[newbie-it] xanim

2002-05-07 Per discussione Francesco Speranza

Ho installato MKD8.2 powerpack che mi e' arrivato da poco , ma quando 
cerco di installare kde3 mi chiede xanim . La cosa non mi e' successa 
con la versione scaricata dal web ( l'installazione di KDE3 e' andata 
liscia ) e inoltre nonostante abbia scaricato la versione di xanim 
compressa non riesco a capire come installarla . Qualcuno sa dove posso 
trovare in corrispondente RPM?

Re: [newbie-it] xanim

2002-05-07 Per discussione Brunini Alessandro

Alle 15:57, martedì 7 maggio 2002, Francesco Speranza ha scritto:
 Ho installato MKD8.2 powerpack che mi e' arrivato da poco , ma quando
 cerco di installare kde3 mi chiede xanim . La cosa non mi e' successa
 con la versione scaricata dal web ( l'installazione di KDE3 e' andata
 liscia ) e inoltre nonostante abbia scaricato la versione di xanim
 compressa non riesco a capire come installarla . Qualcuno sa dove posso
 trovare in corrispondente RPM?

Strano, a me è successo il contrario...

Un saluto.

[newbie-it] boot

2002-05-07 Per discussione lux12

Ciao a tutti,
ho installato winzoz 98 (dopo un anno che non lo usavo) sul pezzo finale dell'HD.
(Io uso MDK 8.2). Mi è successo questo:
Win ha cancellato l'MBR come da manuale ma mi ha anche rovinato il 1 settore di hda6.
Domanda: come faccio a ripararlo? e a ripristinare lilo?
Ho provato dal Control center ma mi ritorna questo:

Installazione di LILO fallita. Si è verificato il seguente errore:

Fatal: First sector of /dev/hda6 doesn't have a valid boot signature.

Cosa dovrei fare?
Se parto dal dischetto va tutto.
Grazie, Lux


Fai i tuoi acquisti su www.kwshopping.it


2002-05-07 Per discussione lux12

Ciao a tutti,
ho installato winzoz 98 (dopo un anno che non lo usavo) sul pezzo finale dell'HD.
(Io uso MDK 8.2). Mi è successo questo:
Win ha cancellato l'MBR come da manuale ma mi ha anche rovinato il 1 settore di hda6.
Domanda: come faccio a ripararlo? e a ripristinare lilo?
Ho provato dal Control center ma mi ritorna questo:

Installazione di LILO fallita. Si è verificato il seguente errore:

Fatal: First sector of /dev/hda6 doesn't have a valid boot signature.

Cosa dovrei fare?
Se parto dal dischetto va tutto.
Grazie, Lux


Fai i tuoi acquisti su www.kwshopping.it

Re: [newbie-it] Font Windos non supportati

2002-05-07 Per discussione LukenShiro

On Sun, 5 May 2002, [iso-8859-1] max wrote:
 ma i programmi relativi ad Internet non supportano i font di Windows.
 C'è un modo per rimediare al problema?

Non ho (piu') windows sul disco fisso, ma hai gia' provato con DrakFont
a recuperare i font con l'apposito pulsante o casomai ad aggiungerli?

LU #210970 LM #98222 - MDK8.2 elaborata / 2.4.18-6mdk
Pubblicita' progresso - NO: crossposting / quoting selvaggio / email
HTML / messaggi urlati / spazzatura non richiesta / documenti di oscuro
formato M$ / siti web non usufruibili / troll che defecano fuori dalla
tazza / patenti software di dubbia utilita' ...

Re: [newbie-it] xanim

2002-05-07 Per discussione LukenShiro

On Tue, 7 May 2002, Francesco Speranza wrote:
 nonostante abbia scaricato la versione di xanim 
 compressa non riesco a capire come installarla . Qualcuno sa dove posso 
 trovare in corrispondente RPM?

Be', direi sul solito sito rpmfind.net (e mirror europei relativi). Cmq
la versione che trovi li' e' xanim-28010-16mdk.i586, non so se e'
l'equivalente pacchettizzata del .tgz a tua disposizione ...

In ogni caso xanim e' _sempre_ richiesto se installi il pacchetto
kdemultimedia-aktion (questo almeno nella 2.2.2, la 3.0 non l'ho ancora

LU #210970 LM #98222 - MDK8.2 elaborata / 2.4.18-6mdk
Pubblicita' progresso - Abbasso a tutto cio' che fa sprecare 
banda inutilmente a chi lo riceve e a tutto cio che non permette di 
usufruire delle informazioni in modo accessibile ed immediato

[newbie-it] floppy???

2002-05-07 Per discussione tom

ciao tutti

Ho riparato il floppy..ora scrive e legge bene ma quando vado a credare 
un disco di boot mi dice
Formatting /dev/fd0... mount: /dev/fd0 già montato o /tmp/syslinux.mnt.2109.0 
mount: /dev/fd0 già montato o /tmp/mkbootdisk occupato

e poi mi appare una finestrella in stile java che mi dice..

Non è stato possibile chidere normalmente mkbootdisk:


che c'è che non va?
ho dimenticato di fare qualcosa di assolutamente banale?
Grazie dell eventuale aiuto.

Ciao , Tom

P.S. MDK8.2 

Re: [newbie-it] boot

2002-05-07 Per discussione LukenShiro

On Tue, 7 May 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 (Io uso MDK 8.2). Mi è successo questo:
 Win ha cancellato l'MBR come da manuale ma mi ha anche rovinato il 1 settore di hda6.
 Domanda: come faccio a ripararlo?

In generale se un settore e' danneggiato AFAIK non c'e modo di
recuperarlo, l'unica cosa e' farlo marcare come inutilizzabile da un
comando apposito (direi tipo badblocks o 'e2fsck -c', che pero' funziona
con ext2 su intere partizioni)
Ma il problema e': come fai a sapere che hai un settore danneggiato, 
senza aver utilizzato l'apposito comando? ...

 e a ripristinare lilo?
 Ho provato dal Control center ma mi ritorna questo:
 Installazione di LILO fallita. Si è verificato il seguente errore:
 Fatal: First sector of /dev/hda6 doesn't have a valid boot signature.

Premettendo che non uso lilo, l'errore che segnali 'dovrebbe' essere
dovuto solo al fatto che la partizione indicata non e' la prima e quindi
non e' quella corretta per installare il bootloader all'avvio
[almeno cosi' risulta nella documentazione, pacchetto lilo-doc:
The first sector of the specified device does not appear to be a valid
boot sector. You might have confused the device name.
 e nella noterella acclusa:
Because different partition programs may display the partitions in a
different order, it is possible that what you think is your first
partition isn't /dev/hda1, etc. A good method to verify the content of a
partition is to try to mount it.]

Non capisco perche' tu voglia installarlo in /dev/hda6 e non invece nel
MBR. Provato a impostare /dev/hda nel menu apposito o direttamente 
dare lilo -v?

