Re: [hlds_linux] fps changes in the last patch

2011-06-28 Thread Gary Stanley

At 04:16 AM 6/28/2011, Henry Goffin wrote:

Hi all -

Free to Play brought a huge influx of new users to Team Fortress. To 
help server counts scale up to match the demand, we are reworking 
the dedicated server for performance. We want to improve player 
responsiveness as well as to reduce CPU usage so that hosts can run 
more servers per physical server.

Some of those changes addressing CPU usage went out last night. 
Server operators should see a big decrease in CPU load and can 
potentially run more instances per physical box now. However, a side 
effect that many of you have noticed is that server FPS has an 
effective cap of 500 instead of the previous 1000, or possibly even 
lower than 500 depending on your Linux kernel HZ setting. This 
should not have a noticeable impact on gameplay as the tick rate is 
still locked (well, mostly locked) at 66 updates per second and the 
frames that are being dropped are empty frames that do not 
actually run a server tick.

We're going to address this further in another set of performance 
improvements. Sorry for the temporary confusion, but we wanted to 
get these CPU load reduction changes out quickly to help with the 
Free to Play user crush.

How about some native 64bit binaries? Using shared objects clobbers 
the ebx register on 32bit.

Longer term, we want to move away from FPS as a measure of 
performance and instead show actual load and responsiveness 
(jitter/latency) statistics. The difference between a tick and a 
frame is complicated, and fps_max sometimes affects performance in 
counter-intuitive ways. We would like to retire fps_max for servers 
and replace it with a more obvious server performance setting. We'll 
give you all a heads up before we do so.

Please also add bounds checking to the usleep call prevent fictitious 
values from inflating the server's FPS, causing idiots to sell super 
high FPS that does nothing. I have some code if you want to 
demonstrate this behavior.

gary at summit-servers dot com | gary at DragonflyBSD dot org

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Re: [hlds_linux] fps changes in the last patch

2011-06-28 Thread Gary Stanley

At 04:16 AM 6/28/2011, Henry Goffin wrote:

Hi all -

Free to Play brought a huge influx of new users to Team Fortress. To 
help server counts scale up to match the demand, we are reworking 
the dedicated server for performance. We want to improve player 
responsiveness as well as to reduce CPU usage so that hosts can run 
more servers per physical server.

Some of those changes addressing CPU usage went out last night. 
Server operators should see a big decrease in CPU load and can 
potentially run more instances per physical box now. However, a side 
effect that many of you have noticed is that server FPS has an 
effective cap of 500 instead of the previous 1000, or possibly even 
lower than 500 depending on your Linux kernel HZ setting. This 
should not have a noticeable impact on gameplay as the tick rate is 
still locked (well, mostly locked) at 66 updates per second and the 
frames that are being dropped are empty frames that do not 
actually run a server tick.

We're going to address this further in another set of performance 
improvements. Sorry for the temporary confusion, but we wanted to 
get these CPU load reduction changes out quickly to help with the 
Free to Play user crush.

How about some native 64bit binaries? Using shared objects clobbers 
the ebx register on 32bit.

Longer term, we want to move away from FPS as a measure of 
performance and instead show actual load and responsiveness 
(jitter/latency) statistics. The difference between a tick and a 
frame is complicated, and fps_max sometimes affects performance in 
counter-intuitive ways. We would like to retire fps_max for servers 
and replace it with a more obvious server performance setting. We'll 
give you all a heads up before we do so.

Please also add bounds checking to the usleep call prevent fictitious 
values from inflating the server's FPS, causing idiots to sell super 
high FPS that does nothing. I have some code if you want to 
demonstrate this behavior.

gary at summit-servers dot com | gary at DragonflyBSD dot org

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Re: [hlds_linux] Gross over usage of Syscalls.

2011-05-25 Thread Gary Stanley

At 01:32 AM 5/25/2011, Kyle Sanderson wrote:

While this has been discussed a number of times (atrocious over usage
of gettimeofday has been worked around). Can there be something done
regarding the abuse of syscalls? I mean, something like this isn't really that great. For instance,
every 1 out of 4 futex syscalls fail due to timing out (shown in that
picture). This is just expensive and downright silly. Not much can be
done on our end without the source to SRCDS, which no doubt will not
be released. The CPU usage that SRCDS manages to chug is borderline
suicidal for the end result, not to mention the countless places in
the engine where memory continues to leak like a sieve. This effects
and hurts everyone. The 'serious' people who host servers cannot use
Windows due to the lack of Symbols.

Abuse of syscalls? No offense, but strace/ktrace/truss et al only 
show syscalls, not flow of code! It measures the amount of syscalls 
and usage of them in CPU time. I could write a program to loop main() 
and chew up 99% CPU and no syscalls will be generated.

Maybe you could post what is timing out? It's probably doing EAGAIN 
over and over..

strace -Ff -s 9 -p whatever

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Re: [hlds_linux] Gross over usage of Syscalls.

2011-05-25 Thread Gary Stanley

At 01:32 AM 5/25/2011, Kyle Sanderson wrote:

While this has been discussed a number of times (atrocious over usage
of gettimeofday has been worked around). Can there be something done
regarding the abuse of syscalls? I mean, something like this isn't really that great. For instance,
every 1 out of 4 futex syscalls fail due to timing out (shown in that
picture). This is just expensive and downright silly. Not much can be
done on our end without the source to SRCDS, which no doubt will not
be released. The CPU usage that SRCDS manages to chug is borderline
suicidal for the end result, not to mention the countless places in
the engine where memory continues to leak like a sieve. This effects
and hurts everyone. The 'serious' people who host servers cannot use
Windows due to the lack of Symbols.

Abuse of syscalls? No offense, but strace/ktrace/truss et al only 
show syscalls, not flow of code! It measures the amount of syscalls 
and usage of them in CPU time. I could write a program to loop main() 
and chew up 99% CPU and no syscalls will be generated.

Maybe you could post what is timing out? It's probably doing EAGAIN 
over and over..

strace -Ff -s 9 -p whatever

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Re: [hlds_linux] Questions about minimum CPU for 32 slot TF2 and taskset

2011-05-21 Thread Gary Stanley

At 03:06 AM 5/21/2011, Christoffer Pedersen wrote:
1. Its a good question. Many administrators optimizes their kernel 
to get better performance, which i can recommend. I have en 
overclocked i7 which runs on 3.73ghz and it did at least not have 
any problems at all with running a 64 slot server filled with bots. 
I would say that 3 ghz would do fine.

Define performance. I think the context you are thinking is not performance.

2. If you are running more servers than the amount of cores, i 
recommend to use the load balancer. If you run the same amount or 
less than the amount of cores i would use taskset.

Taskset is useful to prevent cacheline pingpongs and context 
switching on the same core.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Questions about minimum CPU for 32 slot TF2 and taskset

2011-05-21 Thread Gary Stanley

At 03:06 AM 5/21/2011, Christoffer Pedersen wrote:
1. Its a good question. Many administrators optimizes their kernel 
to get better performance, which i can recommend. I have en 
overclocked i7 which runs on 3.73ghz and it did at least not have 
any problems at all with running a 64 slot server filled with bots. 
I would say that 3 ghz would do fine.

Define performance. I think the context you are thinking is not performance.

2. If you are running more servers than the amount of cores, i 
recommend to use the load balancer. If you run the same amount or 
less than the amount of cores i would use taskset.

Taskset is useful to prevent cacheline pingpongs and context 
switching on the same core.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Mandatory TF2 update coming

2011-04-18 Thread Gary Stanley

At 08:42 PM 4/18/2011, Brian Simon wrote:

You are a moran.

Are you are like 12 years old?

G. Monk Stanley
gary at summit-servers dot com | gary at DragonflyBSD dot org

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Re: [hlds_linux] Mandatory TF2 update coming

2011-04-18 Thread Gary Stanley

At 08:42 PM 4/18/2011, Brian Simon wrote:

You are a moran.

Are you are like 12 years old?

G. Monk Stanley
gary at summit-servers dot com | gary at DragonflyBSD dot org

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Re: [hlds_linux] Low srcds FPS

2011-03-30 Thread Gary Stanley

At 10:15 AM 3/30/2011, Claudio Beretta wrote:

Is this trolling or just a naive question? :)

The server tickrate controls how many times per second the server updates
the world model and send data to players. higher tickrate means higher
precision in the simulation, lower ping, and more resilience to packet loss
(smaller time interval that the clients have to interpolate in case
something goes wrong). Tick 100 servers run noticeably better than tick 66
servers and blow away tick 33 servers.
The server fps controls how many times per second the server checks if it
should run a tick. Running the server at exactly fps == tickrate for
orangebox is great, but if you can't guarantee that you should run at at
least 2x the tickrate (running at 66 fps with a 66 tickrate means that that
the system will wake srcds every 15.15ms and compute a tick every time;
running at 67 fps means that the system wakes srcds every 14.92ms and
compute a tick most of the times, and then wait the 67th frame (other
14.92ms) doing nothing)
Client tickrate should match the server tickrate, and client fps should be
higher or matching client tickrate. Client fps are unrelated to server fps,
and may or may not be bound to the monitor refresh rate.
this is my (simplified) understanding of how the orangebox works, i'm not
claiming it is 100% exact but at least it makes sense :P

Your understanding was copy-and-pasted from that idiot that runs FPS 
meter. You cannot precisely have a simulation rate at 15.00ms. At 
15.11ms it's still 15.00 due to rounding, and 14.95 is 15.00 because 
of rounding.  VALVe games run just like Quake games, so fundamentally 
they operate in the same manner, even though prototypes are different etc.

It would be nice if everyone would simply just play the game at stock 
settings. Otherwise, you'll have 10,000 servers are running 
differently causing confusion to everyone, and perhaps widely varying results.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Low srcds FPS

2011-03-30 Thread Gary Stanley

At 06:25 PM 3/30/2011, Claudio Beretta wrote:
are you saying that the source-orangebox engine works the same as 
quake games? (quake 1?)
and that valve measures time (in-game time, not valve time.. that 
would always overflow) in milliseconds in a integer variable?

I am saying that VALVe games are based on Quake code, and even 
looking at it in a debugger shows similarities between code.  I am 
not saying it works exactly like quake 1, but the fundamentals are 
there, just different.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Low srcds FPS

2011-03-30 Thread Gary Stanley

At 06:25 PM 3/30/2011, Claudio Beretta wrote:
are you saying that the source-orangebox engine works the same as 
quake games? (quake 1?)
and that valve measures time (in-game time, not valve time.. that 
would always overflow) in milliseconds in a integer variable?

I am saying that VALVe games are based on Quake code, and even 
looking at it in a debugger shows similarities between code.  I am 
not saying it works exactly like quake 1, but the fundamentals are 
there, just different.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Sense of ServerFPS?

2011-02-04 Thread Gary Stanley

At 08:30 AM 2/4/2011, Andre Müller wrote:

Hi all,
What is the sense of the server-fps in the orangebox engine (CS:S)?
Are there any improofments when you raise the server-fps?
At the moment there are many game server providers which offer
gameservers with more than 20.000 FPS.
All of them are using a libhack to break the 1000FPS-Limit.

I was one of the first people ever to write a 
'lib' to alter usleep data to make it return more 
often, 'cranking' the FPS, so I know quite a big 
about it. After awhile I noticed the only thing 
the libs were doing was calling nanosleep more 
and more, eating up large amounts of CPU power.

There is absolutely NO way a 60fps server does 
better than a 60,000FPS server. None. Zilch. 
Nada. The only people who defend High-FPS are the 
people who have clients (and those clients have 
an electrical fire in their heads).

The following doesn't make you kill people any better:

1.) Real time kernels
2.) Booster libs
3.) HPET/TSC as a timer
4.) Running processes with SCHED_FIFO
5.) x86_64 based kernels
6.) Stable FPS
7.) Better ethernet card drivers.

People who sell high FPS servers (over 1) 
with libs are RIPPING PEOPLE OFF. Because libs 
alter usleep to return more often, so when the game calls

game - gettimeofday() */ step time in the engine */
game - usleep(1000);
OS - return 1ms or a little more due to scheduler and timers
game - gettimeofday(); /* step time again, 
calculate last usleep/gettimeofday delay and 
subtract difference and round it up for FPS*/

Here's what a cheating lib does:

game - gettimeofday() */ step time in the engine */
game - usleep(1000);
OS - Return  1ms
gettimeofday(); /* step time again, calculate 
last usleep delay and subtract difference and round it up */

You're altering the struct timeval in usleep to 
return MORE often, reducing the delays. This is 
cheating because the engine calls usleep(1000); and not usleep(10);

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Re: [hlds_linux] Sense of ServerFPS?

2011-02-04 Thread Gary Stanley

At 08:30 AM 2/4/2011, Andre Müller wrote:

Hi all,
What is the sense of the server-fps in the orangebox engine (CS:S)?
Are there any improofments when you raise the server-fps?
At the moment there are many game server providers which offer
gameservers with more than 20.000 FPS.
All of them are using a libhack to break the 1000FPS-Limit.

I was one of the first people ever to write a 
'lib' to alter usleep data to make it return more 
often, 'cranking' the FPS, so I know quite a big 
about it. After awhile I noticed the only thing 
the libs were doing was calling nanosleep more 
and more, eating up large amounts of CPU power.

