
2000-03-06 Thread mark constant

when i put the cd-rom for mandrake 7 in and booted up off the floppy I got 
this error message

in second stage install

_x11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
_x11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
Mon Mar6 13:29:18 2000 Gtk- Warning**! cannot open display at :  :0 at 
/usr/bin/perl-install/my_gtk.pm line 139
install exited abnormally
sending termination signals... done
sending kill signals...done
unmounting filesystems
you may safely reboot your system

plus I tried using the autboot.bat and whenever it said it was going to 
start reading the cd-rom it just halted. Can you please help?
Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

[newbie] Gimp Printer problems with HP 832c

2000-03-06 Thread hugh

Hi does anyone know anything about gimp? I am trying it out
with my printer, But I am getting really bad results. I have a HP 832c
It will work with the 500c drivers but not very well with the 800 series
drivers. Anybody want to offer and ideas? :)


Re: [newbie] Renaming from upper case to lower case?

2000-03-06 Thread Alex V Flinsch

On Mon, 06 Mar 2000, you wrote:
 Is there a way to rename files under linux from upper case to lower case all
 at once?  I need to rename about 300+ files from upper to lower and don't
 want to do it manually everytime.

Not directly, but there are as about as many scripts to do it as there are
script writers

try this

# python script to rename files to lower case
import string
import sys,os
for file in file_names:
if nfiles  0:
   print "Renaming ",file, new_file
   x=os.system("mv "+file+" "+new_file)

(Go easy on me, I'm a COBOL programmer in real life)

[newbie] More Impressed Than Ever

2000-03-06 Thread Larry Varney

  With Mandrake 7.0's installation. I had mentioned earlier how it had
included the XFree86 3.3.6, which now recognizes my S3 Savage 3D card,
and my Maestro sound chip. Today, though, I was even more impressed.
  I used Partition Magic on a friend's machine to create a /boot
partition for him (he's got a very big hard drive), making sure that it
was within the first 8 gigabytes. He also has a cable modem
(RoadRunner). I had read various sites on the web about how to work with
DHCP and all that, and was prepared for an ordeal.
  Mandrake detected his ethernet card. When I told it that there were no
others, it went on to the next selection. I though, uh-oh, I guess I'll
have to deal with that stuff later. And, probably due to some
installation decision I made (such as no dial-out modem support) it
didn't seem to install Netscape. So, once everything appeared to be
done, I rebooted, up came the desktop, I entered 'www.cnn.com' in KFM,
and I was connected!
  I can't say everything went smoothly, as it seemed to have a problem
with his RW CD-ROM until I removed the supermount from the line in
mstab. But other than that, I am more than impressed. Mandrake, you guys
make a great distribution!
Larry Varney
Cold Spring, KY
Powered by Linux!

Re: [newbie] NIC support

2000-03-06 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

looking at the supported hardware list for nics I do not see 
the card name or the chipset name.
is this is a PnP card?
if so, have you tried to disable the PnP functionality
before you install?

Charles Sharp wrote:
 "Ronald J. Yacketta" wrote:
  there are a couple of ways
  look at the documentation you got with your pc
  look on the nic itself
  call customer support (doubt this one tho)
  Charles Sharp wrote:
   "Ronald J. Yacketta" wrote:
what chipset is it?
tulip? rtl8139? etc..
give us some specs from the card and we should beable to say hay or nay
on the use of the card. if it is a PnP card, see if you can turn the PnP
ability off and assign it a irq like 9 or 10
   I wrote Diamond (the makers of the card) and they told me it uses a Broadcom
 chipset, the company who makes that chipset is of the same name.

[newbie] newbie questions

2000-03-06 Thread John White

Two questions for which I have not located answers on the web site:

What's the difference between Air and Helios?

Where can I find a minimum hardware requirement list for Mandrake? I'm low
on VRAM.


[newbie] ATAPI Zip Drive

2000-03-06 Thread Nicholas Imfeld

Can someone offer some help and tips for getting my ATAPI Zip 100 working?
Much thanks.


Re: [newbie] C++ Compiler Help

2000-03-06 Thread Anthony Huereca

Here's how I do it: g++ -o executable_name source_code.cpp

That should compile it. I personally have that all set up into a script so it
takes less time to type. Put 

g++ -o $1 $1.cpp; ./$1

into a text file, like "compile", chmod it (chmod u+x compile), and move it
in your path, like /usr/local/bin. Then to compile a program you wrote, just
type "compile program_name" and it'll compile and run it automatically. And as
far as I know, all compilers work the same way. 

 hey, this is an easy question:
 How do I compile a program under g++
 I just can't figure it out
 lets say, I have a file called "test.cpp" under / the dir
 how would I compile it?
 when i try, it does not return anything on the command line
 and just makes a new command line, just like when i started!
 also, do all the compilers work the same way? ie - gcc, etc.

Anthony Huereca
Press any key to continue and any other key to quit

[newbie] Mandrake Doesn't Support Java

2000-03-06 Thread Lane Lester

I decided to make the Subject more confrontational, since my previous gentle request 
didn't get a reply. g

I have a Java app, Moneydance, which serves me well for my personal and small business 
finances. As a Java app, it runs in both Windows and Corel Linux. When I couldn't get 
it work in Mandrake, I couldn't find the java files that needed to be there. I was 
amazed that an "everything but the kitchen sink" installation didn't include Java.

So, are any of you running Java apps in 7.0? How did you manage it?

Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA
Using Linux to get where I want to go...

Re: [newbie] newbie questions

2000-03-06 Thread Anthony Huereca

 What's the difference between Air and Helios?

Air is Mandrake 7.0. Helios is Mandrake 6.1. As for differences, 7.0 has all
these things updated or new listed here: http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/airfeat.php3

 Where can I find a minimum hardware requirement list for Mandrake? I'm low
 on VRAM.

I couldn't find it on the site, but guessing..
Pentium-class processor, probally about 100 MB of HD space for bare minum, but
you'll probally want at least 500 MB. 16 MB of RAM for no X installation, if
you want to run X, probally 32-64 MB. And the hardware supported list must
include your hardware: http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/fhard.php3

Anthony Huereca
Press any key to continue and any other key to quit

Re: [[newbie] X problem]

2000-03-06 Thread Victor Richardson

That makes the most sense, thanks I'll try it out after dinner and let
you know.
Lee Williiams wrote:
Why don't you boot from the CD do an upgrade and
just install KDE and X. So do not format your partitions.

Many Thanks

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 C i s c o S y s t e m s
 || ||
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 Linux is like a wigwam...
 No windows, no gates.
 Apache inside

Re: [newbie] NIC support

2000-03-06 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta


I have two of them in my box :)

rather easy to install
lets take the easier route here (could have you editing files but we
wont ;) )

if your useing kde (login as root)
and fire up DraxConfig
goto Basic host information
select Adapter 1
Select enable
Select dhcp
set network device to eth0
set kernel module to tulip
click accept
click quit
click activate changes
click quit

open a console and type
rpm -ql dhcpcd
if it says not installed then goto your linux distro
navigate to the RPMS directory and type
rpm -Uhv dhcp-client-3.0b1pl12-2mdk.i586.rpm
"ifup eth0"
"ifconfig eth0" 
you should see something like:
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:E0:C5:F4:08:3A
  inet addr:  Bcast: 
  RX packets:126274 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:91755 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:1326 txqueuelen:100
  Interrupt:9 Base address:0xb400 

if you see the above then you are more than likely GOLDEN :)


Charles Sharp wrote:s
  there are a couple of ways
  look at the documentation you got with your pc
  look on the nic itself
  call customer support (doubt this one tho)
   I gave up on the one card.  I went out and bought a cheap LinkSys 10/100 card
 from a suggestion on a linux board, they said it uses the Tulip driver.  Now,
 I've installed it, and have been able to use this card on the windows side, how
 to I activate it and use it on the Linux side?  I'm running Linux Mandrake
 7.0.2.  Thanks in advance.

Re: [newbie] Windows Protection?

2000-03-06 Thread Brian

I concurr, your mother will absolutely be a little angry... well maybe
alot... but I am a positive thinker

apart from formatting... you can try this first...

restart the computer in MS DOS mode and go to the windows directory and use
the deltree command (there are other commands and ways, but this is usually
the easiest to explain) type (without the quotes) "deltree system.da*" and
you will most likely be prompted with system.dat and system.da0 (that is a
zero) also do the same for "user.da*" as there wil also be user.dat and

these 4 files make up both the system registry and its backup... once these
have been deleted try reinstalling windows over the top of itself agreeing
to overwrite any newer files (ie if you installed any patches or
enhancements like IE 5 or the like you do not want older core files and
newer addon files trying to work (read CRASH) togeather.

You should only try this after you have attempted to back up any data as
[EMAIL PROTECTED] suggested... but before you try the formatting as if you
cannot retrieve the data from safe mode this may allow you to once you
reinstall windows... btw still repartition and reformat after you have
backed up all vital data...

May you be fortunate in your attempts at data recovery

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2000 4:50 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Windows Protection?

 Your mom's probably going to kill you.  It sounds like you corrupted
 pretty good.  Ever backed up anything before?  If you can get into safe
 do that and back up any and all DATA (not programs) you have.  Then you'll
 probably have to reformat the hd.

