Re: Fw: [newbie-it] Upgrade kernel 2.4.0 test 9-patch

2000-10-17 Thread Fabio Coatti

On Mon, Oct 16, 2000 at 06:51:18PM +0200, ENx wrote:
  Grazie mille Fabio, ho trovato la patch giusta, ma come faccio ad

Dunque, per prima cosa scompatti i sorgenti dal tar.gz originale,
qualcosa del tipo

tar xvfz linux-2.4.0-pre9.tar.gz
(se compattato gzip)
tar xvfzI linux-2.4.0-pre9.tar.bz2
od anche 
bunzip2 -c linux-2.4.0-pre9.tar.bz2 | tar xfv -
se compattato bz2

Dove li scompatti?

dunque, io li metto in /usr/src, ma Linus ha assolutamente sconsigliato
questo posto, in quanto si vanno a sovrascrivere gli headers del kernel
fornito con la distro. Quindi li si possono mettere in /usr/local/src

Io ho semrpe fatto in /usr/src, non sono ancora morto :-), ma seguiamo
cosa dice il capo :))

A questo punto applichi la patch, con un comando più o meno così:

bunzip2 -c patch-.bz2 | patch -p0
gunzip -c  patch-.gz | patch -p0
od ancora 
cat patch- | patch -p0

A seconda di come è compattata.

In genere la directory dove fare questo lavoro è /usr/local/src, ossia
nello stesso punto da dove hai scompattato il sorgente, ma non è una
regola fissa.

Prova a giocherellare un po' e dimmi cosa succede :-)

Fabio Coatti

[newbie-it] impostazioni kde: accelerazione mouse e editor predefinito

2000-10-17 Thread Casa


Dopo aver installato staroffice(stress) ho un problema: i file di testo prima
bastava cliccarci sopra e venivano aperti con text editor. Ora invece vengono
aperti con staroffice, che pero' e' pesantissimo e ci vuole una vita perche'
parta. Come si fa e reimpostare text editor come programma predefinito?

Inoltre da un po' di tempo tutte le volte che parte kde mi devo reimpostare
l'accelerazione e la sensibilita', in pratica non rimane memorizzata. Che si
puo' fare?

Grazie a tutti, Nicola.

[newbie-it] unsubscribe

2000-10-17 Thread Pierpaolo Cofano

[newbie-it] linux e ultra ata 100

2000-10-17 Thread Gigi Cyber

Ciao a tutti!
Ho acquistato un pc così configurato:
Duron 600
Mb Asus a7v
64Mb ram
Riva Tnt 2

ho provato subito ad installarvi la mandrake 7.1, ma
l'installazione si interrompe perchè non viene trovato
nessun supporto su cui creare il filesystem cioè
l'hard disk che è, dimenticavo, un samsung 20 Gb, 5400
U-ata 100.
Ho provato ad installare anche la suse 6.4, ma mi dà
lo stesso problema, solo che lei vede 6 dischi, di cui
2 scsi...(ohimè).
Poichè sul mio vecchio pc non avevo mai avuto questo
problema, e io vorrei usare winzozz il meno possibile,
qualcuno sa come superarlo? Secondo voi si tratta del
controller promise u-ata 100?
 Grazie a tutti

Do You Yahoo!?
Il tuo indirizzo gratis e per sempre su

R: [newbie-it] linux e ultra ata 100

2000-10-17 Thread Lookdown

La controller è integrata, vero?
Conosco diversa gente a cui ha dato dei problemi, alcuni non riuscivano a
istallare neanche windows.

- Original Message -
From: Gigi Cyber [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 4:11 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] linux e ultra ata 100

 Ciao a tutti!
 Ho acquistato un pc così configurato:
 Duron 600
 Mb Asus a7v
 64Mb ram
 Riva Tnt 2

 ho provato subito ad installarvi la mandrake 7.1, ma
 l'installazione si interrompe perchè non viene trovato
 nessun supporto su cui creare il filesystem cioè
 l'hard disk che è, dimenticavo, un samsung 20 Gb, 5400
 U-ata 100.
 Ho provato ad installare anche la suse 6.4, ma mi dà
 lo stesso problema, solo che lei vede 6 dischi, di cui
 2 scsi...(ohimè).
 Poichè sul mio vecchio pc non avevo mai avuto questo
 problema, e io vorrei usare winzozz il meno possibile,
 qualcuno sa come superarlo? Secondo voi si tratta del
 controller promise u-ata 100?
  Grazie a tutti

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Il tuo indirizzo gratis e per sempre su

[newbie-it] icon editor

2000-10-17 Thread Floods

Qualcuno si ricorda in quale pacchetto si trova l'icon editor?

Davide Cavallarie-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[newbie-it] Come si installa Grub?

2000-10-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ciao a tutti,

la reinstallazione di winzoz mi ha sovrascritto l'mbr cancellandomi grub

come si fa per reinstallarlo(dopo aver caricato linux con il disco di 

So come si fa per LILO, ma io voglio GRUB :-().

Ciao e grazie!

Re: [newbie-it] linux e ultra ata 100

2000-10-17 Thread Alessandro

 Secondo voi si tratta del
 controller promise u-ata 100?

Se ti puo' aiutare: io so solo che il supporto per l'ultraATA100 era in
sperimentazione alcuni mesi fa. non so se gia' nella Mandrake 7.1 sia
stato implementato (anche se mi pare che cosi' non sia perche' io faccio
sempre installazione personalizzata e non mi e' mai capitato di vedere
riferimenti all'UDMA100)
anche ricompilando il kernel (avevo compilato la versione 2.4.0 test6) non
ho trovato riferimenti all'UDMA100

Re: [newbie] Mandrake supportI

2000-10-17 Thread paksdm

On 14 Oct 2000, at 9:51, Romanator wrote:

 Hi Larry,
 When I registered, I had a response within 48 hours. That's not bad
 considering the hundreds of emails they must receive from around the
 world. I don't know if any one out there has ever worked in a technical
 support environment. I'm sure after a few days work, you'd give 'em a
 little break.

I work in such an enviroment and our goal is answer all 
calls within 5 minutes... granted, sometimes in a peak 
period that stretches out a lot, but most of our customers 
spend more time in the voicemail menus than waiting for 
an answer!
(and we serve all of North America for tens of thousands of 

Damn we're good! (straining shoulder to pat self on back)

Customer Technical Support Person

[newbie] WOW, Mozilla M18

2000-10-17 Thread Jon Doe

Is it just me or has there been major improvment from M11 to M18.
On my box anyhow M18 screams! As fast if not faster than netscape 4.75 and much
faster than Opera so far.
But why oh why did they change the GUI to look more like netscape I
actually liked the M17 GUI.
Anyone think I'm nuts about M18 running good?

ICQ# 27396393
Registered Linux User 181996

Re: [newbie] large hard disk

2000-10-17 Thread Larry Marshall

 That is why Linux-Mandrake developed GRUB, it does not have the problem with
 1024 cylinders

Uhm...Linux-Mandrake didn't develop's a GNU program.  Current
versions of LILO don't care abut 1024 cylinders either.  All this presumes
that the BIOS is recent enough to deal with large drives.

Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] large hard disk

2000-10-17 Thread GAPrichard

See all of my earlier discussions on "shim" programs.  A lot in the last 
month, for some reason.  Use shim programs ONLY if you MUST.  Being that you 
say your motherboard is only two years old I would expect it to support LBA 
drives; are you ABSOLUTELY sure that you have to use the bios overlay ( 
"shim" or disc manager program) to see the full capacity of the drive?  If 
not, or to test it, reinstall the shim to the hard drive to undo the mbr 
corruption you have now, then "uninstall" it.  Check that CMOS is set to hard 
drive "auto" for both configuration and mode.  Fdisk should now function 
normally and see the entire drive capacity.  If so you can go ahead with a 
normal installation.  

The following discussion is assuming that you must use a disk manager program:
Your problem arises because the Linux install put the Lilo (or grub) 
bootloader in the mbr area.  This is where the disk manager (shim, bios 
overlay) lives, thus the shim program is messed up and this in turn is 
causing all of the disc problems.  The fix is that you must reinstall the 
shim onto the hard drive.  Since you say that the floppy with the shim 
software shows that everything is still there, Windon't and Linux may both be 
intact, but with unknown damage from trying to fdisk /or format while 
experimenting.  The discrepancy where fdisk is showing only 8GB is because it 
can't access the shim information, it cannot see the whole drive; this is not 
a significant problem.  
Primary partitions must be created by the shim program, not by fdisk, 
either DOS or Linux, and not by Partition Magic.  The Linux install may be 
able to then assign and divide up an empty available partition to itself, or 
you may have to hand-create all Linux partitions before you begin the Linux 
Read the information about the shim that is with the program (a leaflette 
or a readme file); it will probably say to press spacebar when the EZ BIOS 
message is displayed to boot from a floppy.  In this way you can access the 
floppy drive and boot Linux from the boot disc you make when you install 
Linux Mandrake.  Forget conventional dual-booting.  
Begin your Linux Mandrake install by using the boot from floppy procedure 
that the shim requires (not doing so may cause the Linux install not to see 
the Windon't partition, overwriting it: Linux doesn't see the shim's 
partition information and sees the drive as empty, handling the whole drive 
itself.).  Do not do an automatic install.  Write Lilo (or grub) on the 
beginning of the partition containing Linux, NOT TO THE MBR.  There is an 
option near the end of the install for this that you will see when you 
reinstall.  This should allow you to complete your Linux install and have it 
co-exist with a Windon't installation on this drive.  
Though I've worked with shim programs as a computer technician, I have 
not used them with Linux, thus I'm not sure about your having to make all 
partitions from the shim software before beginning the Linux install.  -Gary-

In a message dated 10/16/2000 6:37:46 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 A few months ago I bought a Maxtor Diamondmax 40 gig hard drive.  I 
installed it with Windows 98 using the included Maxblast Plus software 
floppy.  The software included a BIOS overlay called EZ BIOS.  Everything 
installed correctly and gave me two 20 gig partitions labeled D: and E:  
Whenever I booted up I saw the words EZ BIOS on the screen after the Compaq 
startup logo disappeared. (I have a Compaq Presario 4834 about 2 years old).
 When I set up a dual boot with Linux, I put Linux on the Maxtor 40 gig 
drive.  I never did check to see how many gigs I was actually getting but the 
install seemed to indicate I had 40 gigs available.  Since then I've had to 
remove Linux temporarily.  I repartitioned and reformatted the drive using 
DOD fdisk, but fdisk tells me I only have 8 gigs available on that drive.  I 
no longer see the EZ BIOS at boot.  When I try to reformat with the Maxblast 
floppy it seems to partition the drive into two 20 gig non-dos partitions.  
Fdisk shows those two non-dos partitions but still says I have only 8 gigs 
available. If I try to reformat the two partitions into DOS partitions, it 
will only let me have the 8 gigs.
 Any ideas?
 Thank you to the experts out there.

[Re: [newbie] Cant See My Apache]

2000-10-17 Thread Altoine Barker

You are right. I ran apache manually. Now, I can see my server again. But that
explains my second problem which turns out to effect and cause my first: 
I can't save my changes in the "StartUp Services" in "DrakConf" when I click
on httpd, mysql, ipchains, and etc.

Is there a way to avoid using the GUI "StartUp Services" in "DrakConf" and
modify things somehow?


Dan Gibbs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
make sure your acually running apache!!
and not roxen - god only knows what it is, but kill it the run apache...

Dan Gibbs wrote:
 this is the same problem I've had... but I started with no acess to
 anything but (even though it took a day to install lm7.1 +
 If you find out how to fix it let us know..
 I'm just trying a rebuild :(
 Altoine Barker wrote:
  Help! I've installed apache-1.3.12-30mdk.i586.rpm and the other
  with suexec, common, and perl_mod. I was able to see and use my website
  until I went into DrakConf and Clicked on the "Security Level" and set it
  high. Now my server denies all access to the server even to me when I do
  "localhost", or! Please help. I have LM7.2beta3 (I had this
  problem with LM7.1 by the way). I also can't save my changes to the
  Services". Thank you in advance.
  Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

[newbie] Mandrake 7.1 S3 Trio 3D

2000-10-17 Thread Iagoba

Hello again

I was trying to Install Mandrake 7.1 in my job's computer, (I wanted
show the Linux excelences to my boss), and I ever got the same problem,
when I'm configuring the X Server, when I try to test the resolution
mode the instalation crash! the window appears black and never returns
to the instalation, I'm installing it in an:

IBM PC 300GL with 64MB Ram, S3 Trio 3D Integrated in the motherboard
with 4MB, HD 2 GB for linux and 2GB for W98 and one Ethernet ne2000

I read that this video card is incompatible with linux, how could I
configure X then? perhaps like Standard SVGA? or VGA? I can't install
other Video Card, (is my job's computer, my boss don't let me do that), 

Some help could be very very GREAT FANTASTIC! 


