Re: [newbie-it] programmi

2002-06-13 Thread gigi pinna

  a me serviva per spezzare un file.mp3 contenente diverse
  canzoni, ma non conosco l'esatta dimensione di ogni canzone;
  altre possibilità?

 beh, la cosa è differente!!
 (non l'avevi mica detto.. :-)

 converti il tuo mp3 in wav...
 lo carichi in un editor (che ti consente di vedere la forma d'onda, quindi le pause)

ecco quello che mi serve e` proprio un editor per musica; quale mi consigli di usare?
MMS: prova i nuovi messaggi multimediali!

Re: [newbie-it] ancora su emacs...

2002-06-13 Thread Emiliano La Licata

Sei sicuro che uno non sia emacs (quello verdino) e l'altro xemacs (la
versione per X a sfondo bianco)?
Se non mi sbaglio al momento 'emacs' e' un link simbolico a xemacs, se
vuoi avviare quello testuale (un qualcosa di simile a emacs-x.x.x-nox)
devi andarlo a cercare.

Si sono sicuro di questo, quando apro xemacs mi trovo davanti un sistema 
diverso da emacs-20.7...

Così per dare altre indicazioni posso dirti/vi che durante l'installazione 
di emacs 21.7, ad un certo punto prima di dare make install nella direcory 
in cui ho costruito il programma, le istruzione per l'installazione mi 
dicevamo di andare in una directory /src  e provare a lanciare emacs per 
provare se funzionava correttamente. Ho fatto questo ed è apparso emacs 
21.7 con lo stile verdino.
Nella stessa directory c'era un altro link emacs-21.7 che faceva partire 
il programma con lo stile biancastro.
Dopo di ciò ho dato make install e poi make clean perché così mi 
suggerivano le istruzioni. Qesto ultimo comando ha evidentemente cancellato 
i file superflui tra cui quei link di prova nella direcory src/ di cui ho 
parlato. Bene da allora in poi non sono più riuscito a far partire emacs 
21.7 in stile verdino...  perché come detto quando do emacs parte la 
versione 20.7 in verdino...

Va beh non ti/vi tedio ulteriormente, in fondo il programma funziona, se in 
stile verdino o biancasto poco importa...

Grazie di tutto

Re: [newbie-it] programmi

2002-06-13 Thread miKe

Hash: SHA1

Il 14:50, giovedì 13 giugno 2002, in merito a Re: [newbie-it] programmi, gigi pinna ha 

 ecco quello che mi serve e` proprio un editor per musica;
 quale mi consigli di usare?

snd mi pare buono,
ma ho iniziato ad usarlo da poco ..
comunque per fare quello che ti ho detto è perfetto


Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.18  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
- --
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


[newbie-it] DVD e xine

2002-06-13 Thread root

Un caldo saluto a tutta la lista.
Ho da poco installato un lettore DVD sul mio desk. Lanciando xine, nelle
migliori delle ipotesi riesco solo ad arrivare al menù del DVD. Dopo di
chè lo schermo si annerisce o peggio xine 'muore'

read_cache: read error (Input/output error)
Segmentation fault

Lanciando xine da konsole mi appare il seguente errore:

dvd_reader: opening /dev/dvd...
dvd_reader: reset drive
dvd_reader: authenticate drive
DVD disk reports itself with Region mask 0x00fd. Maybe region 2.
dvd_reader: authenticate title
GetTitleKey failed: Input/output error
dvd_reader: decrypt title key...
dvd_reader: encrypted
get_VTS_TT called, testing!!! vtsN=2, vts_ttn=1
input_d5d: sending_button_update button=1 mode=0

xine_play: xine open dvdnav://:1, start pos = 0, start time = 0 (sec)
libdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.1 for DVD access
DVD disk reports itself with Region mask 0x00fd. Maybe region 2.

libdvdread: Attempting to retrieve all CSS keys
libdvdread: This can take a _long_ time, please be patient

libdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.VOB at 0x0138
libdvdcss error: ioctl_ReadTitleKey failed
libdvdread: Elapsed time 2
libdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_0.VOB at 0x055a
libdvdcss error: ioctl_ReadTitleKey failed
libdvdread: Elapsed time 15
libdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_1.VOB at 0x060c
libdvdcss error: ioctl_ReadTitleKey failed
libdvdread: Elapsed time 0
libdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_02_0.VOB at 0x001f82ba
libdvdcss error: ioctl_ReadTitleKey failed
libdvdread: Elapsed time 0
libdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_02_1.VOB at 0x001f82bf
libdvdcss error: ioctl_ReadTitleKey failed
libdvdread: Elapsed time 1
libdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_03_0.VOB at 0x0021b25e
libdvdcss error: ioctl_ReadTitleKey failed
libdvdread: Elapsed time 0
libdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_03_1.VOB at 0x0021b263
libdvdcss error: ioctl_ReadTitleKey failed
libdvdread: Elapsed time 0
libdvdread: Found 3 VTS's
libdvdread: Elapsed time 18
get_VTS_TT called, testing!!! vtsN=3, vts_ttn=3
DVD Title: L'Inglese
DVD Serial Number: be3f768c
DVD Title (Alternative): L'Inglese
get_VTS_TT called, testing!!! vtsN=1, vts_ttn=1
xine: using input plugin NAV for this MRL (dvdnav://).
using input plugin 'NAV' for MRL 'dvdnav://'
demux_mpeg_block: mrl dvdnav:// is known, estimated bitrate: 0
system layer format 'MPEG_BLOCK' detected.
metronom: video discontinuity #6, type is 0, disc_off is 0
metronom: waiting for audio discontinuity #6
metronom: audio discontinuity #6, type is 0, disc_off 0
metronom: audio vpts adjusted with prebuffer to 12533877
metronom: waiting for in_discontinuity update #6
metronom: video vpts adjusted to 12533877
audio_loop: unknown buffer type: 0106
libspudec: SPU CLUT
audio_loop: unknown buffer type: 0400
audio_loop: unknown buffer type: 0106
audio_decoder: suggested switching to stream_id 00
xine_play: xine open dvdnav://, start pos = 0, start time = 0 (sec)
Error getting next block from DVD (Error reading NAV packet.)
xine_play: demuxer failed to start
xine: set_speed 4
xine_stop: stopping demuxer
demux_mpeg_block: stop...ignored
xine_stop: stopped demuxer
xine_stop: done

Premetto che lo stesso errore avviene sia con ogle, mplayer e videolan e
che ho provato con vari dvd ma tutti con lo stesso errore.
Sono in attesa dei vostri utili consigli.

Re: [newbie-it] DVD e xine

2002-06-13 Thread LukenShiro

In un altro luogo e in un altro tempo, root esclamo':
 read_cache: read error (Input/output error) [..]
 GetTitleKey failed: Input/output error [..]
 libdvdcss error: ioctl_ReadTitleKey failed [..]
 Error getting next block from DVD (Error reading NAV packet.)

 Uhmm, questi sembrerebbero problemi di comunicazione tra il sistema e
il lettore dvd; magari ha problemi di lettura a quella modalita' di
trasferimento dati (presumibilmente troppo alta): prova a ridurla
(usando l'opzione -X di hdparm con un valore inferiore). Con l'opzione
-i vedi la modalita' in uso (PIO/DMA/UDMA).
 Guarda ovviamente l'inimitabile man hdparm, dato che non e' un comando
da usare alla leggera.
Eventualmente i cavi sono ben collegati ai connettori appositi?

L.U. #210970 L.M. #98222 S.U. #12583 - K 2.4.18-puro * Slackware 8.1-rc3
* affittasi in firma-vista mail, spazio libero e termoautonomo, composto
di ben 3 righe piu' servizi. prezzi modici * ;-))

[newbie] OT - World Cup broadcasts

2002-06-13 Thread Todd Slater

Sorry for the OT posting, but this is probably the most international
list I'm on :)

I'm looking for live Internet radio broadcasts of World Cup matches. I
see that Mexico is beating Italy on Philips Matchcast, but it's not
quite the same as listening to it. I've searched all over but can't find
anything. Surely the sporting event with the most global appeal will be
on radio somewhere? I can listen to English or Spanish (perhaps

Todd Slater

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[newbie] mandrake 8.2 + usb-mouse hotplugging

2002-06-13 Thread schall rauch

Hi everyone,

I posted this message about a month ago in comp.os.linux.misc nobody has 
answered so far. I guess it was the wrong place to post something mandrake 

Well, my problem is my usb-mouse. It works fine after startup, but after 
disconnecting and reconnecting the mouse it doesn't. 
It works again after I restart.