 It sounds as though you interupted PM while it was rearranging things.

 One other thing you can try is boot to command prompt only and type
 /restore' at the prompt.  Try to reboot.

 If it's Win98 it MIGHT also reinstall over the top of itself, but I
wouldn't do
 that - I'd format.

  Below is a copy of a problem that I sent to the tech support at
Linuxcare. I
  figured someone here might know something to help and be able to answer
  sooner. Please help me out here. By the way, I also went to
  (Partition Magic's developers) and checked out their help files and
  them what to do. They had a solution but it doesn't work on my machine
  (something about not having a smartdrv.exe file). I am so lost here and
  appreciate any suggestions.
  I've just bought McMillan's The Complete Linux Operating System 6.5
  My computer has an AMD-K6 3D processor and 32 megs of ram a 6.2 gig
  hard drive and is made by Proteva. The OS that came with this package is
  Linux, distribution Mandrake 6.1. My audio card is a SoundBlaster
  compatible and my vid card is just standard (don't know specs, 2 megs of
  vidram I think...). If you need any info that would be on the system
  resource report I have a print out that I did right before I destroyed
  computer. Here goes: the package comes with a version of Partition Magic
  while that was running I think I pushed ESC or something because it
  like it was frozen. This was at about 50% complete I think. Then it
  off and the machine restarts. It comes up to the screen asking if I want
  safe mode or command line only and all of those things and I thought
  was normal so I inserted the installation CD and restarted. When I used
  Druid I
  realized something was wrong because it didn't acknowledge the Linux
  native and swap partitions I thought I had created with Partition Magic.
  I restarted and ejected the CD and got back to the query screen as to
  way I wanted to load. SO I chose safe mode (and later all of the other
  possibilities to load Windows 98) and every time it said "Windows
  error. You need to restart your computer/ Press a key to continue..." so
  do and it happens again on every option except "safe mode and command
  only" or "command prompt only". The only thing is I don't know what to
  about only being in the command prompt. Please help me or my mother will
  kill me.
  Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

 Ty C. Mixon
 F.T.C. Enterprises
 ICQ 26147713

Re: [newbie] newbie questions

2000-03-06 Thread Alan Shoemaker

JohnAir is version 7.0 and Helios is version 6.1.  Hardware
info can be found at:



John White wrote:
 Two questions for which I have not located answers on the web site:
 What's the difference between Air and Helios?
 Where can I find a minimum hardware requirement list for Mandrake? I'm low
 on VRAM.

Re: [newbie] BIOS, sound, and modem

2000-03-06 Thread Rial Juan

Well, a friend of mine also has one of these "brand PC's" with weird BIOS that
doesn't follow the "press DEL to enter BIOS" convention. So what I basically do
is this: from the instant you  power on the box, press and hold down a key (I
usually take DEL, but any key should work). Then it'll detect some keyboard
malfunction and ask you to press F2 (probably differs on your HP) to enter BIOS.

This trick might work, or perhaps not. Worth a shot though.

ps: perhaps the BIOS is password protected (some vendors do this so they don't
have to fix what you screw up). In this case you should call the helpdesk for
the password, but I 've seen some vendors that cancel your warranty if you do.
So watch out ;)

On Mar 6 Matthew Loschmann wrote:

 I have some problems with setting up my sound card and modem, somebody
 emailed back and said that you have to turn off PnP in the Bios settings. I
 have a newer computer HP Pavilion and when it boots up it doesn't give you
 and option to enter into bios so How do I get into BIOS?


Rial Juan  http://nighty.ulyssis.org
Belgiumtel:  (++32) 89/856533
ulyssis system admininstrator http://www.ulyssis.org
Unix IS user-friendly. It's just not ignorant-friendly
or idiot-friendly.


Sign the petition at http://www.libranet.com/petition.html
Help bring us more Linux Drivers

Re: [newbie] Internet Access

2000-03-06 Thread Dan

 Anyone know how to get FreeI, Homestead, or Yahoo's
 free internet 
 access to work? Are there any free internet services
 for LINUX?
www.freewwweb.com works.  I've also heard that
www.worldshare.net works.  I can't seem to
get it to work.  Anybody have an info much 
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Doesn't Support Java

2000-03-06 Thread bosco

Lane Lester wrote:

 I decided to make the Subject more confrontational, since my previous gentle request 
didn't get a reply. g

 I have a Java app, Moneydance, which serves me well for my personal and small 
business finances. As a Java app, it runs in both Windows and Corel Linux. When I 
couldn't get it work in Mandrake, I couldn't find the java files that needed to be 
there. I was amazed that an "everything but the kitchen sink" installation didn't 
include Java.

 So, are any of you running Java apps in 7.0? How did you manage it?
 Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA
 Using Linux to get where I want to go...

If I'm not mistaken, you would need a JavaVM right? This is a good topic as I needed 
help as well.. Does anyone know of some sites that explain running ICQ for Linux b/c 
ICQ's website was sorely lacking. But you have to download a JavaVM and compile it.. 
Anyhelp would be greatly appreciated!



[newbie] .sh files

2000-03-06 Thread bosco


I have Mandrake v7.0 and run KDE. I downloaded the Linux binaries for
Quake3 Arena. They end with .sh but I can't seem to get anything to
happen. Could someone provide some insight into what I need to make this
file work?!



Re: [newbie] /, /usr, and /opt?

2000-03-06 Thread Emilio Correa

Hi, I will tell you how I create my partitions and thats ok for me:
My main partition (hda) has about 3 GB, and then in the installation I 
/ (500 MB)  (here is important to give space for /temp )
/usr (2 GB)
/swap (128 MB)  (depending of your RAM memory)
/local (370 MB)   (personal files of users)

I read that all the soft you will install should be in /usr/local
You can change the size of any partition with "Partition Magic" 
without reinstalling all! (I could do it ) If you can't shout me.
good luck

From:   "Lothar Mandrake" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:  Fri, 03 Mar 2000 12:35:56 GMT
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:[newbie] /, /usr, and /opt?

  Are there any figures available on how much space is taken up in every 
 file system in the default installation?  What I mean by that is, are there 
 any numbers for how big the /, the /usr, the /etc, the /opt, the /var etc. 
 partitions absolutely have to be in order to accomodate a full installation, 
 including everything?
  Given the advice I have received this far, I am thinking that perhaps I 
 should make a 1 Gb partition for /, another 1 Gb partition for /opt, and a 
 third 1 Gb partition for /usr.  Is this a good idea?
  Another alternative is of course to make separate /etc, /var, /opt, 
 /usr, /, and so on, for every file system?  I'd feel pretty silly if I had 
 made one partition too small and eventually had to reformat and reinstall 
 the entire system, just because one of the partitions turned out to be too 
 small.  That is why I want to do this right from the beginning.  Which of 
 the alternatives is best?
 Some of the applications I plan to install I guess will end up in /usr.  
 I thought this was where all third-party software was installed, but 
 apparently some will end up in /opt?  Is this true?  In that case perhaps I 
 should only make a separate /opt, instead of a separate /usr?
  I am grateful for all help.
 Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

Emilio Correa
(Informática/Listas de Correo)

Re: [newbie] boot to console

2000-03-06 Thread Emilio Correa

Hi, I think you refer to the file /var/log/dmesg where you can review 
the mesagges.
Good luck!!

Date sent:  Sun, 05 Mar 2000 21:09:51 +0100
From:   Harald Wolf [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: mandrake [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:[newbie] boot to console

 how can a review the error messages that my new selfcreated kernel
 produces on startup ?
 how avoid start up xdm automatically after boot so i can step back with
 "Shift-Up" to see the exact errormessages ?

Emilio Correa
(Informática/Listas de Correo)

Re: [newbie] change back to kde?

2000-03-06 Thread Emilio Correa

I think you refer to the command kde in a new virtual console or 
may be you should change the windows manager with the switch 
tool, i think in configuration or sistem options. Look for it.
Note that you can run for example kde in one console and gnome in 
another one!! (if it help you)
Good luck!!

Date sent:  Sun, 5 Mar 2000 04:29:26 -0800 (PST)
From:   Dale Morris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:[newbie] change back to kde?

 I swtiched desk to gnome from kde and now I want to switch back. There's
 no gui command for this on the desktop. What's the command I have to issue
 to do this?
 Gnome is SOOO slow in Mandrake 7.0 (at least the xterm)
 "my mind is scheduled to clear tomorrow, then not again for another 400 years."

Emilio Correa
(Informática/Listas de Correo)

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Doesn't Support Java

2000-03-06 Thread Richard Yevchak

I think LM 7.0 ships with gauvac(?).  Since I do a little Java programming I
downloaded the latest 1.2.2 release candidate from www.blackdown.org.  Try
that.  Other than that, what errors are you getting?


On Mon, 06 Mar
2000, you wrote:  I decided to make the Subject more confrontational, since my
previous gentle request didn't get a reply. g  
 I have a Java app, Moneydance, which serves me well for my personal and small 
business finances. As a Java app, it runs in both Windows and Corel Linux. When I 
couldn't get it work in Mandrake, I couldn't find the java files that needed to be 
there. I was amazed that an "everything but the kitchen sink" installation didn't 
include Java.
 So, are any of you running Java apps in 7.0? How did you manage it?
 Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA
 Using Linux to get where I want to go...

