[newbie] booting / installing from 7-02 iso

2000-04-18 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

Hello all!!
I have built numerous linux boxes from slackware to mandrake and have yet to
run into the following problem I am haveing with my recent go at burning the
LM 7-02 iso and installing from it.

I have a win95 box i want to dual boot
I used fips and reduced my C drive down to 3g and freed up 3g to install LM
I boot the cd and go through the initial phase (type of install (custome,
serve,devel etc..))
and then it dies saying something along  the lines that it can not find a
free partition

I boot of a floppy, run fdisk and lone and behold I am only using 50% of my
drive allowing another os to use the other 50%

what gives? why does LM 7-02 burnt iso not smart enough to see I have 3g
available to install in? what do I need todo to get LM to wake up and smell
the roses???


Re: [newbie] Proxy server and cable setup.

2000-03-30 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

I use RR in Rocheste, NY
just set the protocol for you nic to DHCP (under linuxconf)
and linux will setup the rest based on the info it receives from 
the DHCP server

"Pittman, Merle" wrote:
 contact your ISP and get all the info (DNS, IP, gateway, etc.) and then you
 can proceed.
  -Original Message-
  From: George Jones IV [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2000 7:00 PM
  Subject:  [newbie] Proxy server and cable setup.
  I just built up a new machine to serve as my proxy server using Mandrake7.
  The problem is that I have no idea how to set it up as one! I also cannot
  get my RoadRunner setup under Linux. I'm using a 3com Cable Modem cmx
  going into a Linksys 10 base T PCI card. M7 has detected the nic and set
  it up when I installed the OS. How do I set this up?

Re: [newbie] Alternate advice sources on rebooting.

2000-03-26 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

I have a uptime of nearly 6 months on one of my rh61 boxes
we have a rm52 box at work that has a uptime of nearly a year
Vic wrote:
 Sorry this might be kind of a duh question,
 it was recomended to me to reboot my linux
 machine about once a month, that I do,
 and have a cron.monthly to do just this.
 Does anyone else here know if this is
 too often, or too little?
 My new linux web server with Apache
 Sign up for ClickDough and get paid to surf the web.


Ronald J. Yacketta
Sr. Solaris System Administrator/Engineer

This is unix country...
on a quiet night, you can hear windows crash...

Re: [newbie] comanche

2000-03-25 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

KompuKit wrote:
 I'm trying to setup...comanche...
 WHERE IN THE HECK...is the excutable file for apache?
read /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd
 in Mandrake 7.02?
 also,where is the server root...for apache?
default is /home/httpd/html
look at /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

 also,  is it apachest1  (or something like that) that STARTS it...
 stops it, etc. etc.?  or is it.../usr/sbin/httpd
/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd stop}start|restart
 Kit Goins  ICQ# 7110071
 Web Designer  http://kitdesigns.bizhosting.com
 (Server Runs between M-F 6pm-12am,S+S 12pm-12am EST)


Ronald J. Yacketta
Sr. Solaris System Administrator/Engineer

This is unix country...
on a quiet night, you can hear windows crash...

Re: [newbie] 3com NIC install and then xDSL setup

2000-03-15 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta


Why do you need to recompile / install the driver?
undert /lib/modules/2.2.14-15mdk/net be a all the compiled NIC drivers
in module format.

just try insmod /lib/modules/2.2.14-15mdk/net/3c59x.o
is that does not give you any errors then you can proceed to
linuxconf/drakxconfig etc.. to configure your networking


 I've got USWaste DSL thru datawest.  I would suggest getting a static IP.  It's
 just a bit easier.
 As for gcc - you just need to install the gcc rpms from the mandrake disk.
 do an ls gcc* in the /mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMS dir and you should find them
 (with CD in of course).
 Ty C. Mixon
 F.T.C. Enterprises
 ICQ 26147713

Re: [newbie] How to get SCSI card detected/working??

2000-03-14 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

1) what type of card?
2) what is the chip name on the card?

when I install linux I have to manual select the scsi driver and pass it
parameters for linux to see/use it


Paul Apking wrote:

 Hi everyone. How can i get my SCSI card to be detected/working?   For some
 reason my card cant be  detected by the autoprobe method and i dont know what
 else to do
 any help would be greatlly appreciated.

Re: [newbie] startup scripts

2000-03-13 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

The  contents of /etc/motd are displayed by login(1) after a suc­
cessful login but just before it executes the login shell.

not sure about the You have mail thing tho

Ed Negari wrote:
 Which login script displays the /etc/motd and says "You have mail"? I
 checked the /etc/profile and /etc/bashrc (and the rest of the /etc
 directory) but can't seem to find it.

Re: [newbie] New Hard driveand Linux

2000-03-09 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

why go through all that headach? why not just plop the cdrom in the
drive, boot from it and do a clean install???

Eunice Thompson wrote:
 I'm planning to build a new system, and I'd like to have Linux ( in a
 separate system)by itself. I can make an image of the Linux partition with
 'Drive Image" to put it on the new drive, but will it work?
 The reason why I ask is because my current setup is :
 dev/hda1:win98 (7.5GB);
 dev/hda2:fat32 free space(2.0 GB);
 dev/hda3: Mandrake-Linux 7.02 (3GB)
 So if I put the image of Linux on the new drive (maybe about 6GB) and it's
 in a box all by itself, when I boot up will it do flip flops or something
 because of the missing partions?
 Should I create 2 fat32 partitions on the drive and then stick the
 installation CD in and just do an upgrade and delete the 2 (empty) fat32
 partitons and then use the entire hard drive for Linux? Or can I just delete
 the 2 partitions, and format the empty space as (ext2fs) free space for use
 Also how can you increase the size of a partition (for instance " /home")
 after the OS is already installed?
 Thanks for any insight.

Re: [newbie] Uninstalling Netscape

2000-03-09 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

rpm -e netscape ???

 Thanhvu Nguyen wrote:
 Hi .. I have Netscape Communicator 7.0   , have quite alot trouble
 with it ... I am about to install 7.2 ...but not sure how to Uninstall
 this .. is there any uninstall feature or I have to delete the folder
 manually ..That brings up another question is I don't know which
 folder to delete.

Re: [newbie] Setting up cable modem in Calgary (Shaw@home)

2000-03-09 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta


Take a look at the list archive, I spent a good deal of the past week -
week 1/2 helping several LM 7 users get online with 43com cards and a
cable modem.

I posted the steps to test to see if you cards would load, see if dhcpcd
is installed and even a brief step by step to use
drakconfig/drakxconfig/linuxconf to setup eth0|1 to use dhcpcd from a
cable modem provider.

If you are unable to locate the messages via the archive send me a email
and I will repost.


 Rynix wrote:

 All right heres the deal. I'm new to linux (3 days old). I'm using
 mandrake 7.0 (air) and I'm trying to connect to my cable modem
 (CyberSURFR WAVE "Motorola"). I didn't get any 3com cards from them
 because I already have 2 installed in my computer (3com Fast Etherlink
 XL PCI - 3c905-TX 10/100) I was wondering if there are setup steps out
 there to help me get on the net.
 If you need more information just ask.
 Thanks alot

Re: [newbie] Cannot ping gateway

2000-03-08 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

Lief Erickson wrote:
 On 07-Mar-2000 Lief Erickson wrote:
  The problem:
  I can't ping my gateway address.
  The setup:
  I have Linux Mandrake 6.1 with two NICs:
  DSL connection in bridging mode - not PPP! The NICs are running. I have
  looked at netstat and route to try troubleshoot the problem, but
  appears to be in order. I can ping each NIC and the localhost (
  have /etc/hosts and /etc/network configured.
  Additional hint: Actually, it's more than just the gateway that I cannot
  ping, it's also any machine on my network.
  The question:
  What else can I do to diagnose what is wrong? Is there a checklist that I
  could use? If so, where? I assume that there are some settings somewhere
  that I missed.
 Thomas Berger responded: What does route say?
 Lief Erickson responds:
 DestGateway Genmask Fl
 Iface   * UH  eth0   UG  eth0 *   U
 eth0   rabbit.woods.net255.255.255.0   UG  eth1
 - internal only   *   U   eth1   *   U
 default UG  eth0
 Thomas Berger continued:  and what does ifconfig say?
 Lief Erickson responds (uninteresting stuff edited):
 eth0Link encap:Ethernet HWAddr: some letters  numbers
 inet addr:
 Interrupt: 9Base address: 0x7c80
 eth1Link encap:Ethernet HWAddr: some letters  numbers
 inet addr:
Whats this? your bcast is 
I have always been under the impression that you can not use
.0 or .255 in a ip addy, .0 is the network cable (if I am not mistaken)
and .255 would be the broadcast. 

