RE: Android Handset Makers - Adding Value or Vulnerabilities?

2011-10-12 Thread Marc Maiffret
I use the second to last recommendation in the blog post but I would tell my 
mom to buy an iPhone. :-)

BTW here is a recent article I was interviewed in talking about mobile malware 
and related.

Main point being something I have said for years that we will start to see the 
explosion in mobile malware increase as the mobile phone continues to replace 
our wallet. Funny enough even CNN is finally catching on years later and ran a 
front page story about that exact topic except of course they mentioned nothing 
about security.

Then again seeing the total lack of process and structure around security as 
shown by the HTC and Samsung vulnerabilities it is just more signs that 
technology companies for the most part continue to do security as an 
afterthought. I can dig up a few 10 year old rants on that topic but I 
digress... :-)


Marc Maiffret
eEye Digital Security

-Original Message-
From: Bill Humphries [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 7:03 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Android Handset Makers - Adding Value or Vulnerabilities?

So, does this mean your smartphone is an iphone?


Marc Maiffret wrote:
 I thought some of the NTSYSADMIN'ers would enjoy this post as I saw the HTC 
 vuln. was mentioned the other day here.

 If nothing else fun hack to mess with your HTC/Samsung Android using 
 co-workers. :-)


 Marc Maiffret
 eEye Digital Security

 ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~  ~

 To manage subscriptions click here:
 or send an email to
 with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~  ~

To manage subscriptions click here:
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with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

To manage subscriptions click here:
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with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin

RE: Android Handset Makers - Adding Value or Vulnerabilities?

2011-10-12 Thread Marc Maiffret
I couldn't agree more. I love the other posters comments (sorry memory isn't 
working) about WP7 looking to be a good blend of the good of Android and iPhone 
for the two different reasons stated previously. You are right about iOS that 
it definitely just performs better than Android. I think WP7 is on par from a 
general does it just work well but way a head from a UI/experience 
perspective. The Nokia releases should be in November, so not to long now. 

I had a Samsung Focus WP7 device and absolutely loved it but went back to my 
Android device as the lack of multi-tasking and commonly used applications was 
something I could not live without. Now that Mango is basically out I am just 
waiting for Nokia and others to launch their Mango based phones and I have a 
feeling I will be switching back. Both because I really do with WP7 is the best 
of both worlds as it relates to Android and iPhone and also because as someone 
whom stills like to write code (as a hobby, smarter guys at eEye write the code 
these days!) there is absolutely no comparison to the joy of developing in C# 
in Visual Studio vs. something like Objective C in X Code or Android Eclipse 
plugins etc...

While talking about this space in none security terms (although I think WP7 
will stand strong on security, it has a solid foundation in WinCE) I know MS 
has made many mistakes in the mobile market but at the end of the day 3 things 
1. Do they have a good product? Yes, WP7 is absolutely solid (especially now 
with Mango) and just a completely different UI experience that is absolutely 
stunning when leveraged by the right applications
2. Do they have a channel and manufacturing partners to leverage to get the 
product to market? Yes, Microsoft absolutely crushes in this area and has a lot 
of leverage not to mention cash to throw at companies like Nokia to go all in 
on WP7.
3. Do they have a large enough developer community? Yes, this is another area 
that Microsoft is king. And in fact they are doing a lot of things to make 
transitioning their legion of C# Windows OS developers over to WP7 in an easy 
way. I won't even get into Windows 8 and all the dynamics that brings to their 
WP7 market, but it is not anything to laugh at.

4. Wild Card - I think Microsoft is in the market for a long haul. The reality 
is that they CANNOT lose the mobile space as the game has changed to not just 
be consumers driving business choices anymore but more so consumer mobile 
devices in the future driving businesses. This is already happening even now 
with the latest OSX and Windows 8 releases where they are creating AppStores 
and all of the other things learned from the mobile world. The reality is that 
YOUR users want their desktop computing experience to be a lot more like what 
they get on their iPad and indeed it will be increasingly more difficult in the 
future to be a successful desktop OS manufacture if you are not a strong player 
in the mobile space. 

Alright, too much coffee and I need to get to sleep for tomorrows eEye 
vulnerability expert form which if you have not checked out is me and the 
research guys basically nerding out about the latest MS patches, whats 
happening in security and also going to discuss some recent Android (ha!) 
vulnerabilities that illustrate how manufactures are really screwing things up 
for Google.


-Original Message-
From: David Liu [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 10:41 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Android Handset Makers - Adding Value or Vulnerabilities?

I think you hit the nail right on the head. Apple charges expensively for the 
design but the innards are the same as other cheaply made (or wose) knock-off  
substandard phones. But there _is_ somethingt o be said for the iOS subsystem 
as it was designed/written not only for usability but efficient use of 
memory/processing. On the ipad (gen 1 even) I've never seen a lag as I have on 
the Android counterpart (Acer A500 is what I have to compare to). 

I am excited about WinMo phones just not sure if I could wait another year :) 
Am currently looking @ all the HTC models and wanting to see if we can get work 
to foot the bill until the next hardware release from MS/Nokia camp. 

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 1:12 AM, Marc Maiffret wrote:

I would wait until the phones from Nokia come out. They should have 
some pretty solid unibody designs that give iPhone a run for its money. 
Regardless of OS the iPhone still  is the best designed phone but like their 
laptops (which I run windows on) you get what you pay for with Apple hardware.

Wait until the end of the year (November even) and Nokia and others 
should have some other new phones out for WP7 that will rock. HTC has a couple 
of new ones, but I think Nokia will out do them hardware wise...


Marc Maiffret

RE: AV and malware protection?

2011-10-12 Thread Marc Maiffret
Random factoid, anyone see that there was a vulnerability patched today that 
ONLY affected IE9? And it is reliable code execution. We are discussing it on 
eEye's VEF tomorrow, its pretty silly awesome. -Marc

-Original Message-
From: Ben Scott [] 
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2011 9:02 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: AV and malware protection?

On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 5:01 AM, Alan Davies wrote:
 Why on earth would you encourage users not to use IE!?  Again, FUD 
 mostly - IE is one of, if not the most secure browser out there out of the 

  While I haven't seen MSIE 9 yet, I know MSIE 8 still had what I would 
consider woefully insecure defaults with regards to it's Security tab 
settings, especially regarding ActiveX controls.  Now, I regard ActiveX as a 
really bad idea to begin with -- allowing a web page to push binary executables 
to my PC is *not* a good idea, IMO, and I think history would support me on 
this one -- but if you're going to allow it, you need something a bit better 
than just requiring a bit of crypto thrown at it.  More reasonable would be 
denying install to anything but Trusted Sites.  If the user can't type the site 
name that's a fair bet they shouldn't be installing it, one way or the other.  
There are a number of other things, too, such as the ability to run an EXE from 
the web in two clicks, or allowing scripts to manipulate the browser window 
(Firefox does that too, I might add).

  Currently, a lot of it is academic, since the popular vectors today are Flash 
and Acrobat, but if Adobe ever gets their act together I expect we'll see 
renewed interest in browser security design.

 Firefox not so great.

  Speaking of FUD, care to explain that?

-- Ben

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~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
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RE: AV and malware protection?

2011-10-12 Thread Marc Maiffret
All good, APT is a legitimate term like so many that start out legitimate and 
then are used and abused by security companies to the point where the term 
becomes confused and dirty.

Even a lot of APT can actually be stopped rather easily. Aurora for example 
could have been defeated simply by enforcing all outbound network traffic to 
traverse through a web proxy. The malware used in Aurora was not proxy aware. 
Stuxnet is another that is easy to defeat with good technical security best 
practices. One of the privilege escalation vulnerabilities it used could be 
prevented, and therefore prevent the subsequent chain of events, simply by 
having good file permissions. And these are not magical permissions that you 
would have had to know about Stuxnet to implement but rather best practices 
that in fact some companies I know already had. For example one of our 
customers that is a bank with over a half million windows systems had this file 
permissions configuration in place and so when Stuxnet was discovered instead 
of having to drop everything and patch over a half million systems they were 
already mitigated and could patch as part of their regular cycle. Don't get me 
wrong there is plenty of APT, and even general cybercrime attacks, that are 
very difficult but there have been few attacks ever, APT included, that could 
not have been prevented in a generic and reasonable way. 

The problem is our industry celebrates people who break software more than 
people who help educate what you can do to be more secure (beyond a product). 
And that is not to say we should celebrate the researchers doing vulnerability 
research less but rather to celebrate people doing innovative and educational 
things around protection more. 

We actually have a white paper on the topic of security configuration best 
practices and examples of how some of these basic things can go very far in 
stopping even APT and other sophisticated attacks. You can grab that paper 
eEye Research Report: In Configuration We Trust from our website here: We also have a webinar 
with myself and one of my researchers giving a bit of an overview of the white 
paper that you can view here On the Frontline of the Threat Landscape

Your last point Alan is a good one on how are we going to get better... Sadly 
in the 13+ years I have been in this space it seems we only get better through 
pain. But then as I discuss in a keynote I have been giving at conferences 
lately, I do not think this is a IT/security problem but rather something 
rooted deeper in basic human nature and our inability to be proactive without 
pain etc... 


-Original Message-
From: Alan Davies [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 4:27 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: AV and malware protection?

Agree wholeheartedly for the majority of threats.  The only exception I'd make 
is for APT (sorry to mention buzzwords!!).  Security through obscurity can be a 
very valid defence against undirected attacks (and probably most directed ones 
too), but a little social engineering, insider knowledge, etc. and it doesn't 
matter so much anymore.  Stuxnet was a good example.  What matters are the real 
controls in place, your people and your processes.
On your last comment Marc, I do worry how we are ever going to get to a 
scenario where businesses in general are well protected since only very few, 
through either extraordinary diligence of their own doing, or through 
regulatory necessity, make that time or care about that level of knowledge (aka 
funds!).  PCI perhaps is at least a start in terms of introducing some of these 
concepts to otherwise unregulated verticals.

From: Marc Maiffret [] 
Sent: 11 October 2011 01:28
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: AV and malware protection?

The reality is that most IT environments are all using one of the 2-4 popular 
AV products. One of the 5-6 popular network firewalls. This makes it so that 
the ease at which an attacker can setup a test lab to mimic the average 
business and ensure their attack will be successful is a very easy thing.


In order to be successful in today's IT security environment you need to 
customize security to your specific environment. If you spend even a reasonable 
amount of time customizing your security at the OS and network level you can 
prevent the vast majority of attacks. This is not opinion but fact.


Problem is that most people in IT have not been given the time or education by 
management to be able to do this successfully so alas everyone just installs a 
product and hopes it works. Likewise the attacker installs the product, makes 
sure their exploit works, and does not abide by hope.


Now of course you could have the time and knowledge and not a product 

RE: AV and malware protection?

2011-10-12 Thread Alan Davies
Ahhh .. good stuff.  I wonder if your guys can hack Russian submarines off the 
coast of Cornwall by tapping the keyboard a bit until the first firewall falls, 
then just talking Russion to it!  Mind you, we still haven't figured out how to 
bind an iBook to an alien spacecraft like your lot ...

-Original Message-
From: Ben Scott [] 
Sent: 11 October 2011 21:22
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: AV and malware protection?

On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 9:57 AM, Alan Davies wrote:
 A ... that must be like in Spooks where they search their master 
 criminal mugshot collection via a terminal that graphically displays 
 every mugshot they're comparing to one by one .. really quickly!

 [UK reference to BBC spy series Spooks for those scratching their 

  It's okay -- spy computers work that way in Hollywood, too.

-- Ben

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~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
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Re: Android Handset Makers - Adding Value or Vulnerabilities?

2011-10-12 Thread Andrew S. Baker
Excellent points, Marc

While I'm still in wait-n-see mode with WP7[1], I am reasonably confident
that Microsoft will continue to forge ahead because they recognize the
importance of mobile to their overall, long-term success.  The
consumerization of IT is not a fad, despite how annoying that concept may be
to some of us...

* *

*ASB* ** *Harnessing the Advantages of
Technology for the SMB market…

[1] Hey, when did this stop being WordPerfect 7?  :)

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 3:10 AM, Marc Maiffret wrote:

 I couldn't agree more. I love the other posters comments (sorry memory
 isn't working) about WP7 looking to be a good blend of the good of Android
 and iPhone for the two different reasons stated previously. You are right
 about iOS that it definitely just performs better than Android. I think WP7
 is on par from a general does it just work well but way a head from a
 UI/experience perspective. The Nokia releases should be in November, so not
 to long now.

 I had a Samsung Focus WP7 device and absolutely loved it but went back to
 my Android device as the lack of multi-tasking and commonly used
 applications was something I could not live without. Now that Mango is
 basically out I am just waiting for Nokia and others to launch their Mango
 based phones and I have a feeling I will be switching back. Both because I
 really do with WP7 is the best of both worlds as it relates to Android and
 iPhone and also because as someone whom stills like to write code (as a
 hobby, smarter guys at eEye write the code these days!) there is absolutely
 no comparison to the joy of developing in C# in Visual Studio vs. something
 like Objective C in X Code or Android Eclipse plugins etc...

 While talking about this space in none security terms (although I think WP7
 will stand strong on security, it has a solid foundation in WinCE) I know MS
 has made many mistakes in the mobile market but at the end of the day 3
 things matter:
 1. Do they have a good product? Yes, WP7 is absolutely solid (especially
 now with Mango) and just a completely different UI experience that is
 absolutely stunning when leveraged by the right applications
 2. Do they have a channel and manufacturing partners to leverage to get the
 product to market? Yes, Microsoft absolutely crushes in this area and has a
 lot of leverage not to mention cash to throw at companies like Nokia to go
 all in on WP7.
 3. Do they have a large enough developer community? Yes, this is another
 area that Microsoft is king. And in fact they are doing a lot of things to
 make transitioning their legion of C# Windows OS developers over to WP7 in
 an easy way. I won't even get into Windows 8 and all the dynamics that
 brings to their WP7 market, but it is not anything to laugh at.

