RE: [lace-chat] Posts and summer

2019-07-06 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
The Tatters Guild here in Melbourne (Australia) has to bring a box of books
for us to browse through, each meeting, as we have no library cupboard at the
Hall where we meet. For any special book, we can email the librarian and ask
for it to be brought to the next meeting (which is every 2 months)  There is a
list of all available books at the entry desk, if you want to see what is
It seems to work OK. I have asked after a type of tatting book, and a couple
were brought for me to borrow if they were what I wanted, and another time I
asked if they had a certain book, and yes, it was there, waiting for me at the
next meeting.

Regards from Liz. L.

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[lace-chat] daffodils are blooming!

2014-03-26 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Here in Melbourne I have autumn crocuses out and in bloom.  They are the big
mauve ones that flower without leaves  now , in Autumn (Fall) and send up
their leaves in Spring.

We actually had 5mm of water in the rain gauge this morning - a light
drizzle over night, - only about the 3rd measurable amount since before

We would happily accept some of the heavy rains you have had in the northern
hemisphere.  In the north of the country - about 2500Km away from us here,
they have had some good rains - it is the wet season in the tropical north,
- but down south, where David and I are it is very dry.  David lives about a
2½ hour drive away - out to the West of this city.  

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz.

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[lace-chat] hip replacement

2013-05-11 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
I get the digest form of lace chat, so am too late to wish you good luck
with the surgery Carol, --- but now I can wish you a speedy recovery. I hope
all is well, and that you are free from pain, and getting ready to skip
around like a spring lamb!!

I know a few people who have had hip replacements (and knees) and they are
all well, and active now.

Best wishes from Down Under.
Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz.

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[lace-chat] happy Birthday

2013-02-28 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Happy Birthdays to both Jean and Agnes.
I hope you both have a Happy Day - even, if it a big number with an 0 at the

Mine, this year  (May) will have a horrid double number (the one you are
avoiding mentioning, Jean!!) 
Why can't we start subtracting numbers instead of adding them on?!!!
Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz

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[lace-chat] Richard III's remains identified!!

2013-02-06 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
I immediately thought of the Josephine Tey book, too.  A great story, - I
must see if the library still has a copy, so I can re read it!

Brother Caedfel stories were Great too.

If the remains ere found near Leicester Cathedral, maybe they own the car
park, so can lay claim to the remains.  I believe an item I heard over here
said it was once a monastery or something like that, so he was buried in
possibly consecrated ground of that time,. This may give the local cathedral
first claim on the remains.

I find it quite amazing though, that they can find and identify these bones,
and even trace a family descendant! 
Regards from Liz in hot, sunny, Melbourne, Oz.

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[lace-chat] Needlelace ends

2012-12-04 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Adele, With needlelace, I know your problem about hiding ends. I too get
lumpy bits sometimes!
Try ending along the outline threads with just a few whips, and start the
new thread along the outline thread from the opposite direction. - this
"spreads the load" so to speak!  If you end the thread downwards  where you
have not yet worked, then start the new thread - run it in where you have
already worked - just slide it down with the  outline threads to where you
are working.

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz

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[lace-chat] IOLI email

2012-12-04 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Yes, I got one too, but had read the IOLI circular warning first.  However,
I would Not have answered her !   If she could not talk to me on the Open
web site, - then she has nothing that I would want to hear!

I, too, am cautious!!
Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz.

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[lace-chat] Essential tremors

2012-09-22 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Thank you, Sue T. for that video clip.

After learning about the green tint - (which none of the optometrists I
visited knew anything about!), I tried my yellow tint on my shooting glasses
- and found it helped quite a bit.  

I will try blue, as I think it and/or pink are used to help dyslexic people,
and see if they help my tremor too.  I think optometrists must know of those
colours, and some sunglasses come in coloured tints, too!!

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz.

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[lace-chat] Borrowers

2012-04-10 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Well, the pesky little Borrowers have at last, brought back my clip-on
magnifiers in the little black pouch, that I have been searching for , for
quite some time.

The sneaky little gremlins put them back into the Portland , Oregon, IOLI
goodie bag, which I lifted out of the cupboard yesterday, to use to take DH
some stuff, while he is in hospital.  I haven't used that bag for a while, -
so it was lucky I preferred the Black and Blue bag this time, rather than
the Black and Red bag from Bethesda last year, that I used the other day!!!

I use the black and purple one from Denver (2005) a lot - that is my Lace
Day bag, and is kept ready with whatever I have to take to Lace Day -
returning library books, drinking mug, etc.

They are all terrific bags, - but obviously I must look into them more
regularly if the Borrowers are going to use them as hiding places! :)

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz.

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[lace-chat] supermarkets

2012-01-31 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Gosh! Over here "Down under," we can use the self-serve if we wish, but at
the 'normal" checkouts, the shop assistant packs the bags as she scans the
We take our own bags, and hand them to her, and she fills them. We ask for
meat to be put in a plastic bag rather than in our fabric bag, in case it
leaks, and we like the bread in one too, so it does not get crumpled up! 
Not a problem.

In Aldi we have to take our own bags, and pack ourselves, but not in other
supermarkets ( -- well, Not in Melbourne anyway.  I believe South Australia
has banned plastic bags, but I am not 100% sure of that.

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz.

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[lace-chat] Rock throwing

2011-12-31 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Sue, someone Was killed here in Melbourne by rock thrown from an overpass on
the Freeway. Very Sad.  He was a doctor, I think.
Others have been injured, and I think only last year a truck driver was
lucky to be still alive when he got a rock through the windscreen and hit in
the chest. 

It amazes me how many stupid ways these kids dream up to cause injury or
death ot others. 
What is the world coming to?

Happy New Year, and a better 2012 I hope, to everyone.

Liz still on holiday in Mallacoota, Australia. - where it is a warm, sunn,
glorious day today! No fishing today, - so will make lace instead!!

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[lace-chat] Colonoscopy

2011-05-22 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Thank you , Tamara, for the You-tube duo singing about this.  It is the best
laugh I have had  for a while.  They are Very clever.

Must send it to a friend who has to have regular checks!!

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz.

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[lace-chat] needle covers

2011-05-17 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Apologies, I sent this to the lace list by mistake!

Sue said - "Thankfully I had to fill my own syringes and those needle covers
were much easier to remove." ..

Those needle covers, - if they are anything like the Aussie ones, - are good
for protecting the points of fine embroidery scissors!  A friend had a
diabetic dog, and had to give him injections, and saved the covers and gave
us all some, and I use them especially on the Stork scissors! They fit well,
and save the points - and me if/when I drop them!

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz, - where it was gloves and sunglasses this
morning, - instead of raincoats!

