Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake 8.1

2001-11-12 Per discussione J. Clark

Domenico wrote:

ho provato altri siti  ma tutti mi restituiscono quell'errore ..
non riesco a capire dove sia il problema..

prova a controllare in /etc il file host deny se c'e' dentroper caso un all.
altra via non hai x caso installato lo shorewall ? se si disabilitalo e 
con calma configuralo.
terza ipotesi e questa mi e' successa  la scorsa settimana portmap  mi 
ha bloccato gli ip del server e del viceserver aziendali in quanto le 
continua chiamate le intendeva come attacchi , per il momento ho solo 
disabilitato portmap poi lo configurero' come si deve (sicuramente prima 
di 10 anni ce la faccio a studiarci su)
in bocca al lupo  

Aiutatemi pls.. tenete conto che sono assolutamente ignorante

Mario Vittorio Guenzi
Zincometal S.p.A. Europa Str.prov 34
20010-Inveruno (MI)
tel: 02-979661
fax: 02-97966351
Si vis pacem, para bellum

[newbie-it] DCOP server

2001-11-12 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Ciao a tutti,
da qualche tempo mi succede questo: al mio rientro in Linux, dopo aver acceso 
il computer, ogni tanto non riesco ad entrare in KDE con l'utente normale.
Il processo di inizializzazione parte e si ferma a metà. A quel punto, la 
cosa più veloce è uscire da KDE con CTRL+ALT+DEL ed effettuare il login come 
root. Il problema è, come segnala il file .xsession-errors, che il file 
.DCOPserver_localhost.localdomain_:0 non è stato cancellato al precedente 
spegnimento/riavvio del PC; quindi mi è sufficiente rimuovere quel file, e 
rientrare in KDE come utente.
Non è, dunque, un problema così grave, ma da un lato è fastidioso, dall'altro 
vorrei - quanto meno per curiosità informatica - capire come mai avvenga 
Se qualcuno di voi avesse tempo e voglia di aiutarmi a trovare una 
spiegazione, gliene sarei molto grato... :-)
A presto,

Daniele Micci

Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake 8.1

2001-11-12 Per discussione LukenShiro

Nell'Evo medio, all'ora 11:59, lunedì 12 novembre 2001, Voi, Notabile 
J. Clark, avete dipinto:
 portmap mi ha bloccato gli ip del server e del viceserver aziendali
 in quanto le continua chiamate le intendeva come attacchi, per il
 momento ho solo disabilitato portmap poi lo configurero' come si deve

Mi sa che ti confondi con portsentry :) (portmap serve per la 
condivisione dei file di nfs).
AFAIK hosts.allow e hosts.deny servono solo se si tratta di accedere a 
risorse _del_ sistema, non quando si richiede l'accesso a siti 
esterni, senza alcun tramite locale.
Il firewall mal configurato puo' essere senz'altro una causa, se son 
state messe regole bloccanti nella catena di output.   
Saluti, Lk

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK mista cooker/8.1 - 2.4.13-ac7

Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake 8.1

2001-11-12 Per discussione Tommaso Leddi

Ho installato da poco la Mandrake 8.1 ed ho un problema credo inedito in 
newbie-it, con i caratteri.
Ci sono delle applicazioni tipo KDevelop, ma anche spesso Konqueror, la guida 
di KDE e altre situazioni simili, che mi mostrano dei caratteri esagerati 
tipo DirtyBaker'sDozen o AD.MONO. Ho guardato nel Centro di Controllo, ma 
questi caratteri non appaiono tra le mie scelte. Qualcuno ha, e magari anche 
risolto, questo problema?


Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake 8.1

2001-11-12 Per discussione LukenShiro

Nell'Evo medio, all'ora 14:20, lunedì 12 novembre 2001, Voi, Notabile 
Tommaso Leddi, avete dipinto:
 Ci sono delle applicazioni tipo KDevelop, ma anche spesso Konqueror, 
la guida 
 di KDE e altre situazioni simili, che mi mostrano dei caratteri 
 tipo DirtyBaker'sDozen o AD.MONO. Ho guardato nel Centro di 
Controllo, ma 
 questi caratteri non appaiono tra le mie scelte. 

Sinceramente non saprei, cmq ... nelle impostazioni di Konqueror - file 
manager  navigatore konq. hai controllato che vengano utilizzati dei 
caratteri normali e che il set di caratteri sia quello italiano 
(ISO-8859-1 o ISO-8859-15) ?

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK mista cooker/8.1 - 2.4.13-ac7

Re: [newbie-it] DCOP server

2001-11-12 Per discussione Luca Branca

Provato a controllare le proprietà del file?


- Original Message -
From: Daniele Micci [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Linux Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 11:44 AM
Subject: [newbie-it] DCOP server

 Ciao a tutti,
 da qualche tempo mi succede questo: al mio rientro in Linux, dopo aver
 il computer, ogni tanto non riesco ad entrare in KDE con l'utente normale.
 Il processo di inizializzazione parte e si ferma a metà. A quel punto, la
 cosa più veloce è uscire da KDE con CTRL+ALT+DEL ed effettuare il login
 root. Il problema è, come segnala il file .xsession-errors, che il file
 .DCOPserver_localhost.localdomain_:0 non è stato cancellato al precedente
 spegnimento/riavvio del PC; quindi mi è sufficiente rimuovere quel file, e
 rientrare in KDE come utente.
 Non è, dunque, un problema così grave, ma da un lato è fastidioso,
 vorrei - quanto meno per curiosità informatica - capire come mai avvenga
 Se qualcuno di voi avesse tempo e voglia di aiutarmi a trovare una
 spiegazione, gliene sarei molto grato... :-)
 A presto,

 Daniele Micci

Re: [newbie-it] Linux notebook

2001-11-12 Per discussione Alberto Zanoni

 Il sistema operativo MuLinux è contenuto nel file mulinux-versione.tgz
 di 1828 Kb ed attualmente giace sulla workstation dalla quale vi scrivo.
 Come posso fare a trasferirlo sul vecchio notebook considerando che esso
 non possiede né cd-rom né una connessione i rete?

 Help, help me please.


non so se possa essere utile, ma avevo anch'io un problema simile con una 
libreria troppo lunga per entrare in un dischetto, e troppo piccola per 
essere messa su un CD-Rom. Prova con il bellissimo comando split, così:

0) Workstation, vai alla directory in cui c'e' il file mulinux-versione.tgz
1) split -b 1413k mulinux-versione.tgz
(Ti verranno prodotti 2 file - se davvero è di 1828k - chiamati xaa e xab, 
se non erro, ciascuno di 1413k, che quindi stanno in un dischetto)
2) copia i suddetti file su un dischetto
3) dai dischetti porta i suddetti file sul notebook
4) sul notebook dai cat xaa xab  mulinux-versione.tgz

ed il gioco sarà fatto.

Se due dischetti non bastassero puoi cambiare il valore 1413, ed usare tre 
dischetti (ovvero uno stesso dischetto tre volte): dovrebbero venire xaa, 
xab, xac.

Facci sapere se ciò porti ad un buon fine. Ciao.
P.S. come tool per la compattazione e scompattazione di file suggerisco anche 
bzip2, bunzip2, leggermente più potente.

Re: [newbie-it] DCOP server

2001-11-12 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Il 19:03, lunedì 12 novembre 2001, hai scritto:
 Provato a controllare le proprietà del file?


Quale, scusa... quello che dovrebbe essere cancellato?

Re: [newbie-it] DCOP server

2001-11-12 Per discussione Luca Branca

- Original Message -
From: Daniele Micci [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 7:06 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] DCOP server

 Il 19:03, lunedì 12 novembre 2001, hai scritto:
  Provato a controllare le proprietà del file?

 Quale, scusa... quello che dovrebbe essere cancellato?

Re: [newbie-it] DCOP server

2001-11-12 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Il 19:45, lunedì 12 novembre 2001, hai scritto:
 - Original Message -
 From: Daniele Micci [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 7:06 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie-it] DCOP server

  Il 19:03, lunedì 12 novembre 2001, hai scritto:
   Provato a controllare le proprietà del file?
  Quale, scusa... quello che dovrebbe essere cancellato?

OK. La prossima volta che si verifica questo inconveniente, controllo. Poi ti 
farò sapere...


[newbie-it] Problema nel lettore cd

2001-11-12 Per discussione Manuele

Salve a tutti, volevo esporre il mio problema .
Ho da pochi giorni installato Mandrake 8.1 e devo dire secondo me è
molto migliorata 
sia in fase di installazione , di supporto che di stabilità .
Un solo problema ,quello del lettore cd audio, allora cerco di

Io ho un lettore dvd ed un masterizztore che tutti e due ho configurato
come scsi e ven gono riconosciuti benissimo da cdrecord , inserendo un
cd dati me li legge tranquillamente 
senza problemi in tutti e due.
Il problema sta nel fatto che programmi come Kscd e Grip vanno a cercare
il cdrom su /dev/cdrom però /dev/cdrom è configurato per il
masterizzatore e quindi posso ascoltare i cd con il medesimo. Ma siccome
che il dvd è installato su hdc e il master su hdb e tra l'altro solo il
dvd è collegato alla scheda audio .
Ora con La versione di mandrake 8.1 le cose in /dev sono un po cambiate
, prima con la 8.0 mi bastava cancellare /dev/cdrom e ricrearlo
facendolo puntare nel modo corretto ora non so come fare .
Se qualcuno ne sa qualcosa ne darei grato.
Mi scuso per la pappardella che ho scritto .
Nell'attesa di una risposta ringrazio.

