Re: [newbie-it] Defrag: l'avete provato?

2001-02-24 Per discussione Mario Romano

Il 15:59, venerd 23 febbraio 2001, scrivesti:
 Ciao a tutti,

   Qualcuno ha provato defrag, l'utility di
 deframmentazione per ext2fs scaricabile da


 Cosa ne pensate? Io non l'ho ancora provata.

 Ciao. Steo.

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Il tuo indirizzo gratis e per sempre su

E' praticamente inutile utilizzarlo per l'ext2 perch per sua natura  sempre 
poco deframmentato, altro che quello schifo di fat32; inoltre  sconsigliato 
deframmentare la partizione di root.

Questa E-MAIL  stata inviata da una Macchina su cui  installato un vero 
sistema operativo : LINUX

R: [newbie-it] Modem Conexant. Ci sono RIUSCITO!!!!!!

2001-02-24 Per discussione Demis Cortello

Sono riuscito a far funzionare il mio Conexant Soft56 con chip Rockwell
sotto MDK7.2. L'unico problema  che devo lanciare kppp pi d'una volta,
perch ai primi tentativi mi compare il messaggio NO DIALTON. Qualche
suggerimento? Magari dipende dai comandi AT del modem?

Demis Cortello
Via Crosere 99
33053 Latisana UD
Tel: +39 0431510204


Re: R: [newbie-it] Modem Conexant. Ci sono RIUSCITO!!!!!!

2001-02-24 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Sono riuscito a far funzionare il mio Conexant Soft56 con chip
 sotto MDK7.2. L'unico problema è che devo lanciare kppp più d'una
 perché ai primi tentativi mi compare il messaggio NO DIALTON. Qualche
 suggerimento? Magari dipende dai comandi AT del modem?

 Demis Cortello
 Via Crosere 99
 33053 Latisana UD
 Tel: +39 0431510204

 Forse e' solo a causa della linea spesso occupatacon l'aumentare
del numero di utenti connessi al webincomincia a metter via i
soldini per un kit satellitare...un miglioncino del kit ed un canone
annuo come per la telecom...pero' paghi solo la quantita' di Mbyte che
scarichi e non il tempo che stai connessoed in piu' puoi scaricare
con una velocita' dalle 10 alle 30 volte superiore alla normale
connessione col tuo modempensaci un po' su...

Mandrake7.2 User

Prendi anche tu GRATIS l'email che ti PAGA:
-- SPONSOR: SpyStocks --
Non importa in che modo investi... l'importante e' consultare!
Ogni giorno dalle 7,30 alle 22 notizie, rumors, commenti e analisi in
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ci sono le newsletter a prova di spamming e le rubriche dello SpyStocks
Team, un valore che non ti costa nulla!
Scopri !

R: [newbie-it] problemi con l'audio

2001-02-24 Per discussione Germano

- Original Message -
From: Gigi Cyber [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2001 10:04 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] problemi con l'audio

 Ciao a tutti,

 ho anche io un problema simile a questo.
 Ho reinstallato la mdk 7.2 di recente, e anche a me da
 un po' di tempo l'audio non funziona.
 Dopo aver provato a configurare la scheda audio
 (soundblaster 128) con hard drake ricevo la risposta:

 errore nella chiamata a modprobe!
 /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/es1371.0: init
 module:dispositivo o risorsa occupata.
 /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/es1371.o insmod
 sound-slot-o failed

 questo problema mi si  manifestato da un po' di tempo
 a a questa parte, prima la rilevazione hardware andava
 benissimo,e tra l'altro ho anche la scheda di rete che
 non va, mentre prima andava benissimo (rilevava
 l'indirizzo dhcp dal pc che in casa ci fa da server).
 Ho notato che la sk audio e quella di rete hanno lo
 stesso irq , il 5.
 Pu quindi dipendere da un settaggio del bios?
 Lo stesso aurora, durante il boot mi segnala di non
 riuscire a caricare il modulo audio, e che pu
 dipendere dall'irq o dall'indirizzo i/o.
 Per questo motivo qualche giorno fa ho scritto che
 avevo problemi di compilazione, perch ho trovato che
 durante la compilazione  possibile attribuirne uno
 qualcuno  in grado di aiutarmi o darmi qualche spunto
 di lavoro?
 Grazie a tutti

Se i dispositivi sono entrambi PCI  strano che si siano presi lo stesso
se non fosse cos con modprobe o insmod puoi anche settarlo tu l'IRQ da riga
di comando (vd. man insmod).
Comunque questo problema l'avevo trovato anch'io con il modem isdn ma nel
mio caso c'era un errore nello Script che caricava tutti i moduli ISDN  e ho
dovuto correggerlo.

Spero di averti aiutato anche solo minimamente
Ciao Germano

R: [newbie-it] cerco compilatore

2001-02-24 Per discussione Germano

- Original Message -
From: Gigi Cyber [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 9:48 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] cerco compilatore

 Ciao a tutti,
 per esigenze di studio devo imparare a programmare in
 Qualcuno sa dirmi se nei due cd di installazione di
 mdk 7.2 c' un ambiente di sviluppo o, almeno un
 compilatore e un debugger?
 Chiedo scusa per i miei errori, ma non so
 programmare mi perdonino gli hackers e i
 programmatori seri...
 se non c' mi sapete suggerire dove cercare?
 grazie a tutti

Sicuramente c' un programma che si chiama 'p2c' che prende i sorgenti
Pascal e con uno stile tutto suo li trasforma in sorgenti C o C++ che poi
possono essere conpilati con gcc (che  il compilatore C C++).
Comunque se apri DrakConf c' il programma di gestione
degli RPM, da li vai sotto il gruppo Development ed eventualmente spulciando
bene controlli che ci sia almeno il compilatore (che  l'unica cosa che
serve veramente).
Se vuoi un editor per scrivere, il semplice 'nedit' ti permette di settare
il Tipo di linguaggio di programmazione (C, C++, Fortran, Pascal e tanti
altri) per una miglior formattazione della pagina (ma non  necessario).
Se poi trovi addirittura l'ambiente di sviluppo sono ben contento per te.


R: [newbie-it] unsubsrcibe

2001-02-24 Per discussione Germano

- Original Message -
From: Todeschi Paolo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2001 10:54 AM
Subject: [newbie-it] unsubsrcibe

 Non riesco a cancellarmi dalla lista.
 Help my

Nello stesso punto in cui hai inserito i tuoi dati per iscriverti, da li ti
cancelli ( e vai su mailing list)
Ciao Germano

R: [newbie-it] Re: Netscape

2001-02-24 Per discussione Germano

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 12:11 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Re: Netscape

  Ho un'altra domanda su Netscape Messanger: ho 2 account (libero e
  tiscali, per intendeci) e ho cercato inutilmente di settare per poterli
  ricevere entrambi.
  Nella finestra Netscape: preference/mail servers, c' un bottone Add..
  che per mi avverte che non con POP ma solo con IMAP, che non so cosa
  Almeno, mi sembra di aver capito cos. Cosa devo fare?
  Sono alle primissime armi col KDE: qual' il sistema pi rapido per
  rinominare un file o una directory?

 credo che con netscape tu non possa impostare pi di un account POP,
 anche io ho lo stesso problema...sto cercando di vedere se posso
 utilizzare netscape per il mio account "pinco" e kmail per il mio
 account "pallino"...dovrei riuscire a risolvere cos...solo che devo
 aver fatto qualche pasticcio nella configurazione di kmail...vedremo,
 nel frattempo
 salutatemi a bilgheiz

Ve lo do per certo ad entrambi: Netscape non pu gestire pi di due account
POP ed una volta impostato l'account IMAP il POP lo si pu anche
KMAIL non gestisce minimamente l'IMAP.
Detto questo buona scelta del programma di posta

Ciao Germano

R: [newbie-it] Curiosita' su compilazione programmi

2001-02-24 Per discussione Germano

- Original Message -
From: Stefano Salari [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 2:52 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] Curiosita' su compilazione programmi

 Ciao a tutti.

   Mi e' venuto un dubbio riguardo alla compilazione
 dei sorgenti (mi riferisco a qualsiasi programma o
 utility per Linux come wine, nt downloader per fare
 due esempi...): utilizzando il make la compilazione
 viene fatta ottimizzando il codice per il processore
 oppure viene compilato per 386?

Viene ottimizzato per il processore, nella ragionevole ipotesi di un buon

Dipende da come e'
 fatto il makefile?


Come si puo' passare dei parametri
 per la compilazione?

Editi il makefile e inserisci i parametri di cui necessiti negli luoghi

 Grazie. Steo.

Ciao Germano

Re: [newbie-it] cerco compilatore ...grazie a tutti!

2001-02-24 Per discussione Gigi Cyber

Vorrei ringraziare questa magnifica ML , nelle persone
che vi partecipano...
 veramente tutto un altro mondo rispetto a M$, e mi
ripaga delle serate davanti al monitor a cercare di
imparare il funzionamento di linux (..stanotte fino
alle due a cercare di far andare i drivers

Do You Yahoo!?
Il tuo indirizzo gratis e per sempre su

Re: R: [newbie-it] Re: Netscape

2001-02-24 Per discussione freefred

On Saturday 24 February 2001 12:10, Germano wrote:

 Ve lo do per certo ad entrambi: Netscape non pu gestire pi di due account
 POP ed una volta impostato l'account IMAP il POP lo si pu anche
 KMAIL non gestisce minimamente l'IMAP.
 Detto questo buona scelta del programma di posta

Ma l'imap non e' il server a cui ti colleghi che deve supportarlo?
netscape 6 vede comunque gli account multipli.
per me e' troppo pesante, comunque.

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ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers 


Re: [newbie-it] Modem Conexant. Ci sono RIUSCITO!!!!!!

2001-02-24 Per discussione Alessandro

 Sono riuscito a far funzionare il mio Conexant Soft56 con chip Rockwell
 sotto MDK7.2. L'unico problema  che devo lanciare kppp pi d'una volta,
 perch ai primi tentativi mi compare il messaggio NO DIALTON. Qualche
 suggerimento? Magari dipende dai comandi AT del modem?

ti prego, ho il tuo stesso modem e la tua stessa distro... come hai fatto?
sono nella disperazione...

Re: [newbie-it] cerco compilatore

2001-02-24 Per discussione Alessandro

 Non mi ricordo in quale rivista tempo fa c'era il CD con vari applicativi
 fra cui il compilatore Pascal, se hai pazienza 3-4 giorni e se ti va bene
 cerco e te lo invio (prima ti comunico le dimensioni)

si', su Linux  CO di febbraio dell'anno scorso c'era il FreePascal
e' buono, peccato solo che sia un compilatore e non ambiente di

[newbie-it] Grub, Lilo...

2001-02-24 Per discussione Manuel Muttin

Ciao a tutti. Ho un problema sul MBR. Quando andr ad installare MDK7.2 mi 
chieder se installare LILO o GRUB?
Il problema sta nel fatto che lo devo far convivere, nello stesso hard disk 
ma in diverse partizioni, con Windows 2000 ma come boot loader vorrei usare 
System Commander 2000. Cosa ne pensate? Help!!!
Ciao, Manuel.

Re: [newbie-it] cerco compilatore

2001-02-24 Per discussione pacmo

- Original Message -
From: "Alessandro" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2001 5:10 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] cerco compilatore

  Non mi ricordo in quale rivista tempo fa c'era il CD con vari
  fra cui il compilatore Pascal, se hai pazienza 3-4 giorni e se ti va
  cerco e te lo invio (prima ti comunico le dimensioni)

 si', su Linux  CO di febbraio dell'anno scorso c'era il FreePascal
 e' buono, peccato solo che sia un compilatore e non ambiente di
Non mi riferivo a Linux  CO, mi ricordavo di, pu darsi che sia
la stessa cosa, ma luned ci guardo.
Pier Antonio

[newbie-it] programmazione e tastiera..............

2001-02-24 Per discussione skywalker

ciao a tutti ,
dunque il mio problema  questo:
tutti i linguaggi di programmazione utilizzano ad esempio le parentesi 
graffe , bene io possiedo una tastiera italiana 105 tasti e... 
naturalmente le graffe non ci sono
Come si pu rimediare a questo?



Re: [newbie-it] Grub, Lilo...

2001-02-24 Per discussione pacmo

Io ho usato l'installazione personalizzata e me l'ho ha chiesto infatti ho
creato solo il dischetto.
Pier Antonio
- Original Message -
From: "Manuel Muttin" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2001 6:31 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] Grub, Lilo...

Ciao a tutti. Ho un problema sul MBR. Quando andr ad installare MDK7.2 mi
chieder se installare LILO o GRUB?
Il problema sta nel fatto che lo devo far convivere, nello stesso hard disk
ma in diverse partizioni, con Windows 2000 ma come boot loader vorrei usare
System Commander 2000. Cosa ne pensate? Help!!!
Ciao, Manuel.

Re: [newbie-it] Modem Conexant. Ci sono RIUSCITO!!!!!!

2001-02-24 Per discussione .

Demis dicci come hai fatto col modem!
anke io sono nella stessa situazione!

- Original Message -
From: "Demis Cortello" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2001 11:37 AM
Subject: R: [newbie-it] Modem Conexant. Ci sono RIUSCITO!!

 Sono riuscito a far funzionare il mio Conexant Soft56 con chip Rockwell
 sotto MDK7.2. L'unico problema  che devo lanciare kppp pi d'una volta,
 perch ai primi tentativi mi compare il messaggio NO DIALTON. Qualche
 suggerimento? Magari dipende dai comandi AT del modem?

 Demis Cortello
 Via Crosere 99
 33053 Latisana UD
 Tel: +39 0431510204


R: [newbie-it] Modem Conexant. Ci sono RIUSCITO!!!!!!

