Re: Assistance with replication

2012-11-12 Thread Todd Lyons
On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 5:21 AM, Machiel Richards - Gmail wrote:
 1. the fact that the slaves say seconds behind master = 0 does not
 neccesarily mean that repliication is working as I have found this a lot of
 times where it shows 0 then have proven that replication was not working
 (I.e. data not being processed on the slave). The 0 seconds simply means
 that it has read all the data but does not mean that it has been processed
 or up to date.
 2. the Exec_Master_Log_Pos and Master_Log_File are in fact out of
 sync with the master (i.e. on the master the file and log position are way
 ahead of the slaves by about 9 hours).
 3. We have tested replication by creating a test table in the
 database with some data and it was not replicated to the slaves.

show global variables like 'slave_net_timeout';

I'll bet it's some giant number so the slave just doesn't realize that
it's lost its connection.

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Re: MySQL Crash when Open_files reach 128

2012-05-02 Thread Todd Lyons
On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 4:58 AM, vishesh kumar wrote:
 I am getting following in error log

 120502 07:52:05  mysqld started
 120502  7:52:05 [Warning] Asked for 196608 thread stack, but got 126976
 120502  7:52:05  InnoDB: Started; log sequence number 0 479249
 120502  7:52:05 [Note] /usr/local/mysql-5.0.67/bin/mysqld: ready for
 Version: '5.0.67-community'  socket: '/tmp/mysql.sock'  port: 3306  MySQL
 Comity Edition (GPL)
 120502  7:56:01 [Note] /usr/local/mysql-5.0.67/bin/mysqld: Normal shutdown

 120502  7:56:03  InnoDB: Starting shutdown...
 120502  7:56:04  InnoDB: Shutdown completed; log sequence number 0 479249
 120502  7:56:04 [Note] /usr/local/mysql-5.0.67/bin/mysqld: Shutdown complete
 120502 07:56:04  mysqld ended

Honestly, that doesn't look like an error.  It looks like something is
connecting to your server and telling mysql to shut down.  It's one
second after 7:56, so I'd look for something in a cronjob that's
telling it to shut down.  Please check that before deciding it's a
memory or file issue.

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Re: big character constant

2012-03-28 Thread Todd Lyons
On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 1:47 AM, Nuno Tavares wrote:
 Halász, not sure if I understood correcly, but you mysql console/client
 may have different charsets. This means you should set it accordingly. Check

Good catch, I had not considered that.

 mysql set names utf8;
 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

 mysql select convert(0xE29C94 using latin1), convert(0xE29C94 using utf8)
 *** 1. row ***
 convert(0xE29C94 using latin1): ✔

  convert(0xE29C94 using utf8): ✔
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

And THAT was what I expected.  Thank you so much for clearing that up.

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Re: big character constant

2012-03-27 Thread Todd Lyons
2012/3/27 Halász Sándor
 2012/03/27 00:22 +0200, Walter Tross 
 it looks like it's as simple as this:
 insert into mytable (mycolumn) values (0xE29C94), (0xE29C98)
 In some contexts it might be necessary to force the character set like this, 
 convert(0xE29C94 using utf8)
 Yes! and with this I can use it for a constant in the middle of a query, 
 which I really want:

 IF(IFNULL(ReceivesFlyer, 1), CONVERT(X'E29C94' USING utf8), '')

This seems backwards from what I expected:

mysql select convert(0xE29C94 using latin1), convert(0xE29C94 using utf8) \G
*** 1. row ***
convert(0xE29C94 using latin1): ✔
  convert(0xE29C94 using utf8): ?
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

I expected the second one to print the check mark and the first one to
have the problem because there is no heavy check mark in latin1.  What
am I missing, why is it printing out the correct value using latin1
but not using utf8 ?

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Re: RES: RES: Force drop table

2012-01-26 Thread Todd Lyons
2012/1/26 Suporte Avanutri
[At this point I deleted the table “obras.frm”. Still trying to dump, 
crashing every time, and restarting mysqld with a higher 
“innodb_force_recovery” value at a time]

It doesn't matter what you set in innodb_force_recovery.  If you do
not have the obras.frm file (which contains the schema definition of
the table), I don't know if you can retrieve the info.  Put that file
back, start it with a value of 6, and see if you can get any of the
data out.

If the data is important and have a budget for recovery, you can try
(whatever solution is local for you) hiring a consultant skilled in
mysql crash data recovery:
- Oracle
- Percona
- SkySQL

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Re: RES: Force drop table

2012-01-25 Thread Todd Lyons
2012/1/24 Suporte Avanutri
 I've tried this before, but the server stills going down. The first error is 
 always this:

 Couldn't execute 'SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */* FROM 'usuario': Lost 
 connection to MySQL server during query (2013)

What's likely happening here is that the access to the table is
causing a fatal error inside your mysql daemon, it dies and restarts,
resulting in the log messages you see about mysql not being shut down
properly and doing a crash recovery.  The followup suggestion was for
you to put innodb_force_recovery=1 in your my.cnf and restart it,
but that didn't work for you.  The value that you pass to
innodb_force_recovery controls how much of the innodb startup / crash
recovery process to use.  The gory details are at .
Valid values are between 1 and 6.

For example, I shut down my mysql daemon, I make a copy of my
corrupted database at /var/lib/mysql/ into /var/lib/mysql_tmp/, and
then manually start the mysql daemon in the foreground with this:
su - mysql -c '/usr/libexec/mysqld --innodb_force_recovery=6 --datadir

It simply sounds like you need to find the appropriate value to use to
make your data accessible.

Regards...  Todd
SOPA: Any attempt to [use legal means to] reverse technological
advances is doomed.  --Leo Leporte

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Re: RES: Force drop table

2012-01-25 Thread Todd Lyons
On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 6:42 AM, Todd Lyons wrote:

 For example, I shut down my mysql daemon, I make a copy of my
 corrupted database at /var/lib/mysql/ into /var/lib/mysql_tmp/, and
 then manually start the mysql daemon in the foreground with this:
 su - mysql -c '/usr/libexec/mysqld --innodb_force_recovery=6 --datadir

I forgot to mention that when you do this, there will be copious
amounts of debug output that are spit out and it will give really ugly
warnings about tables that it finds but metadata doesn't match up.
But usually it can get the data out, though if you're not processing
any undo/redo logs, there's a chance that the most recent data written
to the table will not be retrievable.

Regards...  Todd
SOPA: Any attempt to [use legal means to] reverse technological
advances is doomed.  --Leo Leporte

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Re: SLOW performance over network

2011-09-29 Thread Todd Lyons
On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 7:12 AM, Jim Moseby wrote:
 I still use the old MySQL Administrator GUI on my windows box.  A simple 
 'select * from tablename'  that would return only three records takes just 
 over a minute to return (although it says '3 records returned in 0.0086 
 seconds' at the bottom).  I have many ODBC clients accessing this server as 
 well, they all have slowness problems too.

 I'm stumped.  What could possibly be causing this issue?

Wild Guess: Does DNS resolution, especially reverse dns resolution,
still work on the mysql server?


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Chronicle of fixing broken replication, and a question

2011-07-26 Thread Todd Lyons
Yeah it happens to all of us.  Some master-slave replication system
breaks and goes unnoticed.  In my case, I had a monitoring script, but
it was being called with a --verbose flag, and internally that
verbose was being mapped to debug, and the routine to notify
sysadmins of broken replication doesn't fire if debug is set, so
warning emails were not being sent out.  You might ask, why is this a
problem?  Just restart replication, skipping problem statements.
Well, the big issue was that I have automatic purge of binlogs set.
Over the course of a few days, the purging of binlogs surpassed where
the replication stopped.  Damn...

This is a mysql 5.0.77 (CentOS 5.x) installation with maatkit and
xtrabackup utilities available.  So there's really only one thing to
do.  xtrabackup to the rescue!

1.  I did a full copy of the running master database server using
xtrabackup to a backup server via nfs.  It took 2 hours, of which the
last 15 minutes did a write lock of the entire server as it copied
over the *.frm files and the few myisam tables.  This was the most
troublesome part as it was visible to both users and website owners
2.  On the slave, I did the apply-logs step (via nfs to the backup
server), taking another 2 hours.
3.  I renamed the old directory on the slave server and created a new
mysql directory, owned by the correct user.
4.  I copied the backup data from the backup server to this new directory.
5.  I deleted the iblogfile* files so that mysql would create them on
startup based on the sizes set in the my.cnf.
6.  I started it up.  It still wanted to do a crash recovery since the
ibdata and iblog files didn't match, but that was expected.  After a
few minutes of scanning (we use innodb_table_per_file, so it had a lot
of tablespace spread out over lots of files), it started up and was
accepting connections.  Looking good so far.
7.  I did 'cat xtrabackup_slave_info'.  For some reason it had this:

*UH OH*  *CRAP*   *$#^@%!*

** See note below

8.  Calm down, think about things a bit.  Obviously I didn't
compensate for the fact that I was doing the original backup on the
master, but the apply-log on the slave (and --slave-info option
doesn't have the data available on the
9.  I know about what time I started the backup.  I know that this is
a database server dedicated to ecommerce shopping carts.  As a result,
there is a steady flow in of data as customers and web_robots access
the shopping carts.
10.  Knowing the data in #9, I look at the statements being replicated
with mysqlbinlog on the master with --start-datetime=2011-07-25
12:00:00.  A quick query of the data in that database on the
newly-recovered-but-not-yet-replicating slave found me a last
timestamp of 13:16.49.
11.  I adjust my timestamp and trace data from that point until I find
one that didn't get inserted into the database by the replication
process (meaning, this was when I started the backup).  I determined
that the timestamp of data not yet in the database was 13:16:52.
12.  Comments in mysqlbinlog output at that timestamp indicated it was
at position 487727085.
13.  I repeated the mysqlbinlog using --start-position 487727085 and
verified that it was the same output as #12.
14.  I did a change master statement on the slave, setting the
position to 487727085, I started replication, and it caught up after
about 20 minutes.
15.  If #14 would have had issues, I did have mk-slave-restart
available to force it to skip problems and restart replication.

So everything is alright.  There are no issues.  But there is a question.

Is there a better way to do this?  Is there something automated that
will compare THIS binlog to THAT server and tell me where the data
was no longer being inserted ?  I'm looking to see how others deal
with a complete restart of a running system like this.

** It turns out that xtrabackup gave me confidence of the log position
I had determined.  Running the backup on the master, it also made this
# cat xtrabackup_binlog_info
mysqld-bin.000259   487727085
which of course confirmed the log position I determined in step #12.

To be honest, the biggest step in the sequence above is likely #8.
The ability to assess a situation without freaking out (for too long)
is a big part of a sysadmin job IMHO.

Regards... Todd
If Americans could eliminate sugary beverages, potatoes, white bread,
pasta, white rice and sugary snacks, we would wipe out almost all the
problems we have with weight and diabetes and other metabolic
diseases. -- Dr. Walter Willett, Harvard School of Public Health

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Re: Chronicle of fixing broken replication, and a question

2011-07-26 Thread Todd Lyons
On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 8:18 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:
 1.  I did a full copy of the running master database server using
 xtrabackup to a backup server via nfs.  It took 2 hours, of which the
 last 15 minutes did a write lock of the entire server as it copied
 over the *.frm files and the few myisam tables.  This was the most
 troublesome part as it was visible to both users and website owners
 why are not using two rsync-runs?
 the first while mysqld is running
 the second directly after stop mysqld

 this way you can be 100% sure that you can start the replication
 from scratch and your downtime is only a few seconds, best if

43 GB is more than a few seconds.

 enough space to have this target on the master-machine because
 while you take the slow way over the network the master is running
 with a fresh binlog

I tested a slightly modified version of your quickie script, first
using the nfs share:
Starting first rsync
Stopping MySQL:[  OK  ]
Starting second rsync
Starting MySQL:[  OK  ]

Then I ran it using local spindles:
Starting first rsync
Stopping MySQL:[  OK  ]
Starting second rsync
Starting MySQL:[  OK  ]

So I could have lowerd the amount of time mysql was not available by
quite a bit doing it that way.  Plus I would have removed the
requirement to apply-logs (due to not copying innodb files while they
were open).  In the end, xtrabackup worked as designed, but the fact
that my large number of databases and tables and innodb_file_per_table
slows things down tremendously, so it isn't the best fit in this case.


If Americans could eliminate sugary beverages, potatoes, white bread,
pasta, white rice and sugary snacks, we would wipe out almost all the
problems we have with weight and diabetes and other metabolic
diseases. -- Dr. Walter Willett, Harvard School of Public Health

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Re: why mysql choose a bad query

2010-11-05 Thread Todd Lyons
2010/11/4 Changying Li
  PRIMARY KEY (`threadid`),
  KEY `dateline` (`dateline`),
  KEY `forumid_2` (`forumid`,`thread_type_id`,`visible`,`sticky`,`dateline`),
  KEY `forumid` (`forumid`,`visible`,`sticky`,`dateline`)

 mysql explain  SELECT *  FROM `abc` WHERE `forumid` = 25 AND `visible` = 1 
 AND `sticky` = 0 order by dateline \G
 possible_keys: forumid_2,forumid
          key: forumid_2
Extra: Using where; Using filesort

 why it choose forumid_2, not forumid ?

5.0 docs online say:

With EXPLAIN SELECT ... ORDER BY, you can check whether MySQL can use
indexes to resolve the query. It cannot if you see Using filesort in
the Extra column. See Section 7.2.1, “Optimizing Queries with

Your query is using filesort, so it cannot according to the above statement.

