[newbie-it] Cercasi consigli per gli acquisti

2001-07-19 Per discussione CaMiX

Ciao a todos.
Qualcuno potrebbe consigliarmi un buon libro su cui apprendere seriamente il 
funzionamento di Linux? Avrei bisogno di qualcosa che parta proprio dalle 
basi ma che non si fermi a quelle. Mi spiego: ora non so molto di Linux, ma 
vorrei conoscerlo in maniera piuttosto approfondita, non solo per passione 
personale, ma anche per il mio futuro lavorativo di ing. informatico (ammesso 
che riesca a laurearmi...). Penso sia più facile trovare libri specifici per 
diversi target (newbie, medium, hard ;-), ma se volessi partire praticamente 
da zero (o quasi) e arrivare a una buona conoscenza? Sarei anche disposto 
all'acquisto di 2 libri (non contemporaneamente... troppe palanche :-), ma ne 
preferirei uno solo completo.
Accetto numerosi consigli.


P.S. Se non chiedo troppo, potreste sinteticamente dirmi pregi e diffetti di 
eventuali libri segnalati? Scusate se rompo in questo modo... ma il pinguino 
lo voglio capire...

[newbie-it] Ancora una cosa su Konq

2001-07-19 Per discussione CaMiX

Scusate, ancora una cosa: ma voi con Konqueror li vedete gli accenti e le 
virgole? Perché io vedo solo punti interrogativi... Devo installare qualche 
pacchetto particolare? Cmq personalmete trovo migliore Opera, solo che non lo 
uso per via del fastidioso e invadente banner... (avevo un certo serial per 
winopera ma...)


Re: [newbie-it] Comandi AT per cellulari

2001-07-19 Per discussione CyberDevil

 Aiutoo.lo sono che non centra molto con questo newsgroup, ma devo 
costruire un programma, per pilotare un cellulare attraverso un collegamento seriale. 
So che i cellulari vengono comandati con i comandi AT come per il modem, ma vorrei 
trovare una maggiore quantità di informazioni e reference.
 Spero tanto che qualcuno di voi mi possa aiutare ad esempio indicandomi un sito o un 

Il mio 7110 ha una serie di comandi at, cerca sul sito nokia, trovi
qualcosa di sicuro


Re: [newbie-it] nvidia driver

2001-07-19 Per discussione Gigi

il primo consiglio e' di scaricare dal sito della
nvidia i src.rpm e compilare quelli in con il comando
rpm --rebuild per ottenere un pacchetto rpm per la tua
mdk, nel caso tu avessi un altro kernel installato.
Ti sara' cosi' piu' semplice disinsallarli quando
vorrai farlo.
Altrimenti puoi scaricare direttamente i drivers gia'
compilati per la mdk 8.0
Se proprio vuoi compilare i sorgentiecco come devi
controlla di avere installato, e in caso contrario
fallo, i sorgenti del kernel nella dir /usr/src
se e' cosi', dopo aver dato tar xvfz e aver dato il
comando cd /Nvidiablabla dai il comando make per il
pacchetto GLX prima.
Non dovresti avere problemi.
Dopo fai lo stesso per l'archivio NVIDIA_kernelXXX ma
dai questo comando:
make SYSINCLUDE=/usr/src/linux/include
in questo modo l'archivio viene compilato per i tuoi
il resto della procedura e' lo stesso.
ricordati di editare il file /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
altrimenti il tuo sidtema non usera' i drivers .

 --- bellotti [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: 
Ho un problema con l'installazione dei driver nvidia
 , quando tento di
 compilare i sorgenti mi da il seguente errore :
 /usr/include/linux/modversions.h:1:2: #error Modules
 should never use
 Kernel-headers system hearders,
 /usr/include/linux/modeversions.h:1:2: #error but
 from headers from an
 appropriate Kernel-source
 make:***[nv.o] Error 1
 siccome non sono molto esperto come mi devo
 comportare la versione dei
 driver sono 1.0 , ho cercato di seguire le
 istruzioni di Linuxc ma mi
 sono fermto al comando make install.
 Se qualcuno potesse aiutarmi glie ne sarei grato .
 Ciao Lele

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[newbie-it] permessi come utente

2001-07-19 Per discussione mario

Salve, ho da poco installato mdk 8.0 e ho configurato oltre a root un'altro 
utente.So che quest'ultimo non ha tuuti i privilegi come su ma vorrei avere 
la possibilità di visionare i cdrom.
Posso vedere la cartelle contenute nel cdrom, ma mi viene negato, l'accesso 
ai file ! come posso fare?

[newbie-it] Problema Xfree 4.10 e Mandrake8

2001-07-19 Per discussione Francesco Aldrovandi

Ho provato ad installare il mandrakefreq2 che contiene il nuovo xfree, ma
non mi riconosce l'usb dell'asus cusl2 (e quindi nemmeno il mouse).
Ho provato quindi da Mandrake8 ad installare solo i pacchetti delle xfree
come aggiornamento e anche in questo caso al riavvio non viene più
riconosciuto l'usb, mentre xfree risulta installata correttamente (da
control center si rileva xfree4.10 installata). Inoltre Aurora non riesce a
chiudersi correttamente non rilevando più le periferiche usb.
Qualcuno di voi sa come potrei risistemare la cosa (oltre che a reinstallare
la mdk8)?

Francesco Aldrovandi

Re: [newbie-it] Comandi AT per cellulari

2001-07-19 Per discussione Brunini Alessandro

Il 14:00, giovedì 19 luglio 2001, hai scritto:
 Aiutoo.lo sono che non centra molto con questo newsgroup, ma
 devo costruire un programma, per pilotare un cellulare attraverso un
 collegamento seriale. So che i cellulari vengono comandati con i comandi AT
 come per il modem, ma vorrei trovare una maggiore quantità di informazioni
 e reference.

 Spero tanto che qualcuno di voi mi possa aiutare ad esempio indicandomi un
 sito o un newsgroup.

 Ciao e grazie ancora

 W Linux forever!!!

 Tosato Diego

Sei vagamente OT.
Ti consiglio di frequentare il Newsgroup it.comp.os.linux.iniziare
Ciao cara.

[newbie-it] nvidia driver

2001-07-19 Per discussione bellotti

Ho un problema con l'installazione dei driver nvidia , quando tento di
compilare i sorgenti mi da il seguente errore :

/usr/include/linux/modversions.h:1:2: #error Modules should never use
Kernel-headers system hearders,
/usr/include/linux/modeversions.h:1:2: #error but from headers from an
appropriate Kernel-source
make:***[nv.o] Error 1

siccome non sono molto esperto come mi devo comportare la versione dei
driver sono 1.0 , ho cercato di seguire le istruzioni di Linuxc ma mi
sono fermto al comando make install.
Se qualcuno potesse aiutarmi glie ne sarei grato . Grazie

Ciao Lele

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Re: [newbie] Sound Card

2001-07-19 Per discussione L.V.Gandhi

check  whether sound modules are loaded by cat /proc/modules as root.
if it is there check mixer settings by default alsa is mute.

On July 19, 2001 07:48 am, Paul wrote:
 It was Thu, 19 Jul 2001 01:43:15 +0530 when Alwan Sadagopan wrote:

 Very strange. Sounds like a problem in IRQ's, when a soundcard hangs up a
 See what cat /proc/interrupts shows, perhaps there is something in it that
 tells more. Shared IRQs are possible, but not all systems/cards like it


 Nope i get no sounds in the wav files also. I use an C8738 sound card
 from cmedia. During installation this was auto detected.
 I recently installed Linux Mandrake 8.0. I am unable to play mp3 music.
 When i launch the XMMS window and submit a MP3 file for play the system
 hangs (No response, Key board and the mouse become non functional),  Any
 suggestion to get XMMS stuff going???

 Learning without thought is labor lost;
 thought without learning is perilous.

 http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
  Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.1
 ** http://www.care2.com - when you care **

203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
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[EMAIL PROTECTED],  [EMAIL PROTECTED] linux user No.205042

Re: [newbie] microsoft hassling Aussie Charity. - original press release included

2001-07-19 Per discussione Charles Oriez

At 11:34 PM 7/19/01 +1000, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
On Thu, 19 Jul 2001 22:27, Charles Oriez wrote:

  so it is.  I went back and looked.  It is in Geelong, with seems to be near
  Melbourne in Victoria.  Can't get any further south than that without
  ending up in Tasmania.  The LUG I sent a note to was
  http://www.linuxsa.org.au/ They're in Adelaide.

Sorry, I don't mean to be picky but Geelong has nothing to do with the
charity or with Fairfax. Adelaide is in the state of South Australia, which
is next to Victoria, where Melbourne and Geelong are. The Register's article
simply mentions that the charity is in South Australia. Chances are that it
is in Adelaide, South Australia's capital and largest city. Fairfax is a
national publisher, with its largest offices in Sydney (Australia's largest
city, in the state of New South Wales) and Melbourne (Australia's
second-largest city, in Victoria).

BTW, I live in Sydney :-)

I rechecked the original story, and the charity was very definitely named 
as PCs for Kids.  No phone listing in Adelaide.  Phone listing in 
Victoria at 151 High Street, Belmont.  Wilkins Tourist Maps online map of 
Geelong, and the Australian white pages database, says Belmont is within 
Geelong.  They also have a web page at http://www.pcsforkids.org  E-mail 
contact is mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I dropped them a note, and got a copy of their original press release 
almost immediately:


Direct actions by Microsoft in Australia have forced Australia's largest 
Computer Refurbishing Charity down on its knees.

Pc's for Kids Inc, a Geelong based non-profit organisation helping less 
fortunate kids obtain their first home computer, has been installing older 
versions of Microsoft's operating system to aid disadvantaged children.

Founder of Pc's for Kids Colin Bayes visited Microsoft in Sydney after 
being issued with a letter stating this practice of hard loading is a 
breach of Microsoft's copyright. Mr Bayes held meetings to try to obtain 
assistance from Microsoft, which unfortunately fell on deaf ears.

