[midgard] Sending attachments to this list

2000-09-29 Thread Henri Bergius


Just a brief note on sharing files (screenshots, etc.) with
the subscribers of this list. Currently people are sending
lots of files to these lists as email attachments, which
causes lots of load on subscribers' mailboxes, and frustration
to people who follow these lists using web archives.

Please do not send file attachments to these mailing lists.
If you have files you want to share, place them to a public
Web or FTP server instead, and send the URL.



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

To unsubscribe the list, send an empty email message to address

[midgard] Re: Images from Midgard European Tour available

2000-08-12 Thread Henri Bergius


Now I have a thumbnailed gallery of the Midgard European
Tour pictures online (thanks to Henri Hovi for the code).
This gallery should be a bit more comfortable to use. You
can find it at:


Then to the questions asked previously on this thread
(I can't handle the email loads from Midgard's mailing
lists during my military service so I use the archives).

Anatol Mayr wrote:
 Must have been a funny journey :-)

It was a very successful one. I enjoyed the chance to actually
meet many of the people from our community in person.

Hopefully we'll be able to arrange similar events in the future
as well.

 One question: I read one month ago, that some of you are working for
 Aurora, now. Can someone tell my how this is handled? How do you get
 your fees etc.?
 Is there a monthly meeting? ...

I'm currently doing my military service in Finnish Defence Forcesm
so I can't do any work. However, Emile, David, Ron and Alexander
work for Aurora so they can probably describe the arrangements

 In our company we're thinking about how it would be, to give some of our
 daily work to volunteers of the 'midgardians', who can make this work
 for us (it's sure that we pay these volunteers :-) )

Not at all a bad idea. You just need to remember that the
Midgard Project association can't make these commitments,
but you have to arrange this with individual developers.

Alan Knowles wrote:
 Did you fancy doing an asian tour ?

I would love to. I held a session on Midgard in Global Linux
2000 in Seoul, Korea, and that was a very good trip.

However, I believe that there are not yet many Midgard
users in Asia. Of course, this could be a good opportunity
for evangelizing Midgard there.

Let me know if you're interested in arranging something
like this.


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

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[midgard] Images from Midgard European Tour available

2000-08-05 Thread Henri Bergius


I finally took time to post some of my pictures from the
Midgard European Tour (June 17th - June 28th 2000) online.


You can find captions for the images in the captions.txt

At the moment these are just files in a directory. I want
to serve them as Midgard BLOBs, with appropriate thumbnails
and everything, but haven't yet found the time to write
code to do this. Because of the military service period,
I can access Web for only two or three hours every week,
so coding anything new is a bit difficult. However, if
someone were to write code for this, I would be happy to
implement it for these pictures.


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

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[midgard] Fwd: Problem with Midgard site at http://www.midgard-project.org/manual/midgard-help@greywolves.org?

2000-07-18 Thread Henri Bergius


I think this is better resolved on the list...

/Bergie, in a military hospital (just a flu)

___ Forward Header ___
Subject:Problem with Midgard site at 
Author: Roman Engelbarts [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:Tue, 18 Jul 2000 08:39:07 +0200

I have encountered a problem with
Midgard's site at URL

Could you please look at it?

I´ve just installed midgard on a Suse Linux 6.4 System, and I´ve used the AMP Version 
installed by Suse. Now I´ve made all changes in the httpd.conf and updates to the db, 
but if I start the recommended server no authentification is requestet. So I put in 
the midgard_root.php3 file into the htdocs directory, but after the authorization 
Apache gives me an error that there is no user file present. Maybe I´ve done something 
wrong? I don´t know! Is there any experience in setting up midgard in the way I 
described it? Unfortunately I´m not that deep in LAMP to solve the problem on my own!? 
Thx for your help. 

(originating URL:

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please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

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[midgard] My military service begins tomorrow

2000-07-02 Thread Henri Bergius [EMAIL PROTECTED]


My 180 days long military service begins tomorrow,
so I'm now going offline. As my email connectivity
will be unsteady at best, I'll unsubscribe the
Midgard mailing lists now.

I will still be reading my personal email address
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) every now and then, so you
can contact me by using that. For urgent matters,
please also contact Laeticia Soderman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]),
so she can get the word to me.

I hope to work actively with Midgard again after
my service ends. In the meanwhile, thanks to you
all for being part of this community, it has been
a great year working with you all!


PS. My personal Web site will show the amount
of service days left. If there are any changes to
it, I will update the information there.

-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

To unsubscribe the list, send an empty email message to address

Re: [midgard] Where can I get an archive of the mailing listS ?

2000-07-01 Thread Henri Bergius [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Sat, 1 Jul 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I'll ask Cedric to communicate directly with you on this topic. He's
 attempting to pull all our existing materials into one local spot. He has
 commented that the current site is difficult to find things on without the
 use of "search". Ultimately, I suspect he'll demonstrate an improved
 organization of data. Not entirely sure about this but I know he's looking
 for a way to help us. 

That sounds very good. However, it would be good to do this
in the scope of the new Midgard Web site (which is not
yet released but can be tried at http://bergie.greywolves.org:8081),
instead of the existing one. 

The organization of information is much improved in the newer site, 
thanks to efforts from Phillip Rotmann, Alexander and others.



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

To unsubscribe the list, send an empty email message to address

[midgard] Midgard association yearly meeting 2000 minutes

2000-07-01 Thread Henri Bergius [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Here's the English translation of the meeting minutes. It can
also be found from:

The Midgard Project Ry yearly meeting (June 24th 2000) 

Location: Aurora office, 69-71 Avenue Pierre Grenier, 92100
Boulogne-Billancourt, Paris, France

Time: June 24th 2000, 14.00

Participants: Wouter Crooy, Emiliano Heyns, Ron Parker, Armand
Verstappen, Jean-Philippe Brunon, Cedric Musso, Christophe Dietrich,
Jean-Pierre Arneodo, Patrick Duplouy, Alexander Bokovoy, David
Guerizec, Henri Bergius, Laeticia Soderman

Meeting minutes

1. Opening of the meeting

The chairman Henri Bergius opened the meeting at 14.25

2. Choosing of the chairman, a secretary, two persons for checking the
meeting minutes and two persons for counting the votes if needed. 

Henri Bergius was chosen for the chairman of the meeting, Laeticia
Soderman as the secretary, and Emiliano Heyns and Wouter Crooy for
counting the votes.

3. Noting of legality and jurisdiction

The meeting was noted to be called together on April 14th in the
official mailing list of the association, thus the meeting was noted
legal and jurisdictory.

4. Accepting of the meeting items

The meeting items were accepted without changes

5. Finalizing of budget and accounts for previous term of operation 

Because the association was founded on April 6th 2000,there hasn't
been any annual report. Also the organization has not handled any
monetary transactions, so the budget and accounts of previous term
were left from the meeting scope.

6. Decision on freedom from responsibilities for board and acceptance
of budget and account items

Because of the youth of the organization, and lack of official
operations during the previous term, handling of budget and account
items in the meeting was not needed. 

The board of the previous term of operation was freed from

7. Acceptance of operational plan, budget and membership fees for next
term of operation

A specific operational plan was not made, but it was decided to
continue the operations as defined in the charter of the association.

A specific budget was not made for the next term, but the board gained
jurisdiction for handling the associations budget decisions as defined
in the association's charter, for the good of the association.

Discussion about the specifics on the supportive membership was
postponed for the item 11. "We support Midgard" program.

For the supporting membership fees the personal fee was decided to be
lowered to 50 EUR and the organizational fee was decided to be left to
1000 EUR.

8. Choosing of the chairman of the board, the board and other

It was decided that Henri Bergius continues as the chairman of the
association, and the same board continues. The board is: Eero af
Heurlin, Jukka Zitting, Laeticia Soderman

Armand Verstappen was chosen as the Documentation Branch Maintainer

9. Choosing of one or two accountants and vice accountants for both 

Henri Hovi will continue as the accountant of the association. Also
his vice accountant Johannes Hentunen continues.

10. Membership terms for the term 2000-2001

No changes were made in the membership terms.

11. "We support Midgard" program

For need of clarifying the supportive membership system of the
organization, Henri Bergius proposed a new branding program for
handling these memberships.

The program provides companies and individuals operating in the
Midgard space a means to fund Midgard by becoming supportive members
for the association. While this kind of contribution is not required
from any users of the Midgard software, many companies using it
actively have shown interest in helping the project monetarily.

While the members of this program would get no actual material
benefits from it, they would be able to show commitment to the Midgard
project by using a specific 'We support Midgard' label in their
marketing communications.

The actual benefit from their contribution would however be that the
association would gain resources for advancing the Midgard
project. The resources will be used according to the association's
charter wholly to the benefit of the Midgard project. Examples of such
usage would be acquiring of important server and connectivity
infrastructure for the project, and allowing project members to
participate in technical conferences and other important events.

The program was accepted by the meeting, with the requirement of
clarifying the actual meaning of the program and usage of the
resources gained by the program in the association's communications.

Trademarking the 'We support Midgard' label was discussed briefly but
was declined because of too high costs.

12. Needed resources

I. Project main server

So far the Midgard project has been using a server computer owned by
Harmaasudet Ry, and Finnish historical association as its main project
server. This server has however been noted as too unreliab

Re: [midgard] Midgard

2000-06-29 Thread Henri . Bergius

On 28 Jun, Emiliano Heyns wrote:
 Oops. Btw, is there a windows 98 and windows NT version?
 A porting effort has been started by http://www.opensa.de/

Actually, http://www.opensa.org/



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

To unsubscribe the list, send an empty email message to address

[midgard] Midgard European tour

2000-06-28 Thread Henri . Bergius


We finally arrived to Helsinki today with the
Land Rover, so the Midgard European tour 2000
is now over.

Thanks to everyone involved for making this
a great trip! Next Midgard meeting will be 
during Jan/Feb 2001 in Helsinki, Finland, and I 
hope to see many of you here then.

I have lots of pictures from this month-long
tour (Atlanta - San Francisco - Helsinki -
Seoul - Karlskrona - Arnhem - Paris - Stockholm
- Helsinki), and I will post them to the
site soon.

My military service begins on Monday, so I
will soon unsubscribe the Midgard mailing lists.
I will be able to read my email now and then
during the service period, so you can still reach
me using my email address. 

I try to be somewhat involved in the Midgard 
community also during the service, and will at 
least monitor the progress using MWS and the 
mailing list archives. The service should end 
in new year, after which I will again be more 
active in the community. Thanks to everybody 
here for the last year!


PS. David, do you have the image archiving
script ready?

-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

To unsubscribe the list, send an empty email message to address

Re: [midgard] The Midgard tour begins

2000-06-14 Thread Henri Bergius


I got the hotel's LAN-over-serial Internet connection
working, so I'll try to be in touch with you guys as
much as I can.

Quoting Emiliano [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 So expected arrival in Arnhem is on the 21st? Evening 
 or morning?

Probably evening on 20th.

 I have 21st evening arrival, 22nd netherlands, 23rd 
 leave for France lodged in my brain. Someone help me  
 out here, please.

Actually, the one schedule is one day earlier, so
we'll arrive on 20th, 21st in Netherlands, and 22nd
leave for France.



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Re: [midgard] new 1.4b3 spec

2000-06-13 Thread Henri Bergius

On 12 Jun, Ami Ganguli wrote:
 I've never messed with Redhat spec. files.  Is it reasonable to auto-generate
 'daily RPMs' based on current CVS?  Would it be difficult to set up?

It shouldn't be too difficult to make a script to
do this, as long as we have some build machines

To make it even better, we could add some reporting
to the build script, that would tell the build status
(succeeded/failed) to the Midgard Web site. This way
we could have a Tinderbox-like functionality.

I was working on a build system like this back in
spring, but never had time to finish it. The system
was written in Python to allow it to be generic
enough to work on all our target platforms, and
accept platform-specific build instructions in a
XML format.
 I think this might be useful to some people and I'm willing to do it myself
 and host it my server as long as it's not a major undertaking.

Very good. If you implement this, and have the RPMs
available via HTTP somewhere, I'll then set up a
cron job to mirror the packages to our main server.



