[newbie-it] Rete tra Linux e Windows XP?

2002-04-08 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ciao a tutti,

ho installato una scheda di rete in entrambi i miei pc. Se uso Windows
tutto è ok, ma se parto con uno in Linux, riesco solo a fare il ping ma
non riesco a vedere l'altro pc.
Premettendo che sono molto alle prime armi con Linux, vi chiedo: cosa
dimentico? Ho messo l'ip che uso anche in windows, ho messo lo stesso
gruppo di lavoro... Occorre installare un protocollo o servizio di rete
per rendere compatibile Windows e Linux in rete? Se si come?
Grazie di nuovo, amici miei...

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[newbie-it] Problemi con kde 3.0

2002-04-08 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ciao a tutti,

ho installato da shell KDE 3.0. A parte il fatto che 2 o 3 pacchetti
(mi pare relativi all'ODBC) non me li installa mi dice che mancano le
dipendenze e sinceramente non so dove prendere i files mancanti
A parte questo...
Arriva la schermata con lo splash screen e subito dopo  che mio
appaiono le icone mi appare una finestra che mi dice che lo splash
screen ha causato un errore... Proseguo e noto che nel menu di avvio
non ho nessun programma di quelli che erano installati precedentemente,
inoltre mancano ad esempio Koffice (che da shell non mi aveva dato
errori di installazione) e tutto il resto. ho disponibile Xkill e le
shell. Ho sbagliato qualcosa?
help me please

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Re: [newbie-it] java

2002-04-08 Per discussione ENx

Hai ragione!! Pensandoci meglio sostituisce il contenuto di PATH con il nuovo
Scusa per le info errate ENx

Andrea Celli wrote:

  "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote:
Hai ragione, sono stato un po' troppo vago!controlla dove in quale directory hai installato java.Poi scrivi "echo $PATH" in console.Ti verr stampato un elenco di diectory sulla stessa linea divise da unpunto e virgola. Controlla che sia presente il percorso completo alladirectory dove hai installato java.Se non c' scrivi la seguente riga a console:export PATH=percorso dir java/binCos divrebbe funzionare.La variabile d'ambiente $PATH serve per dire al sistema dove devecercare i comandi che tu gli impartisci. Se provi a cancellarla (exportPATH=)non funziona nessun comando. non provarci senn devi riavviare lamacchina!
  mmmhh.in queste cose ho sempre paura.Non e` che export PATH=percorso dir java/bin ti sostituiscel'attuale PATH con percorso dir java/bin ?Io, a occhio darei export PATH=$PATH:percorso dir java/binIn /etc/profile, dove viene risistemato, la sintassie` questa. :-)ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] java

2002-04-08 Per discussione Brunini Alessandro

Il gio, 2002-04-04 alle 16:38, Andrea Celli ha scritto:
  Hai ragione, sono stato un po' troppo vago!
  controlla dove in quale directory hai installato java.
  Poi scrivi echo $PATH in console.
  Ti verrà stampato un elenco di diectory sulla stessa linea divise da un
  punto e virgola. Controlla che sia presente il percorso completo alla
  directory dove hai installato java.
  Se non c'è scrivi la seguente riga a console:
  export PATH=percorso dir java/bin
  Così divrebbe funzionare.
  La variabile d'ambiente $PATH serve per dire al sistema dove deve
  cercare i comandi che tu gli impartisci. Se provi a cancellarla (export
  PATH=)non funziona nessun comando. non provarci sennò devi riavviare la
 in queste cose ho sempre paura.
 Non e` che export PATH=percorso dir java/bin ti sostituisce
 l'attuale PATH con percorso dir java/bin ?
 Io, a occhio darei
  export PATH=$PATH:percorso dir java/bin
 In /etc/profile, dove viene risistemato, la sintassi
 e` questa. :-)
 ciao, Andrea


precisamente con quel comando io dico agli applicativi dove si trova


Re: [newbie-it] Rete tra Linux e Windows XP?

2002-04-08 Per discussione Daniele

Dovresti utilizzare samba
vai qui per maggiori info

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 8:20 AM
Subject: [newbie-it] Rete tra Linux e Windows XP?

Ciao a tutti,

ho installato una scheda di rete in entrambi i miei pc. Se uso Windows
tutto è ok, ma se parto con uno in Linux, riesco solo a fare il ping ma
non riesco a vedere l'altro pc.
Premettendo che sono molto alle prime armi con Linux, vi chiedo: cosa
dimentico? Ho messo l'ip che uso anche in windows, ho messo lo stesso
gruppo di lavoro... Occorre installare un protocollo o servizio di rete
per rendere compatibile Windows e Linux in rete? Se si come?
Grazie di nuovo, amici miei...

Prendi GRATIS l'email universale che... risparmia: http://www.email.it/f

Cambia le casse del tuo Pc! Scegli i potentissimi speaker Hercules XPS510
Qualità elevata e costo contenuto!

Clicca qui: http://adv.email.it/cgi-bin/foclick.cgi?mid=360d=8-4

Re: [newbie-it] Epson Stylus Scan 2000

2002-04-08 Per discussione giamgax

Anch'io non ne venivo a capo. Dopo aver provato 1 000 000 di
configurazioni della stampante ho risolto entrando nel BIOS del PC e
cambiando la configurazione della porta parallela da EPC a EPP (o
viceversa???). ora funziona sia MDK che WIN.

On 7 Apr 2002 at 17:18, ENx wrote:

 Su quale posrta hai collegato la stampante?
 Se non erro,se le porte parallele sono riconoscite dovresti trovare uno o più file 
nella directory
 /dev del tipo lpx dove x è il numero della porta.
 Per provare se le porte funzionano scrivi in una console cat nomefile /dev/lpx, 
dove nomefile
 è un file di testo da provare a stampare. Al posto di x metti il numero della porta 
dove è
 collegata la stampante!

 Ciao ENx

 Massimiliano Violante wrote:
 Domandona da un milione di euro!!!
 Ho installato Linux (Mandrake 8.1) sul mio computer al quale ho collegata una Epson 
 Scan 2000.
 Orbene non sono riuscito a stampare nemmeno una riga
 Non so se è colpa della stampante oppure il sistema non vede in modo appropriato 
le porte.
 Sul computer ho due parallele (una integrata sulla matherboard e l'altra in uno slot 
 Windows me le vede come LPT1 (interrupt 7 0378-037F) e LPT2 (0278-027A) e la 
 nonchè scanner funge benissimo in entrambe le modalità!
 Come posso verificare che le porte siano state installate bene e siano perfettamente
 funzionanti??? (diritti e proprietari inclusi)
 Devo dire che il Printing How-TO non sia molto esaustivo sull'argomento!
 Vorrei capire quali sono i files e le righe in quelli di configurazione che dovrei 
trovare sulla mia
 partizione Linux

 e.. speriamo di stampare prima o poi

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[newbie-it] Editing video

2002-04-08 Per discussione Mino Mitrugno

Cari amici,

avrei bisogno di un programma per convertire dei
filmati in DIVX, quale posso usare?

E per fare editino Video con il nostro pinguino?


A presto.


(Fwd) Re: [newbie-it] Sorgenti Linux

2002-04-08 Per discussione giamgax

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Subject:Re: [newbie-it] Sorgenti Linux
Date sent:  Fri, 5 Apr 2002 09:43:08 +0200

Ciao bei,
ho bestemmiato per 2 mesi per la stampante per il tuo stesso problema,
ma. ecco
la soluzione:
al boot entra nel bios e modifica lo stato della porta parallela da ECP a
EPP (o
viceversa?). Windows ti dirà che trova una nuova stampante ma non è
un problema,
Linux finalmente vola.

On 4 Apr 2002 at 15:39, Massimiliano Violante wrote:

 Ho da poco installato sul mio computer Linux Mandrake 8.1 (ho solo il disco 1 di 
 uscito allegato ad una rivista).
 Ho tuttavia riscontrato non pochi problemi nell'utilizzo delle risorse del sistema 
(la stampante
 non funge, così come il mio Linmodem Connexant HSF).
 Mentre per la stampante (Epson Stylus Scan 2000) non ho ancora trovato una soluzione 
 porta parallela tace, sigh!), per il modem ho trovato un driver che dovrebbe 
 Il problema è che andando ad installare il modulo, il compilatore non trova i 
sorgenti del kernel:
 non esiste la cartella /usr/etc/linux!!!
 Ho trovato qualche sorgente nella directory /usr/include/linux tuttavia sembra che 
non siano
 quelli giusti.

 Domanda: qualcuno mi sa dire se sul disco 1 di installazione ci sono i sorgenti ed 
io non li so
 riconoscere oppure c'è bisogno degli altri due dischi
 Non mi consigliate di scaricare il kernel dal web perchè x 20 Mb dovrei restare 
collegato tutta la
 notte (ricordate che ho un linmodem 56K).

