[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: Native American Day, 2013

2013-10-14 Thread scotpeden
posted here with HTML intact;




*Gareth Porter has a piece this morning
 showing that Israel is
spreading misinformation about an Iranian ICBM program in order to
convince The Empire that Iran plans to drop nuclear weapons on the USA,
thus drawing the US into war with Iran.  Problem is, Prime Minister
Netanyahu is lying again, Iran has no ICBM or nuclear weapon.

*Israel was involved in the misinformation about "weapons of mass
destruction" enticing the US into war with Iraq.  Israel perceives Arabs
as its enemy, ironically an anti-Semitic expression, since most Arabs
are Semites (don't expect our mainstream press to discover this elephant
in the living room as they accuse Arabs of anti-Semitism).

*Another massive irony in all of this is that Israel works closely with
the royal family of Saudi Arabia in plots against regional Muslims. Pepe
Escobar goes deep into this
 in a piece out
this morning, showing how both Israel and Saudi Arabia are united in
overthrowing the government of Syria as part of their campaign against
Iran.  The Saudis would replace Syria's President Assad with genocidal
religious fanatics who've already massacred Shiahs, Christians and Kurds
in Syria using financial and political support from Prince Bandar of
Saudi Arabia. *



*This morning, workers at a Bangladeshi garment factory freed a boss

they had held captive in his office for more than 18 hours after he paid
a promised bonus.  Such a working class victory would unlikely happen in
the Land of the Free, where merely occupying space led to an
Obama-organized national crackdown resulting in peaceful protesters of
the Occupy movement being tear gassed, jailed, beaten and pepper
sprayed, with their belongings destroyed or confiscated by police.

*Imagine what would have happened to them if Occupy protesters had
captured a corporate CEO and asked the scumbag to give back medical
coverage, pensions, or other benefits stolen from any of millions of
American workers in recent decades.  Still, one may dream it could
happen here.*



*Today the establishment celebrates Columbus Day, but since we began
/LUV News/ over fifteen years ago we have celebrated Native American day
in its place.  To say that Columbus discovered a land occupied by Native
Americans, who have been here over 30,000 years according to recent
evidence discovered in Brazil, is as racist and inconsiderate as
anything we can imagine.

*Columbus committed a great many human rights violations against Native
Americans, and after wiping them out in the Caribbean, began the African
slave trade in the New World to replace previously enslaved Native
Americans.  It is an abomination that such a person is honored anywhere.*

**I get angry when I think of President Obama going over his Tuesday
morning drone kill list.  Obama doesn't need a trial-- even a few words
from the defendant-- he knows who must die.  We've learned that after
the drone bombing of these unfortunates, any who come to aid the wounded
are then drone bombed, and later those who attend the funeral, assuming
they must be somehow evil by association, are drone bombed.

**This is illustrative of a god complex to which emperors traditionally
have succumbed.  As Obama's predecessor put it, "If you are not with us,
you are against us." Those who bow down to corporate greed at any cost
need not worry-- if they are American they have access to the treasury,
if they are foreign they get economic, political and military assistance.

**One of the recent horrors our empire has subjected the world to is
religious fundamentalism.  In Afghanistan, The Empire released Osama bin
Laden and al Qaeda on the population during the Carter/Reagan years.
Under Obama in Libya it was al Qaeda again (in part), likely many of
whom had killed American troops in Afghanistan and Iraq.  In Syria we
are again unleashing al Qaeda troops, this time almost certainly guilty
of killing American troops in Iraq, since they are closely affiliated
with al Qaeda in Iraq and many come from that neighboring state,
although officially Obama says he only supports moderates within the
Syrian opposition that are all good and deserving of all our love.

**One consequence of this foreign policy is that religious fanatics have
been enabled to

[LAAMN] Syrian rebels accused of killing hundreds of civilians

2013-10-13 Thread scotpeden
More proof that some if not all of the western backed mercenaries are in
it for the genocide of those not of their race or religion. I just can't
call them rebels when they are not part of the original rebellion, but
armed troops representing other factions.

An enemy of someone whose human rights records I abhor as much as any
other human rights violator, does not make them my friends much less
anyone I'd support for any reason what so ever.



Syrian rebels accused of killing hundreds of civilians

Human Rights Watch says militant groups slaughtered villagers and took
others hostage in attacks on Latakia in August

Share 339

Jonathan Steele and agency
theguardian.com, Friday 11 October 2013 00.57 EDT

WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGES. Human Rights Watch video on the claims of
civilian killings in Latakia.

Syrian rebels killed at least 190 civilians and took more than 200 hostage
during an offensive in Latakia province in August, Human Rights Watch said
on Friday, in what it calls the first evidence of crimes against humanity
by opposition forces.

HRW said many of the dead had been executed by militant groups, some
linked to al-Qaida, who overran army positions at dawn on 4 August and
then moved into 10 villages nearby where members of President Bashar
al-Assad's Alawite sect lived.

In its first government-sanctioned trip into Syria during the
two-and-a-half year conflict, New York-based HRW has documented a series
of sectarian mass killings by Assad's foes during a broader campaign in
which Western-backed rebels took part.

In some cases, entire families were executed or gunned down as they fled,
according to the HRW report You Can Still See Their Blood.

HRW identified five rebel groups instrumental to funding, organising,
planning and carrying out the Latakia attacks, including the
al-Qaida-linked Jabhat al-Nusra and Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
groups, as well as the Islamist group Ahrar al-Sham and another unit of
foreign jihadi fighters.

These groups publicised their involvement through videos and statements,
some of which were used to corroborate the HRW report. The operation
appeared to have been largely financed by private Gulf-based donors, HRW

What is less clear is the role of fighters from the Free Syrian Army
(FSA), the armed wing of the main opposition coalition which is openly
supported by the United States, Britain, France and Sunni Muslim Gulf

In a video posted on 11 August and apparently filmed in Latakia, FSA chief
Salim Idriss said the organisation was taking part in the offensive "to a
great extent".

But HRW researcher Lama Fakih, who spent several days in Latakia province
in September and spoke to residents, soldiers, militiamen, doctors and
officials, said she could not confirm whehter the FSA were present on the
day the atrocities took place.

Assad's forces are also accused by rights groups of committing atrocities
and using incendiary and cluster bombs in populated areas. They have
carried out sectarian attacks, including killing up to 450 civilians in
two massacres in mainly Sunni Muslim areas in May, according to United
Nations officials.

The opposition and rights groups accuse Damascus of a chemical weapons
strike in a Damascus suburb on 21 August that killed hundreds of
civilians. The government blames the attack on rebels.

Reuters was unable to get comment from all 20 rebel groups mentioned in
the HRW report. Syrian National Coalition spokesman Khaled Saleh said the
SNC condemned all human rights abuses and if any had been committed by
rebels affiliated with the coalition, they would face justice.

In a written statement to Reuters, Saleh said: "We have previously
committed ourselves to applying these rules on all the brigades that work
for us and we will hold accountable, after investigation and fair trial,
all those responsible for violations against human rights or international
laws. The incidents in Latakia are not an exception and we will treat them
as we treated previous cases."

A member of the Sunni Islamist Ahrar al-Sham said its fighters had killed
no civilians in the offensive.

"If someone uses a weapon against you, you have to fight them. If they do
not, you must not kill them," said Abu Muhammed al-Husseini, the
30-year-old head of Ahrar al-Sham's political office in Raqqa.

Lama Fakih, the Syria and Lebanon researcher in HRW's Middle East and
North Africa division, told Reuters in reference to the Latakia operation
by rebels: "Homes were destroyed and burned. Most villagers had not

Fakih met Hassan Shebli, an Alawite man from the village of Barouda, who
fled his village at 4.30am on 4 August as rebels approached. He left his
wife, who was in her 60s and needed canes to walk, and his son, 23, who
was paralysed, Fakih said.

Shebli said they were both killed and buried behind his house. Fakih

[LAAMN] PopularResistance.Org Once Daily Digest Email

2013-10-13 Thread scotpeden

[PopularResistance.Org] Once Daily Digest Email

PopularResistance.Org Daily Digest Daily Movement News and Resources

   VIDEO: Millions WorldWide March Against Monsanto  Millions March
Worldwide Against Monsanto: Resistance Report O10: Saturday October 12-
People in over 400 cities and 57 countries march against Monsanto. The
worldwide action comes days ahead of Monsanto receiving the Nobel Prize
for Agriculture- the prestigious World Prize of Food for creating
GMO’s. Also in this episode of the Resistance Report.  Is the
Department of Homeland Security Preparing for Another Wall Street
Collapse? (5:37) The Plunder of Africa (9:22 ) Veterans Arrested at
Their Own Memorial (16:51 ) It’s the Drones, Stupid(19:21 ) -more-

 Photo Gallery: March Against Monsanto, October 12, 2013  March Against
Monsanto events began in New Zealand and revolve around the world for the
second March Against Monsanto. This cause has truly united the world!
Over 400 cities in 57 countries will take place as we, the citizens of
the world, say NO to poison! Three million people will stand up for the
food supply, the environment, and our planet's sustainability. This will
go down in history books and we would like to thank YOU for supporting a
cause that is very much one of the most important of our lifetimes. We
would like to express our deep gratitude for all at the national level.
MAM has an awesome team that has spent countless hours working hard to
make these events an international victory!! We would also like to give a
very special thank you to all of our local organizers, whose hard work
and selfless dedication has been instrumental in the global success of
MAM. -more-

 Lynne Stewart: The People’s “First Responder”  We are here to
celebrate Lynne Stewart’s birthday, as an affirmation of the human will
to resist injustice. Her birthday is a joyous occasion, because many
decades ago she chose to interpose herself between the forces of
concentrated capital and white supremacy, and the rest of us. Lynne
Stewart is a “first responder” in a time of great danger to the
species and to all life on Earth. The Lords of Capital on Wall Street
have their own armies of “first responders” wearing uniforms of blue
or green or camouflage, backed by faceless legions of spies who lay traps
in order to eradicate unwanted human “networks” – treating the
people like roaches. The poor and oppressed have only themselves – and
a few precious “first responders” of our own, like Lynne Stewart, the
people’s lawyer.  Lynne has saved many from the clutches of the
powerful – too many to mention, here – but there is one thing she
could not save: the rule of law in the United States. -more-

 14 Reasons To Be Hopeful About The Future Of Food  When it comes to the
future of the food system, it’s hard not to be discouraged. Nearly one
billion people are hungry, and another 1.5 billion are obese or
overweight. All over the world, people waste 1.3 billion tons of food
each year. And according to the International Panel on Climate Change,
humans are to blame for an increasingly hot, dry and natural
disaster-prone planet.  But Food Tank has compiled a list of 14 reasons
to be hopeful about the future of the food system. Share these with your
networks to spread the message that the food system is changing for the
better. 1. The next generation is learning more about where their food
comes from than their parents did.  In the U.S., initiatives like The
Kitchen Community, The Edible Schoolyard Project, The Sylvia Center and
The FARM Institute are getting kids involved in learning about food from
farm to fork. . . . -more-

 At the UN, A Latin American Rebellion  Without a doubt, the 68th UN
General Assembly will be remembered as a watershed. Nations reached an
agreement on control of chemical weapons that could avoid a global war in
Syria. The volatile stalemate on the Iran nuclear program came a step
closer to diplomacy.  What failed to make the headlines, however, could
have the longest-term significance of all: the Latin American rebellion. 
For Latin American leaders, this year’s UN general debate became a
forum for widespread dissent and anger at U.S. policies that seek to
control a hemisphere that has clear aspirations for greater independence.
In a region long considered the United States’ primary zone of
influence, Washington’s relations with many Latin American nations have
gone from bad to worse under the Bush II and Obama administrations.

 Wall Street Whistleblower Awarded $14 Million  An undisclosed Wall Street
whistleblower was just awarded $14 million for information that led to
the recovery of millions of dollars in investor funds.  Without the tip,
the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) might not have uncovered
the Wall Street fraud.  SEC whistlebower monetary awards were made
possible by a provision in the Dodd-Frank Act that set up a fund to
encourage individuals to step forward

Re: [LAAMN] Assad’s Neo-Nazi Supporters- Khaled Khalifa: Silence is Disgraceful Too -

2013-10-11 Thread scotpeden

I understand you usually do not want to discuss what I've brought up and
go into distractions. this is reply #2 that has absolutely nothing to do
with what I have posted.

The quote, the intro from the article you sent and are defending is;
"Assad supporters and apologists around the world have constantly accused
the free Syrian people and those who stand in solidarity with them of
siding with American imperialism, Zionism and most of all Al-Qaeda."


> Scott
> And once again you have not been paying much attention for many a years.
> The opposition to Assad are many groupings some supported by different
> imperialists and sub imperialists but most of the opposition to the regime
> ( peaceful and armed)  are  not supported by any outside forces,
> Israel has had a special relationship with the regime for over 40 years
> and
> would rather have him in power , same with the US government and Obama who
> indirectly supports him. And the reverse is true, those so called anti
> imperialists and Stalinist' s are the supporters imperialism by supporting
> the fascist regime of Assad.
> At one time during the Hitler/Stalin Pact many  anti imperialists
> supported
> it because Hitler was a so called anti imperialist also, for a very short
> time.
> Cort
> On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 12:30 PM,  wrote:
>> Lets go back to what I SPECIFICALLY said was the problem with this post,
>> your poster and what you are defending. You again changed what I posted
>> about, and came back with something that was irrelevant to my comments.
>> "Assad supporters and apologists around the world have constantly
>> accused
>> the free Syrian people and those who stand in solidarity with them of
>> siding with American imperialism, Zionism and most of all Al-Qaeda."
>> Scott
>> > Scott
>> >
>> > I and others are not the first to equate the Assad's or the Syrian
>> > Ba'athist's as fascists which they are.
>> >
>> > Nasser was the first. You may not heard of him...
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 12:11 PM,  wrote:
>> >
>> >> **
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Cort, I really do not like your sources on Syria.
>> >>
>> >> I only made it to the first sentence and went WTF? Why is this person
>> so
>> >> intent on using emotional trigger statements that simply do not hold
>> up
>> >> to
>> >> minor scrutiny? These kind of statements are designed to lead peoples
>> >> decisions by emotional rather then factual presentations.
>> >>
>> >> The sentence in mind is;
>> >> "Assad supporters and apologists around the world have constantly
>> >> accused
>> >> the free Syrian people and those who stand in solidarity with them of
>> >> siding with American imperialism, Zionism and most of all Al-Qaeda."
>> >>
>> >> The ONLY Place I see this kind of lump the Syrians who revolted with
>> the
>> >> Saudi, Israeli and Americans is coming form the stuff you send.
>> >>
>> >> No one else, on any other anti war pro human site I'm on insists on
>> >> mixing
>> >> the paid mercenaries of Israel, Saudi Arabia and the USA in with
>> those
>> >> fighting for freedom from what both Assad AND the outsiders would
>> >> subject
>> >> them too.
>> >>
>> >> I also do not see Assad Supporters and Apologists everywhere as
>> >> apparently
>> >> you and this author do. I think your blowing that out of proportion.
>> >>
>> >> To remain silent on this issue would mean my silence supporting your
>> >> Nazi
>> >> Assad Bad, Western Forces not bad trend in posting about Syria, while
>> >> completely ignoring who it was that started the revolt, and why.
>> >>
>> >> The only thing they all have in common is they want Assad gone, and
>> you
>> >> seem to have a grasp of history, so what happens to the people of
>> >> nations
>> >> Israel and the USA's forces take over, the Israeli's are racially
>> >> prejudiced agasint, and the USA wants the resources and military
>> bases
>> >> for
>> >> the control of it's Corporatcy?
>> >>
>> >> Scott
>> >>
>> >> > New post on *P U L S E* > >> >Khaled
>> >> > Khalifa: Silence is Disgraceful
>> >> > Too<
>> >>
>> http://pulsemedia.org/2013/10/09/khaled-khalifa-silence-is-disgraceful-too/
>> >> >
>> >> > by Dave 
>> >> >
>> >> > The following is an interview with the renowned Syrian writer
>> Khaled
>> >> > Khalifa, which was released on the 2nd Sept 2013. Pulse editor
>> Robin
>> >> > Yassin-Kassab was honoured to be asked to write the introduction to
>> >> the
>> >> > English translation of Khaled Khalifa‘s third novel, In Praise of
>> >> > Hatred.
>> >> > Some of that introduction is available here.
>> >> >
>> >> > Read more of this
>> >> > post<
>> >>
>> http://pulsemedia.org/2013/10/09/khaled-khalifa-silence-is-disgraceful-too/
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >>
>> http://pulsemedia.org/2013/10/09/khaled-khalifa-silence-is-disgraceful-too/
>> >> >
>> >> > --
>> >> >

Re: [LAAMN] Assad’s Neo-Nazi Supporters- Khaled Khalifa: Silence is Disgraceful Too -

2013-10-11 Thread scotpeden
Lets go back to what I SPECIFICALLY said was the problem with this post,
your poster and what you are defending. You again changed what I posted
about, and came back with something that was irrelevant to my comments.

"Assad supporters and apologists around the world have constantly accused
the free Syrian people and those who stand in solidarity with them of
siding with American imperialism, Zionism and most of all Al-Qaeda."


> Scott
> I and others are not the first to equate the Assad's or the Syrian
> Ba'athist's as fascists which they are.
> Nasser was the first. You may not heard of him...
> On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 12:11 PM,  wrote:
>> **
>> Cort, I really do not like your sources on Syria.
>> I only made it to the first sentence and went WTF? Why is this person so
>> intent on using emotional trigger statements that simply do not hold up
>> to
>> minor scrutiny? These kind of statements are designed to lead peoples
>> decisions by emotional rather then factual presentations.
>> The sentence in mind is;
>> "Assad supporters and apologists around the world have constantly
>> accused
>> the free Syrian people and those who stand in solidarity with them of
>> siding with American imperialism, Zionism and most of all Al-Qaeda."
>> The ONLY Place I see this kind of lump the Syrians who revolted with the
>> Saudi, Israeli and Americans is coming form the stuff you send.
>> No one else, on any other anti war pro human site I'm on insists on
>> mixing
>> the paid mercenaries of Israel, Saudi Arabia and the USA in with those
>> fighting for freedom from what both Assad AND the outsiders would
>> subject
>> them too.
>> I also do not see Assad Supporters and Apologists everywhere as
>> apparently
>> you and this author do. I think your blowing that out of proportion.
>> To remain silent on this issue would mean my silence supporting your
>> Nazi
>> Assad Bad, Western Forces not bad trend in posting about Syria, while
>> completely ignoring who it was that started the revolt, and why.
>> The only thing they all have in common is they want Assad gone, and you
>> seem to have a grasp of history, so what happens to the people of
>> nations
>> Israel and the USA's forces take over, the Israeli's are racially
>> prejudiced agasint, and the USA wants the resources and military bases
>> for
>> the control of it's Corporatcy?
>> Scott
>> > New post on *P U L S E* > >Khaled
>> > Khalifa: Silence is Disgraceful
>> > Too<
>> http://pulsemedia.org/2013/10/09/khaled-khalifa-silence-is-disgraceful-too/
>> >
>> > by Dave 
>> >
>> > The following is an interview with the renowned Syrian writer Khaled
>> > Khalifa, which was released on the 2nd Sept 2013. Pulse editor Robin
>> > Yassin-Kassab was honoured to be asked to write the introduction to
>> the
>> > English translation of Khaled Khalifa‘s third novel, In Praise of
>> > Hatred.
>> > Some of that introduction is available here.
>> >
>> > Read more of this
>> > post<
>> http://pulsemedia.org/2013/10/09/khaled-khalifa-silence-is-disgraceful-too/
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> http://pulsemedia.org/2013/10/09/khaled-khalifa-silence-is-disgraceful-too/
>> >
>> > --
>> >
>> >
>> > http://freehalab.wordpress.com/2013/10/10/assads-neo-nazi-supporters/
>> >
>> > Assad’s Neo-Nazi Supporters
>> > 1
>> > Reply<
>> http://freehalab.wordpress.com/2013/10/10/assads-neo-nazi-supporters/#comments
>> >
>> >
>> > Assad supporters and apologists around the world have constantly
>> accused
>> > the free Syrian people and those who stand in solidarity with them of
>> > siding with American imperialism, Zionism and most of all Al-Qaeda.
>> Aside
>> > of the fact that anyone who *might* see an enemy in the Assad regime
>> > doesn’t necessarily share the values or aims of the Syrian
>> revolution
>> > against it, there is nothing worse to support or be apologetic about
>> in
>> > Syria than Assad. Such people have apparently have no qualms with
>> standing
>> > on the same side as his
>> > Shabbiha<
>> http://freehalab.wordpress.com/category/assadistan/assads-shabbiha/>,
>> > or Russian and Iranian imperialism,
>> > Khomeinist<
>> http://freehalab.wordpress.com/2013/05/31/the-beginning-of-the-end-for-hassan-nasr-and-his-hezb/
>> >
>> > foot
>> > soldiers from Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan and other
>> > places<
>> http://freehalab.wordpress.com/2013/06/06/assads-foreign-jihadists-and-mercenaries/
>> >
>> > and
>> > so on either.
>> >
>> > It should therefore matter little that neo-Nazis around the world
>> could
>> be
>> > added to this list as well. And why should it when the Nazi practices
>> of
>> > the Assad regime are something to be apologetic about and too
>> > insignificant
>> > to take the focus away from those horrible freedom seekers that oppose
>> > him.
>> > It’s only natural that neo-Nazis, too, 

Re: [LAAMN] Assad’s Neo-Nazi Supporters- Khaled Khalifa: Silence is Disgraceful Too -

2013-10-11 Thread scotpeden
Cort, I really do not like your sources on Syria.

I only made it to the first sentence and went WTF? Why is this person so
intent on using emotional trigger statements that simply do not hold up to
minor scrutiny? These kind of statements are designed to lead peoples
decisions by emotional rather then factual presentations.

The sentence in mind is;
"Assad supporters and apologists around the world have constantly accused
the free Syrian people and those who stand in solidarity with them of
siding with American imperialism, Zionism and most of all Al-Qaeda."

The ONLY Place I see this kind of lump the Syrians who revolted with the
Saudi, Israeli and Americans is coming form the stuff you send.

No one else, on any other anti war pro human site I'm on insists on mixing
the paid mercenaries of Israel, Saudi Arabia and the USA in with those
fighting for freedom from what both Assad AND the outsiders would subject
them too.

I also do not see Assad Supporters and Apologists everywhere as apparently
you and this author do. I think your blowing that out of proportion.

To remain silent on this issue would mean my silence supporting your Nazi
Assad Bad, Western Forces not bad trend in posting about Syria, while
completely ignoring who it was that started the revolt, and why.

The only thing they all have in common is they want Assad gone, and you
seem to have a grasp of history, so what happens to the people of nations 
Israel and the USA's forces take over, the Israeli's are racially
prejudiced agasint, and the USA wants the resources and military bases for
the control of it's Corporatcy?


> New post on *P U L S E* Khaled
> Khalifa: Silence is Disgraceful
> Too
> by Dave 
> The following is an interview with the renowned Syrian writer Khaled
> Khalifa, which was released on the 2nd Sept 2013. Pulse editor Robin
> Yassin-Kassab was honoured to be asked to write the introduction to the
> English translation of Khaled Khalifa‘s third novel, In Praise of
> Hatred.
> Some of that introduction is available here.
> Read more of this
> post
> http://pulsemedia.org/2013/10/09/khaled-khalifa-silence-is-disgraceful-too/
> ---
> http://freehalab.wordpress.com/2013/10/10/assads-neo-nazi-supporters/
> Assad’s Neo-Nazi Supporters
> 1
> Reply
> Assad supporters and apologists around the world have constantly accused
> the free Syrian people and those who stand in solidarity with them of
> siding with American imperialism, Zionism and most of all Al-Qaeda. Aside
> of the fact that anyone who *might* see an enemy in the Assad regime
> doesn’t necessarily share the values or aims of the Syrian revolution
> against it, there is nothing worse to support or be apologetic about in
> Syria than Assad. Such people have apparently have no qualms with standing
> on the same side as his
> Shabbiha,
> or Russian and Iranian imperialism,
> Khomeinist
> foot
> soldiers from Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan and other
> places
> and
> so on either.
> It should therefore matter little that neo-Nazis around the world could be
> added to this list as well. And why should it when the Nazi practices of
> the Assad regime are something to be apologetic about and too
> insignificant
> to take the focus away from those horrible freedom seekers that oppose
> him.
> It’s only natural that neo-Nazis, too, have been charmed by the Syrian
> Fuhrer. After all, he’s one of the few who can add the gassing of
> children
> to
> his Nazi resume.
> There are many reasons for them to support Assad, not in the least his
> role
> in the war against Muslims and his perceived opposition to Jews and
> America, and surely the fear that the masses fleeing from him will end up
> in Europe plays an important role as well. Considering the violent and
> aggressive nature of the neo-Nazi culture, it’s also not very surprising
> that some of them would travel and fight for him either. Recently in the
> media, news reports of the neo-Nazi fiasco in Greece were commonly
> followed
> by updates on Assad’s chemical disarmament process. None, however,
> caught
> this nice “bridge” to put between them:
> [image: null]
> [*A recent Black
> Lily

[LAAMN] Moms Get Slapped, Monsanto Minions Get Awards

2013-10-10 Thread scotpeden

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Moms Fight Back against GMA Money Laundering

You know what they say. You can't fool mom.

When a group of pro-labeling moms in Washington D.C. figured out that the
Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) was breaking the state's campaign
finance disclosure laws, they did something about it. They formed a
grassroots group, Moms for Labeling, and they sued [
http://momsforlabeling.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/complaint.pdf ] the

Their complaint? The GMA is concealing the identities of out-of-state
corporations, namely Big Food companies, which are funneling donations to
the NO on I-522 campaign through the multi-billion dollar Washington
D.C.-based lobbying group. The Moms had a whistleblower lined up to
testify. But then the judge dismissed [
] their case, on a technicality.

You'd think that would have been enough to make the GMA happy, but no. The
lobbying giant went after the Moms with a countersuit, prompting a judge
to slap [ http://www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_28452.cfm ] the
Moms with a $10,000 fine, under a law [
] that is supposed to protect citizens from frivolous suits by big

End of story? Not yet. In dismissing the suit, the judge ruled that under
the circumstances, only the state attorney general now has the authority
to sue the GMA for violating Washington's Public Disclosure Act.

The NO on I-522 campaign has so far raised $17.1 million [
http://seattletimes.com/html/localnews/2021941264_gmomoneyxml.html ] to
blanket the airwaves with lies, as it tries to scare voters into voting
against the I-522 GMO labeling initiative. The GMA, which represents over
300 corporations including Kraft, Kellogg's, Monsanto, Dupont, Starbucks,
PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, ConAgra and General Mills, has kicked in $7.2 million
so far – $5 million more than the lobbying group spent last year in
California, to defeat a similar GMO labeling initiative.

Who's missing from the NO on I-522 donor roster this year? The junk food
giants who spent millions [
http://www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_26620.cfm ] last year,
but this year, are hiding their donations from public view.

Let's pick up where the Moms for Labeling left off, by insisting that
Washington's attorney general force the GMA to comply with the state's
campaign disclosure laws.

TAKE ACTION: Tell Washington State's Attorney General: Investigate the
GMA's Money Laundering Scheme, Don't Punish Moms! [
http://www.organicconsumers.org/ocaactions.cfm?actionnum=10227 ]


OCA Presents Monsanto Minions Awards, Stages Anti-Lobbying Protest

Today's the day. The OCA, with our friends at Occupy Monsanto, will
deliver the first annual Monsanto Minions Awards.

But that's only half the story. Remember Abbie Hoffman's famous 1967 New
York Stock Exchange theatrical protest [
]? Where Hoffman and the Yippies threw cash out on the trading floor,
prompting a Wall Street-style dash for cash?

Today, (October 10, 2013), our pro-GMO labeling, anti-Monsanto activists,
posing as biotech and big food industry lobbyists, will stage a similar
protest. They'll dump briefcases of cash onto the X-ray machines at the
entrances to the Congressional office buildings, where lobbyists are
waiting to go through the metal detectors. We're hoping the real corporate
lobbyists will lunge for the fluttering bills, causing enough of a ruckus
to shut down the entrance.

Lobbyists scurrying to grab dollar bills? It's the perfect metaphor for
what's happening right now on Capitol Hill. Despite the government
shutdown, lobbyists are meeting [
] with the Congresspersons they supported financially during the elections
in the hopes of convincing them - with cold hard cash, no doubt -  to
create or protect federal laws designed to feather their own nests.

As for the Monsanto Minions Awards, according to your votes, we're
crowning Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) as your favorite Monsanto Minion.  You
can see the rest of the results here [
http://www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_28484.cfm ]. Thanks for

[LAAMN] Oil Wars for your dollars

2013-10-08 Thread scotpeden

7 Ways Plastic Replaced Perfectly Good Renewable Resources

Read more:

We’ve become so addicted to oil, common wisdom tells us, because of the
many modern-day activities that require it. A few centuries ago, there
were no freeways, no airline services, no speed-boats, dirt bikes,
snowmobiles, or gas-powered lawnmowers. The world we now live in depends
on oil, and finding sustainable alternatives will take time.

But in fact, there are a whole slew of things we used to be able to
produce without any need of fossil fuels of any kind. Now that we’ve
switched out our old renewable sources, we’re dealing with a self-made
problem of trying to switch back to a way of doing things that we never
should have stopped in the first place.

1. Glass: Whatever did we do without plastic? Ask your grandmother. The
first synthetic plastic (Bakelite, created by a Belgian-American chemist
in 1909) proved important to specialty electronics manufacture in the
1920s, but it wasn’t until after the Second World War that the malleable
material, which had now become quite cheap to produce, started to take
over mass-produced consumer goods. The ubiquitous plastic bottles that are
now filling the ocean have only been around since the 1970s.

Retro glass bottles are making a minor comeback, but they’re still a bit
of a novelty for the under-40 crowd. We grew up with plastic, and plastic
is still cheaper than glass on paper. Obviously, the low price tag doesn’t
take into account the enormous environmental cost.

2. Natural fibres: Many of our synthetic fabrics are plastic-based, but
these only date back to about the 1950s. Obviously people weren’t walking
around naked prior to that, and indeed, renewable plant and animal sources
— everything from silk, cotton, linen, and leather — are still widely
used, despite their higher price tag. But most of us have plenty of oil in
our closets, as well.

3. Natural Fertilizer: Most raised animal manure not only serves as
highly-effective natural fertilizer, it’s one of those wonderful examples
of a waste product of one process serving as an ingredient for another
process. Of course, we didn’t invent this cycle, but simply borrowed it
from nature, wherein animals and plants together create a closed materials
cycle that is self-renewing.

The major active ingredients in fertilizer are nitrogen, potassium and
phosphorous. These can be produced synthetically, but the production
process is very energy-intensive, and since many of the regions that
produce artificial fertilizer are on a grid supplied by coal plants, we
are, in effect, burning fossil fuels for the sake of agricultural yield.

Of course, agriculture is one of our most ancient production processes as
a species and one which, traditionally, was entirely solar powered. (The
energy cost might be borne by diesel or other oil-based fuels, as well,
but coal is most typical.) The joke is, the tremendous excess of calories
in North America, mostly in corn, means that we end up force-feeding cows
or using the corn for bio-fuels just to use it up.

Read more:

4. Rubber: Rubber trees are indigenous to South America, but they started
to spread through the world via cultivars in the 1700s. Due to blockades
during the Second World War, a synthetic version, economically unimportant
up to that point, jumped from an annual production of 231 tons to 840, 000
tons in just four years! We never looked back. But just remember, the next
time you’re “burning rubber” in your sports car, you’re actually just
burning oil — doubly so.

5. Paper: In certain print applications, synthetic paper, either a
combination of wood pulp with a petroleum-derived resin or, more
frequently, petroleum-derived material with no wood pulp at all, has
surpassed traditional wood-derived paper. Paper is an ancient manufactured
material, having been invented in China more than 2,000 years ago. True
paper can be recycled, burned or allowed to decompose, its constituent
parts ultimately incorporated into future trees and new paper. But regions
with concerns about their availability of wood resources, including,
ironically, China’s daughter nation, Japan, have come to rely more and
more heavily on the petroleum paper instead.

6. Metal: Metal is not technically a renewable in the traditional sense,
and mining comes with its own host of problems, but compared to plastic,
metal lasts longer, is more easily recyclable and has fewer end-of-life
issues. Given a choice between aluminum drink containers and plastic, I
would pick aluminum every time. Given a choice between steel and plastic
building or manufacturing components, I would have to go with steel. We’ve
been smelting for thousands of years, and not until we started making
everything out of plastic did we start having building materials end up in
the food chain 

[LAAMN] Monsanto and Syngenta WIN WORLD FOOD PRIZE!!

2013-10-07 Thread scotpeden
"the Nobel Prize of agriculture."

 Original Message 
Subject: Monsanto
From:"Claiborne D., SumOfUs.org" 
Date:Mon, 7 October, 2013 11:58 am
To:  "Scott Peden" 

  Monsanto & Syngenta executives will soon be rewarded with The World
   Prize, a prestigious award known as "the Nobel Prize of agriculture."

   Tell The World Food Prize Foundation not to reward these awful companies.

   [1]Sign the Petition[2]Share on Facebook.


   In an obscene development, a Monsanto executive is winning this year's
   "Nobel Prize of agriculture" -- the prestigious World Food Prize -- for
   creating GMOs. Receiving it legitimizes the sort of rampant genetic
   modification Monsanto pioneered, and helps validate a ruthless business
   model that impoverishes farmers and monopolizes our food.

   If that wasn't baffling enough, the founder of Syngenta, the same biotech
   giant joining Bayer in suing Europe to keep selling bee-killing
   pesticides, will also win the prize -- and with it, a share of the
   $250,000 prize money. We cannot allow this prize to legitimize
   frankenfoods and bee killers. The ceremony is in just over a week, so we
   need to act now.

   [3]Tell the World Food Prize Foundation not to reward Monsanto and
   bee-killer Syngenta's outrageous practices.

   Winning this prize will encourage the wider use of genetically engineered
   crops and be a huge obstacle to those fighting to investigate the
   long-term effects of its frankenseeds -- which is exactly what Monsanto
   wants. In 2008, Monsanto made a $5 million pledge to the World Food Prize
   Foundation, part of its plan to buy the credibility it can't legitimately
   earn. By handing its benefactor this award, the Foundation risks
   undermining the credibility of the most respected prize in agriculture.

   In protest, 81 Councilors of the World Future Council have penned a
   statement blasting the World Food Prize Foundation for betraying its
   purpose. In the words of the esteemed authors: "GMO seeds reinforce a
   model of farming that undermines sustainability of cash-poor farmers, who
   make up most of the world's hungry... The most dramatic impact of such
   dependency is in India, where 270,000 farmers, many trapped in debt for
   buying seeds and chemicals, committed suicide between 1995 and 2012."

   Despite the criticism, Monsanto and Syngenta executives are set to receive
   their prize on World Food Day, October 16 -- a slap in the face to
   everyone harmed by their products. We don't have much time, so we need to
   publicize this obscene decision -- if enough of us get word of this out,
   and let people know the World Food Prize is threatening its reputation, we
   can shame it into choosing a more suitable candidate.

   [4]Genetically-modified crops do not deserve the highest praise. Don't
   reward Monsanto and Syngenta.

   Thanks for all that you do,
   Claiborne and the rest of us.

   P.S. [5]Please share this campaign on Facebook

   More Information:

   [6]And The Winner Of The World Food Prize Is ... The Man From Monsanto,
   NPR, 19 June 2013
   [7]Choice of Monsanto Betrays World Food Prize Purpose, Say Global Leaders
   , NPR, 26 June 2013


   Visible links
   1. http://act.sumofus.org/go/2521?t=1001&akid=2390.967718.6J2z0r
   2. http://act.sumofus.org/go/2523?t=1002&akid=2390.967718.6J2z0r
   3. http://act.sumofus.org/go/2521?t=1003&akid=2390.967718.6J2z0r
   4. http://act.sumofus.org/go/2521?t=1004&akid=2390.967718.6J2z0r
   5. http://act.sumofus.org/go/2523?t=1005&akid=2390.967718.6J2z0r
   6. http://act.sumofus.org/go/2497?t=1006&akid=2390.967718.6J2z0r
   7. http://act.sumofus.org/go/2498?t=1007&akid=2390.967718.6J2z0r
 SumOfUs is a world-wide movement of people like you, working together to
hold corporations accountable for their actions and forge a new,
sustainable path for our global economy. You can follow us on Twitter,
and like us on Facebook.


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Re: [LAAMN] Yosemite's Largest Ice Mass Is Melting Fast

2013-10-07 Thread scotpeden
Of import to note is that CO 2 is blamed. And CO 2 is the only blame laid
down, and every part of the CO 2 blame goes back to petroleum or Coal

We only hear about the fossil fuel CO 2.

But is that the whole story, or the PROFITABLE story you are being fed?

Who here is aware that TREES are a Carbon Dioxide sink, that is they are
almost completely composed of Carbon Dioxide.

