Re: [newbie-it] Permessi cd cd-R floppy

2002-04-10 Per discussione Germano

Devi cambiare i permessi ai file tipo /dev/dispositivo scsi o 
/mnt/dispositivo scsi oppure direttamente in fstab ma visto che il problema 
è anche per root è più probabile che tu debba cambiargli i permessi (solo a 
lui, per gli utenti normali fallo da fstab).

Ciao, Germano

Il 19:28, martedì 09 aprile 2002, tom hai scritto:
 Cosa stranissima...non ho piu il permesso per i dispositivi su detti
 Ho emulato il cd in scsi...e dopo questa operazione non riesco piu ad
 utilizzarli!!neanche se al login mi connetto da root!
 in /mnt tutte e tre le dir sono con il lukettone (anche come root)
 Che mi consigliate di fare???
 Non mi dite di andare a Lourdes xke sotto consiglio di Luigi ho gia
 prenotato il bilgietto.

 Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] problemi winmodem lucent

2002-04-10 Per discussione blackice


 1)Che cosa ti dice kppp quando si blocca?

Nulla, resta la scritta inizializzazione del modem però sembra come 
se fosse in pausa.
 2)hai controllato che /dev/modem punti alla cosa giusta?

Si, se ti riferisci a /dev/ttyS0

 3) In uno dei menu' di kppp c'e' interroga modem: che ti dice?

Mi dice che il modem è stato rilevato. Viene visualizzata la barra 
progressiva che indica AT1, AT2, ecc, ed infine visualizza una una 
finestra con questi AT*. Però le stringhe riportate sono vuote.

Re: [newbie-it] partizionare il disco fat

2002-04-10 Per discussione max

Il 10:25, martedì 9 aprile 2002, hai scritto:
 Hash: SHA1

 Il 13:50, martedì 9 aprile 2002, in merito a Re: [newbie-it] partizionare 
il disco fat, tom ha scritto:
  Alle 19:38, domenica 7 aprile 2002, Mauro Baroli ha scritto:
   Esiste un piccolo programma che si chiama FIPS e che funziona sotto
   DOS. P...


  Qualcuno sa se c'è FIPS (o rpm alternativo) nei cd della MDK8.2?
  ho cercato ma non l'ho trovatomagari è identificato con qualche

 con mandrake hai diskdrake,
 oltre a fips è grafico e ti permette di ridimensionare partizioni vfat
 semplicemente (previa il solito scandisk + disattivazione file di scambio
 +reboot + defrag  sotto win$  !!!)



C'è una minidistribuzione che contiene una serie di tool utilissimi per la 
manutenzione e/o il recupero di un sistema: lnx-bbc.
Nel tuo caso (partizione fat) ti basta operare da Mandrake ma se in futuro 
volessi mettere le mani anche sulle altre partizioni (non devono essere 
montate) lnx-bbc ti potrebbe far comodo.
Per quanto riguarda il partizionamento contiene:
gpart (recupera le partizioni con l'mbr andato)

Io sono riuscito a clonare tutti i dati (vfat ed ext2) da un disco difettoso 
ad un'altro ed in seguito a recuperare la tabella delle partizioni.



/v\  Max
  /(   )\   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  ^^ ^^

Re: [newbie-it] unsubscrive

2002-04-10 Per discussione Loredana

 --- mauroeugenio [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha
scritto:  On Tue, 9 Apr 2002 10:30:53 +0200 (CEST),
  --- mauroeugenio [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha
 scritto:  On Sun, 7 Apr 2002 23:54:45 +0200,
 Per rimuovere l'iscrizione dalla lista invia una
 grazie dell'interessamento, ma perche' l'hai
 mandata a me ? 
 non sono io quello che voleva cancellarsi ;)

Lo so  lo so ...
è che non mi sono accorta che, premendo Rispondi , nel
tuo caso la risposta sarebbe stata inviata al tuo
indirizzo e-mail personale e non alla mailing-list
come accade per la maggior parte delle perasone della

Scusami non sono molto pratica.

Spero che questa volta l'e-mail giunga nel luogo

(Non vedo più tentativi di questo Daniele Micci: ce
l'avrà fatta anche senza il mio aiuto)


Iscriviti al Club Nokia, è gratis!

[newbie-it] problemi d'avvio con la 8.2

2002-04-10 Per discussione gigi pinna

ciao a tutti nel weekend ho installato la 8.2 e subito mi si è dimostrato ostile...
in pratica la nuova versione del boot non mi permette di vedere quel che viene
attivato al boot. questo non crea problemi ma quando cerco di fare il reboot o l'halt
avvio di killall [FALLITO]
e mi si pianta il computer senza dare l'effettivo stop all devices.
risultato a ogni boot mi dice che il sistema non è stato chiuso correttamente e fa il
check filesystem.
qualcuno è in grado di aiutarmi a risolvere il problema?
grazie a tutti
E-mail senza paura dei virus: view it easy con

Re: [newbie-it] unsubscrive

2002-04-10 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Il giorno 12:25, mercoledì 10 aprile 2002 hai scritto:
 Lo so  lo so ...
 è che non mi sono accorta che, premendo Rispondi , nel
 tuo caso la risposta sarebbe stata inviata al tuo
 indirizzo e-mail personale e non alla mailing-list
 come accade per la maggior parte delle perasone della

 Scusami non sono molto pratica.

 Spero che questa volta l'e-mail giunga nel luogo

 (Non vedo più tentativi di questo Daniele Micci: ce
 l'avrà fatta anche senza il mio aiuto)


E' vero, non sei pratica. Infatti non ero io a tentare di eliminare la mia 
iscrizione alla mailing list... ;)


[newbie-it] problemi di mont con mdk8.1 aiuto

2002-04-10 Per discussione Andrea Giannini

salve a tutti, ho mandrake 
8.1, non riesco a montare ne floppy ne cd, in uscita mi 
can't find mount.on 
etc\fstab o etc\mtab, oltre a questo mi vede il drive della stampante (lexmark 
3200) ma non la installa corretttamente in fase di prova mi va in blocco grazie 
in anticipo e alla prossima mail

[newbie-it] Mandrake Linux è salva!

2002-04-10 Per discussione legion

La crisi della Mandrake Linux sembra essere passata. Grazie ad una serie di donazioni 
volontarie (più di 3500) i profitti della società distributrice del sistema open 
source sono tornati in positivo dopo quattro anni di agonia. Soltanto il Mandrake User 
Club, dalla sua fondazione (Novembre 2001), è riuscito a raccogliere 440.000 euro.
È imminente da parte della Mandrake una pubblicazione ufficiale di ringraziamento a 
tutti i sostenitori. La società francese, però, non si dichiara ancora uscita dai 
problemi finanziari, nonostante i debiti siano stati interamente coperti.

Per approfondire

[newbie-it] file audio .vqf

2002-04-10 Per discussione Taschetta, M. - MXPCP

Cari tutti
ho finalmente installato XMMS con i vs suggerimenti! e cio' e' bellissimo...
Ora, vorrei ascoltare file in formato .vqf con xmms, ma credo di avere
bisogno del plugin del caso.
Qualche anima pia mi sa dire se esiste sto plugin e dove si puo'
eventualmente scaricare?
saludos a tutti e grazie

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Re: [newbie-it] problemi d'avvio con la 8.2

2002-04-10 Per discussione Andrea Celli

gigi pinna wrote:
 ciao a tutti nel weekend ho installato la 8.2 e subito mi si è dimostrato ostile...
 in pratica la nuova versione del boot non mi permette di vedere quel che viene
 attivato al boot.


ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Aiuto.....

2002-04-10 Per discussione Emiliano La Licata

At 22.22 09/04/2002 +0200, you wrote:
Hash: SHA1

Il 21:30, martedì 9 aprile 2002, in merito a [newbie-it] Aiuto.,
Emiliano La Licata ha scritto:
  At 19.35 09/04/2002 +0200, you wrote:
  Alle 13:29, martedì 9 aprile 2002, hai scritto:
  Dopo il primo boot e poi lilo su linux appare la schermata colorata con
  la stemma di Mandrake e mentre monta il tutto dice
  /dev/hda5 was not cleanely unmounted, check forced

uno spegnimento sporco,
dovuto ad un reset o a qualche problema di corrente ecc.
ha controllato l'integrità del filesystem per poi procedere normalmente

  poi dice tante altre cose che per via della velocità non sono riuscito
  a copiare

$cat /var/log/messages | less
$dmesg dmesg
e quindi lo leggi con calma (sempre con cat ..|less o con qualsiasi

 e poi mi ritrovo con lo schermo nero, il pinguino e in
  modalità terminale, nella quale si chiede il localhost e la password...

in fase di installazione dovresti avere definito almeno due utenti
root, con il quale ti loggherai il meno possibile e che userai per le
operazioni sul sistema
ed un user generico

entra con la coppia username password che hai definito

quindi se hai installato un ambiente grafico (wmaker, gnome, kde, ecc)
digita startx per avviare il server grafico ed il desktop manager di
(tutte cose che in fase di installazione dovresti aver configurato)

Ciao a tutti,
dopo il comando startx parte KDE e tutto funziona bene.
Quando do logout invece di passare alla schermata con l'utente e la scelta 
dell'ambiente passa di nuovo alla linea di comando!

Come si fa dalla linea di comando a scegliere l'ambiente grafico  (KDE, 
Gnome etc.) da far partire?

C'è un modo per passare da un ambiente grafico all'altro senza passare da 

E soprattutto c'è un modo per rimettere tutto a posto?

Grazie a tutti

Re: [newbie-it] problemi winmodem lucent

2002-04-10 Per discussione Luigi De Pascale

On Wed, 10 Apr 2002, blackice wrote:

  1)Che cosa ti dice kppp quando si blocca?
 Nulla, resta la scritta inizializzazione del modem però sembra come 
 se fosse in pausa.
  2)hai controllato che /dev/modem punti alla cosa giusta?
 Si, se ti riferisci a /dev/ttyS0
  3) In uno dei menu' di kppp c'e' interroga modem: che ti dice?
 Mi dice che il modem è stato rilevato. Viene visualizzata la barra 
 progressiva che indica AT1, AT2, ecc, ed infine visualizza una una 
 finestra con questi AT*. Però le stringhe riportate sono vuote.

Ok allora con 2 ti ho fatto la domanda giusta.
il problema e che /dev/modem punta nel posto sbagliato.
Da cui seguono le risposte alle domande 1 e 3.

Se ti colleghi al sito da cui si scaricano i driver 
trovi un file readme (nella sezione di mandrake 8.1).
che ti spiega che cosa succede (c'e' un interferenza nella creazione dei 
device! qualunque cosa cio' significhi) e ti spiega come si mette a posto 
la cosa.
Fammi sapere se va bene.

Not all who wander are lost

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U.Dini
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY  
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

Re: [newbie-it] Aiuto.....

2002-04-10 Per discussione Marco Forti

 Come si fa dalla linea di comando a scegliere l'ambiente grafico  (KDE
 Gnome etc.) da far partire?

Con Mandrake, se vuoi far partire gnome, penso basti: startx GNOME 

 E soprattutto c'è un modo per rimettere tutto a posto?

Se intendi far partire subito l'ambiente grafico all'accensione, la 
procedura più semplice è questa:
al prompt digita startx ed entra in KDE.
Poi entra in Mandrake Control Center e clicca su Avvio e poi su 
configurazione di avvio (vado a memoria mi pare si chiami così) 
dovresti trovare un pulsantino da attivare per l'avvio con sistema 
grafico. Al successivo riavvio partirà direttamente il server X.



[newbie-it] Deframmentazione

2002-04-10 Per discussione Cristiano Calvi

Ciao a tutti, penso sia nota la necessita' di effettuare periodicamente
sotto windows la deframmentazione del disco fisso per i motivi che tutti
conosciamo. La mia domanda era questa: il file sistem di Linux si comporta
allo stesso modo? C'e' la necesstita' di deframmentare le varie partizioni e
se si' con quale programma?

Grazie a tutti e scusate se la domanda e' banale...

Re: [newbie-it] Deframmentazione

2002-04-10 Per discussione Brunini Alessandro

 C'e' la necesstita' di deframmentare le varie partizioni e
 se si' con quale programma?

No, non ce n'è bisogno (e con ext3 ce ne è ancora meno)...
A meno che tu non disponga di un server High-end...

Cmq prova a cercare su freshmeat. Però il risultato a vaolte può essere
disastroso se in mani inesperte.

Un saluto.