[newbie] Lib's of 7.2 Beta

2000-10-17 Thread Burak Acar

I have recently downloaded Mandrake 7.2 beta version, which I really need
to run my GeForce2 GTS video card properly. Installation was OK. However,
I need to run matlab (5.3) and it requires '' library. But 7.2
has a newer version and I cannot install on top of a newer
version. And this new version is no good for matlab. 
Any idea about what I can do to get the library and make it
used by matlab (and preferably only by matlab).


Re: [newbie] transfering dirs/files

2000-10-17 Thread Michael Lueck

I wrote a Rexx script as part of the Electronic Software Distribution (ESD)
systems I develop which uses the SysFileTree API to build a list of files and
dirs for both the from and to, and notes differences by copying the file from
the from to the to. Pretty quick and easy, built a hash table to speed up the
locates in the array, or stem as they are called in Rexx. Rexx also makes it
easy as you can use any set of chars to store the variable in a stem, whereas
an array usually is partitioned into numbered units... file names are not
really numbers usually.

Don't know what languages you work with, but something like that would probably
be a nice tool in your tool box. I'm on this newbie list because I am one when
it comes to Linux... someday the code will be on Linux and then I would just
ship it over. Sorry.

Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems

[newbie] cmi8338 sound card

2000-10-17 Thread Michael Dolan

has anyone got this sound card to work in linux?? i have tried two different
ways the first way was i got 2.2.17 kernel turned off the code maturity
level so i could compile the driver( as the cmi8338 driver is still
experimental) compiled  the kernel, everthing went fine no errors or
anything, restarted but when i clicked on the mixer in the kde menu it say
no module compiled.

the way i went about that was
make mrproper  make xconfig  make dep  make clean  make bzImage 
make install  make modules  make modules_install

the other one option was i got the drivers off the c-media website i did as
the instructions  said but when i boot up each tiem i get a sound module

so i was wondering as anyone managed to get it to work and if so can someone
give me a detailed email on how they got it to work. i currently using
mandrake 6.5
thank you

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.1 S3 Trio 3D

2000-10-17 Thread stephen

have you tried standard video setup 
there could be a problem with your cards chip set ok 

- Original Message - 
From: "Iagoba" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Listas-Newbie" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 5:42 PM
Subject: [newbie] Mandrake 7.1  S3 Trio 3D

 Hello again
 I was trying to Install Mandrake 7.1 in my job's computer, (I wanted
 show the Linux excelences to my boss), and I ever got the same problem,
 when I'm configuring the X Server, when I try to test the resolution
 mode the instalation crash! the window appears black and never returns
 to the instalation, I'm installing it in an:
 IBM PC 300GL with 64MB Ram, S3 Trio 3D Integrated in the motherboard
 with 4MB, HD 2 GB for linux and 2GB for W98 and one Ethernet ne2000
 I read that this video card is incompatible with linux, how could I
 configure X then? perhaps like Standard SVGA? or VGA? I can't install
 other Video Card, (is my job's computer, my boss don't let me do that), 
 Some help could be very very GREAT FANTASTIC! 

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.198 / Virus Database: 95 - Release Date: 10/4/00

[newbie] Macro Changes

2000-10-17 Thread SoloCDM

When I used RedHat 5.2 with kernel 2.0.36 I had the follow hacks in my
macro file for creating  When I upgraded to Mandrake 7.0,
kernel 2.2.14-15, and Sendmail 8.9.3-18 I wasn't able to use the
following hacks.  What has replaced the hacks or are any of them still

HACK(`check_mail3', `hash -a@JUNK /etc/mail/deny')dnl
HACK(`use_ip', `/etc/mail/ip_allow')dnl
HACK(`use_names', `/etc/mail/name_allow')dnl
HACK(`use_relayto', `/etc/mail/relay_allow')dnl

Note: When you reply to this message, please include
  the mailing list and my email address.


Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.1 S3 Trio 3D

2000-10-17 Thread Iagoba

I tried with standard SVGA and got the same result, I'll try standard
VGA, perhaps that could be works don't you think?

stephen wrote:
 have you tried standard video setup
 there could be a problem with your cards chip set ok
 - Original Message -
 From: "Iagoba" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "Listas-Newbie" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 5:42 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Mandrake 7.1  S3 Trio 3D
  Hello again
  I was trying to Install Mandrake 7.1 in my job's computer, (I wanted
  show the Linux excelences to my boss), and I ever got the same problem,
  when I'm configuring the X Server, when I try to test the resolution
  mode the instalation crash! the window appears black and never returns
  to the instalation, I'm installing it in an:
  IBM PC 300GL with 64MB Ram, S3 Trio 3D Integrated in the motherboard
  with 4MB, HD 2 GB for linux and 2GB for W98 and one Ethernet ne2000
  I read that this video card is incompatible with linux, how could I
  configure X then? perhaps like Standard SVGA? or VGA? I can't install
  other Video Card, (is my job's computer, my boss don't let me do that),
  Some help could be very very GREAT FANTASTIC!
 Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
 Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
 Version: 6.0.198 / Virus Database: 95 - Release Date: 10/4/00

Re: [newbie] transfering dirs/files

2000-10-17 Thread KompuKit worked for awhile...but stopped after an error
it said delayed error found...or something like that...
does TAR have a limit of how many files it will tar?
or will it tar as many as you want?

Greg Stewart wrote:
 What was you tar syntax? Did you tar a directory from just above it? If not,
 try the following:
 tar -cvpf filename.tar directoryname
 -c = create
 -v = verbose
 -p = preserve (permissions)
 -f = filename (the filename must come immediately after the 'f' or the next
 argument becomes the filename)
 Does this help? Or was this what you had done?
 - Original Message -
 From: "KompuKit" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I want to save and/or transfer my whole public_html
  to another drive on my computer...(have two)
  However, my public_html dir is very large, and I definitly
  want to save/transfer this whole dir...and at the same time,
  keep all case in tact...(upper/lower case) of
  The last time I did this (using KFM) (thought it would be
  all the cases were changed somehowand I don't want this
  happen this I do thisand save the
  case of all filenames/dirs ???
  [note] tried to do it with tar but it wouldn't...
   Registered Linux User:167369
  Kit Goins   ICQ# 7110071
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lowell, Mass.
  Web Designer
  (Server Runs between M - F 6pm-12am, S  S 12pm-12am EST)
 Vous avez un site perso ?
 2 millions de francs à gagner sur i(france) !
 Webmasters : ZE CONCOURS !

 Registered Linux User:167369
Kit Goins   ICQ# 7110071
Web Designer
(Server Runs between M - F 6pm-12am, S  S 12pm-12am EST)

Re: [newbie] Lib's of 7.2 Beta

2000-10-17 Thread Dennis Veatch

Burak Acar wrote:

 I have recently downloaded Mandrake 7.2 beta version, which I really need
 to run my GeForce2 GTS video card properly. Installation was OK. However,
 I need to run matlab (5.3) and it requires '' library. But 7.2
 has a newer version and I cannot install on top of a newer
 version. And this new version is no good for matlab.
 Any idea about what I can do to get the library and make it
 used by matlab (and preferably only by matlab).


Using the older libary my break some other applications but to back down in
revisions use this command:

rpm -Uvh --oldpackage ''

[newbie] Problems with wheel mouse

2000-10-17 Thread AF1

I've installed LM 7.1 and everything works fine 
except my mouse! Instead a pointer I only see a white square :-((
What can I do?
My mouse as two buttons and a wheel (Intellimouse compatible). 
I've tried change the type of the mouse in Drakconf but it don't 

Some help, please!


Re: [newbie] ? Arkeia backup utility

2000-10-17 Thread ai4a

Larry Marshall wrote:

  On disk 5 of my mandrake deluxe package there is a program named Arkeia
  backup utility. I looked on Arkeia's web pages and it appeared as if
  this utility will backup to tapes only. Is that correct? Or have I
  missed read the info about Arkeia. I wish to backup to a disk drive.
  Will this utility backup to a disk drive?

 The October issue of Linux Journal reviews several backup utilities,
 including Arkeia.  You are correct in determining that it is for tape
 backups, in fact, it assumes that you're doing it from one machine to
 another over a network, in client/server fashion.

 I'm not sure what you're trying to backup to a disk drive but you might
 consider using one or more of your basic Linux tools.  For instance, you
 could simply create tar files and copy them to the other drive (or create
 them there).  If you want to put actual, accessible file systems on the
 backup drive you can use tar like:

 *example presumes you're at the base of a tree you want backed up

 tar cf - / . | (cd /where_you_want_a_copy; tar xvf -)

 Someone here, can't remember who, uses cpio to do his backups to another

 Cheers --- Larry

Thanks Larry:
I just want to back up the conf files. My system is a home workstation. I
think I will back them up untared so if I need to restore from a rescue disk
it will take less effort and knowledge. I have a book "Sams Teach Yourself
Linux" which says the backup utility BRU is on the cdrom that came with the
book. But I cannot find it on the cdrom. It is suppose to be a free personal
edition of the BRU. The book also said I could download it from BRU's web
site, but I saw not free personal edition to download. Oh well, such is life.
Have a nice day

Re: [newbie] linux isp

2000-10-17 Thread Mark Weaver

Ummm...that pretty much depends upon where you live. And, this thing about
"Linux Friendly" ISP's is a misnomer. Since the ISP, except for AOsmeLl
don't care what OS you're running, there really isn't any such thing as a
Linux friendly ISP. When you sign up with an ISP for service you normally
get certain information from them to facilitate a connection to their
computers for service. This would be a username, (which you choose as
well as a password for authentication), the name of the mail server, (so
you can pick up your mail), the phone number to tell your modem where to
dialup to make a connection, and two DNS numbers to let TCP/IP where to
start looking. If this is friendly to anyone it's "User friendly". But
then again, this would be the norm outside the fortified walls of the evil
empire better known as "AOL".


/*  I never worry about the to-jams.
 *  Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
 *  it's already too late...just make sure
 *  you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
Registered Linux user #182496
 *   Pine 4.21   *

On Sun, 15 Oct 2000 10:20pm ,[EMAIL PROTECTED] spake passionately in a message:


RE: [newbie] ANSI C++ library

2000-10-17 Thread Mark Johnson

Just FYI (under mandrake 7.1) , I found iostream.h under: 


The various C++ stuff


Also, one other thing 'iostream.h' is not the current standard anymore, the
standard is 'iostream' (no .h and also found under /usr/include/g++-3), but
this doesn't really matter, because the code that needs to be compiled is
using the old version of the streams library.

I agree though, it seems like every type of installation, except for maybe a
minimal one, would include the option to install the "developer files and
utilities" just becuase Linux is so centered around being able to download
and compile the source.  
-Original Message-
From: Larry Marshall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2000 6:49 PM
Subject: [newbie] ANSI C++ library

In the past month or so at least two people asked about locating
iostream.h under Mandrake.  I haven't done any C++ coding and so couldn't
answer their question but it seemed an odd one since, by appearances, LM
installs the standard GNU compilers/libraries.  I stuck it on a "check
this out" list I have and that's exactly what I did today.

The results?  Well, I'm simply scratching my head - there is no standard
ANSI C++ library to be found.  Finding this pretty darn amazing I loaded
up the install and went into expert mode to see I could find.  Guess
what?  If you click on C++ in the development section you're great by a
msg that says this is GNU C++ BUT it does NOT include the ANSI C++
library.  What's up with that?  What's the point of a C++ compiler without
the standard library?

At the time I felt like Sherlock Holmes; I'd solved a case but it wasn't a
question I was asking :-)  Then I went to compile/install Quanta and lo an
beholderror...iostream.h not found (grin).

The plot thickens.  I bopped over to and can't find anything that
appears to be an ANSI library.  What's it called these days?  I know they
have one as I used several versions of it when we were all chasing the
definition of that library.  But that was on Solaris, not Linux.  Can
anyone help?  A search name perhaps...preferably for binaries?

Cheers --- Larry  

[newbie] Samba Problem

2000-10-17 Thread Rick Cawood

I can access my shares with smbclient so Samba must 
be working, but when i try to get inwith Win98 my password isnt 
Anyone have any idea whats going on and how to 
remedy it?