Following deforestation form the Indian Sub Continent West, which also
follows the portable wealth system which replaced the tribal people who
nurtured the lands for the longevity of the coming generations, we find
that the largest trees ever known to man were the Cedars of Lebanon, and
were around at the time of Moses, yet we had a semi arid dessert by the
time of Jesus because they were logged out, and that whole part of the
world is now desertification.

Before the Greeks got to the Grecian Peninsula, all but the southern
extremities were forested, and they were cut down to farm, the top soil
washed into the rivers, and they then needed to enslave their neighbors to
haul fertile river soil up to the terraced farming areas.

>From Rome North was forested on the Italic Pennsuila.

>From Madrid north was forested in what is now Spain.

The Romans cut down the forests, destroying the fertility of the land and
hauled the portable wealth profits away.

By 450 AD almost all of Europe under the control of 'Civilized Rome'  had
been logged out.

Temps rose, we know this from writings. we got Mediterranean climates
hundreds of miles into what use to be forests. The indigenous people of
Europe and of North America all use to say that trees create rain, and
"civilized science' has now agree with them in the last 20 years. then the
temperatures crashed.

By the time of Jefferson everything East of the Mississippi had been logged.

Shortly after that due to a really cold spell temperature records started
to be kept.

By 1945 the last of the continuous stands of Old Growth in the USA had
been logged out, by 1978 they'd benn cut over a second time, most of
Oregon has been clear cut three times. In oregon by the end of the last
Century the trees were sick, they stopped ebing viable building material
and are now christmas trees and firewood.

Adn we've known since the 1980's that the second growth redwoods are not
storing as much CO2 and tannins per year of growth, as the old growth did.

South America and Indonesia came under full assault of putting the CO 2
from trees back into the atmosphere in the 1990's.

The second you cut down a tree it if course stops storing CO2. But keep in
mind it also starts releasing the stored CO 2 back into the atmosphere.
Think about this, trees are TONNAGE of CO 2. Just like Coal and petroleum.

You'll not hear about that, the Logging Industry would have a heart
attack, they are after all guaranteed a right to make a profit while the
people of the planet are not guaranteed a planet to live on.

I just wanted to point out how SELECTIVE, PAID FOR SCIENCE, is. If the
dollars for the research go back to any particular industry, they at the
very least, will not be the ones blamed by that Scientific report. And
where ever possible, Scientific reports that could hut an industry, will
have their funding cut.

How so you ask? Well as our University system has been Privatized in a
manner that all the large amounts of money it gets for research are GRANTS

So follow the money, if you can find a profiteer in the bunch, realize at
best you only have part truth, if not the usual twisted partial
disinformation to lead you to a conclusion that is profitable by those
that in the long run, funded that research.

Big Business, Big Bankers DO NOT MAKE DONATIONS, they make INVESTMENTS.

The same applies to the politicians.


> Yosemite's Largest Ice Mass Is Melting Fast
> http://www.latimes.com/local/la-me-glaciers-20131002,0,7692754.story

LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network

[LAAMN] Six ways you can make a difference

2013-10-06 Thread scotpeden

Subject: Six ways you can make a difference
From:"SCC Move to Amend" 


Santa Clara County Move to Amend
Build Democracy, End Corporate Rule





Location:  Casa Vicky’s “Casita” Dinner from 6-7, Meeting 7-9 PM

792 E Julian St.  (17th & Julian) San Jose, CA 95112-1807 (408) 995-5488 

SCC-MTA RECENT SUCCESSES (1 MIN)   Our achievements of the month



GROUND RULES  — * Work on consensus basis * Step up / Step back * Try on
the process * Don’t interrupt / raise hands / use a stack * Turn off cell
phones * Talk to everyone (not facilitators) * Expect unfinished business
* Leave your ego at the door * Lead by example



A Report from the Ballot Initiative Work Group (60 MIN)  Eitan, Steve,
Tom, Veronica, Esthela, Anne, Spencer, Gerry, Randy, Rob, & Richard NEXT



(1)  Resolutions

(2)  Action & Education

(3)  Communications & Outreach

(4)  Ballot Initiative (above)




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[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 5 October, 2013

2013-10-05 Thread scotpeden
There is resistance to the Corporatcy within this country, and loud well
known and respected voices do speak out against it. They are the only
insider information we'll get as the Corporate Media certainly wouldn't
out their payroll masters, the rest of from foreign nations, of course
filtered by the Corporate ISP's for our viewing enjoyment.
Graphics are not alienated on the web site view- Scott


A piece from Common Dreams begins "Starting next week, the U.S. Supreme
Court will begin oral arguments in a case many are calling "the next
Citizens United" for its potential to vastly enhance the power of money in
politics beyond its already lethal hold.

Apparently, the constantly insecure Robber Barons who own and control
every aspect of our government feel they don't have quite enough influence




As George Carlin warned us years ago, they're coming for your Social
Security, and they'll get it, eventually. 





In today's opinion piece, Glen Ford explains what's really behind the
government shutdown.Jodda Mitchell

The Shutdown Game

by BAR executive editor Glen Ford

What’s at
stake in the partial “shutdown” of government? Certainly not Obamacare,
which was never in danger. It’s all an exercise in drawing fake lines in
the sandbox, so that the bipartisan business of gutting entitlement
programs can recommence. Next stop: Grand Bargain junction.

“The sanctity of U.S. Treasury notes is what holds the nation – and
its global empire – together.”

The government shutdown battle is more like a Civil War reenactment than
the real thing. A face-saving bargain will soon be struck, returning
825,000 furloughed federal employees to their jobs at wages that have
been frozen for the past two years – not by the Republicans, but on
President Obama’s orders. The clock has been stuck with both hands on
“austerity” since Obama
came fully out of the closet as a GOP fellow-traveler following the 2010
midterm elections. From that moment on, Republican-imposed gridlock has
been the only barrier to Obama’s long-sought Grand Bargain to
eviscerate entitlement programs. When the current theatrics are over,
Obamacare will remain intact and the president will be back on his
ever-rightward stride. The GOP will take Obama up on his offer, earlier
this year, to cut Social Security and will probably be offered other bits
and pieces of the social safety net in the interest of “shared
sacrifice” and domestic peace.

the interim, while the reenactors haul their cannons around the cow
pasture, waiting for the rich people who call themselves “markets” to
signal an end to the charade, rest assured that national security is

“When the current theatrics are over, Obamacare will remain intact and
the president will be back on his ever-rightward stride.”

For example, the pause in some government spending will have minimal
effect on the National Security Agency’s spying on Americans and the
rest of
the Earth’s inhabitants. The NSA circulated a memo stating that its
“intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance
activities required to support national or military requirements
necessary for national security” are exempt from the fiscal exercise, as
are all programs that are necessary for “protection of life and
property.” Presumably, that means President Obama can still spend next
Tuesday morning selecting the week’s victims for his Kill List.

Protection of property being the prime directive of both wings of the
Party, democracy will remain in shutdown mode in Detroit and all of
Michigan’s largely Black cities, whatever happens on Capitol Hill. The
markets are hungry to devour the nation’s pension funds, and have chosen
Black locales to perfect the model, secure in the knowledge that nobody of
consequence will raise a finger to stop them from filching the
nest-eggs of the undeserving classes.

The disenfranchisement of
Detroit under the iron rule of a corporate lawyer is simply another form
of “shared sacrifice” necessitated by austerity – which is why the
Obama administration challenges voter ID cards in North Carolina but
does not deploy the Justice Department to re-enfranchise the majority of
Blacks in the state of Michigan, whose votes have been rendered
worthless. Detroit’s ability to borrow money – or, in this case, to be
stripped of every asset of value for t

[LAAMN] How The Global Elite Rule The World

2013-10-04 Thread scotpeden

World Bank Whistleblower Karen Hudes Reveals How The Global Elite Rule The

World Bank
Educate! Finance and the Economy, video, World Bank
By Michael Snyder, www.activistpost.com
October 3rd, 2013
  Powered by Translate
Print Friendly

Karen Hudes is a graduate of Yale Law School and she worked in the legal
department of the World Bank for more than 20 years.  In fact, when she
was fired for blowing the whistle on corruption inside the World Bank, she
held the position of Senior Counsel.  She was in a unique position to see
exactly how the global elite rule the world, and the information that she
is now revealing to the public is absolutely stunning.  According to
Hudes, the elite use a very tight core of financial institutions and
mega-corporations to dominate the planet.Karen Hudes World Bank

The goal is control.  They want all of us enslaved to debt, they want all
of our governments enslaved to debt, and they want all of our politicians
addicted to the huge financial contributions that they funnel into their
campaigns.  Since the elite also own all of the big media companies, the
mainstream media never lets us in on the secret that there is something
fundamentally wrong with the way that our system works.

Remember, this is not some “conspiracy theorist” that is saying these
things.  This is a Yale-educated attorney that worked inside the World
Bank for more than two decades.

The following summary of her credentials comes directly from her website…

Karen Hudes studied law at Yale Law School and economics at the
University of Amsterdam. She worked in the US Export Import Bank of
the US from 1980-1985 and in the Legal Department of the World Bank
from 1986-2007. She established the Non Governmental Organization
Committee of the International Law Section of the American Bar
Association and the Committee on Multilateralism and the
Accountability of International Organizations of the American Branch
of the International Law Association.

Today, Hudes is trying very hard to expose the corrupt financial system
that the global elite are using to control the wealth of the world. 
During an interview with the New American, she discussed how we are
willingly allowing this group of elitists to totally dominate the
resources of the planet…

A former insider at the World Bank, ex-Senior Counsel Karen Hudes,
says the global financial system is dominated by a small group of
corrupt, power-hungry figures centered around the privately owned U.S.
Federal Reserve. The network has seized control of the media to cover
up its crimes, too, she explained. In an interview withThe New
American, Hudes said that when she tried to blow the whistle on
multiple problems at the World Bank, she was fired for her efforts.
Now, along with a network of fellow whistleblowers, Hudes is
determined to expose and end the corruption. And she is confident of

Citing an explosive 2011 Swiss study published in the PLOS ONE journal
on the “network of global corporate control,” Hudes pointed out that a
small group of entities — mostly financial institutions and especially
central banks — exert a massive amount of influence over the
international economy from behind the scenes. “What is really going on
is that the world’s resources are being dominated by this group,” she
explained, adding that the “corrupt power grabbers” have managed to
dominate the media as well. “They’re being allowed to do it.”

Previously, I have written about the Swiss study that Hudes mentioned.  It
was conducted by a team of researchers at the Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology in Zurich, Switzerland.  They studied the relationships between
37 million companies and investors worldwide, and what they discovered is
that there is a “super-entity” of just 147 very tightly knit
mega-corporations that controls 40 percent of the entire global economy…

When the team further untangled the web of ownership, it found much of
it tracked back to a “super-entity” of 147 even more tightly knit
companies – all of their ownership was held by other members of the
super-entity – that controlled 40 per cent of the total wealth in the
network. “In effect, less than 1 per cent of the companies were able
to control 40 per cent of the entire network,” says Glattfelder. Most
were financial institutions. The top 20 included Barclays Bank,
JPMorgan Chase & Co, and The Goldman Sachs Group.

But the global elite don’t just control these mega-corporations. 
According to Hudes, they also dominate the unelected, unaccountable
organizations that control the finances of virtually every nation on the
face of the planet.  The World Bank, the IMF and central banks such as the
Federal Reserve literally control the creation and the flow of money

At the apex of this system is the Bank for International Settlements.  It
is the central bank of cent

[LAAMN] Tune in tonight to Move to Amend Reports for an update

2013-10-03 Thread scotpeden

 Original Message 
Subject: Tune in tonight to Move to Amend Reports for an update
From:"Move to Amend" 
Date:Thu, 3 October, 2013 10:24 am
To:  "Michael Scott Peden" 

The Campaign to End Corporate Personhood and Demand Real Democracy

Michael Scott -

Want to get the latest news about Move to Amend?

Our National Director, Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap, will be the guest on Move
to Amend Reports (our weekly internet radio show) tonight - Thursday,
October 3 at 5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern.

At 5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern, click this link to tune-in and get the
lowdown on all things Move to Amend: http://blogtalkradio.com/movetoamend

This is a call-in show so you'll be able to ask questions by calling us at
(646) 652-2345 and pressing 1 to let the hosts know you want to

This show and all other shows are archived here:

We hope you'll join us!
p. Ashley Sanders, Daniel Lee, David Cobb, Egberto Willies, George
Friday, Jerome Scott, Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap, Laura Bonham, Nancy Price,
Richard Monje

Move to Amend National Leadership Team

Move to Amend - PO Box 610, Eureka, CA 95502, United States
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Re: [LAAMN] Rich are waging “pure class warfare”

2013-10-03 Thread scotpeden

Washington didn't just let this happen. Washington passed the laws that
rewarded them for doing it.

On actions alone, that shows who Washington represents.

Washington is the one that gives more of our tax dollars, and endebts us
more for welfare to the Corporations. Washington is the one that cuts
our money going back to programs that support those of us that create the
wealth and the infrastructure they borrow agasint.

More specifically, it is certain politicians who represent the
Corporations, not the workers. Politicians elected on the lies that they
bring work to their state, but those who are successful at that have high
unemployment, due to their approving anything that will lower wages and
even tax breaks for corporations that ship the jobs over seas.

How do we get these lying sons of robber barons as our representatives?

The Corporate Media tells us all oppositional candidates that would
represent us are not viable, or attacks anyone that would represent us.

He who willingly, even if unwittingly supports the demise of the US
working class, adheres to the Corporate Media being their only source of

We are the majority, they can't do it without our consent.


> The Nobel Prize-winning New York Times columnist argues the rich are even
> more selfish than you thought
> RIP, the middle class: 1946-2013
> Elias Isouth, Salon
> Sep 26, 2013 | In a post at his blog, New York Times columnist and
> award-winning economist Paul Krugman argues that while it may appear the
> rich want to destroy all forms of government, that isn’t the case. What
> they really want to do, Krugman writes, is destroy all forms of government
> that don’t benefit themselves.
> More from Krugman:
> [M]any of the rich are selective in their opposition to government helping
> the unlucky. They’re against stuff like food stamps and unemployment
> benefits; but bailing out Wall Street? Yay!
> Full
> story…http://evergreenedigest.org/krugman-rich-are-waging-“pure-class-warfare”
> Related:
> RIP, the middle class: 1946-2013, Edward McClelland, Salon
> The 1 percent hollowed out the middle class and our industrial base. And
> Washington just let it happen
> If 80% of us are in or near poverty then there is no middle class
> The economy isn’t coming back
> http://evergreenedigest.org/rip-middle-class-1946-2013
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[LAAMN] Rich are waging “pure class warfare”

2013-10-03 Thread scotpeden

The Nobel Prize-winning New York Times columnist argues the rich are even
more selfish than you thought
RIP, the middle class: 1946-2013

Elias Isouth, Salon

Sep 26, 2013 | In a post at his blog, New York Times columnist and
award-winning economist Paul Krugman argues that while it may appear the
rich want to destroy all forms of government, that isn’t the case. What
they really want to do, Krugman writes, is destroy all forms of government
that don’t benefit themselves.

More from Krugman:

[M]any of the rich are selective in their opposition to government helping
the unlucky. They’re against stuff like food stamps and unemployment
benefits; but bailing out Wall Street? Yay!



RIP, the middle class: 1946-2013, Edward McClelland, Salon

The 1 percent hollowed out the middle class and our industrial base. And
Washington just let it happen
If 80% of us are in or near poverty then there is no middle class
The economy isn’t coming back

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [LAAMN] US expels 3 Venezuela Diplomats

2013-10-02 Thread scotpeden
I'm completely in agreement with your statement here.

The USA in Central and So. American even before we picked a fight with
Spain to take away Cuba and the Philippines etc, this is standard
procedures for a Country, if one reads the early foundations and follows
WHO PAID FOR THE REVOLUTION and WHY, you'll understand this was founded to
support Big Business interests.




That is the America WE ARE. No amount of Nationalist schooling and Media
Propaganda can change what we do in actions.

Why did Washington spend the winter in Valley Forge without supplies?
Funding was cut off the instant the draft that said 'We the People..." was
aired at the Revolutionary congress, and everyone Alexander Hamilton
Represented, walked away.

Our history makes so much more sense understanding the basics like that,
and that the ONLY ship in Boston harbor that was uninsured, is the one
those dressed up as Indians went and threw the valuable cargo of tea
overboard. The owner of that shipment would have been immensely rich
because the cost of insurance had driven the price of tea 4-5X.

The so called Pirates only attacked uninsured ships coming from Europe,
and even then only a few were attacked, just enough to make insurance
mandatory, and the pirates not enough of a pest the King would protect the
shipping lanes.

The political polarization we get is pure bull shit, it is meant to keep
us occupied and confused. If everyone looked at who would profit, and
never forget the tactics the USA uses, you'd see that YOU AND I NEVER
PROFIT and we are suppsoe to be the Government of this Nation. But
Corporations that invest heavily in Politicians almost always get 10 times
more corporate welfare then all of our social welfare including highways,
police and fire departments.

Getting lost in Political minutia is exactly where 'our betters' want us.
We only have ONE Corporate party with 2 branches, and they fight over who
gets to distribute the riches to those who fund our Political system.


> *Yes , this has been going on for over 12 years now, many intelligent
> agencies working on it inside and out, many NGO's and 400 US companies
> along with many other countries doing it also.*
> *
> *
> *As I have been saying and some in Venezuela, kick out the US and others
> doing it and cut off the oil, complete the revolution...*
> On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 5:31 PM,  wrote:
>> **
>> Yup, same as it ever was.
>> Interfere with Corporate sabotage and subversion of a popular elected
>> Government, much less in a country that has a Democracy instead of a
>> working Corporatocy, and the USA will retaliate by removing anyone that
>> might open up a discussion on what is wrong.
>> Scott
>> > *The United States is expelling three Venezuelan diplomats, including
>> the
>> > South American country's top diplomat in Washington, the State
>> Department
>> > said late Tuesday night.*
>> > *
>> > *
>> > *Calixto Ortega, Venezuela's charge d'affaires in Washington who had
>> > pursued a opening with Washington for months ( and who some had warned
>> > was
>> > a mistake because the US will never stop trying to overthrow the
>> > Bolivarian
>> > revolution) and two other diplomats have been declared personae non
>> gratae
>> > in response to Venezuela's decision Monday to expel three U.S.
>> diplomats
>> > for encouraging economic sabotaged and aiding the opposition.*
>> > *
>> > *
>> > *They will have 48 hours to leave the United States.*
>> >

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Re: [LAAMN] US expels 3 Venezuela Diplomats

2013-10-02 Thread scotpeden
Yup, same as it ever was.

Interfere with Corporate sabotage and subversion of a popular elected
Government, much less in a country that has a Democracy instead of a
working Corporatocy, and the USA will retaliate by removing anyone that
might open up a discussion on what is wrong.


> *The United States is expelling three Venezuelan diplomats, including the
> South American country's top diplomat in Washington, the State Department
> said late Tuesday night.*
> *
> *
> *Calixto Ortega, Venezuela's charge d'affaires in Washington who had
> pursued a opening with Washington for months ( and  who some had warned
> was
> a mistake because the US will never stop trying to overthrow the
> Bolivarian
> revolution) and two other diplomats have been declared personae non gratae
> in response to Venezuela's decision Monday to expel three U.S. diplomats
> for encouraging economic sabotaged and aiding the opposition.*
> *
> *
> *They will have 48 hours to leave the United States.*

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[LAAMN] Questions Plague UN Report on Syria

2013-10-01 Thread scotpeden

by Sharmine Narwani

 Mideast Shuttle) , - While investigating the UN Report on chemical
weapons (CW) use in Ghouta, Syria, we sought a multitude of opinions from
experts and others who offered insightful observations. We published our
findings in an article entitled:

Questions Plague UN Report on Syria.

To learn more about Sarin and other nerve gases used in warfare, you would
be hard pressed to find any better hands-on experience than in Iran, a
country that suffered directly - and repeatedly - from
use of CWs during the 1980-88 war between the two countries.

In Iran itself, there are few as qualified to speak about Sarin and other
nerve gases as Dr. Abbas Foroutan, whose 2004 articles were reviewed in
Neurology by Col. Jonathan Newmark of the Chemical Casualty Care Division,
US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense.

The reviewer refers to Dr. Foroutan's work as "the only firsthand clinical
descriptions of battlefield nerve agent casualties in the world literature"
and is viewed as a valuable contribution to the US and NATO understanding of
the treatment of casualties in chemical warfare:

"Foroutan's lessons learned reassure us that a robust medical evacuation
system, coupled with timely and appropriate medical care of nerve agent
poisoning, will save many more lives on future battlefields."

Upon our request, Dr. Foroutan reviewed the UN Report on Syria and provided
us with some critical insights, addressing the issues of environmental and
human sampling conducted by the UN investigators in Ghouta.

Based on his unique experience with casualties of nerve gas, Dr. Foroutan
pointed out stark symptom irregularities displayed by Ghouta patients:

1. Sarin gas does not cause inflammation in the eye. We have observed many
cases during Iraq's war against Iran and victims presented with only brief
and temporary redness in the eye. Here, 22% of cases still displayed
inflammation after 5-7 days.

2. Miosis [constricted pupils] has been observed in 14% of cases while
disorientation has been seen in 39% of the cases. This ratio is not logical.
It is obligatory that complete raw data charts of the patients be published
so that the correlation index between signs and symptoms of this case and
other cases be calculated.

3. Regarding the 19% convulsion report: the reports from the victims
themselves are not acceptable as they would have been unconscious at the
time of convulsion. Unless others report the convulsion in the victim, these
reports are otherwise unreliable.

4. The prescription of Atropine: this medicine is the most essential
antidote for Sarin exposures and if a large amount of it is taken quickly
and intravenously, it will save the patient . Rapid recovery of a severe
case with high dose of atropine suggest the patient was exposed to a
substance similar to nerve gas [sarin]. Unfortunately the information given
is very incomplete and it has not been noted how exactly the patients have
reacted to this cure.

5. Mentioning the vital signs like the pulse rate and blood pressure, which
because of sarin classically become slow and low and subsequently atropine
raises it up, is also an important diagnostic sign which unfortunately has
not been recorded in the patients documents. Another important sign is
auscultation of "wheezing" in the victims lungs, similar to the noise coming
from an asthmatic patient, has not been mentioned. This neglection is

6. Activity of an enzyme called "acetylcholinesterase" in the plasma and red
blood cells will [be] reduced immensely with nerve gases like sarin; and
will reactivate (re-synthesize) after weeks until it becomes normal. Sarin
is an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor substance. Experts across the world are
well informed of the importance of this lab data [reporting enzyme
activity]. During the holy defense (Iran/Iraq war) we would measure it in
the frontline emergency center as a routine diagnostic test. The importance
is that in moderate to severe cases, it decreases heavily without exception.
Why has this examination not been done?

7. The claim of the identification of sarin molecules a week later in the
biological samples needs an exact report of methodology of measurement for
other experts of the world because of the high chance of technical error.

8. Regarding the environmental samples: according to the pictures, a lot of
the places have been under the sunlight and due to the fact that sarin is
very volatile, the claim of sarin detection should be accompanied with more
description by the experts.

Overall in my view this report should be received/acc

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 30 September, 2013

2013-09-30 Thread scotpeden



*"Though they refused to offer many details on the project, journalists
Jeremy Scahill and Glenn Greenwald on Saturday night announced that they
are now working together on a joint investigation on how the U.S.
National Security Agency has been involved in the wider overseas
'assassination program' run by the Obama administration," begins a piece
at /Common Dreams/ 
this morning.*



*Our action of the month for October is to support /Inter Press
Service/, which provides so many important stories to activists all over
the world, operating out of Rome.  To donate, here's our action:

*Until more citizens are aware of how mainstream media work, we are
unlikely to build a better world.  Which is why a small number of giant
media corporations tied to defense cheating, bankstering, polluting and
other criminal enterprises control the mass media for the purpose of
maintaining a culture of ignorant zombies.  Thank you, LUV members for
influencing your friends, family, neighbors, work colleagues and
internet groups.

*Don't be discouraged, we are winning.  When our government leaders and
the entire mainstream media began pounding the message that we had to
attack Syria, public opinion polls showed the overwhelming majority did
not buy the propaganda and said they would not support a new war under
any circumstances.  There is no doubt internet activists played a
significant role in this.


**Pepe Escobar, an expert on Asian affairs, takes us inside what's
happening in the Syrian "rebel" forces, who appear to be largely foreign
fighters, in his following report.  This report describes why we are
unlikely to have a diplomatic agreement resolving differences between
Syrians who will rule after President Assad.  The jihadist rebels will
not accept anything less than an Islamic state in which life for
minorities-- Kurds, Shiahs, Christians, etc., would be an absolute hell
--Jack Balkwill**

*How the US is enabling Syriastan


**By Pepe Escobar

*If any extra evidence was needed to shatter the myth of a "revolution"
struggling for a future "democratic" Syria, the big news of the week
cleared any remaining doubts.

Eleven, 13 or 14 "rebel" brigades (depending on the source) have ditched
the "moderate", US-propped Syrian National Council (SNC) and the
not-exactly Free Syrian Army (FSA). The leaders of the bunch are the
demented jihadis of Jabhat al-Nusra - but it includes other nasties such
as the Tawhid brigades and the Tajammu Fastaqim Kama Ummirat in Aleppo,
some of them until recently part of the collapsing FSA.

The jihadis practically ordered the myriad "moderates" to submit, "unify
in a clear Islamic frame", and pledge allegiance to a future**Syria with
Sharia law as "the sole source of legislation".

One Ayman al-Zawahiri must be having a ball in his comfortable,
drone-proof hideout somewhere in the Waziristans. Not only because his
call for a multinational jihad - a la Afghanistan in the 1980s - is
working; but also because the US-run SNC has been exposed for the
toothless rodent that it really is.

And facts on the ground keep corroborating it. The al-Qaeda-propped
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant took over a town near the Bab
al-Salam border crossing with Turkey that was held by the FSA because
the FSA was accused of fighting for "democracy" and close ties with the
West. Wrong; the FSA wants those ties but under a Muslim
Brotherhood-controlled regime. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
- of which Jabhat al-Nusra is the main Syrian component - wants a
Talibanized Syriastan.

The hardcore jihadi gangs in Syria may number as much as 10,000
fighters; but they do account for arguably 90% of the heavy fighting,
because they are the only ones with battleground experience (including
Iraqis who fought the Americans and Chechens who fought the Russians).

In parallel, and not by accident, ever since Prince Bandar bin Sultan,
aka Bandar Bush, was put in charge by Saudi King Abdullah to run the
Syria jihad, taking no prisoners, the "moderate" Qatar-aligned Muslim
Brotherhood SNC has been progressively sidelined.

Off with those peaceniks' heads
Yet as far as train wrecks go, nothing equals the Obama administration's
excuse for a "strategy", which theoretically boils down to weaponizing
and extensively training the weakest link - selected FSA gangs
infiltrated with CIA assets - and "vetting" weapons falling into the
hands of jihadis. As if the CI

[LAAMN] the end of organic seeds

2013-09-30 Thread scotpeden
Yes, I know this is about legislation in oregon, but they are part of our
planet too.
This is what I put in my note. - Scott

Why do Multi National Mega Corporations need protection from their
customers and consumers? When that is no longer an issue both those
Corporations and the Legislators working for their best interests will be
able to not fear the voter/consumer.

   [1]Join America's Farmers to stop SB 633 - Oregon's Monsanto Protection
Act and
   keep seeds in the hands of family farmers!


   [3]Join us to stop GMO contamination and protect the future of organic
   seeds today!

  VOTE TODAY - Tell Oregon to Stop SB 633!

   Dear Scott,

   Today Oregon legislators and Governor  John Kitzhaber will decide whether
   they will do the bidding of out of state multinational biotech seed giants
   like Monsanto and Syngenta or whether they will stand up to protect
   Oregon's family farmers and the future of our seed supply.

   The stakes couldn't be higher. Today the Oregon legislature could pass SB
   633 (LC 5), Oregon's Monsanto Protection Act, which would strip local
   countys' control over seeds, food and agriculture and deny county elected
   officials' ability to keep GMO crops from contaminating farmers' fields.

   After dying in committee during the regular session earlier this year, SB
   633, now known as LC 5, industrial ag corporations joined forces with the
   notorious ALEC and Koch brothers to slip this seed preemption bill into an
   unrelated emergency PERS tax and pension bill in Oregon.

   Please join us in stopping this outrageous sneak attack on family farmers,
   their economic livelihoods, their way of life and the future integrity and
   survival of organic and non-GMO seed.

   Already more than 1,000 family farmers and farm organizations and 28,000
   individuals have signed this urgent letter - Please add your voice!

   Your call could make the difference on this vote!

   1. [4]If you are a FARMER, own a farm or run a farm organization, click
   here to add your name to a sign-on letter to stop SB 633 and stand up to
   protect the future integrity of organic seeds. Please add your farm name
   or organization ONLY to this petition.


   2. [6]If you are not a farmer, but support America's family farmers as an
   INDIVIDUAL and want to protect the future of our food supply and integrity
   of our seed, please join to sign this letter in support of farmers in
   Oregon and every where who work to grow our food.


   3. After you take action, consider giving the Governor John Kitzhaber a
   call to let his office know you strongly oppose SB 633 - tell Oregon it's
   time to protect family farmers, not biotech seed and pesticide companies.

   Governor Kitzhaber's office phone number: 503-378-4582 or Press
   Office: 503-689-6117 503-689-5324

   Leave a friendly message on [8]Gov Kitzhaber's Facebook page:



   After you sign the letter, please pass this on to 3 friends who care about
   this issue so we can broaden our impact.

   Why Standing up for Seed Integrity to Stop SB 633 is Important!

   In the past 6 months alone, Monsanto's GMO wheat and GMO alfalfa have
   contaminated farmers' fields in Oregon and Washington respectively.
   Incredibly, Oregon and Washington farmers produce and supply the majority
   of beta seeds to the nation and the world. This is an issue of global and
   national importance for our seed supply and farmer rights.

   Seed is not only the foundation of agriculture and our food supply, but
   also civilization and our democracy. Without access to pure, safe
   high-quality seeds family farmers cannot adequately meet the challenges of
   growing food for our nation and a growing world population and cannot
   protect their own economic livelihoods.

   SB 633 is a poorly written bill that strips local control of decisions on
   seeds and agriculture production.

   Current efforts to sneak SB 633, a seed pre-emption bill, into legislation
   pertaining to public pension cuts and new state tax increases in Oregon
   state, threatens to undermine the future economic survival of all family
   farmers, not just those in Oregon, and erode the rights of local elected
   officials to make appropriate decisions on how local food and agriculture
   should be regulated.

   Farmers across the U.S. are recognizing SB 633 to be a threat to all farms
   and our common seed heritage. If you are a farmer, own a farm or have an
   organization that represents the best interests of independent family
   farmers, Oregon farmers need you today.



2013-09-30 Thread scotpeden

best viewed at the link- I'd like to note that regarding the massacre in
Africa, the Al-Qaeda and Saud linked terrorists were able to hold out
longer and do more damage since they had US ML 50 cal rifles. These are
the same people we funded and armed so explode the Lybia into a crisis,
and are 2 of the same factions the Saud's and the USA are arming in Syria.
Without Terrorists, we could not have a war on Terror.- Scott

By Pepe Escobar, www.atimes.com
September 30th, 2013
Print Friendly

Above: Screen capture of Syrian rebel eating the heart of a Syrian soldier.
The Myth of a Syrian Revolution for Democracy Exposed

If any extra evidence was needed to shatter the myth of a “revolution”
struggling for a future “democratic” Syria, the big news of the week
cleared any remaining doubts.

Eleven, 13 or 14 “rebel” brigades (depending on the source) have ditched
the “moderate”, US-propped Syrian National Council (SNC) and the
not-exactly Free Syrian Army (FSA). The leaders of the bunch are the
demented jihadis of Jabhat al-Nusra – but it includes other nasties such
as the Tawhid brigades and the Tajammu Fastaqim Kama Ummirat in Aleppo,
some of them until recently part of the collapsing FSA.

The jihadis practically ordered the myriad “moderates” to submit, “unify
in a clear Islamic frame”, and pledge allegiance to a future
Syria with Sharia law as “the sole source of legislation”

One Ayman al-Zawahiri must be having a ball in his comfortable,
drone-proof hideout somewhere in the Waziristans. Not only because his
call for a multinational jihad – a la Afghanistan in the 1980s – is
working; but also because the US-run SNC has been exposed for the
toothless rodent that it really is.

And facts on the ground keep corroborating it. The al-Qaeda-propped
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant took over a town near the Bab
al-Salam border crossing with Turkey that was held by the FSA because the
FSA was accused of fighting for “democracy” and close ties with the West.
Wrong; the FSA wants those ties but under a Muslim Brotherhood-controlled
regime. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant – of which Jabhat
al-Nusra is the main Syrian component – wants a Talibanized Syriastan.

The hardcore jihadi gangs in Syria may number as much as 10,000 fighters;
but they do account for arguably 90% of the heavy fighting, because they
are the only ones with battleground experience (including Iraqis who
fought the Americans and Chechens who fought the Russians).

In parallel, and not by accident, ever since Prince Bandar bin Sultan, aka
Bandar Bush, was put in charge by Saudi King Abdullah to run the Syria
jihad, taking no prisoners, the “moderate” Qatar-aligned Muslim
Brotherhood SNC has been progressively sidelined.

Off with those peaceniks’ heads

Yet as far as train wrecks go, nothing equals the Obama administration’s
excuse for a “strategy”, which theoretically boils down to weaponizing and
extensively training the weakest link – selected FSA gangs infiltrated
with CIA assets – and “vetting” weapons falling into the hands of jihadis.
As if the CIA had reliable local intel on the myriad jihadi Gulf-based
funding and logistical sources.

The SNC, the FSA and the exile so-called “Supreme Military Command” led by
the grandiloquent General Salim Idriss are now no more than a joke. This
whole thing happened while SNC leader al-Jerba was at the UN General
Assembly in New York – where he met with Secretary of State John “Assad is
like Hitler” Kerry. Kerry did not talk about weapons but about more “aid”
and future negotiations at the perennially postponed Geneva II conference.
Al-Jerba was furious. And to top if off, some is his FSA gangs openly
embraced al-Qaeda.

Why? Follow the money. This is how it works, in a nutshell. At least half
of the FSA “brigades” are mercenaries – they are financed from abroad.
They fight where their masters – who weaponize and pay them – tell them to
fight. The “Supreme Command” controls, at best, something like 20% of the
brigades. And these people don’t even live in Syria; they are based on the
Turkish or Jordanian side of the border.

The mercenary jihadis, on the other hand, are on the ground full-time.
They are the real fighting force, receive their salaries on time, and
their families are well taken care of.

So for all practical purposes it’s now a war between the Syrian Arab Army
(SAA) and a bunch of jihadis. Of course this will NOT be explained by
supine corporate media to Western public opinion.

Now imagine these beheading, liver-devouring Sharia groupies willing to go
to the Geneva II conference to negotiate a ceasefire with the Syrian
government and a possible peace deal with the NATO-House of Saud axis.
Obviously it’s not going to happen – as Bandar Bush himself telegraphed
Russian President Vladimir Putin in person in Moscow.

Worse, from Washington’s point of view, there’s no way to justify why no
meaningful ne

Re: [LAAMN] Kissinger saw the benefits of Syrian intervention in Lebanon

2013-09-29 Thread scotpeden
It's just that NOTHING, on any of the quotes, came up with any hits, other
then the 2 papers that I posted likes to here.

I don't find that a usual problem if I want to verify what's in some
article, I just take some quotes and search them, and then look at the
hits, but the daily news is the only hit for each quote searched.

I've learned again, the hard way, to not forward things I cannot vet on my
own, like this.

All the right buzz words, but no hits for verification that this is a real
newly declassified statement of what happened, or that it really happened
at all.


