Re: DeckPanel causes Widget to disappear

2009-03-04 Thread Joe Cole

Arrgh. I thought I was using DeckPanel yesterday and was using
The easiest way to debug it will be using firebug. Check to see it's
structue after loading - i.e. is the widget a child?
Sorry about that!

On Mar 4, 8:30 pm, Robert J. Carr wrote:
 Hi Joe-

 What API are you looking at?  I only see one DeckPanel.add() method:

 void add(Widget w)
     Adds the specified widget to the deck.

 I've checked both 1.5.2 and 1.5.3.  There's an inherited add() method,
 but it still doesn't match your signature.

 Are you thinking of TabPanel?

 On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 11:20 PM, Joe Cole 

  I think the problem may be that you are not using the deckpanel add
  DeckPanel.add(String text, Widget widget, boolean asHTML)

  Can you try that?

  On Mar 4, 1:44 pm, Robert J. Carr wrote:
  Hi Ian ... thanks for the response.

  Let me put it in code then:

  Widget w = new MyCompilicatedWidget();

  DeckPanel deck = new DeckPanel();


  // This doesn't work ... shows up as a single black line, however:

  Widget w = new MyCompilicatedWidget();
  SimplePanel simple = new SimplePanel();

  // Works fine, or even:

  RootPanel.get(main).add(new MyCompilicatedWidget());

  // End code

  Assuming I have no styles applied to my DeckPanel (which I don't), I
  don't see how this can be a CSS issue.  Thanks for the suggestion
  though, I'll dig a little deeper.

  Also, not surprising, the same behavior happens for a TabPanel, which
  makes sense because it uses a DeckPanel.

  On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 4:31 PM, Ian Bambury wrote:
   My approach would be to add a border to the various widget one at a time
   (1px dotted red, say) to find out which widget is not displaying 
   The chances are that you need a height:100% somewhere or that you don't 
   an absolute height in the chain back to the body element.
   Without any code, it's not easy to be more specific (for me, anyway)


   2009/3/4 rjcarr

   I have a complicated widget that I'm trying to add to a DeckPanel.
   When the DeckPanel is rendered the widget is not shown, there's just a
   thin line a pixel or two high of where it is supposed to be.  Other
   widgets added to the deck are displayed fine.

   Taking away the deck the widget displays normally.  I've been using
   gwt for quite a while now and I've never seen this.  There are no
   errors of any sort ... it just isn't shown.

   However, if I add my widget to a SimplePanel it works fine.  My
   temporary solution is to replace the DeckPanel with a SimplePanel and
   use the setWidget() method with a listner, but I'd prefer to use the

   Is there any explanation for this?
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Re: EntryPoint onModuleLoad called multiple times over course of application lifetime

2009-03-04 Thread Vitali Lovich
Is it possible that as a result of the RPC call the javascript loads another
page or reloads the current one?

On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 2:30 AM, Brian Ferris wrote:

 I have a relatively complex GWT application composed of my main
 application EntryPoint and a number of library modules.  I had some
 printlns in the EntryPoint for my application and the libraries and I
 noticed that they are called multiple times over the course of the
 application lifetime in hosted mode.  This is not the standard I just
 hit the reload button case where you expect to hit your module
 EntryPoint, but more of the case where a user has just hit a button to
 initiate an RPC call that then updates the UI.

 Is this expected behavior?  Something I should be worried about?  I
 apologize for not posting any code samples, but I'm hoping there is
 something simple I'm missing before I go through the work of trying to
 reproduce the behavior with a simpler code fragment.

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Re: No source code is available for type; did you forget to inherit a required module?

2009-03-04 Thread ginger_ninja

Hi Raghu,

The GWT compiler complains because it doesn't support the full range
of Java classes present in your run of the mill JRE. The reason for
this can be found in asking the question; What does the GWT compiler
produce as output?. Answering this question yields a far more
pertinent question; Where does the resulting JavaScript execute?.
The answer of course is the client's browser.

Knowing this, it's fairly safe to assume that if we can achieve the
same thing using pure JavaScript in the browser (i.e. we could port
our Java code to JavaScript) then it's possible with GWT. Given that a
browser has no native mechanism that supports file IO (besides perhaps
the file input tag) then it makes sense that there would be no File
class in GWT. The GWT developers know this and to this extent they've
exposed a great deal of base Java classes (primarily the java.lang
package) as native peers. This is relatively straight-forward for
things like String which can easily be wrapped with a Java class that
provides the expected API yet are manipulated underneath the covers
using standard JS string functions.

If you're ever unsure as to whether or not a native Java class is
supported in GWT you can always refer back to the JRE emulation
reference here:



On Mar 4, 4:07 am, Lothar Kimmeringer wrote:
 raghu prashanth k b schrieb:

  Hi...I am new to GWT and i'm trying to develop a small
  application...but here i need to open a directory and count the no.of
  files in it...I'm doing it as follows:

                  File dir = new File(file);
             String[] pages = dir.list();
             int count = pages.length;

 If you do that on the client-side of your application, you should
 ask yourself, how you would do that with Javascript. If you can
 come up with an answer (you can't without the use of signed applets
 or other tweaks), the compiler can't either.

 This is a question that has been answered so many times already
 that searching for the error-message, in this group should bring
 up a lot of results, including ways how to solve your problem
 (that is dependent if you really want to have a file-list of the
 files residing on the client-side or if you want ot list files
 residing on the server-side).

 Regards, Lothar
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Re: Deploying to a Shared TOMCAT

2009-03-04 Thread Sean

Hey Guys,

I want to thank you for your help. I still have had no luck, but I'm
starting to think it's on the Tomcat side. I even tried downloading a
complete exmaple of a .jsp servlet and it's not working. Even when I
link straight to the jsp which should kick off the Tomcat server to
handle it, it just comes up as text. Something isn't right here. I'm
going to contact their support.

Thanks for all your help!

On Mar 3, 10:29 am, John Ivens wrote:
 This is my web.xml file... this might help you out.   See if you can map
 your call to like parameters in my call...

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1?
 web-app xmlns=;



 On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 4:40 PM, Sean wrote:

  I do have that code, I even added in the null check just to be doubley
  sure and still no go. It works in hosted mode, just with this web.xml
  (and I tried removing the com.ll.server from teh Servlet-class) and I
  get the same error message.

  From my gwt.xml :

             servlet path=/Foo

  That works fine, but:

  ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?

  web-app version=2.5 xmlns=;

   !-- Standard Action Servlet Configuration --

   !-- Standard Action Servlet Mapping --


  doesn't. I've tried restarting my Tomcat to no avail. This is mind

  On Mar 2, 10:36 am, John Ivens wrote:
   I'll bet dollars to donuts that you are having the same problem that I
   The sample code works in embedded tomcat but not in external tomcat.

   You need to add code something like this:

   if (observationSvc == null) {

   observationSvc = (ObservationServiceAsync) GWT.create(ObservationService.


   String observationServiceURL = GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + /observation;

   ((ServiceDefTarget) observationSvc

   Where ObservationService is your service class.  ObservationServiceAsync
   your asynchronous call.

   /observation is probably /Foo in your case.

   This is in your GUI before you actually call the function you have
   on the server side.  If you don't do this, the application WILL NOT FIND

   On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 5:26 AM, Sean wrote:

I did restart Tomcat still no go.

The latest I tried putting all the google files and Web-INF directory
in my base http directory. So I am just calling:

I'm on a shared Tomcat server and the documentation says I can only
have one Web-INF directory there with one web.xml. So I'm trying to
get everything on an even footing.

I added the com.ll.server to the servlet class after I saw it in an
example. I've tried a dozen different configurations at this point.
This is the state it's left in after I threw my hands up in the air
and decided to see if hte groups can point me in the right direction.

I think I might possibly be confused by, the Url-pattern and what
exactly is the url-pattern supposed to represent. This is where I
dislike Google's example and naming everything Foo.

and I called my Mom and she said I am spelling Sean correctly! ;-P

On Mar 1, 7:13 pm, Shawn Brown wrote:

 It looks to me like you have 2 problems.


  The requested URL /Foo was not found on this server

 Did you restart the tomcat or restart your app?

 What url are you using to access it.  What is your app called?

 Are you using something like serverurl/app_name/foo?

  And this is the web.xml I am using:

  ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?

  web-app version=2.5 xmlns=;

   !-- Standard Action Servlet 

Google Analytics and GWT

2009-03-04 Thread rlaferla

This may be simple (or not) but has anyone integrated Google Analytics
into a GWT app?  Are there any tips or issues I should be aware of?

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Re: How do you remove a handler?

2009-03-04 Thread Ian Bambury
Ah! Thanks very much for that.

2009/3/4 Jason Morris

 Hi Ian

 All of the add*Handler methods return a HandlerRegistration object, you
 keep a reference to it, and
 then invoke HandlerRegistration.removeHandler() when you want to remove it.

 I wasn't to sure of whether I liked it or not at first, but it does make
 automated removal of
 Handlers on auto-generated structures (populated from some external source)
 a lot easier, since you
 can just store all the HandlerRegistrations.


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Re: Problem in running JUnit testcases in GWT

2009-03-04 Thread Charlie Collins

Something is wrong with your classpath somewhere.

Are you using JUnitCreator? If so what does the script look like. Did
you compile your code (not GWT compile, just regular javac).

See some of the other many threads here in this forum for examples
(the end of this one has a working script, for example):

On Mar 3, 6:07 am, Ajay Garg wrote:
 Hi all.

 I am wanting to write testcases for code, that is purely client side
 (i.e. the code is converted into javascript, and there are no RPC
 calls), using JUnit.

 I have visited the link

 and am stuck at the last point. When running the cmd-script for hosted
 mode, I get the stack trace :

         at junit.framework.TestCase.runBare(
         at junit.framework.TestResult$1.protect(
         at junit.framework.TestResult.runProtected(
         at junit.framework.TestSuite.runTest(
         at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.runTests
         at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.runTests
         at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.main

 This comes, irrespective of using -noserver, or else.

 I will be greatly thankful if I get some light in this dark tunnel..

 Looking forward to some enlightenment.

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i am wondering can gwt do the following?

2009-03-04 Thread ytbryan

can someone point me to where i can do something like this?

or it is not possible for gwt to accomplish this?

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Re: which tools you have used for development of GWT?

2009-03-04 Thread Charlie Collins

Eclipse, Maven, emacs, bash.

Sort of a vague question though ;).

On Mar 4, 12:05 am, shiren1118 wrote:
 which tools you have used for development of GWT?
 I'm puzzled
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Re: How can I use gwt for my project

2009-03-04 Thread Charlie Collins

Though you can do one entry point per page, that is sort of missing
the point.

If your project is completed, then don't try to just use GWT to make
it more beautiful. GWT is about a different approach, about Ajax so
that you really have a single *page* that can handle the entire web
based application and updates the views as needed - it's Ajax (it's
more than that of course, it's Ajax from statically compiled Java,
that generates the JavaScript for you, and gives you all the tooling
and testing that brings, but I digress).

You can also just sprinkle in widgets here and there, one on a page,
that is possible, so don't get me wrong, but that is still not the
real focus of GWT. There are actually other Ajax toolkits that may be
better suited to just making things more beautiful on an existing
site by plugging in a widget here or there.

On Mar 3, 8:24 pm, seawave wrote:
 My project has completed a few days ago,but I don't satisfied about
 the web pages.So I want to use gwt to let the pages more beautiful.But
 I find I just can use in one page,GWT just have one Entry-point.I hava
 a lot of pages,I want to let every page have one Entry-point,what
 should I do?
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Re: GWT with JPA not working in hosted mode

2009-03-04 Thread Arthur Kalmenson

That doesn't really make sense to me either. We use JPA annotated
beans on the client side all the time and all of them have
CascadeType. We don't use either Gilead or GXT, so it might have
something to do with those libraries. Can you try to create small
sample project without those libraries and see if hosted mode launches
with the JPA annotations? Then add the Gilead library, see if it
works, then add the GXT library and see if it works.

Arthur Kalmenson

On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 5:57 PM, grishag wrote:

 It's strange but I'm not running with the embedded Tomcat. I used the
 noserver option and deployed my code to a standalone server (Tomcat
 6.0.18). So according to your last comment it should be working. Could
 you please post a link to the Gilead forum you've mentioned? I just
 tried to find it with no luck. I don't see why this would work in the
 web mode anyway because it still goes through the process of trying to
 compile the annotated code. I actually had a look at the offending
 line CompilingClassLoader line 579 and sure enough if the package
 starts with java or javax it throws this exception. Why gwt emulation
 not working when running in hosted mode but works during compiling
 beats me.

 Thanks for your help.

 On Mar 4, 5:19 am, noon wrote:
 Some more precisions, since this is a recurrent issue related in
 Gilead forum :
     - The offending annotation is *always* CascadeType. The code
 source is the same as regular JPA annotation.
     - Not a classpath issue : I repoduced the issue with the JAR on
 classpath, and no way to tell Hosted Mode to take it into account
     - Only the embedded hosted mode fails, web mode is ok.


 On 3 mar, 15:38, Arthur Kalmenson wrote:

  Hmm, have you checked the classpath you use for your GWTCompile and
  hosted mode launching in Ant? Make sure they're the same. Hosted mode
  works fine with JPA annotations here (although we do use Maven). It
  looks like it might be a classpath issue.

  Arthur Kalmenson

  On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 9:48 PM, grishag wrote:


   I have a problem running GWT in hosted mode using JPA annotated domain
   classes. I can compile my project to JavaScript, package it up in a
   war and run it on a server no problem but I can't do the same in
   hosted mode. Really annoying, without hosted mode development is
   really slow.

   Here is what I have done:

   1. I have one module that defines my domain classes (sitting under the
   GWT client package) and DAO classes (under GWT server pacakge). The
   following is the gwt.xml file for this module:

          inherits name='net.sf.gilead.Adapter4Gwt15'/
          inherits name='net.sf.gilead.emul.java5.ejb3.Ejb3'/

   2. The second module implements the client UI and the RPC service that
   uses the domain objects from the first module:

          inherits name=com.extjs.gxt.ui.GXT/
          inherits name=com.extjs.gxt.themes.Themes /

   name='' /

          stylesheet src=css/ext-all.css /



   Like I said I can compile this using GWTCompiler and run it all on a
   standalone server but not in hosted mode (I'm using the noserver

   I've been through my classpath multiple times and everything looks
   fine but I'm still getting this error no matter what I do. If anyone
   has any idea why this is happening and most importantly how to fix
   this it would be greatly appreciated. I've been battling with this
   thing for a day and a half and I'm out of ideas.