Richard CawoodICQ. 841290

[newbie] Re:Mandrake 7.1 S3 Trio 3D

2000-10-17 Thread Iagoba

Well, I could configure X Windows Server to run in VGA16 mode, but I'm
wonderful that I couldn't configure it for more resolution, now I got it
in 640x480x16, and the card allows more, if someone got a similar PC
configuration, could send it xFree86 conf. to me? my configuration is...

Monitor IBM 6540 - G42
S3 Trio 3D/64
64 MB Ram
4 GB HD - 2 Windows, 2 Linux
W98  Linux Mandrake 7.1

And one Ethernet ne2000 comp. that works fine.

Thanks to all,


[newbie] Linux on Oracle

2000-10-17 Thread Vinayak Pai

hi all,
thnaks for your help
I am an Oracle DBA and so far have worked only on
WindowsNT. Now i am trying to install Oracle8i (8.1.6)
on Linux. I have got Linux Mandrake version 7.1
installed on a intel system.
300 MHz

The oracle Documentaion asks to create 4 mountpoints.
One for the software and 3 for the database.
I don't know if this is the right place to ask this

Thanks again


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Yahoo! Messenger - Talk while you surf!  It's FREE.

[newbie] uninstalling linux mandrake.

2000-10-17 Thread Cobra176

ok, ok, ok So 500 MB wasn't enough partition space to make a properly 
working Linux Mandrake without eventually crashing. I learn from these 
things. [:

As I result, I'm trying to uninstall the linux partition and put all back to 
the original state. I want to get rid of the LILO boot and slide the 500 MB 
back into my Win95 partition where I need it until I upgrade from my 
ghetto-style 4 GB HDD.

I ran the "uninstall Linux parition" program. It said it was removed and 
everything... Strangely, my computer still goes to LILO, then linux boots 
(unless, of course I type in "dos"). 

Win95 says my 3.75GB (practically 4GB) HDD is 2.6GB, so the partition is 
obviously still there...

ANY help would be greatly appreciated. (=

RE: [newbie] uninstalling linux mandrake.

2000-10-17 Thread Sparks, Charley

boot from a DOS disk, perform an   fdisk /mbr  and you will be back to
square 1

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 10:41 AM
Subject: [newbie] uninstalling linux mandrake.

ok, ok, ok So 500 MB wasn't enough partition space to make a properly 
working Linux Mandrake without eventually crashing. I learn from these 
things. [:

As I result, I'm trying to uninstall the linux partition and put all back to

the original state. I want to get rid of the LILO boot and slide the 500 MB 
back into my Win95 partition where I need it until I upgrade from my 
ghetto-style 4 GB HDD.

I ran the "uninstall Linux parition" program. It said it was removed and 
everything... Strangely, my computer still goes to LILO, then linux boots 
(unless, of course I type in "dos"). 

Win95 says my 3.75GB (practically 4GB) HDD is 2.6GB, so the partition is

obviously still there...

ANY help would be greatly appreciated. (=

Re: [newbie] Lib's of 7.2 Beta

2000-10-17 Thread Burak Acar

Yes it did,
Linux 7.2 Beta is (at least so far) just fine for GeForce2 GTS cards. It
detects it.


 Sorry I am not answering your question but actually asking you one,
 hope this is fine ;~) I also have a GTS card and could not get LM7.1
 installed to work, I am very new to Linux and don’t understand the
 explanation I read on the net on how to install the nvidia drivers.
 Did 7.2-beta work "out of the box" with your GTS card for 2D or did
 you have to install the drivers? I dont care that much about the 3D
 just as long as I can install it.
 Thanks in advance
 On Mon, 16 Oct 2000 19:38:41 -0700 (PDT) Burak Acar
 I have recently downloaded Mandrake 7.2 beta version, which I really
 to run my GeForce2 GTS video card properly. Installation was OK.
 I need to run matlab (5.3) and it requires '' library. But
 has a newer version and I cannot install on top of a newer
 version. And this new version is no good for matlab.
 Any idea about what I can do to get the library and make
 used by matlab (and preferably only by matlab).
 George Labuschagne
 "Endure, in enduring grow strong" - Dak'kon the Pariah
 ___ the South-African free email service

Re: [newbie] WOW, Mozilla M18

2000-10-17 Thread Jon Doe

On Tue, 17 Oct 2000, you wrote:

 The earliest version I tested was M17 and M18 is definitely better than
 M17 so I would assume it's also better than M11  
Oops, I meant M17 not M11 my experience it seems (mostly) as fast as NS 4.73 but definitely
not as fast as Opera.  
maybe its just my machine or the way I have opera setup(linux newbie) but it is
really really slow for me. I worshiped Opera on Windows when I still ran

ICQ# 27396393
Registered Linux User 181996

[newbie] Error installing Linux Mandrake 7.0

2000-10-17 Thread Duval, Dominique

the install when it prompts me wether this is an install or and upgrade I get an 
error that no partitions could be found. How can I create 
partitions? I get this error very early during the setup (before I get 
into the graphical installer

Only the insane have strength 
enough to prosperOnly those who prosper truly judge what is 
saneDominique DuvalService Desk 
AgentGreat West Life Assurance Co.[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: [newbie] Help With MBR

2000-10-17 Thread GAPrichard

I hope you don't mind if I put my response to your message to me [which 
is copied below] on the newbie list.  Many people are having problems with 
the same things you are.  This response is a natural followup to several 
things I've written about, ususally under the topic "[newbie] large disc", 
and will allow me to tie up some loose ends resulting from treating several 
separate but related topics separately.  

If the motherboard bios, referred to as the CMOS, (using any fdisk, or 
the CMOS "hard drive detect" and typically needing to reset the first CMOS 
page back to "auto" afterward) sees the full capacity of the hard drive there 
is no need to use a bios overlay (known as a disc manager program, which I 
refer to as a shim) or to to update the motherboard bios.  If the motherboard 
cannot see the full drive capacity, and the motherboard has a flash bios 
update feature, check with the motherboard's manufacturer because they may 
have a fix for the problem.  If the motherboard does not have a flash bios, 
updating CMOS by replacing the on-board chips can be done but the cost is 
typically 3/4 of what a new motherboard would cost.  By the time you factor 
in the effort involved it's hardly worth it, and I don't recommend it.  The 
(literally) last choice option is to use a shim program.
Shim programs work, but when there is a problem it's a big one.  The 
cause could be hardware, software (including virus), or electrical (UPS use 
is highly recommended, especially with a shim).  You will lose access to your 
entire drive, and it is VERY difficult to recover from, at best.  If you are 
going to use a shim do the same as you would if you were using DOS hard drive 
compression (which was fashionable a few years ago): be devoutly religious 
about FULL backups on a frequent basis.  I've personally used both shims and 
disc compression without data loss, but I was very careful.  I've installed 
many shims as a computer technician.  You won't find many people who have 
used them without having major trouble because of them.  
Use Linux fdisk to delete stubborn partitions (it will handle some things 
that the DOS version will not), use DOS "fdisk /mbr" (without the quotes) to 
reset your master boot record area of the hard drive from the effects of Lilo 
(or grub) [DOS "fdisk /mbr" (without the quotes) can also clean up "partition 
table errors", sometimes they turn out to be mbr errors but the error message 
doesn't distinguish] and then (if Windows is not already installed) use DOS 
fdisk to set up the first partition into which you will install Windows.  
Install Windows before installing Linux or Windows will choke.  Use the Linux 
fdisk to create the partitions you need for Linux (usually done as part of 
the Linux installation).  Note that the two fdisks are different.  It has 
been written months back in newbie that using DOS fdisk even to establish a 
partition into which you will install Linux can lead to DOS utilities 
damaging Linux.  If you use a shim program you will have to use it to make 
all of the partitions, do not use either fdisk, and also use the shim's 
special floppy boot procedure to start both the Windows and the Linux 

Jim, in your specific case, use the DOS utilities that are on the Linux 
Mandrake CD.  Use the Linux fdisk to delete the partition where you intend to 
install Linux.  If Windows exists on your first partition (you may need to 
use the DOS "fdisk /mbr" (without the quotes) command to restore the hard 
drive to DOS bootable), the Linux install should show you both that and the 
unallocated space and allow you to install Linux in the unallocated space.  
You should not need to create a partition first unless you are using a shim.  
You may prefer (or simply want ) to obtain Tom's root boot.  It's 
available on the internet in both Linux and DOS downloadable form.  This 
makes a one disk self-bootable Linux floppy with many utilities and disaster 
recovery tools including a Linux fdisk.  Documentation is on the site.  The 
DOS fdisk won't fix some things that a Linux fdisk will.  Tom's may be a very 
good choice for you to try.  Note that with some programs, especially drive 
utilities, you have to save the changes, exit, and reboot for them to go into 
effect (I dont remember whether this is true about Linux fdisk specifically). 
In my own system I have one hard drive with Win98 and Linux Mandrake set 
to dual boot with grub.  I have a second hard drive with a second linux to 
play with.  If I screw something up, my primary installation is not bothered 
and there is no loss, simply wipe and reload if I can't fix it.  This second 
Linux boots from floppy.  It allows me, still very much a newbie, to test and 
experiment before I change my primary Linux Mandrake installation.  
I hope this info will allow you to fix your problem.  If not the next 
step is Partition Magic to delete that partition.  I hope some of 

[newbie] Screen shots?

2000-10-17 Thread Kelly, Christopher

Anybody have any Mozilla screen shots?

Chris Kelly
Registered Linux user 185775

RE: [newbie] uninstalling linux mandrake.

2000-10-17 Thread Dodd Carlton J MSgt 726 ACS/CSG

I just found "Peanut" Linux installation that claims to need less than 200MB
for install.  Maybe it's not too late to keep Linux.  The readme file says
there's an option to overwrite larger installations.

Does anyone have experience with Peanut?  It looks like just what I've been
looking for to install on my meager laptop.  How is it for a very new (read
as: "virginal") newbie?

 -Original Message-
Sent:   Tuesday, October 17, 2000 8:41 AM
Subject:[newbie] uninstalling linux mandrake.

ok, ok, ok So 500 MB wasn't enough partition space to make a properly 
working Linux Mandrake without eventually crashing. I learn from these 
things. [:

As I result, I'm trying to uninstall the linux partition and put all back to

the original state. I want to get rid of the LILO boot and slide the 500 MB 
back into my Win95 partition where I need it until I upgrade from my 
ghetto-style 4 GB HDD.

I ran the "uninstall Linux parition" program. It said it was removed and 
everything... Strangely, my computer still goes to LILO, then linux boots 
(unless, of course I type in "dos"). 

Win95 says my 3.75GB (practically 4GB) HDD is 2.6GB, so the partition is

obviously still there...

ANY help would be greatly appreciated. (=

RE: [newbie] Linux on Oracle

2000-10-17 Thread Wignall, Mark T

The mount points are in support of Oracle's OFA, and not a requirement.  You
can have just a single mount point if you like.  In my case I've just
created a single mount point of /db ... in fact my first installation just
did a mkdir off of root for /db.  I've since changed to a whole new drive
and mount for it.

Mark Wignall
MES Oracle DBA
Xerox Corp.

-Original Message-
From: Vinayak Pai [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 7:35 AM
Subject: [newbie] Linux on Oracle

hi all,
thnaks for your help
I am an Oracle DBA and so far have worked only on
WindowsNT. Now i am trying to install Oracle8i (8.1.6)
on Linux. I have got Linux Mandrake version 7.1
installed on a intel system.
300 MHz

The oracle Documentaion asks to create 4 mountpoints.
One for the software and 3 for the database.
I don't know if this is the right place to ask this

Thanks again


Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Messenger - Talk while you surf!  It's FREE.

[newbie] Deaktop Security for Linux

2000-10-17 Thread Dan LaBine

To the newbie group!

I am the Network administrator for a municipal government. Currently, we
are in the process of performing a rollout in our Public Library, in
preparation for an
automation system due in the spring.  In the process, we are attempting
to replace Windows 98 SE with Linux-Mandrake 7.1 . Several of our
computers are reserved for use by the library's members. We would like
to apply extensive desktop security to these particular PC's, but are
unable to find a package, or HOWTO which helps us. What we are
attempting to do, is to eliminate such things as the ability to right
click on the desktop, and to remove most of the menu items, with the
exceptions being Netscape, Staroffice,  the floppy drive and printer , a
few games, and the ability to "Log-Off". Is there a way to get the job
done without having to become a programmer???

Obviously, we wouldn't be doing any of these modifications to "root",
only to the "user" profile. Any suggestions??

