Re: [newbie-it] Cos'è Journaling?

2002-03-14 Per discussione Sandro

Alle 09:23, giovedì 14 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
 Ottima spiegazione,

 io però ritengo che, per l'utente medio, il journaled file system non è
 necessario ne conveniente.

 Penso sia molto più importante avere un sistema operativo veloce e robusto
 in modo da
 scongiurare per quanto possibile i pericoli di crash.

Mah, in quanto a velocità (utilizzo attualmente ext3 convertito da un 
iniziale ext2) non ho rilevato nessu rallentamento.
Diverse volte, in passato, mi si sono creati problemi per interruzioni di 
energia elettrica, a volte è andata bene, un paio di volte ho dovuto 
reinstallare linux (non c'è stato niente da fare).
Così, per non correre rischi, oltre al citato ext3, ho messo anche un gruppo 
di continuità ( rasento la paranoia...:-))

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini
Mandrake Linux 8.1 on Pentium III 688 Mhz
Linux Machine # 103048
Linux User # 203143

Re: [newbie-it] Cos'è Journaling?

2002-03-14 Per discussione Stefano Bigotta

 file system non è
  necessario ne conveniente.

mah, io lo uso su un vecchio portatile e non mi ha dato
nessun problema

  Penso sia molto più importante avere un sistema
 operativo veloce e robusto

questo é un altro paio di maniche, effettivamente la mkd
installa (anche senza chiedere) tutta una serie di cose la
cui utilitá é discutibile =)
un conto sono i fronzoli, un conto le cose utili...


Re: [newbie-it] Lilo e win

2002-03-14 Per discussione Andrea Celli

nicola wrote:

 l'installazione) oppure usando il cd di installazione, digitando la parola
 rescue2 e seguendo le procedure per montare il fs di root, in modo da poter

il 2 era la seconda coppia di virgolette, immagino :-)

Piu` precisamente:
- avvii da CD
- premi subito F1
- al promt lilo: rispondi rescue
- ti assicuri (basta dare mount senza opzioni/argomenti) che la
  linux sia montata in una dir (es. /pippo)
- altrimenti la monti 
- cambi partizione root (es. chroot /pippo)
- lanci lilo

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Cos'è Journaling?

2002-03-14 Per discussione Andrea Celli

Leonardo Orazi wrote:
 Ottima spiegazione,
 io però ritengo che, per l'utente medio, il journaled file system non è
 necessario ne conveniente.
 Penso sia molto più importante avere un sistema operativo veloce e robusto in
 modo da
 scongiurare per quanto possibile i pericoli di crash.

E` un'opinione: io penso l'esatto contrario :-)

Un server con dati importanti si puo` permettere un robusto 
gruppo di continuita` che garantisca anche contro interruzioni
del servizio.

Sul pc di casa e` piu` difficile e meno economico adottare una
soluzione del genere per proteggersi da un improvviso black-out
o dall'uso contemporaneo di lavatrice+lavastoviglie+phon+...+Pc.
Un file system journalized e` un ottimo ripiego.
Inoltre, adesso sono diventati abbastanza stabili e veloci.

ciao, andrea

[newbie-it] errore in compilazione -lXext not found

2002-03-14 Per discussione Stefano Bigotta

stavo cercando di  compilare xine
dopo avere lanciato ./configure, mi appresto al make quando
a un certo punto compare il seguente errore

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lXext
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

devo installare qualche libreria?


Re: [newbie-it] emulazione scsi

2002-03-14 Per discussione tom

Alle 19:19, sabato 9 marzo 2002, Fabio Manunza ha scritto:

  a questo punto attenzione, perchè il lettore potrebbe aver preso 
 possesso di scd0 (presumo una questione di precedenze hdc-hdd - nel mio 
 almeno - ma aspetto motivazioni più fondate); controlla, quindi vai in 
 /etc/fstab e verifica come sono riconosciute le periferiche (sul mio sono 
 cdrom e cdrom2). 

Ri posto la mail...non mi pare sia arrivata in lista!

o non ho capito nulla o la modifica di grub non ha funzionato!
in fastab hdc si sarebbe dovuto modificare in scdX???
questo è quello che c'è in fstab

/dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom auto 
user,iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
/dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom2 auto 
user,iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0

ma la cosa che non capisco è questa.
0,0,0 0) 'TEAC' 'CD-532E-A   ' '1.0A' Removable CD-ROM
0,1,0 1) 'YAMAHA  ' 'CRW2100E' '1.0G' Removable CD-ROM
0,2,0 2) *
questo è il risultato del comando cdrecord -scanbus..da qui pare che hdc 
sia regolarmente emulato!!!
e allora perche non mi compare in fstab come scdX???
prima di spedire la mail sopra ho fatto alcuni esperimenti
ho creato il link come segue

ln -s /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target1/lun0/cd /dev/scd1

e mi sono accorto che ho fatto qualche danno.
i dispositivi si sono invertiti 
cioè...ciccando sul masterizatore monto il CDrom
e come se  non bastasse ciccando sul CDrom mi da questo messagio d'errore:

impossibile montare il dispositivo.
/dev/hdc: input/output error
mount:l could not determine the filesystem type , and none was specified

in poche parole devo aver fatto fuori scd0
ragazzi ditemi che devo fare!!! io nn ci sto capendo piu nulla ;)

Ciao ,Tom

R: [newbie-it] problemi con installazione mandrake 8.1 su abit k7 raid

2002-03-14 Per discussione EiaVaBuò

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Per conto di Samuele E. Locatelli
Inviato: venerdì 1 marzo 2002 1.09
Oggetto: [newbie-it] problemi con
installazione mandrake 8.1 su abit k7 raid

Ho un problema con linstallazione della mandrake 8.1 sul mio pc fisso:
possiedo una scheda abit k7a raid con appunto controller raid e 2 hd da 40Gb
già configurati a livello di bios della motherboard. (il resto: amd athlon
1700+XP, 1gb ram, scheda video ati serie 7000)

Premesso che ho installato winxp che
funziona a dovere, non riesco a sfruttare il raid x installare linux: vede i 2
hd separati e non come unico driver già raid come fanno tutti i so win

e si
che già pregustavo un linux con il turbo x trovar la stessa differenza che sul
portatile mi ha entusiasmato

anticipatamente chiunque possa aiutarmi, saluto!

. Purtroppo
pare che Mandrake non supporti le funzioni Raid del
controller ABIT (x windows ci sono i driver ide-raid
inclusi nell S.O.)

Nel sito (il sito del
controller raid HPT della scheda Abit KT Raid ) puoi
cercare eventuali aggiornamenti nella sezione LINUX. 

Per altre distribuzioni
(SUSE, CALDERA, etc.) sullo stesso sito si possono trovare i driver adatti e
gli aggiornamenti del bios. Non li ho però provati

A quando i driver anche per la migliore
distribuzione del mondo (Mandrake J)

Fwd: Re: [newbie-it] emulazione scsi

2002-03-14 Per discussione tom

--  Messaggio inoltrato  --

Subject: Re: [newbie-it] emulazione scsi
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 13:47:20 +0100

Alle 22:02, martedì 12 marzo 2002, nicola ha scritto:
 Alle 19:25, sabato 9 marzo 2002, hai scritto:

 Ciao, scusate se mi intrometto, ma l'argomento è molto interessante, ed ho 
 provato anche io a emulare scsi il mio cd, ma incorro in un problema, non 
 esiste il dispositivo /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target1/lun0/cd da te indicato, 
 devo crearlo con mknode? Quale Major,minor usare?


anche da me non conpariva il dispositivo! (non ricordo se in target1 o 
se ho capito bene hai gia modificato lilo e fastab..giusto?
ora non devi far altro che creare i link simbolici in /dev
controllando prima in fastab la giusta sequenza
#ln -s /dev/scdx /dev/cdromx

se ti puo essere d'aiuto questo è come risultano ora a me
#cdrecord -scanbub
0,0,0 0) 'TEAC' 'CD-532E-A   ' '1.0A' Removable CD-ROM
0,1,0 1) 'YAMAHA  ' 'CRW2100E' '1.0G' Removable CD-ROM
/dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom auto 
user,iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
/dev/scd1 /mnt/cdrom2 auto 
user,iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0

Ciao , Tom


Re: [newbie-it] Cos'è Journaling?

2002-03-14 Per discussione tom

Alle 09:26, giovedì 14 marzo 2002, hai scritto:

 Mah, in quanto a velocità (utilizzo attualmente ext3 convertito da un 
 iniziale ext2) non ho rilevato nessu rallentamento.

Per curiosita.per passare da ext2 a ext3 che dovrei fare?
se è troppo complicato da spiegare qui, mi potresti rimandare a qualche 
documentazione in italiano?


Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] supermount

2002-03-14 Per discussione Alessandro

On Tue, 12 Mar 2002 14:10:01 +0100 (CET)
Stefano Salari [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   ma, alla fine ho deciso di passare alla 8.1, ma i
   problemi non sono migliorati...
 ...Ma nella 8.1 non c'e' il supporto al supermount.
 Che problema ti da?

se il problema è evitare di aprire un xterm e digitare mount /cdrom, potresti 
aggiungere una voce mount (umount) al tuo Window manager.
Per esembio in /usr/X11R6/share/Blackbox/menu (oppure in /home/utente/.blackboxrc) io 
ho aggiunto la seguente sezione:

[submenu] (Misc)
[exec] (mount) {rxvt -e mount /cdrom  konqueror /cdrom}
[exec] (umount) {rxvt -e umount /cdrom}

Et voilà il gioco è fatto!

Analoga cosa si può fare in windowmaker (se ti serve ti spiego come).

Kde non lo uso quasi mai, ma credo tu possa utilizzare questo concetto anche lì.


|   slackware 8.0 |
|   kernel 2.4.17 |

Re: [newbie-it] emulazione scsi

2002-03-14 Per discussione Andrea Celli

tom wrote:
 questo è quello che c'è in fstab
 /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom auto
 user,iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
 /dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom2 auto
 user,iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
 ma la cosa che non capisco è questa.
 0,0,0 0) 'TEAC' 'CD-532E-A   ' '1.0A' Removable CD-ROM
 0,1,0 1) 'YAMAHA  ' 'CRW2100E' '1.0G' Removable CD-ROM
 0,2,0 2) *
 questo è il risultato del comando cdrecord -scanbus..da qui pare che hdc
 sia regolarmente emulato!!!
 e allora perche non mi compare in fstab come scdX???

A questo punto, io metterei

/dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom auto  
/dev/scd1 /mnt/cdrom2 auto  

poi farei gli opportuni link simbolici

ln -s /dev/sdc0 /dev/cdrom
ln -s /dev/sdc1 /dev/cdrom2

per tutti quegli oggetti che puntano direttamente a /dev/cdromX

Re: R: [newbie-it] Mandrake in crisi!?