There seems to be a module missing or something...
I have never compiled a kernel or loaded a module. (If I have to do that: is 
there a (simlple?) how-to somewhere for compiling kernels or including 
modules? Can someone tell me how to do it?)

Thank you, Patrik


uname -a

Linux merlin 2.4.18-6mdk #1 Fri Mar 15 02:59:08 CET 2002 i686 unknown


Module  Size  Used byTainted: GF
vfat9788   0 (autoclean)
fat31384   0 (autoclean) [vfat]
nls_iso8859-15  3360   1 (autoclean)
isofs  25792   1 (autoclean)
inflate_fs 19328   0 (autoclean) [isofs]
sr_mod 15160   2 (autoclean)
r128   87640   1
agpgart31552   3 (autoclean)
vmnet  19456   6
vmmon  19316   0 (unused)
parport_pc 22088   1 (autoclean)
lp  6464   0 (autoclean)
parport23968   1 (autoclean) [parport_pc lp]
cs46xx 55048   0
soundcore   4068   3 [cs46xx]
ac97_codec  9568   0 [cs46xx]
ds  6848   2
yenta_socket9344   2
pcmcia_core41824   0 [ds yenta_socket]
af_packet  12488   1 (autoclean)
keybdev 1856   0 (unused)
mousedev4160   1
hid18528   0 (unused)
usbmouse1984   0 (unused)
input   3616   0 [keybdev mousedev hid usbmouse]
usb-uhci   21668   0 (unused)
usbcore59072   1 [hid usbmouse usb-uhci]
eepro100   18096   1 (autoclean)
supermount 62180   2 (autoclean)
sd_mod 11644   0 (autoclean) (unused)
ide-scsi8032   1
scsi_mod   92488   3 [sr_mod sd_mod ide-scsi]
rtc 5912   0 (autoclean)
reiserfs  169312   5

cat /proc/bus/usb/devices

T:  Bus=01 Lev=00 Prnt=00 Port=00 Cnt=00 Dev#=  1 Spd=12  MxCh= 2
B:  Alloc= 93/900 us (10%), #Int=  1, #Iso=  0
D:  Ver= 1.00 Cls=09(hub  ) Sub=00 Prot=00 MxPS= 8 #Cfgs=  1
P:  Vendor= ProdID= Rev= 0.00
S:  Product=USB UHCI Root Hub
S:  SerialNumber=1860
C:* #Ifs= 1 Cfg#= 1 Atr=40 MxPwr=  0mA
I:  If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 1 Cls=09(hub  ) Sub=00 Prot=00 Driver=hub
E:  Ad=81(I) Atr=03(Int.) MxPS=   8 Ivl=255ms
T:  Bus=01 Lev=01 Prnt=01 Port=00 Cnt=01 Dev#=  2 Spd=1.5 MxCh= 0
D:  Ver= 2.00 Cls=00(ifc ) Sub=00 Prot=00 MxPS= 8 #Cfgs=  1
P:  Vendor=046d ProdID=c00f Rev=11.00
S:  Manufacturer=Logitech
S:  Product=USB-PS/2 Optical Mouse
C:* #Ifs= 1 Cfg#= 1 Atr=a0 MxPwr= 98mA
I:  If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 1 Cls=03(HID  ) Sub=01 Prot=02 Driver=usb_mouse
E:  Ad=81(I) Atr=03(Int.) MxPS=   4 Ivl= 10ms

cat /etc/modules.conf

alias usb-interface usb-uhci
alias sound-slot-0 cs46xx
probeall scsi_hostadapter ide-scsi
alias eth0 eepro100

tail -f /var/log/messages

May 27 16:01:20 merlin kernel: usb.c: USB disconnect on device 2
May 27 16:01:25 merlin kernel: hub.c: USB new device connect on bus1/1, 
assigned device number 3
May 27 16:01:25 merlin kernel: input0: Logitech USB-PS/2 Optical Mouse on 
May 27 16:01:25 merlin /etc/hotplug/usb.agent: Setup usbmouse hid for USB 
product 46d/c00f/1100
May 27 16:01:25 merlin /etc/hotplug/usb.agent: missing kernel or user mode 
driver usbmouse
May 27 16:01:26 merlin /etc/hotplug/usb.agent: missing kernel or user mode 
driver hid

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Re: [newbie] mandrake 8.2 + usb-mouse hotplugging

2002-06-13 Thread H.J.Bathoorn

On Thu 13 Jun 2002 14:53, schall rauch wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 I posted this message about a month ago in comp.os.linux.misc nobody has
 answered so far. I guess it was the wrong place to post something mandrake

 Well, my problem is my usb-mouse. It works fine after startup, but after
 disconnecting and reconnecting the mouse it doesn't.
 It works again after I restart.

 There seems to be a module missing or something...
 I have never compiled a kernel or loaded a module. (If I have to do that:
 is there a (simlple?) how-to somewhere for compiling kernels or including
 modules? Can someone tell me how to do it?)

 Thank you, Patrik

I'm no expert on USB-mice but would service usb restart on
root/su-commandline solve it?

Good luck,

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Re: [newbie] Any news of MDK 9.0?

2002-06-13 Thread Mark Hillary

On Thursday 13 Jun 2002 2:29 pm, Linux Maniac wrote:

From the state of cooker and that no there is no new of any betas, I would say 
it is a while off yet. Mandrake also seem to release about every 6 months or 
so, so I think that would make it about september before we hear any thing ( 
with luck it will have KDE 3.1). 

For 8.2 the KDE 3.0.1 packages are stable. (I am using it now)

 Hi All!

 Does any insider know news of release dates? When will there be an
 official release containing KDE3 and possibly Gnome 2 by then? I
 wander if it will be MDK 9.0?  :-)



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Re: [newbie] Intro and E-Mail client??

2002-06-13 Thread Randy Kramer

dfox wrote:
Randy Kramer wrote:
  And, if spammers wanted to reach people who have specified their
  preference not to receive HTML / XML mail, they'd have to send plain
 Spammers could care less.  Most of the spam I get now is all html or
 in chinese. They don't even care if the person on the other end can read
 the message. 

That's wonderful -- anybody set to receive no HTML will also receive
no spam!!

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] webmin cookies

2002-06-13 Thread Derek Jennings

All browsers eh?
Could you have a permissions problem in your home directory? Do you actually 
own your ~/.mozilla or ~/.galeon directories?
If you have previously backed up and then restored your home it is possible 
root owns some directories.

You can check if the cookie is being offered by setting the 'warn before 
accepting cookie' option, and Mozilla will list all the installed cookies so 
you can check it was accepted.


On Thursday 13 June 2002 13:54, Bill Winegarden wrote:
   I checked and I have 'no proxy' set in Galeon 1.0.3.
 The cookie message happens in all browsers.Galeon, Konq 2.2.2, and Moz
   I am running 8.2 with no other problems.

 Bill W.

 On Thursday 13 June 2002 03:37 am, you wrote:
  On Thursday 13 June 2002 04:52, Bill Winegarden wrote:
 I am trying to get webmin up and running. When I go to
   I get the webmin login screen. However, when I try to login as root I
   get the message ...
   Your browser does not support cookies, which are required for this web
   server to work in session authentication mode...
   I checked the 'persistent data' in Galeon and it shows 'accept all
   cookies'. I have tried it with Apache running and with Apache stopped.
   What am I missing here?
   Bill W.
  Well webmin has nothing to do with Apache.
  Are you running a proxy?  My Galeon1.2.5 cannot logon when I am using my
  privoxy proxy server, but it does not complain about cookies. Without the
  proxy it works fine.
  Opera6.01 has no problem, with or without a proxy.
  Konqueror 2.2 has no problem, but konqueror 3 stalls when you try to
  logon. Mozilla1.0 has no problem.

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Re: [newbie] OT - World Cup broadcasts

2002-06-13 Thread Derek Jennings

As usual the BBC can be relied on

It was a good match  :-)
As it happens Italy would have gone through even if they lost since Paraguay 
beat Croatia. Mexico looked quite impressive.