In a letter issued to the charity by Microsoft, Microsoft has agreed that 
no further action would be taken for past loading Microsoft software. But 
this impasse has now meant the distribution of over 400 computers destined 
for children in Australia and East Timor has been suspended.

Mr Bayes is now appealing to the public to rally behind the program. We 
need assistance. He said.
This action by Microsoft and the follow-up communication has placed our 
whole project in jeopardy. If we are unable to obtain the operating 
software it will mean a lot of kids will miss out. We will be forced to 
close our doors.

Over the past two years Pc's for Kids Inc has distributed over 1,000 
computers in Australia and has also assisted in the delivery of computers 
to East Timor and seven other developing countries under the guidance of 
Rotary's Donations In Kind program.

Pc's for Kids Inc has collected over 700 tons in redundant IT equipment and 
performs a full recycling program with assistance from the Federal Govt's 
Work for the Dole scheme. Mr Bayes said he feared donors could now revert 
to sending the old technology back to landfill.
Mr Bayes said his loyal team of caring volunteers have more heart than this 
big multi-national company who have just wiped the smile from many 
children's faces.
We will be sending Mr. Gates some of the letters of disapproval received 
from children when they hear what has happened, Mr Bayes said.

He said the Microsoft Legal Attorney stated in the letter that the charity 
will have to obtain its own operating system and wished Pc's for Kids the 
best of luck. Mr Bayes stated: If a computer has been donated to the 
charity in good faith with its donated operating system, and we reconfigure 
it to ensure a donors files are removed and reload it back with its 
operating system, surely Microsoft could consider the needs of our less 

Press Release Issued By:
Colin Bayes President / Founder (0402) 149719
Pc's for Kids Inc Ph: (03) 52444146 Fax: (03) 52436026
http://www.pcsforkids.org   Enc:
Friday 13 July 2001

Microsoft, Windows, Windows 98, Bugs, Lacking features, IRQ conflicts,
System crashes, Non-functional multitasking, the Y2K problem and the
Blue Screen of Death are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp.,
Redmond, USA.

Re: [newbie] How do I change the refresh rate of my monitor?

2001-07-19 Per discussione Sevatio


To change the Refresh Rate...

Edit the following file:

Look for the Monitor Section: (example below)
Change the values for VertRefresh and HorizSync
Save the file
Log Out and press [Restart X] button


# **
# Monitor section
# **

# Any number of monitor sections may be present

Section Monitor
Identifier Princeton Graphic Systems|Princeton APP520
VendorName Princeton Graphic Systems
ModelName  Unknown

# HorizSync is in kHz unless units are specified.
# HorizSync may be a comma separated list of discrete values, or a
# comma separated list of ranges of values.
HorizSync  60.0

# VertRefresh is in Hz unless units are specified.
# VertRefresh may be a comma separated list of discrete values, or a
# comma separated list of ranges of values.
VertRefresh 56.0-76.0


 Original Message 

On 7/18/01, 1:15:24 PM, Jim Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding 
[newbie] How do I change the refresh rate of my monitor?:

 I don't see an option for this in Mandrake Control
 Center in the X Control.

 Any other way I can do this? The refresh rate should
 be higher for this monitor.

 Thanks in advance if you can help me.


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[newbie] MandrakeSoft to go IPO at the end of the month!!!

2001-07-19 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Yes, you read correctly. MandrakeSoft is going to be listed on the French 
Marché Libre on July 30. Here's a link to the MandrakeForum discussion:


Drop by and have a chat with Yama (me) :-)

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] microsoft hassling Aussie Charity. - original press release included

2001-07-19 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Thu, 19 Jul 2001 23:57, Charles Oriez wrote:
 At 11:34 PM 7/19/01 +1000, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
 On Thu, 19 Jul 2001 22:27, Charles Oriez wrote:
   so it is.  I went back and looked.  It is in Geelong, with seems to be
   near Melbourne in Victoria.  Can't get any further south than that
   without ending up in Tasmania.  The LUG I sent a note to was
   http://www.linuxsa.org.au/ They're in Adelaide.
 Sorry, I don't mean to be picky but Geelong has nothing to do with the
 charity or with Fairfax. Adelaide is in the state of South Australia,
  which is next to Victoria, where Melbourne and Geelong are. The
  Register's article simply mentions that the charity is in South
  Australia. Chances are that it is in Adelaide, South Australia's capital
  and largest city. Fairfax is a national publisher, with its largest
  offices in Sydney (Australia's largest city, in the state of New South
  Wales) and Melbourne (Australia's second-largest city, in Victoria).
 BTW, I live in Sydney :-)

Hmmm... The Register article 
(http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/7/20378.html) is wrong then. My 

 I rechecked the original story, and the charity was very definitely named
 as PCs for Kids.  No phone listing in Adelaide.  Phone listing in
 Victoria at 151 High Street, Belmont.  Wilkins Tourist Maps online map of
 Geelong, and the Australian white pages database, says Belmont is within
 Geelong.  They also have a web page at http://www.pcsforkids.org  E-mail
 contact is mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I dropped them a note, and got a copy of their original press release
 almost immediately:


 Direct actions by Microsoft in Australia have forced Australia's largest
 Computer Refurbishing Charity down on its knees.

 Pc's for Kids Inc, a Geelong based non-profit organisation helping less
 fortunate kids obtain their first home computer, has been installing older
 versions of Microsoft's operating system to aid disadvantaged children.

 Founder of Pc's for Kids Colin Bayes visited Microsoft in Sydney after
 being issued with a letter stating this practice of hard loading is a
 breach of Microsoft's copyright. Mr Bayes held meetings to try to obtain
 assistance from Microsoft, which unfortunately fell on deaf ears.

 In a letter issued to the charity by Microsoft, Microsoft has agreed that
 no further action would be taken for past loading Microsoft software. But
 this impasse has now meant the distribution of over 400 computers destined
 for children in Australia and East Timor has been suspended.

 Mr Bayes is now appealing to the public to rally behind the program. We
 need assistance. He said.
 This action by Microsoft and the follow-up communication has placed our
 whole project in jeopardy. If we are unable to obtain the operating
 software it will mean a lot of kids will miss out. We will be forced to
 close our doors.

I'm sorry, but this statement just makes me mad. It's a whole lot of BS. If 
these people were _really_ concerned about the wellbeing of the needy in 
Australia and East Timor they would have chosen to go with an open source 
solution. By giving M$ products they're just making them depend on M$ 
products forever.

 Over the past two years Pc's for Kids Inc has distributed over 1,000
 computers in Australia and has also assisted in the delivery of computers
 to East Timor and seven other developing countries under the guidance of
 Rotary's Donations In Kind program.

 Pc's for Kids Inc has collected over 700 tons in redundant IT equipment and
 performs a full recycling program with assistance from the Federal Govt's
 Work for the Dole scheme. Mr Bayes said he feared donors could now revert
 to sending the old technology back to landfill.
 Mr Bayes said his loyal team of caring volunteers have more heart than this
 big multi-national company who have just wiped the smile from many
 children's faces.
 We will be sending Mr. Gates some of the letters of disapproval received
 from children when they hear what has happened, Mr Bayes said.

 He said the Microsoft Legal Attorney stated in the letter that the charity
 will have to obtain its own operating system and wished Pc's for Kids the
 best of luck. Mr Bayes stated: If a computer has been donated to the
 charity in good faith with its donated operating system, and we reconfigure
 it to ensure a donors files are removed and reload it back with its
 operating system, surely Microsoft could consider the needs of our less

 Press Release Issued By:
 Colin Bayes President / Founder (0402) 149719
 Pc's for Kids Inc Ph: (03) 52444146 Fax: (03) 52436026
 http://www.pcsforkids.org   Enc:
 Friday 13 July 2001

 Microsoft, Windows, Windows 98, Bugs, Lacking features, IRQ conflicts,
 System crashes, Non-functional multitasking, the Y2K problem and the
 Blue Screen of Death are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp.,
 Redmond, USA.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.

[newbie] Best browser for linux?

2001-07-19 Per discussione Ravi Malghan

Hello: I have Mandrake 8.0 and use the default 
browser Netscape which comes with it.
But this sucks specially on pages where there are 
some applets. I tried installing Netscape
6.0, it works great but crashes very often. 
Does anybody have any suggestion on
which broswer works great?


Re: [newbie] Best browser for linux?

2001-07-19 Per discussione Dave Sherman

Hash: SHA1

Opera 5 for Linux works great for me, although I think Java does not work 


On Thursday 19 July 2001 10:25, thus spake Ravi Malghan:

  Hello: I have Mandrake 8.0 and use the default browser Netscape which
 comes with it. But this sucks specially on pages where there are some
 applets. I tried installing Netscape 6.0, it works great but crashes
 very often.  Does anybody have any suggestion on which broswer works


Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1; name=Attachment: 1
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- -- 
Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecunia possit. (No 
fortification is such that it cannot be subdued with money.)
- - Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


RE: [newbie] Best browser for linux?

2001-07-19 Per discussione Adams, Jamie

Konqueror works fine for me. Its stable, and seems to render pages well.
If you use KDE, the konqueror icon is on your panel.

From:  Ravi Malghan[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:  19 July 2001 16:25
Subject:   [newbie] Best browser for linux?

Hello: I have Mandrake 8.0 and use the default browser Netscape which comes
with it.
But this sucks specially on pages where there are some applets. I tried
installing Netscape
6.0, it works great but crashes very often.  Does anybody have any suggestion
which broswer works great?


