[newbie-it] Mandrake 8.0 e Windows ME

2001-12-29 Per discussione Marco Fortini

Provo per la prima volta ad inserire un quesito 
sulla mailing list; spero funzioni.

Vorrei sapere se posso installare Mandrake 8.0 su 
un PC ove è presente Windows Me, e se Linux provvede autonomamente a 
partizionare l'Hard Disc in modo da convivere; mi risulta che poi al momento 
dell'accensione su schermo viene proposta l'opzione se l'avviamento deve essere 
effettuato con Linux o con Windows.

I pratica vorrei accedere al mondo Linux 
gradualmente per mantenere attive le mie capacità sul computer fino a quando 
Linux lo padroneggerò a sufficenza da abbandonare Windows.



Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake 8.0 e Windows ME

2001-12-29 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Il giorno 15:05, sabato 29 dicembre 2001 hai scritto:
 Provo per la prima volta ad inserire un quesito sulla mailing list; spero

 Vorrei sapere se posso installare Mandrake 8.0 su un PC ove è presente
 Windows Me, e se Linux provvede autonomamente a partizionare l'Hard Disc in
 modo da convivere; mi risulta che poi al momento dell'accensione su schermo
 viene proposta l'opzione se l'avviamento deve essere effettuato con Linux o
 con Windows.

Ciao Marco,
certamente: puoi tranquillamente installare Linux accanto a Windows. 
All'avvio un menu (diverso a seconda che tu scelga GRUB o LiLo come 
bootloader, ma analogo nei contenuti) ti consentirà di scegliere quale SO 
avviare, o farà partire il SO che hai indicato come predefinito dopo un 
certo numero di secondi. La procedura di partizionamento non è complicata. 
Unica precauzione (meglio essere previdenti) è quella di eseguire un buon 
scandisk/defrag/quellochetipare su Windows prima di eseguire questa 
operazione; se hai modo di farti un backup dei dati importanti, meglio. 
Personalmente ho installato varie versioni di Mandrake Linux su diversi 
computer, senza aver mai avuto problemi di partizionamento... ma è meglio 
essere prudenti! Il partizionamento lo puoi eseguire direttamente all'interno 
del programma di installazione di Mandrake, oppure prima con un qualsiasi 
programma tipo Partition Magic. Ti consiglio vivamente la prima ipotesi.
Buone feste e buon Linux !!!


Re: [newbie-it] Materizzatore

2001-12-29 Per discussione Giovanni Mazzamati

Alle 14:55, venerdì 28 dicembre 2001, hai scritto:
 Ciao a tutti,
 ho un masterizzatore HP 9100 installato, come faccio a farlo riconoscere
 a Mandrake 8.1?
 Non avendo la più pallida idea di come si masterizza sotto Linux
 potreste aiutarmi.

 Grazie mille per gli aiuti, e Buon Anno

Per prima cosa devi dire al boot loader di caricare il modulo di emulazione 
scsi per il tuo cdr
per esempio questa e' la mia configurazione di Grub

# grub.conf generated by anaconda
# Note that you do not have to rerun grub after making changes to this file
# NOTICE:  You have a /boot partition.  This means that
#  all kernel and initrd paths are relative to /boot/, eg.
#  root (hd0,2)
#  kernel /vmlinuz-version ro root=/dev/hda5
#  initrd /initrd-version.img
title Mandrake Linux (2.4.8-26mdk)
root (hd1,2)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz ro root=/dev/hdb3 hdd=ide-scsi
initrd /boot/initrd.img
title Mandrake Linux (2.4.14)
root (hd1,2)
kernel /boot/linux-2414 ro root=/dev/hdb3 hdd=ide-scsi
initrd /boot/initrd.img
title Red Hat Linux (2.4.7-10)
root (hd0,2)
kernel /vmlinuz-2.4.7-10 ro root=/dev/hda5 hdd=ide-scsi
initrd /initrd-2.4.7-10.img
title Windows
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

Poi puoi provare ad usare vari programmi
XCDRoast (interfaccia grafica di cdrecord) è uno dei migliori oppure c'e' 
anche l'ottimo Gcdmaster (interfaccia cdrdao)tutti e due compresi nella MDK 

Giovanni Mazzamati

Linux Mandrake 8.1
KDE 2.2 user
Registred User #183142

Un giorno le macchine riusciranno a risolvere tutti i problemi,
ma mai nessuna di esse potrà porne uno.

Albert Einstein

[newbie-it] ADSL e Linux

2001-12-29 Per discussione Nicola Girardi

Sono piu' che newbie... Ho appena installato Mandrake 8.1 che so utilizzare
(male) solo con KDE. Dopo numerosi tentativi ho installato il tutto senza
riuscire a configurare la connessione via Internet con linea ADSL
(Infostrada Verde-pro).

Il modem e' un 3com Home Connect Dual link modem (modello 0788). Ho
cercato nel sito della 3com e nei vari siti dedicati a Linux senza trovare
indicazioni sufficienti (inutile tentare con il numero verde di Infostrada
perche' non rispondono tecnici ma semplici impiegati).

Qualcuno puo' aiutarmi con indicazioni elementari (eventualmente indicandomi
anche dove individuare i parametri in Windows per settare direttamente il


[newbie-it] Compatibilità con Scheda grafica ATI 2000 Expert 32 Mb

2001-12-29 Per discussione Marco Fortini

Prima di cominciare ad installare Linux Mandrake ho 
verificato la lista degli hardware supportati; del mio PC è risultato conosciuto 
quasi tutto tranne:
- il DVD Rom Hitachi GD-7500 (che mi preoccupa poco 
perchè è conosciuto il GD-5500)
- la scheda Video ATI Expert 2000 32 Mb (è 
risultata conosciuta ma con un bug alla data del giugno 2001)
poichè i miei CD di installazione risalgono ad una 
distribuzione in edicola (versione 8.0, 2 CD) dell'Agosto 2001, non so se la 
cosa rappresenta una insidia.
Ho comunque notato che la lista degli hardware 
supportati risulta sempre datata giugno/luglio 2001; dunque c'e' speranza che i 
driver di una scheda video di una marca così nota siano oggi disponibili senza 
Come devo procedere ?

Re: [newbie-it] ADSL e Linux

2001-12-29 Per discussione Marco Summo

Alle 17:08, sabato 29 dicembre 2001, hai scritto:
 Sono piu' che newbie... Ho appena installato Mandrake 8.1 che so utilizzare
 (male) solo con KDE. Dopo numerosi tentativi ho installato il tutto senza
 riuscire a configurare la connessione via Internet con linea ADSL
 Il modem e' un 3com Home Connect Dual link modem (modello 0788). Ho

Non vorrei essere pessimista ma ho paura che il tuo modem non sia ancora 
supportato da linux.
Riesci a essere piu' preciso sul tipo di modem che hai? (usb o ethernet?)

un saluto e a presto


2001-12-29 Per discussione jal

Yesa success and well worth the effort.

Kmail now works like a charm. WOHO!

On Friday 28 December 2001 21:28, you wrote:
 If you're reading thismy kdenetwork upgrade was a success!

Holy smokes Batman, Robin exclaimed, the Penguin's taken over Gotham!


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[newbie] Cannot mount CDWriter

2001-12-29 Per discussione Stephen Liu

Hi All People,

(Only one CDWriter without CDRom)

I could not mount CDwriter for unknown reason.  Linux ran without problem 
after having a new kernel installed for a few days.