   Thank you.

   Buildfile: U:\projects\GeoDataVic2alt\build.xml
       [java] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/persistence/
       [java]     at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods0(Native Method)
       [java]     at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredMethods(Unknown
       [java]     at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods(Unknown Source)
       [java]     at
       [java]     at
       [java]     at
       [java]     at
       [java]     at
       [java]     at

Re: How to retrieve data as byte[] in GWT from getImageData

2009-03-04 Thread Thomas Broyer

On 4 mar, 06:10, Kevin Tarn wrote:
 Unfortunately, using JsArrayInteger is very slow:
     public byte[] getBitmap() {
 //        String str = getImageData(0, 0, width, height);
 //        byte[] ar = new byte[str.length()];
 //        for (int i=0; iar.length; i++)
 //            ar[i] = (byte)((int)str.charAt(i)  0xff);
 //        return ar;
          JsArrayInteger ja = getImageRawData(0, 0, width, height);
          int len = ja.length();
          byte[] ar = new byte[len];
          for (int i=0; ilen; i++)
              ar[i] = (byte)(ja.get(i)  0xff);
          return ar;

 The loop above copying element to a byte array is 10 times above than the
 commented codes. Anything doing wrong?

If you're comparing runs in hosted mode, it doesn't really surprise
me, as JsArrayInteger will go back and forth from Java to JavaScript.
But once compiled into JS it should run (almost) at the same speed.

Now, it also depends how getImageRawData has been changed to return a
JsArrayInteger instead of a String...
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Re: Dealing with session timeout and container managed security

2009-03-04 Thread marcelstoer

Hhhmm, the community being quiet can mean a lot of things...none are
really positive.

Was I talking about some dark GWT corners where no stable/proper
solutions exist?
Or is there simply no right way to solve my problem, but rather many
potential solutions that all have their flaws?

On Feb 28, 8:26 am, marcelstoer wrote:
 Is there some consensus or best practice in the GWT community as for
 how to deal with session timeout and container managed security? There
 are some pointers if you search for this subject, but some of the
 ideas are wild...

 In my case I use the Servlet container's built in security features
 for authentication as described in the Servlet specification. Hence,
 in my web.xm I protect access to the GWT application like so:

       web-resource-namemy app/web-resource-name



 So, the application (host/bootstrap page, RPC Servlet, etc.) is in the
 app folder and the login form (login.jsp) is in the public folder.
 This works flawlessly except for the session timeout use case.
 The application sends an RPC request to /app/AppServlet, the Servlet
 container requires authentication because the session had timed out
 and dutifully *forwards* to the login page. Hence, the result of the
 request is not some RPC/JSON/XML object as expected by the client but
 the login page HTML structure. The client simply isn't prepared for
 that and freezes i.e. doesn't do anything.

 I believe that on the server side everything is set up correctly. If
 the session timed out the requests don't even reach the RPC Servlet
 because it's intercepted by the container, fine.

 But how do you deal with this in the client?
 Should one write some custom AsyncCallback class that handles the
 reponse sent by the container?

 Thanks for your feedback.
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Window.confirm in

2009-03-04 Thread Danny Schimke

I am using a timer to ask the user after xy minutes to save his changes to
database. In the run() method of timer I ask the user wheather he want to
save the changes. If the user clicks OK I'll save othwerwise I'll do
nothing. I shedule the timer repeatly after xy minutes. When does the timer
reruns? After handling the run() method? I recognized that the timer reruns
while the confirm message is shown. Is this an issue or correct? Should the
timer rerun while its run() method is not finished? I occurs in Firefox, in
IE it works like I am thinking how it should work.

Example for Error:

- Rerunning timer every 1 minute
- Confirmation is shown after 1 minute, user does *not* click  *OK* or *
- After two or more minutes I'll click OK or Cancel and the confirm window
closes. But the confirm window of the second timer run is shown.
- The window is maximal shown two times (e.g. when I am waiting three or
more minutes)

It should be not very difficult to use a workaround, but I want to
understand the correct working of the GWT timer.

Thank you!

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Checked Exception handling - specialized onFailure not being picked up?

2009-03-04 Thread chillyspoon

Hi all,

I have a question about handling custom checked exceptions.

Say I have the code below implemented in an Async call - GWT appears
to ignore the specialized version of onFailure - despite having the
correct instance type available if I pop a break point into the
default onFailure(Throwable caught) implementation

new AsyncCallbackVoid(){
public void onFailure(Throwable caught)
//TODO Implement this method

public void onFailure(MyUpdateException caught)
//TODO Implement this method

public void onSuccess(Void v)

Has anyone got any ideas? - I'm assuming that something more elegant
than handling a series of instanceof checks within the default
onFailure implementation is there for me to find!


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Re: i am wondering can gwt do the following?

2009-03-04 Thread mikedshaffer

Agreed.  Some of the GWT Canvas work make some of this easier, but
over all, Javascript in a browser (which is what GWT is after all!)
isn't your best choice.  Flash (which they used) or an applet (java or
whatever Microsoft is calling an activex control these days...) would
make your life easier.

My .02 USD..good luck!



On Mar 4, 6:32 am, Lothar Kimmeringer wrote:
 ytbryan schrieb:

  can someone point me to where i can do something like this?

  or it is not possible for gwt to accomplish this?

 For a one-threaded environment I think this will be quite
 hard at best.

 Regards, Lothar
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Read HTTP GET variables

2009-03-04 Thread Miloš Ranđelović


I am launching a GWT app with passing some arguments via URL, e.g.
something like this:


Now, the question is: How can I read the param1-value1 pair from the
above URL? Is that even possible?

Thanks in advance!
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Re: i am wondering can gwt do the following?

2009-03-04 Thread Lothar Kimmeringer

mikedshaffer schrieb:
 Agreed.  Some of the GWT Canvas work make some of this easier, but
 over all, Javascript in a browser (which is what GWT is after all!)
 isn't your best choice.

The rendering itself shouldn't be much of a problem. Since which already worked on Netscape 2 (yes,
the old stuff, not Firefox or Mozilla) I think you can do more
or less everything, even something like the stack-application
he linked in his OP.

The biggest problem I see with the fact, that incoming data
leads to an immediate rendering of a part of the page. So if
two diggs are happening this lead to two drops tearing down
at the same time, so you need something Comet-like that allows
a push from the server to the client and a busy-wait-loop that
renders the different drops step by step, changing CSS-properties
for the fade-in/fade-out effect of the links that are shown
below (the latter is already available with third-party).

The busy-wait solution is what makes me suspicious that GWT
is the right choice for that. With Flash or Java or whatever
the implementation is easy. As soon a new entry has been
received from the server a Thread is fired up that handles
the fade-in/-out and tearing down of the drop. As soon as the
rendering of that drop is finished, the Thread dies.

In a singlethreaded environment you have to keep an array of
currently to be rendered elements with their current rendering
states (e.g. element 1 has teared down 25% of the distance,
element 2 30% etc.). The busy waiting loop checks that array
for elements to be rendered and renders the next nessecary
step for each element. I'm quite sure that you don't need to
worry about you coffee getting cold if you place your cup
next to the heat-sink of your computer ;-)

  Flash (which they used) or an applet (java or
 whatever Microsoft is calling an activex control these days...) would
 make your life easier.


Regards, Lothar

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Re: Read HTTP GET variables

2009-03-04 Thread Darkflame

I think;

String QueryString = Window.Location.getQueryString();

If what you want, but you would have to parse it yourself unless the
params are knowen in advance.

Or, purhapes, you might want to use a history-token based data instead
Then the data present could trigger a onHistoryChange, and would be in
the parameter;

public void onHistoryChanged(String historyToken) {

String token = historyToken;


On Mar 4, 3:45 pm, Miloš Ranđelović wrote:

 I am launching a GWT app with passing some arguments via URL, e.g.
 something like this:


 Now, the question is: How can I read the param1-value1 pair from the
 above URL? Is that even possible?

 Thanks in advance!
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Re: Read HTTP GET variables

2009-03-04 Thread Miloš Ranđelović


Window.Location.getQueryString() works perfectly well for me.

On Mar 4, 3:59 pm, Darkflame wrote:
 I think;

 String QueryString = Window.Location.getQueryString();

 If what you want, but you would have to parse it yourself unless the
 params are knowen in advance.

 Or, purhapes, you might want to use a history-token based data instead
 Then the data present could trigger a onHistoryChange, and would be in
 the parameter;

 public void onHistoryChanged(String historyToken) {

 String token = historyToken;


 On Mar 4, 3:45 pm, Miloš Ranđelović wrote:


  I am launching a GWT app with passing some arguments via URL, e.g.
  something like this:


  Now, the question is: How can I read the param1-value1 pair from the
  above URL? Is that even possible?

  Thanks in advance!
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Re: Question about mGoogle Maps URL and its parameter gwt

2009-03-04 Thread Danny Schimke
Thank you very much! Good to know!


2009/2/27 Eric Ayers

 Removing that parameter will not affect the functioning of the Maps
 API.  It is currently used for accounting purposes only.

 2009/2/27 Danny Schimke
  Does anyone know what is the parameter gwt with the value1 for? The
 URL looks like the following:;file=apiamp;v=2amp;key=
  I can't make differences between the functionality of URL with parameters
 and without parameters. Is the this parameter needed and why? Are there
 other possible values instead of 1 and what does they mean?
  Thank you!

 Eric Z. Ayers - GWT Team - Atlanta, GA USA


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Tips for reducing Cache.html sizes?

2009-03-04 Thread darkflame

I know this has probably been asked before a few times, but searching
around I didn't find anything specific to help me.
My current site takes about 10 seconds to load for the first time,
mostly down to a 156kb cache file. (for the firefox at least, the
others are similar)

I understand this only needs to be loaded once, but I'd still like to
shave a few seconds of where I can.

* I'm using Eclipse to edit, and to my knowledge I haven't changed the
compiler options, so Obfuscated should be the mode its using. (how can
I check this?). Is there other compiler options or variables I should
know about?

* I notice sites such as gmail have a loading bar that appears near
instantlyif my site must take 10seconds or more to load the first
time, is it possible to do this? (but then how, as its the java itself
taking the time..not the images etc).

* While not directly related using firebug I've determined the images
themselves arnt slowing it down much, but I could still potentially
shave a few 100ms of time by getting everything into one image bundle
rather then a fewbut how is this possible when dealing with
googles own image bundles? (say, those used for the Up and Down arrow
into a disclosure panel?).

Finaly, should I wait for 1.6 before working on this level of
optimisation or not?


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Re: EntryPoint onModuleLoad called multiple times over course of application lifetime

2009-03-04 Thread Brian Ferris

I'm not sure.  It is interesting to note that I don't see this
behavior in web mode (aka compiled to javascript and run in the
browser).  So I'm going to assume it's not an issue I need to worry

On Mar 4, 12:13 am, Vitali Lovich wrote:
 Is it possible that as a result of the RPC call the javascript loads another
 page or reloads the current one?

 On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 2:30 AM, Brian Ferris wrote:

  I have a relatively complex GWT application composed of my main
  application EntryPoint and a number of library modules.  I had some
  printlns in the EntryPoint for my application and the libraries and I
  noticed that they are called multiple times over the course of the
  application lifetime in hosted mode.  This is not the standard I just
  hit the reload button case where you expect to hit your module
  EntryPoint, but more of the case where a user has just hit a button to
  initiate an RPC call that then updates the UI.

  Is this expected behavior?  Something I should be worried about?  I
  apologize for not posting any code samples, but I'm hoping there is
  something simple I'm missing before I go through the work of trying to
  reproduce the behavior with a simpler code fragment.
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Re: which tools you have used for development of GWT?

2009-03-04 Thread Darkflame

Very vague.
Eclipse is my absolute must have for me.
I use a old version of GoLive for the html, and PSP for the image

Firefox+Firebug is an absolute must have too, makes debuging and
optimisation s much easier.
I also quite often use Opera too though, its ability to life-edit HTML/
CSS is quite handy. (obviously, firebug can do that as well, but its a
bit more clunky if your expirementing a lot).

On Mar 4, 2:13 pm, Charlie Collins wrote:
 Eclipse, Maven, emacs, bash.

 Sort of a vague question though ;).

 On Mar 4, 12:05 am, shiren1118 wrote:

  which tools you have used for development of GWT?
  I'm puzzled
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Re: Tips for reducing Cache.html sizes?

2009-03-04 Thread Lothar Kimmeringer

darkflame schrieb:
 I know this has probably been asked before a few times, but searching
 around I didn't find anything specific to help me.
 My current site takes about 10 seconds to load for the first time,
 mostly down to a 156kb cache file. (for the firefox at least, the
 others are similar)

What kind of computer and what bandwith are you talking
about? I need 10 seconds as well, but my cache-files are
about 1 MB in size.

Regards, Lothar

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Re: Tips for reducing Cache.html sizes?

2009-03-04 Thread Ian Bambury
Do you want me to check the load time from the UK? Also, you might like to
check the time from my site (220-230k, based in the UK)

Depending on the results, it might indicate that it's not the size but the
processing which is the problem. Does it take a similar time to load


2009/3/4 Darkflame

 My bandwidth is fine (8Mb/s down), but I suspect the sever is slow
 hence the difference. For one thing, I'm in the netherlands and its in

 1MB?! Thats a hell of a lot of code you got there :p
 Even my biggest project...a java online adventure game still in only 250kb.
 I have noticed I get 1MB files if I compile by right clicking on the
 xml and going Run as GWT Hosted Mode and then compile, but I get
 vastely smaller files (150kb) if I use eclipse's run system itself and
 then compile (I assume the plugin for the right click isnt as
 efficiant..something causes quite a huge difference anyway).