2002-03-14 Per discussione dimmy

 credo che sia arrivato il momento di contribuire economicamente, se
 vogliamo cambiare distribuzione.

 Penso che se lo meritano.
 Io mi comprerò la distribuzione era già da un pò che ci stavo

 Comunque se tutti o quasi collaboriamo secondo le nostre possibilità
 possiamo aiutarli.

Concordo pienamente. Linux l'ho scopeto quasi un anno fa, ma per vari
motivi (tra cui poche opportunita' di stare sul pc) l'ho studiato poco.
Ho provato un po' di distribuzioni, Mandrake e' quella che da subito mi
e' piacuta. Ora finalmente mi compro un portatile ed all'uscita della
nuva distribuzione Mandrake 8.2, mi compro la distribuzione completa (e
poi incomincero' a stressarvi con richieste di aiuto) ;)


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Re: [newbie-it] Cos'è Journaling?

2002-03-14 Per discussione Sandro

Alle 13:49, giovedì 14 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
 Alle 09:26, giovedì 14 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
  Mah, in quanto a velocità (utilizzo attualmente ext3 convertito da un
  iniziale ext2) non ho rilevato nessu rallentamento.

 Per curiosita.per passare da ext2 a ext3 che dovrei fare?
 se è troppo complicato da spiegare qui, mi potresti rimandare a qualche
 documentazione in italiano?


 Ciao , Tom

Devi utilizzare il comando tune2fs, per esempio con la seguente sintassi:

tune2fs -j /dev/hdxx

Dove, ovviamente, devi sostituire hdxx con la tua partizione (ad esempio: 
hdb1, hdb2, o che altro).
L'unico cambiamento visibile è che viene creato un file  .jourmal nella 
directory root (ovviamente nascosto).

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini
Mandrake Linux 8.1 on Pentium III 688 Mhz
Linux Machine # 103048
Linux User # 203143

Re: [newbie-it] Cos'è Journaling?

2002-03-14 Per discussione Sandro

Alle 13:49, giovedì 14 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
 Alle 09:26, giovedì 14 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
  Mah, in quanto a velocità (utilizzo attualmente ext3 convertito da un
  iniziale ext2) non ho rilevato nessu rallentamento.

 Per curiosita.per passare da ext2 a ext3 che dovrei fare?
 se è troppo complicato da spiegare qui, mi potresti rimandare a qualche
 documentazione in italiano?


 Ciao , Tom

Devi utilizzare il comando tune2fs, per esempio con la seguente sintassi:

tune2fs -j /dev/hdxx

Dove, ovviamente, devi sostituire hdxx con la tua partizione (ad esempio: 
hdb1, hdb2, o che altro).
L'unico cambiamento visibile è che viene creato un file  .jourmal nella 
directory root (ovviamente nascosto).

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini
Mandrake Linux 8.1 on Pentium III 688 Mhz
Linux Machine # 103048
Linux User # 203143

Re: [newbie-it] Xscreensaver GL

2002-03-14 Per discussione nicola

Alle 21:03, sabato 9 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
 Salve a tutta la ML, a quanto pare non riesco a stare un giorno senza
 trovare un piccolo problema da proporvi. Oggi ho voluto provare alcuni
 salvaschermi GL di xscreensaver, e con mia sorpresa non vanno. Premetto che
 ho una geforce2, e che sotto RH7.1 questo problema non si verifica, e che
 inoltre usando le librerie MESA i suddetti screensaver funzionano. Vorrei
 chiedervi se qualcuno si è già imbattuto in questo problema. Vi allego i
 messaggi che ottengo dal demone xscreensaver. Se devo postare altro, tipo
 il log di XFREE o il file di configurazione, fatemelo sapere.
 Messaggi al lancio del Demone

 xscreensaver: xscreensaver-gl-helper says the GL visual is 0x21 (the
 default). xscreensaver: initialization of Kerberos passwords failed.
 xscreensaver: running on display :0.0
 xscreensaver: vendor is Mandrake Linux (XFree86 4.1.0, patch level 17mdk),
 xscreensaver: useful extensions:
 xscreensaver:  MIT Screen-Saver
 xscreensaver:  Shared Memory
 xscreensaver:  Double-Buffering
 xscreensaver:  Power Management
 xscreensaver:  GLX
 xscreensaver:  XF86 Video-Mode
 xscreensaver: screen 0 non-mapped depths: 16
 xscreensaver: not using server's lame MIT-SCREEN-SAVER extension.
 xscreensaver: consulting /proc/interrupts for keyboard activity.
 xscreensaver: using default visual 0x21 (TrueColor,   depth: 16, cmap:
 xscreensaver: saver window is 0x1e1.
 xscreensaver: selecting events on extant windows... done.

 Messaggi di errore al lancio di salvaschermi GL
 xscreensaver: DEMO 121 ClientMessage received.
 xscreensaver: demoing 121 at Sat Mar  9 20:26:45 2002.
 xscreensaver: grabbing keyboard on 0x53... GrabSuccess.
 xscreensaver: grabbing mouse on 0x53... GrabSuccess.
 xscreensaver: limited pid 3454 address space to 50M.
 xscreensaver: spawning gears -root in pid 3454.
 gears: couldn't create GL context for visual 0x21.
 xscreensaver: child pid 3454 (gears) exited abnormally (code 1).
 xscreensaver: unblanking screen at Sat Mar  9 20:26:48 2002.
 xscreensaver: ungrabbing mouse (was 0x53).
 xscreensaver: ungrabbing keyboard (was 0x53).
 xscreensaver: awaiting idleness.

 Grazie a tutti!

Be spero di non sembrare troppo strano se mi rispondo, forse a qualcuno può 
interessare che ho trovato la soluzione sul sito di MDK. Basta settare la 
memoria per lo screensaver a 0M.

Ciao !!

RE: [newbie-it] Xscreensaver GL

2002-03-14 Per discussione Taschetta, M. - MXPCP


-Original Message-
From: nicola [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002 8:48 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Xscreensaver  GL

Alle 21:03, sabato 9 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
 Salve a tutta la ML, a quanto pare non riesco a stare un giorno senza
 trovare un piccolo problema da proporvi. Oggi ho voluto provare alcuni
 salvaschermi GL di xscreensaver, e con mia sorpresa non vanno. Premetto
 ho una geforce2, e che sotto RH7.1 questo problema non si verifica, e che
 inoltre usando le librerie MESA i suddetti screensaver funzionano. Vorrei
 chiedervi se qualcuno si e gia imbattuto in questo problema. Vi allego i
 messaggi che ottengo dal demone xscreensaver. Se devo postare altro, tipo
 il log di XFREE o il file di configurazione, fatemelo sapere.
 Messaggi al lancio del Demone

 xscreensaver: xscreensaver-gl-helper says the GL visual is 0x21 (the
 default). xscreensaver: initialization of Kerberos passwords failed.
 xscreensaver: running on display :0.0
 xscreensaver: vendor is Mandrake Linux (XFree86 4.1.0, patch level 17mdk),
 xscreensaver: useful extensions:
 xscreensaver:  MIT Screen-Saver
 xscreensaver:  Shared Memory
 xscreensaver:  Double-Buffering
 xscreensaver:  Power Management
 xscreensaver:  GLX
 xscreensaver:  XF86 Video-Mode
 xscreensaver: screen 0 non-mapped depths: 16
 xscreensaver: not using server's lame MIT-SCREEN-SAVER extension.
 xscreensaver: consulting /proc/interrupts for keyboard activity.
 xscreensaver: using default visual 0x21 (TrueColor,   depth: 16, cmap:
 xscreensaver: saver window is 0x1e1.
 xscreensaver: selecting events on extant windows... done.

 Messaggi di errore al lancio di salvaschermi GL
 xscreensaver: DEMO 121 ClientMessage received.
 xscreensaver: demoing 121 at Sat Mar  9 20:26:45 2002.
 xscreensaver: grabbing keyboard on 0x53... GrabSuccess.
 xscreensaver: grabbing mouse on 0x53... GrabSuccess.
 xscreensaver: limited pid 3454 address space to 50M.
 xscreensaver: spawning gears -root in pid 3454.
 gears: couldn't create GL context for visual 0x21.
 xscreensaver: child pid 3454 (gears) exited abnormally (code 1).
 xscreensaver: unblanking screen at Sat Mar  9 20:26:48 2002.
 xscreensaver: ungrabbing mouse (was 0x53).
 xscreensaver: ungrabbing keyboard (was 0x53).
 xscreensaver: awaiting idleness.

 Grazie a tutti!

Be spero di non sembrare troppo strano se mi rispondo, forse a qualcuno puo 
interessare che ho trovato la soluzione sul sito di MDK. Basta settare la 
memoria per lo screensaver a 0M.

Ciao !!

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[newbie] Apache user directory

2002-03-14 Per discussione Daniel Chen

I tried to set up my Apache web server that all the user can have their
own web pages under their home/user/public_html
I put this line in httpd.conf
UserDir public_html

However, when I tried to access user's web page by typing
The web server gave me a error message said:


You don't have permission to access /~username/ on this server.

Can anyone tell me how to solve this problem? Thank you!


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Re: [newbie] Any First Go success stories ? NOW what for?

2002-03-14 Per discussione Rick [Kitty5]

 No.. Dreamweaver Can work w/ wine, however it does not work as
 quickly, nor is it as functional as on windows. (I personally coulnd't
 get it to install.)

I have managed to get a copy of flash5 installed on my windows partition
working with wine(using real win95 dlls), its not really usable as wine
gets into a knot with the daft palette/tool thingies and spends 90% of
its time redrawing them.


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Re: [newbie] Shame we live in diff countries and all

2002-03-14 Per discussione Kenn Yahoo

BEER ??? someone mentioned beer?  i could use a guinness myself ...

- Original Message -
From: Bill Spatz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 9:52 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Shame we live in diff countries and all

| Sounds good!
| Bill
| Syracuse UT, USA (and no I'm not!)
| Could use some REAL beer!
| -Original Message-
| From: Hanan Shargi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 8:49 AM
| Subject: [newbie] Shame we live in diff countries and all
| Paul Vortex wrote this on his reply to programs running on wine post,
| and since there is this trend in the past 2 days in the list where people
| are
| posting things that are not neccesarily  == ( never mind the spelling
| hint would be nice to add a spell checker in Kmail /hint) related to
| list objectivs :)
| Why dont we people post in what part of the world r we ??
| starter:
| Name: Hanan
| Country: Fairfax, VA   United States
| IP:  .. nah ;-)
| -
| Hanan AL-Shargi
| ---
| Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
| Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
| Version: 6.0.333 / Virus Database: 187 - Release Date: 03/08/2002
| ---
| Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
| Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
| Version: 6.0.333 / Virus Database: 187 - Release Date: 03/08/2002

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[newbie] KMail and Opera

2002-03-14 Per discussione Jonathan Dlouhy

Is there any way to make Opera or any other browser the default browser 
for KMail? I see no setting in the program.