 Grazie in anticipo dell'aiuto e... scusatemi se ci capisco poco!!!
 Sono pronto ad imparare! :-)

--- End of forwarded message ---

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[newbie-it] sono alle prime armi

2002-04-08 Per discussione troll

salve a tutti 
ho appena installato mand 8.2 su un serverino anke 
se pikkolo gira bene ho configurato l'accesso a internet tramite adsl e gira 
bene ora vorrei collegare la mia rete interna a questo server in modo da poter 
utilizzare internet dalle altre postazioni.

se qualkuno di voi mi puo' aiutare ne sarei grato 

se servono piu' notizie della mia situazione datemi 
un reply ke mando tutte le info makkina e rete .

ciao a tutti by small crazy 

Re: [newbie-it] sono alle prime armi

2002-04-08 Per discussione Daniele

  Se è solo per navigare,dovresti usare il 
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 12:18 
  Subject: [newbie-it] sono alle prime 
  salve a tutti 
  ho appena installato mand 8.2 su un serverino 
  anke se pikkolo gira bene ho configurato l'accesso a internet tramite adsl e 
  gira bene ora vorrei collegare la mia rete interna a questo server in modo da 
  poter utilizzare internet dalle altre postazioni.
  se qualkuno di voi mi puo' aiutare ne sarei grato 
  se servono piu' notizie della mia situazione 
  datemi un reply ke mando tutte le info makkina e rete .
  ciao a tutti by small crazy 

Re: [newbie-it] scheda audio yanaha opl3-sax sound MDK8.2

2002-04-08 Per discussione LukenShiro

Nell'Evo medio, all'ora 00:49, lunedì 8 aprile 2002, Voi, Notabile tom, 
avete dipinto:
 come faccio a far rimanere le modifiche in maniera permanente?

Credo che basti inserire quanto sta dopo modprobe nel file 
'/etc/modules' uno per riga [a sua volta questo file e' richiamato da 
/etc/rc.d/rc.modules in fase d'avvio].

 #modprobe mpu401[invio]

e' un driver di basso livello per schede midi Roland MPU-401 compatibili

 # modprobe ad1848[Invio]

driver principale per la scheda 

 # modprobe opl3sa2 io=0x370 mss_io=0x530 mpu_io=0x330 irq=5 dma=0 
 # modprobe opl3 io=0x388[Invio]

Questi caricano gli altri 2 driver specificando i precisi parametri di 
rilevazione/individuazione della scheda senza i quali la scheda non 
funziona correttamente (e' sempre necessario indicarli in caso di 
mancato auto-riconoscimento in stile Plug and Pray :P).
I parametri suddetti sono, nel tuo caso, l'indirizzo I/O principale 
della scheda, l'indirizzo I/O MSS (microsoft Sound System, mi pare ..) 
per la parte audio, l'indirizzo I/O della porta midi, l'interrupt line 
request, il primo e il secondo canale direct memory access.
Per l'irq, dai uno sguardo qua: 
http://www.computerecomputer.it/assistenza/faqpc.htm (punto 1) [anche 
se la pagina e' dedicata a winfindus da' una breve infarinatura].
Purtroppo spiegazioni tecniche su questi parametri non sono in grado di 
darle e in piu' la documentazione relativa acclusa al kernel non e' che 
sia il massimo della chiarezza. Prova casomai a fare una ricerca con 
Ciauz, Lk

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK 8.3-cooker - 2.4.18 puro

Re: [newbie-it] installazione di PostgreSQL

2002-04-08 Per discussione Stefano Salari

 --- Simone [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: 
 Ho provato ad installare dei pacchetti RPM, ma mi
 da il seguente messaggio d'errore, qualcuno sa che
 vuol dire?
 [root@localhost RPMS]# rpm -i postgre*.rpm
 error: failed dependencies:
 sfio is needed by postgresql-7.1.2-19mdk

Significa che per poter installare Postgres devi avere
precedentemente installato il pacchetto sfio, che
gestisce l'input-output di stream dati; evidentemente
Postres lo utilizza. Prova a cercare sui cd di
installazione un rpm che si chiama
sfio-qualcosa.rpm; il qualcosa e' il numero
della versione (nella Mandrake 8.2 e'
sfio-1999-5mdk.i586.rpm). Se non dovessi trovarlo puoi
provare a cercarlo su http://www.rpmfind.net/.


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Re: [newbie-it]Kernel panic per mike

2002-04-08 Per discussione Loredana

Il 28 marzo in merito a Kernel panic mike mi ha
se non gira
riavvia da cd
al prompt blocca la schermata (credo con [tab], ma
non uso mandrake da un pò, chi è più fresco di
installazione potrà consigliarti meglio)

potrai passare delle opzioni al boot



(probabilmente esisterà un'opzione safe o rescue da
passare direttamente con la pressione di un tasto
funzione F3 F4 ecc. in questo caso ti apparirà tutto
sul menù o comunque potrai sempre richiamare l'help
premendo F1 prima di ogni azione)

l'avvio in modalità rescue consiste in una
'installazione' in un disco virtuale (un ramdisk, che
risiede interamente in RAM, che non scrive nulla sul
tuo hard disk e che serve proprio per gestire alcune
situazioni particolari)

se tutto dovesse funzionare..
ti apparirà una shell (minimale ma usabile)

ora dovrai impartire alcuni comandi

digita :

#fdisk /dev/hda

ti appare un prompt molto scarno, con l'indicazione
di premere m per vedere il menù delle opzioni


verrà stampata a video la tua tabella delle
questo ti consente di capire dove è la tua partizione
(dovrebbe essere hda6..)

se così fosse,
esci da fdisk premendo il tasto 

ora potrai 'montare' il filesystem ...

Ho seguito fin qui e la mia tabella delle partizioni
si presenta così:

Device Boot StartEnd   BlocksIdSystem
/dev/hda1   *1  1018   8177053+   b 
/dev/hda21019   1020   16065 83   Linux 
/dev/hda31021   2498   11872035   5   Extended
/dev/hda51021   1530   4096543+   83   Linux
/dev/hda6?   237360 101836 1058887096+ 8f Unknown 

Ho già trovato il problema?
Scusami ma sono proprio una principiante

Ti ringrazio per le tue istruzioni ed il tempo che mi
hai dedicato,
aspetto notizie


Iscriviti al Club Nokia, è gratis!

[newbie-it] Re: Kernel panic (per mike)

2002-04-08 Per discussione Loredana

Il 28 marzo in merito a Kernel panic mike mi ha
se non gira
riavvia da cd
al prompt blocca la schermata (credo con [tab], ma
non uso mandrake da un pò, chi è più fresco di
installazione potrà consigliarti meglio)

potrai passare delle opzioni al boot



(probabilmente esisterà un'opzione safe o rescue da
passare direttamente con la pressione di un tasto
funzione F3 F4 ecc. in questo caso ti apparirà tutto
sul menù o comunque potrai sempre richiamare l'help
premendo F1 prima di ogni azione)

l'avvio in modalità rescue consiste in una
'installazione' in un disco virtuale (un ramdisk, che
risiede interamente in RAM, che non scrive nulla sul
tuo hard disk e che serve proprio per gestire alcune
situazioni particolari)

se tutto dovesse funzionare..
ti apparirà una shell (minimale ma usabile)

ora dovrai impartire alcuni comandi

digita :

#fdisk /dev/hda

ti appare un prompt molto scarno, con l'indicazione
di premere m per vedere il menù delle opzioni


verrà stampata a video la tua tabella delle
questo ti consente di capire dove è la tua partizione
(dovrebbe essere hda6..)

se così fosse,
esci da fdisk premendo il tasto 

ora potrai 'montare' il filesystem ...

Ho seguito fin qui e la mia tabella delle partizioni
si presenta così:

Device Boot StartEnd   BlocksIdSystem
/dev/hda1   *1  1018   8177053+   b 
/dev/hda21019   1020   16065 83   Linux 
/dev/hda31021   2498   11872035   5   Extended
/dev/hda51021   1530   4096543+   83   Linux
/dev/hda6?   237360 101836 1058887096+ 8f Unknown 

Ho già trovato il problema?
Scusami ma sono proprio una principiante

Ti ringrazio per le tue istruzioni ed il tempo che mi
hai dedicato,
aspetto notizie


Iscriviti al Club Nokia, è gratis!

Re: [newbie-it] kde 3.0

2002-04-08 Per discussione Brunini Alessandro

Il lun, 2002-04-08 alle 04:14, Brunini Alessandro ha scritto:
 1) KDE ancora in inglese: non trovo un file per la localizzazione in
 2) Ancora i suoni dell'avvio non partono
 3) Swappa come un forsennato
 4) Il Microsoft Media Player (Vers. 6.5) preannunciato in konqueror, non
 parte con varie applicazioni web, nè io lo trovo...
 Alla prossima.
 Un saluto.

Mi rispondo da solo...

Ho risolto il problema dei suoni aggiornando un file che trovate al
seguente link:


e ovviamente qui:


Per ora un saluto.

PS: Swappa un po' meno (mumble mumble... sarà stato un lavoro
programmato di cron?)

[newbie-it] ultim'ora

2002-04-08 Per discussione stefano bigotta

avevo visto tempo fa un programma che permetteva di visualizzare le ultime notizie 
dell'ANSA (e di altre agenzie), ma non ricordo + che programma è...

qualcuno può darmi una mano?


