SOME IMPORTANT PARAGRAPHS 8/4/2016 - Inside Pope Francis' statement on the family - by John Dayal

2016-04-09 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: John Dayal >
Reply-To: john.da...@gmail.com

Inside Pope Francis’ Statement on the Family

 APRIL 8, 2016

In Pope Francis’ long-awaited apostolic exhortation — “Amoris Laetitia,” or 
“The Joy of Love” — he urges church leaders to serve as nurturing pastors, not 
as rigid enforcers of doctrine. Related 

Amoris Laetitia: On Love in the Family
View the Full Document 

In Pope Francis’ long-awaited apostolic exhortation — “Amoris Laetitia,” or 
“The Joy of Love” — he urges church leaders to serve as nurturing pastors, not 
as rigid enforcers of doctrine. Related 

Alessandra Tarantino/Associated Press
Amoris Laetitia: On Love in the Family
View the Full Document 

An Appeal for Greater Empathy
“When faced with difficult situations and wounded families, it is always 
necessary to recall this general principle: ‘Pastors must know that, for the 
sake of truth, they are obliged to exercise careful discernment of situations’ 
(Familiaris Consortio, 84). …. while clearly stating the Church’s teaching, 
pastors are to avoid judgements that do not take into account the complexity of 
various situations, and they are to be attentive, by necessity, to how people 
experience and endure distress because of their condition.”
Laurie Goodstein, National Religion Correspondent:
Pope Francis is instructing priests to practice discernment rather than 
judgment in dealing with the messy realities of people’s lives. Discernment is 
a spiritual practice taught by the Jesuit religious order to help guide a 
person through life, and Francis is the first Jesuit pope.
Lessons From Married Clergy
“The main contribution to the pastoral care of families is offered by the 
parish, which is the family of families, where small communities, ecclesial 
movements and associations live in harmony … ordained ministers often lack the 
training needed to deal with the complex problems currently facing families. 
The experience of the broad oriental tradition of a married clergy could also 
be drawn upon.
Francis cites the value of “a married clergy” in the Eastern Catholic 
(“oriental”) churches that permit priests to marry. This may raise some 
eyebrows. Is he open to a married clergy for the Roman Catholic Church? If so, 
he doesn’t say more.
Broader Training for Priests
“Seminarians should receive a more extensive interdisciplinary, and not merely 
doctrinal, formation in the areas of engagement and marriage. Their training 
does not always allow them to explore their own psychological and affective 
background and experiences. Some come from troubled families, with absent 
parents and a lack of emotional stability. There is a need to ensure that the 
formation process can enable them to attain the maturity and psychological 
balance needed for their future ministry.”
The selection and training of seminarians for the priesthood has frequently 
come under scrutiny in recent decades. Here Francis is asking seminaries that 
focus largely on doctrine (which is more common in the developing world) to 
broaden their approach.
Encouraging Young Couples
“Young married couples should be encouraged to develop a routine that gives a 
healthy sense of closeness and stability through shared daily rituals. These 
could include a morning kiss, an evening blessing, waiting at the door to 
welcome each other home, taking trips together and sharing household chores. 
Yet it also helps to break the routine with a party, and to enjoy family 
celebrations of anniversaries and special events. We need 

[Goanet] Do Not Make in India - DefExpo in Goa sends out all the wrong signals (from Force - National Security and Aerospace Magazine)

2016-04-05 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Roger D'Souza >


   Current Print 
Edition . Editors 
Note . Cover 
Story . 
Interview . 
Feature/Report . 
Industry . 
Columns . Know 
Editors . Force 
Blog . Ghazala's 

[Force Magazine]
Do Not Make in India

DefExpo in Goa sends out all the wrong signals

Ghazala Wahab

Goa: Now that the ministry of defence has made its point by producing a show 
virtually out of thin air (and red dust) in just about a fortnight, can we 
please get serious about defence exhibitions once again. Especially when they 
are a gateway to 'Make in India'; a forum to showcase our industrial 
capabilities so that global companies are tempted to partner with them, not 
only for the Indian programmes but hopefully for the global ones too.