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

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Re: [midgard] Midgard with iPlanet NSAPI?

2000-06-13 Thread Henri Bergius


On 13 Jun, Paul Gillingwater wrote:
 Has anyone looked into whether Midgard's core module can be compiled using
 NSAPI, to work with Netscape's iPlanet Web server?

I think the regular PHP already works with NSAPI, so
the only thing that would need porting is mod_midgard.

Does anyone know NSAPI enough to make any estimations
on the amount of work involved?

It would be a good thing to support other Web servers
besides Apache. If this port isn't feasible for Midgard
1.4, then it should be at least in the requirements for
Midgard 2.


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

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Re: [midgard] Midgard with iPlanet NSAPI?

2000-06-13 Thread Henri Bergius

On 13 Jun, Emiliano wrote:
 I'd welcome it. Time permitting, I'll look into AOLServer. Hopefully the
 request phases are more flexible there. Apache is great and all but it
 makes us go through some utterly insane hoops.

Yes, it would be good to support as many servers as
possible. This should make porting between different
operating systems easier as well.

I would love to see Midgard+Repligard available for
Epoc so I could develop Web applications on the road.



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

To unsubscribe the list, send an empty email message to address

[midgard] The Midgard tour begins

2000-06-13 Thread Henri Bergius


I will be leaving to airport bus in a couple of
minutes. I just wanted to note that the Midgard
tour is now beginning.

I will be in Global Linux 2000, Korea for this
week, and then fly on Sunday to Sweden, where we
will have a Midgard seminar in Karlskrona.

After Karlskrona the next location is Arnhem,
The Netherlands, where we will meet with Emile.

After Arnhem, we will drive to Paris on Thursday
22nd. We will have a Midgard developer meeting
there on June 24th - 25th.

I look forward to meeting many of you along
the route! And to others, there will probably
be another tour next year, with different
locations, so we'll hopefully meet then.

As I'm not sure how much connectivity I will
have on the road, here's the contact information
for the events:

Global Linux 2000, Seoul, Korea

Midgard Seminar, Karlskrona, Sweden

Midgard meeting, Arnhem, The Netherlands

Midgard Developer Meeting, Paris, France
David Guerizec [EMAIL PROTECTED]

And the tour:
Eero af Heurlin [EMAIL PROTECTED]


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

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Re: [midgard] Install trouble: I must be close, but not there yet

2000-06-12 Thread Henri Bergius


On 12 Jun, Rob Leachman wrote:
 I don't have those, but I do have these:
  LoadModule php4_module libexec/libphp4.so
  AddModule mod_php4.c
 This will work with php4 won't it? I think I'm starting over with a fresh build
 (see next) and knowing this will be important.

Sorry, you need the Midgard-patched version of PHP3 at
the moment.

We're working with Zend to get Midgard included to PHP4,
but this will still take time.

 Also, and I wonder if this is the problem just noticed it, I did not build my
 PHP with mysql extensions... seems an obvious "go to jail go directly to jail"
 kind of thing doesn't it? No time to fix this just now (though I'm getting
 pretty good at compiling Apache, ha ha) but I'll do it tonite, unless someone
 has a different idea.

You don't need MySQL support in your PHP, if you only
want to access the database through Midgard's database
abstraction (topics, articles, etc.)

While Midgard uses MySQL (or Oracle) as its database,
it handles the database connection with midgard-lib, and
not the PHP database connectivity libraries.


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

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RE: [midgard] Announcement: Midgard Translation (German, Spanish) by Lanifex Partners

2000-06-11 Thread Henri Bergius

On  8 Jun, Ken Pooley wrote:
 first I miss Henri (ok that was my fault...I mark it up to fatigue and some 
 small measure of stooopidity) then I will miss the meeting in Paris, a huge 
 blow, and now this! I am just not enjoying myself here..

Ouch, that is too bad.

Well, maybe we can arrange the next year's Midgard
meeting in the US?


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

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[midgard] Fwd: apxs make error (using Apache 1.3.6)

2000-06-08 Thread Henri Bergius

-- Forwarded message --
From: Jason Partyka [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: apxs make error (using Apache 1.3.6)
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2000 22:30:55 -0500


I am trying to install midgard on a linux box with apache 1.3.6, and I have
confirmed it is using the apxs distributed with 1.3.6, yet i'm still getting
this error.

Thanks for any help you may provide.


gcc -DLINUX=2 -DUSE_HSREGEX  -I/webhome/include -I/usr/local/include  -c mod_midgard.c
  -o mod_midgard.so mod_midgard.o -L/usr/local/lib -lmidgard 
apxs:Break: Command failed with rc=16711680

-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

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Re: [midgard] Products and Topics once again

2000-06-08 Thread Henri Bergius

On  7 Jun, Frank Boehme wrote:
 ooops it doesn.t work , no error but no topics
 Topic records do not have a title field!

Yes. If you are actually using topics, then
the field you want is 'name'.

However, if you want to list articles instead,
use mgd_list_topic_articles


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

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Re: [midgard] A newby question

2000-05-26 Thread Henri Bergius

On 26 May, Sam Grinstead wrote:
   I've not worked with php or midgard before, and I have a pretty
 basic question on loops.   How do you imbed one loop in another?   I want
 to display the information in a tree with each of the topic names followed
 by the articles in that topic.   These two display all the topics, then all
 the names.

You simply add the second loop within the first.

Here's an example:


$topic = mgd_list_topics(354);

if ($topic) {

  for ($i = 0; $i  25  $topic-fetch(); $i++) {

/* We're inside the topic listing for loop now */


$article = mgd_list_topic_articles($topic-id);

if ($article) {

  /* I'm using 'while' here but a 'for' loop
would work as well */

  while ($article-fetch()) {








Hopefully this helps.



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

To unsubscribe the list, send an empty email message to address

[midgard] Fwd: [midgard-dev] European Tour - Paris Meeting Schedule

2000-05-25 Thread Henri Bergius

-- Forwarded message --
From: "David Guerizec" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [midgard-dev] European Tour - Paris Meeting Schedule
Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 19:13:32 +0200


For every midgardian who's interrested in the Paris meeting in June, here is
the schedule for the stay:

Thursday, June 22nd - Arrival
  Park cars
  Get rooms at Olympic Hotel
  Rush to the pub !
  Try to get some sleep

Friday, June 23rd - Sight seeing day
  Wake up time whenever possible
  Adventures in Paris
  Rush to the pub (if you can :)
  Pass out from exhaution

Saturday, June 24th - Midgard now
10h30 Rendez-vous at La Défense with Jean-Pierre
  How do you do ?
  Midgard guys introduction
  Midgard sites presentation

12h30 Lunch break
14h00 Midgard Project Ry yearly meeting
  Henri's discours...
16h00 End of meeting
  Free time
  Rush to the pub
  Good nite !

Sunday, June 25th - Future of Midgard
10h30 Rendez-vous at Concorde
  Once upon a time Midgard 2.0
12h30 Out to lunch
14h00 Delirium Futurum
16h00 End of meeting
  Rush to the pub (again ;)
  Bed time

Monday, June 26th - Departure
  Wake up early
  Take the car
  On the way home !

You'll find more information on the locations at

Best regards

-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

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RE: [midgard] {object.id}.html

2000-05-19 Thread Henri Bergius

On 18 May, Nick Rohrlach wrote:
 What does this one do?

These 'reserved' elements don't do anything by themselves,
only what you program them to do.

However, a convenient practice could be the following:

Compatibility code used for handling possible
differences between Midgard versions. Can be
also useful when moving to Midgard from regular

Handling of globally-used functions and

Handling of active page parameters and setting
variables needed in page construction. Also,
setting additional HTTP headers could be done



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

To unsubscribe the list, send an empty email message to address

Re: [midgard] Binaries

2000-05-19 Thread Henri Bergius

On 19 May, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I am running a COMPAQ Alpha Station with SuSE Linux 6.3 (kernel 2.2.13)
 with egcs-1.1.2. I just have downloaded your source. Are you interested
 in a copy of the resulting binaries for your download page?

Sure! Can you make them available somewhere? I can
then copy them over to our site.



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

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Re: [midgard] About the Paris meeting

2000-05-18 Thread Henri Bergius

On 17 May, Emiliano wrote:
 The plans for the stay in .nl are also still very open. Any ideas yet on
 ETA/ETD? Maybe we could get together on IRC to synchronize?

Not yet, since this depends on the plans in Paris.

However, we'll start driving from Karlskrona towards
the Netherlands in Tuesday 20th morning, and will
probably be there sometime in the evening.

The departure date to Paris then depends on how long
we want to be in .nl. I'd imagine we'd like to be there
for one full day, and then start moving to Paris 
sometime in Thursday 22nd. The other option would be
to stay for two full days in .nl.

David, Jean-Pierre and Emile, what time would be OK
to you for the IRC session? Of course, others interested
in the arrangements are also free to attend.



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

To unsubscribe the list, send an empty email message to address

Re: [midgard] {object.id}.html

2000-05-18 Thread Henri Bergius

On 19 May, Steve Sobol wrote:
 Obviously code-init is... well, I hesitate to call it a "reserved"
 keyword, but that's what it would be called in other programming
 languages... point is, "code-init" is an element name that has 
 special meaning to Midgard. I've seen "code-global" used on the
 Admin site also. Is there a list of these special element names
 and their meanings anywhere on the Midgard web site?

When serving pages, Midgard begins constructing them by
parsing the midgard-root.php3 file. You can find the following
style elements called in there:


These are the 'reserved' style element names Midgard has,
and can be used in your applications.

As you see, the ROOT element is also called there, bringing 
the Midgard Style into use.


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

To unsubscribe the list, send an empty email message to address

Re: [midgard] Site structure, was Re: Can't login to admin site

2000-05-12 Thread Henri Bergius

On 12 May, Philipp Rotmann wrote:
 Graphical tour
 ... based on the slides from the Midgard Workshop?

Nope. Rather a series of screenshots around the
Admin site. There is something like this already
on the site, although it could be improved a lot:

   Management summary
 What does this one mean?  The "Business Case for Midgard"?

Yes, in a short format. Michael Ed was working on
something like this last autumn, but I'm not sure
if anything came of it.

 What about a link to all or to selected case studies under

Sure, although we don't have any case studies yet.
This was one of the things I meant with the crosslinking.

 Link to Mailing lists as another source of documentation?

A good point.
 What is exactly the difference between "Getting Started" and
 "Acquiring Midgard" and "About Midgard"? As I understand this
 kind of labeling system, "Acquiring Midgard" would be a guide to
 planning and implementing a Midgard solution, whereas "About
 Midgard" would include general information on Midgard for people
 who do not want to deploy Midgard anywhere yet.

I agree on "About Midgard". However, the idea of
"Getting started" was to provide a set of links to
resources around the site that would help people
start working with Midgard. This would of course
also include links to information on installing
Midgard or finding a hosting provider.

"Acquiring Midgard" is the current "Getting Midgard"
section. It maybe should be renamed to "Download"
to make things clearer.

 I'm still not sure whether to include "Hosting providers" here,
 since "my" "Getting started" would be a mainly technical topic
 -- perhaps it would fit better under "About Midgard", with links
 from "Getting started" and "Midgard Community"?

We will have two levels of links in the front page
of every section, so we can prioritize stuff based
on what is seen as most relevant for that particular
section. Also, I think in this case more links is
better than less links, so that people find the
information they're looking for more easily.

 Done ;-)




-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

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Re: [midgard] Site structure, was Re: Can't login to admin site

2000-05-12 Thread Henri Bergius

On 12 May, Emiliano wrote:
 I'd like to see the Active project list(s) here somewhere.

Yes, that would be the correct place. However, some
questions before I even think about implementing it:

  -How would this relate with Keystone?
  -Would people really keep it up-to-date?
  -Any ideas for needed functionality?


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

To unsubscribe the list, send an empty email message to address

Re: [midgard] Re: Midgard and multi-language web site

2000-05-11 Thread Henri Bergius

On 11 May, Emiliano wrote:
 Since you'll need admin customizations anyway, you could store this xlink
 info in record extensions I guess.