Re: [newbie-it] unsubscrive

2002-04-10 Per discussione Loredana

 --- Daniele Micci [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: 
Il giorno 12:25, mercoledì 10 aprile 2002 hai
  Lo so  lo so ...
  è che non mi sono accorta che, premendo Rispondi ,
  tuo caso la risposta sarebbe stata inviata al tuo
  indirizzo e-mail personale e non alla mailing-list
  come accade per la maggior parte delle perasone
  Scusami non sono molto pratica.
  Spero che questa volta l'e-mail giunga nel luogo
  (Non vedo più tentativi di questo Daniele Micci:
  l'avrà fatta anche senza il mio aiuto)
 E' vero, non sei pratica. Infatti non ero io a
 tentare di eliminare la mia 
 iscrizione alla mailing list... ;)

Scusami, nulla di personale, è che.
non sono pratica...

A presto,


Iscriviti al Club Nokia, è gratis!

Re: [newbie-it] ICQ

2002-04-10 Per discussione Pollo

Il ven, 2002-04-05 alle 10:56, Sergio ha scritto:
 In effetti purtroppo il Licq non funziona piu' bene da quando quelli dell'icq 
 originale hanno cambiato le cose. Ora io uso con successo gnomeicq, che 
 comunica perfettamente anche con icq2002a.
 On Thursday 07 March 2002 11:44, you wrote:
  Ho provato ad aggiornare LICQ alla 1.1 ma dopo aver aggiornato anche le Qt
  mi dice che Licq richiede alcune librerie ( tra cui le mentre
  io ho le, da cui dipendono a loro volta una miriade di
  programmi importanti.
  Ora, premesso che più di tanto non me ne frega di LICQ, cosa dovrei fare:
  forzare l'upgrading oppure farmi gli affaracci miei?
  Ciao, Germano
  Il 21:22, mercoledì 06 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
   Alle 11:31, mercoledì 6 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
Io ho sia LICQ 1.04 (compilata) che la precedente ( con rpm) e anch'io
ho alcuni problemi sia quando spedisco messaggi ( non sempre arrivano )
che ad inviare files ( ma non a riceverli).
Può darsi che alcuni problemi derivino dal fatto che posso ricevere
connessioni dirette.
La cosa strana ( penso ) è che, essendo dietro un firewall, dovrei
essere io ad avere problemi nel ricevere e non chi riceve i miei files.
Ciao, Germano
Il 00:49, mercoledì 06 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
 Il mer, 2002-03-06 alle 00:21, Vittorio ha scritto:
  Sisi.. anche su win.. e da lì non è mai un problema (o quasi) (ma
  molto meno spesso)

 Bè, a questo punto vorrei sapere se qualcuno ha evidenziato problemi
 simili; comunque che versione hai installato?

   Ciao! con licq ci sono dei problemi da quando alla mirabilis hanno deciso
   di cambiare il protocollo (spero di non dire una idiozia). Qualunque sia
   il problema, licq 1.04 non funziona bene. Devi scaricare la versione 1.1.
   io l'ho trovata in rpm (non ricordo se su o su Molte cose non funzionano neanche con quella come
   consentire alla gente di aggiungerti alla contact list ecc... ma almeno
   riesci a comunicare! spero di esserti stato un po' utile!
   Ciao, Beppe

Mi sapresti spiegare come faccio a sapere se sono stato autorizzato da
un amico; inoltre come faccio a capire quando mi arriva un messaggio?

Grazie e scusa per la completa mia ignoranza. Pollo.

[newbie-it] unsubscrive

2002-04-10 Per discussione Laura ^.*

Re: [newbie-it] Aiuto.....

2002-04-10 Per discussione miKe

Hash: SHA1

Il 16:31, mercoledì 10 aprile 2002, in merito a Re: [newbie-it] 
Aiuto., Marco Forti ha scritto:
  Come si fa dalla linea di comando a scegliere l'ambiente grafico 

 Se intendi far partire subito l'ambiente grafico all'accensione, la 
 procedura più semplice è questa:
 al prompt digita startx ed entra in KDE.

oppure, molto meglio e slegato dal WM

modifica /etc/inittab 
sostituendo 3 con 5 nella linea initdefault 

quindi #init5 e trovi quello che ti si ripresenterà al prossimo reboot


Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.18  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
- --
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] file audio .vqf

2002-04-10 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Il giorno 14:58, mercoledì 10 aprile 2002 hai scritto:
 Cari tutti
 ho finalmente installato XMMS con i vs suggerimenti! e cio' e'
 bellissimo... Ora, vorrei ascoltare file in formato .vqf con xmms, ma credo
 di avere bisogno del plugin del caso.
 Qualche anima pia mi sa dire se esiste sto plugin e dove si puo'
 eventualmente scaricare?
 saludos a tutti e grazie

Stai cercando questo?



Re: [newbie-it] unsubscrive

2002-04-10 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Il giorno 17:25, mercoledì 10 aprile 2002 hai scritto:

 Scusami, nulla di personale, è che.
 non sono pratica...

 A presto,

Prego, figurati.
Non c'è motivo per scusarsi: non mi hai mica offeso! ;)


Re: [newbie-it] partizionare il disco fat

2002-04-10 Per discussione tom

Alle 18:25, mercoledì 10 aprile 2002, max ha scritto:

 C'è una minidistribuzione che contiene una serie di tool utilissimi per la
 manutenzione e/o il recupero di un sistema: lnx-bbc.
 Nel tuo caso (partizione fat) ti basta operare da Mandrake ma se in futuro
 volessi mettere le mani anche sulle altre partizioni (non devono essere
 montate) lnx-bbc ti potrebbe far comodo.
 Per quanto riguarda il partizionamento contiene:
 gpart (recupera le partizioni con l'mbr andato)

 Io sono riuscito a clonare tutti i dati (vfat ed ext2) da un disco
 difettoso ad un'altro ed in seguito a recuperare la tabella delle



Grazie..visto che faccio danni inimmaginabili.questo mi potra' 
tornale utile!
ma vi chiedo una cosa, come lo ri dimensiono il disco fat?
in discdrake non ho l'opzione ridimensiona come c'è nel esempio del manuale 

Ciao , Tom

[newbie-it] nome machina

2002-04-10 Per discussione tom

Come lo cambio il nome della macchina?

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] nome macchina

2002-04-10 Per discussione tom

Alle 23:58, mercoledì 10 aprile 2002, hai scritto:
 Come lo cambio il nome della macchina?

 Ciao , Tom
scusate per l'errore nell'oggetto

Re: [newbie-it] Installazione di KDE 3

2002-04-10 Per discussione Marco Forti

Alle 17:42, martedì 9 aprile 2002, hai scritto:
 Ciao a tutti,
 ho letto ke alcuni di voi hanno installato il kde 3, innanzitutto vorrei 
 kiedervi come lo trovate sia dal punto di vista grafico ke prestazionale?
 Ma vi siete installati ad uno ad uno i pacchetti manualmente?
 Io ho provato ad inserire l'indirizzo url nell'aggiornameto del mdk ma mi 
 diche ke è impossibile aggiungere la fonte, come posso fare per 
 il + possibile l'installazione? 
 Aspetto consigli, altrimenti vorrà dire ke fin quando aggiornerò tutti i 
 pacchetti singolarmente sara uscita la mdk 9!!!

se vuoi evitare di pensare alle dipendenze fai così:
scarica tutti i file in una cartella (ammettiamo per esempio che sia 
poi riavvia in modalità solo testo (init 3 per intenderci - il server X non 
deve partire) e, da root digita:

cd /home/pippo/kde3 (per spostarti nella cartella in cui hai tutti i file RPM 
di kde3 appena scaricati)

urpmi *.rpm
a questo punto ti verrà chiesto se vuoi che urpmi si occupi delle dipendenze 
(rispondi S) e segui le istruzioni... tutto qui



la mente è una cosa meravigliosa
tutti dovrebbero averne una !!!

KMail powered by Linux Mandrake 8.2

[newbie-it] Problemi con la rete

2002-04-10 Per discussione Luca

Ciao a tutti,
ho una piccola rete domestica composta da un server windows, 4 client win e 
uno linux, il problema sorge quando cerco di accedere ai dati interni della 
rete con linux che mi risponde dicendomi Impossibile trovare localhost!!!
Ho configurato il client samba mettendocci il mio nome utente e il mio gruppo 
ma nn cambia assolutamente nulla.
Il server lo uso anke per condividere la connessione in internet ma quì il 
lilo nn mi dà problemi, l'installazione della condivisione connessione l'ha 
fatta in modo del tutto automatico nell'installazione e funziona 
perfettamente, quindi, se riesce a vedere la rete nn capisco perchè nn mi 
faccia accedere ai dati in essa contenuti.
Ho provato anke, da una finestra di terminale ad usare il comando ping e 
funziona con tutti gli ip connessi in rete, quindi vede tutti i pc
Spero ke qualcuno abbia già risolto questo problema perchè io ho provato a 
cambiare la configurazione in un casino di modi ma senza ottenere alcun 
Vi ringrazio fin d'ora per i suggerimenti

[newbie-it] Problemi con la rete

2002-04-10 Per discussione Luca

Ciao a tutti,
ho una piccola rete domestica composta da un server windows, 4 client win e 
uno linux, il problema sorge quando cerco di accedere ai dati interni della 
rete con linux che mi risponde dicendomi Impossibile trovare localhost!!!
Ho configurato il client samba mettendocci il mio nome utente e il mio gruppo 
ma nn cambia assolutamente nulla.
Il server lo uso anke per condividere la connessione in internet ma quì il 
lilo nn mi dà problemi, l'installazione della condivisione connessione l'ha 
fatta in modo del tutto automatico nell'installazione e funziona 
perfettamente, quindi, se riesce a vedere la rete nn capisco perchè nn mi 
faccia accedere ai dati in essa contenuti.
Ho provato anke, da una finestra di terminale ad usare il comando ping e 
funziona con tutti gli ip connessi in rete, quindi vede tutti i pc
Spero ke qualcuno abbia già risolto questo problema perchè io ho provato a 
cambiare la configurazione in un casino di modi ma senza ottenere alcun 
Vi ringrazio fin d'ora per i suggerimenti

[newbie] enlightenment

2002-04-10 Per discussione - hybrid -

anyone got experience w/ enlightenment 0.17 ?

or what windowsmanager AND why especially that one do you prefer ?

 - keep the X in your system -

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Re: [newbie] Kmail Question

2002-04-10 Per discussione Femme

On Tuesday 09 April 2002 08:29 pm, you wrote:
 On Wednesday 10 April 2002 08:53, Femme opened a general hailing frequency

 and transmitted to all open stations:
  Thx, seems the right-click thing works for some ppl I try to respond to,
  and not others.

 agreed, do they perhaps have underscores or odd characters or maybe bad

I dont think so shane.  I don't understand it. :}



Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Redundant files. (long listing).

2002-04-10 Per discussione Seedkum Aladeem


To overcome LM 8.2 install problems I faced, I have had to perform a series 
of installs, upgrade installs and package upgrades. I ended up with some 
directories that had superfluous entries.

I have listed out the contents of lilo.conf and the contents of some 
directories. There is obvious redundant files but some are not so obvious to 
me. Can someone glance over them quickly and help me identify what files to 
delete please?

The file called kcore in the /proc listed below looks to me suspicous. Also 
some of the files in the /lib directory look redundant. Some of these files 
are not used by the lilo.conf file, also listed below.

I have also listed out the /etc directory contents. I think there may be at 
least one redundant file there.

Can someone help me identify the redundant files? You can reply directly to 
my email address and not the list.

The contens of the lilo.conf file is ar follows:
disk=/dev/hde bios=0x81
append=quiet devfs=mount
append=failsafe devfs=nomount

ls -l /proc
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 1/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 1006/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 1033/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 1105/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 12/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 1334/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 1421/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 1451/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 1732/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 1733/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 1734/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 1735/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 1740/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 1741/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 1742/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 1764/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 1804/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 1928/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 2/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 2027/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 2030/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 2033/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 2036/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 2045/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 2063/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 2082/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 2107/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 2109/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 2121/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 2123/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 2124/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 2126/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 2139/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 2143/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 2174/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 2186/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 2198/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 2213/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 222/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 2227/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 2229/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 2311/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 232/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 2365/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 2366/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 2369/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 2440/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 2461/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 2464/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 2503/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 2515/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 2516/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 2589/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 2592/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 2847/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 3/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 4/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 5/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 6/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 66/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 7/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 745/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 747/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 8/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 818/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 841/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 850/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 884/
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 980/
-r--r--r--  0 Apr  9 22:17 apm
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 bus/
-r--r--r--  0 Apr  9 22:17 cmdline
-r--r--r--  0 Apr  9 22:17 cpuinfo
-r--r--r--  0 Apr  9 22:17 devices
-r--r--r--  0 Apr  9 22:17 dma
dr-xr-xr-x  0 Apr  9 22:17 driver/
-r--r--r--  0 Apr  9 22:17 e820info
-r--r--r--  0 Apr  9 22:17 execdomains
-r--r--r--  0 Apr  9 22:17 fb
-r--r--r--  0 Apr  9 22:17 filesystems

[newbie] Software upgrade.