The docs also say in section that it might not use an index if:

The key used to fetch the rows is not the same as the one used in the

I'm curious, if you change the SELECT to a few named fields instead of
*, does it affect the key choice?  If you only select on fields in the
key (i.e. a covering index) does it still choose what you consider to
be the wrong key?
Regards...      Todd
I seek the is only persistence in self-delusion and
ignorance that does harm.  -- Marcus Aurealius

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Re: Capitalize Input via Auto Complete?

2010-09-16 Thread Todd Lyons
On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 6:50 AM, Johan De Meersman wrote:

 I commonly set up a tunnel to the SSH server at the office and then
 another tunnel from that server to my development rig, so I can run
 MySQL WB at home on my database at work.  Is that what you mean?

 Pretty much, yeah. I've not got just the one database, though, so it's
 usually too much of a bother to set up all the tunnels, and I just SSH
 straight through and use the commandline :-)

 Still, the SSH tunnel capability in the client is nice for hosts that are
 only one jump away.

It works for multiple jumps too.  You just have to enable X11
forwarding either in the appropriate config files or do it on the
commandline.  Note that it's possible that a severely paranoid
sysadmin may well have disabled it in the sshd service on one or more
of the machines that you're ssh'ing to.

# my workstation has ForwardX11=yes in ~/.ssh/config
ssh host1

# then from there:
ssh -X host2

On host 2, running a gui app pops it up on my local desktop.
Regards...      Todd
I seek the is only persistence in self-delusion and
ignorance that does harm.  -- Marcus Aurealius

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Re: master-slave replication sync problems.

2010-08-31 Thread Todd Lyons
On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 6:04 AM, Norman Khine wrote:
 i have a working master-slave replication, the problem i find is that
 if i restart the MASTER there is a difference in the MASTER_LOG_FILE

 what is the correct way to keep the two slaves in sync even after i
 restart the server. the way i do it now is to:

As one other stated, it should not lose position when you stop and
start the master or slave in a controlled manner.  And also stated was
that the way you were doing it was causing a loss of data, and you'll
need to use maatkit to fix it, or if you can afford some downtime,
stop mysql on both and copy the whole database(s) from master to slave
(and reconfigure replication of course).

On the slave, I'd be curious what the result was when you did only a
STOP SLAVE; and then START SLAVE; because in my estimation,
chances are it would have picked right up where it was supposed to.

Your issue is likely that your slave has a large slave_net_timeout
value (default is 3600 seconds IIRC).  That means your slave will take
1 hour to finally give up on the replication connection (that the
master closed on it), close the connection, and then reopen it.  Lower
that setting to something smaller, I've gone as low as 30 seconds, but
I would only do that on a reliable network.  Try lowering it to 300 (5
minutes) on your slave.  When you restart the master, the slave should
timeout after only 5 minutes and then resume replication.

Regards...      Todd
I seek the is only persistence in self-delusion and
ignorance that does harm.  -- Marcus Aurealius

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Re: Moving from one MySQL server to three MySQL servers?

2010-08-18 Thread Todd Lyons
On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 8:35 AM, Nunzio Daveri wrote:

 The server in this case is a stand alone with nothing more then CentOS and 
 5.1.44 on it.  The drives are sas 10K rpm drives.  The problem I see is that
 when you stress test the server (typically by running loads of reports -
 selects, joins) the machine hits 98% cpu and leaves only 800mb of free RAM out
 of the 16 GB of which I told it to allocate 12GB for Innodb in my.cnf.  Once 
 server sucks up all the memory when we are stress testing it, it holds the 12 
 as hostage and refuses to release it back into the pool, regardless of weather

We had a similar system where the innodb data dictionary (poor-man's
description is an in-memory map of all the tables it has opened up to
that point) consumed all free memory and the kernel started killing
processes to get some back.  At the time, stock mysql did not have the
ability to limit the size of the data dictionary memory usage (and I
don't see it as an available option for 5.1.x currently), so I tested
XtraDB and it prevented the memory usage from growing without bound.
XtraDB also gave us lots of knobs to twiddle and extra insights into
what innodb was doing.  I've not experimented with current mysql 5.1.x
to see how much of that extra control has made it into the mainline.

 only 800mb of ram free???  If I start to stress it again then it starts to go
 into swap.  Really weird, thus wanting to split the load onto 3 machines.

When you restarted the stress test, did it access new tables or the
same ones that the previous stress test did?  What happens if you tell
innodb to use less memory and do your tests?  Have you found any way
to make mysql not run out of memory?

Regards...      Todd
I seek the is only persistence in self-delusion and
ignorance that does harm.  -- Marcus Aurealius

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Re: Variable Expansion Using MySQL Client and .sql Files

2010-07-30 Thread Todd E Thomas

Simple - brilliant. I've modified to cat a temporary script...

1) cat the file as suggested:
cat  ~/payload/scripts/create_mysqldb.sql  EOF
### Display the current user
create database puppet;

### Display all default accounts
USE puppet;

### Remove anonymous accounts
'admin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$PASSWD_PRIV_ROOT';

(variables are expanded)

### Verify new admin account was added
from mysql.db;


2) Execute the script

3) Remove the script
rm -f ~/payload/scripts/create_mysqldb.sql

It is often the simplest things that are most beautiful. Thanks for 
pulling my head out :D


On 07/29/2010 03:19 PM, Travis Ard wrote:

'admin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$PASSWD_PRIV_ROOT';

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Re: Automate Install/Configuration of MySQL on Linux

2010-07-29 Thread Todd E Thomas

To answer both emails...

My first install is Puppet :)

1) I have many clients (schools with Macs/Linux) that could use this 
package. This is in the works - good call.

For the sake of DRP (Disaster Recovery Planning) I automate all of my 
installs on the 1% off-chance that my backups are partially fouled for 
some reason.

2) I used the .sql file that you recommended and wow - it's so much 
easier than expect.

Once I had the right key-words (mysql .sql script) Google returned the 
right pages: Executing SQL Statements from a Text File

The problem I have now is variable substitution. But, that's another thread.

Thanks guys,


On 07/27/2010 11:40 PM, Andrés Tello wrote:
just place all your sql sentences in a file, setup the database and 
then use:

mysql -uroot -hlocalhost  file_with_allsql_you_need.sql
cat file_file_with_allsql_you_need.sql  | mysql -u root -hlocalhost

and you are done.

On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 3:56 PM, Todd E Thomas wrote:

I'm looking for automation direction...

I've found many packages that sit on top of MySQL. For the
purposes of consistency I'd like to automate these installs.

I've been able to automate the install and configuration of
everything except the mysql part.

I'm using CentOS 5.5. Installing/verifying is no big deal.

It's the MySQL configuration that's holding me up.

Basically I've created an expect script. It works 99% but it's a
PITA to finish. Here's what I'd like to accomplish:
 *Set the default admin password
   # mysqladmin -u root password 'root-password'

 *login to mysql
   mysql mysql -u root -p

 *Drop the anonymous accounts
   mysql DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE user = '';

 *Sync all of the root passwords
   mysql UPDATE mysql.user SET Password =
PASSWORD('root-password') WHERE User = 'root';

 *Remove the test database:
   mysql  drop database test;

In another script I would like to create databases for specific
packages. EG:
Concrete5, for example needs:
concrete5.db TO 'admin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'admin-password';

If there is a better way to do this than using expect I would
greatly appreciate any pointers in the right direction. Bash is
comfortable for me and perl is within reach. I'm not much versed
in anything else right now.

Thanks for the assist,

Todd E Thomas
It's a frail music knits the world together.
-Robert Dana

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Variable Expansion Using MySQL Client and .sql Files

2010-07-29 Thread Todd E Thomas

Hey all,

I've found many packages that sit on top of MySQL for various clients. 
For the purposes of consistency I'd like to automate these installs. 
I've been directed towards using .sql files and they work great.

The trouble I'm having now is that I would like to secure the 
installation but variable expansion isn't clicking for me.

My setup is fairly straight-forward:

I have a single installer script that calls all other scripts. This is 
how it works:
1) Source in all global environment variables from a working file:

2) execute script to create mysql db
3) secure mysql

. /root/payload/
### Configure MySQL
set -x
mysql -v  ${INST_SCRIPTS}/mysqld/secure_mysqld.sql
mysql -v  ${INST_SCRIPTS}/mysqld/create_db.sql

The create_db.sql should be similar to this:
Concrete5, for example needs:
concrete5.db TO 'admin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$PASSWD_PRIV_ROOT';


The secure_mysqld.sql script is fairly simple as well:

# Display the current user:
select user();

# Display all default accounts:
SELECT User,Host,password FROM mysql.user;

# Remove anonymous accounts:
DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE user = '';

# Display all remaining accounts:
SELECT User,Host,password FROM mysql.user;

# Sync root passowrds:
User = 'root';


It all works pretty well. Variable expansion is the problem. For now all 
of my other scripts substitute $PASSWD_PRIV_ROOT (from my for the actual password. The *.sql scripts do not.

If anyone can shed some light on this I would appreciate the help.

Thanks for the assist,

Todd E Thomas
C: 515.778.6913
It's a frail music knits the world together.
-Robert Dana

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Automate Install/Configuration of MySQL on Linux

2010-07-27 Thread Todd E Thomas

I'm looking for automation direction...

I've found many packages that sit on top of MySQL. For the purposes of 
consistency I'd like to automate these installs.

I've been able to automate the install and configuration of everything 
except the mysql part.

I'm using CentOS 5.5. Installing/verifying is no big deal.

It's the MySQL configuration that's holding me up.

Basically I've created an expect script. It works 99% but it's a PITA to 
finish. Here's what I'd like to accomplish:

  *Set the default admin password
# mysqladmin -u root password 'root-password'

  *login to mysql
mysql mysql -u root -p

  *Drop the anonymous accounts
mysql DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE user = '';

  *Sync all of the root passwords
mysql UPDATE mysql.user SET Password = PASSWORD('root-password') 
WHERE User = 'root';

  *Remove the test database:
mysql  drop database test;

In another script I would like to create databases for specific 
packages. EG:

Concrete5, for example needs:
concrete5.db TO 'admin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'admin-password';

If there is a better way to do this than using expect I would greatly 
appreciate any pointers in the right direction. Bash is comfortable for 
me and perl is within reach. I'm not much versed in anything else right now.

Thanks for the assist,

Todd E Thomas
It's a frail music knits the world together.
-Robert Dana

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Re: How can I know if Mysql Crashed or stopped gracefully

2009-10-27 Thread Todd Lyons
On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 7:51 AM, Bryan Cantwell wrote:
 I notice that issuing a reboot or shutdown -r now command, (in Linux) that
 the 'service mysql stop'  is never run... it just seems to catch the sig 15
 and does its own shutdown...
 I have scripted in the stop section of my init script to touch a file that I
 look for on restart, but if the stop is never executed on reboot/shutdown,
 then I have a problem.

What distro?  Which version of mysql?  My comments below apply to our
InnoDB heavy CentOS systems.

Older versions of mysql (5.0.x on our CentOS machines) wait 60 seconds
for the mysqld process to completely die.  If mysql has a lot of data
to flush to disk, it can take longer than that 60 seconds.  The init
script assumes that the kill command didn't succeed, it prints out
FAILED, and the system shutdown process moves on to the next init
script.  Near the end of the system shutdown process, the shutdown
script issues a final SIGKILL to remaining running processes.  If
mysqld didn't finish flushing that data before this final KILL signal,
the mysqld process is killed instantly and you have an unclean

One quick solution is to manually stop mysql, watching to see when the
process finally goes away (top, ps, etc), then do your shutdown -r

Modern versions of mysql (5.1.x) seem to handle this better because it
waits as long as it takes for mysqld to shut down properly or to start
up (and accept connections).  At least in my testing so far, I've not
hit a timeout or received an incorrect OK or FAILED message in the
5.1.x series.

Regards...  Todd
The best thing about pair programming is that you have the perfect
audience for your genius.  -- Kent Beck

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Re: HOW TO Backup a mysql innodb on windows?

2009-09-14 Thread Todd Lyons
On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 7:44 AM, Néstor wrote:
 Maybe one of you experts know the answer.

 I have a Innodb database that I want to back up.   Is there a free tool to
 do this?
 mysqlhotbackup is a paid tool, is that the only one available?

You can also use the free tool from Percona which can backup innodb
tables without having to shutdown or read lock the database (but it
does read lock the database while copying *.frm files for Innodb
tables and any MyISAM tables).

 If I do a mysqldump of the innodb databse, will I be avail to uploaded into
 a myisam
 database and will it work?

Depends.  If you use foreign keys in innodb, then you cannot import
that into myisam because myisam does not support foreign keys.  If you
do not use foreign keys, it should work.
Regards...  Todd

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Re: HOW TO Backup a mysql innodb on windows?

2009-09-14 Thread Todd Lyons
On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 8:28 AM, Michael Dykman wrote:
 If I may,

 If you have foreign keys on your InnoDB, you can still import your
 data to MyISAM but foreign keys will be lost.  Otherwise, the data
 will load just fine.

Very good point.  My comment was based on the possibly erroneous
assumption that if you were using foreign keys, when you switched to
MyISAM you wanted to continue to use foreign keys.  Without the op
saying one way or the other, Michael's answer is more correct than

Regards...  Todd

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Re: DB/table problem

2009-09-10 Thread Todd Lyons
On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 2:49 PM, Gavin Towey wrote:
 When using innodb, your data is stored in the data/ibdata* files.  Copying 
 the database directory is not a valid backup.

