Re: [newbie-it] Sicurezza password utenti

2001-01-11 Per discussione Fabio Coatti

Il 00:07, gioved 11 gennaio 2001, scrivesti:
 Qualcuno sa dirmi brevemente come funziona il meccanismo delle
 password di Linux?

 E' vero che se faccio il login come utente posso leggere il file delle
 password in /etc ed estrarle tutte, compresa quella di root, con
 semplici programmini che si trovato in rete?

Dunque, il discorso  pi o meno cos: il metodo di autenticazione, 
ormai obsoleto, pi vecchio prevede che le password 
siano contenute nel file /etc/passwd, nel secondo campo delle righe:


tale file deve essere leggibile da tutti, essendoci dati utente che 
servono sempre (ad esempio quando lanci ls -la viene letto per tirare 
fuori il nome del proprietario dei varifiles listati). Il problema  che 
in qeusto modo anche la password, pur se cifrata,  pu essere letta da 
tutti gli utenti; l'algoritmo usato per la cifratura  decisamente 
debole ed un programma come crack pu attaccarlo a forza bruta, usando 
un dizionario gi pronto, ed ottenere una notevole serie di passwords in 

Per risolvere il problema si adottano due soluzioni, entrambe presenti 
su ormai tutte le installazioni:
1) le password sono spostate nel file /etc/shadow, leggibile solo dal 
root, mentre le altre infos rimangono in passwd; in questo modo gli 
utenti possono s vedere il file passwd ma non le passwords. In questo 
caso il secondo campo del file passwd contiene una x.

2) SI  adottato una nuova cifratura delle passwords, basato 
sull'hashing md5 della password. In questo modo i programmi "brute 
force" falliscono anche se si riesce a mettere le mani sul file shadow.

Fabio Coatti 
Ferrara Linux Users Group
GnuPG fp:9765 A5B6 6843 17BC A646  BE8C FA56 373A 5374 C703
Old SysOps never die... they simply forget their password.

Re: [newbie-it] debug pppd?

2001-01-11 Per discussione Simone Deponti

- Original Message - 
From: "ioadamo" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 11:47 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] debug pppd?

Re: [newbie-it] star office come desktop in mndk-7.2

2001-01-11 Per discussione ioadamo

 Configurazione di Star Office come desktop in mndk-7.2

  drwxr-xr-x2 root root 4096 dic 24 20:28 wmsession.d/

 A questo punto e` bastato copiare 01KDE in 03StarOffice

DESC=Star Office Environment
exec /usr/bin/startsoffice

Ho aggiunto questo
e ho lanciato:
 [root@bihost X11]# chksession -g

 per aggiornare l'elenco delle sessioni disponibili.

 Per completare il lavoro devi lanciare il kde-control-center,
 scegliere system-LoginManager--sessioni e aggiungere
 StarOffice...ho fatto anche questo

 Ovviamente StarOffice deve essere scritto esattamente allo stesso modo
 in kde-control-center e come NAME in 03StarOffice..e questo
ma non è successo nulla e al momento del login non parte e mi ritorna la 
finestra di login.
Ciao Fede


[newbie-it] Urgesi moduli

2001-01-11 Per discussione Germano

A chiunque abbia una mandrake 7.1 con kernel 2.2.15:
Sareste cos gentili da inviarmi 3 moduli contenuti nella
directory /lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdk/misc, ve ne sarei immensamente grato (i
miei li ho erroneamente sovrascritti con 3 pi vecchi per installare un
modem asuscom isdn pci).
I moduli incriminati sono: -1)   isdn.o
  - 2) dss1_divert.o
  -3) hisax.o
Grazie a chiunque voglia perdere tempo a fare ci!

[newbie-it] Multisession

2001-01-11 Per discussione Corrado

Ciao a tutti.

E' possibile masterizzare i cd in multisession? Perch io ho attivato
l'opzione apposita in gtoaster, per riesco si a scrivere sul cd, ma poi
in fase di lettura riesco a "vedere" solo quel che avevo scritto durante
la prima sessione... Qualche spiegazione?



[newbie-it] Wine ed Xpm

2001-01-11 Per discussione Stefano Salari

Ciao a tutti,

ho un problema con la compilazione di Wine (ver.

Ho scaricato i sorgenti e li ho installati lanciando
lo script ./tools/wineinstall. Tutto ok, pero' poi
scopro che alcune cose non girano perche' mi mancano
le librerie Xpm-devel. Le installo via rpm e rilancio
wineinstall ma non cambia nulla.

A questo punto provo la strada piu' lunga, cioe'

make depend  make

ma ./configure mi dice che le librerie Xpm non sono
correttamente installate:

*** Warning: Xpm development files not found. Wine
will be built without
*** Xpm support, which currently does not work. You
will need to install
*** devel packages of Xpm.

Per scrupolo ho controllato l'esistenza delle librerie
ma sono li' dove dovrebbero essere ed ho provato a
lanciare ./configure con i parametri per indicare le
directory lib ed include di Xwindows ma wine continua
a non vedere queste Xpm.

Avete qualche idea?
Grazie mille! Stefano.

Do You Yahoo!?
Il tuo indirizzo gratis e per sempre su

R: R: [newbie-it] star office come desktop in mndk-7.2

2001-01-11 Per discussione francesco

Ti ringrazio e scusami per la mia rozzezza
- Original Message -
From: Andrea Celli [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2001 11:32 AM
Subject: Re: R: [newbie-it] star office come desktop in mndk-7.2

 francesco wrote:
  Per andrea celli,

 Per disciplinare un po' le cose ci sono un paio di regolette dei
 NewsGroup e delle MailingList che ti pregherei di seguire:

 - non ci si rivolge mai di persona ad un frequentatore:
 si propone un problema o un argomento e chi e` interessato e ne ha
 voglia risponde.

 - non si riporta tutta la lettera precedente ma solo l'indispensabile
 per riagganciarsi al discorso: in questo caso niente :-) :-)

  nell'installazione mi richiedeva un pacchetto il KPPPLOAD dove posso

 dovrebbe essere sul cd

  Ho scaricato da internet i driver per il mio modem come e dove

 Che oggetto e`: un modem o un winmodem?
 Nel primo caso usi kppp, gli dici solo su che porta seriale e`
 (scheda "dispositivo") e poi premi "interroga modem" (scheda "modem").

 Se e` un win/soft-modem bisogna prima vedere se funziona anche
 sotto Linux ( e se
 funziona segui le indicazioni in

 ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie] Recruitment Notice

2001-01-11 Per discussione Penndragon

Hi Susan (and guys/gals)

May well give it a burl next time round. Only a newbie myself and going thru
a steep learning curve hear. Used linux for approx 3 weeks so far, and
windows for 9 years. Gettin hold of the full 7.1 ver of mandrake complete
with manuals tomorrow (mainly for the manuals to help my learning cuve) from
a friend at work. This is something I'd like to help further when I learn
just a little more :)


 I am interested in testing mandrake softwares. I have DSL
 connection, I have 20gig secondary drive all devoted to
 mandrake7.2 right now on one of my boxen and I could
 put experimental distro on it too. I have enjoyed the 7.2
 mandrake and have only had a few problems with samba
 config, supermount, and some other minor glitches that
 the gurus have gotten me through. Right now the mandrake
 boxen is running steady and no problems.
 Let me know if I can help by trying new distro.

 - Original Message -
 From: civileme
 Sent: Friday, January 05, 2001 2:31 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Recruitment Notice

 Well, folks, it is that time of the development cycle where we
 (actually this is a brand new tradition) seek a few brave souls to act as
 testers for our next distro.

 This time, all you need is bravery and a computer system to try this out
 We are finishing testing protocols which will lead you through the testing
 steps; we have software that phones home with your tester number and your
 hardware configuration, and we are building a web site to post results and

 For the first time, we are looking for more than bugs to fix.  We are
 for ratings of functionality that we can share with the community, and
 the developers and maintainers of the packages, even those we do not do

 To enroll, just email me.  Tell me whether you have a fast connection and
 not, send a postal address.  Oh, and make sure you are able to dedicate a
 little time the month of Valentine's Day.

 Well the pay isn't great ($0) but you do get my personal assistance via
 to configure your computer to the next release.

 QA/Software testing

Re: [newbie] how to do 'ghost' install in linux

2001-01-11 Per discussione Penndragon

Hi Aston

I hadn't cosidered that b4 myself, but you certainly have aroused my
curiousity as well since I happen to have Ghost as well. And btw, a fellow


 hi all.  i know that for windows machine, i can use norton ghost to do a
 ghost installation of windows for a large number of computers.  i've
 wondering if this can also be done for linux.  if so, where do i go for

 please note that this is not an urgent request for help.  i am just
 insanely curious.  i do work for a computer hardware company, so this it
 MIGHT be useful down the track.

 thanks all

 sydney, australia

Re: [newbie] XFree86 4.0.1

2001-01-11 Per discussione s

On Wednesday 10 January 2001 09:07 pm, you wrote:
 Is anyone else besides me having a problem installin XFree 4.0.1 in
 Mandrake 7.2?  I tried installing Xfree 4.0.1 though rpmdrake and
 everything seemed to install fine..I have an Xfreeconfig-4 file, but when I
 do a X -version and in KDE I still get 3.3.6
 Anyone  know what's up with that? Should I just try manual install?
 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

I had the same problem til a kind sole told me that I needed to tell X which 
version to link to:   

"What defines your X version, is the link

 if it is linked to something like  
/usr/X11R6/bin/XF86_  then it is the 3.3.6

 if it is linked to
/usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86then it is 4.0.x

 Also, /var/log/XFree86.0.log   is the output of your
last X session, and you can find lot sof info there
too, just a good way to check out things :)

 To make it 4.0.x straight delete the link and remake
it in the correct way

 rm /etc/X11/X
 ln -s /usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86 /etc/X11/X

 will do the job. Goodluck


That fixed me right up!.

Re: [newbie] Setting Up Secure Shell

2001-01-11 Per discussione Tim Holmes

I agree with Holly.  This took me a good 3 days with trial and error
before I got this set up to work.  But use her instructions, I think
she's point you upon the right path.  

When you create your key in your .ssh/ directory, it askes you to set
a passwd for it.  Well it DOES not have to be the passwd for that 
account.  You're creating a passwd for that key.  So your passwd for
that user account could be KICK and the passwd for your SSH key could
be ASS and there will be no problems.

Here's what I have in my .ssh/ directory.

[timh@yoda ~/.ssh]$ ls -la
total 24
drwx--2 timh timh 4096 Nov 10 12:16 ./
drwx--   51 timh timh 4096 Jan 10 22:43 ../
-rw---1 timh timh  524 Nov 10 05:57 identity
-rw-rw-r--1 timh timh  328 Nov 10 05:57
-rw-r--r--1 timh timh 2752 Jan  7 23:03 known_hosts
-rw-r--r--1 timh timh 1212 Nov 10 13:22 known_hosts2

I ssh from/into about 15 different machines.  (A lot of them are at work,
and require ssh or you're  SOL.)   So that's why I have a second known_hosts
file.  Not sure how many that can hold but that's why there's a second one 
there.  Running the ssh-keygen will create the identity and for

If needed you can delete your identity and and then create new
ones.  Unless you've set some sort of setting via command line to not allow
random ssh connections, all you should have to do is then type your command.

ssh -l userID

Enter in the correct ssh passwd, which may be refered to RSA, and you should 
be in.

palladium:~ huh RSA

   Found nothing in the ANS database
   You might want to use the -s/--searchall option

   Looking up "RSA" in Free OnLine Dictionary of Computing RSA

   cryptography, company (The initials of the authors)
   1. RSA Data Security, Inc.
   2. Their cryptography systems, especially RSA encryption.
   The RSA algorithm was first described in the paper:
   [R. Rivest, A. Shamir, L. Adleman, "A Method for Obtaining Digital
   Signatures and Public-key Cryptosystems". CACM 21,2; 1978]
   Try this search on OneLook / Google

So I hopefully that be a bit more helpful, but Holly was on the right track.
(I just like showing off by providing much more information then ever needed
lol)  Thanx Holly, good luck Mark.
T. Holmes

"Real Men use Vi."  

* Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010110 19:30]:
 I've got all these packages installed and I'm not able to connect to my
 machine using ssh. When I get to the login it asks me for the passwd and
 then refuses the connection. Are there other files that need to be
 configured or something that I'm missing?
 "If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless,"
 "Sharing is what makes them powerful."
   Linus Torvalds

RE: [newbie] Setting up Samba as Passowrd Server for win98

2001-01-11 Per discussione Steve Gulick


I have 
it working now

  -Original Message-From: 
  Behalf Of Bill ShirleySent: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 10:14 
  PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: [newbie] 
  Setting up Samba as Passowrd Server for win98
  Look in 
  /usr/doc/samba-2.0.7/docs/textdocs . You might also check out
  Basicly, you 
  master = yes preferred master = 
  yes local master = 
  script = %U.bat logon path = \\%L\Profiles\%U 
  logon drive = h: logon home = \\%L\%U\.profile
   security = 
  user encrypt passwords = 
  yes smb passwd file = 
  /etc/smbpasswd username map = 
  /etc/smbusers wins support = 
  and you should 
  [netlogon] comment = Network Logon 
  Service path = /home/lan/shares/netlogon guest 
  ok = yes writable = no share modes = 
  [Profiles] path = 
  /home/lan/shares/profiles# browseable = 
  no# guest ok = 
  yes browseable = 
  yes write list = 
  @smbusers force group = 
  lanadmin create mask = 
  0771 directory mask = 
  0770 map system = 
  Yes map hidden = 
  Yes map archive = 
  Yes available = 
  Of course, change the paths to 
  the apropriate directory names. The permissions should 
  drwxrwx--- 2 
  bill smbusers 4096 Sep 30 
  11:30 netlogon/drwxrwx--- 2 bill 
  smbusers 4096 Sep 30 11:30 
  PS. I have a group 
  "smbusers" that I put all samba users in.
-Original Message-From: 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Steve 
GulickSent: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 11:14 AMTo: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [newbie] Setting up Samba as 
Passowrd Server for win98

  Can some one 
  point me to a source of info on how to properly configure samba with 
  webmin to act as a PDC for password authentication of 

Re: [newbie] Mouse wheel not running

2001-01-11 Per discussione Po Kwok

 Hello again;
 My home computer has a  Genius NetScroll+ mouse. Mandrake 7.2 install my
 mouse as a generic PS2 and the wheel just runs as a third button. If I
 select the Genius NetScroll then the pointer stop on the top of the
 screen and doesn't run.
 I don't know if the problem is because my mouse is a NetScroll(+) and
 perhaps Mandrake just recognized the previous version.
 In fact I have not problems running the mouse as a PS2 generic, but
 under windows the wheel is usefull, to zooming, move along web pages and
 so on.
 Does anyone know how to install this mouse wheel?
 Thanks in advance for your kind attention, yours sincerely
 Francisco Alcaraz
 Murcia (Spain)

i haven't tried it yet, but i found this reply on

!-- beging quote --
download imwheel software from 

For scrollwheel, add "ZAxisMapping 4 5" to the 'pointers' section of
XF86Config. Some apps (i.e. Netscape) require imwheel to be running for
scrollwheel support.

Here is my XF86Config:

   Section "Pointer"
   Protocol "MouseManPlusPS/2"
   Device "/dev/psaux"
   SampleRate 100
   Resolution 200
   ZAxisMapping 4 5
   Buttons 4
!-- end quote --

sydney, australia

Re: [newbie] problem with nvidia tnt2 m64

2001-01-11 Per discussione Christian A Strømmen [Number1/NumeroUno]

On Thursday 11 January 2001 11:46, you wrote:
 it's so damn slow
 under ms windows its really fast please help me out

hehe, you aren't exactly giving us much info here, it's like "I have bought a 
new computer, but now I can't open the text-editor, what's wrong?"  :)

\ Christian A Strmmen /
\ Number1/NumeroUno @ Undernet - Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /
\ Web: - Cell: +47 911 43 948 /
 Live your life by your dreams,
  not by the limits of reality...

Re: [newbie] how to do 'ghost' install in linux

2001-01-11 Per discussione Tim Holmes

First I'd like to say, please do not take my response a solution to your
problem since I have no idea what I'm talking about.  (Which I find most
often to be the case! :0)~

But thinking about this, I'd like to think it's possible, just not with 
Norton Ghost.  I don't think it has what's needed to see the file system.
Much like Windows not being able to see a Linux formatted drive, I don't
think Norton would be able to either.

And doing a search at the only think I found was this.

 Cluster Cloner, system to create clone one system
  latest release: 1.0.0 on Sep 18th 1999
  date added: Sep 18th 1999 
  category: Console/System 
  license: LGPL

But as it says above that's cluster cloning software.  I looked for Ghost,
and I probably should have looked for clone or something like that. 

But there's my $0.012 cents! :0)  Not even worth the whole $0.02. lol

Just in cause you're wondering, I'm not an Aussie! lol  But I have visited
the "Land Down Under" a few times! :0)
T. Holmes

"Real Men use Vi."

* Po Kwok [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010110 23:02]:
 hi all.  i know that for windows machine, i can use norton ghost to do a
 ghost installation of windows for a large number of computers.  i've
 wondering if this can also be done for linux.  if so, where do i go for
 please note that this is not an urgent request for help.  i am just
 insanely curious.  i do work for a computer hardware company, so this it
 MIGHT be useful down the track.
 thanks all
 sydney, australia

Re: [newbie] Xserver Configuration Problem with Trident 9750 AGP Card

2001-01-11 Per discussione freddy . mena

Hi, i had the same problem (and worse while trying to fix it) with the trident
3D Blade agp 8 mb; i looked at the cd that came with the card and found the
VGA\Trident\9880\Linux directory, here there are:  a XF86_SVGA  file to replace
the original that comes with Mandrake, and a readme file with instructions. I
remember that there is VGA\Trident\9750\Linux too. Did you look at your video
card Cd?


BIRKLE Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] con fecha 11/01/2001
02:05:45 AM

Por favor, responda a [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Destinatarios: Linux Mandrake Newbie Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CC:(cci: Freddy R. Mena/TA/EDC)
Asunto:   [newbie] Xserver Configuration Problem with Trident 9750 AGP Card

I have just tried to install Mandrake 7.2 and all goes well up until the X
Server configuration.

I have a Trident 3D Image 9750 AGP video card 2MB Ram and a Sampo Alphascan
70 15" monitor.
When I configure X during the install process and use the 9750 Driver that
is available and and select the Sampo Monitor I have and click on the test
button the penguin appears about 5 times on the screen from the middle right
off the far righthand side of my monitor.

I have tried all the generic settings Monitor settings and SVGA and even the
failsafe FBDEV and still get the same result. Even if I select a generic
640x480 Resolution.

I had a similar problem with Mandrake 7.1 but was able to fix this with
custom monitor settings by specifying a custom vertical and horizontal
refresh rate of 70 while leaving the graphics card set to Trident 9750 AGP
but when I select custom monitor settings and specify a custom refresh rate
the same problem occurs in mandrake 7.2

In the end I accepted the 640x480 resolution just so that I could finish the
install. So upon starting Mandrake 7.2 all the services start fine and a
login prompt box appears to the right of center. When I click on the
Drakconf icon it spans right across the monitor and I have to move the
window to the left hand side of the screen just so that I can see the X
configuration screen.

I have heard references to Xfree86 but don't know what this is or if it
comes with 7.2 or whether you have to download it or do you run this from
the command line.

Its quite frustrating, any help would be most welcome.

Peter Birkle

* Disclaimer *

The contents of this electronic message and any attachments are
intended only for the addressee and may contain privileged or
confidential information. They may only be used for the purposes for
which they were supplied. If you are not the addressee, you are
notified that any transmission, distribution, downloading, printing
or photocopying of the contents of this message or attachments is
strictly prohibited. The privilege of confidentiality attached to
this message and attachments is not waived, lost or destroyed by
reason of mistaken delivery to you. If you receive this message
in error please notify the sender by return e-mail or telephone.

Thank you.

Re: [newbie] Xserver Configuration Problem with Trident 9750 AGP Card

2001-01-11 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan


XFree86 is the X-server that comes with Mandrake. Without it, Linux would be 
a command-line only affair (unless you spent $$$ for a commercial X-server).

I had a very similar problem just over a year ago when trying to install 
Caldera OpenLinux 2.2. It looks as if nothing has changed since then with 
XFree86's Trident 3DImage 9750 support. My card had 4MB of RAM, and I easily 
was able to reach 1024x768 with 16-bit colour in Windos. In Linux (both 
Caldera 2.2 and Red Hat 6.0), however, the best I could get was 640x480 with 
16 colours. This was after I manually adjusted my monitor refresh rates. I 
spent many hours researching websites in an effort to find a solution, and I 
was rather frustrated since the XFree86 site said that my card was supported, 
although it obviously was not very well supported at all. In the end I just 
gave up and bought a new card. The 3DImage is an old card, and nowadays you 
can get far better ones for less than the price it cost back then. It was a 
nuisance having to do this, but I can honestly say that it was one of the 
best investments I've ever made, since I now use Linux all the time.

On Thu, 11 Jan 2001 17:05, BIRKLE Peter wrote:
 I have just tried to install Mandrake 7.2 and all goes well up until the X
 Server configuration.

 I have a Trident 3D Image 9750 AGP video card 2MB Ram and a Sampo Alphascan
 70 15" monitor.
 When I configure X during the install process and use the 9750 Driver that
 is available and and select the Sampo Monitor I have and click on the test
 button the penguin appears about 5 times on the screen from the middle
 right off the far righthand side of my monitor.

 I have tried all the generic settings Monitor settings and SVGA and even
 the failsafe FBDEV and still get the same result. Even if I select a
 generic 640x480 Resolution.

 I had a similar problem with Mandrake 7.1 but was able to fix this with
 custom monitor settings by specifying a custom vertical and horizontal
 refresh rate of 70 while leaving the graphics card set to Trident 9750 AGP
 but when I select custom monitor settings and specify a custom refresh rate
 the same problem occurs in mandrake 7.2

 In the end I accepted the 640x480 resolution just so that I could finish
 the install. So upon starting Mandrake 7.2 all the services start fine and
 a login prompt box appears to the right of center. When I click on the
 Drakconf icon it spans right across the monitor and I have to move the
 window to the left hand side of the screen just so that I can see the X
 configuration screen.

 I have heard references to Xfree86 but don't know what this is or if it
 comes with 7.2 or whether you have to download it or do you run this from
 the command line.

 Its quite frustrating, any help would be most welcome.

 Peter Birkle

 * Disclaimer *

 The contents of this electronic message and any attachments are
 intended only for the addressee and may contain privileged or
 confidential information. They may only be used for the purposes for
 which they were supplied. If you are not the addressee, you are
 notified that any transmission, distribution, downloading, printing
 or photocopying of the contents of this message or attachments is
 strictly prohibited. The privilege of confidentiality attached to
 this message and attachments is not waived, lost or destroyed by
 reason of mistaken delivery to you. If you receive this message
 in error please notify the sender by return e-mail or telephone.

 Thank you.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this change.

Re: [newbie] quick question

2001-01-11 Per discussione Jordan

I loaded Mandrake 7.2 recently and partitioning was automated. 
Just put in the CD and go. 
If you want to keep existing partitions it's a different story. 

"Kelly, Christopher" wrote:
 Do I need to Fdisk a drive before installing Linux? I can't remember.

Re: [newbie] Installing KDE2.0 themes -- how?

2001-01-11 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Thursday 11 January 2001 12:02 am, Benjamin Sher wrote:
 The instructions for manually installing KDE 2.0 themes are quite
 confusing. The instructions given as part of the Aquatica theme
 (install in ~/.kde/share/apps/kstyle 

 This is for a user install

conflict with others advising
 installing them in /usr/share/apps/kstyle.

 This is for a global install

 Could someone please
 specify PRECISELY how and where a KDE 2.0 theme should be installed?

Best way is to update KDE to 2.1 = 20010103 using the rpms on 
Mandrake /unsupported mirrors.  Current rpms are 20010109.  KDE2 Theme 
manager and several KDE2 themes are now included.
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] Network solution

2001-01-11 Per discussione Don Munson


I apologize for the problem since this apparently started with me.  This was
not an issue of request a read from the list but I have this setting on my
machine always on for other issues.  As has been mentioned there are
settings in the email programs and mine is set to automatically respond so I
don't ever see the dialog boxes so wasn't aware they were there until I
started getting read receipts.

I will endeavor to keep them off the list from now on.

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 3:29 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Network solution

 glad to help.  I hate those damn reply requests too.


 "Eugene C. Zesch" wrote:
  Thanks, thats a setting  didn't notice before.
  abe wrote:
   if you are using netscape mail you can set the preferences to never
   a reply.
   edit=preferences=mailnews groups=return receipts: its in the
   right box.
   He can request 'em all he wants and I'll never even know.
   "Eugene C. Zesch" wrote:
Penndragon wrote:

 Hi Steven

 I understand your reason, but it irritates more people than will
reply. My
 experience is that many will simply block ypu to avoid that dialog
box every
 time you post :( I'm not one of those, but I do find it annoying.
 posting to a liast, surely your post there is sign enough that it

I agree. I also find it annoying. FWIW

RE: [newbie] how to do 'ghost' install in linux

2001-01-11 Per discussione Kelly, Christopher

I have actually used Nortons Ghost 6.1 to copy linux partitions from one
hard drive to another. With success!! I was sceptical at first, but Nortons
is a good product. Use with caution as always.

