Re: Another unknown game... (Love Hina)

2002-01-11 Thread Patrick 'Patsie' Lina

Well, the picture is from an anime known as Love Hina!
(surprise! ;) ) It's a series about a guy who's lucky enough
to get a job as a 'housermaster' in a girls dormitory. There
are 5(?) girls there if I remember correctly and they live
through all sorts of every day live adventures.
Hope I was of any help


- Original Message - 
From: Laurens Holst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: MSX Mailinglist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 9:03 PM
Subject: Another unknown game...

> Well, I was scouring the web again, and once again I entered a Japanese web
> site, and lo and behold, I saw an interesting image there. It had the words
> "MSX" and "RPG" all over it so I think it's another new MSX RPG in the
> makings???
> Ofcourse I forgot to note the originating web page, but I saved the picture
> on disk and put it on my website... take a look at
> Oh, and by the way, may I say "I agree" too???
> There's nothing wrong with healthy discussion.
> Just don't take things too personal. Those are indeed the magic words.
> ~Grauw
> --
> For info, see

For info, see

[Dutch] Re: MSX Mailinglist in het Nederlands

2001-09-21 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

"vindT ik" ?? (vind ik)
"uitkomst VAN mensen" ?? (uitkomst voor mensen)
"niet goed engels kUnnen" ??? (niet goed engels kennen)

Volgens mij is zo'n nederlandse mailinglist ook niets voor jou.
Je moet eerst nog nederlands leren, zo te zien.


ps: best knap trouwens, 3 fouten in 1 zin maken ;)

- Original Message -
From: Willem v/d Werf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 7:06 PM
Subject: RE: MSX Mailinglist in het Nederlands

> Toch vindt ik de lijst een uitkomst van mensen die niet goed engels
> kunnen
> -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
> Van: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Namens Hans Otten
> Verzonden: vrijdag 21 september 2001 18:37
> Onderwerp: Re: MSX Mailinglist in het Nederlands
> Ik ben tevreden over de stack mailinglist, en blij met de inbreng van de
> buitenlanders.
> - Original Message -
> From: "MSX World" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 15:54
> Subject: MSX Mailinglist in het Nederlands
> > This message is adressed to all the MSX users in The Netherlands and
> Belguim
> > and will therefor only be written in Dutch.
> >
> > Hallo beste MSX gebruikers,
> >
> > Met Bussum morgen in het vooruitzicht kwam er vanmorgen ineens een
> > idee
> bij
> > mij op.
> > Zou het niet fijn zijn als er, buiten de grote MSX mailinglists, ook
> > een mailinglist kwam voor gebruikers uit Nederland en Vlaanderen? Hier
> > zou natuurlijk dan alleen Nederlands gesproken kunnen worden.
> >
> > Laat me even weten wat je er van vindt, per mail, of morgen op Bussum!
> >
> > Mzzls en allemaal tot morgen!
> >
> > Jeroen Küppers
> > MSX World.
> >
> > --
> > For info, see
> >
> --
> For info, see
> --
> For info, see

For info, see

Hard to install (g)uzlo

2001-09-15 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

Hi folks,

After having installed Uzix version 0.1.8 I thought it was time to upgrade to
Promising sounds of being able to use my Sunrise RS232 interface seemed great!
But misfortune struck...
I started by removing all but my first partition and then recreating them from
scratch. (I do this frequently, so no problem there...) Then I ran the
from this first partition (the A: drive) and installed everything on my second
partition (or B: drive) So far, so good. But when it was time to reinstall Uzlo,
troubles began.
First it started moaning that my msxdos2 was already patched and it aborted
without doing anything further... Okay, but it was already patched, so why quit?
I'm not the dumbest guy around, so I copied a new, unpatched, msxdos2 to my
A: drive and restarted the instuzlo program.
Now it did patch my msxdos2 and said "copying files...error!" and still no Uzlo
installed. The same applied to Guzlo.
meanwhile the old Uzlo is still in the bootsector of my harddisk, but can't seem
to find the new installed Uzix (the new one is on another partition than it was


For info, see

Re: a ride to tilburg???

2001-04-15 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

> > > Nederlandse spoorwegen :-)
> >
> >yeah well that's really the perfect alternative for someone with a budget of
> >like 2 guilders.
> >from friesland a return ticket will cost more than 80 bucks! even from here
> >(Bussum, that is) it costs 40 guilders which is imho quite a lot of money
> >(considering I also have to pay for (a part of) a stand and a new MSX and
> >probably also some other stuff).
> Uhm.. I could be wrong but if I recall correctly there's a maximum ticket 
> cost of 50 guilders. So even if you go from Groningen to Maastricht it will 
> still 'only' cost 50 guilders.
> I admit it's still a lot of money though...

It _used_ to be Fl.66,- for a 2nd class day-ticket (dagkaart) But it's Fl.78,50
now. Unfortunately I'm not in the neighbourhood of Burgum, so I can't give
him a ride :\



For info, see

Re: LD to CD ??

2001-03-05 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

> > is it possible to copy LD games to CD ??
> Unfortunately not, without high data compression (read loss)
> and other problems. LD's capacity is just lot more than CD
> can hold...

Then how about to DVD? :)
DVD-writers are becoming cheaper every day.
Has anybody connected a DVD-player to his MSX yet?

For info, see

Re: 16/32Mb RAM expansions for MSX available

2001-01-09 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

If you would have read the text concerning this expansion
on the link provided by ag0ny, you would know that:

All these expansions can be used in standard MSX computers. 4Mb is the maximum
amount of memory that could be used until now, by using the four mapper
registers FCh-FFh ports, which allowed up to 256 16Kb segments to be mapped (256
x 16 = 4096Kb). Padial's expansions use ports F8h-FBh to switch between several
4Mb banks. With this method, up to 1Gb of RAM can be mapped using these



> How does it work? I guess you need to address different I/O ports to exeed
> the 4MB barrier, right? Tell me about it.
> ~Grauw
> - Original Message -
> From: "ag0ny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > On Mon, 8 Jan 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > >available as cartridges or on-board memory?
> >
> > As cartridges.
> >
> > regards,
> >
> > --
> >

For info, see

Re: Captain Multi Station information page.

2001-01-04 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

- Original Message -
From: Takamichi Suzukawa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2001 10:02
Subject: Captain Multi Station information page.

> Captain Multi Station, an MSX2 released in 1986 or later is the device for
> connecting to CAPTAIN, the Japanese state-run teletext system. CMS has
> various characteristics which are unseen in other standard MSXes.
> Numerous close-up photos and a few descriptions are available in;
> Takamichi

Hi Takamichi,

On the page mentioned, you say this device has no floppy/casette option.
Is it not possible to connect a HDD interface (+ drive) with all the tools
you want/need? This way you _can_ extensively test anything you want.
Just a suggestion...