[newbie] PPP Errors

2000-10-17 Thread Richard Davies

HI everyone,

I have just had to move due to work from Mandrake 7.0 to SuSE 7.0. Ever since
this move I have not been able to dial out and connect as user but can dial and
connect to the net as root.  I presume that this is because I have done
something stupid here and I don't know what.  Any assistance will be greatly

When starting kppp as user I get the following message


This kernel has no ppp support, neither
compiled in nor via the kernel module

To solve this problem
* contact your system administrator
* install a kernel with ppp support


Click on OK and it then throws the following error message


pppd is not properly installed!
The pppd binary must be installed
with SUID bit set. Contract your
system administrator


Running as root I get none of this it just connects and runs perfectly but I
don't want to be connected to the net as root.

The file ownership and permissions originally for pppd were
owner root
group dialout
I have changed them to
rwxr-xr-x and set the SUID bit. (I presume that adding myself to the group
dialout would have achieved the same effect as adding execute permission for

I no longer get the second error message when running as user but I still get
the no ppp support and can't connect to the net.



[newbie] network problems

2000-10-17 Thread Alex Haun

I just installed Mandrake 7.1 on my 
system. At first, I installed over 7.0 to keep all of my preferences and such, 
but because of a recurring problem with the theme manager not changing the 
colors in the panel and in windows (whereas in root it would work fine) I 
decided to go ahead and do a clean install of 7.1. 

During the installation, I entered 
the same network info that I was using for 7.0 three days ago, yet after the 
install, when I boot into Linux, I have no internet access. I've tried tweaking 
around in netconf but it doesn't help. I have a 3com 3c905-B card and all the 
forums, etc say that particular card always works.

The only thing I know to do is to 
reinstall 7.0, then upgrade to 7.1 on top of it (because the internet worked 
when I did that). BUT... when I do that, sometimes (seems random) the theme 
manager will not change the colors of the pager and the windows (such as the 
window color when you open the theme manager)... that's not hugely important, 
but it's really annoying. Also, reinstalling over and over takes FOREVER, since 
the size of 7.1 is greater than 7.0 (which is a good thing: ). 

Is there ANY way to get this working 
inside 7.1 without upgrading 7.0?? 

If upgrading is the best route (since 
networking always worked in 7.0) how can I give users the correct permissions so 
that the theme manager will work correctly?

Alex Haun

Re: [newbie] uninstalling linux mandrake.

2000-10-17 Thread Cobra176

boot from a DOS disk, perform an   fdisk /mbr  and you will be back to
square 1 
Will this clear off my Win95 partition too, or just kill off the Linux one?

 I just found "Peanut" Linux installation that claims to need less than 
 for install.  Maybe it's not too late to keep Linux.  The readme file says
 there's an option to overwrite larger installations. 
Wonderful idea! Unfortunately, I need as much space as possible, and thus 
need the whole 500MB ):
But I'll re-install Linux soon when I upgrade. (=
-I'd never abandon Linux forever.

[newbie] Hardware detection

2000-10-17 Thread Ambler Dee

After Linux detects my sound card(creative64) and my mouse(intellimouse optical ps2) 
WRONG how do go in and change them.  

thanks devon


Free Unlimited Internet Access! Try it now!


Re: [newbie] uninstalling linux mandrake.

2000-10-17 Thread Mwinold

easy as 123 i think i have had to tell several people how to do this, use 
in the dos prompt type
fdisk /mbr
lillo is now dead and your comp will only boot windows
now type fdisk
now you can delete the linux partition all together using the options in its 

RE: [newbie] uninstalling linux mandrake.

2000-10-17 Thread Sparks, Charley

it will only kill LILO .. nothing else

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 1:28 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] uninstalling linux mandrake.

boot from a DOS disk, perform an   fdisk /mbr  and you will be back to
square 1 
Will this clear off my Win95 partition too, or just kill off the Linux one?

 I just found "Peanut" Linux installation that claims to need less than 
 for install.  Maybe it's not too late to keep Linux.  The readme file says
 there's an option to overwrite larger installations. 
Wonderful idea! Unfortunately, I need as much space as possible, and thus 
need the whole 500MB ):
But I'll re-install Linux soon when I upgrade. (=
-I'd never abandon Linux forever.

Re: [newbie] Error installing Linux Mandrake 7.0

2000-10-17 Thread Paul Hefferan

Does your BIOS see the hard drive you are trying to install 
to? Is there already an OS on the drive and working?

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 12:09 
  Subject: [newbie] Error installing Linux 
  Mandrake 7.0
  During the install when it prompts me wether this is an install or and 
  upgrade I get an error that no partitions could be found. How can I 
  create partitions? I get this error very early during the setup (before 
  I get into the graphical installer
  "Only the insane have strength enough 
  to prosperOnly those who prosper truly judge what is 
  sane"Dominique DuvalService Desk 
  AgentGreat West Life Assurance Co.[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: [newbie] uninstalling linux mandrake.

2000-10-17 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 17-Oct-00 12:32:54 Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 boot from a DOS disk, perform an   fdisk /mbr  and you will be back to
 square 1 
 Will this clear off my Win95 partition too, or just kill off the Linux one?

no this kills lilo
after this type
and use the option to delete the non dos partition

Re: [newbie] network problems

2000-10-17 Thread Dennis Veatch

Alex Haun wrote:

 I just installed Mandrake 7.1 on my system. At first, I installed
 over 7.0 to keep all of my preferences and such, but because of a
 recurring problem with the theme manager not changing the colors in
 the panel and in windows (whereas in root it would work fine) I
 decided to go ahead and do a clean install of 7.1. During the
 installation, I entered the same network info that I was using for
 7.0 three days ago, yet after the install, when I boot into Linux,
 I have no internet access. I've tried tweaking around in netconf
 but it doesn't help. I have a 3com 3c905-B card and all the forums,
 etc say that particular card always works. The only thing I know to
 do is to reinstall 7.0, then upgrade to 7.1 on top of it (because
 the internet worked when I did that). BUT... when I do that,
 sometimes (seems random) the theme manager will not change the
 colors of the pager and the windows (such as the window color when
 you open the theme manager)... that's not hugely important, but
 it's really annoying. Also, reinstalling over and over takes
 FOREVER, since the size of 7.1 is greater than 7.0 (which is a good
 thing: ). Is there ANY way to get this working inside 7.1 without
 upgrading 7.0?? If upgrading is the best route (since networking
 always worked in 7.0) how can I give users the correct permissions
 so that the theme manager will work correctly? Thanks,Alex Haun

You need to provide more information about how you have things
configured, what services you have running, is this a cable
connection, etc, etc. And please use plain text.

Re: [newbie] PPP Errors

2000-10-17 Thread Ted Wager

On Tue, 17 Oct 2000, Richard Davies wrote:
 HI everyone,
 I have just had to move due to work from Mandrake 7.0 to SuSE 7.0. Ever since
 this move I have not been able to dial out and connect as user but can dial and
 connect to the net as root.  I presume that this is because I have done
 something stupid here and I don't know what.  Any assistance will be greatly
 When starting kppp as user I get the following message
 This kernel has no ppp support, neither
 compiled in nor via the kernel module
 To solve this problem
 * contact your system administrator
 * install a kernel with ppp support
 Click on OK and it then throws the following error message
 pppd is not properly installed!
 The pppd binary must be installed
 with SUID bit set. Contract your
 system administrator
 Running as root I get none of this it just connects and runs perfectly but I
 don't want to be connected to the net as root.
 The file ownership and permissions originally for pppd were
 owner root
 group dialout
 I have changed them to
 rwxr-xr-x and set the SUID bit. (I presume that adding myself to the group
 dialout would have achieved the same effect as adding execute permission for
 I no longer get the second error message when running as user but I still get
 the no ppp support and can't connect to the net.
I got over this by using wvdial...I understand there is a glitch on the kpp
dialout as a user..There has been quite a few mails about this on the suse -e

Packetmail :-
  Mandrake Linux

Re: [newbie] Error installing Linux Mandrake 7.0

2000-10-17 Thread Simon Martin

Paul Hefferan wrote:

Does your BIOS see
the hard drive you are trying to install to? Is there already an OS on
the drive and working?

- Original Message -



Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 12:09

Subject: [newbie] Error installing
Linux Mandrake 7.0
the install when it prompts me wether this is an install or and upgrade
I get an error that no partitions could be found. How can I create
partitions? I get this error very early during the setup (before
I get into the graphical installer

-- Dominique,
This is *exactly* where I get stuck.
I have Win98 on the Hdrive which I want to wipe out.
Hope someone can help.
Simon Martin
London Uk
PGP KEY ID 0x1C6F4419> @>
*Please note my e-mail address is now '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'*

[newbie] Can't install Mandrake 7.0

2000-10-17 Thread Simon Martin

Dear List,

I’m hoping some kind soul will help me with this... I’m a Mac
user so keep it simple;-)))

I’m attempting to install Mandrake 7.0 on an old Compaq.
I start up with the boot floppy that came with the Mandrake pack,
I also have CD disk one in the CD drive.

The machine boots on the floppy Ok.
It then says:
Loading CDrom.rdz..
Loading vmlinuz...
Initializing CD rom
In second stage install
I am then asked to choose a language
(I choose Uk English and hit return)
I then choose the ‘recommended install’ and hit return
I then choose to ‘Install’ rather than ‘Upgrade’ and hit return
I then get an error message saying “An error occurred, No
available partitions”

I have not formatted the hard drive yet, I’m expecting to be
given that option in the next window. I am *not* wanting a dual
boot system, Linux only!!

Any ideas?

Many thanks

Simon Martin
London Uk

Simon Martin
London Uk

PGP KEY ID 0x1C6F4419 @
*Please note my e-mail address is now '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'*

RE: [newbie] Error installing Linux Mandrake 7.0

2000-10-17 Thread Duval, Dominique

bios detects the hard drive and so does linux (when the install initializes 
everything. Win98 was on the drive before It wa formated, now there is jst 
a win95 system (to boot to C: prompt)

-Original Message-From: Paul Hefferan 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 12:40 
PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [newbie] Error 
installing Linux Mandrake 7.0
Does your BIOS see the hard drive you are trying to install 
to? Is there already an OS on the drive and working?

- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 12:09 
Subject: [newbie] Error installing 
Linux Mandrake 7.0

During the install when it prompts me wether this is an install or 
and upgrade I get an error that no partitions could be found. How can 
I create partitions? I get this error very early during the setup 
(before I get into the graphical installer

Only the insane have strength 
enough to prosperOnly those who prosper truly judge what is 
DuvalService Desk AgentGreat West Life 

RE: [newbie] Can't install Mandrake 7.0

2000-10-17 Thread Duval, Dominique
Title: RE: [newbie] Can't install Mandrake 7.0

SAme problem I'm having exactly the same.

-Original Message-
From: Simon Martin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 1:08 PM
To: Mandrake send, Mandrake send
Subject: [newbie] Can't install Mandrake 7.0

Dear List,

I'm hoping some kind soul will help me with this... I'm a Mac
user so keep it simple;-)))

I'm attempting to install Mandrake 7.0 on an old Compaq.
I start up with the boot floppy that came with the Mandrake pack,
I also have CD disk one in the CD drive.

The machine boots on the floppy Ok.
It then says:
Loading CDrom.rdz..
Loading vmlinuz...
Initializing CD rom
In second stage install
I am then asked to choose a language
(I choose Uk English and hit return)
I then choose the 'recommended install' and hit return
I then choose to 'Install' rather than 'Upgrade' and hit return
I then get an error message saying "An error occurred, No
available partitions"

I have not formatted the hard drive yet, I'm expecting to be
given that option in the next window. I am *not* wanting a dual
boot system, Linux only!!

Any ideas?

Many thanks

Simon Martin
London Uk

Simon Martin
London Uk

PGP KEY ID 0x1C6F4419 @
*Please note my e-mail address is now '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'*

Re: [newbie] Screen shots?

2000-10-17 Thread - -

have fun

--- "Kelly, Christopher" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Anybody have any Mozilla screen shots?
 Chris Kelly
 Registered Linux user 185775

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Messenger - Talk while you surf!  It's FREE.

Re: [newbie] Re: ? Arkeia backup utility

2000-10-17 Thread ai4a

paddock wrote:

 Hi --

 I started with an idea from Linux Gazette for doing "tar" backups to disk, and 
expanded it so it makes one weekly "full" backup and then daily incrementals.

 The tar files have the same name as the base (not "root" in Linux, thank you!) of 
the directory tree which they backup.  This makes identification and retrieval easier.

