[newbie-it] Re: [newbie-it] COMPATIBILIT MODEM

2003-06-06 Per discussione artasersec
On Thu, 5 Jun 2003 14:08:40 +0200, _ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Salve a tutta la ML,

prossimo all'acquisto di un modem Esterno USB Analogico, vi chiedo su
quale marca e/o modello mi devo indirizzare per non avere sorprese con
Saluti Rocco
Se vuoi installare Mandrake ti conviene allora dare un'occhiata 
all'hardware supportato. http://www.linux-mandrake.com/it/hardware.php3
Hardware category : Modem
Distribution : Mandrake 9.1
Trovi tutti i modem supportati.
Ciao :)

La civilt ha avuto termine con l'invenzione della polvere da sparo, da 
quel momento in poi  diventato pi facile distruggere che costruire.

Re: Re:[newbie-it] Mandrake9.1 hp scanjet 2300c

2003-06-06 Per discussione Enrico Teotti
Che fortunello che sono! ;-)
Dici che il supporto manca proprio per il Kernel e quindi andando su altre distro non 
risolvo il problema?
Grazie del vostro interessamento!


- Original Message -

DATE: Thu,  5 Jun 2003 14:57:09
From: d.micci [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: enrico\.teotti [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 ho provato a configurare tramite il mandrake control center il mio scanner hp 
 scanjet 2300c ma ricevo un avviso che lo classifica come non supportato.
 Ci sono modi per farlo funzionare? Se servono ulteriori dettagli sull'errore sono a 
 Grazie a tutti dell'aiuto!

Il tuo scanner risulta non supportato sul sito SANE. Ho fatto una rapidissima ricerca 
in rete, ma non ho trovato nulla di utile. Credo che l'unica sia, anche solo per 
rompergli le scatole, scrivere una email alla HP chiedendo loro se esistano drivers 
per Linux...


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Re: [newbie-it] firma digitale

2003-06-06 Per discussione Luigi Pinna
Hash: SHA1

Alle 12:59, giovedì 5 giugno 2003, Germano ha scritto:

 Grazie del chiarimento
 Sai dirmi perchè i messaggi firmati in attacchment non vengono
 riconosciuti come firmati da kmail (per mozilla non è così)?

 Ciao e grazie, Germano

Mmh, penso che sia non difetto di Kmail!  E penso che sia lo stesso 
problema a cui chiede soluzione Germano: Kmail gestisce male 
l'interfacciamento col gpg. Addiritura un mio amico non riesce neanche 
a far crittare con kmail! Deve fare tutto da console!
Quindi o passaimo ad un altro gestore (effettivamente quello di mozilla 
so che è migliore) o interagiamo (almeno per il gpg) da console.
Per la firma distaccata ho idea che sia un casino, dato che bisogna 
ricostruire la mail da far analizzare in un file e poi dar in pasto al 
gpg. Potete immaginare quanto è facile scordarsi un carattere nel copia 
incolla di questo tipo, e quanto tempo si debba perdere per controllare 
una firma?
Mandiamo un bug-report agli sviluppatori di Kmail?
- -- 
Considerando i necrologi, una persona mediocre e non importante non
muore mai.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)



2003-06-06 Per discussione tom
On Thursday 05 June 2003 14:08, _ wrote:
 Salve a tutta la ML,

 prossimo all'acquisto di un modem Esterno USB Analogico, vi chiedo su
 quale marca e/o modello mi devo indirizzare per non avere sorprese con
 Saluti Rocco

perche proprio usb?
se devi spendere qualcosa,fallo su un seriale.
non avrai mai nessun problema con nessuna distro!

 Ciao , Tom

 . ~ . 
 / v \ 
   /  /  \  \ 
 /  (  )  \ 
^^   ^^ 
Legge di Swipple sull'ordine: La precedenza va sempre a chi grida piu' forte.
Slack 9.0
Linux user Tattari_manna aka plugs
Mauro... un'ammaestratore di liste ... un incubo!

[newbie-it] mdk9.1 su travelmate 630

2003-06-06 Per discussione maxdic
ciao a tutti!
ho installato la mdk 9.1 sul mio portatile acer travelmate 632lc dotato di
scheda grafica geforce2.
dopo aver installato i driver nvidia ho potuto impostare lo schermo alla sua
risoluzione massima ed effettivamente X funziona bene.
ho però dei problemi con i terminali virtuali: i tasti ctrl+alt+fn non
funzionano assolutamente ... non posso aprire terminali testuali virtuali.
inoltre quando dico di spegnere il sistema, dopo la chiusura di X i messaggi
in modalità testo sullo schermo appaiono tutti traballanti con un notevole
sfarfallio come dovuto a problemi di frequenza di refresh.
chi sa qualcosa su come risolvere il problema?

ps: ma come faccio a loggarmi come root dal display di avvio grafico di mdk
dove compaiono le icone degli utenti normali ma non di root?

grazie in anticipo!
ciao ciao!

Fratelli, perchè c'è bisogno del leone nello spirito?
Perchè non basta la bestia da soma che rinuncia e venera?
Creare nuovi valori - ciò non può fare ancora
neanche il leone: ma crearsi la libertà per un nuovo creare - ciò
può la potenza del leone.
(F. Nietzsche da Così parlò Zarathustra)

Massimo Di Casola

Re: [newbie-it] mdk9.1 su travelmate 630

2003-06-06 Per discussione beo
Il Thu,  5 Jun 2003 17:33:28 +0200
maxdic [EMAIL PROTECTED] ebbe a dire:
 ps: ma come faccio a loggarmi come root dal display di avvio grafico di mdk
 dove compaiono le icone degli utenti normali ma non di root?
so risponderti solo al ps
basta scrivere root o, molto meglio, entrare come utente normale e da un terminale 
dare il comando su invio psw invio

 grazie in anticipo!
 ciao ciao!

[newbie-it] Evolution e browser predefinito?

2003-06-06 Per discussione Gianfranco
Si puo' impostare Konqueror come broser per evolution? E se si come?
grazie a tutta la ML.

Re: [newbie-it] dmesg

2003-06-06 Per discussione Eraser Head
On Tue, 3 Jun 2003, miKe wrote:

ldm_validate_partition_table(): Disk read failed
 metti noauto nella linea relativa allo iomega, al floppy e al cdrom in 
 è quel mostro di supermount che cerca di montare periferiche senza 

Ho provato, ma non è cambiato nulla...
Quello che ho fatto è stato di mettere nelle linee di iomega, floppy, 
cdrom e masterizzatore noauto al posto di auto. Ho fatto giusto?
Perchè l'errore continua a darmelo...

Avete altre idee?

Grazie mille!



If anything is sacred the human body is sacred.

(Walt Whitman)

[newbie-it] vedere da console file excel

2003-06-06 Per discussione Mario Guida
Un saluto a tutti.
Che voi sappiate esiste un programma che permetta di vedere il contenuto
di un file *.xls (quelli di excel per intenderci) da console e senza
aprirlo con oocalc o altri? un po' come con antiword per i file *.doc.


   ,-~~-.___.   System »» Mandrake Linux release 9.1 
  / |  ' \  Kernel »» 2.4.21-0.13mdk 
 (  )0
  \_/-, ,'  Mailer »» Mutt 1.4i http://www.mutt.org
  ===   // 
 /  \-'~;  /~~~(O)  Editor »» Vim/6.1.32 http://www.vim.org
/  __/~| _/   |   
  =(___|(_| eMail  »» [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: [newbie-it] firma digitale

2003-06-06 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 08:53, mercoledì 4 giugno 2003,  in merito a Re: [newbie-it] firma 
digitale,  Germano   ha scritto:

 Scusate l'intromissione ma forse non vi state capendo.
 Daniele ha risposto correttamente a chi si stupiva di poter leggere
 le e-mail (il corpo del messaggio) firmate pur non possedendo la
 chiave pubblica. 

si si l'ho capito ,
parlavamo di cose leggermente diverse,
per chi avesse dubbi,
è chiaro che una email firmata, non essendo destinata a una sola 
persona, debba essere leggibile anche per chi non usa programmi 
chiaramente in assenza di plugin o di chiave pubblica, 
non sarà possibile leggere la firma, quindi verificare l'identitàdel 

per crittografare un testo invece è necessaria la chiave pubblica del 
quindi solo il destinatario potrà leggere il contenuto del testo, perchè 
si presume che sia il solo a conoscere la chiave segreta correlata alla 
pubblica con la quale è stato chiuso il messaggio stesso

l'ultima possibilità è nell'uso di chiavi simmetriche,
cioè usate sia dal mittente che dal destinatario per crittografare e 
decrittare il testo, 
l'uso è stato superato grazie agli algoritmi che usano chiavi 
asimmetriche,  grazie alla facilità di condivisione delle chiavi 
infatti l'uso di una stessa chiave implica la necessità di trasmissione 
della stessa a ogni ipotetico destinatario, con un mezzo diverso da 
internet, con tutti i problemi che ne conseguono..

 Perchè Kmail non riconosce le firme in attachment (tipo quella di

è una delle cose che mancano a kmail,
e che dovranno essere aggiunte nelle prossime versioni,
(però ,  se non ricordo male, la 2.2.2 riconosceva la firma anche se non 
annidata nel corpo dell'email.. forse mi sbaglio)

non escludo però che grazie alla possibilità di usare plugin 
crittografici esista un modo per leggere anche quelle firme,
vedo un pò in giro...

 Ciao, Germano

- -- 



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] modulo viacxxxx.o

2003-06-06 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 09:05, mercoledì 4 giugno 2003,  in merito a [newbie-it] modulo 
viac.o,  Luigi Pinna   ha scritto:

.. dalla ricompilazione del kernel, ma avendo usato
 il config dell'altro kernel (dovevo solo aggiungere delle patch), non
 capisco cosa potrebbe non aver digerito.
 Come devo fare per poter ricompilare tale modulo senza dover poi
 ricompilare tutto il resto?

solo per il modulo puoi dare make modules 
però cosa devi modificare ?

hai provato a rimuovere il controllo sulla versione dei moduli, e ad 
usare quello che andava?
in fondo se è una stessa verisione e usi le stesse librerie e lo stesso 
compilatore, deve andare...

 Grazie e a ciao a tutti!

- -- 



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] Pdf

2003-06-06 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 20:24, mercoledì 4 giugno 2003,  in merito a Re: [newbie-it] Pdf,  
Sandro   ha scritto:

  cio' che mi servirebbe di piu' e' eliminare una o + pagine dal
  file, mantenendo solo cio' che interessa

 Non credo che si possa modificare direttamente un file pdf (almeno a
 quanto ne so io).

ci sarebbe acrobat (reader, distiller, pdfprinter  ecc)
che costicchia parecchio per un uso personale però...


