Re: [newbie-it] update-menus -v

2001-03-13 Per discussione Andrea Celli

Tommaso Leddi wrote:
 a proposito di update-menu:
 quando lancio questo comando mi viene stampato questo:

 Update-menus[1106]: Running method:/etc/menu-methods//fvwm
 e dopo quest'ultima linea, tutto si blocca sino a che non faccio un Ctrl+C
 Non sembra che sia normale. Cosa devo fare?

Ho notato anch'io che non riappare il prompt.
Pero` non c'e` bisogno di un Control-C,
basta un Return.

Diciamo che e` un minor-bug. :-)

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] [OT] dimensione swap

2001-03-13 Per discussione Fabio Coatti

Il 19:18, luned 12 marzo 2001, scrivesti:
 Scusate per la domanda che non rientra proprio nell'argomento della
 lista, comunque se quallcuno mi risponde mi farebbe un piacere.

 Io ho due blocchi di memoria ram: uno da 128 Mb, uno da 64MB.
 Se po' essere utile ho una scheda video integrata sulla scheda madre
 che utilizza 8Mb di ram Quante partizioni SWAP e di che grandezza devo

Una basta ed avanza; direi che 128 Mb sono molto pi che sufficienti. 

Fabio Coatti 
Ferrara Linux Users Group
GnuPG fp:9765 A5B6 6843 17BC A646  BE8C FA56 373A 5374 C703
Old SysOps never die... they simply forget their password.

Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con LILO

2001-03-13 Per discussione Andrea Celli

 Giuseppe Foti wrote:
 Salve, ho un disperato bisogno di aiuto perch non riesco a risolvere
 un problema con LILO.
 Al boot della macchina appare LIL-  e la macchina va in blocco.

Dalla UserGuide di LILO che trovi in /usr/doc/lilo/doc :

LIL The second stage boot loader has been started but it can't load the 
descriptor table from the map file.
This is typically caused by a media failure or by a geometry mismatch.

LIL- The second stage boot loader has been loaded at an incorrect
This is typically caused by a subtle geometry mismatch or by moving 
/boot/map without running the map installer.

 Il problema  comparso dopo aver cercato di aggiungere una riga al
 file liloconf : append="ide2=0x8000,0x7802" che doveva servire ad
 avviare linux senza passare ogni volta il suddetto parametro
 (necessario essendo il mio disco un Quantum Fireball ATA 100).

Scusa, se dico una fesseria. Non ho mai maneggiato dischi come il tuo.
Pero`, perche' dici di voler fare un append e poi ne fai un altro?

Sicuramente hai lanciato il comando "lilo" dopo aver fatto le modifiche
in modo da renderle effettive.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] [OT] dimensione swap

2001-03-13 Per discussione Andrea Celli

Emiliano 80 wrote:
 Scusate per la domanda che non rientra proprio nell'argomento della lista, comunque 
se quallcuno mi risponde mi farebbe un piacere.
 Io ho due blocchi di memoria ram: uno da 128 Mb, uno da 64MB.
 Se po' essere utile ho una scheda video integrata sulla scheda madre che utilizza 
8Mb di ram
 Quante partizioni SWAP e di che grandezza devo fare?
 Grazie e scusate ancora

Una volta, quando le RAM erano risicate, si diceva che doveva essere:

Adesso, direi che devono essere soddisfatte due condizioni:
  swap = 64MB
  swap+RAM = 128MB

A te interessa solo la prima. 
Poi, se vuoi metterne 128MB, male non fa.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] installazione programmi con kpackage

2001-03-13 Per discussione germano percossi

Il 14:25, domenica 11 marzo 2001, Manuel Muttin hai scritto:
 ciao a tutti. Ho Mdk 7.2 appena installata...sono un novellino. Cmq ho
 provato a usare kpackage come consigliatomi da alcuni di voi per installare
 varie applicazioni o pacchetti. Ma continua a darmi kprocess failure quando
 provo ad installare qualcosa di scaricato dalla rete... ad es knapster...
 dove pu essere il problema?

Ma perch non provare con il pi semplice comando rpm direttamente da console?

Ciao Germano

Re: [newbie-it] installazioni di tar.gz...

2001-03-13 Per discussione germano percossi

Il 15:44, domenica 11 marzo 2001, Manuel Muttin hai scritto:
 Vi prego aiutatemi come faccio a installare programmi che finiscono .tar.gz
 ecc.? sono un super neofita!!! Help me please

In modalit grafica clicca con il tasto destro vedrai che ti apparir (se ark 
ha lo riconosciuto come file di archivio compresso) la scritta utility di 
archiviazione, da l in poi  molto intuitivo;
in alternativa digita " tar -xvzf  nomefile" dove la x sta per estrai e la 
z per decomprimi.

Comunque dai un'occhiata al manuale tar (man tar).
Ciao Germano

Re: [newbie-it] installazione programmi

2001-03-13 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

1) programmi in formato .rpm

Io non uso kpackage xché in passato mi ha dato qualche problema.
Preferisco usare il comando rpm da console che, tra l'altro, è
semplicissimo da usare:

rpm -Ivh nomedeltuofile.rpm


rpm -Uvh nomedeltuofile.rpm

dove U serve per fare l'upgrade (ma se non hai già installato una
versione precedente equivale a I = install)

2) programmi in formato .tar.gz

Pur essendo anch'io un neofita ti consiglio, anche in questo caso, il
comando da console. I passi da fare sono due.
primo: decomprimere il file (azione che, nella stragrande maggioranza
dei casi porta alla creazione di una directory) col comando

tar -xzvf nomedeltuofile.tar.gz

secondo passo: installazione:
l'operazione precedente avrà creato una directory che si chiamerà
nomedeltuofile (almeno di solito ;-) )
ci vai dentro con: cd nomedeltuofile
e, sempre di solito, troverai un file chiamato README che devi leggere
(ad esempio col comando: less README  - dal quale esci digitando: q).
Quel file ti dirà come installare il programma che hai appena
Nella maggior parte dei casi - ma accertatene ogni volta leggendo
README - i comandi sono tre (da eseguire in sequenza):
make install (devi essere root per lanciarlo!)



Re: [newbie-it] installazioni di tar.gz...

2001-03-13 Per discussione Fabio Coatti

Il 10:50, marted 13 marzo 2001, scrivesti:
 Il 15:44, domenica 11 marzo 2001, Manuel Muttin hai scritto:
  Vi prego aiutatemi come faccio a installare programmi che finiscono
  .tar.gz ecc.? sono un super neofita!!! Help me please

 In modalit grafica clicca con il tasto destro vedrai che ti apparir
 (se ark ha lo riconosciuto come file di archivio compresso) la scritta
 utility di archiviazione, da l in poi  molto intuitivo;
 in alternativa digita " tar -xvzf  nomefile" dove la x sta per
 estrai e la z per decomprimi.

MOLTO meglio usare la modilit non grafica, ossia la cara vecchia linea 
di comando, quando si giocherella con i tar.gz.