Chris Kelly
Men are from Earth
Women are from Earth
Deal with it...

-Original Message-
From: Tim Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2001 7:24 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] how to do 'ghost' install in linux

First I'd like to say, please do not take my response a solution to your
problem since I have no idea what I'm talking about.  (Which I find most
often to be the case! :0)~

But thinking about this, I'd like to think it's possible, just not with 
Norton Ghost.  I don't think it has what's needed to see the file system.
Much like Windows not being able to see a Linux formatted drive, I don't
think Norton would be able to either.

And doing a search at the only think I found was this.

 Cluster Cloner, system to create clone one system
  latest release: 1.0.0 on Sep 18th 1999
  date added: Sep 18th 1999 
  category: Console/System 
  license: LGPL

But as it says above that's cluster cloning software.  I looked for Ghost,
and I probably should have looked for clone or something like that. 

But there's my $0.012 cents! :0)  Not even worth the whole $0.02. lol

Just in cause you're wondering, I'm not an Aussie! lol  But I have visited
the "Land Down Under" a few times! :0)
T. Holmes

"Real Men use Vi."

* Po Kwok [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010110 23:02]:
 hi all.  i know that for windows machine, i can use norton ghost to do a
 ghost installation of windows for a large number of computers.  i've
 wondering if this can also be done for linux.  if so, where do i go for
 please note that this is not an urgent request for help.  i am just
 insanely curious.  i do work for a computer hardware company, so this it
 MIGHT be useful down the track.
 thanks all
 sydney, australia

RE: [newbie] Dual processors ??

2001-01-11 Per discussione Liaw, Andy

If the install program sees two CPUs, it will install the SMP kernel.  For
example, the kernel installed on our dual P3 Xeon box is 2.2.15-4mdksmp
(from LM7.1).  As mentioned before, only multi-thread apps and apps
specifically written for SMP will run faster.

Who makes mobo for dual Athalons?  I thought AMD said they won't have
SMP-capable Athalons until later this year.


 Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 3:48 PM
 Subject:  Re: [newbie] Dual processors ??
 if you are running an SMP mandrake system will recompiling the software
 you use help it to use the SMP capabilities of the machine or not? 
 You all have me curious now.  My girlfriend wants a dual T-Bird system
 for her birthday this summer.  This will be a strictly mandrake machine.
 Tom Brinkman wrote:
  On Tuesday 09 January 2001 08:17 pm, Mark Weaver wrote:
   I'd be real interested in knowing about this too cause I've been
   toying with the same idea of building a dual processor system. Linux
   is all I run anymore. I'd be more concerned as to how the kernel
   would react to such a situation more then some of the apps on that
   system. I can't imagine how'd they'd really care whether there were 1
   or 10 processor.
 Well, i've never run SMP.  From what I understand, a multi processor
  system has no problems running software written for single proccessor
  systems, but multi cpu systems won't run 'em any faster/better either.
  The application has to be specifically written and compiled to take
  advantage of multi proccessors  ... and they're few and far between on
  most all desktop systems.
  Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] KDE2.0 Menu -- Konqueror as root -- Where?

2001-01-11 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Thursday 11 January 2001 12:00 am, Benjamin Sher wrote:
 Is there a menu item in KDE 2.0 which would allow me to launch
 Konqueror as root (with a dialog box asking me for my root password)
 so I can access my files. 

On the menu, Applications | File tools | File manager (super user mode)

Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] still working on windows D drive

2001-01-11 Per discussione Meph Istopheles

  Jay wrote:

   /dev/hda1 /mnt/DOS_hda1 vfat user,exec,conv=binary 0 0
   /dev/hdb2/mnt/DOS_hdb2  vfat
  So I think you should have:

  /dev/hdb2 /mnt/DOS_hdb2 vfat rw 0 0

  If I'm not mistaken, you have to create /mnt/DOS_hdb2 before
  this will work.  I *think* I used "touch /mnt/DOS_hdb2 but
  I'm not sure.

 I am sure that mkdir /mnt/DOS_hdb2 would be better. touch
 creates a file, you need a directory for a mountpoint.

  Paul, you're right.  My only problem with all this is that
having to key in /mnt/whatever is annoying when not necessary.
I'm not away of there being any problem making mountpoints off
/ like /win.  That way, you not only save yourself a little
typing, but have a meaningful shortcut to the actual device
(which I think is the whole point).


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt-' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

Re: [newbie] Xserver Configuration Problem with Trident 9750 AGP Card

2001-01-11 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Thursday 11 January 2001 12:05 am, BIRKLE Peter wrote:
 I have just tried to install Mandrake 7.2 and all goes well up until
 the X Server configuration.

 I have no idea about your monitor, but that Vcard is weak.
During install you're asked if you want XFree-3.3x or XFree-4, and XF-4 
w/accel.  I suspect your card will work better with the old 3.3x, and 
it won't do XF-4 w/accel at all.  So if you can't navigate in DrakConf 
with your present install, I believe you need to boot your install CD 
and choose 'expert' and 'upgrade'.  Run thru the upgrade, unselect all 
packages (unless you want to add something) til you get to X setup.
Now you're gonna have to trial and error some different setups. It'll 
ask you to test the config.  If what you choose doesn't work, you can 
choose another.  I'd think that your Vcard can handle MAX 1024x768 at 
16bpp, but would prob'ly do better at 800x600x16.  You'll just have to 
experiment with XFree 3 or 4.  Use XF-4 if you can.
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

 I have a Trident 3D Image 9750 AGP video card 2MB Ram and a Sampo
 Alphascan 70 15" monitor.
 When I configure X during the install process and use the 9750 Driver
 that is available and and select the Sampo Monitor I have and click
 on the test button the penguin appears about 5 times on the screen
 from the middle right off the far righthand side of my monitor.

 I have tried all the generic settings Monitor settings and SVGA and
 even the failsafe FBDEV and still get the same result. Even if I
 select a generic 640x480 Resolution.

 I had a similar problem with Mandrake 7.1 but was able to fix this
 with custom monitor settings by specifying a custom vertical and
 horizontal refresh rate of 70 while leaving the graphics card set to
 Trident 9750 AGP but when I select custom monitor settings and
 specify a custom refresh rate the same problem occurs in mandrake 7.2

 In the end I accepted the 640x480 resolution just so that I could
 finish the install. So upon starting Mandrake 7.2 all the services
 start fine and a login prompt box appears to the right of center.
 When I click on the Drakconf icon it spans right across the monitor
 and I have to move the window to the left hand side of the screen
 just so that I can see the X configuration screen.

 I have heard references to Xfree86 but don't know what this is or if
 it comes with 7.2 or whether you have to download it or do you run
 this from the command line.

 Its quite frustrating, any help would be most welcome.

 Peter Birkle

 * Disclaimer

 The contents of this electronic message and any attachments are
 intended only for the addressee and may contain privileged or
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 which they were supplied. If you are not the addressee, you are
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 in error please notify the sender by return e-mail or telephone.

 Thank you.

Re: [newbie] Genius Netscroll +

2001-01-11 Per discussione s

On Wednesday 10 January 2001 09:32 pm, you wrote:
 Hello again;
 My home computer has a  Genius NetScroll+ mouse. Mandrake 7.2 install my
 mouse as a generic PS2 and the wheel just runs as a third button. If I
 select the Genius NetScroll then the pointer stop on the top of the
 screen and doesn't run.
 I don't know if the problem is because my mouse is a NetScroll(+) and
 perhaps Mandrake just recognized the previous version.

 In fact I have not problems running the mouse as a PS2 generic, but
 under windows the wheel is usefull, to zooming, move along web pages and
 so on.

 Does anyone know how to install this mouse wheel?

 Thanks in advance for your kind attention, yours sincerely

 Francisco Alcaraz
 Murcia (Spain)

I also have one of those on one of my machines.  Under 7.2 just tell mouse 
choice that it is a microsoft intellimouse.  I have a logitech on another 
machine and again I tell it it's an intellimouse.  Seems to work the best, I 
don't know why.  But I enjoy the wheel!


Re: [newbie] Mouse wheel not running

2001-01-11 Per discussione Meph Istopheles



  Hello again;
  My home computer has a  Genius NetScroll+ mouse. Mandrake 7.2
  install my mouse as a generic PS2 and the wheel just runs as
  a third button. If I select the Genius NetScroll then the
  pointer stop on the top of the screen and doesn't run.

  Does anyone know how to install this mouse wheel?

  Francisco Alcaraz
  Murcia (Spain)

And from Aston:

 i haven't tried it yet, but i found this reply on

 For scrollwheel, add "ZAxisMapping 4 5" to the 'pointers'
 section of XF86Config. Some apps (i.e. Netscape) require
 imwheel to be running for scrollwheel support.

 Here is my XF86Config:

Section "Pointer"
Protocol "MouseManPlusPS/2"
Device "/dev/psaux"
SampleRate 100
Resolution 200
ZAxisMapping 4 5
Buttons 4
 !-- end quote --

 sydney, australia

  You know, back when I'd started in RH 5.0 ( even now in
lm7.2 to a degree), editing XFree86 files was very intimidating.
If you feel this way as well, you might find it easier to use the
gui in drakconf.  Try either the M$ wheel mouse or the Logitech
mouse setting.  Back in RH 5.0  6.0, I'd only had the M$ option,
 it worked in the few apps where the wheel was supported.

  One of the two will likely work fine for you.


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt-' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

Re: [newbie] Dual processors ??

2001-01-11 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 10 January 2001 02:48 pm, abe wrote:
 if you are running an SMP mandrake system will recompiling the
 software you use help it to use the SMP capabilities of the machine
 or not?

   No, the software has to be written by the developer(s) to take 
advantage of SMP.  I believe a Google on 'SMP' will shed more light on 
the subject than I ever could.  I've only looked into it enough to form 
the opinion that it's a waste on a user-desktop system, there's very 
little mainstream software that uses SMP.  In situations where it could 
be useful, the $$'s are prob'ly better spent building a better single 
proccessor system   and if you really need SMP, then you prob'ly 
ought'a be lookin into clustering also.  YMMV  ;)
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

 You all have me curious now.  My girlfriend wants a dual T-Bird
 system for her birthday this summer.  This will be a strictly
 mandrake machine.


 Tom Brinkman wrote:
  On Tuesday 09 January 2001 08:17 pm, Mark Weaver wrote:
   I'd be real interested in knowing about this too cause I've been
   toying with the same idea of building a dual processor system.
   Linux is all I run anymore. I'd be more concerned as to how the
   kernel would react to such a situation more then some of the apps
   on that system. I can't imagine how'd they'd really care whether
   there were 1 or 10 processor.
 Well, i've never run SMP.  From what I understand, a multi
  processor system has no problems running software written for
  single proccessor systems, but multi cpu systems won't run 'em any
  faster/better either. The application has to be specifically
  written and compiled to take advantage of multi proccessors  ...
  and they're few and far between on most all desktop systems.
  Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] how to do 'ghost' install in linux

2001-01-11 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 10 January 2001 10:02 pm, Po Kwok wrote:
 hi all.  i know that for windows machine, i can use norton ghost to
 do a ghost installation of windows for a large number of computers. 
 i've wondering if this can also be done for linux.  if so, where do i
 go for information.

 please note that this is not an urgent request for help.  i am just
 insanely curious.  i do work for a computer hardware company, so this
 it MIGHT be useful down the track.

 'info dd' and search the ML archives, this subject has come up 
before in the past
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] KDE2.0 Menu -- Konqueror as root -- Where?

2001-01-11 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

Benjamin Sher wrote:
 Dear friends:

 Is there a menu item in KDE 2.0 which would allow me to
 launch Konqueror as root (with a dialog box asking me for
 my root password) so I can access my files. Right now, the
 only way I can do this is to su to root in xterm and type
 konqueror. Surely, KDE 2.0 must have a menu item somewhere.
 But where?

 Thanks so much.


K(menu)-Applications-File tools-File Manager (Super User 

Re: [newbie] Cant mount Windows D drive

2001-01-11 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 10 January 2001 06:32 pm, Jay wrote:
 Hi all,
   I just looked at the Fdisk for my windows D drive  hdb2 in linux
 and it starts at 1275.  Could that be my problem?  Is it bad for it
 to be past 1024?  I have not changed anything in fdisk.
   Thanks for helping me every one.  I appreciate it.