 4. Wild Card - I think Microsoft is in the market for a long haul. The
 reality is that they CANNOT lose the mobile space as the game has changed to
 not just be consumers driving business choices anymore but more so consumer
 mobile devices in the future driving businesses. This is already happening
 even now with the latest OSX and Windows 8 releases where they are creating
 AppStores and all of the other things learned from the mobile world. The
 reality is that YOUR users want their desktop computing experience to be a
 lot more like what they get on their iPad and indeed it will be increasingly
 more difficult in the future to be a successful desktop OS manufacture if
 you are not a strong player in the mobile space.

 Alright, too much coffee and I need to get to sleep for tomorrows eEye
 vulnerability expert form which if you have not checked out is me and the
 research guys basically nerding out about the latest MS patches, whats
 happening in security and also going to discuss some recent Android (ha!)
 vulnerabilities that illustrate how manufactures are really screwing things
 up for Google.


 -Original Message-
 From: David Liu []
 Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 10:41 PM
 To: NT System Admin Issues
 Subject: Re: Android Handset Makers - Adding Value or Vulnerabilities?

 I think you hit the nail right on the head. Apple charges expensively for
 the design but the innards are the same as other cheaply made (or wose)
 knock-off  substandard phones. But there _is_ somethingt o be said for the
 iOS subsystem as it was designed/written not only for usability but
 efficient use of memory/processing. On the ipad (gen 1 even) I've never seen
 a lag as I have on the Android counterpart (Acer A500 is what I have to
 compare to).

 I am excited about WinMo phones just not sure if I could wait another year
 :) Am currently looking @ all the HTC models and wanting to see if we can
 get work to foot the bill until the next hardware release from MS/Nokia

 On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 1:12 AM, Marc Maiffret wrote:

I would wait until the 

Re: Android Handset Makers - Adding Value or Vulnerabilities?

2011-10-12 Thread Ben Scott
On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 7:16 AM, Andrew S. Baker wrote:
 ... WP7[1] ...
 [1] Hey, when did this stop being WordPerfect 7?  :)

  Around the same time the F1 stopped meaning Cancel and started
meaning Help.  ;)

-- Ben

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

To manage subscriptions click here:
or send an email to
with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin

Re: OpenCandy -- spyware/adware or misunderstood?

2011-10-12 Thread Joseph Heaton
VLC.  I changed to that and now it's the only media player I use on any
of my systems.  Dunno if it works in Linux, but it's on all my Windows

 John Aldrich 10/8/2011 12:48 PM 
On Sat October 8 2011, you wrote:
 Hi John,
 In my case (just a home user) it was on my system from installing
 Neil |¬D
Yeah. As soon as I saw that on the list, I removed WinAmp. I've got
app that I'm going to try out in it's place, called SnackAmp. Not sure
like it much. I might have to stick to just using Windows Media Player

under Windows and XMMS under Linux. :(

John Aldrich
Blueridge Industries
IT Manager

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

To manage subscriptions click here: 
or send an email to 
with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

To manage subscriptions click here:
or send an email to
with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin

RE: Android Handset Makers - Adding Value or Vulnerabilities?

2011-10-12 Thread Alex Eckelberry
Windows Phone is a central part of Microsoft's future strategy around a 
seamless, blurred endpoint, encompassing any internet-connected device.  Just 
look at Windows 8.  This is the OS platform for phones, desktops, tablets, TVs, 

With Blackberry dying a slow and somewhat comical death, Android being 
incapable of being used in a true corporate environment (it's ridiculously 
insecure) and iPhone being a non-enterprise product (you want every user to 
have to login with an iTunes account??), Microsoft has a real chance here.

I am betting on Windows Phone as a dark horse.  It has a real shot of capturing 
the enterprise, replacing Blackberry.   If they can make it free and cheap for 
the masses (cost, high level of functionality and wide availability being major 
drivers behind Android's success), it gets really interesting.


From: Andrew S. Baker []
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 7:17 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Android Handset Makers - Adding Value or Vulnerabilities?

Excellent points, Marc

While I'm still in wait-n-see mode with WP7[1], I am reasonably confident that 
Microsoft will continue to forge ahead because they recognize the importance of 
mobile to their overall, long-term success.  The consumerization of IT is not a 
fad, despite how annoying that concept may be to some of us...

Harnessing the Advantages of Technology for the SMB market...

[1] Hey, when did this stop being WordPerfect 7?  :)

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 3:10 AM, Marc Maiffret wrote:
I couldn't agree more. I love the other posters comments (sorry memory isn't 
working) about WP7 looking to be a good blend of the good of Android and iPhone 
for the two different reasons stated previously. You are right about iOS that 
it definitely just performs better than Android. I think WP7 is on par from a 
general does it just work well but way a head from a UI/experience 
perspective. The Nokia releases should be in November, so not to long now.

I had a Samsung Focus WP7 device and absolutely loved it but went back to my 
Android device as the lack of multi-tasking and commonly used applications was 
something I could not live without. Now that Mango is basically out I am just 
waiting for Nokia and others to launch their Mango based phones and I have a 
feeling I will be switching back. Both because I really do with WP7 is the best 
of both worlds as it relates to Android and iPhone and also because as someone 
whom stills like to write code (as a hobby, smarter guys at eEye write the code 
these days!) there is absolutely no comparison to the joy of developing in C# 
in Visual Studio vs. something like Objective C in X Code or Android Eclipse 
plugins etc...

While talking about this space in none security terms (although I think WP7 
will stand strong on security, it has a solid foundation in WinCE) I know MS 
has made many mistakes in the mobile market but at the end of the day 3 things 
1. Do they have a good product? Yes, WP7 is absolutely solid (especially now 
with Mango) and just a completely different UI experience that is absolutely 
stunning when leveraged by the right applications
2. Do they have a channel and manufacturing partners to leverage to get the 
product to market? Yes, Microsoft absolutely crushes in this area and has a lot 
of leverage not to mention cash to throw at companies like Nokia to go all in 
on WP7.
3. Do they have a large enough developer community? Yes, this is another area 
that Microsoft is king. And in fact they are doing a lot of things to make 
transitioning their legion of C# Windows OS developers over to WP7 in an easy 
way. I won't even get into Windows 8 and all the dynamics that brings to their 
WP7 market, but it is not anything to laugh at.

4. Wild Card - I think Microsoft is in the market for a long haul. The reality 
is that they CANNOT lose the mobile space as the game has changed to not just 
be consumers driving business choices anymore but more so consumer mobile 
devices in the future driving businesses. This is already happening even now 
with the latest OSX and Windows 8 releases where they are creating AppStores 
and all of the other things learned from the mobile world. The reality is that 
YOUR users want their desktop computing experience to be a lot more like what 
they get on their iPad and indeed it will be increasingly more difficult in the 
future to be a successful desktop OS manufacture if you are not a strong player 
in the mobile space.

Alright, too much coffee and I need to get to sleep for tomorrows eEye 
vulnerability expert form which if you have not checked out is me and the 
research guys basically nerding out about the latest MS patches, whats 
happening in security and also going to discuss some recent Android (ha!) 
vulnerabilities that illustrate how manufactures are really screwing things up 
for Google. 

RE: OpenCandy -- spyware/adware or misunderstood?

2011-10-12 Thread Maglinger, Paul
Just went to the download link.  Looks like there’s a Linux version.

From: Joseph Heaton []
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 9:15 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: OpenCandy -- spyware/adware or misunderstood?

VLC.  I changed to that and now it's the only media player I use on any of my 
systems.  Dunno if it works in Linux, but it's on all my Windows boxes.

 John Aldrich 
 10/8/2011 12:48 PM 
On Sat October 8 2011, you wrote:
 Hi John,

 In my case (just a home user) it was on my system from installing

 Neil |¬D

Yeah. As soon as I saw that on the list, I removed WinAmp. I've got another
app that I'm going to try out in it's place, called SnackAmp. Not sure I
like it much. I might have to stick to just using Windows Media Player
under Windows and XMMS under Linux. :(

John Aldrich
Blueridge Industries
IT Manager

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

To manage subscriptions click here:
or send an email to
with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

To manage subscriptions click here:
or send an email to
with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

To manage subscriptions click here:
or send an email to
with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin

RE: OpenCandy -- spyware/adware or misunderstood?

2011-10-12 Thread Webster
Works very well on TS/RDS/XenApp servers from what I see on other mailing lists 
and forums.
Carl Webster
Consultant and Citrix Technology Professional

From: Joseph Heaton []
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 9:15 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: OpenCandy -- spyware/adware or misunderstood?

VLC.  I changed to that and now it's the only media player I use on any of my 
systems.  Dunno if it works in Linux, but it's on all my Windows boxes.

 John Aldrich 
 10/8/2011 12:48 PM 
On Sat October 8 2011, you wrote:
 Hi John,

 In my case (just a home user) it was on my system from installing

 Neil |¬D

Yeah. As soon as I saw that on the list, I removed WinAmp. I've got another
app that I'm going to try out in it's place, called SnackAmp. Not sure I
like it much. I might have to stick to just using Windows Media Player
under Windows and XMMS under Linux. :(

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

To manage subscriptions click here:
or send an email to
with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin

Hosted Exchange, migration to Google APPS.

2011-10-12 Thread justino garcia
I have a small client non profits, currently with hosted exchange, I am in
the process making a document, how I long the project will take.

6 mail boxes, one distribution group, and each holds about 2 gigs per

I figure downtime, would be 4 hours, I will make down time of 6 hours.
Would I be able to still receive emails, during the migration?
Anyone have moved from exchange to Google Apps, any gotchas?



~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

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Re: (outage)

2011-10-12 Thread justino garcia
Storage array for Hosted exchange Server is down, no ETA.

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 12:27 AM, Lists - Level Five li...@levelfive.uswrote:

 I have a couple of clients using them before we did our own hosting and
 never migrated them over. None of them have called in or reported being

 ** **

 *From:* Hugo Hernandez []
 *Sent:* Tuesday, October 11, 2011 5:12 PM

 *To:* NT System Admin Issues
 *Subject:* RE: (outage)

 ** **

 We have the hosted Exchange 2010 business package with Intermedia and have
 been using them for over a year with only one minor outage a few months
 back.  They are pretty responsive and usually handle any issues I have
 rather quickly.  What is tech support telling you?

 ** **

 Hugo Hernandez

 IT Manager

 * *


 ** **

 * E-mail:* *

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 ** **

 *From:* justino garcia []
 *Sent:* Tuesday, October 11, 2011 1:52 PM
 *To:* NT System Admin Issues
 *Subject:* (outage)

 ** **

 I have a hosted exchange pakcage with, but since yeterday
 it been down?

 Any had any history with outages with



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RE: Anyone using DPM?

2011-10-12 Thread Joseph Heaton
In what ways was it confusing to setup?  I've been using CommVault and
Netbackup for the last couple of years... how is DPM different/same to
these products?

 Jesse Rink 10/11/2011 6:21 PM 

I’ve recently used it at a customer for about 2 months now.   I find
the product to be really good in some areas, but severely lacking
(mainly documentation, and getting help troubleshooting specific
problems) in other areas.  For me, it was very confusing to
setup/configure and really understand what is going on and how backups
work – coming from 10+ years using Backup Exec or other products.  I’m
still on the fence whether I like DPM or not.

From:Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2011 3:19 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Anyone using DPM?


That's Data Protection Manager


Any experiences are welcome.  Do you like it?  Hate it?  How big is
your deployment?  Any field servers involved?  How does it compare to
Netbackup and/or CommVault? (those are the other two I'm personally
familiar with)





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RE: Hosted Exchange, migration to Google APPS.

2011-10-12 Thread Webster
I gave up moving my stuff to Google Apps.  Tried twice.  Once 
Office 365 went live, I moved and was done after St. Michael answered a DNS 
question for me.  Total time to move was like less than 15 minutes.  It took 16 
hours to migrate my 5GB PST up.  I have since deleted about half of that.

Carl Webster
Consultant and Citrix Technology Professional

From: justino garcia []
Subject: Hosted Exchange, migration to Google APPS.

I have a small client non profits, currently with hosted exchange, I am in the 
process making a document, how I long the project will take.

6 mail boxes, one distribution group, and each holds about 2 gigs per mailbox.

I figure downtime, would be 4 hours, I will make down time of 6 hours.
Would I be able to still receive emails, during the migration?
Anyone have moved from exchange to Google Apps, any gotchas?

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Re: RIM Outages NYC?

2011-10-12 Thread Jonathan
Actually, all over the planetIt is just now spreading to North America.
Hopefully the backlog will begin to clear now that they've gotten their core
switch replaced, but only time will tell.


On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 11:03 AM, Michael B. Smith mich...@smithcons.comwrote:

  All over North America.

 ** **

 ** **

 *From:* justino garcia []
 *Sent:* Wednesday, October 12, 2011 11:02 AM
 *To:* NT System Admin Issues
 *Subject:* RIM Outages NYC?

 ** **

 Rim Outages NYC?


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Jonathan, A+, MCSA, MCSE

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RE: OT - Blackberry Outage

2011-10-12 Thread N Parr
Yes, have been all morning.  No mail or web browsing.  VZ says it's affecting 
all BB's system wide.  They also said we would be up 2 hours ago, ha ha.

From: Bob Fronk []
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 10:09 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: OT - Blackberry Outage

The 3 day outage is now causing issues in the US.  We have had several users 
report problems this morning both on Verizon and ATT.

Anyone else in the US seeing issues?


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RE: OT - Blackberry Outage

2011-10-12 Thread Maglinger, Paul
It's happening here in Southern Indiana.  Weird, some users are working and 
some are not.