E' utile dire che il tar.gz non  un pacchetto studiato per essere 
gestito attraverso dei package managers come pu essere rpm, che 
permette di installare, disinstallare, verifica le dipendenze, ecc...
Il tar.gz  di solito una semplice raccolta di files sorgenti e di 
makefiles che permettono di compilare il programma, ma per evitare guai 
 meglio sapere prima almeno lontanamente cosa si sta facendo. E' 
sicuramente divertente compilarsi i programmi per proprio conto ed a 
volte necessario (e tra l'altro si impara molto);  per meglio sapere 
che spesso si possono fare "danni" :-)

Quindi consiglio prima di partire con il make, di leggersi attentamente 
i files di documentazione che spesso trovate dentro al tar.gz. In 
particolare fate attenzione che il make install in genere sovrascrive 
senza riguardo quello che trova sull'HD, e che il make uninstall spesso 
non c' e se c' a volte fa pi danni che bene.

Per provateci, si impara molto... :-)))

Fabio Coatti 
Ferrara Linux Users Group
GnuPG fp:9765 A5B6 6843 17BC A646  BE8C FA56 373A 5374 C703
Old SysOps never die... they simply forget their password.

Re: [newbie-it] installazioni di tar.gz...

2001-03-13 Per discussione Fabio Coatti

Il 11:19, marted 13 marzo 2001, scrivesti:

 E' utile dire che il tar.gz non  un pacchetto studiato per essere
 gestito attraverso dei package managers come pu essere rpm, che
 permette di installare, disinstallare, verifica le dipendenze, ecc...
 Il tar.gz  di solito una semplice raccolta di files sorgenti e di
 makefiles che permettono di compilare il programma, ma per evitare
 guai  meglio sapere prima almeno lontanamente cosa si sta facendo. E'
 sicuramente divertente compilarsi i programmi per proprio conto ed a
 volte necessario (e tra l'altro si impara molto);  per meglio sapere
 che spesso si possono fare "danni" :-)

Ah, un'indicazioe che pu essere utile per chi vuole giocherellare con i 
tar.gz e gli rpm: normalmente i pacchetti src.rpm (quelli che contengono 
i sorgenti e che con rpm --rebuild nomefile.src.rpm costruiscono 
l'eseguibile .i386.rpm) contengono al loro interno il tar.gz originale e 
le "istruzioni" per generare l'rpm eseguibile. Se installate un src.rpm 
con rpm -i, vi trovate in /usr/src/RPM/SOURCES il tar.gz ed in SPEC le 
"istruizoni" sotto forma di nomefile.spec

Provate a guardarci dentro, si vede abbastanza bene come viene in realt 
creato un pacchetto rpm.

Fabio Coatti 
Ferrara Linux Users Group
GnuPG fp:9765 A5B6 6843 17BC A646  BE8C FA56 373A 5374 C703
Old SysOps never die... they simply forget their password.

[newbie-it] GRAZIE!!!!

2001-03-13 Per discussione Demis

Ringrazio tutti quelli che pochi giorni fa volevano erigermi un monumento e
che adesso neanche rispondono. Lo sviluppo di progetti come questo si
appoggia alla collaborazione degli utilizzatori, al loro continuo confronto.
Allora mi chiedo perch questo confronto sia cessato improvvisamente...

Ricordo che il mio, o NOSTRO, problema riguardava i modem interni, che
avevamo risolto, cos pareva... almeno. Di fronte a insorti nuovi problemi
ho chiesto consiglio alla ML, senza tuttavia ricevere risposta alcuna da
tutti coloro che come me ce l'avevano fatta.


[newbie-it] kernel 2.4.2mdk.rpm

2001-03-13 Per discussione ioadamo

Quando provo a installare l' rpm del kernel 2.4.2 della mandrake Pakage 
Manager mi da un problema di dipendenze e mi richiede modutilis =2.4.2, io 
ho provato a cercare questo pacchetto su rpmfind ma non l'ho trovato.
Qualcuno di voi  riuscito a installare l'rpm di questo kernel ?

Re: [newbie-it] blocco kde

2001-03-13 Per discussione Loris

  Esiste qualche combinazione di tasti per poter killare KDE, quando
  blocca, senza resettare tutta la macchina? (Per fortuna la versione
  2.0.1 va meglio della 2.0). Ciao e grazie.

 In generale per killare il server X ci sono 3 metodi:

 * Ctrl+Alt+Backspace (a meno che non sia disattivata questa
possibilità in
 /etc/X11/XF86Config, in tal caso metti un # davanti a DontZap per


 * premi Ctrl+Alt+FX dove X è la consolle testuale virtuale da cui
 avevi avviato il server X e poi Ctrl-C, può sembrare grezzo ma
 funziona ;)


 * apri una finestra di terminale digiti "ps x | more" per vedere un
 elenco dei processi in esecuzione. Cerchi poi kde-session e tieni
 a mente il numero corrispondente nella colonna PID. Quindi digiti
 "kill PID" sostituendo a PID il numero trovato prima.


Il fatto è che KDE blocca proprio tutto, mouse compreso, e non è
possibile aprire terminali o altro. Io ho provato con
Ctrl+Alt+backspace oppure Ctrl+Alt+Tab o Ctrl+Alt+Fx ma niente da fare
(proverò a mettere un cero alla madonna...;-) ). Ciao e grazie.


Chieder è lecito, rispondere  è cortesia.

Re:[newbie-it] Problemi con LILO

2001-03-13 Per discussione freefred

On Monday 12 March 2001 13:26, Giuseppe Foti wrote:
 Salve, ho un disperato bisogno di aiuto perch non riesco a risolvere un
 problema con LILO. Al boot della macchina appare LIL-  e la macchina va in

Entra facendo il boot dal cd della mandrake, e dando F1
e intanto cambia il lilo.conf.
Poi dovrai vedere meglio l'opzione del disco da appendere, qui non so dirti.


Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers 


Re: [newbie-it] KDE2.1 [LM7.2]

2001-03-13 Per discussione freefred

On Monday 12 March 2001 17:42, Massimo wrote:
 Mi si bloccano spesso le applicazioni in mandrake 7.2
 che cosa uso al posto di ctrl alt del ?

crt + esc

o per killarle dovresti pure avere l'icona dell' Xkill sul desktop

o con un top e poi killi le applicazioni

 la tastiera sotto linux non edita la chiocciolina cosa posso usare?

in che senso?che tastiera hai?

Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers 


Re: [newbie-it] blocco kde

2001-03-13 Per discussione freefred

On Tuesday 13 March 2001 10:43, Loris wrote:

 Il fatto  che KDE blocca proprio tutto, mouse compreso, e non 
 possibile aprire terminali o altro. Io ho provato con
 Ctrl+Alt+backspace oppure Ctrl+Alt+Tab o Ctrl+Alt+Fx ma niente da fare
 (prover a mettere un cero alla madonna...;-) ). Ciao e grazie.

Capitava anche a me.Ora ho cambiato scheda madre e non lo fa piu', quindi
forse nel mio caso era un problema hardware.
Ti consiglio comunque di upgradare il kde.


Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers 


Re: [newbie-it] GRAZIE!!!!

2001-03-13 Per discussione Alessandro

 Ringrazio tutti quelli che pochi giorni fa volevano erigermi un monumento

ok, scusa, ma quando torni a casa dopo 4 giorni che non leggi + la posta e
ti trovi qualcosa tipo 400 msg da leggere in un colpo capisci che diventa
semplice non accorgersi di un messaggio o di eliminarlo epr errore :)) se
riposti la domanda posso vedere se riesco a risponderti..

R: [newbie-it] GRAZIE!!!!

