Re: [newbie-it] avviare applicazioni al boot

2000-08-09 Thread michel

On Tue, 8 Aug 2000, Davide wrote:

 Vorrei far partire direttamente al boot wwwoffle. Per farlo partire io do
 da shell:
   wwwoffled -c wwwoffle.conf
 Come posso fare per far sì che questo sia una cosa automatica? Si possono
 aggiungere script in /etc/rc.d/init.d? Come?

lo devi aggiungere al file /etc/rc.d/rc.local
esattamente come lo esegui da linea di comando, anche se 
wwwoffled -c wwwoffle.conf 
sarebbe meglio

E' talmente melassa che quando la vedo mi viene la carie ai denti.
Michel ZioBudda Morelli   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ICQ UIN: 58351764   PR of

Re: [newbie-it] avviare applicazioni al boot

2000-08-09 Thread Fabio Coatti

From: "Davide" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2000 3:07 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] avviare applicazioni al boot

 Vorrei far partire direttamente al boot wwwoffle. Per farlo partire io do
 da shell:

   wwwoffled -c wwwoffle.conf

 Come posso fare per far sì che questo sia una cosa automatica? Si possono
 aggiungere script in /etc/rc.d/init.d? Come?

Certo, ed è il sistema migliore. Va però capito bene. Due parole di
spiegazione penso possano essere utili.
NotaBene: Mandrake per gli init scripts usa lo stile SystemV (+/-), altre
distribuzioni possono usare sistemi diversi o leggermente modificati.

La cosa funziona così: in /etc/rc.d/init.d deve trovarsi uno script file, il
cui nome è associato al processo che deve far partire (non è obbligatorio,
ma utile :) ). Tale script deve accettare in ingresso almeno i comandi start
e stop (può accettarne altri, come restart,status, ecc...). Il suo compito è
far partire in modo "pulito" il processo, ossia controllare che esista, che
sia configurato se necessario, scrivere in /var/run/ (credo la directory sia
questa) un file in cui si riporta il pid del processo, etc... e naturalmente
di "terminarlo" in modo corretto.
Tale script può essere lanciato a mano (es: /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start),
ma solitamente viene lanciato al boot dall'init system.
Premessa: l'init system può far partire la macchina in diversi "runlevels",
ongnuno con un particolare set di processi attivati. Non ricordo mai i
numeri, ma runlevel 3 può voler dire "tutti i servizi, modalità a
carattere", runlevel 4 "xwindow attivo" (per inciso, è qui che va a finire
il settaggio che viene chiesto all'installazione, "vuoi far partire xwindow
al boot?"). Runlevel 1 ad esempio è il "single user mode", utile per la
manutenzione, con il minimo "sindacale" di servizi attivi.
Come si fa a far partire un servizio ad un certo runlevel? Ad esempio:
vorrei che httpd partisse a runlevel 3 ma non in runlevel 1.
Basta mettere nelle directory rcX.d (dove X è il runlevel desiderato) un
link allo script che si trova in init.d. Il link deve essere fatto così:
SXXhttpd - init.d/httpd.
S vuol dire : lancia lo script httpd con l'opzione start, ossia fa partire
il servizio; XX indica il numero d'ordine: gli script vengono eseguiti dal
numero più basso a quello più alto. Se mettete K al posto di S il demone
viene fermato (lo script viene lanciato con l'opzione stop). Naturamente
devo prevedere anche lo stop, quando si esce dal runlevel. Comunque
un'occhiata allae suddette directories spiegherà molte cose.
Operativamente come faccio a mettere un nuovo script? la cosa migliore è
entrare in /etc/rc.d/init.d, copiare uno degli scripts presenti con il nuovo
nome ed editarlo per far partire il proprio processo. (comincerei con uno
script semplice :) )
si prova a mano se parte (./nomescript start) e se si ferma (./nomescript
stop); una volta che funziona si crea il link come detto sopra nelle varie
rcX.d e si fa un reboot, incrociando le dita :)
Si può intervenire sugli init scripts anche con tool grafici, in mdrake uno
o due ce ne sono, ma a memoria non ti so dire in quale menu trovarli.
Se hai difficoltà avvisa...
Fabio Coatti
Ferrara Linux Users Group

[newbie-it] remove

2000-08-09 Thread Dr. Walter Fontanini


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[newbie-it] isdn configuration

2000-08-09 Thread Gigi Cyber

The only thing i know about my isdn adapter is the
manufacturer (Taicom), and the chip (Winbond).Mandrake
7.1 allow the configuration trough Drakconf or must i
use text mode?(and i'd like to learn it soon!! :-))
My computer:
Celeron 400,128Mb Ram,asusp2bf,riva tnt,creative
soundblaster 64(ensoniq 1371)

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Re: [newbie-it] grub

2000-08-09 Thread Fabio Coatti

On Wed, Aug 09, 2000 at 03:20:18PM +0200, Gigi Cyber wrote:
 i've just installed mandrake 7.1, and  i want to use
 bootmagic as boot i choosed to install lilo
 in the /boot partition (dev hda 7), but i've found
 I've used standard installation.
 Someone can help me?

Well, this is an italian ML, so we can write in Italian. English may be
fine, but if you want to
find more help in english, feel free to use the newbie list (instead of newbie-it)

lilo dovrebbe essere presente anche se usi grub. Per attivarlo non devi fare altro
che scrivere il lilo.conf come più ti aggrada e lanciare lilo. Se credi ti
posso mandare degli esempi di configurazione di lilo.
lilo.conf va messo in /etc (default).

Fabio Coatti 
Ferrara Linux Users Group
GnuPG fp:9765 A5B6 6843 17BC A646  BE8C FA56 373A 5374 C703
Old SysOps never die... they simply forget their password.

[newbie-it] richiesta consigli per vari programmi

2000-08-09 Thread Daniele

Ciao, qualcuno saprebbe essere cosi gentile da indicarmi:

1) Un client e-mail il più possibile simile ad Eudora Pro, che gestisca
caselle multiple?
2) Un news-reader il più possibile simile all'Agent?
3) Un programma per visualizzare filmati in mpeg1 e mpeg2 tipo il Power

Ritengo infatti questi programmi tra i migliori nel loro genere in
ambiente Windows, e, avendo deciso di passare definitivamente a Linux,
vorrei trovare qualcosa che li possa sostituire degnamente.
Grazie e ciao.


[newbie-it] Alcune domande.

2000-08-09 Thread Mulder

Salve a tutti ,
probabilmente i mie sono problemi leggeri, ma sono in difficoltà su due
 - il primo masterizzando con Gcombust mi ritrovo con un pugno di mosche

   nel senso che l'operazione sembra partire normalmente poi in realtà
non è stato
   copiato un solo byte nonostante il messaggio di riuscita regolare
   c'è qualcuno che usa questo prodotto e mi sa dare una dritta?

- il secondo problema invece lo trovo nella scansione immagini: premetto

che lo scanner è scsi e viene regolarmente riconosciuto, ciò nonostante
mentre con Xscanimage di SANE riesco a lavorare (come root) con un
secondo programma Xsane non ci riesco in quanto (anche come root ) mi
dice che non ha device disponibili .
Se poi mi collego come utente normale entrambi inutilizzabili con errori

di GTK+
e il solito device non disponibile.

Scusandomi per la lunghezza dell e-mail

Vi ringrazio e vi saluto

Re: [newbie] free internet (Freewwweb is gone)

2000-08-09 Thread Michelle Schneider

For anyone that doesn't already know, Freewwweb is gone.  I used
Freewwweb for several months.  If you go to their website now, you're
told to download Juno Web to continue to have free internet.

Does anyone know of any other free isp's that are Linux friendly?  I
tried 1 Nation Online (, but I could never actually connect
(even with 5 local numbers to choose from).


KompuKit wrote:
 Lee LCpl Erik J wrote:
  Is there anything for linux, or that you can use on a linux box to get free

Re: [newbie] Gnapster (continued)...

2000-08-09 Thread Vic

Hmmm. Yeah now that I visit
it seems like they are more  likely to
be found on than Napster although
they seem to me to be equally present on
both systems.