From: Bob Fronk []
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 10:09 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: OT - Blackberry Outage

The 3 day outage is now causing issues in the US.  We have had several users 
report problems this morning both on Verizon and ATT.

Anyone else in the US seeing issues?


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Re: OT - Blackberry Outage

2011-10-12 Thread Mike Sullivan
We have some users with the issue here in California and Nevada. It looks to
be close to 50% of my users that are currently affected by this.

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 8:19 AM, Maglinger, Paul pmaglin...@scvl.comwrote:

  It’s happening here in Southern Indiana.  Weird, some users are working
 and some are not.

 ** **

 *From:* Bob Fronk []
 *Sent:* Wednesday, October 12, 2011 10:09 AM
 *To:* NT System Admin Issues
 *Subject:* OT - Blackberry Outage

 ** **

 The 3 day outage is now causing issues in the US.  We have had several
 users report problems this morning both on Verizon and ATT.

 ** **

 Anyone else in the US seeing issues?

 ** **


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Thank you,
Mike Sullivan

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Re: OT - Blackberry Outage

2011-10-12 Thread Cameron
It's also now spread to Canada and is affecting all of my BB users (Toronto

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 11:19 AM, Maglinger, Paul pmaglin...@scvl.comwrote:

  It’s happening here in Southern Indiana.  Weird, some users are working
 and some are not.

 ** **

 *From:* Bob Fronk []
 *Sent:* Wednesday, October 12, 2011 10:09 AM
 *To:* NT System Admin Issues
 *Subject:* OT - Blackberry Outage

 ** **

 The 3 day outage is now causing issues in the US.  We have had several
 users report problems this morning both on Verizon and ATT.

 ** **

 Anyone else in the US seeing issues?

 ** **


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Re: OpenCandy -- spyware/adware or misunderstood?

2011-10-12 Thread Ben Scott
On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 10:15 AM, Joseph Heaton wrote:
 VLC.  I changed to that and now it's the only media player I use on any of
 my systems.  Dunno if it works in Linux, but it's on all my Windows boxes.

  It works well on Linux.  Indeed, it started in the *nix world.  :)

-- Ben

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Re: OpenCandy -- spyware/adware or misunderstood?

2011-10-12 Thread Jonathan Link

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 11:25 AM, Ben Scott wrote:

 On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 10:15 AM, Joseph Heaton
  VLC.  I changed to that and now it's the only media player I use on any
  my systems.  Dunno if it works in Linux, but it's on all my Windows

   It works well on Linux.  Indeed, it started in the *nix world.  :)

 -- Ben

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Re: OT - Blackberry Outage

2011-10-12 Thread Ben Scott
  RIM has an outage banner on their home page.

  Users report sporadic email, at best.  SMS works.  Our BES says it's
had contact with the handhelds and RIM's servers, but Pending Data
Packets is steadily increasing and Forwarded Messages is barely
moving.  (We're on Verizon, homed in North-East US.)

  According to the CNN article, RIM's core switch died, and the
failover didn't.  They fixed the switch issues, but now their system
is overloaded due to the backlog.

-- Ben

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Re: OT - Blackberry Outage

2011-10-12 Thread Rod Trent
Sms is controlled by the carrier.
Sent from Kaiten Mail for Android. Please excuse my brevity.

Ben Scott wrote:

RIM has an outage banner on their home page.

Users report sporadic email, at best. SMS works. Our BES says it's
had contact with the handhelds and RIM's servers, but Pending Data
Packets is steadily increasing and Forwarded Messages is barely
moving. (We're on Verizon, homed in North-East US.)

According to the CNN article, RIM's core switch died, and the
failover didn't. They fixed the switch issues, but now their system
is overloaded due to the backlog.

-- Ben

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RE: OT - Blackberry Outage

2011-10-12 Thread Ben Serebin
Hello All,

Snip from RIM website below. Summary: failure of testing redundant 
systems and not having enough redundant capacity.

Have numerous clients with BBs on BES across US, and have random users 
affected. I just alerted all my clients to the problems. I'm a big believer in 
the BB functionality, but I only see one way the BB platform will go, and it's 
sadly not up. I wish the BB hardware natively supported direct ActiveSync 


Tuesday 11th October - 21:30 (GMT+1)
The messaging and browsing delays that some of you are still experiencing were 
caused by a core switch failure within RIM's infrastructure. Although the 
system is designed to failover to a back-up switch, the failover did not 
function as previously tested. As a result, a large backlog of data was 
generated and we are now working to clear that backlog and restore normal 
service as quickly as possible. We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience 
caused to many of you and we will continue to keep you informed.

-Original Message-
From: Ben Scott [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 11:31 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: OT - Blackberry Outage

  RIM has an outage banner on their home page.

  Users report sporadic email, at best.  SMS works.  Our BES says it's had 
contact with the handhelds and RIM's servers, but Pending Data Packets is 
steadily increasing and Forwarded Messages is barely moving.  (We're on 
Verizon, homed in North-East US.)

  According to the CNN article, RIM's core switch died, and the failover 
didn't.  They fixed the switch issues, but now their system is overloaded due 
to the backlog.

-- Ben

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Re: AV and malware protection?

2011-10-12 Thread Steven Peck
On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 1:05 AM, Alan Davies adav...@cls-services.comwrote:

 Mind you, we still haven't figured out how to bind an iBook to an alien
 spacecraft like your lot ...

Somewhere there is a vendor who has a class on how that is done.  We're not
allowed to teach it outside the US.

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Staff training

2011-10-12 Thread Ralph Smith

This may be a little OT, but I was just pricing out some training for 3
staff here with the idea of sending them to some classroom training for
Windows 7 and Server 2008 administration.
If I target the courses related to MCITP Enterprise Desktop
Administrator on Windows 7 certification and the MCITP Server
Administrator on Windows Server 2008 certification, (and this is from
ONLC because they have a local office, but New Horizons seems to be
about the same) the appropriate courses include three five day courses
and one three day course.

The total cost at their published prices would be almost $27,000 for
three staff.  I don't think I can get that through our budget process.  

For those who provide training for staff development, is this kind of
classroom training the way to go?  Are there other alternatives for
classroom training, or do you use other training resources such as video
training from places like Trainsignal?

I'm looking for a bit of a reality check, as well as suggestions.  We
haven't provided this kind of staff training up to now, so I have no
experience in this area.  For myself I have relied on Google Training
and some good books, but I was looking for something more

Appreciate any comments and advice.


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Re: RIM Outages NYC?

2011-10-12 Thread Andrew S. Baker
All over...

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On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 11:01 AM, justino garcia jgarciaitl...@gmail.comwrote:

 Rim Outages NYC?


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RE: Staff training

2011-10-12 Thread Michael B. Smith
The value of classroom training is completely dependent on the instructor. An 
instructor who knows what the heck s/he is talking about and has real 
experience in the product is invaluable. An instructor who reviewed the MOC and 
ran through it the weekend before the class started and has little-to-no real 
experience is worthless.

As an instructor myself, I've sat through both kinds of training classes.

I would say that the number you quote is just a little on the high side, but 
it's in line with a quality training class.

Some people learn better in a classroom environment. Others learn better with 
books. Others (like me) learn best by setting up a lab and trashing and 
rebuilding and testing and breaking and fixing the product several dozen times.


Michael B. Smith
Consultant and Exchange MVP

-Original Message-
From: Ralph Smith [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 12:17 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Staff training

This may be a little OT, but I was just pricing out some training for 3
staff here with the idea of sending them to some classroom training for
Windows 7 and Server 2008 administration.
If I target the courses related to MCITP Enterprise Desktop
Administrator on Windows 7 certification and the MCITP Server
Administrator on Windows Server 2008 certification, (and this is from
ONLC because they have a local office, but New Horizons seems to be
about the same) the appropriate courses include three five day courses
and one three day course.

The total cost at their published prices would be almost $27,000 for
three staff.  I don't think I can get that through our budget process.  

For those who provide training for staff development, is this kind of
classroom training the way to go?  Are there other alternatives for
classroom training, or do you use other training resources such as video
training from places like Trainsignal?

I'm looking for a bit of a reality check, as well as suggestions.  We
haven't provided this kind of staff training up to now, so I have no
experience in this area.  For myself I have relied on Google Training
and some good books, but I was looking for something more

Appreciate any comments and advice.


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RE: Staff training

2011-10-12 Thread Kim Longenbaugh
For training by instructors who fit the first description, I'd highly recommend 
Robert Vaughn's organization at   If I have 
my way, I'll go to training there before I'd go anywhere else.  

-Original Message-
From: Michael B. Smith [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 11:23 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Staff training

The value of classroom training is completely dependent on the instructor. An 
instructor who knows what the heck s/he is talking about and has real 
experience in the product is invaluable. An instructor who reviewed the MOC and 
ran through it the weekend before the class started and has little-to-no real 
experience is worthless.

As an instructor myself, I've sat through both kinds of training classes.

I would say that the number you quote is just a little on the high side, but 
it's in line with a quality training class.

Some people learn better in a classroom environment. Others learn better with 
books. Others (like me) learn best by setting up a lab and trashing and 
rebuilding and testing and breaking and fixing the product several dozen times.


Michael B. Smith
Consultant and Exchange MVP

-Original Message-
From: Ralph Smith [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 12:17 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Staff training

This may be a little OT, but I was just pricing out some training for 3
staff here with the idea of sending them to some classroom training for
Windows 7 and Server 2008 administration.
If I target the courses related to MCITP Enterprise Desktop
Administrator on Windows 7 certification and the MCITP Server
Administrator on Windows Server 2008 certification, (and this is from
ONLC because they have a local office, but New Horizons seems to be
about the same) the appropriate courses include three five day courses
and one three day course.

The total cost at their published prices would be almost $27,000 for
three staff.  I don't think I can get that through our budget process.  

For those who provide training for staff development, is this kind of
classroom training the way to go?  Are there other alternatives for
classroom training, or do you use other training resources such as video
training from places like Trainsignal?

I'm looking for a bit of a reality check, as well as suggestions.  We
haven't provided this kind of staff training up to now, so I have no
experience in this area.  For myself I have relied on Google Training
and some good books, but I was looking for something more

Appreciate any comments and advice.


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RE: Staff training

2011-10-12 Thread David Lum
 Others (like me) learn best by setting up a lab and trashing and rebuilding 
and testing and breaking and fixing the product several dozen times.

Sounds like our production environment!

-Original Message-
From: Michael B. Smith [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 9:23 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Staff training

The value of classroom training is completely dependent on the instructor. An 
instructor who knows what the heck s/he is talking about and has real 
experience in the product is invaluable. An instructor who reviewed the MOC and 
ran through it the weekend before the class started and has little-to-no real 
experience is worthless.

As an instructor myself, I've sat through both kinds of training classes.

I would say that the number you quote is just a little on the high side, but 
it's in line with a quality training class.

Some people learn better in a classroom environment. Others learn better with 
books. Others (like me) learn best by setting up a lab and trashing and 
rebuilding and testing and breaking and fixing the product several dozen times.


Michael B. Smith
Consultant and Exchange MVP

-Original Message-
From: Ralph Smith [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 12:17 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Staff training

This may be a little OT, but I was just pricing out some training for 3
staff here with the idea of sending them to some classroom training for
Windows 7 and Server 2008 administration.
If I target the courses related to MCITP Enterprise Desktop
Administrator on Windows 7 certification and the MCITP Server
Administrator on Windows Server 2008 certification, (and this is from
ONLC because they have a local office, but New Horizons seems to be
about the same) the appropriate courses include three five day courses
and one three day course.

The total cost at their published prices would be almost $27,000 for
three staff.  I don't think I can get that through our budget process.  

For those who provide training for staff development, is this kind of
classroom training the way to go?  Are there other alternatives for
classroom training, or do you use other training resources such as video
training from places like Trainsignal?

I'm looking for a bit of a reality check, as well as suggestions.  We
haven't provided this kind of staff training up to now, so I have no
experience in this area.  For myself I have relied on Google Training
and some good books, but I was looking for something more

Appreciate any comments and advice.


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Re: Android Handset Makers - Adding Value or Vulnerabilities?

2011-10-12 Thread Andrew S. Baker
LOL   Fine. :)

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*ASB* ** *Harnessing the Advantages of
Technology for the SMB market…


On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 8:09 AM, Ben Scott wrote:

 On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 7:16 AM, Andrew S. Baker
  ... WP7[1] ...
  [1] Hey, when did this stop being WordPerfect 7?  :)

   Around the same time the F1 stopped meaning Cancel and started
 meaning Help.  ;)

 -- Ben

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Re: Staff training

2011-10-12 Thread Christopher Bodnar
I agree with most of what Michael already outlined. I'd also like to point 
out that there are employee's who see that type of formal training as a 
vacation from work. and really get nothing out of it. You should also 
evaluate and try to quantify what you or your company is trying to get out 
of this. For example, is the need to have a certain number of in house 
employees with MCITP certification? If that is the business driver, then 
at least you know what the requirements are. If not, then trying a 
combination of multiple forms of training might make more sense. You could 
license one of the video series, and have the employees work from home for 
a week to complete the course, for a fraction of that $27000 figure. You 
could also consider the Boot Camps, which virtually guarantee 
certification, but at a much higher cost. 

Chris Bodnar, MCSE, MCITP
Technical Support III
Distributed Systems Service Delivery - Intel Services
Guardian Life Insurance Company of America
Phone: 610-807-6459
Fax: 610-807-6003

From:   Ralph Smith
To: NT System Admin Issues
Date:   10/12/2011 12:17 PM
Subject:Staff training

This may be a little OT, but I was just pricing out some training for 3
staff here with the idea of sending them to some classroom training for
Windows 7 and Server 2008 administration.
If I target the courses related to MCITP Enterprise Desktop
Administrator on Windows 7 certification and the MCITP Server
Administrator on Windows Server 2008 certification, (and this is from
ONLC because they have a local office, but New Horizons seems to be
about the same) the appropriate courses include three five day courses
and one three day course.