7. Tester wanted

CMS lacks any means (floppy disk drive/cassette port) to convey data between
other MSXes, therefore what I can do with it is limited to typing a few BASIC
lines. Therefore, I shall gladly submit this device to anyone who can study both
CMS hardware and software. Contact me if you're interested.

For info, see

Re: Test mails

2001-01-01 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

*grin* isn't that why it's called 'send' and not 'queue'? :)

Best wishes for 2001,


- Original Message - 
From: Maarten ter Huurne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 02, 2001 01:17
Subject: Test mails

> Hi,
> Sorry for the test mails, they were sent too soon. I queued them in my mail 
> client until I needed them, but I didn't know this mail client sends all 
> queued mail when I click the send button on a reply.
> For some reason the mailinglist server isn't accepting the new configuration 
> file. It doesn't reply at all: no error message and no confirmation. I'll 
> have to get outside assistance again.
> Bye,
> Maarten
> --
> For info, see

For info, see

Re: New UZIX version

2000-11-25 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

- Original Message -
From: Anne de Raad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 24, 2000 22:09
Subject: Re: New UZIX version

> Yep, this is exactly what happens.And guess what? I also have a turboR
> (GT) with 1mBytes internal memory
> Anne
> p.s. And I have also a MusicModule, A Moonsound, a GFX9000, 2 IDE-interfaces
> and a 4mBytes external memory mapper installed.Using the 8
> slotexpander.

*subliminal message*youneedtogiveallthistome*youdon'twantthisanymore*subliminal




For info, see

FAQ down (was: DI2 not from disk)

2000-11-15 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

From: Manuel Bilderbeek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Yes, read the bloody FAQ! ;-) (And the rest of the replies first, before 
> giving a reply yourself...)

We would love to... if the "bloody FAQ" would be accesible(!) :)
It's down for 2 days now...



For info, see

Re: DI2 not from disk

2000-11-14 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

- Original Message - 
From: Siebe Berveling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2000 19:21
Subject: DI2 not from disk

> Hello,
> I am wondering if there's a program available which can run images of double
> sided disks,  without having to put them on a (slow) disk. I would like to
> do that on a NMS8250 with 1MB internal memory, i think it should be possible
> (Ramdisk?).
> Siebe.

I'm having the same sort of question, but then for harddisk.
It would be great to dump some images on your HDD and
play them like that. A lot of games don't work from HDD
in uncompressed 'file-mode'



For info, see

Re: Open MSX FTP-Site

2000-10-19 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

From: Adriano Camargo Rodrigues da Cunha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Arnaud,
> > The FTP-site will be completely open for the public. This means you can
> > upload/download and even DELETE files. This means I place some trust to the
> > MSX community by this.
> I think you can trust the MSX community. But, since this FTP is
> completely open, anyone can do anything there (including non-MSXers, any
> stupid guy who would like to trash the FTP, lammers who would like to
> store MP3 (not MSX-related) files, etc).

It would be wise to create 2 accounts: 1 with _only_ upload access (no
download, rename, delete or anything else) and 1 with only download
access. (and 'fcourse some admin account :) )
This is very normal on most FTP sites, and a _lot_ safer.



Problems? contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] See also

Re: Bit² MIDI Saurus

2000-07-29 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

Excuse me D-Fader but. what the hell is this supposed
to mean?! Please stick to plain-text next time, wilya?!
I believe I've asked you a couple of times already.

Greets from Patsie

who really,really,really,really,really hates HTML e-mails

- Original Message -
From: d-fader
Sent: Saturday, July 29, 2000 21:55
Subject: Re: Bit² MIDI Saurus

Eeeeh.. could you plz. keep the subject =
What a crap: =
just do sumthin' like this Bit2 (or =
square) MIDI=20
thank you... 

Problems? contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] See also

Re: FAT16 for Sunrise IDE interaface

2000-07-25 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

- Original Message - 
From: Jon De Schrijder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2000 01:53
Subject: Re: FAT16 for Sunrise IDE interaface

> > > This week I've finished it with her and it seems to work perfect. But I
> > > still have to make a new IDEFDISK program to make FAT16 partitions. That
> > > will be for July...
> > > For now you will have to create the FAT16 partition on a PC...
> > 
> > Soo, how are things going? :) Making any progress? *nag*nag* ;)
> > I _realy_ wouldn't mind if you'd release the driver/bios update without the
> > fdisk program you know... 
> neither am I... IDEbios 2.00 was already available since June,18th
> But Sunrise doesn't want to take the risk of customers screwing up their
> PC FAT16 partitions and endless questions and telephonecalls of
> customers with not enough experience.

Ah, I understand.. users can be such a pain in the  butt :)
And since I _am_ a user (to you) I just wanted to be a little of a pain too ;)

> So they are waiting for the new IDEFDISK program and they will release
> everything together. I got IDEFDISK verion 3.0 ready a few weeks ago; it
> features userspecified variable sized partitions and of course FAT16
> format when the partitionsize exceeds approx. 32MB.

sounds teriffic!

> Nevertheless there seems to be a bootproblem with DOS2.3x on Turbo-R
> when using partitions made with the new fdiskprogram. On MSX2 with
> DOS2.2x everything works perfect.

And how about making a non-FAT16 boot partition, and the rest FAT16?
I _would_ like to see this baby work on my A1ST you know! ;)

> I have very limited internet access these months (and thus slow
> communication between me and the sunrisetesters), so you will have to
> wait some more weeks till the last problems have been solved.

Okay, but it's gonna be hard! :)
If you need any more beta-testers.. I promise I'll use it a lot(!) ;))

> *nag*nag* I can use FAT16 on my MSX and you ? *nag*nag* ;)

*mumble*curse*grumble* >;)



Problems? contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] See also

Re: Unknown game

2000-07-20 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

- Original Message -
From: Ivan Latorre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2000 19:26
Subject: Unknown game

> Hello
> Please take a look at:
> Does anyone know this game?
> Greets

I don't know the game, but the handy dandy japanese->english translator
(which was posted here not long ago) tells me it is called 'Erika'
And the picture clearly states the game is from 'Jast'
Do not blame me for the broken english in the translation. I just cut/pasted
it 'as-is'...
1 correction tho "Eli Mosquito" in the first line is wrongly translated and
should say "Erika"
I hope this helps



-[ translation ]

For *** MSX SF & adult adventure " Eli Mosquito " ***

In the afternoon of the angel Such as with adventure game of famous just, "
Erika "

0 MSX editions, the box, the cassette and the instruction manual, together,
extent It is good, is. Because there is not an apparatus in labor assistant, at
reality point in time operational lack of confirmation So we ask.

If *** question etc it is, please the ***

Problems? contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] See also

Re: RONA game

2000-07-19 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

- Original Message - 
From: Takamichi Suzukawa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2000 05:21
Subject: Re: RONA game

> > I have put on-line the game called 'Rona'. This is a great japanese
> > shot'em up unknown in Europe. It is a 3 DISK game and it is available
> > on:
> I have clicked a link on "D-Webzone" and suddenly e-mail sending dialogue
> opened, where I could find extreme length of Send to:
> "[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Daniel Terradowhich is who has 'rescued' this
> great game. Don't forget to visit his home pageand his MSX Data Base  href=". Simple HTML glitch, maybe?