If you're still on Midgard 1.2.5, another place to store this
information could be the 'name' field. Just provide translations
with the same 'name' attribute, and you can easily present them
together in a custom administration interface.

BTW, if you want to see the solution Henri described in action,
our http://www.stonejobs.com uses it. We support two languages


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

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Re: [midgard] About the Paris meeting

2000-05-11 Thread Henri Bergius

On 11 May, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ehhh.. :-( I have no time and some limitation in funds to go to Paris this 
 summer... I think that we could arrange next year meeting in Belarus? ;-)

I kind of had the idea that we would sooner or later want
to visit Minsk. However, this summer is already quite
full of activities. I'll be caught up with the army service 
until winter, so next year sounds good.

Of course, the other option would be for some of the companies
doing business with Midgard to pay your trip to Paris. Any 



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

To unsubscribe the list, send an empty email message to address

Re: [midgard] php configure warning:

2000-05-10 Thread Henri Bergius

On  9 May, Daryle Dianis wrote:
 ok, I can answer my own question, sometimes, the php site helped out
 with this.  I got bison, installed it.
 I'm back to 'midgardengine on' mispelled or missing library or

I think the directives in httpd.conf are case
sensitive, so this should be:

MidgardEngine on

If this is not the problem, are you sure the Midgard
modules have been loaded to your Apache?



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

To unsubscribe the list, send an empty email message to address

[midgard] Site structure, was Re: Can't login to admin site

2000-05-10 Thread Henri Bergius

On 10 May, Sergey N. Brusov wrote:
 Thanx, I get it worked. Isn't so easy to find that info on Midgard
 Project site!

I agree. The current architecture of our site is
rather confusing.

I'm planning to do a redesign of the site this month
(actually, I started the work today), and I'll try to
rearrange the contents for better usability as well.

Here's the new site structure I've been thinking about:

About Midgard (generic product info)
  Introduction to Midgard
Graphical tour
Organization -
  Management summary
  Introduction to Midgard's architecture
  Platforms (summary on OSs Midgard works with) -

Getting started
  Tutorial -
  Installation guide -
  Troubleshooting -
  Hosting providers -
  FAQ -

Technology  solutions
  Whitepapers (about Midgard components, etc)
  Case studies
Midgard-powered Web sites

Acquiring Midgard
  Installation guide -
  Hosting providers

  Midgard Manual
  Tutorial - (in manual)
  FAQ - (in manual)
  Installation guide - (in manual)
  Function reference - (in manual)

Midgard community
Development contributions
Documentation contributions
Packaging contributions
  The Midgard Project Ry -
  Mailing lists

The Midgard Project Ry
  Organizational charter
  Board and officials
The idea here is that the sections should be
interlinked very strongly.

We don't have content for all sections yet,
but I hope we'll see progress in that field

Please comment.

 Sergey Brusov


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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Re: [midgard] moving article

2000-05-09 Thread Henri Bergius

On  9 May, Henri Bergius wrote:
   $article = 123;
   $target_topic = 456;
   mgd_move_article($article, $target_topic);

Actually, there is a bug here (in PHP or Midgard? I'm
not sure).

The mgd_move_xx functions do not return any values,
but if their nonexistent return value is not read
to a variable, the PHP parser exits.

So instead of the example above, do:


  $status = mgd_move_article($article, $target_topic);



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

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[midgard] The first year of Midgard

2000-05-08 Thread Henri Bergius


It is now a year since Midgard 1.0 was first released on May 8th
1999. While the project has obviously been going on for a longer
time than that (first mention of the project is on Bergie's personal
Web site, dated April 25th 1998), the 1.0 launch was when the
project became public.

As it is very easy to only see where the project is now, and forget 
the long process that has taken us here, I decided to put together 
a quick look back into major happenings with the project in last 

To summarize, the year was one of quick growth for Midgard. We've 
gathered a quite sizable community of active users and contributors, 
and also made inroads to corporate acceptance of Midgard both as an 
important business tool, and a product. In addition, the Midgard 
application server itself has evolved much from its modest beginnings, 
and the development team has had good time working on it. 

  - http://www.midgard-project.org/article/1712.html

Please note that this document is still in draft state. If you want 
to make any additions or corrections, please contact Henri Bergius 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) about them.


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

To unsubscribe the list, send an empty email message to address

Re: [midgard] Debian packages of midgard 1.2.5, please test

2000-05-08 Thread Henri Bergius

On  8 May, Teemu Hukkanen wrote:
 I'm still waiting for a version of midgard that doesn't use mysql, but
 as I needed the packages myself, I spent a bit more time in making them,
 and will make them available.

Thanks! We have some spare Debian boxes here at work
where we can install them.


However, the page had some problems with it. Please
end the HEAD element there, and configure your
server to understand .deb files. Otherwise downloading
is slightly difficult.


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

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Re: [midgard] Debian packages of midgard 1.2.5, please test

2000-05-08 Thread Henri Bergius

On  8 May, Teemu Hukkanen wrote:
 I've added the dependency now, and also fixed the problems
 described below, new packages are being uploaded as I write this.

Thanks! I'll test this on the boxes I have running
Debian unstable at work tomorrow.

BTW, would it make sense to create a Packages.gz
file for the directory, so that this could be installed
using apt-get?


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

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RE: [midgard] MWS for 3rd of May, 2000 (#36)

2000-05-07 Thread Henri Bergius


On  5 May, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'll wait for Henri to explain the technical details to me, then we'll
 just do the first one and see what developes. It shouldn't be to difficult
 if programmers send us an abstract of their activities. Of course we'll
 pick plenty of material from the list.

Thanks to you three for volunteering! I definitely have
nothing against you guys continuing the MWS production.

Gathering the MWSs is relatively simple. I have an email
template (which I can put into the CVS if needed), to which
I gather the newsworthy items from list archives every
Wednesday. Then I just reread it to get rid of obvious
spelling or factual mistakes, and post it to the list and
some other email addresses (editors from the sites that
run MWS).

After the email arrives to the list, I then go and create
a new topic to the Midgard Web site under which I then
place the news items as articles.

So, how shall we proceed with this. When do you want
to start producing the summaries? Also, how will you
share the responsibility (do you take turns in producing
the MWS, etc.)?

 Sound good?

Very good.


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

To unsubscribe the list, send an empty email message to address

Re: [midgard] Schedules

2000-05-05 Thread Henri Bergius

On  5 May, Philipp Rotmann wrote:

 When do you plan to release a final version of Midgard 1.4?

Alexander said that the production deadline for
beta4 would be on May 28th (three days after the
deadline for two-way Repligard). The beta should
come out soon after that.

After the beta we will concentrate on fixing problems
found by the testers, and try to get the final 1.4
release out in mid-June.

Of course, these schedules may still change.
 When will ACLs get implemented?

There has been some discussion on introducing
them to the Midgard 1.x tree. However, I'd guess
they won't be ready for Midgard 1.4. So perhaps
the next release, like 1.4.1?

Emile, Alexander, what are your opinions on this?



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

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Re: [midgard] Schedules

2000-05-05 Thread Henri Bergius

On  5 May, Emiliano wrote:
 Honestly, I'm not entirely sure. The acl proposal can be ported back to
 the 1.4 series. When the repligard guids are in effect it'd be a 2-3 week 
 effort. I'm just not sure that we should.

I agree with your concerns on this. The 1.x architecture
isn't too flexible, and so additions like this can become

The other option would be to start the work on Midgard 2
after we get 1.4 final out, and slowly move all efforts
to the new architecture.
To do that, we would need to get a usable alpha version
of the 2.x architecture out soon, though.



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

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Re: [midgard] Re: 1.4beta3: Something is not working

2000-05-03 Thread Henri Bergius

On  3 May, Frank Boehme wrote:
 mod_midgard.c(619): [client] Midgard: host record for
 wizard.ucc.ie:8101 not found
 | id | name   | root | style | info | owner | port | online
 | prefix   | sitegroup |
 |  1 | wizard.ucc.ie:8101 |1 | 1 | auth | 1 | 8101 |  1
 | /admin   | 0 |

The problem is with the prefix there, it is an integral
part of your Midgard host.

This means that your host can be found from

Instead of just:

If you want to use the latter, update your host record
to have an empty prefix field:

UPDATE host SET prefix='' WHERE id=1;

 In row 1, I manually changed owner from 0 to 1, because there is no
 member with id 0. Was this correct?

The owner field points to a group. The group 0
is Administrator (root) group.



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

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[midgard] MWS for 3rd of May, 2000 (#36)

2000-05-03 Thread Henri Bergius


It seems that my schedules have forced these
summaries to a semi-weekly state. It certainly 
doesn't do justice to the speed Midgard
development projects are evolving, and I 
apologize for that.

It is possible for others to help with this, 
though, as can be seen from the last item in 
this week's MWS. But now to the announcements...

Current versions:
Stable: 1.2.5 (Mad King)
Devel.: 1.4-beta3

Oracle: 1.2.5-beta1

Midgard 1.2.5-beta1 for Oracle released

Jean-Pierre Arneodo has released the first
beta release of Midgard 1.2.5 for the 
Oracle 8i database environment.

The release has been developed by Philippe
Pierre, Christophe Azecat, Bruno Richaud and
Jean-Pierre Arneodo, and was sponsored by
E-TARGET-B, a French eCommerce software

The Oracle port of Midgard should be mostly
compatible with the regular (MySQL) versions
of Midgard on the PHP level. In addition,
it includes the record extension system
developed by Initiative Internet.

Since this is still a beta release, caution
should be exercised in deploying it. In case
of installation problems, please contact the
Midgard mailing list ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

The release announcement can be found from
the Midgard Web site.

  - http://www.midgard-project.org/article/1697.html

Midgard European tour  meetings in June

A group of Finnish Midgard enthusiasts will be
driving from Helsinki to Paris in late June
(weeks 25 and 26).

Along the way, we will have several meetings
with local Midgard people, the major ones being
held in Karlskrona (Sweden), Arnhem (The 
Netherlands) and Paris (France).

In Karlskrona, we will have a Midgard seminar
sponsored by Roxtec on Monday June 19th, and
in Paris a bigger meeting in the weekend
starting on Friday June 23rd.

The current state of the tour plans can be
seen from my personal Web site. We are still
accepting suggestions for locations where to
stop along the route, as well as things to
discuss in the meetings. Welcome!

  - http://bergie.greywolves.org/misc/tour-2000/

Midgard US tour in July

In addition to the European tour, there
is also one coming up in the United States.

Ken Pooley is arranging the roadtrip to be
in July, with a meeting in Armadillo. I'm 
not talking about details here, as those 
are not quite clear yet. 

Ken's announcement on the tour can be found 
from Midgard's mailing list archives:

  - http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=midgardm=95693658426958w=2

Migrating to SiteGroups

There is now a new utility available for
migrating a Midgard database to use the
new SiteGroups virtual database environment
that comes with Midgard 1.4-beta3.

The tool is still rather experimental, but
might be helpful for people considering the
move to this new system. If you wish to use
it, be sure to read the sources first!

  - http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=midgard-devm=95720922813320w=2

Looking for new MWS editor

Because of my army service starting in
early July, I'm now looking for someone
to take the responsibility of producing
these summaries.

While I will probably have some level
of connectivity during my service, I'll
still be unable to follow Midgard 
development quite as closely as I do now.

If you are following the discussions on
Midgard mailing lists, and would be interested 
in starting to gather these summaries,
please let me know and we can discuss the

  - http://bergie.greywolves.org/contact/


About Midgard

Midgard is a freely-available Web application 
development and publishing platform based on 
the popular PHP scripting language. It is an 
Open Source development project, giving you the 
freedom to create your solutions in an open 
environment. Midgard is the tool for creating, 
modifying and maintaining dynamic 
database-enabled web services.

  - http://www.midgard-project.org

About MWS

The Midgard Weekly Summary is a newsletter 
for the Midgard user and developer community.

The MWS is currently being distributed in
following mediums:

 -The Midgard Project's Web site
   - http://www.midgard-project.org

 -Linux Weekly News
   - http://www.lwn.net

 -Linux Today
   - http://www.linuxtoday.com

 -Linux Developer's Network
   - http://linuxdev.net

   - http://www.linuxprogramming.com

 -Midgard mailing list

If you would like to release it elsewhere,
please contact Henri Bergius 

Previous issues of Midgard Weekly Summary can 
be found archived at the Midgard web site.
  - http://www.midgard-project.org/topic/169.html


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

[midgard] Midgard people in Atlanta, GA?