2001-02-24 Per discussione Demis

Cercher di essere chiaro.

Scarica da il driver per il modem olitec.

Cerca la stringa di inizializzazione del tuo modem, per il mio era
La trovi da Win98 lanciando Microsoft System Information e leggendo le
caratteristiche avanzate del modem.

Poi devi inserire la stringa nel file lhs_lin.inf dove ci sono gi le altrem
che credo si riferiscano specialmente ai modem Olitec.

Lancia ./ins_all prima di kppp e tutto dovrebbe funzionare. Ah come mi sono
fatto spiegare cambia i comandi del modem con un ATX3 nell'inizializzazione.

Ciao e fammi sapere se va tutto bene! Sarebbe una gran cosa se ce la
facessimo tutti

Demis Cortello
Via Crosere 99
33053 Latisana UD
Tel: +39 0431510204


Re: [newbie-it] Avvio disco Scsi

2001-02-24 Per discussione Franco Speranza

Casa wrote:
 Il 00:44, venerd 23 febbraio 2001, scrivesti:
  Potrebbe qualcuno spiegarmi come  possibile risolvere il problema ? Come
  bisogna settare GRUB per avviare lo SCSI?
 Beh, io ho linux su scsi, winzozz98 su ide con il grub. Mi pare che non ci
 sia niente di strano:
 [nicola@doppioproc grub]$ cat menu.lst
 timeout 5
 color black/cyan yellow/cyan
 i18n (hd1,0)/boot/grub/messages
 keytable (hd1,0)/boot/it-latin1.klt
 altconfigfile (hd1,0)/boot/grub/menu.once
 append "apm=power-off"
 default 1
 title floppy
 root (fd0)
 chainloader +1
 title linux
 kernel (hd1,0)/boot/vmlinuz-smp root=/dev/sda1 vga=788
 initrd (hd1,0)/boot/initrd-smp.img
 title linux-up
 kernel (hd1,0)/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1
 initrd (hd1,0)/boot/initrd.img
 title failsafe
 kernel (hd1,0)/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1  failsafe
 initrd (hd1,0)/boot/initrd.img
 title windows
 root (hd0,0)
 chainloader +1
 Ovviamente guarda anche questo:
 [nicola@doppioproc grub]$ cat
 (fd0) /dev/fd0
 (fd1) /dev/fd1
 (hd0) /dev/hda
 (hd1) /dev/sda
 P.S. pero' riguardo win2000 non so nulla (ho sempre evitato anche NT)
 Ciao, Nicola.
 chi va pian va san e va lontan

Credo che tu non abbia problemi in quanto hai installato linux sul disco
scsi e quindi probabilmente hai settato nel Bios della motherboard
l'avvio con la sequenza scsi/c/cdrom o altro ma io ho problemi in quanto
il boot e' installato sul l'HD ide.Credo che sia un problema di
riconoscimento del disco scsi da parte di grub e non un problema di
win2000.I file e menu.lst sono del tutto simili aai miei. 

il disco scsi viene definito cosi in menu.lst

title windows3

root ( hd3,0)
map(0x81) (0x80)
map(0x80) (0x81) 
chainloader +1

se hai qualche consiglio da  darmi ti sarei grato.

saluti Francesco

[newbie-it] aiuto sono in panne

2001-02-24 Per discussione lobaxteen

mi  successa una cosa stranissima :ho chiuso la sessione per entrare un
attimo in winnoz per fare un lavoretto di manutenzione su ie dopo 2 minuti
ho cercato di rientrare il linux e dice: chek forzato, nella partizione hda
7c' un errore e non ce la fa a passare
poi mi dice: o fai control d (e si blocca di nuovo)o inserisci la pass per
la manutenzione,mi dice anche di fare qualche cosa con fdsk ma non capisco
che cosa ,qualc'uno ha un'idea di cosa posso fare? ho una mandrake 7.1 e il
bootloader e grub ho i 2 so separati su 2 dischi e il sistema veniva
caricato benissimo fino a 10 minuti prima della disgrazia.
vi prego sono in preda al panico,questo  il genere di cose senza sapere
l'inglese mi fanno andare nella merda,quindi se potete cercate di darmi una
se avete bisognio di ulteriori info ditemi dove cercarle.

Re: [newbie] X problems

2001-02-24 Per discussione AndyMonks
my monitor is set up exactly to the spesifications in the manual, it is a 
brnd new monitor! its fine!

Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is crazy.....!!!!

2001-02-24 Per discussione Jay the Immortal

On Friday 23 February 2001 04:43, you wrote:
 Please take me off I can't even check my email without having 200 a
 day from people who don't know how to pick up a book...please
 thank's. - Original Message -
 From: Dale Kosan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 4:56 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] boot.ini

That is incredibly ignorant.  Sometimes a book is more confusing than 
it is worth, remember we had this post a thousand times.  GO TO WHERE 
Talk about reading a book, you can't even follow the lists SIMPLE 
~May the enemies of Ireland never meet a friend~

Re: [newbie] Win98 CDROM drive gone after RedHat Linux 7

2001-02-24 Per discussione Charley Peggy Robinson

I'd suggest you boot up with your Startup diskette and get into the help
routine.  You'll have an option to check/renew the registry and you'll
have CDROM support.


 I logged in Linux with KDE and tried to access my CDROM, I did with no problem.
 Then I shutdown KDE with the CDROM mounted (this should have meant no problem either)
 and rebooted the computer. The next time I started Win98 the CDROM unit was not 

 Sergio Carmona G.

[newbie] Re: Linux Sound I saw Ure addy on the Newbie List

2001-02-24 Per discussione Allen Joseph M Hernandez

What other sound cards do you have?
Have you tried looking at the mixers (kmix and the like) to see if your sounds are 
It also depends on which X win you use, I like the kde themes and use em alot.
There's a check box in KDE Control Center where you can enable system sounds.

In Gnome, the gnomecc has two widgets which you have to click to enable sounds.
One is way down below the list asking if u want to enable sounds for window manager 
You should enable this and the other option where it asks if you want to 
enable sound server startup.

That's all I can say for now. Pls give me more info so I can give better advice.

[Sorry I posted this here, received failure when tried "REPLY"]

Linatic wrote:


Can U offer me any help on getting Sound to work in Linux?

How did U do it?   Did it work right out of the box?

I have a bunch of different sound cards and only one was I able to make 
anything work that was SB16..  I could hear sounds when configuring with 
sndconfig but no sounds anywhere else.

Any ideas?


RE: [newbie] windows printer

2001-02-24 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

Yes you need samba for this.

Samba is included in Mandrake 7.2 and merely awaits your final


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Gavin
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2001 10:59 AM
To: Newbie
Subject: [newbie] windows printer
Importance: High

I'm learning networking and I'm trying to use the printer on my win box via
my linux box, so far I can bring my win box online via linux but I cant use
the printer, not intrested in the files just the printer, do I need samba
this? I'm running Mandrake 7.2 (2.2.17-21mdk) complete, desktop edition. is
samba included? when I loaded Mandrake I did a complet 800mb installment and
I cant find samba anywhere, if it's on one of the disks which one is it? I
also have  the book Samba for dummies which comes with samba 2.0.6! which
should I

Gavin (Japan)
Registered Linux user #199685 and proud of it!

[newbie] telnet,ftp up working SLOW

2001-02-24 Per discussione michael

I have a Linux box that has both telnet and wu-ftp servers running.
THe problem I am having is when I telnet or ftp into them I get the
connecting message. About 1-2 min later I get asked for a user name and 
password. Any idea's as to why this is so slow. I have tried it with
both the standard ftpd that ships with Mandrake 7.2 and wu-ftp. I have 
also used inetd and xinetd but that doesn't make a difference... is there
a config file somewhere I am overlooking?

thanks in advance.


Re: [newbie] telnet,ftp up working SLOW

2001-02-24 Per discussione Scott Bishop

Thats because the hosts file in /etc doesnt have a match for your IP address
or DNS isnt resolving your IP.

Add your IP and a name to the /etc/hosts file and that wont happen.

- Original Message -
From: "michael" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2001 5:39 AM
Subject: [newbie] telnet,ftp up  working  SLOW

 I have a Linux box that has both telnet and wu-ftp servers running.
 THe problem I am having is when I telnet or ftp into them I get the
 connecting message. About 1-2 min later I get asked for a user name and
 password. Any idea's as to why this is so slow. I have tried it with
 both the standard ftpd that ships with Mandrake 7.2 and wu-ftp. I have
 also used inetd and xinetd but that doesn't make a difference... is there
 a config file somewhere I am overlooking?

 thanks in advance.


[newbie] install problem: username

2001-02-24 Per discussione martijn

I'm really new in the big world of Linux. I've got an installation problem.
When installed lnx4win on my windowd 98 SE partition everything go's fine,
but after choosing for linux in the dualboot-menu he starts up and asks for
login and password. I can login, also as a root-user of course, but than
what? How can I start the program Linux? I have tried everything but nothing
seems to work, please help!

Thankz, Martin.

Re: [newbie] install problem: username

2001-02-24 Per discussione AndyMonks
type startx

RE: [newbie] install problem: username

2001-02-24 Per discussione Franki

if you 
are logged in, then you are "in" the wonderful world of linux,, but typing 
startx will start the gui of the wonderful world of linux...

Frank Hauptle/ / 
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/-//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\Gshop  
Network Payment Solutions. 

Re: Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is crazy.....!!!!

2001-02-24 Per discussione dalet

Maybe this link will help you to unsub:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/pub/mskb/Q209354.asp 

(You're Welcome.)


 On Thursday 22 February 2001 10:43 pm, you wrote:
 Please take me off I can't even check my email without having 200 a day
 from people who don't know how to pick up a book...please thank's.



And oh yeah, speaking of people who can't read, books or otherwise. Unsub 
where you signed up to begin with. just like it reads on the web site.

Re: Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is crazy.....!!!!

2001-02-24 Per discussione Salane King

That was funny Thanks

On Saturday 24 February 2001 08:13 am, you wrote:
 Maybe this link will help you to unsub:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/pub/mskb/Q209354.asp

 (You're Welcome.)


  On Thursday 22 February 2001 10:43 pm, you wrote:
  Please take me off I can't even check my email without having 200 a day
  from people who don't know how to pick up a book...please thank's.



 And oh yeah, speaking of people who can't read, books or otherwise. Unsub
 where you signed up to begin with. just like it reads on the web site.

Message sent from Linux-Mandrake 8.0 (Cooker)
icq# 324306

[newbie] Removal from this list

2001-02-24 Per discussione dalet

  I'm one of the morons that can't read a book, but I *will* supply a link to the 
vehicle for leaving this list - for those that are not bright enough to click a mouse 
button.  It is as follows:
  If you need help figuring out which mouse button to push, please contact any 
5-year-old with hands and fingers.  He/she will demonstrate.  (Hint:  It's on the left 
half of the mouse.)
  If all else fails, there are something called "filters" that will get rid of this 
stuff for you.  But, if you can't handle a simple mouse click, you're not going to 
have much success with filters. sigh
  Now, maybe us morons can stop seeing messages like "Dear God, please give me the 
brains I need for basic function", and get some assistance that we need to wean 
ourselves from that Trojan Horse - the "W" word!
  (Lord knows that the documentation for every aspect of Linux is very concise, 
complete, and even easy to understand...!)

RE: Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is crazy.....!!!!

2001-02-24 Per discussione Franki

That just made my night,, 

I love it... I will be reffering alot of my clients to that site...  :-)

Frank Hauptle
/ /  _  
---/ /  (_)__  __   __  
--/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /  
-//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\
Gshop  Network Payment Solutions.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Salane King
Sent: Saturday, 24 February 2001 9:27 PM
Subject: Re: Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is

That was funny Thanks

On Saturday 24 February 2001 08:13 am, you wrote:
 Maybe this link will help you to unsub:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/pub/mskb/Q209354.asp

 (You're Welcome.)


  On Thursday 22 February 2001 10:43 pm, you wrote:
  Please take me off I can't even check my email without having 200 a day
  from people who don't know how to pick up a book...please thank's.



 And oh yeah, speaking of people who can't read, books or otherwise. Unsub
 where you signed up to begin with. just like it reads on the web site.

Message sent from Linux-Mandrake 8.0 (Cooker)
icq# 324306

RE: [newbie] Removal from this list

2001-02-24 Per discussione Franki

I am sorry,

but the only way to get off this list is to change ISP's and get a different
email address,, even then we might find you you might be surprised what
a bunch of newbies who can't read a book can do...  :-)

Frank Hauptle
/ /  _
---/ /  (_)__  __   __
--/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
-//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\
Gshop  Network Payment Solutions.

-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday, 24 February 2001 9:31 PM
Subject: [newbie] Removal from this list

  I'm one of the morons that can't read a book, but I *will* supply a link
to the vehicle for leaving this list - for those that are not bright enough
to click a mouse button.  It is as follows:

  If you need help figuring out which mouse button to push, please contact
any 5-year-old with hands and fingers.  He/she will demonstrate.  (Hint:
It's on the left half of the mouse.)
  If all else fails, there are something called "filters" that will get rid
of this stuff for you.  But, if you can't handle a simple mouse click,
you're not going to have much success with filters. sigh

  Now, maybe us morons can stop seeing messages like "Dear God, please give
me the brains I need for basic function", and get some assistance that
we need to wean ourselves from that Trojan Horse - the "W" word!
  (Lord knows that the documentation for every aspect of Linux is very
concise, complete, and even easy to understand...!)

Re: [newbie] Mandrake and MicroSolutions

2001-02-24 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

If you do an expert install of Mandrake 7.2 you can choose to use 
either XFree86 3.x or 4.x. Version 3.x (as used in LM7.0) has better 
hardware support but 4.x has more features and is a bit nimbler. 
Chances are you should be fine if you do an expert install of LM7.2 
and choose XFree86 3.x. Your CD-RW should be supported as well, but 
don't quote me on that.