[newbie-it] Mail client

2002-04-08 Per discussione Leonardo Orazi

Scuate, qualcuno conosce un mail reader che scarichi solo le
intestazioni dei messaggi da un server POP e con il quale si possano
cancellare i messaggi non graditi o troppo grandi senza scaricarli in



[newbie-it] antivirus LILO

2002-04-08 Per discussione Loredana

Ciao a tutti

è possibile impostare l'antivirus (ho due sistemi
operativi:Windows Me e Linux Mandrake 8.0) affinchè
non scambi il LILO per un virus?

Io ho l'antivirus McAfee 6.02.


Iscriviti al Club Nokia, è gratis!

Re: [newbie-it] antivirus LILO

2002-04-08 Per discussione Luca Giannuzzi

Alle 17:22, lunedì 8 aprile 2002, Loredana hai scritto:
 Ciao a tutti

 è possibile impostare l'antivirus (ho due sistemi
 operativi:Windows Me e Linux Mandrake 8.0) affinchè
 non scambi il LILO per un virus?

 Io ho l'antivirus McAfee 6.02.


Ciao Loredana,
il McAffee nn so  come funzioni di preciso, ti consiglio però di installare 
il PcCillin 2000 ke è molto + leggero e sicure del McAffee.
Io ce l'ho installato in XP e nn mi da alcun problema col lilo

[newbie-it] Installazione di KDE 3

2002-04-08 Per discussione Luca Giannuzzi

Ciao a tutti,
ho letto ke alcuni di voi hanno installato il kde 3, innanzitutto vorrei 
kiedervi come lo trovate sia dal punto di vista grafico ke prestazionale?
Ma vi siete installati ad uno ad uno i pacchetti manualmente?
Io ho provato ad inserire l'indirizzo url nell'aggiornameto del mdk ma mi 
diche ke è impossibile aggiungere la fonte, come posso fare per automatizzare 
il + possibile l'installazione? 
Aspetto consigli, altrimenti vorrà dire ke fin quando aggiornerò tutti i 
pacchetti singolarmente sara uscita la mdk 9!!!

Re: [newbie-it] Grave--Aspetto coferma e/o smentita

2002-04-08 Per discussione Andrea Celli

Brunini Alessandro wrote:
 Il ven, 2002-04-05 alle 15:04, Luigi De Pascale ha scritto:
  Smentirei le basi: io non ho avuto il problema ne nella 8.0 ne nella 8.1.
 Bè... ne parlavano anche alla Mandrake ai tempi della 8.0...
 Cmq a quanto pare il problema sembra essere mio :((
 Qualcunoi sa dirmi come mai, quando apro un documento per scrivere, non
 mi compaiono i font installati (es. verdana...).

quello e` un problema di so-5.2, o meglio dello starwriter:
in starcalc li vedi perfettamente, vero?
allora in starwriter, nella finestrella col nome del font,
scrivi a mano verdana e il gioco e` fatto.

ciao, andrea

PS. e` una vecchia FAQ

Re: [newbie-it] Mail client

2002-04-08 Per discussione Marco Forti

Alle 18:05, lunedì 8 aprile 2002, hai scritto:
 Scuate, qualcuno conosce un mail reader che scarichi solo le
 intestazioni dei messaggi da un server POP e con il quale si possano
 cancellare i messaggi non graditi o troppo grandi senza scaricarli in

kshowmail ... è nei cd di installazione oppure dovresti trovarlo su 



la mente è una cosa meravigliosa
tutti dovrebbero averne una !!!

KMail powered by Linux Mandrake 8.2

Re: [newbie-it] KDE 3.0

2002-04-08 Per discussione Andrea Celli

Brunini Alessandro wrote:
 Salve alla lista,
 Ho da poco installato KDE 3.0. Devo dire che esteticamente è decisamente
 più bello (icone comprese).
 Sulla mia macchina poi gira più velocemente del precedente 2.2.2, anche
 se all'avvio ci mette di più.
 Problemi riscontrati 2:
 1) Manca la lingua italiana... sto scaricando qualcosa. Se funziona ve
 lo faccio sapere.

devi recuperare kde3-i18n-it che sta nella directori noarch
insieme a tutte le altre localizzazioni-i18n

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] driver stampante

2002-04-08 Per discussione Andrea Celli

Simone wrote:
 Qualcuno sa se è possibile far funzionare
 la stampante laser Canon LBP-800 su
 mandrake 8.1? Esiste il driver? Se si dove
 posso trovarlo?


ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Aggiornamento KDE da 2.2.2 a 3.0

2002-04-08 Per discussione Francesco Speranza

Scusate la ingenuita'...
ma quale dei due pacchetti conviene installare , RPMS o SRPMS ( o entrambi )
- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, April 07, 2002 9:09 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Aggiornamento KDE da 2.2.2 a 3.0

Un modo abbastanza automatico ci sarebbe:
devi usare il programma di mandrake per l'installazione dei pacchetti.
Qui devi aggiungere una nuova fonte specificando il percorso dove hai i
pacchetti di kde3.
Dopo fai una ricerca con kde e seleziona per installarli solo i
pacchetti dalla versione 3.0. Così dovrebbe fare l'aggiornamento
automatico e l'installazione dei pacchetti per soddisfare le dipendenze.
ciao ENx

Luca Giannuzzi wrote:

Ciao a tutti,
vorrei kiedervi una piccola informazione
Come si è già capito dal soggetto io voglio aggiornare il KDE dalla
2.2.2 (inclusa nella MDK 8.2) alla nuova versione 3.0 ke ho trovato oggi
sito della KDE
Quello ke vorrei sapere è se esiste un modo automatico per aggiornarla o se
devo disinstallare e reinstallare ad uno ad uno tutti i pacchetti.
Vi ringrazio fin d'ora

Re: [newbie-it] Aggiornamento KDE da 2.2.2 a 3.0

2002-04-08 Per discussione Brunini Alessandro

Il lun, 2002-04-08 alle 20:33, Francesco Speranza ha scritto:
 Scusate la ingenuita'...
 ma quale dei due pacchetti conviene installare , RPMS o SRPMS ( o entrambi )


Gli SRPMS sono i sorgenti.

Re: [newbie-it] Aggiornamento KDE da 2.2.2 a 3.0

2002-04-08 Per discussione Daniele

gli SRPMS sono (se la memoria non mi inganna) gli rpm con i sorgenti, quindi
se non vuoi modificare i programmi utilizzando il codice, puoi ignorare i

- Original Message -
From: Francesco Speranza [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 8:33 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Aggiornamento KDE da 2.2.2 a 3.0

 Scusate la ingenuita'...
 ma quale dei due pacchetti conviene installare , RPMS o SRPMS ( o
entrambi )
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Sunday, April 07, 2002 9:09 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Aggiornamento KDE da 2.2.2 a 3.0

 Un modo abbastanza automatico ci sarebbe:
 devi usare il programma di mandrake per l'installazione dei pacchetti.
 Qui devi aggiungere una nuova fonte specificando il percorso dove hai i
 pacchetti di kde3.
 Dopo fai una ricerca con kde e seleziona per installarli solo i
 pacchetti dalla versione 3.0. Così dovrebbe fare l'aggiornamento
 automatico e l'installazione dei pacchetti per soddisfare le dipendenze.
 ciao ENx

 Luca Giannuzzi wrote:

 Ciao a tutti,
 vorrei kiedervi una piccola informazione
 Come si è già capito dal soggetto io voglio aggiornare il KDE dalla
 2.2.2 (inclusa nella MDK 8.2) alla nuova versione 3.0 ke ho trovato oggi
 sito della KDE
 Quello ke vorrei sapere è se esiste un modo automatico per aggiornarla o
 devo disinstallare e reinstallare ad uno ad uno tutti i pacchetti.
 Vi ringrazio fin d'ora

[newbie-it] MySQL

2002-04-08 Per discussione Stefano Fanari

Ma dove sono nascosti i file dei database nell'installazione di MDK 8.2?
MySQL funziona ma non riesco a trovare i file...



[newbie-it] problemi di connessione...

2002-04-08 Per discussione Stefano Fanari

quando provo a connettermi con Net-Mon mi dice che ci sono stati problemi
con la connessione ma in verità il computer è connesso ad internet... come 
risolvere il problema?
(MDK 8.2 scheda ISDN interna HFC PCI con chip COLOGNE)



[newbie-it] Installazione KDE3

2002-04-08 Per discussione Francesco Speranza

sto scaricando KDE3 da ftp://ftp.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/distributions/contrib/texstar/Mandrake-8.2-i586/kde-3.0.0. 
Una volta scaricato come si installa ?
Si puo' aggiornare automaticamente usando 
l'RPM manager di KDE2 oppure bisogna farlo manualmente ? 


Re: [newbie-it] Installazione KDE3

2002-04-08 Per discussione Brunini Alessandro

Il lun, 2002-04-08 alle 21:49, Francesco Speranza ha scritto:
 sto scaricando KDE3 da 
 . Una volta scaricato come si installa ?
 Si puo' aggiornare automaticamente usando  l'RPM manager di KDE2 oppure bisogna 
farlo manualmente ? 
 E' spiegato in qualche post precedente.

1) Salva gli rpm in una cartella
2) Apri il Mandrake Control Center
3) Aggiorna le fonti con i pacchetti
4) Installa il KDE

4.1) Se l'audio non ti va vedi i miei precedenti post.