This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet
delivered through the MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service. For further
information visit http://www.star.net.uk/stats.asp or alternatively call
Star Internet for details on the Virus Scanning Service.!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC
-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN
META http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
META content=MSHTML 5.50.4522.1800 name=GENERATOR
BODY bgColor=#ff
DIVFONT face=Arial size=2Hello: I have Mandrake 8.0 and use the default 
browser Netscape which comes with it./FONT/DIV
DIVFONT face=Arial size=2But this sucks specially on pages where there
some applets. I tried installing Netscape/FONT/DIV
DIVFONT face=Arial size=26.0, it works great but crashes very
Does anybody have any suggestion on/FONT/DIV
DIVFONT face=Arial size=2which broswer works great?/FONT/DIV
DIVFONT face=Arial size=2/FONTnbsp;/DIV
DIVFONT face=Arial size=2Thanks/FONT/DIV
DIVFONT face=Arial size=2Ravi/FONT/DIV/BODY/HTML

This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star InternetBR
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This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet
delivered through the MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service. For further
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Star Internet for details on the Virus Scanning Service.

Re: [newbie] Best browser for linux?

2001-07-19 Per discussione Miark

My only problem with Konqueror has been with its
rendering of floating tables. Aligned tables,
no problem, but floating--what a mess.

If you're unfamiliar with floating tables, see


And while you're there, lemme know what you think
of my shameless Mandrake/Apache plug at the bottom
made my yours truly ;-) Civileme can tell me if
I need a trademark or copyright do-dad.


- Original Message -
From: Adams, Jamie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Ravi Malghan' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 9:30 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Best browser for linux?

 Konqueror works fine for me. Its stable, and seems to
render pages well.
 If you use KDE, the konqueror icon is on your panel.

 From: Ravi Malghan[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 19 July 2001 16:25
 Subject: [newbie] Best browser for linux?
 Hello: I have Mandrake 8.0 and use the default browser
Netscape which comes
 with it.
 But this sucks specially on pages where there are some
applets. I tried
 installing Netscape
 6.0, it works great but crashes very often.  Does anybody
have any suggestion
 which broswer works great?

 This message has been checked for all known viruses by
Star Internet
 delivered through the MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service.
For further
 information visit http://www.star.net.uk/stats.asp or
alternatively call
 Star Internet for details on the Virus Scanning
 -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN
 META http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html;
 META content=MSHTML 5.50.4522.1800 name=GENERATOR
 BODY bgColor=#ff
 DIVFONT face=Arial size=2Hello: I have Mandrake 8.0
and use the default
 browser Netscape which comes with it./FONT/DIV
 DIVFONT face=Arial size=2But this sucks specially on
pages where there
 some applets. I tried installing Netscape/FONT/DIV
 DIVFONT face=Arial size=26.0, it works great but
crashes very
 Does anybody have any suggestion on/FONT/DIV
 DIVFONT face=Arial size=2which broswer works
 DIVFONT face=Arial size=2/FONTnbsp;/DIV
 DIVFONT face=Arial size=2Thanks/FONT/DIV
 DIVFONT face=Arial

 This message has been checked for all known viruses by
Star InternetBR
 delivered through the MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service.
For furtherBR
 information visit http://www.star.net.uk/stats.asp or
alternatively callBR
 Star Internet for details on the Virus Scanning

 This message has been checked for all known viruses by
Star Internet
 delivered through the MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service.
For further
 information visit http://www.star.net.uk/stats.asp or
alternatively call
 Star Internet for details on the Virus Scanning Service.

Re: [newbie] Update Programs Via Mandrake Update?

2001-07-19 Per discussione Curtis Matthiesen

On Thu, 19 Jul 2001 13:13, Curtis Matthiesen wrote:
  I'm trying to upgrade my CUPS (as well other programs) to the newest
  version anyway, when I use Mandrake Update it fails saying that I 
  have CUPS (or the other programs I'm trying to install) installed.
  Can someone tell me how I can go about doing this, I assume I could do 
  manually by a:
  RPM -Uvh rpmname.rpm

The command rpm is lower case. Otherwise this command is correct.

  But if I could do it via Mandrake Update it'd be much more easier and
  effective for me.

What version on CUPS do you have?

   $ rpm -q cups

Mandrake Update only provides security and critical bug fixes. Chances are
that the newest CUPS version isn't there, or that your chosen update mirror
hasn't been updated yet.

Do you _need_ the latest CUPS version? Remember, if it aint broke, don't 
it :-)

  PS Is this posting in HTML format, if so I'm sorry, Hotmail just changed
  everything and I'm not sure if it is or not, or how I can change it
  permanently to use non-HTML.

Relax, it isn't in HTML :-)

I wouldn't be surprised if M$ made Hotmail HTML-only (and non-standard HTML
at that), just to annoy people who don't use Outlook/Outlook Express. Of
course, it would dramatically increase the load on M$'s Hotmail servers,
which are well-known to be crash-prone (especially the newer ones running 
Win2K and not FreeBSD).

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
   There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
   LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
   -- Jeremy S. Anderson

I forgot to ask if you know why, Mandrake Update does this as it upgrades 
some of the programs 100%, but others it says that they're already installed 
and it doesnt't let me, do you know of a way that I can get it to allow me 
to upgrade the software, as like I said b4 it'd save me a lot of time then 
doing it manually.



Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp

Re: [newbie] Update Programs Via Mandrake Update?

2001-07-19 Per discussione Curtis Matthiesen

Most of the time MandrakeUpdate will work; however, certain programs that
handle regular expressions and pattern-matching DON'T work the same when a
different locale is in place, thanks to newly-implemented POSIX standards.

The resuklt is that the sorting for newer versions fails, seeing the update
as the older version which is why it says that the package is already

Look at fun with regular expressions on www.mandrakeforum.com to get an
idea of the scope of the problem.



I didn't understand a word of that posting at Mandrake Forum, anyway, is 
there a way that this can be fixed or, as like I mentioned above, I like the 
automated way much better.



Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp

Re: [newbie] GeForce2 MX

2001-07-19 Per discussione Dan Ray


On Thursday 19 July 2001 02:17 pm, you wrote:
  Surely somebody's come up against this before. Any hints at which of the
  libs is likely to be the one? Or should I rpm -U NVIDIA_GLX, then refresh
  Mesa, then manually delete all the conflicting components, and reinstall
  NVIDIA_GLX? Any other thoughts or opinions?

 I had these same problems with my Geforce 2 MX and I never have got it to
 work. I am thinking likely because my card is PCI. I could not get it to
 work in win2k either. So  I am leaning towards my system being a little too
 old to handle the card in a decent O/S. I even corresponded with Nvidia for
 about two weeks trying all kinds of stuff and was finally told I don't
 know what else to do, sorry.

Don't say that! :-O

Mine's AGP, and it's in quite a new system (three days old, as a matter 
of fact). I have a great suggestion from 's', which I'm itching to try out 
once I get home and put my hands on the machine. 

So hopefully my luck will be better than yours was. I'll be sure and post any 
successes I have and the steps that led to it!

Dan Ray
Director Custom Applications
Triangle Research, Inc.

[newbie] network thingy

2001-07-19 Per discussione aortiz


I have research for an answered in this matter before, but nothing
to work.

I've been trying to connect my home network.  I have a win95
machine and
a linux mandrake currently running 7.0 (don't ask).

I'vew followed directions in the networking tutorial in mandrake's
site as well as ome linux books i have.  all seems to be right. i
that settings and configuration files look just like in the
and my books. linux machine can ping itself and live IP
that is, if i am connecte to the internet and i ping mandrake's
i get a response. the problem is when i try to ping the win95
machine. I
get no response

all setting are correct
configuration files are correct
cables are new

i am out of ideas as to what the ptoblem is what to do to resolve

Thanks in advance for your help

[newbie] Mount Point

2001-07-19 Per discussione Kevin Fonner

I created a new windows partition on my second harddrive.  I was going 
to use diskdrake to set linux to automatically mount it.  It won let me 
mount it at /mnt/win98.  How do I get linux to automatically mount a new 


Re: [newbie] Mount Point

2001-07-19 Per discussione Paul

It was Thu, 19 Jul 2001 15:08:06 -0400 when Kevin Fonner wrote:

I created a new windows partition on my second harddrive.  I was going 
to use diskdrake to set linux to automatically mount it.  It won let me 
mount it at /mnt/win98.  How do I get linux to automatically mount a new 

Is the first partition already mounted there? If so, you need to umount that
Best is to make a /mnt/win98b and mount it there.


To program is to be.

http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.1
** http://www.care2.com - when you care **

Re: [newbie] Sensors

2001-07-19 Per discussione Kernell32

WOW thanx that was quick i really expected some hacking but nope it worx 
finefinefine! Only gkrellm well i dont like the interface and for some reason 
it doesnt show me the fans (or then im blind ) id like a kde app for it ill 
seek and (hopefully) find... there is klm (wich doesnt work on kde2.2) and 
khealthcare (wich doesnt want to compile either) humh ill seek more. Anyway 
all sensors work and the install was a piece of cake thanks a lot! Good job!

On Thursday 19 July 2001 23:38, civileme wrote:
 On Thursday 19 July 2001 17:33, Kernell32 wrote:
  Hi i was wondering if anyone has managed to get the lm_sensors working in
  Mandrake i saw there are some sensors available in the kernel but what
  progs do you recommend (preferably mdks own packages) to use the sensor
  modules? Im trying to get my temperature and fanspeed sensors working i
  have a ASUS K7M MOBO using a winbond sensor controler.
  So what modules do i need to load and how do i start the whole thing
  (what frontend do i use?)

 gkrellm would be a good frontend.

 You must load lm_utils.  We do not install it by default and we defang the
 KDE functions that would use lm_sensors directly because there is ONE brand
 of notebooks where if you use lm_sensors once, your next act is a factory
 return for a new motherboard.


 Is the package name on the Core System CD


 Is a good place to start for additional applications.


[newbie] Load visor module at boot

2001-07-19 Per discussione Steven Watt


I sync a Handspring Visor (USB interface) with my Linux Mandrake 8.0 
system. Everytime I reboot I have to enter the command

root $ /sbin/modprobe visor

for things to work properly. It's not a big bother, but a bother 

What do I have to do to have the visor module loaded automatically when 
I boot?