LU #210970 LM #98222 - MDK8.2 elaborata / 2.4.18-6mdk
Pubblicita' progresso - NO, basta, niente piu' pubblicita' :P

Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-07 Per discussione David

daRcmaTTeR said onto me:  
 |Thats a terrible thing to say. even for Billy-bob. sure the guy is evil
 |but geeZ. That's rather harsh. Maybe the poor bugger simply doesn't know
 |any different. poor dumb bugger.

Come on now..Don't get me wrong, I support that guy in NO way.  But if there are 
two things in this world he is not they are:  _poor_ or _dumb_.  

That mother fr knows better.  He chooses to run his company the way it is via 
conscience choices.  Let him hang like the criminal he is.  Don't say things that 
could build empathy/sympathy for him.  

my 0.02  

 |Registered Linux User 182496


David L. Steiner   Registered Linux User   #262493
Mandrake  8.2  Enlightenment  0.16.5   Sylpheed  0.7.4claws
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Homepage: www.davidlsteiner.com

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Re: [newbie] VMWare problem

2002-05-07 Per discussione Mike Oliver

Joseph Braddock wrote:

 Surely it would be cheaper to buy a new scanner than to purchase VMware simply
 to use a windows only scanner.  Wouldn't it?

Not if you already own VMWare, as it appears the OP does.

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[newbie] in search for a mag:linux france magazine issue january

2002-05-07 Per discussione - hybrid -

good morning everyone ;
any of you from france ? i'm in search for a mag called 'linux france
magazine' , and especially for the issue from january ... they have a big
article about e17 [enlightenment 0.17] about how to install it and how to
work witch etcher !!!
if anyone coult help me in this case , to get me that issue or just a copy
of that article , of course i would pay the postalship and everything ...

attachment: winmail.dat
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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-07 Per discussione FemmeFatale

Marc wrote:

   A interisting point to ponder is that from what I  have heard the crime rate in
 Kenasaw Georga before passing that local ordance was extremely high compared
 to the rest of the state of georgia but after that law was in place for 3 months the
 crime rate had droped to way below average for the state.
   Has getting rid of most of the firearms in a lot of the UK had that kind of 

Gun restriction laws in canada mean we have fewer crimes per capita than
the US  Our murder rates are far lower by city/per capita too.

Simple fact:  Guns kill ppl.  Access to them does same.  End of story
here in Canada.

*dons the flame retardant suits  prepares for the inevitable war*

Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Converting Mozilla Bookmarks

2002-05-07 Per discussione FemmeFatale

Charlie wrote:
 On Monday 06 May 2002 05:53 pm, FemmeFatale offered this for consideration:
  Just do an Export bookmarks To a floppy
  boot linux, in mozilla do a IMport bookmarks Point to the floppy
  drive.  Done deal.  Worked for me fine.  And its less complex ;)
 Hey neighbour. ;-)
 I thought knowing where the browser hides it's secrets would be a good idea.
 Besides, what's complicated about drag and drop? (jk!!)
 Export (neither for bookmarks or address book) in Mozilla 1.0 RC1 doesn't
 work for me (nor did import) so I explained where the files should be hiding
 for anyone else that had the same trouble. Mine are parked on a floppy (as
 well as in backups on '/archive') via the drag and dropcopy here method.
 Suspenders and belt, ya know?
 Charlie in Edmonton, AB, Canada

Shush, I'm an ignorant country bumpkin! ;)

OK OK so i'm trying to keep things super simple for us bumpkins on the
list!  Sue me. No wait thats the US way. Hm.. K instead, do the Canadian
thing  apologize to me instead ;)

Thx btw, your idea's good.  Hm..figures too I deleted it.


Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] DVD?

2002-05-07 Per discussione FemmeFatale

Brian Koppe wrote:
 Sorry for the slew of questions as of late - I'm trying to get as many
 things working just right in Linux so I can use Windows as little as
 possible.  So, onto the next subject :-p
 Anyone know of a DVD player for Linux and where I can get it?  My box is
 my primary movie-watching utility and it's a pain to reboot whenever I
 want to watch something.  Thanks!
 P.S.  Be fore-warned, I'll probably come back needing help with
 installation :-p

OH! You wound us with your soon-to-be Questions that we're
s looking forward to ! *sarcasm off* :)


start there, look for DVD players.  Have fun!

Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] OT Guns

2002-05-07 Per discussione FemmeFatale

Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

 Yes, however those ideas have already been taken into account when doing
 an analysis of the crime rates in various disarmed countries.  Once more
 I recommend the following from Amazon:
 See the book: More Guns, Less Crime : Understanding Crime and
 Gun-Control Laws (Studies in Law and Economics (Chicago, Ill.).) by
 John R., Jr. Lott
 Best Regards,

Lyvim I love you but...

I'm gonna seriously beat whoever next posts on this topic  keeps it

*Kills the thread mercilessly turning it into a disgusting pile of goo*

Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] E-term problems under 8.2?

2002-05-07 Per discussione FemmeFatale

darklord wrote:
 On Monday 06 May 2002 09:08 pm, you wrote:
  Ironically? not? I'm running a PIII 550.  On an ancient but reliable
  BX board by Asus.  Otherwise I would have tried that while back when it
  was mentioned on the list by Kaj.  *sigh*  Sorry thats not it.  And I
  tried again the other day, configuring 3 terms (all E-terms) differently
   trying a few diff things with the menus.  Nada.  They all come up
  transparent  no backgrounds or not the backgrounds I set when I turn
  off the transparency.
 Femme, which versions did you try? I'm running 9.4 here, I think. I did have
 to add some png lib just to get it to run, but then I copy my fav backgrounds
 to /usr/share/Eterm/pix, edit the pixmaps list, and hey-bingo-presto! instant
 luvly backgrounds. ;-)
 PS This is aside from that small error message I get when I first open Eterm.

*S* Thx, to be honest I have no clue what version it is.  Have to look
now, but its what came with 8.2.  So...where does this leave me?  With a
fubared Eterm like yours if I do as you suggest?  :)

*seems to remember a post about see dictionary under idiot/imbecile 
you'll find a pic of DarkLord*... hm dare I take your advice now?

Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Locking me out

2002-05-07 Per discussione Lee

I was reading a post the other day about the potential 50 yr old newbie and 
it got me thinking.

How about a script to lock me out of my box for random 8 hr periods.  It 
would be just like old times with Windows reinstalling without the work.  My 
wife would love it.


Registered Linux abuser #223705

The best indication that there is intelligent life elsewhere is that they 
haven't contacted us.

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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-07 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir

On Tue, 2002-05-07 at 03:16, FemmeFatale wrote:

 Gun restriction laws in canada mean we have fewer crimes per capita than
 the US  Our murder rates are far lower by city/per capita too.
 Simple fact:  Guns kill ppl.  Access to them does same.  End of story
 here in Canada.
 *dons the flame retardant suits  prepares for the inevitable war*

No suits needed, I'm just curious.  Where did you get your figures
from?  I'm interested in your sources.  Email me off list. :)



Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899 http://counter.li.org/

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-07 Per discussione Miark

 Gun restriction laws in canada mean we have fewer crimes per capita than
 the US  Our murder rates are far lower by city/per capita too.