Re: [newbie-it] Installazione KDE3

2002-04-08 Per discussione Francesco Speranza

Grazie del consiglio,
 ma ti chiedo un chiarimento ulteriore..
devo selezionarli ( gli RPMS...)  tutti insieme o devo seguire un percorso
particolare , cioe' iniziare da un file particolare o installarli uno ad uno
- Original Message -
From: Brunini Alessandro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Mandrake Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 10:25 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Installazione KDE3

 Il lun, 2002-04-08 alle 21:49, Francesco Speranza ha scritto:
  sto scaricando KDE3 da
586/kde-3.0.0 . Una volta scaricato come si installa ?
  Si puo' aggiornare automaticamente usando  l'RPM manager di KDE2 oppure
bisogna farlo manualmente ?
  E' spiegato in qualche post precedente.

 1) Salva gli rpm in una cartella
 2) Apri il Mandrake Control Center
 3) Aggiorna le fonti con i pacchetti
 4) Installa il KDE

 4.1) Se l'audio non ti va vedi i miei precedenti post.


Re: [newbie-it] unsubscrive

2002-04-08 Per discussione mauroeugenio

On Sun, 7 Apr 2002 23:54:45 +0200, Daniele Micci wrote:

... si scrive con la b ...

...e non si manda qui ;)


Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con Mandrake 8,2 e iptables

2002-04-08 Per discussione Alberto

On 7-04-2002 19:59, LukenShiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Nell'Evo medio, all'ora 01:28, domenica 7 aprile 2002, Voi, Notabile
 Alberto, avete dipinto:
 Mi hanno detto che non istallando completamente ipchain tutto si
 che ne pensate?
 Il fatto non e' tanto nel non installarlo come rpm ... pero', dato che
 iptables e ipchains [insieme al modulo di compatibilita' per i kernel
 2.4] _non_ possono essere in esecuzione allo stesso tempo (ne' cmq
 avrebbe senso che lo fossero), devi evitare di far caricare ipchains,
 se vuoi usare iptables.
 Quindi toglilo dai servizi all'avvio e rimuovi il modulo relativo
 caricato ('rmmod ipchains').
 Cosi' dovrebbe essere risolto il problema.

Ho fatto provare a un amico un'istallazione del' 8,2 enza ipchain ma con
risultati negativi.
Appena mi ritorna la macchina degli esperimenti proero' io stesso.
Nel mentre se altri hanno poossibili soluzione ringrazio tutti ; )

Ciao ciao

Re: [newbie] Problems loading modules

2002-04-08 Per discussione civileme

Lisa Evans wrote:

I upgraded from Mandrake 8.0 to 8.2, which might explain some problems
I've been having (since I didn't do a clean install). First of all, I
recently got a NIC that is supposed to be able to run under Linux. It
can use the 8139too module or the rtl8139 module which I downloaded and
compiled (after some hassles with the version.h include file). However,
neither of these modules will load with insmod because of unresolved
symbol errors.

I also have onboard sound, which works under the OSS drivers but not
very well, so I wanted to install the ALSA driver for it
(snd-card-via686a). Even though I used the ALSA drivers source provided
with Mandrake 8.2, I get unresolved symbol errors on that as well.

From google groups searches and some advice from a friend, I thought
turning off version checking in the kernel and recompiling would fix
this. However, I get errors during make modules! I don't understand why
I get errors compiling the source code that Mandrake provided.

Any thoughts?

Lisa Evans

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8139too is compiled into the kernel as a module--you should not have 
needed it at all...  

I would say save your data and do a fresh install, then

chkconfig --del alsa

and edit /etc/modules.conf

to plug in the OSS driver for your sound card.  (Look in 


alias sound (modulename without the .o)

is usually sufficient.


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[newbie] nvidia and opengl

2002-04-08 Per discussione - hybrid -

greets everyone :

i installed the nvidia drivers for my gforce 2 mx card and all went fine
- i see the splash screen from nvidia at the startup

but now : how do i have to configure other apps , especially games [iE
tuxracer !]

 - keep the X in your system -

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Re: [newbie] abiword not in 8.2?

2002-04-08 Per discussione Pascal Goguey


On Sunday 07 April 2002 19:51, you wrote:
 On Mon, 2002-04-08 at 01:12, Robin Turner wrote:
  1. A fully featured office suite compatible with the dreaded MS Office.
  OpenOffice is pretty much on track there.

 I think this is probably true for most users who work exclusively in one
 European language. But for those of us whose work requires dealing with
 multi-language texts, unfortunately, OpenOffice (along with the Linux
 platform as a whole, along with its apps) is still in the Dark Ages
 compared to the international language support MS began to offer with
 Win/Office2000. Trying to run Mandrake with either Gnome or KDE and do
 Asian language input and display an array of international fonts in any
 kind of application (except for Mozilla) is still a hopeless enterprise,
 and I never see improvements in version upgrades.

Probably we don't use the same Mandrake 8.2 ???

As for my experience, I do see improvements in every version.
Ex: 8.0: install in Japanese didn't work without setting a memory parameter
at boot time - I gave up.
8.1: installed fine, but the menus were all garbage characters, and kinput
was not installed by the japanese installer and had to be added afterwards.
- I managed to get it work well, thanks to Pablo and a few other persons.
8.2: Apparently works out of the box. The menus are well displayed.
I didn't try to write Japanese yet, but as I reported the kinput issue in 8.1,
I guess it should be fixed.
Since I am at it, there is a bug at logout. The small window asking
reboot / shutdown / ???  displays garbage.

I have been able to use Mandrake in Japanese since 8.1, and I write most
of my mail in Japanese with kmail.

By the way, I don't do any special settings to do that. Every time, I save my
data on a CDROM, and I perform a clean install, just to verify that it works
out of the box. Basically, I don't even follow the installer instructions.
I press enter everywhere except for installation language selection and
area / network setup. In 8.1. there were further settings to get menus
working, but for 8.2, Pablo  co made a great job. No extra settings.



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Re: [newbie] Sound KFEvs Gnome

2002-04-08 Per discussione civileme

Richard Hackwith wrote:

Whenever I try to play a mp3 on Xmms in KDE it sounds like crap, but, Xmms in 
Gnome is perfect!

Is there any way to get the same results in KDE?  I an running 8.1 at the 


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Yes, start up the soundserver configuration and set it to give real-time 
priority to sound.


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Re: [newbie] ATI Radeon, XFree 4.2 and Mandrake 8.2: Are theygetting along?

2002-04-08 Per discussione Serge

On Sun, 2002-04-07 at 20:51, Charles A Edwards wrote:

 Your XF86Config-4 looks OK.
 You could change the AGPMode to 4
 I keep feeling that your problem has to be with Mesa.
 Do rpm -q Mesa.
 You should have Mesa-4.0.1-4mdk.
 Su to root and launch glxgears from a terminal.
 You should see the line Loading required GL library /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so.1.2 
 Let gears run for 15-20 sec.
 What is your average FBS?
 Depending upon your WM you should be able to get around 1200-1500 FBS.
Hi Charles.

Thank you for your answer.

I have Mesa, and Mesa-libs too.
I run glxgears and it runs very slow... Hardly i can see the wheels
turning! I got after 30 seconds:
3903 frames in 5 seconds = 780.600 FPS.


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RE: [newbie] KDE3.0 a BIG disappointment.

2002-04-08 Per discussione Peter Nunn

Thanks guys,

I got the fix's from the Texstar site and am now a happy little vegemite.


assuming it runs OK for a while and I'm game (or silly), given that I don't
have much disk space, how do I get rid of KDE 2 (or is this not a good idea

The only problem I had was that I couldn't install the KDevelop rpm because
of a conflict with /opt/kde3/bin/extractrc conflicting with a file from

Any ideas on this one.

If I can fix this, and get the laptop to suspend properly every time I close
the lid (instead of every second time) I'd be wrapped.

Thanks again.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of SpeedMan
 Sent: Sunday, 7 April 2002 11:32 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] KDE3.0 a BIG disappointment.

 On Sun, 2002-04-07 at 05:45, Peter Nunn wrote:

  KDE 3.0 is simply not ready yet...
  I spent 24 hours downloading it (yes, I'm on a dialup),
 installed it with
  the instructions given here (and it worked fine).
  every time I log in it takes me through the stupid setup screen. Its now
  lost my panel for some reason (and I can't get it back), and I
 can't get the
  sound working at all (all of which are fine under 2.2).
  This is a real bummer because it looks so much better.
  Has anyone heard of a workaround for this mess yet?  I've
 searched, but not
  turned up anything.

 Texstar has some good info on these issues on his site:


 WRT the KWizard launching on each login - from this page:



Here is a quick fix to stop kwizard/kpersonalizer from running each time
you start kde3.

Option #1: (Worked for me) Open up with a text editor

Comment out lines :117 -131.

Option #2: Open up with a text editor the kpersonalizerrc file in your
home .kde3 or .kde /share/config directory and put the following two
lines in:


On my system Option #1 worked best. It seems each time I would log out
with option #2, the information gets removed.


Alternately, you can go to this page where Tex has detailed the fixes he
applied to several KDE packages that he recompiled and has made


He has packages here that fix both the KWizard and Arts sound issues.

Also, anytime you lose your panel in KDE you can just right click on the
desktop select Run Command and type in kicker to spawn a new taskbar.




