Re: [Origami] CoC—Being Too Specific in Language

2021-05-18 Thread John Scully
If you followed some of the other posts from yesterday, Anne posted a link to a 
very interesting page on common mistakes in CoC writing, including this 
specific issue:  That an enumerated list of “don’ts” has legal issues.  Which 
was one of my essential objections.  That page also has a good example CoC that 
I think is great.


If you missed her email – here is the link  It is 
worth reading.  It is short but bakes very clear and strong arguments about a 
better CoC.


>From the intro para of that page:
“ I believe codes of conduct for any event, whether it’s a software conference, 
convention, or sporting event, etc., is a good idea. At the same time, I don’t 
believe an event’s worthwhileness turns on the presence or absence of a code of 
conduct. If you’re going to implement a code of conduct, it needs to be 
reasonable, clear in its intent, and, above all, enforceable. In addition, 
before you decide to implement a code of conduct, you should be clear about the 
potential liability that can be incurred as a result of implementing such a 
code. “


In the section about enumerated lists: 

“First, there is a pattern of having enumerated lists to define entities. In 
the first paragraph, it was the list of persons covered. In this paragraph, 
it’s a list of protected traits. Whenever there are lists such as these, they 
become words of limitation, meaning that if something is not contained in the 
list and there was an opportunity to have a more inclusive list, there’s a 
strong argument that the omitted term was not meant to be covered.”


He also speaks to the “actions”.  Stating that some action WILL be taken is an 
issue, as not all reports should result in any action, much less drastic 
action.  He suggests promising investigation, wit appropriate action to be 


Again – here is the text of his suggestion – obviously this needs fleshing out 
for the “origami convention specifics” such as not disrupting class, not 
touching someone’s model without asking etc.  But at it’s core it is along the 
lines of what I was suggesting – work from the assumption that we all KNOW what 
is civil vs uncivil behavior and just refer to that.


We have to discuss this more on this end, but we are likely going to end up 
with something very closely based on the below.



P.S. Again – Thank you Anne.  I had looked around but had not found anything 
like this.


Who is covered?  


Anyone who is affiliated with this Conference (The “Participant”) is expected 
to conduct oneself in a civil manner and treat any other Participant with 
respect and civility. (The “Standard of Conduct”). A Participant includes, but 
is not limited to any Conference attendee, guest, sponsor, or staff. 


What is covered?  


The Standard of Conduct is defined by what is deemed to be generally accepted 
by the Conference; the conference location (the ”Venue”); the Venue’s own 
standards of conduct, rules and regulations; or any legal authority of which 
the Venue or Participant is subject. Any other conduct by a Participant that 
otherwise disrupts another Participant’s Conference experience shall be covered 
as well.   


How is this enforced?  


Only timely and directly reports of violations with sufficient factual details 
to the Conference can be investigated. Upon investigation, allegations may 
result in sanctions including, but not limited to expulsion from the Conference 
and Venue without recourse. Any report deemed to have not been made in good 
faith or with a reasonable factual basis shall be treated as a violation. 
Investigations and sanctions imposed shall be conducted and determined in the 
sole discretion of the Conference. Nothing in this Standard of Conduct 
interferes with or discourages a Participant from exercising his or her right 
to contact the Venue and/or law enforcement directly and in such a case; the 
Conference shall fully cooperate with the Venue and law enforcement.



From: Origami  On Behalf Of Carol 
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2021 6:31 PM
To: The Origami Mailing List 
Subject: Re: [Origami] CoC—Being Too Specific in Language




While that is worded differently than what the library had in the same 
category, to me it appears fine.   Apparently the problem is my 
misunderstanding what we each meant by the words “exact” and “specific”.  I 
apologize for misinterpreting your overall  intent.  


Carol Martinson 

Sent from my iPad

On May 17, 2021, at 1:02 PM, Malachi Brown> > wrote:



On Mon, May 17, 2021 at 11:18 AM Carol Martinson via Origami> > 

If I am interpreting what he is trying to say correctly, people need the 
specific words and actions named so they know what is and is not allowed.  
Acceptable behaviors vary widely from culture to culture so they may need 
specific actions lis

Re: [Origami] CoC - Focus

2021-05-18 Thread John Scully
That is what we are considering – a “please address me as ” line, or 
something similar.  With the obvious problem that people do NOT pay attention 
and will walk up to someone wearing a “My name is TOM” badge and say “Dave!  
Have not seen you in a while”


From: Origami  On Behalf Of KDianne 
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2021 10:15 AM
To: 'The Origami Mailing List' 
Subject: Re: [Origami] CoC - Focus


>Vishakha said “…ppl may need that specificity of their gender pronoun to feel 
>comfortable in public fora …”


Pronoun inclusion on convention name tags may be an efficient solution to meet 
this need.


Orifun to all,



Re: [Origami] CoC - Kicking off the Discussion

2021-05-17 Thread John Scully
Sorry Joseph, are you saying that you have hacked my facebook, email and phones 
and know the exact details of every conversation I have had with anyone over 
the last two years?


If not, then please do not impugn my character by implying that I am lying.  
You do not know what people have asked for.


Considering that several other people who have responded in this conversation 
relayed very similar issues should put that top bed.  There are very real 
problems with this kind of document ending up with extreme language due to a 
very vocal minority.


As to arguments on facebook – don’t go there.  That is NOT part of this 
conversation as per Anne’s request, and YOU use personal insults and bullying 
tactics in place of making arguments on facebook.  You even stated that in a 
reply to Kate – that you were deliberately insulting me with the hope of 
provoking a response.

How about you and I ignore each other, hopefully for the remainder of the life 
of the universe?  I have zero respect for you and do not wish to converse with 
you in any form, ever.  This will be the last response I make to you on this 
forum, or in fact any other.


To the moderators – I do not think any further messages on this thread between 
Joseph and myself should be posted.  Just reject anything wither of us says if 
it references the other.




From: Origami  On Behalf Of Joseph Wu
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2021 10:41 AM
To: The Origami Mailing List 
Subject: Re: [Origami] CoC - Kicking off the Discussion


On May 16, 2021, at 17:05, John Scully> > wrote:

The background is that since the first person asked us about one a little over 
a year ago we have had maybe six people make what range from suggestions to 
demands about what should be included.  The reason I pushed back so strongly 
was some of those demands.



Can we please start with an attempt to discuss this in good faith? Your 
narrative of being the victim of unreasonable demands differs greatly from the 
accounts of trying to talk to you about this topic that I have heard from some 
of those “maybe six people”.

Watching the way you present arguments on Facebook, it is pretty obvious that 
you like to sprinkle these sort of subtle stabs at the people you are arguing 
against in order to detract from their credibility. This sort of behavior is 
not conducive to a good faith discussion of the sort that Anne has set up for 
us here. Indeed, I question the need to bring up the circumstances of the 
argument about CenterFold’s code of conduct (or lack thereof) when this 
discussion is supposed to be about the pros and cons of codes of conduct in 
general. “The background” of the CenterFold situation is not relevant. 

Please stick to the topic at hand and take care not to impugn the characters of 
others. Thank you. 



Joseph Wu, Origami Artist (via iPhone)

e: <> 





Re: [Origami] CoC—Being Too Specific in Language

2021-05-17 Thread John Scully
The problem (in my and many other’s opinion) with “use of sexist, racist, 
ableist, or any other discriminatory or exclusionary language” is that those 
terms are open to wildly varying interpretation.  What person X considers 
normal speech, person Y considers offensive.  Who is the judge?
Remember my specific example – we were asked last year to tell people in the 
welcome meeting at the convention that they should not use gender pronouns AT 
ALL, because “someone may be offended, even if not part of that conversation”.

And what is “exclusionary language”?  Talk about an overly broad term!  I just 
read a paper on that…some good points.  A lot of crazy ones…wait!  That was one 
right there!  “Never use the word crazy even in reference to yourself “That 
makes me crazy” because someone who has issues with mental health may take 
This paper lists about 200 very, very common words and phrases that “should be 
purged from all language”.  Too far…too far.