2002-04-10 Per discussione Seedkum Aladeem


I am trying to use the KDE software upgrade utility. I have the three CDs iso 
files in the /home directory and I am having a problem telling the software 
upgrade utility to use them as sources. Can someone please give me a hint? 

I have selected to use a local source in the popup New Source dialog box. 
What should I put in the other fields? It comes up with /export in the 
path field. What is that fore? I have no /export directory.



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[newbie] How to read and write to a Win XP partition

2002-04-10 Per discussione luca braglia

Hi All,

I have Window$ XP installed on sda1 and Mandrake 8.2 on sdb1
how can I mount manually the Window$ partition to enable
writing on the XP partition ?
I tried to mount the normal way but I can only read.
On the message log I get this :

Warning! NTFS volume version is Win2k+: Mounting read only

Thanks in advance


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Re: [newbie] Redundant files. (long listing).

2002-04-10 Per discussione Raffaele Belardi

lilo contains three different boot entries for the same kernel image. 
Two of them are normal (label=linux and label=failsafe) the third I 
don't know what it's for. Anyway, it doesn't look to me like you need to 
delete any file from that.

Don't bother about the /proc directory, it is not a 'real' directory in 
the sense that it does not reflect any disk content. It is a place where 
the kernel visualizes some of its internal varibables (current 
processes, devices, interrupts, even a memory image). When you browse 
that directory, you are not really browsing the disk, but the kernel 
data structures. You can also access (and modify) some of the kernel 
configuration variables from there. I guess kcore is the image of the 

/lib lookes fine. You have different versions of the same libraries, the 
same is on my system, I guess that normally applications just need to 
access to the latest library version, and they do so through a 'generic' 
named symlink, while other programs need a specific library version. But 
remember, when you see something like - ../usr/lib/* - ../usr/lib/* - ../usr/lib/* - ../usr/lib/* - ../usr/lib/* - ../usr/lib/* - ../usr/lib/* - ../usr/lib/*
you are not really seeing eight files, only _links_ to one file -- 
almost no disk space taken by these. I would not deletea anything from 
the /lib, you might discover one day one application does not work anymore.

/etc also looks fine.

In summary, I wouldn't touch anything...


 To overcome LM 8.2 install problems I faced, I have had to perform a series 
 of installs, upgrade installs and package upgrades. I ended up with some 
 directories that had superfluous entries.
 I have listed out the contents of lilo.conf and the contents of some 
 directories. There is obvious redundant files but some are not so obvious to 
 me. Can someone glance over them quickly and help me identify what files to 
 delete please?
 The file called kcore in the /proc listed below looks to me suspicous. Also 
 some of the files in the /lib directory look redundant. Some of these files 
 are not used by the lilo.conf file, also listed below.
 I have also listed out the /etc directory contents. I think there may be at 
 least one redundant file there.
 Can someone help me identify the redundant files? You can reply directly to 
 my email address and not the list.

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Re: [newbie] Software upgrade.

2002-04-10 Per discussione Raffaele Belardi

To access the iso images from the hard disk, you first need to mount them:

mkdir /cdrom
mount -t iso9660 -o ro,loop=/dev/loop /home/cd_iso_file /cdrom

After this, you should be able to browse with kpackage (or with anything 
else) into the iso's.

(see for example the CD-Writing HOWTO, chapter Testing the CD image)



 I am trying to use the KDE software upgrade utility. I have the three CDs iso 
 files in the /home directory and I am having a problem telling the software 
 upgrade utility to use them as sources. Can someone please give me a hint? 
 I have selected to use a local source in the popup New Source dialog box. 
 What should I put in the other fields? It comes up with /export in the 
 path field. What is that fore? I have no /export directory.

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Re: [newbie] Software upgrade.

2002-04-10 Per discussione Robin Turner

On Wednesday 10 April 2002 10:53, Seedkum Aladeem wrote:

 I am trying to use the KDE software upgrade utility. I have the
 three CDs iso files in the /home directory and I am having a
 problem telling the software upgrade utility to use them as
 sources. Can someone please give me a hint?

 I have selected to use a local source in the popup New Source
 dialog box. What should I put in the other fields? It comes up with
 /export in the path field. What is that fore? I have no
 /export directory.

/export is for NFS shares.  You don't want it for a local source, 
unless your box is a server, which it obviously isn't.  Just put the 
path to wherever you keep your packages, e.g. /home/seedkum/RPMS

Sir Robin

Bravo Epictetus! - Epictetus

Robin Turner
IDMYO, Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533

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AW: [newbie] How to read and write to a Win XP partition

2002-04-10 Per discussione - hybrid -

isn't it allready automounted in /dev/sda1 ?

or in /mnt/windows

my XP installation [while the X stands for cra] installed on hda was
automounted into /mnt/windows ...

and you could do

chmod -R a +rwx /dev/sda

i think that should let your read and write [and execute] your
window$partition w/ every user

 - keep the X in your system -

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Im Auftrag von luca braglia
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 10. April 2002 10:32
Betreff: [newbie] How to read and write to a Win XP partition

Hi All,

I have Window$ XP installed on sda1 and Mandrake 8.2 on sdb1 how can I
mount manually the Window$ partition to enable writing on the XP
partition ? I tried to mount the normal way but I can only read. On the
message log I get this :

Warning! NTFS volume version is Win2k+: Mounting read only

Thanks in advance


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[newbie] kmail hangs after upgrading system

2002-04-10 Per discussione arv


I have upgrade my system from Mandrake 8.0 to 8.1. Everything fine 
until I need to run Kmail. The system (through console)asks for 
a 'libmimelib.soXX' and I can`t find it (I've searched 
through /lib; /usr/lib; /usr/local/lib; /var/lib). Suggestions?

Thanks in advance


Pentium MMX
32Mb RAM

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[newbie] Mozilla won't run - diagnosis needed

2002-04-10 Per discussione Walter Logeman


I have just used-red carpet to upgrade a few new Mozilla related 
programs available through red-carpet.  

Red-carpet reported that all went ok - however Mozilla browser 
would not start after that.  I am not sure exactly what happened.  
I type Mozilla in the command line as user or root and it just goes 
back to the prompt - nothing.

I tried to reinstall what looked like a later Mozilla - but that 
could not happen because of dependencies.  I then tried to 
un-install some and that meant too many files would go with it.

I have kpackage which suggests that nothing new was installed at 
all giving the install date as a couple of months ago.

How does one tackle a situation like this?  In Windows I would 
delete and re-install (probably the whole OS occasionally.  

There must be a way to diagnose and fix in Linux - actually the 
delete and reinstall seems impossible anyway.

Any clues about anything here would be good as i am still new.

= My Machine =
Dell i8100 laptop
ATI Radeon 7500 Mobility
Mandrake 8.1
Linux 2.4.9-13smp i686 [ELF]
Upgraded to Xfree86 4.2.0


Walter Logeman

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RE: [newbie] How to read and write to a Win XP partition

2002-04-10 Per discussione arv

aybe try to change as root the file permissions of the /mnt/windows 
partition to 777 (chmod 777 /mnt/windows)

Hope this helps


- Mensaje Original -
Remitente: luca braglia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fecha: Miércoles, Abril 10, 2002 10:31 am
Asunto: [newbie] How to read and write to a Win XP partition

 Hi All,
 I have Window$ XP installed on sda1 and Mandrake 8.2 on sdb1
 how can I mount manually the Window$ partition to enable
 writing on the XP partition ?
 I tried to mount the normal way but I can only read.
 On the message log I get this :
 Warning! NTFS volume version is Win2k+: Mounting read only
 Thanks in advance

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[newbie] *Very* Tech Data On the Open Concept.

2002-04-10 Per discussione john rigby

Hi folks,
Found this material while researching the spam problem and it is amazing
data gathering on the reality of the Community-based Software
Development theme.
Civileme and Sridhar should like it, if not already into it!   :-)



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Re: [newbie] NVIDIA RPMs

2002-04-10 Per discussione Greg Smitih

Below is the /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file.

The output from the locate NVdriver is as follows:

# File generated by XFdrake.

# **
# Refer to the XF86Config(4/5) man page for details about the format of
# this file.
# **

Section Files

RgbPath /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb

# Multiple FontPath entries are allowed (they are concatenated together)
# By default, Mandrake 6.0 and later now use a font server independent of
# the X server to render fonts.

FontPath   unix/:-1


# **
# Server flags section.
# **

Section ServerFlags

# Uncomment this to cause a core dump at the spot where a signal is
# received.  This may leave the console in an unusable state, but may
# provide a better stack trace in the core dump to aid in debugging

# Uncomment this to disable the CrtlAltBS server abort sequence
# This allows clients to receive this key event.

# Uncomment this to disable the CrtlAltKP_+/KP_- mode switching
# sequences.  This allows clients to receive these key events.

# This  allows  the  server  to start up even if the
# mouse device can't be opened/initialised.


# **
# Input devices
# **

# **
# Keyboard section
# **

Section InputDevice

Identifier Keyboard1
Driver  Keyboard
Option AutoRepeat  250 30

Option XkbRules xfree86
Option XkbModel pc105
Option XkbLayout us


# **
# Pointer section
# **

Section InputDevice

Identifier  Mouse1
Driver  mouse
Option ProtocolIMPS/2
Option Device  /dev/usbmouse
Option ZAxisMapping 4 5
#Option Emulate3Buttons
#Option Emulate3Timeout50

# ChordMiddle is an option for some 3-button Logitech mice

#Option ChordMiddle


Section Module

# This loads the DBE extension module.

# This loads the Video for Linux module.

# This loads the miscellaneous extensions module, and disables
# initialisation of the XFree86-DGA extension within that module.

SubSection  extmod
#Option omit xfree86-dga

# This loads the Type1 and FreeType font modules


# **
# Monitor section
# **

# Any number of monitor sections may be present

Section Monitor
Identifier monitor1
VendorName Unknown
ModelName  Unknown

# HorizSync is in kHz unless units are specified.
# HorizSync may be a comma separated list of discrete values, or a
# comma separated list of ranges of values.
HorizSync  30-72

# VertRefresh is in Hz unless units are specified.
# VertRefresh may be a comma separated list of discrete values, or a
# comma separated list of ranges of values.
VertRefresh 50-160

# This is a set of extended mode timings typically used for laptop,
# TV fullscreen mode or DVD fullscreen output.
# These are available along with standard mode timings.

# Sony Vaio C1(X,XS,VE,VN)?
# 1024x480  85.6 Hz, 48 kHz hsync
ModeLine 1024x48065.00 1024 1032 1176 1344   480  488  494  563 -hsync 

# 768x576  79 Hz, 50 kHz hsync
ModeLine 768x576 50.00  768  832  846 1000   576  590  595  630
# 768x576  100 Hz, 61.6 kHz hsync
ModeLine 768x576 63.07  768  800  960 1024   576  578  590  616


# **
# Graphics device section
# **

Section Device
Identifier Generic VGA
Driver vga

Section Device
Identifier  NVIDIA GeForce2 DDR (generic)
VendorName  Unknown
BoardName   Unknown
Driver  nv
# Clock lines

# Uncomment following option if you see a big white block
# instead of the cursor!  

Re: [newbie] How to read and write to a Win XP partition

2002-04-10 Per discussione Greg Smitih

Sorry for butting in here, but I was wondering how you get your XP partition 
to mount automatically.  I have to manually mount it every time I start up 

On Wednesday 10 April 2002 04:49 am, you wrote:
 aybe try to change as root the file permissions of the /mnt/windows
 partition to 777 (chmod 777 /mnt/windows)

 Hope this helps


 - Mensaje Original -
 Remitente: luca braglia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Fecha: Miércoles, Abril 10, 2002 10:31 am
 Asunto: [newbie] How to read and write to a Win XP partition

  Hi All,
  I have Window$ XP installed on sda1 and Mandrake 8.2 on sdb1
  how can I mount manually the Window$ partition to enable
  writing on the XP partition ?
  I tried to mount the normal way but I can only read.
  On the message log I get this :
  Warning! NTFS volume version is Win2k+: Mounting read only
  Thanks in advance

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Re: [newbie] problems with 8.2

2002-04-10 Per discussione Onur Kucuk

Wednesday, April 10, 2002, 5:25:13 AM, you wrote:

BS Umm...this was posted some time ago, and I haven't recieved a response since.
BS Any help?
BS   - Original Message - 
BS   From: Blood Slap 
BS   To: Newbie Linux Mandrake 
BS   Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 6:55 PM
BS   Subject: Re: [newbie] problems with 8.2

BS   I didn't see that v42 there, but here's my config files are attached.