 Interrupt: 11   Base address: 0x7f80
 lo  Link encap: Load Loopback
 Thomas Berger continued:  Is this DSL thingy a static IP or dynamically
 Lief Erickson responds:
 I hope that someone can see something that I don't.
 -Lief Erickson

Re: [[newbie] User/Root Frustration]

2000-03-08 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

well that can be saolved with sendmail ;)
you could have the addy rewritten by sendmail when it is sent ;)

Lane Lester wrote:
  Why not just use root and be done with it then?
 Because then my email goes out with that as my username, and everyone knows that I'm 
not a "true believer" in the Linux way.
 Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA
 Using Linux to get where I want to go...

Re: [newbie] can't fully download...

2000-03-08 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

Thats just plain wicked :)
I never had any problems with ftp/http downloads in linux, winblows on
the other hand is a pain in the ace!

let me think about this one, sounds realy wierd seeing they both go out
the internet nic, that is win98 traffic comes to the linux box on nicB
and goes to the net on nicA, and the reverse for return traffic in nicA
out nicB to win98. while linux traffic should be directional through



Ryan Drafall wrote:
 "Ronald J. Yacketta" wrote:
  are you downloading from a winblows box through a dualhomed linux
  if so you might be haveing a ip masq problem (or lack of a ip masq)
  David Panama wrote:
   I dont know why did I recieve this massage?
   Any way I cant help?
   David E. Panama
   Original Message Follows
   From: Ryan Drafall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: [newbie] can't fully download...
   Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 07:19:36 -0600
   Hello fellow Linux users,
I've just found out that I'm not able to fully download
   from the Internet.  For instance, I tried downloading an MP3
   and the download windows just closed at about 10%!!!  Whenever I
  try to
   download anything, it does the same thing!  Any suggestions?
Ryan Drafall
  gAIM S/N: Twygg1
 Linux 2.2.14-15mdk
   Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
 Yes, I'm running a dual-boot win98se and linux machine.  When
 downloading from the exact same site on a windows session, it
 downloads perfectly but doesn't even complete half-way on a linux
 session.  If you need any more info, please ask.  Thanks.
 Ryan Drafall
   gAIM S/N: Twygg1
  Linux 2.2.14-15mdk

Re: [newbie]

2000-03-07 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

then goto www.linux-mandrake.com and unsubscribe :)

 avi wrote:
 dont sand me email

Re: [newbie] Newbie trouble

2000-03-07 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

at the lilo prompt type
linux -S
one you get a shell prompt
should be 
type passwd
it will prompt you for a passwd, type in one you would like to use
then retype it when it asks you to verify it.
now when you can reboot and login as root with the password you entered


Êùíóôáíôßíïò ÐáõëÜêïò wrote:
 Greetings from Greece.
 I am really new to Linux . Imagine that I have just completed the
 Mandrake instalation . Well , you are going to laugh with my problem but
 maybe can also help(?)
 During the installation I chose no login or passwords and didn't add any
 users. It's just me at home!
 But after the boot sequence and all that command line screens , just
 before the enviroment is loaded , it prompts for login and password . I
 tried to leave the fields blank but with no result.
 Please if you could save me from this situation!!! (of course I don't
 know any line commands)
 Thanx for your time :-)

Re: [newbie] .sh files

2000-03-07 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta


with that attitude your well on your way to linux succes :)
I fought tooth and nail with my first two or three linux installs, never
gave you (kinda like Rocky ;) )

Good luck with you new powerfull non Mr. Bill crash-o-matic os :)


bosco wrote:
 Thanks for the help... That problem is solved.. now if I could just figure out
 how to get my OpenGL subsystem to boot.. LOL.. I'll manage.. this shit is fun..
 thanks again,
 flupke wrote:
  Indeed. Now, I remember. I had the same problem.
  I still don't understand why, but I had to copy the file elsewhere.
  I copied it to /tmp, then executed it, and it worked.
  Check also that it is executable. If it is not, do a 'chmod +x
  bosco wrote:
   Yeah I know.. I tried that.. It said Cannot Executre
   /bosco/home/linuxq3ademo.. etc... ??
   Same thing happens when I try to run the point release?!
   Any idea??!
   flupke wrote:
You just have to execute this script in a GUI (as root if you want to
install quake in /usr/local/games)
It will launch an installation program.
It worked fine for me.
bosco wrote:

 I have Mandrake v7.0 and run KDE. I downloaded the Linux binaries for
 Quake3 Arena. They end with .sh but I can't seem to get anything to
 happen. Could someone provide some insight into what I need to make this
 file work?!



Re: [newbie] IP Alias

2000-03-07 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

not sure about linux
but I have done exactly what you saying with hp-ux and solaris.

you can try it and see what you get

 Foung Vang wrote:
 I read the mini-HOWTO on IP Alias but was wondering if it's possible
 to have two different IP Address assign to the card?
 Network Card with
 IP Address:
 IP Address:
 or do they have to be in the same range like

Re: [newbie] Parallel Port file transfers

2000-03-07 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

dont think  it is possible to use direct-cable-connection between linux
and win98

what you can do is setup samba that will allow you to share
files/dirs/printers etc.. between win/linux


Chris Barrows wrote:
 How would one go about connecting a Win98 machine with a Linux box
 through  a null modem cable?
 Is there any software comparable to DOS interlnk and interserver?
 thanks in advance!

Re: [newbie] NIC support

2000-03-06 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

looking at the supported hardware list for nics I do not see 
the card name or the chipset name.
is this is a PnP card?
if so, have you tried to disable the PnP functionality
before you install?

Charles Sharp wrote:
 "Ronald J. Yacketta" wrote:
  there are a couple of ways
  look at the documentation you got with your pc
  look on the nic itself
  call customer support (doubt this one tho)
  Charles Sharp wrote:
   "Ronald J. Yacketta" wrote:
what chipset is it?
tulip? rtl8139? etc..
give us some specs from the card and we should beable to say hay or nay
on the use of the card. if it is a PnP card, see if you can turn the PnP
ability off and assign it a irq like 9 or 10
   I wrote Diamond (the makers of the card) and they told me it uses a Broadcom
 chipset, the company who makes that chipset is of the same name.

Re: [newbie] NIC support

2000-03-06 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta


I have two of them in my box :)

rather easy to install
lets take the easier route here (could have you editing files but we
wont ;) )

if your useing kde (login as root)
and fire up DraxConfig
goto Basic host information
select Adapter 1
Select enable
Select dhcp
set network device to eth0
set kernel module to tulip
click accept
click quit
click activate changes
click quit

open a console and type
rpm -ql dhcpcd
if it says not installed then goto your linux distro
navigate to the RPMS directory and type
rpm -Uhv dhcp-client-3.0b1pl12-2mdk.i586.rpm
"ifup eth0"
"ifconfig eth0" 
you should see something like:
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:E0:C5:F4:08:3A
  inet addr:  Bcast: 
  RX packets:126274 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:91755 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:1326 txqueuelen:100
  Interrupt:9 Base address:0xb400 

if you see the above then you are more than likely GOLDEN :)


Charles Sharp wrote:s
  there are a couple of ways
  look at the documentation you got with your pc
  look on the nic itself
  call customer support (doubt this one tho)
   I gave up on the one card.  I went out and bought a cheap LinkSys 10/100 card
 from a suggestion on a linux board, they said it uses the Tulip driver.  Now,
 I've installed it, and have been able to use this card on the windows side, how
 to I activate it and use it on the Linux side?  I'm running Linux Mandrake
 7.0.2.  Thanks in advance.

Re: [newbie] clock gaining several hours a day

2000-03-05 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

setup nntpd (or xntpd)
all of the following is done as root
and then call /sbin/hwclock --systohc in a cron

my ntp.conf looks like this:
# These are EST time server! need to use a time server in your timezone
make sure that xntpd is set to start at boot use linuxconf, or just

cd /etc/rc.d/rc3.d
ln -s ../init.d/xntpd S70xntp
cd /etc/rc.d/rc5.d
ln -s ../init.d/xntpd s70xntp

type crontab -e
and add something like this
00,15,30,45 * * * * /sbin/hwclock --systohc

the above will set the bios clock to the linux clock ever 15 minutes.
this will also ensure that once you boot/start linux xntp will go out
and set
you linux clock to the current time.