- -- 



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] k3b

2003-06-06 Per discussione freefred
Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 04 June 2003 15:23, Junkie wrote:
 Anche a me era successo ed era perchè avevo solo il masterizzatore che
 utilizzavo anche come cdrom.. k3b cercava il masterizzatore in
 mnt/cdrecorder e se non ce lo trovava ecco che diventava impossibile
 masterizzare, anche dicendogli che il masterizzatore in realtà stava in
 Per risolvere il problema ho dovuto montare un cdrom vero e proprio

sorry rispondo in fretta:
era capitato anche a me, non c'e' bisogno di installare un cdrom.
A me basto' creare la directory cdrecorder1, dove il k3b montava il cd writer.
Questo perche' nell'fstab (che il k3b cambia, se glielo fai fare) cdrom e 
masterizzatore (se emulato scsi come di solito) vengono visti diversi.
Guarda il tuo fstab e dovrebbe essere semplice arrivare alla soluzione.


- -- 
Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] - http://www.marcob.org/go.asp?~freefred/
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] firma digitale

2003-06-06 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 13:04, giovedì 5 giugno 2003,  in merito a Re: [newbie-it] firma 
digitale,  Germano   ha scritto:

 apri kmail da una console così puoi leggere i messaggi relativi a

 Quello che vorrei che facesse Kmail (forse lo fa ma non me ne sono
 accorto) è che trovandosi di fronte ad un messagigo firmato da uno
 sconosciuto mi chieda l'autorizzazione per importare la firma dal
 keyserver tramite gpg (che è più o meno quello che fa mozilla).

questo è il comportamento di kmail,
ma non chiede di importare a differenza di mozilla, 

ti dicevo di lanciarlo da terminale proprio perchè è molto chiaro come 
lavori dietro all'interfaccia,
in definitiva quando kmail identifica una chiava, demanda gpg a 
collegarsi al keyserver e scaricarla,
il  tutto è piuttosto prolisso e si vede bene se il problema è in gpg 
che non avvia la ricerca (magari per un errore in qualche opzione) o se 
le chiavi non vengono trovate ecc..

 Ciao e grazie, Germano

- -- 



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] Kernel panic...

2003-06-06 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 14:05, mercoledì 4 giugno 2003,  in merito a Re: [newbie-it] Kernel 
panic...,  mailing - effem   ha scritto:

 a questo punto sono riuscito a vedere la mia cartella etc...ma di
 file chiamati inittabnemmeno l'ombra...

non è un buon segno...

 A questo punto sono tornato in consolesono andato via una
 mezzoretta...sono tornato ed il computer non rispondeva più...
 è comparsa una scritta del tipo:


 Non so proprio cosa sia successo...

 Di sicuro non ho cancellato file...

nessuno ha avuto accesso al pc?
un file non si cancella da solo...


- -- 



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] modulo viacxxxx.o

2003-06-06 Per discussione Luigi Pinna
Hash: SHA1

Alle 22:10, giovedì 5 giugno 2003, miKe ha scritto:
 solo per il modulo puoi dare make modules
 però cosa devi modificare ?

 hai provato a rimuovere il controllo sulla versione dei moduli, e ad
 usare quello che andava?
 in fondo se è una stessa verisione e usi le stesse librerie e lo
 stesso compilatore, deve andare..

  Grazie e a ciao a tutti!

Il problema che andava col il kernel 2.4.19 e2.4.21 mandrake e non va 
col il 2.4.20 linus!
ora provo e poi ti faccio sapere!
- -- 
Gesu': y=ax2+bx+c.
I discepoli: Uffa, un'altra parabola!.
-- Da it.hobby.umorismo
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] dmesg

2003-06-06 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 19:10, giovedì 5 giugno 2003,  in merito a Re: [newbie-it] dmesg,  
Eraser Head   ha scritto:
 On Tue, 3 Jun 2003, miKe wrote:
 ldm_validate_partition_table(): Disk read failed
  metti noauto nella linea relativa allo iomega, al floppy e al cdrom
  in /etc/fstab
  è quel mostro di supermount che cerca di montare periferiche senza

 Ho provato, ma non è cambiato nulla...
 Quello che ho fatto è stato di mettere nelle linee di iomega, floppy,
 cdrom e masterizzatore noauto al posto di auto. Ho fatto giusto?


 Perchè l'errore continua a darmelo...

visto che sono curioso ho trovato questo:


che non sembra nulla di buono,
riferendosi a un non meglio specificato bug che in concomitanza con 
l'uso di acpi farebbe apparire il messaggio...
la risposta era This bug seems to be fixed with kernel 2.4.21-0.15mdk 
and the the bugfixes of 
April 10th of ML 9.1 and also in the latest cooker version 
ma evidentemente

però , tanto per provare, (poi ripristini se non risolve),
commenta in fstab tutti quei dispositivi che ti danno errore,

capiamo se dipende da supermount o da qualche demone che bellamente 
cerca di accedere a filesystem che non possono esistere finchè non 
inserisci un supporto...


- -- 



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


[newbie-it] Re: [newbie-it] COMPATIBILIT MODEM

2003-06-06 Per discussione Rocco
Grazie Artasersec,
 per il prezioso quanto utile suggerimento,
Ciao Rocco  :)

-Messaggio originale-
Da: artasersec [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Data: gioved 5 giugno 2003 14.59
Oggetto: [newbie-it] Re: [newbie-it] COMPATIBILIT  MODEM

On Thu, 5 Jun 2003 14:08:40 +0200, _ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Salve a tutta la ML,

 prossimo all'acquisto di un modem Esterno USB Analogico, vi chiedo
 quale marca e/o modello mi devo indirizzare per non avere sorprese
 Saluti Rocco

Se vuoi installare Mandrake ti conviene allora dare un'occhiata
all'hardware supportato. http://www.linux-mandrake.com/it/hardware.php3
Hardware category : Modem
Distribution : Mandrake 9.1
Trovi tutti i modem supportati.
Ciao :)


La civilt ha avuto termine con l'invenzione della polvere da sparo,
quel momento in poi  diventato pi facile distruggere che costruire.

Re: [newbie-it] immagine grub

2003-06-06 Per discussione kua79
Salve gente, avrei bisogno di  un piccolo favore, se qlcno utilizza red
hat  8 sarebbe così gentile da spedirmi il file /boot/grub/splash.xpm.gz
perchè il file di sfondo di grub della RH9 non mi piace, è troppo
scuro, ho provato a modificarlo, salvarlo e poi zipparlo ma 
all'avvio... un
casino. Non me lo vede, o meglio appaiono delle righe strane al posto
del disegno che avevo salvato.
GRazie Ciao

 Scusami se rispondo un po in ritardo ma leggendo capirai il perchè.
 Non ho più installata la RH8, ma se hai la versione originale potrei 
 una splash alternativa, quella prevista sulla versione RH9 della 
rivista LinuxC.
 Anche questa è un po scura, eventualmente la provi. Se invece hai la 
 RH9 originale quella nella quale sono presenti le splash appunto 
originali ti
 sarei grato se invece sarai tu a mandarmele perchè ho la versione RH9 di
 LinuxC che ha dovuto modificare le splash originali per una 
questione di copyright
 sul marchio di RH.
 Ti rispondo anche a questa mail per un fatto che l'headers Data: nel 
 degli headers dei tuoi ultimi due messaggi ricevuti portano la data 
2002 e ho dovuto
 modificarla io a mano per far apparire la tue mail nella lista di 
quelle del 2003 e
 dato che io leggo le mail per thread/data ti portavi appresso tutte 
le altre
 appartenenti al tuo thread.
 Non so se è stato un errore occasionale qui da me, ma penso di no 
perchè solo i tuoi
 due ultimi messaggi hanno questo campo Data riferito al 2002, mentre 
per tutti
 gli altri della lista questo fatto non si è mai verificato.
 Vedi eventualmente come hai settato la data nel tuo sistema anche in 
 alla data riportata nel bios.
 Fammi sapere, la tua risposta mi servirà anche di verifica.

 Ciao, Giuseppe.

Ciao Giuseppe, si io ho la RH9 scaricata dal web, ti mando in pvt la
splash,anche se a me non piace affatto, ripeto, perchè è tr scura.
Saresti così gentile da spedirmi la tua? Così la provo.
Invece per qnto riguarda la data hai ragione, non mi ero nemmeno
accorto, mi segnava il 2002. Forse è per via del Bios, ho appena
cambiato la motherboard, ho comprato una ABIT e sono pienamente
soddisfatto, sembra fatta apposta per l'overclock !!
Sono riuscito a far riconoscere il mio AMD 1800+ come un 2400+!!
Si, lo ammetto, con l'aiuto del fratellone che ne sa molto d+ di me!
Ciao ciao Davide

Re: [newbie-it] dmesg

2003-06-06 Per discussione Eraser Head
On Fri, 6 Jun 2003, miKe wrote:

 visto che sono curioso ho trovato questo:
 che non sembra nulla di buono,
 riferendosi a un non meglio specificato bug che in concomitanza con 
 l'uso di acpi farebbe apparire il messaggio...
 la risposta era This bug seems to be fixed with kernel 2.4.21-0.15mdk 
 and the the bugfixes of 
 April 10th of ML 9.1 and also in the latest cooker version 
 ma evidentemente

Uhm... Il fatto che il mio kernel sia il 2.4.21-0.13mdk potrebbe quindi 
essere il problema? Se sì, cosa dovrei fare? Scaricarmi il nuovo kernel e 

 però , tanto per provare, (poi ripristini se non risolve),
 commenta in fstab tutti quei dispositivi che ti danno errore,

Ho provato, ma non cambia niente...

Ho notato che l'errore me lo dà appena dopo aver scritto:

/dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target5/lun0: I/O error: dev 08:00, sector 0

Esiste un modo per sapere a che dispositivo corrisponde questo 

Grazie ancora di tutto l'aiuto che mi stai dando!


Il vento... Il suono del vento... 
E' il suono del vuoto che crea altro vuoto e lo disperde nel mondo... 
Futile tentativo di rendere migliore un mondo senza speranze...

Re: [newbie-it] immagine grub

2003-06-06 Per discussione kua79
Ciao Giuseppe, si io ho la RH9 scaricata dal web, ti mando in pvt la
splash,anche se a me non piace affatto, ripeto, perchè è tr scura.
Saresti così gentile da spedirmi la tua? Così la provo.
Invece per qnto riguarda la data hai ragione, non mi ero nemmeno
accorto, mi segnava il 2002...

 Questo messaggio mi è arrivato con la data giusta quindi hai già
 provveduto a cambiarla.
 Che modello è la tua motherboard ?
 Ho ricevuto la tua splash più tardi faccio il cambio, nel frattempo
 ti mando la mia al tuo indirizzo.

 Ciao, Giuseppe.