During booting, following warning pop-up ;
/etc/rc.sysinit:  line 741:  286 Segmentation fault  modprobe 
ide-cd dev/null 21

Mounting CDWriter following warning pop-up ;
unknown device

In Console Window at root  /
# modprobe  ide-cd
Segmentation fault
Cannot locate module  ide-cdrom

lines 740-745 of  /etc/rc.sysinit looks as follows ;
kill -TERM '/sbin/pidof getkey` /dev/null 21
}   (741)
if [ $PROMPT != no ]; then
/sbin/getkey i  touch /var/run/confirm

Any suggestion ?


Stephen Liu

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Re: [newbie] How long to wait???

2001-12-29 Per discussione Michael Scottaline

On Sat, 29 Dec 2001 02:03:48 -0500
Andrew [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled in frustration:

 Hi All,
   I have been having a long wait to do anything in Mandrake 8.0 
 w/KDE on 32m RAM. A few hours ago I put in *128M* and it only reads 
 65m or so, it is much faster. Maybe it would be faster still if 
 *128m* was reading? How do I use the GUI to set the ram? If no GUI, 
 can I get to lilo while the server is running, or do I need to shut 
 it down and restart?

In a text editor, as root, look at /etc/lilo.conf
See if there is an append line.  If there is, add to it mem=128M
If the line is not there, you can add it:
Then run /sbin/lilo and reboot.

Alcohol is the anesthesia by which we endure the operation of life.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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Re: [newbie] How long to wait???

2001-12-29 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Saturday 29 December 2001 20:03, Andrew wrote:
 |  Hi All,
 | I have been having a long wait to do anything in Mandrake 8.0
 |  w/KDE on 32m RAM. A few hours ago I put in *128M* and it only reads
 |  65m or so, it is much faster. Maybe it would be faster still if
 |  *128m* was reading? How do I use the GUI to set the ram? If no GUI,
 |  can I get to lilo while the server is running, or do I need to shut
 |  it down and restart?

As root, open /etc/lilo.conf in an editor. After the label= line, add a line
which looks like append = mem=xxxM, where xxx is your RAM in MB. Save the
file, run lilo and reboot.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

The best way to predict the future is to invent it.
-- informal Xerox PARC slogan

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[newbie] Default Browser

2001-12-29 Per discussione Rich

Not too long ago I made some changes to my Mandrake 8.1 desktop and now
have a couple of minor problems with my Galeon browser:

Galeon now wants to be on top all the time and it doesn't respond to any
setting changes to let something else be on top;

I want Galeon to be the default browser when I click on a link in my
mail client (Evolution), but Mozilla keeps popping up.  Where do I go to
change the default?



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Re: [newbie] hotmail

2001-12-29 Per discussione Jose Mirles

I found this tip on http://www.pclinuxonline.com/  I believe it is the 
solution you want for reading emails at Hotmail.com.

BTW - Hotmail.com does not support pop3. The server used for Outlook 
Express is an HTTP server with the address of 
http://services.msn.com/svcs/hotmail/httpmail.asp Won't work in Kmail

Look for a file called *prefs.js* in your *.mozilla* directory

Open the file with a text editor

Place the following line at the bottom of the file

*user_pref(general.useragent.override, Mozilla/9.0 (compatible; MSIE 
5.0 ; Windows 98 ));*

Save the file and restart Mozilla.

Onur Kucuk wrote:

OK Does hotmail really support pop3 ? Accessible tru kmail etc If
OK so what is the POP3 adress ? ...
JH Sure does. I forget what the POP3 is, but is on the site.

Nothing about it on neither the help section or settings. There is
one, that makes hotmail check other pop sites like your isp's pop
account and adds to the hotmail one.

If I missed it, please show me.

JH I have never really tried it in Kmail. So i will not make any promises.

I had given kmail just as an example of non ms related mail clients
because I am looking for a normal/real pop server.

JH But I do know I have alot of users on my network that do it through Outlook.

That does not mean hotmail has a pop server. It is, I believe, nothing
more than another MS' style ignore all the other, and do our stuff
secretly, so no one can know what we do, or no one else can use it.

I tried on some guess for a pop server in the name, and found only
pop.hotmail.com to be existent. It used to be a normal pop server
actually, back in the old days, 3-4 years ago, when hotmail was
running non MS os. The machine, though, seems to be ignoring
everything. telnet to port 110 gave me nothing, also the nmap.

Up to here, nothing proves me hotmail has a pop server. Any other
ideas are welcome.

Onur Kucuk

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[newbie] managed to freeze the system!

2001-12-29 Per discussione Doug Lerner

In the console I issued the following command:


The process id returned and after that I am unable to do anything except
move the cursor. No windows respond. No mouse buttons respond.

Before I force a restart - any suggestions?


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Re: [newbie] managed to freeze the system!

2001-12-29 Per discussione Paul

Op Sat, 29 Dec 2001 22:57:15 +0900 schreef Doug Lerner [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Can you still access a terminal window? If so, do 

kill process id
If that doesn't work do
kill -9 process id

where process id is the id that you got from starting jrxvt


In the console I issued the following command:


The process id returned and after that I am unable to do anything except
move the cursor. No windows respond. No mouse buttons respond.

Before I force a restart - any suggestions?


Any fool can make a rule.
-Henry David Thoreau

http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.6.5 claws
Open Source, Open Minds. Linux.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] floppy does not work

2001-12-29 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

On Thursday 27 December 2001 09:13 pm, you wrote:
 I can't mount /dev/fd0
 and my log file say:
 Dec 24 02:34:02 gerald kernel: Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
 Dec 24 02:34:02 gerald kernel: floppy0: Floppy io-port 0x03f7 in use
 Dec 24 02:34:02 gerald kernel: ide-floppy driver 0.97

 Looks like Floppy io-port 0x03f7 in use is the problem, anyone have a quick

Sorry, to re-post this, but can someone give me a clue?


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[newbie] Re: [Galeon-user] Default Browser

2001-12-29 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Sat, 29 Dec 2001 08:48:48 -0500, Rich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Not too long ago I made some changes to my Mandrake 8.1 desktop and now
 have a couple of minor problems with my Galeon browser:
 Galeon now wants to be on top all the time and it doesn't respond to any
 setting changes to let something else be on top;

There is a setting for this in the preferences.

 I want Galeon to be the default browser when I click on a link in my
 mail client (Evolution), but Mozilla keeps popping up.  Where do I go to
 change the default?

Try the GNOME Control Centre.


Sridhar Dhanapalan

Geeks aren't interested in politics because government doesn't
double its efficiency and speed once every 18 months.

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Re: [newbie] Default Browser

2001-12-29 Per discussione Dave Sherman

On Sat, 2001-12-29 at 07:48, Rich wrote:
 Not too long ago I made some changes to my Mandrake 8.1 desktop and now
 have a couple of minor problems with my Galeon browser:
 Galeon now wants to be on top all the time and it doesn't respond to any
 setting changes to let something else be on top;
 I want Galeon to be the default browser when I click on a link in my
 mail client (Evolution), but Mozilla keeps popping up.  Where do I go to
 change the default?


In Galeon, click the Settings menu, then Preferences. Choose the User
Interface tab, and then the Windows sub-section. Un-check the box marked
Keep fullscreen window above all other windows. That should take care
of Galeon wanting to be on top all the time.

As for preferred browser settings, are you using KDE or Gnome, or
something else for your desktop? In Gnome, open the Control Center, look
under Document Handlers and click URL Handlers. On the right side of the
window, click 'http' and edit the text box to say:
galeon --new-tab '%s'
Do the same for 'https', and you will be set. It is probably similar in
KDE, but I don't know.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy, and good
with ketchup.

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Re: [newbie] How long to wait???