On Sat, 24 Feb 2001 18:04, Patrick wrote:
 Dan LaBine wrote:
  Dear Rat (??)
  Try downloading the ISO images of Mandrake 7.2 Or spend about
  $80.00 (Canadian) and by the 7.2 Powerpack Deluxe. I don't know
  where you are on the planet, so I don't know what that converts to
  in your currency, but it's the best investment you'll ever make (
  Except for maybe a BMW or an Espresso machine. It should solve
  your problems with out  a bunch of hassle, and you'll probably get
  thatCanon 5000 working to boot (wouldn't surprise me at all) . 7.2
  runs 2.2-17 out of the box, and comes with a "beta" version of
  kernel 2.4 , both of which will probably help a lot!
  On Friday 23 February 2001 02:54, you wrote:
   Well, this looks like a nice active list! I hope to find answers
   to my many questions here.
   The machine: AMD K6 333 clocked to 350 on a FIC/VIA mobo, 256MB
   RAM, 2 x 10GB Maxtors in drawers, 4x4 NEC CD-R, 1.44/1.2/LS120
   FDD, 16MB S540 AGP vid card pushing a 17"CTX, HP7475 plotter,
   Canon 5000 (useless under Linux) and Canon BJ-200, external 56k
   Modem Blaster, Sound Blaster, parallel port Backpack CD-RW,
   using System Commander to triple boot...on and on.
   My first question:
   Running Mandrake 7.0. I found some modules on the MicroSolutions
   web site for my Backpack CD-RW, BUT - - my kernel is
   2.2.14-15mdk (is this some weird Mandrake only kernel?) and all
   I can find that comes close is a module for 2.2.14 or 2.2.14-5.
   These do not work since the modules are compiled specifically
   for these kernels. Argh!! What to do? I would really like to be
   able to use my burner under the penguin so as to continue my
   migration to a full-time Linux system.
   Pat the Rat
  Dan LaBine
  Maximum LAN's Ltd.
  Registered Linux User #190712

 Well, this leads to another question: the reason I'm using LM7.0 is
 for the Xserver that supports my junky vid card. I had been using
 RH, but when I upgraded to 6.0 (from 5.2) I found my S540 not
 supported. LM7.0 has performed flawlessly (for the most part). Will
 moving up to LM7.2 dick up my video and allow me to use my Backpack

 Pat the Rat (Huntington Beach ,CA)

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this iscrazy.....!!!!

2001-02-24 Per discussione asmiller

Maybe your clients could use this one too.


It lists "Marilyn O" as the author.  I'm sure only Compaq's very best 
get asked to tackle such a project.  I'll bet she has a very bright 
future at there!

Re: [newbie] New install - problems and questions

2001-02-24 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Sun, 25 Feb 2001 02:07, Owens, Blaine C wrote:
 Last night I bit the bullet and installed Mandrake 7.2 dual boot
 with Windows 98. I've got a couple of problems and a question .

 1) Xwindows comes up with horizontal lines across the screen. You
 cannot even read some apps because of these horizontal lines. I've
 tried several different resolutions and generic settings to no
 avail. I think it picked up the correct hardware for my card:
 - Windows Device Manager = Trident 9685/9680/9682/9385/9382/9385-1
 PCI - Linux = Trident Microsystems TCUI9660 (generic) TCUI

 2) I have a cable modem Internet connection. On bootup it stalls
 bringing up eth0 and then fails with a DHCP failure message. I have
 configured my ISP's name server in /etc/resolv.conf. Again, I think
 the hardware in Linux is correct:
 - Windows Device Manager = 3Com EtherLink III ISA (3C509b-TP) in PnP
 mode - Linux = 3Com EtherLink III ISA (3C509-TP)

 Any suggestions for resolving either of these problems would be

 Finally, I would like for the default bootup to be Windows 98 (at
 least for now) but it is not obvious to me how to modify GRUB to
 accomplish this. I assume I need to modify the config file in
 /boot/grub, but how? Thanks.

 Blaine Owens
 Eastman Chemical Company
 Phone - (423)-229-3579
 Cell Phone - (423)-817-0704
 Fax - (423)-229-1188

For all of these, have you tried looking at the configuration tools in 

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is crazy.....!!!!

2001-02-24 Per discussione philomena

It was there about 30 minutes ago but 404 now - hopefully someone did
save it as somewhere else - it was priceless !

 Guess I missed the boat, I just get error 404
 On Saturday 24 February 2001 13:13, you wrote:
  Maybe this link will help you to unsub:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/pub/mskb/Q209354.asp
  (You're Welcome.)

[newbie] query...regarding sound configuration...

2001-02-24 Per discussione B.V.L.S.Prasad

Dear all,
earlier I gave this query... are these not relevant to this
doesn't this list support these queries ...??

I have installed very recently Mandrake7.2.

I have Intel I-815EP chipset..with onboard sound card.
with kudzu:
it recognizes some  devices with names:
intel 8086:2442
intel 8086:2444

I tried to load Open Sound System (from 4fronttech)..
its recognizing as 
Intel 815 ICH2 (Rev1).
could you please tell how to configure the sound...
what statements I have add to the modules.conf (w.r.t. ALSA)..

anticipating help.

this is my modules.conf:

alias net-pf-4 ipx
pre-install pcmcia_core /etc/rc.d/init.d/pcmcia start
alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc
post-install snd-card-intel8x0 modprobe snd-pcm-oss
pre-install plip modprobe parport_pc ; echo 7  /proc/parport/0/irq
alias eth0 8139too
alias eth1 rtl8139
alias usb-interface usb-uhci   

It it would be great if anyone can send the modules.conf...
configured with this chipset
thankyou very for the time.


Happy Day,
Prasad, B.V.L.S.,
Research Scholar.
_   __      ___   ___   ___
|Thought|   | Fourier|   |  |   |Different|   | Fourier |   |Structure|
| waves |--|Analysis|--|NATURE|--|Forms of |--|Synthesis|--|   of|
|   |   ||   |  |   |Knowledge|   | |   | NATURE  |
|___|   ||   |__|   |_|   |_|   |_|


[newbie] httpd-perl cannot determine local host name

2001-02-24 Per discussione mongenix

During boot and when I restart httpd with /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd
restart, I receive an error that says:
Starting httpd:
httpd-perl: cannot determine local host name
Use the ServerName directive to set it manually

and then it Fails.

The problem is that I am trying to set up emumail and it wont work, I
assume because I have to reset httpd and it fails, this is why it wont
I have searched and entered information in every conf file I could find.

Can someone tell me where I missed setting someting up correctly.


[newbie] CD-RW install

2001-02-24 Per discussione KompuKit

I'm buying a HP 9150i CD-RW drive...wednesday...
was wondering:

do I set it up as my secondary master or slave?
(already have a 6x cd-rom drive setup as secondary master)

also, can someone suggest a real good, but easy instuction set
for setting up the cd-rw in linux...?
Registered Linux User: 167369
= =
Personal WebServer:
(Personal Server runs: M-F= 7pm-12am  S+S=12pm-12am)

Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is crazy.....!!!!

2001-02-24 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Saturday 24 February 2001 11:53, you wrote:
 It was there about 30 minutes ago but 404 now - hopefully someone did
 save it as somewhere else - it was priceless !

  Guess I missed the boat, I just get error 404
  On Saturday 24 February 2001 13:13, you wrote:
   Maybe this link will help you to unsub:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/pub/mskb/Q209354.asp
   (You're Welcome.)
I bookmarked it and just now went back to it and it came right up, looks like 
it is still there. Check the URL?[EMAIL PROTECTED]/pub/mskb/Q209354.asp

Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

RE: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is crazy.....!!!!

2001-02-24 Per discussione David Boles

On Sat, 24 Feb 2001 11:47:26 -0500, Jeff Norris said:

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jay the Immortal
  Sent: Friday, February 23, 2001 11:23 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is

These messages appear just about every weekend. As if  new user  installed
L-M this weekend, then did not check his/her email until Friday night and has
gotten buried. smile

Perhaps L-M should set the list so that RE subscribing monthly is required?
Then the "get me off's" would get off automatically.

Nah. Then  we would probably get messages like "How the heck to I stay ON this

BIGGER smile


David Boles
My GnuPG Key ID: 0FEF4C4F (2001-02-07)

Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is crazy.....!!!!

2001-02-24 Per discussione Mark Hillary

 From another Email list I am on.  One of the list members posted 
it.  You might want to save an .html copy of it.  I don't know if M$ 
has been hacked, or if it's for real.  G

On Sun, 25 Feb 2001 00:13, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Maybe this link will help you to unsub:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/pub/mskb/Q209354.
  (You're Welcome.)

Microsof havn't been hacked becasue the url doesn't point towards them

Look at the syntax.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]/pub/mskb/q209354.asp

with the user benn called

Sorry to dissapoint. Test it for you self by going to

Mark Hillary

Re: [newbie] PPP and Netscape not connecting (umpteenth thread!)

2001-02-24 Per discussione Andreas J. Guelzow

your default route should be ppp0, otherwise netscape will not find 
arbitrary hosts. (It probably can access hosts on
the pppd option  defaultroute might help.


Peter Martin wrote:

 No info there, I've attached the log for today's attempt. Looks ok, but
 Netscape is not doing it's thing it appears.  Anyone having Netscape problems
 with 7.2?

 Feb 23 09:42:19 pm pppd[1885]: not replacing existing default route to eth0 


 Feb 23 09:42:19 pm pppd[1885]: local  IP address
 Feb 23 09:42:19 pm pppd[1885]: remote IP address
 Feb 23 09:42:19 pm pppd[1885]: primary   DNS address
 During this time I was waiting for Netscape to connect. I had not yet made any 
changes to preferences, only to ensure the setting was to Direct connect to internet.

Prof. Dr. Andreas J. Guelzow
Chair of Science
Concordia University College of Alberta

RE: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is crazy.....!!!!

2001-02-24 Per discussione Jeremy Yeung


Jeremy Yeung
Staff Engineer

process. to the power of e.

  10 Canal Park
  Cambridge, MA 02141
  617-949-1000 (Phone) 
  617-949-1030 (Fax)
  email:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Original Message-
From: philomena [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2001 12:54 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is

It was there about 30 minutes ago but 404 now - hopefully someone did
save it as somewhere else - it was priceless !

 Guess I missed the boat, I just get error 404
 On Saturday 24 February 2001 13:13, you wrote:
  Maybe this link will help you to unsub:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/pub/mskb/Q209354.asp
  (You're Welcome.)

Re: [newbie] Testing for bad RAM

2001-02-24 Per discussione Mark Weaver

abe wrote:
 regrettably that tech is misinformed.  In my time as a pc repair tech I
 saw many sticks of ram that passed the boot test put were infact bad.
 Quick tech pro is one of the best memory testers you'll find.  It
 actually test's most of the hardware in your system.  Quick tech can
 identify a single bad sector in ram.
 Good luck
  "Myers, Dennis R NWO" wrote:
  I've been told by local computer techs that if your bios sees the ram
  at bootup ,( in other words detects it and counts it off on the first
  screen that shows your primary  and secondary IDE devices and  you can
  hit del to get to bios) then the ram memory is good and should be
  functional. I am not a technician so I am relying on their advice.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Mark Johnson
  Sent:   Tuesday, February 20, 2001 1:31 PM
  To: LinuxNewbie (E-mail)
  Subject:[newbie] Testing for bad RAM
  I am suspicious that my RAM is bad.  Is there anyway in linux that I
  confirm this?


Where does one find and buy a copy of this amazing program?

"If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being
"Sharing is what makes them powerful."

Re: [newbie] CD-RW install

2001-02-24 Per discussione Aries

On Saturday 24 February 2001 01:28, you wrote:
CD-RW's generally work best when configured as a slave device
 I'm buying a HP 9150i CD-RW drive...wednesday...
 was wondering:

 do I set it up as my secondary master or slave?
 (already have a 6x cd-rom drive setup as secondary master)

 also, can someone suggest a real good, but easy instuction set
 for setting up the cd-rw in linux...?

Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is crazy.....!!!!

2001-02-24 Per discussione philomena

dunno whats happening then - IU use your link below and still get the


Dennis Myers wrote:
 On Saturday 24 February 2001 11:53, you wrote:
  It was there about 30 minutes ago but 404 now - hopefully someone did
  save it as somewhere else - it was priceless !
   Guess I missed the boat, I just get error 404
   On Saturday 24 February 2001 13:13, you wrote:
Maybe this link will help you to unsub:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/pub/mskb/Q209354.asp
(You're Welcome.)
 I bookmarked it and just now went back to it and it came right up, looks like
 it is still there. Check the URL?[EMAIL PROTECTED]/pub/mskb/Q209354.asp
 Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is crazy.....!!!!

2001-02-24 Per discussione Romanator

philomena wrote:
 It was there about 30 minutes ago but 404 now - hopefully someone did
 save it as somewhere else - it was priceless !
  Guess I missed the boat, I just get error 404
  On Saturday 24 February 2001 13:13, you wrote:
   Maybe this link will help you to unsub:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/pub/mskb/Q209354.asp
   (You're Welcome.)

Can you read this attachment?
Registered Linux User #179293
The Tux email thread creator
Title: Q209354 - HOWTO




All Products| Support| Search| Home| Bestiality.Net 



   Support Home| Self Support| Self Abuse| Assisted Support| Custom Support| Worldwide Support| 





 HOWTO: Read the Fucking Manual
   The information in this article applies to: 
 General Lamers 
 The ability to Read 
Basic Brain Function 
   This article demonstrates how to read the fucking manual, as popularised by the RTFM directive.
  After asking a truly pathetic question, you are instructed to RTFM:-

*** Lamer (~[EMAIL PROTECTED]) has joined #visualbasic 

[10:24] Lamer How do i [Your obvious/lame question]? 