La Motherboard è una ABIT NF7 Rev 2.0 !
E' la prima ABIT che compro ed è una favola, prima ho avuto Asus,
Gigabyte, Soyo e la migliore fra queste penso che sia proprio il mio
ultimo acquisto!
ciao ciao Davide


2003-06-06 Per discussione Daniele Micci
Alle 14:08, giovedì 5 giugno 2003, _ ha scritto:
 Salve a tutta la ML,

 prossimo all'acquisto di un modem Esterno USB Analogico, vi chiedo su
 quale marca e/o modello mi devo indirizzare per non avere sorprese con
 Saluti Rocco

Premesso che non ho un modem di quel tipo, e non sono quindi informato in 
merito, credo che potrebbe essere d'aiuto per chi volesse risponderti sapere 
se stai pensando a un modem ADSL oppure a un 56k... ;)



«Il mondo si divide in 10 tipi di persone: quelle che conoscono la numerazione 
binaria, e quelle che non la conoscono.»

Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake9.1 hp scanjet 2300c

2003-06-06 Per discussione Daniele Micci
Alle 15:07, giovedì 5 giugno 2003, hai scritto:
 Che fortunello che sono! ;-)
 Dici che il supporto manca proprio per il Kernel e quindi andando su altre
 distro non risolvo il problema? Grazie del vostro interessamento!

Solitamente i sistemi GNU/Linux utilizzano SANE per gestire gli scanner.
Quindi se SANE non supporta il tuo modello, dovresti incontrare le stesse 
identiche difficoltà (leggi impossibilità di utilizzarlo) con qualsiasi 
distribuzione. Questo, che io sappia, non toglie la possibilità che esista da 
qualche parte in rete un driver scritto apposta per il tuo scanner da un 
ignoto pingue utente... da quel poco che ho visto in rete, non ho trovato 
nessuna informazione al riguardo. In questi casi, oltre a continuare a 
cercare informazioni o provare a prendere contatto con gli sviluppatori del 
progetto SANE, è buona norma inviare una email al produttore: hai visto mai 
che HP, spinta dalle email dei suoi utenti, non decida di supportare Linux e 
rilasciare i driver o le specifiche perchè qualche sviluppatore open source 
li realizzi autonomamente?
Buon fine settimana...



«Il mondo si divide in 10 tipi di persone: quelle che conoscono la numerazione 
binaria, e quelle che non la conoscono.»

Re: [newbie-it] Palm Pilot

2003-06-06 Per discussione Luigi Beltramini
 non uso il palm ma con obex so che è possibile far dialogare vari 


mi dai qualche info in + ?

Re: [newbie-it] Palm Pilot

2003-06-06 Per discussione Luigi Beltramini
 io uso jpilot che mi sembra molto più efficiente. Non ho fatto nulla di 

l'ho installato anch'io e funziona
pero' non visualizza gli appunti presi a mano

 con kpilot nelle impostazioni in generale, prova a scegliere la voce 

quella voce non c'e'; l'ho inserita a mano ma non va

Re: [newbie-it] vedere da console file excel

2003-06-06 Per discussione stefano
Alle 21:45, gioved 5 giugno 2003, Mario Guida ha scritto:
 Un saluto a tutti.
 Che voi sappiate esiste un programma che permetta di vedere il contenuto
 di un file *.xls (quelli di excel per intenderci) da console e senza
 aprirlo con oocalc o altri? un po' come con antiword per i file *.doc.
xls2csv o xlstocsv, poi in pipe lo mandi ad un editor o a un visore a tua 

[newbie-it] R: [newbie-it] COMPATIBILITà MODEM

2003-06-06 Per discussione Rocco

Ciao Daniele,
val bene la puntualizzazione, infatti parliamo di un 

Ma la cosa  insita comunque nell'Analogico, in quanto 
un ADSL  un...adattatore digitale.
Saluti Rocco

-Messaggio originale-Da: Daniele Micci 
venerd 6 giugno 2003 16.58Oggetto: Re: [newbie-it] 
COMPATIBILIT MODEMAlle 14:08, gioved 5 
giugno 2003, _ ha scritto: Salve a tutta la ML, prossimo 
all'acquisto di un modem Esterno USB Analogico, vi chiedo su 
quale marca e/o modello mi devo indirizzare per non avere sorprese con 
LINUX? Saluti RoccoPremesso che non ho un modem di quel tipo, e 
non sono quindi informato in merito, credo che potrebbe essere d'aiuto per 
chi volesse risponderti sapere se stai pensando a un modem ADSL oppure a un 
56k... ;)Ciao...Daniele-- Il mondo si divide 
in 10 tipi di persone: quelle che conoscono la numerazione binaria, e quelle 
che non la conoscono.

Re: [newbie-it] linux frizzato

2003-06-06 Per discussione Giorgio Griffon
Forse non c'entra niente, ma se può essere d'aiuto... a me succede qualcosa di 
simile (avevo già chiesto lumi in lista qualche settimana fa) a causa 
dell'xfree4.3 che non mi supporta bene la scheda video ATI rage 128; se 
abilito l'accelerazione 3D, con buona probabilità si pianta tutto dopo pochi 
minuti. Prova a monitorare la situazione guardando ogni tanto nel terminale 1 
(ctrl-alt-F1). Da me prima che si pianti si accumulano messaggi strani, e 
allora devo uscire in fretta da kde (o quello che è) e rientrare. Ho risolto 
parzialmente togliendo l'accelerazione 3D.

Alle 22:14, martedì 3 giugno 2003, Eraser Head ha scritto:
 Ciao a tutti.
 Da quando ho la Mandrake 9.1 mi accade talvolta una cosa ben poco
 piacevole: linux mi si frizza improvvisamente (e completamente, non vanno
 nè mouse nè le console), e non mi resta che riavviare sperando che il
 check dei file system non dia problemi.

 Inizialmente pensavo che fosse perchè sto lavorando ad un progetto per
 l'esame di informatica grafica (utilizzando opengl) e quando faccio andare
 il programma quello si prende il pieno possesso della cpu.
 Solo che a volte questo mi succede anche mentre va lo screensaver

 Qualcuno ha qualche idea di dove potrebbe essere il problema? Non mi era
 mai successo che linux mi si frizzasse così, sigh...



[newbie-it] Installazione rpm

2003-06-06 Per discussione kua79
E' da un pò che voglio fare questa stupida domanda...
Quando io installo un programma, in questo caso da rpm, dove cavolo me
lo installa ?!?! Come faccio poi a trovare il file per mandare in
esecuione sto benedetto progr ??
Grazie ciao Davide

[newbie] Mozilla problem

2003-06-06 Per discussione Chris Blake
Greetings MDK world,

I got MDK 9.1 and prefer to use Galeon as browser, however, whenever I
click a link displayed in an email message (using Evolution 1.2),
Mozilla opens up and casually displays Done in the status bar, but the
page isn`t loaded.

If I right click the link in Evolution and select Copy location or
open link in browser I get the same result.

I did echo $BROWSER and got usr/bin/galeon...
I been to MDK Control Center, checked for a setting in Evolution to use
a preferred browser but couldn`t find anything.

I`m assuming a value needs to be changed in one of the config files, yes
Chris Blake
Office : (011) 782-0840
Cell : 083 985 0379

I heard a definition of an intellectual, that I thought was very
a man who takes more words than are necessary to tell more than he
-- Dwight D. Eisenhower

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RE: [newbie] lilo frustration!

2003-06-06 Per discussione Adolf, Michael F
I finally was able to change the default to windows, but it should have been
easier. First I opened MCC then selected the big boot icon, got a screen
which had a lilo configure button (been there, done that), then another
screen containing a drop down of boot devices. Nothing yet about a default
boot OS. There are no other buttons on this screen that indicate other
windows or panels. BUT just for kicks, I just pressed the OK button (which
not what users do unless they made a change). OH NO, it wants to install
another package! What the H, I gave the CD it wanted. After installation it
showed me another screen with a boot list containing windows. I selected
windows, which gave me a final screen to set windows as default. Rebooted,
and windows was first on the lilo boot screen! The original install must
have gliched but it didn't tell me.

Thanks to all who responded.

-Original Message-
From: FemmeFatale [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2003 6:34 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] lilo frustration!

At 03:16 PM 6/3/2003 +0100, you wrote:
content-class: urn:content-classes:message
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Does MDK control center not enable you to do this?


yes...under the BOOT Section.

its not hard to find.. there will be a screen after the BOOT Section, goto 
the LILO or boot options screen (its a button IIRC) and in there is a 
dropdown list ofhte options lilo gives you.  The default is linux to 
boot...change that to the windows section  uncheck the Unsafe 
box.  You'll see what I mean if you poke around in there.
FemmeFatale, aka The Skirt

Good Decisions Your boss Made:
We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] Where should I go first?

2003-06-06 Per discussione Rob Lindsay

Try removing aumix - its default mode under MDK9.1 is off.

Open Kmix and make sure it is on.

This solved the problem for me.



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Re: [newbie] Where should I go first?

2003-06-06 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Thursday 05 Jun 2003 11:07 am, Rob Lindsay wrote:
 Try removing aumix - its default mode under MDK9.1 is off.

 Open Kmix and make sure it is on.

 This solved the problem for me.



Does anyone know why aumix is there?  Having both that and kmix does 
seem to be causing problems.  Is there any advantage to it that 
anyone has noticed?


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Re: [newbie]

2003-06-06 Per discussione Robin Turner
Anne Wilson wrote:
On Thursday 05 Jun 2003 1:25 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:

Robin Turner wrote:

Sir Robin
I must be the only person here who actually likes KDE 

Not the only one.


Out of curiosity, Robin.  Does Ice still not allow any desktop 
I think it does, but you have to put them in manually (i.e. create or 
copy an icon, put it in the appropriate directory and put an entry in a 
config file somewhere - not something for your average Windows refugee 
to mess with).

Sir Robin

A Perl script is correct if it gets the job done before your boss 
fires you.
 - Larry Wall

Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Pcanywhere on SNF7.2

2003-06-06 Per discussione Ricardo Gimenez - AR
I dont´t get start my Pcanywhere conections over SNF 7.2

Informations :



my host is and i´m trying to conect the host

what configuration my SNF7.2 have ??

Ricardo Gimenez

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Re: [newbie] CAUTION with linuxconf

2003-06-06 Per discussione Tom Brinkman
On Thursday June 5 2003 05:43 am, Robin Turner wrote:
 rikona wrote:
  In trying to restore things back to normal after opening, but
  not doing anything in linuxconf, I found that linuxconf had set
  up a set of iptable scriipts to build a firewall, and activated
  it to block everything!
  I reconfigured (not with linuxconf) to restore shorewall, set
  it up, and now I can see the net again.
  So - be careful - just *opening* and exiting linuxconf can
  change your configuration. Alternatively, when you exit
  linuxconf, make sure you DO NOT update the configuration. Be
  aware that linuxconf may configure parts that you DID NOT
  change if you do have it update the config.
  This is the way it seems from what happened - if this is not
  correct, please let me know.