[newbie] Internet Access

2000-03-06 Thread Mike Fieschko


DLM4IDM Anyone know how to get FreeI, Homestead, or Yahoo's free
DLM4IDM internet access to work? Are there any free internet
DLM4IDM services for LINUX?

A good place to learn of Linux news is


A free ISP for Linux was recently announced


Mike Fieschko, West Orange, NJ, USA
X-Mailer: VM 6.75 under 21.1.8 XEmacs and random-sig.el
Kernel 2.2.15-5mdk
Mar 6 Sts Perpetua and Felicity
"We hear much about new religions; many of them based on the very
latest novelties of Buddha and Pythagoras."  [G.K. Chesterton, in The
Thing: Why I Am a Catholic]

[newbie] NIC confusion

2000-03-06 Thread Jaguar

I finally got a burn of MDK 7.02 from a buddy.
During install, it failed to find my 3Com503 NIC.  I have two NIC's (3C503,
and 3C509B) in my stand alone MDK box. 

When I got to the NIC setup (I have a cable modem) what happened to the
comprehensive IP/DNS info screen "a la 6.0"?? Since I couldn't figure out how
to put in all my cable info...I ended up re-installing 6.0 setting it up from
memory almost :)...then upgrading to 7.02.

The very first time in MDK 6.0 after initial install I was surfing the Net
(for some strange reason I don't require DHCP, and my IP is STATIC).
Now back to 7.02... after checking some of the great new features in MDK, I
found the Drakconfig icon...and looked at the hardware info...yup ONLY the
3C509B NIC listed as installed. So I setup the 3C503 ...I know it's there as
it returns info from ifconfig, but it is still not listed in the Hardware
Is this a small bug or something?

Small word to MDK personnel...could you replace the NIC setup like it was in
6.0 or maybe have a second window for additionall info?


Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at 

[newbie] No Sound

2000-03-06 Thread Rodney Feltus

I have a Dell Dimension XPS Pro200 with a builtin sound card. I'm unable to get
it working. The sound card is a sound blaster 16.

RE: [newbie] BIOS, sound, and modem

2000-03-06 Thread Ty Morton

there are other key combos to get into the bios as well some of them are
Ctrl + shift +esc or Ctrl + alt +esc or Shift F2 or Ctrl Shift f2 Usually it
is one of those or just F2 


-Original Message-
From: Rial Juan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 06, 2000 9:01 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] BIOS, sound, and modem

Well, a friend of mine also has one of these "brand PC's" with weird BIOS
doesn't follow the "press DEL to enter BIOS" convention. So what I basically
is this: from the instant you  power on the box, press and hold down a key
usually take DEL, but any key should work). Then it'll detect some keyboard
malfunction and ask you to press F2 (probably differs on your HP) to enter

This trick might work, or perhaps not. Worth a shot though.

ps: perhaps the BIOS is password protected (some vendors do this so they
have to fix what you screw up). In this case you should call the helpdesk
the password, but I 've seen some vendors that cancel your warranty if you
So watch out ;)

On Mar 6 Matthew Loschmann wrote:

 I have some problems with setting up my sound card and modem, somebody
 emailed back and said that you have to turn off PnP in the Bios settings.
 have a newer computer HP Pavilion and when it boots up it doesn't give you
 and option to enter into bios so How do I get into BIOS?


Rial Juan  http://nighty.ulyssis.org
Belgiumtel:  (++32) 89/856533
ulyssis system admininstrator http://www.ulyssis.org
Unix IS user-friendly. It's just not ignorant-friendly
or idiot-friendly.


Sign the petition at http://www.libranet.com/petition.html
Help bring us more Linux Drivers

Re: [newbie] NIC support

2000-03-06 Thread Mike Fieschko

 "Charles" == Charles Sharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


Charles board, they said it uses the Tulip driver.  Now, I've
Charles installed it, and have been able to use this card on the
Charles windows side, how to I activate it and use it on the
Charles Linux side?  I'm running Linux Mandrake 7.0.2.  Thanks in
Charles advance.

Do you have a file

/lib/modules/[whatever-kernel-version-you-have]/net/tulip.o ?

If yes, try

'modprobe tulip' to see if the card is recognized.

You could also try doing


as root, so set up the cards (since I assume you have only one
ethernet card in your machine, the tulip card'll be eth0 (that's
numeral zero, not letter 'oh').

In linuxconf, you get to assign eth0 its IP address, and everything
else (netmask, net device  module, are defaults, 'eth0' and
'tulip').  This Linksys needs no IRQ, etc., specified.  You _must_
assign an IP address:  one will _not_ be automagically assigned.

You may use linuxconf to bring up the eth0 interface, or if you are
used to MS Windows, reboot, and you ought to see eth0 initialization
in the dmesg.

Mike Fieschko, West Orange, NJ, USA
X-Mailer: VM 6.75 under 21.1.8 XEmacs and random-sig.el
Kernel 2.2.15-5mdk
Mar 6 Sts Perpetua and Felicity
"You have demonstrated at least in my adult lifetime a higher
commitment to the kind of moral leadership that I value in public
service and public policy than any person that I have ever met."
[Democratic National Committee Chairman Steve Grossman to President
Clinton 9/14/98]

[newbie] kde themes - last question for the night!

2000-03-06 Thread bosco

Greetings all,

I have this problem. I have Mandrake 7.0 and run the stock KDE that came
with it. When I apply new themes,  alot ( read most ) don't seem to
function properly. For instance almost all of them don't change the
"start bar" at the bottom of the screen. I look at the screenshots to
make sure they look different in this particular theme and they do.
However, when I apply the change on my system it does not. I thought
maybe there was a apply/don't apply somewhere in the settings, but I
have all of those marked in the Theme Manager... Please help, themes are
a big reason I love Linux.. :)

Assistant Coder  Resident Crackhead

" I don't know everything, but careful, I may claim to! "

Re: [newbie] FTP install issues

2000-03-06 Thread Jon Hunter

Two suggestions:

1.  Try ne2000 for your nic driver
2.  Copy the kernel off the disk onto your small DOS partition and use LoadLin

J Michael Graham wrote:

 Here is the situation:

 I got an old laptop from a friend and am trying to get Linux running.
 The real issue is that the floppy/cdrom bay is in NO way hot swappable.

 So, I was trying to use a ftp install, but the NIC isn't in the pcmcia
 support disk. (linksys etherfast 10/100)
 So, I tried copying the cdrom boot disk onto the HD, but of course, that
 won't boot

 I have a fair bit of investigating as to how to get my NIC working, but of
 course, I can't compile the module until I have Linux running.

 Anyone with any suggestions (other than just go buy a different NIC =P ), I
 would greatly appreciate them.

 NT Mastah/Linux Foo

Re: [newbie] X problem

2000-03-06 Thread Jon Hunter

At the lilo prompt:

linux single

log in as root and change /etc/inittab to go init 3 (Read this file, it is

Sounds like you are converting an old Compaq.  I have one I use as a file
server.  Works much better in Linux.  Major crash every 3 months under

Hasn't crashed yet in Linux...

Victor Richardson wrote:

 I just did a new install(custom, server) that's set to automatically
 start X, and must have misconfigured X. The system boots smoothly, but
 when it shows root login and the mandrake logo the screen goes black and
 the system locks up. Reboot causes the same thing to happen again.

 Is it possible or how do I get the OS not to launch X, and then how do I
 reconfigure it to the proper video card(S3 Trio 3D) and monitor? My
 monitor is an old Compag Presario 1500 and I'm not really sure what the
 right resolution and refresh rate is, so I think setting it to standard
 SVGA 800 x 600 should work.

 Any suggestions appreciated,


Re: [newbie] NIC confusion

2000-03-06 Thread Lee Williiams

You will find that the problem is an irq problem, look at
the /proc/interrupts
if you have 'windows' 'ah hate that word'
find out the irq for this card
then in /etc/pcmcia/config.opts use the exclude command to force your
card to use the correct irq number
ie: if your card needs irq 7 and you had irq's 5,7,8,3
left for the system to give out type
exclude irq 5
exclude irq 8
exclude irq 3
not the best example as the sound card will normally use 5, but
Ihope that you get the picture.
do cardctl ident, cardctl config, this will show you
if the card is recognized by the system as the card or just a pcmcia 'card'
ready if it doesn't show your card then you need to re compile a
new driver and hack the /etc/pcmcia/config file. - I hope for your
sake its the latter.
Please also remember that after excluding the irq's its always best
to reboot.. had some problems stoping and starting pcmcia
so I would suggest doing the reboot, also remember that if you haven't
entered static ip information for the card into netcfg or linuxconf then
on exectuting ie: ifconfig eth0 up, this will automatically start
the dhcpcd, or pump , demons... if this works then
You have exercised the demons, the house is safe for return
(sorry too much coffee)... :-)

Many Thanks

IP Phone: +33 (0)1 58 04 5202 VDT Technical Lead
Mobile: +33 (0)6 89 10 8140 EMEA SPECIAL PROJECTS
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 Linux is like a wigwam...
 No windows, no gates.
 Apache inside

Re: [Re: [newbie] NIC confusion]

