R: [newbie-it] xconfig

2000-12-08 Thread Fabio Coatti

Da: "Walter Triacchini" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Data invio: venerdì 8 dicembre 2000 9.08
Oggetto: Re: [newbie-it] xconfig

 ma temo che la mia mandrake 7.2 abbia lo stesso problema di Andra anche
 se un po' diverso non riesco a compilare il kernel non trova qualche

 ora provo a reinstallare tutto e poi vediamo

Vorrei dare un consiglio: reinstallare è l'ultima cosa da fare. Primo perchè
in genere non serve, se qualcosa non è a posto non è che rifacendo le stesse
mosse si arrivi in un posto diverso. Poi perchè non si capisce cosa è andato
storto o cosa si sta facendo, con il risultato netto che si hanno gli stessi
risultati che si hanno sotto windows.

Ora, come risolvere il problema?
1) Leggere accuratamente i messaggi di errore e se non li capiscono postarli
in questa lista, copiandoli esattamente, cutpaste. Tali messaggi spiegano
esattamente cosa è successo e sono fondamentali per risolvere il guaio.

2) se il programma dice qualcosa tipo "non trovo il compilatore", i casi
sono 2: o non c'è o non sa come trovarlo. Il secondo caso è poco probabile,
i path sono corretti, salvo che qualcuno ci pistoli. Se non c'è si cerca il
pacchetto e lo si installa. A memoria ce ne sono 2 che vanno bene, sulla
mdk, egcs-qualchecosa e gcc-qualchecosa.

Prova ad installare questi. Può essere una procedura seccante, se nascono
altri errori, ma ti garantisco che se li segui alla fine hai capito
esattamente cosa è successo, sai come sono organizzate le cose e saprai come
comportarti. Reinstallando alla brutta probabilmente non risolvi e
oltretutto non capisci assolutamente cosa possa essere andato storto.

 se qualcuno ha gia' avuto questi problemi con la 7.2 sono tutto orecchi
 temo sia necessario un libro delle malf. poi da inviare alla mandrake ma
 da tenere pubblico.

Queste cose ci sono già, anzi, è il normale modo di lavorare di tutto il
mondo open source. Si chiamano bug reports. Però perchè un bug report sia
utile deve essere molto dettagliato e con tutte le informazioni del caso,
altrimenti serve a ben poco.

[newbie-it] Kppp

2000-12-08 Thread Daniele \Keyser Soze\ Surano

quando mi connetto con kppp non parte nessun 
programma durante la connessione (a parte netscape),
se chiudo kppp tutto ritorna a 
Il problema è di kppp oppure del demone httpd 

Re: [newbie-it] Problemi di compilazione...

2000-12-08 Thread freefred

On Thursday 07 December 2000 00:00, you wrote:

  loading cache ./config.cache
 checking for gcc... no
 checking for cc... no
 configure: error: no acceptable cc found in $PATH

 A questo punto, credendo che non fosse installato il compilatore ho
  tra i pacchetti ed ho trovato un gcc-cpp (credo sia quello che fa per me)
 ma risulta
  già installato;allora dipende dal percorso delle librerie o qualcosa del

probabilmente ti mancano le dipendenze 
dal cd della mandrake
installa tutti i pacchetti del gcc (fondamentalmente i devel, direi).
hai provato a compilare semplicemente un file .c?

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[newbie-it] Problemi con kppp

2000-12-08 Thread Luca Bagnaresi

Ho la versione 7.2 di Mandrake e un modem isdn 
interno Tintoretto TA. Il problema è che kppp riesce a riconscere il modem e a 
mandargli le stringhe di inizializzazione, che vengono accettate, ma al momento 
del comando ATDT[numero provider] mi ritorna il messaggio di errore: "No 
MSN/EAZ". Cosa vuol dire?
Io credo che sia dovuto al fatto che devo settare 
anche il mio numero di telefono da qualche parte ma in kppp non so 

Grazie dell'aiuto

[newbie-it] Volume suoni di sistema

2000-12-08 Thread Dario Tassell

Ho installato Mandrake 7.1 ed ho un piccolo problema, in quanto non
riesco a mantenere la regolazione del volume che imposto sul pannello
mixer, nel senso che, ad ogni avvio, il volume torna a metà (decisamente
troppo alto).
Come faccio a memorizzare le impostazioni del volume, in modo che si
mantengano ad ogni avvio?
Grazie mille
Dario Tassell

Re: [newbie-it] Ma uno come me che non sa niente di informatica ocme cavolaccio fa???

2000-12-08 Thread Enrico Guidolin

Scusa l'ignoranza e i giorni che sono passati dall'ultima volta che hai
scritto esattamente il 3/12/00.

Tu mi consigliavi che bisogna inizializzare il modem perchè altrimenti non
sa cosa deve fare.
Mi hai detto che bisogna anche entrare come root per effettuare queste
modifiche dentro il menu proprietà del modem.

O.k.! Primo dubbio, bisogna andare in kde o in gnome?

Secondo dubbio ho chiesto a chi mi ha venduto la macchina che tipo di modem
mi abbia venduto, e lui mi ha risposto che (dato che ho aperto il p.c.  e
non c'è scritto assolutamente nulla! Solo S/N 00156156 etc)  che è un
modem integrato (sai loro risparmiano un sacco, non essendo u.s. robotics o

Ma allora anche se io compro un modem supportato (ad esempio come quelli che
ho citato che perfino Windows supporta) i mie problemi saranno risolti? O
bisgnerà fare lo stesso la inizializzazione??

Spero di essere stato chiaro ed esaustivo

Naturalmente chiunque voglia aiutarmi è il ben accetto
- Original Message -
From: "Daniele Keyser Soze Surano" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2000 9:20 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Ma uno come me che non sa niente di informatica
ocme cavolaccio fa???

 le modifiche le può fare solo Root.
 quando devi inserire login e password,
 scrivi com login "root",e come password quella che hai inserito durante
 l'installazione (se non l'hai inserita allora non mettere niente e premi

Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con kppp

2000-12-08 Thread lobaxteen

Modem interno, per la 2 volta ,e un winmodem ,cioè è una 
specie di programma che funziona sotto wuinnoz, si può farlo funzionare anche in 
linux ,ma bisognia fare delle modifiche, non ho mai avuto questo problema e non 
so dirti esattamente come fare cerca sugli how to
ciao lobax

  - Original Message - 
  To: Linux Mailing list 
  Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 2:38 
  Subject: [newbie-it] Problemi con 
  Ho la versione 7.2 di Mandrake e un modem isdn 
  interno Tintoretto TA. Il problema è che kppp riesce a riconscere il modem e a 
  mandargli le stringhe di inizializzazione, che vengono accettate, ma al 
  momento del comando ATDT[numero provider] mi ritorna il messaggio di errore: 
  "No MSN/EAZ". Cosa vuol dire?
  Io credo che sia dovuto al fatto che devo settare 
  anche il mio numero di telefono da qualche parte ma in kppp non so 

Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con kppp

2000-12-08 Thread Enrico Guidolin

Scusa lobax ormai tutti sanno del mio dannatissimo 
problema con Linux Mandrake 7.1 e con il modem interno ISDN e della sua relativa 
inizializzazione (come mi hai già consigliato di fare, ma che non so neanche da 
dove partire), ma se io inserisco un modem esterno, tipo quelli u.s. robotics o 
Rockwell che mi sembra siano quelli più famosi, la inizializzazione la devo fare 
lo stesso?

Nel senso che se io rientro 'sto impaccio di modem 
isdn interno made in chissà dove, e ne acquisto uno di esterno (come uno di 
quelli citati sopra), dopo:

1) dovrò ancora fare la sua inizializzazione che 
non so fare?

Perchè secondo le idee che mi sono fatto, e secondo 
quello che ho letto del manuale originale della Mandrke 7.1, pare che basti 
mettereUSERID e PASSWORDdi connessione (io uso Galactica) sul Kppp 
(va beh... nel manuale c'èe scritto che è semplice, ma almeno avrò la 
connessione a internet con Linux) e poi sono a posto. Questo è quello che ho 
capito leggendo il manuale di Lnux Mand 7.1

Scusate la prolissità, e spero di essermi 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 3:15 
  Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con 
  Modem interno, per la 2 volta ,e un winmodem ,cioè è una 
  specie di programma che funziona sotto wuinnoz, si può farlo funzionare anche 
  in linux ,ma bisognia fare delle modifiche, non ho mai avuto questo problema e 
  non so dirti esattamente come fare cerca sugli how to
  ciao lobax
- Original Message - 
To: Linux Mailing list 
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 2:38 
Subject: [newbie-it] Problemi con 

Ho la versione 7.2 di Mandrake e un modem isdn 
interno Tintoretto TA. Il problema è che kppp riesce a riconscere il modem e 
a mandargli le stringhe di inizializzazione, che vengono accettate, ma al 
momento del comando ATDT[numero provider] mi ritorna il messaggio di errore: 
"No MSN/EAZ". Cosa vuol dire?
Io credo che sia dovuto al fatto che devo 
settare anche il mio numero di telefono da qualche parte ma in kppp non so 


Re: [newbie-it] Ma uno come me che non sa niente di informatica ocme cavolaccio fa???