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[newbie] NEW Nvidia RPM's Released for LM82

2002-04-08 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir

Newbie listers...get your new NVIDIA RPM's here! Version 2880 for LM82 --


Have phun...

Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899 http://counter.li.org/
¡Š.a¨h g­Ê‹«~·žÉ¨h¡Êi×kz˶m§ÿæj)rj(r‰

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Re: [newbie] abiword not in 8.2?

2002-04-08 Per discussione civileme

shane wrote:

On Sunday 07 April 2002 12:05 am, Randy Kramer opened a hailing frequency 
and transmitted:

shane wrote:

On Saturday 06 April 2002 11:06 pm, Paul Rodríguez opened a hailing

frequency and transmitted:

Why was Abiword not included as part of 8.2?

if i remember correctly this was asked, and the general feel seemed to
be cause they haven't changed the package in so long it is damn near
useless now

It's too bad people perceive it that way.  AbiWord seems to be a fairly
active development project especially considering the small number of
developers and time available for each.   They are currently
concentrating on several bugfix releases prior to releasing 1.0, which
will *not* have tables and some other features people desire.

i agree, and if nothing else it provides one more office app choice.  more 
choice is always good.  i am only pointing out what i recall a few posters 
saying.  it may have even been another list.

if only kword and staroffice could better open some of my older files, as 
well as share files better.

Why was/was not package xxx included in 8.2?

Look at the CDs!  650, 649, and 648 Mb--MAXed

Some choices had to be made and Abiword has a track record of 
interfering with other programs by way of its fonts.  We did not want 
another 8.0 case on our hands

Gee, Pike, a wonderfully comfortable scripting language isn't there 
either and SmallEiffel bit the dust, and no one thought to include the 
famous old web browser Grail, and

Sheesh, go to a Mandrake mirror and look in the /contribs directory.  We 
rarely throw anything away.  You will find SIAG Office there, too.


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RE: [newbie] KDE3.0 - For Tester

2002-04-08 Per discussione Burrows, Scott


Will that LN you created below dissappear if you reboot?
Should it also be written in a .conf file somewhere?


-Original Message-
From: tester [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 6:32 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] KDE3.0

On Thu, 2002-04-04 at 13:07, FemmeFatale wrote:
 Damian wrote:
  actually there is a better way.
  last night i installed KDE 3.0 by getting all RPMS, opening a terminal
  and doing a  urpmi ./+ 
  it asked me for the three MDK cd's and got a lot of packages to solve
  dependencies... it worked fine, tho kde 3  has bugs.. :o(
 what does opening a term  typing urpmi ./+ do then exactly?  So you
 still have to d/l all the RPM's of KDE3 yourself  urpmi just takes care
 of the deps?  And if so will it still install KDE3 beside your existing
 :)  Tough questions I know, but I'm sure you'll pull through this crisis
 for me Damian ;p
 I have confidence in your non-Fudding abilities
It installs and runs separately.  It is KDE3 on the kdm selection and 

11 KDE

on Xtart from console.

You need about 90 Mb space in / or /opt and if you do not have a
separate /opt and / doesn't have that much room, then do this:

1. Open a terminal
2. su to root

mkdir -p /usr/opt
ln -s /usr/opt /opt

before you install.

It seems to run well as security level 2 and to have problems at 3 or
higher.  Some of the new open sockets do not appear to get the right
permissions for intewrprocess communications at higher security levels.


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[newbie] Organizer

2002-04-08 Per discussione Gary Montalbine

Can anyone recommend a simple organizer that has a date and to do 
list and a telephone list. Korganizer does not have a telephone 
capability that I can find.



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[newbie] Cd Tower with Apache

2002-04-08 Per discussione John Bodden

Hello all,

I just bought a SCSI CD tower to use with my 
intranet. I mounted one of the drives to the /var/www/html/cdrom directory 
(/var/www/html is the document root) I am getting a permissions error message 
when I try to access the drive. I made the Apache group the owner and group of 
the CD directory and they both have read access to the directory. 

Any ideas?


Re: [newbie] Organizer

2002-04-08 Per discussione Rich

On Mon, 2002-04-08 at 12:56, Gary Montalbine wrote:
 Can anyone recommend a simple organizer that has a date and to do 
 list and a telephone list. Korganizer does not have a telephone 
 capability that I can find.

I'm using Evolution (Ximian) 1.0.2.  It's an organizer, address book and
mail client.  Works well for me.


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Re: [newbie] abiword not in 8.2?

2002-04-08 Per discussione Paul Rodríguez

I wasn't whining.  ;)  But I did want to know what the rationale was. 
My dad uses Abi for all of his office work (lots of Spanish and
English), and wanted to know if there was something wrong with it.

If it was causing problems with fonts, that answers my question.  

- Paul R

On Mon, 2002-04-08 at 04:34, civileme wrote:
 shane wrote:
 On Sunday 07 April 2002 12:05 am, Randy Kramer opened a hailing frequency 
 and transmitted:
 shane wrote:
 On Saturday 06 April 2002 11:06 pm, Paul Rodríguez opened a hailing
 frequency and transmitted:
 Why was Abiword not included as part of 8.2?
 if i remember correctly this was asked, and the general feel seemed to
 be cause they haven't changed the package in so long it is damn near
 useless now
 It's too bad people perceive it that way.  AbiWord seems to be a fairly
 active development project especially considering the small number of
 developers and time available for each.   They are currently
 concentrating on several bugfix releases prior to releasing 1.0, which
 will *not* have tables and some other features people desire.
 i agree, and if nothing else it provides one more office app choice.  more 
 choice is always good.  i am only pointing out what i recall a few posters 
 saying.  it may have even been another list.
 if only kword and staroffice could better open some of my older files, as 
 well as share files better.
 Why was/was not package xxx included in 8.2?
 Look at the CDs!  650, 649, and 648 Mb--MAXed
 Some choices had to be made and Abiword has a track record of 
 interfering with other programs by way of its fonts.  We did not want 
 another 8.0 case on our hands
 Gee, Pike, a wonderfully comfortable scripting language isn't there 
 either and SmallEiffel bit the dust, and no one thought to include the 
 famous old web browser Grail, and
 Sheesh, go to a Mandrake mirror and look in the /contribs directory.  We 
 rarely throw anything away.  You will find SIAG Office there, too.

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[newbie] master browser

2002-04-08 Per discussione Bill Winegarden

 My local sysadmin (linux hater) 
says that my LM8.2 installation is giving 'many' error messages on the NT 
intranet. He says that my linux laptop is configured as a master browser. What 
do I have to do to restore peace?

Thanks and regards,
Bill W.

Re: [newbie] master browser

2002-04-08 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

On Mon, 08 Apr 2002, Bill Winegarden wrote:
 My local sysadmin (linux hater) says that my LM8.2 installation is giving 'many' 
error messages on the NT intranet. He says that my linux laptop is configured as a 
master browser. What do I have to do to restore peace?

configure in /etc/smb.conf

Gerald Waugh
Front Street Networks LLC - 203-785-0699
229 Front Street, Ste. #C, New Haven CT, 06513-3203

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[newbie] pan trouble

2002-04-08 Per discussione Paul Rodríguez

Anybody try downloading a binary with Pan in 8.2?  Does it work for you
even if the binary is not a picture?  

- Paul R

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RE: [newbie] pan trouble

2002-04-08 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

Works just great for me.

Did you remember to re-configure the save paths?


|-Original Message-
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Paul Rodríguez
|Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 1:43 PM
|To: newbie
|Subject: [newbie] pan trouble
|Anybody try downloading a binary with Pan in 8.2?  Does it 
|work for you even if the binary is not a picture?  
|- Paul R

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[newbie] gvim/vimx misbehaving (set guifont)

2002-04-08 Per discussione Stewart Allen

I've just upgraded from RH 7.2 to Mandrake 8.2 and gvim/vimx is now 
ignoring the set guifont directive in my .vimrc file. What's extremely 
odd about this is that after vim is launched, I can manually issue the 
command and it sets the font appropriately (yes, I've tried many many 
different fonts). Something else seems to be taking precedent, but I 
don't know where.



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Re: [newbie] graphical boot up under 8.2

2002-04-08 Per discussione Ralph Slooten

Hehe, that's funny, I was just about to post the exact same question! :-)

Thanks, works like a charm. I actually don't understand why Mandrake be 
default chooses to hide all these details. And it's ugly I find. The lilo 
bootup screen does look nice though, just not the graphical bootup. I 
always disabled it though the Mandrake control center if I remember 
correctly, but since this option isn't there anymore, I had no idea :-)


On Sun, 7 Apr 2002, ai4a wrote:
 If you are using lilo as a boot manager remove the 'quiet' keyword from
 the append line in /etc/lilo.conf. Also, I changed the 'vga=xxx' to
 'vga=791'. This puts the screen in 1024x768 mode. Make sure you have a
 backup way to load linux so you can chage it back if necessary.  By the
 way, the 'vga=791 also put my virtual consoles into 1024x768 mode. Makes
 it very nice. Now the vc screen is easy to read and there are lots more
 lines per screen. Do not forget to execute lilo after the above changes. 