On Thursday 13 June 2002 14:04, Todd Slater wrote:
 Sorry for the OT posting, but this is probably the most international
 list I'm on :)

 I'm looking for live Internet radio broadcasts of World Cup matches. I
 see that Mexico is beating Italy on Philips Matchcast, but it's not
 quite the same as listening to it. I've searched all over but can't find
 anything. Surely the sporting event with the most global appeal will be
 on radio somewhere? I can listen to English or Spanish (perhaps

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Re: [newbie] Any news of MDK 9.0?

2002-06-13 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Thu, 13 Jun 2002 15:29:02 +0200, Linux Maniac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All!
 Does any insider know news of release dates? When will there be an 
 official release containing KDE3 and possibly Gnome 2 by then? I 
 wander if it will be MDK 9.0?  :-)

General MandrakeSoft policy is to release by the end of October. You can expect
Mandrake 9.0 to have GCC 3.1.1, GNOME 2.0 and KDE 3.0 (possibly 3.1).

Sridhar Dhanapalan

If you sat a monkey down in front of a keyboard,
the first thing typed would be a UNIX command.
-- Bill Lye

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[newbie] Mandrake 9.0 wishlist :-)

2002-06-13 Thread Linux Maniac

I wonder what you'd like to implemented in the 9.0 release. My 
wishlist is in short:

- a script for installing the nvidia drivers OR a deal with nvidia to 
provide them preinstalled in MDK 9.0
- Hungarian spell checkers
- Opera 6.x
- Mldonkey
- Latest gtk-gnutella
- Themable graphical boot
- More KDE/Gnome themes
- Support for Mustek ScanMagic 1200 (paralell)
- Mozilla 1.1
- Mplayer
- An advanced control center with more advanced options
- winex and crossover office
- preinstalled flash plugin
- Maybe a gamer's extension 4th CD so on the first 3 CD there would be 
only serious programs and the games of kde/gnome
- A more discrete and professional Mandrake look (icons, bootup, etc.)
-Maybe a change of logo?


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RE: [newbie] mandrake 8.2 + usb-mouse hotplugging

2002-06-13 Thread Franki

service usb restart


service gpm restart

that will restart the usb then mouse services.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of H.J.Bathoorn (by
way of H.J.Bathoorn [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Sent: Thursday, 13 June 2002 9:21 PM
To: newbie
Subject: Re: [newbie] mandrake 8.2 + usb-mouse hotplugging

On Thu 13 Jun 2002 14:53, schall rauch wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 I posted this message about a month ago in comp.os.linux.misc nobody has
 answered so far. I guess it was the wrong place to post something mandrake

 Well, my problem is my usb-mouse. It works fine after startup, but after
 disconnecting and reconnecting the mouse it doesn't.
 It works again after I restart.

 There seems to be a module missing or something...
 I have never compiled a kernel or loaded a module. (If I have to do that:
 is there a (simlple?) how-to somewhere for compiling kernels or including
 modules? Can someone tell me how to do it?)

 Thank you, Patrik

I'm no expert on USB-mice but would service usb restart on
root/su-commandline solve it?

Good luck,

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 wishlist :-)

2002-06-13 Thread daRcmaTTeR

On Thu, 13 Jun 2002, Linux Maniac wrote:

 I wonder what you'd like to implemented in the 9.0 release. My 
 wishlist is in short:
 - a script for installing the nvidia drivers OR a deal with nvidia to 
 provide them preinstalled in MDK 9.0
 - Hungarian spell checkers
 - Opera 6.x
 - Mldonkey
 - Latest gtk-gnutella
 - Themable graphical boot
 - More KDE/Gnome themes
 - Support for Mustek ScanMagic 1200 (paralell)
 - Mozilla 1.1
 - Mplayer
 - An advanced control center with more advanced options
 - winex and crossover office
 - preinstalled flash plugin
 - Maybe a gamer's extension 4th CD so on the first 3 CD there would be 
 only serious programs and the games of kde/gnome
 - A more discrete and professional Mandrake look (icons, bootup, etc.)
 -Maybe a change of logo?
No! No soup for you!! 


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[newbie] LM8.2 Boot up to text.. where's the gui?

2002-06-13 Thread kahwoon's

i've successfully install Linux Mandrake! with kernel 2.2 for my pentium
233MMX computer!

then today after work i come back and try to boot up my com..
eveyrthing welnt well.. even lilo comes up.. :)
i choose linux.. but it hang again... cos i htink if i choose linux.. it
will tryto boot with kernal 2.4.. am i right???
so i choose the linux 2.2 option.. well everythign boots up..
and i wait and wait but nothing on screen happens but lines and lines of
oops! i lost the interface!
sigh.. being a newbie myself i dunno enuf command to get my started except
root and the password and shutdown command..
so no GUI for me.. :(

so can anyone tell me how to boot up to the gui?? be it kde or gnome.. cos i
really dunno about a thing... i thought i can straight boot up to it.. :(

also.. can anyone pls tell me how can i configure lilo?? i wanna make
windows my default if there's no user interverne to select the os..

thanx first.. :)

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 wishlist :-)

2002-06-13 Thread Michael

On Thursday 13 June 2002 09:32 am, you wrote:
You mentioned Hungarian spell checkers...magyar vagyok?

 On Thu, 13 Jun 2002, Linux Maniac wrote:
  I wonder what you'd like to implemented in the 9.0 release. My
  wishlist is in short:
  - a script for installing the nvidia drivers OR a deal with nvidia to
  provide them preinstalled in MDK 9.0
  - Hungarian spell checkers
  - Opera 6.x
  - Mldonkey
  - Latest gtk-gnutella
  - Themable graphical boot
  - More KDE/Gnome themes
  - Support for Mustek ScanMagic 1200 (paralell)
  - Mozilla 1.1
  - Mplayer
  - An advanced control center with more advanced options
  - winex and crossover office
  - preinstalled flash plugin
  - Maybe a gamer's extension 4th CD so on the first 3 CD there would be
  only serious programs and the games of kde/gnome
  - A more discrete and professional Mandrake look (icons, bootup, etc.)
  -Maybe a change of logo?

 No! No soup for you!!

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[newbie] MCSE and rebooting for IP changes

2002-06-13 Thread Joshua James

Hey, you don't have to reboot to change IPs anymore. grin

I wish more of this M$ bashing energy was put into making linux a more
viable solution.

Here you have a MCSE (started with MS networking when I was 23) who is
completely willing to switch to linux. I earned my MCSE to battle the
you're a dumb kid comments and it worked. I back it up with years of
experience from the DOS days where you needed to know things such as
low-level formatting, IRQ's, etc.

Most computer concepts and usage comes very easily to me. After
stumbling with linux on and off I have to say that Microsoft has a good
thing going. They have a total solution that works pretty well. If most
of these companies and users had to wait for linux they wouldn't be
where they are today.

Understand that I REALLY want to switch to linux but you seem to wonder
why people just don't get it. Its not easy, its not even close. I have
been able to learn more about Windows and creating an entire corporate
network in less time than it has taken me to figure how to open a simple
MDB file in linux.

You can call me names, tell me I'm stupid or ignorant. It won't change
the fact that a VERY experience computer user is having trouble with
'the best operating system ever'.

I have to say that since I've joined a few mailing lists I've received
more help for free than I have from Microsoft.

When I started with my latest stint of linux usage I choose from three
packages, RedHat, SuSe, and Mandrake. RedHat lost because I'm somewhat
scared they are getting proprietary, but I'd probably use them on the
server side. SuSe lost fast because I couldn't even install it on my new
Dell, no network card found. I settled on Mandrake, also my neighbors
2nd choice. Here I am, an MCSE that has gotten a clue if you will.