2001-03-13 Per discussione emi80

Scusa, ma mi sono iscritto alla ML da pochi giorni e non so a cosa ti
riferisci pero' mi ha interessato il tuo accenno ai modem interni visto che
ne ho uno anche io e non riesco a farlo funzionare (o meglio non riuscivo
visto che ora non mi si installa piu' neanche il sistema
questo e' un altro discorso).
Potresti spiegarmi meglio (magari anche fuori dalla lista visto che questo
chiarimento, credo, interessi solo a me)

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 11:39 AM
Subject: [newbie-it] GRAZIE

 Ringrazio tutti quelli che pochi giorni fa volevano erigermi un monumento
 che adesso neanche rispondono. Lo sviluppo di progetti come questo si
 appoggia alla collaborazione degli utilizzatori, al loro continuo
 Allora mi chiedo perch questo confronto sia cessato improvvisamente...

 Ricordo che il mio, o NOSTRO, problema riguardava i modem interni, che
 avevamo risolto, cos pareva... almeno. Di fronte a insorti nuovi problemi
 ho chiesto consiglio alla ML, senza tuttavia ricevere risposta alcuna da
 tutti coloro che come me ce l'avevano fatta.


R: [newbie-it] problemone mouse!!!!!!

2001-03-13 Per discussione emi80

Non sono un esperto di linux visto che lo conosco da poco, ma credo che il
tuo problema possa essere risolto lanciando dalla mo. testo xf86config:
questo ti fara' rifare la configurazione di mouse, tastiera e monitor.
Credo che puoi anche intervenire manualmente editando un file che dovrebbe
essere XF86CONFIG ma su questo non ti so dire piu' di tanto.

- Original Message -
From: legion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 9:04 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] problemone mouse!!

 ho un problemonein mdk 7.2 ho erroneamente cambiato le impostazioni
 mouse (in drakconf).mettendo un mouse diverso dal mio.(bravo
 ora all'avvio parte solo la modal. testo,faccio init5 a parte quella il puntatore rimane fermo e non posso fare niente!!!
 come posso risolvere questo problemone? dalla modalita testo? come?

 help! help!


[newbie-it] mandrrake 7.1: errore durante l'installazione

2001-03-13 Per discussione emi80

Salve a tutti.Ho provato ad installare la 
versione 7.1 della Mandrake che in precedenzaavevo gia' installato senza 
problemi.Questa volta invece, dopo la selezione delle partizioni, e la 
selezionedelle partizioni da formattare, ottengo un errore che mi dice mount 
nonriuscito o qualcosa di simile.Le partizioni che io ho fatto sono 1 di 
swap da 128Mb e un'altra native conposizione di mount "/" da 2,3 Gb 
circa.Qualcuno e' in grado di 

Re:[newbie-it] Problemi con LILO

2001-03-13 Per discussione germano percossi

Il 14:26, luned 12 marzo 2001, Giuseppe Foti hai scritto:

  Salve, ho un disperato bisogno di aiuto perch non riesco a risolvere un
 problema con LILO. Al boot della macchina appare LIL-  e la macchina va in
 Il problema  comparso dopo aver cercato di aggiungere una riga al file
 liloconf : append="ide2=0x8000,0x7802" che doveva servire ad avviare linux
 senza passare ogni volta il suddetto parametro (necessario essendo il mio
 disco un Quantum Fireball ATA 100). La distribuzione di Linux che ho
 istallato  la Mandrake 7.2 e sul sistema  presente anche una partizione

 Qualcuno pu dirmi come devo modificarlo o cosa devo fare per riportare
 tutto ad una condizione normale??? Grazie
 Giuseppe Foti.

Intanto per riportare tutto alla normalit dopo essere partito con il 
dischetto di boot digita da root "lilo" (sempre che tu non lo abbia gi fatto)
Ciao Germano

R: [newbie-it] GRAZIE!!!!

2001-03-13 Per discussione Demis

Ah allora ci siete. Scusate lo sfogo... e naturalmente hai ragione Daniele!
E' interessante che quando mi sono iscritto il mio problema con il modem era
uno dei temi pi trattati, mentre adesso vedo che le cose di complicano, ci
sono persino richieste sulla configurazione di X, che dovrebbe essere svolta
dall'installazione... e cose di questo genere. CMQ concludo qui, nell'attesa
di poter rispondere e rendermi utile a qlc1 come in passato! CIAO!

Re: [newbie-it] GRAZIE!!!!

2001-03-13 Per discussione germano percossi

Il 11:39, marted 13 marzo 2001, Demis hai scritto:
 Ringrazio tutti quelli che pochi giorni fa volevano erigermi un monumento e
 che adesso neanche rispondono. Lo sviluppo di progetti come questo si
 appoggia alla collaborazione degli utilizzatori, al loro continuo
 confronto. Allora mi chiedo perch questo confronto sia cessato

   Ricordo che il mio, o NOSTRO, problema riguardava i modem interni, che
 avevamo risolto, cos pareva... almeno. Di fronte a insorti nuovi problemi
 ho chiesto consiglio alla ML, senza tuttavia ricevere risposta alcuna da
 tutti coloro che come me ce l'avevano fatta.


Niente ramanzina, ma comunque questa lista  newbie il che implica che non ci 
sia gente esperta (me compreso) e a meno che qualche fenomeno discenda da 
piani superiori (e ogni tanto qualcuno si affaccia da queste parti) il 
massimo che si pu fare e scrivere e contemporaneamente cercare una soluzione 
per conto proprio. Io ho aspettato 4 mesi per far vedere un modem interno 
isdn ( peraltro c'era un bug della Mandrake che ho corretto anche postando a 
sviluppatori della SUSE) ma la soddisfazione di esserci riuscito da solo  
Comunque continua a scrivere e persevera.

Ciao Germano

Re: [newbie-it] mandrrake 7.1: errore durante l'installazione

2001-03-13 Per discussione pacmo

Vuole la usr per metterci i programmi
Pier Antonio

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 7:04 
  Subject: [newbie-it] mandrrake 7.1: 
  errore durante l'installazione
  Salve a tutti.Ho provato ad installare la 
  versione 7.1 della Mandrake che in precedenzaavevo gia' installato senza 
  problemi.Questa volta invece, dopo la selezione delle partizioni, e la 
  selezionedelle partizioni da formattare, ottengo un errore che mi dice 
  mount nonriuscito o qualcosa di simile.Le partizioni che io ho fatto 
  sono 1 di swap da 128Mb e un'altra native conposizione di mount "/" da 2,3 
  Gb circa.Qualcuno e' in grado di 

Re: R: [newbie-it] GRAZIE!!!!

2001-03-13 Per discussione germano percossi

Il 16:37, marted 13 marzo 2001, emi80 hai scritto:
 Scusa, ma mi sono iscritto alla ML da pochi giorni e non so a cosa ti
 riferisci pero' mi ha interessato il tuo accenno ai modem interni visto che
 ne ho uno anche io e non riesco a farlo funzionare (o meglio non riuscivo
 visto che ora non mi si installa piu' neanche il sistema
 questo e' un altro discorso).
 Potresti spiegarmi meglio (magari anche fuori dalla lista visto che questo
 chiarimento, credo, interessi solo a me)

Scusa se mi impiccio (non mandarmi a quel paese) ma non  detto che il 
chiarimento serva solo a te e se non dici che modem hai a tutta la ML riduci 
le probabilit che qualcun' altro possa risponderti.
Tu scrivi poi vediamo che si pu fare.