[CEO BrahMos Sudhir Mishra with the defence minister]
CEO BrahMos Sudhir Mishra with the defence minister

International shows like Aero India and DefExpo should not be held hostage to 
political whims. India has a precedence of bi-partisanship as far as defence 
and the armed forces are concerned. After all, didn't Mulayam Singh Yadav, an 
Uttar Pradesh politician, resist the temptation of shifting DefExpo/ Aero India 
to his constituency, Etawah, when he was the defence minister!

A show is not a mirage in the desert. It is about the whole eco-system which 
facilitates its organisation and management. Infrastructure does not refer to 
exhibition halls alone, or facilities at the exhibition venue. It refers to a 
streamlined network of roads, business facilities, service providers and 
possibility of walk-in business visitors. The defence minister himself admitted 
in his inaugural speech that trade exhibitions the world over take place in 
metropolitan cities. This is not a coincidence, Mr Minister. They happen in big 
cities because of their proximity to local industry, government organisations 
and infrastructural facilities, none of which exist in Goa.

The MoD has been touting big figures to establish the success of the show. 
While most professional exhibitions wait till the end to judge whether the show 
had met its targets, in India, the ministry declares a show successful even 
before the inauguration. And in the process uses the statistics to conceal the 
real picture.

The real picture at DefExpo 2016 is that there may be more international 
exhibitors, but they are dissatisfied exhibitors. Most of them have curtailed 
their participation because they were not sure whether the exhibition will 
happen at all, and in Goa or someplace else. Several global exhibitors have not 
brought equipment that they would have brought to Delhi because they weren't 
confident about the logistics train. What's more, even on the second day of the 
Show, they were anxious whether the whole thing has been worth their while, if 
they will indeed get adequate serious visitors. Stability and certainty are two 
pillars businesses need.

Dear Mr Minister, development of Goa is not the responsibility of the global 
defence industry. Global exhibitors are here to do business. We want them here 
because we need their technology, their equipment and expertise. And now we 
also want them to convert the 'Make in India' slogan into a practical 
programme. It has to be a relationship based on mutual benefit. None is doing 
other a favour. If you want them to make in India, you have to give them your 
best. DefExpo in Goa unfortunately is your worst. It is the most expensive way 
of telling the global industry that if you want to do business in India do it 
at your own peril. We are like that only, thank you.

If indeed the Delhi venue (Pragati Maidan) was unavailable, a sensible course 
would have been to look for a temporary place as close to Delhi as possible. 
One place that comes to mind is Greater Noida, which also hosts the Auto Expo, 
one of the 

[Goanet] Catholics uncomfortable in BJP, Mr Parsekar? (by Brig Ian da Costa - Herald Goa)

2016-04-05 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Roger D'Souza >


Catholics uncomfortable in BJP, Mr Parsekar?
Parsekar and other BJP leaders are famous for playing the roles of complainant, 
investigator and judge all rolled into one.

By by Brig Ian da Costa | 03 Apr, 2016,

Their opponents are always found guilty and shamed. When protestors made a 
peaceful demonstration at the death of Fr. Bismarque near the IFFI Location 
sometime ago, they were brutally lathi-charged, many receiving injuries. 
Bismarque’s mysterious death has not as yet been officially resolved. Like in a 
cricket match we often hear the umpire’s verdict when the finger goes up. 
“Caught and bowled, Parsekar’. It is not difficult for the ruling party to keep 
a few MLA’s happy by making them, ministers, Chairmen of Govt, Corporations or 
of various Boards/Commissions. Glen Ticlo is only one of them. Next term he is 
hoping to be a Minister most probably. Some who are asked to bend actually bow 
and even crawl. Such is the practice now..Some Goan Catholics go with the wind 
and look after only themselves and their family and friends. They forget their 
community, neighbours and the public at large. ‘God help such people without 
any principles.’ Some of them are called ‘Altar Boys”. These people have no 
directions from the Higherarchy.