On Wed, 2002-06-12 at 18:33, Cory wrote:
 I have worked with MCSE's on and off for about 5 years now, and why is it
 that me, being a 23 year old has far greater knowledge with regards to
 computers, network administration, implementation concepts, etc. etc. than
 ANYONE I have ever worked with who holds the MCSE title? 
 I worked with this one guy, who was getting paid just over 2x the salary
 that I was making who had no idea of what an IRQ is, why they are needed,
 why most devices needed their own. He had spent nearly a week at a client's
 site, billing that client for his time there, just to get a 3rd network card
 installed onto an NT4.0 box, until that Friday, I visit the site to see if
 he needed a hand. I offer my help, and his response was what do you know?
 Youre just a kid. I neglected to answer that, and proceeded to change the
 conflicting IRQ to one that was available. 3 minutes is what it took for me
 to solve a problem that a guy with a $15000 education couldn't do in a
 week. The bill worked out to a little over $3000 to the client for a dumb
 kid to configure a NIC in 3 minutes... is this the kind of service that's
 good for business?
 His entire lifestyle (wage, ie new car, decent house etc.) was based upon a
 title, not the product of his efforts. I'm sorry to all you out there that
 ARE MCSE's... I'm sorry that you had to spend so much money to be mocked by
 someone like me who can literally run circles around your knowledge of
 computers (There ARE some who actually do know a lot about computers, but I
 can guarantee that the knowledge you possess did not come from any of
 Microsoft's training regimes). What do you do when windows doesn't start? Is
 re-install the only solution there is? I ask those of you who ARE MCSE's
 this: In a production environment, is it acceptable for a reboot to be
 required on your server when you install an upgrade (aka. Service pack),
 change an ip, or create/delete partitions on drives? Is uptime #1 on your
 priority list? Is money for licensing costs an endless resource? What about
 Security/privacy, would you like your server formatted one night because the
 manufacturer of your product didn't worry about getting it right the first
 time, and just said let's release it, and we can fix it later with 54
 hotfixes and service packs? Do you like the fact that any sort of
 Customization to the operating system itself will either get you sued or
 imprisioned? Have you ever wondered WHY Microsoft OS'es have such a bad
 reputation? If you ever actually use another OS, you will see what it is
 that creates this opinion. Try it! And you wont even have to pay anything to
 do so...
 The problem here is that you have become cattle... follow what everyone else
 wants, don't think for yourself, don't ask yourself what you will really
 achieve, or how you will really benefit the company you work for. I have
 been hired as part of the IT staff, and none of us have had ANY official
 Microsoft training of any kind. In the interview I was asked what my
 training level was. My response was None, officially, then he asked if I
 would like to get my MCSE in the future, and I said a lot of what's in this
 post. Now I'm 

[newbie] Samba works as domain server question

2002-06-13 Thread Tuan tran

I'm using Linux as my file server for all windows
computer via Samba. I have no problem with workgroup.
It works fine. Now, I want to setup my linux box works
like domain server (it means all windows users on my
network must logon to this computer). After I setup
smb.conf file, I use can not use Windows computer
access my Linux box. It said Domain not found! I test
smb.conf and it works fine. Therefore, I think I must
setup my Linux box as domain server first, isn't it?
If yes, WhAT SOFTWARE do I need to install in able to
setup my own domain? How do I test it? And can we use
Webmin to setup  test? 
Any input is a big thanks

Thank you.


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Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 wishlist :-)

2002-06-13 Thread Damian G

On Thu, 13 Jun 2002 16:31:27 +0200
Linux Maniac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I wonder what you'd like to implemented in the 9.0 release. My 
 wishlist is in short:
 - a script for installing the nvidia drivers OR a deal with nvidia to 
 provide them preinstalled in MDK 9.0
 - Hungarian spell checkers
 - Opera 6.x
 - Mldonkey
 - Latest gtk-gnutella
 - Themable graphical boot
 - More KDE/Gnome themes
 - Support for Mustek ScanMagic 1200 (paralell)
 - Mozilla 1.1
 - Mplayer
 - An advanced control center with more advanced options
 - winex and crossover office
 - preinstalled flash plugin
 - Maybe a gamer's extension 4th CD so on the first 3 CD there would be 
 only serious programs and the games of kde/gnome
 - A more discrete and professional Mandrake look (icons, bootup, etc.)
 -Maybe a change of logo?

well, i do think they need a redesign.. ( icons, colors, images
simply look old ) but hey, they are busy trying to make 
it work, and they normally accomplish that. the day they
can't make it work, they will try to make it look pretty. ( a la M$ ;o)

they probably have a very little or no graphics design division..?

kde/gnome themes? .. uhmmm nah it would mean valuable CD space that
we're better off using for useful apps.. adding collections of themes
for every WM or for Xmms is simply a waste of space, since everyone is
going to like only one or a few of them and feel the rest shouldn't be there.

an advanced control center.. this might be a good idea.. but add options
for what? i think it's complete enough...

preinstalled flash plugin -- definitely.

MPlayer.. would be nice, although it's claimed that a precompiled
package will never perform as well as an install from tarball..

personally, i have nothing to ask of them. all of my hardware works, 
95% of the programs i need are in the download CD's ( too bad i can't
afford the boxed sets ) so.. i'll just let them surprise me.



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Re: [newbie] LM8.2 Boot up to text.. where's the gui?

2002-06-13 Thread Rainer

On Thursday 13 June 2002 10:36 am, you wrote:
 i've successfully install Linux Mandrake! with kernel 2.2 for my pentium
 233MMX computer!

 then today after work i come back and try to boot up my com..
 eveyrthing welnt well.. even lilo comes up.. :)
 i choose linux.. but it hang again... cos i htink if i choose linux.. it
 will tryto boot with kernal 2.4.. am i right???
 so i choose the linux 2.2 option.. well everythign boots up..
 and i wait and wait but nothing on screen happens but lines and lines of
 oops! i lost the interface!
 sigh.. being a newbie myself i dunno enuf command to get my started except
 root and the password and shutdown command..
 so no GUI for me.. :(

 so can anyone tell me how to boot up to the gui?? be it kde or gnome.. cos
 i really dunno about a thing... i thought i can straight boot up to it.. :(

 also.. can anyone pls tell me how can i configure lilo?? i wanna make
 windows my default if there's no user interverne to select the os..

 thanx first.. :)


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Re: [newbie] LM8.2 Boot up to text.. where's the gui?

2002-06-13 Thread Dan LaBine

Login as your user, ans type startx (without the quotes), press enter,

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002 1:52 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] LM8.2 Boot up to text.. where's the gui?

 On Thursday 13 June 2002 10:36 am, you wrote:
  i've successfully install Linux Mandrake! with kernel 2.2 for my pentium
  233MMX computer!
  then today after work i come back and try to boot up my com..
  eveyrthing welnt well.. even lilo comes up.. :)
  i choose linux.. but it hang again... cos i htink if i choose linux.. it
  will tryto boot with kernal 2.4.. am i right???
  so i choose the linux 2.2 option.. well everythign boots up..
  and i wait and wait but nothing on screen happens but lines and lines of
  oops! i lost the interface!
  sigh.. being a newbie myself i dunno enuf command to get my started
  root and the password and shutdown command..
  so no GUI for me.. :(
  so can anyone tell me how to boot up to the gui?? be it kde or gnome..
  i really dunno about a thing... i thought i can straight boot up to it..
  also.. can anyone pls tell me how can i configure lilo?? i wanna make
  windows my default if there's no user interverne to select the os..
  thanx first.. :)


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 wishlist sidetrack

2002-06-13 Thread Linux Maniac

Sorry for those who do not speak hungarian

Hat ha eddig nem volt nyilvanvalo :-()

Udv! fenn vagy a [EMAIL PROTECTED] listan?


2002-06-13, cs keltezssel Michael ezt rta:
 On Thursday 13 June 2002 09:32 am, you wrote:
 You mentioned Hungarian spell checkers...magyar vagyok?
  On Thu, 13 Jun 2002, Linux Maniac wrote:
   I wonder what you'd like to implemented in the 9.0 release. My
   wishlist is in short:
   - a script for installing the nvidia drivers OR a deal with nvidia to
   provide them preinstalled in MDK 9.0
   - Hungarian spell checkers
   - Opera 6.x
   - Mldonkey
   - Latest gtk-gnutella
   - Themable graphical boot
   - More KDE/Gnome themes
   - Support for Mustek ScanMagic 1200 (paralell)
   - Mozilla 1.1
   - Mplayer
   - An advanced control center with more advanced options
   - winex and crossover office
   - preinstalled flash plugin
   - Maybe a gamer's extension 4th CD so on the first 3 CD there would be
   only serious programs and the games of kde/gnome
   - A more discrete and professional Mandrake look (icons, bootup, etc.)
   -Maybe a change of logo?
  No! No soup for you!!

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Re: [newbie] MCSE and rebooting for IP changes

2002-06-13 Thread Barry Michels

 On Wed, 2002-06-12 at 18:33, Cory wrote:


  (There ARE some who actually do know a lot about computers, but I
  can guarantee that the knowledge you possess did not come from any of
  Microsoft's training regimes).