> The Daily Star is well known in Lebanon , you could always write them and
> as far know have no ax to grind when it comes to the factionalism taking
> place in that country.
> Or you could go through the thousands of documents in the National
> Security
> Archive.
> http://www.picosearch.com/cgi-bin/ts.pl?index=302953;query=lebanon;SEARCH=Search
> On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 1:56 AM,  wrote:
>> Humm
>> Any idea where the verification of these new set of declassified
>> documents
>> are? The only think I can find is an
>> http://www.uruknet.info/?p=m101203&hd=&l=e
>> link that sends me right back to this one.
>> No one, no place else, brings up anything other then these this one
>> article, when I want to find out about these declassified documents.
>> So.. if they exist, where are they, why can't any search engine or set
>> of
>> quotes Iv'e searched give me anything other then the DailyStar?
>> Scott
>> > Kissinger saw the benefits of Syrian intervention in Lebanon
>> > September 23, 2013 12:24 AMBy Kareem
>> > ShaheenThe
>> > Daily Star[image: Kissinger uses a map of Beirut as he briefs the
>> House
>> > International Relations Committee in Washington on June 17,
>> > 1976.]Kissinger
>> > uses a map of Beirut as he briefs the House International Relations
>> > Committee in Washington on June 17, 1976.[image: A+][image: A-]
>> >
>> > BEIRUT: A new set of declassified documents on the run-up to the
>> Syrian
>> > intervention in Lebanon’s Civil War sheds light on American diplomacy
>> > during the crisis, including contacts with late President Hafez
>> Assad’s
>> > regime and U.S. hopes that a Syrian intervention would weaken Yasser
>> > Arafat’s Palestine Liberation Organization. The documents, minutes of
>> > meetings involving U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, reveal the
>> top
>> > U.S. diplomat’s open contempt and frustration toward Israeli
>> policymakers
>> > for threatening to invade south Lebanon in response to a Syrian
>> > intervention.
>> >
>> > “You know these Israelis really are shits,” Kissinger said at a
>> meeting
>> in
>> > March 1976, expressing anger at the possibility of an Israeli attack.
>> >
>> > The archival documents show the U.S. administration had foreknowledge
>> of
>> a
>> > possible Syrian intervention, deciding it was in accordance with U.S.
>> > interests but refraining from supporting it publicly in fear of the
>> > invasion sparking a broad Middle Eastern war.
>> >
>> > “Now if I could design the solution, I would go to Assad and say, ‘If
>> you
>> > could move in quickly, and if you could give us an iron clad guarantee
>> > that
>> > you will get out again quickly and that you will not go south of the
>> > [Litani] river, we will keep the Israelis out,’” he said in one
>> meeting.
>> >
>> > The minutes show a Kissinger deeply involved in Middle Eastern
>> politics,
>> > conferring on an almost daily basis with top advisers and closely
>> > following
>> > Lebanon’s descent into violence while trying to grapple with the
>> > insurmountable complexity of its civil war politics.
>> >
>> > Kissinger saw benefits to a Syrian intervention, guessing that it
>> would
>> > weaken Arafat’s PLO, but he refrained from backing it publicly and in
>> > talks
>> > with Syrian officials.
>> >
>> > The documents paint an image of an irreverent, sharp and sometimes
>> profane
>> > man, who was also prone to generalizations, for instance describing
>> > Egyptian negotiators as “duplicitous.”
>> >
>> > They are also striking because they show the relatively close
>> relationship
>> > between the Assad regime and the U.S.
>> >
>> > The documents are part of a multi-volume series called “Foreign
>> Relations
>> > of the United States.” The volume dealing with the Arab-Israeli
>> dispute
>> > includes a set of archival files on meetings concerning Lebanon at the
>> > start of the Civil War.
>> >
>> > American officials had a low opinion of Lebanese politicians at the
>> time.
>> > Former President Suleiman Franjieh is described as “a disaster,” Druze
>> > leader Kamal Jumblatt as “crazy” and political leaders as “warlords.”
>> >
>> > Syrian intervention in Lebanon was discussed in a meeting on Oct. 13,
>> > immediately sparking talk of a likely Israeli retaliation.
>> >
>> > “There is no way – no way – in which the Israelis will s

Re: [LAAMN] Kissinger saw the benefits of Syrian intervention in Lebanon

2013-09-28 Thread scotpeden

Any idea where the verification of these new set of declassified documents
are? The only think I can find is an

link that sends me right back to this one.

No one, no place else, brings up anything other then these this one
article, when I want to find out about these declassified documents.

So.. if they exist, where are they, why can't any search engine or set of
quotes Iv'e searched give me anything other then the DailyStar?


> Kissinger saw the benefits of Syrian intervention in Lebanon
> September 23, 2013 12:24 AMBy Kareem
> ShaheenThe
> Daily Star[image: Kissinger uses a map of Beirut as he briefs the House
> International Relations Committee in Washington on June 17,
> 1976.]Kissinger
> uses a map of Beirut as he briefs the House International Relations
> Committee in Washington on June 17, 1976.[image: A+][image: A-]
> BEIRUT: A new set of declassified documents on the run-up to the Syrian
> intervention in Lebanon’s Civil War sheds light on American diplomacy
> during the crisis, including contacts with late President Hafez Assad’s
> regime and U.S. hopes that a Syrian intervention would weaken Yasser
> Arafat’s Palestine Liberation Organization. The documents, minutes of
> meetings involving U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, reveal the top
> U.S. diplomat’s open contempt and frustration toward Israeli policymakers
> for threatening to invade south Lebanon in response to a Syrian
> intervention.
> “You know these Israelis really are shits,” Kissinger said at a meeting in
> March 1976, expressing anger at the possibility of an Israeli attack.
> The archival documents show the U.S. administration had foreknowledge of a
> possible Syrian intervention, deciding it was in accordance with U.S.
> interests but refraining from supporting it publicly in fear of the
> invasion sparking a broad Middle Eastern war.
> “Now if I could design the solution, I would go to Assad and say, ‘If you
> could move in quickly, and if you could give us an iron clad guarantee
> that
> you will get out again quickly and that you will not go south of the
> [Litani] river, we will keep the Israelis out,’” he said in one meeting.
> The minutes show a Kissinger deeply involved in Middle Eastern politics,
> conferring on an almost daily basis with top advisers and closely
> following
> Lebanon’s descent into violence while trying to grapple with the
> insurmountable complexity of its civil war politics.
> Kissinger saw benefits to a Syrian intervention, guessing that it would
> weaken Arafat’s PLO, but he refrained from backing it publicly and in
> talks
> with Syrian officials.
> The documents paint an image of an irreverent, sharp and sometimes profane
> man, who was also prone to generalizations, for instance describing
> Egyptian negotiators as “duplicitous.”
> They are also striking because they show the relatively close relationship
> between the Assad regime and the U.S.
> The documents are part of a multi-volume series called “Foreign Relations
> of the United States.” The volume dealing with the Arab-Israeli dispute
> includes a set of archival files on meetings concerning Lebanon at the
> start of the Civil War.
> American officials had a low opinion of Lebanese politicians at the time.
> Former President Suleiman Franjieh is described as “a disaster,” Druze
> leader Kamal Jumblatt as “crazy” and political leaders as “warlords.”
> Syrian intervention in Lebanon was discussed in a meeting on Oct. 13,
> immediately sparking talk of a likely Israeli retaliation.
> “There is no way – no way – in which the Israelis will sit still while the
> Syrians send in their troops. I am sure of that,” said Kissinger, who
> sought to find out from the Israelis what level of Syrian activity in
> Lebanon would be acceptable to them.
> Kissinger was also dismissive of the Israeli government, describing former
> General and premier Yigal Allon as a “sweet fool” and Yitzhak Rabin as
> “weak,” while lamenting the U.S. failure to influence its ally.
> The secretary said he was ready to support Syrian efforts to achieve a
> political solution in Lebanon.
> “We have to go back to Assad ... Ask him what he is up to and, if we agree
> with him, we will do our best to help him,” he said. “But warn him what he
> does must be done without the use of Syrian regular forces.”
> “Also have him give Assad my best personal regards,” he said to a
> diplomatic envoy.
> In March 1976, as the Americans gleaned more details of the extent of
> Syria’s potential involvement, American officials sought clarity from
> Syria over
> its intentions in Lebanon and how long it would stay there.
> Kissinger said the Israelis would intervene because they wished to strike
> a
> mortal blow to PLO strongholds in Lebanon, which he referred derisively to
> as “Fatahland.”
> “Their position is that they cannot trust the Syr

[LAAMN] A Different Reaction to Disaster Capitalism

2013-09-27 Thread scotpeden

Popular Resistance Newsletter - A Different Reaction to Disaster Capitalism

Rather than disasters providing cover for the implementation of dangerous
capitalist policies that lower wages and increase the wealth divide, the
disasters being caused by these dangerous policies have woken the public
and are leading to a more active and empowered people.
This newsletter is also available
on the web here

In her book “Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism,” Naomi
Klein explains how crises are used by governments to distract and frighten
people so that unpopular and exploitative policies can be pushed through

It seems that now there is a different reaction disaster capitalism.
Rather than disasters providing cover for the implementation of dangerous
capitalist policies that lower wages and increase the wealth divide, the
disasters being caused by these dangerous policies have woken the public
and are leading to a more active and empowered people. People are taking
initiative rather than waiting for leaders.

Nafeez Ahmed states
, “People are really hungry actually for answers, hungry for solutions,
hungry for alternatives, so really this is actually an unprecedented
opportunity. It’s an unprecedented crisis but it’s also an opportunity
to dream-weave and say ‘well actually everything is going to go to pot
over the next 20-30 years if we don’t change, so here’s an opportunity
to think outside the box.’”

Enough people appear to recognize that the political system is
dysfunctional and does not serve the public’s needs or interests. We saw
this recently with the President’s call for an attack on Syria. The
public demanded
 that the President go to Congress, that there be an investigation into
the facts and that the rule of law be followed.  The attack was averted.

foreign policy is rarely attacked but stopping the war on Syria shows that
something may be changing. General David Petraeus has been a target of
people opposed to war
. On the way to his first class the retired General and former CIA
director was chased down the street by people calling him a war criminal
 and threatening to protest at every class he taught at CUNY.  Then he was
protested at a fundraiser
. The protests keep growing
. This week, when veterans announced they would protest a luncheon in Los
Angeles, Petraeus
cancelled his appearance
. This is a major change as it is rare to see a former general called a
war criminal in the United States.

This week, we are being told that there is a budget crisis and that we
must accept more cuts, more austerity measures. But many Americans
understand that austerity actually causes more economic decline
 rather than recovery. In response, nurses and health care workers in 13
 had a global day of action against austerity, cuts to healthcare and for
a tax on stock transactions. And there have been some victories. This week
in New York City, nurses won a series of battles
 in the courts and electoral arena that will keep community hospitals

We know that the economy is rigged so that the working class is
subsidizing the richest, that our wealth is trickling up.  An analysis
published this week found the average U.S. family subsidizes Big Business
by $6,000 annually
.  This is outrageous at a time when most Americans are struggling to

of accepting cuts and declining wages, workers are fighting back. We’ve
been reporting on
(http://www.popularresistance.org/tag/worker-rights-and-jobs/)  the
striking Walmart and fast food worker

[LAAMN] TPP Would Censor Internet, But We Can Stop It

2013-09-26 Thread scotpeden

Reason #87 to stop the TPP: It would censor the internet.

For the first time, actual presidents and prime ministers of 12 powerful
countries are meeting behind closed doors to seal an extreme internet
censorship plan called the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

We know from leaked drafts that the TPP will make the internet more
expensive, less accessible, and subject to censorship. Experts say, "kids
could be sent to jail for downloading" and whole families could be kicked
off the internet.

Will political leaders feel more pressure from industry lobbyists or from
us? Join with RootsAction and OpenMedia in sending decision-makers a
powerful message now before it's too late.

Here are our reasonable requests of elected officials:
  * Please say no to internet censorship.
  * Protect the right of everyone to access the internet in their daily
  * Do not force internet service providers (ISPs) to act as "internet
police," monitoring our use, censoring content, and removing whole
  * Preserve the democratic rights of sovereign countries to draft their
own internet laws.

Will you join with us now in sending this crucial message?

Thus far, our movement has stopped TPP negotiators from finalizing the
agreement but now powerful interests are pressuring politicians to ram
through their internet censorship plan.

Thousands of people and over 30 major organizations, including RootsAction
and OpenMedia, from across the Trans-Pacific region are working together
to keep the internet open. High ranking politicians from several countries
are beginning to ask questions.

We know that when citizens speak out, decision makers take notice. Click
here now to send a powerful message to the 12 political leaders who are
about to make a decision that will affect generations.

Together, we won't let them take away our digital rights.

Please forward this email widely to like-minded friends.

-- The RootsAction.org team

P.S. RootsAction is an independent online force endorsed by Jim Hightower,
Barbara Ehrenreich, Cornel West, Daniel Ellsberg, Glenn Greenwald, Naomi
Klein, Bill Fletcher Jr., Laura Flanders, former U.S. Senator James
Abourezk, Coleen Rowley, Frances Fox Piven, and many others.


Click here [
] to unsubscribe and stop ALL email from RootsAction.

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[LAAMN] Top 45 Lies in Obama’s Speech at UN

2013-09-26 Thread scotpeden

Top 45 Lies in Obama’s Speech at UN
By David Swanson
Global Research, September 25, 2013
War Is A Crime
Region: USA
Theme: United Nations
 4343   220  7    4733

1. President Obama’s opening lines at the U.N. on Tuesday looked down on
people who would think to settle disputes with war. Obama was
disingenuously avoiding the fact that earlier this month he sought to
drop missiles into a country to “send a message” but was blocked by the
U.S. Congress, the U.N., the nations of the world, and popular
opposition — after which Obama arrived at diplomacy as a last resort.
2. “It took the awful carnage of two world wars to shift our
thinking.” Actually, it took one. The second resulted in a half-step
backwards in “our thinking.” The Kellogg-Briand Pact banned all war.
The U.N. Charter re-legalized wars purporting to be either defensive or
3. “[P]eople are being lifted out of poverty,” Obama said, crediting
actions by himself and others in response to the economic crash of five
years ago. But downward global trends in poverty are steady and long
pre-date Obama’s entry into politics. And such a trend does not
exist in the U.S.
4. “Together, we have also worked to end a decade of war,” Obama
said. In reality, Obama pushed Iraq hard to allow that occupation to
continue, and was rejected just as Congress rejected his
missiles-for-Syria proposal. Obama expanded the war on Afghanistan.
Obama expanded, after essentially creating, drone wars. Obama has
increased global U.S. troop presence, global U.S. weapons sales, and the
size of the world’s largest military. He’s put “special” forces
many countries, waged a war on Libya, and pushed for an attack on Syria.
How does all of this “end a decade of war”? And how did his
predecessor get a decade in office anyway?
5. “Next year, an international coalition will end its war in
Afghanistan, having achieved its mission of dismantling the core of al
Qaeda that attacked us on 9/11.” In reality, Bruce Riedel, who
coordinated a review of Afghanistan policy for President Obama said,
“The pressure we’ve put on [jihadist forces] in the past year has also
drawn them together, meaning that the network of alliances is growing
stronger not weaker.” (New York Times, May 9, 2010.)
6. “We have limited the use of drones.” Bush drone strikes in
Pakistan: 51. Obama drone strikes in Pakistan: 323.
7. “… so they target only those who pose a continuing, imminent
threat to the United States where capture is not feasible.” On June 7,
2013, Yemeni tribal leader Saleh Bin Fareed told Democracy Nowthat Anwar
al Awlaki could have been turned over and put on trial, but “they never
asked us.” In numerous other cases it is evident that drone
strike victims could have been arrested if that avenue had ever been
attempted. A memorable example was the November 2011 drone killing in
Pakistan of 16-year-old Tariq Aziz, days after he’d attended an
anti-drone meeting in the capital, where he might easily have been
arrested — had he been charged with some crime. This weeks drone
victims, like all the others, had never been indicted or their arrest
8. “… and there is a near certainty of no civilian casualties.”
There are hundreds of confirmed civilian dead from U.S. drones,
something the Obama administration seems inclined to keep as quiet as
9. “And the potential spread of weapons of mass destruction casts a
shadow over the pursuit of peace.” In reality, President Obama is not
pursuing peace or the control of such weapons or their reduction and
elimination in all countries, only particular countries. And the United
States remains the top possessor of weapons of mass destruction and the
top supplier of weapons to the world.
10. “[In Syria, P]eaceful protests against an authoritarian regime
were met with repression and slaughter. … America and others have worked
to bolster the moderate opposition.” In fact, the United States has
armed a violent opposition intent on waging war and heavily influenced
if not dominated by foreign fighters and fanatics.
11. “[T]he regime used chemical weapons in an attack that killed more
than 1,000 people, including hundreds of children.” Maybe, but where’s
the evidence? Even Colin Powell brought (faked) evidence.
12. “How should we respond to conflicts in the Middle East?” This
suggests that the United States isn’tcausing conflicts in the Middle
East or aggravating them prior to altering its position
and “responding.” In fact, arming and supporting brutal governments in
Bahrain, Egypt, Yemen, Jordan, Israel, etc., is behavior that could do a
great deal of good simply by ceasing.
13. “How do we address the choice of standing callously by while
children are subjected to nerve gas, or embroiling ourselves in someone
else’s civil war?” That isn’t a complete list of choices, as Obama
discovered when Russia called Kerry’s bluff and di

[LAAMN] Defeating Monsanto

2013-09-26 Thread scotpeden
The Biotechs already have voluntary labeling, that's why they pour
millions into NOT labeling GMO products, it would be bad for business if
we knew and stopped purchasing from them- Scott

"Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Sen. Mark Udall (D-Colo.) have
signaled support for FDA guidance on voluntary labeling of GMOs. A move to
protect consumers? Hardly."


Is this email not displaying correctly?
View it in your browser [ http://www.organicconsumers.org/bytes/ob396.html ].

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FDA's Voluntary GMO Labeling is Good for Monsanto, Bad for Consumers

While consumers battle on for laws mandating the labeling of genetically
modified organisms (GMOs) in food products, some lawmakers are taking the
GMO labeling debate in a different direction. And it's a direction that's
anything but consumer friendly.

Last month, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Sen. Mark Udall (D-Colo.)
asked [ http://www.warren.senate.gov/files/documents/FDALetter.pdf ] the
U.S. Food & Drug Administration to finalize its 2001 guidance on voluntary
labeling of GMOs.

The senators advertised their request as a move intended to benefit you,
the consumer. But in fact, a federal voluntary labeling plan plays right
into the hands of the biotech and big food industries.

Sorry, Senators. But voluntary will never be the new mandatory.

If the FDA heeds the request of Senators Warren and Udall, we could see
the end of states' rights to label GMOs. And the end of non-GMO
certification and labeling. Not exactly the consumer-friendly sort of
advocating we're looking for.

Read the essay [ http://www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_28376.cfm ]


Whose Side Are They on, Anyway?

It's a pretty safe bet that if Monsanto and the Grocery Manufacturers
Association (GMA), two of the largest funders of campaigns to defeat GMO
labeling, are in favor of something, that "something" won't be good for

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Sen. Mark Udall (D-Colo.) have
signaled [ http://www.warren.senate.gov/files/documents/FDALetter.pdf ]
support for FDA guidance on voluntary labeling of GMOs. A move to protect
consumers? Hardly. After all, Monsanto [
http://www.monsanto.com/newsviews/Pages/food-labeling.aspx ] and the GMA [
http://www.idfa.org/news--views/headline-news/details/8482/ ] also want
the FDA to finalize its voluntary guidance on GMO labeling. And that
wouldn't be true unless the biotech and food industries thought there was
something in it for them.

What might that something be? Perhaps the path to preemption of states'
rights to label GMOs. Or the end of certified non-GMO labels. Or maybe

Sometimes it makes sense to contact senators outside your own state,
especially when they're advocating for a law that could hurt all

This is one of those times. Please sign our petition below, and forward it
widely. Then pick up the phone and ask Senators Warren and Udall to side
with you, not Monsanto and the GMA, by supporting state and federal
mandatory GMO labeling laws.

TAKE ACTION: Tell Senators Warren and Udall: FDA's Voluntary GMO Labeling
is Good for Monsanto, Bad for Consumers [

Call Sen. Warren (202) 224-4543 and Sen. Udall at  (202) 224-5941


Poisoning Minds

For more than two decades, Monsanto has been poisoning our water, our
soil, our food.

But right now, the Biotech Bully is focused on one thing: Poisoning the
minds of voters in Washington State - voters who are still on the fence
about I-522, an initiative to label GMOs in food sold in grocery stores.

Last week, Monsanto and friends launched a statewide, anti-labeling,
anti-I-522 ad blitz. It looks a lot like the $46-million worth of
negative, deceitful ads they unleashed last year this time in California.
Ads that helped defeat California's GMO labeling initiative.

Monsanto, DuPont, Dow, Bayer, BASF and the Grocery Manufacturers
Association (representing the junk food gang) are footing the bill. With
almost $12 million (so far) to spend, they're running ads that are
dishonest and misleading. But clever. And convincing.

If you're a busy mom or college student, a distracted worker with too much
on your everyday plate, you might be hearing "GMO" for the first time.
>From Monsanto. The lies Monsanto will feed you – that labeling will cost
you money, that farmers and grocers will be hurt – just might

[LAAMN] [Fwd: [K4P] VIDEO: Rockets Used in Damascus CW Attack Fired from Makeshift Flatbeds, Not Military Vehicles

2013-09-25 Thread scotpeden

VIDEO: Rockets Used in Damascus CW
Attack Fired from Makeshift Flatbeds, Not Military Vehicles

Posted: 25 Sep 2013 05:12 PM PDT


VIDEO: Rockets Used in Damascus CW Attack Fired from Makeshift Flatbeds, Not
Military Vehicles

Video emerges of unmarked truck-mounted launcher surrounded by militants,
firing same ordnance used in August 21 Damascus (and other) chemical

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[LAAMN] Senate could kill Monsanto Protection Act today, you in?

2013-09-25 Thread scotpeden


[1]Tell the Senate to Repeal the Monsanto Protection Act and stop any
   efforts to undermine state's rights to label GMOs?


[3]Don't let Monsanto corrupt our democracy and kill GMO labeling in

   The Senate could reject The Monsanto Protection Act today! Take Action

   Dear Scott,

   Update: Your calls are making a difference! Last night Senator Barbara
   Mikulski's office indicated that she will pull the Monsanto Protection Act
   from the Continuing Resolution budget bill but we need your help Today to
   seal the deal with Congress. We don't want them to get could feet!

   Last Friday, on Sept 20th, the House of Representatives once again
   betrayed the trust of America's farmers and everyday citizens when they
   passed the Continuing Resolution (H.J.RES.59) containing the Monsanto
   Protection Act. Rather than remove Section 735, House Republican leaders
   kept the language from the Monsanto Protection Act intact in the must pass
   spending bill, which members of the House passed 230 to 189. (See how your
   member voted below).

   Right now we need to put on as much pressure on the Senate as possible to
   make sure they remove the Monsanto Protection Act from the current
   stop-gap spending bill as Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) promised earlier
   this summer. The language of the Monsanto Protection Act was set to expire
   on Sept 30, but could be extended until Dec 15th if the Senate does not

   We've had an overwhelming response from Food Democracy Now! members with
   over 40,000 calls and a half million actions, but we need to keep the
   pressure on! Please sign and Make a Call today!

   1. [4]Click here to tell Congress to repeal the Monsanto Protection Act!
   Help end Monsanto's takeover of our government. Every voice counts!


   2. [5]Consider making a call to your members of Congress to tell them
   you're appalled that they passed the original Monsanto Protection Act and
   are outraged that they're considering it again!


   Please Keep Calling, You're Having an Impact!

   3. We've confirmed that a bill to try to pre-empt state GMO labeling
   efforts will be introduced by Congressman Fred Upton's (R-MI), who is the
   chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. If you support GMO
   labeling at the state level, please let his office know you disapprove of
   any bill that would steal state's rights to label GMOs - call (202)

   Update on Upton: For the past 2 weeks, calls being made to Congressman
   Fred Upton's office (R-MI) have been met with claims that Congressman
   Upton is "not introducing" a bill to pre-empt state GMO labeling.

   On Friday a Food Democracy Now! member reported what several sources in DC
   have already confirmed: the House is considering introducing a bill that
   would nullify state's rights to label genetically engineered foods.

   Report from Food Democracy Now! member:

   "I just called Congressman Upton's office and they claim he is not
   introducing any language into any bill about GMO's, but the committee he
   is on may be.  I told her that if GMO's were so great why wouldn't the
   people who agree with them want them on the label.  She said, 'good

   We need you to keep calling your members of Congress to make sure this
   does not happen! We've already won GMO labeling bills in Maine and
   Connecticut this year and Washington State could pass this fall.

   Background on the Monsanto Protection Act

   Called the "Farmer Assurance Provision" by biotech lobbyists and Congress,
   the Monsanto Protection Act was slipped into the previous spending bill in
   a backroom deal between a handful of Senators and Representatives and
   Monsanto in an effort to circumvent successful legal challenges to the
   corrupt regulatory process at the USDA.

   In the past 6 months alone, two separate contamination events of GMO wheat
   in an Oregon farmer's field and earlier this month of GMO alfalfa in
   Washington state prove how harmful the corporate handout of the Monsanto
   Protection Act is to America's family farmers.

   Right now is the critical window where we need to stand together to stop
   Monsanto and these corrupt corporations from trying to betray our basic
   democratic rights once again.

   [6]Please stand with us to help stop Monsanto, DuPont and the biotech seed
   and chemical companies from corrupting our laws and democratic process.

   Remember, democracy is like a muscle, either you use it or you lose it!

   Thanks for participating in food democracy,

   Dave, Lisa and the Food Democracy Now! team


   Find out how your Representative Voted on the Con

[LAAMN] Senate could kill Monsanto Protection Act today, you in?

2013-09-25 Thread scotpeden
I've sent this as an attachment as the URL's will not forward otherwise.


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[LAAMN] Global Natural Catastrophe

2013-09-24 Thread scotpeden
Humm... the first link made me search for more recent information, as it
showed worldwide natural disasters have doubled in the last 30 years.

I'd sure like to know over the period of 1700 to now as that would cover
the vast clear cutting of North and South America with a good portion of
SE Asia too.

so I found the second link. It is a pdf download.

No dead bodies in it, but flipping though the data sheets it still makes
me sick to my stomach, as this is just industry/profit related, but we all
best have some idea of what is going on that is only sales pitches in the
political arena.

Every few pages some graph told me something I wanted to know or was
interested in.

Change is editable, weather is always cyclic, but there are no records
showing this cycle and  no one whose only interested in profit is
going to tell you what habits our 'modern advanced civilization' does,
that increases personal grief, while making the portable wealth people,
more portable then those of us left unable to just lose everything and
start over in a moments notice, doing the same successful wealth
accumulation practices.


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Re: [LAAMN] History of Napalm

2013-09-24 Thread scotpeden
Near the bottom, a real tell sign of what kind of back bone it takes to
win the Nobel Peace Prize, and what kind of character people are
supporting when they are asking the the USA to do regime change in any


"Neer’s closing chapters, which chronicle the decline in napalm use, are
comparatively thin. Two incidents stand out. In 2003, the US military
dropped Mark-77 “firebombs” during its advance toward Baghdad. The
combustion looked and acted like napalm fire, but the Mark-77 had been
made with a new, kerosene-based formula—and so, in the eyes of the
military, it was no longer napalm. Five years later, the Senate finally
ratified Protocol III of the international Convention on Certain
Conventional Weapons (written in 1980), which bans the use of napalm and
other incendiaries against civilians. But when President Obama signed the
treaty into law, he appended a caveat: the United States will no longer
drop incendiary weapons—unless the military deems it necessary."

> History of Napalm
> http://www.thenation.com/article/176109/shelf-life#

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[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 24 September, 2013

2013-09-24 Thread scotpeden
Another good LUV news edition, with graphics should be available here:

Also, for anyone whose ever heard or read the Corporate media's 'news' and
been confused by their definition of left, as it is usually far to the
right of most of us, here's a link explaining the shell game.

Links to get your own, in color copy of LUV News every morning are at the




*"The world needs to 'wake up before it is too late' and usher in a
paradigm shift in agriculture that moves away from industrial
agriculture in favor of 'mosaics of sustainable regenerative production
system' that favor small-scale farmers and local food production, a new
report from a UN body states.

"However, the call from the UN Conference on Trade and Development
(UNCTAD) flies in the face of the goals laid out by trade deals now
being negotiated including the secretive Trans Pacific Partnership
[TPP]," begins apiece at /Common Dreams/
 this morning.

*One more reason to oppose the TPP.  And, although corporate media
aren't going to divulge that there's anything amiss in the agreement, or
that there's outrage against the plan by those among the public who
understand what it's all about, yesterday protesters took over the US
Trade Representative building to expose the secret negotiations
will not see this in mainstream press outside of Washington, where it
can't be hidden.*



*/CNN/ is presenting another Obama insider, Stephanie Cutter, as "from
the left," in its pretense of offering "opposing views" on its
/Crossfire/ program, which pits center-right debaters against right
wingers in an elaborate shell game. Fairness and Accuracy in
Reporting**(FAIR) **has an action against this in which you may
participate, here

*Real leftists are not allowed on TV in the Land of the Free, and
/CNN/'s "leftist," Cutter, even disparages them in FAIR's report.  The
American political spectrum cuts out the left, replacing it with the
centrist "liberal" as we show here .
This allows no meaningful criticism of capitalism in mainstream media,
even as wealth disparity expands into third world-like extremes.*


**President Obama keeps pushing Republicans to accept a "grand bargain"
in which Social Security and Medicare benefits are reduced for the many,
in what he calls "deficit reduction."  Always, the reductions are for
the poor and working classes, with the wealthy taking everything not
nailed down for themselves through privatized government.

**In the following piece, Dean Baker shows that Social Security and
Medicare are not a problem, it is all fabricated by Obama's
administration and their corporate media echoes  --Jack Balkwill**

The Media's Complicity in Cutting Social Security and Medicare

  US media outlets are disingenuously claiming that social programs
  are putting Americans in debt.

*by Dean Baker*

*Most people in the United States have probably heard about the Wall
Street efforts to cut Social Security and Medicare. There is a vast list
of organisations such as Campaign to Fix the Debt, the Can Kicks Back,
Third Way, and many more that have, as a central agenda item, cutting
back or privatising Social Security and Medicare. When we hear one of
these organisations tell us these programmes should be cut it is not a

*The question is why do mainstream news outlets including the /New York

and /Washington Post/

use their news sections to tell the same stories? Last week, when the
Congressional Budget Office (CBO) issued new long-range budget
projections, both papers were quick to ignore the numbers and to tell
readers that we have to cut Social Security and Medicare.*

*The reason why this coverage was so bizarre is that it is not news that
Social Security and Medicare will cost more in the decades ahead. We
actually have known about the rising cost of these programm

Re: [LAAMN] Why suicide rate among veterans may be more than 22 a day

2013-09-23 Thread scotpeden

Let's elucidate what is said in this article.

It says we know that a Veteran kills themselves every 65 minutes, 24 hours
a day, day in day out for the last 8 years.

But it also says that this is only 40% of the nations population
reporting, two of the largest, California and Texas do not release this

IF, the figures are exactly the same in the other 60% of US population,
then we have 55 a day killing themselves after they have returned home,
then we are closer to one death each 26 minutes.

Think about what this cost is in US lives, this is 5 times as many
suicides by Veterans, then died in combat.

Our Homeland is also being shattered by those who feel they are being
patriotic, or simply want money for college, who wind up in wars we have
no business starting much less maintaining.

Those are things the Corporate Media, who gets a vast amount of it's
advertising money for payroll, from General Electric, Monsanto and Dow
(our regular bombs, and Chemical Weapons manufactures) whom owns most of
the household goods
you see advertised on TV.


> Why suicide rate among veterans may be more than 22 a day

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[LAAMN] Why suicide rate among veterans may be more than 22 a day

2013-09-23 Thread scotpeden

Why suicide rate among veterans may be more than 22 a day

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[LAAMN] Here's how to expose a secret trade agreement . . .

2013-09-23 Thread scotpeden

Well done folks, well done each and every one of you. Each of you speaks
for 10,000's of us, maybe 100,000's if the wording to our new One World
Order Corporatcy is exposed to public view.

We are a One World People, not a One World Corporation.


We pulled off a pretty audacious anti-TPP action today.  We covered the
Office of the US Trade Representative with massive banners, along with
protesters on their sidewalk also holding a massive sign.  Nice way to
expose a secret trade negotiation!

And, we did it with no arrests. I was the police negotiator and even though
they had handcuffed and detained one of our people we were able to
negotiate that no one was arrested, we kept our banners and the one in
handcuffs got released.

Please share the link below and encourage people to reprint it, put it on
Facebook and send out on twitter. It is a great way to expose the TPP and
educate our natural allies about the trade agreement.

See  http://www.popularresistance.org/protesters-take-over-us-
*Shift Wealth:** Economic Democracy*
*Its Our Economy *
*Build power and resistance
Popular Resistance*
*(www.PopularResistance.org )
Democratize the Media
Clearing the FOG (Forces of Greed)
Radio (http://www.ClearingTheFOGRadio.org )*
*Video (http://www.ustream.tv/itsoureconomy)** *

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [LAAMN] More on Mint Press article-Syria

2013-09-23 Thread scotpeden
Several things I'd like to point out, starting with, you are not talking
about anything I was or have in the past been talking about.

I'm not a Pro Assad. I've stated this 4-5 times, I am ANTI WESTERN WAR
MONGERS IN SYRIA OR ELSEWHERE. I post because there is only one solution,
making acceptable, to these posts I keep responding to. You avoid all
discussion of that and alter what I said or ignore it completely.

Second, from the beginning your news has mirrored what the Corporate
Media, the propaganda arm of the West, has said, and have fought agasint
waiting periods till inspections could be done, you applauded the US
threats which made the UN cut short their investigations.

Speaking of Conspiracy theories, your support mirrors the same tactics
used to hold the Bush White House 911 Conspiracy theories in place, which
none of the pertinent points were proven, or turned out to be nothing more
then the fog of war so we could kill more innocent middle eastern
civilians their their government has done. The fight to stop all other
investigations other then what was handed to you by your central news
source, lends to this Conspiracy Theory, Western backed agenda support

It's your support of the Western Agenda in these articles, as there are no
other solutions available by your articles, then Western Intervention,
that I protest so loudly and point out time and again.

What's mystified me is that in the past this seemed to be the opposite of
what you support. Your words that you want whats best for the Syrian
People, don't ring true when you then send articles that mirror only the
Western Propaganda and could have no other solution then Western
Intervention. Now I wonder about the rest of your stuff, I certainly can't
take it at face value either, not with the scores of times you alter what
I'm trying to point out, instead of going with the issues and facts I have
comments on as being irregular for the betterment of any peoples in the
world below the .01%.


> Ah yes, the the information of the chemicals attack came from the peaceful
> opposition of the LCC's first, no Western backed grouping but Scot would
> rather believe that it was a mishandling in a tunnel that happened to
> spread to 7 different locations.
> We have seen 3 different conspiracy theories now put out by the pro Assad
> groupings on the so called left and the regime and none of them hold
> water.
> Cort
> On Sun, Sep 22, 2013 at 11:40 PM,  wrote:
>> Ah yes, the Sources might be Ruskie or Iranian, and they must be
>> distrusted because the Israeli and Saudi sources must be good, we
>> shouldn't even have to questions this as the Western Corporate media
>> carried these stories faster then the destruction of an exploding drone
>> bomb.
>> All the key words, and the probably, and mights, and maybes are placed
>> in
>> the proper places, so we best get back in line and repeat what we are
>> told, question nothing, and attack all who raise any questions, as after
>> all, the Commies, Ruskies, Axis of Evil, everyone knows they are the
>> only
>> continuous liars, the Western State Department and Corporate Media are
>> immaculate.
>> Our source of information and ways the information is disseminated are
>> all
>> so familiar. Familiarity over thinking and questioning is always the
>> favorable way to go.
>> Scott
>> > Yahya Ababneh exposed
>> >
>> > *Syria "rebel chemicals" story may have come from Russian source**
>> >   *
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > New questions have arisen about Yahya Ababneh, the alleged author of
>> an
>> > article claiming that the chemical deaths in Damascus last month were
>> > caused by rebel fighters mishandling weapons supplied by Saudi Arabia.
>> >
>> > The story, originally
>> > published<
>> http://www.mintpressnews.com/witnesses-of-gas-attack-say-saudis-supplied-rebels-with-chemical-weapons/168135/
>> >
>> > by
>> > an American website, Mint Press News, has since been cited by Russian
>> > officials (and others) to cast doubt on the findings of the UN weapons
>> > inspectors in Syria.
>> >
>> > Mint Press named the journalists who wrote the story as Dale Gavlak –
>> an
>> > established freelance based in Jordan who has worked regularly for the
>> > Associated Press – and Yahya Ababneh, a Jordanian.
>> >
>> > In a dramatic twist last Friday, Gavlak issued a
>> > statement<
>> http://www.al-bab.com/blog/2013/september/syria-rebel-chemicals-mystery-deepens.htm#sthash.ZVOXSlaa.O0BtxSdJ.dpbs
>> >
>> > denying
>> > that she was an "author" or "reporter" for the article. "Yahya Ababneh
>> is
>> > the sole reporter and author," she said. However, she followed this up
>> > yesterday with an email to the Brown Moses blog conceding that she had
>> > helped
>> > Ababneh<
>> http://www.al-bab.com/blog/2013/september/syria-rebel-chemicals-story-gets-weirder.htm#sthash.CcfgHzWX.5tA4Vqaq.dpbs
>> >
>> > to
>> > "write up" the story, that she had sent it to Mint Press herself once
>> it
>> > was 

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 23 September, 2013

2013-09-23 Thread scotpeden



*"Russia accused the West on Sunday of trying to exploit a chemical
weapons deal with Syria to push through a U.N. resolution threatening
force against President Bashar al-Assad," begins a piece in British news

this morning.  What worries the Russians and Chinese is that the West,
with thousands of terrorists already attacking the Syrian people, might
use those terrorists to delay the destruction of chemical weapons long
enough to pass a deadline at which automatic authorization appears for
bombing the Syrian government.