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[lace-chat] Royal visit to Christchurch

2011-03-17 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Prince William visited Christchurch yesterday, and also the mine where there
was a major disaster a few months ago.  He had a private meeting with the
relatives of the miners, and apparently spoke to every one of them. I
believe he is now in Queensland viewing the devastation there, - or he will
be in a day or two., and then will come on to Victoria to visit the flood
areas here, too.  He wants to meet the victims, not the officials, we are
told. Good on him.


The Victorian floods are still hanging around, as it is flat land, and it
has not drained off into the rivers.  Crops and homes are still underwater.


Regards from Liz in sunny Melbourne, where my autumn crocuses are just
coming into bloom.

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[lace-chat] Buffalo wings and spicy foods

2010-11-03 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
I am allergic to cheese, and find it hard to eat out, as everything seems to
be smothered in it these days.


I can eat butter, and cream, but yoghurt - the fruit variety in small does
is OK, but the Greek style is far too close to cheese for me to eat.


They even have cheese over roast dinners, - well the potato and vegies, so I
wind up, - if I am lucky_ with chips  - fries in USA, I think!  And
sometimes they seem to think I am kidding. Well, - the results of me eating
cheese is - to be polite, - like severe travel or sea sickness, and I am
sure they would not like That everywhere!!! :-)


Why do they have to muck about with food like that?!!!   A nice gravy would
be much better than cheese sauce over it all!!! :-)


Regards from Liz in Melbourne

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[lace-chat] Snapshot of my life

2010-04-14 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
I always think that my Grandmother lived in the most amazing era.  Born in
1879, she saw bicycles come into general use, electricity in every home,
cars, radio, television, and right up to a man walking on the Moon!!!  She
died in 1976 - at 97 years old.

I doubt there is another era with such drastic changes in one lifetime.

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz

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[lace-chat] news

2010-04-12 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Dear Pat. 
So sorry to hear your sad news.
My thoughts are with you.

I sent to you Off list, but the email was spat back as Undeliverable, so I
send you this message on Lace Chat.

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz.

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[lace-chat] Brilliant Photo, & HRT

2010-01-09 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Yes, that is an amazing photo.

I lived in Bletchley, Bucks, and later in Bedford , and I can remember having
snow on my Birthday, when I was about 10 or 11 -  the 1st of May!  however, I
don't recall getting very much snow in either of those towns.

I wish I could send you some of our heat - 38ºC yesterday, "only" 34 predicted
for today, but "at least 41" for tomorrow!

Thank goodness we had an Air conditioner put in the lounge room at the end of
last summer!1   - It is doing good work at the moment!!!

With regards to HRT - I was put onto it after a hysterectomy, and stayed on it
for 20 years, but decided to get off it.My mother had breast cancer, and the
new surveys show a link..   Now I get hot flushes, but have decided to learn
to live with them.  They are not too bad, - just annoying!!! Especially at
night, when I kick off all the bedclothes, - then get cold, and grope around
for them again, -- then get hot.!!

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz.

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[lace-chat] Lexophiles

2010-01-09 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti

1. A bicycle can't stand alone; it is two tired.
2. A will is a dead giveaway.
3. Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.
4. A backward poet writes inverse.
5. A chicken crossing the road: poultry in motion.
6. When a clock is hungry it goes back four seconds.
7. The guy who fell onto an upholstery machine was fully recovered.
8. You are stuck with your debt if you can't budge it.
9. He broke into song because he couldn't find the key.
10. A calendar's days are numbered.
11. A boiled egg is hard to beat.
12. He had a photographic memory which was never developed.
13. The short fortuneteller who escaped from prison: a small medium at large.
14. Those who get too big for their britches will be exposed in the end.
15. When you've seen one shopping center you've seen a mall.
16. If you jump off a Paris bridge, you are in Seine.
17. When she saw her first strands of gray hair, she thought she'd dye.
18. Santa's helpers are subordinate clauses.
19. Acupuncture: a jab well done.
20. Marathon runners with bad shoes suffer the agony of de feet.
21. The roundest knight at king Arthur's round table was Sir Cumference. He
acquired his size from too much pi.
22. I thought I saw an eye doctor on an Alaskan island, but it turned out to
be an optical Aleutian.
23. She was only a whisky maker, but he loved her still.
24. A rubber band pistol was confiscated from algebra class because it was a
weapon of math disruption.
25. No matter how much you push the envelope, it'll still be stationery.
26. A dog gave birth to puppies near the road and was cited for littering.
27. Two silk worms had a race. They ended up in a tie.
28. A hole has been found in the nudist camp wall. The police are looking into
29. Atheism is a non-prophet organization.
30. I wondered why the baseball kept getting bigger. Then it hit me.
31. A sign on the lawn at a drug rehab center said: 'Keep off the Grass.'
32. A small boy swallowed some coins and was taken to a hospital. When his
grandmother telephoned to ask how he was, a nurse said,'No change yet.'
33. The soldier who survived mustard gas and pepper spray is now a seasoned
34. Don't join dangerous cults: practise safe sects.

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz.

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[lace-chat] Daffy duck

2009-11-26 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Remember to watch the direction of the underpants.

Well, that line was a guarrantee that I, (like many others I suspect! )- would
click on the URL :))
A fun game!!!  I only managed to get him on target once, though.

Hmm! I need a lot more practice.! :))
Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz.

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[lace-chat] A Bunnings Warning

2009-11-14 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Oh David!   You must either stop buying timber, or shop somewhere
else! :))

What on earth are you going to do with all that timber, anyway ?  There must
be an aweful lot of it if you had to go back that many
times  You naughty man! :))  :))

Wow! some Very good laughs in the Chat Digest today.  Many thanks for
brightening my day!!! :))

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz, still chuckling!!! :))

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[lace-chat] RE Chuckle for today

2009-10-22 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
"Illiterate? Write today for free help."

This is like the answer we got to an email to our phone company a couple of
days ago, about our phone line being out of order.
We were told to do a check, then, if it was still out - to phone a ceratin
number !!

 Phone? - what on, or what with? - the phone is out of order..?!!!

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz

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[lace-chat] Joke of the year & etc.

2009-07-30 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Joke of the year

OOOh! David - You like to live dangerously, don't you? :))

Thurlow, - I would be inclined to go back to the Dr, and tell him the higher
dose is doing you harm rather than good.
Be Very careful aabout taking over-the-counter medicines as some react badly
with other medications.
Also try some sunshine - If possible!, as that helps to set the body clock,
and 10 minutes will give you your daily dose of vitamin D. - Of course, -
without wearing any Sunscreen.

Yes, Jeanette in Sth Africa - I am laughing with you!!!

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz  Where we had some rain last evening!!!

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[lace-chat] sky blue pink

2009-05-17 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
My family came from around Bedford, and I remember the "Sky blue pink"

When asked what was for dinner, Gran would answer either "Spondoolicks" or
"Wait-and-see pudding" !!

