Re: [newbie-it] Configurazione di SendMail

2001-08-23 Thread Fabio Coatti

Il 19:57, mercoledì 22 agosto 2001, hai scritto:
 Credevo di avere configurato correttamente la mia macchina linux (monta
 mandrake 8) ma ho un problema con la posta:
 Ho chiamato la macchina pippo.
 Se mando un messaggio da
 il messaggio sparisce
 se mando un messaggio da
 arriva ma leggendo il messaggio compaiono gli indirizzi
 Non so dove mettere le mani, e spero che qualcuno possa aiutarmi!

Probabilmente non è un problema di sendmail (anche se mdk8 dovrebbe usare 
postfix). Dovresti postare l'header completo del messaggio. Il metodo per 
vederlo varia però in funzione del programma che usi per leggere la posta. 
Cosa usi?

Re: [newbie-it] Re:connessione fallita

2001-08-23 Thread Stefano Salari

 no steo grazie per avermi risposto, ma compilarte
 il kernel non e'
 ancora cosa facile  x me, ti andrebbe di darmi una

Volentieri, pero' ti confido una cosa: non sono sicuro
al 100% che il problema legato al tuo modem sia dovuto
a questo... Il messaggio di errore mi fa pensare che
il kernel non lo supporti, ma non ci metterei la mano
sul fuoco, e non vorrei farti fare tutto questo lavoro
magari per niente...! Anche perche' io non ho
esperienze di configurazione di modems ISDN, pero'
d'altra parte nel kernel ci sono delle opzioni per
l'ISDN che potrebbero non essere abilitate e portare a
quell'errore. Se ti senti di provare... potrebbe
essere l'occasione per provare a compilare il kernel,
che secondo me e' molto interessante. Vedi tu...

Dunque, per compilare il kernel devi innanzi tutto
avere i sorgenti installati sul tuo HD. I sorgenti li
trovi sotto /usr/src, in una directory che dovrebbe
chiamarsi linux oppure puo' avere il nome della
versione del kernel: se la tua mdk e' la 8.0 dovresti
avere una directory 2.4.3. Perdonami, ma sto andando
a memoria perche' sono in ufficio e non posso
controllare... (sono su una macchina NT)...

Se non hai installato i sorgenti li trovi in formato
rpm sul cd di installazione. Una volta che i sorgenti
sono installati, per utilizzare un nuovo kernel, devi
fare tre cose:

1 - configurarlo, cioe' dirgli cosa deve supportare
(USB, ISDN, il processore che hai, che tipi di
filesystem supportare...)

2 - compilarlo con la configurazione che hai stabilito

3 - installarlo sul sistema

Per configurarlo devi entrare nella directory del
sorgente ed utilizzare uno dei tools di configurazione
che sono forniti:
make config ti permette di configurare il kernel in
modalita' testo facendoti una serie di domande in
successione. La scomodita' e' che non puoi piu'
tornare indietro a modificare le risposte che hai gia'
dato ma devi uscire e rifare tutto dall'inizio.
make menuconfig ti permette di ottenere lo stesso
risultato ma attraverso una serie di menu dentro i
quali ti puoi muovere liberamente avanti ed indietro.
make xconfig e' praticamente identico a make
menuconfig ma gira sotto xwindows e ti propone una
serie di finestre in stile x con le varie opzioni da
abilitare e configurare. Io ti consiglierei make
xconfig: e' semplice e comodo da usare. Tutte le
opzioni di compilazione contengono un help che ti
spiega a grandi linee a cosa servono e ti danno dei

Una volta configurato il sistema, puoi compilare il
tutto con make dep clean bzImage modules
modules_install. Questa riga di comando esegue in
successione tutte queste operazioni:

dep - verifica le dipendenze, cioe' che tutto quello
che serve alla compilazione sia installato sul

clean - pulisce i residui di eventuali precedenti

bzImage - e' la compilazione vera e propria, che
creera' il kernel, cioe' file bzImage nella directory

modules - se nella fase di configurazione hai scelto
di utilizzare i moduli, in questo step i moduli
vengono compilati. I moduli sono delle porzioni di
kernel che puoi scegliere di racchiudere in files
separati dal kernel vero e proprio (il files bzImage).
Questi moduli verranno caricati in memoria
automaticamente dal kernel quando ce ne sara' bisogno
e verranno automaticamente scaricati quando non
serviranno piu'. Per fare un paragone con il mondo
windows si possono avvicinare piu' o meno alle dll. I
puristi storceranno il naso per la mia descrizione dei
moduli, ma dovrebbe rendere l'idea ;).

modules_install - installa i moduli nelle opportune
directory all'interno di /lib/modules/versione del

L'ultima operazione da fare e' installare il kernel
sul sistema. Se hai la Mandrake puoi usare LILO, che
ti consente di scegliere, al momento del boot, il
kernel che vuoi avviare e ti permette cosi' di
mantenere anche il vecchio e funzionante kernel
installato: se il nuovo kernel dovesse avere dei
problemi puoi sempre riavviare il PC con il vecchio
kernel che -di norma- dovrebbe continuare a funzionare
come sempre. Per installare il nuovo kernel fresco di
compilazione devi copiare i files
/usr/src/kernel/arch/i386/boot/bzImage e
/usr/src/ nella directory /boot. Ti
consiglio di rinominarli aggiungendo al fondo la
versione del kernel. Quindi devi modificare il file
/etc/lilo.conf per aggiungere il nuovo kernel (basta
copiare le opzioni relative al kernel gia' installato
e modificarle in modo da puntare al nuovo kernel).
Dopo queste modifiche lancia lilo e riavvia.

Questo a grandi linee e' tutto. Se ti va di provare
(sempre che non trovi la soluzione diversamente),
compilare il kernel e' interessante ed e' una
soddisfazione. Se ti servono consigli o delucidazioni
fammi sapere. Posso ancora consigliarti di leggere gli
howto per la compilazione del kernel e per LILO, che
sono molto dettagliati.

In bocca al lupo. Steo.

Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake su Toshiba Satellite 1800

2001-08-23 Thread Leonardo Orazi

Ti consiglio di chiedere quii:


Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake su Toshiba Satellite 1800

2001-08-23 Thread fabio

feazie mille

 Ti consiglio di chiedere quii:

Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake su Toshiba Satellite 1800

2001-08-23 Thread Marco

 Ti consiglio di chiedere quii:




Re: [newbie-it] Quale Proxy Server?

2001-08-23 Thread Andrea Colanicchia

Il 20:35, mercoledì 22 agosto 2001, hai scritto:
 Vorrei installare un Proxy Server, sono indeciso tra WWWOFFLE e SQUID.
 Ma leggendo un'articolo su Linux M. mi pare di aver capito che servono
 risorse hardware non indifferenti e la configurazione non è delle più
 semplici. WWoffle invece pare sia semplice da configurare.
 Qualcuno che magari li ha provati sa darmi un consiglio?
 E soprattutto i parametri x la configurazione del proxy dove posso
 reperirli? dato che l'assistenza del mio IP continua ad inviarmi e-mail con
 riferimento a pag. web del sito dell'IP che non mi aiutano granché.
 Ciao e grazie.

Io li ho provati entrambi e posso dirti che la scelta è semplice.
Per un tuo uso personale (come proxy cache per la navigazione offline) ti 
conviene scegliere WWWOFFLE.
Se lo devi usare in azienda per fare da proxy ad una rete di computer, DEVI 
usare SQUID.

Ciao, Andrea.

R: [newbie-it] Quale Proxy Server?

2001-08-23 Thread LordZe

 Vorrei installare un Proxy Server, sono indeciso tra WWWOFFLE e SQUID.
 Ma leggendo un'articolo su Linux M. mi pare di aver capito che servono
 risorse hardware non indifferenti e la configurazione non è delle più
 semplici. WWoffle invece pare sia semplice da configurare.
 Qualcuno che magari li ha provati sa darmi un consiglio?
 E soprattutto i parametri x la configurazione del proxy dove posso
 reperirli? dato che l'assistenza del mio IP continua ad inviarmi e-mail
 riferimento a pag. web del sito dell'IP che non mi aiutano granché.
 Ciao e grazie.

Io li ho provati entrambi e posso dirti che la scelta è semplice.
Per un tuo uso personale (come proxy cache per la navigazione offline) ti
conviene scegliere WWWOFFLE.
Se lo devi usare in azienda per fare da proxy ad una rete di computer, DEVI
usare SQUID.

Ciao, Andrea.

Anche io ti consiglio di usae wwwoffle se non hai voglia di smanettare molto
ma se la voglia non ti manca ti consiglio di usare Squid potrai
implementare delle belle cose.

Un Computer sicuro è un computer spento.
Di Maria Antonio
System Administrator
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Re: [newbie-it] Configurazione di SendMail

2001-08-23 Thread Michele Bigi

Utilizzo kmail.
Probabilmente l'errore sta nella configurazione della rete.

Re: [newbie] Software Manager not really installing

2001-08-23 Thread Doug X

Hi Jeremy,
  I don't know about your other issues, but you can always use 'df' or 'df -h'.
The -h option tells df to print numbers for humans like KB and MB.


-Original Message-
From:Jeremy Davidson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:Thu, 23 Aug 2001 00:03:52 -0500
Subject: [newbie] Software Manager not really installing


I'd appreciate, as always, any thoughts and ideas anybody might have.  
Thanks for the support so far!


P.S.  While I'm here, could somebody tell me how to check how much drive 
space is still free on my hard drive?

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Re: [newbie] Any hope for Java on Linux?

2001-08-23 Thread Michael F. Aube

Dear Dr. Evil,

I too have installed Sun's jdk1.3.1 on Mandrake 8.0, and I use it every
day to write software in Java.  As long as you set up the appropriate
environment variables (namely PATH and CLASSPATH), you shouldn't have any
trouble writing, compiling, and running Java programs.

If you would like more details on how I set up my environment to support
Java development, I would be more than happy to share them with you.  Just
send me a reply, and I will help you unravel the Java mysteries...

By the way, it is my humble opinion that getting the environment
configured correctly is at least half the battle in learning how to
program in Java.  It's not always intuitive at first, and it's definitely
easier to get started if you have the help of someone who has already set
things up before on several different OS's.  And yes, compiled Java
classes are truly portable across OS's without recompiling (with a few
exceptions like Java Native Interface API and multi-threaded programs).

Hope this helps you want to try again.  Please contact me if you would
like help getting Java set up on your Mandrake box.