2000-05-02 Thread Henri Bergius


Henri Hovi and I will be visiting Stonesoft's Atlanta
office for internal training purposes on week #22
(May 27th - June 4th). In addition, Henri Hovi will
probably be in San Mateo sometime around May 26th or

If there are Midgard people near these locations we
could try to arrange some kind of a meeting, as we'll
miss the US Midgard road trip.


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

To unsubscribe the list, send an empty email message to address

[midgard] First beta of Midgard 1.2.5 for Oracle released

2000-05-02 Thread Henri Bergius

First beta of Midgard 1.2.5 for Oracle released

The first test release of Midgard 1.2.5 port to the Oracle 8i database
is now available for download.

This release

E-TARGET-B, a French eCommerce software developer has sponsored a port
of version 1.2.5 of the Midgard Web Application Server to the Oracle
8i database platform. This improves Midgard's scalability greatly,
making it a possible Web architecture solution in even demanding
publishing and eCommerce environments.

The software has been released under the original Midgard licensing
terms, and is compatible on the application level with the regular
(MySQL) version of Midgard. The release also includes Initiative
Internet's solution for adding extensible record support to Midgard.

While it is still unclear whether the release will be integrated with
the official Midgard source branch, it is an important step in
Midgard's evolution towards actual database independence.

The release is available in source format, and includes preliminary
installation notes. Documentation for the release is still under work,
and will hopefully be included to the next beta release of Midgard's
Oracle port. Because of lacking documentation, it is recommended to
contact the Midgard mailing list ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) in case of
installation problems.

Developers for the Oracle port were:

-Philippe Pierre [EMAIL PROTECTED], DBA
-Christophe Acezat [EMAIL PROTECTED], OCI
-Bruno Richaud, Debug
-Jean-Pierre Arneodo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The release can be downloaded from:

See also the original release notes for Midgard 1.2 series:

Licensing issues

The Midgard core libraries are distributed under the GNU Library
General Public License, a license which permits the software to be
freely used so long as it is dynamically linked or the user can relink
it to new versions of the libraries. This is the same license used by,
for example, the Linux C libraries. Because of the licensing scheme,
Midgard can be considered to be free software developed with an Open
Source model.

The Midgard-based administration tools and usage examples in the
Midgard packages are distributed under the X Consortium license, which
doesn't impose any conditions on modification or redistribution of
source code or binaries other than requiring that copyright/license
notices are left intact.

About Midgard

Midgard is a freely-available Web application development and
publishing platform based on the popular PHP scripting language. It is
an Open Source development project, giving you the freedom to create
your solutions in an open environment. Midgard is the tool for
creating, modifying and maintaining dynamic database-enabled Web
services. Learn more at http://www.midgard-project.org/


E-TARGET-B develops a product to maintain the logistic product chain,
from a basket, as front office, to the shipping through suppliers.
The back office of the tool is written in Midgard, and the front
office is Midgard itself.

About The Midgard Project Ry

The Midgard Project is a nonprofit organization founded in Helsinki,
Finland to advance the development and usage of the Midgard Web
Application environment and project, and to provide equal
opportunities of making use of the system to both users and
developers. The organization offers all contributors of the Midgard
project the needed development environment by governing the copyrights
of the major components of the Midgard Application Server.

Contact information

Jean-Pierre Arneodo, Initiative Internet

Henri Bergius, The Midgard Project Ry

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

To unsubscribe the list, send an empty email message to address

RE: [midgard] everything

2000-05-01 Thread Henri Bergius

On  1 May, Maarten Stolte wrote:
 please ban all adresses not on subscribed?

We'd rather not do that, as it would make the list
less approachable for people who actually want
to discuss Midgard. As Emile mentioned earlier, we
view the occasional spam email less severe than
alienating potential users.

Of course, this point is open to discussion. If people
feel strongly that a different policy would need to
be implemented, we'll of course do so. To prevent
flooding the list with discussion on this, please
reply to me (Cc:ing Emile and Jukka preferably)


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

To unsubscribe the list, send an empty email message to address

Re: [midgard] Install on Virtual server

2000-04-28 Thread Henri Bergius

On 28 Apr, Todd Bole wrote:
 Hello - 


 Midgard looks very much like what I am looking for, although I was wondering, is it 
possible to install on a "virtual" server?
 I am using www.nomonthlyfees.com as my virtual server. I have my own domain 
www.rockcut.com with access to MySQL via MyPHPadmin.  At this time I do not have 
Telnet access, but I could if I needed to.  But I don't have, and can not have any 
access to the Apache Server setup files or anything like that. 
 Will I be wasting my time in trying to setup Midgard?

The lack of administrative access to the Apache installation
there is a stopper here. However, if you can install your
own software there, you could possibly run a Midgard+Apache
installation there in a nonstandard port number (say, 8080),
and redirect the queries from your regular Apache installation
to that.

 Todd Bole


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

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Re: [midgard] ImageFiles

2000-04-27 Thread Henri Bergius

On 27 Apr, Dennis Gearon wrote:
 Are images stored in BLOB format on the backend database, or are they
 stored as files and the filelink stored in the backend database?

If you are using the Midgard article attachments,
then they are stored into the file system, with
links in a Midgard table.

However, Emile is working on adding BLOB support to
Midgard. If you are interested in it, the code
is available for download:


 Dennis K. Gearon (Kegley)


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

To unsubscribe the list, send an empty email message to address

[midgard] European tour and developer meeting

2000-04-26 Thread Henri Bergius


To follow up with the European tour plans I posted
earlier (http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=midgardm=95588408906905w=2),
we now have some schedules available.

The tour will take place on weeks 25 and 26, with
the developer meeting in Paris probably being on
June 23rd to 25th.

It seems that we will also have a Midgard seminar
in Karlskrona, Sweden during the tour. The seminar 
will be arranged by Michael Ed from Roxtec.

I have some information on the tour available on my 
Web site:


As earlier, please let me know if you want to make
modifications to the schedule or want to participate
in some way. Also, if you live somewhere along the
route and would like to arrange something, let us know.

Of course, we're still in middle of planning these
things, so the schedules might be subject to even
severe changes.


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

To unsubscribe the list, send an empty email message to address

Re: [midgard] How the different Open Source components connect

2000-04-26 Thread Henri Bergius


On 24 Apr, Dennis Gearon wrote:
 This is is how I believe that a site using Midgard application
 server is set up as far as abstraction layers, services supplies between
 components and hardware, and installation dependencies. To build this,
 start from the bottom. What I am not sure of is where PERL fits in if at
 all, if PHP is drawn into Midgard or Apache completely or it is still a
 seperate service of the Linux system, and if Midgard calls down to
 Apache or it is drawn into and part of Apache. Would someone on the list
 draw up a representative of how these relationships really are,
 including options? Thank you in advance.

Your diagram was mostly correct. However, here is how
the different Midgard components interact:

Midgard-Lib is the core Midgard library that handles
Midgard's interaction with the MySQL database, and
provides basic API for the other modules to use.

Midgard-PHP is a patched version of the regular PHP
module. It has functions for accessing parts of the
Midgard database through midgard-lib (like 
mgd_get_article). Midgard-php works as a Apache module.

Mod_Midgard is a Apache module that handles catching
all URL requests for Midgard hosts and pages and 
forwarding those to Midgard-PHP for processing. It also
uses Midgard-Lib for database connectivity.

 Dennis K. Gearon (Kegley)


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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Re: [midgard] zip archive?

2000-04-26 Thread Henri Bergius

On 24 Apr, Michael McCue wrote:
 I am hosted by a virtual host and I do all site development via a windows
 machine... is there a .zip archive of midgard that I can download and look
 at locally before uploading to my server?

Sorry, since Midgard is at the moment available only
for UNIX platforms, we distribute it only as tarballs
or platform-specific binary packages.

If you only want to look at the sources, WinZip should
be able to handle the .tar.gz compression.

You can also read the sources via a Web interface at

There is a Windows port of Midgard under work by
the Open Server Architecture project. See their page
at http://www.opensa.org/midgard for more information.

 Also, I am looking to host information in thousands of MySQL records,
 spanned across several tables, ex : Movie titles, with the descriptions,
 screen shots (in another table using a primary key from the movies table),
 reviews (in another table, again using a primary key from the movie title). 
 The movie titles would be broken up into several "groups" such as beta, vhs,
 and dvd... I would need users to be able to search all these records, as
 well as get to the individual record/information by a top down selection
 process... would it be too difficult to get into midgard to do this ? 
 Currently my site is being built under php...

Well, since Midgard contains PHP you can keep the
current code there and access the database with it, and
still benefit from Midgard's style handling, etc.

However, Midgard should be able to do the job, especially
with the record extension system currently being worked
on for Midgard 1.4-beta4. It will require some PHP coding,

 Last question, how does midgard compare to Zope?  Are they of the same idea?

They are pretty much different in both usage and architecture.

You can find some information on the differences by reading
some of the various discussions on the topic available online:


 And does midgard manage users in the way I'm thinking... such as creating a
 registry, users log on and log off of services ?

Users have permissions based on their memberships to
different groups. They can log on and off between
sites as needed.



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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Re: [midgard] HELP:apxs not included in redhat6.x apache

2000-04-26 Thread Henri Bergius

On 26 Apr, daniel rapp wrote:
 Need help... i have redhat6.1, the apache version that came with the system uses 
Dynamic modules... and all that but dosent have axps. I have updated apache today, to 
the newest.. (used the rpm package..)  but with the same result.. ii have even tried 
copying apxs from another computer ... no luck there...

You need the apache-dev package as well.


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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[midgard] Web Techniques article on Midgard

2000-04-26 Thread Henri Bergius


The Web Techniques article earlier mentioned by Carilda 
is now available online:


While the article only touches the very basics of
Midgard development, it is rather positive:

"I found Midgard extremely usable on the first
try, which is more than I can say for a lot of 


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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Re: [midgard] cluster?

2000-04-25 Thread Henri Bergius

On 25 Apr, Andrew Voronin wrote:


   Is Midgard ready for cluster environment?

Midgard is just an add-on for Apache, so normal Apache
clustering capabilities should apply.

The only concern Midgard brings to a clustering environment
is that the servers should either use the same database
server, or you need to ensure in some other way that the
databases being used all contain the same data.

To do this, you can either use MySQL dumps that are
transferred from a master server to the cluster servers,
or use the Repligard database replication technology.

Repligard is not yet available in Midgard releases, but
you can compile it yourself from CVS.

However, I haven't yet tried building a Midgard cluster
yet myself, but I'm looking to try our new StoneBeat
WebCluster (http://www.stonebeat.com) product with it.

 Andrew Voronin


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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Re: [midgard] Found a site you should be on ...

2000-04-25 Thread Henri Bergius

On 24 Apr, Rudolf Potucek wrote:
 Hi Guys!

 I admit I am somewhat unhappy with the basic concept behind midgard
 (then again
 I still do not quite understand it, either) so I went and looked for
 other products and I found this site:
 which lists all sorts of content management systems. Since Midgard ain't
 there I figured I'd give you a hint ...

Thanks! I sent them details on Midgard for inclusion.

 P.S.: I guess the things I dislike most about midgard are the lack of
 decent documentation (but I've seen you're workng on that), 

BTW. This is something that everybody can help with.

 the totally non-obvious initial setup (both to get the engine running 
 and to get a working basic page structure. 

That is also something that is being worked on. I'd identify
the three most important steps here as:

-Getting Midgard bundled with Linux distributions (this will
 require Postgres support as MySQL can't be shipped with

-The Repligard packaging system will make installing and
 configuring the basic Midgard applications (like Admin site)
 much easier

-We need a generic installation script that would make
 the process easier on platforms that we don't have binaries
 for (I'm working on a solution for this)

Also, better documentation will help here.