2000-03-06 Thread Jaguar

Well since both cards are ISA...and both ARE workingit is just the fact
that both cards are NOT listed in DrakConf.the 3C509B is listed...but not the
But the IP/DNS for NIC setup in DrakX is not as easy to understand as in 6.0
3C503 @ 0X300 IRQ 3  ---working
3C509B @0X310 IRQ 10 ---working
Sound @ 0X220 IRQ 5 DMA 1 ---working
They are both listed and working in ifconfig, but not listed in Drakconf as

Lee Williiams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   MIME Type: multipart/alternative 
 You will find that the problem is an irq problem,   look at the
 if you have 'windows' 'ah hate that word'
 find out the irq for this card
 then in /etc/pcmcia/config.opts use the exclude command to force your
 card to use the correct irq number
 ie:  if your card needs irq 7   and you had irq's 5,7,8,3 left for the
 system to give out type
 exclude irq 5
 exclude irq 8
 exclude irq 3
 not the best example as the sound card will normally use 5,  but I hope
 that you get the picture.
 do cardctl ident,  cardctl config,   this will show you if the card is
 recognized by the system as the card or just a pcmcia 'card' ready  if
 it doesn't show your card then you need to re compile a new driver and
 hack the /etc/pcmcia/config file. -  I hope for your sake its the
 Please also remember that after excluding the irq's its always best to
 reboot..had some problems stoping and starting pcmcia so I would
 suggest doing the reboot,  also remember that if you haven't entered
 static ip information for the card into netcfg or linuxconf then on
 exectuting ie: ifconfig eth0 up,  this will automatically start the
 dhcpcd,  or pump ,  demons...   if this works then
 You have exercised the demons,  the house is safe for return  (sorry
 too much coffee)...  :-)
 Many Thanks
 IP Phone: +33 (0)1 58 04 5202   VDT Technical Lead
 Mobile:   +33 (0)6 89 10 8140   EMEA SPECIAL PROJECTS
   C  i  s  c  o  S  y  s  t  e  m  s
||  ||
   |   |
  ||| |||
 Linux is like a wigwam...
 No windows, no gates.
 Apache inside

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[newbie] unsubscribes

2000-03-06 Thread hamdi


n: ; 
org:PT Rajawali Tri Manunggal;Information Technology
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:System Engineer
adr;quoted-printable:;;Menara DEA 10/F - Jl. Mega Kuningan Barat IX=0D=0AKav.E.4.3/1 Mega Kuningan=0D=0AJakarta 12950=0D=0AIndonesia

[newbie] unsubscribe

2000-03-06 Thread hamdi


n: ; 
org:PT Rajawali Tri Manunggal;Information Technology
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:System Engineer
adr;quoted-printable:;;Menara DEA 10/F - Jl. Mega Kuningan Barat IX=0D=0AKav.E.4.3/1 Mega Kuningan=0D=0AJakarta 12950=0D=0AIndonesia

[newbie] unsubscribes

2000-03-06 Thread vladimir maizus



RE: [newbie] USB Mouse and Mandrake 7

2000-03-06 Thread Weyts J (Jornt)

My USB-mouse works just fine,, it even was detected during the install
(mandrake 7.0-2).
I was surprised myself.
but again Mandrake turns out to be a great OS

with great power, comes great responsibility
-uncle Ben-

 From: George Jones IV[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 04 March 2000 03:11
 Subject:  [newbie] USB Mouse and Mandrake 7
 I just installed a nice little USB mouse on my pc which, obviously, works
 quite well in WinSlo98. I haven't booted up to Linux with it yet, do they
 even work under 7.0???

Re: [newbie] MacMillan Mandrake 7.0

2000-03-06 Thread

Not sure -but I do know that the download version is 7.02 - Im using it, and 
I am a newbie- LOVE IT !

To: "'mandrake'" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newbie] MacMillan Mandrake 7.0
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 22:00:04 -0500

Does anyone know if MacMillan's version has Mandrake 7.0 or 7.0.2? On the
box, it doesn't indicate 7.0.2.


Rick Friedman
Salant Corp. - MIS
800-472-8013 x75105

"The closest thing to heaven on earth is Yankee Stadium."

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

Re: [newbie] USB Mouse and Mandrake 7

2000-03-06 Thread Lee Williiams

Please be aware that in Mandrake 7.0 you will have to run /usr/sbin/mousedrake
and then after installing restart your X server

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Re: [newbie] X problem

2000-03-06 Thread Piero Caracciolo

At 21:20 05/03/00 -0800, you wrote:
I just did a new install(custom, server) that's set to automatically
start X, and must have misconfigured X. The system boots smoothly, but
when it shows root login and the mandrake logo the screen goes black and
the system locks up. Reboot causes the same thing to happen again.

Is it possible or how do I get the OS not to launch X, and then how do I
reconfigure it to the proper video card(S3 Trio 3D) and monitor? My
monitor is an old Compag Presario 1500 and I'm not really sure what the
right resolution and refresh rate is, so I think setting it to standard
SVGA 800 x 600 should work.

Any suggestions appreciated,


Boot from the boot disk you made during installation.
If you didn't make it, use the installation cd and do a fake upgrading.
Piero Caracciolo
54, rue de Bourgogne
75007 Paris - France

Re: [newbie] X problem

2000-03-06 Thread Victor Richardson

Thanks for suggestions, but I tried pressing both at different times in the
boot process, but it did nothing. Exactly when during the boot should I be
pressing it? Unfortunately, the screen locks up and goes black just as the
screen shows the Mandrake logo and the login prompt, so I can't do anything
including login.

Any other ideas?


ps. My brother is an EE (chips verification) at Cisco.

Lee Williiams wrote:

 On boot up can you not use the Ctrl Alt keys to take you to another
 screen log on as root and kill your Xterminal session and then edit
 /etc/inittab and change the boot method..

 Or else again try to get into another TTi session using the Ctrl and Alt
 keys and then after login as root type XF86Setup do not use the defaults
 this will allow you to setup your resolution etc correctly

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  ||| |||

Re: [newbie] sndconfig problems

2000-03-06 Thread Lee Williiams

that is not the correct path ...

You should try the following path on install..


A useful command for you.

find / -name filename -print

from this command you can get the correct path of the file you are trying to find.

 Are You Ready ?
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Re: [newbie] sndconfig problems

2000-03-06 Thread Lee Williiams

Another quick suggestion would be to copy that file to that location...
 Are You Ready ?
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[newbie] Sound wierdness

2000-03-06 Thread tymanthius

I had sound earlier.  I booted into Win2k.  Rebooted to Linux and added a FAT32 
partition.  Now I don't have sound.

Any ideas?

Ty C. Mixon
F.T.C. Enterprises
ICQ 26147713

RE: [newbie] test, ignore

2000-03-06 Thread Denis Havlik

:~djevojcica brala jagode

:~Couldn't resist Denis, but "a girl took (or is it picked)strawberries"? 

It is "picked". It goes on with "nesto je ubode" .-)


Re: [newbie] VCD Player

2000-03-06 Thread flupke

"-- XE --" a écrit :

 Is there any Video-CD player for Linux..??
 Or maybe a program to play dat files from CD-Rom..??
 Because I found that aktion only support AVI, MOV  FLI/FLC...


  -- XE --

I think it should be fine with xanim or smpeg


[newbie] Adding a second floppy drive

2000-03-06 Thread rassoc


I'm new to this list and new to LINUX too. I had all kinds of trouble
with Red Hat's 6.1 and finally gave up with it and tried Mandrake 7.0. I
even got my modem to work after several hours of "playing" with it. But
I can't get my second floppy drive to work. I've added a second line in
fstap but that didn't work. When the system is loading I can see a line
fly by with fd1 so I know its there.

Thanks in advance!

Lori Rothermel

Re: [[newbie] FTP install issues]

2000-03-06 Thread Michael Scottaline

"J Michael Graham" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here is the situation:
 I got an old laptop from a friend and am trying to get Linux running.
 The real issue is that the floppy/cdrom bay is in NO way hot swappable.
 So, I was trying to use a ftp install, but the NIC isn't in the pcmcia
 support disk. (linksys etherfast 10/100)
 So, I tried copying the cdrom boot disk onto the HD, but of course, that
 won't boot
 I have a fair bit of investigating as to how to get my NIC working, but of
 course, I can't compile the module until I have Linux running.
 Anyone with any suggestions (other than just go buy a different NIC =P ), I
 would greatly appreciate them.
 NT Mastah/Linux Foo
Have you tried changing your BIOS making the laptop bootable from the CDROM? 
Then you'll be able to install directly from there.