On Sat, 05 Aug 2000, you wrote:
 I've read that "unknown" artists are VERY VERY rarely
 downloaded from Napster according to its own
 statistics.  Something like 1-5% of all downloads are
 for unknown musicians songs.  
 --- Vic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I thought that all those bands were so rich that
  they could afford a small loss like that.
  If I were a new aspiring artist I would spread
  my music like that, then when it got into the
  hands of a recording company, I would have posted 
  contact info in the id3 tag data so they could
  get ahold of me.
  Besides, if alot of those people would use
  Napster for its intended purpose in the
  first place, ie. to try out new music
  before they buy up the CD or tape,
  all of this controversy would not have 
  exploded as it has.
  After all, I do not know of any place where
  you can rent a CD like you do a video movie.
  No offense intended in this 'debate' presentation.
  On Sun, 30 Jul 2000, you wrote:
   yeah, but what about the people whos livelyhoods
  are earned by those
   songs? and what about the people who hold the
  copyrights to those
   songs. don't they deserve to have their material
  protected from being
   stolen? that IS in effect what napster does. TAKE
  those songs and
   distribute them for free. the owners of the
  copyright don't see a cent.
 ** Registered Linux user # 182496 **
   On Sat, 29 Jul 2000, Mike  Tracy Holt wrote:
"Ronald J. Hall" wrote:
 Anthony wrote:
  The password that you chose when you
  registered on Napster/Gnapster.
 Argh. Did not know that you had to go to their
  website and register!
 What is it they say about a little knowledge
  being dangerous?
 Thank you, Anthony...
That's ok, evidently they're going to be turned
  off at midnight...
another victory for those poor people who have
  to spend their mornings
deciding which Porche to drive to work today  =(

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RE: [newbie] free internet

2000-08-09 Thread Wilson

freewwweb is out of business.  They're switching users to Juno.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of KompuKit
Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2000 12:57 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] free internet


Lee LCpl Erik J wrote:

 Is there anything for linux, or that you can use on a linux box to get
 internet? - Free the Web
   Get your free Internet access at

Re: [newbie] Linux Digital Cameras

2000-08-09 Thread Mike Tracy Holt

If you're able to connect some kind of adapter to get files from your floppy
drive, then you would just mount the floppy drive and load the pictures that
way.  gphoto is just for connecting a camera to the computer and downloading
pictures directly from that camera.

 In trying to configure gphoto, I discover that it want a com port
 I assume that means that this program does not have the capability of
 images off a flash card using the floppy drive adapter.

 Michael Coady
  I agree. Gphoto ack's the presence of my Casio camera but so far I have
  not been able to make it download pictures, keeps timing out.

Re: [newbie] Novell servers

2000-08-09 Thread Neal F. Carrier

On 5 Aug 2000, at 4:47, LINUX_0 wrote:

 There is no problem !!!
 Do you know the ncpfs packet ?? ah no, what is it???

 With the ncp file system packet you can mount and umount entire novell
 servers on anywhere of your Linux tree. HOW?
And yu can see the print
 servers, delete print jobs, delete objects of the novell tree, add
 objects, and all you can imagine !!!
 There comes in the Mandrake 7.1 distribution, and also can be found in a
 lot of RPM servers.
 I think ncpfs- is the last version.
Are you saying you have to install this rpm in order to do this?

[newbie] Changing Swap File Space

2000-08-09 Thread Bodiddly65

Can anyone tell me how I can harmlessly change my Swap File Partition Size?

Re: [newbie] AOL for Linux

2000-08-09 Thread Mike Tracy Holt

I haven't tried, but I don't think it's possible because AOL uses their own
proprietary browser to access their services.  Ask them if they will give
you dns numbers (don't tell them it's for linux) and a dial up number though
and you might be able to set it up with kppp or equivalent.  You might also
be able to get that info from your windows box if you're already on AOL,
which I assume that you are.


 Is there anyway that anyone knows to get AOL set up on a linux operating
 system(Mandrake 7.1)

 Thanks in advance

Re: [newbie] Updating kernel w/ Mandrake Updater

2000-08-09 Thread Mike Tracy Holt

 Victor Richardson wrote:

  Are there any extra steps to updating the kernel other than running the
  Mandrake Updater?
  Also,  /etc/lilo had a section for the new kernels, but included a
  commented line that said something like "# Add using install-kernel".
  Which, of course, I did not do and had Lilo load that kernel anyway with
  disastrous results. I had to re-install.
  Do I need to run the command "install kernel"? (xxx being the
  version number)
  Any suggestions welcome,

 it is not recommended u update the kernal thru mandrake updates.  the idea
 of makefile etc etc etc is pretty spooky sounding to me. im just gonna
 wait for the next mandreake. have u heard, suse has a new version ofl
 linux out ..

Yes, I'm in the process of downloading the 6th cd needed for the
professional install right now.  Unless you've tried SuSE before however,
you might be in for a little shock; it's not the same Mandrake / Red Hat
type distribution at all!  There is no 'linuxconf' or 'drakconf', all the
system stuff is handled through a program called YaST (yet another system
tool) and after using the Mandrake / Red Hat family of products, I found it
to be a royal pain in the butt!

Just a little advise...

Re: [newbie] KDE's Trash Can

2000-08-09 Thread Mike Tracy Holt

Wow!  Take it easy, eh?  I think it was just question.

 The idea of **NOT** dropping everything you choose to **DELETE** into the
 recycle/trash bin, is that the user is **SMART** enough to judge whether
 really wants to delete that particular file. The same idea behind the
 KDE one click, the user is smart enough to know that they made the
 right choice with the **FIRST** click, and does not need to verify every
 choice they make.  Personally I agree, anything else is a step backwards.

 The question is: Are **YOU** smart enough?

  Dear friends:
  I have been using KDE for over a year now, beginning with Red Hat 6.0,
  then Linux Mandrake 6.1, then Linux Mandrake 7.0 and now Linux Mandrake
  7.1. Very pleased, all in all.
  Yet, one thing that continues to mystify me is the Trash can. My KDE
  1.1.1 manual tells me that you can drag n drop files from the File
  Manager into the Trash can. Well, that' s no different and actually more
  cumbersome than going into an xterm and typing rm Okay, I am
  willing to accept that as a graphical way of doing it.
  What I would REALLY like to know is if there is a way for the KDE Trash
  to function the way it the Recycle Bin does in Windows: that is, to help
  you save a file that you ACCIDENTALLY deleted. Now that would be
  something. In Windows 95 and above, any file you inadvertently delete is
  not actually deleted but dumped in the Recycle Bin, from which you can
  always retrieve it. Similarly in Win3.1, by using Sentry, you can
  retrieve lost files. Can KDE's Trash do the same? Will it be able to do
  it in KDE2? Is there any way to do this in LM 7.1? Does the new Reiser
  File System have anything to do with this? We all know how easy it is to
  inadvertently lose a file, especially if you are a newbie and especially
  if you have come from Windows and are used to having the Recycle Bin
  rescue you from your mistakes.
  If this key function is not yet available in Linux, it certainly ought
  to be. At least in my opinion. And especially for user-friendly distros,
  including the one I am using, Linux Mandrake.
  Thanks so much for listening.
  Benjamin and Anna Sher
  Sher's Russian Web
  UIN:82189397  IM:xKxDxMx   E-MAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fight, Steal, Get rich. PROTECT YOUR CASH. Join KDM Power

[newbie] Gnome taskbar

2000-08-09 Thread Corrado

There something wrong with the gnome (Helix 1.2.1 - Mandrake 7.1)
taskbar on my user desktop: nothing appear on the right side, where I'm
used to find listed all the running apps... As root, all seems to be
okay, however...


[newbie] Netscape and rpmlib problem

2000-08-09 Thread Hugh

I downloaded the 128 bit version of Netscape. When I open kpackage
and try to install the common files it says that I need "rpmlib 3.0.3-1
I am running 7.1 and had assumed Netscape would install without problems.
What does rpmlib do anyway?

[newbie] why SMTP and POP at the same time

2000-08-09 Thread duncan

Hello all

Not sure what is going on but using MDK7.0 and kppp with PAP am able to
log on to web fine but dont seem to be getting the mail I dont think.

When either in netscape or Kmail I request mail Answer = There Are no
new messages on server. I also get this message from my Isp quite often.

"Demon Internet currently offers two ways of accessing email.

In one, SMTP, the SMTP client running on the mail machines at Demon
sends email to a SMTP server (or "daemon") on your machine and then
deletes it on the Demon machines.

In the other, POP3, the POP3 server offers the client a
list of files; the client then chooses which of these files
to retrive or to download.