Michelle Schneider wrote:
 Ever since I had a power outage while running Linux my clock has been messed
 up.  It gains several hours a day.  The first thing I do every day is reset the
 clock.  I'm running Mandrake 6.0.
 Any suggestions?
 "Just because kittens are born in the hearth oven, that doesn't make them
 muffins."  Kahlan Amnell in _Temple of the Winds_ by Terry Goodkind.

Re: [newbie] boot to console

2000-03-05 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

dmesg | more

Harald Wolf wrote:

 how can a review the error messages that my new selfcreated kernel
 produces on startup ?
 how avoid start up xdm automatically after boot so i can step back with
 "Shift-Up" to see the exact errormessages ?

Re: [newbie] NIC support

2000-03-05 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

what chipset is it?
tulip? rtl8139? etc..
give us some specs from the card and we should beable to say hay or nay
on the use of the card. if it is a PnP card, see if you can turn the PnP
ability off and assign it a irq like 9 or 10


Charles Sharp wrote:
 I just installed Mandrake Linux 6.0 (got it for $10 at a local
 store).  The installation and everything went fine, but I'm not sure
 whether or not it supports my ethernet card.  I have a Diamond HomePNA
 card that came with my Compaq.  Can I get this version to support my
 card?  Thanks in advance.
 Charles Sharp

Re: [newbie] Post install setup of NIC

2000-03-05 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

1) try insmod /lib/mod*/2*/net/ne2000
if you dont get an error message then try
modprobe ne2000
you should see something like this
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:E0:29:2E:AA:27
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
  Interrupt:10 Base address:0xb800

loLink encap:Local Loopback
  inet addr:  Mask:
  RX packets:38727 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:38727 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0

if that all works you can take an easy route and use linuxconf to add
the mod for eth0
1) linuxconf
2) networking
3) Basic Host Information
4) hit the tab key until your in the Kernel Module field
4a) press ctrl-x
4b) select ne2000
5) if your useing dhcp select dhcp
6) Enabled
7) tab to accept (hit return)
8) tab to quit (hit return)
9) tab to quit (hit return)
10) Select Activate changes (hit return)
11) tab to quit (hit return)

now you can type ifconfig -a and now the above eth0 should look
something like:
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:E0:C5:F4:08:3A
  inet addr:  Bcast: 
  RX packets:70757 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:51835 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:931 txqueuelen:100
  Interrupt:9 Base address:0xb400
if the eth0 looks like the one after the insmod/modprobe above type
ifup eth0 and then ifconfig -a


Peter Hecht wrote:
 I have just installed LM6.1.  I was not able to get my Allied
 Telesyn AT1510 Ethernet Adapter installed.  This is a problem.
 I would like to get the card recognized.  It is an NE2000
 compatible card, but that selection on the install was not
 recognized.  So, I am hoping I will be able to patch my install
 to "see" the NIC.
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: [newbie] Post install setup of NIC

2000-03-05 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

I ment 
insmod /lib/mod*/2*/net/ne
insmod /lib/mod*/2*/net/ne2000


"Ronald J. Yacketta" wrote:
 1) try insmod /lib/mod*/2*/net/ne2000
 if you dont get an error message then try
 modprobe ne2000
 you should see something like this
 eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:E0:29:2E:AA:27
   RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
   Interrupt:10 Base address:0xb800
 loLink encap:Local Loopback
   inet addr:  Mask:
   UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:3924  Metric:1
   RX packets:38727 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:38727 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
 if that all works you can take an easy route and use linuxconf to add
 the mod for eth0
 1) linuxconf
 2) networking
 3) Basic Host Information
 4) hit the tab key until your in the Kernel Module field
 4a) press ctrl-x
 4b) select ne2000
 5) if your useing dhcp select dhcp
 6) Enabled
 7) tab to accept (hit return)
 8) tab to quit (hit return)
 9) tab to quit (hit return)
 10) Select Activate changes (hit return)
 11) tab to quit (hit return)
 now you can type ifconfig -a and now the above eth0 should look
 something like:
 eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:E0:C5:F4:08:3A
   inet addr:  Bcast:
   RX packets:70757 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:51835 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:931 txqueuelen:100
   Interrupt:9 Base address:0xb400
 if the eth0 looks like the one after the insmod/modprobe above type
 ifup eth0 and then ifconfig -a
 Peter Hecht wrote:
  I have just installed LM6.1.  I was not able to get my Allied
  Telesyn AT1510 Ethernet Adapter installed.  This is a problem.
  I would like to get the card recognized.  It is an NE2000
  compatible card, but that selection on the install was not
  recognized.  So, I am hoping I will be able to patch my install
  to "see" the NIC.
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: [newbie] Post install setup of NIC

2000-03-05 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

Man I must be fried!!

add a .o to the 
insmod /lib/mod*/2*/net/ne
as in 
insmod /lib/mod*/2*/net/ne.o

"Ronald J. Yacketta" wrote:
 1) try insmod /lib/mod*/2*/net/ne2000
 if you dont get an error message then try
 modprobe ne2000
 you should see something like this
 eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:E0:29:2E:AA:27
   RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
   Interrupt:10 Base address:0xb800
 loLink encap:Local Loopback
   inet addr:  Mask:
   UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:3924  Metric:1
   RX packets:38727 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:38727 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
 if that all works you can take an easy route and use linuxconf to add
 the mod for eth0
 1) linuxconf
 2) networking
 3) Basic Host Information
 4) hit the tab key until your in the Kernel Module field
 4a) press ctrl-x
 4b) select ne2000
 5) if your useing dhcp select dhcp
 6) Enabled
 7) tab to accept (hit return)
 8) tab to quit (hit return)
 9) tab to quit (hit return)
 10) Select Activate changes (hit return)
 11) tab to quit (hit return)
 now you can type ifconfig -a and now the above eth0 should look
 something like:
 eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:E0:C5:F4:08:3A
   inet addr:  Bcast:
   RX packets:70757 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:51835 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:931 txqueuelen:100
   Interrupt:9 Base address:0xb400
 if the eth0 looks like the one after the insmod/modprobe above type
 ifup eth0 and then ifconfig -a
 Peter Hecht wrote:
  I have just installed LM6.1.  I was not able to get my Allied
  Telesyn AT1510 Ethernet Adapter installed.  This is a problem.
  I would like to get the card recognized.  It is an NE2000
  compatible card, but that selection on the install was not
  recognized.  So, I am hoping I will be able to patch my install
  to "see" the NIC.
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: [newbie] telnet problem

2000-03-03 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

install the telnet-server rpm

James wrote:
 Sorry if this has been asked before, but I cannot find the answer on the
 Mandrake web site anywhere.
 I have installed 6.1 (I was having too many problems with the 7.02
 installation) and everything seems to be working great except the telnet.
 It seems I don't have the identd package installed.  Where can I find it
 online to install it?  My 6.1 CD is at a friends house so I'd rather just
 download that one package from the Internet and install it.
 Thanks for any help.

Re: [newbie] The Sound of Silence

2000-03-03 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

I know I did not seeing it was a .exe which lead me to believe it was
not executable by *nix.

Larry Varney wrote:
   I've never seen such a sudden drop in posts. Was it the appearance of
 that virus on the list? Did Mandrake do something to slow down the
   It's funny, but when I first got that email, with the executable
 attachment, I told people that I very seldom execute an attachment from
 someone I know, much less someone I don't. And following that, the
 appearance of the message that the post contained a virus.  I hope that
 not many of us on this list executed that thing.
 Larry Varney
 Cold Spring, KY
 Powered by Linux!

Re: [newbie] TELNET

2000-02-28 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

Have you installed the telnet-server rpm

On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, Villaitodo, Daniel wrote:

 I've installed Mandrake  when I try to telnet this machine over the LAN
 the host refuse the connection. The host respond to ping, the service
 telnet is in the /etc/inetd.conf  all the other tcp services are
 running OK. What can I try?
 Thanks for you time
 Daniel Villaitodo Jares
 Acció Global Software Tecnològic, S.L.