"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
-Benjamin Frankilin

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at 

Re: [[newbie] X problem]

2000-03-06 Thread Michael Scottaline

Victor Richardson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I just did a new install(custom, server) that's set to automatically
 start X, and must have misconfigured X. The system boots smoothly, but
 when it shows root login and the mandrake logo the screen goes black and
 the system locks up. Reboot causes the same thing to happen again.
 Is it possible or how do I get the OS not to launch X, and then how do I
 reconfigure it to the proper video card(S3 Trio 3D) and monitor? My
 monitor is an old Compag Presario 1500 and I'm not really sure what the
 right resolution and refresh rate is, so I think setting it to standard
 SVGA 800 x 600 should work.
 Any suggestions appreciated,
Hi Victor,
First, to get in w/o X, type "linux 3" (w/o quotes) at the LILO prompt.
My machine at work is an IBM w/ S3 Trio 3D.  I don't believe it is fully
supported as of yet by XFree86 (will be in 4.0)  I've gotten mine to work, but
only at 640x480 at 16bpp.  Try that in XF86Setup.  Then reboot and see if it

"Always remember that I have taken more out of alcohol
than alcohol has taken out of me."
--Winston Churchill

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RE: [newbie] Installation difficulties

2000-03-06 Thread Potts, Ross

You don't need to edit lilo.conf.  I had this problem last week, and someone
pointed out the same error on my part.  THANKS!  Sorry I can't remember you

Anyway, you can run the upgrade option on DrakX and fix it that way.  Just
select /dev/hda for booting and you're ready to rock.

...  Now, if I could just get my sound card (built in ESS1888) to not die after
4 seconds of running and MP3 file.

-Original Message-
From:   Alan Shoemaker [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Sunday, March 05, 2000 1:43 PM
Subject:Re: [newbie] Installation difficulties

RatsnakeBobit sounds like you installed lilo to the /boot
partition not the mbr.  You need to boot into linux with yout
boot floppy that you made during the installation process.  Then
you need to edit the first line of '/etc/lilo.conf' by removing
the number only, for instance change:


now open a console as the root user and type:


after this the system should boot by default into linux or you
can choose win98 by typing windows (or maybe dos, whatever label
is in lilo.conf) at the lilo 'boot:' prompt.


Ratsnake wrote:
 OK, after admitting that I was quite proficient at
 installing Red Hat Linux, and after becoming very
 disilussioned with Red Hat (i.e., the Linux version of
 Microsoft), I purchased the Mandrake distribution v. 7.0.
 Now, my hard disk has already been partitioned into 4
 separate compartments, as I was running Windows 98 and
 Windows NT.  However, I wiped my "C" hard disk in order to
 uninstall NT.  Now, after attempting to install the Mandrake
 Linux, I came to a dead end.  Admittedly, my hard disk is
 still partitoned, in other words, I only wiped the "C"
 drive.  I attempted to install the Mandrake Linux, and after
 re-booting, nothing happened, and the box automatically went
 into the Windows 98 O/S.  Any ideas, suggestions, etc.?
 What do I need to do to install the Mandrake Linux O/S?  Any
 help would be accepted.

[newbie] Intel i740

2000-03-06 Thread Softec - Javier Matos

How everyone:

I had a Intel Express 3D i740 video card and a LG StudioWorks 520Si 15"

It works properly under Mandrake 6.1 with Xfree 3.3.5. with 32 bits of
colours and 1024x768

But if I upgrade to Mandrake 7.0 I only can get 256 colours and 800x600.

I would like to know if anyone has the same problem or has a solution.


RE: [newbie] /, /usr, and /opt?

2000-03-06 Thread Potts, Ross

You will be wasting a lot of space.  / only needs about 50 MB.  I sent this out
last week.  Try to find a Red Hat 5.0 install book and look up its examples.

I've been doing this for about five years now, I the guidance I got when I
started with HP-UX and Solaris was that swap is 1.5 X your memory(so that there
would be enough space to record a whole memory dump in a crash), and / I already
gave you.  It is a really good idea to partition everything(not all directories,
though...just find that install guide).

Hope this helps

-Original Message-
From:   Lothar Mandrake [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Friday, March 03, 2000 7:36 AM
Subject:[newbie] /, /usr, and /opt?

 Are there any figures available on how much space is taken up in
file system in the default installation?  What I mean by that is, are
any numbers for how big the /, the /usr, the /etc, the /opt, the /var
partitions absolutely have to be in order to accomodate a full
including everything?

 Given the advice I have received this far, I am thinking that
perhaps I 
should make a 1 Gb partition for /, another 1 Gb partition for /opt, and
third 1 Gb partition for /usr.  Is this a good idea?

 Another alternative is of course to make separate /etc, /var, /opt,

/usr, /, and so on, for every file system?  I'd feel pretty silly if I
made one partition too small and eventually had to reformat and
the entire system, just because one of the partitions turned out to be
small.  That is why I want to do this right from the beginning.  Which
the alternatives is best?

Some of the applications I plan to install I guess will end up in
I thought this was where all third-party software was installed, but 
apparently some will end up in /opt?  Is this true?  In that case
perhaps I 
should only make a separate /opt, instead of a separate /usr?

 I am grateful for all help.


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2000-03-06 Thread Pittman, Merle

I had similar prob.  Eventhough my mouse is com1 in Win98 I had to install
mandrake 7.02 in expert mode and manually select com2 to get the mouse
working.  Don't know why, but it worked ???

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Friday, March 03, 2000 2:03 PM
 Subject:  Re: [newbie] HELP!! THE INSTALLATION DON'T WORK
 COM1 for mouse??  That's for a printer, usually.
 - Original Message -
 From: Antonio Noronha [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2000 1:42 AM
 I just bought the MANDRAKE 7.0 and when the
 installation begins he does't recognizes my mouse.
 I can let the installation go on because I can select
 some things using TAB ( like chose the partition in
 what linux will be installed ).
 My computer is a K6, 124Mb ram, 1 HD 1GB Maxtor (
 where the linux will be installed ), and 1 quantum
 fireball 2.4 GB.
 Windows and other linux versions recognizes the maouse
 at com1 /dev/tty0 as a old logitech serial mouse, but
 my MANDRAKE 7.0 don't, even when I choose the expert
 option of installation and set the com1 as used by a
 PPPLLLEEEAAAEEE how can I fix this???
 Best Regards
 Antonio Luiz Oliveira de Noronha
 Nucleo de Estudos em Química Medicinal - NEQUIM
 Chemistry Departament - DQ
 Federal University of Minas Gerais - UFMG
 Belo Horizonte, MG
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

RE: [newbie] X problem

2000-03-06 Thread Potts, Ross

Try one of the S3 drivers.  I had a problem with MDK 7.0 auto selecting SVGA for
me, but didn't figure it out until I remembered I had a SVGA problem with
FreeBSD(which I still love, I just get tired of selecting every little thing I
want installed).

-Original Message-
From:   Victor Richardson [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Monday, March 06, 2000 12:20 AM
Subject:[newbie] X problem

I just did a new install(custom, server) that's set to automatically
start X, and must have misconfigured X. The system boots smoothly, but
when it shows root login and the mandrake logo the screen goes black and
the system locks up. Reboot causes the same thing to happen again.

Is it possible or how do I get the OS not to launch X, and then how do I
reconfigure it to the proper video card(S3 Trio 3D) and monitor? My
monitor is an old Compag Presario 1500 and I'm not really sure what the
right resolution and refresh rate is, so I think setting it to standard
SVGA 800 x 600 should work.

Any suggestions appreciated,


RE: [newbie] Looking At DOS files from Linux....

2000-03-06 Thread Pittman, Merle

What distribution of linux are you using?  Mandrake 7.0 (that's what I'm
using, not sure about earlier versions) your dos partitions automatically
get mounted when linux boots.  If you are running KDE or some other Xmanager
it is a simple as clicking the DOS partition icon.

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Sunday, March 05, 2000 8:11 AM
 Subject:  [newbie] Looking At DOS files from Linux
 how do i get into my DOS files from linux?
 i need to know cuz i cant get my canle modem working with mandrake and i
 download all my linux stuff from windows.

RE: [newbie] need FTP

2000-03-06 Thread Pittman, Merle

there is a package with Mandrake 7.0 called "gftp".  It is a graphical FTP
client much like CuteFTP.  Works great too!

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Sunday, March 05, 2000 8:11 AM
 To:   Mandrake Linux
 Subject:  [newbie] need FTP
 Hey where's a rpm for ftp...on the 7.02 CD...
 whats it called?
 I need a way to upload my files...from within Linux...
 need something good like CuteFTP
 ICQ# 7110071
 (personal webserver,does NOT run 24/7)

RE: [newbie] NIC support

2000-03-06 Thread Pittman, Merle

BTW.  $10 is not a deal.  You can order the CD from many websites for $1.99
or less.  Just some info for next time.

 -Original Message-
 From: Charles Sharp [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, March 05, 2000 4:34 PM
 Subject:  [newbie] NIC support
 I just installed Mandrake Linux 6.0 (got it for $10 at a local
 store).  The installation and everything went fine, but I'm not sure
 whether or not it supports my ethernet card.  I have a Diamond HomePNA
 card that came with my Compaq.  Can I get this version to support my
 card?  Thanks in advance.
 Charles Sharp

RE: [newbie] FTP install issues

2000-03-06 Thread Pittman, Merle

The CDROM/Floppy doesn't have to be hot swapable.  Just boot from and
install from the CD, no need for the Floppy.  You may need to change a
setting in your BIOS to enable CDROM booting.