 Either way, I'm not happy with my loading time.

 On Mar 4, 4:42 pm, Lothar Kimmeringer wrote:
  darkflame schrieb:
   I know this has probably been asked before a few times, but searching
   around I didn't find anything specific to help me.
   My current site takes about 10 seconds to load for the first time,
   mostly down to a 156kb cache file. (for the firefox at least, the
   others are similar)
  What kind of computer and what bandwith are you talking
  about? I need 10 seconds as well, but my cache-files are
  about 1 MB in size.
  Regards, Lothar

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Re: Error Gwt Sockets

2009-03-04 Thread Jason Essington

Long is an emulated type in GWT (to be compatible with longs in java.

If you are returning a long from JSNI you could use double instead

On Mar 3, 2009, at 2:44 PM, frankCostello wrote:

 Hi, I try to use  Sockets.jar, but when I compile, give me an error:

 [ERROR] Line 653: Type 'long' may not be returned from a JSNI method
  For additional info see: file:/Users/smartsr/Downloads/gwt-
  [ERROR] Line 714: Parameter 'value': type 'long' is not safe to
 access in JSNI code

 How do I do?

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Re: Window.confirm in

2009-03-04 Thread Vitali Lovich
You're probably using scheduleRepeat.  Browsers are strictly single threaded
(some multi-threading Javascript support coming in FF3.1 that I know of).
Anyways your problem is this:

browser keeps generating timer event probably because that comes from the OS
 there's no locking in place
user clicks on button
next event is shown

Instead do this:

run() {

On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 9:34 AM, Danny Schimke schimk...@googlemail.comwrote:


 I am using a timer to ask the user after xy minutes to save his changes to
 database. In the run() method of timer I ask the user wheather he want to
 save the changes. If the user clicks OK I'll save othwerwise I'll do
 nothing. I shedule the timer repeatly after xy minutes. When does the timer
 reruns? After handling the run() method? I recognized that the timer reruns
 while the confirm message is shown. Is this an issue or correct? Should the
 timer rerun while its run() method is not finished? I occurs in Firefox, in
 IE it works like I am thinking how it should work.

 Example for Error:

 - Rerunning timer every 1 minute
 - Confirmation is shown after 1 minute, user does *not* click  *OK* or *
 - After two or more minutes I'll click OK or Cancel and the confirm window
 closes. But the confirm window of the second timer run is shown.
 - The window is maximal shown two times (e.g. when I am waiting three or
 more minutes)

 It should be not very difficult to use a workaround, but I want to
 understand the correct working of the GWT timer.

 Thank you!


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Re: Error Gwt Sockets

2009-03-04 Thread Vitali Lovich
But be careful that if you do, you're code will not work past 1.5.  In 1.6,
longs are real longs except emulated an object.  The question you need to
ask yourself is do you really need a long?  If you don't, then just use int.

If you do, then you'll need a code path for 1.5 which treats it as a double
 1.6 which treats it as a non-native integer type.

On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 10:59 AM, Jason Essington

 Long is an emulated type in GWT (to be compatible with longs in java.

 If you are returning a long from JSNI you could use double instead

 On Mar 3, 2009, at 2:44 PM, frankCostello wrote:

  Hi, I try to use  Sockets.jar, but when I compile, give me an error:
  [ERROR] Line 653: Type 'long' may not be returned from a JSNI method
   For additional info see: file:/Users/smartsr/Downloads/gwt-
   [ERROR] Line 714: Parameter 'value': type 'long' is not safe to
  access in JSNI code
  How do I do?


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Re: Tips for reducing Cache.html sizes?

2009-03-04 Thread Lothar Kimmeringer

Darkflame schrieb:
 My bandwidth is fine (8Mb/s down), but I suspect the sever is slow
 hence the difference. For one thing, I'm in the netherlands and its in

That should be visible by checking the download-bar (at the
bottom of the window of e.g. InternetExplorer). That way you
can see quite easily if it takes long to load or to render
the page.

If your starting page is very complex, this might be the reason
for the long startup-time but in that case you would always
have this time and not only the first time you load the page.

BTW: We're not living in the 90s anymore with only one sea-
cable connecting Europe to the USA where you were able to
greet every byte by handshake. So even if you load my
GWT-application from a server in the USA you shouldn't
have significantly lower speeds than loading from a server
in your own country.

 1MB?! Thats a hell of a lot of code you got there :p

Yes, and it's going to grow even more, so I'm waiting
for being able to modularize GWT-projects as well like
many others ;-)

 Even my biggest project...a java online adventure game still in only 250kb.

The application in question is the administrative backend
of some kind of ApplicationServer including user-
management of various communication-protocols that are
integrated. So for every service of that server has (about 30)
and for every communication-protocol the server supports
(about 8) you need a specific administrative page (which can
become quite complex) with dialog-boxes allowing the edit of
a vast range of values. In addition you have tools like a SQL-
frontend, usage of the communication-protocols with managed
authentication-settings, certificate-management for protocols
like AS2 and SSH and so on and so on.

So things summed up a bit ;-)

 I have noticed I get 1MB files if I compile by right clicking on the
 xml and going Run as GWT Hosted Mode and then compile, but I get
 vastely smaller files (150kb) if I use eclipse's run system itself and
 then compile (I assume the plugin for the right click isnt as
 efficiant..something causes quite a huge difference anyway).

I use the Ant Script that has been created by Instantiation's
WindowBuilder and changed it in a way that it's not exporting
everything including the Java-sources and all the libraries
that are shipped with the server-application anyway (reducing
the size of the war-file from about 35 MB to about 3 MB now.

When looking into the created HTML file it looks like the
obfuscated compile-result and the only way to reduce the size
of this I can think of is throwing away the line-breaks which
would lead to a reduction of 14 KB in my case. Still this
will be more than 1 MB to download so I will leave it the
way it is ;-)

Regards, Lothar

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Incubator: ScrollTable, hide and sort column

2009-03-04 Thread Twentyseven


I'm using Scrolltable from the incubator without problem, untill I
tried to hide a column (not the last one but one at the beginning).
When I tried to sort the visible columns, I found that by clicking on
a header cell, it was sorting the previous column and not the good
Is it a bug from the scrolltable ?

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Re: How can I combine 2 projects into one with gwt 1.6+?

2009-03-04 Thread branflake2267

How do I include the classpath for another module so ant will build?

- My main module com.gawkat.gwt.Test
- In Text.gwt.xml file I include inherits
- I have added Apple projects classpath and src folder to Test Debug
Configurations classpath and hosted mode will build the projects.

So How can I get Ant to Compile it?

 Run As  Build.xml in com.gawkat.gwt.Test :

Buildfile: /home/branflake2267/workspace2/Test/build.xml
 [java] Loading module 'com.gawkat.gwt.Test'
 [java]Loading inherited module 'com.gawkat.gwt.Apple'
 [java]   [ERROR] Unable to find 'com/gawkat/gwt/
Apple.gwt.xml' on your classpath; could be a typo, or maybe you forgot
to include a classpath entry for source?
 [java][ERROR] Line 15: Unexpected exception while processing
element 'inherits'
 [java] (see
previous log entries)

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Re: Tips for reducing Cache.html sizes?

2009-03-04 Thread Darkflame

Pretty sure its the loading itself.
Localy takes 2-3 seconds. (this is also the time I get roughly when
loading the site normaly with part of it cached).

Your site also loads in about 2 seconds or less.

I'll send you the link privately, as I dont want it published on a
group ;)


On Mar 4, 4:57 pm, Ian Bambury wrote:
 Do you want me to check the load time from the UK? Also, you might like to
 check the time from my site (220-230k, based in the UK)

 Depending on the results, it might indicate that it's not the size but the
 processing which is the problem. Does it take a similar time to load


 2009/3/4 Darkflame

  My bandwidth is fine (8Mb/s down), but I suspect the sever is slow
  hence the difference. For one thing, I'm in the netherlands and its in

  1MB?! Thats a hell of a lot of code you got there :p
  Even my biggest project...a java online adventure game still in only 250kb.
  I have noticed I get 1MB files if I compile by right clicking on the
  xml and going Run as GWT Hosted Mode and then compile, but I get
  vastely smaller files (150kb) if I use eclipse's run system itself and
  then compile (I assume the plugin for the right click isnt as
  efficiant..something causes quite a huge difference anyway).

  Either way, I'm not happy with my loading time.

  On Mar 4, 4:42 pm, Lothar Kimmeringer wrote:
   darkflame schrieb:

I know this has probably been asked before a few times, but searching
around I didn't find anything specific to help me.
My current site takes about 10 seconds to load for the first time,
mostly down to a 156kb cache file. (for the firefox at least, the
others are similar)

   What kind of computer and what bandwith are you talking
   about? I need 10 seconds as well, but my cache-files are
   about 1 MB in size.

   Regards, Lothar
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Re: Tips for reducing Cache.html sizes?

2009-03-04 Thread Darkflame

Sounds like a massive project you got there indeed. I wish you luck
getting all that sorted.

I'm confident its loading time, as the bars show me.
Thanks for the information on the transatlantic load times, thats good
to know that isnt the reason.

On Mar 4, 5:16 pm, Lothar Kimmeringer wrote:
 Darkflame schrieb:

  My bandwidth is fine (8Mb/s down), but I suspect the sever is slow
  hence the difference. For one thing, I'm in the netherlands and its in

 That should be visible by checking the download-bar (at the
 bottom of the window of e.g. InternetExplorer). That way you
 can see quite easily if it takes long to load or to render
 the page.

 If your starting page is very complex, this might be the reason
 for the long startup-time but in that case you would always
 have this time and not only the first time you load the page.

 BTW: We're not living in the 90s anymore with only one sea-
 cable connecting Europe to the USA where you were able to
 greet every byte by handshake. So even if you load my
 GWT-application from a server in the USA you shouldn't
 have significantly lower speeds than loading from a server
 in your own country.

  1MB?! Thats a hell of a lot of code you got there :p

 Yes, and it's going to grow even more, so I'm waiting
 for being able to modularize GWT-projects as well like
 many others ;-)

  Even my biggest project...a java online adventure game still in only 250kb.

 The application in question is the administrative backend
 of some kind of ApplicationServer including user-
 management of various communication-protocols that are
 integrated. So for every service of that server has (about 30)
 and for every communication-protocol the server supports
 (about 8) you need a specific administrative page (which can
 become quite complex) with dialog-boxes allowing the edit of
 a vast range of values. In addition you have tools like a SQL-
 frontend, usage of the communication-protocols with managed
 authentication-settings, certificate-management for protocols
 like AS2 and SSH and so on and so on.

 So things summed up a bit ;-)

  I have noticed I get 1MB files if I compile by right clicking on the
  xml and going Run as GWT Hosted Mode and then compile, but I get
  vastely smaller files (150kb) if I use eclipse's run system itself and
  then compile (I assume the plugin for the right click isnt as
  efficiant..something causes quite a huge difference anyway).

 I use the Ant Script that has been created by Instantiation's
 WindowBuilder and changed it in a way that it's not exporting
 everything including the Java-sources and all the libraries
 that are shipped with the server-application anyway (reducing
 the size of the war-file from about 35 MB to about 3 MB now.

 When looking into the created HTML file it looks like the
 obfuscated compile-result and the only way to reduce the size
 of this I can think of is throwing away the line-breaks which
 would lead to a reduction of 14 KB in my case. Still this
 will be more than 1 MB to download so I will leave it the
 way it is ;-)

 Regards, Lothar
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Slow data loading to a FlexTable

2009-03-04 Thread eadams

An application I'm working on uses a FlexTable to display a list of
parts. There a 5 columns in the flex table. When the parts list is not
very large, the table loads in under 1 second. One list of parts is
268 rows. A list of this size takes between 12 and 13 seconds to load.
I put displays in to show the elapsed time for every 88 rows. The
timings showed the first third was in about 1.5 seconds, the next
third was in about 4 seconds and the last third in over 6 seconds.
This elapsed time is after the data has been received from the server
(which is also very fast).

All of the above is on a Windows Vista client using IE 7. Testing the
same code on FireFox 3.0.6, the 268 rows display in under 1 second. Is
this a known problem with IE and are there any work arounds?
Unfortunately FireFox is not a solution for this issue as the
company's only approved browser is IE.
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Re: Slow data loading to a FlexTable

2009-03-04 Thread Lothar Kimmeringer

eadams schrieb:
 timings showed the first third was in about 1.5 seconds, the next
 third was in about 4 seconds and the last third in over 6 seconds.
 This elapsed time is after the data has been received from the server
 (which is also very fast).
 All of the above is on a Windows Vista client using IE 7. Testing the
 same code on FireFox 3.0.6, the 268 rows display in under 1 second. Is
 this a known problem with IE and are there any work arounds?
 Unfortunately FireFox is not a solution for this issue as the
 company's only approved browser is IE.

It's a rendering issue and not the only one. Try creating a
Tree with 100.000 elements and have a look how much fun you
have with InternetExplorer and Firefox (Safari is very fast
here which makes me jealous).

One thing I haven't tried but you might try out is adding
the flex-table to the panel after adding all rows. This
might speed up things because InternetExplorer seems to
redraw the whole table when adding rows (this is not GWT-
specific, I had the same effects with other web-frameworks
in the Good Old Days(R) as well). Or - if that has no effect -
you might play around with setVisible.

Regards, Lothar

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Re: Need fix for GWT 1.6 Jars in Maven Repo

2009-03-04 Thread eneveu

I had the same problem yesterday, and I stumbled on this post. Thanks
a lot for the explanation.

I opened an issue here:

(Will, since your post explained the problem clearly, I took it as a
basis in the issue's description (changing/adding some details), I
hope you won't mind)

I wonder if this problem only appears when using maven, or if ant-
based builds also suffer from it.


On Mar 3, 3:34 pm, Garey wrote:
 I am also having this issue.  The workaround isn't hard, but it's
 annoying and I would rather not do it for every release.



 On Feb 26, 10:49 am, Will wrote:

  Not sure who is reposponsible for the jars deployed to maven, but I am
  having issues with the versions deployed there.