[10:25] @oper RTFM bitch 

*** Lamer was kicked by @oper (fuckwit) 

[10:27] VBg0d i made a irc client!! 

*** assmaster83 (~[EMAIL PROTECTED]) invites you to join #animalsex 

[10:27] Guest50468 VBg0d, c00l, i made a webbrowser!! 


   Step-by-Step Procedures 
 Locate a Manual, either in printed form or on your MSDN CD's, if you're a punk/bitch/h4x0r and don't have the MSDN collection on disk, view the online version at 
Using either the Index or Search feature, locate a keyword relating to you're question/problem 
If you're using a printed manual, flip to the page(s) as detailed in your search of the index, alternatively, if you're using the MSDN library, click the link(s) in the search results window. 
Read the information. If you have problems understanding the information, read it again. Repeat until enlightenment is achieved. 
   For additional information, please see the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 

  Q166392 HOWTO: Read  
  Q147875 HOWTO: Apply for employment with McDonalds  
  Q171146 HOWTO: Convert absolutely everything to XML   
  Q181290 HOWTO: Add a #, + or .Net to your old software to keep it cutting edge  
  Q102496 INFO: How to use the HOWTO's HOWTO document 

Additional query words: XML l33t fool dumbass lamer monkey semen bigAl[work] Lurve god
   Version : 1.6 

Platform : Thing to stand on 

Issue type : Type of Issue 

Re: [newbie] Installing new themes to KDE2.1 beta 2

2001-02-24 Per discussione Angela Danen

The first time that I downloaded some themes from KDE themes I had the
same problem because I untared them.  It took me a while but finally
I figured out not to untar, just rename and I was off and running
 sorry I don't know any other way =(

On Fri, Feb 23, 2001 at 09:47:37PM -0500, Romanator wrote:

 Angela Danen wrote:
  don't open the file leave it exactly like it was except copy it over
  so that it ends with .ktheme
  example cp Dali-1.1.2.tar.gz Dali-1.1.2.tar.gz.ktheme
  Go into KDE control center - lookNfeel - Theme manager - Add
  You should then be able to apply it!
  On Thu, Feb 22, 2001 at 06:46:54PM -0500, Romanator wrote:
   Hi everybody,
   I seem to have run into road block. I would like to add some new themes.
   However, when I click on the Add button in KDE Control Center-Themes,
   it indicates that my .themesrc file is missing. I know it's there
   because I opened the folder using tar. Is there another trick?
   Thanks to all who have helped me out.
 It didn't work. Now it's prompting me for the .themerc file. I can't
 believe that it's this difficult to install a them???

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Danen Consulting Services:
 Freezer Burn:

Current Linux uptime: 14 days 19 hours 59 minutes.

[newbie] power failure now no konqueror

2001-02-24 Per discussione s

As the subject states, my electricity blinked a couple of times and then 
went off for a while.  When it came back on mandrake (7.2) did its e2fsck 
thing and started.  But now konqueror crashes.  I can't use it.  I can't 
click on a link to open it, I can't open from the desktop or menu.  It gives 
the sig 11 error and then can't backtrace for debugging cause it can't find 

Any ideas how to fix konqueror?  I'm using kde2.1beta2 on 2.4.1-8mdk kernel.

Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is crazy.....!!!!

2001-02-24 Per discussione WGreg11990

Please take me off this newbie list can't stand all this mail

Re: Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is crazy.....!!!!

2001-02-24 Per discussione dalet

  From another Email list I am on.  One of the list members posted 
it.  You might want to save an .html copy of it.  I don't know if M$ 
has been hacked, or if it's for real.  

Microsof havn't been hacked becasue the url doesn't point towards them

Look at the syntax.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]/pub/mskb/q209354.asp

with the user benn called

Sorry to dissapoint. Test it for you self by going to

Mark Hillary


I guess I was overcome to the point I missed the syntax.

Re: [newbie] Installing new themes to KDE2.1 beta 2

2001-02-24 Per discussione Romanator

Angela Danen wrote:
 The first time that I downloaded some themes from KDE themes I had the
 same problem because I untared them.  It took me a while but finally
 I figured out not to untar, just rename and I was off and running
  sorry I don't know any other way =(
 On Fri, Feb 23, 2001 at 09:47:37PM -0500, Romanator wrote:
  Angela Danen wrote:
   don't open the file leave it exactly like it was except copy it over
   so that it ends with .ktheme
   example cp Dali-1.1.2.tar.gz Dali-1.1.2.tar.gz.ktheme
   Go into KDE control center - lookNfeel - Theme manager - Add
   You should then be able to apply it!
   On Thu, Feb 22, 2001 at 06:46:54PM -0500, Romanator wrote:
Hi everybody,
I seem to have run into road block. I would like to add some new themes.
However, when I click on the Add button in KDE Control Center-Themes,
it indicates that my .themesrc file is missing. I know it's there
because I opened the folder using tar. Is there another trick?
Thanks to all who have helped me out.
  It didn't work. Now it's prompting me for the .themerc file. I can't
  believe that it's this difficult to install a them???
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Danen Consulting Services:
  Freezer Burn:
 Current Linux uptime: 14 days 19 hours 59 minutes.

Hi Ang,

I'll keep on trying. Thanks for the reply.

Registered Linux User #179293
The Tux email thread creator

Re: [newbie] CD-RW install

2001-02-24 Per discussione Robert Wertzler

On Friday 23 February 2001 23:28, you wrote:
 I'm buying a HP 9150i CD-RW drive...wednesday...
 was wondering:

 do I set it up as my secondary master or slave?
 (already have a 6x cd-rom drive setup as secondary master)

 also, can someone suggest a real good, but easy instuction set
 for setting up the cd-rw in linux...?
Check out the "Newbieized Help File" on CR-RW installation
at the Linux Newbie site .

And, yes, these devices do prefer to be in the "slave" position.  
You will need to recompile the kernel to disable "IDE CDROM" and 
emable "Generic SCSI Support" and "SCSI CDROM Support".  
And append device=EIDE-SCSI to LILO (or GRUB as the case may be.


[newbie] New install - Xwindows

2001-02-24 Per discussione Owens, Blaine C

After a new install my Xwindows has horizontal lines making most
applications INCLUDING DrakConf applications basically unusable. Perhaps if
I could get Xwindows working reasonably I could address some of the other
problems I am having. I reinstalled this morning - still horizontal lines
making most X applications INCLUDING DRAKCONF (smartass) basically unusable.
If anybody who is not a smartass can give me a clue as to how to correct my
Xwindows problem then I think I can figure the rest out for myself.

The card according to Windows Device Manager is Trident
9685/9680/9682/9685/9382/9385-1 PCI
It was discovered by the Mandrake install as Trident Microsystems TGUI9660
(generic) TGUI 9660/968x/968x

All non-smart-asses - I cannot use DrakConf effectively because I can't even
read most Xscreens because of this problem. I'm posting this to the Newbie
list and not the expert list because I AM a newbie, but I am not an idiot. I
know how to search the net and RTFM but after about 6 hours of frustration I
post a question and the only response is to use an X app which I cannot even
use because of the horizontal lines. Good grief!

Blaine Owens
Eastman Chemical Company
Phone - (423)-229-3579
Cell Phone - (423)-817-0704
Fax - (423)-229-1188

[newbie] Html version

2001-02-24 Per discussione Romanator

Here's the html version. Saved to file and open it in your html editor

--- snip ---

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//SoftQuad Software//DTD HoTMetaL PRO
6.0::19990601::extensions to HTML 4.0//EN" "hmpro6.dtd"

  A HREF="/directory/default.asp"IMG SRC="pss_EN-US.gif "
BORDER="0" ALT="Microsoft Product Support Services" WIDTH="230"
  IMG SRC="curve.gif" WIDTH="18" HEIGHT="20" BORDER="0"/TD
  FONT COLOR="#FF" FACE="Verdana, Arial" SIZE="1" B
nbsp;nbsp;FONT COLOR="#FF"All Products/FONTnbsp;nbsp;FONT
COLOR="#FF"|/FONT nbsp;nbsp;FONT
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  FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" SIZE="2"
BFONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="+2" HOWTO: Read
the Fucking Manual/FONT/B/TD
  HR FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="-1"The information in
this article applies to: 
LI FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="-1"General
  /UL FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="-1"Prerequisites: 
LI FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="-1"The ability to
LIFONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="-1"Basic Brain
  PFONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="-1" This article
demonstrates how to read the fucking manual, as popularised by the RTFM
  PFONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="-1"After asking a truly
pathetic question, you are instructed to RTFM:-/FONT/P
  TD WIDTH="5%"
FONT FACE="Courier New" COLOR="#99"
FONT COLOR="#808080"*** Lamer
(~[EMAIL PROTECTED]) has joined #visualbasic/FONT 
[10:24] lt;Lamergt; How do i I[Your
obvious/lame question]/I? 
[10:25] lt;@opergt; RTFM bitch 
FONT COLOR="#808080"*** Lamer was kicked by
@oper (fuckwit) 

RE: [newbie] Linux for 486

2001-02-24 Per discussione Paul Rodríguez

The machine will definately work as a terminal.  Check out they've done some really good work in that area.  Thank
you guys!

-Paul R

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of dison Andrs
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 6:14 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux for 486

I plane to put this machine like a workstation or like a terminal, but I not
sure if this is possible.

I think that the Java Virtual Machine can run in this Operating System.

** off topic **
Anybody knows how can I work with sockets with Turbo C++ for DOS?

=?iso-8859-1?Q?Paul_Rodr=EDguez?= escribi:

 There are some distribution specially dsigned for older systems.  These

 Tiny Linux
 Hal 91
 Peanut Linux
 Grey Cat Linux

 Kde and Gnome are going to require (arguably) at least 32mb.  Someone
 correct me on this, I'm not sure how much is required or recommended.
 4 or 8 megs, you are much better off running in text only mode or running
 lighter window manager such as:

 Window Maker
 or Black Box

 Check out this page on Window Managers for X
 get an idea of the options.

 Good luck.

 -Paul R

 PS WHat are you planning to use this system for?
 I have an old 386sx I'm going to be trying to use as a firewall/router
 Should be fun (and I'm probably going to need some help from the list when
 get started).

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ingo Bauer
 Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 12:49 PM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] Linux for 486

 h ... you will find distributions that will run on 4MB ... Albeit a
 little slow  Running X (Gnome,KDE and so on) is highly unlikely .


 -Original Message-
 From:   dison Andrs [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent:   February 21, 2001 10:58 AM
 To: Linux Novatos
 Subject:[newbie] Linux for 486

 Hello everybody.

 I'm looking for a Linux versin for a 486 PC with 4 megas in RAM and a
 procesor of 50 MHz.

 I want to know if I can put in this machine a StartX service?  what
 station of work would you recommend me? KDE? GNOME?

 Thanks for all.

 dison Andrs Rivera Norea
 Ingeniero de Sistemas
 Departamento de Informtica
 Universidad de San Buenaventura
 Medelln - Colombia

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free address at

dison Andrs Rivera Norea
Ingeniero de Sistemas
Departamento de Informtica
Universidad de San Buenaventura
Medelln - Colombia

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is crazy.....!!!!

2001-02-24 Per discussione philomena

this has got to be a joke, right ? just inciting the continuation of
these responses ?

 Please take me off this newbie list can't stand all this mail

Re: [newbie] power failure now no konqueror

2001-02-24 Per discussione s

On Saturday 24 February 2001 01:16 pm, you wrote:
 As the subject states, my electricity blinked a couple of times and then
 went off for a while.  When it came back on mandrake (7.2) did its e2fsck
 thing and started.  But now konqueror crashes.  I can't use it.  I can't
 click on a link to open it, I can't open from the desktop or menu.  It
 gives the sig 11 error and then can't backtrace for debugging cause it
 can't find gdb.

 Any ideas how to fix konqueror?  I'm using kde2.1beta2 on 2.4.1-8mdk

More info:  installed gdb and this is the error details:

(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...0x40ca1e39 in wait4 () from /lib/
#0  0x40ca1e39 in wait4 () from /lib/
#1  0x40d028e0 in __check_rhosts_file () from /lib/
#2  0x404f7a10 in KCrash::defaultCrashHandler () from /usr/lib/
#3  0x40c3f008 in sigaction () from /lib/

I understand that is part of glibc.  What can I do to fix this?  I 
tried upgrading in hopes, but to no avail.


[newbie] Crazy??

2001-02-24 Per discussione Romanator

Can any one read this attachment?

Registered Linux User #179293
The Tux email thread creator
Title: Q209354 - HOWTO




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   Support Home| Self Support| Self Abuse| Assisted Support| Custom Support| Worldwide Support| 





 HOWTO: Read the Fucking Manual
   The information in this article applies to: 
 General Lamers 
 The ability to Read 
Basic Brain Function 
   This article demonstrates how to read the fucking manual, as popularised by the RTFM directive.
  After asking a truly pathetic question, you are instructed to RTFM:-

*** Lamer (~[EMAIL PROTECTED]) has joined #visualbasic 

[10:24] Lamer How do i [Your obvious/lame question]? 

[10:25] @oper RTFM bitch 

*** Lamer was kicked by @oper (fuckwit) 

[10:27] VBg0d i made a irc client!! 

*** assmaster83 (~[EMAIL PROTECTED]) invites you to join #animalsex 

[10:27] Guest50468 VBg0d, c00l, i made a webbrowser!! 