That's not true. The murder rate in Canada was tiny compared to the States'
_before_ the restrictive laws came into effect. Canada has less violent
crime because Canadians are a less violent people. (I know, I know, you're 
all shocked :-) 

Anti-gun laws only seem to work in Canada because there isn't a violent
crime problem to begin with. And if you try to apply similar laws in
a more violent place such as the States, the crime would run rampant.

 Simple fact:  Guns kill ppl.  Access to them does same.  End of story
 here in Canada.

Rediculous. Criminals kill people, and if you take away their guns, they
will find dozens of other ways to do it (if not other illegal guns). 

You give law-abiding citizens the right to arm themselves, and crime drops
for two reasons. First because criminals change their mind about going 
against somebody that might shoot them, and second because if they do
try to murder/rape/rob somebody, they'll be stopped! The lower crime rate 
in Kennesaw, GA is a perfect example of the first point, and as for the
second, there are an estimated 2 million crimes that are prevented every year 
in the States because people have the freedom to protect themselves with 
a firearm.

Miark (an 18-year resident of Canada, and 12-year resident of the States.)

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Re[2]: [newbie] OT over reacting

2002-05-07 Per discussione Roman Korcek


 You know what I do whenever I get a new Mandrake distro? (well there
 are a lot of things BUT) I open the software (RPM) manager, go to
 flat list, and  under the not installed part, I take the time to
 scroll down thru the list  and see just what was -not- installed.
 Its pretty informative... even if it  does take awhile. ;-)

Hmm, I always went through the whole list before (during)


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Re[2]: [newbie] OT guns

2002-05-07 Per discussione Roman Korcek


 Simple fact:  Guns kill ppl.  Access to them does same.  End of story
 here in Canada.

 Rediculous. Criminals kill people,

Accidents can kill them, too. And easy access to guns makes it easy to
get guns for crimes. I think I agree with Femme.

 and if you take away their guns, they will find dozens of other ways
 to do it (if not other illegal guns).

True, but why make it easy for them?

 You give law-abiding citizens the right to arm themselves,

Do they not have the right? AFAIK the laws only control access to
weapons, so that e.g. mentally ill people don't have access to them.

 and crime drops for two reasons. First
 because criminals change their mind about going against somebody
 that might shoot them,

The criminal never knows if the victim is armed or not, be it in a
country with less restricitve laws or with more restrictive laws.

 and second because if they do try to
 murder/rape/rob somebody, they'll be stopped!

There are other ways to stop them - tasers, tear gas... You don't have
to shoot them.

 and as for the second, there are an estimated 2 million crimes that
 are prevented every year in the States because people have the
 freedom to protect themselves with a firearm.

What country are you comparing the US with?

To your first point, what country are we talking about? Are you
criticizing some law forbiding anyone to own a gun?

BTW: What do you think about the recent shooting in Erfurt, Germany?
Do you think it could have been prevented if the 18-yar old guy
wuoldn't be allowed to own two guns legally?


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Re[2]: [newbie] OT over reacting

2002-05-07 Per discussione Roman Korcek


 Hmm, I always went through the whole list before (during)

 i dont think you could view all available rpm packages during installation
 as many are intentionally hidden by the distro packagers to prevent
 overwhelming the new users who are trying mandrake for the first time. the
 list of applications that you could see during installation is the same one
 that you can see during a rpmdrake session. you have to select the flat view
 to get a complete listing. an example here (if i recall correctly) would be
 the libwine1 packages. you would never see the libwine1 packages during
 installation. i chose that as an example because i just upgraded one computer
 here to LM8.2 and was able to add the libwine1 package when all was running
 smoothly after installation.

 i recall this topic was also brought up by civileme a couple months back
 during the release of 8.1. i may be wrong so take my word with a grain of
 salt. ;-)

You might be right, I had the same problem with kernel-sources, which
I could never find in rpmdrake. Still, you can choose between a
categorized and a flat view of packages during installation, can't


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Re: [newbie] Early distro on older PC (was 2 distributions on 1 computer?????)

2002-05-07 Per discussione civileme

shane wrote:

On Monday 06 May 2002 14:55, Michael Adams opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

Mandrake won't run on a 486 or 386 as it is compiled for pentiums. I
beleive there is a 486 distro downloadable (from memory).

Thanks for the info, much appreciated.  Will see what I can find in the
'net. skinky

There was a thread on that 486 distro either last year or very eary this
year try the newbie-archives. Alternatively, redhat is compiled AFAIK to
run on 386 or better. Michael ducks for cover after suggesting
altenative distro

you better bucky!  :P

seriously, does it matter?  i mean try and run XP on a 486, then realize 
there is a reason we are fooling with linux...

depending on what you want the machine to do, either 
may be a big help to you.

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mandrake, stampede, and enoch are compiled for more recent processors, 
while most other distros stick with 386.

I guess the real difference will come with the hammer-core processors 
which are x86 compatible unlike IA-64, but have significant enhancements 
beyond the 64-bit wideness.  There a compile for a 16-year-old processor 
will certainly not compete with one for the actual processor itself. 
 For the Pentium and 686-style procesors, the difference is slight, and 
sometimes the 686 compile runs slower.  Early results compiling 
exclusively for Athlon show some gains over the pentium compile, but not 
enough to justify the expense of separate maintenance.  The Opteron will 
likely be a much different story.


There is a version of mandrake (7.0 and it is a beta at that) for 486s. 
 There are also 7.1 versions for SPARC and Alpha processors(also beta 
versions with no final).  The market demand was so slight, none were 
justified to be continued

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] OT Guns

2002-05-07 Per discussione Michael Scottaline

On Tue, 07 May 2002 01:34:02 -0600
FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled intuitively:

Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

 Yes, however those ideas have already been taken into account when
doing an analysis of the crime rates in various disarmed countries. 
Once more I recommend the following from Amazon:
 See the book: More Guns, Less Crime : Understanding Crime and
 Gun-Control Laws (Studies in Law and Economics (Chicago, Ill.).) by
 John R., Jr. Lott
 Best Regards,

Lyvim I love you but...

I'm gonna seriously beat whoever next posts on this topic  keeps it

*Kills the thread mercilessly turning it into a disgusting pile of goo*
Hey Femme,

I'm not so certain you can kill this thread just by acting like a little


He may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot but don't let that
fool you., he really is an idiot.

-Groucho Marx

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] OT Guns

2002-05-07 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir

On Tue, 2002-05-07 at 03:34, FemmeFatale wrote:
 Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
  Yes, however those ideas have already been taken into account when doing
  an analysis of the crime rates in various disarmed countries.  Once more
  I recommend the following from Amazon:
  See the book: More Guns, Less Crime : Understanding Crime and
  Gun-Control Laws (Studies in Law and Economics (Chicago, Ill.).) by
  John R., Jr. Lott
  Best Regards,
 Lyvim I love you but...
 I'm gonna seriously beat whoever next posts on this topic  keeps it
 *Kills the thread mercilessly turning it into a disgusting pile of goo*

I told you to email me private on the last message that I sent to you on
this thread, you know. I'm trying to get you in my private inbox. ;)


Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899 http://counter.li.org/

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] best way to set up e-mail?