There is absolutely NO way a 60fps server does 
better than a 60,000FPS server. None. Zilch. 
Nada. The only people who defend High-FPS are the 
people who have clients (and those clients have 
an electrical fire in their heads).

The following doesn't make you kill people any better:

1.) Real time kernels
2.) Booster libs
3.) HPET/TSC as a timer
4.) Running processes with SCHED_FIFO
5.) x86_64 based kernels
6.) Stable FPS
7.) Better ethernet card drivers.

People who sell high FPS servers (over 1) 
with libs are RIPPING PEOPLE OFF. Because libs 
alter usleep to return more often, so when the game calls

game - gettimeofday() */ step time in the engine */
game - usleep(1000);
OS - return 1ms or a little more due to scheduler and timers
game - gettimeofday(); /* step time again, 
calculate last usleep/gettimeofday delay and 
subtract difference and round it up for FPS*/

Here's what a cheating lib does:

game - gettimeofday() */ step time in the engine */
game - usleep(1000);
OS - Return  1ms
gettimeofday(); /* step time again, calculate 
last usleep delay and subtract difference and round it up */

You're altering the struct timeval in usleep to 
return MORE often, reducing the delays. This is 
cheating because the engine calls usleep(1000); and not usleep(10);

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Re: [hlds_linux] Is today's TF2/DODS/CSS update a required server update?

2011-01-28 Thread Gary Stanley

At 09:20 AM 1/28/2011, Emil Larsson wrote:

Since it requires a handshake, TCP is impossible to spoof (unlike UDP). It
would make it a bit easier to block IP's since a handshake will fail if a
spoofed IP is used. Of course, most DOS bugs in SRCDS are from bugs and lack
of packet caching/priority.

Errr.. You can spoof  most of IP, just not the handshakes. That's why 
synfloods multilate servers, because of their sheer PPS. Most ISP's 
don't use BCP38, so it's easier for source-routed IPs to leave their 
network. Bottom line is you cannot protect yourself against DDOS. 
Only thing you can do is hope you have more transit than the attackers.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Is today's TF2/DODS/CSS update a required server update?

2011-01-28 Thread Gary Stanley

At 09:20 AM 1/28/2011, Emil Larsson wrote:

Since it requires a handshake, TCP is impossible to spoof (unlike UDP). It
would make it a bit easier to block IP's since a handshake will fail if a
spoofed IP is used. Of course, most DOS bugs in SRCDS are from bugs and lack
of packet caching/priority.

Errr.. You can spoof  most of IP, just not the handshakes. That's why 
synfloods multilate servers, because of their sheer PPS. Most ISP's 
don't use BCP38, so it's easier for source-routed IPs to leave their 
network. Bottom line is you cannot protect yourself against DDOS. 
Only thing you can do is hope you have more transit than the attackers.

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Re: [hlds_linux] HT on or off for HLDS 1.6?

2011-01-19 Thread Gary Stanley

At 03:06 PM 1/19/2011, C Szabo wrote:

Hey, i am wondering if Hyper-Threading (HT) is good or bad for HLDS 
1.6 servers. We are running Debian.

Dell PowerEdge R410
Chassi: 1U rack
Chip: Intel 5500 Chipset
CPU: Dual Intel Xeon X5650 (12M Cache, 2.66 GHz, 6.40 GT/s Intel QPI)
Memory: 12GB DDR3
Harddrive: 2x250GB, SATA, 3.5-in, 7.2K RPM (raid1)
Networkcard: Broadcom NetXtreme II 5709 Dual Port 1GbE
Bandwidth: Gigabit

HT in old P4 chips was bad, but newer ones is OK.

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Re: [hlds_linux] HT on or off for HLDS 1.6?

2011-01-19 Thread Gary Stanley

At 03:06 PM 1/19/2011, C Szabo wrote:

Hey, i am wondering if Hyper-Threading (HT) is good or bad for HLDS 
1.6 servers. We are running Debian.

Dell PowerEdge R410
Chassi: 1U rack
Chip: Intel 5500 Chipset
CPU: Dual Intel Xeon X5650 (12M Cache, 2.66 GHz, 6.40 GT/s Intel QPI)
Memory: 12GB DDR3
Harddrive: 2x250GB, SATA, 3.5-in, 7.2K RPM (raid1)
Networkcard: Broadcom NetXtreme II 5709 Dual Port 1GbE
Bandwidth: Gigabit

HT in old P4 chips was bad, but newer ones is OK.

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[hlds_linux] Serverside FPS jitter

2010-11-15 Thread Gary Stanley
I guess the new sales pitches are that when a server has FPS jitter 
(from say, 100 to 150 or 66 to 90) that is bad and causes all kinds of issues.

Can valve PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE remove FPS from rcon stats or do 
something to prevent it's behavior from being altered? Or lock it at 
1:1 so it scales with the tickrate?

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[hlds_linux] Serverside FPS jitter

2010-11-15 Thread Gary Stanley
I guess the new sales pitches are that when a server has FPS jitter 
(from say, 100 to 150 or 66 to 90) that is bad and causes all kinds of issues.

Can valve PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE remove FPS from rcon stats or do 
something to prevent it's behavior from being altered? Or lock it at 
1:1 so it scales with the tickrate?

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Re: [hlds_linux] Serverside FPS jitter

2010-11-15 Thread Gary Stanley

At 06:37 AM 11/15/2010, Björn Rohlén wrote:

Instead of hiding the server_fps, it would be better to explain it in


From: Alfred Reynolds
To: 'Gary Stanley'
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2009 16:48:29 -0700
Subject: RE: Negative usleep adding to FPS
Thread-Topic: Negative usleep adding to FPS
Thread-Index: AcoqlMdxCOaoY+wIRuukr2N1qqVNMwAAJ3Lw
Accept-Language: en-US
acceptlanguage: en-US
X-Mlf-UniqueId: o200908312349180056866
X-Spam-Status: No, score=-6.0
X-Spam-Score: -59
X-Spam-Bar: --
X-Spam-Flag: NO

The server FPS is simply cycles / time, where 
time is from gettimeofday(), with some bounds on 
the minimum usleep so making the usleep actually 
less will crank up the server FPS (but not the 
simulation HZ, so the game isn't actually faster, for Source engine games).

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Re: [hlds_linux] Serverside FPS jitter

2010-11-15 Thread Gary Stanley

At 06:37 AM 11/15/2010, Björn Rohlén wrote:

Instead of hiding the server_fps, it would be better to explain it in


From: Alfred Reynolds
To: 'Gary Stanley'
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2009 16:48:29 -0700
Subject: RE: Negative usleep adding to FPS
Thread-Topic: Negative usleep adding to FPS
Thread-Index: AcoqlMdxCOaoY+wIRuukr2N1qqVNMwAAJ3Lw
Accept-Language: en-US
acceptlanguage: en-US
X-Mlf-UniqueId: o200908312349180056866
X-Spam-Status: No, score=-6.0
X-Spam-Score: -59
X-Spam-Bar: --
X-Spam-Flag: NO

The server FPS is simply cycles / time, where 
time is from gettimeofday(), with some bounds on 
the minimum usleep so making the usleep actually 
less will crank up the server FPS (but not the 
simulation HZ, so the game isn't actually faster, for Source engine games).

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Re: [hlds_linux] Serverside FPS jitter

2010-11-15 Thread Gary Stanley

At 01:25 PM 11/15/2010, John wrote:
I agree that a better explanation from Valve would be good to squash 
some of the speculation on what FPS really means (the docs I've seen 
talk about tickrate, but not FPS). Maybe there's an official one out 
there, and we just need to find it.

Gary, I'm not sure that you're right about seemingly small amounts 
of jitter never representing a problem. Imagine a scenario in which 
a server runs at 10fps and a tickrate of 5, with this timeline:

The realized FPS here in this case would be 7, and the realized 
tickrate would be 4. This means that the FPS didn't dip all that 
much and still exceeds the tickrate, and yet the client would have 
seen a (very noticeable, at this resolution) glitch in gameplay.

Scale this up to higher FPS and tickrate values, and it's quite 
possible that a dip from 150 to 100, or 90 to 66, could represent a 
problem. Does it always, and is it always noticeable? No, I wouldn't 
say that. But, realized FPS is still the best measure of purely 
server-side performance that we currently have at our disposal.

I would like to see a realized tickrate number in addition to, or 
instead of, FPS. Locking the FPS rate to the tickrate (as L4D/L4D2 
servers do, by default) also effectively gives us this, but 
presumably there is a benefit to having a decoupled higher FPS, such 
as by splitting up some of the network processing work into smaller 
chunks so that ticks take less time.

(In the real world, what could cause a tick to take so long? 
Commonly, a misbehaved plugin or long disk write. The latter can be 
caused by very heavy background disk access when the server is 
flushing out a log.)


Page fault latency wouldn't really cause huge delays at all from an 
application, unless you are running real time application and you 
need to get rid of jitter completely from doing a write() to disk 
(which directly goes to the filesystem buffer cache until you call 
fsync() (IIRC on linux)) You're always going to have jitter from 
syscalls, and syscalls are exactly what is used to generate what 
'FPS' says.. (gettimeofday has nanosecond precision, so with erroring 
and rounding, you're going to have more variances than with a 
microsecond one, it has way more erroring; because it's more 
sensitive to it's own enviornment, ie: temperature of the PLL/quartz, 
motherboard, I/O load, kernel scheduler, etc)

The point I am trying to make here is that with all the info you 
provided above, it's still speculation. Network frames are driven by 
the timers off of nanosleep, and gettimeofday is used to step time 
inside of the engine. I know this because the engine is based off of 
quake 3, and it does share parts of it (the network engine is just 
like it). I am not sure I agree with your statement that FPS is used 
to measure serverside performance, I thought it was people's latency 
to the server (lower latency means less error prediction)

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Re: [hlds_linux] Serverside FPS jitter

2010-11-15 Thread Gary Stanley

At 01:25 PM 11/15/2010, John wrote:
I agree that a better explanation from Valve would be good to squash 
some of the speculation on what FPS really means (the docs I've seen 
talk about tickrate, but not FPS). Maybe there's an official one out 
there, and we just need to find it.

Gary, I'm not sure that you're right about seemingly small amounts 
of jitter never representing a problem. Imagine a scenario in which 
a server runs at 10fps and a tickrate of 5, with this timeline:

The realized FPS here in this case would be 7, and the realized 
tickrate would be 4. This means that the FPS didn't dip all that 
much and still exceeds the tickrate, and yet the client would have 
seen a (very noticeable, at this resolution) glitch in gameplay.

Scale this up to higher FPS and tickrate values, and it's quite 
possible that a dip from 150 to 100, or 90 to 66, could represent a 
problem. Does it always, and is it always noticeable? No, I wouldn't 
say that. But, realized FPS is still the best measure of purely 
server-side performance that we currently have at our disposal.

I would like to see a realized tickrate number in addition to, or 
instead of, FPS. Locking the FPS rate to the tickrate (as L4D/L4D2 
servers do, by default) also effectively gives us this, but 
presumably there is a benefit to having a decoupled higher FPS, such 
as by splitting up some of the network processing work into smaller 
chunks so that ticks take less time.

(In the real world, what could cause a tick to take so long? 
Commonly, a misbehaved plugin or long disk write. The latter can be 
caused by very heavy background disk access when the server is 
flushing out a log.)


Page fault latency wouldn't really cause huge delays at all from an 
application, unless you are running real time application and you 
need to get rid of jitter completely from doing a write() to disk 
(which directly goes to the filesystem buffer cache until you call 
fsync() (IIRC on linux)) You're always going to have jitter from 
syscalls, and syscalls are exactly what is used to generate what 
'FPS' says.. (gettimeofday has nanosecond precision, so with erroring 
and rounding, you're going to have more variances than with a 
microsecond one, it has way more erroring; because it's more 
sensitive to it's own enviornment, ie: temperature of the PLL/quartz, 
motherboard, I/O load, kernel scheduler, etc)

The point I am trying to make here is that with all the info you 
provided above, it's still speculation. Network frames are driven by 
the timers off of nanosleep, and gettimeofday is used to step time 
inside of the engine. I know this because the engine is based off of 
quake 3, and it does share parts of it (the network engine is just 
like it). I am not sure I agree with your statement that FPS is used 
to measure serverside performance, I thought it was people's latency 
to the server (lower latency means less error prediction)

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Re: [hlds_linux] Serverside FPS jitter

2010-11-15 Thread Gary Stanley

At 03:17 PM 11/15/2010, John wrote:

 I know this because the engine is based off of quake 3

Half-Life predates the release of quake3. From what Valve has 
previously said, the original GoldSrc engine was based off an 
improved quake and quake2 engine. Source and Orangebox have a 
significant amount of changes from GoldSrc.

But, what I said applies to all of these.

Actually, now that I think about it, the example I previously gave 
mainly applies to Source/OB. GoldSrc, quake-based games, and most 
games in general have a FPS that is directly tied to the tickrate, 
IIRC. On those, FPS dips would also represent tickrate dips.


