[jQuery] internship with a programmer - wanna work for free to learn

2008-07-10 Thread joomlafreak


I am trying to find some one to be my mentor and teach me programming
as I work. I am a novice and dont have a formal education in
programming but I do have some skills. I am actively reading these
days but that leaves a void in learning. I am in new orleans right
now. I am not sure how much time I can devote with my job I will
ultimately leave my Job when I start to grasp things well and do it
full time. I am MD by education and against resistance of my near dear
one's I have decided to go into it. It would sound crazy to many but
thats how I think. I want to do what I like and I like programming
more than my medicine.

I am 32 and dont want to go through the traditional way by going to
college. I had developed joomlaprodigy website (if someone knows
that), which I sold last year because I was still keeping on to my
medicine. Over this last year I have decided to switch now. I work in
Tulane at the moment and as soon as I get better picture of my career
possibilities I will go into learning programming full time. I hope to
go into robotics related to medicine especially orthopedics field,( my
post graduation) later.  I will burn bridges on my back once I get the
feeling that I can learn it to the extent I want to learn it.

Please give me some suggestions on this and if someone can take me as
his/her student.( I don't need any money to be paid)

If someone think I am stupid for leaving a medicine career for
programming, please dont write that. I have heard that from millions.



[jQuery] Re: internship with a programmer - wanna work for free to learn

2008-07-10 Thread joomlafreak

You are absolutely right when you say about relevant experience. My
aim is actually to go into research oriented setting at some point. I
have been readin about opinions of people over status of a formal
degree in CS or CE. My impression so far had been that they really are
not counted much compared to your experience. It is generally
mentioned by people that increasing competition has led to companies
using the credentials like degree as a way of scoring the candidates
but in the end it is your experience relevant to the need that counts.

I am in process of talking to consultants in CS to help me decide in
my aim. I have not met anybody yet but I hope they do have some
concrete and thoughtful reasoning to guide me.

Why I am thinking otherwise, not going formal way which may be wrong
completely, is that it is four years to do a degree course which is a
big time period and my age factor creates a fear in my mind. I am
pretty strong when I say I have taken the decision to switch my career
but still it breaks in sometimes.

Anyways I sincerely thank you for your very mature opinion on my
question. I would be glad to hear anything more you have to say.


On Jul 10, 4:19 pm, Jonathan Sharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Vik,

 This is somewhat of a tough question to answer. I think the most important
 factor in this is rather than programming experience it should be
 relevant experience. Having been professionally in the IT field for over
 10 years, I've focused my skill set to the web development realm and more
 specifically within that to a core set of languages and skills. There is
 such a broad range of technologies and areas of expertise along with a
 plethora of developers that I think it's going to be hard. I won't say that
 you can't do a career change, but there are considerably high sunk costs
 associated with this.

 I'd suggest your goal be to gain experience with the technologies specific
 to your career (robotics related to medicine). Unfortunately that tends to
 be a more specialized position than say a web developer. I'd honestly say
 your best bet would probably be to pursue a computer science/computer
 engineering degree which will give you enough of the experience (on top of
 your MD) to break into a position which will then have a significant amount
 of on the job training. I'd seriously look at an academic approach as
 those fields tend to be heavily research based and technically intense by
 means of hardware / software experience.


 On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 1:34 PM, joomlafreak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I am trying to find some one to be my mentor and teach me programming
  as I work. I am a novice and dont have a formal education in
  programming but I do have some skills. I am actively reading these
  days but that leaves a void in learning. I am in new orleans right
  now. I am not sure how much time I can devote with my job I will
  ultimately leave my Job when I start to grasp things well and do it
  full time. I am MD by education and against resistance of my near dear
  one's I have decided to go into it. It would sound crazy to many but
  thats how I think. I want to do what I like and I like programming
  more than my medicine.

  I am 32 and dont want to go through the traditional way by going to
  college. I had developed joomlaprodigy website (if someone knows
  that), which I sold last year because I was still keeping on to my
  medicine. Over this last year I have decided to switch now. I work in
  Tulane at the moment and as soon as I get better picture of my career
  possibilities I will go into learning programming full time. I hope to
  go into robotics related to medicine especially orthopedics field,( my
  post graduation) later.  I will burn bridges on my back once I get the
  feeling that I can learn it to the extent I want to learn it.

  Please give me some suggestions on this and if someone can take me as
  his/her student.( I don't need any money to be paid)

  If someone think I am stupid for leaving a medicine career for
  programming, please dont write that. I have heard that from millions.



[jQuery] getAttribute is not a function error

2008-05-24 Thread joomlafreak

I am getting this error and and logically I do not understand why
should it be (ofcourse my logic is wrong somewhere).

I have a php file(php5) that has code to parse XML DOM and it has a
line where I use


it works fine, the echoed content has the code generated for ajax
request as I expect it to but when I inject the echoed html on my page
I get this error getAttribute is not a function. Now what I dont
understand is that the getAttribute I used in parsing XML was at
server and the echoed content is plain html and the jquery is on my
computer. Then why this error???

Other weired thing is that the error disappears sometimes and
everything works OK. I see this error in Firebug. In IE there is no
error but it does not work either.

I did google for some info on this but not much to help me.

Does anyone have any idea on this error. I can provide you more info
if someone would like to help me with this.

thanks everyone!

[jQuery] JSON generated by php not parsed in IE

2008-05-02 Thread joomlafreak


I am going crazy on this. This is first time I tried to use JSON for
the data I need and I have a php function that generates the data.
While FF etc are showing the output the IE fails to go beyond the
$.each to iterate over the JSON array.

this is the data generated by PHP function

{items:[{col: col1,id: 1,mod_title :
yahoo_latest,mod_ct : 0,mod_code: http://rss

.news.yahoo.com/rss/topstories},{col: col1,id: 2,mod_title :
yahoo_business,mod_ct : 0

,mod_code: http://rss.news.yahoo.com/rss/business},{col:
col2,id: 3,mod_title : yahoo_world

,mod_ct : 0,mod_code: http://rss.news.yahoo.com/rss/world},
{col: col2,id: 4,mod_title

 : yahoo_entertainment,mod_ct : 0,mod_code: http://

: col3,id: 24,mod_title : bbc,mod_ct : 6,mod_code:


and this is how I call $.JSON


$.each(data.items, function(i,item){
 alert(I am here);

  . . . . . .