 In the future, I would suggest using mysqldump.  However if you want to make 
 a file-system copy backup with innodb you need to 1. Shutdown the server 2. 
 Copy *everything* in the data directory 3. Store a copy of your my.ini with 
 the backup as well. 4. Restart mysql

Do you exclude xtrabackup as a potential solution because he's using
Windows (it doesn't build on Windows) or because you have some issue
or problem with xtrabackup?  I'm not aware of any show-stopper bugs.
I'm just curious, because it works well for us.  The backup is online
with the only lock held occuring while it's copying over the *.frm and
*.MY* files, which is not very much for us.
Regards...  Todd

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Re: recovery help needed

2009-08-25 Thread Todd Lyons
 On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 02:12,
  We have an inaccessible MySQL v5.0.45 DB (w/Innodb) we
  really need some help regaining access to.  While attempting
  to adjust/add remote user access, we accidentally did the
   use mysql;
   update user set host = 'SomeBogusIP' where user = 'root';
  Now, we can't get into the DB to fix it:
  # mysql test
  ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user ''@'localhost' to
  database 'test'

So connect to it from somewhere other than localhost. :-)
Specifically from the bogus IP you set it to.

Let's say you used the bogus IP of
1. Give the mysql server the IP and a netmask
2. On some other machine on the same LAN, give it the bogus IP with
the same netmask.
3. No need to worry about routes, it's on the same LAN.
4. On the other machine, connect using 'mysql -h10.200.100.10 -uroot
-p'.  When you enter the correct password, it should let you in.

* I don't know if you'll need to restart mysql for it to bind to the
new IP.  I don't think so, but then again I have not tested it.

Regards...  Todd

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Re: Slave log files going nuts...

2009-07-16 Thread Todd Lyons
On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 1:18 PM, Gary wrote:
 I have a new slave I setup against a new master server.  The master server 
 has 4 log files in it, the most current being updated on the 16th.  The slave 
 server on the other hand has several files, many which seem to be blank.  
 This slave is set to slave the master and act as a master for downstream 
 slaves.  Note, there is no master/master on this configuration, even though 
 the master itself could do it.

 Any ideas?

Something is doing several 'mysqladmin refresh' or a related command,
all sequentially in a row in short order.  Look at your cron jobs that
start or end around the time that all those empty binlogs are being

Regards...  Todd

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Any tool convert ibdata1/ib_logfile0/ib_logfile1 files to myisam data offline

2009-07-16 Thread Todd Lyons
On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 11:58 AM, wrote:
 I have backup all the database files(innodb engine).
 Now I want to recover it as myisam engine offline.
 Any suggestions?

 Why can't you copy the InnoDb files to another machine and open the database
 with another MySQL server? (You could do it on your current server but it
 will be CPU  disk intensive).

  Then do a:
 create table MyTable1 engine=MYISAM select * from InnoTable1;

 If these tables are large, then you could use:
 create table MyTable1 engine=MYISAM select * from InnoTable1 limit 0;
 insert into MyTable1 select * from InnoTable1 limit 0,10;
 insert into MyTable1 select * from InnoTable1 limit 10,10;
 to import just 100k rows at a time.
 Now build the indexes for MyTable1.

Could do it easier I would think:

Repeat for each table.  Script it if it's more than a few tables.
Note that foreign keys will break if your InnoDB table uses them.

Regards...      Todd

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Re: Copy 70GB ibdata, etc. and server won't start now

2009-07-15 Thread Todd Lyons
On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 2:14 AM, Marcus wrote:
 You should take a look at Percona's xtrabackup utility to do this. It takes
 a clean snapshot of an innodb database that can be restored on a target
 machine in a few minutes, though it does crash recovery at backup time which
 can take a while.

Most likely the op only tried to copy the ibdata file(s) and not the
iblog files.

A big honking waving hand over here saying YES, use xtrabackup.  It
will be a pretty quick recovery process since the db was shut down
cleanly.  Note that it will restore ALL tables' data, not just the
ibdata and iblog files.  Just make sure that your innodb settings in
my.cnf match.

Regards...  Todd

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Re: Re: Copy 70GB ibdata, etc. and server won't start now (Action Required)

2009-07-15 Thread Todd Lyons
If a mailbox is protected by one of these types of services:
1) It should be smart enough to see mailing lists and use that as a
qualifying address to be allowed through.
2) It should be smart enough to not reply to bulk precedence mail
3) Or the mailbox should never be subscribed to a mailing list.

I'm firmly against these types of services, but then again I've never
seen one that met the criteria of #1 and #2.  Are there any
intelligent services out there?  #3 will cause people to cry about not
being fair and I'm just trying to prevent spam.  My answer is no,
not being fair is someone expecting me to do their work for them just
so they can receive emails from a public list that they joined.

Regards...  Todd

On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 10:20 AM, wrote:
 Hello Todd Lyons,

 I use Boxbe to protect my email address. While I did receive your email
 about Re: Copy 70GB ibdata, etc. and server won't start now, you are not
 currently on my email Guest List. I'll be more likely to see your email and
 future messages if you are on my priority Guest List.

 Click here to be put directly on my Guest List

 Thank you,

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 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Todd Lyons
 Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2009 05:28:46 -0700
 Subject: Re: Copy 70GB ibdata, etc. and server won't start now

Regards...  Todd

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Re: Indexing dynamics in MySQL Community Edition 5.1.34

2009-06-27 Thread Todd Lyons
On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 7:03 AM, Mike wrote:
 Today's instance finished shortly after I sent the email below.  BTW, here
 are some specifics on the table (which uses MyISAM).  Thursday's instance
 has 11 GB of data and 0.78 GB of index.  Today's instance has 26 GB of
 data and 1.8 GB of index.

If you have the ability to test, I'd compare that to importing the csv
into the table with the indexes already defined.  The way you did it
should be faster, but since you see that it's only using one core, I'd
try splitting the data up into 16 separate files and importing them
all at once.  In theory (SWAG actually), multiple imports would each
use their own core to whatever thread count you have innodb defined to
use ... Oh, just saw that you were using myisam.  Never mind.

At any rate, I'd be very surprised if importing into a table with
indexes already defined was the same speed or faster, but doing so
could give you some useful information, such as at what point the
import (and concurrent index creation) drops from expected level X to
much reduced level Y.  You could then (hopefully) find a correlation
between some cache or buffer setting that will explain the sudden drop
in speed.
Regards...  Todd

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Default Date and Time

2009-06-26 Thread Jason Todd Slack-Moehrle

Hi All,

I want to create a table that defaults to current_date and current_time.

I have:

CREATE TABLE `personalevent`(
`pevent` mediumint(10) NOT NULL,
`eventid` mediumint(10) NOT NULL,
`userid` mediumint(10) NOT NULL,
`username` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
`password` varchar(10) NULL,
`country` varchar(45) NULL,
`zipcode` varchar(5) NULL,
`city` varchar(35) NULL,
`hstate` varchar(45) NULL,
`exclusive` varchar(7) NULL,
`eventtime` time NULL DEFAULT current_time(),
`eventdate` date NULL DEFAULT current_date(),
`eventdura` varchar(35) NULL,
`daysevent` varchar(10) NULL,
`crowd` varchar(25) NULL,
`venue` varchar(50) NULL,
`activitytype` varchar(45) NULL,
`actdetails` varchar(255) NULL,
`encodedby` varchar(100) NULL,
`curmo` varchar(2) NULL,
`pageweb` varchar(50) NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`pevent`)

But this throws a syntax error. I have tried Now() as well.

What am I doing wrong?



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Re: Start MySQL with --intit-file?

2009-04-29 Thread Jason Todd Slack-Moehrle

Hi Guys,

i am still lost here:

GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'XXX';
GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'XXX';

Here is the command that I am executing:

[r...@server1 ~]# /etc/init.d/mysqld restart --init-file=~/cloudsql.sql
Stopping MySQL:[  OK  ]
Starting MySQL:[  OK  ]
[r...@server1 ~]#

In cloudsql.sql I have:

GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'xxx';
GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'xxx';
GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'xxx';

When I try to connect from my machine in my apartment I get:

Unable to connect to host
Be sure that the address is correct and that you have the necessary  
MySQL said: Host '' is not allowed to connect to this  
MySQL server

Can I start over some how or how do I fix? I have never had this much  
trouble, but I guess historically for me, I have not done a setup from  


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Re: Start MySQL with --intit-file?

2009-04-29 Thread Jason Todd Slack-Moehrle

OK, I have done this:

[r...@server1 ~]# mysqld_safe
A mysqld process already exists
[r...@server1 ~]# /etc/init.d/mysqld stop
Stopping MySQL:[  OK  ]
[r...@server1 ~]# mysqld_safe  --init-file=~/cloudsql.sql
Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql
STOPPING server from pid file /var/run/mysqld/
090429 20:12:30  mysqld ended

[r...@server1 ~]# mysqld_safe stop
Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql
STOPPING server from pid file /var/run/mysqld/
090429 20:12:54  mysqld ended

[r...@server1 ~]# /etc/init.d/mysqld start
Starting MySQL:[  OK  ]
[r...@server1 ~]#

I tried to connect and still same error message of:

Unable to connect to host
Be sure that the address is correct and that you have the necessary  
MySQL said: Host '' is not allowed to connect to this  
MySQL server

I must be a dunce, I know you guys know what you are talking about!

On Apr 29, 2009, at 12:28 PM, mark konetchy wrote:

i dont think that the init.d script will accept the argument.

you need to run /usr/bin/mysqld_safe --init-file=clouds.sql 

(or whatever the path to mysqld_safe is)

2009/4/29 Jason Todd Slack-Moehrle

Hi Guys,

i am still lost here:

GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'XXX';

GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'XXX';

Here is the command that I am executing:

[r...@server1 ~]# /etc/init.d/mysqld restart --init-file=~/ 

Stopping MySQL:[  OK  ]
Starting MySQL:[  OK  ]
[r...@server1 ~]#

In cloudsql.sql I have:

GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'xxx';
GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'xxx';
GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'xxx';

When I try to connect from my machine in my apartment I get:

Unable to connect to host
Be sure that the address is correct and that you have the necessary
MySQL said: Host '' is not allowed to connect to this  


Can I start over some how or how do I fix? I have never had this much
trouble, but I guess historically for me, I have not done a setup  



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Re: Start MySQL with --intit-file?

2009-04-29 Thread Jason Todd Slack-Moehrle

Hi Mark,

I am all set now, The log said it could not find the sql file, so I  
put it in /tmp and hard coded the path to /tmp/cloudsql.sql and it  
works now!

Weird because I had used ~/cloudsql.sql and /root/cloudsql.sql as  
paths too

Thank you so much for your help! John and Andy too!


On Apr 29, 2009, at 1:20 PM, mark konetchy wrote:


It looks like mysql is erroring out when you try to start it from  
the command line.  What does the error log say?

2009/4/29 Jason Todd Slack-Moehrle
OK, I have done this:

[r...@server1 ~]# mysqld_safe
A mysqld process already exists
[r...@server1 ~]# /etc/init.d/mysqld stop
Stopping MySQL:[  OK  ]
[r...@server1 ~]# mysqld_safe  --init-file=~/cloudsql.sql
Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql
STOPPING server from pid file /var/run/mysqld/
090429 20:12:30  mysqld ended

[r...@server1 ~]# mysqld_safe stop
Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql
STOPPING server from pid file /var/run/mysqld/
090429 20:12:54  mysqld ended

[r...@server1 ~]# /etc/init.d/mysqld start

Starting MySQL:[  OK  ]
[r...@server1 ~]#

I tried to connect and still same error message of:

Unable to connect to host
Be sure that the address is correct and that you have the necessary  
MySQL said: Host '' is not allowed to connect to this  
MySQL server

I must be a dunce, I know you guys know what you are talking about!


On Apr 29, 2009, at 12:28 PM, mark konetchy wrote:

i dont think that the init.d script will accept the argument.

you need to run /usr/bin/mysqld_safe --init-file=clouds.sql 

(or whatever the path to mysqld_safe is)

2009/4/29 Jason Todd Slack-Moehrle

Hi Guys,

i am still lost here:

GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'XXX';
GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'XXX';

Here is the command that I am executing:

[r...@server1 ~]# /etc/init.d/mysqld restart --init-file=~/ 

Stopping MySQL:[  OK  ]
Starting MySQL:[  OK  ]
[r...@server1 ~]#

In cloudsql.sql I have:

GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'xxx';
GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'xxx';
GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'xxx';

When I try to connect from my machine in my apartment I get:

Unable to connect to host
Be sure that the address is correct and that you have the necessary
MySQL said: Host '' is not allowed to connect to this  


Can I start over some how or how do I fix? I have never had this much
trouble, but I guess historically for me, I have not done a setup from


Start MySQL with --intit-file?

2009-04-28 Thread Jason Todd Slack-Moehrle
I am trying to start MySQL with --init-file but i get that it is an  
invalid option. the 'man' page and --help dont help me decide what is.

Here is what I am doing:

r...@server1 ~]# mysql start --init-file = cloudsql.txt
mysql: unknown option '--init-file'



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Re: Start MySQL with --intit-file?

2009-04-28 Thread Jason Todd Slack-Moehrle


I am trying:

[r...@server1 ~]# /etc/init.d/mysqld restart --init-file=cloudsql.sql
Stopping MySQL:[  OK  ]
Starting MySQL:[  OK  ]

the cloudsql.sql file contains:

UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('xxx') WHERE User='root';
GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'localhost';
GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'';

But I still get that I cannot connect from

I still dont see what I am doing wrong...