The total cost at their published prices would be almost $27,000 for
three staff.  I don't think I can get that through our budget process. 

For those who provide training for staff development, is this kind of
classroom training the way to go?  Are there other alternatives for
classroom training, or do you use other training resources such as video
training from places like Trainsignal?

I'm looking for a bit of a reality check, as well as suggestions.  We
haven't provided this kind of staff training up to now, so I have no
experience in this area.  For myself I have relied on Google Training
and some good books, but I was looking for something more

Appreciate any comments and advice.


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RE: Staff training

2011-10-12 Thread Michael B. Smith
I've given you recommendations on how to fix that. :-)


Michael B. Smith
Consultant and Exchange MVP

-Original Message-
From: David Lum [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 12:37 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Staff training

 Others (like me) learn best by setting up a lab and trashing and rebuilding 
and testing and breaking and fixing the product several dozen times.

Sounds like our production environment!

-Original Message-
From: Michael B. Smith [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 9:23 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Staff training

The value of classroom training is completely dependent on the instructor. An 
instructor who knows what the heck s/he is talking about and has real 
experience in the product is invaluable. An instructor who reviewed the MOC and 
ran through it the weekend before the class started and has little-to-no real 
experience is worthless.

As an instructor myself, I've sat through both kinds of training classes.

I would say that the number you quote is just a little on the high side, but 
it's in line with a quality training class.

Some people learn better in a classroom environment. Others learn better with 
books. Others (like me) learn best by setting up a lab and trashing and 
rebuilding and testing and breaking and fixing the product several dozen times.


Michael B. Smith
Consultant and Exchange MVP

-Original Message-
From: Ralph Smith [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 12:17 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Staff training

This may be a little OT, but I was just pricing out some training for 3
staff here with the idea of sending them to some classroom training for
Windows 7 and Server 2008 administration.
If I target the courses related to MCITP Enterprise Desktop
Administrator on Windows 7 certification and the MCITP Server
Administrator on Windows Server 2008 certification, (and this is from
ONLC because they have a local office, but New Horizons seems to be
about the same) the appropriate courses include three five day courses
and one three day course.

The total cost at their published prices would be almost $27,000 for
three staff.  I don't think I can get that through our budget process.  

For those who provide training for staff development, is this kind of
classroom training the way to go?  Are there other alternatives for
classroom training, or do you use other training resources such as video
training from places like Trainsignal?

I'm looking for a bit of a reality check, as well as suggestions.  We
haven't provided this kind of staff training up to now, so I have no
experience in this area.  For myself I have relied on Google Training
and some good books, but I was looking for something more

Appreciate any comments and advice.


~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

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~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

To manage subscriptions click here:
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with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

To manage subscriptions click here:
or send an email to
with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

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RE: Staff training

2011-10-12 Thread Matthew W. Ross
 Others (like me) learn best by setting up a lab and trashing and
 rebuilding and testing and breaking and fixing the product several dozen

Put me in that category.

--Matt Ross
Ephrata School District

- Original Message -
From: Michael B. Smith
To: NT System Admin Issues
Sent: Wed, 12 Oct 2011
09:23:29 -0700
Subject: RE: Staff training

 The value of classroom training is completely dependent on the instructor.
 An instructor who knows what the heck s/he is talking about and has real
 experience in the product is invaluable. An instructor who reviewed the MOC
 and ran through it the weekend before the class started and has little-to-no
 real experience is worthless.
 As an instructor myself, I've sat through both kinds of training classes.
 I would say that the number you quote is just a little on the high side, but
 it's in line with a quality training class.
 Some people learn better in a classroom environment. Others learn better
 with books. Others (like me) learn best by setting up a lab and trashing and
 rebuilding and testing and breaking and fixing the product several dozen
 Michael B. Smith
 Consultant and Exchange MVP
 -Original Message-
 From: Ralph Smith [] 
 Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 12:17 PM
 To: NT System Admin Issues
 Subject: Staff training
 This may be a little OT, but I was just pricing out some training for 3
 staff here with the idea of sending them to some classroom training for
 Windows 7 and Server 2008 administration.
 If I target the courses related to MCITP Enterprise Desktop
 Administrator on Windows 7 certification and the MCITP Server
 Administrator on Windows Server 2008 certification, (and this is from
 ONLC because they have a local office, but New Horizons seems to be
 about the same) the appropriate courses include three five day courses
 and one three day course.
 The total cost at their published prices would be almost $27,000 for
 three staff.  I don't think I can get that through our budget process.  
 For those who provide training for staff development, is this kind of
 classroom training the way to go?  Are there other alternatives for
 classroom training, or do you use other training resources such as video
 training from places like Trainsignal?
 I'm looking for a bit of a reality check, as well as suggestions.  We
 haven't provided this kind of staff training up to now, so I have no
 experience in this area.  For myself I have relied on Google Training
 and some good books, but I was looking for something more
 Appreciate any comments and advice.
 ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
 ~  ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

To manage subscriptions click here:
or send an email to
with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin

Re: Hosted Exchange, migration to Google APPS.

2011-10-12 Thread David
Highly dependent on how much bandwidth you have available.  Not to Google
Apps, but I migrated a user to a hosted service, he had a 12G mailbox on an
896K uplink, took him about a week to completely sync up.


On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 8:01 AM, Webster wrote:

  I gave up moving my stuff to Google Apps.  Tried twice.
 Once Office 365 went live, I moved and was done after St. Michael answered a
 DNS question for me.  Total time to move was like less than 15 minutes.  It
 took 16 hours to migrate my 5GB PST up.  I have since deleted about half of

 ** **

 ** **

 Carl Webster

 Consultant and Citrix Technology Professional

 ** **

 *From:* justino garcia []
 *Subject:* Hosted Exchange, migration to Google APPS.

 ** **

 I have a small client non profits, currently with hosted exchange, I am in
 the process making a document, how I long the project will take.

 6 mail boxes, one distribution group, and each holds about 2 gigs per

 I figure downtime, would be 4 hours, I will make down time of 6 hours.
 Would I be able to still receive emails, during the migration?
 Anyone have moved from exchange to Google Apps, any gotchas?


 ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
 ~  ~

 To manage subscriptions click here:
 or send an email to
 with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin



My short term goal is to make it through the day.
My long term goal is to string a bunch of short term goals together.

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

To manage subscriptions click here:
or send an email to
with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin

Re: Staff training

2011-10-12 Thread Steven Peck
For an intro, I prefer a class.  That often gives me a nice framework to
build out and experiment from.  If necessary I can pound it out purely from

I definitaly can learn purely from a lab, but like to get the broad overview
first.  It gets me away from work and home to somewhere I can get my feet
wet with just the product for a couple of days.

Steven Peck

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 9:39 AM, Matthew W. Ross

  Others (like me) learn best by setting up a lab and trashing and
  rebuilding and testing and breaking and fixing the product several dozen

 Put me in that category.

 --Matt Ross
 Ephrata School District

 - Original Message -
 From: Michael B. Smith
 To: NT System Admin Issues
 Sent: Wed, 12 Oct 2011
 09:23:29 -0700
 Subject: RE: Staff training

  The value of classroom training is completely dependent on the
  An instructor who knows what the heck s/he is talking about and has real
  experience in the product is invaluable. An instructor who reviewed the
  and ran through it the weekend before the class started and has
  real experience is worthless.
  As an instructor myself, I've sat through both kinds of training classes.
  I would say that the number you quote is just a little on the high side,
  it's in line with a quality training class.
  Some people learn better in a classroom environment. Others learn better
  with books. Others (like me) learn best by setting up a lab and trashing
  rebuilding and testing and breaking and fixing the product several dozen
  Michael B. Smith
  Consultant and Exchange MVP
  -Original Message-
  From: Ralph Smith []
  Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 12:17 PM
  To: NT System Admin Issues
  Subject: Staff training
  This may be a little OT, but I was just pricing out some training for 3
  staff here with the idea of sending them to some classroom training for
  Windows 7 and Server 2008 administration.
  If I target the courses related to MCITP Enterprise Desktop
  Administrator on Windows 7 certification and the MCITP Server
  Administrator on Windows Server 2008 certification, (and this is from
  ONLC because they have a local office, but New Horizons seems to be
  about the same) the appropriate courses include three five day courses
  and one three day course.
  The total cost at their published prices would be almost $27,000 for
  three staff.  I don't think I can get that through our budget process.
  For those who provide training for staff development, is this kind of
  classroom training the way to go?  Are there other alternatives for
  classroom training, or do you use other training resources such as video
  training from places like Trainsignal?
  I'm looking for a bit of a reality check, as well as suggestions.  We
  haven't provided this kind of staff training up to now, so I have no
  experience in this area.  For myself I have relied on Google Training
  and some good books, but I was looking for something more
  Appreciate any comments and advice.
  ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
  ~  ~

 ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
 ~  ~

 To manage subscriptions click here:
 or send an email to
 with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

To manage subscriptions click here:
or send an email to
with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin

Re: Staff training

2011-10-12 Thread Joseph Heaton
We have a local company that we use for most of our training.  We were able, a 
few years ago, to buy vouchers.  We put our annual training budget into these, 
and are able to use them whenever, without expiration.  Then, we watch their 
weekly newsletter, and book classes at the last minute, which gets us a 
substantial discount.

 Ralph Smith 10/12/2011 9:16 AM 

This may be a little OT, but I was just pricing out some training for 3
staff here with the idea of sending them to some classroom training for
Windows 7 and Server 2008 administration.
If I target the courses related to MCITP Enterprise Desktop
Administrator on Windows 7 certification and the MCITP Server
Administrator on Windows Server 2008 certification, (and this is from
ONLC because they have a local office, but New Horizons seems to be
about the same) the appropriate courses include three five day courses
and one three day course.

The total cost at their published prices would be almost $27,000 for
three staff.  I don't think I can get that through our budget process.  

For those who provide training for staff development, is this kind of
classroom training the way to go?  Are there other alternatives for
classroom training, or do you use other training resources such as video
training from places like Trainsignal?

I'm looking for a bit of a reality check, as well as suggestions.  We
haven't provided this kind of staff training up to now, so I have no
experience in this area.  For myself I have relied on Google Training
and some good books, but I was looking for something more

Appreciate any comments and advice.


~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

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or send an email to 
with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

To manage subscriptions click here:
or send an email to
with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin

Re: Hosted Exchange, migration to Google APPS.

2011-10-12 Thread Bill Humphries
I moved a client from SBS to Google apps.  Uploading/syncing old mail 
took forever for every user.  This was on a cable connection. The 
unexpected slowness of the sync added a couple of days to the project.


David wrote:
Highly dependent on how much bandwidth you have available.  Not to 
Google Apps, but I migrated a user to a hosted service, he had a 12G 
mailbox on an 896K uplink, took him about a week to completely sync up.


On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 8:01 AM, Webster wrote:

I gave up moving my stuff to Google Apps.  Tried
twice.  Once Office 365 went live, I moved and was done after St.
Michael answered a DNS question for me.  Total time to move was
like less than 15 minutes.  It took 16 hours to migrate my 5GB PST
up.  I have since deleted about half of that.



Carl Webster

Consultant and Citrix Technology Professional


*From:* justino garcia []
*Subject:* Hosted Exchange, migration to Google APPS.


I have a small client non profits, currently with hosted exchange,
I am in the process making a document, how I long the project will

6 mail boxes, one distribution group, and each holds about 2 gigs
per mailbox.

I figure downtime, would be 4 hours, I will make down time of 6
Would I be able to still receive emails, during the migration?
Anyone have moved from exchange to Google Apps, any gotchas?

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

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or send an email to
with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin



My short term goal is to make it through the day.  

My long term goal is to string a bunch of short term goals together.

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

To manage subscriptions click here:
or send an email to

with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

To manage subscriptions click here:
or send an email to
with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin

RE: Hosted Exchange, migration to Google APPS.

2011-10-12 Thread David Lum
I was on a  project to outsource Exchange once, it started in March and it 
might even finish before December...

From: David []
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 9:47 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Hosted Exchange, migration to Google APPS.

Highly dependent on how much bandwidth you have available.  Not to Google Apps, 
but I migrated a user to a hosted service, he had a 12G mailbox on an 896K 
uplink, took him about a week to completely sync up.


On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 8:01 AM, Webster wrote:
I gave up moving my stuff to Google Apps.  Tried twice.  Once 
Office 365 went live, I moved and was done after St. Michael answered a DNS 
question for me.  Total time to move was like less than 15 minutes.  It took 16 
hours to migrate my 5GB PST up.  I have since deleted about half of that.

Carl Webster
Consultant and Citrix Technology Professional

From: justino garcia 
Subject: Hosted Exchange, migration to Google APPS.

I have a small client non profits, currently with hosted exchange, I am in the 
process making a document, how I long the project will take.

6 mail boxes, one distribution group, and each holds about 2 gigs per mailbox.

I figure downtime, would be 4 hours, I will make down time of 6 hours.
Would I be able to still receive emails, during the migration?
Anyone have moved from exchange to Google Apps, any gotchas?

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

To manage subscriptions click here:
or send an email to
with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin



My short term goal is to make it through the day.
My long term goal is to string a bunch of short term goals together.

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

To manage subscriptions click here:
or send an email to
with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

To manage subscriptions click here:
or send an email to
with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin

RE: Hosted Exchange, migration to Google APPS.

2011-10-12 Thread Michael B. Smith
Unless your provider gets smacked across the head with a clue-bat, I wouldn't 
bet on that.


Michael B. Smith
Consultant and Exchange MVP

From: David Lum []
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 1:13 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Hosted Exchange, migration to Google APPS.