 I do the "system" side, which is everything but /home (and /var which is too 
volatile anyway), and then one directory for each of the users in /home.

 The scheme means that a maximum of 7 restore operations will completely restore the 
system to its condition at last backup.  I've used the full backups to restore my 
/home directory;  fortunately I haven't had to restore from the incrementals, yet, 
but it "oughta" work...

 The scripts are most likely lacking many forms of subtle *nix tricks, but I'm a 
recovering DOS/OS2/Windoesn't fool.  Actually, I'd like some critiques and some 
pointers like "Well, you can do *this* better like this:..."

 If anyone's interested, I'll be happy to mail the scripts off-list.


 I hope you and yours are prospering!
 --Paddock ---
 Registered Linux user 190974 ( 2000-Oct-05 ).

I for one would like to try your scripts. Would you e-mail them to me? Have a nice day.

Re: [newbie] Problems with wheel mouse

2000-10-17 Thread Alan Shoemaker

 AF1 wrote:
 I've installed LM 7.1 and everything works fine except my
 mouse! Instead a pointer I only see a white square :-((
 What can I do?
 My mouse as two buttons and a wheel (Intellimouse
 compatible). I've tried change the type of the mouse in
 Drakconf but it don't change!
 Some help, please!

AFtry adding the following line to the pointer section of
your /etc/X11/XF86Config file:

MandrakeSoft Inc [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Altadena, CA USA --Alan

Re: [newbie] Problems with wheel mouse

2000-10-17 Thread Alan Shoemaker

 AF1 wrote:
 I've installed LM 7.1 and everything works fine except my
 mouse! Instead a pointer I only see a white square :-((
 What can I do?
 My mouse as two buttons and a wheel (Intellimouse
 compatible). I've tried change the type of the mouse in
 Drakconf but it don't change!
 Some help, please!

AFtry adding the following line to the pointer section of
your /etc/X11/XF86Config file:

MandrakeSoft Inc [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Altadena, CA USA --Alan

Re: [newbie] Can't install Mandrake 7.0

2000-10-17 Thread Larry Marshall

 I have not formatted the hard drive yet, I’m expecting to be
 given that option in the next window. I am *not* wanting a dual
 boot system, Linux only!!
 Any ideas?

Yes, run fdisk and delete all existing partitions.  Then repeat the steps
you've described.  My guess is that your hard drive has a single DOS
partition and LM install doesn't like to overwrite hallowed Windows

Cheers --- Larry

RE: [newbie] Can't install Mandrake 7.0

2000-10-17 Thread Duval, Dominique
Title: RE: [newbie] Can't install Mandrake 7.0

I tried doing fdisk and leaving no partition no help

-Original Message-
From: Larry Marshall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 2:09 PM
To: Simon Martin
Cc: Mandrake send, Mandrake send
Subject: Re: [newbie] Can't install Mandrake 7.0

This message uses a character set that is not supported by the Internet Service. To view the original message content, open the attached message. If the text doesn't display correctly, save the attachment to disk, and then open it using a viewer that can display the original character set. 

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.1 S3 Trio 3D

2000-10-17 Thread Alan Shoemaker

Iagoba wrote:
 Hello again
 I was trying to Install Mandrake 7.1 in my job's computer, (I wanted
 show the Linux excelences to my boss), and I ever got the same problem,
 when I'm configuring the X Server, when I try to test the resolution
 mode the instalation crash! the window appears black and never returns
 to the instalation, I'm installing it in an:
 IBM PC 300GL with 64MB Ram, S3 Trio 3D Integrated in the motherboard
 with 4MB, HD 2 GB for linux and 2GB for W98 and one Ethernet ne2000
 I read that this video card is incompatible with linux, how could I
 configure X then? perhaps like Standard SVGA? or VGA? I can't install
 other Video Card, (is my job's computer, my boss don't let me do that),
 Some help could be very very GREAT FANTASTIC!

Iagobawhich xserver did you choose during the
installation?  The reason I ask is I've seen the behavior you
describe when installing the 4.0 beta server.  If you are
using it then perhaps you'll have better luck with the 3.3.6
MandrakeSoft Inc [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Altadena, CA USA --Alan

[newbie] no sound

2000-10-17 Thread David

i have installed mandrake 7.1 on an IBM 300pl desktop P3 550mhz PC
it has no soundcard but has the onboard crystal sound chip.
Mandrake cant see the sound chip and hence no sound.
is the only option a soundcard or does linux support it but i havnt got it set
up correctly 

Re: [newbie] clock in title-bar

2000-10-17 Thread Alan Shoemaker

John Hendrickx wrote:
 Is there a clock program that will display the time in a digital form
 in the title-bar of the active window? I want to autohide the panel
 and taskbar but I still want to know the time (without removing my
 left hand from the keyboard, rotating my wrist, sliding back my
 sleeve, and looking at my wristwatch). I'm thinking of something
 along the lines of "superclock" for older versions of MacOS (pre 7.5
 I think) or "barclock 4.2" for Windows by Atomic Dog (no longer
 supported). I want the clock in the titlebar of the active window, so
 it has to be digital, and I'm too stingy to grant screen real estate
 to a separate app (since I'm auto-hiding the panel anyway ...). Any
 Advance Thanks,
 John Hendrickx
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Messenger - Talk while you surf!  It's FREE.

Johntry either:

MandrakeSoft Inc [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Altadena, CA USA --Alan

RE: [newbie] Mandrake 7.1 S3 Trio 3D

2000-10-17 Thread Duval, Dominique
Title: RE: [newbie] Mandrake 7.1  S3 Trio 3D

we had the same problem on an IBM 300PL with the same video card, you need to use the Xfree86 server for VGA not SVGA and it will work fine, or do what we did we set it up with the 

SVGA server but ran VNC on it and attached to it remotely

-Original Message-
From: Alan Shoemaker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 2:16 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.1  S3 Trio 3D

Iagoba wrote:
 Hello again
 I was trying to Install Mandrake 7.1 in my job's computer, (I wanted
 show the Linux excelences to my boss), and I ever got the same problem,
 when I'm configuring the X Server, when I try to test the resolution
 mode the instalation crash! the window appears black and never returns
 to the instalation, I'm installing it in an:
 IBM PC 300GL with 64MB Ram, S3 Trio 3D Integrated in the motherboard
 with 4MB, HD 2 GB for linux and 2GB for W98 and one Ethernet ne2000
 I read that this video card is incompatible with linux, how could I
 configure X then? perhaps like Standard SVGA? or VGA? I can't install
 other Video Card, (is my job's computer, my boss don't let me do that),
 Some help could be very very GREAT FANTASTIC!

Iagobawhich xserver did you choose during the
installation? The reason I ask is I've seen the behavior you
describe when installing the 4.0 beta server. If you are
using it then perhaps you'll have better luck with the 3.3.6
MandrakeSoft Inc [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Altadena, CA USA --Alan

Re: [newbie] Error installing Linux Mandrake 7.0

2000-10-17 Thread Alan Shoemaker

 "Duval, Dominique" wrote:
 During the install when it prompts me wether this is an
 install or and upgrade I get an error that no partitions
 could be found.  How can I create partitions?  I get this
 error very early during the setup (before I get into the
 graphical installer
 "Only the insane have strength enough to prosper
 Only those who prosper truly judge what is sane"
 Dominique Duval
 Service Desk Agent
 Great West Life Assurance Co.

Dominiqueis there a removable media IDE (or scsi) device
that has no media in it at the time you are installing.  If so
maybe the installer is seeing that device and erroring on it. 
Does the error applet have a choice to skip the drive.  If so,
use it.
MandrakeSoft Inc [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Altadena, CA USA --Alan

RE: [newbie] no sound

2000-10-17 Thread Duval, Dominique

IBM has drivers for linux on there website, my 300PL works fine same sound
chip but its a PII 400MHZ machine

-Original Message-
From: David [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 2:17 PM
Subject: [newbie] no sound 

i have installed mandrake 7.1 on an IBM 300pl desktop P3 550mhz PC
it has no soundcard but has the onboard crystal sound chip.
Mandrake cant see the sound chip and hence no sound.
is the only option a soundcard or does linux support it but i havnt got it
up correctly 

Re: [newbie] Can't install Mandrake 7.0

2000-10-17 Thread Paul Hefferan
Title: RE: [newbie] Can't install Mandrake 7.0

When you ran fdisk did you create any partitions? You need to 
have an existing partition table for the LM installer to work from. When you 
fdisk you need to create (and set active) a primary partition. You may also 
create an extended partition if you like. You need to reboot after running fdisk 
and creating a partition.

  - Original Message - 
  To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' ; Simon 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 3:13 
  Subject: RE: [newbie] Can't install 
  Mandrake 7.0
  I tried doing fdisk and leaving no partition no help 
  -Original Message- From: Larry 
  Marshall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 2:09 PM To: Simon Martin Cc: Mandrake send, Mandrake 
  send Subject: Re: [newbie] Can't install Mandrake 
  This message uses a character set that is not supported by the 
  Internet Service. To view the original message content, open the 
  attached message. If the text doesn't display correctly, save the attachment 
  to disk, and then open it using a viewer that can display the original 
  character set. 

Re: [newbie] no sound

2000-10-17 Thread Kevin . McCann


I had a similar problem with an onboard chip on an ASUS board. Go to the
Mandrake website, click on the HardDrake link (under the curly-haired
penguin) there are 4 rpm's to download and install detect-xxx and
harddrake itself. You will also need the alsa rpm. Load these and then
run harddrake. This should find your sound chip and allow you to
configure it - worked for me.

A couple of notes:

1) try the existing harddrake - you might get lucky, but I couldn't
install anything with it.

2) on at least one installation there was some sort of problem with
doing this, and the owner could not get the new harddrake to run - not
sure what the problem was.

Give it a whirl - worked like a champ for me, and my sound chip is not
listed as one of the supported chips.


RE: [newbie] Error installing Linux Mandrake 7.0

2000-10-17 Thread Duval, Dominique
Title: RE: [newbie] Error installing Linux Mandrake 7.0

Ok first I should of mentionned this is a hitachi notebook (MX133T) The only thing that is removable is the hardrive/floppy drive and the pcmcia cards there are no cards installed. When I get the setup program to detect them it detects none, The hardrive must be removable but not easily. Both the cdrom and diskette drive owrk and are detected fine. The cdrom is IDE and is the primary slave on th notebook. There is no option to skip the drive but I do skip the detection of pcmcia devices as it generates and error.

-Original Message-
From: Alan Shoemaker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 2:32 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Error installing Linux Mandrake 7.0

 Duval, Dominique wrote:
 During the install when it prompts me wether this is an
 install or and upgrade I get an error that no partitions
 could be found. How can I create partitions? I get this
 error very early during the setup (before I get into the
 graphical installer
 Only the insane have strength enough to prosper
 Only those who prosper truly judge what is sane
 Dominique Duval
 Service Desk Agent
 Great West Life Assurance Co.

Dominiqueis there a removable media IDE (or scsi) device
that has no media in it at the time you are installing. If so
maybe the installer is seeing that device and erroring on it. 
Does the error applet have a choice to skip the drive. If so,
use it.
MandrakeSoft Inc [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Altadena, CA USA --Alan

[newbie] I cannot see my network card!

2000-10-17 Thread David Dieguez

I just install the mandrake, but I cannot see 
the network card. How can I configurate my 
card. I know the card have irq # but I doesn't
how to configure! 


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RE: [newbie] Can't install Mandrake 7.0

2000-10-17 Thread Duval, Dominique

I did create a partition. and made it active.
-Original Message-
From: Paul Hefferan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 2:34 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Can't install Mandrake 7.0

When you ran fdisk did you create any partitions? You need to have an
existing partition table for the LM installer to work from. When you fdisk
you need to create (and set active) a primary partition. You may also create
an extended partition if you like. You need to reboot after running fdisk
and creating a partition.

- Original Message - 
From: Duval,  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Dominique 
Simon  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Martin 
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 3:13 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Can't install Mandrake 7.0

I tried doing fdisk and leaving no partition no help 

-Original Message- 
From: Larry Marshall [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 2:09 PM 
To: Simon Martin 
Cc: Mandrake send, Mandrake send 
Subject: Re: [newbie] Can't install Mandrake 7.0 

This message uses a character set that is not supported by the Internet
Service.  To view the original message content,  open the attached message.
If the text doesn't display correctly, save the attachment to disk, and then
open it using a viewer that can display the original character set. 

[newbie] xfce question

2000-10-17 Thread Jeff Malka

This is a dumb question, but I have not found the answer yet.