I don't get it. Seems like something basic I am unaware of with JSON
but even after searching for hours I have not been able to show the
data in IE.

The alert also does not come up in IE which means it is not parsing
the JSON to begin with. I have checked the JSON data again and again
and it does not have any error. I even tried to use some other JSON
data to see it it works but nope. Seems like IE does not like the data
generated with PHP but how is that possible.

Anyways I am totally out of sanity over it. Can please someone show me
some light?


[jQuery] query string encrypt/decrypt plugin????

2008-04-21 Thread joomlafreak


I have been looking for code that can let me encrypt the query string
created for an ajax call to a php script. The way I have been using
the $.ajax, my params in query string are readily available to
everyone to modify and play with. I do understand that this method may
not be an absolute way of securing things but it would atleast be
useful in deterring the most.

Is there a plugin or some example code to do it? Does anyone share the
need for something like this. If so then please reply to this message
and express your thoughts on it that may create a mass need for
something like this.

Thanks everyone!!

[jQuery] Does jquery1.2 support easing plugin 1.1.1

2007-09-15 Thread joomlafreak

I use easing plugin in many places but it seems the version 1.2 of
jQuery does not support this plugin.

Does anybody know how to get around this.


[jQuery] Re: Does jquery1.2 support easing plugin 1.1.1

2007-09-15 Thread joomlafreak

First of all let me thank you for the quick reply.

Let me provide you a link.

works in present state with 1.1.12


This is innerfade plugin where I am using easing effect and it was
working with v 1.1.12

now this break as I switched to 1.2.

you can see it live here


I fear if it is the way I had been using easing in this innerfade

I would really appreciate any hint where things are going wrong. I
decided to switch all my work to jquery 1.2 and got stuck with the
first move. :)

Btw it feels great to have a reply from you Mr John. Just feels good
to know a such a learned man gives an ear to a kid like me. :)


On Sep 15, 5:07 pm, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How so? It works great for me - I've used it in all of my tests, for 


 On 9/15/07, joomlafreak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I use easing plugin in many places but it seems the version 1.2 of
  jQuery does not support this plugin.

  Does anybody know how to get around this.


[jQuery] Digg Moves to jQuery's JavaScript Library

2007-06-23 Thread joomlafreak

Saw it on Ajax Magazine Posted by Hatem on June 23, 2007 9:04 AM

One more addition to big sites switching to my love jQuery.
Congratulations jQuery community and to the dev team especially. We
all owe you a lot for your hard work.


[jQuery] Re: Jquery based Ajax Rss Reader

2007-06-15 Thread joomlafreak

Thanks Sterling for your looking at it.

I will be wating for your suggestion though. I have tried every
possible way to make the ticker go continuously instead of the present

Right now it will rewrite the inner html in the div with new content
from server. I tried to manipulate the height and position of the div
in which the content is inserted by ajax response and at this time
also make the position more negative (equal to the height of the new
content) so that the scrolling appear continuous but unfortunately it
does not work that way.

May be some one can point me as to how I can do that.

On Jun 13, 11:13 am, Benjamin Sterling
 No suggestions off hand, but it is looking tight.

 On 6/13/07, joomlafreak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I love jQuery and I love jQuery and...


  I had surgery last week for appendicitis and while recovering in bed I
  made this feed reader,viewer or whatever you call it. I use Joomla on
  my site and this is based over Joomla. The rss feeds are imported in
  database with cron and then displayed with jquery magic.

  There are still many flaws and the ticker is not very clean but works.

  I would be very glad to have any suggestions.

 Benjamin Sterlinghttp://www.KenzoMedia.comhttp://www.KenzoHosting.com

[jQuery] Simple Question about ajax request timeout

2007-06-15 Thread joomlafreak

Many times the ajax request gets timeout and the show/hide or slideup/
down function gets stalled. Even the next succcessful ajax call does
not update the element.

I wonder how can I set up some global callback / local callback
function so that those element which should have been updated are
cleared up for next successful callback.

for example, lets say I have this code

function test(){

Now as the function test is called it shows the loading div slidedown
showing the message loading
and once the ajax request is successful, the same div slideup.

However, in case the ajax request timeout occurs, the div stays open
and even if the next call to this function results in successful ajax
request, this div stays open. Basically it likks the show. Everything
is sorted out once you refresh the page.

How can I sort this practical question/problem?

[jQuery] Re: Simple Question about ajax request timeout

2007-06-15 Thread joomlafreak


This is work, not tried yet but I am hopeful.

I have one concern though. I have the above described situations at
many places in my application

and all are prone to the situation I described in my post above. Is
there a way I can do it globally.
By the above means it seems I have to provide the element's id to do
the slideUp and since it is a global function, how do I do the slideup
only for the one which had failed response. If I write all of them in
the function then even the one which had successful request will

Don't know if I could explain my question clearly.

BTW thank you very much for the tip. I will try to play with it and
post back if I get something working.

On Jun 15, 8:59 am, Rob Desbois [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does this catch a timeout condition? If so you could do the slideUp() from


 error: function() {
// ...


 On 6/15/07, joomlafreak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Many times the ajax request gets timeout and the show/hide or slideup/
  down function gets stalled. Even the next succcessful ajax call does
  not update the element.

  I wonder how can I set up some global callback / local callback
  function so that those element which should have been updated are
  cleared up for next successful callback.

  for example, lets say I have this code

  function test(){

  Now as the function test is called it shows the loading div slidedown
  showing the message loading
  and once the ajax request is successful, the same div slideup.

  However, in case the ajax request timeout occurs, the div stays open
  and even if the next call to this function results in successful ajax
  request, this div stays open. Basically it likks the show. Everything
  is sorted out once you refresh the page.

  How can I sort this practical question/problem?

 Rob Desbois
 Tel: 01452 760631
 Mob: 07946 705987
 There's a whale there's a whale there's a whale fish he cried, and the
 whale was in full view.
 ...Then ooh welcome. Ahhh. Ooh mug welcome.

[jQuery] Jquery based Ajax Rss Reader

2007-06-13 Thread joomlafreak

I love jQuery and I love jQuery and...


I had surgery last week for appendicitis and while recovering in bed I
made this feed reader,viewer or whatever you call it. I use Joomla on
my site and this is based over Joomla. The rss feeds are imported in
database with cron and then displayed with jquery magic.