Jonathan Dlouhy
Thursday, March 14, 2002

I'm not smart enough to lie - Ronald Reagan

Registered Linux user #264482   System powered by Mandrake 8.1.

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Re: [newbie] Apache user directory

2002-03-14 Per discussione Daniel Moríñigo Sotelo

Hi Daniel,
First of all, sorry for my bad english.
Try this:
Add this lines in httpd.conf
 UserDir enabled user_name
 Alias /~username /~home/username/public_html

Create the folder public_html and change permissions as root:
 chown -R username:apache ~username/public_html
 chmod -R 711 ~username
 chmod -R 755 public_html

This works in my server. I have installed Linux Mandrake 8.1.
At 03:57 14/03/2002 -0500, you wrote:
I tried to set up my Apache web server that all the user can have their
own web pages under their home/user/public_html
I put this line in httpd.conf
UserDir public_html

However, when I tried to access user's web page by typing
The web server gave me a error message said:


You don't have permission to access /~username/ on this server.

Can anyone tell me how to solve this problem? Thank you!


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Daniel Moríñigo Sotelo
Profesor Ayudante
Dpto. de Ingeniería Eléctrica
Universidad de Valladolid
Paseo del Cauce s/n
47071 Valladolid

Teléfono: 983423361
Fax: 983423310

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Re: [newbie] laptop

2002-03-14 Per discussione Hanan Shargi

Hi Shane,

I am running LM8.1 on  Dell Inspiron 7500, it worked nicely on it, ever since 
L.M 7.0 and before trhat I was using Red Hat.

and I guess witrh older notebooks you wont have to suffer with uncompatible 
pieces of hardware ( modems, display cards, .etc.) Just make sure that it 
doest come with   winmodem :). even If it did you can easily buy a real 
moidem off e-bay,

just days ago I bought a LAN 10/100 3Com pcmci off ebay for $14   :))

Dell Inspiron 7500
PIII 700 MHz
Maestro sound
ATI Rage Mobility
Psion Gold card ( modem)
Genius LAN Fast Ether
3Com LAN
ever since LM 7.0

Good Luck.

Q: Why Geeks shouldnt drink ?
A: Coz they cant afford to loose greates asset their minds

Hanan AL-Shargi

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RE:[newbie] QT libraries

2002-03-14 Per discussione zaphod beeblebrox

Watches Zaphod's Joo Janta Sunglasses go dead black

ooo me like them dead black sunglasses 8-)

Umm, your programs have source code for Qt no longer in use.  In order to 
get them to compile, you will have to install OLD libraries. Try to get 
them from Mandtrake 7.1 which is still around on a few web sites, at least 
as iso's  ( for example).

thanx civilme... er.. would mandrake 7.2 work?? I have cd's for that... or 
which rpm's would I need... my dial-up account is no good to dl iso's 
from...takes over a week !!:(

today is tommorrow, is yesterday, but neither is

registered Linux user number 265953
machine registration number 149598

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Re: [newbie] Apache user directory

2002-03-14 Per discussione ed tharp

were you on a local lan or thru the internet? what are the permissions or 
the folder /home/username/public_html? is apache configured for virtual 

On Thursday 14 March 2002 03:57, you wrote:
 I tried to set up my Apache web server that all the user can have their
 own web pages under their home/user/public_html
 I put this line in httpd.conf
 UserDir public_html

 However, when I tried to access user's web page by typing
 The web server gave me a error message said:


 You don't have permission to access /~username/ on this server.

 Can anyone tell me how to solve this problem? Thank you!


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Re: [newbie] Lycoris or Mandrake?

2002-03-14 Per discussione Robin Turner

On Wednesday 13 March 2002 23:53, Aryan Ameri wrote:
 Hi there:
 I am an old windows user that is tired and sick of Microsoft's policies. So
 I turned to Linux and I now Love this OS and the open source community. I
 only have one problem with Linux and that's the ease of use. I used to use
 Red Hat 7.1 for a couple of months and then I found out that it wasn't for
 me. I was able to find my way trough KDE but couldn't play my VCDs for
 example. Also I never understood tar files. Now I'm in search for the
 easiest Linux Distro. I really don't too many software packages or
 stability ( any Linux Distro is Stable comparing to Windows). I just need
 the easiest to use Distro. I found out that Mandrake is the Distro that
 everybody says suits my needs. But I also found out that there is a Company
 named Lycoris ( formerly known as Redmond Linux) that is making a Distro
 called Desktop/LX. As far as I can see it's very easy to use. It is very
 user friendly for  windows users and it use WINE ( by default) and also
 play DVDs and VCDs Automatically ( I really like this). As far as I can see
 other than Documentation there is no clause for me to use Mandrake.( also
 I'm a little concerned about mandrake soft's financial problems). Maybe
 this is not the right place to ask this question because it is a Mandrake
 mailing list. But I really can't make up my mind in this mater. I am going
 to buy One of these distros in about a week. Please help me in this. Linux
 eager Newbie

First thing - don't buy Mandrake just yet, wait until 8.2 comes out (which 
should be very soon).

I don't know what DVD/VCD software will be included in 8.2, ut in general the 
situation is better than it used to be.  If nothing in Mandrake serves your 
needs, there are other downloadable video applications.

I don't know much about Lycoris - visited their site about a year ago.  they 
seemed more geared towards business than home users, but that may have 

As for the financial thing, I bet some people at Mandrakesoft are wishing 
they'd never sent that  mail!  As far as I can see, Mandrake's long-term 
prospects are at least as good as any other major distro, they're just short 
of cash at the moment and don't want to have to lay off developers (which in 
the IT world is an unusually humane response.  If I were rich, or even 
drawing a normal First World salary, I'd support them financially; as it is, 
I just propagandise!  Buy Mandrake! Buy Mandrake!

Seriously though, if Lycoris is available as a free download or cheap CD 
order (check out Cheapbytes), why not try both and see which one you like?  
This is a luxury we have in the Linux world - can you imagine someone saying 
Well, I wasn't sure whether to upgrade to XP or stick with ME, so I bought 
XP just to try it out?  In contrast, I rememeber Cheapbytes doing a special 
offer of about half a dozen distibutions at $1 each!


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake security notices

2002-03-14 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

On Wed, 13 Mar 2002, Jeff wrote:
 %_I posted this a while ago and no one seems to have an answer for me.  Yes, I 
 do have the link for ssh update.  I am asking if any of the mirrors actually 
 update for these security vulnerabilities?  Is there anywhere to get them all 
 at once, or do I have to find a different website for each one?
As far as I know you have to go to each website and get them.
Some vendors coordinate this and make packages. Mandrake???
Gerald Waugh

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[newbie] Interrupts and being interrupted

2002-03-14 Per discussione Brian Parish

I have a small issue that may be interrupt related.  I have XMMS playing
(always).  At a change of track, it will sometimes stop and issue a
message telling me that the sound card is not available and that I
should check that I have the correct plugin loaded.  Click OK and play
again and I'm back in business.  This can happens every third track, or
every third day depending on what mood it's in.

Now I have a couple of ideas on this.  Anyone care to comment?

1. It only happens on change of track, so I guess XMMS does some
release/acquire of the sound card at that point.

2. cat /proc/interrupts shows:

 10:  83875  XT-PIC  usb-uhci, usb-uhci, ICE1712

i.e. my sound card (that's the ICE1712) is sharing interrupt 10 with the
usb interfaces.

That's the only interrupt that is being shared.

Now I know interrupts can be shared, but I wouldn't think that it's a
good thing for a sound card.


1. Any votes for or against the notion that this is likely to be the
cause of XMMS's hiccups?

2. How do I go about changing this?

USB is not in use on this machine, so just disabling that is an option. 
That is, it's not in use under Linux because there seems to be no way I
can get my scanner to work - not a SANE support device.  No matter. 
There has to be some reason to have that dual boot XP parition there
right?  In other words, I am happy to dispense with USB as far as the OS
goes, but not disable it in the bios.

OTOH there are several interrupts free, so just moving either the USB or
the sound card is probably the better option.

One last point of info: This is a multi-channel sound card that requires
ALSA 0.9 beta5 or greater to work - I'm using beta 10.  Forget about any
configuration of this card in any of the GUI's.  They don't know about


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[newbie] KDE wont start

2002-03-14 Per discussione Burrows, Scott

Hi all,

I was foolishly snooting around my MD8.1 system, which was working fine,
as root and now KDE wont come up.  Never had a problem before with it. 
It stops with a message at the splash screen.  

The application The KDE Splash Screen (ksplash) crashed and caused
the signal 11 (SIGSEGV).

The .xsession-errors file says:
kdeinit: DCOPSserver could not be started, aborting.
IO error opening  ICE Connection!

The system boots fine.  Its only after I issue the startx command do I have
a problem
and I can get out of by ctrl-alt-backspaceing.

What did I do to it and what can I do to get it working again?


Scott Burrows
Office:   407 804-3208
Pager:   407-400-0197

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[newbie] epcEditor

2002-03-14 Per discussione Charles Muller

I don't know how many of you are working extensively with XML/SGML, but I was 
presently surprised this evening when I downloaded the epcEditor and found that it 
handled my CJK-English dictionaries on my Mandrake system, flawlessly rendering the 
mixed Chinese, Japanese, and Korean text in UTF-8.


Charles Muller

Toyo Gakuen University
Digital Dictionary of Buddhism and CJK-English Dictionary 

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RE: [newbie] laptop

2002-03-14 Per discussione Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] laptop

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of shane
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002 12:25 AM
Subject: [newbie] laptop

does anyone know a good place to buy older/used laptops online? and any 
recommendations as to what to get?

i am only looking for a pent II or equiv, and it has to run mandrake 8.1 
(shocked aren't you?) but othere than that i am open to suggestions? 
recommended brands, resellers, refurbs, etc.

Take a look at these folks. I haven't bought from them but prices seem reasonable and the equipment is tested most of the time according to what they post.

HTH, Dennis M

RE: [newbie] System Getting Sluggish

2002-03-14 Per discussione Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] System Getting Sluggish

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Gerald Waugh
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 2:32 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] System Getting Sluggish

On Wed, 13 Mar 2002, cervix couch wrote:
 I've been having a problem in Linux and I have no idea where to look for the culprit.
 My problem is that, periodically, while I'm online (and only when I'm online), the system will get extremely sluggish to the point where I usually have to power down and reboot.