To download the game you are supposed to click on the 3 blue dots
proceding the name of the game. Each dot represents 1 disk in a zip-file
called:, and
The link which is supposed to email Daniel Torrado at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
has a typo in the HTML source of the page (the '>' behind the email address
is supposed to be a '"') But should not affect the download of the game.



Problems? contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] See also

Re: Who is "moon light saga text replacer"?

2000-07-18 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

- Original Message - 
From: Takamichi Suzukawa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2000 16:52
Subject: Re: Who is "moon light saga text replacer"?

> > Sunrise for MSX have the text-files for MoonLight Saga.
> That doesn't match 100% to what Ealia said in 09:24, July 19, 2000.
> Anyway, your word already went to Ealia.
> Takamichi

Isn't July 19 yet to come?! :) (see header)
Well, at least it is in CET/MET/GMT+1


Problems? contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] See also

Re: FAT16 for Sunrise IDE interaface

2000-07-17 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

May 27, Jon De Schrijder wrote:
> Ivan Latorre wrote:
> > 
> > > >Does the Sunrise IDE interface support FAT16 file system?
> > > >Is anyone developing it for this interface?
> > >
> > > Yes, Okei is working on it.
> This week I've finished it with her and it seems to work perfect. But I
> still have to make a new IDEFDISK program to make FAT16 partitions. That
> will be for July...
> For now you will have to create the FAT16 partition on a PC...

Soo, how are things going? :) Making any progress? *nag*nag* ;)
I _realy_ wouldn't mind if you'd release the driver/bios update without the
fdisk program you know... creating a partition with a windows/dos/unix
box is a piece of cake, and IMHO not really worth the wait for a program,
if the driver is already finished.
Any chance it's going to be released soon? (with or without the fdisk)



Problems? contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] See also

Re: Why this discussion again!!

2000-07-14 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

- Original Message -
From: Rieks W. Torringa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 14, 2000 21:25
Subject: Re: Why this discussion again!!

> Laurens wrote:
> >want to know him), no-one of them bothers to translate to English, or
> >release English software (Moonlight Saga?). They don't bother about Europe
> >either! A change in attitude should come from both sides. And some Japanese
> >people subscribing to this list is a good first step I think.
> It's easy to say things like that, but most Japanese can't speak/write a
> word English and find it very difficult to read/understand English. I think
> you are underestimating that factor.

That is sortof weird, since a lot of japanese words are in katakana. Which
is actually a sort of spin-off from english words. But I don't need to tell that
to somebody studying japanese ;)
But I still think it's kinda weird that a lot of japanese ppl don't read/write
english. Just MHO...


MSX Mailinglist. To unsubscribe, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Problems? contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
More information on MSX can be found in the following places:
 The MSX faq:
 The MSX newsgroup: comp.sys.msx
 The MSX IRC channel: #MSX on Undernet

Re: EVAIDE 0.03b

2000-06-12 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

- Original Message - 
From: Francisco Alvarez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2000 10:02
Subject: Re: EVAIDE 0.03b


> >> Where can I find more info on the EVA file format, and perhaps an AVI /
> >> MPEG -> EVA converter???
>  P'L> try: and search for "EVA". You'll
>  P'L> get enough links. Among which the following:
>  P'L> (avi to eva 
>  P'L>  converter)
>  P'L> and
>  P'L> (a textfile 
>  P'L>  concerning
>  P'L>the EVA5 file format)
>  Eins???
>  This EVA format is for palmtop!! not for MSX!!!
>  The MSX file format has more quality! (not 96*92 pixels!)
>  If you (for all) are looking for info from EVA format you can ask to any
>  japanese MSX user (IKEDA?) who read this list.

Very confusing all these different EVA fileformats.. Isn't there _any_
similarity between them? And why not publish the fileformat, so
everybody can implement some software, instead of looking for it
in all the wrong places (like me!)

If there is anybody who know's this format, please post some info
about it to the list.. I think you'll make a lot of people happy!


   Patrick 'Patsie' Lina.

MSX Mailinglist. To unsubscribe, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and put "unsubscribe msx [EMAIL PROTECTED]" (without the quotes) in
the body (not the subject) of the message.
Problems? contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
More information on MSX can be found in the following places:
 The MSX faq:
 The MSX newsgroup: comp.sys.msx
 The MSX IRC channel: #MSX on Undernet

Re: EVAIDE 0.03b

2000-06-07 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

> > Hola All, la familia bien ¨no?
> >
> > Oops, Sergio did it again!!! (X-DDD)
> >
> > Sergio 'The Warrior' Guerrero has improved his Eva Player for IDE
> > interface. Today he has fix up some bugs using the Panasonic A1WX which I
> > have at this moment.
> > The results are great. Using LBA Mode 4 HD, MSX2+, Music Module and (of
> > course) Compass v1.2... the EVAs are working perfectly! (Well, more or
> > less). Problems with synchronization with sound are fixed (in most cases).
> Does it also run 'smooth' on 7MHz?
> And does it require ADVRAM or not?
> Where can I find more info on the EVA file format, and perhaps an AVI /
> MPEG -> EVA converter???

try: and search for "EVA". You'll
get enough links. Among which the following: (avi to eva converter)
and (a textfile concerning
   the EVA5 file format)

Have fun,

   Patrick 'Patsie' Lina

MSX Mailinglist. To unsubscribe, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and put "unsubscribe msx [EMAIL PROTECTED]" (without the quotes) in
the body (not the subject) of the message.
Problems? contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
More information on MSX can be found in the following places:
 The MSX faq:
 The MSX newsgroup: comp.sys.msx
 The MSX IRC channel: #MSX on Undernet

Re: Pa3 engine

2000-06-03 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

>  http-equiv=3DContent-Type>
> Hi,I've followed the gams =
> discussion now=20
> and decided not to make the PA3 enginepd (sorry manuel, maybe I can =
> write=20
> some other articles for mccw). I ratherspent my time on RoA than =
> writing an=20
> extensive course that likely no-onewill use actively.and I =
> won't=20
> simply put the sources on-line for anyone to use.=20
> sorry.Gtz,Peter=20
> Meulendijks

Very readable(!) :)
Could you please write plain-text next time?



MSX Mailinglist. To unsubscribe, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and put "unsubscribe msx [EMAIL PROTECTED]" (without the quotes) in
the body (not the subject) of the message.
Problems? contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
More information on MSX can be found in the following places:
 The MSX faq:
 The MSX newsgroup: comp.sys.msx
 The MSX IRC channel: #MSX on Undernet

Re: Correct English (was: Bad cartridge connector (was:Top 100 MSX games))

2000-05-31 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

> >
> > I always use alcohol and a 'wattenstaafje' (sorry not translatable
> > for me...) to clean the cartridge contacts.
> It's called a cotton swab I think, but I'm not sure...