2000-12-08 Thread Keyser Soze

Allora devi entrare come root e in X (non cambia niente tra kde e Gnome).
Fai partire linuxconf.
Clicca su rete,
poi in basso su ppp/slip,plip
poi clicca su quello che sta scritto (di solito ppp0),
poi vai sotto il menu Comunication,
e inserisci la stringa di inizializzazione nella prima linea (modem init
string),mi raccomando di scriverla esattamente (anche le maiuscole).
Se non conosci la stringa puoi recuperarla da windows.
Nelle proprietà del modem,nelle opzioni avanzate ci sta una voce "Visualizza
registro",la dentro da qualche parte cè scritta la stringa di

Cosi dovresti risolvere,ma guarda anche la sringa per chiamare (di solito ATD)
e copiala nella seconda voce (sotto modem init string ) ma dovrebbero essere

Ciao e buona fortuna

Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con kppp

2000-12-08 Thread Luca Bagnaresi

Ho provato a cercare ma non ho trovato nulla su 
questo prob. Mi potete dare i migliori siti con gli how to? Grazie

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 3:15 
  Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con 
  Modem interno, per la 2 volta ,e un winmodem ,cioè è una 
  specie di programma che funziona sotto wuinnoz, si può farlo funzionare anche 
  in linux ,ma bisognia fare delle modifiche, non ho mai avuto questo problema e 
  non so dirti esattamente come fare cerca sugli how to
  ciao lobax
- Original Message - 
To: Linux Mailing list 
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 2:38 
Subject: [newbie-it] Problemi con 

Ho la versione 7.2 di Mandrake e un modem isdn 
interno Tintoretto TA. Il problema è che kppp riesce a riconscere il modem e 
a mandargli le stringhe di inizializzazione, che vengono accettate, ma al 
momento del comando ATDT[numero provider] mi ritorna il messaggio di errore: 
"No MSN/EAZ". Cosa vuol dire?
Io credo che sia dovuto al fatto che devo 
settare anche il mio numero di telefono da qualche parte ma in kppp non so 


Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con kppp

2000-12-08 Thread Corrado

Bè, guarda... di problemi specifici con ISDN, non so molto... però già
no ci avevi detto che si tratta di un modem ISDN; da quel che so,
ASUSCOM (un ISDN pci interno l'ho visto a prezzi oscillanti fra 89 e 115
mila lire) e Digicom supportano Linux...
Io, ti dirò, sono un utente "doemstico", e sto imparando man mano... per
quanto riguarda la connessione a internet, le impostazioni del modem e
degli account dei provider... bè, con kppp per me sono anche più
semplici che con Windows...
Certo, un cd di autoinstallazione è più semplice... :-)


Enrico Guidolin wrote:

 Scusa lobax ormai tutti sanno del mio dannatissimo problema con Linux
 Mandrake 7.1 e con il modem interno ISDN e della sua relativa
 inizializzazione (come mi hai già consigliato di fare, ma che non so
 neanche da dove partire), ma se io inserisco un modem esterno, tipo
 quelli u.s. robotics o Rockwell che mi sembra siano quelli più famosi,
 la inizializzazione la devo fare lo stesso? Nel senso che se io
 rientro 'sto impaccio di modem isdn interno made in chissà dove, e ne
 acquisto uno di esterno (come uno di quelli citati sopra), dopo: 1)
 dovrò ancora fare la sua inizializzazione che non so fare? Perchè
 secondo le idee che mi sono fatto, e secondo quello che ho letto del
 manuale originale della Mandrke 7.1, pare che basti mettere USERID e
 PASSWORD di connessione (io uso Galactica) sul Kppp (va beh... nel
 manuale c'èe scritto che è semplice, ma almeno avrò la connessione a
 internet con Linux) e poi sono a posto. Questo è quello che ho capito
 leggendo il manuale di Lnux Mand 7.1 Scusate la prolissità, e spero di
 essermi spiegato.

  - Original Message -
  From: lobaxteen
  Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 3:15 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con kppp
   Modem interno, per la 2 volta ,e un winmodem ,cioè è
  una specie di programma che funziona sotto wuinnoz, si può
  farlo funzionare anche in linux ,ma bisognia fare delle
  modifiche, non ho mai avuto questo problema e non so dirti
  esattamente come fare cerca sugli how tociao lobax

   - Original Message -
   From: Luca Bagnaresi
   To: Linux Mailing list
   Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 2:38 PM
   Subject: [newbie-it] Problemi con kppp
Ho la versione 7.2 di Mandrake e un modem isdn
   interno Tintoretto TA. Il problema è che kppp
   riesce a riconscere il modem e a mandargli le
   stringhe di inizializzazione, che vengono
   accettate, ma al momento del comando ATDT[numero
   provider] mi ritorna il messaggio di errore: "No
   MSN/EAZ". Cosa vuol dire?Io credo che sia dovuto
   al fatto che devo settare anche il mio numero di
   telefono da qualche parte ma in kppp non so
   dove! Grazie dell'aiuto

Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con kppp

2000-12-08 Thread Enrico Guidolin

Ma la stringa di inizializzazione la devo fare lo stesso?
Questo è quello che mi sto chiedendo?
Perchè proprio non so dove mettere le mani!
Adesso 'sto leggendo gli HOW TO sul modem ISDN al sito
interpuntonet.it/linux come consigliatomi da frefred di questa lista.
Speriamo bene!
- Original Message -
From: "Corrado" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 6:51 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con kppp

 Bè, guarda... di problemi specifici con ISDN, non so molto... però già
 no ci avevi detto che si tratta di un modem ISDN; da quel che so,
 ASUSCOM (un ISDN pci interno l'ho visto a prezzi oscillanti fra 89 e 115
 mila lire) e Digicom supportano Linux...
 Io, ti dirò, sono un utente "doemstico", e sto imparando man mano... per
 quanto riguarda la connessione a internet, le impostazioni del modem e
 degli account dei provider... bè, con kppp per me sono anche più
 semplici che con Windows...
 Certo, un cd di autoinstallazione è più semplice... :-)


 Enrico Guidolin wrote:

  Scusa lobax ormai tutti sanno del mio dannatissimo problema con Linux
  Mandrake 7.1 e con il modem interno ISDN e della sua relativa
  inizializzazione (come mi hai già consigliato di fare, ma che non so
  neanche da dove partire), ma se io inserisco un modem esterno, tipo
  quelli u.s. robotics o Rockwell che mi sembra siano quelli più famosi,
  la inizializzazione la devo fare lo stesso? Nel senso che se io
  rientro 'sto impaccio di modem isdn interno made in chissà dove, e ne
  acquisto uno di esterno (come uno di quelli citati sopra), dopo: 1)
  dovrò ancora fare la sua inizializzazione che non so fare? Perchè
  secondo le idee che mi sono fatto, e secondo quello che ho letto del
  manuale originale della Mandrke 7.1, pare che basti mettere USERID e
  PASSWORD di connessione (io uso Galactica) sul Kppp (va beh... nel
  manuale c'èe scritto che è semplice, ma almeno avrò la connessione a
  internet con Linux) e poi sono a posto. Questo è quello che ho capito
  leggendo il manuale di Lnux Mand 7.1 Scusate la prolissità, e spero di
  essermi spiegato.
   - Original Message -
   From: lobaxteen
   Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 3:15 PM
   Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con kppp
Modem interno, per la 2 volta ,e un winmodem ,cioè è
   una specie di programma che funziona sotto wuinnoz, si può
   farlo funzionare anche in linux ,ma bisognia fare delle
   modifiche, non ho mai avuto questo problema e non so dirti
   esattamente come fare cerca sugli how tociao lobax
- Original Message -
From: Luca Bagnaresi
To: Linux Mailing list
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 2:38 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] Problemi con kppp
 Ho la versione 7.2 di Mandrake e un modem isdn
interno Tintoretto TA. Il problema è che kppp
riesce a riconscere il modem e a mandargli le
stringhe di inizializzazione, che vengono
accettate, ma al momento del comando ATDT[numero
provider] mi ritorna il messaggio di errore: "No
MSN/EAZ". Cosa vuol dire?Io credo che sia dovuto
al fatto che devo settare anche il mio numero di
telefono da qualche parte ma in kppp non so
dove! Grazie dell'aiuto

[newbie-it] Compaq Presario 5716: Plug and Play

2000-12-08 Thread Giulio

Non riesco a configurare le mie periferiche Plug 
and Play, pnpdump nonfunziona perchéil setup del mio BIOS, (premo 
F10 all'avvio del computer), non prevede la possibilità di disattivare il 
riconoscimento delle periferiche PnP. Qualcuno sa se esiste un modo, in un 
Compaq, per accedere ad una gestione più completa del bios (ho provato a premere 
canc, come avviene nei PC "normali"), o se esiste qualche altra scappatoia? O 
sono condannato?

[newbie-it] Compaq Presario 5716: Plug and Play

2000-12-08 Thread Giulio

Non riesco a configurare le mie periferiche Plug and Play, pnpdump non
funziona perché il setup del mio BIOS, (premo F10 all'avvio del computer),
non prevede la possibilità di disattivare il riconoscimento delle
periferiche PnP. Qualcuno sa se esiste un modo, in un Compaq, per accedere
ad una gestione più completa del bios (ho provato a premere canc, come
avviene nei PC "normali"), o se esiste qualche altra scappatoia? O sono

Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con kppp

2000-12-08 Thread lobaxteen

  - Original Message - 
  Enrico Guidolin 
  Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 4:14 
  Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con 
  Scusa lobax ormai tutti sanno del mio 
  dannatissimo problema con Linux Mandrake 7.1 e con il modem interno ISDN e 
  della sua relativa inizializzazione (come mi hai già consigliato di fare, ma 
  che non so neanche da dove partire), ma se io inserisco un modem esterno, tipo 
  quelli u.s. robotics o Rockwell che mi sembra siano quelli più famosi, la 
  inizializzazione la devo fare lo stesso?
sei sempre tu? scusa ho risposto senza leggere il mitt 
certo che le cose cambiano spesso da quelle parti non mi avevi 
di winmodem,asp che cercoma mi sembrava di aver 
risposto ad un'altra persona cmq qui c'è tutto.a chi serve

RE: [newbie] Resolving resource conflicts in Mandrake 7.2 complete

2000-12-08 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

Heh, actually I'm not having a problem...

The original poster was having problems with two PCI ethernet cards, whose
IRQ's were identical. Of course Linux doesn't like this.