 -Original Message-
 From: J Michael Graham [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, March 06, 2000 12:39 AM
 Subject:  [newbie] FTP install issues
 Here is the situation:
 I got an old laptop from a friend and am trying to get Linux running.
 The real issue is that the floppy/cdrom bay is in NO way hot swappable.
 So, I was trying to use a ftp install, but the NIC isn't in the pcmcia
 support disk. (linksys etherfast 10/100)
 So, I tried copying the cdrom boot disk onto the HD, but of course, that
 won't boot
 I have a fair bit of investigating as to how to get my NIC working, but of
 course, I can't compile the module until I have Linux running.
 Anyone with any suggestions (other than just go buy a different NIC =P ),
 would greatly appreciate them.
 NT Mastah/Linux Foo

Re: [newbie] clock gaining several hours a day

2000-03-06 Thread flupke

You could use an internet time server to get the exact time : rdate -s
And you could add this line in a startup script or in a cron job.


Michelle Schneider wrote:

 Ever since I had a power outage while running Linux my clock has been messed
 up.  It gains several hours a day.  The first thing I do every day is reset the
 clock.  I'm running Mandrake 6.0.

 Any suggestions?

 "Just because kittens are born in the hearth oven, that doesn't make them
 muffins."  Kahlan Amnell in _Temple of the Winds_ by Terry Goodkind.

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 6.1 sent me a mail

2000-03-06 Thread Bill Mote

It's simply the log file for MySQL (SQL dB server) which is running on your

- Original Message -
From: "Oliver L. Plaine Jr." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 05, 2000 4:55 PM
Subject: [newbie] Mandrake 6.1 sent me a mail

 Sun, 5 Mar 2000  15:33:21

 My MD "Helios" 2-2-13-7mdk, has sent me an E-mail saying "errors
 occurred while rotating logs"...? "/var/mysql.log failed" ..."no such
 file or directory"

 what is a MYSQL log ? (it sounds painful).

 I ran man mysql and it refers to some obscure data base?
 I ran info  mysql and it gives the identical cryptic explanation.

 I ran tree /var | less  It showed 248 directories and 269 files,
 but the linux is still hungry for mysql?

 They will not come out and say what exactly this log does, but
 I am not using any networking , internet, or off site modem usage in
 Linux.   If this is pertinent to one of these unused systems I will
 ignore it...
 If it is the master list for some important brain activity I
 want to correct it..

 Will some one tell me the importance of the MYSQL log?

 thank you
 Olly P

RE: [newbie] Looking At DOS files from Linux....

2000-03-06 Thread Jeroen Eijskoot (ETM)


Try this:

mkdir /mnt/windows
mount -t vfat /dev/hdXX /mnt/windows

The XX stands for the partition number, you can check this by giving the command:



-Original Message-
From: Pittman, Merle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: maandag, maart 06, 2000 1:48
Subject: RE: [newbie] Looking At DOS files from Linux

What distribution of linux are you using?  Mandrake 7.0 (that's what I'm
using, not sure about earlier versions) your dos partitions automatically
get mounted when linux boots.  If you are running KDE or some other Xmanager
it is a simple as clicking the DOS partition icon.

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Sunday, March 05, 2000 8:11 AM
 Subject:  [newbie] Looking At DOS files from Linux
 how do i get into my DOS files from linux?
 i need to know cuz i cant get my canle modem working with mandrake and i
 download all my linux stuff from windows.

[newbie] netscape

2000-03-06 Thread Eric MC DECLERCK

I have mdk 7.0.2 installed and an isdn card.
I ustilize kISDN from Millenium to connect to my ISP. It's works fine.
Netscape startup fine to.
But when trying to connect to a site an error message occurs :
'Can't find ...'
Netscape can't find the site I want to connect !!
I did not find what goes wrong.
Help fully appriciated.

Re: [newbie] new to Mandrake 7.0

2000-03-06 Thread Lance Borden


 2.  Also trying to get my Epson 600 printer and Iomega 250 zip drive to
 work...went to their sites and didn't see like a Linux driver for them...I
 though that is probably what they would need...am I right here?

Try http://lcewww.et.tudelft.nl/~haver/linux/epson.html
The site is a printer driver database where you'll find the 600 driver.

Not 100% sure about your zip drive. There is a zip HOW-TO that can get you
started on this. Seems like it's a little outdated, but it will direct you to
web sites that can help.

BTW, I'm finding that you can't search the "outside world" for stuff related to
linux. The best way to find resources, drivers, software, etc. is to use linux
web sites. It's a lot easier and faster (and you find a lot more stuff).


Re: [newbie] mandrake 6.0 with pentium II, Apache Server, Oracle 8i

2000-03-06 Thread Mandrake Account

By default root cannot login remotely.  It is not suggested to do this as 
it is a security risk.  This can be gotten around if you really need to do 
it  by editing /etc/securetty file.

As for the problem with X windows, not sure what is causing that as I have 
the graphic log in and have no problems login in as root.

At 09:57 AM 3/2/2000 -0600, FlipZ wrote:
i got 2 problems:

1.  I can't login as root, but i can login as my user and su to root.

2.,   Startx works with root but not the other users

Any help would be greta.


Re: [Re: [[newbie] FTP install issues]]

2000-03-06 Thread Jaguar

One more thing...if the laptop is NOT Pentium class...Mandrake may not even
install or the performance will be dismal.  MDK 6.0 and up is optimized for

Michael Scottaline [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 "J Michael Graham" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Here is the situation:
  I got an old laptop from a friend and am trying to get Linux running.
  The real issue is that the floppy/cdrom bay is in NO way hot swappable.
  So, I was trying to use a ftp install, but the NIC isn't in the pcmcia
  support disk. (linksys etherfast 10/100)
  So, I tried copying the cdrom boot disk onto the HD, but of course, that
  won't boot
  I have a fair bit of investigating as to how to get my NIC working, but
  course, I can't compile the module until I have Linux running.
  Anyone with any suggestions (other than just go buy a different NIC =P ),
  would greatly appreciate them.
  NT Mastah/Linux Foo
 Have you tried changing your BIOS making the laptop bootable from the CDROM?

 Then you'll be able to install directly from there.
 "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
   -Benjamin Frankilin
 Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at 

[newbie] VNC and Mandrake

2000-03-06 Thread Oliver Marshall


Has anyone got a working VNC installation running on Mandrake ??

I have tried, and just get a grey desktop window appearing on the client. I
have spoken to VNC and they say that i need to enter the windows manager and
its path into the xStartup window.

Do you know where KDE is stored ? Can I grab a copy of your xStartup script


[newbie] Unpacking an archive

2000-03-06 Thread Andrew

I'm sorry for the stupid question. I am new to linux. I have Linux-Mandrake
6.0 and am not sure how to do much with it, yet. Please help.

NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

Re: [newbie] VNC and Mandrake

2000-03-06 Thread Bill Mote

This works like a champ!  Here's what I did to make VNC work with not only
KDE, but kdm and I get to choose the window manager!

1. Delete (or comment) every line in ~/.vnc/xstartup

2. Start vncserver with the '-query localhost' option -- I also added
the -geometry 800x600 so that it'd fit nicely into my IE window which is
running on a system @ 1024x768.

3. If you're using kde and get the dpms error add a # in front of the line
"Init=kcmdpms -init" which is in the file:
/opt/kde/share/applnk/Settings/Desktop/kcmdpms.kdelnk  -- this part is
completely optional as waiting a few seconds after clicking the 'ok' button
will result in the normal kde desktop environment.

This will give you the kdm login screen upon connection to the vncserver.
From there you can chose the user to login as *AND* which window manager you
wish to use!

Now, if you don't want to use kdm, and why not?  It's an extra layer of
security.  You'd simply comment out every line in ~/.vnc/xstartup and add
the following line:

exec startkde

That'll bring you straight in to a KDE desktop.  I really like the ability
to choose my desktop and I love the added login security.  Also, for my case
~ or $HOME was root's.  I've yet to run vncserver as a user.

Bill Mote

- Original Message -
From: "Oliver Marshall" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 06, 2000 10:22 AM
Subject: [newbie] VNC and Mandrake


 Has anyone got a working VNC installation running on Mandrake ??

 I have tried, and just get a grey desktop window appearing on the client.
 have spoken to VNC and they say that i need to enter the windows manager
 its path into the xStartup window.

 Do you know where KDE is stored ? Can I grab a copy of your xStartup


Re: [newbie] Unpacking an archive

2000-03-06 Thread Bill Mote

Easiest way is to launch the filemanager (folder with a house on it).  Then
right click on the archive you want to work with.  In the popup menu there's
an option for "archiver".

Bill Mote
- Original Message -
From: "Andrew" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 06, 2000 10:50 AM
Subject: [newbie] Unpacking an archive

 I'm sorry for the stupid question. I am new to linux. I have
 6.0 and am not sure how to do much with it, yet. Please help.

 NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
 Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

Re: [newbie] netscape

2000-03-06 Thread Joseph S. Gardner

Eric MC DECLERCK wrote:

 I have mdk 7.0.2 installed and an isdn card.
 I ustilize kISDN from Millenium to connect to my ISP. It's works fine.
 Netscape startup fine to.
 But when trying to connect to a site an error message occurs :
 'Can't find ...'
 Netscape can't find the site I want to connect !!
 I did not find what goes wrong.
 Help fully appriciated.