   No, the 1024 cylinder limit is no more.  As far as mounting D, look 
here   and see if it 
doesn't answer some of your questions.
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] Installing KDE2.0 themes -- how?

2001-01-11 Per discussione Michael O'Henly

There's something more than just where you place themes happening here.

I tried installing Acqua by placing its pixmaps under 
/usr/share/apps/kstyle/pixmaps and its themerc under 

Then I ran the Themes Manager. It didn't "see" the new theme, so I clicked on 
the Add button and noticed that it's looking for this pattern: "*.ktheme" -- 
which doesn't coincide with anything in the theme package.

Any suggestions?


On Wednesday 10 January 2001 22:02, you wrote:
 Dear friends:

 The instructions for manually installing KDE 2.0 themes are quite
 confusing. The instructions given as part of the Aquatica theme (install
 in ~/.kde/share/apps/kstyle conflict with others advising installing
 them in /usr/share/apps/kstyle. Could someone please specify PRECISELY
 how and where a KDE 2.0 theme should be installed?

 Thanks so much.


Michael O'Henly
TENZO Design

RE: [newbie] Dual processors ??

2001-01-11 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

I use SMP Linux systems all the time.

As D. M. Mike pointed out non multi-threaded applications run no faster, per

BUT overall they do run faster.

In an SMP system the workload is divided between the two processors.

System processes, daemons, etc. can be evenly split or automatically
allocated by the kernel to the processor with the lowest instantaneous load.

In turn if you fire up, say X, and KDE, etc. X itself might be serviced by
one processor, while the font manager by another, etc.

The end result is that ALL of your applications appear to be running on a
much more lightly loaded system.

X / KDE itself is -MUCH- faster on an SMP system than it is on single
processor system.

Benchmarks show about an overall 90% increase in performance of KDE itself.

You should see how nicely KDE runs on a dual P-III 850 w/512Megs of RAM.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of David
Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2001 3:36 PM
Subject: [newbie] Dual processors ??

I was thinkg about building a dual processor PC using mandrake 7.2 as this
should not be a problem ...however i read somewhere that even though the
operating system might be Ok with dual processors some of the software that
on it might not. Is this the case or not ??? as there would be no point in
going down this road if i need to worry about every new piece of software i

Re: [newbie] New Motherboard

2001-01-11 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 10 January 2001 07:49 pm, Joseph Red wrote:
 I'm getting a new motherboard, and I'm planning to possibly put it in
 my Linux box tonight.  It's an Abit BE-6 2, with onboard udma66.  I'm
 not going to be using those at first, I'm just going to stick w/
 standard IDE until I get new drives.  A bunch of background for a
 simple question.  Can I swap this MB with my old one (Asus p2b), or
 is there something in Linux I need to do in preparation?  Thanks.

   I've swapped motherboard/cpu a few times.  Linux didn't even blink, 
Windoze had a few problems.  Just don't forget to enter bios on your 
first boot and make the appropriate changes.  As with any operation 
like this, it's wise to bakup and save what you can't afford to lose.
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] Helix Gnome and MDK 7.2

2001-01-11 Per discussione John W

I had this problem and used the advice I recieved from the helix
as root: chmod +x /etc/X11/gdm/Sessions/Gnome
Also add that command to the bottom of /etc/rc.local.
 This works for gdm I am not sure about kdm but you may try to substitute
kdm for gdm and or use gdm.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Mannequin*" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, January 07, 2001 3:55 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Helix Gnome and MDK 7.2

  Hi all, I've just downloaded and installed Helix Gnome on my MDK 7.2
  system. After the install 'kdm' stopped allowing me to access Gnome at
  all. (It doesn't show up in the window managers list at all.) How do I
  go about getting it back on the list so that I can use Gnome instead of
  I've seen elsewhere, where someone suggested that you create a file in
  /etc/X11/wmsession.d/ called '02gnome' which had the contents:
  DESC=Gnome Desktop Environment
  SCRIPT: exec /usr/bin/gnome-session
  I tried that and when that didn't work, I manually edited
  usr/share/config/kdmrc and added Gnome to the list. Of course that
  added Gnome to the list, but caused 'kdm' to load up IceWM, instead of
  I then used the 'Login Manager' application that came with KDE to edit
  the list, and put Gnome back in the list, but it only got the same
  results as putting it in manually.
  That's the extent of my travels so far. Any help would be appreciated. I
  guess the full extent of my question would be how to get Gnome to
  start up, and how to get Mandrake's menus to 'see' my Gnome software
  Thanks for you help.

Re: [newbie] Lost memory after bios update

2001-01-11 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 10 January 2001 05:47 pm, ai4a wrote:
 I have a pc chips m598lmr motherboard. 

 I can't help myself ;, pcchips is the worst of the worst junk

If anyone has a copy of
 the old bios, I could use a copy of it. Or if anyone has any ideas
 about how to get linux to see the upper 64meg of ram so much the
 better. Thanks Charles

Look here:

Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] KDE2.0 Menu -- Konqueror as root -- Where?

2001-01-11 Per discussione bpremeaux

Try  K- Applications- File Tools- File Manager (Super User Mode)

Barry :-)

On Wed, 10 January 2001, Benjamin Sher wrote:

 Dear friends:
 Is there a menu item in KDE 2.0 which would allow me to launch Konqueror
 as root (with a dialog box asking me for my root password) so I can
 access my files. Right now, the only way I can do this is to su to root
 in xterm and type konqueror. Surely, KDE 2.0 must have a menu item
 somewhere. But where?
 Thanks so much.
 Benjamin and Anna Sher
 Sher's Russian Web - nationwide internet access

Re: [newbie] Genius Netscroll +

2001-01-11 Per discussione Francisco Alcaraz Ariza

s escribi:
 On Wednesday 10 January 2001 09:32 pm, you wrote:
  Hello again;
  My home computer has a  Genius NetScroll+ mouse. Mandrake 7.2 install my
  mouse as a generic PS2 and the wheel just runs as a third button. If I
  select the Genius NetScroll then the pointer stop on the top of the
  screen and doesn't run.
  I don't know if the problem is because my mouse is a NetScroll(+) and
  perhaps Mandrake just recognized the previous version.
  In fact I have not problems running the mouse as a PS2 generic, but
  under windows the wheel is usefull, to zooming, move along web pages and
  so on.
  Does anyone know how to install this mouse wheel?
  Thanks in advance for your kind attention, yours sincerely
  Francisco Alcaraz
  Murcia (Spain)
 I also have one of those on one of my machines.  Under 7.2 just tell mouse
 choice that it is a microsoft intellimouse.  I have a logitech on another
 machine and again I tell it it's an intellimouse.  Seems to work the best, I
 don't know why.  But I enjoy the wheel!

Thanks, i will try this night at home.

Francisco Alcaraz
Murcia (Spain)

Re: [newbie] how to do 'ghost' install in linux

2001-01-11 Per discussione Po Kwok

Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Wednesday 10 January 2001 10:02 pm, Po Kwok wrote:
  hi all.  i know that for windows machine, i can use norton ghost to
  do a ghost installation of windows for a large number of computers.
  i've wondering if this can also be done for linux.  if so, where do i
  go for information.
  please note that this is not an urgent request for help.  i am just
  insanely curious.  i do work for a computer hardware company, so this
  it MIGHT be useful down the track.
  'info dd' and search the ML archives, this subject has come up
 before in the past
 Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

sorry, the "ML archives"?  i typed "info dd", and came up with manual
that i don't quite understand (that's why i'm on a newbie list i guess

anyway, i have found this:

looks promising.  i've yet to go through the documentation.  would
anyone want to comment on this beta software ...

sydney, australia

Re: [newbie] ppp error 15

2001-01-11 Per discussione Dennis Myers

Another $.02, we're almost up to a dollar here, when I connect to 
earthlink my user name in KPPP has to be
entered as ELN/denkar .  If I tried just denkar it won't connect. For 
mail login under user name it requires only
the denkar, go figure. So if you don't have the ELN/ in front of you 
login name you might give that a go.
_ _ _
Dennis M. registered Linux user #180842

Carroll Grigsby wrote:

 Earthlink's DNS settings are not the same for all of their customers,
 but depend on the network that you're using. Mine are the same as Tom's,
 but my authentication setting is PAP, not CHAP. For ex-Mindspring
 customers, though, the DNS addresses, mail server, news server and other
 settings are different. All told, they've got about 7 or 8 different
 groups of settings. I just learned this when I went to the EL support
 section and did a search on "DNS".
 This may be totally off of the wall, but might be worth a try: When I
 first installed LM last year, I couldn't get a connection. It turned out
 that the dialler was sending M1L4 to the modem, and that ain't legal --
 the maximum value for the M parameter is 3. The modem balked. The fix
 was to edit the entry on the modem string page.
 My 2 cents -
 Tom Brinkman wrote:
 I have been having a hell of a time with my Mandrake 7.2 powerpack
 install. I have setup my modem (worked great in 7.0) with setserial,
 and can connect thru kppp to my isp (earthlink) but it acts as though
 it has no DNS (can not connect to anywhere but ppp starts) I believe
 I have tried every damn setting I can think of. I looked at a log
 that said pppd died with error 15... man pppd says somethiong about
 "peer not returning an echo" is this some modem setting that I am
 screwing up? thanks in advance
 Connecting to Earthlink can be a chore, and from what I can tell,
 varies by location (the local number you call).   Be careful of advice
 to directly enter the DNS numbers in resolve.conf.  EL use a Netscape-
 Enterprise server that's a kissin cousin to AoL's Bu!!Sh+t.  Once you
 get good** EL DNS numbers entered into Kppp, on first good connect a
 different set are auto written to resolve.conf
 EL DNS (mine, YMMV): and (primary/secondary)
 my /etc/ppp/resolve.conf:
 (this is pretty standard DNS, not EL's, so you might try entering
 these in resolv.conf)
 my /etc/ppp/options:
 Kppp: authentication is CHAP, dynamic IP, default gateway, domain is, line termination 'cr'
 **  by good I mean: EL support (the 800 number) gave me 3 sets of bad
 numbers before I discovered the right numbers for myself ;(  and 2 days
 before their windoze CD came in the mail.
 Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay


Re: [newbie] still working on windows D drive

2001-01-11 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Thursday 11 January 2001 07:16 am, Meph Istopheles wrote:

   Paul, you're right.  My only problem with all this is that
 having to key in /mnt/whatever is annoying when not necessary.
 I'm not away of there being any problem making mountpoints off
 / like /win.  That way, you not only save yourself a little
 typing, but have a meaningful shortcut to the actual device
 (which I think is the whole point).

   I favor doing this too.  I always move my Windoze HDD (hda) out of 
/mnt. I currently mount it on /c.  When I had a fat32 partition on hdb 
(my Linux HDD), I mounted it as /d.  This is 'specially nice with 
supermount, since you don't have the pause while supermount checks your 
removable media drives (eg, floppy, CD, CD-RW) for inserted media.  
IIRC, the multi-disk howto also recommends mounting drives/partitions 
directly off '/' , to improve disk performance, tho I've never seen a 
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] Linux cool keyboard???

2001-01-11 Per discussione poogle

Paul, where are you ? If you are in the UK Linux Emporium have them on their 
website, they are not split though,

On Wednesday 10 January 2001 18:01, you wrote:
 On Sun, 7 Jan 2001, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 Hi Paul. Sorry, I forgot you're not US based! ;-(
 I'm not sure if there is a split keyboard version or not. TBH, I've not
  seen one, but then I never looked... Hope you find one though!
 PS Surely some Euro-distributor or the other has this item already over

 Hi Ronald,
 I have not been able to locate a linux keyboard so far, over here. And the
 ones I found in the US are not "split". Well, I can keep on trying!


[newbie] Getting support

2001-01-11 Per discussione Lionel Chan


I've registered my 7.2 and posted a question dated 12 Dec 2000.  Till date I've
not gotten any response from Mandrake.
Anyone with a similar problem getting help from Mandrake?
CHAN Kin Poon

[newbie] Is anyone doing VPN with their linux box?

2001-01-11 Per discussione Mark Johnson

Is anyone doing VPN with their linux box?  Specifically Linux client to
Windows VPN server?

[newbie] Updating a server

2001-01-11 Per discussione Automated Fax System/System de Fax Automatique

I've got an old slackware 6 server running Dhcp, mail, Web and firewall duty
here and I want to know if there's a wa to update it to the latest version
WITHOUT losing any of the configuration. I didn't build the server so i
don't want to screw anything up as it acts asa mail server for about 30
users. any suggestions ?

On the same note, Is there any way to filter mail so as not to let
attachements of a certain size through and to check for virus (i think the
last one might be asking too much) ?s

Re: [newbie] setenv / env ?