Re: [newbie] Make utility in Linux-Mandrake

2000-02-28 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

need to install make-3.77-11mdk.i586.rpm

On Mon, 28 Feb 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am scouting for the Linux equivalent of the Unix make utility.  Does
 anyone know where
 it can be found.  Thanks.
 I am a Mandrake 6.1 User.

Re: [newbie] Windows and Linux networking

2000-02-17 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

This is my setup at home

Linux box with two NICS
5 port hub
eth0 (the first NIC) is attached to the cable modem
eth1 (the second NIC) is attached to port 1 on the hub with a ip of
I have ipforwarding turned OFF
ipmasqurading turned ON
have the sifi firewall package installed along with tix (perinoid!)
sifi can be found at www.freshmeat.net
the windows box has a NIC that is also attached to the 5 port hub with a
ip of

here is a diag of my layout (dont laugh ;))

@@@ - cable modem
### - 5 port hub
$   - eth0 on linux box
   - eth1 on linux box
%   - linux box
*   - Winblows box

  Inter net ### - HUB
|   | |
|   | |
   @@@  | | 
|   | --*  - Winblows box
 $  |   
 %  | 
 |  | 

also check the linux howtos under /usr/doc
if you did not instll them hop over to
www.sunsite.unc.edu and look for a link to LDAP (Linux Documentation

Hop this has helped


On Thu, 17 Feb 2000, sdos wrote:

 Hello, I have isdn, and can connect with my Linux machine, I want to use my
 Linux bow as a gateway/firewall/file server. Can anyone give me an idea on
 how to do this. I know almost everything about windows networking, but I'm
 new to connecting Unix/Linux and windows and new to using Linux as a gateway
 through isdn. the 2 are linked up via ether, and I have connectivity.
 Linux system specs:
 external 3com isdn TA
 10mbps network card
 mandrake 7
 all packages install (I think)
 Win sys:
 3com 905b 10/100
 win98se and win2k pro retail
 Thanks in advance,
 Ernie H Kitchen
 Computer Technology
 7 String Superman
 "If you can't drink and drive, why do bars have parking lots?"

Re: [newbie] telnet problems

2000-02-13 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

try installing the telnet-server rpm :)

On 13 Feb 2000, Jonathan Hendler wrote:

 I am not sure if this is a newbie, or experienced question,,, which means that it is 
probably a newbie question.
 I have been trying to allow telnet access to my machine
 In securetty I have all the options I have seen.
 In hosts.allow, for this test I have ALL: ALL among specified users
 in the inetd.conf i have telnet streem tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.telnetd
 but there is no in.telnetd in the /user/sbin...
 I am stumped but also don't know if this has anything to do with the TCP wrapper or 
 Jonathan Hendler - Maine
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: [newbie] Telnet port

2000-02-12 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

you can edit /etc/services and change the default port

On Sat, 12 Feb 2000, Chris wrote:

 Is it possible that cox@home has the port 23 blocked for incoming? If so is there a 
way to change the default telnet port linux uses?

Re: [newbie] crontab help

2000-02-07 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

On Mon, 7 Feb 2000, dave wrote:

 I thought I had this licked last night, but I guess I didn't.
 It seems that using crontab I can do neat console things like wget an
 image from a web site, but I can't seem to make anything happen in X. 
 Can anyone tell me why this crontab wgets the file on schedule but
 doesn't display it?
 25 * * * * /usr/bin/wget -O /root/rad_at.gif
 26 * * * * /usr/X11R6/bin/xloadimage -onroot -fullscreen
Try putting /usr/X11R6/bin/xloadimage -onroot -fullscreen /root/rad_at.gif
into a script IE:
vi rad.sh
/usr/X11R6/bin/xloadimage -onroot -fullscreen /root/rad_at.gif

then make your crontab like this:
26 * * * * /root/rad.sh

what I think is happening is that cron is executing the
/usr/X11R6/bin/xloadimage but is not passing the associated args.
you could also try quoteing the command IE:
26 * * * * "/usr/X11R6/bin/xloadimage -onroot -fullscreen/root/rad_at.gif"

 The xloadimage line works great from the command line, just as it is
 above.  I tried
 26 * * * * ee /pics/somepic.jpg  and that didn't do anything either.  I
 hear the drive thrash briefly at the appointed time, but I see no
 output, and receive no mail with errors.
 Is it an X thing?  
 Arggh!  :)
 dave w

Re: [newbie] StarOffice

2000-02-07 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

what command did you use? sounds like a tar zxvf file.tar
if the arcgive is not compressed you will get the error you mentioned
tar zvf file.tar is that failes re-download in binary mode *if ftp'ed)

On Mon, 7 Feb 2000, HAL 9000 wrote:

 hello.. thanks for the replies about screenshots :o)  another question. 
 i just downloaded staroffice 5.1 (i love my t1 connection) and it is in
 *.tar format.  however when i try to untar is, i get the following error
 (using terminal emulation):
   gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
   tar: Child returned status 1
   tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
 what am i doing wrong?  how can this be corrected?  any help is

Re: [newbie] Gcc: Missing iostream.h ?

2000-02-05 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

Do you have the development rpms installed for gcc/g++???

On Sat, 5 Feb 2000, Alan Tam wrote:

 Hi all,
 I am new to Linux and have just installed Mandrake 7.0
 When I try to compile Hello World as a C++ program in
 Code Crusader, gcc compliants about missing iostream.h
 error message:
 make -k
 g++  -g -Wall -Werror -I- -I. -c hellocc.cc -o hellocc.o
 hellocc.cc:1: iostream.h: No such file or directory
 make: *** [hellocc.o] Error 1
 make: Target `a.out' not remade because of errors.
 Program returned error code 2
 original code:
 #include iostream.h
 int main()
 cout  "Hello world !"  endl;
 How to solve this problem ? Thanks in advance.

Re: [newbie] NT authentication

2000-02-05 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta


On Sat, 5 Feb 2000, JAMIL HUSSAIN wrote:

 can you  help me
 I have 2 machines: -
 1 running windows NT 4.0 workstation
 the other is runnin NT server
 i want to remove NT server on the second machine and install LINUX so the 
 machine can authenitcate the other machine.  both machine have network 
 do u have any tips on how i can do this...i.e what i need to install on the 
 server to all the two machine to talk to one another..
 any docs or any help would be very helpful!
 Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

Re: [newbie] Retrieving Lost Root Password

2000-02-04 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

boot into single user mode
at the lilo:
type linux S

On Sat, 5 Feb 2000, Emerald Arcana wrote:

 I changed my root password and I must have typed it into the system
 incorrectly because Linux no longer accepts it.  So, what can I do to
 retrieve the password for root?

Re: [newbie] Time

2000-02-03 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

xntp! :)

On Thu, 3 Feb 2000, David Tabachnikov wrote:

 I got a problem with my time. It always changes... Like if today I set
 my time to 11:00PM, and this system isn't rebooted. I come tommorow at
 the same time, it shows 11:35PM, though the mechanical clock on the wall
 still shows 11:00PM What to do?

RE: [newbie] DHCP...

2000-02-02 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

On Tue, 1 Feb 2000, Dave wrote:

 things to check:
 ifconfig (do you see an eth0?)
 it gives me:
 loLink encap:Local Loopback
   inetaddr:  Mask:
   RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
 ps -ef | grep dhcp do you see an entry like: root   283 1  0
 17:41 ?00:00:00
 /sbin/dhcpcd eth0 -h localhost.localdomain
 check your /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 does it contain an
 entry like: BOOTPROTO=dhcp
 also, what give us some info regarding your card.. what chip does it use?
 (rtl8139? tulip? etc...)
 what type of card is it?
 3com 3c905B card.  ... I'm not sure what chip it uses.  I've checked the
 website but maybe I'm just blind...

have you tried a insmod 3c509 ??
does not look like the mod for the nic is loaded (hence the no eth0 in
after you try the insmod (and get no errors ) try a modprobe 3c509
and then a ifconfig if you then see a eth0 ... BINGO
you can go into linuxconf and edit eth0 to use the 3c509 modual and dhcp
after you save and exit linuxconf try ifconfig again you should see eth0,
if no do a ifup eth0

 Thanks again!