 MOST of all however I feel there is a lack article management 
 functionality, i.e. you can't add fields to the article type (at least
 not obviously) and there is no decent way of moving articles around 
 or backing up while sections (at least not short of analyzing a lot 
 of midgard code and doing some fancy SQL coding
 but that is just waht midgard is supposed to do for you, isn't it?

Eventually, yes. Most of the functionality you mention already
exists in the 1.4 betas, although the Admin site doesn't support
it all yet. If you want these functionalities, just get a recent
development version and make a custom content administration interface
that supports them. Or if that sounds too much work, then just wait
for a stable 1.4 release.

There are currently two different implementations for extensible
records support in Midgard. Emile's implementation is available
in the CVS, and the one created by Jean-Pierre Arneodo from
Initiative Internet will be shipping with Midgard 1.2.5-oracle.

Version control is something that nobody is really working on
at the moment. There have been some PHP-level solutions for
this, but sooner or later we'll need to have a real system
for it. This is something where you can help by contributing
design ideas or even actual code.


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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Re: [midgard] Midgard hosting in General

2000-04-22 Thread Henri Bergius

On 12 Apr, Emiliano wrote:
 Once Henri gets back we'll have a page on the midgard site pointing to
 these opportunities. It's good to have these ventures pop up.

I'll start setting up a section about hosting
providers on the Midgard site, but before that
I would like to receive some information about
the organizations providing the hosting:


Short description of company and the service



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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Re: [midgard] Documentation.

2000-04-22 Thread Henri Bergius

On 15 Apr, Miles Scruggs wrote:
 It would be nice to have a place, site, list or somewhere we could submit
 questions that the manual doesn't answer.  Then others could work on
 developing answers.  We have that for the source but nothing for
 documentation.  I know not everyone can write code and not everyone is good
 at explaining it but between the two groups we could have some nice

This idea has been discussed before, and Paul
Newby was already developing a new section to
the Midgard site for this. However, I haven't 
heard anything about it for quite some time

 Miles Scruggs


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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Re: [midgard] SiteGroups: sitegroups02.txt

2000-04-22 Thread Henri Bergius

On 16 Apr, Henri Bergius wrote:
 Adequate documentation is part of Jukka's Repligard
 project at Stonesoft, so that should be forthcoming.

As an update, Johannes Hentunen ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
from Stonesoft has been assigned to work on the Repligard
docs. He'll be writing the API documentation first, and
then possibly start work on user documentation.

I will grant him a CVS write access when he has some material


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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Re: [midgard] European tour and developer meeting

2000-04-22 Thread Henri Bergius

On 20 Apr, David Guerizec wrote:
 Aha, but does it have a fridge with beer?
 If it is still alive in June, it will surelly be full of beer ;-)

Great! It seems that we're getting a requirements
spec together for the meeting... ;-)

But seriously, we will be depending on local people
to arrange the meetings and locations on the tour.
Now that we have at least a couple of places where
tp have a meeting up (Maarten's and David's), we can
start planning the tour.

I will have a meeting with Eero sometime next week,
so if you have any suggestions for places along the
route or schedules, please let us know. 



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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Re: [midgard] question

2000-04-21 Thread Henri Bergius

On 21 Apr, Janet Pipkin wrote:
 we are currently using midgard. it was installed by a previous employee.
 i am trying to determine what version it is. would you please tell me
 how i would locate that info.

This information is contained in the Server string
that is transmitted alongside every HTTP request.

The easiest way to find it out would be to establish
a telnet connection to the server (port 80) and run
a HEAD command (HEAD / HTTP/1.0 [enter] [enter]). This
should produce something like the following:

$ telnet www.stonesoft.com 80
Connected to www.stonesoft.com.
Escape character is '^]'.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2000 05:49:55 GMT
Server: Apache/1.3.12 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.6.2 OpenSSL/0.9.5 Midgard/1.4-beta3 
WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Midgard"
X-Powered-By: PHP/3.0.15
Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=100
Content-Type: text/html
Connection: close

Connection closed by foreign host.

The information is also available as the variable
$SERVER_SOFTWARE inside Midgard pages.


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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Re: [midgard] [Fwd: Additional BTW]

2000-04-20 Thread Henri Bergius

On 20 Apr, Jean-Pierre Arneodo wrote:
 J'ai de regret,
 This is a last minute thought, what kind of version control for
 content is in Midgard?

There is nothing inbuilt (we don't want to force the additions
to database sizes caused by this to all users), but a simple
version controlling system can be easily implemented by using
a custom content administration interface.

We're doing this with our Intranet at Stonesoft. The article
administration interface we use saves all modifications as
reply articles to the latest article version, so the history
can be tracked quite easily. As an addition, we also use the
approval feature for controlling what article versions are
shown on the production sites.


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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Re: [midgard] Issues with 1.4b3 Install

2000-04-18 Thread Henri Bergius

On 18 Apr, Fred Hirsch wrote:


 Got 1.4b3 installed with very few problems after upgrading from 1.26b2.

That is good to hear. I haven't yet had the time to
try the release myself...

 Admin has a plain password of "**password" assigned in the database, 
 while the test user has an encrypted password. No matter what I attempt,
 I cannot logon to the admin ID using the given password. However, the
 test user can logon just fine.

The new Midgard version has SiteGroups enabled by default,
and so uses its login conventions. Here is what Emile wrote
on it recently:

 The delimiters are now:

 '*' I am root and want a full view of the system
 '!' I am root and want an admin view
 '$' I am root and I want a user view
 '+' I am an admin/user



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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Re: [midgard] Article on midgard

2000-04-17 Thread Henri Bergius

On 17 Apr, Carilda Thomas wrote:
 Did I miss a mention in the lists or I am the first to have seen the
 article on Midgard in the May issue of Web Techniques by Brian Jepson?

I think you are, I just got the April issue a couple of
days ago.

Thanks for mentioning it!

 It is a nice little cookbook on how to get started.  I tried to see if
 it's online, and it will be available at
 www.webtechniques.com/archives/2000/05 somewhere after 1 May.  May
 I suggest that one of the officers request permission to duplicate it on
 the site, or at minimum, link to it?

I'll do that once it appears.

 Do we know who Brian Jepson is?  Or am I just out of it lately?  (Not
 that the two are mutually exclusive...  tax time in US, and I am only 18
 months behind on my paperwork... )

At least he hasn't been active on our mailing list. A quick
search on MARC shows that he's been posting on various 
Linux/Apache/Perl mailing lists, though.

His author line on other Web Techniques articles appears
to be "Brian is the author of the UNIX Perl Resource Kit 
Utilities Guide (O'Reilly  Associates)."

Anyway, it is nice to see that even other people than the
Midgard team are interested in writing about it.



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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Re: [midgard] HELP - serving different layouts with pages on same site

2000-04-17 Thread Henri Bergius

On 17 Apr, Chari Daignault wrote:
 Greetings, all!


 Has anyone worked on being able to serve a different layout 
 style (template) with pages from the same midgard site/database?

Yes. You have many options for this in Midgard.

First of all, you can create different Styles
for each section. Then just either split your
site into multiple (prefixed) hosts, or assign
the styles to pages individually.

The next option is to use Style and Page elements.
With these you can easily override some style
parts for individual pages or page trees. You
can even override the ROOT element if you want.

The third option would of course be using variables
to handle this all within a single style and element
set. This way you would:

(in a page element or page):
?php $area = 'main'; ?

(in the style):
  ?php if ($area == 'main') { ?
  ?php } else { ?
  ?php } ?



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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Re: Repligard (wouldn't it be nice if...) (was Re: [midgard] SiteGroups: sitegroups02.txt)

2000-04-17 Thread Henri Bergius

On 16 Apr, Sean D. Ackley wrote:
 The theory would be, Midgard would have a security web page 
 for repligard which would say what servers (usernames/passwords 
 maybe) would have the access to read, write, copy, write to 
 and or replicate your Midgard site.  You should also be 
 able to say which hosts within your Midgard site could be 
 replicated as well.  This way, we could lets say all be running 
 multiple Midgard sites, but only the "midgard" site would be 
 replicated and not the "my private domain" site.  By having an 
 RPC or direct "server to server" communication, we wouldn't have 
 to worry about externally spawned processes handling the 
 replication, plus I would think it would be faster.

This should be pretty much doable once we have the Repligard
capabilities wrapped in PHP functions. That should happen
soon anyway, as we'll probably want to have access to
Repligard from the Admin site.

After that, enabling replication between servers in the
way you describe is just about writing some PHP code.



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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[midgard] Slashdot on multilingual Web sites

2000-04-17 Thread Henri Bergius


There is an interesting thread on Slashdot.org
about creating multi-lingual Web sites.

We have developers from many countries and
language areas, and I'm sure it is to the interests
of most of us to make Midgard a good system to
use in multi-lingual environments.

Hopefully the discussion there raises some
ideas on what parts in Midgard could be refined
to reach these goals...


BTW. As an example of a multi-lingual Web site
built in Midgard, I present StoneJobs.com
(http://www.stonejobs.com), which has been 
internationalized by Henri Hovi from Stonesoft's
Web team.


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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Re: [midgard] Midgard and Slashcode....

2000-04-16 Thread Henri Bergius

On 11 Apr, Carilda Thomas wrote:
 My suggestion is to either keep a separate server which does mod_perl type
 stuff from the php/midgard server, or to have a look at the php slash-dot-like
 thingy which is called phpslash and can be located from the php projects page
 (I think).

Also, it shouldn't be too difficult to build a Slashdot-like
system natively in Midgard, since we already have the concept
of article replies.



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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Re: [midgard] Re: Midgard 1.2.6beta2 trouble

2000-04-16 Thread Henri Bergius

On 12 Apr, Derek Beattie wrote:
 I have a script I use to install midgard.  I can post it if anyone is

Sure! It might even be nice to have in the CVS.

I've also been working on a generic installation
system for Midgard (expect to hear more in couple
of weeks), so I'd be interested in seeing the

 *   Sender: Derek Beattie*


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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Re: [midgard] Old new Midgard site

2000-04-16 Thread Henri Bergius

On 12 Apr, Philipp Rotmann wrote:
  Hi folks,

 it's online just about four months now, but I just didn't manage
 to get this e-mail across to you -- our own first Midgard
 website :-)
 Have a look at http://www.spun.de (sorry, only in German).

If you drop me a line or two on your site, I'll
add it to the 'Midgard-powered Web sites' list
on http://www.midgard-project.net/topic/281.html



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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Re: [midgard] SiteGroups: sitegroups02.txt

2000-04-16 Thread Henri Bergius

On  8 Apr, Emiliano wrote:
 Blobserving (Binary Large OBject) will add the capability to serve
 non-text objects (images, sounds, flash, etc) by Midgard itself instead of
 passing the buck back to Apache. The advantage will be that these BLOBS
 can be governed by the same administration interface/access control as the
 rest of the midgard resources. These objects need not be large, BTW, but
 who would want the term BobServing (nasty flashbacks to MS Bob here).

BTW. Something that will need some thought is whether the
BLOBs should be handled by Repligard or not.

 Cue: Jukka  Alexander. I have only slightly more clue on this issue, and
 even that is a pretty bold assesment.

At the moment Repligard is a pretty simple concept. It
is just an utility that can dump (parts of) a Midgard
database into a XML file, and upload it back to the same
or another database.

At the moment it is still dependent on the database ID
numbers of the records, and so replication between two
different sites would require that they use the same ID
space (ie. one is the master database and the other just
a copy). This doesn't differ much from doing things with
normal SQL dumps, and so we should be able to handle Admin
and example sites via Repligard even now.

The next phase will be the addition of two-way replication,
where Repligard converts all IDs and ID references into
GUIDs (global unique IDs) in download phase, and then back 
to normal IDs on upload.

What this provides us with is a generic packaging system
for Midgard data. You could for example package one site,
topic tree or even just a single page, and copy it over
to other Midgard servers. And if some of the records were
changed on that second server, those changes could also
be replicated easily to all other servers where the
same record resides, regardless of what local database
IDs the record(s) would use there.

So Repligard just handles downloading and uploading the
XML file, and conversions between GUIDs and local database
IDs. Transferring the data between servers can then be
handled with conventional methods like rsync.