Plus, there is a difference between using language that should be expected to 
cause offense (obvious example, using the “n-word”) and using standard 
language, telling a joke, doing the standard guy thing of insulting your 


Now…MAYBE add in intent there.  As in “use of sexist, racist, ableist, or any 
other discriminatory language with the intention to cause offense”.  That is 
still subject to interpretation, but allows some common sense to be applied.
“I overheard person X talking to person Y and they used CIS gender pronouns!”  
Answer “Yup.  Nothing wrong with that.  Sorry you got offended, but people are 
allowed to do that”


“I asked person X to please address me as ZZZ, but he then continued to 
deliberately address me as XXX even when I reminded him”.  Sounds like that was 
deliberate, we will speak to him and ask him to address you the way you want or 
just not converse with you.


“I asked person X to please address me as ZZZ, but then he occasionally 
addressed me as XXX”.  Sounds like he was trying, but he has known you for 20 
years and he is forgetting.  Perhaps YOU should politely remind him, since it 
sounds like it is accidental”


See what I mean?  A “use of blah blah language” means you are telling people to 
change their speech habits in toto, no matter who they are conversing with.  It 
does not matter that that is not YOUR intent when suggesting the language, that 
is how some people will try to apply it.  


John Scully


From: Origami  On Behalf Of Malachi 
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2021 1:16 PM
To: The Origami Mailing List 
Subject: Re: [Origami] CoC—Being Too Specific in Language




On Mon, May 17, 2021 at 11:18 AM Carol Martinson via Origami> > 

If I am interpreting what he is trying to say correctly, people need the 
specific words and actions named so they know what is and is not allowed.  
Acceptable behaviors vary widely from culture to culture so they may need 
specific actions listed to know what is expected.


I believe you misunderstood what I was trying to say or I am misunderstanding 
what you are trying to say.


I think, at least for an event CoC, there is a balance that can be struck 
between the very vague and open to interpretation "don't be a jerk" and the 
overly specific enumeration of all words and actions that qualify as 

I specifically referenced the OUSA CoC because it does enumerate several types 
of discrimination that are specifically prohibited which gives the person 
reading it an understanding of what is not acceptable.  I don't think specific 
words or actions need to be spelled out, but that it is useful to know what 
areas are covered by the policy.


So, maybe we can clarify this point.  From the OUSA CoC, do you consider the 
following to be overly specific?


* offensive communication related to gender, sexual orientation, disability, 
physical appearance, body size, race, religion, and age.

* use of sexist, racist, ableist, or any other discriminatory or exclusionary 




Re: [Origami] CoC — Volunteering Offer

2021-05-16 Thread John Scully
Thank you Carol - we will take you up on that.  I was writing my last
message as yours was coming in, so I just saw it.

On Sun, May 16, 2021 at 7:09 PM Carol Martinson via Origami <> wrote:

> As a now retired public librarian from a Midwestern fairly large urban
> library system, I have helped write Code of Conducts and have banned people
> from all the library facilities on my own authority for periods up to three
> months.  Longer periods of banishment had to be determined by the library
> administration.
> Centerfold has not wanted to write a Code of Conduct, feeling it was
> unnecessary in a smaller venue.  Unfortunately, now that the issue has been
> brought up, it has become necessary.  People are now aware of the lack of a
> CoC and feel unsafe, or at least unsettled, that there is not one.
> Perceptions are important, and this won’t go away.
> A CoC does not mean that the convention would suddenly become safe.
> Incidents occur.  What a CoC does, however, is make victims feel that their
> complaints will be taken seriously and that there will not be any
> retaliation for reporting an incident — and that help can be obtained and
> problems will be solved and worked on.  It protects organizers from being
> accused of ignoring potential problems or discriminating against an
> individual.   It also serves to tell attendees that there will be
> consequences for unacceptable behavior.
> In reply to the email that was sent by Monica, I volunteered to help write
> a CoC for Centerfold and a form to take reports of incidents.  I said the
> easiest route with only two months before the convention would be to adopt
> OUSA’s CoC for this convention, and I assumed an Ohio specific CoC could be
> written later, but I have since learned that Ohio does not want to use
> OUSA’s CoC.  That is fine.  There are many examples to choose from and
> other people can do that.
> What I can uniquely provide is a standard reporting form, and if desired,
> some quick remedial training in using unbiased language in filling out such
> forms.  If this convention does end up being held, a better form more
> adapted to the convention can be developed later.  I can also make
> suggestions as to varying levels of consequences, but others will be more
> qualified to do that than me.
> I hope this offer is taken seriously.  Other people have also made offers
> to help and mediate, but it seems to have reached a point people are not
> capable of actually hearing what is being said.
> Carol Martinson
> Sent from my iPad

Re: [Origami] CoC - Kicking off the Discussion

2021-05-16 Thread John Scully
to "don't be a
jerk" (not in those words).  Remember - this is specifically NOT about
harassment, assault or any other serious offence.   Keep in mind that this
cuts both ways. One person who has been pushing for an anti-harassment
policy which would include any insult as harassment has publicly stated
that "Everyone who voted for Trump should be put through the woodchipper"
accompanied by a shot from the movie fargo with Steve Buscemie's foot
sticking out of the woodchipper.  No one should be making deliberately
insulting/inflammatory statements like that at a convention, but is it our
place to take action if they do, and if so, what action?  Where/how do we
draw that line?
I do know that most of you would reply to this and say "That is not what we
are talking about!", but that is very much what has been requested of us by
a few (like two) people.  "confidential" I have no issue with. " Anonymous"
I do.
4) What reporting mechanisms should there be?  Stated escalation path?
i.e. you report it to someone, they say "eh...not going to get involved".
Should there be a next level contact?  That is what I am planning.

I feel that there should be a clear differentiation between potentially
criminal conduct and "things that make you uncomfortable", with a statement
that you can report the former directly to the police if you are not
immediately satisfied by the response from the convention admins.

I also think any non-direct contact method such as email needs a strong
disclaimer that it should not be used to report anything urgent.  i.e.
"'emails may not be seen for hours. If you are reporting something that
requires immediate action please report it in person or by calling xxx".

Back to the question of "not acting on every report" because some will not
require any action...should we log those in some way, along with the reason
we did not take action?  Or I suppose I am saying we should log any report,
with action taken or reason none was taken.

John Scully

On Sun, May 16, 2021 at 4:03 PM Elizabeth Johnson 

> Hello everyone!
> Anne thought it would be helpful if I presented an intro to this topic, in
> the interest of kicking off the discussion. As a somewhat neutral party
> that was not directly involved in any of the precipitating events, and who
> was also not a major player in the Facebook discussion, I’ve done my best
> to try to represent this issue, and the concerns of those involved, fairly
> and accurately.
> ...

[Origami] Ohio Origami Convention Update

2018-07-14 Thread John Scully
We are on pace for a great convention again this year! We are a month out
and already have 20% more people registered than total last year.  But still
plenty of room for more.

CenterFold is a fun, friendly three day origami convention in Columbus Ohio.
Special guests this year are Michael LaFosse, Richard Alexander,. Maria
Sinayskaya and Shuki Kato.  

If you have never been to an origami convention come give us a try. In
addition to the more than 70 classes, special panel/workshops such as
backcoating and wet folding.  We are in a very nice convention hotel, and
all classes are in the hotel.  More info at 

And as usual we will be collecting origami ornaments for Children's
hospitals, running a silent auction to raise money for our community
programs (teaching origami in schools, libraries, hospitals all over the
state) and much more.

If you have any origami books or materials you would like to donate to us
(we are a 501C3 non-profit), please let us know.

If you are attending CenterFold and wish to teach a class please post it
now! We already have about 50 classes listed (see ).  Note that the advanced and complex
classes are usually the last ones added so not a lot of those up yet.


Please call or email if you have any questions

John Scully





[Origami] CenterFold 2016 - July 28th through July 31st 2016

2016-01-17 Thread John Scully
Just wanted to let everyone know that early-bird registration is online for
the Ohio origami convention, CenterFold 2016.


Guests of honor are John Montroll, Ekaterina Lukasheva and Quentin Trollip.


As it has been for the last four years the convention is at the Holiday Inn
Hotel and Convention Center in Worthington Ohio.  Everything is on one level
(two minutes from great room to furthest class room!).  The hotel is
surrounded by restaurants and shopping (including a full service grocery
store across the street), and all rooms have refrigerators.