You're talking about sv_fps on the quake engines. sv_fps was used for 
the heartbeat of certain operations, ie: a sv_fps of 20 is 50ms 
heartbeats, and increasing the heartbeats caused the engine to screw 
up because most animations etc all depend on the heartbeats to be 
50ms instead of 33.3 (for 30). I know all about this, well, because I 
used to be on the OSP team back in the day, so I know the engine 
quite extensively.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Serverside FPS jitter

2010-11-15 Thread Gary Stanley

At 03:17 PM 11/15/2010, John wrote:

 I know this because the engine is based off of quake 3

Half-Life predates the release of quake3. From what Valve has 
previously said, the original GoldSrc engine was based off an 
improved quake and quake2 engine. Source and Orangebox have a 
significant amount of changes from GoldSrc.

But, what I said applies to all of these.

Actually, now that I think about it, the example I previously gave 
mainly applies to Source/OB. GoldSrc, quake-based games, and most 
games in general have a FPS that is directly tied to the tickrate, 
IIRC. On those, FPS dips would also represent tickrate dips.


You're talking about sv_fps on the quake engines. sv_fps was used for 
the heartbeat of certain operations, ie: a sv_fps of 20 is 50ms 
heartbeats, and increasing the heartbeats caused the engine to screw 
up because most animations etc all depend on the heartbeats to be 
50ms instead of 33.3 (for 30). I know all about this, well, because I 
used to be on the OSP team back in the day, so I know the engine 
quite extensively.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Serverside FPS jitter

2010-11-15 Thread Gary Stanley

At 02:48 PM 11/15/2010, John wrote:
 Page fault latency wouldn't really cause huge delays at all from 
an application

If you're referring to what I said about log writes, this doesn't 
relate to page faults. Log lines simply have to be written to disk, 
and when the OS determines that it shouldn't (or can't) cache these 
writes and return immediately, it becomes a blocking operation, 
leading to reduced server performance. I've run extensive tests on 
this and discussed the situation with Valve.

That is very debatable. I have a hard time believing that writing 
tiny files affects 'performance', and I emphasized that word because 
I have no idea what baseline performance is in the context of a game 
server. Writing anything to disk from cache takes a hit anyways, ie: 
TLB hits/misses, etc.

 You're always going to have jitter from syscalls, and syscalls 
are exactly what is used to generate what 'FPS' says..

Syscall latency is generally not enough to make a server drop from 
150 to 100 FPS, as in your initial example. If it does, there's a 
serious OS-side performance issue.

Do you know where the 'FPS' gets it's number from?

 The point I am trying to make here is that with all the info you 
provided above, it's still speculation.

By asking that the FPS number be removed from stats output, you 
seem to be indicating that it is not a valid measure of performance. 
I don't believe that is the case.

Again, that is debatable. For too long there have been many many 
people (including myself at one point) that claim/claimed high FPS 
was great and did this and that. Well, after reverse engineering, I 
have come to the conclusion that FPS only drives the engines time for 
things like snaps (not sure what the term is for VALVe games, snaps 
are quake 3 terms) and a few other things..

I guess all and all, people only complain about the FPS of a server 
because they don't realize most things in a game are estimated due to 
general relativity, interpolation/exterp, prediction, etc.


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Re: [hlds_linux] Serverside FPS jitter

2010-11-15 Thread Gary Stanley

At 02:48 PM 11/15/2010, John wrote:
 Page fault latency wouldn't really cause huge delays at all from 
an application

If you're referring to what I said about log writes, this doesn't 
relate to page faults. Log lines simply have to be written to disk, 
and when the OS determines that it shouldn't (or can't) cache these 
writes and return immediately, it becomes a blocking operation, 
leading to reduced server performance. I've run extensive tests on 
this and discussed the situation with Valve.

That is very debatable. I have a hard time believing that writing 
tiny files affects 'performance', and I emphasized that word because 
I have no idea what baseline performance is in the context of a game 
server. Writing anything to disk from cache takes a hit anyways, ie: 
TLB hits/misses, etc.

 You're always going to have jitter from syscalls, and syscalls 
are exactly what is used to generate what 'FPS' says..

Syscall latency is generally not enough to make a server drop from 
150 to 100 FPS, as in your initial example. If it does, there's a 
serious OS-side performance issue.

Do you know where the 'FPS' gets it's number from?

 The point I am trying to make here is that with all the info you 
provided above, it's still speculation.

By asking that the FPS number be removed from stats output, you 
seem to be indicating that it is not a valid measure of performance. 
I don't believe that is the case.

Again, that is debatable. For too long there have been many many 
people (including myself at one point) that claim/claimed high FPS 
was great and did this and that. Well, after reverse engineering, I 
have come to the conclusion that FPS only drives the engines time for 
things like snaps (not sure what the term is for VALVe games, snaps 
are quake 3 terms) and a few other things..

I guess all and all, people only complain about the FPS of a server 
because they don't realize most things in a game are estimated due to 
general relativity, interpolation/exterp, prediction, etc.


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Re: [hlds_linux] Serverside FPS jitter

2010-11-15 Thread Gary Stanley

At 07:22 PM 11/15/2010, John wrote:

 I have a hard time believing that writing tiny files affects 'performance'

Under the scenario I described, it occurs. Physical media can only 
handle a certain number of IOPs, and with heavy disk access forcing 
the write cache to fill and the OS to suspend further writes, every 
transaction has to wait extra time. If you're curious to know more, 
check out the documentation on vm.dirty_ratio for Linux (though I 
mostly see this happen on Windows servers).

You're also missing the design limitations of the actual drives. 
Assuming  IDE/SATA, the disks do not support disconnected writes, 
which is a significant performance bottleneck when you are writing to 
the disk; only disconnected reads are supported. So that means 
anything you write to cache you take a performance hit (and possibly 
latency, as you only get 1 outstanding write for each drive, on a 
RAID array, you get multiple writes (1 per disk))

SAS/SCSI drives have 128 concurrent writes (tagged command queue depth).

 I have no idea what baseline performance is in the context of a 
game server.

The baseline performance in that case would be no background disk access.

mlock()? Memory backed filesystem that doesn't cause faults? 
different drives? sockets? null?

 Writing anything to disk from cache takes a hit anyways, ie: TLB 
hits/misses, etc.

I'm not talking about nanosecond-level differences when I talk about 
delays from disk writes, as TLB hits/misses would cause. I'm talking 
about multiple-millisecond delays. The typical SATA drive has on the 
order of a ~10ms latency, and having to wait on a log write causes 
noticeable spikes/delays.

See above.

 Do you know where the 'FPS' gets it's number from?

This was previously discussed.

(tv2 - tv1 * 10e5) / %1000 (IIRC, it's been a long time)

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Re: [hlds_linux] Serverside FPS jitter

2010-11-15 Thread Gary Stanley

At 07:22 PM 11/15/2010, John wrote:

 I have a hard time believing that writing tiny files affects 'performance'

Under the scenario I described, it occurs. Physical media can only 
handle a certain number of IOPs, and with heavy disk access forcing 
the write cache to fill and the OS to suspend further writes, every 
transaction has to wait extra time. If you're curious to know more, 
check out the documentation on vm.dirty_ratio for Linux (though I 
mostly see this happen on Windows servers).

You're also missing the design limitations of the actual drives. 
Assuming  IDE/SATA, the disks do not support disconnected writes, 
which is a significant performance bottleneck when you are writing to 
the disk; only disconnected reads are supported. So that means 
anything you write to cache you take a performance hit (and possibly 
latency, as you only get 1 outstanding write for each drive, on a 
RAID array, you get multiple writes (1 per disk))

SAS/SCSI drives have 128 concurrent writes (tagged command queue depth).

 I have no idea what baseline performance is in the context of a 
game server.

The baseline performance in that case would be no background disk access.

mlock()? Memory backed filesystem that doesn't cause faults? 
different drives? sockets? null?

 Writing anything to disk from cache takes a hit anyways, ie: TLB 
hits/misses, etc.

I'm not talking about nanosecond-level differences when I talk about 
delays from disk writes, as TLB hits/misses would cause. I'm talking 
about multiple-millisecond delays. The typical SATA drive has on the 
order of a ~10ms latency, and having to wait on a log write causes 
noticeable spikes/delays.

See above.

 Do you know where the 'FPS' gets it's number from?

This was previously discussed.

(tv2 - tv1 * 10e5) / %1000 (IIRC, it's been a long time)

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Re: [hlds_linux] Serverside FPS jitter

2010-11-15 Thread Gary Stanley

At 12:32 AM 11/16/2010, John wrote:
You're also missing the design limitations of the actual drives. 
Assuming  IDE/SATA, the disks do not support disconnected writes, 
which is a significant performance bottleneck when you are writing 
to the disk...SAS/SCSI drives have 128 concurrent writes (tagged 
command queue depth).

I'm not sure what you mean by also missing, since I have been 
spot-on about disk writes potentially causing performance problems, 
and what you're saying supports what I said before. This is 
something that I have studied extensively.

I am talking about the physical drive design. Not the OS's inability 
to stop causing huge amounts of latency because of x/y/z kernel 

You are misinformed about SATA drives. Many do support NCQ, which is 
the equivalent to TCQ on SAS/SCSI. The OS also maintains its cache 
and uses a scheduler to try to optimize writes, usually doing a 
decent job at maintaining a good rate of IOPs. Regardless of the 
NCQ/TCQ capability, the same performance problem would exist, given 
heavy enough disk access.

No. SATA drives don't seem to support disconnected writes. Writing to 
disk on SATA is a latency killer. (Read through the SATA spec, it's 
there, probably on wikipedia too). I didn't know NCQ allowed 32 
commands to be store-and-executed, I thought it was 8 or 16.

I know how OS's work, btw.

My comment about log writes listed them as an example of something 
that can make a tick take longer than anticipated, along with 
plugins (and the game itself). This is a valid example, but even if 
it were not valid, the overall assertion stands.

 I have no idea what baseline performance is in the context of a 
game server.

The baseline performance in that case would be no background disk access.

mlock()? Memory backed filesystem that doesn't cause faults? 
different drives? sockets? null?

I think there might be a misunderstanding here. My example was that 
disk write delays due to logging during periods of heavy disk writes 
are one factor that I have seen lead to a performance problem and at 
the same time cause FPS dips. The baseline performance case for that 
particular scenario is very simple and as I described. I was not 
suggesting that there are no other reasons for FPS dips, or 
suggesting a baseline performance description for all scenarios. 
This is also a very small piece of what I said as a whole.


If logging causes you performance.. problems, turn off logging? Stuff 
your logs into a socket? How about hack in a fix yourself with 
reverse engineering and .so's?

I guess they could have a separate thread with an IPI-like that is 
only used for disk writes.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Serverside FPS jitter

2010-11-15 Thread Gary Stanley

At 12:32 AM 11/16/2010, John wrote:
You're also missing the design limitations of the actual drives. 
Assuming  IDE/SATA, the disks do not support disconnected writes, 
which is a significant performance bottleneck when you are writing 
to the disk...SAS/SCSI drives have 128 concurrent writes (tagged 
command queue depth).

I'm not sure what you mean by also missing, since I have been 
spot-on about disk writes potentially causing performance problems, 
and what you're saying supports what I said before. This is 
something that I have studied extensively.

I am talking about the physical drive design. Not the OS's inability 
to stop causing huge amounts of latency because of x/y/z kernel 

You are misinformed about SATA drives. Many do support NCQ, which is 
the equivalent to TCQ on SAS/SCSI. The OS also maintains its cache 
and uses a scheduler to try to optimize writes, usually doing a 
decent job at maintaining a good rate of IOPs. Regardless of the 
NCQ/TCQ capability, the same performance problem would exist, given 
heavy enough disk access.

No. SATA drives don't seem to support disconnected writes. Writing to 
disk on SATA is a latency killer. (Read through the SATA spec, it's 
there, probably on wikipedia too). I didn't know NCQ allowed 32 
commands to be store-and-executed, I thought it was 8 or 16.

I know how OS's work, btw.

My comment about log writes listed them as an example of something 
that can make a tick take longer than anticipated, along with 
plugins (and the game itself). This is a valid example, but even if 
it were not valid, the overall assertion stands.

 I have no idea what baseline performance is in the context of a 
game server.

The baseline performance in that case would be no background disk access.

mlock()? Memory backed filesystem that doesn't cause faults? 
different drives? sockets? null?

I think there might be a misunderstanding here. My example was that 
disk write delays due to logging during periods of heavy disk writes 
are one factor that I have seen lead to a performance problem and at 
the same time cause FPS dips. The baseline performance case for that 
particular scenario is very simple and as I described. I was not 
suggesting that there are no other reasons for FPS dips, or 
suggesting a baseline performance description for all scenarios. 
This is also a very small piece of what I said as a whole.


If logging causes you performance.. problems, turn off logging? Stuff 
your logs into a socket? How about hack in a fix yourself with 
reverse engineering and .so's?

I guess they could have a separate thread with an IPI-like that is 
only used for disk writes.

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Re: [hlds_linux] TF2 server multi-threaded support

2010-09-03 Thread Gary Stanley

At 08:40 AM 9/3/2010, Daniel Vogel wrote:

The old games were fast because the developers knew that they have to
run on a 128 MHz turbo processor, so they've made it performant.
Nowadays with the fancy 3,66 GHz machines developers don't think about
the performance that much anymore. If they need a feature they just
put it in, which wasn't thinkable in the quake days.
I wish everyone would just have those 33 - 66 turbo processors again
so developers had to think more again about the performance...