 As much as I can say, it is v4l, video for linux. It usually resides
 in the modules section, and ppl suggest it is your problem.

 This might be something to do with the dri driver for your ati card.

 if (and only if) removing the  - Load v4l - line does not fix your
 problem, you may try to give the dri support manually, (changing the
 dri mdule by hand with a different one), is the

 Though I suggest you check for the v4l stuff, and check if there is
 an irq conflict, before changing dri modules in your mdk box manually.

 Onur Kucuk

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Re[2]: [newbie] NVIDIA RPMs

2002-04-10 Per discussione Onur Kucuk

Wednesday, April 10, 2002, 2:02:54 PM, you wrote:

GS Below is the /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file.

GS The output from the locate NVdriver is as follows:
GS /lib/modules/2.4.18-6mdk/kernel/drivers/video/NVdriver

GS Section Module

GS # This loads the DBE extension module.
GS Loaddbe

GS # This loads the Video for Linux module.
GS Loadv4l

add   Load glx

GS EndSection

GS Section Device
GS Identifier  NVIDIA GeForce2 DDR (generic)
GS VendorName  Unknown
GS BoardName   Unknown
GS Driver  nv

change to Driver nvidia

GS #VideoRam32768
GS # Clock lines

 Onur Kucuk

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Re: [newbie] How to read and write to a Win XP partition

2002-04-10 Per discussione John Lynch

I did that.
Okay, (I have to do this from Memory because i haven't got Linux booted up).

BUT you go to Control Center, then.boot.
Then you click on something in there, and it will have a variety of options, 
and it will say default or boot up or something.

Then you have a selection of the different boot up modes you can do.
You select the one that is selected as default (it will have (default) next 
to it) and select properties, and unselect the thing that makes it be 

THEN you select Windows (on my system it is called NT) and select properties 
and check the default button.

and then press okay, and apply and all sorts of confirmation buttons.

Hope this helps, if it doesn't I'm sure ANYONE can provide a more thorough 


From: Greg Smitih [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] How to read and write to a Win XP partition
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 07:05:24 -0400

Sorry for butting in here, but I was wondering how you get your XP 
to mount automatically.  I have to manually mount it every time I start up

On Wednesday 10 April 2002 04:49 am, you wrote:
  aybe try to change as root the file permissions of the /mnt/windows
  partition to 777 (chmod 777 /mnt/windows)
  Hope this helps
  - Mensaje Original -
  Remitente: luca braglia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Fecha: Miércoles, Abril 10, 2002 10:31 am
  Asunto: [newbie] How to read and write to a Win XP partition
   Hi All,
   I have Window$ XP installed on sda1 and Mandrake 8.2 on sdb1
   how can I mount manually the Window$ partition to enable
   writing on the XP partition ?
   I tried to mount the normal way but I can only read.
   On the message log I get this :
   Warning! NTFS volume version is Win2k+: Mounting read only
   Thanks in advance

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AW: [newbie] NVIDIA RPMs

2002-04-10 Per discussione - hybrid -

its easy man :) !

in the 'module section' write just under 'load v4l

load glx

and in the 'device section'


'Driver nv' to 'Driver nvidia

then restart your x-server or reboot :) and if you see a 'nvidia
splashscreen' when xserver starts it worked !

 - keep the X in your system -

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Im Auftrag von Greg Smitih
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 10. April 2002 13:03
Betreff: Re: [newbie] NVIDIA RPMs

Below is the /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file.

The output from the locate NVdriver is as follows:

# File generated by XFdrake.

# **
# Refer to the XF86Config(4/5) man page for details about the format of
# this file. #

Section Files

RgbPath /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb

# Multiple FontPath entries are allowed (they are concatenated together)
# By default, Mandrake 6.0 and later now use a font server independent
of # the X server to render fonts.

FontPath   unix/:-1


# **
# Server flags section.
# **

Section ServerFlags

# Uncomment this to cause a core dump at the spot where a signal is
# received.  This may leave the console in an unusable state, but
# provide a better stack trace in the core dump to aid in debugging

# Uncomment this to disable the CrtlAltBS server abort
# This allows clients to receive this key event.

# Uncomment this to disable the CrtlAltKP_+/KP_- mode
# sequences.  This allows clients to receive these key events.

# This  allows  the  server  to start up even if the
# mouse device can't be opened/initialised.


# **
# Input devices
# **

# **
# Keyboard section
# **

Section InputDevice

Identifier Keyboard1
Driver  Keyboard
Option AutoRepeat  250 30

Option XkbRules xfree86
Option XkbModel pc105
Option XkbLayout us


# **
# Pointer section
# **

Section InputDevice

Identifier  Mouse1
Driver  mouse
Option ProtocolIMPS/2
Option Device  /dev/usbmouse
Option ZAxisMapping 4 5
#Option Emulate3Buttons
#Option Emulate3Timeout50

# ChordMiddle is an option for some 3-button Logitech mice

#Option ChordMiddle


Section Module

# This loads the DBE extension module.

# This loads the Video for Linux module.

# This loads the miscellaneous extensions module, and disables #
initialisation of the XFree86-DGA extension within that module.

SubSection  extmod
#Option omit xfree86-dga

# This loads the Type1 and FreeType font modules


# **
# Monitor section
# **

# Any number of monitor sections may be present

Section Monitor
Identifier monitor1
VendorName Unknown
ModelName  Unknown

# HorizSync is in kHz unless units are specified.
# HorizSync may be a comma separated list of discrete values, or a #
comma separated list of ranges of values. # NOTE: THE VALUES HERE ARE
HorizSync  30-72

# VertRefresh is in Hz unless units are specified.
# VertRefresh may be a comma separated list of discrete values, or a #
comma separated list of ranges of values. # NOTE: THE VALUES HERE ARE
VertRefresh 50-160

# This is a set of extended mode timings typically used for laptop, # TV
fullscreen mode or DVD fullscreen output. # These are available along
with standard mode timings.

# Sony Vaio C1(X,XS,VE,VN)?
# 1024x480 @ 85.6 Hz, 48 kHz hsync
ModeLine 1024x48065.00 1024 1032 1176 1344   480  488  494  563

# 768x576 @ 79 Hz, 50 kHz hsync
ModeLine 768x576 50.00  768  832  846 1000   576  590  595  630
# 768x576 @ 100 Hz, 61.6 kHz hsync
ModeLine 768x576 63.07  768  800  960 1024   576  578  590  616



Re: [newbie] How to read and write to a Win XP partition

2002-04-10 Per discussione John Richard Smith

I should not but in here , but surely, if you want your WinXP partition 
recognised in LM(X.X) then all you neet to do is create a directory
in /mnt , call it anything you like,eg W-XP, and then go to /etc/fstab
and write a stanza to mount it at boot time.


On Wednesday 10 April 2002 12:22, you wrote:
 I did that.
 Okay, (I have to do this from Memory because i haven't got Linux booted

 BUT you go to Control Center, then.boot.
 Then you click on something in there, and it will have a variety of
 options, and it will say default or boot up or something.

 Then you have a selection of the different boot up modes you can do.
 You select the one that is selected as default (it will have (default) next
 to it) and select properties, and unselect the thing that makes it be

 THEN you select Windows (on my system it is called NT) and select
 properties and check the default button.

 and then press okay, and apply and all sorts of confirmation buttons.

 Hope this helps, if it doesn't I'm sure ANYONE can provide a more thorough


 From: Greg Smitih [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Subject: Re: [newbie] How to read and write to a Win XP partition
 Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 07:05:24 -0400
 Sorry for butting in here, but I was wondering how you get your XP
 to mount automatically.  I have to manually mount it every time I start up
 On Wednesday 10 April 2002 04:49 am, you wrote:
   aybe try to change as root the file permissions of the /mnt/windows
   partition to 777 (chmod 777 /mnt/windows)
   Hope this helps
   - Mensaje Original -
   Remitente: luca braglia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Fecha: Miércoles, Abril 10, 2002 10:31 am
   Asunto: [newbie] How to read and write to a Win XP partition
Hi All,
I have Window$ XP installed on sda1 and Mandrake 8.2 on sdb1
how can I mount manually the Window$ partition to enable
writing on the XP partition ?
I tried to mount the normal way but I can only read.
On the message log I get this :
Warning! NTFS volume version is Win2k+: Mounting read only
Thanks in advance
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John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Konqueror stalls

2002-04-10 Per discussione Derek Jennings

On Wednesday 10 Apr 2002 4:30 am, madwand wrote:
 Hello everyone.

 I just burned a CD as root, logged out from root and logged in as a user.

 During the KDE load sequence I noticed that konqueror appeared twice on the
 taskbar, as hourglass icons, but did not load.  When I tried to access my
 home directory, the hourglass icon appeared on the taskbar but the
 directory did not open.  When online, I tried to use konqueror for
 browsing, however, once again the hourglass icon appeared but konqueror did
 not load.

 Any thoughts on what's going wrong?  Any suggestions on what to look for?
 I'm very much a newbie at this so step by step guidance on what information
 I should provide would be appreciated.

 I am running 8.1.


Yep thats a common problem. It often seems to be associated with installing 
the rpm kdebase-nsplugins 
To fix it open  KDE Control CentreWebBrowsingNetscapePlugins
If the 'Scan for new plugins at KDE startop'  box is checked then uncheck it 
click 'Apply' then restart KDE.

If it is still no good then in a terminal type 
cd ~/.kde/share/config
rename konquerorrc konquerorrc.bak 

and then restart KDE. This will remove your konqueror settings. On restarting 
a new file will be created and your konq will revert to default settings. It 
should then start OK.



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2002-04-10 Per discussione pqowieuryt pqowieuryt

What to do what to do with a net downloaded linux mandrake with no install 
wizzerd or guide ,and i would it want to be installed over windows 

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Re: [newbie] New silly Question. ;) Recommend good file manager?

2002-04-10 Per discussione Tim Holmes

Hey Femme.

I think what you're looking for is ROX.

Somebody asked me on #mandrake what file manager I use.  You know I'm a
console man, so my answer was xterm.  However, somebody else came up
with the option of ROX.

It's pretty simple, but you can set up defaults to open up certain file
types, and it is GUI of course.

I've installed it, but have only played with it breifly.  It looks nice,
and appears to be pretty functional though.

Check it out, it may be what you're looking for in E.  But keep in mind
you can still use your other file managers in E.  You can run Konqueror
in if you'd like.

Hope that helps!

 T. Holmes  |  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  UIN:  17021091
| I need a semi-decent one.  KDE uses Konqueror, and I tried GWC?... for 
| enlightenment.
| I hated GWC *or whatever its called*.  Any ideas? :)
| Right now I have the default SU FM and thats it in Enlightenment.
| Thx
| Femme
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AW: [newbie]

2002-04-10 Per discussione - hybrid -

he downloaded it ... and that doesn't mean he hsa the images ... !
if he would have it on cd it would be that easy ... 

 - keep the X in your system -

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Im Auftrag von Tony S. Sykes
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 10. April 2002 15:44
Betreff: RE: [newbie]

Insert the cd and boot your PC and it will go through a graphical
installation with you, asking you questions along the way. Make sure
your PC boots from the CD-rom.

-Original Message-
From: pqowieuryt pqowieuryt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 10 April 2002 12:48
Subject: [newbie]

What to do what to do with a net downloaded linux mandrake with no
wizzerd or guide ,and i would it want to be installed over windows 

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Re: [newbie] Where Can I find cdrtools packages v1.11a19 or newer

2002-04-10 Per discussione John Richard Smith

On Tuesday 09 April 2002 19:16, you wrote:
 On 9 Apr 2002, Damian wrote:

 I don't know this package...what does it do anyway?

It's a set of burner programmes . cdrecord,mkisofs,cdda2wav,cdread,
and others designed to work as a well sorted suite.
I am told (LM8.2)xcdroast requiries to work.


 About the packages .src and tarball:

 I rather prefer to install from rpm but, if you find a tarball with the
 file 'specs' inside, just get alien and it will transform the original
 tarball into .rpm.