Ciao  Lele

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[newbie-it] Linux notebook

2001-11-12 Per discussione CyberPenguin

Ciao a tutti,
innanzitutto un grazie di cuore ai colleghi che si sono
prodigati nel mio attuale dilemma, ogni consiglio è sempre ben
Forse l'obiettivo che mi sono prefisso è un po' arduo, visto le
mie attuali conoscenze in fatto di Linux ed ai limiti  hardware
del portatile ... ma veniamo al dunque.
Questa mini-versione del nostro sistema operativo, MuLinux, mi è stata consigliata da LukenShiro
10 giorni fa per riuscire a far girare Linux su un portatile
oramai obsoleto (ma che comunque mi aiuterebbe a familiarizzare
con la bash di Linux anche fuori casa) il mio Compaq Armada 1120
con ancora installato Winbug '95.
Una caratteristica paradossalmente peculiare di MuLinux è quella
che ne prevede l'installazione da una partizione in dos come
possono essere quelle di Win '95/98/Me/NT.
Una volta ultimata detta installazione, essa mi consentirebbe di
fare partire il notebook con MuLinux se, in fase di boot tengo
inserito il floppy (formattato e verificato a 1.72 Mb e creatomi
durante la fase di installazione) che contiene un file immagine
del sistema operativo MuLinux, diversamente mi partirebbe il
vecchio Winbug '95.
Conseguentemente, i consigli di Alberto non li trovo applicabili,
in quanto i comandi si riferiscono alla shell di Linux ... e sul
portatile ho ancora solamente Win '95, mi torneranno utili quando
opererò totalmente in ambiente Linux :-).
In merito al suggerimento di Luca invece, l'installazione mi deve
partire da dentro una cartella temporanea di Windoz tipo
C:\mulinux, nella quale avrò copiato - ed è questo il problema -
i file prelevati in rete e cioè e mulinux-11r2.tgz.

Scompattando nella stessa directory e lanciando
boot.bat (da Dos puro) mi dovrebbe partire l'installazione vera e
propria che innanzitutto mi chiederà il path del file immagine ed
a cui io dovrei rispondere /dev/fd0 che corrisponde al drive
floppy da 3.5 di Linux.
Dopodiché l'installazione di MuLinux mi chiederà di inserire il
floppy nel drive e me lo formatterà (penso in ext2)
verificandolo e scrivendoci sopra il file immagine che mi
permetterà ad un re-boot successivo di poter partire con MuLinux
oppure con Winbug.
Torno al problema: mulinux-11r2.tgz è un file compresso di 1828
Kb che non so come trasferire sul portatile senza cd-rom.
Secondo Voi ... se scompatto il file da 1828 K e trasferisco
tutti i file contenuti con più floppy? ... mi partirà ugualmente
l'installazione sul notebook oppure boot.bat mi andrà a cercare
il file originario mulinux-11r2.tgz?
Diversamente penso che mi resti solo una connessione diretta via
cavo ...

Un grazie a tutti.

[newbie-it] mdk 8.1 non legge Cd Rom

2001-11-12 Per discussione max

Ho installato ieri Linux Mandrake 8.1.
Il sistema però non mi legge nè il cd rom nè il masterizzatore in
/mnt/cdrom e /mnt/cdrom2.
In DrakeConf ho visto che il masterizzatore è registrato in due modi
diversi, in uno con la sua marca Philips nell'altro con l'espressione
Unkown. Devo ripetere l'installazione?



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Re: [newbie-it] mdk 8.1 non legge Cd Rom

2001-11-12 Per discussione Andrea Celli

max wrote:
 Ho installato ieri Linux Mandrake 8.1.
 Il sistema però non mi legge nè il cd rom nè il masterizzatore in
 /mnt/cdrom e /mnt/cdrom2.
 In DrakeConf ho visto che il masterizzatore è registrato in due modi
 diversi, in uno con la sua marca Philips nell'altro con l'espressione
 Unkown. Devo ripetere l'installazione?

li hai montati prima di leggerli?

Il mndk-8.1 hanno dovuto togliere il supermount per incompatibilita`
con il nuovo kernel.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] mandrake 8.1

2001-11-12 Per discussione Andrea Celli

 qualcuno di voi sa dirmi un sito dal quale posso scaricare la mandrake
 8.1 ?
 ciao e grazie alessandro
dalla rete universitaria
dai provider normali cerca sul sito di

ciao, andrea

[newbie] Tripwire-1.3.1-1.tar.gz

2001-11-12 Per discussione SKLIM


I can download Tripwire-1.3.1-1.tar.gz 
at my office. 
Can someone plase email me ..

Thank You

Best regards,

Re: [newbie] Tripwire-1.3.1-1.tar.gz

2001-11-12 Per discussione Anuerin G. Diaz

SKLIM wrote:

  Hi! I can download Tripwire-1.3.1-1.tar.gz at my office.Can someone
 plase email me ..


   good that you can download tripwire-1.3.1-1.tar.gz but what is the
question/request/plea for help/insight about it? and what does tripwire
do anyway?

btw, im including you in the cc list just in case so I can fulfill your

just horsing around ;-)


Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
25/F Equitable-PCI Tower
ADB Avenue cor. Poveda St.
Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

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Go to

[newbie] SSH via FTP

2001-11-12 Per discussione SKLIM


I have configure the OpenSSH at my Linux 
I can telnet by using Putty ..but not 

Can some help me can I use FTP via my Linux 
Server with SSH.

What program should I download it.

Best Regards,

Re: [newbie] Tripwire-1.3.1-1.tar.gz

2001-11-12 Per discussione SKLIM

Sorry spelling mistake..

I can't download the Tripwire in my Office. Can you please email to me.

I think it was because my office has block it.

Best Regards,

- Original Message -
From: Anuerin G. Diaz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 5:19 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Tripwire-1.3.1-1.tar.gz

 SKLIM wrote:

   Hi! I can download Tripwire-1.3.1-1.tar.gz at my office.Can someone
  plase email me ..


good that you can download tripwire-1.3.1-1.tar.gz but what is the
 question/request/plea for help/insight about it? and what does tripwire
 do anyway?

 btw, im including you in the cc list just in case so I can fulfill your

 just horsing around ;-)


 Programming, an artform that fights back.

 Anuerin G. Diaz
 Design Engineer
 Millennium Software, Incorporated
 25/F Equitable-PCI Tower
 ADB Avenue cor. Poveda St.
 Ortigas Center, Pasig City

 Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
 Fax# 638-3079

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Tripwire-1.3.1-1.tar.gz

2001-11-12 Per discussione Jhun Bacala


Nice to see a fellow Pinoy in this list.
Probably the best site to know about tripwire is here

At 05:19 PM 11/12/01, you wrote:

SKLIM wrote:

   Hi! I can download Tripwire-1.3.1-1.tar.gz at my office.Can someone
  plase email me ..


good that you can download tripwire-1.3.1-1.tar.gz but what is the
question/request/plea for help/insight about it? and what does tripwire
do anyway?

btw, im including you in the cc list just in case so I can fulfill your

just horsing around ;-)


Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
25/F Equitable-PCI Tower
ADB Avenue cor. Poveda St.
Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
Go to

Jhun Bacala
New City Commercial Corporation
MIS-Dept. Davao City

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Tripwire-1.3.1-1.tar.gz

2001-11-12 Per discussione Anuerin G. Diaz

sabi nung isa tatlo daw kayong gumagala sa list so kung isa ka doon ay may isa
pa at apat na tayo. hehehehhe...

la naman ako pakialam don sa tripwire, gusto ko lang pagtripan yung nagpadala
na di ko maintindihan kung ano gusto.

ulitin ko tanong ko sa lahat ng mga pinoy nakita ko sa linux sites/mailing
list (actually pangalawa ka pa lang, hehehehe)

me alam kang local linux group dito? wala kasing sumasagot doon sa PLUG
(ateneo) at sa BlueCross (makati yata ito).


Jhun Bacala wrote:


 Nice to see a fellow Pinoy in this list.
 Probably the best site to know about tripwire is here



Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
25/F Equitable-PCI Tower
ADB Avenue cor. Poveda St.
Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

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Go to

[newbie] change window manager in kde2.2

2001-11-12 Per discussione Manuel Martin Martin

howto change window manager in kde 2.2?


  | 0   0  |
  |   __   |
 Manuel Martin Martin   

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Re: [newbie] SSH via FTP

2001-11-12 Per discussione Anuerin G. Diaz

SKLIM wrote:

  Hi! I have configure the OpenSSH at my Linux Server.I can telnet by
 using Putty ..but not FTP.  Can some help me can I use FTP via
 my Linux Server with SSH. What program should I download it.

hi again,

as far as I know ssh is a replacement for telnet (for connecting to
a server accepting connections). I dont know if  you can do file
transfers using ssh. If you want to perform some file transfers using
ftp with your server then it should have a ftp server running (ProFtpd,
WuFtpd, and others) which will accept ftp transactions. Only one server
daemon is needed per server machine. If you still have your installation
discs then its in there somewhere, if not  you can download the packages
from the Mandrake ftp sites or do a search in


Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
25/F Equitable-PCI Tower
ADB Avenue cor. Poveda St.
Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

Re: [newbie] Tripwire-1.3.1-1.tar.gz

2001-11-12 Per discussione Jhun Bacala

Dito sa Davao merong Linux Users Group pero hindi ako member doon,
hindi ko alam kung buhay paba ang PLUG. Active yang PLUG noong 1998
doon sa 1st Open Source Conference. Ewan ko lang ngayon...


At 05:38 PM 11/12/01, you wrote:
sabi nung isa tatlo daw kayong gumagala sa list so kung isa ka doon ay may isa
pa at apat na tayo. hehehehhe...

la naman ako pakialam don sa tripwire, gusto ko lang pagtripan yung nagpadala
na di ko maintindihan kung ano gusto.

ulitin ko tanong ko sa lahat ng mga pinoy nakita ko sa linux sites/mailing
list (actually pangalawa ka pa lang, hehehehe)

me alam kang local linux group dito? wala kasing sumasagot doon sa PLUG
(ateneo) at sa BlueCross (makati yata ito).


Jhun Bacala wrote:

  Nice to see a fellow Pinoy in this list.
  Probably the best site to know about tripwire is here


Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
25/F Equitable-PCI Tower
ADB Avenue cor. Poveda St.
Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
Go to

Jhun Bacala
New City Commercial Corporation
MIS-Dept. Davao

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Tripwire-1.3.1-1.tar.gz

2001-11-12 Per discussione Anuerin G. Diaz

oopsss.. sorry if this got sent on the list. it was only intended for jhun and I
forgot that Im using Netscape messenger (whose reply to sender feature sucks).
please pardon the cross-wire for Im working in windows and am missing the
functionality of sylpheed (version 0.6.5 is available at



Anuerin G. Diaz wrote:

 sabi nung isa tatlo daw kayong gumagala sa list so kung isa ka doon ay may isa
 pa at apat na tayo. hehehehhe...



Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
25/F Equitable-PCI Tower
ADB Avenue cor. Poveda St.
Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Re: Mouse Scrolling Distance

2001-11-12 Per discussione SoloCDM

Anuerin G. Diaz stated the following:
 SoloCDM wrote:
  While at the console (not X), what settings make the mouse scroll
  further from top to bottom and left to right?
 I dont think mouse works in the console mode unless you are using framebuffers
 and that is roughly the equivalent of X. The console is used for those quick
 sessions wherein the mouse only gets in the way and hinder faster processing.
 The only reason that I know that you are asking this question is that the text
 display in  your console is not configured correctly and display is too large
 for pleasant viewing. I encountered this one when I picked a wrong setting. I
 vaguely remember that there is a setting in the Mandrake Control Center for
 this one.

No . . . not at all.  My display at the console works perfectly.  It
is set at 1280x1024, which makes the mouse scroll shorter distances
with each move in any direction.

Note: When you reply to this message, please include the mailing
  list/newsgroup address and my email address in To:.


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[newbie] Sound problem with DELL Optiplex GX110

2001-11-12 Per discussione Ivan Miranda

Hi all,
I had Just installed LM8.1 from a LM DVD on DELL optiplex 
GX110,everything seems fine except the sound.When i try to play Mp3 file 
with Xmms,i get sound in breaks and distorted.looks like the Devfs 
has not configured the sound card properly.What i have is an i810 intel 
audio Ac97 codec.How can i disable Devfs  and check whether my sound 
card is getting configured properly.This sound card was worlking 
perfectly witth LM8.0


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RE: [newbie] SSH via FTP

2001-11-12 Per discussione Franki

Do a search for 

its an open source scp (secure copy) front end for 

its a windows GUI 

Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of 
SKLIMSent: Monday, 12 November 2001 5:25 PMTo: Linux 
NewbieSubject: [newbie] SSH via FTP

  I have configure the OpenSSH at my Linux 
  I can telnet by using Putty ..but not 
  Can some help me can I use FTP via my Linux 
  Server with SSH.
  What program should I download it.
  Best Regards,

[newbie] [ OT ] Recommended Dual AMD Athlon Processor Motherboard

2001-11-12 Per discussione Mandrake Newbie

Hello everyone!  =)

First of all, I would like to thank all of you who answered my previous query.  I 
don't need to state your names.  You know who you are!  =)

Anyway, my subject says it all.  What is your recommended Socket A Dual AMD Athlon 
Processor Motherboard that will support 2.x Ghz  up for both processors and 1.5 Gb  
up (SD/RD) RAM?  This will be used as a server.

Thanks in advance.


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[newbie] [ OT ] Recommended AMD Athlon 1.x Motherboard

2001-11-12 Per discussione Mandrake Newbie

Thanks to everyone who answered my query.

More power to all of you!  =)


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[newbie] [ OT ] Recommended UPS for Linux Mandrake 8.1 server

2001-11-12 Per discussione Mandrake Newbie

[ Sorry for this OT again. ]

Hello everyone!  =)

What is your recommended UPS for a Linux Mandrake 8.1 server?  I'm in the search of a 
good UPS that has good Linux support, or at least has some externally-maintained 
shutdown daemon.

Thanks in advance.


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Re: [newbie] [ OT ] Recommended UPS for Linux Mandrake 8.1 server

2001-11-12 Per discussione Mohammed Arafa

i got a ups ... a plain old simple ups with no serial connection to the pc
which works fine wiht linux.
but in webmin ( https://localhost:1 ) there is support for ups and so i
believe that a ups with a serial connection to the pc is supported.

hoped that helped

- Original Message -
From: Mandrake Newbie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Linux Mandrake Newbie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 8:32 AM
Subject: [newbie] [ OT ] Recommended UPS for Linux Mandrake 8.1 server

 [ Sorry for this OT again. ]

 Hello everyone!  =)

 What is your recommended UPS for a Linux Mandrake 8.1 server?  I'm in the
search of a good UPS that has good Linux support, or at least has some
externally-maintained shutdown daemon.

 Thanks in advance.


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Re: [newbie] Sound problem with DELL Optiplex GX110

2001-11-12 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Monday 12 November 2001 09:03 am, Ivan Miranda wrote:
 Hi all,
 I had Just installed LM8.1 from a LM DVD on DELL optiplex
 GX110,everything seems fine except the sound.When i try to play Mp3
 file with Xmms,i get sound in breaks and distorted.looks like
 the Devfs has not configured the sound card properly.What i have is
 an i810 intel audio Ac97 codec.How can i disable Devfs  and check
 whether my sound card is getting configured properly.This sound
 card was worlking perfectly witth LM8.0

   In either grub's menu.lst or lilo's lilo.conf, depending on which 
one you're using, change the  devfs=mount   to   devfs=nomount
In lilo's case, you'll then need to run 'lilo' as root and re-boot to 
make the change effective.  In grub's case, you just need to re-boot.

As to your sound, I'm using the same ac97 chip and 8.1 with devfs 
enabled and the ac97 works great. Was automagically configured during 
install.  I did change the slider in Control Center | Sound | Sound 
Server, Sound IO tab  over to the left to increase cpu usage and 
improve sound quality.  But I've got'a 1.55ghz Tbird.
  Tom Brinkman                 Galveston Bay, USA
 chmod +x  --with -daisy_cutters /bin/

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Re: [newbie] Printing with Abi Word

2001-11-12 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn

On Tuesday 13 November 2001 04:02, you wrote:
 Currently I am using Abi Word version version 0.9.2 and I cannot get it to
 print on Mandrake 8. The setting in Abi Word is Printer and command lpr.
 But nothing. I can print to file (ps) all OK, but when I print to the
 printer nothing happens. Where should I start looking so to fix this
 problem? (I can print from other apps like KWord and such but I want to use
 ABI Word).

 Andrew D

You've probably got cups installed. Instead of lpr use qtcups and it 
should work.

To check if it's working, open a console and type: lpq

it should read something like this;
Printer is ready and printing
RankOwner   Job File(s) Total Size
active  harm35  file:/  20480 bytes

to stop a running or queued printing job, type: lprm
and enter the job number when asked.

good luck,
Harm Bathoorn.

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[newbie] AOL help USB!

2001-11-12 Per discussione AOL Systems

How do you call USB in Linux Systems
for example COM1 is called ttys0
so for USB what is it called also CD writer how do access and mount it
if in case u have one CD and the other one is CD Writer
Thanks and more power!

AOL The Technology Specialist Race to the Limits

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Re: [newbie] Re: Mouse Scrolling Distance

2001-11-12 Per discussione g

SoloCDM wrote:

 Anuerin G. Diaz stated the following:

 SoloCDM wrote:

 While at the console (not X), what settings make the mouse scroll
 further from top to bottom and left to right?

 I dont think mouse works in the console mode unless you are using framebuffers

 No . . . not at all.  My display at the console works perfectly.  It
 is set at 1280x1024, which makes the mouse scroll shorter distances
 with each move in any direction.

ok. you 2 now have me wanting to know...

solo, you say 'console (not x)' is set to 1280x1024. just how did you get
this setting? i was of impression that console was 25 lines by 80 coloums.

i have a 19 adi monitor that i would like to get 1280x1024 on in console
mode. mouse does not work, but i have no need for mouse in console mode.

while under x and kde, i use 1280x1024, which is great when working
in xterm. would be nice to have that size of screen in console mode
for when i am in init level 1 and 3.




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Re: [newbie] Re: Mouse Scrolling Distance

2001-11-12 Per discussione Gonzalo

For 1024x768, put vga=791
For 1280x1024, put vga=794 in lilo.conf
 solo, you say 'console (not x)' is set to 1280x1024. just how did you get
 this setting? i was of impression that console was 25 lines by 80 coloums.
 i have a 19 adi monitor that i would like to get 1280x1024 on in console
 mode. mouse does not work, but i have no need for mouse in console mode.
 while under x and kde, i use 1280x1024, which is great when working
 in xterm. would be nice to have that size of screen in console mode
 for when i am in init level 1 and 3.

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[newbie] Using Software Manager remotely

2001-11-12 Per discussione Andrew M. Henshaw

I have a system set up that I'm trying to use headless (without a local keyboard, 
monitor, mouse).  Most things work fine, except, it seems, for the X-window 
applications that require root authorization.  The application that I'm particularly 
interested in is Software Manager.  When I run it remotely, it asks for the root 
password and then seems to die a silent death.  When I run it locally, everything is 

I'm using eXceed as my X-window server.

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Re: [newbie] [ OT ] Recommended UPS for Linux Mandrake 8.1 server

2001-11-12 Per discussione Newbie

I think that APC (i hope thats right)
has some Linux compatible ones.

On Tuesday 13 November 2001 12:32 am, you wrote:
 [ Sorry for this OT again. ]

 Hello everyone!  =)

 What is your recommended UPS for a Linux Mandrake 8.1 server?  I'm in the
 search of a good UPS that has good Linux support, or at least has some
 externally-maintained shutdown daemon.

 Thanks in advance.


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Re: [newbie] Using Software Manager remotely

2001-11-12 Per discussione Jamie Kerwick

sorry i'm afraid i can't help you with your problem, but i would like to 
know how you got exceed to work. I've tried a number of times, but the best 
i got was an x teminal window, no full desktop, what settings in exceed did 
you use, any changes to Xfree86 config files ?

Actually, just had a thought, have you tried using the software manager in 
webmin ?? or how about running the software manager from a command line 
which you are su'ed in  ??