Old games were faster because they were smaller. Sorry, but this is a 
fact. Small code usually always runs faster on the stack.

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Re: [hlds_linux] TF2 server multi-threaded support

2010-09-03 Thread Gary Stanley

At 08:40 AM 9/3/2010, Daniel Vogel wrote:

The old games were fast because the developers knew that they have to
run on a 128 MHz turbo processor, so they've made it performant.
Nowadays with the fancy 3,66 GHz machines developers don't think about
the performance that much anymore. If they need a feature they just
put it in, which wasn't thinkable in the quake days.
I wish everyone would just have those 33 - 66 turbo processors again
so developers had to think more again about the performance...

Old games were faster because they were smaller. Sorry, but this is a 
fact. Small code usually always runs faster on the stack.

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Re: [hlds_linux] newer xeon / i7 cpus: turbo mode enabled or disabled?

2010-09-02 Thread Gary Stanley

At 05:43 AM 9/2/2010, Nephyrin Zey wrote:

Could everyone kindly stop spreading false information if you don't
know what you're talking about?

On some bios, you need to have the speedstep technology (which
turboboost is a part of) enabled to make use of turboboost. You can
enable speedstep in the bios, and the associated turbo features,
without making use of underclocking - which is a kernel/userland
configured utility. In linux, you'd simply make sure the cpufeq system
is loaded up with the performance governor (always 100%), or,
depending on your distro, passed off to the userland governer with the
userland tools set to performance mode. Your CPU will never underclock

This is separate from turbo mode, which overclocks active cores. It
can do this, basically, because the chip is designed to support the
heat from all cores at 100%. If some cores are not at 100%, the others
can be slightly overclocked as the excess heat wont overheat the chip.
(Its slightly more complicated than this, but thats the general idea)
I see no reason to have it disabled - though if your system is running
near 100% across the cores I don't think it'll see much use (I could
be wrong).

I think turbo mode may make TSC drift more, because the PLL is 
calibrated to the quartz crystal on the CPU and if it runs hotter it 
may drift over time more often. So people who use TSC as their 
timecounter may see odd things happen (lotsa ntp drift)

G. Monk Stanley
gary at summit-servers dot com | gary at DragonflyBSD dot org

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Re: [hlds_linux] newer xeon / i7 cpus: turbo mode enabled or disabled?

2010-09-02 Thread Gary Stanley

At 05:43 AM 9/2/2010, Nephyrin Zey wrote:

Could everyone kindly stop spreading false information if you don't
know what you're talking about?

On some bios, you need to have the speedstep technology (which
turboboost is a part of) enabled to make use of turboboost. You can
enable speedstep in the bios, and the associated turbo features,
without making use of underclocking - which is a kernel/userland
configured utility. In linux, you'd simply make sure the cpufeq system
is loaded up with the performance governor (always 100%), or,
depending on your distro, passed off to the userland governer with the
userland tools set to performance mode. Your CPU will never underclock

This is separate from turbo mode, which overclocks active cores. It
can do this, basically, because the chip is designed to support the
heat from all cores at 100%. If some cores are not at 100%, the others
can be slightly overclocked as the excess heat wont overheat the chip.
(Its slightly more complicated than this, but thats the general idea)
I see no reason to have it disabled - though if your system is running
near 100% across the cores I don't think it'll see much use (I could
be wrong).

I think turbo mode may make TSC drift more, because the PLL is 
calibrated to the quartz crystal on the CPU and if it runs hotter it 
may drift over time more often. So people who use TSC as their 
timecounter may see odd things happen (lotsa ntp drift)

G. Monk Stanley
gary at summit-servers dot com | gary at DragonflyBSD dot org

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Re: [hlds_linux] TF2 server multi-threaded support

2010-09-02 Thread Gary Stanley

At 08:16 PM 9/2/2010, f7 f0rkz wrote:


Couldn't agree with you more.  Its 2010 and CPU speeds aren't going to be
any faster.  The CPU manufacturers are creating low cpu speeds with high
threaded cores.  Its about time we get a better server suite if TF is going
to be continually bloated like it is.


From a design point of view, I think it will be difficult to 
implement multithreaded gameserver code that is fully threaded 
(dispatcher threads) without adding more complexity and expensive 
userland locking. I think inter-thread latency may be the reason for 
it not being fully implimented.

Personally, the older games are far more superior in terms of 
'performance' because they are

- Lightweight
- Small
- Easy to maintain

Look at quake 3. It's old, over 10 years. The engine is simple and 
efficient and doesn't involve alot of expensive operations inside. 
You can run about 20+ 64 player quake 3 servers on modern hardware 
and not even suck up a large amount of CPU.

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Re: [hlds_linux] TF2 server multi-threaded support

2010-09-02 Thread Gary Stanley

At 08:16 PM 9/2/2010, f7 f0rkz wrote:


Couldn't agree with you more.  Its 2010 and CPU speeds aren't going to be
any faster.  The CPU manufacturers are creating low cpu speeds with high
threaded cores.  Its about time we get a better server suite if TF is going
to be continually bloated like it is.


From a design point of view, I think it will be difficult to 
implement multithreaded gameserver code that is fully threaded 
(dispatcher threads) without adding more complexity and expensive 
userland locking. I think inter-thread latency may be the reason for 
it not being fully implimented.

Personally, the older games are far more superior in terms of 
'performance' because they are

- Lightweight
- Small
- Easy to maintain

Look at quake 3. It's old, over 10 years. The engine is simple and 
efficient and doesn't involve alot of expensive operations inside. 
You can run about 20+ 64 player quake 3 servers on modern hardware 
and not even suck up a large amount of CPU.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Linux Distribution and Kernel

2010-08-31 Thread Gary Stanley

At 07:36 AM 8/31/2010, Alon Gubkin wrote:

Okay guys, you convinced me - I will use the kernel without any

Note that I changed *time frequency* to 1000 HZ and disabled *Tickless
System (Dynamic Ticks)*. In the orginal
was 100HZ time frequency and tickless system enabled.

   1. Do I really need to mess with the kernel default configuration for
   stable 1000fps kernel?
   2. Should I use 100HZ and no tickless system instead of 1000HZ and
   tickless system enabled?
   3. What would you suggest to do more? (For example to enable x,
   disable y, or dont do z)

Why do you need stable FPS? There is no evidence at all that stable 
FPS does anything at all.  100HZ may be better for large servers 
because HZ on newer kernels is tied to msleep() and using 100HZ may 
increase throughput slightly as msleep() doesn't use hrtimers, 
msleep() is used by a large amount of drivers and other things inside 
the kernel.

The wiki you posted was written by a guy who has no idea how the 
engine works. He posts speculation without any technical proof 
(external monitoring) and assumes his results are better because FPS 
is tied into everything like ping calculation. It's no different than 
altering sv_fps on Quake/CoD games and watching your ping drop 
because of rounding errors or fixed math that isn't a multiple or 
divisible by the default number. I would be very careful on believing 
everything you read about gameserver stuff, only a handful of people 
have a clue about it's internals and most others that say otherwise 
just repeat nonsense that others have said over the years.

G. Monk Stanley
gary at summit-servers dot com | gary at DragonflyBSD dot org

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Re: [hlds_linux] Linux Distribution and Kernel

2010-08-31 Thread Gary Stanley

At 07:36 AM 8/31/2010, Alon Gubkin wrote:

Okay guys, you convinced me - I will use the kernel without any

Note that I changed *time frequency* to 1000 HZ and disabled *Tickless
System (Dynamic Ticks)*. In the orginal
was 100HZ time frequency and tickless system enabled.

   1. Do I really need to mess with the kernel default configuration for
   stable 1000fps kernel?
   2. Should I use 100HZ and no tickless system instead of 1000HZ and
   tickless system enabled?
   3. What would you suggest to do more? (For example to enable x,
   disable y, or dont do z)

Why do you need stable FPS? There is no evidence at all that stable 
FPS does anything at all.  100HZ may be better for large servers 
because HZ on newer kernels is tied to msleep() and using 100HZ may 
increase throughput slightly as msleep() doesn't use hrtimers, 
msleep() is used by a large amount of drivers and other things inside 
the kernel.

The wiki you posted was written by a guy who has no idea how the 
engine works. He posts speculation without any technical proof 
(external monitoring) and assumes his results are better because FPS 
is tied into everything like ping calculation. It's no different than 
altering sv_fps on Quake/CoD games and watching your ping drop 
because of rounding errors or fixed math that isn't a multiple or 
divisible by the default number. I would be very careful on believing 
everything you read about gameserver stuff, only a handful of people 
have a clue about it's internals and most others that say otherwise 
just repeat nonsense that others have said over the years.

G. Monk Stanley
gary at summit-servers dot com | gary at DragonflyBSD dot org

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Re: [hlds_linux] Linux Distribution and Kernel

2010-08-30 Thread Gary Stanley

At 03:17 PM 8/30/2010, Alon Gubkin wrote:

What linux distribution and kernel would you suggest for running source
dedicated servers? Currently I use Ubuntu Server 10.04 x86

By the way, is there any reason to use Ubuntu Server 10.04 x64 instead of
x86? As far as I know, srcds doesn't support 64-bit.
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Running realtime kernels is a waste of time, in my opinion. RT 
kernels more or less throughput for latency, and there isn't any 
solid evidence that realtime kernels 'help' the game, except consume 
large amounts of CPU time.

I am assuming you're running a realtime kernel for 'stable fps', but 
in reality there is no evidence that 'stable fps' helps.

gary at summit-servers dot com | gary at DragonflyBSD dot org

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Re: [hlds_linux] Linux Distribution and Kernel

2010-08-30 Thread Gary Stanley

At 03:17 PM 8/30/2010, Alon Gubkin wrote:

What linux distribution and kernel would you suggest for running source
dedicated servers? Currently I use Ubuntu Server 10.04 x86

By the way, is there any reason to use Ubuntu Server 10.04 x64 instead of
x86? As far as I know, srcds doesn't support 64-bit.
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Running realtime kernels is a waste of time, in my opinion. RT 
kernels more or less throughput for latency, and there isn't any 
solid evidence that realtime kernels 'help' the game, except consume 
large amounts of CPU time.

I am assuming you're running a realtime kernel for 'stable fps', but 
in reality there is no evidence that 'stable fps' helps.

gary at summit-servers dot com | gary at DragonflyBSD dot org

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Re: [hlds_linux] Anyway to handle many players?

2010-08-09 Thread Gary Stanley

At 10:35 AM 8/9/2010, Christoffer Pedersen wrote:


I am trying to figure out how to get my server to handle the many
players that visit my servers each day. I have a big 40 slots
deathmatch-server and a 30 slots rpg-server. Before the CS:S update,
the servers used to run just fine, but after, im getting huge
lagspikes and FPS-drops. I have been looking at the CPU-usage and
load, but nothing indicates that my server is overloaded. My load is
even at 0.60 when the Deathmatch is full.

Im using the vanilla ubuntu 9.10 x64 kernel, but i have used 2.6.32- 
ck2... Anyone here that knows why this is happening and maybe how i

could resolve this issue?

You could try reducing HZ from 1000 to 100 to reduce overhead on 
certain drivers etc.

But, as others have stated, the new engine consumes a large amount of CPU.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Anyway to handle many players?

2010-08-09 Thread Gary Stanley

At 10:35 AM 8/9/2010, Christoffer Pedersen wrote:


I am trying to figure out how to get my server to handle the many
players that visit my servers each day. I have a big 40 slots
deathmatch-server and a 30 slots rpg-server. Before the CS:S update,
the servers used to run just fine, but after, im getting huge
lagspikes and FPS-drops. I have been looking at the CPU-usage and
load, but nothing indicates that my server is overloaded. My load is
even at 0.60 when the Deathmatch is full.

Im using the vanilla ubuntu 9.10 x64 kernel, but i have used 2.6.32- 
ck2... Anyone here that knows why this is happening and maybe how i

could resolve this issue?

You could try reducing HZ from 1000 to 100 to reduce overhead on 
certain drivers etc.

But, as others have stated, the new engine consumes a large amount of CPU.

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Re: [hlds_linux] High FPS?

2010-08-02 Thread Gary Stanley

At 06:33 PM 8/2/2010, Steven Hartland wrote:

hundred thousands would explain it being unable to go above 990, so that
clears something up :)

I'm not using a plugin, I'm using an OS override to correct the interframe
sleep time so its should have the most accurate view of the simulation
possible, unless I'm missing something.

I'm assuming you're using those LD_PRELOAD hacks to alter what usleep() does..

If its using Plat_FloatTime that cold easily explain the issues as it
uses gettimeofday on Linux which is not guaranteed to be monotonic, so you
could see the value decrease as ntp nudges the system clock for example.
Obviously if this happened, it could cause all sorts of strange edge cases.

It does use it. I patched it to use clock_gettime and didn't see any 
difference, really. Doesn't matter what you use, the APIs are only as 
good as the timecounters driving them.


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Re: [hlds_linux] High FPS?