--- Dr. Evil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It seems very difficult to get the Linux java stuff working.  When I
 installed Mandrake, it came with a bunch of java stuff:
 /usr/bin/java  /usr/bin/javac  /usr/bin/javadoc  /usr/bin/javakey
 However, when I set my java interpreter to /usr/bin/java in Konqueror,
 it wouldn't run java applets.  I downloaded the Sun JDK, and installed
 it in /usr/local/jdk1.3.1/, and then set Konqueror's java to
 /usr/local/jdk1.3.1/bin/java.  Now Konq shows java applets just fine.
 So, what was /usr/bin/java for?
 Also, I am now trying to write some of my own java stuff.  When I use
 Sun's JDK javac, I can compile things just fine, but when I try to run
 even the simplest java thing from the commandline, I get this error:
 Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: test/class 
 So, what's the story on java with Linux?  So far it seems that java is
 write once, run nowhere.
 Shouldn't this stuff be built in the kernel?  In other words,
 shouldn't the kernel be able to execute java binaries by using some
 kind of built-in JVM?
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[newbie] DCOPserver failure

2001-08-23 Thread Mohammed Arafa


over the weekend, there was a brown out at my place and my box went down. i
got myself a UPS but now when i switch on there are several problems left:

1. my modem (practical peripherals 33.6k) no longer connects to the internet
even tho kppp see the modem and does all the tests
2. when i try to log in as a user i get DCOPserver failure of some sort BUT
i can log in as root.

how can i fix these problems ?


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[newbie] Samba make problem

2001-08-23 Thread Kirby Urner

I'm sending this to the samba list too, but maybe has something
to do with MDK specifically.  When I make the latest Samba
(downloaded and untarred from website) I get:

Compiling printing/pcap.c
Compiling printing/print_svid.c
Compiling printing/print_cups.c
printing/print_cups.c:25:23: cups/cups.h: No such file or directory
printing/print_cups.c:26:27: cups/language.h: No such file or directory
make: *** [printing/print_cups.o] Error 1



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[newbie] Internet Connection -- Correction

2001-08-23 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear W.C. Baker:

Correction below. My apologies.

You are right. To connect to the Internet you need to click on the MANDRAKE 
CONTROL CENTER icon, Network and Internet, Connection. Don't touch the 
Internet Sharing button unless youa re connecting two computers. The 
Connection interface is quite confusing. Use the Configure wizard at the 
bottom right. I hope LM 8.1 will feature a more streamlined, accessible 
interface for all this.


On Wednesday 22 August 2001 18:50, you wrote:
 Hi!   I very recently installed Mandrake 8.0.   The internet desktop icon
 in KDE (and I think, in Gnome, too) does not give me a button to connect 
 disconnect to Internet. . .   I'm wondering how I can go about
 troubleshooting this problem.



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Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

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Re: [newbie] Samba make problem

2001-08-23 Thread Kirby Urner

Problem solved -- just needed more devel type files from CD, the
cups library stuff (used software manager, searched on cups, 
installed from rpms).

make is now complete.  Onward!...


 Compiling printing/pcap.c
 Compiling printing/print_svid.c
 Compiling printing/print_cups.c
 printing/print_cups.c:25:23: cups/cups.h: No such file or directory
 printing/print_cups.c:26:27: cups/language.h: No such file or directory
 make: *** [printing/print_cups.o] Error 1



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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

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[newbie] KDM, XDM, GDM???

2001-08-23 Thread Robert MacLean


What are KDM, XDM, and GDM? I know they have something to do with
XWindows but that is about it? Also what are there differences?


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RE: [newbie] KDM, XDM, GDM???

2001-08-23 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

KDM, XDM  GDM are all display managers.

They permit both local and remote X windows sessions to occur and
provide client support (the remote is the server in X, parlance).

If you have two Linux boxes running any of the above it is possible to
log into a remote machine's X-Windows using the local server.

While the programs are executed remotely, the local display handles
interpreting the graphics primitives, etc. so execution is quite fast
over a network.

By enabling the chooser on one or more machines, you would be
presented with a list of available computers on your local network that
can handle XDM logins...

In addition using server software such as Exceed, you can log into
your Linux box via a Lan and use it graphically as if you were sitting
on the console...

This is done via XDMCP.

Now someone PLEASE tell me how to enable the chooser in 8.0. I had no
trouble getting it to work on 7.2, but in 8.0 I am unable to get the
chooser to display. I'm stuck with the user logins and nothing else.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Robert MacLean
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 3:35 AM
Subject: [newbie] KDM, XDM, GDM???


What are KDM, XDM, and GDM? I know they have something to do with
XWindows but that is about it? Also what are there differences?


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Re: [newbie] kdm not starting KDE

2001-08-23 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

1. Ensure the gdm package is installed
2. Open /etc/sysconfig/desktop in a text editor as root and change 

On Thu, 23 Aug 2001 09:53, Doug X wrote:
 Hi Dave and all,
   I tried changing /etc/sysconfig/desktop to {GNOME, Gnome, gnome} and
 rebooted each time, but each time it still comes back with kdm!  Is it
 possible that this file is not being read? or is there something I need to
 do to activate it?

 Thank you

 -Original Message-
 From:Dave Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent:Wed, 22 Aug 2001 17:55:34 -0500
 Subject: Re: [newbie] kdm not starting KDE

 Hash: SHA1

 On Wednesday 22 August 2001 04:47 pm, thus spake Doug X:
   Hello LM users,
I just upgraded to XFree86 4.1.0 and got X to finally restart.
  Then I upgraded to Texstar's kde2.2 rpm's.
  My problem is this.
kdm won't start KDE, it always starts icewm.  Any ideas or solutions
  as to how I can fix kdm to start KDE. To note:  I can log in via init 3
  and startx will properly load KDE. Also from init 3 I can run as root
  xdm or gdm from command line and both will start KDE properly, however I
  don't know how to get gdm or xdm to start by default on init 5?  I have
  tried the gdm configurator but on a reboot kdm returns.

 Hello Doug,

 You need to edit the file /etc/sysconfig/desktop, and change the entry
 from KDE to GNOME. This will then start gdm instead of kdm.

 - --

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Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

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RE: [newbie] Internet Connection -- Correction

2001-08-23 Thread Adams, Jamie

Sorry, i might be missing a bit of this story, but couldnt you use KPPP?
its pretty simple to configure and you should be good to go in a couple
of minuites.
   -- Jamie

From:  Benjamin Sher[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:  22 August 2001 20:23
Subject:   [newbie] Internet Connection -- Correction

File: message.txt
Dear W.C. Baker:

Correction below. My apologies.

You are right. To connect to the Internet you need to click on the MANDRAKE 
CONTROL CENTER icon, Network and Internet, Connection. Don't touch the 
Internet Sharing button unless youa re connecting two computers. The 
Connection interface is quite confusing. Use the Configure wizard at the 
bottom right. I hope LM 8.1 will feature a more streamlined, accessible 
interface for all this.


On Wednesday 22 August 2001 18:50, you wrote:
 Hi!   I very recently installed Mandrake 8.0.   The internet desktop icon
 in KDE (and I think, in Gnome, too) does not give me a button to connect 
 disconnect to Internet. . .   I'm wondering how I can go about
 troubleshooting this problem.



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This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet
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Re: [newbie] DCOPserver failure

2001-08-23 Thread bascule

hi, it is possible to have a modem that kppp thinks is fine but doesn't 
connect, following a lightning strike my modem became like that, i found that 
it couldn't sustain a dial tone any more, instead of investigating ways round 
this - like, is a dial tone necessary, is there a initialisation string one 
can add? - i got cable instead! maybe this is similar to your situation?

try deleting the .DCOP* files in the user home directory and then logging in 
again, i base this on no actual knowledge but just a hunch, computing as an 
art form rather than a science, you can tell i'm a windows user can't you? 
i'm guessing you were logged on as user when you had your brown out?


On Thursday 23 August 2001 9:03 am, you wrote:

 over the weekend, there was a brown out at my place and my box went down. i
 got myself a UPS but now when i switch on there are several problems left:

 1. my modem (practical peripherals 33.6k) no longer connects to the
 internet even tho kppp see the modem and does all the tests
 2. when i try to log in as a user i get DCOPserver failure of some sort BUT
 i can log in as root.

 how can i fix these problems ?


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RE: [newbie] ISP - KPPP - error 19

2001-08-23 Thread Michael McGibben

Hi there,
Have a look at 'man kppp' and you will get a list of errors and what they

 -Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]  On Behalf Of Les Jacobson
Sent:   23 August 2001 03:07
Subject:[newbie] ISP - KPPP - error 19

  File: message.footer  After finally getting Mandrake Linux 8.0 to talk
with my modem, I have
tried to connect to my ISP.  I am able to do so via windows but when I
try via KPPP I get an error code (19) which seems to indicate that there
is some sort of authentication issue.

One person has suggested that this is due to some magic that windows
95, 98, NT and 2000 do but which Windows 3.1 and Linux do not do.

Another person has suggested it might be an SSL issue.

My ISP is To the best of my knowledge (and ability) all of
the required data has been set to the correct values (including userid
and password).

Can someone please shed some light on this situation?


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Re: [newbie] Test Post - is format readable, etc?

2001-08-23 Thread Randy Kramer

Hmm, I would say it is plain text, going by your (Glenn's) headers:

List-Owner: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Content-type: multipart/mixed;
X-Mozilla-Status: 0011

This is a multi-part message in MIME format...

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hmmm funny.  Leave it to outlook.  :-(

AFAIK, the important parts are:

- the line Content-Type: text/plain;

- the fact that, even though it says 'Content-type: multipart/mixed;
boundary=--=_998539848-1464-2315', the text of the message
only appears once, there is not a second occurrence with HTML tags (In
other words, I really don't know what this line is telling me for this
message.  On some other messages it does seem to imply an HTML copy, or
an attachment, or ??)  Oh, I see, sort of, there's a footer on this
message.  I've never really seen a footer before (but I only look at the
source of email messages occasionally).

- I don't know exactly what the 'charset=iso-8859-1' is telling me,
but it does not seem to imply HTML.

I know, I should read RFC 822 and 2822(??).  

Randy Kramer

Glenn Holden wrote:
 Hmmm funny.  Leave it to outlook.  :-(
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of s
 Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 9:53 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Test Post - is format readable, etc?
 On Wednesday 22 August 2001 12:35 pm, you wrote:
  Testing for format, etc.  Is this ok?
  New Newbie
 It's still not plain ole text going by your headers:
 Subject: [newbie] Test Post - is format readable, etc?
 Content-type: multipart/mixed;
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Re: [newbie] eth0 not up on boot

2001-08-23 Thread Kevin Khaw

I have the pcmcia version of it and it doesnt not install under mandrake. I
have tried various things with it but still no luck. I use redhat 7.1 now
and it works. Harddrake detects it but doesnt want to install the module.
8139too.o is there but when you insmod it, it says irq errors i think. Maybe
the bundled driver sucks.


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Re: [newbie] KDM, XDM, GDM???

2001-08-23 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Thu, 23 Aug 2001 17:34, Robert MacLean wrote:

 What are KDM, XDM, and GDM? I know they have something to do with
 XWindows but that is about it? Also what are there differences?