Re: [newbie] Installing licq or kxicq

2000-02-01 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

Sounds like you do not have the compiler and associated header/library
files installed.

check you distro for

you might not need all of the above to compile the code

On Tue, 1 Feb 2000, Britt Selvitelle wrote:

 Hey, I am new to this list, and I have a few installation questions some of you
 might be able to help me with.  I just installed Mandrake7, and I am trying to
 install kxicq or licq.  I unarchived the licq files and when I do a ./configure
 I get the following:
 configure: error: You need to have the libstdc++ headers installed
 So I downloaded the libstdc++ libraries but got an error when compiling those
 as well (I can include that if needed).
 Now when installing kxicq it runs the ./configure fine but when I do a make, I
 get the following:
 ../../kxicq/kconfigdlg/kconfigitem.h:34: iostream.h: No such file or directory
 make[3]: *** [kxrc.lo] Error 1
 make[3]: Leaving directory `/root/kxicq-01112000/plugins/russianConverter'
 make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
 make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/kxicq-01112000/plugins'
 make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/kxicq-01112000'
 make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2  
 Anyone know what the problem is?  Am I doing something wrong in compiling them
 (since I am relatively new to linux)?  Thanks for the help in advance.

Re: [newbie] DHCP...

2000-02-01 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

DHCP under linux for internet connection via a cable modem is cable under
linux. I know a few users of RH, Debian, Slakcware and yes LM that use
DHCP (dhcpd or pump) to connect to thier cable modem ISP.
I myself have a dual homed (two nics) linux box running LM with my eth0
being the primary connection to the internet via a cable modem (motorola,
roadrunner service)

things to check:
ifconfig (do you see an eth0?)
ps -ef | grep dhcp do you see an entry like:
root   283 1  0 17:41 ?00:00:00 /sbin/dhcpcd eth0 -h 

check you /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
does it contain an entry like:

also, what give us some info regarding your card..
what chip does it use? (rtl8139? tulip? etc...) what type of card is it?

I am almost positive that we can assist you in getting up and running via

 On Tue, 1 Feb 2000, Richard Quirk wrote:

 I had a similar problem last night while running setup MDK 7.0. I had NO
 Network connection. I returned to Windows and re-configured my Network
 control pnl with the correct DNS, Gateway, etc for my cable serv provider.
 Then restarted windows and it was fine. As far as I know, PPP is the only
 way to connect in Linux.
 Also check to be sure your NIC card itself is compatible. I only started
 learning 2 days ago myself... www.linux.com may help with a list of
 compatible hardware along with this site
 - Original Message -
 From: "John Aldrich" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2000 2:52 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] DHCP...
  On Tue, 01 Feb 2000, you wrote:
   Hey all,
   Well after Partition Magic caused me to lose my HD a third time, I
   that I was going to partition and be done with it...so I partitioned
   normally and installed and am running happily.  BUT, I can't for the
 life of
   me get my internet connection up!  Under windows I use DHCP, but
   "use dhcp" in the network config in linux doesn't work...Can anyone
 point me
   to a good faq (no, the user guide doesn't help.) that goes over how to
   up linux to work on a LAN using DHCP please?  Or maybe just even tell me
   steps necessary to get the internet up please?
  BTW, you might want to take a gander at

Re: [newbie] Anyone local

2000-01-31 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

No way!
I am in Rochester, NY
born and raised in Syracuse. wife is from Colton, NY (outside of Potsdam)!

On Mon, 31 Jan 2000, Tony Watts wrote:

 Hey all you Linux  fansIf there is anyone local to me, That would be great...we 
could get together and use mutual resources..if so please contact me...the area is 
UPSTATE NEW YORK, particularly WATERTOWN, NEW YORKif anyone out there is from 
here or somewhat close contact me...Tony..

Re: [newbie] URGENT eth0 init. failed

2000-01-31 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

try modprobe 3c509

then try ifconfig if you see a eth0 more than likely you hit pay dirt
now you can go into linixconf and tell it which kernel modual to use for

On Mon, 31 Jan 2000, jpgois wrote:

 Sorry I'm not a guru, but I can TRY to help you.
 As the 'automagical' tools don't seem to work, you should try to configure your
 card 'by hand' :
 first, you have to load the apropriate driver of your card into the kernel.
 As I never worked with 3com cards, I couldn't tell you wich one you have to
 choose. But you will surely find some information in the documentations
 provided with your card or in /usr/src/linux/Documentations/.
 Once you know which driver you have to choose, you load it into the kernel by
 simply typing 'modprobe name_of_the_driver'
 Then, you have to configure its IP address and netmask.
 To do this, type :
 ifconfig eth0 to set the card's ip address to, and bring it up
 ifconfig eth0 netmask   to set the net mask
 Then, your card should work ok.
 Eric wrote :
  I have tried linuxconf, netcfg, netconfig, Etherconfig and Mandrake 7.0 Lnx4win 
will not initilize my NIC card.  I am using an isa 3com 509b nic card.  Please if 
there are any gurus who have a solution please let me know.
 Content-Type: text/html; name="unnamed"
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Re: [newbie] Cable Internet

2000-01-30 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta


Once the machine is booted type ifconfig -a
you should see something similar to:

eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:E0:C5:F4:08:3A
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:233787 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:169037 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:1919 txqueuelen:100
  Interrupt:9 Base address:0xb400

eth1  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:E0:29:2E:AA:27
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:22711 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:32940 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:1261 txqueuelen:100
  Interrupt:10 Base address:0xb800

loLink encap:Local Loopback
  inet addr:  Mask:
  RX packets:35481 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:35481 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0

also, try and see if you can browse.. or ftp.. or ping.. or telnet
outside your machine. I dont like the httpd error has todo with your
networking, it could be that httpd is misconfigured.

On Sat, 29 Jan 2000, Raymond Wells wrote:

 Still trying to connect to Cable internet. Mandrake 7 found NICs for
 eth0 and eth1
 Have input ip, host, domain, gateway and namesserver info but on startup
 I get message "starting http  .  failed"  this is the only failure
 message in startup...I am then told it "cannot activate local host name
 ." do something with "Server Name directive "  info scrolls past
 pretty quickly.
 Any help to get this machine connected would be much appreciated..
 Ray Wells

Re: [newbie] @home connection

2000-01-30 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta


to the best of my knowledge the cable providers assign ip's etc..
via dhcp
my setup looks like this (in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0)

you will need to keep your resolv.conf inorder for the dhpc to work.
once eth0 is started (ifup eth0 (during boot, or manualy)) dhcp will be
called and will negotiate your networking info with your cable provider.

On Sat, 29 Jan 2000, Raymond Wells wrote:

 I have installed Mandrake 7, expert/normal install... install detected
 both NIC cards and when asked, I input ip, host, gateway and name
 servers but I have no joy connecting to my tv/cable internet provider.
 Anyone have any hints about connecting via a cable modem??
 Ray Wells

Re: [newbie] Telnet into another Linux box.

2000-01-30 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

in.telnetd in /etc/inetd.conf
also need the telnet-server rpm.

On Sat, 29 Jan 2000, Sevatio Octavio wrote:

 How do you set up a linux box so that someone can Telnet into it?  What daemon is 
responsible for that service?

Re: [newbie] Hello!!!

2000-01-30 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

1) tar xvf gnome-chess-0.2.2.tar
which should create a directory, more than likely gnome-chess-0.2.2 or
2) cd to the newly created directory
3) look for some docs like README or INSTALL 
4) read the docs and hopefully it will inform you how to install
the gnome-chess-0.2.2


On Sun, 30Jan 2000, root

 Hello everybody!!!  What 's going on?
 First of all  sorry for my horrible English.I'm a new linux user from
 Spain,and I'm having a lot of problems in order to install  Linux
 How can I install "tar" files?
 I'm trying to install Gnome Chess,which contains a file called "gnome

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7 AIR and MySQL recompile

2000-01-26 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

try gcc -v
what do you get?
if you get no command found, then you need to install gcc 

On Wed, 26 Jan 2000, Radar wrote:

 I have seen several people post a message with the same error as I am
 getting, but with no answer as to how to fix it:
 I am attempting to install mysql onto my  system
  I run the ./configure script, but get the error..
  checking for gcc... no
  checking for cc... no
  configure: error: no acceptable cc found in $PATH
 I have done a fresh install, selecting the server install option.
 Could someone explain why this is happening and how to fix it?