I mentioned that he had to move one of the PCI cards to another slot to
change IRQ allocations, since obviously he had placed both cards into
interlinked slots.

This prompted people to speak up about "merely setting things in the bios"
to which I responded that slot-wise IRQ allocation is hard wired. That is
you can change the IRQ used but the two slots he used would ALWAYS have this
problem since they are wired together.

I expected a rash of people trying to contradict this, so far I only had
one... heh.

The 3C509 is an ISA card with PNP capabilities so the point is rather moot.

Thanks though.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jozef Glonek
Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2000 7:25 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Resolving resource conflicts in Mandrake 7.2

Hey Jose,

I know the 3c509 can has 2 modes : pnp or non-pnp. The surest way is a
little dos utility (not windos) you can find at :
ftp.3com.com/pub/nic/3c509/3c509x2.exe .
If you really wants to do it in Linux you could try :
With these programs you should be able to see, and change, the current
settings of your card(s).

It's quite possible that afterwards you have to disable in bios the irq's
you have given to your 2 nic's. But I'm not quite sure of that.


- Original Message -
From: Jose M. Sanchez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2000 9:19 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Resolving resource conflicts in Mandrake 7.2 complete

 I knew sooner or later I'd get a bite on this one...

 No, IRQ allocation is set by the BIOS (or the OS) during boot.

 While you can set WHICH irq is allocated to a group of cards, YOU CANNOT
 individual IRQ's for a particular card.

 Huh? Sure I can, you say...


 PCI cards are hardwired to the IRQ service levels. Normally more than once
 card is wired to each line. Thus you'll have a pair of PCI slots (or in
 cases up to three) which share the SAME IRQ's.

 No matter what you do with the BIOS you'll be unable to disable the

 Say you have a NIC card using IRQ-10 in slot two, and a NIC card in Slot 5
 which you discover also is sharing the same IRQ.

 Linux doesn't like this... ok, so you go into the bios and try to set the
 IRQ allocation for slot two... well guess what happens, it also changes
 slot 5!

 If you are lucky you will not have a sharing issue, if not all your slots
 are filled.

 In the original posters machine, all his slots are full and he cannot get
 around his two NICs using the same IRQ. He can move one of them to another
 slot, possibly causing another sharing situation.

 Under certain conditions sharing is ok, so by moving his cards around he
 fix the problem.

 Though your milage may vary depending upon driving conditions...


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Abraham Pinzur
 Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2000 10:43 AM
 To: [newbie] Linux-Mandrake
 Subject: RE: [newbie] Resolving resource conflicts in Mandrake 7.2

  In most computers IRQ allocation on PCI cards is SLOT dependant.

 My Award BIOS lets me manually set the IRQ assigned to each slot.

 - Av -

 Abraham P. (Av) Pinzur

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jose M. Sanchez
  Sent: Wednesday, 06 December, 2000 02:34
  Subject: RE: [newbie] Resolving resource conflicts in Mandrake 7.2
  In most computers IRQ allocation on PCI cards is SLOT dependant.
  I'm sure a few people here will think otherwise, but it's true.
  You can change the IRQ both cards will use, but the change will occur in
  unison... I.E. both will go to 10 at the same time, etc.
  What you need to do, is move one of the cards to another PCI card slot.
  Some vendors now provide "maps" of the IRQ allocations on a per slot
  I wish they all would to clarify things for a lot of people...
  For example the AGP slot and the first slot (closest to the AGP slot)
  normally share the same IRQ no matter what you do.
  Slot two w/slot 5, etc... actual hardware may vary...
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mark Lee
  Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2000 2:27 PM
  Subject: [newbie] Resolving resource conflicts in Mandrake 7.2 complete
  I'm new to the list and have a question regarding resource conflicts in
  Mandrake 7.2 Complete.
  I have a system that I built, to act as a gateway/firewall for my 

[newbie] PCMCIA Troubles

2000-12-08 Thread Jim Atkins

I have installed Mandrake 7.1 on my Dell Latitude Laptop but no matter what
I put in my PCMCIA slot, the os says that it's 'empty'. Obviously this is a
problem since I can't get the laptop on the network without the network card
being seen.

Any suggestions?

Jim Atkins
The NetShoppe Inc.
252-745-3058 FAX
  fishing with a different kind of 'net

Re: [newbie] Configuring CyberBlade/7i with gnome and X 3.3.6/4.0.1: Trouble!

2000-12-08 Thread Marcio Cordero

Thanx for the answer Dennis.
I tried 1024x768@60Hz with 16 bit (32000 colors?). Also higher and lower
color depths. What amazes me is that during installation I tried the
resolutions that I now they work, since not so long ago I installed
RH7.0 and it worked. I remember that, though that's primary resolution
in my monitor manual, X would never accept 1024x768, doesn't matter what
refresh rate I used. So I went up to 1152x864@60Hz and 16 bit and it
worked fine. That was RH7.0. This time I noticed that every time the
test screen of X config. under Drakx showed up, it had the same
resolution, e.g. the penguins and the fonts had the same size. I could
go down to 800x600, it still seemed the same size. The information
screen told me I was in the right resolution but the test screen didn't
change apparently and when I came back to the change resolution screen,
I got the 1024x768 already marked for me. Seems like Xconfigurator under
Drakx is quite stubborn... it should be stated that my manual explicitly
names most of the resolutions and refresh rates I've tried. I wouldn't
like to edit xf86config manually, but while reading this years'
postings, one guy said he had the test screen as well but at login he
got similar disruptions. He guessed it could be that xf86config got
corrupted after the installation. Oh well, I guess I will have to read
all the XF86Free docs...

Dennis Myers wrote:
 On Thursday 07 December 2000 08:58 pm, you wrote:
  Hi all,
  I'm using a Trident CyberBlade i7 AGP and a cheap 17"-screen that can do
  1280@60Hz, besides that Gnome as session. I also tried to use X 3.3.6
  instead of 4 but then the test screen at X config. didn't even show up
  ("device busy..."). Did anybody experience something similar, maybe with
  another card? Do I have a corrupted version of Xfree? Or is it some
  mistake in the resolutions? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
  Marcio Cordero
 Marcio, you didn't mention what color resolution you were trying. I have seen
 problems with xserver if you have colors set to high or resolution pushing
 the envelope. Try stepping down to 16 thousand colors and maybe one step down
 on the resolution. Do this incrementally until you get a xwindow. You should
 be able to get it that way. Also check your monitor's manual for acceptable
 refresh rates at given resolutions, cause the next choice is to go to
 XF86config and configure manually
 Dennis Myers registered Linux User #180842

Re: [Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 and Sounblaster Live!]

2000-12-08 Thread cenobite

That woudl be a good suggestion if it weren;t for the fact that SB Live is a
PCI card, hence it is ONLY PnP.
I had the same problem, and found that in Linux the SB Live card and USB use
the same IRQ. That problem did not occur in Windows or when I switched back to
Redhat ... 
so .. the one thing I can suggest is to move the SB Live to a different slot to
see if ot loads at a different IRQ,
If that doesn't get it ... I dunno what to say other than start screaming at
the dev guys ...  

On Tue, 13 Jan 2037, you wrote:
 Try to go into your CMOS and disable PNP. That could be the culprit.
 Just a suggestion.
 Frank Morris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I use a Soundblaster Live Value, and had no problems. Mandrake 7.2 found
 and configured it, no problem. Beats the heck out of me as to what
 happened. I would try another install.
 At 12:39 AM 12/7/00 -0600, you wrote:
 For some reason, a lot of people have problems with SB Live! cards in
 linux, and it's lots of weird, different stuff.  If no one here can give
 you a good fix, I would suggest http://opensource.creative.com as a good
 place to start looking for a solution.  You can search their mailing
 list/read the documentation/download new drivers there.
 Philippe wrote:
  I just installed mandrake 7.2, my first experience with linux, but it
  seems the sound is not working.
  HardDrake is showing the correct card: Creative Labs SB Live!
  Anyone else has/had this problem? and a solution for it?
 Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at 

This is forgiveness so I know ... 
Once I repent I seal the lid ... 
I slither for you and I am dying... 
I find trust in hate ...  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.slip.net/~cenobite/
Shayne L. Schecht   "Ceno's Bytes"   
Los Angeles, Ca
There is a secret song at the centre of the world and 
it's sound is like razors through flesh

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 and Sounblaster Live!

2000-12-08 Thread cenobite

Can't change DMA in a SB Live ... it is a PCI, PnP device .. so it is at the
mercy of the BIOS.

On Thu, 07 Dec 2000, you wrote:
 euh.. Where can I change those DMA values?
 "Richard F. Galaz" wrote:
  I had a similar problem with another machine that had an older sound
  blaster card.  HardDrake did show the correct card, but I got no
  sound.  What I did was changed the DMA values.  After doing so, the sound
  worked great!
  I don't know if this would apply to SB Live, but it might be worth a shot.
  At 11:02 PM 12/6/2000 -0600, you wrote:
  I just installed mandrake 7.2, my first experience with linux, but it
  seems the sound is not working.
  HardDrake is showing the correct card: Creative Labs SB Live!
  Anyone else has/had this problem? and a solution for it?

This is forgiveness so I know ... 
Once I repent I seal the lid ... 
I slither for you and I am dying... 
I find trust in hate ...  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.slip.net/~cenobite/
Shayne L. Schecht   "Ceno's Bytes"   
Los Angeles, Ca
There is a secret song at the centre of the world and 
it's sound is like razors through flesh

Re: [newbie] CDROM doesnt read the complete CD

2000-12-08 Thread Philippe Van den Broek

It is a Pioneer DVD-ROM, DVD-115.
The CD where the problem occures is not burnt, at least not by myself.
It is a manufacturers CD. CD8 Components from the Mandrake package. The
subdirs from /utilities and /secure server, are empty.
In windows filemanager the files are there.