I was on a  project to outsource Exchange once, it started in March and it 
might even finish before December...

From: David []mailto:[]
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 9:47 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Hosted Exchange, migration to Google APPS.

Highly dependent on how much bandwidth you have available.  Not to Google Apps, 
but I migrated a user to a hosted service, he had a 12G mailbox on an 896K 
uplink, took him about a week to completely sync up.


On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 8:01 AM, Webster wrote:
I gave up moving my stuff to Google Apps.  Tried twice.  Once 
Office 365 went live, I moved and was done after St. Michael answered a DNS 
question for me.  Total time to move was like less than 15 minutes.  It took 16 
hours to migrate my 5GB PST up.  I have since deleted about half of that.

Carl Webster
Consultant and Citrix Technology Professional

From: justino garcia 
Subject: Hosted Exchange, migration to Google APPS.

I have a small client non profits, currently with hosted exchange, I am in the 
process making a document, how I long the project will take.

6 mail boxes, one distribution group, and each holds about 2 gigs per mailbox.

I figure downtime, would be 4 hours, I will make down time of 6 hours.
Would I be able to still receive emails, during the migration?
Anyone have moved from exchange to Google Apps, any gotchas?

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

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or send an email to
with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin



My short term goal is to make it through the day.
My long term goal is to string a bunch of short term goals together.

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

To manage subscriptions click here:
or send an email to
with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

To manage subscriptions click here:
or send an email to
with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

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with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin

Re: RIM Outages NYC?

2011-10-12 Thread justino garcia
What will this do to RIM?
Will Admin move to mobile IRON and ios or android or windows mobile?
Is mobile iron just as good as BES?

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 12:18 PM, Andrew S. Baker wrote:

 All over...


*ASB* ** 
 the Advantages of Technology for the SMB market…


 On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 11:01 AM, justino garcia 

 Rim Outages NYC?


 ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
 ~  ~

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~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

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with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin

RE: RIM Outages NYC?

2011-10-12 Thread John Cook
Short term they will have a lot of explaining to do but hopefully it press them 
to rethink their strategy. Use BP and their oil rig explosion as an example.
While many of us are aggravated with the issue I doubt many business that are 
heavily invested will make any changes - Android is not secure enough for a lot 
of RIMs customers and I doubt that this will push much IPhone in those areas. 
From a security standpoint the BES is still the king of the mountain, for how 
long remains to be seen.

John W. Cook
System Administrator
Partnership For Strong Families
5950 NW 1st Place
Gainesville, Fl 32607
Office/Fax (352) 244-1610
Cell (352) 215-6944

From: justino garcia []
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 2:02 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: RIM Outages NYC?

What will this do to RIM?
Will Admin move to mobile IRON and ios or android or windows mobile?
Is mobile iron just as good as BES?
On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 12:18 PM, Andrew S. Baker wrote:
All over...

Harnessing the Advantages of Technology for the SMB market...

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 11:01 AM, justino garcia wrote:
Rim Outages NYC?


~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
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~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
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CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT: The information transmitted, or contained or 
attached to or with this Notice is intended only for the person or entity to 
which it is addressed and may contain Protected Health Information (PHI), 
confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, transmission, 
dissemination, or other use of, and taking any action in reliance upon this 
information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient without 
the express written consent of the sender are prohibited. This information may 
be protected by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 
(HIPAA), and other Federal and Florida laws. Improper or unauthorized use or 
disclosure of this information could result in civil and/or criminal penalties.
Consider the environment. Please don't print this e-mail unless you really need 

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~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

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Re: RIM Outages NYC?

2011-10-12 Thread justino garcia
What did the one #Blackberry user say to the other?..nothing,
Good point

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 2:12 PM, John Cook wrote:

  Short term they will have a lot of explaining to do but hopefully it
 press them to rethink their strategy. Use BP and their oil rig explosion as
 an example.

 While many of us are aggravated with the issue I doubt many business that
 are heavily invested will make any changes – Android is not secure enough
 for a lot of RIMs customers and I doubt that this will push much IPhone in
 those areas. From a security standpoint the BES is still the king of the
 mountain, for how long remains to be seen. 

 ** **

 *John W. Cook*

 *System Administrator*

 *Partnership For Strong Families*

 *5950 NW 1st Place*

 *Gainesville, Fl 32607*

 *Office/Fax (352) 244-1610*

 *Cell (352) 215-6944*


 ** **

 *From:* justino garcia []
 *Sent:* Wednesday, October 12, 2011 2:02 PM

 *To:* NT System Admin Issues
 *Subject:* Re: RIM Outages NYC?

   ** **

 What will this do to RIM?

 Will Admin move to mobile IRON and ios or android or windows mobile?

 Is mobile iron just as good as BES?

 On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 12:18 PM, Andrew S. Baker

 All over...



 *Harnessing the Advantages of Technology for the SMB market…*


 On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 11:01 AM, justino garcia

 Rim Outages NYC?


 ** **

 ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
 ~  ~

 To manage subscriptions click here:
 or send an email to
 with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin


 ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
 ~  ~

 To manage subscriptions click here:
 or send an email to
 with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin

 CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT: The information transmitted, or contained or
 attached to or with this Notice is intended only for the person or entity to
 which it is addressed and may contain Protected Health Information (PHI),
 confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, transmission,
 dissemination, or other use of, and taking any action in reliance upon this
 information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient without
 the express written consent of the sender are prohibited. This information
 may be protected by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
 of 1996 (HIPAA), and other Federal and Florida laws. Improper or
 unauthorized use or disclosure of this information could result in civil
 and/or criminal penalties.
 Consider the environment. Please don't print this e-mail unless you really
 need to.

 This email and any attached files are confidential and intended solely for
 the intended recipient(s). If you are not the named recipient you should not
 read, distribute, copy or alter this email. Any views or opinions expressed
 in this email are those of the author and do not represent those of the
 company. Warning: Although precautions have been taken to make sure no
 viruses are present in this email, the company cannot accept responsibility
 for any loss or damage that arise from the use of this email or attachments.

 ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
 ~  ~

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RE: Staff training

2011-10-12 Thread Sherry Abercrombie
When I was working at a non-profit when someone was sent to training they were 
required to come back and cross-train their co-workers.  You might consider 
something like sending each of them to a different class and then having them 
cross-train one another.  Just a way to stretch your training budget.

Also, since I work at New Horizons in Dallas, have you talked to your account 
executive at NH?  Specifically ask them about OLL training (Online Live), it is 
instructor led training that is in a virtual classroom, interactive with the 
instructor, setup like traditional ILT classes but can be done from anywhere.  
We highly recommend dual monitors for OLL, but otherwise it can be done from 
their home or in your office if you have a suitable place.

-Original Message-
From: Ralph Smith []
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 11:17 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Staff training

This may be a little OT, but I was just pricing out some training for 3
staff here with the idea of sending them to some classroom training for
Windows 7 and Server 2008 administration.
If I target the courses related to MCITP Enterprise Desktop
Administrator on Windows 7 certification and the MCITP Server
Administrator on Windows Server 2008 certification, (and this is from
ONLC because they have a local office, but New Horizons seems to be
about the same) the appropriate courses include three five day courses
and one three day course.

The total cost at their published prices would be almost $27,000 for
three staff.  I don't think I can get that through our budget process.

For those who provide training for staff development, is this kind of
classroom training the way to go?  Are there other alternatives for
classroom training, or do you use other training resources such as video
training from places like Trainsignal?

I'm looking for a bit of a reality check, as well as suggestions.  We
haven't provided this kind of staff training up to now, so I have no
experience in this area.  For myself I have relied on Google Training
and some good books, but I was looking for something more

Appreciate any comments and advice.


~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

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or send an email to
with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin

This information may contain information that is privileged, confidential and 
exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended 
recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, photocopying or 
distribution of these contents is unauthorized and prohibited. If you have 
received this in error, please notify the sender immediately and destroy all 

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

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with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin

RE: OpenCandy -- spyware/adware or misunderstood?

2011-10-12 Thread Thomas Mullins
Will it run under FreeBSD?  

-Original Message-
From: Ben Scott [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 11:25 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: OpenCandy -- spyware/adware or misunderstood?

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 10:15 AM, Joseph Heaton wrote:
 VLC.  I changed to that and now it's the only media player I use on any of
 my systems.  Dunno if it works in Linux, but it's on all my Windows boxes.

  It works well on Linux.  Indeed, it started in the *nix world.  :)

-- Ben

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

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RE: RIM Outages NYC?

2011-10-12 Thread N Parr
live press conf just started

From: justino garcia []
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 1:16 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: RIM Outages NYC?

What did the one #Blackberry user say to the other?..nothing,
Good point

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 2:12 PM, John Cook wrote:
Short term they will have a lot of explaining to do but hopefully it press them 
to rethink their strategy. Use BP and their oil rig explosion as an example.
While many of us are aggravated with the issue I doubt many business that are 
heavily invested will make any changes - Android is not secure enough for a lot 
of RIMs customers and I doubt that this will push much IPhone in those areas. 
From a security standpoint the BES is still the king of the mountain, for how 
long remains to be seen.

John W. Cook
System Administrator
Partnership For Strong Families
5950 NW 1st Place
Gainesville, Fl 32607
Office/Fax (352) 244-1610tel:%28352%29%20244-1610
Cell (352) 215-6944tel:%28352%29%20215-6944

From: justino garcia 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 2:02 PM

To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: RIM Outages NYC?

What will this do to RIM?
Will Admin move to mobile IRON and ios or android or windows mobile?
Is mobile iron just as good as BES?
On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 12:18 PM, Andrew S. Baker wrote:
All over...

Harnessing the Advantages of Technology for the SMB market...

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 11:01 AM, justino garcia wrote:
Rim Outages NYC?


~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
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information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient without 
the express written consent of the sender are prohibited. This information may 
be protected by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 
(HIPAA), and other Federal and Florida laws. Improper or unauthorized use or 
disclosure of this information could result in civil and/or criminal penalties.
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Warning: Although precautions have been taken to make sure no viruses are 
present in this email, the company cannot accept responsibility for any loss or 
damage that arise from the use of this email or attachments.

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
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~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
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Re: OpenCandy -- spyware/adware or misunderstood?

2011-10-12 Thread Ben Scott
On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 2:38 PM, Thomas Mullins wrote:
 Will [VLC] run under FreeBSD?

  I haven't tried it, but their website says it's in ports.

-- Ben

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

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Re: RIM Outages NYC?

2011-10-12 Thread Cameron
Thanks for the link. Nothing said was a surprise.

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 3:10 PM, N Parr wrote:

 live press conf just started

  *From:* justino garcia []
 *Sent:* Wednesday, October 12, 2011 1:16 PM

 *To:* NT System Admin Issues
 *Subject:* Re: RIM Outages NYC?

   What did the one #Blackberry user say to the
 Good point

 On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 2:12 PM, John Cook wrote:

  Short term they will have a lot of explaining to do but hopefully it
 press them to rethink their strategy. Use BP and their oil rig explosion as
 an example.

 While many of us are aggravated with the issue I doubt many business that
 are heavily invested will make any changes – Android is not secure enough
 for a lot of RIMs customers and I doubt that this will push much IPhonein 
 those areas. From a security standpoint the BES is still the king of the
 mountain, for how long remains to be seen. 


 *John W. Cook*

 *System Administrator*

 *Partnership For Strong Families*

 *5950 NW 1st Place*

 *Gainesville, Fl 32607*

 *Office/Fax (352) 244-1610*

 *Cell (352) 215-6944*



 *From:* justino garcia []
 *Sent:* Wednesday, October 12, 2011 2:02 PM

 *To:* NT System Admin Issues
 *Subject:* Re: RIM Outages NYC?


 What will this do to RIM?

 Will Admin move to mobile IRON and ios or android or windows mobile?

 Is mobile iron just as good as BES?

 On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 12:18 PM, Andrew S. Baker

 All over...



 *Harnessing the Advantages of Technology for the SMB market…*


 On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 11:01 AM, justino garcia

 Rim Outages NYC?



 ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
 ~  ~

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 ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
 ~  ~

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 which it is addressed and may contain Protected Health Information (PHI),
 confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, transmission,
 dissemination, or other use of, and taking any action in reliance upon this
 information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient without
 the express written consent of the sender are prohibited. This information
 may be protected by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
 of 1996 (HIPAA), and other Federal and Florida laws. Improper or
 unauthorized use or disclosure of this information could result in civil
 and/or criminal penalties.
 Consider the environment. Please don't print this e-mail unless you really
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 This email and any attached files are confidential and intended solely for
 the intended recipient(s). If you are not the named recipient you should not
 read, distribute, copy or alter this email. Any views or opinions expressed
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 company. Warning: Although precautions have been taken to make sure no
 viruses are present in this email, the company cannot accept responsibility
 for any loss or damage that arise from the use of this email or attachments.

 ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
 ~  ~

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 ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
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 ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~

Re: RIM Outages NYC?

2011-10-12 Thread Kevin Lundy
Nor helpful nor informative

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 3:22 PM, Cameron wrote:

 Thanks for the link. Nothing said was a surprise.

 On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 3:10 PM, N Parr wrote:

 live press conf just started

  *From:* justino garcia []
 *Sent:* Wednesday, October 12, 2011 1:16 PM

 *To:* NT System Admin Issues
 *Subject:* Re: RIM Outages NYC?

   What did the one #Blackberry user say to the
 Good point

 On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 2:12 PM, John Cook wrote:

  Short term they will have a lot of explaining to do but hopefully it
 press them to rethink their strategy. Use BP and their oil rig explosion as
 an example.

