[Leaf-user] loking for webcam.lrp ?

2001-06-17 Thread Jacques Nilo

I found some post about it. Does any one know what it is supposed to do
and where to get it ?

Sorry for a possible double post I have some trouble sending mail to the

Leaf-user mailing list

[Leaf-user] A strange firewall log

2001-06-18 Thread Jacques Nilo

Dear Leaf fellows !
I have been receiving in my syslog for the past few days this type if
Jun 18 19:04:49 firewall kernel: Packet log: input DENY eth0 PROTO=6 L=44 S=0x10 I=24833 F=0x4000 T=95
SYN (#45)
The strange thing is that the destination adress which shows up in the
log ( is not my adress !
My adress (as shown by ip addr show on the LRP box) is of the form
195.132.172.XX/24 but XX is not 176.
What is going on there ?? Any idea ??

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] LRP 2.9.8 (2.0.x) and sshd

2001-06-18 Thread Jacques Nilo

From: "Ray Olszewski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Chris -- the Koon Wong versions of ssh and sshd are pretty old. I
> there has been (at least) one security-update release since it day. I
> find what I think are newer versions of ssh and sshd ("Openssh
v2.9p1") on
> the LEAF site, at URL
> http://leaf.sourceforge.net/article.php?sid=25
> (Mike - or anyone - was there some easy way to find this via the menu
> I got it through a search on "ssh" after hitting several dead ends in
> menus.)

If you want a direct link to the latest openssh lrp package, here it is:


Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] LRP 2.9.8 (2.0.x) and sshd

2001-06-19 Thread Jacques Nilo

> > If you want a direct link to the latest openssh lrp package, here it
> > http://leaf.sourceforge.net/devel/jnilo/openssh.html
> FYI ... the web page here says to save boot.lrp, after adding the
> On EigersteinBeta2, there is no boot.lrp (at least, mine doesn't have
> Saving root.lrp did save that library.
Well spoted ! the typo is corrected.

Leaf-user mailing list

[Leaf-user] Re: install of ssh + bug message

2001-06-19 Thread Jacques Nilo

- Original Message -
From: "a novak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2001 4:40 AM
Subject: install of ssh + bug message

i downloaded the ssh pkgs from your website (thanx for making these
and have followed your manual install instructions. i have been trying
to get
a single floppy lrp with the ssh client as well as the daemon on it +
maybe your manual install was the answer. i was unable to get them to
and also ran into a bug error message "BUG IN DYNAMIC LINKER ld.so:
dynamic-link.h: 53 elf_get_dynamic_info:Assertion'! "bad dynamic tag"'
failed! "
i have 2 questions of you, if you would help out before i pull my hair
1. is it possible to fit ssh client + daemon on 1 floppy?
2. is this bug error msg the result of a problem with the sshx code, or
it a mismatch problem between the openssh code + my kernel? i'm using
2.2.16 with a customized idiot image from charles steinkeuhler's site on
a 1680 floppy.
any hints are much appreciated
Pat Novak

Plse no HTML
1/ Probably difficult. I have not tried myself since my disk is already
On a 1743K disk maybe if  you do not use dhclient or dhcpd you may be
able to install the shhd.lrp package which is the only you need once the
keys are generated. I am installing it "manually" as explained in the
doc but you could also take advantage of a dual floppy boot.
2/ Did you install and renamed libz.so.1 as explained in the doc and
backuped root.lrp ?

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] ES2B/OpenSSH Install Problem

2001-06-23 Thread Jacques Nilo

> floppies.  However, I have tried using a standard 1.44 floppy for the
> secondary diskette as part of my troubleshooting and the problems
don't seem
> to change.
You must use the same format as your 2nd boot disquette if you want to
backup sshd properly. So first step is to copy on your second boot
disquette sshd.lrp and sshkey.lrp. Be sure to have installed libz.so.1
( and saved) to begin with as explain in the doc

> I copied the download files to a floppy disk and installed it in my
> floppy drive, mounted it and ran the lrpkg commands and then makekey.
> On the first run through, I got a "could not create file/directory"
> when running makekey.  I manually created the /etc/ssh directory and
Have you run lrpkg -i sshd from /mnt  ***FIRST*** as described in the
doc ? This should create /etc/ssh. You should not have to do it
manually. After that you run lrpkg -i sshkey and makekey

> The next problem occurs when I try to use lrcfg to backup sshd.  I get
> error that says "unable to mount...".  I thought maybe this was
because I
> didn't umount the diskette after the makekey step so I tried to umount
> and get the message '/mnt busy '.  I then looked at the processes and
OK I forgot to say that in the doc (basic linux pb). Type cd / then you
will be able to umount /mnt  then to backup sshd


Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] ES2B/OpenSSH Install Problem

2001-06-23 Thread Jacques Nilo

> After I boot up, I mounted the secondary diskette with 'mount -t msdos
> /dev/fd1u1722 /mnt' and then I run 'lrpkg -i sshd'.  When I just
> that process, I did NOT have a /etc/ssh directory afterwards so I
> a fresh copy of sshd.lrp from your site and that solved the problem of
> /etc/ssh directory not being created (I must have had a corrupted
> I added the 'cd /' statement to my instructions and this time, the
> appeared to work properly.  But I'm still getting the 'could not mount
> backup device' when it gets to the sshd part, although I can exit from
> and manually mount the device using 'mount -t msdos /dev/fd1u1722
> It seems like there might be something else I need to do in ES2B
itself to
> permit mounting both floppy diskettes (fstab entry or make a node
other than
> '/mnt' for the second floppy?).
> paul
Ok. I am not familiar with the dual boot floppy LRP setup since I have
always been working with a single floppy :-)
You could try the following trick (I assume from what you said that
makekey went OK):
Type lrcfg and backup sshd. When asked "Enough freespace? (y/N)" exit
with CTRL C
Then you will have your sshd.lrp package in /tmp that you can copy to
whatever floppy you need.
You will have to unmount  /var/lib/lrpkg/mnt  (type df) at some point.
But I am pretty sure the dual setup allows a normal backup procedure;
Sorry I can't help you on this

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] ES2B/OpenSSH Install Problem

2001-06-23 Thread Jacques Nilo

- Original Message -
From: "Paul M. Wright, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2001 9:43 PM
Subject: RE: [Leaf-user] ES2B/OpenSSH Install Problem
> I added the 'cd /' statement to my instructions and this time, the
> appeared to work properly.  But I'm still getting the 'could not mount
> backup device' when it gets to the sshd part, although I can exit from
> and manually mount the device using 'mount -t msdos /dev/fd1u1722
You could also try the following. Before typing lrcfg send the df
command and umount every device except /dev/ram0
For example after CTRL C from the previous post you should get something
# df
Filesystem 1024-blocks  Used Available Capacity Mounted on
/dev/ram0  122345491 6743 45%   /
/dev/fd0u1743   1424 120 1304  8%
firewall: -root-

# umount /var/lib/lrpkg/mnt

firewall: -root-
# df
Filesystem 1024-blocks  Used Available Capacity Mounted on
/dev/ram0  122345491 6743 45%   /

NOW backup through lrcfg should work


Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] problem installing openssh (new one) :)

2001-06-27 Thread Jacques Nilo

From: "Charles-Etienne Dube" <>
> I tried to install te new openssh packages from Jacques Nilo's page,
> but I had no sucess, the first steps are going fine,  I  copied
> in /lib/libz.so.1 then I ran lrpkg -i on both packages (ssshd and
> sshkey),  this part went fine.
> The problem is when I run "makekey" I obtain the following error :
> myrouter: -root-
> # makekey
> BUG IN DYNAMIC LINKER ld.so: dynamic-link.h: 53: elf_get_dynamic_info:
> Assertion
>  `! "bad dynamic tag"' failed!
> Is the fact that I changed my kernel has something to do with that ? I
> doubt but... Does anybody know why I have this message ?
I doubt as well. A previous post with openssh problem on the leaf-user
list was due to a corrupted file. Could you try to get a fresh copy of
libz, sshd and sshkey from leaf.sourceforge.net and make another attempt
? If it does not work I'll try to reproduced your pb on a Ken PPPOE disk
image later today.

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] problem installing openssh (new one) :)

2001-06-28 Thread Jacques Nilo

From: "Charles-Etienne Dube" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I ran makekey succefully with the package from your sourceforge page
> and also
> with your libz.lrp. To confirm that it works I used ssh to connect to
> other machines.
> But a problem remains, I cannot backup sshd.lrp and ssh.lrp but I can
> backup
> libz.lrp.  I don't know very much about the backup process of lrp but
> all other packages
> can backed-up fine except for those two.
> The error message is "could not mount back-up device" And it is
> that my
> back-up device is ok since I can back-up other packages. The message
> appears at the
> same moment as described in the recent post from the guy who ran these
>  packages on a dual floppy set-up.
> In my case, I use IDE flash disk wich is configured to be /dev/hdc1,
> would it
> be possible that these packages only back-up well on a one floppy
> ?  may be
> /dev/fd0 is hard coded somewhere ?
I suspect that either  your hard disk or a floppy disk is mounted. Frome
your LRP console exit the LRP menu and type df. You should only see
/dev/ram0 mounted you should be able to backup. if some other device
shows up (which I suspect) umount it  (cd / then umount
/whateverdirectory which is mounted ) and it should go.
By the way since you are the happy owner of an IDE flash disk your
install procedure should be as follow:
1/ copy libz.lrp ssh.lrp and sshd.lrp on your IDE disk
2/ include the 3 packages in syslinux.cfg. Save syslinux.cfg.
3/ reboot
4/ run makekey from the console
5/ backup sshd (this time it should work since you have not mounted
6/ remove sshkey.lrp from your disk and from syslinux.cfg

I'll update the install manual to clarify all this over the week-end.


Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] LRP and ez-ipupdate

2001-10-23 Thread Jacques Nilo

> Does anyone has ez-ipupdate (3.0.11b5) packaged ?
> I need a version which supports dyndns-custom, and it seems that the
> lrp package (that I found) is 3.0.1b1.
> Stefaan

It's 3.0.11b5 stripped to 24K
It's also on Shane Boulder page at
but I am not sure of the version and the package is bigger (45K - not

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Dynamic DNS

2001-10-28 Thread Jacques Nilo

> >If a recent openssh is available from J. Nilo, it probably
> >includes libssl and libcryto.
> Nope.
> If I get Jacques' current sshd.lrp package and un'tgz it, I find
> library included. If I run ldd against this sshd, I don't see libssl
> libssl09 mentioned in its dependencies. (Nor does the sshd on my
> workstation list libssl or libssl09 among its dependencies.) I do see
> libcrypt mentioned (for both sshd apps), but not libcrypto for
> version ... since the smaller Debian sshd does depend on libcrypto,
> infer that Jacques linked in the libcrypto stuff statically.
I confirm.
I think I should package those libs separately.
I'll do that for the next update

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] ssh

2001-11-03 Thread Jacques Nilo

> Hi
> Can someone point me to an instruction for setting up ssh on
> I've copied sshd-1.lrp & sshkey-1.lrp to the disk, generated a key,
> saved it but it's still looking for a key.

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Daemontools package backup

2001-11-09 Thread Jacques Nilo

> everything works great, i can add a new service to be monitored by
> adding a symbol link in /service to the directory where my ./run file
> included...
> however i cannot backup any new symbolic links that i create to run
> services.
> a look at the daemontl.list shows:
> [snip]
> usr/bin/tai64nlocal
> service
> ^^^
> etc/init.d/svscan
> var/lib/lrpkg/daemontl.*
> [snip]
> and at the daemontl.exclude.list:
> service/*
> does this mean that the links in service are not backed up with this
> package? if yes, then how can i backup any new links?
Yes simlinks are not backuped my dsncache/tinydns/qmail packages
The are created (stript_name start) or deleted (script_name stop) by
their own init.d scripts.
Have a look at those scripts if you want to create similar ones  for
other application
Also be warned that there is a  bug in LRP 2.9.8: files ownership are
not properly saved when backing up. And DJB stuff is very very picky
about files ownership, permission and the like. Have a look a my qmail
package to see how to take care of that.