2010-08-02 Thread Gary Stanley

At 06:33 PM 8/2/2010, Steven Hartland wrote:

hundred thousands would explain it being unable to go above 990, so that
clears something up :)

I'm not using a plugin, I'm using an OS override to correct the interframe
sleep time so its should have the most accurate view of the simulation
possible, unless I'm missing something.

I'm assuming you're using those LD_PRELOAD hacks to alter what usleep() does..

If its using Plat_FloatTime that cold easily explain the issues as it
uses gettimeofday on Linux which is not guaranteed to be monotonic, so you
could see the value decrease as ntp nudges the system clock for example.
Obviously if this happened, it could cause all sorts of strange edge cases.

It does use it. I patched it to use clock_gettime and didn't see any 
difference, really. Doesn't matter what you use, the APIs are only as 
good as the timecounters driving them.


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Re: [hlds_linux] High FPS?

2010-07-29 Thread Gary Stanley

At 05:33 AM 7/29/2010, Steven Hartland wrote:

Seems to be a common question, we've collated some information on this

If any one has anything to add / remote or general comments on how to
improve this please let us know.


Without access to the engine's net_sleep code, it's impossible to 
tell what happens. Nobody can really know.  There is no way that you 
or I could ever document how FPS works. No way.
Posting graphs doesn't tell anyone anything about the internals of 
the game. :)  It would take a very long time to reverse engineer all 
the time functions VALVe uses to step time, plus figure out what they 
effect and what they don't.

The original poster did make me laugh though, the guy who runs that 
FPS meter site is a complete and total moron.

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Re: [hlds_linux] CPU Usage increase with OB

2010-06-28 Thread Gary Stanley
At 12:40 AM 6/28/2010, Tony Paloma wrote:
Well I doubt Valve is calling getdents directly. Probably getting called by
some standard function. Place a breakpoint and do a trace a few times and
see what functio

% time seconds  usecs/call callserrors syscall
-- --- --- - - 
  35.410.014428   5  2784   getdents

It's a wrapper that is probably doing something like

#define blah(x,y,z) getdents(x,y,z) or another userland function that 
has to call it.. thundering herd problem?

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Re: [hlds_linux] CPU Usage increase with OB

2010-06-28 Thread Gary Stanley
At 12:40 AM 6/28/2010, Tony Paloma wrote:
Well I doubt Valve is calling getdents directly. Probably getting called by
some standard function. Place a breakpoint and do a trace a few times and
see what functio

% time seconds  usecs/call callserrors syscall
-- --- --- - - 
  35.410.014428   5  2784   getdents

It's a wrapper that is probably doing something like

#define blah(x,y,z) getdents(x,y,z) or another userland function that 
has to call it.. thundering herd problem?

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[hlds_linux] CPU Usage increase with OB

2010-06-27 Thread Gary Stanley
I am seeing about 30% more usage compared to the old engine. I am 
having a few pubs running and I am now going to have to reduce the 
slot counts to compensate for the excessive usage.

Profiling shows getdents() is using the most syscall time, compared 
to others, getdents is actually surpassing nanosleep() when it comes 
to syscall usage. FWIW getdents is VERY expensive to call over and over.

Anyone else seeing this as well?

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[hlds_linux] CPU Usage increase with OB

2010-06-27 Thread Gary Stanley
I am seeing about 30% more usage compared to the old engine. I am 
having a few pubs running and I am now going to have to reduce the 
slot counts to compensate for the excessive usage.

Profiling shows getdents() is using the most syscall time, compared 
to others, getdents is actually surpassing nanosleep() when it comes 
to syscall usage. FWIW getdents is VERY expensive to call over and over.

Anyone else seeing this as well?

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Re: [hlds_linux] CPU Usage increase with OB

2010-06-27 Thread Gary Stanley
At 07:03 AM 6/27/2010, AnAkIn . wrote:
You are not using that tickrate 100 plugin, are you?

No. Why would I do that? That's like trying to get 40mpg out of a 600hp engine.

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Re: [hlds_linux] CPU Usage increase with OB

2010-06-27 Thread Gary Stanley
At 07:03 AM 6/27/2010, AnAkIn . wrote:
You are not using that tickrate 100 plugin, are you?

No. Why would I do that? That's like trying to get 40mpg out of a 600hp engine.

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Re: [hlds_linux] CPU Usage increase with OB

2010-06-27 Thread Gary Stanley
At 05:27 PM 6/27/2010, Chris wrote:
Possibly because your servers ran at 33tick, and now they are at 66
which takes more cpu ?

On 27/06/2010 6:50 AM, Gary Stanley wrote:
  I am seeing about 30% more usage compared to the old engine. I am
  having a few pubs running and I am now going to have to reduce the
  slot counts to compensate for the excessive usage.
  Profiling shows getdents() is using the most syscall time, compared
  to others, getdents is actually surpassing nanosleep() when it comes
  to syscall usage. FWIW getdents is VERY expensive to call over and over.
  Anyone else seeing this as well?

No. I ran all my previous servers @ 99 tickrate, large slot count, 
now with 66 and the same players it consumes about 35% more (baseline analysis)

It's possible the engine is just more expensive. It's also possible 
this is just normal, considering it's a 'different' engine.

G. Monk Stanley
gary at summit-servers dot com | gary at DragonflyBSD dot org

There currently are 7 different ways to get time from a computer. 
All of them can't agree on how long a second is supposed to be -Me

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Re: [hlds_linux] CPU Usage increase with OB

2010-06-27 Thread Gary Stanley
At 05:27 PM 6/27/2010, Chris wrote:
Possibly because your servers ran at 33tick, and now they are at 66
which takes more cpu ?

On 27/06/2010 6:50 AM, Gary Stanley wrote:
  I am seeing about 30% more usage compared to the old engine. I am
  having a few pubs running and I am now going to have to reduce the
  slot counts to compensate for the excessive usage.
  Profiling shows getdents() is using the most syscall time, compared
  to others, getdents is actually surpassing nanosleep() when it comes
  to syscall usage. FWIW getdents is VERY expensive to call over and over.
  Anyone else seeing this as well?

No. I ran all my previous servers @ 99 tickrate, large slot count, 
now with 66 and the same players it consumes about 35% more (baseline analysis)

It's possible the engine is just more expensive. It's also possible 
this is just normal, considering it's a 'different' engine.

G. Monk Stanley
gary at summit-servers dot com | gary at DragonflyBSD dot org

There currently are 7 different ways to get time from a computer. 
All of them can't agree on how long a second is supposed to be -Me

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Re: [hlds_linux] steam binary fails with Illegal instruction.

2009-12-25 Thread Gary Stanley
At 02:50 PM 12/25/2009, Patrick Palka wrote:
chmoding it does nothing. The error Illegal Instruction is a kernel
error that tells us that the CPU is trying to perform a foreign
instruction. I read somewhere that the CPU must contain SSE for the
binaries to work; unfortunately, my CPU does not. is this speculation
true, that the steam binary is compiled with SSE?

strace output:

SIGILL's are caused by bad opcodes. This usually happens when binary 
code tries to run something that the processor/binutils doesn't 
understand. Steam binaries do not have SSE stuff in them (briefly 
looking at objdump -d steam | egrep xmm)

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Re: [hlds_linux] steam binary fails with Illegal instruction.

2009-12-25 Thread Gary Stanley
At 02:50 PM 12/25/2009, Patrick Palka wrote:
chmoding it does nothing. The error Illegal Instruction is a kernel
error that tells us that the CPU is trying to perform a foreign
instruction. I read somewhere that the CPU must contain SSE for the
binaries to work; unfortunately, my CPU does not. is this speculation
true, that the steam binary is compiled with SSE?

strace output:

SIGILL's are caused by bad opcodes. This usually happens when binary 
code tries to run something that the processor/binutils doesn't 
understand. Steam binaries do not have SSE stuff in them (briefly 
looking at objdump -d steam | egrep xmm)

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Re: [hlds_linux] Crashing L4D2 fork killing entire machine

2009-12-01 Thread Gary Stanley
At 04:21 AM 11/30/2009, Pavilus Zirovski wrote:
It's happening about 3-4 times per month for me on 32bit Gentoo hosting TF2
servers only. Im not using -debug in startup line. I am using default
preempt kernel (not realtime), but i was using realtime priority scheduler
on srcds processes. I think maybe that is the problem. Now i removed script from crontab, cause i thought that maybe it happens at
some specific moments when cpu overload is very high and rescheduling script
changes realtime priority of all srcds_processes (chrt -f -p 98 processid),
but im not sure. Now i change realtime priority manually only. Server hasnt
crashed for about 2 weeks for now, but i think it might crash any time. This
has been frustrating for me as well, cause i lost all remote accesses to
server, all processes start to hang one by one and cpu usage is maximized
(all taken by one srcds process) at that moment till i lost connection from
server at all and i have to call my hosting company so they could physically
restart server. At first i thought it was because of some hardware failure
or something but now seeing that others have the same problem then im not
sure. I hope someone could give some more clues..

TBH you don't need SCHED_FIFO, you only need SCHED_RR. Gameservers 
are not time sensitive enough to justify running them at the
same priority as, say, the network packet scheduler.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Crashing L4D2 fork killing entire machine

2009-12-01 Thread Gary Stanley
At 04:21 AM 11/30/2009, Pavilus Zirovski wrote:
It's happening about 3-4 times per month for me on 32bit Gentoo hosting TF2
servers only. Im not using -debug in startup line. I am using default
preempt kernel (not realtime), but i was using realtime priority scheduler
on srcds processes. I think maybe that is the problem. Now i removed script from crontab, cause i thought that maybe it happens at
some specific moments when cpu overload is very high and rescheduling script
changes realtime priority of all srcds_processes (chrt -f -p 98 processid),
but im not sure. Now i change realtime priority manually only. Server hasnt
crashed for about 2 weeks for now, but i think it might crash any time. This
has been frustrating for me as well, cause i lost all remote accesses to
server, all processes start to hang one by one and cpu usage is maximized
(all taken by one srcds process) at that moment till i lost connection from
server at all and i have to call my hosting company so they could physically
restart server. At first i thought it was because of some hardware failure
or something but now seeing that others have the same problem then im not
sure. I hope someone could give some more clues..

TBH you don't need SCHED_FIFO, you only need SCHED_RR. Gameservers 
are not time sensitive enough to justify running them at the
same priority as, say, the network packet scheduler.

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Re: [hlds_linux] tf2 stable fps

2009-12-01 Thread Gary Stanley
At 06:07 PM 12/1/2009, Nephyrin Zey wrote:
   I really dont want to get involved in this, but beware basically all
the advice you're receiving (including mine). There's tons of BS
regarding tickrate, RT kernels,, 'hit registration', and a
bunch of other useless nonsense by people who really just are echoing
what they read in that one old article about high FPS and what that one
wiki says about linux kernel configuration.

I agree. You do not need RT kernels at all.. they are for real time 
systems, since gameservers estimate everything anyways
it's pointless to run a RT kernel on something that gives the best 
guess. The engine can only respond as fast as the users ping to and 
from the server, with socket latency etc..

If I were you:
Setup a kernel with hi res timers and a 300hz interrupt, enable HPET if
your system doesn't have a stable TSC. Bind each srcds instance to a
core. Set it to sched_fifo (sudo chrt -f -p 98 pid). Set fps_max to 0.
Use host_profile 1 to watch effective FPS. Fill server. Play with other
tweaks and compare them to your test case. Just because someone says
that X or Y will make your server better dont believe it until you see
it. net_graph 4 is the best measure of how well your server is doing. If
its a solid graph with no gaps, getting 66/s updates, and low var, I
would say its near perfect. Others might whine. Decide for yourself.

SCHED_RR gives the same latency as SCHED_FIFO, in my tests. Under 
load, this will be different, though. (send me a message and i'll 
send you some code)

Miscellaneous nonsense:
- On a system with hi res timers and TSC/HPET, sleep() will return
independent of the interrupt timer, enabling 1000FPS to be hit
regardless of system ticrate. In this case, a 1000hz interrupt timer
will not have any effect, and possibly a negative one.

AFAIK select()/poll() on older kernels do not use hrtimers at all. 
Only nanosleep()/usleep() do. You don't need 1000hz anyways as that 
can cause cacheline pingpongs etc (Hurt NUMA performance)

- On linux/tf2, the stats command calculates fps in a very useless
manner. A single slow frame will make it show '40fps', while the
engine's own internal counter (what you see in the green banner in those
windows srcds windows) as well as host_profile disagree.
- uses the stats command.
- I've talked to and worked with many people and never seen a linux TF2
server above 20 slots get 'stable' FPS, much less according to fpsmeter.
I've seen many TF2 linux servers that perform very well and lag free.
- RT kernels chug CPU like no tomorrow for very little benefit, vs FIFO
scheduling and hi-res timers.
- If your var is 10ms and your updaterate is stable 66, to hell with
anyone whining about FPS (flamewar lol). Its worth noting that windows
servers are tuned to run at 66fps originally. By valve. The 'booster'
came later.
- My linux TF2 servers are among the best stability in updaterate and
var i've seen anywhere, yet many people have 'more stable FPS' than me.
See previous point.
- SourceTV is a massive buggy resource hog.
- Anyone that brings up 'hit registration' probably doesn't know wtf
they're talking about and read some old article about it with
questionable logic.