FYI: The correct word is Q-tip. It's not only the name, it's also a
brand of 'wattenstaafjes' A piece of cotton swab is 'watten bolletje'

> B.t.w. did you know that (412(bytes)*221(subscribers))=91052 bytes of
> bandwidth is wasted for every mail for the ridiculously long 'stack'
> That is 50.260.704 bytes this month already! That is almost 400 MEGAroms
> uncompressed ;-)

Just wasting more bandwidth...


MSX Mailinglist. To unsubscribe, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and put "unsubscribe msx [EMAIL PROTECTED]" (without the quotes) in
the body (not the subject) of the message.
Problems? contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
More information on MSX can be found in the following places:
 The MSX faq:
 The MSX newsgroup: comp.sys.msx
 The MSX IRC channel: #MSX on Undernet

Re: FAT16 for Sunrise IDE interface

2000-05-29 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

- Original Message -
From: Maarten ter Huurne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2000 4:50 AM
Subject: Re: FAT16 for Sunrise IDE interaface

> On Mon, 29 May 2000, Laurens Holst wrote:
> > Will it be compatible (I mean also when writing?
> > (under Win98?)) or do I have to set it to read-only if
> > I want to use it with my PC???
> Windows will overwrite the boot sector! Somehow it can't stand boot
> other than its own. I mean the boot sector inside a partition, not the
> master boot record.
> Also note that FAT32 uses different partition IDs than FAT16. If FDISK
> you "Enable large disk support?", choose "no".

All this talk about the driver is making me insane! Where can I get this
Hurry, before I die of insanity(!) ;)



MSX Mailinglist. To unsubscribe, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and put "unsubscribe msx [EMAIL PROTECTED]" (without the quotes) in
the body (not the subject) of the message.
Problems? contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
More information on MSX can be found in the following places:
 The MSX faq:
 The MSX newsgroup: comp.sys.msx
 The MSX IRC channel: #MSX on Undernet

Re: Turbo-R Memory Expansion

2000-05-08 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

-Original Message-
From: Sandy Pleyte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, May 08, 2000 20:23
Subject: Turbo-R Memory Expansion

>Hi there,
>i have a big problem !!! My Turbo-R isn;t working anymore :
>But i found the problem, there is a wire not connected anymore from the
>memory expansion to the R800, it has to be a pin in the range of 31 -
>50. Can somebody please help me ?? Is there somebody who knows how to
>build in a internal memory expansion in a Turbo-R ST ? Then give me an
>e-mail with the pin number...

I think I could help.. I have an F1-ST with build in 1MB (30 pins PC simm)
but I haven't done it myself.. please gimme a day or 2 and I'll send you the



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Re: Philips MSX2 cannot read double sided disk?

2000-04-29 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

Micha L. Rieser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>When I format DD-Disk on my Philips MSX2, it has always 360Kb. That means,
>it has only formatted one side of the disk. I thaught, that this MSX2 can
>read both sides. Is this wrong? Or have I to set some parameters?

You probably have a Philips VG8235. This has 1 singlesided drive. Hench
your disks are formated at 360KB. It is possible to put a DSDD drive in it



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Re: MSX goes PC?

2000-04-18 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

Manuel Soler wrote:

>I think independent Z380 comes
>to my mind, when I've read your
>msg. Yet, don't you just LOVE
>the way your MSX computer looks?
>Why try to give it a PC-look?
>I don't think I could stand it,
>PS. I'm not looking down on your
>proposal, ok?

Ofcourse I like the look of my MSX'es. My HP-F700P
looks great! My Sanyo Wavy 70FD even better, not to
mention the Panasonic F1ST I got here.. ;) But if
something breaks and I can't replace it all it
_can_ do is be pretty and gather dustballs(!)
So eventho I like my MSX'es I'd rather have them in
working order. And if that means sticking them into
(ugly?) PC casings and using PC hardware, so be it.
Furthermore The PC casings offer a lot more room
to expand. Don't you just hate the big lump for a
power supply siting next to your pretty MSX, and
the harddisk laying on top of it? I know I do! I'd
rather stick all the stuff in a neat box.
After that, I can still watch my pretty MSX casings
or even put them on the wall for everybody else to
view 'the golden ages of computing history'! ;)))



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MSX goes PC?

2000-04-16 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

Heya folks

First of all, Tilburg _was_ nice. Got myself a ATA-IDE + RS232C
interface from Sunrise and loving it! Also bought a semi-broken
Sony HB-F700P so I'll have things to do the next couple of
weekends :)
But it got me wondering... Isn't it possible to make a new MSX?
One with parts not so hard to come by so it would be easier to
fix? If Sunrise can make an IDE interface, why won't we make a
board which will fit in a PC case, has a PC style keyboard and
uses a 'regular' FDD? (paying 35Euro (Fl.75,-) for a modified
PC-XT FDD, seems a bit much to me)
It would be so much smarter and cheaper to use parts easier to
come by and I think would help keep MSX alive a bit longer :)
I'd love to help, but can't do it by myself, since I don't have
the electronics background needed for this project.
So if there's anybody else out there who thinks this dream of
mine isn't as stupid as it might seem to others, help me out



ps: I also missed the monitor sales. Didn't find 1 good monitor
   with RGB or SCART connector! :(

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Re: ...t'burg

2000-04-14 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

See you today ;)
(in about 10ours)


-Original Message-
From: Maarten van Strien (cs^tbl) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, April 14, 2000 18:07
Subject: ...t'burg

>cu tomorrow !
>\/\/ ()|_F

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Re: What is EVA?

1999-07-07 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

>>Manuel, Okei know how is the organization of EVA file? (how is the file
>>Can you ask her about that? In Brazil many peoples (and me too) want to
>>know that.
>No problem, I can explain EVA format (I examined it some time ago).
>1- EVA files 10fps:
>- Each frame takes 30 sectors (15Kb)
>- First 128x106 bytes are YJK data
>- Rest of bytes are PCM data
>- Last two bytes indicates PCM size (they should be 1575 =15.75k/10fps)

Ehm, (15*1024)-(128*106) != 1575.
According to my calculations it should be 1792 minus the 2 bytes for this
'size'. So what happened to the missing 215 bytes?

>I hope you to find this info useful.

Very usefull! But it still raises some questions ;)

ps: where can I find some of these EVA files?



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How about the EVA format?

1999-07-06 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

Hi folks

It was asked here once before, but noone seems to have responded (yet)
Is there anybody who knows the EVA file format? (headers, data, trailers)
I would be most grateful



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Re: And the off-topic cleanup

1999-05-20 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

On Thu, 20 May 1999, MkII wrote:

> I understand it's very rare for most of you and that there're a lot of fake
> females out there acting just for attention's sake, but I expected -if not
> a little confidence- at least more sense of humour.