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RE: [newbie] pan trouble

2002-04-08 Per discussione Paul Rodríguez

I did.  I can save pictures fine, but no other type of file.  It happens
on two different boxes.  It seems to download them fine, but not decode

- Paul

On Mon, 2002-04-08 at 14:12, Jose M. Sanchez wrote:
 Works just great for me.
 Did you remember to re-configure the save paths?
 |-Original Message-
 |[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Paul Rodríguez
 |Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 1:43 PM
 |To: newbie
 |Subject: [newbie] pan trouble
 |Anybody try downloading a binary with Pan in 8.2?  Does it 
 |work for you even if the binary is not a picture?  
 |- Paul R

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RE: [newbie] pan trouble

2002-04-08 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

Well it's neither a problem with 8.2 or PAN.

I've upgraded one box and did a clean install on another and both work

You might want to try removing the respective PAN configuration files
from the .gnome directory and then set things up again.

Also try deleting the contents of the PAN data directories where it
saves the indexes and downloaded headers.

I assume you are downloading Binaries with complete icons right? 


|-Original Message-
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Paul Rodríguez
|Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 3:01 PM
|To: newbie
|Subject: RE: [newbie] pan trouble
|I did.  I can save pictures fine, but no other type of file.  
|It happens on two different boxes.  It seems to download them 
|fine, but not decode them.
|- Paul

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[newbie] PCI-SCSI (dtc) Card for scanner install.

2002-04-08 Per discussione Malcolm Candlish


After an otherwise successful installation of Mandrake 8.2, on a Cerleron 500 
with 96 meg RAM, I tried to install my (DTC) Domex Technology Corporation 
scsi card to drive my Trust Connect 19200 scanner. The initial installation 
failed with the following message:-

PCI: device 134a 0001 is DTC Technology Corp. | Domex536 (dtc)
have to insmod dtc
needs dtc
init_module: dtc: No such device
Warning, insmod failed (dtc(nul)) (1)
unsetting automatic 

I have tryed under Hard Drake to install without success. When I try xsane  I 
get the message :-

No devices available.

Previously I have used this scanner plus scsi card with Red Hat 7.1 
implimenting insmod with a driver dmx3191d.o and it worked well.

Do I insmod  dmx3191d.o in Mandrake 8.2 or will this mess up the operating 
system. Alternatively, are there other ways of getting it to work.

Thank you for reading.
Malcolm Candlish. 

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[newbie] Memory test.

2002-04-08 Per discussione Seedkum Aladeem


How do you run the memory test that comes with the CDs? Could not
install more than a minimal LM 8.2. No qui. 



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Re: [newbie] Bug fix release.

2002-04-08 Per discussione Randy Kramer

Femme wrote:
 Well that program I mention does generate them for a CDRom ISO,
 image/whatever you need it for.
 Thats why I use it.  I don't do alot of MD5Sum stuff in linux yet.
 So I searched that out.
 Icq me if you wish to get the little program and don't want to search.  Email
 me for my #.

Thanks again!  I downloaded the program -- interesting.  With only a
quick glance, it appears it can calculate the md5sum for multiple
files/directories (and maybe even make a master sum by adding them
together or something?), but I don't quickly see a way to do an md5sum
of an entire burnt Cdrom.  Have you tried that?

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] wavelan is not up

2002-04-08 Per discussione Li Tan

Hi, thanks for your reply, however I cannot figure out what the problem is.
I have another eepro100 network in the computer. I can setup wqvelan in
control center, also I followed your instruction to modify wireless.opts,
but the problem is still ther. Any idea?



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Re: [newbie] pan trouble

2002-04-08 Per discussione Jon Doe

On Mon, 08 Apr 2002 15:26:46 -0400
Jose M. Sanchez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well it's neither a problem with 8.2 or PAN.

There is a new encoding scheme that is getting pretty hot and well used on usenet 
called yenc.
Older versions of pan arnt' able to decode this method, one of the pan versions had 
some problems decoding it also.
I beleive the newest version is doing ok with yenc now.

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[newbie] KDE 3.0

2002-04-08 Per discussione Brian York

I have Mandrake 8.2 and when i installed the RPMs to upgrade KDE they
screwed up KDE it was 3.0 but nothing worked. I lost most of the menus
(k button and right click menu links were dead) and no telling what i
didn't know. Can anyone help me?


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Re: [newbie] very scary stuff: 2. Where your mail is going

2002-04-08 Per discussione civileme

john rigby wrote:

I think I will go away.
You may create the greatest library in the world, but if the ignorant
are both vain and ignorant, it will mean nothing even after their freedom
bleeds away. That is the fundamental problem of all social advancement 
 Book 1: Ku a'la  4,880 years
ago.. nothing changes much.

For the odd few who care about more than just grabbing freebies.  It
is VERY worth while to go read this:


It DOES explain where a lot of your mail has gone!



- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, April 06, 2002 7:50 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] very scary stuff. Your rights ARE vanishing - being

On Friday 05 April 2002 03:22 pm, john rigby wrote:

Hello folks,

   howdy partner

This is not off-topic! This is a probable reason that we are all
having more and more email problems.

mostly your posts, but i'll bite

Nope, I've got a large d/l goin (kde3 updates) can't spare the
bandwidth, 'sides it's more fun to reply in ignorance

All *MY* communications are certified virus-free. Why not yours?
Ask here for full info - *and* get it free. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.344 / Virus Database: 191 - Release Date: 2/04/02

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Actually, the site has a valid point.  Dial-Up Lists or DULs are used by 
a lot of servers to _reject_ email.  This means that if you are on a 
dial-up or more improtantly, your IP is on their record as belonging to 
a dial-up block, your mail is kicked and neither received nor relayed. 
 DUL as the acronym is also a good description of the mentality to think 
of such an action.  Most spammers are rapacious businessmen, or con men 
or attorneys (don't forget attorneys _invented_ spam), and they are 
unlikely to set up a dial-up with postfix running so they can transmit 
spam traceably from their own computers...  Instead they will use AOL 
free trial hours or freemail services.  So the DUL is a blot on email 
and little more, value as anti-spam is infinitesimal.

And in the same was that anti-virus people hype their products to sell 
to gullible users of linux as well as windows, anti-spam people hype 
second-rate products that work more like a blackboard eraser, nuking 
your email rather than surgically striking at it.

And it is on-topic for this and every other mailing list.  Most 
anti-spam is trash.


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[newbie] framebuffer

2002-04-08 Per discussione Damian

hi list

i'm feeling pretty curious about framebuffer recently, and since i
think my card supports it ( the kernel messages when i boot the
installation cd are not in text-mode ) i started trying stuff
to enable it, but, i'm rather clueless here...

i've tried messing with the resolutions and X configuration, 
but found nothing.. am i missing something or is this setting
enabled only by manually editing the X files? 



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Re: [newbie] Where Can I find cdrtools packages v1.11a19 or newer

2002-04-08 Per discussione Damian

El lun, 08-04-2002 a las 07:55, John Richard Smith escribió:
 Can anyone help me.
 I seem to need to find a package called cdrtools that ought to be higher than 
 v 1.11a19, and be suitable for mandrake install.
 All I can find are two packages:-
 which I find do not install.I guess the src appendage means something
 that  is compatible with mandrake.
 I guess I need something with mdk in the file name , and is at least
 designated as being in the cooker, but I cannot find one.Obviously I
 am looking in the wrong place. The URL address would be helpfull.

 src  means it's not compiled. it's the source. if you install
a src RPM, then you have to cd into it's directory and compile it.
anyway, if this is the case, i suggest downloading a tar.gz for source.
i think it's less confising that way.

i remember compiling cdrtools a while ago.. you probably won't find any



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[newbie] Erasing URLs in Konquerer

2002-04-08 Per discussione Michael T. Richards

What is the easiest way to erase remembered URLs in Konquerer?  I am
probably missing something VERY basic here...

Michael Richards
Lead IT Mentor
i-Net+, N+, CNA, MCSA
Salt Lake City, UT

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Re: [newbie] 8.2 Installer Keyboard Problems

2002-04-08 Per discussione Jose Mirles

On Sun, 2002-04-07 at 09:31, SleepyFolkz wrote:
 I was recently trying to install 8.2 on a friends computer.  She has a half 
 year old dell with a black keyboard.  The keyboard stops working as soon as 
 the Installer is Loaded.  Does anyone know why or how I can fix this?

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Is it one of those Internet keyboards?

The box said Windows 2000 or higher required, so I used Mandrake

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Re: [newbie] pan trouble

2002-04-08 Per discussione Paul Rodríguez

Bingo!  You win the prize.  Upgrading to the latest version works fine. 

- paul 

On Mon, 2002-04-08 at 17:17, Jon Doe wrote:
 On Mon, 08 Apr 2002 15:26:46 -0400
 Jose M. Sanchez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Well it's neither a problem with 8.2 or PAN.
 There is a new encoding scheme that is getting pretty hot and well used on usenet 
called yenc.
 Older versions of pan arnt' able to decode this method, one of the pan versions had 
some problems decoding it also.
 I beleive the newest version is doing ok with yenc now.