From: Andrew M. Henshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newbie] Using Software Manager remotely
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2001 11:06:28 -0500

I have a system set up that I'm trying to use headless (without a local 
keyboard, monitor, mouse).  Most things work fine, except, it seems, for 
the X-window applications that require root authorization.  The application 
that I'm particularly interested in is Software Manager.  When I run it 
remotely, it asks for the root password and then seems to die a silent 
death.  When I run it locally, everything is fine.

I'm using eXceed as my X-window server.
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RE: [newbie] Using Software Manager remotely

2001-11-12 Per discussione Andrew M. Henshaw

I've set mine up to run the whole KDE desktop within exceed.  I have a short script 
that sets my display variable to my eXceed server and then does a startkde command.

export DISPLAY=

I'm running telnet to do the startup (internal LAN) because I had trouble with the rsh 
and rexec methods.

Running rpmdrake from a su'ed command line does indeed work.  That a workable 
solution, since I don't need to do it very often.  Thanks.

-Original Message-
From: Jamie Kerwick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 11:43 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Using Software Manager remotely

sorry i'm afraid i can't help you with your problem, but i would like to 
know how you got exceed to work. I've tried a number of times, but the best 
i got was an x teminal window, no full desktop, what settings in exceed did 
you use, any changes to Xfree86 config files ?

Actually, just had a thought, have you tried using the software manager in 
webmin ?? or how about running the software manager from a command line 
which you are su'ed in  ??



From: Andrew M. Henshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newbie] Using Software Manager remotely
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2001 11:06:28 -0500

I have a system set up that I'm trying to use headless (without a local 
keyboard, monitor, mouse).  Most things work fine, except, it seems, for 
the X-window applications that require root authorization.  The application 
that I'm particularly interested in is Software Manager.  When I run it 
remotely, it asks for the root password and then seems to die a silent 
death.  When I run it locally, everything is fine.

I'm using eXceed as my X-window server.
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Re: [newbie] Printing with Abi Word

2001-11-12 Per discussione Gordon Burgess-Parker

H.J.Bathoorn wrote:

On Tuesday 13 November 2001 04:02, you wrote:

Currently I am using Abi Word version version 0.9.2 and I cannot get it to
print on Mandrake 8. The setting in Abi Word is Printer and command lpr.
But nothing. I can print to file (ps) all OK, but when I print to the
printer nothing happens. Where should I start looking so to fix this
problem? (I can print from other apps like KWord and such but I want to use
ABI Word).

Andrew D

You've probably got cups installed. Instead of lpr use qtcups and it 
should work.

To check if it's working, open a console and type: lpq

it should read something like this;
Printer is ready and printing
RankOwner   Job File(s) Total Size
active  harm35  file:/  20480 bytes

to stop a running or queued printing job, type: lprm
and enter the job number when asked.

good luck,
Harm Bathoorn.

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I had a related problem - Abiword would only print the LAST page of a 

Anyone got any clues about this?

Mandrake 8.0 User since 8 October 2001
Registered Linux User No 240308

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[newbie] Solid black page for printout... ;-(

2001-11-12 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall

I know that attachments are taboo but I'm puzzled by this. I selected this
text from a web page (highlighted with my mouse, opened kedit, 3rd button
clicked and pasted it into kedit, saved it as plain ASCI text). Dragged it to
my printer, and it printed out a solid black page.

Done it twice more, still does same thing.

I even opened it in kedit again, saved it again, opened it in Konqueror, and
it shows up as a plain ASCI text page. Print it out, solid black page. Never
had this happen before. Anyone know why, or better yet - try to print it out
and see if it does the same thing.



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Re: [newbie] Anyone able to play DVD movies?

2001-11-12 Per discussione skinky

On Tue, 13 Nov 2001 00:26, Len Lawrence wrote:
|  Not that simple.  Try that under Mandrake 7.2.  I have been trying for
|  months to get xine and mplayer installed and keep getting these sorts
|  of errors:
|  Would installing 8.1 make any difference?  It's in the post.
|  -
|  Len Lawrence @ The Thistle Foundation

I did a clean install of 8.1 (when it first came out).  Just downloaded 
the xine rpm from last weekend and it worked no probs.  So 
I guess installing 8.1 will (or should) make a difference.  Good luck.

But what ... is it good for?
(Engineer at the Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968, 
commenting on the microchip)

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[newbie] Lucent Modem

2001-11-12 Per discussione Daniel Pacca

Hi, my name is Daniel and I have a tiny 
problem,I have downloaded the latest Mandrake from the official site, and 
I can´t install my Lucent Internal Modem, I didn´t find it on the list of the 
"Modem Wizard Configuration", what canI do?

Please, any help will be usefull

thank you

Daniel Pacca

Re: [newbie] movies?

2001-11-12 Per discussione skinky

Lopster is a good one.

But what ... is it good for?
(Engineer at the Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968, 
commenting on the microchip)

On Tue, 13 Nov 2001 01:47, Lanman wrote:
|  I believe there's a version of LimeWire for Linux, as well. Have a look
| at
|  http://
|  Lanman
|  On Monday 12 November 2001 07:14 am, you wrote:
|   If someone wants to answer me or not, that is ok.  I am trying to
|   completely dissolve windows from my box, but of course there are
|   little things not quite right.
|   My question is:  Is there a program out there for LM that I can use
|   for downloading movies?  Example for windows would be Limewire, Bear
|   Share, Morpheus, Direct Connect.
|   Any ideas at all?

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Re: [newbie] Lucent Modem

2001-11-12 Per discussione Paul

In reply to Daniel Pacca's words, written Mon, 12 Nov 2001 16:11:39 -0200

Trot over to
You can find a link to a site where there's a driver for your modem.

Hi, my name is Daniel and I have a tiny problem, I have downloaded the latest
Mandrake from the official site, and I can´t install my Lucent Internal
Modem, I didn´t find it on the list of the Modem Wizard Configuration, what
can I do?

Please, any help will be usefull

thank you

Daniel Pacca

Your future depends on many things, but mostly on you.
-Frank Tyger - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.6.3 claws
Open Source, Open Minds. Linux.

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Re: [newbie] limit of cat5 cables? (length)

2001-11-12 Per discussione Jim Dawson

The maximum lenth of a 100baseT (CAT5) Ethernet run is 100 meters, or a little over 
300 feet. About the only problem you are likely to run into with the distance you are 
covering is if you run the cable next to a source of RF interferance such as a 
flourscent light ballast.

-Original Message-
From: Paul Rodríguez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 10 Nov 2001 17:37:56 -0500
Subject: [newbie] limit of cat5 cables?  (length)

Hi, everybody.  I have a DSL connection coming in to the upstairs
computer.  I'd like to connect (withought having to get a new modem) a
computer downstairs to the same connection.  Can I send a cat5 cable
down throught the wall from the router to the downstairs computer?
(approx. 30-40 feet)  Is there a limit to cat5 length in order to remain
effective?  Do I need a wireless solution?  is that even safe?

-Paul Rodríguez


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RE: [newbie] Lucent Modem

2001-11-12 Per discussione Mitchell, Edmund

A good place 
to start might be


  -Original Message-From: Daniel Pacca 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 1:12 
  PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [newbie] Lucent 
  Hi, my name is Daniel and I have a tiny 
  problem,I have downloaded the latest Mandrake from the official site, 
  and I can´t install my Lucent Internal Modem, I didn´t find it on the list of 
  the "Modem Wizard Configuration", what canI do?
  Please, any help will be usefull
  thank you

Re: [newbie] motherboard suggestion for stable system

2001-11-12 Per discussione Jim Dawson

My only recomendation is to use 'server grade' hardware. 'Desktop' grade computers are 
not designed to run 24/7. Unfortunately I don't know of any server-grade computers 
that use AMD processors.

If possible go with a SCSI disk subsystem rather than IDE. IDE drives are made for the 
desktop market and are generally not designed for 24x7 operation. If you can afford it 
get a RAID controller (even if you are just mirroring, a RAID controller can handle 
mirroring much better than the server itself.) and hot swappable drives. it is also a 
good idea to have redundant (and if possible hot swappable) power supplies and cooling 

Compaq and IBM both sell very Linux-friendly server lines. Dell and (I think) HP also 
support Linux on their server products. I personally would recommend the Compaq 
Proliant line.

-Original Message-
From: Paul Rodríguez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 10 Nov 2001 17:02:19 -0500
Subject: [newbie] motherboard suggestion for stable system

I am building a system for the doctor's private practice.  Stabillity is
the number one concern.  We will have windows and linux running on
separate hard drives untill we can tansition the database to Linux,
after which, I'd like to have a RAID system for increased data

Do you have any suggestions on hardware I should be looking for or
staying away from?  I'd like to use an AMD chip.  Are there any special
considerations for having a mroe reliable system?

-Paul Rodríguez


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RE: [newbie] Lucent Modem

2001-11-12 Per discussione Dodd, David J

go to you will find your answer there, I aint lieing

-Original Message-
From: Mitchell, Edmund [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 10:25
Subject: RE: [newbie] Lucent Modem

A good place to start might be 


-Original Message-
From: Daniel Pacca [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 1:12 PM
Subject: [newbie] Lucent Modem

Hi, my name is Daniel and I have a tiny problem, I have downloaded the
latest Mandrake from the official site, and I can´t install my Lucent
Internal Modem, I didn´t find it on the list of the Modem Wizard
Configuration, what can I do?
Please, any help will be usefull
thank you
Daniel Pacca

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[newbie] Anyone able to play DVD movies?

2001-11-12 Per discussione falcaraz

Yesss, with xine and videolan also, I had not problems with 8.0 and is
runing better with 8.1. At the moment I am using the 0.9.2 of xine;
sooner or later I will try with new releases. Yesterday I wathced a
complete movie in dvd (a encrypted movie). Just download the appropiates
rpm files and read carefully the xine page instructions. Of course you
could need some libs instaled in your system!, if you get dependencies
messages try to install those libs.