You need to check for a file called   /etc/resolve.conf

it shoud contain the following:

search your_ISP_name.here(eg kirbywhq.com)
nameserver xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx  (your ISP's DNS server IP number)
nameserver xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx  (providing your ISP gave you 2 DNS numbers)

That should do it.

Joseph S. Gardner
Senior Designer / Technical Support
Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH

Linux is like a wigwam...
No windows, no gates.
Apache inside

Re: [newbie] Unpacking an archive

2000-03-06 Thread BryanMoorehead

You can do almost ANYTHING you dream of with it.   What would you like to do?
Be specific.


"Andrew" [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 03/06/2000 10:50:59 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: Bryan Moorehead/Link/Allied Holdings)
Subject:  [newbie] Unpacking an archive

I'm sorry for the stupid question. I am new to linux. I have Linux-Mandrake
6.0 and am not sure how to do much with it, yet. Please help.

NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

[newbie] Explain this if you can

2000-03-06 Thread Oliver Marshall

I installed Mandrake using the recommended option, and basically went with
the defaults.It all worked ok, but i couldnt telnet into the unix box from
anywhere on the network.

A client of mine told me to try re-installing it as a SERVER option, and
that this would help. Now that i have done this, I dont get X up when I
boot. Rather than the login window with a penguin, i get a plain white box
with username and password. If i log on, I get two console windows come up.
Thats it, no icons, taskbar, menus, clock, just two console windows. I cant
use CTL ESC to change tasks.

Any Ideas ?

I thought I told it to reboot into X when it loads, and have indeed tried to
reinstall it once more with the same results.


[newbie] Ayuda sobre linux Mandrake

2000-03-06 Thread Gustavo E. Cordoba

Mi nombre es Gustavo soy de capital federal, y necesitaría 
información y ayuda sobre Red Hat Linux.-

Me compre en cúspide el LINUX-MANDRAKE 6.0 (RED HAT LINUX 6.0 
WITH ENHANCEMENTS) lo instale bárbaro, es mas tengo Windows 98 y Windows NT 4.0 
con service pack 5 y Explorer 5.0 y me anda barbaro.-
Tengo 98 porque el NT 4.0 se esta poniendo un poco 

Antes que nada les cuento que soy un poco nuevo en el entorno 
Linux aunque conozco algo de UNIX, pero se me esta haciendo un poco difícil, 
será porque tengo los vicios de Windows 98 / NT, y la verdad es que quiero 
subirme definitivamente a linux ya que lo veo mucho mas potente, interesante y 
muy estable.-

Lo instale sin ningún tipo de inconvenientes, pero no me toma ni se donde 
configurar la tarjeta de sonido (OPL3-SA YAMAHA síntesis de FM) y el Modem 
(Motorola VoiceSURFR 56K Internal), además de la conexión de Internet que nose 
como hacerla.-

Les pediría una mano al respecto, desde ya te estoy muy 
agradecido de antemano

Lesmando un abrazo


Gustavo E. Córdoba

Re: [newbie] boot to console

2000-03-06 Thread Audrey Beck

Edit the messages log file in /tmp/log (or something close to that)

Piero Caracciolo wrote:
 At 18:43 05/03/00 -0500, you wrote:
 dmesg | more
 Harald Wolf wrote:
  how can a review the error messages that my new selfcreated kernel
  produces on startup ?
  how avoid start up xdm automatically after boot so i can step back with
  "Shift-Up" to see the exact errormessages ?
 This actually what I usually do. But you don't get ALL boot messages. How
 to get the other ones?
 Piero Caracciolo
 54, rue de Bourgogne
 75007 Paris - France

Re: [newbie] netscape

2000-03-06 Thread Lee Williiams

Sorry have to steal that tag.. too funny.

Many Thanks

IP Phone: +33 (0)1 58 04 5202 VDT Technical Lead
Mobile: +33 (0)6 89 10 8140 EMEA SPECIAL PROJECTS
 C i s c o S y s t e m s
 || ||
 :||: :||:
 | |
 ||| |||

 Linux is like a wigwam...
 No windows, no gates.
 Apache inside

Re: [newbie] Unpacking an archive

2000-03-06 Thread BryanMoorehead

Nevermind.  Guess I should read the subject line next time 8-/


[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 03/06/2000 11:02:41 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: Bryan Moorehead/Link/Allied Holdings)
Subject:  Re: [newbie] Unpacking an archive

You can do almost ANYTHING you dream of with it.   What would you like to do?
Be specific.


"Andrew" [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 03/06/2000 10:50:59 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: Bryan Moorehead/Link/Allied Holdings)
Subject:  [newbie] Unpacking an archive

I'm sorry for the stupid question. I am new to linux. I have Linux-Mandrake
6.0 and am not sure how to do much with it, yet. Please help.

NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

Re: [newbie] Explain this if you can

2000-03-06 Thread Eunice Thompson

Oliver, you don't have any xwindow managers installed (I think that's the
If you put the installation CD in and selectexpertserver, then you'll be
able to add  and specify more components. you might be able to do this by
just doing an upgrade.
- Original Message -
From: "Oliver Marshall" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 06, 2000 8:23 AM
Subject: [newbie] Explain this if you can

 I installed Mandrake using the recommended option, and basically went with
 the defaults.It all worked ok, but i couldnt telnet into the unix box from
 anywhere on the network.

 A client of mine told me to try re-installing it as a SERVER option, and
 that this would help. Now that i have done this, I dont get X up when I
 boot. Rather than the login window with a penguin, i get a plain white box
 with username and password. If i log on, I get two console windows come
 Thats it, no icons, taskbar, menus, clock, just two console windows. I
 use CTL ESC to change tasks.

 Any Ideas ?

 I thought I told it to reboot into X when it loads, and have indeed tried
 reinstall it once more with the same results.


[newbie] lexmark

2000-03-06 Thread Pittman, Merle

Anyone get a lexmark printer working with Mandrake??

I can't even get it to work in text mode.  I know the kernel doesn't support
the drivers for lexmark, but I was wondering if anyone found a work-around.


Merle Pittman
TEL: (709) 724-7598

Re: [[newbie] netscape]

2000-03-06 Thread Michael Scottaline

 I have mdk 7.0.2 installed and an isdn card.
 I ustilize kISDN from Millenium to connect to my ISP. It's works fine.
 Netscape startup fine to.
 But when trying to connect to a site an error message occurs :
 'Can't find ...'
 Netscape can't find the site I want to connect !!
 I did not find what goes wrong.
 Help fully appriciated.

You need to edit /etc/resolv.conf
add the following lines:
search your isp
nameserver dns#
nameserver dns#

Your ISP should provide you with two dns#'s.

"What contemptible scoundrel has stolen the cork to my lunch?"
--W. C. Fields

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at 

Re: [[newbie] netscape]

2000-03-06 Thread Michael Scottaline

 I have mdk 7.0.2 installed and an isdn card.
 I ustilize kISDN from Millenium to connect to my ISP. It's works fine.
 Netscape startup fine to.
 But when trying to connect to a site an error message occurs :
 'Can't find ...'
 Netscape can't find the site I want to connect !!
 I did not find what goes wrong.
 Help fully appriciated.

Sorry if this reply comes through to the list twice.  Nutscrape crashed on me
while I was sending te last one.

You need to edit /etc/resolv.conf
add the following lines:
search your isp
nameserver dns#
nameserver dns#

Your ISP should provide you with two dns#'s

"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy."
--Tom Waits ~~~

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at 

Re: [newbie] boot to console

2000-03-06 Thread Tom Berger

On 06-Mar-2000 Audrey Beck wrote:
 Edit the messages log file in /tmp/log (or something close to that)

On lilo boot prompt: 

linux init 3

This will boot the machine into console mode.
Then hit SHIFT+PageUp to scroll upwards (or use 'dmesg | less' as already



 Piero Caracciolo wrote:
 At 18:43 05/03/00 -0500, you wrote:
 dmesg | more
 Harald Wolf wrote:
  how can a review the error messages that my new selfcreated kernel
  produces on startup ?
  how avoid start up xdm automatically after boot so i can step back with
  "Shift-Up" to see the exact errormessages ?
 This actually what I usually do. But you don't get ALL boot messages. How
 to get the other ones?
 Piero Caracciolo
 54, rue de Bourgogne
 75007 Paris - France

"No fun, no gain"
Thomas 'tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home), [EMAIL PROTECTED] (work)
http://www.mandrakeuser.org, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [newbie] Explain this if you can

2000-03-06 Thread Tom Berger

On 06-Mar-2000 Oliver Marshall wrote:
 I installed Mandrake using the recommended option, and basically went with
 the defaults.It all worked ok, but i couldnt telnet into the unix box from
 anywhere on the network.

That's because M doesn't install the telnet *server* in 'Recommended'. Why?
Because they don't want to have x thousand boxen out there with open telnet
ports... You just have to install the telnet-server rpm. And you have to telnet
in as a normal user. 'root'-logins don't work (security).

 A client of mine told me to try re-installing it as a SERVER option, and
 that this would help. Now that i have done this, I dont get X up when I
 boot. Rather than the login window with a penguin, i get a plain white box
 with username and password. If i log on, I get two console windows come up.
 Thats it, no icons, taskbar, menus, clock, just two console windows. I cant
 use CTL ESC to change tasks.
 Any Ideas ?