The Repligard extension provides a simple command line
utility for doing these things, and also some example 
scripts that can be useful for setting the system up.



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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Re: [midgard] SGML grief

2000-04-16 Thread Henri Bergius

On 16 Apr, Ami Ganguli wrote:
 I've finally found some more time to work on my midgard-lib documentation, but
 I find myself struggling with the sgml tools.

The formatting is not that important. If you get
the material written, I can then convert it to

 It's a little off-topic for this list, but can somebody who's successfully
 compiled the midgard documentation on RedHat give a short rundown of

I've had similar problems that you describe (on Debian), 
but maybe Jukka or Emile could help?



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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Re: [midgard] Midgard

2000-04-16 Thread Henri Bergius


On 17 Apr, schleder.de wrote:
 p.s.: The Apache run on an Windows 98 sr2 PC, is it a problem?

Alas, yes. At the moment Midgard only runs on UNIX

The Open Server Architecture project is doing a Windows
port of Midgard, but we haven't received any word of 
their progress for quite some time now.



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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Re: [midgard] PHP

2000-04-06 Thread Henri Bergius

On  6 Apr, Michael Zielinski wrote:


 A couple of questions:
 The PHP release that comes with Midgard, does it only contain MySql
 functionality? I might need ODBC supporrt in the near future.

You can compile the PHP module with whatever database support
you want. For Midgard data, the PHP module uses the connectivity
provided by midgard-lib, and so doesn't need to have the MySQL
module at all.

 When new versions of PHP are released, how long will there go before they
 are incorporated into Midgard's PHP?

It depends. Usually it is pretty easy to add our patches to
PHP, but developers don't always have time to do it immediately.
If the new PHP version is an important one (contains major 
security fixes, etc.), we usually try to get the patch out

PHP4 is a different case, though. It changes the architecture
so much that a new port of midgard-php will be needed. We'll
try to work on that soon, though.



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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[midgard] The Midgard Project Ry founded

2000-04-06 Thread Henri Bergius


The founding meeting for our new nonprofit just ended.
Laeticia will be writing down the meeting minutes soon,
so you'll hear more on it then.

The board is:
Henri Bergius ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Chairman
Eero af Heurlin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Vice Chairman
Laeticia Söderman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Secretary
Jukka Zitting ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Treasurer

Also, we decided to move the copyrights of Midgard
code and the Web site from Jukka Zitting and myself
to the new organization. That should be changed in
the sites and CVS soon.


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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Re: [midgard] Promotional material

2000-04-06 Thread Henri Bergius

On  6 Apr, Jochen Lillich wrote:


 I'm missing some promotional texts and other material about Midgard on
 the web site. Wasn't there something not long ago?

I don't recall deleting anything recently. Anyone else?

What material were you looking for? If it is not on the
site, I might still have it around somewhere...



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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[midgard] Foundation Meeting minutes

2000-04-06 Thread Henri Bergius


This is the first draft of the foundation meeting
minutes. Please send comments or corrections if
you have any.

Sorry about including only the changed parts of
the regulations, I'll make a translation of the
rest tomorrow.

Foundation meeting - The Midgard Project Ry

Taivalmäki 9, 02200 Helsinki, Finland
April 6th 2000, 18:30
Henri Bergius, Eero af Heurlin, Laeticia Söderman, Jukka Zitting

1. Opening of the meeting

Henri Bergius opened the meeting at 18:45.

2. Founding the organization

The meeting decided to found a nonprofit organization named The
Midgard Project Ry to advance progress in the Midgard development
project and to offer the needed services infrastructure for project

3. Regulations of the organization

The meeting chose the National Board of Patents and Registration
example regulations template Sääntömalli II as the basis for the
organization's regulations. The following amendments were made to the
example regulations:

1. Name and home place of the organization

The name of the organization is The Midgard Project Ry,
and its home place is Helsinki.

2. The goals of the organization

The purpose of the organization is to advance the development
and usage of the Midgard Web Application environment and
project, and to provide equal opportunities of making use of
the system to both users and developers.

To advance these goals, the organization offers the project
the needed working environment and services infrastructure,
and enhances the knowledgeability of Midgard by publishing
announcements and other material concerning Midgard. The
organization also represents Midgard by participating to
IT industry events and arranging training, PR, and other
events. The organization also offers all contributors of
the Midgard project the needed development environment by
governing the copyrights of the major components of the
Midgard Application Server.

To support its operations, the organization accepts donations
from its supporters and collects membership fees from its
members. In addition, the organization also practices
publishing and sells supplemental products for the project.

6. The board

The daily matters of the organization are handled by the
board, to which belong the chairman nominated in the
yearly meeting, and the amount of other members, at least
two, chosen in the yearly meeting.


9. Organizational meetings

The yearly meeting of the organization is held yearly
at a date chosen by the board between March and July.


10. Calling of organizational meetings

The board has to call together the organizational meetings
seven days in advance by either letters sent to all members,
or by an announcement on the organization's Internet services.

4. Membership fees for year 2000

The meeting decided the following fees as the membership fees for year

Actual (contributing) member:   0 EUR
Supporting member:  100 EUR
Organizatorial supporting member:   1000 EUR

5. Election of chairman and the board

Henri Bergius was chosen as the Chairman of the Board. The board is:
Eero af Heurlin, Laeticia Söderman and Jukka Zitting.

6. Election of accountants

NN was chosen as the accountant of the organization, and NN as the
vice accountant of the organization.

7. Closing the meeting

The Chairman of the Board close the meeting on 19:45


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

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Re: [midgard] Inquiry

2000-04-05 Thread Henri Bergius



 I understand that is an Linux*Apache/PHP/my SQL combination of resources

Yes. Midgard combines Apache Web serving, MySQL database
backend and PHP scripting capabilities into a nice Web
application development environment.

 As our ISP in US premises , uses LinuxApache/PHP/mySQL  too, so  I wonder if
 I can be use Windows on a developer workstation, or it only runs on Linux ?
Midgard runs only on Unix systems (Linux included), but
its administration interfaces are used with a browser.
This means that you can use whatever platform you want
for your development work.

 Sometimes I find very difficult the traffic from Buenos Aires (Argentina) to

 not a common problems with websites tied to US backbones.. is that
 because are you in northern Europe ?
Possibly. The other reason is that our current project
server is severely overloaded. It servers a few dozen
Web sites, and also is the primary mail server for
many users. We're in the process of replacing it soon,
though, so things should improve then.

 As I don't want to be tied to ASP pages only, I only found PHP as the only
 scripting language of OpenSource, really able to use for adding dynamic
 Feel free to send information how to be a volunteer for betatesting.

The software is freely available. Just go to

 Nes Loyola


PS. Sorry if the formatting looks strange, I'm
testing the new Netscape 6 beta here.   

-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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Re: [midgard] Lost URLs

2000-04-04 Thread Henri Bergius

On  3 Apr, Chari Daignault wrote:
 I've gotten the Midgard system up and running just fine. The only problem
 I'm having is when I create a new root page and new top level page and
 content pages, and reference the correct article and topic numbers for the
 url creation, the system still can't find/create the pages.
 The admin site and example site work fine, though. I'm referencing the topic
 and article numbers from the midgard database... not sure what's up. Has
 anyone had this problem?

Can you show me the code you're using on your
content pages?



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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Re: [midgard] Founding a Midgard nonprofit (continued)

2000-04-04 Thread Henri Bergius

On 30 Mar, Ron Parker wrote:
 The primary asset is the code, correct? If the code is GPL and OSS, then
 the code is forever freely available to the public whether the non-profit
 enterprise disbands or continues to remain an organized effort. I
 assume, this principle is a primary consideration upon which decisions
 to use or not to use Midgard are based on.

You're correct. However, the point here is that the copyright
holder of the software can change the licensing terms whenever
he wishes to. At that point all software that has been released
so far remains under the licensing it has been released under,
but the new releases are done under the new licensing.

Effectively, this would mean a code fork. An example of this
would be if Jukka decided to sell his copyrights to a software
company that would then start making proprietary version of Midgard.

I'd guess that the development team here would continue working
on the GPLd version, and the proprietary version would eventually
start falling back feature-wise. But still, a fork would be 
something we'd rather avoid as it has the tendency of causing
incompatibility between versions and needless work (see the Emacs/XEmacs
situation, for example).

Also, the GPL is currently being contested by Mattel in the
cphack lawsuit. If it ends in Mattel's favor, that could be
a nasty precedent against free software. (The case in
nutshell is that Mattel tries to prevent distribution of
old GPLd versions of a program it now owns).

I trust the people on our team to make right decisions, and
so problems like this are highly unlikely for us. But for
companies making strategic choices, that trust might not be
enough, and so it is good to clarify the situation.
 I'm not entirely aware of the licensing for the core libraries. I
 recall there was mention of this by Bergie earlier in this thread. This
 appears to be an appropriate time for Midgard users, such as myself,
 to become accutely aware of all licensing issues.

There are no serious issues there, all the code is being
distributed under standard free software licenses (different
parts of Midgard are either under GPL, LGPL or the MIT license).

The point I had there was that currently Jukka Zitting holds
all copyrights of Midgard, even on the parts written by other
developers. There are some approaches to solving this.

One would be the way Linux kernel is copyrighted. There every
contributor owns the code he has written there. The problem
with this is that changing the license (if GPL begins causing
some problems, for example) would require acceptance from
*all* code contributors, which in case of a big software problems
is quite difficult.

The other approach, which is the one we'll be taking is to
form a nonprofit where all contributors can gain membership
in, and then turn the copyrights to that organization. This
way everybody gets a vote on what is done, but single developer
can't make it impossible for the whole project to make advancements.

I think this is the core of it. If you (or anyone else)
have questions on the licensing, I'll be glad to try answering

 I think it's a fine strategy to assume nonprofit status in order to enable
 monetary and property contributions. The continued growth in Midgard as a
 freely available product is in my interest.

That is the point. It is very important to provide the needed
development infrastructure (Web sites, version controlling,
mailing lists, ...), and that is where we need a supporting
organization. That organization could be a company, but I
feel that a nonprofit would do better with creating a 
level playing field for all parties willing to participate
in the project.



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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Re: [midgard] Midgard hosting in General

2000-04-04 Thread Henri Bergius

On 31 Mar, David Guerizec wrote:


 I'm gonna buy a server and install Midgard on it to host sites and services
 for the clients of my enterprise.
 If someone is interested in participating to the project as a partner or a
 client, please let me know.

It is good to know that there are hosting opportunities
for Midgard appearing. This is very important for smaller
companies who can't afford servers of their own.

I would be interested in hearing about all companies
offering Midgard hosting, and possibly listing them
on the Midgard project Web site.



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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Re: [midgard] Founding a Midgard nonprofit (continued)

2000-04-03 Thread Henri Bergius

On 30 Mar, Emiliano Heyns wrote:
 If under "The Midgard Project, Ry", probably. But nothing's keeping
 any person or firm from offering Midgard consulting, so even if
 "we" want to go commercial, we can do so.

Yes. The idea of the nonprofit is just to
provide the infrastructure (servers, mailing
lists, etc) for the project and ensure that
all parties involved have equal opportunities
in using Midgard and doing business with it.

I feel that doing things like consulting work
under the nonprofit would erode this idea badly.

Rather, if some people from the developer team
want to start doing business with Midgard, they
can do so as a separate entity, so that the
nonprofit can be kept neutral business-wise.



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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Re: [midgard] Founding a Midgard nonprofit (continued)

2000-04-03 Thread Henri Bergius

On 30 Mar, Emiliano Heyns wrote:
 On the topic of assets: I propose we have a clause in our regulations
 stating that if we are ever to disband "The Midgard Project, Ry", any
 assets remaining are donated to charity.

Under the Finnish law, the possible disbanding is
decided by a general meeting of the organization.
Usually the regulations state that the assets
of the organization are at that point donated
onwards to advancement of the organization's goals.

For us, that could mean that if the organization
were disbanded, the copyrights could be donated
to for example FSF.

However, I think it is better to have nothing
of where the donations should go at that event
written down to the regulations, but rather let
the general meeting decide that following some
guidelines set by the rules.