 When this happens, there are sounds like there's a lot of hard disk activity going on and it never stops. 
 I've tried unplugging the modem, but it doesn't do any good. 
 Does anyone know why this happens?
You need more RAM
Linux is trying to run swapping everything back and forth to the hard drive

Gerald Waugh
Or if you didn't set it up on initial install, you need to add a swap partition at least equal to or twice the ram amount that you have, oops here comes a debate on the size of swap needed.

Dennis M.

Re[2]: [newbie] laptop

2002-03-14 Per discussione Jonathan Dlouhy

Thursday, March 14, 2002, 9:38:44 AM, you wrote:

MDRN -Original Message-
MDRN [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of shane
MDRN Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002 12:25 AM
MDRN Subject: [newbie] laptop

MDRN does anyone know a good place to buy older/used laptops online?  and any 
MDRN recommendations as to what to get?

MDRN i am only looking for a pent II or equiv, and it has to run mandrake 8.1  
MDRN (shocked aren't you?) but othere than that i am open to suggestions?  
MDRN recommended brands, resellers, refurbs, etc.

MDRN thanks!
MDRN snip

I don't know where you live, but frequently on the usenet
group there are quite a few of what you're looking at. I bought a nice
Toshiba Satellite for $600 from a guy in that group.
Best of luck!

Jonathan Dlouhy
Thursday, March 14, 2002 10:07:48 AM
If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill 
himself, is it considered a hostage situation?

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Re: [newbie] KMail and Opera

2002-03-14 Per discussione shane

On Thursday 14 March 2002 01:25, Jonathan Dlouhy opened a hailing frequency 
and transmitted:

 Is there any way to make Opera or any other browser the default browser
 for KMail? I see no setting in the program.

if you go to Configuration  KDE  Filebrowsing  File Associations and 
find html under text, i do believe simply moving opera to the top of the 
list will change that.  it will also make it your default from other KDE 
apps to though.  i may be misremebering though, so play around a bit.  hope 
that helps.

Remember, to a tree being useful is a terminal illness.

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Re: [newbie] Improve the Mandrake cd-rom install?

2002-03-14 Per discussione Lee

Your suggestion of tabbing to installation steps would have saved me hours 
when I started this trek.

When you are bumbling around, flapping your arms, it would be real nice to 
index to the area you goofed up in and go on.

On Tuesday 12 March 2002 07:32 am, daRcmaTTeR wrote:
 On Mon, 11 Mar 2002 10:48:23 -0500

 Zlatko Savic [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:
  Hey everyone, I apologize if this is the wrong place to post suggestions
  since i don't know a better one but i think that 2 important features
  are missing during the cd-rom installation of MD 8.0 (and later?).
  First, by no means i could get my mouse working during the installation
  process (Laptop TP 600E problem). And unfortunately, half of the windows
  that show up during the installation cannot be tabbed through. Could
  it be possible to enable mouse pointer control using arrow keys (by

 Ah mentioned the magic word... Laptop TP 600E problem.
 emphasis on Laptop. The real problem here is not with Mandrake Cd install
 routine(s), rather with the Laptops non-conformity. (where the hardware is
 concerned). The problem is hardware related and is, depending on the
 Laptop, hard to gage whether you're going to find the install miserably
 difficult or mildly amusing.

 Normally, if you're using a mainstream brand like IBM's ThinkPad or
 something similar that is well supported by Mandrake, then chances are that
 you're going to have a fairly amusing time installing the OS. If, on the
 other hand, you've got a machine that is off the beaten path then your
 chances of having a difficult time installing Mandrake on that machine are
 greatly increased.

  Second, I had sometimes the situation that I forgot to take out the
  install cd from the drive and it would automatically run upon booting my
  system. But there is no X or Kill icon that stops the whole
  installation process and continues booting my computer normally. I don't
  think there is an exit button durin the cd-rom install process, is
  Please correct me if I am wrong!
  Zlatko Savic

 The install script is designed to kick the CD out upon successful
 completion of the installation. I have seen this fail at times. Again,
 depending upon the hardware literally getting the signal to eject the disk.
 It may be that your CDROM isn't getting that signal and therefore isn't
 ejecting the disk. You may just have to manually eject the disk while the
 machine is posting upon restart after installation.

 At this point and purely for your own information it might be a good idea
 to go back to Mandrake's hardware page to check just how much, or how well
 your particular machine is supported. Knowing what you've got inside the
 machine and how well it is or isn't supported may very well make the
 marriage between Mandrake and your laptop a much happier affair.

Registered Linux user #223705

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Re[2]: [newbie] KMail and Opera

2002-03-14 Per discussione Jonathan Dlouhy

Thursday, March 14, 2002, 9:56:21 AM, you wrote:

s On Thursday 14 March 2002 01:25, Jonathan Dlouhy opened a hailing frequency 
s and transmitted:

 Is there any way to make Opera or any other browser the default browser
 for KMail? I see no setting in the program.

s if you go to Configuration  KDE  Filebrowsing  File Associations and 
s find html under text, i do believe simply moving opera to the top of the 
s list will change that.  it will also make it your default from other KDE 
s apps to though.  i may be misremebering though, so play around a bit.  hope 
s that helps.

That sounds right. I'll give it a go later today.

Jonathan Dlouhy
Thursday, March 14, 2002 10:58:49 AM
Politics is not a bad profession. If you succeed there are many 
rewards, if you disgrace yourself you can always write a book. 
--Ronald Reagan

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RE: [newbie] Shame we live in diff countries and all

2002-03-14 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir

On Wed, 2002-03-13 at 01:18, Mithrilhall2000 wrote:

 Why dont we people post in what part of the world r we ??


Lyvim Xaphir
Greenville, North Carolina, USA
(2 hours from Research Triangle Park, Raleigh)

Running Mandrake v LM81 w/stock kernel

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Re: [newbie] Improve the Mandrake cd-rom install?

2002-03-14 Per discussione Robin Turner

If the mouse doesn't work immediately, why not try the text install? As far 
as I remember, that can be tabbed through (though it's a long time since I've 
done one - you used to have to do it with S3Trio cards - framebuffer problem, 
I think).


On Thursday 14 March 2002 18:03, Lee wrote:
 Your suggestion of tabbing to installation steps would have saved me hours
 when I started this trek.

 When you are bumbling around, flapping your arms, it would be real nice to
 index to the area you goofed up in and go on.

 On Tuesday 12 March 2002 07:32 am, daRcmaTTeR wrote:
  On Mon, 11 Mar 2002 10:48:23 -0500
  Zlatko Savic [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:
   Hey everyone, I apologize if this is the wrong place to post
   suggestions since i don't know a better one but i think that 2
   important features are missing during the cd-rom installation of MD 8.0
   (and later?).
   First, by no means i could get my mouse working during the installation
   process (Laptop TP 600E problem). And unfortunately, half of the
   windows that show up during the installation cannot be tabbed
   through. Could it be possible to enable mouse pointer control using
   arrow keys (by default)?
  Ah mentioned the magic word... Laptop TP 600E problem.
  emphasis on Laptop. The real problem here is not with Mandrake Cd install
  routine(s), rather with the Laptops non-conformity. (where the hardware
  is concerned). The problem is hardware related and is, depending on the
  Laptop, hard to gage whether you're going to find the install miserably
  difficult or mildly amusing.
  Normally, if you're using a mainstream brand like IBM's ThinkPad or
  something similar that is well supported by Mandrake, then chances are
  that you're going to have a fairly amusing time installing the OS. If, on
  the other hand, you've got a machine that is off the beaten path then
  your chances of having a difficult time installing Mandrake on that
  machine are greatly increased.
   Second, I had sometimes the situation that I forgot to take out the
   install cd from the drive and it would automatically run upon booting
   my system. But there is no X or Kill icon that stops the whole
   installation process and continues booting my computer normally. I
   don't think there is an exit button durin the cd-rom install process,
   is there?
   Please correct me if I am wrong!
   Zlatko Savic
  The install script is designed to kick the CD out upon successful
  completion of the installation. I have seen this fail at times. Again,
  depending upon the hardware literally getting the signal to eject the
  disk. It may be that your CDROM isn't getting that signal and therefore
  isn't ejecting the disk. You may just have to manually eject the disk
  while the machine is posting upon restart after installation.
  At this point and purely for your own information it might be a good idea
  to go back to Mandrake's hardware page to check just how much, or how
  well your particular machine is supported. Knowing what you've got inside
  the machine and how well it is or isn't supported may very well make the
  marriage between Mandrake and your laptop a much happier affair.

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Re: [newbie] Re: [expert] Chat list?

2002-03-14 Per discussione Robin Turner

On Thursday 14 March 2002 18:00, sda wrote:
 On Thu, Mar 14, 2002 at 08:54:48AM -0500, Fred Fraley wrote:
   There have been some wonderful threads on both the expert and
  newbie lists in the last few days.  I have to agree, though, with a
  couple of users who were frustrated in wading through everything to get
  to the tech threads. It seems there is a real desire for a chance to deal
  with non-technical Mandrake community issues, Linux issues, and just BS a
  bit Could the powers that be at Mandrake set up another list for such
  chats? We've got a Cooker, how about a Cooler ?  (Americanism -- standing
  around the water cooler at work, chatting about non-work topics that mean
  so much to the work community)

 Why? There is a prefectly fine IRC channel for just this purpose.
 Someone yesterday posted the information.

Some of us live behind school/company firewalls which block IRC.


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Re: [newbie] QT libraries

2002-03-14 Per discussione shane

***note to self, send mail under right identity or it won't go***  :-)

if you know what rpms, i am betting several of us here have old 7.1 cds we
can either attach rpms to for you or (with that connection) maybe mail you
a whole cd.  get back here when you know

On Tuesday 12 March 2002 18:23, zaphod beeblebrox opened a hailing

frequency and transmitted:
 thanx civilme... er.. would mandrake 7.2 work?? I have cd's for that...
 or which rpm's would I need... my dial-up account is no good to dl iso's
 from...takes over a week !!:(

If they give you ruled paper, write the other way. -Juan Jimenez

Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
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-- a world without walls or fences, we wouldn't need windows or 

Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
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Mandrake Users Club Member

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[newbie] RealPlayer plugin

2002-03-14 Per discussione Jonathan Dlouhy

Is there a way to install the RealPlayer plugin for Netscape without 
installing the whole RealPlayer 8? When I install the whole thing it 
takes over lots of MIME associations that I never could get to work 
right again. I just want the plugin so I can see the streaming stuff.


Jonathan Dlouhy
Thursday, March 14, 2002

Smoking kills.  If you're killed, you've lost a very important part 
of your life. -- Brooke Shields, during an interview to become 
spokesperson for a Federal anti-smoking campaign

Registered Linux user #264482

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Re: Re: [newbie] OTM$ to stop shipping windoze?