2002-05-07 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Mon, 6 May 2002 17:36:34 +0800, Gobind Rudra [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 hello folks,
 any suggestions for the best way to set up e-mail for dial-up 
 home use?
 I'm used to Mercury (Win32) which will send and fetch mail.  Is 
 there a simple Linux equivalent?

I'm not familiar with this app, sorry.

 At the moment, I'm trying getmail, but it complains that my 
 Sylpheed mailbox is not a maildir or an mbox. I've tried 
 setting it up to deliver to ~/Mail/ or to ~/Mail/inbox/
 (with and without the trailing slashes), but neither works.  The 
 Sylpheed folder tree shows the mailbox as Mailbox (MH).  Maybe 
 that's why getmail won't or can't deliver?

That's right, Sylpheed uses MH format. I don't know about the main Sylpheed
branch, but Sylpheed Claws can read from (but not write to) MBox mail

I'm not familiar with Getmail. Is it like Fetchmail?

 Is there a simple SMTP server I can use for sending mail without 
 going through a relay or an ISP.  With several e-mail accounts 
 per member of the household, direct SMTP delivery is about the 
 only feasible way to send (even if it's only a few pieces each 
 time) while fetching POP mail. 

Sendmail, perhaps?

Sridhar Dhanapalan

OS/2 is the platform of the '90s.
-- Bill Gates

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Re: [newbie] Audio issues...

2002-05-07 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Mon, 06 May 2002 21:32:32 -0500, Brian Koppe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I have KDE3.0 set up to automatically preview files.  When I leave the 
 mouse over an mp3 file, it plays until I move the mouse away.  However, 
 after I have done that, I can't play mp3's in XMMS - I get this message:
 Couldn't open audio
 Plaese check that:
 1. You have the correct output plugin selected
 2. No other program is blocking the soundcard
 3. Your soundcard is configured properly
 The thing is, if I haven't heard a preview, then the mp3's open just 
 fine with XMMS.  Any thoughts?

KDE uses ARTS for sound. When you try to play a sound file with a KDE app, ARTS
will grab the sound hardware for itself. After the app has finished ARTS will
continue to hold on for a preset period of time. I believe the default timeout
is one minute, and that it can be changed in the KDE Control Centre.

I don't use KDE often, so I could be wrong in some parts.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

I wrote code that works. I didn't test it, but the discussion is closed. It
might have syntactic problems, but it does work. Better than any kernel
extension ever would. End of story. -- Linus Torvalds

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Re: [newbie] VMWare problem

2002-05-07 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On 06 May 2002 22:53:24 -0500, Jim Dawson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Do we have any VMware experts here?
 I am trying to install Windows 98 under VMWare 3.1 on my Mandrake 8.2
 computer in order to operate my blankedy-blank Windows-only scanner.
 When I start my Win98 session I get the following error:
   Cannot open /dev/parport0: Permission denied
   Device parallel0 will start disconnected
 I issued a 'chmod 666 /dev/parport0' to eliminate permissions as being a
 problem, and I get the following error:
   Parallel port /dev/parport0 is used by another program (such
   as another instance of VMware Workstation) or driver (such as
   Device parallel0 will start disconnected.
 This is odd as I don't have anything using the parallel port at this
 Whats odd is that it was working with the same configuration with VMware
 3.0 under Mandrake 8.1. I have the parallel port configured as follows:
   Type: Device
   Path: /dev/parport0
 Bidirectional: Checked
   Start Connected: Checked
 Does anyone have any ideas as to what the problem might be?

Try adding yourself to the lp group, and also try turning off the CUPS daemon
(run service cups stop as root).

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Because I'm a bastard, and proud of it! -- Linus Torvalds

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Re[2]: [newbie] OT over reacting

2002-05-07 Per discussione Roman Korcek

 Still, you can choose between a categorized and a flat view of
 packages during installation, can't you?

 *grin* to tell you the truth i dont know if i can switch to flat
 view during installation. is there such an option during the
 graphical installation?

IIRC there is something like unfold whole tree, but I don't
remember, either. :-(

 to find out when i get home and re-install my mandrake (maybe ill
 triple boot it with gentoo as i hear good remarks about it).

Good luck!


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Re: Re[2]: [newbie] OT over reacting

2002-05-07 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir

On Tue, 2002-05-07 at 04:39, Roman Korcek wrote:
  You know what I do whenever I get a new Mandrake distro? (well there
  are a lot of things BUT) I open the software (RPM) manager, go to
  flat list, and  under the not installed part, I take the time to
  scroll down thru the list  and see just what was -not- installed.
  Its pretty informative... even if it  does take awhile. ;-)
 Hmm, I always went through the whole list before (during)

Good grief, I thought I was the only one. ;)


Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899 http://counter.li.org/

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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-07 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Mon, 6 May 2002 22:32:21 -0400, darklord [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Monday 06 May 2002 06:53 pm, you wrote:
A interisting point to ponder is that from what I  have heard the crime
  rate in Kenasaw Georga before passing that local ordance was extremely high
  compared to the rest of the state of georgia but after that law was in
  place for 3 months the crime rate had droped to way below average for the
Has getting rid of most of the firearms in a lot of the UK had that kind
  of positive effect?
 You're on the right track here - taking guns away does NOT lower crime rates. 
 Just the opposite, in fact. Britain and Australia (FWIH) are in the same 
 boat... ;-(

How do you know that? Have you lived in Australia or Britain? Have you actually
looked at the official statistics or simply some biased interpretation by the
National Redneck Association [sorry, couldn't resist ;)]? The Australian Bureau
of Statistics (a government body, but their methodology is well-documented and
sound) has shown time and time again that reducing the number of weapons
_reduces_ crime. Some years back (IIRC, it was 1996) we had a big (by Australian
standards) gun massacre in the state of Tasmania. After that, the government
initiated a gun buyback and confiscation scheme, and crime rates dropped. The
City of Sydney introduced restrictions on knives a few years ago; that also
reduced the crime rate.

But as British PM Benjamin Disraeli once said, There are lies, damn lies and
statistics. By this he meant that statistics can be easily twisted to argue
whatever you want. Microsoft does this all the time, as does MozillaQuest. One
famous example of this concerned the pesticides Aldrin and Dieldrin (A/D).
American and British scientists both had the same information on hand.
Nevertheless, the American scientists ruled them to be carcinogenic whilst the
British scientists declared them to be safe.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

   If Bill Gates had a dime for every time a Windows box crashed...
...Oh, wait a minute, he already does.