On Apr 28, 2009, at 5:34 PM, mark konetchy wrote:

hey jason,

you need to restart the *server* with the init-file option, have a  
look at:

2009/4/28 Jason Todd Slack-Moehrle

I am trying to start MySQL with --init-file but i get that it is an  

option. the 'man' page and --help dont help me decide what is.

Here is what I am doing:

r...@server1 ~]# mysql start --init-file = cloudsql.txt
mysql: unknown option '--init-file'



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Resetting MySQL Root Password

2009-04-27 Thread Jason Todd Slack-Moehrle

Hi All,

CentOS 5.3

I installed MySQL Server via yum and started it.

I tried entering:

mysqladmin -u root password yourrootsqlpassword
mysqladmin -h -u root password yourrootsqlpassword

But I get:

r...@server1 ~]# /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root -h localhost password  

/usr/bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
error: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)'

How can I reset this and allow Root access, otherwise nobody has access!



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Re: MySQL University session on March 12: MySQL and ZFS

2009-03-12 Thread Todd Lyons
On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 9:10 AM, Stefan Hinz wrote:
 MySQL and ZFS

 This Thursday (March 12th, 14:00 UTC), Martin MC Brown will give a MySQL
 University session on MySQL and ZFS. MC works on the MySQL Documentation
 Team and has been involved with quite a few Solaris things, for example
 porting MySQL to openSolaris. MC has recently given MySQL University
 talks on developing MySQL on Solaris and about using DTrace with MySQL.

 For MySQL University sessions, point your browser to this page:

 March 12, 2009  14:00 UTC / 8am CST (Central) / 9am EST (Eastern) /
 14:00 GMT / 15:00 CET / 17:00 MDT (Moscow)      MySQL and ZFS   MC Brown

 March 19, 2009   14:00 UTC / 8am CST (Central) / 9am EST (Eastern) /
 14:00 BST / 15:00 CET / 17:00 MDT (Moscow)       How to Use Charsets and
 Collations Properly      Susanne Ebrecht

A quick reminder, in the U.S. we're in daylight savings time now, so
those times are 7AM PDT / 8AM MDT / 9AM CDT / 10AM EDT.  Ultimately
though, you can't go wrong if you base it on 14:00 UTC :-)

Regards...  Todd
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second,
it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

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Make Innodb give memory back?

2008-11-25 Thread Todd Lyons
 = table_cache=4096
set-variable = thread_cache=32
set-variable = tmp_table_size=128M
set-variable = wait_timeout=28800

innodb_buffer_pool_size = 2048M
innodb_log_file_size = 128M


log-slow-queries = /var/lib/mysql/slow.log
long_query_time = 5
log_queries_not_using_indexes = 1




Regards...  Todd
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second,
it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

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2008-09-30 Thread J. Todd Slack

Hi All,

On OS X, I have some Obj-C that creates NSTasks to execute some sql  

What do I deploy on the client to make this work for them? I want to  
make it park of my package installer, but I dont know what pieces.



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RE: RE: what is the proper way to store timezone information?

2008-06-16 Thread Boyd, Todd M.
 -Original Message-
 From: Per Jessen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, June 14, 2008 6:23 AM
 Subject: RE: what is the proper way to store timezone information?
 Boyd, Todd M. wrote:
  When recording this information, do I store the full name or just
  the 'time_zone_id' which is present in mysql.time_zone_name ?
  This is entirely a matter of choice. It's like asking if you should
  store formatting when you insert phone numbers into a database--is it
  easier for you to parse back if you do so? If yes, then store the
  formatting. If no/probably not/I don't need to parse it, then just
  store it without.
 My concern is whether the time_zone_id is a fixed reference of the
 timezone.  If the id might (for whatever reason) change in the future,
 I'd have to store the timezone name.

You can convert back and forth using the system's time zone table. Read the 
MySQL manual I've linked to above for more information. Apparently, you can 
even reference them by offset from UTC (i.e., -6:00 for US Central). The 
article warns against using the time zone's text description, but I saw nothing 
about dangers of offsets or time_zone_id.

Todd Boyd
Web Programmer

RE: Function Still Not Working

2008-06-13 Thread Boyd, Todd M.
 -Original Message-
 From: Jesse [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 1:40 PM
 To: Martijn Tonies; MySQL List
 Subject: Re: Function Still Not Working
  Any difference in default collation?
 Not sure what that is.  I'm using a visual tool (EMS) to create my
 and it doesn't offer that option.  I could update it using the command
 prompt, however.  I may try that later.

I think what he means is... in one instance of the function, the data is
collated as latin-iso-blahblah, perhaps, and a different collation (one
without case sensitivity, eh?) in the other table...

As I don't deal with letters/characters outside of the 'standard'
Latin-iso-asdfasdf collation, I'm afraid there's not much else I can
explain using my limited knowledge.

Hopefully, though, that helped to give you an idea of what he was
driving at. ;)

Todd Boyd
Web Programmer

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RE: natural sort via substrings

2008-06-13 Thread Boyd, Todd M.
 -Original Message-
 From: Emily Heureux [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 8:25 PM
 Subject: natural sort via substrings
 Hi, I am attempting to do a natural sort from within mysql, if
 So, for example, jane2 would come before jane10, and normal strings
 still sort as expected.  I found some solutions, like using length for
 numerical part, but that only works if the strings are the same
 Ideally, I would like to use substring_index, but stick a regexp in as
 delimiter.  So far, it seems you cannot do this.  Does anyone know how
 put a regexp as the delimiter in substring_index?  For example, I want
 to do
 something like this:
 .order by substring_index(name, 'regexp [0-9]+', 1);
 Is this possible?

Forgive me if I am incorrect, but wouldn't jane2 already be listed
before jane10 if you just ORDER BY fieldname ASC? I suppose jane2
and jane20 would wind up next to each other if this were the case, but
can you not zero-fill your values (i.e., jane02) to prevent this from

Sorry if my suggestion falls short of the mark, but the conditions for
your test case were vague at best. :) Can you not zero-fill? Are you
sorting by the entire field's value, or just a portion of it? Wouldn't
substring_index() sort all jane## entries arbitrarily, since your
(theoretical) example returns everything to the left of the first match
(but not including the match)?

Todd Boyd
Web Programmer

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RE: what is the proper way to store timezone information?

2008-06-13 Thread Boyd, Todd M.
 -Original Message-
 From: Per Jessen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 5:17 AM
 Subject: what is the proper way to store timezone information?
 I will be recording timezone information based on user input using the
 time zone names from mysql.time_zone_name - names
 like 'America/Los_Angeles'.
 When recording this information, do I store the full name or just
 the 'time_zone_id' which is present in mysql.time_zone_name ?

This is entirely a matter of choice. It's like asking if you should store 
formatting when you insert phone numbers into a database--is it easier for you 
to parse back if you do so? If yes, then store the formatting. If no/probably 
not/I don't need to parse it, then just store it without.

I'd say if it's easier (or perhaps more efficient, if this is a concern) for 
you to simply store the time_zone_id value, then do it that way. It's not as if 
it won't store your data if you store the time_zone_name... it just might be 
harder to use as a variable later, being text instead of an identifying number.

Again... totally a matter of your preference.

Todd Boyd
Web Programmer

RE: natural sort via substrings

2008-06-13 Thread Boyd, Todd M.
 -Original Message-
 From: Boyd, Todd M. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 10:33 AM
 To: Emily Heureux;
 Subject: RE: natural sort via substrings

---8--- snip

 Forgive me if I am incorrect, but wouldn't jane2 already be listed
 before jane10 if you just ORDER BY fieldname ASC? I suppose

Man, what a morning. After reading what I wrote, it's obvious to me that
this should not happen (jane2 coming before jane10, I mean.. 1  2).
Maybe sort by length first, then sub-sort by alpha? As far as regex
goes, I know of no way to use it inside the MySQL function

Todd Boyd
Web Programmer

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RE: Fulltext index -first query slow, subsequent queries fast

2008-06-13 Thread Boyd, Todd M.
 -Original Message-
 From: Ananda Kumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 10:48 AM
 Cc: mos;
 Subject: Re: Fulltext index -first query slow, subsequent queries fast
 Is sphinxsearch avialable only on for windows
 On 6/13/08, Rory McKinley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  mos wrote:
  Why not switch to Sphinx full text search for MySQL? It is faster
 and can
  handle more data than MySQL's built in fulltext search.

---8--- snip


I believe the *binaries* are only *pre-compiled* for Windows. Search the
Sphinx site for info about compilation, or crack open one of the .tgz
(an immediate I'm probably a *nix package flag) releases. I'll bet you
can compile it yourself on *nix. (The article I've linked to also talks
about using Sphinx in BSD distros.)

Hope that helps,

Todd Boyd
Web Programmer

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RE: query counts of a database

2008-06-13 Thread Boyd, Todd M.
 -Original Message-
 From: Elim Qiu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 10:56 AM
 Subject: query counts of a database
 I'm looking for a query that reports the count of each table in the
 the query should not assume the table list of the database.
 Thanks for any inputs

Is SELECT COUNT(*) FROM * too open-ended?

BTW... do you want the number of records per table, or number of tables
per database??

Todd Boyd
Web Programmer

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RE: natural sort via substrings

2008-06-13 Thread Boyd, Todd M.
 -Original Message-
 From: Emily Heureux [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 11:12 AM
 To: Boyd, Todd M.;
 Subject: RE: natural sort via substrings
 Hi, I am sorry for being so vague.  The values are not as simple as
 jane10, or jane2.  There are names like, jane-2, alex 3, alex4, and
 'jane', etc.  ORDER BY sorts by either numerical OR string, not both,
 as far
 as I can tell.  I'll have to think about zero-fill, but I doubt that
 work given the lack of standards for the names I am getting (protein
 I need a sort that works like the way a human would sort.
 As for substring_index(), I was using that because the names I am
 with often have a distinguishing number at the end, so I would like to
 grab all but the number(s), and then grab just the number(s) (So,
 I am using substring_index() twice).  If I can separate out the
 the end from the rest of the string with a regexp delimiter, the
 problem is
 solved.  I just don't know if that can be done from within ORDER BY.

---8--- snip


From an exhaustive search of the web (including MySQL's page and
others), it appears that Regular Expression support in MySQL is limited
at best. All you can do with it thus far is determine whether or not
something matched the given expression--1 or 0 are the only results
possible, from what I can gather.

You may be forced to either nest a bunch of queries using
substring_index() and other server-side string manipulation functions,
or sort the data after queried-extraction. :(

By all means, though, do not take my information as gospel. There may
very well be a way to pull off what you're trying to do... but ORDER BY
REGEXP is not it.

Todd Boyd
Web Programmer

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RE: natural sort via substrings

2008-06-13 Thread Boyd, Todd M.
From: Jim Lyons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 12:10 PM
To: Boyd, Todd M.
Subject: Re: natural sort via substrings

What I would do is form 2 additional fields from the first, an alphanumeric 
field and a numeric field so:

jane-2   jane- 2
alex 3   alex  3  (maybe put a blank after the 'x' but be sure to 
handle it properly, trailing spaces are tricky)
alex4    alex  4
jane  jane  (maybe null, or 0 for the numeric field, depending 
on the application)

Then sort on the 2 fields.  Depending on your application, you might want to 
keep the entire name field as well as the 2 derivative fields, just accept the 
de-normalization.  You can use the entire field for display purposes.

If your table is of any size whatsoever this would be vastly preferable to 
doing all sorts of substring-ing in your where clauses.  You won't have a 
prayer of having the optimizer use an index.


On Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 11:58 AM, Boyd, Todd M. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Original Message-
 From: Emily Heureux [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 11:12 AM
 To: Boyd, Todd M.;
 Subject: RE: natural sort via substrings

 Hi, I am sorry for being so vague.  The values are not as simple as
 jane10, or jane2.  There are names like, jane-2, alex 3, alex4, and
 'jane', etc.  ORDER BY sorts by either numerical OR string, not both,
 as far
 as I can tell.  I'll have to think about zero-fill, but I doubt that
 work given the lack of standards for the names I am getting (protein
 I need a sort that works like the way a human would sort.

 As for substring_index(), I was using that because the names I am
 with often have a distinguishing number at the end, so I would like to
 grab all but the number(s), and then grab just the number(s) (So,
 I am using substring_index() twice).  If I can separate out the
 the end from the rest of the string with a regexp delimiter, the
 problem is
 solved.  I just don't know if that can be done from within ORDER BY.

---8--- snip


From an exhaustive search of the web (including MySQL's page and
others), it appears that Regular Expression support in MySQL is limited
at best. All you can do with it thus far is determine whether or not
something matched the given expression--1 or 0 are the only results
possible, from what I can gather.

You may be forced to either nest a bunch of queries using
substring_index() and other server-side string manipulation functions,
or sort the data after queried-extraction. :(

By all means, though, do not take my information as gospel. There may
very well be a way to pull off what you're trying to do... but ORDER BY
REGEXP is not it.


Thank you for formulating my idea into a more easily-understandable format. :) 
It's been a long week. What I meant to say when I mentioned sort the data 
after queried-extraction was that you would need to split the data extracted 
with a query into its sort-able parts as you described. Very well put on your 
part, though.


You might try and find a conditional string function that will find the first 
digit character in a string (or a nifty manipulation of a different string 
function that accomplishes the same objective). I understand that's sort of 
along the line of what you were trying to do in the first place, but perhaps 
this new funneling of the problem will give you some different insight into a 
possible solution. I'll scour the web and documentation with the free time I 
may or may not get today and see what I can come up with, as well.