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Dachstein-CD: dnscache vs. tinydns ???

2001-11-16 Thread Jacques Nilo

> OK, this is really not about Dachstein, although that is the
> distribution that we're using ;>
> What are the primary differences between dnscache and tinydns ???

> What are the criteria we ought to consider, in deciding which to
Really two different needs. If you only need to access the web dnscache
will speed up your requests (that is the "cache" part of it) but it will
also make your request more secure.
Tinydns is needed if you want to serve the adresses of your domain(s).
Basically it will be here a replacement for BIND (in fact BIND combines
the dnscache & tinydns function in the same program). But tinydns is
much more secure and a LOT LOT smaller (compare size of tinydns.lrp &
bind.lrp :-) )
Background material here:


Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Dachstein-CD: dnscache vs. tinydns ???

2001-11-18 Thread Jacques Nilo

- Original Message -
From: "Richard Doyle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Read http://www.fefe.de/djbdns/ (note to J. Nilo: your link to
> this page on http://leaf.sourceforge.net/devel/jnilo/dnscache6.html
> work).
Well spotted. Corrected.
> More non-official djbdns stuff at http://www.lifewithdjbdns.org/
Reference added

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] dnscache Dachstein 1.0.1 "LRP Box internal IP"

2001-11-18 Thread Jacques Nilo

Sandro Minola wrote:

> hi
> Under Package configuration - dnscache there is a menu entry called "LRP box
> internal IP (default:
> But if I open menu entry 1) there is not "", it's "".
> What's correct now? Is the menu entry description wrong or the value itself?
> One must be wrong. I entered instead of (my subnet is
> 192.168.0. not 192.168.1.)

Well in my original LRP package IP is setup by default to which
is the default adress of the internal interface of the LRP box. Apparently
Charles changed that in the Dachstein setup to There must be some
reason but honestly I do not see it at that point.
Charles ?

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Dachstein-CD: dnscache startup anomaly ???

2001-11-18 Thread Jacques Nilo

From: "Michael D. Schleif" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Starting additional networking services:.
> Starting svscan ...
> dnscache queries allowed from 192.168
> dnscache queries allowed from
> Starting dnscache with daemontools ...
> Creating cdb fro tinydns-private
> Starting private DNS server listening on with daemontools
> Shutting down dnscache with daemontools ...
> dnscache queries allowed from 192.168
> dnscache queries allowed from
> Starting dnscache with daemontools ...
> < bootup complete >
> What's with dnscache start|stop|start ???
dnscache is automatically restarted if you launch tinydns. That is to
make sure that if you make any change to your tinydns data they are
accounted for by dnscache.


Leaf-user mailing list

[Leaf-user] Openssh 2.9.9p2 available

2001-11-08 Thread Jacques Nilo

I have updated openssh packages to their latest 2.9.9p2 version.
They are compiled statically against openssl-0.9.6b and dynamically
against zlib-1.1.3


Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Re: Weblet and SSHD

2001-11-19 Thread Jacques Nilo

Le Lundi 19 Novembre 2001 20:21, vous avez écrit :
> > Running your LRP program.  It is great!  I've setup a 2 boxes running
> > ipsec and everything is working fine.  I've two small problems
> > though.  I have installed the SSHD and WEBLET lrps.  They run fine but
> both are
> > painfully slow starting.  Starting a SSH session takes up to one minute
> > and weblet has the same problem.  I'm thinking that it is some sort of
> > resolving/DNS problem.  Once I'm in my SSH session using Putty is very
> > fast.
> > Any ideas?
> I noticed that if you're running the SSH daemon on a 486 invoked by inetd,
> it's normal that it takes nearly a minute before login screen appears. On
> all these 486 boxes DNS resolution works great and every windows box in the
> LAN is listed in /etc/hosts and resolves (so DNS stuff shouldn't be the
> reason).
> On a pentium based system, it's faster, but not fast. BUT If you start the
> SSH daemon STAND-ALONE, it's VERY fast, even on a 486.
> Perhaps you uncommented the ssh entry in /etc/inetd.conf and SSH is now
> running via inetd?
> If yes, the only thing you have to do is to comment it out again.
Running ssh through inetd should not add that much of a burden unless you 
have several connections at the same time. Have you checked the output of 
/var/log/auth.log ? Any error message in there ?

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Re: LEAF 2.4.14 / Shorewall 1.1.18 based distro (alpha version)

2001-11-20 Thread Jacques Nilo

- Original Message -
> wireless tools.  However, at first glance I was not able to locate the
> orinoco_cs wireless drivers...  are they hiding somewhere, or not
> in the collection you have built?
They are provided here:
But you will need to change the kernel to:
(rename it linux on your disquette)

> Will this distro support all of the packages that Charles has built
> Dachstein?  ... including IPSEC??
I don't know. If there is some interest around may be.


Leaf-user mailing list

[Leaf-user] Openssh 3.0p1 available

2001-11-09 Thread Jacques Nilo

I hope those guys at http://www.openssh.org are not going to update
their version every other day :-)
But well this time, you got the latest one pretty quickly...
As usual check:

Older version still available at

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Openssh 3.0p1 available

2001-11-09 Thread Jacques Nilo

From: "Charles Steinkuehler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> What mods (if any) were made when compiling these?  When I compiled
> it didn't link to libz dynamically...is this something you changed, or
> something on my system that's different than yours?
1/ you have to make sure zlib is compiled as follow:
./configure -s(the -s switch will create the zlib.so.1 libraries)
make install prefix=/

2/ Openssh is compiled as follow:
./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc/ssh
make install

zlib should be then dynamically linked

Leaf-user mailing list

[Leaf-user] LEAF 2.4.14 / Shorewall 1.1.18 based distro (alpha version)

2001-11-20 Thread Jacques Nilo

Following my previous post on how to get rid of LRP kernel patches I
have created a 2.4.14 base LEAF version with SHOREWALL as default
Please consider this work as preliminary.

All the stuff is here:

The diskimage is:
use the command:
  dd if=leaf-2.4.14-1680.bin of=/dev/fd0u1680
to move it over to a floppy

If you need extra kernel modules there are in:

1/ Kernel
It's plain vanilla 2.4.14. They are 3 config files and 3 corresponding
UPX compressed kernel in the directory. Small & Normal correspond to
Charle's Dachstein. Mini does not have any IDE/PCMCIA support.

2/ Distro
This 2.4.14 version is basically derived from the new dachstein-rc2
distro. Ipchains and related stuff has been removed and replaced by
iptables 1.2.4.
See: http://netfilter.samba.org/

Firewall is the nice tool designed by Tom Eastep, Shorewall in it's
latest 1.1.18 version
See: http://www.shorewall.net/

3/ TO-DO's (among other things)
1/ clean-up /etc/init.d/network, /etc/network.conf  and
/etc/ipfilter.conf to get rid of all
the unecessary stuff.
2/ In the above mentioned files check the QoS and bridge stuff
3/ modify /linuxrc to copy the initial initrd.gz to tmpfs and then
pivot_root from  there. Will allow to adjust the size of the filesystem
dynamically. Pivot_root is provided in the busybox library.
4/ allow backup of initrd.gz ??? (not really useful, to my opinion)
5/ Adjust weblet script to take care of firewall messages

Any feedback/ideas/help on the 5 points mentionned and any other would
be welcomed!



Leaf-user mailing list

[Leaf-user] Re: [Leaf-devel] Announcing official release of Dachstein-CD

2001-11-17 Thread Jacques Nilo

> With a couple minor updates to root.lrp, folks booting off floppy will
> to copy the latest root.lrp to their floppy disk to get the updates.
> Otherwise, just pop in the new CD and re-boot...
Great job !
Any floppy image update in the pipe for my poor LRP box without CD-ROM
drive... ?
I know I could create it from de CD-ROM packages list but I would rather
stick to an "official" image

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] dachstein floppy rc2 package compatibility

2001-11-27 Thread Jacques Nilo

> Hello,
> I'm hoping to move from e2b to Dachstein RC2 tomorrow and wanted to
> - Will Jacques Nilo's dnscache, tinydns, axfdns and the daemontl.lrp
> work ok with rc2 floppy ?
rc2 is not readily compatible with those packages. rc3 should and the
latest CD version is OK. Charles has not released the latest floppy
image with the changes that were introduced in the CD version.

> - Surfing through the archives I saw that there was an intention to
> release Dachstein-floppy soonish (past RC2). But I can't see any
> indication in the archives or on the LEAF/steinkuehler sites that this
> occured. Should I wait? :-)
> - I can see from the archives there has been a lot of past discussion
> about ssh (daemon, keygen, client) packages and which to use. For e2b,
> once again used Jacques' openssh packages. Is this a good idea for
> Dachstein floppy ?
The latest version of openssh is available on my web page. Also on
Charles dachstein CD. Works without any pb on dachstein.

Leaf-user mailing list

[Leaf-user] Announce: updated keyboard.lrp

2001-11-27 Thread Jacques Nilo

I have updated KP Kirchdörfer keyboard.lrp package.

1/ Now provides 45 keymaps: japanese, portuguese, you name it... I have
only tested the French one :-) and KPK the German one.
2/ The remove option ("/etc/init.d/keyboard remove") automatically
remove unused keymaps in /usr/share/keymaps: this reduce the size of the
package from 11K to 1K :-)
3/ The dumpkmap program (statically compiled against uClibc) can be
downloaded from my web page. If you like your main box current keymap
just run "./dumpkmap > mykey.map" and you are done. UNTESTED: please
report success/failure
4/ Finally documentation is now online at


Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Announce keyboard.lrp

2001-11-28 Thread Jacques Nilo

From: "Luis.F.Correia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I tested J.Nilo's keyboard package and I found a small error:
in lrcfg, if you go to the keyboard settings, my ae says,
could not find /etc/init.d/keyboard.

The file is definitely there!!1 So as a sanity check, I edited
/var/lib/lrpkg/keyaboard.conf and replaced the spaces for a TAB
in the first line that says:
/etc/init.d/keyboard change language keyboard maps

The bug your noticed has been fixed and the keyboard.lrp package should
now be OK.

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Dachstein features: Floppy vs CD

2001-11-29 Thread Jacques Nilo

> I'd like to hear from anyone who's used a recent Dachstein CD release
and a
> previous floppy release.  I'm specifically interested in how confusing
> intuitive) you found the backup routines, and any thoughts or concerns
> might have about making the CD backup routines the 'standard issue'
for all
> flavors of Dachstein.
I have never used your CD-ROM version since I do not have a CD-writer
here nor a CD-rom drive on my LRP box :-(
So it is difficult for me to compare..;
Could you give us some hints about the differences between the CD based
backup script and the floppy one ?
As far as the floppy one is concerned I think the two major problems are
(for someone new to LEAF):
a/ to understand the interaction between list and exclude.list files
b/ no automatic check of available space on backup device before copying
/tmp/package.lrp to the backup device (you need to do a "visual" check)
A part from that I think the floppy-based backup is OK especially of you
only want to save config files. But my judgment is perhaps biased by
some months/years(?) of practice...