2002-03-14 Per discussione Jim Dawson

Actually, it isn't that hard to remove IE from Windows. The problem is that many 
*applications* require IE to install, or run with reduced functionality if IE isn't 

-Original Message-
From: Carroll Grigsby [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 20:25:58 -0500
Subject: Re: [newbie] OTM$ to stop shipping windoze?

On Wednesday 13 March 2002 07:07 pm, Bill Davidson wrote:
 Anyone think they would do it?


Yeah. Right after pigs learn how to fly and the sun starts to rise in the
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] RealPlayer plugin

2002-03-14 Per discussione Damian Gatabria

El Jue 14 Mar 2002 06:29, Jonathan Dlouhy escribió:
 Is there a way to install the RealPlayer plugin for Netscape without
 installing the whole RealPlayer 8? When I install the whole thing it
 takes over lots of MIME associations that I never could get to work
 right again. I just want the plugin so I can see the streaming stuff.


yes you can. go to and run a search for netscape realplayer 
plugin. you will find it in no time.


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake's financial situation: PayPal

2002-03-14 Per discussione RichardA

It seems some people have not had good experiences of Paypal...


john rigby, Wednesday 13 March 2002 12:37:
 Hi Femme,

 True? No!
 I think that is put around by the Banks. :-)
 It is especially useful to small traders trading internationally.  It is on
 Fablor's recommended list.
 Has done wonders for some of their Academy members.

 The only real worry is that some operator will take them over.



 - Original Message -
 From: FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 12:58 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake's financial situation

  pay pal is also one of the most insecure methods of doing e-business so
  I'm told by a business friend of mine.
  True? No?

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[newbie] linux multi-media keyboards

2002-03-14 Per discussione Paul Rodríguez

Anybody know of any multi-media keyboards that I could make use of with
Linux?  I want to be able to use the exttra keys and functions on those
keyboards.  Has anybody had any success getting them mapped and working

- paul R

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[newbie] Filesystems as of 8.2

2002-03-14 Per discussione Miark

Civileme (and any othe takers),

I'm gonna put 8.2 on a company web/mail/ftp/ssh server that 
will receive light-to-moderate traffic. I'm not sure what 
filesytem I should use, though. What are your thoughts on 
the major journaling filesystems as of 8.2?


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Re: [newbie] Shame we live in diff countries and all

2002-03-14 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir

Heck, Ed, you and I are a hop and skip apart, just about.

On Tue, 2002-03-12 at 19:44, ed tharp wrote:
 Monroe North Carolina, and Miami Fla.
 On Tuesday 12 March 2002 10:59, you wrote:
  shane [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes...
   Walnut Creek (bay area) California here
   and bar hoping would _not_ be a good idea.  can see a bunch of rowdy
   linux geeks in one bar?  ;-)
  LoL... ever hear of Pigdog? Being a Sanfranciscan and all.

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Re: Re: [newbie] Mandrake's financial situation

2002-03-14 Per discussione Jim Dawson

Actually, you are safer using a credit card online than a debit card (or a 'check 
card' type credit card that debits from your checking account) because the credit card 
company is liable for most of the chares in cases of fraud (assuming you inform them 
of the situation as soon as possible) however it does not cover overdrafts from your 
bank account.

-Original Message-

Maybe they do, Maybe they don't, but the internet is NOT a safe place to
be entrusting that kind of information to foreign third parties. I hope
debit card acceptance proliferates soon.

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Re: [newbie] Installing a program via a shell script

2002-03-14 Per discussione Nick

On Thursday 14 March 2002 16:02, you wrote:
 Have you tried


 Root does not default with the ability to run things from the current


Registered Linux user #225209

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Re: [newbie] Installing a program via a shell script

2002-03-14 Per discussione Miark

That would be ./faxview-2.0b
not /.faxview-2.0b


On Thu, 14 Mar 2002 16:02:38 +, Nick [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke thusly:

 Have you tried 
 Root does not default with the ability to run things from the current 
 Registered Linux user #225209

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Re: [newbie] Filesystems as of 8.2

2002-03-14 Per discussione Miark

Civileme--thanks much! I'll definitely go with XFS.


On Thu, 14 Mar 2002 10:14:27 -0900, civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke thusly:

 Miark wrote:
 Civileme (and any othe takers),
 I'm gonna put 8.2 on a company web/mail/ftp/ssh server that 
 will receive light-to-moderate traffic. I'm not sure what 
 filesytem I should use, though. What are your thoughts on 
 the major journaling filesystems as of 8.2?
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 Sheesh, it WAS an idiot powersaver on a 60G Maxtor not waking up.  XFS 
 is clear and probably the better choice.

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Re: [newbie] Shame we live in diff countries and all

2002-03-14 Per discussione Terry

Charlottesville, VA here

Original Message-
   From:   Fred Fraley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subj:   Re: [newbie] Shame we live in diff countries and all
   Type:   IPM.Note
   Sent:   Wednesday, March 13, 2002 13:25
   US - Great Lakes region
   Akron-Cleveland Ohio area   
   Medina, Ohio, US to be specific
   But I miss the Eastern Kentucky mountains.

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Re: [newbie] Resend: KDE does not come up.

2002-03-14 Per discussione civileme

Burrows, Scott wrote:


I was foolishly snooting around my MD8.1 system, which was working fine,
as root and now KDE wont come up.  Never had a problem before with it. 
It stops with a message at the splash screen.  

The application The KDE Splash Screen (ksplash) crashed and caused
the signal 11 (SIGSEGV).

The .xsession-errors file says:
kdeinit: DCOPSserver could not be started, aborting.
IO error opening  ICE Connection!

The system boots fine.  Its only after I issue the startx command do I have
a problem
and I can get out of by ctrl-alt-backspaceing.

What did I do to it and what can I do to get it working again?

Also, at the text prompt outside of X how can I install something?
Do I need to mount the CDRom drive first then issue an
RPM command?


Scott Burrows

OK  let me think...



rm -r ~/.kde -f

then startx

The safe way to start window managers from the console is probably 
Xtart.  There is a bug in the current one, and I am not sure Xtart-1.1 
has made it to mirrors so download at

Then install with rpm -Uvh Xtart-1.1-6mdk.i586.rpm


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Re: [newbie] QT libraries

2002-03-14 Per discussione civileme

zaphod beeblebrox wrote:

 if you know what rpms, i am betting several of us here have old 7.1  
 cds we can either attach rpms to for you or (with that connection)  
 maybe mail you a whole cd. get back here when you know.

 I did find the needed rpms.. but... it conflicts with the qt2 
 install.. so.. I am looking for a more upto date version the program, 
 instead of trying to install the qt1 files.. and possibly breaking 

 today is tommorrow, is yesterday, but neither is

 registered Linux user number 265953
 machine registration number 149598

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In case that is a fruitless search, 7.2 has a QT1.44 compatibility 
library which should install alongside Qt2.x


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[newbie] partition

2002-03-14 Per discussione Arjan Petersen

hello, ive got a question. I trying to use my windows-xp partitions. I've 
mounted them and in root i can use them. But when i want to use the 
partition in let's say user: arjan
I get tthe error that i'm not able or i don't have the rights to use the 
partition. How can i fix this?

Another question, when i use realplayer in root i get the errormessages that 
i can't play audio because the audiodevice is already in use by another 

Please help me with these problems.


Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.

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[newbie] partition

2002-03-14 Per discussione Arjan Petersen

hello, ive got a question. I trying to use my windows-xp partitions. I've 
mounted them and in root i can use them. But when i want to use the 
partition in let's say user: arjan
I get tthe error that i'm not able or i don't have the rights to use the 
partition. How can i fix this?

Another question, when i use realplayer in root i get the errormessages that 
i can't play audio because the audiodevice is already in use by another 

Please help me with these problems.


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Re: [newbie] An apology and a round of virtual beer

2002-03-14 Per discussione FemmeFatale

The rest I won't argue.  But English!?

I am not Sir ;0  Je suis partiellement francais, c'est vrai.  I blame my
upbringing for me being only being half-french.  And I did grow up in a
french community I assure you Kaj.

Oh  I don't speak my native (though I suppose english is as much my
native tongue) much now for lack of a french community where I am.


Sorry I just had to respond...unless that was meant to provoke me...
hm... no I won't bother trying to construct a Heinlein-ian conspiracy ;p


Kaj Haulrich wrote:
 Being the guy who initiated the Minimizing the cult-factor-thread,
 I've learned a few things :

 4. Femme Fatale is english, not french.

 Cheers, all - I love you more than somewhat !
 Kaj Haulrich
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Re: [newbie] Digital TV PCI cards - suggestions, recommendations, working setups, problems...

2002-03-14 Per discussione magnet

Thanks for your comments. I've been surfing for more details on these WinTV cards...
quite a variety it seems, but very scant on whether or not they can decode a 
channel by simply plugging an ariel lead into the back and tuning them. I have seen 
are several drivers available tho for the range so that doesn't seem to be a problem.
Also it seems you have to make sure you get one for the UK transmission system [PAL] 
seems to limit you, for some reason, to a mono audio signal and also no wide-screen 
reception, unless I read it wrong? The US-spec cards seem to have a multitude of extra
features on them.

Comments welcome until this is sorted ;-)


yes, any wintv pci card should work great, as long as the card supports PAL

 the software will too, the brooktree drivers (BTTV84X chips) work fine in my 
 mandrake setup, and have in every version since 7.0, right out of the box. 
 On Wednesday 13 March 2002 12:10, you wrote:
  System: Mandrake 8.0 running on a Gigabyte GA-71XE4 mobo, Athlon 1.2GHz,
  256MB ram and a 20Gb HDD. Very stable atm :)
  I would like to know if there is a PCI card that would enable me to view
  terestrial television broadcasts like bbc1, bbc2, bbc4, bbc knowledge,
  itv1, itv2, channel 4 and channel 5 using the signal from my ariel?
  I'm not interested in satellite or pay-to-view channels, but just the
  standard channels and the free digital-via-ariel channels.
  It would be great to use the linux box rather than buying a whole new
  television or buying a set-top-box for my old television, allowing me to
  view true widescreen output on a crisp monitor display.
  Do such cards also offer the possibility to capture programs onto the
  harddrive allowing for saving or just viewing later [digital VCR
  Teletext would be a bonus, but not essential ;-)
  Hope you can help me with this question :)
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[newbie] Interrupts and being interrupted

2002-03-14 Per discussione Brian Parish

Hmmm.  Thought  was miraculously immune to the my posts don't show up
thing, but maybe not as this one hasn't bounced back to me after 10
hours.  Sorry if this is a repeat performance.