Don't give up hope! :) This sort of data transformation is not an uncommon 
occurrence, and someone somewhere must have tried to tackle a similar 
problem--with positive results. *crosses fingers* If not, maybe someone else's 
idea for a solution can plant the seed.

Todd Boyd
Web Programmer

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RE: Function Still Not Working

2008-06-12 Thread Boyd, Todd M.
 -Original Message-
 From: Martijn Tonies [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 6:23 AM
 To: MySQL List
 Subject: Re: Function Still Not Working
  Sorry for posting this again, but I got only one response last time,
  still having the problem.  I spent HOURS the other day manually
  through the data and Properizing these things by hand. I don't want
 to do
  that again if I can avoid it.  If anyone has any clues on this one,
  appreciate it.

---8--- snip

  It's a very simple function used to properize a string sent to it.
 When I
  a simple SELECT ProperCase('JESSE'); it returns JESSE on our
  is running 5.0.17-nt-log. On another server that I've got, running
  5.0.51a-community-nt, this function returns Jesse as it should.
  The only difference that I can think of is the version. Is there a
  with the older version that would cause this function not to work
 Any difference in default collation?

I am curious about that, as well. It brings to mind a discussion that
happened on this list last week (I believe) about case
sensitive/insensitive use of LIKE. I believe the synopsis was that
tables are either created as case-insensitive, or the search needs to be
specified as case sensitive (with BINARY).

Could this be a similar issue, perhaps? One table is specifically
case-insensitive with regard to the function, and the other is not?

Just spit-balling...

Todd Boyd
Web Programmer

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RE: enable and disable keys

2008-06-12 Thread Boyd, Todd M.
 -Original Message-
 From: Ananda Kumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 9:41 AM
 Cc: mysql
 Subject: Re: enable and disable keys
 We have 200GB of free space on the file system where our database is

---8--- snip

If the system is *nix, there's a high probability that the area used for
temporary storage (unless specifically defined by a MySQL configuration)
and the area that houses your database files are on different
partitions--possibly even different storage devices altogether.

Is this the case?

  Enable kyes goes fine for couple of hrs with REPAIR BY TMP, but
  switches to REPAIR BY KEYCACHE and writes a log in the error log
  file  Warning:
  Enabling keys got errno 28, retrying
  What could be the problem.
  System has 8 cpu and 16GB RAM
  I have set myisam_max_sort_file_size=98GB
  /tmp folder has 16GB free space.

---8--- snip

  OS error code  28:  No space left on device
  I would say you are running out of space.

Todd Boyd
Web Programmer

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RE: enable and disable keys

2008-06-12 Thread Boyd, Todd M.
From: Ananda Kumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 10:27 AM
To: Boyd, Todd M.
Cc: mysql
Subject: Re: enable and disable keys

/tmp has 16GB free space
On 6/12/08, Boyd, Todd M. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 -Original Message-
 From: Ananda Kumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 9:41 AM
 Cc: mysql
 Subject: Re: enable and disable keys

 We have 200GB of free space on the file system where our database is

---8--- snip

If the system is *nix, there's a high probability that the area used for
temporary storage (unless specifically defined by a MySQL configuration)
and the area that houses your database files are on different
partitions--possibly even different storage devices altogether.

Is this the case?

  Enable kyes goes fine for couple of hrs with REPAIR BY TMP, but
  switches to REPAIR BY KEYCACHE and writes a log in the error log
  file  Warning:
  Enabling keys got errno 28, retrying
  What could be the problem.
  System has 8 cpu and 16GB RAM
  I have set myisam_max_sort_file_size=98GB
  /tmp folder has 16GB free space.

---8--- snip

  OS error code  28:  No space left on device
  I would say you are running out of space.

Sorry if this question is stupid, but... okay, your /tmp folder has 16GB 
available for use. Is this the folder that MySQL has been configured to use? I 
understand that it should be by default, but it doesn't hurt to examine every 
facet of a problem with confusing roots.

Todd Boyd
Web Programmer

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Re: purge binary logs on master

2008-05-19 Thread Todd Lyons
Hash: SHA1

On Sun, May 18, 2008 at 01:02:32PM +0530, Ananda Kumar wrote:

I want to purge bin logs which are older than 4 days. I want to keep 4 days
of bin logs so that in the event of any data issue, i can restore it from
bin logs. So, i tired to use

PURGE MASTER LOGS BEFORE '2008-05-07 00:00:00';
But it did not work. Can you please help me on this

I was going to say drop the time stamp and just use the date, but it
works the same for me using '2008-05-XX 00:00:00' as it does using
'2008-05-XX'.  Just confirming that your command does seem correct,
dunno why it's not working for you.
- -- 
Regards...  Todd
when you shoot yourself in the foot, just because you are so neurally
broken that the signal takes years to register in your brain, it does
not mean that your foot does not have a hole in it.  --Randy Bush
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Comma's in data?

2008-03-07 Thread J. Todd Slack
Hi All,

I have a client that wants to insert data into a VarChar field that contains
commas. These are property addresses.

2966 Moorpark Ave, San Jose, CA, 95128

1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA, 95

How can I allow this?


Replication Question

2008-02-20 Thread Todd Lyons
Hash: SHA1

I've been looking for a way to fake replication from mysql to a local
BDB database.  I'm not finding anything.  Anybody ever come across this?

It seems like it wouldn't be too terribly difficult to read from the
relay-log and keep track of where you are.  But not having written
anything like this before, I'm far from authoritative.

Any comments or suggestions?

(For reference, I'm implementing Bind-DLZ.  I'm going to replicate
tables from a multi-master server to a couple of slaves running on the
nameservers.  Then I want a daemon to read that relay-log and replicate
those commands into a local BDB database.  The reason is for maximum
- -- 
Regards...  Todd
we're off on the usual strange tangents.  next will be whether
it is ethical to walk in your neighbor's open house if they're
running ipv6:-).  --Randy Bush
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Sane values for replication

2007-12-06 Thread Todd Lyons
Hash: SHA1

I've been experimenting with mysql replication, specifically error
handling under varying error conditions.  My tests are with 5.0.22 that
comes with CentOS 5.0.

My main concern is that I would like to lower the slave_net_timeout
setting, but don't want to risk the integrity of replication stability.
The default for the slave_net_timeout setting is 3600, which is 60
minutes.  In my tests, setting it to 60 allows it to resume replication
when the master comes back up, some time less than 60 seconds, which is

So ... is slave_net_timeout = 60 a reasonable value to set on the
slaves?  Google was unable to find anything other than a blurb that says
consider reducing it, but that blurb doesn't give a guideline for
practical, real-world usage.

Setting it to 10 doesn't seem all that terrible either, though at that
point, any unforeseen severe spike in load resulting in mysql IO stalls
could cause the slaves to trip that timer and trigger a network
connection close and reopen.  But I'm just speculating, I've not seen
this nor have I ever heard of this.

Why do I want to lower this setting?  By lowering this setting to 60, I
can achieve roughly the same time to resume replication between a clean
shutdown and a hard (crowbar power) shutdown relative to when the mysql
master comes back up.  It also removes a step in resuming replication of
STOP SLAVE; START SLAVE (which would kickstart the replication
process) because it hits the timeout rather quickly.

Of course this doesn't address potential errors with the Slave SQL
Thread, but that is known.
- -- 
Regards...  Todd
There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo.  Please use in that order. --Ed Howdershelt
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Re: Determining Table Storage Engine Type on Crashed Table

2007-12-05 Thread Todd Lyons
Hash: SHA1

On Sun, Dec 02, 2007 at 09:55:23AM +0530, Alex Arul Lurthu wrote:

How about looking at the .frm file of the table.

A couple of quickie tests shows something promising:

  strings table.frm | egrep 'MyISAM|InnoDB|engineA|engineB|etc'

Unknonwn whether other engines obey the same rules and methods.
- -- 
Regards...  Todd
Chris: grep 500 
Chris: just in case ...
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INNODB database size

2006-04-25 Thread Todd Smith

 I have inherited an INNODB database. I am new to MySQL and may not be
describing my problem correctly so any suggestions or questions are welcome.
I have data files named ib_data_00 through ib_data_14 all of which are 2.0G.
I also have ib_data_15 which is 26G.  I am receiving errors saying that the
innodb space is full.  I know that the space isn't full because it is still
working.  I am wondering how I can get a true size of the space used.  I
would like to get back into the 2G segments. Any suggestions.


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Show Grants problem

2006-04-13 Thread Todd Smith
Does anyone know why a user would show up in a select from user query 
not in a show grants command.  What I am trying to say is I tried SHOW
GRANTS FOR 'user1'@'%' and received that there is no such grant defined for
'user1'... But when I run SELECT * FROM user WHERE User = 'user1' I do get
results.  Could the user have been added using an insert causing the SHOW
GRANTS to fail?

Any Ideas


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Recover from plain text log

2005-09-26 Thread Todd Ellison
OK, I am ready to get flamed.  I have done so much stuff wrong on this 
MySQL server that it finally came back to bite me.  I've learned my 
lesson and hopefully someone here will find it in their heart to help me.

I have a database which is updated quite often, running from a web 
server.  There is no binary log.  There is, however, a text query log 
going back to before my problem.  The server had an I/O error and 
apparently corrupted the files for my database.  I have a backup of the 
database from some time back, but need to recover the data since that time.

I know there is a way to parse binary logs and recover from them, but is 
there a way to do the same for text logs?  I think I can write a bash 
script to reformat the file into a series of queries, but I was hoping 
there was an easier way.

Thanks so much, anyone willing to help.

Todd Ellison

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RE: Inserting information into multiple tables and problems

2005-09-21 Thread Todd Hewett

todd hewett wrote:
mysql VALUES(36534);

ERROR 1216: Cannot add a child row: a foreign key constraint fails
Can you please post the output of:
   `BOARD_SERIAL_NUMBER_PK` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
   `VCS_PO_NUMBER_PK` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
   `BOARD_SERIAL_NUMBER` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
 ) TYPE=InnoDB |


Because you're not specifying a value for VCS_PO_NUMBER_PK in that 
INSERT statement, it will default to 0. It is a foreign key referencing 
the 'productiontrack.VCS_PO_NUMBER' table, which I bet doesn't have a 
row with VCS_PO_NUMBER_PK equal to 0. Hence the foreign key constraint 

You need to either:
1/ Specify the relevant value for VCS_PO_NUMBER_PK in your insert 
statement, like
VALUES (36534, 12345);

2/ Remove the foreign key constraint

3/ Create a row in VS_PO_NUMBER where VCS_PO_NUMBER_PK is equal to 0

You should probably take option 1 if possible.

O.K. VCS_PO_NUMBER_PK is an auto increment primary key for VCS_PO_NUMBER

How would I know that value... I am trying to inser the VCS_PO_NUMBER at
this time.

I guess what needs to be one in this case is:

Insert the VCS_PO_NUMBER
Search the table for VCS_PO_NUMBER_PK where VCS_PO_NUMBER IS a certain value
and then use that info in the board serial number insert.

Does that sound right?

Thanks for the illumination.


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Inserting information into multiple tables and problems

2005-09-20 Thread Todd Hewett
Howdy Folks  I hope this is not too much information.


I have 


mysql  Ver 11.18 Distrib 3.23.58, for redhat-linux-gnu (i386)


I have multiple tables.

All are  innoD Tables.

All AI on a Primary key integer

All Columns are varchar 255 that are not keys.



Has a one to many relationship with.


Has a one to many relationship with the following tables:





I originally was taking form data and using many cold fusion use CFINSERT
to write the information into the tables.


And received this error:


Error Executing Database Query. 


General error: Cannot add a child row: a foreign key constraint fails 



The error occurred in
n.cfm: line 10

8 : cfinsert datasource=productiontrack
10 :   formfields=BOARD_SERIAL_NUMBER
11 :   
12 : 



  insert into BOARD_SERIAL_NUMBER (BOARD_SERIAL_NUMBER) values ( (param 1) )




So now I thought I would wirite the insert statements in SQL instead of CF.


I currently am failing with the following:







ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'INSERT INTO

INSERT INTO' at line 2


Any help ideas recommendations are appreciated.





Re: Inserting information into multiple tables and problems

2005-09-20 Thread Todd Hewett

You need to end each INSERT INTO statement with a semicolon (;), not a 

comma (,). Also pressing enter after each one will allow you to easier 

diagnose any problems that might come up.




I have run the commands as single insert statements with the results below.


The one with the child process error I do not know how to resolve.


That is why I was trying to write one insert statement with a semicolon at
the end.


Two of the inserts seem to fail because MySQL sees my VALUES as unknown


Any other ideas out there?


Thanks Todd



Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)



mysql VALUES(36534);

ERROR 1216: Cannot add a child row: a foreign key constraint fails



ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'MODULE N12310)' at
line 1



ERROR 1054: Unknown column 'BILlTHOMAS' in 'field list'



mysql VALUES(A);

ERROR 1054: Unknown column 'A' in 'field list'




RE: Inserting information into multiple tables and problems

2005-09-20 Thread todd hewett
 mysql VALUES(36534);

 ERROR 1216: Cannot add a child row: a foreign key constraint fails

Can you please post the output of:


 ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'MODULE N12310)' at
 line 1

Did you mean:



It does appear that I did meanthat.

The Structure I should be using should be:


| Table   | Create Table

  `BOARD_SERIAL_NUMBER_PK` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `VCS_PO_NUMBER_PK` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `BOARD_SERIAL_NUMBER` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
) TYPE=InnoDB |

1 row in set (0.02 sec)

Thanks again for your help in getting this right.