Last elections the BJP promised the moon to the people, but delivered nothing. 
That is how they gained a majority. May it never happen again! Have the Casinos 
gone from the Mandovi? In fact more have come in. Has the Centre given us 
Special Status? It’s a dream which will never be fulfilled. However their 
Magicians have changed the Coconut trees into grass.

Immigration has reached astronomical levels! Has Parsekar had the time to 
reflect on the reasons even once? Commissions are appointed without consulting 
the stakeholders. I was talking to the previous Chief Secretary Shri Vijayan, 
when discussing the garbage problem and he said, “Saligao Comunidade rep should 
have apprised you about this matter? I told him that you did ask us to appoint 
a rep and so we had none. When a Commission on Communidade was to be appointed 
they put the name of Mauvin Godinho, a person who had recommended that all 
illegal encroachments on Communidade land should be regularized. So we must cut 
our noses to spite our faces. Thank you Mauvin Godinho for your brilliant 
suggestion. I was the President of the Catholic Association of Goa and can tell 
you openly that the Catholics are not at all comfortable within the BJP. With a 
newly built Church in South India vandalized in Chhattisgarh and another in 
South India a few days ago and pastors arrested and detained for practicing 
black magicians Saffron Brigade are having a field day. Modi tried to subdue 
his party men but all in vain. The hatred seems to be deep rooted and hence not 
so easily removed. The matter was discussed in the Assembly recently and the ex 
CM Pratapsingh Rane openly stated that regularizing illegal encroachments will 
cause a break down in the total law and order situation in the state.

The wife of a Senior Cabinet colleague of the CM advised Hindu families not to 
get their children admitted in Catholic Schools as they will try to convert 
them to Christianity. This in spite of the fact that there has been no 
precedent of this nature. Actually this will suit us as we will then be able to
accommodate some of our own children in our schools  and solve some of our  own 
problems. This call came from the Ramnithi Temple near Ponda. It is sad, but 
true. In Goa we would like to have a greater number of schools and colleges to 
meet for the demand in admissions but the Government does not give us 
permission or approval. Grants for our own primary English medium schools are 
being withheld. Do we need any more proof of discrimination against the 
Catholic Community to prove this point? Let’s be fair and honest in treating 
our own Goan children. Then only will Goa progress.

Jai Hind.

[Goanet] Govt. Set to Cancel Teesta's Foreign Funds Licence ...ET 25 Mar pg 2

2016-03-30 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


GoI Set to Cancel Teesta's Foreign Funds Licence
Rahul Tripathi

New Delhi:

Sabrang's FCRA licence suspended last year; MHA unhappy with NGO's reply

The home ministry has a taken a decision that Teesta Setalvad's NGO, Sabrang 
Trust, should be barred from receiving foreign donations.

The process of cancelling Sabrang's licence under Foreign Contribution 
(Regulation) Act (FCRA) has started. A home ministry spokesperson told ET that 
the cancellation "is under process".

Setalvad's Sabrang had been active in pursuing cases related to the 2002 
Gujarat riots. She had also been a vocal critic of Narendra Modi government in 

On September 9 last year, the National Democratic Alliance government suspended 
Sabrang's licence, citing multiple violations of FCRA rules, including misuse 
of funds for personal benefit of trustees.

The suspension was for 180 days, and ended on March 10. Sabrang had, as 
required, filed a reply to the government's notice in October 2015. The reply 
had argued that the government's reasons for suspension were arbitrary and that 
Sabrang is in a position to explain all its donations.

However, senior home ministry officials said the reply was found to be 
"inadequate" and that was the basis of the decision to cancel the FCRA licence 
of Setalvad's non-governmental organisation. Setalvad did not reply to ET's 
emails or respond to calls. Her spouse and a Sabrang trustee, Javed Anand, told 
ET: "We have submitted our replies before the home ministry within the 
stipulated time period." A person close to Setalvad and Anand said Sabrang will 
legally challenge a cancellation order. This person did not wish to be 

In its suspension notice, the ministry had said that in 2010-11 and 2011-12, 
Sabrang had spent between 55% and 65% of foreign funds it received for 
"administrative expenses". FCRA rules state that if an NGO's administrative 
expenses exceed 50% of total foreign donations, the organisation needs a 
ministry approval.