As long as you run Low Latency in the kernel with little interrupt 
behavior, and without CPUspeed/ACPI Processor you should be 
okay.  Realtime kernels chug too much cpu because the scheduler has 
more overhead etc etc

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Re: [hlds_linux] tf2 stable fps

2009-12-01 Thread Gary Stanley
At 06:07 PM 12/1/2009, Nephyrin Zey wrote:
   I really dont want to get involved in this, but beware basically all
the advice you're receiving (including mine). There's tons of BS
regarding tickrate, RT kernels,, 'hit registration', and a
bunch of other useless nonsense by people who really just are echoing
what they read in that one old article about high FPS and what that one
wiki says about linux kernel configuration.

I agree. You do not need RT kernels at all.. they are for real time 
systems, since gameservers estimate everything anyways
it's pointless to run a RT kernel on something that gives the best 
guess. The engine can only respond as fast as the users ping to and 
from the server, with socket latency etc..

If I were you:
Setup a kernel with hi res timers and a 300hz interrupt, enable HPET if
your system doesn't have a stable TSC. Bind each srcds instance to a
core. Set it to sched_fifo (sudo chrt -f -p 98 pid). Set fps_max to 0.
Use host_profile 1 to watch effective FPS. Fill server. Play with other
tweaks and compare them to your test case. Just because someone says
that X or Y will make your server better dont believe it until you see
it. net_graph 4 is the best measure of how well your server is doing. If
its a solid graph with no gaps, getting 66/s updates, and low var, I
would say its near perfect. Others might whine. Decide for yourself.

SCHED_RR gives the same latency as SCHED_FIFO, in my tests. Under 
load, this will be different, though. (send me a message and i'll 
send you some code)

Miscellaneous nonsense:
- On a system with hi res timers and TSC/HPET, sleep() will return
independent of the interrupt timer, enabling 1000FPS to be hit
regardless of system ticrate. In this case, a 1000hz interrupt timer
will not have any effect, and possibly a negative one.

AFAIK select()/poll() on older kernels do not use hrtimers at all. 
Only nanosleep()/usleep() do. You don't need 1000hz anyways as that 
can cause cacheline pingpongs etc (Hurt NUMA performance)

- On linux/tf2, the stats command calculates fps in a very useless
manner. A single slow frame will make it show '40fps', while the
engine's own internal counter (what you see in the green banner in those
windows srcds windows) as well as host_profile disagree.
- uses the stats command.
- I've talked to and worked with many people and never seen a linux TF2
server above 20 slots get 'stable' FPS, much less according to fpsmeter.
I've seen many TF2 linux servers that perform very well and lag free.
- RT kernels chug CPU like no tomorrow for very little benefit, vs FIFO
scheduling and hi-res timers.
- If your var is 10ms and your updaterate is stable 66, to hell with
anyone whining about FPS (flamewar lol). Its worth noting that windows
servers are tuned to run at 66fps originally. By valve. The 'booster'
came later.
- My linux TF2 servers are among the best stability in updaterate and
var i've seen anywhere, yet many people have 'more stable FPS' than me.
See previous point.
- SourceTV is a massive buggy resource hog.
- Anyone that brings up 'hit registration' probably doesn't know wtf
they're talking about and read some old article about it with
questionable logic.

As long as you run Low Latency in the kernel with little interrupt 
behavior, and without CPUspeed/ACPI Processor you should be 
okay.  Realtime kernels chug too much cpu because the scheduler has 
more overhead etc etc

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Re: [hlds_linux] L4D2 fork cpu lock up

2009-10-28 Thread Gary Stanley
At 05:01 PM 10/28/2009, wrote:
Had that earlier as well - no cause that I could determine

run strace on the pid, or gdb and run bt full on the thread to see 
what it's doing

  -Original Message-
  From: [mailto:hlds_linux-] On Behalf Of Saint K.
  Sent: 28 October 2009 20:40
  To: Half-Life dedicated Linux server mailing list
  Subject: [hlds_linux] L4D2 fork cpu lock up
  I just had one of the L4D2 forks sitting in a 100% CPU load lock,
  obviously without any players active on it. It worries me a bit.
  OS: Linux Debian 64bit
  Kernel: 2.6.26-2-amd64
  To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
  please visit:

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archives, please visit:

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Re: [hlds_linux] L4D2 fork cpu lock up

2009-10-28 Thread Gary Stanley
At 05:01 PM 10/28/2009, wrote:
Had that earlier as well - no cause that I could determine

run strace on the pid, or gdb and run bt full on the thread to see 
what it's doing

  -Original Message-
  From: [mailto:hlds_linux-] On Behalf Of Saint K.
  Sent: 28 October 2009 20:40
  To: Half-Life dedicated Linux server mailing list
  Subject: [hlds_linux] L4D2 fork cpu lock up
  I just had one of the L4D2 forks sitting in a 100% CPU load lock,
  obviously without any players active on it. It worries me a bit.
  OS: Linux Debian 64bit
  Kernel: 2.6.26-2-amd64
  To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
  please visit:

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archives, please visit:

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Re: [hlds_linux] L4D and vm.swappiness values?

2009-10-26 Thread Gary Stanley
At 12:44 AM 10/26/2009, Logan Rogers-Follis wrote:
Has anyone ever messed around with tweaking the swappiness value for a
maximum performance on a Linux Left 4 Dead server?  I'm running a CentOS
5.x server with 2 Xen guest domains for Left 4 Dead (and the 2nd for the
soon-to-be-released Left 4 Dead 2) and have been pondering on whether
tweaking the swappiness would give me any better performance.  As is I
never use my swap except for some 32K that randomly shows up on my Cacti
graphing, but otherwise everything runs in memory.

Memory gets used first, then it will swap. Swapping to disk will 
cause page fault latency which will kill any latency sensitive applications..

I don't know how you can get better performance by moving things to disk.

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Re: [hlds_linux] L4D and vm.swappiness values?

2009-10-26 Thread Gary Stanley
At 12:44 AM 10/26/2009, Logan Rogers-Follis wrote:
Has anyone ever messed around with tweaking the swappiness value for a
maximum performance on a Linux Left 4 Dead server?  I'm running a CentOS
5.x server with 2 Xen guest domains for Left 4 Dead (and the 2nd for the
soon-to-be-released Left 4 Dead 2) and have been pondering on whether
tweaking the swappiness would give me any better performance.  As is I
never use my swap except for some 32K that randomly shows up on my Cacti
graphing, but otherwise everything runs in memory.

Memory gets used first, then it will swap. Swapping to disk will 
cause page fault latency which will kill any latency sensitive applications..

I don't know how you can get better performance by moving things to disk.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Game Server Manager Needed - Hiring

2009-10-09 Thread Gary Stanley
At 06:42 PM 10/9/2009, Mike Zimmermann wrote:
You must be the life of all the parties.


Why don't you grow up? Every email you send it full of nonsense / 
flaming people.

Can one of the VALVe guys remove this user from the mailing list?

G. Monk Stanley
gary at summit-servers dot com | gary at DragonflyBSD dot org | gary 
at cpanel dot net

There currently are 7 different ways to get time from a computer. 
All of them can't agree on how long a second is supposed to be -Me

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Re: [hlds_linux] Game Server Manager Needed - Hiring

2009-10-09 Thread Gary Stanley
At 06:42 PM 10/9/2009, Mike Zimmermann wrote:
You must be the life of all the parties.


Why don't you grow up? Every email you send it full of nonsense / 
flaming people.

Can one of the VALVe guys remove this user from the mailing list?

G. Monk Stanley
gary at summit-servers dot com | gary at DragonflyBSD dot org | gary 
at cpanel dot net

There currently are 7 different ways to get time from a computer. 
All of them can't agree on how long a second is supposed to be -Me

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Re: [hlds_linux] Very unstable FPS in hlds

2009-09-18 Thread Gary Stanley
FPS depends on gettimeofday precision and nanosleep latency.. Stable 
FPS is mostly impossible, due to the following:

Probably not accurate on many machines down to the 
microsecond.  Count on precision only to -4 or maybe -5.

If you're getting FPS jumps all over the place, it sounds like 
something is stalling the bus (SMI interrupts)

You could try turning off ACPI which will remove power management 
support, but it should stablize things. 

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Re: [hlds_linux] Very unstable FPS in hlds

2009-09-18 Thread Gary Stanley
FPS depends on gettimeofday precision and nanosleep latency.. Stable 
FPS is mostly impossible, due to the following:

Probably not accurate on many machines down to the 
microsecond.  Count on precision only to -4 or maybe -5.

If you're getting FPS jumps all over the place, it sounds like 
something is stalling the bus (SMI interrupts)

You could try turning off ACPI which will remove power management 
support, but it should stablize things. 

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Re: [hlds_linux] 1000 FPS CentOS Servers?

2009-09-06 Thread Gary Stanley
At 09:05 PM 9/5/2009, Eric Greer wrote:
This is all really awesome information everyone and I am very appreciative
of all your ime and knowledge... however...

What does this mean to the guy who hasn't recompiled a linux kenel before?
Right now I'm seting fps_max on the command line to 500. Can I get more than
500 fps without recompiling?  What settings would that require?

If I do have to recompile, where do I start learning for that?  How
dangerous is it?

Thanks again everyone,


The stock centos kernels do not have hrtimers, so you aren't able to 
get low latency sleeping. The 2.6.18 kernels are very good latency 
wise, so unless you want to patch them in you're going
to have to build something newer. The newer kernels with CFS are 
pretty much crap, in my opinion, due to the scheduler changes and 
other .. things, but mostly you will need HPET support in the BIOS 
enabled with hrtimers.

As Laws stated eariler, the older kernels are generally better 
overall, and newer kernels with RT have too much overhead in most of 
the codepath the game does not use.


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Re: [hlds_linux] 1000 FPS CentOS Servers?

2009-09-06 Thread Gary Stanley
At 09:05 PM 9/5/2009, Eric Greer wrote:
This is all really awesome information everyone and I am very appreciative
of all your ime and knowledge... however...

What does this mean to the guy who hasn't recompiled a linux kenel before?
Right now I'm seting fps_max on the command line to 500. Can I get more than
500 fps without recompiling?  What settings would that require?

If I do have to recompile, where do I start learning for that?  How
dangerous is it?

Thanks again everyone,


The stock centos kernels do not have hrtimers, so you aren't able to 
get low latency sleeping. The 2.6.18 kernels are very good latency 
wise, so unless you want to patch them in you're going
to have to build something newer. The newer kernels with CFS are 
pretty much crap, in my opinion, due to the scheduler changes and 
other .. things, but mostly you will need HPET support in the BIOS 
enabled with hrtimers.

As Laws stated eariler, the older kernels are generally better 
overall, and newer kernels with RT have too much overhead in most of 
the codepath the game does not use.


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Re: [hlds_linux] 1000 FPS CentOS Servers?

2009-09-06 Thread Gary Stanley
At 11:04 PM 9/6/2009, Eric Greer wrote:
Thanks everyone, especially Ulrich.  You seem to be an expert with 1000 FPS
I made the changes beyond modifying the kernel and ran some tests but I am
only getting 400 FPS a the highest right now.  I'm scared to do anything
involving the kernel because blowing it up would be a horrible thing for me.

I've checked and the server processes are running at -99 priority and
max_fps is set to 1000.

[r...@atom ~]# rpm -qa | grep kernel
[r...@atom ~]#

Your not going to be able to get ultra accurate timers with stock 
CentOS kernels. You will need something with hrtimers merged into 
them, and hardware
that support high res timers.

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Re: [hlds_linux] 1000 FPS CentOS Servers?

2009-09-06 Thread Gary Stanley
At 11:04 PM 9/6/2009, Eric Greer wrote:
Thanks everyone, especially Ulrich.  You seem to be an expert with 1000 FPS
I made the changes beyond modifying the kernel and ran some tests but I am
only getting 400 FPS a the highest right now.  I'm scared to do anything
involving the kernel because blowing it up would be a horrible thing for me.

I've checked and the server processes are running at -99 priority and
max_fps is set to 1000.

[r...@atom ~]# rpm -qa | grep kernel
[r...@atom ~]#

Your not going to be able to get ultra accurate timers with stock 
CentOS kernels. You will need something with hrtimers merged into 
them, and hardware
that support high res timers.

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Re: [hlds_linux] 1000 FPS CentOS Servers?

2009-09-05 Thread Gary Stanley
At 02:20 AM 9/5/2009, John wrote:
  You need high res timers (HPET), on a newer kernel (2.6.24)
 I hated that kernel version. I'm running And even with hpet
  enabled you still want the higher kernel frequency wouldn't you?

I think Gary meant that you'd need a 2.6.24 or later kernel. HPET and
hrtimers are a rather new addition to Linux.

If you run something beyond 2.6.26 or so, make sure to also flag the server
as a real-time process to remove the kernel's built-in SCHED_OTHER timer
slack, which defaults to 50 usec and makes the FPS a bit less stable. This
can be done with the chrt utility.