Either that, or real females acting out for attention ;)



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Re: The ultimate weapons

1999-05-20 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

On Thu, 20 May 1999, MkII wrote:

> I'm finishing up an erotic arcade for MSX featuring my beautiful and sexy
> friend Z-0, cute multicolor mode 2 sprite pets by S.T.A.R. and the most

You're right.. that little bear-creature on the right of the screen *is*
very sexy >;)

Sorry.. just can't help myself ;)



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   _/ \_ *  Who said StarWars was dead! .  |   | .

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welcome MkII [was: Re: Konami & Micro@?!*@*?@]

1999-05-18 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

On Tue, 18 May 1999, MkII wrote:

> >Conclusive, ppl spend money on PC hardware because they want to.
> YES!!! But they keep saying they spend money because they NEED to, or
> because it's BETTER SPENT on their PC than on any other machine (PSX say)
> when arithmetically it's not.

It is for me, cause I don't have a PSX, so if I buy a PSX-memcard It'll
just gather dust ;)

> >Not convinced you are a girl, but welcome to the mailinglist anyways
> ...fff.
> Ask Konami Man. Get the forthcoming Spanish mags. Stay tuned for my girly
> MSX productions. Could send a JPEG of mine playing Parodius while holding
> today's newspaper and resting my female-exclusive architecture over the
> keyboard, you little sceptical 8;)

Just holding a sign saying: "Patsie is the best!" would suffice ;)

> Thanks for the reception, btw.

You're welcome

> PS (for scepticals only): BEWARE: There's another girl about to enter this
> list!

Ohw boy! another "Patsie is the best!" sign! this must be my lucky day ;))



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Re: Konami & Micro@?!*@*?@

1999-05-18 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

On Mon, 17 May 1999, MkII wrote:

> > Besides, super-resoulution and
> >super-real-time-render and super-3D-moving and all of this
> >super-real-bullshit are really needed for having fun?? NO!!

I agree, you can have fun without all of this. Hell, I just played a
very nice, addictive game which doesn't need any of this bull
(curious ppl with a PC surf to and click on
'Clickomania v3.5' :) )

> If that super-resolution, render and 3D moving WERE REALISTIC ENOUGH and
> their programmers HAD A BARE MINIMUM TALENT perhaps it would be a little
> fun. IMO the videogames we see nowadays (specially in the PC side) are
> little more than poorly finished overproduced aberrations.

I do disagree with you there. Not for nothing are thousands if not milions
of people waiting for Q3 to be released. Hell, I loved Q1 and Q2 too!
Can't wait to see what Q3 looks like! And as for the hardware, yes it is
expensive and programmers do make games so you need to buys these
rediculousy overpriced items. It's just a money thing, I guess :)
But the software *does* need it. The fact that no texturemapped,
z-buffered, alpha blended games have ever been written for MSX, is not the
fact that nobody knows how, just that it's impossible to create such a

> Amorphous cocktails of 3D overtextured objects which seem to be in an
> endless out-of-sync condition (depending on the cost of the gfx card) and
> are doomed to be played by most PC users in a cheap 15" SVGA monitor using
> the arrow keys and wiggling a mouse while listening to ridiculously
> unpolished samples thru a pair of ridiculous speakers.

Hmm.. it seems like yesterday I was sitting behind my cheap, around and
about, 15" black and white monitor, using the arrowkeys and wiggling my
mouse at some silly game, listening to some static coming out of my TV
speakers, resembling something like 'oh shit' on my MSX(!) ;)

> And those few who have more inches, more out-of-sync polygons per second,
> more keys, more buttons on the wiggling mouse and more watts crammed into
> the ridiculous speakers' built-in amplifier are just wasting their money
> becoming exactly the kind of radical sad geeks they think we are.

Thank you.. I feel flattered :)
Aren't all we MSX ppl geeks? sitting behind our 3.75mHz overgrown
calculator, designing more and more hardware (IDE, SCSI, Moonsound,
GFX9000) and spending an amount on it which comes close to 3dFX cards and
silly 3D-live-surroundsound-soundblastercards for PC's?
Don't worry.. I don't wish to call anybody names, because I'm just a big
a 'geek' as te rest here ;)

Conclusive, ppl spend money on PC hardware because they want to. If they'd
think they didn't need it, they'd all go out and buy an MSX at the nearest
MSX convention and play with that...

> Kiss you lot*.
> Madonna Mark Two
> * Bonus kiss and regards from Z-0 to Konami Man 8:*

Not convinced you are a girl, but welcome to the mailinglist anyways


  Patsie the sceptic ;)

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() _   _IRC  : Patsie   .  [IRCnet] |  .|
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Re: Fudeba means...

1999-05-05 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

On Wed, 5 May 1999, Giovanni R. Nunes wrote:

>   Pazos,
> >>Fudeba is... fudeba! 
> > Plas, plas, plas, plas, plas... (handclapping)
>   Well, Fudeba is Fudeba is a word without one logical mean. You can be
>   good and be fudeba and be bad and be fudeba too. Then you choose: You
>   is fudeba because you're Right/Good/Best/etc... or be a Fudeba why
>   you're a Wrong/Bad/Looser/etc... And you can be a special type of
>   Fudeba, like Ricardo Jurczyk! He's Fubapa! :)
>   If you don't understand, then you're fudeba :)

I'll take that as a compliment :)



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Re: Software for sale (2)

1999-05-02 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

On Sun, 2 May 1999, ALBERTO VALVERDE wrote:

> >- The Games Collection by Eurosoft
> >* 33 MSX games on 3.5" disk
> >* Premium package, has never been opened!
> >* Price: fl. 10,-
> Hello Mari,
> This is one of the programs I want to buy.
> Alberto
> >DO NOT send messages to the mailinglist!
> >Send your best offer to me personally!

I thought these last three lines were pretty clear... perhaps some people
don't know how to type in an email address? :\

Okay lets forget this 'accident' before it'll start a new thread ;)


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   _/ \_ *  Who said StarWars was dead! .   *   |   | .  *

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Re: Joystick network program working

1999-02-10 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

Maico Arts wrote:
[iets over stekkers]
>Ook hier is het dus gemakkelijk om foutewn te maken. En het
>Heette die vent niet Murphy die dit bedacht?

Volgens mij was het ene Maico, maar ik kan me vergissen ;-)

[something about connectors]
>Here too it's easy to make mistwakes. And it
>Wasn't it Murphy who thought this up?
I believe it was someone called Maico, but I could be mistaking ;-)



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Re: Joystick network program working

1999-02-10 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

Eric Boon wrote:
>Jeroen Smael wrote:
>>I got the connectors, I've got my soldering iron, I've got me some
>>wire, now what else do I need.
>Ehm... time, 220V, time, 2 MSX-s at least, did I already mention 'time'?
>>Ah yes, software. Is there any news about the software?

Hmm, Maarten ter Huurne told me he is willing to help out, but is kinda
busy at the moment, so he can't program everything.