  The1.6.0 and1.6.1 versions of gwt-dev and gwt-user jars contain the
  source code for thejavax.servletpackage.  The problem is the source
  code has a newer timestamp than the class files. This causes the
 javax.servletclasses to be recompiled and placed in our target.

  Can someone fix the deployed jars to either 1) include class files
  having a later timestamp or 2) contain nojavaxsource code.

  Not sure of the source code is required, the jars for version 1.5.3
  didn't include anyjavax.servletsources. I'm leaning toward option 2
  since the classpath could contain externaljavax.servletclasses with
  older timestamp than sources bundled in gwt jars.

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Re: which tools you have used for development of GWT?

2009-03-04 Thread bamatico

I have only gotten as far as working through the StockWatcher tutorial
but am getting the following [ERROR] Unable to instantiate
But, to answer your question ... I am not using an IDE (eclipse) but
am copy/pasting into my favorite text editor (ultraEdit).  I have
intentions of trying to use netBeans (
web/quickstart-webapps-gwt.html) sometime later today.

On Mar 3, 11:05 pm, shiren1118 wrote:
 which tools you have used for development of GWT?
 I'm puzzled

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Re: Google Analytics and GWT

2009-03-04 Thread shital k
Hi All,

Can any one guide me how to add the feature zoom in/ zoom out to charts
using gchart and gwt?


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Jetty classpath in GWT 1.6

2009-03-04 Thread Markus Knittig


Currently it seems that Jetty only loads class files and jars from 
WEB-INF/classes and WEB-INF/lib. The classpath argument are getting 
ignored (worked with Tomcat). I tried to add extra classpath folder via 
jetty-web.xml / jetty-env.xml, but that doesn't seems to work (e.g. 
Spring throws an ClassNotFoundException before the extra classpath is 
This seems like a step backward to me. Especially since I use Maven and 
Jetty would not only be flexible enough to load classes / jars from 
different locations, but can also load static webapp files from differnt 
This would make things with Maven much cleaner / easier...

Best regards,

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Compilation of a GWT project for firefox

2009-03-04 Thread Chichone

i have the following compilation error :

[ERROR] Unable to load module entry point class
org.vnf.itineo.client.Main (see associated exception for details) (TypeError): Cet objet
ne gère pas cette propriété ou cette méthode
 number: -2146827850
 description: Cet objet ne gère pas cette propriété ou cette méthode
(Native Method)

i modify the module gwt.xml like follows
!-- User Agent --
set-property name=user.agent value=gecko /

P.S. no problem for ie compilation

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Re: i am wondering can gwt do the following?

2009-03-04 Thread ytbryan

thank you all for your reply

On Mar 4, 3:55 pm, Lothar Kimmeringer wrote:
 mikedshaffer schrieb:

  Agreed.  Some of the GWT Canvas work make some of this easier, but
  over all, Javascript in a browser (which is what GWT is after all!)
  isn't your best choice.

 The rendering itself shouldn't be much of a problem. 
 Since already worked on Netscape 2 (yes,
 the old stuff, not Firefox or Mozilla) I think you can do more
 or less everything, even something like the stack-application
 he linked in his OP.

 The biggest problem I see with the fact, that incoming data
 leads to an immediate rendering of a part of the page. So if
 two diggs are happening this lead to two drops tearing down
 at the same time, so you need something Comet-like that allows
 a push from the server to the client and a busy-wait-loop that
 renders the different drops step by step, changing CSS-properties
 for the fade-in/fade-out effect of the links that are shown
 below (the latter is already available with third-party).

 The busy-wait solution is what makes me suspicious that GWT
 is the right choice for that. With Flash or Java or whatever
 the implementation is easy. As soon a new entry has been
 received from the server a Thread is fired up that handles
 the fade-in/-out and tearing down of the drop. As soon as the
 rendering of that drop is finished, the Thread dies.

 In a singlethreaded environment you have to keep an array of
 currently to be rendered elements with their current rendering
 states (e.g. element 1 has teared down 25% of the distance,
 element 2 30% etc.). The busy waiting loop checks that array
 for elements to be rendered and renders the next nessecary
 step for each element. I'm quite sure that you don't need to
 worry about you coffee getting cold if you place your cup
 next to the heat-sink of your computer ;-)

   Flash (which they used) or an applet (java or
  whatever Microsoft is calling an activex control these days...) would
  make your life easier.


 Regards, Lothar
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Re: Compilation of a GWT project for firefox

2009-03-04 Thread davidroe


On Mar 4, 2:08 am, Chichone wrote:
 i have the following compilation error :

 [ERROR] Unable to load module entry point class
 org.vnf.itineo.client.Main (see associated exception for details) (TypeError): Cet objet
 ne gère pas cette propriété ou cette méthode
  number: -2146827850
  description: Cet objet ne gère pas cette propriété ou cette méthode
 (Native Method)

 i modify the module gwt.xml like follows
 !-- User Agent --
     set-property name=user.agent value=gecko /

 P.S. no problem for ie compilation
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SmartGWT: retrieving node value

2009-03-04 Thread ytbryan

hi all,

i posted something  on smartgwt forum but didn't get much response.

so i hope someone here can give me some advices.
I can't retrieve the value of the nested xml element.  i want to
retrieve the value of  name under the author node

below is my datasource.

import com.smartgwt.client.types.DSDataFormat;

public class Twitter2XmlDS  extends DataSource{

   private static Twitter2XmlDS instance = null;

public static Twitter2XmlDS getInstance() {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new Twitter2XmlDS(twitterDS);
return instance;

public Twitter2XmlDS(String id) {

DataSourceTextField title_Field = new DataSourceTextField
(title, Title);
DataSourceTextField updated_Field = new DataSourceTextField
(updated, Updated);
***DataSourceTextField author_Field = new DataSourceTextField



my atom xml:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
feed xmlns:google=; xml:lang=en-US
xmlns:openSearch=; xmlns=http:// xmlns:twitter=;,2005:search/twitter/id
  link type=text/html rel=alternate href=http://
  link type=application/atom+xml rel=self href=http://
  titletwitter - Twitter Search/title
  link type=application/opensearchdescription+xml rel=search
  link type=application/atom+xml rel=refresh href=http://;since_id=1274320152/
  link type=application/atom+xml rel=next href=http://
link type=text/html rel=alternate href=
titleWatching @ev at #TED talking about #Twitter:
content type=htmlWatching lt;a href=
evgt;@evlt;/agt; at lt;a href=
%23TEDgt;#TEDlt;/agt; talking about lt;a href=http://;#lt;bgt;Twitterlt;/
bgt;lt;/agt;: lt;a href=;
link type=image/png rel=image href=
twitter:sourcelt;a href=;Ping.fmlt;/
  namekaplanmyrth (Andy Kaplan-Myrth)/name
link type=text/html rel=alternate href=
titleRT @shanselman: Why I won't follow you on Twitter
content type=htmlRT lt;a href=
shanselmangt;@shanselmanlt;/agt;: amp;quot;Why I won't follow you
on lt;bgt;Twitterlt;/bgt;amp;quot;  lt;a href=
link type=image/png rel=image href=
twitter:sourcelt;a href=http://;TwitterFonlt;/agt;/twitter:source
  namePhr0ztByte (Phr0ztByte)/name

Stuck or cancelled ?

2009-03-04 Thread


it seems you're a little bit stuck, or maybe cancelled your project ?!
Eventually you really should split your work into two projects, i
think nearly everyone is waiting for the php server solution, please
share it with the world.

Good luck,


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Followup on elem is null issue (Firefox 3)

2009-03-04 Thread

The previous thread for this issue is no longer taking new posts, but
after receiving a few emails, I wanted to follow up on this issue.

In short, it manifests itself as Widget.element and sometimes other
fields appearing to be null in cases where they shouldn't be.  For
example, immediately after being assigned a non-null value.  (The real
value shows up later on.)

This occurs sporadically, and only on Firefox 3. It seems to occur
within a constructor (e.g. soon after the object was created). What I
believe is happening is that the value from the prototype is being
used instead of the value on the object itself, possibly due to some
kind of property caching within Firefox. We're seeing this a _lot_ on
our application in production.

The upstream bug for this issue is 449809,

Our current production application is silently ignoring these issues,
but reporting them back to us. This required a bunch of patching of
GWT and seems non-optimal.

The next release of our application is taking a different approach.
I've added the following code to UIObject, which seems to eliminate
all occurrences of this issue with the element field.

  public UIObject() {
   * FF3 HACK - we set this to null explicitly in the constructor
(rather than on the JS prototype),
   * hoping that the actual non-null setElement() will be more
likely to take.
  element = null;

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google image search in my java application

2009-03-04 Thread pitty

i try to create a little JAVA-application that should make a google
image search and show the images.
is the gwt the right thing for that. some years ago, there was a
library that only provided a googleapi.jar and a license key. is there
still something simple like that?

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Re: Window.confirm in

2009-03-04 Thread Danny Schimke
Thanks for that detailled answer ;)

2009/3/4 Vitali Lovich

 You're probably using scheduleRepeat.  Browsers are strictly single
 threaded (some multi-threading Javascript support coming in FF3.1 that I
 know of).  Anyways your problem is this:

 browser keeps generating timer event probably because that comes from the
 OS  there's no locking in place
 user clicks on button
 next event is shown

 Instead do this:

 run() {


 On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 9:34 AM, Danny Schimke schimk...@googlemail.comwrote:


 I am using a timer to ask the user after xy minutes to save his changes to
 database. In the run() method of timer I ask the user wheather he want to
 save the changes. If the user clicks OK I'll save othwerwise I'll do
 nothing. I shedule the timer repeatly after xy minutes. When does the timer
 reruns? After handling the run() method? I recognized that the timer reruns
 while the confirm message is shown. Is this an issue or correct? Should the
 timer rerun while its run() method is not finished? I occurs in Firefox, in
 IE it works like I am thinking how it should work.

 Example for Error:

 - Rerunning timer every 1 minute
 - Confirmation is shown after 1 minute, user does *not* click  *OK* or *
 - After two or more minutes I'll click OK or Cancel and the confirm window
 closes. But the confirm window of the second timer run is shown.
 - The window is maximal shown two times (e.g. when I am waiting three or
 more minutes)

 It should be not very difficult to use a workaround, but I want to
 understand the correct working of the GWT timer.

 Thank you!


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Re: Slow data loading to a FlexTable

2009-03-04 Thread eadams

Thanks for the suggestions.

Changing the code to add the FlexTable to the scroll panel after
loading the data resulted in a good improvement. The 268 row parts
list will now load in IE in just over 5 seconds. I tried the setVisible
() suggestion as well, but that did not yield much change. The changes
yielded an elapsed time of 0.3 seconds in Firefox.

On Mar 4, 11:55 am, Lothar Kimmeringer wrote:
 eadams schrieb:

  timings showed the first third was in about 1.5 seconds, the next
  third was in about 4 seconds and the last third in over 6 seconds.
  This elapsed time is after thedatahas been received from the server
  (which is also very fast).

  All of the above is on a Windows Vista client using IE 7. Testing the
  same code on FireFox 3.0.6, the 268 rows display in under 1 second. Is
  this a known problem with IE and are there any work arounds?
  Unfortunately FireFox is not a solution for this issue as the
  company's only approved browser is IE.

 It's a rendering issue and not the only one. Try creating a
 Tree with 100.000 elements and have a look how much fun you
 have with InternetExplorer and Firefox (Safari is very fast
 here which makes me jealous).

 One thing I haven't tried but you might try out is adding
 the flex-table to the panel after adding all rows. This
 might speed up things because InternetExplorer seems to
 redraw the whole table when adding rows (this is not GWT-
 specific, I had the same effects with other web-frameworks
 in the Good Old Days(R) as well). Or - if that has no effect -
 you might play around with setVisible.

 Regards, Lothar
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Re: Window.confirm in

2009-03-04 Thread Danny Schimke
Yeah! I canceled the timer and restarted it in in the run() method... It is
about the way you've advised me.

Thanks again!

2009/3/4 Vitali Lovich

 Did that solve your problem?

 On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 12:35 PM, Danny Schimke 

 Thanks for that detailled answer ;)

 2009/3/4 Vitali Lovich

 You're probably using scheduleRepeat.  Browsers are strictly single
 threaded (some multi-threading Javascript support coming in FF3.1 that I
 know of).  Anyways your problem is this:

 browser keeps generating timer event probably because that comes from the
 OS  there's no locking in place
 user clicks on button
 next event is shown

 Instead do this:

 run() {


 On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 9:34 AM, Danny Schimke 


 I am using a timer to ask the user after xy minutes to save his changes
 to database. In the run() method of timer I ask the user wheather he want 
 save the changes. If the user clicks OK I'll save othwerwise I'll do
 nothing. I shedule the timer repeatly after xy minutes. When does the timer
 reruns? After handling the run() method? I recognized that the timer reruns
 while the confirm message is shown. Is this an issue or correct? Should the
 timer rerun while its run() method is not finished? I occurs in Firefox, in
 IE it works like I am thinking how it should work.

 Example for Error:

 - Rerunning timer every 1 minute
 - Confirmation is shown after 1 minute, user does *not* click  *OK* or
 - After two or more minutes I'll click OK or Cancel and the confirm
 window closes. But the confirm window of the second timer run is shown.
 - The window is maximal shown two times (e.g. when I am waiting three or
 more minutes)

 It should be not very difficult to use a workaround, but I want to
 understand the correct working of the GWT timer.

 Thank you!


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Reloading borgmon for Stubby Doom thingoEOM

2009-03-04 Thread Eric Ayers
Eric Z. Ayers - GWT Team - Atlanta, GA USA

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Re: strange behavior for float numbers

2009-03-04 Thread Tony Paul
Thank you Alan.

The numbers I want to display, come from a file, to the server, then the
server sends those numbers to GWT. So I don't have control generating the
numbers as rational numbers. The solution that worked for me is to read the
numbers on the server as double, then send them to GWT. GWT displays the
numbers correctly and performing calculation works well too. I think it's
the conversion from float to double that causes this problem.