 But when it has to be compiled, for any reason, I really prefer the
 tarball, because the first one will be a 'generic' install and the
 compiled one would be the best fit for each and every machine.

 Ricardo Castanho

 El mar, 09-04-2002 a las 06:23, John Richard Smith escribió:
  Thank you Damian,
  That explains it.
  I did not know about src at all.
  Two further questions,
  If I choose to compile a tar ball, can I turn the compiled file into an
  rpm file, and if so how,
  If  I choose to compile the src rpm file, rather than compile a tar
  ball, which is likely to be best. Is there a question of installabillity
  , between one computer over another computer, assuming they both have
  the same base OS.
  In otherwords are there pros and cons between either route.
 yes, you can build RPM files, but i've never done it and i'm afraid
 i don't know anything about it :o(
 if you are planning to run cdrtools on two different machines, i'd
 suggest compiling the source separatedly for both of them.
 anyway, if the two computers are alike, ( processor, OS, devices )
 it should be fine

John Richard Smith

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RE: [newbie]

2002-04-10 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You need to burn the ISO image to CD first. ;-)


Original Message:
From: Tony S. Sykes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 14:44:29 +0100
Subject: RE: [newbie]

Insert the cd and boot your PC and it will go through a graphical
installation with you, asking you questions along the way. Make sure
your PC boots from the CD-rom.

-Original Message-
From: pqowieuryt pqowieuryt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 10 April 2002 12:48
Subject: [newbie]

What to do what to do with a net downloaded linux mandrake with no
wizzerd or guide ,and i would it want to be installed over windows

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Re: [newbie] How to Install KDE 3.0 ???

2002-04-10 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Wednesday 10 April 2002 08:39 am, you wrote:
 Hi All,

 I'm trying to install Kde 3.0 but I can't.
 I downloaded all MDK files from:

 Now what can I do to install this??
 Please help me.

 Um abraço,
 Lúcio Costa

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 é descobrir que podemos estar sempre Aprendendo
 LC Almeida (1998)

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 Yahoo! Empregos e tenha acesso a milhares de vagas abertas!
Hola, best way that I know of is to put all of the downloaded files in a 
separate folder in /home  and then go into console and su  to root.  Then  cd 
to the directory you have the files in such ascd /home/kde3then at 
the prompt type urpmi ./*without the quotes and then hit enter. There 
may be some dependencies and it may ask for your cd 1 or 2 but that's the way 
to get things going. HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] I just found the strangest thing...

2002-04-10 Per discussione Tim Holmes

Is there some console tool which will search some online dictionary for

At work we used to have a tool call webster.  Which would do just that,
but it was discontinued and I've never been able to find something like

Does anybody have any sort of idea/suggestions for this?  Thank you.

 T. Holmes  |  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  UIN:  17021091
| I loaded gdict (I would assume that this would work with kdict as well), which
| is set to use the server on port 2628. I then entered the word
| defenestration (without the quotes). Here's what I got:
| defenestration n. mythically from a traditional Czech
| assasination method, via SF fandom 1. Proper karmic retribution
| for an incorrigible punster.  Oh, ghod, that was _awful_!  Quick!
| Defenestrate him!  2. The act of exiting a window system in order to
| get better response time from a full-screen program.  This comes from
| the dictionary meaning of `defenestrate', which is to throw something out
| a window.  3. The act of discarding something under the assumption that
| it will improve matters.  I don't have any disk space left.  Well,
| why don't you defenestrate that 100 megs worth of old core dumps?
| 4. Under a GUI, the act of dragging something out of a window (onto
| the screen). Next, defenestrate the MugWump icon.  5. The act of
| completely removing Micro$oft Windows from a PC in favor of a better OS
| (typically Linux).
| Can anyone verify this?
| -- 
| Sridhar Dhanapalan
|   Jennifer Lopez = JLo (pron: Jay-Low).
|   Bill Gates = BGa (pron: Be-Gay).
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Re: [newbie] problems with 8.2

2002-04-10 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

On Tue, 9 Apr 2002 20:25:13 -0600
Blood Slap [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I didn't see that v42 there, but here's my config files are attached.
Your XF86Config-4 looks OK.

The symptoms you described were the same a those you would have If you were using a 
Rage128 and if the v4l module is loaded.
Just for a little background 8.2 use the Gatos ati2 drivers and it is confirmed by 
gatos that v41 must be disabled when using their driver and the rage128.

If you are dual booting are you also suffering the lock-ups in the other OS? 

To test if it is X that is causing your lock-ups # out the entry for 'dri in your 
XF86Config-4, reboot, and see if they still occur.

There is some variation in the 128 chip being used on some cards (this is why the 
question about Mobility or Pro.)
On these cards dri must be disabled.

I have 8.2 running with an  ATI Xpert2000 which uses the rage128 chip, 3d games run 
without problem and it does not suffer from lock-ups.

In the event that your problems stem simply from a glitch in the installation you 
might consider reinstalling as an Upgrade, in pkgs selection verify that Mesa and All 
libMesa pkgs are installed, you need them for 3d games to run properly, and then let 
the installation configure X using 4.20 with 3d hardware accel.


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[newbie] Smart IP on Mandrake

2002-04-10 Per discussione Gerard van Winssen

Hi all,
Since a few weeks I'm testing a gprs internet connection.
For this testing period i'm provided with a gprs cellphone and a Win NT box.
Now I thought that i might as wel test this on my own MDK 8.2 box ;-))

I had some problems with logging in. I thought I had misconfigured Kppp, 
but today I found that this wasn't the case.
On this NT box I noticed a prog running called smart IP client 
What I understand of it is that this prog is for optimizing wireless 
I also noticed that i'm on some kind of VPN and the server that is 
providing me internet is probably running the serverversion of smart IP .
Somewhere in the smart IP config I found an IP adress starting with 
10.  .  .
I thought it was an ordinary internet acces, and this explains a bit why 

I couldn't login.

I hope I explained it a bit clearly, I'm not a real network techie.

To stay OT, my question is:
Can I still use my MDK 8.2 box to connect the internet through this VPN,
or is there a linux equivalent of 'Smart IP client ??



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Re: [newbie] problems with 8.2

2002-04-10 Per discussione shane

On Wednesday 10 April 2002 22:45, Charles A Edwards opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

 To test if it is X that is causing your lock-ups # out the entry for
 'dri in your XF86Config-4, reboot, and see if they still occur.

pure curiousity here, but exactly what does dri do?  i have a radeon, and 
it performs very well, but when i run diablo ii in wine, sometimes the 
intro movies lock the system so hard i have to 'ctrl'+'esc' and key (no 
,ouse, wine keeps it) my way into killing wine.  i have only glanced at 
this thread, but is it related?


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[newbie] Epson C80 printer calib

2002-04-10 Per discussione Paul Rodríguez

Anybody know how I can align or calibrate my Epson C80?  It's a great
printer, and supposedly has great linux support according to
linux-printing, but I need a way to adjust/calibrate it to get the
images to show up without lines or granules.  Thanks.

- Paul R

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Re: [newbie] I just found the strangest thing...

2002-04-10 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

There are some good tools accessible from

On Wed, 10 Apr 2002 10:43:39 -0400, Tim Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there some console tool which will search some online dictionary for
 At work we used to have a tool call webster.  Which would do just that,
 but it was discontinued and I've never been able to find something like
 Does anybody have any sort of idea/suggestions for this?  Thank you.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

The only intuitive interface is a nipple.
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Re: [newbie] Installing 8.2 on a laptop

2002-04-10 Per discussione Andy Weller


I am trying to install/update (from LM 8.0) LM 8.2 on my laptop; but it
gets as far as checking for PCMCIA and seems to stall and go no further!
I don't have any PCMCIA cards installed!

 That happened to me and I solved that setting PnP OS to NO in bios.  Try 
 that  ;)

No joy. I don't see that option in my BIOS. I have a:

Maybe I am being dumb and have missed something...


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Re: [newbie] problems with 8.2

2002-04-10 Per discussione Michael Kovary

Windows does not lock on the same machine, and all of my games actually work perfectly fine. I wil try what was suggested.

From: Charles A Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [newbie] problems with 8.2 
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 09:58:42 -0400 
On Tue, 9 Apr 2002 20:25:13 -0600 
"Blood Slap" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: 
  I didn't see that v42 there, but here's my config files are attached. 
Your XF86Config-4 looks OK. 
The symptoms you described were the same a those you would have If you were using a Rage128 and if the v4l module is loaded. 
Just for a little background 8.2 use the Gatos ati2 drivers and it is confirmed by gatos that v41 must be disabled when using their driver and the rage128. 
If you are dual booting are you also suffering the lock-ups in the other OS? 
To test if it is X that is causing your lock-ups # out the entry for 'dri" in your XF86Config-4, reboot, and see if they still occur. 
There is some variation in the 128 chip being used on some cards (this is why the question about Mobility or Pro.) 
On these cards dri must be disabled. 
I have 8.2 running with an ATI Xpert2000 which uses the rage128 chip, 3d games run without problem and it does not suffer from lock-ups. 
In the event that your problems stem simply from a glitch in the installation you might consider reinstalling as an Upgrade, in pkgs selection verify that Mesa and All libMesa pkgs are installed, you need them for 3d games to run properly, and then let the installation configure X using 4.20 with 3d hardware accel. 
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Re: [newbie] Samba Login Password

2002-04-10 Per discussione Ken Nowack

Further, there are encryption issues. Make sure you
read the encryption.txt file included in your samba
distro. In order to get my smb login working I had to
run mksmbpass on /etc/passwd to get it into the right
format, then I added each user with smbpasswd, and
then it worked.


--- Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In my understanding the username and password should
 ideally be identical in
 three places. Windows, Samba and your linux login.
 Brian York wrote:
  I am on a windows network and have gotten samba
 working. The problem is when i
  try to access my computer from a wind*ws computer
 it ask me for a user name
  and password. The username and password that i put
 in the appropriate files
  under (/etc/samba) don't work. What do i have to
 do to get the user/pass to
 If you float on instinct alone, how can you
 calculate the buoyancy for
 the computed load?
   -- Christopher Hodder-Williams
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Re: [newbie] Hard kill a process

2002-04-10 Per discussione Jussi Aalto

Well, it depends.. If the process is owned by root and you don't have 
root priviledges at the moment, you can't kill that process. So you would 
login as root from console and then kill. Root has the POWER (but use it 
carefully, root has the power to kill your whole system..).


On Wednesday 10 April 2002 16:38, Fred Schroeder wrote:
 How do you kill a process when kill -9 doesn't work?

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Re: [newbie] Modem

2002-04-10 Per discussione Jussi Aalto

Is it internal or external? My box has external Venus V.90, no problems 
when using kppp.


On Wednesday 10 April 2002 06:05, Gary Montalbine wrote:
 I installed 8.2 twice. The first time the modem worked but my sound
 card did not work. I reinstalled 8.2. I formated the / directory each
 time. The second time the modem failed to work. I have a Lucent
 microelectronics Venus Modem (V90, 56K Flex). I am using KDE. When I
 try to access the internet I get the message Modem ready. Followed by
 Sorry, the modem  doesn't respond. I tried to configure the modem and
 received the message I can't configure a Winmodem. It is not a
 WinModem. It worked in 8.0, 8.1 and the first installation of 8.2.

 Any suggestions before I trash it. Perhaps I can reinstall 8.1.



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Re: [newbie] Kmail Question

2002-04-10 Per discussione Jussi Aalto

What version of Kmail? On 1.3.1 I just right click the address I want to 
reply to, select Send reply to... and that's it. In Message window.


On Wednesday 10 April 2002 03:53, Femme wrote:
 On Monday 08 April 2002 04:06 am, you wrote:
  if i understand you, try right clicking on the address you want.  has
  a few options.
  also, i think you will find that when it doesn't work, is when the
  sender has a reply to: field filled in.

 Thx, seems the right-click thing works for some ppl I try to respond
 to, and not others.



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Re: [newbie] Fwd: Results of your commands

2002-04-10 Per discussione Michael

What you downloaded are ISO files (images of CD's) You have to make CD's from
them, then use your new CD's to install from. Do you have a CD-RW Drive?

And please don't yell, my ears are ringing.


pqowieuryt pqowieuryt wrote:

Purple hum
Assorted cars
Laser lights, you bring

All to prove
You're on the move
and vanishing
- The Cars

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Re: [newbie] Where Can I find cdrtools packages v1.11a19 or newer

2002-04-10 Per discussione Michael

Your current sources directory is /root/Desktop/. I would not recommend
installing it from there. Create another directory called cdrtools like so

root# mkdir /cdrtools
root# cd /cdrtools
root# cp /root/Desktop/cdr* .

then continue as previously advised. I think the new directory should be created
somewhere like /usr/share to conform to standard. If i am wrong i will get my
ass kicked quick!