 I haven't encountered this particular problem, but it doesn't
 surprise me.

 Never use linuxconf.  Don't even install it.  It was a great boon
 back in the days when it was pretty much the only all-in-one
 graphical configuration tool, but it doesn't play nice. Anything
 you can't do with MCC, do by hand.

 Sir Robin

There's been a discussion on the cooker list in just the past 
few days about moving linuxconf to /contribs (ie, no longer 
supported), or dropping it altogether.  I agree with your 
assessment of linuxconf Robin, and rikona's warning.  Mandrake's 
drake* tools are much more capable and safer to use.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] evolution - archiving

2003-06-06 Per discussione Brian V Bonini
On Thu, 2003-06-05 at 14:06, Brian Parish wrote:
 On Wed, 2003-06-04 at 14:43, Brian V Bonini wrote: 
  On Wed, 2003-06-04 at 19:58, Brian Parish wrote:
   Is there a way of telling evolution to clear calendar entries older than
   a certain date, or will they just accumulate forever? (I'm running
  Perhaps you could write a small script to purge the
  ~/evolution/local/Calendar/calendar.ics file which contains date stamps
  for the appointments among other things.
 Hmmm.  Guess so if I was willing to trust my ability to preserve the
 file integrity, but anyway

Here's another thought, have you examined the file to see how the data
is appended? Is it in a chronological fashion? Crude, but perhaps you
can just simply delete all the data after a certain date by opening in a
text editor and selecting all the old data and deleting it...

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Re: [newbie] CAUTION with linuxconf

2003-06-06 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Thursday 05 Jun 2003 3:44 pm, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Thursday June 5 2003 05:43 am, Robin Turner wrote:
  rikona wrote:
   In trying to restore things back to normal after opening, but
   not doing anything in linuxconf, I found that linuxconf had set
   up a set of iptable scriipts to build a firewall, and activated
   it to block everything!
   I reconfigured (not with linuxconf) to restore shorewall, set
   it up, and now I can see the net again.
   So - be careful - just *opening* and exiting linuxconf can
   change your configuration. Alternatively, when you exit
   linuxconf, make sure you DO NOT update the configuration. Be
   aware that linuxconf may configure parts that you DID NOT
   change if you do have it update the config.
   This is the way it seems from what happened - if this is not
   correct, please let me know.
  I haven't encountered this particular problem, but it doesn't
  surprise me.
  Never use linuxconf.  Don't even install it.  It was a great boon
  back in the days when it was pretty much the only all-in-one
  graphical configuration tool, but it doesn't play nice. Anything
  you can't do with MCC, do by hand.
  Sir Robin

 There's been a discussion on the cooker list in just the past
 few days about moving linuxconf to /contribs (ie, no longer
 supported), or dropping it altogether.  I agree with your
 assessment of linuxconf Robin, and rikona's warning.  Mandrake's
 drake* tools are much more capable and safer to use.

I haven't used it on over a year.  It gave me some unpleasant moments, 
too, so I avoid it.


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Re: [newbie] Epson IScan

2003-06-06 Per discussione Miark
On Thu, 5 Jun 2003 11:12:17 +0100
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I don't have any answers for you, but just wonder why you particularly 
 want to run iscan?  

I'm interested in the front-end and driver combo. My understanding is
that scanning is not only a technical issue, but also an artistic
one--scanners work differently, and one's drivers must properly stroke a
scanner to get excellent images. This has been true in the recent past
with Epson scanners concerning sane vs. iscan drivers.

My guess is that when Epson moved from 1.4 to 1.5, there was probably an
improvement in scanning quality. 'Course, I could be wrong. Maybe there
was an improvement to iscan and not the drivers. 

Either way, I'd like to be able to see it in action myself and I can't.


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Re: [newbie] Epson IScan

2003-06-06 Per discussione Kristjan
On Thu, 5 Jun 2003 11:12:17 +0100
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thursday 05 Jun 2003 5:56 am, Miark wrote:
  No go--I still get a segmentation fault. Besides which, I _think_
  it uses the epkowa.conf file, should it not?
 I don't have any answers for you, but just wonder why you particularly 
 want to run iscan?  I run a Perfection 1650, and it seems to me that 
 the latest xsane drivers offer pretty much the same facilities as 
 iscan.  What is it you particular want?

Hi Anne Haven't you done anything just out of curiosity, I have used
XSane for 6 months, and I am very satisfied with it. Never failed me.
When I bought the scanner I also tried iscan but did not got it work.
Now I want to see what if it does behave a bit different. Anyway I never
like to stick to one app... I always need to have choice.

Well anyway... Still no go for that. I read from Epson Kowa website that
there are known problems in Mandrake 9.0 for that particular scanner.
They also had instructions what to do, But that did not help me.  So
looks I need to stay with XSane


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Re: [newbie] Where should I go first?

2003-06-06 Per discussione Inhabitant of Zion

Well that did the trick.

I nearlly fell over when I rebooted and got sound.

Trouble is none of the music apps work. Only Xine works which I find hilarious as I 
never got that to work before under any Linux distro ever!

Any ideas as to why KsCD, XIMMS and GRIp give no output?

Where do I start with that?


 On Thu, 05 Jun 2003 13:14:43 +0307
Rob Lindsay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Try removing aumix - its default mode under MDK9.1 is off.
 Open Kmix and make sure it is on.
 This solved the problem for me.

I have dreamed a dream, but now that dream is gone from me. 

ICQ 92791912

I have dreamed a dream, but now that dream is gone from me. 

ICQ 92791912

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Where should I go first?

2003-06-06 Per discussione Eduardo Silva

Inhabitant of Zion wrote:


Well that did the trick.

I nearlly fell over when I rebooted and got sound.

Trouble is none of the music apps work. Only Xine works which I find hilarious as I never got that to work before under any Linux distro ever!

Any ideas as to why KsCD, XIMMS and GRIp give no output?


Had the same problem justyesterday. These apps generally have a audio 
configuration tab in their preference to select which kind of audio 
system/server its using, like ALSA, ArtS or OSS (in XMMS at least). For 
some reason I had not installed the complete set of ALSA rpms and the 
apps were not getting ALSA, OSS or anything to work. I just installed 
the complete set, configured ALSA for everything, and voila, it worked.

I have the following list for alsa:

I don't know if this will apply to you... Just a thought.



*Eduardo Silva*

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[newbie] KDE logout

2003-06-06 Per discussione Robin Turner
Does anyone know which file governs whether the logout window gives a 
full set of options (reboot etc.) or just logout/cancel?  On my office 
machine the former always come up, but at home I usually get the latter, 
but it occasionally switches to the former for no obvious reason.  I've 
tried using MCC to allow users to restart, but with no effect.

Sir Robin

A Perl script is correct if it gets the job done before your boss 
fires you.
 - Larry Wall

Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Epson IScan

2003-06-06 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Thursday 05 Jun 2003 5:13 pm, Kristjan wrote:
 On Thu, 5 Jun 2003 11:12:17 +0100

 Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Thursday 05 Jun 2003 5:56 am, Miark wrote:
   No go--I still get a segmentation fault. Besides which, I
   _think_ it uses the epkowa.conf file, should it not?
  I don't have any answers for you, but just wonder why you
  particularly want to run iscan?  I run a Perfection 1650, and it
  seems to me that the latest xsane drivers offer pretty much the
  same facilities as iscan.  What is it you particular want?

 Hi Anne Haven't you done anything just out of curiosity, 

Frequently g

 I have
 used XSane for 6 months, and I am very satisfied with it. Never
 failed me. When I bought the scanner I also tried iscan but did not
 got it work. Now I want to see what if it does behave a bit
 different. Anyway I never like to stick to one app... I always need
 to have choice.

Fair comment.  I often feel so myself.  I just wondered if there was 
anything specific.

 Well anyway... Still no go for that. I read from Epson Kowa website
 that there are known problems in Mandrake 9.0 for that particular
 scanner. They also had instructions what to do, But that did not
 help me.  So looks I need to stay with XSane


But Epson are pretty good, so we may get something done in a while.


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Re: [newbie] KDE logout

2003-06-06 Per discussione Troy Davidson
Sir Robin,

I have the same question.  I think that the answer is in autologin.  If you
autologin, you only get the logout/cancel window.

But, if you do a normal login you will get the full logout window.

The times that I have seen the full logout window with autologin is if I
have switched users.

I'll be interrested to see if anyone has any solution to this.

Troy Davidson 
Linux User #311107

** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

Quoting Robin Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Does anyone know which file governs whether the logout window gives a 
 full set of options (reboot etc.) or just logout/cancel?  On my office 
 machine the former always come up, but at home I usually get the latter,
 but it occasionally switches to the former for no obvious reason.  I've 
 tried using MCC to allow users to restart, but with no effect.
 Sir Robin
 A Perl script is correct if it gets the job done before your boss 
 fires you.
   - Larry Wall
 Robin Turner
 Bilkent Univeritesi
 Ankara 06533

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] Bind Or Apache?

2003-06-06 Per discussione Yves Arsenault

No I have an ANAME set, when I ping the domain it still does not work.

If I type my server's IP, the site comes up.
But the domain name gives nothing.

Does this sound familliar to anyone?

Yves Arsenault
Carrefour Infotech
5, Acadian Dr.
Charlottetown, PEI
C1C 1M2
(902)368-1895 ext.242
ICQ #117650823 

Can you ping www.domain.com?

If you can't then it is a DNS problem. You need to have an A or CNAME
record for www.domain.com in your DNS conf file.

If you can ping www.domain.com then you may need to define a default
site in httpd.conf or in Vhosts.conf.

   / \\   @   __ __@   Adolfo Bello / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  /  //  // /\   / \\   // \  //   Bello Ingenieria S.A, ICQ: 65910258
 /  \\  // / \\ /  //  //  / //mobile: +58 416 609-6213
/___// // / _/ \__\\ //__/ // fax   : +58 212 952-6797
www.bisapi.com   //pager : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: [newbie] Bind Or Apache?

2003-06-06 Per discussione Yves Arsenault
Now, not no.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Yves Arsenault
Sent: June 5, 2003 2:57 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Bind Or Apache?

No I have an ANAME set, when I ping the domain it still does not work.

If I type my server's IP, the site comes up.
But the domain name gives nothing.

Does this sound familliar to anyone?

Yves Arsenault
Carrefour Infotech
5, Acadian Dr.
Charlottetown, PEI
C1C 1M2
(902)368-1895 ext.242
ICQ #117650823 

Can you ping www.domain.com?

If you can't then it is a DNS problem. You need to have an A or CNAME
record for www.domain.com in your DNS conf file.

If you can ping www.domain.com then you may need to define a default
site in httpd.conf or in Vhosts.conf.