Leaf-user mailing list

[Leaf-user] Updated LEAF 2.4.14+ Shorewall 1.1.18

2001-12-02 Thread Jacques Nilo

I have updated the LEAF 2.4.14 + Shorewall  distro described in my
previous post:

everything is in

The updated 1680k diskimage is called leaf-2.4.14-1680-b1.bin


1/ TMPFS is used instead of /dev/ram
/dev/ram0 is only used to boot initrd.lrp then the main filesystem is
pivot_rooted to tmpfs and /dev/ram0 released.
Three parameters can be introduced in the command line (but defaults
should be OK in most cases):
syst_size= max size of LRP filesystem (default SYSTSIZE=6M)
log_size= max size of /var/log  (default LOGSIZE=2M)
tmp_size= max size of /tmp (default remaining available memory)

Therefore ramlog.lrp is not needed anymore

Everything is in /var/lib/lrpkg/root.linuxrc
initrd fs umount and freeramdisk /dev/ram0 are done in /etc/init.d/rcS

2/ Initrd.lrp can be backuped as any other file
The scheme goes as follow: whatever package ($INITRD) is found after
initrd= is treated as a compressed minix fs. Then in lrcfg.back.script
if $PACKAGE=$INITRD a new script is called that will take care of
backuping this "special" file. See lrcfg.back.initrd.
The max size of the uncompressed initrd.lrp package can be setup through
initrd package configuration menu.
The procedure is fully transparent to the user. Standard rules for
including/excluding files apply. Files in /boot/modules will saved in

3/ Busybox updated to 0.60.2
pivot_root & mkfs.minix added

3/ Shorewall is now really 1.1.18 (was 1.1.17 by mistake in the previous
release). Shorewall is setup with the two-interfaces configuration file
provided by Tom and adapted to a standard LEAF distro by me. Move to the
three-interface one for setting up a DMZ.

4/ There seems to be a bug in busybox umount -a which does not umount
tmpfs filesystems. Until it's fixed the util-linux-2.11m version takes
care of umount -a.

5/ keyboard.lrp provided in the distro. "fr.map" is default... (No, I am


1/ clean-up /etc/init.d/network, /etc/network.conf  and
/etc/ipfilter.conf to get rid of all the unecessary stuff.
2/ In the above mentioned files check the QoS and bridge stuff
3/ Adjust weblet script to take care of firewall messages


Leaf-user mailing list

[Leaf-user] Re: [Leaf-devel] Updated LEAF 2.4.14+ Shorewall 1.1.18

2001-12-02 Thread Jacques Nilo

> 4/ There seems to be a bug in busybox umount -a which does not umount
> tmpfs filesystems. Until it's fixed the util-linux-2.11m version takes
> care of umount -a.
My bad. The problem was the -n switch. umount -a works perfectly well
whereas umount -n -a does not.
This makes sense to me since my bbox is compiled with #define
So got rid of util-linux umount, restored the bbox one and changed
/etc/init.d/umountfs to put umount -a instead of umount -n -a.

Leaf-user mailing list

[Leaf-user] Using/Devping LEAF in a virtual machine

2001-12-03 Thread Jacques Nilo

Are you looking for a Debian/slink "virtual" machine that could be run
on your 2.2.15 (and over) main linux box ?
Where you could have root privilege on a non root account ?
Are you tired of booting floppies to test new LEAF packages ?
Here is the answer: user-mode-linux
Basically your run linux within linux. A great job from Jeff Dike.
Here is my piece for my fellow LEAF/LRP developpers ands users:
Could also be useful to uml-user list afficionados ?
Enjoy !

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] ez-ipupdate

2001-12-19 Thread Jacques Nilo

> Could somebody out there with a valid development system for Dachstein
> compile a copy of ez-ipupdate to be included on Charles' CD?
> Thanks, dbc.
It's 3.0.11b5 stripped to 24K
It's also on Shane Boulder page at
but I am not sure of the version and the package is bigger (45K - not

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] ssh / openssh?

2001-12-20 Thread Jacques Nilo

> Julian Church wrote:
> >
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I use ssh to access and administer my Dachstein firewalls. (one home, one
> > office).
> >
> > I'm a bit confused because there seem to be two versions of sshd.lrp
> > available at the moment -
> >
> > The one I've always used is quite small, is called sshd.lrp, is available
> > at ftp://ftp.linuxrouter.org/linux-router/dists/2.9.8/packages/ and is
> > referenced in Steve Peck's sshd howto
> > http://c0wz.steinkuehler.net/dox/sshd.txt.

this is sshd 1.2.26. Only support ssh 1. Outdated

> >
> > The other one is much bigger (too big for my floppy), is also called
> > sshd.lrp, requires that I use libz.lrp and is part of openssh maintained by
> > Jaques Nilo at http://leaf.sourceforge.net/devel/jnilo/index.html.

This openssh Version 3.0p1

> > Could someone explain the differences?  Are the differences worth worrying
> > about?  Should I consider upgrading?
> >
> You definitely want to use J. Nilo's most recent ssh package,
> which I'm pretty sure is an OpenSSH implementation.  You just
> need a second floppy or to use CDROM for your packages.  Try
> Dachstein CD if you want.

I can only agree with Mat

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] need pptpd.lrp

2001-12-26 Thread Jacques Nilo

> I would like to setup a pptp server on my firewall. Where can I find
the lrp
> package and instructions. I was going to switch to Dachstein-CD but
> find this package on the list, or is this "built" into the kernel.

Hi Marvin:
You will find pptp stuff compiled for LRP in the following directory:
The pptp stuff in this directory is compiled against debian/slink
There is an Eigersteinb2_pptp.exe which I did 6 months ago for someone
who never gave any feedback on it. You can give it a try and let me

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] need pptpd.lrp

2001-12-26 Thread Jacques Nilo

> > I would like to setup a pptp server on my firewall. Where can I find
> the lrp
> > package and instructions. I was going to switch to Dachstein-CD but
> didn't
> > find this package on the list, or is this "built" into the kernel.
> Hi Marvin:
> You will find pptp stuff compiled for LRP in the following directory:
> http://leaf.sourceforge.net/devel/jnilo/pptp/
> The pptp stuff in this directory is compiled against debian/slink
> There is an Eigersteinb2_pptp.exe which I did 6 months ago for someone
> who never gave any feedback on it. You can give it a try and let me
> know.
> Jacques
Oops I read your previous post too quickly. The stuff in the previous
directory is the pptp client NOT the pptp server.
I can compile that for you if your relly need it. Could you take care of
the LRP packaging ?

Leaf-user mailing list

[Leaf-user] I'll be away for a week...

2001-12-28 Thread Jacques Nilo

I'll be away for a week till January 5th and probably won't have access
to my mail during that period.
Happy New Year to you all folks !

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Multipule LRP's using VMWARE

2002-01-10 Thread Jacques Nilo

> I was wondering someting. I have 3 lrp boxes. I have a fairly fast
> system (dual P3x650). If I installed VMware and put six nics in a
> could I then run 3 "virtual" copies of LRP and not have to have three
> sitting around?
You could also use user-mode-linux  to do that. Much cheaper than
VMware. See my piece on "Developping and using LEAF in a virtual
environment" available at

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Dach Floppy

2002-01-11 Thread Jacques NIlo

> > After modifying the floppy (static IP, delete some
> > stuff) I added libz and sshd.  I boot up and after a
> > aux, there is no sshd running.
> >
> > I started it manually (sshd -i) and get "Protocol
> > Mismatch" and its not running.  I also started it
> > without the -i (sshd) and it doesn't run.
> >
> > I got libz and sshd (and sshkey) from the Dach CD.
> Did you make a host-key before trying to start sshd?
> Is there anything in your logs?  Sshd is pretty good
about logging any
> problems...
You can have a look at

Leaf-user mailing list

[Leaf-user] Announcement: LEAF 2.4.16 + Shorewall 1.2.2

2002-01-18 Thread Jacques Nilo

With the help of Eric Wolzak I have updated my LEAF 2.4.x / Shorewall
based distro.

Many new features are available on the floppy:

  a.. Kernel 2.4.16 now used. New kernel config file. Includes in
particular support for PCMCIA, PPP, PPP/PPPOE, ISDN, USB and bridging

  b.. Use shorewall 1.2.2 allowing among many other things traffic
shapping & blacklisting

  c.. Pump (0.8.11-3) being used as default DHCP/BOOTP client to save
disk space (dhclient.lrp still OK)

  d.. networking script now fully debian/sid compatible. Dachstein's
/etc/network.conf, /etc/ipchains.conf and /etc/init.d/network
files/scripts completely removed

  e.. ifconfig (1.4.2) and ifupdown (0.6.4) available

  f.. new applets in bbox library (0.60.2)

  g.. new version of iproute2 (010824). tc patched to allow for HTB
queuing discipline

  h.. bridge now available as a separate package. Provides brctl from
bridge-utils (0.9.4)

  i.. ppp.lrp and pppoe.lrp provided in the standard distro for
serial/modem and adsl/pppoe connections. pppoe.lrp provides the PPPOE
2.4.16 kernel plugin. The ppp daemon is the 2.4.1 version patched for
kernel mode PPPOE available here.

  j.. pon, poff and plog scripts provided in ppp.lrp for ppp on demand.

  k.. weblet.lrp modified to handle iptable output. Do not need netstat

Also a user's guide is available. Check:

Jacques & Eric

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Announcement: LEAF 2.4.16 + Shorewall 1.2.2

2002-01-18 Thread Jacques Nilo


> Does USB support include networking?  My brother-in-law has DSL, but
the modem he got with the service is USB only, and the service uses
PPPoE on top of that.  Will this let me finally share his connection out
to the rest of the house?
USB networking should work. Obviously we have not been able to test
every DSL/modem combination and we have not tested USB in particuler.
But I am definitively interested to help you to setup that (send me your
modem reference and some info on your ISP connection characteristics) in
order to improve the documentation.
> They don't want any wires run, so the plan (if this distro can do it)
will be to use the USB DSL modem/PPPoE to connect, and to run the rest
of the house wireless.  I would have internet connectivity to all of my
machines again (moved 3 months ago, and haven't been directly on the
ineternet for that long --- it's killing me), and all would be well with
the world.  Okay, maybe not with *the* world, but *my* world would be
much better. :)
Wireless networking is one of my next priority. Here again beta testers
are welcomed !

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Announcement: LEAF 2.4.16 + Shorewall 1.2.2

2002-01-19 Thread Jacques Nilo

"Dr. Richard W. Tibbs" wrote:

> I would add another question:   Does USB support include CDRW drives?
>  From what I have read in the last month from Linux documentation
> project (which may be out of date w.r.t. 2.4.x) there is no USB support
> at all for CDRW drives.
> Is it possible that LEAF has better USB support in this regard than the
> main Linux distro's?
> Or has Linux 2.4 in fact taken a main step forward on USB support for
> such devices?

LEAF 2.4.16 is linux 2.4.16 based
2.4.16 kernel has USB support and apparently support HP CD Writer 82xx
You need to have usb-storage.o available (module not available in LEAF 2.4.16
though ...)

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] LEAF 2.4.16 + Shorewall 1.2.2 and bridging

2002-01-24 Thread Jacques Nilo

> I have been trying to set up a bridging firewall with the new LEAF
> image, but get error messages that indicate to me that the kernel
might not
> have been patched with Lennert Buytenhek's patch for iptables and
> in 2.4.16 (see http://bridge.sourceforge.net/downloadh.html). Can
> confirm or deny that this is the case?
Thinking about your problem something has come to my mind:
Did you insmod bridge.o ? The bridge module is ** NOT ** provided in the
floppy you have to download it from the 2.4.16/modules directory and
declare it in the module package (I have to be more explicit in the doc
about that).
Most of Lennert Buytenhek's patch are included in 2.4.16 (the are now
part of the kernel)
But also please note that Bridging is laregely untested in this distro.
So please report any problem/success/suggestion that can help other

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Leaf 2.4.16 view firewall rules

2002-01-26 Thread Jacques Nilo

From: "Larry Platzek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Is it just my copy view firewall rules that only has zero for packacts
> bytes fields?
Are you using weblet ? What command are you using ? Any output to show ?

> also when using PPP to my isp and they hang up the line after 240
> that why does not persist does not work? I would have expected my
> to reconnect to the isp just like if I unplug the phone line and back
Could we have a look at your provider or option file ?