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Confused about privileges

2005-09-05 Thread Todd Cary

I have created a table, sfyc and as root I issued the following:

grant all on * to todd identified by 'my_password' with grant option;

However, todd cannot access sfyc with

mysql -u todd -p sfyc

And the mysql db contains the following:

user table
| host  | user |
| % | todd |
| linux | root |
| localhost | root |

db table
| host | db  | user |
| %| mysql   | todd |
| %| test|  |
| %| test\_% |  |

| host | db| user | table_name |
| %| mysql | todd | localhost  |

If I issue the following command, no changes take place in the above tables:

grant all on sfyc to todd identified by 'my_password' with grant option;

Do I need to do an insert SQL command to specifically enter the 


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Re: Confused about privileges

2005-09-05 Thread Todd Cary

Chris et al -

The MySQL online manual does show *.* to be used for global priviledges, 
but my MySQL book only used the *.  My mistake!  However, the online 
manual does not indicate (or I am missing it) what the use of * grants.

Thank you for the is now working and my DB, sfyc does show 
in the table, db.


Chris wrote:

Did you run the statement witht he mysql database as the current 
database? If so , you're statement probably got converted to this:

grant all on mysql.* to todd identified by 'my_password' with grant 

It seems like a logical thing

The grant statement applying to all databases/tables should be:



Todd Cary wrote:

I have created a table, sfyc and as root I issued the following:

grant all on * to todd identified by 'my_password' with grant option;

However, todd cannot access sfyc with

mysql -u todd -p sfyc

And the mysql db contains the following:

user table
| host  | user |
| % | todd |
| linux | root |
| localhost | root |

db table
| host | db  | user |
| %| mysql   | todd |
| %| test|  |
| %| test\_% |  |

| host | db| user | table_name |
| %| mysql | todd | localhost  |

If I issue the following command, no changes take place in the above 

grant all on sfyc to todd identified by 'my_password' with grant option;

Do I need to do an insert SQL command to specifically enter the 


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Blew MySQL away by accident

2005-09-04 Thread Todd Cary
Unfortunately, I blew MySQL away by replacing the MySQL control tables 
with others and not making a copy of the folder.

My data is backed up, so that is not a problem, but I cannot reinstall 
MySQL and create the mysql directory with the control tables (e.g. user, 
db, host).  I have run yum remove mysql and yum install mysql and 
yum install mysql-server and the control files are not recreated.

Any suggestions?


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Re: Blew MySQL away by accident

2005-09-04 Thread Todd Cary

Michael -

Thank you for your patience!  I had forgotten about that part of the 
install...been a long time I needed to do an install...nice part of 
Linux.  However, I am trying to move my RH 9 system to Centos 4.1 and 
everything has gone well until I though I could just copy the mysql db 
into the new server.

I looked in the manual to find out how to completely move a MySQL 
installation from one server to another and did not find any information 
(or overlooked it somehow).  Moving the individual db's has not been a 
problem using the suggested mysqldump.

Any suggestions?

And thank you again!


Michael Stassen wrote:

Todd Cary wrote:

Unfortunately, I blew MySQL away by replacing the MySQL control 
tables with others and not making a copy of the folder.

My data is backed up, so that is not a problem, but I cannot 
reinstall MySQL and create the mysql directory with the control 
tables (e.g. user, db, host).  I have run yum remove mysql and yum 
install mysql and yum install mysql-server and the control files 
are not recreated.

Any suggestions?


By MySQL control tables, it appears you mean the mysql db.  Is it 
really the case that your backup process skips the mysql db?  If so, 
you ought to fix that for the future.

If you cannot restore your mysql db from backup, you can create a new 
one with installation defaults by running mysql_install_db.  You 
should read the manual for the details  In 
particular, note that the root users will have no password, and two 
anonymous users will be created.  Be sure to follow the directions to assign 
passwords to the root accounts.  Also, you should probably delete the 
anonymous users, unless you have a very good reason to keep them.


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RE: tracing connections to mysql.

2005-07-12 Thread todd hewett
Thanks Gleb,

That was educational.

Is there a way to log connections in such a way that is easy to tell how
many connections were happening at one time?



-Original Message-
From: Gleb Paharenko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2005 12:26 AM
Subject: Re: tracing connections to mysql.



Please, next time answer to the list as well.

Gleb thankyou.

That was exactly what I thought I was looking for.

It revealed two connections when logged in as admin through CLI: admin


the connection for the app that was having issues.

Are connections the same as [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

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tracing connections to mysql.

2005-07-11 Thread todd . hewett
Howdy Folks,

I have an app that cannot get information from mysql database for some reason.
Here is an query which application is trying to run but after some timeout
(something about 2-3 minutes):

11 Jul 2005 03:32:18,485 DEBUG [Thread-20] ( -
sqlselect prd.press_release_id, pr.start_date,  prd.attention_title,
prd.headline, prd.sub_headline, prd.summary, prd.company_name, prd.body,, prd.state, ind.industry_id, ind.industry_name from
press_release_detail prd, press_release pr, industry ind where pr.active_flag =
'Y' and pr.press_release_id = prd.press_release_id  and prd.industry =
ind.industry_id and start_date = date_add(current_timestamp(), INTERVAL 3
HOUR) order by pr.start_date desc

Then errors follows:

11 Jul 2005 03:38:24,125 ERROR [Thread-18] ( -
SQLException:java.sql.SQLException: Communication link failure:
11 Jul 2005 03:38:24,126 ERROR [Thread-18] ( -
com.flierwire.common.FlierwireSystemException: A system error has occurred,
please send an email to support at with details of what occurred.

I've tried to run this request in mysql and it has been ran fine.

After that I've increased max_connections limit in /etc/my.cnf and app runs

Is there a way to determin what connectiions to MySQL are being used by whom?



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4.1 client protocol?

2004-09-16 Thread Todd Gruben
I have an interesting problem.  I have developed a custom mysql 
replication client that we use for monitoring our mysql database.  Kinda 
like a poor man's trigger, but the power of an asynchronus trigger is 
very beneficial. Any way, I developed this client based on the 4.0 
version of mysql.  It appears that the network protocol has changed in 
4.1.  Is there any documentation of the 4.1 protocol, I figured the 4.0 
protocol out from the code, but that was a very time consuming 
experience for me and i was hoping for a slightly higher level bit of 
documentation than c code. Does such a beast exist?
Todd Gruben

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Cygwin and High School Lab

2004-08-31 Thread Todd O'Bryan
A couple of people have wondered why I'm using Cygwin with MySQL and 
seem to think I'm trying to use the Linux version of MySQL on Windows.

I've installed the latest Windows version of MySQL. I'm using Cygwin as 
the launcher rather than the Windows command prompt, mostly because 
it's easier for me to set up environment variables correctly, to run 
SSH, Tomcat, etc. from a Unix-y prompt rather than a DOS prompt. Since 
when I type mysql it's actually mysql.exe that gets run, I don't 
think Cygwin could be the culprit in the crash, but I'm going to try 
running MySQL from the Windows command prompt today to see if that 
makes a difference.

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Crash on Windows XP SP2 when not run as an administrator

2004-08-31 Thread Todd O'Bryan
I've tested mysql in my high school lab running from an administrator 
and from a student account, both from within the Cygwin terminal, and 
at the Windows command prompt. From the administrator account, it runs 
fine for hours. From the student account, it promptly (within 15 
seconds or so) crashes with the same error each time. I managed to 
write down the error:

Debug Assertion Failed!
Program: mysqld.exe
File: ftell.c
Line: 50
Expression: stream != NULL
This pretty successfully crashes the MySQL server so that if you're 
running the client, you get messages about the server being 
inaccessible and such.

Is there something that non-administrators need access to that could be 
causing the problem? Could it be an SP2 issue?

I have access to a server where I can set up student accounts so that 
we can do the tutorial I have planned, but I do, eventually, need to be 
able to run MySQL on my lab machines.

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Re: Revoking select on a single table

2004-08-30 Thread Todd Charron
 GRANT usage on samp.* to 'permtest'@'localhost' identified by 'password';
 GRANT insert, update, delete on samp.secrettable to 
 GRANT select, insert, update, delete on samp.Account to 

This worked much better for me, though it's not a perfect solution (see below)

 This worked for me on 4.1.1a-alpha-nt-log. By explicitly denying access at 
 the database level, the only tables I could see in my test database were 
 the ones I specifically granted myself right to (even though there were 
 others in the database). 

In my case I was able to see all the tables but could not select any data from 
the restricted table (mysql-server 4.0.18-5 from debian testing)

 I was blocked from running a SELECT query against secrettable. I could 
 INSERT values but not DELETE them. I reason that this is because DELETE 
 ... WHERE ... requires a SELECT to be run on the table to identify the 
 rows to get rid of. The error I got when trying to delete was:
 ERROR 1143 (42000): SELECT command denied to user: 'permtest'@'localhost' 
 for column 'col1' in table 'secrettable'

Yes, this is the problem I ran into when trying to update any records in that 
table.  So it appears to be insert only.

 Let us know if this works or what errors you get.

Thanks for all your help.  This may be the best solution available.  Would it 
be possible to get it posted to a faq or mentioned in the docs?  I imagine 
it's a situation that may come up frequently for users.  

Also, if you have any ideas on how one might perform updates on specific 
entries in that table without select privileges I'd be glad to hear them. 
(though it sounds like it may be impossible)

Thanks again,


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Re: Revoking select on a single table

2004-08-30 Thread Todd Charron
On Monday 30 August 2004 4:08 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think that INSERT-only would be as good as we could hope for as I have 
 been having a very hard time trying to think of a valid business reason 
 why a user would be allowed to either UPDATE or DELETE rows from a table 
 where they weren't allowed to even see the data. However I can think of 
 several business reasons for an INSERT-only table:

The situation I have is like this.  End User enters data in web page.  Web 
page data is encrypted using mysql's aes_encrypt and stored in remote DB (not 
the same machine as the web server).  If End User wants to update the data 
the new data is encrypted and overwrites the old (End User cannot see what 
old data was).  

If the db user account gets compromised via the web server (username and/or 
password gets disclosed/cracked/etc), the data (encrypted or not) cannot be 
retrieved via that account, only overwritten.

 UPDATE secrettable SET column = 'value';
 DELETE FROM secrettable;

That may be possible, but I can't really see anywhere where that would be 



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Re: Revoking select on a single table

2004-08-30 Thread Todd Charron
Thinking about this some more, it might be possible to achieve what my last 
email suggests by allowing select on the primary key column.  Or would that 
set us back again?  Thoughts?


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Re: Revoking select on a single table

2004-08-30 Thread Todd Charron
Sorry to reply yet again, but I think I have the solution.  After doing all we 
have said above I added

grant select(ID_Num) on sampdb.secrettable to 'user'@'localhost' identified by 

and of course updates and deletes are done via

update secrettable set secretinfo=blah where ID_Num=2;

So far as I've been testing this seems to work while preventing the user from 
ever selecting what's in the other secrettable columns.

Thanks again!


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Problem running MySQL in high school lab

2004-08-30 Thread Todd O'Bryan
I'm trying to teach my students how to use MySQL, and have installed it
on all the lab machines along with Cygwin. Originally, I had the
permissions set wrong and my students couldn't start the server, but I
fixed that, and now mysqld works fine.
Unfortunately, if you then mysql -u root, after a rather short period
of time, the program crashes and pops an error message to the screen.
The message, which I should have written down but didn't, says that an
assertion has failed in ftell.c (not sure about the filename, but the
gist is right) and stream != NULL (that I'm sure of) and then the
program dies.
I don't have similar problems when I'm logged in as me (which has
Administrator privileges) or the machine Administrator. It must be a
permissions problem, but I don't know what I need to give the students
to prevent it. The MySQL stuff on the local machines need not be
secure, so I've given full access to all users in the entire
/cygwin/usr/local/ directory and its subdirectories, which is where I
installed MySQL and all the other packages we're going to be playing
There are some kids in there who don't need the temptation of being 
in as an Administrator, and since we're going to be using JDBC later 
for which
the MySQL server will need to be running almost constantly in the 
I'd like to get this resolved with the least amount of temptation.

The lab is all Windows XP Professional machines, and the students log 
into a
domain hosted by a server in another teacher's lab.

Any ideas appreciated,
P.S. If you could cc me any replies, I'd appreciate it, since I read 
the list on

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Re: Data loading and foreign key constraints - help please

2004-08-30 Thread Todd Cranston-Cuebas
Thank you very much. I really appreciate your analogy to the waterfall. 
This helped me out tremendously. I was able to sort out the problem and 
all is now well! It appears that this wonderful little GUI tool the 
lets you create ER diagrams that auto-generate CREATE scripts assumes 
that you won't be including foreign keys in your entities. It expects 
you to build the relationship graphically and point out the primary 
keys, but it takes care of creating the foreign keys for you. My 

Since I put in foreign keys with the same name as the primary key in 
the related table, the GUI tool had no choice but to create new 
foreign keys with the same name appended with the number 1. The end 
result... total chaos. Fixed it though. I really appreciate your help.

On Aug 30, 2004, at 6:20 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Foreign keys are used to enforce foreign relationships. Translated:
Certain data values must exist in one table before another table can
contain those values in columns that participate in foreign keys. 
data must first exist in one table before it can be used as data in
another, you are required to fill in your FK-related structures from 
top down.