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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Re: [newbie] Erasing URLs in Konquerer

2002-04-08 Per discussione K Montgomery

If you mean the URLs in the location drop-down, I right-clicked on the
location bar, and then clicked Empty Contents and they were all wiped

- Kathy

On Mon, 2002-04-08 at 17:57, Michael T. Richards wrote:
 What is the easiest way to erase remembered URLs in Konquerer?  I am
 probably missing something VERY basic here...
 Michael Richards
 Lead IT Mentor
 i-Net+, N+, CNA, MCSA
 Salt Lake City, UT

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Re: [newbie] wavelan is not up

2002-04-08 Per discussione Derek Jennings

On Monday 08 April 2002 11:45 pm, Li Tan wrote:
 Hi, thanks for your reply, however I cannot figure out what the problem is.
 I have another eepro100 network in the computer. I can setup wqvelan in
 control center, also I followed your instruction to modify wireless.opts,
 but the problem is still there. Any idea?



Try configuring the interface by hand using iwconfig in a root terminal. Use 
man iwconfig to find the parameters. As a minimum you should need to set the 
wireless mode, and the encryption key. You will know if it works when you 
will see signal strength displayed by iwconfig. You can then put that command 
at the end of your /etc/rc.local file to be executed on boot.

So for example my wireless card is configured by the command

iwconfig eth0  essid any  mode Managed  key s:my_key

Naturally the parameters you choose (especially the encryption key) need to 
be compatible with the rest of your wireless network.


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Re: [newbie] Memory test.

2002-04-08 Per discussione civileme

Seedkum Aladeem wrote:


How do you run the memory test that comes with the CDs? Could not
install more than a minimal LM 8.2. No qui. 



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Start with a formatted floppy and CD1 in their respective drives and a 
console su'ed to root.

dd if=/mnt/cdrom/images/memtest-x86.bin  of=/dev/fd0

Remove the CD, leave in the floppy, and reboot


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Re: [newbie] Bug fix release.

2002-04-08 Per discussione Femme

On Monday 08 April 2002 01:41 pm, you wrote:
 Femme wrote:
  Well that program I mention does generate them for a CDRom ISO,
  image/whatever you need it for.
  Thats why I use it.  I don't do alot of MD5Sum stuff in linux yet.
  So I searched that out.
  Icq me if you wish to get the little program and don't want to search. 
  Email me for my #.

 Thanks again!  I downloaded the program -- interesting.  With only a
 quick glance, it appears it can calculate the md5sum for multiple
 files/directories (and maybe even make a master sum by adding them
 together or something?), but I don't quickly see a way to do an md5sum
 of an entire burnt Cdrom.  Have you tried that?

 Randy Kramer

Yes I have tried that Randy.  Just do a select all, after you've pointed it 
to the CDRom itself.  The files show up individually on the left.  Once 
you've hit select all, then just hit the button to verify or create the sums.

Yes it does a whole bunch in a dir at once, stick the single md5sum as one 
file  then will check it if you tell it to do so.

:)  I love it.

Perfectly newbie-stupid stuff some of us need ;p


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[newbie] New silly Question. ;) Recommend good file manager?

2002-04-08 Per discussione Femme

I need a semi-decent one.  KDE uses Konqueror, and I tried GWC?... for 

I hated GWC *or whatever its called*.  Any ideas? :)

Right now I have the default SU FM and thats it in Enlightenment.


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Re: [newbie] KDE 3.0

2002-04-08 Per discussione shane

On Monday 08 April 2002 05:40, Brian York opened a general hailing frequency 
and transmitted to all open stations:

 I have Mandrake 8.2 and when i installed the RPMs to upgrade KDE they
 screwed up KDE it was 3.0 but nothing worked. I lost most of the menus
 (k button and right click menu links were dead) and no telling what i
 didn't know. Can anyone help me?

try the texstar rpms from pclinuxonline.com.  they worked great for me, but 
you will still need the koffice rpm from mandrake.

FAITH, n.  Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without 
knowledge, of things without parallel.  -Ambrose Bierce (The Devil's 

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/club/
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Re: [newbie] New silly Question. ;) Recommend good file manager?

2002-04-08 Per discussione Michael Scottaline

On Mon, 8 Apr 2002 18:51:31 -0600
Femme [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled intuitively:

I need a semi-decent one.  KDE uses Konqueror, and I tried GWC?... for 

I hated GWC *or whatever its called*.  Any ideas? :)

Right now I have the default SU FM and thats it in Enlightenment.

Have you tried Midnight Commander?  Vey similar to Norton commander in
that other world.  Type mc in a terminal and take a look.


The greatest thing you will ever learn is just to love...
...and be loved in return.
  --Nature Boy

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Re: [newbie] New silly Question. ;) Recommend good file manager?

2002-04-08 Per discussione Femme

On Monday 08 April 2002 07:01 pm, you wrote:
 On Mon, 8 Apr 2002 18:51:31 -0600

 Femme [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled intuitively:
 I need a semi-decent one.  KDE uses Konqueror, and I tried GWC?... for
 I hated GWC *or whatever its called*.  Any ideas? :)
 Right now I have the default SU FM and thats it in Enlightenment.

 Have you tried Midnight Commander?  Vey similar to Norton commander in
 that other world.  Type mc in a terminal and take a look.


Yes I have.  Nice but I wanted something for the GUI too when I'm trying to 
do a few things @ once  can't bother with a CLI.

Thx though ;)

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Re: [newbie] New silly Question. ;) Recommend good file manager?

2002-04-08 Per discussione James Thomas

Nautilus in Gnome isn't bad, it's just resource intensive and full of a lot 
of fluff you don't need - just use the options to disable it and you'll find 
it's not bad at all.


I need a semi-decent one.  KDE uses Konqueror, and I tried GWC?... for

I hated GWC *or whatever its called*.  Any ideas? :)

Right now I have the default SU FM and thats it in Enlightenment.


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Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Kmail Question

2002-04-08 Per discussione Femme

Is there a way to reply-to the person this question was sent to?  IE, in 
the To: field is the newbie list address, I want to reply to that address 
when I hit the Reply: Button in Kmail.

I hope that makes sense.

It seems not to work, where in Netscape mail it does?


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Re: [newbie] New silly Question. ;) Recommend good file manager?

2002-04-08 Per discussione Jon Doe

how about filerunner?
Not sure if its on the mandrake CD's or not. I am using SuSE right now, just type fr 
in a console and you'll know if its in there!

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Re: [newbie] Organizer

2002-04-08 Per discussione Terry Smith

Evolution does it all for me. Ximian is pushing out v. 1.0.3 currently
(I'm not sure what v. 8.2 has). 

Terry Smith
Cape Cod USA

On Mon, 2002-04-08 at 12:56, Gary Montalbine wrote:
 Can anyone recommend a simple organizer that has a date and to do 
 list and a telephone list. Korganizer does not have a telephone 
 capability that I can find.

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Re: [newbie] Kmail Question

2002-04-08 Per discussione Pascal Goguey


On Monday 08 April 2002 16:11, you wrote:
 Is there a way to reply-to the person this question was sent to?

In the present case, the person the question was sent to is the list,
right? By default, kmail replies to the list when pressing the reply

IE, in the To: field is the newbie list address, I want to reply to
 that address

I don't get it. The reply button replies to the list, without changing
any setting.
By the way, with a single click on the address, you can get a mail
editor window set up to the address you want to write to. But the
subject is not set up and the body is empty

 when I hit the Reply: Button in Kmail.

 I hope that makes sense.

 It seems not to work, where in Netscape mail it does?


But there is something strange in the addresses display.
For instance, if somebody writes to me, in his message's
header, there is my address in the To field. But kmail

[Subject] (in large bold characters)

This doesn't seem too logical.


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Re: [newbie] Kmail Question

2002-04-08 Per discussione Bill Davidson

If I understand your question, you want to reply to the list rather than 
just the person who sent the email. You can hit the 'Reply All' button. 
Although this replies to the list and the person. Don't know if you can 
just reply to just the list.


On Monday 08 April 2002 09:11 pm, Femme wrote:
 Is there a way to reply-to the person this question was sent to?  IE,
 in the To: field is the newbie list address, I want to reply to that
 address when I hit the Reply: Button in Kmail.

 I hope that makes sense.

 It seems not to work, where in Netscape mail it does?


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Re: [newbie] 8.2 Installer Keyboard Problems

2002-04-08 Per discussione Dan Lueders

actually yeah i think it is

 On Sun, 2002-04-07 at 09:31, SleepyFolkz wrote:
  I was recently trying to install 8.2 on a friends computer.  She has a
  half year old dell with a black keyboard.  The keyboard stops working as
  soon as the Installer is Loaded.  Does anyone know why or how I can fix
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

 Is it one of those Internet keyboards?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] New silly Question. ;) Recommend good file manager?

2002-04-08 Per discussione Jose Mirles

On Mon, 2002-04-08 at 21:09, James Thomas wrote:
 Nautilus in Gnome isn't bad, it's just resource intensive and full of a lot 
 of fluff you don't need - just use the options to disable it and you'll find 
 it's not bad at all.
 I need a semi-decent one.  KDE uses Konqueror, and I tried GWC?... for
 I hated GWC *or whatever its called*.  Any ideas? :)
 Right now I have the default SU FM and thats it in Enlightenment.

KDE has Krusader which is a Norton Commander clone and for generic X
Windows, try XWC. It's a lot like windows explorer, but better.