"Brian (Adelong Sales)" wrote:
 Yeh, just a few, firstly is it a burnt CD? also what speed and type of
 drive? do normal CDs work...? you can probably guess where this is going
 ie is the burnt cd closed and written properly or was it interrupted?
  I got some weird problem here...
  My CDROM drive cant read the files of some subdirectories on a CD.
  I'm not shure if the problem occures for other CD's, but I'm shure the
  files are there!
  And the second problem: the CD drive doesnt recognize audio CD's. This
  might be due to my not working soundblaster live, but that is another
  Any ID's?

[newbie] Upgrading 7.1 to 7.2

2000-12-08 Thread Nemeth Lorant


I tried to upgrade my Mandrake 7.0 to 7.1 when 7.1 was released. Well, the
upgrade wasn't successfull, so I dicided to reinstall the whole
system. Now I would like to upgrade 7.1 to 7.2 and I would like to know if
it is possible somehow (I mean the system will be useable after the


[newbie] Adding SCSI

2000-12-08 Thread Phil Garrett

Ok, this is driving me nuts.  How do I add a SCSI card to an existing 7.2 

I'm trying to add an Adaptec 1542c but also have a 1522a that I can 
try.  The system simply does not recognize the card.  I've even tryd 
compiling a kernel that has the aha1542 module in it but no go.

I need to add this card so I can attach an external scsi tape drive to the 

Phil Garrett
Systems Analyst
Home Sales Co. / Hill Management

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.1 Security Level Question

2000-12-08 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Thursday 07 December 2000 01:28 pm, Eric Stoycon wrote:
 Greetings everyone.
   I have a quick question. During the install of Mandrake 7.1 I get an
 option about what security level I want. Are there any documents out
 there that talk about the differences in those levels?

  Look on your main menu in Documentation | Mandrake Doc | Reference
Manual   -or-  load file:/usr/share/doc/mandrake/en/index.html
in Netscape or Konqueror

 Could someone
 point me in the right direction?

A little advice, no matter how new to linux you are, or expert you 
become, set security to low during install.  Then increase it in steps 
to a level you can work with, after you are comfortable that the system 
is OK and working properly with your hardware.  

Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] configuring login screen

2000-12-08 Thread Adrian Smith

hi Tom -- you say this is a pre 2.1 bug?  but this worked with the KDE that came with 
7.1.  i had changed the login background before.
i played with it some more last night  it does seem to simply not work.  =(   oh 
well, life goes on i expect.
so do you know if there is another way to change the login background?  is there a 
configuration file for this?
thanks much.

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

 Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] 9:36:55 AM 12/7/00 
On Thursday 07 December 2000 08:53 am, Adrian Smith wrote:
 another thing not working under 7.2 *sigh*
 login as root
 using KDE
 go to the configuration utility then the logon section
 i can change which icons appear in the logon box
 i can change the fonts which are used in the logon box
 all those save  work fine.
 however, i can not change the background.

IIRC, this is a KDE bug that even as of pre2.1 hasn't been fixed 
yet, but the KDE developers are workin on it.
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

RE: [newbie] Best Web Browser

2000-12-08 Thread Roger Sherman

On Thu, 7 Dec 2000, Abraham Pinzur wrote:

  Perhaps your Konqueror is flaky...

 Let me just ask then - how do I go about making sure I've got the latest
 iteration of, say, Konqueror? Mandrake Update doesn't list any updates, but
 does that mean anything?

 Real newbie question, here, I know...

LOL...ask a newbie like me a question, no matter how newbie the question
is, and I'm usually left scratching my head. My version of Konqueror is
1.9.8, if thats any help...




Registered Linux user #190719

Re: [newbie] Upgrading 7.1 to 7.2

2000-12-08 Thread bpremeaux

The general opinion I have heard here is to do your back ups
and go for a new install.  Apparently the differences
between 7.1 and 7.2 are simply too great for a simple upgrade
to overcome.

Barry :-)

On Fri, 08 December 2000, Nemeth Lorant wrote:

 I tried to upgrade my Mandrake 7.0 to 7.1 when 7.1 was released. Well, the
 upgrade wasn't successfull, so I dicided to reinstall the whole
 system. Now I would like to upgrade 7.1 to 7.2 and I would like to know if
 it is possible somehow (I mean the system will be useable after the

Surfree.com - nationwide internet access

RE: [newbie] Diamond Stealth III S540 agp videocard

2000-12-08 Thread Adam Many

As an owner of a Savage4 card (same as the S540)...

Why switch from Voodoo3 2000 PCI to a Savage4 AGP?  The V3 is more
widely supported, can be used under XFree86, and is at least as fast as
the Stealth on 16 bit graphics.  The only advantage of the Stealth is that
it can handle 32 bit graphics.


On Thu, 7 Dec 2000, Brandon Vanderberg wrote:

 used it fine with mandrake, no issues.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of R Edward McCain
 Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2000 7:21 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Diamond Stealth III S540 agp videocard
 Are there any known linux issues with this card?
 I'd linke to own one, I think.  I currently have a 16mb voodoo3 2000 PCI and
 would love to use my AGP slot.
 R. Edward McCain
 icq: 599146
 Registered Linux User #196613

Re: [newbie] Upgrading 7.1 to 7.2

2000-12-08 Thread Adrian Smith

hi there.  i just upgraded 7.1 to 7.2 and asked the same question as you on this list. 
 the consensus seems to be that it is better to do a fresh install of 7.2, not an 
upgrade.  there do seem to be quite a few differences between the two.

7.2 does of course have the "upgrade" option in the install program.  but i was warned 
this could cause lots of headache.  

do you have a seperate /home partition?  if not, i suggest you create one now.  having 
/home (and in my case /backup and /home/user/work) on seperate partitions is great.  
when i did the fresh install my software found the preferences from 7.1 and i didn't 
have to reconfigure anything.  that was 10 out of 10 for coolness.

so -- yes, you can upgrade -- but a fresh install seems to be the better option.
i did have some problems with my install, and yes i am a bit agitated=)
but in all fairness my system is working, all hardware works (save the winmodem of 
course) and all the little bugs are things i can sort out with some work.

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

 Nemeth Lorant [EMAIL PROTECTED] 6:59:57 AM 12/8/00 


I tried to upgrade my Mandrake 7.0 to 7.1 when 7.1 was released. Well, the
upgrade wasn't successfull, so I dicided to reinstall the whole
system. Now I would like to upgrade 7.1 to 7.2 and I would like to know if
it is possible somehow (I mean the system will be useable after the


Re: [newbie] configuring login screen

2000-12-08 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Friday 08 December 2000 08:23 am, Adrian Smith wrote:
 hi Tom -- you say this is a pre 2.1 bug? 

   No, it's been a reported, recognized by the developers, bug with all 
KDE2 builds up to and including pre2.1  according to traffic I've seen 
on the KDE mailing lists.  IOW's this is not a distro (LM) problem with 

 but this worked with the
 KDE that came with 7.1. 

'Cause that's KDE1

I should'a stayed out of this ;  I boot right to my user desktop 
an never see the GUI login screen
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

 On Thursday 07 December 2000 08:53 am, Adrian Smith wrote:
  another thing not working under 7.2 *sigh*
  login as root
  using KDE
  go to the configuration utility then the logon section
  i can change which icons appear in the logon box
  i can change the fonts which are used in the logon box
  all those save  work fine.
  however, i can not change the background.

 IIRC, this is a KDE bug that even as of pre2.1 hasn't been fixed
 yet, but the KDE developers are workin on it.

Re: [newbie] CDROM doesnt read the complete CD

2000-12-08 Thread Philippe Van den Broek

Dont hurt your brains anymore. When I login as root the files are there
! Probably only the root can install this stuff. Kinda weird that a
normal user is not allowed to see the files.

Philippe Van den Broek wrote:
 It is a Pioneer DVD-ROM, DVD-115.
 The CD where the problem occures is not burnt, at least not by myself.
 It is a manufacturers CD. CD8 Components from the Mandrake package. The
 subdirs from /utilities and /secure server, are empty.
 In windows filemanager the files are there.
 "Brian (Adelong Sales)" wrote:
  Yeh, just a few, firstly is it a burnt CD? also what speed and type of
  drive? do normal CDs work...? you can probably guess where this is going
  ie is the burnt cd closed and written properly or was it interrupted?
   I got some weird problem here...
   My CDROM drive cant read the files of some subdirectories on a CD.
   I'm not shure if the problem occures for other CD's, but I'm shure the
   files are there!
   And the second problem: the CD drive doesnt recognize audio CD's. This
   might be due to my not working soundblaster live, but that is another
   Any ID's?

Re: [newbie] PCMCIA Troubles

2000-12-08 Thread Eunice Thompson

what type of card are you using?
is it supported by linux?
are you dual booting on this laptop?
if so does the card work in windows?
Do you have pcmcia, and the network enabled at startup? 
when linux is booting up and after it enters the Interactive mode,
it will start loading a bunch of modules- look and see if pcmcia is


Jim Atkins wrote:
 I have installed Mandrake 7.1 on my Dell Latitude Laptop but no matter what
 I put in my PCMCIA slot, the os says that it's 'empty'. Obviously this is a
 problem since I can't get the laptop on the network without the network card
 being seen.
 Any suggestions?
 Jim Atkins
 The NetShoppe Inc.
 252-745-3058 FAX
   fishing with a different kind of 'net

 Eunice Thompson
Treasurer/Community Relations
Cerritos Linux User Group

RE: [newbie] Upgrading 7.1 to 7.2

2000-12-08 Thread Charles A Edwards

If you have a seperate /home you can save it otherwise you need to do 7.2 as
a new install Not as an upgrade.
KDE2 and directory structure changes will cause problems if if the
installation is done as an upgrade.