 While many of us are aggravated with the issue I doubt many business that
 are heavily invested will make any changes – Android is not secure enough
 for a lot of RIMs customers and I doubt that this will push much IPhonein 
 those areas. From a security standpoint the BES is still the king of the
 mountain, for how long remains to be seen. 


 *John W. Cook*

 *System Administrator*

 *Partnership For Strong Families*

 *5950 NW 1st Place*

 *Gainesville, Fl 32607*

 *Office/Fax (352) 244-1610*

 *Cell (352) 215-6944*



 *From:* justino garcia []
 *Sent:* Wednesday, October 12, 2011 2:02 PM

 *To:* NT System Admin Issues
 *Subject:* Re: RIM Outages NYC?


 What will this do to RIM?

 Will Admin move to mobile IRON and ios or android or windows mobile?

 Is mobile iron just as good as BES?

 On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 12:18 PM, Andrew S. Baker

 All over...



 *Harnessing the Advantages of Technology for the SMB market…*


 On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 11:01 AM, justino garcia wrote:

 Rim Outages NYC?



 ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
 ~  ~

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 with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin


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 ~  ~

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 attached to or with this Notice is intended only for the person or entity to
 which it is addressed and may contain Protected Health Information (PHI),
 confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, transmission,
 dissemination, or other use of, and taking any action in reliance upon this
 information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient without
 the express written consent of the sender are prohibited. This information
 may be protected by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
 of 1996 (HIPAA), and other Federal and Florida laws. Improper or
 unauthorized use or disclosure of this information could result in civil
 and/or criminal penalties.
 Consider the environment. Please don't print this e-mail unless you
 really need to.

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 not read, distribute, copy or alter this email. Any views or opinions
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 of the company. Warning: Although precautions have been taken to make sure
 no viruses are present in this email, the company cannot accept
 responsibility for any loss or damage that arise from the use of this email
 or attachments.

 ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
 ~  ~

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 ~ Finally, powerful 

RE: RIM Outages NYC?

2011-10-12 Thread Ziots, Edward
+10.. yep big time outages...




Edward E. Ziots

CISSP, Network +, Security +

Security Engineer

Lifespan Organization




From: Michael B. Smith [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 11:03 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: RIM Outages NYC?


All over North America.



From: justino garcia [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 11:02 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RIM Outages NYC?


Rim Outages NYC?


~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

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RE: Staff training

2011-10-12 Thread Ralph Smith
I'll check into that - thanks for the suggestion.  

-Original Message-
From: Sherry Abercrombie [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 2:18 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Staff training

When I was working at a non-profit when someone was sent to training
they were required to come back and cross-train their co-workers.  You
might consider something like sending each of them to a different class
and then having them cross-train one another.  Just a way to stretch
your training budget.

Also, since I work at New Horizons in Dallas, have you talked to your
account executive at NH?  Specifically ask them about OLL training
(Online Live), it is instructor led training that is in a virtual
classroom, interactive with the instructor, setup like traditional ILT
classes but can be done from anywhere.  We highly recommend dual
monitors for OLL, but otherwise it can be done from their home or in
your office if you have a suitable place.

-Original Message-
From: Ralph Smith []
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 11:17 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Staff training

This may be a little OT, but I was just pricing out some training for 3
staff here with the idea of sending them to some classroom training for
Windows 7 and Server 2008 administration.
If I target the courses related to MCITP Enterprise Desktop
Administrator on Windows 7 certification and the MCITP Server
Administrator on Windows Server 2008 certification, (and this is from
ONLC because they have a local office, but New Horizons seems to be
about the same) the appropriate courses include three five day courses
and one three day course.

The total cost at their published prices would be almost $27,000 for
three staff.  I don't think I can get that through our budget process.

For those who provide training for staff development, is this kind of
classroom training the way to go?  Are there other alternatives for
classroom training, or do you use other training resources such as video
training from places like Trainsignal?

I'm looking for a bit of a reality check, as well as suggestions.  We
haven't provided this kind of staff training up to now, so I have no
experience in this area.  For myself I have relied on Google Training
and some good books, but I was looking for something more

Appreciate any comments and advice.


~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

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~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

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RE: Staff training

2011-10-12 Thread Ziots, Edward
I agree with Dave on this one, I think that 27K for 3 people is a little
steep. If you could provide the resources on-site and have someone come
train you at your site, possibly you get the training for less and get a
lot more out of it, because you can apply it directly to how your
network works and what your folks need. 


Edward E. Ziots
CISSP, Network +, Security +
Security Engineer
Lifespan Organization

-Original Message-
From: David Lum [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 12:37 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Staff training

 Others (like me) learn best by setting up a lab and trashing and
rebuilding and testing and breaking and fixing the product several dozen

Sounds like our production environment!

-Original Message-
From: Michael B. Smith [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 9:23 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Staff training

The value of classroom training is completely dependent on the
instructor. An instructor who knows what the heck s/he is talking about
and has real experience in the product is invaluable. An instructor who
reviewed the MOC and ran through it the weekend before the class started
and has little-to-no real experience is worthless.

As an instructor myself, I've sat through both kinds of training

I would say that the number you quote is just a little on the high side,
but it's in line with a quality training class.

Some people learn better in a classroom environment. Others learn better
with books. Others (like me) learn best by setting up a lab and trashing
and rebuilding and testing and breaking and fixing the product several
dozen times.


Michael B. Smith
Consultant and Exchange MVP

-Original Message-
From: Ralph Smith [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 12:17 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Staff training

This may be a little OT, but I was just pricing out some training for 3
staff here with the idea of sending them to some classroom training for
Windows 7 and Server 2008 administration.
If I target the courses related to MCITP Enterprise Desktop
Administrator on Windows 7 certification and the MCITP Server
Administrator on Windows Server 2008 certification, (and this is from
ONLC because they have a local office, but New Horizons seems to be
about the same) the appropriate courses include three five day courses
and one three day course.

The total cost at their published prices would be almost $27,000 for
three staff.  I don't think I can get that through our budget process.  

For those who provide training for staff development, is this kind of
classroom training the way to go?  Are there other alternatives for
classroom training, or do you use other training resources such as video
training from places like Trainsignal?

I'm looking for a bit of a reality check, as well as suggestions.  We
haven't provided this kind of staff training up to now, so I have no
experience in this area.  For myself I have relied on Google Training
and some good books, but I was looking for something more

Appreciate any comments and advice.


~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

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~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
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~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
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~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

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RE: RIM Outages NYC?

2011-10-12 Thread N Parr
Glad I don't own any RIM stock.

From: Kevin Lundy []
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 2:24 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: RIM Outages NYC?

Nor helpful nor informative

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 3:22 PM, Cameron wrote:
Thanks for the link. Nothing said was a surprise.

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 3:10 PM, N Parr wrote:
live press conf just started

From: justino garcia 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 1:16 PM

To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: RIM Outages NYC?

What did the one #Blackberry user say to the other?..nothing,
Good point

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 2:12 PM, John Cook wrote:
Short term they will have a lot of explaining to do but hopefully it press them 
to rethink their strategy. Use BP and their oil rig explosion as an example.
While many of us are aggravated with the issue I doubt many business that are 
heavily invested will make any changes - Android is not secure enough for a lot 
of RIMs customers and I doubt that this will push much IPhone in those areas. 
From a security standpoint the BES is still the king of the mountain, for how 
long remains to be seen.

John W. Cook
System Administrator
Partnership For Strong Families
5950 NW 1st Place
Gainesville, Fl 32607
Office/Fax (352) 244-1610tel:%28352%29%20244-1610
Cell (352) 215-6944tel:%28352%29%20215-6944

From: justino garcia 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 2:02 PM

To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: RIM Outages NYC?

What will this do to RIM?
Will Admin move to mobile IRON and ios or android or windows mobile?
Is mobile iron just as good as BES?
On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 12:18 PM, Andrew S. Baker wrote:
All over...

Harnessing the Advantages of Technology for the SMB market...

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 11:01 AM, justino garcia wrote:
Rim Outages NYC?


~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

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with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin


~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
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which it is addressed and may contain Protected Health Information (PHI), 
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be protected by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 
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disclosure of this information could result in civil and/or criminal penalties.
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present in this email, the company cannot accept responsibility for any loss or 
damage that arise from the use of this email or attachments.

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

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RE: Staff training

2011-10-12 Thread Maglinger, Paul
What kind of licensing agreement do you have with Microsoft?  Sometimes you can 
get training credits with your agreements that will cover the cost of most of 
the classes (which I think were more around $3000-3500 range each). 

-Original Message-
From: Ralph Smith [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 11:17 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Staff training

This may be a little OT, but I was just pricing out some training for 3
staff here with the idea of sending them to some classroom training for
Windows 7 and Server 2008 administration.
If I target the courses related to MCITP Enterprise Desktop
Administrator on Windows 7 certification and the MCITP Server
Administrator on Windows Server 2008 certification, (and this is from
ONLC because they have a local office, but New Horizons seems to be
about the same) the appropriate courses include three five day courses
and one three day course.

The total cost at their published prices would be almost $27,000 for
three staff.  I don't think I can get that through our budget process.  

For those who provide training for staff development, is this kind of
classroom training the way to go?  Are there other alternatives for
classroom training, or do you use other training resources such as video
training from places like Trainsignal?

I'm looking for a bit of a reality check, as well as suggestions.  We
haven't provided this kind of staff training up to now, so I have no
experience in this area.  For myself I have relied on Google Training
and some good books, but I was looking for something more

Appreciate any comments and advice.


~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

To manage subscriptions click here:
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with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
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Has anyone tried to add a local account on a server to a restrictive Group via GPO?

2011-10-12 Thread Ziots, Edward
Trying to add a local user to a restrictive groups GPO ( its on the
server for an application) I am wondering if that can even be done (
unless you modify the GPO from the server that has the local account in

As for the local account ( silly Healthcare application, don't ask long
story about inability on vendors part to set proper DCOM permissions)


Edward E. Ziots
CISSP, Network +, Security +
Security Engineer
Lifespan Organization

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

To manage subscriptions click here:
or send an email to
with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin

Re: RIM Outages NYC?

2011-10-12 Thread James Rankin
This is the third day in a row I've had no BB emails all afternoon.
Seriously hacked off. The WinMo discussion we were having yesterday has just
taken on some more urgency. Sheesh, fancy having to fire my laptop up to get

On 12 October 2011 20:26, N Parr wrote:

 Glad I don't own any RIM stock.

 *From:* Kevin Lundy []
 *Sent:* Wednesday, October 12, 2011 2:24 PM

 *To:* NT System Admin Issues
 *Subject:* Re: RIM Outages NYC?

  Nor helpful nor informative

 On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 3:22 PM, Cameron wrote:

 Thanks for the link. Nothing said was a surprise.

 On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 3:10 PM, N Parr wrote:

 live press conf just started

  *From:* justino garcia []
  *Sent:* Wednesday, October 12, 2011 1:16 PM

 *To:* NT System Admin Issues
 *Subject:* Re: RIM Outages NYC?

What did the one #Blackberry user say to the
 Good point

  On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 2:12 PM, John Cook wrote:

  Short term they will have a lot of explaining to do but hopefully it
 press them to rethink their strategy. Use BP and their oil rig explosion as
 an example.

 While many of us are aggravated with the issue I doubt many business
 that are heavily invested will make any changes – Android is not secure
 enough for a lot of RIMs customers and I doubt that this will push much
 IPhone in those areas. From a security standpoint the BES is still the
 king of the mountain, for how long remains to be seen. 


 *John W. Cook*

 *System Administrator*

 *Partnership For Strong Families*

 *5950 NW 1st Place*

 *Gainesville, Fl 32607*

 *Office/Fax (352) 244-1610*

 *Cell (352) 215-6944*



 *From:* justino garcia []
 *Sent:* Wednesday, October 12, 2011 2:02 PM

 *To:* NT System Admin Issues
  *Subject:* Re: RIM Outages NYC?

 What will this do to RIM?

 Will Admin move to mobile IRON and ios or android or windows mobile?***

 Is mobile iron just as good as BES?

 On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 12:18 PM, Andrew S. Baker

 All over...



 *Harnessing the Advantages of Technology for the SMB market…*


 On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 11:01 AM, justino garcia wrote:

 Rim Outages NYC?



 ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
 ~  ~

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 with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin


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 ~  ~

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 with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin

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 the express written consent of the sender are prohibited. This information
 may be protected by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
 of 1996 (HIPAA), and other Federal and Florida laws. Improper or
 unauthorized use or disclosure of this information could result in civil
 and/or criminal penalties.
 Consider the environment. Please don't print this e-mail unless you
 really need to.

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 for the intended recipient(s). If you are not the named recipient you 
 not read, distribute, copy or alter this email. Any views or opinions
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 of the company. Warning: Although precautions have been taken to make sure
 no viruses are present in this email, the company cannot accept
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RE: Staff training

2011-10-12 Thread Ralph Smith
There's no need or mandate to have staff with certifications. My thought
was that I would like to bring the skill level here up a notch or two,
and working towards certification would provide a goal, give the staff
something tangible as a result of their effort, and help them


I'd like to get them each to take at least one training with a live
instructor if I can.  I think there is benefit to that experience .


As Sherry suggests, sending one person to each class and having them
come back and train the others could work.  

I'll definitely set up a lab environment for them here (actually they
can do it themselves) and use the video training to supplement or
replace the classroom training, as well as using self guided tutorials,


I was just wondering what was common elsewhere for staff development.


Anyone have experience with Trainsignal or other similar products?


From: Christopher Bodnar [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 12:39 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Staff training


I agree with most of what Michael already outlined. I'd also like to
point out that there are employee's who see that type of formal training
as a vacation from work. and really get nothing out of it. You should
also evaluate and try to quantify what you or your company is trying to
get out of this. For example, is the need to have a certain number of in
house employees with MCITP certification? If that is the business
driver, then at least you know what the requirements are. If not, then
trying a combination of multiple forms of training might make more
sense. You could license one of the video series, and have the employees
work from home for a week to complete the course, for a fraction of that
$27000 figure. You could also consider the Boot Camps, which virtually
guarantee certification, but at a much higher cost. 