Hotel rooms are $89.  Multiple occupancy allowed, so you can share rooms.


There is a shuttle from the airport ($15 I think).  


So - if you have never been to CenterFold, give us a try this year.  We
pride ourselves on running a friendly, laid-back convention where everyone
can get into classes, and the special guests are hanging out with everyone.


Early-bird discounts!  $150.00 until April 1, $175 fromApril1 to May 31,
then $190 after that.


Thursday the 28th is a laid-back, casual folding day. Scheduled classes


Call or email with any questions.  Registration is online at


John Scully <> 


[Origami] Children's Hospital origami books and paper project

2015-08-05 Thread John Scully
Just a quick update on how the fund raising is going.


At the OUSA annual convention in New York we raised a little over $700

At CenterFold this past weekend we raised $1,300 from the silent auction,
plus another $1,650 in direct donations from attendees.

And also over the weekend we received a $2,300 anonymous donation, plus $450
from a local physician.


Total raised over the weekend: $5,700, bringing our current total to almost


For those who may not have heard about this project, we are working to raise
$53,000 to provide 100 origami books and 100 packages of paper to each of
almost 200 children's hospitals in the US.  The intent is for kids to be
able to have a book and package of paper to keep and take home.


So - please help us reach our goal.  Make a donation at
<>  or send a check to:

Ohio Paper Folders

P.O. Box 264

Granville Ohio 43023

Make the memo line "Donation - Hospital Origami"


Thank you to everyone who is supporting this project!


John Scully & Monica Salisbury

Ohio Paper Folders

[Origami] Origami for children's hospitals

2015-06-26 Thread John Scully
We are doing pretty well so far with our fund raiser to provide origami books 
and paper to children’s hospitals across the US, but we need your help!

The project is simple to explain:  We are working to raise $53,000 to provide 
100 origami books and 100 packages of paper to all 192 children’s hospitals in 
the US.  

We will be self-publishing four titles, each with 10-12 models.  So each 
hospital will receive 25 copies of 4 different books.  The intent is for kids 
to be able to have a book and paper to keep.   

Important update:  While at the OUSA convention last weekend, we received a 
firm offer from one person that when we hit $15,000, they will match it.  So 
any donations you make now, or have already made will be doubled!

So PLEASE go to and make a donation. 
 $5 or $500 – it all adds up.  Seriously...this is a great project, but we need 
your assistance to reach our goal.

We are a registered 501c3 non-profit.

Call or email with any questions
John Scully & Monica Salisbury
Ohio Paper Folders

[Origami] CenterFold update

2015-06-25 Thread John Scully
Just a quick update on CenterFold 2015.

Everything is rolling along for another great convention.

Come join us July 30th-Aug 2nd for CenterFold 2015 in Columbus Ohio.
Guests of honor Robert Lang, Meenakshi Mukerji, Eric Gjerde, Jon Tucker and 
Jared Needle.

70+ classes plus several special workshops in a small convention hotel.  All on 
one level, surrounded by shops and restaurants.

In addition to paper making, paper marbling and PMC workshops, we will have 
several special panel discussions/demonstrations  with hands on participation 
from the audience. These will be:

Wet folding:  Don’t be afraid of the water!  Panel discussion with several top 
wet folders, plus a demo and hands on play.

Back coating:  Make your own duo paper, combine sheets to make larger paper  or 
change the characteristics by combining different sheets.  This one may get 
messy – hands on participation!

Coloring paper:  dry vs wet pigments and paints, what fixatives to use etc.  

More information and registration online at

John Scully

[Origami] Origami books and Paper for Children's Hospitals

2015-04-20 Thread John Scully
Ohio Paper Folders has launched a gofundme campaign to raise money to
provide origami books and paper to children's hospitals all over North
America.  Each hospital will receive twenty-five each of four different 44
page 6x9 inch full color origami books and 100 50-sheet packages of origami
paper, so kids do not just get to just use an origami book, but take one
home with them.

The more we raise, the lower the unit cost will be, because we will be able
to place orders directly with the manufacturers in Asia for 20,000 to 30,000
packages of paper, plus of course the printing costs go WAY down per book
when we are talking about 5,000 of each book instead of just a few hundred.

But - even if we only raise five thousand Dollars we can still supply ten
At ten thousand we can supply twenty.
At fifteen thousand, our unit costs start to drop and we can supply forty
hospitals, at twenty-eight thousand we can supply one hundred, and at
forty-one thousand almost two hundred hospitals.  That is more than enough
to do all 190 children's hospitals in the country!

Now - what do you get in return, other than the great feeling from spreading
the joy of origami?  We thought about that for a long time before we came up
with something of real value to the donors that does not use up the funds we
are raising.  Well, since we sell origami paper at, we can give you discounts on future purchases of
paper - up to a 35% discount for life at the higher donation levels.

Please support our project by making a donation, and please share this out
to others!  

To make a donation or for more information, please visit 
Or contact me at

John Scully
Ohio Paper Folders

[Origami] O-gami juried show

2015-04-07 Thread John Scully
The good people at the paper circle asked us to send out another message
about their upcoming juried origami show.

OhiO-gami 2015 Juried Origami Exhibit

We are excited about this juried show and hope that you'll register to
participate and tell your friends and other folders about this show. Please
visit the registration page to sign up to participate in this wonderful
exhibit opportunity.  
Your entry does not have to be made of O-gami paper in order to enter.  But
if you wish to be considered for the prize awards your piece must be made
with O-gami paper, available online and at Paper Circle,

This juried show is open to everyone.  However, if you are under 18, please
make sure you have your parents' consent to participate.
There are two divisions -1.  Amateur which for our purposes includes
everyone who hasn't earned at least $14,999.99 in a year from their origami
work.  2. Professional which will include all individuals who have earned
$15,000 or more in a year from their origami work.
Registration fee will be $25 (non-refundable) for Amateurs to submit 3 works
for consideration for the juried show.  You will be allowed up to 4 images
(photographs) per submitted work (1 - full image of piece, and up to 3
additional detail shots).  This means you can upload a total of 12 images to
represent your 3 submitted works.  You will receive a 15% discount code for
the purchase of O-gami paper upon completion of your registration.
The registration fee for Professionals will be $40 (non-refundable) to
submit 3 works for consideration for the juried show.  You will be allowed
up to 4 images (photographs) per submitted work (1 - full image of piece,
and up to 3 additional detail shots.) This means you can upload a total of
12 images to represent your 3 submitted works. You will receive a 15%
discount code for the purchase of O-gami paper upon completion of your
One individual can enter as many pieces (works) as they choose in increments
of 3.  For example - 4 works would be 2 registrations, as would 6.  8 works
would be 3 registrations, as would 7.  Enter as many pieces as you like.
Reminder: registration fees are not refundable.
The judging will be done online, so make sure your photos are clear and
representative of your work.  As stated above you must submit a full image
of the work, and can have up to 3 additional photos of details of the work.
As the judges are working blind, make sure you do not have your name visible
in the images.

March 27-  Registration is open allowing time to prepare pieces and
June 18th - Registration for show closes.  Images must be uploaded before
June 18th in order to be considered for the competition.  Judges screen the
entries.  Judges are 1. Selecting pieces to include in the exhibit and 2.
choosing winners for the prizes from entries made from O-gami. Judges have
the next month to consider the entries and choose the winners.  
Sept 10th - Those who are selected to participate in the exhibit will be
notified by email.
October 8th - Selected pieces must be delivered to the Paper Circle if they
want to be included in the exhibit
October 30th - Final Friday exhibit opens and winners are announced - to
winners but not published until Nov. 25th (a month later - next Final
Friday) in order avoid influencing the People's Choice Award.  People can
vote online or in person for their favorite piece in the exhibit.

John Scully
Ohio Paper Folders

[Origami] CenterFold 2015 registration update

2015-04-04 Thread John Scully
We did not send out reminders that the dates were approaching for
registration fees to increase for the 2015 Ohio origami convention, so we
have decided to extend the discount until the 20th of April.

So - come join us July 31st - Aug 2nd and have a great time with Robert
Lang, Meenakshi Mukerji, Eric Gjerde Jon Tucker and Jared Needle (If he
makes it back to Ohio...)