Re: [newbie] help( i may have a virus in linux)

2000-01-26 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

Dont worry it is not a virus!!
it is a dump file from a program that abnormaly aborted during its
execution (aka segv or segmetaion fault) you can delete them without any
harm to the system

 On Wed, 26 Jan 2000, David Cole wrote:

 I found a file in the root directory called core. its icon is round yellow
 with eyes and a tong sticking out. it was in the root dir. then it showed up
 on a disk I have used in linux.

[newbie] Re: [expert] Re: Missing 'egcs' in egcs packages for Mandrake 7.0!!

2000-01-23 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

Dont think that is the correct resolution.
I went through the mandrake 7.0 RPMS and found the egcs rpms.
I think what you should have done (if not done already) is to
goto your cdrom (or the spot your dl'ed mandrake 7.0 to)
and head into the rpms dir and rpm -Uhv egcs*.rpm

I had the same problem you did with egcs, after I installed the egcs rpms
everything worked as it did in LM 6.0/6.1


On Sun, 23 Jan 2000, Tom Barraza wrote:

 Hey folks, I seemed to have solved my problem with the missing
 'egcs' file in the egcs package on Mandrake 7.0.  I have another
 older PC here at home that I installed RedHat 6.0 on and took a
 look in the /usr/bin directory on that computer.  I did a
 'cmp' on /usr/bin/gcc and /usr/bin/egcs and they are the same!
 I then (as root) created a symbolic link on my Mandrake 7.0
 installation in /usr/bin:
 ln -s gcc egcs
 and after that everything works fine!
 (It would have been nice to have packaged egcs, though, anyway!)
 Tom Barraza wrote:
  Has anyone else installed the egcs packages in Mandrake 7.0, and
  actually gotten the program 'egcs' to be installed?  I've looked
  in all of the egcs-* packages, and have been unable to find 'egcs'!
  I had Redhat 6.1 installed on my machine, previous to doing a
  clean install of Mandrake 7.0, and had no problems using egcs.
  In fact, I used the kpackage manager tool to look at the contents
  of the egcs packages on the RedHat 6.1 CD, and the program /usr/bin/egcs
  is included, whereas for Mandrake 7.0, it is NOT!
  Should I install the RedHat 6.1 versions of egcs into Mandrake 7.0?
  I'm a little hesitant because I don't want to break anything!
  Any clues would be appreciated ...

[newbie] https

1999-12-30 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

Hello all!

I just got my home netwrok back up and online (other pc had a blow vid
card and I was to lasy to get another for a few months)

enough of the small chat ;) now to the reason why I post.
I am haveing problems conntecting to https sites from my win98 box that
is connected to the linux box.
I can connect to all normal www sites but when I connect to a https site
the little nutscrape indicator goes and goes like the energizer bunny
and then comes back and says connection closed...

I have ipforwarding etc.. working well (hence my ability to browse
normal sites and get email from my 98 box) I even have ip masq going as
well. All seems to work except the https problem Any help out thier?

Thanks in advance

Re: [newbie] Win 98/VMWare followup

1999-12-15 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

Gregg Carrier wrote:
 I have an ATAPI CD Rom drive.
me to ;)

Re: [newbie] StarOffice install

1999-12-14 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

Jeffrey L Sawyer Jr wrote:
 I didn't want to show how ignorant of linux or unix I am but I have to. I
 downloaded StarOffice and it is in my home DIR as so51a_lnx_01.tar . I can
 click on it and it opens up to show many other .tar folders. I am
 using  KDE  and can't figure out how to install or setup StarOffice. Please
 don't laugh to hard when replying.
 Jeffrey Sawyer
 Information Systems  Services
 Computer Support
 Phone 814 863-2319
 Fax 814 863-2215

1) open a console window (console should open in your home dir)
2) type tar xvf so51a_lnx_01.tar
3) cd to so51inst
4a) cd to office51
4b) type more README
4c) ensure you have either a jdk, jre or a rt installed (java)
5) type ./setup (if more than one user on you system will be using so
then type ./setup -net)


[newbie] editors

1999-12-07 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

Hello ALL!!!

I am looking for a rtf (rich text file) editor for linux.. is their such
a beast (I know it is winblows crap!!)

Re: [newbie] Liszt.com -- Correction

1999-12-06 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

"Shannon M. Johnston" wrote:
 Where do you get a copy of mailman?
  From: Ronald A. Yacketta
  starting a mailing list is not that hard actualy.
  If I were to start one I would grab a copy of mailman and install it
  (accoring to the INSTALL/README)
  oh yeah, need a *nix with sendmail and a non-blocked port 25
  you could even goto www.listbot.com and start a list from there , they will
  give you the space for the list (hdd/www) behind the sceenes
  while you actualy maintain the list
  Josh McCaffrey [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 12/03/99 02:08:21 PM
  Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  cc:(bcc: Ronald A. Yacketta/958157/EKC)
  Subject:  Re: [newbie] Liszt.com -- Correction
  I think www.list.com or lists.com.  I know when another mail list server
  was down, we had a back up list using one of these sites.  If you can
  put up w/ a little advertising on all of the posted mails, it's not so
  bad.  If it works, it works :)
  Benjamin Sher wrote:
   Dear friends:
   www.liszt.com is just a list of mailing lists, not a place to start one.
   Which only goes to show that if anyone is interested in starting a
   StarOffice mailing list, then we'll have to look for someone who can
   direct us to information on how to do it.
   Anybody know anything about this.
   Benjamin and Anna Sher
   Sher's Russian Web
mail man can be found at www.freshmeat.net

Re: [newbie] more eth0 problems!! HELP!! (please)

1999-12-04 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

 AntifluX wrote:
 i installed mandrake.i got my NIC card working...then i shutdown
 reboot into windows for a bit, then i went back to linux now it doesnt
 see my NIC when i do a "lsmod" when i goto Activate under netcfg it
 says "Delaying eth0 initialization" whats this all about
 p.s. i had this same problem...then i reinstalled and it went
 away..but i dont want to reinstall everytime i want to use the
 internet in linux!
Sounds like a IRQ conflict.
is you nic a pci? if so try going into the bios and making the IRW for
your pci nic a legacy IRQ (not used by plug-n-pray) or turn off
plug-n-pray support.


Re: [newbie] DNS server?

1999-12-03 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

Chromatic Bloom wrote:
 Okay, I need a simple explanation of DNS.
 I have a linux box that I want to setup and put online.
 I want to own a domain name.
 I want to do this using MediaOne Cable Modem.
 This requires DNS updates as MediaOne changed your IP at random times.
 How can I do this?
 .Jedi Chrome "Imagination is more important than knowledge".
 . ICQ: 7197245 | AOL Instant Messanger: JediChrome .
 .Visions of Chrome: www.velvet.net/~chrome .
 'A Rainbow in the Darkness..Raven Black Clouds on the Floor`

Re: [newbie] Several Linux Questions...

1999-12-03 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

Joe Brault wrote:
 I have several questions...
 (1) When I load my user, I can get to a command line fine, however, when I
 try to load KDE, I am unable to.  I get a message that says a new version
 was installed, then it asks me if I want to install or not.  No matter what
 I click, I am booted out of KDE, and get an error that media master was not
 found...  Is there a way around this?  Can I log in in a 'safe mode' like
 in Windows?
 (2)  What are the commands to mount a zip drive?  I have my drive
 installed, but when I rebooted my system, it did not mount, so I have to
 mount it...
 (3)  One last question!  How do I get my linux box to see the newtork (like
 network neighborhood in win X)  I would like to see my laptop from my linux
 box and vice versa, through the network I have set up.  Any way to do this?
  THanks a lot!
 Joe :)
not  sure on 1 or 2 but almost positive that you need samba for 3

Re: [newbie] Telnet went bye-bye after update.

1999-12-02 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

"Morrell, Mike" wrote:
 I'm still relatively new at Linux (1 month) but I started out with LM 6.0. I
 recently ran the update program and it updated some stuff like Netscape,
 init-scripts, etc. Previously I could telnet and ftp to my linux box. Now I
 cannot seem to telnet or ftp to my linux machine from my windows box or from
 the internet. However, I am able to ping from both. I just get a message
 that it cannot connect to host. What could have changed since I did the
 update? IPCHAINS is set as follows (left it wide open). Also tried with
 I set this rule as well: "IPCHAINS -A -i ppp0 -j MASQ" which allows my
 windows box to surf and such.
 Anyone have any ideas what went bad?
You upgraded from 6.0 to 6.1?
if so, you might need to install the telnet-server rpm..
not sure if the upgrade catches that one and installs it

Re: [newbie] MSIE when?