2001-12-29 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Saturday 29 December 2001 03:42 am, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
 On Saturday 29 December 2001 20:03, Andrew wrote:
  |  Hi All,
  |   I have been having a long wait to do anything in Mandrake 8.0
  |  w/KDE on 32m RAM. A few hours ago I put in *128M* and it only
  | reads 65m or so, it is much faster. Maybe it would be faster
  | still if *128m* was reading? How do I use the GUI to set the
  | ram? If no GUI, can I get to lilo while the server is running,
  | or do I need to shut it down and restart?

 As root, open /etc/lilo.conf in an editor. After the label= line,
 add a line which looks like append = mem=xxxM, where xxx is
 your RAM in MB. Save the file, run lilo and reboot.

 I'd add:  if append = mem=xxxM doesn't work, try adding a 
space, eg,  append =  mem=xxxMAlso, it's a motherboard/bios 
difficiency that causes all the installed ram not to be seen. In 
these cases it's a good idea to subtract one MB, append =  mem=127M
'Couse if onboard video is used, that ram should also be subtracted.
  Tom Brinkman     Corpus Christi, Texas, USA

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Re: [newbie] floppy does not work

2001-12-29 Per discussione Paul

Op Sat, 29 Dec 2001 09:52:15 -0500 schreef Gerald Waugh [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

On Thursday 27 December 2001 09:13 pm, you wrote:
 I can't mount /dev/fd0
 and my log file say:
 Dec 24 02:34:02 gerald kernel: Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
 Dec 24 02:34:02 gerald kernel: floppy0: Floppy io-port 0x03f7 in use
 Dec 24 02:34:02 gerald kernel: ide-floppy driver 0.97

 Looks like Floppy io-port 0x03f7 in use is the problem, anyone have a quick

A floppycable-based tape streamer in the machine perhaps?

Any fool can make a rule.
-Henry David Thoreau

http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.6.5 claws
Open Source, Open Minds. Linux.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Unable to read partition table

2001-12-29 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich

 Dr. Antonio Botelho de Sousa wrote:

 .then the booting goes on apparently without problems.
 But when i am in the OS if i try (as root) to type the command
 cdrecord -scanbus, instead of displayng the CDRW and the Optical
 drive it says:
 cdrecord file or directory not found; cannot open scsi driver.
 And that's the problem. Question?
 Why it can't read the partition table? that´s the true problem; the

Sorry, can't help you there Antonio, but are the CD-drives really
mounted ?
Take a look at the file : /etc/mtab.
Happy new year !
Kaj Haulrich

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[newbie] Soundcard not working

2001-12-29 Per discussione Rick

I'm having another problem after my installation of 8.1. I cannot get
my soundcard to work. My soundcard is a Crystal 4236. It worked fine
when I had RH 7.1 installed. Mandrake 8.1 doesn't seem to recognize it.
I ran Harddrake and tried to configure it and I get a popup message that
says: modprobe: Can't locate module isa-pnp. I try to configure it
manually (using the info from the other OS I have on my machine) but
it still will not work at all. I tried running sndconfig but it pretty
much chokes on it too.

Any ideas? Why would RedHat 7.1 have absolutely no problem with the card
but Mandrake does??

Rick Friedman
(212) 894-3753 x1212 - voicemail/fax

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Re: [newbie] Windows partition won't load anymore

2001-12-29 Per discussione Ed Tharp

On Wednesday 26 December 2001 23:17, you wrote:
 On Thu, 27 Dec 2001 13:02:20 +0900

 Doug Lerner [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:
  Well, I didn't mention responsibility or anything like that. :-)
  But since the Mandrake online information *does* say that you can
  continue to use your old OS on the same machine, it would be a good idea
  to give a word or two of caution at this important step in the
  installation process.

well, if it was the _OLD_ OS, it would (seems natural to me) be on a 
partition before the installed _NEW_ OS,  

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Re: [newbie] Default Browser

2001-12-29 Per discussione Rich

On Sat, 2001-12-29 at 09:59, Dave Sherman wrote:
 On Sat, 2001-12-29 at 07:48, Rich wrote:
  Not too long ago I made some changes to my Mandrake 8.1 desktop and now
  have a couple of minor problems with my Galeon browser:
  Galeon now wants to be on top all the time and it doesn't respond to any
  setting changes to let something else be on top;
  I want Galeon to be the default browser when I click on a link in my
  mail client (Evolution), but Mozilla keeps popping up.  Where do I go to
  change the default?
 In Galeon, click the Settings menu, then Preferences. Choose the User
 Interface tab, and then the Windows sub-section. Un-check the box marked
 Keep fullscreen window above all other windows. That should take care
 of Galeon wanting to be on top all the time.

It doesn't respond to that setting.
 As for preferred browser settings, are you using KDE or Gnome, or
 something else for your desktop? In Gnome, open the Control Center, look
 under Document Handlers and click URL Handlers. On the right side of the
 window, click 'http' and edit the text box to say:
   galeon --new-tab '%s'
 Do the same for 'https', and you will be set. It is probably similar in
 KDE, but I don't know.

Using KDE and, so far, haven't figured it out.


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Re: [newbie] managed to freeze the system!

2001-12-29 Per discussione Derek Jennings

If ever you manage to freeze your desktop there are a whole lot of things to 
try before you resort to that reset button. Windows unfortunately has trained 
us to reach for that button too soon.

If in KDE hit Ctl+Alt+Backspace  - This returns you to KDE Login

If no good then :-
Ctl+Alt+F2  will take you to a console. From there log in as root use 'top' 
to find the process id if your session and 'kill -9 id_no  to exit it.

You will sometimes find that your local keyboard is totally locked, but you 
can still gain remote access over the lan. In this case use webmin  to close 
your processes and force a restart. (assuming you have another computer 

If nothing works then
Alt+Sysreq+r  to put keyboard into raw mode
Alt+Sysreq+e  to end processes
Alt+Sysreq+s  to sync discs  (important!)
Alt+Sysreq+b  to reboot


On Saturday 29 December 2001 13:57, Doug Lerner wrote:
 In the console I issued the following command:


 The process id returned and after that I am unable to do anything except
 move the cursor. No windows respond. No mouse buttons respond.

 Before I force a restart - any suggestions?


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] RE: Office Suites

2001-12-29 Per discussione tester

Michael Scottaline wrote:

On Fri, 28 Dec 2001 01:28:01 -0500
Maureen L. Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled gleefully:

I upgraded to KDE 2.2 and am using K-Office.  So far it hasn't crashed
or froze on me and I have imported all the documents I was using from
Lotus SmartSuite and it hasn't lost a thing.  I am very pleased with
it.  Some small improvements in K-Spread are needed, like multi copy,
but otherwise it works just fine.  KWord does everything that I need for
home and for a couple of non profit orgs I help out.  All in all it all
works fairly decently.

Interesting, Maureen, but how about the export filters?  Will K-Office
successfully export to M$Office or Lotus SmartSuite.  Can a document be
saved in .doc or .xlm or whatever.  When I tried to import a form (lots of
tables) from a Word file that that StarOffice handled flawlessly, there
were too many errors in the K-Word version to make the form usable. 
Ordinary Word docs (mere text) seem to work OK. Thanks for the review,

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One of the things that _no_one_ should be concerned about any longer is 
compatibility with MS Office.

FYI, there is an act purchasing its way through various state 
legislatures in the US called UCITA, which places some obligations on 
software manufacturers but gives their license agreements the full force 
and effect of law.  When it passes in Washington State, the upgrade 
after its passage will be _illegal_ to reverse engineer for the purpose 
of making import filters, and folks who use MS software will no longer 
be able to call their data their own.  UCITA does not obligate the 
software maker to provide export filters.

So if someone wants to make a conversion  after this event, it will be 
with a printer and an OCR-enabled scanner.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Alias question...