Steven Watt
St. John's, NF

Re: [newbie] Load visor module at boot

2001-07-19 Per discussione Paul

It was Thu, 19 Jul 2001 17:08:14 -0230 when Steven Watt wrote:

root $ /sbin/modprobe visor

for things to work properly. It's not a big bother, but a bother 

What do I have to do to have the visor module loaded automatically when 
I boot?

Add it to /etc/rc.d/rc.local and you will be fine.
You need to be root to edit that file.

To program is to be.

http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.1
** http://www.care2.com - when you care **

RE: Re: [newbie] Advice on modem purchase

2001-07-19 Per discussione Michael Scottaline

Sridhar Dhanapalan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


AFAIK, all external modems are hardware modems. Swann appears to be a

respectable brand (although I've never tried one myself), and I believe that

they use Rockwell chipsets (like many other modem makers), which would mean

they are good to use.


Sridhar Dhanapalan.

I think what you say is true, but I have heard that there are some USB 
externals that are, in effect, winmodems.

Many loads of beer were brought. What disorder, whoring, fighting, killing, and 
dreadful idolatry took place there.
--Baltasar Rusow, Estonia, 16th century

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convenience of buying online with Shop@Netscape! http://shopnow.netscape.com/

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RE: [newbie] Best browser for linux?

2001-07-19 Per discussione Michael Scottaline

Ravi Malghan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello: I have Mandrake 8.0 and use the default browser Netscape which comes with it.

But this sucks specially on pages where there are some applets. I tried installing 

6.0, it works great but crashes very often.  Does anybody have any suggestion on

which broswer works great?

I like Opera 5.0 VERY much!
Many loads of beer were brought. What disorder, whoring, fighting, killing, and 
dreadful idolatry took place there.
--Baltasar Rusow, Estonia, 16th century

Your favorite stores, helpful shopping tools and great gift ideas. Experience the 
convenience of buying online with Shop@Netscape! http://shopnow.netscape.com/

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Mail account today at http://webmail.netscape.com/

Re: [newbie] Managing Zip, CD-ROM, and floppy drives

2001-07-19 Per discussione Judith Miner

Civileme wrote:
 right click the ZIP Icon and select Eject  or issue eject /dev/zip
in a console. 

There is no Eject option if I right click on the Zip icon on the KDE
desktop. Nor are there options for mount and unmount. I have not changed
any icons that were installed by default. There is no eject/unmount
option in Konqueror file manager, either. Is there a way to add such a
thing? I also checked the Gnome desktop and there was no Zip drive icon,
period. The only icons were for my Windows drives C, D, and E.

 Again--right click [the CD-ROM drive icon] and eject 

Alas, no CD-ROM icon on the desktop. No eject or unmount option in the
file manager. It has to be done from a Run line or console. In general,
my CD-ROM drive works by just pressing on the button. Refusal to open
seems to be just an occasional thing and I haven't isolated the
circumstances yet. though it has happened most often when I've been
installing something from one of the two distribution CDs.

I see others have also found no such icons on their desktop after a
default installation of KDE.
 --Judy Miner

Re: [newbie] Managing Zip, CD-ROM, and floppy drives

2001-07-19 Per discussione Judith Miner

My /etc/fstab file is quite similar to yours, Dennis. I modified this
/mnt/zip /mnt/zip supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/zip 0 0

like this:
/mnt/zip /mnt/zip supermount fs=vfat,user,dev=/dev/zip 0 0

and now I can mount and unmount as user.
 --Judy Miner

[newbie] Boot Problem

2001-07-19 Per discussione Juan Carlos Conde

Hello All.

I had a dual boot with Win98 and LM8.0.
Today I delete Win98 and I install Win98SE.
After that I can not choose to boot Linux now.
How can I restore the Boot Manager (I belive LILO is its name).


Re: [newbie] Managing Zip, CD-ROM, and floppy drives

2001-07-19 Per discussione Judith Miner

Sridhar wrote:
 Have you tried KDE's own help? 

Certainly. Let me tell you about KDE's own help. There is no search
for a keyword. So effectively, you have to page your way through the
whole thing trying to find a section that *might* pertain to what you're
looking for. If you click on search in Konqueror's left panel when you
have KDE Help in the right panel, when you type in a keyword and click
on Search nothing happens. If you then click on Update Index, you get a
screen telling you you need another program called ht://dig. I clicked
on the link to the Web site, figuring I'd download and install it so I
could get keyword searches for KDE Help. Alas--the Web site was totally
confusing and apparently you need to _compile_ this program if you want
to use it. No thanks. I know that true Linuxians love the idea of
compiling code, but regular people don't. It seems unrealistic to
expect new, non-techie users, who are most likely the ones who will be
looking for things in KDE Help, to compile programs in order to do a
search in Online Help. I realize that a working keyword search is
probably on the agenda for future releases, but for now, KDE Help is
difficult to use unless you just want to read through it or are able to
pinpoint exactly where the information you're looking for may reside and
then click on the hypertext.

 I don't mean to pick, but I hope you do realise that giving yourself
all the permissions I could just defeats the purpose of logging in as
a user. You are effectively using the machine as root. 

I was following suggestions given here about expanding permissions for
user when user and root are the same person. If that's still not good
enough, so be it. I'll take my chances. The firewall is working and my
ports are all stealthed and I go online as user, not root, so I hope my
system is not a good target for trojans and worms.

 su is a good command to use at the console. 

I do use it. I always have a second desktop with a root console and a
Super User file manager open. Then when I need to do something as root
that doesn't require a root login, I just switch to that desktop and do
the deed. It's tolerable. Remember that I am not familiar with the names
of programs I might want to launch as root, so I have problems starting
the program in a console unless I either know or can find the program's
name in less than five minutes. Today I found lists and descriptions of
KDE programs in the KDE Online Help (no thanks to keywordsg). I'll
print out those screens and keep them around as a cheat sheet until I
learn the ones I use the most.

 For the full graphical experience, use kdesu. You can even make icons
using kdesu, so you will be asked for the root password when you click
it. For an example on how this works, go to the Mandrake menu -
Applications - File Tools - File Manager (Super User Mode). Look at
its properties. 

Well, first I had to figure out how to see the properties of Super User
File Manager. There is no icon I can right-click on to check properties
and I had no idea what the program file was called. But what I did was
right-click on the K on the bottom left, Panel Menu, Menu Editor (aka
MenuDrake) and found the Super User File Manager in the list of
Applications. That showed me that the command word is kdesu konqueror
(no quotes). I had no idea that this kdesu stuff you and others are
talking about meant you were suppposed to type kdesu before the name
of the command. That's exactly the kind of information newbies need but
don't get and is another thing for John to include in his online book.
It would be clearer for non-techies if someone said in a Run line
(Alt+F2 shortcut), type 'kdesu plus the name of the program'.

 Have you tried refreshing the file manager's view after changing
discs, or even opening another file manager window to browse the new
disc? This can sometimes work. 

Yes, I did all of that. What I've found out is that you do have to issue
either a umount or eject command for /mnt/zip, and before you can see
the contents of another disk, you have to do a mount /mnt/zip command.
Then it'll read the disk. I have some suspicions about the supermount
thing that's used for the Zip, floppy, and CD-ROM drives. I read on
MandrakeForum.com that people are finding supermount to be unreliable
and troublesome. Is there a way to set up a Zip drive so that simply
inserting a disk will mount it automatically, even after the ejection of
another disk? I enabled mount and unmount for user by editing

 For both Zip and CD-ROM issues, try the command eject /mnt/disc.
Replace disc with what you want to eject. 

CD-ROMs generally seem to work by just pressing the drive button. The
times I can't eject them with the button have been when I have been
installing something from my two distribution CDs. Maybe this is related
to supermount, too. I just don't know.

Thanks for your help. I'm doing a lot better with this latest
reinstallation and slowly but surely learning how to 

[newbie] Winmodems

2001-07-19 Per discussione Mark Annandale

For what its worth, have a look at www.linmodems.org where there is a whole 
heap of advice on modems.. I have been using a winmodem based on a lucent 
chipset, using a driver from the linmodem site, successfully.

If you have a compatable winmodem there is a RPM available for Mandrake 8 
avaialble on www.herby.de (I hope the spelling is correct). If you cannot 
find it mail me direct and i will mail it to you.


Mark A

Re: [newbie] Load visor module at boot

2001-07-19 Per discussione A V Flinsch

On Thursday 19 July 2001 15:38, Steven Watt wrote:

 I sync a Handspring Visor (USB interface) with my Linux Mandrake 8.0
 system. Everytime I reboot I have to enter the command

 root $ /sbin/modprobe visor

 for things to work properly. It's not a big bother, but a bother

 What do I have to do to have the visor module loaded automatically when
 I boot?

add it to /etc/modules
on my box  it looks like this

# usb

# usb zip
# visor

# radio
# fs
# ftape

All that you should need are the usb  visor sections

Kernel Panic is General Failure's second in command

[newbie] Browser testing grounds

2001-07-19 Per discussione Miark

Strange. I just pointed Konqueror at


and not only are the floating tables not floating, but the
Mandrake and Apache images at the bottom of the page don't
appear at all! The Mozilla trio (Mozilla, Galeon, and
Netscape) have no problem.

I guess if you need a page to test browsers (I'm thinking of
something Civileme said this week) this is a good one.


Re: [newbie] Playing CD's through SB live SPDIF socket

2001-07-19 Per discussione Glen Swindell


Thanks for the tip, although messing with the sliding controls had no effect, 
still nothing when playing a CD. I tried both the digital sliders amongst 
others. I still believe the EMU10K1 driver (or OSS) require some settings 
that arn't enabled by default.

Thanks again

On Wednesday 18 July 2001  5:14 pm, you wrote:
 From the K menu, select

K  Multimedia  Sound  Sound Mixer

 Mess with the sliding controls--you'll get it.