When both ways are used simultaneously, it can happen that
a message that was initially found and offered by the POP3
server is then delivered and deleted by the SMTP client; 
when the POP3 client then requests it, it is gone.

That has just happened."

How can I check SMTP on my system or disable it as pop has worked fine
prior to this upgrade.

Any help would be great.

Regards Duncan

The message hasn't been lost; it has merely been delivered
through another channel.  You should find it elsewhere in your

The easiest way to prevent this from occurring in the future
is to not use POP3 and SMTP simultaneously.

If you have any further questions and comments about this,
please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] Gnapster (continued)...

2000-08-09 Thread Dacia and AzureRose

Hey, an album is not a days work.  It is months,
sometimes years, of work for a large group of people.

It takes years to learn to play an instrument.  It
takes just as long to learn how to run a mixing
board/recording studio.  It is inaccurate to view an
album as something that is done in an afternoon. 
Besides, most art is done once and left.  Music is a
weird on ein that it is both a "fine" and a
"performing" art.  

--- Adriaan Barel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Just to add my 2cents worth; the artists have the
 opportunity to earn their
 money like the rest of us by giving live concerts
 instead of doing the job
 once and then sitting back and waiting for the big
 bucks to roll  in.
 It would be nice if we could all sell one days work,
 over and over again.
 Adriaan Barel.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Mike  Tracy Holt" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2000 5:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Gnapster (continued)...
  "Ronald J. Hall" wrote:
   Mike  Tracy Holt wrote:
That's ok, evidently they're going to be
 turned off at midnight...
another victory for those poor people who have
 to spend their mornings
deciding which Porche to drive to work today 
   Well, their execution smile got a stay, it
 appears. Now they have
   until September...
   I still have the same problem though. Label me
 #dense, but I went to
   their website, and there is no place to just
 register. I removed the
   gnapster rpm, deleted .gnapster in /home, then
 reinstalled the rpm,
   and still get the same error. "invalid
 password". ;-(
  Try using knapster and signing up as a new user. 
 You don't have to go
  to the site at all, just check the box at the
 bottom of the knapster
  client.  I would assume that gnapster does it the
 same way.  If you
  don't have knapster, go to:
  and scroll through the rpms until you find it.
  Mike  Tracy Holt
  Kirkland, WA

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[newbie] Mandrake not using Xfree86 4.0

2000-08-09 Thread Andrew Schaefer

I remember seeing something about this maybe a month ago, but can't find
any reference to it now.  What do I need to change so that I can use the
4.0 version of X rather than the 3.x version that it defaults to?  I did
install it and ask to use it, but it's using the 3.x version instead.


Andrew Schaefer

Re: [newbie] Novell servers

2000-08-09 Thread Greg Stewart has a search engine for the HOW-TOs. If you search "novell"
you'll find an s-load of documents all about linux-novell connectivity.
Somewhere in there is a guid to setup novell log in (works just like the
MS-NWLink Client, I believe).


 Yes, Paul that's correct. They're running IPX. At the moment we don't
 have a client that will allow me to login. I was looking around at the
 Novell site and they have a client for Unix, but since I'm the only one so
 far with a Linux box I don't think they're going to be willing to spend
 the money on the client. At least not just yet.

 I have been working with VMware though and I can run windows when I need
 to access the network as a guest OS. This is working very well. It's kinda
 funny cause in the past 3 days with Windows running in a small window on
 my linux desktop. It has crashed 6 times while Linux is still
 running. Makes me laugh...a lot!


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[newbie] Mandrake 7.0 root login problems

2000-08-09 Thread John Stevens

Hi Everyone

I'm having difficulty trying to login as root with my current Mandrake 7.0 
installation. I recently purchased a magazine which had Mandrake 7.0 on it's 
cover CD and I follwed instructions to install it on my free hard drive. 
DrakX constantly stalled during the installation setup so I used the text 
install instead with txt_boot.img.

Having gone through the setup I was ready to login as root but Linux kept on 
telling me that the password was invalid. This is not true as I typed in the 
password correctly over and over again. I re-installed Mandrake 7.0 4 or 5 
more times and it still continued giving me the error message of invalid 
root password.

Has anyone else experienced similar problems with Mandrake 7.0? Why is it 
not accepting correct root passwords? It accepts user passwords but not the 
root one. Is there a bug in Mandrake 7.0? Please can someone help me? 



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Re: [newbie] Resuming downloads?

2000-08-09 Thread Kit Goins

there's a app called:  NT downloader...I have the latest version on
my server's my downloads Linux section...

On Sat, 05 Aug 2000, you wrote:
 Also you can use 'snarf', a command-line utility that allows to resume
 And better solution i think, is the use of the 'nohup' command, that
 allows to launch a command that survives after you leave you session.
  Andrew Scotchmer wrote:
   Hi all,
   Is there a program that will resume a download  after being 
  disconnected by
   the server. I'm trying to download a program with a seven hour 
  download but my
   server keeps kicking me off after 3.  Also when this happens I 
  loose the
   program and have to restart from scratch.  Therefore I am after a 
  program that
   will save the download and restarts on reconnecting from the 
  point where I got
   kicked off.
   I'm still on the old MD6.1
   Thanks in advance.
   ICQ 50762100
   "In the pursuit of knowledge,
Everday something is acquired"
 (Lao Tzu)
  Search in Freshmeat for a program called "Downloader for X" (Couldnt
  they find a better name?)...
  Actually, you dont have to search, its here:
  ___  __
  /\ Jose Alberto Abreu   \/\  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   \
  \ \ Baggage detective\ \  ICQ: 16575263 
  \ \ and apprentice codecaster\ \ "Bending space and time since 
  2068" \
   \ \__\ 
 Consigue tu e-mail gratuito TERRA.ES
  Haz click en
 Registered Linux User:167369
Kit Goins   ICQ# 7110071
Web Designer
(Server Runs between M - F 6pm-12am, S  S 12pm-12am EST)

RE: [newbie] Linux resources online

2000-08-09 Thread webmaster

1960's -  Used crayons to color in punch cards while waiting in the computer
1976   -  In high school we did some time sharing.
1979   -  The college I attended thought they should start teaching this PC
1983   -  Finally owned my own PC
1988   -  Thought I knew enough to own my own computer company
1995   -  Started to tinker with this Linux thingy
2000   -  Thought I knew enough to start my own review website dedicated to
Hardware and Linux (after all, assembled/built/repaired over 50,000 pieces
of computer equipment ... )

Present -  Discovered that the smartest people tell you that they don't know
anything.  It keeps the conversations much simpler :-)


PS. We are always looking for volunteers with brains and ideas.  Please
contact me if you would like to have your thoughts on new hardware published
on our website.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Daniel
Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2000 12:32 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux resources online

My first job was selling Sanyo 8086 and 8088s back in 84, and I started
programming on tandies in 81

 Anybody else on this list old enough to remember when the "suits"
 didn't run things, and games/software were ported to every single
 platform, just because they could/it was neat? Circa '80's with
 names like Tandy, Atari, Amiga, etc, etc,... ;-)


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[newbie] slow sound playing

2000-08-09 Thread Przemyslaw M. Maciolek


I've got some problems with sound. MP3's are playing 2 times slower,
like "slow-motion" movie. Now I have Mandrake 7.1 Sound card seems to
be set properly. I've been trying both sndconfig (drivers were loaded
as modules) and kernel compilation (i set up everything ok) and the
result was same.
I am using notebook P-233/48 MB/6 GB/ ESS 1868 sound.
When I was using RedHat 6.0 there were no problems with it...

If someone had similiar problem, please contact me.

Best regards,
 Przemyslaw  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] Helix Gnome

2000-08-09 Thread Greg Stewart

Sorry, I answered out of order...

  3.  Do you like Helix Gnome?
  4.  Do you recommend it?

There are a lot of critics out there which have said the only thing they
don't like about Mandrake 7.1 is the fact that Mandrake chose NOT to use
Helix-Gnome in their distro.

Some people, though, have a point when they say that the Helix updater may
in fact install packages that are not approved by MandrakeSoft and may not
function accordig to the Mandrake optimisation.

I don't know...I have only used the Helix-Gnome updater under Red Hat.

  1.  Which environment (KDE, Gnome, ...) should i be using when i
install it?

Um... Gnome is the required environment to install under, the gui installer
which you download from Helix only runs under Gnome. Did you mean to ask
whether you needed to be in console mode to install?