- Tony

On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 9:50 AM, Alan Hadsell wrote:

 On Feb 24, 1:52 pm, tony.p.. wrote:

  This seems like a bug in JS, more than just the way it handles float.
  Because I'm not doing any calculations on the GWT (JS) side, I'm just
  printing what comes from the server. So if 15.2 if printed as
  15.20, that would be ok, but to be printed as
  15.19809265136 is really weired. Am I right or am I missing

 You're missing something.  In JavaScript there is no such number as
 15.2.  JavaScript uses IEEE-754 standard floating-point notation,
 which can only represent numbers of the form (i times 2 ** j) where **
 represents exponentiation, and i and j are integers.  See for
 details.  The effect is similar to trying to represent 1/3 with an
 exact decimal representation; you can come very close but you can't
 get it exactly.

 If you want to represent exact decimal numbers in JavaScript you have
 two choices:  Use strings, and forego doing arithmetic on them, or use
 rational numbers, where all numbers are internally in the form (i/j)
 with i and j integers.

 One very useful subset of rational notation is scaled decimal, where j
 is a constant power of 10 depending on the maximum precision you want
 to retain.  So if you're maintaining 4 digits after the decimal place,
 j is 1, and 15.2 is represented as 152000/1.  The denominator
 (also called the scale factor) can be implied in this case (i.e. you
 don't need to store it with each number; think of it as a static final

 This notation makes it easy to add and subtract; just add or subtract
 the numerators.  Multiplication is easy if the numbers are small --
 multiply the numerators and then divide by the scale factor.  Division
 is relatively easy; multiply one numerator by the scale factor and
 then divide by the other numerator.  In both multiplication and
 division you need to think about rounding, and also about overflow if
 any of the intermediate results might exceed 15 digits.
 - Show quoted text -


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Re: Bug in gwt Grid, Setting Background image

2009-03-04 Thread Tobe

I am getting a similar problem with setting the background image in a
flex table. The image seems to be set for the table as a whole and
then also for each cell in the first column. The problem started
occuring after upgrading to 1.5 from 1.3. (It also doesn't happen in
Firefox, just IE7)
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modify model for PagingScrollTable, see updates?

2009-03-04 Thread

I'm using a PagingScrollTable with my own MutableTableModelT.   Is
it possible to update the model and have the table re-draw itself in
response to the change?   The use case I have in mind is that the user
is viewing some data in the table, and then clicks some kind of button
to filter the table data based on some criteria.  I'd then want the
table to somehow request new data via the model, which would result in
an RPC call.  I've tried calling reload() on the table, but it seems
to be caching the data or something, as my requestRows() method is not
being invoked.

Is the problem that MutableTableModel wants to pull the data?  Is
there a more appropriate model to use in situations where the table
data might change externally?


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Creating charts using GWT

2009-03-04 Thread JoeB


Can someone give me advice on the best way to create polished-looking
charts using GWT?  Notes:
1) My GWT app won't have web access so it can't call out to Google
2) The GChart package is nice for bar charts and line charts, but it
doesn't support gauges (like on a dashboard) or 3D pie charts, both of
which I need.
3) I've thought about using JFreeChart on the server to create image
files, then displaying those in the client.  Is this the best way?  Is
there anything better out there?


-- Joe

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Re: How to retrieve data as byte[] in GWT from getImageData

2009-03-04 Thread Matt Bishop

According to the WhatWG spec for canvas, getImageData() returns a
CavasPixelArray, which is an array of bytes. What if you created a
JavaScriptObject to represent it? Does GWT thunk to bytes across the
JSNI boundary OK? I know it won't pass arrays of anything back, but
individual elements maybe:


public class CanvasPixelArray extends JavaScriptObject {
protected CanvasPixelArray() {
//required by GWT

public native int getLength() /*-{
return this.length;

public native byte getPixelByte(int pos) /*-{
return this[pos];

//then, create one in your code:
public byte[] getBitmap(Element canvasElement, int left, int top, int
width, int height) {
//then, create one in your code:
CanvasPixelArray cpa = getCPA(canvasElement, left, top, width,
byte[] pixelBytes = new byte[cpa.length()];
for (int i = 0; i  cpa.length(); i++) {
   pixelBytes[i] = cpa.getPixelByte(i);
return pixelBytes;

private native CanvasPixelArray getCPA(Element canvas, int sx, int sy,
int sw, int sh) /*-{
return canvas.getContext(2d).getImageData(sx, sy, sw, sh);

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Buttons Question

2009-03-04 Thread


I have a rather straight forward question that is driving me up the
wall trying to solve. Im sure someone on here can help me. So here

Basically I have a list of records created in a for loop and a Button
which I want to associate with each record. I need to make a listener
that takes say the primary key of the associated Record when the
button is clicked. However, I cant for the life of me work out how to
implement this.

Please can someone point me in the right direction?

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Re: GWT with JPA not working in hosted mode

2009-03-04 Thread noon


I have a small template of this and will post it where you want me
to ;)
This afternoon, I analyzed stack trace and found some strange code
in CompilingClassLoader GWT class (
shell/ ):

  protected synchronized Class? findClass(String className)
  throws ClassNotFoundException {
if (className == null) {
  throw new ClassNotFoundException(null class name,
  new NullPointerException());

// Don't mess with anything in the standard Java packages.
if (isInStandardJavaPackage(className)) {
  // make my superclass load it
  throw new ClassNotFoundException(className);

As far as I understand, every class (and annotations) from java and
javax package are not managed by this class loader, which could lead
to the issue.
I still have to validate this analysis by debugging this method step
by step.

If I am right, I will open an issue about it in GWT project.


On 4 mar, 14:52, Arthur Kalmenson wrote:
 That doesn't really make sense to me either. We use JPA annotated
 beans on the client side all the time and all of them have
 CascadeType. We don't use either Gilead or GXT, so it might have
 something to do with those libraries. Can you try to create small
 sample project without those libraries and see if hosted mode launches
 with the JPA annotations? Then add the Gilead library, see if it
 works, then add the GXT library and see if it works.

 Arthur Kalmenson

 On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 5:57 PM, grishag wrote:

  It's strange but I'm not running with the embedded Tomcat. I used the
  noserver option and deployed my code to a standalone server (Tomcat
  6.0.18). So according to your last comment it should be working. Could
  you please post a link to the Gilead forum you've mentioned? I just
  tried to find it with no luck. I don't see why this would work in the
  web mode anyway because it still goes through the process of trying to
  compile the annotated code. I actually had a look at the offending
  line CompilingClassLoader line 579 and sure enough if the package
  starts with java or javax it throws this exception. Why gwt emulation
  not working when running in hosted mode but works during compiling
  beats me.

  Thanks for your help.

  On Mar 4, 5:19 am, noon wrote:
  Some more precisions, since this is a recurrent issue related in
  Gilead forum :
      - The offending annotation is *always* CascadeType. The code
  source is the same as regular JPA annotation.
      - Not a classpath issue : I repoduced the issue with the JAR on
  classpath, and no way to tell Hosted Mode to take it into account
      - Only the embedded hosted mode fails, web mode is ok.


  On 3 mar, 15:38, Arthur Kalmenson wrote:

   Hmm, have you checked the classpath you use for your GWTCompile and
   hosted mode launching in Ant? Make sure they're the same. Hosted mode
   works fine with JPA annotations here (although we do use Maven). It
   looks like it might be a classpath issue.

   Arthur Kalmenson

   On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 9:48 PM, grishag 


I have a problem running GWT in hosted mode using JPA annotated domain
classes. I can compile my project to JavaScript, package it up in a
war and run it on a server no problem but I can't do the same in
hosted mode. Really annoying, without hosted mode development is
really slow.

Here is what I have done:

1. I have one module that defines my domain classes (sitting under the
GWT client package) and DAO classes (under GWT server pacakge). The
following is the gwt.xml file for this module:

       inherits name='net.sf.gilead.Adapter4Gwt15'/
       inherits name='net.sf.gilead.emul.java5.ejb3.Ejb3'/

2. The second module implements the client UI and the RPC service that
uses the domain objects from the first module:

       inherits name=com.extjs.gxt.ui.GXT/
       inherits name=com.extjs.gxt.themes.Themes /

name='' /

       stylesheet src=css/ext-all.css /



Like I said I can compile this using GWTCompiler and run it all on a
standalone server but not in hosted mode (I'm using the noserver

I've been through my classpath multiple times and everything looks
fine but I'm still getting this error no matter what I do. If anyone
has any idea why this is happening and most importantly how to fix
this it would be greatly 


2009-03-04 Thread bond

I've a question about DateBox widget. If you set a Format as this: dd/
MM/ HH:mm on DateBox, when you are selecting a Date, the hour 
minutes are resetted.

So in your dateBox you have a date as 04/03/2009 15:30 and then you're
focusing on the textbox, the DatePicker is displayed.But when you
select a date (ex. 10/03/2009) the hoursminutes are resetted and your
date will be 10/03/2009 00:00.

Anyone can suggest a solution?

This one is not very good because the date is first setted on the
textbox and then is rewritten:

ValueChangeHandlerDate() {

public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEventDate event) {
Date ok = event.getValue();
txtDataCompilazione.getTextBox().addBlurHandler(new BlurHandler
() {

public void onBlur(BlurEvent event) {
try {
dataCompilazione = DateTimeFormat.getFormat(dd/MM/

} catch (Exception ex) {


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Loading new HTML page when button is clicked

2009-03-04 Thread mrfreeze81

   I'm trying to navigate from one HTML page to another when a button
is clicked on the first. I have a button listener added and it's
inside a panel. Now when I click the button, I want to load a new

   I do not want to use

RootPanle.get().add(new Page1);
when button_clicked {
RootPanle.get().add(new Page2);

Because if I use this and refresh the page, it loads Page1

How do I go about this?


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Re: How can I use gwt for my project

2009-03-04 Thread Jason Essington

In your specific case it sounds like you want to make certain items on  
your pages dynamic.

That can be doe with GWT using either a singe or multiple entry points.

You would still use one main module that is a monolithic compilation  
of all of your dynamic parts. Include the script tag for that module  
in all of your pages and away you go.

The idea is to first identify each item you would like to make  
dynamic. A particular input element that suggests the contents  
(suggest box) for instance. give that element on the page a specific  
ID, and build a GWT module to implement the functionality. do the same  
for all of the elements you might use throughout your site.

your entry points should attempt to find the id of component it is  
going to populate, and if it isn't found on the page, just exit  
immediately (remember you'll have a monolithic library that has all of  
your different widgets (components) in it, so some pages may not use  
all of the widgets in your module.)

The reason for doing it this way is to allow the most efficient code  
sharing. one monolithic module will be considerably smaller than  
individual modules for each component. The other benefit is that if  
your server is properly configured to set the cache-control headers  
for the files then the javascript payload and image  
bundles will be loaded exactly ONCE for your entire site over the life  
of a particular version of your application. It is a very efficient  
way to make dynamic components that are used throughout a multi page  
web site.


On Mar 3, 2009, at 6:24 PM, seawave wrote:

 My project has completed a few days ago,but I don't satisfied about
 the web pages.So I want to use gwt to let the pages more beautiful.But
 I find I just can use in one page,GWT just have one Entry-point.I hava
 a lot of pages,I want to let every page have one Entry-point,what
 should I do?

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Re: Loading new HTML page when button is clicked

2009-03-04 Thread Ian Bambury
You *do* need to do it like that.
But you also need to write out a history record when you display a page.

In the onModuleLoad, you check the history token and display whichever page
the history token tells you to load.

Have a look at the History() class


2009/3/4 mrfreeze81

   I'm trying to navigate from one HTML page to another when a button
 is clicked on the first. I have a button listener added and it's
 inside a panel. Now when I click the button, I want to load a new

   I do not want to use

 RootPanle.get().add(new Page1);
 when button_clicked {
RootPanle.get().add(new Page2);

 Because if I use this and refresh the page, it loads Page1

 How do I go about this?



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limitation on text area length?

2009-03-04 Thread greenpossum

Is anybody aware of browser-specific limitations on the length of text
in a textarea? I have reports from some users that their text is
truncated after they have pasted it from a TinyMCE instance back into
a GWT textarea. My suspect would be IE but I have not got a reply from
the user yet.

On a related question, I noticed that textarea widget has only the
getText method. I recall from Javascript books that the textarea
element could return its contents in chunks (2kB as I recall) as a
list of elements. Has GWT abstracted all that as a getText method?

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Re: Dealing with session timeout and container managed security

2009-03-04 Thread Jason Essington

The problem with jumping ahead of the RemoteServiceServlet for your  
authentication is that you don't have a good way to communicate to GWT  
that there was an authentication exception.

I tend to do my JAAS login inside the RemoteServiceServlet where I can  
throw a checked AuthenticationException which I can in turn handle  
gracefully on the client side.

consider this scenario:

User loads a rather large cash worksheet that he needs to fill, the  
user begins filling the worksheet, then takes a break, and returns to  
complete the worksheet. This user then submits the completed worksheet.

Now, with the previously mentioned technique, the session is checked  
before the request is deserialized and the server notices that the  
session has expired, and throws an authentication exception. The  
client recieves that exception in the onFailure() method of the  
callback and takes appropriate action to have the user reauthenticate.  
once that process is successful, the client application can resubmit  
the original request, and the user has not lost any of his work.

If you use the default form based the world just stops, the user is  
forced to reauthenticate outside the scope of the application, and his  
progress is lost. This really aggravates customers by the way.


On Mar 4, 2009, at 7:30 AM, marcelstoer wrote:

 Hhhmm, the community being quiet can mean a lot of things...none are
 really positive.

 Was I talking about some dark GWT corners where no stable/proper
 solutions exist?
 Or is there simply no right way to solve my problem, but rather many
 potential solutions that all have their flaws?

 On Feb 28, 8:26 am, marcelstoer wrote:
 Is there some consensus or best practice in the GWT community as for
 how to deal with session timeout and container managed security?  
 are some pointers if you search for this subject, but some of the
 ideas are wild...