*Indeed, President Assad himself speculated on this yesterday
.  If the
specter of bombing looms overhead anyhow, what is the sense in Assad
disarming?  It certainly gives the appearance that the USA, France and
the UK are determined to bomb Syria no matter what, although the public
excuse is that Assad will not disarm unless another gun, on top of the
terrorist "rebels," is put to his head. Nowhere in TV press, where most
Americans get their news, is the essential reason for Syria's chemical
weapons made clear to the public-- it is a deterrent for the event that
Israel should use nuclear weapons against Syria.  Nor is any attempt
made to bring up disarming Israel of its weapons of mass destruction,
though Israel is clearly the aggressor, occupying Syrian land as it does.

*And finally, Jim Lobe goes into what it's all about
, the 800
pound gorilla in the living room that goes unseen by the mainstream
press-- the hawks behind the scene who are livid that there is an
attempt to negotiate with Syria or Iran rather than bombing them.*



*"Five years after the 2008 world financial crisis and two years after
the Occupy movement it triggered, U.S. critics of the financial sector
are coalescing around the idea of a Robin Hood Tax on financial
transactions," begins a piece at /IPS News/

this morning. We've long pushed this dream that has not died at /LUV News/.

*This is the most logical way to raise revenues with which to fix our
broken economy.  When Willie Sutton was asked why he robbed banks, he
replied, "Because that's where the money is."  This is a dream to keep
the occupy movement alive.*



*French news has a piece

taking us inside the current lifestyle of Edward Snowden.  They point
out he's wearing disguises and lives in a secret place, having learned
to speak Russian, but always in fear of being kidnapped by CIA agents.
Whistleblowers now have the choice of being condemned as stateless
refugees (Assange, Snowden) or going to prison (Manning, Kiriakou).  Our
government insists that its citizens remain ignorant, getting
considerable help from mainstream media.*

**In the following piece, Pepe Escobar predicts what is coming in the
attempt to go to war with Syria and Iran. "They see in the U.S.-Russian
deal not a chance to save the planet from significant quantities of
chemical weapons in Syria, but as a chance to do what Russia and China
will not allow, namely to push through a resolution involving (the
threat of) force against the regime and shielding the opposition,"
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said yesterday

  --Jack Balkwill

*Obama-Rouhani: lights, camera, action


**By Pepe Escobar *

*The stage is set. By now it's established Iran's Supreme Leader
Ayatollah Khamenei has given full authority to the new administration of
President Hassan Rouhani to talk directly to Washington about Iran's
nuclear program. *

*This happened only a few days after US President Barack Obama leaked
that letters had been exchanged between himself and Rouhani. *

*Rouhani's empowerment was first confirmed later last week by extremely
credible former nuclear negotiator ambassador Seyed Hossein Mousavian in
**this op-ed
in Japan. Mousavian was Rouhani's deputy in Iran's Supreme National
Security Council (SNSC) from 1997 to 2005. Then Rouhani himself expanded
on it this Wednesday in **an interview with NBC


[LAAMN] LUV News Sunday 22 Sept 2013

2013-09-22 Thread scotpeden



*Americans reliably wail and rend their garments when one of their own is
harmed (and, in the case of the Boston Marathon bombing, eagerly turn a
city into a militarized zone), but they're less than concerned when
somebody else's life is on the line. "Oh, the children!" came the cray
after Newtown, but what of the children of Iraq or Afghanistan? Don't they
*Oh, well, out of sight, out of



*I've been trying to tell y'all for years, but I guess people like to cling
to their fantasies. Oh,



*The website Popular Resistance  is full
of news, information, activities, and inspiration. When I think, "What's
the point?", when I feel like throwing in the towel (which is often), I
turn here to buck myself up and get a reality check. People all over the
world are fighting for social and economic justice and succeeding. Don't
let the bastards get you down. -LS*

*We're not out of the woods yet. You can be sure that politicians and
profiteers are still scheming about how to get the U.S. into war with Syria
(so that we can create even more pictures like the one at the top of this
page). -*Lisa Simeone 

The Dead Rhetoric of

By Chris Hedges 

A French-language version of this article was published Monday in the
newspaper Le Monde.

The intoxication of war, fueled by the euphoric nationalism that swept
through the country like a plague following the attacks of 9/11, is a spent
force in the United States. The high-blown rhetoric of patriotism and
national destiny, of the sacred duty to reshape the world through violence,
to liberate the enslaved and implant democracy in the Middle East, has
finally been exposed as empty and meaningless. The war machine has tried
all the old tricks. It trotted out the requisite footage of atrocities. It
issued the histrionic warnings that the evil dictator will turn his weapons
of mass destruction against us if we do not bomb and “degrade” his
military. It appealed to the nation’s noble sacrifice in World War II, with
the Secretary of State John Kerry calling the present situation a “Munich
moment.”  But none of
it worked. It was only an offhand
Kerry that opened the door to a Russian initiative, providing the Obama
administration a swift exit from its mindless bellicosity and what would
have been a humiliating domestic defeat. Twelve long years of fruitless war
in Afghanistan and another 10 in Iraq have left the public wary of the lies
of politicians, sick of the endless violence of empire, and unwilling to
continue to pump trillions of dollars into a war machine that has made a
small cabal of defense contractors and arms manufacturers such as Raytheon
and Halliburton huge profits while we are economically and politically
hollowed out from the inside. The party is over.

The myth of war, as each generation discovers over the corpses of its young
and the looting of its national treasury by war profiteers, is a lie. War
is no longer able to divert Americans from the economic and political decay
that is rapidly turning the nation into a corporate oligarchy, a nation
where “the consent of the governed” is a cruel joke. War cannot hide what
we have become. War has made us a nation that openly tortures and holds
people indefinitely in our archipelago of offshore penal colonies. War has
unleashed death squads—known as special operations forces—to assassinate
our enemies around the globe, even American citizens. War has seen us
terrorize whole populations, including populations with which we are not
officially at war, with armed drones that circle night and day above
mud-walled villages in Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia as well as Iraq and
Afghanistan. War has shredded, in the name of national security, our most
basic civil liberties. War has turned us into the most spied-upon,
monitored, eavesdropped, and photographed population in human history. War
has seen our most courageous dissidents and whistle-blowers—those who
warned us of the crimes of war and empire, from Chelsea (formerly Bradley)
Manning to Edward Snowden—become persecuted political prisoners 

[LAAMN] Syria: Deciphering the Propaganda War over the Ghouta Massacre

2013-09-22 Thread scotpeden
Syria: Deciphering the Propaganda War over the Ghouta Massacre


(this reads best on the web site)

Educate! Chemical Weapons, Syria
By Nafeez Ahmed, ceasefiremagazine.co.uk
September 21st, 2013
Print Friendly
The politicised debate over the realities of last month’s chemical attack
in Ghouta is a further manifestation of a propaganda war – being fought on
all sides and for competing national and geopolitical interests – that
shows scant regard for the human cost of the conflict.

If there is anything to learn from the Syrian conflict, it is that, in the
fog of war, truth really is the first casualty. Narratives and
counter-narratives of the conflict have plagued media accounts and the
blogosphere ever since peaceful protests erupted on the streets of Syria
over two years ago, and increasingly so in the wake of the Ghouta chemical
weapons attack of the 21st August.

While the West’s case against Assad in this respect appears politicised
and less than conclusive, the same, if not worse, can be said about the
case against the rebels. Almost every single piece of evidence that has
been put forward to support that case has been disputed at the very least,
or proved entirely false. And the politicisation of Russian and Iranian
intelligence, the role of Assad in spearheading propaganda, has been

>From the White House dossier to the United Nations report, from Syrian
nuns to revelations from former and active intelligence officials, the
propaganda war between pro and anti-interventionists to control the
paradigm through which we understand the conflict – manifesting itself in
Bashar al-Assad’s latest call for a ceasefire –  may be feeding into
little-known strategic imperatives that see the Syrian people as mere
pawns in a wider gambit.
The Ghouta verdict

On September 16th, a UN investigation released its interim findings on the
chemical weapons incident in Ghouta, Damascus of August 21st, stating

“… the environmental, chemical and medical samples, we have collected,
provide clear and convincing evidence that surface-to-surface rockets
containing the nerve agent sarin were used in Ein Tarma, Moadamiyah and
Zamalka in the Ghouta area of Damascus.”

But there were faultlines. Acknowledging that the investigation would not
have been possible without the consent of both the Syrian government and
on-the-ground cooperation of opposition forces, the report is fully
cognisant of potential efforts to manipulate evidence at the various sites
of the attack. In Moadamiya (p. 18), the report notes that: “The sites
have been well travelled by other individuals both before and during the
investigation. Fragments and other possible evidence have clearly been
handled/moved prior to arrival of the investigation team.”


And in Zamalka and Ein Tarma (p. 22), the report flags up similar
reservations that “the locations have been well travelled by other
individuals prior to the arrival of the Mission” Even while the inspectors
were present, “individuals arrived carrying other suspected munitions
indicating that such potential evidence is being moved and possibly


These caveats are important, but they should not be overblown. That the
inspection team recognised these issues and took them into account in
assessing the implications of the physical evidence mitigates against
jumping quickly to the sort of simplistic counter-conclusion
opportunistically (and misleadingly) misinterpreted by the likes of Iran’s
state-controlled ‘Press TV’. On the other hand, the fact that the UN team
documented efforts by individuals at these rebel-controlled areas to
“possibly manipulate” some “potential evidence” at the sites is a concern.

But the UN report was also corroborated by independent experts. Dan
Kaszeta, a chemical weapons specialist formerly with the U.S. Army
Chemical Corps who had previous expressed doubt about the attacks due to
inconsistencies in symptoms and other issues, nevertheless assessed that
the UN report had identified “conclusive evidence” from environmental and
medical data that this was a Sarin gas attack. Kaszeta pointed out that to
address the limitations identified, the inspection team utilised a range
of controls to ensure a lack of cross-contamination, and obtained a
variety of different samples from in and around sites to avoid potential
effects of tampering. An earlier Human Rights Watch (HRW) investigation
undertaken with support from independent experts noted that the nature of
the munitions, their trajectories, as well as the testimony from victims
and eyewitnesses, pointed to a sophisticated operation most “likely” to
have been carried out by the Syrian military via a regime-held base.

Counter-posed to these assessments is a barely-literate,
self-contradictory “report” based essentially on analysis of YouTube
videos by an unidentified “investigative team” headed up by Sister 

Re: [LAAMN] More on Mint Press article-Syria

2013-09-22 Thread scotpeden
Ah yes, the Sources might be Ruskie or Iranian, and they must be
distrusted because the Israeli and Saudi sources must be good, we
shouldn't even have to questions this as the Western Corporate media
carried these stories faster then the destruction of an exploding drone

All the key words, and the probably, and mights, and maybes are placed in
the proper places, so we best get back in line and repeat what we are
told, question nothing, and attack all who raise any questions, as after
all, the Commies, Ruskies, Axis of Evil, everyone knows they are the only
continuous liars, the Western State Department and Corporate Media are

Our source of information and ways the information is disseminated are all
so familiar. Familiarity over thinking and questioning is always the
favorable way to go.


> Yahya Ababneh exposed
> *Syria "rebel chemicals" story may have come from Russian source**
>   *
> New questions have arisen about Yahya Ababneh, the alleged author of an
> article claiming that the chemical deaths in Damascus last month were
> caused by rebel fighters mishandling weapons supplied by Saudi Arabia.
> The story, originally
> published
> by
> an American website, Mint Press News, has since been cited by Russian
> officials (and others) to cast doubt on the findings of the UN weapons
> inspectors in Syria.
> Mint Press named the journalists who wrote the story as Dale Gavlak – an
> established freelance based in Jordan who has worked regularly for the
> Associated Press – and Yahya Ababneh, a Jordanian.
> In a dramatic twist last Friday, Gavlak issued a
> statement
> denying
> that she was an "author" or "reporter" for the article. "Yahya Ababneh is
> the sole reporter and author," she said. However, she followed this up
> yesterday with an email to the Brown Moses blog conceding that she had
> helped
> Ababneh
> to
> "write up" the story, that she had sent it to Mint Press herself once it
> was completed, and that she had vouched for Ababneh's journalistic
> credentials.
> According to Ababneh's profile on LinkedIn, the professional networking
> website, he has carried out journalistic assignments "in Jordan, Syria,
> Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Russia, and Libya for clients such as al-Jazeera,
> al-Quds al-Arabi, Amman Net, and other publications".
> So far, though, no evidence has emerged to support this claim and internet
> searches in English and Arabic for articles that carry his byline have
> drawn a blank.
> To add to this mystery, Ababneh's profile was deleted from LinkedIn
> yesterday, though a cached copy can be found
> here
> .
> One thing that doesn't show up in the cache is the endorsements given to
> Ababneh by other LinkedIn users. On the deleted page, he had received
> endorsements for his skills from two people – Ghazal Omid of the Iran
> Future organisation and Sufian Ababneh, a legal adviser at the Jordanian
> embassy in London. Among other things, Sufian Ababneh had endorsed him for
> his skills as an actor.
> ** * **
> Let's now turn to a column written by Peter
> Hitchens
> for
> the Mail on Sunday on 26 August, which a reader pointed out to me in an
> email. There's no need to read the column – just scroll down through the
> comments thread.
> Here we find a
> comment
> posted
> at 9.31pm on August 28 in the name of Yan Barakat. Note the timing,
> because
> Dale Gavlak says she didn't send the "Saudi chemicals" story to Mint Press
> until August 29.
> This means there is no way Yan Barakat could have read the article on Mint
> Press's website – and yet Barakat's comments bear some interesting
> resemblances to the story allegedly written by Ababneh.
> "Who used the chemical weapons?" Barakat asks. He continues:
> "The answer is neither the Syrian regime, nor the rebels. This is the game
> of Bandar bin Sultan, the Saudi intelligence chief. He gave these weapons
> to the rebels via tunnels but they did not have enough information about
> them. Almost all of the rebels handling the weapons were killed because
> they used them incorrectly.
> "Many people inside the village were really angry with Jabhat Al Nazrah
> [sic] (an Al Qaeda associate in Syria)."
> Barakat then adds some information that wasn't included in the Mint Press

[LAAMN] Re: Social media swarm: Tell Home Depot and Lowe's to stop killing bees

2013-09-21 Thread scotpeden
I don't have face or tweet.

BUT... as I've told other petition senders, I do not want to tell these
criminals what it is they need to get better PR for.

They already know what they are doing. Any company that will visibly
change policies for fear of a boycott, to get customers back ain't worth
the spit that hits the dumps dirt road.

all your friends why you have.

And then ask your friends if they support the destructive things these
companies do, and if so, why isn't  their bank account swelling like the
Mega Corporate Monsters accounts are? Your not saving anything when your
local taxes go up to support their low paid employees, and your local
businesses go under due to this also.

Just defund the bastards. That is, they only survive because YOU SHOP AT
THEIR STORE. Find some local or recycled place and support your local
community instead of a Multi National mega Corporations Off Shore Bank

But for heaves sake don't tell them what it is they need to hide from us
so that we don't desert them, just desert them!

> *Join our social media "swarm" today!*
> *Post on Home Depot [ http://www.facebook.com/homedepot ] and Lowe's [
> http://www.facebook.com/lowes ] Facebook and twitter pages and ask them to
> stop selling pre-poisoned plants! *
> *Dear Scott,*
> Last month a new report by Friends of the Earth revealed that pesticides
> implicated in the global bee die-off may be lurking in our own backyards.
> More than half of the "bee-friendly" home garden plants tested, sold at
> stores like Home Depot and Lowe's, contained bee-killing pesticides called
> neonicotinoids (neonics) -- with no warning to consumers.
> Our coalition and nearly 200,000 people have asked Home Depot and Lowe's
> to stop selling "pre-poisoned" plants and off-the-shelf bee-killing
> pesticides. So far neither company has responded.
> So now we're upping the "buzz" to protect bees!
> Join us today in a social media "swarm" on Facebook and Twitter to send
> Home Depot and Lowe's an urgent demand: ""Stop selling bee-killing
> pesticides and pre-poisoned 'bee-friendly' plants!""
> "*Step 1*": Copy and add this message as a comment on *Home Depot's* [
> https://www.facebook.com/homedepot ] Facebook page and as a post on
> *Lowe's* [ https://www.facebook.com/lowes ] Facebook page:
> "Home Depot/Lowe's: Stop selling bee-killing pesticides and pre-poisoned
> bee-friendly plants! ""www.BeeAction.org" [ http://www.BeeAction.org ]
> "*Step 2:*" Click on any of these tweets to tweet them at Home Depot and
> Lowe's Twitter accounts:
> .@homedepot @lowes: 2/3 of our food crops need bees! Stop selling
> bee-killing pesticides! #BeeAction @foe_us www.beeaction.org [
> http://clicktotweet.com/Qx06i ]
> Buzz kill: @HomeDepot @Lowes: stop selling bee-killing pesticides
> #BeeAction @foe_us: www.beeaction.org [ http://clicktotweet.com/l8s6e ]
> Don't have a Facebook or Twitter account? Give Home Depot and Lowe's a
> call!
> Home Depot: 1-800-466-3337
> Lowe's: 1-800-445-6937
> "*Step 3:*" Click this image to share it on your own Facebook page and get
> your friends involved.
>  [
> https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151592412492026&set=a.10151592412427026.1073741838.8325302025&type=1&theater
> ]
> Bees are essential to our food system and are dying at alarming rates.
> Neonic pesticides are a key part of the problem. But we have the power to
> fix the problem, starting with our own backyards.
> Here's the thing. We know Home Depot and Lowe's can do it! Europe has
> banned bee-harming pesticides and top retailers in the UK are refusing to
> sell them. Friends of the Earth is challenging top garden retailers to
> make the same commitment here in the US.
> The bees have enough troubles -- our backyard gardens should be havens for
> bees -- not death traps.
> Bee part of the solution! Join us today on Home Depot and Lowe's Facebook
> pages to tell these home and garden giants to step up and protect bees.
> *For the bees and our future,
> **Lisa Archer,
> ** Food and Technology program Director
> Friends of the Earth*
> Contact us
> -
> Friends of the Earth U.S.
> Washington DC | Berkeley CA
> 1-877-843-8687
> Email Us » ( http://www.foe.org/about-us/contact )
> Email preferences
> -
> Click here to unsubscribe » (
> http://action.foe.org/p/salsa/supporter/unsubscribe/public/?Email=scotpe...@cruzio.com&email_blast_KEY=1283106
> )
> View email in web browser » (
> http://action.foe.org/t/7221/blastContent.jsp?email_blast_KEY=1283106 )
> Get Text Updates
> (https://org.salsalabs.com/o/455/p/salsa/web/common/public/signup?signup_page_KEY=7273)

LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network

[LAAMN] Popular Resistance Newsletter - Celebrating the Culture of Resistance

2013-09-20 Thread scotpeden


This week we reflect on the second anniversary of Occupy Wall Street and
the fifth anniversary of the financial collapse.
This newsletter is also available
on the web here

This week we reflect on the second anniversary of Occupy Wall Street and
the fifth anniversary of the financial collapse.

There are reasons to celebrate despite continued economic stagnation and
growing debt: the culture of resistance in the US is here and it’s
having an effect. There are cracks in the pillars of power, and it’s up
to us to pry them open and shine light on the lies and corruption that
have been used to steal our future. We see a movement that is building

We look back over the events of the past two years and feel cautiously
optimistic. As we met to organize the occupation of Freedom Plaza in
Washington, DC, there was a strong sense of suspense. Some said that
Americans weren’t feeling enough pain, that we hadn’t reached the
tipping point. Similarly, the organizers of Occupy Wall Street acted out
of anticipation. They staked out a place in the heart of the monster and
held it. At first there were only a few hundred, but by holding that space
courageously, more people were inspired to join them. Excitement and
wonder were in the air. Could the people really take on Wall Street?

Wall Street thought so because they ordered excessive and constant police
protection. They must have seen something brewing because Wall Street
firms donated anunprecedented millions to the NYPD
over the previous year.  It was police aggression towards peaceful
protesters that grabbed public attention and sympathy. A few weeks after
the start of Occupy Wall Street, an amazing 43 percent of Americans
supported Occupy.

Two years later, the physical encampments are gone, but the Occupy
Movement remains. Occupying public space was a tactic, not an end in
itself. It was a way to make the issues visible, a place for people to
gather, a model for a new way of doing things based on respect, mutual aid
and democracy and a metaphor for claiming what has been taken. The
‘public’ is disappearing, not just public space but also public
services, research and resources have been privatized, expropriated for
the profits of a few.

When the financial crisis hit in 2008, there was an expectation that the
government would respond appropriately to stabilize the economy and that
we simply had to weather the storm. What we saw instead were massive
bailouts of the industry that caused the crash and greatly inadequate
steps to secure jobs, housing and health care. As Jerome Roos writes
, “the most catastrophic thing about neoliberal crisis management is not
only that it has a penchant to turn already catastrophic financial crises
caused by runaway private speculation into an immense source of private
gain for the same very financiers responsible for the catastrophe to begin
with; but, even more nefariously, that it makes those catastrophes so much
more catastrophic than they really need to be for almost everyone else.”

Les Leopold points out
, “We’re not heading toward greater income equality. We’re not
building up the middle class or supporting unionization. We’re not
eradicating poverty and hunger. We’re not expanding educational
opportunity. We’re not rebuilding infrastructure. Nothing we’re doing
looks anything like the society we built from the New Deal through the
1960s. We’re not doing any of the things that would lead to a more
stable and just economy. In fact, we’re doing just the opposite, which
means the billionaire bailout society will become even more firmly

This means that if left unchecked, the trends towards greater inequality
and suffering will continue. But the billionaire bailout society went too
far. According to a Stanford study
, “animosity toward the financial sector reached its highest level in 40
years in 2010” which probably fueled the Occupy Movement, and anger
remains high. A majority of Americans believe that “not enough was done
to prosecute the bankers.”

When drowning in so many crises it is sometimes hard to see above the
surface of the water, but the anti-globalization movement and its
offspring, the occupy movement, are havin

[LAAMN] Obama Waives Ban on Arming Terrorists to Allow Aid to Syrian Opposition

2013-09-20 Thread scotpeden

Obama Waives Ban on Arming Terrorists to Allow Aid to Syrian Opposition

Educate! Wars and Militarism
By Joel Gehrke, washingtonexaminer.com
September 19th, 2013
Print Friendly

President Obama waived a provision of federal law designed to prevent the
supply of arms to terrorist groups to clear the way for the U.S. to
provide military assistance to “vetted” opposition groups fighting Syrian
dictator Bashar Assad.

Some elements of the Syrian opposition are associated with radical Islamic
terrorist groups, including al Qaeda, which was responsible for the Sept.
11 attacks in New York, Washington, D.C., and Shanksville, Pa., in 2001.
Assad’s regime is backed by Iran and Hezbollah.

The president, citing his authority under the Arms Export Control Act,
announced today that he would “waive the prohibitions in sections 40 and
40A of the AECA related to such a transaction.”

Those two sections prohibit sending weaponry to countries described in
section 40(d): “The prohibitions contained in this section apply with
respect to a country if the Secretary of State determines that the
government of that country has repeatedly provided support for acts of
international terrorism,” Congress stated in the Arms Control Export Act.

“For purposes of this subsection, such acts shall include all activities
that the Secretary determines willfully aid or abet the international
proliferation of nuclear explosive devices to individuals or groups or
willfully aid or abet an individual or groups in acquiring unsafeguarded
special nuclear material,” the law continues.

The law allows the president to waive those prohibitions if he “determines
that the transaction is essential to the national security interests of
the United States.”

Under section 40(g) of the AECA, the Obama team must also provide Congress
— at least 15 days before turning over the weapons — “the name of any
country involved in the proposed transaction, the identity of any
recipient of the items to be provided pursuant to the proposed
transaction, and the anticipated use of those items,” along with a list of
the weaponry to be provided, when they will be delivered, and why the
transfer is key to American security interests.

Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., and Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., endorsed providing
military assistance to the Syrian opposition during an appearance on CBS’
“Face the Nation” Sunday.

“Our intelligence agencies, I think, have a very good handle on who to
support and who not to support,” Corker said. “And there’s going to be
mistakes. We understand some people are going to get arms that should not
be getting arms. But we still should be doing everything we can to support
the free Syrian opposition.”

National Security Council spokesman Caitlin Hayden issued the following
statement concerning the president’s actions with regard to waiving
certain controls on military aid in the Syrian crisis:

“This action will allow the U.S. Government to provide or license, where
appropriate, certain non-lethal assistance inside or related to Syria.
This includes: 1) chemical weapons-related personal protective equipment
to international organizations, including the Organization for the
Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, for the conduct of their operations; 2)
chemical weapons-related life-saving assistance for organizations
implementing Department of State or U.S. Agency for International
Development programs to strengthen local Syrian health care providers’
ability to prepare for and respond to any use of chemical weapons; and 3)
defensive chemical weapons-related training and personal protective
equipment to select vetted members of the Syrian opposition, including the
Supreme Military Council, to protect against the use of chemical weapons.
This action is part of longstanding and ongoing efforts to provide
life-saving chemical weapons-related assistance to people in need in
Related Posts:

The Bill Congress Should Pass Instead Of War September 7, 2013
UN Warns Against Military Strike Against Syria September 4, 2013
The Effective Path To Controlling Chemical Weapons Is Not War
September 5, 2013
Syria Asks UN To Immediately Investigate 3 New ‘Chemical Attacks’…
August 29, 2013
While US Demands Syria Disarm, CIA Arms Rebels September 13, 2013

LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network

Re: [LAAMN] Fw: CARTOON OF THE YEAR - The Pittsburgh-Post Gazette

2013-09-20 Thread scotpeden
Which terrorist group did that?

You dare not mention their name, as 'they are saving the world', just ask
them and repeat what your told with a smile, or you'll wind up on a list
that needs Democracy exported to it.

It is their job to go in and terrorize people of nations, internal stife
isn't allowed, only they are allowed to kill and maim freely.


> Cartoon of the Year
> Cartoon of the Year
> --
> Tahir

LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network
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Re: [LAAMN] Syria: genocide by international consensus

2013-09-20 Thread scotpeden
I do not get this.

Only western/Israeli/Saudi sources state the Assad gassed his own people.
Not even gassing the rebels, but those who were firmly on his side!

Yes, now they will only be killed by Syria convention weapons.

But this article still pushes for them to be killed by Western
Conventional weapons.

I do not get the constant drum of a message to have western sources come
and do to Syria what we did to Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Bosnia and Africa
in general.

Seriously, you thing they are selling any method other then the Westerns
favorite tactic of even larger scale murder of all who oppose them? Those
who initially rebelled and this is their revolution from back in March
2011, do not want what the other revolutionary leaders want, the ones who
are backed by the USA/Britain/Israel and the racists Arabic, anti Syrian


> [image: The people of Syria ‘celebrate’ the fact that they
> will
> not be killed with sarin gas anymore … ‘just’ by
> conventional means.] 
> The people of Syria ‘celebrate’ the fact that they will not be killed with
> sarin gas anymore … ‘just’ by conventional means.
> ---
> Syria: genocide by international consensus
> Amr Salahi
> Friday, 20 September 2013 10:53
>   36  2
>   12  49
> [image: Bashar Assad]
> Outside Syria, not many people remember the peaceful protests calling for
> freedom and democracy that began the Syrian revolution in March 2011, and
> how those protests were met by the Assad regime.
> *Part 1: A green light to Assad*
> *Ever since the Syrian regime gassed its own citizens in the Damascus
> suburbs in a chemical attack on August 21, the issue has rarely been out
> of
> the Western news media. However, the debate has been very simplistic. Any
> observer would be forgiven for thinking that the only crime committed in
> Syria was this chemical attack, and that the Syrian people had not been
> subjected to a genocidal war at the hands of a ruthless sectarian
> dictatorship for two and a half years.*
> *
> *
> *Of course, the original cause of the conflict has been largely forgotten.
> Outside Syria, not many people remember the peaceful protests calling for
> freedom and democracy that began the Syrian revolution in March 2011, and
> how those protests were met by the Assad regime, with unarmed protesters
> being slaughtered in the streets and children who wrote slogans on walls
> or
> took part in the protests tortured, on many occasions to death, in the
> regime's jails. It was only after many long months of killing and
> oppression that defecting soldiers from the regime's army formed the Free
> Syrian Army, to defend peaceful protesters as well as ordinary citizens
> from government attacks.*
> *
> *
> *An observer of the debate would also be forgiven for thinking that the
> countries of the world are divided on Syria. The received wisdom on the
> Syrian conflict is that the United States, its allies in NATO and the Gulf
> States are offering support to the rebels while Russia, China, Iran and
> the
> Lebanese Hezbollah are supporting the regime.*
> *
> *
> * Bashar Al-Assad's regime likes to paint itself as part of an "axis of
> resistance" against US and Israeli imperialism which includes Iran and
> Hezbollah and is supported by Russia; this is why it has gained support
> from the anti-imperialist left in Western countries. A closer look at the
> support the regime is receiving vis-a-vis the "support" the rebels are
> receiving from their supposed allies shows that there is in fact little
> difference between the major powers on the Syrian issue. Russian ships
> carrying weapons, including aircraft, dock regularly in Latakia and
> Tartus,
> ensuring that the regime remains armed to the teeth and able to fight on
> despite the military setbacks inflicted on it by the rebels. Iran has not
> only sent weapons to the regime but also troops and advisers. It is
> believed widely in Syria that these advisers are the real rulers of the
> country. Hezbollah was instrumental in the regime's ruthless bombardment
> and capture of Qusair, and its fighters now line up alongside the regime
> in
> Deraa and Aleppo.*
> *
> *
> *On the other hand, the United States and the European countries have
> given
> rhetorical support to the Syrian opposition while making sure that the
> Free
> Syrian Army remains unable to defeat the government's forces by imposing a
> strict arms embargo. For example, last year the Free Syrian Army managed
> to
> acquire anti-aircraft weapons but the United States and NATO refused to
> allow them to be transported to Syria and they remained in storage in
> Turkey. *
> *
> *
> *In June this year, following a regime chemical attack on the town of
> Saraqeb, the Obama administration announced that it would arm the Syrian
> rebels. To-date they have not receiv

[LAAMN] Daily digest of resistance movement news

2013-09-19 Thread scotpeden
My confirmation mail went to my aggressive Spam Filter, you might want to
check yours if you don't immediately get a confirmation letter.


We now have the ability to send out a daily digest of resistance movement

You can sign up for the daily digest from Popular Resistance at:


*Shift Wealth:** Economic Democracy*
*Its Our Economy *
*Build power and resistance
Popular Resistance*
*(www.PopularResistance.org )
Democratize the Media
Clearing the FOG (Forces of Greed)
Radio (http://www.ClearingTheFOGRadio.org )*
*Video (http://www.ustream.tv/itsoureconomy)** *

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[LAAMN] Monsanto donates 4.8 (11) million to kill GMO labeling in Washington State

2013-09-18 Thread scotpeden
Think about this.

If a Corporation puts out 4.8 MILLION in a week, to defeat legislation
that would require nothing more then label changes, they must be really

So... how much profit is there on each item that adds up to 4.8 MILLION
DOLLARS? By the time YOU FUND THEM with YOUR PURCHASE, I doubt they get
.25 cents form YOU on that purchase.

We're talking about something akin to them taking the PROFITS OF 20
MILLION PURCHASE, to defeat a labeling legislation.

Actually, the Mega CHEMICAL Companies have put in 11 Million in Washington
State, they spent more in California last year, so we're looking at a
minimum of 50 million purchases they took profits of and are 'investing'
in making sure you do not know what you are putting in your body.

You don't just throw away the profits of 50 million purchases, they must
be afraid of losing more then 50 BILLION purchases.

Well, they lost mine some time ago, anyone that is terrified of me knowing
what I'm eating I don't consider trustworthy and don't buy any products or
from companies they are associated with.



[1]Tell Monsanto - It's time to Label GMOs! - You in?


[3]Join us to win the fight for GMO labeling! - It's time to end the

   Monsanto, DuPont and the GMA are trying to deceive Washington voters -
   Help us fight back to defeat their lie machine!

   Dear Scott,

   They're at it again!

   The battle to label GMOs in Washington State is heating up with Monsanto
   donated $4.6 million last week to try and kill our efforts. They were
   joined by fellow biotech seed and chemical giant DuPont with a donation of
   $3.2 million. On top of this, the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA)
   has dumped in $2.2 million to try to hide the donations of the same junk
   food companies that helped defeat Prop 37 last year in California.

   That brings Monsanto's total to $4.8 and DuPont to $3.4 million! And means
   that the opposition has more than $11 million on hand to fight your Right
   to Know. What are they trying to hide?

   Already, the Yes on 522 campaign to labeling genetically engineered foods
   is looking like a rematch of last year. Not only are the same companies
   dumping in millions of dollars once again to keep us in the dark, but
   they've hired the same PR firm that created the deceptive and misleading
   ads in California. Earlier this week Monsanto, DuPont and the GMA's
   negative ads went on the air to deceive Washington voters.

   If you were outraged when we narrowly lost last year in California, then
   we need your help to make sure that we can get our pro-GMO labeling
   message out to Washington voters! Right now, we are in the heat of the
   battle to label GMOs in the U.S. and we need your help.

   [4]Donate right now so we can stop Monsanto's propaganda machine cold in
   Washington State and help us win the fight for GMO labeling! It's time
   that Americans have the right to know what Monsanto is feeding us! Every
   dollar counts!


   While Monsanto, DuPont, Coke, Pepsi, Kraft and Kellogg's may have the
   money, we have the people on our side. Recent polling shows that more than
   66 percent of likely voters are in favor of transparency in our food and
   strongly support GMO labeling.

   The other good news is that yesterday a group in Washington state sued the
   Grocery Manufacturers Association, claiming that the trade association is
   "laundering money" from their members, like Pepsi, Coke, Kraft, Kellogg's
   and General Mills to "illegally" hide their identities. Unlike last year,
   these same giant food manufacturers are refusing to donate in their own
   names because the growing GMO labeling movement has exposed their
   hypocrisy and the fact that they already label GMOs in 64 other countries.

   The people in Washington are fighting back. Let's let them know that we
   have their back!

   Farmers are growing in Washington are growing more concerned since last
   week a story broke nationally about a WA farmer's crop being contamination
   by Monsanto's Roundup Ready GMO alfalfa. They are rightfully concerned
   about the real impacts that the pending approvals of GMO apples, GMO wheat
   and GMO salmon could have on their livelihoods.

   All we're asking for is a simple label. It's incredible that America's
   leading chemical and junk food companies are fighting to hide the
   ingredients in our food, but with your help we can expose their lies and
   win the fight to label GMOs.

   Each time they try, we need to be there to stop them - to trump corporate
   influence with people power, to expose their lies and propaganda for what
   it is, and show politicians that we will hold them accountable.

   [5]Please donate what you can today.

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 18 September, 2013

2013-09-18 Thread scotpeden

More on today's 'World Security State' hot spots.



*In a blockbuster report this morning, /Russia Today/ interviews former
Pentagon official Michael Maloof
, who cites
classified documents alleging that al Qaeda and al Nusra in Syria are
getting serin gas from Iraq and Turkey.  They also report that Russia
has been given further evidence
 from Damascus that
Syrian rebels were responsible for chemical attacks in Syria.

*Still, the Obama regime seems intent on going to war while refusing to
present evidence that the Syrian government committed the act.  They
even assume they have the power under Chapter 7 of the UN Charter to use
force against Syria should the Syrian government be found not in
compliance with disarmament plans as seen by the USA, although Russian
foreign minister Lavrov says they do not
.  This morning
Russia denounced U.N. investigators' findings on the poison gas attack
in Syria as preconceived and tainted by politics


*/Pro Publica/ has a piece this morning showing that the Obama
administration helped kill legislation which would allow transparency in
military aid.  As things stand, citizens and their Congressional
representatives are largely kept in the dark about where the money goes
(often to the Nuclear Mafia ), who's
being armed (including terrorists) and under which accounts the money is

*With all the talk of war leading from Syria to Iran, Russia is once
again considering sending S-300 air defense systems to Iran
These systems are capable of defending from attacks by aircraft and
cruise missiles.*



*The US Dept. of Agriculture has plans to privatize the inspection of
meat .  This will
endanger workers as production lines move faster, and result in
declining food safety, as more disease and, frankly, more manure is
added to what passes for "meat" these days.

*Not to worry, the rich, who own nearly all of the investments, will get
richer, the primary function of our government today, and the rich won't
be eating any of the poop, thank you, or any of the other "food" their
factories produce for the masses at great profit, since they have
organic food shipped to their kitchens.

*For decades, the government has allowed what it sees as an acceptable
amount of rat feces in hot dogs. /Bon appetit/.*


**I'm aware that many /LUV News/ readers avoid corporate media, and I
think that's probably good for their mental health.  As a /LUV News/
editor, I feel a responsibility to watch it each day on TV and I also
suffer through my local corporate newspaper (part of the Tribune Co.

**I get angry watching it, particularly the TV talking heads and their
guests, who so casually embrace war, as though it were a game.  I've
seen several of them say they want a prolonged war in Syria, with rebels
and government forces killing each other off. As a combat veteran, I
would not wish war on any people, for any reason.  It has long been my
belief that we must change the definition of the word "civilized" to
include, "those who do not participate in war."