John Richard Smith wrote:
 Thank you all, but,
 When I try to cd into sources directory this is what happens.
 [root@localhost root]# cd /root/Desktop/cdrtools-1.11a20-1.src.rpm
 bash: cd: /root/Desktop/cdrtools-1.11a20-1.src.rpm: Not a directory
 [root@localhost root]#
 So what do I need to do now, in order to proceed.

Purple hum
Assorted cars
Laser lights, you bring

All to prove
You're on the move
and vanishing
- The Cars

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Re: [newbie] Hard kill a process

2002-04-10 Per discussione Michael

Stab it with a screwdriver through its PID?

Seriously kill -9 will work, but the process must be owned by you. The only
other probs i have seen is if you try to kill a tty process or something similar
and it is respawned. Alternatively check out its PPID (Parent Process ID), which
process does it belong to. You may need to kill that instead.

Fred Schroeder wrote:
 How do you kill a process when kill -9 doesn't work?

Purple hum
Assorted cars
Laser lights, you bring

All to prove
You're on the move
and vanishing
- The Cars

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Re: [newbie] SAMBA / Permissions

2002-04-10 Per discussione Ken Nowack

I'm not as familiar with share level security, but,
here's what I dug up from the samba doc's.

First, depending on your client machine, you may have
to enable share level security on the client machine.
Check this doc for that.

Second, try adding mike to the username option on the
share itself. For instance - 
path = /home/samba/share
guest ok = no
writable = yes
username = mike, nobody

Also make sure that samba has valid passwords stored
in it's smbpasswd file. You can add these with the
smbpasswd utility. Lastly, make sure you have read the
encryption.txt file ncluded with your samba docs. It's
possible for you to have valid passwords declined due
to encryption issues. If that's not it, perhaps you
could forward the error you receive in your logs when
mike tries to write or access the /image and /public

--- T. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Samba 2.2.3a
 Samba works perfect under the current setup. I have
 a simple share level
 system where remote machines login as
 However, my local user mike cannot write to these
 They have access to two areas: /home/public and
4 drwxrwxr-x2 nobody   nogroup  4096 Apr 
 7 19:54 image/
4 drwxr-xr-x   32 mike mike 4096 Apr
 10 08:18 mike/
4 drwxrwxr-x   10 nobody   nogroup  4096 Apr 
 8 15:06 public/
 as you can see I: chmod -R  g+w /home/image 
 and I added user mike to group nogroup.
 According to my limited knowledge this should now
 work. However, user
 mike still cannot write to either of the
 Any ideas?
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Re: [newbie] Where Can I find cdrtools packages v1.11a19 or newer

2002-04-10 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

On Thu, 11 Apr 2002 04:45:49 +1200
Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Your current sources directory is /root/Desktop/. I would not recommend
 installing it from there. Create another directory called cdrtools like so
 root# mkdir /cdrtools
 root# cd /cdrtools
 root# cp /root/Desktop/cdr* .
 then continue as previously advised. I think the new directory should be created
 somewhere like /usr/share to conform to standard. If i am wrong i will get my
 ass kicked quick!
 John Richard Smith wrote:
  Thank you all, but,
  When I try to cd into sources directory this is what happens.
  [root@localhost root]# cd /root/Desktop/cdrtools-1.11a20-1.src.rpm
  bash: cd: /root/Desktop/cdrtools-1.11a20-1.src.rpm: Not a directory
  [root@localhost root]#
  So what do I need to do now, in order to proceed.
I have read the thread but am not really sure what you are trying to accomplish.

If all you wish to do is to rebuild the src.rpm then dl the rpm to your home directory.
Open a term and su to root.
# cd /home/charles
# rpm -rebuild cdrtools-1.11a20-1.src.rpm
(be forewarned I can almost guarantee that you are going to need to install additional 
-devel pkgs before you can rebuild.)

When/if the build successfully completes the 'new' cdrtools-1.11a20-1.rpm can be found 
in /usr/src/RPM/RPMS in the direc. for your system default builds, most likely i586.

Only thing necessary now is to install it.


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Re: [newbie] New silly Question. ;) Recommend good file manager?

2002-04-10 Per discussione Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC)

Femme wrote:
 I need a semi-decent one.  KDE uses Konqueror, and I tried GWC?... for
 I hated GWC *or whatever its called*.  Any ideas? :)
How about XWC under K-Apps-File Tools?

Hylton Conacher on KDE 2.1.1 on kernel 2.4.3-20mdk#1
Registered Linux user # 229959 on Mandrake 8 on an i686 (AMD  1 Ghz K7
Licenced Windows user

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Re: [newbie] KDE 3 Menu

2002-04-10 Per discussione shane

On Tuesday 09 April 2002 05:50, Brian York opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

 I changed something but don't remember where i did it at. I have the KDE
 menu for my K button instead of the Mandrake menu which has a lot more
 programs. I tried deleting and adding the K button again but that didn't
 help does anyone know what i did.

i can't help much, but in the menudrake, there is an option somewhere for 
modify menu style and it has system, all, kde, and other choices.  look 
there i think.

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[newbie] Partial ISO file.

2002-04-10 Per discussione Seedkum Aladeem


I have this:

[root@grumpy urpmi]# du -h /var/cache/urpmi/
[root@grumpy urpmi]#

What on earth is this partial ISO (second file thing)? Why is it there? The 
size of it is eating my root partition space. Look:

[root@grumpy urpmi]# df /var/cache/urpmi/
Filesystem   1K-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hde2   354818354818 0 100% /
[root@grumpy urpmi]#

Can I just delete that second file?



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Re: [newbie] problems with 8.2

2002-04-10 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

On Wed, 10 Apr 2002 10:17:42 -0700
shane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wednesday 10 April 2002 09:05, Charles A Edwards opened a general hailing 
 frequency and transmitted to all open stations:
 that answered a ton of things for me thanks!
 but... (you knew there was one) my glxgears output:
 3792 frames in 5.0 seconds = 758.400 FPS
 3829 frames in 5.0 seconds = 765.800 FPS
 3829 frames in 5.0 seconds = 765.800 FPS
 3812 frames in 5.0 seconds = 762.400 FPS
 now yes, i am using KDE3 so i have the mem/video hog going, and yeah i have 
 8 dektops, but i expected better.  am i nuts or should i toy with settings 
 i have a radeon with 32 MB DDR, and yes i am in 8.2 with 4.2x and 

With a hog like kde 760 FPS is good.

Using the same card, enlightenment /w gnome panel I get 780 FPS.
If I stop setiathome FPS jumps to 1280 FPS.
Every running process Will affect performance.

With a radeon, or any ATI card for that matter, you will probably never achieve the 
FPS of nvidia or a well running Voodoo because GL is handled
3rd party rather than by direct instructions from the driver. 

Run glxinfo for the radeon and you get:
name of display: :0.0
Loading required GL library /usr/X11R6/lib/
display: :0  screen: 0
direct rendering: Yes
server glx vendor string: SGI
server glx version string: 1.2
server glx extensions:
GLX_EXT_visual_info, GLX_EXT_visual_rating, GLX_EXT_import_context
client glx vendor string: SGI
client glx version string: 1.2
client glx extensions:
GLX_EXT_visual_info, GLX_EXT_visual_rating, GLX_EXT_import_context
GLX extensions:
GLX_EXT_visual_info, GLX_EXT_visual_rating, GLX_EXT_import_context
OpenGL vendor string: VA Linux Systems, Inc.
OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Radeon 20010402 AGP 4x x86/MMX/3DNow!
OpenGL version string: 1.2 Mesa 3.4.2
OpenGL extensions:
GL_ARB_multitexture, GL_ARB_transpose_matrix, GL_EXT_abgr, 
GL_EXT_blend_func_separate, GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint, 
GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array, GL_EXT_histogram, GL_EXT_packed_pixels, 
GL_EXT_polygon_offset, GL_EXT_rescale_normal, GL_EXT_stencil_wrap, 
GL_EXT_texture3D, GL_EXT_texture_env_add, GL_EXT_texture_env_combine, 
GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3, GL_EXT_texture_object, GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias, 
GL_EXT_vertex_array, GL_MESA_window_pos, GL_MESA_resize_buffers, 
GL_NV_texgen_reflection, GL_PGI_misc_hints, GL_SGIS_pixel_texture, 
glu version: 1.3
glu extensions:
GLU_EXT_nurbs_tessellator, GLU_EXT_object_space_tess

The same with nvidia:
name of display: :0.0
display: :0  screen: 0
direct rendering: Yes
server glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
server glx version string: 1.2
server glx extensions:
GLX_EXT_visual_info, GLX_EXT_visual_rating, GLX_SGIX_fbconfig, 
GLX_SGIX_pbuffer, GLX_ARB_multisample
client glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
client glx version string: 1.2
client glx extensions:
GLX_ARB_get_proc_address, GLX_ARB_multisample, GLX_EXT_visual_info, 
GLX_EXT_visual_rating, GLX_EXT_import_context, GLX_SGI_video_sync, 
GLX_SGIX_swap_group, GLX_SGIX_swap_barrier, GLX_SGIX_fbconfig, 
GLX extensions:
GLX_EXT_visual_info, GLX_EXT_visual_rating, GLX_SGIX_fbconfig, 
GLX_SGIX_pbuffer, GLX_ARB_multisample, GLX_ARB_get_proc_address
OpenGL vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
OpenGL renderer string: GeForce3/AGP/3DNOW!
OpenGL version string: 1.3.1 NVIDIA 28.02
OpenGL extensions:
GL_ARB_imaging, GL_ARB_multisample, GL_ARB_multitexture, 
GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp, GL_ARB_texture_compression, 
GL_ARB_texture_cube_map, GL_ARB_texture_env_add, 
GL_ARB_texture_env_combine, GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3, 
GL_ARB_transpose_matrix, GL_S3_s3tc, GL_EXT_abgr, GL_EXT_bgra, 
GL_EXT_blend_color, GL_EXT_blend_minmax, GL_EXT_blend_subtract, 
GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array, GL_EXT_draw_range_elements, 
GL_EXT_fog_coord, GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays, GL_EXT_packed_pixels, 
GL_EXT_paletted_texture, GL_EXT_point_parameters, GL_EXT_rescale_normal, 
GL_EXT_secondary_color, GL_EXT_separate_specular_color, 
GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette, GL_EXT_stencil_wrap, GL_EXT_texture3D, 
GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc, GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp, 
GL_EXT_texture_env_add, GL_EXT_texture_env_combine, 
GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3, GL_EXT_texture_cube_map, 
GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic, GL_EXT_texture_lod, 
GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias, GL_EXT_texture_object, GL_EXT_vertex_array, 
GL_EXT_vertex_weighting, GL_HP_occlusion_test, 
GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat, GL_KTX_buffer_region, GL_NV_blend_square, 
GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color, GL_NV_evaluators, GL_NV_fence, 
GL_NV_fog_distance, GL_NV_light_max_exponent, 
GL_NV_multisample_filter_hint, GL_NV_occlusion_query, 
GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil, GL_NV_register_combiners, 
GL_NV_register_combiners2, GL_NV_texgen_reflection, 

[newbie] KDE 3 Menu

2002-04-10 Per discussione Brian York

I changed something but don't remember where i did it at. I have the KDE menu  
for my K button instead of the Mandrake menu which has a lot more programs. I 
tried deleting and adding the K button again but that didn't help does anyone 
know what i did.


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Re: [newbie] PPP

2002-04-10 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich

On Wednesday 10 April 2002 00:03, F. McKenna wrote:
 Hi All,

 I am having trouble with getting onto the internet with my dial up modem. 
 I can sometimes gain access if I log in as root.  I can also someitmes send
 email using kmail.

 I have added the three users to PPP and POP accounts but unfortunately to
 no avail.

 I have attempted to email to the list about this problem from My Mandrake
 8.0 box but it has not shown up.

 My computer is an AMD K6 450 with 256 MB RAM

 I wish that I could provide more info.

 Also, does anyone know how to set the HTML proerties in Kmail so I can
 download hotmail messages


 Frank  McKenna

Frank, assuming you run KDE, what kind of errors does kppp report ?
For example, frequent reports are modem busy , the ppp daemon died 
unexpectedly and some such.  Of course, those messages are generally 
useless, because they are self-evident (to say the least) and don't explain 
anything to a non-geek, but - on the other hand - they give a clue.

Can you post from other mailers, i.e. Netscape Messenger, Sylpheed ?