 - Original Message -
 From: Glen Swindell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 7:34 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Playing CD's through SB live SPDIF socket

  I have my CD drive connected via the SPDIF internal socket

 to my SB live

  card. At the moment, I cannot play CD's though linux


  Has any one any experience of this, what settings do I

 need ?

  Thanks in advance
  Glen Swindell

Re: [newbie] Which program is Mandrake using for web demos?

2001-07-19 Per discussione Romanator

Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
 They are just animated GIF files. Could they be done with a simple screen
 capture programme? I know both GNOME and KDE have applets designed to do
 this, and The GIMP can do this as well. KDE 2.2 (IIRC) will have a feature
 where you can press your Print Screen key and capture your desktop to the
 clipboard, and Ctrl-Print Screen will capture the current window.
 On Thu, 19 Jul 2001 10:17, Romanator wrote:
  Hi all,
  I'm interesting in creating additional Linux demos. Does any one know
  what Mandrake is using to create their demos for their web page?
  Registered Linux User #179293
  su is not the root of your problem
  but the start of a new journey
 Sridhar Dhanapalan.
 There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
 LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
 -- Jeremy S. Anderson

Do you mean the demos on the Mandrake web page were done with gifs?
Interesting. I'll give it a go.

Registered Linux User #179293
su is not the root of your problem
but the start of a new journey

Re: [newbie] registration

2001-07-19 Per discussione Romanator

joneswm wrote:
 Hello everyone,
Having a problem registering my L-M 8.0 Power Pack (US
 boxed edition).  The serial number is supposed to be on one
 of the disk sleeves, but is not.  Is there any way around
 this, to get a fake number, that will let me register
Also, when I go to the web page:
 I can fill out fields to describe a problem I am having.
 When I click on Choose Expert to submit my question,
 Netscape goes to a white screen.  I do not receive a screen
 or an e-mail response saying my problem has been submitted.
 I believe the website is broken on Mandrake's end, so I hope
 everyone on the newbie / expert mailing list can help me.
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
 Mike [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cincinnati, OH
 Linux user since July 1998 (kernel 2.0.33)
 Assembled November 2000, Spring Hill, Tennessee
 7901 lifetime miles

Hello Mike,

The registration number is on an white piece of paper. It's about 8.5 X
11. Get the number from that sheet and register.

Registered Linux User #179293
su is not the root of your problem
but the start of a new journey

Re: [newbie] GeForce2 MX

2001-07-19 Per discussione s

You need to be root first, then the command is:   sh nv_check.sh

On Thursday 19 July 2001 01:50 pm, you wrote:
 I d/l'ed that but I'm a newbie and I don't know how to run it, when I try
 a, ./nv_check.sh from Konsole I get the following error message:

 bash: ./nv_check.sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied

 Anyway, your help in this matter is appreciated, as I thought I had
 installed the drivers but I never see a splash screen or what have you.



 Yeah, here's an url to a little script that I just love.  It checks to
  make sure the nvidia drivers are loaded, and that you have edited your
 file properly, but most importantly (and conveniently) checks for
 mesa files.
 Download and run nv_check.sh and just rm -f all the files it finds
 On Thursday 19 July 2001 07:03 am, you wrote:
   Partial success, partial failure:
   So NOW when I launch tuxracer (just for instance--this actually happens
   with ALL full-screen gl apps), the screen blanks, I hear the monitor
   to a different frequency, my speakers play the first note of the music,
   then nothing; I hang with a black screen.
   The fine manual claims that such errors are caused by old or
   conflicting versions of GL libs laying around. I guess I have no reason
   to doubt
   but visual examination of the files (Appendix C of the fine manual)
   to indicate they're all of the nVidia variety.
   Surely somebody's come up against this before. Any hints at which of
   the libs is likely to be the one? Or should I rpm -U NVIDIA_GLX, then
   Mesa, then manually delete all the conflicting components, and
   reinstall NVIDIA_GLX? Any other thoughts or opinions?

 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp

Re: [newbie] Managing Zip, CD-ROM, and floppy drives

2001-07-19 Per discussione Romanator

On Thursday 19 July 2001 06:38 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
 On Thursday 19 July 2001 11:19, you wrote:
  My /etc/fstab file is quite similar to yours, Dennis. I modified this
  /mnt/zip /mnt/zip supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/zip 0 0
  like this:
  /mnt/zip /mnt/zip supermount fs=vfat,user,dev=/dev/zip 0 0
  and now I can mount and unmount as user.
   --Judy Miner

 Outstanding, it is a nice feature that is missed when it doesn't function.
 I'm glad you were able to get it to work.

It works like a charm.

Registered Linux User #179293
su is not the root of your problem
but the start of a new journey

Re: [newbie] Boot Problem

2001-07-19 Per discussione skinky

I hope someone can help you.  I too would love to know.  Good luck.


- Original Message - 
From: Juan Carlos Conde [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: linux newbie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 6:34 AM
Subject: [newbie] Boot Problem

 Hello All.
 I had a dual boot with Win98 and LM8.0.
 Today I delete Win98 and I install Win98SE.
 After that I can not choose to boot Linux now.
 How can I restore the Boot Manager (I belive LILO is its name).

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

Re: [newbie] Best browser for linux?

2001-07-19 Per discussione s

Konqueror is my fave.  Opera, mozilla, galeon, and slipknot (or something or 
other that comes with the power pack) are all adequate enough, but konqueror 
is undoubtedly the best (imo).  And if you like a netscape, get 6.1.  It is 
very stable and useable, cause your right, 6.0 will crash every dern time you 
open it.  If you like text only lynx is neato in a terminal (I like to play 
with it sometimes and it's handy if your X won't boot - so remember it for 
future reference), and then there's links.

On Thursday 19 July 2001 10:25 am, you wrote:
 Hello: I have Mandrake 8.0 and use the default browser Netscape which comes
 with it. But this sucks specially on pages where there are some applets. I
 tried installing Netscape 6.0, it works great but crashes very often.  Does
 anybody have any suggestion on which broswer works great?


[newbie] Creating a link to application on the Gnome desktop

2001-07-19 Per discussione Romanator

Hi all,

I can't for the life of me figure out how to create a simple Link to an
application or shortcut on the Gnome desktop.
Any ideas?

Registered Linux User #179293
su is not the root of your problem
but the start of a new journey

[newbie] Tribes 2 for Linux Error Message

2001-07-19 Per discussione Jim Lynch


I'm getting the error message below when I try to run
Tribes 2. The launcher disappears after I click on the
play online option.

I see this error message in the terminal window:

extension GLX missing on display :0.0. 

Any ideas how to get this fixed? 


Do You Yahoo!?
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Re: [newbie] Tribes 2 for Linux Error Message

2001-07-19 Per discussione Miark


Have you installed the GLX and nVidia driver RPMs from the
nVidia web site? If not, you'll need to. You can download
them from


and let me know if you want a white-space friendly version
of nVidia's sardines-in-a-can instructions.


- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 5:38 PM
Subject: [newbie] Tribes 2 for Linux Error Message


 I'm getting the error message below when I try to run
 Tribes 2. The launcher disappears after I click on the
 play online option.

 I see this error message in the terminal window:

 extension GLX missing on display :0.0.

 Any ideas how to get this fixed?


 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail

Re: [newbie] microsoft hassling Aussie Charity.

2001-07-19 Per discussione Brandon Caudle

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 8:35 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] microsoft hassling Aussie Charity.

  Microsoft has never been about helping the public.  They've always been
  helping themselves.  I mean they've stolen technology from other
  from day one.  Why suddenly work for their billions?

 This is true. Even the primal MeSsy-Dos that was generated by Bill Gates
 his partner (forgot his name) came partially from designs that were found
 in trashbins from several companies that tried to make something for the

Actually dos came from soemthing from cpl? i think (can't remeber the name)
they bought it actually from the guy for 10,000US and they stole the GUI
from apple which stole it from zerox!


Some one correct the name of the os please,!

[newbie] slow performance whist downloading normal ?

2001-07-19 Per discussione Rob

Whilst downloading from the internet my general machine performance seems to 
fall away terribly.
the machine is no slouch 900 athlon 512m memory only on a 56k modem too.
is this sluggishness normal?
What could be wrong ?

Thanks Rob

[newbie] Running Executables

2001-07-19 Per discussione joneswm

Hi all,

I've got the L-M 8, and I installed the program from
distributed.net to run in the background, and use idle CPU
cycles to do work for them.

It won't run.  When I log in as mike and run the program,
BASH responds with dnetc: command not found.  Same thing
when I log in as root.

When I log in as root and type ldd dnetc I get the message
not a dynamic executable.

I first used ldd, (and the distributed.net program) with
Caldera 1.2.  ldd lists the libraries that a program is
linked or compiled against, in other words, what it needs in
order to run.  Remember the please check to see that all
required libraries are available when running Winbloze?  I
think this is the same idea.

Why won't this program run?  I don't think it's a
permissions problem, it's not a PATH problem, and I don't
think it's a libc5 / glibc issue.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Mike  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Cincinnati, OH  mailed from Linux
Assembled November 2000, Spring Hill, Tennessee
7901 lifetime miles

[newbie] One boot off and one boot on

2001-07-19 Per discussione idea.list

Can anyone help please?

I installed mandrake on an old 32mByte machine with two hd's. I have win98
on first (8gig)hd and put linux on second (4gig)hd.  Linux did not work so
am going to reinstall it on my main 512mByte, 17gig machine.  I Intend to
partition the 17gig and dual boot with win2000pro/linux.

On the old machine, I have tried to reclaim the 4gig harddrive and give it
back to win98.  Have deleted  formatted the hd but did not know how to
immobilize the dual boot process - I thought I would deal with that later.
That time has now arrived :-) When I now boot the machine the dual boot menu
does not appear and it simply boots to display grub as the prompt.

Please bear in mind that I am completely stupid where linux is concerned and
not much better at windows (although I did my stint with assembler, c and
basic in the 8080 days - had to put that in :-) - don't like to appear too
stupid )

My questions:
On the old machine, how do I immobilize the dual boot process, get rid of
the grub prompt, and simply boot straight into windows?