There are still many flaws and the ticker is not very clean but works.

I would be very glad to have any suggestions.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery core charset???????????(please help!!!!me!)

2007-06-04 Thread joomlafreak

thanks for the this more elaborate explanation. I still have one
question though.
Where do I specify my charset so make the change in response header,
in the output from the php file that I am using to query with GET or
in the ajax call itself to this php file, which I suppose would be
using beforeSubmit?

I hope you would reply to this rather mundane question for you.
Thanks again

On Jun 4, 3:32 am, Bil Corry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 joomlafreak wrote on 6/3/2007 8:20 PM:

  I don't know if it should be utf-8 or something anywhere in this. I
  read on this thread or some other thread that the javascript will deal
  with this encoding in utf-8.

 Where you see the following in the response header:

 Content-Type: text/html

 It should be this in order for the browser to correctly use the charset being 

 Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1

 I set up a little test, curious to see how the browsers would handle various 
 charsets on one page:


 What you're looking at is four .load()s, each one specifying (or not) the 
 charset of the text.  The text is the same for all four, but in their 
 respective charsets.  I also have the em-dash in both UTF-8 and Windows-1252 
 in all four as well.

 Testing it with FF2 and IE7, I see that not specifying a charset in the 
 response header defaults to UTF-8.  Specifying it as the correct charset 
 causes it to work properly.  Specifying ISO-8859-1 but including the extended 
 chars from Windows-1252 (smart quotes, em-dash, etc) causes FF2 to render the 
 text as Windows-1252 even though ISO-8859-1 was specified.  However, IE7 is 
 less forgiving and (correctly) renders the em-dash as an unknown character 
 (em-dash doesn't exist in ISO-8859-1!).  So if you're serving ISO-8859-1, 
 it's probably better to serve it using Windows-1252 as the charset so that 
 both FF2 and IE7 will render the characters the same when those sneaky smart 
 quotes slip in (ala copypaste from Word).

 - Bil

[jQuery] Re: jQuery core charset???????????(please help!!!!me!)

2007-06-04 Thread joomlafreak

ok I read bout it and found it. It has to included in the php file I
am calling. Will test it now.
thanks a lot

On Jun 4, 11:03 am, joomlafreak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 thanks for the this more elaborate explanation. I still have one
 question though.
 Where do I specify my charset so make the change in response header,
 in the output from the php file that I am using to query with GET or
 in the ajax call itself to this php file, which I suppose would be
 using beforeSubmit?

 I hope you would reply to this rather mundane question for you.
 Thanks again

 On Jun 4, 3:32 am, Bil Corry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  joomlafreak wrote on 6/3/2007 8:20 PM:

   I don't know if it should be utf-8 or something anywhere in this. I
   read on this thread or some other thread that the javascript will deal
   with this encoding in utf-8.

  Where you see the following in the response header:

  Content-Type: text/html

  It should be this in order for the browser to correctly use the charset 
  being sent:

  Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1

  I set up a little test, curious to see how the browsers would handle 
  various charsets on one page:


  What you're looking at is four .load()s, each one specifying (or not) the 
  charset of the text.  The text is the same for all four, but in their 
  respective charsets.  I also have the em-dash in both UTF-8 and 
  Windows-1252 in all four as well.

  Testing it with FF2 and IE7, I see that not specifying a charset in the 
  response header defaults to UTF-8.  Specifying it as the correct charset 
  causes it to work properly.  Specifying ISO-8859-1 but including the 
  extended chars from Windows-1252 (smart quotes, em-dash, etc) causes FF2 to 
  render the text as Windows-1252 even though ISO-8859-1 was specified.  
  However, IE7 is less forgiving and (correctly) renders the em-dash as an 
  unknown character (em-dash doesn't exist in ISO-8859-1!).  So if you're 
  serving ISO-8859-1, it's probably better to serve it using Windows-1252 as 
  the charset so that both FF2 and IE7 will render the characters the same 
  when those sneaky smart quotes slip in (ala copypaste from Word).

  - Bil

[jQuery] Re: jQuery core charset???????????(please help!!!!me!)

2007-06-03 Thread joomlafreak

I am also frustrated with this issue and have been reading on internet
every bit I can make sense of but still have no clue on how to solve
this, I have problem with Norwegian language.

I am using $.get to get content from database processed by a php file
nsdb.php. This file takes out the html content from database and send
by echo. After I inject this echoed html in my div, I get ? instead of
special characters.

The meta on my page is this
meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html;
charset=iso-8859-1 /

and the header requesst as I see in firebug is this
Accept-Charset  ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7

I just don't understand this
charset issue. May some learned solul throw some light on this issue
in a little detail.

thanks in advance.

On Jun 3, 3:00 pm, Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don't think there is a quick and dirty solution. You need to update the


 On 6/3/07, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I always recommend going full utf when you have this kind of problem...

  Same here.  jQuery is only going to submit UTF-8 because it uses
  encodeURIComponent (as it should).  If you need a different charset on
  the server then that's where you'll need to convert it.


 Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ - יעקב   ʝǡǩȩ   ᎫᎪᏦᎬ

[jQuery] How to manipulate background position

2007-05-29 Thread joomlafreak

I have tried many ways but it seems this is not possible. The css
function does not allow me to use two values for background position
with a space between the values and gives an error that ) is missing
when I use this

css(background-position,0 50%).

Even if  I use this
css({background-position,0 50%})

it does not work and gives an error.

Can someone please throw some light on this property and how can I use
it to manipulate the background image position. I want to use it for
css sprite kinda use for a single image of many small icon images.

thanks in advance.

[jQuery] Re: Getting two animations together on an element

2007-05-26 Thread joomlafreak

Thanks Eric, it works.

But this has a limitation, I can only have one time duration for both
animation. I need to create different animation speed. Funny thing is
that have always had thing stating simultaneously and I have use call
backs to make one start after other but in this combination it is
happening opposite of what I want to do.

On May 26, 2:43 am, Erik Beeson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How about:



 On 5/25/07, joomlafreak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Most of the time I want to have two animations after one aother and I
  can fet it by using call back. But for something I am writing I want
  two animation namely height and opacity occurring together on an
  element to create a curtain like effect but whatever I tried it seems
  one animation completes before other starts.

  Can someone please educate me as to how I can achieve it?
  for simplest code if I say



  but none does what I intend it to do.