I am exploring the xfce window manager.  Looks good so far.  However I am
having the following problems:

1. I have added an icon on the panel for kppp which I had previously configured
in kde.  It starts up fine and dials fine in xfce.  Problem is I do not know how
to hangup!  The only I presently do it in xfce is by switching the modem off. 
Although the kppp window remains on screen there seems to be nowhere on it (in
xfce) to hang it up.  Trying to close it does not work either.  Is there a
different ppp to use in xfce?

2. In trying things out I clicked on a button labelled "Gnome Panel" and it
started up the Gnome Panel at the bottom of the screen.  Again no way to undo
that!  Re-clicking on the same button asks me if I want a second copy of the
gnome panel.

I am sure the answerrs are very obvious but not to me.  Help!


Registered Linux User 348854

Re: [newbie] DHCP, Pump commands and Cable Modem Setup

2000-10-17 Thread Dennis Veatch

"Thomas F. RuBane" wrote:

 Hi Roman  All:

 I'm using Mandrake 7.1 (With an automatic install)
 and a Netgear 310tx which is a tulip chipset compatible card.
 My DSL service uses DHCP, but I haven't gotten that working either. I
 entered all the information manually (I checked using winipcfg the get the
 info). I have installed the dhcp-client. Previously, linux would recognize
 eth0, but I could not get it up using ifconfig. I did a reinstall of linux,
 and now doing ifconfig -a will not even show that there is an eth0


Have you set the NIC to use dhclient?

Re: [newbie] WOW, Mozilla M18

2000-10-17 Thread Michael

The nightly builds tend to be even better than the milestones and far
better than the Netscape previews. The build I'm using is as great. It's
progressing so fast now that it's really interesting to watch. Like seeing
a building go up.

Have the courage to take your own thoughts seriously, for they will shape
you. -- Albert Einstein

On Tue, 17 Oct 2000, Anthony wrote:

   Is it just me or has there been major improvment from M11 to M18.
  The earliest version I tested was M17 and M18 is definitely better than
  M17 so I would assume it's also better than M11  
 Yes, the builds have been steady getting better. I've downloaded everyone since
 M13 on, and each new release just builds upon itself.
   why oh why did they change the GUI to look more like netscape I
   actually liked the M17 GUI.
  After using M18 for less than an hour I made some dumb statements here
  about it being too "Netscape-like".  Is it possible that you've got it set
  up with the "classic" theme, which is very NS-like?  If so, simply switch
  to "modern" and I think you'll be happier.
 Thanks so much for pointing that out! I hate the Netscape Classic look, I've
 always thought Netscape was a very ugly browser. But I love the Modern and Blue
 look, and before I knew you could change that, I stuck with Netscape6PR3
 because I couldn't stand looking at that Classic Netscape. 
   Anyone think I'm nuts about M18 running good?  
  Seems real good to me.  I've been surprised by the stability which IS much
  better than Opera.
 I also really like Mozilla. It's so much better than that crap known as
 Netscape 4.x. It won't be too much longer before it's finally out of beta and
 it has it's real "official" release.
 Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are. 

Re: [newbie] Linux/Networking/Firewall

2000-10-17 Thread Doug McGarrett

I'm not sure I understand your question, but what if you use a 
Linksys BEFSR41 router as your firewall?  Then connect the 
various computers to the router.  Will that work?  (I'm not
into any computer games outside of the occasional solitaire or
Windows Pinball (really well done, I think!)) But I do have the
router, and you can set it up to stealth (hide) your computer 
completely!  (You need the latest software from the net.)
And it's easy. Even I can do it!  --doug, wa2say

At 10:09 10/16/2000 -0700, someone wrote:
Hoping for some help here:

I previously had the following setup within my network at my residence.  1
Linux box w/ 2 NIC cards.  1 connected to the DSL modem, and 1 to a HUB
where other computers throughout the house are connected.  I configured NIC
1 for the IP address given to me by my DSL provider, and configured the
other NIC for the private network IP range 196.168.x.x.  Next I configured
IP Forwarding and Masquerading, and alas had everything set up and working

Some online games won't allow duplicate IP addresses to be seen on the game
server, and as all computers within my private net were sharing the 1 IP
address provided by the DSL provider, only one computer at a time to could
be gaming.  I've recently acquired a different DSL package, which gives me 5
static IP address, so I should be able to configure my network as I hoped.

Obviously, I could have just put all computers, and the DSL modem on my HUB
and life would be good from a gaming perspective, however, I would very much
like to have a firewall installed that helps protect against intruders.
Under this scenario, I'd have to install a firewall on each PC to gain some
protection...what a hassle.  

What I'd like to do is configure my Linux box like I had before, but replace
the Private network with additional IP's that I gained.  I tried setting
this up, but fell short after realizing that Linux acting as a router can't
route unless there are two different networks (IP sets) to route between.
Since all my machines IP's belong to the same network (IP set), I can't
"route" per se.

What I came across were some HOWTO's on bridging+firewall.  Essentially the
bridge creates a virtual NIC that binds the two together, and I place the
firewall (IPchains) on this virtual NIC.  I configured it, set it up, and
appear to be accomplishing my goal.  The firewall stuff is working on every
machine, and of course gaming is now a reality.

In summary, my question is this.  Is this the best/only approach I can take
in setting up my environment?  Is there a way to accomplish this by setting
up my own route tables?  The reason I ask is because when everything is
"idle" on my network, I see blips on the DSL modem about every 3 seconds or
so.  I've narrowed it down to the bridge stuff, as I can bring the bridge
down, and the blipping stops.  I don't know what is happening, and I don't
believe that the bridge is impacting performance much, still I don't know,
so I thought I'd pose the question to the experts out there.

Thanks in advance,
Mark Wignall

[newbie] laser eye mice

2000-10-17 Thread chronos

Hi all-
Does anyone use the laser eye mouse with their linux box ? If so what did 
you have to do to get it to work ? Also how do I correctly uninstall linux 
? Im going to kill windoze and devote my entire drive to linux so I want to 
do it right.
you, Chronos.

Re: [newbie] Linux on Oracle

2000-10-17 Thread D.M. Mattix

On Tue, 17 Oct 2000, A V Flinsch wrote:
 On Tue, 17 Oct 2000, you wrote:
  hi all,
  thnaks for your help
  I am an Oracle DBA and so far have worked only on
  WindowsNT. Now i am trying to install Oracle8i (8.1.6)
  on Linux. I have got Linux Mandrake version 7.1
  installed on a intel system.
  300 MHz
  64MB RAM
  The oracle Documentaion asks to create 4 mountpoints.
  One for the software and 3 for the database.
  I don't know if this is the right place to ask this
 No need to do this. I just created a /oracle mountpoint off of / and let the
 installer do it's stuff.
 a few words of advice - 
 1- the 8.1.6 installer has problems when running under kde. Do yourself a favor
 and use a different window manager for the install.
 2 - when creating your database, allow dbassist to creat a script, then exit
 all window managers and run the script. The database creation phase of the
 install is very memory intensive, and can use all the ram you can get.
 3 - go th and grab all of the goodies. Some good stuff
 (Go easy on me, I'm a COBOL programmer in real life)

The release notes say that a minimum of 128MB are required to install the
Oracle product.  Has anyone tried it with less??  
D.M.(Mike) Mattix

(with a 128MB 200MHz Pentium to try this on...)

[newbie] info on building a kernel...

2000-10-17 Thread Mark Weaver

Hi list,

Before I get started could someone please pass me the cheese to go with my

That being said, I've been working on this getting this stupid kernel
recompiled to accomodate a Turtle Beach sound card for two stinkin weeks
and the darn thing continually bombs out on one error or another. If its
not choking on imaginary bad code, then it's telling me that something
else is wrong somewhere. It doesn't seem to matter "how" I configure the
stinkin thing it always bombs out with an error. 

The usual thing is a parsing error, or it says there's a '{' missing, or
there's a ')' missing, or even more bizare is the compiler error that I
got tonight. It doesn't matter if I'm trying to do a recompile of
2.2.16-9mdk, or a new config and compile of 2.2.17. The results are the
same. The compile bombs on an error. On the off chance that it does
compile without any errors and all the modules are made and installed then
the damn thing doesn't work right and there are a few things that just
don't work on the system. pppd for one and the other that really knots my
shorts is the friggin sound. The whole reason I'm torturing myself in the
first place.

So, what I really need is some in depth documentation that will cover, in
explanitory fashion, the compiler errors that gcc gives and what to do and
how to do "good" compilations of these darn kernels. As I write this I'm
preparing to torture myself some more by downloading kernel 2.4test9. I
don't know why I'm even thinking I'm going to get it to work. It'll
probably bomb like the rest of these. Frankly I don't know how others are
getting them to compile and work!

thanks for letting me rant. I'm done now.


/*  I never worry about the to-jams.
 *  Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
 *  it's already too late...just make sure
 *  you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
Registered Linux user #182496
 *   Pine 4.21   *

Re: [newbie] laser eye mice

2000-10-17 Thread Mwinold

to correctly uninstall linux delete it from the partition that is the only 
method currently available, use fdisk since your deleting windows as type 
fdisk /mbr this kills lillo or grub makes things a little easier when you re 
install linux, then type fdisk
now using the menu choices available delete all partitions, reboot your 
computer with the install disk,
or if you are using mandrake just reboot from the disk
when it gets to how you want to partition the drive click on all partitions 
and click on delete, now auto allocate, or you can choose to allocate your 
own way

Re: [newbie] Opera Beta

2000-10-17 Thread Mark Weaver

I'm not sure I understand what you mean about the bookmarks. I've found
the operation of Mozilla M18 to be pretty fair considering that it's not a
finished product yet. As far as performance goes it's almost as fast and
stable as Netscape 4.75. While it still doesn't handle Java yet it is far
less of a resource hog than it had been just a few weeks ago. You can
really tell the difference from M17 to M18. The amount of memory that it
takes to start and run M18 has been reduced dramatically. I'm really
looking forward to seeing what Mozilla looks like once the project is
finished. I suspect that if the developers continue on the same road
they're currently on and at their present pace Mozilla will be much faster
and lighter than Netscape has been in a long time.

Bookmarks??? I thought they handled just fine. When I'm cleaning them up
and placing them in seperate folders I usually just cut and paste them
from one place to another. That's the same as I've always done with them
though. If I understand what you're saying it sounds a lot like the way
IE4 and IE5 handle bookmarks.


/*  I never worry about the to-jams.
 *  Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
 *  it's already too late...just make sure
 *  you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
Registered Linux user #182496
 *   Pine 4.21   *

On Sun, 15 Oct 2000 11:33pm ,Larry Marshall spake passionately in a message:

  Gecko engine. Personlly I'm going to by-pass Netscape 6 all togther and
  when MoZilla is ready I'm going to use it. It's much nicer than Netscape
  4.7x and superior to Netscape 6. They're using the same base code but the
 Mark...maybe I've got blinders on but what is "much nicer than Netscape
 4.7x"?  To me it seems JUST like Netscape in function.  Speaking of which,
 is it just my lack of imagination or has Mozilla gone backwards in how it
 lets you handle getting a new URL into your bookmarks?  Like Nutscape you
 can't change the name of it but unlike Nutscape it doesn't seem to even
 let you target a folder to hold it.  Am I missing something?  
 I have to agree with you about Opera though.  It's clear that it's an
 early beta and not a tool to depend on yet. 
 Cheers --- Larry

RE: [newbie] DHCP, Pump commands and Cable Modem Setup

2000-10-17 Thread D.M. Mattix

On Tue, 17 Oct 2000, Thomas F. RuBane wrote:
 Hi Roman  All:
 I'm using Mandrake 7.1 (With an automatic install)
 and a Netgear 310tx which is a tulip chipset compatible card.
 My DSL service uses DHCP, but I haven't gotten that working either. I
 entered all the information manually (I checked using winipcfg the get the
 info). I have installed the dhcp-client. Previously, linux would recognize
 eth0, but I could not get it up using ifconfig. I did a reinstall of linux,
 and now doing ifconfig -a will not even show that there is an eth0
 I've tried using Drakconfig  going to the hardware configuration dialog. it
 shows a network card is installed, but warns that it is already configured
 when I try and configure it.
 I recognize the benefits of Unix  Linux - that's why I'm trying to get it
 up  running. But I have to admit Windows still is easier to configure in
 some respects.
 Thanks for any help,
 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Romanator
 Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2000 3:47 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] DHCP, Pump commands and Cable Modem Setup
 Hello Tom,
 You'll need the following:
 For example:
 Host name: cr123543-b
 Subdomain address:
 IP address:
 Subnet mask:
 Gateway address:
 1. Which version of Linux are you using?
 2. What type of netwrok card are you using i.e. 3c905c ?
 Registered Linux User #179293


Go into Network Configuration.  It is an option on DrakeConfig.  The problem is
that the automatic install does not configure your network card.  I only have
the text mode version working on the system I am currently running but the GUI
version has a tabbed interface.  You must click on the adapter 1 tab and 
enable that adapter, then select DHCP also in the same tab and you should be
on your way.