Reading from example regulations provided by
the bureau (Sääntömalli I - quick translation):

12. Modifications to regulations and disbanding of
the organization

The decision on modifying the regulations or
disbanding the organization has to be made
by a general meeting with at least three
quarters (3/4) majority vote. The meeting
invitation has to include a mention on modifying
rules or disbanding the organization.

In the event of disbanding the organization
its assets are used to advance the organization's
purposes in a way decided by the disbanding meeting.
When the organization is disbanded its financial
assets are also used on that same purpose.

Of course, I'm operating here on the notion that
we shouldn't be wanting to disband the organization
anytime soon. :-)



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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Re: [midgard] Founding a Midgard nonprofit (continued)

2000-03-30 Thread Henri Bergius

On 30 Mar, Emiliano Heyns wrote:
 How many of us do live in Finland?

I guess that enough, the board should be too big
for practical reasons anyway.

Also, if we want to have more foreign board
members, we can ask for the permission, and
if I understood correctly that is just a
formality, and so shouldn't be denied normally.
 In .nl there are provisions (as I rememebr them, IANAL)
 for voting-by-proxy, where a local resident can be authorized
 to vote on your behalf. Maybe similar provisions exist
 in Finland?

Yes, but it needs to be a signed permission.


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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Re: [midgard] Re: Access control

2000-03-29 Thread Henri Bergius

On 29 Mar, Jochen Lillich wrote:
 Midgard 2? Where can I get information about the different versions
 that you people are working on?

Midgard 2 is a complete rewrite of Midgard that we
eventually hope to release. At the moment the
development work on it has been halted, and will
probably resume only sometime in late Q2.

The Midgard 1.x branch is the one currently in
development, with the latest test version being 
1.4-beta3 (to be released later this week). The
stable release for that branch is version 1.2.5.

 Okay, done. I'm also already both on midgard and on midgard-dev. 
 If I want to help development, should I get the current CVS of Midgard
 1 or that of Midgard 2?

Get Midgard 1, as that is where we're working now.
You can also look at the Midgard 2 sources, but
it won't make much sense to write code there as
it isn't anywhere near stable yet.

You can also find the CVS material from



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

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RE: [midgard] Founding a Midgard nonprofit

2000-03-29 Thread Henri Bergius

On 29 Mar, Maarten Stolte wrote:


 Need ftp resources too?
 I have a ftp site which i'm not using, has 25megs of space,and is on a fast

Sure! It would be nice to have some mirror sites serving
the release versions.

At first, if you can manually mirror the 1.2.5 sources
and binaries there, and possibly the upcoming 1.4-beta3
as well. Later on we can then setup a more automatic
mirroring solution.

 Maarten Stolte


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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Re: [midgard] Founding a Midgard nonprofit

2000-03-29 Thread Henri Bergius

On 29 Mar, Alexander Bokovoy wrote:
 Hello Henri,


 OK  for  me  (I'm  too  busy  with my work on Ph.D. thesis and work in
 University to be daily involved with administration duties)

Good. Now, the first board could be the following:

Eero af Heurlin ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Henri Bergius ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Jukka Zitting ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

If you want to see other names in it as well, please
let me know.

 Are we have to use this suffix or it could be omitted? Personally, I
 would like to see "The Midgard Project" as a name because "mysterious"
 Ry will be a problem for the newcomers not familiar with Finnish laws.
 I even expect that question about "Ry" will be included into FAQ :-)

We have to use the 'Ry' extension in official records, 
but can omit it elsewhere.

And hey, it's better than 'Rekisteröity Yhdistys', isn't
it? ;-)

  Alexandermailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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[midgard] Founding a Midgard nonprofit

2000-03-28 Thread Henri Bergius


The project has been growing steadily for the last
year, and now it could be a good point to organize
a bit.

We could found a nonprofit organization to handle
some aspects of this project. The benefits here would
be the ability to own property and handle donations 
without having to channel those through private 
contributors. The money would at first be going for
things like domains, but at a later point also
arranging training events and workshops would be
possible with this.
It could also clarify the copyright situation with the 
core Midgard libraries, as their ownership could be 
transferred to the organization. This would make the
software much safer to develop with.

If we want to found this organization, a good place
for it could be Finland, as we have quite many project 
participants here, and most of us also already have
experience in running nonprofits.

The membership for the organization should be open
to all project contributors for free, and possibly
also to others for a nominal fee.

For the first year, I'd like to have a majority (or
all) board members to be living in Finland, because
there are often situations demanding a sudden meeting
before the procedures settle down, and having all board
members available on a short notice would be a good

What do you think? I'd like to see some discussion
on this, and if we decide to continue with the plan
already hold the founding meeting within a month.

Oh, and as the name, how would The Midgard Project Ry
sound? (Ry being short for registrated nonprofit in


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

To unsubscribe the list, send an empty email message to address

[midgard] Founding a Midgard nonprofit

2000-03-28 Thread Henri Bergius


The project has been growing steadily for the last
year, and now it could be a good point to organize
a bit.

We could found a nonprofit organization to handle
some aspects of this project. The benefits here would
be the ability to own property and handle donations 
without having to channel those through private 
contributors. The money would at first be going for
things like domains, but at a later point also
arranging training events and workshops would be
possible with this.
It could also clarify the copyright situation with the 
core Midgard libraries, as their ownership could be 
transferred to the organization. This would make the
software much safer to develop with.

If we want to found this organization, a good place
for it could be Finland, as we have quite many project 
participants here, and most of us also already have
experience in running nonprofits.

The membership for the organization should be open
to all project contributors for free, and possibly
also to others for a nominal fee.

For the first year, I'd like to have a majority (or
all) board members to be living in Finland, because
there are often situations demanding a sudden meeting
before the procedures settle down, and having all board
members available on a short notice would be a good

What do you think? I'd like to see some discussion
on this, and if we decide to continue with the plan
already hold the founding meeting within a month.

Oh, and as the name, how would The Midgard Project Ry
sound? (Ry being short for registrated nonprofit in


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

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[midgard] Portable Site Information project

2000-03-28 Thread Henri Bergius


XML.com is running a story on the Portable Site 
Information project, which concentrates on defining
a XML format for moving Web sites and applications
between different frameworks like NetObjects and

This idea might sound familiar to those of you who
have been reading the list for a longer time, and indeed,
it is the same project that has been discussed here
with Patrick Hayes every now and then.

I think the idea is good, and while the work won't
be easy, it will be an important step in improving
the interoperability between different Web application

Check out the article at:


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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Re: [midgard] Admin interface disappeared!

2000-03-27 Thread Henri Bergius

On 27 Mar, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On the weekend, I ran Adobe Acrobat, which has an option to archive a Web
 site as a PDF.  I ran this on the old site (which I later discovered has a
 link to the Admin site), and it churned away for a few hours, fetching all
 the links on each page.
 My concern is that one of the links it fetched was a "delete" link on the
 Admin pages.

I've seen this happen a couple of times. It is a good
idea to be careful with all kinds of site spiders and
not give them big enough permissions to actually
destroy anything (if possible, run them so that they
won't even authenticate).
 Curiously, the site itself (see link above) is still fine -- but when I
 click on the Admin page, I get the prompt for password, and I get the
 HTMLHEAD.../HEAD but no BODY tags and no content.

Strange. Have you looked at the database?

 Any ideas?  Can I safely reload the Midgard admin pages without affecting
 the work we've done?

That should be safe, as the Admin site in the packages 
only uses the same database record IDs every time.

However, it would be a good idea to backup your Midgard
database beforehand, as with all upgrades.

 Paul Gillingwater [EMAIL PROTECTED]


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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Re: [midgard] Support for Oracle

2000-03-27 Thread Henri Bergius

On 27 Mar, Dave Viner wrote:
 Hello all,


 I am currently reviewing various content management/content
 rendering solutions.  I am very interested in Midgard as it uses Apache,
 our current webserver, and PHP, a well-known and tested scripting
 language.  However, a requirement for our environment is integration
 with Oracle.  What is the status of the Oracle integration effort?

I think I remember Jean-Pierre Arneodo 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) mentioning that they 
expect the midgard-lib part of Midgard 1.2.5-oracle
to be stable sometime this week.

However, while the Oracle port isn't available yet,
the other option is to use PHP's own Oracle 
connectivity. This way you can have the normal Midgard 
data in a MySQL database and then connect to an Oracle 
database for other applications. 

 From reading the various messages, documentation, and the midgard
 site, it appears that ODBC support will be integrated in Midgard 2.0.
 According to the web site, this release is scheduled for the 1st quarter
 of 2000.  Is this still on track?  Is there a revised estimate?

Midgard 2 has been delayed severely, but we look forward
to working on it again sometime later this year (late Q2?)

Midgard 1.4 (which is the current version being actively
developed) will contain many of the features originally
intended for Midgard 2 - such as replication and extensible
records. There has also been some interest in porting
Midgard 1.4 to other databases.

 Dave Viner


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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Re: [midgard] Access control

2000-03-27 Thread Henri Bergius

On 25 Mar, Jochen Lillich wrote:


 taking the first steps with Midgard I've soon been missing detailed
 access control features. The "Possible changes" stated on
 http://www.midgard-project.org/article/1110.html sound very reasonable
 to me. Is there anything of these changes already on the way?

Emile has been working on access control lists for Midgard.
The work has so far been mostly for Midgard 2, but it might
be portable back to Midgard 1.x

You can find information about the implementation plans by
searching for 'access control' or 'acl' on the mailing
list archives.

 If I can be of any help, let me know. Our company probably will be
 choosing Midgard as standard application server, so we're quite
 motivated in bringing Midgard development forward.

It might be a good idea to get started by reading 
the 'How to contribute' document on our site:

Welcome to the project!



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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Re: [midgard] code-init

2000-03-26 Thread Henri Bergius

On 27 Mar, Torben Nehmer wrote:


 Can I do something like this:
 In the Layout I define code-init.
 In a subpage I want do redefine code-init so that it first calls the
 orignial and then add's some improvement like:
 code-init of subpage:
 ...some code
 ...more code

Nope, this would just include the element back to

What you can do instead is to define another element
with your code, say my-code, and call that from both
the style's and the page's code-init elements:

global code-init:

code-init of a subpage:
...some code
...more code

 Torben Nehmer


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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Re: [midgard] Using Midgard on Windows platform

2000-03-22 Thread Henri Bergius

On 22 Mar, Stéphane Baudet wrote:
 Did anybody have success in using Midgard on an NT platform using apache and
 mysql ?

At the moment Midgard works only on Unix platforms.

The folks at OpenSA project are making a NT port,
you can find out more at: http://www.opensa.org/midgard/

 stephane Baudet.


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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[midgard] Integration alternative administration interfaces

2000-03-22 Thread Henri Bergius


There has been some discussion on developing alternative
administration interfaces for Midgard before.

So far the discussion has stopped into the point that
Midgard would need bindings to other languages before
they could be used to develop a new Admin system.

However, since this topic touches integration quite
much, and that is a topic I need to think about a lot
at work, I've been seeking for other ways of solving
this problem.

Now, once we think about it, if there were language
bindings to another language, say, Python or Java,
in midgard-lib, and we were to use that for the
interface, then practically every user running this
interface would be using direct database connections
- something that can be troublesome.

The other solution would be to use some kind of 
RPC system with which would enable the normal 
Midgard application server to serve these desktop 
clients just as it does Web-based ones, reducing 
the number of needed database connections (or the 
need of even enabling those connections from 
outside the Web server).

Good options for this exist. For example, XML-RPC
is a relatively simple HTTP-based protocol for
which you can find support libraries to many different
languages, including Python, Java, PHP and Perl.
Yes, PHP is one of those, meaning that you can use
a Midgard server as a XML-RPC client or server
even now.

We're using this for a couple of applications at
Stonesoft, and will surely be using it for many
more in near future. These applications range from
a GNOME panel applet written in Python fetching
the corporation's realtime stock quote from our
Midgard server to backend Perl scripts creating
articles into the database from incoming email.