-Forwarded Message-

From: Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Interrupts and being interrupted
Date: 15 Mar 2002 00:49:25 +1100

I have a small issue that may be interrupt related.  I have XMMS playing
(always).  At a change of track, it will sometimes stop and issue a
message telling me that the sound card is not available and that I
should check that I have the correct plugin loaded.  Click OK and play
again and I'm back in business.  This can happens every third track, or
every third day depending on what mood it's in.

Now I have a couple of ideas on this.  Anyone care to comment?

1. It only happens on change of track, so I guess XMMS does some
release/acquire of the sound card at that point.

2. cat /proc/interrupts shows:

 10:  83875  XT-PIC  usb-uhci, usb-uhci, ICE1712

i.e. my sound card (that's the ICE1712) is sharing interrupt 10 with the
usb interfaces.

That's the only interrupt that is being shared.

Now I know interrupts can be shared, but I wouldn't think that it's a
good thing for a sound card.


1. Any votes for or against the notion that this is likely to be the
cause of XMMS's hiccups?

2. How do I go about changing this?

USB is not in use on this machine, so just disabling that is an option. 
That is, it's not in use under Linux because there seems to be no way I
can get my scanner to work - not a SANE support device.  No matter. 
There has to be some reason to have that dual boot XP parition there
right?  In other words, I am happy to dispense with USB as far as the OS
goes, but not disable it in the bios.

OTOH there are several interrupts free, so just moving either the USB or
the sound card is probably the better option.

One last point of info: This is a multi-channel sound card that requires
ALSA 0.9 beta5 or greater to work - I'm using beta 10.  Forget about any
configuration of this card in any of the GUI's.  They don't know about


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Re: [newbie] Digital TV PCI cards - suggestions, recommendations,working setups, problems...

2002-03-14 Per discussione FemmeFatale

If I may add my 2 cdn cents (worth bout .5 cent on the open market),
Hauppage tv cards AFAIK right now are not a very good buy.  At least
this is what I've read.  Only because they seem to have issues with
certain types of installations.  Damn, wish I'd kept the article. 
Please read up on it if you are considering that card.  Just an opinion


Len Lawrence wrote:
 On 13 Mar 2002, magnet wrote:

 I recently installed a Hauppage WinTV-Go card (40 pounds sterling from PC
 World or Dixons).

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[newbie] Anti-spam measures

2002-03-14 Per discussione Robin Turner

Does anyone know a way I can bounce mail? I receive masses of spam from 
Korea, for reasons that totally baffle me, and I would like a way to send 
back anything written in Hangul, preferably with a message like

This is the spamfix prgram at localhost.localdomain.
Your mail was not able to be delivered for the following reasons:
1. The recipient doesn't speak Korean.
2. the recipient does not appreciate unsolicited e-mails.


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Re: [newbie] Interrupts and being interrupted

2002-03-14 Per discussione Jussi Aalto

Hi Brian

On Thursday 14 March 2002 15:49, you wrote:

 2. cat /proc/interrupts shows:

  10:  83875  XT-PIC  usb-uhci, usb-uhci, ICE1712

 i.e. my sound card (that's the ICE1712) is sharing interrupt 10 with
 the usb interfaces.

Normally the sound card should use IRQ 5 or 7. If they are free on your 
system, use either of them for sound card. Boot to window$ and check how 
the interrupts are shared there. Leave IRQ 10 for USB as you may need it 
in the future (usb-mouse, printer, etc.) and IIRC it is some sort of 
recommendation to use that IRQ for USB devices (like 5 or 7 are for sound 
cards and 3 and 4 for serial devices ). And it's less likely for your 
system to behave oddly if you keep the config close to specs.


 2. How do I go about changing this?

 USB is not in use on this machine, so just disabling that is an option.
 That is, it's not in use under Linux because there seems to be no way I
 can get my scanner to work - not a SANE support device.  No matter.
 There has to be some reason to have that dual boot XP parition there
 right?  In other words, I am happy to dispense with USB as far as the
 OS goes, but not disable it in the bios.

 OTOH there are several interrupts free, so just moving either the USB
 or the sound card is probably the better option.


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Re: [newbie] partition

2002-03-14 Per discussione Brian Parish


Regarding the partition question - you need to check two things:

1. That the permissions on the mount point are set to allow user
access.  Type: ls -l /mnt (without the quotes). You will see a list of
mount points, one of which corresponds to each W$ partition.  Check that
the permissions are set similarly to this example.  If not, you can
change them as root using the chmod command.  man chmod will teach you
al you want to know about that.  Note that you'll need to unmount the
partition before changing the permissions.  As root: umount /mnt/win_c
or whatever it's really called.  mount -a will remount it for you.

drwxr-xr-x2 root root   48 Mar 15 10:46 win_c/

2. Have a look at your /etc/fstab file.  cat /etc/fstab
Your windows mounts (assuming they are FAT32) should look something

/dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,user,auto,umask=0 0 0

The user bit is probably the thing that's most likely not set.  To
change it:

umount /mnt/win_...
cp /etc/fstab ~/
edit /etc/fstab with your favorite editor
mount -a

If this creates a problem you can't solve and you want to put fstab back
the way it was:

cp ~/fstab /etc/


On Fri, 2002-03-15 at 09:27, Arjan Petersen wrote:
 hello, ive got a question. I trying to use my windows-xp partitions. I've 
 mounted them and in root i can use them. But when i want to use the 
 partition in let's say user: arjan
 I get tthe error that i'm not able or i don't have the rights to use the 
 partition. How can i fix this?
 Another question, when i use realplayer in root i get the errormessages that 
 i can't play audio because the audiodevice is already in use by another 
 Please help me with these problems.
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Re: [newbie] Interrupts and being interrupted

2002-03-14 Per discussione Brian Parish

Thanks Jussi,

That seemed the best way to go to me too.  But how are the interrupts
set?  Are you talking bios settings here?  I guess not as W$ would
inherit them too.  I have set this stuff in W$, but not in Linux.

thanks again

On Fri, 2002-03-15 at 10:55, Jussi Aalto wrote:
 Hi Brian
 On Thursday 14 March 2002 15:49, you wrote:
  2. cat /proc/interrupts shows:
   10:  83875  XT-PIC  usb-uhci, usb-uhci, ICE1712
  i.e. my sound card (that's the ICE1712) is sharing interrupt 10 with
  the usb interfaces.
 Normally the sound card should use IRQ 5 or 7. If they are free on your 
 system, use either of them for sound card. Boot to window$ and check how 
 the interrupts are shared there. Leave IRQ 10 for USB as you may need it 
 in the future (usb-mouse, printer, etc.) and IIRC it is some sort of 
 recommendation to use that IRQ for USB devices (like 5 or 7 are for sound 
 cards and 3 and 4 for serial devices ). And it's less likely for your 
 system to behave oddly if you keep the config close to specs.
  2. How do I go about changing this?
  USB is not in use on this machine, so just disabling that is an option.
  That is, it's not in use under Linux because there seems to be no way I
  can get my scanner to work - not a SANE support device.  No matter.
  There has to be some reason to have that dual boot XP parition there
  right?  In other words, I am happy to dispense with USB as far as the
  OS goes, but not disable it in the bios.
  OTOH there are several interrupts free, so just moving either the USB
  or the sound card is probably the better option.

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Re: [newbie] Anti-spam measures

2002-03-14 Per discussione Bill Davidson

On Thursday 14 March 2002 06:53 pm, Robin Turner wrote:
 Does anyone know a way I can bounce mail? I receive masses of spam from
 Korea, for reasons that totally baffle me, and I would like a way to
 send back anything written in Hangul, preferably with a message like

 This is the spamfix prgram at localhost.localdomain.
 Your mail was not able to be delivered for the following reasons:
 1. The recipient doesn't speak Korean.
 2. the recipient does not appreciate unsolicited e-mails.


Don't bother. Most of the time it'll just get bounced back to you and 
you'll be wasting your own bandwidth.


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Re: [newbie] Interrupts and being interrupted

2002-03-14 Per discussione Bill Davidson

Have a look at /etc/modules.conf. I think that's where you set that stuff. 
Here is an example of the entries for my sound card.

alias sound opl3sa2
alias midi opl3
options opl3 io=0x388
options opl3sa2 io=0x370 mss_io=0x530 irq=5 dma=0 dma2=1 mpu_io=0x330


On Thursday 14 March 2002 07:09 pm, Brian Parish wrote:
 Thanks Jussi,

 That seemed the best way to go to me too.  But how are the interrupts
 set?  Are you talking bios settings here?  I guess not as W$ would
 inherit them too.  I have set this stuff in W$, but not in Linux.

 thanks again

 On Fri, 2002-03-15 at 10:55, Jussi Aalto wrote:
  Hi Brian
  On Thursday 14 March 2002 15:49, you wrote:
   2. cat /proc/interrupts shows:
10:  83875  XT-PIC  usb-uhci, usb-uhci, ICE1712
   i.e. my sound card (that's the ICE1712) is sharing interrupt 10 with
   the usb interfaces.
  Normally the sound card should use IRQ 5 or 7. If they are free on
  your system, use either of them for sound card. Boot to window$ and
  check how the interrupts are shared there. Leave IRQ 10 for USB as you
  may need it in the future (usb-mouse, printer, etc.) and IIRC it is
  some sort of recommendation to use that IRQ for USB devices (like 5 or
  7 are for sound cards and 3 and 4 for serial devices ). And it's less
  likely for your system to behave oddly if you keep the config close to
   2. How do I go about changing this?
   USB is not in use on this machine, so just disabling that is an
   option. That is, it's not in use under Linux because there seems to
   be no way I can get my scanner to work - not a SANE support device. 
   No matter. There has to be some reason to have that dual boot XP
   parition there right?  In other words, I am happy to dispense with
   USB as far as the OS goes, but not disable it in the bios.
   OTOH there are several interrupts free, so just moving either the
   USB or the sound card is probably the better option.
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Re: [newbie] System Getting Sluggish

2002-03-14 Per discussione Brian Parish


Hmmm.  I can see that bdflush is running on my system, but bdflush is
not found either as root or as a normal user.  locate can't track it
down either.  Software Manager says it's installed, but all I find is
the man pages.  Looking at these, the command is certainly documented as
you suggest.  

Any ideas?  There's no problem here, but I get curious when little
inconsistencies like this come up.