Isn't it funny how these funny sayings remain in our memories, - but ask what
happened in the last few days, - and you draw a total blank!

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz, - where we are still in drought!

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[lace-chat] Poodle skirts

2009-05-03 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
I remember making a circular cotton skirt at school in the late fifties ,

So did I, - and it had to hang for a few days, for the bottom to 'drop" then
be straightened before being hand hemmed!!!
Yuk!!! :))

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz

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[lace-chat] Rear ends

2009-04-04 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
I think most of our rear ends spread a bit due to sitting making
lace!!  :))  (That is the good excuse, anyway!!)
(Nothing to do with chocolate at all!!! :))  )

Mine is small, - due to most of it slipping around to the front as a
paunch :((
Slacks always look baggy around the back to accomodate more than I have! :(
(family trait from the paternal side!)

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz.

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[lace-chat] Re: [lace] Morris Dancing: Life with Bells On

2009-01-24 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
I remember seeing a Morris Dancing Festival on the Castle Keep area in
Bedford.  I am sure the Bedford Morris dancers did not have "Lace" in their
name in those days!  I only remember the Luton Hatters - as Luton was the
Straw Hatr centre in those days.  I have a vague idea they wore straw hats

It is a Long time since I lived in Bedford!  But I remember the Morris Dancers
dancing through the town (and visiting every "Hostelry" as they went!!)

Lacemakers are such a diverse group of people, and it is amazing what they do
"in their spare time" besides making Lace!!  I expect there might be a few who
dance.  I know I am surprised, sometimes, at what other hobbies some of the
Aussie lacemakers have!

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz

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[lace-chat] Easter!!!!!!

2009-01-08 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
I "complained" - well, made a remark,- about the Easter things being on sale
already, and was told by the Staff, that "they had to order by July."
Still, - I don't see why they have to display the stuff by Jan!!  I suppose
they are needing the back-room storage space.

It does make a mockery of it all, though, doesn't it?

Happy New Year to everyone.

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz.

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[lace-chat] Cornish pasties

2008-11-10 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
 They had the meat at one end and the apple at the other,

Goodness, I did not know the Cornish Pasties were like that.  They sound
similar to a Bedfordshire Clanger - pork at one end and Jam at the other -
rolled in suet pudding!!

Much more classy, they say, than the Bucks Clanger - which was only the pork
meat all through.!!  The Beds workers thought they were better, as they had
main meal and Afters in their Clangers! :))  :))

Apologies to Bucks folks!!   I was brought up in Bletchley, Bucks, and went to
school, and worked in Bedford - so I have a foot in each camp :))

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz.

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[lace-chat] Smoke alarm battery day

2008-11-10 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Over here in Oz, they advise us to change our Smoke Alarm Batteries at
Daylight Saving Change-over - so it gets done, or checked, twice a year. So
all the clocks are changed back or forward an hour, and the Smoke Alarms are
checked and get new batteries.

To have an alarm without batteries, or dead batteries is the stupidest thing
out.  So many people have come to grief because their smoke alarm did not
work.  DH checks ours regularly.  One of them is in the hall not far from the
kitchen, - and often goes off if the toaster is turned up higher than normal,
or when he starts cooking.  It is Very sensitive - Good!!.  Luckily we have a
door between the kitchen and the hall, so that usually gets closed when he
starts cooking. (He is the cook, - I am the dish-washer!!! :) )
Regards from Liz in Warm, sunny Melbourne, Oz.

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[lace-chat] Pumpkin soup.

2008-09-24 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
My DH makes this pumkin soup:-

Dice an onion and garlic, and fry them in a saucepan till they are clear, not
Add a bit of curry powder and paprika powder, along with your seasonings and
any herbs.
Cut up the pumpkin and add to the saucepan, along with a diced potato( to
thicken it).
You can add some chopped celery, and/or diced green paprika (bell pepper), and
parsley, if you wish.
Add water to just cover, and bring to the boil. Simmer till it is all soft.
Pass it all through a blender.  It should be faily thick, not watery.

Cool it a bit, and add some cream, and eat with crusty french bread stick,
which has been buttered
Yum!!! :)
Regards from Liz in Melbourne. Oz

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[lace-chat] Messages going to the wrong file

2008-08-31 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
A friend often sends circulars to me - and some get into the Inbox, and some
end up as spam.  Clicking the "this is not spam" does not seem to permanently
work.  I still get half in one file and half in the other!!
I check daily, and then hit the shift and delete buttons so get rid of all
spam from the system.  I am very annoyed by some banks asking for my details
when I don't even bank with them - and never have!

I don't think, Patricia, in Wales, that it is anything to do with an
Australian server.  I have had spam using my own email address!  I wish I knew
where it came from.  A few lacemakers I know have had spam using their own
email addresses, too, such as Pharmaceuticals for sale online, etc.

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz , where it is officially the first day of
Spring (Sept. 1st) after the coldest winter for 10 years - so they tell us!

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[lace-chat] Guts or Balls (risque)

2008-08-23 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
David - you don't get any better!!! :))

(Love it, and enjoyed a good laugh!)

How is the Big edge coming along - nearly finished? We have not seen any
photos for a while.

Regards from Liz in cold, grey, Melbourne, Oz -( Poor David!!. Ballarat is
usually Much colder than Melbourne!!! :))  )

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[lace-chat] Extreme ironing

2008-07-21 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
I remember, on a camping holiday, seeing a woman ironing handkerchiefs,
towels, undies, etc. - Holiday??? :(

No way!!!  Not for me  I only iron the absolute 'Musts' - like
blouses, and slacks!!
Regards from Liz in Melbourne

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[lace-chat] Help - I'm surrounded by men!!!

2008-07-08 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
I am on a one-to-one basis with just a retired DH home - but also need
Arachneans, and Gumnuts (the Aussie lace chat list) to help keep my sanity.  I
don't know how I would have managed without my lace and lacemaking - and lace
friends to chat to every day.

David - I Love the cowboy poem!  Very funny! :)

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz.

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[lace-chat] Pleated Gathering

2008-06-29 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Cartridge pleats is the name, I think.
It was used by the Victorians on their crinoline skirts.

Regards from Liz in Melbourne

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[lace-chat] Visit to Australia

2007-02-28 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti

Welcome to Oz!!

In Sydney there is the Powerhouse Museum, with a big lace display - and a 
study room, I believe. (Sorry, but I have never been there - Yet!!)  I live 
in Melbourne, about  1000+ km away!
There are lots of Lacemakers in Sydney, with various groups who meet on 
various days.

(Sydney traffic is horrendous, so I am told, with one-way streets - that we 
got caught up in many years ago - and have never been there 
again! :)  )

There is a group at Canberra who meet  on the 4th Sat of the month.