XIne download page:

Francisco Alcaraz 
Murcia (Spain)

Francisco Alcaraz
Murcia (Spain)

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Re: [newbie] Printing with Abi Word

2001-11-12 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn

On Monday 12 November 2001 18:26, you wrote:

 I had a related problem - Abiword would only print the LAST page of a

 Anyone got any clues about this?
Abiword certainly isn't perfect yet, but it shouldn't/doesn't do that :-p
Got anymore info?
What printer?
Were you using the lpr command i.e. do you print through ghostscript or cups?
If you enter the qtcups command instead of the lpr, the cups dialog (same as 
the one the printer-icon on the desktop gives) should appear. Which gives you 
quite a lot of fine-tune options if you dig any deeper.
Otherwise you can always give turboprint a try, they're at 
(not .com), the webpage is very transparent :)


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[newbie] Screenshot in Gnome

2001-11-12 Per discussione Søren Neigaard

How do I take a screenshot of my desktop in Gnome?
Med venlig hilsen/Best regards
Søren Neigaard
Registered Linux User #239437

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[newbie] audio cd's / kernel upgrade

2001-11-12 Per discussione Bill Winegarden

I am one of the unfortunates that could not get the audio cd's to work. All 
archive messages were read and suggestions tried. No luck. I'm on a Dell 
laptop. In any case, I understand that Mandrake was working on a fix and that 
it would be included in future kernel upgrades.

Has this happened yet?

Bill W.

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Re: [newbie] Desktop Icons

2001-11-12 Per discussione Kathy Montgomery

Funny, I'm not finding this option in my Nautilus preferences... ?  I have set
the preferences to Intermediate and Advanced.

- Kathy

David Robertson wrote:


 If you are using Nautilus, go into preferences and make sure that use
 Nautilus to draw the desktop is checked. I think you need to have the
 preferences set to at least intermediate to do this. Then log out and back
 in: your icons should be there.



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Re: [newbie] limit of cat5 cables? (length)

2001-11-12 Per discussione Tim Holmes

Actually, there's no tested maximum length for CAT5.  However if you're
going by the specs, 100M is the max between some sort of device.  Whether
it's a repeater, a hub or something.

Many of use have done networks where we've used CAT5 much longer then 100M
for whatever reason, and have had no problem.

But, for those of you who have gone through MCSE or Cisco, or any network
training, they say the spec is 100M, for performance.  The instructor will
also tell you after you've learned the spec, and passed the test, forget the
spec!  In the real world, you do what works.  More then 100M of CAT5, works.
I think many of us can attest to that.

  T. Holmes  |  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  UIN:  17021091
 | Heh, I've run many single drops of over 200 meters on Cat-5e using
 | 100BaseT w/o problems to connect buildings together.
 | Everything is in the shielding.
 | -JMS
 | |-Original Message-
 | |[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Ed Kasky
 | |Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2001 6:19 PM
 | |Subject: Re: [newbie] limit of cat5 cables? (length)
 | |
 | |
 | |Quoting liberally from Ethernet Networks by Gilbert Held:
 | |
 | |The IEEE 8023 standard for 10BASE-T  using unshielded twisted 
 | |pair at 10 Mbps, maximum segment length is 100 meters or 328 feet...
 | |
 | |Now if you want to get really technical, the 100 meters was originally 
 | |meant to consist of 3 segments.
 | |The first segment can be up to 90 meters from a patch panel to a wall 
 | |plate.  Segments 2 and 3 which can be up to 10 meters in 
 | |length allow for 
 | |patch cables at each end of the link.
 | |
 | |You are well within the maximum length and it's a lot cheaper than a 
 | |wireless solution.
 | |
 | |At 05:37 PM Saturday, 11/10/2001, Paul wrote -=
 | |Hi, everybody.  I have a DSL connection coming in to the upstairs 
 | |computer.  I'd like to connect (withought having to get a new 
 | |modem) a 
 | |computer downstairs to the same connection.  Can I send a cat5 cable 
 | |down throught the wall from the router to the downstairs computer? 
 | |(approx. 30-40 feet)  Is there a limit to cat5 length in order to 
 | |remain effective?  Do I need a wireless solution?  is that even safe?
 | |
 | |Ed Kasky
 | |Los Angeles, CA
 | |. . . . . . . .
 | |My friend has a baby.  I'm recording all the noises
 | |he makes so later I can ask him what he meant.
 | |--Steven Wright
 | |
 | |
 | |
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  -Uptime ---
  2:50PM  up 19 days,  3:30, 4 users, load averages: 0.00, 0.01, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] Anyone able to play DVD movies?

2001-11-12 Per discussione Rob

On Monday 12 November 2001 10:03 am, you wrote:

There is a Ogle! RPM software which works great under 8.1.  I installed it 
over a week ago and to my amazement, the menu works good with the mouse.  It 
just almost as good as WinDVD.  In the past, I've no luck with Xine and 
mplayer.  VideoLAN is good but not as good as Ogle!


 On Tue, 13 Nov 2001 00:26, Len Lawrence wrote:
 |  Not that simple.  Try that under Mandrake 7.2.  I have been trying for
 |  months to get xine and mplayer installed and keep getting these sorts
 |  of errors:


 |  Would installing 8.1 make any difference?  It's in the post.
 |  -
 |  Len Lawrence @ The Thistle Foundation

 I did a clean install of 8.1 (when it first came out).  Just downloaded
 the xine rpm from last weekend and it worked no probs.  So
 I guess installing 8.1 will (or should) make a difference.  Good luck.


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[newbie] fat32 vs reiserfs for storage

2001-11-12 Per discussione Paul Rodríguez

Sorry if this question was already answered, I couldn't find it.

I have two partitions on the same disk, one fat32, one reiserFS, oth
with plenty of space.  Since I spend all of my time in Linux, I keep the
Fat32 partition for storage.  

I frequently access a large number of small files (~10-30k), but I only
need to have them available to Linux.  Is there any advantage to keeping
these files on one partition as opposed to the other.  (e.g. as far as
space taken up them or acess speed?)

-Paul Rodríguez

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[newbie] Calibrating monitor image

2001-11-12 Per discussione Miark

Hi all,

Is there a way to tune monitor output in X Window/KDE? 
Something like Adobe's Gamma Loader in Winsux.


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Re: [newbie] Desktop Icons

2001-11-12 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

On Mon, 12 Nov 2001 14:43:24 -0500
Kathy Montgomery [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Funny, I'm not finding this option in my Nautilus preferences... ?  I have set
 the preferences to Intermediate and Advanced.
 - Kathy
 David Robertson wrote:
  If you are using Nautilus, go into preferences and make sure that use
  Nautilus to draw the desktop is checked. I think you need to have the
  preferences set to at least intermediate to do this. Then log out and back
  in: your icons should be there.

If at any time Nautilus was 'turned off' you must use Beginner to reset it
to draw your desktop.


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Re: [newbie] fat32 vs reiserfs for storage

2001-11-12 Per discussione Paul

In reply to Paul Rodríguez's words, written 12 Nov 2001 15:08:45 -0500

Fat32 is not good. It wastes a lot of space. ReiserFS is a lot more efficient
than that. And since that is native Linux, faster in access also.


I have two partitions on the same disk, one fat32, one reiserFS, oth
with plenty of space.  Since I spend all of my time in Linux, I keep the
Fat32 partition for storage.  

I frequently access a large number of small files (~10-30k), but I only
need to have them available to Linux.  Is there any advantage to keeping
these files on one partition as opposed to the other.  (e.g. as far as
space taken up them or acess speed?)

Your future depends on many things, but mostly on you.
-Frank Tyger - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.6.3 claws
Open Source, Open Minds. Linux.

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Re: [newbie] Calibrating monitor image

2001-11-12 Per discussione Paul

In reply to Miark's words, written Mon, 12 Nov 2001 12:24:49 -0700

/usr/X11R6/bin/xvidtune as root might be what you are looking for.

Is there a way to tune monitor output in X Window/KDE? 
Something like Adobe's Gamma Loader in Winsux.

Your future depends on many things, but mostly on you.
-Frank Tyger - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.6.3 claws
Open Source, Open Minds. Linux.

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[newbie] MSI KT266A and Athlon 1800+ Wooohooo!!! but a tiny problem. 3073.64 BOGOMIPS!

2001-11-12 Per discussione Franki

Hi all,

Tonight I went over and upgraded my CPU and Motherboard to the above

It now gets 3073.64 Bogomips... (was 2779.72 with a standard Athlon 1.4)

Anyway, the upgrade went flawlessly till I went to boot mandrake 7.2

It started, then started framebuffer, then detected the drives,
then it stopped at this:

ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7, 0x3f6 on irq 14
ide1 at 0x170-0x177, 0x376 on irg 15

it hadn't locked up, because the caps and number lock keys still worked.. it
just sat there doing nothing... for ages, I let it go for 30 minutes and
nothing changed. that was kernel 2.2.19-5.1mdksecure I could find nothing in
the logs to detail the problem but didn't expect to, because at this stage,
it isnt' writing anything to the logs.

Then I did the 3 finger salute and selected the default 2.2.17-26 kernel...

that worked, and it booted up..

So my question is, why does it boot 2.2.17, but not 2.2.19??? I don't want
to leave it like this because 2.2.17 was buggy and had security flaws didn't

(I tried to boot 2.2.19-4.1mdksecure as well, same problem as 5.1,, sat
there doing nothing.)

I will be upgrading the system to mdk8.1 in a week or so,  but I want this
thing to be secure until then..

Can anyone make any suggestions?

One last observation, is that kudzu and harddrake could not load anythign
for the chipset, harddrake showed 4 unknown VIA other devices which was to
be expected, but the system worked well enough otherwise.. (except for the
2.2.19 kernels.)



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RE: [newbie] Desktop Icons

2001-11-12 Per discussione David Robertson

Open Nautilus, Preferences/Windows and Desktop: it should be there. If you
reset your preferences, maybe you need to restart Nautilus.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kathy Montgomery
Sent: 12 November 2001 19:43
Subject: Re: [newbie] Desktop Icons

Funny, I'm not finding this option in my Nautilus preferences... ?  I have
the preferences to Intermediate and Advanced.

- Kathy

David Robertson wrote:


 If you are using Nautilus, go into preferences and make sure that use
 Nautilus to draw the desktop is checked. I think you need to have the
 preferences set to at least intermediate to do this. Then log out and back
 in: your icons should be there.