2001-12-29 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall

Hi. I'm trying to get to alias's (pleural sp?) to work and am having a
problem. Here is what I put into /home/darklord/.bashrc:

alias diablo2=winex /mnt/windows/Program\ Files/Diablo\ II/Game.exe
alias starcraft=winex /mnt/windows/Program\ Files/Starcraft/starcraft.exe

Bash always complains that it can not find either of the *.exe files. It
doesn't complain about the path to them...

Any ideas? Thanks!

PS Program Files and Diablo II have blank spaces in them, so I had to use the
\ character, right? If I enter either of these commands as is from a shell,
they execute just fine...


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Re: [newbie] managed to freeze the system!

2001-12-29 Per discussione tester

Doug Lerner wrote:

In the console I issued the following command:


The process id returned and after that I am unable to do anything except
move the cursor. No windows respond. No mouse buttons respond.

Before I force a restart - any suggestions?


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or ctrl-alt-f2, login as root and killall jrxvt, then ctrl-alt-f7

or go in with ssh and killall jrxvt


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[newbie] problem with Software Manager

2001-12-29 Per discussione Nathan Pryor

Hello.  The Mandrake Software Manager freezes on startup when it attempts to 
refresh the security update source I defined (ftp-linux.cc.gatech.edu).  I 
have checked the ftp site and can logon anonymously with no problem.  I did 
not provide a username and password for the security update source thinking 
it would logon anonymously by default.  Is there any way I can delete me 
current settings without running the Software Manager?


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Re: [newbie] Compiling a new kernel...

2001-12-29 Per discussione tester

David Bovill wrote:

The instructions I have say download the 2 RPM's (source and header), but I
just need to add a custom kernel based on the existing configuration.  How
do I go about this, as the packages are already installed?




as a url in your favorite browser should open the reference manual on 
your machine.

There is a step-by-step in chapter 15 (8.0) and chapter 16 (8.1) on 
compiling the kernel.  If you want to customize the one already there, 
follow the text skipping the download instructions and jumping to 
/usr/src/linux.  BE really careful to assign a different build number to 
the vmlinuz product and the /lib/modules entry so you don't trample what 
you already have--once you are done, both should be bootable and in fact 
you should be able to use Control Center to make a boot configuration 
for your kernel.


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Re: [newbie] ML 8.0 install CDROM can't find my CDROM

2001-12-29 Per discussione tester

Roland Berger wrote:

 When I try to install ML8.0 I get the following problem. First I describe
the installation steps I did.

- CD is deteced as a boot cd. System tells that drive letter is mapped to A
and the floppy is now B

-The Mandrake welcome screen is displayd where you can choose to press F1 or
ENTER. I choose ENTER to start installatin.

- Some messages are displayed. The last one before the probelm appears is:
Welcome to Linux Mandrake (8.0) 

- Then: Please wait Installing Adaptec¦AHA-2940U2

- Then:  Error! No CDROM device found

After this a list of 34 driver is displayed to choose the driver with which
the SCSI Adapter can be accessed. Non of the diplayed drivers works.

It looks like it can read from the CDROM in a first step but after
installing the Adpatec Driver it fails to do so. That's very strange to me.

So, does any body know the source of the problem?
Would ML8.1 solve this problem?

Best regards

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There was a change in the adaptec driver in 8.0 because Adaptec changed 
its firmware.

Not all adaptec cards are flashable for the new firmware and there is a 
driver called aic7xxx_old in /lib/modules once you are installed.

The first boot is from the BIOS and the second stage is from the kernel 
loaded in with a driver incompatible with your card's firmware.

Look in /images/alternatives for cdrom.img-2.2.19...BADZ5 and make a 
boot floppy from it, then use the boot floppy to get 8.0 installed


If you decide to use 8.1, the newer driver for adaptec _may_ have 
unified your card as well (some yes, some no, there have been more than 
150 PROM versions of 2940s) but if not, boot from the second CD and 
choose an alternate image.


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Re: [newbie] c compiler and its problem in 8.0

2001-12-29 Per discussione tester

eric wrote:

Dear mandrake 8.0 standard user:

  I used simple c program hello world, in printf(hello world)
it did not print at all, 
until I add \n\n at the end of the line of hello world, then it print as
what it should be.
but that kind of result is not correct.  it never happen at redhat 7.1
or debian-progeny 1.0, they all can print even without \n\n at the end
of string.

  need help, and thanks inn advance, eric lin, 
url so far, will add later

What that means is that our compiler is stricter...
It insists on proper C code.


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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] modprobe

2001-12-29 Per discussione poogle

I can access my Olympus USB camera quite easily by su and then 
modprobe usb-storage
mount /dev/sda1 -t vfat /mnt/cam
I would like to create a desktop icon to do this with one click but modprobe 
requires root privileges. Is there any way I can execute modprobe as user ? 

Registered Linux user 182657 (added to sig for the benefit of those irritated 
by it)

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Re: [newbie] c compiler and its problem in 8.0

2001-12-29 Per discussione eric

Dear tester:

  Thanks your fast replay, but whether put \n or not put \n at string
will violate the c syntax so it wont print in printf still worth to
discuss-I will check my c programming book later to discuss with our
community.  /* I actually download and install many new gcc and its
related mdk.rpm from cooker, it still not work the way redhat or debian
work */.  


tester wrote:
 eric wrote:
 Dear mandrake 8.0 standard user:
   I used simple c program hello world, in printf(hello world)
 it did not print at all,
 until I add \n\n at the end of the line of hello world, then it print as
 what it should be.
 but that kind of result is not correct.  it never happen at redhat 7.1
 or debian-progeny 1.0, they all can print even without \n\n at the end
 of string.
   need help, and thanks inn advance, eric lin,
 url so far, will add later
 What that means is that our compiler is stricter...
 It insists on proper C code.
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] software manager gives errors on all rpms

2001-12-29 Per discussione Daniel McCarthy

I downloaded and was attempting to install firestarter.  The rpm had 
dependencies that were on the Core System Install disk.  Unfortunately after 
inserting the disk the computer completely froze, leaving me no other option 
than the reset button.  I thought I had an idea of the files that were needed 
so I copied them and placed them into a directory of their own and added a 
new media with the urpmi.addmedia daniel file://home/daniel/misc/ command.  I 
then tried to install firestarter again and received other dependcy errors. I 
gave up on installing firestarter and removed that media.  

Now when I attempt to install anything, for example xmms, I get Bad, 
unreadable or not found packages  , xmms.  

Thanks in advance for any help you have to offer


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Re: [newbie] problem with Software Manager

2001-12-29 Per discussione Derek Jennings

There seems to be quite a rash of people reporting trouble defining upgrade 
sources recentlly.

If you want to remove the update source there is a console command 

I do not know how it is used, but I'm sure the manual has full details.


On Saturday 29 December 2001 17:18, mr_tortoise (Nathan Pryor) wrote:
 Hello.  The Mandrake Software Manager freezes on startup when it attempts
 to refresh the security update source I defined (ftp-linux.cc.gatech.edu). 
 I have checked the ftp site and can logon anonymously with no problem.  I
 did not provide a username and password for the security update source
 thinking it would logon anonymously by default.  Is there any way I can
 delete me current settings without running the Software Manager?


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[newbie] Agfa Snapscan Touch scanner

2001-12-29 Per discussione Jon Doe

Does anyone have one of these scanners working? In LM8.1 it shows up when I plug it 
in. Xsane even pops up an icon on my desk when I plug it in, but it just says it cant 
open /dev/usb/scanner. Has anyone got this working? Can anyone explain it in newbie 


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Re: [newbie] modprobe

2001-12-29 Per discussione Miark


You can use sudo which allows normal users
to perform operations that would normally
require root priviledges. Just install sudo
and then change the config file to allow 
poogle (or whoever) to perform modprobes.