Chris Bodnar, MCSE, MCITP
Technical Support III
Distributed Systems Service Delivery - Intel Services
Guardian Life Insurance Company of America
Phone: 610-807-6459
Fax: 610-807-6003 

From:Ralph Smith 
To:NT System Admin Issues 
Date:10/12/2011 12:17 PM 
Subject:Staff training 

This may be a little OT, but I was just pricing out some training for 3
staff here with the idea of sending them to some classroom training for
Windows 7 and Server 2008 administration.
If I target the courses related to MCITP Enterprise Desktop
Administrator on Windows 7 certification and the MCITP Server
Administrator on Windows Server 2008 certification, (and this is from
ONLC because they have a local office, but New Horizons seems to be
about the same) the appropriate courses include three five day courses
and one three day course.

The total cost at their published prices would be almost $27,000 for
three staff.  I don't think I can get that through our budget process.  

For those who provide training for staff development, is this kind of
classroom training the way to go?  Are there other alternatives for
classroom training, or do you use other training resources such as video
training from places like Trainsignal?

I'm looking for a bit of a reality check, as well as suggestions.  We
haven't provided this kind of staff training up to now, so I have no
experience in this area.  For myself I have relied on Google Training
and some good books, but I was looking for something more

Appreciate any comments and advice.


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RE: Staff training

2011-10-12 Thread Ralph Smith
Hmm, like somebody from a local college?  Where would you find someone
to do onsite training?  I'll have to investigate. 

-Original Message-
From: Ziots, Edward [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 3:27 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Staff training

I agree with Dave on this one, I think that 27K for 3 people is a little
steep. If you could provide the resources on-site and have someone come
train you at your site, possibly you get the training for less and get a
lot more out of it, because you can apply it directly to how your
network works and what your folks need. 


Edward E. Ziots
CISSP, Network +, Security +
Security Engineer
Lifespan Organization

-Original Message-
From: David Lum [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 12:37 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Staff training

 Others (like me) learn best by setting up a lab and trashing and
rebuilding and testing and breaking and fixing the product several dozen

Sounds like our production environment!

-Original Message-
From: Michael B. Smith [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 9:23 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Staff training

The value of classroom training is completely dependent on the
instructor. An instructor who knows what the heck s/he is talking about
and has real experience in the product is invaluable. An instructor who
reviewed the MOC and ran through it the weekend before the class started
and has little-to-no real experience is worthless.

As an instructor myself, I've sat through both kinds of training

I would say that the number you quote is just a little on the high side,
but it's in line with a quality training class.

Some people learn better in a classroom environment. Others learn better
with books. Others (like me) learn best by setting up a lab and trashing
and rebuilding and testing and breaking and fixing the product several
dozen times.


Michael B. Smith
Consultant and Exchange MVP

-Original Message-
From: Ralph Smith [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 12:17 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Staff training

This may be a little OT, but I was just pricing out some training for 3
staff here with the idea of sending them to some classroom training for
Windows 7 and Server 2008 administration.
If I target the courses related to MCITP Enterprise Desktop
Administrator on Windows 7 certification and the MCITP Server
Administrator on Windows Server 2008 certification, (and this is from
ONLC because they have a local office, but New Horizons seems to be
about the same) the appropriate courses include three five day courses
and one three day course.

The total cost at their published prices would be almost $27,000 for
three staff.  I don't think I can get that through our budget process.  

For those who provide training for staff development, is this kind of
classroom training the way to go?  Are there other alternatives for
classroom training, or do you use other training resources such as video
training from places like Trainsignal?

I'm looking for a bit of a reality check, as well as suggestions.  We
haven't provided this kind of staff training up to now, so I have no
experience in this area.  For myself I have relied on Google Training
and some good books, but I was looking for something more

Appreciate any comments and advice.


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Re: Staff training

2011-10-12 Thread Erik Goldoff
Send one each to each of the 5 day courses.  Then that person must train the
other two on his/her class.  ( train the trainer )
Prove they learned the required material in the class by teaching it to
Possibly the other two get self study materials before the first trains

maybe all three to the three day class.

Rework the numbers with this scenario and see if more palatable

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 12:16 PM, Ralph Smith m...@gatewayindustries.orgwrote:

 This may be a little OT, but I was just pricing out some training for 3
 staff here with the idea of sending them to some classroom training for
 Windows 7 and Server 2008 administration.
 If I target the courses related to MCITP Enterprise Desktop
 Administrator on Windows 7 certification and the MCITP Server
 Administrator on Windows Server 2008 certification, (and this is from
 ONLC because they have a local office, but New Horizons seems to be
 about the same) the appropriate courses include three five day courses
 and one three day course.

 The total cost at their published prices would be almost $27,000 for
 three staff.  I don't think I can get that through our budget process.

 For those who provide training for staff development, is this kind of
 classroom training the way to go?  Are there other alternatives for
 classroom training, or do you use other training resources such as video
 training from places like Trainsignal?

 I'm looking for a bit of a reality check, as well as suggestions.  We
 haven't provided this kind of staff training up to now, so I have no
 experience in this area.  For myself I have relied on Google Training
 and some good books, but I was looking for something more

 Appreciate any comments and advice.


 ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
 ~  ~

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RE: Staff training

2011-10-12 Thread Ziots, Edward
What I was alluding too, and sometimes the training centers might offer
you a better deal if you can negotiate with them to handle the training
onsite at your site. 

Yep seen the same price for the same training so if you can get it at
1/3 the price why wouldn't you...


Edward E. Ziots
CISSP, Network +, Security +
Security Engineer
Lifespan Organization

-Original Message-
From: Maglinger, Paul [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 3:38 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Staff training

What kind of licensing agreement do you have with Microsoft?  Sometimes
you can get training credits with your agreements that will cover the
cost of most of the classes (which I think were more around $3000-3500
range each). 

-Original Message-
From: Ralph Smith [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 11:17 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Staff training

This may be a little OT, but I was just pricing out some training for 3
staff here with the idea of sending them to some classroom training for
Windows 7 and Server 2008 administration.
If I target the courses related to MCITP Enterprise Desktop
Administrator on Windows 7 certification and the MCITP Server
Administrator on Windows Server 2008 certification, (and this is from
ONLC because they have a local office, but New Horizons seems to be
about the same) the appropriate courses include three five day courses
and one three day course.

The total cost at their published prices would be almost $27,000 for
three staff.  I don't think I can get that through our budget process.  

For those who provide training for staff development, is this kind of
classroom training the way to go?  Are there other alternatives for
classroom training, or do you use other training resources such as video
training from places like Trainsignal?

I'm looking for a bit of a reality check, as well as suggestions.  We
haven't provided this kind of staff training up to now, so I have no
experience in this area.  For myself I have relied on Google Training
and some good books, but I was looking for something more

Appreciate any comments and advice.


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RE: Staff training

2011-10-12 Thread Ralph Smith
Good idea.  Most of our software comes either through Techsoup, which if
you are unfamiliar with it is a kind of middleman for Microsoft software
donations, or occasionally purchasing through MS Open Charity Licensing.
Looking on the MS Volume License Service Center I don't have any
vouchers, but I do have some access to MS e-learning through our Technet

-Original Message-
From: Maglinger, Paul [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 3:38 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Staff training

What kind of licensing agreement do you have with Microsoft?  Sometimes
you can get training credits with your agreements that will cover the
cost of most of the classes (which I think were more around $3000-3500
range each). 

-Original Message-
From: Ralph Smith [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 11:17 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Staff training

This may be a little OT, but I was just pricing out some training for 3
staff here with the idea of sending them to some classroom training for
Windows 7 and Server 2008 administration.
If I target the courses related to MCITP Enterprise Desktop
Administrator on Windows 7 certification and the MCITP Server
Administrator on Windows Server 2008 certification, (and this is from
ONLC because they have a local office, but New Horizons seems to be
about the same) the appropriate courses include three five day courses
and one three day course.

The total cost at their published prices would be almost $27,000 for
three staff.  I don't think I can get that through our budget process.  

For those who provide training for staff development, is this kind of
classroom training the way to go?  Are there other alternatives for
classroom training, or do you use other training resources such as video
training from places like Trainsignal?

I'm looking for a bit of a reality check, as well as suggestions.  We
haven't provided this kind of staff training up to now, so I have no
experience in this area.  For myself I have relied on Google Training
and some good books, but I was looking for something more

Appreciate any comments and advice.


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RE: Staff training

2011-10-12 Thread Maglinger, Paul
Those aren't bad.  I took a few of those before taking a classroom course.  
They helped me get even more out of the class.

-Original Message-
From: Ralph Smith [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 3:08 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Staff training

Good idea.  Most of our software comes either through Techsoup, which if
you are unfamiliar with it is a kind of middleman for Microsoft software
donations, or occasionally purchasing through MS Open Charity Licensing.
Looking on the MS Volume License Service Center I don't have any
vouchers, but I do have some access to MS e-learning through our Technet

-Original Message-
From: Maglinger, Paul [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 3:38 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Staff training

What kind of licensing agreement do you have with Microsoft?  Sometimes
you can get training credits with your agreements that will cover the
cost of most of the classes (which I think were more around $3000-3500
range each). 

-Original Message-
From: Ralph Smith [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 11:17 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Staff training

This may be a little OT, but I was just pricing out some training for 3
staff here with the idea of sending them to some classroom training for
Windows 7 and Server 2008 administration.
If I target the courses related to MCITP Enterprise Desktop
Administrator on Windows 7 certification and the MCITP Server
Administrator on Windows Server 2008 certification, (and this is from
ONLC because they have a local office, but New Horizons seems to be
about the same) the appropriate courses include three five day courses
and one three day course.

The total cost at their published prices would be almost $27,000 for
three staff.  I don't think I can get that through our budget process.  

For those who provide training for staff development, is this kind of
classroom training the way to go?  Are there other alternatives for
classroom training, or do you use other training resources such as video
training from places like Trainsignal?

I'm looking for a bit of a reality check, as well as suggestions.  We
haven't provided this kind of staff training up to now, so I have no
experience in this area.  For myself I have relied on Google Training
and some good books, but I was looking for something more

Appreciate any comments and advice.


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RE: Staff training

2011-10-12 Thread Kennedy, Jim
Another option is to check the local community colleges. Some of them have IT 
Tracks and much better pricing.

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 12:16 PM, Ralph Smith wrote:

This may be a little OT, but I was just pricing out some training for 3
staff here with the idea of sending them to some classroom training for
Windows 7 and Server 2008 administration.
If I target the courses related to MCITP Enterprise Desktop
Administrator on Windows 7 certification and the MCITP Server
Administrator on Windows Server 2008 certification, (and this is from
ONLC because they have a local office, but New Horizons seems to be
about the same) the appropriate courses include three five day courses
and one three day course.

The total cost at their published prices would be almost $27,000 for
three staff.  I don't think I can get that through our budget process.

For those who provide training for staff development, is this kind of
classroom training the way to go?  Are there other alternatives for
classroom training, or do you use other training resources such as video
training from places like Trainsignal?

I'm looking for a bit of a reality check, as well as suggestions.  We
haven't provided this kind of staff training up to now, so I have no
experience in this area.  For myself I have relied on Google Training
and some good books, but I was looking for something more

Appreciate any comments and advice.


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RE: Android Handset Makers - Adding Value or Vulnerabilities?

2011-10-12 Thread Ziots, Edward
I agree but there is one caveat, if I have physical access to the phone, you 
can just take the battery out of it ( Bingo your remote wipe is gone), then 
hook up the phone and boot the os, find out where the keys are stored on the 
device ( yes the encryption keys are stored on the device), and decrypt it, and 
your info is my info now, and you know all those juicy corporate emails with 
the crown jewels on some merger, sale etc etc are on those devices)

Aaron Turner from the IANS Faculity has done pretty extensive research on this 
subject and I have seen his presentations on the mobile device security matters 
many times, and its pretty scary how dependent we are on a very insecure 

But I like Marc tangent, why even want physical device if I can plant malware 
on your smart phone and just siphon off the information I want anyways, makes 
it easier to take advantage to the information obtained. (Aka some of the items 
discussed above)

Food for thought, 


Edward E. Ziots
CISSP, Network +, Security +
Security Engineer
Lifespan Organization

-Original Message-
From: Marc Maiffret [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 1:11 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Android Handset Makers - Adding Value or Vulnerabilities?

Encryption of corporate data as a protection mechanism on mobile devices has 
the same flaws as desktop OS systems. I.E. I can exploit the phone, grab root, 
and grab your data once it is unencrypted/accessible/unlocked as your 
viewing/browsing it etc... Obviously such attacks are not really there yet on 
the mobile platform but they exist on the desktop/server OS's and it all works 
the same really from a threat perspective.

Encryption in this context, and in desktop/server, only helps with data at rest 
or in transit. Otherwise it does little to nothing to keep the bad guys from 
getting your data.

I remember one of the first 10 vulnerabilities I discovered was in PGP, just to 
make a more visual point about how much encryption does not help compared to 
the perception of it.

This obviously does not mean you should not use it, just should not think it is 
really going to protect your data as it relates to attacks coming across the 
wire etc...


Marc Maiffret
eEye Digital Security

-Original Message-
From: Sam Cayze [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 8:44 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Android Handset Makers - Adding Value or Vulnerabilities?

Or just get Good Messaging for Enterprise and not worry too much about the 
platform and various security threats.  (At least with the Corporate side info. 
 Personal data can still be compromised).

It runs in an Encrypted Sandbox on most all platforms.




From: Rod Trent []
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 9:46 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Android Handset Makers - Adding Value or Vulnerabilities?