The home ministry also said Sabrang had transferred ` . 50 lakh to an entity 
called Sabrang Communication & Publishing Private Ltd, which has Setalvad and 
Anand as directors. This transfer, the suspension order stated, "seems to be 
used for personal gain". The order also said Sabrang had transferred donation 
money to various bank accounts for settling credit card dues of Setalvad and 


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[Goanet] Mumbai: Modus Operandi: How corrupt BMC officials defend land-grabbers against activists

2016-03-30 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: "Krishnaraj Rao" 

28 March 2016: An activist friend named Abbaas Naqvi (989298) wrote in 
October 2012 about BMC's modus operandi of defending illegal constructions in 
return for bribes. Abbaas wrote this in the context of his experiences in Malad 
P-North Ward of BMC/MCGM, where he and some other activists (such as Shahnawaz 
Shaikh 9867768070) were trying to get the municipal officials to take genuine 
action against illegal constructions (especially TV studios) sprouting in the 

Like Abbaas and Shahnawaz, dozens of activists are fighting an uphill battle 
against errant BMC officials who take undue advantage of their official 
position. These activists are frustrated and are losing hope because 
authorities take no action against errant officials, even when written 
complaints and evidences are submitted.

Civic officials are decking the city with illegal structures and defeating the 
town planning by abetting illegal constructions violating Development Control 
Regulations. Vast No-Development zones are goldmines for officers dealing with 
unauthorized construction and violations by builders.

Below, I am reproducing an edited version of Abbaas‘ writings. However, as I am 
convinced that this is largely factual, I personally take full legal 
responsibility for writing it.

Experience of citizens who complain to BMC’s P-North Ward Building Proposal 
Dept. and/or Building & Factory Dept:

  *   BMC officials boldly fabricate lies, engage in buck-passing and misguide 
the complainant to protect unauthorized construction and offenders.

  *   The officials buy time to “fade“ the matter. They protect the 
unauthorized construction by lengthening the procedure of investigation etc. 
Matters are deliberately “faded“ with long delays, repeated instances of 
inaction or inadequate action, and ignoring complaints. BMC officials who flout 
the law are getting away by bribing other authorities. Our civic body turns a 
blind eye to ongoing illegal construction activities, while common tax-payers 
are deprived of basic amenities and facilities.

  *   There is non-responsiveness and inaction e.g. not issuing timely notice 
based on the complaint.

  *   The officials take actions that are designed to fail e.g. issuing notice 
but not taking follow-up action.

  *   They adopt time-wasting tactics to allow statute of limitations to lapse 
due to inaction.

  *   They use loopholes i.e. take undue advantage of rules, laws and 
procedures to subvert the proper functioning of administrative machinery and 
lawful intent.

  *   They cause mental & physical harassment i.e. malafidely use their 
authority and administrative machinery to cause fear, distress, inconvenience, 
loss of time etc. to the activist / complainant.

  *   Targeting and victimization of the complainant, often taking selective 
action with malafide intent to persecute the complainant. If the activist is 
persistent, he may receive implied threats to stop the follow up of complaint / 

  *   False cases of extortion are filed against persistent citizens, and they 
are sometimes branded as "habitual complainers" or "professional complainers" 
by the police and municipal officials. Some unofficial lists of such 
"complainers" are floated among municipal officials, damaging the credibility 
and social standing of the citizens named in the list. Those named in the lists 
find it difficult to get a police complaint registered even if they are 
physically attacked by goons. They are discriminated against even at RTI appeal 
proceedings, and public information officers find it easy to get away with 
denying information in response to their RTI applications.


Image: bit.ly/1MC4gvF

Tricks used by officials against activists:

  *   BMC officials sometimes reply that site complained against is not 
traceable by them, and so, they invite the activist for a joint visit. During 
the site visit, the henchman of the land-grabbers or illegal construction mafia 
get a chance to surround, threaten and thrash the activist.