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Re: [newbie] Very bad review of Mandrake 8.2 boxed set

2002-05-07 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Mon, 6 May 2002 23:28:34 +0100, Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I would have to whole-heartedly agree with you. I enjoy dry british humor
  as much as the next guy, but these guys just don't get it.
 Hey don't get at us Brits The author was Thomas C Green who is an 
 If you read his posts over the last year he really fancies himself as being 
 smarter than all the people he deals with, and loves to humiliate people.
 (Check out his posts about Steve Gibson)
 Green has only been into Linux for less than twelve months but has already 
 made the transition in his own mind from Newbie to a leading expert.
 When reading the Reg check out the byline. Anything by Green will be 
 'caustic' and nasty about just about anything. I much prefer John Lettuce's 
 reporting since he does most of the Microsoft bashing.  (And he _is_ a Brit)

I agree. But John Lettuce has yet to put his money-where-his-mouth-is and dump
Windows. Andrew Orlowski uses MacOS, Thomas C. Greene uses GNU/Linux (and WinXP
supposedly on the side), but John persists with Windows. I guess using it so
much makes him want to curse Microsoft, hence his articles :)

Sridhar Dhanapalan

I wrote code that works. I didn't test it, but the discussion is closed. It
might have syntactic problems, but it does work. Better than any kernel
extension ever would. End of story. -- Linus Torvalds

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Re: [newbie] RE: setting a 10/100 NIC 's speed

2002-05-07 Per discussione civileme

Hanan Shargi wrote:

Hi All,

I have posted last week asking if there is a way I can set the 10/100 NIC's 
speed to 10, and some one suggested that it is easer to set the hub's speed 
I tried netconf, harddrake, Mandrake control center, I couldnt find anyplace 
hat lets you set the NIC's speed ?!

I checked the hub and its auto detecting, ther's no way I can set its speed.
Does anybody else have other suggestion ?

Just in case I'm looking at the wrong direction, I'm trying to lower the 
card's speed coz my ISP guy told me that  the reason my linux box is getting 
disconnected from the DSL every now and then is becoz, my NIC is trying to 
connect at 100 speed while the internal networking in the wall ( which conects 
me to their DSL ) can only handle 10 ! I'm kind of getting specticle here, but 
my W2K box ( whcih have a seperate IP ) is not getting disconnected after I 
set the speed of the NIC to 10  -

ANy suggestions Appreciated.

Hanan AL-Shargi

Find a cheap 10M hub and put it between your wall connection and computer.

If you cannot find one, I have one that uses 110V 60Hz power.  If that 
will work for you, email me privately.


Yeh, the card cannot detect the difference between CAT3 and CAT5 but it 
can see a slow hub or switch.

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Re: [newbie] Follow-up question about bookmarks...

2002-05-07 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Mon, 06 May 2002 18:10:28 -0500, Brian Koppe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Thank you so much, that really helped :-D  Now, does anyone know how to 
 import IE bookmarks?  Thanks

Can IE export its bookmarks to an HTML file? If so, then do that and import the
file in Konqueror. If not, then you should be able to find converters at

Sridhar Dhanapalan

GNU make is possibly the only example of overkill to rival GNU emacs
-- Linus Torvalds

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Re: [newbie] OT over reacting

2002-05-07 Per discussione civileme

Roman Korcek wrote:


Still, you can choose between a categorized and a flat view of
packages during installation, can't you?

*grin* to tell you the truth i dont know if i can switch to flat
view during installation. is there such an option during the
graphical installation?

IIRC there is something like unfold whole tree, but I don't
remember, either. :-(

to find out when i get home and re-install my mandrake (maybe ill
triple boot it with gentoo as i hear good remarks about it).

Good luck!


In one of Mandrake's least ergonomic moments, the switch to flat list 
was chosen to be the little icon of 2 light blue arrows chasing each 
other at the bottom of the tree list.


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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-07 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir

On Tue, 2002-05-07 at 04:43, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:

 How do you know that? Have you lived in Australia or Britain? Have you actually
 looked at the official statistics or simply some biased interpretation by the
 National Redneck Association [sorry, couldn't resist ;)]? The Australian Bureau
 of Statistics (a government body, but their methodology is well-documented and
 sound) has shown time and time again that reducing the number of weapons
 _reduces_ crime. Some years back (IIRC, it was 1996) we had a big (by Australian
 standards) gun massacre in the state of Tasmania. After that, the government
 initiated a gun buyback and confiscation scheme, and crime rates dropped. The
 City of Sydney introduced restrictions on knives a few years ago; that also
 reduced the crime rate.

Well, I've been looking carefully at everything, and my personal end
consensus is that I happen to side with Eric Raymond on these issues.
And that's way before I knew his position.


Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899 http://counter.li.org/

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-07 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir

EhI forgot to include this in the last post. 



On Tue, 2002-05-07 at 04:43, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
 How do you know that? Have you lived in Australia or Britain? Have you actually
 looked at the official statistics or simply some biased interpretation by the
 National Redneck Association [sorry, couldn't resist ;)]? The Australian Bureau
 of Statistics (a government body, but their methodology is well-documented and
 sound) has shown time and time again that reducing the number of weapons
 _reduces_ crime. Some years back (IIRC, it was 1996) we had a big (by Australian
 standards) gun massacre in the state of Tasmania. After that, the government
 initiated a gun buyback and confiscation scheme, and crime rates dropped. The
 City of Sydney introduced restrictions on knives a few years ago; that also
 reduced the crime rate.
 But as British PM Benjamin Disraeli once said, There are lies, damn lies and
 statistics. By this he meant that statistics can be easily twisted to argue
 whatever you want. Microsoft does this all the time, as does MozillaQuest. One
 famous example of this concerned the pesticides Aldrin and Dieldrin (A/D).
 American and British scientists both had the same information on hand.
 Nevertheless, the American scientists ruled them to be carcinogenic whilst the
 British scientists declared them to be safe.
 Sridhar Dhanapalan
If Bill Gates had a dime for every time a Windows box crashed...
 ...Oh, wait a minute, he already does.

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899 http://counter.li.org/

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Problem with Eudora

2002-05-07 Per discussione Mr S Ganesan

I have configured a mail server with the latest avatar of Mandrake and the 
sendmail is running fine. However when I want to see my mails from a 
Windows machine using Eudora, the server is refusing the connection and 
mails are not sent or received by the windows client.
The same machine works well when using a email client in the console 
Is there any problem with its sendmail? Pl help or give the address of 
some one who can help.

Principal Scientist
Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering
Berasia Road
Bhopal 462038, INDIA
Phone:  0755-730986 (O)
0755-625237 (R)
Web Address:http://www.ciae.nic.in

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2002-05-07 Per discussione John Richard Smith

I don't have any problem creating kmail addressbook.csv files from 
netscape.ldif original :-
   Put up KMail
   File - addressbook , this creates a new addressbook.kab file - 
   File - import - KMail+kab importfilters Vxx -
change:import foldersfromOE5 to Netscape LDIF
   then: |import| tab - select importfile from whereever - OK,
   takes a little while . all complete.