**The corporate-produced history books with which our children are
propagandized, glorify war, suggesting reasons why wars are fought,
after the fact.  But when you see the suffering, as I have, more than
just the broken bodies and blood-- the homelessness, hunger and other
consequences that turn populations into hopeless refugees, you know our
leaders are either ignorant or heartless to participate in it.

**If the Civil War had been fought to free the slaves, the Northern army
would have been called the emancipation army, rather than the Union
army.  Two years before that war was to end, Lincoln said he would keep
slavery if he could hold the union together.  But freeing the slaves
makes it sound so nice that all those thousands died.

**Contrast this, for the sheer hypocrisy, to when the establishment
embraced the breakup of the Soviet Union, saying that those particular
states, unlike our own, have the right to be free.

**President Obama is having a difficult time finding a reason to attack
Syria that will inspire citizens to line up at the military recruiting
centers waving flags.  "Assad is evil" he tells us, b

Re: [LAAMN] California Raises Minimum Wage To $10 An Hour

2013-09-18 Thread scotpeden

I strongly agree with you.

The small cut the major corporations would lose of their profits to give a
decent living wage is miniscule, but even the Dems back the Corporations.


Because to get elected you have to have a lot of money to pay the
Corporate Media, so only Corporate candidates are spewed to the masses to
choose between, which of 'the lesser of the evils' will rule whom they
work for.

No more Corporate Politicians. I'd rather it be obvious we live in
Stalin's dream of the masses agasint those who we are told won an
election, as those who get to see the votes tell us who gets elected, and
no transparency of the theft of our desires is allowed.


> How far out of touch is the Labor Fed to say $10/hr in 2016 will give
> "respect and dignity" to low wage workers ??   While it may not be
> possible to make more progress with those blue dog dems in the
> legislature,  tens of thousands of low wage workers know nothing less
> than $15 /hr would be a start in the right direction for some dignity. 
> Steve Zrucky 
>  From: bigraccoon 
> To: laamn@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 5:44 AM
> Subject: [LAAMN] California Raises Minimum Wage To $10 An Hour
> California Raises Minimum Wage To $10 An Hour
> http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/09/15/california-raises-minimum-wage-to-10-an-hour/

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[LAAMN] Folding Back the Layers of Latino/a History: The Stories Beneath the Stories

2013-09-18 Thread scotpeden
I thought this might be of some interest to those in the LA area. I doubt
the links or photos will come through to the group and I didn't see a link
to read this online, sorry about that, but if interested there should be
enough information to find out about this event.


California State Parks Foundation
Go To Calparks.org | http://my.calparks.org/site/R?i=8kCwXycOd0se1aQ4zzKrFg

Dear Scott,

It's only two weeks until our Hidden Stories Series conference, "Folding
Back the Layers of Latino/a History: The Stories Beneath the Stories," at
the Center for Healthy Communities at the California Endowment in Los
Angeles on Wednesday and Thursday, October 2 and 3, 2013.

Will you join us?

Visit: http://my.calparks.org/site/R?i=eC0R-HTIbmI_mJnwsRjiIQ


This conference will explore Latino history in the context of California's
state parks. Many state parks ably include interpretation of the
contributions of historical Latino figures and the context of the time and
place. This conference seeks to go beyond existing interpretation to look
at "the stories beneath the stories" of this important historical group.


>> Immerse yourself in two days of discussion and discovery about Latino/a
history in California.

>> Meet and learn from our distinguished speakers and panelists.

>> Take advantage of special tours of local historic areas such as Los
Angeles State Historic Park, Pío Pico State Historic Park, the
Homestead Museum, a downtown mural walking tour, El Pueblo de Los
Angeles Historic Monument, and Campo de Cahuenga.

>> Participate in discussion groups on topics such as the media, education
and interpretation, parks and outreach, and historic preservation, led
by prominent practitioners in their fields.

>> Join us for a celebratory dinner Wednesday night at LA Plaza de Cultura
y Artes featuring Ric Salinas of Culture Clash and Ollin, plus Gustavo
Herrera (La Plaza COO), with food and drinks al fresco.


Tickets are $119 for the conference, $50 for the dinner. Get your tickets
online today.

Visit: http://my.calparks.org/site/R?i=1HGGIrl9y-DQr7AMnggK5A

Hope to see you there!

Elizabeth Goldstein
California State Parks Foundation

California State Parks Foundation
50 Francisco St, Suite 110, San Francisco, CA 94133
448 South Hill Street, Suite #601 Los Angeles, CA 90013
1510 J Street, Suite 220, Sacramento, CA 95814

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Re: [LAAMN] Israel launches second Syria air strike in two days - reports RT News http://rt.]

2013-09-18 Thread scotpeden

Your suppsoe to be well informed, the Golan heights is part of Syria.

Israel stole that in a war. Israel has constantly attacked Syria.

And those you forward articles for,  have no out rage over anyone
attacking Syria.

I am consistently pointing out the outrage regarding Syria from your
sources, is only agenda driven, there is no data that includes anything
near a whole story, your delivering cherry picked emotional packed
reactionary stuff that one is to only agree with, not talk about.

Do note, in the gas attack last month that Assad supposedly did, no rebels
were killed, the gas attack hit  an area completely under Assad's control,
and the people who backed him.


> *So 400 people( if you believe that number) in an Israeli strike ( one of
> 5
> over the years) is more than 100,000 than the fascist  Assad regime is
> responsible for. *
> *
> *
> *You a fucking wing nut.*
> On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 12:36 AM,  wrote:
>> **
>> There ya go Cort, your Western/Israeli/Saudi Intervention to remove
>> Assad
>> no matter how it plays out for the people of the land.
>> Israel has killed more Syrians over the years then Assad has, but
>> apparently that doesn't figure into regime change minded people.
>> Scott
>> --
>> Israel launches second Syria air strike in two days - reports
>> RT News
>> http://rt.com/news/damascus-syria-explosions-sunday-831/
>> Videos and article at site about Israeli air strikes in May
>> "Unconfirmed reports say at least 400 were killed."
>> "We have a classical example of Israel trying to influence
>> American policy in the Middle East."
>> "Israel realizes that Assad won't be going unless there is
>> outside intervention."
>> "It was ...the military intelligence Israeli official that made
>> the announcement about Syria using chemical weapons
>> from the very beginning, after President Obama had said
>> time and again that that was the red line."
>> Cynthia McKinney:
>> "I am in Syria now with former Attorney General Ramsey
>> Clark, where residents enjoy free education and free healthcare.
>> Visited a Damascus hospital, the Grand Mufti, a school that
>> has been turned into residences for Internally Displaced
>> Persons. Ended the Day with Ogarit Dandash who founded
>> "Over Our Dead Bodies," a group of young people who climbed
>> atop Mount Qasioun and dared U.S. bombs to target them.
>> They are still there in defiant resistance to any war against
>> Syria. Mount Qasioun should be the site of a peace party
>> not bombing strikes."
>> Israeli rockets strike Mount Qasioun (The Cave of Blood) in Syria
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQSLWH-jI04
>> 1 min. video
>> Say No to War in Syria at:
>> http://tinyurl.com/ken7vxp
>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[LAAMN] Israel launches second Syria air strike in two days - reports RT News http://rt.]

2013-09-17 Thread scotpeden
There ya go Cort, your Western/Israeli/Saudi Intervention to remove Assad
no matter how it plays out for the people of the land.

Israel has killed more Syrians over the years then Assad has, but
apparently that doesn't figure into regime change minded people.



Israel launches second Syria air strike in two days - reports
RT  News
Videos  and article at site about Israeli air strikes in May

"Unconfirmed reports say at least 400 were killed."

"We have a classical example of Israel trying to influence
American  policy in the Middle East."

"Israel realizes that Assad won't be going unless there is
outside  intervention."

"It was ...the military intelligence Israeli official that made
the  announcement about Syria using chemical weapons
from the very beginning,  after President Obama had said
time and again that that was the red line."

Cynthia McKinney:

"I am in Syria now with former Attorney General Ramsey
Clark, where  residents enjoy free education and free healthcare.
Visited a Damascus  hospital, the Grand Mufti, a school that
has been turned into residences for  Internally Displaced
Persons. Ended the Day with Ogarit Dandash who founded
"Over Our Dead Bodies," a group of young people who climbed
atop Mount  Qasioun and dared U.S. bombs to target them.
They are still there in defiant  resistance to any war against
Syria. Mount Qasioun should be the site of a  peace party
not bombing strikes."

Israeli rockets strike Mount Qasioun (The Cave of Blood) in Syria
1  min. video

 Say No to War in Syria at:

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[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 17 September, 2013

2013-09-17 Thread scotpeden
>From the same people who brought us 'Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran' and 'Bail
out the Rich, all else will float with the incoming tide', we have a few
interesting articles in today's LUV News.





*"The odds are that we in the bottom 99 percent may never see a recovery
in our lifetimes. That's because our nation has evolved into something
entirely new: a billionaire bailout society," begins a report from

this morning.*



*"Fugitive U.S. intelligence analyst Edward Snowden is in the running
for a European human rights prize whose past winners include Nelson
Mandela and Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi," begins a piece
in British news

this morning.*


**Even as mainstream media blast that the UN report fingers President
Assad as having gassed "his own people," Russia still believes

the August 21st poison gas attack in Syria was committed by Syrian
rebels. The Russian perspective includes the question
"If government forces were responsible, why wasn't a single Syrian rebel
killed in the attack?"

**While pretending to care about peace, our duplicitous government is
making claims that it will continue to send weapons, financing, supplies
and political support to Syrian rebels, against the wishes of the
American people , and
waiving terrorism restrictions

**Groups within "Syrian rebels" include foreign al Qaeda-linked fighters
who are the most effective warriors against the Assad regime, which
causes our government leaders to want to support them, but deny
supporting them at the same time so as not to obviously be in bed with
terrorists.  If al Nusra and other al-Qaeda linked groups quit fighting,
there would essentially be no insurgency against Assad, since the Syrian
government troops run over the "moderate" rebels.

**So it does appear that whatever UN plan is employed by which to get
rid of Syria's chemical weapons, inspectors will be under fire from
jihadist groups like al Nusra, who are very well armed (primarily from
US client states like Saudi Arabia) and fierce fighters, making the work
difficult, at best.

**On top of this, the US is insisting it all be done by next year.  As
for its own deadly arsenal of chemical weapons, the USA insists it be
given, as we understand it, about another 13 years to get rid of them.
There is no explanation for why it will take us 13 years, while not
being under fire from terrorists, but Syria has to do it at high speed
under threat of being bombed by the Empire if anything goes amiss.
Mainstream press are misleading the public.

**Barbara Crossette has the best piece we've seen explaining the
process, following  --Jack Balkwill

How to Disarm During a Civil War

*If and when an inspection and disarmament commission is set up for
Syria, can the UN mount a credible and effective mission?**

*by Barbara Crossette*

*Even before the wrangling over every word of a new Security Council
resolution on Syria begins, key governments around the world have begun
searching for someone with global credibility to lead a team of weapons
inspectors on a mission that could be more difficult than the vexed
effort to disarm Iraq. Most obvious among the risks is that the task of
finding and disposing of chemical weapons would be taking place in a
country in civil war---and in an unprecedented hurry, under pressure
from Washington and others. As in Iraq, there will be the nightmare of
having to decide what claims of compliance to believe from a dictatorial
regime. In Syria, neither the government nor rebel groups are considered

*In the Security Council over coming days and weeks, it may be the
Russians, not the Americans, who can bring the discussion to a useful
conclusion. Back in Moscow, Russia has a uniquely qualified diplomatic
expert, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. He was ambassador to the United
Nations for five years during some of the most turbulent days for the UN
disarmament teams in Iraq in the 1990s, and played an active role in
keeping diplomatic lines open to the 

Re: [LAAMN] "Military Intervention In Syria", US Training "Rebels" Since 2011

2013-09-17 Thread scotpeden

For your first question, it was answered in the Wiki Release posted in
full below your question. Read it.

Second... why the subject change? This is about US/Western and their
allies interfering in Syria.

Of Course Russia was there before.

But of course, before they even existed the Western Influences were in the
Middle East doing the same thing we are doing today, back to at least the

So it sounds like your trying to make it OK for Western Interventions
because Russia was there first?


> Please Scot, tell us which opposition group is the US training?
> I suggest you look at the all the
> http://wikileaks.org/syria-files/releases.html  cables on Syria and US
> dealings with the regime and still no word about Russian and Iranian
> imperialist intervention which pre dates US imperialism intervention by
> decades.
> Cort
> On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 6:49 PM,  wrote:
>> **
>> This is worth re-posting. Any assumptions about Syria that discounts
>> Western Intervention or Western creation of events so they can
>> intervene,
>> is at best incomplete, but more likely to support US intervention. Many
>> people get paid big bucks to make people want to do those things that
>> we'd
>> not do if we had all the facts in the first place.
>> Scott
>> "Military Intervention In Syria", US Training "Rebels" Since 2011 And
>> The
>> Complete Grand Plan - The March 2012 Leak
>> http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-08-25/military-intervention-syria-us-training-rebels-2011-and-complete-grand-plan-march-20
>> For all those still shocked by the "developing events" in Syria, here is
>> the full rundown as it was orchestrated back in 2011, and as it was
>> released in March 2012 by Wikileaks.
>> From Wikileaks, released 3/6/2012, typos and grammar errors as in
>> original.
>> * * *
>> INSIGHT - military intervention in Syria, post withdrawal status of
>> forces
>> Released on 2012-03-06 07:00 GMT
>> A few points I wanted to highlight from meetings today --
>> I spent most of the afternoon at the Pentagon with the USAF strategic
>> studies group - guys who spend their time trying to understand and
>> explain
>> to the USAF chief the big picture in areas where they're operating in.
>> It
>> was just myself and four other guys at the Lieutenant Colonel level,
>> including one French and one British representative who are liaising
>> with
>> the US currently out of DC.
>> They wanted to grill me on the strategic picture on Syria, so after that
>> I
>> got to grill them on the military picture. There is still a very low
>> level
>> of understanding of what is actually at stake in Syria, what's the
>> strategic interest there, the Turkish role, the Iranian role, etc. After
>> a
>> couple hours of talking, they said without saying that SOF teams
>> (presumably from US, UK, France, Jordan, Turkey) are already on the
>> ground
>> focused on recce [ZH: "recce" means reconnaissance] missions and
>> training
>> opposition forces. One Air Force intel guy (US) said very carefully that
>> there isn't much of a Free Syrian Army to train right now anyway, but
>> all
>> the operations being done now are being done out of 'prudence.' The way
>> it
>> was put to me was, 'look at this way - the level of information known on
>> Syrian OrBat this month is the best it's been since 2001.' They have
>> been
>> told to prepare contingencies and be ready to act within 2-3 months, but
>> they still stress that this is all being done as contingency planning,
>> not
>> as a move toward escalation.
>> I kept pressing on the question of what these SOF teams would be working
>> toward, and whether this would lead to an eventual air camapign to give
>> a
>> Syrian rebel group cover. They pretty quickly distanced themselves from
>> that idea, saying that the idea 'hypothetically' is to commit guerrilla
>> attacks, assassination campaigns, try to break the back of the Alawite
>> forces, elicit collapse from within. There wouldn't be a need for air
>> cover, and they wouldn't expect these Syrian rebels to be marching in
>> columns anyway.
>> They emphasized how the air campaign in Syria makes Libya look like a
>> piece of cake. Syrian air defenses are a lot more robust and are much
>> denser, esp around Damascus and on the borders with Israel, Turkey. THey
>> are most worried about mobile air defenses, particularly the SA-17s that
>> they've been getting recently. It's still a doable mission, it's just
>> not
>> an easy one.
>> The main base they would use is Cyprus, hands down. Brits and FRench
>> would
>> fly out of there. They kept stressing how much is stored at Cyprus and
>> how
>> much recce comes out of there. The group was split on whether Turkey
>> would
>> be involved, but said Turkey would be pretty critical to the mission to
>> base stuff out of there. EVen if Turkey had a poltiical problem with
>> Cyprus, they said there is no way the Brits and the FRench wouldn't use
>> Cypru

Re: [LAAMN] SYRIA: The Rise of Al Qaeda in Syria: Separating Fact from Mythology

2013-09-17 Thread scotpeden
You are mistaken in that supporting western intervention (you do read the
articles you send don't you?) you can't even state what you think is
wrong, you simply issue personal attacks.

So that brings me to finally stating, since you obviously don't read all
of my
posts before responding ad hominem, do you read all of the posts from the
Marxist site you forward from constantly?

What it winds up looking like on my end reading your posts, your only
responsible to forward their agenda, not understand anything apparently.

You've taken a good score of opportunities to discuss and make even more
transparent what is going on in Syria and squandered it on personal

It simply looks like you do not want the articles you forward along from
your Marxist groups, to be discussed. If I missed something, if anything
was misunderstood, you have had a hundred opportunities in the last 6
weeks or so, to have a discussion instead of personal attacks.


> You are mistaken in your analysis about the writer and the site but what
> can we expect from a fucking dumb ass...
> Cort
> On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 5:56 PM,  wrote:
>> Yes, the writer is supportive of Foreign intervention by the US, Saudi
>> Arabia and Israel.
>> I've been trying to point that out, to have a discussion on this from
>> your
>> initial posts about Assad and Regime change in Syria and who should be
>> responsible for this, who it is that is being co-opted so that
>> subversive
>> murderous terrorists influences by the three mentioned can be normalized
>> as being necessary.
>> Through all of your reply's being ad hominem attacks and or altering
>> what
>> I wrote and straw man attacks for that, I can only assume a few things.
>> A) You send articles.
>> B) You cannot (or refuse to) discuss the content of any of your posts.
>> C) You support Authoritarians whether they've said they are, or you have
>> appointed them in your mind as such, and like the good Corporate Party
>> and
>> the bad Corporate Party, the only choices are between your Authoritarian
>> stance and the opposition.
>> D) Authoritarians will not tolerate discussion, they are authorities,
>> all
>> questioners and knowledge seekers must be discredited and attacked, and
>> this is your manner of dealing with any discussion.
>> Thank you for this opportunity for a free and open discussion.
>> Scott
>> > Fuck off Scot
>> >
>> > The writer and the website speaks for itself.
>> >
>> > You fucking dumb ass...
>> >
>> > Cort
>> >
>> >
>> > On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 5:27 PM,  wrote:
>> >
>> >> So your saying that your writing a Shrooms as a Ghost writers name? I
>> >> was
>> >> discussing the article, not issuing an ad hominem comment (unless you
>> >> are
>> >> Shrroms? It appears this might be another of your names), when you
>> >> respond
>> >> with a personal attack. Of course, those who read my initial post
>> would
>> >> understand that as I took a direct quote of Shrooms and that was the
>> >> mention to PNAC about it.
>> >>
>> >> You decline to discuss any of the issues, you simply ask that people
>> >> repeat what you are repeating.
>> >>
>> >> You keep selling, and enemy of Assad is a friend of ours, and have
>> never
>> >> stated in the whole Syria Assad series of posts since the gas attacks
>> >> started, nearly immediately after Obama started saying if gas was
>> used
>> >> he'd have to do something, that the USA, the Saud's or Israel aren't
>> as
>> >> likely to do the same thing.
>> >>
>> >> Your posts, that is the stuff you send out, you've declined to make
>> >> personal statements that aren't ad hominem,  defend using terrorists
>> as
>> >> any method to remove Assad, and yet historically speaking, everyone
>> that
>> >> has been freed by US Sponsored terrorism either via proxy or
>> directly,
>> >> have suffered 100 to thousands of time worse.
>> >>
>> >> You, writing as Shrooms, (apparent from your reply as you took the
>> >> comment as personal) are advocating controlling what happens in the
>> >> Middle
>> >> East. the only people shoe agenda that is are the International
>> Bankers,
>> >> the Corporatists, and the Western Imperialists that are the economic
>> and
>> >> violent enforcers of the International bankers and Cortporationists.
>> >>
>> >> By the way, if your purposeful misspelling my name, that is assuming
>> you
>> >> have read as far as my personal signature at the end of everyone of
>> my
>> >> posts, is in an attempt to get me to reply as emotionally as you are,
>> it
>> >> isn't working. Your research once again shows nothing in common with
>> >> what
>> >> your stating personally about me, and your misspelling of my name.
>> >>
>> >> Scott
>> >>
>> >> > *And Scot, I know about the PNAC and wrote a little note on them in
>> >> > 2004...Stop inferring  I am one of them...Dumb ass Scot *
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2004/04/13810.php
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > Venezuela: The 

RE: Re: [LAAMN] Pinochet era biological and chemical weapons clandestinely destroyed

2013-09-17 Thread scotpeden
> Secret police (DINA) agent Eugenio Berríos was charged with carrying out
> the production and use of sarin gas under Pinochet’s orders.
> The toxins found underground in 2008 were believed to have been sent from
> the Butantan Institute of Sao Paulo, Brazil, in the 1980s. Heitmann added
> Chile did not have the capacity to produce botulinum toxin.
> Chile is one of the 170 parties to the Biological Weapons Convention which
> prohibits the development, production and stockpiling of biological and
> toxic weapons. Seven countries, including Syria, have not signed the
> agreement.
> The use of prohibited bio-chemical weapons has been at the heart of the
> Syrian conflict since July 2012 and since the country has not ratified the
> Chemical Weapons Convention nor the Biological Weapons Convention, it has
> not had to formally declare what weapons it possesses.
> The revelation on Chile’s biological weapons come after alleged chemical
> attacks on rebel-held parts of eastern Damascus, Syria, were reported
> Wednesday<http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeast/2013/08/201382163812810810.html>.
> Medics and activists estimate that between 1,000 and 1,800 were killed
> while bodies continue to be found.
> On Sat, Aug 24, 2013 at 2:10 PM, <scotpeden@...> wrote:
>> Considering the good number of articles I've read in the last 4
>> Presidential Administrations, about all chemical and biological weapons,
>> and the source of manufacture has always been Ft Detrick in the USA, and
>> that all other chemical and biological weapons facilities have always
>> been
>> attacked and destroyed since the USA forced the rest of the world into a
>> treaty after WW I, I must always wonder why it is never mentioned WHERE
>> During the run up to GWB's Shock and awe shit campaign, several articles
>> came out showing that the weapons that Rumsfield delivered to Saddam,
>> while under Poppy Bush, to be used agasint the Iranians, was part of a
>> treaty agreement we had with Europe to reduce the stockpile in the USA,
>> and since it cost so much to decontaminate them, and the weenies
>> environmentalists won't let the military dump this stuff in Chesapeake
>> Bay
>> like they've always done, it was decided to export the older stock, that
>> was about to lose it's viability, to those nations whose Dictators
>> danced
>> on US CIA strings.
>> I've no idea about Sarin, I did read about the shelf lifes of both
>> Pepper
>> and Mustard Gas, and it isn't decades long as I recall.
>> So that too is important, when were the Chemical WMDs acquired form the
>> USA, and what is their shelf life.
>> As in Syria, the gas being used in the first attack back in December,
>> initially was declared as being weak and probably very old stock.
>> As always, information left OUT of reports, can be as important as what
>> was in the report.
>> Scott
>> >
>> http://venceremoschile.blogspot.com/2013/08/pinochet-era-biological-and-chemical.html
>> > Ramona Wadi
>> >
>> > Friday, August 23, 2013
>> > Pinochet era biological and chemical weapons clandestinely destroyed
>> > A recent declaration by the Institute of Public Health acknowledged
>> > Pinochet's possession of chemical weapons and their destruction in
>> 2008.
>> > Ingrid Heitmann, former director of the institute, declared that
>> Pinochet
>> > had obtained 'enough chemical weapons to eliminate thousands of people
>> in
>> > Chile and abroad'.
>> >
>> > Human rights lawyer Nelson Caucoto has expounded upon the importance
>> of
>> > disclosure, in order for Chileans to comprehend the character of the
>> armed
>> > forces, as well as the 'culture of death' operating during Pinochet's
>> > dictatorship. The destruction of the weapons, according to Carmen
>> Hertz,
>> > may have also served to annihilate proof of the chemicals being used
>> in
>> > assassinations. The same concern was echoed by former health minister
>> > Alvaro Erazo, who claimed to have no previous knowledge of the
>> weapons'
>> > existence. Both Caucoto and Hertz have called for further
>> investigations,
>> > with Caucoto stating that Chileans have the right to learn about the
>> > 'culture of death' still heavily protected in Ch

[LAAMN] "Military Intervention In Syria", US Training "Rebels" Since 2011

2013-09-17 Thread scotpeden
This is worth re-posting. Any assumptions about Syria that discounts
Western Intervention or Western creation of events so they can intervene,
is at best incomplete, but more likely to support US intervention. Many
people get paid big bucks to make people want to do those things that we'd
not do if we had all the facts in the first place.


"Military Intervention In Syria", US Training "Rebels" Since 2011 And The
Complete Grand Plan - The March 2012 Leak


For all those still shocked by the "developing events" in Syria, here is
the full rundown as it was orchestrated back in 2011, and as it was
released in March 2012 by Wikileaks.

>From Wikileaks, released 3/6/2012, typos and grammar errors as in original.

* * *

INSIGHT - military intervention in Syria, post withdrawal status of forces

Released on 2012-03-06 07:00 GMT

A few points I wanted to highlight from meetings today --

I spent most of the afternoon at the Pentagon with the USAF strategic
studies group - guys who spend their time trying to understand and explain
to the USAF chief the big picture in areas where they're operating in. It
was just myself and four other guys at the Lieutenant Colonel level,
including one French and one British representative who are liaising with
the US currently out of DC.

They wanted to grill me on the strategic picture on Syria, so after that I
got to grill them on the military picture. There is still a very low level
of understanding of what is actually at stake in Syria, what's the
strategic interest there, the Turkish role, the Iranian role, etc. After a
couple hours of talking, they said without saying that SOF teams
(presumably from US, UK, France, Jordan, Turkey) are already on the ground
focused on recce [ZH: "recce" means reconnaissance] missions and training
opposition forces. One Air Force intel guy (US) said very carefully that
there isn't much of a Free Syrian Army to train right now anyway, but all
the operations being done now are being done out of 'prudence.' The way it
was put to me was, 'look at this way - the level of information known on
Syrian OrBat this month is the best it's been since 2001.' They have been
told to prepare contingencies and be ready to act within 2-3 months, but
they still stress that this is all being done as contingency planning, not
as a move toward escalation.

I kept pressing on the question of what these SOF teams would be working
toward, and whether this would lead to an eventual air camapign to give a
Syrian rebel group cover. They pretty quickly distanced themselves from
that idea, saying that the idea 'hypothetically' is to commit guerrilla
attacks, assassination campaigns, try to break the back of the Alawite
forces, elicit collapse from within. There wouldn't be a need for air
cover, and they wouldn't expect these Syrian rebels to be marching in
columns anyway.

They emphasized how the air campaign in Syria makes Libya look like a
piece of cake. Syrian air defenses are a lot more robust and are much
denser, esp around Damascus and on the borders with Israel, Turkey. THey
are most worried about mobile air defenses, particularly the SA-17s that
they've been getting recently. It's still a doable mission, it's just not
an easy one.

The main base they would use is Cyprus, hands down. Brits and FRench would
fly out of there. They kept stressing how much is stored at Cyprus and how
much recce comes out of there. The group was split on whether Turkey would
be involved, but said Turkey would be pretty critical to the mission to
base stuff out of there. EVen if Turkey had a poltiical problem with
Cyprus, they said there is no way the Brits and the FRench wouldn't use
Cyprus as their main air force base. Air Force Intel guy seems pretty
convinced that the Turks won't participate (he seemed pretty pissed at

There still seems to be a lot of confusion over what a military
intervention involving an air campaign would be designed to achieve. It
isn't clear cut for them geographically like in Libya, and you can't just
create an NFZ over Homs, Hama region. This would entail a countrywide SEAD
campaign lasting the duration of the war. They dont believe air
intervention would happen unless there was enough media attention on a
massacre, like the Ghadafi move against Benghazi. They think the US would
have a high tolerance for killings as long as it doesn't reach that very
public stage. Theyre also questiioning the skills of the Syrian forces
that are operating the country's air defenses currently and how
signfiicant the Iranian presence is there. Air Force Intel guy is most
obsessed with the challenge of taking out Syria's ballistic missile
capabilities and chem weapons. With Israel rgiht there and the regime
facing an existential crisis, he sees that as a major complication to any
military intervention.

The post 2011 SOFA with Iraq is still be

[LAAMN] RE: U.S. Channeling Chemical Weapons to Al Qaeda in Syria

2013-09-17 Thread scotpeden

another important repost.Scott  --- In laamn@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:Our Government does not want a Diplomatic Solution with Syria, they want
Syria's Government toppled and a pliable dictatorship installed.

Do as I say, not as I do, USA...


The Forbidden Truth: The U.S. is Channeling Chemical Weapons
to Al  Qaeda in Syria
Global Research

...A WMD saga modeled on Iraq based on fabricated evidence
is  unfolding.  The Western media in chorus relentlessly accuse
the Syrian  government of premeditated mass-murder, calling
upon the “international  community” to come to the rescue of
the Syrian people.

“Syria crosses ‘red line’ on chemical weapons. How will
Obama  respond?”

The Syrian “opposition” is calling upon the US and its allies to
implement “a no fly zone”.

In turn, the White House has acknowledged that the red line
“has been  crossed”, while emphasizing that the US and its
allies will  “increase  the scope and scale of assistance” to
the rebels.

The chemical weapons pretext is being used to justify further
military  aid to the rebels, which in large part have been
decimated by Syrian  government forces.

These  defeated opposition rebel forces –largely composed
of the  Al Qaeda affiliated Al Nusrah– are supported by Turkey,
Israel, Qatar  and Saudi Arabia.

US-NATO-Israel have lost the ground war. Their Al Nusrah Front
fighters, which constitute the foot-soldiers of the Western military
alliance, cannot, under any circumstances, be rapidly rebuilt
through a  renewed flow of US-NATO military aid.

The Obama administration is in an impasse: its foot soldiers
have been  defeated.  A “no fly zone” would, at this stage, be a
risky  proposition given Syria’s air defense system, which
includes the  Russian S-300 SAM system.”

US-NATO Are Training “Opposition” Rebels in the Use of
Chemical  Weapons

The chemical weapons accusations are fabricated. In a bitter
irony, the  evidence amply confirms that the chemical weapons
are being used not by  Syrian government forces but by the US
supported Al Qaeda rebels.

In a twisted logic whereby realities are turned upside down, the
Syrian  government is being accused of the atrocities committed
by the US sponsored  Al Qaeda affiliated rebels.

The Western media is feeding disinformation into the news chain,
casually refuting its own news reports. Confirmed by various
sources  including CNN, the Western military alliance has not
only made chemical  weapons available to the Al Nusrah Front,
it has also sent in military  contractors and special forces to
train the rebels...

While Washington  points its finger at president Bashar al
Assad, a United Nations independent commission of inquiry
confirmed in  May 2013 that the rebels rather than the government
have chemical  weapons in their possession and are using sarin
nerve against the civilian  population...

John McCain Enters Syria, Mingles with US Sponsored Terrorists

Meanwhile,  Senator John McCain “entered Syria [early June]
from  the country’s border with  Turkey and stayed there for
several hours  …  McCain met with assembled leaders of Free
Syrian Army units in both  Turkey and Syria.”

...The Contradictory Role of the United Nations Security Council

In late May 2013, the UN Security Council added Al Nusrah to the
UNSC  “Al-Qaida Sanctions List.”  Yet at the same time, the
Security Council  decision casually dismissed the fact, amply
documented, that three permanent  members of the Council, namely
Britain, France  and the US continue to  provide military aid to the
Jabbat Al Nusrah Front, in defiance of  international law and the
UN Charter.

Entire article at:  http://tinyurl.com/lrjjjh6

Easy Action:

Urge our government to pursue vigorous diplomacy with Syria,  not
military intervention.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]



LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network




Re: [LAAMN] SYRIA: The Rise of Al Qaeda in Syria: Separating Fact from Mythology

2013-09-17 Thread scotpeden
Yes, the writer is supportive of Foreign intervention by the US, Saudi
Arabia and Israel.

I've been trying to point that out, to have a discussion on this from your
initial posts about Assad and Regime change in Syria and who should be
responsible for this, who it is that is being co-opted so that subversive
murderous terrorists influences by the three mentioned can be normalized
as being necessary.

Through all of your reply's being ad hominem attacks and or altering what
I wrote and straw man attacks for that, I can only assume a few things.

A) You send articles.

B) You cannot (or refuse to) discuss the content of any of your posts.

C) You support Authoritarians whether they've said they are, or you have
appointed them in your mind as such, and like the good Corporate Party and
the bad Corporate Party, the only choices are between your Authoritarian
stance and the opposition.

D) Authoritarians will not tolerate discussion, they are authorities, all
questioners and knowledge seekers must be discredited and attacked, and
this is your manner of dealing with any discussion.

Thank you for this opportunity for a free and open discussion.


> Fuck off Scot
> The writer and the website speaks for itself.
> You fucking dumb ass...
> Cort
> On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 5:27 PM,  wrote:
>> So your saying that your writing a Shrooms as a Ghost writers name? I
>> was
>> discussing the article, not issuing an ad hominem comment (unless you
>> are
>> Shrroms? It appears this might be another of your names), when you
>> respond
>> with a personal attack. Of course, those who read my initial post would
>> understand that as I took a direct quote of Shrooms and that was the
>> mention to PNAC about it.
>> You decline to discuss any of the issues, you simply ask that people
>> repeat what you are repeating.
>> You keep selling, and enemy of Assad is a friend of ours, and have never
>> stated in the whole Syria Assad series of posts since the gas attacks
>> started, nearly immediately after Obama started saying if gas was used
>> he'd have to do something, that the USA, the Saud's or Israel aren't as
>> likely to do the same thing.
>> Your posts, that is the stuff you send out, you've declined to make
>> personal statements that aren't ad hominem,  defend using terrorists as
>> any method to remove Assad, and yet historically speaking, everyone that
>> has been freed by US Sponsored terrorism either via proxy or directly,
>> have suffered 100 to thousands of time worse.
>> You, writing as Shrooms, (apparent from your reply as you took the PNAC
>> comment as personal) are advocating controlling what happens in the
>> Middle
>> East. the only people shoe agenda that is are the International Bankers,
>> the Corporatists, and the Western Imperialists that are the economic and
>> violent enforcers of the International bankers and Cortporationists.
>> By the way, if your purposeful misspelling my name, that is assuming you
>> have read as far as my personal signature at the end of everyone of my
>> posts, is in an attempt to get me to reply as emotionally as you are, it
>> isn't working. Your research once again shows nothing in common with
>> what
>> your stating personally about me, and your misspelling of my name.
>> Scott
>> > *And Scot, I know about the PNAC and wrote a little note on them in
>> > 2004...Stop inferring  I am one of them...Dumb ass Scot *
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2004/04/13810.php
>> >
>> >
>> > Venezuela: The Coup Makers- The Invisible U.S. Hands
>> >
>> > By Cort Greene
>> >
>> > April 20, 2004
>> >
>> >
>> > With rumors of a new coup swirling through Venezuela daily, some with
>> > merit, others just the wishful thinking of the fractured but still
>> > dangerous "opposition", it is useful to review just who the real
>> puppet
>> > masters behind the last coup were, and the possibility and the reasons
>> > that
>> > they will try another one.
>> >
>> > Removing President Chavez and destroying the Bolivarian Revolutionary
>> > Process has been a primary concern of the U.S. government since 1998.
>> Why
>> > else would it dedicate such resources to this effort? So far they have
>> > spent over 4 million dollars in known covert funds, and the actual
>> figure
>> > is probably twice that amount if we take in account that there are
>> over
>> > 500
>> > U.S. corporations in Venezuela, some of which are CIA fronts. Dick
>> > Cheney's
>> > pals at Halliburton have 21 offices in Venezuela.
>> >
>> > These folks have a vested interest in bringing about a change of
>> > government
>> > – i.e. trampling on the democratic will of the majority of
>> Venezuelans
>> > if
>> > it will bring them higher profits and greater access to the region's
>> > natural resources.
>> >
>> > With the quagmire in Iraq, gaining control over the Venezuelan
>> petroleum
>> > industry is of particular importance, due to the prospect of an energy
>> > crisis and the eco

Re: [LAAMN] SYRIA: The Rise of Al Qaeda in Syria: Separating Fact from Mythology

2013-09-17 Thread scotpeden
So your saying that your writing a Shrooms as a Ghost writers name? I was
discussing the article, not issuing an ad hominem comment (unless you are
Shrroms? It appears this might be another of your names), when you respond
with a personal attack. Of course, those who read my initial post would
understand that as I took a direct quote of Shrooms and that was the
mention to PNAC about it.

You decline to discuss any of the issues, you simply ask that people
repeat what you are repeating.

You keep selling, and enemy of Assad is a friend of ours, and have never
stated in the whole Syria Assad series of posts since the gas attacks
started, nearly immediately after Obama started saying if gas was used
he'd have to do something, that the USA, the Saud's or Israel aren't as
likely to do the same thing.