We are at the hotel on the 30th, but that is a casual folding day - no
scheduled classes.  If you have never been to CenterFold, we run a laid
back, friendly convention where everyone has a good time.  We are in a small
convention hotel, so everything is on one floor.

More info, photos of past conventions and registration is online at

Call or email if you have any questions!

John Scully
Ohio Paper Folders

Re: [Origami] Starting a folding group/club (new member)

2015-02-22 Thread John Scully
Megan asked for suggestions on starting a local folding group.

We have had great results from using to help people find us.  It is 
not free, but very inexpensive.  As soon as you have selected a location and 
schedule, sign up on meetup and post your upcoming meetings.  Be sure to stress 
that beginners are welcome, all ages are welcome etc.

For reference, here is our meetup page:

We started meeting in a local library, but outgrew it and moved to a local arts 
center that has larger rooms.  Meetings range from twelve to more than forty 

John Scully
Ohio Paper Folders
CenterFold Origami Convention

Re: [Origami] DC Origami - John Montroll

2015-02-21 Thread John Scully
Jody asked about the amazon pre-order for DC Origami by John Montrol

Jody - I just followed the link you listed and see a price of $13.95 - not the 
$98.35 you mentioned.  

John Scully

Re: [Origami] Document Camera (FWD)

2014-12-26 Thread John Scully
Laura Rozenberg asked about document cameras vs webcams

We have been researching the same thing, and have been looking at the elmo 
document cameras, such as the tt-12i

I really need to get my hands on one first to make a decision, but it seems 
that the key differences are about the camera being purpose designed to show 
documents and "hands doing something", plus being easy to connect to anything.  
But...they are really expensive compared to I am trying to figure 
out the real difference.  Anyone else?

Or any specific suggestions on what YOU are using?  I am more interested in 
camera - to - projector than streaming to the web, but both would be nice.

John Scully
Ohio paper folders

[Origami] CenterFold 2014 flikr page

2014-12-24 Thread John Scully
I recently realized that we had not posted photos of the August 2014 
CenterFold origami convention here in Columbus.

So - I just posted 675 photos to group

it is an open group, so anyone with any interesting photos - please add 

John Scully
Ohio Paper Folders

[Origami] CenterFold 2015 - Ohio Origami Convention

2014-12-24 Thread John Scully
We now have confirmations from all our special guests for CenterFold 2014, 
so a quick update to all - (Give someone a CenterFold for Christmas).

The dates will be Friday July 31th-Sunday Aug 2nd 2015 (But we will have 
some activities on Thursday the 30th for anyone who is there).

Special guests are Robert Lang, Meenakshi Mukerji and Eric Gjerde.  That 
should give us a great range - modulars, simple and complex animals and 
insects and tesselations.

As usual, we will have a total of between 60 and 70 classes, plus a few 
special workshops.
And as usual, we are doing early bird discounts.  Jan 15-Mar 31st $150.00, 
then up to $175.00 until May 31st, then up to $190.00 until the convention.
We are giving a special discount to people who register between now and Jan 
15th - $125.00 for the full convention with classes.

More info is online at
registration is online there - just click the login/register link.

Please email me or call with any questions

John Scully
Ohio Paper Folders
CenterFold Origami Convention

Re: [Origami] Grammar and traditional origami?

2014-08-28 Thread John Scully
Gerardo asked about naming convention for model names.

In general, the rule is that if it is a descriptive name (common box) it is not 
in that form, but if it is a specific name for a specific design, then it 
follows the rule you mentioned.  Similar to "pickup truck" vs "Ford F150".  

Of course, I would hope that no one here would care about this except when 
actually publishing the name, writing a gallery card or otherwise giving 
attribution.  That is when it really is expected.

John Scully
Ohio Paper Folders

Re: [Origami] A good origami cause!

2014-08-06 Thread John Scully

Ann let us know about the fund raiser for why origami matters.  Looks like we 
got in as the first to donate - not they just need 99 other people to kick in 
$25 (or 500 to kick in $5 for that matter).

Have a good time in Japan guys.
John Scully and Monica Salisbury
Ohio Paper Folders

[Origami] 12 days to CenterFold - still some space left

2014-07-19 Thread John Scully
Although the discounted room block in the hotel is gone, there is still 
space in the hotel, and we do still have room for more attendees at 

So come join us in Ohio – fold with Tomoko Fuse, David and Assia Brill and 
Carmen Sprung.  Plus Thursday workshops on paper making, PMC and paper punch 
flowers, and intro and advanced paper marbling workshops through the 

July 31st through August 3rd.

John Scully
Ohio Paper Folders

[Origami] Ohio paper Folders NBC interview from today

2014-07-08 Thread John Scully
We had an opportunity today for a five minute interview on Daytime Columbus on 
NBC today.  
We grabbed up some containers of origami to display, emailed them some photos 
to use for cut ins and headed over there.  So some of the origami you see is 
from our collection, some we just borrowed in NY for two upcoming gallery shows.

The video is on our web site at and on our facebook 
page (ohiopaper.folders)

For once, we remembered to mention everything important – our monthly meetings, 
the convention, the guests etc.  

John Scully
Ohio Paper Folders

[Origami] CenterFold - Tomoko Fuse - David Brill - Assia Brill - Carmen Sprung

2014-07-01 Thread John Scully
While in New York at the National convention I ran into a lot of people who 
somehow had missed the fact that there is an Ohio Convention, much less that 
the guests this year are Tomoko/David/Assia/Carmen.

So...I am asking everyone to PLEASE pass the word along to any other folders 
who may not have heard about us.  Forward this message on to people who do 
not get this list.  Send it to your facebook friends etc.  Or call and let 
people know - how many chances do you get to socialize with and fold with 
people like this?

There is still space in the hotel (plus several other hotels within walking 

There is still space for attendees.
Dates are July 31st to Aug 3rd 2014 (but the 31st is a casual day - no 
scheduled classes).  Holiday Inn hotel and Convention center, Worthington 
Registration for the convention is $190.00 for the full weekend, which 
includes tote bag/t-shirt/paper supply/folding board.

Everything is in one location.
Hotel rooms are $84.00 per night for single or multi occupancy.  There are 
still rooms with double queens, kings and kings with pullout queens!  All 
rooms have refrigerators, and there are lots of restaurants in walking 
distance.  There is a shuttle from the airport.
There is a link form the convention page of our web site that will take you 
directly to our room block.
NOTE! NOTE! NOTE! If the site says there are no rooms available just email 
or call me.  Due to dumb-ass rules from holiday inn corporate they are only 
allowed to have so many rooms available in our block.  When it fills up they 
add more...when I call and tell them it is full.  But as of today there are 
still 50+ rooms available in the hotel.

Check our web site at or call us at 740-334-4213

John Scully

Re: [Origami] The Perfect Square

2014-06-16 Thread John Scully
We did some folding from Savage photo-backdrop paper (107" wide).  We used a 
variety of techniques and found that the best way was to work on a surface with 
some visible guides.  An asphalt tile floor works well if you check the 
squareness of the tiles.  We also had success by carefully measuring out a 
square on the floor and marking it with tape.  Two full edges and the last 
corner just a corner marking.  That lets you place one edge of the paper along 
one long tape edge, mark the paper then cut.  

Just remember that the key to making the tape marks square is all four sides 
exact same length, and the two diagonals the same length.

John Scully

Re: [Origami] looking for specific paper colors (forwarded for Yahoo user)

2014-06-02 Thread John Scully
Aimee asked about single color kami

Ohio Paper Folders has single color packs in about 30 colors (plus another 600 
items) available at 

Our paper sales help cover the expenses of our community outreach programs, 
such as teaching origami in libraries, schools and Children's Hospital.

Free shipping on orders totaling $50.00 or more. 