2001-01-11 Per discussione Onur

Tuesday, January 09, 2001, 2:41:44 AM, you wrote:

JRS I installed the Mesa Opengl package and in the README file is proposed 
JRS lib path  $TOP/lib become the enviroment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Well, when 
JRS I try the following:


JRS I got:

JRS bash: setenv: command not found 

JRS otherwise, I run the following:

JRS I got:

JRS env: LD_LIBRARY_PATH: No such file or directory

JRS My question is:

JRS  How to set the enviroment var. LD_LIBRARY_PATH?

JRS thanks very much any help!

JRS ze

setenv and env are for C shell I guess,
and another guess, you are using the default shell bash

export WHAT_YOU_WANT_TO_SET=WHAT_VALUE_YOU_WANT_TO_GIVE   -- to set  ( or use "set" 
instead of
"export" , dont remember if it was working too)

set | grep WHAT_YOU_WANT_TO_SET  -- will show you if you set it
correct or not.

ps: bash is not so happy with spaces , so be keen on using XXX=YYY
instead of XXX = YYY

ps: if you do a "set |grep x" and see "_=x"  then you " could
not succeed" , this is because you used export instead of set, or vice
versa. ( dont worry, it wont hassle things :)


Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

[newbie] xdmcp

2001-01-11 Per discussione iagoba

Hi I want to know where I can download the xdm program with its daemon
xdmcp and how to install it in my RH 6.1 



Re: [newbie] KDE2.0 Menu -- Konqueror as root -- Where?

2001-01-11 Per discussione Dave Sherman

I doubt there is such an animal as you are looking for, but you could 
simply create a bash script to run the appropriate commands for you, then 
make a desktop icon which would run this script.


At 12:00 AM 01/11/2001 -0600, you wrote:
Dear friends:

Is there a menu item in KDE 2.0 which would allow me to launch Konqueror
as root (with a dialog box asking me for my root password) so I can
access my files. Right now, the only way I can do this is to su to root
in xterm and type konqueror. Surely, KDE 2.0 must have a menu item
somewhere. But where?

Thanks so much.

Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

Dave Sherman
SoftServ Business Systems, Inc.

"Quid quid latine dictum sit, altum viditur."

Re: [newbie] Mandrakesoft CEO defends Linux

2001-01-11 Per discussione Adrian Smith

quote from the artical:
The week before Christmas, CNET editor Todd Volz blasted most of the major 
commercial distributions, including Mandrakesoft, for shipping bloated product. While 
most of the bloat comes in the area of developer-oriented features, i.e. mulitple 
compilers, screen setting controls etc., Voltz viewed the business community's 
reluctance to slim things down for the regular user a distressing sign. 

quote from adrian:
where is my shotgun?

mandrake comes on 2 CDs with:
1 OS
10 window managers
100+ programs

winsux comes on 1 CD with
1 OS

bloat?  where's the bloat  i think someone missed the bloat.

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

 Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10:54:26 AM 1/10/01 
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] Mouse wheel not running

2001-01-11 Per discussione Francisco Alcaraz Ariza

Meph Istopheles escribi:
   Hello again;
   My home computer has a  Genius NetScroll+ mouse. Mandrake 7.2
   install my mouse as a generic PS2 and the wheel just runs as
   a third button. If I select the Genius NetScroll then the
   pointer stop on the top of the screen and doesn't run.
   Does anyone know how to install this mouse wheel?
   Francisco Alcaraz
   Murcia (Spain)
 And from Aston:
  i haven't tried it yet, but i found this reply on
  For scrollwheel, add "ZAxisMapping 4 5" to the 'pointers'
  section of XF86Config. Some apps (i.e. Netscape) require
  imwheel to be running for scrollwheel support.
  Here is my XF86Config:
 Section "Pointer"
 Protocol "MouseManPlusPS/2"
 Device "/dev/psaux"
 SampleRate 100
 Resolution 200
 ZAxisMapping 4 5
 Buttons 4
  !-- end quote --
  sydney, australia
   You know, back when I'd started in RH 5.0 ( even now in
 lm7.2 to a degree), editing XFree86 files was very intimidating.
 If you feel this way as well, you might find it easier to use the
 gui in drakconf.  Try either the M$ wheel mouse or the Logitech
 mouse setting.  Back in RH 5.0  6.0, I'd only had the M$ option,
  it worked in the few apps where the wheel was supported.
   One of the two will likely work fine for you.
   "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
   -Dave '-ddt-' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

Thanks a lot for your help

Francisco Alcaraz
Murcia (Spain)

[newbie] Gnome/v7.2 question.

2001-01-11 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall

My brother is using v7.2 of Mandrake, and currently it boots up into KDE. He
wants to know how to switch it so that he can boot into Gnome? Thanks!


Re: [newbie] Helix Gnome and MDK 7.2

2001-01-11 Per discussione Traci Collins

Mannequin* wrote:
 Hi all, I've just downloaded and installed Helix Gnome on my MDK 7.2
 system. After the install 'kdm' stopped allowing me to access Gnome at
 all. (It doesn't show up in the window managers list at all.) How do I
 go about getting it back on the list so that I can use Gnome instead of

I had this problem exactly and I have to thank John Wheat for passing on
what he learned from Helix. When I followed these instructions it worked
for me.

  I tried to reply to this thread last week but I guess only one of three of 
 my posts actually makes it to the list...
 At any rate try this to fix your GDM problem;
 as root: chmod +x /etc/X11/gdm/Sessions/Gnome
 Also add that command to the bottom of /etc/rc.local.
 John Wheat

Traci Collins

Re: [newbie] Re: Win4Lin - Does it do WinMe?

2001-01-11 Per discussione Traci Collins

With all the gungho WIn4Lin supporters out there I wonder, does anyone
know if it supports WinMe or is it exclusively for Win98? 

Traci Collins

[newbie] Netscape 6 and Mime Types

2001-01-11 Per discussione Traci Collins

I would like to shift to Netscape 6 instead of 4.7x because of its
ability to manage multiple e-mail accounts for a single Linux user
(under 4.7x I had to keep a separate user account for each e-mail
account). My problem is that the scripts which come with RealPlayer8 for
mime and plugin support only work with 4.7x and not 6. Has anyone
already gone through the process of getting the mime types to work
properly with Netscape 6? Are there simple edits that could be made to
the scripts which will make them work with Netscape 6? There are dozens
of mime types that mention realplayer in the 4.7x configuration and I
would really like to avoid adding them one by one under 6. Also six
seems to have some problems with editing or delete mime-types where you
made a mistake. Does anyone know the name and location of the file that
holds this information so that I can manually delete an error that I
can't seem to remove any other way. Thanks. Any help would be

Traci Collins

[newbie] Version Declaration and Realplayer8

2001-01-11 Per discussione Traci Collins

Hi! I have downloaded and installed Realplayer8 and run the mime and
plugin scripts that came with it. Things are working very well in
Netscape 4.7x but I have a problem with the streaming MP3 at When I tell live365 that I would like to play their
music using Realplayer and then click on a link to play something I get
a message that says I need to install support for Realplayer 7 or above.
Since I have Realplayer8 installed and working properly there is
obviously something that live365 is looking for that identifies the
installed revision which I don't have. Does anyone know what identifies
Realplayer version levels for sites that need to know that? If it is
more than a mime type declaration or a text file could you also let me
know how to modify or create it? I suspect that it is just missing on my

Traci Collins

RE: [newbie] xdmcp

2001-01-11 Per discussione Helsby, James

This is a mandrake group.


-Original Message-
From: iagoba [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2001 8:52 AM
To: Listas-Newbie
Subject: [newbie] xdmcp

Hi I want to know where I can download the xdm program with its daemon
xdmcp and how to install it in my RH 6.1



[newbie] Problem installing pdksh

2001-01-11 Per discussione Adrian Roe

Hi All,

Can anybody help with this one

I have installed pdksh 'cos its's required by DB2 for Linux. I extracted the
files from the tar file, did ./configure and then "make install". The ksh
file got put in /usr/local/bin (is this correct, should be /usr/bin ???),
and I added the path to ksh into /etc/shells (I think) and I changed my
account so that ksh gets fired up at startup. However, when I log in,
whatever is in my .profile or .kshrc gets totally ignored for some weird
reason. Am I doing something wrong here ?

Thanks v.much.


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intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the 
sender immediately and delete the material from any computer


[newbie] Mandrake Menu - Addition

2001-01-11 Per discussione Neville Cobb

I generally have little complaints about the menuing system as it works
great for me. However there is just one little part I'd like mandrake to
add in future md updates.

WHen you generate an application on the desktop in kDE2 you have the
option of running it as a different user. This is really useful if you
need to run something as root such as StarOffice Printer Admin, Xcdroast
or other that required root in order to implement changes.

I was wondering if mandrake may be able to add this feature to the
mandrake menu system. I wouldn't have to make desktop icons to overcome
the problem. Although I can achieve the same by calling "kdesu -c
spadmin" for the program name but it would be nice if it operate the
same as the desktop icon process.


Re: [newbie] Lost memory after bios update

2001-01-11 Per discussione hellmut

Have you edited the append line in /etc/lilo.conf?

  I have a pc chips m598lmr motherboard.

  I can't help myself ;, pcchips is the worst of the worst junk

 If anyone has a copy of
  the old bios, I could use a copy of it. Or if anyone has any ideas
  about how to get linux to see the upper 64meg of ram so much the
  better. Thanks Charles

 Look here:

 Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay


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[newbie] Grub question

2001-01-11 Per discussione Kelly, Christopher

I know that this has been covered, because I remember seeing it. So, please
forgive my ignorance.

How can I edit the Grub menu after it has been installed? I know that the
list resides in /boot/grub/menu.lst. How can I edit that file?

Thanks y'all,

Chris Kelly
Boy of Destiny
King of Nothing

Re: [newbie] Visor, jpilot, usb, and Mandrake 7.2

2001-01-11 Per discussione Aaron Zuercher

I have a Visor, which I'm attempting to Sync with Mdk 7.2.  Not much luck 
with the USB.  So i bought a serial cradle, and that has wokrked fine.  Once 
I upgrade to 2.4 I'm going to attempt the USB cradel again.

Anyhow... about your problem... one thing that is different between the two 
computers is the chipset on your motherboard.  With your older Pentium you 
had an Intel chipset (probaly VX or BX)  But with your new Duron you've got a 
Via KT133 chipset.  Now I don't know if this is the cuase of your problems or 
not, but its something to look into.

Also, out of curiosity, at what point in the sync does it fail?  I had some 
problems with jpilot trying to sync the mail program on my Visor, even whenI 
didn't use the mail program.


On Saturday 16 December 2000 10:22, you wrote:
 Does anyone on this list use jpilot to sync their Handspring Visor via a
 USB cradle running Mandrake 7.2?

 I recently purchased a new PC.  Though I never had problems with the
 above configuration on my ol' 133 MHz Pentium, my sync fails after only
 a few files on my new 700 MHz Duron.  I'm wondering if the extra speed
 is the reason???

 -- Jim

Re: [newbie] Mandrakesoft CEO defends Linux

2001-01-11 Per discussione Dan LaBine

Just for the record, here's the response I sent to Mr. Volz ;

Dear Todd; Interesting article . Was this picaresque novella written to
judge the reaction of the general public? Were you attempting to take a
survey of Linux enthusiasts, and some bonehead in your marketing department
said "Hey let's write something demeaning and shallow, and see what the
readers do"? Or, ARE YOU NUTS ???!!!

I can't beleive (although you're making it mighty easy) that someone of
your apparent stature wouldn't see the benefits and necessity of providing
an abundance of applications. First, let's consider the current situation in
regards to available software. Typically, it's very expensive, and doesn't
always provide what the customer is looking for. If it manages to accomplish
this particular feat, chances are that it will be difficult to learn. How
many people are totally satisfied with a particular piece of software. If
they master it, they usually ending up jumping at the next version hoping it
has the improvements that they feel it needs. And so the vicious circle
begins. Upgrade after expensive upgrade. But how many more buy it, try it,
and fry it? They get fed up and give up. Wouldn't it be great if they could
try several and make their own decision.

Perhaps they would appreciate certain features of one application, and
other features of another. Your article seems to suggest that these choices
should be made for the public by someone else, and that the consumer should
simply accept what is offered. In other words, having been caught up in the
insidious trap deployed by Microsoft, we should now allow history to repeat
itself with Linux? How Orwellian of you. Haven't you clued in yet? Linux is
all about choice ! It's about having an opportunity to not only personalize
the way your desktop looks, it's about choosing the software you want to use
without having to pay through the nose for it.