[jQuery] Getting two animations together on an element

2007-05-25 Thread joomlafreak

Most of the time I want to have two animations after one aother and I
can fet it by using call back. But for something I am writing I want
two animation namely height and opacity occurring together on an
element to create a curtain like effect but whatever I tried it seems
one animation completes before other starts.

Can someone please educate me as to how I can achieve it?
for simplest code if I say



but none does what I intend it to do.

[jQuery] RssFeed Reader with simpleie and jquery,innerfade and easing plugin

2007-05-22 Thread joomlafreak

I made this rssfee reader with jquery and simplepie rss parser. Though
still a little buggy in Opera.
I would very much appreciate any suggestions to improve it.

[jQuery] Re: jquery.us

2007-05-19 Thread joomlafreak

Done dna done!

On May 19, 11:22 am, jazzle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 done++; // or done += 1;

 John Resig wrote:

  Well, that's just weird; definitely trying to make $ with adwords.
  This is the type of thing that you can ban a site for.

  Here's what everyone can do:
  1) Go to the site and click Ads by Google in the Adsense block.
  2) Click the Send Google your thoughts on the site or the ads you
  just saw link on the subsequent page.
  3) Check The site is hosting/distributing my copyrighted content
  3) Click Also Report a Violation? and check the website
  4) Complete the form and submit it.

  We'll have this guy banned in no time.


 View this message in 
 Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] news scroller example with innerfade and easing plugin

2007-05-17 Thread joomlafreak

I thought I would share a news scroller like module I developed using
innerfade and easing plugins here.

this is how made some changes in innerfade plugin

$.innerfade.next = function (elements, settings, current, last) {

if ( settings.animationtype == 'slide' ) {
$(elements[last]).slideUp(settings.speed, $
} else if ( settings.animationtype == 'fade' ) {
0},{duration:settings.speed,easing: 'expoout'});
} else {
alert('animationtype must either be \'slide\' or \'fade\'');
rest of the plugin is same.

this is the html

div id=newsscrollerjp
div class=newsitemjp_outer

div class=newsitemjp
div class=insidejp
prettypicturejp_logo.png class=img alt= alt= width=200
height=180 align=left/

a class=newsitemjp_heading 
content/view/207/46/PrettyPictureJP Module Released/abr/
span class=smallSat, 05 May 2007/spanbr/

 PrettyPictureJP module is released today. Please read the module

a class=readon 
207/46/Read More.../aa href=http://www.joomlaprodigy.com/content/
blogsection/1/46/Read All.../a

div class=newsitemjp
div class=insidejp

a class=newsitemjp_heading 
content/view/206/46/New Ajax rating system on JP/abr/
span class=smallFri, 04 May 2007/spanbr/

I am using a new mambot AjratingJP on JoomlaProdigy.com (which
a class=readon 
206/46/Read More.../aa href=http://www.joomlaprodigy.com/content/
blogsection/1/46/Read All.../a

/divdiv class=newsitemjp_outer

div class=newsitemjp
div class=insidejp

a class=newsitemjp_heading 
content/view/205/46/New Ajax rating system on JP/abr/

span class=smallFri, 04 May 2007/spanbr/

I am using a new mambot AjratingJP on JoomlaProdigy.com. This
a class=readon 
205/46/Read More.../aa href=http://www.joomlaprodigy.com/content/
blogsection/1/46/Read All.../a

div class=newsitemjp
div class=insidejp

alert.png class=img alt= alt= width=200 height=180

a class=newsitemjp_heading 
content/view/200/46/New Version of Feedgator 0.7C42/abr/
span class=smallTue, 24 Apr 2007/spanbr/

For those of you who are disappointed with the feedgator earlier...br/
a class=readon 
200/46/Read More.../aa href=http://www.joomlaprodigy.com/content/
blogsection/1/46/Read All.../a



You can see an example running in header of my website www.joomlaprodigy.com.

[jQuery] Re: simple div with scrollbar plugin

2007-05-17 Thread joomlafreak

Do you expect that plugin to only create scrollable divs???

On May 17, 4:34 pm, Tom  Shafer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am in need of a simple div with scrollbar plugisn. I am not quite
 sure how to write one. Is there one out there?


[jQuery] mouse flicker when animation is taking place in IE

2007-05-17 Thread joomlafreak

I have a very simple question. Whenever fading out, fading in,
slidedown, slideup etc animations occur (for me on my notebook), the
IE shows flickering of mouse over the screen as if it is downloading
something. Thats does not happen in FF. I wonder why does this happen.
Im sure it is not a bug but some default property of our beloved IE
that does it and I hope there is some extra line of code (like !
important in css) to tame this behavior in IE.

[jQuery] Re: what is the license of this beautiful plugin innerfade

2007-05-16 Thread joomlafreak

Thanks Sean!

On May 16, 7:02 pm, Sean Catchpole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If there is no license, then it's probably safe to assume opensource,
 like MIT style.


[jQuery] Re: NEWS: Wordpress 2.2 Switches to jQuery

2007-05-16 Thread joomlafreak

Jquery is making its presence felt everywhere 

On May 16, 10:05 pm, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You can read the details here:



 BrightLight Development, LLC.
 954-775- (o)
 954-600-2726 (c)
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]://www.iambright.com

[jQuery] Re: How to use easing plugin equation in innerfade plugin

2007-05-16 Thread joomlafreak

got it!

On May 16, 10:37 pm, joomlafreak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have been trying hard for some time now to use the equations of a
 href=http://gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery.easing.php;easing plugin/a
 in innerfade plugin.

 I included the easing plugin JS in page. This is the innerfade
 function in which I am using it

 $.innerfade.next = function (elements, settings, current, last) {

 if ( settings.animationtype == 'slide' ) {
 $(elements[last]).slideUp(settings.speed, $
 } else if ( settings.animationtype == 'fade' ) {
 {duration:settings.speed*2,easing: bounceout});
 } else {
 alert('animationtype must either be \'slide\' or \'fade\'');

 but it gives error, bounceout is not defined.
 Then I tried to extract the bounceout equation and put it in the
 $.innerfade.next function but still the same error. I wonder how do I
 achieve this easing effect in this plugin.

 Any suggestions please

[jQuery] Delay mouseover trigger - how?