  2.   Will it mess up my current gnome configuration?

Depending on how you have your system optimised, the Helix Updater may in
fact make unexpected or undesirable changes to your system. You run this
risk whenever you install a new version of a critical package such a
XFree86, desktop environments, or do OS updates.

  I can't decide whether or not to install it. Hmmm well i'll just wait to
see what all of you say.

If you are not currently using gnome as you desktop environment, you may
want to try it out. You will be able to stay on top of the gnome updates
more readily as I don't believe Mandrake yet posts "daily gnome" updates to
the site.


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emails (pop)-sites persos (espace illimite)-agenda-favoris (bookmarks)-forums 
Ecoutez ce message par tel ! : 08 92 68 92 15 (france uniquement)

[newbie] Yahoo

2000-08-09 Thread Corrado

Hi, all.
Sometimes happens that Netscape fail to load the Yahoo chat room... only
And, for some reason, there's no option to load the HTML chat, instead;
but if I'm running Mozilla, I *can* see that choice on the site... so,
have you experienced the same strange behaviour?

And, could somebody suggest me a chat room like Qtchat?

Many thanks!


Re: [newbie] Helix Gnome

2000-08-09 Thread =*=

I tried doing the Helix download thing recently.  It got
part of the way into the download then quit on a
segmentation fault, complaining of something to do with a
missing "gtkhtml" file.  Anyone know what's up with that?


On Sat, 5 Aug 2000, Roger Pithers wrote:

Jim Dwyer wrote:
 Is anyone using Helix Gnome?  If so i got a few questions:
 1.  Which environment (KDE, Gnome, ...) should i be using when i install it?
Whichever suits, it's not fussy.
 2.   Will it mess up my current gnome configuration?
It will update all packages to Helix packages, which are often better,
suggest that those you want to keep you stash away somewhere for safe
 3.  Do you like Helix Gnome?
Before Helix I hated Gnome, I found it messy and unstable - now I use it
all the time - Nuff said??
 4.  Do you recommend it?
Most definitely.


RE: [newbie] Linux4windows

2000-08-09 Thread Romanator

I got the same message when I used the lilo boot floppy to boot linux.

Kernel Panic:VFS:unable to mount root FS on 07:07

Registered Linux User #179293 

-Original Message-
From: Mark Weaver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2000 8:33 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux4windows

what exactly IS linux4windows if I may ask?


**  =/\=  No Penguins were harmed   | 
** _||_ in the making of this |
**  =\/=  message...| Registered Linux user #182496

On Wed, 2 Aug 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I cant get lnx4windows to boot i get this.
 Kernel Panic:VFS:unable to mount root FS on 07:07

Re: [newbie] AOL for Linux

2000-08-09 Thread Steve Weltman


 Is there anyway that anyone knows to get AOL set up on a linux operating
 system(Mandrake 7.1)

 Thanks in advance

Why is it you would like to put training wheels on a fighter-jet?

Honestly, I would look for an ISP in your local area that will support your
new O/S choice, and possibly become a new (local) source of information if
you were to ask.

Best of luck with Linux!

By the way, some of AOL's servers are Linux and most are Unix!!

Steve W.

[newbie] Linux on NeXT?

2000-08-09 Thread Kathleen Dickason

I've heard that there's a way to run Linux on a NeXT box...has anyone heard about 
this?  I'm just curious; I wouldn't want to get rid of NeXTStep!


Kathleen Dickason
Registered Linux user #182139

Re: [newbie] XFree problem on Thinkpad 600X

2000-08-09 Thread Steve Weltman


 Dear Steve,

 I have managed to successfully install LM 7.1 on the thinkpad. I got a link to a
 Neomagic X server which I installed and then it all went very well. It's now
 working with internal and external monitors and the sound is also working.

 Thanks for any help given.

 Best regards, Thomas

 "Steve Weltman" [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 02-08-2000 12:18:18

 Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 cc:(bcc: Thomas Laurids Pedersen/Dan Net)

 Subject:  Re: [newbie] XFree problem on Thinkpad 600X

 I have had success with installing Mdk 6.1 and 7.0 on my TP600 *NOT* the
 600X though.  I would suggest that you write down the devices when loaded in
 another O/S (such as Win95/98/NT) and you can then check the hardware howto
 on the web...This won't fix your problem, but you'll know exactly where the
 hardware issues are (if any).

 Next step would be to try an install on Mdk 6.1 (or RH if you like) and try
 an upgrade from there...Not as neat but proves the viability of your laptop
 for Linux.

 Let us know!!

 Steve Weltman
 - Original Message -
 From: "Mark Weaver" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2000 7:42 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] XFree problem on Thinkpad 600X

  I would suggest using one of the generic video display drivers to get X up
  and operating. It's been my experience that the drivers that are listed
  don't alays work. There may be something about your Laptop that doesn't
  like these drivers. I'm fairly certain though that the generic ones will
  work for you and they very well may give you a good display.
** Registered Linux user # 182496 **
  On Thu, 20 Jul 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi all,
   I have tried to install Mandrake 7.1 on my Thinkpad 600X but the install
   on the configuration af X. I have tried both version 3 and 4 but they
 all end up
   with the same problem. XF86Setup core dumps and Xconfigurator just lets
   choose monitor type and then just ends after displaying trying
   please wait.
   I have checked the manoj web page on the Linux on Thinkpads webring but
 they all
   install RH 6.1 successfully.
   My grafics card is Neomagic Magicmedia 256ZX
   Anybody have a good idea as to where the problem lies and what I can do
 to fix
   it ?
   Best regards, Thomas

Great to hear!!  Now, I have a question for you...

On your ThinkPad, do you you have the ability to change your display settings
dynamically (ala CTL+ALT+NP(+) or NP(-))?  I am in the field and don't have my ext
keyboard, so I can't change the resolutions as I need them.

Also, how would one go about adding 'virtual' desktop space (such as a 1280 x 1024
size at 1024 x 768 res)?
I haven't figured out where to look for the new configx command yet.  Used to be
configx in 6.1, but 7.0 changed all that.

Confused and under-displayed!!

Thanks in Advance!

Steve Weltman
(from Beijing)

RE: [newbie] Linux resources online

2000-08-09 Thread Romanator

Ah the good 'ol days. Things have gotten so complicated. I have to admit
hardware and software have come a long way... It's still nice to look back.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Daniel
Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2000 3:32 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux resources online

My first job was selling Sanyo 8086 and 8088s back in 84, and I started
programming on tandies in 81

 Anybody else on this list old enough to remember when the "suits"
 didn't run things, and games/software were ported to every single
 platform, just because they could/it was neat? Circa '80's with
 names like Tandy, Atari, Amiga, etc, etc,... ;-)


Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: [newbie] LM 7.1 Gnome applications -- Where?

2000-08-09 Thread Alan Shoemaker

BenjaminYipes!  There you go again!!  There's no
difference in the iso image, the mirror tree, the GPL CD's,
the Mandrake installation and extended CD's, and the Macmillan
installation and extended CD's.  You probably installed the
downloaded 7.1 as an upgrade and the boxed set from Macmillan
as a clean install.  The standard menu on 7.1 no longer has
the Gnome and X Apps section.


Benjamin Sher wrote:
 Dear friends:
 Those of you who have the Macmillan Linux-Mandrake 7.1 (in my case, it's
 the Deluxe package) may have noticed that Macmillan has gotten rid of
 special "Gnome and non-KDE applications" section of the menu.
 The download version, on the other hand, DOES have the "Gnome and
 non-KDE" applications on their menu.
 Instead, Macmillan has chosen to add some of the Gnome applications to
 the KDE menu. I think that's perfectly acceptable but only if ALL of
 Gnome's applications are included. I miss not having ready and immediate
 access to the Gnome menus. Meanwhile, Gnome includes a full version of
 the KDE menus on their menus.
 What do you all think?
 Benjamin and Anna Sher
 Sher's Russian Web

Re: [newbie] No messages for 2 days

2000-08-09 Thread Kathleen Dickason

I don't, but I am getting the same thing.  Reminds me of the dear old
FidoNet days!  :~)

(Which doesn't mean it's not a pain in the butt.)

Tim wrote:

 The list does seem to go it "fits and starts" with FLOODS sometimes and
 total dry-spells in between.  Anyone know why?