I have some know-how about Data Communication. Next year is my senior year
in Computer Science (Dutch: richting Telematica) but know next to nothing
about MSX assembly. Sorry, I only programmed BASIC in the old days :-)

So if there's anybody out there who has enough sparetime on his (or her)
hands and has significant MSX assembly know-how, let me know and with the
help of the rest of this mailing list we can -make this work!-



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Re: Joystick network program working

1999-02-10 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

Alex Wulms wrote:
>] Come to think of the whole thing, there is another connector that
>] could be used. The audio equipment that Alex mentioned brought back
>] old memories (time flies). A microphone connector has three wires plus
>] a ground, perhaps this connector can be used.
>This is very interesting. I guess that if the microphone connector has three 
>wires and a ground, that the microphone cable also has three wires and a 
>ground. And a microphone cable is very good shielded because microphones 
>signals are that sensitive for noice. Which makes it maybe a very good choice 
>for a network cable as well!

The microphone connector Jeroen Smael talked about is called a 'Jack' and
has either 2 or 3 connections (mono/stereo) Anybody with a pair of
headphones, a microphone, or a pair of PC speakers can take a closer look
at them. They are very common, and pretty well shielded, as Alex mentioned
The only problem for us is, they have only 3 'pins' while we need at least
4 (d0,d1,ack,gnd) So unfortunatly, this is not really an option.

 ___ __ ___|###  ###|___ ___
/   |  |   |###  ###|   |   \
\___|__|___|###  ###|___|___/
   |###  ###|



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Re: Joystick network program working

1999-02-10 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

Jeroen Smael wrote:

>To me it doesn't matter which connector(s) is/are used. The tulp plugs
>suggested by Alex Wulms seem (at least to me) the best choice. Why:
>(1) they are easy to come by (three colors should be no problem as the
>standard color for CVBS is yellow and most shops also sell black

The DB9 connectors as just as easy to come by, bought some today. (Gld.3,-)

>(2) both male and female connectors can be soldered to a wire (some
>connectors are 'PCB only' on the male or female side).

My DB9's have this pretty little hole I can stick the wire into and put
a drop of anything on it (even chewing gum will hold ;-) )

>(3) no mix-up can be made with other MSX wires (the token ring network
>wires have a male connector on one side and a female connector on the
>other side).

Isn't there always a male on one side and a female on the other? Where
can there be made mix-ups?!

>(4) every signal wire also has it's ground, which would lead to less
>errors (if I have my data communication theory right ;-) ).

Since they all connect to the same ground, this is not true.

>The network cable(s) needed will have three tulp male connectors on
>one side and three tulp female connectors on the other side.

You forgot the DB9 to stick into your MSX. That's 7 connectors in all,
giving a lot of distortion (connectors are one of the the primary sources
of signal errors)

But after reading my own *brilliant* schematics once again, I got an even
more teriffic idea! ;-)

DB9: Female1 (Stick in MSX)
1: I DR0 -> RECV (male)
2: I DR1 -> RECV (male)
3: I ACK -> SEND (fem2)
6: O DR0 -> SEND (fem2)
7: O DR1 -> SEND (fem2)
8: O ACK -> RECV (male)
9:   GND -> GND  (both)

DB9: male (RECV, near MSX)   connect pin 1,2,8 and 9
DB9: fem2 (SEND, long cable) connect pin 3,6,7 and 9

A single cable would look like this:

long cable  

In a more complete schematic:

\f1/-+\f2/ \m_/-+-\f1/
 | _|__
 | SEND\f2/
 | RECV\m_/
 |  | 
\f1/-+-\m_/ \f2/+-\f1/

This way every MSX only needs just one cable with
2 female and 1 male DB9 connectors

It's a lot like my first idea, except for a lot
less connectors :-)



This is a(n) RFC :-)

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Re: JoyNet testers

1999-02-10 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

>> The receive end should be short, the send end long. How long exactly is
>> to you, longer means more expensive and more possible errors. But too
>> will mean you have less flexibility in placing the computers.
>> My cables have a receive cable of about 40cm and a send cable of about
>> which is pretty long in my opinion.
>In 2 computer link there is no matter if there is DIN connector or not, if
>cable lenghts are not standardised, because then if one has 4m long cable
>and other has 2m cable, then the computers can be only 2m away from each
>other. Maybe some kind of standard or recommended lenghts would be a good
>idea too. (like 1m, 2m, 5m and 10m)

I suggest keeping the cables the same length. Making one longer or shorter
than the other is just plain nonsense. About the length: it's not only up
to one cable to decide how far off the computers can be. You can make a
cable of 10cm length, but if your counterpart has a cable of 20m then you
can sit 20.1m apart. (at a severe performance loss I guess ;-) )

10cm 20m
_  _  _  _
\MSX/-<_  _>-\MSX/

I suggest keeping it around 2 meters long (both send and receive). This
gives the flexibility of being 4 meters from your counterpart and gives
hardly any performance loss, from what I've heared from Maarten ter Huurne.
Yes he has a 4m cable. :-)

I have spoken, let it be recorded in the 'official' JoyNet homepage! ;-) with courtesy of Laurens Holst



If there's no silicon heaven, then where would all the calculators go?
 - Kryten (Red Dwarf)

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Re: MSX PC local network

1999-02-10 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

A more comprehensible schematic of joystick/network I/O

4IRIGHT -> x
5+5V   -> x
9 GND   -> GND

   |   |   |
   v   v   v
\  1   2   3   4   5  /
 \   /
  \  6   7   8   9  /
  |   |   |   \
  v   v   v\

   +DATA-- --  -- -- --+
| +--CLOCK- --  -- -- +
| | +READY- --  -- -- --+ |
| | |   | |
| | |  +-READY--+  +-READY--+  +--- -  ETC  - --+ |
| | |  | +---CLOCK+ |  | +---CLOCK+ |  | +- -  ETC  - +
| | |  | | +-DATA---+ | |  | | +-DATA---+ | |  | | +--- -
 ETC  - --+
| | |  | | || | |  | | || | |  | | |
  | 1 2 8  3 6 7 || 1 2 8  3 6 7 || 1 2 8  3 6 7 |
  | MSX A|| MSX B|| MSX C|
  |  ||  ||  |

Hi all!
First of all, I think this is the best idea of all I've seen. It's the
cheapest and simpelest design yet. And the simpler the design, the less can
go wrong! There's no need for any hardware except for some cable and plugs.
It's (technically) unlimited in design and it's also very feasable to make
some software for this.