Your posts, that is the stuff you send out, you've declined to make
personal statements that aren't ad hominem,  defend using terrorists as
any method to remove Assad, and yet historically speaking, everyone that
has been freed by US Sponsored terrorism either via proxy or directly,
have suffered 100 to thousands of time worse.

You, writing as Shrooms, (apparent from your reply as you took the PNAC
comment as personal) are advocating controlling what happens in the Middle
East. the only people shoe agenda that is are the International Bankers,
the Corporatists, and the Western Imperialists that are the economic and
violent enforcers of the International bankers and Cortporationists.

By the way, if your purposeful misspelling my name, that is assuming you
have read as far as my personal signature at the end of everyone of my
posts, is in an attempt to get me to reply as emotionally as you are, it
isn't working. Your research once again shows nothing in common with what
your stating personally about me, and your misspelling of my name.


> *And Scot, I know about the PNAC and wrote a little note on them in
> 2004...Stop inferring  I am one of them...Dumb ass Scot *
> http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2004/04/13810.php
> Venezuela: The Coup Makers- The Invisible U.S. Hands
> By Cort Greene
> April 20, 2004
> With rumors of a new coup swirling through Venezuela daily, some with
> merit, others just the wishful thinking of the fractured but still
> dangerous "opposition", it is useful to review just who the real puppet
> masters behind the last coup were, and the possibility and the reasons
> that
> they will try another one.
> Removing President Chavez and destroying the Bolivarian Revolutionary
> Process has been a primary concern of the U.S. government since 1998. Why
> else would it dedicate such resources to this effort? So far they have
> spent over 4 million dollars in known covert funds, and the actual figure
> is probably twice that amount if we take in account that there are over
> 500
> U.S. corporations in Venezuela, some of which are CIA fronts. Dick
> Cheney's
> pals at Halliburton have 21 offices in Venezuela.
> These folks have a vested interest in bringing about a change of
> government
> – i.e. trampling on the democratic will of the majority of Venezuelans
> if
> it will bring them higher profits and greater access to the region's
> natural resources.
> With the quagmire in Iraq, gaining control over the Venezuelan petroleum
> industry is of particular importance, due to the prospect of an energy
> crisis and the economic problems that will ensue from it.
> This could be a catalyst for a greater worldwide crisis than is taking
> place now, and could be the greatest seen since the 1930s.
> President Chavez and Bolivarian Revolution are a threat because they
> provide an example that goes not only against the imperialist plan of the
> Free Trade Agreement of the America's, but shows the potential for a
> revival of the working class struggle and socialism across the entire
> region.
> The usual suspects for another coup attempt in Venezuela include U.S.
> Ambassador to Venezuela Charles Shapiro (whom it is alleged played a part
> in the spilling of the blood of the working class in Chile and Venezuela).
> And of course there is the CIA, the National Endowment for Democracy, and
> a
> myriad of other organizations.
> But there is another, more insidious, and less heard of group that has
> binds together all these other groups and officials together - the
> "Project
> for the New American Century" – which played a leading role in
> developing
> the US invasion of Iraq. PNAC's board of directors is a "who's who" of
> government and business, which has representatives in Venezuela either
> directly or through inter-locking boards of directors.
> The stated goals of this right-wing think-tank are a bold foreign policy,
> the need to increase defense spending, and to challenge regimes hostile to
> the vital interests and values of American capitalism.
> Some PNAC members include:
> · Donald Rumsfeld
> · Paul Wolfowitz
> · Frank Gaffney
> · Dan Qu

Re: [LAAMN] SYRIA: The Rise of Al Qaeda in Syria: Separating Fact from Mythology

2013-09-17 Thread scotpeden
Educators do not use ad hominem attacks and strawman arguments. Only those
supporting agendas and using the little back book of disinformation rely
on those tactics to distract people from the questions at hand, which was
in this instance, seriosuly, it reads like it came right off a PNAC funded
Who, pray tell, is Shrooms, much less who is this person (or organization)
working for?

And why does this sound like I'm reading something on the PNAC site?

I dare say this ID your using is the same as another I that sues the same
tactics, partial because of your refusal to duplicate simple things like
spelling of my name, or that you never read further then you can create an
ad hominem attack for response to.

Seriously, I thought you and your Marxist people were not on the side of
the Imperialists. You send stuff that appears to be from Anarchists, that
also do naught but support the Imperialists desires.

Seriously, this is something I must take the opportunity to point out to
others, especially on a list that is suppose to be for alternate media
instead of shadowy propaganda wearing the cloak of the International
Corporate Oppositionists.

It's what your articles support, You on the other hand have never taken
the opportunities presented to discuss anything, you just revert to
personal attacks.


"Therefore strategies for dealing with, and opposing, the Muslim
Brotherhood should be fundamentally different from our approach to
militant-Jihadi groups"


> *Oh Scot*
> *
> *
> *Your ignorance is showing or is it that the pole from the caber toss hit
> you in the head too many times at the Highland games... [?]*
> *
> *
> *Rojo Rojito*
> *
> *
> *Cort*
> On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 2:56 PM,  wrote:
>> Who, pray tell, is Shrooms, much less who is this person (or
>> organization)
>> working for?
>> And why does this sound like I'm reading something on the PNAC site?
>> Scott
>> "Therefore strategies for dealing with, and opposing, the Muslim
>> Brotherhood should be fundamentally different from our approach to
>> militant-Jihadi groups"
>> > *Remembering Sabra and Shatila massacre 16-18 September 1982
>> > #Lebanon
>> > *
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> http://tahriricn.wordpress.com/2013/09/12/syria-the-rise-of-al-qaeda-in-syria-separating-fact-from-mythology/
>> >
>> > ← SYRIA/PALESTINE: Palestinians and the Syrian Revolution: Lessons
>> from
>> > the
>> > fight against
>> > fascism<
>> http://tahriricn.wordpress.com/2013/09/12/syriapalestine-palestinians-and-the-syrian-revolution-lessons-from-the-fight-against-fascism/
>> >
>> > →<
>> http://tahriricn.wordpress.com/2013/09/15/uk-anti-fascist-network-statement-on-saturday-7th-september-edl-demonstration/
>> >
>> > SYRIA: The Rise of Al Qaeda in Syria: Separating Fact from Mythology
>> >
>> > SEP
>> > 12<
>> http://tahriricn.wordpress.com/2013/09/12/syria-the-rise-of-al-qaeda-in-syria-separating-fact-from-mythology/
>> >
>> >
>> > Posted by tahriricn 
>> >
>> > By Leila Shrooms for Tahrir-ICN[image:
>> > ED-AR204_obagy_D_20130830164816]<
>> http://tahriricn.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/ed-ar204_obagy_d_20130830164816.jpg
>> >
>> >
>> > One of the most worrying developments during the trajectory of
>> Syria’s
>> > revolution has been the rise of militant Jihadi groups. The danger
>> that
>> > the
>> > increasing strength of such groups poses to both Syria and the region
>> > should not be underestimated. Yet a lot of misunderstandings exist
>> about
>> > the nature and dominance of such groups which this article attempts to
>> > address. Only when fact is separated from mythology are we able to
>> move
>> > forward collectively towards a strategy that addresses the threat of
>> > counter-revolutionary forces and have a better understanding of who is
>> > working for the original goals of the revolution so that they can be
>> given
>> > the solidarity they deserve.
>> >
>> > *Al Qaeda ideology*
>> > Al Qaeda or militant Jihadi groups[1] have an internationalist
>> perspective
>> > and want to establish a global Islamic caliphate based on a strict
>> > interpretation of Sharia law. The ideology of Al Qaeda groups is
>> closely
>> > related to Salafi/Wahabi ideology (the totalitarian political doctrine
>> > which is practiced in Saudi Arabia). Whilst Salafism is an extremely
>> > repressive, puritanical ideology which follows a literal
>> interpretation
>> of
>> > the Quran, it is important to note that not all Salafists believe in
>> > violent means to establish their goals and that some Salafists are
>> > prepared
>> > to work within a democratic system. By contrast, militant Jihadi
>> groups
>> > reject the concept of democracy holding that their interpretation of
>> Islam
>> > is mandated by God. They believe that it is a religious duty to defend
>> the
>> > Muslim community against enemies of Islam and are prepared to die as
>> > martyrs f

Re: [LAAMN] SYRIA: The Rise of Al Qaeda in Syria: Separating Fact from Mythology

2013-09-17 Thread scotpeden
Who, pray tell, is Shrooms, much less who is this person (or organization)
working for?

And why does this sound like I'm reading something on the PNAC site?


"Therefore strategies for dealing with, and opposing, the Muslim
Brotherhood should be fundamentally different from our approach to
militant-Jihadi groups"

> *Remembering Sabra and Shatila massacre 16-18 September 1982
> #Lebanon
> *
> http://tahriricn.wordpress.com/2013/09/12/syria-the-rise-of-al-qaeda-in-syria-separating-fact-from-mythology/
> ← SYRIA/PALESTINE: Palestinians and the Syrian Revolution: Lessons from
> the
> fight against
> fascism
> →
> SYRIA: The Rise of Al Qaeda in Syria: Separating Fact from Mythology
> 12
> Posted by tahriricn 
> By Leila Shrooms for Tahrir-ICN[image:
> ED-AR204_obagy_D_20130830164816]
> One of the most worrying developments during the trajectory of Syria’s
> revolution has been the rise of militant Jihadi groups. The danger that
> the
> increasing strength of such groups poses to both Syria and the region
> should not be underestimated. Yet a lot of misunderstandings exist about
> the nature and dominance of such groups which this article attempts to
> address. Only when fact is separated from mythology are we able to move
> forward collectively towards a strategy that addresses the threat of
> counter-revolutionary forces and have a better understanding of who is
> working for the original goals of the revolution so that they can be given
> the solidarity they deserve.
> *Al Qaeda ideology*
> Al Qaeda or militant Jihadi groups[1] have an internationalist perspective
> and want to establish a global Islamic caliphate based on a strict
> interpretation of Sharia law. The ideology of Al Qaeda groups is closely
> related to Salafi/Wahabi ideology (the totalitarian political doctrine
> which is practiced in Saudi Arabia). Whilst Salafism is an extremely
> repressive, puritanical ideology which follows a literal interpretation of
> the Quran, it is important to note that not all Salafists believe in
> violent means to establish their goals and that some Salafists are
> prepared
> to work within a democratic system. By contrast, militant Jihadi groups
> reject the concept of democracy holding that their interpretation of Islam
> is mandated by God. They believe that it is a religious duty to defend the
> Muslim community against enemies of Islam and are prepared to die as
> martyrs for that cause. They regard anyone who does not subscribe to their
> ideology (including liberal Sunni Muslims and Shia Muslims) as
> heretics/Kafir. Some, known as Takfiris, believe that they have the right
> to kill heretics. Al Qaeda affiliated groups in the region include
> Egyptian
> Islamic Jihad, Al Qaeda in the Arabian peninsula in Yemen and Saudi
> Arabia,
> Jund Ansar Allah in Palestine, Fatah Al Islam in Lebanon and Al Qaeda in
> the Islamic Maghreb in Algeria and Morocco. [2]These groups do not have a
> broad popular support base, primarily due to their use of terrorist means
> targeting civilians in countries in which they operate and their following
> of an interpretation of Islam which is alien to almost everyone.
> *Mainstream political Islam*
> It is important not to confuse militant Jihadis with mainstream political
> Islamist groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood. Whilst the Muslim
> Brotherhood is undoubtably conservative and reactionary, they have broad
> based popular support across the Middle East and North Africa and have won
> democratic elections in Palestine, Tunisia and Egypt. They gained
> prominence during the Islamic revival of the 1970s, as a direct response
> to
> western imperialism. They work to reinstate Islamic laws and believe in
> the
> concept of Islamic unity and the return of the caliphate abolished by
> Ataturk in 1924 although they primarily struggle on the national level.
> They advocate that political Islam is compatible with the establishment of
> a modern, democratic, multi-party state that respects human rights,
> including the rights of religious minorities.[3] Pursuing social justice
> and particularly reducing the gap between rich and poor has been a key
> tenet of their ideology and to this end they established a vast network of
> social services which gained them the support of the urban and rural
> poor.[4] Although they have been known to use violent means to achieve
> their goals, the Muslim Brotherhood officially 

Re: [LAAMN] Syria-Who Was Responsible For The August 21st Attack?

2013-09-17 Thread scotpeden
Yes, the Syrian Government is capable of the attack, though it has never
been proven that they gassed their own people, though they've killed them
in more traditional means then even the USA and Israel and the Saudi
terrorists use, it has long been known that they have Sarin Gas to counter
Israel's Nukes, and Israel has been attacking Syria most of out lives, not
Syria attacking Israel.

Israel and Saudi terrorists also have Sarin Gas, and are capable of using
it. Al Qaeda and other aggressive terrorists working for the USA have also
had Chemical and biological weapons to use agasint the USA's enemies.

Ignoring all evidence presented by Iran, Syria and Russia, of course only
leaves you with Western influenced or partnered views.

Insisting you have all the facts while refusing to let the UN do an
investigation, and applauding all stops to that, also show, facts fitted
to an agenda, not facts used to find a cause.

So far every investigation that has managed to get a sample has shown, the
Sarin Gas isn't refined in the manner the Syrian Governments gas would be,
and that what has been found can be manufactured in most any industrial

Of course that data doesn't fit the agenda so it is ignored by those who
want US intervention in Syria, who also ignore we never go in and leave,
unless we have a puppet dictator left behind.

Also, isn't it nice how there are always internal wars within the middle
east that never existed till the Westerners made new boundaries and
governments for them? Assyrians and Arabs never had countries in common,
much less the Kurds had always had their own government. the Brits found
out how well this worked in the 1600's in Ireland, and have found it a
wonderful way to keep regions destabilized who'd otherwise throw off the
Capital Controlling mantle of their self appointed betters.


> This is the evidence that the Syrian government was capable of the attack,
> and had a history of using the munitions linked to the attack.  As for
> evidence of Syrian opposition responsibility, that appears rather thin on
> the ground.  You have claims the attacks were faked, the victims being
> Alawite hostages from Latakia, that were somehow driven through hundreds
> of
> miles of contested and government controlled territory to Damascus. *
> There's
> claims that** this was some sort of
> accident
>  involving Saudi supplied chemical weapons, which fails to explain how one
> incident could effect two separate areas.  Other claims centre around the
> opposition having sarin, based off reports in Turkey in
> May,
> where it was reported Jabhat al-Nusra members were arrested with sarin.
>  The "sarin" was later reported to be
> anti-freeze,
> and only this
> week
> some
> of the members are being prosecuted for trying to make sarin, having only
> a
> shopping list of ingredients, rather than actual sarin.  It seems to me,
> that compared to the evidence of government responsibility for the
> attacks,
> the evidence of opposition responsibility seems very poor.*
> *
> *
> http://brown-moses.blogspot.com/2013/09/who-was-responsible-for-august-21st.html
> *
> *
> Monday, 16 September 2013
> Who Was Responsible For The August 21st Attack?
> In light of today's report from the
> UN
> confirming
> the use of sarin in the August 21st attacks in Damascus, I thought I'd
> take
> a look at the open source evidence of who is responsible.  I'll be looking
> at evidence that's freely available for anyone to examine, rather than
> what
> German spy boats may or may not of heard, or intelligence reports that
> tell
> us they have evidence, but don't actually show the evidence.  As always,
> evidence does not automatically equal proof, so it's up to you to decide
> if
> this information proves one side or the other was responsible.
> *
> *Two munitions have been linked to the attack, the M14 140mm artillery
> rocket,
> and a munition I've previously referred to as the UMLACA (Unidentified
> Munition Linked to Alleged Chemical Attacks).
> M14
> 140mm artillery
> rocket
> UMLACAThe UN inspectors have now confirmed both munitions carried a
> chemical payload, so the question is, who used them?  In the 18 months
> I've
> been studying the arms and m

Re: [LAAMN] A guide for the perplexed on Syria & The New Truthers: Americans Who Deny Syria Used Chemical Weapons

2013-09-16 Thread scotpeden
The Justice of the Sunni Extremists in Syria, the Justice as meted out by
the paid terrorists funded by Israel and the USA? Those who behead people,
assassinate leaders of the Syrians that are revolting if they do not
follow the agenda they are told to follow?

The justice as meted out by terrorists who consistently destroy everything
you proclaim you hold dear?

That's simply support of Imperialist over throw of anyone not supportive
of the International Bankers that own us, and it is done by by omission.

I do not support the Saudi Extremists who have worked with and been part
of Al CIAduh, the Chechnya terrorists, the Israeli Mossad, and the
American CIA. I certainly do NOT support your support of them by omission
or making them seem NICE! In fact, these people have a longer more brutal
track record of human rights abuses then Assad.

So, I do not support them, but you do. They do not work for you, your
working for them.

I do not support terrorist supporters in any guise I can recognize them
in, which is why I have to speak out on this so often.

This is nothing more then a guide to support a different terrorist or
human rights violator faction. Screw em all, I support none of them, and
any decent human concerned for all the rest of humanity wouldn't want to
turn the Syrians over to a Religious extremist state of Saudi Arabia, much
less control by Israel and the USA and those we go to war for.

The enemy of mine enemy IS NOT MY FRIEND, and to empower then in a common
goal of support of the Syrian people to have a say so in their own lives,
is to destroy them to save them.


> http://louisproyect.org/2013/09/16/a-guide-for-the-perplexed-on-syria/
> A guide for the perplexed on Syria
> Filed under: Syria  —
> louisproyect
> @ 6:42 pm
> Leftists trying to figure Syria out
>>From the very beginning my interest in Syria has been focused on what was
> taking place inside the country rather than on the Great Game that
> absorbed
> Robert Fisk, Patrick Cockburn and Pepe Escobar. If your point of departure
> is that there is some kind of global chess game in which a pawn might have
> to be sacrificed for the sake of a checkmate, then naturally you will be
> willing to see Bashar al-Assad’s enemies vanquished no matter the justice
> of their cause. One supposes that in order to avoid the cognitive
> dissonance associated with an approach more Metternich than Marx, the
> global chess game left tended to avoid reading or mentioning any
> literature
> that put the rebels in a favorable light. Instead, every single misstep
> was
> seized upon to make it seem that they were a Taliban-like threat to a
> secular and progressive regime even though with somewhat naughty
> authoritarian tendencies.
> I am sure that those who continue in this vein will have little use for
> the
> material outlined below, all of which is available online, but for those
> sitting on the fence or simply curious this might prove useful:
> *Reports from the mainstream media:*
> 1. Anand Gopal
> Gopal wrote an extremely important article for the August 2012 Harper’s
> Magazine titled “Welcome to Free
> Syria”
> based on his visit to the northern town of Taftanaz. I heard Gopal speak
> at
> the last Left Forum and can assure you that he is a man of the left. Here
> is a passage from the article:
> All around Taftanaz, amid the destruction, rebel councils like this were
> meeting—twenty-seven in all, and each of them had elected a delegate to
> sit
> on the citywide council. They were a sign of a deeper transformation that
> the revolution had wrought in Syria: Bashar al-Assad once subdued small
> towns like these with an impressive apparatus of secret police, party
> hacks, and yes-men; now such control was impossible without an occupation.
> The Syrian army, however, lacked the numbers to control the hinterlands—it
> entered, fought, and moved on to the next target. There could be no return
> to the status quo, it seemed, even if the way forward was unclear.
> In the neighboring town of Binnish, I visited the farmers’ council, a body
> of about a thousand members that set grain prices and adjudicated land
> disputes. Its leader, an old man I’ll call Abdul Hakim, explained to me
> that before the revolution, farmers were forced to sell grain to the
> government at a price that barely covered the cost of production.
> Following
> the uprising, the farmers tried to sell directly to the town at almost
> double the former rates. But locals balked and complained to the citywide
> council, which then mandated a return to the old prices—which has the
> farmers disgruntled, but Hakim acknowledged that in this revolution, “we
> have to give to each as he needs.”
> 2. Anthony Shadid
> Shadid, who died from an asthma attack in Syria in 2012, was the NY Times
> chief correspondent on the Arab Spring. I can recommend nearly everything

[LAAMN] Unbelievable. Google just joined ALEC

2013-09-16 Thread scotpeden
Look, I really feel silly having to say this, and I'm sure I've sent this
to you before (I've sent it to them before when they want me to sign
petitions)  and gotten no response back, but...

If you have to tell someone, much less a Corporation whose only interest
is their bottom line, that is, they are only concerned about profits, that
they aren't doing good or that they are doing evil, working agasint your
best interests, momentary riding herd on them only gets what is
transparent, to be hidden and then they will use the profits they get from
your purchases or from their advertisers, the power they get from your
membership, to work agasint our ignorant asses anyway.

Just defund the bastards.

Buy nothing from any of them or anyone associated with them. They use
those profits to fund legislation that is agasint what we want.

Leave them as a group.

DO NOT tell them why, so they can hire a Wall Street smooth talker to
polish that turd and write stuff to get you to buy their Shit packaged as
Shinola. You'll still be funding with your purchases or support of their
advertisers, the things you are agasint.

Do NOT sign petitions agasint them, just LEAVE and STOP FUNDING THEM. Look
for someone who supports YOUR Values, and GIVE THEM YOUR MONEY, instead of
those you know are working agasint your best interests.

But do forward things like this on, and tell your friends why you do NOT
have a Facebook Account, why you do not YELP, and why you use anyone
else's services then Google.

It ain't free, if you believe that, then you too get paid with free money.


 Original Message 
Subject: Unbelievable. Google just joined ALEC
From:"Claiborne D., SumOfUs.org" 
Date:Mon, 16 September, 2013 12:36 pm
To:  "Scott Peden" 

  Facebook, Google, and Yelp just joined the American Legislative
   Council, one of the worst right-wing lobbying forces in history.

   Call on the three tech giants to dump ALEC now.

   [1]Sign the petition


   Union-busting, fighting Obamacare, backing the Stand Your Ground laws that
   led to Trayvon Martin's death, hiding proof of climate change... there's
   nothing the American Legislative Exchange Council won't stoop to.

   The public outcry against ALEC has caused nearly fifty corporations to
   drop out over the past several months. But now Facebook, Google and Yelp
   are looking to reverse that trend. The companies recently joined the group
   responsible for some of the most egregious anti-labor, anti-environment,
   anti-poor, and anti-minority legislation in the past decade. Now, we need
   to raise a cry to show them that getting in bed with ALEC is unacceptable,
   before all the hard work over the past year is undone.

   [2]Demand Facebook, Google and Yelp drop their ALEC membership now.

   We can't afford to have three major tech companies help finance a
   monstrosity like this right-wing lobbying group, and they can't afford the
   bad press that comes with an ALEC membership. ALEC has become a toxic
   brand that image-conscious companies don't want to be associated with.

   ALEC worked in close conjunction with the NRA to push the controversial
   Stand Your Ground law onto dozens of states. ALEC helped private prison
   companies enact Arizona's "show your papers" law in order to fill up cells
   with Latinos. It has sponsored a host of horrific legislation that is
   tearing down personal rights and handing over money to corporations. We
   simply cannot allow such practices to be condoned by major companies.

   Our voices already shamed over fifty companies and nonprofits, including
   the likes of Amazon, Walmart, and Coca-Cola, into dropping the American
   Legislative Executive Council. Just recently, after months of pressure by
   students, Sallie Mae left the group. But if we don't speak out now,
   Google, Facebook, and Yelp could start back the movement of corporate
   funding into ALEC.

   [3]Sign on to tell Google, Facebook, and Yelp to stop associating with
   ALEC immediately.

   Thanks for all that you do,
   Claiborne and the rest of us.

   More Information:

   [4]ALEC at 40: Turning back the clock on progress and prosperity, ALEC
   Exposed, 23 August 2013.
   [5]Tech Giants partner with ALEC, Salon Magazine, 16 August 2013.


   Visible links
   1. http://act.sumofus.org/go/2368?t=1001&akid=2197.967718.XkseKk
   2. http://act.sumofus.org/go/2368?t=1002&akid=2197.967718.XkseKk
   3. http://act.sumofus.org/go/2368?t=1003&akid=2197.967718.XkseKk
   4. http://act.sumofus.org/go/2329?t=1004&akid=2197.967718.XkseKk
   5. http://act.sumofus.org/go/2330?t=1005&akid=2197.967718.XkseKk
 SumOfUs is a world-wide movement of people like you, working together to
hold corporations accountable for their actions and forge a new,
sustainable path for our global economy. Yo

[LAAMN] typhoon approaching Fukushima

2013-09-16 Thread scotpeden
Well, it's SE Asia, it was only a matter of time till a typhoon or even
heavy rain turned this to a larger disaster then it already is.






I'm praying for the people of Japan, and for all of us.

Peace, Carol Wolman

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [LAAMN] Death under torture in Syria: the horrors ignored by pacifists

2013-09-15 Thread scotpeden
That's just it, murder is murder, whether you do it with torture,
chemicals or Obama's favorite Cruise missiles and drones.

What is rather sad is the incessant drum beat that only Assad is doing
this in Syria while the terrorists posing as part of the Revolution, are
doing the same, much less assassinating any of the Revolutionaries they
can that do not follow the agenda as handed on down from the terrorists
masters, the house of Saud, Israel and the USA.

Empowering them by making it look like Assad is the sole bad guy only
aides the psychos wanting to attack the Syrians for Racists or monetary
reasons, they sure aren't there because they are good people, and
supporting them because they are agasint Assad, isn't good either. Evil is
evil, don't empower evil even with omissions of data.

Normalizing and empowering the psychotics in Israel, Saudi Arabia and the
USA, is just as evil in my opinion, they NEVER do good to other peoples,
much less our own.


> http://therepublicgs.net/2013/09/15/death-under-torture-in-syria-the-horrors-ignored-by-pacifists/
> Death
> under torture in Syria: the horrors ignored by pacifists
> *Budour Hassan*
> *15 September 2013*
> Perhaps one of the cruellest aspects of the Syrian regime’s war on the
> Syrian population is its success in normalising death and desensitising
> the
> world to its harrowing massacres. Missing from the six-digit death toll
> are
> the charred faces and untold stories of the martyrs, and of the suffering
> inflicted upon the loved ones they leave behind. As one Syrian activist
> put
> it: «One thing I will never forgive Bashar al-Assad for is denying us the
> chance to grieve over our martyred friends». Indeed, with mass-murder
> turning into a horrifyingly frequent occurrence two-and-a-half years on,
> mourning the fallen has become a luxury most Syrians are deprived of.
> Dehumanising Syrians
> The dehumanisation of Syrians was painfully illustrated by the debate that
> ensued after the chemical weapons attack on 21 August in the Damascus
> countryside. The victims were treated as mere footnotes by the
> international community, the mainstream media, and the anti-war camp. For
> western governments who draw a «red line» with chemical weapons-use – and
> Israel’s interests – the red blood of Syrian children slaughtered with
> conventional weapons by the regime and its militias is not sufficiently
> outrageous. The whole discourse, as Syrian writer and former political
> prisoner Yassin al-Haj Saleh puts it, is about chemical weapons, not about
> the criminal who used chemical weapons, the people murdered by them, or
> the
> greater number of people murdered with guns.
> For mainstream media, the Syrian people are stripped of their voices and
> agency and the Syrian revolution is instead a «civil war» between two
> evils: a secular dictator versus flesh-eating, bearded Islamists. Nowhere
> to be seen or heard is the astounding defiance and communal solidarity
> that
> has kept the revolution alive despite all odds; the brave struggle against
> the oppressive «Islamic State in Iraq and Syria» that controls large parts
> of the «liberated» areas in Northern Syria; and the ongoing grassroots
> initiatives and protests against both the regime as well as the Islamist
> extremists.
> Meanwhile, for most anti-war coalitions: «war is peace and ignorance is
> strength». They parade as facts hackneyed and false dichotomies to argue
> that all the rebels are terrorists and Assad is now not only ostensibly
> fighting imperialism, but terrorism as well. That Assad has been waging a
> sectarian, all-out war on Syrian civilians for the past thirty months
> matters little. That his regime has systematically arrested peaceful and
> secular activists while releasing Al Qaeda-affiliated terrorists matters
> less. And that thousands of imprisoned Syrian, including workers,
> children,
> unarmed demonstrators, and community organisers, have been tortured to
> death by regime forces since the start of the uprising matters none at
> all.
> Killed under torture
> So it follows that these «anti-war» campaigners will ignore one of the
> regime’s latest torture victims: Khaled Bakrawi, a 27-year-old
> Palestinian-Syrian community organiser and founding member of the Jafra
> Foundation for Relief and Youth Development. Khaled was arrested by regime
> security forces in January 2013 for his leading role in organising and
> carrying out humanitarian and aid work in Yarmouk Refugee Camp. On 11
> September, the Yarmouk coordination committee and Jafra Foundation
> reported
> that Khaled was killed under torture in one of the several infamous
> intelligence branches in Damascus.
> *[image:
> 1185902_536320166434214_1540542854_n]
> *Khaled was born and raised in Yarmouk refugee camp in the Southern
> o

[LAAMN] Quotes

2013-09-12 Thread scotpeden
"The number of those who undergo the fatigue of judging for themselves is
very small indeed." -  Richard Brinsley Sheridan, The Critic

"Responsibility to yourself means refusing to let others do your thinking,
talking, and naming for you; it means learning to respect and use your own
brains and instincts; hence, grappling with hard work." -  Adrienne Rich

"History can come in handy. If you were born yesterday, with no knowledge
of the past, you might easily accept whatever the government tells you.
But knowing a bit of history--while it would not absolutely prove the
government was lying in a given instance--might make you skeptical, lead
you to ask questions, make it more likely that you would find out the
truth." -  Howard Zinn

 "Forget the politicians. The politicians are put there to give you the
idea you have freedom of choice. You don't. You have no choice. You have
owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important
land, they own and control the corporations that've long since bought and
paid for, the senate, the congress, the state houses, the city halls,
they got the judges in their back pocket, and they own all the big media
companies so they control just about all of the news and the information
you get to hear. They got you by the balls.

They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying to get what they want.
Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for
everybody else. But I'll tell you what they don't want. They don't want a
population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don't want well
informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking. They're not
interested in that. That doesn't help them." - George Carlin

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Re: [LAAMN] Urgent call for help at Fukushima. Please sign petition!

2013-09-12 Thread scotpeden
Another Corporatocy. Screw the people, we're a Government that operates
for the best interests of Corporations. Out of curiosity, has the tear gas
started to flow down the streets yet? When we want to be heard that how we
know we're reaching those in charge, everything else is simply we're being

"Meanwhile, while 95% of the Japanese public believe that the situation at
Fukushima Daiichi is out of control, Prime Minister Abe focused his recent
energies on a final, and successful, push to secure the 2020 Olympic Games
for Tokyo."


> Urgent call for help at Fukushima. Sign petition!
> Concern is growing internationally not only at the apparently worsening
> situation at the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors — where
> hundreds of tons of radioactive water pour into the sea daily — but at
> the Japanese government’s lack of focus in dealing with the on-going
> catastrophe.
> Internationally, there is an increasingly more urgent call for Japan to
> invite and accept help from independent experts to deal with the
> leaking radioactive waste storage tanks at the site, and the complex
> challenge to divert the flow of ground water
> around, rather than through, the contaminated complex. (Fukushima workers
> pictured above).
> Environmental groups in Japan have launched a petition directed to Prime
> Minister, Shinzo Abe, Toshimitsu Motegi, Minister of Economy,
> Trade and Industry and Shunichi Tanaka, Chairman, Nuclear Regulatory
> Authority (NRA) demanding that they concentrate on the marine calamity
> and cease all activities related to restarting nuclear power plants in
> Japan or selling the technology abroad. Please sign this petition today!
> In recognizing that the technical challenges at the Fukushima Daiichi site
> are immense, the environmental groups, supported by many
> colleagues and activist groups around the world, are asking the Japanese
> government to “bring together the combined wisdom of independent
> experts with no vested interests from within Japan and internationally
> (i.e. domestic and international independent expertise)." 
> Meanwhile, while 95% of the Japanese public believe that the
> situation at Fukushima Daiichi is out of control, Prime Minister Abe
> focused his recent energies on a final, and successful, push to secure
> the 2020 Olympic Games for Tokyo. He used the selection of Tokyo as host
> city for the Games to state that 
> "that there has not been, is not now and will not be any health problems
> whatsoever," from the disaster, a position that is unsupportable in
> medical science. 
> Buried in the same news cycle was the decision by the Japanese courts not
> to prosecute TEPCO executives for their handling of the Fukushima
> disaster. Residents of Fukushima had filed a criminal complaint, and are
> insensed at this decision.
> In the US, 31 Fukushima-style reactors remain running — the
> antiquated and dangerous General Electric Mark I and Mark II boiling
> water reactors (BWRs). This notorious design was flagged in 1972 as too
> flawed to build, but the warnings were ignored. During Congressional
> testimony in 1976, three senior GE engineers who had publicly resigned,
> testified the design was “so dangerous that it now threatens the very
> existence of life on this planet.” 
> Shortly after the Fuksuhima Daiichi disaster began, Beyond Nuclear
> initiated its Freeze our Fukushimas campaign to call for the shutdown of
> all this country’s GE Mark I and II BWRs.
> While Japan now contemplates how it will permanently freeze a wall 90
> feet (30 meters) deep into the earth around the Fukushima wreckage to
> contain radioactivity migrating into water and the ocean, the focus must
> also be on permanently freezing the operation of all GE Mark I and Mark II
> reactors. 
> Beyond Nuclear continues its work in support of communities
> threatened by the GE reactors.  Join the actions for closure of
> dangerous GE reactors with the next live webcast on September 30,
> 2013 where the public meets the NRC. Contact Paul Gunter
> at p...@beyondnuclear.org to learn more and visit the Freeze our
> Fukushimas page on our website. You can also download our Freeze our
> Fukushimas campaign pamphlet that also lists all the Mark I and II
> reactor sites in the U.S.
> Sign petition at 
> https://fs220.xbit.jp/n362/form2/

LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 12 September, 2013

2013-09-12 Thread scotpeden
(excerpt) In other surveillance state news, Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer says
if she reveals how NSA spies on people through social media forums, she
would go to jail.  Some call it "The Land of the Free."




*The Syrian Rebels' top commander says he "categorically rejects the
Russian initiative
to put Syrian government chemical weapons under international control.
If indeed the Syrian government used chemical weapons against his side,
why wouldn't he want them removed?

*President Putin says the Syrian Rebels were behind the chemical attack,
with which they hoped to draw in the USA on their side, bombing Syrian
government forces.*



*Glenn Greenwald's latest

is that the NSA shares raw data on American citizens with Israel,
apparently illegally, since they likely don't have approval from the
FISA Court (it's all secret, so us peasants can't know).  We think this
is important because many of our readers work for Palestinian human
rights and could be targets of the Israeli government.

*In other surveillance state news, Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer says

if she reveals how NSA spies on people through social media forums, she
would go to jail.  Some call it "The Land of the Free."*


**Syria was targeted long before the 21 August chemical attack. There is
no question.  Foreign fighters, many aligned with al Qaeda and shooting
at American troops in recent years, have been in Syria for over two
years causing mayhem in an attempt to bring down the government.  The
Russians say that more than 70% of the "Syrian rebels" aren't actually
Syrian, but mainstream media report them as the "Syrian opposition."
The US has covertly supported them throughout.  It is one of those open
secrets, about which everybody knows the USA is behind it, but pretends
it isn't happening.

**Part of the ruse is maintained by having the funding and supply of the
insurgency provided through client states such as Saudi Arabia.

**Make no mistake about it, this war is not about chemical weapons, and
if all of the chemical weapons disappear tomorrow, another reason will
be conjured up.  The reason "weapons of mass destruction" is again being
used at all is that our war-mongering president is not very
imaginative.  He doesn't have to be, Obama has the entire mainstream
press to cover up his mistakes, as long as he serves the Empire's ruling
Forces of Greed over his citizens and the people of the planet  --Jack

  From Hiroshima to Syria, the Enemy Whose Name We Dare Not Speak

  The Biggest Lie 


*On my wall is the front page of /Daily Express/ of September 5, 1945
and the words: "I write this as a warning to the world." So began
Wilfred Burchett's report from Hiroshima. It was the scoop of the
century. For his lone, perilous journey that defied the US occupation
authorities, Burchett was pilloried, not least by his embedded
colleagues. He warned that an act of premeditated mass murder on an epic
scale had launched a new era of terror.*

*Almost every day now, he is vindicated. The intrinsic criminality of
the atomic bombing is borne out in the US National Archives and by the
subsequent decades of militarism camouflaged as democracy. The Syria
psychodrama exemplifies this. Yet again, we are held hostage to the
prospect of a terrorism whose nature and history even the most liberal
critics still deny. The great unmentionable is that humanity's most
dangerous enemy resides across the Atlantic.*

*John Kerry's farce and Barack Obama's pirouettes are temporary.
Russia's peace deal over chemical weapons will, in time, be treated with
the contempt that all militarists reserve for diplomacy. With Al-Qaida
now among its allies, and US-armed coupmasters secure in Cairo, the US
intends to crush the last independent states in the Middle East: Syria
first, then Iran. "This operation [in Syria]," said the former French
foreign minister Roland Dumas in June, "goes way back. It was prepared,
pre-conceived and planned."*

*When the public is "psychologically scarred", as the Channel 4 reporter
Jonathan Rugman described the British people's overwhelming hostility to
an attack on Syria, reinforcing the unmentionable is made urgent.
Whether or not Bashar al-Assad or the "rebels" used gas in the suburbs
of Damascus, it is the US n

[LAAMN] Why some Senators may want war on Syria

2013-09-11 Thread scotpeden
'Only' 83% more money then Senators that voted no?