You got that right!  I wasted $9,000 for my MCSE course.  What a joke.  I'm
so glad my boss picked up the student loan payments.  If I ever get around
to upgrading from NT 4.0 cert to 2k, I'll do it on my own time instead of
paying an instructor to get instruction from me.  The school had a PC setup
with Win2k that had 3 NIC cards acting as a router for the 2 classrooms.
They couldn't figure out how to get internet access using that setup!  It
took me all of 5 minutes to get things configured so I could browse the
internet from my desk.  After that, any time the instructor couldn't answer
a question, he'd ask me.  Either I already knew the answer or could find it
quickly on the net.

Just about all of my training was done on my own time.  I've been
programming since age 8, starting with the TI99/4a and moving thru TRS-80,
Apple II (YUK!) and finally PC's starting at age 15.  The ONLY reason I
wanted to get my MCSE was so I'd have something to show an employer.  How in
the world did you find someone that would hire you based on unofficial
training?  I searched from age 15 to age 22 and finally found my current
employer, which isn't really in the computer field.  I work for an HVAC
system installer as tech support, IT, software development, instructor, etc.
Not exactly my choice of work, but every resume I've sent in gets rejected
because of no formal training.

Lastly, one thing I really regret was never being exposed to Linux as a
child.  My parents bought a PC based on what friends suggested (MSDOS 3.3 
Windows 3.1).  So, I grew up on M$.  Later, my exposure to *nix OS's was
very difficult.  Now I look back and wish I would've gotten in on Linux much
earlier.  I'm slowly making the transition.  I've got a XP machine for
e-mail, games, TV, music, etc.  And, a Mandrake machine for my website,
e-mail server  general Linux learning.  Last week I got into Linux on my
iPAQ.  That's pretty cool.  Unlike desktop Windows vs Windows CE, Linux is
the same on the handheld and the desktop.


  I have
  been hired as part of the IT staff, and none of us have had ANY official
  Microsoft training of any kind. In the interview I was asked what my
  training level was. My response was None, officially, then he asked if
  would like to get my MCSE in the future, and I said a lot of what's in
  post. Now I'm here.
  Cory Grey
  Coastal Pacific Xpress
  (604) 575-0983

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Re: [newbie] Samba works as domain server question

2002-06-13 Thread daRcmaTTeR

On Thu, 13 Jun 2002, Tuan tran wrote:

 I'm using Linux as my file server for all windows
 computer via Samba. I have no problem with workgroup.
 It works fine. Now, I want to setup my linux box works
 like domain server (it means all windows users on my
 network must logon to this computer). After I setup
 smb.conf file, I use can not use Windows computer
 access my Linux box. It said Domain not found! I test
 smb.conf and it works fine. Therefore, I think I must
 setup my Linux box as domain server first, isn't it?
 If yes, WhAT SOFTWARE do I need to install in able to
 setup my own domain? How do I test it? And can we use
 Webmin to setup  test? 
 Any input is a big thanks
 Thank you.

do you have dhcp server setup and running on this machine along with 
samba? that is how I'm using samba and linux on my home LAN. all the 
windows machines login to this machine, get their IP number from 
this machine as well as share it's internet connection. this machine also 
serves as fileserver and print server via samba. does this sound like what 
you're working to setup? 


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[newbie] Can't install with 8.2

2002-06-13 Thread Jagpal Singh

I get the error could not uncompress second stage
ramdisk when installing with the CD for ver 8.2. 
Please help?!?!?! 

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup

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Re: [newbie] Upgrading memory

2002-06-13 Thread Marcia

On Wednesday 12 June 2002 04:55 pm, you wrote:
 Marcia wrote:
  On Wednesday 12 June 2002 12:26 pm, you wrote:
  I knew that you are not supposed to mix different kinds of memory so my
  plan was to take out the simms and put in two 256 megs of sdram dimm ram
  into the dimm 168 pin slots. I thought that might work for getting my
  much desired 512 megs of ram. Will this make a big difference for my
  speed given the processor info above?
   Thanks for the great thoughts and

 I'll be honest  say that *as a guess* one of two things will happen
 with your desired 512 mb's of ram:

Dear All  Civileme,

Thank you for your thoughts and suggestions. I have come to the conclusion 
that if I want 512 mb's of ram then I either must upgrade my motherboard and 
cpu or get a new computer. I am thinking very hard about purchasing the 
Jetway 830CF Socket A ATX Motherboard w/Duron 1Ghz, CPU that is going for 
$129.95 from Does anyone know if this kit is 
complete with needed cooling fans, etc? It has video onboard and sound which 
Civileme says works with Linux. Will this go well with the rest of my system 
or will I be forced to upgrade other hardware because of this upgrade? Any 
help here will be greatly appreciated.



 a) the comp will puke  refuse to boot.


 b) the comp will boot fine, and you'll be happy.

 General  Vague I know but i've had some experience with 200mz
 Pentiums.  I've found in general that is the case.  In one case I had ot
 remove one of the simms (or was it a dimm?) because I knew that although
 the memory was good, the BIOS wouldn't go higher than 256Mb of Ram.  NO
 matter what I did, it just threw up  gave plaintive little beeps :(

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 wishlist :-)

2002-06-13 Thread daRcmaTTeR

On Thu, 13 Jun 2002, Damian G wrote:

 On Thu, 13 Jun 2002 16:31:27 +0200
 Linux Maniac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I wonder what you'd like to implemented in the 9.0 release. My 
  wishlist is in short:
  - a script for installing the nvidia drivers OR a deal with nvidia to 
  provide them preinstalled in MDK 9.0
  - Hungarian spell checkers
  - Opera 6.x
  - Mldonkey
  - Latest gtk-gnutella
  - Themable graphical boot
  - More KDE/Gnome themes
  - Support for Mustek ScanMagic 1200 (paralell)
  - Mozilla 1.1
  - Mplayer
  - An advanced control center with more advanced options
  - winex and crossover office
  - preinstalled flash plugin
  - Maybe a gamer's extension 4th CD so on the first 3 CD there would be 
  only serious programs and the games of kde/gnome
  - A more discrete and professional Mandrake look (icons, bootup, etc.)
  -Maybe a change of logo?
 well, i do think they need a redesign.. ( icons, colors, images
 simply look old ) but hey, they are busy trying to make 
 it work, and they normally accomplish that. the day they
 can't make it work, they will try to make it look pretty. ( a la M$ ;o)



clearly you haven't seen kde-301 yet, have you? and's not 
their job to make it look prettier. thats what desktop managers like 
KDE, Blackbox, and the rest are for, right?


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 wishlist :-)

2002-06-13 Thread robin

daRcmaTTeR wrote:

On Thu, 13 Jun 2002, Linux Maniac wrote:

I wonder what you'd like to implemented in the 9.0 release. My 
wishlist is in short:

- a script for installing the nvidia drivers OR a deal with nvidia to 
provide them preinstalled in MDK 9.0
- Hungarian spell checkers
- Opera 6.x
- Mldonkey
- Latest gtk-gnutella
- Themable graphical boot
- More KDE/Gnome themes
- Support for Mustek ScanMagic 1200 (paralell)
- Mozilla 1.1
- Mplayer
- An advanced control center with more advanced options
- winex and crossover office
- preinstalled flash plugin
- Maybe a gamer's extension 4th CD so on the first 3 CD there would be 
only serious programs and the games of kde/gnome
- A more discrete and professional Mandrake look (icons, bootup, etc.)
-Maybe a change of logo?


No! No soup for you!! 

Heh heh.  This little Oliver would like

Sony camcorder drivers
LyX 2.0
Wine 1.0
A version of OpenOffice that loads in under a minute
Turkish spellchecker

... and so on.  But of course these are up to the to the program 
developers, not Mandrake.  On the whole, I think Mandrake do a fairly 
good job of selecting apps which balance usefulness and stability.  I 
don't want bleeding-edge stuff when I'm installing my system - I'll 
download those later at my own risk.  Similarly,  I don't want a load of 
themes, as a theme can be downloaded quickly, and I don't want them 
cluttering up my installation.

As for flash and winex, these are proprietary or semi-proprietary 
programs that should be in the Powerpack but not the basic CD.  The same 
would go for proprietary drivers.  I don't mind sullying my system with 
the odd bit of proprietary software (e.g. I use nvidia's drivers) but I 
agree with the current policy of quarantining them - some people are 
fanatical about this.