1999-11-23 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

Donny wrote:
 Hay, wasnt MSIE supossed to be out in november for linux?
 Thats wat i heard.
Thanxs for the laugh...
I doubt M$ will ever port anything they have to Linux.

Re: [newbie] Drive Space?

1999-11-23 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

jeff wrote:
 Being from the old school in dos and now learning the ins and outs of
 With dos it's better to divid up a drive into smaller drives. "CDEFG"
 This will let things run faster and give you a tad more drive space.
 Does Linux work in a similar fashion? or is this a mute point in linux ?
being from the old school as well
I tend to divide up my linux as follows
/   /dev/hd??
/home   /dev/dh??
/root   /dev/hd??

each of the above mount points (including swap) has its own slice of the
I even have been known to take /home and /root on its own disk
currently my fstab looks like this:/dev/hda7  
/   ext2defaults1 1 /dev/hdb5  
/ftpext2defaults1 2
/dev/hda5   /home1   ext2defaults   
1 2 /dev/sdb1   /home  ext2   
defaults1 2 /dev/hda8   /received  
ext2defaults1 2 /dev/hda6  
/root   ext2defaults1 2
/dev/sda5   /usrext2defaults   
1 2 /dev/sda1   /varext2   
defaults1 2 /dev/hda9   swap   
swapdefaults0 0

Re: [newbie] /home partition -- how?

1999-11-22 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

Benjamin wrote:
 Dear friends:
 I will be reinstalling my Mandrake 6.1 from CD in a day or two. I would
 appreciate advice on how to make a /home partition.
 [Specs: AMD K6-2 400 Mhrtz, 128 megs of RAM]
 Currently, I have an all-Linux system consisting of two hard drives: hda
 (4.3 gig) for the Linux system and hdb for my storage needs (3.2 gig).
 Both drives are Linux native ext2 drives. Plus a swap drive of 128 meg.
 Obviously, I do not want to do anything with my hdb drive.
 So, the question is how to partition my main hda 4.3 drive? I have up
 until now been partitioning my hda using DiskDruid by simply letting the
 entire hda become my / directory  (by selecting hda1, "1" and "growing"
 from the Disk Druid partition options (while hdb is my /bs directory).
 The problem, of course, is that each time I reinstalled Red Hat or, now
 Mandrake, I lost my /home/sher directory and everything in it.
in diskdruid just limit the / partition to lets say 3g
then create (add) a partition (linux native) that would be the rest of
the disk and make its mount point /home

currently my fstab looks like this:
/dev/hda7   /   
/dev/hdb5   /ftp
/dev/hda5   /home1
/dev/sdb1   /home 
/dev/hda8   /received
/dev/hda6   /root
/dev/sda5   /usr
/dev/sda1   /var
/dev/hda9   swap

as you can clearly see I have put /usr, /var, /home and /root on there
own partition.

 If I could separate my /home/sher from my regular Linux installation,
 would that allow me in the future to install, upgrade or reinstall
 Mandrake and keep my /home/sher directory separate and intact? If so,
 could someone suggest specifically how to go about doing it. I am sure
 it's simple, but I want to make sure I am doing the right thing. Should
 I have not two (hda1 and swap file) but three partitions on hda (hda1,
 /home and swap)? If so, how do I do the math here. Just what do I need
 to do?
if you put /home on lets say /dev/hda5
when you upgrade/reinstall you wont lose that data (if you do not format

 Thank you so much.
 Benjamin and Anna Sher
 Sher's Russian Web

Re: [newbie] aol

1999-11-21 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

On Sun, 21 Nov 1999, you wrote:
Yeah, get a real ISP ;)

on the other hand (I never used AOl so I am going out on a limb here)
does A-O-HELL offer dialup ppp? if so then you could possibly (not sure tho)
use kppp

  If aol is my isp, is there anyway for me to get on the internet
through  linux? If so, how? I tried using wine, but that just crashes.

Re: [newbie] OT: useless factoid part deux

1999-11-20 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

David wrote:
dump 2 gallons water out fo bucket a and 3 out of bucket b, then dump
bucket b into a giving 4 galons ;) *snicker* I know,its not the right
answer, but it does give 4 gallons
 Hello All...
 Ok maybe this is not a "Factoid" per sebut just a little quiz to burn some
 brain cells, ( then again for some maybe not even that :) )
 U have 1, 3 gallon bucket
 "  "   "   1, 5 gallon bucket
 u absolutely need "exactly" 4 gallon's of water
 How to do?
 Rule: the only measuring device allowed r the buckets
 unlimited water supply
 "best to do while sober"
 as far as i know there r 2 answer's..
 it does help to straighten out your thoughts though
 actually what i am looking for is if anyone would be able to translate that into
 a wee app for X,.. Written in C, as the song goes

Re: [newbie] OT: useless factoid part deux

1999-11-20 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

"Ronald J. Yacketta" wrote:
 David wrote:
 dump 2 gallons water out fo bucket a and 3 out of bucket b, then dump
 bucket b into a giving 4 galons ;) *snicker* I know,its not the right
 answer, but it does give 4 gallons
  Hello All...
  Ok maybe this is not a "Factoid" per sebut just a little quiz to burn some
  brain cells, ( then again for some maybe not even that :) )
  U have 1, 3 gallon bucket
  "  "   "   1, 5 gallon bucket
  u absolutely need "exactly" 4 gallon's of water
  How to do?
  Rule: the only measuring device allowed r the buckets
  unlimited water supply
  "best to do while sober"
  as far as i know there r 2 answer's..
  it does help to straighten out your thoughts though
  actually what i am looking for is if anyone would be able to translate that into
  a wee app for X,.. Written in C, as the song goes

ops! (3- 2 = 1) + (5 -3 = 2) = 3 *blush*
should have been 
(3 -2 = 1) + (5 - 2 = 3 ) = 4

Re: [newbie] emu10k1

1999-11-17 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

"Jaswinder S. Ahluwalia" wrote:
 I have an SB Live sound card that i am trying to get running under linux.
 About a couple of weeks ago i downloaded emu10k1 but i have some qestions
 about some of the instructions it gives.
 How do I:
 1) "unload all existing soundcard drivers, including soundcore?" (if this
 step requires compiling the kernel, i am going to need really detailed
 instructions because i would not even know where to begin :-) , if not,
 what else do i have to do?)
lsmod will show you loaded moduals
if you have any sound moduals rmmod modual name

 2) "remove all old soundcard
 references from /etc/conf.modules" (if this is the sound card i had during
 the install of linux do i have to perform this step, if so how?) 3) "know
 if my kernel is compiled with version information?"
edit /etc/conf.moduals and remove all ref's to your old sound card
should have something like alias sound blah, delete that an any thing
after it like pre-install post-install or options.

I did not have to recompile my kernel to get emu10k1 to work


Re: [newbie] loading a module, program I should use?

1999-11-17 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

 I have recompiled my kernel so I can make my ATAPI cdrom look like a SCSI so I
 can now write cd's... got to load the scsi modules though, is there a program
 I should use so I don't mess anything up that has been set up automatically?
 Get free email and a permanent address at http://www.netaddress.com/?N=1
try insmod modual name
then modprobe modual name

Re: [newbie] smp questions

1999-11-17 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

pete moss wrote:
 i have in mind doing some system hardware upgrades, one of the things
 that i am thinking about upgrading is my processor.  i currently have a
 PII 350.  my motherboard can support up to a 450.  i am also considering
 getting a smp motherboard and a second chip.  is there a good cheap
 motherboard that supports this, as well as agp, isa, and pci?  do the
 two processors need to be the same speed?  also, is there a better place
 to compare prices than cnet.com?
BP6 with dual celeron 300's is what I use

Re: [newbie] Multiple ethernet cards

1999-11-02 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

On Mon, 01 Nov 1999, you wrote:
have you tried modprobe 3c509 ?
if it fails it should give you some type of error like device/resource busy

 I am attempting to set up a server using ip masq connecting a mixed
 linux/win 98 and nt network to a cable modem. The system works using
 Win2000 as server, but I have been unable to get linux to recognize more
 than one of the ethernet cards. 
 The system is a AMD K6-2 350 with 64 MB of RAM, the cable modem is
 connected to a 3c509b, and local network is connected to a Genius
 (Realtek) card. Upon setup the realtek driver is loaded as eth0 (found
 by the system PCI probe). I have attempted to setup the 3c509b with a
 line in lilo.conf, listing IRQ and address, without success. I have also
 tried listing the card in the networking section of linuxconf with the
 same information, also without success.
 How can I get linux to recognize and load both cards?
 James Mellema, CRNA MA
 The idea that an arbitrary naive human should be able to properly use a
 given tool without training or understanding is even more wrong for
 computing than it is for other tools (e.g. automobiles, airplanes, guns
 or power saws).
 (Thanks to Mike Marion - Unix SysAdmin/Engineer, Qualcomm Inc.)