John Scully

[Origami] More CenterFold convention notes

2014-05-27 Thread John Scully
Several people have pointed out that I forgot to mention a couple of items:

We will have an ATC swap - everyone is welcome to join in.  Info is at
We will have autograph sessions, so if you have a few special books from our
guests bring them along (not your entire Fuse library please!).
We will NOT have many books for sale - we just cannot finance the inventory
- so buy your Curlicue copies etc. on Amazon before you come.  We will
likely have some...but better safe than sorry.
We will have a public origami exhibit.  Everyone is welcome to put pieces on
We are also collecting origami pieces for our permanent collection.  We now
have two collections that we lend out to public libraries, plus what we put
on display at festivals etc.  We could really use more pieces as our
collection is stretched pretty thin - any type/style/size is welcome.  We
want as broad a range of work as possible.  Even if you are not coming to
CenterFold, please mail us your excess work.
We will also again be collecting origami for holiday ornaments for
children's hospitals, so any small pieces are welcome.  Last year we donated
over 500 pieces.  Again - those can be simple pieces - traditional, modular
- anything that would make a good ornament.  

When you register for the hotel use the direct link on the convention web
page - the IDIOTS at the national call center for Holiday Inn keep telling
people there are no rooms available in our block.  There are rooms
available, and the link in the middle of the convention page at will take you straight to them.

 Anyone looking for a roommate please email me directly.

And as soon as I send this, someone will remind me of something else I

John Scully

Re: [Origami] Ohio Origami convention update - prices go up again on June 1

2014-05-27 Thread John Scully
Jennifer said:
" I will be attending the convention this year.  This will be my first origami 
convention.  I am super excited, but unsure what to bring.  I am looking for 
suggestions.  Should I bring"

Some of the other responses covered things well:  bring some paper, especially 
any special paper you like.  There is paper for sale at CenterFold and of 
course a HUGE selection of paper at OUSA.
We provide a folding board (A 9x15 grade school dry erase board) useful for 
folding on a rough surface or your lap, a tote bag, t-shirt and paper packet.

We will have an ATC (Artists Trading Card) exchange, so if you are into that 
bring cards along.  We are REALLY informal in how we do that exchange.  Along 
the lines of - "go meet over there and exchange your stuff".

As to books, at CenterFold we organize an actual autograph session to make it 
more efficient, but you can always politely ask someone - authors in general 
like to sign their books.  We set a limit of six books per person, since when 
you are talking about someone like Tomoko could show up with 75+ 
We do not sell a lot of books at CenterFold though, so if there is a book you 
want available on Amazon, buy it ahead of the convention.

In terms of any minor items your forget - there is a small shopping 
mall/grocery store/pharmacy right across the street, so you are covered.

We also have a lot of stuff like scissors, tape etc at the admin tables so 
people can borrow them.

John Scully

[Origami] Ohio Origami convention update - prices go up again on June 1

2014-05-26 Thread John Scully
Just a quick reminder that full convention registrations are $175 until June
1, then they go up to $190.
Also, the hotel is starting to fill up, but there are still rooms available
in our block.

Come take classes from Tomoko Fuse, Carmen Sprung, David and Assia Brill
July 31st thru Aug 3rd.
Thursday the 31st is a very light schedule, just casual folding for people
who come in by then.  Scheduled classes are Fri/Sat/Sun as usual.  But the
ball room will be open Thursday.

We have the great paper marbling teacher Steve Pittlekow coming back this
year.  Introductory marbling class is $45 and advanced marbling is $55.
In addition, we will have a PMC workshop (Precious Metal Clay) and paper
making workshop.

Registrations are going along well, and we are at over 100 people registered
so far, including people from Germany, Mexico, Pakistan, Holland, Canada and
several other countries.  Don't wait until the last minute, because we may
hit capacity this year and have to shut down registrations.  We only have
room for 200 to 225 people.

And for those of you who were here our first or second year, but have not
been back - keep in mind we are in a new, very nice hotel.  Everything on
one floor, refrigerators in every room, and the hotel is surrounded by
restaurants and shops.

Please visit us at for more information and to
register online

Contact us if you need assistance
John Scully

[Origami] Car pool from Ohio and/or room mate for OUSA convention

2014-05-14 Thread John Scully
I am going to be driving form central Ohio to the NY convention, in a
mini-van.  I have room for up to three people.

Anyone want to ride share?

John Scully

[Origami] New Origami Papers from Aitoh

2014-04-28 Thread John Scully
Ohio Paper Folders has just acquired 13 brand new papers from Aitoh.
These include some very interesting new Bokashi, Iroha and Sai Sai Chiyogami 

They can be seen at

These papers are not available yet from most other resellers. 

Please take a look – our paper store helps fund our community activities.

John Scully
Ohio paper Folders

Re: [Origami] Real problems we could solve with folded paper?

2014-04-25 Thread John Scully
Here is a real one-a very real, important use of origami folding.

Manu Prakash wants to grow a generation of young scientists by distributing
powerful yet inexpensive laboratory instruments around the globe.

Origami microscopes!

>From the NYT article:
Last month he received widespread attention for his Foldscope, a 3D-printed
microscope assembled from origami-folded paper. The microscope will make it
possible for schoolchildren, laboratory technicians and even the world's
best scientists to have the imaging power of a desktop instrument worth
several thousand dollars at the cost of less than a dollar.

He said he hopes to put paper microscopes in the hands of every child in the
developing world, providing them with the ability to see for themselves such
things as whether their drinking water is clean.
It is made from die-cut paper, can be assembled in several minutes and can
have a resolution that approaches 700 nanometers. That makes it a potential
medical instrument for imaging and diagnosing deadly bacterial diseases,
including tuberculosis, malaria, African sleeping sickness, leishmaniasis
and giardiasis.

Re: [Origami] ADMIN - now, it's apparently AOL's turn to mess with email

2014-04-24 Thread John Scully
Looks like it is even more widespread than Yahoo and AOL.  Here is a message 
from a different mailing list (the Birding lists digest).  

"It's come to my attention that around 285 of our subscribers are bouncing all 
messages from YAHOO subscribers. A little research has turned up the reason: 
YAHOO has implemented a new email policy called "DMARC" that, in short, is 100% 
incompatible with mailing lists. Yahoo is aware of this incompatibility, but 
apparently does not feel that it is their problem. Instead they leave it up to 
mailing list software developers to figure out a way to comply with the new 
policy, but apparently there is no clear way to do what a list server needs to 
do that would comply. Which is probably why the best suggestion the makers of 
LISTSERV software can come up with is to simply block all YAHOO addresses from 

We have quite a few subscribers from YAHOO (127 to be exact), so I don't intend 
to do it if I can help it. But YAHOO users need to know that if they want their 
posts to reach everyone, they'll have to subscribe and send their mail from a 
non-YAHOO address. I know that's a hassle, but until either YAHOO backs down or 
the software company comes up with a fix, there is no other option. (In a pinch 
I guess you could send your email to a friend who's not on YAHOO and have them 
post for you, but that's obviously not a long term answer).

In addition, all subscribers should be aware that they may not be receiving 
every post. YAHOO users are of course not getting the YAHOO posts, but neither 
are users at AOL, HOTMAIL, SBCGLOBAL, and several others. Even personal domains 
may be affected if they are hosted by one of these services. "

Re: [Origami] ADMIN - now, it's apparently AOL's turn to mess with email

2014-04-24 Thread John Scully

Ann said:
I am off to figure out some way around this.  It is not going to be pretty, and 
is most likely going to necessitate changes in everyone's behavior and how you 
interact with the list. Sorry!

Ann, we all feel for you.  What a mess.  This must be effecting hundreds of 
other mailing lists as well.  Looks like Yahoo and AOL are trying to commit 
suicide. Everyone could just get a gmail account.  Free and they seem to not 
have these problems.

John Scully

Re: [Origami] Real problems we could solve with folded paper?

2014-04-23 Thread John Scully

Gerardo asked:
" Can you all also help me think of daily problems you still have and that
you believe a product made out of folded sheets -of some sort- could fix?
That way I can choose one and try to create a product for the end of the

1) origami boxes (I use paper boxes for all kinds of things - they last a
LONG time if you use the right paper).
2) Envelopes and letter folds.  Remember, before modern envelopes you wrote
on a large sheet and folded it into its own envelope.  
3) Toys - Got a cranky kid?  Fold a snapper puppet and let him run around
and bite everyone.  

John Scully

Re: [Origami] Modular versus Arrangement

2014-04-19 Thread John Scully
Dave Mitchell said 
" To me a modular design is one that is self-integrating. If you glue it
together then this essential element of what modular means (in origami) is
lost. Technically I would then consider it a glued multi-piece arrangement
rather than a modular assembly."