If you can let me know - Off list - when you will be in Canberra, and your 
Sydney dates, I can perhaps put you in touch with the relevant people.

We always love to meet overseas visitors, and I can assure you, you will be 
made Most Welcome.

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz, where it is another warm day!

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[lace-chat] Winds

2007-01-18 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti

Well, we had some R.A.I.N today!  :))
We had almost forgotten what it looked like!!   It was a light rain that 
lasted a couple of hours or more - and was able to soak in, not just run off 
down the gutters.

It was not enough, here, to do a lot of good, but every raindrop is welcome.

Mildura, to the North /west had 2 inches of rain in 20 minutes, last night, 
with some flash-flooding, and one of the bad bushfire areas had a good 
soaking, too.

The Other bad fire area has had a sprinkle, and is hoping for much more.

So far, in the 50 days of the fire, some 14,500 firefighters have put in 2.2 
million hours of work trying to stop these terrible fires which have 
devastated 20% of Victoria.  We have had firefighters from New Zealand, 
Canada, and now USA to help.

So, please cross your fingers that we get a bit more rain before this rain 
band disappears in the next couple of days.

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz.

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[lace-chat] Reactions to eating prawns?

2006-12-11 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Ann, it sounds Very much as if the prawns caused your problems. As you had a 
reaction so soon after eating them a 2nd time, it sounds Very 
suspicious, --- and  I think in future you should avoid them like the 

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz

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[lace-chat] Australian wildflower photos

2006-12-09 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
David passed my comment on to the photographer, as he apparently knows him 
well. I received a message from the photographer, that he plans to name the 
flowers, and that he will update the website soon.  So we must just keep 
checking to see when the names come up!

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz

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[lace-chat] Australian wildflower photos

2006-12-04 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti

Beautiful photos, David.  What wonderful colours some of the flowers have.

My only thought is that it is a pity he has not named the flowers.

He is certainly an excellent photographer.

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz

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[lace-chat] Photos of Ballarat

2006-12-02 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Thanks for the web site, David. Yes they are excellent photos of the 
marvellous buildings there.
Ballarat was a gold mining town about 150 years ago, and the awesome 
buildings were built when money flowed freely, and no expence was spared.
Pity there were not more photos of the Begonia Festival which is held there 
every year. That is a colourful feast for the eyes, too!

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz.

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[lace-chat] Bobbin Draw

2006-11-30 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti

We will forgive you, - this time!!!  :))  :))  :))

Providing you have a nice glass of Cider for us

Nothing better than a good cider!!! :))
I tried a few glasses on my recent trip to Tasmania - the 'cider country' 
around this part of the world.!!

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz

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[lace-chat] Names & Titles

2006-08-26 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
My father had 3 Christian names, and they were such a pain to write out in 
full on any Official form, that he insisted I only have one - to spare me 
that problem!

One "title' I hate is Ms.  - However I do use it when I don't know if the 
person is a Miss or Mrs!
But everyone knows I am a Mrs, so why don't they use it.   I also have mail 
coming addressed just to Eliz Ligeti, without a title at all.  --  
another of life's little irritants!!

Good Manners seem to have gone out the window these days.  I, too, don';t 
like young children calling me by my first name. It shows a lack of respect 
for elders.   I still call the Dr "Dr." not by his first name - though I 
think he indicated we could.   It is a showing of respect for the position.

There again - I am old fashioned like Thurlow,!   (I hope first names are OK 
on Arachne!!   I count everyone on the list as a good 
friend.!!!:))  )

Addressing folks by their first name in Not just in the US - It is here in 
Oz, too!

Regards from Liz in Melbourne

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[lace-chat] DVD's for UK

2006-08-17 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti

Avital - do you know, by any chance - what region Australia is in?

Sending/receiving DVDs is another gift idea - and a good one - If they work 
at the other end!!
I did not know about the regions and DVDs being regional.   I knew TV and 
Videos were, but had not thought about DVDs.

Regards from Liz in Melbourne,Oz

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[lace-chat] War over here

2006-08-08 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti

Avital, how very sad.   I am so sorry.

I am glad you are safe.  Please stay that way!

We get so sad, every evening when we watch the news on TV.  Things seem to 
be going from bad to worse - if that is possible.

I hope it all ends very soon. All this madness is just unbelievable.

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz

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[lace-chat] unsubscribing shortly

2006-08-08 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Nicky, so glad to hear your DIL's twin is on the road to recovery.  I hope 
all the family are recovering too, now that the worst seems to be over.  I 
am sure you will really need the holiday, so I hope you have a great time in 
Scotland. It should be beautiful this time of year.

Best wishes, from Liz in Melbourne, Oz.

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[lace-chat] Footy

2006-08-08 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
'The footy' - is the ball,  but just plain 'Footy' is the game - and here in 
Victoria it refers to Aussie Rules football.
This is a game something like Gaelic football, but the Irish play with a 
round ball, and the Aussies play a different version with an oval ball.

In other areas of Oz, I think Footy may be referring to Rugby in one or 
other of it's forms.

It all gets very confusing, doesn't it?!!! :)

Worse than Lacemaking with it's different terms - workers, weavers, walkers, 
leaders, and runners!!! :))

Regards from Liz in Melbourne

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[lace-chat] Knitting machine

2006-07-11 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
I have an Empisal Knitting machine - which company was bought out by 
Brother, I think.

I haven't used it for many many years, though.
However, I do remember that you need to wind the balls of yarn so that they 
feed from the centre of the ball.  I had a special yarn winder come with the 

I suppose I must have an instruction book somewhere.  I will have a look 

Found it - and I will scan a couple of pages for you, and email you 
privately with them as an attachment.
They should give you a helping hand anyway, although your machine might be 
slightly different.

Regards from Liz in Melbourne

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[lace-chat] Hair Dye

2006-06-19 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti

I had my first grey hairs at 9 years old!
It has slowly turned from dark brown to white - and it has taken 70 years to 
get it This white - so I don't colour it at all!!  :))
I did try going blonde once - but wound up with carrotty coloured hair - 
which did not suit me at all!!!

I use a purple-y coloured shampoo to try to keep it white and eliminate that 
horrid yellowy tinge.

The sad part is that due to blood-pressure medication, it no longer holdsa a 
perm - they drop out within a few weeks, so I have just had it cut short - 
and am trying it out as straight hair!  Not sure that I like it too much, 
but it is easier to cope with that growing it long - which I was trying to 
do!  I got it down to shoulder length - then " Yuk!!! I Have to get it 
cut!!"  :))

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz, where we had a very heavy frost this 

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[lace-chat] Upside down pictures.