I say we should vote this as the standard and start coming up with some
sort of protocol! My idea is the following:

o When a computer wants to send, it starts it's CLOCK and waits for the
  receiving side to set the READY signal
o Sending starts with 1 start bit (high signal)
o Followed by data and odd parity
o Sender waits for a drop of the READY signal for 1 clock cycle as an ACK
o If it doesn't drop withing X cycles after sending the last bit a resend
  is in order (step 2)
o If there is more data to send, return to step 2
o All data sent, stop CLOCK signal
o Receiver drops READY signal

More schematically:
S == sender
R == receiver
step 1:
S: !DATA, CLOCK   [SYN] CLOCK keeps going
R: READY   [TSR] stays high
step 2:
S: 1, 8bit data, odd parity [TRX] transmit data
R: !READY, READY[ACK]   within X cycles, drop only 1 cycle
step 3:
S: !CLOCK   [FIN] stop CLOCK
R: !READY   [FIN] stop READY

Step 1: connection buildup
Step 2: keeps looping until all data is sent
Step 3: connection breakdown

- Sender *must* wait for READY of receiver (it's not a token ring for
  nothing :) )
- When a drop in READY [ACK] is not received withing X cycles of sending
  the last data/parity bit, then start resend
- Whenever READY drops, restart handshake and resend last sent byte

- If data is not received for X cycles, don't drop READY [ACK] and wait
  for resend
- If odd parity is off, don't drop READY [ACK] and wait for resend
- Whenever CLOCK drops, drop READY and discard last byte

Hypothetically speaking:
If we connect 10 MSXes it would take 9 * (4[SYN] + 10[TRX] + 2[ACK]) == 144
cycles minimal(!) to transfer 1 byte round the network. And this is *very*
positive thinking... A more realistic estimate would lie around
9 * (10 + 10 + 5) = 225 cycles

My question: How fast can you send data/switch signals with this joystick

I'm hoping I have been of any help to anyone.

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JoyNet cable beta testers wanted [was: Laurens' JoyNet problems]

1999-02-09 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

Maarten ter Huurne wrote:
>By the way, how many people have made a cable so far? If any of you would
>like to beta-test my software, mail me.

I have! :) Your test program worked like a charm. Although I would like to
get some more testresults back from it. i.e. test all pins seperately, then
all possible combinations. Like:

Send  Recv
 X   -   - X   -   -
 -   X   - -   X   -
 -   -   X -   -   X
 X   X   - X   X   -
 X   -   X X   -   X
 -   X   X -   X   X
 X   X   X X   X   X

I'd love to betatest as well. I just hope you can stand being nagged about
small bugs/enhancements. I'm really good at that, I just proved that with my
message above ;)

I'd also like to see how many people already have a cable. So if you have,
just drop a line here in the MSX-ML!



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Re: Joystick network program working

1999-02-09 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

Maarten ter Huurne wrote:
>Current signal names are like this:
>1IFWD   : DR0 IN   ->  6
>2IBACK  : DR1 IN   ->  7
>3ILEFT  : ACK IN   ->  8
>4IRIGHT : x
>5 +5V   : x
>6I/O  TRG_A : DR0 OUT  ->  1
>7I/O  TRG_B : DR1 OUT  ->  2
>8OOUT   : ACK OUT  ->  3
>9GND: x
>I didn't connect the grounds because I was out of wire. Is there a reason
>why the grounds should be connected?

please, ground, Ground, GROUND! :-)
First of all, it's not only safer for your MSX's "intestines", but should
also improve your signal strength (less errors)

If there is no ground between the two computers there's no real
electricity flow. Most of the time it just feedbacks tru either one of
the other lines (bad, bad!) so you can still get some signal.
But this is neither good for you, nor for your MSX.
So PLEASE ground! :-)

[about usefull programs]
>Should be easy to make. I transferred King's Valley ROM back and forth a
>couple of times. Current transfer rate is only 1.2 kilobyte per second, but
>you can probably expect at least 2 kilobyte per second of the optimized
>code. Also, using 7MHz or R800 mode greatly speeds up the transfer.

1.2Kb/s == 9.6KB/s divided by 2 signal lines == 4.8KB/s per line ~4900bits/s
Not bad! not bad at all!

That means you can transfer a full floppy of 720Kb in *think* *think*
10 minutes flat! Sounds a lot less positive eh? :-)
Hmm, come to think of it: didn't my old MSX1 tapes work at
4800bps? :-)

But seriously, while transfering the KV-ROM image back and forth; any

About using connectors:
Can't you just buy DB9 connectors in your local hardware shop?!
This way you can just solder your own cable and it fits right away.
The only problem here is, that you have to prematurely know how
many computers you're going to connect!

So! When's are Pascal and C libs coming Maarten?! >;-)

PS: Thanks to Maarten for pointing out the error in my schematic :-)


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Re: Joystick network program working

1999-02-09 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

Hi all!

I still say we stick with DB9 connectors but to be more flexible, here's a
new suggestion: Why not 'split up' the joystickport i.e. redirect pin
1,2,8,9 to one DB9-male and 3,6,7,9 to another.

DB9 Female-Male: (Joystick to send and receive)
1: I DR0 -> RECV (male1)
2: I DR1 -> RECV (male1)
3: I ACK -> SEND (male2)
6: O DR0 -> SEND (male2)
7: O DR1 -> SEND (male2)
8: O ACK -> RECV (male1)
9: GND   -> SEND/RECV (both)

DB9 Male1: (RECV)
1: I DR0
2: I DR1
8: O ACK
9:   GND

DB9 Male2: (SEND)
3: I ACK
6: O DR0
7: O DR1
9:   GND

DB9 Female-Female: (NETC 'Network cable')
pin 1: I DR0 -> DR0 O 6
pin 2: I DR1 -> DR1 O 7
pin 3: I ACK -> ACK O 8
pin 6: O DR0 -> DR0 I 1
pin 7: O DR1 -> DR1 I 2
pin 8: O ACK -> ACK I 3
pin 9:   GND -> GND   9

More schematically it would look something like this:

  SEND     NETC     RECV
  \m_/  \f_/--\f_/  \m_/
MSXA\f_/  \f_/MSXB
  \m_/  \f_/\f_/  \f_/\f_/  \m_/

\m_/  \m_/

Ofcourse you could also mark one side of your network
cable S(end) and the other side R(ecv) and just connect
6->1, 7->2, 8->3, 9->9
This way you need less wire, but the cable only works
one way. So you have to check which side goes in which
connector. I prefer spending those few extra bucks and
make a propper 2-way cable.

If you 'only' have 2 MSX's then the network cable alone
would be sufficient (a 2-way cable that is!)

I'll see if I can create one of these this weekend

Happy plug-n-playing! :-)


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Re: Joystick network program working

1999-02-09 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

Jeroen Smael wrote:
>Alex Wulms wrote:
>>] This way every MSX only needs just one cable with
>>] 2 female and 1 male DB9 connectors
>>This however is very dangerous. Since there are two female
>>connectors on the cable, which both can be plugged into the
>>MSX, you will have the risk that people will plug the wrong
>>one in their MSX. And believe me, if errors like this one
>>can be made, they will be made! Please let not get us in
>I fully agree with Alex. My previous mail was perhaps not clear on
>this subject, but the main reason indeed to have different connectors
>(no DB9) on the network side was/is to avoid wrong connections.