   Charles  (-:

Forever never goes beyond tomorrow.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Nemeth Lorant
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 9:00 AM
Subject: [newbie] Upgrading 7.1 to 7.2


I tried to upgrade my Mandrake 7.0 to 7.1 when 7.1 was released. Well, the
upgrade wasn't successfull, so I dicided to reinstall the whole
system. Now I would like to upgrade 7.1 to 7.2 and I would like to know if
it is possible somehow (I mean the system will be useable after the


[newbie] Toshiba 4200 Notebook

2000-12-08 Thread Mark Annandale

Hi Guys

Does anyone have any experience with installing 7.2 onto a Tosh 4200. The
problem is the video card, a s3 Savage chipset, is not recognised during
installation. I have downloaded the patch but am unsure how to install it
from the command line.

The patch I got is s3savage-1.0-13.tar.gz. I can untar this file but when
trying to run ./install sh I get 'XFree must be installed'. I thought during
the installation that Xfree was installed.

I also believe the modem is a dreaded winmodem, but with a patch can be made
to work.

Thank you and any help will be much appreciated.

Mark Annandale

[newbie] d-link ethernet card

2000-12-08 Thread Goya


Yesterday I installed linuw Mandrake 7.2, but it recognized my
d-link 528 ethernetcard as a Realtec eth card (d-link cards have realtec
chips, but use different software). In the configuration menu i could
only find one type of d-link card, and when i selected that card Linux
prompted to say that the resource was being used.
So when I closed the configuration menu, not one program could be
opened, even not logoff, terminal... Mandrake prompted each time to say
that the path was unavailable

any ideas?

Re: [newbie] Pine 4.30 bug feature

2000-12-08 Thread Paul

On Thu, 7 Dec 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Mark,
What installation did you do? Did you install from an RPM or did you
compile the thing yourself? I compiled it myself, and had no problem with
Pine 4.30 whatsoever.
Good luck,

Something strange is going on with Pine 4.30. It has happened 3 timesw now
and I was wondering if anyone else has seen this behavior exibited by
their installation of Pine 4.30.

What happens is this; it will be running just fine and then crash
unexplainably. I get a message in the terminal that "something" has
happened it received an abort signal and has terminated. Thats all I'm
getting from it. I suspected maybe a config file to be the culprit so, I
renamed my .pinerc file, restarted Pine, set everything up again. IT will
run fine for a bit, but then when I start Pine again later  get the same
error and hve to go thru the same process over again.

Any insight into this mysterious new behavior would be appreciated. If I
can't get it fixed I will have to return to using 4.21. I would prefer to
continue to use 4.30 for the threading.

Work fascinates me.  I can watch it for hours.
-Oscar Wilde

http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.30

Re: [newbie] Upgrading 7.1 to 7.2

2000-12-08 Thread Jeff Malka

That is the advice  I followed including saving my /home partition, but that
was not without it own pitfalls.
The KDE menus were messed up and had to be fixed.  Knotes did not work
(blanked the screen) till I deleted the notes created under the predious
Mandrake and rewrote them, KDE's autostart did not work because the folder
was now expected in another location.  The cursor pointer changes I made no
longer work. The theme changes I made dissappeared.  Etc. There may be other
problems I have not yet found out about.

I realize a lot of these (but not all) are due to the move to KDE2, but to
the newbie that makes no difference.

There really ought to be a list of changes and solutions so newbies like me
do not have to spend weeks trying to figure them out one at a time.

Incidentally, does Mandrake have an update to correct the KDE2 problems?  I
understand that KDE has now moved to at least kde2.0.1 or something like

Registered Linux user  183185

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 9:28 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Upgrading 7.1 to 7.2

 The general opinion I have heard here is to do your back ups
 and go for a new install.  Apparently the differences
 between 7.1 and 7.2 are simply too great for a simple upgrade
 to overcome.

 Barry :-)

 On Fri, 08 December 2000, Nemeth Lorant wrote:

  I tried to upgrade my Mandrake 7.0 to 7.1 when 7.1 was released. Well,
  upgrade wasn't successfull, so I dicided to reinstall the whole
  system. Now I would like to upgrade 7.1 to 7.2 and I would like to know
  it is possible somehow (I mean the system will be useable after the

 Surfree.com - nationwide internet access

[newbie] Mandrake 7.2 Win4Lnx

2000-12-08 Thread Johnny Kwan

I have been trying to install Mandrake 7.2 to my PC which is running
WindowsMe.  Win4Lnx allows the user to install Mandrake 7.2 without
re-partition the HD.  Everything went smoothly until I hit the "file system
setup" where I have to choose the size for the root directory and swap file. 
After choosing the desire capacity for both options, I got an error saying
"ext2 formating of /mnt/mnt/windows/lnx4win/linuxsys.img fail".

If anyone have a similar experience before or know how to resolve this
problem, please help.

ICQ# 1678616
Office # 972-506-3411
eFax   # 419-818-7262
Homepage: johnnykwan.web-page.net

Get free email and a permanent address at http://www.netaddress.com/?N=1

Re: Re: [newbie] InstallShield

2000-12-08 Thread Adrian Smith

hey Mark

Groovyness.  Glad it didn't turn into total disaster.

on the subject of hardware -- since going with linux i've been learning more about 
hardware.  i wasn't really keep up with that side of things.  when i bought the compaq 
box i have now i had no idea there was such a thing as a "winmodem".  when i found out 
just what i had occupying space on com1 i was just stunned.  good thing i found out 
about 'winprinters' before i dropped some cash on that.

me thinks low quality hardware is probably the source of much pain in the linux 
community.  even to a newbie like me linux seems pretty easy to get along with if it 
has a nice home.


Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2:12:32 PM 12/7/00 
Hi Adrian,

I found a pleasant surprise when I started loading Linux back onto my workstation 
today. I had 7.2 running briefly, but because the hardware on that computer is SO 
incompatible with Mandrake 7.2 a LOT of things were either broken or would not work at 
all no matter what.

As I was looking around a hard drive that I was sure was wiped out, Lo and behold ALL 
my data files and EVERYTHING that was on the /home partition was still there. I lost 
literally everything on the windows side of the hard drive, but all my data on the 
linux side survived. :) that was a VERY pleasant sight for my very sore eyes indeed!

At present I am busily re-installing Mandrake 7.1 back onto this workstation. Had that 
one on there before running very well, except for Star Office, but all in all Mdk 7.1 
works well on this machine. 

It appears that most of the troubles I've had at least not withstanding the mess that 
the installer caused yesterday, are hardware related due to the fact that the now 
defunct Quantex company used very low standard quality hardware in their PC's, that is 
almost so bad that I barely got Windows installed and running this morning. 

From: "Adrian Smith" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 11:05:23 -0700
Subject: Re: [newbie] InstallShield

hey Mark --
sorry to hear you had such a nasty turn of events.  i rather wonder about this also.  
when i installed 7.0 everything worked great.  

when i installed 7.1 i had no printer and a persistent "failed" message on shut down.

installed 7.2 yesterday --
3 fail messages on start up
4 fail messages on shut down
LILO no work over 1024 cylinder
number lock goes off when X starts
i told the install program where to mount each partiton -- some of them it did 
exactly what i asked it to do, some others it put where it wanted them ?
i told X a resolution of 1024x768 (or whatever it is like i remember) but i got a 
resolution of 800x600 when i actually started up X
i created a user account when installing yet when i booted the system first time, 
there were no user accounts, only root.
had to boot into the console only mode - when i tried to use 'shutdown' to shutdown 
(duh) the system locked up  i had to power off.
finally, all the files on my /home had a different owner once i got my user account 
created, so i gotta run around 3 partitions (/home /backup /home/skippi/work) and do 
a chown.
the 7.2 install does seem to be a very bad animal.
of course, my problems are not near the level of yours.

i agree with the "don't fix what ain't broken thing" and i learned that yet again 
when i upgraded windows direct x 7 to direct x 8.  now half my games don't work.  oh 
well, i wanted to spend all weekend fixing my computer anyhow.  =)

i don't mind your venting.  who knows, 7.0 may find it's way back to my computer if i 
can't fix all this stuff.

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

 Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] 6:35:54 PM 12/6/00 
Geez! I wish I would-a had one of those fancy install thing-a-ma-bobs this
afternoon when an install attempt of Mandrake 7.2 wiped out my entire
friggin workstation! Who's the nit wit responsible for so drastically
changing the install program and process?

When, during the first install, a few too many errors cause major problems
with running the system after a rebooted, I restarted the install process.
Sadly I didn't recognize what was happening till it was too late. The
installation program, on it's own started an auto-install and in under 5
seconds wiped my entire workstations hard drive. 10 friggin GB's of

Never before in my life have a ever seen a program behave in such a
severely BAD manner. It didn't ask me what I wanted; I, of course wanted
to do an expert install where I have total control of everything that goes
on. There's a certain way I want the OS installed for certain reasons.

In a nut shell when I booted the system with the floppy that I used to
boot the system the first time which went off without a hitch, the rotten
bastard went straight into an auto-install.

Mandrake, when you can make a mess of an experienced users machine like
this I think it's time to take a 

[newbie] Matrox G-450 Mandrake 7.2

2000-12-08 Thread Saravut Teepprasan

How to config?

RE: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 Win4Lnx

2000-12-08 Thread Charles A Edwards

Because Win4Linx requires direct access to DOS and this is blocked and
hidden in Win ME
you can not install it.
The only resolutions to this require registry changes which can adversly
effect Win ME and are not advised.
Your safest and best bet would be to resize your Win partition and to then
install 7.2 in its own partition and to forget about Win4Lnx.

   Charles  (-:

Forever never goes beyond tomorrow.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Johnny Kwan
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 1:08 PM
Subject: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 Win4Lnx

I have been trying to install Mandrake 7.2 to my PC which is running
WindowsMe.  Win4Lnx allows the user to install Mandrake 7.2 without
re-partition the HD.  Everything went smoothly until I hit the "file system
setup" where I have to choose the size for the root directory and swap file.
After choosing the desire capacity for both options, I got an error saying
"ext2 formating of /mnt/mnt/windows/lnx4win/linuxsys.img fail".