These are all display managers (hence the DM on the ends of the names). GDM 
is part of the GNOME Project, and KDM is part of KDE. XDM was the basis for 
the other two, and is rather plain (read: don't even bother trying it). 
Display Managers are the login menus you see when you boot into GNU/linux, 
assuming that you automatically start into X and you don't use autologin. 
They offer a choice of installed WMs/environments that you can log into. GDM 
and KDM are similar in functionality, and you can use either one. On some 
systems, KDM won't work, so GDM is a better choice. GDM also has better 
multilingual support. Mandrake uses KDM by default, but you can easily change 
to GDM. Instructions can be found at

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

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Re: [newbie] tuxracer :)

2001-08-23 Thread Michael Scottaline

On Wed, 22 Aug 2001 23:16:59 -0500
pepe torrres [EMAIL PROTECTED] insightfully noted:

PT and by the way does someone knows how to configure a hotmail account
PT in 
PT mozilla messenger?

If I'm not mistaken, M$ only allows hotmail accounts to be configured for
their own MUA's (Outlook or OE)

Always remember, I have taken more out of alcohol than 
alcohol has taken out of me.
--Winston Churchill

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[newbie] Unable to surf...

2001-08-23 Thread Jason Guidry

OK, Kppp (LM8) sees my Modem Blaster External, dials out to my ISP.  most of
the time Kpppd crashes somehow (no connection timer) but is still running
when I look for it with $ top.  

I try killing the processes, but they won't die.

when Kpppd doesn't crash and I get the timer, etc, I'm unable to resolve web

so, If Kppp is broken, what will fix it, and if this is a generic linux
problem and not an ISP issue, how do I fix it?

much thanks

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RE: [newbie] Unable to surf...

2001-08-23 Thread FLYNN, Steve

Are you able to resolve anything else? For example, can you ping you ISP's
webserver? Can you ping the microsoft site, slashdot or freshmeat?

When kppp dies, does your modem stay online or does it drop the carrier -
should be easy to tell by looking at the lights, seeing as it's an external

Does kppp write anything to its log when it crashes? If so, post the
relevant bit.

Steve Flynn
NOP Data Migration Ops Analyst
* 01603 687386

-Original Message-
From:   Jason Guidry [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Thursday, August 23, 2001 11:45 AM
Subject:[newbie] Unable to surf...

OK, Kppp (LM8) sees my Modem Blaster External, dials out to my ISP.
most of
the time Kpppd crashes somehow (no connection timer) but is still
when I look for it with $ top.  

I try killing the processes, but they won't die.

when Kpppd doesn't crash and I get the timer, etc, I'm unable to
resolve web

so, If Kppp is broken, what will fix it, and if this is a generic
problem and not an ISP issue, how do I fix it?

much thanks
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[newbie] semi transparent terms

2001-08-23 Thread Olly Marshall


anyone know a way to get a terminal window to be have a transparent red 
background ? ie red in colour, but so you are able to see the desktop picture 
through it ??

Olly Marshall
IT Manager

Absolute Internet

[newbie] help hurry

2001-08-23 Thread Kit Goins

I just upgraded my ram from 64 mgs to 128...on reboot...mandrake 8.0
would not start...well, it started...but would not go all
the way thru...any suggestions...?

I have linux on one drive...and win98 on another..
after rebooting win98, on same would not reboot either.
I run everything the memory test, shows new ram...
but it won't boot up either...
it gets to win98 startup screen then stops.
it says something about himem.sys...not loading ems memory,,,
can't figure this out...the bios sees the new ram fine...
someone help

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Re: [newbie] help hurry

2001-08-23 Thread Robert MacLean

sounds like the ram doesn't work well. could be that it is a different
speed to the other ram chips if any

Robert MacLean
IDWS Technical Services
Tel: (011) 955-5613 ext 14
Fax: (011) 955-5611

NOTE: Please include this message in your reply.

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 2:32 PM
Subject: [newbie] help hurry

 I just upgraded my ram from 64 mgs to 128...on reboot...mandrake 8.0
 would not start...well, it started...but would not go all
 the way thru...any suggestions...?

 I have linux on one drive...and win98 on another..
 after rebooting win98, on same would not reboot
 I run everything the memory test, shows new ram...
 but it won't boot up either...
 it gets to win98 startup screen then stops.
 it says something about himem.sys...not loading ems memory,,,
 can't figure this out...the bios sees the new ram fine...
 someone help

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Re: [newbie] mp3info

2001-08-23 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

XMMS can edit MP3 tags. I don't know what versions of tags it supports, 

On Wed, 22 Aug 2001 19:42, bascule wrote:
 having upgraded freq3 to kde2.2 and a few other things from cooker (who'd
 have thought a windows stylee volume control could make a guy so happy?)
 i've discovered that mp3info has a gui, but it only appears to support
 id3v1 and i have mp3s with long entries in id3v2 tags, does anyone know of
 a id3v2 editor that has a gui (not easytag - it keeps segfaulting)?


Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

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Re: [newbie] Kernel-2.4.6 and Automount !!!

2001-08-23 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Thu, 23 Aug 2001 21:17, Lúcio Costa wrote:
 Hi Everybody !!!

 I have a newbie question to do.

 I founded in  the Kernel 2.4.6-20.mdk.rpm
 and  modutils-2.4.6-2mdk.rpm.
 I did the download and executed this package.
 When Aurora start I saw one massage the automount isn't supported for this
 Kernel or something like this !!!

 So, can Anyone help me to fix this problem ???
 If You know, can You indicate me other kernel to compile and fix this.

 Thanks for Your Help !

 Lucio Costa
 ( Brazilian User )

Supermount has been pulled in for a rewrite, since it was originally written 
for the 2.2 kernel series and so is incompatible with the more recent 2.4 
releases. It'll probably return in the next beta of Mandrake 8.1.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

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Re: [newbie] help hurry

2001-08-23 Thread Kit Goins

All the new ram is the it yesterday...from
and sorry, it was xms memory not ems...
I took out two chips...just to see what would happen
and it then read 64 mg...on memtest i don't think 
that could be it...(possiblity, but don't think so)
I think it may win98's old and got a few scratches...
perhaps, at the point it installs the himem.sys file...that file is 
messed up or corrupted on the CD...and therefore the error.
I'm going to buy new CD ...and see if that works.

 sounds like the ram doesn't work well. could be that it is a different
 speed to the other ram chips if any
 Robert MacLean
 IDWS Technical Services
 Tel: (011) 955-5613 ext 14
 Fax: (011) 955-5611
 NOTE: Please include this message in your reply.
 - Original Message -
 From: Kit Goins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 2:32 PM
 Subject: [newbie] help hurry
  I just upgraded my ram from 64 mgs to 128...on reboot...mandrake 8.0
  would not start...well, it started...but would not go all
  the way thru...any suggestions...?
  I have linux on one drive...and win98 on another..
  after rebooting win98, on same would not reboot
  I run everything the memory test, shows new ram...
  but it won't boot up either...
  it gets to win98 startup screen then stops.
  it says something about himem.sys...not loading ems memory,,,
  can't figure this out...the bios sees the new ram fine...
  someone help
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RE: [newbie] help hurry

2001-08-23 Thread FLYNN, Steve

Do you use LILO? If so, boot linux with a parameter of MEM=64M. This will
force the kernel to only use the first 64 meg of memory. If it boots OK, you
probably have a bad ram board or similar.

If you use GRUB, then do whatever you need to do to append the above MEM=

Try swapping the memory boards around. Make a difference?

Take the new memory board out, entirely. Do that change anything?

Take the old board out and replace it with the new one. Does that change

I'd be suspecting a bad memory chip on your new 64 meg module... don't
forget that the POST of the memory the BIOS does purely checks to see if
it's all there - if you have a flaky chip it won't be detected by the POST,
but you will get random crashes in any OS which tries to use it.

Steve Flynn
NOP Data Migration Ops Analyst
* 01603 687386

-Original Message-
From:   Kit Goins [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Thursday, August 23, 2001 12:33 PM
Subject:[newbie] help hurry

I just upgraded my ram from 64 mgs to 128...on reboot...mandrake 8.0
would not start...well, it started...but would not go all
the way thru...any suggestions...?

I have linux on one drive...and win98 on another..
after rebooting win98, on same would not reboot
I run everything the memory test, shows new ram...
but it won't boot up either...
it gets to win98 startup screen then stops.
it says something about himem.sys...not loading ems memory,,,
can't figure this out...the bios sees the new ram fine...
someone help

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A member of the Norwich Union Marketing Group 
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[newbie] Mixer will not execute - says permission problem, but already tried that fix

2001-08-23 Thread Stanton, Curt (NCI/IMS)

I have a K7VZA motherboard with an onboard VIA VT82C686A AC97 audio sound
card.  I can't get my sound to work.  I tried to open mixer and it give me
an error saying that it failed and that it might be because the permissions
aren't set up and that I need to log in as root and 'chmod a+x mixer'.  Well
I did that and it still gave me the same error.  I am using Mandrake 7.0.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Curt Stanton

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Re: [newbie] Modem Busy

2001-08-23 Thread d

LURKER here,

I just had this problem myself and found a little assistance on this 
list.  When you are booting up go to the CMOS and set the PNP (Plug 'n 
Play) to NO or OFF.  Linux will do this for you and that interferes with 
it's operations.  HTH's!

At 10:37 PM 8/22/01, you wrote:
Hi Folks: I know I'm on a hiding to nothing trying to get a windmodem going
with Linux (Mandrake 8.0), but having got this fat I'd like to take it a
little further before giving up.

I've reached the stage where I get a 'modem busy error message. I figure
this is possibly a conflict with one of the 'line in' on my soundcard.

Has anyone any suggestions or rxperience with this problem.

Richard Innes
Auckland New Zealand

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Don Hodges
San Antonio, Texas

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[newbie] find in subdirectories

2001-08-23 Thread Anguo

a very simple question from a very newbie. 

How do I get the command find to search all the subdirectories.
I had a look at man find but to no avail.
I tried many different options including find -depth find -mindepth -maxdepth
but I still can't get find to find anything beyond the current directory.

This didn't help me either:

Following the example:
find / -name access_log
I typed:
$ find /usr -name *adsl*
But I got:
find: paths must precede expression
Usage: find [path...] [expression]

So: what would be the proper syntax?

Thanks a lot,


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Re: [newbie] kdm not starting KDE

2001-08-23 Thread Doug X

Hi Bill and s srlinuxx,
  Thank you both.  Both solutions worked like a charm.

  I don't know why kcontrol comes with 'kde' by default if it needs 'KDE' but anyway 
all is well.

  As for s srlinuxx's solution, what I did was change /etc/X11/prefdm from

if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/desktop ]; then
. /etc/sysconfig/desktop /dev/null 21
if [ $DESKTOP = GNOME -o $DESKTOP = Gnome ]; then
]; then
elif [ $DESKTOP = AnotherLevel ] ; then


#if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/desktop ]; then
#   . /etc/sysconfig/desktop /dev/null 21
#   if [ $DESKTOP = GNOME -o $DESKTOP = Gnome ]; then
#   preferred=gdm
#   elif [ $DESKTOP = KDE -o $DESKTOP = KDE1 -o $DESKTOP = KDE2
]; then
#   preferred=/usr/bin/kdm
#   elif [ $DESKTOP = AnotherLevel ] ; then
#   fi

I realize this breaks the flexibility for auto configuring the login manager, but it 
did work!