Ciao e scusa ancora 


[newbie-it] Problemino con la shel...

2001-03-13 Per discussione Flavio Bosio

Sera a tutti.

Vorrei realizzare alcuni script per semplificarmi la vita ma mi ritrovo di 
fronte ad un problema.. come fare ad automatizzare uno script che ad esempio 
apre un collegamento telnet ad un server linux per trasportare l'X, ovvero, 
se lancio:
"telnet" lui risponde bla bla bla "login:" ecc... solita 

ci che vorrei sapere  se  possibile realizzare uno script che 
automaticamente infili il "login", la pwd ecc.. visto che il ";" pare proprio 
no funzionare:-(
ci sar pure un modo per prelevare lo standard output e  redirezionare ad 
esempio richiamando una sequenza di file esterni "login", "pwd" ecc.. come 
standard imput.

O forse  solo un sogno?

La parola agli esperti.. 

Re: [newbie-it] chiocciolina

2001-03-13 Per discussione Corrado

Massimo wrote:

 la tastiera sotto linux non edita la chiocciolina cosa posso usare?
 Sotto Netscape: sto compilando un form, tipo l'attivazione di una email e
 provo a digitare il mio indirizzo email, sorpresa con ctrl alt e
 chiocciolina questa non viene digitata.
 la mia tastiera  una logitech wireless italiana normalissima  a parte il
 wireless penso 101 tasti come le altre??

Sulla mia si preme la chiocciolina insieme a "AltGr"...


[newbie-it] chiocciolina

2001-03-13 Per discussione Massimo

la tastiera sotto linux non edita la chiocciolina cosa posso usare?
Sotto Netscape: sto compilando un form, tipo l'attivazione di una email e
provo a digitare il mio indirizzo email, sorpresa con ctrl alt e
chiocciolina questa non viene digitata.
la mia tastiera  una logitech wireless italiana normalissima  a parte il
wireless penso 101 tasti come le altre??

[newbie] Nautilus 1.0 install

2001-03-13 Per discussione Syamsul Anwar

Has anybody installed the just-released Nautilus 1.0 for Gnome yet? It 
looks mighty impressive. But I'm not sure whether I'd get a trouble-
free install with the Redhat 6.x RPMs?

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 'make' woes

2001-03-13 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Monday 12 March 2001 11:10 pm, Dave Wilson wrote:
 Okay, I did a fresh complete install of Mandrake 7.2 (using discs from
 the Complete box set).  My problem is when I extract a tarball and
 ./configure it, I get errors when I use the 'make' command.  I would
 think that Mandrake would have everything necessary to do this included
 on the install, so perhaps I am doing something wrong.  Much thanks in
 advance for any and all help.

 That's the first of 3 pages that cover what you need and how to 
compile source.
Dale Earnhardt,  the greatest stock car driver ever, 
 he's won his 8th and  His Greatest Championship
  Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Galveston Bay

[newbie] video card compatable with xfree

2001-03-13 Per discussione Adrian Smith

i'm trying to find out if the following card will work with xfree

Matrox Mystique 220 Business with a
MGA-1164SG chip set.

i check the Matrox site, no mentions of Linux there.
checked the Xfree site.  they have some matrox products listed, but not this specific 
one, nor this specific chip set.  should i assume then that it is not supported?

thanks much for any assistance.

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

[newbie] Can't access CD drives - even as root

2001-03-13 Per discussione root

Here's a funny thing!

Whenever I try to access either of my CD drives, whether as root or
user, I am refused access.

Using Konqueror, I get the message: "Unableto enter file:/mnt/cdrom. You
do not have access rights to this location." - if root doesn't have
access, who does?  My CD drives are shown under /mnt with little
padlocks on them.

Using a terminal command: ls /mnt/cdrom, I get the message "Input/output

The only way I have ever been able to get round it is to boot from a
floppy rather than LILO - this is a hassle.

If anyone has encountered and solved this problem, I would be grateful
for guidance.

I am running Mandrake 7.2 (never had this problem with 7.1) and my
drives are a Mitsumi 4802TE (re-writable) and Samsung SCR232

Graham Watkins

[newbie] Help? USB modem

2001-03-13 Per discussione donald hinds

I have a supported (ZOOM USB) modem ( LM-7.2 sees my TWO USB

When I run HardDrake to install a modem, it gives me options of Serial, ISDN
and so forth, but not USB.

What file to I change (and how do I change it) so the USB will be an option
for the modem?

thanks if you can help,   Don

Don Hinds - photo, motorcycle, misc.

Get free email and a permanent address at

[newbie] Can't access CD drives - even as root

2001-03-13 Per discussione root

Here's a funny thing!

Whenever I try to access either of my CD drives, whether as root or
user, I am refused access.

Using Konqueror, I get the message: "Unableto enter file:/mnt/cdrom. You
do not have access rights to this location." - if root doesn't have
access, who does?  My CD drives are shown under /mnt with little
padlocks on them.

Using a terminal command: ls /mnt/cdrom, I get the message "Input/output

The only way I have ever been able to get round it is to boot from a
floppy rather than LILO - this is a hassle.

If anyone has encountered and solved this problem, I would be grateful
for guidance.

I am running Mandrake 7.2 (never had this problem with 7.1) and my
drives are a Mitsumi 4802TE (re-writable) and Samsung SCR232

Re: [newbie] Nautilus 1.0 install

2001-03-13 Per discussione Michael O'Henly

There was a comment on Linux Today saying that there was some problem 
installing under Mandrake 7.2. Don't know the details... (Interesting how, 
after all this time, the Ximian installer still doesn't support 7.2. I wonder 
if Eazel is experiencing the same "problem"...)


On Tuesday 13 March 2001 06:07, Syamsul Anwar wrote:
 Has anybody installed the just-released Nautilus 1.0 for Gnome yet? It
 looks mighty impressive. But I'm not sure whether I'd get a trouble-
 free install with the Redhat 6.x RPMs?

Michael O'Henly
TENZO Design

[newbie] Can't Access CD Drives - even as root

2001-03-13 Per discussione root

Here's a funny thing!

Whenever I try to access either of my CD drives, whether as root or
user, I am refused access.

Using Konqueror, I get the message: "Unableto enter file:/mnt/cdrom. You
do not have access rights to this location." - if root doesn't have
access, who does?  My CD drives are shown under /mnt with little
padlocks on them.

Using a terminal command: ls /mnt/cdrom, I get the message "Input/output

The only way I have ever been able to get round it is to boot from a
floppy rather than LILO - this is a hassle.

If anyone has encountered and solved this problem, I would be grateful
for guidance.

I am running Mandrake 7.2 (never had this problem with 7.1) and my
drives are a Mitsumi 4802TE (re-writable) and Samsung SCR232

[newbie] Re: lilo/grub problem

2001-03-13 Per discussione Ari Toivola

You had the problem with lilo boot.
You have to set the lilo parameters right and write to right drive.
As you told, you have windows in first drive, assumed /dev/hda,
and linux in second, /dev/hdb. You need to go in linuxconf and write
lilo in the second drive, /dev/hdb. I had also problems when moving boot
sectors and/or partitions, I like it is better to write always new lilo.
That way partition data of lilo keeps in current and it wont crash.