2006-06-15 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Joy Beeson - Thanks for that explanation - I sometimes find that some lace 
pictures - especially the Raised work (Gros Point) looks like it has been 
phtotographed from the wrong side!  The raised cordonettes, - to me, look 
like they are hollows not bumps.   Now I can understand why.

Thanks, - now I know I am not going "daft" nor are my eyes giving out!!.

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz.

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[lace-chat] TV shows

2006-06-15 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti

""I like any
satirical political show. We have some really good ones in the UK.

Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK ""

I think "Yes Minister, and "Yes, Prime Minister" were just the best ever. 
We got them here in Oz, and our Pollies are just the same as yours over 
there in UK!!!

In fact Real events copy those shows too close for comfort, sometimes!!! 

We have had a few lately -  and remember, -- here in Oz we have an extra 
layer of government - we have the Federal lot in Canberra, then the State 
lot , and then local govt.  Over in UK you only have The Govt. and local 
At the moment the Federal govt, are the opposite lot to all the State 
govts., so it sometimes becomes very "Interesting", as some of the dividing 
lines between State and Federal can be a bit blurred or totally 
opposed!!!  :)

Regards from Liz in Melbourne

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[lace-chat] Hungarian town

2006-06-05 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
DH thinks you might mean Kecskemet - a town of over 100,000 (remember - he 
left Hungary about 50 years ago!!)
Pronounced ketch - as in the boat - as Tamara said, and 'kemet' as it 
looks - with short e's ( as in 'help')

Hope your Granddaughter has a great time over there.
Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz

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[lace-chat] To those born in the 1940's, 50's, and 60's !!

2006-05-31 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
I can remember the rationing in England, too.  (That dates me, doesn't 
I remember that Auntie had a big biscuit tin, and each time we got our 
sweets ration we each had to put one sweet in the tin, then at Xmas we had a 
feast.  I can remember the excitement when she opened the tin on Xmas 
afternoon, and we could eat as many as we wanted - just for that day!!! :)

Mum's other sister can not eat butter (she is now 100 years old) and I 
cannot each cheese, so we each got the other's ration of that!

I can remember, too the day sweet rationing ended.  We were allowed to go to 
the "Candy Store" down the road, and buy wharever we wanted, and then we ate 
till we were sick!!  That taught us to be more careful with "pigging-in" 
next time.!!!

I remember, too, when I was about 4 years old, being sat on Grandma's dining 
room table, and being fitted for a gas mask.  I can still remember and feel, 
the claustrophobic feeling it gave me!
And my tummy still gives a lurch when I hear the siren go - the Air-raid 
siren type is still used out here at our holiday town to call out the 
volunteer firemen if there is a fire!

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz

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[lace-chat] strange places to meet other lacemakers

2006-05-14 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
I think the strangest place I meet a lacemaker was way out in the outback, 
miles from anywhere up in the vast North of Oz.

There was a small caravan park on the edge of the road where we pulled in 
for the afternoon/night, as it was too far to travel to the next place 
(which was why this tiny park was there!!) Anyway, I sat under the only tree 
(??Tree - well for want of a better name for it!!!) for miles and got out my 
travel pillow, and got busy.  The next caravan to pull in after us disgorged 
a lady who rushed over to see the Lacemaking! Hmmm! "an Educated person!!" 
I thought - and low and behold she was a  lacemaker from Canberra, - Way 
down south - like me!!!  We travelled about 2000 km to meet!!! :)

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz

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[lace-chat] American Football.

2006-02-08 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti

"You understand rugby don't
you?". I said I did. "Well," he said "think of it as being exactly the same,
but with the health and safety people having had a go at it."

Very well put!!  We understand that!!!

DH watched the 2nd half "live" ( I was busy making lace - much more 

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz

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[lace-chat] How to stay young

2006-01-30 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti

""I thought this quite applicable.""

Oh Noelene - did you really mean that pun??!!!  :))
Regards from Liz in Melbourne,Oz

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[lace-chat] Teddy bear game

2005-12-05 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Does anyone know the URL for the stack of teddy bears that you click on and 
they fall down?

An inane game that keeps tiny minds occupied for a while!!
I have the bubble wrap game, but can't find the teddy bear stack.
Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz

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[lace-chat] guildlinks

2005-11-30 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti


The Australian web site can be found at

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz

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[lace-chat] an before an H!

2005-11-15 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti

Tamara, I think it is just which way is easier, really.
Your main surmise regarding the a or an before a vowel or consonant is 
correct, but, as Always with English there are the exceptions!!!

Definitely keep sounding your H's where you usually do ( don't start 
sounding Cockney!!!)

But, more and more, the "rule" seems to be fraying at the edges, till

I'm worried - more than usual - about opening my mouth in "real life"
rather than in writing...

I think many speech rules are being broken these days, - and spelling as 
well!  So don't worry about it.
I think the an before a sounded H is because just using the a makes a hard 
sound with the throat, and the an flows more softly and easily.

I learned the same rules, but we automatically became aware of the 
exceptions, without really noticing them.

My DH turns on his "me no speaky English" turn when challenged about his 
English!!  - He seems to get away with it!!!

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz.

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[lace-chat] Pins in feet

2005-11-14 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti

""Do I have the only spouse in the world whose feet act as
magnets to brass pins?  ""

No, I have one of those types of DH's too!!!

Like you, I never get my feet stuck with a pin, but he Always does - and I 
try hard to make sure none are lying around!!
Most of my Lacemaking is done in :my" room not in the rest of the house, 
anyway, so how come he finds them elsewhere?

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz

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[lace-chat] Congratulations

2005-10-07 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
"""Brenda - who's just passed the website design module of the C&G Diploma 
for IT Practitioners with flying colours!!"""

Congratulations, Brenda.

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz.

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[lace-chat] : Finished list

2005-09-12 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
"Knee high to a Grasshopper" is another phrase quite often heard in Oz. 
Meaning a very short person, or small child.

Regards from Liz in Melbourne

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[lace-chat] Aussie Sayings

2005-09-11 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
You missed out :-

"Flat out, like a lizard drinking" - meaning very busy!

But it is a very good list!!  Well done.

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz.

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[lace-chat] Katrina - unbelieveable

2005-09-10 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti

David - we felt the same as you.

In fact DH was so disgusted, and upset that he phoned the TV station and 
complained about that footage.  He felt they had no respect for human life. 
After all the dead bodies were someone's family a week ago.

One really wonders about the organizers of the rescue.  They don't seem to 
have a clue what to do.

I think back to Cyclone Tracey, which flattened Darwin  - Yes, I know there 
was not water inundation, but it was Xmas morning, and within hours there 
were planes there from all the airlines, evacuating people out, as they had 
no homes or safe places to go. And Darwin is so far from any other city, but 
people were taken out of there within hours, not days or weeks, Public 
Holiday (Christmas) or not.