Windows Phone is still wait and see.
Sent from Kaiten Mail for Android. Please excuse my brevity.

John Hornbuckle wrote:

There's a third viable platform: Windows Phone 7.

John Hornbuckle, MSMIS, PMP
MIS Department
Taylor County School District

-Original Message-
From: Bill Humphries []
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 10:03 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Android Handset Makers - Adding Value or Vulnerabilities?

So, does this mean your smartphone is an iphone?


Marc Maiffret wrote:
 I thought some of the NTSYSADMIN'ers would enjoy this post as I saw the HTC 
 vuln. was mentioned the other day here.

 If nothing else fun hack to mess with your HTC/Samsung Android using 
 co-workers. :-)


 Marc Maiffret
 eEye Digital Security

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Re: Has anyone tried to add a local account on a server to a restrictive Group via GPO?

2011-10-12 Thread Christopher Bodnar
Have you seen this?

It looks like you should be able to do this through GPO Restricted Groups, 
or using Preferences.

Chris Bodnar, MCSE, MCITP
Technical Support III
Distributed Systems Service Delivery - Intel Services
Guardian Life Insurance Company of America
Phone: 610-807-6459
Fax: 610-807-6003

From:   Ziots, Edward
To: NT System Admin Issues
Date:   10/12/2011 03:38 PM
Subject:Has anyone tried to add a local account on a server to a 
restrictive Group via GPO?

Trying to add a local user to a restrictive groups GPO ( its on the
server for an application) I am wondering if that can even be done (
unless you modify the GPO from the server that has the local account in

As for the local account ( silly Healthcare application, don't ask long
story about inability on vendors part to set proper DCOM permissions)


Edward E. Ziots
CISSP, Network +, Security +
Security Engineer
Lifespan Organization

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RE: RIM Outages NYC?

2011-10-12 Thread Ben Serebin

The QA was more helpful to understand that their separate regions are 
actually connected. I don't believe the root cause is accurate since they claim 
it's a backlog which is causing the North America issue.


From: Kevin Lundy []
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 3:24 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: RIM Outages NYC?

Nor helpful nor informative
On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 3:22 PM, Cameron wrote:
Thanks for the link. Nothing said was a surprise.

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 3:10 PM, N Parr wrote:
live press conf just started

From: justino garcia 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 1:16 PM

To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: RIM Outages NYC?

What did the one #Blackberry user say to the other?..nothing,
Good point
On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 2:12 PM, John Cook wrote:
Short term they will have a lot of explaining to do but hopefully it press them 
to rethink their strategy. Use BP and their oil rig explosion as an example.
While many of us are aggravated with the issue I doubt many business that are 
heavily invested will make any changes - Android is not secure enough for a lot 
of RIMs customers and I doubt that this will push much IPhone in those areas. 
From a security standpoint the BES is still the king of the mountain, for how 
long remains to be seen.

John W. Cook
System Administrator
Partnership For Strong Families
5950 NW 1st Place
Gainesville, Fl 32607
Office/Fax (352) 244-1610tel:%28352%29%20244-1610
Cell (352) 215-6944tel:%28352%29%20215-6944

From: justino garcia 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 2:02 PM

To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: RIM Outages NYC?

What will this do to RIM?
Will Admin move to mobile IRON and ios or android or windows mobile?
Is mobile iron just as good as BES?
On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 12:18 PM, Andrew S. Baker wrote:
All over...

Harnessing the Advantages of Technology for the SMB market...

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 11:01 AM, justino garcia wrote:
Rim Outages NYC?


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RE: Has anyone tried to add a local account on a server to a restrictive Group via GPO?

2011-10-12 Thread Mayo, Bill
Yes, I have done so.  If you type the name of the local account exactly
as it is on the server, it should work (don't choose via dialog).

-Original Message-
From: Ziots, Edward [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 3:38 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Has anyone tried to add a local account on a server to a
restrictive Group via GPO?

Trying to add a local user to a restrictive groups GPO ( its on the
server for an application) I am wondering if that can even be done (
unless you modify the GPO from the server that has the local account in

As for the local account ( silly Healthcare application, don't ask long
story about inability on vendors part to set proper DCOM permissions)


Edward E. Ziots
CISSP, Network +, Security +
Security Engineer
Lifespan Organization

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Extremely OT

2011-10-12 Thread John C Owen

Small shop here in the southern NH region
Anyone have a copy of the SolidWorks 2010 SP 2.1 DVD

Online support only goes back to 2010 SP4.0

Need to move our vault data store and support is failing to copy the PDM 
workgroup admin tool install for SP2.1



John C Owen
Systems Administrator
Innovative Foto
8 A Industrial Way
Salem, NH 03079
*  (603) 459-0623 - Office
*  (603) 498-2627 - Cell
7 (603) 879-9200 - Fax

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RE: Staff training

2011-10-12 Thread Jimmy Tran
I use Global Knowledge and they are great.  If you do a boot camp, they
even give you free vouchers to take the tests.  Sometimes they have a
buy 2 get 1 free deal.  I believe they also have deals that allow
managers to purchase a few vouchers and have the staff take the classes
whenever they like.  They also do onsite training as well.


From: Kennedy, Jim [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 1:19 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Staff training


Another option is to check the local community colleges. Some of them
have IT Tracks and much better pricing.



On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 12:16 PM, Ralph Smith wrote:

This may be a little OT, but I was just pricing out some training for 3
staff here with the idea of sending them to some classroom training for
Windows 7 and Server 2008 administration.
If I target the courses related to MCITP Enterprise Desktop
Administrator on Windows 7 certification and the MCITP Server
Administrator on Windows Server 2008 certification, (and this is from
ONLC because they have a local office, but New Horizons seems to be
about the same) the appropriate courses include three five day courses
and one three day course.

The total cost at their published prices would be almost $27,000 for
three staff.  I don't think I can get that through our budget process.

For those who provide training for staff development, is this kind of
classroom training the way to go?  Are there other alternatives for
classroom training, or do you use other training resources such as video
training from places like Trainsignal?

I'm looking for a bit of a reality check, as well as suggestions.  We
haven't provided this kind of staff training up to now, so I have no
experience in this area.  For myself I have relied on Google Training
and some good books, but I was looking for something more

Appreciate any comments and advice.


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Re: OpenCandy -- spyware/adware or misunderstood?

2011-10-12 Thread Micheal Espinola Jr
VLC is great, but when you use some of the more leading-edge video formats,
you may notice issues.  Issues that you may be less likely to see in [for
instance] Media Player Classic that comes bundles with the CCCP filter/codec

Im not promoting one over the other.  I love VLC.  But I can assure you its
not perfect.  I find myself going back and forth depending on the media
container type.  In my experience, MKVs can have a rendering/syncing issues
- or are more likely to in VLC than in MPC.


On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 7:15 AM, Joseph Heaton wrote:

 VLC.  I changed to that and now it's the only media player I use on any of
 my systems.  Dunno if it works in Linux, but it's on all my Windows boxes.

  John Aldrich 10/8/2011 12:48 PM 

 On Sat October 8 2011, you wrote:
  Hi John,
  In my case (just a home user) it was on my system from installing
  Neil |¬D
 Yeah. As soon as I saw that on the list, I removed WinAmp. I've got another

 app that I'm going to try out in it's place, called SnackAmp. Not sure I
 like it much. I might have to stick to just using Windows Media Player
 under Windows and XMMS under Linux. :(

 John Aldrich
 Blueridge Industries
 IT Manager

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RE: Has anyone tried to add a local account on a server to a restrictive Group via GPO?

2011-10-12 Thread Crawford, Scott

-Original Message-
From: Mayo, Bill [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 3:43 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Has anyone tried to add a local account on a server to a 
restrictive Group via GPO?

Yes, I have done so.  If you type the name of the local account exactly as it 
is on the server, it should work (don't choose via dialog).

-Original Message-
From: Ziots, Edward []
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 3:38 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Has anyone tried to add a local account on a server to a restrictive 
Group via GPO?

Trying to add a local user to a restrictive groups GPO ( its on the server for 
an application) I am wondering if that can even be done ( unless you modify the 
GPO from the server that has the local account in

As for the local account ( silly Healthcare application, don't ask long story 
about inability on vendors part to set proper DCOM permissions)


Edward E. Ziots
CISSP, Network +, Security +
Security Engineer
Lifespan Organization

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~  ~

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Re: OpenCandy -- spyware/adware or misunderstood?

2011-10-12 Thread Kurt Buff
Yup. It's what I use on my FreeBSD 7 and 8 desktops running XFCE4.


On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 11:38, Thomas Mullins wrote:
 Will it run under FreeBSD?

 -Original Message-
 From: Ben Scott []
 Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 11:25 AM
 To: NT System Admin Issues
 Subject: Re: OpenCandy -- spyware/adware or misunderstood?

 On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 10:15 AM, Joseph Heaton wrote:
 VLC.  I changed to that and now it's the only media player I use on any of
 my systems.  Dunno if it works in Linux, but it's on all my Windows boxes.

  It works well on Linux.  Indeed, it started in the *nix world.  :)

 -- Ben

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RE: Staff training

2011-10-12 Thread Ralph Smith
Thanks, i'll check those two resources as well.
I appreciate all the comments.  


Another option is to check the local community colleges. Some of them
have IT Tracks and much better pricing.

I use Global Knowledge and they are great.  If you do a boot camp, they
even give you free vouchers to take the tests.  Sometimes they have a
buy 2 get 1 free deal.  I believe they also have deals that allow
managers to purchase a few vouchers and have the staff take the classes
whenever they like.  They also do onsite training as well.


From: Kennedy, Jim [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 1:19 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Staff training


Another option is to check the local community colleges. Some of them
have IT Tracks and much better pricing.



On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 12:16 PM, Ralph Smith wrote:

This may be a little OT, but I was just pricing out some training for 3
staff here with the idea of sending them to some classroom training for
Windows 7 and Server 2008 administration.
If I target the courses related to MCITP Enterprise Desktop
Administrator on Windows 7 certification and the MCITP Server
Administrator on Windows Server 2008 certification, (and this is from
ONLC because they have a local office, but New Horizons seems to be
about the same) the appropriate courses include three five day courses
and one three day course.

The total cost at their published prices would be almost $27,000 for
three staff.  I don't think I can get that through our budget process.

For those who provide training for staff development, is this kind of
classroom training the way to go?  Are there other alternatives for
classroom training, or do you use other training resources such as video
training from places like Trainsignal?

I'm looking for a bit of a reality check, as well as suggestions.  We
haven't provided this kind of staff training up to now, so I have no
experience in this area.  For myself I have relied on Google Training
and some good books, but I was looking for something more

Appreciate any comments and advice.


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~  ~

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OT: well maybe iOS 5 upgrades having issues

2011-10-12 Thread Jon Harris
Thanks to Andrew Baker for finding this.

For those of you working with Apples of any type you might want to hold off
trying to do the iOS update for a couple of days.


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Re: OT: well maybe iOS 5 upgrades having issues

2011-10-12 Thread MMF
I did mine tonite and it took a while, but I’m on the air!


From: Jon Harris 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 8:15 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues 
Subject: OT: well maybe iOS 5 upgrades having issues

Thanks to Andrew Baker for finding this.

For those of you working with Apples of any type you might want to hold off 
trying to do the iOS update for a couple of days.

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Re: What would YOU do?

2011-10-12 Thread Andrew S. Baker
Fess up on the mistake to the client AND the vendor.  Things happen.

Talk to Dell and see if there are some options.  Hopefully, you haven't
opened the card yet.

* *

*ASB* ** *Harnessing the Advantages of
Technology for the SMB market…


On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 1:27 AM, David Lum wrote:


 A %nightjob% client (17 employees) of mine has a Dell PowerEdge 840 with 4
 SATA drives, two volumes of RAID1 (2x250GB for C: and D: , 2x500GB for E:)

 OS is SBS 2003 and they use SQL in addition to Exchange (when I spec’d this
 in 2007, SQL wasn’t involved). I have split up Exchange / SQL Log/DB files
 as best I can.

 ** **

 This has been working OK but they app that uses SQL is kind of a pig and it
 and Exchange create a lot of disk contention. I got the bright idea to have
 them buy $600 of 15K RPM SAS drives and an external enclosure and is bundled
 with a SAS RAID5 card (PCIe 4x – this is important for later…).

 ** **

 I figured I’d create a RAID5 volume and point SQL over to this new drive
 array and performance should be much improved, my theory being is the system
 will be as fast or faster pre-SQL (my thinking was I might be able to move
 some other things off the SATA drives and onto the faster controller/disks).

 ** **

 The mistake:

 Parts are onsite, and tonight I go to install the RAID card and….hey,
 this system has ONE PCIe 8x slot and ONCE PCIe 1x slot, plus some standard
 PCI slots. Populating the PCIe 8x slot is a SAS 5/iR controller hooked to
 the four SATA drives. In other words, the shiny new toy I had them purchase
 won’t work because I had assumed the existing RAID controller was built-in.
 It hadn’t occurred to me as a remote possibility that there would be
 insufficient slots, I hadn’t added a thing to this server since they’d
 bought it.

 ** **

 What would you guys do? Send the hardware back and plead mea culpa? Is
 there any way to put the existing SATA array on a different card (say, a
 PCIe 1x SATA RAID card) without having to rebuild the volumes? I’ve looked
 for SAS RAID5 PCIe 1x (yes, it would be slower than 4x but still better than
 the stiff internal) but no luck.

 ** **

 Maybe I’m over thinking this after a 17hr day (between %dayjob% and
 %nightjob%), but I welcome your guys’ input.

 ** **

 *David Lum* *
 *Systems Engineer // NWEATM
 Office 503.548.5229 //* *Mobile 503.267.9764

 ** **

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