Can you dial-up from Gnome ?

Please send a bit more information, I'm pretty sure others here can help a 
lot more. And, have you tried the ppp-Howto ?  

Finally, there's an excellent, human-readable guide on


Kaj Haulrich

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Re: Re: [newbie] KDE 3 Menu

2002-04-10 Per discussione Brian York

Thanks Shane that fixed it just playing around with the settings and forgot 
were that was and since it doesn't take affect until the next time you login 
(4 days later) i forgot were it was. Thought it was in the KDE control center 
but never could find it.


On Wednesday 10 April 2002 17:32, shane wrote:
 On Tuesday 09 April 2002 05:50, Brian York opened a general hailing

 frequency and transmitted to all open stations:
  I changed something but don't remember where i did it at. I have the KDE
  menu for my K button instead of the Mandrake menu which has a lot more
  programs. I tried deleting and adding the K button again but that didn't
  help does anyone know what i did.

 i can't help much, but in the menudrake, there is an option somewhere for
 modify menu style and it has system, all, kde, and other choices.  look
 there i think.

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[newbie] MS Windows system files in ext3 partition.

2002-04-10 Per discussione Seedkum Aladeem


I have a MS pagefile.sys in my ext3 partition. I did not put it there and I 
do not know how it got there. The LM 8.2 install program was probably caching 
iso files and the MS windows pagefile.sys also got cached but it did not get 
deleted in the end. Is it ok to delete these files?

[root@grumpy seedkum]# ls -l 
total 269576
-rwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            0 Apr  9 16:36 liprefs.js*
-rwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            0 Apr  9 16:36 
-rwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            0 Apr  9 16:36 
-rwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            0 Apr  9 16:36 
-rwxrwxrwx    1 root     root     274960384 Apr  9 16:36 pagefile.sys*
[root@grumpy seedkum]#



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Re: Re: [newbie] KDE 3 Menu

2002-04-10 Per discussione shane

On Tuesday 09 April 2002 08:56, Brian York opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

 and since it doesn't take affect until the next time
 you login (4 days later) i forgot were it was.

yeah, tell me about it.  once changed some x settings, went to lunch, forgot 
about it.  3 months later the power failed.  *reboot*  no x windows.

damn linux stability!  back to windows i go!

It is no measure of your health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick 

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Re: [newbie] problems with 8.2

2002-04-10 Per discussione shane

On Wednesday 10 April 2002 11:23, Charles A Edwards opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

 Using the same card, enlightenment /w gnome panel I get 780 FPS.
 If I stop setiathome FPS jumps to 1280 FPS.
 Every running process Will affect performance.

oddly every WM i have is between 645 and 790 fps except enlightenment.  

i am not yet enlightened..

Give me ambiguity or give me something else.

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[newbie] spadmin hangs

2002-04-10 Per discussione Robin Turner

For some reason, in OpenOffice (latest build on Mdk 8.0) spadmin now hangs 
when I try to add fonts, using up so many system resources that the mouse 
will only move in leaps and bounds until the process kills itself (or some 
benign power puts it out of its misery).  Same if I run it as root, except it 
refuses to die (for reasons discussed elsewhere on this list).  Any idea what 
might be the problem?  I did reinstall cups, but I don't see why this should 
affect spadmin (in any case, it's the same version of cups).  I also changed 
the order of entire in xfs, but again, I don't see why that should make a 

Sir Robin

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[newbie] problem with individualization

2002-04-10 Per discussione Hakan Duran

Hi everybody,

I have a P133, 128 RAM box running happily in a dual boot environment with
Mandrake 8.1, kernel 2.2.19-19mdksecure, kde2.2.1 and windows95.

The problem started when I change the system settings in terms of language,
fonts (console and X-windows) and keymaps, to Turkish, since I joined the
translation team.  This did not take too much effort surprisingly (to me at
least), however I noticed some problems afterwards, to which some people
here may suggest some solutions hopefully:

1. Everything (fonts, keymaps, etc.) is OK for kde.  Local messages, menus
are all OK.  However, gnome does not display special characters of this
language at anywhere (menus, dialogs, error messages, etc.), although the
font and keycode (ISO-8859-9) are set appropriate.  One of the Turkish gurus
has told me that might be because this version of gnome does not convert
UTF-8 to ISO-8859-9.  This problem is supposed to be resolved in gnome 2.0
she added.

2. All of the mandrake tools (everything in mandrake control center, such as
menudrake, harddrake, etc) has the same problem with gnome.  All the special
characters are replaced by ?, even if they run under kde.  Moreover,
rpmdrake never installs, updates or upgrades any package anymore!  Whenever
I try to do so, it returns with the packages are bad, regardless of the
source (ftp site, cdroms, etc).  This is rather strange, because I could not
resolve the problem by reverting the changes for language step by step
(fonts, keymaps, local messages, etc.).  OK, I did not revert everything
back to English all at the same time, but the only combination I didn't try
was that.

I believe this is a serious problem, unless my rpmdrake was corrupted by
another mechanism simultaneously, by chance.  I am ready to try any
suggestions made.

Thanks in advance,


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Re: [newbie] problems with 8.2

2002-04-10 Per discussione shane

On Wednesday 10 April 2002 09:05, Charles A Edwards opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:


that answered a ton of things for me thanks!

but... (you knew there was one) my glxgears output:

3792 frames in 5.0 seconds = 758.400 FPS
3829 frames in 5.0 seconds = 765.800 FPS
3829 frames in 5.0 seconds = 765.800 FPS
3812 frames in 5.0 seconds = 762.400 FPS

now yes, i am using KDE3 so i have the mem/video hog going, and yeah i have 
8 dektops, but i expected better.  am i nuts or should i toy with settings 

i have a radeon with 32 MB DDR, and yes i am in 8.2 with 4.2x and 

If I admit I was wrong, I am only saying I am wiser today than yesterday.

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Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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[newbie] SWAP not mounted.

2002-04-10 Per discussione Seedkum Aladeem


I cannot tell why the swap partition is not mounted. I list the fstab and the 
mtab files below. I have not touched these files since I installed LM 8.2 
recently. Cant somebody tell me why the swap is not mounted? By the way, When 
I down installed LM 8.2, other partitions got formatted to ext3 but the 
install program did not appear to care about formatting the swap partition. 
so I did not tell it to format it. Any way, the fstab file was created 
automatically. So the installer knew the swap had to be mounted.



[seedkum@grumpy seedkum]$
[seedkum@grumpy seedkum]$ cat /etc/fstab
/dev/hde2 / ext3 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hde3 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount 
dev=/dev/hdb,fs=iso9660,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/dos_16 vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hde6 /mnt/fat_32 vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount 
dev=/dev/fd0,fs=vfat,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda5 /mnt/win2000 vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hde1 /usr ext3 defaults 1 2
/dev/hde5 swap swap defaults 0 0
[seedkum@grumpy seedkum]$
[seedkum@grumpy seedkum]$
[seedkum@grumpy seedkum]$
[seedkum@grumpy seedkum]$ cat /etc/mtab
/dev/hde2 / ext3 rw 0 0
none /proc proc rw 0 0
none /dev devfs rw 0 0
none /dev/pts devpts rw,mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs rw 0 0
/dev/hde3 /home ext3 rw 0 0
/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount 
ro,dev=/dev/hdb,fs=iso9660,--,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/dos_16 vfat rw,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hde6 /mnt/fat_32 vfat rw,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount 
rw,sync,dev=/dev/fd0,fs=vfat,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda5 /mnt/win2000 vfat rw,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hde1 /usr ext3 rw 0 0
[seedkum@grumpy seedkum]$

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Re: [newbie] Hard kill a process

2002-04-10 Per discussione James Thomas

kill -9 doesn't always work, regardless of whether or not you are logged on 
as root or not - and also regardless of whether or not the process is 
owned by another process. Sometimes it doesn't work.
On those cases, I usually just reboot mostly because man kill doesn't ever 
seem to imply that it doesn't work and couldn't find anything about it 
online. If there's an easier way to do it, please let me know. :)


  How do you kill a process when kill -9 doesn't work?

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Re: [newbie] problems with 8.2

2002-04-10 Per discussione Blood Slap

Just to clear something up, I (Michael Kovary) am 
the same person as Blood Slap.
The From says "Michael Kovary" when I send the 
message from the hotmail web site, and Blood Slap from Outlook 
Ok, I have just # out the dri in my config file, 
and it didn't freeze for the short time that I was using gnome (usually happens 
when I scroll through windows, so I scrolled my heart out). But when 
playing 3d games (gltron) it is unplayably slow, just like before when I 
upgraded. So what's the deal, is there a way to keep my system from 
freezing and be able to play games?

  - Original Message - 
  Michael Kovary 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 10:11 
  Subject: Re: [newbie] problems with 
  Windows does not lock on the same machine, and all of my games actually 
  work perfectly fine. I wil try what was suggested.
  From: Charles A Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Subject: Re: [newbie] problems with 8.2 
  Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 09:58:42 -0400 
  On Tue, 9 Apr 2002 20:25:13 -0600 
  "Blood Slap" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: 

I didn't see that v42 there, but here's my config files 
  are attached. 

  Your XF86Config-4 looks OK. 
  The symptoms you described were the same a those you would have 
  If you were using a Rage128 and if the v4l module is loaded. 
  Just for a little background 8.2 use the Gatos ati2 drivers and 
  it is confirmed by gatos that v41 must be disabled when using their driver and 
  the rage128. 
  If you are dual booting are you also suffering the lock-ups in 
  the other OS? 
  To test if it is X that is causing your lock-ups # out the 
  entry for 'dri" in your XF86Config-4, reboot, and see if they still occur. 
  There is some variation in the 128 chip being used on some 
  cards (this is why the question about Mobility or Pro.) 
  On these cards dri must be disabled. 
  I have 8.2 running with an ATI Xpert2000 which uses the rage128 
  chip, 3d games run without problem and it does not suffer from lock-ups. 
  In the event that your problems stem simply from a glitch in 
  the installation you might consider reinstalling as an Upgrade, in pkgs 
  selection verify that Mesa and All libMesa pkgs are installed, you need them 
  for 3d games to run properly, and then let the installation configure X using 
  4.20 with 3d hardware accel. 
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Re: [newbie] Hard kill a process

2002-04-10 Per discussione Robin Turner

On Thursday 11 April 2002 01:09, James Thomas wrote:
 kill -9 doesn't always work, regardless of whether or not you are logged on
 as root or not - and also regardless of whether or not the process is
 owned by another process. Sometimes it doesn't work.
 On those cases, I usually just reboot mostly because man kill doesn't ever
 seem to imply that it doesn't work and couldn't find anything about it
 online. If there's an easier way to do it, please let me know. :)

If I remember rightly from my early Enlightenment days, they also had the 
options nuke and annihalate.  Were these variations on kill or separate 
commands - I don't seem to have them.

Xkill works well on most naughty X-apps.  Restarting the X-server is also a 
good thing to try instead of rebooting, but if a program is hogging 
resources, it doesn't always work.  Thank God for journaling filesystems - 
when I get really pissed off, I just hit that restart button.

Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] problems with 8.2

2002-04-10 Per discussione Blood Slap

I'd also like to add, just incase it means 
anything, that in HardDrake, it says my graphics card is pci and not 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 4:29 
  Subject: Re: [newbie] problems with 
  Just to clear something up, I (Michael Kovary) am 
  the same person as Blood Slap.
  The From says "Michael Kovary" when I send the 
  message from the hotmail web site, and Blood Slap from Outlook 
  Ok, I have just # out the dri in my config file, 
  and it didn't freeze for the short time that I was using gnome (usually 
  happens when I scroll through windows, so I scrolled my heart out). But 
  when playing 3d games (gltron) it is unplayably slow, just like before when I 
  upgraded. So what's the deal, is there a way to keep my system from 
  freezing and be able to play games?
- Original Message - 
Michael Kovary 
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 10:11 
Subject: Re: [newbie] problems with 

Windows does not lock on the same machine, and all of my games actually 
work perfectly fine. I wil try what was suggested.