2007-05-10 Thread joomlafreak

Mouseover is a very sensitive trigger and if a page/section has many
triggers for mouseover they all inevitably register the event on
mouseover and kill the show. I want to achieve a way of triggering the
mouseover event only if the mouseover happens for a little longer and
cancel the event otherwise. I feel many people would have felt the
need of having this at some point.

Say the mouseover even will register only if the mouseover happens for
0.5 second and if not the event is cancelled or not triggered. I have
thought on this but could not come up with a nice enough way of doing
it. Does anyone have any idea as to how I can do it.


[jQuery] Re: Delay mouseover trigger - how?

2007-05-10 Thread joomlafreak

Thank you vey much. that exactly I intend to have :)

On May 10, 8:29 am, spinnach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 there is a plugin that does exactly what you need, 


 joomlafreak wrote:
  Mouseover is a very sensitive trigger and if a page/section has many
  triggers for mouseover they all inevitably register the event on
  mouseover and kill the show. I want to achieve a way of triggering the
  mouseover event only if the mouseover happens for a little longer and
  cancel the event otherwise. I feel many people would have felt the
  need of having this at some point.

  Say the mouseover even will register only if the mouseover happens for
  0.5 second and if not the event is cancelled or not triggered. I have
  thought on this but could not come up with a nice enough way of doing
  it. Does anyone have any idea as to how I can do it.


[jQuery] Re: create new element in DOM

2007-05-08 Thread joomlafreak

That's simple html.

On May 8, 12:58 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What data is being sent to the html function?

 On May 7, 5:13 pm, joomlafreak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I thought it is simple but why am I not able to achieve it, I don't

  this is what I am doing

  var isidThere = $(#tabcnt+fileid_id);

  if (isidThere.size() != 1){


  //here I am trying to create a new element to store data for future
  use without having to query it again form server



  I thought this statement

  would create a new element in the DOM but even after going through the
  loop the check on top throws isidThere.size() as 0, which means the
  element is not there is DOM.

  Can someone please guide me as to why the element is not being created
  here to store the data.

  many thanks in advance for any help.

[jQuery] Re: New plugin: simple character counter for textareas

2007-05-08 Thread joomlafreak

sweet little gadget!


On May 8, 1:00 pm, Chris W. Parker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tuesday, May 08, 2007 8:48 AM [EMAIL PROTECTED]  said:

  I've just released the first version of a simple plugin to add
  character counters/limiters to textarea elements. The demo and code
  can be found here:




 I think you should change the 'container' option into a more flexible
 'attachTo' option.

 It would work like this:


 textarea id=text1 .../textarea
 div id=count_text1/div


 $(textarea).charCounter(100, {
 attachTo: #count_text1,
 className: counter



[jQuery] Can I use css to set background image dynamically

2007-05-08 Thread joomlafreak

I am trying to use css(background-image,image) but it does not set
the image as background. What am I doing wrong. here is the code.

function changeit(imgnum){
var item = $(.story).eq(i);
var image = $(.fullst).eq(i).html();

if ( item != ) {
if(i != imagenum){

thanks in advance for help

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[jQuery] Re: Can I use css to set background image dynamically

2007-05-08 Thread joomlafreak

It is url of image relative to this file.

Pls see this url

thanks for your help.

On May 8, 6:22 pm, Karl Rudd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It should work. What end up in image? It should be a URL (relative
 to the page).

 Karl Rudd

 On 5/9/07, joomlafreak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I am trying to use css(background-image,image) but it does not set
  the image as background. What am I doing wrong. here is the code.

  function changeit(imgnum){
  var item = $(.story).eq(i);
  var image = $(.fullst).eq(i).html();

  if ( item != ) {
  if(i != imagenum){

  thanks in advance for help

[jQuery] Re: Can I use css to set background image dynamically

2007-05-08 Thread joomlafreak

Got it. thanks a lot. It was so silly of me to miss using url.

thanks again.

On May 8, 7:53 pm, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 not sure what var image = $(.fullst).eq(i).html(); returns, but the
 'backgroundImage' (or 'background-image'; either one is fine) value
 should look something like 'url(path/to/image.jpg)'

 Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

 On May 8, 2007, at 6:29 PM, joomlafreak wrote:

  It is url of image relative to this file.

  Pls see this url

  thanks for your help.

  On May 8, 6:22 pm, Karl Rudd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  It should work. What end up in image? It should be a URL (relative
  to the page).

  Karl Rudd

  On 5/9/07, joomlafreak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I am trying to use css(background-image,image) but it does not set
  the image as background. What am I doing wrong. here is the code.

  function changeit(imgnum){
  var item = $(.story).eq(i);
  var image = $(.fullst).eq(i).html();

  if ( item != ) {
  if(i != imagenum){

  thanks in advance for help

[jQuery] Re: Can I use css to set background image dynamically

2007-05-08 Thread joomlafreak

I really admire your honesty. I was feeling so stupid and was thinking
people would label me a jerk after reading my post for this stupidity.
But after such an honest admittance from you I think it was not such a
big deal. Things like this can happen :).

I apprecite and thank again for our reply.
Have a good night.

On May 8, 8:07 pm, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 heh. I only mentioned it because it happened to me recently, too. ;-)

 Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

 On May 8, 2007, at 7:59 PM, joomlafreak wrote:

  Got it. thanks a lot. It was so silly of me to miss using url.

  thanks again.

  On May 8, 7:53 pm, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  not sure what var image = $(.fullst).eq(i).html(); returns, but the
  'backgroundImage' (or 'background-image'; either one is fine) value
  should look something like 'url(path/to/image.jpg)'

  Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

  On May 8, 2007, at 6:29 PM, joomlafreak wrote:

  It is url of image relative to this file.

  Pls see this url

  thanks for your help.

  On May 8, 6:22 pm, Karl Rudd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  It should work. What end up in image? It should be a URL
  to the page).