  *   Sometimes, BMC officials falsely claim that action has already been taken 
against the unauthorized / illegal construction. Often, such “actions” taken by 
BMC officials are an eyewash, enabling them to create fake records of “actions 
taken” in the Demolition Register. Demolitions are carried out in a 
half-hearted manner, and quite often, the contractors or builders / occupiers / 
owners are being forewarned about these “demolition drives”. Within few days of 
such “demolition drives”, the owner / contractor / builder / occupier rebuild 

[Goanet] The Easter Story: Triumph Over Tragedy by Janina Gomes

2016-03-30 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Mar 26 2016 : The Times of India (Mumbai)
the speaking tree - Easter Story: Triumph Over Tragedy
Janina Gomes

Since there is so much hype at Christmas, we are misled into believing that 
Christmas is the biggest feast for Christians. In actual fact it is Easter that 
is at the heart of the Christian faith as it celebrates the triumph of Jesus 
over death, sin and evil.

Jesus was crucified ­ but who wants to live with crosses these days? It is the 
cross however, that we experience in our daily lives. The cross forces us to 
come to terms with self and others. The cross says that we are vulnerable and 
it is this life experience that Jesus transforms into victory .

The passion is what we experience when we are lonely, abandoned, betrayed or 
mocked. It takes different forms in every individual's life, but the answer to 
all of them is the same ­ the resurrected Jesus. As Pope Francis says, "The 
moment of our humiliation is the moment of our humility." We do not fully 
understand why these things happen to us. But do we really prefer to live in 
despair or do we allow Jesus to take that same reality and make a wonderful new 
creation out of it? When we see Easter as an opportunity to rejoice and be 
reborn to a new life, we can take on any challenge with confidence.

Easter services on Maundy Thursday have a highlight ­ the washing of the feet 
of 12 chosen people from the congregation, whose feet are washed by the 
celebrants at the liturgy. It sends across the strong message that we are all 
servants. It is to inspire us to find meaning in humble service to others. In 
the worst of circumstances, we can still stand tall and accept that finally, 
God is in control. "Be still and know that I am God." The more we resort to 
agitated behaviour, the more we put faith in ourselves alone. But if we look at 
things and our own lives closely we will find that the hand of God has rested 
on us, that Providence indeed guides us along the way. God does not rescue us 
with high drama in a brilliant and spectacular way. He loves us into loving him 
in return. That is the greatest treasure we can have.

Easter removes the deep divide between God and humanity , because after Jesus' 
death and resurrection, we are one with God.He is accessible to all. That is 
why when Jesus died, the veil of the temple was rent into two.

Easter means that we make time and space for God. We rely less on ourselves but 
listen to what He is telling us every day. We can find him in the song of the 
birds, the early morning dew, the rain and the storms, the ups and the downs of 
life. There is a deep peace that emanates from God, heralding a new creation. 
It is as if Jesus is telling us: "See, I make of you a new creation."

I welcome the dawn and the dusk every day in my life, because it reminds me of 
God's faithfulness. He has carved us on the Palm of his Hands. He brings light 
to a darkened world. We all have our allotted times on earth ­ we do not 
understand, but if we listen in quiet to the God of both great and small 
things, every leaf, branch, meadow, flower, crow, sparrow, repeats the Easter 
message of a liberation from the past and an assured future.

Post your comments at speakingtree.in The Speaking Tree 
is also available as an 8 page newspaper every Sunday for Rs 3. Book your copy 
of The Speaking Tree with your newspaper vendor or SMS STREE to 5.