One idea I did think was good was a separate games CD.  There are now a 
lot of Linux games around.  Most of them are dissappointing, not so much 
through any fault of the developers, but because these days producing a 
decent game takes a lot of people and a lot of money (I once wrote a 
game for the Atari ZX81; OK, it sucked even by ZX81 standards, but the 
point is that if I'd been a better progammer and spent months rather 
than days, I could have produced a market leader - that isn't true 
now*).  Put the games on a separate CD, then we can spend installation 
time on the serious stuff, then browse the games at our leisure.

Sir Robin

* There are of course honourable exceptions (Nethack Falcon's Eye 
springs to mind, plus a few nostaligic arcade games, but again the key 
word is nostalgia).  Speaking of which, I'd pay any money for a Linux 
clone of Elite - not the yucky 16-colour DOS versions you can get from 
places like Abandonware, but the clean, aesthetic, wireframe graphics 
 BBC Micro version.  That's the only game I've played long enough to 
start hallucinating.

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Re: [newbie] Upgrading memory

2002-06-13 Thread Marcia

On Wednesday 12 June 2002 04:44 pm, you wrote:
 Marcia wrote:
  Dear All,
  I mentioned lately that I have upgraded with simms EDO 72 pin memory to
  128 megs of ram. To my surprise when I opened my box I found 2 empty dimm
  168 pin slots. Does this mean that I could upgrade to 512 megs of ram
  using the 168 pin dimm sdram memory modules? I certainly would prefer
  that to a new computer or upgrading the motherboard/cpu. I have a 200
  megahertz genuine Intel motherboard and Pentium II MMX processor. Also, I
  am using LM 8.2.
  Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.

 Simms  Dimms don't mix.  You have to use one or the other.  so populate
 your Dimms slots, but remove the SIMMS in place already.  Or vice versa.

Dear All,

Again thanks for all of the suggestions. Below are the specs on a computer 
that I am considering. Would Linux-Mandrake 8.2 work on this machine? I may 
add a Dell 17 monitor that is on sale for $99.00. Is this a good combo and 
will this all work with LM8.2? Thanks for the help.



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* Hard Drive: 80GB Ultra DMA
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* Data/Fax Modem: ITU V.90 K56flex modem, data/fax only (33.6Kbps 
send/download up to 56Kbps/14.4Kbps fax)
* Total Drive Bays:
  - External (1) 3.5, (2) 5.25
  - Internal (2) 3.5
* Available Drive Bays: Internal (1) 3.5
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* Available Slots: 1 PCI
* Total External Ports:
  - 4 USB
  - 2 Serial
  - 1 parallel
  - 1 game port
  - 2 PS/2
  - 3 IEEE 1394 ports
* Available External Ports:
  - 4 USB
  - 2 serial
  - 1 parallel
  - 1 game port
  - 3 IEEE 1394 ports
* Front Mounted Ports:
  - 2 USB
  - 1 Serial port
  - 1 IEEE 1394 port
* Total Memory Slots: 2 DIMM (184pin, DDR)
* Video Memory: 32MB SDRAM
* Available Memory Slots: 0 DIMM (184 pin, DDR)
* Memory Speed: 2100 MB/sec
* Primary Cache (L1): 8KBytes of Data Cache + Trace Cache containing 
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Miami, Florida 33144

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Re: [newbie] MCSE and rebooting for IP changes

2002-06-13 Thread FemmeFatale

Joshua James wrote:
giant snip
 Understand that I REALLY want to switch to linux but you seem to wonder
 why people just don't get it. Its not easy, its not even close. I have
 been able to learn more about Windows and creating an entire corporate
 network in less time than it has taken me to figure how to open a simple
 MDB file in linux.

I will only address this part as its one i'm familiar with.

I will not call you names, nor will I insult your intelligence Joshua. 
Thats uncalled for here.  

However, I understand what you're saying.  And I'll just tell you what I
learned the hard way:

Linux/Unices in general are just different.  Theres teh M$haft way, and
then theres Your way *with most Unices you can configure to your hearts
content.  Not so with Windows.*.

Shrugs, I used to defend Mickeysoft, I stopped.  Why? Because I realized
there isn't a better OS out there *sorry to break your hearts
Linux-geeks of the list*.  There is, however, an OS that allows you
complete freedom of choice.  The caveat being, you must be willing young
Padawan, to steep yourself in the knowledge that allows you to change
the OS to suit you.  Is it tougher? no.  Different? yes.

Much knowledge you will acquire young Jedi. :)

Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] Upgrading memory

2002-06-13 Thread FemmeFatale

Marcia wrote:

 Dear All  Civileme,
 Thank you for your thoughts and suggestions. I have come to the conclusion
 that if I want 512 mb's of ram then I either must upgrade my motherboard and
 cpu or get a new computer. I am thinking very hard about purchasing the
 Jetway 830CF Socket A ATX Motherboard w/Duron 1Ghz, CPU that is going for
 $129.95 from Does anyone know if this kit is
 complete with needed cooling fans, etc? It has video onboard and sound which
 Civileme says works with Linux. Will this go well with the rest of my system
 or will I be forced to upgrade other hardware because of this upgrade? Any
 help here will be greatly appreciated.

well OK.  Now you'll need:

New Case *ATX case only, sorry they ditched the AT-style you have with
your p200*
Vid card taken care of.
Sound card (onboard?!)
extras (CDrom/Burner/DVDRom, extra HDD's, etc).

Heh I'm sure some other tech geek will provide more info than this...
I'm just giving you bare outlines.

Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] Can't install with 8.2

2002-06-13 Thread daRcmaTTeR

On Thu, 13 Jun 2002, Jagpal Singh wrote:

 I get the error could not uncompress second stage
 ramdisk when installing with the CD for ver 8.2. 
 Please help?!?!?! 

did you burn the cd yourself, or did you purchase the install cd 
somewhere? it sounds like you've got bad media.



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Re: [newbie] Can't install with 8.2

2002-06-13 Thread Michael Adams

On Fri, 14 Jun 2002 07:21, Jagpal Singh wrote:
 I get the error could not uncompress second stage
 ramdisk when installing with the CD for ver 8.2.
 Please help?!?!?!

How much memory do you have?


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Re: [newbie] Gimp WAS: Mandrake 9.0 wishlist :-)

2002-06-13 Thread D. Olson

On Thursday 13 June 2002 02:20 pm, you wrote:
  clearly you haven't seen kde-301 yet, have you? and's not
  their job to make it look prettier. thats what desktop managers like
  KDE, Blackbox, and the rest are for, right?

 But the mandrake team, our even us newbies could design our own theme
 and make it official for all window managers. Than we can use it as the
 preinstalled theme :-)

 (we definately need to change the basic mandrake colors and logo!!!)

 Maybe we should make a redesign contest! I will enter as soon as I can
 figure gimp out. Photoshop seems much easyer...

Poppycock Gimp is not harder to use. So what if you right-click on the 
image to access the menus instead of the File menu? Whoppee... Oh, you could 
use that little Arrow button too. :)

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RE: [newbie] MCSE and rebooting for IP changes

2002-06-13 Thread Chris Lynch

Hash: SHA1

You bring out good points, but you are still forgetting some thing.

How are users going to get access to data that is not on a website or
through a database application?  Most users work on Word docs, or Excel
spreadsheets, or heven forbid, a Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet.  So, you would say
use SAMBA on the Linux server, right?  We all know how well NetBIOS scales
in an Enterprise environment.

I am not disagreeing with you that a Linux server would be a much better OS
than a Microsoft server as a webserver or a MySQL or some other varient of
the SQL language, or even Oracle.

Most companies have started to look at Linux, as a different alternative to
Unix, as most flavors of Unix are prepriatory and require the special
hardware from the vendor (Solaris is the exception).

BUT, you need to keep this in mind:

It doesn't matter to most companies how much the application costs, until it
starts to affect the end user.  If a user cannot get access to data, your
CTO or CIO will be getting phone calls from managers, and he/she will be
raising hell.  Now, if you can teach all of your end users how to get to
data, then this world would be a perfect one, and you would be even richer
than Bill Gates.

You may have all of the techincal experience in the world, but if you don't
know how end users REALLY work and operate, then you will fail.  Because,
having users complain and cause more of a problem by complaining to the
wrong person, you will be looking for another job.