And Geez, every Senator is already a Millionaire, they've been nothing but
Millionaires in the Senate for what, 30 years now? I bet Millionaires get
Great Representation


Senators who voted 'yes' for war on Syria got 83 percent more money from
defense contractors. Please sign this open letter:


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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2013-09-09 Thread scotpeden


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Thanks for subscribing.  -- The Editors

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[LAAMN] LUV News Sunday 8 Sept 2013

2013-09-08 Thread scotpeden
Obama honors Martin Luther King, one of the greatest anti war activists
ever, and then goes back to perpetual war 3 days later.



*Does anyone remember the John Kerry of 1971, when, newly returned from
Vietnam, he was a leader in the anti-war movement, and he spoke before a
to convince them that Vietnam was a debacle and that American
soldiers were torturing and slaughtering civilians left and right? What
happened to that John Kerry? What happened to the seeker of peace? Now he's
as extreme a warmonger as George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. Now, he's urging
the U.S. to bomb Syria. Now, he even admits that the imperial excursion
might call for ground troops .
*Who is this John Kerry? -LS*



[image: Pearl Harbor Not Actually an act of WAR... just a limited air
strike with no boots on the ground. (THINK ABOUT IT)]

*Cutting out the heart of your enemy and eating it? On tape? These are the
Kerry, McCain, et. al. want to cooperate with?? -LS



*The Obama administration continues to push for Larry Summers to head the
Summers was a major advocate of bank deregulation during the Clinton
administration, leading us to the economic crash of 2008 and the crimes of
bankers that continue to this day. But hey, no problem -- what're a few
more million people out of work and out of homes, as long as the rich get
what they want? -LS*

*I've said it till I'm blue in the face: if a Republican were in the White
House now, the liberal establishment would be screaming bloody murder. But
because a Democrat is, there's a lot of coughing, harrumphing, shuffling
of feet, and looking the other way. It's hypocrisy. And it's indefensible. -
*Lisa Simeone 

What Happened to the Anti-War

By David Sirota 

*A mere 72 hours after President Obama delivered an encomium honoring the
life of Dr. Martin Luther King, he announced his intention to pound yet
another country with bombs.* *The oxymoron last week was noteworthy for how
little attention it received. Yes, a president memorialized an anti-war
activist who derided the U.S. government as “the greatest purveyor of
violence in the world.” Then that same president quickly proposed yet more
violence—this time in Syria.*

*Among a political press corps that rarely challenges the Washington
principle of “kill foreigners first, ask questions later,” almost nobody
mentioned the contradiction.* Even worse, as Congress now debates whether
to launch yet another military campaign in the Middle East, the anti-war
movement that Dr. King represented—and that so vigorously opposed the last
war—is largely silent. Sure, there have been a few perfunctory emails from
liberal groups, but there seems to be little prospect for mass protest,
raising questions about whether an anti-war movement even exists anymore.

*So what happened to that movement? The shorter answer is: It was a victim
of partisanship.*

That’s the conclusion that emerges from a recent study by professors at the
University of Michigan and Indiana University. *Evaluating surveys of more
than 5,300 anti-war protestors from 2007 to 2009, the researchers
discovered that the many protestors who self-identified as Democrats
“withdrew from anti-war protests when the Democratic Party achieved
electoral success” in the 2008 presidential election.*

Had there been legitimate reason to conclude that Obama’s presidency was
synonymous with the anti-war cause, this withdrawal might have been
understandable. But that’s not what happened—the withdrawal occurred even
as Obama was escalating the war in Afghanistan and intensifying drone wars
in places like Pakistan and Yemen.* The researchers thus conclude that
during the Bush years, many Democrats were not necessarily motivated to
participate in the anti-war movement because they oppose militarism and
war—they were instead “motivated to participate by anti-Republican

*Not surprisingly, this hyper-partisan outlook and the lack of a more
robust anti-war movement explain why political calculations rather than
moral questions are at the forefront of the Washington debate over a war
with Syria.*

In that Beltway back and forth, the national m

[LAAMN] Popular Resistance

2013-09-08 Thread scotpeden

Here's an update from today:

Voices From Syria Call For

By Staff,
September 7th, 2013

Over the past 2 days, the PopularResistance.org Facebook page has filled
with pleas from people in Syria for the US to not attack them. It is
important for us to hear their voices and to recognize that we are all
people and we are all connected. If you haven’t called your member of
Congress, please do so now. You can call the switchboard at 202-224-3121
and ask to be connected to your member’s office. It only takes a moment.
Tell the receptionist that you oppose any violence against Syria. Better
yet, you can take the Peace Pledge and let your member know that you will
not vote for them if they vote for violence and violation of international
law by attacking a country that is not a threat to the
Protests Around The World Against War In

By Staff, www.PopularResistance.org 
September 7th, 2013
[image: Syria war build on

Protests were held across the globe on Saturday to demonstrate against a
US-led strike on Syria, as world leaders ask Washington to wait for the
results of a UN report before taking military action. Demonstrators
chanted, “They say more war; we say no war” and carried signs reading that
war on Syria would be “Built on a
Russian Warships Cross Bosphorus, En Route To

By Staff,
September 7th, 2013
[image: 1 russian

“Three Russian warships crossed Turkey’s Bosphorus Strait Thursday en route
to the eastern Mediterranean, near the Syrian coast, amid concern in the
region over potential US-led strikes in response to the Damascus regime’s
alleged use of chemical weapon[...]Moscow vehemently opposes the US-led
plans for military action against the regime of Syrian President Bashar
Assad in response to the chemical attack outside Damascus last month.
Russian President Vladimir Putin warned on Wednesday that any US Congress
approval for a military strike against Syria without UN consensus would
represent an
Veteran Intelligence Professionals For Sanity Warn Obama On Syrian

By Veteran Intelligence Professionals For Sanity,
September 7th, 2013
[image: 1 obama

We regret to inform you that some of our former co-workers are telling us,
categorically, that contrary to the claims of your administration, the most
reliable intelligence shows that Bashar al-Assad was NOT responsible for
the chemical incident that killed and injured Syrian civilians on August
21, and that British intelligence officials also know this. In writing this
brief report, we choose to assume that you have not been fully informed
because your advisers decided to afford you the opportunity for what is
commonly known as “plausible denial.” We have been down this road before –
with President George W. Bush, to whom we addressed our first VIPS

[LAAMN] War, there are no other choices, we are assured dipolomatically

2013-09-07 Thread scotpeden
"The strength of a civilization is not measured by its ability to fight
wars, but rather by its ability to prevent them." - Gene Roddenberry

"Next the statesmen will invent cheap lies, putting the blame upon the
nation that is attacked, and every man will be glad of those
conscience-soothing falsities, and will diligently study them, and refuse
to examine any refutations of them." - Mark Twain (1835-1910), American
author and satirist

"Lying and war are always associated. Listen closely when you hear a
war-maker try to defend his current war: If he moves his lips he's lying."
- Philip Berrigan (1923-2002), American peace activist and former Roman
Catholic priest

"If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American
president would have been hanged."  - Noam Chomsky

"War is the health of a totalitarian state. And peace is its disease." -
Norman Mailer

"We must make clear to the Germans that the wrong for which their fallen
leaders are on trial is not that they lost the war, but that they started
it." - Robert H. Jackson was the chief United States prosecutor at the
Nuremberg Trials.

"To initiate a war of aggression, therefore, is not only an international
crime; it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war
crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the
whole." Robert H. Jackson was the chief United States prosecutor at the
Nuremberg Trials.

"Understand that all battles are waged on an unconscious level before they
are begun on the conscious one, and this battle is no different. The power
structure wishes us to believe that the only options available are those
which they present to us, we know this is simply not true, and therefore
we must redefine the terrain of this conflict, and clearly, it is a
conflict of worldviews and agendas." - Teresa Stover

"The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by
his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about
them." -  George Orwell

"When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses
over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker
a raving lunatic." Dresden James.

"The term propaganda rings melodramatic and exaggerated, but a press
that-whether from fear, careerism, or conviction-uncritically recites
false government claims and reports them as fact, or treats elected
officials with a reverence reserved for royalty, cannot be accurately
described as engaged in any other function." - Glenn Greenwald

"The greatest threat to peace is the barrage of rightist propaganda
portraying war as decent, honorable, and patriotic." - Jeannette Rankin

"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and
opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society.
Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of societyconstitute an
invisible government which is the true ruling power of our
country."-Edward Bernays, Propaganda

"It is possible to "regiment the public mind every bit as much as an army
regiments their bodies." These new techniques of regimentation of minds,
he said, had to be used by the intelligent minorities in order to make
sure that the slobs stay on the right course. We can do it now because we
have these new techniques." - Noam Chomsky

"The use of large-scale military force in volatile regions of
underdeveloped countries is difficult to do right, has major unintended
consequences and rarely turns out to be quick, effective, controlled and
short lived." - Dennis Cutler Blair - Former United States Director of
National Intelligence and is a retired United States Navy admiral.

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[LAAMN] Opposition to war looking strong in the House

2013-09-07 Thread scotpeden

Here Margaret Flowers and my (Kevin Zeese) latest:

The Public Has Never Stopped a President from Going to War Before, But That
Might Be About to Change with Syria
Take part in a historic moment—stop a war!



*Shift Wealth:** Economic Democracy*
*Its Our Economy *
*Build power and resistance
Popular Resistance*
*(www.PopularResistance.org )
Democratize the Media
Clearing the FOG (Forces of Greed)
Radio (http://www.ClearingTheFOGRadio.org )*
*Video (http://www.ustream.tv/itsoureconomy)** *

On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 3:29 PM, Lindy Greene

> **
> Interesting. The ANSWER Coalition called for a protest at the location. He
> can bully nations but can't face protesters.
> - Original Message -
> *From:* Kim Kaufman 
> *To:* libertyundergroundt...@yahoogroups.com
> *Sent:* Friday, September 06, 2013 10:53 AM
> *Subject:* RE: [libertyundergroundtalk] Opposition to war looking strong
> in the House
>  Thanks Kevin. 
> " Obama is coming back early, cancelling his LA speech to the AFL-CIO."***
> *
> Wow, I didn't know about this speech . We were planning a protest at a
> fundraiser we knew about which he, obviously, also canceled. 
> " We should plan on aggressively focusing on the non-solid opponents of
> the war next Wednesday to make sure they move in our direction when the
> pressure starts to come from the leadership." 
> We can start now to rebrand these people who might think about voting for
> it. Threatening primaries? Start by rebranding Pelosi. She has lost any
> possible "progressive" cred she might have once had. Can we totally
> disgrace her so she can't run again as House Leader?  The worst of this
> bunch is Keith Ellison, co-chair of Progressive Caucus, who is totally for
> it. There was an article a few days ago the Black Caucus has been told by
> leadership - Marcia Fudge - to keep quiet about Syria. 
> *Kim*
> *"The next economy will be defined by the struggle to get there."  Kevin
> Zeese*
> *From:* libertyundergroundt...@yahoogroups.com [mailto:
> libertyundergroundt...@yahoogroups.com] *On Behalf Of *Kevin Zeese
> *Sent:* Friday, September 06, 2013 10:38 AM
> *To:* libertyundergroundt...@yahoogroups.com
> *Subject:* Re: [libertyundergroundtalk] Opposition to war looking strong
> in the House
> Kim
> I was thinking the same thing.  Below is what I sent out to various peace
> groups and peace lists about next steps.
> KZ
> We're doing well in the early phase of the whip counts, really well. Fire
> Dog Lake has us with majority support
> the "no war" side.   A lot of our support is not solid so we have work to
> do to get them solidly opposed to this war.
> Obama is coming back early, cancelling his LA speech to the AFL-CIO. He
> was an hour late to G20 dinner last night because he was lobbying
> legislators -- so he is fighting hard for this war. 
> The next key point will be Tuesday night when he makes a speech to the
> nation to try and convince the public and legislators to join him in
> attacking Syria.
> We need people prepared to tweet, Facebook and social network responses to
> correct his lies and falsehoods and keep the pressure up; as well as
> generate lots of phone calls opposing the war immediately the next day.  In
> our tweets and social network work we need to make sure key media hears our
> view.  
> We should not underestimate him.  He is pretty powerful communicator, with
> a large megaphone who is capable of getting people to hear what they want
> in his voice and support his position.
> Pelosi has also not started one-on-one meetings with legislators to
> convince them to join the pro-war side. She is also a very tough opponent
> who is persuasive with legislators. 
> We should plan on aggressively focusing on the non-solid opponents of the
> war next Wednesday to make sure they move in our direction when the
> pressure starts to come from the leadership. 
> We should all be planning how to respond quickly to his speech so momentum
> does not switch against us.
> KZ
> KZ
> *@KBZeese*
> *Shift Wealth:** Economic Democracy*
> *Its Our Economy *
> *(www.ItsOurEconomy.US)*
> *Build power and resistance**
> **Popular Resistance*
> *(**www.PopularResistance.org **)**
> **Democratize the Media**
> **Clearing the FOG (Forces of Greed)**
> **Radio (http://www.ClearingTheFOGRadio.org
> )***

[LAAMN] News from The Hill: Congressional veterans line up against military action in Syria

2013-09-07 Thread scotpeden

" Congressional veterans line up against military action in Syria"

see below for full story.

"The next economy will be defined by the struggle to get there."  Kevin

News from The Hill:

Congressional veterans line up against military action in Syria
By Carlo Muñoz

The majority of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans serving in Congress are lining
up against President Obama's plan for military action in Syria.

Of the 16 veterans of those two conflicts serving in Congress, only GOP
Reps. Adam Kinzinger (Ill.) and Tom Cotton (Ark.) have publicly supported
the White House's plan.

Read the story here.


For all the latest news:
Visit TheHill.com

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[LAAMN] The only part of Government that actually listens

2013-09-07 Thread scotpeden

And they could hear that shop keeper from right inside his online store!


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[LAAMN] Timeline of Military-Intelligence Operation: U.S. Had Planned Syrian Civilian Catastrophe Since 2007

2013-09-07 Thread scotpeden
Here is some data, with verifiable links should anyone be interested in
facts. You may have to use the URL to see it on it's web site to use the
imbedded links.

So much for those who have stated the USA has no reasons or desires to
over throw one more nation.


 Original Message 

Timeline of Military-Intelligence Operation: U.S. Had Planned Syrian
Civilian Catastrophe Since 2007

By Tony Cartalucci 
Global Research, September 04, 2013
Land Destroyer

Region: Middle East & North Africa

Theme: US NATO War Agenda

In-depth Report: SYRIA: NATO'S NEXT WAR?

Mideast Syria
NBC News’ report, “‘The great tragedy of this century’: More than 2
million refugees forced out of Syria

More than 2 million Syrians have poured into neighboring countries
as refugees, the United Nations revealed on Tuesday.

Around 5,000 people per day are fleeing the three-year conflict,
which the U.N. says has already claimed over 100,000 lives.

“Syria has become the great tragedy of this century — a disgraceful
humanitarian calamity with suffering and displacement unparalleled
in recent history,” said António Guterres,  the U.N.’s high
commissioner responsible for refugees.

But, while the UN and nations across the West feign shock over the
growing humanitarian catastrophe unfolding in and around Syria, the goal
of a violent sectarian conflict and its predictable, catastrophic
results along with calls to literally “bleed” Syria have been the
underlying strategy of special interests in the United States, Israel,
Saudi Arabia and their regional partners since at least 2007.

*A Timeline: How the Syrian Conflict Really Unfolded *

Western media networks have ensured that a singular narrative of
“pro-democracy” uprisings turning violent in the face of brutal
oppression by the Syrian government after the so-called “Arab Spring” is
disseminated across the public. In reality, “pro-democracy” protesters
served as a tenuous smokescreen behind which armed foreign-backed
extremists took to the streets and countrysides of Syria to execute a
sectarian bloodbath years in the making. Here is a timeline that
illuminates the true cause of Syria’s current conflict and the foreign
interests, not the Syrian government, responsible for the tens of
thousands dead and millions displaced during the conflict.

*1991:* Paul Wolfowitz, then Undersecretary of Defense, tells US Army
General Wesley Clark that the US has 5-10 years to “clean up those old
Soviet client regimes, Syria, Iran, Iraq, before the next great
superpower comes on to challenge us.” Fora.TV: Wesley Clark at the
Commonwealth Club of California, October 3, 2007

*2001:* A classified plot is revealed to US Army General Wesley Clark
that the US plans to attack and destroy the governments of 7 nations:
Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya Somalia, Sudan, and Iran. Fora.TV: Wesley
Clark at the Commonwealth Club of California, October 3, 2007

*2002*: US Under Secretary of State John Bolton declares Syria a member
of the “Axis of Evil” and warned that “the US would take action.”
“US Expands ‘Axis of Evil’” May 6, 2002

*2005*: US State Department’s National Endowment for Democracy organizes
and implements the “Cedar Revolution” in Lebanon directly aimed at
undermining Syrian-Iranian influence in Lebanon in favor of
Western-backed proxies, most notably Saad Hariri’s political faction.
Counterpunch: “Faking the Case Against Syria,” by Trish Schuh November
19-20, 2005

/*Image*: Via Color Revolutions and Geopolitics
“As illustrated by the images above, Lebanon’s so-called [2005] Cedar
Revolution was an expensive, highly-professional production.” (click
image to enlarge) /


*2005*: Ziad Abdel Nour, an associate of Bush Administrat

[LAAMN] LUV News Sat 7 Sept 2013

2013-09-07 Thread scotpeden


 [image: We cannot allow Syrians to bomb Syria, because either we get to
bomb Syria or no one does.]

  *If I had a dollar for every person who told me that unless Obama were
re-elected the world would come to an end, I'd be rich. How's that working
out for ya, folks? How's Mr. Nobel Peace Prize working out for ya? Record
unemployment ,
NSA snooping on an unparalleled
evisceration of the Bill of
disregard of international
increasingly militarized police, union suppression, more abortion
restrictions nationwide, give-aways of public lands to corporations for
rushing through of the TPP , continuing
drone-bombing of civilians in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia,
ignoring of the lessons of the 2008 economic crash by allowing banks to
continue their practices unregulated and by pushing for Larry Summers to
head the
in other words, lies
on top of lies on top of lies , and a
complacent liberal establishment that's just fine with all of the above now
that a Democrat is in the White House. *

* *

*How do you like this new drive to war in
Bomb, bomb, bomb, that's the name of the game! And nobody plays it better
than the U.S. What do you think of your Fearless Leader aligning himself
with John McCain ? And
the fact that even the U.S. military is opposed to this
And who's going to pay for it? Kerry says the oil sheiks of Saudi
Gee, where have we heard that before? And you think Israel has nothing to
do with this?  How
about money
and oil and natural
Have you asked yourself any of these questions?*

* *

*If you think this is about "humanitarian" goals, you're dangerously
deluded and should be prevented from doing further harm to yourself and the
rest of us. And if you still can't admit that you were wrong about your
Fearless Leader, then maybe you should take a trip down memory lane to a
lesson you should've learned in your youth -- there's no shame in being
wrong, only in refusing to acknowledge it. Admit it, right it, and try to
do better in the future. But for god's sake, quit trying to defend the

* *

*As for signing petitions, that's all well and good, but unless you've
picked up the phone and called your Senators and Congressional reps, you
haven't done anything. Be prepared to be put on hold; they're getting
swamped. But they're listening. Just do
And if you really want to get their attention, join one of the thousands of
protests going on all over the
You marched when Bush was in office. Are you going to sit on your hands
now?  -LS*



 *No, the economy is not getting better. I don't care how many bloviating
corporate and media talking heads claim it is; it's not. If you have a job,
and a home, count yourself lucky. Millions of fellow Americans don't share
your good fortune . -LS*



*Barrett Brown is an American journalist. He's in jail. For speech. He's
not the only
And now he's being even further
This is the Land of the Free in action. This is what your government is
doing. You oughtta at least know about it. Then agai

[LAAMN] It doesn't take a genius

2013-09-06 Thread scotpeden
HEVERSION=1377789668162By Gilad Atzmon*

It doesn't take a genius to grasp that the American president doesn't really
want to attack Syria. He doesn't want to topple Assad's regime - He doesn't
have an alternative partner on the ground. Instead of 'Shock and Awe' this
time the Pentagon is talking about 'surgical attack'. The English speaking
empire, famous for its destructive inclinations, makes the potential attack
on Syria sound like a 'cosmetic effort'. No one in America, Britain, France
or Israel is yet to suggest what is the goal of such an attack. What are the
military initiatives? But the most crucial question is what could be the
positive outcome of such a military assault? I guess that we have to admit
that Obama's administration is almost as confused as the situation on the
ground is.

It seems as if in a relatively short time, the American administration has
managed to fall into every possible trap. It is now affiliated as well as
conflicting with Al-Qaeda (assuming there is such a thing), Wahhabi
war-mongers, Salafi terrorists, the Muslim Brotherhood and their enemies -
the Arab seculars and nationalist revolutionary forces. America has tried to
appease them all, but it obviously failed in every possible front.  Dropping
bombs on Syria is not going to provide the goods either. A 'surgical'
assault on Damascus is not going to appease America's Wahhabi partners, it
may even achieve the opposite. I guess that time is ripe for Obama to
re-examine America's entire interventionist doctrine, but can he?  Can an
American leader think for himself? Can an American leader think for America?
Can an American leader think at all, or is he or her just reacting to Lobby

 Click to read more ...

. Gilad Atzmon is a former Jew and former Israeli who was in the
Israeli military invasion when it first invaded Lebanon under the command of
Ariel Sharon.

It has been pointed out to me that most of those most ardently demanding war
on Syria are ethnically Jewish and ardently pro-Israeli. Senator Levin,
Senator Feinstein, and Secretary of State John Kerry (though not religiously
Jewish his paternal family name was originally Kohn). The "evidence"
consists of tissue and hair samples proffered by Israel's spy agency, the
Mossad, simultaneous to the attack near Damascus. These samples are not
reliable since there is no independent third party confirmation of their
provenance. Israel has  a very advanced chemical weapons production
facility. It would be very easy for them to fake evidence and plant it to
bring the US into the conflict as Israel did with Iraq and has tried to do
with Iran. Israel is a direct party to the conflict having bombed Syria
several times since the first of the year. Israel wants more territory. It
presently holds the Golan Heights which is part of Syria. It presently holds
the West Bank which it took form Jordan. It has invaded Lebanon twice and
inflicted massive amounts of civilian casualties but has been repelled by
Hezbollah paramilitaries who have supported Syria in its war against the
western supported terrorists.

Israel is fronted in the US by AIPAC which is the most well-funded and
powerful interest group in Washington. Israel covets territory in southern
Lebanon and in western Iraq which it needs to further its colonial
expansion. It has been inexorable in its relentless pursuit of ethnic
cleansing of the indigenous Palestinian population and seizing their farms
and homes to build Jewish only colonial enclaves. They need the US military
might to overthrow the Syrian government and wipe out Hezbollah so Israel
can further its agenda.

BTW, The man who is most ardently opposing the attack on Syria is also
Jewish but is not a pawn of AIPAC. That man is Alan Grayson, the progressive
Democratic Congressman from Florida.

LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 6 September, 2013

2013-09-06 Thread scotpeden



*Dennis Kucinich proposes the "Top 10 Unproven Claims for War Against
showing that the "evidence," as the Obama regime calls it, for attacking
Syria, isn't there.

*Even the /NY Times/ is cracking, showing a split in the ruling Forces
of Greed , as they published a story and
video of Syrian rebels brutally executing Syrian soldiers, straying from
the US mainstream media line that rebels are wholesome humanitarians
deserving of support.  Other media abroad cite the ruthlessness of the
terrorists unleashed on the people of Syria who've been caught murdering
those who disagree with their ethnic or religious beliefs, including
Kurds, Christians and Shiahs. Robert Fisk of /the Independent/ says
 "If Barack Obama
decides to attack the Syrian regime, he has ensured -- for the very
first time in history -- that the United States will be on the same side
as al-Qa'ida."

*Because facts are starting to get out, and public pressure is on them,
Congress is moving away from supporting a war
the Syrian people. The numbers change by the hour, but at this writing,
there are 44 expected "yes" votes, 217 expected "no" votes, and 172

*The Green Shadow Cabinet, representing the will of the American people
to avoid another war, asks that people take action



*"The National Security Agency is winning its long-running secret war on
encryption, using supercomputers, technical trickery, court orders and
behind-the-scenes persuasion to undermine the major tools protecting the
privacy of everyday communications in the Internet age, according to
newly disclosed documents," begins a report by /Pro Publica/

this morning. Supporting documents come from Edward Snowden, who shows
how spooks get around encryption to see what you are doing.

*Glenn Greenwald's latest elaborates.
you think you are protected by an encryption program, you are probably
fooling yourself.  The more ethical publishers have quit the business
after being asked to give their secrets to the NSA.  Those still selling
encryption software probably have been compromised.



*"Police in 11 cities across the United States arrested at least 100
people protesting outside Walmart stores Thursday, organizers said. The
demonstrators were calling for higher wages and the reinstatement of
workers fired after participating in a June strike against the company,"
begins an /al Jazeera/ piece

this morning.*

**Thank you to all who are feverishly attempting to influence their
Member of Congress to oppose war on the people of Syria
--Jack Balkwill



*How to Stop Obama's Military Aggression Against Syria


*Paul Craig Roberts*

*Many are asking what can be done to stop the pending US attack on Syria.*

*Two things can be done.*

*One is for the US Congress to realize that it does not save America's
face for Congress **to endorse a policy that has been rejected by the
rest of the world, including Washington's closest ally, Great Britain.
For Congress to endorse what the UN Secretary General and the President
of Russia have made unequivocally clear would be a war crime under
international law harms, not rescues, America's reputation. Doing the
wrong thing to save face does not succeed.*

*In the event that Congress fails to understand the real stakes and
votes to support a criminal action, the second thing that can be done to
stop the attack is for most other countries in the world--China, India,
Japan, Brazil, Australia, Canada, Iran, South Africa, the European and
South American countries--to add their clear unequivocal statements to
those of the UN General Secretary and President Putin that an American
attack on Syria that is not authorized by the UN Security Council is a
war crime.

*Expression by the governments of the world of this truthful statement
would make it clear to Washington that it is isolated from the world

*For Obama to proceed in an act of aggression in the face of united
opposition would destroy all infl

[LAAMN] Top 10 Unproven Claims for War Against Syria. By Dennis Kucinich]

2013-09-06 Thread scotpeden

In the lead-up to the Iraq War, I researched, wrote and circulated a
 to members of Congress which explored unanswered questions and refuted
President Bush's claim for a cause for war. The document detailed how there
was no proof Iraq was connected to 9/11 or tied to al Qaeda's role in 9/11,
that Iraq neither had WMDs nor was it a threat to the U.S., lacking
intention and capability to attack. Unfortunately, not enough members of
Congress performed due diligence before they approved the war.

Here are some key questions which President Obama has yet to answer in the
call for congressional approval for war against Syria. This article is a
call for independent thinking and congressional oversight, which rises
above partisan considerations.

The questions the Obama administration needs to answer before Congress can
even consider voting on Syria:


Claim 1: The administration claims a chemical weapon was used.

The UN inspectors are still completing their independent evaluation.

Who provided the physiological samples of sarin gas on which your
evaluation is based? Were any other non-weaponized chemical agents
discovered or sampled?

Who from the United States was responsible for the chain of custody?

Where was the laboratory analysis conducted?

Were U.S. officials present during the analysis of the samples? Does your
sample show military grade or lower grade sarin gas?

Can you verify that your sample matches the exact composition of the
alleged Syrian government composition?

Further reading: Brown Moses blog; McClatchy News report; Global Research

Claim 2: The administration claims the opposition has not used chemical

Which opposition?

Are you speaking of a specific group, or all groups working in Syria to
overthrow President Assad and his government?

Has your administration independently and categorically dismissed the
reports of rebel use of chemical weapons which have come from such
disparate sources as Russia, the United Nations and the Turkish state

Have you investigated the rumors that the Saudis may have supplied the
rebels with chemicals that could be weaponized?

Has the administration considered the ramifications of inadvertently
supporting al Qaeda-affiliated Syrian rebels?

Was any intelligence received in the last year by the U.S. government
indicating that sarin gas was brought into Syria by rebel factions, with
or without the help of a foreign government or intelligence agents?

Further reading: Global Research report; Wall Street Journal article;
Reuters story; Zaman story (in Turkish -- see Google Translate from
Turkish to English); Atlantic Sentinel story; AP story

Claim 3: The administration claims chemical weapons were used because the
regime's conventional weapons were insufficient.

Who is responsible for the conjecture that the reason chemical weapons
were used against the Damascus suburbs is that Assad's conventional
weapons were insufficient to secure "large portions of Damascus"?

Claim 4: The administration claims to have intelligence relating to the
mixing of chemical weapons by regime elements.

Who saw the chemical weapons being mixed from Aug. 18 on?

Was any warning afforded to the Syria opposition and if not, why not?

If, on Aug. 21 a "regime element" was preparing for a chemical weapons
attack, has an assessment been made which could definitively determine
whether such preparation (using gas masks) was for purpose of defense, and
not offense?

Further reading: McClatchy report; Brown Moses blog.

Claim 5: The administration claims intelligence that Assad's brother
ordered the attack.

What is the type of and source of intelligence which alleges that Assad's
brother personally ordered the attack?

Who made the determination that Assad's brother ordered the attack, based
on which intelligence, from what source?

Further reading: AP story.

Claim 6: The administration claims poison gas was released in a rocket

Who was tracking the rocket and the artillery attack which preceded the
poison gas release?

Did these events occur simultaneously or consecutively?

Could these events, the rocket launches and the release of poison gas,
have been conflated?

Based upon the evidence, is it possible that a rocket attack by the Syrian
government was aimed at rebels stationed among civilians and a chemical
weapons attack was launched by rebels against the civilian population an
hour and a half later?

Is it possible that chemical weapons were released by the rebels --

Explain the 90-minute time interval between the rocket launch and chemical
weapon attacks.

Has forensic evidence been gathered at the scene of the attack which would
confirm the use of rockets to deliver the gas?

If there was a rocket launch would you supply evidence of wounds from the

[LAAMN] New Campaign Sep 5, 2013 at 5:56 PM

2013-09-05 Thread scotpeden
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Re: [LAAMN] Brutality Of Syrian Rebels Posing Dilemma In West

2013-09-05 Thread scotpeden
Several pertinent points this article doesn't come right out and say.

A) The Uncle, is NOT part of the Revolutionary group that started because
they wanted a more democratic country. This man has nothing to do with

This man, is part of the terrorists running through the country side, whom
McCain came and visited, and is on a human crimes list, but McCain managed
to get him funding anyway after slipping into Syria from a visit to

The US is funding TERRORISTS, not Revolutionaries.

The USA does NOT want a better leadership or country for the Syrians, of
course the USA is not stating what it is they want, but many FOREIGN
factions and a religious minority in Syria will profit from the
destruction's of both Assad and the actual revolutionaries.

It's long past time to stop calling the American Funded Terrorists in
Syria, Revolutionaries or rebels, a rebel is someone who lives there and
rebels, these are foreigners or simply terrorists taking advantage of a
popular peoples movement.


> Brutality Of Syrian Rebels Posing Dilemma In West
> http://www.nytimes.com/2013/09/05/world/middleeast/brutality-of-syrian-rebels-pose-dilemma-in-west.html?_r=0

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Re: [LAAMN] Re: A US attack on Syria will Prolong the War

2013-09-05 Thread scotpeden
See, you change the subject, and muddy the subject, the SPECIFIC points I
am trying to make, then put words in my mouth I've never uttered and then
attack me for that.

No one was responding in any manner much negatively to you about this

Are you CIA or Airforce trained in disinformation? These are the tactic
they are taught to use and never veer from.

I'm not interested in going all over the place with you about this or
that, I had specific comments about a specific thing you and your marxist
group are doing.


> And what I have been saying for two and a half years that you and others
> can not get is it is just not the recent chemical attacks which I believe
> happened( what of the 100,000 killed and thousands injured and the
> displacement of millions by MIGS dropping cluster bombs, barrel bombs and
> Scud missiles, when your dead your dead it does not matter whether  its
> chemicals, bullets or Scuds ).
>  Even before the US and others made a issue but considering the brutality
> and repression by the Assad regime even before the 13 children in Darra
> wrote on the walls 2 and a half years ago "the people want the fall of the
> regime", they were arrested, tortured and some killed ( maybe you will say
> the CIA bought them the paint to do it next and they dying along with the
> others don't matter also because you want do save the fascist regime)
> rallies were held across the country and Assad released the dogs of war on
> them and that is how it started. NO CIA plot, no outside intervention
> other
> than Iran, Russia and Chinese imperialism. Of which you seemed to support.
> On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 10:18 AM,  wrote:
>> Once again, you ad homenim.
>> The subject I continuously bring up is always avoided, insistence that
>> no
>> other data is pertinent, that no one else has anything to gain except
>> Assad in the gassing of the Syrian People.
>> It is Party Line right out of your Marxists Groups, and it is delivering
>> the same results that Obama and the MSM desire, that we bomb Syria
>> because
>> they did this, when the proof, form Investigations form the UN and
>> Russia
>> and others that people discount because of their names, will not be
>> looked
>> at.
>> Also what isn't looked at is that if the MSM carry's the drums of war,
>> if
>> one is holding up the MSM's and US Governments 'facts' while
>> investigations are being suppressed by those same sources, one should
>> check their data sources if you find your marching along with them.
>> I no longer can take on face value, your Party Line missives for that
>> reason alone, yours for the reason that no discussion of an issue
>> occurs,
>> it all comes back to pointed remarks at any poster that wants to discuss
>> something, not just me, you added Arhata in this as an attempt to shame
>> them.
>> Scott
>> >  Scott
>> >
>> > You certainly have not payed attention to my posts of  2 1/2 years on
>> > Syria, if you have come to this wacky conclusion of yours. One can be
>> > against the crimes of the Assad fascist regime and still be against
>> all
>> > imperialists interventions but it seems to be rocket science to you
>> and
>> > others. You can turn a blind eye to them if you like but not I.
>> >
>> >
>> > On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 10:06 PM,  wrote:
>> >
>> >> Yes, I noted your a Marxist. I may have wrongly slandered someone
>> else
>> >> whom I thought was a Socialist, they used the same sources and the
>> same
>> >> tactics with anyone who tried to have a discussion about data other
>> then
>> >> your emotionally packed has to be true Assad did it, cause your
>> sources
>> >> supported the same things the MSM did, which was the desires of Obama
>> >> and
>> >> the MIC.
>> >>
>> >> I now know more about your philosophy from the posted about Syria
>> then I
>> >> knew before, and I'm sad to say I'm not any more endeared form you
>> then
>> >> the Socialists that insisted on posting uncertain details as hard
>> facts
>> >> whose only purpose can be to sanction the US killing more Syrians,
>> >> because
>> >> Obama said, use gas and I'll bomb you, so gas was used. Oh yes, it
>> has
>> >> to
>> >> be Assad, no other discussion allowed.
>> >>
>> >> Sorry, this only means I have to fact check everything you post just
>> as
>> >> if
>> >> it was the MSM, as the agenda of the MSM/MIC was identical to what
>> your
>> >> Marxists Groups were achieving.
>> >>
>> >> Seriously, I thought if either you or the Socialists who posted the
>> same
>> >> exact things you did, who use the same tactics in replying to those
>> who
>> >> present other views or want a discussion about the oddities and
>> >> uncertainties being listed as positive known facts, that you were the
>> >> type
>> >> that would go Huh? Our actions are supporting Western Imperialism in
>> >> this
>> >> case? Could we not have all the data or has someone got us on a leash
>> >> and
>> >> we didn't notice?
>> >>
>> >> Nope... not a hint of that.
>> >>
>> >>

Re: [LAAMN] Re: A US attack on Syria will Prolong the War

2013-09-05 Thread scotpeden

You do so well making my points about ad hominem and straw man arguments.
You redefine what I said and attack me for that, you have yet to discuss
any of the points I brought up.

Not once have I tried to protect Assad, I have made half a dozen posts
about what I think of him, but I am not protecting and supporting the
Western Imperialist and the Corporate valuable profits as your actions
are. You continuously protect sources that would allow any data other then
the Main Stream media, the Military Industrial Complex, the CIA's point of
view to be seen and only their solutions to be implemented.

Not only that your Marxist forwards show that is what your leadership
wants too.

You keep putting forth no one else is doing anything other then Assad.
there are 10 reports to your one showing that is false, and the only
agreements you get is from Obama's backers.