Thank you.

  A happy LM fan,

-Original Message-
Sent:Wed, 22 Aug 2001 20:04:10 -0500
Subject: Re: [newbie] kdm not starting KDE

I was told you can go into the control center
Login Manager

Click on Sessions
remove the kde in small case and add KDE in uppercase.


On Wednesday 22 August 2001 07:37 pm, you wrote:
 Yeah, that little shortcut wouldn't work for me either.  There is a file
 called  /etc/X11/prefdm in which you can switch the preference order of kdm
 and gdm.  It might work tho I don't know for sure cause I switched to
 booting to console then startx.  But I've heard it does.

 On Wednesday 22 August 2001 06:53 pm, you wrote:
  Hi Dave and all,
I tried changing /etc/sysconfig/desktop to {GNOME, Gnome, gnome} and
  rebooted each time, but each time it still comes back with kdm!  Is it
  possible that this file is not being read? or is there something I need
  to do to activate it?
  Thank you
  -Original Message-
  From:Dave Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent:Wed, 22 Aug 2001 17:55:34 -0500
  Subject: Re: [newbie] kdm not starting KDE
  Hash: SHA1
  On Wednesday 22 August 2001 04:47 pm, thus spake Doug X:
Hello LM users,
 I just upgraded to XFree86 4.1.0 and got X to finally restart.
   Then I upgraded to Texstar's kde2.2 rpm's.
   My problem is this.
 kdm won't start KDE, it always starts icewm.  Any ideas or solutions
   as to how I can fix kdm to start KDE. To note:  I can log in via init 3
   and startx will properly load KDE. Also from init 3 I can run as root
   xdm or gdm from command line and both will start KDE properly, however
   I don't know how to get gdm or xdm to start by default on init 5?  I
   have tried the gdm configurator but on a reboot kdm returns.
  Hello Doug,
  You need to edit the file /etc/sysconfig/desktop, and change the entry
  from KDE to GNOME. This will then start gdm instead of kdm.
  - --
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RE: [newbie] ISP - KPPP - error 19

2001-08-23 Thread Adams, Jamie

You might also want to make sure you are using the correct protocil, ie
   -- Jamie

Sent:  23 August 2001 04:42
Subject:   Re: [newbie] ISP - KPPP - error 19

File: message.txt
Les, I have had that problem ever since I changed to a new ISP. The 
problem, as I discovered, was that the ISP wanted me to use my full 
email address, in my dailer setup, when prompted for user name. My old 
ISP only required my user name - rlp4991   

When I first tried to connect using Kppp, I got the same response as you 
did. Initially, during the setup process in Kppp, I had entered my user 
name as rlp4991. When I received error 19, I also found that it had to 
do with authentication. The ISP don't seem to know who I am. I went back 
and changed my user name to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Now when I dial 
in, I connect.

If your using Kppp to dail in, go to setup and change your user name to 
your full email address and see if you connect.

I hope this helps for you as well.


Les Jacobson wrote:

 After finally getting Mandrake Linux 8.0 to talk with my modem, I have
 tried to connect to my ISP.  I am able to do so via windows but when I
 try via KPPP I get an error code (19) which seems to indicate that there
 is some sort of authentication issue.
 One person has suggested that this is due to some magic that windows
 95, 98, NT and 2000 do but which Windows 3.1 and Linux do not do.
 Another person has suggested it might be an SSL issue.
 My ISP is To the best of my knowledge (and ability) all of
 the required data has been set to the correct values (including userid
 and password).
 Can someone please shed some light on this situation?
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Re: [newbie] Version Differences

2001-08-23 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

There may have been holes found _after_ support for that version was 
discontinued. This is a common occurrance. It is best to stick will a 
well-supported distro. For an i486, I would suggest that you use Red Hat, 
since it is very up-to-date, well-supported and compiled for i386 machines. 
Do a minimal installation, choosing only the packages that you want, and you 
should be fine.

On Thu, 23 Aug 2001 10:54, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Each version of Linux is bigger than the last.  But are older versions
 necessarily more secure?  For example, if I wanted to use LM 6.0 so it'd
 work on my 486, and just try to find out about any security flaws in it and
 fix those?  Most of the basic linux programs- cron, ftp, the daemons- stay
 about the same from distro to distro in general, don't they?


Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

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RE: [newbie] NetMeeting - Is Linux in the way?

2001-08-23 Thread Michael McGibben

Hi Ron,
I am sorry that this isn't a reply to your question, rather it is a request
for info. I notice that you have a home network. I'd like to set one up but
haven't been able to make sense of networking. Would you mind explaining it
to me it simple terms? I have 3 i486s with 8Mb Ram and 212Mb hard drives
with 3-com Ethernet cards. My main box has an Athlon 900 MHz processor,
384Mb Ram, 20 Gb hard drive and a RealTek card. I basically don't understand
much about this. Thanks a lot.


 -Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]  On Behalf Of Ron Bouwhuis
Sent:   23 August 2001 03:46
Subject:[newbie] NetMeeting - Is Linux in the way?

  File: message.footer  All,

I have a Linux Mandrake (8.0) box with 2 ethernet
cards - one to my ISP, the other to my home network,
where the machines run Windows 98.  The LM8.0 box does
very basic IP masquerading for the other computers.
I've had a wonderfully easy time with it to date, but
now need to reach out to this community for help.

When using NetMeeting on a W98 box, the other party
can hear us OK, but we can't hear them.  However, chat
works fine.  Same thing with MSN messenger: text
chatting works fine, but Talk fails to connect.
However, when that W98 box is directly connected to
the cable modem (i.e. not through the Linux box), I
can get sound both ways!  Interestingly, 2 W98 boxes
on the home network communicate great with each other
- sound AND video - even successfully using the
directory to find each other!  So, the only thing that
seems to stop NetMeeting and MSN Messenger sound
working properly appears to be the Linux box.

I have no firewalling in place (I plan to, once I
figure all this out!).  No Bastille running, only 1
rule in iptables - the one to get masquerading going
with NAT.  I also know that the ISP hasn't got a
firewall in place, as I've checked with them (plus it
works directly connected!).

What am I missing?  I assume that all packets in and
out the cable modem are passed through untouched
(other than IP address), so port handling and other
communication details should be handled by the W98
boxes.  Of course, the IP address NetMeeting shows
behind LM8.0 as a 192.168 etc. address, but (not sure
of nomenclature) I understood that iptables changes
that when it does the masquerading?

I've tried putting in port entries in /etc/services as
per various obscure MS support pages I've managed to
find.  I've looked at the xinetd man page, but can't
figure out what service I'd need to set up to enable
this.  And as I said, I thought that with
masquerading, packets get passed through unless
there's a rule saying not to.

Any help, guidance, etc. would be greatly appreciated.
 I've been having a great time dusting off my old Unix
skills, but I have to admit that TCP/IP networking is
an area that's a black art to me.  Keen to learn,
though (which is the point, huh!)


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Re: [newbie] How do I test my NIC?

2001-08-23 Thread etharp

On Wednesday 22 August 2001 23:37, Glenn Holden wrote:
 Thanks Matt
 ifconfig and ping both return some data, but I think it's just a local
 loopback.  When I ifconfig eth0, I get No such device.
 Where/how do I configure the eth0?
first, the command to start an interface is ifup so if you try ifup eth0 you 
would get a message that could not start, then type netconf as root, in a 
text console. you will be able to steup your network, if you know all the 
settings anf type of card, etc. MAKE SURE your bios is set to plug and pray 
aware OS to off

 -Original Message-


 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Matt Greer
 Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 9:02 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] How do I test my NIC?
 --- Glenn Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  My NIC tests ok with it's software.  How can I be
  sure the correct drivers,
  etc. are configured?  How do I test it?
 as root, type ifconfig from a console. Your nic
 should pop up with an ip address.
 Then i'd ping the loopback address (ping
 and your nic's ip address for good measure.
 If you pass all three tests you should be good to go.
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger

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[newbie] Kernel-2.4.6 and Automount !!!

2001-08-23 Thread Lúcio Costa

Hi Everybody !!!

I have a newbie question to do.

I founded in  the Kernel 2.4.6-20.mdk.rpm 
and  modutils-2.4.6-2mdk.rpm.
I did the download and executed this package.
When Aurora start I saw one massage the automount isn't supported for this 
Kernel or something like this !!!

So, can Anyone help me to fix this problem ???
If You know, can You indicate me other kernel to compile and fix this.

Thanks for Your Help !

Lucio Costa
( Brazilian User )

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Re: [newbie] semi transparent terms

2001-08-23 Thread Robert MacLean

I meant theme. they don't do the transparency, the actual console
window does the transparency, it just uses the skins/themes for the
colour/tone of the transparency.

Robert MacLean

- Original Message -
From: Olly Marshall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Robert MacLean [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 2:49 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] semi transparent terms

 Can i ?? Do you mean the theme ?? I have tried 100's of
 and while they change everything from backgrounds to title bar
colours, none
 of them can do the promise semi-transparencys


 -Original Message-
 From: Robert MacLean [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 23 August 2001 13:40
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mandrake Newbie
 Subject: Re: [newbie] semi transparent terms

 the colour would be done by what ever skin you are using.
 to make it transparent there is a setting in one of the menu options
 of the console windows that allows that

 Robert MacLean

 - Original Message -
 From: Olly Marshall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Mandrake Newbie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 2:32 PM
 Subject: [newbie] semi transparent terms

  HI all,
  Does anyone know a way to get a terminal window to be have a
 transparent red
  background ? ie red in colour, but so you are able to see the
  picture through it ??
  Olly Marshall
  IT Manager
  Absolute Internet

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Re: [newbie] eth0 not up on boot

2001-08-23 Thread Dave Sherman

Hash: SHA1

Do a search on Google for 8139too, and it appears that this driver has had 
some problems. It is based upon a more stable driver called rtl8139 (for 
the same NIC chipset), which I have had good experience with. You might 
just try switching drivers.


On Wednesday 22 August 2001 11:15 pm, thus spake Dennis Myers:

  For some reason my nmbd does not start on boot anymore. I have to 
 8139too and then ifup eth0 to get samba totally on line. Some where I
 have changed something but don't  know where to look.  Any help or
 suggestions are appreciated. TIA

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RE: [newbie] File Renaming Perks: Did someone say 'bash script'?

2001-08-23 Thread FLYNN, Steve

It's a pipe.

Basically, it acts just like a real pipe does in your plumbing system, but
instead of water flowing through it, data does. The pipe below connects the
output from the echo command to the gawk command.

Try this for an easy example:

Ls -al | less

The output from the ls command will be passed to the program 'less' whose
function is to display data on the screen and let you scroll up and down it.