- Original Message - 
From: poogle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2001 10:38 AM
Subject: [newbie] modprobe

 I can access my Olympus USB camera quite easily by su and then 
 modprobe usb-storage
 mount /dev/sda1 -t vfat /mnt/cam
 I would like to create a desktop icon to do this with one click but modprobe 
 requires root privileges. Is there any way I can execute modprobe as user ? 
 Registered Linux user 182657 (added to sig for the benefit of those irritated 
 by it)

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] modprobe

2001-12-29 Per discussione poogle

Thanks for the reply (blushes furiously at this point) I just realised that 
the problem was simply that modprobe wasn't in my path statement, using 
/sbin/modprobe usb-storage as user worked

On Saturday 29 December 2001 18:50 pm, you wrote:

 You can use sudo which allows normal users
 to perform operations that would normally
 require root priviledges. Just install sudo
 and then change the config file to allow
 poogle (or whoever) to perform modprobes.


 - Original Message -
 From: poogle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2001 10:38 AM
 Subject: [newbie] modprobe

  I can access my Olympus USB camera quite easily by su and then
  modprobe usb-storage
  mount /dev/sda1 -t vfat /mnt/cam
  I would like to create a desktop icon to do this with one click but
  modprobe requires root privileges. Is there any way I can execute
  modprobe as user ? --
  Registered Linux user 182657 (added to sig for the benefit of those
  irritated by it)


  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com


Registered Linux user 182657 (added to sig for the benefit of those irritated 
by it)

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] nVidia Splash Screen - Yes 3D/OpenGL - No!

2001-12-29 Per discussione Wes Gregg

Hi everyone,

I think I just screwed up installing my nVidia drivers.  I downloaded these 
two files (they are supposed to be compatible, the newer kernel just fixes an 
install issue and something else(?)):


Then I used the following commands to install them:

rpm --rebuild NVIDIA_GLX-1.0-2313.src.rpm
rpm --rebuild NVIDIA_kernel-1.0-2314.src.rpm

rpm -Uvh /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i686/NVIDIA_kernel-1.0-2314.i686.rpm

And then I typed one of these (can't remember):

rpm -Uvh /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i686/NVIDIA_GLX-1.0-2313.i686.rpm
rpm /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i686/NVIDIA_GLX-1.0-2313.i686.rpm

And then changed the reference of nv in xf86config-4 to read nvidia.

I did this from the console (runlevel 3), typed startx and saw the nVidia 
splash screen followed by the gui.  I am not suffering lockups (knock on 
wood), but when I try to load any 3d/GL app (ie Tux Racer, Chromium, the 
mesaGears, the morphing thing, etc.) it acts busy for several seconds like it 
is loading but never starts.  No lockup, just acts like I never tried to run 
the app.  Oh No!

I reread a few things and it seems that was the process for Upgrading, and I 
needed to find the process for Install!  And I am also concerned, I think my 
kernel is the i586 one!  I am using the automatically installed (Mandrake 
Linux 8.1 single processor Powerpack) one that I believe to be

The worse thing is I could have installed the 1541 drivers because before I 
was able to use them to access most of these programs, but I was still having 
hard lockups  I reinstalled.  But I got greedy for the most current version 
(the 20 series supports GL 1.3 instead of 1.2, I believe).  That is about 
the only feature that I could probbably benefit from, since I have an older 
card, a Diamond Viper V550 16meg TNT AGP - the oldest chipset supported by 
their unified driver.  I don't even know if there are games/apps for the 1.3 
GL.  I doubt anything on the powerpack cds depend on it.  And I am (obviously 
groan) not ready to download and install my own program/source code yet.  I 
am still working on basic desktop functionallity.

Is this fubar repairable without major surgery?  I really am tired of 
reinstalling, and it seems stable, just primitive (2d) graphics.  I would 
almost deal with it rather than reinstall (again).

Wes Gregg
Registered Linux User # 252649

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Re: [newbie] Agfa Snapscan Touch scanner

2001-12-29 Per discussione tester

Jon Doe wrote:

Does anyone have one of these scanners working? In LM8.1 it shows up when I plug it 
in. Xsane even pops up an icon on my desk when I plug it in, but it just says it cant 
open /dev/usb/scanner. Has anyone got this working? Can anyone explain it in newbie 

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If you are lucky enough to have the e40, you are OK.  See this:


It may be that you simply did not load all relevant softeware...  try 
opening the Software manager (local on CD sources) and checking that you 
have sane and usb modules installed and installing them if not.

Most snapscans are in sane-backend drivers after sane 1.0.3.

Also, your /dev/usb/scanner may not exist which is why it cannot be 
opened.  You can manufacture one with mknod using the numbers in 
/usr/share/jkernel-doc (kernel number)/devices.txt


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Re: [newbie] Change Time

2001-12-29 Per discussione skidley

On Fri, 28 Dec 2001, Ed Kasky wrote:

 But does it work??? ;-)

 I forgot to mention before to look at
 http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~mills/ntp/servers.htm for an explanation of how
 the time server strata works and for any special requirements when using
 any of the public time servers.


 At 03:21 PM Friday, 12/28/2001, you wrote -=
 On Friday 28 December 2001 11:01, you wrote:
   If you are connected to the internet all the time you can add a cron for
   rdate -
I have found ntpdate(from the ntp pkg) more useful than rdate. When I
searched for servers supporting the RFC 868 protocol it seems alot
are not supporting RFC 868 anymore but are using Network Time Protocol.

  . ---   ..
  |o_o | /_ 0  |
  |:_/ |   Give Micro$oft the Bird   \_|
 //   \ \  Use Linux /  \
(| | )  | )  | | |
/'\_   _/`\ | )  | | |
\___)=(___/ |_)  (_) |
Chad Young   \__/
Registered Linux User #195191   (___|
@ http://counter.li.org
Linux localhost 2.4.18pre1 #2 Fri Dec 28 14:41:58 AST 2001 i686 unknown
  3:20pm  up 35 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.15, 0.04, 0.02

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Re: [newbie] nVidia Splash Screen - Yes 3D/OpenGL - No!

2001-12-29 Per discussione Miark


 And then changed the reference of nv in xf86config-4 to read nvidia.

You may have done this and forgot to say it, but
you also have to add 

  Load glx

to the Module section.


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Re: [newbie] problem with Software Manager

2001-12-29 Per discussione mr_tortoise

Thanks Derek.  urpmi.removemedia ftp-linux.cc.gatech.edu worked like a 
charm.  Software Manager is such a great tool (even though I did hose myself 
once by installing a new kernel using it  dooh!).  After running the command 
I tried another udpate site and it worked fine.

On Saturday 29 December 2001 12:40 pm, you wrote:
 There seems to be quite a rash of people reporting trouble defining upgrade
 sources recentlly.

 If you want to remove the update source there is a console command

 I do not know how it is used, but I'm sure the manual has full details.


 On Saturday 29 December 2001 17:18, mr_tortoise (Nathan Pryor) wrote:
  Hello.  The Mandrake Software Manager freezes on startup when it attempts
  to refresh the security update source I defined
  (ftp-linux.cc.gatech.edu). I have checked the ftp site and can logon
  anonymously with no problem.  I did not provide a username and password
  for the security update source thinking it would logon anonymously by
  default.  Is there any way I can delete me current settings without
  running the Software Manager?

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Re: [newbie] nVidia Splash Screen - Yes 3D/OpenGL - No!

2001-12-29 Per discussione Wes Gregg

  Is this fubar repairable without major surgery?  I really am tired of
  reinstalling, and it seems stable, just primitive (2d) graphics.  I would
  almost deal with it rather than reinstall (again).