   / \\   @   __ __@   Adolfo Bello / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  /  //  // /\   / \\   // \  //   Bello Ingenieria S.A, ICQ: 65910258
 /  \\  // / \\ /  //  //  / //mobile: +58 416 609-6213
/___// // / _/ \__\\ //__/ // fax   : +58 212 952-6797
www.bisapi.com   //pager : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] CAUTION with linuxconf

2003-06-06 Per discussione JoeHill
On Thu, 5 Jun 2003 09:44:51 -0500
Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 There's been a discussion on the cooker list in just the past 
 few days about moving linuxconf to /contribs (ie, no longer 
 supported), or dropping it altogether.  I agree with your 
 assessment of linuxconf Robin, and rikona's warning.  Mandrake's 
 drake* tools are much more capable and safer to use.

but it was the only app that allowed me to successfully change my
hostname so that I could use the same naming convention across the
workgroup. I edited /etc/hosts, and that did not work. I cannot find in
MCC where you can change your hostname, so where is a lost soul to
change his hostname?

and hey, Linuxconf: run, select change hostname, change hostname,
save, exit.

-- Joehill
 Registered Linux user #282046
 Homepage: http://nodex.sytes.net
 14:08:11 up 2 days, 12:16,  1 user,  load average: 0.19, 0.12, 0.04

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Bind Or Apache?

2003-06-06 Per discussione JoeHill
On Thu, 5 Jun 2003 14:56:45 -0300
Yves Arsenault [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 No I have an ANAME set, when I ping the domain it still does not work.
 If I type my server's IP, the site comes up.
 But the domain name gives nothing.

exernal, or internal IP?
 Does this sound familliar to anyone?

if it's an internal ip, yes, if it's an external IP, no. Then it just
means the Domain name is not resolving to the IP.

 Registered Linux user #282046
 Homepage: http://nodex.sytes.net
 14:14:25 up 2 days, 12:23,  1 user,  load average: 0.99, 0.69, 0.30

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: [newbie] Bind Or Apache?

2003-06-06 Per discussione Yves Arsenault

Thanks for the reply,


I'm at my workstation and I can ping my server's IP.
But if I try to ping the domain name, it times out.

Yves Arsenault
Carrefour Infotech
5, Acadian Dr.
Charlottetown, PEI
C1C 1M2
(902)368-1895 ext.242
ICQ #117650823 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of JoeHill
Sent: June 5, 2003 3:16 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Bind Or Apache?

On Thu, 5 Jun 2003 14:56:45 -0300
Yves Arsenault [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 No I have an ANAME set, when I ping the domain it still does not work.
 If I type my server's IP, the site comes up.
 But the domain name gives nothing.

exernal, or internal IP?
 Does this sound familliar to anyone?

if it's an internal ip, yes, if it's an external IP, no. Then it just
means the Domain name is not resolving to the IP.

 Registered Linux user #282046
 Homepage: http://nodex.sytes.net
 14:14:25 up 2 days, 12:23,  1 user,  load average: 0.99, 0.69, 0.30

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] lm-sensors

2003-06-06 Per discussione Eric
Anyone used lm-sensors? If so, what is your hardware setup? I tried to 
install and got a bunch of errors.

http://secure.netroedge.com/~lm78 - Website for LM Sensors

- Eric

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Re: [newbie] Bind Or Apache?

2003-06-06 Per discussione JoeHill
On Thu, 5 Jun 2003 15:21:47 -0300
Yves Arsenault [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:


ah, so is this server on your local net? are you behind a firewall? who
assigns the IP and how long have you had the domain name?

sorry, more questions than answers!

 I'm at my workstation and I can ping my server's IP.
 But if I try to ping the domain name, it times out.

 Registered Linux user #282046
 Homepage: http://nodex.sytes.net
 14:24:33 up 2 days, 12:33,  2 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.34, 0.35

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RE: [newbie] Bind Or Apache?

2003-06-06 Per discussione Yves Arsenault

The server is basically just tying in with our ISP.
No firewall yet.

I bought the domain name Monday evening.


Yves Arsenault
Carrefour Infotech
5, Acadian Dr.
Charlottetown, PEI
C1C 1M2
(902)368-1895 ext.242
ICQ #117650823 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of JoeHill
Sent: June 5, 2003 3:26 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Bind Or Apache?

On Thu, 5 Jun 2003 15:21:47 -0300
Yves Arsenault [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:


ah, so is this server on your local net? are you behind a firewall? who
assigns the IP and how long have you had the domain name?

sorry, more questions than answers!

 I'm at my workstation and I can ping my server's IP.
 But if I try to ping the domain name, it times out.

 Registered Linux user #282046
 Homepage: http://nodex.sytes.net
 14:24:33 up 2 days, 12:33,  2 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.34, 0.35

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Re: [newbie] Bind Or Apache?

2003-06-06 Per discussione JoeHill
On Thu, 5 Jun 2003 15:32:34 -0300
Yves Arsenault [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 The server is basically just tying in with our ISP.
 No firewall yet.

is it a static IP? because otherwise you'll need some way of tying the
domain name to the IP dynamically.

 I bought the domain name Monday evening.

it *could* be that the domain name has not populated to all of the
TLD's. I know when I got my *free* ie. yucky domain name it took at
least a day or so.

That part you might want to check with the provider.

-- Joehill
 Registered Linux user #282046
 Homepage: http://nodex.sytes.net
 14:41:41 up 2 days, 12:50,  2 users,  load average: 0.24, 0.14, 0.15

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Re: [newbie] lm-sensors

2003-06-06 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Thursday 05 June 2003 02:25 pm, Eric wrote:
 Anyone used lm-sensors? If so, what is your hardware setup? I tried to
 install and got a bunch of errors.

 http://secure.netroedge.com/~lm78 - Website for LM Sensors

 - Eric

I'm using it here with a Soyo Dragon Plus MB. Works okay.

Did you run sensors-detect and follow the instruction?


 Dark Lord

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RE: [newbie] Bind Or Apache?

2003-06-06 Per discussione Yves Arsenault

My IP is static.

I'm thinking that it's a configuration in Bind that just isn't right, but
I've never used it and can't figure out what it is.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of JoeHill
Sent: June 5, 2003 3:44 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Bind Or Apache?

On Thu, 5 Jun 2003 15:32:34 -0300
Yves Arsenault [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 The server is basically just tying in with our ISP.
 No firewall yet.

is it a static IP? because otherwise you'll need some way of tying the
domain name to the IP dynamically.

 I bought the domain name Monday evening.

it *could* be that the domain name has not populated to all of the
TLD's. I know when I got my *free* ie. yucky domain name it took at
least a day or so.

That part you might want to check with the provider.

-- Joehill
 Registered Linux user #282046
 Homepage: http://nodex.sytes.net
 14:41:41 up 2 days, 12:50,  2 users,  load average: 0.24, 0.14, 0.15

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] lm-sensors

2003-06-06 Per discussione Eric
Ronald J. Hall wrote:

On Thursday 05 June 2003 02:25 pm, Eric wrote:

Anyone used lm-sensors? If so, what is your hardware setup? I tried to
install and got a bunch of errors.
http://secure.netroedge.com/~lm78 - Website for LM Sensors

- Eric

I'm using it here with a Soyo Dragon Plus MB. Works okay.

Did you run sensors-detect and follow the instruction?


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I didn't try sensors-detect. Once it's installed, how do you call it up?


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Re: [newbie] KDE logout

2003-06-06 Per discussione Robin Turner
Troy Davidson wrote:
Sir Robin,

I have the same question.  I think that the answer is in autologin.  If you
autologin, you only get the logout/cancel window.
But, if you do a normal login you will get the full logout window.

The times that I have seen the full logout window with autologin is if I
have switched users.
I'll be interrested to see if anyone has any solution to this.

Troy Davidson 
Linux User #311107

** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

If that's the case, then it's a bit silly.  I'm sure most of those who 
use autologin do so because they are the sole users on their machines, 
so if they log out, it's because they want to shut down or reboot into 
that other operating system.

Sir Robin
Quoting Robin Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Does anyone know which file governs whether the logout window gives a 
full set of options (reboot etc.) or just logout/cancel?  On my office 
machine the former always come up, but at home I usually get the latter,

but it occasionally switches to the former for no obvious reason.  I've 
tried using MCC to allow users to restart, but with no effect.

Sir Robin

A Perl script is correct if it gets the job done before your boss 
fires you.
 - Larry Wall

Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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A Perl script is correct if it gets the job done before your boss 
fires you.
 - Larry Wall

Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: [newbie] Bind Or Apache?

2003-06-06 Per discussione Dennis . R . Myers
Title: RE: [newbie] Bind Or Apache?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Yves Arsenault
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2003 1:22 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Bind Or Apache?

Thanks for the reply,


I'm at my workstation and I can ping my server's IP.
But if I try to ping the domain name, it times out.

Yves Arsenault
Carrefour Infotech
5, Acadian Dr.
Charlottetown, PEI
C1C 1M2
(902)368-1895 ext.242
ICQ #117650823 

Yves, have you set it up with your IP to resolve the domain name? and or the service you registered the domain name with must direct the name to your IP. Sorry if this is too basic, but you do have to have the ISP point the IP address to your domain name or the Domain name will not be resolved by the DNS but the IP address will be resolved. HTH Dennis M.

RE: [newbie] lm-sensors

2003-06-06 Per discussione Dennis . R . Myers
Title: RE: [newbie] lm-sensors

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Eric
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2003 1:26 PM
Subject: [newbie] lm-sensors

Anyone used lm-sensors? If so, what is your hardware setup? I tried to 
install and got a bunch of errors.

http://secure.netroedge.com/~lm78 - Website for LM Sensors

- Eric

What version of Mandrake are you running and what type of MoBo? Just asking, cause the board has to support the sensors. 

lm-sensors is on the 9.1 d/l version also. Listed as lm_sensors and once you have installed the rpm go to command line and type in sensors-detect and follow the instructions from there. If your board does not have sensors you will not get final scripts to insert in etc/rc.d/local and etc/modules.conf

HTH, Dennis M.

Re: [newbie] Bind Or Apache?

2003-06-06 Per discussione JoeHill
On Thu, 5 Jun 2003 15:49:47 -0300
Yves Arsenault [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 I'm thinking that it's a configuration in Bind that just isn't right,
 but I've never used it and can't figure out what it is.

I'm no expert myself. Is that what is supposed to retain the
relationship between the IP and domain name?

 Registered Linux user #282046
 Homepage: http://nodex.sytes.net
 15:29:58 up 2 days, 13:38,  4 users,  load average: 0.18, 0.09, 0.08

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RE: [newbie] Bind Or Apache?

2003-06-06 Per discussione Yves Arsenault
Title: RE: [newbie] Bind Or Apache?

service that I purchased the domain with directs the domain to my 
So, I 
should get my ISP to point the domain to my IP?

pretty new at this, we wanted to set up a webserver for our 
not sure if this is the best way to learn...