On my new machine: will an 8gig partition be large enough for mandrake 8 and
do I install mandrake first and win2000 second (win2000 sets up multi boot
with w98 fine but will it recognise or 'see' linux) or, do I wait until I
learn how to set up multi boot from within linux?  Obviously I would prefer
that win2000 does it for me so that I can then get into linux quickly and
start to learn all these clever linux things :) It's a chicken and egg
situation if win2000 won't 'do the dual bit' for me.

Help appreciated
Sorry if the above is a bit garbled.


Dave S.

Re: [newbie] Creating a link to application on the Gnome desktop

2001-07-19 Per discussione Dave Sherman

Hash: SHA1

I believe the desktop right-click menu option is Launcher, or perhaps 
New  Launcher.


On Thursday 19 July 2001 18:33, thus spake Romanator:
 Hi all,

 I can't for the life of me figure out how to create a simple Link to an
 application or shortcut on the Gnome desktop.
 Any ideas?

 Registered Linux User #179293
 su is not the root of your problem
 but the start of a new journey

- -- 
Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecunia possit. (No 
fortification is such that it cannot be subdued with money.)
- - Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: [newbie] Browser testing grounds

2001-07-19 Per discussione Peter Ruskin

On Thursday 19 July 2001 22:36, Miark wrote:
 Strange. I just pointed Konqueror at


 and not only are the floating tables not floating, but the
 Mandrake and Apache images at the bottom of the page don't
 appear at all! The Mozilla trio (Mozilla, Galeon, and
 Netscape) have no problem.

 I guess if you need a page to test browsers (I'm thinking of
 something Civileme said this week) this is a good one.

WorksForMe ©
 Peter Ruskin, Wrexham, Wales.
Registered Linux User No. 219434 ( see http://counter.li.org/ ).
Linux Mandrake release 8.0 (Traktopel) for i586,
   kernel 2.4.3-20mdk-win4lin-pnr,  XFree86 4.0.3, patch level 11mdk,
  KDE: 2.1.2,  Qt: 2.3.1.   Uptime 5 hours 28 minutes

Re: [newbie] Creating a link to application on the Gnome desktop

2001-07-19 Per discussione s

If you can't find the launcher, can't you do a 
ln -s /usr/bin/whatever /home/you/Desktop/whatever
I used to do it that way a while back, but haven't in a while.  You don't get 
to choose a perty icon.  ;-)

On Thursday 19 July 2001 06:33 pm, you wrote:
 Hi all,

 I can't for the life of me figure out how to create a simple Link to an
 application or shortcut on the Gnome desktop.
 Any ideas?

 Registered Linux User #179293
 su is not the root of your problem
 but the start of a new journey

Re: [newbie] Disk full problem

2001-07-19 Per discussione Michael D. Viron


Civilme is right...3 GB is kind of small these days.

Anyways, here's a few suggestions:

#1.  Check to see if there is anything you can remove from /tmp

#2.  Check to see if you have log files in /var/log that end in .[1-9] or
.gz, if you see files that end in either of the above, they can be deleted.

#3.  Check /var/spool/mail and do an ls -al.  Several cron jobs e-mail the
root user, so it is possible that the root user's mail queue is large-- su
- to root, and delete all the cron job e-mails (it'll say cron in the from
field, I think), or for that matter if anyone is e-mailing the george
account on your machine directly, your /var/spool/mail/george file might be

#4.  Do an 'rpm -qai  /home/george/all.txt' (without the quotes, as
george), which will show all packages you have installed and information
concerning each package (it will be large).  Depending on what you are
using the machine for, there should be a least a few packages you might be
able to dump.  For example, if the machine is a workstation, it shouldn't
(usually) have server packages installed (such as apache, mysql,
postgresql and so forth).

After going through those 4 things, send us an updated 'df -h' (note the
-h, not the -k--I've never quite gotten used to seeing things in 1024 byte
blocks).  If none of the above clear enough room, I would say buy another
hard drive (somewhere around 10 GB is the smallest I've seen people buying
these days) and move around some of the partitions.  (We'll get to the more
detailed instructions once we see if any of the 4 suggestions reduce the
98% full significantly.)


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 10:28 PM 07/19/2001 +, civileme wrote:
On Thursday 19 July 2001 19:52, George Baker wrote:
 Sorry, I am new at this. Here are my partition details:

 [george@localhost george]$ df -k
 Filesystem   1k-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
 /dev/hda6   464585433598  6999  98% /
 /dev/hda1  2096320   1523840572480  73% /mnt/DOS_hda1
 /dev/hda5 7776   827  6548  11% /boot
 /dev/hda8   472392124795323205  28% /home


This is a 3G disk.  How are your pockets for change?  You need either
hdd or a bigger hdd.  You are below minimums on / and soon will have a 
situation where it will not boot unless there are sufficient sections for /, 
which should be reserved properly in the setup..  You could resize /home a 
little smaller, and possibly make two partitions there for /var and 
/usr/local or even three with /tmp added, but there is litle hope of being 
able to move /usr there  /usr/X11R6 maybe.  You might be able to shrink
DOS a 
little , say 30k, and put all of /usr there, but that disk looks 
uncomfortably tight, and if ext2resize isn't there already, you will have to 
do surgery to make room for it.

Sounds like a good exercise for you other helpers [ducks].


 [george@localhost george]$

 George Baker
 South Africa

 Michael D. Viron wrote:
  It would help us if you posted the partitions you have and what size they
  Michael Viron
  Registered Linux User #81978
  Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
  Web Spinners, University of West Florida
  At 12:21 AM 07/19/2001 +0200, George Baker wrote:
  I installed LM 7 on a 1.2 gig extended partition. Now I see that /root
  partition is nearly full, yet I have 300 MB free in /home. How can I
  give more space to /root or specifically /usr.

[newbie] How to auto-mount USB digital camera

2001-07-19 Per discussione ultima

Hello all,

I'm new to this list. I installed Mandrake 8 on a 2nd drive on my 
P166 machine a few days ago, and am going through it slowly. The 
installation went through with hardly any problems, except for these:

1.  The boot (floppy) disk can't be accessed, either as root or user.

2.  Is there a way to auto-mount a digital camera on the USB port -- 
well, the Smartmedia card, really; it behaves like a removable disk?  

3.  The modem seems to be connected only at 9600.  Is there some way 
to get the connection at the normal 33.6K?  (It does OK in Windows.)

All advice appreciated.  Many thanks.


Re: [newbie] Running Executables

2001-07-19 Per discussione Bill Spatz


I believe it will be a path problem. I created and installed into /dnetc. I
have not created a link to it. When I start dnetc, I type /dnetc/dnetc and
off it goes.

- Original Message -
From: joneswm [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 7:06 PM
Subject: [newbie] Running Executables

 Hi all,

 I've got the L-M 8, and I installed the program from
 distributed.net to run in the background, and use idle CPU
 cycles to do work for them.

 It won't run.  When I log in as mike and run the program,
 BASH responds with dnetc: command not found.  Same thing
 when I log in as root.

 When I log in as root and type ldd dnetc I get the message
 not a dynamic executable.

 I first used ldd, (and the distributed.net program) with
 Caldera 1.2.  ldd lists the libraries that a program is
 linked or compiled against, in other words, what it needs in
 order to run.  Remember the please check to see that all
 required libraries are available when running Winbloze?  I
 think this is the same idea.

 Why won't this program run?  I don't think it's a
 permissions problem, it's not a PATH problem, and I don't
 think it's a libc5 / glibc issue.

 Any help is greatly appreciated.

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
 Mike  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Cincinnati, OH  mailed from Linux
 Assembled November 2000, Spring Hill, Tennessee
 7901 lifetime miles

Re: [newbie] Running Executables

2001-07-19 Per discussione David E. Fox

 I first used ldd, (and the distributed.net program) with
 Caldera 1.2.  ldd lists the libraries that a program is

In these situations, ldd will report libraries that cannot be 
found. So, I don't think we have the same scenario as you are
referring to in Windows. 

Not a dynamic executable means exactly that -- the program was
not dynamically (run-time binding) linked with its libraries. It is
a static executable, with all the requisite library code embedded in
the binary. Usually, this is less desirable because of both executable
size and code size (dynamic libraries can be shared amongst other 
executables that use them, static ones cannot), but sometimes it is 
advantageous, especially in situations where the program author wants 
to ensure uniformity across a given platform.
 Why won't this program run?  I don't think it's a
 permissions problem, it's not a PATH problem, and I don't
 think it's a libc5 / glibc issue.

It usually is because you've stuffed the executable somewhere in your home
directory and forgotten to prepend the executable with './' - indicating
current directory. In Unix, and in Linux, the current directory is not 
searched by default when you want to run an executable. This is one arena of
confusion for people that are coming from a Windows or DOS background.

 Mike  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Cincinnati, OH  mailed from Linux
 Assembled November 2000, Spring Hill, Tennessee
 7901 lifetime miles

David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

Re: [newbie] Do the fonts in Start Office 5.2 look a little light to you in L...

2001-07-19 Per discussione Talonholco

It's extremely annoying to me. I wish I knew how to correct this problem! 
Konqueror had a similar problem, but I corrected it through settings changes. 
But, SO52 doesn't have any such settings to change! So, what can we do???


In a message dated 7/19/2001 8:01:35 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Hi everybody,

Is it just me or are the rest of you noticing that the Times Roman fonts
in Star Office 5.2 appear light on one side of the font and darker
around the edges? The font appear odd when typing up an html document.
Star Office 5.1 did not have this problem.

Registered Linux User #179293
"su is not the root of your problem
 but the start of a new journey"

[newbie] bad magic number

2001-07-19 Per discussione Colin Jenkins

Hi all,

After about a week of frustration, I finally got mandrake 8
running on my home network, but I think I might have done something
very wrong.
I have 2 drives, but hdb5 ? was not mounted.
I mounted it and rebooted, and got the message that the superblock could not
 read.. and fsck.ext2 Bad magic number in superblock /dev/hdb5
  when I choose 'yes' to repair, it fails.
  Does this mean another reinstall, or is there some way of fixing it?