Right now, I think a *NIX box would be a great web server or database
server, but not a file and print server, nor a server that would be the
equivelent to that of a Domain Controller.  I'm pretty sure that there are
other products out there that would bring this together, but how much is
that going to cost?  Most software vendors are charging more if not the same
for a product that will seamlessly integrate all of your OS's together.

Step back and look at everything.  Yes Microsoft has become and will always
be a big player and one that will try to force their side of the house on
everyone. But, other software vendors are trying to do the same.  Maybe not
by using a strong arm tatic, but rather chargin rediculous prices for thier
software licenses.

Now, I'm not saying that this applies to EVERY software company out there,
but most of them that I know.

I too am an MCSE, but I don't go around bosting about it.  I have seen other
MCSE's rehash books, but they have little to no real experience with the
product.  MOST, not all, MCSE's are pretty dumb and are probably the most
arrogant people in the industry.  Well, maybe those that are nothing but
Linux guys. :)  I am just like Josh, who started when there was just DOS,
and you needed to know how the hardware works with the software.

I guess, Microsoft is just trying to make their OS more Admin Friendly.
But, I guess only because by their teachings, they have made most MCSE's
just Ok.  I just insert the CD, press ENTER, and the OS is installed.
Great.  I'm done, whats next?  This is appealing to those small businesses,
but not the larger enterprise where security is at the top, if not the very
top, of the list.

Just my 2cents.


- -Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Cory
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002 4:52 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] MCSE and rebooting for IP changes

You have very valid points regarding the simplicity of using linux, but
think of this... how hard would it be to use linux if you had never used a
Microsoft OS? Yes, linux can be rather difficult to use at times, but also
take into account the abilities it provides. Yes, you can make a complicated
device (ie: computer) and make it so a monkey can use it, but when the mouse
breaks, or when he clicks on the icon and it doesn't work, what good is the
monkey? I don't say that linux is the Greatest OS in the world... I
honestly don't think that linux, in its current state, belongs on the
average end user desktop by ANY MEANS!! But linux does belong in the server
market. Most end users are idiots... flat out, plain and simple, don't
bother contesting that point. The problem here is that windows OS'es give
the user zero incentive or ability to learn more about what really goes on
behind the scenes. Why cant I run a windows app from a command prompt and
see the ongoings of the application in that console window even if I wanted
to? It is unfortunate that you had to fork out thousands of dollars for
something that you probably gained very little from just so that the people
who make things happen don't scoff at you for not being a lemming like
them. I got hired because I had a fresh, unbiased and INFORMED opinion on
the computer industry as a whole. Honestly, if I could get mac OS X to run
on PC Hardware, that would probably be my platform of choice. Linux is not
EASY, but it is reliable, extremely scalable, cost 

[newbie] changing UID name?

2002-06-13 Thread db

i just mistakenly added a user with an incorrect logon.  I think I changed
that.  Her logon and home directory are correctly named now but I notice
that when I look at /etc/group, where I added her to a group I created, it
also shows her listed up above with only the original logon name.  Also
there is only one UID for her listed and it is listed with her original
logon name.  In other words, I do not have everything changed over to her
new logon.  How can I change her UID to her new logon name so it shows up
consistently everywhere?

And what are some commands that I can use to see that all this info
associated with her logon is correct?

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 wishlist :-)

2002-06-13 Thread Damian G

 clearly you haven't seen kde-301 yet, have you? and's not 
 their job to make it look prettier. thats what desktop managers like 
 KDE, Blackbox, and the rest are for, right?

.. i used KDE 3.0.1 a while and i dumped it when i found fluxbox ;o)

but i think you didn't get my point. i'm not saying Mandrake has to
improve KDE themes. that's up to kde-look . 

it's true you can make a beautiful KDE by dwnloading a couple 
of coloschemes and icon themes and such, but then you will 
find out what i was talking about. 

.. you will have perfect, beautiful icons, transparent menus,
sleek 3D window decorations, gorgeous fonts with antialiasing.
and a horrid mandrake control center icon that matches nothing,
looks way too flat, and with opaque colors.

what i meant by icons, colors, etc, is: the Mandrake control center
icons, for example...

you see, when i said mandrake needs a graphic redesign, i really
meant mandrake. not KDE, Gnome, or any other product. just the 
looks of Mandrakesoft's products.


DISCLAIMER: There's no accounting for taste ;o)

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Re: [newbie] Good for you, was:Re: Well OT:

2002-06-13 Thread shane

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 13 June 2002 01:02 am, Franki did speak unto the huddled masses, 

 how did you get it for $100???

well it was mostly paided for by my work.  sorry.

 till I found out how much it was gonna cost, I was going to get it.. just
 so I could tell people I was qualified to tell them that they shouldn't
 put windows on a server.

you might take just one test, the server test, and get the MCP i think it 

 what sorta stuff is in the tests?  is it just stuff like calculating
 subnets etc?

and knowing how to run win whatever you test on as well.  the sad part is 
while knowing how to solve an IRQ conflict or figure out you have a bad nic 
or ram would be useful, they don't test that.  they test things like where 
is the network configuration wizard like you can't play in the menus to 
find it.

- -- 
of all of the actions humanity has called crimes, blasphemy is the most 
amazing, with obscenity and indecent exposure neck and neck for second.  
- -heinlein

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Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
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Registered linux user #101606
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Comment: For info see


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Re: [newbie] Help with Evolution

2002-06-13 Thread Warren Post

On Wed, 2002-06-12 at 14:15, Langsley T Russell wrote:
 Much to my surprise I managed to download and install the Evolution
 e-mail client. It does seem to have much of what I'm looking for in an
 e-mail client. Although a few things are annoying like putting a line
 through a deleted or moved e-mail rather than deleting it from the

Evolution doesn't move trashed messages. It marks them for later
deletion. Edit | Hide deleted messages will hide what you've marked
for deletion.


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Re: [newbie] Upgrading memory

2002-06-13 Thread Warren Post

It all depends on your motherboard's specs, Marcia. There's an ancient
PC Chips mobo on my workbench now with 4 SIMM slots and 2 DIMM slots...
but the documentation says that (A) SIMMs 1 and 2 cannot be used
simultaneously with DIMM 1, nor can SIMMs 3 and 4 be used simultaneously
with DIMM 2, and (B) DIMMs are limited to 128 MB max each. No doubt your mobo has
different restrictions, but I cite this to warn the adventuresome that
just because you've got lots of slots doesn't mean that you can fill
them all. Check your documentation.


On Tue, 2002-06-11 at 19:56, Marcia wrote:
 Dear All,
 I mentioned lately that I have upgraded with simms EDO 72 pin memory to 128 
 megs of ram. To my surprise when I opened my box I found 2 empty dimm 168 pin 
 slots. Does this mean that I could upgrade to 512 megs of ram using the 168 
 pin dimm sdram memory modules? I certainly would prefer that to a new 
 computer or upgrading the motherboard/cpu. I have a 200 megahertz genuine 
 Intel motherboard and Pentium II MMX processor. Also, I am using LM 8.2.
 Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.

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Re: [newbie] MCSE and rebooting for IP changes

2002-06-13 Thread shane

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 13 June 2002 06:07 pm, Chris Lynch did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:

 How are users going to get access to data that is not on a website or
 through a database application?  Most users work on Word docs, or Excel
 spreadsheets, or heven forbid, a Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet.

lotus if i recall runs on linux, netscap eoriginally wanted to build apps to 
run from the browser to get to office stuff.  i guess i don't understand 
your point.  i can serve files to any machine type from linux and find them 
on any type.  windows can't do that.  my brother inlaw laughs cause his 
student housing has a shared network.  he can browse all the machines in 
the building from linux, he can share with anyone he wants, and only who he 
wants.  what is the problem?

 Right now, I think a *NIX box would be a great web server or database
 server, but not a file and print server.

shame it works so well then...

- -- 
Microsoft has knowingly and willfully concealed information regarding 
security flaws in computer software from the [National Security Agency] out 
of fear that revealing such flaws would reduce the number of copies of its 
products that would be purchased by the government... I have raised this 
issue internally with Microsoft, and in return have been the subject of 
both bribes and threats.  -ED CURRY, Computer Security Specialist, in a 
letter to Defense Secretary William Coen

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Re: [newbie] MCSE and rebooting for IP changes

2002-06-13 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On 13 Jun 2002 13:07:55 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joshua James) wrote:

 Hey, you don't have to reboot to change IPs anymore. grin
 I wish more of this M$ bashing energy was put into making linux a more
 viable solution.