   Step-by-Step Procedures 
 Locate a Manual, either in printed form or on your MSDN CD's, if you're a punk/bitch/h4x0r and don't have the MSDN collection on disk, view the online version at 
Using either the Index or Search feature, locate a keyword relating to you're question/problem 
If you're using a printed manual, flip to the page(s) as detailed in your search of the index, alternatively, if you're using the MSDN library, click the link(s) in the search results window. 
Read the information. If you have problems understanding the information, read it again. Repeat until enlightenment is achieved. 
   For additional information, please see the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 

  Q166392 HOWTO: Read  
  Q147875 HOWTO: Apply for employment with McDonalds  
  Q171146 HOWTO: Convert absolutely everything to XML   
  Q181290 HOWTO: Add a #, + or .Net to your old software to keep it cutting edge  
  Q102496 INFO: How to use the HOWTO's HOWTO document 

Additional query words: XML l33t fool dumbass lamer monkey semen bigAl[work] Lurve god
   Version : 1.6 

Platform : Thing to stand on 

Issue type : Type of Issue 

Technology : Limited




 Last Reviewed: February 23, 2000 

  Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. 


Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is crazy.....!!! !

2001-02-24 Per discussione poogle

Got it from this one thanks - took a while to reply, I've been ROFL

On Saturday 24 February 2001 18:41, you wrote:

 Jeremy Yeung
 Staff Engineer

 process. to the power of e.

   10 Canal Park
   Cambridge, MA 02141
   617-949-1000 (Phone)
   617-949-1030 (Fax)
   email:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 -Original Message-
 From: philomena [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2001 12:54 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is

 It was there about 30 minutes ago but 404 now - hopefully someone did
 save it as somewhere else - it was priceless !

  Guess I missed the boat, I just get error 404
  On Saturday 24 February 2001 13:13, you wrote:
   Maybe this link will help you to unsub:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/pub/mskb/Q209354.asp
   (You're Welcome.)

RE: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is crazy.....!!!!

2001-02-24 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
 Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2001 2:24 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is

 Please take me off this newbie list can't stand all this mail

This one HAS got to be a joke! Right.

If not, then I would like to see a show of hands for all those in favor of
us each sending  to him at [EMAIL PROTECTED] the mickey page that Romanator
was so kind as to have saved and sent us.
In the event that there resides in his household someone capable of setting
up a mail filter
I futher suggest that we change the subject line randomly so as to make
filtering impossible.

   Charles  {}  :

Forever never goes beyond tomorrow.

[newbie] Directory Names in Kmail

2001-02-24 Per discussione Mick Featherstone

Is ther any reason why for not calling a directory name Linux in Kmail. I've 
tried put get an error message saying: can't create this directory.
I've created directorys with other names.


Mick F

[newbie] CDRW

2001-02-24 Per discussione Dennis Myers

Well here we go again. I finally got my system working again, after loosing a 
big chunk of ram, and now I'm trying to get the cdrw up and running. Only 
problem is I can't get permission to /mnt/cdrom and using the tutorial 
instructions I get back an " can't remove cdrom, file or directory does not 
exist.  Hard drake shows the cdrom as both hdb and scd0?  Any one out there 
worked through this or do I need to start another reinstall?
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

RE: [newbie] boot problems (was unmounting drives)

2001-02-24 Per discussione Paul Rodríguez

Yes, I've run fsck, ound no problems.  I might have to reformat and
reinstall.  Any last minute ideas?

-Paul R

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Alan
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 7:13 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] boot problems (was unmounting drives)

Paul Rodrguez wrote:
 Hi, I still can't get this resolved.

 When I try to boot I get an error that /dev/hda9 and
 /dev/hda8 are already mounted, can't continue, and drop's
 me to root for maintenance with password.

 Once there, I can't unmount /hda8 because it is in use.  If
 I switch runlevels to single user mode, I can unmount both
 drives, but whatever I do, the same thing happens when I

 Please help!

 -Paul R

Paulhave you run fsck on them after you've gotten them
unmounted in single user mode?

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Re: [newbie] Installing new themes to KDE2.1 beta 2

2001-02-24 Per discussione Romanator

Angela Danen wrote:
 don't open the file leave it exactly like it was except copy it over
 so that it ends with .ktheme
 example cp Dali-1.1.2.tar.gz Dali-1.1.2.tar.gz.ktheme
 Go into KDE control center - lookNfeel - Theme manager - Add
 You should then be able to apply it!
 On Thu, Feb 22, 2001 at 06:46:54PM -0500, Romanator wrote:
  Hi everybody,
  I seem to have run into road block. I would like to add some new themes.
  However, when I click on the Add button in KDE Control Center-Themes,
  it indicates that my .themesrc file is missing. I know it's there
  because I opened the folder using tar. Is there another trick?
  Thanks to all who have helped me out.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Danen Consulting Services:
  Freezer Burn:
 Current Linux uptime: 13 days 19 hours 4 minutes.

I noticed that the KDE2.0 themes only provide a .themerc file and
pixmaps. Is there some sort of command to change the .themerc file to

Registered Linux User #179293
The Tux email thread creator

Re: [newbie] Thinkpad Disk Constantly Spinning

2001-02-24 Per discussione Robert Wertzler

On Saturday 24 February 2001 09:49, you wrote:
 I'm running Mandrake 7.2 on an IBM Thinkpad 1412 with a 12 gig
 Travelstar.  In the screensaver control panel I have checked "use
 power management", but despite this, the hard drive never spins down.
 I don't want to burn up the drive.  Can anyone direct me toward
 possible solutions?


Do you have APM enabled in the Kernel - as a "yes" rather than
as "module"?  

Also, there are a number of excellent references on laptops in
general and various specific models.  The quiclest route I know
(not having the addresses handy) is via the "laptops" links
from Linux Hardware Database .



2001-02-24 Per discussione Paul Rodríguez

Ok, this might be too basic for you, but just in case, I thought I should
send you some links:

[myloginname@host ]$  This is the command line prompt.  It is from here that
you run Linux commands (similar to, but MUCH more powerful than DOS).
However you probably want to run linux in graphical mode (thereby being more
similar to windows or other graphical based operating systems, again, only
more powerful).  Try doing a full install of Linux on its own partition,
things should work better and it's a great way to experience Linux for the
first time.  You might find it is easier than you think.  But there is
always SO much to learn.  :)  Check out and to learn more about the command line and
commands you can run with it.

-Paul R

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kuljit Singh
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 12:42 PM
Subject: [newbie] HOW TO START LINUX


I have installed the LIN4WIN and everything went well until it asked me for
my login name and password which was fine and then it asked for this
[myloginname@host ]$ or something like that and I dont know what to

I tried startx and my screen went blank and presses ctrl + alt + backspace
and the screen came back on but to the same problem..

Please help me
- Original Message -
From: "Dale Kosan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 6:56 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] boot.ini

 Well, not as easy as one would think. I have NT and Linux at work on same
 machine, along with 98 and 2000.Maybe someone else knows away.I could post
 the procedure givin to me if you like. The one thing is you should be
 lilo.Let me know if you would like the info and I will post from work

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is crazy.....!!!!

2001-02-24 Per discussione philomena

Yes I can - thanx !


Romanator wrote:
 philomena wrote:
  It was there about 30 minutes ago but 404 now - hopefully someone did
  save it as somewhere else - it was priceless !
   Guess I missed the boat, I just get error 404
   On Saturday 24 February 2001 13:13, you wrote:
Maybe this link will help you to unsub:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/pub/mskb/Q209354.asp
(You're Welcome.)
 Can you read this attachment?
 Registered Linux User #179293
 The Tux email thread creator
 [Microsoft Product Support Services][Image]  All Products  |   Support  |   Search  
| Home  |   Bestiality.Net
   Support Home  |   Self Support  |   Self Abuse  |   Assisted Support  |   Custom 
Support  |   Worldwide Support  |
   HOWTO: Read the Fucking Manual[Image]
 Article ID:
  -- Q209354
  The information in this article applies to:
 * General LamersReviewed:
 February 23,
  Prerequisites: 2000
 * The ability to Read   Send to a
 * Basic Brain Function  friend
  -- Provided by
  This article demonstrates how to read the  Services
  fucking manual, as popularised by the RTFM
  directive. Send us email
 Did the
  After asking a truly pathetic question, youinformation
  are instructed to RTFM:-   in this
 article help
 answer your
 *** Lamer (~[EMAIL PROTECTED]) has joinedquestion?
  I see the
 [10:24] Lamer How do i [Your obvious/lame light!
 question]?   Not even
 [10:25] @oper RTFM bitch  close
  I can't read
 *** Lamer was kicked by @oper (fuckwit)
 [10:27] VBg0d i made a irc client!!   Please
 *** assmaster83 provide some
 (~[EMAIL PROTECTED]) invites you to more
 join #animalsex information
 [10:27] Guest50468 VBg0d, c00l, i made a  we can ignore
  Step-by-Step Procedures
 * Locate a Manual, either in printed form
   or on your MSDN CD's, if you're a
   punk/bitch/h4x0r and don't have the MSDN
   collection on disk, view the online
   version at
 * Using either the Index or Search
   feature, locate a keyword relating to
   you're question/problem
 * If you're using a printed manual, flip
   to the page(s) as detailed in your
   search of the index, alternatively, if
   you're using the MSDN library, click the
   link(s) in the search results window.
 * Read the information. If you have
   problems understanding the information,
   read it again. Repeat until
   enlightenment is achieved.
  For additional information, please see the
  following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge
   Q166392 HOWTO: Read
   Q147875 HOWTO: Apply for employment
   with McDonalds
   Q171146 HOWTO: Convert absolutely
   everything to XML
   Q181290 HOWTO: Add a #, + or .Net
   to your old software to keep it
   cutting edge
   Q102496 INFO: How to use the
   HOWTO's HOWTO document
  Additional query words: XML l33t fool dumbass
  lamer monkey semen bigAl[work] Lurve god
  Version : 1.6
  Platform : Thing to stand on
  Issue type : Type of Issue
  Technology : Limited
 Last Reviewed: February 23, 2000
  2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights
 reserved. Terms of Use.
   New: The SDK for

Re: [newbie] power failure now no konqueror

2001-02-24 Per discussione s

On Saturday 24 February 2001 01:16 pm, you wrote:
 As the subject states, my electricity blinked a couple of times and then
 went off for a while.  When it came back on mandrake (7.2) did its e2fsck
 thing and started.  But now konqueror crashes.  I can't use it.  I can't
 click on a link to open it, I can't open from the desktop or menu.  It
 gives the sig 11 error and then can't backtrace for debugging cause it
 can't find gdb.

 Any ideas how to fix konqueror?  I'm using kde2.1beta2 on 2.4.1-8mdk


More info:  installed gdb and this is the error details:

(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...0x40ca1e39 in wait4 () from /lib/
#0  0x40ca1e39 in wait4 () from /lib/
#1  0x40d028e0 in __check_rhosts_file () from /lib/
#2  0x404f7a10 in KCrash::defaultCrashHandler () from /usr/lib/
#3  0x40c3f008 in sigaction () from /lib/

I understand that is part of glibc.  What can I do to fix this?  I 
tried upgrading in hopes, but to no avail.


Re: [newbie] install problem: username

2001-02-24 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

martijn wrote:
 I'm really new in the big world of Linux. I've got an
 installation problem. When installed lnx4win on my windowd
 98 SE partition everything go's fine, but after choosing
 for linux in the dualboot-menu he starts up and asks for
 login and password. I can login, also as a root-user of
 course, but than what? How can I start the program Linux? I
 have tried everything but nothing seems to work, please

 Thankz, Martin.

Martinare you seeing something like the below prompt 
after you've logged in:

[martin@localhost martin]$ _

If so, that is Linux.  It is the console prompt for Linux.  
If what you're asking is how to get into the GUI (graphical 
user interface - the environment that looks a bit like 
windows) then enter the command 'startx':

[martin@localhost martin]$ startx_

and if you set up your xserver correctly during installation, 
then when you press the enter key after typing in the 'startx 
command, you will be transported to the GUI (most likely KDE, 
which is the default in Linux Mandrake.  Good Luck!

Re: [newbie] Html version

2001-02-24 Per discussione Mark Weaver

Ummm...what the heck was that?


"If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless,"
"Sharing is what makes them powerful."