Since so many ppl are againt using DB9's (except to plug into the MSX)
I guess I must sway and think of something else as well. (eventho
under loud protest ;-) )

>I suggest we let Patrick 'Patsie' Lina make a choice from the now
>available options:
I feel flattened.. ehm.. flattered :---)

>(1) tulp
>(2) DIN
>(3) microphone connector (I don't know the 'technical' name)

The last one is called a 'Jack' Don't ask me why, it just is :-)

Since the less connectors the better, the first option fails.
We need at least 4 pins per connector (d0,d1,ack,gnd), so I guess
a Jack won't work either. Which leaves us with *drumroll*
Door number 2! :-)

Eventho a DIN8 has way too many pins, I guess it will suffice for
our purpose.

  SEND (DIN8 male)RECV (DIN8 female)

 d0  1 ---+  +-- 1  d0
 d1  2 -+ |  | + 2  d1
ack  3 ---+ | |  | | +-- 3  ack
gnd  8 ---|-|-|--|-|-|--+--- 8  gnd
  | | |  | | |  |
  | | |  | | |  |
  3 7 6  1 2 8  9

  MSX (DB9 female)

The send/recv - male/female part isn't that hard to
remember. If you don't get that one, you're waaay to
young to hold a soldering iron as well :-)

We prolly all know what a DB9 looks like about now!
When looking at a DIN8, the schematics are like this:

   female   male

   7 6 6 7
  3   8   1   1   8   3
   5 4 4 5
  2   2

So in short:
pin 1 I  D0 -> RECV/fem  pin 1
pin 2 I  D1 -> RECV/fem  pin 2
pin 3 I ACK -> SEND/male pin 3
pin 6 O  D0 -> SEND/male pin 1
pin 7 O  D1 -> SEND/male pin 2
pin 8 O ACK -> RECV/fem  pin 3
pin 9   GND -> BOTH  pin 8 

>Patrick 'Patsie' Lina, make your choice and mail us the connections!
Okay, what did I win? ;-)

I'd better stop now, there are way too many smileys in this
text already...



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Re: Joystick network program working

1999-02-09 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

Maico Arts wrote:
>Hey! I wrote:
>>I still say we stick with DB9 connectors but to be more
>flexible, here's a new suggestion: Why not 'split up'
>the joystickport i.e. redirect pin 1,2,8,9 to one DB9-male
>and 3,6,7,9 to another.
>>DB9 Female-Male: (Joystick to send and receive)
>>DB9 Male1: (RECV)
>>DB9 Male2: (SEND)
>>DB9 Female-Female: (NETC 'Network cable')
>Isn´t it easier to use a male connector for sending, a
>female for receiving.
>If send is male and receive is female they can be put
>together with no cable in between. If the computers are
>further away from each other, you can use a straight cable 1
>on 1

You mean like my 'new and improved' design I mailed that
same day? Except I used female for send and male for recv
(Could be done the other way around just as well)

(MSX/female) -+ (SEND/female)

But since a lot of ppl were afraid of plug-in mix-ups, the
send and receive connectors have changed sex and appearance

(MSX/DB9/f) -+- (SEND/DIN8/m)

For more details/pin layout, read my other posting.



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Re: Joystick network program working

1999-02-09 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

Maarten ter Huurne wrote:
>At 09:55 PM 7/31/98 +0200, Patsie wrote:
>>Eventho a DIN8 has way too many pins, I guess it will suffice for
>>our purpose.
>We could also consider DIN5. That's the one used for audio and for MIDI, so
>it's probably more available.

The difference in availability is of no importance, because if you cannot get
any of the connectors suggested (tulip, jack, DIN8 or DIN5) you can neither
get a DB9! But any self respecting hardware store has all of these in stock.

About using a DIN5, this is also very much possible. In which case I suggest
to use pin 5 as GND and leave the rest as it was with DIN8.


  SEND (DIN5 male)RECV (DIN5 female)

 D0  1 ---+  +-- 1  D0
 D1  2 -+ |  | + 2  D1
ACK  3 ---+ | |  | | +-- 3  ACK
GND  5 ---|-|-|--|-|-|--+--- 5  GND
  | | |  | | |  |
  | | |  | | |  |
  3 7 6  1 2 8  9

  MSX (DB9 female)

   female  male

  3   1  1   3
   5 44 5
  2  2

>And what about the auto detect option? I asked a couple of days ago, but
>there was no reaction, so I'll ask again:
>Would it be a good idea to connect TRG_A to RIGHT? Using this, we could
>make an "auto detect" option: the program would be able to see in which
>joystick port the network connector is plugged in.

Do you think you can do this? Can you elaborate a bit more on the
method you are thinking of using?

>Also, is it a good idea to connect the ground to the cable shielding? I've
>seen that on a couple of cables.

Yes it is. Since a shielded cable is less sensitive to electro magnetic
interference, I suggest using a shielded cable. Just connect all GND's to
this 'shield'
But we aren't using that long a cable, so it wouldn't hurt if you used
non-shielded cable, in which case you connect your GND's to one of the
normal lines. -JUST USE THAT GROUND- ;-)



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Re: Joystick network program working

1999-02-09 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

Antoni Burguera wrote:
>Alex Wulms wrote:
>>Not with Maarten's algorithm. He does not sent a new bit before the
>>one has been acknowledged by the receiving side. That is one of the big
>>advantages of using a proper asynchronous algorithm.

I agree, but it means you double your data trafic (1bit, 1ack, 1bit, 1ack, etc)
Which is VERY slow...

>This algorithm, called Idle RQ,  has a big problem: performance. Using this
>method the transfer rate is reduced a lot.
>Normally it is used an algorithm like this. It has a name... but I don't
>remember which.


The protocol you described is called Continuous RQ with Selective Repeat
The only problem is we're still one step down the OSI ladder and not
really up to the protocol part, but still in the data transmission part.
We can't even send 'blocks' of data yet. As of yet every bit needs an
ACK from the receiver.

To me, this is way too slow, and we need to at least send a byte (block)
at a time, before needing an ACK from the receiving side. But I cannot
come up with a good sollution.

If we want to use Turbo R's in 28.6mHz mode in our network, we can neither
use a good synchronous data transmission (either with external clock or
with built in clock) nor an asychronous one, except the one Maarten is
using at this moment. (as far as I know)

So we must either eliminate the TR's in turbo mode, or start with a propper

I say we first need to send a byte in either syn or asyn mode before starting
to talk about transfer protocols, like Idle RQ, Continuous RQ, Sliding Window,
Go-Back-N or anything alike.

Does anybody have any good suggestions as to send a block (byte) of data?!
(either syn or asyn)



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Re: MSX related info

1999-02-09 Thread Patrick &#x27;Patsie&#x27; Lina

Nyyrikki wrote:

>If you are not interested about HDD users, then go to proggram some PC
>machines and leave us alone ! God damn we are living in 90th century !

The 90th century?! What calender are you using? ;)

PS: Good luck with your HDD!


   Patsie (who's been away for a while...)

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