However when it comes to restoring KMail addressbook.cvs files
it's a different story:-
   File - addressbook - File - import list - choose source file
addressbook.cvs  OK , takes a few minutes.
Result addressbook full of white lines.

I did something wrong, but what ?


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] OT Guns

2002-05-07 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On Tue, 7 May 2002, FemmeFatale wrote:

 Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

  Yes, however those ideas have already been taken into account when doing
  an analysis of the crime rates in various disarmed countries.  Once more
  I recommend the following from Amazon:
  See the book: More Guns, Less Crime : Understanding Crime and
  Gun-Control Laws (Studies in Law and Economics (Chicago, Ill.).) by
  John R., Jr. Lott
  Best Regards,

 Lyvim I love you but...

 I'm gonna seriously beat whoever next posts on this topic  keeps it

 *Kills the thread mercilessly turning it into a disgusting pile of goo*

I'm sorry...  grin did I miss something?

Registered Linux User 182496

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[newbie] How to print

2002-05-07 Per discussione Cesar Santos


Using Mandrake 8.2 and HP LaserJet 1000 but cannot print at all.  This 
printer is attached to USB port and Mandrake recognized  both USB port and HP 
LaserJet 1000.  I have some output results of those commands:

$ rpm -q usbutils
$ uname -a
$ lspcidrake -v  | egrep -i 'usb'
$ cat /proc/bus/usb/devices
$ cat /etc/modules.conf
# lsmod
# usbview

It is a two-pages text that I can send to the list if moderator says this is 
ok or try to send it private to anyone who wants to.

Whenever I try to print, Mandrake creates a job queue that remains in hold 
and nothing happens.

This printer only works fine using MS Windows.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Cesar Santos

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Re[2]: [newbie] OT guns

2002-05-07 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On Tue, 7 May 2002, Roman Korcek wrote:


  Simple fact:  Guns kill ppl.  Access to them does same.  End of story
  here in Canada.

  Rediculous. Criminals kill people,

 Accidents can kill them, too. And easy access to guns makes it easy to
 get guns for crimes. I think I agree with Femme.

O Pa-lease! if you totally take away the lawful access to guns the
CRIMINALs will still get them. Now you've got unarmed good guys and well
armed bad guys! oops...now whats the next logical thing to happen.

O! I know...the sheep are now even Easier to overwhelm, capture, and do
what ever. get the picture?

Kenesaw has the right idea and the numbers to back it up. liberals! stop
yer hearts from bleeding and get a clue.

Ok...I'm done. that just gets my shorts in a wad and I promise I ain't a
gonna respond to another post in this thread, honest!

Registered Linux User 182496

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[newbie] mandrake-offtopic newsgroup

2002-05-07 Per discussione Alastair Scott

Following my original email it seems rather a lot of people want 
discussion of gun culture, United States constitutional issues, the 
wickednesses of Microsoft and so on elsewhere, so I've set it up as a 
diversion for such threads.

You subscribe by sending a blank email to:


and its home page is:


Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)

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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove?

2002-05-07 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On 7 May 2002, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

 On Tue, 2002-05-07 at 03:16, FemmeFatale wrote:

  Gun restriction laws in canada mean we have fewer crimes per capita than
  the US  Our murder rates are far lower by city/per capita too.
  Simple fact:  Guns kill ppl.  Access to them does same.  End of story
  here in Canada.
  *dons the flame retardant suits  prepares for the inevitable war*

no...no...no... Femme! it's not the gun that kills the people. come on!
you know better then that. The poor dumb gun can't stand up and puke
bullets at people unless some butthole first HOLDS the gun in his/her hand
and PULLS the trigger! THATS what kills people. It's the butthole holding
the gun.


Registered Linux User 182496

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RE: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-07 Per discussione Tibbetts, Ric
Title: RE: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove?

  -Original Message-From: Myers, Dennis R NWO 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Wednesday, May 
  01, 2002 2:46 PMTo: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'Subject: 
  RE: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove 
  -Original Message- From: 
  Behalf Of Miark Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2002 1:01 
  PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal 
  to Remove? 
   What ms considers to be illegal is the following: 
I buy a machine with 
  preinstalled windows   
  I uninstall windows and install a real os  
   I sell/give the version of windows that came with 
  the machine to someone  else   What ms wants is that when I sell or 
  give away the machine, I must  also hand the 
  original version of windows to whoever gets the machine  also. 
  That makes more sense, but not much more. Winblows, even on 
  pre-installed computers, costs something, and that 
  cost is passed on to the final consumer. So despite 
  its cost being buried in a sticker price, you pay for 
  Winsux on a pre-installed computer. 
  In my way of thinking, if I pay for it, I have the right to 
  sell it-- even separately, if I choose. 
  I too agree. If I buy a car and drive it till it is rust, I 
  can remove engine transmission, seats and what ever else is salvageable and 
  sell them individually. They were part of an integral package to begin with, 
  but I still can sell off the pieces. Heck, I could sell of the pieces two days 
  after I bought it brand new, and put some other engine in it. What makes 
  Windows so special? M$ is as arrogant as any company ever in existance. My 
  Dennis M.
  The difference is: In the case of software, you're 
  not "buying" the software. You purchase a license to "use" the software on (in 
  this case) a single desktop. If you read the EULA you will see that you do not 
  have the right to transfer that license to anyone 
  I don't support M$, but before these tirades get 
  going, people should read the license agreement, and understand it. If you 
  don't like/agree with the EULA, don't agree to it, and don't use the 
  You DO have the option to return the OS to M$ 
  "unused". You'll have to fight for it, but refunds are issued in cases where 
  the OS was removed from new computers "unused". That means, you can't even 
  boot the computer new out of the box. If you do, you've used the software, and 
  cannot return it.
  But it clear: You are not buying the software. That 
  would be far more expensive (well into the millions). You're only buying a 
  license to "use" the software.

Re: [newbie] help with ./configure

2002-05-07 Per discussione Derek Jennings

Whenever you find ./configure stops saying it needs a file just open Mandrake 
Software Manager and search for an rpm of that name. If one is not found then 
press the 'search by file' button and search again. Once you have found the 
correct RPM install the '-devel' version of that RPM.  The devel RPM's 
contain the headers that ./configure is looking for which will get compiled 
into the application you are building.

Look carefully at the output from ./configure  Some applications will still 
build if they do not find the applications they are looking for, but will be 
lacking some functionality.

Just about every library you are going to need is already on your CD's. 
Scouring the net is rarely necessary.

By the way setupterm is on your libncurses5-devel-5.2-23mdk RPM

Also BitchX-1.0-0.c17.13mdk is already on your install CD's
and BitchX-1.0-0.c18.1mdk is available on Cooker.
You can download an RPM here


On Tuesday 07 May 2002 6:08 am, Head wrote:
 ok i got gcc installed, now it wants setupterm or
 tgetnet, and it says it can't find it, i did some
 searching on google for setupterm and it said it was
 in libtermcap, and its already installed, but cant
 find it, where can i find it?