On Thu, 2002-03-14 at 08:36, civileme wrote:
 Gerald Waugh wrote:
 On Wed, 13 Mar 2002, cervix couch wrote:
 I've been having a problem in Linux and I have no idea where to look for the 
 My problem is that, periodically, while I'm online (and only when I'm online), the 
system will get extremely sluggish to the point where I usually have to power down 
and reboot.
 When this happens, there are sounds like there's a lot of hard disk activity going 
on and it never stops. 
 I've tried unplugging the modem, but it doesn't do any good. 
 Does anyone know why this happens?
 You need more RAM
 Linux is trying to run swapping everything back and forth to the hard drive
 Gerald Waugh
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 What browser are you using?
 Several will fill the memory with cache and not flush.  
 The command line
 bdflush -d
 will display the settings for the flush.  Share them and we will know more.
 If the message is command not found, INSTALL bdflush and start it 
 without parameters at boot time--put the line
 as the next to last line of /etc/rc.local

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Re: [newbie] need to re-install OS

2002-03-14 Per discussione Brian Parish


yes, that's easy - just don't let the installer format /home or /usr
during the install.  Choose expert mode and you'll get the option to
leave these as is.  Note however that it's possible that this approach
will create some inconsistencies you may need to work around.  e.g. If
you have applied updates, some settings in the paritions you leave
unformatted could possibly conflict, but you are unlikely to see
serious problems from this.

If your need to reinstall is because of problems, maybe trying to fix
them is also an option.  Plenty of help available here if so.


On Thu, 2002-03-14 at 09:25, David wrote:
 I need to re-install OS.  Can I do so without having to re-install all my apps?  
 Is it possible to save some of my setting?  
 If it matters my partitions table is as follows:  
 Filesystem   1k-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
 /dev/hda8   489992299049165643  65% /
 none 79456 0 79456   0% /dev/shm
 /dev/hda11 7218432   3329464   3522288  49% /home
 /dev/hda10 3020140844508   2022216  30% /usr
 Also what is that partition @ mnt point /dev/shm?  I didn't put that there.  
 Mandrake Linux  8.1 Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk
 KDE  2.2.1Sylpheed  0.7.2
 David L. Steiner   
 Registered Linux User   #262493 

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Re: [newbie] Installing a program via a shell script

2002-03-14 Per discussione Nick

I posted the correction a few minutes after I sent the first one.  I was 
still half asleep when I posed it.  Thanks for correction anyhow, I would not 
want to steer anyone wrong.

On Thursday 14 March 2002 21:33, you wrote:
 That would be ./faxview-2.0b
 not /.faxview-2.0b


 On Thu, 14 Mar 2002 16:02:38 +, Nick [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke thusly:
  Have you tried
  Root does not default with the ability to run things from the current
  Registered Linux user #225209


Registered Linux user #225209

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Re: [newbie] Shame we live in diff countries and all

2002-03-14 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

On Tuesday 12 March 2002 07:21 pm, FemmeFatale wrote:
 you guys are making me sick with your temperatures!!! Why wasn't I born
 in a warm environment!?

 Damnit I'm lucky if i'll see -10C today!


Simple fix: Move.
-- cmg (who cut his grass today -- it'll be too hot tomorrow  80F)

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Re: [newbie] System Getting Sluggish

2002-03-14 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

Brian Parish wrote:

 Hmmm.  I can see that bdflush is running on my system, but
 bdflush is not found either as root or as a normal user.
  locate can't track it down either.  Software Manager says
 it's installed, but all I find is the man pages.  Looking
 at these, the command is certainly documented as you

 Any ideas?  There's no problem here, but I get curious when
 little inconsistencies like this come up.


Brianthe bdflush executable is named 'update'. :)

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Re: [newbie] Can't login to SunOS from Mandrake via telnet

2002-03-14 Per discussione Kevin Old

Thanks for your reply, but I am still not able to get this working.  Any
other suggestions?

- Original Message -
From: Gerald Waugh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 9:25 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Can't login to SunOS from Mandrake via telnet

 On Tuesday 12 March 2002 08:36 pm, you wrote:
  Hello all,
  I have Mandrake 8.1 on my laptop and am trying to telnet to a SunOS box.
  have tried all the terminals and am having the following problem:
  I type: telnet IP of server here and press Enter
  I get:
  SunOS 5.6
  After the login I type my username and press Enter, but the cursor just
  moves to the l of login (on the same line) and does nothing.  I never
  a prompt for a password and eventually the connection times out.
  I have been able to login just fine from Windows, but need access to
  server from within Mandrake.  (it is a dual boot system)
  Any suggestions are appreciated,

 Set your xterm Settings - Keyboard to Linux Console


 Gerald Waugh
 Connecticut USA

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[newbie] Sound Card Troubleshooting

2002-03-14 Per discussione chingasman

I have an aureal vortex 2 sound card. I properly 
read the readme and had it working on a prior installation. However, now it 
won't "compile" (correct me if i am wrong) when I run a "make install" command 
as indicated. If I were to layout a troubleshooting procedure what if any 
tools are available for this? I am of course a newbie so all and everything that 
could help determine where a problem would be or how to narrow down my problem 
would be nice. 

Re: [newbie] Digital TV PCI cards - suggestions, recommendations,working setups, problems...

2002-03-14 Per discussione Bryan Tyson

On Thursday 14 March 2002 18:05, FemmeFatale wrote:

 If I may add my 2 cdn cents (worth bout .5 cent on the open market),
 Hauppage tv cards AFAIK right now are not a very good buy.  At least
 this is what I've read.  Only because they seem to have issues with
 certain types of installations.  

I have used Hauppage WinTV in 5 different Linux systems and never had 
any problems.

Powered by SuSE Linux 7.3 Professional
KDE 2.2.1 KMail 1.3.1
This is a Microsoft-free computer

Bryan S. Tyson

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[newbie] NVIDIA cursor shadow

2002-03-14 Per discussione Carlos Arigós

I just have installed NVIDIA 2802 driver (kernel 2.4.18-5 and Gforce2 MX), 
and trying to enable the cursor shadow in XF86Config-4 with the following 
options, I only get the standard mouse pointer.

What is going wrong here, and what 'boolean' mean?

# **
# Pointer section
# **
Section InputDevice
Identifier  Mouse1
Driver  mouse
Option ProtocolMicrosoft
Option Device  /dev/ttyS0
Option Emulate3Buttons
Option Emulate3Timeout50
Option CursorShadow   boolean
Option CursorShadowAlpha  64
Option CursorShadowXOffset4
Option CursorShadowYOffset2
# ChordMiddle is an option for some 3-button Logitech mice
#Option ChordMiddle

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Re: [newbie] System Getting Sluggish

2002-03-14 Per discussione civileme

Alan Shoemaker wrote:

Brian Parish wrote:


Hmmm.  I can see that bdflush is running on my system, but
bdflush is not found either as root or as a normal user.
 locate can't track it down either.  Software Manager says
it's installed, but all I find is the man pages.  Looking
at these, the command is certainly documented as you

Any ideas?  There's no problem here, but I get curious when
little inconsistencies like this come up.


Brianthe bdflush executable is named 'update'. :)

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Darn!  I forgot I had it aliased


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake security notices

2002-03-14 Per discussione Jeff

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 The notice comes out when the update is available...  Usually at the
 same time as it is set for reading by the mirrors, so there may be a
 delay before it appears on your chosen security mirror.

 Since most of our mirrors are volunteer and since there are still some
 glitches in SM, (mostly occurring when a download breaks for connection
 reset reasons) there is not always a single site that will answer your
 questions or get you your updates.  I do not recommend the one you are
 using and I suggest you delete it, even if it requires reinstalling SM.
  If you are using 8.0, then update to 8.2 where the SM is finally pretty
 stable.  The most glaring problem in 8.1 is that it still _updates_
 kernels and fries the eyebrows off of thoose who don't read the security
 notice before they hit the button.


Yes, on the kernelsBeen there done thatdoh!

I plan on updating from 8.1 to 8.2 when the final version is released.  but 
until then I have to keep current.

Thanks for the help.  


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Re: [newbie] Shame we live in diff countries and all

2002-03-14 Per discussione Michael

I wonder if they would stop requesting e-mail receipts if everyone on the list
clicked yes - send the damn receipt.

I must admit though you do get frustrated when you send an email or two to the
same person and they don't reply for weeks.

New Zealand
Starting Autumn

FemmeFatale wrote:
 Please change your email to not ask for a receipt?  Thx
 chingasman wrote:

snippity snip

Put your best foot forward.  Or just call in and say you're sick.

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Re: [newbie] Email Service

2002-03-14 Per discussione Michael

SMTP is the default setup in Mandrake for mail service. Although postfix and
fetchmail will talk to ISP POP3 accounts, I have never seen anyone talking on
the list about setting up a POP3 server. Do you specifically need POP3? 

Todd Slater wrote:
 On Wed, 13 Mar 2002 02:17:39 -0800 (PST)
 Pauljames Dimitriu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi All,
   Forgive if this message appears twice, but I
  don't see it on the list.
   Question:  How do I set up my computer as a POP3
  account?  When I try to send a message to my account
  on my Linux machine, I get the following bounce
  554 email addr: Recipient address rejected: Relay
  access denied 554 5.0.0 email addr... Service
   I have my IP address configured correctly on the
  DNS end and I have the proper port forwarding on my
  router.  How can I check to see if POP3 service is
  running?  If it is running, what could be the problem?
 My problem is that once I fix something, I never remember how I did it :(
 So, are you running Postfix or some other mailer? Have you verified that
 the service is running either through Webmin or the Control Center?
 If you are running a firewall, make sure you don't have your mailer
 Can you send mail to an outside addy using your local account?
 Todd Slater
 What does education often do? It makes a straight cut ditch of a free
 meandering brook. (Henry David Thoreau)

Put your best foot forward.  Or just call in and say you're sick.