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[newbie] Software Manager problems

2001-11-12 Per discussione David ..

I'm having a heck of atime getting the Software Manager to work correctly 
and update and applications I have on my system. When selecting eith Cooker 
or Security Mirror sites and it tries to connect and get what I assume is a 
updated list of versions, it just gives me an error(I'm at work right now 
and don't have the error handy) that says something to the effect of unable 
to connect to site. I think I've tried most of the mirror sites and all of 
them report the same error.

Is there some funky port number this application is using?
I'm running on cable modem and I have a firewall up running e-smith 
( and the desktop system is running mandrake 8.1


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Re: [newbie] Calibrating monitor image

2001-11-12 Per discussione Miark

That's good--it's helped me fix an off-center image. But
what I'm really after is something to tweak the color.


- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 7:32 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Calibrating monitor image

 In reply to Miark's words, written Mon, 12 Nov 2001 12:24:49 -0700
 /usr/X11R6/bin/xvidtune as root might be what you are looking for.
 Is there a way to tune monitor output in X Window/KDE? 
 Something like Adobe's Gamma Loader in Winsux.
 Your future depends on many things, but mostly on you.
 -Frank Tyger - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.6.3 claws
 Open Source, Open Minds. Linux.

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to

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Re: [newbie] MSI KT266A and Athlon 1800+ Wooohooo!!! but a tiny problem. 3073.64 BOGOMIPS!

2001-11-12 Per discussione Tim Holmes

Did you do any sort of compile for this other kernel?  OR was it a rpm
install?  If so, you may want to try uninstalling the kernel, then
installing it again.  It will then try and rebuild it, and it may work then.
Just a suggestion.

Another suggestion, don't install 8.1.  Install 8.0.  8.1 has been nothing
but hassles for us here, and a lot of people on th elist have found problems
with it as well.  I would suggest 8.0.

  T. Holmes  |  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  UIN:  17021091
 | Hi all,
 | Tonight I went over and upgraded my CPU and Motherboard to the above
 | system..
 | It now gets 3073.64 Bogomips... (was 2779.72 with a standard Athlon 1.4)
 | Anyway, the upgrade went flawlessly till I went to boot mandrake 7.2
 | It started, then started framebuffer, then detected the drives,
 | then it stopped at this:
 | ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7, 0x3f6 on irq 14
 | ide1 at 0x170-0x177, 0x376 on irg 15
 | it hadn't locked up, because the caps and number lock keys still worked.. it
 | just sat there doing nothing... for ages, I let it go for 30 minutes and
 | nothing changed. that was kernel 2.2.19-5.1mdksecure I could find nothing in
 | the logs to detail the problem but didn't expect to, because at this stage,
 | it isnt' writing anything to the logs.
 | Then I did the 3 finger salute and selected the default 2.2.17-26 kernel...
 | that worked, and it booted up..
 | So my question is, why does it boot 2.2.17, but not 2.2.19??? I don't want
 | to leave it like this because 2.2.17 was buggy and had security flaws didn't
 | it?
 | (I tried to boot 2.2.19-4.1mdksecure as well, same problem as 5.1,, sat
 | there doing nothing.)
 | I will be upgrading the system to mdk8.1 in a week or so,  but I want this
 | thing to be secure until then..
 | Can anyone make any suggestions?
 | One last observation, is that kudzu and harddrake could not load anythign
 | for the chipset, harddrake showed 4 unknown VIA other devices which was to
 | be expected, but the system worked well enough otherwise.. (except for the
 | 2.2.19 kernels.)
 | rgds
 | Frank.
 | Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 | Go to

  -Uptime ---
  4:01PM  up 19 days,  4:41, 3 users, load averages: 0.08, 0.05, 0.01

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Re: [newbie] Calibrating monitor image

2001-11-12 Per discussione Paul

In reply to Miark's words, written Mon, 12 Nov 2001 14:05:32 -0700

That's good--it's helped me fix an off-center image. But
what I'm really after is something to tweak the color.


Good luck. I am colorblind, can't help you further ;)

Your future depends on many things, but mostly on you.
-Frank Tyger - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.6.3 claws
Open Source, Open Minds. Linux.

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RE: [newbie] MSI KT266A and Athlon 1800+ Wooohooo!!! but a tiny problem. 3073.64 BOGOMIPS!

2001-11-12 Per discussione Franki

The RPM was a straight RPM install, no compiling..

As for 8.1,, I just bought the 8.1 powerpack, and its running fine on my
test box..

its too late for me to turn back now,, I paid 160 AU dollars for this thing,
I have to use it. :-)



-Original Message-
From: Tim Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, 13 November 2001 5:04 AM
To: Franki
Cc: NEWBIE Mandrake List
Subject: Re: [newbie] MSI KT266A and Athlon 1800+ Wooohooo!!! but a tiny
problem. 3073.64 BOGOMIPS!

Did you do any sort of compile for this other kernel?  OR was it a rpm
install?  If so, you may want to try uninstalling the kernel, then
installing it again.  It will then try and rebuild it, and it may work then.
Just a suggestion.

Another suggestion, don't install 8.1.  Install 8.0.  8.1 has been nothing
but hassles for us here, and a lot of people on th elist have found problems
with it as well.  I would suggest 8.0.

  T. Holmes  |  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  UIN:  17021091
 | Hi all,
 | Tonight I went over and upgraded my CPU and Motherboard to the above
 | system..
 | It now gets 3073.64 Bogomips... (was 2779.72 with a standard Athlon 1.4)
 | Anyway, the upgrade went flawlessly till I went to boot mandrake 7.2
 | It started, then started framebuffer, then detected the drives,
 | then it stopped at this:
 | ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7, 0x3f6 on irq 14
 | ide1 at 0x170-0x177, 0x376 on irg 15
 | it hadn't locked up, because the caps and number lock keys still worked..
 | just sat there doing nothing... for ages, I let it go for 30 minutes and
 | nothing changed. that was kernel 2.2.19-5.1mdksecure I could find nothing
 | the logs to detail the problem but didn't expect to, because at this
 | it isnt' writing anything to the logs.
 | Then I did the 3 finger salute and selected the default 2.2.17-26
 | that worked, and it booted up..
 | So my question is, why does it boot 2.2.17, but not 2.2.19??? I don't
 | to leave it like this because 2.2.17 was buggy and had security flaws
 | it?
 | (I tried to boot 2.2.19-4.1mdksecure as well, same problem as 5.1,, sat
 | there doing nothing.)
 | I will be upgrading the system to mdk8.1 in a week or so,  but I want
 | thing to be secure until then..
 | Can anyone make any suggestions?
 | One last observation, is that kudzu and harddrake could not load anythign
 | for the chipset, harddrake showed 4 unknown VIA other devices which was
 | be expected, but the system worked well enough otherwise.. (except for
 | 2.2.19 kernels.)
 | rgds
 | Frank.
 | Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 | Go to

  -Uptime ---
  4:01PM  up 19 days,  4:41, 3 users, load averages: 0.08, 0.05, 0.01

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Re[2]: [newbie] Mouse Scrolling Distance

2001-11-12 Per discussione Onur Kucuk

AGD SoloCDM wrote:

 While at the console (not X), what settings make the mouse scroll
 further from top to bottom and left to right?

AGD I dont think mouse works in the console mode unless you are using framebuffers
AGD and that is roughly the equivalent of X. The console is used for those quick
AGD sessions wherein the mouse only gets in the way and hinder faster processing.

AGD The only reason that I know that you are asking this question is that the text
AGD display in  your console is not configured correctly and display is too large
AGD for pleasant viewing. I encountered this one when I picked a wrong setting. I
AGD vaguely remember that there is a setting in the Mandrake Control Center for
AGD this one.


The mouse in console is managed by the program called gpm.
Use man gpm command to find more info on gpm. If you will find the
proper command, you can change how gpm is started, in the file

Sorry cant tell you where and how right now (have no linux-pc right now),
but these will show you the way I guess

 Good luck
 Onur Kucuk

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[newbie] burning ISO CDs

2001-11-12 Per discussione Gronbach, Paul

Hi all,
I have an HP CD-Writer+ 9500. I am trying to create an install CD
from the downloaded ISO file. All I get is one file, the ISO file, on the
CD. I am sure this is not what is supposed to be there :-)  Either the
software I have is not capable of this or I am doing something wrong in my
attempt to create this CD. I would appreciate any help. TIA!

Paul W Gronbach Jr / IS Supervisor   Light travels faster than sound,
Iowa Mold Tooling Co., Inc.that is why some people appear bright
500 Hwy 18 W ... Garner, Iowa 50438  until you hear them speak. anon

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Re: [newbie] burning ISO CDs

2001-11-12 Per discussione David ..

What software you using? If it's adobe's(damn, can't remeber the name of the 
software) then there is a option in FILE to create a CD FROM IMAGE, select 
that option.

From: Gronbach, Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newbie] burning ISO CDs
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2001 15:51:51 -0600

Hi all,
   I have an HP CD-Writer+ 9500. I am trying to create an install CD
from the downloaded ISO file. All I get is one file, the ISO file, on the
CD. I am sure this is not what is supposed to be there :-)  Either the
software I have is not capable of this or I am doing something wrong in my
attempt to create this CD. I would appreciate any help. TIA!