I also noticed that you have taken it upon yourself to decide what
people do and don't want on their computers. My firm ships out hundreds of
computer per week, and my tech support department handles large quantities
of phone calls regarding a larger range of questions. The funny thing is,
they're almost all about how to select software, and how to personalize
their computers. Having been in this business for almost 14 years, I've seen
software companies come and go. Remember Delrina ? Global Village? I do. I
remember that they expected consumers to pay high price tags for software,
and I remember that they didn't give a rat's ass about discontinuing support
or revisions to existing software. I remember may others doing the same, and
I'm sure that you do as well. Wouldn't it be great if you already had a
large selection of software you could pick from?

One of the most repetitive accolades we receive from our clients is that
we take the time to "Demystify" how computers and software work. The
majority of our clients (Corporate and Individual by the way) are surprised
and pleased to learn about their IT investments, especially when it's
explained in Plain Old English. The terminology is what scares most people,
not the necessity to choose from too many programs. They certainly don't
have a problem learning, they have a problem understanding "Techno-Babble"
It can be as painful as listening to a politician who's trying to tell the
truth !

No Sir ! You're way off the mark ! In this day and age, consumers are
being treated like idiots. They don't like it one bit, and I don't either.
Ever had surgery done? I'll bet you appreciated having the surgeon explain
WHY they were going to remove that part of your brain that gives you a
conscience, and what was involved, right? Well consumers are exactly the
same. They want to know, but they don't want to be treated like morons in
the process. Your article strongly suggests that these decisions and choices
should be made by the companies who make the products. I find the
implication insulting. So would my clients.

In the future, please pay more attention to the ramifications of what
you say in your articles. What's next Terry? Left handed mice for everyone,
and we'll let Henry Ford pick the color of every car ? ( any Color you
want, long as it's black!)

Have a nice day !

Dan LaBine

General Manager,
Atlantis Computers Ltd.

Maximum L.A.N.'s Ltd.

- Original Message -
From: "Adrian Smith" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2001 11:21 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrakesoft CEO defends Linux

quote from the artical:
The week before Christmas, CNET editor Todd Volz blasted most of
the major commercial distributions, including Mandrakesoft, for shipping
bloated product. While most of the bloat comes in the area of
developer-oriented features, i.e. mulitple compilers, screen setting
controls etc., Voltz viewed the business community's reluctance to slim
things down for the regular user a 

Re: [newbie] KDE2.0 Menu -- Konqueror as root -- Where?

2001-01-11 Per discussione Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

Thanks to all of you who responded.

Here is what I did: I created an icon on the desktop with the executable
reading: "kdesu -c /usr/bin/konqueror" (no quotes) and then selected the
konqueror icon from the system list. This automatically brings up a
dialogue box that asks me for my root password and then I am right in
Konqueror as root. You can do this to any application. I remembered
doing this with Cooledit so I could edit files outside of my home
directory. This is much neater and more convenient than going to File
Tools/File Manager SuperUser.

Thanks again.

Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

Re: [newbie] Getting support

2001-01-11 Per discussione Meph Istopheles


 I've registered my 7.2 and posted a question dated 12 Dec 2000.
 Till date I've not gotten any response from Mandrake. Anyone
 with a similar problem getting help from Mandrake?

  Well, while I've not actually posted via their site, I've
issues with two of my cards (Diamond Viper 770D  a Crystal Audio
sound card (cs4236)  had sent the info requested in drakconf to
some MandrakeSoft address a few weeks ago.  I've heard nothing
from them but the auto-responder to let me know they'd got each
of the e-mails.

  So, is MandrakeSoft any better at support than, say, M$?


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt-' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

RE: [newbie] Xserver Configuration Problem with Trident 9750 AGP Card

2001-01-11 Per discussione BIRKLE Peter


I will try this and get back to you. 



-Original Message-
From: Tom Brinkman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, 11 January 2001 11:27 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Xserver Configuration Problem with Trident 9750
AGP Card

On Thursday 11 January 2001 12:05 am, BIRKLE Peter wrote:
 I have just tried to install Mandrake 7.2 and all goes well up until
 the X Server configuration.

 I have no idea about your monitor, but that Vcard is weak.
During install you're asked if you want XFree-3.3x or XFree-4, and XF-4 
w/accel.  I suspect your card will work better with the old 3.3x, and 
it won't do XF-4 w/accel at all.  So if you can't navigate in DrakConf 
with your present install, I believe you need to boot your install CD 
and choose 'expert' and 'upgrade'.  Run thru the upgrade, unselect all 
packages (unless you want to add something) til you get to X setup.
Now you're gonna have to trial and error some different setups. It'll 
ask you to test the config.  If what you choose doesn't work, you can 
choose another.  I'd think that your Vcard can handle MAX 1024x768 at 
16bpp, but would prob'ly do better at 800x600x16.  You'll just have to 
experiment with XFree 3 or 4.  Use XF-4 if you can.
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

 I have a Trident 3D Image 9750 AGP video card 2MB Ram and a Sampo
 Alphascan 70 15" monitor.
 When I configure X during the install process and use the 9750 Driver
 that is available and and select the Sampo Monitor I have and click
 on the test button the penguin appears about 5 times on the screen
 from the middle right off the far righthand side of my monitor.

 I have tried all the generic settings Monitor settings and SVGA and
 even the failsafe FBDEV and still get the same result. Even if I
 select a generic 640x480 Resolution.

 I had a similar problem with Mandrake 7.1 but was able to fix this
 with custom monitor settings by specifying a custom vertical and
 horizontal refresh rate of 70 while leaving the graphics card set to
 Trident 9750 AGP but when I select custom monitor settings and
 specify a custom refresh rate the same problem occurs in mandrake 7.2

 In the end I accepted the 640x480 resolution just so that I could
 finish the install. So upon starting Mandrake 7.2 all the services
 start fine and a login prompt box appears to the right of center.
 When I click on the Drakconf icon it spans right across the monitor
 and I have to move the window to the left hand side of the screen
 just so that I can see the X configuration screen.

 I have heard references to Xfree86 but don't know what this is or if
 it comes with 7.2 or whether you have to download it or do you run
 this from the command line.

 Its quite frustrating, any help would be most welcome.

 Peter Birkle

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Thank you.

Re:[newbie] Helix Gnome and MDK 7.2

2001-01-11 Per discussione John W

 I had this problem and used the advice I recieved from the helix
as root: chmod +x /etc/X11/gdm/Sessions/Gnome
also add that command to the bottom of /etc/rc.local.  This works for gdm I
am not sure about kdm but you may try to substitute kdm for gdm and or use
  - Original Message -
  From: "Mannequin*" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, January 07, 2001 3:55 PM
  Subject: [newbie] Helix Gnome and MDK 7.2
   Hi all, I've just downloaded and installed Helix Gnome on my MDK 7.2
   system. After the install 'kdm' stopped allowing me to access Gnome at
   all. (It doesn't show up in the window managers list at all.) How do I
   go about getting it back on the list so that I can use Gnome instead
   I've seen elsewhere, where someone suggested that you create a file in
   /etc/X11/wmsession.d/ called '02gnome' which had the contents:
   DESC=Gnome Desktop Environment
   SCRIPT: exec /usr/bin/gnome-session
   I tried that and when that didn't work, I manually edited
   usr/share/config/kdmrc and added Gnome to the list. Of course that
   added Gnome to the list, but caused 'kdm' to load up IceWM, instead of
   I then used the 'Login Manager' application that came with KDE to edit
   the list, and put Gnome back in the list, but it only got the same
   results as putting it in manually.
   That's the extent of my travels so far. Any help would be appreciated.
   guess the full extent of my question would be how to get Gnome to
   start up, and how to get Mandrake's menus to 'see' my Gnome software
   Thanks for you help.

Re: [newbie] how to do 'ghost' install in linux

2001-01-11 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Thursday 11 January 2001 10:33 am, Po Kwok wrote:
   'info dd' and search the ML archives, this subject has come up
  before in the past
  Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

 sorry, the "ML archives"?  i typed "info dd", and came up with manual
 that i don't quite understand (that's why i'm on a newbie list i
 guess ...)

   ML = mailing list.   If you search the newbie and expert archives 
you'll find out how to use 'dd' to copy a drive or partition.  
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] KDE2.0 Menu -- Konqueror as root -- Where?

2001-01-11 Per discussione Dennis Myers

Then if you want to keep it really handy, as when your working in an 
xwindow on some file or other, you can right click on
the tool bar and add a button to access it right clickadd 
applicationapplicationfiletoolsfilemanager(su mode).  : )


 Try  K- Applications- File Tools- File Manager (Super User Mode)
 Barry :-)
 On Wed, 10 January 2001, Benjamin Sher wrote:
 Dear friends:
 Is there a menu item in KDE 2.0 which would allow me to launch Konqueror
 as root (with a dialog box asking me for my root password) so I can
 access my files. Right now, the only way I can do this is to su to root
 in xterm and type konqueror. Surely, KDE 2.0 must have a menu item
 somewhere. But where?
 Thanks so much.
 Benjamin and Anna Sher
 Sher's Russian Web - nationwide internet access

Dennis Myers Registered Linux user #180843

Re: [newbie] problem with nvidia tnt2 m64

2001-01-11 Per discussione Prime Force

I had the same problem, with the same type of video card...
try these steps (worked for me):
1. Get some more RAM! I bought an extra 64 MB and the speed improved a little
2. Disable non-essential start up services
3. Get the latest Nvidia drivers from their site (AND READ THE README!)
Unfortunetley, some games just run slow (Unreal Tournament is one), but some 
run as well as their windows counterparts (Quake 3 runs about the same).
Try those steps, and it should go well.

Dominic Fecteau

Computer Classes are a place to 
learn valuable computer lessons
(Read: Game playing skills)

On Thursday 11 January 2001 21:46, you wrote:
 it's so damn slow
 under ms windows its really fast please help me out

Re: [newbie] ppp error 15

2001-01-11 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Thursday 11 January 2001 09:59 am, Dennis Myers wrote:
 Another $.02, we're almost up to a dollar here, when I connect to
 earthlink my user name in KPPP has to be
 entered as ELN/denkar .  If I tried just denkar it won't connect. For
 mail login under user name it requires only
 the denkar, go figure. So if you don't have the ELN/ in front of you
 login name you might give that a go.

   OK, now a $1 even ;)  I'm curious as to what/how earthlink differs 
from most ISP's  For starters, here's an nslookup (below sig), pay 
particular attention to their DNS servers, ns*  I 
suspect the reason EL's such a contradictory hodgepodge is the same as 
AoL's mess, AoL/NutScrape-Enterprise Servers ;  BTW, Carroll, EL 
support told me PAP, but neighbors using EL here, clued me that CHAP 
was needed to connect (and it is, here at least).
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

/home/tom : nslookup -dhs
;; res_nmkquery(QUERY,, IN, PTR)

Got answer:
opcode = QUERY, id = 85, rcode = NOERROR
header flags:  response, want recursion, recursion avail.
questions = 1,  answers = 1,  authority records = 2,  
additional = 2

QUESTIONS:, type = PTR, class = IN
name =
ttl = 15997 (4h26m37s)
nameserver =
ttl = 15997 (4h26m37s)
nameserver =
ttl = 15997 (4h26m37s)
internet address =
ttl = 158656 (1d20h4m16s)
internet address =
ttl = 172800 (2D)


;; res_nmkquery(QUERY,, IN, A)

Got answer:
opcode = QUERY, id = 86, rcode = NOERROR
header flags:  response, want recursion, recursion avail.
questions = 1,  answers = 2,  authority records = 4,  
additional = 4

QUESTIONS:, type = A, class = IN
internet address =
ttl = 1647 (27m27s)
internet address =
ttl = 1647 (27m27s)
nameserver =
ttl = 1760 (29m20s)
nameserver =
ttl = 1760 (29m20s)
nameserver =
ttl = 1760 (29m20s)
nameserver =
ttl = 1760 (29m20s)
internet address =
ttl = 1760 (29m20s)
internet address =
ttl = 24111 (6h41m51s)
internet address =
ttl = 1760 (29m20s)
internet address =
ttl = 24111 (6h41m51s)

Non-authoritative answer:

Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay
 _ _ _
 Dennis M. registered Linux user #180842

 Carroll Grigsby wrote:
  Earthlink's DNS settings are not the same for all of their
  customers, but depend on the network that you're using. Mine are
  the same as Tom's, but my authentication setting is PAP, not CHAP.
  For ex-Mindspring customers, though, the DNS addresses, mail
  server, news server and other settings are different. All told,
  they've got about 7 or 8 different groups of settings. I just
  learned this when I went to the EL support section and did a search
  on "DNS".
  This may be totally off of the wall, but might be worth a try: When
  I first installed LM last year, I couldn't get a connection. It
  turned out that the dialler was sending M1L4 to the modem, and that
  ain't legal -- the maximum value for the M parameter is 3. The
  modem balked. The fix was to edit the entry on the modem string
  My 2 cents -
  Tom Brinkman wrote:
  I have been having a hell of a time with my Mandrake 7.2
  powerpack install. I have setup my modem (worked great in 7.0)
  with setserial, and can connect thru kppp to my isp (earthlink)
  but it acts as though it has no DNS (can not connect to anywhere
  but ppp starts) I believe I have tried every damn setting I can
  think of. I looked at a log that said pppd died with error 15...
  man pppd says somethiong about "peer not returning an echo" is
  this some modem setting that I am screwing up? thanks in advance
  Connecting to Earthlink can be a chore, and from what I can
  tell, varies by location (the local number you call).   Be careful

[newbie] x-window problem.