With high resolution timers enabled, your machine doesn't need to run at
1000hz, because processes will be woken up at the right times regardless. In
fact, a lower hz rate like 100 generally works out better; the lower number
leads to less flipping of processes between CPUs, fewer unnecessary context
switches to the kernel, etc. The only real advantage to a high hz might be
in more accurate process accounting.

In my testing, the -rt kernel patchset led to an overall reduction in
performance, due to the additional context switching. YMMV.

AFAIK the scheduler clock uses jiffies, so it's bound by what the 
clock interrupt is using.

Running a HZ of 100 with SCHED_FIFO makes it perform worse when 
looking at tasks to process than a HZ of 1000 because of jiffies 
being tied into sched_clock.

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Re: [hlds_linux] 1000 FPS CentOS Servers?

2009-09-05 Thread Gary Stanley
At 02:20 AM 9/5/2009, John wrote:
  You need high res timers (HPET), on a newer kernel (2.6.24)
 I hated that kernel version. I'm running And even with hpet
  enabled you still want the higher kernel frequency wouldn't you?

I think Gary meant that you'd need a 2.6.24 or later kernel. HPET and
hrtimers are a rather new addition to Linux.

If you run something beyond 2.6.26 or so, make sure to also flag the server
as a real-time process to remove the kernel's built-in SCHED_OTHER timer
slack, which defaults to 50 usec and makes the FPS a bit less stable. This
can be done with the chrt utility.

With high resolution timers enabled, your machine doesn't need to run at
1000hz, because processes will be woken up at the right times regardless. In
fact, a lower hz rate like 100 generally works out better; the lower number
leads to less flipping of processes between CPUs, fewer unnecessary context
switches to the kernel, etc. The only real advantage to a high hz might be
in more accurate process accounting.

In my testing, the -rt kernel patchset led to an overall reduction in
performance, due to the additional context switching. YMMV.

AFAIK the scheduler clock uses jiffies, so it's bound by what the 
clock interrupt is using.

Running a HZ of 100 with SCHED_FIFO makes it perform worse when 
looking at tasks to process than a HZ of 1000 because of jiffies 
being tied into sched_clock.

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Re: [hlds_linux] 1000 FPS CentOS Servers?

2009-09-05 Thread Gary Stanley
At 05:04 PM 9/5/2009, Gregg Hanpeter wrote:
So what is the secret to achieving 2000 fps if I dump the real time patch?
I've never tried this but am now thinking about it.

Lie to the engine about when sleeping wakeups occur.


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Re: [hlds_linux] 1000 FPS CentOS Servers?

2009-09-05 Thread Gary Stanley
At 09:50 AM 9/5/2009, Joseph Laws wrote:
I've never cared for the RT patches...but the hi-res timers pre 2.6.24
are very solid.

RT patches try and reduce the latency of a great multitude of things, 
but the only ones that really count
are the scheduler latency. The 2.6.22 kernels without CFS are better 
than the newer ones :)

The best mainline kernels are the 2.4 series, because nanosleep will 
busy wait.

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Re: [hlds_linux] 1000 FPS CentOS Servers?

2009-09-05 Thread Gary Stanley
At 05:04 PM 9/5/2009, Gregg Hanpeter wrote:
So what is the secret to achieving 2000 fps if I dump the real time patch?
I've never tried this but am now thinking about it.

Lie to the engine about when sleeping wakeups occur.


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Re: [hlds_linux] 1000 FPS CentOS Servers?

2009-09-05 Thread Gary Stanley
At 09:50 AM 9/5/2009, Joseph Laws wrote:
I've never cared for the RT patches...but the hi-res timers pre 2.6.24
are very solid.

RT patches try and reduce the latency of a great multitude of things, 
but the only ones that really count
are the scheduler latency. The 2.6.22 kernels without CFS are better 
than the newer ones :)

The best mainline kernels are the 2.4 series, because nanosleep will 
busy wait.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Updating a server using FTP

2009-09-04 Thread Gary Stanley
At 06:44 AM 9/4/2009, Nightbox wrote:
Is it possible ?
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ftp site exec

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Re: [hlds_linux] Updating a server using FTP

2009-09-04 Thread Gary Stanley
At 06:44 AM 9/4/2009, Nightbox wrote:
Is it possible ?
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archives, please visit:

ftp site exec

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Re: [hlds_linux] Updating a server using FTP

2009-09-04 Thread Gary Stanley
At 04:11 PM 9/4/2009, Dave Williams wrote:

I really do have to say from a professional and players point of view
that if your GSP is restricting SSH on your nix box then they are
nothing but morons and you really should switch. It's not difficult to
restrict ssh access to certain folders on a per user basis. If your GSP
can't manage this then they really have no idea what they are doing.

Of course if you only have on server hosted on a nix machine then you
will need to ask them to add the - autoupdate switch as already has been
suggested. Even then IMHO you will need to refer to point 1.
Specifically the moron part.

I know i don't post on this list much but that is because i just don't
need too. The saying too many cooks springs to mind.

Anyway, consider this with great thought as it can only be your

I've never given anyone ssh access, nor do I plan on it. You don't 
need ssh access to run a server correctly.


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Re: [hlds_linux] Updating a server using FTP

2009-09-04 Thread Gary Stanley
At 04:11 PM 9/4/2009, Dave Williams wrote:

I really do have to say from a professional and players point of view
that if your GSP is restricting SSH on your nix box then they are
nothing but morons and you really should switch. It's not difficult to
restrict ssh access to certain folders on a per user basis. If your GSP
can't manage this then they really have no idea what they are doing.

Of course if you only have on server hosted on a nix machine then you
will need to ask them to add the - autoupdate switch as already has been
suggested. Even then IMHO you will need to refer to point 1.
Specifically the moron part.

I know i don't post on this list much but that is because i just don't
need too. The saying too many cooks springs to mind.

Anyway, consider this with great thought as it can only be your

I've never given anyone ssh access, nor do I plan on it. You don't 
need ssh access to run a server correctly.


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Re: [hlds_linux] 1000 FPS CentOS Servers?

2009-09-04 Thread Gary Stanley
At 11:17 PM 9/4/2009, Eric Greer wrote:
This goes to you too, Jason :-D
So I've recently had some trouble getting CentOS to run 1000 FPS servers.  I
read online people seem to think you need a custom kernel compile to make
this happen.  What kind of adjustments need to be made and what settings
must be in the config or command line to make this feat possible?

Thanks everyone,

You need high res timers (HPET), on a newer kernel (2.6.24)


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Re: [hlds_linux] 1000 FPS CentOS Servers?

2009-09-04 Thread Gary Stanley
At 11:17 PM 9/4/2009, Eric Greer wrote:
This goes to you too, Jason :-D
So I've recently had some trouble getting CentOS to run 1000 FPS servers.  I
read online people seem to think you need a custom kernel compile to make
this happen.  What kind of adjustments need to be made and what settings
must be in the config or command line to make this feat possible?

Thanks everyone,

You need high res timers (HPET), on a newer kernel (2.6.24)


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Re: [hlds_linux] Valve Source Engine Console Message Format String Vulnerability

2009-08-18 Thread Gary Stanley
At 03:36 PM 8/18/2009, Ronny Schedel wrote:

It's not forbidden to mix diffent programming languages, I am sure they also
use Assembler codes. The problem can also occur in C++, because they trust
the client that it sends a valid string, but it can send anything.

They only use assembly code to in startup to get the CPU MHZ via 2 
calls to rdtsc.

  Thats not right ;)
  The programming language is the problem in this case. Why should i write
  my code with functions that shouldnt be used with C++?
  C++ works with the stdlib, which means streams. Not C stuff. So its
  finally up to Valve to write programs which follows C++ standards not C.
  You cant trust your users as programmer. Its up to us, to make the
  source safe, and if the projecttime needs 2 weeks more, you should spend
  the time.
  Ronny Schedel schrieb:
  The problem is not the programming language, the problem is that Valve
  their game clients too much.
  Valve should start coding c++ with steams ;)
  Who works with printfs today?
  I hope Valve will fix the whole source to prevent overflows.
  C++ is you friend, not old C stuff...
  Best regards,
  Stefan Popp
  Claudio Beretta schrieb:
  Thanks, anyone knows if a workaround is available?
  BTW: aren't security researchers supposed to contact the developers
  releasing 0-day exploits?This is the 2nd 0-day exploy from aluigi in a
  weeks -.-
  On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 6:44 PM, Morgan Humes
  A friend forwarded me this info regarding a vulnerability.  I am
  test this at the moment, but it does look like it is possible.
  would get this out to the community before others start using this to
  Morgan Humes
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Re: [hlds_linux] Valve Source Engine Console Message Format String Vulnerability

2009-08-18 Thread Gary Stanley
At 03:36 PM 8/18/2009, Ronny Schedel wrote:

It's not forbidden to mix diffent programming languages, I am sure they also
use Assembler codes. The problem can also occur in C++, because they trust
the client that it sends a valid string, but it can send anything.

They only use assembly code to in startup to get the CPU MHZ via 2 
calls to rdtsc.

  Thats not right ;)
  The programming language is the problem in this case. Why should i write
  my code with functions that shouldnt be used with C++?
  C++ works with the stdlib, which means streams. Not C stuff. So its
  finally up to Valve to write programs which follows C++ standards not C.
  You cant trust your users as programmer. Its up to us, to make the
  source safe, and if the projecttime needs 2 weeks more, you should spend
  the time.
  Ronny Schedel schrieb:
  The problem is not the programming language, the problem is that Valve
  their game clients too much.
  Valve should start coding c++ with steams ;)
  Who works with printfs today?
  I hope Valve will fix the whole source to prevent overflows.
  C++ is you friend, not old C stuff...
  Best regards,
  Stefan Popp
  Claudio Beretta schrieb:
  Thanks, anyone knows if a workaround is available?
  BTW: aren't security researchers supposed to contact the developers
  releasing 0-day exploits?This is the 2nd 0-day exploy from aluigi in a
  weeks -.-
  On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 6:44 PM, Morgan Humes
  A friend forwarded me this info regarding a vulnerability.  I am
  test this at the moment, but it does look like it is possible.
  would get this out to the community before others start using this to
  Morgan Humes
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Re: [hlds_linux] OP4 cpu usage question

2009-07-22 Thread Gary Stanley
At 02:17 PM 7/22/2009, Ook wrote:
So setmaster seems to have fixed the no server on steam browser problem.
Within 15 seconds of my issuing the setmaster command, it appeared in the
steam list - just like that, lickity split fast. Tnx to all that helped out
with that one, I've never needed to deal with setmaster on windows boxes and
I would not have thought of doing so.

My next issue/question is cpu usage. I'm running this on a Sempron 2400+
box, Slackware 12.2, kernel. 1GB ram. Foxconn K7S Winfast mother
board, socket A, SIS chipset. I've used these boards for years, and found
them to be quite stable.

hlds_amd with no players runs at about 35% cpu. Right now there are eight
players, and cpu is about 50%. The increase is actually not that bad, I'm
waiting for player count to hit 12+ to see how it's really doing. I've run
the windows version on this box, and with 12 players it might hit 10% cpu,
so I'm observing quite a bit of difference. Is this typical?

I haven't had a chance to recompile the kernel and select a simpler cpu
scheduler, the default one is... CFQ, I think, and it has a bit of overhead
associated with it. Not sure how much of an impact that might have on a
slower box like this. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I can do
to optimize this box? It doesn't seem right that hlds sitting idle with no
players would chug along at 35% cpu.

That's not a CPU scheduler, that's an I/O scheduler. Deadline is 
probably the best choice for everyone. There's no magic bullet to 
reduce CPU usage as the binaries aren't really
optimized for linux.


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Re: [hlds_linux] OP4 cpu usage question

2009-07-22 Thread Gary Stanley
At 02:17 PM 7/22/2009, Ook wrote:
So setmaster seems to have fixed the no server on steam browser problem.
Within 15 seconds of my issuing the setmaster command, it appeared in the
steam list - just like that, lickity split fast. Tnx to all that helped out
with that one, I've never needed to deal with setmaster on windows boxes and
I would not have thought of doing so.

My next issue/question is cpu usage. I'm running this on a Sempron 2400+
box, Slackware 12.2, kernel. 1GB ram. Foxconn K7S Winfast mother
board, socket A, SIS chipset. I've used these boards for years, and found
them to be quite stable.

hlds_amd with no players runs at about 35% cpu. Right now there are eight
players, and cpu is about 50%. The increase is actually not that bad, I'm
waiting for player count to hit 12+ to see how it's really doing. I've run
the windows version on this box, and with 12 players it might hit 10% cpu,
so I'm observing quite a bit of difference. Is this typical?

I haven't had a chance to recompile the kernel and select a simpler cpu
scheduler, the default one is... CFQ, I think, and it has a bit of overhead
associated with it. Not sure how much of an impact that might have on a
slower box like this. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I can do
to optimize this box? It doesn't seem right that hlds sitting idle with no
players would chug along at 35% cpu.

That's not a CPU scheduler, that's an I/O scheduler. Deadline is 
probably the best choice for everyone. There's no magic bullet to 
reduce CPU usage as the binaries aren't really
optimized for linux.


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Re: [hlds_linux] OP4 cpu usage question

2009-07-22 Thread Gary Stanley
At 03:15 PM 7/22/2009, Ook wrote:

  That's not a CPU scheduler, that's an I/O scheduler. Deadline is
  probably the best choice for everyone. There's no magic bullet to
  reduce CPU usage as the binaries aren't really
  optimized for linux.