 In your XF86Config-4 did you remember to create the entry
 Load  glx  in the moudule section as well as removing load dri' and
 glcore if they exist.


Well, I forgot to add that line, so I went back and did so.  Now it doesn't 
even display the splash screen and it is still a delay with the program title 
on the bar on the bottom of the screen with the busy cursor on it and then 
after a while it is as if I never tried to load the app.

Wes Gregg
Registered Linux User # 252649

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[newbie] Kernel Panic: Attempted to kill init

2001-12-29 Per discussione Joe Sotham

This lloks like an upgrade gone horribly wrong... 

I am upgrading a system to an AMD 1700+/ MSI K7266A Pro2 board, 256MB PC2100 
RAM, duel booting Linux 8.1/Windows ME. I'm using the remaining equipment 
from my old system. 

The windows ME side works fine. 

I have freshly installed Mandrake 8.1 three separate times at this point.  
When I try to load linux, linux-nonfb, or failsafe I get the following 

PNP: PNP Bios version 1.0, entry at .
general protection fault: 0 

. a bunch of stuff.  

Bad EIP value
Kernel Panic: Attempted to kill init 

... and then a dead halt. 


Joe Sotham 

try to install 

Joe Sotham

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[newbie] MDK 8.1 Updates

2001-12-29 Per discussione Rob K

Sorry if this has already been asked!

I'm installing MDK 8.1 mainly to act as a server 
for my ADSL connection here in the UK. I've managed to get it running and 
was happy till I tried to do the mandrake updates. One of them is a kernel 
update which I thought "Hmm looks important better do it" 20mins later 1 reboot 
and hang on whats going on??? nothing is working!!! wargh!!

Now 3 rebuilds later (ok so I don't learn I thought 
it was something I'd done) still no joy. Have I missed something stupidly 
simple or is this a bug with MU???

Many Thanks

Rob K

Trying to Run MDK 8.1 with an Alcatel Speedtouch on 

Re: [newbie] floppy does not work

2001-12-29 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

On Saturday 29 December 2001 10:05 am, you wrote:
 Op Sat, 29 Dec 2001 09:52:15 -0500 schreef Gerald Waugh [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On Thursday 27 December 2001 09:13 pm, you wrote:
  I can't mount /dev/fd0
  and my log file say:
  Dec 24 02:34:02 gerald kernel: Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
  Dec 24 02:34:02 gerald kernel: floppy0: Floppy io-port 0x03f7 in use
  Dec 24 02:34:02 gerald kernel: ide-floppy driver 0.97
  Looks like Floppy io-port 0x03f7 in use is the problem, anyone have a
  quick answer?

 A floppycable-based tape streamer in the machine perhaps?

No! But thanks for the response, I cannot imagine what is installed, that 
uses io address 0x3F7


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Re: [newbie] Soundcard not working

2001-12-29 Per discussione Frans Ketelaars

On Sat, 29 Dec 2001 10:33:15 -0500

 I'm having another problem after my installation of 8.1. I cannot get
 my soundcard to work. My soundcard is a Crystal 4236. It worked fine
 when I had RH 7.1 installed. 

And you don't happen to have the /etc/modules.conf file from that install :)

 Mandrake 8.1 doesn't seem to recognize it.
 I ran Harddrake and tried to configure it and I get a popup message that
 says: modprobe: Can't locate module isa-pnp. 

That's because the kernel has isa-pnp support compiled in and not as a
loadable module. Does the card show up with 'cat /proc/isapnp' ?

 I try to configure it
 manually (using the info from the other OS I have on my machine) but
 it still will not work at all. I tried running sndconfig but it pretty
 much chokes on it too.

How (does it choke) ? 

 Any ideas? Why would RedHat 7.1 have absolutely no problem with the card
 but Mandrake does??

'rpm -qi sndconfig' says: Summary : The Red Hat Linux sound configuration tool,
so well, I guess this is a different sndconfig version, different 
kernel and kernel-modules, whatever ;) Maybe check the loaded modules with
'/sbin/lsmod' and see if somehow there are problemetic entries in the 
'/etc/ modules.conf' file. Anyway, the kernel drivers as well as the ALSA ones
should support your sound hardware. Can you, as root, 'modprobe cs4232'? HTH,


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Re: [newbie] Alias question...

2001-12-29 Per discussione Spencer Collyer

On Saturday 29 December 2001 17:06, you wrote:
 Hi. I'm trying to get to alias's (pleural sp?) to work and am having
 a problem. Here is what I put into /home/darklord/.bashrc:

 alias diablo2=winex /mnt/windows/Program\ Files/Diablo\ II/Game.exe
 alias starcraft=winex /mnt/windows/Program\

 Bash always complains that it can not find either of the *.exe files.
 It doesn't complain about the path to them...

In bash you need quotes around the aliased command if it consists of 
more than one word.


 Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines 
Remove the fruit to obtain reply address:
spencer at lasermount satsuma dot uklinux dot net
5:57pm up 35 days, 3:57, 13 users, load average: 0.05, 0.12, 0.20
Registered Linux User #232457

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[newbie] Re: Unable to read the partition table

2001-12-29 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich

Antonio Sousa wrote:
 Thanks Kaj for your help.
 Isen you a copy of my two files: mtab and fstab.

OK Antonio, I'll try to help you out :

When looking at your /etc/mtab - file it seems that no CD-roms are
mounted, eh ?
To mount that one, several possibilities are at hand, included the
console-way, but
personally I find it a lot easier to use a graphics-way.

But first, I'll suggest a basic option :

In KDE, rightclick the desktop background and choose create new, and,
from the
pull-down menu, select CDROM device. Now, go to the device-tab and
open the new
pull-down menu. Here you should be able to select your CD-rom on
This action should place a new icon on your desktop. When right-clicking
that, it
displays some options like : mount , eject , open ..etc., etc
If all is well, You just have to throw the CD into the cupholder,
close it and then
click the CDROM-icon to display its content. Just like any other
directory. Likewise,
when you are finished and want to collect your CD, you can choose
eject from the icon.
That will automatically unmount it before ejecting. Cool, isn't it ?

Another method (the one I prefer) is to rightclick the desktop and
choose run command.
Then, type kdf (without the quotes, of course). This will open the
disk-free program.
Here you can rightclick the CDrom and choose mount device.
Furthermore, you can open
it right away in a file-manager. Cool, eh ?

Now, all this is possible only if your /etc/fstab contains the
appropriate entries.
As far as I can see from your /etc/fstab, you do not have an entry for
a second CDROM,
or maybe a CD-Writer. That one should show up in a line, something like
this :

/dev/scd1 /mnt/cdrom2 auto
user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0

Eventually, you can proceed to create another icon for this one, as
previously described.

Of course you have to edit your /etc/lilo.conf accordingly (the
append - line)
before any of the above actions can be effective. - Again : remember to
issue the
lilo-command (as root) after editing and saving the file. Then reboot
to let 
the kernel take notion of your changes.

BTW - Antonio, your questions about CDROMs are quite frequent on the
newbie-list, so I 
think it is a good idea to search that, if you run into further
troubles. In this spirit
I will post my answer to the list as well. After all, we are here to
learn from eachothers
experiences, aren't we  ?

Kaj Haulrich

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Re: [newbie] floppy does not work

2001-12-29 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

On Saturday 29 December 2001 03:09 pm, you wrote:
 On Saturday 29 December 2001 10:05 am, you wrote:
  Op Sat, 29 Dec 2001 09:52:15 -0500 schreef Gerald Waugh 
  On Thursday 27 December 2001 09:13 pm, you wrote:
   I can't mount /dev/fd0
   and my log file say:
   Dec 24 02:34:02 gerald kernel: Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
   Dec 24 02:34:02 gerald kernel: floppy0: Floppy io-port 0x03f7 in use
   Dec 24 02:34:02 gerald kernel: ide-floppy driver 0.97
   Looks like Floppy io-port 0x03f7 in use is the problem, anyone have a
   quick answer?
  A floppycable-based tape streamer in the machine perhaps?