  -Original Message-From: 
  Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: June 5, 2003 
  3:45 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: 
  [newbie] Bind Or Apache?
  Yves, have you set it up with your IP to resolve the domain 
  name? and or the service you registered the domain name with must direct the 
  name to your IP. Sorry if this is too basic, but you do have to have the ISP 
  point the IP address to your domain name or the Domain name will not be 
  resolved by the DNS but the IP address will be resolved. HTH Dennis 

Re: [newbie] KDE logout

2003-06-06 Per discussione Troy Davidson
Oh, I don't disagree with it being silly.  If this is the case, I would love
to see it changed in the next version.

Troy Davidson 
Linux User #311107

Follow the adventures of a 
real life computer and 
  gaming nerd! 


** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

Quoting Robin Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 If that's the case, then it's a bit silly.  I'm sure most of those who 
 use autologin do so because they are the sole users on their machines, 
 so if they log out, it's because they want to shut down or reboot into 
 that other operating system.
 Sir Robin

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RE: [newbie] Bind Or Apache?

2003-06-06 Per discussione Dennis . R . Myers
Title: RE: [newbie] Bind Or Apache?

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Yves Arsenault
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2003 2:35 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Bind Or Apache?

The service that I purchased the domain with directs the domain to my IP.
So, I should get my ISP to point the domain to my IP?

I'm pretty new at this, we wanted to set up a webserver for our sites.
I'm not sure if this is the best way to learn...

-Original Message-

Sent: June 5, 2003 3:45 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Bind Or Apache?

Yves, have you set it up with your IP to resolve the domain name? and or the service you registered the domain name with must direct the name to your IP. Sorry if this is too basic, but you do have to have the ISP point the IP address to your domain name or the Domain name will not be resolved by the DNS but the IP address will be resolved. HTH Dennis M.

Yes, my understanding is the way my service provider works. They need to know the domain name so that their DNServers can resolve a name request to the IP address. In other words if you type in a browser http://68.96.13.x:80 it will go to the IP address and ask for port 80 access and you would get it if it were set to allow internet access. But if you have a domain name associated with that IP and the ISP does not know it or have their servers point the name to the IP then the domain name will not resolve if you type in  http://www.somedomain.com/ . This is the way it worked for me. Once I had registered the domain name I had to call my ISP tech back and let them know what the domain name was and the address to associate it with, since I had two addresses. HTH Dennis M.

[newbie] Visor Edge Kpilot

2003-06-06 Per discussione Rob Lindsay
Have just about got my Handspring Visor Edge working...

I know I'm not dealing with the latest, but it's all I need!! and I got it 
at a considerable discount.

This is my HotSync log...

Version: KPilot 4.3.9 (BRANCH)
Version: pilot-link 0.11.7
Version: KDE 3.1.0
Version: Qt 3.1.1

HotSync Log

22:57:15  Pilot device /dev/pilot is not read-write.
22:57:16  Trying to open device...
22:57:16  Could not open device: /dev/pilot (will retry)
22:57:31  Pilot device /dev/pilot is not read-write.
22:57:32  Trying to open device...
22:57:32  Could not open device: /dev/pilot (will retry)

Have mkdir to create a /dev/pilot

Did manage a hotsync a couple of hours ago, but haven't been able to get back 
there - even with some David Gray in the background!


It seems that I need to make the device read/write - please give basic 
fail-safe instructions...


Rob, feeling less exposed in Riyadh

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Re: [newbie] Visor Edge Kpilot

2003-06-06 Per discussione david
I have a Handspring Deluxe and I never could get Kpilot to work. I use JPilot 
and have no problems with it at all.

On Thursday 05 June 2003 04:03 pm, Rob Lindsay wrote:
 Have just about got my Handspring Visor Edge working...

 I know I'm not dealing with the latest, but it's all I need!! and I got
 it at a considerable discount.

 This is my HotSync log...

 Version: KPilot 4.3.9 (BRANCH)
 Version: pilot-link 0.11.7
 Version: KDE 3.1.0
 Version: Qt 3.1.1

 HotSync Log

 22:57:15  Pilot device /dev/pilot is not read-write.
 22:57:16  Trying to open device...
 22:57:16  Could not open device: /dev/pilot (will retry)
 22:57:31  Pilot device /dev/pilot is not read-write.
 22:57:32  Trying to open device...
 22:57:32  Could not open device: /dev/pilot (will retry)

 Have mkdir to create a /dev/pilot

 Did manage a hotsync a couple of hours ago, but haven't been able to get
 back there - even with some David Gray in the background!


 It seems that I need to make the device read/write - please give basic
 fail-safe instructions...


 Rob, feeling less exposed in Riyadh


   ( )_( )
   ( o o )
  ---( )---

Registered Linux user #300497
Registered Linux Machine #197634

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Re: [newbie] lm-sensors

2003-06-06 Per discussione mycal62
In terminal  type su  then give the root password,
next type sensors-detect  then follw the questions.


Eric wrote:

Ronald J. Hall wrote:

On Thursday 05 June 2003 02:25 pm, Eric wrote:

Anyone used lm-sensors? If so, what is your hardware setup? I tried to
install and got a bunch of errors.
http://secure.netroedge.com/~lm78 - Website for LM Sensors

- Eric

I'm using it here with a Soyo Dragon Plus MB. Works okay.

Did you run sensors-detect and follow the instruction?


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to 

I didn't try sensors-detect. Once it's installed, how do you call it up?


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Re: [newbie] CAUTION with linuxconf

2003-06-06 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Thursday 05 Jun 2003 7:13 pm, JoeHill wrote:
 On Thu, 5 Jun 2003 09:44:51 -0500

 Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  There's been a discussion on the cooker list in just the past
  few days about moving linuxconf to /contribs (ie, no longer
  supported), or dropping it altogether.  I agree with your
  assessment of linuxconf Robin, and rikona's warning.  Mandrake's
  drake* tools are much more capable and safer to use.

 but it was the only app that allowed me to successfully change my
 hostname so that I could use the same naming convention across the
 workgroup. I edited /etc/hosts, and that did not work. I cannot find in
 MCC where you can change your hostname, so where is a lost soul to
 change his hostname?

MandrakeControl CentreNetworkingWizard
select Expert mode.


edit /etc/sysconfig/network
That is all linuxconf does.

Back in the days of 8.1 I used to prefer linuxconf for setting up networking 
because mcc was not good enough. Now I avoid linuxconf. It is not worth the 


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Re: [newbie]

2003-06-06 Per discussione Dennis Myers
On Thursday 05 June 2003 06:34 am, Robin Turner wrote:
 Femme wrote:

 I must be the only person here who actually likes KDE (I changed from
 GNOME+Enlightenment some years ago - Enlightenment was sexy, but I
 really hated GNOME).  OK, it's slow, especially on my old PII machine,
 Sir Robin
Not the only one too, I prefer KDE and yes I have tried the others. KDE just 
suites me.
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] KDE logout

2003-06-06 Per discussione Dennis Myers
On Thursday 05 June 2003 12:56 pm, Troy Davidson wrote:
 Sir Robin,

 I have the same question.  I think that the answer is in autologin.  If you
 autologin, you only get the logout/cancel window.

 But, if you do a normal login you will get the full logout window.

 The times that I have seen the full logout window with autologin is if I
 have switched users.

 I'll be interrested to see if anyone has any solution to this.

 Troy Davidson
 Linux User #311107

 ** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

 Quoting Robin Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Does anyone know which file governs whether the logout window gives a
  full set of options (reboot etc.) or just logout/cancel?  On my office
  machine the former always come up, but at home I usually get the latter,
  but it occasionally switches to the former for no obvious reason.  I've
  tried using MCC to allow users to restart, but with no effect.
  Sir Robin
  A Perl script is correct if it gets the job done before your boss
  fires you.
- Larry Wall
  Robin Turner
  Bilkent Univeritesi
  Ankara 06533
Here is my solution, go to the KDE control center and select login 
manageradministrator mode usersselect only or hidden (your choice) and add 
your user name by putting a x in the box. Pick an image for your user and 
then click apply and you should get the login and log out you are looking 
for. Play with it to see what suits u. HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] [newbie' WM's for geeks

2003-06-06 Per discussione ed tharp
On Thu, 2003-06-05 at 01:07, eric huff wrote:
  PWM gets mentioned...I think some here use it?
 I used pulse width modulation in an EV motor controller...
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

eric, was that an Allis Chlamers?

are we in the same business?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Linux as router for Verizon DSL

2003-06-06 Per discussione KVPSTAFF
Well, people...I now have another problem...

I tried setting up the new static IP that we got 
with verizon DSL service...with a D-Link router...
come to find out, that the router is defective...
so now I need to find a way to setup the linux (9.1)
using/connecting to verizon DSL with static IP...
and also have linux be the router for the 3 windows boxes
we have using win2kpro, on a 9 port hub,,,networked.

can someone help me with this project...PLEASE

KVP-PC Staff

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RE: [newbie] lilo frustration!

2003-06-06 Per discussione Femme
On Thu, 2003-06-05 at 09:07, Adolf, Michael F wrote:
 I finally was able to change the default to windows, but it should have been
 easier. First I opened MCC then selected the big boot icon, got a screen
 which had a lilo configure button (been there, done that), then another
 screen containing a drop down of boot devices. Nothing yet about a default
 boot OS. There are no other buttons on this screen that indicate other
 windows or panels. BUT just for kicks, I just pressed the OK button (which
 not what users do unless they made a change). OH NO, it wants to install
 another package! What the H, I gave the CD it wanted. After installation it
 showed me another screen with a boot list containing windows. I selected
 windows, which gave me a final screen to set windows as default. Rebooted,
 and windows was first on the lilo boot screen! The original install must
 have gliched but it didn't tell me.
 Thanks to all who responded.

I did what you did... i forgot to mention the OK Button... apologies
luv.  But i can' tse why it'd need to install something here either!? 

*Using Evolution on   *
*Mandrake 9.1  Loving it!*
Suck it M$hit! OWNED! *

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Re: [newbie] Linux as router for Verizon DSL

2003-06-06 Per discussione Femme
On Thu, 2003-06-05 at 18:58, Derek Jennings wrote:
 Just go through the networking wizard in Mandrake Control centre to set up the 
 static IP.
 Make sure the local network is using a non routable address. Something like 
 192.168.1.x  (Do not use 0 or 255 as the last number)
 Then use the Internet sharing Wizard to make the connections through to your 
 local net.
 Be sure to use eth0 for theInternet, and eth1 for the local net.
 If your static IP address your ISP has given you is a non routable address 
 (192.168.x.x or 10.10.x.x ) then you have to do some fiddling about with your 
 shorewall files. If it is a regular address then you do not have to do much 
 at all.