  Karl Rudd

  On 5/9/07, joomlafreak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I am trying to use css(background-image,image) but it does
  not set
  the image as background. What am I doing wrong. here is the code.

  function changeit(imgnum){
  var item = $(.story).eq(i);
  var image = $(.fullst).eq(i).html();

  if ( item != ) {
  if(i != imagenum){

  thanks in advance for help

[jQuery] Re: image replacement

2007-05-07 Thread joomlafreak

I am sorry but I found your code little complicated. Anyways I can
suggest something like this

ok = $(this);
href = ok.attr('rel')||'';
ok.bind('click', function(){
isImage = $(.preview).size();
if (isImage ==1){
 $(.preview).html('img width=600 height=400

Hope this helps. BTW nice though of creating such a gallery. good

On May 6, 10:34 pm, Equand [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 so as you see i figured most of it... except the transition...
 it bugs by displacing... and doesn't seem to work correctly, i wanted
 to on load of new to fade out the old and fade in the new... if you
 look in the code u can see this, thanx in advance

[jQuery] Re: image replacement

2007-05-07 Thread joomlafreak

Sorry I think this line
isImage = $(.preview).size();

should be like this
isImage = $(.preview/img).size();

joomlafreak wrote:
 I am sorry but I found your code little complicated. Anyways I can
 suggest something like this

 ok = $(this);
 href = ok.attr('rel')||'';
 ok.bind('click', function(){
 isImage = $(.preview).size();
 if (isImage ==1){
  $(.preview).html('img width=600 height=400

 Hope this helps. BTW nice though of creating such a gallery. good

 On May 6, 10:34 pm, Equand [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  so as you see i figured most of it... except the transition...
  it bugs by displacing... and doesn't seem to work correctly, i wanted
  to on load of new to fade out the old and fade in the new... if you
  look in the code u can see this, thanx in advance

[jQuery] create new element in DOM

2007-05-07 Thread joomlafreak

I thought it is simple but why am I not able to achieve it, I don't

this is what I am doing

var isidThere = $(#tabcnt+fileid_id);

if (isidThere.size() != 1){


//here I am trying to create a new element to store data for future
use without having to query it again form server



I thought this statement

would create a new element in the DOM but even after going through the
loop the check on top throws isidThere.size() as 0, which means the
element is not there is DOM.

Can someone please guide me as to why the element is not being created
here to store the data.

many thanks in advance for any help.

[jQuery] Re: image replacement

2007-05-06 Thread joomlafreak

On May 6, 12:38 am, Equand [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hi all,
 i'm a newbie in javascript and jquery also.
 could you please help
 i'm trying to write a function to do onclick of a div called img to
 change img in div called 'preview'
 how do i make it replace with an image which is taken from a href=
 attribute of the img div?
 $(.preview img).stopAll().before('').remove();

I am sorry to say but you are little ambiguous in what you wanna do. I
assume you are trying to replace an image in a div by clicking on
another div and the image you are placing is defined in a link???

If this is what you want mey be this can help

var newimg = $(a.some_class).attr(href);
$(#preview).html('img src='+newimg+'');

I may have understood your question very well. Hope it helps.

[jQuery] load image by ajax..how?

2007-04-28 Thread joomlafreak

I need for one application relatively big size background images which
change every few seconds. I was wondering if it is possible to load
the images one by one using ajax and then set some clause to use it
from the DOM after it is loaded for the cycle and not loading it from
the server. The second part is easy I feel where I will set up a
clause to not load it from the server by ajax but from the div where
it is inserted. But how do I load the image first time using ajax.

[jQuery] Re: load image by ajax..how?

2007-04-28 Thread joomlafreak

Thanks for your reply. I figured it out from the post.
thanks again

On Apr 28, 11:37 am, Dave Cardwell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 joomlafreak wrote:
  I need for one application relatively big size background images which
  change every few seconds. I was wondering if it is possible to load
  the images one by one using ajax and then set some clause to use it
  from the DOM after it is loaded for the cycle and not loading it from
  the server. The second part is easy I feel where I will set up a
  clause to not load it from the server by ajax but from the div where
  it is inserted. But how do I load the image first time using ajax.

 You don't need AJAX for that, you can just get the browser to download
 and cache the image using a normal hidden img element.

 See previous 

 Best wishes,
 Dave Cardwell.


[jQuery] Repeated quick clicks mess up my code..please help

2007-04-28 Thread joomlafreak

I used the code posted by Mr. Sean on this group and a working example
is at this url
http://www.levelfield.com/ticker.html. Thanks Sean and all who helped
him develop further.

I added few lines to this code to make something like Yahoo movie home
page module. It works nicely but I have noticed that on repeated
clicks on the navigation it seems like the module goes berserk and it
start to behave weird. Another thing is that inbetween at random the
translucent box does not show up and all the text gets aligned to left
as if it did not get the css to place it where it should be.
Here is my code

var ppdelay = ?php echo $ppdelay; ?;
var newsitems;
var curritem=0;
var iPause=0;
var tbtype='';
var indicdelay = ppdelay-3000;

var protect = jQuery(a.navig_link:eq(0)).text();
if (protect.charAt(0) != P){
alert(Are you trying to copy this code?);
var tickerSelector = #imagebx .imageitem;
newsitems = jQuery(tickerSelector).hide().hover(
//jQuery(#indic).animate({opacity: 0.0}, 3);

var ntext = jQuery(.ntext:eq(+curritem+)).html();
var csstype = jQuery(.transboxpos:eq(+curritem+)).text();
case right:
  var tbtype = 'tbright';
case bottom:
  var tbtype = 'tbbottom';
  var tbtype = 'tbleft';

indictimeset = setInterval(function(){showanim()},indicdelay);

//jQuery(#indic).animate({opacity: 0.01},
indicdelay).animate({opacity: 1.0}, 3);
timeset = setInterval(function(){ticknews()},ppdelay);


function ticknews(itemnum) {

  if (iPause==0){
//jQuery(#indic).animate({opacity: 0.0}, 3);

jQuery(#imagebx .imageitem:eq(+curritem

if (itemnum !=undefined){
curritem = itemnum;
curritem = ++curritem%newsitems;
jQuery(#imagebx .imageitem:eq(+curritem
var ntext = jQuery(.ntext:eq(+curritem+)).html();
var csstype = jQuery(.transboxpos:eq(+curritem+)).text();
case right:
  var tbtype = 'tbright';
case bottom:
  var tbtype = 'tbbottom';
  var tbtype = 'tbleft';

indictimeset = setInterval(function(){showanim()},indicdelay);

//jQuery(#indic).animate({opacity: 0.01},
indicdelay).animate({opacity: 1.0}, 3);

function showanim(){

function ticknews_new(elnum){
timeset = setInterval(function(){ticknews()},ppdelay);

The function ticknews_new is what is called by navigation links.
I have tried all day to solve this but to no luck so at last the place
to seek help.