It is a fine line, but if you have to glue the model for it to hold
together, just because it does not have a locking mechanism, that does not
change it from being origami to me.  Good example of course is the electra -
wonderful model, and everyone would call it modular origami...but you have
to glue it or it just falls apart.

I am working on one right now out of 2 mil copper foil, which I plan to
crimp (or maybe solder...not sure yet).  

You should come to CenterFold origami convention this year and we can argue
about it.  I love a good argument about semantics. 

John Scully

Re: [Origami] Origami Digest, Vol 96, Issue 15

2014-04-18 Thread John Scully
Dianne wrote:

"One square no cuts no glue seems to be the traditional definition of
Origami someone decided upon at some point in time.
I have not read no tools...but always made the assumption no tools were to
be used."

As far as I know, those "rules" were applied some time in the mid-twentieth
century.  Remember, in Japan Origami, Kirigami and kusadama are all aspects
of the same art form.  And the further you go back to the origins of
origami, the more the lines blurred.

I had heard many people extend those rules above to include the words "one
square piece of paper".  So...modulars are not origami?  If I start from a
rectangle it is not origami? If I use a bone folder, that is a tool.

In my head, origami involves creating the end result by folding one or more
pieces of paper.  Cutting paper to shape to start does not change that - so
you can do origami from rectangles, triangles etc.  If there are INTERNAL
cuts, then it is Kirigami by definition.  If you are sewing the pieces
together it is Kusadama.  But is you have to use glue to hold something
together, that is still origami, just like wet folding using a mixture of
Methylcellulose and white glue to change a flat folded model into a
beautiful paper sculpture does not make it some other art form.

An amusing note - I actually had an artist who was actively working with
that mixture on a model tell me that if you have to glue a modular model
together it is not origami.  I laughed out loud and pointed out that he was
covering his model with glue to make it hold a shape.  He said "That is
different!  This is just shaping!".  
The great thing is that the origami community as a whole has been inclusive
instead of exclusive.  Instead of saying "That is not origami", they said
"That is a new type of origami" least within reason.
Bottom line is - if 25 years ago people had bowed to a set of arbitrary
rules we would not have all these wonderful new species of origami.  That is
the way to think of it - origami is the family,
modular/tessellations/traditionals, etc are genus and within those are
different species (i.e. different styles of tessellations).  
Just like in biology, when a new thing comes along, you see if it fits a
known species, and if it does not you pick a family or genus and simply
declare "We have discovered a new species!  The red-footed, duck billed
John Scully

[Origami] Update on CenterFold Origami Convention

2014-03-19 Thread John Scully

Couple of quick reminders on CenterFold:

Early bird registration ends March 31st.  $150 through the end of the month, 
then it goes up to $175.

We will have the same professional marbling teacher from 2010 - Steve 
Pittlekow will be teaching both beginner and advanced marbling classes.

Registrations are going very quickly, so if you want to come fold with 
Tomoko, David, Assia and carmen don't delay!

For those of you who were only here the first year, keep in mind we are no 
longer in that same hotel (the one in the de-militarized zone).  We are in a 
very nice, small convention hotel surrounded by shops and restaurants in 
walking distance.

Info and online registration is available at, or 
email me at with any questions.

John Scully 

Re: [Origami] Older models/first time giveaways?

2014-02-26 Thread John Scully

Rob sayeth:
"I thought it might be interesting to do an exchange, or just send the
finished models/step folds/experiments out to someone who could use them.
Maybe you're looking for an idea for something, or maybe you just couldn't
figure out the lock for a model or good landmarks."

Our origami group here in Ohio has started loaning out part of our 
collection to libraries and similar places around the state, so they can put 
them on display for a month.  This has worked wonders to stimulate interest 
in origami (we also send along a suggested book list for the libraries to 

This started out with one "set" we were loaning out, but has grown to two 
and we would like to have four different sets (just in Ohio there are 275 
public libraries, plus god knows how many schools).  They have been pretty 
good about protecting the pieces, although normal wear and tear does add up. 
We also have a large display we take to festivals etc when we run origami 

So - If you have pieces you would like to donate to this cause, please 
contact me.  We could use duplicates, since we do have multiple display 

Our general rule is nothing really valuable, and we like a full range of 
complexity, styles and materials.  So we present a a good cross section of 
the art.  And we do ask for some notes on model/designer so we can provide 
info cards with the displays.

If anyone else has "excess" pieces they would like to donate, we are happy 
to pay shipping.

John Scully
Ohio Paper Folders

Re: [Origami] O-Gami paper by papercircle gone?

2014-02-19 Thread John Scully

Seth said:
"I recently checked the papercircle o-gami paper section, and found the
links were dead (404 not found error).
Does anyone know if they've stopped producing the paper? temporarily?

No - their web site got hacked,   and their so-called web-designer had 
vaporized, so they just got the site back up and are working on getting 
everything working.  You can reach Barbara Campagnola of the Paper Circle at if you need to order paper.

John Scully

Re: [Origami] How to take Pictures of Origami?

2014-02-07 Thread John Scully
Sure, I will send you a few samples, but I did not really mean I use one 
light source.  I may have a fixed light (from the light box I used to use, 
sunlight etc, then use the LED light to get the look I want.


Re: [Origami] How to take Pictures of Origami?

2014-02-05 Thread John Scully

Tavin asked "how to take pictures of origami"

In terms of type of paper, it totally depends on the model.  For modulars, 
patterns can be great.  But for complex pieces, patterns can be distracting.
The key is the lighting and lens used - especially if you are working with 
small models.  Anyone can shoot a large piece, but it is a challenge to 
shoot something 1" to a few inches across.

I frequently use a macro lens and either a ring flash (ring shaped flash on 
the end of the lens), or a hand held LED light.  I use an "LED120 plus" from 
pro-master.  It is a 120 LED continuous light source.  You can mount it on a 
camera, or hold it in your hand and move it around to get the shadows the 
way you want for detail.  Since it is not a point source, but instead a 
large flat source it creates soft shadows.  With the camera on a tripod I 
can shift the model and shift the light and shoot 20-30 photos quickly, then 
pick from them later.

The ring flash is not only a LOT more expensive, but has a problem with 
blowing out the detail.

John Scully
Ohio Paper Folders 

[Origami] CenterFold 2014 - Tomoko Fuse/Carmen Sprung/David Brill/Assia Brill

2014-01-24 Thread John Scully

Hello all -

Greetings from Columbus, Ohio - home of CenterFold Origami Convention.

As some of you may have heard, the guests of honor this year are:
Tomoko Fuse, from Japan
David and Assia Brill from the U.K.
Carmen Sprung from Germany

It should be a fantastic convention due to the varied styles of the guests. 
Assia just published her first book (Curlicue: Kinetic Origami), David has 
Brilliant origami, Carmen has "21 Sterne" (21 Stars), and of course Tomoko 
Fuse has thousands of origami books in print (Well, maybe not thousands, but 
a lot).

We did have to move the convention up a few weeks to avoid conflict with 
6OSME and Tanteidan, so the dates are Thursday July 31st through Sunday 
August 3rd, 2014.  We are once again at the Holiday in Worthington Ohio - a 
very nice, small hotel/convention center.  Just large enough for us, and 
surrounded by restaurants and stores.  There is a shuttle from the airport 

All the details are at - but here are a few 
important notes:

1) Full convention registration is discounted to $150 until March 31st, then 
goes up to $175 until May 31st, when it goes up to $190.
2) Please use the link on our convention page to register for the hotel - 
the national reservation desk for Holiday Inn seems to be manned by idiots, 
who last year kept telling people our room block was full.  The direct link 
on our page will take you straight into reservations for our block.  If you 
DO call the toll free number to book your room, do not let them tell you the 
room block is full.
3) This year, we are likely going to hit our max capacity (around 225 
people), so register early, and reserve your room early.  Registration went 
online a few days ago, and people are registering now.

4) We will be doing a silent auction, Artist Trading Card swap etc.