Kathleen Dickason
Registered Linux user #182139

RE: [newbie] How can I configure MDK7.1 with another OS using BootMagic?

2000-08-09 Thread Wilson

After I installed Mandrake 7.1 I had to set up the boot from Linux for it to
work in boot magic.  Don't know why but it worked for me.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2000 12:37 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] How can I configure MDK7.1 with another OS using

I have Linux Mandrake 7.0 complete to which I added MDK 7.1 from Max.linux
Magazine, and 7.0 came with an edition of Partition Magic, which created my
linux partition on my second hard drive, but I don't know why BootMagic wont
find your partition.  I can only suggest deactivating, uninstalling  and
then re-installing Bottmagic...I dont think you'll have to re-install MDK...
Good Luck  :)

[newbie] [Newbie] - Unable to get The network settings for @home

2000-08-09 Thread Joe M.


I am new to Linux.. (as you will be able to get but I am not new to
networking, and computers)

I am attempting to get mandrake Linux 7.1 installed on a p-166 64m, Realtek
RTL8029 NIC, and connected to a cheap-ass 10-base hub which is also
connected to a cable modem and that's how I see out.

I have tried to reinstall 3-5 times already and none of the times I can ping
my gateway (@home's), now my wife's computer.

I am plugging in the settings that I have from @home, including my ip
address, gateway, and the DNS's. and I am still unable to get anywhere

So if anyone has @home and knows how I can learn to pull my head out of my
ass, I would be grateful!


Joe m

From the Home office of Joe M.

If you don't like what I have to
say then you should call:
Rent to own your own clue today!

RE: [newbie] Using Mandrake's GUI install components after install?

2000-08-09 Thread Romanator


If you are interested in books from Que such as:
Upgrading and Repairing PCs - Linux Edition
The Multi-Boot Configuration Handbook

Partition Magic Special Edition, including other softwares come with book
and CD.

Registered Linux User #179293

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Carroll
Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2000 10:15 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Using Mandrake's GUI install components after


  Where can i get partion magic for free?

The short answer is, "You can't." It's a commercial program -- about
$50.00. It's very powerful, easy to use (considering what it does), and
has a good reputation for not screwing up your data. I've used it
several times with no problems.
There are some other programs that do the same job, and probably some of
them are freeware. Try Tucows or some of the other software sites. I've
also seen some Linux CD's that include a copy of PM -- I'm not sure if
these are stripped-down versions.
-- Carroll Grigsby

Re: [newbie] Linux resources online

2000-08-09 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Daniel Bodanske wrote:
 My first job was selling Sanyo 8086 and 8088s back in 84, and I started
 programming on tandies in 81

Hi Daniel. Cut my teeth on an old Atari 800XL. Remember those? ;-)


Re: [newbie] Using Mandrake's GUI install components after install?

2000-08-09 Thread Dacia and AzureRose

If you buy a copy of Upgrading  repairing PCs: Linux
edition by Que publishing you will get a free FULL
version of partition magic and boot magic.  The book
costs 47.99 at amazon right now.  ISBN # 0789720752

Its a great book.

--- Carroll Grigsby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Where can i get partion magic for free?
 The short answer is, "You can't." It's a commercial
 program -- about
 $50.00. It's very powerful, easy to use (considering
 what it does), and
 has a good reputation for not screwing up your data.
 I've used it
 several times with no problems.
 There are some other programs that do the same job,
 and probably some of
 them are freeware. Try Tucows or some of the other
 software sites. I've
 also seen some Linux CD's that include a copy of PM
 -- I'm not sure if
 these are stripped-down versions.
 -- Carroll Grigsby

Do You Yahoo!?
Kick off your party with Yahoo! Invites.

[newbie] CDDB file

2000-08-09 Thread C Nielsen

I've had great success with making music CDs with Gtoaster and the only
question I have is how to create a file list with the songs on the the Cd so
the cd player shows the listing of the songs...any ideas?

[newbie] 36 hours to post

2000-08-09 Thread Gary

On Sat, Aug 05, 2000 at 11:47:42AM -0500 or thereabouts, Gary wrote:

It has taken this reply 36 hours to reach this group.  This happens all
the time on this group. lone.  I have been on it for over a month, and it has
stayed the same.  What is wrong?  

Why does the mail consistently take this long, and why does it get lost
at times.  It happens to other people here too.  This mail server on
this group is the worst I have ever seen on the net, consistently.

Mandrake when are you going to fix it? It is frustrating enough learning
a new OS, let alone not having your mail go through.


 server.  I have used it many times before I switched to MUTT which
 handles threading far better than Pine.  Taken from the info of Pine,
 do this.
 In your setup config for inbox-path type:
 That's it.  When you start Pine, it will ask you for your password and
 start d/l your mail.

Re: [newbie] Linux Friendly ISP's

2000-08-09 Thread Barry Premeaux

=*= wrote:

 Illuminati Online (my ISP) is very Linux-friendly.  It runs
 on RedHat.  Best ISP I have ever used.  Too bad it only
 serves Houston and Austin, Texas.

 As for free ISP's, they mostly suck.  I used Freewwweb once
 in Linux, and all I had to do was add their phone number and
 my login/password to wvdial.  They haved been Borg-ed into
 Juno now and that no longer works.  FYI, Juno wants to be
 the Microsoft of free internet providers, so don't be
 surprised at a lot more such buy-outs.

 My wife was using Freewweb when they got absorbed, and now
 she cannot get the Freewwweb shit out of her browser.  It's
 a bad deal.  Tech support is non-exixstent of course.  I am
 suspicious of some clown saying they are "working on
 software" for Linux.


 On Thu, 3 Aug 2000, Barry Premeaux wrote:

 While searching for and ISP for my neighbor, I
 ran across  It was the only Linux friendly ISP
 I found.  They had numerous helps, including how to cinfigure
 Gppp/Kppp.  Rates weren't all that bad either.
 Also found which is a free ISP.  They claim to
 be working on software for Linux.  If you are interested, send
 your request to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Barry :-) has worked well for me, although they aren't Linux savy.
Haven't been motivated to
try the free ISP's.  Just don't care for the banners and the potential
ton's of cookies.  One note though, does have a lot of nationwide access numbers which should
be a help to those that

It is also interesting to note that my post on the 3rd shows up on the
server the same day as yours
(the 6th).

Barry :-)

Re: [newbie] Refresh rates / Screen quiver

2000-08-09 Thread Paul

On Sat, 5 Aug 2000, Tom Brinkman wrote:

   Windoze hardly ever has a problem with monitors, since no matter
what you choose as the monitor manufacturer or model, you'll either
get monitor.inf, or monitor2.inf, both of which under-drive most
all monitors (and video cards).

Ah! That is why the video in Linux here looks so much better than in


Cats could have ruled the Universe,
but couldn't be bothered.
-Paul Gray

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]])0( -  ICQ 147208
Registered  Linux  User   174403
-=PINE 4.21+Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] Linux resources online

2000-08-09 Thread Nickolas Koehne

I have a few things to add in response to angry responses born from this
particular thread.  How can we know we are going less we understand where we
came from?  It is by which we take ideas and concepts already realized to
found better and greater ideas.


- Original Message -
From: "Mark Weaver" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Romanator" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2000 7:32 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux resources online

 sounds like this guy has been sitting at his monitor too long and has
 consumed massive quantities of coffee! He needs to unplug for a while and
 go pee!!  ;)

 **  =/\=  No Penguins were harmed |
 ** _||_ in the making of this |
 **  =\/=  message... | Registered Linux user #182496

 On Wed, 2 Aug 2000, Romanator wrote:

  Frank Nazario wrote:
[since I received only 35 Newbie on the 25th, none on the 26th 
27th I'm
reposting this.  If there was an answer I would appreciate it if
would forward it to me.  I had thought that the Newbie server might
be down,
but since I have only a few (rather than scads) messages from Newbie
I'm assuming that I just didn't get my mail for some reason.]
Apple has always used Motorola.  But I never heard the final
of the copyright issue for the microprocessor chip itself.  Last I
heard some
guy in a garage was going to be granted the basic patent for the
microprocessor.  What became of this?  -Gary-
In a message dated 7/23/2000 11:54:16 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Didn't Intel originally own the patent rights for some of the early
 chips that Apple and other companies were using?
   this has nothing to do with linux or mandrake ...this is not the
forum to
   discuss this. if you are interested go to the motorola forum and ask
  Calm down. The temporary discussion started when the mail was down.