2001-01-11 Per discussione Andres

Hi iam a mandrake newbie, and i have the following problem:
when i use the x-window, the screen splits in two pieces (one half to the
left and one halfo to the right), the left side has no problem, everything
is ok, but when i get something (like the mouse cursor, or a window), the
rifgt side acts as a mirror, i mean that everything that is near the half of
the screen is repeted 4 or 5 five times(i dont remember exactly) on the
right side of the screen. I tried usind the KDE, GNOME and window maker, but
it seems that the problem wont go away. I also have to tell you, that the
monitor is a Dell 828FI (it appears on the list) and the video card is a
Trident 975 AGP (that appears on the list too). I tried changing the screen
resolution, but i dont know what more can i do.
I hope you can help me, Thanks for reading this e-mail.

[newbie] what's up ?

2001-01-11 Per discussione Claudio Cardenas

I have installed the win98, winserver4 and the linux mandrake7.1,
I install it in advanced option (expert) so that it allows me to create a
boot disk and to run several O.S. , that is to say I want to leave me the
mandrake environment when one installs it in basic option but linux don't
load the graphic environment, alone in text, when executing the startx,
seems that it enters but later it leaves the following message:

(--)svga: mode "1800x1440"needs hsync freq of 96.15khz.Deleted
(--)svga: mode "1800x1440"needs hsync freq of 104.52khz.Deleted
(**)font path 'unix/ :-1'
(--)svga: chipset :clgd5420
(--)svga: videoram : 1024k
(**)svga:using 8bpp, depth 8, color weight:666
(--)svga: Maximum allowed dot-clock = 50.200
(**)svga: Mode 800x600: mode clock = 40.000, clock used: 39.991
(--)svga: Virtual resolution set to 800x600
(--)svga: speed up code selection modified because VirtualX ! = 1024
(**)svga:cldg5420: approximate DRAM bandwidth 4 drawing: 10 of 50MB/s
(--)svga:cldg5420: 568576 bytes off - screen memory available
FontTransSocketUNIXConnect : can't connect:errno=111
failed to set default font path 'unix/ :-1'
fatal server error:
could not open default font 'fixed'
When reporting a problem related to a server crash please send the full
server output, not just the last message.

Re: [newbie] still working on windows D drive

2001-01-11 Per discussione Meph Istopheles


  I'm not aware of there being any problem making mountpoints
  off / like /win.  That way, you not only save yourself a
  little typing, but have a meaningful shortcut to the actual
  device (which I think is the whole point).

I favor doing this too.  I always move my Windoze HDD (hda) out of
 /mnt. I currently mount it on /c.  When I had a fat32 partition on hdb
 (my Linux HDD), I mounted it as /d.  This is 'specially nice with
 supermount, since you don't have the pause while supermount checks your
 removable media drives (eg, floppy, CD, CD-RW) for inserted media.
 IIRC, the multi-disk howto also recommends mounting drives/partitions
 directly off '/' , to improve disk performance, tho I've never seen a

  I think I remember something being mentioned in the howto about
that too, but I'm certainly not one to follow ~all~ the advice in

  As for performance, my internal zip was off of / in RH, but
lm7.2 installed it in /mnt.  I don't really mind, but you're
right, there seems to be no difference in boot time.


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt-' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

Re: [newbie] Sound recorder?

2001-01-11 Per discussione Anthony

You might have sox installed, since I have it installed and it gave me the 
same error. Try "rpm -q sox" and see if something comes up. Then for the 
sound problem, are you running any desktop sound things? That could interfere 
with the grecord.

 (Mandrake 7.2)

 Following suggestions, I tried successfully the following commands:

 locate filename
 rec sample.wav
 play sample.wav

 This didn't work:

 record sample.wav (no matter, as rec does it)

 Also, grecord (GUI program) started to work, but had this error message:
 "couldn't find sox"
 "can't open input file /dev/dsp : device or resource busy"

 Thanks to all for the help.

Press any key to continue, or any other key to quit.

Re: [newbie] Getting support

2001-01-11 Per discussione Christopher Molnar

Can you please post your question here? cc me in and we'll try to help. I'm 
not in the support department, but sometimes I can help or put you in touch 
with the right people.


On Thursday 11 January 2001 10:03, Lionel Chan wrote:

 I've registered my 7.2 and posted a question dated 12 Dec 2000.  Till date
 I've not gotten any response from Mandrake.
 Anyone with a similar problem getting help from Mandrake?
 CHAN Kin Poon

Re: [newbie] ppp error 15

2001-01-11 Per discussione ed tharp

I have no problem connecting, and the dns numbers I have put in are the ones
I used in two other (windows) computers for earthlink. the dialup and log-on
are fine, just no connections to the net past the computer I am dialing
- Original Message -
From: "Dennis Myers" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2001 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] ppp error 15

 Another $.02, we're almost up to a dollar here, when I connect to
 earthlink my user name in KPPP has to be
 entered as ELN/denkar .  If I tried just denkar it won't connect. For
 mail login under user name it requires only
 the denkar, go figure. So if you don't have the ELN/ in front of you
 login name you might give that a go.
 _ _ _
 Dennis M. registered Linux user #180842

 Carroll Grigsby wrote:

  Earthlink's DNS settings are not the same for all of their customers,
  but depend on the network that you're using. Mine are the same as Tom's,
  but my authentication setting is PAP, not CHAP. For ex-Mindspring
  customers, though, the DNS addresses, mail server, news server and other
  settings are different. All told, they've got about 7 or 8 different
  groups of settings. I just learned this when I went to the EL support
  section and did a search on "DNS".
  This may be totally off of the wall, but might be worth a try: When I
  first installed LM last year, I couldn't get a connection. It turned out
  that the dialler was sending M1L4 to the modem, and that ain't legal --
  the maximum value for the M parameter is 3. The modem balked. The fix
  was to edit the entry on the modem string page.
  My 2 cents -
  Tom Brinkman wrote:
  I have been having a hell of a time with my Mandrake 7.2 powerpack
  install. I have setup my modem (worked great in 7.0) with setserial,
  and can connect thru kppp to my isp (earthlink) but it acts as though
  it has no DNS (can not connect to anywhere but ppp starts) I believe
  I have tried every damn setting I can think of. I looked at a log
  that said pppd died with error 15... man pppd says somethiong about
  "peer not returning an echo" is this some modem setting that I am
  screwing up? thanks in advance
  Connecting to Earthlink can be a chore, and from what I can tell,
  varies by location (the local number you call).   Be careful of advice
  to directly enter the DNS numbers in resolve.conf.  EL use a Netscape-
  Enterprise server that's a kissin cousin to AoL's Bu!!Sh+t.  Once you
  get good** EL DNS numbers entered into Kppp, on first good connect a
  different set are auto written to resolve.conf
  EL DNS (mine, YMMV): and (primary/secondary)
  my /etc/ppp/resolve.conf:
  (this is pretty standard DNS, not EL's, so you might try entering
  these in resolv.conf)
  my /etc/ppp/options:
  Kppp: authentication is CHAP, dynamic IP, default gateway, domain is, line termination 'cr'
  **  by good I mean: EL support (the 800 number) gave me 3 sets of bad
  numbers before I discovered the right numbers for myself ;(  and 2 days
  before their windoze CD came in the mail.
  Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay


[newbie] Kernel panic: No init found

2001-01-11 Per discussione Miodrag Popovic

A month ago I have successfully installed LM 7.2 on my Pentium Celeron
366 MHz having 20 GB disc. I have two Win partitions: C (hda1 - 6 GB)
and D (hda5 - 8.5 GB), and three Linux partitions: / (hda6 - 4.5 GB),
/boot (hda7 - 16 MB) and swap (hda8 - 125 MB). LILO was chosen for boot
and installed in MBR.

The system was functional up to two days ago when I obtained the
following message during boot procedure:

Warning: unable to open an initial console
Kernel panic: No init found. Try passing init=option to kernel.

After that I must reboot the system.
I can boot the system using the boot floppy, and it functions properly.
Reinstalling LILO didn't help to restore.

Any help, please.

Thanks, Pop

Re: [newbie] Gnome/v7.2 question.

2001-01-11 Per discussione bpremeaux

If he is using the graphical user login, he can select it or any of the others from 

Barry :-)

On Thu, 11 January 2001, "Ronald J. Hall" wrote:

 My brother is using v7.2 of Mandrake, and currently it boots up into KDE. He
 wants to know how to switch it so that he can boot into Gnome? Thanks!
  \/ - nationwide internet access

Re: [newbie] Linux cool keyboard???

2001-01-11 Per discussione Paul

On Thu, 11 Jan 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Paul, where are you ? If you are in the UK Linux Emporium have them on their
website, they are not split though,

Hi John,
I am in the Netherlands.  Too bad they don't have split keyboards, my RSI
affliction requires that.
Thanks for the tip though :)


Abandon all hope ye who press ENTER here... - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.31

Re: [newbie] Passing a Note to Grub

2001-01-11 Per discussione Salane King

edit /boot/grub/menu.lst All you have to do is add at
the end of the line which contains vmlinuz it may
already have something like vga=788 or hdc=ide-scsi 

--- Tony Branch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In Lilo if you want to pass a note to the kernel 
 that your system has more memory than is actually
 being reported you can edit the lilo configuration
 file, lilo.conf. But what about GRUB? 
 I have found very little information concerning
 modifing GRUB, that is editing it to pass on
 instructions to the kernel concerning actual ram
 size rather than what's being reported.
 Any GRUB experts out there who lilke to field this

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Photos - Share your holiday photos online!

Re: [newbie] Just a simple question

2001-01-11 Per discussione Robert Beach

Reply to Darklord
I'm not sure what you meant by natively or wine but that is quite a list.  I 
thought for sure the software for ultima online said it would work on 
Mandrake.  That's like my favorite game.  You don't have to tell me any of 
your secrets, but was it hard to get baldur's gate diablo2 and half life to 
work, or did it take long to make them work.
Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Re: [newbie] Gnome/v7.2 question.

2001-01-11 Per discussione Dennis Myers

When it boots to the login box that wants either the user + password or 
root + password there is a button that has kde on it
click on that button and all of the installed choices including gnome 
will drop down. Click gnome and pull up a
mushroom. Oh, then click "go"  sorry my strange sense of humor got in 
the way back there.

Ronald J. Hall wrote:

 My brother is using v7.2 of Mandrake, and currently it boots up into KDE. He
 wants to know how to switch it so that he can boot into Gnome? Thanks!

Dennis Myers Registered Linux user #180843

[newbie] Switching back to Xfree86 4.01?

2001-01-11 Per discussione Chris Hall

Hello All,
 I had Xfree86 4.01 running on my 
linux mandrake 7.2 machine with an Nvidia Geforce 2. I tried to install the 
latest drivers and now my system information list that I'm running 3.3.6. Is 
there a way I can switch back to 4.01 without having to do a reinstall? All help 
is very much appreciated. Thanks!

RE: [newbie] Re: Win4Lin - Does it do WinMe?

2001-01-11 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

The lastest release, such as that with 7.2, does.
Earlier versions do not.
They had to overcome the direct access to DOS not being avalible with ME.

   Charles  (-:

Forever never goes beyond tomorrow. 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Traci Collins
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2001 2:09 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Re: Win4Lin - Does it do WinMe?

With all the gungho WIn4Lin supporters out there I wonder, does anyone
know if it supports WinMe or is it exclusively for Win98? 

Traci Collins

Re: [newbie] Re: Win4Lin - Does it do WinMe?

2001-01-11 Per discussione Michael O'Henly

On Thursday 11 January 2001 11:09, you wrote:
 With all the gungho WIn4Lin supporters out there I wonder, does anyone
 know if it supports WinMe or is it exclusively for Win98?

Just Win95/98.