I saw Larry's post about PPPoE and it just depends on what your DSL service
is offering evidently not all offer PPPoE...

--  D.M.(Mike) Mattix

Re: [newbie] OT / Penguin dance!

2000-10-17 Thread Mark Weaver

That's interesting...I've never seen a hamster dance before.


/*  I never worry about the to-jams.
 *  Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
 *  it's already too late...just make sure
 *  you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
Registered Linux user #182496
 *   Pine 4.21   *

On Sat, 14 Oct 2000 8:18pm ,Greg Stewart spake passionately in a message:

 That might have been the plug in it wanted (I was using Netscape 6pre3-and
 it complained).
 No big deal--I couldn't even hear the music 'cause I don't have a sound card
 in my linux box., but it won't kill me.
 I did save some of the dancing penguin gifs, I think they'll make good pals
 for the dancing hamsters on a personal webpage. :-)
 - Original Message -
 From: "Goldenpi" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  What plugin? I took those sites apart once and found they just use
  gifs. Some of them wand a windows media player pluging or javascript for
  sound, but thats about it. That was a while ago, it might have changed
  - Original Message -
  From: "Greg Stewart" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2000 9:07 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] OT / Penguin dance!
   It's HampsterDance with Penguins!Of course, when I tried it with my
   windows machine, the damned thing went blue screen...rather
   that supposed to happen with the "plug in" required?
   - Original Message -
   From: "Mike  Tracy Holt" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Anybody have a co-worker that loves windows?  Take 'em to this site:
   Vous avez un site perso ?
   2 millions de francs à gagner sur i(france) !
   Webmasters : ZE CONCOURS !
 Vous avez un site perso ?
 2 millions de francs à gagner sur i(france) !
 Webmasters : ZE CONCOURS !

Re: [newbie] Portsentry traps

2000-10-17 Thread Mark Weaver

A good start would be to report them to your ISP. 


/*  I never worry about the to-jams.
 *  Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
 *  it's already too late...just make sure
 *  you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
Registered Linux user #182496
 *   Pine 4.21   *

On Sun, 15 Oct 2000 11:43pm ,John Rye spake passionately in a message:

 During the past five days Portsentry has reported several probes
 on port 1080 along with some DNS information.
 I understand this is the Socks Proxy port.
 Without disclosing (at this time) the origin of these probes,
 could someone advise me on how (or if) I should deal with/to
 Also, out of this, does anyone remember the 'Flint' movies
 from the 60's - I'm interested in getting hold of the alarm
 sound which was used. I think it may have been used in other
 spy spoofs but can't remember which. I'd like to use that
 as my Portsentry alarm signal.

Re: [newbie] Portsentry traps

2000-10-17 Thread Mark Weaver

Definately! I'm all ears...rather I'm all eyes since I can't see with my
ears. My wife would tell you that when I'm sitting in front of this
monitor I can't hear with my ears either!  :)


/*  I never worry about the to-jams.
 *  Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
 *  it's already too late...just make sure
 *  you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
Registered Linux user #182496
 *   Pine 4.21   *

On Mon, 16 Oct 2000 7:00am ,John Rye spake passionately in a message:

 Greg Stewart wrote:
  Portsentry usually adds the offending host IP to the route tables, but this
  isn't always the best option anymore. you can change the KILL_ROUTE command
  in /usr/local/psionic/portsentry/portsentry.conf to the following and it
  will add the host IP to your ipchains rules (if you're using
  ipchains--which, really, you should be):
  KILL_ROUTE="/sbin/ipchains -I input -s $TARGET$ -j DENY"
  If you still want these probes logged, add "-l" (lower-case "L") to the line
  before the last quotation mark.With this rule added to your ipchains, all
  hits from that host will be dropped regardless of type.
  Hopefully portsentry is not the only protection you have against intruders.
  It's a great utility, but not complete enough on it's own to rely on.
 I'm well protected.. using ipchains, I already have your suggestion
 It was more a question of whether one should attempt to 'deal to' the
 I used to be continually probed when I used ICQ and Jammer on that
 other opsys, and had some good results by attacking the source-site
 owner, but those were not of this type.
 ?? What/why would a socks proxy port port be probed ?? 
 Suggestions and further discussion might be useful to other list

Re: [newbie] Linux on Oracle

2000-10-17 Thread A V Flinsch

On Tue, 17 Oct 2000, you wrote:

 The release notes say that a minimum of 128MB are required to install the
 Oracle product.  Has anyone tried it with less??  

I had 8.1.5 running on a machine with 96M. I did have to upgrade to 128M to do
the install however. Once installed, it ran acceptably in 96M. I did not try
running in anything less than 96.

 D.M.(Mike) Mattix
 (with a 128MB 200MHz Pentium to try this on...)

The machine I installed 8.1.6 on was a P III 450 with 128M. The install took a
bit over an hour, database creation took about 3 hours.

(Go easy on me, I'm a COBOL programmer in real life)

Re: [newbie] Problems with wheel mouse

2000-10-17 Thread Zap

 AF1 wrote:
 I've installed LM 7.1 and everything works fine except my mouse! Instead a
 pointer I only see a white square :-((
 What can I do?
 My mouse as two buttons and a wheel (Intellimouse compatible). I've tried
 change the type of the mouse in Drakconf but it don't change!

For the square cursor bit, you could add the following to your XF86Config
file under the graphics device section--
no sw_cursor

As to the wheel mouse, look in under the GNUlinux tips
page...there's something there


Re: [newbie] OT / Penguin dance!

2000-10-17 Thread Greg Stewart

You know... I actually went looking for the original "Hampster Dance" site
today and I couldn't find it for BEANS!!!

Finally, though, tonite I stumbled on the second incarnation of the site at:

It's got a revamped techno-pop theme song, but the same cute "hampsters"
(minus one).

The original is on the following page at the same address:

And, please don't yell at me fer stickin' a 'p' in where it don't
belong...t'weren't my idea!


- Original Message -
From: "Mark Weaver" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

That's interesting...I've never seen a hamster dance before.


/* I never worry about the to-jams.
 * Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
 * it's already too late...just make sure
 * you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
  Registered Linux user #182496
 *   Pine 4.21   *

On Sat, 14 Oct 2000 8:18pm ,Greg Stewart spake passionately in a message:

 That might have been the plug in it wanted (I was using Netscape 6pre3-and
 it complained).

 No big deal--I couldn't even hear the music 'cause I don't have a sound
 in my linux box., but it won't kill me.

 I did save some of the dancing penguin gifs, I think they'll make good
 for the dancing hamsters on a personal webpage. :-)


 - Original Message -
 From: "Goldenpi" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  What plugin? I took those sites apart once and found they just use
  gifs. Some of them wand a windows media player pluging or javascript for
  sound, but thats about it. That was a while ago, it might have changed
  - Original Message -
  From: "Greg Stewart" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2000 9:07 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] OT / Penguin dance!
   It's HampsterDance with Penguins!Of course, when I tried it with
   windows machine, the damned thing went blue screen...rather
   that supposed to happen with the "plug in" required?
   - Original Message -
   From: "Mike  Tracy Holt" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Anybody have a co-worker that loves windows?  Take 'em to this site:

   Vous avez un site perso ?
   2 millions de francs à gagner sur i(france) !
   Webmasters : ZE CONCOURS !

 Vous avez un site perso ?
 2 millions de francs à gagner sur i(france) !
 Webmasters : ZE CONCOURS !

Vous avez un site perso ?
2 millions de francs à gagner sur i(france) !
Webmasters : ZE CONCOURS !

Re: [newbie] info on building a kernel...

2000-10-17 Thread John Rye

Mark Weaver wrote:
 Hi list,
 Before I get started could someone please pass me the cheese to go with my
 That being said, I've been working on this getting this stupid kernel
 recompiled to accomodate a Turtle Beach sound card for two stinkin weeks
 and the darn thing continually bombs out on one error or another. If its
 not choking on imaginary bad code, then it's telling me that something
 else is wrong somewhere. It doesn't seem to matter "how" I configure the
 stinkin thing it always bombs out with an error.
 The usual thing is a parsing error, or it says there's a '{' missing, or
 there's a ')' missing, or even more bizare is the compiler error that I
 got tonight. It doesn't matter if I'm trying to do a recompile of
 2.2.16-9mdk, or a new config and compile of 2.2.17. The results are the
 same. The compile bombs on an error. On the off chance that it does
 compile without any errors and all the modules are made and installed then
 the damn thing doesn't work right and there are a few things that just
 don't work on the system. pppd for one and the other that really knots my
 shorts is the friggin sound. The whole reason I'm torturing myself in the
 first place.
 So, what I really need is some in depth documentation that will cover, in
 explanitory fashion, the compiler errors that gcc gives and what to do and
 how to do "good" compilations of these darn kernels. As I write this I'm
 preparing to torture myself some more by downloading kernel 2.4test9. I
 don't know why I'm even thinking I'm going to get it to work. It'll
 probably bomb like the rest of these. Frankly I don't know how others are
 getting them to compile and work!
 thanks for letting me rant. I'm done now.
 /*  I never worry about the to-jams.
  *  Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
  *  it's already too late...just make sure
  *  you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
 Registered Linux user #182496
  *   Pine 4.21   *


I was getting a heap of similar errors a while back, on whatever
I attempted to compile.

Check your RAM as a first step. 

I had no end of trouble trying compile 2.2.17 - gave it away after
not being able to get several modules to compile with the same
kinds of errors, (missing punctuation characters, no end of line
in line xxx), and so on.

I haven't bothered to revisit.

ICQ# 89345394 Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected"
(The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)

[newbie] Browsers

2000-10-17 Thread Dennis Myers

I have d/l'd Opera, Netscape 6, and Mozilla and find that I can not
install Opera due to wrong architecture, and the other two flow like
molasses in January. They are so slow to load anything that I feel like
I have timewarped back to the good old dos days and booting with floppys
etc. Anybody getting any better reaction from Net 6 or Moz? And has any
one found the fix for the wrong architecture thingy in Opera? I have
tried opera and Mozilla in Win 98 and like both of them even though they
are twitchy and crash frequently. I hope that the final releases are
better for speed in Linux than what I see now, or have I missed
something in the install? Linux makes everything but the mozilla prog
run faster so something is amiss.
Dennis M. a registered Linux User #180842

Re: [newbie] Portsentry traps

2000-10-17 Thread Greg Stewart

 My wife would tell you that when I'm sitting in front of this
 monitor I can't hear with my ears either!  :)

Hell, I'm so blind (and probably deaf, too) my co-workers think the only way
I can see what's on a computer screen is by smelling the damned thing!


- Original Message -
From: "Mark Weaver" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Definately! I'm all ears...rather I'm all eyes since I can't see with my
 ears. My wife would tell you that when I'm sitting in front of this
 monitor I can't hear with my ears either!  :)


 /* I never worry about the to-jams.
  * Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
  * it's already too late...just make sure
  * you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
   Registered Linux user #182496
  *   Pine 4.21   *

 On Mon, 16 Oct 2000 7:00am ,John Rye spake passionately in a message:

  Greg Stewart wrote:
   Portsentry usually adds the offending host IP to the route tables, but
   isn't always the best option anymore. you can change the KILL_ROUTE
   in /usr/local/psionic/portsentry/portsentry.conf to the following and
   will add the host IP to your ipchains rules (if you're using
   ipchains--which, really, you should be):
   KILL_ROUTE="/sbin/ipchains -I input -s $TARGET$ -j DENY"
   If you still want these probes logged, add "-l" (lower-case "L") to
the line
   before the last quotation mark.With this rule added to your ipchains,
   hits from that host will be dropped regardless of type.
   Hopefully portsentry is not the only protection you have against
   It's a great utility, but not complete enough on it's own to rely on.
  I'm well protected.. using ipchains, I already have your suggestion
  It was more a question of whether one should attempt to 'deal to' the
  I used to be continually probed when I used ICQ and Jammer on that
  other opsys, and had some good results by attacking the source-site
  owner, but those were not of this type.
  ?? What/why would a socks proxy port port be probed ??
  Suggestions and further discussion might be useful to other list

Vous avez un site perso ?
2 millions de francs à gagner sur i(france) !
Webmasters : ZE CONCOURS !