> I am doing demand dial by PPP and have idle and persist.
> Does anyone care to tell me what to out on the
> "active-filter" option line so any multicast coming in on ppp0
> not to effect the idle timer? This is using PPPd 2.4.1 include with
> Leaf 2.4.16.
Try one of those:
active-filter 'ip multicast'
active-filter 'not ip multicast'


Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Leaf 2.4.16 view firewall rules

2002-01-26 Thread Jacques Nilo

> Is it just my copy view firewall rules that only has zero for packacts
> bytes fields?

Ok. So it's because you are viewing your firewall rules through weblet.
When Shorewall is started, the following /etc/shorewall/start script is

shorewall show >/var/sh-www/data/firewall
chown sh-httpd.adm /var/sh-www/data/firewall
shorewall show nat >/var/sh-www/data/masq
chown sh-httpd.adm /var/sh-www/data/masq

the firewall & masq files are the one you see through weblet
Since this is executed at the very begining of the session it is normal
that you find zeros for packects and bytes fields.


Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] setting up tinydns.lrp

2002-01-26 Thread Jacques Nilo

> One thing that took us quite a while was to figure out why reverse
> didn't work on the internal net. The way we finally got it to work was
> declare all entries in  /etc/tinydns-private/root/data as PTRs.
> For example
> =example1.private.network:
> instead of
> +example1.private.network:
> Now, my question is, is that actually correct? If so, I guess it would
be a
> good idea to add a reference to that to the docs (I know there's a PTR
> the sample, but since that referred to the router name, we assumed
> there was something special about that - remember, I'm surely a "DNS
> newbie").
This is correct.
+example1.private.network: only creates a A record
=example1.private.network: creates a A and a PTR record
Your PTR record shows example1.private.network as the name of if ip is
You definitively need it for reverse DNS.

Leaf-user mailing list

[Leaf-user] Annoucement: Openssh 3.0.2p1 available

2002-01-26 Thread Jacques Nilo

This is a "maintenance" package.
Statically compiled against libnsl and openssl-0.9.6c
Dynamically against zlib 1.1.3
One more FAQ in the doc. See:


Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Annoucement: Openssh 3.0.2p1 available

2002-01-26 Thread Jacques Nilo

From: "Michael Leone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Sat, 2002-01-26 at 15:04, Jacques Nilo wrote:
> > This is a "maintenance" package.
> > Statically compiled against libnsl and openssl-0.9.6c
> > Dynamically against zlib 1.1.3
> > One more FAQ in the doc. See:
> > http://leaf.sourceforge.net/devel/jnilo/openssh.html
> Jacques, I'm currently using OpenSSH v3.0p1. What's the best way to
> upgrade, without having to remake keys? Just load the new sshd.lrp?

Here is what I would suggest:
Download the new sshd.lrp on a floppy disk.
mount it on your firewall:

mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /mnt

then extract the package

cd /mnt
lrpkg -i
cd /

umount your floppy:

umount /mnt

OK now you have to make a change in /etc/ssh since the entropy file has
Removed the NEW one (rm moduli) and rename the OLD one (mv primes
You have to do that otherwise I think your keys won't work any more.
I have not done it myself but it is exactly what the install   part of
the openssh Makefile is doing.
So it should work

Once you have done that backup your new sshd --> it will backup your
keys as well.

Of course you could also scp the package to the firewall /tmp file and
do the same.

Let me know if it is working. It's worth a FAQ :-)


Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Annoucement: Openssh 3.0.2p1 available

2002-01-26 Thread Jacques Nilo

To extract the package one should read:
lrpkg -i sshd
Sorry for the typo.

Leaf-user mailing list

[Leaf-user] Needs some help with C

2002-01-27 Thread Jacques Nilo

Here is my problem:
I am preparing a pcmcia-cs package for the next 2.4.16 ("Bering") LEAF 
The /etc/pcmcia/network script is using a ifuser utility to see if any of a 
list of hosts or network  addresses are routed through a specified interface. 
This small program call netstat and I would like to modify it in order to get 
read of it. I would like to remove the
f = popen("netstat -nr", "r");
by something like
f = popen("cat /proc/net/route","r")
but I am a bit lost in the processing of this file (IP in hex + tabs) 
Is there someone around for which this would be a 101 type of C programming 
Fortran is the only language I have ever practised in my life.
I really feel like a dinosaur...
The program is attached.
gcc ifuser.c -o ifuser
is enough to compile it.


This utility checks to see if any of a list of hosts or network
addresses are routed through a specified interface.  Destinations
may be specified either by IP address or by name.

usage: ifuser [-v] interface [target ...]

The exit code is 0 if any host is using the specified interface,
and 1 if the interface is not in use (just like fuser).

ifuser.c 1.16 2001/08/24 12:19:20

1998/10/24: Regis "HPReg" Duchesne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  . Added network names (/etc/networks) management
  . Used u_int32_t instead of u_int
  . Handled a malloc error

The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/

Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
implied. See the License for the specific language governing
rights and limitations under the License.

The initial developer of the original code is David A. Hinds
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.  Portions created by David A. Hinds
are Copyright (C) 1999 David A. Hinds.  All Rights Reserved.

Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in
which case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
above.  If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision
by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
and other provisions required by the GPL.  If you do not delete
the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
file under either the MPL or the GPL.
Portions created by Regis "HPReg" Duchesne are Copyright (C) 1998
Regis "HPReg" Duchesne.  All Rights Reserved.



typedef struct route_t {
u_int32_t   dest, mask;
int match;
struct route_t  *next;
} route_t;


static int resolv_name(char *s, u_int32_t *a)
struct in_addr addr;
struct hostent *hp;
struct netent *np;

if (inet_aton(s, &addr)) {
*a = (u_int32_t)ntohl(addr.s_addr);
return 0;
np = getnetbyname(s);
if (np) {
*a = (u_int32_t)np->n_net;
return 0;
hp = gethostbyname(s);
if (hp) {
*a = (u_int32_t)ntohl(*(u_int32_t *)hp->h_addr_list[0]);
return 0;
return -1;


static void usage(char *s)
fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-v] interface [target ...]\n", s);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char *dev, s[129], dest[16], mask[16], iface[10];
route_t *r, *tbl, **tail;
int i, verbose = 0, busy = 0;
FILE *f;

i = 1;
if (argc < 2) usage(argv[0]);
if (strcmp(argv[1], "-v") == 0) {
verbose = 1; i++;
if ((*argv[i] == '-') || (argc < i+1)) usage(argv[0]);
dev = argv[i]; i++;

/* Get routing table */
f = popen("netstat -nr", "r");
if (f == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: could not get routing table: %s\n",
argv[0], strerror(errno));
return 2;

do {
fgets(s, 128, f);
} while (!feof(f) && !isdigit(s[0]));

tail = &tbl;
do {
r = malloc(sizeof(route_t));
if (r == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: out of memory\n", argv[0]);
return 2;
sscanf(s, "%s %*s %s %*s %*s %*s %*s %s", dest, mask, iface);
resolv_name(dest, &r->dest);
resolv_name(mask, &r->mask);

Re: [Leaf-user] LEAF 2.4.16 + Shorewall 1.2.2 problems

2002-01-28 Thread Jacques Nilo

> I'm trying to use the new 2.4.16;
> I have a static IP address so I dont assign eth0 addr
with dhcp,
> I configured the file
> /etc/network/interfaces
> but I get the messages
> Configuring network interfaces: route: not found
> so the IP addressess are configured correctly but
> any route information.
> any suggestion?
The LEAF 2.4.16 distro is setup by default for dynamic
IP's on eth0.
If you are using fixed IP you must change the interface
file (what you did already) but also the param file from
the shorwall menu.
NET_BCAST=set your ISP broadcast adress here
NET_OPTIONS=noping,norfc1918 (remove the dhcp option)
Let me know if works. If not please report problem with
syslog output, interface & param files
What kind of connection are you using ? (cable, ADSL ?)

Profitez de l'offre spéciale Tiscali Liberty Surf !
50% de temps en plus pendant 3 mois sur tous les forfaits Internet.


Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] LEAF 2.4.16 + Shorewall 1.2.2 problems

2002-01-28 Thread Jacques Nilo

> I'm trying to use the new 2.4.16;
> I have a static IP address so I dont assign eth0 addr
with dhcp,
> I configured the file
> /etc/network/interfaces
> but I get the messages
> Configuring network interfaces: route: not found
> so the IP addressess are configured correctly but
> any route information.
> any suggestion?
The LEAF 2.4.16 distro is setup by default for dynamic
IP's on eth0.
If you are using fixed IP you must change the interface
file (what you did already) but also the param file from
the shorwall menu.
NET_BCAST=set your ISP broadcast adress here
NET_OPTIONS=noping,norfc1918 (remove the dhcp option)
Let me know if works. If not please report problem with
syslog output, interface & param files
What kind of connection are you using ? (cable, ADSL ?)

Profitez de l'offre spéciale Tiscali Liberty Surf !
50% de temps en plus pendant 3 mois sur tous les forfaits Internet.


Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] An ssh attack against ESb2

2002-01-28 Thread Jacques Nilo

> At 20:42 27/01/02 -0800, Jeff Newmiller wrote:
> >I don't know if there is an ssh
> >v1.2.32 LRP file, but I think Jacques Nilo's OpenSSH
is up to date.
> I think you're right.  sshd -h tells me (amongst other
> sshd version OpenSSH_3.0p1

In fact the latest available Openssh LEAF package is now

Profitez de l'offre spéciale Tiscali Liberty Surf !
50% de temps en plus pendant 3 mois sur tous les forfaits Internet.


Leaf-user mailing list

[Leaf-user] LEAF "Bering" beta-3 available

2002-02-04 Thread Jacques Nilo

The LEAF 2.4.16 - beta2 distribution has been updated and now becomes
LEAF "Bering" - beta3.
Main features:

- 2.4.16 Kernel with support for IDE, DOC, SCSI, Parport, USB, PPP,
PPPoE, PPPoA, PCMCIA, ISDN, Bridging, ext2/ext3/reiserfs, IPV6, Wireless
LAN, ...
- Provided with latest 1.2.5 Shorewall package
- New packages available: pcmcia.lrp (3.1.31), wireless.lrp and
ppp-filter.lrp in the Bering package area
- Winimage disk image now available for Windows users
- Updated documentation

Stills fit on a 1680K floppy :-)

The detailed changelog is available at:

For the full documentation refer to:

Files are available for download at:

Extra packages available at:


Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] 2.4 Kernel & packet inspection?

2002-02-12 Thread Jacques Nilo

From: "Scott Sandeman-Allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> As I review firewalling etc. I have become interested in stateful
> packet filtering as well as a few other goodies offered by the 2.4
> kernel (and a few not yet offered).
> Is there any work in progress for LRP to be running packet
> inspection/mangling etc. in the near future?
Bering is derived from Dachstein, is Kernel 2.4 based, relies on iptable
and might be an answer to your question.


Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Bering and DOC2000

2002-02-16 Thread Jacques Nilo

>   I don't know if JN is reading this thread, but it'd be nice if the
> above link would go a bit further in the "What is Bering" description.
> To say it is basically an enhanced Dachstein doesn't tell the new
> person what Bering is if they don't know what Dachstein is.  I think
> the answer would want to include something like:
I am :-). It takes some time to reach Europe :-)

>   "Bering is a miniature Linux OS that lives entirely on a 1.68 MB
> and it's purpose is to act as a router/firewall that connects two
> filtering the content to protect the internal network.  Bering is
> upon a tried and true router/firewall called Dachstein (version rc2),
> by Charles St[ei][ie]nk[ue][eu]l[h]er, sigh.  The Bering firewall uses
> for the firewall rules and Linux kernel 2.4.x as the base OS.  Running
> on an old Pentium with 32 MB of RAM is like using one of those Linksys
> DLink router-firewalls, except that Bering is much more powerful,
> and extensible."
I'll buy that description if there is no copyright attach to it.
Some news about Bering beta-4 about to be released:

the initial loading of modules from boot/lib/modules now works properly
ifupdown has been fixed and do not use ifconfig and route anymore (only
latest shorewall to be included

Should be ready for testing tomorrow
I would like to include in the doc two paragraphs about:
Booting Bering from an hard disk
Booting Bering from DOC
Any volunteer ?