Paul W Gronbach Jr / IS Supervisor   Light travels faster than sound,
Iowa Mold Tooling Co., Inc.that is why some people appear 
500 Hwy 18 W ... Garner, Iowa 50438  until you hear them speak. anon

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RE: [newbie] limit of cat5 cables? (length)

2001-11-12 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

So true.


|-Original Message-
|From: Tim Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
|Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 2:56 PM
|To: Jose M. Sanchez
|Subject: Re: [newbie] limit of cat5 cables? (length)
|Actually, there's no tested maximum length for CAT5.  However 
|if you're going by the specs, 100M is the max between some 
|sort of device.  Whether it's a repeater, a hub or something.
|Many of use have done networks where we've used CAT5 much 
|longer then 100M for whatever reason, and have had no problem.
|But, for those of you who have gone through MCSE or Cisco, or 
|any network training, they say the spec is 100M, for 
|performance.  The instructor will also tell you after you've 
|learned the spec, and passed the test, forget the spec!  In 
|the real world, you do what works.  More then 100M of CAT5, 
|works. I think many of us can attest to that. tdh

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[newbie] unscribed

2001-11-12 Per discussione Nzaoui

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Re: [newbie] burning ISO CDs

2001-11-12 Per discussione Jim Kershner

Depends on which software package you are using. Here's a couple of tutorial

For Nero:

For Adaptec CD Creator:


- Original Message -
From: Gronbach, Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 4:51 PM
Subject: [newbie] burning ISO CDs

 Hi all,
 I have an HP CD-Writer+ 9500. I am trying to create an install CD
 from the downloaded ISO file. All I get is one file, the ISO file, on the
 CD. I am sure this is not what is supposed to be there :-)  Either the
 software I have is not capable of this or I am doing something wrong in my
 attempt to create this CD. I would appreciate any help. TIA!

 Paul W Gronbach Jr / IS Supervisor   Light travels faster than sound,
 Iowa Mold Tooling Co., Inc.that is why some people appear
 500 Hwy 18 W ... Garner, Iowa 50438  until you hear them speak. anon

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to

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Re: [newbie] burning ISO CDs

2001-11-12 Per discussione skidley

On Mon, 12 Nov 2001, Gronbach, Paul wrote:

 Hi all,
   I have an HP CD-Writer+ 9500. I am trying to create an install CD
 from the downloaded ISO file. All I get is one file, the ISO file, on the
 CD. I am sure this is not what is supposed to be there :-)  Either the
 software I have is not capable of this or I am doing something wrong in my
 attempt to create this CD. I would appreciate any help. TIA!

 Paul W Gronbach Jr / IS Supervisor   Light travels faster than sound,
 Iowa Mold Tooling Co., Inc.that is why some people appear bright
 500 Hwy 18 W ... Garner, Iowa 50438  until you hear them speak. anon

If your using linux cdrecord will burn it fine. If you're using windows
cdrwin or easy cd creator work for .iso. You have to select something like
burn disc image, or image i'm not sure exactly how it's worded. It just
has to know its an image file and not just straight data.
Linux User #195191

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Re: [newbie] Easier reading

2001-11-12 Per discussione Dan Jacobs

 Judging by experience, though, you'll never get people to agree on
 either approach.

I'm only keeping track in case any one wants to see the tally when it seems
this thread has lots it's momentum.

Diesel Dan

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Re: [newbie] GRUB

2001-11-12 Per discussione Dan Jacobs

 [Original Message]
 In the readme that comes with Grub, it explains how to change the default
os -
 Yours is set to 0 right now.  To make windoze the default, change the
 default 0 - default 2

This did exactly what I wanted.  Thanks a bunch, Ed
Diesel Dan

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[newbie] ISDN on 8.1 in UK

2001-11-12 Per discussione Stuart Rogers

I have a BT ISDN card which is correctly recognized as a Fritz card. Says 
it is setup OK but I cant seem to get connected. Also is there any 
graphical front end which then shows graph of updownloads etc? Rather like 



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[newbie] kde 2.2 error

2001-11-12 Per discussione Manuel Martin Martin

why i cant change window decoration in my kde 2.2?

[root@m p1]#  kcmshell kwindecoration
kdecore (KLocale): WARNING: found no definition of PluralForm
DCOPServer up and running.
kdecore (KLocale): WARNING: found no definition of PluralForm
kdecore (KLocale): WARNING: found no definition of PluralForm
kdecore (KLocale): WARNING: found no definition of PluralForm
kcontrol: ERROR: ¡Módulo kwindecoration no encontrado!

  | 0   0  |
  |   __   |
 Manuel Martin Martin   

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[newbie] WordPerfect 8.0 Printer Installation Problem

2001-11-12 Per discussione James F. Marshall

I have a printer installed under Mandrake 8.1.  The printer
works with a print test and Netscape.  However, when I try to
setup a printer for WP 8.0, I find no destination available for
assignment to the printer.  The only choice I get is between
printing to disk and printing to $PRINTER, but I cannot assign a
destination to $PRINTER.  In Mandrake 8.1, my printer is called
Brother and set up as an HP Laserjet IIP.  When I installed WP
8.0, I installed the drivers for HP Laserjet IIP and for the
specific Brother model that I have (which emulates the HP
Laserjet IIP).  As noted, however, the installation program that
no destinations were available for assignment to either driver.

I have seen discussion of creating a RAW printer, but I have no
idea how to do that.  Also, I don't see how I could assign a
destination to that either.

What am I doing wrong?  How do I fix it?
Jim Marshall

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Re: [newbie] CDRW problem

2001-11-12 Per discussione Lee Roberts

At 08:03 AM 11/7/2001 -0500, Tom Brinkman wrote:
On Tuesday 06 November 2001 11:22 pm, Lee Roberts wrote:

 I added append hdc=ide-scsi to lilo.conf but I still can't find
 the drive with cdrecord -scanbus and gcombust can't find it. The
 ide-scsi driver does get loaded and the drive gets mounted at boot
 time as read-only.

  Try it like this (note the space right after the first )

append= hdc=ide-scsi devfs=mount quiet

  If it's still no go, try changing devfs=mount to devfs=nomount

  There's also a   nobiospnp   option you can try adding, and make
  sure your bios is set to 'pnp OS = no (or disabled)'

  Don't forget you need to run 'lilo' as root to make any edits to
  lilo.conf take affect, ie, before you reboot.

I've tried everyone's suggestions plus copied and pasted some info from the
CD-Writing HOW-TO. Maybe I should try recompiling the kernel or do a
fresh install?

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[newbie] Xlib: extension RENDER missing

2001-11-12 Per discussione skinky

Hi all

Finally installed the new ram, graphics card and SB Live 5.1.  It went 
smoothly but there are a few minor error messgs.

The ram recognised by linux is 900.052MB (of 1152MB) just as some of you 
stated.  But there's no problem there and the pc is much snappier now.  
I'll try the enterprise kernel later.

The SB Live! 5.1 sound card was recognised with no probs.  However, I 
can't seem to get the rear speakers to work properly (very quiet).  The 
speakers are Cambridge Soundworks Desktop Theatre 5.1 DTT2200 in case 
someone knows about this problem.

I've set the display to 800x600 16bit using XFree-3.3.6 and the Mandrake 
NVIDIA GeForce2 DDR (generic) driver.  

Now here's my problem.  When I open certain apps (eg. Konqueror, Kcontrol, 
etc) from Konsole I get an error:
Xlib:  extension RENDER missing on display :0.0.

When opening xine the error is:
Xlib:  extension XVideo missing on display :0.0.

I tried to run Tux Kart and although it runs, it runs slowly - like frame 
by frame?  Gears shows 470 frames in  5.001 seconds = 93.981 FPS if that 
is any indication.

The card is a GeForce2 GTS Pro 64MB w TV-out.

Does anyone know what these errors mean?

I did: 
# find / -name *xlib*   #and
# find / -name *Xib*
but the results didn't really tell me much.

Any help would be much appreciated.

PS. On a better note:  After 4 months I finally got my bl**dy scanner 
going!  If anyone else has a poxy Adaptec AVA-1502AE SCSI Host Adaptor for 
their scanner I can point you to a very helpful website!
But what ... is it good for?
(Engineer at the Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968, 
commenting on the microchip)

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[newbie] cdrecord broken in 8.1?

2001-11-12 Per discussione Pascal Goguey


I have a problem on 2 machines. One at home and
one at work. I was used to burn iso files using an alias,
and it doesn not work anymore.
Here is the respons of cdrecord in a shell:

% cdrecord -scanbus
Cdrecord 1.10 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2001 J?g Schilling
cdrecord: No such file or directory. Cannot open SCSI driver.
cdrecord: For possible targets try 'cdrecord -scanbus'. Make sure you are 

In the past (in the downloadable version of 8.1), cdrecord
was working well. Has anybody experienced the same problem? By the
way, login as root is not a solution. I have tried, just in case, but
it produces exactly the same result. Anyway, I am in the cdrom group,
so it should work.
The 2 machines are dual processor PCs but I don't think it is
related. The motherboards and processors are different. Beside that, I
didn't change anything but clean-installed the root partition on both.

Any hint?



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[newbie] Need DVD drive install help

2001-11-12 Per discussione JDRadio

Just pulled my old cdrom and replaced it with a firends spare dvd drive
and can't get Mandrake 8.1 to recognize it as dvd.

HardDrake did not add any new devices for  DVD but kept the cdrom settings.

Hard Drake shows
Vendor: Unknown
Device: /dev/hdb

etc mnt and mstab show /dev/cdrom

What should these be changed to?


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Re: [newbie] SoundBlaster 16 work only after I run sndconfig

2001-11-12 Per discussione Robin

I checked, there is no such option anywhere. This MB is quite old, it only
support up to 166.
It's GA586-AT. I just checked on the Gigabyte web site, didn't see anything
related to it.


- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 4:15 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] SoundBlaster 16 work only after I run sndconfig

 might be under a heading about other options, I would bet it is there
 do you know the model of motherboard?

 On Sunday 11 November 2001 20:28, you wrote:
  Wish I could, there is no such option in BIOS.
  For whatever it's worth, it's Award PCI/ISA BIOS (2A59CG0I)
  - Original Message -
  From: Ed Tharp [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2001 3:07 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] SoundBlaster 16 work only after I run sndconfig
   you may have a setting in bios for reserve IRQ for ISA slot. try
   - Original Message -
   From: Robin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2001 6:03 PM
   Subject: [newbie] SoundBlaster 16 work only after I run sndconfig
HI, all
I clean installed Mandrake 8.1 on a P166 box to set it up as a mp3
Everything works alright, except the sound card. The sound card only
after I run sndconfig, it will recognize the sound card correctly
working. What I have to do now is to logon and run sndconfig every
reboot the box. I am guess it's a problem with IRQ setting, I have
tried turning PnP on and off in the bios, no luck there. Is there a
file to set IRQ for ISA cards? or any other idea?