If anyone have a similar experience before or know how to resolve this
problem, please help.

ICQ# 1678616
Office # 972-506-3411
eFax   # 419-818-7262
Homepage: johnnykwan.web-page.net

Get free email and a permanent address at http://www.netaddress.com/?N=1

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 Win4Lnx

2000-12-08 Thread Joseph Red

I'm not sure how much Johnny knows, but if he uses MS fdisk to create his
partitions he's going to delete Windows, which I'm sure he wants to avoid.
Does the Expert Mode allow you to resize fat16/32 partitions similar to
Partition Magic?

As for his original issue, this line:
 "ext2 formating of /mnt/mnt/windows/lnx4win/linuxsys.img fail".
Looks a little strange to me, particularly /mnt/mnt/.  But I'm not overly
familiar with win4lnx, so I could be wrong.

Joseph Red

- Original Message -
From: "Mark Lee" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 12:11 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 Win4Lnx

 Installing Linux separately will resolve this issue. You need to make sure
 that you have sufficient free space on the destination drive (I try to
 around 1.5GB free) and make an unformatted partition there using FDISK. If
 you can, make an additional 125MB unformatted partition for the swap file.

 Put the Linux boot disk in the floppy drive and Disc 1 in the CD-ROM then
 restart your system. When you are asked how you would like to
 install/partition your HDD, choose Expert Mode. Locate the drive and
 partitions you created and choose to create an ext2 partition (you can put
 the mount point here). Expert Mode offers you the chance to resize
 partitions (useful if you need to make room for a swap file).

 Mandrake should detect the presence of Windows and, when the install is
 complete and you reboot, you will be presented with a boot menu that
 Linux and Windows. In the case of NT/9x dual boot systems the boot menu
 list DOS as an option. This will get you to the standard boot menu created
 by the NT boot.ini file.

 Hope this helps,


 -Original Message-
 From: Johnny Kwan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 10:08 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 Win4Lnx

 I have been trying to install Mandrake 7.2 to my PC which is running
 WindowsMe.  Win4Lnx allows the user to install Mandrake 7.2 without
 re-partition the HD.  Everything went smoothly until I hit the "file
 setup" where I have to choose the size for the root directory and swap

 After choosing the desire capacity for both options, I got an error saying
 "ext2 formating of /mnt/mnt/windows/lnx4win/linuxsys.img fail".

 If anyone have a similar experience before or know how to resolve this
 problem, please help.

 ICQ# 1678616
 Office # 972-506-3411
 eFax   # 419-818-7262
 Homepage: johnnykwan.web-page.net

 Get free email and a permanent address at http://www.netaddress.com/?N=1

Re: [newbie] Adding SCSI

2000-12-08 Thread Alan Shoemaker

Phil Garrett wrote:
 Ok, this is driving me nuts.  How do I add a SCSI card to
 an existing 7.2 install?

 I'm trying to add an Adaptec 1542c but also have a 1522a
 that I can try.  The system simply does not recognize the
 card.  I've even tryd compiling a kernel that has the
 aha1542 module in it but no go.

 I need to add this card so I can attach an external scsi
 tape drive to the system.

 Phil Garrett
 Systems Analyst
 Home Sales Co. / Hill Management

Philhave you looked for info on mandrakeuser.org yet?


[newbie] scsi emulation

2000-12-08 Thread Adrian Smith

internet searches are just not turning up much today
can anyone tell me how to set up my IDE cd drive for scsi emulation so that i can use 
it along with my scsi cd burner in xcdroast?   or tell me where i might find such 
instruction on the web?  i have be looking thru the howto documents, but not finding 
it.  it might be hiding in plain sight.
thanks much.

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

RE: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 Win4Lnx

2000-12-08 Thread Mark Lee

I've never tried, but as it is basically a scaled-down version of PM it
should. This may be the only option if ME occupies the entire HDD in FAT32.
You just have to remember to leave enough room for installing apps and the
ME swap file, which can be pretty big. You can gauge the size of the swap
file by going to a DOS prompt CD to the Windows directory and do a DIR for
either *.swp (old Win9x) or Pagefile.sys for Win2K type shells.

If you are familiar with FDISK and do not have one partition that occupies
the entire disk you can select option 4 from the menu ("Display Partition
Information") This will show you where Windows lives and how much space it
is using. You can then create an extended DOS partition in the free space
(most likely, this will only allow you to create 1 partition though)

The /mnt/mnt/ issue may occur because the Windows partition is referred to
(I think) as /mnt/windows. Win4lnx could be trying to establish a mount
point within that partition. There's a possibility that it is unable to
write to the boot sector, but that's an (un)intelligent guess. Mandrake
shouldn't have a problem with FAT32 partitions, however, as I have never
used win4lnx this could be an issue. Other things that might affect it are
antivirus software (that prevents the boot sector from being modified) or
some type of hard drive overlay software like OnTrack disk manager.

-Original Message-
From: Joseph Red [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 2:41 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 Win4Lnx

I'm not sure how much Johnny knows, but if he uses MS fdisk to create his
partitions he's going to delete Windows, which I'm sure he wants to avoid.
Does the Expert Mode allow you to resize fat16/32 partitions similar to
Partition Magic?

As for his original issue, this line:
 "ext2 formating of /mnt/mnt/windows/lnx4win/linuxsys.img fail".
Looks a little strange to me, particularly /mnt/mnt/.  But I'm not overly
familiar with win4lnx, so I could be wrong.

Joseph Red

- Original Message -
From: "Mark Lee" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 12:11 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 Win4Lnx

 Installing Linux separately will resolve this issue. You need to make sure
 that you have sufficient free space on the destination drive (I try to
 around 1.5GB free) and make an unformatted partition there using FDISK. If
 you can, make an additional 125MB unformatted partition for the swap file.

 Put the Linux boot disk in the floppy drive and Disc 1 in the CD-ROM then
 restart your system. When you are asked how you would like to
 install/partition your HDD, choose Expert Mode. Locate the drive and
 partitions you created and choose to create an ext2 partition (you can put
 the mount point here). Expert Mode offers you the chance to resize
 partitions (useful if you need to make room for a swap file).

 Mandrake should detect the presence of Windows and, when the install is
 complete and you reboot, you will be presented with a boot menu that
 Linux and Windows. In the case of NT/9x dual boot systems the boot menu
 list DOS as an option. This will get you to the standard boot menu created
 by the NT boot.ini file.

 Hope this helps,


 -Original Message-
 From: Johnny Kwan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 10:08 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 Win4Lnx

 I have been trying to install Mandrake 7.2 to my PC which is running
 WindowsMe.  Win4Lnx allows the user to install Mandrake 7.2 without
 re-partition the HD.  Everything went smoothly until I hit the "file
 setup" where I have to choose the size for the root directory and swap

 After choosing the desire capacity for both options, I got an error saying
 "ext2 formating of /mnt/mnt/windows/lnx4win/linuxsys.img fail".

 If anyone have a similar experience before or know how to resolve this
 problem, please help.

 ICQ# 1678616
 Office # 972-506-3411
 eFax   # 419-818-7262
 Homepage: johnnykwan.web-page.net

 Get free email and a permanent address at http://www.netaddress.com/?N=1

[newbie] Compaq Armada 7400

2000-12-08 Thread -michael-

Anyone have any luck with this model and 7.2?

Re: [newbie] Diamond Stealth III S540 agp videocard

2000-12-08 Thread -michael-

On Friday 08 December 2000 06:17, regarding RE: [newbie] Diamond Stealth III 
S540 agp videocard, you said:
  As an owner of a Savage4 card (same as the S540)...

  Why switch from Voodoo3 2000 PCI to a Savage4 AGP?  The V3 is more
  widely supported, can be used under XFree86, and is at least as fast as
  the Stealth on 16 bit graphics.  The only advantage of the Stealth is that
  it can handle 32 bit graphics.


  On Thu, 7 Dec 2000, Brandon Vanderberg wrote:
   used it fine with mandrake, no issues.
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of R Edward McCain
   Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2000 7:21 PM
   Subject: [newbie] Diamond Stealth III S540 agp videocard
   Are there any known linux issues with this card?
   I'd linke to own one, I think.  I currently have a 16mb voodoo3 2000 PCI
   and would love to use my AGP slot.
   R. Edward McCain
   icq: 599146
   Registered Linux User #196613
Doesn't the S540 have 32 megs of vram vs 16 on the voodoo3 2k?

[newbie] MS IntelliMouse Optical

2000-12-08 Thread Miark

Does anyone know if M$'s optical mouse needs a special
driver in Linux, or does the standard IntelliMouse driver


Re: [Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 Win4Lnx]

2000-12-08 Thread Johnny Kwan

Joseph, you are correct.  I don't want to use fdisk because it will delete
windows.  I have used partition magic before, and I might give it a try. 
Installing Mandrake without creating a new partition is still my first
priority unless there is no other option.  I also only have the 1.5Gig
installation files downloaded to the HD and not have the resources to write to
a CD.  The error message is a little strange because the mounting point for
linuxsys.img is supposed to be /mnt/windows/lnx4win.  I know it's got to be
something simple but just couldn't figure it out.  Any more help is greatly
appreciated.  Thanks again.