Regards from Liz in Melbourne,Oz.

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[lace-chat] Great Aunt

2005-07-09 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
To Jean in Poole - 
Congratulations on the safe arrival of your 2 great-nieces.

Give them a welcome from Down-Under!!
Now don't go spoiling them Too much - a little is OK though!!!  :))

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz

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[lace-chat] Canada Day

2005-07-01 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti

Congratulations, and Happy Canada Day to you all.

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz, where it is cold, and grey, and Very 
winter-y - but I saw some Magnolias starting to bloom - already!

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[lace-chat] Honours List

2005-06-15 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
We have 2 ladies honourd here in Oz, with the Oz version - The Order of 

Rosemary Shepherd, and Norah Benopath(?)
Sorry - Ignorant me - I cannot remember her correct surname.  I believe she 
was a tatter.  I know the Oz members of Arachne will set me right Very 

Actually, I have a pr of Chris Parsons bobbins with their names on, that I 
won a few years ago.  I can't find them, offhand, as they are busy working 
on a pillow (another of my ufo's - But don't let's go down That road 
again!! :)) )

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz

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[lace-chat] Important information to consider

2005-05-19 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
"""We all get heavier as we get older because
there's a lot more information in our heads.
So, I'm not fat; I'm just really intelligent and
my head couldn't hold anymore, so it started
filling up the rest of me! ""
I must be a very clever person, too!!  :))
(I love that one, Tamara!!!)
Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz
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[lace-chat] School dinners.

2005-05-09 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Thank you all for your replies.  I found it interesting to read your 
We were amazed (appalled!) at the attitude of some parents, and some school 
cooks towards the food they were serving.

I am so glad things are improving.
Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz,  - who has just had a beaut meal cooked 
by her DH, who now does the cooking, (I do 
the washing up afterwards!)

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[lace-chat] Re: lace-chat-digest V2005 #65

2005-05-07 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
We have been watching the Jamie Oliver TV series on the School dinners, and 
his effort to get decent food into the schools.

Do the kids have to pay for these dinners, and if so, how much?
I have a feeling they are free, but not sure.
It has been a real eye-opener, to see what the kids have been used to.   We 
were appalled at the little girl who had the 3 choc bars and a bag of chips 
for her lunch each day.
And some kids did not know what a sandwich was!

Good luck to Jamie.  He is doing a great job educating folks on what good 
food is.
Regards from Liz in Melbourne

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[lace-chat] Re: lace-chat-digest V2005 #60

2005-04-21 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Congratulations, 'Grandma' Debbie in Florida.
You have a wonderful new world opening up for you.  Enjoy it to the fullest.
I can recommend being a Grandma - Trouble is, I have to live with a 
'Grandpa', and that makes me feel Old!!  :))
Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz

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[lace-chat] Yellowstone Nat. park

2005-04-17 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Last night we watched a fictitious programme on Yellowstone Nat. Park, and 
the underground volcano that blew up, and devastated most of USA.  Scarey 
stuff!!  I hope it Was only fiction!!
It has certainly put us off going to the Park!!   I was about to say we will 
stay in safe Denver, - but Denver was inundated with the pummice as the 
cloud of volcanic ash blew over it, and was  a complete write-off!

We had a documentary on Krakatoa blowing it's top, a few nights earlier. 
All this is because there are about 15 volcanos springing to life in Sumatra 
and around that part of Indonesia as they have been set off by the recent 
earthquakes.  Those poor people can't win a trick - first the Boxing Day 
Tsunami, now eathquakes and volcanos.  Krakatoa was in the same area.  Not 
good news.

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz

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[lace-chat] Demonstrating Points

2005-04-02 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Please could someone explain this 'Demonstrating Points' system to me.  I 
have not heard of it before, but as a member of IOLI I could contribute a 
small amout - if they can be clocked up in Australia!!

What is required, who do I send to etc, please.   I do a 2 day demo every 
year in October, - 9am - 5pom both days, with a trip to the venue on the 
Friday afternoon, to set up the display.
Regards from Liz in Melbourne

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[lace-chat] Credit Cards.

2005-03-25 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
I have a Debit Card with my bank.  It works exactly like a credit card - but 
runs off a savings account, so it is more like writing a cheque (the sort 
the Bank honours [usually!])( we spell check/cheque differently - the 
English way!)

The best part of having a debit card is that the bank pays me interest, 
instead of me paying them fees etc!
There is no annual fee for the card, I just can't spend more than is in the 
bank account.
Here in Oz, credit cards cost anything from $24 to $55 per year just to have 
a card, then there is the interest monthly, and now, the latest thing is 
that shops, businesses etc may pass on the % fee they are charged by the 
card company, onto the customer, so your goods may cost an extra 3%. 
Nowadays you are advised to ask at the checkout if they charge a fee if you 
use your credit card.  Sometimes you can even negotiate a discount for cash. 
(My DH always asks,- and sometimes gets!!!)

from Liz in Melbourne, Oz,

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[lace-chat] How to deal with Stress

2005-02-24 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Birthdays are good for you. The more you have, the longer you live.<<<
I really like this positive thinking, one!!  It makes them less depressing, 
when they come around, (and mine is only a couple of months away!!)

Glad to see you are more cheerful, Tamara.  That is such good news about 
your grandson. -- See !  - I Told you he would improve quickly!   Hugs.

from Liz in Melbourne, Oz,

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[lace-chat] Buckinghamshire

2005-02-20 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Thanks for putting up the Bucks site.
I spent much of my childhood in Bletchley, and I remember that during the 
war, Auntie & Uncle , who lived opposite, had a boarder lodged with them , 
who worked at Bletchley Park.  They Never knew quite what he did there, but 
he was a wizard with mending watches and clocks, and he would take them to 
work, "for the quiet times" and clean, and repair them, and everyone had the 
best working clocks in the area!!!
These people were (rudely) called "Actually's" by the locals - they all 
spoke with "Oxford "accents, and prefaced everything with "Actually,..." I 
often wonmder if he worked on the Enigma machine, or other coded 
information.  I expect so - it was all so 'Hush-Hush.'

I went to school in Bedford, and would catch the train there every day from 
Fenny Stratford station (as it was closer to where we lived).  Fenny has the 
old Roman road - Watling Street going through it.