From: Charles A Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [newbie] problems with 8.2 
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 09:58:42 -0400 
On Tue, 9 Apr 2002 20:25:13 -0600 
"Blood Slap" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: 
  I didn't see that v42 there, but here's my config files 
are attached. 
Your XF86Config-4 looks OK. 
The symptoms you described were the same a those you would 
have If you were using a Rage128 and if the v4l module is loaded. 
Just for a little background 8.2 use the Gatos ati2 drivers 
and it is confirmed by gatos that v41 must be disabled when using their 
driver and the rage128. 
If you are dual booting are you also suffering the lock-ups 
in the other OS? 
To test if it is X that is causing your lock-ups # out the 
entry for 'dri" in your XF86Config-4, reboot, and see if they still occur. 
There is some variation in the 128 chip being used on some 
cards (this is why the question about Mobility or Pro.) 
On these cards dri must be disabled. 
I have 8.2 running with an ATI Xpert2000 which uses the 
rage128 chip, 3d games run without problem and it does not suffer from 
In the event that your problems stem simply from a glitch in 
the installation you might consider reinstalling as an Upgrade, in pkgs 
selection verify that Mesa and All libMesa pkgs are installed, you need them 
for 3d games to run properly, and then let the installation configure X 
using 4.20 with 3d hardware accel. 
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Re: [newbie] Konqueror stalls

2002-04-10 Per discussione great_scot

On Wednesday 10 Apr 2002 8:01 am, you wrote:
 On Wednesday 10 Apr 2002 4:30 am, madwand wrote:
  Hello everyone.
  I just burned a CD as root, logged out from root and logged in as a user.
  During the KDE load sequence I noticed that konqueror appeared twice on
  the taskbar, as hourglass icons, but did not load.  When I tried to
  access my home directory, the hourglass icon appeared on the taskbar but
  the directory did not open.  When online, I tried to use konqueror for
  browsing, however, once again the hourglass icon appeared but konqueror
  did not load.
  Any thoughts on what's going wrong?  Any suggestions on what to look for?
  I'm very much a newbie at this so step by step guidance on what
  information I should provide would be appreciated.
  I am running 8.1.

 Yep thats a common problem. It often seems to be associated with installing
 the rpm kdebase-nsplugins
 To fix it open  KDE Control CentreWebBrowsingNetscapePlugins
 If the 'Scan for new plugins at KDE startop'  box is checked then uncheck
 it click 'Apply' then restart KDE.

 If it is still no good then in a terminal type
 cd ~/.kde/share/config
 rename konquerorrc konquerorrc.bak

 and then restart KDE. This will remove your konqueror settings. On
 restarting a new file will be created and your konq will revert to default
 settings. It should then start OK.



Thanks Derek.

Unchecking the scan for new plugins did it.


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Re: [newbie] New silly Question. ;) Recommend good file manager?

2002-04-10 Per discussione civileme

Tim Holmes wrote:

Hey Femme.

I think what you're looking for is ROX.

Somebody asked me on #mandrake what file manager I use.  You know I'm a
console man, so my answer was xterm.  However, somebody else came up
with the option of ROX.

It's pretty simple, but you can set up defaults to open up certain file
types, and it is GUI of course.

I've installed it, but have only played with it breifly.  It looks nice,
and appears to be pretty functional though.

Check it out, it may be what you're looking for in E.  But keep in mind
you can still use your other file managers in E.  You can run Konqueror
in if you'd like.

Hope that helps!

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Or you might like Krusader--it is on your 8.2 install disks


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[newbie] officially ms free

2002-04-10 Per discussione Todd Slater

When I wiped Windows, I announced I was MS-free, but that was only
partially true; I just invested $0.69 in a wheel mouse to replace my MS
mouse. Plugged it in, went to Control Center--Hardware--Mouse, and voila.
Now it's official, absolutely nuttin MS on me. The best $0.69 I ever

Todd Slater
3:11pm up 6:16, 3 users, load average: 0.27, 0.15, 0.10
Education is a private matter between the person and the world of
knowledge and experience, and has little to do with school or college.
(Lillian Smith)

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Re: [newbie] officially ms free

2002-04-10 Per discussione James Thomas

Alas, I can't do this as I need Windows to:
1. Play Games
2. Use my Scanner - it's not yet supported under Linux that I can find and 
scannerdrake doesn't recognize it.

Once game manufacturers start producing more games under Linux, I'll glady 
make the final switch. Unfortunately, the few commercial games that have 
gone Linux have not sold very well, so evidently the market isn't there yet. 


Now it's official, absolutely nuttin MS on me. The best $0.69 I ever 

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Re: [newbie] officially ms free

2002-04-10 Per discussione shane

On Wednesday 10 April 2002 17:24, James Thomas opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

 Once game manufacturers start producing more games under Linux, I'll
 glady make the final switch. Unfortunately, the few commercial games that
 have gone Linux have not sold very well, so evidently the market isn't
 there yet. Sigh.

have you paid a visit to the transgaming site yet?

my scanner doesn't work in linux either.  my only stopper too.  i am 
considering trying to install it with wine.  i wonder if wine does USB.

Microsoft, Windows, Windows 98, Bugs, Lacking Features, IRQ Conflicts, 
System Crashes, Non-Functional Multitasking, The Y2K Problem and The Blue 
Screen of Death (BSOD) are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp., 
Redmond, Washington, USA.

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Re: [newbie] How to Install KDE 3.0 ???

2002-04-10 Per discussione dfox

 I'm trying to install Kde 3.0 but I can't.
 I downloaded all MDK files from:

I upgraded to 3.0 final last night, but I already had 3.0 beta
2 installed, so maybe that's cheating :).

The install went fairly straight forward, although there were
a few gotchas. I use Mandrake 8.1, but the installation for that
shouldn't vary much from doing it on 8.2. If you are upgrading from
2.2.x or installing kde 3.0 for the first time, that may be 

What I recommend doing after you've ftp'd down everything in the
kde subdirectory off of - is to start upgrading the
lower level components first before installing or upgrading the
big major components such as kdebase. This helps dependency 

That's the approach I took this time around and there were
still some dependency issues - iirc I had to a --nodeps install
on koffice, because it wanted a kdegraphics rpm and my
rpms were kdegraphics3. Minor spelling diff, but it makes a
difference to RPM.

By lower level stuff I mean things like libxslt, libcups, 
etc. Similar titled libraries and their base packages (for
example cups* and libcups*) depend on each other; you'll be
better off if you install the library components first.

Once those are installed, then install libqt*. The -devel
packages depend on their base packages - for instance kdelibs,
and kdelibs-devel. Install them in pairs on the RPM command
line, like

# rpm -Uvh kdelibs-3.0.0-1mdk.i586.rpm kdelibs-devel-3.0.0-1mdk.i586.rpm

Next, if you get dependency errors from another package, suich as
kdearts needing kdelibs, or what have you, hit your up arrow button
which will give you the last command entered, then add the RPM its
asking for. Keep adding RPMS on the command line (but just the ones
it needs) until all dependencies are satisfied. If I remember 
from last nights install, I had to do this about 3-4 times just to
make sure everything got upgraded correctly.

In some cases you'll need to get rid of an older RPM before the
new RPM can be installed. Mostly this is needed if you get
file conflicts (like somesuch file in foo-1.rpm conflicts with
the same file in foo-2.rpm).

 Um abraço,
 Lúcio Costa

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[newbie] Kernel upgrade

2002-04-10 Per discussione Danny Luker

My first post to this list!

I'm running Mandrake 8.1 with rieserfs on a 256MB  AMD K6 clocking 350 MHz 
(older machine) and all is well.   I just purchased a Sharp Zaurus SL5500 and 
much to my disappointment it does not talk to my Linux box.  I have spent all 
day trying to upgrade to the 2.4.18 kernel so I can use the usbdnet patch to 
make things right with my Zaurus.  No joy however.  I followed the README 
that came with the 2.4.18 source download.  

make xconfig
make dep
make clean
make bzImage
make modules
make modules_install
cp ~/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot
editing lilo.config to point to new bzImage with lable 2.4.18 (keeping old  
kernel available)

then selecting my new kernel from lilo menu system flashes:
 Loading 2.4.18 .
Then it reboots ... and I grit my teeth and wonder why.

What am I doing wrong .. any common newbie (like me) issues and Gotch-ya's?

Danny Luker

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[newbie] Login

2002-04-10 Per discussione Brian York

How do you keep users from showing up at the login screen for mandrake 8.2?


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Re: [newbie] New silly Question. ;) Recommend good file manager?

2002-04-10 Per discussione Femme

On Wed, 10 Apr 2002 15:13:34 -0800
civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Tim Holmes wrote:
 Hey Femme.
 I think what you're looking for is ROX.
 Somebody asked me on #mandrake what file manager I use.  You know I'm a
 console man, so my answer was xterm.  However, somebody else came up
 with the option of ROX.
 It's pretty simple, but you can set up defaults to open up certain file
 types, and it is GUI of course.
 I've installed it, but have only played with it breifly.  It looks nice,
 and appears to be pretty functional though.
 Check it out, it may be what you're looking for in E.  But keep in mind
 you can still use your other file managers in E.  You can run Konqueror
 in if you'd like.
 Hope that helps!
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to
 Or you might like Krusader--it is on your 8.2 install disks

Thx I will try both at some point. 
will let you know how it goes.


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Re: [newbie] Reiser Question

2002-04-10 Per discussione Femme

Well I'm officially very ticked off.

I had some problems with X.  It crashed, hard.  Mouse/keyboard, evertying stopped 
working.  Somehow, through a miracle I think, I got it to reboot by hitting teh reset 
button or just banging keys.

Needless to say, I lost all the mail I'd d/led today.  I also lost some small 
bookmarks *No biggy there*.  The mail is what I was ticked about.  I couldn't figure 
out a way to save it.  I am using Sylpheed.

When I rebooted, I got fails on a lot of Modules that tried to load.  Like 
DevFs=Fail! this was my first clue my install didn't survive.

Now, knowing Reiser is supposed to stop corruption of an FS, why did it fail this 
time?  Is it me or something else?

any ideas to avoid this unfortunate situation in the future?

I did try to get to a term by ctrl-alt-Fx.  No joy.  So...couldn't shutdown gracefully.


I tried the rescue option.  Ya that didn't work.

I tried the reinstall but don't format /home.  I have only 3 partitions *root (/), 
swap, home* and have yet to figure out how to divide up more  get it to work 
properly.  *Thats a diff issue*.  However, on reboot I got teh same fails.  Plus! Kde 
couldn't write/execute the .ICEauthority file.  :\  I tried the chmod method of 
giving global access... another file needed it.

At that point it seemed easier to just reinstall all  save my nvidia drivers I'd 
downloaded instead.

*sigh*  Help? Pls?

I am at a loss as to how to avoid/fix this in the future if this happens.  And why 
reiser failed.


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Re: [newbie] problems with 8.2

2002-04-10 Per discussione Blood Slap

It turns out Linux is still completely freezing, 
and # out the dri didn't do anything except for screw up my games.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 4:29 
  Subject: Re: [newbie] problems with 
  Just to clear something up, I (Michael Kovary) am 
  the same person as Blood Slap.
  The From says "Michael Kovary" when I send the 
  message from the hotmail web site, and Blood Slap from Outlook 
  Ok, I have just # out the dri in my config file, 
  and it didn't freeze for the short time that I was using gnome (usually 
  happens when I scroll through windows, so I scrolled my heart out). But 
  when playing 3d games (gltron) it is unplayably slow, just like before when I 
  upgraded. So what's the deal, is there a way to keep my system from 
  freezing and be able to play games?
- Original Message - 
Michael Kovary 
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 10:11 
Subject: Re: [newbie] problems with 

Windows does not lock on the same machine, and all of my games actually 
work perfectly fine. I wil try what was suggested.

From: Charles A Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [newbie] problems with 8.2 
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 09:58:42 -0400 
On Tue, 9 Apr 2002 20:25:13 -0600 
"Blood Slap" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: 
  I didn't see that v42 there, but here's my config files 
are attached. 
Your XF86Config-4 looks OK. 
The symptoms you described were the same a those you would 
have If you were using a Rage128 and if the v4l module is loaded. 
Just for a little background 8.2 use the Gatos ati2 drivers 
and it is confirmed by gatos that v41 must be disabled when using their 
driver and the rage128. 
If you are dual booting are you also suffering the lock-ups 
in the other OS? 
To test if it is X that is causing your lock-ups # out the 
entry for 'dri" in your XF86Config-4, reboot, and see if they still occur. 
There is some variation in the 128 chip being used on some 
cards (this is why the question about Mobility or Pro.) 
On these cards dri must be disabled. 
I have 8.2 running with an ATI Xpert2000 which uses the 
rage128 chip, 3d games run without problem and it does not suffer from 
In the event that your problems stem simply from a glitch in 
the installation you might consider reinstalling as an Upgrade, in pkgs 
selection verify that Mesa and All libMesa pkgs are installed, you need them 
for 3d games to run properly, and then let the installation configure X 
using 4.20 with 3d hardware accel. 
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