[newbie] bash and fc

2001-03-13 Per discussione kilgore trout
I have Mandrake 7.2 installed, using the Gnome interface (althoughmy problem also exists with KDE) but pledge no allegence, and cannot get the 'normal' fc behavior to work. By normal, I mean: when pressing the ESC key, it should enter the vi editing mode and allow j / k to scroll through the command history. It does not. 
in my .bashrc file in my login directory, I have:
set -o vi
export FCEDIT=/bin/vi
is there something that I need to put in my .inputrc file so that the ESC will 'invoke' vi ?
Thanks for any help!
"Like so many Americans, she was trying to construct a life that made sense from things she found in gift shops."Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - Buy the things you want at great prices!

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 'make' woes

2001-03-13 Per discussione michael

Did you install "development" version?

Dave Wilson wrote:

 Okay, I did a fresh complete install of Mandrake 7.2 (using discs from the
 Complete box set).  My problem is when I extract a tarball and ./configure
 it, I get errors when I use the 'make' command.  I would think that Mandrake
 would have everything necessary to do this included on the install, so
 perhaps I am doing something wrong.  Much thanks in advance for any and all

 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

[newbie] Security Issues

2001-03-13 Per discussione Andrew

Does anyone know of a good utility program to use in order to test
security on a Linux box?


[newbie] Backup needed

2001-03-13 Per discussione Don Mayhew

If I buy the disc imaging program Ghost 6.5 and install it
on the Win2000 primary channel hard drive, will the program
be able to see my MK7.2 ext2 system on a second hard drive
set as master on the secondary IDE controller?

My goal is to get a convenient, speedy way to backup my Linux
system so I will be less hesitant to try modifying it for my
special needs.

Could I get this convenience by splitting the second hard drive
(devoted to Linux) into an experimental partition and a backup
partition?  Would the dd command allow a complete restore of
a saved backup, to the experimantal partition, without a lot of
manual intervention?

Thanks for any suggestions.

Re: [newbie] Can't access CD drives - even as root

2001-03-13 Per discussione angry

I've experienced this problem too, In my case, i had the devices mounted as
supermount filesystem when there was no media in the drives i would get
similar errors, however putting media in them did the trick.  also got the
same type of errors with blank cd's.  since you brought up that you have a
4802TE, may I ask if it is working under linux ?

root wrote:

 Here's a funny thing!

 Whenever I try to access either of my CD drives, whether as root or
 user, I am refused access.

 Using Konqueror, I get the message: "Unableto enter file:/mnt/cdrom. You
 do not have access rights to this location." - if root doesn't have
 access, who does?  My CD drives are shown under /mnt with little
 padlocks on them.

 Using a terminal command: ls /mnt/cdrom, I get the message "Input/output

 The only way I have ever been able to get round it is to boot from a
 floppy rather than LILO - this is a hassle.

 If anyone has encountered and solved this problem, I would be grateful
 for guidance.

 I am running Mandrake 7.2 (never had this problem with 7.1) and my
 drives are a Mitsumi 4802TE (re-writable) and Samsung SCR232

 Graham Watkins

Re: [newbie] Installed ppp daemon

2001-03-13 Per discussione Michael Scottaline


 Well, managed on my own to install the missing pppd all by myself. I have to
 say that normally I would be proud of figuring it out myself if it weren't
 for the fact it took forever. The help files was as useful as a MS help
 Anyway now my problem is that Linux cannot communicate with my modem. It
 "sees" it but can't talk in order to set up my Internet account. For some
 reason through DrakeHard or if I have that backwards. Can't work with it
 because its a winmodem. As I understand it a winmodem is software based
 right? I have a CreativeLabs Modem Blaster flash56 PCI. It is also listed as
 HCFMODEM. What is it I am missing and do I need to download something. 
HFC modem is a winmodem.  Only a very small handful of these cheapies have had 
workable drivers written for them in linux, usually because manufactures do not 
cooperate and force willing developer to do considerable reverse engineering to get 
them to work.  You can check the "linmodem" site to see if yours is supported, or (my 
advice) buy a decent external modem.  Even when winmodems to work, they are using 
processor cycles to do the job of real modem hardware.
Just my $0.02,
"Many loads of beer were brought. What disorder, whoring, fighting, killing, and 
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--Baltasar Rusow, Estonia, 16th century
Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at

Re: [newbie] Time Space

2001-03-13 Per discussione s

Then there are the new subscribers that don't have the original on disc or 
those of us who don't want to or wouldn't be practical to search through the 
list to find the original in the over 7000 messages currently in 
newbie@linux-mandrake.  All attempts to standardize this list meet with 
profuse resistance, where it is not futile, as evidenced by the fact that 
it never gets implimented.  But thank you for your thoughts and you have a 
real nice day.

snipped to save Gerry's hdd

[newbie] (Newbie) Printer for Linux

2001-03-13 Per discussione marcia

Dear All, I am thinking of purchasing a printer and I wonder if the
Lexmark Z52 jetprinter works well with Linux. Has anyone used this one
with Linux? Thanks for your help. Sincerely, Marcia

[newbie] Kernel-2.4-2 vs VMware

2001-03-13 Per discussione Lúcio Costa

Hi Folks !!!

I have some problems with VMware and a new kernel-2.4.2.
I install VMware under kernel-2.3.17 and it's OK, but when I update it to
VMware stop run.

So, I restart the old kernel and everything alright.
To compile the kernel-2.4.2 I use the packages:

The error message says  the kernel-modules are
missing...  (something like this !!!)

what I can do ???

Lúcio Costa.

Re: [newbie] installation, rights uninstall 101

2001-03-13 Per discussione North Lilly

Andrei Raevsky wrote:
Being a genuine newbie (defecting from MS) I have
five basic questions:
1) do I need root rights to install programs? I suppose that it
depends on
the path of installation - but I am unsure as to how to specify them.
programs when installed seem to "choose" their paths. I was told
that it is
dangerous to log on as root - hence I would like to find a way to make
my installations logged as a user and not as a root.
Don't be that afraid to carry out functions as root. Most prepackaged
apps (RPM's and the like) infact expect the installer to be root.
The suggestions against using root as the default login are simply
to reduce the chance of deleting or altering critical files by accident.
If you are concerned, login as root only when installing :-)
On the other hand, there ARE apps which can be installed happily as
a standard user. Star Office, will allow this, as will many other
apps. The only caveat is that you will have to place the files in
a location that the user has write access to...

2) how can I check the rights of a user?
ls -la|more will display the file permissions of any directory your
user has access to. It will display something akin to this:

-rw-r--r-- 1 nlilly grounlil
607 Mar 8 17:32 directions.txt
drwx-- 2 nlilly grounlil
1024 Jan 26 16:12 diskhog
drwxr-xr-x 3 nlilly nlilly
1024 Mar 26 2000 djpim-1.02
drwxr-xr-x 2 nlilly grounlil
1024 Jan 20 01:35 england
drwxr-xr-x 4 nlilly nlilly
1024 May 25 2000 gossip
-rw-r--r-- 1 nlilly grounlil 104095
Feb 9 10:57 libstdc++-2.95.2-7mdk.i586.rpm
drwx-- 2 nlilly nlilly
1024 Apr 27 2000 mail
The string of letters and dashes provides the information you seek.
For example: -rw-r--r-- 1 nlilly
grounlil 607 Mar 8 17:32 directions.txt
says that the owner nlilly has rw- (read and write but not execute)
permissions, groundlil has r-- (only read) and everyone else has r--.
Form more information on this read the ls manual (type "man ls" at
a command prompt).