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Re: [newbie] Interrupts and being interrupted

2002-03-14 Per discussione Brian Parish

Thanks Bill,

I checked under W$ and it's running the card at irq 5, so I added the

options snd-card-ice1712 irq=5

to modules.conf.  modprobe fails after that with:

/lib/modules/2.4.8-26mdk/misc/snd-card-ice1712.o: invalid parameter

I think maybe I'll have to re-install the alsa driver as it sounds like
something in the way it was set up is dictating the irq.  If you have
any more thoughts they are welcome.  Otherwise I'll re-read the alsa
docs and look in that direction.

thanks again

On Fri, 2002-03-15 at 11:41, Bill Davidson wrote:
 Have a look at /etc/modules.conf. I think that's where you set that stuff. 
 Here is an example of the entries for my sound card.
 alias sound opl3sa2
 alias midi opl3
 options opl3 io=0x388
 options opl3sa2 io=0x370 mss_io=0x530 irq=5 dma=0 dma2=1 mpu_io=0x330
 On Thursday 14 March 2002 07:09 pm, Brian Parish wrote:
  Thanks Jussi,
  That seemed the best way to go to me too.  But how are the interrupts
  set?  Are you talking bios settings here?  I guess not as W$ would
  inherit them too.  I have set this stuff in W$, but not in Linux.
  thanks again
  On Fri, 2002-03-15 at 10:55, Jussi Aalto wrote:
   Hi Brian
   On Thursday 14 March 2002 15:49, you wrote:
2. cat /proc/interrupts shows:
 10:  83875  XT-PIC  usb-uhci, usb-uhci, ICE1712
i.e. my sound card (that's the ICE1712) is sharing interrupt 10 with
the usb interfaces.
   Normally the sound card should use IRQ 5 or 7. If they are free on
   your system, use either of them for sound card. Boot to window$ and
   check how the interrupts are shared there. Leave IRQ 10 for USB as you
   may need it in the future (usb-mouse, printer, etc.) and IIRC it is
   some sort of recommendation to use that IRQ for USB devices (like 5 or
   7 are for sound cards and 3 and 4 for serial devices ). And it's less
   likely for your system to behave oddly if you keep the config close to
2. How do I go about changing this?
USB is not in use on this machine, so just disabling that is an
option. That is, it's not in use under Linux because there seems to
be no way I can get my scanner to work - not a SANE support device. 
No matter. There has to be some reason to have that dual boot XP
parition there right?  In other words, I am happy to dispense with
USB as far as the OS goes, but not disable it in the bios.
OTOH there are several interrupts free, so just moving either the
USB or the sound card is probably the better option.
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Re: [newbie] need to re-install OS

2002-03-14 Per discussione David


Well, I already did the re-install lastnight.  I went ahead and formatted
/ and /usr, and just redid the whole deal.  Thats always the best wasy to
do it anyway.  

But since you mentioned fixing the problems..
The problems I had were:  

1- could not su 
2- could not run program as root 
3- could not login as root in CLI, just GUI 
4- could not mount or umount as user 

All this came from an OS _upgrade_ that I did to fix a problem I had with
my LILO due to dicking around with my partitions.  I posted them and the
best thing I got was to re-install.  So I did.  If you have a clue what
could have fixed these, I'm sure a lot of ppl here would love to know.  


On 15 Mar 2002 11:42:45 +1100
Brian Parish Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 yes, that's easy - just don't let the installer format /home or /usr
 during the install.  Choose expert mode and you'll get the option to
 leave these as is.  Note however that it's possible that this approach
 will create some inconsistencies you may need to work around.  e.g. If
 you have applied updates, some settings in the paritions you leave
 unformatted could possibly conflict, but you are unlikely to see
 serious problems from this.
 If your need to reinstall is because of problems, maybe trying to fix
 them is also an option.  Plenty of help available here if so.
 On Thu, 2002-03-14 at 09:25, David wrote:
  I need to re-install OS.  Can I do so without having to re-install all
  my apps?  
  Is it possible to save some of my setting?  
  If it matters my partitions table is as follows:  
  Filesystem   1k-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
  /dev/hda8   489992299049165643  65% /
  none 79456 0 79456   0% /dev/shm
  /dev/hda11 7218432   3329464   3522288  49% /home
  /dev/hda10 3020140844508   2022216  30% /usr
  Also what is that partition @ mnt point /dev/shm?  I didn't put that
  Mandrake Linux  8.1 Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk
  KDE  2.2.1  Sylpheed  0.7.2
  David L. Steiner   
  Registered Linux User   #262493 
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Mandrake Linux  8.1 Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk
KDE  2.2.1  Sylpheed  0.7.2

David L. Steiner   
Registered Linux User   #262493 

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Re: [newbie] Sound Card Troubleshooting

2002-03-14 Per discussione damian

El jue, 14-03-2002 a las 22:29, chingasman escribió:
 I have an aureal vortex 2 sound card. I properly read the readme and had it working 
on a prior installation. However, now it won't compile (correct me if i am wrong) 
when I run a make install command as indicated.  If I were to layout a 
troubleshooting procedure what if any tools are available for this? I am of course a 
newbie so all and everything that could help determine where a problem would be or 
how to narrow down my problem would be nice. 

are you sure you are running make install as root? use the  su 
to log in as root and then do a make install. that's probably the issue.
like this

enter password:   ( enter your root password here )

]$make install



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Re: [newbie] NVIDIA cursor shadow

2002-03-14 Per discussione damian

El jue, 14-03-2002 a las 23:01, Carlos Arigós escribió:
   I just have installed NVIDIA 2802 driver (kernel 2.4.18-5 and Gforce2 MX), 
 and trying to enable the cursor shadow in XF86Config-4 with the following 
 options, I only get the standard mouse pointer.
   What is going wrong here, and what 'boolean' mean?
 # **
 # Pointer section
 # **
 Section InputDevice
 Identifier  Mouse1
 Driver  mouse
 Option ProtocolMicrosoft
 Option Device  /dev/ttyS0
 Option Emulate3Buttons
 Option Emulate3Timeout50
 Option CursorShadow boolean
 Option CursorShadowAlpha64
 Option CursorShadowXOffset  4
 Option CursorShadowYOffset  2
 # ChordMiddle is an option for some 3-button Logitech mice
 #Option ChordMiddle

a Boolean expression is one that can take only true or false values.
try with a Y in that section. like this.

 # **
 # Pointer section
 # **
 Section InputDevice
Identifier  Mouse1
 Driver  mouse
 Option ProtocolMicrosoft
 Option Device  /dev/ttyS0
 Option Emulate3Buttons
 Option Emulate3Timeout50
 Option CursorShadow  Y
 Option CursorShadowAlpha 64
 Option CursorShadowXOffset   4
 Option CursorShadowYOffset   2
 # ChordMiddle is an option for some 3-button Logitech mice
 #Option ChordMiddle

if the  Y  doesn't work, try differently. like y, yes, or 1.



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[newbie] translucent shell window

2002-03-14 Per discussione Mithrilhall2000

I was wondering how I could get the shell window to appear translucent.

Thanks in advance,

*   Mithrilhall's  Linux*
*  Server   *
*  AMD-K2 350MHz*
* *

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Re: [newbie] Shame we live in diff countries and all

2002-03-14 Per discussione FemmeFatale

I wish... *sigh* Maybe in the future I will move to a warmer clime. 
With luck, Australia? :)


Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 On Tuesday 12 March 2002 07:21 pm, FemmeFatale wrote:
  you guys are making me sick with your temperatures!!! Why wasn't I born
  in a warm environment!?
  Damnit I'm lucky if i'll see -10C today!
 Simple fix: Move.
 -- cmg (who cut his grass today -- it'll be too hot tomorrow  80F)
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Re: [newbie] NVIDIA cursor shadow

2002-03-14 Per discussione s

On Thursday 14 March 2002 08:01 pm, you wrote:
   I just have installed NVIDIA 2802 driver (kernel 2.4.18-5 and Gforce2 MX),
 and trying to enable the cursor shadow in XF86Config-4 with the following
 options, I only get the standard mouse pointer.

   What is going wrong here, and what 'boolean' mean?

Well, I'll just post mine:
Option  DPMS  on
Option  NvAGP 1
Option  NoLogo on
Option  CursorShadow on
#Option  CursorShadowAlpha 64 (the default)
Option  CursorShadowXOffset 2
Option  CursorShadowYOffset 1

I comment out that one line cause mine'll freeze up.  But you can try it.  But 
the other few lines makes a nice shadow cursor for me.

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Re: [newbie] Any First Go success stories ?

2002-03-14 Per discussione Pascal
Kaj Haulrich wrote:

 Pascal, try "KreateCD". Way easier. If it isn't on your distro, try :
 They have a "ready-to-go" RPM for Mandrake 8.0 and 8.1. I suppose it's
 on the cooker as well.

Thanks! I'll try it this week-end.


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Re[2]: [newbie] xfice

2002-03-14 Per discussione Colin Jenkins

Hello civileme,

Friday, March 15, 2002, 8:56:19 AM, you wrote:

c Colin Jenkins wrote:

It looks like I have really stuffed something up here.   (lm8.1)
I followed some instructions I came across for booting up with Xfice
(I was using kde).
everything appeared to work ok, but when I next rebooted, I was no
longer able to start kde or gnome.
if I use startx kde -- :1 it still starts xfice.
Where do I start looking to fix this?  

c If you have 8.1 load Xtart and you have access from console to all wms

c Civileme

   Thanks for the answer civileme, I will note that down for next time
   I finally reinstalled to fix it.

Best regards,
 Colinmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] Sound Card Troubleshooting

2002-03-14 Per discussione Miark

If you've tried as root and it doesn't work, look
for a configure.log (or something like that) in the
installation directory. If it's there, it'll probably
identify exactly what went wrong.


On Thu, 14 Mar 2002 17:29:44 -0800, chingasman [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke thusly:

 I have an aureal vortex 2 sound card. I properly read the readme and had it working 
on a prior installation. However, now it won't compile (correct me if i am wrong) 
when I run a make install command as indicated.  If I were to layout a 
troubleshooting procedure what if any tools are available for this? I am of course a 
newbie so all and everything that could help determine where a problem would be or 
how to narrow down my problem would be nice. 

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Re: [newbie] Shame we live in diff countries and all

2002-03-14 Per discussione Pena Family

Amen, to that. It seems like I get more of those receipts than I get spam
on losing weight or gaining weight.

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002 7:25 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Shame we live in diff countries and all

 I wonder if they would stop requesting e-mail receipts if everyone on the
 clicked yes - send the damn receipt.

 I must admit though you do get frustrated when you send an email or two to
 same person and they don't reply for weeks.

 New Zealand
 Starting Autumn

 FemmeFatale wrote:
  Please change your email to not ask for a receipt?  Thx
  chingasman wrote:

 snippity snip

 Put your best foot forward.  Or just call in and say you're sick.

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Re: [newbie] Shame we live in diff countries and all

2002-03-14 Per discussione Pena Family

Been to Virginia once before. Fell in love with the state. Plan to move
there someday, probably retire there.

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002 2:06 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Shame we live in diff countries and all

 Charlottesville, VA here

 Original Message-
From: Fred Fraley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subj: Re: [newbie] Shame we live in diff countries and all
Type: IPM.Note
Sent:Wednesday, March 13, 2002 13:25

US - Great Lakes region
Akron-Cleveland Ohio area
Medina, Ohio, US to be specific

But I miss the Eastern Kentucky mountains.

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[newbie] 8.2 Release date

2002-03-14 Per discussione Aryan Ameri

Does Anyone know when will Mandrake Linux 8.2 Gold 
be officially released? I am very eager to purchase 

Re: [newbie] translucent shell window

2002-03-14 Per discussione Robin Turner

On Friday 15 March 2002 09:24, Mithrilhall2000 wrote:
 I was wondering how I could get the shell window to appear

Depends on your console.  If you're running Konsole (the default in 
KDE) it's Settings - Schema, then take your pick of the various 
transparent styles.


Give me the views, and I'll give you the arguments. - Chrysippus

Robin Turner
IDMYO, Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533

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