 No! But thanks for the response, I cannot imagine what is installed, that
 uses io address 0x3F7

cat /proc/ioports shows that
03f7-03f7 : PNP0c02

Now what is PNP0c02
And hw do I get rid of it?
Guess I'll look at the bios setup!


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Re: [newbie] Kernel Panic: Attempted to kill init

2001-12-29 Per discussione Frans Ketelaars

On Sat, 29 Dec 2001 19:45:36 GMT
Joe Sotham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This lloks like an upgrade gone horribly wrong... 
 I am upgrading a system to an AMD 1700+/ MSI K7266A Pro2 board, 256MB PC2100 
 RAM, duel booting Linux 8.1/Windows ME. I'm using the remaining equipment 
 from my old system. 
 The windows ME side works fine. 
 I have freshly installed Mandrake 8.1 three separate times at this point.  
 When I try to load linux, linux-nonfb, or failsafe I get the following 
 PNP: PNP Bios version 1.0, entry at .
 general protection fault: 0 
 . a bunch of stuff.  
 Bad EIP value
 Kernel Panic: Attempted to kill init 
 ... and then a dead halt. 
 Joe Sotham 
 try to install 
 Joe Sotham

Looks like http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/81errata.php3 :

Error scenario: Mandrake Linux 8.1 installs flawlessly on systems with K7T266 Pro2 
Motherboards, but fails to boot after installation. Error message is Bad EIP value.
Why: The BiosPNP support in kernel 2.4.8 is broken for the KT266A chipset.
Solution: Press ESC when you see the LILO bootloader screen, and type linux 
nobiospnp. The system will boot correctly, giving you the change to edit 
/etc/lilo.conf. Add the nobiospnp option to every append= line in lilo.conf, then 
run /sbin/lilo, and reboot.


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Re: [newbie] MDK 8.1 Updates

2001-12-29 Per discussione Ricardo Castanho de O. Freitas

Hash: SHA1

On Sat, 29 Dec 2001, Rob K wrote:

As far as  I know, you've done the ONLY upgrade that is *NOT* recommended
through Mandrake update!!

You have to download it and install using rpm -ivh kernel.rpm
I've done this way and it was just perfect!
There was indeed a warning email from mandrake for not using the MU for
kernel upgrading.

I don't know about the kernel-headers and source

[]s Ricardo Castanho

Sorry if this has already been asked!
I'm installing MDK 8.1 mainly to act as a server for my ADSL connection
here in the UK.  I've managed to get it running and was happy till I
tried to do the mandrake updates.  One of them is a kernel update which I
thought Hmm looks important better do it 20mins later 1 reboot and hang
on whats going on??? nothing is working!!! wargh!!
Now 3 rebuilds later (ok so I don't learn I thought it was something I'd
done) still no joy.  Have I missed something stupidly simple or is this a
bug with MU???
Many Thanks
Rob K
Trying to Run MDK 8.1 with an Alcatel Speedtouch on BTOpenworld.

- -- 
delivery NOT reliable  = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux user # 102240 = Machine # 96125 = Seti@home user
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Para mais informações veja http://www.gnupg.org


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Re: [newbie] floppy does not work

2001-12-29 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

On Saturday 29 December 2001 03:29 pm, you wrote:
 On Saturday 29 December 2001 03:09 pm, you wrote:
  On Saturday 29 December 2001 10:05 am, you wrote:
   Op Sat, 29 Dec 2001 09:52:15 -0500 schreef Gerald Waugh

   On Thursday 27 December 2001 09:13 pm, you wrote:
I can't mount /dev/fd0
and my log file say:
Dec 24 02:34:02 gerald kernel: floppy0: Floppy io-port 0x03f7 in use
Looks like Floppy io-port 0x03f7 in use is the problem, anyone have
a quick answer?
   A floppycable-based tape streamer in the machine perhaps?
  No! But thanks for the response, I cannot imagine what is installed, that
  uses io address 0x3F7

 cat /proc/ioports shows that
 03f7-03f7 : PNP0c02

 Now what is PNP0c02
 And hw do I get rid of it?
 Guess I'll look at the bios setup!

Aparantly a kernel / pnp issue.
I am running  2.4.8-26mdk
Perhaps there is a later kernel.


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[newbie] bash scripting for beginners

2001-12-29 Per discussione Andrei Raevsky

I am looking for a good bash scripting tutorial/manual for BEGINNERS who are 
new Bash, Linux and scripting.  Ideally - a book in PDF format or something 
in HTML.
Please let me know if you know were I could find such an item.

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Re: [newbie] Kernel Panic: Attempted to kill init - Fixed

2001-12-29 Per discussione joe

adding the parameter nobiospnp to the append line in lilo.conf fixed the 
problem as Franz pointed out.

Thanks, Franz!


On Saturday 29 December 2001 12:36, you wrote:
 On Sat, 29 Dec 2001 19:45:36 GMT

 Joe Sotham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This lloks like an upgrade gone horribly wrong...
  I am upgrading a system to an AMD 1700+/ MSI K7266A Pro2 board, 256MB
  PC2100 RAM, duel booting Linux 8.1/Windows ME. I'm using the remaining
  equipment from my old system.
  The windows ME side works fine.
  I have freshly installed Mandrake 8.1 three separate times at this point.
  When I try to load linux, linux-nonfb, or failsafe I get the following
  PNP: PNP Bios version 1.0, entry at .
  general protection fault: 0
  . a bunch of stuff. 
  Bad EIP value
  Kernel Panic: Attempted to kill init
  ... and then a dead halt.
  Joe Sotham
  try to install
  Joe Sotham

 Looks like http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/81errata.php3 :

 Error scenario: Mandrake Linux 8.1 installs flawlessly on systems with
 K7T266 Pro2 Motherboards, but fails to boot after installation. Error
 message is Bad EIP value. Why: The BiosPNP support in kernel 2.4.8 is
 broken for the KT266A chipset. Solution: Press ESC when you see the LILO
 bootloader screen, and type linux nobiospnp. The system will boot
 correctly, giving you the change to edit /etc/lilo.conf. Add the
 nobiospnp option to every append= line in lilo.conf, then run
 /sbin/lilo, and reboot.


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[newbie] editing $PATH

2001-12-29 Per discussione Andrei Raevsky

I would like to add a subdirectory to my $PATH.  I triend the export 
command but it told me that it is not valid.  Mandrake seems to offer a 
shared path to all users taken from bashrc (I am not sure about this).  How 
could I edit ONLY MY PATH (my user path - not my root which I don't want to 
touch even if I find it) without affecting the one of the other users on my 

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Re: [newbie] MDK 8.1 Updates

2001-12-29 Per discussione tester

Ricardo Castanho de O. Freitas wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Sat, 29 Dec 2001, Rob K wrote:

As far as  I know, you've done the ONLY upgrade that is *NOT* recommended
through Mandrake update!!

You have to download it and install using rpm -ivh kernel.rpm
I've done this way and it was just perfect!
There was indeed a warning email from mandrake for not using the MU for
kernel upgrading.

I don't know about the kernel-headers and source

[]s Ricardo Castanho

Sorry if this has already been asked!

I'm installing MDK 8.1 mainly to act as a server for my ADSL connection

here in the UK.  I've managed to get it running and was happy till I
tried to do the mandrake updates.  One of them is a kernel update which I
thought Hmm looks important better do it 20mins later 1 reboot and hang
on whats going on??? nothing is working!!! wargh!!