Colin Jenkins
ICQ: 650611

RE: [newbie] Glidepoint?

2001-07-19 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

The glidepoint will appear as a PS/2 mouse, and I believe that there
exist Linux specific drivers for it...

Don't waste your time though. Unless you -REALLY- have a compelling
reason to use one you are better off with a mouse, tablet, or at worst a

Using the Glidepoint is tedious.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Paul
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 2:43 AM
Subject: [newbie] Glidepoint?

Hi everyone,
on my continuing search for input devices, now the Glidepoint has my

Does anyone know if this is supported in Mandrake? On the MDK site I can
find that all mice and keyboards are supported, but this is a bit of an
off device (I think), so I think I'd better ask. And more important,
does someone use it? And if you do, what is your experience with it?

Thanks for any feedback, on list or private mail.

[newbie] Advice on modem purchase

2001-07-19 Per discussione skinky

Hi All

I'm looking at buying an external modem because I currently have a poxy HSF
Conexant Soft56K WINMODEM (ugh!).  Am I right in assuming that all external
modems are compatible with Linux?  The modem that I'm considering is a Swann
SpeedDemon 56K V.90 External Modem (serial) - the reason being that I can
purchase it with my Telecom TalkingPoints... well free, I guess.

I checked out the BIG list at http://www.idir.net/~gromitkc/20010604b.html
but this brand is not even mentioned. I also checked out the manufacturers
webiste at http://www.swann.com.au/products/modems/speed_demon.htm# but
there is no mention of Linux compatibility or it having a hardware

I also checked http://www.56K.com and http://www.linux.com/enhance/hardware/
to no avail.

Anyone here tried a Swann SpeedDemon External Modem?


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[newbie] Modular Sound Enabled Kernel

2001-07-19 Per discussione Adams, Jamie

Hiya All,

Im still trying to get my sound card working. Its a Yamaha OPL3-SA2. I
have been informed that this can be configured with the sndconfig
utility as Harddrake no longer detects it.

When i start sndconfig it complains that i do not have a moduler kernel
or sound loaded as a module, how would i do this?

Someone once mentioned to me to check that i have soundcore.o loaded,
which it appears i have.

Would it make a difference if i have ALSA and SOUND initialising at
startup? should i switch one of them off?

Does ALSA have any tools to configure it?
Jamie Adams
Housing Assistant

Home Housing Association LTD  T:   (01723) 507543
41 Castle RoadF:   (01723) 355862

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Star Internet for details on the Virus Scanning Service.

[newbie] Enlightment windows manager

2001-07-19 Per discussione Alex K
I want to setup Enlightment windows manager in my system, but I can't find it in my system. I made countless searches but is nowhere. Each time I am trying to reinstall it the software manager is telling me that it is already installed... Maybe you give me a hint.

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Re: [newbie] Enlightment windows manager

2001-07-19 Per discussione Tim Holmes

When you log onto your machine, does it go in and give you a graphical prompt to login 
IF it does, it should give you the option.  Enter in your userID, passwd and then 
the Windows Manager from list.

If you don't login in that way.  And actually login and then type xinit, then here's 
you need.

[timh@r2d2 timh]$ cat .xinitrc
exec enlightenment

Create that file, and make sure it looks like that.  If it says it's installed, then 
should be good to go.  

Something else I'd suggest you install would be enlightenment-conf which should be on 
Mandrake CDs as well.  It's a very usual configuration too for Enlightenment.

Hope that comes in handy.

T. Holmes
Real Men Us Vi!

  6:00am  up 10:43,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
| Hello,
| I want to setup Enlightment windows manager in my system, but I can't find it in my 
|system. I made countless searches but is nowhere. Each time I am trying to reinstall 
|it the software manager is telling me that it is already installed... Maybe you give 
|me a hint.
| Thanks,
| Alex
| -
| Do You Yahoo!?
| Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35 a year!
| http://personal.mail.yahoo.com/

[newbie] where is curses.h?

2001-07-19 Per discussione preston smith

I am trying to compile a program and an getting a message saying that there 
is no such file or directory as curses.h.

What package do i have to install to get that file?



Betti Ann  Preston Smith
Head of St Margaret's Bay, NS
MGB  RV Owners

RE: [newbie] where is curses.h?

2001-07-19 Per discussione Adams, Jamie

Hiya, you have to install the NCurses packages. They should be on your
first CD.

Sent:  19 July 2001 10:23
Subject:   [newbie] where is curses.h?

I am trying to compile a program and an getting a message saying that there 
is no such file or directory as curses.h.

What package do i have to install to get that file?



Betti Ann  Preston Smith
Head of St Margaret's Bay, NS
MGB  RV Owners

This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet
delivered through the MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service. For further
information visit http://www.star.net.uk/stats.asp or alternatively call
Star Internet for details on the Virus Scanning Service.

This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet
delivered through the MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service. For further
information visit http://www.star.net.uk/stats.asp or alternatively call
Star Internet for details on the Virus Scanning Service.

Re: [newbie] Advice on modem purchase

2001-07-19 Per discussione Paul

 I'm looking at buying an external modem because I currently have a poxy HSF
 Conexant Soft56K WINMODEM (ugh!).  Am I right in assuming that all external
 modems are compatible with Linux?  The modem that I'm considering is a Swann
 SpeedDemon 56K V.90 External Modem (serial) - the reason being that I can
 purchase it with my Telecom TalkingPoints... well free, I guess.

If you can find out if the modem is decently Hayes compatible, you should
not have any problem.

Re: [newbie] microsoft hassling Aussie Charity.

2001-07-19 Per discussione Lanman

Well, if your point was that it would be a good tax wrtie-off, I agree. It 
just amazes me that Bill et al can't see an opportunity even when it's being 
stuck in their faces. Were these people born stupid, greedy, and arrogant, or 
what? I think this whole issue clearly demonstrates how heartless Redmond can 
truly be! 

Maybe it's a petty attempt to get back at the world for something? I'm a firm 
believer in common sense. That's one of the reasons I like Linux. It just 
makes sense. And Microsoft stopped making sense a long time ago.

What's next? Can these heartless pukes possibly screw up any more? 

Dan LaBine

Re: [newbie] Update Programs Via Mandrake Update?

2001-07-19 Per discussione Kernell32

Ok today came the security update for openssl and my mirror has it (i 
checked) it has the same name as the installed package only a .1 is added 
at the end of the name mandrake update wont see this it actually appeared in 
the installed section of mandrakeupdate but if i do a :

# rpm -qa | grep openssl
(MandrakeUpdate shows both as installed)

it is NOT installed so i downloaded it manually and did :

rpm -Uvh openssl-0.9.6-7.1mdk.i586.rpm 

and it updated fine .
I mentioned this problem before cause i think it is important, cause it 
renders MandrakeUpdate absolutely useless since it is made for security 
updates .
So we will have to leave MandrakeUpdate to the developers and get back to 
comandline and kpackage ... sad cause i think MandrakeUpdate is a great idea 
for a prog. 
If im missing something here please tell it to me cause i LOVE MandrakeUpdate 
and i would really like to use it.

Btw. the update funktion in SNF still shows me an empty list even tho a few 
updates have been released since i installed it.

On Thursday 19 July 2001 15:18, civileme wrote:
 On Thursday 19 July 2001 03:13, Curtis Matthiesen wrote:
  I'm trying to upgrade my CUPS (as well other programs) to the newest
  version anyway, when I use Mandrake Update it fails saying that I already
  have CUPS (or the other programs I'm trying to install) installed.
  Can someone tell me how I can go about doing this, I assume I could do it
  manually by a:
  RPM -Uvh rpmname.rpm
  But if I could do it via Mandrake Update it'd be much more easier and
  effective for me.
  PS Is this posting in HTML format, if so I'm sorry, Hotmail just changed
  everything and I'm not sure if it is or not, or how I can change it
  permanently to use non-HTML.

 Most of the time MandrakeUpdate will work; however, certain programs that
 handle regular expressions and pattern-matching DON'T work the same when a
 different locale is in place, thanks to newly-implemented POSIX standards.

 The resuklt is that the sorting for newer versions fails, seeing the update
 as the older version which is why it says that the package is already

 Look at fun with regular expressions on www.mandrakeforum.com to get an
 idea of the scope of the problem.


Re: [newbie] microsoft hassling Aussie Charity.

2001-07-19 Per discussione Tim Holmes

Well look at it this way.

How much of a tax write off do you think there is for giving way Windows9x?
About 2% of what they would gain if the OS was bought legally.  

Even then, we all know that Microsoft has used very aggressive tactics with
dealing with competition.  So going after a few lowly charities, making them
pay out the noise wit legal fees shows the rest of the competitors that they
mean business.  That if you step to the plate you'll get done up as well.

Microsoft has never been about helping the public.  They've always been about
helping themselves.  I mean they've stolen technology from other companies
from day one.  Why suddenly work for their billions?

T. Holmes
Real Men Us Vi!

  7:20am  up 12:03,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
| Well, if your point was that it would be a good tax wrtie-off, I agree. It 
| just amazes me that Bill et al can't see an opportunity even when it's being 
| stuck in their faces. Were these people born stupid, greedy, and arrogant, or 
| what? I think this whole issue clearly demonstrates how heartless Redmond can 
| truly be! 
| Maybe it's a petty attempt to get back at the world for something? I'm a firm 
| believer in common sense. That's one of the reasons I like Linux. It just 
| makes sense. And Microsoft stopped making sense a long time ago.
| What's next? Can these heartless pukes possibly screw up any more? 
| Dan LaBine

Re: [newbie] GeForce2 MX

2001-07-19 Per discussione Dan Ray

Partial success, partial failure:

On Wednesday 18 July 2001 11:55 am, Miark wrote:
 The nVidia drivers that come with Mandrake are not 3D
 capable. You'll need to go to  nVidia's web site to download
 the proper driver RPMs and the Installation Guide.