Thanks in advance

[jQuery] Re: Repeated quick clicks mess up my code..please help

2007-04-28 Thread joomlafreak

Here is link to the live page where I am using this code. See how it
behaves on repeated clicks


On Apr 28, 8:58 pm, joomlafreak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 var ppdelay = ?php echo $ppdelay; ?;
 var newsitems;
 var curritem=0;
 var iPause=0;
 var tbtype;
 var indicdelay = ppdelay-3000;


 var tickerSelector = #imagebx .imageitem;
 newsitems = jQuery(tickerSelector).hide().hover(
 //jQuery(#indic).animate({opacity: 0.0}, 3);

 var ntext = jQuery(.ntext:eq(+curritem+)).html();
 var csstype = jQuery(.transboxpos:eq(+curritem+)).text();
 case right:
   var tbtype = 'tbright';
 case bottom:
   var tbtype = 'tbbottom';
   var tbtype = 'tbleft';}


 indictimeset = setInterval(function(){showanim()},indicdelay);

 //jQuery(#indic).animate({opacity: 0.01},
 indicdelay).animate({opacity: 1.0}, 3);
 timeset = setInterval(function(){ticknews()},ppdelay);


 function ticknews(itemnum) {

   if (iPause==0){
 //jQuery(#indic).animate({opacity: 0.0}, 3);

 jQuery(#imagebx .imageitem:eq(+curritem

 if (itemnum !=undefined){
 curritem = itemnum;
 curritem = ++curritem%newsitems;
 jQuery(#imagebx .imageitem:eq(+curritem
 var ntext = jQuery(.ntext:eq(+curritem+)).html();
 var csstype = jQuery(.transboxpos:eq(+curritem+)).text();
 case right:
   var tbtype = 'tbright';
 case bottom:
   var tbtype = 'tbbottom';
   var tbtype = 'tbleft';


 indictimeset = setInterval(function(){showanim()},indicdelay);

 //jQuery(#indic).animate({opacity: 0.01},
 indicdelay).animate({opacity: 1.0}, 3);


 function showanim(){

 function ticknews_new(elnum){
 timeset = setInterval(function(){ticknews()},ppdelay);

[jQuery] Does addClass overwrite property

2007-04-27 Thread joomlafreak

I have a very basic question. If I use addClass, will it overwrite a
css property.
Say for example I use


The div1 had css property background-color set to white and in the
class div_active background property is black.

Will the addClass make the background of div1 black.
I could not do it and it seems the only property that changes is the
one not defined previously in .div1.
Is there a way to achieve it.


[jQuery] Re: Does addClass overwrite property

2007-04-27 Thread joomlafreak

You were on dot Sir,

I changed the order and t works as I dream.
Thanks again
Have a nice day.

People like you inspire everyone to help others.

On Apr 27, 3:11 am, Dave Cardwell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 joomlafreak wrote:
  I have a very basic question. If I use addClass, will it overwrite a
  css property.
  Say for example I use


  The div1 had css property background-color set to white and in the
  class div_active background property is black.

  Will the addClass make the background of div1 black.
  I could not do it and it seems the only property that changes is the
  one not defined previously in .div1.
  Is there a way to achieve it.


 This should work as you have described. In the CSS file, do you have
 .div_active defined after .div1? Normal CSS presedence rules will apply.

 If this is the case and it still does not work, if you provide an
 example page we'll be able to locate the problem for you.

 Best wishes,
 Dave Cardwell.


[jQuery] Re: Pause Plugin- why it does not work for me

2007-04-26 Thread joomlafreak

Hi James
Thanks for your reply but it seems your method also does not work.

By following your method, if I want to change the css property of an
element after 4 seconds I would be writing it like this


but this changes the style right away.

On Apr 26, 8:29 pm, James  Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I haven't used Pause but I took a look at the code and it looks like
 you use it in a chain, like this:


 It's how it appears to me (may be wrong in my interpretation though).

 Also, it appears that type is an optional parameter that you specify
 (it defaults to fx if you don't) that you can use for identification
 if you want to unpause stuff.


 On Apr 26, 4:21 pm, joomlafreak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I am trying to use the pause plugin by Mr Howard like this

  $(#navigblock .navig_item:eq(+curritem

  and I have included the plugin in head of my page but still it keeps
  giving me this error pause is not defined in firebug.

  Also in unpause what is meant by type?
  The documentation is so little that I could not understand it
  properly. Actually it must be very simple to use I guess and thats why
  there is not much documentation.

  Can someone please shower some light on my poor understanding of this
  beautiful piece of code?

[jQuery] question about DOM manipulation

2007-04-22 Thread joomlafreak

I have a problem or say a question that often bother me.
Say I use a function to animate certain elements with default
parameters. At some point I inject some parameter values other than
default. Now what happens is that the animations gets added to the one
started before on the same elements by previous call. I want to cancel
the previous animation so that the DOM has this animation running with
present parameters.

You can have a look here 

If you would click on any navigation number at the bottom, the new
animation would superimpose on the previous animation. And ofcourse it
just messes up the whole thing.

Can someone please tell me how can I cancel the previous animation.


[jQuery] Re: question about DOM manipulation

2007-04-22 Thread joomlafreak

the tabs numbered as tab1,tab2 have numbers at the bottom like
1,2,3,4 .
If you click on these numbers it loads the content by different
parameters being passed on the same function.

it takes a few seconds (settimeout) to show the mess.

Would you please care to look at the link again.

On Apr 22, 3:39 pm, Diego A. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I know what you're trying to say but I can't re-created it on the URL
 you provided. I don't know where I should be clicking. The animations
 I tried seemed fine...

 On Apr 22, 8:14 pm, joomlafreak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have a problem or say a question that often bother me.
  Say I use a function to animate certain elements with default
  parameters. At some point I inject some parameter values other than
  default. Now what happens is that the animations gets added to the one
  started before on the same elements by previous call. I want to cancel
  the previous animation so that the DOM has this animation running with
  present parameters.

  You can have a look 

  If you would click on any navigation number at the bottom, the new
  animation would superimpose on the previous animation. And ofcourse it
  just messes up the whole thing.

  Can someone please tell me how can I cancel the previous animation.


[jQuery] Re: question about DOM manipulation

2007-04-22 Thread joomlafreak

Thank you very much for your reply.

I will contact the author.
BTW, as you said, which other plugin can let me do the same thing.
I searched and found this one but I don't remember if there is some
other that would let me do the same thing.