Oh Dear ...memories...!
from Liz in Melbourne, Oz,

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[lace-chat] Los Angelese

2005-01-12 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Please could I have some information about what is interesting, or where 
there is some lace to view, in Los Angeles.
If we decide to have a couple of days stop-over in L.A. (on our way to 
Denver)  we would like to have some ideas.  I have found out about the Paul 
Getty Museum, that is all.  We are not interested in driving around the 
homes of the famous, nor seeing Disneyland.
We will Not have a car (You folks over there drive on the wrong side of the 
road! :)) )
Are there any lacemakers in L.A.?
And what about Las Vegas? Are there any lacemakers or lace exhibitions 
from Liz in Melbourne, Oz,

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[lace-chat] Re: lace-chat-digest V2004 #216

2004-12-13 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
I am now going to Unsubscribe from the List for a month while I am away on 

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all the very best of 
Seasons Greetings,
and a Happy New Year, too.
I will catch up with you all mid January.

Stay Safe, and Stay Well.
from Liz in Melbourne, Oz,

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[lace-chat] Re: lace-chat-digest V2004 #214

2004-12-11 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Thank you all for a humourous end to the day.  I have had a good laugh, and 
feel SOO Much better! :))

from Liz in Melbourne, Oz,  where it is hot and humid , and we may get a 
thunderstorm overnight.

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[lace-chat] Re: lace-chat-digest V2004 #212

2004-12-03 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Oops!  Sorry, That last message was not meant for Lace Chat.
Looks like I replied to the wrong message
from Liz in Melbourne, Oz,
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[lace-chat] Re: lace-chat-digest V2004 #212

2004-12-03 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
We are having an early lunch, then a short trip to the Club.  I need a 40 
shot score for High Noon.  Dad had scores (40 & 60) from Thursday night.
We are taking party sausage rolls, not curried eggs, to the "party" over the 
road (at Jill's house).
It is supposed to be 25 + today, but so far is heavily overcast, and cool.

150th Anniverary of Eureka Stockade y'day.  Still wreathed in controversy - 
Terry Hicks, the father of David Hicks accused of being a terrorist, and 
still in custody at Guant... Bay, was asked to lead the walk through town. 
Outrage, as he thinks his support.fight for his son is equal to what the 
miners were fighting for.  About 90% of folks Don't want him there, and say 
the 2 things have Nothing in common!  Ballarat Council won't have anything 
to do with it, and said that whoever did the Invite had no right to do it. 
There was supposed to be NO leader of the walk - just a group - as when the 
miners revolted. The State Govt. says No, and the Fed Govt , indicated no, 
though did not go quite that far!  Terry Hicks and the guy who asked him are 
about the only ones in favour!!!  It is supposed to be a celebration, and 
strictly Non Political. The Eureka Flag has been flying around town, and I 
think there was some hoo-haa about the Fed Govt Not flying it over Canberra!
I think the walk is on Sun. morn.  It was supposed to unite the nation, not 
divide it!!  Civil Rights still cause a stir!! They say that it was fought 
for freedom of all the minersand their families, and Hicks was caught 
fighting for the Taliban who were/are the most repressive of people, - women 
not allowed out of their houses, etc, - so what right does the father have 
to say his son's fight for his rights in prison are the same?  And so it 
goes on!

Love from Mum & Dad
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[lace-chat] The Little things

2004-11-29 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Just right for today.
We have come home after a 500 km drive (We had to take the caravan down to 
our holiday town, so we can go in a couple of weeks towing the boat - they 
don't let you tow 2 things at once here!! :))  )
On an impulse we turned off the highway to visit a small country town, that 
is now by-passed.  - We ever do that!
We then stopped at the Bakery, and bought "sticky Buns" and an Iced 
Flavoured Milk dring each, and sat at a table on the sidewalk to eat/drink 
them - We Never do that!
A man walked by, stopped, and  spoke DH's name! - he was an ex student at 
the High School where DH taught for 30 years!!  The man left school in 1979, 
and lives in a nearby village, and had come into town for something!!
Now - what on earth made us detour, and stop and have an outside snack just 
at that time!! And what made hime come there, walk past and take 
note of who was sitting having a snack!! (Obviously DH has not changed much 
in all those years - there is just a bit more of him, these days!!!)

As was said - you are where you are meant to be at any given time!
from Liz in Melbourne, Oz,

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[lace-chat] Buying flowers

2004-11-26 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Many thanks to you all for your replies.  I will answer them all personally, 
off-list this evening, when I get home from a Lace Day - Xmas party Lace 
I appreciate you taking the time to advise me.

Gratefully, from Liz in Melbourne, Oz, - where it is another hot day - 35 
Celcius today.

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[lace-chat] Buying flowers

2004-11-25 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Has anyone purchased flowers from Bunches ( ) - an online 
I want to buy some flowers for my 98 year old aunt in Devon, and wonder if 
anyone can advise me if Bunches are OK or not.
They have a nice, fancy website, but this does not mean anything, does it?!

from Liz in Melbourne, Oz, -  where it is hot and sunny today.

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[lace-chat] Clothes sizes.

2004-11-24 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
I bought a t-shirt for DD Helen on Norfolk Island in July - and found that 
her usual size - medium, was tiny, so had to get her XL.(or was it XXL?)  I 
warned her not to have a fit when she saw the size on the label  I 
think it just fitted her about right, so going by the size label is useless! 
There is no standard size, unfortunately.

I carry a tiny retractable tape measure as standard equipment in my handbag 
(along with ½ the house!!!) so I go by measurement, nowadays.  I keep a list 
of the underarm measurement when a garment is laid flat, and measure clothes 
in shops.  I get a few strange looks, sometimes - but it works for me!
from Liz in Melbourne, Oz,

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[lace-chat] Cothes size in Oz

2004-11-22 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Was it you, Michelle, asking about sizes of clothes?  I think you will find 
that US sizes are slightly larger that Aussie sizes. Clothes I have bought 
or been sent from USA are an easy fit, where Aussie clothes are a much 
firmer fit - on the whole.
However there does not seem to be a Standard for sizes, so it is really 
I know that the shoe sizes are different - a 7 (or 7½) over here is an 8 in 
Regards from Liz Ligeti

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[lace-chat] Foods in General

2004-11-17 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
I found that most of the foods in the United States were SO sweet - loaded 
with sugar, - even Allbran, plain cornflakes, - and bread. - Try having a 
vegemite sandwich on sweet bread Yuk!
I have a "sweet-tooth" but the food, generally, was too sweet for my 
aste.  - well the things that should have been non-sweet, anyway - the 
savoury things.  Desserts should be sweet, but not other foods.

from Liz in Melbourne, Oz,

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[lace-chat] Junkets

2004-11-15 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
I had forgotten all about junkets - and what about Blanc Mange - anyone had 
one of those recently?

from Liz in Melbourne, Oz,

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[lace-chat] Another nice poem (long)

2004-11-13 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
The Old Violin.
It was battered and scarred, and the auctioneer
Thought it was hardly worthwhile
To waste much time on the old violin,
But he held it up with a smile.
"What am I bid" the auctioneer cried, 
"Who'll start the bidding for me?  
A dollar, a dollar, and who'll make it two?
Two dollars and who'll make it three?"