Michael O'Henly
TENZO Design

[newbie] File Manager Performance Differences

2001-01-11 Per discussione Neville Cobb

When I open the /mandrake/RPM directory on md 7.2 CD1 using Konqueror it
takes ages for it to load the list of rpm files whereas if I use either
GMC or XWC File Manager the list appears almost instantly. Don't know
there would be any difference at all.


Re: [newbie] Getting support

2001-01-11 Per discussione Andrew F. Brown

Dude, first off all welcome to the Linux Mandrake comunity.Secondly, the
mailing list is the best place to pose your question. Why? because someopne
has probably run accross the same problem before and can help you. So send
your problem out to the list and see what haapens.


- Original Message -
From: "Christopher Molnar" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2001 3:58 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Getting support

 Can you please post your question here? cc me in and we'll try to help.
 not in the support department, but sometimes I can help or put you in
 with the right people.


 On Thursday 11 January 2001 10:03, Lionel Chan wrote:
  I've registered my 7.2 and posted a question dated 12 Dec 2000.  Till
  I've not gotten any response from Mandrake.
  Anyone with a similar problem getting help from Mandrake?
  CHAN Kin Poon

Re: [newbie] Mandrakesoft CEO defends Linux

2001-01-11 Per discussione Anthony Daniell

Hello, I just read that story myself and felt he was a bit hard on linux,
but I cut this piece out and think he has a pointinregards to the suse pro
ver 7 which I have. When I first installed it it installed 3417 packs and
used just over 6.5 gig of my hard drive. Far too many apps for me . Linux
blows windoze out of the water, and I am having a ball with linux, learning
how to move around in bash and installing software and learning how to
upgrade kde 1.2x to 2.0.1. Much more fun that plain jane windoze, with only
one desk top and so on.

The way I see it, for Linux to become a viable desktop platform, it needs to
slim down and streamline its offerings. A Linux truly designed for the
desktop should include:

An installer as easy to manage as that of Corel Linux
Automatic network/Internet configuration
Tough, preconfigured security for network/Internet access
A conservative roster of applications, including an email client; a Web
browser; office tools such as a word processor, a spreadsheet, and
presentation apps; an image editor; a media player; an HTML editor; Telnet,
FTP, and other network utilities
Preconfigured Windows/Mac OS file system and network support
A single window manager that integrates the best of existing desktop
environments into a pared-down, easily configurable workspace
A modicum of accessories such as a calculator and an address book
User-friendly network administration tools
Corporate users may not need even half of these applications, since IT
departments will determine which apps are supported by the company. And many
more applications may deserve to be included. But as a basic desktop system,
a version of Linux, as outlined above, would prove much more appealing and
useful to folks who don't live and breathe Linux.

Regards Anthony Daniell.
- Original Message -
From: Adrian Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2001 2:21 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrakesoft CEO defends Linux

 quote from the artical:
 The week before Christmas, CNET editor Todd Volz blasted most of
the major commercial distributions, including Mandrakesoft, for shipping
bloated product. While most of the bloat comes in the area of
developer-oriented features, i.e. mulitple compilers, screen setting
controls etc., Voltz viewed the business community's reluctance to slim
things down for the regular user a distressing sign.

 quote from adrian:
 where is my shotgun?

 mandrake comes on 2 CDs with:
 1 OS
 10 window managers
 100+ programs

 winsux comes on 1 CD with
 1 OS

 bloat?  where's the bloat  i think someone missed the bloat.

 Adrian Smith
 'de telepone dude
 Telecom Dept.
 x 7042

  Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10:54:26 AM 1/10/01
 Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

[newbie] a painless transition, please

2001-01-11 Per discussione Vicar In A Tutu

Hail Eris! 

Eh, me dears, I seem to be in a bit of a fix here. You see, I have made the
transition from Dragon Linux 2.2.4 (a clone of Slackware 7.1) to Mandrake 7.1
(a hard decision inspired by the rants of certain irc curmudgeons) both
versions, and, much as I like the ease of configuration and much as I
rejoice at the prospect of being finally able to listen to my MP3s (for some
obscure reason alsasound drivers wouldn't run on Dragon...), I still have a
few things to grumble about. Firstly, the cursor. It's just a white square,
ladies and gents, and weird as it might sound, but I actually like to see the
things I click on. The mouse is an ancient com port thingy, and I haven't
had a single problem with it before. Neither Aktion nor Xmovie are capable
of playing back MPEGs properly. Oh, and there's a huge problemola with
fetchmail - the .fetchmailrc file is there, it belongs to the proper user
and has got the proper permission level (710). However,  when I start
fetchmail, it freezes as it begins to download the first message. Pine
requires an SMTP server, and it never used to - localhost had always been
good enough. I'm rapidly approaching my wit's end, as I have to use the
web interface for this mailbox, which is always about angst, 
exasperation, and loss of self-esteem... 


"See the black sun rise from the Solar Lodge" ~JBP'S'C

Mickey, Irrev. Vicar In A Tutu from Thee Church Ov Holy Moz, Blue Rat Ov Kaos,
Offender Ov Thee Faith. 

Re: [newbie] ppp error 15

2001-01-11 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Thursday 11 January 2001 08:30 pm, you wrote:
 On Thursday 11 January 2001 09:59 am, Dennis Myers wrote:
  Another $.02, we're almost up to a dollar here, when I connect to
  earthlink my user name in KPPP has to be
  entered as ELN/denkar .  If I tried just denkar it won't connect. For
  mail login under user name it requires only
  the denkar, go figure. So if you don't have the ELN/ in front of you
  login name you might give that a go.

OK, now a $1 even ;)  I'm curious as to what/how earthlink differs
 from most ISP's  For starters, here's an nslookup (below sig), pay
 particular attention to their DNS servers, ns*  I
 suspect the reason EL's such a contradictory hodgepodge is the same as
 AoL's mess, AoL/NutScrape-Enterprise Servers ;  BTW, Carroll, EL
 support told me PAP, but neighbors using EL here, clued me that CHAP
 was needed to connect (and it is, here at least).
Oooops, I forgot to mention that I had to use CHAPS for authentication. You 
have to select it after the OS install and in the KPPP setup, so I had 
kinda,sorta, forgot that. Hope all this helps the original question get 
  Dennis M.
  Registered Linux user #180842

Re: [newbie] Getting support

2001-01-11 Per discussione Meph Istopheles

  I've heard nothing from them but the auto-responder to let me
  know they'd got each of the e-mails.

So, is MandrakeSoft any better at support than, say, M$?

 I sent in an e-mail for support and got a response back in
 about 24 hours.

  That's cool.  Wonder if they'll come up with anything for my
issues.  If you've been reading, I'd got the sound working -- for
about a week.  Then it suddenly got slow.  Now, when resetting
everything, all I get are clicks.

  ...One day.


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt-' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

Re: [newbie] Helix Gnome and MDK 7.2

2001-01-11 Per discussione Mannequin*

"John W" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  I had this problem and used the advice I recieved from the helix
 as root: chmod +x /etc/X11/gdm/Sessions/Gnome
 also add that command to the bottom of /etc/rc.local.  This works for gdm I
 am not sure about kdm but you may try to substitute kdm for gdm and or use

Well, until I hear that either Helix or Mandrakesoft has fixed this
error, I'm not going to worry about Helix Gnome. Although I like it a
lot better than the Gnome that Mandrakesoft is putting out, I don't
have the time to worry about that particular problem until I fix the
many other small (more important) problems residing in my MDK
system. (One of which involves connecting via both my modem and LAN
[not at the same time], instead of just being able to connect via the
LAN. There are times I need to use my modem for Internet access.)

Anyway, Thanks for all of your help.


Re: [newbie] xdmcp

2001-01-11 Per discussione Penndragon

Hi Guys

Could also try [EMAIL PROTECTED] (need to register with egroups
1st) which isn't specific to any particular flavour of Linux.


PS Didn't Mandrake originally split from RH but go more for the leading edge
techknowlogy wise?

 This is a mandrake group.


 -Original Message-
 From: iagoba [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2001 8:52 AM
 To: Listas-Newbie
 Subject: [newbie] xdmcp

 Hi I want to know where I can download the xdm program with its daemon
 xdmcp and how to install it in my RH 6.1



[newbie] Another Grub Q

2001-01-11 Per discussione Penndragon

Hi Guys

Just wondering how to make a boot floppy using Grub 
rather that Lilo.

Thanx in advance

Re: [newbie] xdmcp

2001-01-11 Per discussione iagoba

yeah! perhaps I don't say that I got Mandrake 7.1?

"Helsby, James" wrote:
 This is a mandrake group.
 -Original Message-
 From: iagoba [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2001 8:52 AM
 To: Listas-Newbie
 Subject: [newbie] xdmcp
 Hi I want to know where I can download the xdm program with its daemon
 xdmcp and how to install it in my RH 6.1

[newbie] Cannot boot up : libsafe error

2001-01-11 Per discussione Lew Teck Kheng

Hi guru :

I make a silly mistake yesterday when I commented the /etc/ 
and now my system cannot boot up.

I installed the Mandrake 7.2 (with high security level) on a Compaq 
ML370 machine.

I have try to mount the root disk (which is a 18GB Ultra SCSI disk) but 

I have try to pass argument to the kernel such as init=/sbin/sash but I 
still edit the file cause it is a read-only filesystem.

I am using the reiser file system.

Pls help me.


Re: [newbie] Grub question

2001-01-11 Per discussione Penndragon

Hi Kelly

Any of the text editors will do the job, so long as you're signed in as
root. If you pay attention to the order of the menu items during boot up
(just hit an arrow key to stop the count down if need) you'll find them in
the same order in the file which should give you an idea of the basic syntax
(grammar). I've found that timeout is the value in seconds that grub will
wait for a keystroke before going on with the default selection. Default
(minus the capital) is the menu item minus one (eg, 2nd one is 1). I'd also
suggest reading the manul for grub by going to the consol (any terminal
programm) and typing man grub which will give a good deal of info.

Hope that was of at least some help


 I know that this has been covered, because I remember seeing it. So,
 forgive my ignorance.

 How can I edit the Grub menu after it has been installed? I know that the
 list resides in /boot/grub/menu.lst. How can I edit that file?

 Thanks y'all,

 Chris Kelly
 Boy of Destiny
 King of Nothing

[newbie] Camera Q

2001-01-11 Per discussione Penndragon

Hi Guys

I'm wondering if anyone has an idea of how I might 
get my digital camera (USB model) made by Playworks ( for which I only know of 
a win98 driverto work under Linux? My system currently dual boots between win95b 
and LM 7.2. Can't for the life of me get win98 or win me to install, but that 
I'm seeking the answer elsewhere LOL Good chance I may eventually ditch win 


Re: [newbie] Getting support

2001-01-11 Per discussione Penndragon

Hi Guys,

Not trying to either defend nor bash them, but has anyone considered the
number of requests for help they likely get each day? It does take time to
get through them. Getting over 1,000 emails a day myself (ok, so I'm on
about 40 lists of various types) and it does take time to get through them.
It's likely they get quite a few (more than they can handle I'll bet) and
maybe some people out there might consider taking some of the load? (just a
thought that might help out if this is the case). Not a big fan of M$
myself, but even they likely get more requests than they can handle (even I
have Q's they haven't answered yet). So depending on the load, yes, it might
take a little while. You can also do what I do, ask in a number of forums if
the Q is really important and needs urgent attention.



  I've registered my 7.2 and posted a question dated 12 Dec 2000.
  Till date I've not gotten any response from Mandrake. Anyone
  with a similar problem getting help from Mandrake?

   Well, while I've not actually posted via their site, I've
 issues with two of my cards (Diamond Viper 770D  a Crystal Audio
 sound card (cs4236)  had sent the info requested in drakconf to
 some MandrakeSoft address a few weeks ago.  I've heard nothing
 from them but the auto-responder to let me know they'd got each
 of the e-mails.

   So, is MandrakeSoft any better at support than, say, M$?


   "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
   -Dave '-ddt-' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

[newbie] Mouse wheel not running

2001-01-11 Per discussione falcaraz

Hello again;
My home computer has a  Genius NetScroll+ mouse. Mandrake 7.2 install my 
mouse as a generic PS2 and the wheel just runs as a third button. If I 
select the Genius NetScroll then the pointer stop on the top of the 
screen and doesn't run.
I don't know if the problem is because my mouse is a NetScroll(+) and 
perhaps Mandrake just recognized the previous version.

In fact I have not problems running the mouse as a PS2 generic, but 
under windows the wheel is usefull, to zooming, move along web pages and 
so on.

Does anyone know how to install this mouse wheel?

Thanks in advance for your kind attention, yours sincerely

Francisco Alcaraz
Murcia (Spain)

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