Thanks again

On Apr 22, 3:59 pm, Diego A. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Now I see it... Damn! That's not nice! lol

 From what I can see after inspecting your code, this is a problem with

 the innerFade plugin. I think you should contact the author...
 // Autor: Torsten Baldes
 ...and ask him to have a look.

 Meanwhile, you could try a different plugin to achieve the same effect
 and see if that works...

 On Apr 22, 8:45 pm, joomlafreak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  the tabs numbered as tab1,tab2 have numbers at the bottom like
  1,2,3,4 .
  If you click on these numbers it loads the content by different
  parameters being passed on the same function.

  it takes a few seconds (settimeout) to show the mess.

  Would you please care to look at the link 

  On Apr 22, 3:39 pm, Diego A. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I know what you're trying to say but I can't re-created it on the URL
   you provided. I don't know where I should be clicking. The animations
   I tried seemed fine...

   On Apr 22, 8:14 pm, joomlafreak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a problem or say a question that often bother me.
Say I use a function to animate certain elements with default
parameters. At some point I inject some parameter values other than
default. Now what happens is that the animations gets added to the one
started before on the same elements by previous call. I want to cancel
the previous animation so that the DOM has this animation running with
present parameters.

You can have a look 

If you would click on any navigation number at the bottom, the new
animation would superimpose on the previous animation. And ofcourse it
just messes up the whole thing.

Can someone please tell me how can I cancel the previous animation.


[jQuery] What is wrong with this code

2007-04-20 Thread joomlafreak

this is what I have


var new_content =
jQuery(item_content).filter(#contentpane .contentpane  p).eq(0);


What I imagine this code should be doing is extract the first
paragraph from the item_content and fill the #mycontent with this
first paragraph.

But what I get it nothing in this #mycontent.

Can someone please point me to what I am I doing wrong. I intent to
extract the first paragraph from
#contentpane .contentpane element.


[jQuery] Re: What is wrong with this code

2007-04-20 Thread joomlafreak

Thanks for the reply Brian,

I tried your way but didn work.
I looked at the docs again and it says it should be like this

jQuery(item_content).filter(#contentpane .contentpane  p, :first);

But unfortunately this also did not work.
As for th cloning of node, Well I am novice to javascript and have
never used it before, infact don't know how to use this function.

Thanks again. Please do write if you have any more suggestions.

On Apr 20, 11:45 am, Brian Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Quick-n-dirty way: use .eq(0).innerHTML instead of .eq(0) .

 But, what might probably work better is if you cloned the node and
 inserted it into #myContent (assuming that it winds up as valid DOM that

 - Brian

  this is what I have


 var new_content =
  jQuery(item_content).filter(#contentpane .contentpane  p).eq(0);


  What I imagine this code should be doing is extract the first
  paragraph from the item_content and fill the #mycontent with this
  first paragraph.

  But what I get it nothing in this #mycontent.

  Can someone please point me to what I am I doing wrong. I intent to
  extract the first paragraph from
  #contentpane .contentpane element.


[jQuery] Re: What is wrong with this code

2007-04-20 Thread joomlafreak

Thats what I am trying to do, filter our everything other then the
first paragraph from the results I get through jQuery.get...

I tried your code Sean but it too did not help.

I am just wondering now what is the code if I want to select/extract
first paragraph from the ajax get function and inject it into some

I guess it should be something that many people would have done in
their aplications but I am not able to find the way to do it.

Please don't abandon this thread guys. I need more help.


On Apr 20, 12:38 pm, Sean Catchpole [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  jQuery(item_content).filter(#contentpane .contentpane  p, :first);

 Filter removes those items from your search. Perhaps you want to use
 find instead. Try the following code:

var new_content =jQuery(#contentpane .contentpane 



[jQuery] Re: Erratic behavior of cookie plugin

2007-04-19 Thread joomlafreak


I just added '/' as path and it worked for me.

I hope that helps
Please convey my thanks to Jake for the prompt reply. :)


On Apr 18, 4:06 pm, Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I read the docs long ago, I've had to clean the cookies programmatically
 several times for several people.

 We had a a site that was accessible aswww.xx.comand xx.com, the
 cookies for xx.com come back for www but not the other way around. So I
 got into using domain names in cookies or just realizing that it will cause

 I don't remember where I read all about it, but there are issues with using
 domain = .xx.com vs xx.com and a big issue with just letting it
 default to the domain and path of the page that hands out the cookie!

 On 4/18/07, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ schrieb:
   Setting a path and a domain is required for knowing exactly where the
   cookies are going to apply.

   Sloppy cookies can be fun, but someone will have to clean up the
   crumbs sooner or later!
  Can you point to a good resource or explain a bit about properly setting
  path and domain for cookies?

  Jörn Zaefferer


 Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ - יעקב   ʝǡǩȩ   ᎫᎪᏦᎬ

[jQuery] Re: Erratic behavior of cookie plugin

2007-04-17 Thread joomlafreak

Problem solved by setting the path.

thanks a lot

On Apr 18, 12:24 am, joomlafreak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Klaus
 Thanks for your prompt reply as always.

 You are correct, I am just using name and value because I am not using
 joomlaprodigy.com but onlywww.joomlaprodigy.com.
 Even if I stick to this www I am having this erratic behavior. Infact
 I just realized that this works flawless on my test site where the
 urls are generated in different way.
 The main site is using Joomla's inbuilt SEF urls and it fails to
 utilize the cookie correctly as you can see. I wonder what is the
 solution. You can see the test site here athttp://www.joomlaprodigy.com/test
 and look at the urls

 thanks again for the prompt reply.

 On Apr 18, 12:13 am, Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I noticed 2 things, you don't set the domain on the cookies and both

  independently, instead of forwarding one to the other.

  Are you switching back and forth, thereby keeping 2 sets of cookies???

  On 4/17/07, joomlafreak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I am using Klaus's cookie plugin to vary the width and open or close
   status of segments on my website.
   The problem is that it works and it does not work also. It works
   sometimes and fails sometimes.

   If it was not working I could have thought of something but now that
   it works randomly, I have no clue as to what is wrong.

   Please see this link and the jQuery code can be seen in source of the
   Please provide me some hints on what is wrong with my code.



  Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ - יעקב   ʝǡǩȩ   ᎫᎪᏦᎬ