And lastly - Ohio Paper Folders now sells origami paper to help fund our 
community activities.  Our store is online at with 
over 400 origami and Japanese art papers (up to 32" art paper!).
If you run an origami group, contact John Scully at for a wholesale login at 25% discount.  We also 
are allowing other groups to use "promo codes" and offer paper to their 
members, and we will pay 20% as a donation to the group.  Contact me for 
more info
So far, this has gone very well.  We hope to raise enough money to ship 
origami kits to many children's hospitals, instead of the two we did this 
year (about 400 kits).

Re: [Origami] The best paper for origami

2013-12-11 Thread John Scully

Lyle Torres asked:

"I'd like to ask you all what would be your answer to a person who is
new to origami and asks what's the best paper for origami"

Best paper for origami, tough question.  best paper for a beginner is 

We teach literally thousands of beginners, very frequently their first few 
models ever.

Our go-to paper is colored printer paper, specifically Astro-brights from 
Wasau paper.  The reason we like this specific paper is that it is available 
in 17 colors, the color goes all the way through the paper (no white lines 
at the creases), and it is quite strong.
It is just our opinion, but we think novices have an easier time with 
heavier paper.
We buy it at Officemax, frequently 20-25 reams at a time.  Then we say the 
magic words, which convert the 8 1/2x11 into 8 1/2 square plus strips good 
for other things.  The secret magic words are "Please cut this on your 
big-ass paper cutter".

John Scully
Ohio Paper Folders

[Origami] Wrap up on CeterFold 2013

2013-08-24 Thread John Scully
Just a quick note of thanks from myself and John.

CenterFold 2013 was a success – each year things have gone smoother, and 
everyone had a great time.

We had 115 attendees, about the same as last year, which we count as an 
improvement since this is a PCOC year and Beth is GOH at PCOC.  

70 classes were taught, plus a few special workshops.

The guests of honor were fantastic – Beth Johnson and Brian Chan both taught 
many classes and spent most of the remaining time in the gathering room, 
folding and socializing with everyone. We had a lot of beginner/low 
intermediate folders this year, and they were thrilled to take classes from and 
work casually with Brian and Beth. That means a lot to a young folder.
And of course many convention attendees jumped in and assisted – from helping 
at admin to the exhibit setup to teaching beginner workshops – I know I will 
leave people out if I try to list everyone, but special thanks to Kay Eng, 
Patsy Wang-Iverson and many more.

The cookout at the Tucker’s who have generously allowed us to invade their home 
and provide us with a wonderful repast sets an atmosphere of community and 
friendship. It relaxes people and puts the guests inside the event with the 
attendees instead of the guests being “off limits”. I heard Kathy Knapp, who 
some of you know from New York’s annual convention, others of you may know her 
name from the origami forums, she is a frequent poster, or maybe you know her 
from CenterFold – say to Brian Chan (who has attended the New York convention 
many many times) “you don’t know me but I’ve seen you at New York many times 
and it’s a pleasure to meet you”. 

Many of the convention attendees jumped in to assist with registration, 
teaching beginners workshops etc.

We have a lot to be grateful for not the least of which are the members of our 
group who volunteer their time and work so incredibly hard to make these events.

We want to thank Tim, Karen, and Jon Tucker for the use of their home, for the 
wonderful food they provided and for manning the registration table, the 
exhibit, teaching, hauling, loading and moving equipment and supplies and for 
the public relations in dealing with attendees. Cecilia Adams and her 
granddaughter Fiona worked every day as well – Fiona became quite proficient as 
a cashier and got into the giant folding. Cecilia fielded countless questions 
and taught at the beginner’s workshops as well as covering the registration 
table for hours on end. She and Tim both skipped taking any classes so they 
could cover the registration table. Jeff Klein, Mitch Gross, Sheree Green, 
Michael Dugger, Doyline Williams, Yasue Sakaoka – taught and ran errands, 
fielded questions, worked the registration table, helped with giant folding. 
The volunteers arrived early and left late. Mike and Merida Weinstein even 
managed to drop by and help with stuffing totes on Thursday despite their 
family having come in from Guatemala. This is the strength, the backbone of our 

For anyone who has not seen them, we have tons of pictures up on facebook and flikr

Hope to see you all next year.

Monica Salisbury and John Scully

[Origami] Video of giant origami at CenterFold

2013-08-23 Thread John Scully
Patsy Wang-Iverson, Kathleen Sheridan, Mariette Kok and others folded a 
Montroll woven star from 9 foot paper.  
The video is online at

I already told Kathleen she needs to start a new class in “Yoga-Gami”.  Watch 
and see why.

Also – we have lots of pics on our facebook page at and on flikr at

John Scully
Ohio Paper Folders

[Origami] Request for origami for exhibits

2013-06-12 Thread John Scully
As many of you know, we at Ohio Paper Folders / CenterFold convention do 
several exhibits each year, mainly using work by our members.  Well, we can 
not keep putting the same pieces in exhibits each year, and we have some big 
gaps in terms of the various styles of origami.

Plus...this year we have five requests for exhibits instead of the usual one 
or two.  And it is only June!  As of right now, we have an art gallery, a 
museum and three public libraries asking for work to display.  We just do 
not have enough to go around.

So - we are requesting the donation of origami work to be part of our 
permanent collection, for use in public exhibits.

General guidelines:
We are NOT looking for valuable works.  If you would want to insure it for 
shipping, don't send it!

We do our best to transport and display work without damage...but when you 
put pieces out, pack them up, put them out a few times, things happen.

We are looking for a broad range of work - some of everything really. 
Traditional models, simple elegant work, complex stuff, tessellations, 
modulars, boxes, geometric, bugs, animals - anything goes.

And we are certainly not just looking for perfect, professional pieces - the 
vast majority of the work we display now is done by our members.  One or two 
of whom do great work...and the rest of us are pretty average.  It is the 
mix of all that that really catches peoples attention.

Anything you can send will go to good use, and can be shipped to:
Ohio Paper Folders
4066 Philipps Rd
Granville, Oh 43023

John and Monica
Ohio Paper folders

Re: [Origami] The Twisted Tale of Origami v. Sarah Morris

2013-05-31 Thread John Scully
Tom said "If I had crease patterns and she had asked to use them I would 
have said yes and probably asked for no more compensation then being listed 
as the source of the original pattern. Tom "

That was one of the reasons for the lawsuit, and a major part of the 
settlement.  Ms Morris refused to give attribution to the artists.  She 
simply listed them as original work.  The settlement requires that she give 
proper attribution to the designers of the crease patterns, including the 
name of the original work.

John Scully

[Origami] Origami sighting - call the midwife

2013-05-19 Thread John Scully
Sunday 5/19 episode of Call the Midwife on BBC America had Doctor Turner 
teaching a traditional frog to a scout troop.  The show is set in the 1950's 

John Scully 

[Origami] Update on CenterFold 2013

2013-04-26 Thread John Scully

Everything is proceeding along well for CenterFold 2013 (August 15th-19th)

We again will have the class descripts and model menu online, and this year 
will have the full schedule available online a few days before the 

We are looking forward to a fun weekend with Beth Johnson and Brian Chan and 
everyone else who can make it to Columbus this year.

The convention is in the same great little hotel as last year, and please be 
sure to bring pieces for the exhibit.

This year we will have three premium T-Shirts available - the designs just 
went online.  They can be found on in the 
convention menu.

And this year we are doing something very different - we found a great 
print-on-demand company who does direct to garment printing.  So you choose 
the design, select the T-Shirt style (mens/ladies/Juniors), pick from 
several dozen colors and specify the size.  You can also choose to have it 
drop shipped to you now or pick up at convention.

There is a tool there to let you see the different designs on each 
background color so you can see how each one will look.

Give us a call or email if you have any questions - and looking forward to 
seeing you all in August.  And of course we will see a lot of you in New 
York in June.

Happy folding!

John Scully

[Origami] CenterFold - Ohio origami convention update

2013-03-28 Thread John Scully
Just a quick reminder that the early bird discounted rate of $150 is only until 
April 1st, then rates go up by $25.00, so get your registration in now.
You can see all the details and register online, or print a mail in 
registration form at!/page_convention

We are at the same hotel as last year, the Holiday Inn hotel and convention 
center in Worthington Ohio.  Our room blank is at $82.00 per night.

Please email me or call 740-334-4213 if you have any questions.