3) how do I check the status of a variable? for example, I can set
"history=220" - but do I check the status of history
type "env|more" at a command prompt.

4)how do you do an "uninstall" of an installed software. How
do I know
where all the files were installed?
That depends. If the app was installed by using an RPM, then as root,
typing "rpm -e the rpm name>" will remove it. If the file was
directly compiled and installed, then refer to the config file of the src.
Poring through it will generally tell you what was installed and where.

last question:
some programs are started by the command ./nameoftheprogram
"./" is what is called a relative reference referring to the directory
that the prompt is in.
Applications, when lauched, must be explicitly identified. If
the app is found in a directory that is already in your user's search path
(for example the /usr/bin directory ) then just typing the name of the
app will launch it. If, however, the app is in some other location
(for example the home directory of the user) then you have to provide the
path to the app. There are 2 ways to do this: absolute referencing
and relative referencing. Absolute referencing states the path to
the app from the root of the system (eg. "/home/toulon/.august/August"
). Relative references only describe the path from the directory
that the command prompt presently resides in. If, for example, the
command terminal window has just been opened, the command prompt will reside
in the home directory of the user. If the app to be launched also
can be found there, then the relative path would be "./the app name>"

what does this mean? were can I find help on the ./ command?
many thanks!
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

North Lilly
Lan Administrator
School of Library and Information Science
Kent State University

 The Goddess is Alive and
 Magic is Afoot! 

Re: [newbie] Can't Access CD Drives - even as root

2001-03-13 Per discussione Matt Harrison

Well, don't know if this applies, and I don't want or intend to insult your 
intelligence as related to linux, as I am a complete newbie, but I know my cd 
drives do that if the disc doesn't have any relation to linux whatsoever.  
Try mounting it with one of the linux cd's in the drive.  Hope this helps.


On Tuesday 13 March 2001 11:10, you wrote:
 Here's a funny thing!

 Whenever I try to access either of my CD drives, whether as root or
 user, I am refused access.

 Using Konqueror, I get the message: "Unableto enter file:/mnt/cdrom. You
 do not have access rights to this location." - if root doesn't have
 access, who does?  My CD drives are shown under /mnt with little
 padlocks on them.

 Using a terminal command: ls /mnt/cdrom, I get the message "Input/output

 The only way I have ever been able to get round it is to boot from a
 floppy rather than LILO - this is a hassle.

 If anyone has encountered and solved this problem, I would be grateful
 for guidance.

 I am running Mandrake 7.2 (never had this problem with 7.1) and my
 drives are a Mitsumi 4802TE (re-writable) and Samsung SCR232

[newbie] RPM Packages

2001-03-13 Per discussione Akshay Lamba

I am trying to install an RPM package on Mandrake 
Linux 7.0 and the error it gives is that this RPM is onnly for major packages 
=3. How do i install the package?


Re: [newbie] bash and fc

2001-03-13 Per discussione s

You probably don't want to do that cause ESC is used when in vi to change 
modes in preparation for saving and exiting.  One usually 'turns on' vi by 
typing  "vi the file you want to edit or the new file you want to create".  
Then type an "a" to change it to insert mode (or what I think of as edit 
mode).  Do your thing.  Then esc : w (to save) q (to quit).  This is what's 
considered normal I suppose.  That's all esc will do for me, and j  k scroll 
through the file, just as the arrow keys do.  Also, I wouldn't be messing 
around in that .bashrc file too much.  HTHS.
On Tuesday 13 March 2001 10:30 am, you wrote:

 I have Mandrake 7.2 installed, using the Gnome interface (although my
 problem also exists with KDE) but pledge no allegence, and cannot get the
 'normal' fc behavior to work.  By normal, I mean: when pressing the ESC
 key, it should enter the vi editing mode and allow j / k to scroll through
 the command history.  It does not.

 in my .bashrc file in my login directory, I have:

 set -o vi

 export FCEDIT=/bin/vi

 is there something that I need to put in my .inputrc file so that the ESC
 will 'invoke' vi ?

 Thanks for any help!

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 from things she found in gift shops."

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Re: [newbie] lilo/grub problem

2001-03-13 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

Jamie M. Dyer wrote:
 I have got a problem with the lilo boot loader, It was
 working fine up untill I changed some of the settings using
 the mandrake config tools. I removed some old options that
 I did not use and changed the delay time. After I did this
 I rebooted and instead of the lilo screen I got this 'L1 01
 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01. etc. etc.' this goes on
 untill you reboot.

  I run a triple boot system with win2000 win98 an linux
 mandrake 7.2, win2000 and win98 are on the first partition
 of the first hard disk and linux is on the first partition
 of the second hard disk. I have managed to get back the MBR
 by copying the system files from a win98 boot disk, then
 fdisk /mbr I then had to insert the win2000 cd while in
 win98 and run setup to get the win2000 boot menu back. I
 have added linux to the win 2000 boot menu and moved lilo
 from the mbr to the second hard disk. Now when I choose
 linux on the boot menu I get the 'L1 01 01 01 01...' thing,
 does anyone know how I can get lilo to start working
 propperly, at the moment I'm having to use a boot floppy.

 Thank you


JamieDyou need to boot Linux with your boot floppy (made 
during installation) edit (as root) the first line of your 
/etc/lilo.conf file to read:


where X is the number of the partition on hdb (hdb is your 
second IDE hard drive) where the Linux kernal resides.  If 
you have a seperate /boot partition then X is the number of 
the /boot partition, if not then X is the number of the / 
partition.  Your win2000 boot menu entry must also point at 
this partition.  Then save the /etc/lilo.conf file and at a 
console prompt (as root) type:

/sbin/lilo -v

Re: [newbie] Does your update and installer freeze mdk7.2?

2001-03-13 Per discussione s

Well, my rpmdrake doesn't work anymore after installing kde2.1.  The updater 
still functions properly.  I didn't have any trouble out of either with the 

On Monday 12 March 2001 02:32 pm, you wrote:
 Hi everybody,

 Lately, whenever I try to install a package, the installation causes my
 drive to whir away. Then, the desktop freezes. Has any one experienced
 this with mdk7.2? This is after I installed KDE2.1 beta 2.

Re: [newbie] Security Issues

2001-03-13 Per discussione Randy Meyer

Andrew wrote:
 Does anyone know of a good utility program to use in order to test
 security on a Linux box?

[newbie] Need help with SoundStudio PLEASE RESPOND!!!

2001-03-13 Per discussione Vic

I can't get soundstudio to work, all versions are useless and broken,
one says:
[ntr@kittypuss ntr]$ studio
Error in startup script: couldn't read file 
"/home/lenny/rpm/BUILD/SoundStudio/": no such file or directory
while executing
"source $MYFILES/
(file "/usr/bin/studio" line 33)
[ntr@kittypuss ntr]$ studio
Error in startup script: couldn't read file 
"/home/lenny/rpm/BUILD/SoundStudio/": no such file or directory
while executing
"source $MYFILES/
(file "/usr/bin/studio" line 33)
[ntr@kittypuss ntr]$

and another will not save what you recorded, 

What can I do?