35% cpu at idle? Compared to 1% on Winbloze? That goes beyond simply not
being optimized for linux...I guess I'll wait and see how it performs with
12+ players. I would hate to have to go back to Windows simply because of

Run a profiler on it to see what it's doing. If you don't need 
1000hz, remove it from the kernel.  I'm sorry to say but there are 
others on this list
who know for sure that the binaries just aren't as optimized as their 
windows counterparts.


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Re: [hlds_linux] OP4 cpu usage question

2009-07-22 Thread Gary Stanley
At 03:15 PM 7/22/2009, Ook wrote:

  That's not a CPU scheduler, that's an I/O scheduler. Deadline is
  probably the best choice for everyone. There's no magic bullet to
  reduce CPU usage as the binaries aren't really
  optimized for linux.

35% cpu at idle? Compared to 1% on Winbloze? That goes beyond simply not
being optimized for linux...I guess I'll wait and see how it performs with
12+ players. I would hate to have to go back to Windows simply because of

Run a profiler on it to see what it's doing. If you don't need 
1000hz, remove it from the kernel.  I'm sorry to say but there are 
others on this list
who know for sure that the binaries just aren't as optimized as their 
windows counterparts.


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Re: [hlds_linux] Ubuntu 2.6.27-14-server, Segmentation fault

2009-06-13 Thread Gary Stanley
At 04:52 PM 6/13/2009, Mark Sebastian Johansen - Support-IT Network ApS wrote:
Hello everyone.

I've currently been playing around with steam on an VMware hosted ubuntu
I will take you through the process and tell about what ive done so far.

The first thing I did was downloading the steamupdater and extract the
steam file,
after that I started installing the games I needed on the server one
after one

at a point I stopped the update as I had to leave and logged off my ssh
when I got home and started the update/install again it began writing
Segmentation fault
every time I try to install or update any of the installations - it does
not help to get a new
steam file as I have already tried that.

Attach gdb to the steam binary

gdb ./steam

See where it crashes.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Ubuntu 2.6.27-14-server, Segmentation fault

2009-06-13 Thread Gary Stanley
At 04:52 PM 6/13/2009, Mark Sebastian Johansen - Support-IT Network ApS wrote:
Hello everyone.

I've currently been playing around with steam on an VMware hosted ubuntu
I will take you through the process and tell about what ive done so far.

The first thing I did was downloading the steamupdater and extract the
steam file,
after that I started installing the games I needed on the server one
after one

at a point I stopped the update as I had to leave and logged off my ssh
when I got home and started the update/install again it began writing
Segmentation fault
every time I try to install or update any of the installations - it does
not help to get a new
steam file as I have already tried that.

Attach gdb to the steam binary

gdb ./steam

See where it crashes.

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Re: [hlds_linux] No such file or directory on amd64 - debian

2009-06-04 Thread Gary Stanley
At 04:01 AM 6/4/2009, vac - Wojtek Gajda wrote:
Dnia 04-06-2009 o 09:49:14 Ferenc Kovacs napisa³(a):

  2009/6/3 vac - Wojtek Gajda
  few days ago everything (srcds_amd, srcds_run etc.) was working fine.
  i think that i have started having this problem after small kernel
  2.6.26-1 - 2.6.26-2
  (but i'm not quite sure - dont remeber when i did the upgrade).
  now srcds_run returns:
  Auto detecting CPU
  Using AMD Optimised binary.
  Server will auto-restart if there is a crash.
  ./srcds_run: line 362: ./srcds_amd: No such file or directory
  of course i have this file:
  ls -l srcds* :
  -rwxr-xr-x 1 gry lan 183860 2009-02-26 22:31 srcds_amd
  -rwxr-xr-- 1 gry lan 183828 2009-02-26 22:31 srcds_i486
  -rwxr-xr-- 1 gry lan 183828 2009-02-26 22:31 srcds_i686
  -rwxr-xr-x 1 gry lan  10174 2009-02-26 22:31 srcds_run
  so i tried to install everything again (in test directory) and so:
  with normal user (it used to work fine):
  g...@milowice2:~/test$ wget
  g...@milowice2:~/test$ chmod +x hldsupdatetool.bin
  g...@milowice2:~/test$ ls -l
  -rwxr-xr-x 1 gry lan 3513408 2005-09-02 04:27 hldsupdatetool.bin
  g...@milowice2:~/test$ ./hldsupdatetool.bin
  -bash: ./hldsupdatetool.bin: No such file or directory
  g...@milowice2:~/test$ linux32 ./hldsupdatetool.bin
  linux32: ./hldsupdatetool.bin: No such file or directory
  and as a root (the same):
  milowice2:/home/lan/gry/test# ./hldsupdatetool.bin
  bash: ./hldsupdatetool.bin: No such file or directory
  milowice2:/home/lan/gry/test# linux32 ./hldsupdatetool.bin
  linux32: ./hldsupdatetool.bin: No such file or directory
  some informations about my system:
  milowice2:/home/lan/gry/test# uname -a
  Linux milowice2 2.6.26-2-amd64 #1 SMP Thu May 28 21:28:49 UTC 2009

g...@milowice2:~$ cat test.c
#include stdio.h
int main(){
  return 0;
g...@milowice2:~$ gcc test.c

and i'm running normal binary in the same directory:
g...@milowice2:~$ ./a.out
g...@milowice2:~$ ./hldsupdatetool.bin
bash: ./hldsupdatetool.bin: No such file or directory
g...@milowice2:~$ ls -l hldsupdatetool.bin
-rwxr-xr-x 1 gry lan 3513408 Sep  2  2005 hldsupdatetool.bin

Try gcc -m32 test.c -o test

See if it runs then. If it does not, that means 
your glibc compat libaries are broken.

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Re: [hlds_linux] No such file or directory on amd64 - debian

2009-06-04 Thread Gary Stanley
At 04:01 AM 6/4/2009, vac - Wojtek Gajda wrote:
Dnia 04-06-2009 o 09:49:14 Ferenc Kovacs napisa³(a):

  2009/6/3 vac - Wojtek Gajda
  few days ago everything (srcds_amd, srcds_run etc.) was working fine.
  i think that i have started having this problem after small kernel
  2.6.26-1 - 2.6.26-2
  (but i'm not quite sure - dont remeber when i did the upgrade).
  now srcds_run returns:
  Auto detecting CPU
  Using AMD Optimised binary.
  Server will auto-restart if there is a crash.
  ./srcds_run: line 362: ./srcds_amd: No such file or directory
  of course i have this file:
  ls -l srcds* :
  -rwxr-xr-x 1 gry lan 183860 2009-02-26 22:31 srcds_amd
  -rwxr-xr-- 1 gry lan 183828 2009-02-26 22:31 srcds_i486
  -rwxr-xr-- 1 gry lan 183828 2009-02-26 22:31 srcds_i686
  -rwxr-xr-x 1 gry lan  10174 2009-02-26 22:31 srcds_run
  so i tried to install everything again (in test directory) and so:
  with normal user (it used to work fine):
  g...@milowice2:~/test$ wget
  g...@milowice2:~/test$ chmod +x hldsupdatetool.bin
  g...@milowice2:~/test$ ls -l
  -rwxr-xr-x 1 gry lan 3513408 2005-09-02 04:27 hldsupdatetool.bin
  g...@milowice2:~/test$ ./hldsupdatetool.bin
  -bash: ./hldsupdatetool.bin: No such file or directory
  g...@milowice2:~/test$ linux32 ./hldsupdatetool.bin
  linux32: ./hldsupdatetool.bin: No such file or directory
  and as a root (the same):
  milowice2:/home/lan/gry/test# ./hldsupdatetool.bin
  bash: ./hldsupdatetool.bin: No such file or directory
  milowice2:/home/lan/gry/test# linux32 ./hldsupdatetool.bin
  linux32: ./hldsupdatetool.bin: No such file or directory
  some informations about my system:
  milowice2:/home/lan/gry/test# uname -a
  Linux milowice2 2.6.26-2-amd64 #1 SMP Thu May 28 21:28:49 UTC 2009

g...@milowice2:~$ cat test.c
#include stdio.h
int main(){
  return 0;
g...@milowice2:~$ gcc test.c

and i'm running normal binary in the same directory:
g...@milowice2:~$ ./a.out
g...@milowice2:~$ ./hldsupdatetool.bin
bash: ./hldsupdatetool.bin: No such file or directory
g...@milowice2:~$ ls -l hldsupdatetool.bin
-rwxr-xr-x 1 gry lan 3513408 Sep  2  2005 hldsupdatetool.bin

Try gcc -m32 test.c -o test

See if it runs then. If it does not, that means 
your glibc compat libaries are broken.

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Re: [hlds_linux] No such file or directory on amd64 - debian

2009-06-04 Thread Gary Stanley
Your last response was mutilated.

Anyways, you're going to have to make sure there are glibc libararies 
installed for x86/i386 binaries.

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Re: [hlds_linux] No such file or directory on amd64 - debian

2009-06-04 Thread Gary Stanley
Your last response was mutilated.

Anyways, you're going to have to make sure there are glibc libararies 
installed for x86/i386 binaries.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Improving ping

2009-06-03 Thread Gary Stanley
At 09:08 PM 6/3/2009, Oliver Salzburg wrote:
I run a box with 4 L4D servers on it.
The average ping is around 30 and I am wondering if I could further
improve it with srcds settings. I never experience any lag when playing
on them but I thought the ping value can never be low enough.
I've read a lot about pingboosts and tickrates on this list so I was
wondering what the general recommendation would be to improve the ping.

Thanks in advance

The speed of light in a perfect vacuum is 186k/miles a second. Due to 
fiber's refractive index of 1.49, The speed of light in normal fiber 
is about 124k/miles a second.
For every 60 miles of fiber, 1 millisecond of latency is added. (This 
is the most ideal conditions, however network queuing delays and 
other things slow it down too)

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Re: [hlds_linux] Improving ping

2009-06-03 Thread Gary Stanley
At 09:08 PM 6/3/2009, Oliver Salzburg wrote:
I run a box with 4 L4D servers on it.
The average ping is around 30 and I am wondering if I could further
improve it with srcds settings. I never experience any lag when playing
on them but I thought the ping value can never be low enough.
I've read a lot about pingboosts and tickrates on this list so I was
wondering what the general recommendation would be to improve the ping.

Thanks in advance

The speed of light in a perfect vacuum is 186k/miles a second. Due to 
fiber's refractive index of 1.49, The speed of light in normal fiber 
is about 124k/miles a second.
For every 60 miles of fiber, 1 millisecond of latency is added. (This 
is the most ideal conditions, however network queuing delays and 
other things slow it down too)

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Re: [hlds_linux] clock drift causing lag spikes/warping?

2009-05-20 Thread Gary Stanley
At 10:05 PM 5/19/2009, bob dolet wrote:
Thanks for the reply gary i appreciate it. I did state that i am not running
ntp, i was in the past but figured it was causing issues, so it has not been
used for quite some time. Also, i am not currently running a tickless
kernel, but i have experienced this issue on tickless and ticked kernels.
I just dont understand why a system reboot seems to resolve the issue for a
day or two, considering there is nothing substantial running on the machine
outside of ssh, screen and game servers.

Here's what could be causing your spikes

- TSC sync issues (newer linux attempts to keep the tsc's timestamps sync'd up)
- CPU Speed / CPU Idle in the kernel
- Speedstep in the BIOS
- Other types of power management
- CPU errata
- Ethernet cable errors (CRCs)
- Services running like irqbalance
- SMI interrupts firing off and consuming the bus for a few hundred ms/uS
- ACPI Processor enabled
- Tickless kernel
- Dynamic ticks
- Buggy kernel

If it doesn't happen on a stock kernel, and happens on a newer one, 
perhaps it's a bug in the kernel. You should always turn off the 
power management options
as they can cause problems with things of this nature.


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Re: [hlds_linux] clock drift causing lag spikes/warping?

2009-05-20 Thread Gary Stanley
At 10:05 PM 5/19/2009, bob dolet wrote:
Thanks for the reply gary i appreciate it. I did state that i am not running
ntp, i was in the past but figured it was causing issues, so it has not been
used for quite some time. Also, i am not currently running a tickless
kernel, but i have experienced this issue on tickless and ticked kernels.
I just dont understand why a system reboot seems to resolve the issue for a
day or two, considering there is nothing substantial running on the machine
outside of ssh, screen and game servers.

Here's what could be causing your spikes

- TSC sync issues (newer linux attempts to keep the tsc's timestamps sync'd up)
- CPU Speed / CPU Idle in the kernel
- Speedstep in the BIOS
- Other types of power management
- CPU errata
- Ethernet cable errors (CRCs)
- Services running like irqbalance
- SMI interrupts firing off and consuming the bus for a few hundred ms/uS
- ACPI Processor enabled
- Tickless kernel
- Dynamic ticks
- Buggy kernel

If it doesn't happen on a stock kernel, and happens on a newer one, 
perhaps it's a bug in the kernel. You should always turn off the 
power management options
as they can cause problems with things of this nature.


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