Follow what derek said cept get rid of shorewall...it fucking BITES Dead
donkey dick !  you want a firewall? Get Bastille or Firestarter or
Guarddog...anything but shorewall... i've heard nothing but garbage
about that silly thing.

*Using Evolution on   *
*Mandrake 9.1  Loving it!*
Suck it M$hit! OWNED! *

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[newbie] SCO V Linux - now i understand it.

2003-06-06 Per discussione Michael Adams



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RE: [newbie] Linux as router for Verizon DSL

2003-06-06 Per discussione Femme
On Thu, 2003-06-05 at 19:06, KVPSTAFF wrote:
 Do you have a chatroom or icq number I could use
 so you could walk me thru this...

FWIW i'm always in IRC on Gamesnet in #clanpop.  If anyone on the list
wants to contact me that is. :)  I'm always willing to help. :D

*Using Evolution on   *
*Mandrake 9.1  Loving it!*
Suck it M$hit! OWNED! *

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Re: [newbie] Mozilla problem

2003-06-06 Per discussione Femme
On Thu, 2003-06-05 at 18:57, Stephen Kuhn wrote:

 You're going to have to edit the ~/home/yournamegoeshere/.gnome/Gnome
 file and have it like:
 [URL Handlers]
 default-show=galeon %s
 info-show=nautilus --no-desktop %s
 man-show=nautilus --no-desktop %s
 ghelp-show=nautilus --no-desktop %s
 So, next time you fire up Evo, your URL handler will be Galeon mate.

I have a similar problem here...but my problem may be more complex.  I hate Moz.  I 
LOVE Phoenix.

Problem: there is NO installer for Phoenix.  Its a tarball you untar  just run at cli 
MozillaFirebird -P ... this generates you a profile.
Done.  No installation.  How can I get Evo to use Phoenix as my browser  Open a link 
in a new TAB not a window?  Ideas?  Will what you suggest, Stephen, work?

Thx :)


*Using Evolution on   *
*Mandrake 9.1  Loving it!*
Suck it M$hit! OWNED! *

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RE: [newbie] Linux as router for Verizon DSL

2003-06-06 Per discussione KVPSTAFF

 Make sure the local network is using a non routable address. Something
 192.168.1.x  (Do not use 0 or 255 as the last number)

but what about this number, above...what do i use?

Follow what derek said cept get rid of shorewall...it fucking BITES Dead
donkey dick !  you want a firewall? Get Bastille or Firestarter or
Guarddog...anything but shorewall... i've heard nothing but garbage
about that silly thing.

*Using Evolution on   *
*Mandrake 9.1  Loving it!*
Suck it M$hit! OWNED! *

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Mozilla problem

2003-06-06 Per discussione Femme
On Thu, 2003-06-05 at 18:21, Femme wrote:
 On Thu, 2003-06-05 at 18:57, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 I have a similar problem here...but my problem may be more complex.  I hate Moz.  I 
 LOVE Phoenix.
 Problem: there is NO installer for Phoenix.  Its a tarball you untar  just run at 
 cli MozillaFirebird -P ... this generates you a profile.
 Done.  No installation.  How can I get Evo to use Phoenix as my browser  Open a 
 link in a new TAB not a window?  Ideas?  Will what you suggest, Stephen, work?
 Thx :)

FFS...ignore my assinine idiocy today... Seems Evo thinks Phoenix (b/c its based on 
Moz code) IS Moz!  WHOOHOO!!!

lol i didn't notice till a few mins ago that it was loading Phoenix. Now called 
Firebird.  Oops.

Still... I can't get it to open links in new tabs...yet Phoenix is setup that way...or 
supposed to be.  Ideas?  :)

*Using Evolution on   *
*Mandrake 9.1  Loving it!*
*Suck it M$hit! OWNED! *

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] Linux as router for Verizon DSL

2003-06-06 Per discussione Femme
On Thu, 2003-06-05 at 20:23, KVPSTAFF wrote:
  Make sure the local network is using a non routable address. Something
  192.168.1.x  (Do not use 0 or 255 as the last number)
 but what about this number, above...what do i use?
Use any number BETWEEN 0  255.  Either 0 OR 255 will put you on a
totally diff subnet (big word you needn't worry about unless you're in
IT Or wish ot become extremely acquainted with IP addressing issues.  So
don't go there... trust me its not worth the headache unless you love ot
learn esoteric shit ... like some of us here...).  


any of those numbers will do... but follow the KISS principle is
safest.  *Keep it simple, Stupid*.  I'd use either:,,,

Any of those are in simple denominations  are easily scaled if you
later want/need to add more comps to your LAN.  So if you add a new comp
you can make it:,,,

Follow me? 


*Using Evolution on   *
*Mandrake 9.1  Loving it!*
*Suck it M$hit! OWNED! *

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Suspicious email supposedly from Newbie.

2003-06-06 Per discussione Chris
Has anyone else gotten an email today with the subject:

Re: [newbie] OT - PCLO offline because of SCO!

It has an attachment titled Address-denon021122.WAB.scr which is 70.5k, the 
entire message is 96.8k.  Looks like one of the rapidly spreading new 
virus's.  Second suspicious mail I've gotten today.  This didn't come in 
through the list however as you can see by the headers.  Good thing Linux is 
immune to these things.  

Received: from smtp1.cwidc.net ([])
by eagle (EarthLink SMTP Server) with ESMTP id 19o5032123NZFji0
Thu, 5 Jun 2003 17:22:28 -0700 (PDT)
Received: from [] (helo=ccc170)
by smtp1.cwidc.net with smtp (Exim 3.20 #4)
id 19O4zk-0005Ux-00; Fri, 06 Jun 2003 09:22:12 +0900
From:  Damian Gatabria [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:  Re: [newbie] OT - PCLO offline because of SCO!
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Date: Fri, 06 Jun 2003 09:22:12 +0900
X-Status: N

  Registered Linux user #283774 @ http://counter.li.org
  Mandrake Linux 9.0
  7:43pm  up 14 days, 23:45,  3 users,  load average: 0.73, 0.18, 0.06

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Visor Edge Kpilot

2003-06-06 Per discussione Aron Smith

On Thu, 2003-06-05 at 13:03, Rob Lindsay wrote:
 Have just about got my Handspring Visor Edge working...
 I know I'm not dealing with the latest, but it's all I need!! and I got it 
 at a considerable discount.
 This is my HotSync log...
 Version: KPilot 4.3.9 (BRANCH)
 Version: pilot-link 0.11.7
 Version: KDE 3.1.0
 Version: Qt 3.1.1
 HotSync Log
 22:57:15  Pilot device /dev/pilot is not read-write.
 22:57:16  Trying to open device...
 22:57:16  Could not open device: /dev/pilot (will retry)
 22:57:31  Pilot device /dev/pilot is not read-write.
 22:57:32  Trying to open device...
 22:57:32  Could not open device: /dev/pilot (will retry)
 Have mkdir to create a /dev/pilot
 Did manage a hotsync a couple of hours ago, but haven't been able to get back 
 there - even with some David Gray in the background!
 It seems that I need to make the device read/write - please give basic 
 fail-safe instructions...
 Rob, feeling less exposed in Riyadh
Is it set for USB?
Jpilot seems to work a lot better.
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] former microsoft addict migrating to mandrake: needs to be able toread outlook archives

2003-06-06 Per discussione revolt
My friend finally decided to rid his computer of microsoft, but has 
years of emails in outlook archives that he can't live without. What 
should I recomend? Evolution?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Two (seemingly) simple questions

2003-06-06 Per discussione Femme
On Wed, 2003-06-04 at 23:30, g wrote:
 Femme wrote:
  OK Evolution questions.
  3) Besides the preview pane is there another way to list  reply to msgs
  unhilights the msg I am looking at in the Preview pane if I go to scroll
 i do not use evo, use ns, but have a question.
 what happens in header pane when you back out of message pane?
 peace out.

Well hm... I'd attach a screeny but it'd be big I think...

The header pane has the headers yes...and normally the one i'm looking
at is highlighted in blue... but ifi use the preview pane to scroll down
to read a msg it unhighlights  goes gray.  Consequently i have to
highlight it again to delete or move or do whatever to it.  Its just
annoying. :\

*Using Evolution on   *
*Mandrake 9.1  Loving it!*
*Suck it M$hit! OWNED! *

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] former microsoft addict migrating to mandrake: needsto be able to read outlook archives

2003-06-06 Per discussione Femme
On Thu, 2003-06-05 at 21:20, revolt wrote:
 My friend finally decided to rid his computer of microsoft, but has 
 years of emails in outlook archives that he can't live without. What 
 should I recomend? Evolution?
Depends...if he loves outlook then yes.  If he's wiling to spend some
time with a new client i'd try Sylpheed Claws or KMail.  Either is good
for newbies but has lots of flexibility.

FWIW I hate outlook but love Evo! :D

*Using Evolution on   *
*Mandrake 9.1  Loving it!*
*Suck it M$hit! OWNED! *

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Where should I go first?

2003-06-06 Per discussione Femme
On Thu, 2003-06-05 at 12:09, Inhabitant of Zion wrote:
 Well that did the trick.
 I nearlly fell over when I rebooted and got sound.
 Trouble is none of the music apps work. Only Xine works which I find hilarious as I 
 never got that to work before under any Linux distro ever!
 Any ideas as to why KsCD, XIMMS and GRIp give no output?
 Where do I start with that?

If you're NOT in KDE make sure XMMS is using the OSS Output program
(Under preferences first tab iirc that comes up).  IF you're in KDE
switch to OSS anyway see what happens.  Seems ARTS is KDE specific 
won't run outside of it...or so i had found when running Gnome one day
for giggles when sound didn't work I was mighty pissed.  Fiddled with it
 OSS worked.  WTH?  Why doesn't arts work outside KDE I dunno. :\

*Using Evolution on   *
*Mandrake 9.1  Loving it!*
*Suck it M$hit! OWNED! *

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Suspicious email supposedly from Newbie.

2003-06-06 Per discussione Todd Slater
On Thu, Jun 05, 2003 at 07:53:06PM -0500, Chris wrote:
 Has anyone else gotten an email today with the subject:
 Re: [newbie] OT - PCLO offline because of SCO!
 It has an attachment titled Address-denon021122.WAB.scr which is 70.5k, the 
 entire message is 96.8k.  Looks like one of the rapidly spreading new 
 virus's.  Second suspicious mail I've gotten today.  This didn't come in 
 through the list however as you can see by the headers.  Good thing Linux is 
 immune to these things.  

Yup, just got one. Roadrunner actually caught it before it got to me.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Suspicious email supposedly from Newbie.