Steve Flynn
NOP Data Migration Ops Analyst
* 01603 687386

-Original Message-
From:   Dean Morrell [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Thursday, August 23, 2001 1:23 PM
Subject:Re: [newbie] File Renaming Perks:  Did someone say
'bash script'?

This is a newbie list right? [okay, good]  I don't want to be too
embarassed to ask a stuped question.  Would someone be willing to explain
what this does?  I 
mean each character has significance, right?  So what is it?  This
reminds me of the random characters thrown up on my screen after
disconnecting from the old 

At 08:34 PM 8/22/2001 -0700, you wrote:
  for i in `ls /dirname | grep -e.+ .+`; do mv $i `echo $i |
  gawk '{ gsub(_, ,$0) }'` ; done



The way I see it, there were two great triumphs, two things that
I'm proudest of. One is the economic recovery, in which the people of
America created - and filled - 19 million new jobs. The other is the
recovery of our morale. America is respected again in the world and looked
to for leadership.
-Ronald Reagan's Farewell Address

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the sender immediately. You should not disclose the content or
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A member of the Norwich Union Marketing Group 
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Member of the Association of British Insurers.

For further Enquires 01603 622200 

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Re: [newbie] semi transparent terms

2001-08-23 Thread Robert MacLean

the colour would be done by what ever skin you are using.
to make it transparent there is a setting in one of the menu options
of the console windows that allows that

Robert MacLean

- Original Message -
From: Olly Marshall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Mandrake Newbie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 2:32 PM
Subject: [newbie] semi transparent terms

 HI all,

 Does anyone know a way to get a terminal window to be have a
transparent red
 background ? ie red in colour, but so you are able to see the
 picture through it ??

 Olly Marshall
 IT Manager
 Absolute Internet

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[newbie] Differences between ML8.0 and ML8 Freq #3

2001-08-23 Thread Lúcio Costa

Hi ML Users.

Can Anyone tell me something about the differences  between ML8.0 and 
ML*Freq#3 ?

Thanks !


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Re: [newbie] Unable to surf...

2001-08-23 Thread Charles A. Punch

How are you Killing the process? Did you try deleting this file?


the chal is my user name, so apply whatever yours is there.
I had a similar problem and this solved it.

Registered Linux user # 217118

Patience is a minor form of despair, disguised as virtue.
-- Ambrose Bierce, on qualifiers

Jason Guidry wrote:
 OK, Kppp (LM8) sees my Modem Blaster External, dials out to my ISP.  most of
 the time Kpppd crashes somehow (no connection timer) but is still running
 when I look for it with $ top.
 I try killing the processes, but they won't die.
 when Kpppd doesn't crash and I get the timer, etc, I'm unable to resolve web
 so, If Kppp is broken, what will fix it, and if this is a generic linux
 problem and not an ISP issue, how do I fix it?
 much thanks
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[newbie] X Server over SSH

2001-08-23 Thread Olly Marshall

If i 
wanted to work on my linux box at home using an xWin client, is it possible to 
configure X to run over SSH ??

Olly Marshall
IT Manager

Absolute Internet

[newbie] just wondering

2001-08-23 Thread Mohammed Arafa

just wodnering if my mail doesnt get thru to the list n doesnt bounce back
..where is it going? who is getting it?


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[newbie] MDK 8.0 on IBM T21

2001-08-23 Thread Oren Gozlan

i'm having problems installing mdk 8.0 on ibm T21,
the mouses (treckpoint and ps2) are not detected,
while trying to detect scsi, the installation freezes..

Does any one installed the 8.0 on the IBM T21 ???


Oren Gozlan
Mobixell Networks Inc.
p: +972 9 776 0121
f: + 972 9 740 7373
c: +972 54 536 047

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[newbie] Mapping keys in Gnome/Sawfish Mandrake 8.0

2001-08-23 Thread Keith Christian

Where can I find info for mapping keystrokes (e.g. Alt-F4 to close a
program, Alt-Tab to switch among windows, etc.) ?



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Re: [newbie] eth0 not up on boot

2001-08-23 Thread DStevenson

On Thursday 23 August 2001 07:29, Kevin Khaw wrote:
 I have the pcmcia version of it and it doesnt not install under mandrake. I
 have tried various things with it but still no luck. I use redhat 7.1 now
 and it works. Harddrake detects it but doesnt want to install the module.
 8139too.o is there but when you insmod it, it says irq errors i think.
 Maybe the bundled driver sucks.


Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; name=message.footer
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Can you start up the interface manually?

ie. ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast


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Re: [newbie] Why won't you help me?

2001-08-23 Thread Solver

May I send you the source code, please? I have it.
- Original Message -
From: civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 5:00 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Why won't you help me?

 On Wednesday 22 August 2001 11:12, Solver wrote:
  People, why didn't anybody reply to my message, .a files for modules?
  would like some clue as to what the problem is, please, not necessarily
  solution for it.
  Please reply to it.

 dsp.a is not a linux construct.  It is apparently a property of a
binary-only driver that
 is as clear to everyone as a black box.  If the driver does not have
built-in capabilities
 for dealing with dsp.a, then your driver is incomplete.

 Of course, if the driver is supplied in source, 100%, then it is likely I
could help you,
 because then I have a means of discovering the meaning of this odd

 That's why no one is helping.

 Now theoretically it is possible to disassemble the code to source of a
sort and proceed
 to reverse engineer the driver.  The Digital Millenium Copyright Act of
1998 which
 also governs the activities of foreign nationals in foreign countries if
they should ever
 happen to visit the US (As Dmitry Sklyarov discovered) most likely makes
it a felony
 to do this for your winmodem.

 That's another reason no one is helping.  I might like to return to the US

 And folks, set your KMail to ALWAYS show the same fonts, and you will have
no more
 problems from win-1252 or win-1257 encodings.


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[newbie] Resending question 2

2001-08-23 Thread Solver

Resending as HTML this time, with HUGE 

OK, I have clarified the fact that my WinModem is 
supported under Linux! Iagain downloaded the drivers, this time for my 
kernel version, it all workednice, but now I wonder about one thing. One of 
the modules I insmod , refersto dsp.a file, which is also in the driver 
directory, but when I try tocheck the module with modprobe, I get an error 
message saying that can'tfind kernel version for which dsp.a is compiled. If 
I delete it, the moduleprotests that he needs that file.Now, how do I 
deal with the .a file, inserting it, and then, finally, mymodem WILL 
WORK!Please help me with this, as it's my best dream to get modem 
working, andget rid of Windows. To be specific, only leave it as a OS I use 
for playinggames. Yes, that's true - I don't think I should get rid of this 
totally,for some good games are only for 

Re: [newbie] semi transparent terms

2001-08-23 Thread Dave Sherman

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 23 August 2001 07:32 am, thus spake Olly Marshall:

  HI all,

 Does anyone know a way to get a terminal window to be have a transparent
 red background ? ie red in colour, but so you are able to see the
 desktop picture through it ??


If you use aterm, then the command is:
aterm -bg black -fg white -tr-trsb -tint red

The 'bg' and 'fg'  set basic background and foreground (font) colors, the 
'tint' option is of course for the red coloring, the 'tr' indicates 
transparent background, and 'trsb' makes even the scrollbar transparent.

Don't know the syntax for other terminals. I know konsole has a menu 
option to select transparent, but I don't know if you can select a color 

- -- 
Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecunia possit. (No 
fortification is such that it cannot be subdued with money.)
- - Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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[newbie] Accessing ext2 from Windows

2001-08-23 Thread Solver

Most modern Linux distributions can read and write to FAT, and read NTFS
I wonder if there are any drivers, which allow Windows to read, and
preferably read-write to ext2 partitions.

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[newbie] Resending question 1

2001-08-23 Thread Solver

I am resending my first time now, to me it is plain text, checked three
times :).

OK, I have clarified the fact that my WinModem is supported under Linux! I
again downloaded the drivers, this time for my kernel version, it all worked
nice, but now I wonder about one thing. One of the modules I insmod , refers
to dsp.a file, which is also in the driver directory, but when I try to
check the module with modprobe, I get an error message saying that can't
find kernel version for which dsp.a is compiled. If I delete it, the module
protests that he needs that file.
Now, how do I deal with the .a file, inserting it, and then, finally, my
modem WILL WORK!

Please help me with this, as it's my best dream to get modem working, and
get rid of Windows. To be specific, only leave it as a OS I use for playing
games. Yes, that's true - I don't think I should get rid of this totally,
for some good games are only for Windows.

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Re: [newbie] Good source for icons?

2001-08-23 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Thursday 23 August 2001 03:12 am, Michel Clasquin escribió:
 On Thursday 23 August 2001 03:32, s wrote:
  On Wednesday 22 August 2001 04:18 pm, you wrote:

   Does anybody have a good source for high-quality icons for linux
   (or just high quality icons in general)?
   I've been searching all over, and though i've found a few, i
   haven't found nearly as many as i would expect.  Just tryin to
   spruce up the ol'X desktop =)

 I just installed every window manager that mdk comes with,  searched

 Since then I've downloaded more but I didn't keep the URLs,

Tom Brinkman   Galveston Bay

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Re: [newbie] Resending question 2

2001-08-23 Thread Tim Barnard

When you downloaded the drivers, did the download 
include source code? If so, you should find a file under the directory where the 
source was installed called INSTALL or sometimes INSTALL.unx. Read that file to 
find out how to rebuild dsp.a for your kernel version. If the download did not 
come with source, go back to the site where you downloaded the drivers and see 
if source is available. The file dsp.a is a non-sharable binary. You'll likely 
need to recompile it for your kernel.


  - Original Message - 
  To: Linux Newbie 
  Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 8:35 
  Subject: [newbie] Resending question 
  Resending as HTML this time, with HUGE 
  OK, I have clarified the fact that my WinModem is 
  supported under Linux! Iagain downloaded the drivers, this time for my 
  kernel version, it all workednice, but now I wonder about one thing. One 
  of the modules I insmod , refersto dsp.a file, which is also in the driver 
  directory, but when I try tocheck the module with modprobe, I get an error 
  message saying that can'tfind kernel version for which dsp.a is compiled. 
  If I delete it, the moduleprotests that he needs that file.Now, how do 
  I deal with the .a file, inserting it, and then, finally, mymodem WILL 
  WORK!Please help me with this, as it's my best dream to get modem 
  working, andget rid of Windows. To be specific, only leave it as a OS I 
  use for playinggames. Yes, that's true - I don't think I should get rid of 
  this totally,for some good games are only for 

Re: [newbie] Accessing ext2 from Windows

2001-08-23 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Thursday 23 August 2001 11:57 am, Solver escribió:
 Most modern Linux distributions can read and write to FAT, and read
 NTFS systems.
 I wonder if there are any drivers, which allow Windows to read, and
 preferably read-write to ext2 partitions.