I require a soundfile editor that is NOT in beta or
has poopy quality.

[newbie] Web Cam III

2001-03-13 Per discussione Lúcio Costa

Does anyone know how can I use the Creative Web Can III
(USB) in Mandrake Linux 7.2 ?

I don't have any articles or programs, can You send me any Links 

Thanks !!!

Lúcio Costa. 

Re: [newbie] Can't Access CD Drives - even as root

2001-03-13 Per discussione -

Try this as root in terminal mode:

Type in as one line:  (make sure spacing is correctmake sure you have the
semicolons and the "s

alias  CD+="mount  -t  iso9660  /dev/cdrom  /mnt/cdrom;  cd  /mnt/cdrom;  ls
-aF  --color=auto"

also type:

alias  CD-="cd;  /mnt/cdrom"
(That's  CD-)

Be sure you have a CD in the   #1  tray.  Type:  CD+

You should see the contents of the CD

now  type in CD-
( You can't remove the CD until you execute CD-  )

You can check your other CD (#2) by making  aliases  for  CD2+  and CD2-
substitute cdrom2for  cdrom

If you're satisfied with the results.  put these commands verbatim
in/etc/bashrc  then restart your computer.  You'll be able to access
any CD.   with  CD+  ( or  CD2+ )  and  restore with  CD-  (or CD2-)

Please let me know direct if this worked for you.

I'm just a newbie too but I stayed at the Holiday Inn once.

Matt Harrison wrote:

 Well, don't know if this applies, and I don't want or intend to insult your
 intelligence as related to linux, as I am a complete newbie, but I know my cd
 drives do that if the disc doesn't have any relation to linux whatsoever.
 Try mounting it with one of the linux cd's in the drive.  Hope this helps.


 On Tuesday 13 March 2001 11:10, you wrote:
  Here's a funny thing!
  Whenever I try to access either of my CD drives, whether as root or
  user, I am refused access.
  Using Konqueror, I get the message: "Unableto enter file:/mnt/cdrom. You
  do not have access rights to this location." - if root doesn't have
  access, who does?  My CD drives are shown under /mnt with little
  padlocks on them.
  Using a terminal command: ls /mnt/cdrom, I get the message "Input/output
  The only way I have ever been able to get round it is to boot from a
  floppy rather than LILO - this is a hassle.
  If anyone has encountered and solved this problem, I would be grateful
  for guidance.
  I am running Mandrake 7.2 (never had this problem with 7.1) and my
  drives are a Mitsumi 4802TE (re-writable) and Samsung SCR232

Re: [newbie] MS Outlook

2001-03-13 Per discussione John Murphy

On Tuesday 13 March 2001 02:54, you wrote:

 To the best of my knowledge, I don't think you can
 migrate your Outlook email easily to Linux.
 Outlook uses very proprietary format. Outlook
 Express is actually the lesser of the 2 evil in
 terms of mailbox compatibility.

A quick search brought a few from freshmeat I'm sure they are a lot more 

 Converts Outlook Express .mbx files into standard RFC822 mail files.

 Library for importing Outlook Express 5 mailboxes.

A mail converter from OutLook Express to NS Communicator.
 Convert MS Outlook Caledar to Ical (.calendar)

 Dawn, The Address Manager
 E-mail address book converter.


Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want, but the
realization of how much you already have.

[newbie] SoundStudio, sox, useless, need better sound file editor

2001-03-13 Per discussione Vic, sourceforce, (screw typos)
google, all show nothing, pelase help

Re: [newbie] Backup needed

2001-03-13 Per discussione Andrew Lazarewicz

** Reply to message from Don Mayhew [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Tue, 13 Mar 2001
10:26:36 -0800

I believe that Windows can't see an ext2 partition, but a Linux partions can
see the Windows partition.  I have the same issue with OS/2 and Linux, so I
simply back up both through Linux.  - Andy

Re: [newbie] Can't Access CD Drives - even as root

2001-03-13 Per discussione -

Sorry about the garble in my previous message---here's a better version,
I hope.
Again, use care with the spacing---single space

alias  CD+="mount  -t  iso9660  /dev/cdrom  /mnt/cdrom; cd  /mnt/cdrom;
ls  -aF  --color=auto"

Re: [newbie] Web Cam III

2001-03-13 Per discussione KompuKit   look at the menu on left

Lcio Costa wrote:
 Does anyone know how can I use the Creative Web Can III (USB) in
 Mandrake Linux 7.2 ?
 I don't have any articles or programs, can You send me any Links ???
 Thanks !!!
 Lcio Costa.

Registered Linux User: 167369
= =
Personal WebServer:
(Personal Server runs: M-F= 7pm-12am  S+S=12pm-12am)

RE: [newbie] Can't Access CD Drives - even as root

2001-03-13 Per discussione Andris Maziks

At first if you want to use your CDRW you should enable scsi emulation,
which can be done by putting the following lines in your LILO config file:
append hdc=ide-scsi , if your CDRW drive is connected as Secundary Master
,don't forget after this rerun lilo , and take a look at /dev/cdrom to see
references to real devices as example dev/cdrom - scd0 or dev/cdrom - hdc
Of course you can run HardDrake and go to cdrom section to refer how your
drives is recognized  - normally should be two entries for CDRW one as hdc
device and one as scd0 device.
Hope this helps.

Kind regards


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Matt Harrison
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 8:11 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Can't Access CD Drives - even as root

Well, don't know if this applies, and I don't want or intend to insult your
intelligence as related to linux, as I am a complete newbie, but I know my
drives do that if the disc doesn't have any relation to linux whatsoever.
Try mounting it with one of the linux cd's in the drive.  Hope this helps.


On Tuesday 13 March 2001 11:10, you wrote:
 Here's a funny thing!

 Whenever I try to access either of my CD drives, whether as root or
 user, I am refused access.

 Using Konqueror, I get the message: "Unableto enter file:/mnt/cdrom. You
 do not have access rights to this location." - if root doesn't have
 access, who does?  My CD drives are shown under /mnt with little
 padlocks on them.

 Using a terminal command: ls /mnt/cdrom, I get the message "Input/output

 The only way I have ever been able to get round it is to boot from a
 floppy rather than LILO - this is a hassle.

 If anyone has encountered and solved this problem, I would be grateful
 for guidance.