Re: [newbie] Inet problems

1999-11-02 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

On Mon, 01 Nov 1999, you wrote:
what error do you get?
it is kinda hard to help without an error..
if your trying to ftp / telnet in as root that is generaly disabled as a default
 I am running Mandrake 6.1 in a predominately solaris 2.6 network, and am
 having trouble ftp'ing and telneting to my system.  I can use these
 services to get to other hosts, but am unable to get into my own system
 from any other workstation.  I have checked the /etc/inetd.conf, and it
 has the telnet and ftp services activated.
 Anyone seen this before?
 Thanks in advance,
 Todd White

[newbie] mirroring

1999-11-02 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

Hello all!!

do any of you know where I could get some mirror software for linux?
I would like to mirror my internal 4 scsi 9gb's to 4 external 9gb's. (maybe a
raid package where I could do raid 10 w/stripeing??)

thanks in advance.

RE: [newbie] IP Masquerading

1999-11-02 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

On Tue, 02 Nov 1999, you wrote:
I did not have to modify my kernel at all for ip MASQ.
I just ran the ipchains commands as posted and I was MASQ'ing

 Does this mean that the kernel already supports masquerading or do you need
 to load a module or what?
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 1999 12:41 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] IP Masquerading
 From: Ronald A. Yacketta
 do you have a dual nic (network card) setup?
 if so you would more than likely have to turn on ip_forwarding as well
 then you could do s/sbin/ipchains -F forward
 /sbin/ipchains -P forward DENY
 /sbin/ipchains -A forward -i eth0 -j MASQ
 /sbin/ipchains -A forward -i eth1 -j MASQ
 "Ronald Rand" [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 11/02/99 11:16:12 AM
 Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 cc:(bcc: Ronald A. Yacketta/958157/EKC)
 Subject:  [newbie] IP Masquerading
 What's the best way to go about setting up Mandrake for IP-Masquerading?
 Sorry if this has been asked already, but I'm a newbie to this newbie
 :) I already set up internet access on my Linux machine, and also networked
 it to my Win98 computer, so they're both able to ping each other with no
 problem. I understand Linux is IP-Masq capable out-of-the-box, so is there
 just some switch I have to set somewhere? Thanks!

Re: [newbie] Re: your mail

1999-11-01 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

On Mon, 01 Nov 1999, you wrote:
well they DONT need a statuc ip that is for sure. I dont have one :)
I use dynip, which will automagicly post your dynamic IP to the major DNS
  On Sun, Oct 31, 1999 at 09:43:22PM -0800, Chip Wiegand wrote:
  I am interested in this also. I have apache installed and it does run. I can
  connect to my pages from any pc in my home network. The next part is this -
  How do we (I) get to our pages from the outside world? Don't we need a
  connection to the internet, other than through an isp? When a friend of mine
  tried to ping my ip address it wouldn't work, my isp has a firewall and I have
  a firewall. 
 Well, both of you are going to need to allow incoming connections on port
 80 on your firewalls.
 Next, you'll want to contact your ISP about getting a static IP and a domain
 name else you'll be stuck using IP numbers to contact your system.
  On Sun, 31 Oct 1999, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Sun, Oct 31, 1999 at 03:35:22PM -0800, Dreja Julag wrote:
Hello all!  I am wondering if I can create a web server of my own with my linux
box for my friends and neighbors.  I think it sounds like a cool experiment,
but I don't know where to start.  Thanks for the help.  I know, I could
probably look to a howto, but they are not the friendliest little creatures in
the world.
   Install the apache package.
   Start the server with:
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start
   Put the documents you wish to publish into /home/httpd/html.
 Steve Philp
 Network Administrator
 Advance Packaging Corporation

Re: [newbie] Trouble Compiling Network Driver

1999-11-01 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

On Mon, 01 Nov 1999, you wrote:
try this:
1) tail tulip.c
you will see the compiler command right thier for you, cut/paste it and see
what happens.
should look like this:
gcc -DMODULE -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux/net/inet -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes
-O6 -c tulip.c `[ -f /usr/include/linux/modversions.h ]  echo -DMODVERSIONS`

the above is one line.
also, the above works fine for me with the tulip.c on the mandrake distro and
the one from the web (on the nasa site)

  I've been having a very hard time compiling the driver
for my Ethernet   card. My computer is a dual boot setup with Windows 98 and
Linux Mandrake   6.1. I have the Cox@home cable Internet service, and a
SOHOware NDC 10/100   Fast Ethernet PCI card. The card includes the "tulip"
driver for Linux on   the install disk, but neither that version, nor any of
the others I have   found on the Net will compile. I have used many different
command lines,   including exact copies from the tulip source code. and from
various Web   pages and How-To's.
 The main error message I get is:
 tulip.c :101: warning : *warning You must compile this file with the 
 correct options!
 tulip.c :102 : warning : *warning See the last lines of the source file.
 tulip.c :103 : warning : *warning You must compile this driver with "-O".
 Depending on what arguments I put on the command line, I will also get an 
 error message from gcc saying that "-O is an unrecognized option." (!!) I'm 
 not a complete newbie to Linux, but I don't know very much about the 
 technical side. I finally learned how to set-up a PPP dial-up connection in 
 Linux, but this Ethernet thing is driving me crazy. eth0 is not a "known 
 device" to the kernel, so I assume I have to add tulip as a module, or 
 recompile the kernel with it. I know that tulip is listed as a driver 
 option in Linuxconf, but its not in /lib/modules, or anywhere else that I 
 can find.  During the Mandrake installation, it autodetected the network 
 card, but it fails to initialize it on starting up the system - always the 
 same message about the "unknown device."
 Can anybody help? By the way, I have tried -O option with both O (upper and 
 lower case letter) and 0 (numeral zero).

Re: [newbie] Who's been logging in?

1999-11-01 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

On Mon, 01 Nov 1999, you wrote:
not sure about a log to tell you what they did (except for maybe looking at
thier .history file??)
but you could dod a last username and that would show you when that user
logged in last.
  Is there a log, or is there a way to create one, that shows
who has   logged into my machine, when and what they did?  
 Ty Mixon
 ICQ:  26147713

[newbie] [Fwd: [Fwd: Returned mail: User unknown] (991117-8351711)]

1999-01-17 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

This is what I got from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
maybe the list owner should give them a ring


To resolve this issue, you may want to call our tech support dept at 
1-800-719-4660 or 1-404-815-9111 24hr/7days a week. I feel a 
solution to your issue will be easier to achieve with a phone call 
then by email. 

Thank you, 

Mindspring Tech Support 

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Re: [newbie] Two drives

1999-01-02 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

On Thu, 04 Nov 1999, you wrote:
yes,  it can be done and I am sure is done regurarly through out the llinux

first you should setup the drive so linux can use it
fdisk /devhdb (this should be your secodn drive)
then make a new partition and make it a linux native.

then you can make a mount point ( IE: mkdir /mnt/driveb)
and then mount /dev/hdba /mnt/driveb

or this can be unde under KDE as root as well



drives on my computer. One, hda, is for the Linux op  system, the other I
would like to reserve for Linux programs.  
 Question:   Is it possible to install Linux programs on a different physical
 Has anybody done this?  Would like to know.

Re: [newbie] ram not seen

1999-01-02 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

On Thu, 04 Nov 1999, you wrote:
check your bios settings OR
try at the lilo: prompt when your booting type
if that works then you can add it to the append line of your lilo.conf

 can anyone help?
 I have installed mandrake 6.1 on an athlon system and it all
 went well except i have 256 megs of ram but linux seems to recognize
 16 megs of it.
 Thanks for any helpPaul