 Im trying to install BitchX,
 i've downloaded it and un-tar'd it, and then the
 instructions say to run ./configure --with-plugins
 it says
 checking for gcc. no
 checking for cc. no
 checking for cl no
 configure: error: no acceptible C compiler found in
 so i guess my question is where do i get gcc, cc, or
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 Well if you have any download distro since 7.1, you
 should have BitchX
 right on the CDs.  But to answer your question, you
 need to install the
 development package, and that isn't just the compiler.
  It includes the
 files that say -devel in them if you are interested in
 compiling apps
 their categories.  Headers are very important, and the
 newer gcc
 compilers do not add standard headers to source code
 by default, so you
 may run into a problem with some older source which
 assumes that.

 urpmi gcc

 is a good start.


 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Health - your guide to health and wellness

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[newbie] RPM's missing of Powerpacks?

2002-05-07 Per discussione Derek Jennings

Check out this post on Mandrake user

This guy says that he has found 318 RPMs present on the Mandrake 8.2 download 
edition which are missing from the Powerpack.

One of them is slocate which I recall Kaj saying last week he could not 
locate on his CD's

If you do find RPMs missing, you can of course download them from 


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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove?

2002-05-07 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On Tue, 7 May 2002, David wrote:

 daRcmaTTeR said onto me:
  |Thats a terrible thing to say. even for Billy-bob. sure the guy is evil
  |but geeZ. That's rather harsh. Maybe the poor bugger simply doesn't know
  |any different. poor dumb bugger.

 Come on now..Don't get me wrong, I support that guy in NO way.  But if there are 
two things in this world he is not they are:  _poor_ or _dumb_.

 That mother fr knows better.  He chooses to run his company the way it is via 
conscience choices.  Let him hang like the criminal he is.  Don't say things that 
could build empathy/sympathy for him.

 my 0.02

Hi hear what your'e saying Dave, but the kind of dumbness I'm refering to,
(serious-blind-stupidity-and-disregard-for-ethics) has little to do with
intellect and everything to do with the person in question. He's been a
thief mostof his adult life and in a way doesn't know anything else. ergo,
he is quite ignorant, un-discerning, and poor. (poor as in impoverished.
totally lacking any ethical wealth what-so-ever).

make sense? still...well, I'm sure you get the point.

Registered Linux User 182496

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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-07 Per discussione David

daRcmaTTeR said onto me:  
 |On Tue, 7 May 2002, David wrote:
 | daRcmaTTeR said onto me:
 | --
 | snip
 |  |
 |  |Brian,
 |  |
 |  |Thats a terrible thing to say. even for Billy-bob. sure the guy is evil
 |  |but geeZ. That's rather harsh. Maybe the poor bugger simply doesn't know
 |  |any different. poor dumb bugger.
 |  |
 | Come on now..Don't get me wrong, I support that guy in NO way.  But if there are
 | two things in this world he is not they are:  _poor_ or _dumb_.
 | That mother fr knows better.  He chooses to run his company the way it is via
 | conscience choices.  Let him hang like the criminal he is.  Don't say things that
 | could build empathy/sympathy for him.
 | my 0.02
 | Dave
 |Hi hear what your'e saying Dave, but the kind of dumbness I'm refering to,
 |(serious-blind-stupidity-and-disregard-for-ethics) has little to do with
 |intellect and everything to do with the person in question. He's been a
 |thief mostof his adult life and in a way doesn't know anything else. ergo,
 |he is quite ignorant, un-discerning, and poor. (poor as in impoverished.
 |totally lacking any ethical wealth what-so-ever).
 |make sense? still...well, I'm sure you get the point.
 |Registered Linux User 182496

Yeah, I know what was meant.  I was just possibly the only soul on this list that 
hadn't posted to this thread and felt left out.  ;)


David L. Steiner   Registered Linux User   #262493
Mandrake  8.2  Enlightenment  0.16.5   Sylpheed  0.7.4claws
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Homepage: www.davidlsteiner.com

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Re: [newbie] i586 v i686

2002-05-07 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Monday 06 May 2002 07:19 pm, Brian Koppe wrote:
 Well, I have an Athlon T-Bird - am I correct in assuming that means
 to equeate it to over a PII?  Also, what if there is only one
 option i.e. it comes in i586 but not i686 - will the i586 work for
 me?  Thanks a lot! :)

 You can use either 586 or 686.  Type 'arch' in a term, your 
Tbird should return
tom/$ arch
Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Early distro on older PC (was 2 distributions on 1 computer?????)

2002-05-07 Per discussione shane

On Tuesday 07 May 2002 02:14, civileme opened a general hailing frequency 
and transmitted to all open stations:

 I guess the real difference will come with the hammer-core processors
 which are x86 compatible unlike IA-64, but have significant enhancements
 beyond the 64-bit wideness.  There a compile for a 16-year-old processor
 will certainly not compete with one for the actual processor itself.
  For the Pentium and 686-style procesors, the difference is slight, and
 sometimes the 686 compile runs slower.  Early results compiling
 exclusively for Athlon show some gains over the pentium compile, but not
 enough to justify the expense of separate maintenance.  The Opteron will
 likely be a much different story.

i know i am hoping the opteron will meet the hype.  might actually upgrade 
the creaking old 400.

has AMD released them for testing to anyone?  i have no idea how that 
works/what the time table is, but i have wondered.  anyone know?

Give me ambiguity or give me something else.

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-07 Per discussione shane

On Tuesday 07 May 2002 00:26, David opened a general hailing frequency and 
transmitted to all open stations:

 Come on now..Don't get me wrong, I support that guy in NO way.  But
 if there are two things in this world he is not they are:  _poor_ or

i won't argue the dumb part, but i will point out that in his book billyg 
says that the next big advancement in computers will come when we find a 
fast easy way to factor prime numbers.

...left as an exercise for the reader.

1 if by land, 2 if by sea, 3 if by interdimentional teleportation.

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
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Re: [newbie] OT Guns

2002-05-07 Per discussione shane

On Tuesday 07 May 2002 00:34, FemmeFatale opened a general hailing frequency 
and transmitted to all open stations:

 I'm gonna seriously beat whoever next posts on this topic  keeps it

my wife is out of town for meetings, i haven't been beat by a women in 
age monweekday a few hours anyway.


you can have peace or freedom, but never count on both at once -heinlein

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
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Registered linux user #101606  http://counter.li.org/

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Re: Re[2]: [newbie] OT over reacting

2002-05-07 Per discussione Charlie

On Tuesday 07 May 2002 03:30 am, Roman Korcek offered this for consideration:

  Still, you can choose between a categorized and a flat view of
  packages during installation, can't you?
  *grin* to tell you the truth i dont know if i can switch to flat
  view during installation. is there such an option during the
  graphical installation?

 IIRC there is something like unfold whole tree, but I don't
 remember, either. :-(

  to find out when i get home and re-install my mandrake (maybe ill
  triple boot it with gentoo as i hear good remarks about it).

 Good luck!