Tom Brinkman   Galveston Bay

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2001-08-23 Thread Mohammed Arafa

this is a test message as i have sent 3 or 4 times and it hasnt shown on the

sorry for the inconvenience

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[newbie] Installing Adaptec AHA-1540/42CF SCSI controler

2001-08-23 Thread Richard Layton


 I have just recently installed Manadrake 8.0 and it discovered 
my Adaptec AIC-7880 SCSI controler but it did not load
my Adaptec AHA-1540/42CF(ISA). Can someone explain to me how to do 

Thank you!

RE: [newbie] find in subdirectories

2001-08-23 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

Ahem... Are you running 8.0

[opjose@bluebox opjose]$ find --version   
GNU find version 4.1.6
[opjose@bluebox opjose]$ find /usr -name *adsl*   
find: /usr/lib/pgsql/backup: Permission denied
find: /usr/lib/Bastille: Permission denied


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Anguo
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 9:13 AM
To: newbie
Subject: [newbie] find in subdirectories

This didn't help me either:
Thanks a lot,


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[newbie] archives?

2001-08-23 Thread Bill Winegarden

 I may have some questions regarding configuring a network printer 
possible cups problems but if there are archives, I would like to check them 
 Are there any archives to this list? If so, would you please supply 
the url?

Thanks and regards,
Bill W.

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RE: [newbie]

2001-08-23 Thread FLYNN, Steve

Well, they are appearing here, so they are showing on the list...

Cc'd to his real email also...

Steve Flynn
NOP Data Migration Ops Analyst
* 01603 687386

-Original Message-
From:   Mohammed Arafa [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Thursday, August 23, 2001 2:40 PM
To: Mandrake Newbie

this is a test message as i have sent 3 or 4 times and it hasnt
shown on the

sorry for the inconvenience

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Norwich Union Life  Pensions Limited
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A member of the Norwich Union Marketing Group 
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Member of the Association of British Insurers.

For further Enquires 01603 622200 

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Re: [newbie] Internet Connection -- Correction

2001-08-23 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear Jamie:

Yes, KPPP is fine for dial-up but to configure Cable/ADSL you need to use the 
Network and Internet tool.


On Thursday 23 August 2001 04:09, you wrote:
 Sorry, i might be missing a bit of this story, but couldnt you use KPPP?
 its pretty simple to configure and you should be good to go in a couple
 of minuites.
-- Jamie


 From: Benjamin Sher[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

 Sent:22 August 2001 20:23
 Subject: [newbie] Internet Connection -- Correction
 File: message.txt
 Dear W.C. Baker:
 Correction below. My apologies.
 You are right. To connect to the Internet you need to click on the
  MANDRAKE CONTROL CENTER icon, Network and Internet, Connection. Don't
  touch the Internet Sharing button unless youa re connecting two
  computers. The Connection interface is quite confusing. Use the Configure
  wizard at the bottom right. I hope LM 8.1 will feature a more
  streamlined, accessible interface for all this.
 On Wednesday 22 August 2001 18:50, you wrote:
  Hi!   I very recently installed Mandrake 8.0.   The internet desktop
  icon in KDE (and I think, in Gnome, too) does not give me a button to
  connect  disconnect to Internet. . .   I'm wondering how I can go about
  troubleshooting this problem.
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1; name=message.footer
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
 Sher's Russian Web
 Benjamin and Anna Sher
 This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet
 delivered through the MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service. For further
 information visit or alternatively call
 Star Internet for details on the Virus Scanning Service.

 This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet
 delivered through the MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service. For further
 information visit or alternatively call
 Star Internet for details on the Virus Scanning Service.

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; name=message.footer
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

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RE: [newbie] networking issues

2001-08-23 Thread Paul H Upton

Hi there.. My cable modem set-up see's this change between OS's as a
different pc and therefore requires a reboot before it will work with

Hope that helps...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tameem Ali
Sent: 23 August 2001 19:29
Subject: [newbie] networking issues

I am running a dual boot between mandrake and 98 se.
Also, my pc is networked on a cable modem.

After using the internet through windows, I was no
longer able to use it in mandrake.  I reloaded my
configuration files through the control center and my
internet/network connection is enabled.  However, I
still can't connect to the internet through mandrake.

Please let me know my next course of action.


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RE: [newbie] Any hope for Java on Linux?

2001-08-23 Thread Charles A Edwards

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tom Brinkman
 Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 9:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Any hope for Java on Linux?

 On Wednesday 22 August 2001 09:07 pm, Dr. Evil escribió:
  It seems very difficult to get the Linux java stuff working.  When I
  installed Mandrake, it came with a bunch of java stuff:
  /usr/bin/java  /usr/bin/javac  /usr/bin/javadoc  /usr/bin/javakey
  However, when I set my java interpreter to /usr/bin/java in
  Konqueror, it wouldn't run java applets.  I downloaded the Sun JDK,
  and installed it in /usr/local/jdk1.3.1/, and then set Konqueror's
  java to /usr/local/jdk1.3.1/bin/java.  Now Konq shows java applets
  just fine. So, what was /usr/bin/java for?

The java Mandrake ships with is the free and open source Kaffe   Mandrake can't, won't, and shouldn't include
 proprietary software like Sun's java. Google 'free software'
 and 'open
 source software' for a better understanding of these issues.
   Tom Brinkman   Galveston Bay

IBM jre, Sun jdk and jre as well as Forte and Borland jbuilder
are on the Commercial CDs in the 8.0 Powerpack.

   Charles  (-:

Forever never goes beyond tomorrow.

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Re: [newbie] Any hope for Java on Linux?

2001-08-23 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 22 August 2001 09:07 pm, Dr. Evil escribió:
 It seems very difficult to get the Linux java stuff working.  When I
 installed Mandrake, it came with a bunch of java stuff:

 /usr/bin/java  /usr/bin/javac  /usr/bin/javadoc  /usr/bin/javakey

 However, when I set my java interpreter to /usr/bin/java in
 Konqueror, it wouldn't run java applets.  I downloaded the Sun JDK,
 and installed it in /usr/local/jdk1.3.1/, and then set Konqueror's
 java to /usr/local/jdk1.3.1/bin/java.  Now Konq shows java applets
 just fine. So, what was /usr/bin/java for?

   The java Mandrake ships with is the free and open source Kaffe   Mandrake can't, won't, and shouldn't include 
proprietary software like Sun's java. Google 'free software' and 'open 
source software' for a better understanding of these issues. 
Tom Brinkman   Galveston Bay

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Re: [newbie] Re: Benjamin: Thanks! Mandrake 8.0 internet desktop iconproblem cleared up

2001-08-23 Thread Sergio Vergara Gando

Can you share your experience with us.
How to resolve this problem?


WCBaker wrote:
 Thanks heaps Benjamin!It all got cleared up.   I found out that Linux
 was just responding to the fact that somehow I had misconfigured, and I
 didn't have access to the Internet, so it wouldn't let me use the
 connect/disconnect facility.  I don't know what I changed, but I've managed
 to get things reconfigured and now Linux will let me have access to the
 relevant tools.   One of my problems is not realizing that Linux is
 intelligent enough to know what I should be using under what circumstances.
 By the way, I just used VNC for the first time and that was a Peak
 Experience.  Amazing stuff, and I'm just scratching the surface. . .  wow!
 Cheers to all!
  Dear W.C. Baker:
  You are right. To connect to the Internet you need to click on the
  Software Manager icon, Network and Internet, Connection. Don't touch the
  Internet Sharing button unless youa re connecting two computers. The
  Connection interface is quite confusing. Use the Configure wizard at the
  bottom right. I hope LM 8.1 will feature a more streamlined, accessible
  interface for all this.
  On Wednesday 22 August 2001 18:50, you wrote:
   Hi!   I very recently installed Mandrake 8.0.   The internet desktop
   in KDE (and I think, in Gnome, too) does not give me a button to
   disconnect to Internet. . .   I'm wondering how I can go about
   troubleshooting this problem.
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RE: [newbie] 8.1 release schedule

2001-08-23 Thread Charles A Edwards

If the release adhears to the same marketing restraints as did 7.2 (the now
Wal Mart edition of 2000) then 8.0 will be released in Oct.

   Charles  (-:

Forever never goes beyond tomorrow.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mitchell, Edmund
 Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 3:42 PM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] 8.1 release schedule

 Spoil away!

 OK - not to cause anyone undue stress to meet some deadline
 someone spouted on a mailing list, but are we talking
 before winter?
 this year?
 next spring?

 Edmund the overly-curious

 -Original Message-
 From: civileme [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

 Wanna spoil all the excitement?


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[newbie] Re: hostname + domain in LinuxConf - proper fomat is ??

2001-08-23 Thread WCBaker

In LinuxConf to set one's host name it has a space for hostname + domain.
I have not set this correctly.  Although I can surf, my attempts to set up
Qmail have made the fact that I've made a mistake with hostname + domain
quite clear.  For example, when I try the configuration step in the install
procedure I do a ./config and I get back this:

=== SNIP ==
Your hostname is cs53912-b
hard error
Sorry, I couldn't find your host's canonical name in DNS.  You will have to
set up control/me yourself.
=== SNIP ==

I chose the hostname (figuring that it was something that I ought to
choose - a convenient handle).  Am I wrong?
How does one enter hostname + domain properly in LinuxConf??  Do I put a
+ between the hostname and the domain??



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Re: [newbie] Re: hoping to use CD-only install of Mandrake 8.0 on a Libretto palmtop. . . possible??

2001-08-23 Thread Charles A. Punch

set your BIOS to boot from CD. That workerd for me. Floppy drives seem
to hate me and are always breaking. I think that there are two things we
need to get rid of (in the USA); floppy drives and pennies. Both are

Registered Linux user # 217118

Patience is a minor form of despair, disguised as virtue.
-- Ambrose Bierce, on qualifiers

WCBaker wrote:
 Here's a good question for you!   I've put Mandrake 8.0 on a desktop and
 it's great (I'm new to Linux, by the way).   Now I need to get Mandrake 8.0
 on my tiny Libretto palmtop.   The palmtop currently has a Japanese version
 of Windoze 95 on it and I'd like to keep a very tiny bit of the disk for
 Windoze but have Linux eat up most of it.   Problem is that my PCMCIA
 fax/modem card  and the floppy drive are no longer functional (long story
 involving a lot of travelling).
 Is it possible to NOT use a floppy disk to boot when installing?   I want to
 just use my CD (I do have access to a PCMCIA CD machine that connects quite
 nicely) and install Mandrake 8.0.
 Can I do this?  I've seen other methods on the Net, but I need to use CD
 only. . .
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Re: [newbie] 8.1 release schedule

2001-08-23 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Thursday 23 August 2001 01:56 pm, Miark escribió:
 What's the release schedule (or URL to it) for 8.1?