The box said Windows 2000 or higher required, so I used Mandrake

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Re: [newbie] Kmail Question

2002-04-08 Per discussione shane

if i understand you, try right clicking on the adress you want.  has a few 

also, i think you will find that when it doesn't work, is when the sender 
has a reply to: field filled in.

On Tuesday 09 April 2002 09:11, Femme opened a general hailing frequency and 
transmitted to all open stations:

 Is there a way to reply-to the person this question was sent to?  IE,
 in the To: field is the newbie list address, I want to reply to that
 address when I hit the Reply: Button in Kmail.

 I hope that makes sense.

 It seems not to work, where in Netscape mail it does?


My job is bring comfort to the disturbed, and disturb the comfortable.

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/club/
Registered linux user #101606  http://counter.li.org/

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Memory test.

2002-04-08 Per discussione Carlos Arigós

El Lun 08 Abr 2002 20:03, escribió:
 Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
 How do you run the memory test that comes with the CDs? Could not
 install more than a minimal LM 8.2. No qui.
 Start with a formatted floppy and CD1 in their respective drives and a
 console su'ed to root.

 dd if=/mnt/cdrom/images/memtest-x86.bin  of=/dev/fd0

 Remove the CD, leave in the floppy, and reboot


Hola, Civileme. Instead of memtest, I have installed memtest86, and (after a 
supasslilo) it's addded to lilo's menu, and I don't need to bother with 
diskettes failures and all that stuff.

So, my question is: are memtest and memtest86 differents solutions to the 
same problem, or, give both the same results?


Carlos Arigós
Concordia, Entre Ríos, Argentina
Linux MDK 8.2
10:45pm up 2 min, 2 users, load average: 0.92, 0.36, 0.13

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[newbie] Planning server build

2002-04-08 Per discussione Wally

Hi Folks.

Firstly, thanks to those who advised on using NetBEUI. I wasn't looking to
share the CM, just see the desktop's hard disk. Anyway, the goalposts have
shifted and my server build has commenced. I'm at the stage of putting the
hardware together and would appreciate comments on my game plan as it stands
thus far.

Partitions: The disk is 40gig and the motherboard can take 2gig of ram in
total (starting at 256meg). Is a partition split of 8/2/30
(system/swap/data) about right as a fairly future-proof proposition
(Mandrake 8.1)? Although my intention is still to work mostly at the command
line (and via webmin), this box will be fast enough to do gui and I'll
probably want to try the gui options at some point.

The main features of the eventual system are something like...

File server to windows and linux clients on LAN.
Internet gateway via cable modem.
Print server.
Web server.
Remote login and access to user data.

Some questions...

File service to Win clients by Samba, yes? How about to the laptop when it's
running linux? Do I mount a network drive or something?

The cable modem will be accommodated using a second LAN card in the server.
How do I get it to sort out an IP/lease with the CM company? Tell it to use
DHCP in the network/NIC setup in linuxconf? How do I set up the gateway for
the LAN? (Is it a config thing, or do I need to install a prog?)

Is there a built in firewall? If not, what's on the MD CDs that I should I
use? Can I install/config the firewall before moving the CM to the server?
Will the firewall prompt for approval when a Win prog wants to access the
net for the first time, or do I have to config each thing manually?

What's the scoop with setting up a print server? What do I have to install?

Web server is, I assume, Apache. Is the CGI back-endy stuff part of the
standard install? What do I need to be able to generate and send forms-based

What ways are there to handle remote access? I'd like the data partition to
appear in Network Wossname in Windows Explorer - the more draggy-droppy, the
better. It has to be based on a user account on the server - I'm not into,
say, an FTP server that requires separate account setup. Will Samba do this
over the CM? How about doing this over a direct dial-up to my server, rather
than via the internet?



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[newbie] subscribed milis

2002-04-08 Per discussione Mhd prastio

hello, i'm a new member
please give me for acses milis

Re: [newbie] Problems loading modules

2002-04-08 Per discussione Lisa Evans

On Mon, 2002-04-08 at 14:18, civileme wrote:

 8139too is compiled into the kernel as a module--you should not have 
 needed it at all...  

OK, Mandrake 8.2 does not recognise my NIC, which is a Surecom
EP-320X-R. It lists it as an unkown PCI device in the control centre. A
driver (fealnx.c) was included with it on a floppy, but it seems really
old and doesn't compile at all for me. I've read that this card doesn't
work particularly well with 8139too, so I would have preferred to be
able to use the rtl8139 driver because I've read that has better
results. I just have no idea how to do this, really, because I've been
using Linux since RedHat 5.2 but I've never tried networking with
another computer before, and being in Australia I have a dialup
connection, as most people here still do (stupid 3GB/month download
caps, etc. whine whine).

Any tips about setting this up?

 I would say save your data and do a fresh install, then

Is this problem really likely to be from doing an upgrade? Most things
seem to be running fine, and I'm pretty much out of disk space on my
other partitions, and I don't have my cd burner working under linux
yet It's not impossible for me to back up my data but I'd rather not
have to if I can avoid it.

 chkconfig --del alsa
 and edit /etc/modules.conf
 to plug in the OSS driver for your sound card.  (Look in 
 alias sound (modulename without the .o)

I wanted to replace the OSS driver with the ALSA driver, not the other
way around. I've done this before, and the ALSA howto is very nice... my
only problem is the unresolved symbols errors when I try to insmod the
driver module. Is there a simple way of fixing this?

Thanks for your help so far :)

Lisa Evans

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Re: [newbie] KDE3.0

2002-04-08 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Sunday 07 April 2002 07:20 am, you wrote:
 On Sunday 07 April 2002 14:01, shane opened a general hailing frequency and

 transmitted to all open stations:
  ok stupid question maybe, but having just done the above, how do i et
  back to 2.2.2 if i want i only have one entry for kde when i log in and
  it gives me 3.

 ok, having read my own question, i realized i didn't ask what i ment to.
 chalk it up to a bad day with a 3 year old...

 what i mean is, if i wanted to reinstall 2.2.2 or install 3 on another
 system in addition rather than bt upgrade, will the login manager have 2
 kde choices autoatically or do i need to do something special?

Shane, on another list I found that someone advised comment out the
export PATH= BLAH BLAHfrom  /etc/profile.d/kde3.sh  This stops the KDE3 
bin from being the default.   That was a paraphrase sorta.  Anyway I 
commented the line as told and then rebooted and when lilo came up I hit the 
drop down for the list of WMs and sure enough there was KDE and KDE3.  Seems 
to have worked. Both KDEs are available. HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] subscribed milis

2002-04-08 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Monday 08 April 2002 10:51 pm, you wrote:
 hello, i'm a new member
 please give me for acses milis
You can subscribe here if you have not already: 
welcome to the list.   

Dennis M. linux user #180842

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[newbie] KDE 3.0

2002-04-08 Per discussione Brian York

Has anyone installed KDE 3.0 on Mandrake 8.2 and gotten KDE 3 to work.
If so what RPMs did you install? I installed all of the RPMs under the
RPM dir of Mandrake on the KDE ftp site.


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Re: [newbie] New silly Question. ;) Recommend good file manager?

2002-04-08 Per discussione Ralph Slooten

I use XWC , although it's seems to have stopped development, I still think 
it's great! It should be on cd 3 if I remember correctly.

Nautilus looks good, but if far to heavy in my opinion. That actually 
countsfor Gnome too. That's why I switched to Fluxbox. Actually, the whole 
fluxbox uses as much memory as just the panel in Gnome :-)

On Mon, 8 Apr 2002, James Thomas wrote:

 Nautilus in Gnome isn't bad, it's just resource intensive and full of a lot 
 of fluff you don't need - just use the options to disable it and you'll find 
 it's not bad at all.
 I need a semi-decent one.  KDE uses Konqueror, and I tried GWC?... for
 I hated GWC *or whatever its called*.  Any ideas? :)
 Right now I have the default SU FM and thats it in Enlightenment.
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Re: [newbie] KDE 3.0

2002-04-08 Per discussione James Thomas

Mine works fine, I did the same thing. I am writing this in fact using 
Konqueror for KDE 3.0. If you download all your RPMs to the same directory 
(and no other rpms are in there - not sure if that part matters but it's how 
I did it), then you can just do: urpmi ./* and it will ask for Disk 1 to 
install a few RPMs when it needs it (I don't remember the exact RPM names).

KDE3.0 is pretty neat, faster than 2.2 so I've switched from Gnome to it for 
now (gotta wait for Gnome 2.0 to see if it stays better).


Has anyone installed KDE 3.0 on Mandrake 8.2 and gotten KDE 3 to work.
If so what RPMs did you install? I installed all of the RPMs under the
RPM dir of Mandrake on the KDE ftp site.


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Re: [newbie] New silly Question. ;) Recommend good file manager?

2002-04-08 Per discussione civileme

Femme wrote:

I need a semi-decent one.  KDE uses Konqueror, and I tried GWC?... for 

I hated GWC *or whatever its called*.  Any ideas? :)

Right now I have the default SU FM and thats it in Enlightenment.


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in 8.2 there is sfm on the install CDs--it is simple and fast..

The default one supplied with xfce also works in other environments and 
is again pretty fast.


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