And "Going once, and going twice, 
And going, and going..." but, no
From the room far back an old grey-haired man
Came forward and picked up the bow.
And wiping the dust from the old violin,
And tuning up all the strings,
He played a melody pure and sweet - 
As sweet as an angel sings.

The melody ceased, and the auctioneer,
In a voice that was quiet and low, 
Said "what am I bid for the old violin?" 
And he held it up with the bow.

"A thousand dollars, two thousand dollars..
Two thousand, and who'll make it three?
Three thousand once, three thousand twice, 
And going and gone" said he.

And the people cheered but some of them said 
"We do not quite understand 
What changed it's worth" and a man replied
"The touch of a master's hand"

And many a man with a soul out of tune
And battered  and torn with sin
Is auctioned cheap to a thoughtless crowd -
Much like the old violin.
A mess of pottage, a glass of wine,
A game, and he travells on.
He's going once, and going twice, 
And going and almost gone --

But the Master comes, and the thoughtless crowd
Never can quite understand
The worth of a soul, and the change that is wrought
By the touch of The Master's hand.
~  anon.
from Liz in Melbourne, Oz,
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[lace-chat] Nice poem

2004-11-11 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Here is a nice poem I discovered - stuck on a wall at a Community Centre, 
where I did a 2 day lace demonstration a couple of weekends ago. It is by 
"Anon."!!   Many (most) will relate to it - just change Quilt to Lace and 
...!!)  It takes a bit of space, I am afraid, as I can't get it back 
into single spaced lines. It was sent to me in double spaced, and I can't 
change it.  Sorry.

My neighbour is washing her windows
And scrubbing and washing her floors,
But my home is all topsy turvy
With dust behind all of the doors.

My neighbour she keeps her house spotless.
She goes round all day at a trot,
But no one would know in a fortnight
If she swept it today or did not.

The task I am at is enticing.
My neighbour is worn to a rag.
I am making a quilt out of pieces
I have stowed in a pretty chintz bag.

And the quilt I know my descendants
Will display with great pride in their heart
"So lovely. My Grandmother made it,"
An example of patience and art.

But will her grandchildren remember
Her struggle with dirt and decay?
They will not - they will wish she had made them
A Quilt like I'm making today.
from Liz in Melbourne, Oz,

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[lace-chat] Trifles

2004-11-10 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
I always put the jelly in before the custard.  Set the fruit, sponge cake 
etc in the jelly, then put a thick firm custard on top, and let it cool/set 
a bit to form a slight skin on the top, then decorate with more fruit, and 
some mashed jelly that you put aside earlier.
from Liz in Melbourne, Oz,

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[lace-chat] Voting

2004-10-18 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
An English Prime Minister, on the night before the Election (In the days 
before TV),said, - on "steam" radio ' Whatever your Party, whatever your 
Politics, Please go and vote.  If you don't vote - you can't grumble."

Good advice - we all like a good grumble sometimes
from Liz in Melbourne, Oz,

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[lace-chat] Victorian weather

2004-10-12 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
The hottest ever October day was recorded yesterday - in Mildura, in the far 
north west.  It reached 40 Celcius!

I am very glad I was not there yesterday!!  We are going there this weekend, 
but I think it will be a bit cooler!! - I hope so!!!
I hope to meet the lacemakers there, too, on Sunday.

And Goodie Good!!! - My Bulletin from IOLI just arrived!
from Liz in Melbourne, Oz,

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[lace-chat] Compacting messages

2004-10-06 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Thank you all for taking the time to reply to my question.
I delete messages that are about a year old, after saving any that I may 
need to look at again, later!
I also defrag occasionally - which is supposed to free up space, but I have 
always been a bit of a hoarder of things - never throw anything away in case 
you need it later!!  - And invariable, after thowing something away - I find 
I need it about, a month or two later!!! :)
Maybe I should be more ruthless with Outlook Express, and only keep 6 months 
worth of mail - and compact the rest!

from Liz in Melbourne, Oz,

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[lace-chat] Computer help. please

2004-10-05 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Please can one of you wizards with computers offer me some advice -
Over the last 2 days, I keep getting a message from windows asking me if I 
want it to "compact my messages" to save memory.
I just keep clicking it off, as I don't know what will happen to the 
compacted messages - will I be able to open and read them as normal? Will I 
be able to save the special ones in the designated folders as normal? etc

Where would I go to reverse the command if I change my mind?
Has anyone compacted their messages, and if so can you adives me please. 
It is all to do with Outlook Express, I think.
from Liz in Melbourne, Oz,

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[lace-chat] Re: French wire.

2004-09-09 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Reading your suggestions as to what French Wire, is I am wondering if it is 
the wire that is used by the Maltese to make their beaut thread flowers.  I 
have just started teaching a Maltese lady BL, and she brought a couple of 
framed pieces of her other work - these special Maltese flowers.  As she 
described it, - she threads a plain wire through this spiralled wire (? the 
French wire), and then the coloured threads pass between the spirals and sit 
on the plain wire core. This way the threads are separated, and you see what 
looks like a silver bead at the top (the spiral wire). When you bring the 
ends of the wire together to form the round petal, the spirals open a bit. 
Her work was SO pretty.  She is finding it hard to get the wire here in Oz - 
so next time she comes for a lesson, I will suggest she ask for French wire, 
and see if that is what she needs.

from Liz in Melbourne, Oz,

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[lace-chat] Spam

2004-09-07 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
The porn spam just downloads itself.
I delete any mail that comes that I can't identify - or that I identify as 
spam, but this other stuff just appears.
Yesterday one even installed itelf.  I was able to un-install it without 
opening it, but it is very annoying.

I have a fire wall, and the Cable Broadband is suppose to have a better 
firewall, spam filters etc - but still the rubbish get through.
from Liz in Melbourne, Oz,

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[lace-chat] Joining up Yahoo

2004-09-05 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Thank you all for the advice.  We will have a good think about it before we 
decide, but it sounds like a good idea to get some of the spam diverted!!  - 
as long as I don't get a double dose - by getting the same spam to both 

I am getting a lot of porn spam at the moment.  I wish folks would find 
something better to do with their time than annoy others!
from Liz in Melbourne, Oz,  where it is a glorious day today - though we may 
get some rain later on.

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[lace-chat] joining up Yahoo

2004-09-05 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
I am very wary of joining up to things on the Internet, so I thought I would 
enquire of some of you about joining up to Yahoo!
They mention an 'Account" - but is this a free service?  (The word account 
makes me see bills arriving!)

I presume they are "safe".  Does anyone have any advice for me?
They have  e cards which members can access, and it might be fun to send 

from Liz in Melbourne, Oz,

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