 I'll pass on the first beta, but I don't know if I can hold out for
 the final, or if I'll have to break down and try beta 2.  :-)


   All I've heard is 2 possibly 3 betas, and 1 or 2 rc's before 8.1 is 
final around October. So I would think a beta2 is imminent.  OTOH, I've 
been using 8.1 for weeks based on a Freq2 starting point and many 
cooker upgrades including Texstar's i686 objprelink optimized KDE2.2 
final, currently with a 2.4.8 kernel. Solid as a rock and FAST. So why 
wait?, do it yourself ;

   Another thing I hear is objprelink might not make it in to 8.1 which 
is a shame.  You owe it to yourself to upgrade to optimized KDE2, it's 
definitely worth it.   
   Link for 586
and 686

   I used 'rpm -Uvh *'

Tom Brinkman   Galveston Bay

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RE: [newbie] How do I test my NIC?

2001-08-23 Thread Charles A Edwards

What is your output from cat /proc/pci for network controller.
If it is sharing an IRQ with either your graphics or sound card
that my be causing the problem.

   Charles  (-:

Forever never goes beyond tomorrow. 

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Glenn Holden
 Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 3:04 PM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] How do I test my NIC?
 Ok - When I ifup eth0, it returns Delaying eth0 initialization
 I checked my ifconfig - it is setup
 When I cat /procs/interrupts, eth0 is still not listed.
 Reboot doesn't do anything.  (Too used to using Win, I had to try it.)
 -Original Message-
 From: etharp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 4:35 AM
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Glenn Holden
 Subject: Re: [newbie] How do I test my NIC?
 On Wednesday 22 August 2001 23:37, Glenn Holden wrote:
  Thanks Matt
  ifconfig and ping both return some data, but I think it's 
 just a local
  loopback.  When I ifconfig eth0, I get No such device.
  Where/how do I configure the eth0?
 first, the command to start an interface is ifup so if you try
 ifup eth0 you
 would get a message that could not start, then type netconf 
 as root, in a
 text console. you will be able to steup your network, if you 
 know all the
 settings anf type of card, etc. MAKE SURE your bios is set to plug
 and pray
 aware OS to off
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Matt Greer
  Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 9:02 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] How do I test my NIC?
  --- Glenn Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   My NIC tests ok with it's software.  How can I be
   sure the correct drivers,
   etc. are configured?  How do I test it?
  as root, type ifconfig from a console. Your nic
  should pop up with an ip address.
  Then i'd ping the loopback address (ping
  and your nic's ip address for good measure.
  If you pass all three tests you should be good to go.
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with 
 Yahoo! Messenger
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Re: [newbie] mozilla config

2001-08-23 Thread Guilherme Cirne

At 01:05 22/08/01 -0400, you wrote:
On Tue, Aug 21, 2001 at 08:41:05PM -0400, Bill Winegarden wrote:
Just d/l'd and installed Mozilla 0.9.3 in my user directory. Is 
 there any
  way I can set a configuration so that the program does not start with the
  sidebar open. I find that I don't use it that often and it is a pain to 
  to close it every time I open a browser.

There's a little tab on the border of the side bar. Just click it to
close. Works for me.

You can also try F9.

Guilherme Cirne

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[newbie] Booting with LILO on a SCSI drive

2001-08-23 Thread Jean-Luc Terré

I have 3 disks attached to my motherboard:
1 IBM 9Gb SCSI U2W through an Adaptec 2940U2W
1 IBM 12Gb on IDE1 master
1 MAXTOR 13Gb on IDE2 master

The disks on IDEs are for data only.
I have 3 Win9x bootable partitions on the SCSI disk
and the Linux partition in the first logical partition (extended) ==

These 4 bootable partitions are managed by BootMagic

I can't find a LILO config (lilo.conf) which works for me
(I get the LI but not the LO).
GRUB does not work either.
(I boot from the floppy)

Does someone have a similar config to be able to help me.


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Re: [newbie] Resending question 2

2001-08-23 Thread Matt Greer

on 8/23/01 10:35 AM, Solver at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Resending as HTML this time, with HUGE letters.

Just don't send as HTML at all. If you send plain text then it's up to us
and our email clients to decide how large or small to view it. If you send
as plain text, you can't go wrong. HTML is just a guaranteed annoyance,
especially on a computer mailing list where people are aware of these kinds
of things.


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RE: [newbie] How do I test my NIC?

2001-08-23 Thread Glenn Holden

Thanks Charles
the result from cat /proc/pci is what looks like four entries.  None of them
are a NIC and none of them are using IRQ 10.  This NIC is an ISA device.

Earlier I tried another (newer) 3Com 3c905 instead of this 3c509.  I was
just installing the system then and it prevented the second stage install
from completing.  Plus, the bundled drivers don't appear to include the
3c905.  I am trying to scrounge up this machine but if a new NIC is the
answer, that's not too bad.  Thoughts?


What is your output from cat /proc/pci for network controller.
If it is sharing an IRQ with either your graphics or sound card
that my be causing the problem.

   Charles  (-:

Forever never goes beyond tomorrow.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Glenn Holden
 Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 3:04 PM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] How do I test my NIC?

 Ok - When I ifup eth0, it returns Delaying eth0 initialization
 I checked my ifconfig - it is setup
 When I cat /procs/interrupts, eth0 is still not listed.
 Reboot doesn't do anything.  (Too used to using Win, I had to try it.)


 -Original Message-
 From: etharp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 4:35 AM
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Glenn Holden
 Subject: Re: [newbie] How do I test my NIC?
 On Wednesday 22 August 2001 23:37, Glenn Holden wrote:
  Thanks Matt
  ifconfig and ping both return some data, but I think it's
 just a local
  loopback.  When I ifconfig eth0, I get No such device.
  Where/how do I configure the eth0?
 first, the command to start an interface is ifup so if you try
 ifup eth0 you
 would get a message that could not start, then type netconf
 as root, in a
 text console. you will be able to steup your network, if you
 know all the
 settings anf type of card, etc. MAKE SURE your bios is set to plug
 and pray
 aware OS to off
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Matt Greer
  Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 9:02 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] How do I test my NIC?
  --- Glenn Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   My NIC tests ok with it's software.  How can I be
   sure the correct drivers,
   etc. are configured?  How do I test it?
  as root, type ifconfig from a console. Your nic
  should pop up with an ip address.
  Then i'd ping the loopback address (ping
  and your nic's ip address for good measure.
  If you pass all three tests you should be good to go.
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with
 Yahoo! Messenger
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 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

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Re: [newbie] ATI TV Wonder

2001-08-23 Thread hardcorepush

I read somehwere..perhaps a usenet group about a problem with something timing 
out...maybe soundserver??? I dont recall exactly, but I ran across this problem 
somewhere. Maybe a google/dejavu search would be i wasnt

On Thu, 23 Aug 2001 13:56:45 -0600
Mark Lane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have installed Mandrake 8 and it finds the card and loads some modules 
 etc. for the card which
 uses 878 chip. I start xawtv and it runs the configure fine starts up but 
 then if I try to access the menu
 for xawtv it works for a few seconds then the whole system locks up. No 
 mouse, no keyboard, the
 only thing I haven't tried is log in remotely to shut the system down as I 
 don't have another computer
 to do that with.
 Some one suggested that I needed to upgrade the kernel, so I upgraded 2.4.5 
 same thing happens.
 Any suggestions? I have got the card running under Slackware with 2.4.5 so 
 I know it's not the kernel.
 Mark Lane
 Hard Data Ltd.
 Telephone: 01-780-456-9771
 FAX: 01-780-456-9772
 11060 - 166 Avenue
 Edmonton, AB, Canada
 T5X 1Y3
 -- Ask me about our Dual Processor Athlon DDR RAM Systems! --
 --Or the New DDR Alpha Systems --

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Re: [newbie] download manager

2001-08-23 Thread d

LURKER here,

Excuse me for jumping in here but when I clicked on this link a window 
popped up saying RealPlayer could not be found would I like to download? 
and I clicked NO then everythingy STOPPED.  No download for that RPM, I am 
still using WindBlows, EudoraLitev5.1, and NetScape v4.77 for these 
messages.  Am working with Linux/ Mandrake v7.0 because I have it installed 
and working for learning.  AMD-K6 II 400meg/w 163m RAM.

Any assistance would be great, I also would like a DldMgr for LM, will this 
one work with v7.0?   Maybe a different one?

At 08:07 PM 8/23/01, you wrote:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by id OAA24275

Jeferson Lopes Zacco escribió:

  I wonder if there is a good download manager for Linux - like GetRight,
  GO!zilla or DownloadAccelerator for window$ - I haven been able to find
  anything but beta projects. And I just don't want to go downloading 24MB
  kernels in my lovely ISP without one...


 Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
   Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

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Don Hodges
San Antonio, Texas

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[newbie] ETerm RPM

2001-08-23 Thread Olly Marshall

anyone know the instructions for install the eterm rpm that (might off) come 
with Mandrake v8 ??

Olly Marshall
IT Manager

Absolute Internet

[newbie] SSL

2001-08-23 Thread Paul H Upton

First posting on this list so appologies if protocol is broken...

Managed to setup my first Linux box ever and have implemented Neomail 
for remote email access... Ideally, I would like to use SSL for the 
whole session...

No problems so far as Apache-ssl runs right after an install but I'd 
like to generate my own certificate...

Can someone point me in the right direction here?

Many thanks.

Paul Upton

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Re: [newbie] Oh F***

2001-08-23 Thread Skippipix

and look, Windows2000 has personalized toolbars.  wow, what will the mental 
giants at Mico$haft come up with next.  how can Linux compeat with that.  i'm 
fdisking my mandrake box and rushing to the local M$ retailer right now.


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Re: [newbie] download manager

2001-08-23 Thread Charles A. Punch

d wrote:
 LURKER here,
 Excuse me for jumping in here but when I clicked on this link a window
 popped up saying RealPlayer could not be found would I like to download?
 and I clicked NO then everythingy STOPPED.  No download for that RPM, I am
 still using WindBlows, EudoraLitev5.1, and NetScape v4.77 for these
 messages.  Am working with Linux/ Mandrake v7.0 because I have it installed
 and working for learning.  AMD-K6 II 400meg/w 163m RAM.
 Any assistance would be great, I also would like a DldMgr for LM, will this
 one work with v7.0?   Maybe a different one?
 At 08:07 PM 8/23/01, you wrote:
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Try holding the shift key down while clicking on the link.

Registered Linux user # 217118

Patience is a minor form of despair, disguised as virtue.
-- Ambrose Bierce, on qualifiers

 X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by id OAA24275
 Jeferson Lopes Zacco escribió:
   I wonder if there is a good download manager for Linux - like GetRight,
   GO!zilla or DownloadAccelerator for window$ - I haven been able to find
   anything but beta projects. And I just don't want to go downloading 24MB
   kernels in my lovely ISP without one...
  Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
Linux: usuari registrat 190.783
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to
 Don Hodges
 San Antonio, Texas
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to

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[newbie] SMTP and POP3 Mandrake 8

2001-08-23 Thread Brian Blater

I'm not new to Linux but am new to Mandrake and had some questions on
a recent install. I have a Mandrake 8 box that is behind a RH 7.1
firewall using iptables. I've set up iptables to forward smtp and pop3
to my Mdk 8 box. It is working but not so well. I've noticed that if I
telnet to port 25 or 110 it takes at least 30 seconds before I get the
smtp or pop3 prompt. From what I've seen other places and with other
packages I've used in the past (non-linux) this response should be
instant. What is the problem here?