 I am running Mandrake 7.2 (never had this problem with 7.1) and my
 drives are a Mitsumi 4802TE (re-writable) and Samsung SCR232

Re: [newbie] Can't Access CD Drives - even as root

2001-03-13 Per discussione North Lilly

What do the /etc/fstab and /etc/mtab files look like? My first guess
would be that the system has been set up to expect a file system type other
than what you are trying to mount (ie. it's expecting a linux disk and
you are trying to mount an ISO9660 CD). I've seen this happen occasionally
when the system attempted to use the "supermount" protocols. The
second thing that comes mind is that the wrong drivers are being used for
your CD roms.
Both of these could cause the errors you are reporting.
In order to test the first possibility :
from a shell type the following command as root (onece you've inserted
a windows CD): mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom. If
it is simply a matter of the wrong file type, this will successfully mount
the windows disk.
Matt Harrison wrote:
Well, don't know if this applies, and I don't want
or intend to insult your
intelligence as related to linux, as I am a complete newbie, but I
know my cd
drives do that if the disc doesn't have any relation to linux whatsoever.
Try mounting it with one of the linux cd's in the drive. Hope
this helps.
On Tuesday 13 March 2001 11:10, you wrote:
> Here's a funny thing!
> Whenever I try to access either of my CD drives, whether as root
> user, I am refused access.
> Using Konqueror, I get the message: "Unableto enter file:/mnt/cdrom.
> do not have access rights to this location." - if root doesn't have
> access, who does? My CD drives are shown under /mnt with little
> padlocks on them.
> Using a terminal command: ls /mnt/cdrom, I get the message "Input/output
> error".
> The only way I have ever been able to get round it is to boot from
> floppy rather than LILO - this is a hassle.
> If anyone has encountered and solved this problem, I would be grateful
> for guidance.
> I am running Mandrake 7.2 (never had this problem with 7.1) and my
> drives are a Mitsumi 4802TE (re-writable) and Samsung SCR232

North Lilly
Lan Administrator
School of Library and Information Science
Kent State University

 The Goddess is Alive and
 Magic is Afoot! 

[newbie] OT Check this out

2001-03-13 Per discussione Julio Gutierrez


Hi all,

One of the quieter Microsoft policies that spurred newfound interest
recently is Windows source-code licensing. Despite news reports, which
at least partially blame the popularity of open-source OS Linux for this
development, Microsoft tells me that it has been giving out the Windows
source code for years. And although the company has indeed expanded the
program in recent months, the move has absolutely nothing to do with
Linux or any other open-source project. After speaking with Microsoft
about this matter, I have to wonder: Why would a typical customer even
want the Windows source code?

Steve Lipner, lead program manager for Microsoft's .NET Server Marketing
Group explained the situation. "I'm not sure that everyone knows this,
but Microsoft has licensed the Windows source code to large OEMs and
academic and research institutions for a number of years, dating back to
before the development of Windows NT. OEM licensing lets our partners
adapt Windows to their platforms. Microsoft provides research and
academic licensing for a variety of research and experimental

In the enterprise market that Microsoft is now chasing, corporations
have been licensing OS source code for some time; companies such as IBM
and Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC, now part of Compaq) have always
given their largest customers OS source code. The reasons are practical:
Large enterprises require OS source code to help them develop and tune
applications for particular platforms. As Microsoft's OS products have
moved into the higher-end enterprise markets, Microsoft has increasingly
heard from customers that Windows source-code access would help them
debug their own applications.

"In the interest of meeting this need," Lipner told me, "Microsoft
started to explore its options about a year ago. Six months ago, a pilot
program, which eventually grew to include about 12 customers in the
United States, was begun to provide them with the Windows source code.
Because [the program] was a success and customers found that access
valuable, we are now rolling out the Enterprise Source Licensing Program
in the United States. And we're planning to do pilot programs and
rollouts in other geographies where we have major customers. The program
itself will be open to 1000 major customers. We expect some customers
will want it and others won't. When we're done, Microsoft will have
hundreds of licensed customers in the United States."

Access to the Windows source code comes at a price, of course. Customers
will have to sign extremely restrictive contracts, and they won't be
able to modify the source code or create modified versions of Windows.
The company says the reason is obvious: Microsoft doesn't want to see
multiple versions of Windows out there. "We believe it's in our
customer's best interests--and ours--to have a standard, stable
platform," Lipner said.

One barrier to the source code is its size. The Enterprise Source
Licensing Program provides select customers with the source code to all
editions of Windows 2000, all Win2K service packs, and beta versions of
Windows XP. Although Microsoft isn't talking, estimates place the amount
of code in Win2K at 30 million lines, so the company is unlikely to ever
open the source code up to a wider audience because only the largest
companies have the facilities and technical staff to use the source
code. "One of the biggest benefits is that for debugging, developers can
set break points in the OS," Lipner said. Break points will help them
determine where problems occur and get applications to market quicker.

One tidbit surprised me: Microsoft isn't setting up a formal
bug-reporting process for these companies to use when they find bugs in
the OS. Instead, bug reports will go through regular support channels.
In fact, it was this decision that led to the publicity about the
licensing program: When Microsoft had to alert its distributed support
infrastructure to expect bug reports that might relate to Windows source
code, the company realized that news of the source-code distribution
would get out--and chose to proactively discuss the program with the

Finally, Lipner was quick to point out that Linux and other open-source
software projects had absolutely nothing to do with the decision to
expand Windows source-code licensing. "This program is an attempt to
meet the needs of our customers, period," he said. "We're not doing this
in reaction to Linux or anything else, any more than DEC's licensing of
VMS [a decade ago] was in response to Linux. It's just something that
our enterprise customers expect."

Although Microsoft isn't revealing the names of the corporations,
financial institutions, and educational and research institutions that
have licensed the Windows source code, it wouldn't be hard to guess who
some of them are. But should Microsoft open up this code to all business
customers? And shouldn't formal bug reporting be part of 

Re: [newbie] Does your update and installer freeze mdk7.2?

2001-03-13 Per discussione Romanator

s wrote:
 Well, my rpmdrake doesn't work anymore after installing kde2.1.  The updater
 still functions properly.  I didn't have any trouble out of either with the
 On Monday 12 March 2001 02:32 pm, you wrote:
  Hi everybody,
  Lately, whenever I try to install a package, the installation causes my
  drive to whir away. Then, the desktop freezes. Has any one experienced
  this with mdk7.2? This is after I installed KDE2.1 beta 2.

I hope it's not too late but I would recommend sticking with KDE2.1 beta
2 until Version 8 is released.
Do you still have copies of the rpms?


Re: [newbie] Can't access CD drives - even as root

2001-03-13 Per discussione Andrew Lazarewicz

** Reply to message from root [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Tue, 13 Mar 2001
16:12:54 +

A couple of things to look at:

1.  Whatever account mounted the CD should also unmount the CD.  Logical right?
Not quite, because it doesn't always work.

2.  Go in as root to your device and mount points and check that you indeed
have read/write permissions set properly -- that means they should be enabled
(checked) for whoever uses the drive.  As I had trouble with this, I just gave
everyone that right.

3.  Go to your CD icon on the desktop, or in your directory.  Right click on
the icon -- does the word "mount" or "unmount" show up in the menu?  If yes,
then you should be able to click it.  If not, then you have the wrong device /
mount point attached to your icon.  Here I get fuzzy, because this is where I
had the most trouble and am not sure (yet) what got me out.  If neither "mount"
nor "unmount" shows up on the file menu, delete the icon from the desktop.  Go
to HardDrak under filesystems and see if the CD is visible there.  If it is,
then play with the settings until it works.  If it's not, then go to /dev/### (I
don't know the device name for your CD, and try to copy that to the desktop.
Click on that and work with the properties. 

The trick is to get the "mount" and "unmount" show up when you right click the

Hope this helps -- sorry about the fuzziness of (3), but I am somewhat
uncertain about this.

Thanks!  -Andy

Re: [newbie] RPM Packages

2001-03-13 Per discussione Dale Kosan

Sounds like the rpm you are trying to install is 
made for version 4 of the rpm program.I do not think it will work but someone 
else might be able to help better than I.Good luck...

Dale Kosan