Re: [newbie] I cannot see my network card! new informatio!!

2000-10-17 Thread Greg Stewart

I know this message is about "I cannot see my network card!", but I must not
be wearing my contacts 'cause I can't see the last reponse posted to the end
(except for that "Get you free e-mail" thing!). Did someone type something
in invisible ink? Or do I *really* need that eye transplant?

Anyway, information such as the type of network card you are trying to
install: make  model. Internal LAN connection, or internet connection. DHCP
or static IP?

Also what have you tried so far? What application have you used to attempt

These kinds of things, preferrably in a form [ I ] can actually see, and if
you think about it a pretty picture would nice.  :-)


- Original Message -
From: "David Dieguez" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Subject: Re: [newbie] I cannot see my network card!

  David Dieguez wrote:
   I just install the mandrake, but I cannot see
   the network card. How can I configurate my
   card. I know the card have irq # but I doesn't
   how to configure!
   Get your free email from
   Powered by Outblaze
  You gotta give us more information than that.
  Waht kind of information is gonna help ??
 Get your free email from

 Powered by Outblaze

Vous avez un site perso ?
2 millions de francs à gagner sur i(france) !
Webmasters : ZE CONCOURS !

RE: [newbie] OT / Penguin dance!

2000-10-17 Thread Mike Tracy Holt

I get a kick out of all of those!  Here's what I did to my co-workers with
it:  Save the web page (they changed the format to java now so I'm not sure
if it will still work) and then take the 'originaldedodedo.wav' - about a 9
second .wav - and use a wav editor to loop it for about an hour and finally
burn it on a CD.  Pop it into a CD player and crank up the volume.

If (when) people start looking, just act like you don't know what the
problem is...

Mike ;)

You know... I actually went looking for the original "Hampster Dance" site
today and I couldn't find it for BEANS!!!

Finally, though, tonite I stumbled on the second incarnation of
the site at:

It's got a revamped techno-pop theme song, but the same cute "hampsters"
(minus one).

The original is on the following page at the same address:

And, please don't yell at me fer stickin' a 'p' in where it don't
belong...t'weren't my idea!


- Original Message -
From: "Mark Weaver" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

That's interesting...I've never seen a hamster dance before.


/* I never worry about the to-jams.
 * Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
 * it's already too late...just make sure
 * you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
  Registered Linux user #182496
 *   Pine 4.21   *

On Sat, 14 Oct 2000 8:18pm ,Greg Stewart spake passionately in a message:

 That might have been the plug in it wanted (I was using Netscape
 it complained).

 No big deal--I couldn't even hear the music 'cause I don't have a sound
 in my linux box., but it won't kill me.

 I did save some of the dancing penguin gifs, I think they'll make good
 for the dancing hamsters on a personal webpage. :-)


 - Original Message -
 From: "Goldenpi" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  What plugin? I took those sites apart once and found they just use
  gifs. Some of them wand a windows media player pluging or
javascript for
  sound, but thats about it. That was a while ago, it might have changed
  - Original Message -
  From: "Greg Stewart" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2000 9:07 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] OT / Penguin dance!
   It's HampsterDance with Penguins!Of course, when I tried it with
   windows machine, the damned thing went blue screen...rather
   that supposed to happen with the "plug in" required?
   - Original Message -
   From: "Mike  Tracy Holt" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Anybody have a co-worker that loves windows?  Take 'em to
this site:

   Vous avez un site perso ?
   2 millions de francs à gagner sur i(france) !
   Webmasters : ZE CONCOURS !

 Vous avez un site perso ?
 2 millions de francs à gagner sur i(france) !
 Webmasters : ZE CONCOURS !

Vous avez un site perso ?
2 millions de francs à gagner sur i(france) !
Webmasters : ZE CONCOURS !

Re: [newbie] Browsers

2000-10-17 Thread D.M. Mattix

On Wed, 18 Oct 2000, Dennis Myers wrote:
 I have d/l'd Opera, Netscape 6, and Mozilla and find that I can not
 install Opera due to wrong architecture, and the other two flow like
 molasses in January. They are so slow to load anything that I feel like
 I have timewarped back to the good old dos days and booting with floppys
 etc. Anybody getting any better reaction from Net 6 or Moz? And has any
 one found the fix for the wrong architecture thingy in Opera? I have
 tried opera and Mozilla in Win 98 and like both of them even though they
 are twitchy and crash frequently. I hope that the final releases are
 better for speed in Linux than what I see now, or have I missed
 something in the install? Linux makes everything but the mozilla prog
 run faster so something is amiss.
 Dennis M. a registered Linux User #180842

Not that I know of.  Just download the tar.gz and install it. (the only thing
it installs is the opera application)  It works just fine on V7.1 (2.2.15
Kernel)  -- 
D.M.(Mike) Mattix

[newbie] Acrobat install error

2000-10-17 Thread James Michele Brown

I'm trying to install Acrobat 4.0 from a 7.0 cd.  After Installing 
platform dependent files I get the error "./INSTALL: ed: command
not found"  ERROR installing /usr/local/Acrobat4/bin/acroread.

Anyone have any ideas, couldn't find anything in the archives.


Fwd: Re: [newbie] Browsers

2000-10-17 Thread D.M. Mattix

On Wed, 18 Oct 2000, Dennis Myers wrote:
 I have d/l'd Opera, Netscape 6, and Mozilla and find that I can not
 install Opera due to wrong architecture, and the other two flow like
 molasses in January. They are so slow to load anything that I feel like
 I have timewarped back to the good old dos days and booting with floppys
 etc. Anybody getting any better reaction from Net 6 or Moz? And has any
 one found the fix for the wrong architecture thingy in Opera? I have
 tried opera and Mozilla in Win 98 and like both of them even though they
 are twitchy and crash frequently. I hope that the final releases are
 better for speed in Linux than what I see now, or have I missed
 something in the install? Linux makes everything but the mozilla prog
 run faster so something is amiss.
 Dennis M. a registered Linux User #180842

Not that I know of.  Just download the tar.gz and install it. (the only thing
it installs is the opera application)  It works just fine on V7.1 (2.2.15
Kernel)  -- 
D.M.(Mike) Mattix

[newbie] Tracing Email Addresses

2000-10-17 Thread SoloCDM

Can a trace (just as in traceroute) be placed on an email address as
it goes about the Internet?

Note: When you reply to this message, please include
  the mailing list and my email address.


[newbie] DrakX halt while installing Linux-Mandrake 7.1 Deluxe on SONY PCG-SR9G/T notebook

2000-10-17 Thread Lawrence Lee

Hi, I am trying hard to install Linux-Mandrake 7.1
Deluxe on my new notebook computer SONY PCG-SR9G/T
with a 12.1GB harddisk. The best way I can do is
installing from harddisk. 

I've made 7 subdirectories: disk1 .. disk7 on a spare
partition d: and copied files from the 7 installation
disks to the above 7 subdirectories by the "xcopy *
/s" DOS command.

Everything looks fine in DrakX until the "please wait,
look for available packages" message appears. After
this message disappeared, the installation program
halt at the "install system" step. Nothing shown on
the screen except those installation steps on the left

I've also tried to use the text mode installation. The
install program halt on the "Linux-Mandrake
Installation Setup filesystems" screen. Only this
title on the top and those function keys at the bottom
are displayed. I've to reboot my notebook for both

Two pieces of information may be useful to diagnose
the problem. First, when I used the text mode
installation from harddisk, I got the following
warning message:

  The number of cylinders for this disk is set to
  There is nothing wrong with that, but this is larger
than 1024, and could in certain setups cause problems
  1) software that runs at boot time (e.g., LILO)
  2) booting and partitioning software from other OSs
  (e.g., DOS FDISK, OS/2 FDISK)

Second, the Sony notebook has reserved about 500M on
the harddisk for its own usage. The DOS fdisk command
shows only 11507MB total disk space with 3828M for
primary partition and 7680M for the extended
partition. When I tried to use the auto allocation for
swap and ext2 partition, the bars representing the
first two FAT32 partitions shift unexpectedly. I've
bypassed this problem by using FDISK to reallocate the
partitions manually and changing the partition type to
'swap' and 'ext2' using the DrakX installation
program. I wonder if the reserved space cause some
calculation problem for the auto allocation and some
other problems later on. 

FYI, it is a P-III 600 machine with 64M RAM.

Thanks for your help.

Lawrence Lee

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Messenger - Talk while you surf!  It's FREE.

Re: [newbie] Opera Beta

2000-10-17 Thread Larry Marshall

 Bookmarks??? I thought they handled just fine. When I'm cleaning them up
 and placing them in seperate folders I usually just cut and paste them
 from one place to another. That's the same as I've always done with them

Two things here Mark.  First, I wrote that before I figured out that I can
simply drag a URL from the URL window into any folder I want if I open the
bookmark list in the tab bar.  Read a msg today that says that right now
you can't do that with the pulldown list but that you will ultimately be
able to.  

 though. If I understand what you're saying it sounds a lot like the way
 IE4 and IE5 handle bookmarks.

Not at all.  With IE you can not only choose what folder to put it in, you
can see what got picked up from the html title block and change it if you
want.  All that cutting and pasting you're doing would drive me nuts.  Too
many bookmarks I suppose.

Cheers --- Larry 

RE: [newbie] DHCP, Pump commands and Cable Modem Setup

2000-10-17 Thread Larry Marshall

 I saw Larry's post about PPPoE and it just depends on what your DSL service
 is offering evidently not all offer PPPoE...

Really?  What are the alternatives?  I thought the main thing that was
allowing DSL to become reasonably priced was the simple pppoe
approach.  I'm also one of the dumbest guys on the planet when it comes to
networking :-)

Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] Browsers

2000-10-17 Thread Dennis Myers

"D.M. Mattix (Mike)" wrote:
 On Wed, 18 Oct 2000, Dennis Myers wrote:
  I have d/l'd Opera, Netscape 6, and Mozilla and find that I can not
  install Opera due to wrong architecture, and the other two flow like
  molasses in January. They are so slow to load anything that I feel like
  I have timewarped back to the good old dos days and booting with floppys
  etc. Anybody getting any better reaction from Net 6 or Moz? And has any
  one found the fix for the wrong architecture thingy in Opera? I have
  tried opera and Mozilla in Win 98 and like both of them even though they
  are twitchy and crash frequently. I hope that the final releases are
  better for speed in Linux than what I see now, or have I missed
  something in the install? Linux makes everything but the mozilla prog
  run faster so something is amiss.
  Dennis M. a registered Linux User #180842
 Not that I know of.  Just download the tar.gz and install it. (the only thing
 it installs is the opera application)  It works just fine on V7.1 (2.2.15
 Kernel)  --
 D.M.(Mike) Mattix
That is exactly what I have 7.1 2.2.15 so what's up with my download, I
have tried twice maybe a cleaning and re d/l, cause it sure won't
install the way it is my having the wrong architecture and all. 
Dennis M. a registered Linux User #180842

Re: [newbie] Browsers

2000-10-17 Thread Larry Marshall

 I have d/l'd Opera, Netscape 6, and Mozilla and find that I can not
 install Opera due to wrong architecture, and the other two flow like

If you want to try this, download the tar file instead.  I dont know
what's going on with their rpms but you've bumped into what's a common
problem there.

 molasses in January. They are so slow to load anything that I feel like
 I have timewarped back to the good old dos days and booting with floppys

Haven't wasted my time with NS6.0.  It's true that Mozilla loads
slowly.  Truthfully, most betas will load more slowly (often by a
lot) than true releases as they're bloated with developer code.  On the
other hand, who cares when it comes to a browser.  Load it, stick into one
of your windows and leave it there.   

 one found the fix for the wrong architecture thingy in Opera? I have

See above.

 are twitchy and crash frequently. I hope that the final releases are
 better for speed in Linux than what I see now, or have I missed

One of the things I see regularly is people's unfamiliarity with
beta-test software, both in terms of expectations and interpretations.  I
guess it is pretty unique for most people working in Windows to see true
beta-apps with all their trace code, dead code, etc. still hanging inside
them.  With Windows you get to beta-test after you buy it and the bloat
there is more a matter of programming taste than anything else.
 something in the install? Linux makes everything but the mozilla prog
 run faster so something is amiss.

Only your interpretation and expectations of beta software.

Cheers --- Larry

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