Start with your top-most table(s) in your structure (these are the ones
that the foreign keys are referencing but have no foreign keys of their
own). I think you said that you called them joblevel and jobtitile.
Fill those tables with data. With those values in place you can create
rows in the jobcode table that re-use certain values. You will not be 
to assign a value to any row in jobcode that does not exist in either
joblevel or jobtitle (for the columns that reference those tables as
foreign keys).

Keep filling in values in each layer of your structure until you get to
the bottommost table(s). (These are the tables that FK reference 
tables but have no tables that reference them.) It's kind of like a
waterfall, you can't get data into some tables until it exists in other
tables so it's like the data sort of trickles down the structure. 
analogy could also help to visualize how  the use of the word cascade
describes the auto-propagation of a delete or update to the dependent

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
Todd Cranston-Cuebas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on
08/29/2004 04:09:15 AM:
I'm a total newbie to mySQL, but was hoping someone could answer a
question regarding adding a record into a database that has foreign 
constraints. Remember, I'm a total newbie so I'm hoping I'm using the
right words to express this. I'm taking a class that required us to 
an ER diagramming tool. This tool generates SQL table create scripts 
mySQL. After a little tweaking I got the scripts to work. An example 
as follows:

# Create Table: 'Jobdesc'   Job Description for Requisition
# desccode:
# jobdescription  :
# levelcode   :  (references JobCode.levelcode)
# jobcode1:  (references JobCode.jobcode)
# jobcode :
# titlecode   :  (references JobCode.titlecode)
 desccode   CHAR(8) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
 jobdescription MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL,
 levelcode  CHAR(2) NOT NULL,
 jobcode1   CHAR(8) NOT NULL,
 jobcodeCHAR(8) NOT NULL,
 titlecode  CHAR(7) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (desccode,jobcode),
 INDEX idx_fk_Jobdesc (titlecode,jobcode1,levelcode),
CONSTRAINT fk_Jobdesc FOREIGN KEY (titlecode,jobcode1,levelcode)
 REFERENCES JobCode (titlecode,jobcode,levelcode)
This is a create script for a job description table. Job descriptions
are related to a jobcode table. That table in turn is related to
joblevel and jobtitle tables (i.e., the job title and job level
determine the job code). The jobcode is needed for each job
One problem I have is that the create scripts generated from the ER
tool makes all fields in the job description entity NOT NULL. If I try
to insert the description code (desccode), the job description
(jobdescription) and the associated job code (jobcode) I get the
following error:
#1216 - Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint 

This happens if I just try to insert the desccode, the jobdescription,
and jobcode data. I think this is happening because jobcode1,
levelcode, and titlecode are NOT NULL so when I update the record it
attempts to enter data (NULL) into these fields which are child rows.
Can someone explain what I should do? Should I just change these 
of data into NULL? I'm literally just trying to populate the tables
with enough data to run some test queries.

Any suggestions?
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Data loading and foreign key constraints - help please

2004-08-29 Thread Todd Cranston-Cuebas
I'm a total newbie to mySQL, but was hoping someone could answer a 
question regarding adding a record into a database that has foreign key 
constraints. Remember, I'm a total newbie so I'm hoping I'm using the 
right words to express this. I'm taking a class that required us to use 
an ER diagramming tool. This tool generates SQL table create scripts in 
mySQL. After a little tweaking I got the scripts to work. An example is 
as follows:

# Create Table: 'Jobdesc'   Job Description for Requisition
# desccode:
# jobdescription  :
# levelcode   :  (references JobCode.levelcode)
# jobcode1:  (references JobCode.jobcode)
# jobcode :
# titlecode   :  (references JobCode.titlecode)
desccode   CHAR(8) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
jobdescription MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL,
levelcode  CHAR(2) NOT NULL,
jobcode1   CHAR(8) NOT NULL,
jobcodeCHAR(8) NOT NULL,
titlecode  CHAR(7) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (desccode,jobcode),
INDEX idx_fk_Jobdesc (titlecode,jobcode1,levelcode),
CONSTRAINT fk_Jobdesc FOREIGN KEY (titlecode,jobcode1,levelcode)
REFERENCES JobCode (titlecode,jobcode,levelcode)
This is a create script for a job description table. Job descriptions 
are related to a jobcode table. That table in turn is related to 
joblevel and jobtitle tables (i.e., the job title and job level 
determine the job code). The jobcode is needed for each job 

One problem I have is that the create scripts generated from the ER 
tool makes all fields in the job description entity NOT NULL. If I try 
to insert the description code (desccode), the job description 
(jobdescription) and the associated job code (jobcode) I get the 
following error:

#1216 - Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails
This happens if I just try to insert the desccode, the jobdescription, 
and jobcode data. I think this is happening because jobcode1, 
levelcode, and titlecode are NOT NULL so when I update the record it 
attempts to enter data (NULL) into these fields which are child rows. 
Can someone explain what I should do? Should I just change these fields 
of data into NULL? I'm literally just trying to populate the tables 
with enough data to run some test queries.

Any suggestions?
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RE: php script for new database and user

2004-03-18 Thread HACKATHORN, TODD (SWBT)
This is just my guess, I am still too new to know for sure, but I would say
php can do what ever the user that is logging in can.  phpMyAdmin will
create databases, and it is just a PHP Script.

Todd Hackathorn

-Original Message-
From: Elly Wisata [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 1:55 AM
Cc: 'BGLefty'
Subject: RE: php script for new database and user

I don't think php script can create database. But maybe I am wrong. If I am,
please somebody make it straight.
Create a database should do it through console or some kind like it.


-Original Message-
From: W. D. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 2:31 PM
Cc: BGLefty
Subject: Re: php script for new database and user

At 11:45 3/17/2004, BGLefty wrote:

Is there a simple php script out there somewhere (or an example of how to
it) to create a new database, username and password? I would like to have a
form in a password protected folder on my web site and be able to fill in
those three variables to create a new database on my installation of mysql
on my home computer (be able to do this from my office or another
It seems like a simple enough thing to do but I have been unable to find

Any help would be appreciated.


Do you have PHPmyAdmin installed?  You can quite a bit of work
fairly easily with it.

Start Here to Find It Fast!T -

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RE: need to know how to export database to CSV format

2004-03-15 Thread HACKATHORN, TODD (SWBT)
Don't know if this will help, but this is how I offer web clients to save
as excel in cold fusion:

cfif #ViewInExcel# is  Y
cfcontent type=application/

the key is to change the content like above.  I am not sure how to do this
in PHP.  But I am sure if you look around you will find it.

Then just output the table, with each field broken up by td tags.
No html tags or headings nothing but the table, TD, and TH tags need to be
output.  I have just recently started working in php, if I get a minute to
put a example together in php I'll let you know.
This will ask them if they want to save the file or open the file.

The thing is you have to tell the client browser it is a type of file that
it recognizes.

Hope that helps, good luck.

Todd Hackathorn

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 2:33 PM
Subject: need to know how to export database to CSV format

I have a php website connecting to mysql database.
How can i have a user export his database through the webpage to csv format?
I would like the user to have a button he can press that would pop up a
save as screen so he can save his database.
I need to also be able that he can only save HIS OWN entries (PERSON_ID =

Can anyone direct me to a link that shows how you do that or explain to me
how to do this?
thanks very much

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RE: Newbie - dependencies

2004-03-11 Thread HACKATHORN, TODD (SWBT)
When I upgraded to the newer version of mySQL I got the same errors, but the
web site I down loaded the new rpms from had a rpm to put both versions of
the dependency files on the system. Go here then look in the Linux
downloads about 1/4 the way down, It is labeled Libraries and header files,
this put both the old version and the new version.  When I found this error
I searched all the forums and everyone had very complex(at lease for me)
ways of recompiling mySQL.  But, just installing this rpm fixed it for me.

Good Luck, 

Todd Hackathorn

-Original Message-
From: Robert Ross [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2004 7:41 AM
Subject: RE: Newbie - dependencies

Hi Victor,

I tried that initially and thought I had installed everything - RH
Enterprise has the option in the GUI to install mysql - what it doesn't tell
you is that it is the client and not the server.  When you (eventually) find
this out and try to install the server,  problems occur because the server
should be installed before the client (I think).  So you then uninstall both
server and client, then  re-install the server.  If sucessful, you still get
problems when you try to re-install the client as the GUI cannot find the
server's headers and so will not install client software.  So you go and
find the rpm and try to install it yourself and get the dependencies
problem.  I think you get an idea of my frustration, and I have not even got
to the part of trying to use mysql yet!  Still, I will continue on...:-)

Thanks for your input.


-Original Message-
From: Victor Medina [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 11 March 2004 13:31
To: Robert Ross
Subject: RE: Newbie - dependencies


anyway, why dont you use the graphic install utility redhat uses to install
mysql?? it will resolve the dependencies for you =)

PS: i think it's called redhat-config-packages

Best Regards!
On Thu, 2004-03-11 at 09:05, Robert Ross wrote:

  Having just set up a RedHat Enterprise Server V.3 I am trying to add 
  MySQL database function.  I tried and failed using up2date (following 
  instructions from RH), so downloaded the rpms and began to install by 
  myself.  My input and the output is shown below:
  # rpm -i mysql-server-3.23.58-1.i386.rpm
  error:Failed dependencies: is needed by mysql-server-3.23.58-1 Suggested 
  resolutions: mysql-3.23.58-1.i386.rpm
  # rpm -i mysql-3.23.58-1.i386.rpm
  error:Failed dependencies:
  perl-DBD-MySQL is needed by mysql-3.23.58-1
  Suggested resolutions:
  # rpm -i perl-DBD-MySQL-2.1021-3.i386.rpm
  error:Failed dependencies: is needed by perl-DBD-MySQL-2.1021-3 Suggested
  resolutions: mysql-3.23.58-1.i386.rpm
  Which takes me back to the second line and begins a loop. is in /usr/lib/mysql/ problably from the initial 
  setup (before I found out that the mysql-server wasn't on the setup 
  CDs).  I went for RHEL on the strength that it has up2date and I would 
  not meet this kind of problem.
  Anyone got any ideas/get out of jail cards?
 rpm -ivh perl-DBD-MySQL-2.1021-3.i386.rpm 
 -- Alex
 Cheers for the reply Alex.  Tried your method and got:
 MySQL-server conflicts with mysql-server-3.23.58-1
 mysql conflicts with mysql-3.23.58-1
 I tried 'locate' but could not find either file, so then tried 'rpm 
 -e' of both.  I got 'not installed' as an answer.  So tried your line 
 once more and got the same output.
 Robb - still in jail :-(


 |  _    _|Victor Medina M   |
 |\ \ \| |  _ \ / \   |Linux - Java - MySQL  |
 | \ \ \  _| | |_) / _ \  |Dpto. Sistemas - Ferreteria EPA   |
 | / / / |___|  __/ ___ \ |[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
 |/_/_/|_|_| /_/   \_\|ext. 325 - Tél: +58-241-8507325   |
 ||geek by nature - linux by choice  |

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Opinion about MaxDB, and Redhat

2004-03-09 Thread HACKATHORN, TODD (SWBT)
I only have one server available to be set up to handle a lot of data.  I
have looked through some documentation, and am a little confused.  So I
thought I would get the opinion of someone who has used this stuff.  
First will I see a performance different on a 2 GHz Intel w/ 500 MB Ram,
running RedHat 9 if I set it to run in level 3 as compared to 5 that I am in
Second I have tables in MS SQL Server that have over 50,000,000,000 records,
will SQL Server handle that, and would it be a benefit to use MaxDB?  I read
through the MaxDB docs and am not sure when it is appropriate to use it
instead.  Also I am still learning mySQL and RedHat so don't need anything
more complex that it has to be.  I am used to just installing it and away I
go, now I have all these different options.
Thanks in advance.
Todd Hackathorn

Iterating thru FullText Index

2004-03-05 Thread Todd Burke
Is there any way to iterate thru the keys in a fulltext index?  This issue 
does not come up for other indexes since ORDER BY can achieve this: 

For example if table t is indexed on part_id

SELECT DISTINCT part_id FROM t ORDER by part_id;

will return all keys in index order

Is there a way to do this for a fulltext index so that a query would 
return a list of all words in the index - this could be helpful 
to build dictionaries for ex. 

mysql CREATE TABLE articles (
-   title VARCHAR(200),
-   body TEXT,
-   FULLTEXT (title,body)
- );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql INSERT INTO articles VALUES
- (NULL,'MySQL Tutorial', 'DBMS stands for DataBase ...'),
- (NULL,'How To Use MySQL Efficiently', 'After you went through a 
- (NULL,'Optimizing MySQL','In this tutorial we will show ...'),
- (NULL,'1001 MySQL Tricks','1. Never run mysqld as root. 2. ...'),
- (NULL,'MySQL vs. YourSQL', 'In the following database comparison 
- (NULL,'MySQL Security', 'When configured properly, MySQL ...');
Query OK, 6 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 6  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql SELECT * FROM articles
-  WHERE MATCH (title,body) AGAINST ('database');
| id | title | body |
|  5 | MySQL vs. YourSQL | In the following database comparison ... |
|  1 | MySQL Tutorial| DBMS stands for DataBase ... |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

I'm looking for a way to get a result set that would look like 

mysql phony query SELECT KEYS from articles USING INDEX (TITLE BODY);
... etc...

This would be nifty.