Re[2]: [newbie] Refresh rates / Screen quiver

2000-08-09 Thread Steve Howes

On Sat, 5 Aug 2000 08:19:40 -0500 it was written:

 Many monitor manufacturers overstate their product specs, and
 'Hz' are always ±   Damn near all the time, even junk monitors will
 do 1280x... @ 60Hz (17" ), so that's usually a good choice if
 you're not sure, or your monitor doesn't wanna run X at specs.

Are we talking 17+" monitors here, because my 15" Nokia want even
consider anything above 1024x...  and I don't think many smaller
monitors will.  I also thought attempting to run monitors at wrong
resolutions could lead to damage.

Steve - Cheltenham, UK
In love and light we are
In darkness we are no less

[newbie] Pine Config -- Easy Solution!

2000-08-09 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

This incredibly easy and fully effective way to configure Pine comes to
you (and me) courtesy of Ramon Gandia, one of the great gurus on our

1) Install Pine. It should, of course, come already installed on your
Linux machine.

2) Type "pine" on the command line (without the quotes). This will
launch Pine. Now exit Pine (click on E, then Quit). This creates a
.pinerc file in your home directory.

3) Now, using any text editor, open it to /home/user/.pinerc (note the
period, which indicates a hidden file.

4) Look for a section called ESSENTIAL PARAMETERS. You need to fill out
ONLY the following for Pine to operate fully as a mail and news client
from remote networks. I use it to get my mail from Bellsouth. I use it
as a backup for Netscape, especially when I am in the console stuck and
need to get in touch with someone.

Type in the following information. I am providing my own info as a

 #Over-rides your full name from Unix password file.
 #Required for PC-Pine.
 personal-name=Benjamin Sher


#Sets domain part of From...

Leave this section blank!


#List of SMTP servers for sending mail. If blank: Unix Pine.
#uses sendmail.


NNTP server for posting news. Also sets news-collections
#for news reading.


This is the most critical one:

#path of (local or remote) INBOX...
#Normal Unix default...
#INBOX (usually /usr/spool/...

Please note that in this last stage you need only fill out the last
line, that is, the "inbox-path" line, just as you see above. And you
must use the curlicue brackets (or whatever they are called) instead of
the ordinary brackets (Shift + brackets). And NO spaces anywhere. One
uninterrupted lined.

Now save the file. Open Pine and you should get a request for your IP
user name and password.

We both owe Ramon Gandia our appreciation for finding such a simple
solution. It works perfectly and should allow you to receive and send
mail and news flawlessly.

All my best.


Mark Weaver wrote:
 I don't think so. You pretty much have to use fetchmail and postfix to
 fetch the mail from pop3, and IMAP servers. Pine was designed primarily as
 an intranet (LAN mail system) where it accesses the mail from the local
 mail spool.
 **  =/\=  No Penguins were harmed   |
 ** _||_ in the making of this |
 **  =\/=  message...| Registered Linux user #182496
 On 3 Aug 2000, Michael Scottaline wrote:
  Harry Flaxman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I haven't used Pine in quite awhile.  I can't remember the configuration
   line that will make Pine read from a remote mail and news server.  I
   know that I had this working years ago, when I first started with Linux.
   Can someone help me to configure Pine for remote retrieval, without
   using fetchmail or sendmail?
  Doesn't Pine have a place to setup a popmail account someplace in the
  "Always remember that I have taken more out of alcohol
  than alcohol has taken out of me."
--Winston Churchill
  Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

[newbie] More PMfirewall questions?

2000-08-09 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Okay, I've been playing around with PMfirewall for a bit now. I did grab
the ipchains (not ip_chains!!!) RPM and install it, so ipchains is in
/sbin. I did a sh from the pmfirewall-1.1.4 folder, and the
script starts. It does find ipchains now. I have a few questions about
the questions it asks during the installation. What exactly am I
supposed to put for the external interface? I tried ppp0,
eth0, even modem (yes, I was desperate!). I don't have a network, I'm
not masquarading, I just want a fairly secure desktop box to access the
'Net with. I answered (1st time) NO to all the questions about ports,
except the obvious, like having pmfirewall use my dynamic IP address,
and then I could not get Netscape to load a page, or grab my E-mail. I
went back and changed few things and have those back again.

Any hints/clues/suggestions for a firewall user wannabe? I did read the
docs and man page with pmfirewall, as well as the ipchains HOWTO,
but I still couldn't any docs that walk you through the installation
script. (or did I just miss it somewhere?)

Thanks in advance! ;-)

PS Oh, 1 more thing. Pmfirewall is listed as starting when I bootup, and
I've got it set to start when ppp is successful. Is this the correct way
to start it?


RE: [newbie] WinModem

2000-08-09 Thread Kam Panesar

I have not had a problem with mandrake 7.1 and the modem below on my Compaq


Having said that RedHat didn't like it at all.


 -Original Message-
 From: Greg Stewart [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2000 3:58 PM
 Subject:  Re: [newbie] WinModem
 The only version of Linux that I know of which has been successfuly
 installed on notebooks to take advantage of winmodems is SuSE Linux. (or is it a lot of ibm thinkpds and
 provides instructions on configurin the winmodem to work with SuSE. You
 might check out their site, and possibly call to beg and plead for
 I do know that any winmodem under Linux will be slower since the mainboard
 CPU has to do all the processing for it.
  Hi all,
  I have installed mandrake 7.1 on my laptop (Compaq Armada 7400). It has 
  an internal modem 56K V.90, but I can not configure it.
  Could anyone help.
  Thanks in advance for your help.
  N.B The following text  is a description of the modem.
  Internal Modem Support
  Linux has support for controller based modems. The controller-less or 
  "winmodem" is not supported. The Armada 7400 and 7800 models with 333MHz
  or faster processors use a 56K V.90 winmodem and the only driver Compaq 
  currently provides is for Microsoft based operating systems. Older 7400 
  and 7800 models with 300 MHz or slower processors use a 33.6Kbps 
  controller based modem which uses the standard Hayes commands and is 
  supported by Linux. The internal modem defaults to COM3 (0x3F8). Linux 
  expects the COM ports to use the "standard" resources: COM1 (0x3F8, 
  IRQ4), COM2 (0x2F8, IRQ3), COM3 (0x3E8, IRQ4), COM4 (0x2E8, IRQ3). 
  Notice that COM1/COM3 and COM2/COM4 share IRQ's. If COM1 and COM3 are to
  be used simultaneously, Compaq recommends using Computer Setup for 
  Portables to move COM3 to its own IRQ. For example, if the user wished 
  to use the internal modem and an external serial mouse, then a good 
  choice would be to use IRQ3. IRQ3 is free for use by the internal modem 
  because COM2 (0x2F8), the fast infrared port, is assigned IRQ9. The 
  latest Compaq system ROM (BIOS) moves the internal modem to IRQ3 by 
  default, so we recommend you upgrade the BIOS prior to installing Linux.
  Also be aware that if a system is setup to dual boot the Microsoft 
  Window 9.X operating system, then that OS can reassign the COM port 
  resources, resulting in the possibility of Linux not being able to use 
  the port(s).
 Want free email? Sign up at !

Re: [newbie] SB Live drivers

2000-08-09 Thread Mark Hillary

Right on all f this about sounddrake and sblives. What I have figured is
that SBlives are usally setupfine out of the box, when you install. Now if
you start harddrake and go to sound drake, it messes up the /dev/dsp and
/dev/mixer files so it no longer works. In mandrake 7.1 there is another
sound setup utilty called sndconfig. This has on problem with SBLive cards.
The New version of Harddrake corrects the problem with the one that is in
the Box.

Just my bit.

Mark Hillary

philomena wrote:


 it was suggested to me by the mandrake guy who is responsible for
 hardDrake/sounddrake (alexandre dussart) that the version of sounddrake
 released with 7.1 did not handle SBLive! cards very well, and to
 downlaod the more current version from the hardDrake site. I did that,
 which due to dependancies required updates of a few more packages. After
 the updates it all worked fine. This doesn't explain why some people
 have no trouble at all with SBLive! cards right out of the box.
 Right now, on the hardDrake site, there is a brand new version of that
 tool which incorporates sound and ethernet card setup, so soundrake and
 etherdrake are becoming obsolete. I haven't tried this new hardDrake
 yet, so I can't put in my .02 about the experience.