You can click the button (looks like a little z I believe but has a tool 
tip to tell you if it's the one you want) to toggle between threaded (? 
tree?) and flat list during graphical installation at the 'choose packages 
to install' dialogue. But the kernel source should appear under the 
'development' heading even in the tree view. If you choose development as a 
category during install, kernel source, and other RPMs needed to install 
packages from source, should be installed without further prompting in any 

I think so anyway. It's been a few days since I helped someone install the OS 
so I really don't trust my memory _that_ much!
Charlie in Edmonton, AB, Canada
Mandrake 8.2
user 244963 at http://counter.li.org
8:40am up 17:09, 2 users, load average: 0.01, 0.02, 0.00

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[newbie] nt-2.0-1mdk.i586.rpm

2002-05-07 Per discussione John Richard Smith

Anyone out there had the experience of getting the downloader
programme nt to work.

I installed abovementioned, just fine,
Seems interesting indeed, just one problem , I cannot seem to get it 
to addopt a file from the net.

I suspect I need to add konqueror to the NT downloader somewhere,
so that it automatically addopts the file when selected off the net.
At the very least there is some what of copy and pasting the URL.

Advice would be welcome.

John Richard Smith

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[newbie] start apps on log in

2002-05-07 Per discussione Bill Winegarden

I used to know this.I want to get 'sound mixer' to start whenever I log 
in. I'm pretty sure I have to put it in rc.d ...I think.
Anyway, tell me the syntax and I promise I won't forget again.

Bill W.

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Re: [newbie] nt-2.0-1mdk.i586.rpm

2002-05-07 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday 07 May 2002 10:04 am, John Richard Smith wrote:
 Anyone out there had the experience of getting the downloader
 programme nt to work.
 I installed abovementioned, just fine,
 Seems interesting indeed, just one problem , I cannot seem to get
 it to addopt a file from the net.
 I suspect I need to add konqueror to the NT downloader somewhere,
 so that it automatically addopts the file when selected off the
 net. At the very least there is some what of copy and pasting the

  NT monitors the clipboard, but you need to enable that first. 
On the tool bar, goto  Options | General | Integration | Clipboard, 
and enable the button there.  Then in any browser or file manager, 
right click on the file or link, and choose somethin like 'copy' or 
'copy link'. If you have NT running, it'll pop up a dialog box, then 
just choose 'OK'.  The download will start.  You can also get whole 
dirs from ftp or http sites this way.  Some sites don't cooperate 
tho, so then just choose any file in the dir, and in the dialog box 
edit it down to  .../*.rpm (or whatever). NT will then load all the 
files in that dir.

   Take a few minutes to look thru all the items under Options. 
Most of the defaults are fine, but you should see what all you can 
configure.  Pay attention to the throttle options under 'Main'. Very 
useful if you've got a d/l going and you want to use your limited 
bandwith connection for other stuff at the same time.
Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] start apps on log in

2002-05-07 Per discussione Damian G

On Tue, 7 May 2002 07:37:50 -0700
Bill Winegarden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I used to know this.I want to get 'sound mixer' to start whenever I log 
 in. I'm pretty sure I have to put it in rc.d ...I think.
 Anyway, tell me the syntax and I promise I won't forget again.
 Bill W.

uhmm.. dunno if this will help you, but for soundmixer to start at login i simply
logged out with nothing running but tha mixer, and chose save session



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[newbie] HELP!!!

2002-05-07 Per discussione Brian R Koppe

Boy did I learn my lesson not to play around as root! :-[

Alright, I decided to install some Texstar RPM's last night and some said
they needed the latest RPM's from the KDE3 CVS - so, I figured, what the
heck, why not install them?  So, silly me, I decided to install *some* of
the RPM's from KDE3 CVS.  After doing that and restarting X, all my icons
were gone, my background was gone and ANY clicking on the desktop didn't
work - right click, left click, middle click, NOTHING.  So, I figured this
is probably because I didn't install ALL of the CVS RPM's - so I began to.
I got all of them install except for the libqt3 ones now and I CAN'T GET
THOSE TO INSTALL.  When I get the error message that the newer libqt3
conflicts with the older libqt3-devel, I hit 'force' because the older
libqt3-devel is going to be replaced by the newer anyhow.  After that
though, I get another error that some files from the newer libqt3 conflict
with files from the older libqt3-devel.  The only option I got was to
press 'OK' so I did, but apparently when that type of error comes up it
does not install the RPM.  So, then I decided to try doing libqt3-devel
first - same error only backwards.  So, I figured, maybe it'll work if I
wipe out those files and then it'll write new ones right?  Wrong.  I even
went so far as to delete the /usr/lib/qt3 directory entirely - I STILL get
the errors even though I can no longer get into X because the files really
aren't there.  So, I can only assume that some reference to those files is
somewhere else in hosw Linux handles RPM's and it assumes they are still
there and therefore that so is the conflict.  I tried rpm -e on the old
libqt3 RPM's and that didn't work - it said they weren't installed!  I
know for a fact they are 1) because they keep causing an error and 2)
because I have been using KDE3 for the past 2 weeks!  PLEASE HELP!  Thank
you SO much in advance!


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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove?

2002-05-07 Per discussione Brian Koppe

Read the book More Guns, Less Crime  There was a LOT of research put 
into that book and it shows, quite well, that what you just claimed is 
not true.  I submit to you the case of Switzerland.  Every male in 
Switzerland is REQUIRED to own a gun - yet they have incredibely low 
crime there too.  There are PLENTY of other things to say about this, 
but since this *IS* A Linux board I'll simply say read the book.


Gun restriction laws in canada mean we have fewer crimes per capita than
the US  Our murder rates are far lower by city/per capita too.

Simple fact:  Guns kill ppl.  Access to them does same.  End of story
here in Canada.

*dons the flame retardant suits  prepares for the inevitable war*

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[newbie] Fax Ware

2002-05-07 Per discussione Malcolm Candlish


Has anyone experience of using Fax on Mandrake 8.2. This is something I need, but 
unsure whether to go for Hylafax, efax, Kfax, Gfax, or Mgetty.

Are there major advantages and is setting up a major problem.

The advantage of fax over email, is that you know the recipient has down loaded and it 
is given in safe hard copy.

With thanks in anticipation.

Malcolm Candlish.

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Re: [newbie] Getmail (was: best way to set up e-mail?)

2002-05-07 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On Tue, 7 May 2002, Paul wrote:

 In reply to daRcmaTTeR's mail, d.d. Tue, 7 May 2002 13:23:51 -0400 (EDT):

 Getmail??? I've heard good and bad about it. Tried it once but wasn't very
 impressed. and you're right...it did complain a lot.

 It has run fine here always...

 If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

 http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 8.2 - Sylpheed 0.7.5

 Help Microsoft combat software piracy: give Linux to a friend today!

I don't doubt that. however, I wass seriously unimpressed with it.
besides. ..I've spent so much time learning Postfix and Sendmail, both of
which I learned to get along with well, it didn't make any sense at all to
learn yet another one. Plus, it didn't seem as well endowed as the other

Registered Linux User 182496

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