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[newbie] mounting smbfs

2001-11-12 Per discussione Bill Winegarden

I'm just fine tuning here. I can access the windows network with mount -a 
smbfs username.etc  but I would like to know if i can automate this. 
I checked through kwikdisk but there didn't appear to be any options 
there.I have a feeling that there is something staring right at 
me.but I just can't seem to get it.


Bill W.

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[newbie] Re: WordPerfect 8.0 Printer Installation Problem

2001-11-12 Per discussione James F. Marshall

The problem was the printing system that I had installed for
Mandrake 8.1.  I originally installed PDQ and could not create a
RAW printer.  When I installed CUPS, that made it possible to
create the RAW printer, thereby allowing WP 8.0 to print.  In
other words, it appears that WP 8.0 requires CUPS.
Jim Marshall

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Re: [newbie] CDRW problem

2001-11-12 Per discussione skidley

On Mon, 12 Nov 2001, Lee Roberts wrote:

 At 08:03 AM 11/7/2001 -0500, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Tuesday 06 November 2001 11:22 pm, Lee Roberts wrote:
  I added append hdc=ide-scsi to lilo.conf but I still can't find
  the drive with cdrecord -scanbus and gcombust can't find it. The
  ide-scsi driver does get loaded and the drive gets mounted at boot
  time as read-only.
   Try it like this (note the space right after the first )
 append= hdc=ide-scsi devfs=mount quiet
   If it's still no go, try changing devfs=mount to devfs=nomount
   There's also a   nobiospnp   option you can try adding, and make
   sure your bios is set to 'pnp OS = no (or disabled)'
   Don't forget you need to run 'lilo' as root to make any edits to
   lilo.conf take affect, ie, before you reboot.

 I've tried everyone's suggestions plus copied and pasted some info from the
 CD-Writing HOW-TO. Maybe I should try recompiling the kernel or do a
 fresh install?

You must have SCSI emulation support, SCSI generic support, SCSI CD-ROM
support compiled in your kernel or even as modules you can load.
Linux User #195191

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Re: [newbie] Installing hardare

2001-11-12 Per discussione Mario Michael da Costa

daim !! i must have missed it then. and all this time used to install
wvdial from a RH 6.x cd, and for mdk 8.1 i had to compile wvdial from
the sources. I have the downloaded 3 cd set of mdk 8.1, where can i find
wvdial ?. My apologies to the excellent folk at mandrake, all this time
i considered mandrake linux the easiest OS yet except for the dialup
proggy. If only i had known earlier.

Thanks You,

David Robertson wrote:
 Yes they do!
 -Original Message-
 From: Mario da Costa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 12 November 2001 11:26
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Installing hardare
 h, i prefer to use wvdial to get my modem to work. suprisingly
 Mandrake does not include this in their distros.
 Gerard van Winssen wrote:
  Op zondag 11 november 2001 18:43, schreef u:
   I just set up a dual boot with Win 2K  LM 8.1. I can't seem to get my
   modem going either. Had the same problem in SuSe 7.2

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Re: [newbie] Lucent Modem

2001-11-12 Per discussione Arthur H. Johnson II

I have precompiled RPMS on my site,

On Mon, 12 Nov 2001, Daniel Pacca wrote:

 Hi, my name is Daniel and I have a tiny problem, I have downloaded the latest 
Mandrake from the official site, and I can´t install my Lucent Internal Modem, I 
didn´t find it on the list of the Modem Wizard Configuration, what can I do?

 Please, any help will be usefull

 thank you

 Daniel Pacca

Arthur H. Johnson II
The Linux Box

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Re: [newbie] mounting smbfs

2001-11-12 Per discussione shane

try komba2, should be on rpmfind or on the cds if you have 8.1

On Monday 12 November 2001 18:40, you spoke unto me thusly:
   I'm just fine tuning here. I can access the windows network with mount -a
 smbfs username.etc  but I would like to know if i can automate

Linux, cause i reboot less often than windows users reinstall.

registered linux user #101606 @
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98 cause humans do it better!
Link different.
Profile at:

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[newbie] Re: How to set double-clicked desktop icons to execute by default ?(LM8.1)

2001-11-12 Per discussione Charles Darcy

On Mon, 2001-11-12 at 15:12, Charles Darcy wrote:
 When I double-click an executable text file icon on the desktop, a
 prompt appears asking whether I wish to display or run the file. 
 Is there a way to set the file to run by default in LM8.1 using
 Nautilus 1.0.4 ?

I tried changing the Nautilus preferences user level from 'advanced'
to 'beginner' and then back to 'advanced', and the option re-appeared in
the 'icon and list views' section of the preferences. All works well


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Re: [newbie] fat32 vs reiserfs for storage

2001-11-12 Per discussione Mario Michael da Costa

 Sorry if this question was already answered, I couldn't find it.
 I have two partitions on the same disk, one fat32, one reiserFS, oth
 with plenty of space.  Since I spend all of my time in Linux, I keep the
 Fat32 partition for storage.
 I frequently access a large number of small files (~10-30k), but I only
 need to have them available to Linux.  Is there any advantage to keeping
 these files on one partition as opposed to the other.  (e.g. as far as
 space taken up them or acess speed?)
 -Paul Rodríguez
unless you want to access your file from winows and from your post, you
don't, there is really no point in storing your files on fat32. As far
as the disk usage goes, on a 8 GB partition, the smallest block on a fat
32 partition was 8 kb i think. so a 10 kb file would use up 16 kb on you
fat 32 partition, and a 30 kb file would use up 32 kb of space. the
larger the file the less percentage of space wasted. but since reiserFS
is native to linux you could even store your applications there and run
them from the reiserFS partition. somehow i wasn't able to do this on a
dos partion.

Thank You,

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Re: [newbie] cdrecord broken in 8.1?

2001-11-12 Per discussione Lee Roberts

At 10:48 AM 11/13/2001 +0900, Pascal Goguey wrote:

   I have a problem on 2 machines. One at home and
one at work. I was used to burn iso files using an alias,
and it doesn not work anymore.
   Here is the respons of cdrecord in a shell:

% cdrecord -scanbus
Cdrecord 1.10 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2001 J?g Schilling
cdrecord: No such file or directory. Cannot open SCSI driver.
cdrecord: For possible targets try 'cdrecord -scanbus'. Make sure you are 

   In the past (in the downloadable version of 8.1), cdrecord
was working well. Has anybody experienced the same problem? 

Yes, I have the same problem and have been working with the guys in this
group in trying to resolve it. I might go back to 7.2 since it was working
OK there. I haven't been able to get internet sharing to work on 8.1 also.

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[newbie] xawtv recording

2001-11-12 Per discussione Valerie Cheng


Has anyone tried recording with xawtv? I tried recording to avi file... 
But it's always sound-less. I'm playing w/ xine and I thought it might 
be a xine problem... but I tried playing in windoz and it still didn't 
have sound. So I think it's the xawtv that is having trouble encoding 
the sound... Does anyone know what's going on? Thank you.


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[newbie] problem with netscape6.2 bookmarks on mandrake/linux

2001-11-12 Per discussione tek1

anyone have the problem when clicking on the bookmarks, that the bookmarks 
pop-up menu doesn't go away and you can't do anything else in netscape?


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Re: [newbie] No X after 8.1 upgrade

2001-11-12 Per discussione Mitchell Hagerty

What is really annoying is that I had none of these problems with 8.0.

 Everything looks fine using XFdrake. The setup I was walked through 
after  doing a startx dropped me in Gnome and everything worked perfectly 
so I don't think anything is wrong with my display settings. 

 So why does startx put me in twm now and now gnome?  
/etc/sysconfig/desktop is set to GNOME

 Why don't I get a graphical login?
 What command can I give to start gnome instead of startx?


- Original Message -
Date: Monday, November 12, 2001 0:15 am
Subject: Re: [newbie] No X after 8.1 upgrade

 I didn't have any trouble w/my nvidia card but I did with 2 other 
 boxes( rage 
 128  a permedia card,can't recall the model). I think you're on 
 the right 
 track w/the text login.From here I'd start w/the lowest resolution 
 possible,800x600(or lower) @256 if I had to. 
 Fwiw..both of the trouble cards are(for now) working acceptably. I 
 Traci's suggestion (thanx Traci :-) and went with the above 
 mentioned text 
 login. I still use this as it's better than going thru the horror 
 of an 
 ill-acting x server  :-)
 On Sunday 11 November 2001 18:56, you wrote:
  The subject say it all,
  Installed and ran 8.0 with no problems, did an 8.1 upgrade and 
 now I
  don't have a GUI. Followed the advise on the errata webpage with no
  success. From the command line I did startx and it guided me 
 through a
  setup (I was running Gnome) then I used KDE. When I logged out it 
 dumped back to the command line and trying startx again put me 
 into TWM. Using
  the GUI configuration tools available in TWM I haven't been able 
 to get
  anywhere. I want a graphical login and Gnome as my desktop.
  I read there was a problem with the nvidia drivers (I have an
  onboard GeForce TNT2) I reverted back to my old kernel which 
 didn't help
  a bit. Although th 2.4.8-28mdk kernel segfaults when I use the find
  command and the 2.4.3-20mdk kernel doesn't. I would send the 
 error but I
  can't figure out how to redirect it into a file.

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[newbie] postgresql - changing location of db/cluster

2001-11-12 Per discussione tek1

mandrake automatically creates the postgres db/cluster in 
/var/lib/pgsql/data and automatically starts the db/cluster.

what changes would one need to do if wanting to change the installation of 
the db/cluster (e.g. to /var/db/postgres/data)?

would the following suffice?
-stop the postgres service
-delete /var/lib/pgsql/data
-set the PGDATA env to /var/db/postgres/data in /etc/profile
-initdb -D /var/db/postgres/data
-restart the postgres service

also, must a postgres user account be created when setting up a new 
db/cluster using initdb?  can any user account be used?  if so, what 
settings/permissions (if any) must be changed?


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