 In my case I use the Servlet container's built in security features
 for authentication as described in the Servlet specification. Hence,
 in my web.xm I protect access to the GWT application like so:

   web-resource-namemy app/web-resource-name



 So, the application (host/bootstrap page, RPC Servlet, etc.) is in  
 app folder and the login form (login.jsp) is in the public  
 This works flawlessly except for the session timeout use case.
 The application sends an RPC request to /app/AppServlet, the Servlet
 container requires authentication because the session had timed out
 and dutifully *forwards* to the login page. Hence, the result of the
 request is not some RPC/JSON/XML object as expected by the client but
 the login page HTML structure. The client simply isn't prepared for
 that and freezes i.e. doesn't do anything.

 I believe that on the server side everything is set up correctly. If
 the session timed out the requests don't even reach the RPC Servlet
 because it's intercepted by the container, fine.

 But how do you deal with this in the client?
 Should one write some custom AsyncCallback class that handles the
 reponse sent by the container?

 Thanks for your feedback.

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Re: EntryPoint onModuleLoad called multiple times over course of application lifetime

2009-03-04 Thread Jason Essington

remember, if your libraries (other GWT modules) also have entry  
points, all of the onModuleLoad() methods will be called in turn.


On Mar 4, 2009, at 12:30 AM, Brian Ferris wrote:

 I have a relatively complex GWT application composed of my main
 application EntryPoint and a number of library modules.  I had some
 printlns in the EntryPoint for my application and the libraries and I
 noticed that they are called multiple times over the course of the
 application lifetime in hosted mode.  This is not the standard I just
 hit the reload button case where you expect to hit your module
 EntryPoint, but more of the case where a user has just hit a button to
 initiate an RPC call that then updates the UI.

 Is this expected behavior?  Something I should be worried about?  I
 apologize for not posting any code samples, but I'm hoping there is
 something simple I'm missing before I go through the work of trying to
 reproduce the behavior with a simpler code fragment.

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Re: limitation on text area length?

2009-03-04 Thread mikedshaffer

Can only answer the first one, and partially.  I was teaching a high
school web design class a couple of years ago and a kid copied and
pasted about a zillion characters into a text area and got it to
fail.  I'm sitting on a bus right now so I don't have the specifics,
but I seem to remember it was rather large, like 256,000 characters or
something.  Also vaguely remember that it was different between the
browsers, but this was IE6 era

On Mar 4, 4:43 pm, greenpossum wrote:
 Is anybody aware of browser-specific limitations on the length of text
 in a textarea? I have reports from some users that their text is
 truncated after they have pasted it from a TinyMCE instance back into
 a GWT textarea. My suspect would be IE but I have not got a reply from
 the user yet.

 On a related question, I noticed that textarea widget has only the
 getText method. I recall from Javascript books that the textarea
 element could return its contents in chunks (2kB as I recall) as a
 list of elements. Has GWT abstracted all that as a getText method?
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Has CustomFieldSerializer functionality changed in GWT 1.6

2009-03-04 Thread evgeniy

I was using GWT 1.5.2 and have custom field serializers with serialize
(...) and deserialize(...) methods. And it was working perfectly. When
I tried GWT 1.6.1 instead I've got serialization exception. When I
switch back to 1.5.2 all works perfectly again. Does anybody knows
what was changed?
Best regards, Evgeniy.

PS. BTW, does anybody knows why there is so little information and
documentation about custom serialization in GWT?
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Error: missing ; after for-loop initializer

2009-03-04 Thread gwt-noob

In the Firefox error console I see the error message:

Error: missing ; after for-loop initializer
Source File: my host.cache.html
Line: 42, Column: 167

I'm using GWT 1.5.3 and I looking around found a Fixed issue but the
link on GWT release notes is dead
(issue 4927592)

Maybe something is still not fixed and I've run into it. Any help
would be appreciated.

FYI, the page loads fine in GWT shell but IE, Firefox and Chrome all
dont work.


That line in the GWT generated code is:

function cr(q,r){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,s,t;if
(200==r.a.status){t=r.a.responseText;o=(t2(),C4(u2,t));c=c4(new b4(),
(B4(),o.a.getElementsByTagNameNS(ri,ik)));this.a.c=nab(new mab());for
(i=0;ic.a.length;++i){a=aq(new Ep());d=E3(f5(c.a,i));m=c4(new b4
(p.a.nodeName,tk)){a.b=e4(c4(new b4(),p.a.childNodes),0).a.nodeValue}
else if(j8(p.a.nodeName,Ek)){s=c4(new b4(),p.a.childNodes);for
(l=0;ls.a.length;++l){e=c4(new b4(),E3(f5(s.a,l)).a.childNodes);f=new
(this.a.d);for(b=B${new z${},this.a.c};b.ab.b.Fb();){a=dy(E${b},
3);j=DV(new nV(),a.b);for(g=B${new z${},a.a};;){f=dy(E${g},
4);h=DV(new nV(),f.b);fY(h,f.a);j.u(h)}EU(this.a.d.g,j)}}else{$wnd.alert(wm+r.a.status)}aR

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problem about add the 3rd party gadgets to GWT page.

2009-03-04 Thread Xiongjia Le

Hi All,

Yesterday, I wrote a test page for  add the gadget of Google Friend
Connect to my GWT page.

I create a new HTML object and set the gadget's script (got from
Google Friend Connect ) to this object.
This is the code summary:

HTML htmObj = new HTML(!-- some script got from 'Google Friend

But this code only can run on Firefox. In other browsers (IE, Chrome,
etc.) the gadget is can not show correctly.

Do we need use other way to add a 3rd party gadgets to GWT page?

Xiongjia Le
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Re: GWT with JPA not working in hosted mode

2009-03-04 Thread sutarsa giri
you may need to take a look at -noserver option when running your gwt shell.
with this, you could use your favorite servlet container as server for your
gwt shell.

Gede sutarsa

2009/3/3 grishag


 I have a problem running GWT in hosted mode using JPA annotated domain
 classes. I can compile my project to JavaScript, package it up in a
 war and run it on a server no problem but I can't do the same in
 hosted mode. Really annoying, without hosted mode development is
 really slow.

 Here is what I have done:

 1. I have one module that defines my domain classes (sitting under the
 GWT client package) and DAO classes (under GWT server pacakge). The
 following is the gwt.xml file for this module:

inherits name='net.sf.gilead.Adapter4Gwt15'/
inherits name='net.sf.gilead.emul.java5.ejb3.Ejb3'/

 2. The second module implements the client UI and the RPC service that
 uses the domain objects from the first module:

inherits name=com.extjs.gxt.ui.GXT/
inherits name=com.extjs.gxt.themes.Themes /

 name='' /

stylesheet src=css/ext-all.css /



 Like I said I can compile this using GWTCompiler and run it all on a
 standalone server but not in hosted mode (I'm using the noserver

 I've been through my classpath multiple times and everything looks
 fine but I'm still getting this error no matter what I do. If anyone
 has any idea why this is happening and most importantly how to fix
 this it would be greatly appreciated. I've been battling with this
 thing for a day and a half and I'm out of ideas.

 Thank you.

 Buildfile: U:\projects\GeoDataVic2alt\build.xml
 [java] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/persistence/
 [java] at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods0(Native Method)
 [java] at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredMethods(Unknown
 [java] at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods(Unknown Source)
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at org.eclipse.swt.internal.ole.win32.COMObject.callback5
 [java] at org.eclipse.swt.internal.ole.win32.COM.VtblCall(Native
 [java] at org.eclipse.swt.internal.ole.win32.IDispatch.Invoke
 [java] at org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OleAutomation.invoke
 [java] at org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OleAutomation.invoke
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 (transient source for
 [java] at
 (transient source for
 [java] at
 (transient source for
 [java] at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
 [java] at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)

Sequential workflow in an asynchronous GWT world

2009-03-04 Thread rlaferla

How is everyone managing to implement sequential workflows when GWT
only allows async calls?

I have a series of panels that user must respond to in sequence and
their answers may lead to a different path of panels (warnings, error
panels, etc..)  I think every GWT programmer working on a large
project must have run into this.   I'm interested in what strategies/
techniques/code you used to help keep the complexity down.

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Re: Announcing GWT 1.6 Milestone 2

2009-03-04 Thread Riyaz Mansoor

Just installed M2 and took a look around. I must say I like it - feels
more natural to me. For a new project I wanted to start in 1.6, I
didn't want to migrate in the middle and update all the deprecated

Haven't put it through its paces yet. But first thing - I have control
of web.xml :)

Excellent work.

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Question about Server-client model.

2009-03-04 Thread wsstop

I’m a very beginner of GWT. I need some help.

I’m working on some project such as:
1. User on server make some Java application by using Swing , AWT,  or
other API.
2. Server converts them into Java script by using GWT and sends them
to client.
3. Whenever contents on server are changed, server has to refresh the
contents on client. (Push).

Are there any good solution or example for me?
I need your help!

Thank you

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Re: Sequential workflow in an asynchronous GWT world

2009-03-04 Thread Vitali Lovich
You have to think about what kind of UI the users actions have caused.  For
instance, if you would expect all inputs to become disabled (or at least the
one which would generate more async calls).  Perhaps also some kind of
waiting indicator that you are in an async call.

On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 10:15 PM, rlaferla wrote:

 How is everyone managing to implement sequential workflows when GWT
 only allows async calls?

 I have a series of panels that user must respond to in sequence and
 their answers may lead to a different path of panels (warnings, error
 panels, etc..)  I think every GWT programmer working on a large
 project must have run into this.   I'm interested in what strategies/
 techniques/code you used to help keep the complexity down.


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Re: Sequential workflow in an asynchronous GWT world

2009-03-04 Thread Vitali Lovich
Sorry - so to make it more applicable to what you were asking:

disable your current UI/indicate that the application is working.  you may
also want to prefetch the UI here if necessary.

when you receive your result in your async callback, perform the transition.

On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 10:32 PM, Vitali Lovich wrote:

 You have to think about what kind of UI the users actions have caused.  For
 instance, if you would expect all inputs to become disabled (or at least the
 one which would generate more async calls).  Perhaps also some kind of
 waiting indicator that you are in an async call.

 On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 10:15 PM, rlaferla robertlafe...@comcast.netwrote:

 How is everyone managing to implement sequential workflows when GWT
 only allows async calls?

 I have a series of panels that user must respond to in sequence and
 their answers may lead to a different path of panels (warnings, error
 panels, etc..)  I think every GWT programmer working on a large
 project must have run into this.   I'm interested in what strategies/
 techniques/code you used to help keep the complexity down.


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Re: Google Analytics and GWT

2009-03-04 Thread Arthur Kalmenson

How is this related to Google Analytics? Please start another thread.

Arthur Kalmenson

On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 8:04 AM, shital k wrote:
 Hi All,

 Can any one guide me how to add the feature zoom in/ zoom out to charts
 using gchart and gwt?


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pagingScrollTable re-size

2009-03-04 Thread verl

When I re-size the Browser window, the left Side of my
PagingScrollTable moves around.

In the pagingScrollTable example:

When you re-size the browser, the left side of the table stays

How do you keep the left side stationary when you resize?

Is there a way to see the source code for the pagingScrollTable

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The method addClickListener(ClickListener) in the type Label is not applicable for the arguments (TheLocalConnectorContent)

2009-03-04 Thread zackmac

I'm trying to make a click event occur for several images that are
rendered as HTML using AbstractImagePrototype.getHTML() and having
trouble.  I can make a click event just fine when I do each individual
HTML object, but when I try to use the this pointer, I get the error
in the subject.  Here's a snippet of my code.  Please comment how I
can do this right and, if not this way, how to make it such that I
don't need to create a bunch of individual clickListeners.

// Constructor
TheLocalConnectorContent() {
t = new FlexTable();

images = GWT.create(TheLocalConnectorImages.class);

// Retrieve the html portion from TheLocalConnectorImages
carouselresale = new HTML(images.carouselresale().getHTML());


// Fired off when an ad was clicked
public void onClick(Widget sender) {

   // First check to see if a regular image was clicked
if (sender == carouselresale) {
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Why does FormPanel don't implement the reset method?

2009-03-04 Thread ChaoS

IE an FF both supply this method
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Validation Framework

2009-03-04 Thread Pete

Has anyone found a simple and still supported validation framework for
gwt yet?



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Re: GWT with JPA not working in hosted mode

2009-03-04 Thread grishag

I tried a few things today but beside more problems, no solution yet.

1. Created a few POJOs and added a bunch of JPA annotations to them
(including the javax.persistence.CascadeType). In my RPC service
class, I manually instantiate a POJO and return it. This works fine.
The GWT compiler/shell is not complaining about any annotations. I'm
still using Gilead and GWT-SL with the -noserver option.

2. For my second attempt, I configured the above POJOs in my Spring
AnnotationSessionFactoryBean, e.g

bean id=sessionFactory
property name=dataSourceref bean=dataSource//property
property name=annotatedClasses

Note, I still just manually create the User class in the RPC service
class, I'm not actually retrieving anything from database via
Hibernate but it didn't work. I got the following exception (on the

SEVERE: Exception while dispatching incoming RPC call
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.gwtwidgets.server.spring.GWTRPCServiceExporter.processCall
at org.gwtwidgets.server.spring.GWTRPCServiceExporter.handleRequest
at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doDispatch
at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doService
at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.processRequest
at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.doPost
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke
at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke
at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service
at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process
at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol
at Source)
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at net.sf.gilead.core.hibernate.HibernateUtil.isUnsavedValue
at net.sf.gilead.core.hibernate.HibernateUtil.getId
at net.sf.gilead.core.hibernate.HibernateUtil.getId
at net.sf.gilead.core.hibernate.HibernateUtil.isPersistentPojo
at net.sf.gilead.core.PersistentBeanManager.clonePojo
at net.sf.gilead.core.PersistentBeanManager.clone
at net.sf.gilead.gwt.GileadRPCHelper.parseReturnValue
at org.gwtwidgets.server.spring.GWTRPCServiceExporter.processCall
... 21 more

I'm still scratching my head about this one...

3. I did try to retrieve POJOs from the database instead of manually
creating them but I got the same result.

The POJOs are quite simple. Here's an example. Why this doesn't work
is a mistery to me.