 Dennis wrote:

   CL Live + non cuppermine CPU = LuckCL Live + cuppermine CPU = No
  Luck This is what I have figured out so far.I have both, and all
  possible swapping plus install/reinstall/update done, the result is
  still the same. Any help please?
   - Original Message -
   From: gilligan
   Sent: Sunday, 30 July, 2000 8:32 AM
   Subject: Re: [newbie] SB Live drivers
Kim White wrote:
   I have a sound blaster live value edition and it works
   great under LM7.1. I ran sndconfig and all ran great. From
   what I've read, some people have great luck and others no
   luck at all. Sorry I can't help more but I'm a new-bie 100%.
   Drivers must be intergal to the kernal(emu101k  I think).
   Your mileage may vary.
   Hi all Where can I get Creative Live Value Drivers for
   Mandrake 7.1, or is there a trick to get it working.?
   Registered Linux User #: 183701

Re: [newbie] I made a mistake

2000-08-09 Thread Mark Hillary

you want to get rid of the one you put in to config file. because you windows
partion is not on hda1, but is on hda. The bit of windows that boots is right
at the start of the drive.

BTW if you do what John siad, you will know longer be able to start linux. The
thing to do is read the help, that would be installed on your pc. It is on the
Doc section, it will tell you how to reconfig Grub. Personal I use lilo as it
is a lot easier to use.

Mark Hillary

"John I. Azeke" wrote:

 Try doing an
 c:fdisk /mbr
 after booting your system into DOS with your Windows Startup disk.

 -Original Message-
 From: Liangyu Wang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2000 1:22 PM
 Subject: [newbie] I made a mistake


 I installed Mandrake 7.1 under windows 98 and after installation, Grub
 provided a menu to choose operating system, Linux and windows. It worked
 well. Later, I wanted to set windows to be default OS, So in
 DrakeConf-DrakeBoot, I set the boot device from hda to hda1. Now I know I
 should not set in this way, but I got a problem: The machine can only start
 linux, not windows even though the windows option is still in the Grub menu
 and even though I set the boot device back to hda.

 I am quite new to the Linux world and don't know how to get windows back,
 Could someone help me out?


Re[2]: [newbie] Location of Netscape Messenger?

2000-08-09 Thread Przemyslaw M. Maciolek

Hello Paul,

Saturday, August 05, 2000, 11:47:43 PM, you wrote:

P On Thu, 3 Aug 2000, RJS II wrote:

Anyone know where I can find the executable for Netscape Messenger?

P I guess it is part of the executable of Netscape Navigator.

P Paul

yes, as i know, you run netscape with some options. try netscape

Best regards,
 Przemyslawmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

[newbie] Mandrake 7.0 'root' login problems

2000-08-09 Thread John Stevens

Hi Everyone

I recently purchased a magazine with Linux Madrake 7.0 on it's cover CD. I 
was very excited about it because of the reviews I had read about Mandrake 
and I couldn't wait to install it on a free hard drive of mine.

The first problem I had was using cdrom.img which allowed installation with 
DrakX. The system stalled when setup tried to analyse the type of cdrom 
being used; i.e. when it came to the CD ISO part of the startup procedure. 
That didn't bother me too much as I then switched to text install using 

Having done that I went through the normal installation procedure and was 
ready to login. At the login prompt I tried to login as 'root' but it didn't 
accept my password. The fact is that I entered the password correctly but it 
still didn't accept the password. I thought that maybe the installation was 
corrupt so I then re-installed Mandrake 4 to 5 more times but again it was 
still giving me the same message of entering an invalid password.

Has anyone else had the same problem of root login? Has anyone else been 
given an error message saying that the password is invalid for the root user 
even though the password is entered correctly? Please can anyone help me as 
I really am very desperate to using Mandrake 7.0. Thanks.



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Re: [newbie] PPP in Gnome

2000-08-09 Thread Roger Pithers

Jose Alberto Abreu wrote:
 Hello people... I was reading in about "GnomePPP"
 This is supposedly part of the "Gnome Networking" package, but I cant
 find it anywhere...
 Any pointers would be appreciated...Im using Mandrake 7.0 and Helix

You can get GnomePPP from , look under software, it's
there somewhere.


Re: [newbie] Using Mandrake's GUI install components after install?

2000-08-09 Thread christopher . perry

Carroll Grigsby wrote:
   Where can i get partion magic for free?
 The short answer is, "You can't." It's a commercial program -- about
 $50.00. It's very powerful, easy to use (considering what it does), and
 has a good reputation for not screwing up your data. I've used it
 several times with no problems.
 There are some other programs that do the same job, and probably some of
 them are freeware. Try Tucows or some of the other software sites. I've
 also seen some Linux CD's that include a copy of PM -- I'm not sure if
 these are stripped-down versions.
 -- Carroll Grigsby

Its worth bearing in mind that a version of PM along with DRive Image
comes with Scott Muellers "upgrading and repairing PCs" book. this is an
encyclopedic tome with a cover price of $60, probably available cheaper
mine was!
- chris perry

[newbie] Building Binary RPMS from SRPMS

2000-08-09 Thread Power Bandwidth

Configuration: Asus P2B-F, 256MB, Ensonic 128, Voodoo 3DFX 3000.
I have tried building i686 RPMS from the source RPMS, SRPMS, with some luck. 
There are about 40% of them I have trouble with. I just tried:
# rpm --rebuild gnapster-1.3.10-2mdk.src.rpm

It continues fine until:
checking for xgettext... /usr/bin/xgettext
checking for catalogs to be installed...  fr pt
updating cache ./config.cache
creating ./config.status
creating Makefile
creating po/
creating intl/Makefile
creating gnapster.spec
creating macros/Makefile
creating src/Makefile
creating pixmaps/Makefile
creating config.h
+ %make
/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.89931: fg: no job control
Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.89931 (%build)

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? TIA

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: [newbie] Gnapster (continued)...

2000-08-09 Thread Alexander Skwar

On Thu, Aug 03, 2000 at 06:58:43AM -0500, Vic wrote:
 After all, I do not know of any place where
 you can rent a CD like you do a video movie.

Well, here in Germany you can just go to the video rent shop and also rent a
CD.  You also used to be able to rent computer games some years ago.

Alexander Skwar
Homepage: |
Sichere Mail?   Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED] fuer GnuPG Keys

[newbie] Printer won't print ?! Yes!

2000-08-09 Thread Joan Tur

Hi! Forget my following message (with 2.4.0test5 and same configuration
Joan Tur escribi:
When i use kernel 2.4.0-test4 instead of 2.2.15 that comes with Mandrake
7.0 / 7.1 (i've recently upgraded) my printer doesn't print any more.
No problems come out; it just does nothing.
My printer is a Lexmark 5700, and i use a modified ghostcript 5.10 that
recognizes it (in bw mode); if i try to uninstall ghostcript 5.50 that
comes with Mandrake 7.1 rpm says it isn't installed (and it appears in
the list under kpackage).
So i can't either install or uninstall ghostcript... any idea?
Thanks! ;-)
Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain

Re: [newbie] Linux resources online

2000-08-09 Thread carjam

I still have some old 8086 machines. I figure they might be worth something
in a few decades. I also have old amstrad z80s. If anyone thinks its not
worth it, look up the price of the sinclair spetrum. Collecters item.

- Original Message -
From: Daniel Bodanske [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2000 8:31 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux resources online

 My first job was selling Sanyo 8086 and 8088s back in 84, and I started
 programming on tandies in 81

  Anybody else on this list old enough to remember when the "suits"
  didn't run things, and games/software were ported to every single
  platform, just because they could/it was neat? Circa '80's with
  names like Tandy, Atari, Amiga, etc, etc,... ;-)

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: [newbie] Refresh rates / Screen quiver

2000-08-09 Thread carjam

actually, a tv doesn't have resution or color death. Its analog, it has only
x resution and unlimited color deaph.

- Original Message -
From: Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2000 2:19 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Refresh rates / Screen quiver

On Wed, 02 Aug 2000, you wrote:
 I have heard through the grape vine that the refresh rates can sometimes
 be off by 1Hz or so.  Try your refresh rates and make sure they are set
 correctly.  You may have to go into the X config file, I am not sure how
 to change it.  I am trying to work this out myself.