[Goanet] Mumbai: Mon-Tue-Wed: Solid Waste Disposal, CHS issues, RTI Act

2016-03-27 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Shilpa - Moneylife Foundation 

Open this email on your web 
browser | Forward this 
email to a friend

Click. Whatsapp. Forward & Tell Others
about the Free Daily Guidance Clinics
from Monday - Friday

Mon-Tue-Wed: Daily Clinics

[http://www.moneylife.in/events/Mon_Wed_programme/images/28mardate.jpg] Time:
5pm to 7pm
 on Solid Waste Disposal
Meeting and presentation on way forward on Deonar fire and urgent solutions to 
the problem of air pollution and garbage disposal. Please join us to learn and 
understand issues and to find solutions.
Anchored by Mr Ashok Ravat

[http://www.moneylife.in/events/Mon_Wed_programme/images/d29marate.jpg] Time:
5pm to 7pm
 Societies, Conveyance, Lokayukta, Lokshahi, police-related issues
Find multiple ways to handle your problems without engaging in a long and 
expensive legal battle. Mr Shirish Shanbagh shares his invaluable, first hand 
experience in handling all these issues. Please bring specific cases.

[http://www.moneylife.in/events/Mon_Wed_programme/images/30mardate.jpg] Time:
5pm to 7pm
 to Information (RTI) Act, Right to Services
Shailesh Gandhi, former Central Information Commissioner, continues his 
detailed discussion and insights into denial of information under Sec.8 of the 
RTI Act. Each session starts with one-to-one guidance on individual issues 
faced by RTI applicants. Please come in early (by 5 pm) for counselling.

Address: Moneylife Knowledge Centre, 304, 3rd Floor, Hind Services Industries 
Off Veer Savarkar Marg (turn into lane which has Kotak Bank at traffic signal), 
near Chaitya Bhoomi, Shivaji Park, Mumbai 400 028. 

RSVP: Shilpa at 022-49205000 or email 
foundat...@moneylife.in or
Call/SMS/ WhatsApp on +91-7045156415 (Please give your Name. email ID & Contact 

Moneylife Foundation can be tracked through 
 Or call 49205000 for directions.

If you do not wish to receive further emails from us, Click here to 

[Goanet] Mumbai: Road Survey 2034 - Draft DP 2014 - 34 - Suggestions and Objections thereof on or before 25th March 2016

2016-03-15 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Dear All

Pl see the Attachment .. Appeared in Mumbai Sakal TODAY -12.03.2016 p-1 
indicating Revised Road Survey 2034 on www.mcgm.gov.in .
Welcome to The Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
Website for the city government with information about the city, statisticts, 
directory, downloadable forms, and feedback.

Suggestions n Objections are to be submitted on or before 25th March 2016 on 
email --- ee.dpr.mcgm@gmail.com or Chief 
Engineer (DP) , 5 th Floor , New Annex Bldg ,MCGM HO , Mahapalika Marg ,Fort, 
Mumbai - 41.

Vasant Patil -9820345982

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sunday 31 January 2016
Subject: Road Survey 2034 - Draft DP 2014 - 34 - Suggestions and Objections 
To: mc >, 
Cc: ac...@mcgm.gov.in, Arun Kejriwal 
>, Vikas Kanchan 
Advocacy-Governance-Renewal >, 
shailesh gandhi >, Vidya 
Vaidya >,


The Municipal Commissioner
MCGM ,Mumbai -41

The Chief Engineer - DP,
5th Floor, New Annexe Building
MCGM Fort,
Mumbai - 41.

This has reference to your communication issued on 7th Jan 2016, inviting 
Suggestions and Objections for the proposed DP Roads in revised Draft DP.

To our dismay, the MCGM has failed to share information on the official  
website - Ward wise plans indicating the Road Stretch Nos - which has made the 
taxpaying citizens extremely difficult to co relate and offer Suggestions and 

I was told, during discussions yesterday(30th Jan 2016) with Mr Daftardar and 
Mr Kubal(Exe.Engg) that the plans have been displayed in respective Ward 
Offices and citizens could take the photographs of the respective locations for 
offering their comments. This intimation too was missing on your website.

Has it been done deliberately to keep the citizens in dark and avoid their 
corrective and logical participation. In today's digital communications, do you 
expect every citizen to visit your offices to understand and get clarifications 
and submit Observations/ Suggestions/Objections on blatant Omissions by MCGM?

Please Upload the  corresponding DP Road Survey plans immediately and extend 
the due date of submissions by at least a month.

I had to visit Head Office to seek clarifications from Mr Sachin Nagare on my 
piecemeal Ashoknagar, Kandivali -East, queries.