 I'm not sure how much Johnny knows, but if he uses MS fdisk to create his
 partitions he's going to delete Windows, which I'm sure he wants to avoid.
 Does the Expert Mode allow you to resize fat16/32 partitions similar to
 Partition Magic?
 As for his original issue, this line:
  "ext2 formating of /mnt/mnt/windows/lnx4win/linuxsys.img fail".
 Looks a little strange to me, particularly /mnt/mnt/.  But I'm not overly
 familiar with win4lnx, so I could be wrong.
 Joseph Red
 - Original Message -
 From: "Mark Lee" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 12:11 PM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 Win4Lnx
  Installing Linux separately will resolve this issue. You need to make
  that you have sufficient free space on the destination drive (I try to
  around 1.5GB free) and make an unformatted partition there using FDISK.
  you can, make an additional 125MB unformatted partition for the swap
  Put the Linux boot disk in the floppy drive and Disc 1 in the CD-ROM then
  restart your system. When you are asked how you would like to
  install/partition your HDD, choose Expert Mode. Locate the drive and
  partitions you created and choose to create an ext2 partition (you can
  the mount point here). Expert Mode offers you the chance to resize
  partitions (useful if you need to make room for a swap file).
  Mandrake should detect the presence of Windows and, when the install is
  complete and you reboot, you will be presented with a boot menu that
  Linux and Windows. In the case of NT/9x dual boot systems the boot menu
  list DOS as an option. This will get you to the standard boot menu
  by the NT boot.ini file.
  Hope this helps,
  -Original Message-
  From: Johnny Kwan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 10:08 AM
  Subject: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 Win4Lnx
  I have been trying to install Mandrake 7.2 to my PC which is running
  WindowsMe.  Win4Lnx allows the user to install Mandrake 7.2 without
  re-partition the HD.  Everything went smoothly until I hit the "file
  setup" where I have to choose the size for the root directory and swap
  After choosing the desire capacity for both options, I got an error
  "ext2 formating of /mnt/mnt/windows/lnx4win/linuxsys.img fail".
  If anyone have a similar experience before or know how to resolve this
  problem, please help.
  ICQ# 1678616
  Office # 972-506-3411
  eFax   # 419-818-7262
  Homepage: johnnykwan.web-page.net
  Get free email and a permanent address at http://www.netaddress.com/?N=1

ICQ# 1678616
Office # 972-506-3411
eFax   # 419-818-7262
Homepage: johnnykwan.web-page.net

Get free email and a permanent address at http://www.netaddress.com/?N=1

[newbie] Downloaders

2000-12-08 Thread Jon Doe

Somebody posted an answer to this but I can't find it now, about downloaders 
such as webget.
Registered Linux User 181996
ICQ 27396393

[newbie] ftp update doesn't work

2000-12-08 Thread Sven Heinicke

On an package updated Mandrake 7.2 system I have a copy of the
Mandrake 7.2 and updates, I made these available to the local network
via Mandrake 7.2's anonftp package.  I just installed another system
over the network via FTP but when I try to use MandrakeUpdate to
update the latest packages it doesn't work.  I then use wget to make a
local copy of the updated packages and I can use MandrakeUpdate fine.
I can I make MandrakeUpdate work with my local mirror?


Re: [newbie] MS IntelliMouse Optical

2000-12-08 Thread Herman Jalink

On Friday 08 December 2000 23:45, you wrote:
 Does anyone know if M$'s optical mouse needs a special
 driver in Linux, or does the standard IntelliMouse driver

Yes, I use an optical mouse with the IntelliMouse driver.
However, to use the mouse wheel, add the following
command to /etc/X11/Xsession

imwheel -k

Herman Jalink


Re: [newbie] MD7.2 and problems with USR Ext Modem

2000-12-08 Thread Dennis Myers

Fireman71 wrote:
 I finally decided to try to install MD7.2 on a HP Vectra 5 with a pentium
 120 32meg ram and the original cd rom that came with the machine and ran
 into some difficulties.
 2 - I did not see anywhere where i could chose to upgrade instead of doing a
 fresh install. Not a major problem because ihad backups of all my data jusr
 irksome that i had to go through and restore those backupsinstead of being
 able to just upgrade and leave the data alone.
 3 - Now here is the biggest problem. I have an external USR 56k modem that
 is NOT a win modem. It worked flawlessly under MD7.1, RedHat6.0 and 6.1. So
 i KNOW it is supported by linux. The modem is attached to ttyS1. IN MD7.1
 the hardware configuration detected the modem and set it up on the first go.
 Under MD7.2 it refuses to believe that a modem is even there. I tried 5 or 6
 times to get it to detect it and each one failed. This left me with no
 choice but to reinstall MD7.1. Does anyone know if this is just something
 that mandrake overlooked or what?
 All in all I liked what i saw of the MD7.2 installation but these problems
 make me really wonder if it was as thought out as it needed to be since the
 MD7.1 instal goes flawless on every machine i have tried to run it on.
 I would greatly appreciate any comments or suggestions from anyone about how
 to resolve the problems i listed above.
 Ian K. Harrell

Ian, hi, I have a similar problem with a cdrom that has trouble reading
a cd-r, and cannot read a cd-rw. I believe the quality or age of the
cdrom may make a difference. I noted the same problem at work, all were
24X cdroms in various brands. The modem thing is a puzzle. My modem
worked on ttys2 in 7.1 and now works on /dev/modem in KPPP. try setting
to just /dev/modem and see what happens. On another machine with an
external modem I had fooled with the bios when only win98 was on it. The
7.2 program either couldn't find the modem or said it was not
responding, depending on which ttys? I set to. I finally just went in to
bios and went back to default settings and voila! my modem was working.
Don't know if any of this helps or if you been there and done that, but
I put it on the table just in case. Good Luck
Dennis Myers registered Linux User #180842

Re: [newbie] MS IntelliMouse Optical

2000-12-08 Thread Anthony Daniell

Miark wrote:

 Does anyone know if M$'s optical mouse needs a special
 driver in Linux, or does the standard IntelliMouse driver


I have the same mouse and have pluged it in as ps2, and it works fine. I
am running mandrake 7.1 and it worked fine with corel 1.2 and suse 7.
Mine is the intellimouse explorer usb. I have no problems with it at

Regards Anthony

Re: [newbie] Downloaders

2000-12-08 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Friday 08 December 2000 05:24 pm, Jon Doe wrote:
 Somebody posted an answer to this but I can't find it now, about
 downloaders such as webget.


   Take a look, courtesy of our Russian friends.

  In Texan, it's the best damn simplest easiest to use resumin' 
retryin' bulletproof M'f'kr out there, and will get you a sh!+load of 
stuff no problemo! YMMV  ;

BTW, MandrakeSoft does and has provided for some time an rpm.  One 
current link is


   do y'all ever search anythin'
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

[newbie] GCC Problem

2000-12-08 Thread Tw|sT


I've just subscribed (and installed Mandrake).. and I have a problem, I am
doing a project for uni and I need to compile C++ programs... but I cannot
gcc keeps complaining about an some sort of call to cin or cout... It isn't
a coding problem cause I've tried to compile a simple hello program

Can anyone suggest a fix??

Also if it's related I had the same problem under RedHat6.2



Re: [newbie] Downloaders

2000-12-08 Thread John Rye

Jon Doe wrote:
 Somebody posted an answer to this but I can't find it now, about downloaders
 such as webget.
 Registered Linux User 181996
 ICQ 27396393

Search on 'download' at freshmeat.net

'downloader for x' and 'caitoo' are both pretty good.


ICQ#: 89345394  Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected"
(The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)

Re: [newbie] Diamond Viper II

2000-12-08 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Friday 08 December 2000 04:55 pm, Wilson wrote:
 Can anybody give me instructions on how to get the Diamond Viper II
 AGP card to work in Mandrake 7.2.  I installed it but couldn't get
 the video card to work.

   On what hardware?   
S3 chipsets aren't regarded as doin that well with AGP, any OS, but 
they use to be fairly good PCI cards.  Try setting 'agp aperture' to 4 
in bios.  That effecitvely disables AGP sidebanding, more or less 
disables AGP altogether.  Then it might have a better chance. 

  Try it, might work.  Otherwise, holler back an specify your 
motherboard, ram, bios (video related) settings etc. 
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] PCMCIA Troubles

2000-12-08 Thread Eunice Thompson

Hey Jim,
it's painless.
download the pcmcia sources, read the readme, follow the installation
instructions and it's a cinch
good luck


"Jim Atkins (Hostmaster)" wrote:
 It's a Wavelan Wireless Nic, it is supposed to be supported but as I have
 learned I must compile and install the pcmcia_cs pagage for extended support
 (this ought to be fun)
 - Original Message -
 From: Eunice Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 10:33 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] PCMCIA Troubles
  what type of card are you using?
  is it supported by linux?
  are you dual booting on this laptop?
  if so does the card work in windows?
  Do you have pcmcia, and the network enabled at startup?
  when linux is booting up and after it enters the Interactive mode,
  it will start loading a bunch of modules- look and see if pcmcia is
  Jim Atkins wrote:
   I have installed Mandrake 7.1 on my Dell Latitude Laptop but no matter
   I put in my PCMCIA slot, the os says that it's 'empty'. Obviously this
 is a
   problem since I can't get the laptop on the network without the network
   being seen.
   Any suggestions?
   Jim Atkins
   The NetShoppe Inc.
   252-745-3058 FAX
 fishing with a different kind of 'net
   Eunice Thompson
  Treasurer/Community Relations
  Cerritos Linux User Group

 Eunice Thompson
Treasurer/Community Relations
Cerritos Linux User Group

[newbie] compile source

2000-12-08 Thread Jon Doe

I have a file that is just source code "somefile.c" how would I compile this?

Registered Linux User 181996
ICQ 27396393

[newbie] IP Services on Dial-In not Working

2000-12-08 Thread Greg Turnbull

I have just installed Mandrake 7.2 on my system and all looks well except 
that although I can dial in to my provider IP services do not seem to work. 
I know it is not them as I have used redhat before and it was fine. Also I 
can dial-In with win98 an surf, no problems. anyone got any ideas. I done a 
ifconfig command and ppp is definitely up, but when i try to ping, I get 
now where fast.