This is because the 'server' option defaults to a higher MSEC security level
(MdkUserGuide, 7). In this level nobody is allowed to connect to X, since this
would pose a major security risk on servers (which don't need X anyway). You
have to enable this. 

But I think it might be easier when you change the security level via 

init.sh 2

executed as root. This will set your system to a lower security level and -
hopefully ;-) - alllow you to run X again. Maybe you have to reboot - I don't

 I thought I told it to reboot into X when it loads, and have indeed tried to
 reinstall it once more with the same results.

Hope that explained it ;-)



"No fun, no gain"
Thomas 'tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home), [EMAIL PROTECTED] (work)
http://www.mandrakeuser.org, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [[newbie] X problem]

2000-03-06 Thread Lee Williiams

Why don't you boot from the CD do an upgrade and just install KDE and X.
So do not format your partitions.

Many Thanks

IP Phone: +33 (0)1 58 04 5202 VDT Technical Lead
Mobile: +33 (0)6 89 10 8140 EMEA SPECIAL PROJECTS
 C i s c o S y s t e m s
 || ||
 :||: :||:
 | |
 ||| |||

 Linux is like a wigwam...
 No windows, no gates.
 Apache inside

RE: [newbie] lexmark

2000-03-06 Thread Tom Berger

On 06-Mar-2000 Pittman, Merle wrote:
 Anyone get a lexmark printer working with Mandrake??
 I can't even get it to work in text mode.  I know the kernel doesn't support
 the drivers for lexmark, but I was wondering if anyone found a work-around.
 Merle Pittman
 TEL: (709) 724-7598


Sorry for being picky, but I'm saying it anyway ;-):

the kernel enables print*ing* support
prin*ter* support is done by a program called ghostscript

On the above mentioned page (The Unix Printer Compability Database), you will

a) if your printer is supported
b) which ghostscript driver supports your printer

There is quite a number of Lexmark printers which is rated 'perfectly' :-).



"No fun, no gain"
Thomas 'tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home), [EMAIL PROTECTED] (work)
http://www.mandrakeuser.org, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] Unpacking an archive

2000-03-06 Thread Lane Lester

 I'm sorry for the stupid question. I am new to linux. I have Linux-Mandrake
 6.0 and am not sure how to do much with it, yet. Please help.

As another newbie, I would recommend that you get version 7.0-2 (be sure about the 
"-2") and replace your 6.0. There's no point in learning an OS with an older 
release... particularly a x.0 version! g

Anyway, the 7.0-2 installs lots of goodies to make you feel good about the system.

Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA
Using Linux to get where I want to go...

Re: [Re: [newbie] son of bitch virus spreader]

2000-03-06 Thread Emilio Correa

Hi, I know that it is possible to install MDK 7.02 from Windows 9x as 
well, if it solve your problem, and if you can take the installer from 
windows (exist some soft to read an ext2 partition from windows).
Good luck!!

Date sent:  4 Mar 00 10:16:37 EST
From:   Jaguar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Re: [Re: [newbie] son of bitch virus spreader]
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 According to the virus description someone already posted...the virus sends
 it's self using the infected persons address book...so it is unlikely this
 person knew he was infected...and the virus posted its self to the list...and
 many of his address book contacts.  At least he warned the mail list when he
 discovered what had happened.
 That aside...here's my Linux content.
 I have a 13 GB drive with a seprate /home partition, where I have stored the
 7.02 d/l (cable download and NO CD burner..:( )to upgrade my version from 6.0
 to 7.02, what procedure would I use to install from HD (/home).  For whatever
 reason my floppy is initialized during boot up, but fails to mount.  I have
 tried to boot from ANY (DOS, Win9x, Linux) floppy but no go...my system will
 support CD boot though.  Is it possible to boot from 6.0 CD and install 7.02
 from HD?
 "Michael" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Can FBI do something about this?  My computer club members sent to me
  multiple happy virus before.  Sometimes it resides in your hardware though
  you don't execute the file when you use Unix to open the mail.  It does the
  same even when you use Unix not Windows.  In Unix, the virus stays dormant
  until it gets chances to spread.  I just want to go right ahead and sue
  son of bitch.  How about class act???  Let's get some funds out to run
  Mandrade Org. from that son of bitch from hell.
  - Original Message -
  From: Ferris, Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2000 4:14 AM
  Subject: RE: [newbie] C:\CoolProgs\Pretty Park.exe
   What the heck is this and why are you sending it to the newbie mandrake
-Original Message-
   From: Xavier Fromant [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2000 3:33 PM
   Subject: [newbie] C:\CoolProgs\Pretty Park.exe
 File: Pretty Park.exe  Test: Pretty Park.exe  :)
  Xavier Fromant
 Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at 

Emilio Correa
(Informática/Listas de Correo)

Re: [newbie] [Newbie] lilo install problem

2000-03-06 Thread Emilio Correa

Hi, May be you should probe to install lilo in the MBR (Master Boot 
Record) unless you didn't do it before. 
Good luck

From:   "Bill Kinsey" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:  Fri, 3 Mar 2000 16:17:39 -0500
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:[newbie] [Newbie] lilo install problem

 I just got Mandrake from linux central and tried to install and was
 instantly amazed at the new look. I have a problem though. I'm installing
 mandrake on a 2 gb partition of my 27 gb hard drive. I get an error message
 saying x cylinder is greater than 1024 when it gets to the part where lilo
 is to be installed. I tried the boot disk option but it boots too slow. can
 someone help me out.. TIA
 Bill Kinsey

Emilio Correa
(Informática/Listas de Correo)

Re: [newbie] Word Perfect 8 for Linux install problem

2000-03-06 Thread Emilio Correa

Hi, I have solved the same problem unpacking again  in order to 
overwrite the previous "Runme" file and the rest of them .Then I 
could execute the Runme file again without trouble.
Good luck,

Date sent:  Sat, 4 Mar 2000 08:28:36 -0500 (EST)
From:   Lane Lester [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Re: [newbie] Word Perfect 8 for Linux install problem
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Michelle said:
  I downloaded Word Perfect yesterday.  It unpacked normally.  When I tried to
  run the file called 'Runme' it said there was nothing to do.  I ended up doing
  a manual install (running install.wp).  I thought it installed everything ok,
  but the file xwp was not installed.  I cannot run Word Perfect without it.
 Was it not installed, or will it just not run? Look in 
/usr/local/WordPerfect/wpbin and see if it's there. If it is, then get in 
that directory in a terminal window and execute "./wpbin". If it works, 
then you can work out the issue of how to execute it normally, 
depending on the window manager you're using.
 If it's not there, then you really do have a bad install and I don't have a ready 
fix in mind.
 Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA
 Using Linux to get where I want to go...

Emilio Correa
(Informática/Listas de Correo)

Re: [[newbie] Sound and Modem problems]

2000-03-06 Thread Matthew Loschmann

At 07:18 AM 3/4/00 EST, you wrote:
Matthew Loschmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have a Rockwell 56k faxmodem on com1 and irq3 and my sound card is a
 Riptide PCI Audio Legacy and I have the info on that to. I can't seem to
 get linux 6.5 to find them. Why, it always returns an error saying that the
 device is busy. How do I set them up. HELP
   What have you tried thus far?  Have you run sndconfig?  What was the
Have you tried kppp to set up your modem?  If the modem is on COM1 in
set it to ttyS0 in kppp.  the query the modem and see what you get back.  It
*might* be a winmodem, in which case it probably will never work and you'll
need an external.

"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
   -Benjamin Frankilin

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Yah, I've tried sndconfig and I've tried almost everycombination of IRQ's
and DMA's and I've tried all sound blasters. It always comes back with an
error that says the device is currently busy and cant configure it.
I have also tried kppp to configure my modem as well as minicom and
neither of them worked they all came back saying the same thing either that
the device was busy or it could not initialize the modem or it just sits
there and tries to initialize the modem and doesn't go anywhere.
Thanx for the reply, if you have any more ideas let me know.


Re: [newbie] Modem and sound problems

2000-03-06 Thread Matthew Loschmann

At 09:36 AM 3/4/00 -0500, you wrote:
   To the linux gurus:  When I try to run sndconfig, it displays the
following  message: Error in modprone Call /lib /modules/2.2.14-15
mdk/misc/lib o:  init_module: Device or Resource busy. Sound Device or
resource busy. I  am also stuck in tying to configure my serial touchpad on
my serial 1 port. Can  someone please provide some insight on how to solve
these minor  setbacks.   [TIA] Bill Kinsey 

I have the exact same problem and if I figure it out I'll let you know,
you do the same.


[newbie] KDE can't start

2000-03-06 Thread wenzhong xiao


After I installed mandrake7.0-2 on my PIII with Win98, KDE did not start and
I got dropped to plain X windows instead. twm can work but how can I start
KDE? Thanks for the help!


[newbie] C++ Compiler Help

2000-03-06 Thread ChOPpY C. Chipper

hey, this is an easy question:
How do I compile a program under g++
I just can't figure it out
lets say, I have a file called "test.cpp" under / 
the dir
how would I compile it?
when i try, it does not return anything on the 
command line
and just makes a new command line, just like when i 
also, do all the compilers work the same way? ie - 
gcc, etc.