@Table(name = USERS, schema = SECURITY)
public class Users extends LightEntity implements

private String userId;
private Date endDate;
private SetApplicationRoles applicationRoleses = new

public Users() {

@Column(name = 

Re: Sequential workflow in an asynchronous GWT world

2009-03-04 Thread hazy1

Making an async call appear to be sequential is easy, just block or
fade out or have a pop up progress bar until the async operation

On Mar 4, 10:15 pm, rlaferla wrote:
 How is everyone managing to implement sequential workflows when GWT
 only allows async calls?

 I have a series of panels that user must respond to in sequence and
 their answers may lead to a different path of panels (warnings, error
 panels, etc..)  I think every GWT programmer working on a large
 project must have run into this.   I'm interested in what strategies/
 techniques/code you used to help keep the complexity down.
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how to get imsges from server to client

2009-03-04 Thread avd

dear sir,
i have a problem in gwt my problem is:
How to get images may be 100 images at once from server to client and
dispaly them at browser?

please send me some good solution abt this problem.

with regards
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Re: Buttons Question

2009-03-04 Thread alex.d

The easiest way is probably to extend button class to hold an extra
id. Smth. like (not checked - just to give you an idea):

class myButton extends Button
  private int id;

  Button(int id)
  { = id;

  public int getId()
return id;

Every time you instantiate a Button - give it your primary key to
hold. Every time you click on it use getId() to retrieve the primary

On 4 Mrz., 22:14, wrote:

 I have a rather straight forward question that is driving me up the
 wall trying to solve. Im sure someone on here can help me. So here

 Basically I have a list of records created in a for loop and a Button
 which I want to associate with each record. I need to make a listener
 that takes say the primary key of the associated Record when the
 button is clicked. However, I cant for the life of me work out how to
 implement this.

 Please can someone point me in the right direction?

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Re: popup menu example

2009-03-04 Thread Sumit Chandel
Hi Carlo,
As Vagner pointed out, you can find an examples of various widgets in the
Showcase sample application linked above (just click on the Source Code
tab to see view the GWT source).

In case you were looking for an example of a Menu widget rather than a Popup
(it was unclear in your original message), you can find an example of a
MenuBar in the Showcase sample application as well at the link below:

Hope that helps,
-Sumit Chandel

On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 7:59 PM, Vagner Araujo wrote:

 Vagner Araujo.

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Re: (JSNI) Accessing this instance from inner JS functions

2009-03-04 Thread Sumit Chandel
Hi Andrey,
The last solution that Thomas and sutarsa girl proposed should do the trick
(assigning the var to the 'this' variable before referencing functions from
it). The reason why this must be done to make sure that the copy of the
'this' object that you're dealing with is what you expect it to be. The
'this' variable in an inner function is part of a closure, and in closures,
the 'this' variable is stored by reference. Therefore, the state of the
'this' object at the time you're accessing it isn't guaranteed, and hence
your function call might not work. By assigning a var to 'this' and then
calling the function from that var, you're guaranteed that the function is
defined and the var is what you think it is.

This is described in the FAQ linked below:

Hope that helps,
-Sumit Chandel

On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 8:48 PM, sutarsa giri wrote:

 hi andrey,
 i usually use this trick when deal with this reference inside method

 class PageToolbar extends PagingToolbar {
 private native void patch() /*-{
var dummyThis=this;
var pagingToolbar =

pagingToolbar.field.on(keydown, function(e) {
}, pagingToolbar);
 private void mymethod() {

 it's work for my jsni call

 On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 7:42 AM, Shawn Brown


  Is there any way I can access enclosing this
  instance (that would be PageToolbar)?

 Pass it in, and call your method. It works for me.

 patch(this);  //method call

 class PageToolbar extends PagingToolbar {
 private native void patch(PageToolbar pt) /*-{  /class of whatever
 gets passed in
   var pagingToolbar =

   pagingToolbar.field.on(keydown, function(e) {
   }, pagingToolbar);
 private void mymethod() {


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Google Web Toolkit group.
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GWT tree Panel

2009-03-04 Thread 144_genting

Hi i am new with gwt and am having some problems with the tree panel.
it doesnt seem to appear. really need some help here. thnxs!
below is my code.

final TreePanel treePanelVistaArrows = new SampleTree();
 //treePanelVistaArrows.setTitle(Vista Arrows);
 Panel p2 = new Panel();

class SampleTree extends TreePanel {

   public SampleTree() {
   TreeNode root = new TreeNode(Company
   TreeNode ceo = new TreeNode(Home);
   TreeNode manager1 = new TreeNode(Mind Map);
   TreeNode manager2 = new TreeNode(Info Vault);
   TreeNode manager3 = new TreeNode(Query Tree);
   TreeNode manager4 = new TreeNode(Browers



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Re: GWT tree Panel

2009-03-04 Thread 144_genting

the tree does not appear in the navigation panel that i have setup on
the lefthand side(west).

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[gwt-contrib] Comment on WAR_Design_1_6 in google-web-toolkit

2009-03-04 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by

Sorry, forgot that the build.xml compiles the classes on ant hosted.  
Without the compile task it isn't working... :-/
The problem still exist and can currently only be solved be copying classes  
and libs into a central war folder. But this isn't nessesary. Jetty is  
flexible enough to handle this issue better...
I still don't get why the classpath isn't working. This was not an issue  
with Tomcat...

For more information:


[gwt-contrib] Re: Four quick compiler code reviews -- trunk

2009-03-04 Thread BobV

On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 2:16 AM, Scott Blum wrote:
 SourceGen: all this really does is make it so that when you click on a
 JsniMethodBody in the debugger, you can see the source.

Is SourceGenerationVisitor specified to be able to recreate the
original Java input?

Also, why keep the comment braces around the toString version?


 JsModVisitor: two peephole optimizations, but the real goal is to enable
 immutable lists to be traversed, provided you don't actually try to mutate

Don't you still need to reset ctx.replaced to false?


 JsSourceInfo: this is just deleting an old file that's no longer needed;
 JsSourceInfo was superceded by SourceInfoJs.


 JsParser: The API on JsParser is kind of abysmal.  There's no reason for
 this to be stateful between calls, so I just turned this into a couple of
 static methods and updated the call sites.  I'm not 100% done with this
 patch-- I actually want to verify/tweak on this to make sure we can get
 character-level accurate SourceInfo in the JS AST.  But I figured it would
 be good to review the basic idea first.

LGTM, thought what's the call to Context.exit() for?

Bob Vawter
Google Web Toolkit Team


[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit commit] r4917 - in trunk: dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/linker dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/imp...

2009-03-04 Thread codesite-noreply

Date: Wed Mar  4 08:03:43 2009
New Revision: 4917


Allow runAsync to download code using XHR instead of
script tags.  When the XHR downloads are used, download
errors are detected and downloads can be retried later.

Review by: bobv

Modified: trunk/dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/linker/
--- trunk/dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/linker/  
+++ trunk/dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/linker/ Wed  
Mar  4 08:03:43 2009
@@ -155,13 +155,18 @@
  if (supportRunAsync) {
out.print(function __gwtStartLoadingFragment(frag) {);
+  out.indentIn();
+  out.newlineOpt();
+  out.print(  return $moduleBase + ' + FRAGMENT_SUBDIR
+  + /'  + $strongName + '/' + frag + ' + FRAGMENT_EXTENSION  
+ ';);
+  out.indentOut();
+  out.newlineOpt();
+  out.print(};);
+  out.print(function __gwtInstallCode(code) {);
-  out.print(  var script = document.createElement('script'););
-  out.print(  script.src = ' + FRAGMENT_SUBDIR + / + strongName
-  + /' + frag + ' + FRAGMENT_EXTENSION + ';);
-  out.print(   
+  out.print($wnd.eval(code));

Wed Mar  4 08:03:43 2009
@@ -180,7 +180,13 @@
  srcWriter.println(if (!loading) {);
  srcWriter.println(loading = true;);
-srcWriter.println(AsyncFragmentLoader.inject( + entryNumber + ););
+srcWriter.println(AsyncFragmentLoader.inject( + entryNumber + ,);
+srcWriter.println(  new AsyncFragmentLoader.LoadErrorHandler() {);
+srcWriter.println(public void loadFailed(Throwable reason) {);
+srcWriter.println(  loading = false;);
+srcWriter.println(  runCallbackOnFailures(reason););
+srcWriter.println(  }););

Wed Mar  4 08:03:43 2009
@@ -120,6 +120,21 @@
private HTML styleWidget = null;

+   * Whether the demo widget has been initialized.
+   */
+  private boolean widgetInitialized;
+  /**
+   * Whether the demo widget is (asynchronously) initializing.
+   */
+  private boolean widgetInitializing;
+  /**
+   * A vertical panel that holds the demo widget once it is initialized.
+   */
+  private VerticalPanel widgetVpanel;
+  /**
 * Constructor.
 * @param constants the constants
@@ -141,6 +156,12 @@

+  @Override
+  public void ensureWidget() {
+  }
 * Get the description of this example.
@@ -255,6 +276,7 @@
 * Initialize this widget by creating the elements that should be added  
to the
 * page.
+  @Override
protected final Widget createWidget() {
  deckPanel = new DeckPanel();

@@ -264,18 +286,18 @@

  // Create a container for the main example
-final VerticalPanel vPanel = new VerticalPanel();
-add(vPanel, constants.contentWidgetExample());
+widgetVpanel = new VerticalPanel();
+add(widgetVpanel, constants.contentWidgetExample());

  // Add the name
  HTML nameWidget = new HTML(getName());
  nameWidget.setStyleName(DEFAULT_STYLE_NAME + -name);

  // Add the description
  HTML descWidget = new HTML(getDescription());
  descWidget.setStyleName(DEFAULT_STYLE_NAME + -description);

[gwt-contrib] final methods in RemoteServiceServlet

2009-03-04 Thread koollx

We've been using GWT with Spring/Hibernate/GXT for over a year. Loving
every day of it.

I would like to start contributing to the project to remove little and
big annoyances and to make it better overall. First little annoyance
on the list - lots of final and private methods in
RemoteServiceServlet, which force us into creating ugly hacks that I'd
like to avoid.

First, description of the problem. We have a service-oriented
architecture where GWT client invokes various services. Services are
annotated classes that extend RemoteServiceServlet and are managed by
Spring through AOP. One service can invoke another service as well.

The first problem was encountered with 1 service invoking the other.
RemoteServiceServlet stores HttpRequest in a thread local, and
provides method getThreadLocalRequest(). This works well when a client
calls the service, but does not work when one service calls another
since each service ends up with it's own thread local instance (they
share the thread, but not the instance) and the callee has a null

I don't know why RemoteServiceServlets do not share one thread local.
Actually, that would be the cleanest fix IMHO.

If that cannot be done, at least we could have overridden
getThreadLocalRequest() had it not been declared final. The thread
local variable is private instead of protected, so there is absolutely
not clean way of fixing this.

I am also running into the same problem when trying to use
serialization from file upload request, which doesn't go through
RemoveServiceServlet.doPost() method. Long story why, but I run into
null pointer exception in getSerializationPolicy() because
getThreadLocalRequest() returns null. Of course, getSerializationPolicy
() is final so I can't fix that either!

What is the obsession with private variables and final methods? I saw
a lot of posts on in groups where people are trying to extend the
functionality and final methods prove to be stumbling blocks.

What I would like to see is:

1. Have RemoveServiceServlet share HttpRequest if called from the same
2. Make final methods of RemoveServiceServlet non-final to provide
flexibility to users

I am willing to contribute the changes and discuss ideas of course.


[gwt-contrib] Re: Four quick compiler code reviews -- trunk

2009-03-04 Thread Scott Blum
On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 9:58 AM, BobV wrote:

 On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 2:16 AM, Scott Blum wrote:
  SourceGen: all this really does is make it so that when you click on a
  JsniMethodBody in the debugger, you can see the source.

 Is SourceGenerationVisitor specified to be able to recreate the
 original Java input?

 Also, why keep the comment braces around the toString version?


SourceGenerationVisitor is should accurately recreate Java code, but
it's not guaranteed to produce something that can compile, due to certain
transformations we apply that sometimes violate what you could write by hand
in Java.

The comment braces just make it easy to see in the debugger that you're
looking at JS code.

JMethodBody produces:


JsniMethodBody produces:


  JsModVisitor: two peephole optimizations, but the real goal is to
  immutable lists to be traversed, provided you don't actually try to

 Don't you still need to reset ctx.replaced to false?


JsModVisitor.NodeContext.traverse() resets replaced internally on a new

  JsSourceInfo: this is just deleting an old file that's no longer needed;
  JsSourceInfo was superceded by SourceInfoJs.


  JsParser: The API on JsParser is kind of abysmal.  There's no reason for
  this to be stateful between calls, so I just turned this into a couple of
  static methods and updated the call sites.  I'm not 100% done with this
  patch-- I actually want to verify/tweak on this to make sure we can get
  character-level accurate SourceInfo in the JS AST.  But I figured it
  be good to review the basic idea first.

 LGTM, thought what's the call to Context.exit() for?

According to the Rhino javadoc, you are supposed to pair up calls to
Context.enter() and Context.exit().  It doesn't seem to have ever mattered
in practice in the past, but I thought I'd go ahead and fix it as future



[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit commit] r4918 - in trunk: dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/linker dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/imp...

2009-03-04 Thread codesite-noreply

Date: Wed Mar  4 10:32:11 2009
New Revision: 4918


Rolling back r4917 to clear the build for a pending 1.6 - trunk merge.