With this, we could write the administrative
programs quite easily, and possibly extend existing
ones as well. Think about an Open Source PHP code
editor that could also edit Midgard styles and
pages. All this needs is a couple of programmers
getting familiar with the spec, and a XML-RPC
server that would provide the needed Midgard 
functions as methods (which is really quick to 

If this would become a popular method of 
administrating the Midgard database, we could then
rewrite the XML-RPC support libraries in C and
place them into the actual Midgard packages as
an extension - just like Repligard will be.

XML-RPC spec: 

XML-RPC support for PHP:

There is also another potentially useful standard
out there - SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol),
an extension of XML-RPC developed by Microsoft. However,
this is slightly more complex, and also lacks the
level of language support XML-RPC has.

SOAP spec:

There are also some other XML-over-HTTP -based RPC
systems available. While these wouldn't replace the
need for native bindings, they will surely be a nice
addition, and provide interesting integration
opportunities as well.

Another slightly different approach would be to use
Mozilla for the interface. Mozilla is a multiplatform
application environment that comes with its own
system for defining GUI programs and the data they
use. What is interesting in the XUL standard, is that
at least most of the UI and data used in it can be 
loaded from a remote server just as easily as a local
one. This could enable us to create a XUL-based admin
site, maybe as a superset of the HTML-based one, and
the users could use that just as they do a normal
desktop application.

Mozilla XPToolkit:
XUL tutorial:

And then there is also CORBA, which Emile has been
looking at lately.

While I wouldn't rule any of these opportunities out
entirely, it is clear that we don't currently have the
developer resources to pursue all of them, but will
rather have to select one or two options to concentrate

But even if we won't end up with complete bindings to
all of these options at once, they provide good
opportunities that probably are of interest to all of you
who seek to integrate other information systems with
Midgard. Which I'm sure that many of you do.


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

To unsubscribe the list, send an empty email message to address

Re: [midgard] Re: Export Midgard site

2000-03-22 Thread Henri Bergius

On 22 Mar, Emiliano Heyns wrote:
 Correct. Henri mentioned some scripts a long while ago used for
 copying only specific sites. These could be useful to put up on
 the Midgard site but I don't know how specific to his situation
 they are.

Yes, we've been running partial replication from our
internal Web server to an external one regularly 
(every five minutes if the database has been modified)
since late October. The system works ok, but has some
setbacks that have made developing Repligard into usable
state a quite high priority for us.

The current system works so that we have a Perl script
on the internal server that runs mysqldump, and then
removes all internal content (based by location of the
DB entries in Midgard's tree structures) from the dump,
then checks whether it has changed from last replication.

If it has, it is then transferred to our external server,
where we have another script which monitors the arrivals
of new database dumps. We also have two different Midgard
databases running there, of which one is being used by
Apache at a time.

When a dump arrives, the script copies it over the Midgard
database which isn't being used, and restarts Apache with
Midgard using that database instead.

This is messy, but it works. The main problem is that every
once in the while, the Apache fails to get the MySQL 
interface opened, and then our site is down. Of course,
this all goes into the "don't try this at home" department.

 About when will these tools be available?
 The plans for this utility (repligard) were discussed briefly on
 midgard-dev: http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=9526180571w=2r=1

At the moment, most of one-way Repligard works and is
available from the CVS. However, I'm quite sure that 
the CVS version isn't now in a compilable shape, and 
so getting Repligard to work right now will require 
some C programming experience.

By what we've been discussing on midgard-dev, we
hope to have the third beta available sometime within
a month, and that should contain Repligard (as well
as some other nice additions, like the SiteGroups).

We have two servers at Stonesoft doing test Replication
with a 25MB Midgard database and some Apache load, and
we'll be looking at the results with Jukka tomorrow. 
If  things have worked nicely, we'll move the system 
into production soon. I'll let you know about our 



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

To unsubscribe the list, send an empty email message to address

Re: [midgard] favicon.ico

2000-03-22 Thread Henri Bergius

On 22 Mar, Carilda Thomas wrote:
 There is no document root unless I put it there and I don't.

You can also store the favicon.ico file as an 
attachment into the Midgard database, create a 
favicon.ico page under your root page and serve 
the file from there.


$article = 123;
$filename = 'favicon.ico';

  if ($article = mgd_get_article($article)) 
   ($files = mgd_list_files($article-id))) {

while ($files-fetch()) {
  if ($files-name == $filename 
  ($file = mgd_get_file($files-id))) {
header('Content-type: ' . $file-type);
header('Content-length: ' . $file-size);

Do this either in the code-init, or just override
the ROOT element to point to (content), and the 
normal Midgard style shouldn't get into way.



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

To unsubscribe the list, send an empty email message to address

Re: [midgard] [Q] host not found error.

2000-03-21 Thread Henri Bergius

On 21 Mar, Sean D. Ackley wrote:
 [Tue Mar 21 13:48:59 2000] [notice] [client] Midgard: host record for 
midgard.ackind.net:80 not found
 [Tue Mar 21 13:49:00 2000] [notice] [client] Midgard: host record for 
midgard.ackind.net:80 not found
 Then, I can't access the midgard system.  Either via the admin.* or the real 
website.  It just error with this message.  On my other system, I have the admin.* 
and the real website working properly, but I get this error message, if I go to 
another website on that machine.  I can understand that.  So I guess, 2 question, how 
to get rid of that message and just display midgard?  On the second machine, how to 
NOT display that error message when I am using a website on the webserver, but a 
non-midgard site.

It would seem that your Midgard is otherwise set up
properly, but there is something wrong with the Host
records in Midgard's database.

To fix this, make a MySQL connection:

$ mysql -umidgard -pmidgard midgard

(assuming that those are the username and password
for you Midgard database) 

When you get to the MySQL prompt, run:


This should return you the host records stored in the
database. Something like:

| id | name| root | style | info | owner | port | online | prefix |
|  1 | admin.greywolves.org|  233 |22 | auth | 0 |0 |  1 ||
|  2 | wolfpack.greywolves.org |   33 | 2 |  | 2 |0 |  1 ||
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

It is very probable that the 'name' fields of the hosts 
are pointing somewhere else than the hostnames you 
configured in your httpd.conf. Fix this by running:

UPDATE host SET NAME='admin.midgard.ackind.net',port=0
WHERE id=1;
UPDATE host SET NAME='midgard.ackind.net',port=0
WHERE id=2;

Now, try accessing the Midgard sites again with your

The idea here is that the 'name' and 'port' fields of
the host records must match with the ones defined in
Apache's config for Midgard to find them. If you 
configure a host to have port 0, then it will answer
in all ports Apache listens to for that host name.



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

To unsubscribe the list, send an empty email message to address

Re: [midgard] New midgard powered site

2000-03-19 Thread Henri Bergius

On 18 Mar, Ronan-Yann Lorin wrote:
 Hi all,


 Just if you plan to have a list of midgard powered sites as examples of
 what can be done with midgard, I just released a french web site a few
 days ago that is fully build using midgard at the following url:

Thanks! It is now listed at

If you want to have a more accurate description
of the site there, just let me know.

 Ronan-Yann Lorin  tél: +33 617 960 627


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

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Re: [midgard] New midgard powered site

2000-03-19 Thread Henri Bergius

On 18 Mar, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On a related note, I noticed that my site, the Lincoln High School web site,
  which uses midgard + PHP almost exclusively, isn't up on the list, either.

Ok, it is now listed.

As a policy here, I will add sites there only by request
of their maintainers.

So if you have a site that could be listed there, just
let me know!

Once we have this list in a bit better shape, the next
step then is to start gathering actual case studies.
I'll start writing one about Stonesoft's new recruitment
system (which is going live sometime next week) quite 

 Ben Garney


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

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[midgard] MWS for 15th of March, 2000 (#33)

2000-03-15 Thread Henri Bergius

This is not to add needless bureaucracy to
Midgard development work, but rather to ensure
that everybody working on the code knows what
is going on and to keep the tree in a shape where
it can be stabilized when making a release.

The thread about this new policy also includes
some discussion about Midgard release practices
and a listing by Alexander about what additions
have so far been discussed for inclusion into
Midgard 1.4.

  - http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=9527913801w=2r=1

About Midgard

Midgard is a freely-available Web application 
development and publishing platform based on 
the popular PHP scripting language. It is an 
Open Source development project, giving you the 
freedom to create your solutions in an open 
environment. Midgard is the tool for creating, 
modifying and maintaining dynamic 
database-enabled web services.

  - http://www.midgard-project.org

About MWS

The Midgard Weekly Summary is a newsletter 
for the Midgard user and developer community.

The MWS is currently being distributed in
following mediums:

 -The Midgard Project's Web site
   - http://www.midgard-project.org

 -Linux Weekly News
   - http://www.lwn.net

 -Linux Today
   - http://www.linuxtoday.com

 -Linux Developer's Network
   - http://linuxdev.net

 -Midgard mailing list

If you would like to release it elsewhere,
please contact Henri Bergius 

Previous issues of Midgard Weekly Summary can 
be found archived at the Midgard web site.
  - http://www.midgard-project.org/topic/169.html


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

To unsubscribe the list, send an empty email message to address

Re: [midgard] Repligard...?

2000-03-15 Thread Henri Bergius

On 15 Mar, Ken Pooley wrote:
 I thought I understood the Repligard dingus to be something to migrate 
 1.2.5 and earlier midgard DBs to a new format for 1.4..having read the 
 latest MWS I am not so sure, can somebody summarize it real quick?

Repligard should make migration between Midgard releases
a lot easier than it is now. But it is also does more,
offering capabilities like replication of sites between
hosts and packaging of Midgard applications.

The format Repligard deals with is a simple XML format
that is used to describe contents of part of the Midgard
database (for example, a host or a topic tree).

These XML files can then be transferred between different
Midgard sites (for example, if you have a mirror site or
want to move data easily between a development server and
a production server), and also version controlled using
standard tools like CVS.

I'd imagine that once the two-way replication is in
place you'll start seeing a lot of ready-made Midgard
applications become available. Of course, we're still 
some way from that point.



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

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Re: [midgard] proposal of cooperation

2000-03-13 Thread Henri Bergius


On 13 Mar, Niels Vejrup Carlsen wrote:
 I am in the process of selecting af content management system /
 publishing system for a large multilanguage set of information portal

 The system must be able to handle all the traditional publishing
 features incl. workflow (editorial approval, ...), archiving,
 multiple placement of articles, delayed publishing, timed removal,

 On top of this we would like the system to allow for CRM (data
 mining etc.) and for the establishment of communities (chats,
 newsgroups, ...) - either through its own modules or by
 allowing 3rd party modules to be added.

Most of this is possible by adding logic on the PHP
level, but certainly would be easier is Midgard had
support for the major features builtin.

For example, our Midgard sites at Stonesoft include
features like chat and even workflow applications like 
the company's recruitment system. They work, but creating
them has at times required creative usage of the 
database fields provided in Midgard's article system.

 I have looked a bit at your project - and would like to know whether
 you would be open for a collaboration along the lines:

 - you guarantee that ressources will be devoted to making the
 system fit our purposes (the extent of this we of course need to
 agree on from the beginning)
 - on the other hand we guarantee a certain amount of ressources being
 spent on improving your project (within the open source license) - for
 a certain period of time.

Your proposal is very interesting, and I'm sure some
Midgard developers would be eager to help you out. 
However, our project works on volunteer basis and so
we as a project can't make any commitments on our
developers' behalf. It is all up to individual
developers here.

I hope to see something come out of this. Midgard has 
been a very nice low-end content management system, 
but I'm sure it is to the interests of many people 
working with it to see it improve in the field.

Please keep us posted on how things turn out.

 /Niels Vejrup Carlsen


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

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Re: [midgard] PHP Version 3.0.15

2000-03-13 Thread Henri Bergius

On 13 Mar, Thomas James Mackie III wrote:
 Is there a new patches available for PHP 3.0.15 for Midgard 1.2.5 since
 there are some major known security holes in PHP 3.0.12 and performance
 issue's? I have looked through the site and it's seems that there might be,
 but I was unable to find a download location for them. Please let me know
 one way or another.

Alexander has a patch for this. It isn't in CVS
yet, but you can find it from:


Alexander's note is at:


 Thomas James Mackie III


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

This is The Midgard Project's mailing list. For more information,
please visit the project's web site at http://www.midgard-project.org

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