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Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Re: LEAF 2.4.14 / Shorewall 1.1.18 based distro (alpha version)

2002-02-16 Thread Jacques Nilo

> I have begun to experiment with Bering (b3) to attempt to build a
> that can support a wireless pcmcia interface using the orinoco_cs
> The end product should be strictly routing with firewall ( no NAT),
and an
> IPSEC tunnel securing the wireless interfaces between 2 gateways.
Good !

> I think I am making some progress (slowly!)... here are some of my
> observations to date:
> 1.  It looks like you may have a bug in the PCMCIA package or in your
> scripts  the LRCFG menu provides an option to update wireless
> but this opens "scsi.opts" instead of "wireless.opts".  Since I didn't
> a SCSI/PCMCIA interface i tried working around it by replacing
> with a copy of wireless.opts.
As stated in the doc the pcmcia package is really experimental. The pb
you mention can be easily fixed by editing the file

> 2.  I assume that I must manually install hermes.o, orinoco.o and
> orinoco_cs.o, but it is not clear what location they should be
installed in.
> Please advise?
In /lib/modules/pcmcia/2.4.16

> 3. It seems there may be a possible discrepancy in the PCMCIA card
> versions. Looking at daemon.log, cardmgr (v3.1.31) starts, but fails
> "no pcmcia driver in /proc/devices".However, kern.log reports
> Card Services 3.1.22 launching, but failing becuase "ds: no socket
> loaded".
You need to be sure that pcmcia_core , ds and yenta_socket are loaded.
Check your parameter (sorry I do not have my test platform next to me)


Leaf-user mailing list

[Leaf-user] LEAF "Bering" beta4 available

2002-02-21 Thread Jacques Nilo

Changelog for beta4:

1/ Shorewall updated to latest 1.2.6 version

2/ ifupdown program adapted to only use ip addr and ip route commands.
ifconfig removed

3/ arp program added to /sbin to have proxy-arp working with Shorewall

4/ beta2 /usr/sbin/lrcfg.back.initrd script restored. Automatic computation
of INITRD_SIZE in beta3 was buggy

5/  Loading of modules stored in /boot/lib/modules right after initrd is
mounted is now working properly

6/ ctar removed following a suggestion by S. Caron

7/ The pcmcia.lrp configuration list is no more broken

8/ Some clean-up in weblet.lrp

9/ Documentation updated to revision 0.3.



The following files are available on the 1680K formatted LEAF "Bering" floppy:

drwxr-xr-x2 root root 5632 jan  1  1970 ./
drwxr-xr-x5 root root 4096 oct 30 18:11 ../
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root 8630 feb 21 23:10 bridge.lrp*
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root43772 feb 19 06:02 dhcpd.lrp*
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root23814 feb 21 23:08 dnscache.lrp*
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root23974 feb 21 23:07 etc.lrp*
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root   409033 feb 21 23:06 initrd.lrp*
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root11933 feb 21 23:07 keyboard.lrp*
-r-xr-xr-x1 root root 6920 may 29  2001 ldlinux.sys*
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root   470719 jan 29 22:46 linux*
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root  499 feb 21 23:07 local.lrp*
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root  611 nov 11 19:36 log.lrp*
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root   114637 feb 21 23:07 modules.lrp*
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root95710 feb 21 23:09 ppp.lrp*
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root13292 feb 21 23:09 pppoe.lrp*
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root24565 feb 21 23:07 pump.lrp*
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root  188 feb 17 04:35 readme*
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root   311730 feb 21 23:06 root.lrp*
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root31423 feb 21 23:07 shorwall.lrp*
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root  205 jan 16 08:39 syslinux.cfg*
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root 1016 feb 17 02:44 syslinux.dpy*
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root41800 feb 21 23:09 tc.lrp*
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root20857 feb 21 23:08 weblet.lrp*


Leaf-user mailing list

[Leaf-user] Re: [Leaf-devel] A few sshd and tinydns issues for JN

2002-03-02 Thread Jacques Nilo

Hi Matt
I just got your mail today. I have been out of town for a week.
I understand from what you say that the sshd/dnscache/tinydns documentation
needs some clarification. Indeed if you have tinydns running you should not
need to adjust /etc/hosts.
If you could suggest direct changes to the documentation I'll happily include
them. Writing doc takes time especially when you are not an English/US native.
But I also think documentation is a real necessity that is why I have always
tried to release one with my packages.

Leaf-user mailing list

[Leaf-user] openssh 3.1p1 LEAF packages available

2002-03-08 Thread Jacques Nilo

A vulnerability has been recently found in openssh up to version 3.0.2.
See the CERT annoucement  at:

The LEAF openssh packages (ssh/sshd/sftp/sshkey) have been updated accordingly
and are now available
for download from my website.

The documentation has also been updated to include clarifications suggested by
Matt Shalit (Thanks Matt) !)


Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] email processing suggestions (was: no subject)

2002-03-12 Thread Jacques Nilo

> At 09:57 PM 3/11/02 -0600, JamesSturdevant wrote:
> >I want to put together a LEAF system for a small
nonprofit office. The
> >system is a 486DX-100, 16MB memory with ppp and a
network card, booting
> >from a floppy. I have that much running now using
> >
> >I want to add an email service to this machine with a
500MB disk for
> >storage. I will be making pakages for fetchmail and
procmail to retrieve
> >the email from the ISP, but I need suggestions for
smtp and pop3 services.
> >What programs would be best to use given the space
issues of typical LEAF
> >systems?
qmail and vmailmgr could be your friends.

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Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Bering compact flash image with serial console support

2002-03-12 Thread Jacques Nilo

> I am attempting to create a Bering image with the
following qualities:
> 1) boots from 4 MB compact flash connected to ide
controller on Soekris net4501 (www.soekris.com)
> 2) supports the National Semiconductor ethernet devices
on the Soekris net4501
> 3) has console on serial port
> 4) has ipsec support
> My question is this:  in order to accomplish 3 and 4, I
had to compile a new kernel.  I did this by acquiring the
bering-beta4 config file, applying the freeswan patches
to a 2.4.17 source tree, and making the kernel and
modules on a Debian Woody box.  Is this allowed?  Do I
have to compile my kernel and modules on a Slink box as
well as the binaries?
Partly yes. The ipsec patched kernel must be compiled
with Debian Woody (or better). You cannot compile a 2.4.X
kernel with slink.
But the ipsec programs (in pluto dir from what I remember
out of my head must be compiled in debian slink since
they are going to be linked against glibc 2.0). I did a
try very quickly a couple of days ago and run into header
problems and __bzero undefined stuff that I did not
investigate further. I am planning to work on an ipsec
version of Bering in the weeks to come. I did not have
the time yet and will probably need some help from
Charles who our ipsec gourou :-)

> The kernel boots fine with serial support and all,
ipsec and natsemi modules seems to work fine, but
eventually, I get a kernel panic.  When I try to ping
machines connected to either interface, I get nothing but
transmit timeouts and it seems to accelerate the
process.  the output of ifconfig for that interface shows:
>   TX packets:3 errors:9 dropped:0 overruns:3
>   Collisions:0
I have only one advice to make at this stage: first have
bering working with everything but ipsec. then move on to
try to include ipsec. If you succeed I'll be definitively
Are you using the latest 1.96 version of the freeswan
code ?
Profitez de l'offre spéciale Tiscali Liberty Surf !
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Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Bering compact flash image with serial console support

2002-03-12 Thread Jacques Nilo

> I am attempting to create a Bering image with the
following qualities:
> 1) boots from 4 MB compact flash connected to ide
controller on Soekris net4501 (www.soekris.com)
> 2) supports the National Semiconductor ethernet devices
on the Soekris net4501
> 3) has console on serial port
> 4) has ipsec support
> My question is this:  in order to accomplish 3 and 4, I
had to compile a new kernel.  I did this by acquiring the
bering-beta4 config file, applying the freeswan patches
to a 2.4.17 source tree, and making the kernel and
modules on a Debian Woody box.  Is this allowed?  Do I
have to compile my kernel and modules on a Slink box as
well as the binaries?
Partly yes. The ipsec patched kernel must be compiled
with Debian Woody (or better). You cannot compile a 2.4.X
kernel with slink.
But the ipsec programs (in pluto dir from what I remember
out of my head must be compiled in debian slink since
they are going to be linked against glibc 2.0). I did a
try very quickly a couple of days ago and run into header
problems and __bzero undefined stuff that I did not
investigate further. I am planning to work on an ipsec
version of Bering in the weeks to come. I did not have
the time yet and will probably need some help from
Charles who our ipsec gourou :-)

> The kernel boots fine with serial support and all,
ipsec and natsemi modules seems to work fine, but
eventually, I get a kernel panic.  When I try to ping
machines connected to either interface, I get nothing but
transmit timeouts and it seems to accelerate the
process.  the output of ifconfig for that interface shows:
>   TX packets:3 errors:9 dropped:0 overruns:3
>   Collisions:0
I have only one advice to make at this stage: first have
bering working with everything but ipsec. then move on to
try to include ipsec. If you succeed I'll be definitively
Are you using the latest 1.96 version of the freeswan
code ?

Profitez de l'offre spéciale Tiscali Liberty Surf !
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Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] ramdisk_size query for DS 1.0.2

2002-03-13 Thread Jacques Nilo

> I have a need to increase my syslinux.cfg ramdisk_size declaration to a
> value above 65536. My DS box has 128MB physical ram, and it's currently
> using 65536, but for database reasons, I'm thinking of jacking this
> value to 98304.
> I did some research on the past mail archives and stumbled upon old
> queries posted by other LEAF users talking about a 2.4 package called
> initrd.lrp, and  setting additional syslinux.cfg parameters like initrd,
> and syst_size. Going thru the archives, I also came across informative
> exchanges from our LEAF developers on  modelling the use and packaging
> of initrd (and root.lrp) for future the LRPs.
> I would like to know if how do I handle/implement this on a DS 2.2.19
> environment (if this hasn't been done yet). I really need to raise my
> ram disk size to above 64M.
initrd.lrp is a package that was designed for Bering in order to get rid of the
original LRP patches and move on kernel 2.4.x development.

In this distro, you can use tmp_size=xxM, to allocate xxM of space  /tmp or
log_size=yyM to control max size of /var/log

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] ramdisk_size query for DS 1.0.2

2002-03-13 Thread Jacques Nilo

> > > I would like to know if how do I handle/implement this on a DS 2.2.19
> > > environment (if this hasn't been done yet). I really need to raise my
> > > ram disk size to above 64M.
> > initrd.lrp is a package that was designed for Bering in order to get rid of
> > original LRP patches and move on kernel 2.4.x development.
> > Check
> > http://leaf.sourceforge.net/devel/jnilo
> >
> > In this distro, you can use tmp_size=xxM, to allocate xxM of space  /tmp or
> > log_size=yyM to control max size of /var/log
> > Jacques
> You must use a different filesystem type than the usual minix if you want
> a single filesystem of more than 64M.
Bering uses tmpfs so you do not have the 64M minix limitation.

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] IP aliases, kernel 2.4 and Leaf-Bering

2002-03-14 Thread Jacques Nilo

> > "ip addr add" works ok. I need to know in what format should
> > i write it in
> > network config in Bering. Anybody knows?
> Bering is following Debian.  For myself, I would make the
> changes in /etc/network/interfaces.
In the interface file you can use the "up" prefix . You can have something

auto eth2
iface eth2 inet static
netmask 24
up ip address add dev eth2 label eth2:1

Do do hesitate to use the -v flag to see what commands are executed when ifup
ethx is executed:
ifup -v ethx
ifdown -v ethx

I know I have to improve my documentation on this interface configuration.