Modified: trunk/dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/linker/
--- trunk/dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/linker/  
+++ trunk/dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/linker/ Wed  
Mar  4 10:32:11 2009
@@ -155,18 +155,13 @@
  if (supportRunAsync) {
out.print(function __gwtStartLoadingFragment(frag) {);
-  out.indentIn();
-  out.newlineOpt();
-  out.print(  return $moduleBase + ' + FRAGMENT_SUBDIR
-  + /'  + $strongName + '/' + frag + ' + FRAGMENT_EXTENSION  
+ ';);
-  out.indentOut();
-  out.newlineOpt();
-  out.print(};);
-  out.print(function __gwtInstallCode(code) {);
+  out.print(  var script = document.createElement('script'););
-  out.print($wnd.eval(code));
+  out.print(  script.src = ' + FRAGMENT_SUBDIR + / + strongName
+  + /' + frag + ' + FRAGMENT_EXTENSION + ';);
+  out.print(   

Wed Mar  4 10:32:11 2009
@@ -180,13 +180,7 @@
  srcWriter.println(if (!loading) {);
  srcWriter.println(loading = true;);
-srcWriter.println(AsyncFragmentLoader.inject( + entryNumber + ,);
-srcWriter.println(  new AsyncFragmentLoader.LoadErrorHandler() {);
-srcWriter.println(public void loadFailed(Throwable reason) {);
-srcWriter.println(  loading = false;);
-srcWriter.println(  runCallbackOnFailures(reason););
-srcWriter.println(  }););
+srcWriter.println(AsyncFragmentLoader.inject( + entryNumber + ););

Wed Mar  4 10:32:11 2009
@@ -120,21 +120,6 @@
private HTML styleWidget = null;

-   * Whether the demo widget has been initialized.
-   */
-  private boolean widgetInitialized;
-  /**
-   * Whether the demo widget is (asynchronously) initializing.
-   */
-  private boolean widgetInitializing;
-  /**
-   * A vertical panel that holds the demo widget once it is initialized.
-   */
-  private VerticalPanel widgetVpanel;
-  /**
 * Constructor.
 * @param constants the constants
@@ -156,12 +141,6 @@

-  @Override
-  public void ensureWidget() {
-  }
 * Get the description of this example.
@@ -276,7 +255,6 @@
 * Initialize this widget by creating the elements that should be added  
to the
 * page.
-  @Override
protected final Widget createWidget() {
  deckPanel = new DeckPanel();

@@ -286,18 +264,18 @@

  // Create a container for the main example
-widgetVpanel = new VerticalPanel();
-add(widgetVpanel, constants.contentWidgetExample());
+final VerticalPanel vPanel = new VerticalPanel();
+add(vPanel, constants.contentWidgetExample());

  // Add the name
  HTML nameWidget = new HTML(getName());
  nameWidget.setStyleName(DEFAULT_STYLE_NAME + -name);

  // Add the description
  HTML descWidget = new HTML(getDescription());
  descWidget.setStyleName(DEFAULT_STYLE_NAME + -description);

  // Add source code tab
  if (hasSource()) {
@@ -314,6 +292,22 @@

[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit commit] r4920 - releases/1.6

2009-03-04 Thread codesite-noreply

Date: Wed Mar  4 10:55:58 2009
New Revision: 4920


Recording 1.6 - trunk merge.

Modified: releases/1.6/branch-info.txt
--- releases/1.6/branch-info.txt(original)
+++ releases/1.6/branch-info.txtWed Mar  4 10:55:58 2009
@@ -35,8 +35,11 @@
  /releases/1.6/@r4658:4669 was merged (r4670) into trunk
  /tr...@c4873 was merged (r4878) into /releases/1.6
  /trunk revision c4889 was merged (r4892) into this branch
+/releases/1.6/@r4669:4694 was merged (r4919) into trunk
+/releases/1.6/@r4695:4874 was merged (r4919) into trunk, skipping c4695  
(1.6-only change)
+/releases/1.6/@r4875:4877 was merged (r4919) into trunk, skipping c4875  
(different trunk change)
+/releases/1.6/@r4878:4891 was merged (r4919) into trunk, skipping c4878  
(cherry picked above)
+/releases/1.6/@r4892:4911 was merged (r4919) into trunk, skipping c4892  
(cherry picked above)

  The next merge into trunk will be:
-svn merge -r4669:4694 .
-svn merge -r4695:4877 .
-svn merge -r4878: .
+svn merge -r4911: .


[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit commit] r4921 - in releases/1.6/user: src/com/google/gwt/dom/client test/com/google/gwt/dom/client

2009-03-04 Thread codesite-noreply

Date: Wed Mar  4 11:23:10 2009
New Revision: 4921


In IE, Element.getAttribute(String) natively tries to get the property of  
the same name first, which results in an JS exception if the property  
return value if not of type String (ex. offsetWidth).  This patch uses a  
deferred binding for IE to coerce the return value into a string.

Patch by: jlabanca
Review by: jgw
Issue: 3238

Modified: releases/1.6/user/src/com/google/gwt/dom/client/
--- releases/1.6/user/src/com/google/gwt/dom/client/
+++ releases/1.6/user/src/com/google/gwt/dom/client/DOMImpl.javaWed Mar 
11:23:10 2009
@@ -160,6 +160,10 @@
  return top;

+  public native String getAttribute(Element elem, String name) /*-{
+return elem.getAttribute(name) || '';
+  }-*/;
public native int getBodyOffsetLeft() /*-{
  return 0;

Modified: releases/1.6/user/src/com/google/gwt/dom/client/
--- releases/1.6/user/src/com/google/gwt/dom/client/  
+++ releases/1.6/user/src/com/google/gwt/dom/client/ Wed  
Mar  4 11:23:10 2009
@@ -160,6 +160,17 @@

+  /**
+   * IE returns a numeric type for some attributes that are really  
+   * such as offsetWidth.  We need to coerce these to strings to prevent a
+   * runtime JS exception.
+   */
+  @Override
+  public native String getAttribute(Element elem, String name) /*-{
+var attr = elem.getAttribute(name);
+return attr == null? '' : attr + '';
+  }-*/;
public native int getBodyOffsetLeft() /*-{

Modified: releases/1.6/user/src/com/google/gwt/dom/client/
--- releases/1.6/user/src/com/google/gwt/dom/client/
+++ releases/1.6/user/src/com/google/gwt/dom/client/Element.javaWed Mar 
11:23:10 2009
@@ -66,15 +66,18 @@

-   * Retrieves an attribute value by name.
+   * Retrieves an attribute value by name.  Attribute support can be
+   * inconsistent across various browsers.  Consider using the accessors in
+   * {...@link Element} and its specific subclasses to retrieve attributes and
+   * properties.
 * @param name The name of the attribute to retrieve
 * @return The Attr value as a string, or the empty string if that  
 * does not have a specified or default value
-  public final native String getAttribute(String name) /*-{
- return this.getAttribute(name) || '';
-   }-*/;
+  public final String getAttribute(String name) {
+return DOMImpl.impl.getAttribute(this, name);
+  }

 * The class attribute of the element. This attribute has been renamed  
due to

Modified: releases/1.6/user/test/com/google/gwt/dom/client/
--- releases/1.6/user/test/com/google/gwt/dom/client/
+++ releases/1.6/user/test/com/google/gwt/dom/client/   Wed  
Mar  4 11:23:10 2009
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@

-   * [get|set|remove]Attribute
+   * [get|set|remove]Attribute.
public void testElementAttribute() {
  DivElement div = Document.get().createDivElement();
@@ -44,7 +44,21 @@

-   * getAbsolute[Left|Top]
+   * Ensure that the return type of an attribute is always a string. IE  
+   * not return a numeric attribute based on the element property. See  
+   * 3238.
+   */
+  public void testElementAttributeNumeric() {
+DivElement div = Document.get().createDivElement();
+div.setInnerText(Hello World);
+  }
+  /**
+   * getAbsolute[Left|Top].
public void testGetAbsolutePosition() {
  final int border = 8;
@@ -77,7 +91,7 @@

-   * scroll[Left|Top], scrollIntoView
+   * scroll[Left|Top], scrollIntoView.
public void testGetAbsolutePositionWhenScrolled() {
  final DivElement outer = Document.get().createDivElement();
@@ -111,7 +125,7 @@

-   * getParentElement
+   * getParentElement.
public void testGetParent() {

[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit commit] r4922 - in releases/1.6: doc user/src/com/google/gwt/debug/client user/src/com/google/gwt/user/cl...

2009-03-04 Thread codesite-noreply
Date: Wed Mar  4 13:11:07 2009
New Revision: 4922


Hopefully this change will break the build, because it contains a breaking  
API change; I want to see if the API checker catches it. See #3 below. A  
round of changes related to and associated  
classes, primarly:
1) Cleaning up the doc for and its classes
2) Removing from the javadoc build because  
UIObject.ensureDebugID() is not actually using it; this makes DebugInfo  
seem very out of place, and so it's better not to javadoc it until we clean  
up how it's used (see issue 3449).
3) BREAKING CHANGE: made the various deferred binding nested impl classes  
to support the debug info switch off private instead of public (they  
shouldn't have been public to begin with)
4) Added a test case for testing that DebugInfo does the right thing when  
the client property gwt.enableDebugId is set to false; we were only  
testing the true case before

Review by: jgw (desk)

Modified: releases/1.6/doc/build.xml
--- releases/1.6/doc/build.xml  (original)
+++ releases/1.6/doc/build.xml  Wed Mar  4 13:11:07 2009
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
location=${}/gwt-dev-linux.jar /

property name=USER_PKGS

property name=LANG_PKGS  
value=java.lang;java.lang.annotation;java.util;;java.sql /

Modified: releases/1.6/user/src/com/google/gwt/debug/client/
--- releases/1.6/user/src/com/google/gwt/debug/client/ 
+++ releases/1.6/user/src/com/google/gwt/debug/client/DebugInfo.javaWed  
Mar  4 13:11:07 2009
@@ -18,13 +18,15 @@

- * This class provides a set of static methods related to Debugging.
+ * Provides low-level functionality to support the creation of testing and  
diagnostic frameworks.
+ *
+ * @see
  public class DebugInfo {
 * Implementation class for {...@link DebugInfo}.
-  public static class DebugInfoImpl {
+  private static class DebugInfoImpl {
  public boolean isDebugIdEnabled() {
return false;
@@ -33,7 +35,8 @@
 * Implementation class for {...@link DebugInfo} used when debug IDs are  
-  public static class DebugInfoImplEnabled extends DebugInfoImpl {
+  @SuppressWarnings(unused)
+  private static class DebugInfoImplEnabled extends DebugInfoImpl {
  public boolean isDebugIdEnabled() {
return true;

Modified: releases/1.6/user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/
--- releases/1.6/user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/
+++ releases/1.6/user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/   Wed  
Mar  4 13:11:07 2009
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
 * The implementation of the set debug id method, which does nothing by
 * default.
-  public static class DebugIdImpl {
+  private static class DebugIdImpl {

[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit commit] r4923 - in releases/1.6/user: src/com/google/gwt/debug/client test/com/google/gwt/debug/client te...

2009-03-04 Thread codesite-noreply

Date: Wed Mar  4 13:18:20 2009
New Revision: 4923


This is should be considered atomic with r4922; I had a weird error with my  
OS X svn GUI client (the adds didn't get included).

Added: releases/1.6/user/src/com/google/gwt/debug/client/
--- (empty file)
+++ releases/1.6/user/src/com/google/gwt/debug/client/ Wed  
Mar  4 13:18:20 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ * Copyright 2009 Google Inc.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may  
+ * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a  
copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS,  
+ * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations  
+ * the License.
+ */
+ * Provides low-level functionality to support the creation of testing and
+ * diagnostic frameworks.
+ *
+ * p
+ * To use the functionality in this package, your GWT module should  
inherit the
+ * module The codeDebug/code
+ * module introduces the client property codegwt.enableDebugId/code,
+ * which controls whether or not this debug code is enabled (and therefore
+ * included in the final compiled result). It is set to codetrue/code  
+ * default, but a module being compiled for production would very likely  
want to
+ * set it to codefalse/code to avoid unnecessary extra code in the  
+ * compiled output.
+ *
+ * h3Example/h3
+ * A module using this package might look like the following:
+ *
+ * pre
+ * lt;module
+ *   lt;inherits name=''/
+ *
+ *   lt;!-- Inheriting 'Debug' on the next line makes the features  
available. --
+ *   lt;inherits name=''/
+ *
+ *   lt;!-- Disable for production by uncommenting the next line --
+ *   lt;!-- lt;set-property name=gwt.enableDebugId value=false/ --
+ *
+ *   lt;entry-point class='your-entry-point-class'/
+ * lt;/module
+ * /pre
+ */

--- (empty file)
Wed Mar  4 13:18:20 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ * Copyright 2009 Google Inc.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may  
+ * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a  
copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS,  
+ * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations  
+ * the License.
+ */
+ * Test Case for {...@link DebugInfo} when codegwt.enableDebugId/code is  
+ */
+public class DebugInfoTestDisabled extends GWTTestCase {
+  @Override
+  public String getModuleName() {
+  }
+  /**
+   * Test that the {...@link DebugInfo#isDebugIdEnabled()} method works  
correctly when debug ids are disabled.
+   */
+  public void testIsDebugIdDisabled() {
+  }

Added: releases/1.6/user/test/com/google/gwt/user/DebugTestDisabled.gwt.xml
--- (empty file)
+++ releases/1.6/user/test/com/google/gwt/user/DebugTestDisabled.gwt.xml
Wed Mar  4 13:18:20 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+!-- Copyright 2008 Google  
Inc. --
+!-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License);  
+!-- may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You  
may   --
+!-- may obtain a copy of the License  
+!-- --

[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit commit] r4924 - branches/snapshot-2009.03.03

2009-03-04 Thread codesite-noreply

Date: Wed Mar  4 13:41:01 2009
New Revision: 4924

   - copied from r4913, /trunk/

Creates snapshot-2009.03.03 from tr...@4913 via
svn copy -r4913


[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit commit] r4926 - releases/1.6/user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui

2009-03-04 Thread codesite-noreply

Date: Wed Mar  4 13:57:08 2009
New Revision: 4926


Closes '}' on @link tag in javadoc; had been causing a javadoc build  

Review: none (doc)

Modified: releases/1.6/user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/
--- releases/1.6/user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/ 
+++ releases/1.6/user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/ListBox.javaWed  
Mar  4 13:57:08 2009
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@
 * fail on Internet Explorer 6.0./em
 * @param multiple codetrue/code to allow multiple selections
-   * @deprecated use {...@link #ListBox(boolean) instead
+   * @deprecated use {...@link #ListBox(boolean)} instead
public void setMultipleSelect(boolean multiple) {


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