Once again, repeating the need to Upload the Road Survey Plans and extend the 
date of submissions.


[Goanet] We've got to fight, for our right to information (RTI) - Sailesh Gandhi

2016-03-15 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

BY INVITATION - We've got to fight, for our right to information 

The Times Of India daily ePaper - Watch digital ePaper of India from around the 

Mar 13 2016 : Mirror (Mumbai)
BY INVITATION - We've got to fight, for our right to information

An act that has empowered millions is slowly being leached of its force majeure
In the last week of April 2005, as news headlines were dominated by citizens 
agitating against police con stable Sunil More, infamous for the Marine Drive 
rape case, there was a small inside page report about a police inspector 
Prakash Aware who had raped a minor in September 2004.The medical report and 
evidence were conclusive and Prakash Aware was suspended from service. In 
December 2004, the case came up in court and he was acquitted. By March 2005, 
his suspension was revoked, and he was back in service. Agitated by this 
report, I decided to act.

Under the Maharashtra act, I sent an RTI application to the Public Information 
Officer (PIO) of the Police Commissioner on May 2 2005 asking for a copy of the 
letter revoking his suspension.This information would reveal the name of the 
police officer responsible for revoking the suspension.They refused to give the 
information on frivolous grounds, and I filed an appeal. In August 2005, the 
police sent me a letter instead that they had dismissed police inspector 
Prakash Aware from service in July 2005! While the RTI isn't intended to 
address grievances, it can bring transparency and accountability into 


The biggest strength of the RTI is that citizens use it, spread the good words 
and teach others how to use it. It becomes more powerful by the day, deepening 
our democracy. When a slum dweller -an RTI-empowered citizen -applied for a new 
ration card, he was told he would have to give a bribe of Rs 2,000 to officials 
to obtain it. Our friend smiled and just went ahead and applied. No bribes, no 
grovelling for pity. He had found out that all the bribegivers got their ration 
cards in about six weeks. He waited eight weeks, and then submitted an RTI 
asking up to which date applications for ration cards had been cleared, and the 
action taken on his. His tools were the simple RTI form and a fee of Rs 10. He 
then delivered this to the PIO of the Food and Supply office. The corrupt 
officials were shaken, since the information would reveal that they had given 
ration cards to others who had applied after him, and there was no 
justification for delaying his card. Net conclusion, he obtained his ration 
card immediately. This story repeats thousands and thousands of times, with 
different particulars. Citizens have gotten pensions, passports, tax refunds, 
electricity connections, birth certificates and so on.

Citizens had an active role in drafting the RTI act, rated among the top three 
in the world. The creation of an Information Commission, and the provision for 
a penalty of Rs 250 per day of delay on the responsible officer in case of 
delay or refusal without reasonable cause, have been the major reasons for its 
success. The law is simple and over-rides all earlier laws. No information can 
be denied by claiming confidentiality, aside from the 10 provisos under Section 
8 (1) of the RTI law.A nominal fee of Rs 10 for the application and Rs 2 per 
page for the information given, empowered the citizen. It is estimated that in 
the ten years of its existence, over 30 million applications have been made, 
and about six to eight million are likely to be made this year.


But there are those who resent the changing paradigm of power, and there are 
three major ways that the RTI is being subverted.

First, the bureaucracy is developing techniques to wear out those seeking 
information that could expose arbitrariness and corruption. After getting 
power, people's mindsets undergo a transformation. It is a matter of deep 
distress that even the present CM of Delhi Arvind Kejriwal, who become 
nationally famous for his work on the RTI campaign, has not brought about any 
significant change in his government towards transparency. Even when 
Information Commissions give specific orders, governments defy them with 
arrogance. Currently, the Maharashtra Chief Secretary is defying the 
commission's order to appoint PIOs in the offices of ministers and provide 
information. Ministers are scared of being transparent about their actions, and 
are thus illegally defying a statutory order. This is lawlessness. The 
Maharashtra Commission has been delivering decisions at a comparatively fast 
pace but is handicapped by the fact that the State government has been very 

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