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2004-03-04 Thread HACKATHORN, TODD (SWBT)
I am new to Linux, and mySQL.  I am currently a MsSQL Server 2000 and VB
programmer, but trying to break away from that side.  I have my database set
up and working great, but I am really struggling on how to perform scheduled
updates, and data imports.  Can anyone please point me to a good resource to
learn how to build a script, that can import data from an ODBC connection,
and then maybe run multiple queries in the data one at a time.  I don't know
what language I want to use because I don't know enough about it.  Once I
find a way to do what I need, I will learn that language.  I think there
might be a way to use php as cron'd scripts, but I don't know.  Also I
looked at perl, or just bash in linux.  I am used to being able to do
anything I needed to with DTS packages and stored procedures.  I had ask a
similar question a while back, and still can't get going with this.  So far
the graphical packages for updates are the only thing I miss from SQL
Thanks in advance for any help. 
Todd Hackathorn

RE: Scripting

2004-03-04 Thread HACKATHORN, TODD (SWBT)
I think that will help, I'll give it a try, I have had a lot of trouble
finding good tutorials for bash also.  Having been a windows person for so
long it seems very foreign to me.  I see how you connect to the local data
base, does anyone know how to import data from another non mySQL database
server?  To make two connections and pull data from one to the other?


Todd Hackathorn

-Original Message-
From: Rhino [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 8:30 AM
Subject: Re: Scripting


I'm also pretty new to MySQL and Linux but I have years of DB2 experience on
various platforms.

I've bash scripts very useful and cron them when I have something that I
want to automate, such as a daily backup of my databases. Here are some
examples of bash scripts that I use with MySQL.

This example, which is in file RI.sql, creates two related tables in the
MySQL 'tmp' database, populates them, and displays the results. NOTE: The
'Another Mistake' row will not be successfully inserted into the 'emp' table
because it has an invalid foreign key; there is no row for dept 'X99' in the
'dept' table.


use tmp;

drop table if exists dept;
create table dept(
deptno char(3) not null,
deptname varchar(36) not null,
mgrno char(6),
primary key(deptno)
) Type=InnoDB;

drop table if exists emp;
create table emp(
empno char(6) not null,
firstnme char(12) not null,
midinit char(1),
lastname char(15) not null,
workdept char(3) not null,
salary dec(9,2) not null,
primary key(empno),
foreign key(workdept) references dept(deptno) on delete restrict
) Type=InnoDB;

insert into dept values
('A00', 'Administration', '10'),
('D11', 'Manufacturing', '20'),
('E21', 'Education', '30');

insert into emp values ('10', 'Christine', 'I', 'Haas','A00',5.00);
insert into emp values ('20', 'George', 'W', 'Bush', 'D11', 3.00);
insert into emp values ('30', 'Another', ' ', 'Mistake', 'X99',
insert into emp values ('40', 'John', ' ', 'Kerry', 'E21', 35000.00);

select * from dept;

select * from emp;


You can run the preceding script from the mysql prompt by preceding its name
with '\.'. For example:

mysql \. RI.sql

This script, called backup2.bash, is what I use to back up my databases each
night. It includes a comment showing the crontab entry I use to run it.
NOTE: We are using a Perl package called 'sendEmai'l instead of the
traditional 'sendmail' program.


#This script makes a separate database-level backup of each of the current
MySQL databases and
#deletes backups older than a certain number of days.
#This script is normally invoked via a cron job so that it runs once per day
in the middle of the night.
#The crontab entry looks like this:
#0 3 * * * sh /home/rhino/MySQL/backup2.bash  /home/rhino/MySQL/backup2.out
21; cat /home/rhino/MySQL/backup2.out | sendEmail -f [EMAIL PROTECTED] -t
[EMAIL PROTECTED] -u Daily Backup Report

USERID=foo; #The userid to use for creating the backup
PASSWORD=foopass; #The password to use for creating the backup
BACKUP_TIMESTAMP=`/bin/date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S`; #The timestamp
(MMDD-HHMMSS) of the backup
BACKUP_PATH=/home/rhino/MySQL/backup; #The directory into which the backup
will be written
NUMBER_OF_DAILY_BACKUPS_TO_KEEP=7; #The number of generations of backups to

echo ** REPORT BEGINS **;
echo Program Name: $0
echo Report Date: $report_date;

#Display the non-secret values used in this run.
echo Backup Values:;
echo   Backup timestamp is $BACKUP_TIMESTAMP;
echo   Backup path is $BACKUP_PATH;
echo   Number of daily backups to keep = $NUMBER_OF_DAILY_BACKUPS_TO_KEEP;

#For each database currently in MySQL, take a database-level backup, then
list any backups older than a certain number of day
for ONE_DBNAME in `echo show databases | mysql -s -u $USERID -p$PASSWORD`
   echo Backing up database $ONE_DBNAME;
   /usr/bin/mysqldump --opt --verbose -u${USERID} -p${PASSWORD}
   echo  Deleting these old backups for this database...
   /usr/bin/find ${BACKUP_PATH} -mtime
+$NUMBER_OF_DAILY_BACKUPS_TO_KEEP -name $ONE_DBNAME'*' -print; #display old
backups (i
   /usr/bin/find ${BACKUP_PATH} -mtime
+$NUMBER_OF_DAILY_BACKUPS_TO_KEEP -name $ONE_DBNAME'*' -exec rm '{}' ';';
#delete old

echo ** REPORT ENDS **;

If you want to take a backup manually with this script (and omit the email
being sent to you), you can do this from the mysql prompt via:
mysql \. /home/rhino/MySQL/backup2.bash  /home/rhino/MySQL/backup2.out

I think the biggest obstacle you're going to face in writing bash scripts is
the lack of good tutorials on it. There are umpteen bash references that
show you generic syntax and tell you the terminology used by bash but darned
few decent tutorials to show you how to write bash scripts. Some people can
do anything

updating tables in MySQL

2004-02-25 Thread HACKATHORN, TODD (SWBT)
Sorry if this is a obvious question, but I am new to mySQL, and PHP.  I am
used to working with MS SQL Server 2000 and coldfusion.  In SQL server I can
build DTS packages and schedule them to update the data in my tables with
different queries, and to import current data from other databases.  Is
there a way I can do this in mySQL?  I found how I can schedule scripts, but
am not sure how to go about making a script do queries, or how to import
data from a other data source.  I could write a script to insert each record
one at a time, but that seems like a lot of work.  I work with fairly large
tables.  I am new to both Linux, and mySQL, but do have a decent amount of
experience in other SQL system.  
I am using RedHat 9, mySQL Ver 12.22 Distrib 4.0.18, for pc-linux (i686).
Thanks in advance,

Ignore Replication Temp Tables

2004-01-20 Thread Todd Burke
Is there any way to disable replication of all temp tables using
replicate-ignore-table or some other means?  The names of the temp tables
are generated randomly by a script.  Thanks


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Export in XML

2003-12-01 Thread Todd Cary
Is there a way to export/import MySQL tables in XML format?

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Re: Export in XML

2003-12-01 Thread Todd Cary
Jay -

I am not an expert with XML, however I use it with Delphi and Delphi's 
TClientDataset.  In this usage, I use the builtin SaveTo and LoadFrom  


Jay Blanchard wrote:

Is there a way to export/import MySQL tables in XML format?
Well Todd, it is a little more complex than this. How much do you know
about XML?


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Re: Export in XML

2003-12-01 Thread Todd Cary

John -

Right under my nose! Thanks


John Griffin wrote:

  Look at The -X option may give you what you need.

-Original Message-
From: Dan Greene [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 9:57 AM
To: Todd Cary; Jay Blanchard
Subject: RE: Export in XML

I think that to answer Todd's question, no there is no inherent way in MySQL to export results as XML the way that sqlserver and oracle do.

Another solution that comes to mind (if you're using java) is to write a simple class that converts a result set to an array of hashmaps (row in array is row of data, hashmap for column name - data value mapping), then send that to either castor (pre-java 1.4) or to the xml- object APIs (1.4 on).

-Original Message-
From: Todd Cary [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 9:48 AM
To: Jay Blanchard
Subject: Re: Export in XML

Jay -

I am not an expert with XML, however I use it with Delphi and 
TClientDataset.  In this usage, I use the builtin SaveTo and 


Jay Blanchard wrote:

Is there a way to export/import MySQL tables in XML format?

Well Todd, it is a little more complex than this. How much 

do you know

  about XML?




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Re: Export in XML

2003-12-01 Thread Todd Cary

Dan -

Or from my place, "It pays for me to read the docs - thoroughly". Oh!
Docs! What are they?  :-[ 


Dan Greene wrote:

  The most guarenteed way to have a feature in a product pointed out is to make a public statement that it's not available :)

keyboard in mouth, 

Dan Greene

-Original Message-
From: John Griffin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 10:49 AM
To: Dan Greene; Todd Cary; Jay Blanchard
Subject: RE: Export in XML

Look at The -X option 
may give you what you need.

-Original Message-
From: Dan Greene [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 9:57 AM
To: Todd Cary; Jay Blanchard
Subject: RE: Export in XML

I think that to answer Todd's question, no there is no 
inherent way in MySQL to export results as XML the way that 
sqlserver and oracle do.

Another solution that comes to mind (if you're using java) is 
to write a simple class that converts a result set to an 
array of hashmaps (row in array is row of data, hashmap for 
column name - data value mapping), then send that to either 
castor (pre-java 1.4) or to the xml- object APIs (1.4 on).

  -Original Message-----
From: Todd Cary [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 9:48 AM
To: Jay Blanchard
Subject: Re: Export in XML

Jay -

I am not an expert with XML, however I use it with Delphi and 
TClientDataset.  In this usage, I use the builtin SaveTo and 


Jay Blanchard wrote:

Is there a way to export/import MySQL tables in XML format?

Well Todd, it is a little more complex than this. How much 

  do you know
about XML?



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Installing MySQL on Fedora

2003-11-29 Thread Todd Cary

I tried installing MySQL on Fedora and all seemed to go fine, but there
is no mysqladmin. Have I missed something here?

And I am not sure where the mysql executable resides. The version is



inline: NewLogo.gif

Re: Getting the value of a row you just inserted

2003-10-09 Thread todd
Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 09 October 2003 06:06 pm, Dan Anderson wrote:
: Is it possible to SELECT the id (indexed PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT) of
: a row that was just inserted?  I'm using PHP, I don't know if that makes
: a difference?
: Something like:
: INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES (bar);
: SELECT last_insert(id) FROM foo;
: Also, are there any problems with using this in an environment where
: you're forking processes?
: Thanks in advance,
: -Dan

In php you can use mysql_insert_id() to get the id of the auto_increment 


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How identify long running query etc?

2003-09-10 Thread Bill Todd
Using MySQL and InnoDB, are there system tables or other tools that I can
use to see which statements that are executing have consumed the most CPU
time and find out which user, transaction and/or connection those statements
belong to?

If I identify a user that is causing a problem is there a way to disconnect
that user?

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Is the table cache used with InnoDB?

2003-09-10 Thread Bill Todd
I cannot tell from the Reference Manual whether the table cache is used with
the InnoDB database engine or not? It sounds like it only applies to tables
that are stored in separate disk files.  Is the table cache used by InnoDB?


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RE: Do InnoDB rollback segments expand dynamically?

2003-09-09 Thread Bill Todd

You can get the new driver at

I have not tried it to see if the multiple connection problem is fixed. I am
new to MySQL and have not tried to use it with dbExpress yet.


 -Original Message-
 From: Heikki Tuuri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, September 08, 2003 10:44 PM
 Subject: Re: Do InnoDB rollback segments expand dynamically?


 - Original Message -
 From: Bill Todd [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Newsgroups: mailing.database.myodbc
 Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2003 4:27 AM
 Subject: Do InnoDB rollback segments expand dynamically?

  Using InnoDB with an autoextend tablespace, if I start a
 transaction that
  results in many record versions, will the rollback segments grow
  and force the tablespace to grow dynamically to provide the
 required room
  for record versions in the rollback segments?


 I have a question, too: if you are the Bill Todd who posts to
 the Borland
 newsgroups, what is the status of the new DBExpress driver
 for MySQL? The
 problem in old drivers was that they established a new
 connection for each
 individual SQL statement. Transactions and several other
 MySQL features did
 not work because of that.

 I saw some 4 weeks ago a Borland engineer mention that this
 is now fixed in
 a beta release of the driver. Is this so?


 Best regards,

 Heikki Tuuri
 Innobase Oy
 Foreign keys, transactions, and row level locking for MySQL
 InnoDB Hot Backup - a hot backup tool for MySQL

 Order MySQL technical support from

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How much memory does MySQL need?

2003-09-09 Thread Bill Todd
I know, I know, with database servers more is always better.g However,
assume I need to deploy MySQL using InnoDB to multiple sites. Hardware cost
is a significant consideration. Is there any information available on
MySQL's memory requirements? Most database vendors give you something as a
starting point but I could not find any information in the MySQL Manual.

Can someone point me to a source?


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BDB transaction isolation levels?

2003-09-08 Thread Bill Todd
What transaction isolation level(s) does BDB support? I can't find any
information on BDB transactions section 7.6 of the manual.



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Difference between Serializable and Repeatable Read with InnoDB

2003-09-08 Thread Bill Todd
Since InnoDB does not allow phantom reads with Repeatable Read isolation
(which are allowed in the ANSI SQL definition of Repeatable Read) what is
the difference between these two isolation levels. Is it just serialization
and that is all?


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Do InnoDB rollback segments expand dynamically?

2003-09-08 Thread Bill Todd
Using InnoDB with an autoextend tablespace, if I start a transaction that
results in many record versions, will the rollback segments grow dynamically
and force the tablespace to grow dynamically to provide the required room
for record versions in the rollback segments?


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