Also – big news for Ohio Paper Folders – we now have a power philanthropy 
profile online at
This is a service provided by the Columbus Foundation, the ninth largest 
community foundation in the United States.  They both provide grants to 
non-profit organizations and assist them in raising funds through this program 
of vetted organization profiles.  The process was intense, and included 
detailed review of our financials and past and planned activities, but now we 
can apply for grants or support from other organizations and say “We have been 
vetted by the Columbus Foundation – here is the link”.  What a great concept.

John Scully
Ohio Paper Folders

Re: [Origami] A strip of paper

2013-03-22 Thread John Scully
Try a hand held rotary cutter with a long steel straightedge.  
Carl makes a handle for the standard blades from their flat bed cutters.  
Amazon has them for about $11.00
Search for “carl handheld rotary cutter”

They work great with a long steel edge and a cutting mat.  A second person to 
hold the steel down helps.  Even if you set up a rig as S Watson described, the 
rotary cutter is faster and cleaner than a knife, as it does not pull the 

John Scully
ohio paper folders

Re: [Origami] Legally protecting useful models?

2013-03-21 Thread John Scully
First, I would strongly suggest searching the archives of this list for the 
word copyright.  Preferably when you have a whole day to kill.
This topic has been beaten to death on this list, re-animated, beaten again. 
and again.

This is a very complex issue with huge grey areas.  But a few things to 

1) You pretty much have to be able to answer the "prior art" question in the 
area you are considering - i.e. "has anyone else EVER created that same model". 
 Remember - copyright is about the design/plan/diagram/instructions.  Not about 
the end result.  You copyright a book. You patent a printing press.
2) Even with prior art - if someone can make two or three minor variations but 
still have the same functionality, they can very likely defeat your 
copyright/patent whatever.
3) If you will not be harmed financially by their using your design it becomes 
much more difficult to go after violators in court.  Not impossible...but the 
bar is a lot higher.
Example:  I am an author or origami books.  You take my design and use it 
commercially.  I can very possibly argue that your action reduced sales of my 
"How to make super cool useful origami things" book.
but...If I am a designer who publishes my designs on the internet for free, 
where is the harm (in a legal sense)?  

Between #2 and #3...not sure there is much you can do.  Remember, even in 
technology such as programming, if I copy and paste your code I have violated 
copyright or even patents.  But if I rewrite your code line by line, so it is 
visually different but functionally the same, you are in a word, hosed.  There 
have been suits for tens of millions of Dollars over that, and they seem to be 
decided by a coin flip.  But if you publish your code for free, people are 
going to take it and use it and nothing you can do will stop them.

You may actually have a tougher time protecting something "useful" with no 
financial damage than something "artistic" with no financial damage.

To answer your last question below asking if anyone has every tried to protect 
their work, again see the archives.  Major flame wars over this topic.  As 
usual, the people at the two extremes are all wrong (in my humble opinion). 
Those two extremes are of course "Once you publish it I have a right to do 
anything I want with it and you can't stop me" and "If I designed it you can 
not do ANYTHING with it no matter how small without my written permission".  
Pretty broad range between those two, and 95% of people are somewhere in the 
middle.  Seems like designers need more protection then they are getting now, 
but too much and it stifles creativity etc.  

John Scully

Neoorigami said:
So to be clear, no other creator of a useful origami model has ever asked
before if their model is protected be copyright law, nor has he or she
tried to register the model as his or her creation in a copyright office?

Re: [Origami] Origami Source payment method

2012-10-07 Thread John Scully
Having been involved with online payment processing since...well, since there 
was online payment processing, I think I can address that:

Credit card security compliance when doing online payment processing is 
frequently handled poorly, resulting in all those news reports about 400 
trillion peoples credit card info being stolen from the local hot dog vendor 
That is the basis for paypal’s existence:  they really are secure, they will 
refund the buyers money if the transaction goes bad.  Many people refuse to pay 
with anything but paypal.  That is their choice, but it does encourage vendors 
to add paypal.  I myself went out and got one of thosereloadable  pre-paid 
mastercards, which I use for all small online purchases.  If someone steals 
that account info they have access to about $50.

But, Robert is correct that paypal’s fees are somewhat higher than regular 
credit card processing – although with any volume it does come down to a pretty 
small delta.  Also, there is a fixe dmonthly cost to have a vendors paypal 
account – miniscule once volume is up, but significant in these early months.

I would point out that you actually have to look at a full month’s credit card 
processing statement to verify what you are really paying for credit card fees. 
 Most vendors make these choices based on the “discount rate” they were told 
they are paying – likely around 2.3 to 2.5% for the source.  But, what they do 
not mention clearly is that when the buyer uses a “rewards card” that gives him 
cash back, those funds actually come from the seller, in the form of much 
higher discount rate – as much as 5%. 

So – the source may already have done this, but it might be worth while 
comparing actual cost (by dividing total fees by total sales) to the paypal 
fees.  You may be surprised.  In my case, I thought I was paying 2.3% but 
actual average fee was 3.4%.  On $200K in sales per month, that adds up!  When 
I added paypal as an additional payment type, it was actually at a slightly 
lower cost than my regular CC processing, which I would not have predicted.

Another possible suggestion for the future might be to add the ability to “add 
funds to my account”.  i.e. put in $25, then make purchases against that 
balance.  Means some additional programming, but it also reduces total fees, 
which helps when you are doing “micro payment” processing.  

John Scully

Robert said:
This is interesting.

--Here we have a purchaser who wants to buy some files.
--The files are available for sale.
--The purchaser is satisfied with the price.
--The purchaser has a credit card that is accepted by the online store.
--The purchaser has been willing to provide his card information to at
least online vendor.


--He feels that because he has given his card information to a completely
different vendor that has nothing to do with the vendor he is shopping at,
that should somehow suffice for this vendor.

Where does this logical progression come from?

[Origami] A certain critical mass is needed

2012-10-07 Thread John Scully
For anything like this online diagram store, these first few weeks of activity 
are difficult, especially when it is a soft launch like this one, where at 
launch time there were only a few diagrams available.  

In order to get it moving there needs to be a fair inventory – perhaps 200 
diagrams, perhaps more due to difficulty levels etc.  Enough that most visitors 
will see something they want.
Right now it is more of a shake down cruise.  Make sure everything is working, 
payments get processed and accumulated for sellers etc.
Since I am not a designer I have nothing to contribute, but we need a lot of 
designers to put a few models each in the system.
Here is a thought – does OrigamiUSA own the rights to a lot of designs?  If so, 
why not put them in the store?  especially if there are a lot that have never 
been in print.

John Scully

[Origami] Kraft Paper suitable for origami

2012-09-16 Thread John Scully

Fadeless brand color paper is available in 48" widths in 12 colors.

We purchase it at a school supply store.  50 foot by 4 foot width roll is 
about $12 USD.
That is less than half the price I see it anywhere else.  Their web site is but you might want to search for a local discount 
school supply store.

John Scully

Re: [Origami] on the quest for new materials - Metal

2012-09-16 Thread John Scully
Monica Salisbury has had great success folding copper roof flashing.  It is 
available on a roll in 12" to 20" width in hardware stores.
You need to find 3 oz copper!  Standard roof flashing is as much as 16 oz (per 
square foot) and not really foldable.  3 oz is just under 5 mils thick.  You 
can find it as thin as 1 mil, but that is really copper foil and will tear by 
hand and wrinkle at a touch.  3 oz is thin enough to cut on a rotary paper 
cutter, but strong enough to make a substantial, usable item.

Here is a web site where you can purchase high quality clean or patina copper 
in 18" to 36" width . they are a bit pricy, but have 
many different kinds of copper with patina.  To give you an idea, 24"X 48" 5 
mil with patina is $130 USD

Here is the first copper box Monica made - it is a Tomoko Fuse box
And Monica showing Tomoko how to cut and fold the copper

Give us a shout if anyone wants to discuss the little issues with working with 

John Scully
CenterFold origami convention

Re: [Origami] Kraft Paper suitable for origami

2012-09-16 Thread John Scully

Fadeless brand color paper is available in 48" widths in 12 colors.

We purchase it at a school supply store.  50 foot by 4 foot width roll is 
about $12 USD.
That is less than half the price I see it anywhere else.  Their web site is but you might want to search for a local discount 
school supply store.

John Scully