On Sat, 24 Feb 2001, Romanator wrote:

 Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2001 15:05:38 -0500
 From: Romanator [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [newbie] Html version

 Here's the html version. Saved to file and open it in your html editor

 --- snip ---

 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//SoftQuad Software//DTD HoTMetaL PRO
 6.0::19990601::extensions to HTML 4.0//EN" "hmpro6.dtd"

   A HREF="/directory/default.asp"IMG SRC="pss_EN-US.gif "
 BORDER="0" ALT="Microsoft Product Support Services" WIDTH="230"
   IMG SRC="curve.gif" WIDTH="18" HEIGHT="20" BORDER="0"/TD
   FONT COLOR="#FF" FACE="Verdana, Arial" SIZE="1" B
 nbsp;nbsp;FONT COLOR="#FF"All Products/FONTnbsp;nbsp;FONT
 COLOR="#FF"|/FONT nbsp;nbsp;FONT
 COLOR="#FF"Support/FONTnbsp;nbsp;FONT COLOR="#FF"|/FONT
 nbsp;nbsp;FONT COLOR="#FF"Search/FONTnbsp;nbsp;FONT
 COLOR="#FF"|/FONT nbsp;nbsp;FONT COLOR="#FF"
 Home/FONTnbsp;nbsp;FONT COLOR="#FF"|/FONT nbsp;nbsp;FONT
 COLOR="#FF"Bestiality.Net/FONTnbsp;nbsp;/B /FONT/TD
   IMG SRC="mslogo.gif" WIDTH="112" HEIGHT="40"
!-- Start: Local menus --
   FONT COLOR="#FF" FACE="Verdana, Arial" SIZE="1"B
 nbsp;nbsp;FONT COLOR="#FF"Support Home/FONTnbsp;nbsp;FONT
 COLOR="#FF"|/FONT nbsp;nbsp;FONT COLOR="#FF"Self
 Support/FONTnbsp;nbsp;FONT COLOR="#FF"|/FONT
 nbsp;nbsp;FONT COLOR="#FF"Self Abuse/FONTnbsp;nbsp;FONT
 COLOR="#FF"|/FONT nbsp;nbsp;FONT COLOR="#FF"Assisted
 Support/FONTnbsp;nbsp;FONT COLOR="#FF"|/FONT
 nbsp;nbsp;FONT COLOR="#FF"Custom Support/FONTnbsp;nbsp;FONT
 COLOR="#FF"|/FONT nbsp;nbsp;FONT COLOR="#FF"Worldwide
 Support/FONTnbsp;nbsp;FONT COLOR="#FF"|/FONT
!-- End: Local menus --
 !-- Start: Black Line Spacer  --
 !-- End: Black Line Spacer --
 TD VALIGN="top"
 TD VALIGN="top"
   FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" SIZE="2"
 BFONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="+2" HOWTO: Read
 the Fucking Manual/FONT/B/TD
   HR FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="-1"The information in
 this article applies to:
 LI FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="-1"General
   /UL FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="-1"Prerequisites:
 LI FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="-1"The ability to
 LIFONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="-1"Basic Brain
   PFONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="-1" This article
 demonstrates how to read the fucking manual, as popularised by the RTFM
   PFONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="-1"After asking a truly
 pathetic question, you are instructed to RTFM:-/FONT/P
   TD WIDTH="5%"
 FONT FACE="Courier New" COLOR="#99"
 FONT COLOR="#808080"*** Lamer

Re: [newbie] Thinkpad Disk Constantly Spinning

2001-02-24 Per discussione Goldenpi

Check bios. The bios power management setting can override the operating
system. Make sure power saveing is enabled.

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2001 4:49 PM
Subject: [newbie] Thinkpad Disk Constantly Spinning

 I'm running Mandrake 7.2 on an IBM Thinkpad 1412 with a 12 gig
 Travelstar.  In the screensaver control panel I have checked "use
 power management", but despite this, the hard drive never spins down.
 I don't want to burn up the drive.  Can anyone direct me toward
 possible solutions?


Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is crazy.....!!!!

2001-02-24 Per discussione Anthony Daniell

why join a list if you can not handle the email 

Anthony Daniell
- Original Message - 
From: "philomena" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2001 5:45 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is crazy.

 this has got to be a joke, right ? just inciting the continuation of
 these responses ?
  Please take me off this newbie list can't stand all this mail


2001-02-24 Per discussione Javier Alvarez


 I´m a new user 

 I never use Linux 
and I´m trying with Mandrake 7.2.

 I don´t know 
everything. For example:

 1.- Speak very 
well english. But I trying.

 2.- How can I know 
if my driver was installed O.K.?

 3.- My video card 
it´s a Matrox G450 16Mb Dualhead, and looking in matrox support I found a driver 
but only function with XFree86 4.0.2 and Red Hat 7. How can I see my XFree 
version? and Could I install this driver in my Mandrake 7.2?


Javier Alvarez
(Madrid - 

Re: [newbie] Crazy??

2001-02-24 Per discussione philomena

Yes, I can

Romanator wrote:
 Can any one read this attachment?
 Registered Linux User #179293
 The Tux email thread creator

Re: [newbie] power failure now no konqueror

2001-02-24 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Saturday 24 February 2001 01:16 pm, s wrote:
 As the subject states, my electricity blinked a couple of times and
 then went off for a while.  When it came back on mandrake (7.2) did
 its e2fsck thing and started.  But now konqueror crashes. 

 Any ideas how to fix konqueror?  I'm using kde2.1beta2 on 2.4.1-8mdk

   Several.   Reinstall, this time choose ReiserFS as the file system.  
  Buy a UPS
   All the above
Dale Earnhardt,  the greatest stock car driver ever, 
 he's won His 8th and Greatest Championship
  Tom Brinkman  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Galveston Bay

[newbie] Re: CDRW

2001-02-24 Per discussione Dennis Myers

Here are the files you asked to see, any and all help is accepted. I know I 
was a dummy, cause I probably wouldn't have lost my CDRW if I had realized 
the only thing wrong was my ram went bad.

[root@localhost dennis]# ls -l /dev/cd*
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   9 Feb 24 10:03 /dev/cdrom1-/dev/scd0
brw-rw1 root disk  15,   0 Sep 27 10:31 /dev/cdu31a
brw-r-1 root disk  24,   0 Sep 27 10:31 /dev/cdu535   

Here is boot/grub/menu.lst:

timeout 5
color black/cyan yellow/cyan
i18n (hd0,0)/grub/messages
keytable (hd0,0)/us.klt
altconfigfile (hd0,0)/grub/menu.once
default 1
title floppy
root (fd0)
chainloader +1
title linux
kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda6  hdb=ide-scsi hdd=ide-floppy vga=788
title linux-nonfb
kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda6  hdb=ide-scsi hdd=ide-floppy
title failsafe
kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda6  hdb=ide-scsi hdd=ide-floppy failsafe

[Here is :/etc/lilo.conf
append=" hdb=ide-scsi hdd=ide-floppy"
append=" hdb=ide-scsi hdd=ide-floppy"
append=" hdb=ide-scsi hdd=ide-floppy failsafe"
Here is /etc/fstab:

/dev/hda6 / ext2 defaults 1 1
/dev/hda1 /boot ext2 defaults 1 2
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/dev/hda8 /disk ext2 defaults 1 2
/dev/hda7 /home ext2 defaults 1 2
/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0
/mnt/zip /mnt/zip supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/zip 0 0
/dev/hda12 /object ext2 defaults 1 2
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda9 /tmp ext2 defaults 1 2
/dev/hda10 /usr ext2 defaults 1 2
/dev/hda11 /var ext2 defaults 1 2
/dev/hda5 swap swap defaults 0 0   

 On Saturday 24 February 2001 21:46, you wrote:
 On Saturday 24 February 2001 16:15, you wrote:
  Well here we go again. I finally got my system working again, after
  loosing a big chunk of ram, and now I'm trying to get the cdrw up and
  running. Only problem is I can't get permission to /mnt/cdrom and using
  the tutorial instructions I get back an " can't remove cdrom, file or
  directory does not exist.  Hard drake shows the cdrom as both hdb and
  scd0?  Any one out there worked through this or do I need to start
  another reinstall?

 Don't you know touching that reset button is a sin?
 let's see the output of

 ls -l /dev/cd*
 cat /boot/grub/menu.lst
 cat /etc/lilo.conf
 cat /etc/fstab

 And someone on this list is sure to jump in with good advice.


Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

[newbie] Add themes to theme manager on KDE2.1 beta 2

2001-02-24 Per discussione Romanator

I suspected that was how you were installing and using the themes. That
too explains why you're having trouble using the themes and getting them
to work. Really, there's nothing mystical about using the themes or
Theme Manager. It's one of the easiest apps to use. That is provided you
"add" the themes in the proper manner.  ;-)

The correct way to add and use themes with KDE's theme manager is to
just simply download the theme.tar.gz files to a dir somewhere on your
filesystem. Open Theme Manager and click on the "add" button. Navigate
to the dir where the desired theme to be installed is and choose that
file. Theme Manager does the rest. That's "all" there is to it.

TM opens, untars, and installs "all" the theme files to a predetermined
place for "it's" use and the user doesn't and shouldn't have anything to
do with that. All the user is required to do is to choose the theme they
wish to use and tell TM to "add" it to it's list of themes that are
being loaded and used on the system.

That's all there is to it.


"If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being
   "Sharing is what makes them powerful."


After changing the filter from *.ktheme to *.* I still cannot see the
The filter always resets. Is there another file, perhaps with the
default settings to open the themes, untar, and install? By the way, can
you see all of your theme.tar.gz files through the theme manager in
KDE2.1 beta 2?

Thanks for your help.

Registered Linux User #179293
The Tux email thread creator

Re: [newbie] Fwd: Would someone help me get some sound? I promise I'll make a doc on it.

2001-02-24 Per discussione Dan LaBine

Which desktop are you running?? I've found that sounds not detected in KDE 
work like a charm in Gnome. If that's the case, then you should be able to go 
into Control Center (KDE) and set them up. Always recheck the basics when 
having sound problems. Usually it'll be something so obvious or simple that 
even a rocket scientist will overlook it. Are your speakers plugged into the 
right connectors between each other and the PC? Is the power for the speakers 
turned on? Volume turned up? Can you play a CD or MP3? Don't just turn off 
Plug N Play O/S in your BIOS. Directly below it you should see something that 
says "Reset Configuration" or something similar. Enable it so that your 
motherboard can re-detect your IRQ's and sort them out a little better. Turn 
off any IRQ consuming options that you aren't actually using. USB, Comm 
ports, VGA or Video card IRQ's etc. If your sound card wants to use an IRQ 
that something else is using,  then that's probably the problem. Open up your 
PC and take a close look at your Video Card. If it has a set of jumpers that 
enable the use of an IRQ for the videocard, then adjusting your BIOS won't 
help. Disable it in the Video Card first, then in the BIOS, then "Reset 
Configuration Data" again. If ANY of these conditions are causing your 
problem, they can also quickly solve it as well. But occasionally, even 
fixing them may still mean doing a fresh install. While your at it, check 
your existing install to see if "Alsa Player", and "alsa-utils" are 
installed. They will probably be a big help. One more thing. Try unloading 
all your sound modules from a console. Use "lsmod" to list them, and unload 
any modules related to your sound card using "rmmod" and the name of the 
module. Then run "sndconfig" while looged in as root. It's best to log out of 
your desktop into a console, rather than opening a console while still in 
your desktop environment.  Hope this helps!

On Saturday 24 February 2001 22:24, you wrote:
 I found two threads in the archives similar to my problem -  I almost got
 some sound to work.

 The possibilities I have are VIA onboard sound which is detected in
 HardDrake, YMF724, also detected, and an old ISA stock Sound Blaster 16 not

 The first two are detected by hard drake, but produce no output when
 running "configuration tool".  I disabled onboard sound and put in SB16. 
 Even tried allocating irq5/dma1/5 as legacy.   I got the SB to produce
 marginal output using sndconfig and setting SB16 up manually.  But no sound
 anywhere else. (if it helps, Win2k not 98 makes SB16 work, I can set it to
 any irq and snd still comes out) (I have no docs on SB16 jumpers)

 Any suggestions?

 I've found hints::
 1. "Setting BIOS to non-PNP" already was
 2. rmmod everything sound related, then run sndconfig (tried that, SB16 now
 gives me errors: Device or Resource busy, insmod, failed, insmod
 sound-slot-0 failed)  Is this because I didn't "remove everything
 x-related"?  I tried "ps-aux" then "kill" one thing, what all do I need to
 3.  Recompile Kernel  -this seems like awfully complicated process.. I
 don't think my kernel doesn't support sound as other people with 7.2 said
 sound worked after install.

 I think I'm close since I heard sndconfig play .wav and midi on sb16.  How
 do then make OS use it?  Is this because ALSA comes with 7.2 and doesn't
 have SB16 listed in harddrake?


 I found two threads in the archives similar to my problem -  I almost got
 some sound to work.

 The possibilities I have are VIA onboard sound which is detected in
 HardDrake, YMF724, also detected, and an old ISA stock Sound Blaster 16 not

 The first two are detected by hard drake, but produce no output when
 running "configuration tool".  I disabled onboard sound and put in SB16. 
 Even tried allocating irq5/dma1/5 as legacy.   I got the SB to produce
 marginal output using sndconfig and setting SB16 up manually.  But no sound
 anywhere else. (if it helps, Win2k not 98 makes SB16 work, I can set it to
 any irq and snd still comes out) (I have no docs on SB16 jumpers)

 Any suggestions?

 I've found hints::
 1. "Setting BIOS to non-PNP" already was
 2. rmmod everything sound related, then run sndconfig (tried that, SB16 now
 gives me errors: Device or Resource busy, insmod, failed, insmod
 sound-slot-0 failed)  Is this because I didn't "remove everything
 x-related"?  I tried "ps-aux" then "kill" one thing, what all do I need to
 3.  Recompile Kernel  -this seems like awfully complicated process.. I
 don't think my kernel doesn't support sound as other people with 7.2 said
 sound worked after install.

 I think I'm close since I heard sndconfig play .wav and midi on sb16.  How
 do then make OS use it?  Is this because ALSA comes with 7.2 and doesn't
 have SB16 listed in harddrake?



Dan LaBine
Maximum LAN's Ltd.
Registered Linux User #190712

Re: [newbie] CUPS

2001-02-24 Per discussione Dan LaBine

Have you tried any HP600 series printer driver? HP has a nasty habit of using 
the exact same electronics in many of it's printers ( in one series that is) 
for a multitude of printers. I've used the 600 for a 612, 695 and 697. All 
worked perfectly. If there's still "No Joy", Use t"kpackageas root to see if 
you've got a nasty package running called "printpro" (the bane of all HP 
deskjets) . Printpro has never worked for any of mr HP Printers including an 
HP1100 Laserjet. The updates of "cups, cups-common and cups-drivers" have 
been flawless at detecting them and running all of them. After installing the 
new updates, check "Startup Services" in "DrakConf" for something called 
"cups-lpd", and enable it. Perform a very rare reboot, and then do a fresh 
setup of your printer. It'll probably be found right away.  Good Luck.
On Saturday 24 February 2001 09:00, you wrote:
 Can someone tell me,

 what HP driver do I choose for a

 DeskJet 648c

 I don't see that one 7.2 cups

Dan LaBine
Maximum LAN's Ltd.
Registered Linux User #190712

[newbie] getting rid of extra boots listed

2001-02-24 Per discussione Rick Schultz

Here is one to think on. I used the Partition Magic 6.0 
to configure my hard drive, so that I could run multiple Os's. I chose to 
use "Boot Magic" to boot the different Os'es from.