 And I thought monitors were meant to protect themselves from incorrect
 refresh rates.

 Any ideas people?

Many monitor manufacturers overstate their product specs, and
'Hz' are always ±   Damn near all the time, even junk monitors will
do 1280x... @ 60Hz (17" ), so that's usually a good choice if
you're not sure, or your monitor doesn't wanna run X at specs.

   Windoze hardly ever has a problem with monitors, since no matter
what you choose as the monitor manufacturer or model, you'll either
get monitor.inf, or monitor2.inf, both of which under-drive most
all monitors (and video cards).

No matter what OS your monitor is used with, it will never run
at 'full speed' unless your video card and ram/cpu/cache/motherboard
are up to the task.  If all that is in good shape, many quality
monitors can be over-driven with very little risk, ~ +10 to 15%

Whatever, depending on the back lighting (fluorescent is the
worst), refresh rates below ~70 will usually produce flicker.  TV's
are 60Hz, yet flicker is rarely noticed.  That's 'cause resolution
and depth are _low_.  If you feel your getting flicker with the
proper settings, try a lower resolution and/or color depth, run your
monitor above spec, or both.  If you then hear a high pitched squeal
coming from the back of the monitor... buy better hardware ;-

~~   Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED]

[newbie] Free SimCity

2000-08-09 Thread Ricardo Núñez


Is there any free SimCity Game which I could install in my Linux


   Ing. Ricardo Núñez
   Webmaster de la DST
   Universidad Simón Bolívar

Re: [newbie] Location of Netscape Messenger?

2000-08-09 Thread Ricardo Núñez

Paul wrote:
 On Thu, 3 Aug 2000, RJS II wrote:
 Anyone know where I can find the executable for Netscape Messenger?

Run "netscape -mail"

 I guess it is part of the executable of Netscape Navigator.
 We live like robots.
 This requires nerves of steel!!
 )0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]])0( -  ICQ 147208
 Registered  Linux  User   174403
 -=PINE 4.21+Linux Mandrake 7.1=-


   Ing. Ricardo Núñez
   Webmaster de la DST
   Universidad Simón Bolívar

Re: [newbie] transferring files from linux to windows

2000-08-09 Thread Ricardo Núñez

KompuKit wrote:
 Is there a way to transfer webpages (i.e.  html,gif,jpg,)
 over to windows...BUT, leave the "type case" untouched?
 In other words, upon trying to transfer these types of files
 to windows...using copy/paste KFM...
 it completes the exchange...but when I go look at the files
 in Windows 98...afterwards, all the files' filenames have
 been changed to either uppercase or lowercase type...
 and this being the scenario, I can't then use a windows
 to view the windowscause of the link
 Unless, of course I first edit each and every single
 and with a huge site this could take a very long time.

Have you tried using the command 'tar'? Example:

prompt cd windows_directory
prompt (cd unix_directory; tar cvf - ./*) | tar xvf -

It only works if you are the superuser. I do not know why I cannot write
to the windows partition as another user.

 Please can someone help?
  Registered Linux User:167369
 Kit Goins   ICQ# 7110071
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lowell, Mass.
 Web Designer
 (Server Runs between M - F 6pm-12am, S  S 12pm-12am EST)


   Ing. Ricardo Núñez
   Webmaster de la DST
   Universidad Simón Bolívar

Re: [newbie] X configuration

2000-08-09 Thread GAPrichard

I'm new and need to know how to approach things.  What did you do,
look at, experiment with, etc.  
I'm also behind, so pardon me if this has been asked already.  -Gary-

In a message dated 8/2/2000 7:41:29 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

 you have to keep working with it until you find one that will work with
 his hardware. Sometimes it can be a real challenge to get the display
 working correctly with Linux. Especially Mandrake. This week I configured
 LM 7.1 on one of our users' laptop at work. I spent the better part of one
 day off and on trying to get the display to fill the screen and behave
 itself while doing that. It took a while, and with patience I was able to
 a word of won't always be able to get the display
 working with the choices that are most obvious for the hardware. You may
 find your hardware on the list, but that's not a guarentee that it's going
 to work with those drivers. Just don't give up. Sometimes you end up using
 drivers that you wouldn't think will work. 
 I'm using an HP driver to get my Canon BJC6000 to work in Linux Mandrake
 7.1. And they said it couldn't be done!
   ** Registered Linux user # 182496 **


Re: [newbie] Linux resources online

2000-08-09 Thread GAPrichard

Since you took the time and trouble to "respond" for everyone's 
edification, I will respond to you [and, everyone, I'm lengthy but I hope 
others of you will find this interesting].  
In the post that I responded to we were talking about microprocessors.  
Doesn't your computer use a microprocessor?  Assignment of the basic patent 
for the microprocessor effects everybody using a computer.  Since patent is 
done in secret, the outcome is only known when the final decision has been 
made, Intel, Motorola, and others have gone ahead in the mean time, and once 
the patent is assigned things must be sorted out.  If the guy in (was it 
Stanton, California?) got the patent, it raises many questions.   
Part of what I have learned here on Newbie has been from tying into the 
expertise of others here regarding the background of computing that Linux 
developed in, sprang from, and exists in currently [haven't you learned 
something interesting here that wasn't strictly "my install didn't recognize 
my NIC" or how do I get this game to run?].  
I began in computing by teaching myself WordStar and CP/M on an Osborne 
when the only Apple was an Apple II (and with an expansion board for $400 you 
could run run CP/M and have a good wordprocessor: WordStar).  Unix belonged 
to ATT, and the FreeSoftwareFoundation didn't exist yet.  Several years 
later SCO Unix cost $2600 for a single 386 machine, and the FSF had the GNU C 
compiler but not enough other parts to make a working system.  Understand 
that things change.  I didn't pay enough attention, didn't have enough 
background, and wasn't able to appreciate some of the things that I was aware 
history does influence what we experience as Reality, both in computing and 
in the world at large.  I'm trying to make up for my lack of understanding; 
learn from this and don't make the same mistake that I did.  
I asked if someone knew the outcome of the patent decision because I felt 
that someone here would know, newbie being a very informed and varied group, 
and that these related issues DO effect us all.  Maybe you need to spend a 
few hours playing the original ADVENTUR.  That might help you to appreciate 
some of the games available now and illustrate this process of building on 
the past.
For those of you that don't know, ADVENTUR was a game designed to play at 
a terminal with slow access to the main computer (300 baud modems if I 
remember right).  It was developed at a time when there was no graphics, no 
sound, no mouse, etc.  Yet it maintains your interest.  It uses your 
imagination -- similar to the pre-TV days of radio drama.  The radio program 
of Orson Wells "The War of the Worlds" LITERALLY had people committing 
suicide!  Convincing?  Involvement?  That program's impact is still around 
today.  I missed the days of Radio, but I see the effects.  Have you noticed 
any of what I'm talking about?  
ADVENTUR was good enough to be ported from where it was originally 
developed (a PDP11 mainframe?) to CP/M, MSDOS and Windows.  It established 
the category of adventure games.  Since it was strictly text, it should work 
on DOSEMU, WINE or other emulators under Linux.   You might want to spend a 
few hours to see if you can actually find and get into the entrance of the 
game, and what the foundation of today's games actually is.  You can still 
experience your own history for yourself.  You might even find it a little 
interesting.  If nothing else you'll have an appreciation for the quote 
below, and a few other references you'll see from time to time.
"You are standing at the end of a road" as ADVENTUR began, and the 
rest is up to you.

In a message dated 8/2/2000 1:31:57 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

  [since I received only 35 Newbie on the 25th, none on the 26th  27th I'm
  reposting this.  If there was an answer I would appreciate it if someone
  would forward it to me.  I had thought that the Newbie server might be 
  but since I have only a few (rather than scads) messages from Newbie today
  I'm assuming that I just didn't get my mail for some reason.]
  Apple has always used Motorola.  But I never heard the final 
  of the copyright issue for the microprocessor chip itself.  Last I heard 
  guy in a garage was going to be granted the basic patent for the
  microprocessor.  What became of this?  -Gary-
  In a message dated 7/23/2000 11:54:16 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
   Didn't Intel originally own the patent rights for some of the early
   chips that Apple and other companies were using?

 this has nothing to do with linux or mandrake ...this is not the forum to
 discuss this. if you are interested go to the motorola forum and ask there