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] bering and modem dial and demand

2002-03-15 Thread Jacques Nilo

> Hi I just installed bering and added ppp to
syslinux.cfg and when it
> boots up I get kernel either does not support or ppp is
not installed
> properly. What do I need to install to get a dialup to
isp so rest of
> office can get net (lan card)?
> p.s. never configed intenal modem with lan card combo
for linux router
You have to load the ppp modules. Configure the
modules.lrp package through the LEAF configuration
modules and uncomment the ppp and ppp related modules for
dialup connection (the template is read for that and the
modules are provided in the standard distro). Then save
modules.lrp and reboot.
Profitez de l'offre spéciale Tiscali Liberty Surf !
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Leaf-user mailing list

[Leaf-user] Re: Bering Beta4 / ifup

2002-03-15 Thread Jacques Nilo

> > > I tried to set up ip aliases but it does not work:
> > >
> >Honestly I have never tried :-) The following setup
> >should work
> >
> >auto eth0
> >iface eth0 inet static
> >   address
> >   masklen 24
> >   gateway xx.xx.xx.xx
> >up ip address add dev eth0 label eth0:0
> This works, but there are more problems with ipup:
> ---
> auto eth0 eth0
> iface eth0 inet static
>  address
>  masklen 24
>  gateway
> iface eth1 inet static
>  address
>  masklen 28
> ---
> However this won´t work. You have to put the "gateway"
option in the "iface
> eth1" block.
> The system refuses to set a default gw if it can´t
route to it (pretty
> clever ;-))).
> The "ipup" package is in my opinion "to old" for 2.4.xx
and iproute based
> systems
Well I do not know what you mean by "too old". It is the
latest "sid" debian version and I adapted it to replace
the ifconfig/route commands by the ip addr/ip route combo.
The interface file is very flexible: you can embedded as
many ip command as you what through the up/down/pre-
up/pre-down prefix.
My advice: use the -s flag to see what an ifup eth1
command is doing
ifup -s eth1 (or ifdown -s eth1)
It will show you the precise sequences of command that
will be executed when starting/stopping the interface
Profitez de l'offre spéciale Tiscali Liberty Surf !
50% de temps en plus pendant 3 mois sur tous les forfaits Internet.


Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] IP aliases, kernel 2.4 and Leaf-Bering

2002-03-15 Thread Jacques Nilo

> Sorry i found an answer where add routes,
Good :-)
> so the only one missing is where
> i find "traceroute" command :)
The traceroute command was removed from Bering to save
space and to avoid giving access to a useful tool to
hackers. At this stage my advice would be to move the
traceroute program either from Bering beta3 (I think it
was still there in beta3) or from Dachstein and then save
root.lrp to have it in your own distro.
I will package it separately for those users who need it.

Profitez de l'offre spéciale Tiscali Liberty Surf !
50% de temps en plus pendant 3 mois sur tous les forfaits Internet.


Leaf-user mailing list

[Leaf-user] Re: Bering Beta4 / ifup

2002-03-15 Thread Jacques Nilo

> There are really quit nice fatures in ipupdown!
> >My advice: use the -s flag to see what an ifup eth1
> >command is doing
> >ifup -s eth1 (or ifdown -s eth1)
> >It will show you the precise sequences of command that
> >will be executed when starting/stopping the interface.
> Sorry but this doesn´t work:
Sorry for the mistake. You should read the -v flag  - for
verify :-)
Profitez de l'offre spéciale Tiscali Liberty Surf !
50% de temps en plus pendant 3 mois sur tous les forfaits Internet.


Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Bering Kernel 2.4 IDE Support?

2002-03-15 Thread Jacques Nilo

> > Is there a Bering kernel with IDE support?
> I'm trying to set up Bering booting from HD
> and I current linux file does nor support HD.
> Where can I get it??
Standard Bering kernel supports IDE. You need to download
the 3 following modules from the module directory:

and to load them in this order through the modules
package (there is a template for that in the modules
configuration file). Check the doc:

Profitez de l'offre spéciale Tiscali Liberty Surf !
50% de temps en plus pendant 3 mois sur tous les forfaits Internet.


Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Are all recent ssh packages so large?

2002-03-15 Thread Jacques Nilo

> Brian Boonstra wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > I note that Jacques Nilo has a nice modern pair of sshd.lrp and
> > ssh.lrp on the LEAF website.  I was thinking of upgrading, but I still like
> > to try to get by with a single floppy, while those packages are > 300K each
> > (and the binaries inside >  600K).
> >
> > My old versions are less than 300K for both of them put together.
> > Is there anything both small and modern out there?
> >
> >
> > Brian
> JN can speak to is better because he compiles them,
> but the short answer is no.  The newer openssl and
> openssh programs have a lot more code in them.  There
> was an issue with shared libraries vs static ones
> that obviously affects the size, but I can only recall
> him (and David) trying to minimze the size and couldn't.
> Don't go far Brian!  Come by every once in a while
> and tell us funny stories about your new hobbies :)
> Matt
I can - alas - only confirm what Matt is saying. openssh has been getting
bigger and bigger with each new release. It does not preclude to use it even if
you only have one floppy drive on your LEAF box (which is my case). Check the

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] 56k modem : BERING

2002-03-16 Thread Jacques Nilo

Jim Van Eeckhoutte wrote:

> Ah oh a newbie question. How does one get a internal 56k modem to work
> in bering? Ive read the howtos but none on modem. Im trying to get a
> router goin to share verizon dialup for office. Right now office is
> using ICS on a ME machine(very unreliable). Any response would be more
> than helpful. Thank you.

The standard Bering distro provides modem dial-up support.
1/ declare the modules needed for ppp
Through the LEAF configuration menu edit the modules configuration file
Uncomment those modules names needed for modem connection (the template
is ready)
Save your file. backup modules.lrp
2/ declare ppp.lrp in syslinux.cfg
ppp.lrp is provided on the floppy. Edit syslinux.cfg and add ppp to the
LRP= list . save
Configure your ppp setup through the LEAF configuration menu (the default
is a script for a Compuserve connection).
Entry 1 and 2 are the only one which need to be adhjusted to your ISP
Once done save ppp.lrp
Good luck

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Bering beta4

2002-03-16 Thread Jacques Nilo


> Hi! I added the bridge module, but backup menu 3) etc does not backup /etc/modules. 
>Or what?. /lib/modules/bridge.o is ok & manual insmod.

Well you have to backup modules.lrp not etc.lrp to save modules in /lib/modules. See 
the doc

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] re:56k modem in Bering

2002-03-16 Thread Jacques Nilo

Jim Van Eeckhoutte wrote:

> How do I check for modem functionality in Bering?



Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Re: Bering Beta4 / ifup

2002-03-16 Thread Jacques Nilo

> > > The "ipup" package is in my opinion "to old" for 2.4.xx
> > > and iproute based systems
> > Well I do not know what you mean by "too old". It is the
> > latest "sid" debian version and I adapted it to replace
> > the ifconfig/route commands by the ip addr/ip route combo.
> > Jacques
> Would you consider posting your modified sources for ifupdown? I'd like
> to compile it under uClibc, and would be happy to post the executable if
> there were any interest in such a thing.
I will as soon as I will have finished with the upcoming release of Bering.

Leaf-user mailing list

[Leaf-user] Bering Cookbook

2002-03-17 Thread Jacques Nilo


A real thanks for your contribution. I think it will be really useful
for users who have been requesting IPSEC support within Bering. May I include
your mail content in a "Bering cookbook" documentation that will complement the user's 
guide and will gather
contributions from Bering users describing specific configurations?

The first release of the cookbook could contain the following contributions

A Bering dialup-modem configuration (me)
A pcmcia/dialup-modem emergency router (me)
PPPoE setup in Bering (Eric)
ISDN setup in Bering (Eric)
Wireless and orinoco setup (Bob Pocius)
IPSEC (Chad)

I will post shortly the first two with their xml code that could be used by those
interested as a template.

Any other contribution are welcomed ! (bridging, setting up a dmz, ...)


Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Bering Kernel 2.4 IDE Support?

2002-03-17 Thread Jacques Nilo

> > and to load them in this order through the modules
> > package (there is a template for that in the modules
> > configuration file). Check the doc:
> > http://leaf.sourceforge.net/devel/jnilo/leaffw04.html#AEN3
> > 93
> If you need to load the modules package itself from the hard drive, I found
> that you have to add these lines to the /boot/etc/modules and the modules to
> the /boot/lib/modules directory.  Is that not the case?

Yes it is. I think this is mentionned in the doc.

> If you need to do this, you have to first uncompress and mount the initrd.lrp
> gunzip -S .lrp initrd.lrp
> mount -t minix initrd /mnt -o loop
> Then you can copy the files to /mnt/boot/lib/modules and make the changes to
> /mnt/boot/etc/modules.  Then umount the image and recompress it.
> umount /mnt
> gzip -S .lrp -n initrd
> Is there an easier way?  That is just how I got it to work.

There are basically two strategies if you want to boot Bering (or any LEAF
variant) distro from an hard disk (be careful: you loose the security attached
to a write-protected media):
1/ You make a ***msdos*** partition on your hard disk, install syslinux on it
an copy all the packages you need on the hard disk. Do not unpack anything. You
modify syslinux.cfg to declare the new PKGPATH to hdx and you put your ide
modules in /boot/lib/modules and save this in modules.lrp (do  that on a floppy
distro before copying initrd.lrp to the IDE disk).
linux kernel and initrd.lrp will be loaded thanks to syslinux, the ide modules
will be loaded then and after that the /linuxrc script will load the other
packages from the hard disk. Bering will be run from a /tmpfs fs as with a
floppy distro. Your IDE disk is just another boot media where your packages are
2/ You make a linux ***ext2*** partition on your hard disk and ***unpack*** all
the packages you need there. This is a more "hackish" approach where you get a
quasi linux distro on your disk. Not really recommended and requires some
knowledge of the program structure and some tuning too.

Leaf-user mailing list

[Leaf-user] libz.lrp (1.1.4) for openssh available

2002-03-17 Thread Jacques Nilo

As it was recently mentionned in the LEAF mailing lists a vulnerability has
been found in the Zlib compression library (which is provided by the libz.lrp

This package is being used by the openssh suite (ssh, sshd, scp, sftp) and is
now available in it's latest secure version (1.1.4).

Openssh users should update immediately.

The updated LEAF package is available for download at:


Leaf-user mailing list

[Leaf-user] Bering v1.0-rc1 available

2002-03-18 Thread Jacques Nilo

Updated with a 2.4.18 linux kernel & shorewall 1.2.9. Check:
Jacques & Eric


Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Bering v1.0-rc1 available

2002-03-19 Thread Jacques Nilo

Lee wrote:
>  >
> > I downloaded bering-1680.bin (the rc1 version at the link you provided)
> > and created the floppy disk under Linux, following the instructions,
> > except that I was not root when I did the download.
> >
> > During the boot process, when it starts loading the packages, the first
> > three or so load normally, then when it gets to "keyboard", it produces
> > an error:
> > "gunzip: invalid compressed data--length error"
> > Same error appears when it tries to load "shorwall". Then "dnscache" and
> > "weblet" appear to load without error, and the boot process proceeds to
> > completion.
> >
> > I tried two different floppies, with the same result. Then I downloaded
> > bering-1680.bin again, thinking my first download was bad. Same result,
> > same errors.
> >
> > Is this because I am not root while I download? I could see why that
> > would matter, but I don't know too much.
> >
> I'm getting this too. I think the problem is actually with ungzipping the
> Shorwall package. I tried swapping packages in and out between shorwall.lrp
> and keyboard.lrp but it always comes up at the shorwall.lrp package.
> However despite this, I do get a configurable Shorwall in the lrcfg menu
> system. If I make changes and back it up then the system reboots with no
> gunzip problems.
> I haven't been able to test whether my system actually works yet due to a
> long-standing inability to get modem dial up working on Bering (and
> Dachstein) ;-) Roll on that Bering dial up cookbook!
Dear all:
It appears that the Bering v1.0-rc1 image is corrupted (gzip pb with
shorewall & keyboard). I was able to reproduce this downloading the
image from the LEAF site.
The new images should be available in the coming hour. I'll let you know
Sorry for the incovenience this may has caused

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Bering v1.0-rc1 available

2002-03-19 Thread Jacques Nilo

> I haven't been able to test whether my system actually works yet due to a
> long-standing inability to get modem dial up working on Bering (and
> Dachstein) ;-) Roll on that Bering dial up cookbook!
Here you are:

Leaf-user mailing list

[Leaf-user] Bering v1.0-rc1 disk images regenerated

2002-03-19 Thread Jacques Nilo

The Bering v1.0-rc1 images released yesterday appeared corrupted to some users.
They have been regenerated.
Follow the md5sum you should get for each file:
4ebc430648ec51cd131595213e415f14  bering-1680-v1.0-rc1.bin
8efc3afc3161b8b6a653f04d4a20aa49  bering-1680-v1.0-rc1.exe

Sorry for the incovenience this may have caused.