You are saying out of one side of your mouth your agasint war and then
defending the Warmongers data since it is rewritten to fit your Marxist
point of view, while still only violent solution's can come from your
initial actions.

I once found it incredible that you weren't responding to the points I was
making about the data as a whole, what we had, and your refusal to look at
other points of view. No longer, your actions speak loudest.

I shall look at all you post with the same suspicions of 'who profits'
from your posts as I do from the MSM's point of view and the Corporatists
and Imperialists point of view.


> *Neither, but you sure are fighting hard to protect the fascist Assad. *
> On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 1:17 PM,  wrote:
>> See, you change the subject, and muddy the subject, the SPECIFIC points
>> I
>> am trying to make, then put words in my mouth I've never uttered and
>> then
>> attack me for that.
>> No one was responding in any manner much negatively to you about this
>> subject.
>> Are you CIA or Airforce trained in disinformation? These are the tactic
>> they are taught to use and never veer from.
>> I'm not interested in going all over the place with you about this or
>> that, I had specific comments about a specific thing you and your
>> marxist
>> group are doing.
>> Scott
>> > And what I have been saying for two and a half years that you and
>> others
>> > can not get is it is just not the recent chemical attacks which I
>> believe
>> > happened( what of the 100,000 killed and thousands injured and the
>> > displacement of millions by MIGS dropping cluster bombs, barrel bombs
>> and
>> > Scud missiles, when your dead your dead it does not matter whether
>> its
>> > chemicals, bullets or Scuds ).
>> >
>> >  Even before the US and others made a issue but considering the
>> brutality
>> > and repression by the Assad regime even before the 13 children in
>> Darra
>> > wrote on the walls 2 and a half years ago "the people want the fall of
>> the
>> > regime", they were arrested, tortured and some killed ( maybe you will
>> say
>> > the CIA bought them the paint to do it next and they dying along with
>> the
>> > others don't matter also because you want do save the fascist regime)
>> > rallies were held across the country and Assad released the dogs of
>> war
>> on
>> > them and that is how it started. NO CIA plot, no outside intervention
>> > other
>> > than Iran, Russia and Chinese imperialism. Of which you seemed to
>> support.
>> >
>> >
>> > On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 10:18 AM,  wrote:
>> >
>> >> Once again, you ad homenim.
>> >>
>> >> The subject I continuously bring up is always avoided, insistence
>> that
>> >> no
>> >> other data is pertinent, that no one else has anything to gain except
>> >> Assad in the gassing of the Syrian People.
>> >>
>> >> It is Party Line right out of your Marxists Groups, and it is
>> delivering
>> >> the same results that Obama and the MSM desire, that we bomb Syria
>> >> because
>> >> they did this, when the proof, form Investigations form the UN and
>> >> Russia
>> >> and others that people discount because of their names, will not be
>> >> looked
>> >> at.
>> >>
>> >> Also what isn't looked at is that if the MSM carry's the drums of
>> war,
>> >> if
>> >> one is holding up the MSM's and US Governments 'facts' while
>> >> investigations are being suppressed by those same sources, one should
>> >> check their data sources if you find your marching along with them.
>> >>
>> >> I no longer can take on face value, your Party Line missives for that
>> >> reason alone, yours for the reason that no discussion of an issue
>> >> occurs,
>> >> it all comes back to pointed remarks at any poster that wants to
>> discuss
>> >> something, not just me, you added Arhata in this as an attempt to
>> shame
>> >> them.
>> >>
>> >> Scott
>> >>
>> >> >  Scott
>> >> >
>> >> > You certainly have not payed attention to my posts of  2 1/2 years
>> on
>> >> > Syria, if you have come to this wacky conclusion of yours. One can
>> be
>> >> > against the crimes of the Assad fascist regime and still be ag

Re: [LAAMN] Re: A US attack on Syria will Prolong the War

2013-09-05 Thread scotpeden
Again, change of subject...along with a personal attack. No one disputed
that a gas attack had occurred.

Many people and more reports after the initial ones which spread as only
the Corporate media can spread them, and other then the Empires people,
all other sources kept finding new data as investigations were done.

You, and those whose stuff you forward, along with the Empire your actions
in this are serving, refuse to look at anything other then what fits your

Simply posting that you think I'm a Tea party Mole shows how little
research you do, apparently none, as your actions show rather consistently
you only forward and defend what your told to.


> The LCC's in Syria confirmed these chemical attacks( and as I said I have
> been against Assad fascism for over 21/2 years and have condemn them for
> their killing and repression machine) before any Western country said
> anything and they get no support from any outside group and they are
> against intervention by all imperialists and sub imperialists on all
> sides.
> And I think you are Tea Party mole and work for  intel yourself, your anti
> communism keeps showing.
> You know I don't support the US and any other imperialist intervention but
> you continue to lie and slander.
> Cort
> On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 3:51 PM,  wrote:
>> Cort,
>> You do so well making my points about ad hominem and straw man
>> arguments.
>> You redefine what I said and attack me for that, you have yet to discuss
>> any of the points I brought up.
>> Not once have I tried to protect Assad, I have made half a dozen posts
>> about what I think of him, but I am not protecting and supporting the
>> Western Imperialist and the Corporate valuable profits as your actions
>> are. You continuously protect sources that would allow any data other
>> then
>> the Main Stream media, the Military Industrial Complex, the CIA's point
>> of
>> view to be seen and only their solutions to be implemented.
>> Not only that your Marxist forwards show that is what your leadership
>> wants too.
>> You keep putting forth no one else is doing anything other then Assad.
>> there are 10 reports to your one showing that is false, and the only
>> agreements you get is from Obama's backers.
>> You are saying out of one side of your mouth your agasint war and then
>> defending the Warmongers data since it is rewritten to fit your Marxist
>> point of view, while still only violent solution's can come from your
>> initial actions.
>> I once found it incredible that you weren't responding to the points I
>> was
>> making about the data as a whole, what we had, and your refusal to look
>> at
>> other points of view. No longer, your actions speak loudest.
>> I shall look at all you post with the same suspicions of 'who profits'
>> from your posts as I do from the MSM's point of view and the
>> Corporatists
>> and Imperialists point of view.
>> Scott
>> > *Neither, but you sure are fighting hard to protect the fascist Assad.
>> *
>> >
>> >
>> > On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 1:17 PM,  wrote:
>> >
>> >> See, you change the subject, and muddy the subject, the SPECIFIC
>> points
>> >> I
>> >> am trying to make, then put words in my mouth I've never uttered and
>> >> then
>> >> attack me for that.
>> >>
>> >> No one was responding in any manner much negatively to you about this
>> >> subject.
>> >>
>> >> Are you CIA or Airforce trained in disinformation? These are the
>> tactic
>> >> they are taught to use and never veer from.
>> >>
>> >> I'm not interested in going all over the place with you about this or
>> >> that, I had specific comments about a specific thing you and your
>> >> marxist
>> >> group are doing.
>> >>
>> >> Scott
>> >>
>> >> > And what I have been saying for two and a half years that you and
>> >> others
>> >> > can not get is it is just not the recent chemical attacks which I
>> >> believe
>> >> > happened( what of the 100,000 killed and thousands injured and the
>> >> > displacement of millions by MIGS dropping cluster bombs, barrel
>> bombs
>> >> and
>> >> > Scud missiles, when your dead your dead it does not matter whether
>> >> its
>> >> > chemicals, bullets or Scuds ).
>> >> >
>> >> >  Even before the US and others made a issue but considering the
>> >> brutality
>> >> > and repression by the Assad regime even before the 13 children in
>> >> Darra
>> >> > wrote on the walls 2 and a half years ago "the people want the fall
>> of
>> >> the
>> >> > regime", they were arrested, tortured and some killed ( maybe you
>> will
>> >> say
>> >> > the CIA bought them the paint to do it next and they dying along
>> with
>> >> the
>> >> > others don't matter also because you want do save the fascist
>> regime)
>> >> > rallies were held across the country and Assad released the dogs of
>> >> war
>> >> on
>> >> > them and that is how it started. NO CIA plot, no outside
>> intervention
>> >> > other
>> >> > than Iran, Russia and Chinese imperialism. Of which yo

Re: [LAAMN] Re: A US attack on Syria will Prolong the War

2013-09-05 Thread scotpeden
Tich tich


Still no discussion of facts. I'm only seeing you forward an agenda, as a
poster, unwilling and or unable to discuss anything not on your agenda.

These are some of the endearing qualities of those that follow the
Democratic Corporate parties, the Republican Corporate parties, which
include the Tea Partiers, much less ANY Party that wants followers, and
can't bother to educate them or attract them by a policy that enables them
with the truth, as much of the truth as possible and no fear of opposing
views or additional data, as the world ages.

You just don't walk your talk and cannot or will not look at anything not
handed on from on high from your Marxist source. Seriously I'd thought I
was going to get a different education and find more qualities form you
and yours I might have felt kinship with.

Your hate for Assad is so great that you'd let a greater evil not only off
the hook, carry the message they demanded needed to be carried so they can
fell justified in carrying out more acts of terrorism agasint humanity.

Jsut one little discussion on additional facts, led to me learning more
about you, and the agenda you support, then I'd intended, but it has been
a good eduction none the less. I know not to take anything at face value,
I'll necessarily have to vet any and everything proposed from your Party
Line Agenda.

I am against big Money controlling the lives of anyone, any where for the
sole benefits of those who consider themselves the betters of the masses,
and I'm firmly agasint all actions even from those I had considered
friendly to that cause, when they too support the agenda of the
Elite/Imperialists/Corporatists/1%ers etc., et al, and so on, ad infitium.


> *Then I suggest you just shut the fuck up since you are wrong in most of
> if
> not all you wing nut analysis. *
> On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 5:03 PM,  wrote:
>> Again, change of subject...along with a personal attack. No one disputed
>> that a gas attack had occurred.
>> Many people and more reports after the initial ones which spread as only
>> the Corporate media can spread them, and other then the Empires people,
>> all other sources kept finding new data as investigations were done.
>> You, and those whose stuff you forward, along with the Empire your
>> actions
>> in this are serving, refuse to look at anything other then what fits
>> your
>> agenda.
>> Simply posting that you think I'm a Tea party Mole shows how little
>> research you do, apparently none, as your actions show rather
>> consistently
>> you only forward and defend what your told to.
>> Scott
>> > The LCC's in Syria confirmed these chemical attacks( and as I said I
>> have
>> > been against Assad fascism for over 21/2 years and have condemn them
>> for
>> > their killing and repression machine) before any Western country said
>> > anything and they get no support from any outside group and they are
>> > against intervention by all imperialists and sub imperialists on all
>> > sides.
>> >
>> > And I think you are Tea Party mole and work for  intel yourself, your
>> anti
>> > communism keeps showing.
>> > You know I don't support the US and any other imperialist intervention
>> but
>> > you continue to lie and slander.
>> >
>> > Cort
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 3:51 PM,  wrote:
>> >
>> >> Cort,
>> >>
>> >> You do so well making my points about ad hominem and straw man
>> >> arguments.
>> >> You redefine what I said and attack me for that, you have yet to
>> discuss
>> >> any of the points I brought up.
>> >>
>> >> Not once have I tried to protect Assad, I have made half a dozen
>> posts
>> >> about what I think of him, but I am not protecting and supporting the
>> >> Western Imperialist and the Corporate valuable profits as your
>> actions
>> >> are. You continuously protect sources that would allow any data other
>> >> then
>> >> the Main Stream media, the Military Industrial Complex, the CIA's
>> point
>> >> of
>> >> view to be seen and only their solutions to be implemented.
>> >>
>> >> Not only that your Marxist forwards show that is what your leadership
>> >> wants too.
>> >>
>> >> You keep putting forth no one else is doing anything other then
>> Assad.
>> >> there are 10 reports to your one showing that is false, and the only
>> >> agreements you get is from Obama's backers.
>> >>
>> >> You are saying out of one side of your mouth your agasint war and
>> then
>> >> defending the Warmongers data since it is rewritten to fit your
>> Marxist
>> >> point of view, while still only violent solution's can come from your
>> >> initial actions.
>> >>
>> >> I once found it incredible that you weren't responding to the points
>> I
>> >> was
>> >> making about the data as a whole, what we had, and your refusal to
>> look
>> >> at
>> >> other points of view. No longer, your actions speak loudest.
>> >>
>> >> I shall look at all you post with the same s

[LAAMN] WAR;Today's LUV News: 5 September, 2013

2013-09-05 Thread scotpeden

This issue has a great amount of data the Main Stream Media is it's
continued support for War, any war, any where, doesn't want you to know.
80% of the people in the USA do NOT war to go to war with Syria. -Scott

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it is the leaders of
the country who determine policy and it is always a simple matter to drag
the people along whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a
parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can
always to brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy.

All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the
pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater

It works the same in any country."

— Field Marshal Herman Goering who served as Adolph Hitler's second in
command and head of the Luftwaffe in World War II Germany, during a post
war discussion.



*"The U.N. special envoy for Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi, will hold
discussions on the sidelines of a Group of 20 summit to push for an
international conference to be held on ending Syria's civil war," begins
a piece in British news

this morning, offering an iota of hope for those opposed to more war.

*But it's difficult to see the USA accepting any attempt at diplomacy.
Yesterday Speaker Boehner denied a request

from Russian diplomats to meet with them and get a second opinion.  Like
others in our government's leadership, Boehner's mind is made up and
he's not going to let facts get in the way.

*Yesterday, a Russian investigation
 showed that an
earlier chemical attack likely did not come from the Syrian government,
but our leaders don't want to see evidence that contradicts their flimsy
case for attacking Syria.

*Meanwhile, President Obama's "coalition of the willing" is coming
together, but it's the opposite of what he wanted. China gave a warning
about attacking Syria

and appears to have moved closer to the Russian position.

*President Putin warned that he may be providing Syria with a missile

if the attack takes place, and hinting that he may complete a suspended
deal to do the same for Iran.

*Ellen Brown has a can't miss piece at /Truthout/

this morning indicating that part of the reason for attacking Syria (and
Iran later) is their refusal to cave to international banksters.*


**It is difficult to imagine our nation going to war with so little
support as exists today among its citizens.

**In one report ,
President Obama was ready to order the missiles fired into Syria when
General Dempsey convinced him "If you do this, the plan will fail and
you'll get in deeper. And without congressional approval, you'll be
screwed," Dempsey told Obama.

**So we have moved to alternate plan B-- seeking an okay from Congress
to add a fig leaf.

**Approval from Congress is better than no support at all, but Congress
is a very small part of the nation's population, and the nation's
population, as you will see in the following piece, is extremely opposed
to starting a new war.

**We have never impeached a president during time of war, but if it
should happen in any war, this is likely the one.  Anybody with an IQ
above their shoe size knows that countless things can go wrong after one
begins to attack a nation-- assumptions may scramble in the winds of war
like dandelion seed in a hurricane, and it can all go bad.

**The Senate Foreign Relations Committee yesterday voted for war with
Syria 10-7, which makes it "the policy of the United States to change
the momentum on the battlefield in Syria," expanding the war beyond the
original "limited strike" rhetoric. The voteshows the Senate is as out
of touch as the President and his national security team  --Jack Balkwill**

*Attack Syria? 'Nobody Wants This Except the Military-Industrial


*by John Nichols

*House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, **backs
Obama's request for authorization to intervene militarily in Syria, as
does Hou

Re: [LAAMN] Re: A US attack on Syria will Prolong the War

2013-09-05 Thread scotpeden
Once again, you ad homenim.

The subject I continuously bring up is always avoided, insistence that no
other data is pertinent, that no one else has anything to gain except
Assad in the gassing of the Syrian People.

It is Party Line right out of your Marxists Groups, and it is delivering
the same results that Obama and the MSM desire, that we bomb Syria because
they did this, when the proof, form Investigations form the UN and Russia
and others that people discount because of their names, will not be looked

Also what isn't looked at is that if the MSM carry's the drums of war, if
one is holding up the MSM's and US Governments 'facts' while
investigations are being suppressed by those same sources, one should
check their data sources if you find your marching along with them.

I no longer can take on face value, your Party Line missives for that
reason alone, yours for the reason that no discussion of an issue occurs,
it all comes back to pointed remarks at any poster that wants to discuss
something, not just me, you added Arhata in this as an attempt to shame


>  Scott
> You certainly have not payed attention to my posts of  2 1/2 years on
> Syria, if you have come to this wacky conclusion of yours. One can be
> against the crimes of the Assad fascist regime and still be against all
> imperialists interventions but it seems to be rocket science to you and
> others. You can turn a blind eye to them if you like but not I.
> On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 10:06 PM,  wrote:
>> Yes, I noted your a Marxist. I may have wrongly slandered someone else
>> whom I thought was a Socialist, they used the same sources and the same
>> tactics with anyone who tried to have a discussion about data other then
>> your emotionally packed has to be true Assad did it, cause your sources
>> supported the same things the MSM did, which was the desires of Obama
>> and
>> the MIC.
>> I now know more about your philosophy from the posted about Syria then I
>> knew before, and I'm sad to say I'm not any more endeared form you then
>> the Socialists that insisted on posting uncertain details as hard facts
>> whose only purpose can be to sanction the US killing more Syrians,
>> because
>> Obama said, use gas and I'll bomb you, so gas was used. Oh yes, it has
>> to
>> be Assad, no other discussion allowed.
>> Sorry, this only means I have to fact check everything you post just as
>> if
>> it was the MSM, as the agenda of the MSM/MIC was identical to what your
>> Marxists Groups were achieving.
>> Seriously, I thought if either you or the Socialists who posted the same
>> exact things you did, who use the same tactics in replying to those who
>> present other views or want a discussion about the oddities and
>> uncertainties being listed as positive known facts, that you were the
>> type
>> that would go Huh? Our actions are supporting Western Imperialism in
>> this
>> case? Could we not have all the data or has someone got us on a leash
>> and
>> we didn't notice?
>> Nope... not a hint of that.
>> I know that scenario, I've used sources that I thought were trusted, and
>> didn't vet the information personally to find out I was used to
>> disseminate emotionally charged Imperialist Propaganda.
>> BTW, the subject was, has been and still is, the posts that claim
>> immediately and for certain that Assad is the only possible chance
>> anyone
>> did exactly as Obama desired so he could appease his psycho masters and
>> run up another war profiting account for them.
>> You asked why would the US or anyone else want to use chemical weapons,
>> people told you, and you reacted at them, there was no discussion about
>> what was sent to you, only defense of a solid view that cannot be wrong
>> and no additional data can ever be looked at and attacks on anyone that
>> might point out why Assad would be insane to do as Obama wanted so he'd
>> have a justification to bomb more civilians, ANYWHERE.
>> It's back to the old, it's what is done, what is accomplished not what
>> is
>> said, that defines the charterer of the person. I really had hoped you'd
>> seen you were selling what Obama wanted and might take another look. Oh
>> well, at least I know where you stand too when the emotionally charged
>> propaganda comes from a source you repeat and defend, while not being
>> able
>> to have a conversation about the data.
>> Scott
>> > Scott
>> >
>> > So you are saying Russian, Chinese and Iranian imperialism( arms,
>> loans,
>> > training, banking, intel and capitalist ventures and in the case of
>> Iran
>> > boots on the ground with Quds Force, Iranian Revolutionary Guards,
>> > Hezbollah and 4 Shiite groups from Iraq)) does not also profit from
>> the
>> > Syrian conflict. And I am not a supporting of any of the imperialist
>> and
>> > sub imperialist groupings. I am a Marxist.
>> >
>> > Not some Stalinist, right wing or fascist and liberal or a so called
>> > progressive who supports the Assad regime t

Re: [LAAMN] Re: A US attack on Syria will Prolong the War

2013-09-04 Thread scotpeden
Yes, I noted your a Marxist. I may have wrongly slandered someone else
whom I thought was a Socialist, they used the same sources and the same
tactics with anyone who tried to have a discussion about data other then
your emotionally packed has to be true Assad did it, cause your sources
supported the same things the MSM did, which was the desires of Obama and
the MIC.

I now know more about your philosophy from the posted about Syria then I
knew before, and I'm sad to say I'm not any more endeared form you then
the Socialists that insisted on posting uncertain details as hard facts
whose only purpose can be to sanction the US killing more Syrians, because
Obama said, use gas and I'll bomb you, so gas was used. Oh yes, it has to
be Assad, no other discussion allowed.

Sorry, this only means I have to fact check everything you post just as if
it was the MSM, as the agenda of the MSM/MIC was identical to what your
Marxists Groups were achieving.

Seriously, I thought if either you or the Socialists who posted the same
exact things you did, who use the same tactics in replying to those who
present other views or want a discussion about the oddities and
uncertainties being listed as positive known facts, that you were the type
that would go Huh? Our actions are supporting Western Imperialism in this
case? Could we not have all the data or has someone got us on a leash and
we didn't notice?

Nope... not a hint of that.

I know that scenario, I've used sources that I thought were trusted, and
didn't vet the information personally to find out I was used to
disseminate emotionally charged Imperialist Propaganda.

BTW, the subject was, has been and still is, the posts that claim
immediately and for certain that Assad is the only possible chance anyone
did exactly as Obama desired so he could appease his psycho masters and
run up another war profiting account for them.

You asked why would the US or anyone else want to use chemical weapons,
people told you, and you reacted at them, there was no discussion about
what was sent to you, only defense of a solid view that cannot be wrong
and no additional data can ever be looked at and attacks on anyone that
might point out why Assad would be insane to do as Obama wanted so he'd
have a justification to bomb more civilians, ANYWHERE.

It's back to the old, it's what is done, what is accomplished not what is
said, that defines the charterer of the person. I really had hoped you'd
seen you were selling what Obama wanted and might take another look. Oh
well, at least I know where you stand too when the emotionally charged
propaganda comes from a source you repeat and defend, while not being able
to have a conversation about the data.


> Scott
> So you are saying Russian, Chinese and Iranian imperialism( arms, loans,
> training, banking, intel and capitalist ventures and in the case of Iran
> boots on the ground with Quds Force, Iranian Revolutionary Guards,
> Hezbollah and 4 Shiite groups from Iraq)) does not also profit from the
> Syrian conflict. And I am not a supporting of any of the imperialist and
> sub imperialist groupings. I am a Marxist.
> Not some Stalinist, right wing or fascist and liberal or a so called
> progressive who supports the Assad regime thinking they are anti
> imperialist.
> Cort
> On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 1:17 PM,  wrote:
>> Sorry Cort, but you make this sound like the USA benefits from our wars
>> abroad.
>> Yes, US/England's interference, well actually bloody warfare and
>> practicing genocide on the indigenous populations is more accurate, goes
>> back to the 1970's it goes back to when all other sources of portable
>> energy were wiped out in the early 1900's and Oil was the only method to
>> be used, the West has been in and trying to control those who have the
>> black gold. But you insist there is not a profit motive?
>> The Corporations that help fund political campaigns, whose advertising
>> controls what is actually in our newspapers to the point we have to to
>> to
>> N Korean news to find something worse, are the beneficiaries. Those who
>> profit from the major user of Oil, the Military Industrial Complex uses
>> 40% of the world supply of Oil.
>> As Arhata stated, follow the money. Who profits.
>> When the worlds economies and the countries themselves are controlled by
>> those who control the worlds economies, they are the beneficiaries. A
>> lull
>> in the oil supply, a lull in the food supply, the foreign nationals that
>> now own 40% of the NATURAL WATER SUPPLIES in the USA can state scarcity
>> and jack prices.
>> The only real money makers left in the USA has to do with GMO's and
>> chemicals, destroying food production around the world, making
>> scarcities
>> while controlling the only viable food supplies left, as well as Weapons
>> Manufacturing. 12 years ago 40% of US jobs centered around the Military
>> Industrial Complex.
>> Damn, war is just good business, you don't want to see a massi

Re: [LAAMN] Re: A US attack on Syria will Prolong the War

2013-09-04 Thread scotpeden
Sorry Cort, but you make this sound like the USA benefits from our wars

Yes, US/England's interference, well actually bloody warfare and
practicing genocide on the indigenous populations is more accurate, goes
back to the 1970's it goes back to when all other sources of portable
energy were wiped out in the early 1900's and Oil was the only method to
be used, the West has been in and trying to control those who have the
black gold. But you insist there is not a profit motive?

The Corporations that help fund political campaigns, whose advertising
controls what is actually in our newspapers to the point we have to to to
N Korean news to find something worse, are the beneficiaries. Those who
profit from the major user of Oil, the Military Industrial Complex uses
40% of the world supply of Oil.

As Arhata stated, follow the money. Who profits.

When the worlds economies and the countries themselves are controlled by
those who control the worlds economies, they are the beneficiaries. A lull
in the oil supply, a lull in the food supply, the foreign nationals that
now own 40% of the NATURAL WATER SUPPLIES in the USA can state scarcity
and jack prices.

The only real money makers left in the USA has to do with GMO's and
chemicals, destroying food production around the world, making scarcities
while controlling the only viable food supplies left, as well as Weapons
Manufacturing. 12 years ago 40% of US jobs centered around the Military
Industrial Complex.

Damn, war is just good business, you don't want to see a massive
depression instead of this little one we're living in now do ya? After
all, what other jobs would we have to support our economy?

So why rule out profit by Oil, as you insist on doing in every instance of
the Middle East? The Oil Corporations based in the US and the UK profit
immensely, the players that are religiously polarized in this region are
the other players, and duh, they have immense amounts of oil too.

Syria blocks natural gas lines form Saudi Arabia to European supply
depots. Syria blocks sending water from Iraq and Turkey to Israel.

Syria's majority of the population is that of Iran's population too, and
those against them have committed the greatest crimes against humanity,
using Chemical warfare (Iraq using US supplied WMD's on Iranian's and
Kurds, Israel on Palestinians).

Empowering all factions that are pro invading Syria, by fighting anyone
who mentions profit motive, or anything about the major chemical warfare
known criminals and their parts in Syria, seems to be a constant theme
coming out of your Marxist group. Stating your for the people is
consistent, but empowering the Imperialists to invade seems to be the end
result that these actions will achieve.

Any discussion, or will I get another personal post instead of sticking to
the subject of, who profits.


> Before the start of the revolution and now war within many wars, Syria
> ranked 32nd in oil production and has now dropped many places since. This
> sound like those who said at the start of the US intervention in Iraq and
> Afghanistan ( real US intervention their began in 1978) that it was over
> oil.> In Iraq the big oil contacts are with China and Afghanistan not much
> is coming out.
> No, the Syrian revolution began for other reasons and the US, Qatar, the
> Saudis, Turkey, Iranian, Chinese, French and Russian imperialists and sub
> imperialist actors on both sides, all have other reasons to co-opt or stop
> it other than oil.
> Cort
> On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 9:49 AM, Arhata Osho <
> arhataworldfreespe...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>> Less than 1% of people died from 'gassing' out of over 100,000 killed!
>> Is
>> this about gassing of innocent citizens?
>> [image: *=)) rolling on the floor] Wanta buy a bridge from Brooklyn?
>>  Follow the Money! Is it 'green oil' too
>> How's Iraq doing now? Afghanistan? About 'oil'? [image: *8-| rolling
>> eyes]The
>> American citizens finance these wars.[image: *8-} silly]
>>  Could that be YOU or people you know?
>>  --
>>  *From:* Cort Greene 
>> A US attack on Syria will Prolong the
>> War
>> Posted on 09/04/2013 by Juan Cole
>> The struggle in Syria began peacefully in spring of 2011, but after
>> about
>> half a year it turned violent when the regime deployed tanks and other
>> heavy munitions against the protesters. Some of the latter took up
>> weapons
>> and turned to violence in revenge. Thereafter the struggle spiraled into
>> a
>> civil war, in which the regime showed itself perfectly willing to attack
>> civilian city quarters and kill indiscriminately. The struggle has
>> killed
>> over 100,000 persons. As the regime became ever more brutal, the rebel
>> fighters were increasingly radicalized. Now, among the more important
>> groups is Jabhat al-Nusra or the Succor Front, a radical al-Qaeda
>> affiliate.
>> President Obama’s plan to bomb Syria with cruise 


2013-09-03 Thread scotpeden
I have a better idea on the Impeachment stand.

We need a Generic Form.

Impeach (insert current presidnets name) for supproting Internaitonal
Businesses and Bankers over the needs of American Citizens.

(insert your name)

No need to wait for high crimes, war crimes or the standard treason to
occur at that level, we should be able to get this one started by Ground
Hog Day the year after sElection Year is over.


> I think that we need to start Impeachment Proceedings against President
> "O-Bomb-a".
>  President "O-Bomb-a" has essentially Declared War against Syria - in
> Violation of the Constitution of the United States.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [LAAMN] A New Name for Our President!

2013-09-02 Thread scotpeden
Yeah, he got that by March of his first term, a few weeks after he got the
Nobel Peace prize he had already bombed a few weddings and at least one
group of 1st responders were also bombed.

No Republican has ever been able to out Evil him. No Republican has been
able to create more Terrorism and terrorist then he has.


> So - Is Our President's name now spelled: "O-Bomb-a"
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [LAAMN] President Obama Labor Day Message

2013-09-02 Thread scotpeden
Democratic Largress Corporate Propaganda.

Apparently you have enough money to purchase the law mandating Insurance
AND still have money to pay the deductible, where as if I get vouchers or
what ever, I'd be denied it a second time should I have enough to also
make the deductible, that is, it's simply a mandated financial giveaway to

In case you didn't notice, only part time crappy paying jobs are listed
for the 'recovery'.

Everyone knows if you get a Republican pResident you'll have a recession,
we went form that to worse, with more reinforcement that the working class
must support the 1%, or don't you get what Occupy was all about? Obama
did, and sent in the thugs to break it up.

Home of our own? What are the statistics, something like 10-12% of us lost
our Homes Under Obama.

Mike, are you on the payroll for this one or is this a freebee for
advertising sake when you next get hired to get a Corporate Dem elected?

Sorry, I'd write more but I have to get back to work.


>   Monday, September 2, 2013
> Labor Day
> As a nation, we celebrate Labor Day to recommit ourselves each year to the
> idea that everyone who works hard in America has a chance to get ahead.
> It's a goal that motivates President Obama every single day. It's why he's
> fighting for a better bargain for the middle class.
> Getting ahead means a good education and a home of your own. It means
> health care when you get sick and a secure retirement even if you’re not
> rich. Above all else, it means a good job that pays a good wage.
> So this Labor Day, take a moment to watch President Obama talk about why
> this holiday is so important, then share it with your friends:
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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[LAAMN] Chemical attacks linked to US backed rebels

2013-09-02 Thread scotpeden
Humm, I've never heard of this news outlet before, but it at least is
trying to supply data instead of sound bytes to be repeated.

Some things make sense, like the past and present gas attack announcements
claiming it is Assad, came from Saudi Prince Bandar's sources, even though
all past investigations show it came from Bandar's Terrorist (not
Revolutionists) forces.


By Patrick Martin
2 September 2013

A report by Minneapolis-based Mint Press News (MPN) links the chemical
weapons attack in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta to US-backed opposition
forces fighting the Syrian regime. This flatly contradicts unsubstantiated
US allegations (Lies) that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is responsible
for the Ghouta attack-the claim Washington is using as its pretext to attack

MPN published an article with
 interviews with opposition fighters on
the ground in Ghouta. Its two authors are Jordanian freelance journalist
Yahya Ababneh and Dale Gavlak-a longtime correspondent for the Associated
Press, based in Amman, Jordan for more than two decades, who currently
reports for AP and National Public Radio, as well as MPN.

Those interviewed included Abu Abdel-Moneim, whose son was among 13
opposition fighters killed in a tunnel used to store what were apparently
chemical weapons by the 'rebels'.

Abdel-Moneim said the weapons were supplied by a Saudi named Abu Ayesha, who
leads a rebel battalion. He described some of the weapons as having a
"tube-like structure," while others were like a "huge gas bottle." They were
stored in tunnels, while the opposition fighters themselves slept in nearby
mosques and private homes.

A female fighter who spoke with the news service complained, "They didn't
tell us what these arms were or how to use them. We didn't know they were
chemical weapons. We never imagined they were chemical weapons."

She added, "When Saudi Prince Bandar gives such weapons to people, he must
give them to those who know how to handle and use them."

Prince Bandar is the former longtime Saudi ambassador to the United States,
who returned from decades in Washington, where he had close ties to the US
military-intelligence apparatus as the head of the Saudi intelligence
service. He is reportedly the main Saudi sponsor, fundraiser and arms
supplier for Syrian opposition forces. At least a dozen opposition fighters
interviewed in the MPN report said they were on the payroll of Saudi Arabia.

An opposition leader in Ghouta told MPN that the Al Nusra Front, one of the
main Islamic fundamentalist militias operating in Syria, had custody of the
chemical weapons. "They do not share secret information. They merely used
some ordinary rebels to carry and operate this material," he said. "We were
very curious about these arms. And unfortunately, some of the fighters
handled the weapons improperly and set off the explosions."

Besides the MPN report, a report in Germany's taz newspaper also links the
opposition forces to chemical weapons attacks. The taz posted the
 transcript of an intercepted telephone conversation
 posted on Facebook between an Al Nusra fighter in Syria and
a financier in the US-allied Persian Gulf sheikhdom of Qatar.

Trying to convince the financier that his forces are in a strong position to
attack and retake the city of Homs, the Al Nusra fighter says: "Brother, we
got as far as [redacted], and we fired chemical weapons, my brother."

After a pause, the Qatari financier replies: "Yes, I have been informed of
that. Give me the details, prepare them, and tell me how I should transfer
the money."

There has been no effort to respond to, explain or rebut these reports by
the US government or the US media.

According to the British newspaper Independent, Saudi intelligence-headed by
Prince Bandar-was the first to allege use of Sarin gas by the Syrian
military, in communications to the US and other imperialist powers in
February. At the time, UN commissioner Carla del Ponte looked into the
charges and concluded that it was the rebels who had used chemical weapons,
not the Syrian government.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network

[LAAMN] LUV News Sun 1 Sept 2013

2013-09-01 Thread scotpeden


*As you know, Obama is postponing his attack on
he ostensibly waits for Congressional approval. What do you think
will happen? I think the worthless wankers in Congress will fall into line.
After all, they have to give something back for all the bribes they take
from Raytheon, Northrup Grumman, etc. Corporate America produces weapons,
and corporate America expects those weapons to be used. We need war, dammit!
*Meanwhile, we still don't have solid evidence of who, exactly, used



*"There but for the grace of God go I." It's a familiar saying. But how
many of us really grasp what it means? I suspect that those of us lucky
enough to never have gone without, who acknowledge that luck, have this
saying always in the back of our minds. Now there's
how much the backs and the fronts of our minds would be affected if
that lucky state of affairs weren't the case. -LS*
* *



*For September's Action of the Month, LUV News asks you to support Intrepid
Report . -LS*

*We have "doublethink" and we have "newspeak." Orwell wrote about them in
1949 in his famous dystopian novel, the title of which has become a warning
bell and a rallying cry. Problem is, too many people, especially those who
make up our most powerful institutions, don't heed it.  -Lisa

 Note to the New York Times: ‘War is the Health of a Totalitarian
by Howard Friel 

Speaking to tens of thousands of U.C. Berkeley students on May 21, 1965,
,* “War is the health of a totalitarian state. And peace is its disease.”
In the same breath, Mailer said, “No philosophy of government can occupy
nine-tenths of the globe without being altered to its roots.”*

The occasion was Vietnam Day, the 35-hour, antiwar marathon on the Berkeley
campus. It was Mailer’s first speech against the war in Vietnam, but those
words resound today. Or they should, including at the *New York Times*,
which, like the courts and the Congress, has failed ever since, to the
point of constitutional malfeasance, in its acquiescence to the illegal
wars of the United States.

Author Norman Mailer speaks at an anti-Vietnam war rally at the bandshell
in New York's Central Park, in this March 26, 1966 photo. (AP Photo/David
Pickoff)The result: As Mailer in a sense foretold, since 1965 the
philosophy of government in the United States has indeed changed, in
general from liberty and democracy grounded in the Bill of Rights and the
finest Constitution in the history of the Western world, to an obsession
with security within the most secure state in history, set apart in the
northern western hemisphere and cradled between two great oceans.

*To the extent that a threat exists today, it is homegrown, incubated in
Eisenhower’s “military-industrial complex”—today a
military-intelligence-surveillance-complex—which, as we've recently
learned, is ominously inwardly focused.*

This wealth-robbing, rights-robbing, multifarious machine, which appears to
wag the executive, the legislature, the judiciary, and the press—the entire
constitutional scheme—makes serial war of one sort or another around the
world. That, in turn, *fuels the hatred that engenders the terrorism* that
creates the security obsession that sells more war. As Mailer warned, it is
the positive feedback loop of a totalitarian state.

*Constitutional malfeasance and the Times?*

Here is the backstory, beginning in this instance with Vietnam.

In 1967 the Lawyers Committee on American Policy Toward Vietnam, chaired by
Richard Falk, and which included some of the most prominent international
law scholars and foreign policy intellectuals at the time—Quincy Wright,
Hans Morgenthau, and Stanley Hoffmann, among others—wrote in Vietnam and
*“To the extent that the war actions by the United States in Vietnam
violate international treaties, they also violate the United States

How so? The s

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