Now 3 rebuilds later (ok so I don't learn I thought it was something I'd

done) still no joy.  Have I missed something stupidly simple or is this a
bug with MU???
Many Thanks
Rob K
Trying to Run MDK 8.1 with an Alcatel Speedtouch on BTOpenworld.

- -- 
delivery NOT reliable  = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux user # 102240 = Machine # 96125 = Seti@home user
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Para mais informações veja http://www.gnupg.org


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Here is what I just sent to several departments

Naturally we have people still on 8.0 who use mandrakeUpdate/SoftWare 
to update the update kernels, and we have had several folks who ran 
Manager for 8.1 and did multiple updates in one session who managed to get
the effect of and rpm -Uvh on the kernel update package.

Here is what to tell them:
1.  Open a terminal and get the installed kernel version number with

$ uname -a

2.  su to root

3.  issue this command

# rpm -e kernel-(version number from the uname output)

4.  Put in the install CD and

# reboot

5.  Tick the expert mode and click the right-hand Update button on 
of install.  (Yes, some people could not find it because they expected the
right -hand button to be Cancel and did not read it.)

6.  Let the installer fuss and cluck til it figures out that all it has 
to do
is install the kernel.  Pass package selection and go to individual 
selection.  Use the two-blue-arrow symbol at the bottom to toggle to the 
list and scroll down to the k's and check to assure the kernel is 
checked to
be installed.

7.  If you tried to restore connectivity by running network when you had
troubles, reinstall your network, otherwise, you can leave it alone.

8.  Fine-tune your X install if you like

9.  Kill the old_ packages offered by the bootloader.

10.  Now, after your system comes back up, _download_ the kernel update and
install it as root in a terminal with

rpm -ivh kernel-(number of the update kernel)[TAB][enter]
I don't know if we should consider this for the errata pages but I have 
had a
flood of these complaints recently.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] bash scripting for beginners

2001-12-29 Per discussione tester

Andrei Raevsky wrote:

 I am looking for a good bash scripting tutorial/manual for BEGINNERS 
 who are new Bash, Linux and scripting.  Ideally - a book in PDF format 
 or something in HTML.
 Please let me know if you know were I could find such an item.

 Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: http://mobile.msn.com

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I think there is probably an ebook on it in your install or one you can 
access by update selecting the documentation package.

I learned from O'Reilly's Linux in a Nutshell plus sturfdying the 
initscripts for Mandrake.(no joke).


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Re: [newbie] RE: Office Suites

2001-12-29 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On Sun, 30 Dec 2001 09:17:59 +0900
Doug Lerner [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sunday, December 30, 2001):
 One of the things that _no_one_ should be concerned about any longer is 
 compatibility with MS Office.
 This is absolutely impossible for me. I exchange so many files
 (spreadsheet, doc and presentation) with so many customers and other
 staff members that unfortunately Office has become the standard by
 which we exchange compatible files. Not being compatible with MS Office -
 at least in my case - is unthinkable.

I know I'm coming in late on this thread, but Star Office handles this very thing 
beautifully. ALL of it.

If at first you don't succeed do what your wife told you to do
the first time!

Registered Linux User 182496
Mandrake 8.1
  9:05pm  up 13 days, 12:54,  2 users,  load average: 1.11, 1.29, 1.19

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[newbie] Unable to read the partition table

2001-12-29 Per discussione Antonio Sousa

Thanks Kaj for your help.
Isen you a copy of my two files: mtab and fstab.
Maybe you can help me now
Thanks once more

The mtab file

/dev/hda5 / ext2 rw 0 0
none /proc proc rw 0 0
devfs /dev devfs rw 0 0
none /dev/pts devpts rw,mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs rw 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat rw,iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hdb1 /mnt/win_c2 vfat rw,iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
/proc/bus/usb /proc/bus/usb usbdevfs rw,devmode=0664,devgid=43 0 0

The fstab file

/dev/hda5 / ext2 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom auto 
user,iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto 
user,iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,sync,exec,codepage=850,noauto 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hdb1 /mnt/win_c2 vfat iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda6 swap swap defaults 0 0
/dev/sda /mnt/mo vfat noauto,user,exec 0 0

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[newbie] headers and kernel not matching..

2001-12-29 Per discussione Franki

Hi all,

I just looked at the cooker site at:

and I downloaded the latest kernel (

then I went to download the headers and they are a completely different

to be exact.

Why are they no longer the same?  I heard that the headers were gonna not be
a seperate RPM, but included elsewhere,
is this the first step to that?? or am I just looking at the FTP site at the
wrong time? (ie while its updating?)

I have just joined the cooker list to see if lurking can help with my cooker



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RE: [newbie] The Wait just got a lot longer!

2001-12-29 Per discussione Franki

Look at your motherboard, for the make and model, then go to their web site
and download the manual for it..

While your at it, get the latest bios, it may help.

The manual will help you find out where everything goes.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Lee Roberts
Sent: Sunday, 30 December 2001 7:17 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] The Wait just got a lot longer!

It's never a good idea to mess with electronic devices while powered up.
Especially RAM. Surges occur when wiggling loose stuff that will destroy
the device.

At 05:42 PM 12/29/2001 -0500, Andrew wrote:
Hello All,

   Thank you for the replies to my previous Wait. I was unable
to implement previous recommendations due to...
   I got curious and wiggled one of my 4 newly installed SIMMs,
while it was running. All went blank Now even the Boot floppy does
not spin up and the hard drive light simply stays red.
   I am going to try removing a SIMM at a time to see if
anything changes. Starting with the one #4 I moved/wiggled previously.
 To confuse things more the wire going to the keyed switch,
came off completely in my hand. I have not a clue, what to do, about
that wire.

   What Have I done??

   Please excuse, If anyone is bothered by this hardware
question please recommend a good older hardware list.

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Re: [newbie] software manager gives errors on all rpms

2001-12-29 Per discussione skinky

On Sunday 30 December 2001 07:31, Daniel McCarthy wrote:
|  I downloaded and was attempting to install firestarter.  The rpm had
|  dependencies that were on the Core System Install disk.  Unfortunately
| after inserting the disk the computer completely froze, leaving me no
| other option than the reset button.  I thought I had an idea of the
| files that were needed so I copied them and placed them into a directory
| of their own and added a new media with the urpmi.addmedia daniel
| file://home/daniel/misc/ command.  I then tried to install firestarter
| again and received other dependcy errors. I gave up on installing
| firestarter and removed that media.
|  Now when I attempt to install anything, for example xmms, I get Bad,
|  unreadable or not found packages  , xmms.
|  Thanks in advance for any help you have to offer
|  Dan

You could try rebuilding the rpm database.  In a terminal as root:

#  rpm --rebuilddb

That may set things right.

oxymoron:  Microsoft Works

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Re: [newbie] Default Browser

2001-12-29 Per discussione skinky

On Sunday 30 December 2001 02:48, Rich wrote:
|  Not too long ago I made some changes to my Mandrake 8.1 desktop and now
|  have a couple of minor problems with my Galeon browser:
|  Galeon now wants to be on top all the time and it doesn't respond to
| any setting changes to let something else be on top;
|  I want Galeon to be the default browser when I click on a link in my
|  mail client (Evolution), but Mozilla keeps popping up.  Where do I go
| to change the default?
|  TIA
|  Rich

In KDE Control Center (kcontrol in a terminal)  File Browsing  File 
Associations.  Under Known Types click the plus next to text and 
select html in the list.  Now you can change your settings on the right 
and click Apply.  HTH

oxymoron:  Microsoft Works

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