Also, I'm using the built in pop3d (I believe it is ipop3d) that came
with Mdk 8. I notice when doing a telnet to port 110 and get the pop3
prompt it says localhost.localdomain. I've looked several places and
can't see where to configure pop3. Where do I configure it?

Here is my setup. I have a 1MB dedicated connection to the internet.
This goes to a 10baseT hub that is then connect to my RH 7.1 box with a
10baseT NIC for the internet and a 100baseT NIC for the internal
network. The RH box has 64mb of RAM and is a Pentium 166. The Mdk 8
box is a Duron 650 with 384mb of RAM. It has a 100baseT NIC connected to
a 100baseT switch for the internal network.

Any suggestions on what the fix is to these problems will be greatly

 Brian Blater  

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Re: [newbie] MDK 8.0 on IBM T21

2001-08-23 Thread asmiller

i'm having problems installing mdk 8.0 on ibm T21,
the mouses (treckpoint and ps2) are not detected,
while trying to detect scsi, the installation freezes..

Does any one installed the 8.0 on the IBM T21 ???


Installed fine on mine, under expert mode.  You might try connecting 
a PS2 mouse while you're loading the OS and then remove it, relying 
on HardDrake to pick up the trackpoint later, after you're further 
along in your install.


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Re: [newbie] How do I test my NIC?

2001-08-23 Thread etharp

thank you very much, abso-ltly correct sir

On Thursday 23 August 2001 17:42, DStevenson wrote:
 You don't need to su to root to view ifconfig data. /sbin/ifconfig as
 normal user to view the data.

 Least time spent as root the better.

 Just my cents worth!

 On Wednesday 22 August 2001 23:01, Matt Greer wrote:
  --- Glenn Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   My NIC tests ok with it's software.  How can I be
   sure the correct drivers,
   etc. are configured?  How do I test it?
  as root, type ifconfig from a console. Your nic
  should pop up with an ip address.
  Then i'd ping the loopback address (ping
  and your nic's ip address for good measure.
  If you pass all three tests you should be good to go.
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger

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RE: [newbie] Promiscuous mode?

2001-08-23 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

You ran an application which sniffs your local network...


These programs put the Ethernet card into promiscuous mode. Where it
will receive ALL packets floating by on your network and display them to

Exiting these programs normally switches things back to normal.


-Original Message-
Of Tim Holmes
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 10:16 AM
To: Mandrake Newbie List
Subject: [newbie] Promiscuous mode?

Could somebody translate this for me please?

Aug 23 10:03:34 r2d2 kernel: eth0: Setting promiscuous mode. Aug 23
10:03:34 r2d2 kernel: device eth0 left promiscuous mode

I've been sing that in /var/log/messages and I have no idea what it
means.  Could somebody shed some light on that topic please? Thanks! tdh

T. Holmes
Real Men Use Vi!

 10:14am  up 7 days, 15:59,  7 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] How do I test my NIC?

2001-08-23 Thread etharp

this reminds me of not having plug and pray aware OS to OFF in BIOS. and 
maybe while in BIOS setting the ISA IRQ to reserve it.

On Thursday 23 August 2001 17:19, Glenn Holden wrote:
 Thanks Charles
 the result from cat /proc/pci is what looks like four entries.  None of
 them are a NIC and none of them are using IRQ 10.  This NIC is an ISA

 Earlier I tried another (newer) 3Com 3c905 instead of this 3c509.  I was
 just installing the system then and it prevented the second stage install
 from completing.  Plus, the bundled drivers don't appear to include the
 3c905.  I am trying to scrounge up this machine but if a new NIC is the
 answer, that's not too bad.  Thoughts?


 What is your output from cat /proc/pci for network controller.
 If it is sharing an IRQ with either your graphics or sound card
 that my be causing the problem.
Charles  (-:
 Forever never goes beyond tomorrow.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Glenn Holden
  Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 3:04 PM
  Subject: RE: [newbie] How do I test my NIC?
  Ok - When I ifup eth0, it returns Delaying eth0 initialization
  I checked my ifconfig - it is setup
  When I cat /procs/interrupts, eth0 is still not listed.
  Reboot doesn't do anything.  (Too used to using Win, I had to try it.)
  -Original Message-
  From: etharp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 4:35 AM
  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Glenn Holden
  Subject: Re: [newbie] How do I test my NIC?
  On Wednesday 22 August 2001 23:37, Glenn Holden wrote:
   Thanks Matt
   ifconfig and ping both return some data, but I think it's
  just a local
   loopback.  When I ifconfig eth0, I get No such device.
   Where/how do I configure the eth0?
  first, the command to start an interface is ifup so if you try
  ifup eth0 you
  would get a message that could not start, then type netconf
  as root, in a
  text console. you will be able to steup your network, if you
  know all the
  settings anf type of card, etc. MAKE SURE your bios is set to plug
  and pray
  aware OS to off
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Matt Greer
   Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 9:02 PM
   Subject: Re: [newbie] How do I test my NIC?
   --- Glenn Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
My NIC tests ok with it's software.  How can I be
sure the correct drivers,
etc. are configured?  How do I test it?
   as root, type ifconfig from a console. Your nic
   should pop up with an ip address.
   Then i'd ping the loopback address (ping
   and your nic's ip address for good measure.
   If you pass all three tests you should be good to go.
   Do You Yahoo!?
   Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with
  Yahoo! Messenger
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; name=message.footer
  Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

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Re: [newbie] find in subdirectories

2001-08-23 Thread Anguo

Jose M. Sanchez banged on their keyboard and produced the following 
arrangement of letters:
| Ahem... Are you running 8.0???

err yes... 

fortunately the GUI  version in file manager works... so i'll use that until 
I figure out what I am doing wrong.



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[newbie] k-menu Transparency

2001-08-23 Thread rife

Just out of curiousity, and i know this isn't a kde mailing list =), but
does anybody know what file settings need to be changed in order to make
menus transparent in KDE?  i've seen it in several themes for kde, but when
i install them, changes to the k-menu and kicker don't take effect.  Any

Thanks guys,


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[newbie] Update KDE?

2001-08-23 Thread Jon Doe

I follow the directions for the update of KDE 2.2 for Mandrake but I keep 
getting dependancy errors, I thought urpmi was supposed to download the 
dependancies for me?

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Re: [newbie] archives?

2001-08-23 Thread Carroll Grigsby

Go to the Mandrake home page. In the column at the left, under the
heading Support, click on Mail Lists. Wait a second or two and,
voila, there are links to the various archives. There is also some very
good stuff on these topics -- and plenty more -- at
(just below the mail list link.) Bookmark it.

Bill Winegarden wrote:
  I may have some questions regarding configuring a network printer
 possible cups problems but if there are archives, I would like to check them
  Are there any archives to this list? If so, would you please supply
 the url?
 Thanks and regards,
 Bill W.

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Re: [newbie] Re: Benjamin: Thanks! Mandrake 8.0 internet desktop iconproblem cleared up

2001-08-23 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear Sevega:

Be glad to help, but please be more specific. Exactly what is it that you 
need help with. State it clearly and I'll try to help you.


On Thursday 23 August 2001 07:54, you wrote:
 Can you share your experience with us.
 How to resolve this problem?


Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

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Re: [newbie] 8.1 release schedule

2001-08-23 Thread Pascal Goguey


Wanna spoil all the excitement?

We have a release schedule in mind, but it always unravels, so we just
let it be thrilling and don't make liars out of ourselves.

Having a schedule in mind is good if you are alone. As soon as you have
customers, you need to pull your schedules out of your mind. And as soon as
you are on the stock market, you have to keep the schedule public and
stick to it.

It will be ready when it is ready.

What about releasing it the 3rd Thursday of November? You launch it
the same day as Beaujolais Nouveau, and as a marketing campaign, you
offer 1 (or more) bottle(s) of Beaujolais Nouveau to all the customers who
order it on that day. For American customers, I think Beauolais Nouveau
is called Coca Cola over there, so 1 can will be fine.


Well, beside that, 8.1. is great. I have just started using it. I hope it 
improve at the same rate for years.


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Re: [newbie] Hard drive optimisation errors..

2001-08-23 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Thursday 23 August 2001 10:18 am, Franki escribió:

 In an effort to increase the speed of my hard drives, particularly
 the one with the swap on it..
 I did these hdparm commands:
 hdparm -a 8 -d 0 -r 0 -u 0 -m 32 -c 1 -A 1 -K 0 -P 0 -X 12 -W 1 -S 0
 hdparm -a 8 -d 0 -r 0 -u 0 -m 32 -c 1 -A 1 -K 0 -P 0 -X 12 -W 1 -S 0
 Nothing fancy, just PIO mode 4, 32bit i/o,, stuff like that..

   Looks awfully fancy to me ;  Usually somethin as simple as
  -c1 (to enable 32 bit)  and  -d1 (to enable DMA)  is the optimum.

   See 'info hadparm' for the whole story, including which options it 
can be dangerous to fool with.  Also 'hdparm -i' will give you many 
clues as to the maximum settings for that particular HDD.  BUT, every 
version of Mandrake 8.x I've installed has automagically optimized my 
HDD's. No need to run hdparm or put the settings in rc.local anymore.

   BTW, any udma mode would be better than pio4 if the drive is dma 
capable.  hdparm -i will tell you that too.
Tom Brinkman   Galveston Bay

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[newbie] java plugins for moz 0.9.2 and netscrote

2001-08-23 Thread Ant 'DS Boulton' Erickson

likewise for shockwave, whenever i go to to a page with shock or java, it 
always asks me to get the plugins
and lord knows i've gotten them and installed them many a time.
with java i let moz do the installing, as it should, and it still 
doesn't work, and with shockwave, i've installed it
manually several times.

it's not a big problem, no fuss really, but if you have any ideas, or if 
anyone has had it done to them before,
then i'd be pretty stoked if you'd give me a buzz and let me know how it 
cheers all,

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Re: [newbie] tuxracer :)

2001-08-23 Thread pepe torrres

i got a diamond stealth 3 n im not sure about the MESA dirvers how do i look 
at tthat?

From: Robert MacLean [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] tuxracer :)
Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 08:38:05 +0200

what graphics card do you have? and have you installed the MESA RPM's?

Robert MacLean
- Original Message -
From: pepe torrres [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 6:16 AM
Subject: [newbie] tuxracer :)

  im very happy cos i got mandrake 8 running perfect  :)
  whan i run tuxracer ther appear an error about the video: couldnt
  matching GLX video.. help!
  and by the way does someone knows how to configure a hotmail account
  mozilla messenger?
  Descargue GRATUITAMENTE MSN Explorer en


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