Here is the problem. In order for Boot magic to pick up 
the correct place to start Mandrake, I found the only way to do this was to put 
the Lilo/grub boot on the partition, and not MBR. And this works 
great. My problem began when I went from the "downloaded" version of 
mandrake7.2 to the "powerpack deluxe 7.2". being a purist, I decided 
to format the Linux partitons and start over with a clean install of this 
"deluxe" version. What I found out was that the "deluxe" version has 
serious configuration problems, a perpetual loop bug, that continually 
will ask for "cd#1" but when you put the cd in there it does not recognize the 
file that it is supposed to be looking for! On top of that, the Mandrake 
update is flawed, and it is near impossible to update ANY of the files to a 
workable version.

The workaround that I did with Denis' assistance:

1. I formatted the Linux partitions again, into / , 
/home and swap.
2. I installed the "download version" of 7.2, putting 
'boot' on / (root) drive

3. I configured video, and (with much hassle) my ISA 
AWE64 soundcard. (gotta be a better way)

4.I reinstalled the "deluxe" version as an "update" to 
the "downloaded" install, and was forced by the software to put ANOTHER boot on 
the /(root) drive.

5. I configured Boot magic to find the boot for linux in 
the / (root). And the updated deluxe started fine! andit 
saved the audio configuration (yay!), butI did have to reset the 
configuration of the Video card, video resolution (800x600) and color 
depth (24bit).

Two new issues came up, however! 
1.For some reason, it took 3 runs at installing to 
pick up all of the packages, on the full install of "deluxe" 
version!Perhaps my partitions were too small? / was 3000mb 
/home 70mb andswap 70mb (I have 256meg ram in system).

2. When I did the extra installs, I was forced my 7.2 to 
put a boot on MBR or / . Each time I chose /. So what I 
have is a LILO/GRUB with a "linux" selection, and several "OLD linux" boot 

How do I get rid of the extra boots"named old 
linux"from LILO/GRUB without disturbing the working "linux" boot? 
>From the console? and what are the commands? I know it is not as simple as 
format /mbr! (like on the master boot record)

Thanks much, and I hope you can solve my problems, and that I 
have shown you a workaround for Partition Magic that I came up with, and this 
problem with "deluxe".

[newbie] X Question - URGENT

2001-02-24 Per discussione Matthew Harrison

I am running SuSE 6.0 on a 450 mhz AMD K6-2 w/ 3dnow and when X comes up
it is huge.  How do I specify the screen size before X loads.  I set all
resolutions in the X configuration to 1024-768.  What is the command to
load X at that size.  Thank for any help.


Re: [newbie] Fwd: Would someone help me get some sound? I promise I'll make a doc on it.

2001-02-24 Per discussione Allen Joseph M Hernandez


I found two threads in the archives similar to my problem -  I almost got 
some sound to work.

The possibilities I have are VIA onboard sound which is detected in 
HardDrake, YMF724, also detected, and an old ISA stock Sound Blaster 16 not 

I used to have a VIA82blahblah on board but there was something screwed up about the 
BIOS settings 
and the MOBO itself wasn't quite dandy
I had to allocate irq5/dma1 as legacy, and it was loading the wrong module(SB) instead 
of via82cxxx;
When I finally had that codec working the sound wasn't worth all the tweaking time I 
My tip...disable the VIA and buy a better, A REAL card. Even I should take this piece 
of advice.
I tried my cousin's Ensonique and sound came almost automatically.
I changed boards to one that doesn't have any on-board audio and now I use an old 
Its a real cheap card but I can use up to 6 speakers, which is what I really dig.

The first two are detected by hard drake, but produce no output when running 
"configuration tool".  I disabled onboard sound and put in SB16.  Even tried 
allocating irq5/dma1/5 as legacy.   I got the SB to produce marginal output 
using sndconfig and setting SB16 up manually.  But no sound anywhere else.
(if it helps, Win2k not 98 makes SB16 work, I can set it to any irq and snd 
still comes out) (I have no docs on SB16 jumpers)

Win 2000 b.c. comes with tons of drivers,so it's no 
That SB16 should work on Mandrake
I think there's a BIOS entry for VIA chipsets where you can disable onboard sound;
You should jumper-disable and BIOS disable that stubborn chip.
I noticed on my old board that moving PCI cards a slot down also made a difference 
try that too.
Don't mess around with those IRQs too much though, you might end up in IRQ limbo.
I believe Linux is smart enough to figure out which piece of hardware is where, you 
just have
to help it along.

Any suggestions?

I've found hints::
1. "Setting BIOS to non-PNP" already was
2. rmmod everything sound related, then run sndconfig (tried that, SB16 now 
gives me errors: Device or Resource busy, insmod, failed, insmod sound-slot-0 
failed)  Is this because I didn't "remove everything x-related"?  I tried 
"ps-aux" then "kill" one thing, what all do I need to remove? 

rmmod is correct.
Linux automatically tries to load a sound module depending on what it sees there for
the first time.
You should remove any module that was loaded before running sndconfig.
If you tried that then something else may be blocking that soundcard.
I would say IRQs and DMAs but I guess you already tried that
Maybe the wires are misjacked...check the other basics too, I've read that on this 
list alot.

3.  Recompile Kernel  -this seems like awfully complicated process.. I don't 
think my kernel doesn't support sound as other people with 7.2 said sound 
worked after install.

I think I'm close since I heard sndconfig play .wav and midi on sb16.  How do 
then make OS use it?  Is this because ALSA comes with 7.2 and doesn't have 
SB16 listed in harddrake?


I found two threads in the archives similar to my problem -  I almost got
some sound to work.

My CMI worked with 7.1 after install and my friend had the same result in 7.2 with a 
We always thought it was pure dumb luck.

Recompiling isn't that difficult, and isn't that necessary either.
If your not too conscious about the size of your current kernel and happy with the per-
formance you're getting, you don't have to make xconfig, make dep, or make anything.
I recompiled and it didn't change much
System got a little faster, sound worked though after I installed a driver I
downloaded from the manufacturer's website;

I guess I wasn't much help.but If you're already hearing certain sounds that's a 
hint that all your tweaking's going somewhere.
Try the different Window Managers if you can get sound on some of them, like AfterStep,
you're golden!...
To resolve that ALSA issue, though, you got me blank.

I got sound to work in AfterStep initially, then Gnome [after I found the checkboxes 
in gnomecc]
now I use KDEjust can't get enough of those themes!

Hope everything goes well


Fw: Re: [newbie] Fwd: Would someone help me get some sound? I promise I'll make a doc on it.

2001-02-24 Per discussione Allen Joseph M Hernandez

Original message
X-Mailer: Edsamail 1.31 (Build 1024)
Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2001 12:04:36 -0800
From: "Allen Joseph M Hernandez" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] Fwd: Would someone help me get some sound? I promise I'll make a 
doc on it.
Content-Type: text/plain


I found two threads in the archives similar to my problem -  I almost got 
some sound to work.

The possibilities I have are VIA onboard sound which is detected in 
HardDrake, YMF724, also detected, and an old ISA stock Sound Blaster 16 not 

I used to have a VIA82blahblah on board but there was something screwed up about the 
BIOS settings 
and the MOBO itself wasn't quite dandy
I had to allocate irq5/dma1 as legacy, and it was loading the wrong module(SB) instead 
of via82cxxx;
When I finally had that codec working the sound wasn't worth all the tweaking time I 
My tip...disable the VIA and buy a better, A REAL card. Even I should take this piece 
of advice.
I tried my cousin's Ensonique and sound came almost automatically.
I changed boards to one that doesn't have any on-board audio and now I use an old 
Its a real cheap card but I can use up to 6 speakers, which is what I really dig.

The first two are detected by hard drake, but produce no output when running 
"configuration tool".  I disabled onboard sound and put in SB16.  Even tried 
allocating irq5/dma1/5 as legacy.   I got the SB to produce marginal output 
using sndconfig and setting SB16 up manually.  But no sound anywhere else.
(if it helps, Win2k not 98 makes SB16 work, I can set it to any irq and snd 
still comes out) (I have no docs on SB16 jumpers)

Win 2000 b.c. comes with tons of drivers,so it's no 
That SB16 should work on Mandrake
I think there's a BIOS entry for VIA chipsets where you can disable onboard sound;
You should jumper-disable and BIOS disable that stubborn chip.
I noticed on my old board that moving PCI cards a slot down also made a difference 
try that too.
Don't mess around with those IRQs too much though, you might end up in IRQ limbo.
I believe Linux is smart enough to figure out which piece of hardware is where, you 
just have
to help it along.

Any suggestions?

I've found hints::
1. "Setting BIOS to non-PNP" already was
2. rmmod everything sound related, then run sndconfig (tried that, SB16 now 
gives me errors: Device or Resource busy, insmod, failed, insmod sound-slot-0 
failed)  Is this because I didn't "remove everything x-related"?  I tried 
"ps-aux" then "kill" one thing, what all do I need to remove? 

rmmod is correct.
Linux automatically tries to load a sound module depending on what it sees there for
the first time.
You should remove any module that was loaded before running sndconfig.
If you tried that then something else may be blocking that soundcard.
I would say IRQs and DMAs but I guess you already tried that
Maybe the wires are misjacked...check the other basics too, I've read that on this 
list alot.

3.  Recompile Kernel  -this seems like awfully complicated process.. I don't 
think my kernel doesn't support sound as other people with 7.2 said sound 
worked after install.

I think I'm close since I heard sndconfig play .wav and midi on sb16.  How do 
then make OS use it?  Is this because ALSA comes with 7.2 and doesn't have 
SB16 listed in harddrake?


I found two threads in the archives similar to my problem -  I almost got
some sound to work.

My CMI worked with 7.1 after install and my friend had the same result in 7.2 with a 
We always thought it was pure dumb luck.

Recompiling isn't that difficult, and isn't that necessary either.
If your not too conscious about the size of your current kernel and happy with the per-
formance you're getting, you don't have to make xconfig, make dep, or make anything.
I recompiled and it didn't change much
System got a little faster, sound worked though after I installed a driver I
downloaded from the manufacturer's website;

I guess I wasn't much help.but If you're already hearing certain sounds that's a 
hint that all your tweaking's going somewhere.
Try the different Window Managers if you can get sound on some of them, like AfterStep,
you're golden!...
To resolve that ALSA issue, though, you got me blank.

I got sound to work in AfterStep initially, then Gnome [after I found the checkboxes 
in gnomecc]
now I use KDEjust can't get enough of those themes!

Hope everything goes well




2001-02-24 Per discussione UDDANE

Hi ,

I need help uninstalling both the LMD 7.2 program and the partitions on my 
hard drive. I partitioned it using partition magic. I would like step by step 
instructions so I can save the data I already have stored in my windows 
I have decided to put LMD on my older machine as the componants are all 

Any help would be great, TIA


Re: [newbie] CD-RW install

2001-02-24 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Look around at There's a great tutorial 

On Sat, 24 Feb 2001 17:28, KompuKit wrote:
 I'm buying a HP 9150i CD-RW drive...wednesday...
 was wondering:

 do I set it up as my secondary master or slave?
 (already have a 6x cd-rom drive setup as secondary master)

 also, can someone suggest a real good, but easy instuction set
 for setting up the cd-rw in linux...?

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Yet another question.

2001-02-24 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Sunday 25 February 2001 04:05, you wrote:
 As I am a total newbie to linux, I have a question on how exactly do I
 use the shutdown command to shutdown the computer.  Right now I have to
 just let it reboot and shutdown as soon as it resets.  Thanks.

from a command line type "halt" without the quotes, or more appropriately
" shutdown -h now" without the quotes.  Happy Linuxing
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

Re: [newbie] Crazy??

2001-02-24 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Yep, looks beautiful in Kmail.

On Sun, 25 Feb 2001 06:44, Romanator wrote:
 Can any one read this attachment?

Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii"; name="Q209354.html"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Yet another question.

2001-02-24 Per discussione Michael Scottaline


 As I am a total newbie to linux, I have a question on how exactly do I
 use the shutdown command to shutdown the computer.  Right now I have to
 just let it reboot and shutdown as soon as it resets.  Thanks.

Hi Matt,
If you're shutting down from a command line, try "shutdown -h now" w/o the quotes, 
of course.  The "-h" stands for "halt", meaning do NOT reboot.
"Many loads of beer were brought. What disorder, whoring, fighting, killing, and 
dreadful idolatry took place there."
--Baltasar Rusow, Estonia, 16th century
Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at

Re: [newbie] Fwd: Would someone help me get some sound? I promise I'll make a doc on it.