Leaf-user mailing list

[Leaf-user] Bering user's guide ("the cook book")

2002-03-19 Thread Jacques Nilo

Following a suggestion by Mike, I renamed the "cook book" to a more "civilized"
So here are the first two contributions to this guide that will complement the
installation guide already available:
1/ Serial Modem configuration
2/ PCMCIA configuration ("An dial-up emergency router with a PCMCIA Xircom
combo card")
There are available at:

Next contributions under preparation:
3/ PPoE configuration (Eric)
4/ ISDN configuration (Eric)
5/ Wireless and orinoco cards (me + Bob Pocius)
6/ Compiling your own Bering kernel (me)
7/ Booting Bering from a CD-ROM (L. Correia)
8/ IPSEC and X.512 certificates (C. Carr)

Docbook XML source are available for download to be used as templates (see the
doc). Contributions are welcomed !


Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Looking for advice on which package to use

2002-03-20 Thread Jacques Nilo

> I was working with Materhorn 2.9.4 and had leaf
recommended to me. The
> problem is, I don't know which to use.
> I am trying to build a straight router, anything beyond
that is not a
> requirement. QoS and firewalling would be nice, but for
now, we just need
> routing.
> Here is our setup:
> We have 2 seperate internet feeds, 3 static IP's on
one, 9 static IP's on
> the other. We need to take these 2 feeds and route them
onto 4 different
> internal networks. Each internal network will be
offering Web, Radius, FTP
> and SSH to the outside world.
> We have a PPro 200 w/128MB and 4 Intel Pro/100+ Dual
Port NIC's.
The following link should help you in choosing a LEAF
Bering & Dachstein are probably the two options you
should consider for a pure router/firewall project.
Profitez de l'offre spéciale Tiscali Liberty Surf !
50% de temps en plus pendant 3 mois sur tous les forfaits Internet.


Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Bering and loading packages from CD

2002-03-21 Thread Jacques Nilo

> Next coming may question/suggestion regarding Bering:
> Is there any straight way to configure syslinux.cfg to load packages
> from the floppy and next from ISO9660 CD ?
No, not yet. But it has already been asked by many users.
> My solution is to 'hard-code' FSTYPE in linuxrc to "msdos iso9660",
> because in its oryginal shape it tries to mount all possible filesystems
> types for devices listed in PKGPATH from syslinux.cfg and it failing
> with tmpfs (which is before iso9660 at the list). By the way, what is
> tmpfs ?
See Charles answer +
It is impossible to create a tmpfs filesystem that would be mounted at boot.
That is why Bering, like Dachstein, mounts a minix filesystem ( in Bering
provided by initrd.lrp) and then,  within /linuxrc, creates a tmpfs, move
everything there and gets rid of minix.
> In DCD system it is possible to specify filesystem type in following
> form: PKGPATH=device[:filesystem]...
Bering does not have a CD version similar to the one provided by Charles, that
is allowing some overriding files coming from a floppy. Luis Correia has
completed an How-to on how creating a CD-Rom version of Bering. It will be
included shortly in the Bering user's guide. I'll let you know.

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] bering v1.0-rc1: 8139cp.o: undefined "mii_ethtool_sset" symbol

2002-03-21 Thread Jacques Nilo

> Another web page,
8.3.patch ,  has a line: "+obj-$(CONFIG_8139CP) += 8139cp.o mii.o", perhaps I
need mii.o?
mii.o is probably your friend. try to load it before your 8139cp.o driver.

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] modem in bering

2002-03-21 Thread Jacques Nilo

> Hey guys how can I test if modem is configured and working right. I
> installed USR Sporster 0431 internal and cant seem to get it to dial. I
> have installed and configured all needed for ppp modem.
Hi assume you have followed the (still incomplete) instructions at:
If your modem just does not start it probably means you have not declared the
proper serial port in /etc/ppp/peers/provider
Check /var/log/syslog (below serial drivers statement) to see those ports which
are recognized. I hope there are some :-)
Otherwise what says
ps aux
after you have executed pon ?

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Dachstein CD and Intel 2021 wireless card

2002-03-21 Thread Jacques Nilo

> > I have a dachstein cd-based router running very well. ( P133 desktop PC)
> > I'm connected to the Internet through ADSL/PPPOE
> > I just got a pair of Pcmcia Intel PRO/Wireless2021 cards and a PCI
> adapter.
> >
> > I would like to put the PCMCIA card with adapter in the Dachstein box to
> be
> > able to surf from my laptop.
> >
> > is there some howto somewhere. I only found doc about true laptop/pcmcia
> > stuff but nothing concerning the PCI adapter.
> >
There is pcmcia documentation available for Bering in our new user's guide. It
might help to setup pcmcia/wireless in Dachstein
Wireless is working too with the wireless tools available as a separate
package. Documentation not ready yet.


Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Bering v1.0-rc1 disk images regenerated

2002-03-19 Thread Jacques Nilo

> >The Bering v1.0-rc1 images released yesterday appeared corrupted to some
> >They have been regenerated.
> >Follow the md5sum you should get for each file:
> >4ebc430648ec51cd131595213e415f14  bering-1680-v1.0-rc1.bin
> >8efc3afc3161b8b6a653f04d4a20aa49  bering-1680-v1.0-rc1.exe
> >
> >Sorry for the incovenience this may have caused.

> The regenerated images solved the gunzip problem, but it seems that the
> shorwall.lrp is significantly different than that included in the
> previous images. Specifically, in the "params" section  (lrcfg 3,5,1),
> NET_IF=ppp? instead of eth0. Also, LOCAL_IF=eth0 rather than eth1.
Oops. Restored the dial-up version of shorewall in the process :-(
One should not work too late :-)
OK the images have been updated again. Hopefully everything ik OK now...
New md5sum:
aa744fd2686811226d73b826c750d05d  bering-1680-v1.0-rc1.bin
7a147e020d5a547547dface2319696b4  bering-1680-v1.0-rc1.exe

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Dachstein CD and Intel 2021 wireless card

2002-03-22 Thread Jacques Nilo

Bonsoir Etienne
> I've successfully managed to configure a bering floppy to use my pppoe
> connection ( chapeau les mecs ! ! )
> Now, I'm trying to configure the wireless adapter but I'm "lost"
> My firewall machine IS NOT a laptop.
> The Intel PRO/Wireless is in a PCI adapter.
> tcic.o, yenta_socket, i82092, i82365 modules with no success
> Should I realy use the PCMCIA stuff or is there other modules to use ???
Most probably Yes

But what is really your card ?
I do not know any Intel 2021. There is an Intel 2011 and an Intel 2011B
I have no experience with those cards but
Intel 2011 is supposed to worked with the orinoco drivers (check
But the Intel site also says that the Intel 2011 requires spectrum24
The problem with this last one is that it is not provided as a pcmcia kernel
driver . It is not part of the pcmcia-cs package either.
You might send a post to the spectrum list:
It seems that the spectrum stuff does not work with the pcmcia kernel mode.
Only with the pcmcia_cs approach. I am considering switching back to this
approach for pcmcia support. Seems more robust than pcmcia kernel route.

>From the spectrum README:

Symbol Spectrum24 Linux driver Beta 5

In order to get this driver up and running you must have the pcmcia package
installed. This driver was compiled against and tested with version 3.1.24
of David Hinds' pcmcia package.

This driver also requires version 2.2.x or 2.4.x of the Linux kernel. I may
get around to porting it backwards at some point, but with all the
advantages to driver writers that the newer kernel offers, it made sense to
start there.

NOTE: in the 2.4.x kernel, it was tested with the kernel support for PCMCIA
*off*, I'm not sure why, but there are some compatibility issues that can
arise when the native kernel level support is turned on.

Hope that will help. Let me know.


Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Dachstein CD and Intel 2021 wireless card

2002-03-22 Thread Jacques Nilo

- Original Message -
From: "Etienne Charlier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jacques Nilo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 11:53 PM
Subject: Re: [Leaf-user] Dachstein CD and Intel 2021 wireless card

> Hi, Jacques
> Sorry for not giving enough details about my problem
> - The card is an Intel Pro/Wireless 2011 (PCMCIA)
> - I tried to put it in the Intel carrier sold for it (the card is in the PC
> now)
> - I added (and renamed) the pcmcia_orinoco.lrp package
> - When I boot with bering rc1. I get the following error message
> (retyped)
> in pcmcia package config ( file 1 /etc/default/pcmcia)
> I changed
> PCIC=i82365
> same behaviour
> Starting PCMCIA services:
>   modules
> Using /lib/modules/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o
> Using /lib/modules/pcmcia/i82365.o
> insmod: init_module: i82365: Operation not supported by device
> Using /lib/modules/pcmcia/ds.o
> ds: no socket drivers loaded
> insmod: init_module: ds: Operation not permitted
>   cardmgr.
> cardmgr[828]: no pcmcia driver in /proc/devices
> I don't see any chip number on the PCI carrier to It's difficult to  guest
> which socket driver would work.
> I tried to put the card with the carrier in a Windows 2000 pc and when the
> drivers are correctly installed, I just see an Intel Pro/Wireless 2011 LAN
> PCI Card. but no PCMCIA Adapter branch in the "device manager"
> I check my laptop, It has a Rico R/RL/5C476 cardbus controller. in the
> pcmcia howto, it seems to be supported but I don't kown which socket driver
> to use
> Thanks in advance for your help and once more congratulations on the work
> done on the leaf project
> - Original Message -
> From: "Jacques Nilo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Etienne Charlier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Lee"
> Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 10:14 PM
> Subject: Re: [Leaf-user] Dachstein CD and Intel 2021 wireless card
> > Bonsoir Etienne
> > > I've successfully managed to configure a bering floppy to use my pppoe
> > > connection ( chapeau les mecs ! ! )
> > Good
> > > Now, I'm trying to configure the wireless adapter but I'm "lost"
> > > My firewall machine IS NOT a laptop.
> > >
> > > The Intel PRO/Wireless is in a PCI adapter.
> > > tcic.o, yenta_socket, i82092, i82365 modules with no success
> > > Should I realy use the PCMCIA stuff or is there other modules to use ???
> > Most probably Yes
> >
> > But what is really your card ?
> > I do not know any Intel 2021. There is an Intel 2011 and an Intel 2011B
> > I have no experience with those cards but
> > Intel 2011 is supposed to worked with the orinoco drivers (check
> > /etc/pcmcia/hermes.conf)
> > But the Intel site also says that the Intel 2011 requires spectrum24
> > http://sourceforge.net/projects/spectrum24/
> >
> http://www.hpl.hp.com/personal/Jean_Tourrilhes/Linux/Linux.Wireless.drivers.
> htm
> > l#Spectrum24t
> > The problem with this last one is that it is not provided as a pcmcia
> kernel
> > driver . It is not part of the pcmcia-cs package either.
> > You might send a post to the spectrum list:
> > http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=34783
> > It seems that the spectrum stuff does not work with the pcmcia kernel
> mode.
> > Only with the pcmcia_cs approach. I am considering switching back to this
> > approach for pcmcia support. Seems more robust than pcmcia kernel route.
> >
> > >From the spectrum README:
> >
> > 
> > Symbol Spectrum24 Linux driver Beta 5
> >
> > In order to get this driver up and running you must have the pcmcia
> package
> > installed. This driver was compiled against and tested with version 3.1.24
> > of David Hinds' pcmcia package.
> >
> > This driver also requires version 2.2.x or 2.4.x of the Linux kernel. I
> may
> > get around to porting it backwards at some point, but with all the
> > advantages to driver writers that the newer kernel offers, it made sense
> to
> > start there.
> >
> > NOTE: in the 2.4.x kernel, it was tested with the kernel support for
> > *off*, I'm not sure why, but there are some compatibility issues that can
> > arise when the native kernel level support is turned on.
> > 
> >
> > Hope that will help. Let me know.
> >
> > Jacques
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Leaf-user mailing list
> > https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/leaf-user
> >