This is a newbie list. I would think that most of us here don't have the
expertise to make linux a more viable solution in any major way. I personally
do my own bit by helping people out on lists such as this.

 Here you have a MCSE (started with MS networking when I was 23) who is
 completely willing to switch to linux. I earned my MCSE to battle the
 you're a dumb kid comments and it worked. I back it up with years of
 experience from the DOS days where you needed to know things such as
 low-level formatting, IRQ's, etc.

So you're better than most other people with MCSEs. That's good :)

 Most computer concepts and usage comes very easily to me. After
 stumbling with linux on and off I have to say that Microsoft has a good
 thing going. They have a total solution that works pretty well. If most
 of these companies and users had to wait for linux they wouldn't be
 where they are today.
 Understand that I REALLY want to switch to linux but you seem to wonder
 why people just don't get it. Its not easy, its not even close. I have
 been able to learn more about Windows and creating an entire corporate
 network in less time than it has taken me to figure how to open a simple
 MDB file in linux.
 You can call me names, tell me I'm stupid or ignorant. It won't change
 the fact that a VERY experience computer user is having trouble with
 'the best operating system ever'.

I'm not going to call you names. In fact, I'm going to do the opposite. Believe
it or not, it is your experience that is holding you back. You have grown
accustomed to doing everything the 'Microsoft way', and this hinders your
GNU/Linux learning. You need to 'unlearn' some of your MS knowledge before
progressing, or you'll never get anywhere.

GNU/Linux isn't harder -- it's just different. Your mind has been trained to do
things in one way, and that way doesn't necessarily work here. To your mind,
Windows may be logical, but that doesn't make other systems illogical. Other
systems simply use a different kind of logic, which you must get used to before

I used to think as you do, and back then GNU/Linux made no sense at all to me.
Today, I look back at the DOS/Windows systems I used to use and they all seem
haphazard and illogical.

GNU/Linux is more powerful, and the many extra possibilities that provides makes
things look unnecessarily more complex. If you narrow things down to the basics,
the GNU/Linux console (or the UNIX console for that matter) isn't any more
difficult than DOS.

 I have to say that since I've joined a few mailing lists I've received
 more help for free than I have from Microsoft.

Hear, hear! :)

 When I started with my latest stint of linux usage I choose from three
 packages, RedHat, SuSe, and Mandrake. RedHat lost because I'm somewhat
 scared they are getting proprietary, but I'd probably use them on the
 server side. SuSe lost fast because I couldn't even install it on my new
 Dell, no network card found. I settled on Mandrake, also my neighbors
 2nd choice. Here I am, an MCSE that has gotten a clue if you will.

Red Hat maintains a freely downloadable GPL distribution, and all their core
tools are GPL (e.g. Linuxconf). They do make some proprietary tools, but these
are mostly targeted at the enterprise. Mandrake appear to be firmly committed to
free software, and everything they make is GPL/LGPL. SuSE make their system
tools proprietary, and they don't have freely downloadable ISOs. They are now
part of the UnitedLinux group, which not distribute binaries.

If any distro is becoming proprietary, I would say it is SuSE, along with the
other UnitedLinux members (Caldera, TurboLinux and Conectiva).

Sridhar Dhanapalan

   I actually think that Linux with the stuff that is going
on in 3D, desktops, etc., has a chance to become the first real
user-friendly UNIX. -- Linus Torvalds

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Re: [newbie] changing UID name?

2002-06-13 Thread Michael Viron

The easiest way is to take a look at /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, /etc/group,
and /etc/gshadow.

In order to correctly switch everything over, you will have to remove the
original login, either via the command line (ie, vi / joe / emacs, etc), or
via a GUI based administration tool (such as linuxconf, userdrake, etc).

It sounds like you added another separate user, rather than editing the
existing user account.  If that's the case the above method will work.

If you do not have an entry in /etc/passwd for her current (correct login),
you'll have to add that, as well as add her to any groups she was part of

In the future, if you need to make changes to their username (login) or to
their home directory, it is much easier to do something along these lines:

1.  As root, move their existing home directory to the new username.  (ie,
if you are changing it from bharris to bcarter, you'd do cd /home, then
type mv bharris bcarter (without the quotes)
2. Next, you'd edit the line in passwd for bharris, changing bharris to
bcarter and changing the home directory
3. Change the line in /etc/shadow.
4. Change anything necessary in /etc/group and /etc/gshadow.


At 06:16 PM 6/13/2002 -0700, you wrote:
i just mistakenly added a user with an incorrect logon.  I think I changed
that.  Her logon and home directory are correctly named now but I notice
that when I look at /etc/group, where I added her to a group I created, it
also shows her listed up above with only the original logon name.  Also
there is only one UID for her listed and it is listed with her original
logon name.  In other words, I do not have everything changed over to her
new logon.  How can I change her UID to her new logon name so it shows up
consistently everywhere?

And what are some commands that I can use to see that all this info
associated with her logon is correct?

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Re: [newbie] MCSE and rebooting for IP changes

2002-06-13 Thread Miark

 I used to think as you do, and back then GNU/Linux made no sense at all to me.
 Today, I look back at the DOS/Windows systems I used to use and they all seem
 haphazard and illogical.

10 or more years in my DOS Dupe days, I had a friend teach
me by e-mail the joys of FTP. FTP sites ran on Unix, of
course, and that was my only exposure to anything non-DOS at
the time. Anyway, to get a directory listing of everything
available, this friend told me (again, by e-mail) to use
ls-lR. This is what the Dupe saw: it used ls instead of
dir, it used a dash instead of a slash,  and the
capitalization mattered! I can not tell you how foreign this
one stupid, itty-bitty command was to me. I could not come
to grips with something so different, so I didn't even _try_
it!! I continued to dir through directories manually.

Looking back, I can only bow my head in self-disgust. But
the lesson is a valuable one: Thinking that DOS/Win is 
any more logical, intuitive, or superior than any other
OS is a mental prison.

'Course, when I figured this out, I bucked the whole
establishment, learning Linux and the Dvorak keyboard
layout :-)


P.S. Want added security on your workstation? Learn
the Dvorak layout. Nobody will be able to do squat
on your machine :-D

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Re: [newbie] Help with Evolution

2002-06-13 Thread Miark

 Evolution doesn't move trashed messages. It marks them for later
 deletion. Edit | Hide deleted messages will hide what you've marked
 for deletion.

Is that a new feature? I don't see that in the Evolution that 
came with 8.2.


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Re: [newbie] MCSE and rebooting for IP changes

2002-06-13 Thread shane

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 13 June 2002 03:24 pm, FemmeFatale did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:

 Joshua James wrote:
 giant snip

  Understand that I REALLY want to switch to linux but you seem to wonder
  why people just don't get it. Its not easy, its not even close. I have
  been able to learn more about Windows and creating an entire corporate
  network in less time than it has taken me to figure how to open a
  simple MDB file in linux.

an MDB file is what?  made by who?  can you say proprietary?  how is this 
the fault of a different OS?

linux ain't easy, niether is windows.  even macs aen't as plug and play as 
they claim.

 Shrugs, I used to defend Mickeysoft, I stopped.  Why? Because I realized
 there isn't a better OS out there *sorry to break your hearts
 Linux-geeks of the list*.  There is, however, an OS that allows you
 complete freedom of choice.  The caveat being, you must be willing young
 Padawan, to steep yourself in the knowledge that allows you to change
 the OS to suit you.  Is it tougher? no.  Different? yes.

 Much knowledge you will acquire young Jedi. :)

well said.  you can have freedom, or get charged yearly to rent your 
software from those who fear change and force you to choose the darkside.  
tough choice.  :)

- -- 
He serves the State best who opposes the State most. -Henry David Thoreau

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Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606
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Comment: For info see


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Re: [newbie] Help with Evolution

2002-06-13 Thread John McQuillen

On Fri, 2002-06-14 at 15:12, Miark wrote:

 Is that a new feature? I don't see that in the Evolution that 
 came with 8.2.
It is in the 'View' menu, not the 'Edit' menu, second section down.
Make sure you're in a mailbox though, or you won't see it.



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