Greg Turnbull

Re: [newbie] Pine 4.30 bug feature

2000-12-08 Thread mdw1982

Hi Paul,

Actually I installed the binaries that I downloaded from Washington.edu. I
"think" I found the trouble this evening. The "imapd" binary that lives in
/usr/sbin I had been chmod'ing to 755 and it's been crashing, so this
evening I installed all the binaries fresh and this time chmod'ed the
imapd binary 4755. So far it's been running ok. I thought at first that
there was a bad config file somewhere because when I would trash the old
.pinerc file and allow Pine to make a new one it would run ok for that
session, but as soon as I would restart a new session it would immediately

It seems to be back to it's old wonderful self now though. I'm hoping that
I did get it right with the permissions thing.

## ...it's not a bug, it's a feature
## Registered Linux User # 182496
##  !-- Pine 4.30 --

Fri, 8 Dec 2000 Paul spake passionately saying:

 On Thu, 7 Dec 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Mark,
 What installation did you do? Did you install from an RPM or did you
 compile the thing yourself? I compiled it myself, and had no problem with
 Pine 4.30 whatsoever.
 Good luck,

 Something strange is going on with Pine 4.30. It has happened 3 timesw now
 and I was wondering if anyone else has seen this behavior exibited by
 their installation of Pine 4.30.
 What happens is this; it will be running just fine and then crash
 unexplainably. I get a message in the terminal that "something" has
 happened it received an abort signal and has terminated. Thats all I'm
 getting from it. I suspected maybe a config file to be the culprit so, I
 renamed my .pinerc file, restarted Pine, set everything up again. IT will
 run fine for a bit, but then when I start Pine again later  get the same
 error and hve to go thru the same process over again.
 Any insight into this mysterious new behavior would be appreciated. If I
 can't get it fixed I will have to return to using 4.21. I would prefer to
 continue to use 4.30 for the threading.

[newbie] KDE2.01 crash

2000-12-08 Thread Dennis Myers

I guess I get to be the first on my block to crash KDE 2.0.1.   Seeing
others success I got unreasonably overconfident and d/l'd the new
packages. I get a happy penguin starting up KDE and then an error
message that says can't connect to the klauncher.  Anyone know which
package I may have missed or got a bad d/l on? And better yet, How do I
fix it. I'm on the other computer right now cause I can't make a
connection without a xwindow. Still M$ brainwashed after all these
months. (hmmm there's a song in there somewhere). Any advice will be

Dennis M. a registered Linux user #180842

Re: [newbie] compile source

2000-12-08 Thread Jim Crossley

Jon Doe wrote:
 I have a file that is just source code "somefile.c" how would I compile this?

The simplest way is to use 'cc'.  Assuming somefile.c looks something
like this,

main() {
  printf ("Hello Merle\n");

You can feed it to cc like this:

$ cc somefile.c

That will either complain about syntax errors or generate an executable
file called 'a.out'.  You can execute your program like this:

$ ./a.out

It will then greet you as if your name were Merle.

-- Jim

Re: [newbie] Diamond Viper II

2000-12-08 Thread Wilson

Thanks Tom, I reinstalled Mandrake 7.2 and used the generic Savage 2000 
(which I also did on the 1st install) and it is working this time.  Don't 
know what was wrong the 1st time.


On Friday 08 December 2000 20:51, you wrote:
 On Friday 08 December 2000 04:55 pm, Wilson wrote:
  Can anybody give me instructions on how to get the Diamond Viper II
  AGP card to work in Mandrake 7.2.  I installed it but couldn't get
  the video card to work.

On what hardware?
 S3 chipsets aren't regarded as doin that well with AGP, any OS, but
 they use to be fairly good PCI cards.  Try setting 'agp aperture' to 4
 in bios.  That effecitvely disables AGP sidebanding, more or less
 disables AGP altogether.  Then it might have a better chance.

   Try it, might work.  Otherwise, holler back an specify your
 motherboard, ram, bios (video related) settings etc.

Re: [newbie] compile source

2000-12-08 Thread Jon Doe

On Friday 08 December 2000 11:24 pm, you wrote:

 The simplest way is to use 'cc'.  Assuming somefile.c looks something
 like this,

 main() {
   printf ("Hello Merle\n");

 You can feed it to cc like this:

 $ cc somefile.c

 That will either complain about syntax errors or generate an executable
 file called 'a.out'.  You can execute your program like this:

 $ ./a.out

 It will then greet you as if your name were Merle.

 -- Jim

Thanks Jim! Worked like a charm

Registered Linux User 181996
ICQ 27396393

Re: [newbie] IP Services on Dial-In not Working

2000-12-08 Thread Frank

This may seem trivial but did you query your modem? 

 I have just installed Mandrake 7.2 on my system and all looks well except
 that although I can dial in to my provider IP services do not seem to work.
 I know it is not them as I have used redhat before and it was fine. Also I
 can dial-In with win98 an surf, no problems. anyone got any ideas. I done a
 ifconfig command and ppp is definitely up, but when i try to ping, I get
 now where fast.
 Greg Turnbull

Re: [newbie] compile source

2000-12-08 Thread Anthony

gcc -o somefile somefile.c

Then execute the file by typing "./somefile"

 I have a file that is just source code "somefile.c" how would I compile

Press any key to continue, or any other key to quit.

Re: [newbie] scsi emulation

2000-12-08 Thread Paul

On Fri, 8 Dec 2000, Adrian Smith wrote:

Hi Adrian,

When you use Lilo, add

hd?=ide-scsi to your append-line.
? is the drive letter for the CDRW device. Don't forget to rerun lilo.

In Grub  /boot/grub/menu/lst  I added added it for hdc like this:

title linux
kernel (hd0,4)/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda5 hdc=ide-scsi

You looked in the wrong place, it is all there on http://mandrakeuser.org

Good luck

internet searches are just not turning up much today
can anyone tell me how to set up my IDE cd drive for scsi emulation so that i can use 
it along with my scsi cd burner in xcdroast?   or tell me where i might find such 
instruction on the web?  i have be looking thru the howto documents, but not finding 
it.  it might be hiding in plain sight.
thanks much.

Work fascinates me.  I can watch it for hours.
-Oscar Wilde

http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.30

Re: [newbie] window manager/single click

2000-12-08 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Exactly :-)

On Fri,  8 Dec 2000 06:02, Ian Land wrote:
 Yes, you're right that KDE isn't, strictly speaking a window manager, and
 that there is a difference between a desktop environment an a wm (I run
 Enlightenment under Gnome, for example). Doesn't change the point I was
 making, which is that single-clickedness isn't a feature of Linux, but of
 the GUI the user is running. That's all.
Sridhar Dhanapalan.
Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge
this change.

[newbie] pppd and share internet problem

2000-12-08 Thread sobe

Hello all

I take to and fro from work and  home  a desktop with
mandrake 7.2  and I toggle between a pppd dialup and internet sharing when I
am at home. But  when I go back to work needing the pppd to work properly,
I find that the pppd dials out and connects properly  but nothing more  I
cant get any irc server to connect  web page ftp  ect...  A solution would
be appreciated   and being that  I am a newbie a methodical step by step
what to do  would be extremely appreciated.

RE: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 Win4Lnx

2000-12-08 Thread Kelly, Christopher

Just install linux seperately. It is better anyway.

Chris Kelly
Registered Linux user 185775

-Original Message-
From: Johnny Kwan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 1:08 PM
Subject: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 Win4Lnx

I have been trying to install Mandrake 7.2 to my PC which is running
WindowsMe.  Win4Lnx allows the user to install Mandrake 7.2 without
re-partition the HD.  Everything went smoothly until I hit the "file system
setup" where I have to choose the size for the root directory and swap file.

After choosing the desire capacity for both options, I got an error saying
"ext2 formating of /mnt/mnt/windows/lnx4win/linuxsys.img fail".

If anyone have a similar experience before or know how to resolve this
problem, please help.

ICQ# 1678616
Office # 972-506-3411
eFax   # 419-818-7262
Homepage: johnnykwan.web-page.net

Get free email and a permanent address at http://www.netaddress.com/?N=1

RE: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 Win4Lnx

2000-12-08 Thread Mark Lee

Installing Linux separately will resolve this issue. You need to make sure
that you have sufficient free space on the destination drive (I try to keep
around 1.5GB free) and make an unformatted partition there using FDISK. If
you can, make an additional 125MB unformatted partition for the swap file.

Put the Linux boot disk in the floppy drive and Disc 1 in the CD-ROM then
restart your system. When you are asked how you would like to
install/partition your HDD, choose Expert Mode. Locate the drive and
partitions you created and choose to create an ext2 partition (you can put
the mount point here). Expert Mode offers you the chance to resize
partitions (useful if you need to make room for a swap file).

Mandrake should detect the presence of Windows and, when the install is
complete and you reboot, you will be presented with a boot menu that offers
Linux and Windows. In the case of NT/9x dual boot systems the boot menu will
list DOS as an option. This will get you to the standard boot menu created
by the NT boot.ini file.

Hope this helps,


-Original Message-
From: Johnny Kwan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 10:08 AM
Subject: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 Win4Lnx

I have been trying to install Mandrake 7.2 to my PC which is running
WindowsMe.  Win4Lnx allows the user to install Mandrake 7.2 without
re-partition the HD.  Everything went smoothly until I hit the "file system
setup" where I have to choose the size for the root directory and swap file.

After choosing the desire capacity for both options, I got an error saying
"ext2 formating of /mnt/mnt/windows/lnx4win/linuxsys.img fail".

If anyone have a similar experience before or know how to resolve this
problem, please help.

ICQ# 1678616
Office # 972-506-3411
eFax   # 419-818-7262
Homepage: johnnykwan.web-page.net

Get free email and a permanent address at http://www.netaddress.com/?N=1