Okay, so now I'm clearly using the nVidia X module; I now get a pretty nVidia 
splash screen when X starts up, and I have a bunch more screen depths and 
resolutions to choose from. So that's great, and an excellent example of the 
successes one can have from reading the fine manual.

So NOW when I launch tuxracer (just for instance--this actually happens with 
ALL full-screen gl apps), the screen blanks, I hear the monitor tick to a 
different frequency, my speakers play the first note of the music, and then 
nothing; I hang with a black screen.

If I hit esc and ctrl-alt-del enough, I eventually get back to my 
desktop, having triggered the Log me out function in KDE, I guess. 
Sometimes I get KDE's Really? dialog, and other times I log all the way out 
and see KDM instead.

The fine manual claims that such errors are caused by old or conflicting 
versions of GL libs laying around. I guess I have no reason to doubt that, 
but visual examination of the files (Appendix C of the fine manual) seems to 
indicate they're all of the nVidia variety.

Surely somebody's come up against this before. Any hints at which of the libs 
is likely to be the one? Or should I rpm -U NVIDIA_GLX, then refresh Mesa, 
then manually delete all the conflicting components, and reinstall 
NVIDIA_GLX? Any other thoughts or opinions?

Dan Ray
Director Custom Applications
Triangle Research, Inc.

Re: [newbie] microsoft hassling Aussie Charity.

2001-07-19 Per discussione Paul

 Microsoft has never been about helping the public.  They've always been about
 helping themselves.  I mean they've stolen technology from other companies
 from day one.  Why suddenly work for their billions?

This is true. Even the primal MeSsy-Dos that was generated by Bill Gates and
his partner (forgot his name) came partially from designs that were found
in trashbins from several companies that tried to make something for the

Re: [newbie] GeForce2 MX

2001-07-19 Per discussione s

Yeah, here's an url to a little script that I just love.  It checks to make 
sure the nvidia drivers are loaded, and that you have edited your xf86config 
file properly, but most importantly (and conveniently) checks for conflicting 
mesa files.
Download and run nv_check.sh and just rm -f all the files it finds

On Thursday 19 July 2001 07:03 am, you wrote:
 Partial success, partial failure:

 So NOW when I launch tuxracer (just for instance--this actually happens
 with ALL full-screen gl apps), the screen blanks, I hear the monitor tick
 to a different frequency, my speakers play the first note of the music, and
 then nothing; I hang with a black screen.

 The fine manual claims that such errors are caused by old or conflicting
 versions of GL libs laying around. I guess I have no reason to doubt that,
 but visual examination of the files (Appendix C of the fine manual) seems
 to indicate they're all of the nVidia variety.

 Surely somebody's come up against this before. Any hints at which of the
 libs is likely to be the one? Or should I rpm -U NVIDIA_GLX, then refresh
 Mesa, then manually delete all the conflicting components, and reinstall
 NVIDIA_GLX? Any other thoughts or opinions?

[newbie]: printing address book

2001-07-19 Per discussione Alan Smith

Dear All

I use kmail. Can't remember which option I chose for address book layout but I can 
edit the address book in addbrowser.

My machine is being repaired so I have no address book.

This is a stupid situation - relying on one's computer is not good. When my computer 
comes back I want to print out my address 
book, if possible, in a decent and reasonable format. How can I do this.

Ideally it would be good to transfer the Kde address book to some data base where is 
can be manipulated and laid out to print in 
A5 format (approx 1/2 standard letter size) and periodically revise the data base with 
the changed info and reprint those changed 
pages or add additional pages as the case may be.

Using mdk8.0

Alan Smith
South Africa

Re: [newbie] imwheel = no mouse

2001-07-19 Per discussione skinky

Thanks Sevatio!  I feel like a right dork!  I switched mice (plugged in the
cordless Intellimouse), flicked the switches on both the mouse and its
receiver, and it went haywire again (flickering along the top of the
screen).  I then rebooted the computer, and whaddayaknow?  BINGO, I now have
a mouse and scroll wheel!  Why I didn't try switching the buttons before,
I'll never know.

Another problem solved. Thanks again.


- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 5:31 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] imwheel = no mouse

Sorry, I just caught the tail end of this thread...  You mention that
you're having trouble with your cordless intellimouse.  It should behave
just like a regular mouse with a wheel.  Have you tried pressing the
Connect button on the mouse and its receiver?  Or, if you have Windows
installed, does the cordless mouse work there?


 Original Message 

On 7/17/01, 3:12:43 PM, skinky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding
[newbie] imwheel = no mouse: Thanks...:

 To Charles and Siro

 Thanks for your help.  Just getting to a terminal without a mouse was

 I didn't uninstall imwheel but as Charles suggested, I ran mousedrake and
 reconfigured my standard PS/2 mouse which is now working fine again.  Had
 another go at trying to get the cordless intellimouse to work but no luck
 yet.  At least I can use my std mouse in the meantime.  I'll get around
 the intellimouse someday ;-).  Meanwhile, I just want to get to know
 Mandrake and learn more console commands.

 Thanks again.


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Re: [newbie] bpermissions

2001-07-19 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

There are some files and directories in /etc that only the root user is 
allowed to view. This is for security. If you want to back up /etc you should 
so so as root (just su to root from a console, or open a file manager in root 

On Thu, 19 Jul 2001 13:51, Colin Jenkins wrote:
 I'm trying to back up my /etc/ from a win98 box but some files get
 copied and others don't. Is this just a matter of setting permissions?
 if so what do I change them to.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] microsoft hassling Aussie Charity.

2001-07-19 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Making donations to charity (either made by Microsoft or by The Bill and 
Melinda Gates Foundation) is the best way for M$ to simultaneously create 
good PR and gain new customers and revenue. Remember, software costs 
basically nothing once its created. What people pay to buy software will 
cover production costs (i.e. pay developers, etc.) and make the company a 
tidy profit. 

M$ can give away, say, 100 copies of Windos to a school. If the retail cost 
of each copy of Windos is $100 then M$ can say that they gave 100 x $100 = 
$10,000 worth of software to that school. In reality, since M$ _owns_ the 
software, the real cost to them is the cost of the media and the cost to 
print licenses. This would easily be less than $US 1 per copy, since they 
mass-produce the stuff.

Now what about the hardware they donate? Doesn't M$ lose money on that? Well 
they do, initially. Hardware is obviously needed for software to run, and 
these poor schools cannot afford to buy any of this stuff on their own. M$ 
provide the hardware and the software, and make sure that the computers are 
used in a productive way in the school so that they become indespensible. Now 
what happens when a new version of Windos or M$ Office comes out? The schools 
now feel compelled to upgrade their systems to the latest and greatest. After 
all, there's no point in teaching children old technology, is there? This of 
course costs money, something which these schools don't have very much of. M$ 
then make a profit by charging exhorbitant rates (even educational prices 
are ridiculous) to upgrade the systems to the new software. Often, especially 
in M$-Land, new software requires new hardware, so M$'s hardware partners 
benefit. A computer network obviously needs administration and maintenance, 
so the school must hire someone, preferably with an MCSE, to do the job.

Of course, in the centre of this are the impressionable minds of 
schoolchildren. They learn at school (often indirectly) that M$ products are 
good and that M$ is a nice company because it gave them the opportunity to 
use computers at school (by donating them). When they go home, they convince 
their parents and family friends that M$ products are good, and so they buy a 
Windos computer for themselves, complete with M$ applications. And so the 
cycle contuinues. The users grow used to M$ products and as a result do 
not have any wish to change to something better. If they ever use something 
else they just get annoyed that it isn't Windows (i.e. it doesn't behave 
_exactly_ like Windows).

Anyway, I'll cut my rant there. I'm sure you all get my point.

On Thu, 19 Jul 2001 13:16, Lanman wrote:
 Here's an extra FYI for anyone following this thread. I heard somewhere
 that Bill Gates and his wife were involved in a charity that gives
 computers to kids in schools. You'd think that Bill would jump at the
 chance of getting some good PR for a change, and help these schools. He can
 certainly afford it! Good tax write-off too. Oh, well, maybe the whole
 thing was a PR sham on his part ! HHm!

 Dan LaBine

 On July 18, 2001 06:45 am, you wrote:
  At 02:32 AM 7/16/01 +1000, you wrote:
  This is about a *charity* that is giving computers to *poor* people.
   Chances are that these people have hardly ever touched a computer,
   leave alone owning one (no insensitivity intended). Do you think they
   can afford a copy of
  Gotta add to this as this is a subject dear to my heart.
  I recall reading/hearing somewhere that these _donated_ computers come
  from the donors (typically large companies) with Windblows already
  installed.  Now I'm not sure of the fine print but haven't the donor
  companies _already_ paid for the licence ?
  Thus MS is effectively asking for payment twice for the same piece of
  software.  Most business I know realise that once you have paid for an
  item _once_ you own it (case in point : when you buy pavers for your
  house and then you sell your house, Boral doesn't expect the new owner to
  pay for the pavers a second time).
  Couldn't the donor companies just sign a bit of paper saying donated -
  one old computer complete with windows   installed ?
  Or is M$ a special case ??
  Once again M$ have led the field in the ever increasing race to screw
  everyone.  Starting with the people who can _least_ afford it.
  It's a bloody charity  M$ need to give a little and just say
  naughty.  We won't take it any further, if you just stop doing
  it.  Alternatively they could get a heart and allow the charity to
  install win95 on machines that _dont_ come pre-loaded (remember these are
  old machines so they probably won't run 2000/XP) subject to a 'cap' of
  {say} 200 a year.
  Alternatively, the charity could be innundated with offers of support
  from the linux community asking if they have considered linux / open
  office.  And pointing out that the support offered by mailing lists is
  very good...
  Possibly even the local