2003-06-06 Per discussione Chris
On Thursday 05 June 2003 08:33 pm, Todd Slater said,:
 On Thu, Jun 05, 2003 at 07:53:06PM -0500, Chris wrote:
  Has anyone else gotten an email today with the subject:
  Re: [newbie] OT - PCLO offline because of SCO!
 Yup, just got one. Roadrunner actually caught it before it got to me.


Wish earthlink would.

  Registered Linux user #283774 @ http://counter.li.org
  Mandrake Linux 9.0
  8:41pm  up 15 days, 43 min,  3 users,  load average: 0.10, 0.18, 0.23

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] KDE logout

2003-06-06 Per discussione Dennis Myers
On Thursday 05 June 2003 06:24 pm, Troy Davidson wrote:

 That did the trick!  Thank you very much.

 Troy Davidson
 Linux User #311107

 Follow the adventures of a
 real life computer and
   gaming nerd!


 ** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

 Quoting Dennis Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Here is my solution, go to the KDE control center and select login
  manageradministrator mode usersselect only or hidden (your choice) and
  your user name by putting a x in the box. Pick an image for your user and
  then click apply and you should get the login and log out you are
  for. Play with it to see what suits u. HTH
  Dennis M. linux user #180842
Your welcome, glad to get one right occasionally. : )
Dennis M. linux user #180842

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Suspicious email supposedly from Newbie.

2003-06-06 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan
I got one of these this morning. It's sad to see my Web site's name used in such
a destructive manner. I guess it gives a new, more literal meaning to the term
'viral marketing' :(

On Thu, 5 Jun 2003 19:53:06 -0500, Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Has anyone else gotten an email today with the subject:
 Re: [newbie] OT - PCLO offline because of SCO!
 It has an attachment titled Address-denon021122.WAB.scr which is 70.5k, the 
 entire message is 96.8k.  Looks like one of the rapidly spreading new 
 virus's.  Second suspicious mail I've gotten today.  This didn't come in 
 through the list however as you can see by the headers.  Good thing Linux is 
 immune to these things.  
 Received: from smtp1.cwidc.net ([])
   by eagle (EarthLink SMTP Server) with ESMTP id 19o5032123NZFji0
   Thu, 5 Jun 2003 17:22:28 -0700 (PDT)
 Received: from [] (helo=ccc170)
   by smtp1.cwidc.net with smtp (Exim 3.20 #4)
   id 19O4zk-0005Ux-00; Fri, 06 Jun 2003 09:22:12 +0900
 From:  Damian Gatabria [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject:  Re: [newbie] OT - PCLO offline because of SCO!
 MIME-Version: 1.0
 Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
 Date: Fri, 06 Jun 2003 09:22:12 +0900
 X-Status: N
   Registered Linux user #283774 @ http://counter.li.org
   Mandrake Linux 9.0
   7:43pm  up 14 days, 23:45,  3 users,  load average: 0.73, 0.18, 0.06

Sridhar Dhanapalan  [Yama | http://www.pclinuxonline.com/]
  {PGP/GnuPG: http://dhanapalan.com/yama.asc
   049D38B4 | A7A9 8A02 78CB AB1B FCE4 EEC6 2DD9 249B 049D 38B4}

As history shows a lot of ActiveX components are buggy and new version is
released. The interesting part is the buggy version is still really signed and
available in one form or another.
  -- Georgi Guninski, security expert, http://www.guninski.com, 2002-02-14

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] [newbie' WM's for geeks way off topic again

2003-06-06 Per discussione Marc Oestreicher
On Thursday 05 June 2003 05:14 pm, ed tharp wrote:
 On Thu, 2003-06-05 at 01:07, eric huff wrote:
   PWM gets mentioned...I think some here use it?
  I used pulse width modulation in an EV motor controller...
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

 eric, was that an Allis Chlamers?

 are we in the same business?

   PWM is used in most DC motor variable speed applications. It 
seems to be about the only practical way to get low end torque and 
high efficiency. I am kind of suprised that some of that stuff has 
not gone to AC motors and a varaible frequency drive arrangment in 
EVs or am I just unaware of new developments?
Composed on a 100% Microsoft and
 Windows free computer with
Mandrake Linux 9.1

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Suspicious email supposedly from Newbie.

2003-06-06 Per discussione Dennis Myers
On Thursday 05 June 2003 07:53 pm, Chris wrote:
 Has anyone else gotten an email today with the subject:

 Re: [newbie] OT - PCLO offline because of SCO!

 It has an attachment titled Address-denon021122.WAB.scr which is 70.5k, the
 entire message is 96.8k.  Looks like one of the rapidly spreading new
 virus's.  Second suspicious mail I've gotten today.  This didn't come in
 through the list however as you can see by the headers.  Good thing Linux
 is immune to these things.

 Received: from smtp1.cwidc.net ([])
   by eagle (EarthLink SMTP Server) with ESMTP id 19o5032123NZFji0
   Thu, 5 Jun 2003 17:22:28 -0700 (PDT)
 Received: from [] (helo=ccc170)
   by smtp1.cwidc.net with smtp (Exim 3.20 #4)
   id 19O4zk-0005Ux-00; Fri, 06 Jun 2003 09:22:12 +0900
 From:  Damian Gatabria [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject:  Re: [newbie] OT - PCLO offline because of SCO!
 MIME-Version: 1.0
 Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
 Date: Fri, 06 Jun 2003 09:22:12 +0900
 X-Status: N
Yep, got it and spamassassin picked right up on it. I dumped this one.
Dennis M. linux user #180842

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Epson IScan

2003-06-06 Per discussione Dale Huckeby

On Thu, 5 Jun 2003, Anne Wilson wrote:

 On Thursday 05 Jun 2003 5:56 am, Miark wrote:
  No go--I still get a segmentation fault. Besides which, I _think_
  it uses the epkowa.conf file, should it not?
 I don't have any answers for you, but just wonder why you particularly 
 want to run iscan?  I run a Perfection 1650, and it seems to me that 
 the latest xsane drivers offer pretty much the same facilities as 
 iscan.  What is it you particular want?

  For me the Epson driver works much better when I want to scan and print a 
photo.  If I just want to print an article from a webpage xsane seems to work
better.  I'm running the 1660, by the way.

Dale Huckeby

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Suspicious email supposedly from Newbie.

2003-06-06 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2003-06-06 at 10:53, Chris wrote:
 Has anyone else gotten an email today with the subject:
 Re: [newbie] OT - PCLO offline because of SCO!

It's either Bugbear.B or Sobig.H doing it - so someone's been not only
using an M$ mail package, but they're infected as well...(and they won't
know they're sending it because it's got it's own SMTP server built into
the codehehehehe)

Fri Jun  6 12:00:00 EST 2003
 12:00:00 up 1 day, 12:53,  3 users,  load average: 1.01, 1.20, 1.08
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |http://kma.0catch.com   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

When you're not looking at it, this fortune is written in FORTRAN.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] former microsoft addict migrating to mandrake: needsto be able to read outlook archives

2003-06-06 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2003-06-06 at 11:20, revolt wrote:
 My friend finally decided to rid his computer of microsoft, but has 
 years of emails in outlook archives that he can't live without. What 
 should I recomend? Evolution?

It's too bad he ditched it already because there is a way to maintain
all your old Outlook emails - but it requires installing Netscape or
Mozilla on the Windows machine, importing all the email into Netscape or
Mozilla, then locating the folder with the imported email, copying that
folder to the linux side of life, then using Evo to import from that
folder - saves all the emails, attachments - all of it...then you can
wipe out Outlook/Windows...

Fri Jun  6 12:00:00 EST 2003
 12:00:00 up 1 day, 12:53,  3 users,  load average: 1.01, 1.20, 1.08
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |http://kma.0catch.com   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

When you're not looking at it, this fortune is written in FORTRAN.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Suspicious email supposedly from Newbie.

2003-06-06 Per discussione Greg Meyer
On Thursday 05 June 2003 10:01 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Fri, 2003-06-06 at 10:53, Chris wrote:
  Has anyone else gotten an email today with the subject:
  Re: [newbie] OT - PCLO offline because of SCO!

 It's either Bugbear.B or Sobig.H doing it - so someone's been not only

I got one of each in my inbox today.  Lucky me.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] way off topic again

2003-06-06 Per discussione eric huff
   I used pulse width modulation in an EV motor controller...
PWM is used in most DC motor variable speed applications. It
 seems to be about the only practical way to get low end torque and
 high efficiency. I am kind of suprised that some of that stuff has
 not gone to AC motors and a varaible frequency drive arrangment in
 EVs or am I just unaware of new developments?

The GM EV1 has an AC motor.  It takes a much more complicated/expensive  
control circuit to run an AC motor.  We made relays for the EV1, and 
leased one for the company (i used to work at Kilovac).  It was pretty 
nifty, but way too expensive.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] former microsoft addict migrating to mandrake: needs to be able to read outlook archives

2003-06-06 Per discussione eric huff
Kmail imported my outlook express email pretty well.  Didn't have them 
archived, or anything like that.

On Thu June 5 2003 06:20 pm, revolt wrote:
 My friend finally decided to rid his computer of microsoft, but has
 years of emails in outlook archives that he can't live without. What
 should I recomend? Evolution?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re[4]: [newbie] Suspicious email supposedly from Newbie.

2003-06-06 Per discussione rikona
Hello JoeHill,

Thursday, June 5, 2003, 9:41:02 PM, you wrote:

 Wouldn't it be relatively easy to write a script virus as an
 attachment and do the kinds of things that happen in Win?

J no for two reasons. one you'd have to execute it yourself, so it's not a
J true virus or trojan unless it can execute itself,

I agree with the strict definition, but most script/executable viruses
now try to trick the user into running it. One of the favorites is to
use a long name with lots of spaces:

nude-picture.jpg   .exe

Most programs will NOT display the .exe part. With the text
description that comes with it in the email, it will sound like
something you just HAVE to look at :-), so. You're dead.

I think linux can't have spaces in the name, right, so this particular
trick won't work?

But, does linux have a file extension (like an exe in Win) that just
runs when you try to open it? In sylpheed, an attached image shows
when you select the attachment, so I presume it 'opens'/runs it. If
this were an executable, would it run?  sylpheed also has an ominous
'execute' button on the toolbar. :-) Does this have to be clicked to
make something run?

J and two, you would have to su to root for the script to get control
J of your machine.

True, it would not be like Win98, where everything gets trashed. But
could it not trash everything for that user? If so, that is still a
big risk for a basically single user machine.

Just trying to understand a bit more

Thank you,
 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re[2]: [newbie] CAUTION with linuxconf

2003-06-06 Per discussione rikona
Hello Derek,

Thursday, June 5, 2003, 2:24:26 PM, you wrote:

DJ edit /etc/sysconfig/network

That's what I did, as suggested here in another thread.

DJ That is all linuxconf does.

U. except for all the other things it seemed to do that I
didn't tell it to do. :-)

Thank you,
 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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