2001-02-24 Per discussione Rick Schultz

Ok, this is what I did to make my awe64 soundcard  work (don't ask me why, it just 
did!).   hopefully I remember the proper order.  
1.  sign on as "root"
2.  go to drakeconf (logo should be on screen)
3. click on linuxconf from the box that pops up
4. select the second tab "control"
5. select "control panel"
6. select "ISA Plug  Play"
7. see if your sound card is listed my case I hit "accept" and it reloaded 
it into the system off this box, and x off control panel, you should only have DrakeConf on your 
9. look in "hardware configuration" clik on + next to sound card.  Highlight the name 
of your sound card.  it should be listed there.
10. click off Drakeconf ( so you are back at the regular blue screen)
11. clik on the K in the lower left hand corner.
12. choose multimedia
13. choose sound
14. choose soundmixer, when the mixer comes up, it may be a blank box, but it will put 
a little speaker on your taskbar.
15.back up to K choose terminals and Gnome terminal.
16 at the prompt type in sndconfig, and this redhat program will pop up.  you can move 
the prompts with the "tab" key.  
first you should hear linus speak
then clik ok
then you should hear a electric piano scale
then clik ok
There may be a slight delay between each of these prompts, as this is coming from the 
very bowels of your system.
17. after this program is done. clik x off the box
18 . go back to your soundmixer, and tada! you should see a bunch of volume controls 
in it now!
make sure that all of them are turned up at least 50%.
19. clik the box off, making sure that the little speaker stays put on the taskbar.
20. turn off the system to reboot.
toward the end of the shutdown, you may hear a brief bit of music!  you should notice 
that on the shutdown list SB, and AWe-something are listed! good!
21. when the system reboots, you should see a little green speaker with sb and 
awe-something pop up, and there should be a green check mark beside it  on the right, 
along with the soundcard.

When the Kandulf wizard box comes up you will hear this most wonderful crecendo! (if 
everything worked ok)

I can't say if this will work for youbut this did for me.  (items above may be 
slightly out of order...can anybody help with that).   I did this all out of deductive 
reasoning, and dumb luck

anybody else got anything to add to this?
21. reboot the system,

- Original Message - 
From: "Dan LaBine" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 9:48 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Fwd: Would someone help me get some sound? I promise I'll make a 
doc on it.

Which desktop are you running?? I've found that sounds not detected in KDE 
work like a charm in Gnome. If that's the case, then you should be able to go 
into Control Center (KDE) and set them up. Always recheck the basics when 
having sound problems. Usually it'll be something so obvious or simple that 
even a rocket scientist will overlook it. Are your speakers plugged into the 
right connectors between each other and the PC? Is the power for the speakers 
turned on? Volume turned up? Can you play a CD or MP3? Don't just turn off 
Plug N Play O/S in your BIOS. Directly below it you should see something that 
says "Reset Configuration" or something similar. Enable it so that your 
motherboard can re-detect your IRQ's and sort them out a little better. Turn 
off any IRQ consuming options that you aren't actually using. USB, Comm 
ports, VGA or Video card IRQ's etc. If your sound card wants to use an IRQ 
that something else is using,  then that's probably the problem. Open up your 
PC and take a close look at your Video Card. If it has a set of jumpers that 
enable the use of an IRQ for the videocard, then adjusting your BIOS won't 
help. Disable it in the Video Card first, then in the BIOS, then "Reset 
Configuration Data" again. If ANY of these conditions are causing your 
problem, they can also quickly solve it as well. But occasionally, even 
fixing them may still mean doing a fresh install. While your at it, check 
your existing install to see if "Alsa Player", and "alsa-utils" are 
installed. They will probably be a big help. One more thing. Try unloading 
all your sound modules from a console. Use "lsmod" to list them, and unload 
any modules related to your sound card using "rmmod" and the name of the 
module. Then run "sndconfig" while looged in as root. It's best to log out of 
your desktop into a console, rather than opening a console while still in 
your desktop environment.  Hope this helps!

On Saturday 24 February 2001 22:24, you wrote:
 I found two threads in the archives similar to my problem -  I almost got
 some sound to work.

 The possibilities I have are VIA onboard sound which is detected in
 HardDrake, YMF724, also detected, and an old ISA stock Sound Blaster 16 not

 The first two are detected by hard drake, but produce no output when
 running "configuration tool".  I disabled onboard sound 

Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is crazy.....!!!!

2001-02-24 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Sun, 25 Feb 2001 05:41, Mark Hillary wrote:
  From another Email list I am on.  One of the list members posted
 it.  You might want to save an .html copy of it.  I don't know if M$
 has been hacked, or if it's for real.  G

 On Sun, 25 Feb 2001 00:13, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Maybe this link will help you to unsub:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/pub/mskb/Q2093
  54. asp
   (You're Welcome.)

--- Microsof havn't been hacked becasue the url doesn't point towards

 Look at the syntax.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]/pub/mskb/q209354.asp

 with the user benn called

 Sorry to dissapoint. Test it for you self by going to

 Mark Hillary

That's right. In fact, you can put almost whatever URL you want after 
the @ sign. For example:[EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED]/links.htm[EMAIL PROTECTED]/~evan/bgnw.html

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Html version

2001-02-24 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Does anyone have the graphics for that page as well?

On Sun, 25 Feb 2001 07:05, Romanator wrote:
 Here's the html version. Saved to file and open it in your html

 --- snip ---

 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//SoftQuad Software//DTD HoTMetaL PRO
 6.0::19990601::extensions to HTML 4.0//EN" "hmpro6.dtd"

   A HREF="/directory/default.asp"IMG SRC="pss_EN-US.gif "
 BORDER="0" ALT="Microsoft Product Support Services" WIDTH="230"
   IMG SRC="curve.gif" WIDTH="18" HEIGHT="20"
   FONT COLOR="#FF" FACE="Verdana, Arial" SIZE="1" B
 nbsp;nbsp;FONT COLOR="#FF"All
 Products/FONTnbsp;nbsp;FONT COLOR="#FF"|/FONT
 COLOR="#FF"|/FONT nbsp;nbsp;FONT
 COLOR="#FF"|/FONT nbsp;nbsp;FONT
 COLOR="#FF" Home/FONTnbsp;nbsp;FONT
 COLOR="#FF"|/FONT nbsp;nbsp;FONT
 COLOR="#FF"Bestiality.Net/FONTnbsp;nbsp;/B /FONT/TD
   IMG SRC="mslogo.gif" WIDTH="112" HEIGHT="40"
!-- Start: Local menus --
   FONT COLOR="#FF" FACE="Verdana, Arial" SIZE="1"B
 nbsp;nbsp;FONT COLOR="#FF"Support
 Home/FONTnbsp;nbsp;FONT COLOR="#FF"|/FONT
 nbsp;nbsp;FONT COLOR="#FF"Self
 Support/FONTnbsp;nbsp;FONT COLOR="#FF"|/FONT
 nbsp;nbsp;FONT COLOR="#FF"Self Abuse/FONTnbsp;nbsp;FONT
 COLOR="#FF"|/FONT nbsp;nbsp;FONT COLOR="#FF"Assisted
 Support/FONTnbsp;nbsp;FONT COLOR="#FF"|/FONT
 nbsp;nbsp;FONT COLOR="#FF"Custom
 Support/FONTnbsp;nbsp;FONT COLOR="#FF"|/FONT
 nbsp;nbsp;FONT COLOR="#FF"Worldwide
 Support/FONTnbsp;nbsp;FONT COLOR="#FF"|/FONT
!-- End: Local menus --
 !-- Start: Black Line Spacer  --
 !-- End: Black Line Spacer --
 TD VALIGN="top"
 TD VALIGN="top"
   FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" SIZE="2"
 BFONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="+2" HOWTO:
 Read the Fucking Manual/FONT/B/TD
   HR FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="-1"The
 information in this article applies to:
 LI FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="-1"General
   /UL FONT FACE="Verdana"
 SIZE="-1"Prerequisites: BR
 LI FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="-1"The ability
 to Read/FONT/LI
 LIFONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="-1"Basic Brain
   PFONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="-1" This article
 demonstrates how to read the fucking manual, as popularised by the
 RTFM directive./FONT/P
   PFONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="-1"After asking a
 truly pathetic question, you are instructed to RTFM:-/FONT/P
   TD WIDTH="5%"
 FONT FACE="Courier New" COLOR="#99"
 FONT COLOR="#808080"*** Lamer
 (~[EMAIL PROTECTED]) has joined #visualbasic/FONT
 [10:24] lt;Lamergt; How do i I[Your
 obvious/lame question]/I?
 [10:25] lt;@opergt; RTFM bitch

Re: [newbie] New install - Xwindows

2001-02-24 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Sun, 25 Feb 2001 07:01, Owens, Blaine C wrote:
 After a new install my Xwindows has horizontal lines making most
 applications INCLUDING DrakConf applications basically unusable.
 Perhaps if I could get Xwindows working reasonably I could address
 some of the other problems I am having. I reinstalled this morning -
 still horizontal lines making most X applications INCLUDING DRAKCONF
 (smartass) basically unusable. If anybody who is not a smartass can
 give me a clue as to how to correct my Xwindows problem then I think
 I can figure the rest out for myself.

 The card according to Windows Device Manager is Trident
 9685/9680/9682/9685/9382/9385-1 PCI
 It was discovered by the Mandrake install as Trident Microsystems
 TGUI9660 (generic) TGUI 9660/968x/968x

 All non-smart-asses - I cannot use DrakConf effectively because I
 can't even read most Xscreens because of this problem. I'm posting
 this to the Newbie list and not the expert list because I AM a
 newbie, but I am not an idiot. I know how to search the net and RTFM
 but after about 6 hours of frustration I post a question and the
 only response is to use an X app which I cannot even use because of
 the horizontal lines. Good grief!

Sorry, I didn't realise that before when I suggested that you use 
DrakConf (stupid me!). Try XF86Setup or Xconfigurator from a console 
instead. If they don't exist then you will need to install their 

 Blaine Owens
 Eastman Chemical Company
 Phone - (423)-229-3579
 Cell Phone - (423)-817-0704
 Fax - (423)-229-1188

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Fwd: Would someone help me get some sound? I promise I'll make a doc on it.

2001-02-24 Per discussione Rick Schultz

Here is something that Linux mandrake may follow up with with.

In Corel linux2 deluxe, (a debian derivitave) they solved the sound card issue, by 
adding "commercial" soundcard drivers from OSS/4front technologies.   This is NOT in 
corel's download version.  But it is a nice thing to do, for those newbies, like me, 
who are baffeled by the mess with the soundcard config issue on Mandrake, and that 
have spent $60 plus for a "deluxe" version.

What I am saying is Mandrake should follow Corel's lead here, and add OSS/commercial 
sound drivers to their "retail" distributionI mean these ARE paying customers!  

- Original Message - 
From: "Linatic" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2001 10:24 PM
Subject: [newbie] Fwd: Would someone help me get some sound? I promise I'll make a doc 
on it.

I found two threads in the archives similar to my problem -  I almost got 
some sound to work.

The possibilities I have are VIA onboard sound which is detected in 
HardDrake, YMF724, also detected, and an old ISA stock Sound Blaster 16 not 

The first two are detected by hard drake, but produce no output when running 
"configuration tool".  I disabled onboard sound and put in SB16.  Even tried 
allocating irq5/dma1/5 as legacy.   I got the SB to produce marginal output 
using sndconfig and setting SB16 up manually.  But no sound anywhere else.
(if it helps, Win2k not 98 makes SB16 work, I can set it to any irq and snd 
still comes out) (I have no docs on SB16 jumpers)

Any suggestions?

I've found hints::
1. "Setting BIOS to non-PNP" already was
2. rmmod everything sound related, then run sndconfig (tried that, SB16 now 
gives me errors: Device or Resource busy, insmod, failed, insmod sound-slot-0 
failed)  Is this because I didn't "remove everything x-related"?  I tried 
"ps-aux" then "kill" one thing, what all do I need to remove? 
3.  Recompile Kernel  -this seems like awfully complicated process.. I don't 
think my kernel doesn't support sound as other people with 7.2 said sound 
worked after install.

I think I'm close since I heard sndconfig play .wav and midi on sb16.  How do 
then make OS use it?  Is this because ALSA comes with 7.2 and doesn't have 
SB16 listed in harddrake?


I found two threads in the archives similar to my problem -  I almost got
some sound to work.

The possibilities I have are VIA onboard sound which is detected in
HardDrake, YMF724, also detected, and an old ISA stock Sound Blaster 16 not

The first two are detected by hard drake, but produce no output when running
"configuration tool".  I disabled onboard sound and put in SB16.  Even tried
allocating irq5/dma1/5 as legacy.   I got the SB to produce marginal output
using sndconfig and setting SB16 up manually.  But no sound anywhere else.
(if it helps, Win2k not 98 makes SB16 work, I can set it to any irq and snd
still comes out) (I have no docs on SB16 jumpers)

Any suggestions?

I've found hints::
1. "Setting BIOS to non-PNP" already was
2. rmmod everything sound related, then run sndconfig (tried that, SB16 now
gives me errors: Device or Resource busy, insmod, failed, insmod sound-slot-0
failed)  Is this because I didn't "remove everything x-related"?  I tried
"ps-aux" then "kill" one thing, what all do I need to remove?
3.  Recompile Kernel  -this seems like awfully complicated process.. I don't
think my kernel doesn't support sound as other people with 7.2 said sound
worked after install.

I think I'm close since I heard sndconfig play .wav and midi on sb16.  How do
then make OS use it?  Is this because ALSA comes with 7.2 and doesn't have
SB16 listed in harddrake?



Re: [newbie] Yet another question.

2001-02-24 Per discussione Allen Joseph M Hernandez

While I'm still around, why not

I use halt on an ATX.[/sbin/halt] 


As I am a total newbie to linux, I have a question on how exactly do I
use the shutdown command to shutdown the computer.  Right now I have to
just let it reboot and shutdown as soon as it resets.  Thanks.



Re: [newbie]

2001-02-24 Per discussione Rick Schultz

chek out my listing on this newbie page on getting rid of extra boots listed!
- Original Message - 
Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2001 11:18 PM
Subject: [newbie] 

Hi ,

I need help uninstalling both the LMD 7.2 program and the partitions on my 
hard drive. I partitioned it using partition magic. I would like step by step 
instructions so I can save the data I already have stored in my windows 
I have decided to put LMD on my older machine as the componants are all 

Any help would be great, TIA


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