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Dachstein CD and Intel 2021 wireless card

2002-03-22 Thread Jacques Nilo

> - The card is an Intel Pro/Wireless 2011 (PCMCIA)
> - I tried to put it in the Intel carrier sold for it (the card is in the PC
> now)
> - I added (and renamed) the pcmcia_orinoco.lrp package
> - When I boot with bering rc1. I get the following error message
> (retyped)
> in pcmcia package config ( file 1 /etc/default/pcmcia)
> I changed
> PCIC=i82365
> same behaviour
> Starting PCMCIA services:
>   modules
> Using /lib/modules/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o
> Using /lib/modules/pcmcia/i82365.o
> insmod: init_module: i82365: Operation not supported by device
> Using /lib/modules/pcmcia/ds.o
> ds: no socket drivers loaded
> insmod: init_module: ds: Operation not permitted
>   cardmgr.
> cardmgr[828]: no pcmcia driver in /proc/devices
> I don't see any chip number on the PCI carrier to It's difficult to  guest
> which socket driver would work.
> I tried to put the card with the carrier in a Windows 2000 pc and when the
> drivers are correctly installed, I just see an Intel Pro/Wireless 2011 LAN
> PCI Card. but no PCMCIA Adapter branch in the "device manager"
> I check my laptop, It has a Rico R/RL/5C476 cardbus controller. in the
> pcmcia howto, it seems to be supported but I don't kown which socket driver
> to use
> Thanks in advance for your help and once more congratulations on the work
> done on the leaf project
> - Original Message -
> From: "Jacques Nilo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Etienne Charlier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Lee"
> Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 10:14 PM
> Subject: Re: [Leaf-user] Dachstein CD and Intel 2021 wireless card
> > Bonsoir Etienne
> > > I've successfully managed to configure a bering floppy to use my pppoe
> > > connection ( chapeau les mecs ! ! )
> > Good
> > > Now, I'm trying to configure the wireless adapter but I'm "lost"
> > > My firewall machine IS NOT a laptop.
> > >
> > > The Intel PRO/Wireless is in a PCI adapter.
> > > tcic.o, yenta_socket, i82092, i82365 modules with no success
> > > Should I realy use the PCMCIA stuff or is there other modules to use ???
> > Most probably Yes
> >
> > But what is really your card ?
> > I do not know any Intel 2021. There is an Intel 2011 and an Intel 2011B
> > I have no experience with those cards but
> > Intel 2011 is supposed to worked with the orinoco drivers (check
> > /etc/pcmcia/hermes.conf)
> > But the Intel site also says that the Intel 2011 requires spectrum24
> > http://sourceforge.net/projects/spectrum24/
> >
> http://www.hpl.hp.com/personal/Jean_Tourrilhes/Linux/Linux.Wireless.drivers.
> htm
> > l#Spectrum24t
> > The problem with this last one is that it is not provided as a pcmcia
> kernel
> > driver . It is not part of the pcmcia-cs package either.
> > You might send a post to the spectrum list:
> > http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=34783
> > It seems that the spectrum stuff does not work with the pcmcia kernel
> mode.
> > Only with the pcmcia_cs approach. I am considering switching back to this
> > approach for pcmcia support. Seems more robust than pcmcia kernel route.
> >
> > >From the spectrum README:
> >
> > 
> > Symbol Spectrum24 Linux driver Beta 5
> >
> > In order to get this driver up and running you must have the pcmcia
> package
> > installed. This driver was compiled against and tested with version 3.1.24
> > of David Hinds' pcmcia package.
> >
> > This driver also requires version 2.2.x or 2.4.x of the Linux kernel. I
> may
> > get around to porting it backwards at some point, but with all the
> > advantages to driver writers that the newer kernel offers, it made sense
> to
> > start there.
> >
> > NOTE: in the 2.4.x kernel, it was tested with the kernel support for
> > *off*, I'm not sure why, but there are some compatibility issues that can
> > arise when the native kernel level support is turned on.
> > 
> >
> > Hope that will help. Let me know.
> >
> > Jacques
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Leaf-user mailing list
> > https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/leaf-user
> >
> ___
> Leaf-user mailing list
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/leaf-user

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Dachstein CD and Intel 2021 wireless card

2002-03-22 Thread Jacques Nilo

Sorry for previous answer which were sent empty by mistake :-)

> - The card is an Intel Pro/Wireless 2011 (PCMCIA)
> - I tried to put it in the Intel carrier sold for it (the card is in the PC
> now)
> - I added (and renamed) the pcmcia_orinoco.lrp package
> - When I boot with bering rc1. I get the following error message
> (retyped)
> in pcmcia package config ( file 1 /etc/default/pcmcia)
> I changed
> PCIC=i82365
> same behaviour
> Starting PCMCIA services:
>   modules
> Using /lib/modules/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o
> Using /lib/modules/pcmcia/i82365.o
> insmod: init_module: i82365: Operation not supported by device
> Using /lib/modules/pcmcia/ds.o
> ds: no socket drivers loaded
> insmod: init_module: ds: Operation not permitted
>   cardmgr.
> cardmgr[828]: no pcmcia driver in /proc/devices
> I don't see any chip number on the PCI carrier to It's difficult to  guest
> which socket driver would work.
It could be a PCMCIA kernel related problem. I will send you off list a new
kernel without PCMCIA support and the corresponding pcmcia.lrp package. If it
works like that it will be a good indication to remove pcmcia  support from
kernel and get it through pcmcia_cs.

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Switching off LCD backlight on laptop

2002-03-23 Thread Jacques Nilo

> I'm using Bering (great package !) on a Hewlett-Packard Omnibook 3000 I have
> dedicated to protect my home network.
> Almost everything is working smoothly except three points:
> - I have to start by-hand dnscache  (/etc/init.d/dnscache start) and I don't
> know why. No error message in logs, and the link in /etc/rc2.d is present.
That is really strange. What is the config ? How does /var/log/syslog looks
like ?
> - I'm confused with PPP and PPPoE.
> In fact I want PPPoE to start at boot time but this is PPP (chap) which
> starts and fails miserably and PPPoE is not launched.
pppoe is a just a plug-in to ppp + a special /etc/ppp/peers/adsl-provider
script. So it is ppp that will "launch" pppoe.
Adjust the adsl-provider file

> - How to switch off the backlight of the LCD screen when the laptop if left
> unattented for a while ?
> I've setup the BIOS to switch off the screen after 5 minutes. That's works,
> the screen is blanked but the backlight remains on...
Honestlty I do not know. APM is not supported by Bering. I am not too sure what
would do APM on a router ? Any ideas/experience from the list ?
> And again, this Bering package is really great, all of that on a floppy
Il y a meme un support en français  (offlist - of course)

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Switching off LCD backlight on laptop

2002-03-23 Thread Jacques Nilo

   Concerning "dnscache" I have no clue of what's going on. No message in
any log file. In fact I have to do a "dnscache restart" because, it seems
that dnscache is actually launched at startup but exit prematuraly leaving
the dsncache.pid lock file.

My config is:

  Omnibook 3000 Pentium 233, 144MB RAM
  One Xircom CEM56 Ethernet/Modem (eth0+ttyS03 - modules xirc2ps_cs and
  One 3Com 3C589C PCMCIA card  (eth1 - module 3c589_cs))
  No HDD  (was dead)
I see what the problem is with dnscache. Your internal interface to which
dnscache is listening (eth1 at IP is not available when dnscache
is started at boot by /etc/init.d/dnscache because your eth1 is activated
(slowly) by pcmcia. So the answer to your problem is in fact in the pcmcia
section of the user's guide:
Read the doc, mon ami :-)

eth0 is my external LAN (10.0.0.*) , eth1 is the internal one (192.168.1.*).

And I'm using ADSL (Netissimo) via eth0 (ppp0).

AH ! I am interested in that. In am on the cable here :-)
How went the setup for Netissimo ? Did you change anything to the ppp/pppoe
config files  ?


Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Switching off LCD backlight on laptop

2002-03-23 Thread Jacques Nilo

Christian HOSTELET wrote:

> syslog.0:Mar 23 04:35:36 firewall pppd[1715]: Cannot determine ethernet
> address for proxy ARP  <<
If you remove the proxyarp statement in /etc/ppp/options it might take
of this.
Just a guess.

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] bering beta4 & weblet (changed internal ip)

2002-03-25 Thread Jacques Nilo

> 1)I am testing a bering beta4 firewall. Everything
works fine except
> for weblet. Which I can't seem to access. I did change
the internal ip
I would strongly encourage you to move to v1.0-rc1. The
beta4 has some bugs in backing up packages which are,
among other things, fixed in v1.0-rc1. See Changelog.
I'll leave your weblet question to Eric and/or the list.
I am not the expert for weblet :-)

> 2) What would be the cleanest way to add iptable
commands to the bering boot
> process?
Definitly in the /etc/interfaces file. Use:
up ip addr whatever
pre-up ip route blabla
(or the down post-down commands)
to be but in the appropriate interface section.
Check the doc at:
Profitez de l'offre spéciale Tiscali Liberty Surf !
50% de temps en plus pendant 3 mois sur tous les forfaits Internet.


Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Bering with SSH and TinyDNS

2002-03-25 Thread Jacques Nilo

> Has anyone managed to make a 1.68M Bering floppy image with SSH and
> TinyDNS? This was possible under Eigerstein.
It will be very hard.
sshd.lrp is about 312K
You can try to remove those modules and packages you do not need.
tc ppp pppoe keyboard bridge dhcpd pump are potential candidates
+ remove whatever is unecessary in /lib/modules

2nd solution (if you only have a single floppy drive)

Make 2 copies of the same Bering floppy

On the first one just keep the following 4 files:
syslinux.cfg and dpy, linux, initrd.lrp
edit the syslinux and add diskwait=yes after PKGPATH=/dev/fd0u1680

On the second one (same format !) just keep whatever other packages you need.
You will just keep the *.lrp files here
You have 800K left from the previous operation !
You will keep this second disquette in the floppy drive if you need to backup.
You generally never need to backup initrd.lrp

hope that can help


Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Re: Bering with SSH and TinyDNS

2002-03-26 Thread Jacques Nilo

>I'm less lucky than you, because having a laptop I need pcmcia stuff as
> well as ppp/pppoe and I was unable to have sshd coexisted on the same
> floppy.
How much space do you need to fit sshd ? Which packages are you trying to load
Some tips:
Have you removed uneeded modules ?
Have you stripped the keyboard.lrp packages ? (can be reduced to 1K see the
Have you think about a 1743K formatted floppy ?
Have you think about a replacement for weblet ? There is a smaller package
available around  (I just forgot the name. Eric has a version which supports

Leaf-user mailing list

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